Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

November 2019 Production (Version 1) to


November 2019 Production (Version 2) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
RefsetDescriptor files


1 new UUID for records added as expected, to describe the new refsets added in by Swedish NRC:

< f3a89df7-6deb-4437-b878-52cd8bb0582c 20190531 1 45991000052106 900000000000456007 500121000057102 900000000000461009 900000000000461009 0

> 265da433-65cd-4c97-9954-8d667cfab954 20190531 1 45991000052106 900000000000456007 500121000057102 900000000000461009 900000000000461009 0

PLUS RefsetID for the new urvalAnatomiskLokalisationLaboratoriemedicin SimpleRefset changed to 500091000057101 as expected:

< 4c83689a-f1d0-4baf-95b1-8d8cc7291301 20190531 1 45991000052106 900000000000456007 500131000057104 900000000000461009 900000000000461009 0
> 5c0c29ee-26c3-43c9-96c3-4e37ca39a787 20190531 1 45991000052106 900000000000456007 500091000057101 900000000000461009 900000000000461009 0

19 records had UUID's replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

ModuleDependency files2

2 records had UUID's replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

Readme filen/a

Zip file name fixed as expected

OwlExpression files1

1 new record had UUID replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!



2019 Pre-Production (Version


2) to


November 2019 Production (Version 1) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
RefsetDescriptor files19

19 records had UUID's replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

ModuleDependency files2


2 new UUIDS for records added as expected, to describe the 2 new refsets added in by Swedish NRC

HOWEVER, RefsetID for the new urvalAnatomiskLokalisationLaboratoriemedicin SimpleRefset NOT changed to 500091000057101 as expected.


2 records had UUID's replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

Readme filen/a

All x prefixes removed as expected

OwlExpression files1

1 new record had UUID replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

November 2019 Pre-Production (Version


1) to


November 2019 Pre-Production (Version


2) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
urvalAnatomiskLokalisationLaboratoriemedicin SimpleRefset
RefsetDescriptor files
66MSSP-370All 66

19 records had UUID's replaced as

expected, plus RefsetID changed to 500091000057101 as expected

this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

ModuleDependency files2

2 records had

urvalProvtypLaboratoriemedicin Simple Refset files
76MSSP-370All 76

UUID's replaced as

expectedRefsetDescriptor files2


2 new UUIDS for records added as expected, to describe the 2 new refsets added in by Swedish NRC

May 2019 Pre-Production (Version 4) to May 2019 Pre-Production (Version 5) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleurvalAnatomiskLokalisationLaboratoriemedicin SimpleRefset files66MSSP-370

Snapshot + Full files added as expected

HOWEVER the Swedish NRC confirmed that the RefsetID used to create the refset was wrong, and so they need to repair that first...

In addition, the UUID's have been re-used from the replaced refsets (in the SE namespace), and so they need to also create a new refset to ensure the UUID's are renewed and the new Inera refsets are distinct from the now inactivated SE refsets

urvalProvtypLaboratoriemedicin Simple Refset files

Snapshot + Full files added as expected

The UUID's have been re-used from the replaced refsets (in the SE namespace), and so they need to also create a new refset to ensure the UUID's are renewed and the new Inera refsets are distinct from the now inactivated SE refsets

this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

Readme filen/a
3x TextDefinition (ET) files added, as expected
TextDefinition (ET) files 0
New files added (for completeness of package) but zero records for EE as expected
OWLExpression files1

1 new record had UUID's replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

> 13d232df-7c96-4d76-b4cf-5967cb7ebebf 20191130 1 11000181102 762103008 734147008 Ontology(<>)
< d686dfad-63fe-4088-9688-3bd0536a68e8 20191130 1 11000181102 762103008 734147008 Ontology(<>)

May 2019 Alpha (Version 1) to November 2019 Pre-Production (Version 1

May 2019 Pre-Production (Version 3) to May 2019 Pre-Production (Version 4

) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
urvalAnatomiskLokalisationLaboratoriemedicin SimpleRefset
Concept files
66MSSP-37066 records (the entire file) activated, as requested by Swedish NRC due to the migration of this refset from the SE namespace to the Inera namespaceurvalProvtypLaboratoriemedicin Simple Refset files
76MSSP-37076 records (the entire file) activated, as requested by Swedish NRC due to the migration of this refset from the SE namespace to the Inera namespaceurvalAnatomiskLokalisationLaboratoriemedicin SimpleRefset filesDelta files in package but no Full/Snapshot!urvalProvtypLaboratoriemedicin Simple Refset filesDelta files in package but no Full/Snapshot!RefsetDescriptor files2


2 new UUIDS for records added as expected, to describe the 2 new refsets added in by Swedish NRC

May 2019 Pre-Production (Version 2) to May 2019 Pre-Production (Version 3) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleRefsetDescriptor files2


2 new records added as expected, to describe the 2 new refsets added in by Swedish NRC:

> 01110844-4613-4292-a2cb-989610f0e521 20190531 1 45991000052106 900000000000456007 500121000057102 900000000000461009 900000000000461009 0
> 6b77aad8-4685-4a30-95de-b898928015f5 20190531 1 45991000052106 900000000000456007 500131000057104 900000000000461009 900000000000461009 0

lokalisationLaboratoriemedicin SimpleRefset files66MSSP-37066 records (the entire file) inactivated, as requested by Swedish NRC due to the migration of this refset from the SE namespace to the Inera namespaceprovtypLaboratoriemedicin SimpleRefset files76MSSP-37076 records (the entire file) inactivated, as requested by Swedish NRC due to the migration of this refset from the SE namespace to the Inera namespaceurvalAnatomiskLokalisationLaboratoriemedicin SimpleRefset files66MSSP-370Files missing! Package config issue....urvalProvtypLaboratoriemedicin Simple Refset files
76MSSP-370Files missing! Package config issue....

May 2019 Pre-Production (Version 1) to May 2019 Pre-Production (Version 2) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleConcept files2

2 new records added:

> 60931000052109 20190531 1 45991000052106 900000000000073002
> 60951000052100 20190531 1 45991000052106 900000000000073002

As expected, confirmed by Daniel in the comments below in this page

Description (EN) files4

4 new records added:

> 4330841000052112 20190531 1 45991000052106 60931000052109 en 900000000000003001 Metal foreign body in intracranial structure (disorder) 900000000000448009
> 4330851000052110 20190531 1 45991000052106 60931000052109 en 900000000000013009 Metal foreign body in intracranial structure 900000000000448009
> 4330901000052116 20190531 1 45991000052106 60951000052100 en 900000000000003001 Metal intracranial implant in situ (finding) 900000000000448009
> 4330931000052112 20190531 1 45991000052106 60951000052100 en 900000000000013009 Metal intracranial implant in situ 900000000000448009

As expected, confirmed by Daniel in the comments below in this page

Description (SV) files22

13 new records added:

> 4330241000052111 20190531 1 45991000052106 60931000052109 sv 900000000000013009 intrakraniell främmande kropp av metall 900000000000448009
> 4330251000052114 20190531 1 45991000052106 60931000052109 sv 900000000000013009 främmande kropp av metall i intrakraniell struktur 900000000000448009
> 4330911000052119 20190531 1 45991000052106 60951000052100 sv 900000000000013009 intrakraniellt implantat av metall föreligger 900000000000448009
> 4330921000052110 20190531 1 45991000052106 60951000052100 sv 900000000000013009 intrakraniellt implantat av metall in situ 900000000000448009
> 500051000057114 20190531 1 45991000052106 500041000057108 sv 900000000000013009 urval fynd resistens laboratoriemedicin 900000000000448009
> 500061000057111 20190531 1 45991000052106 500101000057105 sv 900000000000013009 urval fynd baktierieegenskaper laboratoriemedicin 900000000000448009
> 500071000057118 20190531 1 45991000052106 500081000057104 sv 900000000000013009 urval fynd övrigt laboratoriemedicin 900000000000448009
> 500611000057117 20190531 1 45991000052106 500111000057108 sv 900000000000013009 urval analysstatus laboratoriemedicin 900000000000448009
> 500621000057111 20190531 1 45991000052106 500051000057105 sv 900000000000013009 urval tolkning resultat laboratoriemedicin 900000000000448009
> 500631000057114 20190531 1 45991000052106 500061000057107 sv 900000000000013009 urval fynd mikroorganism laboratoriemedicin 900000000000448009
> 500641000057118 20190531 1 45991000052106 500091000057101 sv 900000000000013009 urval anatomisk lokalisation laboratoriemedicin 900000000000448009
> 500651000057116 20190531 1 45991000052106 500071000057102 sv 900000000000013009 urval provbehållare laboratoriemedicin 900000000000448009
> 500661000057119 20190531 1 45991000052106 500121000057102 sv 900000000000013009 urval provtyp laboratoriemedicin 900000000000448009

plus 9 records removed:

< 500301000057112 20190531 1 45991000052106 500041000057108 sv 900000000000013009 urval antibiotikaresistens 900000000000448009
< 500371000057115 20190531 1 45991000052106 500061000057107 sv 900000000000013009 urval odlingsresultat, mikroorganism 900000000000448009
< 500401000057117 20190531 1 45991000052106 500071000057102 sv 900000000000013009 urval provbehållare 900000000000448009
< 500411000057119 20190531 1 45991000052106 500081000057104 sv 900000000000013009 urval odlingsresultat, allmänt 900000000000448009
< 500451000057118 20190531 1 45991000052106 500091000057101 sv 900000000000013009 urval provtagningslokalisation 900000000000448009
< 500471000057114 20190531 1 45991000052106 500101000057105 sv 900000000000013009 urval odlingsresultat, bakterieegenskaper 900000000000448009
< 500501000057116 20190531 1 45991000052106 500111000057108 sv 900000000000013009 urval laboratorieanalysstatus 900000000000448009
< 500541000057119 20190531 1 45991000052106 500121000057102 sv 900000000000013009 urval provtyp 900000000000448009
< 500561000057115 20190531 1 45991000052106 500051000057105 sv 900000000000013009 urval tolkning av laboratorieresultat 900000000000448009

As expected, confirmed by Daniel in the comments below in this page

Relationship files11

10 new active records added, plus

> 2268861000052125 20190531 1 45991000052106 60951000052100 724061007 1 363714003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 2268871000052123 20190531 1 45991000052106 60951000052100 406122000 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 2268881000052120 20190531 1 45991000052106 60951000052100 128319008 0 363698007 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 2268891000052122 20190531 1 45991000052106 60951000052100 52101004 1 363713009 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 2268901000052123 20190531 1 45991000052106 60951000052100 397578001 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 2268911000052120 20190531 1 45991000052106 60931000052109 128319008 1 363698007 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 2268921000052128 20190531 1 45991000052106 60931000052109 262598006 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 2268931000052126 20190531 1 45991000052106 60931000052109 422321007 1 116676008 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 2268941000052121 20190531 1 45991000052106 60931000052109 283141006 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 2268951000052124 20190531 1 45991000052106 699006006 60951000052100 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002

1 record inactivated:

> 4771703028 20190531 0 45991000052106 699006006 397578001 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002

As expected related to 2 new concepts

Stated Relationship files5

5 new records added:

> 2268681000052124 20190531 1 45991000052106 60931000052109 283140007 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 2268691000052121 20190531 1 45991000052106 60931000052109 128319008 1 363698007 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 2268701000052121 20190531 1 45991000052106 60931000052109 422321007 1 116676008 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 2268741000052124 20190531 1 45991000052106 60951000052100 397578001 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 2268751000052122 20190531 1 45991000052106 60951000052100 128319008 0 363698007 900000000000010007 900000000000451002

As expected related to 2 new concepts

Language Refset (EN) files4

4 new records added:

> 49932265-08d9-42e8-b0ee-8527be0b78db 20190531 1 45991000052106 900000000000509007 4330931000052112 900000000000548007
> 66dcb24b-0a7f-41df-bcfb-93a1c0d95aab 20190531 1 45991000052106 900000000000509007 4330851000052110 900000000000548007
> c573477b-1765-404f-8f96-2697d7a3a467 20190531 1 45991000052106 900000000000509007 4330901000052116 900000000000548007
> c6959ccb-970b-4e78-9f2a-06dd575ae7b7 20190531 1 45991000052106 900000000000509007 4330841000052112 900000000000548007

As expected, confirmed by Daniel in the comments below in this page

Language Refset (SV) files22

13 new records added, plus

> 13cc9f92-565e-451d-870a-6fd81e4de092 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500061000057111 900000000000548007
> 1c6649c0-404e-4898-9efd-06068dfe48a5 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 4330911000052119 900000000000548007
> 4b67095d-7b2d-4ab8-93d3-6265cf645ba9 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 4330251000052114 900000000000548007
> 5e3bab17-0735-4aec-a678-1be9803e0980 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500051000057114 900000000000548007
> 6809bd4a-f3a3-4e55-beab-11d24415b951 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500641000057118 900000000000548007
> 7d20bae4-45dc-4ded-97b8-0198ebdf6947 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500651000057116 900000000000548007
> 8f5369d2-ca68-4031-a576-093ae4c34b8e 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500071000057118 900000000000548007
> a1704c2f-c9d6-451c-afa0-03c49216a6f1 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 4330241000052111 900000000000549004
> a1fc5beb-600d-4b7c-90cd-721b543de475 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500611000057117 900000000000548007
> c5ed2e0f-dc3c-44f4-b611-e14fbcfb000b 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500621000057111 900000000000548007
> d07c0174-275c-4620-91b4-ae19d35b17bd 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500661000057119 900000000000548007
> e5808602-373c-41ae-b107-9968b9a8fb74 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 4330921000052110 900000000000549004
> f16b4818-c291-437e-8712-5577bbed79ee 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500631000057114 900000000000548007

9 records removed:

< 03b687b7-a0ec-44fe-984b-37dfda3b631e 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500541000057119 900000000000548007
< 1ba22a32-f145-4dcb-8913-596a3d259308 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500401000057117 900000000000548007
< 4bf6f1a4-0f61-4aa6-b985-f30fa2856070 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500371000057115 900000000000548007
< 52fdd23b-41ea-4cca-a63a-1db68dbafcb6 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500301000057112 900000000000548007
< 657df01b-fad4-4f68-b731-3a2e963ee024 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500561000057115 900000000000548007
< 82ddaf6e-1b6a-47c3-abc6-adddad939126 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500471000057114 900000000000548007
< b569e457-a88a-455e-93e5-63ea2a5cab19 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500501000057116 900000000000548007
< dfbd2d64-db64-4b7b-a7af-d24d66c525e7 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500451000057118 900000000000548007
< ec3bbce6-1e5c-4c37-bd43-96262158b74c 20190531 1 45991000052106 46011000052107 500411000057119 900000000000548007

As expected, confirmed by Daniel in the comments below in this page


21 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

16 new records added, expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

Attribute Value files13

13 new records:

> 06e90683-b00f-4e82-b63a-d8d78693e641 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 285911000181117 900000000000495008
> 2f667c4c-c010-4d79-a2c9-794e8f702a36 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 220651000181114 900000000000495008
> 334d97c5-37ca-4586-8f2d-608164612fa8 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 181761000181117 900000000000495008
> 35efc5ce-9c13-47a8-af93-074062a420ad 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 222301000181115 900000000000495008
> 3c3c4599-12d9-408e-bb73-04b40ca0f3e5 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 288851000181119 900000000000495008
> 3fb2e55b-3577-442b-9554-5667435d9ab2 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 242501000181113 900000000000495008
> 61626f15-991a-4138-b0ba-783296d977aa 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 274261000181119 900000000000495008
> 64993b18-aef4-4c5e-9c49-2430a93084a6 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 267581000181111 900000000000495008
> c168c64b-6feb-4dde-8580-dff5de9e9d52 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 220981000181114 900000000000495008
> c2074f2f-a387-441d-9bc0-2667d983e4c7 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 187381000181119 900000000000495008
> d036f96d-b1d4-4e2b-8904-6478ae2c6bc9 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 220361000181115 900000000000495008
> ec82b6c8-674c-490d-988c-97068f4b67fb 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 240471000181119 900000000000495008
> fa5e471a-69f5-4bc4-b1b3-4351e58f5ddf 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 183201000181111 900000000000495008 expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


Description (EN) files74

42 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

32 new records added expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


Description (ET) files8216

7929 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

287 new records added expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


Refset Descriptor files17

All 17 refsets have had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

OwlExpression files39

2 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

37 new records added expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


Relationship files37

21 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

16 new records added expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


Stated Relationship files21

All 21 Active Stated relationship records removed, as expected due to migration to OWL files in July 2019

Language Refset (EN) files74

42 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

32 new records added expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


Language Refset (ET) files8216

7929 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

287 new records added expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


ModuleDependency files2
Both records have had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.
eestiKehapiirkonnaKlassifikaator Refset12

11 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

1 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release. expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


eestiKäitumiseHinnanguKlassifikaator Refset7

7 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiKahjustuseRaskusastmeKlassifikaator Refset4

4 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiAboVeregrupiKlassifikaator Refset5

5 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiAbivahenditeJaMeditsiiniseadmeteKlassifikaator Refset84

84 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiKukkumisePõhjuseKlassifikaator Refset7

7 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiKukkumiseRiskiHinnanguKlassifikaator Refset4

4 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiKukkumistTäpsustavateAndmeteKlassifikaator Refset16

16 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiMikrobioloogiliseUuringuVastuseKlassifikaator Refset4322

4157 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

165 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release. expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


eestiPatomorfoloogiliseLõppdiagnoosiKlassifikaator Refset3154

3035 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

119 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release. expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


eestiPlaneeritavaOperatsiooniKlassifikaator Refset2

2 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiProovimaterjaliUuringuPaikmeKlassifikaator Refset621

619 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

2 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release. expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


eestiRhdKuuluvuseKlassifikaator Refset3

3 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiSuitsetamisharjumusteKlassifikaator Refset4

4 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiToitumiseHinnanguKlassifikaator Refset7

7 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiUneHinnanguKlassifikaator Refset5

5 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiValuLiigiKlassifikaator Refset3

3 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

Readme filen/a
EffectiveTimes and fielnames refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

November 2018 Production (PUBLISHED) to May 2019 Pre-Production (Version 1) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleAssociationReference files22 new records added, approximately right given number of inactivations in files belowAttributeValue records404404 new records added, approximately right given number of inactivations in files belowConcept files249

234 new records added, plus

6 inactivated plus

9 updated

Description (EN) files492

490 new records added, plus

2 records inactivated

Description (SV) files13170

12800 new records added (including thousands from batch updates), plus

370 records inactivated

Readme filen/aMay 2019 date changes as expected, plus new OWLExpression files as expectedRelationship files7653

747 new records added, plus

6916 records inactivated - no way to validate this as usual

HOWEVER, this is in the right ballpark to evidence that this is valid in terms of the resolution of the issue from Sept 2018 (, in which 6708 inferred relationships were incorrectly added (and therefore correctly inactivated in the SE May 2019 release), and 2736 inferred relationships were incorrectly inactivated.

Obviously the 2736 records that were incorrectly inactivated in the last release do not match the 747 records that were added back into this release! However, both Kai and Yong confirmed that this is the expected result, due to a mathematical coincidence in this release cycle, whereby nearly all of those records (2601 of them) just happened to get inactivated in the latest Jan 2019 International Edition! See Yong's email from 09:02 on 26/2/2019, and Kai's initial email below re the BE release, and which can be equally applied to the SE release:

I checked the inactivated inferred relationships. 1,934 product concepts have been classified to more accurate parent concepts. Therefore, we see a large number of inactivation of the IS A relationships. I randomly checked some and they are correct inactivations.

The rest results of inactivation of concepts in either sourceId or destinationId or both. These inactivations involved different hierarchies, e.g. findings, procedures etc.

So, the good news is that all of these are expected inactivations in the inferred relationships. 

Plus Kai's email from 21:52 on 25/2/2019:

Attached is a zip of the 2,601 inactive inferred relationships from the Jan 2019 International release which match the active, source, destination and group of the relationships mistakenly made inactive in the Sept 2018 Belgian release.

This explains why we only have 135 active relationships when we classify the March 2019 Belgian release.

Stated Relationship files462

448 new records added, plus

14 records inactivated

Language Refset (EN) files525

521 new records added, plus

4 records inactivated

Language Refset (SV) files13500

12808 new records added (including thousands from batch updates), plus

692 records inactivated

ModuleDependency files2 new records added for November 2018 dates, as expectedTextDescription EN files1515 new records added,