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Mental and Behavioural Health CRG


26 June 2023

Discussion items


Mental disorder in pregnancy

I have a query from the Netherlands about two concepts

they feel are duplicates:

  • 267320004 |Pregnancy with mental disorders (disorder)|
  • 18491000119109 |Psychological disorder during pregnancy (disorder)|

Do we thinking psychological disorder SYN with mental disorder?

  • 18491000119109 |Psychological disorder during pregnancy (disorder)|

Does this mean psychological problem v disorder?

Ambiguous - would anyone be able to distinguish between these? 

Need to distinguish between pre-existing v. with onset during pregnancy?

terms 'psychological disorder' as SYN for 'mental disorder' (different provider types)

  •  Laura Fochtmann  will review the hierarchy; 199257008 | Mental disorders during pregnancy, childbirth and the the puerperiumm  (disorder) |puerperiumdisorder) |

Ambiguous concept? Ideas about intended meaning?

85660004 | Multiple personality traits (finding) |

90434008 | Dual personality traits (finding) |

  •  Agreed to inactivate both concepts
as ambiguous
  • without replacement concepts as consensus is that the meaning of these concepts is unknown

Request for promotion of 288511000119108 |Chronic mood disorder (disorder)| from the US extension. 

This concept subsumes 45 concepts if you look here -

John asked for review by the group as we think this may be an outdated concept


 General mental state

Obtain consensus on inactivation of concepts:

  • 247571009 | General mental state (observable entity) |
  • 365928004 | General mental state finding (finding) |
  • Determine appropriate parent concept(s) for the following child concepts

    •  Cooperative mental state (find) => Cooperative behavior (finding) and Cooperative attitude (finding) and Co-operative character (finding)
    •  Inadequate personality (finding)  (AMBIGUOUS, OUTDATED),look also at passive character (finding) 
    •  Mental health problem (finding) IS-A problem (finding) 
Michael First 
  • Michael First - come up with an explicit definition for "state"
    • when would we use the term or concept of state
    • when we would not use the concept of state


Organic disorder

What is the definition of 'organic'? Only disorders caused by a biomedical condition or also disorders caused by a substance (i.e., a known or presumed physiological mechanism v. an unknown mechanism)

DSM5: Mental disorder due to another medical condition: There is evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the disturbance is the direct pathophysiological consequence of another medical condition

ICD11 Secondary mental or behavioural disorder: "syndromes characterised by the presence of prominent psychological or behavioural symptoms judged to be direct pathophysiological consequences of a medical condition not classified under mental and behavioural disorders"


Phobia as a finding and Phobia as a disorder

Fear and avoidance of X (finding) v. Fear and avoidance of X causing distress or dysfunction (disorder) 

Discussions - Mental and Behavioural Health Clinical Reference Group - SNOMED Confluence (

Was there any decision on the recommendation at the top of the document?

  • previous meeting notes:
  • Recommendation: determine whether a phobia is always and necessarily a disorder. If so, then the concept phobia (finding) is should be inactivated as erroneous, and all non-phobia findings and disorders under this concept should be remodeled (moved) to have the appropriate parent(s).

idea of phobic fear : marked and excessive fear or anxiety that consistently occurs upon exposure or anticipation of exposure to one or more specific objects or situations (e.g., proximity to certain animals, flying, heights, closed spaces, sight of blood or injury) that is out of proportion to actual danger. The phobic objects or situations are avoided or else endured with intense fear or anxiety.

idea of phobic fear disorder adds additional meaning: sufficiently severe to result in significant distress or significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

Elaine Wooler, Ed Cheetham, Piper Allyn Ranallo to discuss whether SNOMED editorial guidance around the distinction between a disorder and a finding is consistent with DSM and ICD distinction between a disorder and a finding - i.e., that to be a disorder a syndrome must "result in significant risk or damage to health, significant distress, or significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning"

move those that are disorders in ICD-11 and any others the group thinks of.

  •  Acarophobia  
  •  Acrophobia  
  •  Arachnophobia  
  •  Bathophobia  
  •  Bromidrosiphobia 
  •  Claustrophobia  
  •  Entomophobia  
  •  Erythrophobia  
  •  Examination phobia  
  •  Gephyrophobia  
  •  Mysophobia  
  •  Zoophobia  

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