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This specification relies on the semantics of SNOMED CT modules as defined in the Release Format 2 specification. Please see Section _5.4 Release Format 2 – Core Component Guide

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_ Section number relative to July 2012 version.

in the separate document "SNOMED CT® Technical Implementation Guide" for additional information on this subject.


It should be further noted that, consistent with the advice of Tim Berners-Lee

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Linked Data

, the http scheme is used for these URIs. Furthermore, to be consistent with the W3C's TAG resolution of ISSUE-14
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_ ISSUE-14

, since the URIs defined in this document identify _real-world objects and not information resources, resolving these URIs should not result in an HTTP response code of 200 ("OK") but rather, if anything at all, result in an HTTP response code of 303 ("See Other") to redirect to another URI that identifies a representation of the identified component. The intuition here is that it is not possible to return a real-world object (e.g., "The Eiffel Tower"), but only a representation of it (a picture, a geo-location, a Wikipedia page, etc.). In the same manner, it is only possible to return a representation of the identified SNOMED CT component, and not the component itself. Further discussion around this issue can be found in Section 4.4 Choosing between 202 and Hash
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_ Choosing between 303 and Hash - choosingcooluris#choosing

of the aforementioned W3C document _Cool URIs for the Semantic Web.


Section _5.4.1.4. Identification of Source Module

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_ Section number relative July 2012 version.

of the Technical Implementation Guide says the following:


In some cases a Release comprises the union of two (or more) parts. For example, SNOMED CT with the addition of medication terminology. In the case that these parts are truly distinct, then distinct URIs can be used to identify them individually. In the case that they are not distinct (that is, there is a dependency with respect to their content), or one part should only be used in conjunction with the other, then this logical dependency should be explicitly managed. The Module (Version) Dependency Reference Set

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Scg expression
900000000000534007 | Module dependency reference set |
(see Section 1.1.5) is an appropriate mechanism for doing this and the SNOMED CT URI Guide contains additional discussion of this topic.
