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Versions Compared


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September 2019 Pre-Production (Version1) vs September 2019 Production (Version1) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale


September 2019 Production (PUBLISHED) vs March 2020 Pre-Production (Version1) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
ModuleDependency files2

2 records updated with INCORRECT release dates

AttributeValue files226

226 new records added as part of latest editing cycle, as expected, verified with BE in ticket......

Concept files3

3 new records, as confirmed by B2i in ?????????.

> 541000172109 20200315 1 11000172109 900000000000074008
> 551000172106 20200315 1 11000172109 900000000000074008
> 561000172108 20200315 1 11000172109 900000000000074008

Language files (EN)6

6 new records, in line with translation changes B2i + NRC made in ????????, as confirmed by B2i in ?????????.

> 3314d035-433c-4579-9eea-410feba5b5bd 20200315 1 11000172109 900000000000509007 1263821000172112 900000000000548007
> 3865827a-a090-4819-85b6-1010e56fe61e 20200315 1 11000172109 900000000000509007 1263801000172117 900000000000548007
> 4cd4506a-8a7b-4d1a-b085-a486ff9182f3 20200315 1 11000172109 900000000000509007 1263891000172114 900000000000548007
> 5e703e0c-a51d-402c-84c1-90ee7272ba07 20200315 1 11000172109 900000000000509007 1263841000172115 900000000000548007
> 7a4a49b8-ed63-4d36-b5bf-bb19772597ed 20200315 1 11000172109 900000000000509007 1263911000172111 900000000000548007
> 811c6e45-faba-4b4e-bdeb-7a30b6952ba6 20200315 1 11000172109 900000000000509007 1263861000172116 900000000000548007

Language files (FR)7097

7074 added, plus

23 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........

in line with translation changes B2i + NRC made in ????????, as confirmed by B2i in ?????????.

Language files (NL)7294

7249 added, plus

45 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........

in line with translation changes B2i + NRC made in ????????, as confirmed by B2i in ?????????.

Description files (EN)

7612 added, plus

19 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........


6 new records, in line with translation changes B2i + NRC made in


????????, as confirmed by B2i in



> 1263801000172117 20200315 1 11000172109 541000172109 en 900000000000003001 Belgian simple reference set for translated edible substances (foundation metadata concept) 900000000000448009
> 1263821000172112 20200315 1 11000172109 541000172109 en 900000000000013009 Belgian simple reference set for translated edible substances 900000000000448009
> 1263841000172115 20200315 1 11000172109 551000172106 en 900000000000003001 Belgian simple reference set for translated plant materials (foundation metadata concept) 900000000000448009
> 1263861000172116 20200315 1 11000172109 551000172106 en 900000000000013009 Belgian simple reference set for translated plant materials 900000000000448009
> 1263891000172114 20200315 1 11000172109 561000172108 en 900000000000003001 Belgian simple reference set for translated animal materials (foundation metadata concept) 900000000000448009
> 1263911000172111 20200315 1 11000172109 561000172108 en 900000000000013009 Belgian simple reference set for translated animal materials 900000000000448009

Description files (FR)

7073 added, plus


23 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........

in line with translation changes B2i + NRC made in


????????, as confirmed by B2i in



Description files (NL)

7234 added, plus


45 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........

in line with translation changes B2i + NRC made in


????????, as confirmed by B2i in



Relationships files19

19 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........

Look good and both automated and manual classifications are clean, confirmed by B2i in MSSP-419

OWLExpression files5

5 records added:

As expected, as match the same concepts that were originally stated in the Stated Relationship files, and which have now been inactivated

Stated Relationship files5

All 5 records inactivated as expected (due to replacement of Stated Relationship records with OWL axiom records in this release:

Readme filen/a
updated with new release dates, as expected

September 2019 Production (PUBLISHED) vs September 2019 Production (AMENDED with Fix for MSSP-530, to be used as a baseline for March 2020 BE Releases) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Inferred Relationship SNAPSHOT files9596 recordsMSSP-5309596 erroneous records (come from the 6708 records introduced invalidly during the Sept 2018 BE release, then inactivated as part of the March 2019 release, but now BE would like us to surgically remove them from the history of the Release package) removed as planned by Gabor (B2i) in MSSP-530
Inferred Relationship FULL files16306 recordsMSSP-53016306 erroneous records (come from the 6708 records introduced invalidly during the Sept 2018 BE release, then inactivated as part of the March 2019 release, but now BE would like us to surgically remove them from the history of the Release package) removed as planned by Gabor (B2i) in MSSP-530
Inferred Relationship DELTA files19 recordsMSSP-53019 erroneous records (come from the 6708 records introduced invalidly during the Sept 2018 BE release, then inactivated as part of the March 2019 release, but now BE would like us to surgically remove them from the history of the Release package) removed as planned by Gabor (B2i) in MSSP-530