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titleIn this page:

How to promote a batch task (one with SAC/AAG gateway controls, created from a batch importupload) to include its changes in the parent project. This is an extension of the simpler promotion process for non-complex tasks.

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Batch import upload tasks are identified by a "batch" flag which is set as such during the batch import upload and task creation process. When this flag is set identified as a batch task, the Batch  label appearts appears in the upper-right of the Task View - Task Details panel.

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The batch flag setting task identification activates the task-level Service Acceptance Criteria (SAC) item RVF  item Validation Report Clean which   which is defined within the parent project SAC configuration, as a mandatory manual acceptance item.

titleAdditional SAC already defined for tasks within the project
If any other Task-level SAC are defined for the project, these are also presented as described for Complex tasks.

Manual SAC are presented initially as open checkboxes, each of which can be interactively checked (green-ticked) when the user's role-based access permissions match those configured for that SAC control.

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Until all mandatory task-level SAC are met, task promotion will be blocked and Promote This Task to the Project  in the Task View - Task Details panel actions button list will not be enabled.

titleValidation Report Clean must be satisfied to allow batch task promotion
For batch tasks this means as a minimum 
RVF Report Clean 
{{Validation Report Clean}} must be interactively checked (green-ticket) before the task can be promoted.
titleInternational Authoring - Task SAC - Examples
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Service Acceptance Criteria (SAC) and Authoring Acceptance Gateway (AAG) controlsService Acceptance Criteria (SAC) and Authoring Acceptance Gateway (AAG) controlsnopanel

titleRole-based access controls apply to manual task-level SAC

If the user's authenticated account session roles do not include edit permissions for the task (such as when viewing another author's task), the current manual SAC status will be shown, but cannot be set.

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Press the RVF Validation Report Clean manual  manual SAC checkbox to toggle its status. It will show a green ticked box when checked, indicating its condition is met.

When all mandatory task-level SAC conditions are met for the batch task then promotion is enabled and and both Promote This Task to the Project  and Begin Promotion Automation  in the Task View - Task Details will  action buttons list become active.The example shown in the screenshot shows a Complex task which requires a review to be completed ( "Review complete" mandatory automated Task-level SAC) and also for the author to confirm that the task validation report has no task-level RVF assertion failures ("RVF Report Clean" mandatory manual Task-level SAC).

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Once task promotion is enabled, follow the non-complex task steps (included below) to complete promotion of the task. Although the screenshots show simple tasks without the Batch  label or task-level SAC, the steps to promote once it is enabled are the same for all tasks

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Promote my (non-complex) task changes to their parent project (share with other authors)
Promote my (non-complex) task changes to their parent project (share with other authors)