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How to view reference set or member feedback.

Prerequisite steps:  Log in to Reference Set Tool 2.0 

Advanced Tables - Table Plus



  • The Feedback button has two states:  
  • No open feedback: The button icon is three dots inside a speech bubble. The reference set has no open feedback (though it may have resolved feedback). 
  • Open feedback: The button icon is a solid speech bubble with the number of open discussions in a round notification badge. The reference set may have a mix of open and resolved feedback. The number of open discussions displayed depends on user access. 
  • Feedback button states are the same for both reference set and member feedback. 





From the Reference Set Library





Projects Page: Press the Feedback button to the right of a reference set in the table to view feedback on the reference set. 


  1. From the Reference Set Details page: Press the Feedback button in the top-left corner of the page to view reference set feedback. 


From the Reference Set Details page: Press the Feedback button to the right of a member in the table to view feedback on the member. 

The Feedback modal is presented. The modal contains a Start New Discussion button and the feedback table. Each row of the table lists an individual discussion.  The modal expands as new discussions are added. When the rows in the table no longer fit onscreen, the table will become scrollable. The columns of the table are: 


Feedback Topic 

Lock Icon: Indicates a private discussion. Discussions marked as private may only be seen by the author of the reference set, the author of the discussion, and admin. 

Status: Open or resolved. 

Last comment: Date/time of last comment. The table is sorted by most recent comment by default. 

Replies: Number of comments 

Select Open or Resolved from the Status dropdown list to view only open or resolved discussions. 


  • Project members may post and reply to feedback on private reference sets within their project.