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titleIn this page:

How to create a request in the International CRS platform to promote a published extension module concept to make it a core module concept in the SNOMED CT International Edition.

Prerequisite steps: Log in to the Authoring Platform as an author with extension project access credentials. Open one of my tasks (open task as an Author).

Tell me more about Working in an extension (Managed Service and Training Authoring differences).

Advanced Tables - Table Plus


With a published unchanged source concept from the extension


loaded into the Editing panel, press the

Awesome Icon
 button on the right of the concept header panel to open the concept header extended menu.

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Press Request Promotion in the extended menu options list

titlePublished concepts only

The Request Promotion option only appears if the concept has been published in an extension release.

titlePublished unedited concepts only

Concepts modified in the extension after publication cannot be promoted to the International Edition until after their extension re-publication.

Pressing Request Promotion  on a previously published concept that has subsequently been changed but not yet re-published will present an error notification in the concept header, with the related change(s) highlighted in the editing panel:

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The Promote concept pop-up dialogue box is then presented, with the concept SCTID and FSN noted in the dialogue header, and a notification that dependencies are being checked against this concept.

There are two possible

variations for the dialogue box content

check outcomes:

  • No dependencies found

  • Dependencies are found
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If no dependencies are found, the


Promote concept notification box is updated accordingly, and option buttons to Cancel or Continue are presented.

Press Cancel to return to concept editing without requesting promotion.

Press Continue to make the promotion request.

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If dependencies are found

, the header notification box is updated accordingly

, a tabulated list of the dependencies are shown in the dialogue box, followed by option buttons to Cancel, Continue without Dependencies, or Continue with Dependencies are presented.

Press Cancel to return to concept editing without requesting promotion.

Press Continue without Dependencies to make the promotion request for just the request concept itself.

Press Continue with Dependencies to make the promotion request including all the listed dependency concepts as well as the request concept.

titleStated dependencies only

Listed dependencies in the promotion popover dialogue are Stated only (not Inferred). 

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The form processing triggers a new content request in the International CRS platform, with a related header notification in the Authoring Platform.

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Following creation of a linked International CRS request, the header notification is updated to include the CRS ticket reference.

A CRS Request section with the reference link is added to the Task Details (the CRS ticket number is the link text).

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At this point the promotion request is completed in the Authoring Platform, and fulfilment of the request moves to the International CRS process flow.

The linked CRS ticket includes the extension promotion request concept details.

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If Continue with Dependencies was followed, the linked CRS ticket includes the extension promotion request concept and its dependencies details.

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