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Comment: Australia response



The proposal seems generally reasonable.

A few value sets in NLM's Value Set Authority Center refer to Allergy to animal x dander (finding) concepts and will be directly affected if we do inactivation/creation rather than modification (which I can understand for editorial reasons).

I am wondering whether procedure concepts also referring to "animal x dander" remain appropriate or would need to be refactored similarly to the corresponding Allergy concepts – they could be similarly genericized (e.g., Cat allergen  specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement). Just a thought.

IRL27/10/2020OK here, as these terms at not currently in use here.


Just checking the evaluation procedures/observables will remain as these seem to be pretty standard across the industry.

There are also tests for urine, serum, epithelium individually and combinations of

Otherwise, I think the change is reasonable for Clinical Findings. It's consistent to how 232350006|House dust mite allergy| is modelled.

Presumably, this doesn't just apply to dander but all the 'animal materials', ie. feathers.
Will this logic/pattern apply to reactions also? i.e. <<418448002|Allergic reaction caused by animal (disorder)| (although there's limited content here at the moment).

Will this pattern also be extended to plants? pollens/seed

Could just use even general substances like 'dog material substance' (Subtsance from dog)

Member countries without a CMAG rep
