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titleIn this page:

How to enter a list of SCTIDs to add members to or remove members from a reference set. 

Prerequisite steps: Log in to Reference Set Tool 2.0; From either Library or My Reference Sets in Dashboard and choose a reference set; Edit a Reference Set. 

Advanced Tables - Table Plus



Select Add/Remove By List from the Edit Members dropdown list above the member table. 





Enter a list of SCTIDs by hand or copy and paste in a list.

Press the Add Members button; OR 

Press the Remove Members button. 


  • SCTIDs may be separated using a comma, space, or carriage return (press the Enter key after each SCTID). 
  • If the concept to be added or removed has descendants, a secondary add/remove modal opens allowing the user to select to add/remove: self, descendants, or self & descendants.  
  • The tool will present a success message when members are successfully added/removed. 
  • Click the Download Report button in the success notification to download a report containing a list of added/removed members.  
  • The tool will present an error message if an error occurs when trying to add/remove members.