Expression Constraint | Valid Expression Footnote Macro |
Please note that some of these examples are based on a hypothetical drug concept model. These examples are not intended to reflect any specific drug model. |
Footnote Macro |
Concepts for which an identifier has not yet been assigned have been shown with an identifier of ‘111115’SNOMED CT identifiers with the '9999999' namespace were created for example only, and should not be used in a production environment. |
Precoordinated | Postcoordinated |
Scg expression |
< 19829001 |Disorder of lung|:
116676008 |Associated morphology|
= 79654002 |Edema| |
| Scg expression |
11468004 |Postoperative pulmonary edema| |
| Scg expression |
210051003 |Injury to heart and lung|:
116676008 |Associated morphology| =
79654002 |Edema| |
Scg expression |
276637009 |Hemorrhagic pulmonary edema| |
Scg expression |
< 19829001 |Disorder of lung|:
116676008 |Associated morphology|
= << 79654002 |Edema| |
| Scg expression |
233709006|Toxic pulmonary edema| |
| Scg expression |
275504005 |Lung cyst|:
116676008 |Associated morphology| =
103619005 |Inflammatory edema| |
Scg expression |
233711002 |Oxygen-induced pulmonary edema| |
| Scg expression |
19829001 |Disorder of lung|:
116676008 |Associated morphology| =
40829002 |Acute edema| |
Scg expression |
< 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
363698007 |Finding site|
= << 39057004 |Pulmonary valve structure|,
116676008 |Associated morphology|
= << 415582006 |Stenosis| |
| Scg expression |
56786000 |Pulmonic valve stenosis| | | Scg expression |
56786000 |Pulmonic valve stenosis|:
363698007 |Finding site| =
90318009|Structure of anulus fibrosus of pulmonary artery|,
116676008 |Associated morphology| =
88015002|Partial stenosis| |
Scg expression |
86299006 |Tetralogy of Fallot| |
| Scg expression |
404684003 |Clinical finding|:
363698007 |Finding site| =
39057004 |Pulmonary valve structure|,
116676008 |Associated morphology| =
415582006 |Stenosis| |
Scg expression |
* : 246075003 |Causative agent| = 387517004 |Paracetamol| |
| Scg expression |
295124009 |Paracetamol overdose| |
| Scg expression |
404684003 |Clinical finding| :
246075003 |Causative agent| =
387517004 |Paracetamol| |
Scg expression |
292042007 |Adverse reaction to paracetamol| |
Scg expression |
< 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
{363698007 |Finding site|
= << 39057004 |Pulmonary valve structure|,
116676008 |Associated morphology|
= << 415582006 |Stenosis|},
{363698007 |Finding site|
= << 53085002 |Right ventricular structure|,
116676008 |Associated morphology|
= << 56246009 |Hypertrophy|} |
| Scg expression |
86299006 |Tetralogy of Fallot| |
| Scg expression |
404684003 |Clinical finding|:
{363698007 |Finding site| =
31689007 |Structure of cusp of pulmonic valve|,
116676008 |Associated morphology| =
415582006 |Stenosis|},
{363698007 |Finding site| =
53085002|Right ventricular structure|,
116676008 |Associated morphology| =
125521000|Acute hypertrophy|} |
Scg expression |
204351007 |Fallot's trilogy| |
Scg expression |
< 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
47429007 |Associated with| =
(< 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
116676008 |Associated morphology|
= << 55641003 |Infarct| ) |
| Scg expression |
71023004 |Pericarditis secondary to acute myocardial infarction| |
| Scg expression |
64572001|Disease| :
47429007 |Associated with| =
(404684003 |clinical finding|:
116676008 |associated morphology| =
55641003 |infarct|,
363698007 |finding site| =
277712000 |cardiac internal structure|) |
Scg expression |
<< 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
<< 47429007 |Associated with| =
<< 267038008 |Edema| |
| Scg expression |
230580009 |Myxedema neuropathy| |
| Scg expression |
95356008|Mucosal ulcer|:
42752001 |Due to| =
40829002 |Acute edema| |
Scg expression |
< 11111527658006 |Amoxicillin tablet|:
{127489000411116001 |Has activedose ingredientform| =
372687004<< 428673006 |AmoxicillinTablet|,
{179999999100 111115 |Has reference basis of strength| =
372687004(219999999102 |Amoxicillin only|,:
111115 189999999103 |StrengthHas strength magnitude equal to||
>= #500#200,
111115 199999999101 |StrengthHas strength unit| =
258684004 |mg|)} |
| Scg expression |
111115374644001 |Amoxicillin trihydrate 500200 mg tablet| | | Scg expression |
11111527658006 |Amoxicillin tablet|:
111115411116001 |Has dose form| =
421026006 |Oral tablet|,
{127489000 |Has active ingredient| =
37268700496068000 |Amoxicillin trihydrate|,
111115179999999100 |Has reference basis of strength| =
372687004(219999999102 |Amoxicillin only|,:
111115189999999103 |StrengthHas strength magnitude equal to||
= #500,
111115 199999999101 |StrengthHas strength unit| =
258684004 |mg|)} |
Scg expression |
< 11111527658006 |Amoxicillin tablet|:
{127489000411116001 |Has activedose ingredientform| =
<< 372687004428673006 |AmoxicillinTablet|,
{179999999100 111115 |Has reference basis of strength| =
(219999999102 372687004 |Amoxicillin only|,:
111115 189999999103 |StrengthHas strength magnitude equal to||
>= #500,
111115 189999999103 |StrengthHas strength magnitude equal to||
<= #800,
111115199999999101 |StrengthHas strength unit| =
258684004 |mg|)} |
| Scg expression |
111115374646004 |Amoxicillin trihydrate 750500 mg tablet| | | Scg expression |
11111527658006 |Amoxicillin tablet|:
{127489000411116001 |Has activedose ingredientform| =
372687004421026006 |AmoxicillinOral tablet|,
{179999999100 111115 |Has reference basis of strength| =
(219999999102 372687004 |Amoxicillin only|,:
111115 189999999103 |StrengthHas strength magnitude equal to||
= #600#750,
111115199999999101 |StrengthHas strength unit| =
258684004 |mg|)} |
Scg expression |
< 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|:
111115209999999104 |TradeHas trade name| = "PANADOL" |
| Scg expression |
111115259999999103 |PANADOL [paracetamol] tablet| |
| Scg expression |
373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|:
{127489000 |Has active ingredient| =
412031009 |Paracetamol or derivative|},
111115209999999104 |TradeHas trade name| = "PANADOL" |
Scg expression |
< 91723000 |Anatomical structure|:
R 363698007 |Finding site| =
< 125605004 |Fracture of bone| |
| Scg expression |
85050009 |Humerus| |
| Scg expression |
85050009 |Humerus|:
272741003 |Laterality| = 7771000 |Left| |
Scg expression |
71341001 |Femur| |
| Scg expression |
71341001 |Femur|:
272741003 |Laterality| = 24028007 |Right| |
Scg expression |
< 125605004 |Fracture of bone|.
363698007 |Finding site| |
| Scg expression |
85050009 |Humerus| |
| Scg expression |
85050009 |Humerus|:
272741003 |Laterality| = 7771000 |Left| |
Scg expression |
71341001 |Femur| |
| Scg expression |
71341001 |Femur|:
272741003 |Laterality| = 24028007 |Right| |
Scg expression |
< 105590001 |Substance|:
R 127489000 |Has active ingredient| =
111115249999999101 |TRIPHASIL tablet| |
| Scg expression |
126109000 |Levonorgestrel| |
| |
Scg expression |
126097006 |Ethinylestradiol| |
Scg expression |
111115249999999101 |TRIPHASIL tablet|.127489000 |Has active ingredient| |
| Scg expression |
126109000 |Levonorgestrel| |
| |
Scg expression |
126097006 |Ethinylestradiol| |
Scg expression |
< 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
* = 79654002 |Edema| |
| Scg expression |
19242006 |Pulmonary edema| |
| Scg expression |
404684003 |Clinical finding|:
116676008 |Associated morphology| =
79654002 |Edema| |
Scg expression |
97341000119105 |Proliferative retinopathy with retinal edema due to type 2 diabetes mellitus| |
Scg expression |
< 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
116676008 |Associated morphology| = * |
| Scg expression |
19242006 |Pulmonary edema| |
| Scg expression |
404684003 |Clinical finding|:
116676008 |Associated morphology| =
79654002 |Edema| |
Scg expression |
263225007 |Hip fracture| |
| Scg expression |
404684003 |Clinical finding|:
116676008 |Associated morphology| =
72704001 |Fracture| |