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RMT:SNOMED CT International Patient Set (IPS) RF2 Refset IPS Terminology release package licenseRMT:
SNOMED CT International Patient Set (IPS) RF2 Refset IPS Terminology release package license

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SNOMED International has introduced the SNOMED International IPS Terminology release to support the sharing of patient health information coded with SNOMED CT without the need for a SNOMED International license. 

The International The SNOMED CT International Patient Summary (IPS) refset is designed to standardize and record basic medical data that includes the most important clinical information to patient safety and healthcare. The SNOMED CT IPS refset terms have been harmonized with and supports the contents of the HL7 International Patient Summary (HL7 IPS) and CEN's European Standard for the Patient Summary. is an electronic health record extract of essential healthcare information designed to support the needs for ‘unplanned, cross border care’, as well as additional use cases for sharing healthcare information across boundaries. The 2021 promotions from the Global Digital Health Partnership (GDHP) and the G7 have prompted a global effort in the adoption and implementation of the IPS. 

SNOMED International owns and maintains SNOMED CT, the international clinical terminology standard used in electronic health information systems. Because SNOMED CT is adopted globally for health data capture, interoperability, and analytics, the terminology can promote  adoption and implementation of the IPS. Since 2019, SNOMED International has provided a IPS Free Set for non-Members, which is created and maintained in collaboration with HL7 International and CEN. And starting in 2022, SNOMED International will further facilitate the global momentum for IPS, and has created an IPS  subontology from SNOMED CT content. This evolution of the HL7 IPS Free Set, provides advanced features of SNOMED CT for non-affiliates to use in their IPS solutions.

The new IPS Terminology is the next evolution of the HL7 IPS free set, providing advanced terminology features for non-Affiliates to use in their IPS implementations.

This refset includes a set of SNOMED CT content from the International Release as defined by the scope in 2.1. below. 

This document provides information about the IPS RF2 refset package.  It does not include a discussion or recommendation regarding the broader set of all SNOMED CT terms that are related to the IPS. 

The BETA release package is distributed for evaluation purposes only. It must not be used in production clinical systems or in clinical settings, or distributed to Affiliate Licensees or any third parties at this time.  


In 2019, SNOMED International and Health Level Seven International (HL7) announced the formalization of a license agreement in which a relevant "Free for Use" Set of SNOMED CT coded concepts will be used within the HL7 International Patient Summary (HL7 IPS). HL7 is a not-for-profit, ANSI-accredited standards developing organization dedicated to providing a comprehensive framework and related standards for the exchange, integration, sharing and retrieval of electronic health information that supports clinical practice and the management, delivery and evaluation of health services. The HL7 IPS is a minimal and non-exhaustive patient summary dataset, specialty-agnostic, condition-independent, but readily usable by clinicians for the cross-border unscheduled care of a patient. The collaboration is consistent with the aims of both organizations to support international harmonization.  


An IPS document is an electronic health record extract containing essential healthcare information for use in the unscheduled, cross-border care scenario, as well as for local, regional and other care scenarios.

The International Patient Summary (IPS) is a minimal and non-exhaustive set of basic clinical data of a patient, specialty-agnostic, condition-independent, but readily usable by all clinicians. The primary use case for the IPS is to support cross-border, unscheduled patient care. However, it has the potential to be used in many other use cases where the patient crosses information systems, like travel between provinces, cities, or organizations that use a different Health Information System and require a summary for immediate care. The IPS is maintained by a collaboration of different Standard Development Organizations including ISO, CEN, HL7 International, IHE International, and SNOMED International. To learn more about the IPS please visit the International Patient Summary and the HL7 FHIR IPS Implementation Guide.

In 2019, SNOMED International and Health Level Seven International (HL7) announced the formalization of a license agreement in which a relevant "Free for Use" Set of SNOMED CT coded concepts will be used within the HL7 International Patient Summary (HL7 IPS). HL7 is a not-for-profit, ANSI-accredited standards developing organization dedicated to providing a comprehensive framework and related standards for the exchange, integration, sharing and retrieval of electronic health information that supports clinical practice and the management, delivery and evaluation of health services. The HL7 IPS is a minimal and non-exhaustive patient summary dataset, specialty-agnostic, condition-independent, but readily usable by clinicians for the cross-border unscheduled care of a patient. The collaboration is consistent with the aims of both organizations to support international harmonization. Since 2019, SNOMED International has made a free set of SNOMED CT codes available (the HL7 IPS free set) to support the implementation of the HL7 FHIR IPS specification.

In 2022, SNOMED International has developed the next evolution of the HL7 IPS Free set by providing an advanced terminology features for non-Affiliates to use in their IPS implementations.

The SNOMED International IPS Terminology release is designed as a subontology to facilitate the standardization of the recording of basic medical data that includes the most important clinical information to patient safety and healthcare. The SNOMED CT IPS refset terms have been harmonized with and supports the contents of the HL7 International Patient Summary (HL7 IPS) and CEN's European Standard for the Patient Summary. 


SNOMED International's IPS Terminology represents an evolution of the HL7 IPS Free Set, providing advanced terminology features for non-affiliates to use in their IPS solutions. In particular, it adds a hierarchy, defining relationships and extra synonyms from the SNOMED CT international edition, to form a sub-ontology of SNOMED CT. A sub-ontology is a functional set of concepts and relationships extracted from the full SNOMED CT ontology that provides the following features:

  • It can be loaded in a SNOMED CT compatible terminology server
  • It includes all the active concepts from the HL7 IPS Free Set
  • The concepts are organized into the same hierarchies as the SNOMED CT International Edition (e.g. Clinical Findings, Procedures)
  • The content is expanded to include a minimal set of additional grouper concepts
  • The content also includes (inferred) relationships that define the meaning of the included concepts
  • The US-English and GB-English language reference sets are included just like in the complete International Edition
  • ECL (Expression Constraint Language) queries can be executed over the IPS Terminology to support value set definitions and simple data analytics

Please note that the IPS Terminology contains only a subset of the full international release of SNOMED CT, and therefore the features above are limited to this restricted content.

The IPS Terminology provides the basic terminology features needed to implement the International Patient Summary. However it does not include the full set of the features provided by a complete SNOMED CT edition - including the version history, historical associations, translations, mappings and the more extensive clinical content.

Access to a complete edition of SNOMED CT is available:

Use cases:

An IPS Terminology User Guide has been developed to provide support to non-Affiliates (i.e. users without a license to a full SNOMED CT edition), who need to implement an IPS solution. Examples such as patient data entry, interoperable information exchange, and simple data analytics have been provided. 


The HL7 IPS Free set produced by SNOMED International in collaboration with HL7 and  The SNOMED CT International Patient Summary (IPS) is international in scope and in addition to harmonization with HL7 IPS, is aligned with CEN's European Standard for the Patient Summary . The IPS free set consists of more than 8,000 SNOMED CT terms for use in implementations of the HL7 CDA R2 and FHIR IPS Implementation Guides world-wideworldwide. The SNOMED CT HL7 IPS free set contains concepts that can record the following data: 

  • General information about the patient (e.g.
  • gender)
  • Medical summary of most important clinical data (e.g.
  • allergies, current medical problems, major surgical procedures)
  • A list of current medications

Use cases:

Organizations, information systems, or mHealth apps creating or receiving an HL7 IPS may or may not have a SNOMED CT License. For organizations, regions, or countries that have a SNOMED CT License, the SNOMED CT Free Set enables easier specification of the patient summary requirements and better interoperability, while for those organizations, regions, or countries that do not have SNOMED CT Licenses, the Free Set enables them to use the data for care and to store within their EHRs. For some, it may provide a starting point for migration to use the use of SNOMED CT. We invite additional use case examples to be sent to 


The IPS refset primarily contains concepts that can be used to record general information about the patient, medical summary of the most important clinical patient data, and a list of the current medication the patient is taking. In addition to the 8,000 concepts from the free set, the IPS Terminology includes the parents of those concepts bringing the total to over 13,000 concepts, over 42,000 descriptions, and over 40,000 relationships.



The dependent version of SNOMED CT is the July 2021 January 2022 International Edition release.


Whilst SNOMED International are the owners of SNOMED CT, clinical validation and ownership is provided by the HL7 International. Further information about the content inclusion of the HL7 IPS should be directed to the HL7 IPS working group.   


SNOMED International owns and maintains the IPS Terminology. This is made under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

Additional information about this license specific to SNOMED International’s release of the IPS Terminology:

  • SNOMED CT is © and ® SNOMED International. The right to maintain the IPS Terminology remains vested exclusively in SNOMED International.
  • The Licensee can redistribute the IPS Terminology.
  • The Licensee can create derivatives or implementation-related products and services based on the IPS Terminology.
  • The Licensee cannot claim that SNOMED International or any of its Members endorses the Licensee’s derivative because it uses content from the IPS Terminology.
  • Neither SNOMED International nor any of the contributors accept any liability for the Licensee’s use or redistribution of the IPS Terminology.
  • SNOMED CT® was originally created by the College of American Pathologists.
  • Without obtaining prior written permission from SNOMED International, you are expressly prohibited from using, distributing or reproducing the SNOMED International, SNOMED CT or IPS Terminology logo, service mark or trademark. Please review all terms and conditions of use here.


The first BETA version of the SNOMED International IPS Terminology release was published after the January 2022 The first Production version of the RF2 refset was published after the July 2021 International Edition release of SNOMED CT.  Subsequently it will is currently planned to be maintained annually, in line with each July release of SNOMED CT International Edition.. 

Obtaining the Release

The SNOMED CT IPS RF2 refset is available from SNOMED International and is maintained and updated annually, in line with the latest SNOMED CT International release.

Access within SNOMED International member countries is provided by the Member National Release Centre in each country, via the relevant Member page. Affiliates of SNOMED International in non-member countries can access the refset through their Member Licensing and Distribution SERVICE (MLDS) account. Please contact for more information if required.

The SNOMED International IPS Terminology Beta release is available by emailing 

The sub-ontology can also be viewed on the IPS Terminology Beta Browser

The BETA release package is distributed for evaluation purposes only. It must not be used in production clinical systems or in clinical settings, or distributed to Affiliate Licensees or any third parties at this time.  

SNOMED International is seeking input from the community regarding the URI for the IPS Terminology. While the IPS Terminology is based on the SNOMED CT terminology, it is not a SNOMED CT derivative, therefore the use of a SNOMED CT International Edition derived URI is not applicable. However input from the community for guidance is welcome. Please send feedback to with 'IPS Terminology Release" in the subject box by June 30, 2022.  


Please provide feedback on usage of, or potential improvements to this refset to info@snomedto with  with "IPS RF2 RefsetTerminology Release" in the subject box.

Technical Notes

RF2 package format

The RF2 package convention dictates that it contains all relevant files, regardless of whether or not there is content to be included in each particular release.  Therefore, the package contains a mixture of files which contain both header rows and content data, and also files that are intentionally left blank (including only a header record).  The reason that these files are not removed from the package is to draw a clear distinction between:

  1. ...files that have been deprecated (and therefore removed from the package completely), due to the content no longer being relevant to RF2 in this or future releases, and 
  2. ...files that just happen to contain no data in this particular release (and are therefore included in the package but left blank, with only a header record), but are still relevant to RF2, and could therefore potentially contain data in future releases.

This allows users to easily distinguish between files that have purposefully been removed or not, as otherwise if files in option 2 above were left out of the package it could be interpreted as an error, rather than an intentional lack of content in that release.

RefSet Identification

  • 827022005 |International Patient Summary module (core metadata concept)|
  • 816080008 |International Patient Summary (foundation metadata concept)| - this concept has stated parent |Simple type reference set (foundation metadata concept)|

Please feedback by June 30, 2022. 


The SNOMED International IPS Terminology release User Guide provides information on downloading the package and considerations for its use.  The full url is: 

Technical Notes

Package format

Please note that this product is NOT published in a standard RF2 package convention.  Instead, it is produced as a SNAPSHOT only package, containing only the populated Snapshot files of those components containing pertinent content.  

If you would like to use the full RF2 content, please contact SNOMED International at in order to obtain the full version of SNOMED CT

New files added to the RF2 package format for Derivative products

In order to bring the package format in line with the latest SNOMED International packaging conventions, several new files have been added to the 2021 derivative product release packages:

  • > sct2_RelationshipConcreteValues_IPSDelta_INT_20210731.txt
    > sct2_RelationshipConcreteValues_IPSFull_INT_20210731.txt
    > sct2_RelationshipConcreteValues_IPSSnapshot_INT_20210731.txt
  • > sct2_sRefset_IPSOWLExpressionDelta_INT_20210731.txt
    > sct2_sRefset_IPSOWLExpressionFull_INT_20210731.txt
    > sct2_sRefset_IPSOWLExpressionSnapshot_INT_20210731.txt
  • > der2_ssccRefset_IPSMRCMAttributeRangeDelta_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_ssccRefset_IPSMRCMAttributeRangeFull_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_ssccRefset_IPSMRCMAttributeRangeSnapshot_INT_20210731.txt
  • > der2_sssssssRefset_IPSMRCMDomainDelta_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_sssssssRefset_IPSMRCMDomainFull_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_sssssssRefset_IPSMRCMDomainSnapshot_INT_20210731.txt
  • > der2_cRefset_IPSMRCMModuleScopeDelta_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_cRefset_IPSMRCMModuleScopeFull_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_cRefset_IPSMRCMModuleScopeSnapshot_INT_20210731.txt
  • > der2_cissccRefset_IPSMRCMAttributeDomainDelta_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_cissccRefset_IPSMRCMAttributeDomainFull_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_cissccRefset_IPSMRCMAttributeDomainSnapshot_INT_20210731.txt
These files will likely remain empty of content in this derivative product package, but are included to ensure consistency across the SNOMED International catalog of products


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Suzy RoyApproved


Toni MorrisonRory DavidsonApproved

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Draft Amendment History







Andrew AtkinsonCreated based on previous release notes, dates etc updated + new RF2 files added in accordinglyInitial Version

Sep 2021 

Suzy RoyFinal updates