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1.Content Improvement

Urinary Bladder

Following feedback from translation, descriptions for concepts that contain the word 'bladder' and the site of 89837001|Urinary bladder structure (body structure)| will be updated to include 'urinary' in the FSN and PT, for example:

126885006|Neoplasm of bladder (disorder)

will be updated to

126885006|Neoplasm of urinary bladder (disorder).

January 2024 International Release

International Unit in Descriptions for Clinical Drugs

'International Unit' as a description is arbitrary and to be understood each product requires reference to a particular bioefficacy specification for that entity. Therefore, 'international' is not meaningful or comparable as a description at Clinical Drug level. International unit will be represented as 'unit' in Clinical Drug descriptions and 20 concepts will have their descriptions changed to 'unit'  Note: abbreviations will not be used. Editorial Guidance has been drafted.

January 2024 International Release

Inactivation of  “RAST” and “RAST test” from subtypes of 104380004 |Allergen specific antibody measurement (procedure)|

Based on a proposal by the Allergies and Hypersensitivities CRG, descriptions containing “RAST” and “RAST test” will be inactivated from the concepts in this sub-hierarchy as they are not considered real synonyms.

Immunoassays for immunoglobulin specific to an allergen of interest are widely used in the diagnosis of allergic disease. These tests are often incorrectly referred to collectively as "radioallergosorbent tests" ("RAST") because they were the earliest immunoassays to be used extensively.

There are a few concepts of type "X mix radioallergosorbent test (procedure)", where RAST is in fact part of FSN. These concepts will be inactivated as they are ambiguous because they do not mention what allergens are being tested for. Replacement concepts, where individual allergens are spelled out, will be created where the information is available.

January 2024 International Release
4.Morphologic Abnormality

Inactivation of Congenital Morphologic Abnormality Concepts

37764001 |Congenital abnormal fusion (morphologic abnormality)| and 67798003 |Congenital premature fusion (morphologic abnormality) will be inactivated and replaced by:

  • Abnormal fusion (morphologic abnormality)
  • Premature fusion (morphologic abnormality)

These two new concepts do not specify occurrence which is to be modeled separately.  As a result of this change the two new concepts can be used to model fetal disorders.

This change aligns with the Editorial Guide.

February 2024 International Release
5.Clinical Finding

Inactivation of 106109006|Number of previous induced termination of pregnancy (finding)| and Subtypes

106109006|Number of previous induced termination of pregnancy (finding)| and subtypes will be inactivated and replaced by a new concept in the situation with explicit context hierarchy:

1300163008 |Past pregnancy history of multiple induced termination of pregnancy (situation)|

This concept is already published.

713649008 |Past pregnancy history of induced termination of pregnancy (situation)|

February 2024 International Release

Update 77465005 |Transplantation (procedure) and Descendants

Note this project is ongoing. Proposals for the new model will be considered by the Editorial Advisory Group (EAG).

410820007 |Surgical transplantation - action (qualifier value)| and 129407005 |Grafting - action (qualifier value)| will be siblings (not child-parent relationship)  and will be subtypes of 129338005 |Surgical implantation - action (qualifier value)|. 

129347002 |Surgical transfer - action (qualifier value)| will no longer be a subtype of 410820007 |Surgical transplantation - action (qualifier value)|.

115956009 |Release (procedure)| will be inactivated and its subtypes remodeled to proximal primitive parent modeling and attributes added where necessary.

<< 422285003 |Solid organ graft - material (substance)|  and its subtypes will be updated from 'graft' to 'transplant'.  For example, 420291005 |Transplant heart (substance)|

The 77465005 |Transplantation (procedure)subtypes will be remodeled with 410820007 |Surgical transplantation - action (qualifier value) where necessary. Also, certain grafting procedures that were subtypes of transplantation procedure will be remodeled with 129407005 |Grafting - action (qualifier value)|.

February 2024 International Release

Clinical Finding

Morphologic Abnormality

Situation with Explicit Context

Remodel 127575007 |Malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm, epithelial (morphologic abnormality)| and Subtypes

127575007 |Malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm, epithelial (morphologic abnormality)|, its subtypes and related disorder concepts will be revised to align with the 5th edition of the WHO Blue Book chapter on Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Tumours as part of the Histology Quality Improvement Project.

Please see the briefing note for more information about these changes.

February 2024 International Release

Update for 73632009 |Laparoscopy (procedure)| and Subtypes 

There will be a bulk update to align 73632009 |Laparoscopy (procedure)| and subtypes with the template here:

These changes include the addition of INCISION ROLE GROUP and INSPECTION ROLE GROUP for all Laparoscopic procedures. 

February 2024 International Release

Project Information and Work in Progress




Planned Release timing

(*this is provisional only and is subject to change)

1.General Information

Browse Content Changes for the International Release

For content changes that are ready for publication in the next release please browse here

Concept Inactivation

For concept inactivations that are for publication in the next release please browse here

MRCM Changes

Forthcoming MRCM changes can be viewed here

Content Request Service (CRS)

For information please see here

2.Project Information

Cancer Synoptic Reporting

Concepts representing cancer synoptic reporting content will be added to the International release starting with the July 2021 release. 

Cancer synoptic reports are used by many member countries to record pathology examination of cancer specimens including the College of American Pathologists (US and Canada), Royal College of Pathology (UK), Royal College of Pathology Australasia (Australia, New Zealand), PALGA (The Netherlands), Swedish Society of Pathology, and others.

This content primarily encompasses observable entity concepts and also includes supporting concepts from other hierarchies, e.g. property values.

For more information about this project, please see the Cancer Synoptic Reporting Clinical Project Group here

2024 International Release and future releases
3.Project Information

Epilepsy Content ILAE Collaboration

Review of << 313287004 |Seizure related finding (finding)| and << 84757009 |Epilepsy (disorder)| (excluding Orphanet related content) for currency and clinical correctness with the addition of missing clinically relevant content. 

Please refer to the project status report for further information.

2024 International Release and future releases

Expected completion by mid 2024

4.Content Improvement

Implementation of the new anatomy concept model

The completion of the revision of hierarchical relationships provides stable anatomy content and improves the quality of classification results in other hierarchies.

Over forthcoming releases, the plan is to implement the new anatomy concept model. There are almost 35,000 anatomy concepts and they will be modeled by different types of 'part of' relationships. The new model will enable us to automatically generate hierarchies to further improve quality and consistency. 

Information about the work completed in previous release for revision of IS_A relationships can be viewed here

2024 International Release and future releases