Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

September 2021 Production (PUBLISHED) vs March 2022 Pre-Production (Version 6) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Delta files

All Delta files removed, as planned as part of the synchronisation with the International Edition package format in 2022:

  • < ./sct2_Description_Delta-en_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./der2_cRefset_AssociationReferenceDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./sct2_TextDefinition_Delta-nl_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./der2_Refset_SubsetForPocFhirNoAllergySimpleRefsetDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./der2_Refset_SubsetForPocFhirManifestationSimpleRefsetDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./sct2_sRefset_OWLExpressionDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./der2_Refset_SubsetForPocFhirCausativeAgentNoDrugSimpleRefsetDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./sct2_Relationship_Delta_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./der2_cRefset_LanguageDelta-fr-be-gp_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./sct2_TextDefinition_Delta-en_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./der2_cRefset_LanguageDelta-fr_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./sct2_RelationshipConcreteValues_Delta_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./der2_Refset_TranslatedPlantMaterialsSimpleRefsetDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./der2_Refset_TranslatedEdibleSubstancesSimpleRefsetDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./der2_Refset_GPSubsetSimpleRefsetDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./sct2_Description_Delta-nl_BE1000172_20210915.txt
  • < ./sct2_StatedRelationship_Delta_BE1000172_20210915.txt

  • < ./sct2_Description_Delta-fr_BE1000172_20210915.txt

  • < ./der2_ssRefset_ModuleDependencyDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt

  • < ./der2_Refset_SimpleDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt

  • < ./der2_cciRefset_RefsetDescriptorDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt

  • < ./der2_cRefset_LanguageDelta-nl_BE1000172_20210915.txt

  • < ./der2_cRefset_LanguageDelta-nl-be-gp_BE1000172_20210915.txt

  • < ./sct2_Concept_Delta_BE1000172_20210915.txt

  • < ./der2_iisssccRefset_ExtendedMapDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt

  • < ./sct2_TextDefinition_Delta-fr_BE1000172_20210915.txt

  • < ./der2_cRefset_LanguageDelta-en_BE1000172_20210915.txt

  • < ./der2_Refset_TranslatedAnimalMaterialsSimpleRefsetDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt

  • < ./der2_ciRefset_DescriptionTypeDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt

  • < ./der2_cRefset_AttributeValueDelta_BE1000172_20210915.txt

  • < ./sct2_Identifier_Delta_BE1000172_20210915.txt

Metadata .json file


Belgian subset for medical problems in patient health records refset files7979

2 new files added for new Derivative refset, as expected due to new refset added to Refset tool:  40811000172108 |Belgian subset for medical problems in patient health records (foundation metadata concept)|

  • > ./der2_Refset_MedicalProblemsInPatientHealthRecordsSimpleRefsetSnapshot_BE1000172_20220315.txt

  • > ./der2_Refset_MedicalProblemsInPatientHealthRecordsSimpleRefsetFull_BE1000172_20220315.txt

Each file contained all 7979 records, as expected as matches Delta file downloaded from Refset tool, plus this is our process for adding new files (Snapshot/Full to be identical in the first release).

Belgian GP Subset1296

1280 new records +

16 inactivated +

0 records updated

As expected, due to reports:

Concept files1

1 new records, as expected due to the stats in the


Summary Component Stats report:

new Components report
1NsVSffFLDn9Q7AJ7-i_49i93cLyiVqYrhu9_S1e8v-U/edit#gid=1Concepts changed report: Components report 

> 40811000172108 20220315 1 11000172109 900000000000074008

Description (EN) files2

2 new records, as expected due to the

new Concept added above, plus the reports

TOTAL Description stats in the Summary Component Stats report:

1NsVSffFLDn9Q7AJ7-i_49i93cLyiVqYrhu9_S1e8v-U/edit#gid=014 new records confirmed in
 (search for "US: P, GB: N:")

> 6064701000172116 20220315 1 11000172109 40811000172108 en 900000000000013009 Belgian subset for medical problems in patient health records 900000000000017005
> 6064731000172114 20220315 1 11000172109 40811000172108 en 900000000000003001 Belgian subset for medical problems in patient health records (foundation metadata concept) 900000000000017005

Description (FR) files49645

48491 new records +

1143 inactivated +

13 updated (YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL HERE AS 2 OF THE TERMS CONTAIN "<" symbols! - 1739591000172113 + 1739601000172115)

As expected,

due to reports:
  • 26673 new records confirmed in (search for " fr: ")
  • 283 inactivated + 1 updated confirmed in 

     due to the TOTAL Description stats in the Summary Component Stats report:

    Description (NL) files307741

    307387 new records +

    284 inactivated +

    70 records updated

    As expected, due to


    the TOTAL Description stats in the Summary Component Stats report:

    11248 new records confirmed in 
     (search for " nl: ")81 inactivated + 2 updated confirmed in Component report 
    OwlExpression files 1

    1 new record, as expected due to the

    new Concepts added above, plus the reports:

    stats in the Summary Component Stats report:

    4New Component report 

    > 50cd9cc1-1cb0-4ac4-af51-a9435497d5f3 20220315 1 11000172109 733073007 40811000172108 SubClassOf(:40811000172108 :446609009)

    Relationship files3

    3 new records, as expected due to the

    new Concepts added above, plus the reports:

    stats in the Summary Component Stats report:


    > 256791000172128 20220315 1 11000172109 71000172103 1156670009 2 246454002 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
    > 256801000172127 20220315 1 11000172109 111000172100 1156670009 2 246454002 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
    > 256811000172129 20220315 1 11000172109 40811000172108 446609009 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002

    Association files2

    2 new recordsas expected due to the stats in the Summary Component Stats report:

    > b51cd620-6bf1-48e4-8722-66fbc63532c9 20220315 1 11000172109 900000000000531004 2186511000172111 38682008
    > f402acca-09f4-4125-8a44-2ed9a2f9d1df 20220315 1 11000172109 900000000000531004 2100261000172113 429998004

    AttributeValue files2410

    2407 new records,

    Plus 2 records inactivated

    Plus 1 record updated 

    ???????? expected, as doesn't match with any inactivation totals!

    Not yet confirmed as Joe can't run the "New AttributeValue" report for MS yet: be_new_and_changed_attributeValue.txt

    I've raised a ticket for this report to be added:  INFRA-6389 - Report to be added to MS view:new Components report 

    Almost as expected due to the stats in the Summary Component Stats report:

    Language (EN) files2

    2 new records, as expected due to the

    new Descriptions added above, plus the reports

    TOTAL Language stats in the Summary Component Stats report matching the TOTAL of all 5x types of Language files in this Traceability comparison, PLUS the individual total matching the relevant line in the "Refsets" tab at the end of the report:

    1NsVSffFLDn9Q7AJ7-i_49i93cLyiVqYrhu9_S1e8v-U/edit#gid=0XXXX NOT YET WORKING XXXX Concepts changed:

    > 56488adb-a6a9-4994-a616-81ab8354b681 20220315 1 11000172109 900000000000509007 6064701000172116 900000000000548007
    > c794d4e6-b162-4811-84be-a9d92c529199 20220315 1 11000172109 900000000000509007 6064731000172114 900000000000548007

    XXXXXXX NOT YET WORKING IN PROD - Also confirmed in Peter's improved "New Language" report: be_new_and_changed_langrefset.txt

    Language (FR) files48121

    47006 new records +

    1111 inactivated +

    4 records updated

    almost as expected, as nearly matches the figures in the new Component Changed

    As expected due to the TOTAL Language stats in the Summary Component Stats report matching the TOTAL of all 5x types of Language files in this Traceability comparison, PLUS the individual total matching the relevant line in the "Refsets" tab at the end of the report:

    XXXXXXX NOT YET WORKING IN PROD - Peter's improved "New
    " report
    8582 with lang refset = 21000172104 (be-fr)): be_new_and_changed_langrefset.txt

    I've raised a ticket for this report to be added:  INFRA-6389 - Report to be added to MS view

    Language (
    FR) context specific GP files2217

    2129 new records +

    33 inactivated +

    55 records updated

    As expected due to the TOTAL Language stats in the Summary Component Stats report matching the TOTAL of all 5x types of Language files in this Traceability comparison, PLUS the individual total matching the relevant line in the "Refsets" tab at the end of the report:

    Language (NL) files306023

    305787 new records +

    235 inactivated +

    1 records updated

    almost as expected, as nearly matches the figures in the new Component Changed

    As expected due to the TOTAL Language stats in the Summary Component Stats report matching the TOTAL of all 5x types of Language files in this Traceability comparison, PLUS the individual total matching the relevant line in the "Refsets" tab at the end of the report:

    XXXXXXX NOT YET WORKING IN PROD - Peter's improved "New
    " report
    15841 with lang refset = 31000172101 (be-nl)): be_new_and_changed_langrefset.txt

    I've raised a ticket for this report to be added:  INFRA-6389 - Report to be added to MS view

    Language (
    NL) context specific GP files2225

    2121 new records +

    50 inactivated +

    54 records updated

    As expected due to the TOTAL Language stats in the Summary Component Stats report matching the TOTAL of all 5x types of Language files in this Traceability comparison, PLUS the individual total matching the relevant line in the "Refsets" tab at the end of the report:

    ModuleDependency files2

    2 records updated to March 2022 as expected

    < 2a3c4d38-43c2-4514-ae22-6cbcb2692826 20210915 1 11000172109 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20210915 20210731
    < 88308cdc-3e00-4e58-8670-49cfea746903 20210915 1 11000172109 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20210915 20210731
    > 2a3c4d38-43c2-4514-ae22-6cbcb2692826 20220315 1 11000172109 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220315 20220131
    > 88308cdc-3e00-4e58-8670-49cfea746903 20220315 1 11000172109 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20220315 20220131

    RefsetDescriptor files1

    1 new record added (automatically!) for the new derivative refset added in this cycle

        • Belgian subset for medical problems in patient health records (40811000172108)

    > 100201c0-1169-492d-b885-1f8598e4bef4 20220315 1 11000172109 900000000000456007 40811000172108 449608002 900000000000461009 0

    Readme filen/a

    ALL Delta files removed as expected.

    EffectiveTimes updated to March 2022, x prefixes added, plus 2 new files added as expected for

    • 2x file types for new context specific refset 
      • > xder2_Refset_MedicalProblemsInPatientHealthRecordsSimpleRefsetFull_BE1000172_20220315.txt
      • > xder2_Refset_MedicalProblemsInPatientHealthRecordsSimpleRefsetSnapshot_BE1000172_20220315.txt
    Translated Animal Materials Simple Refset files0

    0 changes, as expected???  (no data in the Summary Component Stats report:

    Translated Edible Substances Simple Refset files0

    0 changes, as expected??? (no data in the Summary Component Stats report:

    Translated Plant Materials Simple Refset files

    0 changes, as expected??? (no data in the Summary Component Stats report: