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Versions Compared


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The SNOMED International URI specifications use the namespace for the code system, and the URI for the individual concepts in the code system. This means that when a SNOMED CT concept is converted from the system::code pair, where the system is, to the RDF ontological form, the representation is[concept-id]. Expressions are represented using the URI pattern[expression]. Expressions represented in this way SHALL not contain whitespace, terms, or comments.


In addition, any SNOMED CT relationships where the relationship type is subsumed by 246061005 |Attribute 410662002 |Concept model attribute| automatically become properties. For example, the laterality property is represented using the conceptId for 410662002 |Laterality|:

Laterality410662002codeIn this case, the URI (See the code system definition) The equivalent URI for the Laterality property is, which can be used to unambiguously map to the underlying concept (see the code system definition).

Note that when a $lookup operation is performed on a SNOMED CT concept, servers SHALL return the full URI for the edition and version being used (see above) in the version property. Other properties are at the discretion of the server and the client.
