09:11:10 From Ian Green : Ian Green, SNOMED International - Global clinical engagement lead (non-practicing nurse . . . .) 09:11:18 From Jerno Thys BE : Cathy the audio comes in echo through your audio, is muting possible? 09:11:30 From Friso Raemaekers : Reacted to "Cathy the audio come..." with ๐Ÿ‘ 09:11:46 From Cathy Richardson : Cathy Richardson, Senior Terminologist, SNOMED International 09:11:50 From Cathy Richardson : Reacted to "Cathy the audio come..." with ๐Ÿ‘ 09:11:52 From Maryam Razavi (Swedish NRC) : Reacted to "Cathy the audio co..." with ๐Ÿ‘ 09:12:13 From Fran Alcazar : Francisco Rodriguez Alcazar, from Spain, Castilla y Leรณn, Salamanca, Nurse, System Information, Autonomic Health System, our 09:12:25 From Jerno Thys BE : Dear Ahjung Byun, the audio also comes in echo through your microphone, is it possible to mute? 09:12:32 From Beate Kristiansen : We are Beate and Marte from the Norwegian NRC, we work with nursing terminology and standardized care plans in nursing :) 09:12:49 From Ahjung Byun : My apologies! I turned it off 09:13:05 From Jerno Thys BE : ๐Ÿ‘ 09:13:42 From Ahjung Byun : Hello. I am Ahjung Byun, PhD student, studying nursing informatics at Seoul National University, South Korea. Nice to meet you all ๐Ÿ™‚ 09:15:17 From Cyndie Lundberg : Cyndie Lundberg Regenstrief USA 09:16:12 From Tess Settergren : Reminder to please mute yourselvesโ€”echo! :-) 09:26:23 From Janice Kelly : Of the 452 more concepts is that from multiple nursing specialties - like Women and children's health, perioperative (surgical) nursing, intensive care etc. 09:33:12 From Camila Takao : Could we have a link to the national page with the plans of of care? 09:35:31 From Karen Dunn Lopez : Do the new concepts have definitions to clarify the meaning? 09:35:42 From Friso Raemaekers : Reacted to "Do the new concepts ..." with ๐Ÿ‘ 09:36:20 From Saldi Yusuf : Reacted to "Do the new concepts โ€ฆ" with ๐Ÿ‘ 09:36:35 From Janice Kelly : I would love the information on any perioperative concepts you may have had to add - jkelly@aorn.org 09:40:16 From Fran Alcazar : hello. Thanks for the presentation. What has been the implementation strategy among healthcare nurses and their degree of acceptance of this new tool. Thank you!!! 09:42:21 From Spisla, Christine : Replying to "Hi everyone, I am El..." Hallo Elisabeth 09:57:58 From Fran Alcazar : Thank you Friso!!! I would like to know if you measure results using the indicators of each NOC (per shift, daily, weekly) and if you confirm the activities associated with the NIC (per shift, day, you do not do it due to the high number of activities,...) Thank you!!! 10:05:24 From Karen Dunn Lopez : Excellent presentation Friso. thank you for the examples of exact match terms, synonyms and non-matches. 10:05:25 From Ariani Putri : Thank you Frisco for sharing! Would you please share how do you actually use SNOMED terminology in the same time with NANDA dx, NIC and NOC? 10:06:48 From Ariani Putri : Got it! Thank you for your answer. 10:11:17 From Fran Alcazar : Thank you all. Due to the schedule in Spain I have to leave you. See you next month at the next meeting. Thanks!!!! 10:22:07 From Karen Dunn Lopez : can you include the link? 10:26:00 From Jerno Thys BE : Thank you for the interesting topics! Need to go... See you next time! 10:31:23 From Janice Kelly : https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/editorialag/2023-10-23+SNOMED+Editorial+Advisory+Group+-+Face+to+face+meeting 10:34:24 From Janice Kelly : https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/CP/Clinical+content+briefing+notes here you can sign up to watch this page for briefing notes 10:37:06 From Janice Kelly : Include PNDS as well - need to look at all nursing languages and the impact SNOMED has on them 10:37:50 From Maryam Razavi (Swedish NRC) : yes 10:38:08 From Heather Herdman : Agreed! 10:38:27 From Karen Dunn Lopez : I could not hear Ian either 10:38:47 From Heather Herdman : Nor could I 10:38:58 From Karen Dunn Lopez : i can hear 10:40:23 From Karen Dunn Lopez : Thank you for the invitation! 10:41:08 From Karen Dunn Lopez : i can't hear the speaker 10:41:21 From Janice Kelly : Great presentations and discussions - Hello Susan 10:41:39 From Maryam Razavi (Swedish NRC) : thank you so much