Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
July 2021 PRODUCTION (PUBLISHED) to January 2022 Member (Version 10

February 2022 PreProduction (version 9 - post-versioning) to February 2022 Production (version 1) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
.JSON file

All fields now populated, as expected

PLUS  "previousPublishedPackage": "",

CHANGED TO "previousPublishedPackage": "", as expected

SimpleMap files1306
1306 records had their UUID's refreshed, as expected due to 1306 new records in this cycle
refsetDescriptor files1

1 new record had UUID refreshed as expected:

< 08b7ff5f-8d05-40d1-8049-bad0d2a58eba 20220228 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193544002 900000000000505001 900000000000461009 1

> a3e46ae7-0da5-461e-8e33-913cd6ae4d20 20220228 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193544002 900000000000505001 900000000000461009 1

February 2022 PreProduction (version 8 - post-versioning) to February 2022 PreProduction (version 9 - post-versioning) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
.JSON file

All fields now populated, as expected

PLUS  "previousPublishedPackage": "",

CHANGED TO "previousPublishedPackage": "", as expected

refsetDescriptor files2

1 record inactivated:

< 48a3c317-795d-4d45-8cab-0cf385849422

RefsetDescriptor files24

Planned changed for Reverse Map refsets from Linda in

  • 17 new refsetDescriptor records added:
  • > 1b0f3059-fe0b-4174-8d84-af015389d7b220220131190000000000001200490000000000045600770511100211935460009000000000004610093> 0e0ff97c-4a91-4d62-8601-8106e7f8cbcc20220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711935440029000000000005000069000000000004610090> 3bfaee84-647e-4469-a673-aaed52de03142022013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051090069000000000005000069000000000004650001> 3bff8547-fe17-48c3-8f77-cecb12f59c342022013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051110029000000000005050019000000000004610090> 4b1ae18f-c2c1-49d9-8a52-3e5f6f694e86202201311900000000000012004900000000000456007119354300811935460009000000000004610092> 55d49025-cb4a-43b0-8d20-d6515bbb21d320220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711876360099000000000005050019000000000004610090> 56f1edbd-b700-4a9d-af7e-50a219bcc1fb202201311900000000000012004900000000000456007119354200311935460009000000000004610092> 5aaea794-b8a3-4d57-912c-28222d40171c20220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711935420039000000000005050019000000000004650001> 7b5ae70c-7d06-4aa6-9c5b-4550e7ac6f41202201311900000000000012004900000000000456007119354400211935460009000000000004610092> 8ff477e9-da58-4731-8a4c-9dab28763fa920220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711935430089000000000005000069000000000004650001> 9052b31b-bce5-4487-ab96-9a13b4010f5e

    20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193544002 900000000000505001 900000000000465000 1







    8b7c-8699b3643a1d20220131190000000000001200490000000000045600770510900611935460009000000000004610094> b6388756-32fc-44cc-a81d-7f90b3ca20ec20220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711935420039000000000005000069000000000004610090> c8792e0e-2d08-4473-9dec-7119b091bc5820220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711876360099000000000005000069000000000004650001> dd6a92b3-a9fd-4faf-9bbe-02494c59a7032022013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051110029000000000005000069000000000004650001> e6efc563-025f-4050-abc2-0606e5f5b0302022013119000000000000120049000000000004560079000000000004960099000000000005050019000000000004650001> f66f05d5-44db-4872-b09a-57412405a49320220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711935430089000000000005050019000000000004610090
  • 1 refsetDescriptor record moved module:
  • < a7b29cee-d563-4e14-9a01-a491a6aab3002017073119000000000002070089000000000004560079000000000004960099000000000005000069000000000004610090> a7b29cee-d563-4e14-9a01-a491a6aab3002022013119000000000000120049000000000004560079000000000004960099000000000005000069000000000004610090
  • …and 6 previous records were inactivated:
  • < 2ce1f83d-a0ab-4c52-a2e9-cf2daa017dac2018013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051090069000000000005050019000000000004650001> 2ce1f83d-a0ab-4c52-a2e9-cf2daa017dac2022013109000000000000120049000000000004560077051090069000000000005050019000000000004650001< 11a85439-228c-4f29-987f-46ac1c732e222018013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051110024496080029000000000004610090> 11a85439-228c-4f29-987f-46ac1c732e222022013109000000000000120049000000000004560077051110024496080029000000000004610090< 7c97da90-d565-40a2-ac06-0c86275202e62018013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051110029000000000005050019000000000004650001> 7c97da90-d565-40a2-ac06-0c86275202e62022013109000000000000120049000000000004560077051110029000000000005050019000000000004650001< 885e163a-5c99-423d-9879-dc9e10599fb52017073119000000000002070089000000000004560079000000000004960099000000000004990029000000000004650001> 885e163a-5c99-423d-9879-dc9e10599fb52022013109000000000002070089000000000004560079000000000004960099000000000004990029000000000004650001< 91871acf-7344-4209-9b37-249486dd2ca82018013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051090064472470049000000000004610094> 91871acf-7344-4209-9b37-249486dd2ca82022013109000000000000120049000000000004560077051090064472470049000000000004610094< eb0accdb-0751-488f-bf71-5ba2acd4e50c2018013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051110024472470049000000000004610093> eb0accdb-0751-488f-bf71-5ba2acd4e50c2022013109000000000000120049000000000004560077051110024472470049000000000004610093

    CONFIRMED CORRECT by Alejandro via email at 20:13 on 16/12/21

    Concept files6754

    1145 records updated, plus

    1174 records inactivated, plus

    3435 records added, expected as the added (3545) + inactivated (3512) totals match exactly with Component Stats report: the updated total (1901) matches exactly with the total records in the Concepts Changed report (5413):

    MINUS the total number of inactivations (3512) - therefore 5413-3512 = 1901

    (plus confirmed by Maria/Yong to be as expected in email trail at 12:18 on  )

    There are 5 reasons for a concept to appear in the delta:   New, Changed DefnStatus, Inactivated, Reactivated, New Inactive

    In the SCS report these columns sum to 6752.

    The following SQL equivalent gives 6754:

    select count(distinct(id)) 
    from concept_f
    where effectiveTime > 20210731;

    I suspect the difference can be accounted for by an overall reversion to 20210731 state.  Bingo, see SQL here gives a count of 2.

    Description files36675

    697 records updated, plus

    9010 records inactivated, plus

    26968 records added expected as the added (12951) + inactivated (3568) + updated (8004) totals ALMOST match exactly with Component Stats report:

    ****** THE PROBLEM HERE IS THAT MY COMPARISON REPORTS USE THE ">" and "<" symbols, which are also present in nearly 3000 Descriptions themselves!   Therefore MY TOTALS are definitely wrong!  We therefore have to trust the reports from now on..

    (plus confirmed by Maria/Yong to be as expected in email trail at 12:18 on  )

    In the SCS report these columns sum to 36297.

    The following SQL equivalent gives 36666:

    select count(distinct(id)) 
    from description_f
    where effectiveTime > 20210731;

    Reversion to previous state accounts for only 5

    8cab-0cf385849422 20220228 0 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193544002 900000000000505001 900000000000465000 1

    Plus 1 new record replacing it:

    > 08b7ff5f-8d05-40d1-8049-bad0d2a58eba 20220228 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193544002 900000000000505001 900000000000461009 1

    As planned thanks to Linda's requested fixes - 

    "There is one update required to the Refset Descriptors to fix an error in the mapTarget (attributeOrder 1) of the 1193544002 |Simple map with correlation from SNOMED CT to SNOMED CT type reference set|. The mapTarget was originally defined as a string, but should have been a concept component.
    Please refer to the "20200228 Delta" tab of Map update refset descriptors for the 2 updated rows - 1 inactivation and 1 new refset member."

    moduleDependency files3

    serverIHTSDO JIRA


    Now using Automated input files from termServer, and these appear to be PARTIALLY WORKING:

    < 1244116f-fdb5-5645-afcc-5281288409da 20220131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220131 20220131
    < 686fe392-d2f7-586d-98aa-078aba426832 20220131 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20220131 20220131
    < f6431457-161b-5b46-9217-573c20c00070 20220131 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220131 20220131
    > 1244116f-fdb5-5645-afcc-5281288409da 20220228 1 900000000000207008 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220228 20220228
    > 686fe392-d2f7-586d-98aa-078aba426832 20220228 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20220228 20220228
    > f6431457-161b-5b46-9217-573c20c00070 20220228 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220228 20220228


    serverIHTSDO JIRA

    SimpleMap files1306
    1306 records had their UUID's refreshed, as expected due to 1306 new records in this cycle

    January 2022 Production (PUBLISHED) to February 2022 PreProduction (version 8 - post-versioning) traceability

    Note: Loaded into db to ensure accurate comparison, but SQL count unchanged.

    Relationship files74836

    0 records updated, plus

    76083 records inactivated, plus

    47672 records added expected as the added (51176) + inactivated (40147) the updated (3402) totals match exactly with Component Stats report: 

    Differences found in package Comparison

    Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
    .JSON file

    All fields now populated, as expected

    BUT  "previousPublishedPackage": "",


    refsetDescriptor files0


    Still using externallyMaintained refset files, as the automations in FRI-262 are NOT WORKING!!  They're picking up on refsets that have been added to the International content in snowstorm (Common French, etc), but which should NOT be included in the refsetDescriptor file because they are not published as part of the International Edition package:   INFRA-8402

    So used external files instead, with NO NEW refsetDescriptor records for this cycle

    HOWEVER, as confirmed by Linda et al, via email on 16/2/22 at 05:14:

    "There is one update required to the Refset Descriptors to fix an error in the mapTarget (attributeOrder 1) of the 1193544002 |Simple map with correlation from SNOMED CT to SNOMED CT type reference set|. The mapTarget was originally defined as a string, but should have been a concept component.
    Please refer to the "20200228 Delta" tab of Map update refset descriptors for the 2 updated rows - 1 inactivation and 1 new refset member."


    moduleDependency files3

    serverIHTSDO JIRA

    Now using Automated input files from termServer, and these appear to be PARTIALLY WORKING:

    < 1244116f-fdb5-5645-afcc-5281288409da 20220131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220131 20220131
    < 686fe392-d2f7-586d-98aa-078aba426832 20220131 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20220131 20220131
    < f6431457-161b-5b46-9217-573c20c00070 20220131 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220131 20220131
    > 1244116f-fdb5-5645-afcc-5281288409da 20220228 1 900000000000207008 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220228 20220228
    > 686fe392-d2f7-586d-98aa-078aba426832 20220228 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20220228 20220228
    > f6431457-161b-5b46-9217-573c20c00070 20220228 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220228 20220228


    serverIHTSDO JIRA

    Concept files2111

    211 records inactivated +

    594 records updated + 

    1306 records added

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report ("updated" matches against total of "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns):



    (plus confirmed by Maria/Yong to be as expected in email trail at 12:18 on  )

    In the SCS report these columns sum to 74784.

    The following SQL equivalent gives 74836:

    select count(distinct(id)) 
    from relationship_f
    where effectiveTime > 20210731;

    Reversion to prior state accounts for 54 rows not reported by SCS ( 74784 + 54 = 74838 )

    Relationship Concrete Values files2150

    0 records updated, plus

    1192 records inactivated, plus

    958 records added expected as the added (51176) + inactivated (40147) the updated (3402) totals match exactly with Component Stats report:

    (plus confirmed by Maria/Yong to be as expected in email trail at 12:18 on  )

    OwlExpression files16419

    10643 records updated, plus

    1164 records inactivated, plus

    4612 records added expected as the added (4006) + inactivated (3568) the updated (12476) totals match exactly with Component Stats report:

    (plus confirmed by Maria/Yong to be as expected in email trail at 12:18 on  )

    In the SCS report these columns sum to 7763.

    The following SQL equivalent gives 16419:

    select count(distinct(id)) 
    from owlexpression_f
    where effectiveTime > 20210731;

    Ah, the SVS report isn't spotting "changed" when it happens between the two effective times.  Changes pending...

    Stated Relationship files0

    0 records updated, plus

    0 records inactivated, plus

    0 records added

    As expected due to full migration to OWLExpression file in the last July 2019 International Edition

    TextDefinition files719

    0 records updated, plus

    46 records inactivated, plus

    673 records added expected as the added (671) + inactivated (100) + updated (0) totals ALMOST match exactly with Component Stats report:

    ****** THE PROBLEM HERE IS THAT MY COMPARISON REPORTS USE THE ">" and "<" symbols, which are also present in nearly 20 Text Definitions themselves!   Therefore MY TOTALS are definitely wrong!  We therefore have to trust the reports from now on..

    (plus confirmed by Maria/Yong to be as expected in email trail at 12:18 on  )

    SimpleMap files4592

    0 records updated, plus

    65 records inactivated for ICD-0 (446608001)

    4527 records added, as expected as:
    • 3545 added for CTV3 (900000000000497000) as part of the normal authoring cycle updates, exported from the termServer - this is the exact expected amount as it matches exactly the number of new concepts created in the latest authoring cycle
    • + 2 new/updated records for ICD-0 (446608001) as expected, matching the 2 records in the Delta from mapping tool + the figures in the icd0stats.txt file from WCI.
    ExtendedMap files2674

    0 records updated, plus

    536 records inactivated, plus

    2138 records added,

    as expected from the 2189 additions + 3276 inactivations + 9 updates in the ICD-10 map (449080006) Delta file that WCI sent us from the mapping tool export + NOT the figures in the icd10stats.txt file from WCI (WHICH CANNOT CURRENTLY BE USED FOR VALIDATION PURPOSES DUE TO THE EXTENDED MAP ALLOWING MULTIPLE MAP RECORDS PER CONCEPT, AND US ONLY BEING ABLE OT VALIDATE NUMBER OF MAP RECORDS (not number of concepts) ADDED/INACTIVATED IN THIS CYCLE - HAVE ASKED RICK HOW EASY IT'D BE TO UPDATE THE REPORT TO INCLUDE THESE STATS INSTEAD OF/AS WELL AS THE CURRENT Concept level STATS....

    Simple Refset files488

    0 records updated, plus

    123 records inactivated, plus

    365 records added, as expected from the Lateralizable Refset changes (723264001) that Yong made in this cycle, exported in a Delta file from the Refset tool

    (plus confirmed by Maria/Yong to be as expected in email trail at 12:18 on  )

    ModuleDependency files


    3 records updated, as expected for January 2022 effectiveTimes

    Readme file

    January 2022 dates updated + Beta "x" prefixes added, PLUS ALL DELTA FILES REMOVED AS EXPECTED!! 

    MRCM AttributeDomain files1

    1 new record added:

    > 7e29d963-b054-4454-9121-8de1cffceadd 20211031 1 900000000000012004 723561005 1003735000 363787002 1 0..* 0..1 723597001 723596005

    as confirmed by Maria/Yong to be as expected in email trail at 12:18 on  MRCM AttributeRange files1

    1 records added, plus

    > ae7667d7-a1e7-48ca-8cd9-575aa848d94f 20211031 1 900000000000012004 723562003 1003735000 << 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 1003735000 |Process acts on| = (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)|) } 723597001 723596005

    0 records updated:

    As confirmed by Maria/Yong to be as expected in email trail at 12:18 on  

    MRCM Domain files1

    1 records updated, 

    < 3afa8ba9-6196-4792-afd0-224450e79166 20210731 1 900000000000012004 723560006 363787002 << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| [[+id(<< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)|)]]: [[0..*]] { [[0..1]] 1003703000 |Process extends to| = [[+id(<< 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..1]] 246093002 |Component| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 246501002 |Technique| = [[+id(<< 254291000 |Staging and scales (staging scale)| OR << 272394005 |Technique (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 246514001 |Units| = [[+id(< 767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 370130000 |Property| = [[+id(<< 118598001 |Property (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 370132008 |Scale type| = [[+id(<< 117362005 |Nominal value (qualifier value)| OR << 117363000 |Ordinal value (qualifier value)| OR << 117364006 |Narrative value (qualifier value)| OR << 117365007 |Ordinal OR quantitative value (qualifier value)| OR << 117444000 |Text value (qualifier value)| OR << 26716007 |Qualitative (qualifier value)| OR << 30766002 |Quantitative (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 370134009 |Time aspect| = [[+id(<< 7389001 |Time frame (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 405815000 |Procedure device| = [[+id(<< 49062001 |Device (physical object)|)]], [[0..1]] 424226004 |Using device| = [[+id(<< 49062001 |Device (physical object)|)]], [[0..1]] 704319004 |Inheres in| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 125676002 |Person (person)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 704320005 |Towards| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 704321009 |Characterizes| = [[+id(<< 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| OR << 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 704322002 |Process agent| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)|)]], [[0..1]] 704323007 |Process duration| = [[+id(<< 7389001 |Time frame (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 704324001 |Process output| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 704325000 |Relative to| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 704326004 |Precondition| = [[+id(<< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 703763000 |Precondition value (qualifier value)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|)]], [[0..1]] 704327008 |Direct site| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 718497002 |Inherent location| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 719715003 |Relative to part of| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 719722006 |Has realization| = [[+id(<< 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)|)]] } [[+scg(<< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)|)]]: [[0..*]] { [[0..1]] 1003703000 |Process extends to| = [[+scg(<< 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..1]] 246093002 |Component| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 246501002 |Technique| = [[+scg(<< 254291000 |Staging and scales (staging scale)| OR << 272394005 |Technique (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 246514001 |Units| = [[+scg(< 767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 370130000 |Property| = [[+scg(<< 118598001 |Property (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 370132008 |Scale type| = [[+scg(<< 117362005 |Nominal value (qualifier value)| OR << 117363000 |Ordinal value (qualifier value)| OR << 117364006 |Narrative value (qualifier value)| OR << 117365007 |Ordinal OR quantitative value (qualifier value)| OR << 117444000 |Text value (qualifier value)| OR << 26716007 |Qualitative (qualifier value)| OR << 30766002 |Quantitative (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 370134009 |Time aspect| = [[+scg(<< 7389001 |Time frame (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 405815000 |Procedure device| = [[+scg(<< 49062001 |Device (physical object)|)]], [[0..1]] 424226004 |Using device| = [[+scg(<< 49062001 |Device (physical object)|)]], [[0..1]] 704319004 |Inheres in| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 125676002 |Person (person)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 704320005 |Towards| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 704321009 |Characterizes| = [[+scg(<< 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| OR << 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 704322002 |Process agent| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)|)]], [[0..1]] 704323007 |Process duration| = [[+scg(<< 7389001 |Time frame (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 704324001 |Process output| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 704325000 |Relative to| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 704326004 |Precondition| = [[+scg(<< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 703763000 |Precondition value (qualifier value)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|)]], [[0..1]] 704327008 |Direct site| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 718497002 |Inherent location| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 719715003 |Relative to part of| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 719722006 |Has realization| = [[+scg(<< 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)|)]] }
    > 3afa8ba9-6196-4792-afd0-224450e79166 20211031 1 900000000000012004 723560006 363787002 << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| [[+id(<< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)|)]]: [[0..*]] { [[0..1]] 1003703000 |Process extends to| = [[+id(<< 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..1]] 1003735000 |Process acts on| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)|)]], [[0..1]] 246093002 |Component| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 246501002 |Technique| = [[+id(<< 254291000 |Staging and scales (staging scale)| OR << 272394005 |Technique (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 246514001 |Units| = [[+id(< 767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 370130000 |Property| = [[+id(<< 118598001 |Property (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 370132008 |Scale type| = [[+id(<< 117362005 |Nominal value (qualifier value)| OR << 117363000 |Ordinal value (qualifier value)| OR << 117364006 |Narrative value (qualifier value)| OR << 117365007 |Ordinal OR quantitative value (qualifier value)| OR << 117444000 |Text value (qualifier value)| OR << 26716007 |Qualitative (qualifier value)| OR << 30766002 |Quantitative (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 370134009 |Time aspect| = [[+id(<< 7389001 |Time frame (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 405815000 |Procedure device| = [[+id(<< 49062001 |Device (physical object)|)]], [[0..1]] 424226004 |Using device| = [[+id(<< 49062001 |Device (physical object)|)]], [[0..1]] 704319004 |Inheres in| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 125676002 |Person (person)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 704320005 |Towards| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 704321009 |Characterizes| = [[+id(<< 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| OR << 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 704322002 |Process agent| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)|)]], [[0..1]] 704323007 |Process duration| = [[+id(<< 7389001 |Time frame (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 704324001 |Process output| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 704325000 |Relative to| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 704326004 |Precondition| = [[+id(<< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 703763000 |Precondition value (qualifier value)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|)]], [[0..1]] 704327008 |Direct site| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 718497002 |Inherent location| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 719715003 |Relative to part of| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 719722006 |Has realization| = [[+id(<< 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)|)]] } [[+scg(<< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)|)]]: [[0..*]] { [[0..1]] 1003703000 |Process extends to| = [[+scg(<< 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)|)]], [[0..1]] 1003735000 |Process acts on| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)|)]], [[0..1]] 246093002 |Component| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 246501002 |Technique| = [[+scg(<< 254291000 |Staging and scales (staging scale)| OR << 272394005 |Technique (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 246514001 |Units| = [[+scg(< 767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 370130000 |Property| = [[+scg(<< 118598001 |Property (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 370132008 |Scale type| = [[+scg(<< 117362005 |Nominal value (qualifier value)| OR << 117363000 |Ordinal value (qualifier value)| OR << 117364006 |Narrative value (qualifier value)| OR << 117365007 |Ordinal OR quantitative value (qualifier value)| OR << 117444000 |Text value (qualifier value)| OR << 26716007 |Qualitative (qualifier value)| OR << 30766002 |Quantitative (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 370134009 |Time aspect| = [[+scg(<< 7389001 |Time frame (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 405815000 |Procedure device| = [[+scg(<< 49062001 |Device (physical object)|)]], [[0..1]] 424226004 |Using device| = [[+scg(<< 49062001 |Device (physical object)|)]], [[0..1]] 704319004 |Inheres in| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 125676002 |Person (person)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 704320005 |Towards| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 704321009 |Characterizes| = [[+scg(<< 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| OR << 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 704322002 |Process agent| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)|)]], [[0..1]] 704323007 |Process duration| = [[+scg(<< 7389001 |Time frame (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 704324001 |Process output| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..1]] 704325000 |Relative to| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 704326004 |Precondition| = [[+scg(<< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 703763000 |Precondition value (qualifier value)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|)]], [[0..1]] 704327008 |Direct site| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 718497002 |Inherent location| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 719715003 |Relative to part of| = [[+scg(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)|)]], [[0..1]] 719722006 |Has realization| = [[+scg(<< 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)|)]] }

    0 inactivated, plus

    0 new record added

    As confirmed by Maria/Yong to be as expected in email trail at 12:18 on  

    Association Reference files3788

    11 records updated, plus

    863 records inactivated, plus

    2914 records added expected as the added (8301) + inactivated (4488) + updated (2) totals ALMOST match exactly with Component Stats report:

    Yong confirmed that this is not quite what he expected in email trail at 12:18 on   inactivation for the 734138000|Anatomy structure and entire association reference set (foundation metadata concept)|

    Attribute Value files15159

    0 records updated, plus

    861 records inactivated,

    14298 records added

    As confirmed by Maria/Yong to be as expected in email trail at 12:18 on  

    Language refset files73536

    1854 records updated, plus

    17765 records inactivated, plus

    54367 records added expected as the added (26049) + inactivated (6970) the updated (456) totals match exactly with Component Stats report:

    As confirmed by Maria/Yong to be as expected in email trail at 12:18 on  

    January 2022 Member (version 9) to January 2022 Member (version 10) traceability

    Differences found in package Comparison

    Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationalerefsetDescriptor files24

    serverIHTSDO JIRA

    Now using externallyMaintained input files again and CAN see new records from Linda:

    See Delta tab in

  • 17 new refsetDescriptor records added:
  • > 1b0f3059-fe0b-4174-8d84-af015389d7b220220131190000000000001200490000000000045600770511100211935460009000000000004610093> 0e0ff97c-4a91-4d62-8601-8106e7f8cbcc20220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711935440029000000000005000069000000000004610090> 3bfaee84-647e-4469-a673-aaed52de03142022013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051090069000000000005000069000000000004650001> 3bff8547-fe17-48c3-8f77-cecb12f59c342022013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051110029000000000005050019000000000004610090> 4b1ae18f-c2c1-49d9-8a52-3e5f6f694e86202201311900000000000012004900000000000456007119354300811935460009000000000004610092> 55d49025-cb4a-43b0-8d20-d6515bbb21d320220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711876360099000000000005050019000000000004610090> 56f1edbd-b700-4a9d-af7e-50a219bcc1fb202201311900000000000012004900000000000456007119354200311935460009000000000004610092> 5aaea794-b8a3-4d57-912c-28222d40171c20220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711935420039000000000005050019000000000004650001> 7b5ae70c-7d06-4aa6-9c5b-4550e7ac6f41202201311900000000000012004900000000000456007119354400211935460009000000000004610092> 8ff477e9-da58-4731-8a4c-9dab28763fa920220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711935430089000000000005000069000000000004650001> 9052b31b-bce5-4487-ab96-9a13b4010f5e20220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711935440029000000000005050019000000000004650001> 97758694-c0b3-4c75-8b7c-8699b3643a1d20220131190000000000001200490000000000045600770510900611935460009000000000004610094> b6388756-32fc-44cc-a81d-7f90b3ca20ec20220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711935420039000000000005000069000000000004610090> c8792e0e-2d08-4473-9dec-7119b091bc5820220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711876360099000000000005000069000000000004650001> dd6a92b3-a9fd-4faf-9bbe-02494c59a7032022013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051110029000000000005000069000000000004650001> e6efc563-025f-4050-abc2-0606e5f5b0302022013119000000000000120049000000000004560079000000000004960099000000000005050019000000000004650001> f66f05d5-44db-4872-b09a-57412405a49320220131190000000000001200490000000000045600711935430089000000000005050019000000000004610090
  • 1 refsetDescriptor record moved module:
  • < a7b29cee-d563-4e14-9a01-a491a6aab3002017073119000000000002070089000000000004560079000000000004960099000000000005000069000000000004610090> a7b29cee-d563-4e14-9a01-a491a6aab3002022013119000000000000120049000000000004560079000000000004960099000000000005000069000000000004610090
  • …and 6 previous records were inactivated:
  • < 2ce1f83d-a0ab-4c52-a2e9-cf2daa017dac2018013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051090069000000000005050019000000000004650001> 2ce1f83d-a0ab-4c52-a2e9-cf2daa017dac2022013109000000000000120049000000000004560077051090069000000000005050019000000000004650001< 11a85439-228c-4f29-987f-46ac1c732e222018013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051110024496080029000000000004610090> 11a85439-228c-4f29-987f-46ac1c732e222022013109000000000000120049000000000004560077051110024496080029000000000004610090< 7c97da90-d565-40a2-ac06-0c86275202e62018013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051110029000000000005050019000000000004650001> 7c97da90-d565-40a2-ac06-0c86275202e62022013109000000000000120049000000000004560077051110029000000000005050019000000000004650001< 885e163a-5c99-423d-9879-dc9e10599fb52017073119000000000002070089000000000004560079000000000004960099000000000004990029000000000004650001> 885e163a-5c99-423d-9879-dc9e10599fb52022013109000000000002070089000000000004560079000000000004960099000000000004990029000000000004650001< 91871acf-7344-4209-9b37-249486dd2ca82018013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051090064472470049000000000004610094> 91871acf-7344-4209-9b37-249486dd2ca82022013109000000000000120049000000000004560077051090064472470049000000000004610094< eb0accdb-0751-488f-bf71-5ba2acd4e50c2018013119000000000000120049000000000004560077051110024472470049000000000004610093> eb0accdb-0751-488f-bf71-5ba2acd4e50c2022013109000000000000120049000000000004560077051110024472470049000000000004610093

    CONFIRMED CORRECT by Alejandro via email at 20:13 on 16/12/21

    moduleDependency filesNow using termServer input files and looks good - removed externallyMaintained files in S3 and checked it still works so all goodSimpleMap files568

    568 records had their UUID's refreshed as expected

    January 2022 Member (version 8 - post-versioning) to January 2022 Member (version 9) traceability

    Differences found in package Comparison

    Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationalerefsetDescriptor files24

    serverIHTSDO JIRA

    serverIHTSDO JIRA

    Now using termServer input files BUT can't see new records from Linda:

    See Delta tab in 
    Description files5169

    600 records inactivated +

    356 records updated + 

    4213 records added

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report :

    NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 324 instead of 356.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

    Language files9839

    1193 records inactivated +

    258 records updated + 

    8388 records added

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (in "Refsets" tab):

    Relationship files22088

    7594 records inactivated +

    707 records updated + 

    13787 records added

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (in "Relationships" tab):

    Relationship Concrete Values files1131

    101 records inactivated +

    0 records updated + 

    1030 records added

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (in "Concrete Rels" tab):

    OWL files4783

    216 records inactivated +

    3228 records updated + 

    1339 records added

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (in "Axiom" tab):

    TextDefinition files168

    8 records inactivated +

    0 records updated + 

    160 records added

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (in "Text Defn" tab):

    Association files792

    249 records inactivated +

    0 records updated + 

    543 records added

    Confirmed as matches ALMOST exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (in "Refsets" tab):

    Have to ALSO INCLUDE the SEP refset (734138000 + 734139008) totals as well as the first 8 rows in the "Refsets" tab (all other refsetID's in the Association file):

    42 changes:

    • 8 inactivations +
    • 26 new records

    This then, adds to the Summary report stats:

    • 241 inactivations +
    • 517 new records

    Makes a total of:

    • 249 inactivations +
    • 543 new records

    Which matches exactly!!

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Lateralizable + SEP Report sent to me by Maria:

    AttributeValue files1815

    204 records inactivated +

    43 records updated + 

    1568 records added

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (total of "Description + Concept inactivation indicator" totals + in "Refsets" tab):



    Readme fileLicence date now set to 2022!!!moduleDependency filesNow using termServer input files and looks good - now need to remove externallyMaintained files in S3 and check it still works...SimpleMap files568

    568 records had their UUID's refreshed as expected

    .JSON fileAll fields now populated, as expected

    January 2022 Member (version 7 - pre-versioning) to January 2022 Member (version 8 - post-versioning) traceability

    ExtendedMap files584

    53 records inactivated +

    0 records updated + 

    531 records added

    Confirmed as matches with the manual counts Donna keeps from the drip feed - see email trail at 16:24 on 15/2/2022

    SimpleMap files1310

    1 records inactivated +

    0 records updated + 

    1309 records added

    Confirmed as matches with:

    • firstly the number of CTV3 records (900000000000497000) - which in this release is 1306, exactly the same number as new concepts PLUS
    • the manual counts of ICD-0 records (446608001) - here 3 new + 1 inactivation, which match with Donna's counts from drip feed - see email trail at 16:24 on 15/2/2022 
    Simple refset files342

    9 records inactivated +

    324 records updated + 

    9 records added

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Lateralizable + SEP Report sent to me by Maria:

    Readme file

    EffectiveTimes updated as planned to 20220228

    Differences found in package Comparison

    Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleReadme fileLicence date still set to 2021!!!moduleDependency filesStill using externallyMaintained refset files, but should be able to use new automated versions from termServer now as per FRI-73refsetDescriptor filesStill using externallyMaintained refset files, but should be able to use new automated versions from termServer now as per FRI-262SimpleMap files568

    568 records had their UUID's refreshed as expected

    .JSON fileAll fields now populated, as expected