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Inactivation ReasonAssociationDefinition

Non-Conformance to Editorial Policy



No suitable replacement identified

The inactivation reason “Non-conformance to Editorial Policy” explicitly states that the inactivated concept does not comply with a specific Editorial Guideline valid at the point of inactivation.

From time to time editorial policy may change, either to revise what is considered to be within scope for the International Edition of SNOMED CT, or to support changes in modeling practice and thereby bring greater consistency to existing content. In the latter scenario, the necessary refactoring or remodeling of content can change the meaning of existing SNOMED CT concept FSN’s or the implied meaning of their logical definitions.

  • Compliance with existing Editorial Guidance
    Where an existing concept is found to be non-compliant with existing editorial guidance (we might presume it to be a legacy of older editorial guidance or an artifact from the original merger of CTV3 and SNOMED RT) an assessment of the impact of bringing the concept into line with the editorial guidance should be made. Where the change results in a potential change to the meaning of the concept, then the legacy concept should be inactivated and replaced.
    • Specify the target concept
      • The target concept should represent as closely as possible the new meaning of the inactivated concept and an association of REPLACED_BY used.
      • If no suitable existing SNOMED CT concept exists, one should be created.
    • Annotation
      • The Editorial Policy that gave rise to the inactivation should be stated and if possible a link provided to the Editorial Guide
  • Compliance with new Editorial Policy
    Where new Editorial Policy is developed the Editorial Guide should be updated along with guidance as to how non-compliant content is to be updated. The development of a new Editorial Policy may impact a number of concepts and in some circumstances, and in agreement with EAG/Community of Practice it may be possible to change the FSN without inactivation of the concept.
    • Specify the target concept
      • The target concept should represent as closely as possible the original meaning of the inactivated concept and an association of REPLACED_BY used.
      • If no suitable existing SNOMED CT concept exists, one should be created.
      • Where a change in FSN alone is agreed upon, the legacy FSN should be inactivated as "Non-conformant to Editorial Policy"
    • Annotation
      • The editorial policy that gave rise to the inactivation should be stated and if possible a link provided to the Editorial Guide
      • Where only the FSN has been inactivated and replaced a note should be added that refers to the editorial policy and agreement to change only the FSN
  • Editorial Policy that results in the inactivation of content that is now deemed out of scope for SNOMED CT
    When concepts fall entirely out of scope for SNOMED CT due to a change in Editorial Policy this will have been notified and agreed with the EAG and Community of Practice. The Editorial Guide will have been updated with guidance on how inactivated content should be handled. Policy changes of this type often involve bulk updates and may relate to medicinal products, substances, and devices.
    • Specify the target concept
      • The target concept should represent as closely as possible the original meaning of the inactivated concept; however, the closest available target concept still within scope of SNOMED CT may often be significantly less specific than that original meaning.
      • The briefing and editorial guidance should state whether it would be appropriate to create a new SNOMED CT as a replacement with closer meaning to that of the original concept.
      • Where the replacement target is a high-level concept that is significantly less specific than the inactivated concept use "ALTERNATIVE" as the historical association. Otherwise, if the meaning is close (e.g. the difference is unlikely to be clinically significant), use REPLACED BY.
      • Dropdown list   (Where no replacement is appropriate)
        • No suitable alternative concept identified
        • No suitable reoplaement replacement concept identified
    • Annotation
      • The editorial policy that gave rise to the inactivation should be stated and if possible a link provided to the Editorial Guide
