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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.
August 2022

February 2023 PRE-PRODUCTION (Version 1) vs

August 2022

February 2023 PRODUCTION (Version


1) traceability

Summary Component Stats report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Readme file


>                 sct2_TextDefinition_Full-de_AT1000234_20220815.txt

Other than that the usual expected changes for the removal of x prefixes, Production naming convention, etc

RefsetDescriptor files

2 new records refreshed with NEW UUID'S as expected - though this is curious as weren't required to be refreshed in the moduleDependency files?? Keep an eye on UUID's in next AT release...

ModuleDependency files22 new records NOT refreshed with NEW UUID'S as expected, as now we've versioned the effectiveTime and UUID's should remain constant
August 2022 PREPRODUCTION (Version 16) vs August 2022

x prefixes removed, and Production naming conventions added, etc - all as expected

August 2022 PRODUCTION (PUBLISHED) vs February 2023 PRE-PRODUCTION (Version 1) traceability

Summary Component Stats report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Readme file


Other than that the usual expected changes for the removal of x prefixes, Production naming convention, etc

RefsetDescriptor files

2 new records refreshed with NEW UUID'S as expected

ModuleDependency files22 new records refreshed with NEW UUID'S as expected

August 2022 PREPRODUCTION (Version 15) vs August 2022 PREPRODUCTION (Version 16) traceability

Summary Component Stats report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleAttribute Value files1


1 record removed????  Part of ISRS-1277 FIXES????  ASKED ELENA IN TICKET....

< 41df83ef-9432-5bbc-b72d-bfb9143c4c94    20220815    0    11000234105    900000000000490003    49759013    900000000000494007

MCH confirmed the fix is as expected due to fixes in INFRA-9278

Language Refset files4


4 records removed, as expected due to ISRS-1277 fixes:

< 192b79aa-f5c5-5931-a9b3-8756c7f393b7    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000508004    551763018    900000000000548007
< 5ca79a96-3b06-51ba-ad53-46ea6d656b11    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000508004    263504010    900000000000548007
< 8f5062d0-bb8f-552b-80c9-e8c9f36342f3    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000509007    551763018    900000000000548007
< ac2ca5fe-6885-52d7-9355-788dc042135b    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000509007    263504010    900000000000548007

RefsetDescriptor files

2 new records refreshed with NEW UUID'S as expected

Association refset files0

0 new records added, plus

0 records inactivated expected as matches exactly the Summary Component Stats report above.

AttributeValue files15

15 new records added, plus

0 records inactivated expected as matches exactly the Summary Component Stats report above.

Language refset (DE) files57

43 new records added, plus

14 records inactivated expected as matches exactly the Summary Component Stats report above.

Language refset (EN) files0

0 new records added, plus

0 records inactivated expected as matches exactly the Summary Component Stats report above.

Concept files0

0 new records added, plus

0 records inactivated expected as matches exactly the Summary Component Stats report above.

Description (DE) files49

35 new records added, plus

14 records inactivated expected as matches exactly the Summary Component Stats report above.

Description (EN) files0

0 new records added, plus

0 records inactivated expected as matches exactly the Summary Component Stats report above.

Relationship files3

1 new records added, plus

2 records inactivated expected as matches exactly the Summary Component Stats report above.

Relationship Concrete Values files0

0 new records added, plus

0 records inactivated expected as matches exactly the Summary Component Stats report above.

OWL Axiom files0

0 new records added, plus

0 records inactivated expected as matches exactly the Summary Component Stats report above.

TextDefinition files0

0 new records added, plus

0 records inactivated expected as matches exactly the Summary Component Stats report above.

Readme file

x prefixes added, PreProduction naming conventions added, etc - all as expected

RefsetDescriptor files0

0 new records added, plus

0 records inactivated expected as no changes reported by the NRC in the MSSP ticket MSSP-1836

ModuleDependency files2
2 new records refreshed with NEW dates as expected
ModuleDependency files22 new records refreshed with NEW UUID'S as expected

August 2022 PREPRODUCTION (Version 14) vs August 2022 PREPRODUCTION (Version 15) traceability

Summary Component Stats report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleLanguage Refset files00 fixes, NOT as expected due to ISRS-1277 fixesRefsetDescriptor files

2 new records refreshed with NEW UUID'S as expected

ModuleDependency files22 new records refreshed with NEW UUID'S as expected

August 2022 PREPRODUCTION (Version 12) vs August 2022 PREPRODUCTION (Version 14) traceability

Summary Component Stats report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale.JSON fileNow populated with the correct dataRefsetDescriptor files

2 new records refreshed with NEW UUID'S as expected

ModuleDependency files22 new records refreshed with NEW UUID'S as expected

August 2022 PREPRODUCTION (Version 4) vs August 2022 PREPRODUCTION (Version 12) traceability

Summary Component Stats report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale.JSON fileNow populated with the correct dataRefsetDescriptor files

2 new RefsetDescriptor records added for the the AT Language Refset, as expected:

> 05e6cbc9-bb6e-4d8e-93a4-c0f908236f94    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000456007    21000234103    900000000000511003    900000000000461009    1
> ab3803df-5020-433f-8721-20e8531c8823    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000456007    21000234103    900000000000510002    900000000000462002    0

ModuleDependency files22 new records refreshed with NEW UUID'S as planned

April 2022 BETA (PUBLISHED) vs August 2022 PREPRODUCTION (Version 4) traceability

Summary Component Stats report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale.JSON file0EMPTY!  Needs fixing...RefsetDescriptor filesRefsetDescriptor records MISSING for 2x Language Refsets????ModuleDependency files22 records refreshed with NEW UUID'S as planned

April 2022 BETA (PUBLISHED) vs August 2022 PREPRODUCTION (Version 3) traceability

Summary Component Stats report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleModuleDependency files2Updated to August 2022 dates as expected, with NEW UUID'S (as planned?? YES, as confirmed by Terance via Slack at 16:31 on 21/07/22)Readme filen/aUpdated to August 2022 dates as expectedDescription (DE) files328

325 just updated with effectiveTime ONLY, as expected as previous release was BETA release only so this is first OFFICIAL Publishing of these records.

+ 3 new records for latest cycle

Matches exact count of new records in the Summary Component Stats report above...(when you take into account the 2 extra ">" characters in the RF2 files - means there are only 326 new records for DE + 12 for EN = 328, same as report)

To be confirmed by AT NRC during PreProd validation.......

Description (EN) files12

12 just updated with effectiveTime ONLY, as expected as previous release was BETA release only so this is first OFFICIAL Publishing of these records.

+ 0 new records for latest cycle

Matches exact count of new records in the Summary Component Stats report above...

To be confirmed by AT NRC during PreProd validation.......

Language (DE) files326

323 just updated with effectiveTime ONLY, as expected as previous release was BETA release only so this is first OFFICIAL Publishing of these records.

+ 3 new records for latest cycle

Matches exact count of new records in the Summary Component Stats report above...

To be confirmed by AT NRC during PreProd validation.......

Language (EN) files16

16 just updated with effectiveTime  ONLY, as expected as previous release was BETA release only so this is first OFFICIAL Publishing of these records.

+ 2 records had their ModuleID's updated for latest cycle:

  • 3ca60794-5352-4b18-8760-3851c5498329    20220430    1    900000000000207008    900000000000509007    21000234119    900000000000548007
  • 3ca60794-5352-4b18-8760-3851c5498329    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000509007    21000234119    900000000000548007
  • 7a50d059-dd8f-4e01-a2a4-de9be568f0c7    20220430    1    900000000000207008    900000000000509007    11000234114    900000000000548007
  • 7a50d059-dd8f-4e01-a2a4-de9be568f0c7    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000509007    11000234114    900000000000548007


Matches exact count of new records in the Summary Component Stats report above...

Either way, it looks correct now (as it matches all 16 records in the file, all of which are under the Austrian Module), so will proceed as it stands.

Concept files4

4 records updated with effectiveTime ONLY, as expected as previous release was BETA release only so this is first OFFICIAL Publishing of these records:

< 10021000234102    20220430    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
< 10031000234104    20220430    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
< 11000234105    20220430    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
< 21000234103    20220430    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
> 10021000234102    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
> 10031000234104    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
> 11000234105    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
> 21000234103    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000074008

+ 0 new records for latest cycle

Matches exact count of new records in the Summary Component Stats report above...

To be confirmed by AT NRC during PreProd validation.......

Inferred Relationship files10

10 just updated with effectiveTime ONLY, as expected as previous release was BETA release only so this is first OFFICIAL Publishing of these records.

+ 0 new records for latest cycle

Matches exact count of new records in the Summary Component Stats report above...

To be confirmed by AT NRC during PreProd validation.......

Concrete Relationship files1

1 just updated with effectiveTime ONLY, as expected as previous release was BETA release only so this is first OFFICIAL Publishing of these records.

+ 0 new records for latest cycle

Matches exact count of new records in the Summary Component Stats report above...

To be confirmed by AT NRC during PreProd validation.......

Stated Relationship files0

All 0 records remain untouched as expected

OWL files4

4 just updated with effectiveTime ONLY, as expected as previous release was BETA release only so this is first OFFICIAL Publishing of these records.

+ 0 new records for latest cycle

Matches exact count of new records in the Summary Component Stats report above...

To be confirmed by AT NRC during PreProd validation.......

AttributeValue files15

7 records just updated with effectiveTime ONLY, as expected as previous release was BETA release only so this is first OFFICIAL Publishing of these records.

+ 8 new records for latest cycle

Matches exact count of new records in the Summary Component Stats report above...(when you take into account the one extra Born Inactive record in the RF2 files)

To be confirmed by AT NRC during PreProd validation.......