Expression templates may be applied to ensure a consistent structure is used by a set of authored expressions. For example, there may be a preference to always represent allergies using an expression in which the allergen is explicitly defined as the value of the
Concept |
ShowParts | term |
t | 246075003 |Causative agent| |
attribute. Given an appropriate expression template and a predefined list of allergen substances, a set of postcoordinated expressions can automatically be batch authored (as shown below).
Panel |
Expression Template Scg expression |
Border | ridge |
ShowFormat | block |
| 419199007 | allergy to substance|: 246075003 |Causative agent| = [[+id @Substance]] |
List of Substances
Scg expression |
Border | ridge |
ShowFormat | block |
| 256259004 |Pollen|
89811004 |Gluten|
47703008 |Lactose|
13577000 |Nut|
33396006 |Nickel| |
Resulting Expressions Scg expression |
Border | ridge |
ShowFormat | block |
| 419199007 |Allergy to substance|: 246075003 |Causative agent| = 256259004 |Pollen|
419199007 |Allergy to substance|: 246075003 |Causative agent| = 89811004 |Gluten|
419199007 |Allergy to substance|: 246075003 |Causative agent| = 47703008 |Lactose|
419199007 |Allergy to substance|: 246075003 |Causative agent| = 13577000 |Nut|
419199007 |Allergy to substance|: 246075003 |Causative agent| = 33396006 |Nickel| |