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March 1, 2024


18:00  - 20:00 UTC

Passcode: 7.JvaG6%

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SNOMED and LOINC - representing allergy testing in SNOMED

Bruce Goldberg

  • Possible upcoming project with LOINC to improve allergy testing in SNOMED and LOINC
    • "Just to let you know, we will be discussing the priority of allergy related testing at the LOINC extension meeting in March.  We can let you know the outcome of that afterwards.  In the meantime, could you pull together what you think needs to be specifically addressed to meet your needs (i.e requirements and use cases)?

      James T. Case MS, DVM, PhD, FACMI
      Chief Terminologist

    • As a preview to the work that is being done with regards to allergy tests as observables, I would like you to take a look at the current content that exists in the LOINC ontology preview to see if the approach we are taking would meet your needs.  

      The LOINC ontology browser can be found at

      A basic ECL query to look at the content that currently exists is:
      << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| :
      246093002 |Component (attribute)| = << 70095009 |Immunoglobulin isotype (substance)|
      704327008 |Direct site (attribute)| = << 122592007 |Acellular blood (serum or plasma) specimen (specimen)|

Jca: Is this something that would require SNOMED resources at this time? In other words, do we need to develop a project proposal to be approved by the SMT for resource allocation?  Or is it something that can be done independently and then a more formal proposal for a project can be developed once you know what is needed?  Also, it would be very nice if we could communicate to LOOINC some of the issues you note as it would be my intention that we would not create new observables directly in the International release, but we would focus on getting the LOINC parts right and then using those to generate LOINC extension concepts.  I do not see a wholesale addition of allergy observables into the international release but can see this exercise helping to improve the content in LOINC as well as SNOMED.  As for the LDTs, my impression is that if we can identify them, they should be out of scope (much as they are for the SHIELD project).

Bgo: Jim, I think there are a few considerations. Given the age of the allergy test content in SNOMED, if we intend to keep this content (now as observables rather than procedures) we should provide some needed updates in the SNOMED core to make it clinically useful. This could be undertaken independently and would be limited to adding new missing whole allergen IgE tests (e.g. Measurement of immunoglobulin E antibody to galactose-alpha-1,3 galactose (procedure)) but perhaps more importantly would be the addition of component allergen testing. Component resolved diagnostics (CRD) is an important part of in vitro allergy testing for the reasons I mentioned in my prior e-mail. Although there are hundreds of available tests, I think we could limit this to a manageable number based on importance. Further down the road we should develop a proposal to create a SNOMED extension that includes additional content from LOINC such as adding class reporting as well as adding additional tests to both the SNOMED extension and LOINC. In terms of communicating some of the issues, I did speak with Eza Hafeza, Director, Clinical Terminology Services and Operations (we used to work together in CMT) about the problem using “RAST” as a method for class results. I was told a fix will occur at some point. In terms of LDTs, I seem to remember in the past there was a field in LOINC that contained the submitters but I don’t see that at present.

SNOMED LOINC allergy testing analysis.docx

Allergy testing proposal goals.docx

3Drug hypersensitivity update
  • Update to October's discussion of revising the adverse drug reaction hierarchy 

7Improving Immune hypersensitivity disorder content in SNOMED CT
  • Request for consultation from Suzanne and Farzaneh
  • Any other topics for discussion?
  • October business meeting call:

Friday, April 12, 2024 (Online Only) (Time in UTC)
17:00-19:00 UTC    
Working Group
Open to all 
Allergy/Hypersensitivity and Intolerance CRG
Chairs: Bruce Goldberg and Marie-Alexandra Lambot
Online- Zoom Only

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