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titleIn this section of the User Guide

Table of Contents

What is the Reporting Platform?

The SNOMED CT Reporting Platform (RP) is a gateway to reports which can run a range of queries against content created or updated in the active authoring cycle for SNOMED CT.

Queries are structured into categories for ease of definition, navigation and retrieval, such as Ad-Hoc Queries, Release Validation and Quality Improvement.

The results of these queries can support pre-release validation of issues not supported by the Authoring Platform (for instance MRCM rules such as attribute cardinality).

They can also be used to analyze the structural quality of SNOMED CT, to identify potential issues (for instance attribute usage for a given sub-hierarchy) which can then be addressed via content change projects in the Authoring Platform.

For the content team it enables iterative work to define complex QA rules that are eventually used for the Release Validation Framework (RVF) assertions (such as case significance).

As a content release planning and tracking tool it can show the number and types of changes made during a SNOMED CT release cycle, and from one release to the next.

Who can benefit from using the Reporting Platform?

Anyone who has a use for the results of queries run against content updates for the current authoring cycle through the SNOMED CT Authoring Platform, such as (but by no means limited to): 

  • Content authors
  • Content project managers
  • Content team leaders
  • Consultant terminologists
  • Clinicians
  • SNOMED CT release teams
  • Technical specialists

Where do I find the Reporting Platform?

titleLogin required

These links will redirect you to the login page if you’re not already logged in within your current browser session. Once your login completes, your browser will be redirected on to the AP Dashboard and RP main page respectively. If already logged in, these pages will load without the login redirect.

When should I use the Reporting Platform?

  • Anytime you need to query the content within the current authoring cycle for SNOMED CT.
  • In particular, many of the reports are designed to assist content quality assurance reviews prior to creating the alpha-release version for each SNOMED CT release cycle.
  • RP queries run against the content which has been promoted to the mainline branch of the Authoring Platform (ie promoted project content), so some coordination with project content team leaders may be advisable if your report is influenced by or needs to include specific project content for analysis.

Why should I use the Reporting Platform?

  • It can reveal trends and particular faceted searches of SNOMED CT content created through the SNOMED CT Authoring Platform that are not easily obtainable via other tools and services.
  • it can assist with quality assurance review of promoted content prior to publication in the next SNOMED CT release.
  • It can help to quickly modify and adapt rules which can enable more rapid SNOMED CT content updates via Authoring Platform authoring projects/tasks.
  • It helps focus on potential content issues that may or may not be a problem, so can assist impact assessment, prioritisation and planning.
  • For quality checks that are not currently supported in the Authoring Platform by Drools Rules (concept save validation) or Release Validation Framework assertions (task and project validation against an entire release), for instance string handling.


do I…


(from the Reporting Platform entry page)

… find an existing report


Determine which report category is applicable to your query.

Press the header label for your category to show the reports listed under that heading. The screenshot shows the available Semantic Tag Hierarchy reports after pressing its heading.

Pressing the header label again will collapse the reports listing.

Each press of the report heading toggles the expansion/collapsing of the reports listing.

If there are many categories, and yours is not visible in the main content area, press a category heading in the LH Categories menu to only show that category’s reports.

Pressing the heading again restores the “all categories” view.

Each press toggles between the only the selected category and showing all categories.

With your category expanded, find the report in the list of those available. If a particular report that you need cannot be seen, you can run a new query for that report (see below).

… read an existing report

Find the report to read as described in … find an existing report.

Reports for queries that have been run and already available are listed with status Complete. This status links to the completed report which is stored as a Google Sheet in a Google Drive shared folder - press the label or the icon to open the Google Sheet report.

If you are not already signed in to your Google account in an existing browser session, you’ll be prompted for your Google credentials. Enter these to proceed and view the report sheet.

An example report is shown in the screenshot for
TermContainsXReport 71388002 |Procedure| 20181220_103142_prod_sulrich.

The sheet name contains the report title followed by the run date-time (in YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS format), a platform identifier (prod), and finally the account name of the originator (ie the account login under which the report query was run).

Since the report itself is a Google Sheet, all the options and services associated with a shared Google Sheet are available for further processing and analysis as needed, such as copying to a personal sheet for further analysis/manipulation, download for offline review and processing, and exporting to other tools and services.

… run an existing report

Find the report to run as described in … find an existing report.

Press the Run New Query button in the right-hand top corner of the report description panel. This opens the Report Details form in a pop-up dialogue box.

Each report type has a relevant set of query parameters which may be specified.

Example Report Details form: Term Contains X

This query takes the following values:

  • Subhierarchy - a constraining sub-hierarchy of SNOMED CT to limit the query scope.
  • Starts With - if this is checked the Words value must occur at the start of a term.
  • Words (mandatory field) - words to find within concept terms.
  • Attribute Type - a constraining attribute type to limit the query scope.

Note the Words field which is labelled as a mandatory field. If this is not populated, the report run will fail when the details are submitted, with Failed showing in the Status column of the reports list entry.

Later versions of the Reporting Platform will introduce deeper form validation to prevent submission with invalid report details (form validation varies according to the complexity and dependencies of the different report details).

Enter your desired query details and then press the Run Query button in the lower right-corner of the Report Details dialogue box. This will submit the report for running on the server. If you wish to cancel, press the x in the upper right corner of the dialogue box to close it without running the query.
On submitting the Report Details, the report Status changes to Running. At this point the report request is queued on the server. The report run time depends on the complexity of the query and its related hierarchy size, available server resources and queue length.

After successful completion of the report, its Status is updated to Complete, and the Google Sheet report is then available in Google Drive, linked from the report entry Status label/icon.

titlereport run time

The report will fail if the query takes too long to run, which may happen with queries that would return excessively large result sets , for instance a query wit unconstrained scope that returns everything below a high-level concept.
The current run time limit is 2 minutes - sufficient for most reporting needs whilst preventing performance issues associated with "runaway" queries.

… create a new report and/or report category

In the current version this is achieved via service requests to the technical team. Please raise an INFRA project ticket in JIRA to request a new report (either in an existing category, or requesting a new one), as done for AP issues and improvement requests. This will be processed and prioritised along with other AP and RP feature/improvement requests for inclusion in a future release.

… remove a report (from the RP view listing)

Find the report to remove as described in … find an existing report.
Move your cursor over the report status value. You will see a red “minus” icon.

Press the red minus sign to remove the report from the list. This removes the listing entry in the Reporting Platform screen, but does not remove the Google sheet report itself. All reports currently remain available for Google Drive administrator maintenance in their shared folder using Google Drive tools, methods and access management.

Any report removed from the listing can be added back simply by running that report again (the date-time and account name will be those of the re-run rather than any previously run report).

… request a new feature

... request an improvement to an existing feature

... report an issue

To request a Reporting Platform new feature or improvement, or to report an issue, please use the existing Authoring Platform Raise an Issue process.

This can be done via the Raise an Issue button in the footer of the main Authoring Platform pages and completing the form dialogue presented in your web browser, or alternatively raise an INFRA project ticket directly in JIRA if preferred.

titleA picture is worth a thousand words

Screen capture images are a very effective way to share issues and ideas, and often save much typing to convey the same level of understanding. Annotated screenshots can be particularly helpful when suggesting improvements or making feature requests. Please use the file attachment options in either the Raise an Issue form, or directly via JIRA in an associated INFRA ticket.