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titleIn this page:

How to validate a task to verify conformance of its new and updated concepts to rules for SNOMED CT lexical content patterns and logical structure.


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Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Press Validate in the  panel Press Start New Validation from Whitelist Whitelist  to place assertion cases on the Validation Report whitelist. Whitelisted cases are removed from the assertions failures listing. pressing  Whitelist Whitelist  to clear it


In the Task View - Task Details

panel actions button list, press Validate with MRCM or Validate without MRCM  (with or without MRCM depends on the checkbox setting in Task Details).


From the left-hand button bar Validation sub-menu

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press Start New Validation with MRCM or Start New Validation without MRCM (with or without MRCM depends on the checkbox setting in Task Details).

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A "Task successfully submitted for validation" notification is presented in the page header, along with a validation status icon to the right of the task identifier, and a Validation has been scheduled status message replaces the request button in the left-hand button bar Validation sub-menu.

On initial submission for validation, the task content branch is locked briefly to prevent any further changes, and a warning notification is presented above the Validate action button in below the Edit Task Details button in the Task Details panel. Whilst this is present, changes cannot be made to the content saved in the task branch, and action buttons other than Edit Task Details become inactive. The task is typically unlocked for editing within a few seconds before the header notification is removed.

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Whilst validation is runningbeing processed, a status icon is icons are presented in the page header, to the right of the task identifier, and a "Validation Running" notice the Validation has been scheduled status message replaces the request button in the left-hand button bar Validation sub-menu.

titleValidation takes many minutes to complete
Validation is one of the most computationally intensive activities for the Authoring Platform, so takes some time to complete. Each validation request is placed in a queue for processing by the Release Validation Service (RVF) so completion time can depend on how many are queued as well as the computational performance of the RVF. Completion time can be up to 30 mins, perhaps longer in extreme cases, but is more typically around 10-20 mins.

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When the task validation is completed, a header notification is presented which includes a link to the Validation Report containing the validation results.


Follow the link in the header notification to open the Validation Report.


Press View Validation Report in the left-hand button bar Validation sub-menu.

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The Validation Report is presented in place of the Edit Panel, Concept Diagram and left-hand context panels, with an "Initialisation complete" header notification.

This contains the following:

  • Header bar with
    • Report label showing "Validation Report Completed <date-time-stamp>".
    • Show Full Report text action button.
    • Show Whitelist text action button.
  • Report panel.

If the task contains no validation errors, the message "No validation results to display" is presented in the report panel.

If the task has validation issues then the validation report will contain a listing of validation assertion failureslistings of Failed Assertions and Warning Assertions. Each list entry contains:

  • Validation assertion description.
  • Total number of cases (concepts) which failed related to that assertion.
  • Load Cases icon/text action button.
  • Download icon/text action button.

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Press Load Cases  on an assertion list entry to see the concepts which triggered the assertion.

The report panel switches to a tabulated list of concepts below a header line which contains the Assertion Failure text, and a Back to Report  icon/text action button (which returns to the case listing view).

Each concept row has the following:

  • Select box.
  • Concept Id  (SCTID).
  • FSN  term.
  • Semantic Tag
  • Error Message.
  • Add to WhitelistExceptions text action button.
  • View/Edit Concept icon button.

The table rows can be sorted by Concept Id, FSN, Semantic Tag and Error Message by toggling the column header labels.

The select boxes on each row work in combination with the Add selected to WhitelistExceptions and View/Edit Selected Concepts action buttons in the rightmost two column headers. These actions will be applied to all selected concept rows to quickly process them as a group.

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Press Add to

Exceptions (on a single concept row) or Add Selected to

Exceptions (selected rows)

to open the Add to Exceptions dialogue overlay.

Exceptions can be added as either a Permanent Exception or Temporary Exception.

Add a Reason for the exception, then press Save to put the assertion on the relevant exceptions list, or press Cancel to return to the validation report without adding to the Exceptions list.

titleExceptions lists have project scope

Note that any exceptions added from a task will apply to all tasks within the same project.

Exception listed cases are removed from the Failed Assertions and Warning Assertions listings.

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The Exceptions List is initially presented for the task's project, but the list scope can be switched between This Project and All Projects.

Such cases can be viewed by

pressing Show

Exceptions  in the Validation Report header.

Press Hide

Exceptions  to remove the Exceptions List from view.

titleWhitelist scope is global

Note that the whitelist applies to all validation reports, not just the current task/project, so should be used with careful consideration of its impact to all tasks/projects.

Given this global impact, whitelist management needs careful review and should only be done by experienced quality assurance staff.

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Press View/Edit Concept  (on a single concept row) or View/Edit Selected Concepts (selected rows) to see case concepts in an embedded Taxonomy/Editor panel below the cases table. This supports direct inspection and editing of concepts on a case-by-case basis without leaving the Validation Report.

To remove a concept from the Taxonomy/Editor panel press its "X" (Remove concept from edit panel) icon button in the concept header icon button list (as for the main Editor view).

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Press Download  to save a list file to your local machine in .tsv  format. The file contains the Concept ID (SCTID) and FSN term for each concept in the cases list (one per line, tab-delimited; line 1 is a header line with field labels).

titleValidation download file (.tsv format)

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By default the Validation Report shows only assertion failures triggered by concepts modified within the task. Press Show Full Report  to see all assertion failures for the entire branch contents. These may include assertion failures carried into the task from the project level, either on task creation or via task rebase.

When viewing the full report, press Show Task Report  to return to the default view and only present assertion failures triggered by changes made within the task.

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