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Table of Contents

1 Introduction

1.1 Background

SNOMED CT terminology provides a common language that enables a consistent way of indexing, storing, retrieving, and aggregating clinical data across specialties and sites of care.

SNOMED International maintains the SNOMED CT technical design, the content architecture, the SNOMED CT content (includes the concepts table, the descriptions table, the relationships table, a history table, and ICD mappings), and related technical documentation.

1.2 Purpose

This document provides a summarized description of the content changes included in the July 2018 release of SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SCT) International Release.

It also includes technical notes detailing the known issues which have been identified. These are content or technical issues where the root cause is understood, and the fix has been discussed and agreed, but has yet to be implemented.

This document is available alongside the July 2018 International Edition release.

1.3 Scope

This document is written for the purpose described above and is not intended to provide details of the technical specifications for SNOMED CT or encompass every change made during the release.

1.4 Audience

The audience includes National Release Centers, WHO-FIC release centers, vendors of electronic health records, terminology developers and managers who wish to have an understanding of changes that have been incorporated into the July 2018 International Edition release.


2 Content Development Activity

2.1 Summary

Continuous quality improvement and enhancement of existing content is ongoing based on requests received via the Content Request System (CRS). A review of pre-coordination patterns has been undertaken to assist with the progression of CRS tickets that had been placed on hold. 35 patterns have had final decisions made and the corresponding CRS tickets progressed accordingly. Information on the pattern decisions may be found in the Editorial Guide

The July 2018 International Release has seen a continuation of the work driven by contributions from: Kaiser Permanente Convergent Medical Terminology (CMT), Global Medical Device Nomenclature Agency (GMDNA) and Orphanet to add new content to SNOMED CT.  

Additionally a process of Quality Improvement and project-driven changes have resulted in new content additions and enhancements to existing content detailed below.


Inactivation reason of LIMITED/WAS A will no longer be allowed for any content after the July 2018 release. The WAS A association refset will not be updated thereafter.


In 2015, a proposal was made to inactivate 159083000 |WAS A (attribute)| relationship and stop updating the 900000000000528000|WAS A association reference set (foundation metadata concept)| at the Editorial Advisory Group.

Since these recommendations were made, a formal proposal for the technical approach to batch updating the terminology was created and a notice of the proposed inactivation sent to the Community of Practice.

The implementation of changes was postponed following feedback on utility for implementation and the potential impact to customers who were still using RF1.

The matter was discussed again at the meeting of the Editorial Advisory Group in Bratislava in October 2017. Since the requirements and potential issues can be addressed by deriving such information from the RF2 release format, the recommendation is to proceed the decision after the July 2018 release. 

2.2 Content Quality Improvement

A total of 6494 new concepts were added

SCT StatisticsNew concept additions
Body structure (body structure)357
Clinical finding (finding)1203
Event (event)2
Observable entity (observable entity)60
Organism (organism)182
Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)3053
Physical object (physical object)88
Procedure (procedure)659
Qualifier value (qualifier value)224
Record artifact (record artifact)5
SNOMED CT Model Component (metadata)10
Situation with explicit context (situation)64
Social context (social concept)27
Specimen (specimen)2
Staging and scales (staging scale)21
Substance (substance)537

A total of 32889 changes were made to existing content

SCT Improvement Statistics to Existing ConceptsNumber
Total number of changes32889
Change to stated concept definition20126
Change to inferred concept definition27970
Change in concept definition status from Primitive to Sufficiently Defined 7997
Description change10691
Inactivated concepts6955
Inactivated descriptions9256
Reactivated concepts16

2.2.1 Anatomy 

Advance Notice 

Planned inactivation of 123005000 |Part of (attribute)| attribute and relationships in the January 2019 release

|Part of| relationships have only been included in the inferred relationship file. They are not actively maintained because they are additional relationships rather than defining relationships.  The new anatomy concept model has introduced different kinds of 'part of' relationships, e.g. |All or part of|, |Constitutional part of|, |Lateral half of|, |Regional part of|, and |Systemic part of|. The modeling Advisory Group has recommended inactivation of 123005000 |Part of (attribute)| attribute and relationships in the January 2019 release. It will be replaced by a new attribute |Proper part of| to represent defining relationships where 'part is not equal to whole'. The new anatomy model will be implemented in future releases when the required description logic enhancements are implemented.

New anatomy concepts: 330

        • 54 new body structure concepts. 
        • 276 new lateralized body structure concepts.
        • There are now over 5,600 lateralized concepts in SNOMED CT and over 300 concepts are new lateralized findings, disorders and procedures.

Updates have been made to 109 concepts to conform with the new editorial guidance on the naming convention for digits of hand and foot. 

        • Added 196 new descriptions.
        • Inactivated 174 descriptions.

Updates have been made to concepts for skin and/or subcutaneous tissue to conform to the editorial guidance on the naming convention for conjunction and disjunction. 

        • Added 84 new descriptions.
        • Inactivated 30 descriptions. 

2.2.2 Clinical finding

New concepts for clinical findings and disorders: 1203

Work completed on the following Content Projects:

        • IHTSDO-451 - Has definitional manifestation.

        • IHTSDO-592 and IHTSDO-381 - Inactivate 91138005|Mental retardation (disorder)| and replace with 110359009|Intellectual disability (disorder)| with change to 281 descendant concepts.
        • IHTSDO-955 - Remodel Talipes Valgus.

Work commenced on the following Content Projects:

        • IHTSDO-703 - Inactivation of 'unilateral' concepts. Work on the inactivation of unilateral concepts and the creation of left and right replacement concepts continued this release. The focus areas were: Cleft lip, Femoral hernia, Inguinal hernia, Kidney disorder/procedure, Orchidectomy, Orchipexy, Lymphangiography, Vascular imaging procedures. In the areas of cleft lip and hernia additional modelling improvements were also made. Further work is still required to complete the inactivation of unilateral concepts.
        • IHTSDO-614 - Rework hierarchy 441457006|Cyst (disorder)| work on this project continues.
        • IHTSDO- 393 Diabetes Complications -  Work has begun on updating and modeling content relating to the diagnosis and management of patients with diabetes mellitus. Initial work relates to diabetic complications where the editorial guidance on combined disorders and complications is being applied. A small task and finish group consisting of representatives of the multidisciplinary care team will be reviewing existing content and advising on new content to ensure that SNOMED CT is fit for the purposes of supporting the electronic health care record for this group of patients.
        • IHTSDO-114 - 183 out of 585 descendants of 128294001 |Chronic inflammatory disorder (disorder)| have been remodeled with stated relationship changed from Associated Morphology = Chronic inflammation (morphologic abnormality) to Associated morphology (attribute) = Chronic inflammatory morphology (morphologic abnormality), made Fully Defined, modeled to primitive parent, addition of Clinical course (attribute) = Chronic (qualifier value) and other relationships added or grouped as necessary. Stated children of inferred subtypes of 128294001 |Chronic inflammatory disorder (disorder)| have started to be addressed following the pattern above, and the remainder are now part of the QI work for inclusion in a future release. 249 inferred concepts require a stated relationship change from Associated Morphology = Chronic inflammation (morphologic abnormality) to Associated morphology (attribute) = Chronic inflammatory morphology (morphologic abnormality).

Other content quality improvements:

        • For the January 2018 release the synonym of "occlusion" was inactivated from 26036001|Obstruction (morphologic abnormality) and added to 50173008|Complete obstruction (morphologic abnormality). 415582006|Stenosis (morphologic abnormality)| became a descendant of 25659002|Narrowed structure (morphologic abnormality). These changes resulted in a further 133 released concepts being reviewed and/or changed for the July 2018 release.
        • Added a new sufficiently defined concept of 763597000|Hereditary ataxia (disorder)| resulting in changes to 40 concepts.

        • Hierarchy review/remodel descendants of 248595008|Sputum (finding)| with changes to 59 concepts.
        • Review/remodel "Progressive" disorders with changes to approximately 200 concepts.  A new clinical course qualifier value has been created: 255314001|Progressive (qualifier value)| as a subtype of 90734009|Chronic (qualifier value)|. Can be used to fully define progressive disorders using 246454002|Occurrence (attribute)| = progressive (qualifier value)
        • Review/remodel of "Acquired" disorders with changes to 697 concepts. A new period of life has been created: 767023003|Period of life beginning after birth and ending before death (qualifier value)|. This allows for a distinction to be made between acquired vs. congenital concepts and also permits existing ‘acquired’ concepts to be sufficiently defined. 
        • Addition of Bipolar disorder concepts which include the most recent episode information.
        • 36 new concepts added for genetic diseases which were not part of the Orphanet project.

        • Remodeling and re-terming of 110288007 |Joint tenderness (finding)|. Redefined Joint tenderness as IS_ A Tenderness (finding) + finding site=joint structure and all of the specific joint tenderness concepts using the same pattern. Renamed all joint tender(ness) concepts as Tenderness of x joint (finding).

        • Inactivation of Inactivated 202936005 |Ganglion and cyst of synovium, tendon and bursa (disorder) and used an analogous approach to inactivate the descendants of 202936005 |Ganglion and cyst of synovium, tendon and bursa (disorder) with new replacement concepts.

        • Remodel 63491006 |Intermittent claudication (finding)| hierarchy. Added due to 86341008 |Vascular insufficiency (disorder)|. Removed parent of 22253000 |Pain (finding)| and added parents of 427935006 |Pain relief by rest (finding)| and 427341007 |Pain provoked by exertion (finding)|.

        • Review and remodel 11 viral disorder and related concepts.

        • Out of scope |Allergy to X (disorder)| concepts, as identified by the Allergy/Hypersensitivity and Intolerance Clinical Reference Group, have been inactivated. See the CRG Confluence space for additional details: Allergies/Hypersensitivity and Intolerance Clinical Reference Group (Please note, you may have to register for Confluence user account in order to access this page.)

        • Review and remodel of 520 fracture of lower limb concepts using a proximal primitive parent and creating stated defining relationships for those which were previously inferred relationships.

        • Intussusception disorder concepts were remodelled using the proximal primitive parent modeling approach with two relationship groups capturing the invagination and obstruction morphologic abnormalities of this disorder. The concept Intussusception (morphologic abnormality) was inactivated as a duplicate of Invagination (morphologic abnormality).

2.2.3 Convergent Medical Terminologies (CMT)

New CMT concepts: 215

These were added across 3 domains:

        • CMT Cardiology
        • CMT Hematology oncology
        • CMT Musculoskeletal

2.2.4 Procedure Hierarchy

New concepts for procedure hierarchy: 659

Diagnostic imaging - 32 requests were received for new imaging procedure concepts with various imaging modalities. 

Work completed on the following Content Projects: 

        • IHTSDO-688 - Improvement in the modelling of the Brachytherapy sub-hierarchy.

Other content quality improvements:

        • Implemented changes related to 208 client requests mainly in the area of laboratory procedure and microbiology reporting. Changes are implemented in the following hierarchies: Organism (including creation of 133 new organism concepts), Specimen, Evaluation procedure, Finding, Substance, and Technique.

        • Updated naming for Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes by specifying the nomenclature system (Danish vs. American) which resulted in changes for 214 concepts (including addition, inactivation or change in description) in the following hierarchies: Organism, Substance, and Evaluation procedure.

2.2.5 Collaboration/Harmonization Projects Orphanet

As a result of collaboration with Orphanet ( 473 new SNOMED CT concepts have been created to represent rare diseases in the disorder hierarchy. Global Medical Device Nomenclature Agency (GMDNA)

64 new SNOMED CT concepts created and mapped in the Physical object hierarchy to support the GMDN collaboration agreement.

2.2.6 Event

New concepts added: 2

Work commenced on the following Content Projects:

        • IHTSDO-1071 - Vehicle accident (event) - Inactivation of over 200 transport accidents from Event hierarchy.

2.2.7 Qualifier Value

New concepts added: 224

Content quality improvements:

        • Several new concepts have been added for Pathological process (qualifier value) to support the upcoming revisions to the allergy model.
        • Replaced existing ambiguous top-level concept 258666001 |Unit (qualifier value)| with new 767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value)| concept. To support modeling of clinical drug concepts in the 763158003 |Medicinal product (product)| hierarchy, created new 767525000 |Unit (qualifier value)| concept as descendant of 259026009 |Miscellaneous unit (qualifier value)|.

        • 308912000|Agencies and organizations (qualifier value)| and subtypes moved to a National extension, 66 concepts inactivated from the International release.

2.2.8 Organism

New organism concepts added: 182

Work commenced on the following Content Projects:

        • IHTSDO-455 - Organism Life Cycles - The project was undertaken to clarify the meaning of organism concepts that are likely values for laboratory reports related to parasitic and certain other infections. Concept descriptions and definitions were edited for concepts such as 609326000 | Strongyloides stercoralis larval form (organism) |, previously placed as subtypes of both 421727006 | Phylum Nemata (organism) and 278306005 | Life-cycle form (organism) |, so that their status as organisms was made clear. This project altered 320 concepts representing various taxonomic groups including phylum Nemata, class Cestoda, class Trematoda, protozoa, Fungi, yeasts and viruses. A limited number of concepts that could not be related to a specific organism (e.g. 278306005 | Life-cycle form |) were inactivated. In cases where a diagnosis is made by identifying an organism structure (e.g. 284688000 | Fungal hyphae |), the organism concept was inactivated and referred to a finding concept “404507002 | Hyphae of Kingdom Fungi detected (finding).

Other content quality improvements:

        • Updated naming for Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes by specifying the nomenclature system (Danish vs. American) which resulted in changes for 214 concepts (including addition, inactivation or change in description) in the following hierarchies: Organism, Substance, and Evaluation procedure.

2.2.9 Pharmaceutical / biologic product

titleDrug model project

For further details on the planned changes in this area, please refer to the Drug Model Working Group Directory section.

Please note, you may have to register for Confluence user account in order to access this project.

The following changes will be included in the 2018-July International Release.

New hierarchies
  • 766940004 | Role (role) and subhierarchy 766941000 | Therapeutic role (role) created with additional subtypes to be added in future releases

New semantic tags
  • (role)

New attribute types

  • 766953001 |Count of active ingredient (attribute)|
  • 766954007 |Count of base and modification pair (attribute)|
  • 766952006 |Count of base of active ingredient (attribute)|
  • 763032000 |Has unit of presentation (attribute)|
  • 766939001 |Plays role (attribute)|
Grouper concepts representing disposition, intended site, and/or structure
  • Grouper concepts representing disposition, intended site, and/or structure sufficiently defined by modeling to proximal primitive concept, adding defining attributes, and updating descriptions per editorial guidelines (n≈550).

New high level grouper concepts created as an incremental improvement with additional subtypes to be added in future releases:

  • 766779001 |Medicinal product categorized by disposition (product)|
  • 763760008 |Medicinal product categorized by structure (product)|
  • 767102007 |Medicinal product categorized by chemical element (product)|
Product role concepts

Medicinal product (MP) concepts

  • MP-containing concepts sufficiently defined by modeling to proximal primitive concept, adding defining attributes, and updating descriptions per editorial guidelines (n≈ 3750). Includes the following attributes:
  • Has active ingredient (n≈4650)
Medicinal product form (MPF) concepts
  • MPF-containing concepts sufficiently defined by modeling to proximal primitive concept, adding defining attributes, and updating descriptions per editorial guidelines (n≈2100). Includes the following attributes:
  • Has active ingredient (n≈2400)
  • Has manufactured dose form (n≈2150)

Clinical drug (CD) concepts

CD-containing precisely concepts sufficiently defined by modeling to proximal primitive concept, adding defining attributes, and updating descriptions per editorial guidelines (n≈ 4850). Includes the following attributes:

  • Count of base of active ingredient (n≈4850)
  • Has basis of strength substance (n≈5600)
  • Has concentration strength denominator unit (n≈1450)
  • Has concentration strength denominator value (n≈1450)
  • Has concentration strength numerator unit (n≈1450)
  • Has concentration strength numerator value (n≈1450)
  • Has manufactured dose form (n≈4850)
  • Has precise active ingredient (n≈5550)
  • Has presentation strength denominator unit (n≈4750)
  • Has presentation strength denominator value (n≈4750)
  • Has presentation strength numerator unit (n≈4750)
  • Has presentation strength numerator value (n≈4750)
  • Notification for Briefing Notes, Editorial Guidelines, and other documentation updates are posted on the project group website as they become available; see Drug Model Working Group - Directory for details

2.2.10 Veterinary Extension

15 concepts were moved to the Veterinary Extension. 

2.2.11 Situation with Explicit Context

Number of concepts added to Situation hierarchy: 64

143 concepts using the pattern 'OFFERED' or 'NOT OFFERED' were inactivated.

Addition of new concepts for transplant donor and recipient Epstein Barr virus status.

Work continuing on the following Content Projects:

      • IHTSDO-703 - Inactivation of 'unilateral' concepts. Work on the inactivation of unilateral concepts and the creation of left and right replacement concepts continued this release.

2.2.12 Social Context

26 new concepts were added as a subtype of 14679004|Occupation (occupation)|.

2.2.13 Assessment Scale

Review of 11 of assessment scale concepts for duplicates or correctness.

Addition of 96 assessment scale, observable entity and procedure concepts to support use of assessment scales.

2.2.14 Substances

The following changes will be included in the 2018-July International Release.

Disposition groupers
  • Disposition Groupers had been updated, modeled and fully defined in Jan2018 release. Just under 50  additional Disposition concepts have been created in the July 2018 data.
  • Existing Disposition groupers for substances have been remodeled in the July 2018 data.
  • Additional Disposition Groupers for substances have been created. A total of approx. 300 Disposition grouper substances.
  • A new substance top level concept of “Substance categorized by disposition (substance)” has been created to allow substances with dispositions to be modeled as proximal primitive.
  • Disposition (disposition)
  • New concepts created (n ≈ 250)
Structural groupers
  • Structural Groupers have been retained as primitive concepts.
  • Additional Structural Groupers have been created. Approximately 20
Chemical element groupers
  • Inactivated and recreated to avoid the use of AND/OR and provide consistent modeling.
Combined groupers
  • Combined Groupers ( Structure + Disposition) be have been remodeled in the July 2018 data
Is modification of attribute
  • The "Is modification" attribute has been implemented resulting in a to flattening of the substances hierarchy.
Role groupers
  • Role Groupers in the substances hierarchy have been reviewed. In the region of 100 substance Role grouper concepts have been inactivated and others replaced. This work is ongoing. The retention of some role based groupers in the substances hierarchy means that some substances are not classifying correctly.
General content updates
  • Radiopharmaceutical concepts have been remodelled and the terms updated to provide consistent representation of these concepts.
  • Dietary subhierarchy. To remove context of use from the substance concepts 80 substances inactivated. In some instances replacement concepts have been created without  “ – dietary” tag. The concept “Dietary substance (substance)" has been inactivated and replaced with a new concept "Edible substance (substance)“
  • Overall 447 new concepts added to the substances hierarchy. Just over 460 substance concepts have been inactivated in the release.


  • Notification for Briefing Notes, Editorial Guidelines, and other documentation updates are posted on the project group website as they become available; see Project Status Substance Hierarchy for details

titleRelease plans, Substance hierarchy

For further details on the planned changes in this area, please refer to the Substances project.

Please note, you may have to register for Confluence user account in order to access this project.

2.3. Internal Quality Improvement

2.3.1 Logic Profile Enhancements

The first release of the OWL reference sets

As an essential part of SNOMED CT Logic Profile Enhancements, the OWL refsets have been developed to represent logic definitions following the international standard of OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. In the 2018 July release, 733073007 |OWL axiom reference set| includes only property chains, transitive properties, and reflexive properties that cannot be fully represented by the RF2 stated and inferred relationship files. These are required semantics for classification by description logic reasoner to support the drug, substance, and anatomy content projects. The limited scope of the first release allows sufficient time for users to develop and update their tooling and systems. The full representation of all logical definitions will be included in the OWL axiom refset in the January 2019 release.

762103008|OWL ontology reference set (foundation metadata concept)| includes essential information about an ontology, such as, namespaces, ontology URI, ontology version URI, and import statements.

The content from the OWL reference sets must be included for all applications that utilise the DL reasoning services to ensure correct inferences. Extensions can update the refsets by following the OWL reference sets specification. The OWL reference sets are placed under the Terminology folder in the release file package. 

Updates to the RF2 relationship files

There are no changes to the stated relationship file for the July 2018 release. However, it must be used in conjunction with the OWL refsets for the DL reasoning services. In the January 2019 release, the stated relationship file will be replaced by the OWL axiom refset that includes all logical definitions and other features specified in the SNOMED CT logic profile specification. The stated relationship file will be only available on request. The inferred relationship file will maintain the same format and structure, though it is no longer containing all necessary and sufficient conditions. The inferred relationship file is represented in Necessary Normal Form for distribution of relationships. It is a collection of all the necessary conditions and represents a subset of the full semantics from 2019 January release and onwards. 

2.3.2 Dentistry Odontogram Refset

45 new clinical finding/disorder concepts added for Dentistry.

The first production release of the Odontogram Refset was made available in October 2017.

2.3.3 Machine Readable Concept Model (MRCM)

14 new MRCM rules and 10 updates to the existing MRCM in the MRCM refsets and authoring platform. 

  • New MRCM for new attribute 738774007 |Is modification of|
  • New MRCM for new attribute 762951001 |Has ingredient|
  • New MRCM for new attribute 762949000 |Has precise active ingredient|     
  • New MRCM for new attribute 411116001 |Has manufactured dose form|
  • New MRCM for new attribute 763032000 |Has unit of presentation| 
  • New MRCM for new attribute 733928003 |All or part of|         
  • New MRCM for new attribute 733931002 |Constitutional part of|      
  • New MRCM for new attribute 733933004 |Lateral half of|       
  • New MRCM for new attribute 733930001 |Regional part of|   
  • New MRCM for new attribute 733932009 |Systemic part of|   
  • New MRCM for new attribute 766952006 |Count of base of active ingredient (attribute)| 
  • New MRCM for new attribute 766954007 |Count of base and modification pair|
  • New MRCM for new attribute 766953001 |Count of active ingredient|          
  • New MRCM for new attribute 766939001 |Plays role|  
  • Change the range for attribute 246514001 |Units| from |Unit| to |Unit of measure|
  • Change the range for attribute 733722007 |Has concentration strength denominator unit|          
  • Update the range for 733725009 |Has concentration strength numerator unit|
  • Change the range for attribute 732947008 |Has presentation strength denominator unit| from |Unit| to |Unit of measure|    
  • Change the range for attribute 732945000 |Has presentation strength numerator unit| from |Unit| to |Unit of measure|        
  • Change the range for attribute 732947008 |Has presentation strength denominator unit| from |Unit| to |Unit of presentation|                     
  • Expand the range of 726542003 |Has disposition (attribute)|
  • Expand the range of 704319004 |INHERES IN| to include << 125676002 |Person (person)|
  • Expand the range of 118170007 |Specimen source identity| to include << 260787004|Physical object (physical object)|      
  • Expand the range of 704321009|CHARACTERIZES| to include  << 71388002 |Procedure| 

2.4 SNOMED CT derived products

2.4.1 ICD-10 map

The SNOMED CT to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision (© World Health organisation 1994) 2016 Version map (SNOMED CT to ICD-10 Map) is included in the SNOMED CT International release as a Baseline. The SNOMED CT to ICD-10 Map was created to support the epidemiological, statistical and administrative reporting needs of SNOMED International member countries and WHO Collaborating Centres.

The SNOMED CT to ICD-10 Map is released in Release Format 2 (RF2) only. It is located in the file der2_iisssccRefset_ExtendedMapFull_INT_20180731.txt, which is in the Map folder under Refset, in each of the three RF2 Release Type folders. 

The SNOMED CT to ICD-10 Map is released as Refset 447562003 |ICD-10 complex map reference set (foundation metadata concept)|. Content development activity summary

The map is a directed set of relationships from SNOMED CT source concepts to ICD-10 target classification codes.  The SNOMED CT source domains for the MAP are limited to subtypes of 404684003 |clinical finding|, 272379006 |event| and 243796009 |situation with explicit context|.  The target classification codes are ICD-10 2016 release. Mapped content for July 2018

The map provided for the July 2018 release has been updated, and now represents a complete map from SNOMED CT International release to ICD-10 2016 version.

    • 1398 new concepts added

We would welcome feedback on any issues that users of the map may detect when using the map. Issues should be submitted via

2.4.2 ICD-O Map

       There are 5 updates for the ICD-O Morphological abnormality map in July 2018 release. 

3 Technical notes

3.1 Known Issues

Known Issues are content or technical issues where the root cause is understood, and the resolution has been discussed and agreed but has yet to be implemented.  This can be due to a number of reasons, from lack of capacity within the current editing cycle, to the risk of impact to the stability of SNOMED CT if the fix were to be deployed at that stage in the Product lifecycle.  

For the Snomed CT July 2018 International edition, the following Known Issues were identified, and agreed to be resolved in the next editing cycle (to be published in July 2018):

jqlQueryfilter = "INT 20180131 - Known Issues (On Hold)" ORDER BY key ASC

3.2 Resolved Issues

Resolved issues are Known Issues which were not fixed as part of the previous release lifecycle, but which have now been resolved in the latest release - in this case the July 2018 International Edition.  They can also be issues found during the Alpha and Beta testing of the current release, which were resolved before the final deployment of the associated Member release.  Finally they can be issues which were reported or found during the testing phase, but which have been closed without any action taken.  

The Resolved Issues for the Snomed CT July 2018 International edition can be found here:

jqlQueryfilter = "INT 20180131 - Resolved Issues" ORDER BY key ASC

3.3 Technical updates

3.3.1  RF2 package format

For future reference, the RF2 package convention dictates that it contains all relevant files, regardless of whether or not there is content to be included in each particular release.  Therefore, the package contains a mixture of files which contain both header rows and content data, and also files that are intentionally left blank (including only a header record).  The reason that these files are not removed from the package is to draw a clear distinction between

  1. ...files that have been deprecated (and therefore removed from the package completely), due to the content no longer being relevant to RF2 in this or future releases, and 
  2. ...files that just happen to contain no data in this particular release (and are therefore included in the package but left blank, with only a header record), but are still relevant to RF2, and could therefore potentially contain data in future releases.

This allows users to easily distinguish between files that have purposefully been removed or not, as otherwise if files in option 2 above were left out of the package it could be interpreted as an error, rather than an intentional lack of content in that release.

3.3.2  Early visibility of impending change in the January 2019 International edition

Please see the following page for details of all upcoming changes planned for January 2019 and beyond:  Early Visibility - Planned changes to upcoming SNOMED International Release packages

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NOTE:  To access any of the links in the pdf document, please visit the Release Notes online here:  

SNOMED CT July 2018 International Edition - SNOMED International Release notes

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Final Version




Lesley MacNeil
 Maria Braithwaite

Donna Morgan
Jim Case/Paul Amos

Rory Davidson

Maria Braithwaite


Lesley MacNeil





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Draft Amendment History








Andrew Atkinson

First draft for review and comment