Panel |
The terminology server will only accept expressions complying to this pattern if the focus concept of the CTU expression has the following characteristics: - The focus concept
- includes only one role group with a |Finding site| attribute OR
- includes two or more role groups with a |Finding site| attribute WHERE
- the value of the finding site attribute in each role group is the same concept
- includes no attributes with values that are already lateralized anatomical structures (ie values whose own definitions already include a value for the 272741003|Laterality| attribute)
- The value of the finding site attribute is a member of the
Concept |
t | 723264001 |Lateralizable body structure reference set| |
- being a member of this refset means that the associated body structure is lateralizable, and does not already state a laterality other than 182353008 |Side|
Transformation of bilateral findings
When applying the concept
Concept |
t | 51440002 |Right and left| |
as the value for the attribute, the transformation should be done in accordance with the modeling applied to the content in the International Edition of SNOMED CT. This means that the transformation steps described above should be applied twice; one for each lateral half, as illustrated in the example below.
CTU | Classifiable form |
Scg expression |
301354004 |Pain of ear|: 272741003 |Laterality|=51440002 |Right and left| |
Scg expression |
===301354004 |Pain of ear|:
{ 363698007 |Finding site| = (117590005 |Ear structure|:|Laterality|=7771000 |Left|)},
{ 363698007 |Finding site| = (117590005 |Ear structure|:|Laterality|=24028007 |Right|)} |
Caption label |
CapId | examples |
CapType | Table |
Examples of CTU expressions and their evaluation at level 1 |
CTU expression | Accept/reject | Notes | Classifiable form |
Scg expression |
274663001 |Acute pain|: 272741003 |Laterality|=7771000 |Left (qualifier value)| |
| Reject | The modeling of |Acute pain| does not contain a |Finding site| attribute | N/A |
Scg expression |
21522001 |Abdominal pain|: 272741003 |Laterality|=7771000 |Left| |
| Reject | The value of the |Finding site| attribute (i.e. 818983003 |Abdomen|) is not lateralizable | N/A |
Scg expression |
301354004 |Pain of ear|: 272741003 |Laterality|=7771000 |Left| |
| Accept | The value of the |Finding site| attribute (i.e. 117590005 |Ear structure|) is lateralizable |
Scg expression |
===301354004 |Pain of ear|:{ 363698007 |Finding site| = (117590005 |Ear structure|:|Laterality|=7771000 |Left|)} |
Scg expression |
274279008 |Renal pain|: 272741003 |Laterality|=7771000 |Left| |
| Reject | The focus concept includes two groups with a |Finding site| attribute in each. The values of the |Finding site| attribute are not the same concept not do they subsume each other | N/A |
Scg expression |
16018431000119109 |Paresis of right lower limb|: 272741003 |Laterality|=7771000 |Left| |
| Reject | The focus concept includes two groups with a |Finding site| attribute in each. The values of the |Finding site| attribute are not the same concept and one of the |Finding site| values is already lateralized while the other is not lateralizable. | N/A |
Scg expression |
288228002 |Myalgia/myositis - forearm|: 272741003 |Laterality|=7771000 |Left| |
288228002 |Myalgia/myositis - forearm (finding)| | Reject | The focus concept includes two groups with a |Finding site| attribute in each. Both of the two |Finding site| attribute values of the focus concept are lateralizable The attribute values are not the same concept. |
Scg expression |
===288228002 |Myalgia/myositis - forearm|:
{ 363698007 |Finding site| = (14975008 |Forearm structure|: 272741003 |Laterality|=7771000 |Left|)}
{ 363698007 |Finding site| = (30608006 |Skeletal muscle structure of upper limb|: 272741003 |Laterality|=7771000 |Left|)} |
Scg expression |
449702005 |Cellulitis and abscess of lower limb|: 272741003 |Laterality|=7771000 |Left| |
| Accept | The values of the two |Finding site| attributes of the focus concept is the same concept and this is lateralizable |
Scg expression |
===449702005 |Cellulitis and abscess of lower limb|:
{ 363698007 |Finding site| = (61685007 |Lower limb structure|: 272741003 |Laterality|=7771000 |Left|),
116676008 |Associated morphology| = 385627004 |Cellulitis| }
{ 363698007 |Finding site| = (61685007 |Lower limb structure|: 272741003 |Laterality|=7771000 |Left|),
116676008 |Associated morphology| = 44132006 |Abscess| } |