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SNOMED CT is used in FHIR international standards and resources. SNOMED CT is owned, maintained and distributed by SNOMED International . SNOMED International is the international organization which publishes the international release International Edition of SNOMED CT. SNOMED International member countries Members may also distribute their own SNOMED CT editionNational Edition, which contains the international release plus local extension content and derivatives.

The URI  identifies the SNOMED CT code system.

Where a code system version is used, it should be specified as a URI that represents the specific distribution (International Release, or National Release and versiona specific SNOMED CT Edition published on a particular date (e.g. the International Edition or a National Edition, with a version date), following the SNOMED CT URI Specification  (see note below)


The following SNOMED CT artifacts are valid in the code element for the namespace: Concept IDs Image Modified

and Expressions Image Modified (grammar Image Modified)

and SNOMED Legacy codes Image Removed



and Description Ids


are not valid as codes in FHIR

, nor

. Nor are other


alternative identifiers associated with SNOMED CT Concepts

using the RF2 identifier infrastructure

. Expressions SHOULD NOT contain terms


. They should only contain concept IDs

(note that

and other syntax required by the grammar. Note: when SNOMED CT terms must be exchanged, use the Description Id Extension




The correct display for a SNOMED CT concept is one of the synonyms for


that concept. The best display is the preferred term in the relevant language reference set (if applicable). Preferred terms


may be case sensitive. The Fully Specified Name is not an appropriate choice for the display. The

source of preferred name comes from

preferred term for each concept in a given language or dialect is specified in a Language Reference Set. SNOMED CT does not define displays for expressions

; if

. If no display has been associated with the expression through a value set or other mechanism, the full expression


with preferred terms embedded may be used (using the standard syntax).

InactiveInactive codes are identified using the 'inactive' property (see below).
SubsumptionSNOMED CT Subsumption testing for concepts is based in on the |is a| relationship defined by SNOMED CT.
Filter PropertiesSeveral filter properties are defined, as described below.

This specification publishes a canonical SNOMED CT code system resource. See also the SNOMED CT Usage Summary.
