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In this section, we illustrate how description filters can be applied to expression constraints to further restrict the matching concepts.


Description filter constraints provide the ability to limit the set of concepts, that satisfy a given expression constraint, based on the descriptions associated with each concept. Only concepts that have at least one matching description for each filter criteria will be included in the set of matching concepts. Descriptions can be filtered based on their term, type, language, dialect, and acceptability in a given dialect, module, effectiveTime and active status.  Description filters are specified inside double curly braces, and optionally being with the letter "D". Any filter that does not specify its type is, by default, assumed to be a description filter.

In the following sections, we explain each type of these description filter criteria.

Term Filter

Term filters enable an expression constraint to match on only those concepts with an associated description whose term matches the given search term. For example, the following expression constraint is satisfied by SNOMED CT concepts with a description matching the search terms "heart" and "att". This expression constraint works like a term search performed in a SNOMED CT browser. Please note that the "D" (either upper or lower case) at the start of the filter indicates that this is a description filter constraint, rather than a concept filter constraint (see 6.9 Concept Filter Constraints). If the type of a filter constraint is not specified (as in most of the examples below), then it is assumed that the constraint is a description constraint.


Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = "eye"}} {{ term = wild:"*itis"}}

Language Filter

Language filters enable an expression constraint to match on only those concepts with a matching description in a specified language. Language filters use the keyword "language", followed by a comparison operator (e.g. "=" or "!="), and the ISO 639-1 two-character language code (in upper or lowercase).

The expression constraint below matches only those diseases with a Swedish description containing the word prefix "hjärt" - e.g. Please note that filters apply only to the subexpression directly to the left of the filter. For example, the following expression constraint will apply the term filter to only the descendants or self of 

t415582006 41884003 | Stenosishjärtpolyp |
. This expression constraint will match descendants of 
t404684003 |Clinical finding|
 with a finding site that is a descendant or self of  from the Swedish Edition (20200531) 

Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = "hjärt", language = sv }}

The expression constraint below matches only those diseases with a Swedish description containing the word prefix "hjärt" and an English description containing the word prefix "heart" - e.g. 

t39057004 84114007 |Pulmonary valve structure|
, and an associated morphology that is any descendant or self of 
t415582006 |Stenosis|
 which has a description matching the term "insufficiency". Therefore, the concept
t123801008 |Heart valve stenosis and regurgitation (disorder)|
 will match this expression constraint because it has the associated morphology 
t708027006 |Valvular stenosis with valvular insufficiency|

Scg expression
<  404684003 |Clinical finding| :
         363698007 |Finding site|  = <<  39057004 |Pulmonary valve structure| , 
         116676008 |Associated morphology|  = <<  415582006 |Stenosis| {{ term = "insufficiency" }}

To apply a filter to a subexpression, which includes a refinement or binary operators, the subexpression must be enclosed in brackets. For example, the following expression constraint will find all the descendants of clinical finding, with a finding site that is a descendant or self of 

t39057004 |Pulmonary valve structure|
 and an associated morphology that is a descendant or self of 
t415582006 |Stenosis|
, and will then match only those clinical finding concepts that have a description that matches the term "insufficiency". Therefore, the concept
t123801008 |Heart valve stenosis and regurgitation (disorder)|
 will not match this expression constraints, as it does not have a description that matches the term "insufficiency".

Scg expression
(<  404684003 |Clinical finding| :
         363698007 |Finding site|  = <<  39057004 |Pulmonary valve structure| , 
         116676008 |Associated morphology|  = <<  415582006 |Stenosis|) {{ term = "insufficiency" }}

Language Filter

Language filters enable an expression constraint to match on only those concepts with a matching description in a specified language. Language filters use the keyword "language", followed by a comparison operator (e.g. "=" or "!="), and the ISO 639-1 two-character language code (in upper or lowercase).

The expression constraint below matches only those diseases with a Swedish description containing the word prefix "hjärt" - e.g. 

t41884003 | hjärtpolyp |
from the Swedish Edition (20200531) 

(with English synonym "Heart failure") from the Swedish Edition (20200531).

Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = "hjärt", language = sv }} {{ term = "heart", language = en }}

Description Type Filter

Type filters enable an expression constraint to match on only those concepts with a matching description of a specified type. Type filters may either use the keyword "type" with the values "fsn", "syn" or "def", or may use the keyword "typeId" with a concept value that is 

Scg expression
< 900000000000446008 |Description type|

The following table lists the valid description type keywords in both the brief and full syntax, and their equivalent concept reference alternatives. Please note that the full syntax accepts both the brief and full syntax keywords. If additional description types are required, these must be specified in a filter using the 'typeId' keyword with the corresponding concept reference.

Type Keyword


Concept Reference

Brief SyntaxFull Syntax
fsnfullySpecifiedName900000000000003001 |Fully specified name|
synsynonym900000000000013009 |Synonym|
defdefinition900000000000550004 |Definition|

For example,  the expression constraint below matches all the subtypes of 

t56265001 |Heart disease|
, that have a fully specified name containing the word prefix "heart".

Scg expression
< 56265001 |Heart disease| {{ term = "heart", type = fsn }}

The following two expression constraints are equivalent, and both match only the subtypes of 

t56265001 |Heart disease|
, which have a Swedish synonym containing the word prefix "hjärt".

Scg expression
< 56265001 |Heart disease
Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = "hjärt", language = svSV, type = syn }}

The expression constraint below matches only those diseases with a Swedish description containing the word prefix "hjärt" and an English description containing the word prefix "heart" - e.g. 

t84114007 |hjärtsvikt|
(with English synonym "Heart failure") from the Swedish Edition (20200531).

Scg expression
Scg expression
< 6457200156265001 |DiseaseHeart disease| {{ term = "hjärthjärta", language = sv, }} {{ term typeId = "heart", language = en }}

Description Type Filter

Type filters enable an expression constraint to match on only those concepts with a matching description of a specified type. Type filters may either use the keyword "type" with the values "fsn", "syn" or "def", or may use the keyword "typeId" with a concept value that is 

Scg expression
< 900000000000446008 |Description type|

The following table lists the valid description type keywords in both the brief and full syntax, and their equivalent concept reference alternatives. Please note that the full syntax accepts both the brief and full syntax keywords. If additional description types are required, these must be specified in a filter using the 'typeId' keyword with the corresponding concept reference.



Concept Reference


900000000000013009 |synonym| }}

The two equivalent expression constraints below match the subtypes of 

t56265001 |Heart disease|
, which either have a synonym containing the word prefix "heart", or a fully specified name containing the word prefix "heart".

Scg expression
< 56265001 |Heart disease| {{ term = "heart", type = (syn fsn) }}

Scg expression
< 56265001 |Heart disease| {{ term = "heart", typeId = (900000000000013009 |Synonym| 900000000000003001 |Fully specified name|) }}

Dialect Filter

Dialect filters enable an expression constraint to match on only those concepts with a matching description in a specified language reference set. Dialect filters may either use the keyword "dialect" with a value that represents a valid alias for a specific language reference set,  or may use the keyword "dialectId" with a concept value that is

Scg expression
< 900000000000506000 |Language type reference set|

. Please refer to Appendix C - Dialect Aliases for a selection of valid dialect aliases for known language reference sets.

For example, the two equivalent expression constraints below will match all subtypes of 

t64572001 |Disease|
 that have a description in the Australian English language reference set.

Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ dialect = en-au }}

Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ dialectId = 32570271000036106 |Australian English language reference set| }}

The expression constraint below matches all diseases with a description in the New Zealand English language reference set that has a word starting with "cardio".

Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = "cardio", dialect = en-nz }}

In some situations, multiple language reference sets need to be used together to identify an appropriate set of concepts. A filter constraint may include a list of dialects to specify that a matching description may belong to any of the given language reference sets. 

For example, the following expression constraint matches all diseases that have a description in either the en-nhs-clinical or en-nhs-pharmacy language reference sets, where that description contains a word starting with the prefix "card".

Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = "card", dialect = ( en-nhs-clinical en-nhs-pharmacy ) }}

Acceptability Filter

Acceptability filters enable an expression constraint to match on only those concepts with a matching description that has the specified acceptability in the specified language reference set. Acceptability filters must always be applied to a specified dialect. As such, they are represented by placing the required acceptability in brackets after the value of the dialect filter. Acceptabilities can be indicated using either one of the keywords below, or using a concept value that is 

Scg expression
< 900000000000511003 |Acceptability|

. The following table lists the valid acceptability keywords in both the brief and full syntax, and their equivalent concept reference alternatives. Please note that the full syntax accepts both the brief and full syntax keywords.

Acceptability Keyword


Concept Reference

Brief SyntaxFull Syntax
preferpreferred900000000000548007 |Preferred|
acceptacceptable900000000000549004 |Acceptable|

For example, the following two expression constraints both match all descendants of disease with a description that matches the word prefix 'box', has the type 'synonym', and has an acceptability of 'preferred' in the en-us language reference set. In other words, this expression constraint matches diseases with a US English preferred term that uses the word prefix 'box'.

Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = "box", type = syn, dialect = en-us (prefer) }}

Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = "box", typeId = 900000000000013009 |Synonym|, dialect = en-us (900000000000548007 |Preferred|) }}

Multiple dialect filters may be used with different acceptabilities applied to each. For example, the expression constraint below matches on diseases, which have a synonym with word prefix "box" that is preferred in the en-nhs-clinical language reference set and is acceptable in the en-gb language reference set.

Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = "box", type = syn, dialect = en-nhs-clinical (prefer), dialect = en-gb (accept) }}

To support alternative acceptabilities in more than one language reference set, a dialect set can be used. For example, the following two equivalent expression constraints match on diseases, which have a synonym with word prefix "box" that is either preferred in the en-gb language reference set or preferred in the en-nhs-clinical language reference set.

Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = "box", type = syn, dialect = ( en-gb (prefer) en-nhs-clinical (prefer) ) }}

Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = "box", type = syn, dialect = ( en-gb en-nhs-clinical ) (prefer) }}

Filters with Negation

Filters can use negation in a number of ways. The simplest approach is to use the 'not equal to' comparison operator (e.g. "!=") before the value.

For example, the following expression constraint matches on For example,  the expression constraint below matches all the subtypes of 

t56265001 |Heart disease|
, that have a fully specified name containing
125605004 |Fracture of bone|
 that do not use the word prefix "heart"fracture" in their US English preferred term.

Scg expression
< 56265001125605004 |HeartFracture of diseasebone| {{ term != "heartfracture", type = fsn }}syn, dialect = en-us (prefer)}}

If we remove the type and acceptability filters, as shown below, the remaining expression constraint matches on those The following two expression constraints are equivalent, and both match only the subtypes of 

t56265001 |Heart disease125605004 |Fracture of bone|
, which have a Swedish synonym containing  which have any US English description that does not contain the word prefix "hjärtfracture". Concepts including 






t263171005 |Fractured nasal bones|
 (with synonym "Broken nose") will match the constraint below.

Scg expression
< 56265001125605004 |HeartFracture of diseasebone| {{ term != "hjärtafracture", languagedialect = sv, typeId = 900000000000013009 |synonym| }}en-us}}

To find the set of concepts, for which all descriptions match some specified criteria, the expression constraint must use the MINUS operation to exclude concepts that have a non-matching description. For example, the expression constraint below matches all The two equivalent expression constraints below match the subtypes of 

t56265001 |Heart disease|
, which either have a synonym containing the word prefix "heart", or a fully specified name containing the word prefix "heart"
125605004 |Fracture of bone|
, for which every description contains the word prefix "fracture". Please note that the filter only applies to the descendants of
t125605004 |Fracture of bone|
 (i.e. the subexpression directly proceeding the filter).

Scg expression
< 56265001 |Heart disease 125605004 |Fracture of bone| MINUS < 125605004 |Fracture of bone| {{ term != "heart", type = (syn fsn) }}fracture"}}

This expression constraint can be simplified to the equivalent one below, using the wildcard character '*' (which represents any concept in the substrate).

Scg expression
< 56265001125605004 |HeartFracture of diseasebone| MINUS * {{ term != "heart", typeId = (900000000000013009 |Synonym| 900000000000003001 |Fully specified name|) }}

Dialect Filter

Dialect filters enable an expression constraint to match on only those concepts with a matching description in a specified language reference set. Dialect filters may either use the keyword "dialect" with a value that represents a valid alias for a specific language reference set,  or may use the keyword "dialectId" with a concept value that is

Scg expression
< 900000000000506000 |Language type reference set|

. Please refer to Appendix C - Dialect Aliases for a selection of valid dialect aliases for known language reference sets.

For example, the two equivalent expression constraints below will match all subtypes of 

t64572001 |Disease|
 that have a description in the Australian English language reference set.

Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ dialect = en-au }}
Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ dialectId = 32570271000036106 |Australian English language reference set| }}

Using a similar principle, the expression constraint below matches all concepts that do not have a preferred term specified in the en-nz language reference set.

Scg expression
* MINUS * {{ type = syn, dialect = en-nz (prefer) }}

Module Filter

Description module filters enable an expression constraint to match on only those concepts with a matching description that belongs to a specified module. Module filters use the keyword "moduleId" with a concept reference that is

Scg expression
< 900000000000443000 |Module|


For example, the expression constraint below matches all subtypes of 

t195967001 |Asthma|
 with a description that belongs to the US National Library of Medicine maintained moduleThe expression constraint below matches all diseases with a description in the New Zealand English language reference set that has a word starting with "cardio".

Scg expression
< 64572001195967001 |DiseaseAsthma| {{ term = "cardio", dialect = en-nz }}

In some situations, multiple language reference sets need to be used together to identify an appropriate set of concepts. A filter constraint may include a list of dialects to specify that a matching description may belong to any of the given language reference sets. 

{{ D moduleId = 731000124108 |US National Library of Medicine maintained module| }}

And the expression constraint below matches all subtypes of 

t404684003 |Clinical finding|
 with a definition that belongs to the international core moduleFor example, the following expression constraint matches all diseases that have a description in either the en-nhs-clinical or en-nhs-pharmacy language reference sets, where that description contains a word starting with the prefix "card".

Scg expression
< 64572001404684003 |DiseaseClinical finding| {{ D termtype = "card"def, dialectmoduleId = 900000000000207008 ( en-nhs-clinical en-nhs-pharmacy )|SNOMED CT core module| }}


Effective Time Filter

Acceptability Description effective time filters enable an expression constraint to match on only those concepts with a matching description that has the specified acceptability in the specified language reference set. Acceptability filters must always be applied to a specified dialect. As such, they are represented by placing the required acceptability in brackets after the value of the dialect filter. Acceptabilities can be indicated using either one of the keywords below, or using a concept value that is 

Scg expression
< 900000000000511003 |Acceptability|

. The following table lists the valid acceptability keywords in both the brief and full syntax, and their equivalent concept reference alternatives. Please note that the full syntax accepts both the brief and full syntax keywords.



Concept Reference


description that has an effectiveTime matching the specified criteria. Effective time filters may use any of the date comparison operators shown below:

!=Not equals
<Before the given date
<=Before or on the given date
>After the given date
>=After or on the given date

Please note that the value of an effective time filter (if present) must be a 8 digit date, formatted according to ISO 8601's basic calendar date format (i.e. YYYYMMDD). If the effectiveTime of the description in the substrate includes a time and/or time zone designator, these should be ignored when performing the comparison.

For example, the following expression constraint matches all subtypes of 

t125605004 |Fracture of bone|
 with a description that has an effective time of 31st January 2021For example, the following two expression constraints both match all descendants of disease with a description that matches the word prefix 'box', has the type 'synonym', and has an acceptability of 'preferred' in the en-us language reference set. In other words, this expression constraint matches diseases with a US English preferred term that uses the word prefix 'box'.

Scg expression
< 64572001125605004 |DiseaseFracture of bone| {{ D termeffectiveTime = "box", type = syn, dialect = en-us (prefer) }}"20210131" }}

And the following expression constraint matches all subtypes of 

t125605004 |Fracture of bone|
 with a description that has any effective time that is not 31st January 2021.

Scg expression
< 64572001125605004 |DiseaseFracture of bone| {{ term = "box", typeId = 900000000000013009 |Synonym|, dialect = en-us (900000000000548007 |Preferred|) }}D effectiveTime != "20210131" }}

Similarly, greater than, less than, greater than or equals and less than or equals operators may be used in an effectiveTime filter. For example, the following expression constraint matches all subtypes of 

t125605004 |Fracture of bone|
 with a description that has an effectiveTime of 31st July 2019 or later (i.e. more recent)Multiple dialect filters may be used with different acceptabilities applied to each. For example, the expression constraint below matches on diseases, which have a synonym with word prefix "box" that is preferred in the en-nhs-clinical language reference set and is acceptable in the en-gb language reference set.

Scg expression
< 125605004 |Fracture 64572001of bone|Disease| {{ D termeffectiveTime >= "box20190731", type = syn, dialect = en-nhs-clinical (prefer), dialect = en-gb (accept) }}}}

And the following expression constraint matches all subtypes of 

t125605004 |Fracture of bone|
 with a description that has an effective time of 31st July 2019 or earlierTo support alternative acceptabilities in more than one language reference set, a dialect set can be used. For example, the following two equivalent expression constraints match on diseases, which have a synonym with word prefix "box" that is either preferred in the en-gb language reference set or preferred in the en-nhs-clinical language reference set.

Scg expression
< 64572001125605004 |DiseaseFracture of bone| {{ D termeffectiveTime <= "box", type = syn, dialect = ( en-gb (prefer) en-nhs-clinical (prefer) ) }}
Scg expression
< 64572001 |Disease| {{ term = "box", type = syn, dialect = ( en-gb en-nhs-clinical ) (prefer) }}

Filters with Negation

Filters can use negation in a number of ways. The simplest approach is to use the 'not equal to' comparison operator (e.g. "!=") before the value.

20190731" }}

The effectiveTime filter can also use sets of effective times. For example, the following expression constraint matches all subtypes of 

t125605004 |Fracture of bone|
 with a description that has an effectiveTime of either 31st January 2019, 31st July 2019, 31st January 2020, or 31st July 2020.

Scg expression
< 125605004 |Fracture of bone| {{ D effectiveTime = ("20190131" "20190731" "20200131" "20200731" }}

And the expression constraint below matches all subtypes of 

For example, the following expression constraint matches on subtypes of 
t125605004 |Fracture of bone|
 that do not use the word prefix "fracture" in their US English preferred term with a description, which does not have any of the following effective times: 31st January 2019, 31st July 2019, 31st January 2020 or 31st July 2020.

Scg expression
< 125605004 |Fracture of bone| {{ termD effectiveTime != ("fracture20190131", type = syn, dialect = en-us (prefer)}}"20190731" "20200131" "20200731" }}

To match concepts with unpublished descriptions, to which an effectiveTime has not been assigned, an effectiveTime value of "" can be used. For example, the following expression constraint matches all subtypes of 

If we remove the type and acceptability filters, as shown below, the remaining expression constraint matches on those subtypes of 
t125605004 |Fracture of bone|
 which have any US English description that does not contain the word prefix "fracture". Concepts including 
t263171005 |Fractured nasal bones|
 (with synonym "Broken nose") will match the constraint below with a description to which an effectiveTime has not yet been assigned.

Scg expression
< 125605004 |Fracture of bone| {{ D termeffectiveTime != "fracture", dialect = en-us}}

Please note that description effectiveTime filters, which use the comparison operators "<" and ">", will not match any descriptions with an effectiveTime = "".

Active Filter

Description active filters enable an expression constraint to match on only those concepts with a description that has a matching active status. Descriptions are either active (i.e. active = 1 or active = "true") or inactive (i.e. active = 0 or active = "false"). By default, only active descriptions are included in the substrate.

For example, the following expression constraints return all concepts in the International Patient Summary reference set, which have an active descriptionTo find the set of concepts, for which all descriptions match some specified criteria, the expression constraint must use the MINUS operation to exclude concepts that have a non-matching description. For example, the expression constraint below matches all subtypes of 

t125605004 |Fracture of bone|
, for which every description contains the word prefix "fracture". Please note that the filter only applies to the descendants of
t125605004 |Fracture of bone|
 (i.e. the subexpression directly proceeding the filter).

Scg expression
<^ 125605004816080008 |FractureInternational ofPatient boneSummary| MINUS < 125605004 |Fracture of bone{{ D active = 1 }}

Scg expression
^ 816080008 |International Patient Summary| {{ termD active != true "fracture"}}

This expression constraint can be simplified to the equivalent one below, using the wildcard character '*' (which represents any concept in the substrate)And the following expression constraints return all concepts in the International Patient Summary reference set, which have an inactive description.

Scg expression
<^ 125605004816080008 |FractureInternational ofPatient boneSummary| MINUS * {{ D termactive != "fracture"0 }}

Using a similar principle, the expression constraint below matches all concepts that do not have a preferred term specified in the en-nz language reference set.

Scg expression
* MINUS *^ 816080008 |International Patient Summary| {{ typeD =active syn, dialect = en-nz (prefer)false }}