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February 2023 PRODUCTION (PUBLISHED) to March 2023 PRODUCTION (Version 1 POST VERSIONING) traceability



20 1 40 )

  • Report shows 36 changes - 40 new records + 21 258 868 279 908 1337 Feb    571   640  571     182Simple

    Differences found in package Comparison

    Number of RF2 records impacted

    Related JIRA ticket(s)


    RefsetDescriptor files0

    0 records added/updated as expected

    Association Reference files1600

    1158 records added/updated, plus

    442 records inactivated expected as the totals ALMOST match exactly with Summary Component Stats report, but this report was run BEFORE we manually added in the 15 new records as part of the fixes in ISRS-1271 (spot checked these manually and they are present in new Association Snapshot + Full files as planned), so this brings us much closer to the figures in Comparison Diff files.

    In order to get an accurate comparison, we have to ALSO INCLUDE the SEP refset (734138000 + 734139008) totals from the RF2 files (manually tallied from the new Association Snapshot files) and add them to the "Hist Assoc" tab in the Summary Component Report:

    SEP (from RF2 diff files) = 36 changes:

    • 23 inactivations (734138000) +
    • 0 inactivations (734139008)
    • 8 new/updated records (734138000) + 0 new records (734139008)
    • Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Lateralizable Report sent to me by Maria (in Section 1 of Content Handover page

    • - see Report link above)

      • Report shows 31 changes - 23 new records + 8

      • inactivations + 0 updates

    This then, adds to the "Association" totals in the final refsets tab, in the Summary report stats:

    • 434 inactivations +
    • 1137 new/updated records

    Makes a total of:

    • 442 inactivations +
    • 1160 new/updated records  

    Which matches exactly with the counts I got above from the RF2 files!!  

    Attribute Value files3064

    3000 records added/updated, plus

    64 inactivated expected as the totals match exactly with Summary Component Stats report

    Language refset files8291

    6914 records added/updated, plus  

    1377 records inactivated

    *NOTE -  NEED TO SEARCH THE LANG REFSET FILES FOR BOTH the following modules in order to get the full totals:

    • 20230228\t1\t900000000000207008
    • 20230228\t1\t900000000000012004

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - 

    • ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report) 
    • ("inactivated" counts above match against total of "Inactivated" + "Changed Inactive" columns in report) 
    ExtendedMap files762

    383 records added/updated, plus

    379 records inactivated

    Which matches exactly with the new detailed Map Reports WCI sent off the back of Maria's Map tasks, sent in an email from entitled "Upload Successful", at


    50 on


    • "added/updated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
      • Total Changed mapped entries (new) this release             
      •    21         +
      • Total New mapped entries this release                                    346        +
      • Total Changed mapped entries (modified) this release     
      •   16
    • "inactivated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
      • Total Changed mapped entries (retired) this release             
      •  1        +
      • Total Retired mapped entries this release 
      •                              378
    Simple Refset files37

    28 records added/updated, plus

    9 records inactivated

    • Confirmed as matches exactly with Lateralizable refset (723264001) data in Lateralizable Report sent to me by Maria (in Section 1 of Content Handover page)

    • - see report above

    SimpleMap files859

    838 records added/updated, plus

    21 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches with:

    • firstly the number of CTV3 records (900000000000497000) - which in this release is 1141 827 (as per the number of 900000000000497000 records in the SimpleMap diff files, + it's exactly the same number as new concepts this cycle - see "Concepts" tab in the Summary Component Stats report above) PLUS
    • the manual counts of ICD-0 records (446608001) - here 3 11 new + 2 21 inactivations, in the SimpleMap diff file, which also matches exactly with the new detailed Map Reports WCI sent off the back of Maria's Map tasks, sent in an email from entitled "Upload Successful", at 1310:05 15 on Feb
      • "added/updated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
        • Total Changed mapped entries (new) this release release     0              +
        • Total New mapped entries this release     2 11
      • "inactivated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
        • Total Changed mapped entries (retired) this release     0        +Total Retired mapped entries this release     2mapped entries (retired) this release     0        +
        • Total Retired mapped entries this release     28


    CONFIRMED on INFRA-10658... that both WCI + our internal Dev team are confident that the RF2 files are correct.  The discrepancy is either between the snowstorm authoring vs browser branches, or between the snowstorm authoring branch vs RF2 files.  Likely as not, the problem happened right at the start of our transition to FRI (Sept 21) when our old process was:

    • Mapping tool passes Delta to Release team, who use this as a direct input to the RF2 files - the SRS therefore did the original reconciliations of map changes
    • RF2 files are then uploaded to snowstorm post-publication by devops.

    So it's likely that this last step was accidentally missed, resulting in the original active map records being in the RF2 files but NOT in the snowstorm authoring branch.  Then, when they were inactivated in this cycle, the snowstorm branch had no visibility of the original active records, and therefore the inactivations couldn't happen.  This is because the new process is:

    • Mapping tool passes Delta to Content team, who use this to provision snowstorm branches containing the map changes
    • RF2 files are then built using these branches as their source (instead of the direct map delta's)

    Therefore snowstorm can't inactivate records that aren't active (or even existing) in the branch, and the SRS can't inactivate the active records it DOES have as it's no longer doing the reconciliation, instead it's relying on snowstorm to pass it delta records for the inactivations.

    This will be proven, and full reconciliations run between all systems to identify the gaps, change any code required, and apply content fixes for al gaps identified...

    ModuleDependency files


    3 records updated, as expected for March 2023 effectiveTimes

    Readme file

    March 2023 dates updated + Beta "x" prefixes removed, as expected

    Concept files1488

    1063 records added/updated, plus

    425 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

    *NOTE -  NEED TO SEARCH THE LANG REFSET FILES FOR BOTH the following modules in order to get the full totals:

    • 20230228\t1\t900000000000207008
    • 20230228\t1\t900000000000012004
    Description files3854

    3220 records added/updated, plus

    634 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above -

    • ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report) 
    • ("inactivated" counts above match against total of "Inactivated" + "Changed Inactive" columns in report) 

    NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT ALWAYS MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 1255 inactivations instead of 1256.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

    *NOTE -  NEED TO SEARCH THE LANG REFSET FILES FOR BOTH the following modules in order to get the full totals:

    • 20230228\t1\t900000000000207008
    • 20230228\t1\t900000000000012004
    Relationship files15159

    8959 records added/updated, plus

    6200 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)  

    *NOTE -  NEED TO SEARCH THE LANG REFSET FILES FOR BOTH the following modules in order to get the full totals:

    • 20230228\t1\t900000000000207008
    • 20230228\t1\t900000000000012004
    Relationship Concrete Values files147

    121 records added/updated, plus

    26 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)  

    OwlExpression (Axiom) files2912

    2486 records added/updated, plus

    426 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

    *NOTE -  NEED TO SEARCH THE LANG REFSET FILES FOR BOTH the following modules in order to get the full totals:

    • 20230228\t1\t900000000000207008
    • 20230228\t1\t900000000000012004
    Stated Relationship files0

    0 records updated, plus

    0 records inactivated, plus

    9000000000004970000 records added

    As expected due to full migration to OWLExpression file in the July 2019 International Edition

    TextDefinition files181

    54 records added/updated, plus

    127 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report) 

    NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT ALWAYS MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 1255 inactivations instead of 1256.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

    MRCM AttributeDomain files0

    0 records added/updated as expected

    MRCM AttributeRange files0

    0 records added/updated as expected

    MRCM Domain files0

    0 records added/updated as expected

    MRCM ModuleScope files0

    0 records added/updated as expected

    February 2023 PRODUCTION (PUBLISHED) to March 2023 PRODUCTION (Version 1 PRE VERSIONING) traceability



    Differences found in package Comparison

    Number of RF2 records impacted

    Related JIRA ticket(s)


    RefsetDescriptor files0

    0 records added/updated as expected

    Association Reference files1600

    1158 records added/updated, plus

    442 records inactivated expected as the totals ALMOST match exactly with Summary Component Stats report, but you also need to incorporate SEP changes:

    In order to get an accurate comparison, we have to ALSO INCLUDE the SEP refset (734138000 + 734139008) totals from the RF2 files (manually tallied from the new Association Snapshot files) and add them to the "Hist Assoc" tab in the Summary Component Report:

    SEP (from RF2 diff files) = 36 changes:

    • 8 inactivations (734138000) + 0 inactivations (734139008)
    • 23 new/updated records (734138000) + 0 new records (734139008)
    • Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Lateralizable Report sent to me by Maria (in Section 1 of Content Handover page) - see report above

      • Report shows 31 changes - 23 new records + 8 inactivations + 0 updates

    This then, adds to the "Association" totals in the final refsets tab, in the Summary report stats:

    • 434 inactivations +
    • 1137 new/updated records

    Makes a total of:

    • 442 inactivations +
    • 1160 new/updated records  

    Which matches exactly with the counts I got above from the RF2 files!!  

    Attribute Value files3000

    3000 records added/updated, plus

    64 inactivated expected as the totals match exactly with Summary Component Stats report

    Language refset files8291

    6914 records added/updated, plus

    1377 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

    ExtendedMap files762

    383 records added/updated, plus

    379 records inactivated

    Which matches exactly with the new detailed Map Reports WCI sent off the back of Maria's Map tasks, sent in an email from entitled "Upload Successful", at 10:50 on :

    • "added/updated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
      • Total Changed mapped entries (new) this release     21            +
      • Total New mapped entries this release     346
      • Total Changed mapped entries (modified) this release    16
    • "inactivated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
      • Total Changed mapped entries (retired) this release     1        +
      • Total Retired mapped entries this release     378


    This was proven to be because the "Total Changed mapped entries (modified) this release" field in the report was populated (with  16) for the first time since it was first added to these reports.  This is to catch a rare situation where the mapping team updates the Map Advice, but does NOT change the Map Source or Target.  Therefore this value needs to be included in my total counts every release cycle, otherwise we run the risk of not reconciling.  Adding it now to the totals to add up from the report.

    Simple Refset files37

    28 records added/updated, plus

    9 records inactivated

    • Confirmed as matches exactly with Lateralizable refset (723264001) data in Lateralizable Report sent to me by Maria (in Section 1 of Content Handover page) - see report above

    SimpleMap files859

    838 records added/updated, plplus

    21 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches with:

    • firstly the number of CTV3 records (900000000000497000) - which in this release is 827 (as per the number of 900000000000497000 records in the SimpleMap diff files, + it's exactly the same number as new concepts this cycle - see "Concepts" tab in the Summary Component Stats report above) PLUS
    • the manual counts of ICD-0 records (446608001) - here 11 new + 21 inactivations, in the SimpleMap diff file, which also matches exactly with the new detailed Map Reports WCI sent off the back of Maria's Map tasks, sent in an email from entitled "Upload Successful", at 10:15 on
      • "added/updated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
        • Total Changed mapped entries (new) this release     0            +
        • Total New mapped entries this release     11
      • "inactivated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
        • Total Changed mapped entries (retired) this release     0        +
        • Total Retired mapped entries this release     28


    ModuleDependency files


    3 records updated, as expected for March 2023 effectiveTimes

    Readme file

    March 2023 dates updated + Beta "x" prefixes added, as expected

    Concept files1488

    1063 records added/updated, plus

    425 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

    Description files3854

    3220 records added/updated, plus

    634 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report) 

    NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT ALWAYS MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 1255 inactivations instead of 1256.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

    Relationship files15159

    8959 records added/updated, plus

    6200 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)  

    Relationship Concrete Values files147

    121 records added/updated, plus

    26 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)  

    OwlExpression (Axiom) files2912

    2486 records added/updated, plus

    426 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

    Stated Relationship files0

    0 records updated, plus

    0 records inactivated, plus

    9000000000004970000 records added

    As expected due to full migration to OWLExpression file in the July 2019 International Edition

    TextDefinition files181

    54 records added/updated, plus

    127 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report) 

    NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT ALWAYS MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 1255 inactivations instead of 1256.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

    MRCM AttributeDomain files0

    0 records added/updated as expected

    MRCM AttributeRange files0

    0 records added/updated as expected

    MRCM Domain files0

    0 records added/updated as expected

    MRCM ModuleScope files0

    0 records added/updated as expected