obs:000043 Air 15158005 P Air (substance) obs:000044 Anus 53505006 P Anal structure (body structure) obs:000045 Blood P obs:000046 Blood or Tissue P obs:000047 Cerebrospinal fluid P obs:000048 Cervix P obs:000049 Dose P obs:000050 Fibroblasts P obs:000052 Pericardial fluid P obs:000053 Peritoneal fluid P obs:000054 Plasma P obs:000055 Platelets P obs:000056 Platelet poor plasma P obs:000057 erythrocytes P obs:000058 Semen P obs:000059 Serum P obs:000060 Serum or plasma P obs:000061 Feces P obs:000062 Pharynx P obs:000063 Tissue P obs:000064 Urine 78014005 P Urine (substance) obs:000065 Urine sediment P obs:000066 leukocyte P obs:000067 Unspecified P obs:000068 Ambient air P obs:000069 Amniotic fluid cell protein P obs:000070 Ascites 409615008 P Ascitic fluid (substance) obs:000071 Biopsy P obs:000072 Calculus P obs:000073 Chorionic villus cell protein P obs:000075 Drinking water P obs:000076 Blood erythrocyte P obs:000077 Marrow erythrocyte P obs:000078 Fibroblast protein P obs:000079 Impetigo P obs:000080 Plasma LDH P obs:000081 Leukocyte protein P obs:000082 Plasma - capillary blood P obs:000083 Pituitary gland P obs:000084 Protein P obs:000085 Patient 116154003 P Patient (person) obs:000086 Pus 11311000 P Pus (substance) obs:000087 Saliva 256897009 P Saliva (substance) obs:000088 Skin 39937001 P Skin structure (body structure) obs:000089 System P obs:000090 Blood platelets P obs:000091 Endometrial tumor cell culture P obs:000093 Vaginal fluid P obs:000094 Wound P obs:000095 Bacterium 409822003 P Superkingdom Bacteria (organism) obs:000097 Rickettsia typhus group 415343008 P Rickettsia, typhus group (organism) obs:000002 amount of substance 118555000 P Substance amount (property) (qualifier value) obs:000003 arbitrary concentration 118569000 P Arbitrary concentration (property) (qualifier value) obs:000004 arbitrary content 118570004 P Arbitrary content (property) (qualifier value) obs:000005 abitrary number 410681005 P Count of entities (property) (qualifier value) obs:000006 arbitrary substance concentration P obs:000007 catalytic activity concentration 118524006 P Catalytic concentration (property) (qualifier value) obs:000008 catalytic activity content 118526008 P Catalytic content (property) (qualifier value) obs:000009 catalytic activity fraction 118527004 P Catalytic fraction (property) (qualifier value) obs:000010 diameter 81827009 P Diameter (qualifier value) obs:000011 entitic catalytic activity 118533008 P Entitic catalytic activity (property) (qualifier value) obs:000012 entitic number 118536000 P Entitic number (property) (qualifier value) obs:000013 mass concentration 118539007 P Mass concentration (property) (qualifier value) obs:000014 mass fraction 118542001 P Mass fraction (property) (qualifier value) obs:000015 morphology P obs:000016 number concentration 118550005 P Number concentration (property) (qualifier value) obs:000017 relative substance concentration 118554001 P Relative substance concentration (property) (qualifier value) obs:000018 substance concentration 118556004 P Substance concentration (property) (qualifier value) obs:000019 substance rate 118562009 P Substance rate (property) (qualifier value) obs:000020 substance (concentration) ratio 118563004 P Substance ratio (property) (qualifier value) obs:000021 susceptibility 118588007 P Susceptibility (property) (qualifier value) obs:000022 taxon P obs:000023 threshold substance concentration 118564005 P Threshold substance concentration (property) (qualifier value) obs:000024 volume fraction 118567003 P Volume fraction (property) (qualifier value) obs:000025 impression / interpretation of study 118580000 P Impression AND/OR interpretation of study (property) (qualifier value) obs:000026 mass 118538004 P Mass, a measure of quantity of matter (property) (qualifier value) obs:000027 mass concentration ratio 118545004 P Mass ratio (property) (qualifier value) obs:000028 mass rate 118544000 P Mass rate (property) (qualifier value) obs:000029 number fraction 118552002 P Number fraction (property) (qualifier value) obs:000030 presence/identity 118584009 P Presence OR identity (property) (qualifier value) obs:000031 ratio 118586006 P Ratio (property) (qualifier value) obs:000032 relative time 118578006 P Relative time (property) (qualifier value) obs:000033 substance content 118558003 P Substance concentration (property) (qualifier value) obs:000034 arbitrary concentration (titer) 118590008 P Dilution factor expressed as titer (property) (qualifier value) obs:000035 type 410656007 P Type (property) (qualifier value) obs:000036 color P obs:000037 Linnaean taxon P obs:000038 gene taxon P obs:000039 organism DNA taxon P obs:000040 serotype taxon P obs:000041 technique taxon P obs:000042 substance taxon P obs:000098 Schistosoma 53583001 P Schistosoma (organism) obs:000099 ABCC8 gene P obs:000100 SGCG gene P obs:000101 bronchus 955009 P Bronchial structure (body structure) obs:000102 mycobacterium 243368001 P Genus Mycobacterium (organism) obs:000103 oropharynx 31389004 P Oropharyngeal structure (body structure) obs:000104 latex induced papule P obs:000105 Total plasma protein P obs:000106 somatotropin secretion P obs:000107 pregnanediol excretion P obs:000110 Organism (bacterium or fungus) 264395009 P Microorganism (organism) obs:000111 impetigo lesion P obs:000112 Fungal DNA P obs:000113 Plasmodium ovale 18508006 P Plasmodium ovale (organism) obs:000114 Nocardia 59674005 P Genus Nocardia (organism) obs:000115 Salmonella 27268008 P Genus Salmonella (organism) obs:000116 Renal parenchyma 29704000 P Structure of parenchyma of kidney (body structure) obs:000117 Anterior lobe of pituitary gland 62818001 P Adenohypophysis structure (body structure) obs:000118 Coagulum P obs:000119 Air specimen P obs:000120 specimen from anus 119392008 P Specimen from anus (specimen) obs:000121 Blood specimen 119297000 P Blood specimen (specimen) obs:000122 Blood or Tissue specimen P obs:000123 Cerebrospinal fluid specimen 258450006 P Cerebrospinal fluid sample (specimen) obs:000124 specimen from uterine cervix 119395005 P Specimen from uterine cervix (specimen) obs:000125 Fibroblast specimen 119333000 P Fibroblast specimen (specimen) obs:000126 Isolate 119303007 P Microbial isolate specimen (specimen) obs:000127 Pericardial fluid specimen 122571007 P Pericardial fluid specimen (specimen) obs:000128 Peritoneal fluid specimen 168139001 P Peritoneal fluid sample (specimen) obs:000129 Plasma specimen 119361006 P Plasma specimen (specimen) obs:000130 Platelet specimen 119358005 P Platelet specimen (specimen) obs:000131 Platelet poor plasma specimen 119362004 P Platelet poor plasma specimen (specimen) obs:000132 Erythrocyte specimen 119351004 P Erythrocyte specimen (specimen) obs:000133 Semen specimen 119347001 P Seminal fluid specimen (specimen) obs:000134 Serum specimen 119364003 P Serum specimen (specimen) obs:000135 Serum or plasma specimen 122592007 P Acellular blood (serum or plasma) specimen (specimen) obs:000136 Feces specimen 119339001 P Stool specimen (specimen) obs:000137 Specimen from pharynx 119389009 P Specimen from throat (specimen) obs:000138 specimen consisting of tissue 119376003 P Tissue specimen (specimen) obs:000139 Urine specimen 122575003 P Urine specimen (specimen) obs:000140 Urine sediment specimen 122567009 P Urine sediment specimen (specimen) obs:000141 White blood cells specimen 258591005 P White blood cell sample (specimen) obs:000142 Specimen 123038009 P Specimen (specimen) obs:000143 Ambient air specimen P obs:000144 Amniotic fluid cell protein specimen P obs:000145 Ascites specimen 309201001 P Ascitic fluid sample (specimen) obs:000146 Biopsy specimen 258415003 P Biopsy sample (specimen) obs:000147 Calculus specimen 119350003 P Calculus specimen (specimen) obs:000148 Chorionic villus cell protein specimen P obs:000149 DNA specimen 258566005 P Deoxyribonucleic acid sample (specimen) obs:000150 Drinking water specimen P obs:000151 Blood erythrocytes specimen P obs:000152 Marrow erythrocytes specimen P obs:000153 Fibroblast protein specimen P obs:000154 Impetigo specimen P obs:000155 Leukocyte protein specimen P obs:000156 Plasma - capillary blood specimen P obs:000157 Plasma protein specimen P obs:000158 Pus specimen 119323008 P Pus specimen (specimen) obs:000159 Saliva specimen 119342007 P Saliva specimen (specimen) obs:000160 Bronchial secretion specimen 258446004 P Bronchial fluid sample (specimen) obs:000161 Oropharyngeal secretion specimen P obs:000162 Specimen consisting of skin tissue 119325001 P Skin (tissue) specimen (specimen) obs:000163 Endometrial tumor cell culture specimen P obs:000164 Vaginal fluid specimen 258577004 P Vaginal secretion sample (specimen) obs:000165 Wound fluid specimen 122566000 P Fluid specimen from wound (specimen) obs:000167 Cell surface AND/OR associated structure (cell structure) 108353004 P Cell surface AND/OR associated structure (cell structure) obs:000168 Non-biological fluid specimen (specimen) 119316007 P Non-biological fluid specimen (specimen) obs:000169 Hair specimen (specimen) 119326000 P Hair specimen (specimen) obs:000170 Nail specimen (specimen) 119327009 P Nail specimen (specimen) obs:000171 Synovial fluid specimen (specimen) 119332005 P Synovial fluid specimen (specimen) obs:000172 Dialysis fluid specimen (specimen) 119360007 P Dialysis fluid specimen (specimen) obs:000173 Platelet rich plasma specimen (specimen) 119363009 P Platelet rich plasma specimen (specimen) obs:000174 Amniotic fluid specimen (specimen) 119373006 P Amniotic fluid specimen (specimen) obs:000175 Cerebrospinal fluid specimen (specimen) 119374000 P Cerebrospinal fluid specimen (specimen) obs:000176 Specimen from endometrium (specimen) 119396006 P Specimen from endometrium (specimen) obs:000177 Specimen from placenta (specimen) 119403008 P Specimen from placenta (specimen) obs:000178 Arterial blood specimen (specimen) 122552005 P Arterial blood specimen (specimen) obs:000179 Capillary blood specimen (specimen) 122554006 P Capillary blood specimen (specimen) obs:000180 Cord blood specimen (specimen) 122556008 P Cord blood specimen (specimen) obs:000181 Peritoneal dialysis fluid specimen (specimen) 122586001 P Peritoneal dialysis fluid specimen (specimen) obs:000182 Peritoneal fluid specimen (specimen) 122882007 P Peritoneal fluid specimen (specimen) obs:000183 Chorionic villi sample (specimen) 258565009 P Chorionic villi sample (specimen) obs:000184 Semen sample (specimen) 258573000 P Semen sample (specimen) obs:000185 Dosages (qualifier value) 277406006 P Dosages (qualifier value) obs:000186 Body substance sample (specimen) 309050000 P Body substance sample (specimen) obs:000187 Body fluid sample (specimen) 309051001 P Body fluid sample (specimen) obs:000188 Organism (organism) 410607006 P Organism (organism) obs:000189 Erythrocyte component of blood (specimen) 418525009 P Erythrocyte component of blood (substance) obs:000190 Pleural fluid specimen (specimen) 418564007 P Pleural fluid specimen (specimen) obs:000191 Blood spot specimen (specimen) 440500007 P Blood spot specimen (specimen) obs:000192 Plasma (substance) 50863008 P Plasma (substance) obs:000193 Population of erythrocytes P obs:000194 2-Methyl,3-Hydroxyvalerate P obs:000195 4,6-Dinitro-O-Cresol P obs:000197 Agaricus hortensis antibody, IgE P obs:000198 aldosterone P obs:000199 alkaline phosphatase, liver 2 P obs:000200 alpha aminobutyrate P obs:000201 alpha-L-iduronidase P obs:000202 alphaprodine P obs:000203 atenolol P obs:000205 benzoylecgonine P obs:000206 beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase P obs:000207 CD16 blast P obs:000208 Bordetella pertussis, filamentous hemagglutinin antibody, IgG P obs:000209 Campylobacter fetus antigen P obs:000210 catecholamine P obs:000211 CD1 cell P obs:000212 CD11c+CD19+ cell P obs:000213 chicken anemia virus antibody P obs:000214 Chlamydia sp antigen P obs:000215 Chlamydia trachomatis antigen P obs:000216 cholesterol in HDL 3 P obs:000217 Chrysanthemum leucanthemum antibody, IgE P obs:000218 clozapine P obs:000220 Coccidioides immitis antibody, IgA P obs:000221 Coccidioides immitis antibody, IgM P obs:000222 codeine P obs:000223 complement membrane C3b-C4b cofactor protein P obs:000224 corticotropin P obs:000225 cortisone P obs:000226 cotton fibers antibody, IgE P obs:000227 creatinine 15373003 P obs:000228 cyclosporine P obs:000229 DNA 24851008 P obs:000230 Eastern equine encephalitis virus antigen P obs:000231 Echinococcus sp antibody, IgG4 P obs:000232 Entamoeba histolytica DNA P obs:000233 Ephestia kuehniella antibody, IgE P obs:000234 Epstein Barr virus capsid antibody, IgG P obs:000235 erythrocyte P obs:000236 ethambutol P obs:000237 fenchlorphos P obs:000238 fibrinopeptide B beta (43-47) antigen P obs:000239 galactose 1 phosphate P obs:000240 gamma glutamyl transferase P obs:000241 ganglioside GD1b antibody P obs:000242 gastrin antigen P obs:000243 Giardia lamblia antigen or cryptosporidium parvum antigen P obs:000244 glucose P obs:000245 glutamine P obs:000246 glutethimide P obs:000247 glycosaminoglycan P obs:000248 heavy metal P obs:000249 heptane P obs:000250 Herpes simplex virus 1 P obs:000251 histamine P obs:000252 HLA-D w10 P obs:000253 honey antibody, IgG P obs:000254 hydroxyzine P obs:000255 IgE antibody P obs:000256 insulin P obs:000257 erythrocyte JsĒ antigen P obs:000258 Juniper basophil bound antibody P obs:000259 lead P obs:000260 Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Tarrasovi antibody P obs:000261 Leptospira interrogans serovar Javanica antibody P obs:000262 lymphocyte P obs:000263 methemalbumin P obs:000264 monocyte and/or macrophage type cell P obs:000265 moxalactam P obs:000266 nuclear antibody P obs:000267 Parakeet droppings antibody, IgE P obs:000268 phenylethylmalonamide P obs:000269 Phleum pratense recombinant rph1 p7 antibody, IgE P obs:000270 phosphofructokinase L subunit P obs:000271 phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase P obs:000272 platelet associated antibody P obs:000273 reagin antibody P obs:000274 Rickettsia typhi antibody P obs:000276 Schistosoma sp P obs:000278 sialate P obs:000279 silver P obs:000280 somatotropin P obs:000281 Sporothrix schenckii antibody P obs:000282 Theileria annulata antibody P obs:000283 titanium P obs:000284 Treponema pallidum DNA P obs:000285 triiodothyronine P obs:000286 Trypanosoma equiperdum antibody P obs:000287 voriconazole P obs:000288 acetazolamide P obs:000289 acid phosphatase, prostatic type P obs:000290 Actinomyces P obs:000291 beta-alanine P obs:000292 alpha-1-globulin P obs:000293 alpha-amanitin P obs:000294 amylo-1,6-glucosidase P obs:000295 apolipoprotein E2 P obs:000296 Artemia salina antibody, IgE, NCCLS/o202 P obs:000297 fungus P obs:000298 barium (II) P obs:000299 benzoate antibody, IgE, NCCLS/k100 P obs:000300 benzodiazepine 372664007 P Benzodiazepine (substance) obs:000301 Brugia timori P obs:000302 cancer antigen 19-9 P obs:000303 carbamazepine P obs:000304 chloramphenicol P obs:000305 chloroethene P obs:000306 chromogranin A P obs:000307 retracted coagulum P obs:000308 complement decay accelerating factor P obs:000309 complement factor D P obs:000310 Cytomegalovirus antibody P obs:000311 dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate P obs:000312 N,N-dimethylformamide P obs:000313 dog epithelium antibody, IgE, NCCLS/e2 P obs:000314 eosinophil P obs:000315 erythrocyte A1 antibody P obs:000316 erythrocyte Dav antibody P obs:000317 erythrocyte E? antibody P obs:000318 erythrocyte FPTT antibody P obs:000319 erythrocyte hr^H^ antibody P obs:000320 erythrocyte Lu6 antibody P obs:000321 erythrocyte RbĒ antibody P obs:000322 estradiol, non SHBG bound P obs:000323 etoposide P obs:000324 Fentanyl P obs:000325 Francisella antibody P obs:000326 fungus DNA P obs:000327 glucagon P obs:000328 glucose-6-phosphatase P obs:000329 Haemophilus ducreyi P obs:000330 Hazel nut antibody, IgE, NCCLS/f17 P obs:000331 Helicobacter pylori antibody, IgG P obs:000332 heparan-alpha-glucosaminide acetyltransferase P obs:000333 hexadecanal dehydrogenase, acylating P obs:000334 hip antibody, IgE, NCCLS/Rf330 P obs:000335 histidine P obs:000336 HLA-DRB3 gene P obs:000337 HNA-3a antibody, IgM P obs:000338 HPA-5b antibody, IgM P obs:000339 iduronate 2-sulfatase P obs:000340 immunoglobulin D P obs:000341 immunoglobulin M P obs:000342 Johnson grass antibody, IgE, NCCLS/g10 P obs:000343 labetalol P obs:000344 L-lactate dehydrogenase, cytochrome P obs:000345 lactate dehydrogenase H3M P obs:000346 lactose P obs:000348 Legionella pneumophila, sg1 P obs:000349 leukocyte, mononuclear P obs:000350 lutropin alpha-chain P obs:000351 monocyte P obs:000352 mustard antibody, IgE, NCCLS/f89 P obs:000353 Mycobacterium DNA P obs:000354 Mycoplasma hominis P obs:000355 myeloperoxidase P obs:000357 nucleolus antibody P obs:000358 orotate phosphoribosyltransferase P obs:000359 papain antibody, IgE, NCCLS/k201 P obs:000360 peanut antibody, IgE, NCCLS/f13 P obs:000361 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating P obs:000363 poliovirus P obs:000364 pregnanediol P obs:000365 pyruvate P obs:000366 pyruvate dehydrogenase, cytochrome P obs:000367 recombinant factor VIII P obs:000369 stanozolol P obs:000370 sulfatide P obs:000371 tobramycin P obs:000372 Toxocara canis antibody P obs:000373 Toxoplasma gondii P obs:000374 tree or bush pollen antibody, IgE, NCCLS/t P obs:000375 trimethoprim P obs:000376 Trypanosoma P obs:000377 urobilinogen P obs:000378 uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase P obs:000379 uroporphyrin P obs:000380 Varicella-zoster virus P obs:000381 Yersinia antibody P obs:000382 bacterium antigen P obs:000383 bacterium RNA P obs:000384 Cryptosporidium parvum antigen P obs:000385 lymphocyte, monocyte or blast cell P obs:000386 tissue factor induced coagulation P obs:000387 renal excretion of cortisone P obs:000388 pituitary secretion of somatotropin P obs:000389 renal excretion of pregnanediol P obs:000390 renal excretion of silver P obs:000391 fasting 16985007 P Fasting (finding) obs:000392 5th specimen post challenge P obs:000393 4th identified P obs:000394 4 PM specimen P obs:000395 7 days post challenge P obs:000396 2nd specimen P obs:000397 15 minutes pre challenge P obs:000398 7th specimen post challenge P obs:000399 1.3 hours post challenge P obs:000400 15 minutes post challenge P obs:000401 3rd specimen post challenge P obs:000402 11:30 PM specimen P obs:000403 administered p.o. P obs:000404 30 minutes post P obs:000405 post clonidine p.o. P obs:000406 100 cells P obs:000407 100 blasts P obs:000409 (Total) phosphofructokinase P obs:000410 100 leukocytes P obs:000411 (full) coagulum P obs:000412 (Total) Lactate Dehydrogenase P obs:000414 (Total plasma) protein P obs:000415 Narrative 117364006 P Narrative value (qualifier value) obs:000416 Nominal 117362005 P Nominal value (qualifier value) obs:000417 Ordinal 117363000 P Ordinal value (qualifier value) obs:000418 Ordinal or quantitative 117365007 P Ordinal OR quantitative value (qualifier value) obs:000419 Quantitative 30766002 P Quantitative (qualifier value) obs:000420 Pauciscale P obs:000421 Aerobic culture P obs:000422 Agar diffusion P obs:000423 Agglutination P obs:000424 Amplification/Sequencing P obs:000425 Coagulation assay P obs:000426 Enzyme Immunoassay P obs:000427 Flow cytometry P obs:000428 Gradient strip P obs:000429 Immunofluorescence P obs:000430 Immunologic technique P obs:000431 Immune diffusion P obs:000432 Immune stain P obs:000433 Leukocyte histamine release P obs:000434 Manual count P obs:000435 Light microscopy P obs:000436 Minimum Lethal Concentration P obs:000437 Molecular genetic technique P obs:000438 Neutralization P obs:000439 Organism specific culture P obs:000440 Probe with amplification of target P obs:000441 Screen P obs:000442 evaluated at 20 °C P obs:000443 evaluated at 37 °C P obs:000444 adhesion P obs:000445 Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay P obs:000446 RAST scoring P obs:000447 International Normalized Ratio P obs:000448 ord.sc. ? P obs:000449 Titration P obs:000450 Aggutination titration P obs:000451 Immunofluorescence titration P obs:000452 calibrated by reference to IRP 75/502 P obs:000453 calibrated by reference to NIBSC 78/554 P obs:000454 24 hours 123027009 P 24 hours (qualifier value) obs:000455 Single point in time 123029007 P Single point in time (qualifier value) obs:000500 katals per kilogram P obs:000501 x 0.001 P obs:000502 million per liter P obs:000503 billion per liter P obs:000504 thousand arbitrary units per liter P obs:000505 thousand international units per liter P obs:000506 thousand per liter P obs:000507 microkatals per kilogram P obs:000508 microkatals per liter P obs:000509 micromoles per day P obs:000510 micromoles per liter P obs:000511 micromoles per cubic meter P obs:000512 arbitrary units per liter P obs:000513 international units per liter P obs:000514 katals 258777001 P kat (qualifier value) obs:000515 milligrams per liter 258796002 P mg/L (qualifier value) obs:000516 millimeters 258673006 P millimeter (qualifier value) obs:000517 millimoles 258718000 P millimole (qualifier value) obs:000518 millimoles per liter 258813002 P mmol/L (qualifier value) obs:000519 nanograms per liter 258804004 P ng/L (qualifier value) obs:000520 nanomoles per liter 258817001 P nmol/L (qualifier value) obs:000521 Units per liter 258947003 P U/L (qualifier value) lnc:10716-9 Schistosoma sp identified in Unspecified specimen by Organism specific culture P 10716-9 Schistosoma sp identified|Prid|Pt|XXX|Nom|Organism specific culture lnc:10335-8 Color of Cerebral spinal fluid P 10335-8 Color|Type|Pt|CSF|Nom| lnc:10483-6 Gastrin Ag [Presence] in Tissue by Immune stain P 10483-6 Gastrin Ag|ACnc|Pt|Tiss|Ord|Immune stain lnc:1084-3 Js sup(a) Ag [Presence] on Red Blood Cells P 1084-3 J little s super little a Ag|ACnc|Pt|RBC|Ord| lnc:10938-9 Mediterranean flour moth IgE Ab [Units/volume] in Serum P 10938-9 Ephestia kuehniella Ab.IgE|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Qn| lnc:12954-4 Triiodothyronine (T3) [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma --3rd specimen post XXX challenge P 12954-4 Triiodothyronine^3rd specimen post XXX challenge|MCnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Qn| lnc:13552-5 Clozapine [Presence] in Serum or Plasma P 13552-5 Clozapine|ACnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Ord| lnc:13755-4 Histamine/Creatinine [Mass Ratio] in Urine P 13755-4 Histamine/Creatinine|MCrto|Pt|Urine|Qn| lnc:14609-2 Nuclear Ab [Presence] in Peritoneal fluid P 14609-2 Nuclear Ab|ACnc|Pt|Periton fld|Ord| lnc:14044-2 Cortisone [Mass/time] in 24 hour Urine P 14044-2 Cortisone|MRat|24H|Urine|Qn| lnc:14142-4 Somatotropin [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma --15 minutes post XXX challenge P 14142-4 Somatotropin^15M post XXX challenge|MCnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Qn| lnc:14384-2 Mononuclear cells/100 leukocytes in Urine sediment by Manual count P 14384-2 Mononuclear cells/100 leukocytes|NFr|Pt|Urine sed|Qn|Manual count lnc:14513-6 Chlamydia trachomatis Ag [Presence] in Urine sediment by Immunofluorescence P 14513-6 Chlamydia trachomatis Ag|ACnc|Pt|Urine sed|Ord|IF lnc:14818-9 Lymphocytes/100 leukocytes in Pericardial fluid by Manual count P 14818-9 Lymphocytes/100 leukocytes|NFr|Pt|Pericard fld|Qn|Manual count lnc:15656-2 Cotton fibers IgE Ab RAST class in Serum P 15656-2 Cotton fibers Ab.IgE.RAST class|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Ord| lnc:15866-7 Mushroom IgE Ab RAST class in Serum P 15866-7 Agaricus hortensis Ab.IgE.RAST class|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Ord| lnc:17360-9 Heptane [Mass/volume] in Blood P 17360-9 Heptane|MCnc|Pt|Bld|Qn| lnc:16149-7 Aldosterone [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma --5th specimen post XXX challenge P 16149-7 Aldosterone^5th specimen post XXX challenge|MCnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Qn| lnc:16636-3 Coccidioides immitis IgA Ab [Units/volume] in Cerebral spinal fluid P 16636-3 Coccidioides immitis Ab.IgA|ACnc|Pt|CSF|Qn| lnc:16703-1 Cyclosporine [Mass/volume] in Plasma P 16703-1 Cyclosporine|MCnc|Pt|Plas|Qn| lnc:16866-6 Fibrinopeptide B beta (43-47) Ag [Units/volume] in Platelet poor plasma by Immunologic method P 16866-6 Fibrinopeptide B beta (43-47) Ag|ACnc|Pt|PPP|Qn|Imm lnc:17263-5 Methemalbumin [Presence] in Serum or Plasma P 17263-5 Methemalbumin|ACnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Ord| lnc:17901-0 Bacteria # 4 identified in Throat by Aerobe culture P 17901-0 Bacteria identified^^^4|Prid|Pt|Thrt|Nom|Aerobic culture lnc:18344-2 Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase [Enzymatic activity/volume] in Platelets P 18344-2 Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase|CCnc|Pt|Platelets|Qn| lnc:19411-8 Codeine [Presence] in Urine by Screen method P 19411-8 Codeine|ACnc|Pt|Urine|Ord|Screen lnc:20643-3 Glutamine [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma P 20643-3 Glutamine|SCnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Qn| lnc:20750-6 Chicken anemia virus Ab [Presence] in Serum by Neutralization test P 20750-6 Chicken anemia virus Ab|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Ord|Neut lnc:21010-4 CD1 cells [#/volume] in Blood P 21010-4 Cells.CD1|NCnc|Pt|Bld|Qn| lnc:21268-8 Fenchlorphos [Mass/volume] in Urine P 21268-8 Fenchlorphos|MCnc|Pt|Urine|Qn| lnc:22461-8 Reagin Ab [Presence] in Serum P 22461-8 Reagin Ab|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Ord| lnc:22486-5 Rickettsia typhi Ab [Units/volume] in Serum P 22486-5 Rickettsia typhi Ab|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Qn| lnc:23050-8 Eastern equine encephalitis virus Ag [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Neutralization test P 23050-8 Eastern equine encephalitis virus Ag|ACnc|Pt|XXX|Ord|Neut lnc:23462-5 Theileria annulata Ab [Titer] in Serum by Immunofluorescence P 23462-5 Theileria annulata Ab|Titr|Pt|Ser|Qn|IF lnc:23514-3 Trypanosoma equiperdum Ab [Presence] in Serum by Immune diffusion (ID) P 23514-3 Trypanosoma equiperdum Ab|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Ord|Immune diffusion lnc:23923-6 Parakeet droppings IgE Ab RAST class in Serum P 23923-6 Parakeet droppings Ab.IgE.RAST class|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Ord| lnc:24056-4 Alpha-L-iduronidase [Enzymatic activity/mass] in Fibroblast P 24056-4 Alpha-L-iduronidase|CCnt|Pt|Fibroblasts|Qn| lnc:26017-4 Cholesterol in HDL 3 [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma P 26017-4 Cholesterol.in HDL 3|SCnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Qn| lnc:26695-7 Glucose [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma --7th specimen post XXX challenge P 26695-7 Glucose^7th specimen post XXX challenge|MCnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Qn| lnc:26919-1 Alpha aminobutyrate/Creatinine [Molar ratio] in Urine P 26919-1 Alpha aminobutyrate/Creatinine|ScRto|Pt|Urine|Qn| lnc:27403-5 Gamma glutamyl transferase [Enzymatic activity/volume] in Urine P 27403-5 Gamma glutamyl transferase|CCnc|Pt|Urine|Qn| lnc:2795-3 Phosphofructokinase L subunit/Phosphofructokinase.total in Red Blood Cells P 2795-3 Phosphofructokinase.L subunit/Phosphofructokinase.total|CFr|Pt|RBC|Qn| lnc:29295-3 Phenylethylmalonamide [Mass/volume] in Urine P 29295-3 Phenylethylmalonamide|MCnc|Pt|Urine|Qn| lnc:2943-9 Sialate [Mass/volume] in Plasma P 2943-9 Sialate|MCnc|Pt|Plas|Qn| lnc:29589-9 Heavy metals panel - Urine P 29589-9 Heavy metals panel|-|Pt|Urine|-| lnc:29728-3 Leptospira interrogans sv Javanica Ab [Presence] in Serum by Agglutination P 29728-3 Leptospira interrogans serovar Javanica Ab|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Ord|Aggl lnc:29978-4 Silver/Creatinine [Mass Ratio] in 24 hour Urine P 29978-4 Silver/Creatinine|MCrto|24H|Urine|Qn| lnc:30047-5 Histidine/Creatinine [Ratio] in Urine P 30047-5 Histidine/Creatinine|Ratio|Pt|Urine|Qn| lnc:30136-6 Epstein Barr virus capsid IgG Ab [Presence] in Serum --2nd specimen P 30136-6 Epstein Barr virus capsid Ab.IgG^2nd specimen|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Ord| lnc:30256-2 Insulin [Units/volume] in Serum or Plasma --1.3 hours post XXX challenge P 30256-2 Insulin^1.3H post XXX challenge|ACnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Qn| lnc:30912-0 DNA index in Unspecified specimen by Flow cytometry (FC) P 30912-0 DNA index|ACnc|Pt|XXX|Qn|Flow cytometry lnc:31400-5 Ganglioside GD1b Ab [Presence] in Serum P 31400-5 Ganglioside GD1b Ab|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Ord| lnc:30999-7 Timothy recombinant (rPhl p) 7 IgE Ab [Units/volume] in Serum P 30999-7 Phleum pratense recombinant rph1 p7 Ab.IgE|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Qn| lnc:32195-0 Monocytes+Macrophages [Presence] in Peritoneal fluid by Light microscopy P 32195-0 Monocytes+Macrophages|ACnc|Pt|Periton fld|Ord|Microscopy.light lnc:31756-0 Campylobacter fetus Ag [Presence] in Unspecified specimen P 31756-0 Campylobacter fetus Ag|ACnc|Pt|XXX|Ord| lnc:33035-7 Reason for lab test in Semen P 33035-7 Semen investigation type|Type|Pt|Semen|Nom| lnc:3308-4 Alphaprodine [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma P 3308-4 Alphaprodine|MCnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Qn| lnc:33510-9 Coccidioides immitis IgM Ab [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Immunoassay P 33510-9 Coccidioides immitis Ab.IgM|ACnc|Pt|XXX|Ord|EIA lnc:33668-5 Erythrocytes [Presence] in Stool P 33668-5 Erythrocytes|ACnc|Pt|Stool|Ord| lnc:342-6 Moxalactam [Susceptibility] by Minimum lethal concentration (MLC) P 342-6 Moxalactam|Susc|Pt|Isolate|Qn|MLC lnc:34261-8 Catecholamines [Moles/volume] in Urine P 34261-8 Catecholamines|SCnc|Pt|Urine|Qn| lnc:3392-8 Benzoylecgonine [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma P 3392-8 Benzoylecgonine|MCnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Qn| lnc:34714-6 INR in Blood by Coagulation assay P 34714-6 Coagulation tissue factor induced.INR|RelTime|Pt|Bld|Qn|Coag lnc:3686-3 Hydroxyzine [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma P 3686-3 Hydroxyzine|MCnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Qn| lnc:38690-4 4,6-Dinitro-O-Cresol [Mass/volume] in Air P 38690-4 4,6-Dinitro-O-Cresol|MCnc|Pt|Air|Qn| lnc:38485-9 Galactose 1 phosphate [Moles/mass] in Red Blood Cells P 38485-9 Galactose 1 phosphate|SCnt|Pt|RBC|Qn| lnc:38918-9 ABCC8 gene mutations found [Identifier] in Blood or Tissue by Molecular genetics method Nominal P 38918-9 ABCC8 gene mutation analysis|Prid|Pt|Bld/Tiss|Nom|Molgen lnc:39999-8 Glucose [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma --15 minutes pre XXX challenge P 39999-8 Glucose^15M pre XXX challenge|MCnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Qn| lnc:40128-1 Creatinine [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma --7 days post XXX challenge P 40128-1 Creatinine^7D post XXX challenge|SCnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Qn| lnc:41163-7 Treponema pallidum DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and target amplification method P 41163-7 Treponema pallidum DNA|ACnc|Pt|XXX|Ord|Probe.amp.tar lnc:40645-4 Leptospira borgpetersenii sv Tarrasovi Ab [Titer] in Serum by Agglutination P 40645-4 Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Tarrasovi Ab|Titr|Pt|Ser|Qn|Aggl lnc:40795-7 Alkaline phosphatase.liver 2 [Presence] in Serum or Plasma P 40795-7 Alkaline phosphatase.liver 2|ACnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Ord| lnc:40887-2 CD11c+CD19+ cells/100 cells in Tissue P 40887-2 Cells.CD11c+CD19+/100 cells|NFr|Pt|Tiss|Qn| lnc:41200-7 Voriconazole [Susceptibility] by Disk diffusion (KB) P 41200-7 Voriconazole|Susc|Pt|Isolate|OrdQn|Agar diffusion lnc:4132-7 Atenolol [Mass] of Dose P 4132-7 Atenolol|Mass|Pt|Dose|Qn| lnc:43881-2 Bordetella pertussis filamentous hemagglutinin IgG Ab [Presence] in Serum P 43881-2 Bordetella pertussis.filamentous hemagglutinin Ab.IgG|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Ord| lnc:44468-7 Herpes simplex virus 1 [Presence] in Anal by Organism specific culture P 44468-7 Herpes simplex virus 1|ACnc|Pt|Anal|Ord|Organism specific culture lnc:4525-2 Complement membrane C3b-C4b cofactor protein [Entitic number] in Leukocytes P 4525-2 Complement membrane C3b-C4b cofactor protein|EntNum|Pt|WBC|Qn| lnc:45107-0 Chlamydia sp Ag [Presence] in Cervix P 45107-0 Chlamydia sp Ag|ACnc|Pt|Cvx|Ord| lnc:45141-9 Platelet associated Ab [Presence] in Blood by Flow cytometry (FC) P 45141-9 Platelet associated Ab|ACnc|Pt|Bld|Ord|Flow cytometry lnc:47111-0 Glutethimide [Moles/volume] in Urine P 47111-0 Glutethimide|SCnc|Pt|Urine|Qn| lnc:47810-7 2-Methyl,3-Hydroxyvalerate [Moles/volume] in Plasma P 47810-7 2-Methyl,3-Hydroxyvalerate|SCnc|Pt|Plas|Qn| lnc:47866-9 Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase [Enzymatic activity/mass] in Red Blood Cells P 47866-9 Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase|CCnt|Pt|RBC|Qn| lnc:48064-0 Giardia lamblia+Cryptosporidium parvum Ag [Presence] in Stool P 48064-0 Giardia lamblia+Cryptosporidium parvum Ag|ACnc|Pt|Stool|Ord| lnc:48095-4 Corticotropin [Mass/volume] in Plasma --4 PM specimen P 48095-4 Corticotropin^4 PM specimen|MCnc|Pt|Plas|Qn| lnc:4869-4 HLA-D w10 [Presence] P 4869-4 HLA-D w10|ACnc|Pt|Bld|Ord| lnc:48977-3 SGCG gene mutations found [Identifier] in Blood or Tissue by Molecular genetics method Nominal P 48977-3 SGCG gene mutation analysis|Prid|Pt|Bld/Tiss|Nom|Molgen lnc:49128-2 Rickettsia typhus group identified in Unspecified specimen by Sequencing P 49128-2 Rickettsia typhus group identified|Prid|Pt|XXX|Nom|Amplification/Sequencing lnc:49268-6 Glycosaminoglycans pattern [interpretation] in Urine Narrative P 49268-6 Glycosaminoglycans pattern|Imp|Pt|Urine|Nar| lnc:50924-0 Titanium [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma P 50924-0 Titanium|SCnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Qn| lnc:51088-3 CD16 blasts/100 blasts in Unspecified specimen P 51088-3 Blasts.CD16/100 blasts|NFr|Pt|XXX|Qn| lnc:51471-1 Sporothrix schenckii Ab [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid P 51471-1 Sporothrix schenckii Ab|ACnc|Pt|CSF|Ord| lnc:51651-8 IgE Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma P 51651-8 IgE Ab|ACnc|Pt|Ser/Plas|Ord| lnc:53370-3 Echinococcus sp IgG4 Ab [Units/volume] in Serum P 53370-3 Echinococcus sp Ab.IgG4|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Qn| lnc:5676-2 Lead [Mass/volume] in Urine P 5676-2 Lead|MCnc|Pt|Urine|Qn| lnc:6196-0 Ox-eye daisy IgE Ab [Units/volume] in Serum P 6196-0 Chrysanthemum leucanthemum Ab.IgE|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Qn| lnc:6396-6 Entamoeba histolytica DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and target amplification method P 6396-6 Entamoeba histolytica DNA|ACnc|Pt|XXX|Ord|Probe.amp.tar lnc:7010-2 Ethambutol [Susceptibility] by Gradient strip (E-test) P 7010-2 Ethambutol|Susc|Pt|Isolate|OrdQn|Gradient strip lnc:7411-2 Honey IgG Ab [Units/volume] in Serum P 7411-2 Honey Ab.IgG|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Qn| lnc:7433-6 Juniper triggered histamine release [Units/volume] in Blood P 7433-6 Juniper basophil bound Ab|ACnc|Pt|Bld|Qn|LHR lnc:9705-5 Coccidioides immitis IgA Ab [Units/volume] in Serum P 9705-5 Coccidioides immitis Ab.IgA|ACnc|Pt|Ser|Qn| obs:000622 observable entity 363787002 P Observable entity (observable entity) obs:000623 material entity P obs:000624 body structure 123037004 P Body structure (body structure) obs:000626 property type 118598001 P Property of measurement (qualifier value) obs:000627 process 415178003 P Process (observable entity) obs:000628 precondition P obs:000629 scale type 278444000 P Scales type (qualifier value) obs:000630 technique 272394005 P Techniques values (qualifier value) obs:000631 time frame 7389001 P Time frame (qualifier value) obs:000632 unit 258666001 P Unit (qualifier value) obs:000633 observation procedure 386053000 P Evaluation procedure (procedure) obs:000634 quality P