Expression Constraint | INVALID Expression Footnote Macro |
Please note that some of these examples are based on a hypothetical drug concept model. |
Footnote Macro |
The SNOMED CT identifiers created with the '9999999' namespace are for example only, and should not be used in a production environment. |
Precoordinated | Postcoordinated |
| | |
scg-expression scg-expression |
| | scg-expression
scg-expression |
| | |
scg-expression | | |
| | Scg expression | < 404684003
<< |
Scg expression |
< 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
47429007 |Associated with|=
( < 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
116676008 |Associated morphology|=
<< 55641003 |Infarct| ) |
| Scg expression |
3238004 |Pericarditis| |
| Scg expression |
47429007 |Associated with|=
(404684003 |Clinical finding|:
363698007 |Finding site|=
277712000 |Cardiac internal structure|) |
Scg expression |
< 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
<< 47429007 |Associated with|=
<< 267038008 |Edema| |
| Scg expression |
404684003 |Clinical finding| |
| Scg expression |
95356008 |Mucosal ulcer|:
42752001 |Due to|=
59901004 |Cheek biting| |
Scg expression |
< 27658006 |Amoxicillin| :
411116001 |Has dose form| =
<< 428673006 |Tablet| ,
{ 179999999100 |Has basis of strength| =
( 219999999102 |Amoxicillin only| :
189999999103 |Has strength magnitude|
>= #200,
199999999101 |Has strength unit| =
258684004 |mg| )} |
| Scg expression |
269999999100 |Amoxicillin capsule| |
| Scg expression |
27658006 |Amoxicillin| :
411116001 |Has dose form| =
421026006 |Oral tablet| ,
{ 179999999100 |Has basis of strength| =
( 219999999102 |Amoxicillin only| :
189999999103 |Has strength magnitude|
= 175,
199999999101 |Has strength unit| =
258684004 |mg| )} |
Scg expression |
374233002 |Amoxicillin trihydrate 125 mg chewable tablet| | |
Scg expression |
< 27658006 |Amoxicillin| :
411116001 |Has dose form| =
<< 428673006 |Tablet| ,
{ 179999999100 |Has basis of strength| =
( 219999999102 |Amoxicillin only| :
189999999103 |Has strength magnitude|
>= #500,
189999999103 |Has strength magnitude|
<= #800,
199999999101 |Has strength unit| =
258684004 |mg| )} |
| Scg expression |
269999999100 |Amoxicillin capsule| |
| Scg expression |
27658006 |Amoxicillin| :
411116001 |Has dose form| =
421026006 |Oral tablet| ,
{ 179999999100 |Has basis of strength| =
( 219999999102 |Amoxicillin only| :
189999999103 |Has strength magnitude|
= #850,
199999999101 |Has strength unit| =
258684004 |mg| )} |
Scg expression |
374647008 |Amoxicillin 875 mg tablet| |
Scg expression |
< 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|:
209999999104 |Has trade name|= "PANADOL" | | Scg expression |
373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product| |
| Scg expression |
373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|:
{127489000 |Has active ingredient|=
412031009 |Paracetamol or derivative|,
209999999104 |Has trade name|= "PANADEINE"} | |
Scg expression |
322236009 |Paracetamol 500mg tablet| |
Concept |
t | < 404684003 |Clinical finding|: << 47429007 |Associated with|= << 267038008 |Edema| |
| Concept |
t | 404684003 |Clinical finding| |
| Concept |
t | 95356008 |Mucosal ulcer|: 42752001 |Due to|= 59901004 |Cheek biting| |
Concept |
t | < 27658006 |Amoxicillin| : 411116001 |Has dose form| = << 428673006 |Tablet| , { 179999999100 |Has basis of strength| = ( 219999999102 |Amoxicillin only| : 189999999103 |Has strength magnitude| >= #200, 199999999101 |Has strength unit| = 258684004 |mg| )} |
| Concept |
t | 269999999100 |Amoxicillin capsule| |
| Concept |
t | 27658006 |Amoxicillin| : 411116001 |Has dose form| = 421026006 |Oral tablet| , { 179999999100 |Has basis of strength| = ( 219999999102 |Amoxicillin only| : 189999999103 |Has strength magnitude| = 175, 199999999101 |Has strength unit| = 258684004 |mg| )} |
Concept |
t | 374233002 |Amoxicillin trihydrate 125 mg chewable tablet| |
| |
Concept |
t | < 27658006 |Amoxicillin| : 411116001 |Has dose form| = << 428673006 |Tablet| , { 179999999100 |Has basis of strength| = ( 219999999102 |Amoxicillin only| : 189999999103 |Has strength magnitude| >= #500, 189999999103 |Has strength magnitude| <= #800, 199999999101 |Has strength unit| = 258684004 |mg| )} |
| Concept |
t | 269999999100 |Amoxicillin capsule| |
| Concept |
t | 27658006 |Amoxicillin| : 411116001 |Has dose form| = 421026006 |Oral tablet| , { 179999999100 |Has basis of strength| = ( 219999999102 |Amoxicillin only| : 189999999103 |Has strength magnitude| = #850, 199999999101 |Has strength unit| = 258684004 |mg| )} |
Concept |
t | 374647008 |Amoxicillin 875 mg tablet| |
Concept |
t | < 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|: 209999999104 |Has trade name|= "PANADOL" |
| | Concept |
t | 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product| |
| Concept |
t | 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|: {127489000 |Has active ingredient|= 412031009 |Paracetamol or derivative|, 209999999104 |Has trade name|= "PANADEINE"} |
| |
Concept |
t | 322236009 |Paracetamol 500mg tablet| |
Concept |
t | < 91723000 |Anatomical structure|: R 363698007 |Finding site| = < 125605004 |Fracture of bone| |
| | Scg expression |
< 91723000 |Anatomical structure|:
R 363698007 |Finding site| =
< 125605004 |Fracture of bone| |
| Scg expression |
34080009 |Malleus | Scg expression |
34080009 |Malleus structure|:
272741003 |Laterality| = 7771000 |Left| |
| scg-expression | | | Scg expression |
10200004 |Liver structure|:
272741003 |Laterality| = 24028007 |Right| |
| scg-expression
| | | | |
| | | scg-expression | | | Scg expression |
34080009 |Malleus structure|:
272741003 |Laterality| = 7771000 |Left| |
| scg-expression | | | Scg expression |
10200004 |Liver structure|:
272741003 |Laterality| = 24028007 |Right| |
| scg-expression | | |
| | | | |
| | | | | scg-expression | | | | |
| | | |
126109000|Levonorgestrel| |
| scg-expression
| | |
| | | | scg-expression | | scg-expression | | | | |
| | | |
126109000|Levonorgestrel| |
| scg-expression | |
| | |
| | |
| |