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SNOMED CT Managed Service - Sweden Extension French Edition package license

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SNOMED CT terminology provides a common language that enables a consistent way of indexing, storing, retrieving, and aggregating clinical data across specialties and sites of care.

L'Agence du Numérique en Santé maintient et distribue l'édition nationale de la SNOMED CT en français.

L'The International Health Terminology Standards Development organisation (IHTSDO®), trading as connue sous le nom de SNOMED International, maintains the SNOMED CT technical design, the content architecture, the SNOMED CT content (includes the concepts table, the descriptions table, the relationships table, a history table, and ICD mappings), and related technical documentation.


This document provides a summarized description of the content changes included in the May 2024 release of the SNOMED Clinical Terms® Managed Service Sweden Extension package.

It will also include technical notes detailing known issues which have been identified (should any of these exist). These are content or technical issues where the root cause is understood, and the fix has been discussed and agreed, but has not yet been implemented.

This Sweden Extension package is dependent upon, and should therefore be consumed in conjunction with the SNOMED CT® February 2024 International Edition release.


This document is written for the purpose described above and is not intended to provide details of the technical specifications for SNOMED CT or encompass every change made during the release.

Content Development Activity 


Content from the SNOMED CT® February 2024 International Edition release has been translated and additional concepts and synonyms have been added for use in Sweden. Some areas for which new concepts and synonyms have been added are:

  • Collaboration and Harmonization
    • Work with National Collaboration Groups (NAG för användning av Snomed CT and Nationella kvalitetsregister) has been ongoing to develop Swedish content and improve the quality of Swedish translations 
    • Work with pathology and microbiology content.
    • Work with professional societies (Dietisternas Riksförbund, Svensk sjuksköterskeförening) has been done to improve the quality of the Swedish translations in these areas.
    • Work with national and local stakeholders to update content in various reference sets. 
  • Quality Assurance

    • Work has been done to reduce duplicate terms including the  correction of 200 duplications with 83 changes to improve disorder content. 
    • Work has also been done to update modeling of content, and address other quality issues in the Swedish translation. 

    • A few areas work has been done to improve Swedish content are listed below. For more detailed information about these areas below visit and see our "Principbeslut" attached to "Språkliga riktlinjer för översättningen av SNOMED CT till svenska".

      • Cervical cord content has uppdated translations
      • Topical content has uppdated translations

Concept statistics

New and Updated Content

New concepts: 51

Table 1 New concepts by hierarchy

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Clinical finding (finding)

18Observable entity (observable entity)8Procedure (procedure)4Body structure (body structure)


Social context (social concept)


gère la conception technique, l'architecture, le contenu de la SNOMED CT (y compris les tables des concepts, des descriptions, des relations, d'historisation et les alignements avec la CIM) et la documentation technique pertinente.

Le contenu de l'édition nationale est également disponible en ligne sur le Serveur Multi Terminologies (SMT) de l'ANS.


Ce document donne un résumé des changements de contenu inclus dans la version de Juin 2024 de l'édition nationale française de la SNOMED Clinical Terms®.

Il peut également contenir des notes techniques détaillant les problèmes connus qui ont été identifié (le cas échéant). Il s'agit de problèmes techniques ou de contenu dont l'origine est connue et dont la solution a été discutée et approuvée, mais n'a pas encore été implémentée.

L'édition nationale française comprend le contenu national (e.g. traductions) et le contenu de l'édition internationale SNOMED CT® de Mai 2024 dont elle dépend.


Ce document est rédigé dans l'objectif décrit ci-dessus et n'a pas pour but de fournir des détails sur les spécifications techniques de la SNOMED CT® ou d'englober toutes les modifications apportées au cours de la version.

Développement de contenu


Le contenu de l'édition internationale SNOMED CT® de Mai 2024 a été partiellement traduit et de nouveaux concepts (métadonnées de l'édition nationale) et synonymes ont été créés.

Le contenu de l'édition internationale SNOMED CT® de Mai 2024 a été inclus, en plus des composants additionnels français cités dans la phrase ci-dessus.

Cette édition contient des concepts, des relations et des reference sets (refsets) pour les professionnels de santé.


Dans cette première édition la majorité des traductions proviennent du French Translation Collaboration Group. Ce groupe a pour vocation la création d'un ensemble partagé de traductions. Charge à chaque pays membre du groupe de conserver les traductions qui lui convienne.

L'ANS a débuté un travail de contrôle qualité sur ce qui a été traduit par le groupe. Ces travaux se poursuivent et le résultat sera mis à disposition au fur et à mesure des publications.

Création et mise à jour du contenu

HiérarchieNombre de concepts traduitsPourcentage de concepts traduits

structure corporelle

Body structure (body structure)

6 88916,4 %

constatation clinique

Clinical finding (finding)

94 28476,9 %

environnement ou lieu géographique

Environment or geographical location (environment/location)

1 79595,8 %


Event (event)

3 16195,9 %

entité observable

Observable entity (observable entity)

1 89217,5 %


Organism (organism)

21 42263,4 %

produit pharmaceutique ou biologique

Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)

8 87834,4 %

force physique

Physical force (physical force)

10359,5 %

objet physique

Physical object (physical object)

3 63026,1


Procedure (procedure)

27 63546,7 %

valeur de l'attribut

Qualifier value (qualifier value)

3 82633,7 %

élément du dossier

Record artifact (record artifact)

418,5 %

SNOMED CT Model Component (metadata)


situation avec contexte explicite

Situation with explicit context (situation)

1 83737,1 %

contexte social

Social context (social concept)

98022,1 %

concept spécial

Special concept (special concept)

42668,8 %


Specimen (specimen)

1 39677,8 %

stadification et échelles

Staging and scales (staging scale)

29418,1 %


Substance (substance)

8 73031,8 %

Pour avoir plus d'informations sur les statistiques de publication, rendez-vous sur le site et sélectionnez l'édition française dans le menu déroulant en haut de la page.

Rapport technique

Problèmes connus

Les problèmes connus sont des problèmes techniques ou de contenu dont l'origine est connue et dont la solution a été discutée et approuvée, mais n'a pas encore été implémentée. Cela peut être dû à un certain nombre de raisons (e.g. un risque d'impact sur la stabilité de la SNOMED CT si le correctif est déployé à cet étape du cycle de vie).

Pour ce cycle de l'édition française, les problèmes identifiés ci-dessous seront résolus dans le prochain cycle d'édition

Descriptions statistics

New descriptions: 5431
Inactivated descriptions: 283
Re-activated descriptions: 0
New translations: 4444

Some concepts have not been translated into Swedish. The reasons for non-translation varies and can include; concepts that are not relevant in a Swedish context or concepts where the name in Swedish and English are equivalent (e.g. the Latin names of organisms).

Reference sets

No new reference sets.

Updated simple reference sets:

  • 62151000052104 |Route of administration reference set, Swedish national medication list (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 68591000052102 |Non-licensed occupations reference set (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 113471000052100 |Presence of transplant, alert information reference set (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 500061000057107 |Microorganism result reference set (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 56431000052106 |Observation status reference set (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 67081000052106 |Medical specializations simple type reference set (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 68581000052104 |Occupation reference set (foundation metadata concept)|

Updated language reference sets:

  • 83461000052100 |ICNP Swedish language type reference set (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 63461000052102 |Context-specific terms language type reference set, Swedish national medication list (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 63451000052100 |Common-language expression language type reference set, Swedish national medication list (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 500191000057100 |Laboratory medicine context language type reference set (foundation metadata concept)|

Technical notes

Known Issues

Known Issues are content or technical issues where the root cause is understood, and the resolution has been discussed and agreed but has yet to be implemented.  This can be due to a number of reasons, from lack of capacity within the current editing cycle, to the risk of impact to the stability of SNOMED CT if the fix were to be deployed at that stage in the Product lifecycle.  

For this cycle of the SNOMED CT Managed Service - Sweden Extension, the following Known Issues were identified, and agreed to be resolved in the next editing cycle :

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Technical notes

Deprecated Refsets

The following refsets are being deprecated from the Sweden Extension Release package from May 2024 onwards.

  • 53391000052105 |Reasons for prescription reference set (foundation metadata concept)|

For this May 2024 release, the Refset files have been completely removed from the Sweden Extension Release package.

Note:  However, the RefsetDescriptor record(s) for these deprecated Refsets remain in the package (and remain active), as the Descriptor patterns themselves are still valid, and therefore standard practice dictates that they remain in place.

Please contact the Swedish National Release Center via for any further details, or if you need assistance with these deprecations.

Notice of changes to the International Edition Release Schedule

As you may already know SNOMED International have transitioned to a monthly delivery schedule for the International Edition of SNOMED CT. The move towards more frequent releases of SNOMED CT realizes several benefits, including:

  • The potential to be able to get content changes into the terminology in a shorter time frame.
  • The fostering of better interoperability, as a result of entities being able to consume release content that is more aligned with other organizations.
  • The prevention of circular dependencies that occur in longer projects, due to the move towards smaller, more manageable authoring projects.
  • More automated validation services, as a result of the inherent removal of the Alpha/Beta stages in the Release cycle.

Whilst most users will continue unaffected (as they can simply continue to download the releases every 6 months as always), this transition will necessarily involve a few changes to process/packages:

  • Delta files have been removed from both International and Managed Service release packages, including the Sweden Extension.  A Delta Generation service will be provided for those who need it. The Delta Generation Tool allows users to create their own Delta between two fixed release dates - you can find it here:
  • The ICD-O/ICD-10 Maps will continue to be published in each Monthly International Edition release package (in line with that month's content) for the foreseeable future, unless we experience issues with the new process in Production, and they need to be removed at a later date.

The first monthly Release of the SNOMED CT International Edition was published on the 28th February 2022 with the Delta files having been removed, and therefore they will be removed from the Sweden Extension from the May 2022 Release onwards.

Please note - While the SNOMED CT International Edition is moving to monthly releases, the Sweden Extension of SNOMED CT will remain on the current bi-annual release schedule of May and November.

Notice of changes to the SE Extension Release package

In line with the new implementation of Annotations, two new refsets have been added to the International Edition Release package, from December 2023 onwards:

  • der2_scsRefset_ComponentAnnotationStringValueSnapshot_INT_20231201.txt
  • der2_sscsRefset_MemberAnnotationStringValueSnapshot_INT_20231201.txt

The latest version of the SE Extension release is based upon the February 2024 International Edition, and therefore these Annotations file types will also be included in the SE Extension release package from the May 2024 SE release onwards, until further notice:

  • der2_scsRefset_ComponentAnnotationStringValueFull_SE1000052_20240531.txt
  • der2_scsRefset_ComponentAnnotationStringValueSnapshot_SE1000052_20240531.txt
  • der2_sscsRefset_MemberAnnotationStringValueFull_SE1000052_20240531.txt
  • der2_sscsRefset_MemberAnnotationStringValueSnapshot_SE1000052_20240531.txt

These refset files are empty for the May 2024 SE Extension release, whilst content is being authored for future editing cycles. 

Notes techniques

S'agissant de la première édition nationale française, elle ne fait pas l'objet de justifications techniques particulières.

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Final Version





22 May  

Erica CulpMael Le Gall


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Draft Amendment History

22 May Maryam Razavi







Andrew AtkinsonInitial draft created



Terance ShirdMinor updates


Mael Le GallFinal changes made