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An overview of the different Bodies and Forums is shown in Figure 14 . Anchor
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The General Assembly is the highest authority in SNOMED International and contains one representative from each of its national Members. The General Assembly is collectively responsible with assuring that the Purpose, Objects and Principles of the Association are pursued and that the interests of SNOMED International are safeguarded. It can make binding decisions regarding all matters relating to SNOMED International, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association, such as budget, work plan and strategic goals. It is recommended though not required that General Assembly representatives attend all meetings. Face to face meetings occur usually twice per year with occasional teleconferences and electronic voting.
The Management Board is appointed by the General Assembly. Members have the opportunity to nominate delegates to the Board. The Management Board directs the Association and has the responsibility for key business decisions. It has at least three face-to-face meetings per year with teleconferences between these meetings.
The Management Board also appoints the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who has day-to-day responsibility for running the organization. A Management Team, with members each responsible for a particular line of business, supports the CEO and directs the work or additional employees.
Each Member is entitled to choose a representative to the
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The MF is also a means for optimizing the collaboration and coordination among SNOMED International Member countries provides a means for Members to have discussions on specific Member issues. Moreover, the MF facilitates contact and communication between countries with similar foundations, needs, priorities, etc. It is recommended that each Member gets involved with and makes use of the MF.
The MF can raise issues of concern to the CEO and Senior Management Board Team and is asked by the Management Board for also requested to provide specific feedback on itemspriorities and other matters. The MF is the conduit for communicating widely on consultations that SNOMED International may undertake. These consultations may include specific issues related to SNOMED CT content or SNOMED International documents, products and services. The MF is also a key player in determining which SNOMED International work items should be undertaken and prioritized.
The structure and role of the Vendor Forum (VF) is currently being revised as part SNOMED International's vendor strategy. As an expert group from a range of industry sectors, the VF will identify ways to facilitate use of SNOMED CT.
Advisory Groups were established in June 2015 to conduct specific activities that contribute to the fulfillment of the Management Team's responsibilities or the organization's mandate. They are meant to be agile in nature, given the changing needs and direction of the organization, and therefore each group is reviewed on an annual basis to determine if it is still required or if changes in the Terms of Reference are needed. Generally the Advisory Group members have specific skills and abilities related to that particular group.
Can Members nominate individuals to serve on Advisory Groups that utilize the standard nomination process? Yes. For example, you might nominate your NRC IT expert to serve on the Modeling Advisory Group, which uses the standard nomination process. SNOMED International might select her based on her skills. Who then pays for her travel expenses to attend an Advisory Group face-to-face meeting? She would be entitled (but not required) to submit her expenses for reimbursement from SNOMED International, because she is serving on the Advisory Group as an expert, not as a representative of her Member country.
Advisory Groups and their nomination processes as of 2015
Group name | Nomination process |
Content Managers AG | Member-based |
E-Learning AG | Mixed |
Modeling AG | Standard |
SNOMED CT Editorial AG | Standard |
Software Development AG | Standard |
Terminology Release AG | Standard |
Tooling User AG | Member-based |
More information about Advisory Groups can be found at
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) also provide advice issues related to their specific areas relevant to the strategic direction and resulting specific work areas of SNOMED International, its Members and the Community of Practice.
Clinical input to support the development of SNOMED CT is delivered through Clinical Reference Groups. These groups are focused on clinical specialities, with each specialty are having its own Confluence based site. Each site supports discussion and knowledge sharing. Access to the Clinical Reference Groups is though a central Confluence portal focused on clinical engagement activities The SIGs are usually open to anyone who is interested in the specific topic area. Most of these groups are Clinical Professional SIGs that cover particular clinical specialties and healthcare disciplines (e.g. nursing, pathology, etc.). Other SIGs may focus on particular areas of activity such as addressing particular implementation challenges. More information about SIGs can be found at
Confluence is an online forum/space where the people within SNOMED International Governance and Advisory Bodies can communicate and share information. Confluence facilitates a range of types of communications, including written discussions, meeting announcements and document sharing.
Information about Confluence is available at at
SNOMED International arranges two events a year. In April it holds a Business Meeting and in October a second Business Meeting is combined with the annual SNOMED CT EXPO. The venue of the October event varies each year and Members encouraged to submit proposals for hosting the event in their country.
SNOMED International Business Meetings include face-to-face meetings of SNOMED International Governance Bodies, Committees and Forums. Business Meetings may also include face-to-face meetings of some of the Special Interest Groups.
A key part of each Business Meeting is the open meeting of the General Assembly, where the key strategic decisions, plans and achievements are made and announced.
The SNOMED CT EXPO is an open event for anyone interested in SNOMED CT and practical applications of the terminology. The event includes invited keynote speakers and several tracks of peer-reviewed presentations about SNOMED CT in general with a focus on implementation experiences and developments that facilitate more effective use of the terminology.