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ICNP SNOMED CT Refset package license
ICNP SNOMED CT Refset package license

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The International Classification of Nursing Practice (ICNP) Reference Set is a product agreed as part of a collaboration agreement between the International Council of Nurses (ICN) and the International Health Terminology Standards Organisation (IHTSDO), trading as SNOMED International. ICNP content has been incorporated into SNOMED CT and is being released as a reference set by SNOMED International on behalf of ICN. This production release is based on ICNP 2019 as was the release in October 2021.


ICN and SNOMED International have worked together since 2006 to advance terminology harmonisation and foster interoperability in health information systems. This work resulted in the release of an equivalence table between the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) and SNOMED Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT®) for nursing diagnoses and an equivalence table between ICNP and SNOMED CT for nursing interventions which were released 6 monthly until 2018. It also resulted in the SNOMED CT Nursing Activities Reference Set and SNOMED CT Nursing Health Issues Reference Set which were released until October 2021. No further releases of these reference sets are planned. 

ICN initiated a review of its role in health informatics globally, enabling them to develop a strategy for supporting nursing globally. It is this review which lead to the new agreement between ICN and SNOMED International, with the following key components:

  • ICNP 2019 incorporated into SNOMED CT
  • SNOMED International to maintain and distribute ICNP as a SNOMED reference set on behalf of ICN
  • ICN to retain ownership of ICNP – SNOMED International to retain ownership of SNOMED CT
  • ICN to continue to lead on ICNP clinical development over time and its quality assurance through ICN governance processes
  • Free for use in SNOMED International member countries and licensed by ICN in non-member countries

ICN has established the ICNP Editorial Board through which decisions on the content of ICNP are made. The ICNP Editorial Board has put in place a mechanism for requesting changes and additions to ICNP reference set - for more information please contact


The key drivers for this approach are:

  • To ensure that nursing remains connected to the wider health information landscape globally
  • To ensure that SNOMED CT continues to adequately reflect global nursing practice
  • To ensure that information collected using ICNP can link to SNOMED CT encoded records and be shared with other healthcare professionals to support the care of individuals
  • To capture nursing care in a standardised way thus avoiding local mapping which will lead to inconsistency
  • To facilitate the sharing of ICNP-based information in a standardised way to support delivery of patient care, usage for research purposes and participation in health policy making

The ICNP, and therefore this reference set, is a terminology that enables nurses to describe and report their practice in a systematic way. The resulting information is used to support care and effective decision-making, and to inform nursing education and health policy. 

As ICNP is intended for use by and for nurses, ICN has been able to focus attention on the development of ICNP specifically for nursing practice. This has resulted in a rich and comprehensive resource that nurses can use to describe and report in detail the things that they assess (diagnoses e.g. nausea) and the things that they do (interventions e.g. counselling). The potential benefits of a consistent approach to capturing nursing data are far-reaching. However, nurses do not practice in isolation, they practice alongside many other disciplines. One of the potential risks of a specific nursing-focus is that nursing will be somehow disconnected from a larger health information landscape, hence the integration of ICNP into SNOMED CT. 

Future releases

The SNOMED ICNP reference set is released October 2022 as planned. It has been agreed with ICN that the next release of the SNOMED ICNP reference set will be April 2024 and then annually in April. This supports changes to the release cycles of derivatives at SNOMED International and will also allow ICN a further period to collect and agree additions to ICNP which are being proposed by users through the ICNP Editorial Board. This heralds the start of an annual update cycle by ICN, ensuring that the ICNP refset remains current and in line with global nursing practice.

It should be noted that the content of the ICNP refset (October 2022) will be included in the free for use Global Patient Set which will be issued in October 2022 by SNOMED International, replacing the Nursing Health Issues and Nursing Activities reference sets.


The decisions about additions and changes to SNOMED CT as a result of the incorporation of ICNP 2019 into SNOMED CT has been directed by the advice given by subject matter experts from both organisations and also members of ICNP Editorial Board at ICN. To ensure fit with international requirements and other sources of terminology, the SNOMED International Nursing Clinical Reference Group has also provided advise and expertise.

This work provided an opportunity for ICN to review and make decisions about the content of ICNP 2019. 


The version of ICNP used in this reference set is the May 2019 release.  

The version of SNOMED CT used is the July 2022 January 2024 International Release.


The 2022 2024 International Classification of Nursing Practice (ICNP) Reference Set is comprised of 1958 XXXX active concepts from the SNOMED CT Clinical Finding, Procedure and Situation with Explicit Context hierarchies. Changes to the membership of the reference set for the 2022 2024 release include both replacements for inactivated concepts plus new content to represent some of ICNP terms that did not have an equivalence in the 2021 reference set release, additions of new synonyms as well as the addition of new concepts. The table below details the changes. 

1141699006 |Demonstrates knowledge of traditional therapy (finding704491001 Deficient knowledge of traditional therapy 710861001 |Assessment of knowledge of traditional therapy (procedure710866006 |Support for use of traditional therapy (regime/therapy399912005 Pressure ulcer disorder
1231385002 |Demonstrates knowledge of complementary therapy (finding386053000 |Evaluation procedure (procedure)|New member
103693007 |Diagnostic procedure (procedure)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1231386001 |Deficient knowledge of complementary therapy 394687007 |At low risk for suicide (finding)|New member
1144845004 |Risk of suicide decreased (finding)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1231388000 |Assessment of knowledge of complementary therapy (procedure52475004 |Xeroderma (disorder)|New member
16386004 |Dry skin (finding)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1231383009 |Support for use of complementary therapy (regime/therapy1254812006 |Substance dependence (disorder)|New member
191816009 |Drug dependence (disorder)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1231389008 |Assessment of use of complementary therapy (procedure)|New member
199312002 |Finding related to risk factor in pregnancy (finding)|711010004 |Assessment of use of traditional therapy (procedure)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1163215007 289159000 |Pressure injury Thirst finding (disorderfinding)|New member
249475006 |Thirst symptom (finding)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1217332007 |Persistent sadness (finding1230126004 |Performing dressing activity for full body of subject (procedure)|New member
1217127002 |Effective continuity of care (finding313332003 |Dressing patient (procedure)|New Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
224965009 |Grief finding (finding370773004 |Administration of prescribed medications and solutions (procedure)|New Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1230052008 |Impaired ability to manage medication regime (finding)|New member
370774005 |Administration of prescribed medications based on arterial blood gas results (procedure)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
288939007 |Difficulty swallowing 1217330004 |Impairment of integrity of oral mucous membrane (finding)|New member
417163006 |Traumatic or non-traumatic injury (disorder399122003 |Swallowing problem (finding)|New Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1217126006 1237117000 |Deficient knowledge of fluid regimen (findingVenous ulcer of lower leg (disorder)|New member
1236741000 |Parenting stress (finding402863005 |Venous stasis ulcer of leg (disorder)|New Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
284778005 |Difficulty performing personal care activity 409041001 |Reproductive risk (finding)|New memberConcept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1269478006 |At increased risk for male infertility (finding1217125005 |Assessment of nausea (procedure)|New member
1230050000 |Assisting with dressing activity (procedure1269477001 |At increased risk for female infertility (finding)|New member
1217461009 |Facilitation of ability to communicate about dying process (procedure)|New member
409043003 |Infertility risk (finding)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1279828000 |At increased risk for disorder due to contraceptive use (finding1217334008 |Management of respiratory device (procedure)|New member
1172582009 |Preparation of family for childbirth (situation409044009 |Contraception risk (finding)|New Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
395076009 |Bereavement support (regime/therapy1269553009 |At increased risk for perinatal disorder (finding)|New member
1172619003 |Support of victim of child abuse (regime/therapy)|New member
409046006 |Perinatal risk (finding)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1269476005 |At increased risk for complication during labor and delivery (finding1172620009 |Support of victim of elder abuse (regime/therapy)|New member
1172621008 |Support of victim of incest (regime/therapy)|New member
409048007 |Labor risk (finding)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
409049004 |Delivery risk (finding)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1269562006 |At increased risk for postpartum disorder (finding1172623006 |Support of victim of intimate partner violence (regime/therapy)|New member
225423004 409050004 |Complementary therapy (regime/therapy)|Postpartum risk (finding)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1284867003 |Education about relaxation technique (procedure)|New member
410304007 |Relaxation/breathing techniques education, guidance, and counseling (procedure)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1296884009 |At increased risk of exposure to communicable disease (finding)|New member
443999008 |Risk of exposure to communicable disease (situation)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1286875007 |At increased risk for unplanned pregnancy (finding)|New member
52651000119105 |At risk of unplanned pregnancy (situation)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
22791000175108 |At increased risk of intimate partner violence (finding)|New member
706892001 |At risk of intimate partner abuse (finding)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
40617009 |Artificial ventilation (regime/therapy)|New member
266700009 |Assisted breathing (regime/therapy)|New member
11140008 |Respiratory assist, manual (procedure)|New member
710976005 |Maintaining ventilation (procedure)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
1254959003 |Monitoring substance withdrawal (regime/therapy)|New member
710986006 |Monitoring drug withdrawal (regime/therapy)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
713103003 |Giving encouragement to be urinary continent (procedure)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
713105005 |Giving encouragement to be bowel continent (procedure)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
87502001 |At risk for imbalanced body temperature (finding)|Concept inactivated - no longer an active reference set member
77248004 |Infection control procedure (procedure)|New member
1263932002 |Education about sleep (procedure)|New member
386342003 |Kangaroo care (regime/therapy)|New member
13197004 |Uses contraception (finding)|New member
1237094009 |Informing health care professional of presence of implantable cardiac device (procedure)|New member
225285007 |Giving oral fluid (procedure)|New member
713607003 |Enhancement of self-efficacy (procedure)|New member
737856008 |Management of vaginal blood loss (procedure)|New member
1177155004 |Assessment of side effects of medication (procedure)|New member
384762007 |Transportation procedure (procedure)|New member
282298003 |Able to balance (finding)|New member
871870009 |Able to demonstrate health literacy (finding)|New member
300199007 |Able to hear (finding)|New member
301570003 |Able to mobilize using mobility aids (finding)|New member
706954003 |Able to perform intermittent urethral self-catheterization (finding)|New member
705075002 |Able to see (finding)|New member
609328004 |Allergic disposition (finding)|New member
87486003 |Aphasia (finding)|New member
424167000 |At increased risk for unstable blood glucose level (finding)|New member
715238005 |At increased risk of electrolyte imbalance (finding)|New member
74506000 |Bereavement due to life event (finding)|New member
300463007 |Efficient emptying of urinary bladder (finding)|New member
131148009 |Bleeding (finding)|New member
48782003 |Delivery normal (finding)|New member
871869008 |Difficulty demonstrating health literacy (finding)|New member
102835006 |Difficulty passing urine (finding)|New member
3006004 |Disturbance of consciousness (finding)|New member
288784001 |Does communicate needs and wishes (finding)|New member
129882008 |Dysfunctional coping using self defense mechanisms (finding)|New member
449892005 |Feeling safe (finding)|New member
271591004 |Fully conscious (finding)|New member
418363000 |Itching of skin (finding)|New member
278040002 |Loss of hair (finding)|New member
405273008 |Manic mood (finding)|New member
123640000 |Mucous membrane dryness (finding)|New member
169961004 |Normal birth (finding)|New member
45332005 |Normal capillary filling (finding)|New member
271720007 |Normal intracranial pressure (finding)|New member
162081000 |Not constipated (finding)|New member
301146007 |Peripheral pulse palpable (finding)|New member
228151002 |Personal care disability (finding)|New member
764816006 |Physically prepared to undergo surgery (finding)|New member
161047009 |Poor adaptation to disability (finding)|New member
301179007 |Poor venous access (finding)|New member
47295007 |Psychomotor agitation (finding)|New member
416751004 |Reduced drugs misuse (finding)|New member
286688002 |Splitting - mental defense mechanism (finding)|New member
226077000 |Therapeutic diet (finding)|New member
110483000 |Tobacco user (finding)|New member
418107008 |Unconscious (finding)|New member
95930005 |Victim of neglect (finding)|New member
271398006 |Weight steady (finding)|New member
65971000052100 |Acute psychosis (disorder)|New member
87715008 |Xerostomia (finding)|New member
432843002 |Acute rejection of cardiac transplant (disorder)|New member
17226007 |Adjustment disorder (disorder)|New member
781474001 |Allergic disorder (disorder)|New member
271737000 |Anemia (disorder)|New member
266154004 |Candidiasis of mouth and esophagus (disorder)|New member
698247007 |Cardiac arrhythmia (disorder)|New member
213151004 |Heart transplant failure and rejection (disorder)|New member
213152006 |Heart-lung transplant failure and rejection (disorder)|New member
8765009 |Hematemesis (disorder)|New member
128139000 |Inflammatory disorder (disorder)|New member
262890007 |Injury of urinary tract proper (disorder)|New member
2901004 |Melena (disorder)|New member
386033004 |Neuropathy (disorder)|New member
75478009 |Poisoning (disorder)|New member
33910007 |Postoperative infection (disorder)|New member
58126003 |Postoperative wound infection (disorder)|New member
69322001 |Psychotic disorder (disorder)|New member
46742003 |Skin ulcer (disorder)|New member
213148006 |Transplanted organ rejection (disorder)|New member
386502009 |Acid-base regulation: metabolic acidosis (procedure)|New member
431695009 |Administration of drug or medicament to skin via topical route (procedure)|New member
386351006 |Administration of drug or medicament via enteral tube (procedure)|New member
406172003 |Administration of drug or medicament via nasal route (procedure)|New member
386353009 |Administration of drug or medicament via ophthalmic route (procedure)|New member
386359008 |Administration of drug or medicament via oral route (procedure)|New member
225286008 |Alternating the patient's position (procedure)|New member
386516004 |Anticipatory guidance (procedure)|New member
14766002 |Aspiration (procedure)|New member
64374001 |Assessment and interpretation of higher cerebral function, aphasia testing (procedure)|New member
473207004 |Assessment of need for interpreter (procedure)|New member
443693006 |Assessment of self medication (procedure)|New member
428211000124100 |Assessment of substance use (procedure)|New member
20565007 |Bathing patient in shower (procedure)|New member
302787001 |Bilirubin measurement (procedure)|New member
30381006 |Bleeding precautions (procedure)|New member

New member
170190000 |Child examination: fontanel (procedure)|New member
400921004 |Corneal light reflex test (procedure)|New member
243067002 |Counseling about coping strategies (procedure)|New member
736601004 |Demonstration of inhaler technique (procedure)|New member
167197004 |Digestive function tests (procedure)|New member
182882002 |Drug intake observed (procedure)|New member
171047005 |Drugs of addiction education (procedure)|New member
439035007 |Education about sleep hygiene behavior (procedure)|New member
225991001 |Ensuring mobility aid available (procedure)|New member
1449002 |Epilation (procedure)|New member
1269479003 |Female perineal care management (procedure)|New member
276026009 |Fluid balance regulation (procedure)|New member
390906007 |Follow-up encounter (procedure)|New member

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Obtaining the reference set

This reference set covers content of ICNP 2019 and is published as a Production release in October 2022. It should be noted that SNOMED International is not providing an equivalence table as part of the 2022 release. For further information regarding a human readable version of the current equivalence table please contact

Access within SNOMED international member countries is provided by the Member National Release Centre in each country, via the relevant Member page. Users of ICNP in non-member countries need to gain a licence from ICN in the first instance, unless they are also SNOMED CT Affiliates in which case they will be able to access the files using their MLDS accounts. Please contact info@snomed.organdicnp@icn.chfor more information if required. 


Feedback should be sent jointly to and Feedback should include any issues relating to implementation, suggestions for future content inclusion or general comments regarding the subset.

Technical Notes

RF2 package format

The RF2 package convention dictates that it contains all relevant files, regardless of whether or not there is content to be included in each particular release.  Therefore, the package contains a mixture of files which contain both header rows and content data, and also files that are intentionally left blank (including only a header record).  The reason that these files are not removed from the package is to draw a clear distinction between:

  1. ...files that have been deprecated (and therefore removed from the package completely), due to the content no longer being relevant to RF2 in this or future releases, and 
  2. ...files that just happen to contain no data in this particular release (and are therefore included in the package but left blank, with only a header record), but are still relevant to RF2, and could therefore potentially contain data in future releases.

This allows users to easily distinguish between files that have purposefully been removed or not, as otherwise if files in option 2 above were left out of the package it could be interpreted as an error, rather than an intentional lack of content in that release.

RF2 Delta files removed from the package

Delta files have been removed from both International and Managed Service release packages, and are now being removed from all Derivative products in line with this new Standard.

The Delta files have therefore been removed from this 2022 ICNP Nursing Practice Release package.  Please contact if you have any questions about these improvements.

Metadata now incorporated into the Derivative Packages

After consultation in 2023, SNOMED International are in the process of migrating the Metadata components for Derivative product from the International Edition to the Derivative release packages themselves.

These Derivatives are solely single refsets/maps, and so don’t mean anything to end users without the supporting terms and other components from the International content.  The nature of these products is therefore such that we necessarily create Derivative packages that are inherently dependent on the relevant International Edition content.  Previously, therefore, we have always created the metadata components (refset/module concepts, descriptions, relationships, etc) in the International Edition release packages, with the Derivative products being dependent on the relevant International content. 

Whilst this dependency on the International content would continue, the transition would include the metadata components in the Derivative packages themselves, rather than in the International Edition packages – this will involve:

  • Inactivation (but not complete removal) of the current components in the International Edition
  • Activation of the Metadata components in each of the Derivative release packages

The consensus is that moving the Metadata components into the Derivative packages will bring benefits to both the Derivative maintainers, and also to the end users who will no longer need to pull this particular data down from the dependent International Edition in order to use the Derivative products.   It enables maintainers to move to a more efficient model of hosting the Derivative content in termServer branches, rather than importing Delta files from external tools.

Therefore in this ICNP Refset release, we are including the following components in the Derivative release package:

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Final Version





Jane Millar



Cathy Richardson 


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Draft Amendment History







Andrew AtkinsonInitial Version
Cathy Richardson Revised minor edits
Andrew AtkinsonNew technical updates included