Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

July 2018


Member (Version


9) vs


July 2018







Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Readme file
SimpleMap files6493n/aUUID's changed only, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files6n/a
Package file naming convention updated to "MEMBER" as plannedExemplar document
UUID's changed only, as expected
Readme filen/an/a
Editorial History date fixed as planned
January 2018 Beta (Version 7) vs Production (Version 2
Special characters fixed for PRODUCTION package as expected

July 2018 Member (Version 8) vs July 2018 Member (Version 9) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Relationship files



2 concepts had their moduleID updated from Core to Metadata modules, as planned:

< 734866006 20180131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000074008
< 734867002 20180131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000074008
> 734866006 20180131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000074008
> 734867002 20180131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000074008

Description files4ISRS-220

4 description records (related to the 2 concept records above) had their moduleID updated from Core to Metadata modules, as planned:

< 3511073015 20180131 1 900000000000207008 734866006 en 900000000000003001 Concept attribute (foundation metadata concept) 900000000000448009
< 3511074014 20180131 1 900000000000207008 734866006 en 900000000000013009 Concept attribute 900000000000448009
< 3511075010 20180131 1 900000000000207008 734867002 en 900000000000003001 Expression definition status (foundation metadata concept) 900000000000448009
< 3511076011 20180131 1 900000000000207008 734867002 en 900000000000013009 Expression definition status 900000000000448009
> 3511073015 20180131 1 900000000000012004 734866006 en 900000000000003001 Concept attribute (foundation metadata concept) 900000000000448009
> 3511074014 20180131 1 900000000000012004 734866006 en 900000000000013009 Concept attribute 900000000000448009
> 3511075010 20180131 1 900000000000012004 734867002 en 900000000000003001 Expression definition status (foundation metadata concept) 900000000000448009
> 3511076011 20180131 1 900000000000012004 734867002 en 900000000000013009 Expression definition status 900000000000448009

Stated Relationship files2ISRS-220

2 stated relationship records (related to the 2 concept records above) had their moduleID updated from Core to Metadata modules, as planned:

< 7137553028 20180131 1 900000000000207008 734866006 900000000000457003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
< 7137554023 20180131 1 900000000000207008 734867002 900000000000457003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 7137553028 20180131 1 900000000000012004 734866006 900000000000457003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 7137554023 20180131 1 900000000000012004 734867002 900000000000457003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002

Inferred Relationship files2ISRS-220

2 inferred relationship records (related to the 2 concept records above) had their moduleID updated from Core to Metadata modules, as planned:

< 7138829025 20180131 1 900000000000207008 734866006 900000000000457003 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
< 7138830024 20180131 1 900000000000207008 734867002 900000000000457003 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 7138829025 20180131 1 900000000000012004 734866006 900000000000457003 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 7138830024 20180131 1 900000000000012004 734867002 900000000000457003 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002

Readme file

n/ax prefixes removed, and package name updated to PRODUCTION as planned

January 2018 Alpha (Version 4) vs Beta (Version 7) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleRefsetDescriptor files2


2 records updated as expected in ISRS-307:


5 records with different role group numbers, which Rory confirmed is acceptable due to it being a mutable field:

< 9204139027 20180731 1 900000000000207008 764995008 255399007 7 246454002 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 9225344029 20180731 1 900000000000207008 764995008 255399007 6 246454002 900000000000011006 900000000000451002

< 9209784021 20180731 1 900000000000207008 764995008 21390004 7 116676008 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 9225354025 20180731 1 900000000000207008 764995008 21390004 6 116676008 900000000000011006 900000000000451002

< 9209785022 20180731 1 900000000000207008 764995008 39937001 7 363698007 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 9225339020 20180731 1 900000000000207008 764995008 39937001 6 363698007 900000000000011006 900000000000451002

< 9238638026 20180731 1 900000000000207008 764995008 263654008 6 363713009 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 9225338028 20180731 1 900000000000207008 764995008 263654008 7 363713009 900000000000011006 900000000000451002

< 9238640020 20180731 1 900000000000207008 764995008 44138005 6 363714003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 9225355029 20180731 1 900000000000207008 764995008 44138005 7 363714003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002

SimpleMap files6493n/aUUID's changed only, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files6n/aUUID's changed only, as expected

July 2018 Member (Version 7) vs July 2018 Member (Version 8) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Relationship files3500


62 records updated +

1855 records removed +

1744 records added

As expected due to Kai's fix in ISRS-412

MRCM Domain files1



1 record updated to fix the expression constraint, as expected in ISRS-413 (the additional change in this ticket to remove a trailing space from record 'd6c20749-3934-4097-b5b2-a1b9a9cf89f4' was already implemented in Member (Version 4)):

< eb0bebd1-991a-4f69-97ab-e1c5bf64dd27 20180731 1 900000000000012004 723560006 723264001 << ^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)| 91723000 |Anatomical structure (body structure)| << ^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)| [[+id(<< ^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)|)]]: [[0..1]] 272741003 |Laterality| = [[+id(<< 182353008 |Side (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..*]] 123005000 |Part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733928003 |All or part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733931002 |Constitutional part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733930001 |Regional part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733933004 |Lateral half of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733932009 |Systemic part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]] [[+scg(<< ^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)|)]]: [[0..1]] 272741003 |Laterality| = [[+scg(<< 182353008 |Side (qualifier value)|)]],
> eb0bebd1-991a-4f69-97ab-e1c5bf64dd27 20180731 1 900000000000012004 723560006 723264001 ^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)| 91723000 |Anatomical structure (body structure)| ^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)| [[+id(^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)|)]]: [[0..1]] 272741003 |Laterality| = [[+id(<< 182353008 |Side (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..*]] 123005000 |Part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733928003 |All or part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733931002 |Constitutional part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733930001 |Regional part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733933004 |Lateral half of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733932009 |Systemic part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]] [[+scg(^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)|)]]: [[0..1]] 272741003 |Laterality| = [[+scg(<< 182353008 |Side (qualifier value)|)]],

Plus 1 record updated to remove trailing spaces, as intended in ISRS-411:

< 19d3f679-5369-42fb-9543-8795fdee5dce 20180731 1 900000000000012004 723560006 105590001 << 105590001 |Substance (substance)| << 105590001 |Substance (substance)| [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]]: [[0..*]] 726542003 |Has disposition| = [[+id(<< 726711005 |Disposition (disposition)| )]], [[0..*]] 738774007 |Is modification of| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]] [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]]: [[0..*]] 726542003 |Has disposition| = [[+scg(<< 726711005 |Disposition (disposition)| )]], [[0..*]] 738774007 |Is modification of| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]]
> 19d3f679-5369-42fb-9543-8795fdee5dce 20180731 1 900000000000012004 723560006 105590001 << 105590001 |Substance (substance)| << 105590001 |Substance (substance)| [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]]: [[0..*]] 726542003 |Has disposition| = [[+id(<< 726711005 |Disposition (disposition)|)]], [[0..*]] 738774007 |Is modification of| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]] [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]]: [[0..*]] 726542003 |Has disposition| = [[+scg(<< 726711005 |Disposition (disposition)|)]], [[0..*]] 738774007 |Is modification of| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]]

SimpleMap files6493n/aUUID's changed only, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files6n/aUUID's changed only, as expected

July 2018 Member (Version 6) vs July 2018 Member (Version 7) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Relationship files13814


62 records updated +

1855 records removed +

1744 records added

NOT As intended - reported to Kai

July 2018 Member (Version 5) vs July 2018 Member (Version 6) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Relationship files13814


62 records updated +

1855 records removed +

1744 records added

NOT As intended - reported to Kai

July 2018 Member (Version 4) vs July 2018 Member (Version 5) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Relationship files13814


62 records updated +

1855 records removed +

1744 records added

NOT As intended - reported to Kai

MRCM Domain files1



1 record updated to fix the expression constraint, as expected in ISRS-413 (the additional change in this ticket to remove a trailing space from record 'd6c20749-3934-4097-b5b2-a1b9a9cf89f4' was already implemented in Member (Version 4)):

< eb0bebd1-991a-4f69-97ab-e1c5bf64dd27 20180731 1 900000000000012004 723560006 723264001 << ^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)| 91723000 |Anatomical structure (body structure)| << ^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)| [[+id(<< ^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)|)]]: [[0..1]] 272741003 |Laterality| = [[+id(<< 182353008 |Side (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..*]] 123005000 |Part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733928003 |All or part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733931002 |Constitutional part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733930001 |Regional part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733933004 |Lateral half of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733932009 |Systemic part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]] [[+scg(<< ^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)|)]]: [[0..1]] 272741003 |Laterality| = [[+scg(<< 182353008 |Side (qualifier value)|)]],
> eb0bebd1-991a-4f69-97ab-e1c5bf64dd27 20180731 1 900000000000012004 723560006 723264001 ^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)| 91723000 |Anatomical structure (body structure)| ^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)| [[+id(^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)|)]]: [[0..1]] 272741003 |Laterality| = [[+id(<< 182353008 |Side (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..*]] 123005000 |Part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733928003 |All or part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733931002 |Constitutional part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733930001 |Regional part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733933004 |Lateral half of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..*]] 733932009 |Systemic part of| = [[+id(<< 123037004|Body structure (body structure)|)]] [[+scg(^ 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set (foundation metadata concept)|)]]: [[0..1]] 272741003 |Laterality| = [[+scg(<< 182353008 |Side (qualifier value)|)]],

Plus 1 record updated to remove trailing spaces, as intended in ISRS-411:

< 19d3f679-5369-42fb-9543-8795fdee5dce 20180731 1 900000000000012004 723560006 105590001 << 105590001 |Substance (substance)| << 105590001 |Substance (substance)| [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]]: [[0..*]] 726542003 |Has disposition| = [[+id(<< 726711005 |Disposition (disposition)| )]], [[0..*]] 738774007 |Is modification of| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]] [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]]: [[0..*]] 726542003 |Has disposition| = [[+scg(<< 726711005 |Disposition (disposition)| )]], [[0..*]] 738774007 |Is modification of| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]]
> 19d3f679-5369-42fb-9543-8795fdee5dce 20180731 1 900000000000012004 723560006 105590001 << 105590001 |Substance (substance)| << 105590001 |Substance (substance)| [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]]: [[0..*]] 726542003 |Has disposition| = [[+id(<< 726711005 |Disposition (disposition)|)]], [[0..*]] 738774007 |Is modification of| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]] [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]]: [[0..*]] 726542003 |Has disposition| = [[+scg(<< 726711005 |Disposition (disposition)|)]], [[0..*]] 738774007 |Is modification of| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)|)]]

SimpleMap files6493n/aUUID's changed only, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files6n/aUUID's changed only, as expected

July 2018 Member (Version 3) vs July 2018 Member (Version 4) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Relationship files13814


1275 records updated +

8202 records removed +

4337 records added

As intended?????????????

MRCM files1


1 record updated to remove trailing spaces, as intended in ISRS-411:

< 20180731 1 900000000000012004 723562003 726542003 << 726711005 |Disposition (disposition)| << 105590001 |Substance (substance)|: [0..*] 726542003 |Has disposition| = << 726711005 |Disposition (disposition)| 723597001 723596005
> 20180731 1 900000000000012004 723562003 726542003 << 726711005 |Disposition (disposition)| << 105590001 |Substance (substance)|: [0..*] 726542003 |Has disposition| = << 726711005 |Disposition (disposition)| 723597001 723596005

SimpleMap files6493n/aUUID's changed only, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files6n/aUUID's changed only, as expected

July 2018 Member (Version 2) vs July 2018 Member (Version 3) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
ExtendedMap files19


5 records updated as expected inISRS-408, due to the July 2018 inactivation records being removed (as invalid), and replaced with the original records from years ago in the Snapshot file:

< 0fd8418e-b9e4-5e65-895f-c7d32557b848 20180731 0 449080006 447562003 293689001 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Z88.8 Z88.8 447561005 447637006
> 0fd8418e-b9e4-5e65-895f-c7d32557b848 20150731 1 449080006 447562003 293689001 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Z88.8 Z88.8 447561005 447637006

< 1c5d7bf4-c9af-50fb-8ed5-78db81a0359a 20180731 0 449080006 447562003 11861000122107 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Z88.8 Z88.8 447561005 447637006
> 1c5d7bf4-c9af-50fb-8ed5-78db81a0359a 20170131 1 449080006 447562003 11861000122107 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Z88.8 Z88.8 447561005 447637006

< a908c13e-9ccc-5cea-9a42-308a914fc681 20180731 0 449080006 447562003 237620003 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS E14.6 E14.6 447561005 447637006
> a908c13e-9ccc-5cea-9a42-308a914fc681 20150131 1 449080006 447562003 237620003 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS E14.6 E14.6 447561005 447637006

< ae0e3f99-a179-50b0-a6e0-a3d55bbcdcf8 20180731 0 449080006 447562003 294075000 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Z88.8 Z88.8 447561005 447637006
> ae0e3f99-a179-50b0-a6e0-a3d55bbcdcf8 20150731 1 449080006 447562003 294075000 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Z88.8 Z88.8 447561005 447637006

< e27c7010-85a8-5b4a-ba8b-42fa7615f1c4 20180731 0 449080006 447562003 238749001 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS L72.0 L72.0 447561005 447637006
> e27c7010-85a8-5b4a-ba8b-42fa7615f1c4 20130731 1 449080006 447562003 238749001 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS L72.0 L72.0 447561005 447637006

Plus 1 (invalid active) record removed as expected in ISRS-408:

< 912c00f1-571d-5e1a-9610-1e9bd5de4364 20180731 1 449080006 447562003 267634006 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS H16.2 H16.2 447561005 447637006

Plus 13 (invalid active) records removed as expected in ISRS-408:

< 3112f09b-9eae-5964-a0fc-8dcf5b4d4cb2 20180731 1 449080006 447562003 763729008 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Q37.9 Q37.9 447561005 447637006
< 441306b3-d5b0-545c-8499-aea027c65283 20180731 1 449080006 447562003 763756005 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Q35.9 Q35.9 447561005 447637006
< 5b9e979b-b8b2-5d8f-b463-3736f9b9cb67 20180731 1 449080006 447562003 763496006 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Q35.9 Q35.9 447561005 447637006
< 5d447432-91e5-51da-b3d1-28dfd1ff344a 20180731 1 449080006 447562003 763060003 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Q37.1 Q37.1 447561005 447637006
< 7922c7f9-41e7-5625-9078-a53240616ded 20180731 1 449080006 447562003 763495005 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Q37.9 Q37.9 447561005 447637006
< 97ec3e0f-865a-5aba-8c76-12fdb725c77f 20180731 1 449080006 447562003 763731004 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Q35.9 Q35.9 447561005 447637006
< a0358150-9775-5c54-97dc-3d50ac69b290 20180731 1 449080006 447562003 765003000 1 1 TRUE MAP SOURCE CONCEPT CANNOT BE CLASSIFIED WITH AVAILABLE DATA 447561005 447638001
< a457c57a-3976-51a0-a096-f1adad6be485 20180731 1 449080006 447562003 763107000 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Q37.1 Q37.1 447561005 447637006
< a63c02e3-5663-5bdb-9cb0-7ae0a432d907 20180731 1 449080006 447562003 763732006 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Q35.9 Q35.9 447561005 447637006
< bb594f4d-a560-57aa-90d5-3164c8fec28a 20180731 1 449080006 447562003 763494009 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Q37.9 Q37.9 447561005 447637006
< cc9196d1-f117-5594-ab42-531ae6615dfd 20180731 1 449080006 447562003 763757001 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Q35.9 Q35.9 447561005 447637006
< d1fdb3f0-8f4e-5eaa-a0eb-db02436fca26 20180731 1 449080006 447562003 763497002 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Q35.9 Q35.9 447561005 447637006
< f9b54bd1-ad21-58fc-b704-3f99e7cb1e86 20180731 1 449080006 447562003 763730003 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS Q37.9 Q37.9 447561005 447637006

Relationship files1730

1730 records activated and inactivated - as always with no way to verify...
SimpleMap files6493n/aUUID's changed only, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files6n/aUUID's changed only, as expected

July 2018 Member (Version 1) vs July 2018 Member (Version 2) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale

Relationship files1844

1844 records activated and inactivated - as always with no way to verify...
Readme filen/an/aX Prefixes removed, plus package name updated to MEMBER as expected
SimpleMap files6493n/aUUID's changed only, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files6n/aUUID's changed only, as expected

July 2018 Beta (Version 1 - PUBLISHED) to July 2018 Member (Version 1) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Description files11


11 removed records, as expected as a result of them being born inactive - this was because they were initially created in the July 2018 editing cycle, and then deleted by the content team (due to them consequently deciding that they were invalid) in the same editing cycle (as part of ISRS-400):

< 3656246013 20180731 0 900000000000207008 437411000124102 en 900000000000013009 Increase in sodium content of the diet compared to the assessed baseline intake of sodium for the individual. 900000000000448009
< 3656247016 20180731 0 900000000000207008 437291000124108 en 900000000000013009 Increase in copper content of the diet compared to the assessed baseline intake of copper for the individual. 900000000000448009
< 3656248014 20180731 0 900000000000207008 437391000124102 en 900000000000013009 Increase in potassium content of the diet compared to the assessed baseline intake of potassium for the individual. 900000000000448009
< 3671678013 20180731 0 900000000000207008 417704008 en 900000000000013009 Any cranial somatic dysfunction resulting in abnormal dural membrane tensions. 900000000000448009
< 3689172017 20180731 0 900000000000207008 769170009 en 900000000000013009 An arch formed by the medial margin of the cartilages of false ribs and one true rib (seventh rib to the tenth rib). 900000000000448009
< 638731000124115 20180731 0 900000000000207008 435741000124103 en 900000000000013009 Foods and liquids that are transparent and liquid at body temperature. (Source: Nutrition Care Manual, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2013). 900000000000017005
< 645551000124113 20180731 0 900000000000207008 438001000124106 en 900000000000013009 Increase or decrease in biotin content of the diet.Treatment for conditions resulting from inadequate or excessive biotin intake. (Source: Dietary Reference Intakes: Vitamins; USDA Food and Nutrition Center). 900000000000017005
< 645611000124113 20180731 0 900000000000207008 438021000124101 en 900000000000013009 Increase or decrease in niacin content of the diet. Treatment for prevention of pellagra. (Source: Dietary Reference Intakes: Vitamins; USDA Food and Nutrition Center). 900000000000017005
< 645641000124112 20180731 0 900000000000207008 438031000124103 en 900000000000013009 Increase or decrease in pantothenic acid content of the diet. (Source: Dietary Reference Intakes: Vitamins; USDA Food and Nutrition Center). 900000000000017005
< 645671000124116 20180731 0 900000000000207008 438041000124108 en 900000000000013009 Increase or decrease in riboflavin content of the diet. (Source: Dietary Reference Intakes: Vitamins; USDA Food and Nutrition Center). 900000000000017005
< 648631000124113 20180731 0 900000000000207008 439121000124106 en 900000000000013009 Replace normal consistency foods with those that are blended, whipped or mashed to a "pudding-like" texture. Treatment for chewing and swallowing problems. (Source: Nutrition Care Manual, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2013). 900000000000017005

Language refset files22ISRS-406

22 removed records, as expected as a result of the 11 descriptions removed in ISRS-406 due to them being born inactive (the system automatically removed all related Language refset records - x2 as 1 for EN-GB and 1 for EN-US):

< 1b808368-ca79-439f-ac17-07e6ed3aaa90 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 645671000124116 900000000000549004
< 2113cad5-c98f-584f-b345-cbf3793c40f8 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 645611000124113 900000000000549004
< 4a6d74fc-4511-4a04-87a5-cb63be00260c 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 645551000124113 900000000000549004
< 4a9cbc57-80a0-4639-affe-e2897e445f71 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 3656248014 900000000000549004
< 4d99be78-17c4-5cbb-9307-e497f31a6b02 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 645551000124113 900000000000549004
< 538a60b1-2155-5f0e-8cae-40b177cdfed9 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 645641000124112 900000000000549004
< 6a99b2b8-3d00-4f1f-9445-88d6269fea91 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 645611000124113 900000000000549004
< 6e52c6e4-d46c-4ef9-8090-3990bd77f8c9 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 3671678013 900000000000549004
< 6ff82d15-4248-55eb-979d-cd6b7c0164b5 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 648631000124113 900000000000549004
< 85c223d3-ccc1-4ad4-9d10-a54a8caa5556 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 648631000124113 900000000000549004
< a1ecc638-2e8b-4f23-9075-2e2f59fe9ed9 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 3689172017 900000000000549004
< b96db9ff-f0de-41c6-b33d-b9fde82b0c50 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 3656246013 900000000000549004
< bcb8ca1a-f488-4a1b-b383-f88d8d139eae 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 3656247016 900000000000549004
< c2030c37-dc20-461c-ade7-e094a82cf4c4 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 638731000124115 900000000000549004
< c7a1d398-629a-547a-a4f0-c669d0dd36c5 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 645671000124116 900000000000549004
< cf52d33f-f3ed-4e1c-bfbf-50bc1abe0db4 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 3689172017 900000000000549004
< d83d01ac-9673-4c81-b380-64903348efe6 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 3656248014 900000000000549004
< e33da39b-01d7-596e-bd8b-0e88d1c2fd35 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 638731000124115 900000000000549004
< e92af624-613d-4767-93c2-9e975b5fff2c 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 3656246013 900000000000549004
< efa90087-9190-4224-92bb-c402eec99342 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 3656247016 900000000000549004
< f72e3b56-5418-4047-b0d2-3694cb3cd6c1 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 3671678013 900000000000549004
< f842c2fd-b068-4cb5-8446-31a36790bd25 20180731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 645641000124112 900000000000549004

AttributeValue files11


11 removed records, as expected as a result of the 11 descriptions removed in ISRS-406 due to them being born inactive (the system automatically removed all related AttributeValue records):

< 0391956f-5384-413c-a75c-55556ed9cc0e 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645641000124112 900000000000485001
< 36660342-d070-4c44-a6e3-1a27072376b1 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3656247016 900000000000485001
< 4bd4b126-db53-4cbb-9197-4590d5e4c9ee 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3671678013 900000000000485001
< 54dd9389-2134-4b50-90b5-6b18d9fa95b6 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3656248014 900000000000485001
< 61525106-662a-4d0f-87f3-ca2ff01f9371 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3689172017 900000000000485001
< 69534e27-22f1-4168-b755-d8ce7a865050 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645611000124113 900000000000485001
< 7eedcfb8-69bf-466c-8211-4d5b725b9cb9 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 648631000124113 900000000000485001
< 929aa3f8-af25-4b0c-bb0c-af72fe5b0865 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645551000124113 900000000000485001
< bfb34e83-5b0b-4a52-91ae-35a042181dca 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645671000124116 900000000000485001
< ce8387b5-de7e-4366-a169-d31e7f240a6c 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3656246013 900000000000485001
< fc2b2bd2-814a-4b8c-b4cf-1c6166d39cf3 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 638731000124115 900000000000485001

Relationship files4786


1622 records activated and inactivated - as always with no way to verify...
SimpleMap files6493n/aUUID's changed only, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files6n/aUUID's changed only, as expected

July 2018 Alpha (Version 2) (PUBLISHED) vs July 2018 Beta (Version 1 - FixRFJuly18-4 + FixRFJuly18-5) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
AttributeValue files11


11 new records, as expected as a result of Content Team inactivating descriptions as Erroneous (900000000000485001) in ISRS-400 (all 11 ID's match exactly)

> 0391956f-5384-413c-a75c-55556ed9cc0e 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645641000124112 900000000000485001
> 36660342-d070-4c44-a6e3-1a27072376b1 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3656247016 900000000000485001
> 4bd4b126-db53-4cbb-9197-4590d5e4c9ee 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3671678013 900000000000485001
> 54dd9389-2134-4b50-90b5-6b18d9fa95b6 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3656248014 900000000000485001
> 61525106-662a-4d0f-87f3-ca2ff01f9371 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3689172017 900000000000485001
> 69534e27-22f1-4168-b755-d8ce7a865050 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645611000124113 900000000000485001
> 7eedcfb8-69bf-466c-8211-4d5b725b9cb9 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 648631000124113 900000000000485001
> 929aa3f8-af25-4b0c-bb0c-af72fe5b0865 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645551000124113 900000000000485001
> bfb34e83-5b0b-4a52-91ae-35a042181dca 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645671000124116 900000000000485001
> ce8387b5-de7e-4366-a169-d31e7f240a6c 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3656246013 900000000000485001
> fc2b2bd2-814a-4b8c-b4cf-1c6166d39cf3 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 638731000124115 900000000000485001

Language refset files44


22 new records, as expected as a result of Content Team creating new TextDefinitions to replace inactivated erroneous descriptions in ISRS-400 (all 11 ID's match exactly, 2x language records per TextDefinition record as normal - EN-GB and EN-US).

+ 22 inactivated records, as expected as a result of Content Team inactivating erroneous descriptions in ISRS-400 (all 11 ID's match exactly, 2x language records per description record as normal - EN-GB and EN-US).

Readme filen/an/aBeta wording and file naming added instead of Alpha wording, as expected
Description files





1 record updated, as expected as a result of Content Team updating the inconsistent case sensitivity from "ci" (entire term case insensitive) to "cl" (initial character only case insensitive) in ISRS-401 (ID matches exactly):

< 3662648017 20180731 1 900000000000207008 766793008 en 900000000000013009 Dopamine receptor D2 antagonist product 900000000000448009
> 3662648017 20180731 1 900000000000207008 766793008 en 900000000000013009 Dopamine receptor D2 antagonist product 900000000000020002

11 records inactivated, as expected as a result of Content Team inactivating erroneous descriptions in ISRS-400 (all 11 ID's match exactly):

Inactivate 3656246013 erroneous

Inactivate 3656247016 erroneous

Inactivate 3656248014 erroneous

Inactivate 3671678013 erroneous

Inactivate 3689172017 erroneous

Inactivate 638731000124115 erroneous

Inactivate 645551000124113 erroneous

Inactivate 645611000124113 erroneous

Inactivate 645641000124112 erroneous

Inactivate 645671000124116 erroneous

Inactivate 648631000124113 erroneous

TextDefinition files11


11 records activated, as expected as a result of Content Team creating new records to replace inactivated erroneous descriptions in ISRS-400 (all 11 ID's match exactly):

> 3702224010 20180731 1 900000000000207008 437411000124102 en 900000000000550004 Increase in the sodium content of diet compared to the assessed baseline intake of sodium for the individual. 900000000000017005
> 3702225011 20180731 1 900000000000207008 437291000124108 en 900000000000550004 Increase in copper content of diet compared to the assessed baseline intake of copper for the individual. 900000000000017005
> 3702226012 20180731 1 900000000000207008 437391000124102 en 900000000000550004 Increase in potassium content of diet compared to the assessed baseline intake of potassium for the individual. 900000000000017005
> 3702227015 20180731 1 900000000000207008 417704008 en 900000000000550004 Any cranial somatic dysfunction resulting in abnormal dural membrane tension. 900000000000017005
> 3702228013 20180731 1 900000000000207008 769170009 en 900000000000550004 An arch formed by the medial margin of the cartilage of false ribs and one true rib (seventh rib to the tenth rib). 900000000000017005
> 3702229017 20180731 1 900000000000207008 435741000124103 en 900000000000550004 Foods and liquids that are transparent and liquid at body temperature. 900000000000017005
> 3702230010 20180731 1 900000000000207008 438001000124106 en 900000000000550004 Increase or decrease in biotin content of the diet. Treatment for conditions resulting from inadequate or excessive biotin intake. 900000000000017005
> 3702231014 20180731 1 900000000000207008 438021000124101 en 900000000000550004 Increase or decrease in niacin content of the diet. Treatment for prevention of pellagra. 900000000000017005
> 3702232019 20180731 1 900000000000207008 438031000124103 en 900000000000550004 Increase or decrease in pantothenic acid content of the diet. 900000000000017005
> 3702233012 20180731 1 900000000000207008 438041000124108 en 900000000000550004 Increase or decrease in riboflavin content of the diet. 900000000000017005
> 3702234018 20180731 1 900000000000207008 439121000124106 en 900000000000550004 Replace normal consistency foods with those that are blended, whipped or mashed to a "pudding-like" texture. Treatment for chewing and swallowing problems. 900000000000017005

Maria's confirmation in ISRS-400 ticket:

Replace with 3702224010

Replace with 3702225011

Replace with 3702226012

Replace with 3702227015

Replace with 3702228013

Replace with 3702229017

Replace with 3702230010

Replace with 3702231014

Replace with 3702232019

Replace with 3702233012

Replace with 3702234018

Relationship files4786

ISRS-400 + ISRS-401

3000 records activated and inactivated - as always with no way to verify...
SimpleMap files12396n/aUUID's changed only, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files6n/aUUID's changed only, as expected

July 2018 Alpha (Version 4 - FixRFJuly18-5) vs July 2018 Beta (Version 1 - FixRFJuly18-4 + FixRFJuly18-5) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
AttributeValue files11


missing from AlphaVersion4

11 new records regressed, as expected as a result of fix FixRFJuly18-4 being missing from the Alpha version 4:

> 0391956f-5384-413c-a75c-55556ed9cc0e 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645641000124112 900000000000485001
> 36660342-d070-4c44-a6e3-1a27072376b1 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3656247016 900000000000485001
> 4bd4b126-db53-4cbb-9197-4590d5e4c9ee 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3671678013 900000000000485001
> 54dd9389-2134-4b50-90b5-6b18d9fa95b6 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3656248014 900000000000485001
> 61525106-662a-4d0f-87f3-ca2ff01f9371 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3689172017 900000000000485001
> 69534e27-22f1-4168-b755-d8ce7a865050 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645611000124113 900000000000485001
> 7eedcfb8-69bf-466c-8211-4d5b725b9cb9 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 648631000124113 900000000000485001
> 929aa3f8-af25-4b0c-bb0c-af72fe5b0865 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645551000124113 900000000000485001
> bfb34e83-5b0b-4a52-91ae-35a042181dca 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645671000124116 900000000000485001
> ce8387b5-de7e-4366-a169-d31e7f240a6c 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3656246013 900000000000485001
> fc2b2bd2-814a-4b8c-b4cf-1c6166d39cf3 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 638731000124115 900000000000485001

Language refset files44


missing from AlphaVersion4

22 new recordsregressed, as expected as a result of fix FixRFJuly18-4 being missing from the Alpha version 4:

+ 22 inactivated recordsregressed, as expected as a result of fix FixRFJuly18-4 being missing from the Alpha version 4:

Description files11


missing from AlphaVersion4

11 records inactivatedregressed, as expected as a result of fix FixRFJuly18-4 being missing from the Alpha version 4:

Inactivate 3656246013 erroneous

Inactivate 3656247016 erroneous

Inactivate 3656248014 erroneous

Inactivate 3671678013 erroneous

Inactivate 3689172017 erroneous

Inactivate 638731000124115 erroneous

Inactivate 645551000124113 erroneous

Inactivate 645611000124113 erroneous

Inactivate 645641000124112 erroneous

Inactivate 645671000124116 erroneous

Inactivate 648631000124113 erroneous

TextDefinition files11


missing from AlphaVersion4

11 records activatedregressed, as expected as a result of fix FixRFJuly18-4 being missing from the Alpha version 4:

> 3702224010 20180731 1 900000000000207008 437411000124102 en 900000000000550004 Increase in the sodium content of diet compared to the assessed baseline intake of sodium for the individual. 900000000000017005
> 3702225011 20180731 1 900000000000207008 437291000124108 en 900000000000550004 Increase in copper content of diet compared to the assessed baseline intake of copper for the individual. 900000000000017005
> 3702226012 20180731 1 900000000000207008 437391000124102 en 900000000000550004 Increase in potassium content of diet compared to the assessed baseline intake of potassium for the individual. 900000000000017005
> 3702227015 20180731 1 900000000000207008 417704008 en 900000000000550004 Any cranial somatic dysfunction resulting in abnormal dural membrane tension. 900000000000017005
> 3702228013 20180731 1 900000000000207008 769170009 en 900000000000550004 An arch formed by the medial margin of the cartilage of false ribs and one true rib (seventh rib to the tenth rib). 900000000000017005
> 3702229017 20180731 1 900000000000207008 435741000124103 en 900000000000550004 Foods and liquids that are transparent and liquid at body temperature. 900000000000017005
> 3702230010 20180731 1 900000000000207008 438001000124106 en 900000000000550004 Increase or decrease in biotin content of the diet. Treatment for conditions resulting from inadequate or excessive biotin intake. 900000000000017005
> 3702231014 20180731 1 900000000000207008 438021000124101 en 900000000000550004 Increase or decrease in niacin content of the diet. Treatment for prevention of pellagra. 900000000000017005
> 3702232019 20180731 1 900000000000207008 438031000124103 en 900000000000550004 Increase or decrease in pantothenic acid content of the diet. 900000000000017005
> 3702233012 20180731 1 900000000000207008 438041000124108 en 900000000000550004 Increase or decrease in riboflavin content of the diet. 900000000000017005
> 3702234018 20180731 1 900000000000207008 439121000124106 en 900000000000550004 Replace normal consistency foods with those that are blended, whipped or mashed to a "pudding-like" texture. Treatment for chewing and swallowing problems. 900000000000017005

Maria's confirmation in ISRS-400 ticket:

Replace with 3702224010

Replace with 3702225011

Replace with 3702226012

Replace with 3702227015

Replace with 3702228013

Replace with 3702229017

Replace with 3702230010

Replace with 3702231014

Replace with 3702232019

Replace with 3702233012

Replace with 3702234018

Relationship files1125


missing from AlphaVersion4

1125 records activated and inactivated - as always with no way to verify...
SimpleMap files12396n/aUUID's changed only, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files6n/aUUID's changed only, as expected

July 2018 Alpha (Version 3 - FixRFJuly18-4) vs July 2018 Beta (Version 1 - FixRFJuly18-4 + FixRFJuly18-5) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Description files1


missing from AlphaVersion3

1 record regressed, as expected as a result of fix FixRFJuly18-5 being missing from the Alpha version 3:

< 3662648017 20180731 1 900000000000207008 766793008 en 900000000000013009 Dopamine receptor D2 antagonist product 900000000000448009
> 3662648017 20180731 1 900000000000207008 766793008 en 900000000000013009 Dopamine receptor D2 antagonist product 900000000000020002

Relationship files3000


missing from AlphaVersion3

3000 records activated and inactivated - as always with no way to verify...
SimpleMap files12396n/aUUID's changed only, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files6n/aUUID's changed only, as expected
Readme filen/an/aBeta wording and file naming added instead of Alpha wording, as expected

July 2018 Alpha (Version 2) (PUBLISHED) vs July 2018 Alpha (Version 4 - FixRFJuly18-5) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Description files1


1 record updated, as expected as a result of Content Team updating the inconsistent case sensitivity from "ci" (entire term case insensitive) to "cl" (initial character only case insensitive) in ISRS-401 (ID matches exactly):

< 3662648017 20180731 1 900000000000207008 766793008 en 900000000000013009 Dopamine receptor D2 antagonist product 900000000000448009
> 3662648017 20180731 1 900000000000207008 766793008 en 900000000000013009 Dopamine receptor D2 antagonist product 900000000000020002

Relationship files3000


3000 records activated and inactivated - as always with no way to verify...
SimpleMap files12396n/aUUID's changed only, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files6n/aUUID's changed only, as expected

July 2018 Alpha (Version 2) (PUBLISHED) vs July 2018 Alpha (Version 3 - FixRFJuly18-4) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
AttributeValue files11


11 new records, as expected as a result of Content Team inactivating descriptions as Erroneous (900000000000485001) in ISRS-400 (all 11 ID's match exactly)

> 0391956f-5384-413c-a75c-55556ed9cc0e 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645641000124112 900000000000485001
> 36660342-d070-4c44-a6e3-1a27072376b1 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3656247016 900000000000485001
> 4bd4b126-db53-4cbb-9197-4590d5e4c9ee 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3671678013 900000000000485001
> 54dd9389-2134-4b50-90b5-6b18d9fa95b6 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3656248014 900000000000485001
> 61525106-662a-4d0f-87f3-ca2ff01f9371 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3689172017 900000000000485001
> 69534e27-22f1-4168-b755-d8ce7a865050 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645611000124113 900000000000485001
> 7eedcfb8-69bf-466c-8211-4d5b725b9cb9 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 648631000124113 900000000000485001
> 929aa3f8-af25-4b0c-bb0c-af72fe5b0865 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645551000124113 900000000000485001
> bfb34e83-5b0b-4a52-91ae-35a042181dca 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 645671000124116 900000000000485001
> ce8387b5-de7e-4366-a169-d31e7f240a6c 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 3656246013 900000000000485001
> fc2b2bd2-814a-4b8c-b4cf-1c6166d39cf3 20180731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 638731000124115 900000000000485001

Language refset files44


22 new records, as expectedas a result of Content Team creating new TextDefinitions to replace inactivated erroneous descriptions in ISRS-400 (all 11 ID's match exactly, 2x language records per TextDefinition record as normal - EN-GB and EN-US).

+ 22 inactivated records, as expected as a result of Content Team inactivating erroneous descriptions in ISRS-400 (all 11 ID's match exactly, 2x language records per description record as normal - EN-GB and EN-US).

Description files11


11 records inactivated, as expected as a result of Content Team inactivating erroneous descriptions in ISRS-400 (all 11 ID's match exactly):

Inactivate 3656246013 erroneous

Inactivate 3656247016 erroneous

Inactivate 3656248014 erroneous

Inactivate 3671678013 erroneous

Inactivate 3689172017 erroneous

Inactivate 638731000124115 erroneous

Inactivate 645551000124113 erroneous

Inactivate 645611000124113 erroneous

Inactivate 645641000124112 erroneous

Inactivate 645671000124116 erroneous

Inactivate 648631000124113 erroneous

TextDefinition files11


11 records activated, as expected as a result of Content Team creating new records to replace inactivated erroneous descriptions in ISRS-400 (all 11 ID's match exactly):

> 3702224010 20180731 1 900000000000207008 437411000124102 en 900000000000550004 Increase in the sodium content of diet compared to the assessed baseline intake of sodium for the individual. 900000000000017005
> 3702225011 20180731 1 900000000000207008 437291000124108 en 900000000000550004 Increase in copper content of diet compared to the assessed baseline intake of copper for the individual. 900000000000017005
> 3702226012 20180731 1 900000000000207008 437391000124102 en 900000000000550004 Increase in potassium content of diet compared to the assessed baseline intake of potassium for the individual. 900000000000017005
> 3702227015 20180731 1 900000000000207008 417704008 en 900000000000550004 Any cranial somatic dysfunction resulting in abnormal dural membrane tension. 900000000000017005
> 3702228013 20180731 1 900000000000207008 769170009 en 900000000000550004 An arch formed by the medial margin of the cartilage of false ribs and one true rib (seventh rib to the tenth rib). 900000000000017005
> 3702229017 20180731 1 900000000000207008 435741000124103 en 900000000000550004 Foods and liquids that are transparent and liquid at body temperature. 900000000000017005
> 3702230010 20180731 1 900000000000207008 438001000124106 en 900000000000550004 Increase or decrease in biotin content of the diet. Treatment for conditions resulting from inadequate or excessive biotin intake. 900000000000017005
> 3702231014 20180731 1 900000000000207008 438021000124101 en 900000000000550004 Increase or decrease in niacin content of the diet. Treatment for prevention of pellagra. 900000000000017005
> 3702232019 20180731 1 900000000000207008 438031000124103 en 900000000000550004 Increase or decrease in pantothenic acid content of the diet. 900000000000017005
> 3702233012 20180731 1 900000000000207008 438041000124108 en 900000000000550004 Increase or decrease in riboflavin content of the diet. 900000000000017005
> 3702234018 20180731 1 900000000000207008 439121000124106 en 900000000000550004 Replace normal consistency foods with those that are blended, whipped or mashed to a "pudding-like" texture. Treatment for chewing and swallowing problems. 900000000000017005

Maria's confirmation in ISRS-400 ticket:

Replace with 3702224010

Replace with 3702225011

Replace with 3702226012

Replace with 3702227015

Replace with 3702228013

Replace with 3702229017

Replace with 3702230010

Replace with 3702231014

Replace with 3702232019

Replace with 3702233012

Replace with 3702234018

Relationship files1125


1125 records activated and inactivated - as always with no way to verify...
SimpleMap files12396n/aUUID's changed only, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files6n/aUUID's changed only, as expected

July 2018 Alpha (Version 1) to July 2018 Alpha (Version 2) (PUBLISHED) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
RefsetDescriptor files6

6 new records added, to describe the new OWLAxiom and OWLOntology refsets, as expected:

> 04b85878-5363-4253-817c-f295ae491444 20180731 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 762103008 762677007 762678002 1
> 216d171f-061e-42b3-8fa0-d08812a7b844 20180731 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 762103008 449608002 900000000000461009 0
> 2b47df24-a578-431a-b8ea-8cd9303568f0 20180731 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 733073007 762677007 762678002 1
> 80038481-ac52-45e4-9424-a8f884f0a0ca 20180731 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 762676003 762677007 762678002 1
> a90d975b-53f9-4766-8fc9-ea09531797d3 20180731 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 733073007 449608002 900000000000461009 0
> e898bf35-b18f-483b-9963-db8cebea76ab 20180731 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 762676003 449608002 900000000000461009 0

SimpleMap files6493
6493 UUID's only changed, as expected
OWLOntology files7

7 records updated to change their moduleID's from Core (900000000000207008) to Model Component module (900000000000012004) as expected:

> 2992ad4c-c5f8-4235-8e6b-36be3cacca57 20180731 1 900000000000012004 762103008 734146004 Prefix(rdf:=<>)
> 3b0c7f58-388d-4956-84d5-fbff44197018 20180731 1 900000000000012004 762103008 734146004 Prefix(rdfs:=<>)
> 3c566f2c-b38f-40bb-a6cb-7ea114ce8cf9 20180731 1 900000000000012004 762103008 734146004 Prefix(xsd:=<>)
> 709e618d-9434-4c3b-b437-200e9aa26d59 20180731 1 900000000000012004 762103008 734146004 Prefix(:=<>)
> ba81d0bf-1703-4edf-a641-4bf7ae336a7c 20180731 1 900000000000012004 762103008 734146004 Prefix(owl:=<>)
> beefaa9e-a868-4a36-9ca8-b301cd6ae17f 20180731 1 900000000000012004 762103008 734146004 Prefix(xml:=<>)
> f81c24fb-c40a-4b28-9adb-85f748f71395 20180731 1 900000000000012004 762103008 734147008 Ontology(<>)

Relationship files1796
1770 new records, plus 1796 records updated - likely due to the introduction of the new OWL files, Kai confirmed no way of validating this is correct
< c4de4be5-6d39-4ae8-8974-ebb1aadf0f92 20180131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705111002 410662002 900000000000461009 2
> c4de4be5-6d39-4ae8-8974-ebb1aadf0f93 20180131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705111002 734866006 900000000000461009 2
< cf88d18f-d05a-407a-bea8-cd46fc79accb 20180131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705109006 900000000000444006 900000000000461009 3
> cf88d18f-d05a-407a-bea8-cd46fc79accc 20180131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705109006 734867002 900000000000461009 3

AttributeValue files


ISRS-311 +


1 record removed:

> 5c2e859a-488d-4ddc-8236-b80266440ec3 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 2153861015 723277005

1 new record:

> 95cd0c3b-31d3-4f82-82fd-befdbe5b0b1f 20180131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 482041016 723277005

These are a result of the records reverted in ISRS-311, as expected as one inactive description was removed, and one active description removed (plus born inactives removed in ISRS-312 as planned)

AssociationReference files (had to compare manually due to naming convention change)3

ISRS-296 +


2 Historical Association records removed completely:

c9973797-b81c-4ec9-b816-707d8fa96e01 20180131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000527005 88359004 416327007 (EXPECTED - ISRS-296)

6dc07e8a-2f70-4eb2-a7f3-7194a996fb32 20180131 1 900000000000207008 734138000 5597008 368577001 (EXPECTED - ISRS-297)

Description files1195




1188 records updated as expected due to case significance fixes made in ISRS-302 +

7 records updated (moduleID's only) as expected in ISRS-308 +

2 records removed (reverted) as expected in ISRS-311

Sent Beta to Peter for final validation against his bulk case significance changes - Peter confirmed all changes validly applied as intended - see ISRS-302 for details

Language files4

ISRS-311 +


4 records re-activated ????????? LOOKS LIKE INACTIVATION RECORDS HAVE BEEN REMOVED???????

< 521b8342-acc2-5b6d-8c86-0472b2fb58c4 20180131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 482041016 900000000000548007
> 521b8342-acc2-5b6d-8c86-0472b2fb58c4 20020731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 482041016 900000000000549004

< 82f54bcb-7389-5d08-b00e-5a3345cacf71 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 2153861015 900000000000549004
> 82f54bcb-7389-5d08-b00e-5a3345cacf71 20040131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 2153861015 900000000000549004

< e028c02e-13b2-52f3-9fb8-d28f7c74d7f1 20180131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 482041016 900000000000549004
> e028c02e-13b2-52f3-9fb8-d28f7c74d7f1 20030731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 482041016 900000000000549004

< e71c09f0-2aa6-5d9e-9551-37c10e5e948c 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 2153861015 900000000000548007
> e71c09f0-2aa6-5d9e-9551-37c10e5e948c 20040131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 2153861015 900000000000548007

Yes - Delta file has had 4 records removed since the Alpha:

< 521b8342-acc2-5b6d-8c86-0472b2fb58c4 20180131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 482041016 900000000000548007
< 82f54bcb-7389-5d08-b00e-5a3345cacf71 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 2153861015 900000000000549004
< e028c02e-13b2-52f3-9fb8-d28f7c74d7f1 20180131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 482041016 900000000000549004
< e71c09f0-2aa6-5d9e-9551-37c10e5e948c 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 2153861015 900000000000548007

These are a result of the records reverted in ISRS-311, as expected as one inactive description was removed, and one active description removed (plus born inactives removed in ISRS-312 as planned)

ExtendedMap files (ICD-10)1

1 record removed:

< 8bd3e187-70af-5eda-ac94-847bfb1300ab 20180131 0 449080006 447562003 372934002 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS B48.4 B48.4 447561005 447637006
> 8bd3e187-70af-5eda-ac94-847bfb1300ab 20150731 1 449080006 447562003 372934002 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS B48.4 B48.4 447561005 447637006

As expected, confirmed by Donna via email at 17:09 on 06/12/2017:

"yes that 1 record snuck in from drip feed and  is to be included in the July 2018 release."

Simple Refset files28


28 records inactivated, as expected due to Yong's Lateralizable refset fixes in ISRS-301SimpleMap files68


68 records inactivated, as expected due to Yong's Topology changes in ISRS-303Stated Relationship files3


3 updated relationships, as confirmed by Monica in ISRS-308:

< 7981457026 20180131 1 900000000000207008 734147008 762947003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 7981457026 20180131 1 900000000000012004 734147008 762947003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002

< 7981458020 20180131 1 900000000000207008 733929006 762947003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 7981458020 20180131 1 900000000000012004 733929006 762947003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002

< 7981459028 20180131 1 900000000000207008 734146004 762947003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 7981459028 20180131 1 900000000000012004 734146004 762947003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002

Readme filen/aAlpha to Beta wording changes + change to AssociationReference file naming convention, as expected

January 2018 Alpha (Version 4) vs Beta (Version 5) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleALL files 


AttributeValue files


1 record inactivated:

> 5c2e859a-488d-4ddc-8236-b80266440ec3 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 2153861015 723277005

2 new records:

> 8a033490-69d3-4227-b0d7-e73e26f13478 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 81003012 723278000


Following record removed as expected due to Maria's fix in ISRS-295:

8a033490-69d3-4227-b0d7-e73e26f13478 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 81003012 723278000

> 95cd0c3b-31d3-4f82-82fd-befdbe5b0b1f 20180131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 482041016 723277005AssociationReference files (had to compare manually due to naming convention change)3

ISRS-296 +


1 new inactivated Historical Association:

b409f226-de0e-4159-887d-ce79974165c4 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000531004 81003012 238625005


Following record removed as expected due to Maria's fix in ISRS-295:

b409f226-de0e-4159-887d-ce79974165c4 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000531004 81003012 238625005

2 Historical Association records removed completely:

c9973797-b81c-4ec9-b816-707d8fa96e01 20180131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000527005 88359004 416327007 (EXPECTED - ISRS-296)

6dc07e8a-2f70-4eb2-a7f3-7194a996fb32 20180131 1 900000000000207008 734138000 5597008 368577001 (EXPECTED - ISRS-297)

Description files1203

1199 records updated +

4 new records

Language files4

4 records re-activated ????????? LOOKS LIKE INACTIVATION RECORDS HAVE BEEN REMOVED???????

< 521b8342-acc2-5b6d-8c86-0472b2fb58c4 20180131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 482041016 900000000000548007
> 521b8342-acc2-5b6d-8c86-0472b2fb58c4 20020731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 482041016 900000000000549004

< 82f54bcb-7389-5d08-b00e-5a3345cacf71 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 2153861015 900000000000549004
> 82f54bcb-7389-5d08-b00e-5a3345cacf71 20040131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 2153861015 900000000000549004

< e028c02e-13b2-52f3-9fb8-d28f7c74d7f1 20180131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 482041016 900000000000549004
> e028c02e-13b2-52f3-9fb8-d28f7c74d7f1 20030731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 482041016 900000000000549004

< e71c09f0-2aa6-5d9e-9551-37c10e5e948c 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 2153861015 900000000000548007
> e71c09f0-2aa6-5d9e-9551-37c10e5e948c 20040131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 2153861015 900000000000548007

Yes - Delta file has had 4 records removed since the Alpha:

< 521b8342-acc2-5b6d-8c86-0472b2fb58c4 20180131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 482041016 900000000000548007
< 82f54bcb-7389-5d08-b00e-5a3345cacf71 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 2153861015 900000000000549004
< e028c02e-13b2-52f3-9fb8-d28f7c74d7f1 20180131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 482041016 900000000000549004
< e71c09f0-2aa6-5d9e-9551-37c10e5e948c 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 2153861015 900000000000548007

ExtendedMap files (ICD-10)1

1 record removed: ????????? LOOKS LIKE INACTIVATION RECORD HAS BEEN REMOVED???????

< 8bd3e187-70af-5eda-ac94-847bfb1300ab 20180131 0 449080006 447562003 372934002 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS B48.4 B48.4 447561005 447637006
> 8bd3e187-70af-5eda-ac94-847bfb1300ab 20150731 1 449080006 447562003 372934002 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS B48.4 B48.4 447561005 447637006

Simple Refset files2828 records inactivatedSimpleMap files6868 records inactivatedStated Relationship files4

1 new inactivation:

> 7333028021 20180131 0 900000000000207008 205802006 263934009 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002


Following record removed as expected by Michael, due to being born inactive (see ISRS-288):

7333028021 20180131 0 900000000000207008 205802006 263934009 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002

Plus 3 updated relationships:

< 7981457026 20180131 1 900000000000207008 734147008 762947003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 7981457026 20180131 1 900000000000012004 734147008 762947003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002

< 7981458020 20180131 1 900000000000207008 733929006 762947003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 7981458020 20180131 1 900000000000012004 733929006 762947003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002

< 7981459028 20180131 1 900000000000207008 734146004 762947003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 7981459028 20180131 1 900000000000012004 734146004 762947003 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002

Readme filen/aAlpha to Beta wording changes + change to AssociationReference file naming convention, as expected

January 2018 Alpha (Version 2) to January 2018 Alpha (Version 4) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleRefsetDescriptor files11 records11 new records, detailing the new LOINC 705111002 |Map correlation and origin type reference set| + 705109006 |Code to expression type reference set|, as expectedMRCMAttributeDomain files36 records 

12 records updated - this initially looked like an error with the UUID's, however subsequently proved it to be okay because the comparison here is just between the 2 versions of the Alphas (2 and 4), and so the 12 records updated are the UUID's only, which are getting regenerated on each new build for all 12 new records, as expected. To see the correct number of expected new/updated records for the whole refset, we need to wait until we run the comparison between July2107Prod and Jan2018AlphaVersion4.... +

Exactly as expected in the comparison between July2107Prod and Jan2018AlphaVersion4, there were 38 records updated (25 updated and 13 new), which matched exactly to the number of changes planned by Linda in her Jan 2018 MRCM refset sheet:

MRCMAttributeRange files31 records 

9 new records +

Exactly as expected in the comparison between July2107Prod and Jan2018AlphaVersion4, there were 32 records updated (22 updated and 10 new), which matched exactly to the number of changes planned by Linda in her Jan 2018 MRCM refset sheet:

MRCMDomain files17 records 17 new records created by Linda (this is a new file introduced in the July 2017 International Edition), as expected from her master sheet: Reference files1 record

ISRS-289 +


Following record removed as expected due to Maria's fix in ISRS-295:

b409f226-de0e-4159-887d-ce79974165c420180131090000000000020700890000000000053100481003012238625005Attribute Value files1 record

ISRS-293 +


Following record removed as expected due to Maria's fix in ISRS-295:

8a033490-69d3-4227-b0d7-e73e26f1347820180131090000000000020700890000000000049000381003012723278000Stated Relationship files1 record


Following record removed as expected by Michael, due to being born inactive (see ISRS-288):


January 2018 Alpha (Version 1) to January 2018 Alpha (Version 2) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleAssociation Reference files1 record

ISRS-289 +


Following record removed as expected due to Maria's fix in ISRS-295:

b409f226-de0e-4159-887d-ce79974165c4 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000531004 81003012 238625005

Attribute Value files1 record

ISRS-293 +


Following record removed as expected due to Maria's fix in ISRS-295:

8a033490-69d3-4227-b0d7-e73e26f13478 20180131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 81003012 723278000

Stated Relationship files1 record


Following record removed as expected by Michael, due to being born inactive (see ISRS-288):

7333028021 20180131 0 900000000000207008 205802006 263934009 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002

July 2017 Production (PUBLISHED) to January 2018 Alpha (Version 4) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleRefsetDescriptor files11 records11 new records, detailing the new LOINC 705111002 |Map correlation and origin type reference set| + 705109006 |Code to expression type reference set|, as expectedAssociation Reference files1321 records 

977 new records, added as a result of the inactivations for this cycle - whilst this is significantly more than last cycle, Yong is confident that this aligns with his rough approximation of the number of concept inactivationsi nthe latest editing cycle.

344 updated records (as part of the normal authoring cycle updates, exported from the termServer)

46 records added/updated for the SEP refsets, as per Yong's confirmed changes.

MCH completed a review of these changes, in order to confirm that the correct data was being pulled out of the termServer vs the externallyMaintainedRefset folder (due to this being the first time we've used this split-source functionality), and concluded that it was working correctly:

Attribute Value files12738 records 

12493 new records +

245 updated records

(no data on this from Content Team Lead (Yong) confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount in his email at 21:41 on  

Language refset files66664 records 

46802 new records +

19862 updated records

(no data on this from Content Team Lead (Yong) confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount in his email at 21:41 on  

Extended Map files2947 records 

2464 new records +

483 updated records, as expected from the ICD-10 map Delta file that WCI sent us from the mapping tool export

Simple Map files4992 records 

4979 new records added for CTV3 (as part of the normal authoring cycle updates, exported from the termServer - this is the exact expected amount as it matches exactly the number of new concepts created in the latest authoring cycle)

+ 13 new/updated records for ICD-0 as expected, matching the 13 records in the Delta from mapping tool.

Simple refset files52 records 

42 new records +

10 updated (inactivated) records, as expected from the Lateralizable Refset changes that Yong made in this cycle, exported in a Delta file from the Refset tool

ModuleDependency files3 records 3 records (2x ICD-10 and 1x Core module) updated from July 2017 to January 2018 as expectedConcept files6628 records 

4979 new records +

868 updated concepts +

781 Inactivated concepts - matches exactly with cut off QA report:

Description files34980 records 

23561 new descriptions

1595 updated descriptions +

9824 Inactivated descriptions

(no data on this from Content Team Lead (Yong) confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount in his email at 21:41 on

Inferred Relationship files53065 records 

39927 new/updated relationships +

13138 Inactivated relationships

(no data on this from Content Team Lead (Yong) confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount in his email at 21:41 on

Stated Relationship files39885 records 

30019 new records +

225 updated relationships +

9641 Inactivated relationships

(no data on this from Content Team Lead (Yong) confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount in his email at 21:41 on

TextDefinition files196 records 

196 new TextDefinitions +

1 updated TextDefinition +

5 Inactivated TextDefinitions

(no data on this from Content Team Lead (Yong) confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount in his email at 21:41 on

MRCMAttributeDomain files38 records 

25 records updated +

13 new records, as expected as per Linda's updated master sheet for the January 2018 cycle:

MRCMAttributeRange files32 records 

10 new records +

22 records updated, as expected as per Linda's updated master sheet for the January 2018 cycle:

MRCMDomain files8 records 

2 new records +

6 records updated, as expected as per Linda's updated master sheet for the January 2018 cycle:

Readme filen/aUpdated for Jan 2018 Alpha as expected.

July 2017 Production (PUBLISHED) to January 2018 Alpha (Version 2) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleALL files 


Association Reference files1275 records 

937 new records, added to ?????????????????? (as part of the normal authoring cycle updates, exported from the termServer)

338 updated records (as part of the normal authoring cycle updates, exported from the termServer)

Attribute Value files12738 records 

12493 new records +

245 updated records

(no data on this from ???????????????????? Content Team Lead (Yong) confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount....

Language refset files66664 records 

46802 new records +

19862 updated records

(no data on this from ???????????????????? Content Team Lead (Yong) confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount....

Extended Map files0 records 

ZERO changes since July 2017 PRODUCTION Release ???????????!!!!!!!!!!

Simple Map files4979 records 

4979 new records added - ?????????? CTV3 records (as part of the normal authoring cycle updates, exported from the termServer - this is the exact expected amount as it matches exactly the number of new concepts created in the latest authoring cycle, plus Yong confirmed expected number in email at 09:51 on  ) + ????????????? ICD-0 records (95 in Delta from mapping tool, so have emailed Donna to explain the 10 random inactivations on

Simple refset files0 records 

ZERO changes since July 2017 PRODUCTION Release ???????????!!!!!!!!!!

ModuleDependency files3 records 3 records (2x ICD-10 and 1x Core module) updated from Jan 2017 to July 2017 as expectedConcept files11766 records 

11154 new/updated concepts - HOWEVER ONLY 10773 new concepts in cut off QA report: + Content Team Lead (Yong) confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount....

612 Inactivated concepts - matches exactly with cut off QA report:

Description files818698 records 

805879 new/updated descriptions (including 776169 updated records due to caseSignificance changes) +

12692 Inactivated descriptions

(no data on this from Content Team Lead (Yong) confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount....

Inferred Relationship files76019 records 

58400 new/updated relationships +

17619 Inactivated relationships

(no data on this from Content Team Lead (Yong) confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount....

Stated Relationship files53826 records 

46137 new/updated relationships +

7689 Inactivated relationships

(no data on this from Content Team Lead (Yong) confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount....

TextDefinition files737 records 

726 new/updated TextDefinitions +

11 Inactivated TextDefinitions

(no data on this from Content Team Lead (Yong) confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount....

MRCMAttributeDomain files36 records 

23 records updated +

13 new records, ?????????? as expected ???????????

MRCMAttributeRange files31 records 

9 new records +

21 records updated ?????????? as expected ???????????

MRCMDomain files17 records 17 new records created by Linda (this is a new file introduced in the July 2017 International Edition), as expected from her master sheet: