Example: Precoordinated representation of "Laparoscopic emergency appendectomy" SNOMED CT contains the concept 174041007|laparoscopic emergency appendectomy|. The identifier of this concept (174041007) can be used (with or without the associated term) as a precoordinated expression to record an instance of this procedure. The procedure 'laparoscopic emergency appendectomy' has at least three distinct facets: 'removal of appendix', 'using a laparoscope' as 'emergency procedure'. The 174041007|laparoscopic emergency appendectomy| precoordinates these facets as its definition includes the following defining relationships: - 116680003|is a| = 80146002|appendectomy|
- 260870009|priority|=25876001|emergency|
- 425391005|using access device| = 86174004|laparoscope|