Concept |
ShowParts | term |
t | 733619002 |Ordered component type reference set (foundation metadata concept)| |
allows a collection of
to be defined with a specified order. This type of
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | reference ret |
is therefore useful for creating ordered lists and to specify groups where the components that belong to the same group share the same order.
Data structure
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | Ordered component reference set |
is an
Integer Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | reference set |
is used to represent ordered lists and alternative hierarchies. Its structure is shown in the following table.
Refset spec table |
Size | fs7 |
RefsetType | Ordered Component Reference Set |
The following metadata in the "Foundation metadata
supports this
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | reference set |
Excerpt Include |
| REUSE:Notes on Reference Set Example Tables |
| REUSE:Notes on Reference Set Example Tables |
nopanel | true |
Descriptor Template
The tables below show the descriptor that defines the structure of the
Concept |
t | 733619002 | Ordered component type reference set | |
ShowFormat | inline |
pattern and an example of descriptor for a specific
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | reference set |
that follows this pattern.
Note: The table above omits the initial four columns of data present in the release file. These follow the standards versioning pattern
Specref |
RefType | (field) |
t | effectiveTime |
. Additionally, to aid understanding, the table above also shows the
from one of the
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | descriptions |
associated with each of the identified
. The release file only contains the
Ordered reference set example
Caption label |
CapId | rational-ordering-of-finger-concepts-using-an-ordered-component-reference-set |
CapType | Table |
Rational ordering of finger concepts using an ordered component reference set |