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The 2020-2025 SNOMED International draft strategy includes the proposal for the identification of content in the International Edition that should be the focus of active ongoing maintenance by SNOMED International. The identified content should be concepts that are a priority for use, important to keep clinically validated and needed for global use in an unambiguous manner. This content would be known as the Clinical Core and would be actively maintained. The remainder of the content in the International Edition would be maintained passively by SNOMED International. 


  • From now until June 10th:
    • Brainstorm what aspects to be considered e.g. atomic concept, context when identifying what content should be actively maintained? 
      • Members are asked to post their thoughts, ideas and questions in the discussion forum: to be set up  
    • Start to identify which hierarchies or sub-hierarchies should be actively maintained (even if not all the content in that hierarchy or sub-hierarchy should be actively maintained) 
  • June to August:
    • Review and discussion of the information provided by members with further exploration of key points as required. the
      • aspects to consider
      • hierarchies (and sub hierarchies) for inclusion in the Clinical Core.
  • September: 
    • Development of a response to SNOMED International


EAG April meeting: 2019-04-08, 2019-04-09 Editorial Advisory Group Face-to-face Meeting




DateRequested actionRequester(s)Response required by:Comments

24 May 2019

(as per email)

  •  Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
See work plan above
  •  Camilla Wiberg Danielsen Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Daniel Karlsson Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Sheree Hemingway Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Elze de Groot Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Karina Revirol Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Linda Parisien Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Matt Cordell Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Olivier Bodenreider Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Jostein Ven Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Theresa Barry Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  


CMAG response