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This section first details how reference sets themselves are described in a machine readable form, using a set of | Reference set descriptor| member records (called a Descriptor, for short). It then describes a number of standard reference set patterns. Each of these patterns is also described standardtypes. Each reference set type follows a pattern and that pattern is also represented in a machine readable form using a set of | Reference set descriptor| member records (called Reference Set Descriptor members (known as a Descriptor Template, for short). Each In most case, the same pattern may be used to define a number of reference sets. At the end of the section, a number of individual reference sets are described that do not conform to a particular patternof differentto serve a variety of purposes. However, there are also some highly specifictypes that exist for a single specified purpose. These are the Reference Set Descriptor Reference Set, Module Dependency Reference Set and Description Format Reference Set.
In each subsection, each reference set or reference set pattern is described in turndescribed atype in under the following subheadings:
The purpose of
each reference set is first described;the
The format of
the reference set memberthemember record is detailed in a table;
The metadata supporting the
reference set is described;The machine
readable reference set descriptorreadabledescriptor member records for
the reference set pattern (the Descriptor Template, for short) are then shownthetype;
Examples of
usage are given, providing example Descriptors, where appropriate.
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