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Requirements (all requirements are Must-Have)

Functional Requirements

Editing Functions

#TitleUser StoryPriorityNotesJIRA Ticket
1creating a new concept starting with a concrete model in SNOMED CTAs an author, I want to create a new concept by using an existing model 

representing the concept model 

As an author, I want to see the concept model in a diagram   

accessing to the logical model

As an author, I want to edit the concept model   

editing the description (FSN, PT, etc.)

As an author, I want to edit the description in text fields   

accessing to more descriptions

As an author, I want to be able to add more descriptions of the concept   

manipulating languages accessibility

As an author, I want to be able to add languages   

handling multiple instances of single concept editing by using list management (being able to handle lists of a number of different concept changes, but each applied to a single concept)

As an author, I want to manage many different single concept changes in one list/webpage   

adding more than one new concept editing in a single window

As an author, I want to add more than one concept change in the same webpage   

crossing boundary from one concept to another in a single window

As an author, I want to see each model related to the the description and a boundary from one concept to another   

displaying the SNOMED CT taxonomy

As an author, I want to see the SNOMED CT taxonomy   

searching the existing concept model in taxonomy

As an author, I want to search the existing concept model in taxonomy, which is the one I want to use as a start point   

displaying the searched existing concept model in logical model

As an author, I want to see the diagram of my selected concept model   

saving the concepts just created in single concept editing tool

As an author, I want to save all edits of the concepts   

validating each concept editing individually

As an author, I want to validate each concept I edited   

classifying concepts in the list

As an author, I want to classify concepts I edited   

moving forward to the next step (review)

As an author, I want to move the completed editing task to the review stage   
17grouping and ungrouping the relationship groupAs an author, I want to be able to group and ungroup the relationship groups   
18reviewing the searched model and editing model side by side in the same windowAs an author, I want to see both logical model I searched in taxonomy for reference and the model I am editing so that I can compare them easily.   
19deleting the new editing from the editing panelAs an author, I want to be able to delete the descriptions, attributes-values, relationship group so that I can delete the wrong one before I commit my editing   
20modifying relationship group by drag & drop a attribute-value pair into different relationship groupAs an author, I want to drag & drop a attribute-value pair from one relationship group to another instead of changing the relationship number   


#TitleUser StoryNotesJIRA Ticket
1each concept has at least one FSNAs an author, I want to define at least one FSN  
2only one of FSN can be marked as preferred in a given languageAs an author, I want to mark only one of FSN as preferred in a given language  
3using a language reference set to specify which FSN descriptions is preferred in each language or dialectsAs an author, I want to use a language reference set to specify FSN description is preferred in each language  
4each FSN term ends with a semantic tag, which indicates the semantic category to which the concept belongs (e.g. clinical finding, disorder, procedure, etc.)As an author, I want to indicate the semantic category to which the concept belongs by using semantic tags  
5each concept can have one or more descriptions of type synonym in each languageAs an author, I want to define more than one description of type synonym in each language 


6populating default preferred term in US when FSN is importedAs an author, I want the FSN to be populated into the preferred term (synonym)  
7specifying the language reference set of the preferred termAs an author, I want to specify the language reference set of each preferred term (US/GB) so that I can know the preferred term for which language  
8populating default synonym when PT is definedAs an author, I want the PT to be populated into the synonym as the default synonym  
9distinguishing different relationship groupsAs an author, I want to distinguish different relationship groups easily (i.e. by different colour or number)background colour of each relationship group instead of labeling the number of relationship group.  
10defining the definition statusAs an author, I want to define the definition status of each concept, either fully defined or primitive  
11defining the status of conceptAs an author, I want to define the status of each concept, either active or inactive  


#TitleUser StoryNotesJIRA Ticket
1displaying a list of the models concepts in the list managementAs an author, I want to see a list of models that I can use the existing models to create new concepts  
2dragging and dropping the model to the logical model editorAs an author, I want to drag and drop the models from the list of models have been created  
3dragging and dropping the attribute to the descriptionsAs an author, I want to drag and drop the attribute into the description.  
4modifying the filter for searching in the listAs an author, I want to modify the filter for searching concepts in the list (i.e. add more semantic tags in filter)  
5listing most relevant concept at the top of the listdisplaying a list of attributes in the list managementAs an author, I want to see the most relevant concept at the top of list when I search a specific phase.  

Task Management (Dashboard)


#TitleUser StoryNotesJIRA Ticket
1sorting taskAs an author, I want to sort task by column name on my task panel  
2searching task by blank search boxAs an author, I want to search task by typing in the searching text in blank search box so that I can find the task related to the search text faster  
3prioritizing task (urgent, high, medium, low)As an author, I want to priority my tasks so that I can prioritize my work based on the priority a list of potential attributes that I can add to the descriptions  
4tracking request in taskAs an author, I want to track request in task so that I can know which request(s) the task included  
5customizing dashboarddragging and dropping the attribute to the descriptionsAs an author, I want to drag and drop the attribute into the description.customizing dashboard (i.e., change the colour, the location of each widget in window  



#TitleUser StoryNotesJIRA Ticket
1assigning to an author for review after editing committedAs an editing author, I want to assign an author to review my work so that  

Auditing Trail - Properties related to auditing user actions, as opposed to those related to publishable content  

#TitleUser StoryNotesJIRA Ticket
1auditing actions of each user's actions   
2auditing content edited   
3accessibility to auditing report for administrator   

Properties of descriptions and relationships

Frequently editing

#User StoryNotesJIRA Ticket

Infrequently editing

#TitleUser StoryNotesJIRA Ticket

Mutable properties

#TitleUser StoryNotesJIRA Ticket

Immutable properties

#TitleUser StoryNotesJIRA Ticket


#TitleUser StoryNotesJIRA Ticket
1defaulting the values most picked by authors   
2automatically distinguish preferred term (US/GB) based on spelling of FSN   

Behaviour at and after publishing

JIRA Ticket
3defaulting English as Language to use   #TitleUser StoryNotes

User interaction and design (Designed by Ashley Hickey)
