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Versions Compared


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How to view the Compare Reference Sets modal. Tell me more about… Who Can Compare Reference Sets. 

Prerequisite steps: Log in to Reference Set Tool 2.0;Launch a Reference Set Comparison. 

Advanced Tables - Table Plus



Press the Show Comparison button in the comparison success message that appears in the upper-right corner of the window.  




The Compare Reference Sets modal will be presented. It contains the following: 

Reference Set Members summary: The active reference set is shown in row 1 in bold text. The comparison reference set is shown in row 2 with non-bold text. The summary table has the following columns: 

Total members in the reference set. 

Reference set name and version status.    

Remove Members button (author): Removes all unique members of the active reference set from the active reference set. The button icon is a rounded square with a “minus” symbol. 

Add Members buttons (author): Adds all unique members of the comparison reference set to the active reference set. Button icon is a rounded square with a “plus” symbol. 

Distinct Members / Members Not Common: Number of members distinct to each reference set.  

Member Comparison table: The table has the following columns: 

Remove Member button (Active Reference Set Membership & Both Membership) (Available for author only): Remove unique member of the active reference set (or a member that in both reference sets) from the active reference set. Button icon is a rounded square with a “plus” symbol. 

Add Member button (Comparison Reference Set Membership) (Available for author only): Add unique member of the comparison reference set to the active reference set. Button icon is a rounded square with a “plus” symbol. 

Concept ID 

Concept Name 

Reference Set Membership: Options are Comparison Reference Set, Both, and Active Reference Set. Active Reference Set membership is shown by default 

The default representation of the table is: 

Sorted by the Concept Name column, in descending order. 

Page size is set to 10 members. Pagination will display if more than 10 members are available. 

Download Comparison Report button: Includes current members (concept names and IDs and total number of members) of both reference sets, members in common, and distinct members of each reference set. 

Download Change Report button: Report includes members added/removed from each refset during the session. The report is updated in real-time as changes to membership are made. Button is only visible when the active reference set is in “In Edit” workflow status and after the author has added or removed at least one member. 


Select Comparison Reference Set or Both from the Reference Set Membership… dropdown list to change the reference set membership shown in the table. Active Reference Set is shown by default. 


Select any concept to open the concept details, as needed. 




Press the Download Comparison Report button. 



NOTE: The Add Member and Remove Member buttons are only visible when the reference set is “In Edit” workflow status when the author launches the comparison.