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titleIn this page:

How to raise an issue to feedback on issues encountered within the Authoring PlatformSCT Browser, or suggest improvements and/or new features for consideration in future releases. Every view in the Authoring Platform (AP) includes a standard footer which has a Raise an Issue button located in the bottom right corner of the web page.


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Press Raise an Issue Feedback  in the SCT Browser page header to report issues or submit change requests related to AP usability and features.

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The Raise an Issue pop-up form is presented. If the form height is larger than your available web browser display height, a vertical scroll bar will appear to allow you to scroll down and see all the form content (the form header title and footer actions remain visible whilst scrolling). The following fields are available:

  • Summary (required, single line text, maximum of 255 characters)
  • Description (multi-line text with markup formatting support for structured text)
  • Attach file (
  • Priority (single choice option list selector)
  • Name (single line text, maximum of 255 characters)
  • Email (single line text, maximum of 255 characters)
  • Include data about your current environment, like the browser and page URL (opt-in checkbox)

The form footer has a Submit action button and a Close link.

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Enter the desired details. The more information included the better, but also try to be as concise as possible and ideally keep to one identifiable issue per submission - this will simplify subsequent processing and hence make it quicker to assess, prioritise and investigate further if needed.

The minimum needed is a brief one-line Summary of the issue. Everything below that on the form is optional.

The Description field supports formatting options for structured text. Press the small question mark icon to open a Text Formatting Notation Help pop-up window with guidelines on including advanced formatting (wiki) markup.

You can use the Attach file (Choose Files) field to include a file attachment such as a screenshot.

An indication of the issue impact or urgency can be included using the Priority drop-down selector options. This will be taken into account when assessing the submitted issue but it will be treated as advisory and considered with additional contexts, including capacity and release scheduling - please elaborate any critical dependencies in the Description to help with follow-up prioritisation!

Including your Name and Email will help in identification, tracking and follow-up notifications/discussions.

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The opt-in checkbox enables the form to capture details about your current web browser environment. You can press the What is included in the data about my current environment? link to preview those details and help decide whether or not to include them if unsure. Including them can help the technical support teams when troubleshooting defect reports, particularly anything related to screen presentation/layout, but of course it's entirely optional.

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Press Submit in the form footer to submit your entered feedback details. A Thank you for your feedback! message will appear for 5 seconds and then the pop-up form will automatically close, returning you to whatever AP context you were in when the Raise an Issue button was pressed.

For the International Authoring Platform this creates a Devops Support (INFRA) ticket, which the Technical Team will assess, prioritise and respond to with appropriate notifications and follow-up actions (your patience is appreciated!).

Alternatively, if you have decided not to raise an issue since opening the form, simply press Close in the form footer to immediately close the pop-up dialogue and return to your AP context.

titleClose has no second chance!

Be wary there is no guard on the Close action - as soon at it is pressed, any entered information is lost. If you want to preserve anything for a later submission please use your local environment cut/paste tools to capture anything essential first!

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