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Date of Initial Handover meeting: 13th December 202117th June 2022

Date of Final Handover meeting: 16th December 202121st June 2022


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Handover Status



  • Content Team to confirm to Release Manager that 4x MRCM refset files are complete and ready to be released (they are then extracted from the termServer during release builds via the termServer Export)
    1. MBR - done - please see
    2. MBR -
    3. Peter G. Williams to generate + Yong to also create it the old way + compare to ensure valid...
      1. ????Yong/Peter to generate and deliver by ????
    4. Peter G. Williams  to generate + Yong to also create it the old way + compare to ensure valid...
      1. ????Yong/Peter to generate Daily build and deliver by ????
    5. Yong confirmed he will try to follow the deadlines for the monthly releases - 
      1. No expected MRCM changes for the January 2022 release...
    ISRS1112ISRS-1120 - SEP issues - resolved now? 32 issues remain, exception listing requested for 26 of these issues see - Have the devops processes been updated to either run before versioning, or to run against 2 packages (as per Peter's note in the ticket)?
    1. Maria is now running this report along with the others pre-versioning (but AFTER content cut off yesterday), so no need for devops to run this report anymore, as AAT will just use the report that Maria ran this morning.
    1. Latest run is closer than before - Peter now creating a manual block list for exceptions.
    2. See where we are in tomorrow's Final Handover call
  • Lateralisable refset also being run through one last time as we speak - again will check back on that tomorrow
  • done and nothing outstanding other than SEP + Laterality issues...

    Feedback from Spain:

    2 active descriptionshavebeenidentified as FSN but do notincludethesemantic tag in theterm:idtypeIdTerm590999016900000000000003001(Congenital) nipple: [small (& acquired)] or [hypoplasia]661545019900000000000003001Dependence: [cannabis (including marihuana)] or [hallucinogen]

    Checked by MBR: The above concepts are both inactive with effective time 20020131, we will not amend the FSN on inactive concepts to include a semantic tag, please exclude active descriptions on inactive concepts from the validation feedback.

    In thisedition210conceptshavebeendeactivatedwitheffectiveTime = 2021-10-31. In 5concepts, no correspondencewith alternative conceptsisreported in therefsetAssociation.ideffectiveTimeactiveterm216280052021-10-310Anesthesiaforprocedureson perineal integumentarysystem (procedure)318330012021-10-310Anesthesiaforprocedureson seminal vesicles (procedure)428710052021-10-310Anesthesiaforprocedureson labia, vagina, cervixorendometrium (procedure)4421540082021-10-310Dehiscenceofinternalsurgicalwound (disorder)4498630062021-10-310Insertionofpacemakerfor control of atrial fibrillation (procedure)

    Checked by MBR: 

    Non conformance to editorial policy is a valid inactivation reason and does not require a historical association target, please see

    Non-conformance to editorial policy           No association required      

    Applies to a concept which does not adhere to the Editorial guidelines

    AAT has responded to the Spanish NRC accordingly on 16/11/21

    Early visibility of Release Notes

    NOVEMBER ONLY ACTION: Maria Braithwaite and Donna Morgan confirmed we don't need these for the November release - instead they'll just log the change notes in their Trello board and add them into the Jan 2022 release when we get to it in December (Member Release).

    Andrew Atkinson has created the template to update on Confluence: SNOMED CT November 2021 International Edition - SNOMED International Release notes - content team to update with relevant figures for January 2021 content.....

    ACTION: Maria Braithwaite and Donna Morgan will kindly aim to get them to Andrew Atkinson by the date on the Release Schedule

    ACTION: Monica Harry and Paul Amos to review and approve once complete


    Mapping schedule

    However, the new mapping schedule didn't work!

    When WCI tried to upload the maps to the termServer, we hit a wall:

    1. WCI do not have permissions to run swagger!  Should we show Maria how to do it? 
      1. OR, CAN WE SET Authoring permissions on JUST THIS PROJECT for WCI each cycle??
    2. Files MUST BE IMPORTED WITH BLANK EFFECTIVETIMES!!  Otherwise we can't then export them from the termserver!
    3. AAT has raised ticket to provide WCI with the relevant permissions from next release onwards for RMUP prohect ONLY - is this feasible?  
      1. INFRA-7908 - Provide WCI with authoring permissions on RMUP project ONLY
    78 Frequent Delivery Migration December 2021 11 14th December of  9December 2021 Concepts moved elsewhere 1bLC4RkjqT9bcLqqxx0JVQPR7z7MUlqq8OGmo6A98hRo
  • Inactivated concepts
  • Inactivated concepts in ref sets
  • Pre release content validation
  • New and changed components -
  • Release stats
  • Summary Component stats for edition
  • Peter confirmed reports will not be updated now, as most are based on Delta's, and once we've versioned the Delta files will be empty!  So we need to check the original reports run by Maria (above) straight after her authoring checks were complete, and just manually take all of the latest fixes into account.



    Items to be discussed



    Prerelease Content Management Activities:

    1. Inactivate the root concept synonym referencing previous release, and add synonym to reference current release.
    2. Update copyright date on synonym (January releases only)
    3. Generate + Validate SEP Refsets
    4. Generate + Validate Lateralizable Refset

    1. MBR - done manually in the front end - SNOMED Clinical Terms version: 20220630 [R] (June 2022 Release)
    2. MBR - not required as only required in January releases...
    3. Process has generated the data -  post close report 19June2022

    4. Process has generated the data - post close report 19 June 2022


    Discussion of existing Known Issues from the previous Release

    1. 8402 / 
    1. FRI-376 - RefsetDescriptor - RDA confirmed we should just remove them from scope for now, so we’ve raised Dev ticket to fix automated process whilst we continue to generate them manually in the interim...
    2. Traceability failures 
      serverIHTSDO JIRA
       June 2022 release issues logged here
    1. Jira
      serverIHTSDO JIRA
    1. 9168

    Content Validation 

    1. Instead of usual manual Content validation, we now just need confirmation that all Projects had automated validation run against them, and were clean before promotion.
    2. New Issues identified by the community from the previous Monthly Release.
      1. Decision on whether to fix the issues:
        1. VERY QUICKLY in time for this upcoming release?
        2. In good time for the next monthly release?

    1. Content Release Lead confirms to Release Manager that all Projects had automated validation run against them, and all issues identified were resolved before promotion - MBR confirmed all

    Content Team Support availability - Confirm which members of the content team will remain on stand-by until clean database milestone is achieved after release build file QA and post-release assertions are validated.

    November holidays?


    1. done 
    2. MBR: Checked with Yong, no changes to MRCM for June 2022.
    3. Still have traceability failures: All components in the branch traceability summary must also be in the RF2 export. All components in the RF2 export must also be in the branch traceability summary. confirmed false positives see Image Added
      serverIHTSDO JIRA
       June 2022 traceability issues see above
      serverIHTSDO JIRA
    4Mapping schedule

    Chris confirmed today that we would not be able to get the new automated process up and running for this release cycle - therefore need to confirm that everyone is ready to continue with the old manual process for one more cycle?

    Ready for testing but no need to rush this cycle - will be ready for May release...

        1.  First rundeck job will pickup the right date from the Release schedule, and then run the data import

        2. Second rundeck job will be run by Maria (once Mapping tasks are complete), to add 2x new task id's into the job and generate the maps


    Donna confirmed she's happy with the schedule, and they're also already up to date with the final content.

    Mapping process delivered ICD-0 + ICD10 files to AAT on time this cycle

    Did mapping process work well this time??   Yes, process was good

    HOWEVER, the counts don't match Donna's manual counts exactly, so we will investigate further:

    • ICD-0 = Manual mapping count = ???? new records, only ???? new records coming through in Delta files
    • ICD-10 = Manual mapping count = ???? new records, 485 new records coming through in Delta files
      • Donna sent report:
      • Compared Delta file changes to report:
        • Delta file showed most differences were due to 47 updated records in the Delta, in addition to that there was only one missing concept:
          • 1196866006
        • Confirmed with Rick that this was a concept that was added to the content (therefore came through to mapping in the drip feed), and was then removed from the content before the monthly release! 
        • Therefore should be missing from the Delta files - just should also be removed from Donna's manual counts (based on the drip feed) - she will work with Rick to get visibility of the Mapping QA report to remove these concepts from her counts
        • (see email trail at 16:24 on 15/2/2022)

    Maria confirmed manual process went well again this month

    April 2022:

    • Donna ran new report that Rick created to double check no invalid mappings, all clean now
    • Mark/Donna to complete mapping on Monday

    June 2022:

    • Rick to confirm whether or not the difference in the Deleted record count (in the new automated mapping stats report) is anything to be concerned about ....

    New Detailed Stats report (eg) ICD-10:

    Total Changed mapped concepts this release     5
    Total Changed mapped entries (new) this release     5
    Total Changed mapped entries (retired) this release     4
    Total New mapped concepts this release     341
    Total New mapped entries this release     389
    Total Retired mapped concepts this release     77
    Total Retired mapped entries this release     78

    So this "should" translate" to the following diff's in our Diff report:

    Inactivations = 78 + 4 = 82

    New/updated = 389 + 5 = 394

    AAT to check real figures from PROD build on Sunday/Monday to confirm figures now all match up... 

    5Brief run through of the known issues already identified by the content team during the QA batch process, to ensure that technical team are aware of them, and can either resolve them in time for the release, or confirm as known issues.

    Maria confirmed all tickets complete

    6DevOps resource confirmedJoe will be the resource for the June release...
    7Versioning and Change Freeze

    Plan is to follow the new processes as now defined:

    AAT walked through and agreed new process with DevOps already, so unless there are any further questions/issues??

    AAT to sign off PreProduction (unversioned) build before

    10:00 on

    21st June, and then:

    • Versioning + related issues to be completed and resolved as
    • of 5pm on  - DONE!
    8Stats Report

    Reports run via the reporting platform:


    None raised

    1. Timing of the Release validation on 21st in order to allow enough time after sign off to complete re-opening tasks for the AP before 5pm on 21st April as planned - meeting moved to 9:30am on 21st to give us as much time as possible...
    2. Intermittent problems with the 12am Daily Build have been caught by backup 2am Daily Build run so far, BUT could in theory run into problems with the mapping drip feed that also runs at 2am.  However, this should be mopped up by the Saturday drip feed, so shouldn't be a problem - agreed auto-job setup for 3am on Monday morning to catch any stragglers as well...
    3. .
    4. ************************************************************************************************************************
      1. If we find issues during pre-versioning validation this has a knock on effect on the timing of DevOps' versioning
      2. The main concern here is the visibility for the Content Team if we can't get them back up within the same day as planned
      3. Therefore, if we get to 15:00 on the day of versioning and still cannot sign off the PreProd content, we need to let Maria know so that she can give the team plenty of notice that they won't be back in the tool until tomorrow at the earliest.
    6. ************************************************************************************************************************