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Time (CET)ItemDescription
9-12Set up Snowstorm and Import SNOMED CT
09h00Welcome and introductionsOverview and objectives/goals of the day

Local introductionSetting the local context for Germany
09h20Introduction to SNOMED CTAn overview of SNOMED CT, it's structure and data model

Introduction to SnowstormA general introduction to terminology servers with emphasis on Snowstorm
09h45Snowstorm setup and Import of SNOMED

Practical exercise focusing on the setup of Snowstorm and import of SNOMED CT

10h45Releases and Extensions


11h00Using Snowstorm - DemonstrationsSearch and data entry with SNOMED CT
  • Best practice principles for searching SNOMED CT
  • SNOMED CT Browser Demonstration
  • SNOMED CT UI Demonstration
13-16Use Snowstorm to access and query SNOMED CT
13h00Accessing component and derivatives

Combined presentation and practical exercise

Accessing components (versions, descriptions, languages etc.)

14h00Data analytics demonstrationPresentation and demonstration of data analytics scenarios in Snolytical
15h00Using SNOMED CT expression constraints and FHIR

Practical exercises

15h30Wrap-up and questions



