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IHTSDO supports the travel and subsistence of some non-employees according to the IHTSDO Travel Policy.  This policy clarifies which categories of people may or may not receive support for travel while on IHTSDO business.  

All travel is subject to IHTSDO policies on group travel authorization, individual travel authorization (see Travel authorization), and the IHTSDO Travel Policy.

Categories of people whose travel and subsistence may be financed by IHTSDO:

Management Board members

The election of Management Board members is based on their professional background, not their country of residence, so the MB’s home country is not obliged to pay for travel funding and the MB member is not representing his or her home country. IHTSDO supports Management Board travel funding.

Advisory Group members traveling on behalf of IHTSDO

As decided by the General Assembly in April 2015, Advisory Group members who are attending meetings/events on behalf of IHTSDO will be offered travel funding, which should go under the budget line of the appropriate Line of Business or relevant project.  In some cases, an Advisory Group member (such as an NLM employee) may not be permitted by his or her employer to accept the funding, but if he or she is traveling on behalf of IHTSDO, IHTSDO should nonetheless offer to cover his or her expenses.  

Individuals asked by IHTSDO to teach, give a speech, attend a conference, or similar

IHTSDO will generally offer travel and subsistence funding for non-employees traveling on behalf of IHTSDO to give a speech, attend a conference, participate in a meeting, etc.  No additional fee or honorarium will be paid unless agreed in advance by the IHTSDO Management Board.

Project Participants

All IHTSDO projects, agreed as part of the annual work plan, that require essential face-to-face meetings should have the costs of these meetings included in the budget planning. Funding from project allocation will be provided where:

  • The project is part of the IHTSDO work plan and has appropriate funding
  • There is a specific need for a face-to-face meeting agreed with the responsible IHTSDO Management Team member
  • There are agreed deliverables against the project plan which enable IHTSDO to meet its objectives for the financial year

IHTSDO Award Winners

IHTSDO Award winners will be offered funding by IHTSDO to attend the awards event at which they are due to receive their award. This should include travel and subsistence.

Other Activities

The CEO has the prerogative of approving additional travel of non-employees to support IHTSDO activities.

Categories of people whose travel and subsistence will not be financed by IHTSDO:

General Assembly

The role of nominated General Assembly representatives is to represent the Member.  Each Member is responsible for funding its own Nominated Representative.

Member Forum

The role of Member Forum attendees is to represent the Member. Each Member is responsible for funding the attendance of its own representative(s).

Advisory Group members traveling on behalf of a Member

As decided by the General Assembly in April 2015, where an individual is appointed to an Advisory Group to represent the interests of the Member, the Member covers the expenses.

Working Groups – SIGs and Project Groups

As a general rule the IHTSDO will not provide funding support for the travel of working groups (SIGs or Project Groups) unless it is a budget item supported by a Line of Business or project budget (see above).


Exceptions may be made when the CEO and Management Board Chair agree that it is in IHTSDO's strategic interest to reimburse travel expenses of individuals within these groups or all the members of the group.



StatusApproved by CEO 20160609

Version 2.0 includes "Exceptions."