Anchor |
_Toc405198923 | _Toc405198923 | Anchor |
_Toc405198924 | _Toc405198924 | | | Anchor |
_Toc405198925 | _Toc405198925 | Precoordinated Anchor |
_Toc405198926 | _Toc405198926 | Postcoordinated< 373873005 | pharmaceutical / biologic product | Footnote Macro |
Concepts for which an identifier has not been assigned have been shown with an identifier of ‘111115’. |
Precoordinated | Postcoordinated |
Scg expression |
< 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|: |
: 127489000 has active ingredient | = < 105590001 | substance | Anchor |
_Toc405198927 | _Toc405198927 | 322236009 paracetamol 500mg tablet | Anchor |
_Toc405198928 | _Toc405198928 | 373873005 pharmaceutical / biologic product | : Anchor |
_Toc405198929 | _Toc405198929 | {127489000 has active ingredient | = 412031009 | paracetamol or derivative | } | | Anchor |
_Toc405198930 | _Toc405198930 | 404826002 Benzocaine + Butamben + Tetracaine Hydrochloride | Anchor |
_Toc405198931 | _Toc405198931 | 373873005 pharmaceutical / biologic product | : Anchor |
_Toc405198932 | _Toc405198932 | {127489000 has active ingredient | = 412031009 | paracetamol or derivative | }, Anchor |
_Toc405198933 | _Toc405198933 | {127489000 has active ingredient | = 387494007 | codeine | } | < 373873005 | pharmaceutical / biologic product | : [1..1] 127489000 | has active ingredient | = < 105590001
substance | Anchor |
_Toc405198934 | _Toc405198934 | 370166004 aspirin 325mg tablet | Anchor |
_Toc405198935 | _Toc405198935 | 373873005 pharmaceutical / biologic product | : Anchor |
_Toc405198936 | _Toc405198936 | {127489000 has active ingredient | = 412031009 | paracetamol or derivative | } | < 373873005 | pharmaceutical / biologic product | : [0..1] 127489000 | has active ingredient | = < 105590001 | substance | Anchor |
_Toc405198937 | _Toc405198937 | 111115 inert tablet | Footnote Macro |
Concepts for which an identifier has not been assigned have been shown with an identifier of '111115'. |
| Anchor |
_Toc405198938 | _Toc405198938 | 373873005 pharmaceutical / biologic product | : Anchor |
_Toc405198939 | _Toc405198939 | {127489000 has active ingredient | = 412031009 | paracetamol or derivative | } | | Anchor |
_Toc405198940 | _Toc405198940 | 370166004 aspirin 325mg tablet | | < 373873005 | pharmaceutical / biologic product | : [1..*] 127489000 | has active ingredient | = < 105590001 | substance | 7947003 | aspirin | Anchor |
_Toc405198941 | _Toc405198941 | 373873005 pharmaceutical / biologic product | : Anchor |
_Toc405198942 | _Toc405198942 | {127489000 has active ingredient | = 412031009 | paracetamol or derivative | }, Anchor |
_Toc405198943 | _Toc405198943 | {127489000 has active ingredient | = 255641001 | caffeine | }, Anchor |
_Toc405198944 | _Toc405198944 | {127489000 has active ingredient | = 387458008 | aspirin | } | | Anchor |
_Toc405198945 | _Toc405198945 | 437867004 chlorphenamine + dextromethorphan + paracetamol + pseudoephedrine | | < 404684003 | clinical finding | : [1..1] 363698007 | finding site | = < 91723000 | anatomical structure | 125596004 | injury of elbow | Anchor |
_Toc405198946 | _Toc405198946 | 404684003 clinical finding | : Anchor |
_Toc405198947 | _Toc405198947 | {116676008 associated morphology | = 72704001 | fracture | , Anchor |
_Toc405198948 | _Toc405198948 | 363698007 finding site | = 299701004 | bone of forearm | , Anchor |
_Toc405198949 | _Toc405198949 | 363698007 finding site | = 62413002 | bone structure of radius | } 127489000 |Has active ingredient| = < 105590001 |Substance| |
| Scg expression |
322236009 |Paracetamol 500mg tablet| |
| Scg expression |
373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|:
{127489000 |Has active ingredient| =
412031009 |Paracetamol or derivative|} |
Scg expression |
404826002 |Benzocaine + butamben + tetracaine hydrochloride| |
| Scg expression |
373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|:
{127489000 |Has active ingredient| =
412031009 |Paracetamol or derivative|},
{127489000 |Has active ingredient|=
387494007 |Codeine|} |
Scg expression |
< 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|: [1..1] 127489000 |Has active ingredient| = < 105590001|Substance| |
| Scg expression |
370166004 |Aspirin 325mg tablet| |
| Scg expression |
373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|:
{127489000 |Has active ingredient|=
412031009 |Paracetamol or derivative|} |
Scg expression |
< 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|: [0..1] 127489000 |Has active ingredient| = < 105590001 |Substance| |
| Scg expression |
111115 |Inert tablet| |
| Scg expression |
373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|:
{127489000 |Has active ingredient| =
412031009 |Paracetamol or derivative|} |
Scg expression |
370166004 |Aspirin 325mg tablet| |
Scg expression |
< 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|: [1..*] 127489000 |Has active ingredient| = < 105590001 |Substance| |
| Scg expression |
7947003 |Aspirin| |
| Scg expression |
373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|:
{127489000 |Has active ingredient| =
412031009 |Paracetamol or derivative|},
{127489000 |Has active ingredient| =
255641001 |Caffeine|},
{127489000 |Has active ingredient| =
387458008 |Aspirin|} |
Scg expression |
437867004 |Chlorphenamine + dextromethorphan + paracetamol + pseudoephedrine| |
Scg expression |
< 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
[1..1] 363698007 |Finding site| =
< 91723000 |Anatomical structure| |
| Scg expression |
125596004 |Injury of elbow| |
| Scg expression |
404684003 |Clinical finding|:
{116676008 |Associated morphology| =
72704001 |Fracture|,
363698007 |Finding site| =
299701004 |Bone of forearm|,
363698007 |Finding site| =
62413002 |Bone structure of radius|} |
footnote |
As mentioned earlier, only non-redundant defining attributes are included in the cardinality count. Because |
bone Bone structure of radius| |
is a subtype of Scg expression |
| 299701004 | |
bone finding Finding site| = 299701004| |
bone 404684003 clinical finding | : 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
[2..*] |
363698007 finding site | = < 91723000 | anatomical structure | 86299006 | tetralogy of Fallot | Anchor |
_Toc405198950 | _Toc405198950 | 404684003 clinical finding | : Anchor |
_Toc405198951 | _Toc405198951 | {116676008 associated morphology | = 72704001 | fracture | , Anchor |
_Toc405198952 | _Toc405198952 | 363698007 finding site | = 299701004 | bone of forearm | }, Anchor |
_Toc405198953 | _Toc405198953 | {116676008 associated morphology | = 72704001 | fracture | , Anchor |
_Toc405198954 | _Toc405198954 | 363698007 finding site | = 702468001 | bone structure of lower leg | } | < 404684003 | clinical finding | : { 363698007 |Finding site| =
< 91723000 |Anatomical structure| |
| Scg expression |
86299006 |Tetralogy of Fallot| |
| Scg expression |
404684003 |Clinical finding|:
{116676008 |Associated morphology| =
72704001 |Fracture|,
363698007 |Finding site| =
299701004 |Bone of forearm|},
{116676008 |Associated morphology| =
72704001 |Fracture|,
363698007 |Finding site| =
702468001 |Bone structure of lower leg|} |
Scg expression |
< 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
{ [2..*] 363698007 |
= < 91723000 | anatomical structure | } | Anchor |
_Toc405198955 | _Toc405198955 | -64572001 | disease | : Anchor |
_Toc405198956 | _Toc405198956 | {116676008 associated morphology | = 396351009 | congenital septal defect | , Anchor |
_Toc405198957 | _Toc405198957 | 363698007 finding site | = 25943004 | structure of atrioventricular node | , Anchor |
_Toc405198958 | _Toc405198958 | 363698007 finding site | = 113262008 | thoracic aorta structure | } Anchor |
_Toc405198959 | _Toc405198959 | {116676008 associated morphology | = 90141005 | congenital hypertrophy | , Anchor |
_Toc405198960 | _Toc405198960 | 363698007 finding site | = 244384009 | entire right ventricle | } | < 373873005 | pharmaceutical / biologic product | : [1..3] { [1..*] 127489000 | has active ingredient | = < 105590001 | substance | } | Anchor |
_Toc405198961 | _Toc405198961 | 322236009 paracetamol 500mg tablet | Anchor |
_Toc405198962 | _Toc405198962 | 373873005 pharmaceutical / biologic product | : Anchor |
_Toc405198963 | _Toc405198963 | {127489000 has active ingredient | = 412031009 | paracetamol or derivative | } | | Anchor |
_Toc405198964 | _Toc405198964 | 404826002 Benzocaine + Butamben + Tetracaine Hydrochloride | Anchor |
_Toc405198965 | _Toc405198965 | 373873005 pharmaceutical / biologic product | : Anchor |
_Toc405198966 | _Toc405198966 | {127489000 has active ingredient | = 412031009 | paracetamol or derivative | }, Anchor |
_Toc405198967 | _Toc405198967 | {127489000 has active ingredient | = 387494007 | codeine | } | < 373873005 | pharmaceutical / biologic product | : [0..1] { 127489000 | has active ingredient | = < 105590001 | substance | } | Anchor |
_Toc405198968 | _Toc405198968 | 111115 inert tablet | Footnote Macro |
Concepts for which an identifier has not been assigned have been shown with an identifier of '111115'. |
| Anchor |
_Toc405198969 | _Toc405198969 | 373873005 pharmaceutical / biologic product | : Anchor |
_Toc405198970 | _Toc405198970 | {127489000 has active ingredient | = 412031009 | paracetamol or derivative | } | | =
< 91723000 |Anatomical structure|} |
| - | Scg expression |
64572001 |Disease| :
{116676008 |Associated morphology| =
396351009 |Congenital septal defect|,
363698007 |Finding site| =
25943004|Structure of atrioventricular node|,
363698007 |Finding site| =
113262008 |Thoracic aorta structure| }
{116676008 |Associated morphology| =
90141005 |Congenital hypertrophy| ,
363698007 |Finding site| =
244384009 |Entire right ventricle|} |
Scg expression |
< 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|: [1..3] { [1..*] 127489000 |Has active ingredient| = < 105590001 |Substance|} |
| Scg expression |
322236009 |Paracetamol 500mg tablet| |
| Scg expression |
373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|:
{127489000 |Has active ingredient| =
412031009 |Paracetamol or derivative|} |
Scg expression |
404826002 |Benzocaine + butamben + tetracaine hydrochloride| |
| Scg expression |
373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|:
{127489000 |Has active ingredient| =
412031009 |Paracetamol or derivative|},
{127489000 |Has active ingredient|=
387494007 |Codeine|} |
Scg expression |
< 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|: [0..1] {127489000 |Has active ingredient| = < 105590001 |Substance|} |
| Scg expression |
111115 |Inert tablet| |
| Scg expression |
373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|:
{127489000 |Has active ingredient| =
412031009 |Paracetamol or derivative|} |
Scg expression |
370166004 |Aspirin 325mg tablet| |
Scg expression |
< 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|: [1..*] {127489000 |Has active ingredient| = < 105590001 |Substance|} |
| Scg expression |
370166004 |Aspirin 325mg tablet| |
| Scg expression |
373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product|:
{127489000 |Has active ingredient| =
412031009 |Paracetamol or derivative|},
{127489000 |Has active ingredient|=
387494007 |Codeine|} |
Scg expression |
< 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
[1..1] {363698007 |Finding site| =
< 91723000 |Anatomical structure|} |
| Scg expression |
125596004 |Injury of elbow| |
| Scg expression |
404684003 |Clinical finding|:
{363698007 |Finding site| =
299701004 |Bone of forearm|},
{363698007 |Finding site| =
62413002 |Bone structure of radius|} |
Scg expression |
< 404684003 |Clinical finding|:
[0..0] { [2..*] 363698007|Finding site| = < 91723000 |Anatomical structure|} |
| Scg expression |
86299006 |Tetralogy of Fallot| |
| Scg expression |
404684003 |Clinical finding|:
363698007 |Finding site|=
39057004 |Pulmonary valve structure|,
116676008 |Associated morphology| =
415582006 |Stenosis| |
| Anchor |
_Toc405198971 | _Toc405198971 | 370166004 aspirin 325mg tablet | | < 373873005 | pharmaceutical / biologic product | : [1..*] { 127489000 | has active ingredient | = < 105590001 | substance | }
| Anchor |
_Toc405198972 | _Toc405198972 | 370166004 aspirin 325mg tablet | Anchor |
_Toc405198973 | _Toc405198973 | 373873005 pharmaceutical / biologic product | : Anchor |
_Toc405198974 | _Toc405198974 | {127489000 has active ingredient | = 412031009 | paracetamol or derivative | }, Anchor |
_Toc405198975 | _Toc405198975 | {127489000 has active ingredient | = 387494007 | codeine | } | < 404684003 | clinical finding | : [1..1] { 363698007 | finding site | = < 91723000 | anatomical structure | }
| Anchor |
_Toc405198976 | _Toc405198976 | 125596004 injury of elbow | 404684003 | clinical finding | : Anchor |
_Toc405198977 | _Toc405198977 | { 363698007 finding site | = 299701004 | bone of forearm | }, Anchor |
_Toc405198978 | _Toc405198978 | { 363698007 finding site | = 62413002 | bone structure of radius | } | < 404684003 | clinical finding | : [0..0] { [2..*] 363698007 | finding site | = < 91723000 | anatomical structure | } | Anchor |
_Toc405198979 | _Toc405198979 | 86299006 tetralogy of Fallot | Anchor |
_Toc405198980 | _Toc405198980 | 404684003 clinical finding | : 363698007 | finding site | = 39057004 | pulmonary valve structure | , 116676008 | associated morphology | = 415582006 stenosis