1 1 00001 nervous system 25087005 S00001 Structure of nervous system (body structure) E00001 278196006 Entire nervous system (body structure) P00001 - 7157 P nervous system DDB356A62174493E96E5B9004EACC7E2 157B47618ACC426B8AA555626D9DB44D nervous system Entire nervous system (body structure) 2 2 00002 male genital system 90264002 S00002 Male genital structure (body structure) E00002 361340001 Entire male genital system (body structure) P00002 - 45664 P genital system DD1BEA142F4942DEB3384D31039ED916 D4E3375A5F3840989FCE7BFF2B85FA19 Male genital Entire male genital system (body structure) 3 3 00003 cardiovascular system 113257007 S00003 Structure of cardiovascular system (body structure) E00003 278198007 Entire cardiovascular system (body structure) P00003 - 7161 P cardiovascular system B8694DB169684CCF8F9168786EC7D435 E073C3E1D4FA45D4A3E2997682B46A18 cardiovascular system Entire cardiovascular system (body structure) Organ system which consists of the heart, the systemic and pulmonary arterial and venous system, the lymphatics and the portal venous system. 4 4 00004 musculoskeletal system 26107004 S00004 Structure of musculoskeletal system (body structure) E00004 278858007 Entire musculoskeletal system (body structure) P00004 - 7482 P musculoskeletal system 5BDDE20A92BF4C768E51215453053007 B02F75A1250B43F5A6A030DF60D58DAC musculoskeletal system Entire musculoskeletal system (body structure) 5 5 00005 diaphragm 5798000 S00005 Diaphragm structure (body structure) E00005 181614006 Entire diaphragm (body structure) P00005 360861005 Part of diaphragm (body structure) - 13295 P respiratory system CD003DA1B40A40FABF5618220128C9E1 458B3358656C4B2E8B262B31C6428393 9F7F38AAC5E045938D995B42567FE9E0 Diaphragm Entire diaphragm (body structure) diaphragm 6 6 00006 thoracic cavity 43799004 S00006 Thoracic cavity structure (body structure) E00006 243949006 Entire thoracic cavity (body structure) P00006 - 7565 P respiratory system 26DC58F65CAD4D2EA1118A53A0C69A8D BB56C21B69DB4385B70897C8FFBDC4C1 Thoracic cavity Entire thoracic cavity (body structure) Body cavity subdivision which is enclosed by the thoracic wall and the diaphragm. There is only one thoracic cavity. 7 7 00007 lymphoreticular system 245255009 S00007 Structure of lymphoreticular system (body structure) E00007 278874002 Entire lymphoreticular system (body structure) P00007 - P lymphoreticular system 7D76786FF6EC4946B60615397DC0BF72 DE0E602958464A9BA8627153AEA4FCCB lymphoreticular system Entire lymphoreticular system (body structure) 8 8 00008 digestive system 86762007 S00008 Structure of digestive system (body structure) E00008 278859004 Entire digestive system (body structure) P00008 - 7152 P digestive system 4BDCBB58CF1448FDB82EB1195032285D CE9A2F07440E43D9B7F0B48ABFBE7502 digestive system Entire digestive system (body structure) 9 9 00009 digestive tract 51289009 S00009 Digestive tract structure (body structure) E00009 P00009 - 0 P digestive system 1FEFA30D733B4EC6ACA7539D0BC5CFBA Digestive tract 10 10 00010 genitourinary system 21514008 S00010 Structure of genitourinary system (body structure) E00010 278861008 Entire genitourinary system (body structure) P00010 - 280610 P genitourinary system 8BF84F731EE347528B90B230519F3A31 D3CC15C015604A5C8FE518E5C7CECA3A genitourinary system Entire genitourinary system (body structure) 11 11 00011 anatomical reproductive system 245500007 S00011 Structure of anatomical reproductive system (body structure) E00011 278875001 Entire reproductive system (body structure) P00011 - P anatomical reproductive system 43D0F3178E0E4A539EE4E9C4DB401411 417C5F2A29F945DCB79A8EDF26079A74 anatomical reproductive system Entire reproductive system (body structure) 12 12 00012 respiratory system 20139000 S00012 Structure of respiratory system (body structure) E00012 278197002 Entire respiratory system (body structure) P00012 - 7158 P respiratory system 46D68C91824B4E46B9C2375B6E34556C CB5B24046F1A48C5AF8C0EA7BAA45533 respiratory system Entire respiratory system (body structure) Functional system which consists of structures involved in respiration. 13 13 00013 tooth root 85077000 S00013 Tooth root structure (body structure) E00013 245728004 Entire tooth root (body structure) P00013 245709006 Part of root of tooth (body structure) root of tooth Y 55624 P digestive system 852AC565747449FC9A92D819239282F2 E5B059DDB04148CCA9FACC42CC953E06 BE5B93352C5D4526A96C041CADD14419 Tooth root Entire tooth root (body structure) root of tooth 14 14 00014 iliofemoral ligament 39691001 S00014 Iliofemoral ligament structure (body structure) E00014 182436000 Entire iliofemoral ligament (body structure) P00014 Y 42993 P musculoskeletal system 6106C23978114DFCB565BB5308FAF061 50046FB4BE7740B1A144C397EAABAA6F Iliofemoral ligament Entire iliofemoral ligament (body structure) 15 15 00015 ear 117590005 S00015 Ear structure (body structure) E00015 1910005 Entire ear (body structure) P00015 119262002 Ear part (body structure) Y 52780 P special senses organ system 705404A9BFF944159FD0AEA4530D76B3 B3BD463FC4994103BB0C66A99FBA895F 61631EBD2031429D8940BA8DC4DC43C3 Ear Entire ear (body structure) Ear 16 16 00016 heart 80891009 S00016 Heart structure (body structure) E00016 302509004 Entire heart (body structure) P00016 119202000 Heart part (body structure) - 7088 P cardiovascular system C3004FD9CD474294BB970079E9428905 021D0DBF918E4DE181BFC4583D1DB807 A670814C795346DC8BFD5819C585A998 Heart Entire heart (body structure) Heart Organ with cavitated organ parts, which is continuous with the systemic and pulmonary arterial and venous trees. 17 17 00017 cardiac valve 17401000 S00017 Cardiac valve structure (body structure) E00017 181285005 Entire heart valve (body structure) P00017 - 7110 P cardiovascular system DE4ACA40741E4EF7A2425B0ABF396FB2 FB4176A918E84D7EAA0AD768BB8F8061 Cardiac valve Entire heart valve (body structure) Anatomical valve of the heart, which has as its parts the endocardium and fibroelastic connective tissue attached to the fibrous ring of the heart. 18 18 00018 mitral valve 91134007 S00018 Mitral valve structure (body structure) E00018 181286006 Entire mitral valve (body structure) P00018 - 7235 P cardiovascular system A25566DF55E44CBCB704F67D9888296B FB13F9C2E3044406BFD1244DD731CC31 Mitral valve Entire mitral valve (body structure) Atrioventricular valve of the left atrium and ventricle which has as its parts the anterior and posterior leaflets, attached to its fibrous ring. 19 19 00019 tricuspid valve 46030003 S00019 Tricuspid valve structure (body structure) E00019 181288007 Entire tricuspid valve (body structure) P00019 314844000 Tricuspid valve sub-part (body structure) - 7234 P cardiovascular system 5A2B544318A642B3BE59008F54CF41E9 BE5771BB1303418F9A1961AF4BC52218 C7CA72CFEFA841C3ADE2D9439C0CE4FB Tricuspid valve Entire tricuspid valve (body structure) Tricuspid valve Atrioventricular valve of the right atrium and ventricle which has as its parts the anterior, posterior and septal leaflets, attached to its fibrous ring. 20 20 00020 aortic valve 34202007 S00020 Aortic valve structure (body structure) E00020 181287002 Entire aortic valve (body structure) P00020 - 7236 P cardiovascular system F4B10D5230EA4192AFC97826E2853546 50ED287167554FE89B418F573D239AD8 Aortic valve Entire aortic valve (body structure) Cardiac valve of the outflow tract of the left ventricle which has as its parts the anterior, right posterior and left posterior cusps, attached to its fibrous ring. 21 21 00021 pulmonary valve 39057004 S00021 Pulmonary valve structure (body structure) E00021 181289004 Entire pulmonary valve (body structure) P00021 - 7246 P cardiovascular system DBC151B5537F41EAAD701D1C8A3B20FA 968331CF1459421E97B314C8A1AD2B6C Pulmonary valve Entire pulmonary valve (body structure) Cardiac valve of the outflow tract of the right ventricle which has as its parts the right anterior, left anterior and posterior cusps, attached to its fibrous ring. 22 22 00022 pituitary 56329008 S00022 Pituitary structure (body structure) E00022 181125003 Entire pituitary gland (body structure) P00022 362893008 Pituitary part (body structure) - 13889 P endocrine system ECDD0866D1FA4A53B2D388E969279ECA 782A07C217394804B271C0D7F18AE8A4 6C9B416A73F54F2A8F266B6EE0BD9DF8 Pituitary Entire pituitary gland (body structure) Pituitary 23 23 00023 thyroid 69748006 S00023 Thyroid structure (body structure) E00023 181117000 Entire thyroid gland (body structure) P00023 362892003 Thyroid part (body structure) - 9603 P endocrine system 0352F670AB194FA4B46D252304862567 1185122AE0C8451EB9347813F6489FCA 45A0692BC0014B749ACE829F6BEFE721 Thyroid Entire thyroid gland (body structure) Thyroid Lobular organ the parenchyma of which consists of ductless, glandular follicles filled with colloid. Examples: thyroid gland proper, accessory thyroid gland, lingual thyroid gland. 24 24 00024 adrenal gland 23451007 S00024 Adrenal structure (body structure) E00024 181127006 Entire adrenal gland (body structure) P00024 362894002 Adrenal part (body structure) Y 9604 P endocrine system 72850D061CA34677ABAB363CC77BF7C8 7DA9299FCE45488FAE924927C52378B3 EEEC013416844F828B4DD70CC957D26E Adrenal Entire adrenal gland (body structure) Adrenal 25 25 00025 nose 45206002 S00025 Nasal structure (body structure) E00025 181195007 Entire nose (body structure) P00025 120578006 Nose part (body structure) - 46472 P respiratory system CC71A598FA624C52A0F5240EF0BDC464 04C63E4A6B44463798706D7A129283A3 ABC7E9C736614D918886F1B4DC0051D0 Nose Entire nose (body structure) Nose Subdivision of the face which consists of the external nose, nasal skeleton, nasal septum and nasal cavity. 26 26 00026 spleen 78961009 S00026 Splenic structure (body structure) E00026 181279003 Entire spleen (body structure) P00026 120613001 Spleen part (body structure) - 7196 P lymphoid system 64F8ECC38C1048C7B3CA88732FFB0F57 F76D06BEB9094177B267F09F0B4BEE49 E678FEF5B077444D8ABC40AD18849AEA Spleen Entire spleen (body structure) Spleen 27 27 00027 palate 72914001 S00027 Palatal structure (body structure) E00027 181227004 Entire palate (body structure) P00027 - 54549 P digestive system 948BCD7D646F4AF696F9BC10D529460B 7B17D759612644C59E5E9F21A6C97413 Palate Entire palate (body structure) 28 28 00028 pleura 3120008 S00028 Pleural membrane structure (body structure) E00028 181609007 Entire pleura (body structure) P00028 119200008 Pleural part (body structure) Y 9583 P respiratory system A5D0014AD48F420786EC6B39AC8B3E3E 4A3D7B228B1040AA99938A7C093BBADF 9631F3C985EE45E2AF4FBEDE821CAEB2 Pleural membrane Entire pleura (body structure) Pleura 29 29 00029 pericardium 76848001 S00029 Pericardial structure (body structure) E00029 181295003 Entire pericardium (body structure) P00029 123862003 Pericardium part (body structure) - 9869 P cardiovascular system F0B2D0C47281492989D50ADBDC7C1E07 286AE30D5B9443968919D57859C5CAA8 1D83E1E8104A48F290C7BBAE82951765 Pericardium Entire pericardium (body structure) Pericardium Organ cluster which has as its parts the fibrous pericardium and the pericardial sac. 30 30 00030 oropharynx 31389004 S00030 Oropharyngeal structure (body structure) E00030 263376008 Entire oropharynx (body structure) P00030 - 54879 P digestive system 31398B68B11B47CE855EF3BA914B301E DCB1DA05883C4730BD04ED86B122DD4A Oropharynx Entire oropharynx (body structure) 31 31 00031 nasopharynx 71836000 S00031 Nasopharyngeal structure (body structure) E00031 181200003 Entire nasopharynx (body structure) P00031 - 54878 P respiratory system 79AEBB544602440986EC4009EDBABE36 D66D34BC674C456AAE05B74907D71FF8 Nasopharynx Entire nasopharynx (body structure) 32 32 00032 hypopharynx 81502006 S00032 Hypopharyngeal structure (body structure) E00032 281490009 Entire hypopharynx (body structure) P00032 - 54880 P digestive system 1E73B8CE5C3343809A9408CF487420E4 4F35A1C7BECE4401B48A37BBDE0E642A Hypopharynx Entire hypopharynx (body structure) 33 33 00033 glottis 1307006 S00033 Glottis structure (body structure) E00033 264482000 Entire glottis (body structure) P00033 - 55414 P respiratory system B39A6FFC889245DDB3A381D12EC56C87 8FB233DB2B4841C99951E7CB85CF02B0 Glottis Entire glottis (body structure) Subdivision of the larynx which consists of the right and left vocal cords and the rima glottidis. 34 34 00034 subglottis 119254005 S00034 Subglottis structure (body structure) E00034 281511009 Entire subglottis (body structure) P00034 - 55477 P respiratory system CA6E840481C94FC8BE77E43B649427F8 2B01E9F9556E40099D27B71458A2B0D3 Subglottis Entire subglottis (body structure) 35 35 00035 cervix uteri 71252005 S00035 Cervix uteri structure (body structure) E00035 181453009 Entire cervix uteri (body structure) P00035 127898005 Part of uterine cervix (body structure) - 17740 P genital system 1D159E50D7A847839B021D32F7A05C9D 5A65F6585E1E43EB9E5E595DAD4B1942 C418E0E57A9340D1A04C802DDE1B74F4 Cervix uteri Entire cervix uteri (body structure) uterine cervix 36 36 00036 knee meniscus 43653007 S00036 Knee meniscus structure (body structure) E00036 244568009 Entire knee meniscus (body structure) P00036 372192001 Knee meniscus part (body structure) Y P articular system 37FEC3C1703C42519B9D2813C20CC372 2449C4D8D34A438CB3CD983FEA233D2B 0F9B538245DB4A4CB97401FA998FC7AE Knee meniscus Entire knee meniscus (body structure) Knee meniscus 37 37 00037 cerebellum 113305005 S00037 Cerebellar structure (body structure) E00037 180924008 Entire cerebellum (body structure) P00037 119242005 Cerebellar part (body structure) - 67944 P nervous system E4D70B7A189B422FAD70AA4DA074886A 823BE90F0D134EF3B8DF37C6A8C55C42 D117CBE5333C4B93A9868EC921103A0A Cerebellum Entire cerebellum (body structure) Cerebellum Segment of neuraxis that has as its parts the cerebellar cortex, cerebellar nuclear complex and cerebellar white matter. 38 38 00038 brachial plexus 36582005 S00038 Brachial plexus structure (body structure) E00038 181002002 Entire brachial plexus (body structure) P00038 Y 5906 P nervous system 2C14DF2C78FD4A52B0CC5807180FB259 A92D91BBA466400DA7C2C1D3C26A4EF1 Brachial plexus Entire brachial plexus (body structure) 39 39 00039 right atrium 73829009 S00039 Right atrial structure (body structure) E00039 244383003 Entire right atrium (body structure) P00039 - 7096 R P cardiovascular system D3BD9B12F206444D90C8A349DD4F3BB3 A7CA592620AE471EBB585F985E24F200 Right atrium Entire right atrium (body structure) Right cardiac chamber which is continuous with the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava. 40 40 00040 left atrium 82471001 S00040 Left atrial structure (body structure) E00040 244387002 Entire left atrium (body structure) P00040 - 7097 L P cardiovascular system 86A5F2A4C27B45EB86652FE45596E1BD AE81096128054B1B920736CC68B6294F Left atrium Entire left atrium (body structure) Left cardiac chamber which is continuous with the pulmonary venous trunks. 41 41 00041 trachea 44567001 S00041 Tracheal structure (body structure) E00041 181213009 Entire trachea (body structure) P00041 119197007 Tracheal part (body structure) - 7394 P respiratory system FABBDADBF3A24038AF7523A8E7D55C47 F65F5B9084424D9192D228D95BAFDCCF E06E621248624B52BDD768302E5025AE Trachea Entire trachea (body structure) Trachea 42 42 00042 bronchus 955009 S00042 Bronchial structure (body structure) E00042 181215002 Entire bronchus (body structure) P00042 372170000 Bronchial part (body structure) Y 7409 P respiratory system 868B7CB90C7D41098BB0D6D3E0583EB7 93D48E658A014DC4B2A4FAC2B8014E38 7511484D69CA460E88419A868011FE73 Bronchus Entire bronchus (body structure) Bronchus 43 43 00043 vena cava 35532006 S00043 Vena caval structure (body structure) E00043 244405007 Entire vena cava (body structure) P00043 - P cardiovascular system DB0871C1D09740D48E5832E5B02291A3 2B7A87F69E0E4EC7B521C99480D72E0C Vena cava Entire vena cava (body structure) 44 44 00044 atrium 59652004 S00044 Atrial structure (body structure) E00044 261405004 Entire atrium (body structure) P00044 - 7099 P cardiovascular system 94711C3B66CD457C8C3B54ABCEDEA380 3C4814A984CA4D85AAE121696CBAF90D Atrium Entire atrium (body structure) Cardiac chamber which consists of a wall that surrounds the cavity of an atrium. 45 45 00045 coronary sinus 90219004 S00045 Coronary sinus structure (body structure) E00045 244386006 Entire coronary sinus (body structure) P00045 - 4706 P cardiovascular system C1C164BD6D8B4F6EA1D54E06AA0B42EC DA71967912D9411D938172670E7B0B63 Coronary sinus Entire coronary sinus (body structure) Trunk of a systemic vein which is formed by the union of the great cardiac vein and the left marginal vein and terminates in the right atrium. 46 46 00046 nipple 24142002 S00046 Nipple structure (body structure) E00046 265780004 Entire nipple (body structure) P00046 361081001 Nipple part (body structure) Y 67771 P 5F71B0521C0F430B8A4E3926EFCD3EEC CAEDA6DC27EE497E98909078495D9D78 C7DCC716EA5E47E1B5738C37F37C04E9 Nipple Entire nipple (body structure) Nipple Subdivision of breast which consists of skin, connective tissue and smooth muscle bundle, modified sebaceous glands and papillary part of lactiferous duct. 47 47 00047 cerebrum 83678007 S00047 Cerebral structure (body structure) E00047 263353005 Entire cerebrum (body structure) P00047 - P nervous system A5E451DC00234A228C127DD372A968B4 459978FB507345BEBAF910F5BDE18142 Cerebrum Entire cerebrum (body structure) 48 48 00048 midbrain 61962009 S00048 Midbrain structure (body structure) E00048 279099009 Entire midbrain (body structure) P00048 119239004 Midbrain part (body structure) - 61993 P nervous system 1C894B2D7AB7437FA8152E94730A003A 43620DB2668241DCB436EF750383BDC5 B80AEC6F12774E75949F14A346EAB84D Midbrain Entire midbrain (body structure) Midbrain Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the tectum, cerebral peduncle, midbrain tegmentum and cerebral aqueduct. 49 49 00049 brainstem 15926001 S00049 Brainstem structure (body structure) E00049 180925009 Entire brainstem (body structure) P00049 119238007 Brain stem part (body structure) - 79876 P nervous system 2214E13DAD324998A208B5278B0380E7 955148BC861747DB9910539805F4FC60 B7E3D3215E444559A3C25CA23C32F653 Brainstem Entire brainstem (body structure) Brain stem 50 50 00050 pons 49557009 S00050 Pontine structure (body structure) E00050 279103004 Entire pons (body structure) P00050 119240002 Pons part (body structure) - 67943 P nervous system A804423F82DD4581A3B3D5B923EC5555 12013D7F38F6472BB7069FFFB9A53C34 7E4EB29984424A23A8F5C0003172A15C Pons Entire pons (body structure) Pons Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the pontine tegmentum and basal part of pons. 51 51 00051 medulla oblongata 26519002 S00051 Medulla oblongata structure (body structure) E00051 279104005 Entire medulla oblongata (body structure) P00051 119241003 Medulla oblongata part (body structure) - 62004 P nervous system 1E046AD018014FE4A1C21638EFA0E9C5 A70C607348684119849D7198B558439A E4BC59CA906E45ACA9353EA87D45B9E7 Medulla oblongata Entire medulla oblongata (body structure) Medulla oblongata Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the medullary reticular formation, inferior olivary complex and cochlear nuclear complex, among other structures. 52 52 00052 thalamus 42695009 S00052 Thalamic structure (body structure) E00052 244433007 Entire thalamus (body structure) P00052 119406000 Thalamus part (body structure) Y 62007 P nervous system 2E174F6DDCF84CAA9D50E6AD5174A872 C5D655DEED824549B64B9D362B5CDCFD 0D1587EA7E42414BB79C5C8DB069601E Thalamus Entire thalamus (body structure) Thalamus 53 53 00053 hypothalamus 67923007 S00053 Hypothalamic structure (body structure) E00053 264483005 Entire hypothalamus (body structure) P00053 119405001 Hypothalamus part (body structure) - 62008 P nervous system 374DB62793E1408AB43D8E9B85E27905 3282848ECE1F4DA7B921EA1DC826E281 2BA2D3DE6BAD473985C3CAF97CD7C1BD Hypothalamus Entire hypothalamus (body structure) Hypothalamus 54 54 00054 epithalamus 56198003 S00054 Epithalamic structure (body structure) E00054 281487003 Entire epithalamus (body structure) P00054 - 62009 P nervous system 1A3C7BE7E94E464DAA3740AF860FDE2C F52A034D499744F38E88045DB028C3E9 Epithalamus Entire epithalamus (body structure) 55 55 00055 basal ganglion 32610002 S00055 Basal ganglion structure (body structure) E00055 244434001 Entire basal ganglion (body structure) P00055 119407009 Basal ganglion part (body structure) Y P nervous system A5E816D33C364B29AC482D8A53A026B0 9F6D22ABFC514123BD6008D4318BC1DA 65083461EE074F649B1198F502A44254 Basal ganglion Entire basal ganglion (body structure) Basal ganglion 56 56 00056 amygdala 4958002 S00056 Amygdaloid structure (body structure) E00056 279404004 Entire amygdaloid nucleus (body structure) P00056 Y 61841 P nervous system 30095243860843A4B41E34ED220143C2 EC0B2750C9144452AF51A05E9905E8BC Amygdala Entire amygdaloid nucleus (body structure) Basal ganglion of telencephalon which is an almond-shaped gray mass in the dorsomedial part of the temporal lobe. 57 57 00057 claustrum 72038000 S00057 Claustral structure (body structure) E00057 279410004 Entire claustrum (body structure) P00057 Y 67440 P nervous system 6335A1801F6B4BE5983EBF9108CF2CA3 21E2D1DCD57E4054BF7D554D90B6C03B Claustrum Entire claustrum (body structure) Basal ganglion of telencephalon which is made up primarily of gray matter, and is located lateral to the caudate nucleus and external capsule and medial to the insula. 58 58 00058 caudate nucleus 11000004 S00058 Caudate nucleus structure (body structure) E00058 279297002 Entire caudate nucleus (body structure) P00058 Y 61833 P nervous system 70EAC3BD646D417593AC1AEE74376440 1F58ED7AAEAD4B9E9FB4B8FE2B26EE95 Caudate nucleus Entire caudate nucleus (body structure) Nucleus of brain which is an elongated crescent-shaped mass lying parallel and adjacent to the lateral ventricle throughout its extent. 59 59 00059 lentiform nucleus 41648007 S00059 Lentiform nucleus structure (body structure) E00059 279319002 Entire lentiform nucleus (body structure) P00059 Y 77615 P nervous system BF353D9BD56B4BB48058282B30DA3793 878D5E5E179F41A2ACCF3DB3E426B2A1 Lentiform nucleus Entire lentiform nucleus (body structure) 60 60 00060 internal capsule 85637007 S00060 Internal capsule structure of brain (body structure) E00060 279217003 Entire internal capsule of brain (body structure) P00060 119245007 Part of internal capsule of brain (body structure) Y 61950 P nervous system 8050CE979C7A4FA9858CE10C91A69797 FF5530C169D042CC9C9F4FE7FE5880D7 3F97F7F16E704B9993545B2C72B94EE1 Internal capsule of brain Entire internal capsule of brain (body structure) internal capsule of brain Internal capsule is an organ subdivision of the telencephalon which is made up primarily of myelinated axonal neural tissue (white matter). The internal capsule is a major set of fiber bundles lateral to the thalamus and caudate nucleus and medial to the putamen and globus pallidus. It projects dorsally to the white matter underlying the cerebral cortex. 61 61 00061 lateral ventricle 66720007 S00061 Lateral ventricle structure (body structure) E00061 180930008 Entire lateral ventricle (body structure) P00061 Y 78448 P nervous system 8E031AF14F29481DB296AB504FFD2BB7 37F8046AFCB3468BADD6A43FE2560206 Lateral ventricle Entire lateral ventricle (body structure) 62 62 00062 esophagus 32849002 S00062 Esophageal structure (body structure) E00062 181245004 Entire esophagus (body structure) P00062 119211000 Esophageal part (body structure) - 7131 P digestive system 072F033CE408445FB204B64410E97B8F 624DC835B7EE4CC7B5F84B9E3D75FDB4 218A90B8C9084F6D8B05E7AB3718B7CA Esophagus Entire esophagus (body structure) Esophagus Organ with organ cavity which is continuous superiorly with the pharynx and inferiorly with the stomach. 63 63 00063 atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve 279316009 S00063 Atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve structure (body structure) E00063 280149007 Entire atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve (body structure) P00063 - P cardiovascular system DD04F43066A244EC8056835393EBA1E7 2A77847550EF4C8783AA924082411980 Atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve Entire atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve (body structure) 64 64 00064 truncal valve 279317000 S00064 Truncal valve structure (body structure) E00064 276225002 Entire truncal valve (body structure) P00064 - P cardiovascular system 6581D433794347CFAB0DC9AA5F47FD4B 40C967BF1C05443FBC692233241E01CD Truncal valve Entire truncal valve (body structure) 65 65 00065 corpus striatum 31428008 S00065 Corpus striatum structure (body structure) E00065 279318005 Entire corpus striatum (body structure) P00065 Y 77616 P nervous system 89A3A80C87B34502A1B25B9AAA047984 2F3796A65BC44FFB937DEBB4B23AD808 Corpus striatum Entire corpus striatum (body structure) 66 66 00066 subthalamus 36368009 S00066 Subthalamic structure (body structure) E00066 279332007 Entire subthalamus (body structure) P00066 Y 62010 P nervous system 00EE3A869DEB479BA36061A55EA4FF64 F78784F9FD78456F87924F0DDCAE60AB Subthalamus Entire subthalamus (body structure) 67 67 00067 cerebellar lobe 279364000 S00067 Cerebellar lobe structure (body structure) E00067 263971006 Entire cerebellar lobe (body structure) P00067 - 242392 P nervous system 03F499496F2349428F3B5125AF83A428 FBE690952A0A4AE59064962AE5EDECA1 Cerebellar lobe Entire cerebellar lobe (body structure) 68 68 00068 trigone 21740000 S00068 Trigonal structure (body structure) E00068 272663002 Entire trigone of bladder (body structure) P00068 - 15910 P urinary system A5F218A0C9774AA4B118F1DA9EEB0BAB 999C5A4F0626467D99A41F4DD123B49B Trigone Entire trigone of bladder (body structure) 69 69 00069 prostatic urethra 71553001 S00069 Prostatic urethra structure (body structure) E00069 279434009 Entire prostatic urethra (body structure) P00069 - 19673 P genital system EA918FA5C6C24E85BB9BB2691F9B13CC 652AAD2269E64A0D9BFFF9115EFCC106 Prostatic urethra Entire prostatic urethra (body structure) 70 70 00070 penile urethra 6375001 S00070 Structure of spongiose portion of urethra (body structure) E00070 263341006 Entire spongiose portion of urethra (body structure) P00070 - 19675 P genital system DA20128D28094BE0BD75311A3F4C1034 48F6E1BA2C9E4D5C9188CB2F1DAAACEB spongiose portion of urethra Entire spongiose portion of urethra (body structure) 71 71 00071 male urethra 82841003 S00071 Male urethral structure (body structure) E00071 264085007 Entire male urethra (body structure) P00071 425046005 Part of male urethra (body structure) - 19668 P urinary system EFB834A9B3194974BA27A708D385DC23 677996DE0940499EA1DB47E49EE7D7C5 336EE0E2ECB94C038950CC24A7BE3F98 Male urethra Entire male urethra (body structure) male urethra 72 72 00072 membranous urethra 27003007 S00072 Membranous urethra structure (body structure) E00072 263343009 Entire membranous urethra (body structure) P00072 - 19674 P urinary system 60FAC33980744E17838C1A0AE129D6DA 65B03B49A72F4B95AC1CE0178C6E0725 Membranous urethra Entire membranous urethra (body structure) 73 73 00073 spinal cord white matter 27088001 S00073 Spinal cord white matter structure (body structure) E00073 279436006 Entire spinal cord white matter (body structure) P00073 - 83945 P nervous system 64DDF92BE9E648C587D33568CDFAF857 1FD63F0C38AF41F19E49495C47E4D8CD Spinal cord white matter Entire spinal cord white matter (body structure) 74 74 00074 region of gray matter of spinal cord 12958003 S00074 Spinal cord gray matter structure (body structure) E00074 279441003 Entire spinal cord gray matter (body structure) P00074 - 83926 P nervous system 4406D29F291E434C81A4FA0DD6468AE5 19A9C10C46AE4F478C89AE89D64AC9BE Spinal cord gray matter Entire spinal cord gray matter (body structure) 75 75 00075 female urethra 25182001 S00075 Female urethral structure (body structure) E00075 264469008 Entire female urethra (body structure) P00075 - 19669 P genitourinary system 322E2FD617134E5289B2A00671CB5D29 B98AF29C0A624082B5E319885578D07E Female urethral Entire female urethra (body structure) 76 76 00076 laryngeal cavity 68584007 S00076 Laryngeal cavity structure (body structure) E00076 279563005 Entire laryngeal cavity (body structure) P00076 - 55263 P respiratory system 301497FF593E4CF2BD46D95CB560F1A2 23140C3D4EDE4B9E91D7DEF27321E817 Laryngeal cavity Entire laryngeal cavity (body structure) 77 77 00077 cartilage organ of larynx 36847003 S00077 Laryngeal cartilage structure (body structure) E00077 263482005 Entire laryngeal cartilage (body structure) P00077 - 55108 P musculoskeletal system B054CED2068A4315B28B1838FB3976FB DD9879B0266D4400AF5DB517F3DFF21D Laryngeal cartilage Entire laryngeal cartilage (body structure) 78 78 00078 thyroid cartilage 52940008 S00078 Thyroid cartilage structure (body structure) E00078 263483000 Entire thyroid cartilage (body structure) P00078 - 55099 P musculoskeletal system 26B8C7E181F8453294C5A7BF001C8564 6DB3FF4692D5426AA59213853CB4FF81 Thyroid cartilage Entire thyroid cartilage (body structure) 79 79 00079 cricoid cartilage 8600008 S00079 Cricoid cartilage structure (body structure) E00079 263484006 Entire cricoid cartilage (body structure) P00079 - 9615 P musculoskeletal system E9E41B06A807426289EEDF3B9BDE055A 1655A1147841442BB24271AD2A181B3F Cricoid cartilage Entire cricoid cartilage (body structure) 80 80 00080 arytenoid cartilage 77578007 S00080 Arytenoid cartilage structure (body structure) E00080 264446005 Entire arytenoid cartilage (body structure) P00080 Y 55109 P musculoskeletal system 11A94B32B32B4B6481A7718B6A2587A3 6BB27B8B06464EDDBE983041BFFC5293 Arytenoid cartilage Entire arytenoid cartilage (body structure) 81 81 00081 epiglottic cartilage 24783007 S00081 Epiglottic cartilage structure (body structure) E00081 278990001 Entire epiglottic cartilage (body structure) P00081 - 55112 P digestive system D6D9BA2BEC474343A0F9062576A59F38 33F5EAF427D84DBB9F79D165E6368E74 Epiglottic cartilage Entire epiglottic cartilage (body structure) 83 83 00083 lymph node 59441001 S00083 Structure of lymph node (body structure) E00083 181756000 Entire lymph node (body structure) P00083 - 5034 P lymphoreticular system A8C02D49D6D24F85B60E1DBF03E20D1C 71911920C94842B6A96E72771005C4B7 lymph node Entire lymph node (body structure) 84 84 00084 nasal skeleton 42650002 S00084 Nasal skeleton structure (body structure) E00084 281486007 Entire nasal skeleton (body structure) P00084 - 60116 P skeletal system E3A69F18689C4DBC9B30BEA32632F334 AAA769120E924D07849A33312BB9DF52 Nasal skeleton Entire nasal skeleton (body structure) 85 85 00085 nasal sinus 2095001 S00085 Nasal sinus structure (body structure) E00085 181203001 Entire nasal sinus (body structure) P00085 120228005 Paranasal sinus part (body structure) Y P respiratory system 79D5F9D0B45846219EDA95D5B4E8DB03 3F9ED4171B274A10B5D3BFA99809BD23 1E35D0829F81443D9519EF20E6CDF4BF Nasal sinus Entire nasal sinus (body structure) Paranasal sinus 86 86 00086 epiglottis 61563008 S00086 Epiglottis structure (body structure) E00086 245502004 Entire epiglottis (body structure) P00086 - 55130 P digestive system 0179009E4BD34FA099FFC161E16ACA70 D342EE22F31E46ABA6EB12BE92364BFE Epiglottis Entire epiglottis (body structure) 87 87 00087 external nose 44032009 S00087 External nose structure (body structure) E00087 265785009 Entire external nose (body structure) P00087 - 59515 P respiratory system D6BB0956B1A7419B897358AF75CF8F7D 8459A53B28CF4CAAB382B21B5987F8AC External nose Entire external nose (body structure) Subdivision of face, the exterior of the nose, which consists of a root, dorsum, tip, columella, and right and left alae. 88 88 00088 nasal cavity 279549004 S00088 Nasal cavity structure (body structure) E00088 263481003 Entire nasal cavity (body structure) P00088 Y 54378 P respiratory system D73136A7989B4D88BB1A24E3573D9842 444E28924835468090DAFFC568DF73E0 Nasal cavity Entire nasal cavity (body structure) 89 89 00089 upper respiratory tract 58675001 S00089 Upper respiratory tract structure (body structure) E00089 361381009 Entire upper respiratory tract (body structure) P00089 - 45661 P respiratory system C9DA8B599F764304ADD6174485694F81 5D70E5885F9D445EAB9D1980364F2DBB Upper respiratory tract Entire upper respiratory tract (body structure) Subdivision of respiratory system which consists of the internal nose, nasopharynx, oropharynx and larynx 90 90 00090 lower respiratory tract 82094008 S00090 Lower respiratory tract structure (body structure) E00090 281488008 Entire lower respiratory tract (body structure) P00090 - 45662 P respiratory system 6C3FCDECA2DD4706B309A930184859E0 231605F632724036927E3B7EE3605377 Lower respiratory tract Entire lower respiratory tract (body structure) Subdivision of respiratory system which consists of the tracheobronchial tree, right lung and left lung. 91 91 00091 ala nasi 61913009 S00091 Alar structure (body structure) E00091 361345006 Entire ala nasi (body structure) P00091 Y 59519 P respiratory system 5729745172A545FB9F7C84F04E3C0091 46FE36A102414133B3BB4B1E39EEBB89 Ala Entire ala nasi (body structure) 92 92 00092 tracheobronchial tree 91724006 S00092 Tracheobronchial structure (body structure) E00092 361384001 Entire tracheobronchial tree (body structure) P00092 119198002 Tracheobronchial tree part (body structure) - 7393 P respiratory system 8DB74850FB784F46905B2E3C7350195D 229F8E53317649A5A52A69EC7B18DC9A C6576B12CA604AA9B15B6BEE7B347F3F Tracheobronchial Entire tracheobronchial tree (body structure) Tracheobronchial tree Hollow tree organ, the organ parts of which consists of the trachea and right and left bronchial trees. 93 93 00093 lip 48477009 S00093 Lip structure (body structure) E00093 181221003 Entire lip (body structure) P00093 372197007 Lip part (body structure) - 59816 P digestive system E149BB93E7E0447D9F1BC2772CF2E5D1 2E9F48F9D352471B92484CAF607B2A66 7D2AD1F1A16D4FBF8E47E93DB2EC2E60 Lip Entire lip (body structure) Lip 94 94 00094 upper lip 11681001 S00094 Upper lip structure (body structure) E00094 245776003 Entire upper lip (body structure) P00094 - 59817 P digestive system 939ECE5B697343789E64F269182FD0A0 E1D3F89649FB4105BD158BF9AEFE5534 Upper lip Entire upper lip (body structure) 95 95 00095 lower lip 32032005 S00095 Lower lip structure (body structure) E00095 245777007 Entire lower lip (body structure) P00095 - 59818 P digestive system C1C5D95A80544BA6882229C62B527756 25ADEE7BFFB1432C998B828A2B470270 Lower lip Entire lower lip (body structure) 96 96 00096 epididymis 87644002 S00096 Epididymis structure (body structure) E00096 181432000 Entire epididymis (body structure) P00096 119233003 Epididymal part (body structure) Y 18255 P genital system EBAD56D3A2C4407BA13C566722BC8F7C 72B8E55A173E46F69276F48B623415BA F690E8A00CA7446198E7C1EFC15FFB2B Epididymis Entire epididymis (body structure) Epididymis 97 97 00097 vas deferens 57671007 S00097 Vas deferens structure (body structure) E00097 245467009 Entire vas deferens (body structure) P00097 362918004 Vas deferens part (body structure) Y 19234 P genital system 5787AD3655EA4FBDBDD1CF763EAC1781 FE2927F84EB64B5E9FCF94FC9F0E2001 0B32F7192AAE465995AEC7A589B983FA Vas deferens Entire vas deferens (body structure) Vas deferens 98 98 00098 spermatic cord 49957000 S00098 Spermatic cord structure (body structure) E00098 181433005 Entire spermatic cord (body structure) P00098 Y 19937 P genital system 45D18C4FB4494882A75D76D2EA713D4F 4BFE11472B8C40B387E96FCE3F4F613B Spermatic cord Entire spermatic cord (body structure) 99 99 00099 ejaculatory duct 1511004 S00099 Ejaculatory duct structure (body structure) E00099 279665005 Entire ejaculatory duct (body structure) P00099 Y 19325 P genital system 74D2BE3F3D13456B9E102B3EA3FA455B E7105F7938844D19BBBE971BB667C195 Ejaculatory duct Entire ejaculatory duct (body structure) 100 100 00100 seminal vesicle 64739004 S00100 Seminal vesicle structure (body structure) E00100 181434004 Entire seminal vesicle (body structure) P00100 362917009 Seminal vesicle part (body structure) Y 19386 P genital system 75214AB3C12C4C48AD226B2B957C9C0D 8CF869BDE2B644E0AE0A7AB5729FFE3A 8FAE6522E5464E5BB13D73F84B6914C9 Seminal vesicle Entire seminal vesicle (body structure) Seminal vesicle 101 101 00101 bulbourethral gland 66997005 S00101 Bulbourethral gland structure (body structure) E00101 278918009 Entire bulbourethral gland (body structure) P00101 Y 9599 P urinary system 6982FA28D37E4AA18BC29003C3BDA48B D93CED89B1044CB291712EE76B1DD1A0 Bulbourethral gland Entire bulbourethral gland (body structure) Lobular organ the parenchyma of which consists of glandular acini which communicate the bulbar part of the urethra. Examples: There only two instances, right and left bulbo-urethral glands. 102 102 00102 pinna 113327001 S00102 Pinna structure (body structure) E00102 421159007 Entire pinna (body structure) P00102 Y 56580 P special senses organ system 8C09803288C4407CA1C5E68CD2A00D11 D1C42A9CB9BF4DBBBC4E8CC5280A7CAE Pinna Entire pinna (body structure) 103 103 00103 scrotal wall 279584000 S00103 Scrotal wall structure (body structure) E00103 262133009 Entire scrotal wall (body structure) P00103 - P genital system E71004C4817744FAB7C832CAA0DCE9A5 8BE00237B5E3414BBF28503160D5A2C7 Scrotal wall Entire scrotal wall (body structure) 104 104 00104 tympanic membrane 42859004 S00104 Tympanic membrane structure (body structure) E00104 181180005 Entire tympanic membrane (body structure) P00104 Y 9595 P special senses organ system 1E94E7C7678049FEAAEA3DF918106052 CF338D2CE72243589B59D439555D8231 Tympanic membrane Entire tympanic membrane (body structure) 105 105 00105 epididymal duct 88731002 S00105 Epididymal duct structure (body structure) E00105 279623004 Entire duct of epididymis (body structure) P00105 Y 18297 P genital system C974E38C38CF4AF6AE97E766BD8DA186 AC18084CCC604755A5D66105059FEA8A Epididymal duct Entire duct of epididymis (body structure) 106 106 00106 Eustachian tube 91207004 S00106 Eustachian canal structure (body structure) E00106 181186004 Entire eustachian canal (body structure) P00106 Y 9705 P special senses organ system BD6F47646F5E4DF58653468C6104E057 28EA2D3D39424C0893CEA5F4272BF89B Eustachian canal Entire eustachian canal (body structure) Organ with organ cavity which connects the cavity of the middle ear to the cavity of the pharynx. Examples: There are only two pharyngotympanic tubes, the right and the left pharyngotympanic tubes. 107 107 00107 seminal vesicle duct 127906001 S00107 Seminal vesicle duct structure (body structure) E00107 279675008 Entire duct of seminal vesicle (body structure) P00107 Y 19473 P genital system 28B8B0F3E99E48A3A4E03D729ADA46E7 A70C0823041D4DF2BB1A6108421E5663 Seminal vesicle duct Entire duct of seminal vesicle (body structure) 108 108 00108 bony labyrinth 15538001 S00108 Bony labyrinth structure (body structure) E00108 279727008 Entire bony labyrinth (body structure) P00108 Y 268963 P special senses organ system 40B7ADD125ED440B85A3D67072C68E05 A54F994ABAED4B4ABD9135581CD6B103 Bony labyrinth Entire bony labyrinth (body structure) 109 109 00109 visual pathway 280951005 S00109 Visual pathway structure (body structure) E00109 281477002 Entire visual pathway (body structure) P00109 - P special senses organ system B4D780136A7146EDB8A213DF662F2C36 ED6073682509432BB0E363BC1484F147 Visual pathway Entire visual pathway (body structure) 110 110 00110 membranous labyrinth 12705002 S00110 Membranous labyrinth structure (body structure) E00110 263790009 Entire membranous labyrinth (body structure) P00110 Y 61022 P special senses organ system 6B1B98DA42F94B14B8E36C866E281A0E 6AE8E36D540A477998A47BE09982EAE0 Membranous labyrinth Entire membranous labyrinth (body structure) Organ with organ cavity which consists of the vestibular labyrinth and the cochlear labyrinth. Examples: There are only two membranous labyrinths, the right and the left. 111 111 00111 prostatic gland 279689003 S00111 Prostatic gland structure (body structure) E00111 279690007 Entire prostatic gland (body structure) P00111 - 74119 P genital system 8973B45005274EAE8EAFE336B3854F6F B9B4301430894A1FAED2CF33DA9ACBAE Prostatic gland Entire prostatic gland (body structure) 112 112 00112 glans penis 60319009 S00112 Glans penis structure (body structure) E00112 263378009 Entire glans penis (body structure) P00112 - 18247 P genital system 0C10941D0E654428AC00A37AEBC39FAD BF579E095BEC47A8A34C85F3B44566DA Glans penis Entire glans penis (body structure) 113 113 00113 prepuce 17880006 S00113 Preputial structure (body structure) E00113 181426005 Entire prepuce (body structure) P00113 - 19639 P genital system 591CFA2504054889ADEDE381A954C03D 62664CD19B1D4DD88D638898D7BD0E0A Prepuce Entire prepuce (body structure) 114 114 00114 vestibule of inner ear 45006007 S00114 Vestibular structure of inner ear (body structure) E00114 279732009 Entire vestibule of inner ear (body structure) P00114 Y P special senses organ system 63246EC82B07421FAB24B6ADCEC3B5D7 FFBAB9C81DC34472AD3D9B4962AFCB01 Vestibular of inner ear Entire vestibule of inner ear (body structure) 115 115 00115 semicircular canal 279726004 S00115 Semicircular canal structure (body structure) E00115 279757004 Entire semicircular canal (body structure) P00115 Y 60186 P special senses organ system 687A432E008C4351B31AD8242769647B 4931012CA324454E9A6FB866BE57DDA7 Semicircular canal Entire semicircular canal (body structure) 116 116 00116 cochlea 80169004 S00116 Cochlear structure (body structure) E00116 181187008 Entire cochlea (body structure) P00116 Y 60201 P special senses organ system F82F96EFDD09488CA54251F454BFA6DE C72C3C6A75554589AE1BC20A765EB115 Cochlea Entire cochlea (body structure) 117 117 00117 cochlear modiolus 62016001 S00117 Cochlear modiolus structure (body structure) E00117 361314007 Entire modiolus (body structure) P00117 Y 61278 P special senses organ system 563814CB7BFF4DFDA1788A451B03123A F3B36D55A8744305AE7ED27D08AA2118 Cochlear modiolus Entire modiolus (body structure) 118 118 00118 cochlear spiral lamina 4871003 S00118 Cochlear spiral lamina structure (body structure) E00118 279790004 Entire cochlear spiral lamina (body structure) P00118 Y 77710 P special senses organ system 23BFBCC8C2744C93909719CAAEF81A50 30E914BD8B3D473BBBEEB40A1D9F54AE Cochlear spiral lamina Entire cochlear spiral lamina (body structure) 119 119 00119 cochlear canal 279770008 S00119 Cochlear canal structure (body structure) E00119 279779009 Entire cochlear canal (body structure) P00119 Y 0 P special senses organ system 9357B2069156455D823F06F99E899BEB D8EEDA8A42974DE2A2D79CC4F6EAC70F Cochlear canal Entire cochlear canal (body structure) 120 120 00120 utricle 81955007 S00120 Utricle structure (body structure) E00120 279817006 Entire utricle (body structure) P00120 Y 61113 P special senses organ system C6DC0D92A0314F8F80E3D4F37840D59F 6E7A99E9E0EF4C4FAFFFABD1CD848A70 Utricle Entire utricle (body structure) 121 121 00121 cochlear duct 39831001 S00121 Cochlear duct structure (body structure) E00121 279849006 Entire cochlear duct (body structure) P00121 Y 61119 P nervous system 8978590CA7914B179466797FE2217CDB 15C7724296F34CA784DE3011E6FBA424 Cochlear duct Entire cochlear duct (body structure) 122 122 00122 semicircular duct 81468006 S00122 Semicircular duct structure (body structure) E00122 279833009 Entire semicircular duct (body structure) P00122 Y 61122 P special senses organ system D038D829CBE84EFE8077D1D6E37FB7F2 D1DAD04E2869452DB1E3E8836160F2E5 Semicircular duct Entire semicircular duct (body structure) 123 123 00123 saccule 54458009 S00123 Saccule structure (body structure) E00123 279827000 Entire saccule (body structure) P00123 Y 61116 P special senses organ system 23D8C9955F7F4D4AABD63A46FB98033C C2A69AD374024933A169E2763C5DD24D Saccule Entire saccule (body structure) 124 124 00124 female genital system 53065001 S00124 Female genital structure (body structure) E00124 361386004 Entire female genital system (body structure) P00124 - 45663 P genital system 5558A5D820BB4C03902DF9131A501908 10786B19ACB241458521C9026E87D1E4 Female genital system Entire female genital system (body structure) 125 125 00125 ovary 15497006 S00125 Ovarian structure (body structure) E00125 181464007 Entire ovary (body structure) P00125 119227007 Ovarian part (body structure) Y 7209 P genital system F9381C6D76F24136843FFC9FADF8B2C2 FAEFE61B1DF64715A639244652C00675 C4A7BFE2431A41B28BE5CF0D9C79FD36 Ovary Entire ovary (body structure) Ovary 126 126 00126 clitoris 65439009 S00126 Clitoral structure (body structure) E00126 181442003 Entire clitoris (body structure) P00126 119226003 Clitoris part (body structure) - 9909 P genital system B4663FA83DB34E95B4D3755D21E54A2B 95261460D1EC4DAD880647330E485684 9D86211789E341E5A2BE034CDC08F887 Clitoris Entire clitoris (body structure) Clitoris 127 127 00127 genital labium 39117004 S00127 Genital labium structure (body structure) E00127 279861003 Entire labium pudendum (body structure) P00127 Y P genital system 6AEAE755774F4BE5A6711D71463C219A 21B08100C26F42F781FDBFEBB8E06793 Genital labium Entire labium pudendum (body structure) 128 128 00128 vestibular gland 43168007 S00128 Vestibular gland structure (body structure) E00128 276156003 Entire vestibular gland (body structure) P00128 Y 20020 P genital system 855834AAEFD7475080A03B601E0A8139 E2F0D43703BC4CE49E852FD46F9A07B5 Vestibular gland Entire vestibular gland (body structure) Lobular organ the parenchyma of which consists of glandular acini which communicate with the vestibule of vagina. Examples: right vestibular gland, lesser vestibular gland. 129 129 00129 airway 89187006 S00129 Airway structure (body structure) E00129 361380005 Entire respiratory airway (body structure) P00129 - P respiratory system C1A03EE6BB22410FAA086350C2B5E8C9 D5C8D0A6D24F4EB88B8566993861E05C Airway Entire respiratory airway (body structure) 130 130 00130 Waldeyer's ring 17861009 S00130 Waldeyer's ring structure (body structure) E00130 56411004 Entire Waldeyer's ring (body structure) P00130 - 55070 P lymphoid system 4103FB20A66D4FCDA84819591CA2A5A1 DCFE5A4EE92148B9831593ABC76F9CE3 Waldeyer's ring Entire Waldeyer's ring (body structure) 131 131 00131 adenoid 55940004 S00131 Adenoidal structure (body structure) E00131 181199001 Entire adenoid (body structure) P00131 Y 54970 P lymphoid system B826E6902D724753974C452EA1C6710B 519D53F358C14E2DBD6B2E7012242B5D Adenoid Entire adenoid (body structure) 132 132 00132 palatine tonsil 75573002 S00132 Tonsillar structure (palatine) (body structure) E00132 265787001 Entire palatine tonsil (body structure) P00132 Y 9610 P digestive system 8D349CA8B3D54F329F85245B29FBC219 5C9A66EA49984D019E7B8699A31B31DC Tonsillar (palatine) Entire palatine tonsil (body structure) 133 133 00133 lingual tonsil 2048000 S00133 Lingual tonsil structure (body structure) E00133 276957006 Entire lingual tonsil (body structure) P00133 Y 54836 P lymphoid system 5D29C5F380A74628BA1AE7CF87D17510 7667BBE88D9142C49F3547516EE832A8 Lingual tonsil Entire lingual tonsil (body structure) 134 134 00134 abdominal aorta 7832008 S00134 Abdominal aorta structure (body structure) E00134 244231007 Entire abdominal aorta (body structure) P00134 - 3789 P arterial system 2E02ECF5CFBE45C7A7C64B8489812A42 4000052DAB454D9A96B10D9A6C87C756 Abdominal aorta Entire abdominal aorta (body structure) 135 135 00135 thoracic aorta 113262008 S00135 Thoracic aorta structure (body structure) E00135 302510009 Entire thoracic aorta (body structure) P00135 - 3786 P cardiovascular system 55DD84BE2A654EFB971096F6B256A5AA CE6DD76E56E440C0B2F15DF3EC65C6CE Thoracic aorta Entire thoracic aorta (body structure) 136 136 00136 descending aorta 281130003 S00136 Descending aorta structure (body structure) E00136 261399002 Entire descending aorta (body structure) P00136 - 3784 P cardiovascular system 02502CC924F546EBBF4C19A80827FB43 6979CC9A268C4B65851763F37E3F491A Descending aorta Entire descending aorta (body structure) 137 137 00137 olfactory pathway 281149004 S00137 Olfactory pathway structure (body structure) E00137 281148007 Entire olfactory pathway (body structure) P00137 Y P nervous system BC9DA28018C14A07B19010D8BD11B29E 34F63E602153453D984B3E3BB5310A44 Olfactory pathway Entire olfactory pathway (body structure) 138 138 00138 male perineum 115984004 S00138 Male perineal structure (body structure) E00138 265795002 Entire male perineum (body structure) P00138 - 20342 P 483C729E397C42E29C6D3C885E6466A6 061176C44D2E42E7810A53CC56397FE3 Male perineum Entire male perineum (body structure) 139 139 00139 optic nerve 18234004 S00139 Optic nerve structure (body structure) E00139 180938001 Entire optic nerve (body structure) P00139 Y 50863 P special senses organ system 73DC34D47E524B168A04F2CE05A89E58 7D027828B29D4625A380430E91B943C5 Optic nerve Entire optic nerve (body structure) Nerve trunk which is continuous with the retina and the optic chiasm. 140 140 00140 stomach 69695003 S00140 Stomach structure (body structure) E00140 181246003 Entire stomach (body structure) P00140 119212007 Stomach part (body structure) - 7148 P digestive system F44CE6DD97404811A50C22E7AA986F5B 69F9DC9AAAE54E659E7AB1DE4A25ED97 9BF43BF4368A4ADBBF478BA66F49828D Stomach Entire stomach (body structure) Stomach Organ with organ cavity which is continuous proximally with the esophagus and distally with the small intestine. 141 141 00141 duodenum 38848004 S00141 Duodenal structure (body structure) E00141 181247007 Entire duodenum (body structure) P00141 245419004 Part of duodenum (body structure) - 7206 P digestive system 6D925BA454E948AEB6774D599639E88E FBE2C789E8074D80B8630E72E96F3481 D6315399DE924D3AABDA38F6FD4A9E01 Duodenum Entire duodenum (body structure) duodenum 142 142 00142 intestine 113276009 S00142 Intestinal structure (body structure) E00142 256876008 Entire intestine (body structure) P00142 - 7199 P digestive system 2A2857A45C5440A0B5DBE51A5229B6A2 9D0B90FBEBFE483D9874FDA62C4614E7 Intestine Entire intestine (body structure) 143 143 00143 small intestine 30315005 S00143 Small intestinal structure (body structure) E00143 181250005 Entire small intestine (body structure) P00143 119213002 Small intestine part (body structure) - 7200 P digestive system E91974A96A6641B7A15835087D4E0F3A AEB864C83A294661B7E20CF453C20AEF 3D7FC77AFB584AB9BE5437901DA02B83 Small intestinal Entire small intestine (body structure) Small intestine Organ with organ cavity which is continuous proximally with the stomach and distally with the large intestine. 144 144 00144 large intestine 14742008 S00144 Large intestinal structure (body structure) E00144 181254001 Entire large intestine (body structure) P00144 119214008 Large intestine part (body structure) - 7201 P digestive system 5D8828D2084C4FBC87B4EFB8173BFAA0 38FA70C393814984956182D97E4E5193 7175F5B70AC7497A9656B9CFFAA40562 Large intestinal Entire large intestine (body structure) Large intestine Organ with organ cavity which is continuous proximally with the small intestine and distally with the anal canal. 145 145 00145 colon 71854001 S00145 Colon structure (body structure) E00145 302508007 Entire colon (body structure) P00145 372174009 Colon part (body structure) - 14543 P digestive system 0007AAE71C754ED5B4931EE290B0E4BB D66D5A62928B4C6088280D54080B28F1 300BD212B65546559EE8BB77CB2DF099 Colon Entire colon (body structure) Colon 146 146 00146 hand 85562004 S00146 Hand structure (body structure) E00146 302539009 Entire hand (body structure) P00146 120577001 Hand part (body structure) Y 0 P regional/topgraphical 4EF37FEEDADA4176BF499EEA03E7D953 D488E4746E8F4C1DB6B899A2570031E5 FF3636E19D9B4CE69D64C2A74033C205 Hand Entire hand (body structure) Hand 147 147 00147 female perineal region 115983005 S00147 Female perineal structure (body structure) E00147 265797005 Entire female perineum (body structure) P00147 - 20343 P genital system DEB66502237E4337A2C0CB7F7689A1C0 5AAE5AC3286746B0BBD59B3354C50B75 Female perineal Entire female perineum (body structure) 148 148 00148 foot 56459004 S00148 Foot structure (body structure) E00148 302545001 Entire foot (body structure) P00148 Y 9664 P 236C29415D24433CB29D84F8C50CC092 26E61DAB77794D7ABFD95C3CE8F8D98C Foot Entire foot (body structure) 149 149 00149 rectum 34402009 S00149 Rectum structure (body structure) E00149 181261002 Entire rectum (body structure) P00149 372237002 Rectum part (body structure) - 14544 P digestive system E4AB4B6AAC734F4DB119269AFB81CCCF D4168A2F38594E36B31ECFE9FC479141 596C4FE4822943128A3277E512866B58 Rectum Entire rectum (body structure) Rectum 150 150 00150 anus 53505006 S00150 Anal structure (body structure) E00150 181262009 Entire anus (body structure) P00150 123956007 Anus part (body structure) - 15711 P digestive system 089135B902FE4CF3BBD9E34459EEECD1 AFC62052BED44E409960CB0E28C3D181 1B1AB894C04E4AAEAD67D93B2F0506C8 Anus Entire anus (body structure) Anus 151 151 00151 vaginal introitus 18857001 S00151 Vaginal introitus structure (body structure) E00151 181446000 Entire introitus of vagina (body structure) P00151 - 19984 P genital system 80E7FA0B2D574E2BA22497BFA76DE47F 95B9A6F688BB4A2084EC583FD16E607F Vaginal introitus Entire introitus of vagina (body structure) 152 152 00152 upper gastrointestinal tract 62834003 S00152 Upper gastrointestinal tract structure (body structure) E00152 181244000 Entire upper gastrointestinal tract (body structure) P00152 - 49177 P digestive system 1FBA6E9E256A4885826BEFC9A25D6C00 EC74F0AF6DDC4EC6BC72A04CCEF82AAF Upper gastrointestinal tract Entire upper gastrointestinal tract (body structure) 153 153 00153 lower gastrointestinal tract 5668004 S00153 Lower gastrointestinal tract structure (body structure) E00153 279973004 Entire lower gastrointestinal tract (body structure) P00153 372198002 Lower gastrointestinal tract part (body structure) - 49179 P digestive system A7AE3241D9E34D65A4B4976E2082A41F 38EFE9C0858144B2A2A657A28826F125 A7C79A6504114288A0AEF97C9B4929A9 Lower gastrointestinal tract Entire lower gastrointestinal tract (body structure) Lower gastrointestinal tract 154 154 00154 testis 40689003 S00154 Testis structure (body structure) E00154 181431007 Entire testis (body structure) P00154 119232008 Testicular part (body structure) Y 7210 P genital system 4B6163566C494F35A354F145CBB09A9F 3E66591132F34A0EA75DCD2447BDD728 3EE39E1821DC496AA70C63BA9ED37C4F Testis Entire testis (body structure) Lobular organ the parenchyma of which consists of seminiferous tubules which communicate with the duct of the epididymis. Examples: There only two instances, right testis and left testis. 155 155 00155 thorax 51185008 S00155 Thoracic structure (body structure) E00155 302551006 Entire thorax (body structure) P00155 - 9576 P 7489469DEE83495C8347099F4F162703 66E7B52339C1437F9411531842DBF9A9 Thorax Entire thorax (body structure) The subdivision of the trunk which is demarcated from the abdomen internally by the diaphragm, and externally by the costal margin; demarcated from the back of the trunk (the thoracic region of the back) by the anterior surface of the posterior chest wall 156 156 00156 body system 91689009 S00156 Body system structure (body structure) E00156 278195005 Entire body system (body structure) P00156 - 7149 P BCF57138A6A841F387E8FED402B20DA0 B11961321C1646288882B297F2D9B416 Body system Entire body system (body structure) Anatomical structure, which has as its direct parts instances of one or more organ types which are interconnected with one another by zones of continuity. Examples: skeletal system, cardiovascular system, alimentary system. 157 157 00157 body region 52530000 S00157 Body region structure (body structure) E00157 243928005 Entire body region (body structure) P00157 - 0 P regional/topgraphical 4CFAF9D0CD214DAFB90FF0B9797952D1 AAF9BA4DABE8496C8F367DC0A9917E1B Body region Entire body region (body structure) 158 158 00158 abdomen 113345001 S00158 Abdominal structure (body structure) E00158 302553009 Entire abdomen (body structure) P00158 - 9577 P 71A913AD48DE461BA71B2921FC5D1EE6 241ECF495F4C41D18B7A377E67B7E856 Abdomen Entire abdomen (body structure) Subdivision of trunk proper which is demarcated from the thorax internally by the inferior surface of the sternocostal part of the diaphragm and externally by the costal margin, from the back of abdomen by the surface of the posterior abdominal wall, from the perineum by the superior surface of the urogenital diaphragm and from the lower limbs by the inguinal folds; together with the thorax, and perineum, it constitutes the trunk proper. Examples: There is only one abdomen. 159 159 00159 pelvis (subdivision of abdomen) 12921003 S00159 Pelvic structure (body structure) E00159 229765004 Entire pelvis (body structure) P00159 - 9578 P 46439560D75E47B4B421321696026AC8 6892E696450141BDB200A600E996063A Pelvis Entire pelvis (body structure) 160 160 00160 head and neck 774007 S00160 Head and neck structure (body structure) E00160 361355005 Entire head and neck (body structure) P00160 - P 60684DE89EB748E7A11C3FA49360B4F6 E1BC80B1339B497FBAF1DF95081F3604 Head and neck Entire head and neck (body structure) 161 161 00161 back 281213008 S00161 Back structure, including back of neck (body structure) E00161 450807008 705c5733-c8c6-4eed-9a49-b3770ffed203 Entire back (body structure) P00161 - 14181 P FE233FD205204A40BA6B7E258BBAE5DD Back, including back of neck Entire back (body structure) 162 162 00162 trunk 22943007 S00162 Trunk structure (body structure) E00162 262225004 Entire trunk (body structure) P00162 - 7181 P 46CF69225AA342D589E31A491AFFB96F FE19378B10A54801BCCCAEB40B06FCC7 Trunk Entire trunk (body structure) Subdivision of body proper, which consists of a maximal set of diverse subclasses of organ and organ part spatially associated with the ribcage, thoracic and lumbar vertebral column, sacrum and coccyx, it is partially surrounded by skin of trunk. 163 163 00163 pancreatic duct 69930009 S00163 Pancreatic duct structure (body structure) E00163 181278006 Entire pancreatic duct (body structure) P00163 - 10419 P digestive system 3EF9700177734098B2AA044255365662 73F3AB6985E34B5F8A42D7874C56AA3A Pancreatic duct Entire pancreatic duct (body structure) 164 164 00164 head 69536005 S00164 Head structure (body structure) E00164 302548004 Entire head (body structure) P00164 123850002 Head part (body structure) - 7154 P C176FE2D16E94C098F0C9BA636041068 6600827A09CF4861B6DE0F3D5C6C44DE 9CE9A208E5294580905D989249AF8C9A Head Entire head (body structure) Head Cardinal body part, which consists of a maximal set of diverse subclasses of organ and organ part spatially associated with the skull, it is partially surrounded by skin of head. 165 165 00165 neck 45048000 S00165 Neck structure (body structure) E00165 302550007 Entire neck (body structure) P00165 123959000 Neck part (body structure) - 7155 P 850E0277493540E4904630F6ACF0D5A8 9664D0F3028144FD847E1FCC3BF6528B D86C8334729F4F49BBBB0BFD242C5A03 Neck Entire neck (body structure) Neck Subdivision of body proper, which consists of a maximal set of diverse subclasses of organ and organ part spatially associated with the cervical vertebral coumn, it is partially surrounded by skin of neck. 167 167 00167 pineal gland 45793000 S00167 Pineal structure (body structure) E00167 181126002 Entire pineal gland (body structure) P00167 372236006 Pineal gland part (body structure) - 62033 P endocrine system B11A78A72F8946129FE42DEF14422D49 562E16F02BE84B0FBE4AEACD55C8B801 9736EDBD560C497BA92B33DF91F433B6 Pineal Entire pineal gland (body structure) Pineal gland Circumventricular organ of neuraxis which is shaped like a pine cone and attached on the midline near the posterior and habenular commissures of the epithalamus. 168 168 00168 central tendon of diaphragm 50950001 S00168 Central tendon of diaphragm structure (body structure) E00168 244943002 Entire central tendon of diaphragm (body structure) P00168 - 58279 P respiratory system 779B7D9B158A4653AF8E6982006D501D 9427A72A8EDB4285B9D31FA8887BAB7E Central tendon of diaphragm Entire central tendon of diaphragm (body structure) 169 169 00169 thymus gland 9875009 S00169 Thymus gland structure (body structure) E00169 118507000 Entire thymus (body structure) P00169 362895001 Thymus part (body structure) - 9607 P lymphoid system 456D41472BD84E0C973A92EA9A421468 3D08E8A25411496EB159284EAE00AB06 2B9D8B7952D845C585B46A2F2CA79048 Thymus gland Entire thymus (body structure) Thymus 170 170 00170 embryo 667009 S00170 Embryonic structure (body structure) E00170 57991002 Entire embryo (body structure) P00170 - 69068 P 30BAC97B1F75436FBB72D39E67868B50 874C2E62463D460FAAFCFC03B6C1A6C7 Embryo Entire embryo (body structure) 171 171 00171 endocrine pancreas 78696007 S00171 Endocrine pancreatic structure (body structure) E00171 361339003 Entire endocrine pancreas (body structure) P00171 - 16018 P endocrine system 317F4C14D6E14CFE8D17DFBB06BAFEBE 39912DC071B347EAA8BC2C77548CB8FF Endocrine pancreatic Entire endocrine pancreas (body structure) 172 172 00172 nail 72651009 S00172 Nail structure (body structure) E00172 181577000 Entire human nail (body structure) P00172 120572007 Nail part (body structure) Y 54326 P integumentary system D57F4DE0C9E24241AE6F682FC336A499 FB907CBF509D4CC597D4BCE336B8D636 BD5640A8C61A4DCB86FF20B78CD9E5B1 Nail Entire human nail (body structure) Nail 173 173 00173 lesser metatarsal 281348004 S00173 Lesser metatarsal structure (body structure) E00173 244670007 Entire lesser metatarsal (body structure) P00173 Y P musculoskeletal system 1774F89383E14B2BA3C538075B484D80 E5B14BA61F0B43E8A8FE2E6B26B0040C Lesser metatarsal Entire lesser metatarsal (body structure) 174 174 00174 left bundle branch 74031005 S00174 Left bundle branch structure (body structure) E00174 277690001 Entire left bundle branch (body structure) P00174 - 9487 L P cardiovascular system 8EBE42C6FD104198ACFCEEC17C8AAD0F AF9A41935A554E4BB8C3259C8603B859 Left bundle branch Entire left bundle branch (body structure) Subdivision of conducting system of heart which enters the septal myocardium of left ventricle and is continuous with the anterior, septal and posterior divisions of the left branch of the atrioventricular bundle. 175 175 00175 blood vessel 59820001 S00175 Blood vessel structure (body structure) E00175 361097006 Entire blood vessel (body structure) P00175 119206002 Blood vessel part (body structure) - P cardiovascular system 2B788864AEE14302836185ED1B1405EB 4C60130548ED4A98AE77F3FF3ECC4323 E0F736FCE5964D0FB9E8F8F1FD6B4A17 Blood vessel Entire blood vessel (body structure) Blood vessel 176 176 00176 cranial nerve 25238003 S00176 Cranial nerve structure (body structure) E00176 244447006 Entire cranial nerve (body structure) P00176 119409007 Cranial nerve part (body structure) Y 0 P nervous system 207C5113ECBC4044A274DF0371E37F4E 78D28E337C434D10A7C1B58A060074AA EDB9412C7A364E4C81A3B5C42496934E Cranial nerve Entire cranial nerve (body structure) Cranial nerve 177 177 00177 pectoral girdle 26444007 S00177 Shoulder girdle structure (body structure) E00177 229759004 Entire shoulder girdle (body structure) P00177 Y 25570 P skeletal system 73F9893552244D39A2E2A69403980D5B 989121AFDA224130943895B4C72D4543 Shoulder girdle Entire shoulder girdle (body structure) Subdivision of free upper limb, which is the proximal segment of an upper limb and links the free upper limb to the trunk; it is demarcated by the plane of the surface of the glenoid fossa from the free upper limb; together with the free upper limb, it constitutes the upper limb. Examples: There are only two instances, right and left pectoral girdles. 179 179 00179 cervical plexus 72260008 S00179 Cervical plexus structure (body structure) E00179 181107005 Entire cervical plexus (body structure) P00179 Y 5904 P nervous system 625D0FAE487942E1B1C228C37527C890 C5D167649F6A4F37A9B39818AAB5E3FA Cervical plexus Entire cervical plexus (body structure) 180 180 00180 lumbosacral plexus 45272004 S00180 Lumbosacral plexus structure (body structure) E00180 181049003 Entire lumbosacral plexus (body structure) P00180 Y 5907 P nervous system AAA019DB4FF243D2ACB8E2D59170F53F 8E578D5FA5784240AEB862DB34DC51C6 Lumbosacral plexus Entire lumbosacral plexus (body structure) 181 181 00181 lumbar plexus 16676009 S00181 Lumbar plexus structure (body structure) E00181 302506006 Entire lumbar plexus (body structure) P00181 Y 5908 P nervous system 95F36154E8114EE3B6529A846B36F1FA 88705B15321148279222C6A0CC2AD644 Lumbar plexus Entire lumbar plexus (body structure) 182 182 00182 sacral plexus 62397004 S00182 Sacral plexus structure (body structure) E00182 181056009 Entire sacral plexus (body structure) P00182 Y 5909 P nervous system 53D904C0B04D48749F70937832BC8AF2 7CF14C707E4345F382719F16B922F108 Sacral plexus Entire sacral plexus (body structure) 183 183 00183 biceps brachii muscle 16225001 S00183 Biceps brachii muscle structure (body structure) E00183 265802004 Entire biceps brachii (body structure) P00183 362928008 Biceps brachii muscle part (body structure) Y 37670 P skeletal system 5913371BA1544190A28DB0F566CEA01B 31EA071F131E46EAADBD57E90A6D54B9 E92C622746C445E994D5FC64DFB4A97E Biceps brachii muscle Entire biceps brachii (body structure) Biceps brachii muscle 184 184 00184 triceps brachii muscle 40284004 S00184 Triceps brachii muscle structure (body structure) E00184 181623009 Entire triceps brachii (body structure) P00184 Y 37688 P muscular system D8B0C533B746481CA104CA2A01504BC4 1363C692A2964A3E92DB74E244207587 Triceps brachii muscle Entire triceps brachii (body structure) 185 185 00185 intracranial dura mater 28838006 S00185 Brain dura mater structure (body structure) E00185 309321003 Entire brain dura mater (body structure) P00185 - 71236 P nervous system B5E4516AA1C54D76B2F64F16CFC9C86E 6A2D0A90C61544D99C60C68D251A3A4C Brain dura mater Entire brain dura mater (body structure) 186 186 00186 genital system 71934003 S00186 Genital structure (body structure) E00186 361107003 Entire genital system (body structure) P00186 - 7160 P genital system 75CB03917EC24371A0982238AAAF4523 83937B52C44641F3834E9190E80024A2 Genital system Entire genital system (body structure) 187 187 00187 spinal cord meninges 75559006 S00187 Spinal cord meninges structure (body structure) E00187 181097002 Entire meninges of spinal cord (body structure) P00187 - P nervous system D43693BF5CB542AD9E5C5D75DCC39DBA B281BAE307D44F6F89E12836FCD64291 Spinal cord meninges Entire meninges of spinal cord (body structure) 188 188 00188 spinal nerve root 69733000 S00188 Spinal nerve root structure (body structure) E00188 180965008 Entire spinal nerve root (body structure) P00188 Y 14060 P nervous system 2D3E5CD9511545559472F50CE50C1FDC F038A6720A2C40649CA10D0FB7CAE0CF Spinal nerve root Entire spinal nerve root (body structure) 189 189 00189 central cord canal 39916009 S00189 Central cord canal structure (body structure) E00189 279447004 Entire central spinal cord canal (body structure) P00189 - 78497 P nervous system 95DE93C95CC841B9B7665EC041135758 ECE4C2D448C24703A000D16164CB2329 Central cord canal Entire central spinal cord canal (body structure) 190 190 00190 duodenal papilla 78540008 S00190 Duodenal papilla structure (body structure) E00190 245389007 Entire duodenal papilla (body structure) P00190 - 15953 P digestive system 1187BD6D3D174CD1ACC1E38861D32B1A D408C935C8D14C8596D0931052379FE2 Duodenal papilla Entire duodenal papilla (body structure) 191 191 00191 joint 39352004 S00191 Joint structure (body structure) E00191 302536002 Entire joint (body structure) P00191 119194000 Joint part (body structure) - 7490 P articular system AB67E07270CF454C979DCE60D22FC0F4 B7AE6F684CA2493381269A2B524E2371 8EFC3B837E534EF2893558CB1421D703 Joint Entire joint (body structure) Joint Anatomical junction which consists of parts of two or more adjacent bones or cartilages which are interconnected by organs and/or organ parts that consist of various types of connective tissue. 192 192 00192 skeletal muscle 127954009 S00192 Skeletal muscle structure (body structure) E00192 244716004 Entire skeletal muscle (organ) (body structure) P00192 306801009 Skeletal muscle part (body structure) - 0 P muscular system BFA6228BCFAE448AADAD38DF2A1975E5 666CE3AE52924343B9112F7807F93CBC 43983B794EDF489DBD381622139C7772 Skeletal muscle Entire skeletal muscle (organ) (body structure) Skeletal muscle Organ component consisting of the portion of muscle tissue that is part of a musculotendinous unit. 193 193 00193 tendon 13024002 S00193 Tendon structure (body structure) E00193 256667004 Entire tendon (body structure) P00193 - 9721 P muscular system 824CF1C4AB5D4142AFE8504175B96DA8 2E51B5F10D8E4872BF0EA2D0FC0CC8D6 Tendon Entire tendon (body structure) 194 194 00194 knee joint 49076000 S00194 Knee joint structure (body structure) E00194 182204005 Entire knee joint (body structure) P00194 Y 35175 P musculoskeletal system 19417BFE06384F4892637EAAC4A46F48 8EFD7B9DF6274441BA520B13FC2B5A48 Knee joint Entire knee joint (body structure) 195 195 00195 hip joint 24136001 S00195 Hip joint structure (body structure) E00195 182201002 Entire hip joint (body structure) P00195 372189000 Hip joint part (body structure) Y 35178 P musculoskeletal system 48095C0058574D26BC48A4D95CD68DEC BAB4F8B11DE04E088E638F0226573589 F3791626630A434CA68B21FDBB05A9B3 Hip joint Entire hip joint (body structure) Hip joint 196 196 00196 ankle joint 70258002 S00196 Ankle joint structure (body structure) E00196 182212002 Entire ankle joint (body structure) P00196 Y 35195 P skeletal system C837F60D1591411CAAD440B735250FE6 32B76F87FC7146A4A636F52A9DD4AC05 Ankle joint Entire ankle joint (body structure) 197 197 00197 shoulder joint 85537004 S00197 Glenohumeral joint structure (body structure) E00197 182168000 Entire glenohumeral joint (body structure) P00197 372184005 Glenohumeral joint part (body structure) Y 25912 P skeletal system 36CD9C93190D452FA71B847CE1EF4E26 309448EE50864D849AB4482AA2F7A6B7 CDAE87BDF3CE4DA599BF76D73175E872 Glenohumeral joint Entire glenohumeral joint (body structure) Glenohumeral joint 198 198 00198 elbow joint 16953009 S00198 Elbow joint structure (body structure) E00198 182169008 Entire elbow joint (body structure) P00198 Y 35289 P musculoskeletal system 7793B5AD74484E44B8FE4C4D1A36C4A4 F413A5235D4A4049AFB8BB69B4767EFF Elbow joint Entire elbow joint (body structure) 199 199 00199 wrist joint 74670003 S00199 Wrist joint structure (body structure) E00199 182178002 Entire wrist joint (body structure) P00199 Y 35291 P musculoskeletal system 7F6B26D550E54F76AC3D2F43462AFF52 14C5F90F6E0948E8A35B5EAF7CC355C8 Wrist joint Entire wrist joint (body structure) 200 200 00200 hip region 29836001 S00200 Hip region structure (body structure) E00200 302543008 Entire hip region (body structure) P00200 Y 24964 P skeletal system 38A5AF7AA702495FB427A61E56710F01 04923F1F96F84729A0DA886A13E940D0 Hip region Entire hip region (body structure) 201 201 00201 paraganglion 33805007 S00201 Paraganglia structure (body structure) E00201 281695005 Entire paraganglia (body structure) P00201 - 15648 P endocrine system AA298BD094E94F528246601814509151 2A9E0B422BEC435490704BFB314EB92A Paraganglia Entire paraganglia (body structure) 202 202 00202 joint of hand 40238009 S00202 Hand joint structure (body structure) E00202 244546004 Entire joint of hand (body structure) P00202 Y P musculoskeletal system D50FB78331504BE8A43C8E6F68550998 36483D1035C549D5B618EE2B78439AC0 Hand joint Entire joint of hand (body structure) 203 203 00203 joint of thumb 125684003 S00203 Thumb joint structure (body structure) E00203 244547008 Entire joint of thumb (body structure) P00203 Y P musculoskeletal system C60320E1247349D28169B48C9728AA40 E7C9BEA1F4894EBB8D7428F2872DEEF0 Thumb joint Entire joint of thumb (body structure) 204 204 00204 joint of finger 125682004 S00204 Finger joint structure (body structure) E00204 182189009 Entire joint of finger (body structure) P00204 Y P musculoskeletal system 3757FDDDEC42477B9CFD48771C3930E8 46680C4F33F24B79A6512FF846C7C654 Finger joint Entire joint of finger (body structure) 205 205 00205 joint of foot 26552008 S00205 Foot joint structure (body structure) E00205 244555001 Entire joint of foot (body structure) P00205 Y P musculoskeletal system F13BC1BD26324CB0BF33C5D13CC481AF 0441B2C02687497184AAD700B10C6490 Foot joint Entire joint of foot (body structure) 206 206 00206 central nervous system 21483005 S00206 Structure of central nervous system (body structure) E00206 278199004 Entire central nervous system (body structure) P00206 119234009 Central nervous system part (body structure) - 55675 P nervous system 09FA438495BE41AD9DD01477E3F99CA7 0899685D049F442A9346AB175F63A9C2 A874E919E3314228A69BC7729590B4F8 central nervous system Entire central nervous system (body structure) Central nervous system Organ with organ cavity which has as its direct proper parts brain and spinal cord. 207 207 00207 sympathetic nerve 90456006 S00207 Sympathetic nerve structure (body structure) E00207 181098007 Entire sympathetic nerve (body structure) P00207 - P nervous system E85316AC0BCD44EB8647307069BFAAD5 5DFC58DE416D4D1FB9FDF5ED89ABB365 Sympathetic nerve Entire sympathetic nerve (body structure) 208 208 00208 parasympathetic nerve 78390006 S00208 Parasympathetic nerve structure (body structure) E00208 276146002 Entire parasympathetic nerve (body structure) P00208 Y P nervous system CF75289D48944787BF0E81386DBEE97B 2236EA9C4BF44E5888015194BD0AC5B3 Parasympathetic nerve Entire parasympathetic nerve (body structure) 209 209 00209 eye proper 81745001 S00209 Structure of eye proper (body structure) E00209 244486005 Entire eye (body structure) P00209 119263007 Eye part (body structure) Y 12513 P special senses organ system 74A8396FB9634B13B5583EE1708BB783 F799878877094118880B65F468E9B09C 926F2910CFEA4063BD56812C45E6AA06 eye proper Entire eye (body structure) Eye Organ with organ cavity which is connected to the optic nerve, also known as the eyeball. 210 210 00210 orbital region of head S00210 E00210 181143004 Entire orbital region (body structure) P00210 Y 54448 P special senses organ system 034664208D5845B9AA82210DEF3B6F48 Entire orbital region (body structure) 211 211 00211 eyebrow 392262008 S00211 Eyebrow structure (body structure) E00211 265781000 Entire eyebrow (body structure) P00211 Y 54237 P special senses organ system 3CE6F7662796415DA74BFD1547E27445 C5A7152992F5439A8F5C484B61397310 Eyebrow Entire eyebrow (body structure) 212 212 00212 eyelid 80243003 S00212 Eyelid structure (body structure) E00212 265782007 Entire eyelid (body structure) P00212 Y 54437 P special senses organ system E397843E2A414557B504E71A1639541B 35A7F93D76D545999652EADAA3280F97 Eyelid Entire eyelid (body structure) 213 213 00213 uveal tract 74862005 S00213 Uveal tract structure (body structure) E00213 280648000 Entire uveal tract (body structure) P00213 Y 58103 P special senses organ system 790046BA8DBD4069BBBA52CC3732D349 5BF261A35D5A453EB101BFB406664780 Uveal tract Entire uveal tract (body structure) 214 214 00214 vitreous body 47538007 S00214 Vitreous body structure (body structure) E00214 181170006 Entire vitreous body (body structure) P00214 372242005 Vitreous body part (body structure) Y 58827 P special senses organ system B42CD36FFE9843D891259B570718E367 D3E1B83B933C40689A18EEF2C50905D0 3C9CA4A9441449728A1B7BD86CCD52C7 Vitreous body Entire vitreous body (body structure) Vitreous body Mucoid tissue in the vitreous chamber of the eyeball. Examples: There are only two instances, right and left vitreous bodies. 215 215 00215 fibrous tunic of eye 76729009 S00215 Fibrous tunic of eye structure (body structure) E00215 361318005 Entire tunica fibrosa of eyeball (body structure) P00215 Y 58102 P special senses organ system B2B4B800016741E68F114184B1C358B7 C2A2C7732AFF49D4BB4A0D65FC815467 Fibrous tunic of eye Entire tunica fibrosa of eyeball (body structure) 216 216 00216 body wall 280542007 S00216 Body wall structure (body structure) E00216 281483004 Entire body wall (body structure) P00216 - 10427 P 147569ECB6394C7AB30AA0E908EF1D19 784CC6E0F00643C3A578410787DAA808 Body wall Entire body wall (body structure) Subdivision of trunk that consists of those organs that separate the body cavity from the body's exterior; together with the body cavity and its contents, the body wall constitutes the trunk (one of the principal body parts). 217 217 00217 inguinal canal 90785001 S00217 Inguinal canal structure (body structure) E00217 243966008 Entire inguinal canal (body structure) P00217 Y 19928 P genitourinary system 76465E6430BF4520966C31F02CB3AC58 8CE0B51EA2D747BD813C54FD9B944B47 Inguinal canal Entire inguinal canal (body structure) 218 218 00218 abdominal wall 83908009 S00218 Abdominal wall structure (body structure) E00218 181613000 Entire abdominal wall (body structure) P00218 - 299989 P D7A6950AFB6E4EBC9EA236F62FE0E78E 2D5DFBBA2D0043D9A39937154A4E39D8 Abdominal wall Entire abdominal wall (body structure) 219 219 00219 chest wall 78904004 S00219 Chest wall structure (body structure) E00219 181608004 Entire chest wall (body structure) P00219 372216005 Part of chest wall (body structure) - 50060 P 6879494E45664FA0A1FCC4C4157856ED A9AD4B238B5C4ACF8DD3963D7DB48F77 9A6F6DE111BC466D9B1F81D7D1C14EBB Chest wall Entire chest wall (body structure) chest wall 220 220 00220 palpebral ligament 280573006 S00220 Palpebral ligament structure (body structure) E00220 281485006 Entire palpebral ligament (body structure) P00220 Y P special senses organ system 7DAC53A5F717424F807C1B18B475F46B A463ADC5B71B4D5AB7F4DDD92B35DD8F Palpebral ligament Entire palpebral ligament (body structure) 221 221 00221 umbilicus 78220002 S00221 Umbilical structure (body structure) E00221 265800007 Entire umbilicus (body structure) P00221 - 61584 P 112CC77EFFB14FF59AF55BA8ED468DEA E76458A3625543A3A4093C5E7CC3C364 Umbilicus Entire umbilicus (body structure) 222 222 00222 sclera 18619003 S00222 Scleral structure (body structure) E00222 181163006 Entire sclera (body structure) P00222 Y 58269 P special senses organ system F8B6840AF3BC40309F601792B55D6F8D DC048175A2C34BD8B43E48238EB961D8 Sclera Entire sclera (body structure) 223 223 00223 toe 29707007 S00223 Toe structure (body structure) E00223 302547009 Entire toe (body structure) P00223 Y 25046 P 828F17BF317B443093734366AB3FBF63 F61A88AF59E84B8F8DD74327B2295A04 Toe Entire toe (body structure) 224 224 00224 thumb 76505004 S00224 Thumb structure (body structure) E00224 302540006 Entire thumb (body structure) P00224 Y 24938 P D6C2BF46CB904BF995281BE53A62A05B 3A2B2B4D0F78446C8A61693BB2CA3A44 Thumb Entire thumb (body structure) 225 225 00225 finger 7569003 S00225 Finger structure (body structure) E00225 302541005 Entire finger (body structure) P00225 Y 0 P 64B38835A8CC4FDC94393D14FCB7CD76 42B7CB3285504B5687349D0022B5647E Finger Entire finger (body structure) 226 226 00226 lacrimal gland 13561001 S00226 Lacrimal gland structure (body structure) E00226 181147003 Entire lacrimal gland (body structure) P00226 372193006 Lacrimal gland part (body structure) Y 59101 P special senses organ system 726BFDDC9CB149DB95FE367E9F40CE17 C7FE87F2AC4C4D10A3C042BF5EBD38E5 501081F947E34C0AA6CEFB74193CD9FF Lacrimal gland Entire lacrimal gland (body structure) Lacrimal gland Lobular organ the parenchyma of which consists of glandular acini which communicate the lacrimal sac. Examples: There only two instances, right lacrimal and left lacrimal glands. 228 228 00228 vestibulocochlear nerve 8598002 S00228 Vestibulocochlear nerve structure (body structure) E00228 180945001 Entire vestibulocochlear nerve (body structure) P00228 Y 288222 P nervous system 6F506BD79FA7486891AE7396B274788D 1D8798E51ADC4C0383F5D5B24AD1B8D4 Vestibulocochlear nerve Entire vestibulocochlear nerve (body structure) 229 229 00229 lacrimal canaliculus 32401001 S00229 Lacrimal canaliculus structure (body structure) E00229 263348000 Entire lacrimal canaliculus (body structure) P00229 Y 58245 P special senses organ system DFBAF9E0A519468491F30B27D88E2DD7 F962704B42534D38990380A70BBFEDC3 Lacrimal canaliculus Entire lacrimal canaliculus (body structure) 230 230 00230 nasolacrimal duct 15753006 S00230 Nasolacrimal duct structure (body structure) E00230 280643009 Entire nasolacrimal duct (body structure) P00230 Y 9703 P special senses organ system B3FEFAFBF9DD484C9A7D968A882F2473 A5E892085B384A66B7CCC1E50CAF29CC Nasolacrimal duct Entire nasolacrimal duct (body structure) 231 231 00231 ciliary body 29534007 S00231 Ciliary body structure (body structure) E00231 263340007 Entire ciliary body (body structure) P00231 372173003 Ciliary body part (body structure) Y 58295 P special senses organ system A2304879DA254EF09EDFE406E4EFF26A A208B48B13884D8C97627A10F518FE26 3EFF135B9210496FACF203357D3C0F82 Ciliary body Entire ciliary body (body structure) Ciliary body 232 232 00232 body cavity 91806002 S00232 Body cavity structure (body structure) E00232 361348008 Entire body cavity (body structure) P00232 - 85006 P 0486A31ABD274FE9BD33F6F5C613119D 4A2C8373FFC84B2B9E2996E4E6F60E75 Body cavity Entire body cavity (body structure) 233 233 00233 peritoneal cavity 83670000 S00233 Peritoneal cavity structure (body structure) E00233 181616008 Entire peritoneal cavity (body structure) P00233 - 14704 P digestive system 9FC9119643A14D3393687B6266D5EFDB B09A748E7C844BC9B7A68DDE5E0B7C1A Peritoneal cavity Entire peritoneal cavity (body structure) Cavity of serous sac surrounded by the peritoneum. 234 234 00234 abdominal cavity 52731004 S00234 Abdominal cavity structure (body structure) E00234 361294009 Entire abdominal cavity (body structure) P00234 - 12266 P DCBD35E00F42454CBE277D21C249FDA8 59E60C440A5B4AAF91694811030523B7 Abdominal cavity Entire abdominal cavity (body structure) 235 235 00235 abdominal cavity proper 281902004 S00235 Abdominal cavity proper structure (body structure) E00235 361473009 Entire abdominal cavity proper (body structure) P00235 - 259187 P 26E593281A3644A2901B727BE28E749E 414465986C724BAC8CD736E997A12926 Abdominal cavity proper Entire abdominal cavity proper (body structure) 236 236 00236 pelvic cavity 21844003 S00236 Pelvic cavity structure (body structure) E00236 281903009 Entire pelvic cavity (body structure) P00236 - 9738 P EF4F9EB6C51444CB931594D4299345E4 F408EA46FE254157A8DB5D0EEA20542A Pelvic cavity Entire pelvic cavity (body structure) 237 237 00237 pelvic floor 87770006 S00237 Pelvic floor structure (body structure) E00237 361300007 Entire pelvic floor (body structure) P00237 - 0 P 45B8105D07904FAD8F9560F3E885BA1B 53B610FD6E8E49BCBC9BE60FA3A74FF8 Pelvic floor Entire pelvic floor (body structure) 238 238 00238 iris 41296002 S00238 Iris structure (body structure) E00238 181164000 Entire iris (body structure) P00238 Y 58235 P special senses organ system 7354B474CC114936A81E2FE408F35238 FD9119ADD35C4234BF6055234101F820 Iris Entire iris (body structure) 239 239 00239 palatine bone 51283005 S00239 Palatine bone structure (body structure) E00239 244654005 Entire palatine bone (body structure) P00239 119530001 Palatine bone part (body structure) Y 52746 P digestive system 4030A552D5CE4BADB4677C1BB05D50B9 5B68008152204C5A9EA15A90E14E82EC 74F091F76CA346148FB98664FC2D586A Palatine bone Entire palatine bone (body structure) Palatine bone 240 240 00240 metatarsal bone 53884002 S00240 Metatarsal bone structure (body structure) E00240 302532000 Entire metatarsal (body structure) P00240 119548005 Metatarsal bone part (body structure) Y 24492 P musculoskeletal system 9D5B3D12D0DF4E0792EE3708D9009CE4 6EA7D5B27FE14D128C14057927F3B136 D0FD672339D4485A8B655DB2A96F25A8 Metatarsal bone Entire metatarsal (body structure) Metatarsal bone 241 241 00241 first metatarsal 20151003 S00241 First metatarsal structure (body structure) E00241 182121005 Entire first metatarsal (body structure) P00241 Y 24502 P musculoskeletal system B339E4738C5E4FE48EBF636CCBEFB04B 0B5DCC470E57443985174C834F24D3F6 First metatarsal Entire first metatarsal (body structure) 242 242 00242 second metatarsal 23468006 S00242 Second metatarsal structure (body structure) E00242 182128004 Entire second metatarsal (body structure) P00242 Y 24503 P musculoskeletal system E0C0387E6AD14BE296C8E983B61E9802 8B238DA1DFDA4A17AE4EBC7921AD2835 Second metatarsal Entire second metatarsal (body structure) 243 243 00243 third metatarsal 90431000 S00243 Third metatarsal structure (body structure) E00243 182134006 Entire third metatarsal (body structure) P00243 Y 24504 P musculoskeletal system AFE36FA536A3440FB72FB884A75492B8 C2DC6622FD4045FD96913360286E614F Third metatarsal Entire third metatarsal (body structure) 244 244 00244 fourth metatarsal 88869001 S00244 Fourth metatarsal structure (body structure) E00244 182139001 Entire fourth metatarsal (body structure) P00244 Y 24505 P musculoskeletal system 4E19D43B0D134567AA5BBC756407B85F 95BEF6DC22E94C06879108F7B3D364B1 Fourth metatarsal Entire fourth metatarsal (body structure) 245 245 00245 fifth metatarsal 301000 S00245 Fifth metatarsal structure (body structure) E00245 182144008 Entire fifth metatarsal (body structure) P00245 Y 24506 P musculoskeletal system 66341B96067841309F15B02AB4E907A3 F0794279BD664B419DBFDE01F0AF4A92 Fifth metatarsal Entire fifth metatarsal (body structure) 247 247 00247 great toe 78883009 S00247 Great toe structure (body structure) E00247 302546000 Entire great toe (body structure) P00247 372188008 Hallux part (body structure) Y 25047 P 75A651030C0B4CEAB2C0D6C3F49EBAEF CD434A064FB949609CCCAE81CB8E7E92 268F014793DB4D4D8F98B9FFDFC51CCB Great toe Entire great toe (body structure) Hallux 248 248 00248 lesser toe 282004003 S00248 Lesser toe structure (body structure) E00248 182308006 Entire lesser toe (body structure) P00248 372196003 Lesser toe part (body structure) Y P E22DFC998AF1453284353A332C853419 7E50EC3674AD490596FFD2C696E5228C 2E33EF2EB06E4630AFBDDF50524DF86C Lesser toe Entire lesser toe (body structure) Lesser toe 249 249 00249 skin appendage 7748002 S00249 Skin appendage structure (body structure) E00249 276160000 Entire skin appendage (body structure) P00249 - 71012 P integumentary system B35B05550BCC48BFB01B15CAE33B140E C29AC7F72848461FAE1ACD6D05520712 Skin appendage Entire skin appendage (body structure) 250 250 00250 ciliary muscle 9668006 S00250 Ciliary muscle structure (body structure) E00250 280862009 Entire ciliary muscle (body structure) P00250 Y 49151 P muscular system D3C0F7B403974830BB98336E4D924DF5 E4E564CE182F4176A87DD5FE5BFA2EE3 Ciliary muscle Entire ciliary muscle (body structure) 251 251 00251 ciliary epithelium 280869000 S00251 Ciliary epithelium structure (body structure) E00251 280870004 Entire ciliary epithelium (body structure) P00251 Y 58464 P special senses organ system AD4B35D6A58E475F98302143D9F65213 52702B3341804D78A97ED54D5FACAD53 Ciliary epithelium Entire ciliary epithelium (body structure) 252 252 00252 limb 66019005 S00252 Limb structure (body structure) E00252 243996003 Entire limb (body structure) P00252 120573002 Extremity part (body structure) Y 7182 P A3945F1D359B4D6BB31854928D338F77 FC043CCA796E4AF1A4B12FF103A8063A 2A6F7D8F04234B609878EFA50201DE96 Limb Entire limb (body structure) Extremity Cardinal body part, which consists of a maximal set of diverse subclasses of organ and organ part spatially associated with a complete set of bones of the appendicular skeleton, it is partially surrounded by skin of limb. Examples: There are only four instances, right upper and lower limbs and left upper and lower limbs. 253 253 00253 lower limb 61685007 S00253 Lower limb structure (body structure) E00253 182281004 Entire lower limb (body structure) P00253 120575009 Lower extremity part (body structure) Y 7184 P EAA0613855D64815AC1A310F555A4A8C F27C1A1E69D7446B82D77E62E7EBE7F9 8E4F291DD81F4FB6BDADDBFE1F54520D Lower limb Entire lower limb (body structure) Lower extremity 254 254 00254 upper limb 53120007 S00254 Upper limb structure (body structure) E00254 182245002 Entire upper limb (body structure) P00254 120574008 Upper extremity part (body structure) Y 7183 P 0E2262DBBA0B4430850C62AC6C45E57B EA1C364C9FE94B3D9987E88CCFA508A6 67F250B15FBB490CBCED0E6422827A2A Upper limb Entire upper limb (body structure) Upper extremity 255 255 00255 cheek 60819002 S00255 Cheek structure (body structure) E00255 182325008 Entire cheek (body structure) P00255 Y 46476 P digestive system 3CDA802870BB47C08619C137A3E95B68 9BA89F82DAD6415DBA54C560FFE05506 Cheek Entire cheek (body structure) 256 256 00256 perineum 38864007 S00256 Perineal structure (body structure) E00256 243990009 Entire perineum (body structure) P00256 - 9579 P 9307A1AEE8B04B918E95F396993E5ADF FEC65EA6088E418D99FB6741234FB6E9 Perineum Entire perineum (body structure) Subdivision of trunk proper, which is demarcated from the pelvis by the inferior surface of the pelvic diaphragm and from the lower limbs by the perineofemoral lines; together with the thorax, and abdomen, it constitutes the trunk proper. Examples: There is only one perineum. 257 257 00257 submandibular salivary apparatus 54019009 S00257 Submandibular salivary apparatus (body structure) E00257 181235001 Entire submandibular gland (body structure) P00257 Y P digestive system 733AB3944A0B4F54AD0BD3720E392D06 76C3DA57DFD04B28AB0456BA1AD23B9A Submandibular salivary apparatus Entire submandibular gland (body structure) 258 258 00258 upper alveolar ridge 288541004 S00258 Upper alveolar ridge structure (body structure) E00258 245791001 Entire upper alveolar ridge (body structure) P00258 Y P digestive system B02E7116AF7143B9BA3F397FB30F57F7 79052DBA8405430E9847A5A5331A0460 Upper alveolar ridge Entire upper alveolar ridge (body structure) 259 259 00259 lower alveolar ridge 288546009 S00259 Lower alveolar ridge structure (body structure) E00259 245795005 Entire lower alveolar ridge (body structure) P00259 - P digestive system EE6147A908A34354A151DFF9E73E0386 A4D9D539ADC4425F98F26EA9B0F6E03E Lower alveolar ridge Entire lower alveolar ridge (body structure) 260 260 00260 sternal bone marrow 297219004 S00260 Sternal bone marrow structure (body structure) E00260 32980006 All sternal bone marrow (body structure) P00260 - P hematopoietic system F5DB596B577D4AE3B8641B02770A21E5 71A1C78753A342D3BC8BEBAF2A71C614 Sternal bone marrow All sternal bone marrow (body structure) 261 261 00261 iliac crest marrow 297220005 S00261 Iliac crest marrow structure (body structure) E00261 20677005 All iliac crest bone marrow (body structure) P00261 Y P skeletal system 272EFFDEF84B4F7BAF04B6209C801721 D825E34355B44D79A50446866B5E0E22 Iliac crest marrow All iliac crest bone marrow (body structure) 262 262 00262 rib bone marrow 297221009 S00262 Rib bone marrow structure (body structure) E00262 313228006 All bone marrow of a rib (body structure) P00262 Y P hematopoietic system 320362384A9A4C67AD11657A7EEA451F 6DE9146B3FD049F08260461EEB9DBC4F Rib bone marrow All bone marrow of a rib (body structure) 263 263 00263 cervicothoracic inter-regional junction area of spinal region of back 297171002 S00263 Cervicothoracic region of spine structure (body structure) E00263 282022000 Entire cervicothoracic region of spine (body structure) P00263 - P musculoskeletal system 9CBE7AD854544571AC1C9D2A467F5BD8 3C0EDA8B14D740A4B124B96F09DBE8A4 Cervicothoracic region of spine Entire cervicothoracic region of spine (body structure) 264 264 00264 thoracolumbar inter-regional junction area of spinal region of back 297172009 S00264 Thoracolumbar region of spine structure (body structure) E00264 282023005 Entire thoracolumbar region of spine (body structure) P00264 - P musculoskeletal system BC439E97101D4085BE805DD547C182D9 3D118E42CAFB41FB8A722E14A8BC5EF9 Thoracolumbar region of spine Entire thoracolumbar region of spine (body structure) 265 265 00265 lumbosacral inter-regional junction area of spinal region of back 297173004 S00265 Lumbosacral region of spine structure (body structure) E00265 282024004 Entire lumbosacral region of spine (body structure) P00265 - P musculoskeletal system 553336835CE642A294CD87B3DF0DD72F 9F9B9FA14D194A24BFED9DC999B0645F Lumbosacral region of spine Entire lumbosacral region of spine (body structure) 266 266 00266 sacrococcygeal inter-regional junction area of spinal region of back 297174005 S00266 Sacrococcygeal region of spine structure (body structure) E00266 304901006 Entire sacrococcygeal region of spine (body structure) P00266 - P musculoskeletal system 5EB8ACB57A2A4163B72A2FE92D466FC3 6895D05F05D5416D95AB36F77792F973 Sacrococcygeal region of spine Entire sacrococcygeal region of spine (body structure) 267 267 00267 eyeball segment 302151004 S00267 Eyeball segment structure (body structure) E00267 280535007 Entire segment of eyeball (body structure) P00267 Y 86144 P special senses organ system 0AD1E7FA3DDD47A399199F850113E254 8E5F46CAE0314C0797C97A582E0C735A Eyeball segment Entire segment of eyeball (body structure) Organ segment which is regional part of eyeball. Examples: anterior segment of eyeball, posterior segment of eyeball. 268 268 00268 anterior eyeball segment 32259006 S00268 Anterior eyeball segment structure (body structure) E00268 280658001 Entire anterior segment of eyeball (body structure) P00268 Y 58865 P special senses organ system 4AD232C85E8F40D3A6EFC1990F2FFC98 348CBA4C85214D3AB773AC2E60305CD4 Anterior eyeball segment Entire anterior segment of eyeball (body structure) 269 269 00269 posterior eyeball segment 77205005 S00269 Posterior eyeball segment structure (body structure) E00269 280659009 Entire posterior segment of eyeball (body structure) P00269 Y 58868 P special senses organ system AC48FD32D6D049FB8828C184A5972958 3030542090FD40EAAF60C7557AD62746 Posterior eyeball segment Entire posterior segment of eyeball (body structure) 270 270 00270 auditory pathway 410727002 S00270 Auditory pathway structure (body structure) E00270 302155008 Entire auditory pathway (body structure) P00270 Y P nervous system C84B3BEA52E544C78917A71ADACE9B07 278C78F14EDD42E4B163F4CEAE33E9F5 Auditory pathway Entire auditory pathway (body structure) 271 271 00271 uterine adnexa 23043003 S00271 Uterine adnexae structure (body structure) E00271 361373008 Entire uterine adnexa (body structure) P00271 - 0 P genital system B6B70475004B4779AEF2E06BB10CF77B 7EAD0DEE3ABD47D08F95AFC56E6764B2 Uterine adnexae Entire uterine adnexa (body structure) 272 272 00272 stapes 22718006 S00272 Stapes structure (body structure) E00272 264199009 Entire stapes (body structure) P00272 Y 52751 P special senses organ system 3A9C28C3E06142CFAAF7175F75B65814 58FFB11AC0B74D80AA8C5CCDC1239AB8 Stapes Entire stapes (body structure) 273 273 00273 malleus 34080009 S00273 Malleus structure (body structure) E00273 264090005 Entire malleus (body structure) P00273 Y 52753 P special senses organ system 8134FA5D9F9D4717A0E20EE881F9B288 90D069A39E60494AB88E049106EE3562 Malleus Entire malleus (body structure) 274 274 00274 incus 35395007 S00274 Incus structure (body structure) E00274 272649008 Entire incus (body structure) P00274 Y 52752 P special senses organ system D2E4F48CB0384DF998F886EE37D29F9C 2FC9331002FC42B2ABCCF6A387D341A6 Incus Entire incus (body structure) 275 275 00275 labyrinth 302462009 S00275 Labyrinth structure (body structure) E00275 304982002 Entire labyrinth (body structure) P00275 Y P special senses organ system B6F450484C4D46D6AA40AAC990091AF1 59F9BD20A4AD42D9BB12EBC47552D97F Labyrinth Entire labyrinth (body structure) 276 276 00276 bile duct 28273000 S00276 Bile duct structure (body structure) E00276 276157007 Entire bile duct (body structure) P00276 372166008 Bile duct part (body structure) - 9706 P digestive system 1AA5301599694D0B9BD454BFE5DBCBF2 F2AEB26711154BFCBE03A5D1110E324D 8DBC2B2529C648359196F6F5270B5492 Bile duct Entire bile duct (body structure) Bile duct 277 277 00277 jejunum 21306003 S00277 Jejunal structure (body structure) E00277 181248002 Entire jejunum (body structure) P00277 372191008 Jejunal part (body structure) - 7207 P digestive system C1FA75D8C7034CFE8EE872A9F1115E34 6E5B4C7748004865ACDA12A79719F507 792DD875BF42448AA5FA76EBF2CE5785 Jejunum Entire jejunum (body structure) Jejunum 278 278 00278 ileum 34516001 S00278 Ileal structure (body structure) E00278 181249005 Entire ileum (body structure) P00278 372190009 Ileal part (body structure) - 7208 P digestive system AE0618A1B78F48B9AB3106993153556B 5E8437E11ED341048E2F56632DA35473 FD660018354848D78C8CD3328A6FC891 Ileum Entire ileum (body structure) Ileum 279 279 00279 joint between cervical vertebral bodies S00279 E00279 244514004 Entire joint between cervical vertebral bodies (body structure) P00279 - P musculoskeletal system B182C75ED62A483E9E0CF97B051E5C28 Entire joint between cervical vertebral bodies (body structure) 280 280 00280 joint between thoracic vertebral bodies S00280 E00280 181856008 Entire joint between thoracic vertebral bodies (body structure) P00280 - 26087 P musculoskeletal system 63BB12C1A050412A987FE2642DB6726F Entire joint between thoracic vertebral bodies (body structure) 281 281 00281 joint between lumbar vertebral bodies S00281 E00281 181857004 Entire joint between lumbar vertebral bodies (body structure) P00281 - 26088 P musculoskeletal system A54F650612AC4C7B948E79EF797218F2 Entire joint between lumbar vertebral bodies (body structure) 282 282 00282 sacral spine joint 129169002 S00282 Sacral spine joint structure (body structure) E00282 244534003 Entire joint between sacral vertebral bodies (body structure) P00282 - P musculoskeletal system 1F746970E6DE4B078FE3DB12D688B846 6E6F05F176AC4A5FBE1418E318994D8A Sacral spine joint Entire joint between sacral vertebral bodies (body structure) 283 283 00283 thoracic spinal cord meninges 303920000 S00283 Thoracic spinal cord meninges structure (body structure) E00283 280394005 Entire thoracic cord meninges (body structure) P00283 - P nervous system 4B494FA5730E4EA0B8FD02F215F5975F FFE7AF92188E42A4A64E4DDE2B73106E Thoracic spinal cord meninges Entire thoracic cord meninges (body structure) 284 284 00284 thoracic spinal nerve root 66828007 S00284 Thoracic spinal nerve root structure (body structure) E00284 180967000 Entire thoracic spinal nerve root (body structure) P00284 Y 14064 P nervous system 8D216D08A38247138967BBC4E042FA0B 21E3A33B92D648BB8646CB30600F2400 Thoracic spinal nerve root Entire thoracic spinal nerve root (body structure) 285 285 00285 cervical spinal cord 54785003 S00285 Cervical spinal cord structure (body structure) E00285 180960003 Entire cervical spinal cord (body structure) P00285 - 71166 P nervous system 8A56676DF5A948018E8460D77F7EDAC6 14FFD9B040154254B21AA4BD1AEFDC7C Cervical spinal cord Entire cervical spinal cord (body structure) 286 286 00286 thoracic spinal cord 50800009 S00286 Thoracic spinal cord structure (body structure) E00286 180961004 Entire dorsal spinal cord (body structure) P00286 - 71167 P nervous system B43E543B84C14414A40B686B0A22AE62 5A64C099A1D44BA6BC431633AF01D9CC Thoracic spinal cord Entire dorsal spinal cord (body structure) 287 287 00287 lumbar spinal cord 60051002 S00287 Lumbar spinal cord structure (body structure) E00287 180962006 Entire lumbar spinal cord (body structure) P00287 - 71168 P nervous system 4A3C5D5CFD794AF2A834C2C16F8EF694 6D17379117F34D1D8B574868E1960A61 Lumbar spinal cord Entire lumbar spinal cord (body structure) The segment of the spinal cord that is the origin of the lumbar spinal nerve roots. NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS THE SEGMENT OF THE SPINAL CORD CONTAINED IN THE LUMBAR SECTION OF THE SPINAL CANAL. 288 288 00288 cervical spinal cord meninges 303912002 S00288 Cervical spinal cord meninges structure (body structure) E00288 280393004 Entire cervical cord meninges (body structure) P00288 - P nervous system 66358C7CA32A4D90B7B3B440BF3BD6AF ECF314883C3A46E087F5BDDB0EAB877A Cervical spinal cord meninges Entire cervical cord meninges (body structure) 289 289 00289 cervical spinal nerve root 79677002 S00289 Cervical spinal nerve root structure (body structure) E00289 180966009 Entire cervical spinal nerve root (body structure) P00289 Y 16422 P nervous system F6478EE1EE444F05B38919726B2C5F2C 60F58D0AFA73414DB316A32B29E92B25 Cervical spinal nerve root Entire cervical spinal nerve root (body structure) 290 290 00290 lumbar spinal cord meninges 303948000 S00290 Lumbar spinal cord meninges structure (body structure) E00290 280395006 Entire lumbar cord meninges (body structure) P00290 - P nervous system 1F10F29B71E64168ABD073360D32FB36 FF7289581E11499B854F19322BD5D3C1 Lumbar spinal cord meninges Entire lumbar cord meninges (body structure) 291 291 00291 lumbar spinal nerve root 128198006 S00291 Lumbar spinal nerve root structure (body structure) E00291 180968005 Entire lumbar spinal nerve root (body structure) P00291 Y 16421 P nervous system 362BE9269A394496B2CB0C580577FB37 4A61ED225B9249E7BD0944C4BA26E285 Lumbar spinal nerve root Entire lumbar spinal nerve root (body structure) 292 292 00292 sacral spine 303950008 S00292 E00292 264184009 P292 - 0 P 293 293 00293 sacral spinal cord 11478001 S00293 Sacral spinal cord structure (body structure) E00293 244438003 Entire sacral spinal cord (body structure) P00293 - P nervous system 350F1102EB81405D82852FE185ACAC34 0EB72452C17A4F468BA7E3F31E566D0A Sacral spinal cord Entire sacral spinal cord (body structure) 294 294 00294 sacral spinal cord meninges 303951007 S00294 Sacral spinal cord meninges structure (body structure) E00294 280396007 Entire sacral cord meninges (body structure) P00294 - P nervous system 73FE20CFD99E43CCA2E7323B4438CF71 13B7007864FC4CBABD218B79F7C0EF35 Sacral spinal cord meninges Entire sacral cord meninges (body structure) 295 295 00295 sacral spinal nerve root 128199003 S00295 Sacral spinal nerve root structure (body structure) E00295 244454000 Entire sacral spinal nerve root (body structure) P00295 Y 18028 P nervous system 9E77D2D3F0614E1E9E12D7626FC75F63 AD00DEB0B2384A6581A3929AFFF931F9 Sacral spinal nerve root Entire sacral spinal nerve root (body structure) 296 296 00296 lumbar region of back 52612000 S00296 Lumbar region back structure (body structure) E00296 182343007 Entire lumbar region (body structure) P00296 - 61681 P regional/topgraphical 048CB32500D04FBEA45A332931DCD325 1045CBE3E7794E7396C6A91080A2421A Lumbar region back Entire lumbar region (body structure) The subdivision of the back of the trunk which is demarcated from the abdomen by the anterior surface of the posterior abdominal wall and the anterior surface of the lumbar vertebral column. 296 296 00296 lumbar region of back 52612000 S00296 Lumbar region back structure (body structure) E00296 182343007 Entire lumbar region (body structure) P00296 - 61681 P regional/topgraphical 048CB32500D04FBEA45A332931DCD325 1045CBE3E7794E7396C6A91080A2421A Lumbar region back Entire lumbar region (body structure) Subdivision of back of trunk which is demarcated from the abdomen by the posterior surface of the anterior layer of the thoracolumbar fascia and the anterior surface of the lumbar vertebral column; together with the abdomen, it constitutes the abdominal segment of trunk. Examples: There is only one back of abdomen. 297 297 00297 sacral region of back 46452000 S00297 Sacral region back structure (body structure) E00297 182344001 Entire sacral region (body structure) P00297 - 24228 P regional/topgraphical A6EE84BE75BB4EC7ADFB6BF64B55F185 1CF21CC005A24713AD38888AA5CE7478 Sacral region back Entire sacral region (body structure) 298 298 00298 surface of knee 244016009 S00298 Structure of surface region of knee (body structure) E00298 182294002 Entire surface region of knee (body structure) P00298 272619006 Aspect of knee region (body structure) Y 25418 D integument/surface 519A8E13BDF14CC8BA2F484E11ACC676 53D35DBF992247C391F5D5D019FC5302 4C9D21209F364B669A643001524B2B27 surface region of knee Entire surface region of knee (body structure) Aspect of knee region 299 299 00299 surface of ankle 244019002 S00299 Structure of surface region of ankle (body structure) E00299 182301000 Entire ankle surface region (body structure) P00299 Y 25439 D integument/surface E97A93156A614EA28B9C7BC5F8D29DBC E96D41A8F0284F82BA7CBA4D6033C293 surface region of ankle Entire ankle surface region (body structure) 300 300 00300 back of neck 304036007 S00300 Cervical region back structure (body structure) E00300 362654002 Entire posterior portion of neck (body structure) P00300 - 24189 P 266F01A4455A471C880B3737B22AFB5D 76B36BB73BF4482EA9EFF3256B94EABF Cervical region back Entire posterior portion of neck (body structure) Subdivision of neck, which is demarcated from the front of the neck by the plane of the anterior part of the prevertebral fascia; together with the front of the neck, it constitutes the neck. 301 301 00301 thoracic region of back 304037003 S00301 Thoracic region back structure (body structure) E00301 P00301 - P regional/topgraphical 6964D41506CF419488DA3B89E0251E5B Thoracic region back 302 302 00302 lateral meniscus 10013000 S00302 Lateral meniscus structure (body structure) E00302 182449005 Entire lateral meniscus (body structure) P00302 372195004 Lateral meniscus part (body structure) Y 44631 P articular system B42B056BAC0E4A21B0750B09E16AA672 FCB47D1984D644D2B16F725761A5E529 166ED975AC124A508B68F616D773EBE0 Lateral meniscus Entire lateral meniscus (body structure) Lateral meniscus 303 303 00303 medial meniscus 49390008 S00303 Medial meniscus structure (body structure) E00303 182446003 Entire medial meniscus (body structure) P00303 372199005 Medial meniscus part (body structure) Y 44620 P articular system 899EBF4C998049E88A4824CEA67CDB47 885E03D615A246389E8EB2B72662D38E CAF2D89997AE4C41849D933BEF7C28CB Medial meniscus Entire medial meniscus (body structure) Medial meniscus 304 304 00304 tonsil and adenoid 303337002 S00304 Tonsil and adenoid structure (body structure) E00304 361670003 Entire tonsils and adenoids (body structure) P00304 Y P lymphoid system FA33EDCB68AF47CFAE8474427804C412 AEE031528B0B41B9AC852CD7C020D190 Tonsil and adenoid Entire tonsils and adenoids (body structure) 305 305 00305 temporomandibular joint 53620006 S00305 Temporomandibular joint structure (body structure) E00305 181814009 Entire temporomandibular joint (body structure) P00305 Y 54832 P digestive system D17A493464794CDBAC8A8A763A0CFB0E CD65B1F92ADA4D438CBB3E6EAFD58E82 Temporomandibular joint Entire temporomandibular joint (body structure) 307 307 00307 surface of elbow 243999005 S00307 Structure of surface region of elbow (body structure) E00307 182254004 Entire surface region of elbow (body structure) P00307 Y 25273 D integument/surface CDEBEEE17EBD43DB89E834DF3793717A 493D1F0EBE2A4EDE8888AD72F0CB7D85 surface region of elbow Entire surface region of elbow (body structure) 308 308 00308 surface of wrist 244002004 S00308 Structure of surface region of wrist (body structure) E00308 182260004 Entire surface region of wrist (body structure) P00308 Y 25299 D integument/surface A6A058950D48434F8D3ADBD2F0DC88D2 E448785EE6CE480F96031D6F0041FE13 surface region of wrist Entire surface region of wrist (body structure) 309 309 00309 vertebral region of cervical part of back 699690009 S00309 Structure of vertebral region of cervical part of back (body structure) E00309 P00309 - 0 P Cervical spine Entire cervical spine (body structure) 310 310 00310 vertebral region of thoracic part of back 699691008 S00310 Structure of vertebral region of thoracic part of back (body structure) E00310 P00310 - 0 P Thoracic spine Entire thoracic spine (body structure) 311 311 00311 vertebral region of lumbar part of back 699692001 S00311 Structure of vertebral region of lumbar part of back (body structure) E00311 P00311 - 0 P Lumbar spine Entire lumbar spine (body structure) 312 312 00312 jaw region of head 661005 S00312 Jaw region structure (body structure) E00312 181811001 Entire jaw region (body structure) P00312 - 54396 P regional/topgraphical A1638CDF44624A099D97C181C9A2BAA7 EA9857C0294842A39D0942D6DF63F077 Jaw region Entire jaw region (body structure) 313 313 00313 digit 82680008 S00313 Digit structure (body structure) E00313 361367007 Entire digit (body structure) P00313 Y P A238B4FEBE804E9186029440059DAE92 896680083D6A4F52B3FB0D8BD650C003 Digit Entire digit (body structure) 314 314 00314 superior oblique muscle 66041005 S00314 Superior oblique muscle structure (body structure) E00314 181155005 Entire superior oblique (body structure) P00314 Y 49039 P musculoskeletal system 9A2F5EDE48804B86A556E281F13FFC7B A0DAB22E63984C7293DE573DE3756252 Superior oblique muscle Entire superior oblique (body structure) 315 315 00315 inferior oblique muscle 57516003 S00315 Inferior oblique muscle structure (body structure) E00315 181156006 Entire inferior oblique (body structure) P00315 Y 49040 P musculoskeletal system 04C9771D87A54E398C165A51F724961F ED9B8AA752594ECCADDA03BB1B32E4D1 Inferior oblique muscle Entire inferior oblique (body structure) 316 316 00316 superior rectus muscle 5815008 S00316 Superior rectus muscle structure (body structure) E00316 181153003 Entire superior rectus (body structure) P00316 Y 49035 P musculoskeletal system 8114FFAC08A5409FA8048915258967CB D95396A41DA94B67AE67CF146896A992 Superior rectus muscle Entire superior rectus (body structure) 317 317 00317 inferior rectus muscle 47869003 S00317 Inferior rectus muscle structure (body structure) E00317 181154009 Entire inferior rectus (body structure) P00317 Y 49036 P musculoskeletal system E5C108661D13437CB9C0C8BEF4EC5704 AD6921C66ED44F6183532AD93C0E2EC0 Inferior rectus muscle Entire inferior rectus (body structure) 318 318 00318 medial rectus muscle 24937009 S00318 Medial rectus muscle structure (body structure) E00318 181151001 Entire medial rectus (body structure) P00318 Y 49037 P musculoskeletal system 23892948840E479B85A18B5677CC93CA 46362C17C73943A7B44C63B9B800601A Medial rectus muscle Entire medial rectus (body structure) 319 319 00319 lateral rectus muscle 31836009 S00319 Lateral rectus muscle structure (body structure) E00319 181152008 Entire lateral rectus (body structure) P00319 Y 49038 P musculoskeletal system 13EB0864B27B49549EBFD4F2579CDB87 0D7B2C37356D4D2ABB053B3004ED2A23 Lateral rectus muscle Entire lateral rectus (body structure) 320 320 00320 gonad 43174007 S00320 Gonadal structure (body structure) E00320 304623008 Entire gonad (body structure) P00320 Y P genital system A775B043FD76486B95BA90FE66E6A5DF A1A559DEC0B14EDAA901DD8F98BF4268 Gonad Entire gonad (body structure) 321 321 00321 face 89545001 S00321 Face structure (body structure) E00321 302549007 Entire face (body structure) P00321 - 24728 P 0524EE4159B5489CB5714E1C9FED599B 047C317E75714B67A08E989FBB8F7D51 Face Entire face (body structure) Subdivision of head which consists of the viscerocranium and all layers superficial to it. 322 322 00322 frontal sinus 55060009 S00322 Frontal sinus structure (body structure) E00322 181205008 Entire frontal sinus (body structure) P00322 Y 57417 P respiratory system 2B4EE3BC36E949C6B467AF2D50AF934D 8AF9CB96BEA64E2F9F484A70A4394180 Frontal sinus Entire frontal sinus (body structure) 323 323 00323 ethmoid sinus 54215007 S00323 Ethmoid sinus structure (body structure) E00323 181206009 Entire ethmoid sinus (body structure) P00323 372180001 Ethmoid sinus part (body structure) Y P respiratory system 25B6DC360AF84C16A160D501FCA631FC AA9A618BC79A4C3093FD592DA8D2F9CD 724EB3FD6E8F46DB8D9D845CA0815FFA Ethmoid sinus Entire ethmoid sinus (body structure) Ethmoid sinus 324 324 00324 sphenoid sinus 24999009 S00324 Sphenoid sinus structure (body structure) E00324 181207000 Entire sphenoid sinus (body structure) P00324 Y 54683 P respiratory system 1CD4563671FF4DFFA81213BF0A9CC51E D4427ADFC0F947BBB00B8E78870121EB Sphenoid sinus Entire sphenoid sinus (body structure) 325 325 00325 maxillary sinus 15924003 S00325 Maxillary sinus structure (body structure) E00325 181204007 Entire maxillary sinus (body structure) P00325 Y 57715 P respiratory system 93EF2C61A85049268EBDCB0E0E9F13F9 0F75E0D6A2084AD39EB66387EE7A37AF Maxillary sinus Entire maxillary sinus (body structure) 326 326 00326 fascia 84820005 S00326 Structure of fascia (body structure) E00326 181772008 Entire fascia (body structure) P00326 - P musculoskeletal system 06D372ED5D08400BBB410618F617F69A 5A5B49DF020441A7B76C204A4B9AAC24 fascia Entire fascia (body structure) 327 327 00327 tibial plateau 306783000 S00327 Tibial plateau structure (body structure) E00327 182074003 Entire tibial plateau (body structure) P00327 Y P skeletal system 85E5C7DACF954F0C9AA1681D47E27A89 4FF364ADF4ED41E9A36C970D4B4A752D Tibial plateau Entire tibial plateau (body structure) 328 328 00328 digit of hand 125685002 S00328 Digit of hand structure (body structure) E00328 283992002 Entire digit of hand (body structure) P00328 Y 9666 P 6B69CAA1E22B4C6C82CC07986F40F159 4046CF2643454769946036B960C33126 Digit of hand Entire digit of hand (body structure) Subdivision of the hand demarcated from the hand proper by the skin crease in line with the distal edge of finger webs. Examples: thumb, right middle finger, left little finger. 329 329 00329 base of skull 31467002 S00329 Base of skull structure (body structure) E00329 181890004 Entire base of skull (body structure) P00329 - 52801 P skeletal system E6230C3BAA67413A9128872B53C2837F 278151A5B8D84823B859A0692905D8FF Base of skull Entire base of skull (body structure) 330 330 00330 supraspinatus muscle 6423006 S00330 Supraspinatus muscle structure (body structure) E00330 181626001 Entire supraspinatus (body structure) P00330 Y 9629 P musculoskeletal system EC682DA2B5F74EE8956E89D8490F9F20 89271D86ADB14E2487CB5B9570B8FF7F Supraspinatus muscle Entire supraspinatus (body structure) 331 331 00331 infraspinatus muscle 72573008 S00331 Infraspinatous muscle structure (body structure) E00331 277439009 Entire infraspinatus (body structure) P00331 Y 32546 P musculoskeletal system F6FA3C2ACF3D407997CAD81DE471C346 8C13F21F04A747639849A62D6ED715A3 Infraspinatous muscle Entire infraspinatus (body structure) 332 332 00332 subscapularis muscle 90588001 S00332 Subscapularis muscle structure (body structure) E00332 277446000 Entire subscapularis (body structure) P00332 Y 13413 P musculoskeletal system 6D529104CC1D40B99134A0FDD3AA899F 43061158841341BE8002E9D14116CC87 Subscapularis muscle Entire subscapularis (body structure) 333 333 00333 adductor longus muscle 85629004 S00333 Adductor longus muscle structure (body structure) E00333 181686003 Entire adductor longus (body structure) P00333 Y 22441 P skeletal system 32BCDECF65E248148C65CE1A50D1192C 235F01574CB14A328E5D1D74C59FC8D3 Adductor longus muscle Entire adductor longus (body structure) 334 334 00334 rectus femoris muscle 72226001 S00334 Rectus femoris muscle structure (body structure) E00334 181679006 Entire rectus femoris (body structure) P00334 Y 22430 P muscular system D5E9B2D2FE764707A9F02B0CB5B7CC03 9EE75386344D4EDFAC51E49867A23FA8 Rectus femoris muscle Entire rectus femoris (body structure) 335 335 00335 posterior muscle of thigh 128511007 S00335 Posterior muscle of thigh structure (body structure) E00335 181673007 Entire posterior muscle of thigh (body structure) P00335 Y 81022 P skeletal system 2CD660A886914B42897B325431D9C456 5293F8F83D0D409AA25CE06A9B231387 Posterior muscle of thigh Entire posterior muscle of thigh (body structure) 336 336 00336 gastrocnemius muscle 35616000 S00336 Gastrocnemius muscle structure (body structure) E00336 181700004 Entire gastrocnemius (body structure) P00336 Y 22541 P muscular system E518ED4DECF2426EB351F41602911D31 792D4ECC2B73456585E724902DDCA0AA Gastrocnemius muscle Entire gastrocnemius (body structure) 337 337 00337 lateral crural muscle 307033005 S00337 Lateral crural muscle structure (body structure) E00337 245028005 Entire lateral crural muscle (body structure) P00337 Y 22473 P muscular system CCE49CE13DC441119F63A3EDABC0AC8F 9C325133C6D942A2B604737069600DE6 Lateral crural muscle Entire lateral crural muscle (body structure) 338 338 00338 tibialis anterior muscle 73508007 S00338 Tibialis anterior muscle structure (body structure) E00338 181696007 Entire tibialis anterior (body structure) P00338 Y 22532 P muscular system CE8A79598A0E45C6BEA103F6EB817D96 6FF2A4D7FA8747E58BED2513FA0FD9DA Tibialis anterior muscle Entire tibialis anterior (body structure) 339 339 00339 biliary tree 34707002 S00339 Biliary tract structure (body structure) E00339 181267003 Entire biliary tract (body structure) P00339 - 14665 P digestive system FC00214DC86242E5B1842319A729FA78 A0F5557EA5064282A2D64636FCC6F1CB Biliary tract Entire biliary tract (body structure) Hollow tree organ, the organ parts of which consists of the bile ducts. 340 340 00340 first branchial arch 15919001 S00340 First branchial arch structure (body structure) E00340 308767008 Entire first branchial arch (body structure) P00340 - P B61B1DB6A2DC43D5BB1952CE439D7C65 67F87991886643E38D035CF8B8D2A2C0 First branchial arch Entire first branchial arch (body structure) 341 341 00341 second branchial arch 49070006 S00341 Second branchial arch structure (body structure) E00341 308768003 Entire second branchial arch (body structure) P00341 - P 043B77DEDB984C64A41ACB6BEEFCED29 DBA71D0A73534941980EBB16265ED44A Second branchial arch Entire second branchial arch (body structure) 342 342 00342 embryonic vessel 51852003 S00342 Embryonic vascular structure (body structure) E00342 361321007 Entire embyronic blood vessel (body structure) P00342 - P cardiovascular system 968A68C746114925992EFEAD5A735C69 DA40C5FFA9D9454A87529BA97B3D670E Embryonic vessel Entire embyronic blood vessel (body structure) 343 343 00343 embryonic arterial vessel 60322006 S00343 Embryonic arterial structure (body structure) E00343 361316009 Entire embryonic artery (body structure) P00343 - P arterial system 305155FEDAAF4D009C9B48387F24E453 735237051CD145B193F4B66614BC1D75 Embryonic artery Entire embryonic artery (body structure) 344 344 00344 embryonic venous system 62662008 S00344 Embryonic venous structure (body structure) E00344 P00344 - P 3BB638010CBB498EBD30EE88AD3EC2E0 Embryonic venous system 345 345 00345 primitive heart tube 360389002 S00345 Primitive heart tube structure (body structure) E00345 361522004 Entire primitive heart tube (body structure) P00345 - P F102069BB5E2458ABF52EC1DFC58B4C0 9C0341D1E4784837BFD1C99DCEB46874 Primitive heart tube Entire primitive heart tube (body structure) 346 346 00346 genital ridge 360391005 S00346 Genital ridge structure (body structure) E00346 361399001 Entire genital ridge (body structure) P00346 Y P B371F727AEAA4D3D86FCBAF501DE9001 C124357976784EBBA469A84A35E6FA1E Genital ridge Entire genital ridge (body structure) 347 347 00347 pronephros 16421008 S00347 Pronephric structure (body structure) E00347 308804007 Entire pronephros (body structure) P00347 Y 72170 P E39A88C68CE14F3C9FD7F2F7B8BF7ADE 5B15BBDF40EC466A8E5B241A4C7C1E39 Pronephros Entire pronephros (body structure) 348 348 00348 mesonephros 21241002 S00348 Mesonephric structure (body structure) E00348 308799002 Entire mesonephros (body structure) P00348 Y 72171 P 1F449680B2DC4E88846CBFD42A13B4DD 632A419C83924E5EA5BF36F3C65D397C Mesonephros Entire mesonephros (body structure) 349 349 00349 metanephros 18345004 S00349 Metanephric structure (body structure) E00349 308797000 Entire metanephros (body structure) P00349 Y 72172 P 42826758281246478EE360DFFE6872C3 E70DEC76632C400BB6B891F90F795D7C Metanephros Entire metanephros (body structure) 350 350 00350 third branchial arch 89279001 S00350 Third branchial arch structure (body structure) E00350 308769006 Entire third branchial arch (body structure) P00350 Y P 7F68D9A01CC543E4917C5BE830D091CA 759585C4B31046F5B430AF4A2BEDA29C Third branchial arch Entire third branchial arch (body structure) 351 351 00351 primitive aorta 14944004 S00351 Primitive aortic structure (body structure) E00351 361317000 Entire primitive aorta (body structure) P00351 - P arterial system AC3FC4FCF42E4772B05BB20836BAD840 09A29E0A59E04A2DA8D63534EAE73715 Primitive aorta Entire primitive aorta (body structure) 352 352 00352 urogenital ridge 42805002 S00352 Urogenital ridge structure (body structure) E00352 308801004 Entire urogenital ridge (body structure) P00352 Y P 2803B6CA7E244A6BA9463D50AEEC2822 247320F3154940DAA9BE96E6FC8A88A4 Urogenital ridge Entire urogenital ridge (body structure) 353 353 00353 fourth branchial arch 75948005 S00353 Fourth branchial arch structure (body structure) E00353 308770007 Entire fourth branchial arch (body structure) P00353 Y P DF74778E063B41AC8C918B25F4D492BA 10A10DB6FAC74D01A0C29B2F2ED19CA9 Fourth branchial arch Entire fourth branchial arch (body structure) 354 354 00354 fifth branchial arch 308814003 S00354 Fifth branchial arch structure (body structure) E00354 308771006 Entire fifth branchial arch (body structure) P00354 - P 088D3C18397F44E18556947DCCC79DFC ED26BF2484514151B3BE0B00860DAAF9 Fifth branchial arch Entire fifth branchial arch (body structure) 355 355 00355 sixth branchial arch 308815002 S00355 Sixth branchial arch structure (body structure) E00355 308772004 Entire sixth branchial arch (body structure) P00355 - P ABD601B9E0C846EC8926FB8B039611DD F9DD5716C26F4396BC9587B7660C6EB7 Sixth branchial arch Entire sixth branchial arch (body structure) 356 356 00356 primitive foregut 1631005 S00356 Primitive foregut structure (body structure) E00356 361409009 Entire primitive foregut (body structure) P00356 - 45616 P digestive system 9BE69E67CC434309A7B12BB28D93723C 633F791EED5D4CC69E4F9576E9CA61FD Primitive foregut Entire primitive foregut (body structure) 357 357 00357 primitive midgut 25566005 S00357 Primitive midgut structure (body structure) E00357 361410004 Entire primitive midgut (body structure) P00357 - 45617 P digestive system ED880ED44F1D4A359A1AA4B5EC65DE42 D76EBCCA03E4445496EC9F0C09A9B661 Primitive midgut Entire primitive midgut (body structure) 358 358 00358 pectoralis major muscle 60005003 S00358 Pectoralis major muscle structure (body structure) E00358 181624003 Entire pectoralis major muscle (body structure) P00358 360877006 Part of pectoralis major (body structure) Y 9627 P skeletal system B8B20173498446D49EA6DEC4C8CBF5B3 1F656C0C309C4F92A713B2B06D32901F F5A26C43192543289E0B7EFB03D14EF9 Pectoralis major muscle Entire pectoralis major muscle (body structure) pectoralis major 359 359 00359 placenta 78067005 S00359 Placental structure (body structure) E00359 181455002 Entire placenta (body structure) P00359 119412005 Placenta part (body structure) - 63934 P E26992BDE9374A64B0CB6BB65720EB8F 5632C64809B9470CA05E6E4A43E46BCC 1692969391DB4ACB9CE53938A4B5287B Placenta Entire placenta (body structure) Placenta 360 360 00360 upper eyelid 38934000 S00360 Upper eyelid structure (body structure) E00360 244499008 Entire upper eyelid (body structure) P00360 Y 54439 P special senses organ system 72FA144412834A2790584988B3A1339A 48AF4E088C6C451394AF531957F26F9F Upper eyelid Entire upper eyelid (body structure) 361 361 00361 parathyroid gland 111002 S00361 Parathyroid structure (body structure) E00361 181121007 Entire parathyroid gland (body structure) P00361 362896000 Parathyroid part (body structure) Y 13890 P endocrine system 2BC3123991694913A1F8FF01A6FFC151 888CFF1694124DBA854DA593EBE0E5BE 8E480BC55553495999B579642780298C Parathyroid Entire parathyroid gland (body structure) Parathyroid 362 362 00362 extrahepatic duct 16014003 S00362 Extrahepatic duct structure (body structure) E00362 276158002 Entire extrahepatic bile duct (body structure) P00362 - 14678 P digestive system 8504AB24EEA14B68A5BF89919E137CBE B52DDE1EE87D48D18177DB9FC8A6FB5F Extrahepatic duct Entire extrahepatic bile duct (body structure) 363 363 00363 blastocyst 308765000 S00363 Blastocyst structure (body structure) E00363 308837009 Entire blastocyst (body structure) P00363 - 83041 P 6DBDBDDD36CD4663A691F7DBEED1CD1B AA652CAFAA444172AABA5D2F462C1EA3 Blastocyst Entire blastocyst (body structure) 364 364 00364 branchial arch 68959004 S00364 Branchial arch structure (body structure) E00364 308766004 Entire branchial arch (body structure) P00364 - P EC0C2141C6CB42998CEB660C8035F253 3E88E2CFBDFA4A9C9E79260BB4C02620 Branchial arch Entire branchial arch (body structure) 365 365 00365 visual system 49549006 S00365 Structure of visual system (body structure) E00365 281831001 Entire visual system (body structure) P00365 - 7191 P special senses organ system C90A21A8FBAE476788AAEFF42C4186A5 7FAB8F0B506541D29BDEF3E168828114 visual system Entire visual system (body structure) 366 366 00366 auditory system 91159003 S00366 Structure of auditory system (body structure) E00366 281832008 Entire auditory system (body structure) P00366 - P special senses organ system 98CC141416794539BD5A782FB5550BD5 477BCCD7A43C4E2B8B4E2B598FF6E469 auditory system Entire auditory system (body structure) 367 367 00367 cervical lymph node 81105003 S00367 Cervical lymph node structure (body structure) E00367 181757009 Entire cervical lymph node (body structure) P00367 Y 61213 P lymphatic system 00B4A36B19044E8E85A96BE27E1B0427 C3ABA2AFEC9343CFA2F3D7292575FA1B Cervical lymph node Entire cervical lymph node (body structure) 368 368 00368 mediastinal lymph node 62683002 S00368 Mediastinal lymph node structure (body structure) E00368 181760002 Entire mediastinal lymph node (body structure) P00368 - 12774 P lymphatic system 0724A0A491C04465801D5DD12ED2D322 9B91F8DAA1194147B53D4B3098A0C67E Mediastinal lymph node Entire mediastinal lymph node (body structure) 369 369 00369 deep inguinal node 65266007 S00369 Structure of deep inguinal lymph node (body structure) E00369 279158001 Entire femoral lymph node (body structure) P00369 Y 44225 P lymphatic system A5C3663C32D74E1F85EDED73079ADCAE 07322FC7E76743D7B38612C226025338 deep inguinal lymph node Entire femoral lymph node (body structure) 370 370 00370 popliteal lymph node 47471008 S00370 Popliteal lymph node structure (body structure) E00370 279156002 Entire popliteal lymph node (body structure) P00370 Y 44227 P lymphatic system B197318C88394CE4BA33EF0A815F0377 FFC5F28CE16740389C3999D98EC040D7 Popliteal lymph node Entire popliteal lymph node (body structure) 371 371 00371 abdominal lymph node 8568009 S00371 Abdominal lymph node structure (body structure) E00371 245342005 Entire abdominal lymph node (body structure) P00371 - 12787 P lymphatic system 6295FEBEE1B44B659CD1DDE2AEA4D822 CD7CC22F30F344FD9C9956C0C03BF4BF Abdominal lymph node Entire abdominal lymph node (body structure) 372 372 00372 anterior uveal tract 310575006 S00372 Anterior uveal tract structure (body structure) E00372 280656002 Entire anterior part of uveal tract (body structure) P00372 Y P special senses organ system 5522ED6DBB054969BF27E0D0A0250255 A88961190D514AB2AE4B35075CCCF5C1 Anterior uveal tract Entire anterior part of uveal tract (body structure) 373 373 00373 posterior uveal tract 310576007 S00373 Posterior uveal tract structure (body structure) E00373 280650008 Entire posterior part of uveal tract (body structure) P00373 Y P special senses organ system 68CA97FE61F843A4B385BFBD0F222C99 7FA6E2743DE340CC98B809302EE4482F Posterior uveal tract Entire posterior part of uveal tract (body structure) 374 374 00374 salivary duct 86961006 S00374 Salivary duct structure (body structure) E00374 181238004 Entire salivary duct (body structure) P00374 Y 59908 P digestive system C308980FCD244FA3B34D2CCF47833124 CA268120F8A748D4BCB95FE20727F165 Salivary duct Entire salivary duct (body structure) 375 375 00375 axillary lymph node 68171009 S00375 Axillary lymph node structure (body structure) E00375 181759007 Entire axillary lymph node (body structure) P00375 Y 12771 P lymphatic system FA1485916965426B9A0952CA11095EFD FA29E57C1A34462584AF847DCD8ECD2E Axillary lymph node Entire axillary lymph node (body structure) 376 376 00376 pelvic lymph node 54268001 S00376 Pelvic lymph node structure (body structure) E00376 245352009 Entire pelvic lymph node (body structure) P00376 - 12800 P lymphatic system 53D0B1C2C2AD45598BF96C9DA8376064 0D902B403CCD485094F63B3FE6936743 Pelvic lymph node Entire pelvic lymph node (body structure) 377 377 00377 inguinal lymph node 8928004 S00377 Inguinal lymph node structure (body structure) E00377 181762005 Entire inguinal lymph node (body structure) P00377 Y 44226 P lymphatic system 272E569E83404435954083C1BDCFBC62 E09E953FEE794631BFCD9490EA7E6F45 Inguinal lymph node Entire inguinal lymph node (body structure) 378 378 00378 lower limb lymph node 4942000 S00378 Lower limb lymph node structure (body structure) E00378 361109000 Entire lymph node of lower extremity (body structure) P00378 Y 44310 P lymphatic system C87FC99B962E48108CC77545B3F96AD7 0CCAC290713F4D048C086475B54CD4F1 Lower limb lymph node Entire lymph node of lower extremity (body structure) 379 379 00379 upper limb lymph node 44914007 S00379 Upper limb lymph node structure (body structure) E00379 276155004 Entire lymph node of upper limb (body structure) P00379 Y 44311 P lymphatic system F2A55C52942B42B9A55E3A669CAE4704 5138A41A6AF14D00A0889CBB3C45AA78 Upper limb lymph node Entire lymph node of upper limb (body structure) 380 380 00380 external auditory canal 84301002 S00380 External auditory canal structure (body structure) E00380 181178004 Entire external auditory canal (body structure) P00380 Y P special senses organ system A37D4B69FE8A4C7CBC4862DC6AE10F24 D23A38DD05B44E0AA429EBA89B6CFA4B External auditory canal Entire external auditory canal (body structure) 382 382 00382 lower urinary tract 19787009 S00382 Lower urinary tract structure (body structure) E00382 181420004 Entire lower urinary tract (body structure) P00382 - 45659 P urinary system 0DAD2AEF6ED24934B0EA336765C2A1F6 A1D14B1C0F0B439091A54A6E183E9379 Lower urinary tract Entire lower urinary tract (body structure) *Subdivision of urinary system which consists of the urinary bladder and the urethra. 383 383 00383 common (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) atrioventricular valve 312522004 S00383 Common (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) atrioventricular valve structure (body structure) E00383 244346003 Entire common (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) atrioventricula (body structure) P00383 - P cardiovascular system 48AAC866BF9B4C73BED65EDF87D402A4 115F73CC94C642738F810974C9BCD946 Common (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) atrioventricular valve Entire common (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) atrioventricula (body structure) 384 384 00384 left (non-mitral) atrioventricular valve 312523009 S00384 Left (non-mitral) atrioventricular valve structure (body structure) E00384 244345004 Entire left (non-mitral) atrioventricular valve (body structure) P00384 - L P cardiovascular system 42CCAB4167B847DBA2C0A54AD784939A E70B98C77EE948C58079A7E767FE0A8B Left (non-mitral) atrioventricular valve Entire left (non-mitral) atrioventricular valve (body structure) 385 385 00385 right (non-tricuspid) atrioventricular valve 312524003 S00385 Right (non-tricuspid) atrioventricular valve structure (body structure) E00385 244344000 Entire right (non-tricuspid) atrioventricular valve (body structure) P00385 - R P cardiovascular system A1C1795DD2684B5BB92BD549085758DC 038A7C47C7124269B5507263E7598D39 Right (non-tricuspid) atrioventricular valve Entire right (non-tricuspid) atrioventricular valve (body structure) 386 386 00386 anterior longitudinal ligament 41933003 S00386 Anterior longitudinal ligament structure (body structure) E00386 244601007 Entire anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P00386 244602000 Part of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) - 31893 P musculoskeletal system 276A5273B9CA4EC1A6989E5CD21365B5 305B2DD13CFB43C1B381C1B29124167D 5585FAA83626424BB011FB8C041344BB Anterior longitudinal ligament Entire anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) anterior longitudinal ligament 387 387 00387 posterior longitudinal ligament 48259001 S00387 Posterior longitudinal ligament structure (body structure) E00387 244603005 Entire posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P00387 312517004 Part of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) - 31894 P musculoskeletal system 211EA5213B3C4AA78D1B9A441BD72C7C 9317D2A0C2C24A70898ABE740AF22F44 2959C46E061D4C7DAEA5ED1B3272ABEE Posterior longitudinal ligament Entire posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) posterior longitudinal ligament 388 388 00388 cardiac chamber 91744000 S00388 Cardiac chamber structure (body structure) E00388 276456008 Entire cardiac chamber (body structure) P00388 - 7095 Y P cardiovascular system 2114539DC93C40498A54E1A08A266C3C 0EDE33D78DD14541AAB9EFC3C32CF281 Cardiac chamber Entire cardiac chamber (body structure) Organ chamber which consists of a wall that surrounds the cavity of a cardiac atrium or ventricle. 389 389 00389 ascending aorta 54247002 S00389 Ascending aorta structure (body structure) E00389 181299009 Entire ascending aorta (body structure) P00389 - 3736 P cardiovascular system BB43DF28F76440A6A07202D0A217D809 1C7AEB57BF5C42329D7139E1B95855EA Ascending aorta Entire ascending aorta (body structure) 390 390 00390 tendon and tendon sheath 59863003 S00390 Tendon and/or tendon sheath structure (body structure) E00390 360941003 Entire tendon and tendon sheath (body structure) P00390 - P musculoskeletal system 0C7E5E61BAE94F81A0EA43D2DFBA168C 0675C5C21FB24FCCA1B075FE7C98BD76 Tendon and/or tendon sheath Entire tendon and tendon sheath (body structure) 391 391 00391 anterior chamber of eye 31636006 S00391 Anterior chamber of eye structure (body structure) E00391 181160009 Entire anterior chamber of eye (body structure) P00391 Y 58078 P special senses organ system 4AD5B7C52112468C9AC2424D83CC0AD4 72336F8D27C9459CAB10193E194BA6A6 Anterior chamber of eye Entire anterior chamber of eye (body structure) 392 392 00392 acromioclavicular joint 85856004 S00392 Acromioclavicular joint structure (body structure) E00392 182166001 Entire acromioclavicular joint (body structure) P00392 Y 25898 P skeletal system 5BB4D6067DCE40B8ADC0A4885CED601C 696332BFAA2C420BA9C489D59AC8403D Acromioclavicular joint Entire acromioclavicular joint (body structure) 393 393 00393 sternoclavicular joint 7844006 S00393 Sternoclavicular joint structure (body structure) E00393 182165002 Entire sternoclavicular joint (body structure) P00393 Y 25883 P skeletal system 9DFD298FD92F4AD381EA0B44B99CEA8D D418AF8C91624B7ABE76D80E0BCEF828 Sternoclavicular joint Entire sternoclavicular joint (body structure) 394 394 00394 inferior radioulnar joint 65316004 S00394 Inferior radioulnar joint structure (body structure) E00394 182170009 Entire inferior radioulnar joint (body structure) P00394 Y 35290 P articular system D235FA3E71DC4D2686D52DF481D0D44B 7870E11FB287439A8E275DE6BD9F37B2 Inferior radioulnar joint Entire inferior radioulnar joint (body structure) 395 395 00395 distal interphalangeal joint of finger 371200006 S00395 Distal interphalangeal joint of finger structure (body structure) E00395 182194009 Entire distal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) P00395 Y P musculoskeletal system 9421B557D6F645899DBA17755E186D37 7D39EAEA673242BE81DC7A9D476D6629 Distal interphalangeal joint of finger Entire distal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) 396 396 00396 proximal interphalangeal joint of finger 371232006 S00396 Proximal interphalangeal joint of finger structure (body structure) E00396 182193003 Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) P00396 Y P musculoskeletal system F4059A54C5754DA6B0A7D32552626B1E 72DF331E9E13490EB44B0271C103524A Proximal interphalangeal joint of finger Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) 397 397 00397 metacarpophalangeal joint 70420003 S00397 Metacarpophalangeal joint structure (body structure) E00397 280995004 Entire metacarpophalangeal joint (body structure) P00397 Y 35246 P musculoskeletal system 016E3F29634F49FABF864629C3A308AA 8A78A153CAB04DEEB7FE5FFC18C3E5C7 Metacarpophalangeal joint Entire metacarpophalangeal joint (body structure) 398 398 00398 sacroiliac joint 39723000 S00398 Sacroiliac joint structure (body structure) E00398 182199004 Entire sacroiliac joint (body structure) P00398 Y 21440 P musculoskeletal system DEFBB8FAB7D947CA8BE1C2F78802D454 9C6211C3DD3D42D8B79A8F01BB070669 Sacroiliac joint Entire sacroiliac joint (body structure) 399 399 00399 tibiofibular joint 312815003 S00399 Tibiofibular joint structure (body structure) E00399 244554002 Entire tibiofibular joint (body structure) P00399 Y 35181 P musculoskeletal system 5962A52A998F47449DA7F25E455278CA 6B6744A05E1743BA8BF05214ACEE140A Tibiofibular joint Entire tibiofibular joint (body structure) 400 400 00400 proximal tibiofibular joint 44484005 S00400 Proximal tibiofibular joint structure (body structure) E00400 182208008 Entire proximal tibiofibular joint (body structure) P00400 Y 35184 P musculoskeletal system 23E220AA90834D53840C638ED9ED3516 C513BBB658CE43A49D7BAD3177047F3D Proximal tibiofibular joint Entire proximal tibiofibular joint (body structure) 401 401 00401 distal tibiofibular joint 34688003 S00401 Distal tibiofibular joint structure (body structure) E00401 182209000 Entire distal tibiofibular joint (body structure) P00401 Y 10465 P skeletal system 83ECC477F706446BB6E5DCD60FA4D8F1 AA688E1EA0EB48BF83D79490C6BC769A Distal tibiofibular joint Entire distal tibiofibular joint (body structure) 402 402 00402 intertarsal joint 27949001 S00402 Intertarsal joint structure (body structure) E00402 182221001 Entire intertarsal joint (body structure) P00402 Y 44281 P musculoskeletal system 1C718F4D4F07430DAD250A6862FDABA2 B647C04FFF17469DA4F0F51DE724AA62 Intertarsal joint Entire intertarsal joint (body structure) 403 403 00403 subtalar joint 127863007 S00403 Subtalar joint structure (body structure) E00403 182213007 Entire subtalar joint (body structure) P00403 Y 35198 P musculoskeletal system CA68E4A25F4A49228CF20A7E59D4601F DD2887ED37A34481B9E4B03FFFFCAF92 Subtalar joint Entire subtalar joint (body structure) 404 404 00404 talocalcaneonavicular joint 27162001 S00404 Talocalcaneonavicular joint structure (body structure) E00404 182211009 Entire talocalcaneonavicular joint (body structure) P00404 Y 35204 P musculoskeletal system AD703E99E95B48B3984B67A3D6F36E58 EBAEE86480604A1BBCED84FCA1023797 Talocalcaneonavicular joint Entire talocalcaneonavicular joint (body structure) 405 405 00405 metatarsophalangeal joint 46658007 S00405 Metatarsophalangeal joint structure (body structure) E00405 302535003 Entire metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P00405 Y 35222 P musculoskeletal system F7E79214DB034336880D91E2A5138406 9ADE89CF038A494C875306270FEBD535 Metatarsophalangeal joint Entire metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 406 406 00406 interphalangeal toe joint 105584000 S00406 Interphalangeal toe joint structure (body structure) E00406 182225005 Entire interphalangeal joint of toe (body structure) P00406 Y 71357 P musculoskeletal system 133488041CA849C4B02FD5E1C2A98F6F 12B2A922054F4C43BC17E30DE72C3225 Interphalangeal toe joint Entire interphalangeal joint of toe (body structure) 407 407 00407 first metatarsophalangeal joint 27824001 S00407 First metatarsophalangeal joint structure (body structure) E00407 182223003 Entire first metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P00407 Y 35228 P musculoskeletal system 7CD399F17DBC4E889045AE8D84BB9C91 2BDA65FEDE3B42E3A9BF4169DF949E93 First metatarsophalangeal joint Entire first metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 408 408 00408 peripheral nerve 84782009 S00408 Peripheral nerve structure (body structure) E00408 244457007 Entire peripheral nerve (body structure) P00408 119411003 Peripheral nerve part (body structure) - 0 P nervous system 08ED83E086C8471B843D3BCA4D2E31AB FA1FAFB7FC2544849E063F271CEDB714 F0FD65A18B814A07BFBA6929B5D23914 Peripheral nerve Entire peripheral nerve (body structure) Peripheral nerve 409 409 00409 insula 36169008 S00409 Insular structure (body structure) E00409 279201009 Entire insula (body structure) P00409 Y 67329 P nervous system EF049A72F74D43F58407E7B004086159 01F942ED584E4BC984A9FDB6E4FECAB6 Insula Entire insula (body structure) Lobe of cerebral hemispheere located in the depths of the lateral fissure and is covered by portions of the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes. 410 410 00410 upper dental arch 39481002 S00410 Upper dental arch structure (body structure) E00410 245549000 Entire upper dental arch (body structure) P00410 - 0 P digestive system 52B48783A96F4EA3B16AD5A6DA08222F C2BAC463D13A4B468203624F2E8E52C0 Upper dental arch Entire upper dental arch (body structure) 411 411 00411 lower dental arch 88176008 S00411 Lower dental arch structure (body structure) E00411 245550000 Entire lower dental arch (body structure) P00411 - 289649 P digestive system A3FCCD2C065A4D1894F75A67CAF57886 EC9D0304EFB147C5A86BDCA0BBA229EE Lower dental arch Entire lower dental arch (body structure) 412 412 00412 mammillary body 39803005 S00412 Mammillary body structure (body structure) E00412 279306001 Entire mammillary body (body structure) P00412 Y 74877 P nervous system 6E139E3E5D4443F1AE6A055D82E71B9F 3519C4CFE5144010AC9AA4AD03619E32 Mammillary body Entire mammillary body (body structure) 413 413 00413 internal capsule anterior limb 3003007 S00413 Internal capsule anterior limb structure (body structure) E00413 279295005 Entire anterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) P00413 Y 61952 P nervous system 016FD7E93D5E43ED96E15A9691E34522 9D6418C0E3234AEABA92CF8813138451 Internal capsule anterior limb Entire anterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) 414 414 00414 internal capsule posterior limb 54728004 S00414 Internal capsule posterior limb structure (body structure) E00414 279296006 Entire posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) P00414 Y 61954 P nervous system 2D721D73CFC04BE4989A0978BB8F841B 3D7A65CA793C49588B56CD866898DAF4 Internal capsule posterior limb Entire posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) 415 415 00415 limbic system 58590008 S00415 Limbic system structure (body structure) E00415 361342009 Entire limbic system (body structure) P00415 - 242000 P nervous system 644CAF133E624B3AB4E6B43590D04B32 10AFCF99B91A4056B50CD0A954269029 Limbic system Entire limbic system (body structure) 416 416 00416 hippocampus 5366008 S00416 Hippocampal structure (body structure) E00416 361561007 Entire hippocampus (body structure) P00416 Y 62493 P nervous system 6853FC1E027F46E28690EE43C8B6EB83 7756086E50C8468BAD3CBF1E3A775F8F Hippocampus Entire hippocampus (body structure) 417 417 00417 pulvinar 64214009 S00417 Pulvinar structure (body structure) E00417 279157006 Entire pulvinar (body structure) P00417 Y 62178 P nervous system 802D19B044594772A89F86690BCB3006 4722F82CBB264652A859F5EA11D94491 Pulvinar Entire pulvinar (body structure) 418 418 00418 metathalamus 39509000 S00418 Structure of metathalamus (body structure) E00418 361550004 Entire metathalamus (body structure) P00418 Y 62023 P nervous system C7D747F5EC484B7E91E5D150E4A00DAB 659C31152E39498EB3AAD8C05836C35A metathalamus Entire metathalamus (body structure) 419 419 00419 nasal septum 68426009 S00419 Nasal septum structure (body structure) E00419 181197004 Entire nasal septum (body structure) P00419 - 54375 P respiratory system CDB1B267B082499BA3E379AE107742E8 4CD00CB3D7A04D74919552804E2249AF Nasal septum Entire nasal septum (body structure) 420 420 00420 rhinencephalon 91362006 S00420 Rhinencephalon structure (body structure) E00420 361576004 Entire rhinencephalon (body structure) P00420 Y P special senses organ system 012AE80D558E477296F0CC80BAA48505 5165FE7473B94256BE7C9562990E747B Rhinencephalon Entire rhinencephalon (body structure) 421 421 00421 cerebral fornix 87463005 S00421 Cerebral fornix structure (body structure) E00421 279302004 Entire cerebral fornix (body structure) P00421 Y 61965 P special senses organ system F1DFB7420B9844B7AA017F8AB1C2C3E9 98D7660DC2544D1C85FE6B8711EA45BA Cerebral fornix Entire cerebral fornix (body structure) Fornix of neuraxis which connects Ammon's horn of the hippocampus with the mammillary nuclei of the hypothalamus and anterior nuclei of the thalamus. 422 422 00422 substantia nigra 70007007 S00422 Substantia nigra structure (body structure) E00422 279286002 Entire substantia nigra (body structure) P00422 Y 67947 P nervous system 075E4592AB124B13B1B62DF0F7EF63EC 8E7690F4519843E3BA8F75A16A1EFEA0 Substantia nigra Entire substantia nigra (body structure) Subdivision of the midbrain anterior to the midbrain tegmentum which contains darkly pigmented neurons. 423 423 00423 red nucleus 24432006 S00423 Red nucleus structure (body structure) E00423 279287006 Entire red nucleus (body structure) P00423 Y 62407 P nervous system AB2C6DF14CE7434882084B6AC640F59E 7C342E569E604C60A8FC173D7C38D2B2 Red nucleus Entire red nucleus (body structure) 424 424 00424 iliac bone marrow 313227001 S00424 Iliac bone marrow structure (body structure) E00424 313229003 All bone marrow of ilium (body structure) P00424 Y P hematopoietic system C2BDED3CC21C404192BB2E234AF48E28 A65F8FBED5E54973858B8F4E9AB2CE88 Iliac bone marrow All bone marrow of ilium (body structure) 425 425 00425 vertebral spinous process bone marrow 313230008 S00425 Vertebral spinous process bone marrow structure (body structure) E00425 313231007 All bone marrow of vertebral spinous process (body structure) P00425 - P hematopoietic system 3BA12EFF2F3744219CC0D4430D8948B6 0B1B28EEA8AD4FC5A1CF8F1F294E3C53 Vertebral spinous process bone marrow All bone marrow of vertebral spinous process (body structure) 426 426 00426 corpora quadrigemina 44718000 S00426 Corpora quadrigemina structure (body structure) E00426 361579006 Entire corpora quadrigemina (body structure) P00426 Y P nervous system FF4AFACF91C548FDB158EF45A9C0E995 A09A32F9E2CE4C1D9B3BDAD34817A11C Corpora quadrigemina Entire corpora quadrigemina (body structure) 427 427 00427 fourth ventricle 35918002 S00427 Fourth ventricle structure (body structure) E00427 180932000 Entire fourth ventricle (body structure) P00427 - 78469 P nervous system 9C8C276756AA4B4EBFB2760140C242D9 FCFC91033B504B049BE0E7D9D9CA8AA6 Fourth ventricle Entire fourth ventricle (body structure) 428 428 00428 cerebellar cortex 25991003 S00428 Cerebellar cortex structure (body structure) E00428 361593004 Entire cerebellar cortex (body structure) P00428 - 72248 P nervous system D40E9B4800C84745B54E55A600ADEBF3 0EDE71B0C2AD49FF928CA764E5E4B85D Cerebellar cortex Entire cerebellar cortex (body structure) 430 430 00430 paleocerebellum 53762009 S00430 Paleocerebellar structure (body structure) E00430 361596007 Entire paleocerebellum (body structure) P00430 - P nervous system AF276DCCC37D403ABF793560352DBE25 698D73BC5A814AF09E791DD77E6776D6 Paleocerebellar Entire paleocerebellum (body structure) 431 431 00431 archicerebellum 46564005 S00431 Archicerebellar structure (body structure) E00431 361595006 Entire archicerebellum (body structure) P00431 - P nervous system 84C886E53E284275A9D6CE1B498F36C2 Archicerebellar Entire archicerebellum (body structure) 432 432 00432 aortic arch 57034009 S00432 Aortic arch structure (body structure) E00432 181300001 Entire aortic arch (body structure) P00432 - 3768 P arterial system 6A2CCB34D42C43A083FA6F78DB1C6A6F 2A77A8A973294D0B8669F3495C611D75 Aortic arch Entire aortic arch (body structure) 433 433 00433 third ventricle 49841001 S00433 Third ventricle structure (body structure) E00433 180931007 Entire third ventricle (body structure) P00433 - 78454 P nervous system 22E5E1EA994A4DF3ABD9CB5213E618C3 75F7494753B84CF3A2E4CDB6CC5D152B Third ventricle Entire third ventricle (body structure) 434 434 00434 filum terminale 13726009 S00434 Filum terminale structure (body structure) E00434 361344005 Entire filum terminale (body structure) P00434 - 83977 P nervous system EC0528019384472E8134A2DD1DF7122E 8FFD25AA25ED4E5F8A3046D4C1DC79A1 Filum terminale Entire filum terminale (body structure) 435 435 00435 parotid gland 45289007 S00435 Parotid gland structure (body structure) E00435 181234002 Entire parotid gland (body structure) P00435 372203005 Parotid gland part (body structure) Y 59790 P digestive system EEFCE8E489274B2A9DBC06609D569B47 4A904FE931F048389536286B9D0571FE 1121312ECFB94BD99393241B235D40FE Parotid gland Entire parotid gland (body structure) Parotid gland 436 436 00436 frontal bone 74872008 S00436 Frontal bone structure (body structure) E00436 181793006 Entire frontal bone (body structure) P00436 119550002 Frontal bone part (body structure) - 52734 P skeletal system 4DDC61CB73064AE4A62C65D5C774A163 738A225F58BD4EFDA77488B2999F1D5E 1FF0C37AF468446C8A3FA95307965309 Frontal bone Entire frontal bone (body structure) Frontal bone 437 437 00437 parietal bone 24924006 S00437 Parietal bone structure (body structure) E00437 181794000 Entire parietal bone (body structure) P00437 Y 9613 P skeletal system 5E304A2E5B1F40D2896E952C8CBE120E 9983D008BB9B4016B49D0BB16AAD5862 Parietal bone Entire parietal bone (body structure) 438 438 00438 temporal bone 60911003 S00438 Temporal bone structure (body structure) E00438 181795004 Entire temporal bone (body structure) P00438 119527008 Temporal bone part (body structure) Y 52737 P skeletal system A593AB61F7254CF0BB8DD9C65DFE0D3B 2C2F630D3CE544B5B8258C7642DCE94B E872C02E41FE46DEA6E7B0AC347F1631 Temporal bone Entire temporal bone (body structure) Temporal bone 439 439 00439 occipital bone 31640002 S00439 Occipital bone structure (body structure) E00439 181796003 Entire occipital bone (body structure) P00439 119528003 Occipital bone part (body structure) - 52735 P skeletal system 9B347FF6C165450BA7699955D80FA199 C8DF4685CF5F4229978997C85403A062 2BFD41AE3EAE4F789A5ECA70488B7AD0 Occipital bone Entire occipital bone (body structure) Occipital bone 440 440 00440 sphenoid bone 73117003 S00440 Sphenoid bone structure (body structure) E00440 272676008 Entire sphenoid bone (body structure) P00440 119529006 Sphenoid bone part (body structure) - 52736 P skeletal system FCDD5CA143AC4B1DBEADECBBB2B03441 E675EEDEE1B84F5DB24848C4E1DEA27C 9007976C3E0141ED824FC0B128055786 Sphenoid bone Entire sphenoid bone (body structure) Sphenoid bone 441 441 00441 ethmoid bone 52374004 S00441 Ethmoid bone structure (body structure) E00441 272674006 Entire ethmoid bone (body structure) P00441 119526004 Ethmoid bone part (body structure) - 52740 P skeletal system F85977F27B0D46C79F7E5C53E8A46618 62BA8A34D7324171BD5D19B88E2165ED 71B1857276814BF9B24F3BDBBCE39B71 Ethmoid bone Entire ethmoid bone (body structure) Ethmoid bone 442 442 00442 hyoid bone 21387005 S00442 Hyoid bone structure (body structure) E00442 263352000 Entire hyoid bone (body structure) P00442 119534005 Hyoid bone part (body structure) - 52749 P musculoskeletal system 9033818DA0DE4B5BAC064B1D2D0964B6 8AD819C400654C26BF864094CEC58619 8C4AF72EE07D41CEB7D7AD059D2351D5 Hyoid bone Entire hyoid bone (body structure) Hyoid bone 443 443 00443 spinal nerve tree organ 3169005 S00443 Spinal nerve structure (body structure) E00443 361099009 Entire spinal nerve (body structure) P00443 Y 5858 P nervous system 0E0B6EB60728412F8944DF0FF7A76083 9325C917DD1D4077A34ACF4DE3510E63 Spinal nerve Entire spinal nerve (body structure) Neural tree (organ) which is directly continuous with the spinal cord. Examples: Fifth cervical spinal nerve, third lumbar spinal nerve. 444 444 00444 fetus 55460000 S00444 Fetal structure (body structure) E00444 83418008 Entire fetus (body structure) P00444 367570001 Fetal part (body structure) - 63919 P 979B431AD19A45619621E7F7F9BCBAE9 6546080CCF864D629EB69446D88EA926 89709AF053E44F64918D78EA8637DE2B Fetus Entire fetus (body structure) Fetus Fetal structure, which is a developmental form of a vertebrate animal at any given time point from 8 weeks of gestation to birth (or hatching). 445 445 00445 chorion 74439004 S00445 Chorionic structure (body structure) E00445 280705003 Entire chorion membrane (body structure) P00445 - 80224 P 449396BE61514EF59BBDBD59AF372946 B6C9E7671BE94718982FE03D92810C4B Chorion Entire chorion membrane (body structure) 446 446 00446 adductor hallucis muscle 8603005 S00446 Adductor hallucis muscle structure (body structure) E00446 181727000 Entire adductor hallucis (body structure) P00446 Y 37454 P musculoskeletal system 7021A1BC43D94306909F4A64FEE7D9A3 65BEE79ADCD743E2919018DC08E5F538 Adductor hallucis muscle Entire adductor hallucis (body structure) 447 447 00447 medial ligament of ankle joint 363520000 S00447 Medial ligament of ankle joint structure (body structure) E00447 41159004 Entire medial ligament of ankle joint (body structure) P00447 Y 44055 P skeletal system B97037DD2FA24D018A5786A4E27B9DC4 B9E9FD571B3445D29206EC6E837C56C2 Medial ligament of ankle joint Entire medial ligament of ankle joint (body structure) 448 448 00448 bone marrow 14016003 S00448 Bone marrow structure (body structure) E00448 279729006 All bone marrow (body structure) P00448 120638006 Bone marrow part (body structure) - 9608 P hematopoietic system 8E670A28D20840959981E3EAB1B898BD 21193F3B7B6A4B60A9AEA43E7685AEDC 34D67D1047A544C599FED8C74FE68AF1 Bone marrow All bone marrow (body structure) Bone marrow 449 449 00449 pronator teres muscle 29376000 S00449 Pronator teres muscle structure (body structure) E00449 302514000 Entire pronator teres (body structure) P00449 Y 38450 P musculoskeletal system 4B986974163340E58879D7193BD257DB FC63C7DC45C844A8895C38D15590D1DA Pronator teres muscle Entire pronator teres (body structure) 450 450 00450 flexor carpi ulnaris muscle 14437004 S00450 Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle structure (body structure) E00450 244985003 Entire flexor carpi ulnaris (body structure) P00450 Y 38465 P musculoskeletal system 1A6EF332B280404EBD18A904A1B49B71 265115CDE7F44151A5C95756F2B55702 Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle Entire flexor carpi ulnaris (body structure) 452 452 00452 extensor carpi ulnaris muscle 113227003 S00452 Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle structure (body structure) E00452 244992008 Entire extensor carpi ulnaris (body structure) P00452 Y 38506 P musculoskeletal system 983C0745A5A94E0B8D8BC114476744A7 AC16ECFD79A441F1B0573D8406341B23 Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle Entire extensor carpi ulnaris (body structure) 453 453 00453 flexor pollicis brevis muscle 20588008 S00453 Flexor pollicis brevis muscle structure (body structure) E00453 181646006 Entire flexor pollicis brevis (body structure) P00453 Y 37378 P musculoskeletal system A06BA651059049C789BED581B6023A74 D762B3CF5303488A92F7C05C9EEF1EC4 Flexor pollicis brevis muscle Entire flexor pollicis brevis (body structure) 454 454 00454 adductor pollicis muscle 60114005 S00454 Adductor pollicis muscle structure (body structure) E00454 181649004 Entire adductor pollicis (body structure) P00454 Y 37380 P musculoskeletal system 5390E64F636541559DFCF9CB25BE86DF 568E6CEF1C144C638CE7F60778827320 Adductor pollicis muscle Entire adductor pollicis (body structure) 455 455 00455 skin 39937001 S00455 Skin structure (body structure) E00455 181469002 Entire skin (body structure) P00455 119181002 Skin part (body structure) - 7163 P integumentary system 4D52A2A732B542CB9247E5F9A1E8EE11 0A219307AA4F489C844C1B5BC9C22A84 50221FC8424C4DFD9DCEE06576D0B078 Skin Entire skin (body structure) Skin Nonparenchymatous organ that consists of the epidermis, dermis and sets of hair and nails and which surrounds the entire body. Subdivisions of the skin surround various body parts; as a whole, the skin constitutes the external layer of the body. Examples: There is only one skin. 456 456 00456 renal pyramid 16097006 S00456 Renal pyramid structure (body structure) E00456 361328001 Entire renal pyramid (body structure) P00456 Y 258870 P urinary system EBD803580E53475E8B3783D2F6EB7A5E 3829AB42706A476F9318C84CCCD503CE Renal pyramid Entire renal pyramid (body structure) 457 457 00457 endometrium 2739003 S00457 Endometrial structure (body structure) E00457 278867007 Entire endometrium (body structure) P00457 - 17742 P genital system A911546919524925BBC224FDF13B41D2 EA86171C9763428EB164D103ED2A81F3 Endometrium Entire endometrium (body structure) 458 458 00458 nephron 54018001 S00458 Nephron structure (body structure) E00458 361337001 Entire nephron (body structure) P00458 Y 17640 P urinary system 02F64052A278417296B9C199E697E174 5195BCDCA7BA4FADA95F9CC0A68EE31B Nephron Entire nephron (body structure) 459 459 00459 renal tubule 58471003 S00459 Renal tubule structure (body structure) E00459 361332007 Entire renal tubule (body structure) P00459 Y 15627 P urinary system 6AC239E226D548D8BA248EB24A84F7DA 946DF2E1A7A742CB96684AC088095D3B Renal tubule Entire renal tubule (body structure) 460 460 00460 renal corpuscle 38060002 S00460 Renal corpuscle structure (body structure) E00460 361329009 Entire renal corpuscle (body structure) P00460 Y 15625 P urinary system E4089E60E61F4E3EA1A238A945C1DCC9 E0F354324ED3452D8FAC8215ABB91A4D Renal corpuscle Entire renal corpuscle (body structure) 461 461 00461 convoluted renal tubule 77656007 S00461 Structure of convoluted renal tubule (body structure) E00461 361333002 Entire convoluted renal tubule (body structure) P00461 Y P urinary system 89EE1D4B39644DB592E81B4D00F1DF8B A9B9CC401C054E0D9DA0062667EC2D88 convoluted renal tubule Entire convoluted renal tubule (body structure) 462 462 00462 Henle's loop 21694000 S00462 Henle's loop structure (body structure) E00462 361335009 Entire henle's loop (body structure) P00462 Y 17698 P urinary system 74982E792D1C4C3E80D95BE0899636D4 D69266C1072E40DD91EF2BC93A886155 Henle's loop Entire henle's loop (body structure) 463 463 00463 distal convoluted renal tubule 81495001 S00463 Distal convoluted renal tubule structure (body structure) E00463 361336005 Entire distal convoluted renal tubule (body structure) P00463 Y 17721 P urinary system D6EB3FC7CBDC46C5B60534D821C3EFE5 DDAE6964DCF44DBEAE6E36A6951D11D0 Distal convoluted renal tubule Entire distal convoluted renal tubule (body structure) 464 464 00464 glomerular capsule 91765006 S00464 Glomerular capsule structure (body structure) E00464 361331000 Entire glomerular capsule (body structure) P00464 Y 15626 P urinary system 9D6B235B59384CB6A575C2CE63611C16 8A5C92CA6D3741509DC919A6FC6A71A3 Glomerular capsule Entire glomerular capsule (body structure) 465 465 00465 cortical lobule of kidney 74861003 S00465 Structure of cortical lobule of kidney (body structure) E00465 361330004 Entire cortical lobule of kidney (body structure) P00465 Y 17670 P urinary system 92FD4D1B2DFA48C3A4DC82068222BD43 05257687AFB44B808F6CA9595E04667D cortical lobule of kidney Entire cortical lobule of kidney (body structure) 466 466 00466 corpus cavernosum 9284003 S00466 Corpus cavernosum structure (body structure) E00466 245468004 Entire corpus cavernosum (body structure) P00466 Y 19618 P genital system CFE12B6264774FF5ABFE862D6505A456 28BB3B45C1B7458FA1DB1D58F2CD9834 Corpus cavernosum Entire corpus cavernosum (body structure) 467 467 00467 corpus spongiosum 25270003 S00467 Corpus spongiosum structure (body structure) E00467 279712008 Entire corpus spongiosum (body structure) P00467 - 19617 P genital system 45B907782C8F4FD2990940AF1E471B22 C76F882CAB904E32B34A77BD502B007B Corpus spongiosum Entire corpus spongiosum (body structure) Cavernous organ, located on the ventral aspect of the penis. 468 468 00468 seminiferous tubule 51722002 S00468 Seminiferous tubule structure (body structure) E00468 279614002 Entire seminiferous tubule (body structure) P00468 Y 19825 P genital system 5A621D7D5AEB435CBCBFC4B09E30905D 411B00AE72CC443F87988BF195AE91FE Seminiferous tubule Entire seminiferous tubule (body structure) 469 469 00469 vas deferens wall 314350004 S00469 Vas deferens wall structure (body structure) E00469 279630005 Entire wall of vas deferens (body structure) P00469 Y 19255 P genital system B017C7FD412945BBBECDAD63B7056144 69DCB8BA215D468AA8E35D8A59107D4D Vas deferens wall Entire wall of vas deferens (body structure) 470 470 00470 seminal vesicle wall 314351000 S00470 Seminal vesicle wall structure (body structure) E00470 279678005 Entire wall of seminal vesicle (body structure) P00470 Y 19390 P genital system 61EEE0C3D2774308AD301FCC12135279 61F15829962C42F5B66014D5A85C3F2C Seminal vesicle wall Entire wall of seminal vesicle (body structure) 471 471 00471 areola 29745008 S00471 Areola structure (body structure) E00471 181139003 Entire areola of nipple (body structure) P00471 Y 67796 P 1CA0CF2BEBB44F3BBD81E1E0C6649CD8 5B0B9080B01C42428F5C2D82C68CFC93 Areola Entire areola of nipple (body structure) Subdivision of breast which consists of skin, connective tissue and smooth muscle bundle and modified sebaceous glands and which surrounds the nipple. 472 472 00472 cerebral lobe 314139009 S00472 Cerebral lobe structure (body structure) E00472 272632001 Entire cerebral lobe (body structure) P00472 372171001 Cerebral lobe part (body structure) Y 77800 P nervous system B74AB118226E416096761FD834D82B3B CABF4BFBF2974674A052265996FDF293 91308F99A0D54A999DDA287A0D96446D Cerebral lobe Entire cerebral lobe (body structure) Cerebral lobe 473 473 00473 frontal lobe 83251001 S00473 Frontal lobe structure (body structure) E00473 180920004 Entire frontal lobe (body structure) P00473 Y 61824 P nervous system 44A1AEE5F911402E80D03DBDA94D6BF3 A0FD4A8CF5564E488C3A6DE4B9C871C4 Frontal lobe Entire frontal lobe (body structure) Frontal lobe is the anterior-most of five lobes of the cerebral hemisphere. It is bounded by the central sulcus on its posterior border and by the longitudinal cerebral fissure on its medial border. 474 474 00474 temporal lobe 78277001 S00474 Temporal lobe structure (body structure) E00474 180921000 Entire temporal lobe (body structure) P00474 Y 61825 P nervous system 8C2053FE610A4572A35A507641D0F737 9011D05BFA974380876B4C05138FA660 Temporal lobe Entire temporal lobe (body structure) Temporal lobe is the ventrolateral lobe of five lobes comprising each cerebral hemisphere. It is bounded dorsally by the lateral fissure and posteriorly by an arbitrary border shared with the occipital lobe. 475 475 00475 parietal lobe 16630005 S00475 Parietal lobe structure (body structure) E00475 180922007 Entire parietal lobe (body structure) P00475 Y 61826 P nervous system CBFF39C510874C8AB1E2FFC9AEA8BD40 A7F1F215BC244C309829C51575A8AC26 Parietal lobe Entire parietal lobe (body structure) Parietal lobe is the one of five lobes of the cerebral hemisphere which occupies the dorsal-posterior portion of the hemisphere. It is bounded by the central sulcus on its anterior border and and by the longitudinal cerebral fissure on its medial border. 476 476 00476 occipital lobe 31065004 S00476 Occipital lobe structure (body structure) E00476 180923002 Entire occipital lobe (body structure) P00476 Y 67325 P nervous system F7C35945C20045A5A4CBC1BF3919E10C F0CA8FBBE6AA46BABC89D21B020CB3F7 Occipital lobe Entire occipital lobe (body structure) Occipital lobe is the one of five lobes of the cerebral hemisphere which occupies the posterior-most portion of the hemisphere. Anteriorly, it shares an arbitrary border with the parietal lobe and temporal lobe. Medially, it is bounded by the longitudinal cerebral fissure. 477 477 00477 reticular formation 360564009 S00477 Reticular formation structure (body structure) E00477 361552007 Entire reticular formation (body structure) P00477 - 77719 P nervous system 7D653537103A4FBA9DC98188D65193A2 AD6374BABE5449EB89AEA7E9C4BC11BF Reticular formation Entire reticular formation (body structure) 478 478 00478 anterior cerebellar lobe 28688000 S00478 Anterior cerebellar lobe structure (body structure) E00478 279359004 Entire anterior cerebellar lobe (body structure) P00478 - 72251 P nervous system 47D5182BB48843629AF8A1A80C541A1E 489360F79CC64B8996BA78BAD71FBBDD Anterior cerebellar lobe Entire anterior cerebellar lobe (body structure) 479 479 00479 posterior cerebellar lobe 89372008 S00479 Posterior cerebellar lobe structure (body structure) E00479 279360009 Entire posterior cerebellar lobe (body structure) P00479 - 72252 P nervous system A85F7894DE884905913F57BF3233BC33 B2DB9D97AE8E4B7A9254D05A859B48C6 Posterior cerebellar lobe Entire posterior cerebellar lobe (body structure) 480 480 00480 flocculonodular lobe 28949004 S00480 Flocculonodular lobe structure (body structure) E00480 279361008 Entire flocculonodular lobe (body structure) P00480 - 72253 P nervous system 9500630FD92D425E8966382D3CF18A2D 0D5AC7E614414938A806555FD5CC0BDE Flocculonodular lobe Entire flocculonodular lobe (body structure) 481 481 00481 cerebellar vermis 58501004 S00481 Cerebellar vermis structure (body structure) E00481 279105006 Entire cerebellar vermis (body structure) P00481 - P nervous system A28EB65B2999461D93391BEC29268616 FE890116A7144501B7640251B5EDEAD1 Cerebellar vermis Entire cerebellar vermis (body structure) 482 482 00482 skin of labium pudendum 73058008 S00482 Skin of structure of labium pudendum (body structure) E00482 244124001 Entire skin of labium pudendum (body structure) P00482 Y D integument/surface E7DED4FBEDDE4F8E86E7852E1BDDA738 A3121A7C10144E67A69218D3BBE25569 Skin of of labium pudendum Entire skin of labium pudendum (body structure) 483 483 00483 skin of clitoris 29353003 S00483 Skin structure of clitoris (body structure) E00483 361374002 Entire skin of clitoris (body structure) P00483 - 20168 D integument/surface 945E4EDC99EB4337AFF4B85B8172894F EE073E4BDE3E45CC8C47A9F70FD5E40E Skin of clitoris Entire skin of clitoris (body structure) 484 484 00484 organ of Corti 67788009 S00484 Organ of Corti structure (body structure) E00484 279841009 Entire spiral organ of Corti (body structure) P00484 Y 75715 P nervous system A1373315068B40F98C854C20AEF7B5DE B459BA18B435452CAD8B9FBD0B0D9AA2 Organ of Corti Entire spiral organ of Corti (body structure) 485 485 00485 vulval vestibule 23213005 S00485 Vulval vestibule structure (body structure) E00485 279868009 Entire vulval vestibule (body structure) P00485 - 19970 P genital system 3093FE664BA54C7B99F3C5BDE4B79D7A 1F5927BDC84749B2B6545F905F86BBCA Vulval vestibule Entire vulval vestibule (body structure) 486 486 00486 endocervix 36973007 S00486 Endocervical structure (body structure) E00486 264460007 Entire endocervix (body structure) P00486 - 86485 P genital system BA8707EF2DC142EF9A934255AF05BDE1 6018D3EAA3CA4A399BE0ABF42142D951 Endocervix Entire endocervix (body structure) 487 487 00487 exocervix 28349006 S00487 Exocervical structure (body structure) E00487 264459002 Entire ectocervix (body structure) P00487 - 86484 P genital system 03EACE19410347AFAFDFB9F2F1CCF95C 0D4FFAA0456B499E9273333561B4B6AD Exocervix Entire ectocervix (body structure) 488 488 00488 endometrial gland 43501006 S00488 Endometrial gland structure (body structure) E00488 361377009 Entire endometrial gland (body structure) P00488 - P genital system 6913D0B917EF4E2CA778605CC7582A36 6385058F2B7245478E191A1BA5025A15 Endometrial gland Entire endometrial gland (body structure) 489 489 00489 myometrium 27232003 S00489 Myometrial structure (body structure) E00489 279879004 Entire myometrium (body structure) P00489 360896005 Part of myometrium (body structure) - 17743 P genital system A641EF2319A540BBA5D218F7069CAEBA 42C4115C97EB41228D83B48C95028E90 89CC2622DE2C45E7A9E48F21F966A562 Myometrium Entire myometrium (body structure) myometrium 490 490 00490 theca folliculi 38085006 S00490 Theca folliculi structure (body structure) E00490 361385000 Entire theca folliculi (body structure) P00490 Y 18656 P genital system 17690B1848DE412AB92A1A4DA68AB2D3 0000880B1EF64C9F85C2600D71DDB112 Theca folliculi Entire theca folliculi (body structure) 491 491 00491 ovarian follicle 24162005 S00491 Ovarian follicle structure (body structure) E00491 361111009 Entire ovarian follicle (body structure) P00491 Y 18640 P genital system 0DF47E96D512481AADE2A6BF8961EF1D 6D950BFFEC56418F90BDA1A28A4A3FC8 Ovarian follicle Entire ovarian follicle (body structure) 492 492 00492 body organ 113343008 S00492 Body organ structure (body structure) E00492 272625005 Entire body organ (body structure) P00492 91717005 Organ part (body structure) - 67498 P 76D80DF30B354CBA8EC49C7BAA9B0C25 DD4E3C0C09BE4121BBFD0BCF222A66D9 E2A546FADA5848B0BC574E8BEC2147F4 Body organ Entire body organ (body structure) Organ Anatomical structure which has as its direct parts portions of two or more types of tissue or two or more types of cardinal organ part which constitute a maximally connected anatomical structure demarcated predominantly by a bona fide anatomical surface. 493 493 00493 hair follicle 67290009 S00493 Hair follicle structure (body structure) E00493 280830006 Entire hair follicle (body structure) P00493 - 70660 P integumentary system 9A81111E6E30430B93B6E9E18D1FBD4C B489348F657543C6B00CD7D401D68008 Hair follicle Entire hair follicle (body structure) 494 494 00494 hair bulb 90749001 S00494 Hair bulb structure (body structure) E00494 361360009 Entire hair bulb (body structure) P00494 - 70666 P integumentary system 61B51D7477014863ACDAB53CA2E18ABF 7E1454BB6BD7405BAF526D306F56EE5C Hair bulb Entire hair bulb (body structure) 495 495 00495 hair shaft 37111008 S00495 Hair shaft structure (body structure) E00495 361359004 Entire hair shaft (body structure) P00495 - 70728 P integumentary system 922C86D178F1432ABA17C23B268606E0 ABE94E08BAEC461CA3EE0F758656533E Hair shaft Entire hair shaft (body structure) 496 496 00496 systemic vein 360592004 S00496 Systemic venous structure (body structure) E00496 244389004 Entire systemic vein (body structure) P00496 - 66644 P venous system EFB2F6F7AB7D41EDB5BAEEFE4994136C CBAE717680A24C39AB515603405EAA8A Systemic vein Entire systemic vein (body structure) Vein in the systemic venous system. 497 497 00497 nail bed 56820002 S00497 Nail bed structure (body structure) E00497 181578005 Entire nail bed (body structure) P00497 Y 77856 P integumentary system 69E5D1F047034992B134869283A54BC1 1E2AD5BBE934444F9C1A5914DEF8C661 Nail bed Entire nail bed (body structure) 498 498 00498 great cardiac vein 5928000 S00498 Great cardiac vein structure (body structure) E00498 277728005 Entire great cardiac vein (body structure) P00498 - 4707 P cardiovascular system DE78FD0E4BE64900B0FA9806A7BE23C0 1A14354503F54E209E4935E094C747D2 Great cardiac vein Entire great cardiac vein (body structure) 499 499 00499 vein (tree segment of venous tree organ) 29092000 S00499 Venous structure (body structure) E00499 181367001 Entire vein (body structure) P00499 120579003 Vein part (body structure) - 50723 P cardiovascular system C431DE6F76574CECB820A92E2AC17E40 F051F09A63A249D3A0C8C6D60C6EA09F 4282F8AC32884B2FBF12CDA5B722213D Vein Entire vein (body structure) Vein 500 500 00500 superior vena cava 48345005 S00500 Superior vena cava structure (body structure) E00500 181368006 Entire superior vena cava (body structure) P00500 - 4720 P cardiovascular system BCF14D3F378E47C88837223D0034FD51 C0F10B2B21A44E0B9FBE0A488E1A8BD4 Superior vena cava Entire superior vena cava (body structure) Trunk of systemic vein which is formed by the union of the right and left brachiocephalic veins and terminates in the right atrium. 501 501 00501 inferior vena cava 64131007 S00501 Inferior vena cava structure (body structure) E00501 181369003 Entire inferior vena cava (body structure) P00501 - 10951 P cardiovascular system BDB757B9FC7344FE8314C146479765A1 F6E9E1CEF8434DD6AC9DF25483E828C6 Inferior vena cava Entire inferior vena cava (body structure) Trunk of systemic vein which is formed by the union of the right common iliac vein and the left common iliac vein and terminates in the right atrium. 502 502 00502 internal jugular vein 12123001 S00502 Internal jugular vein structure (body structure) E00502 181372005 Entire internal jugular vein (body structure) P00502 Y 4724 P venous system 28E8D91198CE408D90EE0D02033677E4 0BE5DF7069064631A57E58BC24079DB0 Internal jugular vein Entire internal jugular vein (body structure) 503 503 00503 facial vein 70662004 S00503 Structure of facial vein (body structure) E00503 181374006 Entire facial vein (body structure) P00503 Y 50874 P cardiovascular system 93E3D7703F0C45DFA28424757E5ADB7E 6DD8CCD7383540F69213B35D52CA8B5E facial vein Entire facial vein (body structure) 504 504 00504 cauda equina 7173007 S00504 Cauda equina structure (body structure) E00504 263377004 Entire cauda equina (body structure) P00504 - 52590 P nervous system F3970CEC289049ADAAE6EC74F55DE28E 37789060C351488BA5319E1DCB9787F5 Cauda equina Entire cauda equina (body structure) 505 505 00505 orbicularis oculi muscle 56753004 S00505 Orbicularis oculi muscle structure (body structure) E00505 244726006 Entire orbicularis oculi (body structure) P00505 123855007 Orbicularis oculi muscle part (body structure) Y 46779 P special senses organ system 729E738F967049D5B69416C03517B466 DD69F73F1755480FA82E09D5D5F381D0 45D8A052DDDA43C8954A87446893628A Orbicularis oculi muscle Entire orbicularis oculi (body structure) Orbicularis oculi muscle 506 506 00506 levator palpebrae superioris 58641002 S00506 Levator palpebrae superioris structure (body structure) E00506 244774006 Entire levator palpebrae superioris (body structure) P00506 123856008 Superior levator palpebrae muscle part (body structure) Y 49041 P special senses organ system 59E74F8E6ED04D7CA1970DB07B95BB04 C4F2E4A41CF84ECB9AEE72138FC16847 F0335FF5947942448904E9BFAD759A4B Levator palpebrae superioris Entire levator palpebrae superioris (body structure) Superior levator palpebrae muscle 507 507 00507 masseter muscle 79368004 S00507 Masseter muscle structure (body structure) E00507 181738000 Entire masseter (body structure) P00507 362923004 Masseter muscle part (body structure) Y 48996 P digestive system AC5FED47C44049FD8E7791F0B4EE124D B49F4192941D4FFF9936E658B44C8F9E A6C10D244FF24BBF83C06A9D185EC1B1 Masseter muscle Entire masseter (body structure) Masseter muscle 508 508 00508 orbicularis oris muscle 66977000 S00508 Orbicularis oris muscle structure (body structure) E00508 244749008 Entire orbicularis oris (body structure) P00508 362924005 Orbicularis oris muscle part (body structure) Y 46841 P musculoskeletal system 420FB8FDED824F099FB59E11C81F58FD E78AA4A692EA4C328FB9B3CB04F99790 7BC2C1A0C4DE437F9F4871240AF4C176 Orbicularis oris muscle Entire orbicularis oris (body structure) Orbicularis oris muscle 509 509 00509 digastric muscle 52410001 S00509 Digastric muscle structure (body structure) E00509 244825002 Entire digastric (body structure) P00509 Y 46291 P muscular system 519942CB8E6541739A86AA5A1D8A5D3D 5799F215222B434F8BD113A13F0943E0 Digastric muscle Entire digastric (body structure) 510 510 00510 omohyoid muscle 25794004 S00510 Omohyoid muscle structure (body structure) E00510 244833001 Entire omohyoid muscle (body structure) P00510 Y 13342 P musculoskeletal system BC43AF58B3A148999978404C41285021 79E57188751D439D84C582DA4C4BD39B Omohyoid muscle Entire omohyoid muscle (body structure) 511 511 00511 longus colli muscle 22756007 S00511 Longus colli muscle structure (body structure) E00511 244836009 Entire longus colli (body structure) P00511 362925006 Longus colli muscle part (body structure) Y 13370 P musculoskeletal system 50BA3AA53BA14A4EAC1D4CFD345A64A5 74005338760C4350AA560FA84B1CD9DB E2E403E1EAF5463891E2F95E537770B0 Longus colli muscle Entire longus colli (body structure) Longus colli muscle 512 512 00512 superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle 82182001 S00512 Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle structure (body structure) E00512 244800006 Entire superior constrictor (body structure) P00512 362919007 Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle part (body structure) Y 46621 P digestive system 6BE7E9BEE5A149D99469928070E9795F 41DE186420D649C6B987BF30A569C785 53690ACDEAA44EB8B4E97789F820894B Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle Entire superior constrictor (body structure) Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle 513 513 00513 middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle 66138004 S00513 Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle structure (body structure) E00513 P00513 362920001 Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle part (body structure) Y P digestive system 138BFB0DDE26475496653EB85F222F78 02DFB99FCDD344DEA0D61F8CFE16BAE5 Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle 514 514 00514 nasalis muscle 82298000 S00514 Nasalis muscle structure (body structure) E00514 244732001 Entire nasalis (body structure) P00514 362927003 Nasalis muscle part (body structure) Y 46770 P musculoskeletal system 1217F487617E428FBA1D5B34641DD965 60130441AFEB47B58732AECA8EC5BDDD 3F1BE359DD23468DA69078651DC39EBF Nasalis muscle Entire nasalis (body structure) Nasalis muscle 515 515 00515 external anal sphincter 33512008 S00515 External anal sphincter structure (body structure) E00515 244969008 Entire external sphincter ani muscle (body structure) P00515 362922009 External anal sphincter muscle part (body structure) - 21930 P digestive system A8740CF892F3432BBA670536F3E79D69 1EC5D582F64848BC8DF8938DE2CC256C DCC763F9DD924D61AA56F3A8AAFD1C73 External anal sphincter Entire external sphincter ani muscle (body structure) External anal sphincter muscle 516 516 00516 saphenous opening 79908009 S00516 Saphenous opening structure (body structure) E00516 361642000 Entire saphenous opening (body structure) P00516 Y 58767 P musculoskeletal system D8FB3E26747B4E69BFFC35FF3BCF5641 14486A74230D4E27953C43E202395F0F Saphenous opening Entire saphenous opening (body structure) 517 517 00517 cranial cavity 1101003 S00517 Cranial cavity structure (body structure) E00517 264452006 Entire cranial cavity (body structure) P00517 - 9644 P skeletal system 057CEA082C79482EBA7E2AA65325A74A 53A5E736435B48F9ABAED3FF7288CB8B Cranial cavity Entire cranial cavity (body structure) Space of compartment of head which is bound by the internal surface of the skull. 518 518 00518 iliac fascia 9708001 S00518 Iliac fascia structure (body structure) E00518 361363006 Entire iliac fascia (body structure) P00518 Y 18097 P musculoskeletal system B60EE1B369DB4BE68B840803D1ABDFF5 5AB358FF6019420C8EBAB1B6B413CC2B Iliac fascia Entire iliac fascia (body structure) 519 519 00519 nasal meatus 14625008 S00519 Nasal meatus structure (body structure) E00519 310212002 Entire nasal meatus (body structure) P00519 Y 53146 P respiratory system 7C3C09AC89F0453FB158722E0287ED56 673CDFC52E7F4E8ABCDDD442606052D2 Nasal meatus Entire nasal meatus (body structure) 520 520 00520 constrictor muscle of pharynx 4866005 S00520 Constrictor muscle of pharynx structure (body structure) E00520 244799007 Entire constrictor muscle of pharynx (body structure) P00520 - 46620 P digestive system 223C4E4415A94F9B892EF42683D06260 AF1DEA4533AD41EE88AAD6F8608ECF1A Constrictor muscle of pharynx Entire constrictor muscle of pharynx (body structure) 521 521 00521 fauces 367601008 S00521 Fauces structure (body structure) E00521 361362001 Entire fauces (body structure) P00521 - 55019 P digestive system 6B66273B8139449AB67AF29E1785B0C5 8B39DE47BBA44074AED2A373DC48A70A Fauces Entire fauces (body structure) 522 522 00522 fallopian tube wall 314793001 S00522 Fallopian tube wall structure (body structure) E00522 279898002 Entire wall of Fallopian tube (body structure) P00522 Y 18303 P genital system 101746BBEA354087BB2FAB17E8924BFD A0D97B4221E844F3B3423AAA319E364E Fallopian tube wall Entire wall of Fallopian tube (body structure) 523 523 00523 endocervical gland 50515001 S00523 Endocervical gland structure (body structure) E00523 280836000 Entire endocervical gland (body structure) P00523 - P genital system AB397C05C2D84328B53BD8E4ECD9B799 C407BD0EA4D542C18BB65B29CB5191E7 Endocervical gland Entire endocervical gland (body structure) 524 524 00524 exocervical epithelium 45876009 S00524 Exocervical epithelium structure (body structure) E00524 361376000 Entire exocervical epithelium (body structure) P00524 - P genital system BA58CCAAF199465BA79FE2A4E63A05EC 2982B95457B845ECAF5FB99D53229357 Exocervical epithelium Entire exocervical epithelium (body structure) 525 525 00525 cervical canal wall 314794007 S00525 Cervical canal wall structure (body structure) E00525 279883004 Entire wall of cervical canal (body structure) P00525 - P genital system 8334C7B45BD34D1A9A67B6CBDA3D4E48 D6A4780B8E2B46AD80E965B3812070DD Cervical canal wall Entire wall of cervical canal (body structure) 526 526 00526 head of fibula 22457002 S00526 Head of fibula structure (body structure) E00526 182080006 Entire head of fibula (body structure) P00526 Y 225319 P skeletal system 7EEE4CD73F974CFC9998DD2F9399A431 08EC2CBF66DC4DA6BCCCDA06702B8DD7 Head of fibula Entire head of fibula (body structure) 527 527 00527 calcaneal tubercle 82474009 S00527 Calcaneal tubercle structure (body structure) E00527 272716005 Entire tubercle of calcaneum (body structure) P00527 Y 33640 P skeletal system 10ABB25D9BDA42A38A9C1D7E5BDC7160 FBF921EBE963469CB64B34F7591B954E Calcaneal tubercle Entire tubercle of calcaneum (body structure) 528 528 00528 septal cartilage 3810000 S00528 Septal cartilage structure (body structure) E00528 278942008 Entire septal cartilage (body structure) P00528 - 59503 P skeletal system AC81D6A3C82C4A04B85D01BE0795FB64 25D12B1461124A0F889B2B3B0D97214C Septal cartilage Entire septal cartilage (body structure) 529 529 00529 head of eleventh rib 113200002 S00529 Head of eleventh rib structure (body structure) E00529 361311004 Entire head of eleventh rib (body structure) P00529 Y 8500 P skeletal system 444ECCCD23224459BF68271768385A11 6C392960175A415AB7D658E5267648FE Head of eleventh rib Entire head of eleventh rib (body structure) 530 530 00530 tubercle of eleventh rib 25252001 S00530 Tubercle of eleventh rib structure (body structure) E00530 361312006 Entire tubercle of eleventh rib (body structure) P00530 Y P skeletal system F57212B0CB8E421B92171F418CD13A5B 54D1F7DB310F4B96B8B860506E7B61FF Tubercle of eleventh rib Entire tubercle of eleventh rib (body structure) 531 531 00531 head of ninth rib 59907000 S00531 Head of ninth rib structure (body structure) E00531 304976000 Entire head of ninth rib (body structure) P00531 Y 8338 P skeletal system 787CA302DB344BD6BA48CEEA9D73FEC8 B90D2EEBDF1340BBA01F6B7EBD5B369C Head of ninth rib Entire head of ninth rib (body structure) 532 532 00532 tubercle of ninth rib 37452008 S00532 Tubercle of ninth rib structure (body structure) E00532 361309008 Entire tubercle of ninth rib (body structure) P00532 Y 8346 P skeletal system 683EDCDB561740399FF9C2B7D0A65BAD 202D7CFBAE8547D38103D720ECD04291 Tubercle of ninth rib Entire tubercle of ninth rib (body structure) 533 533 00533 head of tenth rib 3935005 S00533 Head of tenth rib structure (body structure) E00533 304977009 Entire head of tenth rib (body structure) P00533 Y 8419 P skeletal system 87A844EF6D124912A06253F34D6DA09B 2A302ADB9BD64D78B1C93BB4218873D9 Head of tenth rib Entire head of tenth rib (body structure) 534 534 00534 tubercle of tenth rib 26969003 S00534 Tubercle of tenth rib structure (body structure) E00534 361310003 Entire tubercle of tenth rib (body structure) P00534 Y 8427 P skeletal system F0DE2D8027034727B967EC4524152ACA F7F82A2915BE4209B73AC6E5E8300342 Tubercle of tenth rib Entire tubercle of tenth rib (body structure) 535 535 00535 tubercle of rib 113198008 S00535 Tubercle of rib structure (body structure) E00535 361104005 Entire tubercle of rib (body structure) P00535 Y 7583 P skeletal system C5B9CF6B751D4939ABDD24F69E0188A7 23BFE45084D54396817219365E14B572 Tubercle of rib Entire tubercle of rib (body structure) 536 536 00536 head of eighth rib 90031009 S00536 Head of eighth rib structure (body structure) E00536 304975001 Entire head of eighth rib (body structure) P00536 Y 8121 P skeletal system 9550C8AB61DA4187A90D2B197272E3E9 68C715EF2DB042FABA6401470C9D4D1B Head of eighth rib Entire head of eighth rib (body structure) 537 537 00537 head of rib 12872006 S00537 Head of rib structure (body structure) E00537 263358001 Entire head of rib (body structure) P00537 Y 7575 P skeletal system 1D0F09AE7E8E4189963F8B0DD32173E1 C676AB5FD00C4874AC88A4D5F6DE5033 Head of rib Entire head of rib (body structure) 538 538 00538 tubercle of eighth rib 4606005 S00538 Tubercle of eighth rib structure (body structure) E00538 361308000 Entire tubercle of eighth rib (body structure) P00538 Y 8129 P skeletal system AFEEBEA459D4410B89F4D46064125BA9 6BF4728EDCCC43CBBA3DF1FAEB721216 Tubercle of eighth rib Entire tubercle of eighth rib (body structure) 539 539 00539 cecum 32713005 S00539 Cecum structure (body structure) E00539 181256004 Entire cecum (body structure) P00539 - 14541 P digestive system 1FEAFCC20DA24DB28AE18D1B66F9459C 30A4EF0E8333433F84DAE6824B8254B0 Cecum Entire cecum (body structure) 540 540 00540 head of third rib 91229000 S00540 Head of third rib structure (body structure) E00540 304970006 Entire head of third rib (body structure) P00540 Y 7639 P skeletal system DD0ED80EB4CC49AD9717F91EBD245BC8 3BA601C690DD486680021A8E403BC5B4 Head of third rib Entire head of third rib (body structure) 541 541 00541 appendix 66754008 S00541 Appendix structure (body structure) E00541 181255000 Entire appendix (body structure) P00541 - 14542 P digestive system 2865D78BAEDE4FF2B3673198216C341B 334AE4379C35492F9D6E078F092CF0F6 Appendix Entire appendix (body structure) Organ with organ cavity which is continuous proximally with the cecum and distally terminates in the tip of the appendix. 542 542 00542 head of seventh rib 90214009 S00542 Head of seventh rib structure (body structure) E00542 304974002 Entire head of seventh rib (body structure) P00542 Y 7831 P skeletal system 4035A8C3CF594B5AB4746FE74FCF7A5C F5FF8867B0344D70B2020CD996242471 Head of seventh rib Entire head of seventh rib (body structure) 543 543 00543 tubercle of seventh rib 67901008 S00543 Tubercle of seventh rib structure (body structure) E00543 361307005 Entire tubercle of seventh rib (body structure) P00543 Y 7839 P skeletal system 42271C8DF3074AFCBC0454B3C70F1B05 A9395A21626B4C2F82ACF9C97ACE8F44 Tubercle of seventh rib Entire tubercle of seventh rib (body structure) 544 544 00544 head of second rib 4215008 S00544 Head of second rib structure (body structure) E00544 304969005 Entire head of second rib (body structure) P00544 Y 7621 P skeletal system A02CA257403D464C9332096A6E57FFDE C85141C09C8749BFA83C5F74E1A6B45E Head of second rib Entire head of second rib (body structure) 545 545 00545 antihelix 55881008 S00545 Antihelix structure (body structure) E00545 279612003 Entire antihelix (body structure) P00545 Y 60995 P special senses organ system 640371D6BFD44FC2A27249F6BFB68312 702EB97B2D1A42179FF55229C42C18DA Antihelix Entire antihelix (body structure) 546 546 00546 tubercle of second rib 72653007 S00546 Tubercle of second rib structure (body structure) E00546 361303009 Entire tubercle of second rib (body structure) P00546 Y 7626 P skeletal system CB658CCB7BF444FC87215C5C2FA7A256 B0D038A523824B06AEE3BD8B1F5A48EF Tubercle of second rib Entire tubercle of second rib (body structure) 547 547 00547 concha of ear 52678007 S00547 Concha of ear structure (body structure) E00547 361669004 Entire concha of ear (body structure) P00547 Y 61006 P special senses organ system EDF4E28FA8F14F439BCB9FD481CFD09D D696DD9EAC3C4D40B794D2039A561FF2 Concha of ear Entire concha of ear (body structure) 548 548 00548 head of sixth rib 82783003 S00548 Head of sixth rib structure (body structure) E00548 304973008 Entire head of sixth rib (body structure) P00548 Y 7804 P skeletal system 85F2E3822A3241CAB043B1236CD06452 5C3EC2F6E20D4F038D6D4C78B13D295B Head of sixth rib Entire head of sixth rib (body structure) 549 549 00549 head of twelfth rib 18172000 S00549 Head of twelfth rib structure (body structure) E00549 304978004 Entire head of twelfth rib (body structure) P00549 Y 8516 P skeletal system 33A0981669654201BAF8C098DBAC0544 BA19358402364B97BBED0054B0302F79 Head of twelfth rib Entire head of twelfth rib (body structure) 550 550 00550 tubercle of sixth rib 41532002 S00550 Tubercle of sixth rib structure (body structure) E00550 361306001 Entire tubercle of sixth rib (body structure) P00550 Y 7812 P skeletal system 48D629ABAE6046D29F516262EA2DF6BC C0FA22918D0C42A583B9D54CFD8C02DD Tubercle of sixth rib Entire tubercle of sixth rib (body structure) 551 551 00551 tubercle of twelfth rib 78982003 S00551 Tubercle of twelfth rib structure (body structure) E00551 361313001 Entire tubercle of twelfth rib (body structure) P00551 Y P skeletal system F5791D61133F4F6F96C67C278FF79142 1EF78F5067C2411E8C4929A8C5209A61 Tubercle of twelfth rib Entire tubercle of twelfth rib (body structure) 552 552 00552 head of fifth rib 14871003 S00552 Head of fifth rib structure (body structure) E00552 304972003 Entire head of fifth rib (body structure) P00552 Y 7777 P skeletal system A9EA6197970C4FB0A33BBE6DFAA5F551 6AE99456CEF140DCA26EC061C4A674F3 Head of fifth rib Entire head of fifth rib (body structure) 553 553 00553 tubercle of fifth rib 17492001 S00553 Tubercle of fifth rib structure (body structure) E00553 361305002 Entire tubercle of fifth rib (body structure) P00553 Y 7785 P skeletal system E10A911F28084F8CA3E7FE2454980363 9D83CA3D16A34F1F936E1FA2B9C117B0 Tubercle of fifth rib Entire tubercle of fifth rib (body structure) 554 554 00554 head of fourth rib 17134007 S00554 Head of fourth rib structure (body structure) E00554 304971005 Entire head of fourth rib (body structure) P00554 Y 7750 P skeletal system 52AB72276AF941918A5B2BA69BC9F98B F828F98BC34E4854886A3386208A9EC4 Head of fourth rib Entire head of fourth rib (body structure) 555 555 00555 tubercle of fourth rib 88741004 S00555 Tubercle of fourth rib structure (body structure) E00555 361304003 Entire tubercle of fourth rib (body structure) P00555 Y 7758 P skeletal system E1B4974BF51D4234B6E3B0634B000FA3 2453A4E8FC91441A8ED674BEE40C925F Tubercle of fourth rib Entire tubercle of fourth rib (body structure) 556 556 00556 head of first rib 67257009 S00556 Head of first rib structure (body structure) E00556 304967007 Entire head of first rib (body structure) P00556 Y 7600 P skeletal system 1A5C880AAE9347C9A4AA75D5455C813F 918CCC722441469784C79A67EAE0100A Head of first rib Entire head of first rib (body structure) 557 557 00557 tubercle of first rib 35333002 S00557 Tubercle of first rib structure (body structure) E00557 361302004 Entire tubercle of first rib (body structure) P00557 Y 7605 P skeletal system A532C609111F4C59924EB1462A3F2D70 9A836FE49132495E87C7664F05808DC6 Tubercle of first rib Entire tubercle of first rib (body structure) 558 558 00558 cartilage organ of ala nasi 360954005 S00558 Alar cartilage structure (body structure) E00558 278943003 Entire alar cartilage (body structure) P00558 Y P skeletal system 81608B65D9DA45D185F2AAFAFA8A2F8F E68A63C8E7D74EC19370590A6EE987A0 Alar cartilage Entire alar cartilage (body structure) 559 559 00559 iliac crest 29850006 S00559 Iliac crest structure (body structure) E00559 182034009 Entire iliac crest (body structure) P00559 Y 16914 P skeletal system 8B83FA96DF7F40AB8A53A7D95360C34B E5A9D23D7DEB463B8C1CFA4899E46A72 Iliac crest Entire iliac crest (body structure) 560 560 00560 interarytenoid fold 105585004 S00560 Interarytenoid fold structure (body structure) E00560 280389005 Entire interarytenoid fold (body structure) P00560 - 77285 P digestive system EA8B025E4AA64BA7AA3D60F1F9B3B493 EE3E002D3A6449E1B8ED84342171EB75 Interarytenoid fold Entire interarytenoid fold (body structure) 561 561 00561 aryepiglottic fold 43545006 S00561 Aryepiglottic fold structure (body structure) E00561 245503009 Entire aryepiglottic fold (body structure) P00561 Y 55448 P digestive system A04173C849244FD19CAF892C17FAFB14 3A9E07BF3C1E43C6AD9796A42255D599 Aryepiglottic fold Entire aryepiglottic fold (body structure) 562 562 00562 vocal cord 46105003 S00562 Vocal cord structure (body structure) E00562 245504003 Entire vocal cord (body structure) P00562 Y 55457 P respiratory system DC785BB9A5184E95BBFA01086B590113 28F756D3400148A99783DC38DC1CE6A6 Vocal cord Entire vocal cord (body structure) 563 563 00563 pulmonary alveolus 113253006 S00563 Pulmonary alveolar structure (body structure) E00563 361364000 Entire pulmonary alveolus (body structure) P00563 Y 7318 P respiratory system 753E2A80D0DC42D0AE11D46CFC3AF4F3 4C75A25B1D664E8C9B3BE4B565504C6A Pulmonary alveolar Entire pulmonary alveolus (body structure) 564 564 00564 stomach wall 75609008 S00564 Stomach wall structure (body structure) E00564 279995000 Entire wall of stomach (body structure) P00564 - 14582 P digestive system 05121BB14AEE417E98849C425CDD107D 202708942AF54F628B6E3F6C72EA90E7 Stomach wall Entire wall of stomach (body structure) 565 565 00565 sphincter of Oddi 51807001 S00565 Sphincter of Oddi structure (body structure) E00565 181271000 Entire sphincter of Oddi (body structure) P00565 - 15077 P digestive system BC69D03FD8D24DBB9B283289D2F72608 23F3D5F5F10541B0B0DDA0DBCCCA0C40 Sphincter of Oddi Entire sphincter of Oddi (body structure) 566 566 00566 cystic duct 77452001 S00566 Cystic duct structure (body structure) E00566 245398005 Entire cystic duct (body structure) P00566 - 14539 P digestive system 34AD00FD7BBE47299F91867F7371E0F8 A4051C7F10C24900AC2E631AFA0B67DC Cystic duct Entire cystic duct (body structure) 567 567 00567 soleus muscle 78376008 S00567 Soleus muscle structure (body structure) E00567 181702007 Entire soleus (body structure) P00567 Y 22542 P muscular system DFB8A3E08D80445089771C7117EBD33A 3AD3884A7F7547549B2A3C09988A66EF Soleus muscle Entire soleus (body structure) 568 568 00568 hair inner root sheath 51532006 S00568 Hair inner root sheath structure (body structure) E00568 361361008 Entire inner root sheath (body structure) P00568 - P integumentary system C198613ACDB3434FB1CAF247182071F3 C84A6C6E8BC14706972DD5383EAC924C Hair inner root sheath Entire inner root sheath (body structure) 569 569 00569 iliac spine 314905009 S00569 Iliac spine structure (body structure) E00569 272712007 Entire iliac spine (body structure) P00569 Y 82509 P skeletal system E1F2FDBFC879455C9EAA2867C28370CA F7D2398027E640BBB1572FFE9E90DDA9 Iliac spine Entire iliac spine (body structure) 570 570 00570 ischial tuberosity 69030007 S00570 Ischial tuberosity structure (body structure) E00570 182041003 Entire ischial tuberosity (body structure) P00570 Y 17010 P skeletal system 52FD54E3020048CFB1FFD0D728CF69FF DB951B9FD0B64B4F932D39BCC4C13219 Ischial tuberosity Entire ischial tuberosity (body structure) 571 571 00571 glenoid of scapula 46385009 S00571 Glenoid structure (body structure) E00571 181914008 Entire glenoid cavity of scapula (body structure) P00571 Y 23809 P skeletal system 1640B55E19C44CE3B33DEA27AE42A819 C9C8F320B1404C3AA4285387353AB711 Glenoid Entire glenoid cavity of scapula (body structure) 572 572 00572 umbilical cord 29870000 S00572 Umbilical cord structure (body structure) E00572 280644003 Entire umbilical cord (body structure) P00572 - 85541 P 1A0087DDCE9440F4A8EE60207EF32E83 B4FAB346A0644839937F7B2AF4F326BD Umbilical cord Entire umbilical cord (body structure) 573 573 00573 sympathetic trunk 44909008 S00573 Sympathetic trunk structure (body structure) E00573 181099004 Entire sympathetic trunk (body structure) P00573 Y 6258 P nervous system A8C1701BBA2C4F39B0AA8DB422E2D55C 710710D037D24C3EA776C30B55AE4A5B Sympathetic trunk Entire sympathetic trunk (body structure) 574 574 00574 nerve (neural organ or peripheral axon bundle) 3057000 S00574 Nerve structure (body structure) E00574 256864008 Entire nerve (body structure) P00574 119410002 Nerve part (body structure) - 0 P nervous system 4C36F7B948524857A220CA1E15DFD85A D618E50708754388868928EBE2814A09 59C52916EDBA40CCB8C768826486460B Nerve Entire nerve (body structure) Nerve 575 575 00575 auricular cartilage 11691007 S00575 Auricular cartilage structure (body structure) E00575 279627003 Entire auricular cartilage (body structure) P00575 Y 61013 P special senses organ system B1B20D057BC546C39708AC44EE35B450 88AEBE0A872948E69098843C0C102A8A Auricular cartilage Entire auricular cartilage (body structure) 576 576 00576 helix 86153000 S00576 Helix structure (body structure) E00576 279607004 Entire helix of ear (body structure) P00576 Y 60992 P special senses organ system DD3B904A0EDC43109DBBE071FBC11F09 99ABC1808F4A401B93D5443E9F07FB70 Helix Entire helix of ear (body structure) 577 577 00577 mastoid antrum 4906008 S00577 Mastoid antrum structure (body structure) E00577 264239003 Entire mastoid antrum (body structure) P00577 Y 55711 P special senses organ system 086E7A57E7B449FAAA8AD9467ACF54F5 49B16D9E49754B738378F0631E29E85F Mastoid antrum Entire mastoid antrum (body structure) 578 578 00578 cartilage organ of nose 16178009 S00578 Nasal cartilage structure (body structure) E00578 278941001 Entire nasal cartilage (body structure) P00578 - 59502 P skeletal system 5085E9B18C004E338960D5CB84FB2935 261D85DBA7894B1ABE4BBFC4C68190E2 Nasal cartilage Entire nasal cartilage (body structure) 579 579 00579 spiral cochlear ligament 14596009 S00579 Spiral cochlear ligament structure (body structure) E00579 279840005 Entire spiral cochlear ligament (body structure) P00579 Y 79834 P special senses organ system 4AE06902554747BF80B7B47A684597CB E96014BFA58440A9940820F668C25F14 Spiral cochlear ligament Entire spiral cochlear ligament (body structure) 580 580 00580 optic tract 53238003 S00580 Optic tract structure (body structure) E00580 280952003 Entire optic tract (body structure) P00580 Y 62046 P special senses organ system 05A8AAD1C5F049E7835E73CF03AE81EA 5A13F9CAA1F14A1788AF3ED9C55F12C4 Optic tract Entire optic tract (body structure) Nerve trunk which is continuous with the optic chiasm and the lateral geniculate nucleus. 581 581 00581 salivary apparatus 75535001 S00581 Salivary structure (body structure) E00581 P00581 - P digestive system 4A97EED61EC34ABDBBB6F658A504DEDF Salivary apparatus 582 582 00582 mediastinum 72410000 S00582 Mediastinal structure (body structure) E00582 181217005 Entire mediastinum (body structure) P00582 - 9826 P respiratory system 6D472F861D7E4547908EC1C7718F3E8E 624035CEE620413BA79E17C66A01CECD Mediastinum Entire mediastinum (body structure) Subdivsion of thoracic compartment which has as its parts the superior mediastinum and inferior mediastinum. 583 583 00583 brain 12738006 S00583 Brain structure (body structure) E00583 258335003 Entire brain (body structure) P00583 119235005 Brain part (body structure) - 50801 P nervous system F1398971B7E245418B1D2482009E1F66 D0B6067375DD46AEB44F37B2C712F014 7260ACDBBF9049A59A291284F47437E0 Brain Entire brain (body structure) Brain Segment of neuraxis which consists of portion of neural tissue organized and subdivided into forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain, contained in cranial cavity and continuous with and rostral to spinal cord. 584 584 00584 spinal cord 2748008 S00584 Spinal cord structure (body structure) E00584 180959008 Entire spinal cord (body structure) P00584 119404002 Spinal cord part (body structure) - 7647 P nervous system 625F9468B2AF4854A9587FA3A088E168 3BB21F4B3E364C7EBA44FC87EE632385 99D02B06E3DC4B468EF7062093059AA4 Spinal cord Entire spinal cord (body structure) Spinal cord Segment of neuraxis which consists of portion of neural tissue continuous with and caudal to brain, surround central canal and contained in space of vertebral canal. 585 585 00585 anterior interosseous nerve 35809003 S00585 Anterior interosseous nerve structure (body structure) E00585 181014005 Entire anterior interosseous nerve (body structure) P00585 Y 44822 P nervous system 8DC98041D3424EF28EE81784F902DE6E 301F5C2F383049B39E1257D431A208A0 Anterior interosseous nerve Entire anterior interosseous nerve (body structure) 586 586 00586 posterior interosseous nerve 41782009 S00586 Posterior interosseous nerve structure (body structure) E00586 181013004 Entire posterior interosseous nerve (body structure) P00586 Y 77559 P nervous system 839F856A2EF34835B601F6AD0B353C67 C4FFC44AA75D4EA4BCA8BD2EF3E1CF8A Posterior interosseous nerve Entire posterior interosseous nerve (body structure) 587 587 00587 autonomic nerve 53520000 S00587 Autonomic nerve structure (body structure) E00587 276145003 Entire autonomic nerve (body structure) P00587 - 0 P nervous system 92C0B5F5C61A4076B49F7DA057A0FBE6 F6C2E2493F614D81A77F683700F1D9F1 Autonomic nerve Entire autonomic nerve (body structure) 588 588 00588 lens of eye 78076003 S00588 Structure of lens of eye (body structure) E00588 181169005 Entire lens (body structure) P00588 Y 58241 P special senses organ system 5C3545788EA04361991D0EB92BF48358 F1108F71901248CBB8CE30DBB5D6D30A lens of eye Entire lens (body structure) 589 589 00589 conjunctiva 29445007 S00589 Conjunctival structure (body structure) E00589 181161008 Entire conjunctiva (body structure) P00589 Y 59011 P special senses organ system A2CDAA613DEF4333B404357AD0FC9E37 D2376EB59E344E8A8C617BE311DE61E6 Conjunctiva Entire conjunctiva (body structure) 590 590 00590 cornea 28726007 S00590 Corneal structure (body structure) E00590 181162001 Entire cornea (body structure) P00590 372175005 Corneal part (body structure) Y 58238 P special senses organ system 2DEB0C7274614685BC57C59D243AD1CE 71BD2DD6156D4A0483312A5A3E963391 C678108E78264BB3ADD22F654D8D87AB Cornea Entire cornea (body structure) Cornea 591 591 00591 retina 5665001 S00591 Retinal structure (body structure) E00591 181171005 Entire retina (body structure) P00591 Y 58301 P special senses organ system D060CE12682E48C09340E7CBDB3DE5DE 7EFBCB7CBF454A3A8723B4588238B4F4 Retina Entire retina (body structure) Layer of wall of eyeball which is continuous with optic nerve. 592 592 00592 choroid 68703001 S00592 Choroidal structure (body structure) E00592 181172003 Entire choroid (body structure) P00592 Y 58298 P special senses organ system A7725FE445BD45F79F4A8C485E1CAC88 B007DA37B60442B6947EE3F6D913B6DF Choroid Entire choroid (body structure) 593 593 00593 pulmonary arterial tree organ 81040000 S00593 Pulmonary artery structure (body structure) E00593 181380003 Entire pulmonary artery (body structure) P00593 - P 8C370A9F671140248B326D9B9605489C C3CE501736CC455BA9BC1B2F8E51F71B Pulmonary artery Entire pulmonary artery (body structure) 594 594 00594 external ear 28347008 S00594 External ear structure (body structure) E00594 420893000 Entire external ear (body structure)ks P00594 372181002 External ear part (body structure) Y 52781 P special senses organ system 1FA80655606E4D4B9A4A75C5BCD529B7 5BDC3F0522134EC3AE18684391203A0E 9D75CB43597C4F7D9C383D4FA90CB959 External ear Entire external ear (body structure)ks External ear 595 595 00595 oral cavity 74262004 S00595 Oral cavity structure (body structure) E00595 181220002 Entire oral cavity (body structure) P00595 - 20292 P digestive system ABFE283DE0B54410BF858BD61A895CE4 7266605775084E809A7FF4CAEB48B4A5 Oral cavity Entire oral cavity (body structure) 596 596 00596 middle ear 25342003 S00596 Middle ear structure (body structure) E00596 181185000 Entire middle ear (body structure) P00596 Y 56513 P special senses organ system AAD7B1E91B4A46F489E0C8FAAACD7867 D9638720B1AA427B9BF17C3F6502FF88 Middle ear Entire middle ear (body structure) 597 597 00597 ear ossicle 41845008 S00597 Ear ossicle structure (body structure) E00597 181184001 Entire ossicle of ear (body structure) P00597 Y 52750 P special senses organ system F14613D1E0D84372ACBC90789FCFC65C 23A17A7D7C6A413DAAA7CBD08977C135 Ear ossicle Entire ossicle of ear (body structure) 598 598 00598 tooth 38199008 S00598 Tooth structure (body structure) E00598 302214001 Entire tooth (body structure) P00598 410613002 Tooth part (body structure) tooth Y 12516 P digestive system CF74E21AE6C041A392EB2B28B89640BC 48D6DC23E6454687BCEDD2911DD9BD31 5B7CADB169F447DC848CBAD02C8CF91A Tooth Entire tooth (body structure) Tooth Organ with a cavity which consist of dentine and enamel. Examples: incisor, molar. 599 599 00599 dental arch 4442007 S00599 Dental arch structure (body structure) E00599 245548008 Entire dental arch (body structure) P00599 - 289707 P digestive system 935C05AC45274B54956BD4749FF43BCC DECDC01046544D5DB19B4E5651D40713 Dental arch Entire dental arch (body structure) 600 600 00600 mastoid 59066005 S00600 Mastoid structure (body structure) E00600 265784008 Entire mastoid (body structure) P00600 Y P skeletal system 8081FB5A107945F0BBB32FB5187B61AF 124894F1811F450AAABD4F1F4E4D90A2 Mastoid Entire mastoid (body structure) 601 601 00601 alveolar ridge 272661000 S00601 Alveolar ridge structure (body structure) E00601 245790000 Entire alveolar ridge (body structure) P00601 - P digestive system 08033A9DDE154BC58F3E24A891D807BE 7BF22C4D53614BC2B96EEC9A574F8CBF Alveolar ridge Entire alveolar ridge (body structure) 602 602 00602 inner ear 22945000 S00602 Inner ear structure (body structure) E00602 181189006 Entire inner ear (body structure) P00602 Y 60909 P special senses organ system 46C23B14DFE041BEA6E8A53618422E7C B2CC2C4C5F4046C7ACF400A895B8456E Inner ear Entire inner ear (body structure) 603 603 00603 hard palate 90228003 S00603 Hard palate structure (body structure) E00603 245778002 Entire hard palate (body structure) P00603 - 55023 P digestive system E2D3F83224B644CDBB95491A2419F46A 6A7BBC269E0A4258BFC5F4F59766E803 Hard palate Entire hard palate (body structure) 604 604 00604 pharynx 54066008 S00604 Pharyngeal structure (body structure) E00604 181211006 Entire pharynx (body structure) P00604 119195004 Pharyngeal part (body structure) - 46688 P digestive system 891CABE2F7904EACB46D098B7DC58768 A2A7C3C2898E40D4979E84BAF5EA05A9 3D74DCE015B54C54B7510636E6AA9A27 Pharynx Entire pharynx (body structure) Pharynx 605 605 00605 soft palate 49460000 S00605 Soft palate structure (body structure) E00605 245784004 Entire soft palate (body structure) P00605 - 55021 P digestive system 378D9921B38447AE9D60063DD02C563D BC21D93A81C5411698B6E4E881A9E18A Soft palate Entire soft palate (body structure) 606 606 00606 larynx 4596009 S00606 Laryngeal structure (body structure) E00606 181212004 Entire larynx (body structure) P00606 119196003 Laryngeal part (body structure) - 55097 P respiratory system 31F95190D9104A48882307EAFDB8B3B0 67DF5A044DD9451289B41EEE2CAA2929 CE2D8130878248598B825ED6CA0776BE Larynx Entire larynx (body structure) Larynx Heterogeneous cluster that connects the pharynx to the tracheobronchial tree. 607 607 00607 floor of mouth 36360002 S00607 Floor of mouth structure (body structure) E00607 245786002 Entire floor of mouth (body structure) P00607 - 86592 P digestive system 06B8A47E4F124BEEA5AEB526EF6EB1DD E95374CA649B4A068C8E73075DE95AC1 Floor of mouth Entire floor of mouth (body structure) 608 608 00608 lung 39607008 S00608 Lung structure (body structure) E00608 181216001 Entire lung (body structure) P00608 119199005 Lung part (body structure) Y 7195 P respiratory system D26BFA7A65ED46B3B04CB2B2B149A780 8113C66003A84E03A699C304294AB03A D55BD36F010848F6A15214AFBEFCA636 Lung Entire lung (body structure) Lung Lobular organ which has as its parts alveoli connected to the tracheobronchial tree. Examples: There are only two instances, right lung and left lung. 609 609 00609 tongue 21974007 S00609 Tongue structure (body structure) E00609 181226008 Entire tongue (body structure) P00609 119207006 Tongue part (body structure) - 54640 P digestive system EA128366F82C45FBA4D3CFBDD73F6191 88FEB532776443D6A02C5467D8D74898 3150EB70F38F463691282B324C54C6F6 Tongue Entire tongue (body structure) Tongue 610 610 00610 gingiva 113279002 S00610 Gingival structure (body structure) E00610 181224006 Entire gingiva (body structure) P00610 119209009 Gingival part (body structure) - 59762 P digestive system 667AEA4C03B24D4E91109EB1024FAE06 6B2DC86BE37644D198E929206D37622C 4D53BDB1D9D5415BBFD91264C5148EC7 Gingiva Entire gingiva (body structure) Gingiva 611 611 00611 liver 10200004 S00611 Liver structure (body structure) E00611 181268008 Entire liver (body structure) P00611 119216005 Liver part (body structure) - 7197 P digestive system 0689B65341694131BE2E8898D56C728F 0A8A9074BCA347FEBBFC69D02B36AE66 B25ACCB62821456FB01909B865C859DF Liver Entire liver (body structure) Liver Lobular organ which has as its parts lobules connected to the biliary tree. 612 612 00612 cardiac ventricle 21814001 S00612 Cardiac ventricular structure (body structure) E00612 277699000 Entire cardiac ventricle (body structure) P00612 - 7100 Y P cardiovascular system EBD538F1CE034047B9AF90136C022120 42964F402A604100AC422C4A2FE66E2C Cardiac ventricular Entire cardiac ventricle (body structure) Cardiac chamber which consists of a wall that surrounds the cavity of a ventricle. 613 613 00613 gallbladder 28231008 S00613 Gallbladder structure (body structure) E00613 181269000 Entire gallbladder (body structure) P00613 116368001 Gallbladder part (body structure) - 7202 P digestive system C9E05F7C9A9241829F53A9F3C88E7DB2 8B59FDD790B3445CAE74A961E4EDC804 EA3FF7AE70B641CD8C738BE40D8C1FB2 Gallbladder Entire gallbladder (body structure) Gallbladder Organ with organ cavity which is continuous proximally with the cystic duct and distally terminates in the fundus of the gallbladder. 614 614 00614 right ventricle 53085002 S00614 Right ventricular structure (body structure) E00614 244384009 Entire right ventricle (body structure) P00614 - 7098 R P cardiovascular system F0B4A36D04644CD39C3F6DC35DA32189 94A542B9D86447C295E9E8A16FE19D6C Right ventricular Entire right ventricle (body structure) Right cardiac chamber which is continuous with the pulmonary arterial trunk. 615 615 00615 pancreas 15776009 S00615 Pancreatic structure (body structure) E00615 181277001 Entire pancreas (body structure) P00615 119218006 Pancreas part (body structure) - 7198 P digestive system D3B45A06A734455CB75E6FBB544615A6 FB941042DFD44D528F28312F7B1DFC58 896361628ACB46C0844ACA400892A220 Pancreas Entire pancreas (body structure) Pancreas Lobular organ the parenchyma of which consists of glandular acini which communicate via a duct system with the duodenum. 616 616 00616 left ventricle 87878005 S00616 Left ventricular structure (body structure) E00616 244385005 Entire left ventricle (body structure) P00616 - 7101 L P cardiovascular system 587100D80E104949885378E51480FADB D39BDCCBF5CE4A7495E6C54A91D2095B Left ventricular Entire left ventricle (body structure) Left cardiac chamber which is continuous with the aorta. 618 618 00618 kidney 64033007 S00618 Kidney structure (body structure) E00618 181414000 Entire kidney (body structure) P00618 119219003 Kidney part (body structure) Y 7203 P urinary system 98619AB5B99449C9BE6471DAA41587AD 9DB14DB21946470D9AB46758514C9F05 D86174DFF1D4477E802CBD9B82EFD0E2 Kidney Entire kidney (body structure) Kidney 619 619 00619 cardiac conducting system 24964005 S00619 Cardiac conducting system structure (body structure) E00619 281489000 Entire cardiac conducting system (body structure) P00619 - 9476 P cardiovascular system AA4448C1E1BE42D4BF140E3A1B410A42 605C855DCA5646CBBA1A531E59C1B6C6 Cardiac conducting system Entire cardiac conducting system (body structure) Conducting tissue of heart which consists of specialized cardiac myocyte in the myocardium. 620 620 00620 ureter 87953007 S00620 Ureteric structure (body structure) E00620 302511008 Entire ureter (body structure) P00620 119220009 Ureter part (body structure) Y 9704 P urinary system B0EF3F360638468EB1134D21EADFBEE8 96C2E8BA753946248AB1CC78E5B74527 68DEAB97BA20420483DA9581FA17A8D1 Ureter Entire ureter (body structure) Ureter Organ with organ cavity which connects the renal sinus to the urinary bladder. Examples: There are only two ureters, the right and the left ureters. 621 621 00621 urinary bladder 89837001 S00621 Urinary bladder structure (body structure) E00621 302512001 Entire bladder (body structure) P00621 119221008 Bladder part (body structure) - 15900 P urinary system E0DEEC5EAF4C46F7B2C9EF53974E1065 71A5737874E24AE5AD4806F83CF05DC1 3BAC0D499F994FA8A9A50C79D9667FDF Urinary bladder Entire bladder (body structure) Bladder Organ with organ cavity which is continuous proximally with the right and left ureters and distally with the urethra. 622 622 00622 aorta 15825003 S00622 Aortic structure (body structure) E00622 181298001 Entire aorta (body structure) P00622 119203005 Aorta part (body structure) - 3734 P cardiovascular system 5D5F8C01D0B748C1806A9617BDE283F2 A42A9562A1634022A36B1A0905703484 28CD840BECD9463DAFB3F46E3149AC16 Aorta Entire aorta (body structure) Aorta 623 623 00623 urethra 13648007 S00623 Urethral structure (body structure) E00623 302513006 Entire urethra (body structure) P00623 119222001 Urethra part (body structure) - 19667 P urinary system 8EA77F05C40A49C3A6D5CAA0716570B1 B76E587B11794C41B6843F715C96599B 490E369C15DD479998BA5363B0D0FD10 Urethra Entire urethra (body structure) Urethra Organ with organ cavity which connects the cavity of the urinary bladder to the exterior. 624 624 00624 penis 18911002 S00624 Penile structure (body structure) E00624 265793009 Entire penis (body structure) P00624 119230000 Penis part (body structure) - 9707 P genital system 68F4BD6A029D4A1FB985076441A9A889 A1F29D7DC70B488EAFC2D9DEFB3246F8 64AE277C946E4D25B61B076E59A879AB Penis Entire penis (body structure) Penis 625 625 00625 scrotum 20233005 S00625 Scrotal structure (body structure) E00625 265794003 Entire scrotum (body structure) P00625 372238007 Scrotal part (body structure) - 18252 P genital system 307BCB0C863A492EB5B8A950EFB8E57D BD5A178604694D2D9BBD543BE4E38A47 5F2438018D534C34BCAFC36E94039107 Scrotum Entire scrotum (body structure) Scrotum 626 626 00626 prostate 41216001 S00626 Prostatic structure (body structure) E00626 181422007 Entire prostate (body structure) P00626 119231001 Prostate part (body structure) - 9600 P genital system D960245D92184752881D0BE83980A2EC C8FB3DD4F4C8481C8A0E32FFE2FA5202 329E8734758B4896A1DB758690152BCC Prostate Entire prostate (body structure) Prostate Lobular organ the parenchyma of which has as its parts glandular acini which are continuous with the prostatic part of the urethra. 627 627 00627 vulva 45292006 S00627 Vulval structure (body structure) E00627 265796001 Entire vulva (body structure) P00627 372243000 Vulval part (body structure) - 20462 P genital system 0F86111617D74DFEA8F0044DD89E10EF DBB3410BCBC64D5592D54A49B7637C09 B3AFF67B312F4A61A4013ACB666A6C6B Vulva Entire vulva (body structure) Vulva 628 628 00628 vagina 76784001 S00628 Vaginal structure (body structure) E00628 181441005 Entire vagina (body structure) P00628 119224000 Vaginal part (body structure) - 19949 P genital system E25D2A39554B4A72AF074CCCE0E87BE5 437D090B090C412A86AE77B0B53E78B4 1FDFF6B872F54429B029B5F85724B183 Vagina Entire vagina (body structure) Vagina Organ with organ cavity which connects the cervical canal of uterus to the vestibule of vagina. 629 629 00629 uterus 35039007 S00629 Uterine structure (body structure) E00629 181452004 Entire uterus (body structure) P00629 119225004 Uterus part (body structure) - 17558 P genital system 0BD1C0181A6E4C25B5ADDDB14A5A6C8D 9AE28CCB73CF4C7A80320778F109D491 823B4252C5B24E2B8A4D60CE0B1C2AD1 Uterus Entire uterus (body structure) Uterus Organ with organ cavity which is continuous proximally with the right and left uterine tubes and distally is connected to the vagina. 630 630 00630 bone tissue of maxilla 70925003 S00630 Bone structure of maxilla (body structure) E00630 P00630 Y 259771 D musculoskeletal system 927A938E396748D3A43FA1711753788C Bone of maxilla 631 631 00631 fallopian tube 31435000 S00631 Fallopian tube structure (body structure) E00631 181463001 Entire fallopian tube (body structure) P00631 119228002 Fallopian tube part (body structure) Y 18245 P genital system C63A77CF08694FD186C02D4B772DC538 120D0C89726347CE94FA87EFB66AA64F ADA3FD0005CD4140B9E3EE2627285579 Fallopian tube Entire fallopian tube (body structure) Fallopian tube Organ with organ cavity which connects the uterine cavity to the peritoneal cavity. Examples: There are only two uterine tubes, the right and the left uterine tubes. 632 632 00632 endocrine system 113331007 S00632 Structure of endocrine system (body structure) E00632 278876000 Entire endocrine system (body structure) P00632 - 9668 P endocrine system EB67B2837A8049859819D408BE332FB1 A04BB9E34CA84980BC172EE9C6A538C0 endocrine system Entire endocrine system (body structure) 633 633 00633 neurohypophysis 37512009 S00633 Neurohypophysis structure (body structure) E00633 245527006 Entire neurohypophysis (body structure) P00633 - 74628 P endocrine system 688B73CA603741CAB4BCEC1C7CEEC2F4 82F81C092B154FBF8B8286CCF0256FE1 Neurohypophysis Entire neurohypophysis (body structure) 634 634 00634 adenohypophysis 62818001 S00634 Adenohypophysis structure (body structure) E00634 245532007 Entire adenohypophysis (body structure) P00634 - 74627 P endocrine system 400A74D416BC451BB0D1A40695075794 4C2337811B54498AA6B5637C25252E9E Adenohypophysis Entire adenohypophysis (body structure) 635 635 00635 breast 76752008 S00635 Breast structure (body structure) E00635 181131000 Entire breast (body structure) P00635 119184005 Breast part (body structure) Y 9601 P B0D4909C5BDB47429FE56A192CCFB88F 1F21B04F5CC14D23BDE9B8324F71C71A DF0D88AA8FA34099AE2AB5977072CC7F Breast Entire breast (body structure) Breast Region of pectoral part of chest which has as its parts nipple, areola, breast proper. 636 636 00636 bone organ 421663001 S00636 Structure of bone (organ) (body structure) E00636 90780006 Entire bone (organ) (body structure) P00636 119186007 Bone part (body structure) - 5018 P skeletal system C0256B1E59E04ED185520F244C27ED64 0A48736F04384165A3A11C7DAE591334 4274B368391B4933B8E40D308E63CA28 bone (organ) Entire bone (organ) (body structure) Bone Organ with cavitated organ parts, which primarily consists of compact (cortical) and cancellous bone, which surround bone marrow cavities; together with other bones, cartilages and joints, it constitutes the skeletal system. Examples: femur, sternum, maxilla, vertebra, talus. 637 637 00637 bone tissue of face 91397008 S00637 Bone structure of face (body structure) E00637 P00637 372207006 Part of bone of face (body structure) - 0 D skeletal system 1504677337A34391BE1276B52306D59C 492704EB814848129E9F67480BE442AB Bone of face bone of face 638 638 00638 zygomatic arch 51204001 S00638 Zygomatic arch structure (body structure) E00638 272682006 Entire zygomatic arch (body structure) P00638 Y 53120 P skeletal system A15090DA5CBA45E58618E83AF5978BEC E167774B248A4730AB2096B4EA312986 Zygomatic arch Entire zygomatic arch (body structure) 639 639 00639 pulmonary venous tree organ S00639 E00639 53603007 Entire pulmonary vein (great vessel) (body structure) P00639 Y 49907 P venous system 6965505191BC4BA781990C5CEA40D7F2 Entire pulmonary vein (great vessel) (body structure) Venous tree (organ) connected to the left atrium. Examples: There are four pulmonary venous trees; right superior pulmonary vein, right inferior pulmonary vein, left superior pulmonary vein and left inferior pulmonary vein. 640 640 00640 bone tissue of atlas 14806007 S00640 Bone structure of atlas (body structure) E00640 P00640 - 25070 D skeletal system 3E98F1F512C5405ABADBD5EDBD4912D7 Bone of atlas 641 641 00641 bone tissue of axis 39976000 S00641 Bone structure of axis (body structure) E00641 P00641 - 25116 D skeletal system D1E020592D224E2DA2605965A620C2E4 Bone of axis 642 642 00642 bone tissue of mandible 91609006 S00642 Bone structure of mandible (body structure) E00642 P00642 - 259769 D skeletal system 38D7E77834AA4A048578D8D64708E717 Bone of mandible 643 643 00643 bone tissue of scaphoid 30518006 S00643 Bone structure of scaphoid (body structure) E00643 P00643 372230000 Part of scaphoid (body structure) Y 33311 D skeletal system 1F67215438E345D1AE07F8D77E93EC26 A9F1CE123D174B8DA1C52D64396F5A40 Bone of scaphoid scaphoid 644 644 00644 retroperitoneal compartment 82849001 S00644 Retroperitoneal structure (body structure) E00644 243984005 Entire region of retroperitoneal space (body structure) P00644 - 85049 P 7093E234AB9A4D72A9779234EA373A21 00E23279972E4E0197221CA17DE12ADC Retroperitoneal Entire region of retroperitoneal space (body structure) 645 645 00645 bone tissue of T1 64864005 S00645 Bone structure of T1 (body structure) E00645 P00645 - 26680 D skeletal system 0929B1E548C24781A03D3040A42698E1 Bone of T1 646 646 00646 bone tissue of L1 66794005 S00646 Bone structure of L1 (body structure) E00646 P00646 - 79966 D musculoskeletal system 2DFCE24682DF465E99CFEE53BC9E2685 Bone of L1 647 647 00647 bone tissue of L2 14293000 S00647 Bone structure of L2 (body structure) E00647 P00647 - 79967 D musculoskeletal system 4907709E497A4CC08A9934F3EF970A71 Bone of L2 648 648 00648 bone tissue of T2 53733008 S00648 Bone structure of T2 (body structure) E00648 P00648 - 26681 D skeletal system 9DB9421A8799480E827AE904229092F8 Bone of T2 649 649 00649 bone tissue of L3 36470004 S00649 Bone structure of L3 (body structure) E00649 P00649 - 79968 D musculoskeletal system B6C9958BFA30424BA4BF4CEF2914F32C Bone of L3 650 650 00650 bone tissue of cervical vertebra C3 113205007 S00650 Bone structure of C3 (body structure) E00650 P00650 - 25199 D skeletal system DBA3D4CA6E504670BA2597CEA280BCA8 Bone of C3 651 651 00651 bone tissue of L4 11994002 S00651 Bone structure of L4 (body structure) E00651 P00651 - 79969 D musculoskeletal system B91D817A70D64995BB4AA6AFCBF530F3 Bone of L4 652 652 00652 bone tissue of cervical vertebra C4 5329002 S00652 Bone structure of C4 (body structure) E00652 P00652 - 25606 D skeletal system 90A2CC49F7274DCE8CA2B9799EA2F251 Bone of C4 653 653 00653 bone tissue of L5 49668003 S00653 Bone structure of L5 (body structure) E00653 P00653 - 79970 D musculoskeletal system F5DE2BAE5C5B48969EFE73967C9D892D Bone of L5 654 654 00654 bone tissue of cervical vertebra C5 36978003 S00654 Bone structure of C5 (body structure) E00654 P00654 - 25607 D skeletal system CE9B181400CE4E889618917AD440C32D Bone of C5 655 655 00655 bone tissue of cervical vertebra C6 36054005 S00655 Bone structure of C6 (body structure) E00655 P00655 - 25608 D skeletal system 1B366CC8F6534203B7BA6242AD71E506 Bone of C6 656 656 00656 C7 vertebra S00656 E00656 181827008 Entire C7 vertebra (body structure) P00656 - 12525 P skeletal system 2CF4C10B5892424083F13F313C66013A Entire C7 vertebra (body structure) 657 657 00657 bone tissue of T7 62487009 S00657 Bone structure of T7 (body structure) E00657 P00657 - 26686 D skeletal system BDBFFD81029249299BCE0C24648DAC02 Bone of T7 658 658 00658 bone tissue of T6 45296009 S00658 Bone structure of T6 (body structure) E00658 P00658 - 26685 D skeletal system 45149A7E905B40A995EBA308AE0E0A7D Bone of T6 659 659 00659 bone tissue of T5 56401006 S00659 Bone structure of T5 (body structure) E00659 P00659 - 26684 D skeletal system CC2D3C1B03B04DBD94CCD04CC2B32E9C Bone of T5 660 660 00660 bone tissue of T4 73071006 S00660 Bone structure of T4 (body structure) E00660 P00660 - 26683 D skeletal system 5F051F53BA064672A11C73F0F4321CF5 Bone of T4 661 661 00661 bone tissue of T3 1626008 S00661 Bone structure of T3 (body structure) E00661 P00661 - 26682 D skeletal system 034BEA437F6A4CA9803C56901D13E4F1 Bone of T3 662 662 00662 bone tissue of T8 11068009 S00662 Bone structure of T8 (body structure) E00662 P00662 - 26687 D skeletal system 089D8BF816EC4F8AA79AC0DEF8E22842 Bone of T8 663 663 00663 bone tissue of T9 82687006 S00663 Bone structure of T9 (body structure) E00663 P00663 - 26688 D skeletal system 4D41C4707E7541B8BD89352E6101DAFB Bone of T9 664 664 00664 bone tissue of T10 7610001 S00664 Bone structure of T10 (body structure) E00664 P00664 - 26689 D skeletal system 8F27CB0CE5CA4E5C8496FFABCD940927 Bone of T10 665 665 00665 bone tissue of T11 12989004 S00665 Bone structure of T11 (body structure) E00665 P00665 - 26690 D skeletal system 6F45DAC9EE4744FD95EA3B5712FDE7BB Bone of T11 666 666 00666 bone tissue of T12 23215003 S00666 Bone structure of T12 (body structure) E00666 P00666 - 26691 D skeletal system 21B713A68EB544A3A77E242D8AB30E42 Bone of T12 667 667 00667 bone tissue of cervical vertebra 84667006 S00667 Bone structure of cervical vertebra (body structure) E00667 P00667 - 24563 D skeletal system 0070CAC7BDCC4D62B81058689B3A7CD2 Bone of cervical vertebra 668 668 00668 bone tissue of thoracic vertebra 35769007 S00668 Bone structure of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E00668 P00668 372211000 Part of bone of thoracic vertebra (body structure) - 26112 D musculoskeletal system B34BAD446C064B96A023EDA985782429 E8ACEDBCAD6C4CB58C94C7438A0DC44E Bone of thoracic vertebra bone of thoracic vertebra 669 669 00669 bone tissue of lumbar vertebra 73903008 S00669 Bone structure of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E00669 P00669 372209009 Part of bone of lumbar vertebra (body structure) - 27271 D musculoskeletal system FD26E9661F954A9C878734A8608B7EA9 FF333B642D454C5CB6504DEE2FAA391C Bone of lumbar vertebra bone of lumbar vertebra 671 671 00671 bone tissue of metacarpal 36455000 S00671 Bone structure of metacarpal (body structure) E00671 P00671 Y 71336 D musculoskeletal system 1E4A26E15F4D4CE2ACAABE672C378F58 Bone of metacarpal 672 672 00672 bone tissue of phalanx of hand 73696005 S00672 Bone structure of phalanx of hand (body structure) E00672 P00672 Y 40208 D musculoskeletal system 0B46D9FF03AC42E2A63FB344D2B551E4 Bone of phalanx of hand 673 673 00673 bone tissue of phalanx of thumb 2550002 S00673 Bone structure of phalanx of thumb (body structure) E00673 P00673 Y 40390 D musculoskeletal system A615883013EF41E69D906D3B10111991 Bone of phalanx of thumb 674 674 00674 bone tissue of phalanx of finger 282823009 S00674 Bone structure of phalanx of finger (body structure) E00674 P00674 Y 0 D musculoskeletal system D014EF0735DE43E897B9A5B0A3CA63E1 Bone of phalanx of finger 675 675 00675 bone tissue of hamate 28839003 S00675 Bone structure of hamate (body structure) E00675 P00675 Y 33359 D skeletal system C013FBD0341044D4906104A6AB4E5CB3 Bone of hamate 676 676 00676 bone tissue of bone of foot 84167007 S00676 Bone structure of foot (body structure) E00676 P00676 Y 0 D musculoskeletal system 9A75E1D8C6244186B76D4B0D9ECE665C Bone of foot 677 677 00677 bone tissue of proximal radius 12881000 S00677 Bone structure of proximal radius (body structure) E00677 P00677 Y 39789 P skeletal system C1AADA59A353409CB58F6DC8E4B5B042 Bone of proximal radius 678 678 00678 bone tissue of bone of proximal carpus 306713006 S00678 Bone structure of proximal carpus (body structure) E00678 427171006 Bone tissue of bone organ of proximal carpus (body structure) P00678 Y 0 D skeletal system 965FC338C70B4742A555BF5C5840F870 BD6DFD9057BC41C7A79A2CAC14FF7781 Bone of proximal carpus 679 679 00679 bone tissue of bone of distal carpus 306714000 S00679 Bone structure of distal carpus (body structure) E00679 427291008 Bone tissue of bone organ of distal carpus (body structure) P00679 Y 0 D skeletal system AFF17A83D37E48D09F43ED3171361A87 9167F1102D65475C8D737B2B6BD7002D Bone of distal carpus 680 680 00680 bone tissue of proximal phalanx of finger 306790005 S00680 Bone structure of proximal phalanx of finger (body structure) E00680 P00680 Y 0 D musculoskeletal system 01F37AF7712440679F16C4469977EE13 Bone of proximal phalanx of finger 681 681 00681 bone tissue of middle phalanx of finger 306791009 S00681 Bone structure of middle phalanx of finger (body structure) E00681 P00681 Y 0 D musculoskeletal system 5D18077D1EF6480286C6A5AD74E671D9 Bone of middle phalanx of finger 682 682 00682 bone tissue of distal phalanx of finger 306792002 S00682 Bone structure of distal phalanx of finger (body structure) E00682 P00682 372168009 Bone part of distal phalanx of finger (body structure) Y 0 D musculoskeletal system 2B91D67E236B4A409BF969442AF3323F F7963B0A23AE4436B51AB549525810CF Bone of distal phalanx of finger Bone of distal phalanx of finger 683 683 00683 bone tissue of proximal phalanx of thumb 72795005 S00683 Bone structure of proximal phalanx of thumb (body structure) E00683 P00683 Y 40399 D musculoskeletal system EC6B9DF698F04F5B85FBCFA48C3EA9DB Bone of proximal phalanx of thumb 684 684 00684 bone tissue of distal phalanx of thumb 13829006 S00684 Bone structure of distal phalanx of thumb (body structure) E00684 P00684 Y 40400 D musculoskeletal system CF9C019E4A884401A6434D7274EA814B Bone of distal phalanx of thumb 685 685 00685 bone tissue of phalanx of foot 89534004 S00685 Bone structure of phalanx of foot (body structure) E00685 P00685 Y 78512 D musculoskeletal system 5CF5E59CA8524CE0A4513DE32B31C1A6 Bone of phalanx of foot 686 686 00686 bone tissue of proximal femur 310651003 S00686 Bone structure of proximal femur (body structure) E00686 P00686 Y 44715 P musculoskeletal system EB7E668A5FB942678462B839731E5BF8 Bone of proximal femur 687 687 00687 bone tissue of shaft of femur 41111004 S00687 Bone structure of shaft of femur (body structure) E00687 P00687 244697000 Part of shaft of femur (body structure) Y 32847 P skeletal system 40A27626B4ED49728E3F895D0A5A2309 8D5FD2422DF949518F7805AB09E6B531 Bone of shaft of femur shaft of femur 688 688 00688 bone tissue of distal femur 310652005 S00688 Bone structure of distal femur (body structure) E00688 P00688 Y 44717 P skeletal system 391FBDC857684D998CAA0491E33075D3 Bone of distal femur 689 689 00689 bone tissue of proximal fibula 54683003 S00689 Bone structure of proximal fibula (body structure) E00689 P00689 372227007 Part of proximal fibula (body structure) Y 0 P skeletal system 9D5B1C38BE48443B862B5D15E1C9391A 9CA217DDEDA14ED9B70FCB3A52B9D85D Bone of proximal fibula proximal fibula 690 690 00690 bone tissue of shaft of fibula 113224005 S00690 Bone structure of shaft of fibula (body structure) E00690 P00690 244700001 Part of shaft of fibula (body structure) Y 33738 P skeletal system 92A84AEEADC14E3F8C20B58D42970F8A DE5A2003ACB147C1AAB6563A0FB1F727 Bone of shaft of fibula shaft of fibula 691 691 00691 bone tissue of distal fibula 85401006 S00691 Bone structure of distal fibula (body structure) E00691 P00691 Y 0 P skeletal system 28C4DC20A61245CEBFA0179F9E2CB0FC Bone of distal fibula 692 692 00692 bone tissue of proximal tibia 20285007 S00692 Bone structure of proximal tibia (body structure) E00692 P00692 Y 33113 P skeletal system 5DC792516D2448E49BB44436B9B4158A Bone of proximal tibia 693 693 00693 bone tissue of shaft of tibia 52687003 S00693 Bone structure of shaft of tibia (body structure) E00693 P00693 244699002 Part of shaft of tibia (body structure) Y 33125 P skeletal system EDDDBD8D11864EFC96A1F81881515A7B 2825DE703E7A45D0A5225519B2B8EAA7 Bone of shaft of tibia shaft of tibia 694 694 00694 bone tissue of distal tibia 64605006 S00694 Bone structure of distal tibia (body structure) E00694 P00694 Y 0 P skeletal system BAE9933DC065480995B5031BF6BBE70C Bone of distal tibia 695 695 00695 bone tissue of proximal ulna 34318004 S00695 Bone structure of proximal ulna (body structure) E00695 P00695 Y 39803 P skeletal system A47BD49D477B4A4E9D74506FE9318C2D Bone of proximal ulna 696 696 00696 bone tissue of distal ulna 91238003 S00696 Bone structure of distal ulna (body structure) E00696 P00696 Y 39804 P skeletal system 94E7C9C918AB4C9999D67C02AB162D5C Bone of distal ulna 697 697 00697 bone tissue of shaft of ulna 21133008 S00697 Bone structure of shaft of ulna (body structure) E00697 P00697 263395001 Part of shaft of ulna (body structure) Y 39799 P skeletal system 6E2BC1123F9C49B0A8CDD54D2470397C 3B7A27EAEC4E4D10A64EABE2B62BC622 Bone of shaft of ulna shaft of ulna 698 698 00698 bone tissue of distal radius 75129005 S00698 Bone structure of distal radius (body structure) E00698 P00698 Y 39790 P skeletal system 10B2B11FFA494F3791BE786D73207653 Bone of distal radius 699 699 00699 bone tissue of shaft of radius 47728000 S00699 Bone structure of shaft of radius (body structure) E00699 P00699 263391005 Part of shaft of radius (body structure) Y 39784 P skeletal system 65024EE2E103408FA54E0F243AF26E80 353F62C3F1794A0E81A5D060DE0F6CF1 Bone of shaft of radius shaft of radius 700 700 00700 bone tissue of proximal humerus 119524001 S00700 Bone structure of proximal humerus (body structure) E00700 P00700 Y 39774 P skeletal system 7FB2A0F44916444DB126F8268B952D24 Bone of proximal humerus 701 701 00701 bone tissue of shaft of humerus 20760004 S00701 Bone structure of shaft of humerus (body structure) E00701 P00701 263387000 Part of shaft of humerus (body structure) Y 39763 P skeletal system FF9FE08138FB4FFFA028C1146BED8495 2063CC1A6DF442209D97EB5E8E84F17C Bone of shaft of humerus shaft of humerus 702 702 00702 bone tissue of distal humerus 118495001 S00702 Bone structure of distal humerus (body structure) E00702 P00702 Y 39775 P skeletal system 148EF8776E1744B6A69DF724E0BC961B Bone of distal humerus 703 703 00703 bone tissue of cranial fossa 310783002 S00703 Bone structure of cranial fossa (body structure) E00703 P00703 - 0 P skeletal system CDC0A092CCBC4850ACF4727057D1A6D8 Bone of cranial fossa 704 704 00704 bone tissue of anterior cranial fossa 310784008 S00704 Bone structure of anterior cranial fossa (body structure) E00704 P00704 - 0 P skeletal system FB2AD2BA6FCD47B7B05BAA5C57554B0F Bone of anterior cranial fossa 705 705 00705 proximal phalanx of hand S00705 E00705 361325003 Entire proximal phalanx of hand (body structure) P00705 Y P musculoskeletal system 19DB1AABAEEA404B9EFD755F9BB16FDF Entire proximal phalanx of hand (body structure) 706 706 00706 bone tissue of first metacarpal 4247003 S00706 Bone structure of first metacarpal (body structure) E00706 P00706 Y 36222 D musculoskeletal system EF89CAEDA32C4BC984729D9FD3105379 Bone of first metacarpal 707 707 00707 bone tissue of second metacarpal 81921009 S00707 Bone structure of second metacarpal (body structure) E00707 P00707 Y 36362 D musculoskeletal system 4F11B39CE8EE4CCB95D7AF5FEB33D802 Bone of second metacarpal 708 708 00708 bone tissue of third metacarpal 68440005 S00708 Bone structure of third metacarpal (body structure) E00708 P00708 Y 36502 D musculoskeletal system 0443C4D864344A9E89340BA8F7CEA684 Bone of third metacarpal 709 709 00709 bone tissue of fourth metacarpal 65352000 S00709 Bone structure of fourth metacarpal (body structure) E00709 P00709 Y 36642 D musculoskeletal system F36D72F1F6DF4B1C823FF57FE74F7C7C Bone of fourth metacarpal 710 710 00710 bone tissue of fifth metacarpal 50939004 S00710 Bone structure of fifth metacarpal (body structure) E00710 P00710 Y 36782 D musculoskeletal system 88D3734F71D345DE8C7C8AFFF4330D4B Bone of fifth metacarpal 711 711 00711 bone tissue of fifth rib 15339008 S00711 Bone structure of fifth rib (body structure) E00711 P00711 Y 235255 D skeletal system CB00B6214CC04A3E8E573926DD71F0E9 Bone of fifth rib 712 712 00712 bone tissue of sixth rib 59558009 S00712 Bone structure of sixth rib (body structure) E00712 P00712 Y 235257 D skeletal system F474A2B19FFC4C1FAA02DECEE3014E77 Bone of sixth rib 713 713 00713 bone tissue of seventh rib 24915002 S00713 Bone structure of seventh rib (body structure) E00713 P00713 Y 235259 D skeletal system EF141142928C4550BFFD699FCBD89371 Bone of seventh rib 714 714 00714 bone tissue of eighth rib 5953002 S00714 Bone structure of eighth rib (body structure) E00714 P00714 Y 235261 D skeletal system AC88748D3F354471AAF25395D282B50A Bone of eighth rib 715 715 00715 bone tissue of ninth rib 22565002 S00715 Bone structure of ninth rib (body structure) E00715 P00715 Y 235263 D skeletal system 01982FB2862F4A8AA0D1F44CCB60E11D Bone of ninth rib 716 716 00716 bone tissue of tenth rib 77644006 S00716 Bone structure of tenth rib (body structure) E00716 P00716 Y 235265 D skeletal system A750A6CC99254193A91F9A2FC9299695 Bone of tenth rib 717 717 00717 bone tissue of eleventh rib 58830002 S00717 Bone structure of eleventh rib (body structure) E00717 P00717 Y 235267 D skeletal system A754632816AB4FF29C4FE31EADBACAB1 Bone of eleventh rib 718 718 00718 bone tissue of twelfth rib 43993008 S00718 Bone structure of twelfth rib (body structure) E00718 P00718 Y 235269 D skeletal system 42BB49FE6C9742FFB240057283CBCDF7 Bone of twelfth rib 719 719 00719 bone tissue of manubrium 37285002 S00719 Bone structure of manubrium (body structure) E00719 P00719 - 32575 D skeletal system 60D124510A0D47F1B430AF02C52BC472 Bone of manubrium 720 720 00720 bone tissue of coccyx 64688005 S00720 Bone structure of coccyx (body structure) E00720 P00720 372167004 Bone part of coccyx (body structure) - 34994 D musculoskeletal system D7A6DF7420EF4C26B4CB3F4FF688A44D A725A7CBC02045B89291F7B1C199A1B9 Bone of coccyx Bone of coccyx 721 721 00721 bone tissue of first rib 48535007 S00721 Bone structure of first rib (body structure) E00721 P00721 Y 235247 D skeletal system 2018A1BC303F4E478BAC2FA6CC195325 Bone of first rib 722 722 00722 bone tissue of second rib 78247007 S00722 Bone structure of second rib (body structure) E00722 P00722 Y 235249 D skeletal system EC81CA00B0DB4AFAB81F1755F02A0ABC Bone of second rib 723 723 00723 bone tissue of third rib 25888004 S00723 Bone structure of third rib (body structure) E00723 P00723 Y 235251 D skeletal system 07D07F30D4034527BD86A5BD28470BBC Bone of third rib 724 724 00724 bone tissue of fourth rib 25523003 S00724 Bone structure of fourth rib (body structure) E00724 P00724 Y 235253 D skeletal system DF2B059EB2B64AF1A591856E7F557547 Bone of fourth rib 725 725 00725 bone tissue of cuboid 81012005 S00725 Bone structure of cuboid (body structure) E00725 P00725 Y 51699 D musculoskeletal system 6D2C140EAB924D7198C2909CA9C7AD98 Bone of cuboid 726 726 00726 bone tissue of navicular 75772009 S00726 Bone structure of navicular (body structure) E00726 P00726 Y 51658 D musculoskeletal system ED4BE7F42D7D43F38F2FA152DDD769DD Bone of navicular 727 727 00727 bone tissue of lateral cuneiform 67411009 S00727 Bone structure of lateral cuneiform (body structure) E00727 P00727 Y 51725 D musculoskeletal system 0D91950F343C4C1087538DA7CE23D215 Bone of lateral cuneiform 728 728 00728 bone tissue of medial cuneiform 2979003 S00728 Bone structure of medial cuneiform (body structure) E00728 P00728 Y 51719 D musculoskeletal system 65C0361A951147C0B080BD679B2F6B83 Bone of medial cuneiform 729 729 00729 bone tissue of intermediate cuneiform 19193007 S00729 Bone structure of intermediate cuneiform (body structure) E00729 P00729 Y 51722 D musculoskeletal system EE692A0F9A1D4B85B889D693C97DD295 Bone of intermediate cuneiform 730 730 00730 alveolar process of maxilla 415636008 S00730 Structure of alveolar process of maxilla (body structure) E00730 414104008 Entire alveolar process of maxilla (body structure) P00730 Y 52897 P skeletal system 3B07A771E05A49EABFECB20BFB86A261 377941EBFC964E2D83ABD80FD16FB2DC alveolar process of maxilla Entire alveolar process of maxilla (body structure) 731 731 00731 bone tissue of shoulder girdle 272691005 S00731 Bone structure of shoulder girdle (body structure) E00731 P00731 Y 0 P skeletal system 6B03AD6155284355880FB8554393EC28 Bone of shoulder girdle 732 732 00732 bone tissue of scapula 79601000 S00732 Bone structure of scapula (body structure) E00732 P00732 Y 30676 D skeletal system C3E14D4D82774DC6AECDD4C558971A08 Bone of scapula 733 733 00733 bone tissue of clavicle 51299004 S00733 Bone structure of clavicle (body structure) E00733 P00733 Y 30627 D skeletal system 22C1D98E28184BC3B5E3C3E68229EAA3 Bone of clavicle 734 734 00734 bone tissue of humerus 85050009 S00734 Bone structure of humerus (body structure) E00734 P00734 Y 31536 D skeletal system AB220D87BCB444888934C11814BA7B01 Bone of humerus 735 735 00735 bone tissue of radius 62413002 S00735 Bone structure of radius (body structure) E00735 P00735 Y 34257 D skeletal system 567CCE6DDA4B40CB9867BF27ECCDAE8F Bone of radius 736 736 00736 bone tissue of ulna 23416004 S00736 Bone structure of ulna (body structure) E00736 P00736 Y 34117 D skeletal system AA27CB682535451891EEE2428CB07B78 Bone of ulna 737 737 00737 bone tissue of cranium 89546000 S00737 Bone structure of cranium (body structure) E00737 P00737 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 4EEF0E6F8F2C4C2BADDF085DE07882F7 Bone of cranium 738 738 00738 bone tissue of bone of carpus 83936004 S00738 Bone structure of carpus (body structure) E00738 P00738 372206002 Part of bone of carpus (body structure) Y 83337 D skeletal system A28BA5235D574E668BCB1B0ABD82E749 081AD7A3959E4DD9AD01B4C213914A99 Bone of carpus bone of carpus 739 739 00739 bone tissue of bone of hand 24097009 S00739 Bone structure of hand (body structure) E00739 P00739 Y 24159 D musculoskeletal system 33396770339D4D70A4DAB512799C4C51 Bone of hand 740 740 00740 bone tissue of rib 113197003 S00740 Bone structure of rib (body structure) E00740 P00740 Y 235546 D musculoskeletal system B8C822E070D44573B5ACF6B90252346B Bone of rib 741 741 00741 bone tissue of sternum 56873002 S00741 Bone structure of sternum (body structure) E00741 P00741 - 32566 D skeletal system AF55D6044E8945A383618830E33A6CCD Bone of sternum 742 742 00742 bone tissue of bone of pelvis 118645006 S00742 Bone structure of pelvis (body structure) E00742 P00742 - 0 D musculoskeletal system A58B0B13A2F641569594895F9E7125E9 Bone of pelvis 743 743 00743 bone tissue of ilium 22356005 S00743 Bone structure of ilium (body structure) E00743 P00743 119539000 Ilium part (body structure) Y 42832 P skeletal system 7EEC66D0487748299605FB4858C4286E 0986AC2A05DA4A91B9902095FF9775A0 Bone of ilium Ilium 744 744 00744 bone tissue of ischium 85710004 S00744 Bone structure of ischium (body structure) E00744 P00744 119540003 Ischium part (body structure) Y 42847 P skeletal system 1AC01BB7BC4941CB83527ED8A0263E7C 1E700BEDC0244ABF84F0CCD4342A1FB1 Bone of ischium Ischium 745 745 00745 bone tissue of pubis 66040006 S00745 Bone structure of pubis (body structure) E00745 P00745 119541004 Pubis part (body structure) Y 42840 P skeletal system 8BB8529EAA9D430AB7B4887EF54BEB3D 5E976ED621354D59AF0D37983228EE92 Bone of pubis Pubis 746 746 00746 bone tissue of acetabulum 37783008 S00746 Bone structure of acetabulum (body structure) E00746 P00746 Y 0 P skeletal system 76910F8CD15A4BE3984A776961CC1A93 Bone of acetabulum 747 747 00747 bone tissue of bone of lower limb 72001000 S00747 Bone structure of lower limb (body structure) E00747 P00747 372208001 Part of bone of lower limb (body structure) Y 24140 D musculoskeletal system 79F0542E322943A3ACF9A5E546EBE1FF 6C9B813E748C423EBB73E93A55A0BEAD Bone of lower limb bone of lower limb 748 748 00748 bone tissue of femur 71341001 S00748 Bone structure of femur (body structure) E00748 P00748 Y 33155 D skeletal system CE482D273DAF401F8D8E46F66F3077A8 Bone of femur 749 749 00749 bone tissue of patella 64234005 S00749 Bone structure of patella (body structure) E00749 P00749 Y 43623 D musculoskeletal system 81345BAF26BF455FA0B0BEC417FA356E Bone of patella 750 750 00750 bone tissue of tibia 12611008 S00750 Bone structure of tibia (body structure) E00750 P00750 Y 33837 D skeletal system 94206B2B364E43B39FC9645088FF85A0 Bone of tibia 751 751 00751 bone tissue of fibula 87342007 S00751 Bone structure of fibula (body structure) E00751 P00751 Y 33977 D skeletal system 1838E9882D1347CBADD890C2DC41ACC5 Bone of fibula 753 753 00753 bone tissue of calcaneus 80144004 S00753 Bone structure of calcaneum (body structure) E00753 P00753 Y 51396 D skeletal system 7FE85270E99A400092D752D774356AEF Bone of calcaneum 754 754 00754 bone tissue of talus 67453005 S00754 Bone structure of talus (body structure) E00754 P00754 Y 44094 D musculoskeletal system DC5C6D54CA204E45BCFF623860A4C0F6 Bone of talus 755 755 00755 body as a whole S00755 E00755 38266002 Entire body as a whole (body structure) P00755 - 256135 P C093E8C643F544BEA19DEF768773E808 Entire body as a whole (body structure) Anatomical structure which is the aggregate material substance of an individual member of a species 756 756 00756 upper body 128262006 S00756 Upper body structure (body structure) E00756 362874006 Entire upper body (body structure) P00756 70104002 Upper body part structure (body structure) - P 110069B6010943548EC77E7BB882E73E 7F5EE98A11F44C0B89BBF760DD2E5385 C46430ED968B4254B27A4496EF552E0D Upper body Entire upper body (body structure) Upper body 757 757 00757 lower body 128263001 S00757 Lower body structure (body structure) E00757 362875007 Entire lower body (body structure) P00757 69548008 Lower body part structure (body structure) - P 8AC4FC9B0ED84B6ABAB021BDFB809BDF 0122465B157C43129A23D6F72051FB18 B52E91DA158A4C1BBAC70D5ECDF9157D Lower body Entire lower body (body structure) Lower body 758 758 00758 vertebra 420345000 S00758 Structure of vertebra (body structure) E00758 181817002 Entire vertebra (body structure) P00758 119187003 Vertebral part (body structure) - 9914 P skeletal system F2347229AA4142698EDE502F08F6C9E8 E4E3AE9247B1406E87C327574C8AE59E 6E4B2140431941059699C4B43CB775C6 vertebra Entire vertebra (body structure) Vertebra Irregular bone that articulates with other vertebrae, or with one other vertebra and the skull or the sacrum 759 759 00759 muscular system 71616004 S00759 Skeletal and/or smooth muscle structure (body structure) E00759 362876008 All skeletal and smooth muscles of the body (body structure) P00759 119193006 Muscle part (body structure) - 72954 P muscular system B2A86E7E0FA94674A9E73F327791BE21 1EAC76C11F7C4899810059A3CCF946B1 89C6F91CC1504C3CA2E20BDABE28E2CB Skeletal and/or smooth muscle All skeletal and smooth muscles of the body (body structure) Muscle 760 760 00760 cardiovascular organ S00760 E00760 P00760 119201007 Cardiovascular organ part (body structure) - P DEB34405F68645D685FDC1605A55F185 Cardiovascular organ 761 761 00761 coronary artery 41801008 S00761 Coronary artery structure (body structure) E00761 181294004 Entire coronary artery (body structure) P00761 119204004 Coronary artery part (body structure) - 87218 Y P cardiovascular system 046C90712B804A4C8A5FAD6A2E9BA8C5 09E6C364778A4B08A866DA8DC4863FB1 81AC0E0FF5C6492ABB34A9B1507002D2 Coronary artery Entire coronary artery (body structure) Coronary artery 762 762 00762 artery S00762 E00762 362877004 Entire artery (body structure) P00762 - 30313 P arterial system 931EE4E2C50646E2BD225D9F76633C95 Entire artery (body structure) Tubular organ part, the wall and lumen of which are continuous with those of the ventricles of the heart, directly or indirectly through branches of the aorta and pulmonary trunk. Examples: bronchial artery, hepatic artery, coronary artery, truncus anterior of right pulmonary artery, aorta. 764 764 00764 female genital organ 127882003 S00764 Female genital organ structure (body structure) E00764 272630009 Entire female genital organ (body structure) P00764 119223006 Female genital organ part (body structure) - P genital system E607EA993BDD4EE588B269F96AD8E974 2C655F5E415E4AE78B2CF1B9C9AE4124 BCD565A1D058404AB368625D0280DC12 Female genital organ Entire female genital organ (body structure) Female genital organ 765 765 00765 male genital organ 127903009 S00765 Male genital organ structure (body structure) E00765 300443000 Entire male genital organ (body structure) P00765 119229005 Male genital organ part (body structure) - P genital system D7709D876C444438AEE6C8EF8AE9BE25 BAD3186277F24AB2ABF0B61602D3D423 3AEA02BD2C6E448F92067F0650BD38AC Male genital organ Entire male genital organ (body structure) Male genital organ 767 767 00767 brain ventricle 35764002 S00767 Brain ventricle structure (body structure) E00767 180929003 Entire ventricle of brain (body structure) P00767 119236006 Brain ventricle part (body structure) - P nervous system 0ADC2FD76C164CA4A6F560724FCFCADB D89B6214B4A04DDFA924CB239D3119EC 1C937BE39C224C219431111439514D8B Brain ventricle Entire ventricle of brain (body structure) Brain ventricle 768 768 00768 infratentorial brain 21031007 S00768 Infratentorial brain structure (body structure) E00768 361690007 Entire infratentorial brain (body structure) P00768 119237002 Infratentorial brain part (body structure) - P nervous system 8E6D949ADC07497A9DFEE00F22215F6E 367FF5EC1F7F4C2C9CD639534C7A6456 9F657D25CE4644A4B06FF339CAA85FB6 Infratentorial brain Entire infratentorial brain (body structure) Infratentorial brain 769 769 00769 cerebral hemisphere 372073000 S00769 Cerebral hemisphere structure (body structure) E00769 278251007 Entire cerebral hemisphere (body structure) P00769 119244006 Cerebral hemisphere part (body structure) Y 61817 P nervous system F9A986F04BD044F99C61B800B3810CF6 46D911BB5FEF4973A1159FA9FDE5A702 F445EE952E87433DA1A3C2E785CE2932 Cerebral hemisphere Entire cerebral hemisphere (body structure) Cerebral hemisphere Segment of telencephalon which has as its direct proper parts cerebral cortex and cerebral medulla. 771 771 00771 serous membrane 75858005 S00771 Serous membrane structure (body structure) E00771 362878009 Entire serous membrane (body structure) P00771 119259000 Serous membrane part (body structure) - 0 P 45AC8AC90F7A43E5B3B033EFB3451573 05E16C44BC674E6699BE1BF6A8817122 7C5012E2811D4292A094AA573DE91297 Serous membrane Entire serous membrane (body structure) Serous membrane 772 772 00772 endocrine gland 387910009 S00772 Endocrine gland structure (body structure) E00772 40818001 Entire endocrine gland (body structure) P00772 119261009 Endocrine gland part (body structure) - 9602 P endocrine system C4A2ED2757814860AB262C0C71167ACC 6A3556F8F2824C2CA845EBA1113DAF2C 664A3DCCFA0D4AA58DB4854EC1813DF4 Endocrine gland Entire endocrine gland (body structure) Endocrine gland 773 773 00773 diencephalon 87563008 S00773 Structure of diencephalon (body structure) E00773 279328001 Entire diencephalon (body structure) P00773 119264001 Diencephalon part (body structure) - 62001 P nervous system EDAEC0A0F8834DCD932694A193D7359E 7D335533735D46C384F599D7DF1E6F94 FF1FDA56B567419981E1FE44159B77B7 diencephalon Entire diencephalon (body structure) Diencephalon Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the epithalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus. 774 774 00774 white matter of cerebral hemisphere 68523003 S00774 Cerebral white matter structure (body structure) E00774 361691006 Entire cerebral white matter (body structure) P00774 116195000 Cerebral hemisphere white matter part (body structure) Y 241998 P nervous system A239949DB9CB400F96E518F7289A021B 07BD421BCB9547E58C35F2A5C14AA791 C64E8D8DED564CAEACA36F1C11AAF62C Cerebral white matter Entire cerebral white matter (body structure) Cerebral hemisphere white matter 775 775 00775 cerebral cortex 40146001 S00775 Structure of cerebral cortex (body structure) E00775 362880003 Entire cerebral cortex (body structure) P00775 119408004 Cerebral cortex part (body structure) Y 61830 P nervous system 63F0754EFC544B27A544153697F97FF0 591538601863450E97EF69F41C1F2A17 FFABE0AC29904356AB35000E326647A6 cerebral cortex Entire cerebral cortex (body structure) Cerebral cortex 777 777 00777 meninx 1231004 S00777 Meninges structure (body structure) E00777 362879001 Entire meninges (body structure) P00777 120611004 Meninges part (body structure) - 9589 P nervous system 327A9597D05B4728A052B22D15436139 04AFDECDA8ED4AFFB70B4D11D27BA9D7 8E0E57DDAF09406F83E8FBBFEBC4CAFF Meninges Entire meninges (body structure) Meninges 778 778 00778 ocular adnexa 44888004 S00778 Ocular adnexa structure (body structure) E00778 361689003 Entire adnexa oculi (body structure) P00778 120612006 Ocular adnexal part (body structure) Y P special senses organ system 2D2FCBF0CF8445D7AE0E00B759663E9F 4977D8E382F84478A74BE32087EEFC49 D0BDA89D28C84376B7306B0623A12F07 Ocular adnexa Entire adnexa oculi (body structure) Ocular adnexa 779 779 00779 skin of axilla 76261009 S00779 Skin structure of axilla (body structure) E00779 361706003 Entire skin of axilla (body structure) P00779 Y 37322 D integument/surface 3F4F1042D0EA44D89279448A04D1BD77 00E0A01247854013A4002B3313527664 Skin of axilla Entire skin of axilla (body structure) 780 780 00780 thigh 68367000 S00780 Thigh structure (body structure) E00780 302544002 Entire thigh (body structure) P00780 123955006 Thigh part (body structure) Y 24967 P 4E4B6B3348134A5DAC7477B06F287E15 3A3DD8BF5B7B4A9B852987D0BC156ED7 671D459312D643A797E26857FE801560 Thigh Entire thigh (body structure) Thigh 781 781 00781 phalanx 28641004 S00781 Phalanx structure (body structure) E00781 290029003 Entire phalanx (body structure) P00781 127953003 Phalanx part (body structure) Y P musculoskeletal system 927B2FCD7A01469C8FC98A0F3B94D9EC A27EAF1C7C4448D69650AF500E0A5EF1 C8FC20E767E44A2ABCF7E93A10640EA7 Phalanx Entire phalanx (body structure) Phalanx 783 783 00783 skin of abdomen 75093004 S00783 Skin structure of abdomen (body structure) E00783 361707007 Entire skin of abdomen (body structure) P00783 - 22988 D integument/surface 5EB3263847EA469EB5E030F44C0FB073 92F791F7A7E543E0AD16F3BD23503320 Skin of abdomen Entire skin of abdomen (body structure) 784 784 00784 skin of perineum 48014002 S00784 Skin structure of perineum (body structure) E00784 361708002 Entire skin of perineum (body structure) P00784 - 20429 D integument/surface A3E9981BB57944BF8FBE7EF6FFAD87A7 4CCFD3E1DD7F44198F444AAD39F4AB55 Skin of perineum Entire skin of perineum (body structure) 785 785 00785 skin of penis 35900000 S00785 Skin of penis (body structure) E00785 361709005 Entire skin of penis (body structure) P00785 - 19638 D integument/surface C924C4F0FE304055B50BA45C89D4D6BB 48F557AD51FF427592AC2CCA96DE5DE0 Skin of penis Entire skin of penis (body structure) 786 786 00786 skin of scrotum 81992007 S00786 Skin structure of scrotum (body structure) E00786 361710000 Entire skin of scrotum (body structure) P00786 - 20432 D integument/surface F25D696A0C4E427FB3075A9BDB1D84FA 39ED57A008934F289F9A8DD629B47C04 Skin of scrotum Entire skin of scrotum (body structure) 787 787 00787 cardinal body part 38866009 S00787 Body part structure (body structure) E00787 362873000 Entire body part (body structure) P00787 - 7153 P 4CEE68DDAED94C4F886B2D3E3F204F62 A8219007463449F993EB4381BFDE5C42 Body part Entire body part (body structure) Anatomical structure which has as its direct parts instances of anatomical sets of organs and cardinal organ parts spatially associated with either axial or appendicular skeleton; in their aggregate are surrounded by part of skin. Example: head 788 788 00788 intercostal nerve 362881004 S00788 Intercostal nerve structure (body structure) E00788 279568001 Entire intercostal nerve (body structure) P00788 Y 6028 P nervous system 7A4F8A9898C2431783C67CF03E67C51F 6A4EE8081776460287E19E166C8EF05C Intercostal nerve Entire intercostal nerve (body structure) 789 789 00789 anterior fossa of cranial cavity 6646002 S00789 Structure of anterior fossa of cranial cavity (body structure) E00789 244676001 Entire anterior fossa of cranial cavity (body structure) P00789 - 9682 P skeletal system 6D03A66A0B484485957E2EC4DE332074 6E46C6A5CBFE4DB2B952A5EE5BCA4EB0 anterior fossa of cranial cavity Entire anterior fossa of cranial cavity (body structure) 790 790 00790 proximal phalanx of foot 371294005 S00790 Structure of proximal phalanx of foot (body structure) E00790 85533000 Entire proximal phalanx of foot (body structure) P00790 Y 75828 P musculoskeletal system 71F624BF99D3459C8FEE5C0FE80AD79A 49105597C0EE448F91A7495588C4B868 proximal phalanx of foot Entire proximal phalanx of foot (body structure) 791 791 00791 middle phalanx of foot 371293004 S00791 Structure of middle phalanx of foot (body structure) E00791 83207005 Entire middle phalanx of foot (body structure) P00791 Y 75829 P musculoskeletal system 4B98469817D54DC18613A214A73F2469 6145003A082F4FE1BFF983E0BF9C4EE1 middle phalanx of foot Entire middle phalanx of foot (body structure) 792 792 00792 proximal phalanx of great toe 74977003 S00792 Structure of proximal phalanx of great toe (body structure) E00792 182150003 Entire proximal phalanx of great toe (body structure) P00792 Y 43252 P musculoskeletal system C3F299C5D5AB4876AD982AADD36EE853 AB65F1700E4C431DADC5AE41FA82F03A proximal phalanx of great toe Entire proximal phalanx of great toe (body structure) 793 793 00793 proximal phalanx of second toe 85625005 S00793 Structure of proximal phalanx of second toe (body structure) E00793 182151004 Entire proximal phalanx of second toe (body structure) P00793 Y 32618 P musculoskeletal system 13DFC2B69630423B9932977EF90AE97A 042A9631D7074C65A8D4E6FE0E54771C proximal phalanx of second toe Entire proximal phalanx of second toe (body structure) 794 794 00794 middle phalanx of second toe 88767009 S00794 Structure of middle phalanx of second toe (body structure) E00794 182152006 Entire middle phalanx of second toe (body structure) P00794 Y 32623 P musculoskeletal system 0C02F83FCC3B4F70A9EAFE1FE1DC525B 2B92F4FA6783486587F16A5C089BE0F0 middle phalanx of second toe Entire middle phalanx of second toe (body structure) 795 795 00795 proximal phalanx of third toe 7925003 S00795 Structure of proximal phalanx of third toe (body structure) E00795 182153001 Entire proximal phalanx of third toe (body structure) P00795 Y 32619 P musculoskeletal system B7C98E3949CB41BF93309BC20E33E928 44FF9EFA04124E51A41F6BE943348512 proximal phalanx of third toe Entire proximal phalanx of third toe (body structure) 796 796 00796 middle phalanx of third toe 18255002 S00796 Structure of middle phalanx of third toe (body structure) E00796 182154007 Entire middle phalanx of third toe (body structure) P00796 Y 32624 P musculoskeletal system DE84F671A5B4453CBF7FD0288D301C49 0D72581648C64CBFA4ADE469397FE3FF middle phalanx of third toe Entire middle phalanx of third toe (body structure) 797 797 00797 proximal phalanx of fourth toe 11171004 S00797 Structure of proximal phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) E00797 182155008 Entire proximal phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) P00797 Y 32620 P musculoskeletal system 0C5FB52DAF514671AB121150EC53757F 55B48D864383442EA4478826AABA1151 proximal phalanx of fourth toe Entire proximal phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) 798 798 00798 middle phalanx of fourth toe 72008006 S00798 Structure of middle phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) E00798 182156009 Entire middle phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) P00798 Y 32625 P musculoskeletal system 73F6A58FF5C3425391A893440981759A 48FCF358427C4C10AD350763E5E9298E middle phalanx of fourth toe Entire middle phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) 799 799 00799 proximal phalanx of little toe 9825007 S00799 Structure of proximal phalanx of little toe (body structure) E00799 182157000 Entire proximal phalanx of little toe (body structure) P00799 Y 32621 P musculoskeletal system 9C35C25E2BBE4B29B36B25E59DB70EF9 69CB653F98C048E4B37634400306B225 proximal phalanx of little toe Entire proximal phalanx of little toe (body structure) 800 800 00800 middle phalanx of little toe 33790002 S00800 Structure of middle phalanx of little toe (body structure) E00800 182158005 Entire middle phalanx of little toe (body structure) P00800 Y 230984 P musculoskeletal system 8091E0B4B93B47D69F23B9FCC47AB772 D9464BE1A3344C638381736B622E1043 middle phalanx of little toe Entire middle phalanx of little toe (body structure) 801 801 00801 laryngeal muscle 36514000 S00801 Laryngeal muscle structure (body structure) E00801 181744001 Entire laryngeal muscle (body structure) P00801 Y 46562 P musculoskeletal system CD5B9E1D32AA44209595EB2810E14F80 519AAD8BBEC94494B2C7CB9F23DDA8B5 Laryngeal muscle Entire laryngeal muscle (body structure) 802 802 00802 muscle of pharynx 60494004 S00802 Muscle structure of pharynx (body structure) E00802 244798004 Entire pharyngeal muscle (body structure) P00802 - 46619 P digestive system 654BF63C73794E529BC34E43B0E0E590 E6AE041265314FDB9F4FE8CEDA1E0C31 Muscle of pharynx Entire pharyngeal muscle (body structure) 803 803 00803 joint of upper limb 1893007 S00803 Joint structure of shoulder girdle or upper limb (body structure) E00803 182164003 Entire joint of shoulder girdle or upper limb (body structure) P00803 Y P musculoskeletal system 0B8C63C9C34243C381DA08317B899076 3333FC4B2DA045329E64579D87D3FFD0 Joint of shoulder girdle or upper limb Entire joint of shoulder girdle or upper limb (body structure) 804 804 00804 right maxillary sinus 80376001 S00804 Right maxillary sinus structure (body structure) E00804 368560001 Entire right maxillary sinus (body structure) P00804 R 57716 P respiratory system 6AE1042FE66F4626A40BB3BF56EC51EF FFD243AD759B48A1AD63CEA2E33474A4 Right maxillary sinus Entire right maxillary sinus (body structure) 805 805 00805 left maxillary sinus 2695000 S00805 Left maxillary sinus structure (body structure) E00805 368582008 Entire left maxillary sinus (body structure) P00805 L 57717 P respiratory system E4C5FB9115D84BC39AC370DB024EDD52 74749811CE51454686D625ECBEEF8D4B Left maxillary sinus Entire left maxillary sinus (body structure) 806 806 00806 right frontal sinus 45038002 S00806 Right frontal sinus structure (body structure) E00806 368561002 Entire right frontal sinus (body structure) P00806 R 57418 P respiratory system EBEF1DD38D544A0D87A8305A6AA9D351 93BBA8DD924040C5A55A25C5D76BC034 Right frontal sinus Entire right frontal sinus (body structure) 807 807 00807 left frontal sinus 79535005 S00807 Left frontal sinus structure (body structure) E00807 368583003 Entire left frontal sinus (body structure) P00807 L 57419 P respiratory system BBB914AF3E7D4DFB842483D8CE65EA43 4A1CD8F767454817A4D8DE555142C43D Left frontal sinus Entire left frontal sinus (body structure) 808 808 00808 right ethmoid sinus 35596007 S00808 Right ethmoid sinus structure (body structure) E00808 368562009 Entire right ethmoid sinus (body structure) P00808 R 0 P respiratory system 90CDFAE2DD0C4B2FA9B8D64C985FB689 8652B226017D449EA496CFC2050F8E43 Right ethmoid sinus Entire right ethmoid sinus (body structure) 809 809 00809 left ethmoid sinus 44355002 S00809 Left ethmoid sinus structure (body structure) E00809 368584009 Entire left ethmoid sinus (body structure) P00809 L 0 P respiratory system ADE6F127EC2C4CA894E4BDEFDA26A014 5F7AA151664449AE9C666F4EC9453C3A Left ethmoid sinus Entire left ethmoid sinus (body structure) 810 810 00810 right sphenoid sinus 54702002 S00810 Right sphenoid sinus structure (body structure) E00810 368563004 Entire right sphenoid sinus (body structure) P00810 R 54707 P respiratory system 0E93037321774E4CB07F37B29ECD6D3C 0CD25047A41E48FE8A6AC1C5ADBA18DD Right sphenoid sinus Entire right sphenoid sinus (body structure) 811 811 00811 left sphenoid sinus 48498009 S00811 Left sphenoid sinus structure (body structure) E00811 368585005 Entire left sphenoid sinus (body structure) P00811 L 54708 P respiratory system 7EC58B2A39D74DD893C3FC6BAAD486D5 2B0A1F4C747F421BBD83B9B7217C80B4 Left sphenoid sinus Entire left sphenoid sinus (body structure) 812 812 00812 right ventricular fold of larynx 81505008 S00812 Structure of right ventricular fold of larynx (body structure) E00812 170387003 Entire right ventricular fold of larynx (body structure) P00812 R P respiratory system F826E0F5A39143F89BDC0BCBDFCA01A7 1E67432EE6CD41E2BD69E0615CF65380 right ventricular fold of larynx Entire right ventricular fold of larynx (body structure) 813 813 00813 left ventricular fold of larynx 43101003 S00813 Structure of left ventricular fold of larynx (body structure) E00813 170684003 Entire left ventricular fold of larynx (body structure) P00813 L P respiratory system 5F9246A415A1424FAFCD9D0057DAE718 58A9D1A5AD5545B3A1F96BEFF04369B8 left ventricular fold of larynx Entire left ventricular fold of larynx (body structure) 814 814 00814 pupil 392406005 S00814 Pupil structure (body structure) E00814 35146001 Entire pupil (body structure) P00814 Y 58252 P special senses organ system 379AC00A261A40B6956734E29B1E0FA3 13C36A4E5B4D48AB9C18DB703586DACE Pupil Entire pupil (body structure) 815 815 00815 right lacrimal gland 18855009 S00815 Right lacrimal gland structure (body structure) E00815 368564005 Entire right lacrimal gland (body structure) P00815 R 59102 P special senses organ system A3D4C119228F416D98D904CDE9678A51 82BC2FB7CBE14AFF9654E84B920D612F Right lacrimal gland Entire right lacrimal gland (body structure) 816 816 00816 left lacrimal gland 80984007 S00816 Left lacrimal gland structure (body structure) E00816 368586006 Entire left lacrimal gland (body structure) P00816 L 59103 P special senses organ system 224D9185F37A49AFBD45E8594FD84A3A A882D544566D4E5FB5D1F81286C3ADFF Left lacrimal gland Entire left lacrimal gland (body structure) 817 817 00817 right nasolacrimal duct 53170005 S00817 Right nasolacrimal duct structure (body structure) E00817 368565006 Entire right nasolacrimal duct (body structure) P00817 R 59555 P special senses organ system 63D06D2194FA48A2813E51623F031B81 A7307234F0974D6481A20CAD2FE32317 Right nasolacrimal duct Entire right nasolacrimal duct (body structure) 818 818 00818 left nasolacrimal duct 25758003 S00818 Left nasolacrimal duct structure (body structure) E00818 368587002 Entire left nasolacrimal duct (body structure) P00818 L 59556 P special senses organ system C3849E0C68D3490CB21D48CA18657050 B9B78A03A8FF483EB48A61D80D8DF49F Left nasolacrimal duct Entire left nasolacrimal duct (body structure) 819 819 00819 right ear 25577004 S00819 Right ear structure (body structure) E00819 368570004 Entire right ear (body structure) P00819 Rgroup 53641 D special senses organ system B1C59F63F77646F3999BF02A72090672 9A7E0004D039471F85DA728550F1722E Right ear Entire right ear (body structure) 820 820 00820 left ear 89644007 S00820 Left ear structure (body structure) E00820 368592000 Entire left ear (body structure) P00820 Lgroup 53642 D special senses organ system 6B6F9F745C444F0DB85684932B71FE3A FC1697EBAAEB4E878720D8DD708A2F52 Left ear Entire left ear (body structure) 821 821 00821 right external ear 69838001 S00821 Right external ear structure (body structure) E00821 368567003 Entire right external ear (body structure) P00821 Rgroup 53643 D special senses organ system A08214173A7D4B628CF2F01919D41405 291678693E974DA78323818422D501F6 Right external ear Entire right external ear (body structure) 822 822 00822 left external ear 49521004 S00822 Left external ear structure (body structure) E00822 368589004 Entire left external ear (body structure) P00822 Lgroup 53644 D special senses organ system 9BB9B30FBAA342769FBF75BE3AF3E24B CC25A4975B8344C1A660986333A26BF8 Left external ear Entire left external ear (body structure) 823 823 00823 right external auditory canal 45124007 S00823 Right external auditory canal structure (body structure) E00823 368566007 Entire right external auditory canal (body structure) P00823 R 61735 P special senses organ system F56D82FA4DBC4767BD596F1FC7D390D9 8A919C8A6C9747E0A429E1699BB75D47 Right external auditory canal Entire right external auditory canal (body structure) 824 824 00824 left external auditory canal 71471005 S00824 Left external auditory canal structure (body structure) E00824 368588007 Entire left external auditory canal (body structure) P00824 L 61736 P special senses organ system 1D7679DFE59A4FD383C92D07A56DC5A9 E6C6E0E331A14DE0BFC7037680BECAF2 Left external auditory canal Entire left external auditory canal (body structure) 825 825 00825 right middle ear 53434003 S00825 Right middle ear structure (body structure) E00825 303333003 Entire right middle ear (body structure) P00825 Rgroup 56514 D special senses organ system 074C390B647945588A68A4CEB0172E1C 160B210A94554617BD24920A1EEA71B3 Right middle ear Entire right middle ear (body structure) 826 826 00826 left middle ear 50460003 S00826 Left middle ear structure (body structure) E00826 303332008 Entire left middle ear (body structure) P00826 Lgroup 56515 D special senses organ system 55FEAD013AFE4DE39E8507A77613D3C3 A8929825605A4DFBAE810ECFFFA9975C Left middle ear Entire left middle ear (body structure) 827 827 00827 right Eustachian canal 72347004 S00827 Right Eustachian canal structure (body structure) E00827 368568008 Entire right Eustachian tube (body structure) P00827 Rgroup 60054 D special senses organ system B01E7AA4F1704F1082A7A092CDA51305 8F07D4A4D02442C69BC22FA164D53B38 Right Eustachian canal Entire right Eustachian tube (body structure) 828 828 00828 left Eustachian canal 43525003 S00828 Left Eustachian canal structure (body structure) E00828 368590008 Entire left Eustachian tube (body structure) P00828 Lgroup 60055 D special senses organ system A0EB3D1E20ED4401A886213AF170E392 F1404B9B076C48269E556A6BAD9CECA6 Left Eustachian canal Entire left Eustachian tube (body structure) 829 829 00829 right inner ear 76473007 S00829 Right inner ear structure (body structure) E00829 368569000 Entire right inner ear (body structure) P00829 Rgroup 61020 D special senses organ system 9B474FA9E28F43518FDCF610E6ACDD4F F07A046FE2FE4FD58D8F8836D7C44A53 Right inner ear Entire right inner ear (body structure) 830 830 00830 left inner ear 73401004 S00830 Left inner ear structure (body structure) E00830 368591007 Entire left inner ear (body structure) P00830 Lgroup 61021 D special senses organ system 4E2671C9D4EE46E3ADCE7355268B862B 5D70A4DC56EC4941837F876C8AE313BC Left inner ear Entire left inner ear (body structure) 831 831 00831 aponeurosis 77680006 S00831 Aponeurosis structure (body structure) E00831 331712004 Entire aponeurosis (body structure) P00831 - 9722 P 8B52217E641C47158F16B810CB9E6B05 A489AF106C0D43B185A0ABCDE2667840 Aponeurosis Entire aponeurosis (body structure) 832 832 00832 surface of pelvis region 182347008 S00832 Structure of surface region of pelvis (body structure) E00832 362885008 Entire surface region of pelvis (body structure) P00832 - D integument/surface 8D5AAF63F0D04E22A70C7A50798E92F9 23B42284C8604C69B5E6E0E21B789F1D surface region of pelvis Entire surface region of pelvis (body structure) 839 839 00839 surface of right side of neck S00839 E00839 19801004 Right side of neck (surface region) (body structure) P00839 R 74795 D integument/surface C5B19E6BF6F046F48B37CA5A9526DB51 Right side of neck (surface region) (body structure) 840 840 00840 surface of left side of neck S00840 E00840 21834000 Left side of neck (surface region) (body structure) P00840 L 74796 D integument/surface D967EC6174004EDB8DB17C332AF92FF3 Left side of neck (surface region) (body structure) 841 841 00841 anatomical structure 91723000 S00841 Anatomical structure (body structure) E00841 362889002 Entire anatomical structure (body structure) P00841 - 67135 P 68192D07661B4EFF847FD1CA6CFE708E 1F4D97D1322948C9A1AF89A096BA3597 Anatomical structure Entire anatomical structure (body structure) Material anatomical entity which is generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genes that guide its morphogenesis; has inherent 3D shape; its parts are connected and spatially related to one another. 842 842 00842 olfactory nerve 11522000 S00842 Olfactory nerve structure (body structure) E00842 180937006 Entire olfactory nerve (body structure) P00842 Y 46787 P nervous system 2AE4AA714D0548A795B4F480C05D13D0 833DADED993C4CC58287044EC1326935 Olfactory nerve Entire olfactory nerve (body structure) Segment of neural tree organ which is continuous with the olfactory epithelium and an olfactory bulb. 843 843 00843 trochlear nerve 39322007 S00843 Trochlear nerve structure (body structure) E00843 180939009 Entire trochlear nerve (body structure) P00843 Y 288198 P nervous system 2816FA85F2594F4CAD866B7A10920F59 261CCB4583AA4062B14619DC26CC2F2F Trochlear nerve Entire trochlear nerve (body structure) 844 844 00844 abducens nerve 80622005 S00844 Abducens nerve structure (body structure) E00844 180941005 Entire abducens nerve (body structure) P00844 Y 288210 P special senses organ system E96C1ADC10B242788A6193DC7C4B1FE6 D38F4F1471B440BD8BE812A898D32ACB Abducens nerve Entire abducens nerve (body structure) 845 845 00845 serous sac 91725007 S00845 Serous sac structure (body structure) E00845 362890006 Entire serous sac (body structure) P00845 - 9689 P 5E62FC0F6F25479F839D81C72F00D2B5 65911447BA9C4302B3B09BEDF04EE053 Serous sac Entire serous sac (body structure) Organ with organ cavity, which has as parts a serous membrane and a serous cavity . Examples: pleural sac, pericardial sac, tendon sheath, bursa. 846 846 00846 serous pericardial sac S00846 E00846 362891005 Entire serous pericardial sac (body structure) P00846 - P 8ED5BF7CE25A434C930DBB7CD9B8566E Entire serous pericardial sac (body structure) 847 847 00847 synovial tendon sheath 41949001 S00847 Synovial tendon sheath structure (body structure) E00847 331207004 Entire synovial tendon sheath (body structure) P00847 Y 45087 P musculoskeletal system 197E747C9F6048568DC0E98BF4288252 F507155D4B0A4F379E35EEEA4ECF9328 Synovial tendon sheath Entire synovial tendon sheath (body structure) Synovial sac which surrounds parts of one or more tendons . Examples: synovial tendon sheath of index finger, radial bursa. 848 848 00848 duct organ 343011009 S00848 Duct (organ) structure (body structure) E00848 91726008 Entire duct (organ) (body structure) P00848 - 0 P 5AC088DDD2D64DA683BFC2124067972B 0E11D00B6D924D4C83735747F8EF27DF Duct (organ) Entire duct (organ) (body structure) 849 849 00849 major salivary gland 119282003 S00849 Major salivary gland structure (body structure) E00849 303049006 Entire major salivary gland (body structure) P00849 Y 59788 P digestive system EFA0573654664D14A959F3A308F83104 AC3080830EBA4C8C996A1A1305D2189E Major salivary gland Entire major salivary gland (body structure) 850 850 00850 hilum of lung 46750007 S00850 Structure of hilum of lung (body structure) E00850 264017007 Entire hilum of lung (body structure) P00850 Y 0 P respiratory system D85A5597499447F08E88BE57A6A0A59F EA3EF8507FD0448081DCFA35F74AF650 hilum of lung Entire hilum of lung (body structure) 851 851 00851 main bronchus 102297006 S00851 Main bronchus structure (body structure) E00851 245508000 Entire main bronchus (body structure) P00851 Y 7405 P respiratory system 95847BAD638246AF866C9AB6296D800F 1C7223F0FDB7484CBB41C0322832DC6A Main bronchus Entire main bronchus (body structure) 852 852 00852 lobe of lung 31094006 S00852 Structure of lobe of lung (body structure) E00852 245524004 Entire lobe of lung (body structure) P00852 372221008 Part of lobe of lung (body structure) Y 7311 P respiratory system 8C6AF637DC10447D82BDDC8E46757B6F 82FA305782A345DB824091ECD5D41334 87EA9B07F622479C8E1796810FCEF977 lobe of lung Entire lobe of lung (body structure) lobe of lung 853 853 00853 upper lobe of lung 45653009 S00853 Structure of upper lobe of lung (body structure) E00853 303548008 Entire upper lobe of lung (body structure) P00853 Y 7334 P respiratory system 7B4893920CDC478886AC6A29F0C3C27A 7C5E23177E874D88B1C50F273D1835DC upper lobe of lung Entire upper lobe of lung (body structure) 854 854 00854 middle lobe of lung 40020002 S00854 Structure of middle lobe of lung (body structure) E00854 362900002 Entire middle lobe of lung (body structure) P00854 Y 7383 P respiratory system 611EA3FD59E041EB9D1355CE6FAA1302 9494729FCEC24EDEB456FBA077568503 middle lobe of lung Entire middle lobe of lung (body structure) 855 855 00855 lower lobe of lung 90572001 S00855 Structure of lower lobe of lung (body structure) E00855 303549000 Entire lower lobe of lung (body structure) P00855 Y 7335 P respiratory system A2462CB07CDF4CCF968DF0CB1867B00C F4B09881C93345328CFD8E939D3ABE28 lower lobe of lung Entire lower lobe of lung (body structure) 856 856 00856 left lobar bronchus 359744007 S00856 Left lobar bronchus structure (body structure) E00856 245510003 Entire left lobar bronchus (body structure) P00856 L P respiratory system 9C792D2BA9EB41A49834DE8CC2A8ADBC 1174473CC473450389801CCB75150439 Left lobar bronchus Entire left lobar bronchus (body structure) 857 857 00857 right lobar bronchus 359745008 S00857 Right lobar bronchus structure (body structure) E00857 245511004 Entire right lobar bronchus (body structure) P00857 R P respiratory system 21FA04C60ECE45E39CD5A3E57A308EB7 C5A0443B2B0D4A128D37C945B0AD1900 Right lobar bronchus Entire right lobar bronchus (body structure) 858 858 00858 upper lobe bronchus 360356002 S00858 Upper lobe bronchus structure (body structure) E00858 303550000 Entire upper lobe bronchus (body structure) P00858 Y 13428 P respiratory system A7FB05803BB4498EBC5F3393FB9FEE73 124C5E8F919745FFB96028377454038E Upper lobe bronchus Entire upper lobe bronchus (body structure) 859 859 00859 lower lobe bronchus 360357006 S00859 Lower lobe bronchus structure (body structure) E00859 303551001 Entire lower lobe bronchus (body structure) P00859 Y 13429 P respiratory system BBBFFEC8735645E6AF907C04B533B7D3 65325B0290264778AB0C9ED4BDF4399C Lower lobe bronchus Entire lower lobe bronchus (body structure) 860 860 00860 lobar bronchus 39582006 S00860 Lobar bronchus structure (body structure) E00860 245509008 Entire lobar bronchus (body structure) P00860 Y 7406 P respiratory system 20BA0580780343A0B52F9CB666E2A8FF 920460127CF54AEF966B7863922967BE Lobar bronchus Entire lobar bronchus (body structure) 861 861 00861 bone tissue of tarsal bone 108371006 S00861 Bone structure of tarsus (body structure) E00861 P00861 Y 231887 D musculoskeletal system D71D819AAD8A481AA8AC4447DA1593AB Bone of tarsus 862 862 00862 skeletal muscle of head 22688005 S00862 Skeletal muscle structure of head (body structure) E00862 244718003 Entire skeletal muscle of head (body structure) P00862 - 9616 P musculoskeletal system 6C422707E62E4D2C923ED52E449E2664 7371517EC5F641D183D22AE4FE25EB7D Skeletal muscle of head Entire skeletal muscle of head (body structure) Skeletal muscle (organ component) which is a part of a musculotendinous unit that is part of the head. Examples: masseter, orbicularis oculi. 863 863 00863 skeletal muscle of neck 81727001 S00863 Skeletal muscle structure of neck (body structure) E00863 181735002 Entire skeletal muscle of neck (body structure) P00863 - 9617 P musculoskeletal system DA965629361E4F8A92F3881953170984 50752024B004447081BAB3A42A7628D5 Skeletal muscle of neck Entire skeletal muscle of neck (body structure) Skeletal muscle (organ component) which is a part of a musculotendinous unit that is part of the neck. Examples: platysma, sternocleidomastoid, cricothyroid muscle. 864 864 00864 bone tissue of bone of head 272679001 S00864 Bone structure of head (body structure) E00864 P00864 - 0 D musculoskeletal system EBFF27754721453ABB86D4DCBBD7D61B Bone of head 865 865 00865 bone organ of neurocranium S00865 E00865 120229002 Entire bone of neurocranium (body structure) P00865 - P skeletal system 458D4705F27D4CE489BDD46F41D46B61 Entire bone of neurocranium (body structure) 866 866 00866 skeletal muscle of upper limb 30608006 S00866 Skeletal muscle structure of upper limb (body structure) E00866 244978002 Entire skeletal muscle of upper limb (body structure) P00866 Y 71296 P muscular system 2F58B11695A748FCBC67ABFF43BD689C 6D7F8E3822D94A3E9F3C1D5E99387196 Skeletal muscle of upper limb Entire skeletal muscle of upper limb (body structure) 867 867 00867 skeletal muscle of hand 110540008 S00867 Muscle structure of hand (body structure) E00867 367633004 Entire skeletal muscle of hand (body structure) P00867 Y 37372 P musculoskeletal system 1031D8481EE84F34B56746723F562D60 92728B93C18243D2B901E5FFCF991E63 Muscle of hand Entire skeletal muscle of hand (body structure) 868 868 00868 skeletal muscle of trunk 68230005 S00868 Skeletal muscle structure of trunk (body structure) E00868 244848007 Entire skeletal muscle of trunk (body structure) P00868 - 58274 P musculoskeletal system D8A637B057924904B2F9A49FC5AA14D6 A39307510C6E4869868EC7BFA8CDA0F7 Skeletal muscle of trunk Entire skeletal muscle of trunk (body structure) Skeletal muscle (organ component) which is a part of a musculotendinous unit that is part of the trunk. Examples: external intercostal muscle, external oblique, levator ani. 869 869 00869 skeletal muscle of back 79112004 S00869 Skeletal muscle structure of back (body structure) E00869 181737005 Entire skeletal muscle of back (body structure) P00869 Y P musculoskeletal system A2D94E1A298A40978D435318548403EF D453C69C4E07432AB437BE4FDF7C2B57 Skeletal muscle of back Entire skeletal muscle of back (body structure) 870 870 00870 skeletal muscle of thorax 15187006 S00870 Skeletal muscle structure of thorax (body structure) E00870 244877008 Entire skeletal muscle of thorax (body structure) P00870 - 9619 P musculoskeletal system FC37379E9A1044F4BDB914712114830B 21A55ED5C0AE4D08826E686CD19ADB15 Skeletal muscle of thorax Entire skeletal muscle of thorax (body structure) Skeletal muscle (organ component) which is a part of a musculotendinous unit that is part of the thorax. Examples: external intercostal muscle, diaphragm. 871 871 00871 pectoralis minor muscle 18686000 S00871 Pectoralis minor muscle structure (body structure) E00871 181625002 Entire pectoralis minor muscle (body structure) P00871 Y 13109 P skeletal system 95C53AC96366478A9C988AAA2CFF4F8D 767F406C14904237AA415AEAED2E1E5B Pectoralis minor muscle Entire pectoralis minor muscle (body structure) 872 872 00872 skeletal muscle of abdomen 28720001 S00872 Skeletal muscle structure of abdomen (body structure) E00872 244944008 Entire skeletal muscle of abdomen (body structure) P00872 - 9620 P musculoskeletal system B567C91FA08F46218AC4CC4C37004267 4EB3E02A8B1842DA97F605EC1D5D36BE Skeletal muscle of abdomen Entire skeletal muscle of abdomen (body structure) Skeletal muscle (organ component) which is a part of a musculotendinous unit that is part of the abdominal wall. Examples: external oblique, rectus abdominis. 873 873 00873 skeletal muscle of inguinal region 277146007 S00873 Skeletal muscle structure of inguinal region (body structure) E00873 102289004 Entire skeletal muscle of inguinal region (body structure) P00873 Y P musculoskeletal system 46744EE3BC5848B1A0359F4EE537A08E FC62D26ABB5B434097D90F5F082071F9 Skeletal muscle of inguinal region Entire skeletal muscle of inguinal region (body structure) 874 874 00874 skeletal muscle of perineum 7295002 S00874 Skeletal muscle structure of perineum (body structure) E00874 244967005 Entire skeletal muscle of perineum (body structure) P00874 - 9623 P musculoskeletal system 64D8CEC7AB2540C2AD6F21CFB8BE4B10 4DE3F405B9184883A57C05F7190DF79F Skeletal muscle of perineum Entire skeletal muscle of perineum (body structure) 875 875 00875 skeletal muscle of pelvis 102290008 S00875 Skeletal muscle structure of pelvis (body structure) E00875 244955008 Entire skeletal muscle of pelvis (body structure) P00875 - 19086 P musculoskeletal system 7F5C95020DCF468B8B6A938F4221F4A9 AE952A4DD7DD4811A3F0CD83D4AD4070 Skeletal muscle of pelvis Entire skeletal muscle of pelvis (body structure) Skeletal muscle (organ component) which is a part of a musculotendinous unit that is part of the pelvis. Examples: levator ani, 876 876 00876 rectococcygeus muscle 38773006 S00876 Rectococcygeus muscle structure (body structure) E00876 367744004 Entire rectococcygeus muscle (body structure) P00876 Y P musculoskeletal system 9438EBAF674E4660836D5C907DFF199A 38CD6E2D1E1D4E2E94768AC889E421A5 Rectococcygeus muscle Entire rectococcygeus muscle (body structure) 877 877 00877 skeletal muscle of hip 291816008 S00877 Skeletal muscle structure of hip (body structure) E00877 45466002 Entire skeletal muscle of hip (body structure) P00877 Y P musculoskeletal system C439D4D99A0E4B99BCA97E55CD4CF877 57041001006B4F88A2A644AF9D8FE659 Skeletal muscle of hip Entire skeletal muscle of hip (body structure) 878 878 00878 skeletal muscle of thigh 50092008 S00878 Skeletal muscle structure of thigh (body structure) E00878 245013005 Entire skeletal muscle of thigh (body structure) P00878 Y 22470 P skeletal system 4570890FE53046DDB2EB8B560FB1B88D B3E7CA12D0094996AF57AE585DF34B49 Skeletal muscle of thigh Entire skeletal muscle of thigh (body structure) 879 879 00879 semimembranosus muscle 84010001 S00879 Semimembranosus muscle structure (body structure) E00879 181684000 Entire semimembranosus muscle (body structure) P00879 Y 22438 P musculoskeletal system D928485DCDDE40099824F777B7CF51B5 4174405EDC6141DC92A92A784A38A31C Semimembranosus muscle Entire semimembranosus muscle (body structure) 880 880 00880 semitendinosus muscle 50340007 S00880 Semitendinosus muscle structure (body structure) E00880 181685004 Entire semitendinosus muscle (body structure) P00880 Y 22357 P musculoskeletal system 05B30FA62BCE4436A1DE0E079FCB2A6F C825C9A8F19A457B8C7B39604DCE2FD0 Semitendinosus muscle Entire semitendinosus muscle (body structure) 881 881 00881 extensor digitorum longus muscle of foot 20497005 S00881 Structure of extensor digitorum longus muscle of foot (body structure) E00881 181698008 Entire extensor digitorum longus muscle of foot (body structure) P00881 Y 22534 P musculoskeletal system F631022D115C4A4DA36A90E3D00DC868 6A535D6968614C52B76A8B0DB8EEEA51 extensor digitorum longus muscle of foot Entire extensor digitorum longus muscle of foot (body structure) 882 882 00882 peroneus brevis muscle 60771004 S00882 Peroneus brevis muscle structure (body structure) E00882 181704008 Entire peroneus brevis muscle (body structure) P00882 Y 22540 P musculoskeletal system 27E953DC4FE640D98F24B8FEB3C7D8FF F54B240281464C32803E35B52B94ED89 Peroneus brevis muscle Entire peroneus brevis muscle (body structure) 883 883 00883 peroneus tertius muscle 48762002 S00883 Peroneus tertius muscle structure (body structure) E00883 181701000 Entire peroneus tertius muscle (body structure) P00883 Y 22538 P musculoskeletal system 0B1E3D3CAC2B4FE0A628F8C1BA342F92 F239DB9458944B5D8E3A74D756D3C01A Peroneus tertius muscle Entire peroneus tertius muscle (body structure) 884 884 00884 muscle of foot 67240005 S00884 Muscle structure of foot (body structure) E00884 265807005 Entire skeletal muscle of foot (body structure) P00884 Y 37369 P musculoskeletal system DC6B5F44D5F844D6BFBA4EB46190BC4C 60F852D5DE2B40B0820B9C3A83F4E9EF Muscle of foot Entire skeletal muscle of foot (body structure) 885 885 00885 joint of pelvis 127862002 S00885 Joint structure of pelvis (body structure) E00885 283020002 Entire joint of pelvis (body structure) P00885 - P musculoskeletal system F9C15FA4B2294F15BE5BC567A22068B6 CA46F2D56C4047CDAEE15BFB7DD6C73A Joint of pelvis Entire joint of pelvis (body structure) 886 886 00886 segmental bronchus 128520003 S00886 Segmental bronchus structure (body structure) E00886 245513001 Entire segmental bronchus (body structure) P00886 Y 7407 P respiratory system 9B227816CBB5444595DBEA5DD7A0D3B9 9881C43E3C574711A979737D28F1230E Segmental bronchus Entire segmental bronchus (body structure) 887 887 00887 gland organ S00887 E00887 2861001 Entire gland (organ) (body structure) P00887 - D 668215983E3143FDB4212C3FCE83289A Entire gland (organ) (body structure) 888 888 00888 gland organ component S00888 E00888 115975004 Entire gland (organ component) (body structure) P00888 - 7146 D B7C6230381EA46DDB6FB8E5D725B0BAA Entire gland (organ component) (body structure) 889 889 00889 exocrine gland 362938003 S00889 Exocrine gland structure (body structure) E00889 115974000 Entire exocrine gland (organ) (body structure) P00889 - 9596 P 1B197AF8FF91448FA5E276E19DF460EF AF392E5E67EE4E8EB94CE171F70D3B4C Exocrine gland Entire exocrine gland (organ) (body structure) 890 890 00890 exocrine gland organ component S00890 E00890 115976003 Entire exocrine gland (organ component) (body structure) P00890 - P 1434E863067B4790A630894A526F8C4F Entire exocrine gland (organ component) (body structure) 891 891 00891 right pulmonary vein 91539005 S00891 Structure of right pulmonary vein (body structure) E00891 304056008 Entire right pulmonary vein (body structure) P00891 R P venous system 90E5E12BF26B41D8B9943FD5D8A01A0B D8F1774E2BA84ABCB6A07A94D34CF11A right pulmonary vein Entire right pulmonary vein (body structure) 892 892 00892 left pulmonary vein 27706005 S00892 Structure of left pulmonary vein (body structure) E00892 304057004 Entire left pulmonary vein (body structure) P00892 L P venous system 5F1F99BEB43D42AB9AAA87ABDEEE61B7 5AB0902029C44EBA86327BB50DA42CDF left pulmonary vein Entire left pulmonary vein (body structure) 893 893 00893 cardiac gland of esophagus 110603008 S00893 Structure of cardiac gland of esophagus (body structure) E00893 367641004 Entire cardiac gland of esophagus (body structure) P00893 - 63076 P digestive system 9061E03BF78A492298A6A5055E949347 DA7D9BE5425F4DC7ACA59B830276B6AE cardiac gland of esophagus Entire cardiac gland of esophagus (body structure) 894 894 00894 right lateral ventricle 71689002 S00894 Right lateral ventricle structure (body structure) E00894 368571000 Entire right lateral ventricle (body structure) P00894 R 78449 P nervous system 2E93071C0F0F4C1DA793F2D203C02EEF 20685A5BE0B84344AFFAF91566251516 Right lateral ventricle Entire right lateral ventricle (body structure) 895 895 00895 left lateral ventricle 83990007 S00895 Left lateral ventricle structure (body structure) E00895 368593005 Entire left lateral ventricle (body structure) P00895 L 78450 P nervous system 07E93E8925344FFCA24804438958222D 564B684BA469431EBB352DED1155E462 Left lateral ventricle Entire left lateral ventricle (body structure) 896 896 00896 right frontal lobe 15046008 S00896 Right frontal lobe structure (body structure) E00896 314141005 Entire right frontal lobe (body structure) P00896 R 72969 P nervous system 741652325B044C048AA33965CC4306BD FB78161392284E17ABD7D143B196BA85 Right frontal lobe Entire right frontal lobe (body structure) 897 897 00897 left frontal lobe 74298007 S00897 Left frontal lobe structure (body structure) E00897 314142003 Entire left frontal lobe (body structure) P00897 L 72970 P nervous system 311E483896424A908E3A5761F4592211 732E758BE8E3450DA1F79EAF9BE5AC3B Left frontal lobe Entire left frontal lobe (body structure) 898 898 00898 right parietal lobe 47876008 S00898 Right parietal lobe structure (body structure) E00898 314146000 Entire right parietal lobe (body structure) P00898 R 72973 P nervous system 32D3C203DA1345498BC2651F41B0AF05 6BEE9B472A1247EB811B442E06CA36CD Right parietal lobe Entire right parietal lobe (body structure) 899 899 00899 left parietal lobe 9003000 S00899 Left parietal lobe structure (body structure) E00899 314147009 Entire left parietal lobe (body structure) P00899 L 72974 P nervous system 685444D06F2A4CE4937738D548F64BB9 93CF3BC9889448C199F63E389B33EB58 Left parietal lobe Entire left parietal lobe (body structure) 900 900 00900 right occipital lobe 59144001 S00900 Right occipital lobe structure (body structure) E00900 314149007 Entire right occipital lobe (body structure) P00900 R 72975 P nervous system CCEBE605B9AD4C4994D9BD13525C80C9 81FA20382FCE4816AFC6CB751592A808 Right occipital lobe Entire right occipital lobe (body structure) 901 901 00901 left occipital lobe 32373000 S00901 Left occipital lobe structure (body structure) E00901 314150007 Entire left occipital lobe (body structure) P00901 L 72976 P nervous system 589EE14643F446F081CA354EA3E713E3 551019C28D804561B8624D90686B7A90 Left occipital lobe Entire left occipital lobe (body structure) 902 902 00902 right temporal lobe 78029007 S00902 Right temporal lobe structure (body structure) E00902 314157005 Entire right temporal lobe (body structure) P00902 R 72971 P nervous system BF8A4DCE45F64B2699CCD27BAFDB41BD 560C1D66737045CD90C8BF591A765D63 Right temporal lobe Entire right temporal lobe (body structure) 903 903 00903 left temporal lobe 52718009 S00903 Left temporal lobe structure (body structure) E00903 314158000 Entire left temporal lobe (body structure) P00903 L 72972 P nervous system ECD488D65B1D431DBAA6F98233C97FD7 78FB91CF039D4EB1B5C0DD093C4AC234 Left temporal lobe Entire left temporal lobe (body structure) 904 904 00904 viscus 362937008 S00904 Structure of viscus (body structure) E00904 118760003 Entire viscus (body structure) P00904 - P AB03A81E317844AD91F5C7DA5CE55E58 61DC8FC45E7F4449BE2ECDAEF9C84839 viscus Entire viscus (body structure) 905 905 00905 anterior mediastinum 76386002 S00905 Structure of anterior mediastinum (body structure) E00905 261048003 Entire anterior mediastinum (body structure) P00905 - 9838 P respiratory system B354DA1E4F874CFD929D033739213DF7 44BFB860FF274F03AE589407C0C84A6C anterior mediastinum Entire anterior mediastinum (body structure) 906 906 00906 posterior mediastinum 27291007 S00906 Structure of posterior mediastinum (body structure) E00906 243957009 Entire posterior mediastinum (body structure) P00906 - 9840 P respiratory system 374F60F8095343F49B75C46FE660F215 32E089A8FEBA451AA72D2FC4AEE97F71 posterior mediastinum Entire posterior mediastinum (body structure) 907 907 00907 right upper arm 368209003 S00907 Right upper arm structure (body structure) E00907 59126009 Entire right upper arm (body structure) P00907 R 24895 P 3A5462200F20435F8E8E7D187B602800 5D510494EB7F4C1B9EA331900E717503 Right upper arm Entire right upper arm (body structure) 908 908 00908 left upper arm 368208006 S00908 Left upper arm structure (body structure) E00908 72098002 Entire left upper arm (body structure) P00908 L 24896 P 2C3D89316288485D8C21AC67E13E2B40 D07657F88B9E40FA9CC2E948E6CDE27C Left upper arm Entire left upper arm (body structure) 909 909 00909 right elbow region 368149001 S00909 Right elbow region structure (body structure) E00909 71889004 Entire right elbow region (body structure) P00909 R 24902 P regional/topgraphical F96E0F5632904327A7D91FDFA5C282AA 94D72CA443904814BF5969143F09C1AA Right elbow region Entire right elbow region (body structure) 910 910 00910 left elbow region 368148009 S00910 Left elbow region structure (body structure) E00910 1927002 Entire left elbow region (body structure) P00910 L 24903 P regional/topgraphical 8A484896432547BC8CB90A27DBA22683 CB011AD44D134F0580B0B13B513A0DCC Left elbow region Entire left elbow region (body structure) 911 911 00911 left hip region 287679003 S00911 Left hip region structure (body structure) E00911 91777001 Entire left hip region (body structure) P00911 L 24966 P skeletal system E635B9E798FB42CD8A07D72FB80C8C70 36DF92E0169247BDB00B1ECC02B012F5 Left hip region Entire left hip region (body structure) 912 912 00912 right hip region 287579007 S00912 Right hip region structure (body structure) E00912 91776005 Entire right hip region (body structure) P00912 R 24965 P skeletal system BDCE9172B6B245FF8C2AA3AACBA4F7DC DF15BE6CB98A4D5E9611EC0E7FFF929D Right hip region Entire right hip region (body structure) 913 913 00913 left hip joint 362907004 S00913 Left hip joint structure (body structure) E00913 362905007 Entire left hip joint (body structure) P00913 L 35180 P skeletal system D8148FB2D0A647A69060886846F43C00 7EEB011D6D914E5BA522BF5D341D05CA Left hip joint Entire left hip joint (body structure) 914 914 00914 right hip joint 362908009 S00914 Right hip joint structure (body structure) E00914 362906008 Entire right hip joint (body structure) P00914 R 35179 P skeletal system 5094126121544693875BC0531EAEFBCA 960447B85B09486C9778D8E6934BCB28 Right hip joint Entire right hip joint (body structure) 915 915 00915 synarthrosis 116008009 S00915 Synarthrosis structure (body structure) E00915 362909001 Entire synarthrosis (body structure) P00915 - 7491 P articular system 669D5914B68048E490E77811B7C66BD4 422B567451AF43C78A9B4C74BB8607B9 Synarthrosis Entire synarthrosis (body structure) Joint in which the articulating bones or cartilages are connected by ligaments or fibrocartilage without an intervening synovial cavity. Examples: sagittal suture, inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis, costochondral joint, pubic symphysis. 916 916 00916 simple joint 334377002 S00916 Simple joint structure (body structure) E00916 70916009 Entire simple joint (body structure) P00916 - P articular system D469E8F001B547D89464D0979D4E969A B449CE34DA8B43F6AA35592F3E4143A3 Simple joint Entire simple joint (body structure) 917 917 00917 unilocular joint 334478006 S00917 Unilocular joint structure (body structure) E00917 65228009 Entire unilocular joint (body structure) P00917 - P articular system 92376EEDADF54E3396B4D41EA96CC30B 0D484AB42C7A489D96E0FCB4555DE910 Unilocular joint Entire unilocular joint (body structure) 918 918 00918 bilocular joint 334579000 S00918 Bilocular joint structure (body structure) E00918 39722005 Entire bilocular joint (body structure) P00918 - P articular system F87DB927BB1A4B40AE75AD379D1A41E9 F54E7101C0D045C19626591E5736DA00 Bilocular joint Entire bilocular joint (body structure) 919 919 00919 compound joint 334681006 S00919 Compound joint structure (body structure) E00919 83057005 Entire compound joint (body structure) P00919 - P articular system 0FA47BCA86604EEE89C0720AF93EC14F D6C74B8008AA4886B190B7E624A1725F Compound joint Entire compound joint (body structure) 920 920 00920 sellar joint 334782007 S00920 Sellar joint structure (body structure) E00920 23059003 Entire sellar joint (body structure) P00920 - P articular system 75D39983A80D43179E595FF517F33BB3 22E909E6CEC84FE491058D6F4E97A1C1 Sellar joint Entire sellar joint (body structure) 921 921 00921 fibrous joint 335696003 S00921 Fibrous joint structure (body structure) E00921 37772004 Entire fibrous joint (body structure) P00921 - 7492 P articular system 3CA55C557CE942589EFA4199081664B8 4632337277784414BDC44FF0278BFD44 Fibrous joint Entire fibrous joint (body structure) Nonsynovial joint in which the articulating bones or cartilages are connected by ligaments. Examples: sagittal suture, inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis, gomphosis. 922 922 00922 cartilaginous joint 336003007 S00922 Cartilaginous joint structure (body structure) E00922 58442004 Entire cartilaginous joint (body structure) P00922 - 7496 P articular system 906044F7582846059564E4064EC2588A 0192C1DF12624BA99EAA401882D9C891 Cartilaginous joint Entire cartilaginous joint (body structure) Nonsynovial joint in which the articulating bones or cartilages are connected by cartilage. Examples: Spheno-occipital synchondrosis, first sternocostal joint, pubic symphysis. 923 923 00923 cervical spine joint 129167000 S00923 Cervical spine joint structure (body structure) E00923 362910006 Entire joint of cervical vertebra (body structure) P00923 - P musculoskeletal system 8D5FBC9D43984DBD873A16E4A798906A 6AD6BCEDDFE34293B4B5E8F5471A0CA5 Cervical spine joint Entire joint of cervical vertebra (body structure) 924 924 00924 lumbar spine joint 8454000 S00924 Lumbar spine joint structure (body structure) E00924 362911005 Entire joint of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P00924 - P musculoskeletal system 1D0ACE22B36A40668FD72D825A3B154F 549BB4AE40BB411C8CC690CA38B196AF Lumbar spine joint Entire joint of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 925 925 00925 symphysis 336205008 S00925 Symphysis structure (body structure) E00925 1584001 Entire symphysis (body structure) P00925 - 7498 P articular system 5C1E64B8911E4C17BADF4E62EAE235BC 95A0A0E35A4A4D3C9F0419B36F8B4404 Symphysis Entire symphysis (body structure) Cartilaginous joint in which the articulating bones or cartilages are connected by fibrocartilage. Examples: pubic symphysis, intervertebral symphysis, manubriosternal joint. 926 926 00926 joint of coccygeal vertebra 14085007 S00926 Joint structure of coccygeal vertebra (body structure) E00926 292321001 Entire joint of coccygeal vertebra (body structure) P00926 - P musculoskeletal system B3B8E8C505314CC89494236C03EF4683 CE257316977743A399F5F8E99C6BE683 Joint of coccygeal vertebra Entire joint of coccygeal vertebra (body structure) 927 927 00927 joint of trunk 61747003 S00927 Joint structure of trunk (body structure) E00927 318241007 Entire joint of trunk (body structure) P00927 - P articular system F0F71085E0DF4683B02F306E3BCD77C1 775318C7CC4A4922ADB2888783592DC4 Joint of trunk Entire joint of trunk (body structure) 928 928 00928 costotransverse joint 57080006 S00928 Costotransverse joint structure (body structure) E00928 263328007 Entire costotransverse joint (body structure) P00928 Y 7952 P skeletal system 531CA0F737CA4B4883A2C3CE03E32B59 328F85CA0D7D48B7809D2DE271D1A85A Costotransverse joint Entire costotransverse joint (body structure) 929 929 00929 joint of rib 361084009 S00929 Structure of joint of rib (body structure) E00929 263314001 Entire joint of rib (body structure) P00929 Y P musculoskeletal system 8AC932AA34CC44CCB44A9B7A68A9A92D B31D3C6510054D7CA3492AF5C70FEA86 joint of rib Entire joint of rib (body structure) 930 930 00930 costocorporeal joint 361085005 S00930 Costocorporeal joint structure (body structure) E00930 263315000 Entire costocorporeal joint (body structure) P00930 Y 7951 P articular system A2D9C01A4530443BBCACCC2788E063A3 29B0097D0CFA4563881501786761734C Costocorporeal joint Entire costocorporeal joint (body structure) 931 931 00931 chondrocostal synchondrosis 27756000 S00931 Chondrocostal synchondrosis structure (body structure) E00931 282413008 Entire costochondral junction (body structure) P00931 Y 7956 P skeletal system DACA0429A8F546ECB8B2969D7D60633A DBED3C2BB2B741EC8A4E0FCEDA868B45 Chondrocostal synchondrosis Entire costochondral junction (body structure) 932 932 00932 synchondrosis 336104003 S00932 Synchondrosis structure (body structure) E00932 42903008 Entire synchondrosis (body structure) P00932 - 7497 P articular system 755D33715A8B405584090337ACEE7B40 9DF9F9864C41490FA64273FF65CAB4A0 Synchondrosis Entire synchondrosis (body structure) Cartilaginous joint in which the articulating bones or cartilages are connected by hyaline cartilage. Examples: spheno-occipital synchondrosis, first sternocostal joint. 933 933 00933 symphysis of mandible 113236004 S00933 Symphysis structure of mandible (body structure) E00933 264226002 Entire symphysis of mandible (body structure) P00933 - 75779 P skeletal system A1C6845CCCE5499DBE4B00CAF6E97A7C 7C4FD54D205A425E878F1D9033D74307 Symphysis of mandible Entire symphysis of mandible (body structure) 934 934 00934 manubriosternal joint 362913008 S00934 Manubriosternal joint structure (body structure) E00934 263312002 Entire manubriosternal joint (body structure) P00934 - 7502 P skeletal system 48095A76F92B4BEBA8A24000249F9433 44AB0C36D06947D4A80DC99B0F9E226E Manubriosternal joint Entire manubriosternal joint (body structure) 935 935 00935 meniscus of joint 74135004 S00935 Meniscus structure of joint (body structure) E00935 333978008 Entire meniscus of joint (body structure) P00935 - P articular system B7116EBCCE444340913DF7583E664B01 E3E10987C24F44C0B87416B00D4F2578 Meniscus of joint Entire meniscus of joint (body structure) 936 936 00936 arrector pili muscle 1840006 S00936 Arrector pili muscle structure (body structure) E00936 319910005 Entire arrector pili muscle (body structure) P00936 - P integumentary system 79A04B076F5D490F8BE5ECE6A99A3CA3 743D29787B8443959526980AAEE515BC Arrector pili muscle Entire arrector pili muscle (body structure) 937 937 00937 dilator pupillae muscle 41288007 S00937 Dilator pupillae muscle structure (body structure) E00937 280890008 Entire dilator pupillae muscle (body structure) P00937 Y 49158 P special senses organ system E3564D4D3D9543C89D7006656392D966 02485FD47F4F475B85A3579B99602841 Dilator pupillae muscle Entire dilator pupillae muscle (body structure) 938 938 00938 pyloric sphincter 90825007 S00938 Pyloric sphincter structure (body structure) E00938 268073008 Entire pyloric sphincter (body structure) P00938 - 14916 P digestive system 3FD9F18644804E1E8D197E42EFE547BB 939D3450A1914FBCB2EBE11882A83F9B Pyloric sphincter Entire pyloric sphincter (body structure) 939 939 00939 sphincter choledochus 56092004 S00939 Sphincter choledochus structure (body structure) E00939 248285000 Entire sphincter choledochus (body structure) P00939 - 15078 P digestive system FA0DE83D8A7A40C78D30E2F4C73C6213 1E4C1A7E929747D6A58BFF5795AA8C0E Sphincter choledochus Entire sphincter choledochus (body structure) 940 940 00940 sphincter pancreaticus 56101001 S00940 Sphincter pancreaticus structure (body structure) E00940 248377006 Entire sphincter pancreaticus (body structure) P00940 - P digestive system 215473614C7F4C999F5A431CFFFD62F2 3170039A514041CBA17EB9D2C09D2C5E Sphincter pancreaticus Entire sphincter pancreaticus (body structure) 941 941 00941 lesser duodenal papilla 417632006 S00941 Lesser duodenal papilla structure (body structure) E00941 245390003 Entire lesser duodenal papilla (body structure) P00941 - 265219 P digestive system A523673A2E79490D96167FFEFF21D4E7 F2A39EF6277B46969BF15EE942C6A3FC Lesser duodenal papilla Entire lesser duodenal papilla (body structure) 942 942 00942 smooth muscle sphincter 118253008 S00942 Smooth muscle sphincter structure (body structure) E00942 362915001 Entire smooth muscle sphincter (body structure) P00942 - P muscular system 772F30A73E0B43B99B69295D34F86D32 CB02E6B74DAF41FAA497CB056B99C152 Smooth muscle sphincter Entire smooth muscle sphincter (body structure) 943 943 00943 sphincter pupillae muscle 8369000 S00943 Sphincter pupillae muscle structure (body structure) E00943 280889004 Entire sphincter pupillae muscle (body structure) P00943 Y 49157 P special senses organ system FC06A291BCCE4A2B926F3DF33237AA84 E5D87C44DC88431897EABCDFB3672E44 Sphincter pupillae muscle Entire sphincter pupillae muscle (body structure) 944 944 00944 inferior esophageal sphincter 19898001 S00944 Inferior esophageal sphincter structure (body structure) E00944 267809009 Entire inferior esophageal sphincter (body structure) P00944 - P digestive system 2A9A547397FA453290EA23922D493698 9AEFEE5EDC48415A888C83FD1C177DA9 Inferior esophageal sphincter Entire inferior esophageal sphincter (body structure) 945 945 00945 upper third of esophagus 54738009 S00945 Structure of upper third of esophagus (body structure) E00945 276801001 Entire upper third of esophagus (body structure) P00945 - P digestive system D20BF7DC30044AD89C3B0C4D48520CC0 11EE423F5461409A9EA4306C85A458E2 upper third of esophagus Entire upper third of esophagus (body structure) 946 946 00946 middle third of esophagus 19000002 S00946 Structure of middle third of esophagus (body structure) E00946 276802008 Entire middle third of esophagus (body structure) P00946 - P digestive system 0CE7C693948041E5A47FBF6ED9E67EFA FBC3ECC53FEA40699DFA487B7D48C4A5 middle third of esophagus Entire middle third of esophagus (body structure) 947 947 00947 abdominal esophagus 60865004 S00947 Abdominal esophagus structure (body structure) E00947 245407007 Entire abdominal esophagus (body structure) P00947 - 9397 P digestive system FB7212BED5D0467B8DC469C3D5B5AB57 D40FFD88CAD9417B84C5A28C5833A78B Abdominal esophagus Entire abdominal esophagus (body structure) 948 948 00948 thoracic esophagus 59609004 S00948 Thoracic esophagus structure (body structure) E00948 245406003 Entire thoracic esophagus (body structure) P00948 - 9396 P digestive system C14E0597C89F45AC94E76F4A867210D9 0B5AFCA09BE24BFAA6D8232C4CD5E33B Thoracic esophagus Entire thoracic esophagus (body structure) Zone of esophagus located in the thorax. 949 949 00949 cervical esophagus 60075002 S00949 Cervical esophagus structure (body structure) E00949 245405004 Entire cervical esophagus (body structure) P00949 - 9395 P digestive system F2D03DD46FBB4CBA9D213049FBD79BE9 2C314209F54045728E96FCB60F7EC862 Cervical esophagus Entire cervical esophagus (body structure) 950 950 00950 sphincter ani internus muscle 82961008 S00950 Sphincter ani internus muscle structure (body structure) E00950 245454006 Entire internal anal sphincter muscle (body structure) P00950 - 15710 P digestive system FE843E625AE44A22A30D6AE5DFA8D17B F39A4F8F50C343A583FA1EF81BB58352 Sphincter ani internus muscle Entire internal anal sphincter muscle (body structure) 951 951 00951 syndesmosis 335797003 S00951 Syndesmosis structure (body structure) E00951 89358004 Entire syndesmosis (body structure) P00951 - 7494 P articular system 6B465BE670A94577BD6075190A1B2386 668CE64620FC49E79AE7375806B2DD1E Syndesmosis Entire syndesmosis (body structure) Fibrous joint in which the articulating bones or cartilages of the vertebral column and the limbs as well as articulating ossicles, are connected by skeletal ligaments or membranes. Examples: Intervertebral syndesmosis, inferior tibiofibular joint. 952 952 00952 gomphosis 335901003 S00952 Gomphosis structure (body structure) E00952 50870008 Entire gomphosis (body structure) P00952 - 7495 P articular system B2A634AAF0184FD2A238F1C7175865E7 88C67251CCE94978840B5F6D9986098E Gomphosis Entire gomphosis (body structure) Fibrous joint in which the periodontal ligament connects a tooth to the alveolar bone of the maxilla or mandible. Examples: Dento-alveolar joint of incisor tooth. 953 953 00953 joint of suture of skull 51863000 S00953 Joint structure of suture of skull (body structure) E00953 244509003 Entire suture joint of skull (body structure) P00953 - 71385 P musculoskeletal system 7CB0DE496B1B4D199A44A5ED1E8261FE 72560375695044B5AAB0EA0DBD2C00CC Joint of suture of skull Entire suture joint of skull (body structure) 954 954 00954 anal crypt 66532008 S00954 Anal crypt structure (body structure) E00954 245449002 Entire anal crypt (body structure) P00954 - P digestive system F53EB3238A094A23A5C86AB626849B37 0DFBD844AE6647A4964E1E1ACD39D4D3 Anal crypt Entire anal crypt (body structure) 955 955 00955 digital artery 413991000 S00955 Digital artery structure (body structure) E00955 181335004 Entire digital artery (body structure) P00955 Y P cardiovascular system 086A1D5F98AE401185573A9BFE1BEA5E 9072CB091FAC4922A4DF5A2A7A054916 Digital artery Entire digital artery (body structure) 956 956 00956 pectoral muscle 81802002 S00956 Pectoral muscle structure (body structure) E00956 181621006 Entire pectoral muscle (body structure) P00956 372235005 Pectoral muscle part (body structure) Y 37349 P musculoskeletal system 59DAC76F2B4144739B735D5D8CD16FAD 65E0416C8E994AC6895493175B0FF421 BA8D5A5A9B5F41398A3A39A277FC77BF Pectoral muscle Entire pectoral muscle (body structure) Pectoral muscle 957 957 00957 muscle of forearm 423313009 S00957 Structure of muscle of forearm (body structure) E00957 181631004 Entire muscle of forearm (body structure) P00957 Y 37371 P muscular system F29107AF41B24BFDA58DA584E8995E55 A8A5565CDF66452894EA200A2FFA4336 muscle of forearm Entire muscle of forearm (body structure) 958 958 00958 skeletal muscle of hip or thigh S00958 E00958 181666002 Entire skeletal muscle of hip or thigh (body structure) P00958 Y P skeletal system 0AAC20A5DDBD461E8B0A0FA96A3FEB50 Entire skeletal muscle of hip or thigh (body structure) 959 959 00959 facet joint of cervical spine 427091002 S00959 Structure of facet joint of cervical spine (body structure) E00959 181859001 Entire facet joint of cervical spine (body structure) P00959 Y P musculoskeletal system fa5ff3112dddfc984e409ca4036aa139 CE3C0F7FFFAB45B4BDFB898297C0F603 facet joint of cervical spine Entire facet joint of cervical spine (body structure) 960 960 00960 facet joint of thoracic spine 428132006 S00960 Structure of facet joint of thoracic spine (body structure) E00960 181866000 Entire facet joint of thoracic spine (body structure) P00960 Y P musculoskeletal system 8beff2113ca750570cac7f9cd8b9c279 D4754BFD19A0496385FEE94699001308 facet joint of thoracic spine Entire facet joint of thoracic spine (body structure) 961 961 00961 facet joint of lumbar spine 428001008 S00961 Structure of facet joint of lumbar spine (body structure) E00961 181880007 Entire facet joint of lumbar spine (body structure) P00961 Y P musculoskeletal system 1d7b222113ff395c882d36311120e864 8F03F733D5A447D6920A306297C926D0 facet joint of lumbar spine Entire facet joint of lumbar spine (body structure) 962 962 00962 ramus of ischium S00962 E00962 182043000 Entire ramus of ischium (body structure) P00962 Y P skeletal system 350380588DB5498B89D78840C9656C4D Entire ramus of ischium (body structure) 963 963 00963 cuneiform bone S00963 E00963 182102002 Entire cuneiform bone (body structure) P00963 Y 24517 P skeletal system 65E95DAB42964A668CE488655ED8C246 Entire cuneiform bone (body structure) 964 964 00964 fetal umbilical vein 13576009 S00964 Fetal umbilical vein structure (body structure) E00964 244409001 Entire fetal umbilical vein (body structure) P00964 Y P cardiovascular system F2510366E3C9433A9FB73BF0AA37A189 CDACA47289A4412486C9317B1589DFAA Fetal umbilical vein Entire fetal umbilical vein (body structure) 965 965 00965 sensory organ S00965 E00965 244485009 Entire sensory organ (body structure) P00965 Y P 1D34BA11E09A46C391D3B42D4B4CA034 Entire sensory organ (body structure) 966 966 00966 intervertebral symphysis S00966 E00966 244512000 Entire intervertebral symphysis (body structure) P00966 - 25511 P skeletal system 8E7D9AB738554BCCA78DF74E779120B7 Entire intervertebral symphysis (body structure) 967 967 00967 proximal interphalangeal joint of lesser toe S00967 E00967 244565007 Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of lesser toe (body structure) P00967 Y P musculoskeletal system 5035B1C0A1E94753A71C985F832D71C5 Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of lesser toe (body structure) 968 968 00968 distal interphalangeal joint of lesser toe S00968 E00968 244566008 Entire distal interphalangeal joint of lesser toe (body structure) P00968 Y P musculoskeletal system 5384F1B3B4BF433A9774F7AFBE5CD4F2 Entire distal interphalangeal joint of lesser toe (body structure) 969 969 00969 middle phalanx of lesser toe S00969 E00969 244673009 Entire middle phalanx of lesser toe (body structure) P00969 Y P musculoskeletal system FFB1CE286F364CBC97D97582B14529CA Entire middle phalanx of lesser toe (body structure) 970 970 00970 distal phalanx of lesser toe S00970 E00970 244674003 Entire distal phalanx of lesser toe (body structure) P00970 Y P musculoskeletal system 50621387C9A34B749AD184270C2EA449 Entire distal phalanx of lesser toe (body structure) 971 971 00971 proximal phalanx of lesser toe S00971 E00971 244672004 Entire proximal phalanx of lesser toe (body structure) P00971 Y P musculoskeletal system EC257496A23E41E0A458563121DF6546 Entire proximal phalanx of lesser toe (body structure) 972 972 00972 skeletal muscle of head and neck 314800003 S00972 Skeletal muscle structure of head and neck (body structure) E00972 244717008 Entire skeletal muscle of head and neck (body structure) P00972 - P muscular system 7945A64106D54564971BD9117BA2482C 7E63BF91BFCD415D9F3E0794991FABB3 Skeletal muscle of head and neck Entire skeletal muscle of head and neck (body structure) 973 973 00973 skeletal muscle of pelvic diaphragm S00973 E00973 244957000 Entire skeletal muscle of pelvic diaphragm (body structure) P00973 Y 64856 P musculoskeletal system 155700692A8B424FBE3E387E2149CAC0 Entire skeletal muscle of pelvic diaphragm (body structure) 974 974 00974 skeletal muscle of anal region of perineum S00974 E00974 244968000 Entire skeletal muscle of anal region of perineum (body structure) P00974 - P musculoskeletal system 63B6F05F513647A0961AB732320458F0 Entire skeletal muscle of anal region of perineum (body structure) 975 975 00975 skeletal muscle of urogenital region of perineum S00975 E00975 244970009 Entire skeletal muscle of urogenital region of perineum (body structure) P00975 - P musculoskeletal system 61C51EC99DA34E098A4FE485A0D1AFBB Entire skeletal muscle of urogenital region of perineum (body structure) 976 976 00976 intrinsic hand muscle 118497009 S00976 Intrinsic muscle of hand structure (body structure) E00976 244997002 Entire intrinsic hand muscle (body structure) P00976 Y 42380 P musculoskeletal system E28C0828245E47DCA8AB314CFA88E7CC 795AD7627D76466A98DB419E786397D8 Intrinsic muscle of hand Entire intrinsic hand muscle (body structure) 977 977 00977 muscle of upper arm S00977 E00977 244979005 Entire muscle of upper arm (body structure) P00977 Y 37370 P muscular system 455447C8909E421A97D726D0DC14894A Entire muscle of upper arm (body structure) 978 978 00978 skeletal muscle of lower limb 102292000 S00978 Skeletal muscle structure of lower limb (body structure) E00978 245012000 Entire skeletal muscle of lower limb (body structure) P00978 Y 71297 P muscular system 7764C3FA59874EADB992B2A263B05537 17E5D4E4DC7B45539A78FCE1445DE128 Skeletal muscle of lower limb Entire skeletal muscle of lower limb (body structure) 979 979 00979 skeletal muscle of gluteal region 102291007 S00979 Muscle of buttock (body structure) E00979 245018001 Entire skeletal muscle of gluteal region (body structure) P00979 Y 64922 P muscular system 5B7506BB545F4AE2B0D82F5B15EC2006 A5053966F8ED48B78BDEA2FC7ED8710F Entire skeletal muscle of gluteal region (body structure) 980 980 00980 anterior crural muscle S00980 E00980 245027000 Entire anterior crural muscle (body structure) P00980 Y 22472 P muscular system 0AE13AE692E64984A919843383C1483C Entire anterior crural muscle (body structure) 981 981 00981 posterior crural muscle 392565009 S00981 Posterior crural muscle structure (body structure) E00981 245029002 Entire posterior crural muscle (body structure) P00981 Y 22474 P muscular system B3889AF097754EB19880384871E7D532 8E0C5A4F7BBE4D679C8E2769ECC4AC28 Posterior crural muscle Entire posterior crural muscle (body structure) 982 982 00982 conducting system node S00982 E00982 277940002 Entire conducting system node (body structure) P00982 - P cardiovascular system 7197BC2E5C804C92BE030136034A9759 Entire conducting system node (body structure) 983 983 00983 orbital wall 362901003 S00983 Orbital wall structure (body structure) E00983 280543002 Entire orbital wall (body structure) P00983 Y 63144 P special senses organ system 5C96A5CB7CC54EE5B1EB74530E0ADE90 E908E7F42E6E4173AD5B4DC0BC45545E Orbital wall Entire orbital wall (body structure) 984 984 00984 proximal phalanx S00984 E00984 299708005 Entire proximal phalanx (body structure) P00984 Y P musculoskeletal system B463B88083C444AFABDC28BB40E4818F Entire proximal phalanx (body structure) 985 985 00985 middle phalanx S00985 E00985 299710007 Entire middle phalanx (body structure) P00985 Y P musculoskeletal system 4A52F4265BEE418686BDC78E37A85F4E Entire middle phalanx (body structure) 986 986 00986 distal phalanx S00986 E00986 299711006 Entire distal phalanx (body structure) P00986 Y P musculoskeletal system 96B9F0C3A57D477A9939BC9AE8F5F058 Entire distal phalanx (body structure) 987 987 00987 joint of shoulder girdle 281415003 S00987 Joint structure of shoulder girdle (body structure) E00987 303080001 Entire joint of shoulder girdle (body structure) P00987 Y P skeletal system A0B6E98BED9446369BFACBA3662A203B A9D3795E8AC14B1681EA63D589F77E82 Joint of shoulder girdle Entire joint of shoulder girdle (body structure) 988 988 00988 muscle acting on joint S00988 E00988 303547003 Entire muscle acting on joint (body structure) P00988 - 0 P muscular system CE3401E30A774FEB9D47697D1DCA8A71 Entire muscle acting on joint (body structure) 989 989 00989 joint of lower limb 4527007 S00989 Joint structure of lower extremity (body structure) E00989 304573000 Entire joint of lower limb (body structure) P00989 Y P musculoskeletal system 260D405B4BE34152A617D9E1F3EC9706 8D78654CDAA741C7A5A5A7EC032C9B0A Joint of lower extremity Entire joint of lower limb (body structure) 990 990 00990 bronchiole 55214000 S00990 Bronchiole structure (body structure) E00990 361962006 Entire bronchiole (body structure) P00990 Y 7410 P respiratory system 43281BB41B604772A0814E833AE8461F 6505C0E3D70D453398FFD94A33A8F7C7 Bronchiole Entire bronchiole (body structure) 991 991 00991 glomus 63761000 S00991 Glomus (body structure) E00991 360548001 Entire glomus (body structure) P00991 - P cardiovascular system 7C1C96CE786445E4B7806BB862324DFC AE64E52293F942FA8739FBBB42A5B657 Glomus Entire glomus (body structure) 992 992 00992 shaft of upper limb bone S00992 E00992 314633006 Entire shaft of upper limb bone (body structure) P00992 Y P musculoskeletal system 5B33B9640DFE4333B3C19E698DEB0EDA Entire shaft of upper limb bone (body structure) 993 993 00993 shaft of lower limb bone S00993 E00993 314634000 Entire shaft of lower limb bone (body structure) P00993 Y P skeletal system F51D9EC0565B448C8008D075D89E229F Entire shaft of lower limb bone (body structure) 994 994 00994 ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint 47781008 S00994 Structure of ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint (body structure) E00994 360990003 Entire ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint (body structure) P00994 Y 64036 P musculoskeletal system BF19055FF7514416B6D65DE9C0E51AB8 17AE61DA88B345F69199C3F86D78198A ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint Entire ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint (body structure) 995 995 00995 joint of chest wall 280437001 S00995 Joint structure of thoracic wall (body structure) E00995 263310005 Entire joint of thoracic wall (body structure) P00995 - 7953 P musculoskeletal system EA47D09A5FC745ACB81B074EF8057F99 9C9D1766DE1E4AE783D33211A68EBE70 Joint of thoracic wall Entire joint of thoracic wall (body structure) 996 996 00996 joint of sternum 362912003 S00996 Structure of joint of sternum (body structure) E00996 263311009 Entire joint of sternum (body structure) P00996 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 4590F24F471F47D4933471E0CFB62B79 EE0DC670B827452D86FA5902B2D04CEF joint of sternum Entire joint of sternum (body structure) 997 997 00997 muscle of shoulder or upper arm S00997 E00997 265801006 Entire muscle of shoulder or upper arm (body structure) P00997 Y P muscular system EEF1E500FC5C419B9BDF5434BCE10E5F Entire muscle of shoulder or upper arm (body structure) 998 998 00998 skeletal muscle of lower leg 41123005 S00998 Skeletal muscle structure of lower leg (body structure) E00998 265806001 Entire skeletal muscle of lower leg (body structure) P00998 Y 22471 P muscular system 09EF8615E4A14D06B7BAF0DA9A6D82F9 577DF6939ADD47A2B1260AC31767B170 Skeletal muscle of lower leg Entire skeletal muscle of lower leg (body structure) 999 999 00999 lobe of right lung 362898004 S00999 Structure of lobe of right lung (body structure) E00999 272654004 Entire lobe of right lung (body structure) P00999 Rgroup D respiratory system 12B618561A85499BB0AB4ED2FAC90900 E4A352D02AE647FCBDD7CD2867EC237E lobe of right lung Entire lobe of right lung (body structure) 1000 1000 01000 lobe of left lung 362899007 S01000 Structure of lobe of left lung (body structure) E01000 272655003 Entire lobe of left lung (body structure) P01000 Lgroup D respiratory system FF88DDEE307E44DC8648771BB825EFAB 1F667EF328A141C88C27726C8568E4DF lobe of left lung Entire lobe of left lung (body structure) 1001 1001 01001 carotid nerve S01001 E01001 361101002 Entire carotid nerve (body structure) P01001 Y P nervous system AC007A9D8D244FEDAB2AB3C6E7368102 Entire carotid nerve (body structure) 1002 1002 01002 shoulder region 16982005 S01002 Shoulder region structure (body structure) E01002 361103004 Entire shoulder region (body structure) P01002 Y 25202 P skeletal system BE99476B99FA46939323DB54C8963DE0 BCED97BC284543919F329CB1B7FE8FAC Shoulder region Entire shoulder region (body structure) 1003 1003 01003 genitourinary tract 699881004 S01003 Structure of genitourinary tract (body structure) E01003 361105006 Entire genitourinary tract (body structure) P01003 - P genitourinary system 943775BEED26421986C76D03E71B3ACF Entire genitourinary tract (body structure) 1004 1004 01004 male genitourinary tract 699883001 S01004 Structure of male genitourinary tract (body structure) E01004 361108008 Entire male genitourinary tract (body structure) P01004 - P genitourinary system EEE1650717F64C85BB6DDEF6C20B56C5 Entire male genitourinary tract (body structure) 1005 1005 01005 respiratory tract 321667001 S01005 Respiratory tract structure (body structure) E01005 361110005 Entire respiratory tract (body structure) P01005 - 265130 P respiratory system 210E849E11F54161A938C37AB1C0F67C B77D1DBAF7D940509CD7888051754A50 Respiratory tract Entire respiratory tract (body structure) 1006 1006 01006 female genitourinary tract 699884007 S01006 Structure of female genitourinary tract (body structure) E01006 361113007 Entire female genitourinary tract (body structure) P01006 - P genitourinary system C7338031F18B47A28A99201708FA7632 Entire female genitourinary tract (body structure) 1007 1007 01007 skull S01007 E01007 181889008 Entire cranium (body structure) P01007 - 46565 P skeletal system 6082767A917A438F94C1BE196F24370B Entire cranium (body structure) Subdivision of skeletal system which consists of the skeleton of the head and its joints. 1008 1008 01008 medial condyle of humerus 439745000 S01008 Structure of medial condyle of humerus (body structure) E01008 181932008 Entire medial condyle of humerus (body structure) P01008 Y 0 P skeletal system 1876098759E748E99CBD62480BC4B72C medial condyle of humerus Entire medial condyle of humerus (body structure) 1009 1009 01009 inferior mediastinum S01009 E01009 243950006 Entire inferior mediastinum (body structure) P01009 - 9828 P respiratory system A23685D303C34EA8973CC6BCA83B1D9C Entire inferior mediastinum (body structure) 1011 1011 01011 back of head S01011 E01011 182322006 Entire back of head (body structure) P01011 - P nervous system 12636D9B714347BCB466879B6D9B03B6 Entire back of head (body structure) 1012 1012 01012 surface of external eye region S01012 E01012 182323001 Entire eye region (surface region) (body structure) P01012 Y P special senses organ system 4240783817C3429DBD57B842B3F2EC97 Entire eye region (surface region) (body structure) 1017 1017 01017 retroperitoneal space 699600004 S01017 Structure of retroperitoneal space (body structure) E01017 243983004 Entire retroperitoneal space (body structure) P01017 - 15080 P 7FCAD1B1E9064AA494D7752C5F9327DA Entire retroperitoneal space (body structure) 1018 1018 01018 intervertebral diarthrosis S01018 E01018 244542002 Entire intervertebral diarthrosis (body structure) P01018 - P skeletal system 1E999372DE3B474BAE6CFDB7E2C331DC Entire intervertebral diarthrosis (body structure) 1019 1019 01019 common interosseous artery 64164007 S01019 Common interosseous artery (body structure) E01019 244316001 Entire common interosseous artery (body structure) P01019 Y 76468 P arterial system 9FA5FC817CE14D88BEA208C109A39D27 6DC8BE945CB4449689E282910505F42F Common interosseous artery Entire common interosseous artery (body structure) 1022 1022 01022 common hepatic duct S01022 E01022 245403006 Entire common hepatic duct (body structure) P01022 - 14668 P digestive system FEFB2FCD315145DC9C476718E9AFBF9F Entire common hepatic duct (body structure) 1023 1023 01023 obturator internus 82115007 S01023 Internal obturator muscle structure (body structure) E01023 245025008 Entire obturator internus (body structure) P01023 Y 22298 P skeletal system A0D0EDADC42A42B590AFF64E6C8F200D 238B27F67E8343619413E4930B9219D1 Internal obturator muscle Entire obturator internus (body structure) 1024 1024 01024 obturator externus 73048009 S01024 External obturator muscle structure (body structure) E01024 245026009 Entire obturator externus (body structure) P01024 Y 22299 P musculoskeletal system C285210292174318B69F982DEB8E0A06 19F6E512B8BA48079E9A5AEF61419D8A External obturator muscle Entire obturator externus (body structure) 1025 1025 01025 intervertebral disc of second cervical vertebra S01025 E01025 244572008 Entire C2/3 disc (body structure) P01025 - P musculoskeletal system 0F7298C1942F42C6B352E774C8D3A6D6 Entire C2/3 disc (body structure) 1027 1027 01027 petrous part of temporal bone 25516004 S01027 Structure of petrous part of temporal bone (body structure) E01027 361733004 Entire petrous part of temporal bone (body structure) P01027 372224000 Part of petrous part of temporal bone (body structure) Y 52871 P skeletal system 3B403AD580814B6791B1C193B1303D21 C9A82429C65A41C689E033CF56EBADFA A6768517EDB04D7185DA9CC9C0D640DB petrous part of temporal bone Entire petrous part of temporal bone (body structure) petrous part of temporal bone 1028 1028 01028 surface of throat region of neck S01028 E01028 264231000 Entire throat (surface region of neck) (body structure) P01028 - 228738 D integument/surface 1CBC68E346284CD2AAFDC1C31EC06318 Entire throat (surface region of neck) (body structure) 1029 1029 01029 anogenital region 699820000 S01029 Structure of anogenital region (body structure) E01029 263671009 Anogenital region (body structure) P01029 - P regional/topgraphical A3CEF43550FA4694905A2CBA25F83A87 Anogenital region (body structure) 1030 1030 01030 buccal mucosa 16811007 S01030 Buccal mucosa (body structure) E01030 256682009 Entire buccal mucosa (body structure) P01030 Y 59785 P digestive system 16E33B1BAC684C9189E548743F0A5913 6EF66F3CB5F445409612FB34D6B1BCEE Buccal mucosa Entire buccal mucosa (body structure) 1031 1031 01031 lateral condyle of humerus 439981005 S01031 Structure of lateral condyle of humerus (body structure) E01031 271420006 Entire lateral condyle of humerus (body structure) P01031 Y 0 P skeletal system 9C7C6DA8BD0E4C3AA0D021F48474A20E lateral condyle of humerus Entire lateral condyle of humerus (body structure) 1032 1032 01032 lacrimal bone 6229007 S01032 Lacrimal bone structure (body structure) E01032 272675007 Entire lacrimal bone (body structure) P01032 Y 52741 P skeletal system 8B5903258337448AA4DFF38DAB23D32C D2A032CA71C14E2C94DC81AE6B3521F6 Lacrimal bone Entire lacrimal bone (body structure) 1033 1033 01033 inferior nasal turbinate bone 118648008 S01033 Inferior nasal turbinate bone structure (body structure) E01033 362882006 Entire inferior nasal turbinate bone (body structure) P01033 Y 54736 P skeletal system 9A691BFC476141D09B7215822967EC97 D9EB20F5BF1D4F2DBBEFF9A476006796 Inferior nasal turbinate bone Entire inferior nasal turbinate bone (body structure) 1034 1034 01034 cervical canal 56739004 S01034 Cervical canal structure (body structure) E01034 245494008 Entire cervical canal of uterus (body structure) P01034 - 17746 P genital system 73F23079786F4169B4663B4F8B0B7963 98D827863587498EB023DFB6673C8E02 Cervical canal Entire cervical canal of uterus (body structure) 1035 1035 01035 tract of stomach and intestines 122865005 S01035 Gastrointestinal tract structure (body structure) E01035 279972009 Entire gastrointestinal tract (body structure) P01035 - 71132 P digestive system 60FB5094DD8E4F8587A610E08CF7C3A7 B88A9A936F864B13AB184D4518EEDFFD Gastrointestinal tract Entire gastrointestinal tract (body structure) 1036 1036 01036 skin of finger 56213003 S01036 Skin of finger (body structure) E01036 361711001 Entire skin of finger (body structure) P01036 Y 38304 D integument/surface FC0D059636C5407AB5A9540FD5984652 AE0968FCD72243A38AF47EF6176A67BD Skin of finger Entire skin of finger (body structure) 1037 1037 01037 skin of dorsal area of finger 6279005 S01037 Skin of dorsal surface of finger (body structure) E01037 361712008 Entire skin of dorsal surface of finger (body structure) P01037 Y D integument/surface 97E1413B7A014CF583F305D84F1CB174 88E2D6FDD80D4143B3868FB413C12883 Skin of dorsal surface of finger Entire skin of dorsal surface of finger (body structure) 1038 1038 01038 subcutaneous tissue 71966008 S01038 Subcutaneous tissue structure (body structure) E01038 361713003 Entire subcutaneous tissue (body structure) P01038 - 9630 P musculoskeletal system 300B70E08E5B4A35A9A2CC8352E31380 8CAF5867FA674B6982D4A1D90E50C59F Subcutaneous tissue Entire subcutaneous tissue (body structure) 1039 1039 01039 skin and subcutaneous tissue 127856007 S01039 Skin AND subcutaneous tissue structure (body structure) E01039 361714009 Entire skin AND subcutaneous tissue (body structure) P01039 - 74657 P integumentary system 2BAE254C5FCD4AFB8F7C6637E54936E1 DC807A91E8CF429FBC7BAD353189616D Skin AND subcutaneous tissue Entire skin AND subcutaneous tissue (body structure) Organ system subdivision which consists of the skin and the superficial fascia. 1040 1040 01040 right breast 73056007 S01040 Right breast structure (body structure) E01040 361715005 Entire right breast (body structure) P01040 R 57987 P 1C99BF53C91E44C7A9036716EA3C0C38 F498094C298E47D08208756D6FA18D58 Right breast Entire right breast (body structure) 1041 1041 01041 left breast 80248007 S01041 Left breast structure (body structure) E01041 361716006 Entire left breast (body structure) P01041 L 57991 P FBA4693E0A1C4AE78A610A0766C769EB 4347D66B51DA49AABBC2C1C8689D6CE4 Left breast Entire left breast (body structure) 1042 1042 01042 female mammary gland 91532001 S01042 Female mammary gland structure (body structure) E01042 361717002 Entire female mammary gland (body structure) P01042 Y 19898 P 2FFD1BD0D60D4119B9ED934AB4BE7B16 A65F820D76514E0CA9579D1FE4E8E8FC Female mammary gland Entire female mammary gland (body structure) Breast which has as its parts fibroglandular mass. 1043 1043 01043 male mammary gland 67770001 S01043 Male mammary gland structure (body structure) E01043 361718007 Entire male mammary gland (body structure) P01043 Y 19901 P C3DB4888153B4268823AA7FC287A2D5E 8B21CD429316480AAD6F769DDB99C9E3 Male mammary gland Entire male mammary gland (body structure) Breast which has as its parts simple lactiferous duct. 1044 1044 01044 lactiferous duct 64633006 S01044 Lactiferous duct structure (body structure) E01044 361719004 Entire lactiferous duct (body structure) P01044 Y 58006 P 8CD18F5AF4A2485C90C395783AC13DFC AE8DCC423D7047758414C047B1434260 Lactiferous duct Entire lactiferous duct (body structure) 1045 1045 01045 lobe of breast 68219007 S01045 Structure of lobe of breast (body structure) E01045 361720005 Entire lobe of breast (body structure) P01045 Y 62088 P 44725078320549809DE3FE995A36DDDA 447B4714768D499AB73DADDCCF390CAB lobe of breast Entire lobe of breast (body structure) Lobular organ which consist of a lactiferous duct tree and the set of lactiferous acini that are connected to duct tree. Examples: There are variable numbers of lactiferous duct trees. 1046 1046 01046 mammary lobule 79802009 S01046 Mammary lobule structure (body structure) E01046 361721009 Entire mammary lobule (body structure) P01046 Y 62090 P AC6F9BC9D2E14DD5953640408DC19063 DC0CB3D386894C8A97D92E3A2E56B906 Mammary lobule Entire mammary lobule (body structure) Organ component of the mammary gland which consists of an aggregate of mammary alveoli that communicate with a lobular lactiferous duct. 1047 1047 01047 interlobular mammary connective tissue 58549005 S01047 Interlobular mammary connective tissue structure (body structure) E01047 361722002 Entire interlobular mammary connective tissue (body structure) P01047 Y P 52C7B2F46ABB4FD2B51F729653440DCD 5BDCBA8B469948209344569299D41E45 Interlobular mammary connective tissue Entire interlobular mammary connective tissue (body structure) 1048 1048 01048 skeletal system 113192009 S01048 Skeletal system structure (body structure) E01048 361378004 Entire skeleton (body structure) P01048 - 23881 P skeletal system FD533D76549143E193525205E2AB215B D49B83E5C7F845E1911E5EB0010E0001 Skeletal system Entire skeleton (body structure) 1049 1049 01049 bony skeleton S01049 E01049 128530007 Entire bony skeleton (body structure) P01049 - P skeletal system E1E016CD2BF44B2291A0D591A14BC1C7 Entire bony skeleton (body structure) 1050 1050 01050 axial skeleton 6834003 S01050 Axial skeleton structure (body structure) E01050 361725000 Entire axial skeleton (body structure) P01050 - 71221 P skeletal system 04FC755798394E988E78E42E109A8246 71394DF1886B4601B388C7090F4DA5DE Axial skeleton Entire axial skeleton (body structure) Subdivision of skeleton which consists of skull, set of all vertebrae, set of all ribs and sternum. 1051 1051 01051 osteon 91729001 S01051 Osteon structure (body structure) E01051 361726004 Entire osteon (body structure) P01051 - 32693 P skeletal system 5A0F6794AD324A24820CD606119ADD1B 4AC2179ACFF7464B82112545D7397415 Osteon Entire osteon (body structure) 1052 1052 01052 bone tissue 3138006 S01052 Bone (tissue) structure (body structure) E01052 361727008 All bone (tissue) (body structure) P01052 - 224804 P skeletal system C80FC51FAFC84FF08A16B5E5AF5AE801 26292CD5FF134E96BD3C1BA73874FA50 Bone (tissue) All bone (tissue) (body structure) Regular connective tissue, which consists of osteocytes and related cells, the intercellular matrix of which is ossified. Examples: woven bone, lamellar bone. 1053 1053 01053 compact bone 32217005 S01053 Compact bone structure (body structure) E01053 361728003 Entire compact bone (body structure) P01053 - 24018 P skeletal system 97BA104AF24C4147AA641977FAE706ED 2610FEAB1E764784B204BB5F4B931E06 Compact bone Entire compact bone (body structure) 1054 1054 01054 diaphysis 53394001 S01054 Structure of diaphysis (body structure) E01054 361729006 Entire diaphysis (body structure) P01054 360770000 Part of diaphysis of bone (body structure) Y 24013 P skeletal system C588973AB13F4983BE379ECC08D8FAE2 9C0B780738F946279B7187949B162E8F BF9E7853DD7D405FB1A9D78278DA3410 diaphysis Entire diaphysis (body structure) diaphysis of bone Subdivision of long bone which forms the part of the bone between the two epiphyses; together with other the subdivisions of long bone, it constitutes the long bone. Examples: diaphysis of humerus, diaphysis of femur. 1055 1055 01055 nutrient canal 70687006 S01055 Nutrient canal structure (body structure) E01055 361730001 Entire nutrient canal (body structure) P01055 Y 75368 P skeletal system E9C976C214474740A694653252F5DE3B 61B3ED6BFC76459BA3F2E6FD9A7628E4 Nutrient canal Entire nutrient canal (body structure) 1056 1056 01056 neurocranium 397319000 S01056 Neurocranium structure (body structure) E01056 361731002 Entire neurocranium (body structure) P01056 - 53672 P skeletal system D7748B399EB64F08BBEBD90FB5055566 9EB033B2478C4E0F871D2C52DF7B425B Neurocranium Entire neurocranium (body structure) 1057 1057 01057 optic canal 55024004 S01057 Optic canal structure (body structure) E01057 361732009 Entire optic canal (body structure) P01057 Y 0 P 51134A3F5E50426BB1BC88C2B9C27A01 652190CDF78A4F98ACD9970702AE137A Optic canal Entire optic canal (body structure) 1059 1059 01059 internal acoustic meatus of temporal bone 61671002 S01059 Structure of internal acoustic meatus of temporal bone (body structure) E01059 361734005 Entire internal acoustic meatus of temporal bone (body structure) P01059 Y 0 P skeletal system 363B3D5B17CF45819AF9139D05C80CAE 1DD61FCE91654E70B7E570D101F03B59 internal acoustic meatus of temporal bone Entire internal acoustic meatus of temporal bone (body structure) 1060 1060 01060 jugular foramen 42209000 S01060 Jugular foramen structure (body structure) E01060 361735006 Entire jugular foramen (body structure) P01060 Y 0 P skeletal system 36F9E5A8466E4E6AA9EAC9EADDA7E075 81BF08ED65BE4D7A83705A0526CBA43F Jugular foramen Entire jugular foramen (body structure) 1061 1061 01061 clivus 69499003 S01061 Clivus structure (body structure) E01061 361736007 Entire clivus (body structure) P01061 - 54376 P skeletal system 6AA524CEF09D481EB9A587918E23CBBB F46D8200E3854A3CBCE687E57AB27C3D Clivus Entire clivus (body structure) 1062 1062 01062 lesser wing of sphenoid bone 89953002 S01062 Structure of lesser wing of sphenoid bone (body structure) E01062 361737003 Entire lesser wing of sphenoid bone (body structure) P01062 Y 52869 P skeletal system 6FA73CDB75324A7B94B58683301B0426 EB1C952C5D0441ECAC17A2A6550FCE8C lesser wing of sphenoid bone Entire lesser wing of sphenoid bone (body structure) 1063 1063 01063 body of maxilla 47480008 S01063 Structure of body of maxilla (body structure) E01063 361738008 Entire body of maxilla (body structure) P01063 Y 52846 P skeletal system 624A44F46C9A4196A9AF15DDEC98F6BB 01276B624C8047118055CAC594A7BEBA body of maxilla Entire body of maxilla (body structure) 1064 1064 01064 ramus of mandible 23938008 S01064 Structure of ramus of mandible (body structure) E01064 361739000 Entire ramus of mandible (body structure) P01064 Y 52828 P skeletal system A326AB67DB684F98866E887F8CEF944C 968AAEA4C34D46DCBCA93C90B46A9541 ramus of mandible Entire ramus of mandible (body structure) 1065 1065 01065 condyloid process of mandible 67183008 S01065 Structure of condyloid process of mandible (body structure) E01065 361740003 Entire condyloid process of mandible (body structure) P01065 Y 52836 P digestive system F5688B53F66846C0A934CACFD8E45434 878A7017DE494FC0952CB83F9EA49B61 condyloid process of mandible Entire condyloid process of mandible (body structure) 1066 1066 01066 bony orbit 110528008 S01066 Bony orbit structure (body structure) E01066 280549003 Entire bone complex of orbit (body structure) P01066 372213002 Part of bony orbit (body structure) Y P special senses organ system 579DF060F524493B87D0ACF8FFC36D84 EFD1955541014F06A356E840A3BACC3A 27EEEF7012164423B9A88C7CC3F28C9B Bony orbit Entire bone complex of orbit (body structure) bony orbit 1067 1067 01067 rib cage 60413009 S01067 Thoracic cage structure (body structure) E01067 361741004 Entire thoracic cage (body structure) P01067 - 7480 P skeletal system 9D778E6292464D1F97E6292781AE874A 5DDBEDD6345448FAAC0B10C0979DC7DF Thoracic cage Entire thoracic cage (body structure) 1068 1068 01068 superior border of manubrium 62073002 S01068 Structure of superior border of manubrium (body structure) E01068 361742006 Entire superior border of manubrium (body structure) P01068 - 7512 P skeletal system 943B230D0A9E4E3991A23A45CEBC4F09 E4747FF66E7C451C9D8BD7B04B733035 superior border of manubrium Entire superior border of manubrium (body structure) 1069 1069 01069 body of sternum 52509009 S01069 Structure of body of sternum (body structure) E01069 361743001 Entire body of sternum (body structure) P01069 - 7487 P skeletal system 655976373E4047BCA7EEFE76A848FCAB AE78DCCAB72C4AA592E1BFFA477B8E6A body of sternum Entire body of sternum (body structure) 1070 1070 01070 tubercle of third rib 72665006 S01070 Structure of tubercle of third rib (body structure) E01070 361744007 Entire tubercle of third rib (body structure) P01070 Y 7708 P skeletal system 7617E5ABEFCD49DFA1813AE3573D9A1C 09A9B977A8A54F119D0ACD6E140D3321 tubercle of third rib Entire tubercle of third rib (body structure) 1071 1071 01071 body of vertebra 3572006 S01071 Structure of body of vertebra (body structure) E01071 361745008 Entire body of vertebra (body structure) P01071 - 11945 P skeletal system 288D707EFB5F41C7AFA18AC1AB390AE3 7F752BE04F314C12B4A556F183CE2200 body of vertebra Entire body of vertebra (body structure) 1072 1072 01072 intervertebral disc 360499006 S01072 Structure of intervertebral disc (body structure) E01072 244570000 Entire intervertebral disc (body structure) P01072 - 10446 P articular system 0E0F763CA4D04ED9954D2CA141EF2682 F2F64D2A835D4FBBAA1E1C781C40F3F8 intervertebral disc Entire intervertebral disc (body structure) 1073 1073 01073 vertebral canal 61853006 S01073 Spinal canal structure (body structure) E01073 361746009 Entire spinal canal (body structure) P01073 - 9680 P 929563E818D7406AAD3672C2AB8DFF8F D9D321B7B5BD4682A00DBE502B3DC0D5 Spinal canal Entire spinal canal (body structure) 1074 1074 01074 cervical intervertebral disc 68818006 S01074 Structure of cervical intervertebral disc (body structure) E01074 244571001 Entire cervical disc (body structure) P01074 - 13895 P musculoskeletal system CA9B67AF017F4D23BBFA07F9B312FAAA C9A7093FDCAD481BB721D794CF798788 cervical intervertebral disc Entire cervical disc (body structure) 1075 1075 01075 intervertebral disc of third cervical vertebra 58820006 S01075 Intervertebral disc structure of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E01075 244573003 Entire intervertebral disc of third cervical vertebra (body structure) P01075 - 13896 P musculoskeletal system E3C2270416C249D38F68846B918E7BFA 8ABB5699A4234579A29F6EA6BC57A219 Intervertebral disc of third cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of third cervical vertebra (body structure) 1076 1076 01076 intervertebral disc of fourth cervical vertebra 49400002 S01076 Intervertebral disc structure of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E01076 361748005 Entire intervertebral disc of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P01076 - 13897 P musculoskeletal system 443747AD63C94598A44ABE2D3E2E2044 D31CB8CFA9DE491B9ED70DC1B37F5F40 Intervertebral disc of fourth cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 1077 1077 01077 intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra 73959003 S01077 Intervertebral disc structure of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E01077 361749002 Entire intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P01077 - 13898 P musculoskeletal system 204728A1021D4DEDA839B02B2DA389F3 A9BBEFA094134A7792F06FFA445E798C Intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 1078 1078 01078 intervertebral disc of sixth cervical vertebra 75095006 S01078 Intervertebral disc structure of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) E01078 361750002 Entire intervertebral disc of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) P01078 - 13899 P musculoskeletal system 97322AB4987E471DBE970B32756D5798 F2E22F2923FA46BAA3EA3ED764AF1B3E Intervertebral disc of sixth cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) 1079 1079 01079 intervertebral disc of seventh cervical vertebra 37414007 S01079 Intervertebral disc structure of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E01079 361751003 Entire intervertebral disc of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P01079 - 13900 P musculoskeletal system 8745FB1E16C14F5CA0375D05902E948D 21038ADE15B0483688A90EF7279AFE5A Intervertebral disc of seventh cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 1080 1080 01080 thoracic intervertebral disc 5261000 S01080 Structure of thoracic intervertebral disc (body structure) E01080 244575005 Entire thoracic disc (body structure) P01080 - 10455 P musculoskeletal system 95506406788A43E89A05618D4E7D0D12 3A4E71066B2C48FCB8CA5A3EF276524C thoracic intervertebral disc Entire thoracic disc (body structure) 1081 1081 01081 intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra 40908007 S01081 Intervertebral disc structure of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) E01081 361753000 Entire intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P01081 - 10458 P musculoskeletal system 34423050CA274D16B5BB0A3352301CF2 1B396ADA19FC443CBE3E66CFD704D9B1 Intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 1082 1082 01082 intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra 6004007 S01082 Intervertebral disc structure of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) E01082 361754006 Entire intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P01082 - 13495 P musculoskeletal system 9A19FAFA79334E5AB8217F7BA68F4CCC 2FDF6F2B1AF74BC18EA36FE7ED16F2EA Intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 1083 1083 01083 intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra 2620004 S01083 Intervertebral disc structure of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) E01083 361755007 Entire intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P01083 - 13500 P musculoskeletal system DE6E53408D3F4397854E05A810A501D0 6A89246E038C439AA4B13C579C58FF86 Intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 1084 1084 01084 intervertebral disc of fourth thoracic vertebra 82965004 S01084 Intervertebral disc structure of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E01084 361756008 Entire intervertebral disc of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P01084 - 13501 P musculoskeletal system 8B46A53E58A6401AA5AA0217A2902B8A 874F52DC58DB420C9CA27C9AB8778342 Intervertebral disc of fourth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 1085 1085 01085 intervertebral disc of fifth thoracic vertebra 72692000 S01085 Intervertebral disc structure of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E01085 361757004 Entire intervertebral disc of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P01085 - 13502 P musculoskeletal system 3A091A50663F43DE860103A60E7BEF0E D44DBEDD0EB44C7B9D57ED12768529A2 Intervertebral disc of fifth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 1086 1086 01086 intervertebral disc of sixth thoracic vertebra 74401007 S01086 Intervertebral disc structure of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E01086 361758009 Entire intervertebral disc of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P01086 - 13503 P musculoskeletal system EB7E7C7A16AF427A985011B91D8F5D82 572218217E334B0699EA25F6D6704C18 Intervertebral disc of sixth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 1087 1087 01087 intervertebral disc of seventh thoracic vertebra 28693002 S01087 Intervertebral disc structure of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E01087 361759001 Entire intervertebral disc of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P01087 - 13504 P musculoskeletal system A62AC0E3F84C4A9EA5BF7F6923E43C1D 31D9964525BB422CB130D72ABD2E85BF Intervertebral disc of seventh thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 1088 1088 01088 intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra 9188009 S01088 Intervertebral disc structure of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E01088 361760006 Entire intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P01088 - 13505 P musculoskeletal system 8DF1C071381149D3AC1912EC68085844 BFC3AD9BF1FE4FD19488A4A9F0A3967D Intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 1089 1089 01089 intervertebral disc of ninth thoracic vertebra 113209001 S01089 Intervertebral disc structure of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E01089 361761005 Entire intervertebral disc of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P01089 - 13506 P musculoskeletal system 9FAC0C69CD054035AC3CD23D7FE8FD63 68478847DE7B48948DF03FDAB88B760A Intervertebral disc of ninth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 1090 1090 01090 intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra 34959001 S01090 Intervertebral disc structure of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E01090 361762003 Entire intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P01090 - 13507 P musculoskeletal system 31D54DF7CC6240A58CB25C5BBEA8CFA7 33D402B4839343E29F07D83813C83D9C Intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 1091 1091 01091 intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra 1537001 S01091 Intervertebral disc structure of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E01091 361763008 Entire intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P01091 - 13508 P musculoskeletal system 061CFB47378F4ACCA679D28DBB22D988 EDE5B29ABF2C4A27A885E05B0D671FCC Intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 1092 1092 01092 intervertebral disc of twelfth thoracic vertebra 76206002 S01092 Intervertebral disc structure of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E01092 361764002 Entire intervertebral disc of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P01092 - 13509 P musculoskeletal system B4E4B2923C9F46EDBC7ED325483E1A49 D2C1485E2DDA4EEF84A47C43082D58C9 Intervertebral disc of twelfth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 1093 1093 01093 lumbar intervertebral disc 23526008 S01093 Structure of lumbar intervertebral disc (body structure) E01093 244576006 Entire lumbar disc (body structure) P01093 - 13894 P musculoskeletal system 23F1CEAB8598477A8E5E647FE409E881 F3CDC351C5B24420BE6C3E44FA8B3D3F lumbar intervertebral disc Entire lumbar disc (body structure) 1094 1094 01094 intervertebral disc of first lumbar vertebra 80064006 S01094 Intervertebral disc structure of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) E01094 361766000 Entire intervertebral disc of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P01094 - 16033 P musculoskeletal system 716E0D05B28641E2948D88FFCF0C4EFD BBFA3F67F6E44AB6B778E84F3C25DF7F Intervertebral disc of first lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 1095 1095 01095 intervertebral disc of second lumbar vertebra 67459009 S01095 Intervertebral disc structure of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) E01095 361767009 Entire intervertebral disc of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P01095 - 16034 P musculoskeletal system 92DE3CC8BDC4469F8C19D054243A5C8A 0A587431CA23408EADB6D523EC286314 Intervertebral disc of second lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 1096 1096 01096 intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra 62551000 S01096 Intervertebral disc structure of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) E01096 361768004 Entire intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P01096 - 16035 P musculoskeletal system 205E3544258A4954B57A6FDA0D670087 F563874EF3F04446BBC8285D6DBE31EA Intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 1097 1097 01097 intervertebral disc of fourth lumbar vertebra 84020006 S01097 Intervertebral disc structure of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E01097 361769007 Entire intervertebral disc of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P01097 - 16036 P musculoskeletal system A7D3F0CD68AE492988B233368A8DCF57 5502437CC0A942DEB5F0124E8580A627 Intervertebral disc of fourth lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 1098 1098 01098 intervertebral disc of fifth lumbar vertebra 75782005 S01098 Intervertebral disc structure of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E01098 361770008 Entire intervertebral disc of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P01098 - 16037 P musculoskeletal system 33B931289E6B40EABA9708A3B236AC6D 5138374E0F2549A3BFD22F1A6B38BB31 Intervertebral disc of fifth lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 1099 1099 01099 intervertebral disc of sixth lumbar vertebra 68511009 S01099 Intervertebral disc structure of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E01099 361771007 Entire intervertebral disc of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P01099 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 335408004203405692DDCA29CA5587F8 11719882F55946C4B473F5FC40073A86 Intervertebral disc of sixth lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral disc of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 1101 1101 01101 sacral vertebra 87141009 S01101 Sacral vertebra structure (body structure) E01101 361773005 Entire sacral vertebra (body structure) P01101 - 12526 P musculoskeletal system CAD705D20F614373BC9A1FCFF2F1782C 8BA8F3ED4FB44C2F9F8F2701DBF06004 Sacral vertebra Entire sacral vertebra (body structure) 1102 1102 01102 coccygeal vertebra 18149002 S01102 Coccygeal vertebra structure (body structure) E01102 361774004 Entire coccygeal vertebra (body structure) P01102 - 12527 P skeletal system 37D8C08687334160AA780293011FED14 5AD825DEF0C54D1FAE10A7F9E8B92080 Coccygeal vertebra Entire coccygeal vertebra (body structure) 1104 1104 01104 innominate bone 28254004 S01104 Innominate bone structure (body structure) E01104 361776002 Entire innominate bone (body structure) P01104 Y 16585 P skeletal system C4665FEDED7A478DAB2BDC6932D9A35E C54FA4D1513B4B76ACDDC887F24C9529 Innominate bone Entire innominate bone (body structure) 1105 1105 01105 obturator foramen 18943002 S01105 Obturator foramen structure (body structure) E01105 361777006 Entire obturator foramen (body structure) P01105 Y 16999 P skeletal system 91FBB7872E3344D48D425E5F58901840 535EE2B594954FF9A137FDD588838C87 Obturator foramen Entire obturator foramen (body structure) 1106 1106 01106 condyle of humerus 119551003 S01106 Structure of condyle of humerus (body structure) E01106 361778001 Entire condyle of humerus (body structure) P01106 Y 23377 P skeletal system F36FC635453A44A38C96B55F539CD511 99259EC4814A4DB2A282E33CD89C16E7 condyle of humerus Entire condyle of humerus (body structure) 1107 1107 01107 head of ulna 69472000 S01107 Structure of head of ulna (body structure) E01107 361779009 Entire head of ulna (body structure) P01107 Y 299863 P skeletal system D5CDF741E63E480CAC797E505281069B 02020A3FDD424F06BFAEEAA593737D64 head of ulna Entire head of ulna (body structure) 1108 1108 01108 trapezium S01108 E01108 361780007 Entire trapezial bone (body structure) P01108 Y 23721 P skeletal system 73BC0AF2CF3E4E16BBA1E6860B59C83D Entire trapezial bone (body structure) 1109 1109 01109 trapezoid bone 85575004 S01109 Trapezoid bone structure (body structure) E01109 361781006 Entire trapezoid bone (body structure) P01109 Y 23724 P skeletal system 72D6A53E06F440BD892CCF8F303BC1B1 61394CEF15C843FC9FBE2E0F4676F05F Trapezoid bone Entire trapezoid bone (body structure) 1110 1110 01110 distal phalanx of hand 371283006 S01110 Structure of distal phalanx of hand (body structure) E01110 361782004 Entire distal phalanx of hand (body structure) P01110 Y 75818 P musculoskeletal system 333264CD0D4445A9942E6A046D7DB4F5 B9B8B677969943BABD5CBBCEC6865138 distal phalanx of hand Entire distal phalanx of hand (body structure) 1111 1111 01111 phalanx of index finger 73913000 S01111 Structure of phalanx of index finger (body structure) E01111 361783009 Entire phalanx of index finger (body structure) P01111 Y 35480 P musculoskeletal system BC888E0DAD2E4DEDBB168BEB167A9C36 77D5665A00E041C592B96E1788E51BB5 phalanx of index finger Entire phalanx of index finger (body structure) 1112 1112 01112 distal phalanx of index finger 33971000 S01112 Structure of distal phalanx of index finger (body structure) E01112 361784003 Entire distal phalanx of index finger (body structure) P01112 Y 23946 P musculoskeletal system 7D93576B3C8D40978C616F6326ED0D15 35C84B2249204ABF8C4167FF0B6B97D1 distal phalanx of index finger Entire distal phalanx of index finger (body structure) 1113 1113 01113 phalanx of middle finger 72228000 S01113 Structure of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E01113 361785002 Entire phalanx of middle finger (body structure) P01113 Y 35483 P musculoskeletal system FE3729AAC09E4728B71E5408E66D3AB1 751C42577482454D92E8B0E7DC3A9DDF phalanx of middle finger Entire phalanx of middle finger (body structure) 1114 1114 01114 distal phalanx of middle finger 58383002 S01114 Structure of distal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E01114 361786001 Entire distal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) P01114 Y 23947 P musculoskeletal system 3C54C004E1194523972DD86C959C506A 06C37C4695994C42A87D94BE8B9CFCCE distal phalanx of middle finger Entire distal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) 1115 1115 01115 phalanx of ring finger 21219002 S01115 Structure of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E01115 361787005 Entire phalanx of ring finger (body structure) P01115 Y 35486 P musculoskeletal system 4DB60D4C7F3444D79206A6FCD2EB30E4 6FD2DF74F6734297AB4598FDB87F829C phalanx of ring finger Entire phalanx of ring finger (body structure) 1116 1116 01116 distal phalanx of ring finger 33880004 S01116 Structure of distal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E01116 361788000 Entire distal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) P01116 Y 23948 P musculoskeletal system 75EA2D9C27414AC1A870E8B4D045DED7 D3E9B3FED25B4A6CB5170CF97FCAD33F distal phalanx of ring finger Entire distal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) 1117 1117 01117 phalanx of little finger 24635003 S01117 Structure of phalanx of little finger (body structure) E01117 361789008 Entire phalanx of little finger (body structure) P01117 Y 35489 P musculoskeletal system 15F45C03AC914EE5B8633105C9D9C2AD 1A0D010BB99D4CF4A17AA0B584FFDA3F phalanx of little finger Entire phalanx of little finger (body structure) 1118 1118 01118 distal phalanx of little finger 71065005 S01118 Structure of distal phalanx of little finger (body structure) E01118 361790004 Entire distal phalanx of little finger (body structure) P01118 Y 23949 P musculoskeletal system 776745241B78452AADED0664E1B6D8CF C36EFB21FD6849C68AFB818F5E9730B2 distal phalanx of little finger Entire distal phalanx of little finger (body structure) 1119 1119 01119 head of femur 2812003 S01119 Structure of head of femur (body structure) E01119 361791000 Entire head of femur (body structure) P01119 Y 32851 P skeletal system C06525485976497788E3366B7DC52367 7D60A07074A24D0AA29C138DBF0AB4BF head of femur Entire head of femur (body structure) 1120 1120 01120 integumentary system 48075008 S01120 Structure of integumentary system (body structure) E01120 361692004 Entire integumentary system (body structure) P01120 396328009 Integumentary system part (body structure) - 72979 P integumentary system FC9C0801B1AC4702859B30C6AF7EC5EE 507D5480B3D041AC8C478DB937F15568 4446D131ECF44C658D6A4F50EBAB99B9 integumentary system Entire integumentary system (body structure) Integumentary system 1121 1121 01121 mucous membrane 414781009 S01121 Mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01121 361693009 Entire mucous membrane (body structure) P01121 - P D5D8E4C76C7F42549072C79CBD9446B5 7E56EE585C3E4229AB59CDD5F392ADF1 Mucous membrane Entire mucous membrane (body structure) 1122 1122 01122 epidermis 55988001 S01122 Epidermis structure (body structure) E01122 361694003 Entire epidermis (body structure) P01122 - 70596 P integumentary system 1EE396871E19468ABC54487090F61383 079A14E635B542839D1EE500324BB169 Epidermis Entire epidermis (body structure) 1123 1123 01123 stratum corneum 20281003 S01123 Stratum corneum structure (body structure) E01123 361695002 Entire stratum corneum (body structure) P01123 - 67545 P integumentary system 837A79D1A4A84C52920D05C26AD52591 E04808B302BE4A539E94C7CF4381BE8E Stratum corneum Entire stratum corneum (body structure) 1124 1124 01124 dermis 53534000 S01124 Dermis structure (body structure) E01124 361696001 Entire dermis (body structure) P01124 - 70323 P integumentary system 42D3993F72344AC480A76D702632690E DA03119680BA44F3A363560805E18A83 Dermis Entire dermis (body structure) Dense irregular connective tissue which consists of a papillary layer and a reticular layer. 1125 1125 01125 sebaceous gland 1028005 S01125 Sebaceous gland structure (body structure) E01125 361697005 Entire sebaceous gland (body structure) P01125 - 59160 P integumentary system E951147C52214EBABC636C148114BAD3 85FDA64E91D84BD792945F09DDC32223 Sebaceous gland Entire sebaceous gland (body structure) 1126 1126 01126 apocrine gland 2789006 S01126 Apocrine gland structure (body structure) E01126 361698000 Entire apocrine gland (body structure) P01126 - P integumentary system 4F0DA4A97D1543C3BA6563F1385E0C32 F6140A772CAC43ED860FA1F09E8B35AC Apocrine gland Entire apocrine gland (body structure) 1127 1127 01127 eccrine gland 2759004 S01127 Eccrine gland structure (body structure) E01127 361699008 Entire eccrine gland (body structure) P01127 - 59154 P integumentary system 53EED1DF8AA34D03AEABEADB81B3D6F8 D9D4A1EAEEC2406396E08010083FC73A Eccrine gland Entire eccrine gland (body structure) 1128 1128 01128 sweat gland 10410005 S01128 Sweat gland structure (body structure) E01128 361700009 Entire sweat gland (body structure) P01128 - 59152 P integumentary system 31CDE4195B9E4EE98779D99B2ABBA479 FCD3FB408C5B49F082D1E306E5969105 Sweat gland Entire sweat gland (body structure) 1129 1129 01129 sweat gland duct 28600009 S01129 Sweat gland duct structure (body structure) E01129 361701008 Entire sweat gland duct (body structure) P01129 - P integumentary system B5022219453B4D30A8A0AA5FA03DF07A AF3BB1D684854886BE484065C5E4B50E Sweat gland duct Entire sweat gland duct (body structure) 1130 1130 01130 hair 386045008 S01130 Hair structure (body structure) E01130 361702001 Entire hair (body structure) P01130 - 53667 P integumentary system D494650A880D483E997BAB4F0331196F 80833F7F01C344369D43B66307971997 Hair Entire hair (body structure) 1131 1131 01131 skin of face 73897004 S01131 Skin structure of face (body structure) E01131 361703006 Entire skin of face (body structure) P01131 - 24758 D integument/surface 8A48044994AB44CE883A5FD2A9FE3204 21858E30E57242A6B1283152FCD774BF Skin of face Entire skin of face (body structure) 1132 1132 01132 skin of perioral region of face 110488009 S01132 Skin of perioral region of face (body structure) E01132 181476007 Entire skin of perioral region of face (body structure) P01132 - D integument/surface 014792E5D8174AF6BB233BC03045E688 9F59003EC1C1482DB7E4A24334ADEFED Skin of perioral region of face Entire skin of perioral region of face (body structure) 1133 1133 01133 skin of external auditory canal 86409001 S01133 Skin of external auditory canal (body structure) E01133 361704000 Entire skin of external auditory canal (body structure) P01133 Y 61316 D integument/surface 1F391683C45742EE831A7AE768C2ECAF E5AEBEE3A3D44DBBBAA39556ED5B3BAD Skin of external auditory canal Entire skin of external auditory canal (body structure) 1134 1134 01134 skin of neck 43081002 S01134 Skin structure of neck (body structure) E01134 361705004 Entire skin of neck (body structure) P01134 - 23021 D integument/surface 52AE031B001D41C3BAEC0BB037D3D639 20D0D49EE37F4DB6843F76ABCC6730CE Skin of neck Entire skin of neck (body structure) 1135 1135 01135 neck of femur 29627003 S01135 Structure of neck of femur (body structure) E01135 361792007 Entire neck of femur (body structure) P01135 Y 42385 P skeletal system 735FD35380A0450780CBF30B82CD3FCE 97608EE94D40414CB492E9FA14F24EA8 neck of femur Entire neck of femur (body structure) 1136 1136 01136 proximal shaft of femur 33003004 S01136 Structure of proximal shaft of femur (body structure) E01136 361793002 Entire proximal shaft of femur (body structure) P01136 Y P skeletal system 358F992B7F1D44E4A61F3A96BDCB6E82 BEE00D7C130142E28CB95F2EE2D64172 proximal shaft of femur Entire proximal shaft of femur (body structure) 1137 1137 01137 medial malleolus 6417001 S01137 Medial malleolus structure (body structure) E01137 361794008 Entire medial malleolus (body structure) P01137 Y 35451 P skeletal system CEDFB2D078BA4A0B9EE287A809F4EDF3 E93B0F033A3B4DF6A3F8CEDFE0BFEA7D Medial malleolus Entire medial malleolus (body structure) 1138 1138 01138 lateral malleolus of fibula 113225006 S01138 Structure of lateral malleolus of fibula (body structure) E01138 361795009 Entire lateral malleolus of fibula (body structure) P01138 Y 35502 P skeletal system A2E3CB3B1F2D4CFAA60D8F9252202EB2 EF39C7E21D0A4A2E85EA772216F0087B lateral malleolus of fibula Entire lateral malleolus of fibula (body structure) 1139 1139 01139 bone tissue of ankle region 33696004 S01139 Bone structure of ankle (body structure) E01139 P01139 Y 0 P skeletal system 9769300C96C2437885362F837144BE50 Bone of ankle 1140 1140 01140 distal phalanx of foot 371282001 S01140 Structure of distal phalanx of foot (body structure) E01140 361797001 Entire distal phalanx of foot (body structure) P01140 Y 75830 P musculoskeletal system 978CBEA010FD48F6AF8D6F0B4269D28E 906A557BD2634C00BACF83627888B0EB distal phalanx of foot Entire distal phalanx of foot (body structure) 1141 1141 01141 phalanx of great toe 18930002 S01141 Structure of phalanx of great toe (body structure) E01141 361798006 Entire phalanx of great toe (body structure) P01141 Y 32884 P musculoskeletal system 4C8430A3B6F5464BB423BC87D86573B6 F625877B7B164FD3A045DA4A08217452 phalanx of great toe Entire phalanx of great toe (body structure) 1142 1142 01142 distal phalanx of great toe 53075003 S01142 Structure of distal phalanx of great toe (body structure) E01142 361799003 Entire distal phalanx of great toe (body structure) P01142 Y 32627 P musculoskeletal system 1C19C27D38A74797A536BEC7B1FAD12F 5F08A234E43749FEB600D7DF65531D75 distal phalanx of great toe Entire distal phalanx of great toe (body structure) 1143 1143 01143 phalanx of second toe 76100004 S01143 Structure of phalanx of second toe (body structure) E01143 361800004 Entire phalanx of second toe (body structure) P01143 Y 32899 P musculoskeletal system 627F6F859B82402E98D6C3AD84D0F383 9B3C4511BBAF480F8892EE31B7597357 phalanx of second toe Entire phalanx of second toe (body structure) 1144 1144 01144 distal phalanx of second toe 76986006 S01144 Structure of distal phalanx of second toe (body structure) E01144 361801000 Entire distal phalanx of second toe (body structure) P01144 Y 32628 P musculoskeletal system CCCCC61D9CF3421AB60B9B962450CEE6 91D275469C054E5B9424F3CE12096975 distal phalanx of second toe Entire distal phalanx of second toe (body structure) 1145 1145 01145 phalanx of third toe 74901001 S01145 Structure of phalanx of third toe (body structure) E01145 361802007 Entire phalanx of third toe (body structure) P01145 Y 32900 P musculoskeletal system BF8BBAA304024952B36341FC904E7FCC 6CB6D9F655884D0685597CDBF27C2180 phalanx of third toe Entire phalanx of third toe (body structure) 1146 1146 01146 distal phalanx of third toe 65258003 S01146 Structure of distal phalanx of third toe (body structure) E01146 361803002 Entire distal phalanx of third toe (body structure) P01146 Y 32629 P musculoskeletal system 73B0830B224E45BBA31DC4BDDA4035F4 23048E4E60C9442C95A48496DC590139 distal phalanx of third toe Entire distal phalanx of third toe (body structure) 1147 1147 01147 phalanx of fourth toe 70373004 S01147 Structure of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) E01147 361804008 Entire phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) P01147 Y 32901 P musculoskeletal system DEC4506B6F7643088E1A4642C6331CAD 2F6F6305DFD640EC88AB13D6D9395AD2 phalanx of fourth toe Entire phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) 1148 1148 01148 distal phalanx of fourth toe 54333003 S01148 Structure of distal phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) E01148 361805009 Entire distal phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) P01148 Y 32630 P musculoskeletal system 333AC723B999484289EC0778B44D79C0 3C9F6597824948AC86F3AD14D028B2FE distal phalanx of fourth toe Entire distal phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) 1149 1149 01149 phalanx of little toe 86618006 S01149 Structure of phalanx of little toe (body structure) E01149 361806005 Entire phalanx of little toe (body structure) P01149 Y 32902 P musculoskeletal system 715150B67094434D96F31ED63ED99CC3 0D27B9D0F43A4C299BF0685D4B646F24 phalanx of little toe Entire phalanx of little toe (body structure) 1150 1150 01150 skeletal muscle system 79984008 S01150 Skeletal muscle system structure (body structure) E01150 361808006 Entire skeletal muscle system (body structure) P01150 - P musculoskeletal system 74F2DE7BAECE4DCFB61A3ADC790A3BE2 EAC70C037D9949628CC46159F52A882B Skeletal muscle system Entire skeletal muscle system (body structure) 1151 1151 01151 epicranius muscle 32376008 S01151 Epicranius muscle structure (body structure) E01151 244722008 Epicranial muscle (body structure) P01151 Y 46750 P musculoskeletal system DBD99871750F47E5888C544E7CA8A116 C42963FF6A444C2A903B37E777878734 Epicranius muscle Epicranial muscle (body structure) 1152 1152 01152 occipitofrontalis muscle 62431001 S01152 Occipitofrontalis muscle structure (body structure) E01152 361811007 Entire occipitofrontalis muscle (body structure) P01152 Y 9624 P muscular system 2A1DCC57486843A08BA1297B1F5A3335 E53FA9E638F14D32960E9F8F82D9A488 Occipitofrontalis muscle Entire occipitofrontalis muscle (body structure) 1153 1153 01153 depressor anguli oris muscle 21040006 S01153 Depressor anguli oris muscle structure (body structure) E01153 361812000 Entire depressor anguli oris muscle (body structure) P01153 Y 46828 P musculoskeletal system 61670F6B544242BABA324A76B63D383A B9691E88CD8946A480ACE0FD629DA4DB Depressor anguli oris muscle Entire depressor anguli oris muscle (body structure) 1154 1154 01154 orbital part of orbicularis oculi muscle 28718004 S01154 Structure of orbital part of orbicularis oculi muscle (body structure) E01154 361813005 Entire orbital part of orbicularis oculi muscle (body structure) P01154 Y P muscular system C34C72C113D84F0B92C8C15BFDCAB8E7 ED185CC552954ADD86168C7411A2ABAC orbital part of orbicularis oculi muscle Entire orbital part of orbicularis oculi muscle (body structure) 1155 1155 01155 thyroarytenoid muscle 77908003 S01155 Thyroarytenoid muscle structure (body structure) E01155 361814004 Entire thyroarytenoid muscle (body structure) P01155 362926007 Thyroarytenoid muscle part (body structure) Y 46588 P respiratory system CDA0977EACF1463BB83CA7E4CD352F39 9E36E4F9D362406B8C757764CC9869C5 09C8419D52DB4974A3B95DCA669C0AD3 Thyroarytenoid muscle Entire thyroarytenoid muscle (body structure) Thyroarytenoid muscle 1156 1156 01156 tensor veli palatini muscle 43933006 S01156 Tensor veli palatini muscle structure (body structure) E01156 361815003 Entire tensor veli palatini muscle (body structure) P01156 Y 46730 P musculoskeletal system EC4B79D4CB5E48D19E413FF226658A06 FC857AE63D7C4FD4BE95EA5ABB4F7392 Tensor veli palatini muscle Entire tensor veli palatini muscle (body structure) 1157 1157 01157 inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle 80461005 S01157 Inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle structure (body structure) E01157 244803008 Entire inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) P01157 362921002 Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle part (body structure) Y 46623 P digestive system 083CDA044AF04E4A88D40E726AFBB082 0CF9FA22DEC341A5A63002AA20DB0EBC 45D557416FD34A17B0BED4615EBC1453 Inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle Entire inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle 1158 1158 01158 flexor carpi radialis muscle 30339000 S01158 Flexor carpi radialis muscle structure (body structure) E01158 361816002 Entire flexor carpi radialis muscle (body structure) P01158 Y 38459 P musculoskeletal system BB0187F8C8164CC781C11AFB523FB289 123AF570B90E4BBDBE533E231D00215B Flexor carpi radialis muscle Entire flexor carpi radialis muscle (body structure) 1159 1159 01159 flexor digitorum superficialis muscle of hand 89895007 S01159 Structure of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle of hand (body structure) E01159 361817006 Entire flexor digitorum superficialis muscle of hand (body structure) P01159 Y 38469 P musculoskeletal system A8AC4DC1562C4FCDA7012D4525DB667B 5394272AB58B4B7C8581E28487355CC3 flexor digitorum superficialis muscle of hand Entire flexor digitorum superficialis muscle of hand (body structure) 1160 1160 01160 flexor pollicis longus muscle 82465007 S01160 Flexor pollicis longus muscle structure (body structure) E01160 361818001 Entire flexor pollicis longus muscle (body structure) P01160 Y 38481 P musculoskeletal system 8CAA4AF42173426C8FAB2DF9332186DF 748B3D6A3EE54CFB915ACEBBA7CC9DAF Flexor pollicis longus muscle Entire flexor pollicis longus muscle (body structure) 1161 1161 01161 extensor digitorum muscle of hand 50176000 S01161 Structure of extensor digitorum muscle of hand (body structure) E01161 181663005 Entire extensor digitorum muscle of hand (body structure) P01161 Y 38500 P musculoskeletal system D07A162947294B73811730CF4704A901 6D096F15E83842A995EF30F3EAE3D6E2 extensor digitorum muscle of hand Entire extensor digitorum muscle of hand (body structure) 1162 1162 01162 extensor digiti minimi muscle 86104000 S01162 Extensor digiti minimi muscle structure (body structure) E01162 361819009 Entire extensor digiti minimi muscle (body structure) P01162 Y 38503 P musculoskeletal system 5E731949D2FB47038FE5BE6F6CB6B780 30E1D346B2C546CE8534DB7B8A269A02 Extensor digiti minimi muscle Entire extensor digiti minimi muscle (body structure) 1163 1163 01163 extensor pollicis longus muscle 81440007 S01163 Extensor pollicis longus muscle structure (body structure) E01163 361820003 Entire extensor pollicis longus muscle (body structure) P01163 Y 38521 P musculoskeletal system 9557B46E0F8641ABB88C3914DE8CE29C A74193627CDE4BE3BBA5D3B602AA3A94 Extensor pollicis longus muscle Entire extensor pollicis longus muscle (body structure) 1164 1164 01164 biceps femoris muscle 89241006 S01164 Biceps femoris muscle structure (body structure) E01164 181672002 Entire biceps femoris muscle (body structure) P01164 Y 22356 P musculoskeletal system 6CFC5FE04F36452990D6646508A6012C A5E3518D154946F1BB76795D4A88EA7D Biceps femoris muscle Entire biceps femoris muscle (body structure) 1165 1165 01165 popliteus muscle 15591009 S01165 Popliteus muscle structure (body structure) E01165 245032004 Entire popliteus muscle (body structure) P01165 Y 22590 P musculoskeletal system D33B5A55974A4F329CEFF1FF306EB5EC 2F62E48FC645440D9F4E059F53E89750 Popliteus muscle Entire popliteus muscle (body structure) 1166 1166 01166 triceps surae muscle 53451005 S01166 Triceps surae muscle structure (body structure) E01166 361822006 Entire triceps surae muscle (body structure) P01166 Y 51062 P muscular system 2E06385E005144D4911583D7A9426D08 2920F3CDF5454F02AB6651E4F9A56B62 Triceps surae muscle Entire triceps surae muscle (body structure) 1167 1167 01167 plantaris muscle 25593008 S01167 Plantaris muscle structure (body structure) E01167 361823001 Entire plantaris muscle (body structure) P01167 Y 22543 P musculoskeletal system 9EB2A3F5D4D6471593D8905D2300E3E4 0186E07828004F09AFE69AC6455A61B4 Plantaris muscle Entire plantaris muscle (body structure) 1168 1168 01168 tibialis posterior muscle 74318005 S01168 Tibialis posterior muscle structure (body structure) E01168 361824007 Entire tibialis posterior muscle (body structure) P01168 Y 51099 P musculoskeletal system 51DBC8616FCE49C8BA186B7452513D24 4026B973C7454B35841027F7E78FC46F Tibialis posterior muscle Entire tibialis posterior muscle (body structure) 1169 1169 01169 extensor hallucis longus muscle 90012003 S01169 Extensor hallucis longus muscle structure (body structure) E01169 181697003 Entire extensor hallucis longus muscle (body structure) P01169 Y 22533 P musculoskeletal system BA9942E3959E48B081C643DAD8D1D1EC 4B61A44CCF874C8E839242191D4F8646 Extensor hallucis longus muscle Entire extensor hallucis longus muscle (body structure) 1170 1170 01170 peroneus longus muscle 59831009 S01170 Peroneus longus muscle structure (body structure) E01170 361825008 Entire peroneus longus muscle (body structure) P01170 Y 22539 P musculoskeletal system 4B5962E62048446AB2BDE57650D8E08C 5C0A2FEC6E1E4E76926F689F6B4611C6 Peroneus longus muscle Entire peroneus longus muscle (body structure) 1171 1171 01171 flexor hallucis longus muscle 471000 S01171 Flexor hallucis longus muscle structure (body structure) E01171 361826009 Entire flexor hallucis longus muscle (body structure) P01171 Y 22593 P musculoskeletal system EAE4491EA1E9413B916FA93338A077B0 E3DC5D6F7F6D4E80B9DAB6AAE2726767 Flexor hallucis longus muscle Entire flexor hallucis longus muscle (body structure) 1172 1172 01172 articular system 81087007 S01172 Articular system structure (body structure) E01172 361827000 Entire articular system (body structure) P01172 - 23878 P articular system B0ED8C17F7F64992860FC95138AB926A 0AC5088266224159A7584C9A8B2027C3 Articular system Entire articular system (body structure) 1173 1173 01173 synovial membrane 64331004 S01173 Synovial membrane structure (body structure) E01173 361828005 Entire synovial membrane (body structure) P01173 371417002 Synovial part (body structure) - 66762 P musculoskeletal system 418AC463CBAE4C56939534E39B36B6AD F42E6F0EBF7149B386CEE5F7F3A9E148 0D3F60B6713748C59B31A34FE8FA171A Synovial membrane Entire synovial membrane (body structure) Synovium 1174 1174 01174 synovial joint 334886004 S01174 Synovial joint structure (body structure) E01174 113234001 Entire synovial joint (body structure) P01174 - 7501 P articular system A697EC2C0C904F4A91B18237B8A14381 673DCEA1B24E48EAA0B03E73CE6C59C1 Synovial joint Entire synovial joint (body structure) Joint in which the articulating bones or cartilages are connected by an articular capsule which encloses a synovial membrane and a synovial cavity. Examples: Temporomandibular joint, knee joint. 1175 1175 01175 joint of head 33883002 S01175 Joint structure of head (body structure) E01175 361829002 Entire joint of head (body structure) P01175 - P musculoskeletal system BC6D99FD6A70424C9D59BDD5A7FB9CC4 72C29769E9FE4927A362EFB3B7C84B66 Joint of head Entire joint of head (body structure) 1176 1176 01176 lambdoid suture of skull 32170006 S01176 Structure of lambdoid suture of skull (body structure) E01176 361830007 Entire lambdoid suture of skull (body structure) P01176 - 52933 P skeletal system 790795F26E7449A7BF7068FCAF2EB1EB EE25BBA2E8B64ED4AE91D23726B88DA2 lambdoid suture of skull Entire lambdoid suture of skull (body structure) 1177 1177 01177 joint of spine 8983005 S01177 Joint structure of spine (body structure) E01177 181853000 Entire joint of vertebral column (body structure) P01177 - P skeletal system AB11D96B9838469FA41F46E4D09337CF A81841ECB1894B4B85EBD329012F5CC3 Joint of spine Entire joint of vertebral column (body structure) 1178 1178 01178 zygapophyseal joint 81168003 S01178 Zygapophyseal joint structure (body structure) E01178 89836005 Entire zygapophyseal joint (body structure) P01178 Y 10447 P skeletal system 65323037074C406986C82CA3FBDA70C5 ADE2B49C2D3E4BF0A8746AB90713629E Zygapophyseal joint Entire zygapophyseal joint (body structure) 1179 1179 01179 atlantooccipital joint 20292002 S01179 Atlantooccipital joint structure (body structure) E01179 361831006 Entire atlantooccipital joint (body structure) P01179 Y 24939 P musculoskeletal system 144520FD37AC47C7925E6D139CED5FA1 1BB9D1C512934F1A93A99A756EAA2FF0 Atlantooccipital joint Entire atlantooccipital joint (body structure) 1180 1180 01180 atlantoaxial synovial joint 62555009 S01180 Structure of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) E01180 361832004 Entire atlantoaxial joint (body structure) P01180 - 25524 P musculoskeletal system 829EF4BAC37D4536B6AEB6D9663F1F0D A9450C0C6BBB42C0833FB1E5F6997605 atlantoaxial joint Entire atlantoaxial joint (body structure) 1181 1181 01181 lumbosacral joint 77120005 S01181 Structure of lumbosacral joint (body structure) E01181 360908001 Lumbosacral joint (body structure) P01181 - 16209 P musculoskeletal system 159029FCF19848C5B9CB9F9CA72C1A48 B2EA8B1539A148FCAF5A14179799146B lumbosacral joint Lumbosacral joint (body structure) 1182 1182 01182 joint between bodies of S5 and Ccx1 S01182 E01182 181886001 Entire joint between bodies of S5 and Ccx1 (body structure) P01182 - P skeletal system 6563E3C40DE14A469A495A7F7B274C8C Entire joint between bodies of S5 and Ccx1 (body structure) 1183 1183 01183 joint of shoulder region 31398001 S01183 Joint structure of shoulder region (body structure) E01183 361835002 Entire joint of shoulder region (body structure) P01183 Y P musculoskeletal system 53F0A72AB18D422DBCB88FFAD7C58021 397FFBE77F5E440A877D7382029DDD6C Joint of shoulder region Entire joint of shoulder region (body structure) 1184 1184 01184 capsule of shoulder joint 43120001 S01184 Structure of capsule of shoulder joint (body structure) E01184 361836001 Entire capsule of shoulder joint (body structure) P01184 Y 34944 P skeletal system FA02E83D7804423CB9AC5F99FBE16153 8C2FA765BE814CF99B335A9A8C12DF8A capsule of shoulder joint Entire capsule of shoulder joint (body structure) 1185 1185 01185 proximal radioulnar joint 20903007 S01185 Proximal radioulnar joint structure (body structure) E01185 361837005 Entire proximal radioulnar joint (body structure) P01185 Y 38860 P articular system B51915D3A8D4464D97E3BECA44F240AA E7CC11B672C64B5EB2710F541990A49E Proximal radioulnar joint Entire proximal radioulnar joint (body structure) 1186 1186 01186 capsule of distal radioulnar joint 34747009 S01186 Structure of capsule of distal radioulnar joint (body structure) E01186 361838000 Entire capsule of distal radioulnar joint (body structure) P01186 Y 39444 P articular system 874DC1F58D0F447F8182A136873C0D63 AEF5724A278A4D74AF31A52C003DB539 capsule of distal radioulnar joint Entire capsule of distal radioulnar joint (body structure) 1188 1188 01188 joint of pisiform bone 43463008 S01188 Joint structure of pisiform bone (body structure) E01188 361840005 Entire joint of pisiform bone (body structure) P01188 Y P musculoskeletal system 4CF6E30B42D54CA9A7DB5B89D77C1A90 90E4FCFC9BF24583993875A46E21CDF9 Joint of pisiform bone Entire joint of pisiform bone (body structure) 1189 1189 01189 midcarpal joint 35804008 S01189 Midcarpal joint structure (body structure) E01189 361841009 Entire midcarpal joint (body structure) P01189 Y 35293 P musculoskeletal system 5520441E34944D079AB15C743E614E39 B7F057344F16492FBF9C03DD92C40356 Midcarpal joint Entire midcarpal joint (body structure) 1190 1190 01190 carpometacarpal joint 113237008 S01190 Carpometacarpal joint structure (body structure) E01190 361842002 Entire carpometacarpal joint (body structure) P01190 Y 35287 P musculoskeletal system AFF9C2CA64D14AA3BC78D8E87E3534EA 352B0717C8A7483B9BEB32DF2E1612A6 Carpometacarpal joint Entire carpometacarpal joint (body structure) 1191 1191 01191 carpometacarpal joint of thumb 30099006 S01191 Carpometacarpal joint structure of thumb (body structure) E01191 361843007 Entire carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) P01191 Y 35421 P musculoskeletal system 1E06C53025174E0A98BFE45819BB3605 A8F9AEF17FBF417287A52F5DB505B4FD Carpometacarpal joint of thumb Entire carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) 1192 1192 01192 metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb 56310002 S01192 Metacarpophalangeal joint structure of thumb (body structure) E01192 361844001 Entire metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) P01192 Y 35249 P articular system 51FE4551E61941579A7FD06C5BB318EB A0247AD2294A40E7BA0DE50860474E5F Metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb Entire metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) 1193 1193 01193 metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger 289002 S01193 Metacarpophalangeal joint structure of index finger (body structure) E01193 361845000 Entire metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) P01193 Y 35252 P articular system 85E5D307675046358EB99385970A6F32 7ECD3DDA77C54B8DB3A76BB52CCA9531 Metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger Entire metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) 1194 1194 01194 metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger 6059006 S01194 Metacarpophalangeal joint structure of middle finger (body structure) E01194 361846004 Entire metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) P01194 Y 35255 P articular system 149C847F46214BF6B7D27654DC83017C 7701488F90E540FCA1D0DFA0DF443E73 Metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger Entire metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) 1195 1195 01195 metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger 13822002 S01195 Metacarpophalangeal joint structure of ring finger (body structure) E01195 361847008 Entire metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) P01195 Y 35258 P articular system 67309425284A4DDFBCA24ABA9F5B2D27 1453F5BA6D7E4530B9006EFD685DF538 Metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger Entire metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) 1196 1196 01196 metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger 5493005 S01196 Metacarpophalangeal joint structure of little finger (body structure) E01196 361848003 Entire metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) P01196 Y 35261 P articular system B702844462C149689CB4D515850CC514 1EAAB02EB9074CD8A8433A26F40F789B Metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger Entire metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) 1199 1199 01199 proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger 371270005 S01199 Proximal interphalangeal joint structure of second finger (body structure) E01199 361851005 Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of second finger (body structure) P01199 Y 35315 P musculoskeletal system A0B44D3E14C6499692E2D8225B431889 F4F95A504842418B82B1377D28DB889E Proximal interphalangeal joint of second finger Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of second finger (body structure) 1200 1200 01200 distal interphalangeal joint of index finger 371210002 S01200 Distal interphalangeal joint structure of second finger (body structure) E01200 361852003 Entire distal interphalangeal joint of second finger (body structure) P01200 Y 35334 P musculoskeletal system 7343DD5C11A94AA09530CABFDC3ACDB1 8344797FB42F4C98AE1CE58C4ADF70BE Distal interphalangeal joint of second finger Entire distal interphalangeal joint of second finger (body structure) 1201 1201 01201 proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 371263005 S01201 Proximal interphalangeal joint structure of third finger (body structure) E01201 361853008 Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of third finger (body structure) P01201 Y 35318 P musculoskeletal system 175C4203E10B4EEB8402B202D09D8F6E D1A9AA49589C48FE805972B28C0BFE52 Proximal interphalangeal joint of third finger Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of third finger (body structure) 1202 1202 01202 distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 371218009 S01202 Distal interphalangeal joint structure of third finger (body structure) E01202 361854002 Entire distal interphalangeal joint of third finger (body structure) P01202 Y 35337 P musculoskeletal system EF856F8FE7984D7B9619922B1E2D0F63 4689385D876F4C89ADEBEAD5997BBCFA Distal interphalangeal joint of third finger Entire distal interphalangeal joint of third finger (body structure) 1203 1203 01203 proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 371267006 S01203 Proximal interphalangeal joint structure of fourth finger (body structure) E01203 361855001 Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth finger (body structure) P01203 Y 35321 P musculoskeletal system 816A1C7C3C6741F3B09CD1D029E0E214 DD8F6B9DAE244536A6EE332097EC85E5 Proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth finger Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth finger (body structure) 1204 1204 01204 distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 371204002 S01204 Distal interphalangeal joint structure of fourth finger (body structure) E01204 361856000 Entire distal interphalangeal joint of fourth finger (body structure) P01204 Y 35340 P musculoskeletal system 4E7A66B757324846A8C1016826284E1E 9C4B7FC28087446992536F39B52511EF Distal interphalangeal joint of fourth finger Entire distal interphalangeal joint of fourth finger (body structure) 1205 1205 01205 proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger 371233001 S01205 Proximal interphalangeal joint structure of fifth finger (body structure) E01205 361857009 Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth finger (body structure) P01205 Y 35324 P musculoskeletal system 0133F1EBBBC04629A7A248DB6CC609F2 BFDCCF190DFB4010863C5A4140DAC2D3 Proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth finger Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth finger (body structure) 1206 1206 01206 distal interphalangeal joint of little finger 371202003 S01206 Distal interphalangeal joint structure of fifth finger (body structure) E01206 361858004 Entire distal interphalangeal joint of fifth finger (body structure) P01206 Y 35343 P musculoskeletal system 7B9F4E94A96C4CC4A2AB5E3FE9710511 140BBEE8080044E385B87D90ED2F15AF Distal interphalangeal joint of fifth finger Entire distal interphalangeal joint of fifth finger (body structure) 1207 1207 01207 costovertebral joint 81688003 S01207 Costovertebral joint structure (body structure) E01207 361859007 Entire costovertebral joint (body structure) P01207 Y P articular system C320825CE82749B4BDE72FD4C29C6EEF 345FA49BC712431FB1F862C6602BFAD0 Costovertebral joint Entire costovertebral joint (body structure) 1208 1208 01208 sternocostal joint 23758000 S01208 Sternocostal joint structure (body structure) E01208 361860002 Entire sternocostal joint (body structure) P01208 Y P articular system A619CBD13451415F9F2BD946C52338C0 31BF2EB012B740C283DCFF5A5FB32338 Sternocostal joint Entire sternocostal joint (body structure) 1210 1210 01210 symphysis pubis 82561000 S01210 Symphysis pubis structure (body structure) E01210 182200001 Entire symphysis pubis (body structure) P01210 - 16950 P musculoskeletal system 24D1B0BF3CFB43E3A7D75C81C6497EC0 5FE48CEBC4184CC4A19C24853D7EC0EC Symphysis pubis Entire symphysis pubis (body structure) 1211 1211 01211 obturator membrane 13407002 S01211 Obturator membrane structure (body structure) E01211 361861003 Entire obturator membrane (body structure) P01211 Y 25709 P musculoskeletal system AB05ADD1CDF54843946179037FA1D245 B9A2D523984742D08EDBBC7E0BF416AF Obturator membrane Entire obturator membrane (body structure) 1212 1212 01212 capsule of knee joint 85655003 S01212 Structure of capsule of knee joint (body structure) E01212 361862005 Entire capsule of knee joint (body structure) P01212 Y 43606 P articular system A6E66F365FB2428DA2739A1B141F9911 D940D04E1FD24ABFB3F4EF4C5B709353 capsule of knee joint Entire capsule of knee joint (body structure) 1213 1213 01213 infrapatellar synovial plica 27228009 S01213 Infrapatellar synovial plica structure (body structure) E01213 361863000 Entire infrapatellar synovial plica (body structure) P01213 Y 77245 P musculoskeletal system E954492D607945C3A8E7046556594884 920CC6BBF00F4A44B3B2FA259CC286B6 Infrapatellar synovial plica Entire infrapatellar synovial plica (body structure) 1214 1214 01214 talotibial joint 22593003 S01214 Talotibial joint structure (body structure) E01214 361864006 Entire talotibial joint (body structure) P01214 Y P skeletal system 695CD05D348E41DBB79D7A7EF089F999 2D40AF9F612D487F8F423B24B02E017D Talotibial joint Entire talotibial joint (body structure) 1215 1215 01215 transverse tarsal joint 42822000 S01215 Transverse tarsal joint structure (body structure) E01215 361865007 Entire transverse tarsal joint (body structure) P01215 Y 35201 P musculoskeletal system C13D396D457448B18AC60426580556AB 517894A87D8D42348793B76EFC0F0815 Transverse tarsal joint Entire transverse tarsal joint (body structure) 1216 1216 01216 calcaneocuboidal joint 75069009 S01216 Calcaneocuboidal joint structure (body structure) E01216 361866008 Entire calcaneocuboidal joint (body structure) P01216 Y 35207 P musculoskeletal system A60E9FAB605C408BB35CC48E52A24274 B54BD09F281144A2AC9B59B51A315804 Calcaneocuboidal joint Entire calcaneocuboidal joint (body structure) 1217 1217 01217 cuneonavicular joint 89686001 S01217 Cuneonavicular joint structure (body structure) E01217 361867004 Entire cuneonavicular joint (body structure) P01217 Y 35210 P musculoskeletal system F070EA4A1D524DB4AB8FDB6D8073483F C0BF55CA4ED542798A60E3B08E20F736 Cuneonavicular joint Entire cuneonavicular joint (body structure) 1218 1218 01218 intermetatarsal joint 76266004 S01218 Intermetatarsal joint structure (body structure) E01218 361868009 Entire intermetatarsal joint (body structure) P01218 Y 35219 P musculoskeletal system AFDF9590D2474AA8A8A4CC461CAAE63B AA17EC396BFB4A5D8D420F0760CBDEFA Intermetatarsal joint Entire intermetatarsal joint (body structure) 1219 1219 01219 metatarsophalangeal joint of second toe 71721008 S01219 Metatarsophalangeal joint structure of second toe (body structure) E01219 361869001 Entire metatarsophalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) P01219 Y 35231 P musculoskeletal system CD8DF9359B124EDEB689C66206BE3FF2 FD839A41B3954E1CA8600B609DFB3E5E Metatarsophalangeal joint of second toe Entire metatarsophalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) 1220 1220 01220 metatarsophalangeal joint of third toe 81247008 S01220 Metatarsophalangeal joint structure of third toe (body structure) E01220 361870000 Entire metatarsophalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) P01220 Y 35234 P musculoskeletal system 8FC69D6A3CA040D3A30FE762CD474E3B 6BCFDD5EF93548848A61FE412C42E3F2 Metatarsophalangeal joint of third toe Entire metatarsophalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) 1221 1221 01221 metatarsophalangeal joint of fourth toe 45230000 S01221 Metatarsophalangeal joint structure of fourth toe (body structure) E01221 361871001 Entire metatarsophalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) P01221 Y 35237 P musculoskeletal system 7ECCB958797B4ECC95F9964EA02915BC 3F536F90284041DB9E1D2BB8F1FB3C03 Metatarsophalangeal joint of fourth toe Entire metatarsophalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) 1222 1222 01222 metatarsophalangeal joint of fifth toe 50133002 S01222 Metatarsophalangeal joint structure of fifth toe (body structure) E01222 361872008 Entire metatarsophalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) P01222 Y 35240 P musculoskeletal system B8F8D3A902BB44BBA4C12B8F99CEC99B F24778E01DE14024928F9CB7F7E3D4E8 Metatarsophalangeal joint of fifth toe Entire metatarsophalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) 1223 1223 01223 proximal interphalangeal joint of toe 371241001 S01223 Proximal interphalangeal joint structure of toe (body structure) E01223 361873003 Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of toe (body structure) P01223 Y P musculoskeletal system 29CD40A7FBAD4463867C308EC79EDCD6 651DA6414BC04F7B91E25D01CB82B6A9 Proximal interphalangeal joint of toe Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of toe (body structure) 1224 1224 01224 distal interphalangeal joint of toe 371221006 S01224 Distal interphalangeal joint structure of toe (body structure) E01224 361874009 Entire distal interphalangeal joint of toe (body structure) P01224 Y P musculoskeletal system 9D2162D06377440BA1AE8D34CE37D99C 7D1F941C5621468A8916137178FEBDAA Distal interphalangeal joint of toe Entire distal interphalangeal joint of toe (body structure) 1227 1227 01227 proximal interphalangeal joint of second toe 371292009 S01227 Proximal interphalangeal joint structure of second toe (body structure) E01227 361877002 Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) P01227 Y 35368 P musculoskeletal system 5531031383554881B0D3112185D8A23E 2B64FE8C98284590856EEE5D640B594A Proximal interphalangeal joint of second toe Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) 1228 1228 01228 distal interphalangeal joint of second toe 371216008 S01228 Distal interphalangeal joint structure of second toe (body structure) E01228 361878007 Entire distal interphalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) P01228 Y 35369 P musculoskeletal system 6D1770DA2F5742769233BA9E6D957F61 0E79D4AFD93D40688294A8BF13495071 Distal interphalangeal joint of second toe Entire distal interphalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) 1229 1229 01229 proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe 371255009 S01229 Proximal interphalangeal joint structure of third toe (body structure) E01229 361879004 Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) P01229 Y 35374 P musculoskeletal system DAB67084FBEA456BADF02F7643762773 BA70B903EF0A4ADABF82F5B6FD1FCAD0 Proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) 1230 1230 01230 distal interphalangeal joint of third toe 371219001 S01230 Distal interphalangeal joint structure of third toe (body structure) E01230 361880001 Entire distal interphalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) P01230 Y 35375 P musculoskeletal system F877DA1E28944493966210FA3BECA815 1CA0A3B5DF6F42CEB1AAEEC36116CFC5 Distal interphalangeal joint of third toe Entire distal interphalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) 1231 1231 01231 proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe 371288002 S01231 Proximal interphalangeal joint structure of fourth toe (body structure) E01231 361881002 Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) P01231 Y 35383 P musculoskeletal system C9C472E9C8C340D280166A094F13D425 3A91389EE4D1436FB7E914E15492FC21 Proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) 1232 1232 01232 distal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe 371205001 S01232 Distal interphalangeal joint structure of fourth toe (body structure) E01232 361882009 Entire distal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) P01232 Y 35387 P musculoskeletal system 60B9968583624B1A9DD2D186C4CAF86C 01F8E12DE57A4E7BB4D8C9FB2668ACF0 Distal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe Entire distal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) 1233 1233 01233 proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe 371284000 S01233 Proximal interphalangeal joint structure of fifth toe (body structure) E01233 361883004 Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) P01233 Y 35390 P musculoskeletal system 06611FE18D8445298DB62CAD8CDAA21F 1FE2E0D11D2B4D388FA5A083EFC51693 Proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe Entire proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) 1234 1234 01234 distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe 371203008 S01234 Distal interphalangeal joint structure of fifth toe (body structure) E01234 361884005 Entire distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) P01234 Y 35393 P musculoskeletal system A2111EB65EA14DFF9CB8422A9B8DE04B F7FAEE016D5F42D78FC9AAF46DC11B6E Distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe Entire distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) 1235 1235 01235 tendon sheath 15434002 S01235 Tendon sheath structure (body structure) E01235 361885006 Entire tendon sheath (body structure) P01235 - P musculoskeletal system C0326FDF6B764833A4F9798F9C7C3E08 9C4D274E8D294E98A3B9578B1EF0E23C Tendon sheath Entire tendon sheath (body structure) 1237 1237 01237 tendon and tendon sheath of wrist 85239000 S01237 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of wrist (body structure) E01237 361887003 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of wrist (body structure) P01237 Y P musculoskeletal system C1DEE452EB1D4D09925901CE291E4DC9 D0B256B3AB1F46AD8B82A8AE8C8FB6F5 tendon and tendon sheath of wrist Entire tendon and tendon sheath of wrist (body structure) 1238 1238 01238 tendon and tendon sheath of hand 6787005 S01238 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of hand (body structure) E01238 361888008 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of hand (body structure) P01238 Y P musculoskeletal system 539B77FAF5934BCCA10114B53DC7CB74 69D78F22EA914FA0AF4A40EADFBF3B7F tendon and tendon sheath of hand Entire tendon and tendon sheath of hand (body structure) 1239 1239 01239 tendon and tendon sheath of finger 77139000 S01239 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of finger (body structure) E01239 361889000 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of finger (body structure) P01239 Y P musculoskeletal system B1E1DAED417B4865967DAB74C6F58C66 9DDADEBC8D4949009D24271370F9162B tendon and tendon sheath of finger Entire tendon and tendon sheath of finger (body structure) 1240 1240 01240 fibrous sheath of finger 63401003 S01240 Structure of fibrous sheath of finger (body structure) E01240 361890009 Entire fibrous sheath of finger (body structure) P01240 Y 42655 P musculoskeletal system 082964BD6BF741B0AC1BE1D99BBC6FCE A2088009F40945589113B0FC0866C959 fibrous sheath of finger Entire fibrous sheath of finger (body structure) 1241 1241 01241 vincula tendinum of tendon of hand 83791002 S01241 Structure of vincula tendinum of tendons of fingers (body structure) E01241 361891008 Entire vincula tendinum of tendons of fingers (body structure) P01241 Y 76453 P muscular system 23E10D0A70834C3998054AC354E864BF D709EDAE55AC4759AA7634EFF2A94800 vincula tendinum of tendons of fingers Entire vincula tendinum of tendons of fingers (body structure) 1242 1242 01242 tendon and tendon sheath of hip and lower limb 371295006 S01242 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of hip and lower extremity (body structure) E01242 361892001 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of hip and lower extremity (body structure) P01242 Y P muscular system 125C60FA533D40569A8D5EC23E62E173 463D0832932E46B4B159668E69F5268A tendon and tendon sheath of hip and lower extremity Entire tendon and tendon sheath of hip and lower extremity (body structure) 1243 1243 01243 tendon and tendon sheath of knee 28354002 S01243 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of knee (body structure) E01243 361893006 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of knee (body structure) P01243 Y P muscular system 1638EE98464145D4A1BA7C5F462C07D0 3BA19A9855AD4EBB828F78EC6BAAC606 tendon and tendon sheath of knee Entire tendon and tendon sheath of knee (body structure) 1244 1244 01244 tendon and tendon sheath of leg and ankle 5718004 S01244 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of leg and ankle (body structure) E01244 361894000 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of leg and ankle (body structure) P01244 Y P muscular system 9000C3C020084E3DB66E8F693C381FDD 037058C0653E4430B0B5AF97A460281F tendon and tendon sheath of leg and ankle Entire tendon and tendon sheath of leg and ankle (body structure) 1245 1245 01245 tendon and tendon sheath of foot 88021003 S01245 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of foot (body structure) E01245 361895004 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of foot (body structure) P01245 Y P musculoskeletal system BB1BE7C7F2524071AD7A19BBCB1279E0 2FA22BE9DD48434295B079680963DAC1 tendon and tendon sheath of foot Entire tendon and tendon sheath of foot (body structure) 1246 1246 01246 fibrous sheath of toe 36080006 S01246 Structure of fibrous sheath of toe (body structure) E01246 361896003 Entire fibrous sheath of toe (body structure) P01246 Y 58942 P musculoskeletal system E2128EF00A85460E8CE22B28255FB9BA 22A43A99950740858AE03C977CFEF3F9 fibrous sheath of toe Entire fibrous sheath of toe (body structure) 1247 1247 01247 costotransverse ligament 84582007 S01247 Costotransverse ligament structure (body structure) E01247 361897007 Entire costotransverse ligament (body structure) P01247 Y 12163 P musculoskeletal system 79B394A4269E4E11BDAAF5BD87E5FE0B 94EA4546505A4E3196C866BF1CDDD354 Costotransverse ligament Entire costotransverse ligament (body structure) 1248 1248 01248 ligament of perineum 67115009 S01248 Structure of ligament of perineum (body structure) E01248 361898002 Entire ligament of perineum (body structure) P01248 - P musculoskeletal system 4F4E9C3E10F04E0589C6B0D081B01224 2046CCCC4D784139A463DF84ED723E41 ligament of perineum Entire ligament of perineum (body structure) 1249 1249 01249 coracoclavicular ligament 40827000 S01249 Coracoclavicular ligament structure (body structure) E01249 361899005 Entire coracoclavicular ligament (body structure) P01249 Y 26029 P skeletal system CCB12D91F3E24363B36F814E90E65438 7384E32FB9E845DAB6100E34B26F8CD2 Coracoclavicular ligament Entire coracoclavicular ligament (body structure) 1250 1250 01250 inguinal ligament 82517008 S01250 Inguinal ligament structure (body structure) E01250 361900000 Entire inguinal ligament (body structure) P01250 Y 19855 P musculoskeletal system BD4E6DCA44174ED3822DA898483A11A8 B1887A7E1BBB47919D971C1475D4D14A Inguinal ligament Entire inguinal ligament (body structure) 1251 1251 01251 sacrotuberal ligament 86366007 S01251 Sacrotuberal ligament structure (body structure) E01251 361901001 Entire sacrotuberal ligament (body structure) P01251 Y 21479 P musculoskeletal system FA81D8764C254280A973FCA65EAD8005 3858BFD4B80F4C6FA5C0424AC2862CE3 Sacrotuberal ligament Entire sacrotuberal ligament (body structure) 1252 1252 01252 ligament of shoulder and upper limb 41821009 S01252 Structure of ligament of shoulder and upper extremity (body structure) E01252 361902008 Entire ligament of shoulder and upper extremity (body structure) P01252 Y 25938 P musculoskeletal system 31B14FB8C9CF432F8D803DCC3B5A4450 38BAD5EE28484B539E5B681689219F73 ligament of shoulder and upper extremity Entire ligament of shoulder and upper extremity (body structure) 1254 1254 01254 medial ligament of talocrural joint 84732004 S01254 Structure of medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) E01254 361904009 Entire medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) P01254 Y P skeletal system 0C696E7874CA452AA9ACC7BEF1DCAA30 C3E5F27D988544DD9FF3560284D77E2C medial ligament of talocrural joint Entire medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) 1255 1255 01255 temporal fascia 39206008 S01255 Temporal fascia structure (body structure) E01255 361905005 Entire temporal fascia (body structure) P01255 Y 76863 P musculoskeletal system 3B2C71D023C746B697E00A04E97BF768 34E83F1450284575AC5A85308E1882FA Temporal fascia Entire temporal fascia (body structure) 1256 1256 01256 cervical fascia 33299002 S01256 Cervical fascia structure (body structure) E01256 361906006 Entire cervical fascia (body structure) P01256 - 76866 P musculoskeletal system B19A6E815A324341BBC6C2C9E55F6EB3 68B611ECCD1C43DEA1F3BB7A821E5964 Cervical fascia Entire cervical fascia (body structure) 1257 1257 01257 superficial inguinal ring 60325008 S01257 Superficial inguinal ring structure (body structure) E01257 361907002 Entire superficial inguinal ring (body structure) P01257 Y 19926 P musculoskeletal system 86CC144D527B4F4DB4BC92513353C485 5B995F8F454D491BA1502117BAB6223D Superficial inguinal ring Entire superficial inguinal ring (body structure) 1258 1258 01258 transversalis fascia 30885008 S01258 Transversalis fascia structure (body structure) E01258 361908007 Entire transversalis fascia (body structure) P01258 Y 12265 P musculoskeletal system FEE7CAF1A3AE40999CE582505D379D77 1F5FDD4C6C29481C9E8C2D41DBA33079 Transversalis fascia Entire transversalis fascia (body structure) 1259 1259 01259 palmar aponeurosis 21203009 S01259 Palmar aponeurosis structure (body structure) E01259 361909004 Entire palmar aponeurosis (body structure) P01259 Y 42435 P musculoskeletal system FB8BC7B7CE0744C8833674DC7B877F7B D783B1D1A97849329E19999F5377F6C5 Palmar aponeurosis Entire palmar aponeurosis (body structure) 1260 1260 01260 femoral triangle 2510000 S01260 Femoral triangle structure (body structure) E01260 P01260 Y 58780 P genitourinary system 9299BBD40F9C41ACACFB3992D9BAC6B0 Femoral triangle 1261 1261 01261 fascia lata 85695001 S01261 Fascia lata structure (body structure) E01261 361911008 Entire fascia lata (body structure) P01261 Y 13902 P musculoskeletal system AE03B925591B4065B80EE28D4069A474 B9CBEB72965C4B5FA75A0FD7C6D31308 Fascia lata Entire fascia lata (body structure) 1262 1262 01262 femoral canal 4828007 S01262 Femoral canal structure (body structure) E01262 361912001 Entire femoral canal (body structure) P01262 Y 22405 P genitourinary system C757262052E041808DAD1D42AE5A0B08 12912441D43849B9BE65864E72E2DB2E Femoral canal Entire femoral canal (body structure) 1263 1263 01263 plantar aponeurosis 64799002 S01263 Plantar aponeurosis structure (body structure) E01263 182462009 Entire plantar aponeurosis (body structure) P01263 372225004 Part of plantar aponeurosis (body structure) Y 45171 P musculoskeletal system F758B666BA1542D28DE975DA98C1C114 D6AD2310A7BE4488B5E7FF796ED8B784 DE79D2C6A357455693F94C1FD97A5D64 Plantar aponeurosis Entire plantar aponeurosis (body structure) plantar aponeurosis 1264 1264 01264 deep perineal space 55992008 S01264 Deep perineal space structure (body structure) E01264 361913006 Entire deep perineal space (body structure) P01264 Y 22061 P 60B5AEBC566D49DD9E329ABA658DD106 B7496B1ACBBE470681D4A948F27B15B2 Deep perineal space Entire deep perineal space (body structure) 1265 1265 01265 ischiorectal fossa 32853000 S01265 Ischiorectal fossa structure (body structure) E01265 361914000 Entire ischiorectal fossa (body structure) P01265 Y 22059 P genital system AF29CD1208C94879B9F884C4138FCC19 49C08A44B0B04ECBA5984FAB1EDB5A9A Ischiorectal fossa Entire ischiorectal fossa (body structure) 1266 1266 01266 pelvic fascia 9262003 S01266 Pelvic fascia structure (body structure) E01266 361915004 Entire pelvic fascia (body structure) P01266 - 19725 P musculoskeletal system D158FD42C2964782A8D642D5F64570E5 1B75EFDB329F4B368D444792D7E86881 Pelvic fascia Entire pelvic fascia (body structure) 1267 1267 01267 obturator fascia of pelvis 30838002 S01267 Structure of obturator fascia of pelvis (body structure) E01267 361916003 Entire obturator fascia of pelvis (body structure) P01267 Y 19132 P musculoskeletal system 6623B719F90B43FFA234F176D3342875 9A0738B83C1E442E8303AF16E1BC1285 obturator fascia of pelvis Entire obturator fascia of pelvis (body structure) 1268 1268 01268 puboprostatic ligament 28350006 S01268 Puboprostatic ligament structure (body structure) E01268 361917007 Entire puboprostatic ligament (body structure) P01268 Y 19110 P musculoskeletal system EA8BFE4E524D48BEA88FB10C8C2DBA28 5166FE49FCA949C097745040FC603253 Puboprostatic ligament Entire puboprostatic ligament (body structure) 1269 1269 01269 mesothelium 71400007 S01269 Mesothelium structure (body structure) E01269 361918002 Entire mesothelium (body structure) P01269 - 14074 P 61F63A86428B444AAABCDB4BBF83F3FB 0748BBD21BBD4DF79579DF9E20C95E98 Mesothelium Entire mesothelium (body structure) Simple squamous epithelium of mesodermal origin which lines serous membranes. Examples: mesothelium of pleura, mesothelium of peritoneum. 1270 1270 01270 connective tissue 21793004 S01270 Connective tissue structure (body structure) E01270 361919005 Entire connective tissue (body structure) P01270 - P FA82EFD8A6634CC3BCA6D5B3AA7165B6 39B016657178487E84492B1A85B7FF58 Connective tissue Entire connective tissue (body structure) 1271 1271 01271 smooth muscle (organ component) 39822001 S01271 Smooth muscle (organ) structure (body structure) E01271 361920004 Entire smooth muscle (organ) (body structure) P01271 - P muscular system DE4F8C9A8AED4216A4F4FA0482A60EB5 7FC2479E8F0546239323A39356EBC9E7 Smooth muscle (organ) Entire smooth muscle (organ) (body structure) 1272 1272 01272 cartilaginous tissue 61496007 S01272 Cartilaginous tissue structure (body structure) E01272 361921000 Entire cartilaginous tissue (body structure) P01272 - P skeletal system FDE9F2859A1F484CAD3281B463935D90 952BEF051E9B4139845325DB5778F872 Cartilaginous tissue Entire cartilaginous tissue (body structure) 1273 1273 01273 upper aerodigestive tract 119253004 S01273 Upper aerodigestive tract structure (body structure) E01273 361922007 Entire upper aerodigestive tract (body structure) P01273 - P 6253AE20348D455A9678F58F81105CB7 F6F0E63161044A8CA905EAF2EDFA6F8A Upper aerodigestive tract Entire upper aerodigestive tract (body structure) 1274 1274 01274 respiratory region of nose 15562006 S01274 Structure of respiratory region of nose (body structure) E01274 361923002 Entire respiratory region of nose (body structure) P01274 Y P respiratory system A4810BF22EE04BE4A9394A163589F112 30A4AC6F674148EFAEE09233B6E06904 respiratory region of nose Entire respiratory region of nose (body structure) 1275 1275 01275 olfactory region of nose 16730001 S01275 Structure of olfactory region of nose (body structure) E01275 361924008 Entire olfactory region of nose (body structure) P01275 Y P respiratory system 2077FB1ECF054929AB223C06B2F52205 15F8F8C8470043CE8E8E8ABA7754BE54 olfactory region of nose Entire olfactory region of nose (body structure) 1276 1276 01276 middle nasal meatus 87818004 S01276 Middle nasal meatus structure (body structure) E01276 361925009 Entire middle nasal meatus (body structure) P01276 Y 53139 P respiratory system CBAF549FF26348F086340246023F6F86 91F0211FD2024121890E1457BCED39F0 Middle nasal meatus Entire middle nasal meatus (body structure) 1277 1277 01277 apex of nose 81001005 S01277 Structure of apex of nose (body structure) E01277 361926005 Entire apex of nose (body structure) P01277 - 59518 P respiratory system 3F3280BA3EF542019ED875C56AEA2F07 8B92C7F3D49B420689A8711B6FE8B771 apex of nose Entire apex of nose (body structure) 1278 1278 01278 bridge of nose 17176004 S01278 Structure of bridge of nose (body structure) E01278 361927001 Entire bridge of nose (body structure) P01278 - P respiratory system 6F71DF44D748446F90D5291913E9E4D6 1D964C2C49664EB485DA54B63AF4DFFF bridge of nose Entire bridge of nose (body structure) 1279 1279 01279 greater alar cartilage 71373007 S01279 Greater alar cartilage structure (body structure) E01279 361928006 Entire greater alar cartilage (body structure) P01279 Y 59504 P skeletal system B63D8359FF8B4E7AB78DD0CD1CD58C8B A31897003DC04BF2AEACE54D0841E8D8 Greater alar cartilage Entire greater alar cartilage (body structure) 1280 1280 01280 internal nose 53342003 S01280 Internal nose structure (body structure) E01280 361929003 Entire internal nose (body structure) P01280 - 59637 P respiratory system 35477418A6DC4D2CAD31F035D92D71C6 A8F079009A7B418080FAFF5B25CCD233 Internal nose Entire internal nose (body structure) 1281 1281 01281 columella 113249009 S01281 Columella structure (body structure) E01281 361930008 Entire columella (body structure) P01281 - 59725 P respiratory system E84F1063932344D2AAE9FB300E30BA76 AF74FBB4DA6344988AD6C7467AFCF522 Columella Entire columella (body structure) 1282 1282 01282 nasal turbinate 46607005 S01282 Nasal turbinate structure (body structure) E01282 361931007 Entire nasal turbinate (body structure) P01282 372201007 Nasal turbinate part (body structure) Y 57456 P respiratory system 5E2E7787724648AD9E35221104218CA3 F1F495B5F40848BD8D401986613197EB 7DEC7E6F4F9D438FA3995E462DEAD1CC Nasal turbinate Entire nasal turbinate (body structure) Nasal turbinate 1283 1283 01283 inferior nasal turbinate 6553002 S01283 Inferior nasal turbinate structure (body structure) E01283 361932000 Entire inferior nasal turbinate (body structure) P01283 Y P respiratory system 68D4637B972E462D99556A9FE9EF3B06 CDA80382D0B94116AA149B239190FE30 Inferior nasal turbinate Entire inferior nasal turbinate (body structure) 1284 1284 01284 middle nasal turbinate 60962000 S01284 Middle nasal turbinate structure (body structure) E01284 361933005 Entire middle nasal turbinate (body structure) P01284 Y 57459 P respiratory system ED33E563929F4D06BB992B15E76AC2ED 37327FEB14AE4F129D2CC0C02D05F0C9 Middle nasal turbinate Entire middle nasal turbinate (body structure) 1285 1285 01285 superior nasal turbinate 65289004 S01285 Superior nasal turbinate structure (body structure) E01285 361934004 Entire superior nasal turbinate (body structure) P01285 Y 57458 P respiratory system A454AABB725345E1AF801A8E4A96102C B13CEABCBBBF4375B1FB6EAE609D3502 Superior nasal turbinate Entire superior nasal turbinate (body structure) 1286 1286 01286 supreme nasal turbinate 33415007 S01286 Supreme nasal turbinate structure (body structure) E01286 361935003 Entire supreme nasal turbinate (body structure) P01286 Y 57457 P respiratory system 36624A437EBD4578AC316E0D0CD770FA D9F419BABE6C4521BCB29AE08424FF30 Supreme nasal turbinate Entire supreme nasal turbinate (body structure) 1287 1287 01287 posterior wall of nasopharynx 30157008 S01287 Structure of posterior wall of nasopharynx (body structure) E01287 361936002 Entire posterior wall of nasopharynx (body structure) P01287 - 54907 P respiratory system 39BFCA6813414F929925AA57DA3EF07D 4D24A92103214C24A311CBF1EC19B789 posterior wall of nasopharynx Entire posterior wall of nasopharynx (body structure) 1288 1288 01288 lateral wall of nasopharynx 70988003 S01288 Structure of lateral wall of nasopharynx (body structure) E01288 361937006 Entire lateral wall of nasopharynx (body structure) P01288 Y 54908 P respiratory system 42158C6B97B94516AE409F1B6B6E5BD4 81763C23CB304FA9B70839DBD8D023B5 lateral wall of nasopharynx Entire lateral wall of nasopharynx (body structure) 1289 1289 01289 mucous membrane of nasopharynx 90432007 S01289 Structure of mucous membrane of nasopharynx (body structure) E01289 361938001 Entire mucous membrane of nasopharynx (body structure) P01289 - 54971 P respiratory system DC1F05673CB54985872C1BBED8DEE546 6DDAC3782F69489399423B4912A656F2 mucous membrane of nasopharynx Entire mucous membrane of nasopharynx (body structure) 1290 1290 01290 nasopharyngeal wall 33539000 S01290 Nasopharyngeal wall structure (body structure) E01290 361939009 Entire nasopharyngeal wall (body structure) P01290 - 55034 P respiratory system ADF543038BB44B02A0CF0F8FBC13E004 F92F8B25E6F645E882A561078159EE87 Nasopharyngeal wall Entire nasopharyngeal wall (body structure) 1291 1291 01291 mucous membrane of larynx 71248005 S01291 Structure of mucous membrane of larynx (body structure) E01291 361940006 Entire mucous membrane of larynx (body structure) P01291 - 59662 P respiratory system A811B4D4BEFF4029A6CBA6326631B49D D5CFF9B16D34415BBACD9ED8663B7587 mucous membrane of larynx Entire mucous membrane of larynx (body structure) 1292 1292 01292 submucosa of larynx 52664006 S01292 Structure of submucosa of larynx (body structure) E01292 361941005 Entire submucosa of larynx (body structure) P01292 - 0 P respiratory system DFE769F97B4C4D22B119C8EE449F8B13 3B62D43ACC7146AF8A745911D17BDD8C submucosa of larynx Entire submucosa of larynx (body structure) 1293 1293 01293 fibroelastic membrane of larynx 12892004 S01293 Structure of fibroelastic membrane of larynx (body structure) E01293 361942003 Entire fibroelastic membrane of larynx (body structure) P01293 - 55239 P musculoskeletal system DC2BEED9C60C4F23AF12B2AED081D857 5696FA4082884383BB78F55A0993A162 fibroelastic membrane of larynx Entire fibroelastic membrane of larynx (body structure) 1294 1294 01294 thyrohyoid membrane 52345008 S01294 Thyrohyoid membrane structure (body structure) E01294 361943008 Entire thyrohyoid membrane (body structure) P01294 Y 55132 P musculoskeletal system 7FDB7FD95F484280B8832F3AE24BF8C5 011637A502244869B578628869087286 Thyrohyoid membrane Entire thyrohyoid membrane (body structure) 1295 1295 01295 cricothyroid articulation 70023007 S01295 Cricothyroid articulation structure (body structure) E01295 361944002 Entire cricothyroid articulation (body structure) P01295 Y 55101 P articular system 8B420B81D1074660ACBA9B1E6B767856 074667C0E8C34DD28ADEEB6CB88C5E96 Cricothyroid articulation Entire cricothyroid articulation (body structure) 1296 1296 01296 cricoarytenoid articulation 12207006 S01296 Cricoarytenoid articulation structure (body structure) E01296 361945001 Entire cricoarytenoid articulation (body structure) P01296 Y 55102 P articular system 6EB68BD43C394A1788B72BC2F1FD9A79 7AC4634575764C0691A4A226CDA0A4D2 Cricoarytenoid articulation Entire cricoarytenoid articulation (body structure) 1297 1297 01297 superior laryngeal aperture 917004 S01297 Superior laryngeal aperture structure (body structure) E01297 361946000 Entire superior laryngeal aperture (body structure) P01297 - 55405 P respiratory system 8C240BD16841432EBE487215B5648BED 08C13F37C5794864A99C234FFCB8E133 Superior laryngeal aperture Entire superior laryngeal aperture (body structure) 1298 1298 01298 ventricular fold of larynx 74761005 S01298 Structure of ventricular fold of larynx (body structure) E01298 361947009 Entire ventricular fold of larynx (body structure) P01298 Y 55452 P respiratory system BDEEE29CCD6C4B04BFC662A1DC0E8316 628CB0A2F4A94093A6A9DB5B05F29D73 ventricular fold of larynx Entire ventricular fold of larynx (body structure) 1299 1299 01299 vestibule of larynx 89345000 S01299 Structure of vestibule of larynx (body structure) E01299 361948004 Entire vestibule of larynx (body structure) P01299 - 55406 P respiratory system 302381351B6C4B27AE85A3A6C30A0E8F 389BC930B25A4E95A64973B63DA5999D vestibule of larynx Entire vestibule of larynx (body structure) 1300 1300 01300 ventricle of larynx 1441004 S01300 Structure of ventricle of larynx (body structure) E01300 361949007 Entire ventricle of larynx (body structure) P01300 Y 64171 P respiratory system E94B70492F2E46B3BE7D4014658285A6 D24A00CF1B0D474FBB724778EC5D10B5 ventricle of larynx Entire ventricle of larynx (body structure) 1301 1301 01301 right vocal cord 49533009 S01301 Right vocal cord structure (body structure) E01301 361950007 Entire right vocal cord (body structure) P01301 R P respiratory system 422AB04F4F384E7293EDFABE42CC3297 396C3261AEBB47CCA865EC3FAAB1949E Right vocal cord Entire right vocal cord (body structure) 1302 1302 01302 left vocal cord 53824000 S01302 Left vocal cord structure (body structure) E01302 361951006 Entire left vocal cord (body structure) P01302 L P respiratory system D4154615F89648D78B4ABE4C746203A5 219A93CC9D2A462BA75A286A8C41410C Left vocal cord Entire left vocal cord (body structure) 1303 1303 01303 rima glottidis 68876001 S01303 Rima glottidis structure (body structure) E01303 361952004 Entire rima glottidis (body structure) P01303 - 55472 P respiratory system 1E0BD1E1EC8148529219FE6B2A4F55E8 0F312ECBAB9644BE93F831AC3851FD9D Rima glottidis Entire rima glottidis (body structure) 1304 1304 01304 supraglottis 119255006 S01304 Supraglottis structure (body structure) E01304 361953009 Entire supraglottis (body structure) P01304 372241003 Supraglottis part (body structure) - P respiratory system EAF548C826FA497EB3FC09891AF78368 2DDC2739BEB34442B07B94AD3437FEF2 F2D689E33A834A2E968D7A3FCE2BFCC8 Supraglottis Entire supraglottis (body structure) Supraglottis 1305 1305 01305 tracheal bifurcation 35142004 S01305 Tracheal bifurcation structure (body structure) E01305 361954003 Entire tracheal bifurcation (body structure) P01305 - 7464 P respiratory system 941B74A457424CD28756DF4A52F64CDB 9FBE2DE670CE4AB784F7AB7636BD22E2 Tracheal bifurcation Entire tracheal bifurcation (body structure) 1306 1306 01306 right main bronchus 70074004 S01306 Right main bronchus structure (body structure) E01306 361955002 Entire right main bronchus (body structure) P01306 R 7395 P respiratory system 1286E5A1696C47AF973AE60328274CF7 DD8ACBB0258843E3856CE77916E3E484 Right main bronchus Entire right main bronchus (body structure) 1307 1307 01307 bronchus of right upper lobe 11339004 S01307 Structure of bronchus of right upper lobe (body structure) E01307 361956001 Entire bronchus of right upper lobe (body structure) P01307 R 7397 P respiratory system C8FA7FEA7C7B4E07A705E622CCD61693 C70CD5F00A8549CDBDB8A8FF574FE288 bronchus of right upper lobe Entire bronchus of right upper lobe (body structure) 1308 1308 01308 bronchus of right middle lobe 113250009 S01308 Structure of bronchus of right middle lobe (body structure) E01308 361957005 Entire bronchus of right middle lobe (body structure) P01308 R 7401 P respiratory system ED85799ADDE4448E84E92C8735324024 60E774434B694ED683536E1D89B32828 bronchus of right middle lobe Entire bronchus of right middle lobe (body structure) 1309 1309 01309 bronchus of right lower lobe 64353002 S01309 Structure of bronchus of right lower lobe (body structure) E01309 361958000 Entire bronchus of right lower lobe (body structure) P01309 R 7404 P respiratory system EEF22CF1AE234799A45016A5E3DA6F95 C9D0B16F818C410EB463E14C761CE1CE bronchus of right lower lobe Entire bronchus of right lower lobe (body structure) 1310 1310 01310 left main bronchus 75245000 S01310 Left main bronchus structure (body structure) E01310 361959008 Entire left main bronchus (body structure) P01310 L 7396 P respiratory system 63B2FF1D350F4C188FE2646166343285 8C549415C2C942D2AF593925BD7448F7 Left main bronchus Entire left main bronchus (body structure) 1311 1311 01311 bronchus of left upper lobe 23792002 S01311 Structure of bronchus of left upper lobe (body structure) E01311 361960003 Entire bronchus of left upper lobe (body structure) P01311 L 7423 P respiratory system 2EBB954FF8FB4377AECEC09E6089316F 0A2421ADF3E145B5956141CDC3EB7631 bronchus of left upper lobe Entire bronchus of left upper lobe (body structure) 1312 1312 01312 bronchus of left lower lobe 82407001 S01312 Structure of bronchus of left lower lobe (body structure) E01312 361961004 Entire bronchus of left lower lobe (body structure) P01312 L 7432 P respiratory system 0860E68F4ECE49889263E2B902BF4803 31DF32CEF5B64EB281A9005AE869207D bronchus of left lower lobe Entire bronchus of left lower lobe (body structure) 1314 1314 01314 medial surface of lung 25456000 S01314 Structure of medial surface of lung (body structure) E01314 361963001 Entire medial surface of lung (body structure) P01314 314251003 Part of medial surface of lung (body structure) Y 7323 P respiratory system A3593772B0094FFE99CA7B83848622D0 3F5A6DDD181749B7AADDE4F93C47CC4B 3825A540BB1346FBACC05974BA9B270A medial surface of lung Entire medial surface of lung (body structure) medial surface of lung 1315 1315 01315 alveolar sac of lung 75688003 S01315 Structure of alveolar sac of lung (body structure) E01315 361964007 Entire alveolar sac of lung (body structure) P01315 Y P respiratory system 000E0CC371774441805A2168E42E4A62 69BDF678C2B743F2985653A1916307E9 alveolar sac of lung Entire alveolar sac of lung (body structure) 1316 1316 01316 alveolar wall 64363005 S01316 Alveolar wall structure (body structure) E01316 361965008 Entire alveolar wall (body structure) P01316 Y P respiratory system 3B6ACF8B1E164F5BA289FB2F946759ED 0238AAB213744AF988DE95E9573BA658 Alveolar wall Entire alveolar wall (body structure) 1317 1317 01317 bronchopulmonary segment 72674008 S01317 Bronchopulmonary segment structure (body structure) E01317 361966009 Entire bronchopulmonary segment (body structure) P01317 Y 7312 P respiratory system 18611A1FC8C746AFA5B4194189A09E8C CBBA1BF993EB4F3389C074764F146ADD Bronchopulmonary segment Entire bronchopulmonary segment (body structure) 1318 1318 01318 right lung 3341006 S01318 Right lung structure (body structure) E01318 361967000 Entire right lung (body structure) P01318 Rgroup 7309 D respiratory system 9CD1BDACC3FD40B486BA026BA67B05F9 C6E756252ED941D3B1B792F76989229E Right lung Entire right lung (body structure) Lung which consists of the right upper lobe, middle lobe and right lower lobe. 1319 1319 01319 hilum of right lung 88838000 S01319 Structure of hilum of right lung (body structure) E01319 361968005 Entire hilum of right lung (body structure) P01319 R 7456 P respiratory system A44563A682E84A379F5EFEF04B99E9CF 686A35A35E70421E87939E1BCB78370D hilum of right lung Entire hilum of right lung (body structure) 1320 1320 01320 right upper lobe of lung 42400003 S01320 Structure of right upper lobe of lung (body structure) E01320 361969002 Entire right upper lobe of lung (body structure) P01320 R 7333 P respiratory system 6AC51427D21E466A88BD3A296555C5C4 599CCDF447C84D03A166A62486294487 right upper lobe of lung Entire right upper lobe of lung (body structure) 1321 1321 01321 apical segment of right upper lobe of lung 74896003 S01321 Structure of apical segment of right upper lobe of lung (body structure) E01321 361970001 Entire apical segment of right upper lobe of lung (body structure) P01321 R 7338 P respiratory system F459BAEBFDF748BDA468AED2EE838686 56FA025AC9A549BC99EEF7141E9215A5 apical segment of right upper lobe of lung Entire apical segment of right upper lobe of lung (body structure) 1322 1322 01322 posterior segment of right upper lobe of lung 3236000 S01322 Structure of posterior segment of right upper lobe of lung (body structure) E01322 361971002 Entire posterior segment of right upper lobe of lung (body structure) P01322 R 7339 P respiratory system F1ADA86E2D1D4EEBA964D9D5A0D849F9 88CCA17E1F00489F91C09A03B043C27B posterior segment of right upper lobe of lung Entire posterior segment of right upper lobe of lung (body structure) 1323 1323 01323 anterior segment of right upper lobe of lung 39743006 S01323 Structure of anterior segment of right upper lobe of lung (body structure) E01323 361972009 Entire anterior segment of right upper lobe of lung (body structure) P01323 R 7359 P respiratory system 31DC1009284047F58E349757A57848BB 86B313B344DE4B34BD4BE714F7C4E883 anterior segment of right upper lobe of lung Entire anterior segment of right upper lobe of lung (body structure) 1324 1324 01324 right middle lobe of lung 72481006 S01324 Structure of right middle lobe of lung (body structure) E01324 361973004 Entire right middle lobe of lung (body structure) P01324 R P respiratory system F0F0966A5A3D4BD6BD3D90CF5B48C15C 068AF7F22D964D5C9D3EFA137D1930BA right middle lobe of lung Entire right middle lobe of lung (body structure) 1325 1325 01325 lateral segment of right middle lobe of lung 42000008 S01325 Structure of lateral segment of right middle lobe of lung (body structure) E01325 361974005 Entire lateral segment of right middle lobe of lung (body structure) P01325 R 7361 P respiratory system 48B900E0ABBE408096DD6A37F03ECF98 8D089AFCDA6F4A60A911F6ABEB8A0A7E lateral segment of right middle lobe of lung Entire lateral segment of right middle lobe of lung (body structure) 1326 1326 01326 medial segment of right middle lobe of lung 34604003 S01326 Structure of medial segment of right middle lobe of lung (body structure) E01326 361975006 Entire medial segment of right middle lobe of lung (body structure) P01326 R 7360 P respiratory system 0B46CAF62E0C49B8A14ED6EF2BAB2D8E E4C678568B434089B003B16267B24854 medial segment of right middle lobe of lung Entire medial segment of right middle lobe of lung (body structure) 1327 1327 01327 right lower lobe of lung 266005 S01327 Structure of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) E01327 361976007 Entire right lower lobe of lung (body structure) P01327 R 7337 P respiratory system 67FF0F31D20646FA8B08BD16723FBCB7 3A66F9AA2A8A4B67B1772E7EE47341C9 right lower lobe of lung Entire right lower lobe of lung (body structure) 1328 1328 01328 apical segment of right lower lobe of lung 3788008 S01328 Structure of apical segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) E01328 361977003 Entire apical segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) P01328 R 7366 P respiratory system 51ED2D39288842819AEC3F3E98D8E011 E5E33C3BEC52438894A120D4E4AF7A16 apical segment of right lower lobe of lung Entire apical segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) 1329 1329 01329 anterior basal segment of right lower lobe of lung 11098002 S01329 Structure of anterior basal segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) E01329 361978008 Entire anterior basal segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) P01329 R 7364 P respiratory system 3778F2852F5A498B85D76DF3EF391C31 5A3A5C059B7C4D6B91DE48E271368FFF anterior basal segment of right lower lobe of lung Entire anterior basal segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) 1330 1330 01330 lateral basal segment of right lower lobe of lung 74932000 S01330 Structure of lateral basal segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) E01330 361979000 Entire lateral basal segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) P01330 R 7363 P respiratory system 5D298428412C49489CE52E970BF42154 A05D6D5E531948448A47B4C97E6D4E62 lateral basal segment of right lower lobe of lung Entire lateral basal segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) 1331 1331 01331 posterior basal segment of right lower lobe of lung 16057008 S01331 Structure of posterior basal segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) E01331 361980002 Entire posterior basal segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) P01331 R 7362 P respiratory system 3131AFBBE0D142C09785A6A804CF0A08 9DA06B2C1BE142F2AEF66430E990DD32 posterior basal segment of right lower lobe of lung Entire posterior basal segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) 1332 1332 01332 subapical segment of right lower lobe of lung 27154009 S01332 Structure of subapical segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) E01332 361981003 Entire subapical segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) P01332 R P respiratory system 2A15EED713F64B5A88D074814FE23CD2 58E873CB706A470D80F4E414EC8DA385 subapical segment of right lower lobe of lung Entire subapical segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) 1333 1333 01333 left lung 44029006 S01333 Left lung structure (body structure) E01333 361982005 Entire left lung (body structure) P01333 Lgroup 7310 D respiratory system 760DAFE43086419EAE986D8DC070C668 9333B1CE7D8C4ED4A45D0FFDBF52BF1C Left lung Entire left lung (body structure) Lung which consists of the left upper lobe and left lower lobe. 1334 1334 01334 hilum of left lung 1650005 S01334 Structure of hilum of left lung (body structure) E01334 361983000 Entire hilum of left lung (body structure) P01334 L 9751 P respiratory system 585AA419CA31405A9D16D4875AEDDE0D AF1AA8A8217C47928798CEB83BB38BA3 hilum of left lung Entire hilum of left lung (body structure) 1335 1335 01335 left upper lobe of lung 44714003 S01335 Structure of left upper lobe of lung (body structure) E01335 361984006 Entire left upper lobe of lung (body structure) P01335 L 7370 P respiratory system 30025CE24E3D4706BB4CC3F26CC0D139 33BEDC4CD38946578E90741F8C3B4D77 left upper lobe of lung Entire left upper lobe of lung (body structure) 1336 1336 01336 apicoposterior segment of upper division of left upper lobe of lung 14710002 S01336 Structure of apicoposterior segment of upper division of left upper lobe of lung (body structure) E01336 361985007 Entire apicoposterior segment of upper division of left upper lobe of lung (body structure) P01336 L 7372 P respiratory system 0D18F144C6B94D2081AB2D0C79156373 B057F099245948D3BB608F643C762410 apicoposterior segment of upper division of left upper lobe of lung Entire apicoposterior segment of upper division of left upper lobe of lung (body structure) 1337 1337 01337 anterior segment of upper division of left upper lobe of lung 22270008 S01337 Structure of anterior segment of upper division of left upper lobe of lung (body structure) E01337 361986008 Entire anterior segment of upper division of left upper lobe of lung (body structure) P01337 L 7373 P respiratory system 226084CF47064636B2B84B373C0A5ED9 42F613671107472B9B21E186F0FF3678 anterior segment of upper division of left upper lobe of lung Entire anterior segment of upper division of left upper lobe of lung (body structure) 1338 1338 01338 superior segment of lower division of left upper lobe of lung 41479000 S01338 Structure of superior segment of lower division of left upper lobe of lung (body structure) E01338 264219002 Superior lingular segment (body structure) P01338 L 7374 P respiratory system 6ACE97ADB0BD4AB9AF054BBF3C9E6B62 14C1CBA182084C64A56D0447647F7B34 superior segment of lower division of left upper lobe of lung Entire superior segment of lower division of left upper lobe of lung (body structure) 1339 1339 01339 inferior segment of lower division of left upper lobe of lung 66070001 S01339 Structure of inferior segment of lower division of left upper lobe of lung (body structure) E01339 264033005 Inferior lingular segment (body structure) P01339 L 7375 P respiratory system 2A244D8E649041D4BE1B2CC60E9624D6 803A426766C84C8788266DE22CA8E03B inferior segment of lower division of left upper lobe of lung Entire inferior segment of lower division of left upper lobe of lung (body structure) 1340 1340 01340 left lower lobe of lung 41224006 S01340 Structure of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) E01340 361989001 Entire left lower lobe of lung (body structure) P01340 L 7371 P respiratory system 7D05E88EA74C425EB53E8060C8C297B7 DA6F878D095F4C129950B541D0248F49 left lower lobe of lung Entire left lower lobe of lung (body structure) 1341 1341 01341 superior segment of left lower lobe of lung 12212007 S01341 Structure of superior segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) E01341 361990005 Entire superior segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) P01341 L 7376 P respiratory system 472DBAAD016348CC82774D7C53BAF481 515926525DAD48D8932C98F3478430D1 superior segment of left lower lobe of lung Entire superior segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) 1342 1342 01342 anterior basal segment of left lower lobe of lung 63215004 S01342 Structure of anterior basal segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) E01342 361991009 Entire anterior basal segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) P01342 L 7378 P respiratory system 160E45B073174D749FA3F38AC2AB8C38 A459A604D5F84AF7A320EA8F55D9D765 anterior basal segment of left lower lobe of lung Entire anterior basal segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) 1343 1343 01343 lateral basal segment of left lower lobe of lung 15512001 S01343 Structure of lateral basal segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) E01343 361992002 Entire lateral basal segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) P01343 L 7379 P respiratory system A20547913EFB45E2B38E39DE151227CA C9191C220E90414FB7F6481BE5854911 lateral basal segment of left lower lobe of lung Entire lateral basal segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) 1344 1344 01344 posterior basal segment of left lower lobe of lung 46148009 S01344 Structure of posterior basal segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) E01344 361993007 Entire posterior basal segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) P01344 L 7380 P respiratory system 713647D8AC5A43FD9F4C84BD57D92E55 3545FEC0608D4BF3A02D7BB87861A6F0 posterior basal segment of left lower lobe of lung Entire posterior basal segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) 1345 1345 01345 medial basal segment of left lower lobe of lung 90382001 S01345 Structure of medial basal segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) E01345 361994001 Entire medial basal segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) P01345 L 7377 P respiratory system 51EBBA1C58BB4A57A9317597A28AA25D AF4D166AE98F498D885C777406C6329F medial basal segment of left lower lobe of lung Entire medial basal segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) 1346 1346 01346 subapical segment of left lower lobe of lung 21440004 S01346 Structure of subapical segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) E01346 361995000 Entire subapical segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) P01346 L P respiratory system 4CBAF2FB7A894255B69F1CFCED15AFC8 3D232CA650754070A9D523C790DE8008 subapical segment of left lower lobe of lung Entire subapical segment of left lower lobe of lung (body structure) 1347 1347 01347 pleural sac 116006008 S01347 Pleural sac structure (body structure) E01347 361996004 Entire pleural sac (body structure) P01347 Y 9690 P respiratory system FE3071C9D5B34F09A86B60A225AD4AD2 E2FCE8ADC3C445668258B4214E0FE8FA Pleural sac Entire pleural sac (body structure) Serous sac, which has as parts the pleura and the pleural cavity. Examples: There are only two canonical instances, right and left pleural sacs. 1348 1348 01348 visceral pleura 81623005 S01348 Visceral pleura structure (body structure) E01348 361997008 Entire visceral pleura (body structure) P01348 Y 9734 P respiratory system 8CD9699BA296458DB1FEC1635D3D2D93 96A724EB4E0B4719A54F9DA6BAF49906 Visceral pleura Entire visceral pleura (body structure) Visceral serous membrane which is continuous with the parietal pleura and is attached to the parenchyma of lobe of lung. 1349 1349 01349 parietal pleura 80338007 S01349 Parietal pleura structure (body structure) E01349 361998003 Entire parietal pleura (body structure) P01349 Y 9733 P respiratory system 431153BF63094CCEA9B9EFF9241482AB BC1100BCFD85496CBAC5DDA852635CB4 Parietal pleura Entire parietal pleura (body structure) Parietal serous membrane which is continuous with the visceral pleura and is attached to the dome of the diaphragm. 1350 1350 01350 pleural cavity 91381003 S01350 Pleural cavity structure (body structure) E01350 361999006 Entire pleural cavity (body structure) P01350 Y 9740 P respiratory system 5C911B59835C478A891614F5E3938252 04A7D4459D9441A7AFC27CB72B1DD76B Pleural cavity Entire pleural cavity (body structure) Cavity of serous sac surropunded by the pleura. 1351 1351 01351 right pleura 44788007 S01351 Right pleura structure (body structure) E01351 362000000 Entire right pleura (body structure) P01351 R P respiratory system 935DB3C3A62049F3804099D8959579C5 F0223244F59F459C98FD9DCFBAD7CAA2 Right pleura Entire right pleura (body structure) 1352 1352 01352 left pleura 53727004 S01352 Left pleura structure (body structure) E01352 362001001 Entire left pleura (body structure) P01352 L P respiratory system 94F790A59BA944D0838DDE6F148809C5 08CE3849E8464F9F88427809AF3FEA5C Left pleura Entire left pleura (body structure) 1353 1353 01353 mediastinal pleura 27416003 S01353 Mediastinal pleura structure (body structure) E01353 362002008 Entire mediastinal pleura (body structure) P01353 Y 9736 P respiratory system 1F91B22C74AA445C9E5CEBEDE8351371 210D1F8482F74443927E1BE471F659A0 Mediastinal pleura Entire mediastinal pleura (body structure) 1354 1354 01354 endothoracic fascia 64747004 S01354 Endothoracic fascia structure (body structure) E01354 362003003 Entire endothoracic fascia (body structure) P01354 - 9732 P musculoskeletal system E511CFD2729840D5B8D9B30F6312E4B0 E6515176897D412FA48B4CFD258C3271 Endothoracic fascia Entire endothoracic fascia (body structure) 1355 1355 01355 systemic circulatory system 51840005 S01355 Systemic circulatory system structure (body structure) E01355 362004009 Entire systemic circulatory system (body structure) P01355 - P cardiovascular system 5342BE50094B4FFA8A6583DAE2641424 1C6A5A240D5E4E81942693412187B31D Systemic circulatory system Entire systemic circulatory system (body structure) 1356 1356 01356 cardiopulmonary circulatory system 480000 S01356 Cardiopulmonary circulatory system structure (body structure) E01356 362005005 Entire cardiopulmonary circulatory system (body structure) P01356 - P cardiovascular system D8DFF057EFCC4B1F8973A7D1A0DCF71D C95EEA30ACC944F993898D0514CE25E0 Cardiopulmonary circulatory system Entire cardiopulmonary circulatory system (body structure) 1357 1357 01357 peripheral vascular system 51833009 S01357 Peripheral vascular system structure (body structure) E01357 362006006 Entire peripheral vascular system (body structure) P01357 - P cardiovascular system 25171DD2DB45486E8875DD3375E77029 876C7B5CED5A4153A5A24D02968BEC9F Peripheral vascular system Entire peripheral vascular system (body structure) 1358 1358 01358 right side of heart 79561009 S01358 Structure of right side of heart (body structure) E01358 362007002 Entire right side of heart (body structure) P01358 - 7165 R P cardiovascular system CD82200A64EA46E2B08778E9ECC5B82F 5C4742E5662F44EAAEA5F42F8B0F4002 right side of heart Entire right side of heart (body structure) Region of heart which has as its parts the right atrium and right ventricle. 1359 1359 01359 left side of heart 17398003 S01359 Structure of left side of heart (body structure) E01359 362008007 Entire left side of heart (body structure) P01359 - 7166 L P cardiovascular system 256319443DA54C4598B3548AF8ADE9BC D7E357F1D73F493B9995433D95646E67 left side of heart Entire left side of heart (body structure) Region of heart which has as its parts the left atrium and left ventricle. 1360 1360 01360 apex of heart 13383001 S01360 Structure of apex of heart (body structure) E01360 362009004 Entire apex of heart (body structure) P01360 - 7164 P cardiovascular system 07005E648BF24E179C33F8A39E9F4CBB F2B733855BDA4332BD1BBE97D40261A3 apex of heart Entire apex of heart (body structure) 1361 1361 01361 heart and pericardium 409708007 S01361 Heart AND pericardium structure (body structure) E01361 362010009 Entire heart AND pericardium (body structure) P01361 - P respiratory system 82FA6A3F67EA415392BBEED93E45FA02 F0106363F6234431B92E60639F2CAED8 Heart AND pericardium Entire heart AND pericardium (body structure) 1362 1362 01362 surface of heart 91044007 S01362 Structure of surface of heart (body structure) E01362 362011008 Entire surface of heart (body structure) P01362 - 7167 P cardiovascular system 0F4846FBE54F4A65A1769EF1C37B4C75 14A6B863D5824952885AD1ADDF293F1A surface of heart Entire surface of heart (body structure) 1363 1363 01363 myocardium 74281007 S01363 Myocardium structure (body structure) E01363 362012001 Entire myocardium (body structure) P01363 - 9462 P cardiovascular system C9B6BAB0E0BF475FA92D0AA561FE6631 CF896CF5585F45FEA6234C88528904FE Myocardium Entire myocardium (body structure) Muscle layer of organ which has as its parts the myocardium proper and the conducting system of the heart. 1364 1364 01364 endocardium 37949006 S01364 Endocardium structure (body structure) E01364 362013006 Entire endocardium (body structure) P01364 - 7280 P cardiovascular system 326DFF62DF81499E8D152775723C1DF7 EF36C4AD9084400984F3B02CF686BE35 Endocardium Entire endocardium (body structure) Tunica intima which has as its parts the endothelium of endocardium and the fibroelastic connective tissue that surrounds the cavity of a cardiac chamber. 1365 1365 01365 cardiac septum 10746000 S01365 Cardiac septum structure (body structure) E01365 362014000 Entire cardiac septum (body structure) P01365 - 7180 P cardiovascular system 662F5261603E4AD4BD8536D884C713A6 6CF3EFC4D49D4617BFD3E06D8AE28EEC Cardiac septum Entire cardiac septum (body structure) Septum of organ which has as its parts the membranous and muscular parts that separates the right side of the heart from the left side of the heart. 1366 1366 01366 foramen ovale of heart 77534003 S01366 Structure of foramen ovale of heart (body structure) E01366 362015004 Entire foramen ovale of heart (body structure) P01366 - 86043 P cardiovascular system 43790D9EC0EA471DBF31935AB721BF96 6AC83A2D67994338BB7751D21ED69533 foramen ovale of heart Entire foramen ovale of heart (body structure) 1367 1367 01367 interatrial septum 58095006 S01367 Interatrial septum structure (body structure) E01367 362016003 Entire interatrial septum (body structure) P01367 - 7108 P cardiovascular system 005A5E6F0F914CF88F6055E6AA7E205B D1FB526B895B42C69EEB31E4D93622E4 Interatrial septum Entire interatrial septum (body structure) Cardiac septum which separates the right atrium from the left atrium. 1368 1368 01368 septum primum 70291006 S01368 Septum primum structure (body structure) E01368 362017007 Entire septum primum (body structure) P01368 - 63909 P cardiovascular system A13E40B773EE421086A59EC289EDA827 5814127279F44B09BDB5B7FF49A7D40F Septum primum Entire septum primum (body structure) 1369 1369 01369 myocardium of right atrium 27295003 S01369 Structure of myocardium of right atrium (body structure) E01369 362018002 Entire myocardium of right atrium (body structure) P01369 - 83531 R P cardiovascular system 55B67F9BDA29489FAC1605B0FF58436E D96AC38C360949D4A0510AE5B66CA700 myocardium of right atrium Entire myocardium of right atrium (body structure) Myocardium of atrium which consists of the myocardium proper and the conducting system of the the right atrium that is continuous with the tunica media of superior and inferior vena cavae. 1370 1370 01370 interventricular septum 589001 S01370 Interventricular septum structure (body structure) E01370 362019005 Entire interventricular septum (body structure) P01370 - 7133 P cardiovascular system 9388BCB91A3C4E539D82F5E3F439D034 DD04460771FB48059FE4CD656100F5AB Interventricular septum Entire interventricular septum (body structure) Cardiac septum which separates the right ventricle from the left ventricle. 1371 1371 01371 myocardium of right ventricle 22050009 S01371 Structure of myocardium of right ventricle (body structure) E01371 362020004 Entire myocardium of right ventricle (body structure) P01371 - 9535 R P cardiovascular system AC00DEB51B884280B78FD9C02D851187 859FB6439A814F90A17B508D6F400C71 myocardium of right ventricle Entire myocardium of right ventricle (body structure) Myocardium of ventricle which is continuous with the tunica media of the pulmonary trunk. 1372 1372 01372 myocardium of left ventricle 49848007 S01372 Structure of myocardium of left ventricle (body structure) E01372 362021000 Entire myocardium of left ventricle (body structure) P01372 - 9558 L P cardiovascular system 758E52A264A44737A92D32E476C2CB71 B98ECAB9E0A54B0B8F256B9D719E19C9 myocardium of left ventricle Entire myocardium of left ventricle (body structure) Myocardium of ventricle which is continuous with the tunica media of aorta. 1373 1373 01373 atrioventricular bundle 345000 S01373 Atrioventricular bundle structure (body structure) E01373 362022007 Entire atrioventricular bundle (body structure) P01373 - 9484 P cardiovascular system D28D459FE4034665937D634643E3A34C 7305BAB16F77403798A7F243AF8B3B3F Atrioventricular bundle Entire atrioventricular bundle (body structure) Subdivision of conducting system of heart which consists of the atrial part and the ventricular part of the atrioventricular bundle and is the direct continuation of the atrioventricular node. 1374 1374 01374 right atrioventricular ostium 90561006 S01374 Right atrioventricular ostium structure (body structure) E01374 362023002 Entire right atrioventricular ostium (body structure) P01374 - R P cardiovascular system A33A01DFE67948FB94BEA9D5665BC0AC 7717DE39D2444AACB14C713BCD73F367 Right atrioventricular ostium Entire right atrioventricular ostium (body structure) 1375 1375 01375 cusp of pulmonic valve 31689007 S01375 Structure of cusp of pulmonic valve (body structure) E01375 362024008 Entire cusp of pulmonic valve (body structure) P01375 - 7248 P cardiovascular system 752419FD5D1C4476BC2C1AD655E176BE DB4278B9AE5B49FEBE0F4FAA2BBDE7B1 cusp of pulmonic valve Entire cusp of pulmonic valve (body structure) Organ component which is attached to the semilunar fibrous scallop of pulmonary valve anulus. 1376 1376 01376 mitral valve ostium 13986000 S01376 Mitral valve ostium structure (body structure) E01376 362025009 Entire mitral valve ostium (body structure) P01376 - P cardiovascular system 284C5C53AF0C4E0C9BCDD1DDFF64B937 29C3BAFAC8354242A2EAFD2700F6A0F8 Mitral valve ostium Entire mitral valve ostium (body structure) 1377 1377 01377 cusp of aortic valve 81797008 S01377 Structure of cusp of aortic valve (body structure) E01377 362026005 Entire cusp of aortic valve (body structure) P01377 - 7251 P cardiovascular system 8A727AD3A46945FBA22609CD80EAE608 C6E35BDCBD66430DB42F1941FBD268B3 cusp of aortic valve Entire cusp of aortic valve (body structure) Cusp of cardiac valve which is attached to the semilunar fibrous scallop of aortic valve anulus. 1378 1378 01378 pericardial cavity 25489000 S01378 Pericardial cavity structure (body structure) E01378 362027001 Entire pericardial cavity (body structure) P01378 - 11350 P cardiovascular system 7BD7857F68F846348A22689D1FF9D8D3 4070E09B464C4C2EB80E89D4B112698F Pericardial cavity Entire pericardial cavity (body structure) Cavity of serous sac surrounded by serous pericardium. 1379 1379 01379 pericardial sac 24949005 S01379 Pericardial sac structure (body structure) E01379 361326002 Entire pericardial sac (body structure) P01379 - 9868 P cardiovascular system 42D584FEFF6A469D8FDCD2740E3963A5 F225397B0E614254899078CD008BD613 Pericardial sac Entire pericardial sac (body structure) Serous sac, which has as parts the serous pericardium and the pericardial cavity. 1380 1380 01380 large blood vessel 42586008 S01380 Large blood vessel structure (body structure) E01380 362028006 Entire large blood vessel (organ) (body structure) P01380 - P cardiovascular system CB684F6283384512A95DA9A6FA994BDD DA46CFA0E18A44849EDE4F5BF3ECB70C Large blood vessel Entire large blood vessel (organ) (body structure) 1381 1381 01381 cerebrovascular system 28661005 S01381 Cerebrovascular system structure (body structure) E01381 362029003 Entire cerebrovascular system (body structure) P01381 - P cardiovascular system FF5F7A5D83B24930BB7EC3421078746C B5F1D16F3ADD496D8051FBBB9E169C81 Cerebrovascular system Entire cerebrovascular system (body structure) 1382 1382 01382 arterial system 11527006 S01382 Arterial system structure (body structure) E01382 362030008 Entire arterial system (body structure) P01382 - P arterial system D86344B6E2904378864D9C9A5FF00D2A DB6265AD391640CC8A6D530929E72A03 Arterial system Entire arterial system (body structure) 1383 1383 01383 aortic tunica intima 84206009 S01383 Aortic tunica intima structure (body structure) E01383 362031007 Entire aortic tunica intima (body structure) P01383 - 74419 P arterial system 2A49ADF7AF17465398EDE095CF006FF2 B4B32264048741ADB81ACE06525DF805 Aortic tunica intima Entire aortic tunica intima (body structure) 1384 1384 01384 supraaortic valve area 8128003 S01384 Supraaortic valve area structure (body structure) E01384 362032000 Entire supraaortic valve area (body structure) P01384 - 3740 P arterial system 04F44EC7C6B4466783F0A85E57FB7D51 CFE342D3052B4F2AA3957C7551AB656E Supraaortic valve area Entire supraaortic valve area (body structure) 1385 1385 01385 terminal aorta 12424003 S01385 Terminal aorta structure (body structure) E01385 362033005 Entire terminal aorta (body structure) P01385 - 3794 P arterial system AD7E04788C274FC2814B540F25BCA4DB EF3D1B8D38E44C31BEB34967D2A2926F Terminal aorta Entire terminal aorta (body structure) 1386 1386 01386 left coronary artery 50018008 S01386 Left coronary artery structure (body structure) E01386 362034004 Entire left coronary artery (body structure) P01386 - 3855 L P cardiovascular system E30D5868F3C344EE9B589B5FD8ED4CB8 6354762894534C04BBCA487581851CDF Left coronary artery Entire left coronary artery (body structure) 1387 1387 01387 anterior descending branch of left coronary artery 59438005 S01387 Structure of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E01387 362035003 Entire anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P01387 - 74912 L P arterial system 545F7DFEA61948E9B8CE03D3F384F5E5 F261287A34834344B31D5F3120C92061 anterior descending branch of left coronary artery Entire anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 1388 1388 01388 circumflex branch of left coronary artery 57396003 S01388 Structure of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E01388 362036002 Entire circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P01388 - 74923 L P arterial system 8671E0F6C9E740A59B417AF14D0A27A6 08CF5938AD034094BCAAA4CB79E4E379 circumflex branch of left coronary artery Entire circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 1389 1389 01389 right coronary artery 13647002 S01389 Right coronary artery structure (body structure) E01389 362037006 Entire right coronary artery (body structure) P01389 - 3802 R P cardiovascular system 564211121A3D451D9E7A9DC6F2754B00 1F1C8AF3DEFF43E5BF1AEF4D8E139D60 Right coronary artery Entire right coronary artery (body structure) 1390 1390 01390 suprapulmonic valve area 79142001 S01390 Suprapulmonic valve area structure (body structure) E01390 362038001 Entire suprapulmonic valve area (body structure) P01390 - P respiratory system 5822DC7B711645A99C4662C728164B5D B1445A7CAFA9400FBEF1E26A9FF8C03C Suprapulmonic valve area Entire suprapulmonic valve area (body structure) 1391 1391 01391 trunk of pulmonary artery 45341000 S01391 Structure of trunk of pulmonary artery (body structure) E01391 362039009 Entire trunk of pulmonary artery (body structure) P01391 - 8612 P respiratory system E105C7722F434FC5B2D40C56CD5073BC 6C8791D2A9E748FEA9B35124CD2F9D4F trunk of pulmonary artery Entire trunk of pulmonary artery (body structure) Pulmonary arterial trunk which is continuous with the right ventricle. 1392 1392 01392 carotid artery 69105007 S01392 Carotid artery structure (body structure) E01392 362040006 Entire carotid artery (body structure) P01392 Y P arterial system D243F8ED8B2A4D9D93D5F2A6288FFF4A EA1842F7BB0F42D6BA920639D6332B07 Carotid artery Entire carotid artery (body structure) 1393 1393 01393 common carotid artery 32062004 S01393 Common carotid artery structure (body structure) E01393 362041005 Entire common carotid artery (body structure) P01393 Y 69323 P arterial system F23C6481A97842DEAAD9DD46172F16A3 7F6620F6C3E84537AEDCEB2B2FB9C6CD Common carotid artery Entire common carotid artery (body structure) 1394 1394 01394 right common carotid artery 65355003 S01394 Right common carotid artery structure (body structure) E01394 362042003 Entire right common carotid artery (body structure) P01394 R 69325 P cardiovascular system B82D39220F3844E5A170B863B1D796E7 9BED94B05DC44C6CB6B5FBB0A5C0CAEF Right common carotid artery Entire right common carotid artery (body structure) 1395 1395 01395 left common carotid artery 113263003 S01395 Left common carotid artery structure (body structure) E01395 362043008 Entire left common carotid artery (body structure) P01395 L 69326 P cardiovascular system 0955CD47842B439BBA162B3F9FA4BBC1 720B0BA6A603439FB8D153A65F6BBBCB Left common carotid artery Entire left common carotid artery (body structure) 1396 1396 01396 external carotid artery 22286001 S01396 External carotid artery structure (body structure) E01396 362044002 Entire external carotid artery (body structure) P01396 Y 66530 P arterial system DF7AEE152AEF4719B70E0EACC976DFD2 AC09EB51475B4C76AE037EEF1F7FE19E External carotid artery Entire external carotid artery (body structure) 1397 1397 01397 internal carotid artery 86117002 S01397 Internal carotid artery structure (body structure) E01397 362045001 Entire internal carotid artery (body structure) P01397 Y 69315 P arterial system 934D88855DB04062B8E62EB6C0425796 6AB779E5CC0941369CD872F0B9C44685 Internal carotid artery Entire internal carotid artery (body structure) 1398 1398 01398 petrous portion of internal carotid artery 72303005 S01398 Structure of petrous portion of internal carotid artery (body structure) E01398 362046000 Entire petrous portion of internal carotid artery (body structure) P01398 Y 70512 P arterial system 006F4103AB974A70B8F0435652D6F792 8D14FF383B4243429DA45CA3E3CD9EE4 petrous portion of internal carotid artery Entire petrous portion of internal carotid artery (body structure) Segment of the internal carotid artery from the entrance to the carotid canal to the petrolingual ligament. Bouthillier segments C2 and C3. 1399 1399 01399 circle of Willis 11279006 S01399 Structure of circle of Willis (body structure) E01399 362047009 Entire circle of Willis (body structure) P01399 - 50454 P arterial system 78F235C9B3E44DD387BC743EF58E3F83 8CA5662FC4A044008F4D90E3C2844297 circle of Willis Entire circle of Willis (body structure) 1400 1400 01400 superior mesenteric artery 42258001 S01400 Superior mesenteric artery structure (body structure) E01400 362048004 Entire superior mesenteric artery (body structure) P01400 - 66358 P cardiovascular system C56D07F1472B4AD5859FD5BE3EEC0548 D4B7C459255A467D8A8BE48A81BF9573 Superior mesenteric artery Entire superior mesenteric artery (body structure) 1401 1401 01401 glomerular capillary 79868006 S01401 Glomerular capillaries structure (body structure) E01401 362049007 Entire glomerular capillaries (body structure) P01401 Y P cardiovascular system B9487E76B5F34769BE826E0A611B4C31 9754D39F4547412B8FFEBA01613CA7F5 Glomerular capillaries Entire glomerular capillaries (body structure) 1402 1402 01402 common iliac artery 73634005 S01402 Common iliac artery structure (body structure) E01402 362050007 Entire common iliac artery (body structure) P01402 Y 69382 P cardiovascular system A25A1A75ECB845E1BCB07B2D747A8A3F 799E051C22134846B06A0C67812E5F6F Common iliac artery Entire common iliac artery (body structure) 1403 1403 01403 superficial palmar arch 26818002 S01403 Superficial palmar arch structure (body structure) E01403 362051006 Entire superficial palmar arch (body structure) P01403 Y 22834 P cardiovascular system 15020A91F7A84D7C9CE8AE97F50C2533 289FFAB3281648389754BFADCB39A6B6 Superficial palmar arch Entire superficial palmar arch (body structure) 1404 1404 01404 arterial rete of elbow joint 64388002 S01404 Structure of arterial rete of elbow joint (body structure) E01404 362052004 Entire arterial rete of elbow joint (body structure) P01404 Y 77442 P arterial system 9BBDAC961FC44273834BCFF83C9E52A8 9AF26E49B8164D61A1007EEE4BB85C0A arterial rete of elbow joint Entire arterial rete of elbow joint (body structure) 1405 1405 01405 left popliteal artery 25885001 S01405 Left popliteal artery structure (body structure) E01405 362053009 Entire left popliteal artery (body structure) P01405 L 22530 P arterial system D28F18446BC64922B5D93461E1C65D98 81EBA057FFC5499EB4C2915CAF361C67 Left popliteal artery Entire left popliteal artery (body structure) 1406 1406 01406 arterial network of knee 60329002 S01406 Structure of arterial network of knee (body structure) E01406 362054003 Entire arterial network of knee (body structure) P01406 Y 44676 P arterial system 216561BAC2004129A9C9B173C971D3AE F9ECA420856F41B1BB7717EEF7B1F324 arterial network of knee Entire arterial network of knee (body structure) 1407 1407 01407 plantar arterial arch 83018002 S01407 Plantar arterial arch structure (body structure) E01407 362055002 Entire plantar arterial arch (body structure) P01407 Y 43942 P arterial system 95D8621DB24143E38B6CF4B6E0EA0F52 26140098EAB04A20B6DD3E4E0864BC3F Plantar arterial arch Entire plantar arterial arch (body structure) 1408 1408 01408 medial malleolar arterial network 14344007 S01408 Medial malleolar arterial network structure (body structure) E01408 362056001 Entire medial malleolar arterial network (body structure) P01408 Y 69733 P arterial system 5A8C8A20DE084CA6B8DDB918F6FAD479 D0075B53F9934EC98A099F5C59CCF011 Medial malleolar arterial network Entire medial malleolar arterial network (body structure) 1409 1409 01409 lateral malleolar arterial network 32679006 S01409 Lateral malleolar arterial network structure (body structure) E01409 362057005 Entire lateral malleolar arterial network (body structure) P01409 Y 69734 P arterial system A5F4EAC60953424FAFFA377B4D8CA980 0DFFE1A96CEE4D1C822C7EC7851BC716 Lateral malleolar arterial network Entire lateral malleolar arterial network (body structure) 1410 1410 01410 arcuate artery 83382004 S01410 Structure of arcuate artery of leg (body structure) E01410 244331005 Entire arcuate artery (body structure) P01410 Y 69496 P arterial system FE6E0E361BFD446C8A1ACBCB4CE6E6FF 414B7E85456C4CB5AC2548DBFAEA9D87 arcuate artery of leg Entire arcuate artery (body structure) 1411 1411 01411 wall of vein 29600002 S01411 Structure of wall of vein (body structure) E01411 362059008 Entire wall of vein (body structure) P01411 - 14159 P cardiovascular system 5A31891485434BB99F0E9B61EDC2C21A F36679B9A41E4909B63431DD734B9DD9 wall of vein Entire wall of vein (body structure) 1412 1412 01412 venous system 119553000 S01412 Venous system structure (body structure) E01412 362060003 Entire venous system (body structure) P01412 - P venous system 74D81BCB9BB9486C919FB50CDDC2FCE0 78C4864D044F433E8191D3C0BFA170AA Venous system Entire venous system (body structure) 1413 1413 01413 vertebral venous system 72952000 S01413 Vertebral venous system structure (body structure) E01413 362061004 Entire vertebral venous system (body structure) P01413 - P venous system 644CD1904441443B922DB062334EA193 D11A62B348EF4BAEAD6FBF065795EAAE Vertebral venous system Entire vertebral venous system (body structure) 1414 1414 01414 venous portion of cardiopulmonary circulatory system 64401006 S01414 Structure of venous portion of cardiopulmonary circulatory system (body structure) E01414 362062006 Entire venous portion of cardiopulmonary circulatory system (body structure) P01414 - P venous system 83D46C93B9684ADDA85018930FC6F9BD BB977CB348064F478480F6C9A6C0C727 venous portion of cardiopulmonary circulatory system Entire venous portion of cardiopulmonary circulatory system (body structure) 1415 1415 01415 portal venous system 86763002 S01415 Portal venous system structure (body structure) E01415 362063001 Entire portal venous system (body structure) P01415 - 45628 P venous system 499B69AAAE1D453EA5031317864C9A3B 9E8263E63909426DA835CB3DE7CAB235 Portal venous system Entire portal venous system (body structure) 1417 1417 01417 venous system of upper limb 80354005 S01417 Structure of venous system of upper extremity (body structure) E01417 362065008 Entire venous system of upper extremity (body structure) P01417 Y P venous system A863E4B3A7DA434B8999EBA6E9DC7F03 811A0278EFF44635B2DF16E51D0E8CEB venous system of upper extremity Entire venous system of upper extremity (body structure) 1418 1418 01418 superficial venous system of upper limb 88010007 S01418 Structure of superficial venous system of upper extremity (body structure) E01418 362066009 Entire superficial venous system of upper extremity (body structure) P01418 Y P venous system D9EEA6D0AA304154ACB8339E0B1B8689 35A14A02CFA04E1CAE5181E016D94FB1 superficial venous system of upper extremity Entire superficial venous system of upper extremity (body structure) 1419 1419 01419 deep venous system of upper limb 71049009 S01419 Structure of deep venous system of upper extremity (body structure) E01419 362067000 Entire deep venous system of upper extremity (body structure) P01419 Y P venous system AF0BEE1F4B3C4B22929042E81DA01BC2 828045CD9A19454A8D61A7024785F980 deep venous system of upper extremity Entire deep venous system of upper extremity (body structure) 1420 1420 01420 venous system of lower limb 80195002 S01420 Structure of venous system of lower extremity (body structure) E01420 362068005 Entire venous system of lower extremity (body structure) P01420 Y P venous system 67DD3549BDC44D4D81EC332EDE7FE0E2 EA330CE8435C46EF96E5C394CC68E9BE venous system of lower extremity Entire venous system of lower extremity (body structure) 1421 1421 01421 superficial venous system of lower limb 25281000 S01421 Structure of superficial venous system of lower extremity (body structure) E01421 362069002 Entire superficial venous system of lower extremity (body structure) P01421 Y P venous system F78DB4BB541142FB8262F19855F8AAF4 03AFC398D6074B028CC6C5223F134410 superficial venous system of lower extremity Entire superficial venous system of lower extremity (body structure) 1422 1422 01422 deep venous system of lower limb 9791004 S01422 Structure of deep venous system of lower extremity (body structure) E01422 362070001 Entire deep venous system of lower extremity (body structure) P01422 Y P venous system CB003AD4FC224B929AE44F947EFD0D9E FD3383A88BC6436E96782961AB16B21E deep venous system of lower extremity Entire deep venous system of lower extremity (body structure) 1423 1423 01423 femoral vein 83419000 S01423 Femoral vein structure (body structure) E01423 362071002 Entire femoral vein (body structure) P01423 372182009 Femoral vein part (body structure) Y 21185 P venous system E0BF28AECC794677A07A7698140D785B BD9B8F06AFF44219B70C56F65337EDB1 11E1C34E145C441297BEADA4602AB691 Femoral vein Entire femoral vein (body structure) Femoral vein 1424 1424 01424 long saphenous vein 60734001 S01424 Great saphenous vein structure (body structure) E01424 181402008 Entire long saphenous vein (body structure) P01424 Y 21376 P venous system 6130FB96411544FB9340CCB3B5950E46 DE266F1C51B94B77A899652D41E9F012 Great saphenous vein Entire long saphenous vein (body structure) 1425 1425 01425 dorsal venous network of foot 68906001 S01425 Structure of dorsal venous network of foot (body structure) E01425 362073004 Entire dorsal venous network of foot (body structure) P01425 Y 44348 P venous system C017EA0DFBC247EA894D3BA9C6260E04 C8E42BF7A8364857BFB1E15E6FC39CE5 dorsal venous network of foot Entire dorsal venous network of foot (body structure) 1426 1426 01426 plantar venous network 23977006 S01426 Plantar venous network structure (body structure) E01426 362074005 Entire plantar venous network (body structure) P01426 Y 44549 P venous system 376937E5D6B74FA9B61E439939176E72 E5EAC8D0DD3A4D8BBE83322F77BC33B1 Plantar venous network Entire plantar venous network (body structure) 1427 1427 01427 superior sagittal sinus 24773008 S01427 Superior sagittal sinus structure (body structure) E01427 362075006 Entire superior sagittal sinus (body structure) P01427 - 50767 P venous system 4D5D1D5821AB456AAF3C38E05BB8D0B4 EF6074EEE0E84C11BE974DD0BD8530F5 Superior sagittal sinus Entire superior sagittal sinus (body structure) 1429 1429 01429 gastrointestinal tract including esophagus S01429 E01429 362076007 Entire gastrointestinal tract including esophagus, stomach and intestines (body structure) P01429 - P digestive system D3FB60EE37A24D8E9A23F9BA48989277 Entire gastrointestinal tract including esophagus, stomach and intestines (body structure) 1430 1430 01430 upper digestive tract 127868003 S01430 Upper digestive tract structure (body structure) E01430 362077003 Entire upper digestive tract (body structure) P01430 - P digestive system 277E8AD69DE64D51AE2257074BBFE0D2 EC19326D4E5F415ABC84C26B081A0975 Upper digestive tract Entire upper digestive tract (body structure) 1431 1431 01431 gastrointestinal submucosa 50545003 S01431 Gastrointestinal submucosa structure (body structure) E01431 362078008 Entire gastrointestinal submucosa (body structure) P01431 - 0 P digestive system A834D9A158DA484AB6CF278C6E53F088 44E273681F544AE6852A47DE2D78BB16 Gastrointestinal submucosa Entire gastrointestinal submucosa (body structure) 1432 1432 01432 gastrointestinal muscular layer 51170002 S01432 Gastrointestinal muscular layer structure (body structure) E01432 362079000 Entire gastrointestinal muscular layer (body structure) P01432 - P digestive system B10AF1E3724A4A6AA542D8D048C7444B 9617EAF7C25F4A2AA5A9A9E81CA2CAC7 Gastrointestinal muscular layer Entire gastrointestinal muscular layer (body structure) 1433 1433 01433 intestinal mucous membrane 68534000 S01433 Intestinal mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01433 362080002 Entire intestinal mucous membrane (body structure) P01433 - 15695 P digestive system A7DC64DA98B348AF8AFBC904CB0213B6 01067A31080040AB9A7AABECCE8272AE Intestinal mucous membrane Entire intestinal mucous membrane (body structure) 1434 1434 01434 superior surface of soft palate 33360007 S01434 Structure of superior surface of soft palate (body structure) E01434 362081003 Entire superior surface of soft palate (body structure) P01434 - P digestive system 6757B9D3F4C34DC9A8FBA228D6AED5E7 5DDCAC2B71F04D238B63F88347B6BD97 superior surface of soft palate Entire superior surface of soft palate (body structure) 1435 1435 01435 uvula palatina 26140008 S01435 Uvula palatina structure (body structure) E01435 362082005 Entire uvula palatina (body structure) P01435 - 55022 P digestive system 850107D427B3493E9BB5F8230ED0D97A C512973E3BB146AFB70490681943B5AF Uvula palatina Entire uvula palatina (body structure) 1436 1436 01436 oral mucous membrane 113277000 S01436 Oral mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01436 362083000 Entire oral mucous membrane (body structure) P01436 - 59660 P digestive system 18AA127D601B445899FAD314FCEC74F8 E16AA6BF278A4A4681FA8528452F7D9D Oral mucous membrane Entire oral mucous membrane (body structure) 1437 1437 01437 soft tissue of oral region 74336005 S01437 Oral soft tissues structure (body structure) E01437 362084006 Entire oral soft tissues (body structure) P01437 - D digestive system 06E6EE1B21D2433CBA65A4833A9E7CB6 749B52F6ACA746B1A8C01C9554DA940A Oral soft tissues Entire oral soft tissues (body structure) 1438 1438 01438 nasolabial sulcus 55785008 S01438 Nasolabial sulcus structure (body structure) E01438 362085007 Entire nasolabial sulcus (body structure) P01438 Y 75018 P digestive system 7DC54D9DEF934509A6847536F9A39915 EC50D5262020435AB9491D4A43D26E9C Nasolabial sulcus Entire nasolabial sulcus (body structure) 1439 1439 01439 mentolabial sulcus 369002009 S01439 Mentolabial sulcus structure (body structure) E01439 45114004 Entire mentolabial sulcus (body structure) P01439 Y 75019 P digestive system 1D94AF06968D445FB798DC11A17F0D05 5821370AE47F40D787EBC92B71513633 Mentolabial sulcus Entire mentolabial sulcus (body structure) 1440 1440 01440 vermilion border of lip 128249007 S01440 Structure of vermilion border of lip (body structure) E01440 362086008 Entire vermilion border of lip (body structure) P01440 - 59387 P digestive system 23F258E449E24DD9B2652CF6FC3A32B5 4E282A77DE554E71BB5A4191F4FAF19A vermilion border of lip Entire vermilion border of lip (body structure) 1441 1441 01441 philtrum 32087006 S01441 Philtrum structure (body structure) E01441 362087004 Entire philtrum (body structure) P01441 - 59819 P digestive system DCEE27D50B2144AF85DC9ADCDF84C5AC 4E22BB8F703B4F1BB212F4DB6FFF5205 Philtrum Entire philtrum (body structure) 1442 1442 01442 mucous membrane of upper lip 18444004 S01442 Structure of mucous membrane of upper lip (body structure) E01442 362088009 Entire mucous membrane of upper lip (body structure) P01442 - 59832 P digestive system 4B13714BA25843C5ADA4D1E5A1791FD6 AB89C33BA6D746D2A86007EFFD7BD16D mucous membrane of upper lip Entire mucous membrane of upper lip (body structure) 1443 1443 01443 mucous membrane of lower lip 46353006 S01443 Structure of mucous membrane of lower lip (body structure) E01443 362089001 Entire mucous membrane of lower lip (body structure) P01443 - 59833 P digestive system DB0D2ED62F444A7E9B7113EC18DAB4AC AA24AE532DE64715AF0601DEF665392E mucous membrane of lower lip Entire mucous membrane of lower lip (body structure) 1444 1444 01444 body of tongue 61344008 S01444 Structure of body of tongue (body structure) E01444 362090005 Entire body of tongue (body structure) P01444 - 54641 P digestive system 5660175316E1430F8ECC572D88E37CD5 8407FE1833064996B80768A2563FEAD3 body of tongue Entire body of tongue (body structure) 1445 1445 01445 tip of tongue 73041003 S01445 Structure of tip of tongue (body structure) E01445 362091009 Entire tip of tongue (body structure) P01445 - 54649 P digestive system 9ACA55CB65BF4E189AC6ADC5E269D684 9C987E9FE95949178F5D7C229C799BC9 tip of tongue Entire tip of tongue (body structure) 1446 1446 01446 mucous membrane of tongue 8001006 S01446 Structure of mucous membrane of tongue (body structure) E01446 362092002 Entire mucous membrane of tongue (body structure) P01446 - 54807 P digestive system D9D44FB8A20E449091D1522A83EDADED EEC47870F67742E2868A010A048C6FF7 mucous membrane of tongue Entire mucous membrane of tongue (body structure) 1447 1447 01447 dorsum of tongue 66938003 S01447 Structure of dorsum of tongue (body structure) E01447 362093007 Entire dorsum of tongue (body structure) P01447 - 54651 P digestive system 407AD65D54D84337AB69995BD7E56F18 1FD387BE96A940EC82EC29C9B169EC62 dorsum of tongue Entire dorsum of tongue (body structure) 1448 1448 01448 pharyngeal portion of dorsum of tongue 60592002 S01448 Structure of pharyngeal portion of dorsum of tongue (body structure) E01448 362094001 Entire pharyngeal portion of dorsum of tongue (body structure) P01448 - 54645 P digestive system FD343476404D4CEEBD1C1095522215B5 4155E8486FB64932B8BD432018059787 pharyngeal portion of dorsum of tongue Entire pharyngeal portion of dorsum of tongue (body structure) 1450 1450 01450 root of tongue 47975008 S01450 Structure of root of tongue (body structure) E01450 362095000 Entire root of tongue (body structure) P01450 - 54642 P digestive system 6AD90F67CD0F49FF9E425CB44A1731E3 F68EB8127FAB447AB5BF334B06D701F6 root of tongue Entire root of tongue (body structure) 1451 1451 01451 border of tongue 24649007 S01451 Structure of border of tongue (body structure) E01451 362097008 Entire border of tongue (body structure) P01451 - 54650 P digestive system 49A63E80560442DAABF9EC12F0211CEA C2167DAB5A3442BBAAE4B2416872E9C4 border of tongue Entire border of tongue (body structure) 1452 1452 01452 foliate papillae of tongue 60692007 S01452 Structure of foliate papillae of tongue (body structure) E01452 362098003 Entire foliate papillae of tongue (body structure) P01452 - 54823 P digestive system 79BFAE322D53492BA39BB15FFBF508CD F800BEB7CABA4F58864941384D57D227 foliate papillae of tongue Entire foliate papillae of tongue (body structure) 1453 1453 01453 taste bud 49475008 S01453 Taste bud structure (body structure) E01453 362099006 Entire taste bud (body structure) P01453 - 54825 P special senses organ system 69137061F2414ACBA59AB94BAE2C595A 5E4A4221B65E4A58A07A0DA93F76CB82 Taste bud Entire taste bud (body structure) 1454 1454 01454 inferior surface of tongue 422005 S01454 Structure of inferior surface of tongue (body structure) E01454 362100003 Entire inferior surface of tongue (body structure) P01454 - 54648 P digestive system 3A607D4BA87948F0948BA6212341450F FB5DFC44631940F6A92B1EF7F9338C93 inferior surface of tongue Entire inferior surface of tongue (body structure) 1455 1455 01455 sublingual region 110577000 S01455 Sublingual region structure (body structure) E01455 362101004 Entire sublingual region (body structure) P01455 - P digestive system 6EC8377ECB234F10BB0E650EC13441EC 6279EEE3B9FF4948B20F64F2D1DEDCC4 Sublingual region Entire sublingual region (body structure) 1456 1456 01456 teeth, gums, and supporting structures 28035005 S01456 Structure of teeth, gums, and supporting structures (body structure) E01456 362102006 All teeth, gums and supporting structures (body structure) P01456 - P digestive system B2650E9C13E14540B88C98727EEE80FE 754BD131952E457FBF4A29C29E44F040 teeth, gums, and supporting structures All teeth, gums and supporting structures (body structure) 1457 1457 01457 occlusal surface of tooth 83473006 S01457 Structure of occlusal surface of tooth (body structure) E01457 362103001 Entire occlusal surface of tooth (body structure) P01457 surface of tooth, occlusal Y 55643 P digestive system B03DAACCFB4F4A0CAEEF21C798AA5783 319DB0CC846C477F96412E5C87A2ECB6 occlusal surface of tooth Entire occlusal surface of tooth (body structure) 1458 1458 01458 lingual surface of tooth 72203008 S01458 Structure of lingual surface of tooth (body structure) E01458 362104007 Entire lingual surface of tooth (body structure) P01458 surface of tooth, lingual Y 55647 P digestive system 2D6E7BA0EC694A96A8B64D430F6B7254 C2A5CE890342453A8824F7D6092EFF46 lingual surface of tooth Entire lingual surface of tooth (body structure) 1459 1459 01459 cavity of tooth 72236009 S01459 Structure of cavity of tooth (body structure) E01459 362105008 Entire cavity of tooth (body structure) P01459 cavity of tooth Y 55660 P digestive system 0782328977BF47D39D036DAE6075851E 77EC5C7D1129440A985BF4392BCC00CE cavity of tooth Entire cavity of tooth (body structure) 1460 1460 01460 crown of tooth 75628001 S01460 Structure of crown of tooth (body structure) E01460 362106009 Entire crown of tooth (body structure) P01460 crown of tooth Y 55623 P digestive system 57C7C729F9F14538BEF6ED99C11FB9E0 70B815B3BE5544ABAA6C75EFB14BF260 crown of tooth Entire crown of tooth (body structure) 1461 1461 01461 cusp of tooth 89690004 S01461 Structure of cusp of tooth (body structure) E01461 362107000 Entire cusp of tooth (body structure) P01461 cusp of tooth Y 56481 P digestive system 8CD94BE11274452DAECE7BB98086D8D8 7948E7B759F04B52A295CB6F19A72518 cusp of tooth Entire cusp of tooth (body structure) 1462 1462 01462 hard tissue of tooth 128456003 S01462 Structure of hard tissue of tooth (body structure) E01462 362108005 Entire hard tissue of tooth (body structure) P01462 hard tissue of tooth Y P digestive system 0377515110FD4888BFC496C7BDCC87ED 54ED1C30D38A4E699735FB9B17CC04D2 hard tissue of tooth Entire hard tissue of tooth (body structure) 1463 1463 01463 apex of root of tooth 16626007 S01463 Structure of apex of root of tooth (body structure) E01463 362109002 Entire apex of root of tooth (body structure) P01463 apex of root of tooth Y 55657 P digestive system 7EA225B012F5477A9C276C5B2A26F307 A00DF2AD849847B483F199FA9CD0DD41 apex of root of tooth Entire apex of root of tooth (body structure) 1464 1464 01464 pulp of tooth 26671000 S01464 Structure of pulp of tooth (body structure) E01464 362110007 Entire pulp of tooth (body structure) P01464 pulp of tooth Y 55631 P digestive system C812A1F50C214DB09BC10CB3587564D9 1CCC6E3422764BC78DA20B84DC1F7001 pulp of tooth Entire pulp of tooth (body structure) 1465 1465 01465 radicular pulp of tooth 48363005 S01465 Structure of radicular pulp of tooth (body structure) E01465 362111006 Entire radicular pulp of tooth (body structure) P01465 pulp of tooth, radicular Y 55633 P digestive system A650749136744E17830A9328D87A2AAA BEA7892620AD4CD492B5EA41122C0010 radicular pulp of tooth Entire radicular pulp of tooth (body structure) 1466 1466 01466 dentin 84540008 S01466 Dentin structure (body structure) E01466 362112004 Entire dentin (body structure) P01466 Y 55628 P digestive system 584C7106ED5B44EE94798D610DC3E90B 82B33172F9C6493DA1EF3F0B45E71954 Dentin Entire dentin (body structure) Substance of tooth produced by odontoblasts; surrounds the pulp of the tooth and is subjacent to enamel and cement. 1467 1467 01467 enamel 76993005 S01467 Enamel structure (body structure) E01467 362113009 Entire enamel (body structure) P01467 Y 55629 P digestive system 4A54E46874DD4189BC69264D3C5D8003 C60DF953B7564FF7A7F5EDB6F4237C74 Enamel Entire enamel (body structure) 1468 1468 01468 cementum 80541002 S01468 Cementum structure (body structure) E01468 362114003 Entire cementum (body structure) P01468 Y 55630 P digestive system E74326F23A024BA2A632B7263A06D6BF 7D0A1BBE22B1455E94EF687FC4F7539E Cementum Entire cementum (body structure) Substance of tooth produced by cementoblasts; surrounds the dentine of the root of the tooth. 1469 1469 01469 molar tooth 76928009 S01469 Structure of molar tooth (body structure) E01469 362115002 Entire molar tooth (body structure) P01469 tooth, molar Y 55638 P digestive system B5C0272F92ED43B29A694CE136624592 1428E9663B70414482457DA2EFAB7B23 molar tooth Entire molar tooth (body structure) 1470 1470 01470 gum and supporting structure of tooth 54308001 S01470 Structure of gum and supporting structure of tooth (body structure) E01470 362116001 Entire gum and supporting structure of tooth (body structure) P01470 gum and supporting structure of tooth Y P digestive system 2E19771710A94637B275B3AA1774C45B 5B556AED254A45C9A2ED10153A181367 gum and supporting structure of tooth Entire gum and supporting structure of tooth (body structure) 1471 1471 01471 gingival attachment 48328000 S01471 Gingival attachment structure (body structure) E01471 362117005 Entire gingival attachment (body structure) P01471 Y P digestive system 737A2B7E03814D6DA858E87F29137598 057125340494489299692538AA17E805 Gingival attachment Entire gingival attachment (body structure) 1472 1472 01472 alveolar ridge mucous membrane 5560003 S01472 Alveolar ridge mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01472 362118000 Entire alveolar ridge mucous membrane (body structure) P01472 Y P digestive system 3666DDE9BC7744D1AF86B8BB407ED68B C93DBF3B3C014A2C8F3B5C38826DD8A2 Alveolar ridge mucous membrane Entire alveolar ridge mucous membrane (body structure) 1473 1473 01473 lamina dura of tooth socket 450722007 S01473 45b01492-b970-46be-9d22-96a12349ac74 Structure of lamina dura of tooth socket (body structure) E01473 450723002 3e447d5b-575e-47d5-a11b-07e14e44b2b7 Entire lamina dura of tooth socket (body structure) P01473 Y P digestive system 5D43050DCB3E476FA69046FBC1A052E4 16CBA9CC82AC4038B2AEEF411ED343E5 lamina dura of tooth socket Entire lamina dura of tooth socket (body structure) 1474 1474 01474 periodontal tissue 8711009 S01474 Periodontal tissues structure (body structure) E01474 362120002 Entire periodontal tissues (body structure) P01474 Y P digestive system 2EAD4BFAF5A24339B0EF8C5B209F7F0B F214835D9B64495E867419368540ECD1 Periodontal tissues Entire periodontal tissues (body structure) 1475 1475 01475 pharyngeal mucous membrane 46715004 S01475 Pharyngeal mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01475 362121003 Entire pharyngeal mucous membrane (body structure) P01475 - 55031 P digestive system 05BE5E2AB16E44A79255FCD6A26239E5 02A84CE24BD7408AB2E294BA15CC9926 Pharyngeal mucous membrane Entire pharyngeal mucous membrane (body structure) 1476 1476 01476 peripharyngeal area 86226005 S01476 Peripharyngeal area structure (body structure) E01476 180642000 Entire peripharyngeal area (body structure) P01476 - 55079 P digestive system 0ACF31901F9B4AAC878D0401049A86E1 589E1FA61E43496B92FDFA1D7C3E2FA3 Peripharyngeal area Entire peripharyngeal area (body structure) 1477 1477 01477 pharyngeal wall 55609009 S01477 Pharyngeal wall structure (body structure) E01477 362123000 Entire pharyngeal wall (body structure) P01477 - 55033 P digestive system B5FEE0666EEC4A30A01D64F2ED24C47F 5E37F2B1003E47D89EE01F437B70A57F Pharyngeal wall Entire pharyngeal wall (body structure) 1478 1478 01478 dorsal pharyngeal wall 33986006 S01478 Dorsal pharyngeal wall structure (body structure) E01478 362124006 Entire dorsal pharyngeal wall (body structure) P01478 - 55086 P digestive system EBAFB8BF538C4A419AF138DD68CDD3D0 45C614B3E88A40658B8E0B9E4C26AC95 Dorsal pharyngeal wall Entire dorsal pharyngeal wall (body structure) 1479 1479 01479 lateral wall of oropharynx 19120004 S01479 Structure of lateral wall of oropharynx (body structure) E01479 362125007 Entire lateral wall of oropharynx (body structure) P01479 Y 55008 P digestive system 43C8833221C34708A271FE468EA893AA EE4B20D12FBF4F7F801ED689C0331166 lateral wall of oropharynx Entire lateral wall of oropharynx (body structure) 1480 1480 01480 mucous membrane of hypopharynx 89728008 S01480 Structure of mucous membrane of hypopharynx (body structure) E01480 362126008 Entire mucous membrane of hypopharynx (body structure) P01480 - 55030 P digestive system 497D913D25DA43BF955F245DEB366DE6 F63B176E92F645BF9C697A8E78C35B4E mucous membrane of hypopharynx Entire mucous membrane of hypopharynx (body structure) 1481 1481 01481 esophageal mucous membrane 82082004 S01481 Esophageal mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01481 362127004 Entire esophageal mucous membrane (body structure) P01481 - 62996 P digestive system 2362EBB87C104518887F7CEC8892461F 4E224E5154B8435184B401C4951F55F1 Esophageal mucous membrane Entire esophageal mucous membrane (body structure) 1482 1482 01482 esophageal submucosa 30817008 S01482 Esophageal submucosa structure (body structure) E01482 362128009 Entire esophageal submucosa (body structure) P01482 - 62997 P digestive system C71E4E68AFCD45C798FB92826B09F37F FFD7EE7B0C99402D960EA6182ACA127F Esophageal submucosa Entire esophageal submucosa (body structure) 1483 1483 01483 lower third of esophagus 67173009 S01483 Structure of lower third of esophagus (body structure) E01483 362129001 Entire lower third of esophagus (body structure) P01483 - P digestive system 20A7B0B31D42433A981153A484B0F979 148E3FBEC0C14A35951E1736D3321048 lower third of esophagus Entire lower third of esophagus (body structure) 1484 1484 01484 cardioesophageal junction 25271004 S01484 Cardioesophageal junction structure (body structure) E01484 362130006 Entire cardioesophageal junction (body structure) P01484 - 9434 P digestive system 56161911C31B41A398E915D7DFFB2AE4 E45F5E107A0C44C785773642F7CC7EC7 Cardioesophageal junction Entire cardioesophageal junction (body structure) 1485 1485 01485 gastric mucous membrane 78653002 S01485 Gastric mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01485 362131005 Entire gastric mucous membrane (body structure) P01485 - 14907 P digestive system 9E438B12FE884DCDAA3B8FE4B71D562A DB24207D35994C0384FCBF12BE616EC5 Gastric mucous membrane Entire gastric mucous membrane (body structure) 1486 1486 01486 gastric muscularis 34986001 S01486 Gastric muscularis structure (body structure) E01486 362132003 Entire gastric muscularis (body structure) P01486 - 14909 P digestive system 01813FB7420C498FBB3AAE3DA264AAF8 E48A405F168A4E34B98E440ACE3CED66 Gastric muscularis Entire gastric muscularis (body structure) 1487 1487 01487 lesser curvature of stomach 80085006 S01487 Structure of lesser curvature of stomach (body structure) E01487 362133008 Entire lesser curvature of stomach (body structure) P01487 - 14572 P digestive system 2983D063BF9444D4959C7835B2D6B67D B52FAA01EE55424CA3BC8298BD3D0023 lesser curvature of stomach Entire lesser curvature of stomach (body structure) 1488 1488 01488 greater curvature of stomach 89382009 S01488 Structure of greater curvature of stomach (body structure) E01488 362134002 Entire greater curvature of stomach (body structure) P01488 - 14574 P digestive system 5335BCAD9F16499CA575D51C1DB5C94C 60C52AE7A2DB4ECF837B099883512EA4 greater curvature of stomach Entire greater curvature of stomach (body structure) 1489 1489 01489 anterior wall of stomach 41425009 S01489 Structure of anterior wall of stomach (body structure) E01489 362135001 Entire anterior wall of stomach (body structure) P01489 - 14583 P digestive system 71B3A758678540FB855C329763B676D2 6060579B4FC4436098F6AA0BBEF63A90 anterior wall of stomach Entire anterior wall of stomach (body structure) 1490 1490 01490 posterior wall of stomach 63358003 S01490 Structure of posterior wall of stomach (body structure) E01490 362136000 Entire posterior wall of stomach (body structure) P01490 - 14584 P digestive system 0F84F2142AF64F84AA080C89F338E554 B00D1048AB4B4C62B8651C2E8EEBDE2E posterior wall of stomach Entire posterior wall of stomach (body structure) 1491 1491 01491 proximal stomach 116209005 S01491 Proximal stomach structure (body structure) E01491 362137009 Entire proximal stomach (body structure) P01491 - P digestive system C9EC0B0B9D1E41E2B54E54B1E2D86E60 77B0022F5D9A431AB9A9F9AF93054DE9 Proximal stomach Entire proximal stomach (body structure) 1492 1492 01492 cardia 62898002 S01492 Cardia structure (body structure) E01492 362138004 Entire cardia (body structure) P01492 - 14561 P digestive system 05FE23729C7644278D0F8AC25BECEEFC C4519E9B53AF4686A1C5116A45FCE1AE Cardia Entire cardia (body structure) 1493 1493 01493 gastric fundus 414003 S01493 Gastric fundus structure (body structure) E01493 362139007 Entire gastric fundus (body structure) P01493 372183004 Gastric fundus part (body structure) - 14559 P digestive system DA08147C9A4F42728BB5D311D1E42629 F27F4C750EB84F47A810063074440548 41B04A7DCA9E4A92BEB92C86B4965DA4 Gastric fundus Entire gastric fundus (body structure) Gastric fundus 1494 1494 01494 gastric corpus 68560004 S01494 Gastric corpus structure (body structure) E01494 362140009 Entire gastric corpus (body structure) P01494 - 14560 P digestive system BA4DB503E2224A77AD5772485DF2DEDB 9CA81E9AB61940F7B8C011FDB5488F40 Gastric corpus Entire gastric corpus (body structure) 1495 1495 01495 pyloric region of stomach 15048009 S01495 Structure of pyloric portion of stomach (body structure) E01495 362141008 Entire pyloric portion of stomach (body structure) P01495 245416006 Part of pyloric region (body structure) - P digestive system 341EA0663DE7495784718B7DA7857208 2FCBEFB5832F446D93C168990E3113E2 436E82FD05CE47C2B890CE4EB5B8BAF0 pyloric portion of stomach Entire pyloric portion of stomach (body structure) pyloric region 1496 1496 01496 pyloric antrum 66051006 S01496 Pyloric antrum structure (body structure) E01496 362142001 Entire pyloric antrum (body structure) P01496 - 14579 P digestive system 4BD8040A10C64FF284891CA7F3422B42 DF04B6CF509349EEB07E81A92BD76095 Pyloric antrum Entire pyloric antrum (body structure) 1497 1497 01497 pylorus 280119005 S01497 Pyloric structure of stomach (body structure) E01497 362143006 Entire pylorus (body structure) P01497 - 14581 P digestive system A713659B77A24EB4804F92ED2C06DB38 132F589B7DC0471BB87A0F7437DB0A06 Pyloric of stomach Entire pylorus (body structure) 1498 1498 01498 small intestine mucous membrane 4369007 S01498 Small intestine mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01498 362144000 Entire small intestine mucous membrane (body structure) P01498 - 14933 P digestive system 118DC3D7EAFA440F91CBAC909F99946E 721FB6274E1D45839B3623C2E175EEC1 Small intestine mucous membrane Entire small intestine mucous membrane (body structure) 1499 1499 01499 small intestine muscularis propria 5379004 S01499 Small intestine muscularis propria structure (body structure) E01499 362145004 Entire small intestine muscularis propria (body structure) P01499 - 14932 P digestive system 280F84F4EF3B46B88ABDB647B48C1D27 101ACA81266F41C9B62E653B3E15B7A3 Small intestine muscularis propria Entire small intestine muscularis propria (body structure) 1500 1500 01500 duodenal mucous membrane 77763002 S01500 Duodenal mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01500 362146003 Entire duodenal mucous membrane (body structure) P01500 - 14942 P digestive system 04536F5517F94965AC9D67F26C9C2B09 988D5E23F4AB44A895E57E8C029C78CB Duodenal mucous membrane Entire duodenal mucous membrane (body structure) 1501 1501 01501 duodenal muscularis propria 44365008 S01501 Duodenal muscularis propria structure (body structure) E01501 362147007 Entire duodenal muscularis propria (body structure) P01501 - 14944 P digestive system B18E273A3A4A4E0093EA5F893F393732 AA019C52DD6249D3A91DE08241914966 Duodenal muscularis propria Entire duodenal muscularis propria (body structure) 1502 1502 01502 greater duodenal papilla 33657005 S01502 Greater duodenal papilla structure (body structure) E01502 181272007 Entire greater duodenal papilla (body structure) P01502 - 15074 P digestive system 2483D397BC8D483487A684791958C590 513867976A4543E1ABDB37B6E0E818B1 Greater duodenal papilla Entire greater duodenal papilla (body structure) 1503 1503 01503 superior portion of duodenum 56734009 S01503 Structure of superior portion of duodenum (body structure) E01503 362148002 Entire superior portion of duodenum (body structure) P01503 - 14926 P digestive system 40A50EE2D4274548A4DF109D888ED0CE E322ADF1EE9D47B6A0FF397F20293EBE superior portion of duodenum Entire superior portion of duodenum (body structure) 1504 1504 01504 duodenal ampulla 9999005 S01504 Duodenal ampulla structure (body structure) E01504 362149005 Entire duodenal ampulla (body structure) P01504 - 14927 P digestive system E18EB96BE71547058193C2DB14B095A2 65EA0D1353C1493DB51178DC3B5FAC49 Duodenal ampulla Entire duodenal ampulla (body structure) 1505 1505 01505 descending portion of duodenum 72031006 S01505 Structure of descending portion of duodenum (body structure) E01505 362150005 Entire descending portion of duodenum (body structure) P01505 - 14928 P digestive system CD2A560AA4824E00B19B1EAB6193E9BC 5A5E37F8634944618990672D68FC2CF3 descending portion of duodenum Entire descending portion of duodenum (body structure) 1506 1506 01506 jejunal mucous membrane 88636004 S01506 Jejunal mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01506 362151009 Entire jejunal mucous membrane (body structure) P01506 - 14949 P digestive system 46D29281BBA34E948FB8FB29DAEE0D4F 445BA9CA17834340819435C1F4E9B05D Jejunal mucous membrane Entire jejunal mucous membrane (body structure) 1507 1507 01507 ileal mucous membrane 85458007 S01507 Ileal mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01507 362152002 Entire ileal mucous membrane (body structure) P01507 - 14956 P digestive system C7F035EE69F04CCB8F2D409FE85B7C20 C21938D11828413296AD5A54AA5E6719 Ileal mucous membrane Entire ileal mucous membrane (body structure) 1508 1508 01508 ileocecal valve 23153004 S01508 Ileocecal valve structure (body structure) E01508 362153007 Entire ileocecal valve (body structure) P01508 - 15973 P digestive system 6CE1592CAC5F4D358D33F5FFC56C89DD E2843BFCECB347E080567F4D08904EED Ileocecal valve Entire ileocecal valve (body structure) 1509 1509 01509 distal portion of ileum 85774003 S01509 Structure of distal portion of ileum (body structure) E01509 362154001 Entire distal portion of ileum (body structure) P01509 - 14966 P digestive system FA3C1C88C7EE48F1B03D09D1F56B6043 F41FDD3A72B24D2A91A214C6BF279E10 distal portion of ileum Entire distal portion of ileum (body structure) 1510 1510 01510 appendiceal mucous membrane 57775008 S01510 Appendiceal mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01510 362155000 Entire appendiceal mucous membrane (body structure) P01510 - 14991 P digestive system CE67B164DDF14B409F32627A0BA92FD9 63A526CCFE194CF8B5D97208444E8002 Appendiceal mucous membrane Entire appendiceal mucous membrane (body structure) 1511 1511 01511 colonic lumen 89484009 S01511 Colonic lumen structure (body structure) E01511 362156004 Entire colonic lumen (body structure) P01511 - 14592 P digestive system F88E2BE329024AD8AC834A6A755C220C 4C32E78B0B394154A12AE2D0752FA683 Colonic lumen Entire colonic lumen (body structure) 1512 1512 01512 colonic mucous membrane 68502009 S01512 Colonic mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01512 362157008 Entire colonic mucous membrane (body structure) P01512 - 14984 P digestive system EE747C122C654AE49D6B22D5DAA7A9E7 89F72DF0E3344B298E821E4070B0FF82 Colonic mucous membrane Entire colonic mucous membrane (body structure) 1513 1513 01513 colonic muscularis propria 41948009 S01513 Colonic muscularis propria structure (body structure) E01513 362158003 Entire colonic muscularis propria (body structure) P01513 - 14986 P digestive system F89D2A3E768F4B5EB60354C63A09C544 B428DCA1D03444979C9320AE4F71BA99 Colonic muscularis propria Entire colonic muscularis propria (body structure) 1514 1514 01514 longitudinal layer of colonic muscularis propria 72868005 S01514 Structure of longitudinal layer of colonic muscularis propria (body structure) E01514 362159006 Entire longitudinal layer of colonic muscularis propria (body structure) P01514 - 14987 P digestive system 4DD5283ACF3F41719093B2DC1E6ED4A4 257AA75DEE7943EA8B78E67C98097064 longitudinal layer of colonic muscularis propria Entire longitudinal layer of colonic muscularis propria (body structure) 1515 1515 01515 taenia coli 63217007 S01515 Taenia coli structure (body structure) E01515 362160001 Entire taenia coli (body structure) P01515 - 15041 P digestive system 77E3405DE95F42C79C5CA46A40745251 476BA0EE123D493596A7982F9D350AD6 Taenia coli Entire taenia coli (body structure) 1516 1516 01516 right colon 51342009 S01516 Right colon structure (body structure) E01516 362161002 Entire right colon (body structure) P01516 - R P digestive system 7AB63C7B3F164290A5BC3509D8C67456 91CE855A8A004E7F8A8CD25EA16CAF25 Right colon Entire right colon (body structure) 1517 1517 01517 ascending colon 9040008 S01517 Ascending colon structure (body structure) E01517 362162009 Entire ascending colon (body structure) P01517 - 14545 P digestive system EECA70338EDA418381EE456E8E7BE74A 27354861ED4344DCAEADDA730F2CE972 Ascending colon Entire ascending colon (body structure) Organ part which is continuous with the cecum proximally and the transverse colon distally. 1518 1518 01518 transverse colon 485005 S01518 Transverse colon structure (body structure) E01518 362163004 Entire transverse colon (body structure) P01518 - 14546 P digestive system 76B46C83BCA1413F9B414FF680F94238 8F9E604D3E2044898EB5DC3DFDBED19B Transverse colon Entire transverse colon (body structure) 1519 1519 01519 left colon 55572008 S01519 Left colon structure (body structure) E01519 362164005 Entire left colon (body structure) P01519 - L P digestive system F44ECAC61C9147B3BC01CB7E2FE88D72 DFD83C704F244BBD942DA53AF99ACE7F Left colon Entire left colon (body structure) 1520 1520 01520 descending colon 32622004 S01520 Descending colon structure (body structure) E01520 362165006 Entire descending colon (body structure) P01520 - 14547 P digestive system 049DF509E0374120944CEC558652E28B 87BA6BBA52214A7F85A2E596F3CFE56C Descending colon Entire descending colon (body structure) 1521 1521 01521 sigmoid colon 60184004 S01521 Sigmoid colon structure (body structure) E01521 362166007 Entire sigmoid colon (body structure) P01521 372239004 Sigmoid colon part (body structure) - 14548 P digestive system 54E0C134410B4DA7AC2F538709936EBE 670C4EE1C79F45078160664F5C64274A 1DC5D2201BFB4AEA94D01D66C459AA12 Sigmoid colon Entire sigmoid colon (body structure) Sigmoid colon 1522 1522 01522 rectal mucous membrane 15079008 S01522 Rectal mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01522 362167003 Entire rectal mucous membrane (body structure) P01522 - 15033 P digestive system CFB01369FFFD44A4AA5760FE7E03405B 6C24AF7CA6A047C685D99928ADD26ECD Rectal mucous membrane Entire rectal mucous membrane (body structure) 1523 1523 01523 rectosigmoid colon 81922002 S01523 Rectosigmoid structure (body structure) E01523 362168008 Entire rectosigmoid (body structure) P01523 - P digestive system 48C69594D0F340EB82EBA7E2EF4F1078 E22E05BDC16A4D6A9EF0EF37E982C861 Rectosigmoid colon Entire rectosigmoid (body structure) 1524 1524 01524 anal canal 34381000 S01524 Anal canal structure (body structure) E01524 245438008 Entire anal canal (body structure) P01524 - 15703 P digestive system 7B3D6524B5ED488299313B0FFB1CB178 A657506057244107862D38619C92350B Anal canal Entire anal canal (body structure) Organ with organ cavity which is continuous proximally with the rectum and distally terminates with the anus. 1525 1525 01525 pecten ani 9380009 S01525 Pecten ani structure (body structure) E01525 245441004 Entire pecten ani (body structure) P01525 - 28009 P digestive system 2150F03016C140C5B28EF3F05EC28C2B BCCBFF6375C94850938010B188805E25 Pecten ani Entire pecten ani (body structure) 1527 1527 01527 mucous membrane of anal canal 46563004 S01527 Structure of mucous membrane of anal canal (body structure) E01527 362170004 Entire mucous membrane of anal canal (body structure) P01527 - 74654 P digestive system A7371D54A9AD44C6965CDF1EA59D7A5B 4A3FB80BA97142B0AD8CC451B0E0C5EF mucous membrane of anal canal Entire mucous membrane of anal canal (body structure) 1528 1528 01528 muscularis propria of anal canal 70957002 S01528 Structure of muscularis propria of anal canal (body structure) E01528 362171000 Entire muscularis propria of anal canal (body structure) P01528 - 15708 P digestive system F1BA75F0231640C0BD7D5BD2FA611AE0 22A1E4E5D5FB434DA82EA5BA574DB690 muscularis propria of anal canal Entire muscularis propria of anal canal (body structure) 1529 1529 01529 transition zone of anal mucous membrane 41843001 S01529 Structure of transition zone of anal mucous membrane (body structure) E01529 362172007 Entire transition zone of anal mucous membrane (body structure) P01529 - 76683 P digestive system DB56FFC619474F8C883377482658E662 B7EBF700EC38426CAE9971BE99FD4CC6 transition zone of anal mucous membrane Entire transition zone of anal mucous membrane (body structure) 1530 1530 01530 digestive organ 49596003 S01530 Digestive organ structure (body structure) E01530 272627002 Entire digestive organ (body structure) P01530 119210004 Digestive organ part (body structure) - P digestive system FE8CFBFA415249499780E3347ED87CE2 6AD0277C259E4BE18B1602F5633A1011 363F584C422647BDA6235DD7FCFA914D Digestive organ Entire digestive organ (body structure) Digestive organ 1531 1531 01531 salivary gland lobe 76837008 S01531 Salivary gland lobe structure (body structure) E01531 362173002 Entire salivary gland lobe (body structure) P01531 Y 59907 P digestive system E3C7555453404B6E960B441FD6C3988B A4CE7A4D4251412DB9A190D5946CF39E Salivary gland lobe Entire salivary gland lobe (body structure) 1532 1532 01532 papilla of salivary gland duct 51540000 S01532 Structure of papilla of salivary gland duct (body structure) E01532 362174008 Entire papilla of salivary gland duct (body structure) P01532 Y P digestive system 856FC1DCC10748998FDE0F9452502472 AD041F6606254BF99687A50ABC357787 papilla of salivary gland duct Entire papilla of salivary gland duct (body structure) 1533 1533 01533 parotid duct 50292000 S01533 Parotid duct structure (body structure) E01533 362175009 Entire parotid duct (body structure) P01533 Y 10420 P digestive system 75741425952C4F53862AD61B462AF77C EA3495C80DFA4FAA8AE4BA763D180DB9 Parotid duct Entire parotid duct (body structure) 1534 1534 01534 sublingual gland 88481005 S01534 Sublingual gland structure (body structure) E01534 362176005 Entire sublingual gland (body structure) P01534 385295006 Sublingual gland part (body structure) Y 59791 P digestive system 12B1537645844168942EBD03E9EEA63B BE2BA6AB2DD84634914896E7DA22EE89 3DB7AE927599437BA1AF5E361F1C1658 Sublingual gland Entire sublingual gland (body structure) Sublingual gland 1535 1535 01535 minor salivary gland 87626005 S01535 Minor salivary gland structure (body structure) E01535 362177001 Entire minor salivary gland (body structure) P01535 - 59789 P digestive system 9C2741AF6CD7464899D71CA6D99F2E6B 3A97C59B08AE4D7F95064FBDF95DA576 Minor salivary gland Entire minor salivary gland (body structure) 1536 1536 01536 duct of minor salivary gland 30740000 S01536 Structure of duct of minor salivary gland (body structure) E01536 362178006 Entire duct of minor salivary gland (body structure) P01536 Y P digestive system 618E6AF7914B46AAA379219B381DB426 1F56B3DA4EC64B10A307DE8DFB822097 duct of minor salivary gland Entire duct of minor salivary gland (body structure) 1537 1537 01537 anterior lingual gland 65750006 S01537 Anterior lingual gland structure (body structure) E01537 362179003 Entire anterior lingual gland (body structure) P01537 Y P digestive system 5C4BD7243C6F40B29EF1FC75A7C1E81D 5A0C4479FED44B6BA3F545AF69D12AE0 Anterior lingual gland Entire anterior lingual gland (body structure) 1538 1538 01538 duct of anterior lingual gland 34181005 S01538 Structure of duct of anterior lingual gland (body structure) E01538 362180000 Entire duct of anterior lingual gland (body structure) P01538 Y P digestive system 09984EEAD60C44E9860167F7ECFDA628 ED891B4AF2AE49AFBBDFEF90936E6DC1 duct of anterior lingual gland Entire duct of anterior lingual gland (body structure) 1540 1540 01540 right lobe of liver 48521005 S01540 Structure of right lobe of liver (body structure) E01540 362182008 Entire right lobe of liver (body structure) P01540 - 13362 R P digestive system 7CC401E0E0A443E78C03BDC76EE59F7F 326DB73F414645839CFEC2159701AEA2 right lobe of liver Entire right lobe of liver (body structure) 1541 1541 01541 left lobe of liver 69842003 S01541 Structure of left lobe of liver (body structure) E01541 362183003 Entire left lobe of liver (body structure) P01541 - 13363 L P digestive system C6B02843776C4C6D8890BFA4E5D01540 27102CF8662040198A1782F03E5A328B left lobe of liver Entire left lobe of liver (body structure) 1542 1542 01542 caudate lobe of liver 71133005 S01542 Structure of caudate lobe of liver (body structure) E01542 362184009 Entire caudate lobe of liver (body structure) P01542 - 13365 P digestive system 364CEE7E4C2F4964A8871FBAB606E5F1 1FC85001017D415B8F053D3E7A945D98 caudate lobe of liver Entire caudate lobe of liver (body structure) 1543 1543 01543 hepatic capsule 48781005 S01543 Hepatic capsule structure (body structure) E01543 362185005 Entire hepatic capsule (body structure) P01543 - 15813 P digestive system 66CBBBA66173403A8AE4B3F05F8DEF2E D91DC58AC05C425C8E86A520D539B9C0 Hepatic capsule Entire hepatic capsule (body structure) 1544 1544 01544 diaphragmatic surface of liver 45306004 S01544 Structure of diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) E01544 362186006 Entire diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) P01544 - 15729 P digestive system 045BA78FE3EA45BBA69F30CDBC5330C9 AEA4746BBE80413CAEA55A3B8FC47675 diaphragmatic aspect of liver Entire diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) 1545 1545 01545 superior portion of diaphragmatic surface of liver 23542001 S01545 Structure of superior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) E01545 362187002 Entire superior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) P01545 - 14475 P digestive system A9C5A85C77A54886BA17F062212D1568 88FC22A137FF4A7E8DD74BFE89231FEC superior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver Entire superior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) 1546 1546 01546 posterior portion of diaphragmatic surface of liver 2909002 S01546 Structure of posterior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) E01546 362188007 Entire posterior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) P01546 - 14478 P digestive system C083200785EE45A69B8A151CC7730044 01E540701DDD4BCFB9E249E9F04609DC posterior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver Entire posterior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) 1547 1547 01547 visceral surface of liver 790007 S01547 Structure of visceral aspect of liver (body structure) E01547 362189004 Entire visceral aspect of liver (body structure) P01547 - 14479 P digestive system B7735A6559FD46E58D4BE03C548CA6EF 52895E7F7DEF4E889889B1CF82837AE0 visceral aspect of liver Entire visceral aspect of liver (body structure) 1548 1548 01548 inferior margin of liver 113286005 S01548 Structure of inferior margin of liver (body structure) E01548 362190008 Entire inferior margin of liver (body structure) P01548 - 14482 P digestive system 79DDD74C37344B929E5969C0BE65582F 70A32C028C344F2E8B4356FCC2EF730C inferior margin of liver Entire inferior margin of liver (body structure) 1549 1549 01549 portal tract 28481001 S01549 Portal tract structure (body structure) E01549 362191007 Entire portal tract (body structure) P01549 - P digestive system 0B677D4719F84EE884629832977CAE5D 46900EE42E864CAEB447EC0A7133E7E8 Portal tract Entire portal tract (body structure) 1550 1550 01550 portal triad 76726002 S01550 Portal triad structure (body structure) E01550 362192000 Entire portal triad (body structure) P01550 - 17523 P digestive system 7789BD8EE1654C0089219C112886CD4A 59096325497340568855DACBFFB69B3B Portal triad Entire portal triad (body structure) 1551 1551 01551 intrahepatic biliary tract 90140006 S01551 Intrahepatic biliary tract structure (body structure) E01551 245402001 Entire intrahepatic duct (body structure) P01551 - 15766 P digestive system F88DAF8BF0DA41169750FAB017F07653 F343DAA88C884096B1B0B4573B2A9924 Intrahepatic biliary tract Entire intrahepatic duct (body structure) 1552 1552 01552 hepatic lobule 15878004 S01552 Hepatic lobule structure (body structure) E01552 362194004 Entire hepatic lobule (body structure) P01552 - 14471 P digestive system 4B58C627EB8249A0941EF5C3CC2967A9 CA418017BDEE4B8FB54CCB744DA9D250 Hepatic lobule Entire hepatic lobule (body structure) 1553 1553 01553 hepatic lacuna 88391003 S01553 Hepatic lacunae structure (body structure) E01553 362195003 Entire hepatic lacunae (body structure) P01553 - 17554 P digestive system 81D3892B66FA4FFF9FFB4D4A41F9C460 C14B66C9654645FAAE7ED8953A21C817 Hepatic lacunae Entire hepatic lacunae (body structure) 1554 1554 01554 mucosa of gallbladder 5229004 S01554 Structure of mucosa of gallbladder (body structure) E01554 362196002 Entire mucosa of gallbladder (body structure) P01554 - 14662 P digestive system 71678E819BD64454AB11D9D20EC18E3B E5C684307EFC4FBAB275552CD69496ED mucosa of gallbladder Entire mucosa of gallbladder (body structure) 1555 1555 01555 serosa of gallbladder 64655003 S01555 Structure of serosa of gallbladder (body structure) E01555 362197006 Entire serosa of gallbladder (body structure) P01555 - 14659 P digestive system 5BB6FD5F220F4C589926BC3753CF73D9 211416FCE3004C77A0711CBB10FD4FAC serosa of gallbladder Entire serosa of gallbladder (body structure) 1556 1556 01556 bile duct mucous membrane 7035006 S01556 Bile duct mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01556 362198001 Entire bile duct mucous membrane (body structure) P01556 - P digestive system 459F82B4D79E4B64BA4AEE422B814F04 1FF4752A77E74E0485578B47FD6116EC Bile duct mucous membrane Entire bile duct mucous membrane (body structure) 1557 1557 01557 common bile duct 79741001 S01557 Common bile duct structure (body structure) E01557 362199009 Entire common bile duct (body structure) P01557 - 14667 P digestive system 92F7B185ED2C49CF9ED44358C78E0F05 FEAD32848CDC4FCE8DE5349479515E58 Common bile duct Entire common bile duct (body structure) 1558 1558 01558 ampulla of Vater 67109009 S01558 Structure of ampulla of Vater (body structure) E01558 362200007 Entire ampulla of Vater (body structure) P01558 - 15076 P digestive system 4ABF62F9D010483784FD7891AD333FBE 03010F1C3DB94278B21AE58A12604D88 ampulla of Vater Entire ampulla of Vater (body structure) 1559 1559 01559 head of pancreas 64163001 S01559 Structure of head of pancreas (body structure) E01559 362201006 Entire head of pancreas (body structure) P01559 372218006 Part of head of pancreas (body structure) - 10468 P digestive system E0F5713DFB1D47019C58EA77352591B7 885047FCCA5941BA8540FD0A47E24734 3D59DE6B2FAD42C2A6A814B5D1D3F24B head of pancreas Entire head of pancreas (body structure) head of pancreas 1560 1560 01560 body of pancreas 40133006 S01560 Structure of body of pancreas (body structure) E01560 362202004 Entire body of pancreas (body structure) P01560 - 14518 P digestive system 745C4E5E8CE94B76A7C68BE781E503E3 4C1BBDC796034BA997B26CE899C8714F body of pancreas Entire body of pancreas (body structure) 1561 1561 01561 anterior surface of pancreas 18748000 S01561 Structure of anterior surface of pancreas (body structure) E01561 362203009 Entire anterior surface of pancreas (body structure) P01561 - 14522 P digestive system 411224EB97454A0DA9E45B0C49839AF4 55BFD3054C234BA1B5048C034E6A9538 anterior surface of pancreas Entire anterior surface of pancreas (body structure) 1562 1562 01562 urinary system 122489005 S01562 Urinary system structure (body structure) E01562 362204003 Entire urinary system (body structure) P01562 - 7159 P urinary system FCD6960603CC40409697C50C56101214 DCED1F7E066648F88F3755752ED815F8 Urinary system Entire urinary system (body structure) 1563 1563 01563 upper genitourinary tract 45308003 S01563 Upper genitourinary tract structure (body structure) E01563 362205002 Entire upper genitourinary tract (body structure) P01563 - P genitourinary system D49530C1BA264229A05ABA6DCD6F6E32 DFCB2367CCA1434BB28B1446124C6FFD Upper genitourinary tract Entire upper genitourinary tract (body structure) 1564 1564 01564 lower genitourinary tract 59183004 S01564 Lower genitourinary tract structure (body structure) E01564 362206001 Entire lower genitourinary tract (body structure) P01564 - P genitourinary system E5AEF26CD5184CB5ADF0DDB86AA1EE0E AB82DF6C4CE14F8DB14E527F3D38FC46 Lower genitourinary tract Entire lower genitourinary tract (body structure) 1565 1565 01565 external genitalia 77142006 S01565 External genitalia structure (body structure) E01565 362207005 Entire external genitalia (body structure) P01565 - 45643 P genitourinary system 35DC24DDF732443593FC34270A092771 68D1D5C10B4E4773B293685B7EF95F5E External genitalia Entire external genitalia (body structure) 1566 1566 01566 right kidney 9846003 S01566 Right kidney structure (body structure) E01566 362208000 Entire right kidney (body structure) P01566 R 7204 P urinary system 96031EF065314479B5BAE7DE6640357D 90C3D44C0A8E46849BB4649E6949EBDF Right kidney Entire right kidney (body structure) 1567 1567 01567 left kidney 18639004 S01567 Left kidney structure (body structure) E01567 362209008 Entire left kidney (body structure) P01567 L 7205 P urinary system 2C1207E18E814B76B0A9516ACC9436C7 9BEE6B3902C24584A795476F277FBBF2 Left kidney Entire left kidney (body structure) 1568 1568 01568 capsule of kidney 12304001 S01568 Structure of capsule of kidney (body structure) E01568 279381009 Entire capsule of kidney (body structure) P01568 Y P urinary system 9A68029EC7F645D38CD05ACE194C042F D74181CBC6B14E199ABA03D234BC4594 capsule of kidney Entire capsule of kidney (body structure) 1569 1569 01569 interstitial tissue of kidney 50235001 S01569 Structure of interstitial tissue of kidney (body structure) E01569 362210003 Entire interstitial tissue of kidney (body structure) P01569 Y 70983 P urinary system C2DBA7B86DE348E4A46992749AB99927 8F036A6DA4834EFF8F265EFB6568EABB interstitial tissue of kidney Entire interstitial tissue of kidney (body structure) 1570 1570 01570 cortex of kidney 50403003 S01570 Structure of cortex of kidney (body structure) E01570 362211004 Entire cortex of kidney (body structure) P01570 Y 15581 P urinary system 90CDFAD579804A8EA7C2AD525CAA64E0 76C7F7D8ACAF4768B6677FE2828D0EC1 cortex of kidney Entire cortex of kidney (body structure) Region of parenchyma of kidney representing the outer portion. 1571 1571 01571 medulla of kidney 30737000 S01571 Structure of medulla of kidney (body structure) E01571 362212006 Entire medulla of kidney (body structure) P01571 Y P urinary system E17612EF2CD64F2BAE1C0562CD569989 060B8DFF5876465E8D30BF1FC7E8A36A medulla of kidney Entire medulla of kidney (body structure) 1572 1572 01572 parenchyma of kidney 29704000 S01572 Structure of parenchyma of kidney (body structure) E01572 362213001 Entire renal parenchyma (body structure) P01572 Y 15574 P urinary system 8F6DDCFF1B7A465482E51301E631BB1B E102234035BB4C158866649E2B8288B4 parenchyma of kidney Entire renal parenchyma (body structure) 1573 1573 01573 renal papilla 32041000 S01573 Renal papilla structure (body structure) E01573 362214007 Entire renal papilla (body structure) P01573 Y 15622 P urinary system BD6CD4AA91304350A8EC14A40FC93D3D B4EDBD9473D949049DE11430F9BADDD6 Renal papilla Entire renal papilla (body structure) 1574 1574 01574 renal area cribrosa 58223001 S01574 Renal area cribrosa structure (body structure) E01574 362215008 Entire area cribrosa of renal papilla (body structure) P01574 Y 74311 P urinary system BDBCB53CD7B845DCAB7E3B3BC11B76D9 7AE8F78A3A004D0A8D65B0C46E50BFCF Renal area cribrosa Entire area cribrosa of renal papilla (body structure) 1575 1575 01575 perirenal tissue 47145004 S01575 Perirenal tissue structure (body structure) E01575 362216009 Entire perirenal tissue (body structure) P01575 Y P urinary system CC9E82FD7AC64C448D918D65D4DF9BC8 43195ED50B984CE980196F9471944F94 Perirenal tissue Entire perirenal tissue (body structure) 1576 1576 01576 glomerulus 68288006 S01576 Glomerulus structure (body structure) E01576 362217000 Entire glomerulus (body structure) P01576 Y 15624 P urinary system 61038FFD15264115BE23BB07F7C8AAA7 671CD203395B424BAFA4F07E04437D6C Glomerulus Entire glomerulus (body structure) 1577 1577 01577 parietal layer of Bowman's capsule 30249000 S01577 Structure of parietal layer of Bowman's capsule (body structure) E01577 362218005 Entire parietal layer of Bowman's capsule (body structure) P01577 Y P urinary system FBE947C0991B4C61AE8A893200D3C9B6 24071ACD743347CFA11118B3B036325A parietal layer of Bowman's capsule Entire parietal layer of Bowman's capsule (body structure) 1578 1578 01578 juxtaglomerular apparatus 63303001 S01578 Juxtaglomerular apparatus structure (body structure) E01578 362219002 Entire juxtaglomerular apparatus (body structure) P01578 Y 83599 P endocrine system 68054F8DA1F7495F87D2AA30108C5A68 A66F64ADDAF4430685CC136A13EFC903 Juxtaglomerular apparatus Entire juxtaglomerular apparatus (body structure) 1579 1579 01579 proximal convoluted renal tubule 50468005 S01579 Proximal convoluted renal tubule structure (body structure) E01579 362220008 Entire proximal convoluted renal tubule (body structure) P01579 Y 17693 P urinary system 18FFC22FAF854A9FAD03E3E6408B8F7A B652DBF98DA1474DBB7B20B0C65185CA Proximal convoluted renal tubule Entire proximal convoluted renal tubule (body structure) 1580 1580 01580 renal pelvis 25990002 S01580 Renal pelvis structure (body structure) E01580 362221007 Entire renal pelvis (body structure) P01580 372228002 Part of renal pelvis structure (body structure) Y 15575 P urinary system E39EE53695D142F096DA2C2ABA5378B5 FF064C354D114599A7C75FA4E03B2D1F D8CD095D32464032BE5B7704C0AB2654 Renal pelvis Entire renal pelvis (body structure) renal pelvis 1581 1581 01581 renal sinus 66558008 S01581 Renal sinus structure (body structure) E01581 362222000 Entire renal sinus (body structure) P01581 Y 15611 P urinary system E034CCEB7A2C4E0C85F85A02CC4A7AA5 F986EC385CB04AE8A54D9CB213393B10 Renal sinus Entire renal sinus (body structure) 1582 1582 01582 pelvic portion of ureter 42264008 S01582 Structure of pelvic portion of ureter (body structure) E01582 362223005 Entire pelvic portion of ureter (body structure) P01582 Y 15883 P urinary system 8F8B1475530A4A8F97141D1A089D51DF B3D581DF0832422B8C083BD1094B6121 pelvic portion of ureter Entire pelvic portion of ureter (body structure) Segment of ureter contained in pelvic cavity. 1583 1583 01583 mucous membrane of urinary bladder 2682005 S01583 Structure of mucous membrane of urinary bladder (body structure) E01583 362224004 Entire mucous membrane of urinary bladder (body structure) P01583 - 15928 P urinary system F5C908511073427A954883ED25B990F1 6E7C3FDADC4D4CF69200211C38C4327B mucous membrane of urinary bladder Entire mucous membrane of urinary bladder (body structure) 1584 1584 01584 wall of urinary bladder 393006 S01584 Structure of wall of urinary bladder (body structure) E01584 362225003 Entire wall of urinary bladder (body structure) P01584 - 15902 P urinary system 5CE418A7C714417E968193F80107D303 AF3479B00776433FA57E898EEBE6CA23 wall of urinary bladder Entire wall of urinary bladder (body structure) 1585 1585 01585 fundus of urinary bladder 66247003 S01585 Structure of fundus of urinary bladder (body structure) E01585 362226002 Entire fundus of urinary bladder (body structure) P01585 - 15908 P urinary system 10544E15B4F74DE6BE456AC7DA5843AD 2105E7000661497C98E627DF22399E91 fundus of urinary bladder Entire fundus of urinary bladder (body structure) 1586 1586 01586 neck of urinary bladder 64344009 S01586 Structure of neck of urinary bladder (body structure) E01586 362227006 Entire neck of urinary bladder (body structure) P01586 - 15912 P urinary system C8A8D815D89C4E138298717CB944C919 3CE361F1727240B48ED2C8D6C59A8F45 neck of urinary bladder Entire neck of urinary bladder (body structure) 1587 1587 01587 internal urethral orifice 73385006 S01587 Internal urethral orifice structure (body structure) E01587 362228001 Entire internal urethral orifice (body structure) P01587 - 85263 P urinary system 73844A1D318C482891571A15286FEF3D 0078988411224C959678F5EF89036A50 Internal urethral orifice Entire internal urethral orifice (body structure) 1588 1588 01588 mucous membrane of urethra 17135008 S01588 Structure of mucous membrane of urethra (body structure) E01588 362229009 Entire mucous membrane of urethra (body structure) P01588 - 76904 P urinary system 643BCC28786145479EBBF5EED8969934 55E1E9BECF944909A7E9EC42DAEE33AA mucous membrane of urethra Entire mucous membrane of urethra (body structure) 1589 1589 01589 urethral gland 32061006 S01589 Urethral gland structure (body structure) E01589 279477005 Entire urethral gland (body structure) P01589 - 19683 P urinary system F28487B3B2A24EE29EAC621274EDF6B5 8B299807B3DF4122985DF2F0ABB5FDA2 Urethral gland Entire urethral gland (body structure) 1590 1590 01590 crista of urethra 69635001 S01590 Structure of crista of urethra (body structure) E01590 362231000 Entire crista of urethra (body structure) P01590 - 19718 P genital system 4C2472C4F05B4F10928572571D261A89 6263E31BB84B449CBAAB6EA8123A2827 crista of urethra Entire crista of urethra (body structure) 1591 1591 01591 seminal colliculus 75943001 S01591 Seminal colliculus structure (body structure) E01591 362232007 Entire seminal colliculus (body structure) P01591 Y 74363 P urinary system 174EBEA9B25E4D3181CDBFB76D27C3AC 90CA45EA605E40DB8496D5F7AD2B29B9 Seminal colliculus Entire seminal colliculus (body structure) 1592 1592 01592 fossa navicularis of urethra 55497005 S01592 Structure of fossa navicularis of urethra (body structure) E01592 362233002 Entire fossa navicularis of urethra (body structure) P01592 - 19722 P genital system 272EE16ADDA1428283B8C7793A522BB8 BA978C06F7F244B08D11DDF268B7D105 fossa navicularis of urethra Entire fossa navicularis of urethra (body structure) 1593 1593 01593 female external genitalia 86969008 S01593 Female external genitalia structure (body structure) E01593 362234008 Entire female external genitalia (body structure) P01593 - 45649 P genital system 672FBAA66841429A8AB35864CA61DADE 7E67955270384A74A2844274C7D05E39 Female external genitalia Entire female external genitalia (body structure) 1594 1594 01594 female internal genitalia 87759004 S01594 Female internal genitalia structure (body structure) E01594 P01594 - 45654 P genital system 5DCDD408BE0D4C71B6416D43B3F3248C Female internal genitalia 1595 1595 01595 female genitourinary system 66014000 S01595 Female genitourinary system structure (body structure) E01595 362236005 Entire female genitourinary system (body structure) P01595 - P genitourinary system A25C2619615C430786C1E03B034DA352 EB43B20DE57F41D8987AEE3AC943CC4B Female genitourinary system Entire female genitourinary system (body structure) 1596 1596 01596 labium majus 82462005 S01596 Labium majus structure (body structure) E01596 362237001 Entire labium majus (body structure) P01596 Y 20367 P genital system 85A6AA4C03914D1AB9CCBA41534881E4 5029D980CCC341D58E76CAD36831F3B9 Labium majus Entire labium majus (body structure) 1597 1597 01597 anterior commissure of labia majora 24118001 S01597 Structure of anterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) E01597 362238006 Entire anterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) P01597 - 20400 P genital system 2CB788594ED74C798628052C561B8389 E2235204619D41BCA993F0C7D2E1CFFC anterior commissure of labia majora Entire anterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) 1598 1598 01598 posterior commissure of labia majora 4019005 S01598 Structure of posterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) E01598 362239003 Entire posterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) P01598 - 20401 P genital system 80A1EA04AE41401681AE6005C33A4E5C 140F05C0939A47EAB31C1BA62A235005 posterior commissure of labia majora Entire posterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) 1599 1599 01599 labium minus 32104003 S01599 Labium minus structure (body structure) E01599 362240001 Entire labium minus (body structure) P01599 Y 20374 P genital system 8C98F9D52C5649E181D6DF9BC8917142 F3CC2B3C58404FD780D03413827AC235 Labium minus Entire labium minus (body structure) 1600 1600 01600 glans clitoridis 6504002 S01600 Glans clitoridis structure (body structure) E01600 362241002 Entire glans clitoridis (body structure) P01600 - 19999 P genital system B3A005BD08E04A9285EB2396299CE845 F29B7DD366BD46948615DFAB9AB6E0A5 Glans clitoridis Entire glans clitoridis (body structure) 1601 1601 01601 prepuce of clitoris 13997000 S01601 Structure of prepuce of clitoris (body structure) E01601 362242009 Entire prepuce of clitoris (body structure) P01601 - 20169 P genital system E20341D0A1E74F83B9210C734BD7FD4C 5DD7CC604E9F4A69BEC9B7918C9A8B08 prepuce of clitoris Entire prepuce of clitoris (body structure) 1602 1602 01602 frenulum of clitoris 48316008 S01602 Structure of frenulum of clitoris (body structure) E01602 362243004 Entire frenulum of clitoris (body structure) P01602 - 20417 P genital system 20725A1356464F6C9969294E141B67E5 BD8AAEA398B34EBC8B3AD4926C1FF6D3 frenulum of clitoris Entire frenulum of clitoris (body structure) 1603 1603 01603 Bartholin's gland 87176006 S01603 Bartholin's gland structure (body structure) E01603 362244005 Entire Bartholin's gland (body structure) P01603 Y 9598 P integumentary system 23719DECCAE24160A81A38AAFAB4F226 761CDF3468A94235A2BC6272264F6365 Bartholin's gland Entire Bartholin's gland (body structure) 1604 1604 01604 vaginal mucous membrane 56508003 S01604 Vaginal mucous membrane structure (body structure) E01604 362245006 Entire vaginal mucous membrane (body structure) P01604 - 19975 P genital system BDEC3042CD364460976C62B8ADCCE5B5 7241EA12DE674AB2B69E7B536FB97994 Vaginal mucous membrane Entire vaginal mucous membrane (body structure) 1605 1605 01605 anterior rugal column 79430002 S01605 Anterior rugal column structure (body structure) E01605 362246007 Entire anterior rugal column (body structure) P01605 - P genital system 72B23D67223C49E4A381C46D7DE85B28 6CB0E7026C6743C39CF6381E2A2D8542 Anterior rugal column Entire anterior rugal column (body structure) 1606 1606 01606 upper third of vagina 29038004 S01606 Structure of upper third of vagina (body structure) E01606 362247003 Entire upper third of vagina (body structure) P01606 - P genital system 7C53FEF06974491580931A198721F4F8 17DF57F4541D4999923482DCC1421C03 upper third of vagina Entire upper third of vagina (body structure) 1607 1607 01607 anterior wall of vagina 43298008 S01607 Structure of anterior wall of vagina (body structure) E01607 362248008 Entire anterior wall of vagina (body structure) P01607 - 19972 P genital system FE04C342AE9B4D97AD1328AC00934D32 FE3CAE1B1C38420DB5F3CC34300011C3 anterior wall of vagina Entire anterior wall of vagina (body structure) 1608 1608 01608 posterior wall of vagina 90577007 S01608 Structure of posterior wall of vagina (body structure) E01608 362249000 Entire posterior wall of vagina (body structure) P01608 - 19973 P genital system 3F21FA1A367B48DA894DB18A6B2C0E84 5D35F6E05A134F91B2D4E9B7114CC8B3 posterior wall of vagina Entire posterior wall of vagina (body structure) 1609 1609 01609 anterior and posterior wall of vagina 29378004 S01609 Structure of anterior and posterior wall of vagina (body structure) E01609 362250000 Entire anterior and posterior wall of vagina (body structure) P01609 - P genital system 55C502EC6E1848B19DE2A224D1F16B4D 3F585647477341CA99BFE986B3DA2AAA anterior and posterior wall of vagina Entire anterior and posterior wall of vagina (body structure) 1610 1610 01610 middle third of vagina 38121002 S01610 Structure of middle third of vagina (body structure) E01610 362251001 Entire middle third of vagina (body structure) P01610 - P genital system BB58BF1CC83940D79C3ADE738D08B6B8 782F6A71BBCC42ED81CCF8D5E856D611 middle third of vagina Entire middle third of vagina (body structure) 1611 1611 01611 lower third of vagina 65857004 S01611 Structure of lower third of vagina (body structure) E01611 362252008 Entire lower third of vagina (body structure) P01611 - P genital system 19D11E619ABE4F10BA2474280E1F3B5E 23EC4DD82FD74E31A97C5AF61E96405F lower third of vagina Entire lower third of vagina (body structure) 1612 1612 01612 gravid uterus 9258009 S01612 Gravid uterus structure (body structure) E01612 362253003 Entire gravid uterus (body structure) P01612 - P genital system 3949718BAF694CF6BCCE94201189AE64 495496AAB84541E08B09A31DDDF8A2F8 Gravid uterus Entire gravid uterus (body structure) 1613 1613 01613 body of uterus 23952005 S01613 Body of uterus structure (body structure) E01613 279878007 Entire corpus uteri (body structure) P01613 - 17739 P genital system C48DF38D33D44A02BE441FF959E8CFF9 5FB3645FC80244038E1B10AB958ABF99 Body of uterus Entire corpus uteri (body structure) 1614 1614 01614 isthmus uteri 53935009 S01614 Isthmus uteri structure (body structure) E01614 362254009 Entire isthmus uteri (body structure) P01614 - P genital system DB7A10999B074F87BA0F6B580D5C8B19 17202214D47C4B8BA971D196445C9A75 Isthmus uteri Entire isthmus uteri (body structure) 1615 1615 01615 external os 56340000 S01615 External os structure (body structure) E01615 362255005 Entire external os (body structure) P01615 - 20422 P genital system D20CB924D8274C109398DA42666FE2F9 0BD79109F30E4AEEBD1C77DA31132248 External os Entire external os (body structure) 1616 1616 01616 endocervical epithelium 5769004 S01616 Endocervical epithelium structure (body structure) E01616 362256006 Entire endocervical epithelium (body structure) P01616 - P genital system 5594F7B4DA3C4C459772DA9DB61337E0 C60B974C92CB4C80ACF264B2861D3433 Endocervical epithelium Entire endocervical epithelium (body structure) 1617 1617 01617 endometrial cavity 52393002 S01617 Endometrial cavity structure (body structure) E01617 362257002 Entire endometrial cavity (body structure) P01617 - 18076 P genital system ABEF7F63DEBA4C25B9395EE6ACF72CBE A1DB11589670479D8A1ABECDC8E3FD13 Endometrial cavity Entire endometrial cavity (body structure) 1618 1618 01618 endometrial zona functionalis 11423007 S01618 Endometrial zona functionalis structure (body structure) E01618 362258007 Entire endometrial zona functionalis (body structure) P01618 - P genital system 7AB57C654DE543E8B5EA2C626CDDCE68 C1ED5F6D9D6549FE9168FB213E78C457 Endometrial zona functionalis Entire endometrial zona functionalis (body structure) 1619 1619 01619 cortex of ovary 62075009 S01619 Structure of cortex of ovary (body structure) E01619 362259004 Entire cortex of ovary (body structure) P01619 Y 18613 P genital system DAD6E0F30FC14AF3997565F38AC6F08B FECC09EB62C847D0A05B5591338604C6 cortex of ovary Entire cortex of ovary (body structure) 1620 1620 01620 medulla of ovary 86674003 S01620 Structure of medulla of ovary (body structure) E01620 362260009 Entire medulla of ovary (body structure) P01620 Y 18616 P genital system BCB9DB1AEC3B4598B561E96736944F9C 1843D72EAAEB4B389DD777BB9D5B557B medulla of ovary Entire medulla of ovary (body structure) 1621 1621 01621 vesicular ovarian follicle 64104009 S01621 Vesicular ovarian follicle structure (body structure) E01621 362261008 Entire vesicular ovarian follicle (body structure) P01621 Y 18641 P genital system 8BEAB7A1A12A46BFA7BA0EE0170F2DAF 8634F6F3B6AE4FB6A33F92D40AD014F6 Vesicular ovarian follicle Entire vesicular ovarian follicle (body structure) 1622 1622 01622 infundibulum of fallopian tube 8100009 S01622 Structure of infundibulum of fallopian tube (body structure) E01622 362262001 Entire infundibulum of fallopian tube (body structure) P01622 Y 18307 P genital system DD1EF4A52F7D4AEFAADEC09831564FC8 BBC9D93770C84301A5A709D21EB6EA74 infundibulum of fallopian tube Entire infundibulum of fallopian tube (body structure) 1623 1623 01623 uterine portion of fallopian tube 83301008 S01623 Structure of uterine portion of fallopian tube (body structure) E01623 362263006 Entire uterine portion of fallopian tube (body structure) P01623 Y 18309 P genital system 6CE81C44867E4AE49B060A275F354639 7D7067E466B4447A807B4DA3110F0FA7 uterine portion of fallopian tube Entire uterine portion of fallopian tube (body structure) 1624 1624 01624 male external genitalia 90418005 S01624 Male external genitalia structure (body structure) E01624 362264000 Entire male external genitalia (body structure) P01624 - 45642 P genital system 1FC75D604B8B4F9CA6042DF9319D7EC4 059342DDC77E4BB6951A130824559D58 Male external genitalia Entire male external genitalia (body structure) 1625 1625 01625 male internal genitalia 38242008 S01625 Male internal genitalia structure (body structure) E01625 362265004 Entire male internal genitalia (body structure) P01625 - 45655 P genital system C1CA8A65A0FE416E86606B916D189EBD 2D0208F0F51F4C5482F286AD58D566D7 Male internal genitalia Entire male internal genitalia (body structure) 1626 1626 01626 male genitourinary system 49917003 S01626 Male genitourinary system structure (body structure) E01626 362266003 Entire male genitourinary system (body structure) P01626 - P genitourinary system 0DA44063F67B46C89DAA8199A201FDB7 9DA163B47E974D31A21D00FC7211E304 Male genitourinary system Entire male genitourinary system (body structure) 1627 1627 01627 lower male genitourinary tract 62816002 S01627 Lower male genitourinary tract structure (body structure) E01627 362267007 Entire lower male genitourinary tract (body structure) P01627 - P genitourinary system 5B779903A9FE4C3480D0075124B5CC92 BDCE29023345412C9B5873A7E229D713 Lower male genitourinary tract Entire lower male genitourinary tract (body structure) 1628 1628 01628 radix penis 72377005 S01628 Radix penis structure (body structure) E01628 362268002 Entire radix penis (body structure) P01628 - 19611 P genital system 82862A70BFC84599A1451510F9FBF18A 587C69EA316D4E7193AF78740ADD1A33 Radix penis Entire radix penis (body structure) 1629 1629 01629 bulb of penis 52737000 S01629 Structure of bulb of penis (body structure) E01629 362269005 Entire bulb of urethra (body structure) P01629 - 19614 P genital system A4F94A19744F4B9E8B7A263888DD493C 730A14217B184FF6968E9EC2ACF32F26 bulb of penis Entire bulb of urethra (body structure) 1630 1630 01630 crus penis 21499004 S01630 Crus penis structure (body structure) E01630 362270006 Entire crus penis (body structure) P01630 Y 18248 P genital system DC36FC96FFF14E4DA2F1E22302ADC719 3C04237D49144CE7BB2F67FCAD1EC291 Crus penis Entire crus penis (body structure) 1631 1631 01631 corpus penis 75279004 S01631 Corpus penis structure (body structure) E01631 362271005 Entire corpus penis (body structure) P01631 - 18249 P genital system 5ABFFDF81ED9498FA950CAF0A7B9C771 18472F1255EF4AA8AB3FF9072DBFB96D Corpus penis Entire corpus penis (body structure) 1632 1632 01632 tunica albuginea of corpus cavernosum of penis 69475003 S01632 Structure of tunica albuginea of corpus cavernosum of penis (body structure) E01632 362272003 Entire tunica albuginea of corpus cavernosum of penis (body structure) P01632 Y 19630 P genital system 842DCB5AE2274392A63E7896CFED0911 BDE2B171C22F4CE8998E3E01D1E6D486 tunica albuginea of corpus cavernosum of penis Entire tunica albuginea of corpus cavernosum of penis (body structure) 1633 1633 01633 neck of glans penis 44981009 S01633 Structure of neck of glans penis (body structure) E01633 362273008 Entire neck of glans penis (body structure) P01633 - 19626 P genital system AAB81A27F0CE4E01B193577DAFE8719C D9006B8FFDDD45539BCAEF6BBE4530CC neck of glans penis Entire neck of glans penis (body structure) 1634 1634 01634 corona of penis 12527008 S01634 Structure of corona of penis (body structure) E01634 362274002 Entire corona of penis (body structure) P01634 - 19627 P genital system E461C2D7C9EC42638684E66ACB1442F4 AA9DD35AAE574344A9BB6BCFAE9AE39A corona of penis Entire corona of penis (body structure) 1635 1635 01635 frenulum of foreskin 46636005 S01635 Structure of frenulum of foreskin (body structure) E01635 362275001 Entire frenulum of foreskin (body structure) P01635 - 19647 P genital system EE9C34D5806947909F6812209BD73F6A 4FA1879316B7491CA4544D7F79A11198 frenulum of foreskin Entire frenulum of foreskin (body structure) 1636 1636 01636 prostatic duct 34133003 S01636 Prostatic duct structure (body structure) E01636 362276000 Entire prostatic duct (body structure) P01636 Y 19580 P genital system B8C73D36E4AB439A9D26DF9BA6E0A42A AEDEDCB66A2F46BA9A9429D75B55FE7A Prostatic duct Entire prostatic duct (body structure) 1637 1637 01637 superior pole of testis 52241002 S01637 Structure of superior pole of testis (body structure) E01637 362277009 Entire superior pole of testis (body structure) P01637 Y 19914 P genital system 2C0FF690066749E79DA4624EC5B38F17 8B84BC1B147C4A848DD39F84846C910B superior pole of testis Entire superior pole of testis (body structure) Zone of testis located at the superior end. 1638 1638 01638 parenchyma of testis 75454004 S01638 Structure of parenchyma of testis (body structure) E01638 362278004 Entire parenchyma of testis (body structure) P01638 Y 77298 P genital system 6D8E3B5FF06F49789C5E6375B0E87DA5 E5662E7DA35D4E1FA2D73FF1E42D8781 parenchyma of testis Entire parenchyma of testis (body structure) 1639 1639 01639 mediastinum of testis 86671006 S01639 Structure of mediastinum of testis (body structure) E01639 362279007 Entire mediastinum of testis (body structure) P01639 Y 19812 P genital system 3E78E6F544D14C82A98E8F74427C5DD3 5651A7A4197C441D895A9025D7A8D854 mediastinum of testis Entire mediastinum of testis (body structure) 1640 1640 01640 interstitial tissue of testis 64526000 S01640 Structure of interstitial tissue of testis (body structure) E01640 362280005 Entire interstitial tissue of testis (body structure) P01640 Y P genital system 68D0233424CE4303A4FD68319C495C3C E4F886C0F30E4814BCCF4CE29944A200 interstitial tissue of testis Entire interstitial tissue of testis (body structure) 1641 1641 01641 tunica vaginalis 12817009 S01641 Tunica vaginalis structure (body structure) E01641 362281009 Entire tunica vaginalis (body structure) P01641 Y P genital system 093838889DBD4813B6AB45F581EABDF8 F2543D0606F9450E8CA8341E8A83E006 Tunica vaginalis Entire tunica vaginalis (body structure) 1642 1642 01642 head of epididymis 31427003 S01642 Structure of head of epididymis (body structure) E01642 362282002 Entire head of epididymis (body structure) P01642 Y 18259 P genital system CE129D36C1734B8D86286234C698501B AE364AA39ECA45BCBE140F4451C27D5A head of epididymis Entire head of epididymis (body structure) 1643 1643 01643 ligament of epididymis 76125008 S01643 Structure of ligament of epididymis (body structure) E01643 362283007 Entire ligament of epididymis (body structure) P01643 Y P genital system C9571985F3D1452E9909B6861F7E8644 DC80C11DE5DA409982FA2658642653EF ligament of epididymis Entire ligament of epididymis (body structure) 1644 1644 01644 aberrant ductule of epididymis 36119000 S01644 Structure of aberrant ductule of epididymis (body structure) E01644 362284001 Entire aberrant ductule of epididymis (body structure) P01644 Y 74056 P genital system 7E5C9D7762F14FEBB761CB9BDD7C37E3 99DD6DE083DC4299ACC230DBFAC2DBE6 aberrant ductule of epididymis Entire aberrant ductule of epididymis (body structure) 1645 1645 01645 ampulla of vas deferens 41767004 S01645 Structure of ampulla of vas deferens (body structure) E01645 362285000 Entire ampulla of vas deferens (body structure) P01645 Y 19259 P genital system 5F6347DBE6194FD1A5813BCAD61094B9 919E152941BE4D4BA1AFE8C9CDC1AAE8 ampulla of vas deferens Entire ampulla of vas deferens (body structure) 1646 1646 01646 vas deferens lumen 27650004 S01646 Vas deferens lumen structure (body structure) E01646 362286004 Entire vas deferens lumen (body structure) P01646 Y 19271 P genital system DEAF37AC290D49CC9D1F2B16BFA46D5E FF5AF44E5E914FED8FDF8C0D02B9C7FD Vas deferens lumen Entire vas deferens lumen (body structure) 1647 1647 01647 pyramidal system 24314005 S01647 Pyramidal system structure (body structure) E01647 362287008 Entire pyramidal system (body structure) P01647 - P nervous system AF86DFB95E994A86B5143088FD7175F0 F40BD86E12A44725BAA6A452B020D3C9 Pyramidal system Entire pyramidal system (body structure) 1648 1648 01648 extrapyramidal system 76375004 S01648 Extrapyramidal system structure (body structure) E01648 362288003 Entire extrapyramidal system (body structure) P01648 - P nervous system 4C6D2D4F58C5471CB4838AE042841E32 EBFB143DD416440C947DBE351817E245 Extrapyramidal system Entire extrapyramidal system (body structure) 1649 1649 01649 reticular activating system 67837004 S01649 Reticular activating system structure (body structure) E01649 362289006 Entire reticular activating system (body structure) P01649 - P nervous system 29B3E58436714CF689F56A9B722845A2 9FFB890B570D4166A3EED9276752C9B5 Reticular activating system Entire reticular activating system (body structure) 1650 1650 01650 vomer bone 87166008 S01650 Vomer bone structure (body structure) E01650 272678009 Entire vomer bone (body structure) P01650 - 9710 P skeletal system D2A6998D441B440BB3EB35479843BE2C D5546DD09A9E4A00981B13454B80DC7A Vomer bone Entire vomer bone (body structure) 1651 1651 01651 nasal bone 74386004 S01651 Nasal bone structure (body structure) E01651 181801008 Entire nasal bone (body structure) P01651 Y 52745 P skeletal system 845839B095F043109AB19060CD47F5EF B9DAE0373FBA4EF79A5749A8BD8DEBF6 Nasal bone Entire nasal bone (body structure) 1652 1652 01652 olfactory system 47166007 S01652 Structure of olfactory system (body structure) E01652 362290002 Entire olfactory system (body structure) P01652 - 7190 P special senses organ system 721F2A7DFCE64B96BD932463DA9154AB 813B51EC6AE24797850381E5859C1B09 olfactory system Entire olfactory system (body structure) 1653 1653 01653 prosencephalon 81861006 S01653 Prosencephalon structure (body structure) E01653 362291003 Entire prosencephalon (body structure) P01653 - 61992 P nervous system 9B44138C9E2944AD928C6C10A754A055 EB0B1ECC363F42FB807CD88C82E83528 Prosencephalon Entire prosencephalon (body structure) Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the telencephalon, diencephalon, lateral ventricles and third ventricle. 1654 1654 01654 peripheral nervous system 3058005 S01654 Peripheral nervous system structure (body structure) E01654 362292005 Entire peripheral nervous system (body structure) P01654 - 9903 P nervous system 0F22391DE27E46CEAD083901EA6FA231 AEB692267613476AA629DAEA2A4F0472 Peripheral nervous system Entire peripheral nervous system (body structure) Set of neural tree organs directly connected to neuraxis. 1656 1656 01656 central nervous system tract 57592002 S01656 Central nervous system tract structure (body structure) E01656 362294006 Entire central nervous system tract (body structure) P01656 - P nervous system CF37437F2D8B4A3992A569C88451CFC2 9798837792D34C8294259286874A045A Central nervous system tract Entire central nervous system tract (body structure) 1657 1657 01657 nerve root 40958000 S01657 Nerve root structure (body structure) E01657 362295007 Entire nerve root (body structure) P01657 Y 5981 P nervous system 158708F2DD9C4EF8A906BA2C980A2C80 5D22633338764F3AAF4DF75AC3B7D7DA Nerve root Entire nerve root (body structure) 1658 1658 01658 myelinated nerve fiber 54115001 S01658 Myelinated nerve fiber structure (body structure) E01658 362296008 Entire myelinated nerve fiber (body structure) P01658 - 5915 P nervous system 98C2FEFD577F47488D3B9949E18EAC2E 6082B37D72254A7A8C105BC85A3728CF Myelinated nerve fiber Entire myelinated nerve fiber (body structure) 1660 1660 01660 synapse 69147006 S01660 Synapse structure (body structure) E01660 362298009 Entire synapse (body structure) P01660 - 67408 P nervous system F99F2F28CDE8421A814A4B7D79147ED8 0E013E92FF6F4D0F9C137281F6836376 Synapse Entire synapse (body structure) 1661 1661 01661 perineurium 68661006 S01661 Perineurium structure (body structure) E01661 362299001 Entire perineurium (body structure) P01661 - 52585 P nervous system 19A5163E52CD41E693C5F89B2A2BE8C1 F6AEE077241F4BBB8D0458690A7FE196 Perineurium Entire perineurium (body structure) 1662 1662 01662 cerebral meninges 8935007 S01662 Cerebral meninges structure (body structure) E01662 362300009 Entire cerebral meninges (body structure) P01662 - P nervous system 8A94A70EC03B40C4AE123504C4BA86C8 4299F2D40CAD496996703397AB6AA1C4 Cerebral meninges Entire cerebral meninges (body structure) 1663 1663 01663 dura mater 18545000 S01663 Dura mater structure (body structure) E01663 362301008 Entire dura mater (body structure) P01663 - 9592 P nervous system 9B9D6C27B67C49BA9578C0E0CA9D9EF8 1C770DCAC1E440A5BE44E3316FEB68A4 Dura mater Entire dura mater (body structure) 1664 1664 01664 spinal dura mater 37554007 S01664 Spinal dura mater structure (body structure) E01664 362302001 Entire spinal dura mater (body structure) P01664 - 71237 P nervous system BD531BC14DB04718A2585EA72A845CD1 96C5641606224C0DA39D421136EFE1EE Spinal dura mater Entire spinal dura mater (body structure) 1665 1665 01665 leptomeninx 66697007 S01665 Leptomeninges structure (body structure) E01665 362303006 Entire leptomeninges (body structure) P01665 - 266091 P nervous system 53BB2A800B9741C680495AFD4477FDC5 8B0E35AC56FA4BBF9CACCC71424120F0 Leptomeninges Entire leptomeninges (body structure) 1666 1666 01666 arachnoid 75042008 S01666 Arachnoid structure (body structure) E01666 362304000 Entire arachnoid (body structure) P01666 - 9591 P nervous system 20638E930E87457EA35334031B8802FE 9D65EDC5825E4BB3B17AAEC241D09685 Arachnoid Entire arachnoid (body structure) 1667 1667 01667 pia mater 23180006 S01667 Pia mater structure (body structure) E01667 362305004 Entire pia mater (body structure) P01667 - 9590 P nervous system 13F27EF217504DD7B14C858E9B0ADEDA 56A340255C294AE4A2586D2817DC2228 Pia mater Entire pia mater (body structure) 1668 1668 01668 intracranial pia mater 36405008 S01668 Cranial pia mater structure (body structure) E01668 362306003 Entire cranial pia mater (body structure) P01668 - 78443 P nervous system D41F452188FE469790B0125E5BB26439 E58205B1B43146AC927578ADDB82EB4C Cranial pia mater Entire cranial pia mater (body structure) 1669 1669 01669 spinal pia mater 68847004 S01669 Spinal pia mater structure (body structure) E01669 362307007 Entire spinal pia mater (body structure) P01669 - 83975 P nervous system 405C3046FD15434CB4A36941A6CECE2C 5A3C61EE335441838B67A5C25079B9D6 Spinal pia mater Entire spinal pia mater (body structure) 1670 1670 01670 subdural space 54214006 S01670 Subdural space structure (body structure) E01670 362308002 Entire subdural space (body structure) P01670 - 83803 P nervous system F3A80B560DF74791B0590F9B658DFE48 4B72B64E1BCB47ADA8D3C6BBF4BEA76F Subdural space Entire subdural space (body structure) 1671 1671 01671 subdural space of brain 7851002 S01671 Intracranial subdural space structure (body structure) E01671 244435000 Subdural space of brain (body structure) P01671 - P nervous system 126B96A1C2EA44998DFBB4F8C75D62E3 3A56AF0EBEC14D97AE5FACAFD3875C21 Intracranial subdural space Subdural space of brain (body structure) 1672 1672 01672 subdural space of spinal region 7712004 S01672 Structure of subdural space of spinal region (body structure) E01672 244439006 Subdural space of spinal cord (body structure) P01672 - P nervous system 0C65136D704C40E69CAC093EFFD4D2F6 70019F52F4254F57A98E87DA8E10DE5F subdural space of spinal region Subdural space of spinal cord (body structure) 1673 1673 01673 subarachnoid space 35951006 S01673 Subarachnoid space structure (body structure) E01673 362311001 Entire subarachnoid space (body structure) P01673 - 83716 P nervous system FD22D95E7DBE4B328145A9E29A43811F AC02C79F4A9A4B37BDA5E1886AE04EDB Subarachnoid space Entire subarachnoid space (body structure) 1674 1674 01674 subarachnoid space of brain 33930006 S01674 Structure of subarachnoid space of brain (body structure) E01674 264204003 Entire subarachnoid space of brain (body structure) P01674 - P nervous system B2B15FF512AA46DEA6E1A1CEB3B5B730 F53F9354290445CC89B96BD87FC3D295 subarachnoid space of brain Entire subarachnoid space of brain (body structure) 1675 1675 01675 septum pellucidum 70146006 S01675 Septum pellucidum structure (body structure) E01675 362313003 Entire septum pellucidum (body structure) P01675 - 61844 P nervous system 8B54452244B44233858E5023F7B846D9 875B75F16B2C43108031A8C50AB29CD2 Septum pellucidum Entire septum pellucidum (body structure) 1676 1676 01676 posterior horn of lateral ventricle 52943005 S01676 Structure of posterior horn of lateral ventricle (body structure) E01676 362314009 Entire posterior horn of lateral ventricle (body structure) P01676 Y 83700 P nervous system 0516AECEB3BE4C10B009B073C1B78327 F33285B7DF3E43B7A8B2E8551B05D272 posterior horn of lateral ventricle Entire posterior horn of lateral ventricle (body structure) 1677 1677 01677 inferior horn of lateral ventricle 53118009 S01677 Structure of inferior horn of lateral ventricle (body structure) E01677 362315005 Entire inferior horn of lateral ventricle (body structure) P01677 Y 83701 P nervous system 3BB0B75EC35042F0945DD12AC2A003FE DAA3121EEF8449299F8AE2EABDE4C11C inferior horn of lateral ventricle Entire inferior horn of lateral ventricle (body structure) 1678 1678 01678 ependyma of third ventricle 12857007 S01678 Structure of ependyma of third ventricle (body structure) E01678 362316006 Entire ependyma of third ventricle (body structure) P01678 - 242833 P nervous system 5B103D3201844AA7B632FE6A31B3767A 0A739F3DE0674C2488A22E7E10895D57 ependyma of third ventricle Entire ependyma of third ventricle (body structure) 1679 1679 01679 cerebral aqueduct 80447000 S01679 Structure of cerebral aqueduct (body structure) E01679 279249003 Entire cerebral aqueduct (body structure) P01679 - 78467 P nervous system 9310FC6C0D7147E7BF0D7E51B3B4F23F A83D15ABF1554C1BB9E5EECAECFC0945 cerebral aqueduct Entire cerebral aqueduct (body structure) 1680 1680 01680 tegmen of fourth ventricle 44766007 S01680 Structure of tegmen of fourth ventricle (body structure) E01680 362318007 Entire tegmen of fourth ventricle (body structure) P01680 - 78439 P nervous system 1AE3E24C4DF6411E983B0B49FFD05CCD 174DF2FF113B4941AB6E41F1D1297A69 tegmen of fourth ventricle Entire tegmen of fourth ventricle (body structure) 1681 1681 01681 tela choroidea of lateral ventricle 17168001 S01681 Structure of tela choroidea of lateral ventricle (body structure) E01681 362319004 Entire tela choroidea of lateral ventricle (body structure) P01681 Y 83712 P nervous system 14162036718746CDA6547AC1E187C6D9 95A2FC5D81E84D62A4E558279C18AF28 tela choroidea of lateral ventricle Entire tela choroidea of lateral ventricle (body structure) 1682 1682 01682 tela choroidea of third ventricle 27155005 S01682 Structure of tela choroidea of third ventricle (body structure) E01682 362320005 Entire tela choroidea of third ventricle (body structure) P01682 - 78463 P nervous system 3532EDF467754FA8B3BF55A40EAED85A 71DE780D52DC4168A36137847520F888 tela choroidea of third ventricle Entire tela choroidea of third ventricle (body structure) 1683 1683 01683 tela choroidea of fourth ventricle 43926006 S01683 Structure of tela choroidea of fourth ventricle (body structure) E01683 362321009 Entire tela choroidea of fourth ventricle (body structure) P01683 - 78493 P nervous system 16A58C09157E42B98C7D1A709FFCF0BC F9E09C9F80824A3A8CDB3DB64F283D15 tela choroidea of fourth ventricle Entire tela choroidea of fourth ventricle (body structure) 1684 1684 01684 right cerebral hemisphere 5228007 S01684 Right cerebral hemisphere structure (body structure) E01684 362322002 Entire right cerebral hemisphere (body structure) P01684 R 67292 P nervous system A1F74F7A5DA14DFB93DF34948CE4A30E DC38000225A44D4E9C14244B3EF8B3F5 Right cerebral hemisphere Entire right cerebral hemisphere (body structure) The right cerebral hemisphere is one of two bilateral, largely symmetrical organ subdivisions within the telencephalon which contain the cerebral cortex and cerebral white matter. 1685 1685 01685 left cerebral hemisphere 72792008 S01685 Left cerebral hemisphere structure (body structure) E01685 362323007 Entire left cerebral hemisphere (body structure) P01685 L 61819 P nervous system D18593103FB44F3386AB0B0847C8FD71 A7950159D9D14B499CE9A9796ECB2F4B Left cerebral hemisphere Entire left cerebral hemisphere (body structure) Left cerebral hemisphere is one of two bilateral, largely symmetrical organ subdivisions within the telencephalon which contain the cerebral cortex and cerebral white matter. 1686 1686 01686 lobe of brain 90597002 S01686 Structure of lobe of brain (body structure) E01686 362324001 Entire lobe of brain (body structure) P01686 Y P nervous system 7652A1A59A1B4FF18217E73D150B1210 58924D03796C4429974179AD2C7AEA8F lobe of brain Entire lobe of brain (body structure) 1687 1687 01687 pyramidal tract 72217004 S01687 Pyramidal tract structure (body structure) E01687 362325000 Entire pyramidal tract (body structure) P01687 Y 72634 P nervous system F59D411BC9C14B4C98E1C0D1A461AD47 9E7933998BD44A65AFDE62E5FE143A93 Pyramidal tract Entire pyramidal tract (body structure) 1688 1688 01688 cerebral dorsum 56982009 S01688 Cerebral dorsum structure (body structure) E01688 362326004 Entire cerebral dorsum (body structure) P01688 Y P nervous system B3D587849A1442688A984F0826BE8E60 A4A003EAE1054C2BA38441998A34B3CE Cerebral dorsum Entire cerebral dorsum (body structure) 1689 1689 01689 cerebral medial surface 78976001 S01689 Cerebral medial surface structure (body structure) E01689 362327008 Entire cerebral medial surface (body structure) P01689 Y P nervous system 6CBAA5B9C3C344EEA7A3F978A3A8508E C9CAF6490EC6416DB4522182138958AA Cerebral medial surface Entire cerebral medial surface (body structure) 1690 1690 01690 cerebral basal surface 2209009 S01690 Cerebral basal surface structure (body structure) E01690 362328003 Entire cerebral basal surface (body structure) P01690 Y P nervous system 8BBFBBD57FAE4BF9880BB22D07BC4862 0C621F71B2B94691893F60EA978DCB68 Cerebral basal surface Entire cerebral basal surface (body structure) 1691 1691 01691 frontal lobe gyrus 16792007 S01691 Structure of frontal lobe gyrus (body structure) E01691 279169003 Entire frontal lobe gyrus (body structure) P01691 Y P nervous system A787A540FEB2470683340F3486B06A3E EA80947B20EF4E01BD3BCBD94A99647D frontal lobe gyrus Entire frontal lobe gyrus (body structure) 1692 1692 01692 cortex of frontal lobe 26972005 S01692 Structure of cortex of frontal lobe (body structure) E01692 362330001 Entire cortex of frontal lobe (body structure) P01692 Y 242199 P nervous system E23392A1EDFA49EAA934916A441776DA 8B626A9F06F0419FA73AC00B7B7BCC74 cortex of frontal lobe Entire cortex of frontal lobe (body structure) 1693 1693 01693 white matter of frontal lobe 79460007 S01693 Structure of white matter of frontal lobe (body structure) E01693 362331002 Entire white matter of frontal lobe (body structure) P01693 Y 256178 P nervous system 47D6A2D931944637B697677032F1D79C 7ECD91843F464847A7B35BD480989763 white matter of frontal lobe Entire white matter of frontal lobe (body structure) 1694 1694 01694 middle frontal gyrus 74528000 S01694 Structure of middle frontal gyrus (body structure) E01694 362332009 Entire middle frontal gyrus (body structure) P01694 Y 61859 P nervous system 4C15DA68819B4ADD97F9B14B01DC0CF6 D4C689B4AF5744B2950207FB2E790310 middle frontal gyrus Entire middle frontal gyrus (body structure) 1695 1695 01695 inferior frontal gyrus 5336001 S01695 Structure of inferior frontal gyrus (body structure) E01695 362333004 Entire inferior frontal gyrus (body structure) P01695 Y 61860 P nervous system 10248DB2743B411E9F29F51F1DB273B3 2A5C577DA3154446B797D4301AD5B4E8 inferior frontal gyrus Entire inferior frontal gyrus (body structure) 1696 1696 01696 ascending frontal gyrus 465006 S01696 Structure of ascending frontal gyrus (body structure) E01696 362334005 Entire ascending frontal gyrus (body structure) P01696 Y 61894 P nervous system 60FAE73593CB4EBFA41AA57E5975E2A1 3941B5138BF746A39715D329BB6E9BDC ascending frontal gyrus Entire ascending frontal gyrus (body structure) 1697 1697 01697 parietal lobe gyrus 34709004 S01697 Structure of parietal lobe gyrus (body structure) E01697 279176008 Entire parietal lobe gyrus (body structure) P01697 Y P nervous system 68EB74C9689F41BE9C7ED3A2B7028DB8 92008BCCAAF844558156902134285C76 parietal lobe gyrus Entire parietal lobe gyrus (body structure) 1698 1698 01698 inferior parietal lobule 51102009 S01698 Inferior parietal lobule structure (body structure) E01698 362336007 Entire inferior parietal lobule (body structure) P01698 Y 77536 P nervous system 041EF9930877479F9A9FBE746FA92C46 E1EDDCB1E7F94667B7C192D0B98C9B46 Inferior parietal lobule Entire inferior parietal lobule (body structure) 1699 1699 01699 occipital lobe gyrus 44597009 S01699 Structure of occipital lobe gyrus (body structure) E01699 279177004 Entire occipital lobe gyrus (body structure) P01699 Y P nervous system 7DD2FAFA53C64030991FB161F799AAA9 3C375AB836104ED1AB86C44EEC97FDFA occipital lobe gyrus Entire occipital lobe gyrus (body structure) 1700 1700 01700 cortex of occipital lobe 32448004 S01700 Structure of cortex of occipital lobe (body structure) E01700 362338008 Entire cortex of occipital lobe (body structure) P01700 Y 242205 P nervous system B4720B0E28D843C28F17E7C88B1D0956 FC4298E25E1A429A843F8B582E7ED672 cortex of occipital lobe Entire cortex of occipital lobe (body structure) 1701 1701 01701 white matter of occipital lobe 15164003 S01701 Structure of white matter of occipital lobe (body structure) E01701 362339000 Entire white matter of occipital lobe (body structure) P01701 Y 256188 P nervous system 678232EC1B114002B311A37661063A15 B4D88660BC6140A4932C536F30894BC2 white matter of occipital lobe Entire white matter of occipital lobe (body structure) 1703 1703 01703 Brodmann areas 17 (striate cortex), 18 (parastriate cortex) and 19 (peristriate cortex) of the occipital lobe 128330006 S01703 Structure of Brodmann areas 17 (striate cortex), 18 (parastriate cortex) and 19 (peristriate cortex) of the occipital lobe (body structure) E01703 362341004 Entire Brodmann areas 17 (striate cortex), 18 (parastriate cortex) and 19 (peristriate cortex) of occipital lobe (body structure) P01703 Y P special senses organ system 073738D68B4A4ECC9BF2F3EE4F0C7F44 2881B50B67E746CE9EC248F19027F5BA Brodmann areas 17 (striate cortex), 18 (parastriate cortex) and 19 (peristriate cortex) of the occipital lobe Entire Brodmann areas 17 (striate cortex), 18 (parastriate cortex) and 19 (peristriate cortex) of occipital lobe (body structure) 1704 1704 01704 temporal lobe gyrus 90772004 S01704 Structure of temporal lobe gyrus (body structure) E01704 279173000 Entire temporal lobe gyrus (body structure) P01704 Y P nervous system AFCEBA3FE3854429B6CC810D8FDA749B C37811DB230E45EAB72CD3BBDBCA7F5F temporal lobe gyrus Entire temporal lobe gyrus (body structure) 1705 1705 01705 cortex of temporal lobe 53464006 S01705 Structure of cortex of temporal lobe (body structure) E01705 362343001 Entire cortex of temporal lobe (body structure) P01705 Y 242201 P nervous system 8CEE6A3766A6424786B38228A32897CF DB6FB90E0C094D3CB31B246458D1B8EC cortex of temporal lobe Entire cortex of temporal lobe (body structure) 1706 1706 01706 white matter of temporal lobe 85245008 S01706 Structure of white matter of temporal lobe (body structure) E01706 362344007 Entire white matter of temporal lobe (body structure) P01706 Y 256186 P nervous system 45F5C1E269CE4FD192905C8FC396B24A 14A17F85DAE14793BE2902F71C90FDB9 white matter of temporal lobe Entire white matter of temporal lobe (body structure) 1707 1707 01707 superior temporal gyrus 30143006 S01707 Structure of superior temporal gyrus (body structure) E01707 362345008 Entire superior temporal gyrus (body structure) P01707 Y 61905 P nervous system 882B737C341443B88B23580166B8B129 5330FBE94AAC4B02A89DFB7E7C0FAF77 superior temporal gyrus Entire superior temporal gyrus (body structure) 1708 1708 01708 auditory projection area 35112002 S01708 Auditory projection area structure (body structure) E01708 362346009 Entire auditory projection area (body structure) P01708 Y 226221 P special senses organ system 37DF970B64564878A49FFADC26845804 C1C17FFD784A4D8AA233942AF455230D Auditory projection area Entire auditory projection area (body structure) 1709 1709 01709 parahippocampal gyrus 13989007 S01709 Structure of parahippocampal gyrus (body structure) E01709 279205000 Entire parahippocampal gyrus (body structure) P01709 Y 61918 P nervous system 752956BDBAD243F08C8010F5D56A06B2 ECB78463EA3C4E0FAAE590D2DCF0EBF3 parahippocampal gyrus Entire parahippocampal gyrus (body structure) 1710 1710 01710 uncus of hippocampus 73226006 S01710 Structure of uncus of hippocampus (body structure) E01710 362348005 Entire uncus of hippocampus (body structure) P01710 Y 74884 P nervous system 6DB21B80CE38477984546A70B16A55B7 1FD9CBBAB5E84DB18A2CF9BF3558A565 uncus of hippocampus Entire uncus of hippocampus (body structure) 1711 1711 01711 insula and opercula 91711006 S01711 Insula and opercula structure (body structure) E01711 362349002 Entire insula and opercula (body structure) P01711 Y P nervous system DFDAA2B28B39497B9E01029BFBB8A020 0C79665290BF4FC0905C01249D98019D Insula and opercula Entire insula and opercula (body structure) 1712 1712 01712 white matter of insula 9073001 S01712 Structure of white matter of insula (body structure) E01712 362350002 Entire white matter of insula (body structure) P01712 Y 264274 P nervous system 0B776677165D4E848CC4DA537D9A4E03 8E3384111FD84C6094619A9E3FA3AA64 white matter of insula Entire white matter of insula (body structure) 1713 1713 01713 operculum 55844009 S01713 Operculum structure (body structure) E01713 362351003 Entire operculum (body structure) P01713 Y 0 P nervous system 94F09E2C8740469DAF03EE8316140A58 B4402A3C0B4C45AAA199A63FF210D476 Operculum Entire operculum (body structure) 1714 1714 01714 frontal operculum 48459004 S01714 Frontal operculum structure (body structure) E01714 362352005 Entire frontal operculum (body structure) P01714 Y 74886 P nervous system E613387B4EB342FD90C9E68B24C452A6 6DD87B7161B14AD69BB6C4A62345703F Frontal operculum Entire frontal operculum (body structure) 1715 1715 01715 parietal operculum 89359007 S01715 Parietal operculum structure (body structure) E01715 362353000 Entire parietal operculum (body structure) P01715 Y 74889 P nervous system EB815AEB19DF458B91FEACE842329B96 36E6B7DC08504D13B28A0EC2106C26E7 Parietal operculum Entire parietal operculum (body structure) 1716 1716 01716 corpus callosum 88442005 S01716 Corpus callosum structure (body structure) E01716 362354006 Entire corpus callosum (body structure) P01716 - 86464 P nervous system 19AA1192803A4F0CBCA0D788EC3DEB84 47E8508FFCDE491B82E2759B5603E40A Corpus callosum Entire corpus callosum (body structure) 1717 1717 01717 splenium of corpus callosum 23347006 S01717 Structure of splenium of corpus callosum (body structure) E01717 362355007 Entire splenium of corpus callosum (body structure) P01717 - 61948 P nervous system 46621494A29343B39FEF2F8825A2B4B2 32E33B8DFFAB4DB48D088BBD2AFE7FC4 splenium of corpus callosum Entire splenium of corpus callosum (body structure) 1718 1718 01718 olfactory tract 3960005 S01718 Olfactory tract structure (body structure) E01718 362356008 Entire olfactory tract (body structure) P01718 Y 77626 P nervous system C9726B9A70424493A40FDE139676E78D 18BDE04B02D245AAB0C1C9141879C11E Olfactory tract Entire olfactory tract (body structure) Tract of brain which is continuous with olfactory bulb and the cerebral cortex. 1719 1719 01719 parolfactory area 50827008 S01719 Parolfactory area structure (body structure) E01719 362357004 Entire parolfactory area (body structure) P01719 Y 61890 P special senses organ system BA011CCEC8774BEFA4353BC2EC43CA94 730728627DAC40588D7BDC8C1914DBBA Parolfactory area Entire parolfactory area (body structure) Subdivision of telencephalon which is a small field of the cerebral cortex located beneath the rostral corpus callosum bounded anteriorly by the anterior parolfactory sulcus. 1720 1720 01720 gyrus paraterminalis 74548007 S01720 Structure of gyrus paraterminalis (body structure) E01720 362358009 Entire gyrus paraterminalis (body structure) P01720 Y 61919 P special senses organ system 4FDB516C183A446B9A1F964DD2818F27 6EAD72A5A9CA437A9D8A63F614122F77 gyrus paraterminalis Entire gyrus paraterminalis (body structure) 1721 1721 01721 basal ganglia and capsules 91712004 S01721 Basal ganglia and capsules structure (body structure) E01721 362359001 Entire basal ganglia and capsules (body structure) P01721 Y P nervous system B8F237A53A8C4D1BAA45F6A59D020130 A1A78D89408E4A1888D6D3AB68B4F1E5 Basal ganglia and capsules Entire basal ganglia and capsules (body structure) 1723 1723 01723 globus pallidus 14738005 S01723 Globus pallidus structure (body structure) E01723 362361005 Entire globus pallidus (body structure) P01723 Y 61835 P nervous system 0D2A0D6B04B6444884BF5067F715235B 0392FB77373D49BF886A7188A3534020 Globus pallidus Entire globus pallidus (body structure) Nucleus of brain which is located medially to the putamen and laterally to the internal capsule. 1724 1724 01724 genu of internal capsule 47170004 S01724 Structure of genu of internal capsule (body structure) E01724 362362003 Entire genu of internal capsule (body structure) P01724 Y 61953 P nervous system 9E928490D1F746CB875311DB3782C944 CD13C9BC37E848F8B1E2DC96B41E1732 genu of internal capsule Entire genu of internal capsule (body structure) 1725 1725 01725 retrolenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule 88798006 S01725 Structure of retrolenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) E01725 362363008 Entire retrolenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) P01725 Y 61957 P nervous system 9A2AE97ADAA1404A828F0F69F5FA4F0B 12676CA7DA264B498A046776E3FD2504 retrolenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule Entire retrolenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) 1726 1726 01726 thalamosensory cortical fiber bundle of internal capsule 51728003 S01726 Structure of thalamosensory cortical fibers of internal capsule (body structure) E01726 362364002 Entire thalamosensory cortical fibers of internal capsule (body structure) P01726 Y P nervous system CDA608D5A47C4CAD9C4B8C7D57A5F62E C26926A44DF64090A2BCE7B167769197 thalamosensory cortical fibers of internal capsule Entire thalamosensory cortical fibers of internal capsule (body structure) 1727 1727 01727 sublenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule 36941001 S01727 Structure of sublenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) E01727 362365001 Entire sublenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) P01727 Y 61958 P nervous system 5EE0BDEDC23F46A5BDA233E0FE6F829D A89189C0A3F246819C3B12E4A43D5D33 sublenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule Entire sublenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) 1728 1728 01728 anterior region of thalamus 71515006 S01728 Structure of anterior region of thalamus (body structure) E01728 279111009 Entire anterior part of thalamus (body structure) P01728 Y P nervous system 159EB9E6152D41B3840C3B24B798151E CE3AED295C4C4AFAAB747F89E8F61DB2 anterior region of thalamus Entire anterior part of thalamus (body structure) 1729 1729 01729 anterior nuclear group of thalamus 38389007 S01729 Structure of anterior nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) E01729 362367009 Entire anterior nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) P01729 Y 62019 P nervous system C835EFD15733401381FFB680405632CE D45046407F0347D0B8D1748D26F7A545 anterior nuclear group of thalamus Entire anterior nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) 1730 1730 01730 stria medullaris 43796006 S01730 Stria medullaris structure (body structure) E01730 362368004 Entire stria medullaris (body structure) P01730 Y P nervous system D5DB2EFD6A9546CDBC42650F972CDD4C 0FB57D86D648401D80C64A306D72D7E3 Stria medullaris Entire stria medullaris (body structure) 1731 1731 01731 midline nuclear group of thalamus 76747003 S01731 Structure of midline nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) E01731 362369007 Entire midline nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) P01731 Y 62020 P nervous system 2F11A97AFFE44EE4B991375B9056F5D9 FAFDCE8D6E724F40B8DBF6286CC966F2 midline nuclear group of thalamus Entire midline nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) 1733 1733 01733 dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus 1659006 S01733 Structure of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E01733 279149008 Entire dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P01733 Y P nervous system 75BC55DB02C943C3803F2F6FD494959B 04E5D40D161841FD88252D3C5BE55F59 dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus Entire dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 1734 1734 01734 ventral nuclear group of thalamus 1707008 S01734 Structure of ventral nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) E01734 362372000 Entire ventral nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) P01734 Y 62022 P nervous system 76712D422F41448FA9988B3A82BA4048 4568637E3EBE4E03A93B2A34CFEF1D58 ventral nuclear group of thalamus Entire ventral nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) 1735 1735 01735 ventral anterior nucleus 3295003 S01735 Structure of ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E01735 279131008 Entire ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P01735 Y 62184 P nervous system EADB6BB24F8F4F22AB3BE5398926447C 0C87D7FDFFEC4AB7943E68F9837D039C ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus Entire ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 1736 1736 01736 ventral posterior nucleus of thalamus 82700003 S01736 Structure of ventral posterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E01736 279147005 Entire ventral posterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P01736 Y 62187 P nervous system 30C22F9B83414161B7BFD2D4B25EA6EF 0B1A74B55A844362962B6E7632FDA609 ventral posterior nucleus of thalamus Entire ventral posterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 1737 1737 01737 lateral nuclear group of thalamus 10778008 S01737 Structure of lateral nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) E01737 362375003 Entire lateral nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) P01737 Y 62174 P nervous system 0F28F0B66A0F4737A7CFF00B6AE58078 CF2A0536F5E54743ABBC21ECA0C6F04D lateral nuclear group of thalamus Entire lateral nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) 1738 1738 01738 geniculate body S01738 E01738 362376002 Entire geniculate body (body structure) P01738 Y P nervous system 9E0F5702DB6D4DB49B9E32F087546DCC Entire geniculate body (body structure) 1739 1739 01739 lateral geniculate body 64275003 S01739 Lateral geniculate body structure (body structure) E01739 362377006 Entire lateral geniculate body (body structure) P01739 Y 62209 P special senses organ system A3E0A3D31671465C96F869A34FB0C415 64D5512C20E74B338FBCEC7D3DDDBB9E Lateral geniculate body Entire lateral geniculate body (body structure) 1740 1740 01740 medial geniculate body 76367005 S01740 Medial geniculate body structure (body structure) E01740 362378001 Entire medial geniculate body (body structure) P01740 Y 62211 P special senses organ system B1BAC3AE8DBD4E9292A2A2027016D9D3 E6092A062E93490CA839D7854D05A50E Medial geniculate body Entire medial geniculate body (body structure) 1741 1741 01741 intralaminar nuclear group of thalamus 10776007 S01741 Structure of intralaminar nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) E01741 362379009 Entire intralaminar nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) P01741 Y 62021 P nervous system 8491E727077044E4A2D905F785CD4038 7A5A476936B0419390849E2E59E64AC2 intralaminar nuclear group of thalamus Entire intralaminar nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) 1743 1743 01743 tuber cinereum 68064002 S01743 Tuber cinereum structure (body structure) E01743 362381006 Entire tuber cinereum (body structure) P01743 - 62327 P nervous system 519FB1DD5C984BE5B9DD153075BDD1E8 A2216653287E49AE91794F39DC49EFBB Tuber cinereum Entire tuber cinereum (body structure) 1744 1744 01744 preoptic area 42292003 S01744 Preoptic area structure (body structure) E01744 362382004 Entire preoptic area (body structure) P01744 Y 62313 P nervous system 6A7990EE0FAB4BAABE9E9E644ECFD0FC F05A6F9C3C444CECA9C50DC70689BBEF Preoptic area Entire preoptic area (body structure) 1745 1745 01745 supraoptic region of hypothalamus 10176001 S01745 Structure of supraoptic region of hypothalamus (body structure) E01745 362383009 Entire supraoptic region of hypothalamus (body structure) P01745 - P nervous system FA0FBA58B77B417FB1690D75CAADE7E7 B1CF91552E964C6DA9753BE26D30C261 supraoptic region of hypothalamus Entire supraoptic region of hypothalamus (body structure) 1746 1746 01746 magnocellular hypothalamic nucleus 84564009 S01746 Structure of magnocellular hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) E01746 362384003 Entire magnocellular hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) P01746 Y P nervous system 351EDB2ECD1F4289A632C10DD81087CD 957AE8BB765344B3A3417AC507409A03 magnocellular hypothalamic nucleus Entire magnocellular hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) 1747 1747 01747 caudal area of hypothalamus 51333002 S01747 Structure of caudal area of hypothalamus (body structure) E01747 362385002 Entire caudal area of hypothalamus (body structure) P01747 - P nervous system 9EAF2AF93D354E629F9676AB037A5799 571B2C10DD7649B79E97531401D89111 caudal area of hypothalamus Entire caudal area of hypothalamus (body structure) 1748 1748 01748 tuberal nucleus of hypothalamus 79383009 S01748 Structure of tuberal nuclei of hypothalamus (body structure) E01748 362386001 Entire tuberal nuclei of hypothalamus (body structure) P01748 Y P nervous system 7732D9FD7DD74443A53015E0DB2A95DD DDBDB1F653924DCC9FD01ED48E3A8029 tuberal nuclei of hypothalamus Entire tuberal nuclei of hypothalamus (body structure) 1749 1749 01749 medial nuclei of hypothalamus 36501001 S01749 Structure of medial nuclei of hypothalamus (body structure) E01749 362387005 Entire medial nuclei of hypothalamus (body structure) P01749 - P nervous system 55887736DEF746029B60CBF286B8AA78 A4FC038D6EF34ACFB24D56A86AAD3F0D medial nuclei of hypothalamus Entire medial nuclei of hypothalamus (body structure) 1750 1750 01750 lateral hypothalamic nucleus 40245009 S01750 Structure of lateral hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) E01750 360452004 Entire lateral hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) P01750 Y 62337 P nervous system 2D53B2D2AAD8448BA75339EA69F64B57 BE107DB932AA4E258EE7F65C5E62BC98 lateral hypothalamic nucleus Entire lateral hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) 1751 1751 01751 habenula 17879008 S01751 Habenula structure (body structure) E01751 362389008 Entire habenula (body structure) P01751 - 62032 P nervous system AE7D3D9ED2394C77974FC081B3FCC273 92156EFB1CE44D8AA73AD0FF784A542E Habenula Entire habenula (body structure) Habenula is a segment of the epithalamus that has as its parts the lateral and medial habenular nuclei and the habenular commissure. 1752 1752 01752 midbrain and pons 91713009 S01752 Midbrain and pons structure (body structure) E01752 362390004 Entire midbrain and pons (body structure) P01752 - P nervous system DDBD20A866894735A7147AC8FC753DF6 B799081896BE46FA82A1D37F806B75B9 Midbrain and pons Entire midbrain and pons (body structure) 1753 1753 01753 cerebral peduncle 36159002 S01753 Cerebral peduncle structure (body structure) E01753 362391000 Entire cerebral peduncle (body structure) P01753 Y 62394 P nervous system B8886F5D97A949D2B0233070B111E103 051E68CB0C8D4531BDE71F56FD9EC118 Cerebral peduncle Entire cerebral peduncle (body structure) 1754 1754 01754 tegmentum of midbrain 50972004 S01754 Structure of tegmentum of midbrain (body structure) E01754 362392007 Entire tegmentum of midbrain (body structure) P01754 Y 62393 P nervous system C305331CCF794BA49BB9C7B38764626E 35A607EB5AEA4A578517E9F759A4C387 tegmentum of midbrain Entire tegmentum of midbrain (body structure) Subdivision of the midbrain lying anterior to the tectum and posterior to the substantia nigra and cerebral peduncle. 1755 1755 01755 dorsal tegmental nucleus of midbrain 4870002 S01755 Structure of dorsal tegmental nuclei of midbrain (body structure) E01755 362393002 Entire dorsal tegmental nuclei of midbrain (body structure) P01755 Y P nervous system 8EEA0BAF8EC540B59C6D049456B0C202 D1C73FAF70034EE0AAB1D06F403035A0 dorsal tegmental nuclei of midbrain Entire dorsal tegmental nuclei of midbrain (body structure) 1756 1756 01756 tectum 19785001 S01756 Tectum structure (body structure) E01756 362394008 Entire tectum (body structure) P01756 - 83902 P nervous system 1271B2FC3E0749B0907D1864470C945E 35E02097AC25421F86299BB6DC3DA1DD Tectum Entire tectum (body structure) 1757 1757 01757 superior colliculus of corpora quadrigemina 8159001 S01757 Structure of superior colliculus of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) E01757 362395009 Entire superior colliculus of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) P01757 Y 62403 P nervous system 30433446EBE943FD9887F6104CFFD3C3 A7FF159E56AB4F63A4C36E7DF6447DB8 superior colliculus of corpora quadrigemina Entire superior colliculus of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) 1758 1758 01758 inferior colliculus of corpora quadrigemina 36528006 S01758 Structure of inferior colliculus of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) E01758 362396005 Entire inferior colliculus of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) P01758 Y 62404 P nervous system 66C727EFC57C40998331F3059FF9BDD4 CF3A9AB6FA274AC7900B07829A1B5513 inferior colliculus of corpora quadrigemina Entire inferior colliculus of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) 1759 1759 01759 medial longitudinal fasciculus 28390009 S01759 Medial longitudinal fasciculus structure (body structure) E01759 362397001 Entire medial longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) P01759 Y 83846 P nervous system D2621372216D4F02AA02DB1F9C086CEC 2497A68176014DA1A4A5B417C1A9430B Medial longitudinal fasciculus Entire medial longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) 1760 1760 01760 medial lemniscus 30114003 S01760 Medial lemniscus structure (body structure) E01760 362398006 Entire medial lemniscus (body structure) P01760 Y 83675 P nervous system 8B966AD3F2CF42BF8F22C53D775CC0EE B123938D4E664D85865B2A679E734741 Medial lemniscus Entire medial lemniscus (body structure) 1761 1761 01761 lateral lemniscus 86136007 S01761 Lateral lemniscus structure (body structure) E01761 362399003 Entire lateral lemniscus (body structure) P01761 Y 72502 P nervous system 5C590C56BCBA4E7C8CED0E0324838C06 40398082BBC04EDB84E89E4FE56EC2E5 Lateral lemniscus Entire lateral lemniscus (body structure) 1762 1762 01762 extrapyramidal tract 87516006 S01762 Extrapyramidal tract structure (body structure) E01762 362400005 Entire extrapyramidal tract (body structure) P01762 Y P nervous system 5F0F39A9BC5B476D8CD3D7B1F5E4BC03 76028AB37B624373BF1A1C7C7788C169 Extrapyramidal tract Entire extrapyramidal tract (body structure) 1763 1763 01763 tegmental portion of pons 5538001 S01763 Structure of tegmental portion of pons (body structure) E01763 362401009 Entire tegmental portion of pons (body structure) P01763 Y 71108 P nervous system 10C7C8A778AE4F37ACE59457A13E0A71 CA53A6DDA2C145ABBFDFBA0B025EE7EE tegmental portion of pons Entire tegmental portion of pons (body structure) Dorsal subdivision of the pons. It contains cranial nerve nuclei, reticular and other nuclei and many descending and ascending fiber pathways. 1764 1764 01764 pars basalis of pons 59650007 S01764 Structure of pars basalis of pons (body structure) E01764 362402002 Entire pars basalis of pons (body structure) P01764 - 72244 P nervous system 6D37F43D812A48E2BF592A9D8E4D4A5E 34D887E9E84942EC80FE6EB5AE04D2A9 pars basalis of pons Entire pars basalis of pons (body structure) Ventral subdivision of the pons which consists of the massive pontine pertuberance on pontine ventral surface. 1765 1765 01765 reticular formation of pons 77448001 S01765 Structure of reticular formation of pons (body structure) E01765 362403007 Entire reticular formation of pons (body structure) P01765 Y 68876 P nervous system D639BB4623BC4BB8A72EEFAF243AA31E 803EDF3F1E38448E83B3550331376640 reticular formation of pons Entire reticular formation of pons (body structure) 1766 1766 01766 reticulospinal tract of pons 87086009 S01766 Structure of reticulospinal tract of pons (body structure) E01766 362404001 Entire reticulospinal tract of pons (body structure) P01766 Y P nervous system FC6F701EB6B646D5A47812EC1CB2C83E BA6806610CC84EB7875498F6D5AFBEC4 reticulospinal tract of pons Entire reticulospinal tract of pons (body structure) 1767 1767 01767 trapezoid body nucleus 87601001 S01767 Trapezoid body nucleus structure (body structure) E01767 362405000 Entire trapezoid body nucleus (body structure) P01767 Y P special senses organ system 4F3696B4A8034E5781829945CF1BEE9B 75DC77F784CD48D3ACBA5D6C6E927269 Trapezoid body nucleus Entire trapezoid body nucleus (body structure) 1768 1768 01768 nucleus of pons 45013007 S01768 Structure of nucleus of pons (body structure) E01768 304942009 Entire pontine nucleus (body structure) P01768 Y P nervous system 382653A6A7F24FC9A8CD381687803A5E 9D1360C5E7C24D4E889D897A84E95859 nucleus of pons Entire pontine nucleus (body structure) 1769 1769 01769 longitudinal fasciculus of pons 24946003 S01769 Structure of longitudinal fasciculus of pons (body structure) E01769 361544009 Entire longitudinal fasciculus of pons (body structure) P01769 Y 72513 P nervous system 3708542D9D2C43B29631A2E91D428D75 EB98152A2E6D47628926914D66A37CA5 longitudinal fasciculus of pons Entire longitudinal fasciculus of pons (body structure) 1770 1770 01770 corticopontine tract of pons 16746009 S01770 Structure of corticopontine tract of pons (body structure) E01770 362408003 Entire corticopontine tract of pons (body structure) P01770 Y P nervous system 96605EF3F4214989A8676383787D9517 4238CD8D2DBE4FF0BE6E348912B9A51F corticopontine tract of pons Entire corticopontine tract of pons (body structure) 1771 1771 01771 pontine portion of corticospinal tract 57154007 S01771 Structure of pontine portion of corticospinal tract (body structure) E01771 362409006 Entire pontine portion of corticospinal tract (body structure) P01771 Y P nervous system B91E4B19EEBC4BFB8F355A2031FE6B71 BD2DFAF73DA14B0EBA7EA85D2BB3914C pontine portion of corticospinal tract Entire pontine portion of corticospinal tract (body structure) 1772 1772 01772 decussation of pons 83979002 S01772 Structure of decussation of pons (body structure) E01772 362410001 Entire decussation of pons (body structure) P01772 - P nervous system D8AF4F3038AA4BBD976906F7AEF4A351 78F4C4FA925246D9BCB9C9975CB5E6DA decussation of pons Entire decussation of pons (body structure) 1773 1773 01773 cerebellar hemisphere 6566002 S01773 Cerebellar hemisphere structure (body structure) E01773 362411002 Entire cerebellar hemisphere (body structure) P01773 Y 76925 P nervous system BFB26A20DEC14DC5AA0B35CAC305B84C 0E0C4578D1E84C2692363C865D343D6F Cerebellar hemisphere Entire cerebellar hemisphere (body structure) 1774 1774 01774 cerebellar white matter 33060004 S01774 Cerebellar white matter structure (body structure) E01774 362412009 Entire cerebellar white matter (body structure) P01774 - P nervous system 1378026B7FA24849B32F183886AECCD8 78FD8A7E88EB4A439DAC458E292AA349 Cerebellar white matter Entire cerebellar white matter (body structure) 1775 1775 01775 white laminae of cerebellar cortex 22795008 S01775 Structure of laminae albae of cerebellar cortex (body structure) E01775 362413004 Entire laminae albae of cerebellar cortex (body structure) P01775 Y 0 P nervous system B26B5C49F5754F46AD499C875CA612C9 0791E71E66C94F1CBC5CDB516A52C59B laminae albae of cerebellar cortex Entire laminae albae of cerebellar cortex (body structure) 1776 1776 01776 cerebellar vermis and posterior lobes 91714003 S01776 Cerebellar vermis and posterior lobes structure (body structure) E01776 362414005 Entire cerebellar vermis and posterior lobes (body structure) P01776 - P nervous system 065809E934A84173BB444E91DE04BDBF 422A7099E60F420F941B3FFD12BE7234 Cerebellar vermis and posterior lobes Entire cerebellar vermis and posterior lobes (body structure) 1777 1777 01777 cerebellar roof nucleus 13517009 S01777 Cerebellar roof nucleus structure (body structure) E01777 362415006 Entire cerebellar roof nucleus (body structure) P01777 Y P nervous system AF15793AE9CD44F4937EBBF96031820B 93261BF3FF3B47B19DD2A10C00F6ED47 Cerebellar roof nucleus Entire cerebellar roof nucleus (body structure) 1779 1779 01779 cerebellar peduncle 9000002 S01779 Cerebellar peduncle structure (body structure) E01779 362417003 Entire cerebellar peduncle (body structure) P01779 Y 272298 P nervous system 685E5A2060894962AD0242EF90A6B5A7 B56CB5D00E194025A7773C752F3EAA3A Cerebellar peduncle Entire cerebellar peduncle (body structure) 1780 1780 01780 inferior cerebellar peduncle 67701001 S01780 Inferior cerebellar peduncle structure (body structure) E01780 362418008 Entire inferior cerebellar peduncle (body structure) P01780 Y 72615 P nervous system 774BA9B1678C4D2694F87546C9E1A99C AD7796E0EDBC4A3B82385C5A2292BEEE Inferior cerebellar peduncle Entire inferior cerebellar peduncle (body structure) 1781 1781 01781 rhomboid fossa 82795003 S01781 Rhomboid fossa structure (body structure) E01781 362419000 Entire rhomboid fossa (body structure) P01781 - 78486 P nervous system FCFD4936274241A299BFF3608613A9CF 4131F5143161482299357A0B91760DBB Rhomboid fossa Entire rhomboid fossa (body structure) 1782 1782 01782 raphe of medulla oblongata 64997007 S01782 Structure of raphe of medulla oblongata (body structure) E01782 362420006 Entire raphe of medulla oblongata (body structure) P01782 - P nervous system E0451DE4B1E044C8A39589DD6E31402F 4E59157A62AA4045993FB83D58C801F7 raphe of medulla oblongata Entire raphe of medulla oblongata (body structure) 1784 1784 01784 medulla oblongata medial longitudinal fasciculus 14634003 S01784 Medulla oblongata medial longitudinal fasciculus structure (body structure) E01784 362422003 Entire medulla oblongata medial longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) P01784 Y P nervous system 2F9DCDA82F08419696ACEDB146E8CD89 130DE175B26140ADA0FCA9AD528947C4 Medulla oblongata medial longitudinal fasciculus Entire medulla oblongata medial longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) 1785 1785 01785 olive 30890006 S01785 Structure of olivary body (body structure) E01785 279293003 Entire olivary body (body structure) P01785 Y P nervous system AE82840D328D45A4992525905E50BF6F 27304D7335774BD1A50C21B2C88DE231 olivary body Entire olivary body (body structure) 1786 1786 01786 clava 83010009 S01786 Clava structure (body structure) E01786 362424002 Entire clava (body structure) P01786 Y 75256 P nervous system 66207FF01374400E998080865CCAE056 064018A75FB945FAB4892FB294A6ABC1 Clava Entire clava (body structure) 1787 1787 01787 cuneate tubercle 42874002 S01787 Cuneate tubercle structure (body structure) E01787 362425001 Entire cuneate tubercle (body structure) P01787 Y 75255 P nervous system 793A5FE15C934CD6832910990171D7B8 75ECA099F84641BB942ECAF5945FA3C3 Cuneate tubercle Entire cuneate tubercle (body structure) 1788 1788 01788 spinal cord, roots and ganglia 91715002 S01788 Spinal cord, roots and ganglia structure (body structure) E01788 362426000 Entire spinal cord, roots and ganglia (body structure) P01788 - P nervous system B74D993007BF4D668CFC9102BE29BB03 C14C3CEE15E2434B87E566890B95255B Spinal cord, roots and ganglia Entire spinal cord, roots and ganglia (body structure) 1789 1789 01789 spinal cord gray commissure 43511004 S01789 Spinal cord gray commissures structure (body structure) E01789 362427009 Entire spinal cord gray commissures (body structure) P01789 - 77036 P nervous system 0BCE5561C4BF404E87F1A3EA7FBA4CD0 A19ED7E974494962BDABFA34BFC1D77E Spinal cord gray commissures Entire spinal cord gray commissures (body structure) 1791 1791 01791 ventral funiculus 31701002 S01791 Ventral funiculus structure (body structure) E01791 362429007 Entire ventral funiculus (body structure) P01791 Y P nervous system F6A00AD6AF0B41569CD95AE077E7EBC4 6827166329A2431AA60B844C378822C5 Ventral funiculus Entire ventral funiculus (body structure) 1792 1792 01792 proper fasciculus 8850004 S01792 Proper fasciculus structure (body structure) E01792 362430002 Entire proper fasciculus (body structure) P01792 Y P nervous system 65C65D35EE304CA3A0AA53AF78C200E8 16F7B2E5903645D9A07B7845259A3286 Proper fasciculus Entire proper fasciculus (body structure) 1793 1793 01793 dorsal gray horn of spinal cord 44985000 S01793 Structure of posterior gray horn of spinal cord (body structure) E01793 279442005 Entire posterior gray horn of spinal cord (body structure) P01793 Y 256530 P nervous system C82228980FDF48ABB0F35B77AC415261 7C0AED7E0ACF401980DD24AE9A16F9ED posterior gray horn of spinal cord Entire posterior gray horn of spinal cord (body structure) 1794 1794 01794 dorsal funiculus 59752008 S01794 Dorsal funiculus structure (body structure) E01794 362432005 Entire dorsal funiculus (body structure) P01794 Y P nervous system 808E66C20BE04B05B5B677590716593C 57A5C619737843119E19546867D2839D Dorsal funiculus Entire dorsal funiculus (body structure) 1795 1795 01795 lateral gray horn of spinal cord 44682000 S01795 Structure of lateral gray horn of spinal cord (body structure) E01795 279444006 Entire lateral gray horn of spinal cord (body structure) P01795 Y 256536 P nervous system BE690A215BB144FD8EC6EACA33FA3062 F624C2FA81B44102B054E3F37BC8F692 lateral gray horn of spinal cord Entire lateral gray horn of spinal cord (body structure) 1796 1796 01796 lateral funiculus 14892003 S01796 Lateral funiculus structure (body structure) E01796 362434006 Entire lateral funiculus (body structure) P01796 Y P nervous system 50A1E5E9BFCD446C9B7A42A79656AA48 7968FE522B43451199D8D5D7F7798D72 Lateral funiculus Entire lateral funiculus (body structure) 1797 1797 01797 ventral gray horn of spinal cord 67898007 S01797 Structure of anterior gray horn of spinal cord (body structure) E01797 279443000 Entire anterior gray horn of spinal cord (body structure) P01797 Y 256541 P nervous system 49F07AD4309A4924905F9C3D354EFF7C DF88C0C714374F2B858EDF58FE43FD92 anterior gray horn of spinal cord Entire anterior gray horn of spinal cord (body structure) 1798 1798 01798 dorsal spinal nerve root 25938006 S01798 Dorsal spinal nerve root structure (body structure) E01798 362436008 Entire dorsal spinal nerve root (body structure) P01798 Y 5980 P nervous system C69B40505F104C1AAD52431E7CC14F77 EDE81E2FC6F44E559A93DCAEBFE8CE7E Dorsal spinal nerve root Entire dorsal spinal nerve root (body structure) 1799 1799 01799 ventral spinal nerve root 53608003 S01799 Ventral spinal nerve root structure (body structure) E01799 362437004 Entire ventral spinal nerve root (body structure) P01799 Y 5979 P nervous system 2C7EC7338A6F488BB53B78E4F47569D6 C96CA768407649F1A17FA80EE5B5005B Ventral spinal nerve root Entire ventral spinal nerve root (body structure) 1800 1800 01800 cervical spinal cord gray matter 12757002 S01800 Cervical spinal cord gray matter structure (body structure) E01800 362438009 Entire cervical spinal cord gray matter (body structure) P01800 - 266024 P nervous system 4D28D63BF3694CC788C21F5E8B98C780 0129D66D65D541759689CEDBB6A6173B Cervical spinal cord gray matter Entire cervical spinal cord gray matter (body structure) 1801 1801 01801 cervical spinal cord posterior horn 14131005 S01801 Cervical spinal cord posterior horn structure (body structure) E01801 362439001 Entire cervical spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) P01801 Y P nervous system 647C38E08835449ABBB8C57C9DD081C0 664F8421DA14405885E9807A9D728F89 Cervical spinal cord posterior horn Entire cervical spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) 1803 1803 01803 thoracic spinal cord gray matter 44350007 S01803 Thoracic spinal cord gray matter structure (body structure) E01803 362441000 Entire thoracic spinal cord gray matter (body structure) P01803 - 266026 P nervous system 8E4F0221EB454DAEA6E09D0A37BB8E1C D7BE3C3515A6489789C8F86015112D9E Thoracic spinal cord gray matter Entire thoracic spinal cord gray matter (body structure) 1804 1804 01804 thoracic spinal cord posterior horn 44826003 S01804 Thoracic spinal cord posterior horn structure (body structure) E01804 362442007 Entire thoracic spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) P01804 Y P nervous system CBE6A5E0A9C148C88593AADCA5D2F2D0 48B089B7DE6145F8874FA935367A2EDA Thoracic spinal cord posterior horn Entire thoracic spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) 1806 1806 01806 lumbosacral spinal cord 63784007 S01806 Lumbosacral spinal cord structure (body structure) E01806 362444008 Entire lumbosacral spinal cord (body structure) P01806 - P nervous system 53F24255EC09421E914D4ECF0D87438E 82EC9691ADD14D9A9E7ABCFD2661FCD9 Lumbosacral spinal cord Entire lumbosacral spinal cord (body structure) The segment of the spinal cord that is the origin of the lumbar and sacral spinal roots. NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS THE SEGMENT OF THE SPINAL CORD CONTAINED IN THE LUMBAR AND SACRAL SECTIONS OF THE SPINAL CANAL. 1807 1807 01807 lumbosacral spinal cord gray matter 84585009 S01807 Lumbosacral spinal cord gray matter structure (body structure) E01807 362445009 Entire lumbosacral spinal cord gray matter (body structure) P01807 - 0 P nervous system D410606D5F17403681B883A1C4D5237F 590688FEFB3949F29E4B4BC1E5D66324 Lumbosacral spinal cord gray matter Entire lumbosacral spinal cord gray matter (body structure) 1808 1808 01808 lumbosacral spinal cord posterior horn 17526006 S01808 Lumbosacral spinal cord posterior horn structure (body structure) E01808 362446005 Entire lumbosacral spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) P01808 Y P nervous system 7DA474C6E8FA4E9ABA15EE334CB74D29 3F6CA213CBC14DBCA54482095AB42AFE Lumbosacral spinal cord posterior horn Entire lumbosacral spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) 1812 1812 01812 lumbosacral spinal cord central canal 4117005 S01812 Lumbosacral spinal cord central canal structure (body structure) E01812 362450003 Entire lumbosacral spinal cord central canal (body structure) P01812 - 0 P nervous system 37EAFC1FF6E149C8A4EA9AB9BD0AF217 9DF8132CFD4346ABA514317EEBBB8302 Lumbosacral spinal cord central canal Entire lumbosacral spinal cord central canal (body structure) 1813 1813 01813 lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root 40475002 S01813 Lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root structure (body structure) E01813 362451004 Entire lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root (body structure) P01813 Y P nervous system AE94EF6122AF4B87B73189E4E889C70E EF5BF4B72BEE45199B69676E5255D4C3 Lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root Entire lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root (body structure) 1814 1814 01814 spinal nerve of cauda equina 11564000 S01814 Structure of spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) E01814 362452006 Entire spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) P01814 Y P nervous system 100298F3B8704410BABC2E8E7857CE9C 3F1079B4D10445E3A0A75E23E02EA880 spinal nerve of cauda equina Entire spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) 1815 1815 01815 optic nerve sheath 66355007 S01815 Optic nerve sheath structure (body structure) E01815 362453001 Entire optic nerve sheath (body structure) P01815 Y P special senses organ system 8A1EAC82F259431A9CA0E342FA543242 4A44A78932EC43329FEE6E7586744B63 Optic nerve sheath Entire optic nerve sheath (body structure) 1817 1817 01817 intralaminar part of optic nerve 39345001 S01817 Structure of intralaminar part of optic nerve (body structure) E01817 362455008 Entire intralaminar part of optic nerve (body structure) P01817 Y 58714 P special senses organ system 5074FFB9D1224F669D94D1CCAFFC27C9 2BA2D24862894313BC3ABCD747C38492 intralaminar part of optic nerve Entire intralaminar part of optic nerve (body structure) 1818 1818 01818 oculomotor nerve 56193007 S01818 Oculomotor nerve structure (body structure) E01818 362456009 Entire oculomotor nerve (body structure) P01818 Y 288192 P nervous system 068ED56F0A474E6DA3618D31FFE910ED 50E70DF7D2494810A1E7B5E512FA875D Oculomotor nerve Entire oculomotor nerve (body structure) 1819 1819 01819 oculomotor nucleus 59473007 S01819 Oculomotor nucleus structure (body structure) E01819 362457000 Entire oculomotor nucleus (body structure) P01819 Y 54510 P special senses organ system 96622BF7EAE443339393BAD7D8C73F79 D78F53667D3646A39B12F3A6BC33FD14 Oculomotor nucleus Entire oculomotor nucleus (body structure) 1820 1820 01820 oculomotor nerve superior division 85647005 S01820 Structure of oculomotor nerve superior division (body structure) E01820 280205004 Entire superior branch of oculomotor nerve (body structure) P01820 Y 52572 P nervous system 8164CD7D28714FB8A26E86033F0DBE1B EB9C94C4C5A248C7B49ACC5C88051092 oculomotor nerve superior division Entire superior branch of oculomotor nerve (body structure) 1821 1821 01821 trigeminal nerve 27612005 S01821 Trigeminal nerve structure (body structure) E01821 362459002 Entire trigeminal nerve (body structure) P01821 Y 288204 P nervous system 1FFDAF778D9E437094C6D0FFCD85A1C9 9FA9EABEFD8C4812BB9750ECD5BB8F98 Trigeminal nerve Entire trigeminal nerve (body structure) 1822 1822 01822 facial nerve 56052001 S01822 Facial nerve structure (body structure) E01822 362460007 Entire facial nerve (body structure) P01822 Y 288216 P nervous system 6F97BC6ACC1148BBAB46466E02F247D8 C68736DAACE647F8804378A42EE0257A Facial nerve Entire facial nerve (body structure) 1823 1823 01823 parotid plexus of facial nerve 59310001 S01823 Structure of parotid plexus of facial nerve (body structure) E01823 362461006 Entire parotid plexus of facial nerve (body structure) P01823 Y 53267 P nervous system 6386B67D90864D439272132C2B7CCC10 6EE596C258E8427B82C0B794ED0155B8 parotid plexus of facial nerve Entire parotid plexus of facial nerve (body structure) 1824 1824 01824 vestibular nucleus 21746006 S01824 Vestibular nucleus structure (body structure) E01824 362462004 Entire vestibular nucleus (body structure) P01824 Y 54602 P special senses organ system B0B8CA4D3D674F159008569C669DF3DA A4E4590BD7C140DC9505552604FE79EA Vestibular nucleus Entire vestibular nucleus (body structure) 1825 1825 01825 cochlear nucleus 17661006 S01825 Cochlear nucleus structure (body structure) E01825 362463009 Entire cochlear nucleus (body structure) P01825 Y 54603 P nervous system 37E05C74D6CA40C78C3734E113C753E7 02F5D7C1FE024B1C97897511EF82E5E9 Cochlear nucleus Entire cochlear nucleus (body structure) 1826 1826 01826 vestibular nerve 81686004 S01826 Vestibular nerve structure (body structure) E01826 362464003 Entire vestibular nerve (body structure) P01826 Y 53401 P special senses organ system 764AF015AD2E44B4B2CD96C778CD05C8 E0A0E45AA93443EE82ECCD015DACB46F Vestibular nerve Entire vestibular nerve (body structure) 1827 1827 01827 glossopharyngeal nerve 21161002 S01827 Glossopharyngeal nerve structure (body structure) E01827 362465002 Entire glossopharyngeal nerve (body structure) P01827 Y 288228 P nervous system BAABBBBD7E4D4540BFB5F41F9CCE24ED 570E405EA1294982BC31C60E6EF8908F Glossopharyngeal nerve Entire glossopharyngeal nerve (body structure) 1828 1828 01828 vagus nerve 88882009 S01828 Vagus nerve structure (body structure) E01828 362466001 Entire vagus nerve (body structure) P01828 Y 288234 P nervous system D0B2FEFC04634F3C9634E9D4E7C1C169 6A0BF74FF6214ACC86E80F1A75B8C663 Vagus nerve Entire vagus nerve (body structure) 1829 1829 01829 vagus nerve nucleus 84854006 S01829 Vagus nerve nucleus structure (body structure) E01829 362467005 Entire vagus nerve nucleus (body structure) P01829 Y 54573 P nervous system 125490A4535E45EC93ABE0915B9A0186 B008CA85FD1C46029BCC2C4F78B4D2CC Vagus nerve nucleus Entire vagus nerve nucleus (body structure) 1830 1830 01830 anterior vagal trunk 79872005 S01830 Anterior vagal trunk structure (body structure) E01830 362468000 Entire anterior vagal trunk (body structure) P01830 Y 6226 P nervous system 69D29C539FBD491DAB32BA37BE2798A8 D7B341D03185439D892C683CA047D14A Anterior vagal trunk Entire anterior vagal trunk (body structure) 1831 1831 01831 accessory nerve 15119000 S01831 Accessory nerve structure (body structure) E01831 362469008 Entire accessory nerve (body structure) P01831 Y 288188 P nervous system 7FDC12FAA07F4FC39EFE56DD58C39D8F 3831B16C6DA84944A787BB6280A808A1 Accessory nerve Entire accessory nerve (body structure) 1833 1833 01833 hypoglossal nerve 37899009 S01833 Hypoglossal nerve structure (body structure) E01833 362471008 Entire hypoglossal nerve (body structure) P01833 Y 288240 P nervous system C3C8FFF82F674378AF966C9162FAA27A DAC771F85B414EA58221B9F5BCA7C18C Hypoglossal nerve Entire hypoglossal nerve (body structure) 1834 1834 01834 cervical spinal nerve 62378004 S01834 Structure of cervical spinal nerve (body structure) E01834 360497008 Entire cervical spinal nerve (body structure) P01834 Y 5859 P nervous system 3377EFF3274A4BAC8D54488F0051D446 EF6ED1A2BA1140128BE11FBD6259795B cervical spinal nerve Entire cervical spinal nerve (body structure) 1835 1835 01835 posterior ramus of cervical nerve 70311008 S01835 Cervical nerve dorsal branch structure (body structure) E01835 362473006 Entire cervical nerve dorsal branch (body structure) P01835 Y 6797 P nervous system 6EFAE5A7858E4C56B553C26DBEB75FFF 114060CA3D484D619C09584513D6E015 Cervical nerve dorsal branch Entire cervical nerve dorsal branch (body structure) 1836 1836 01836 ansa cervicalis 25375006 S01836 Ansa cervicalis structure (body structure) E01836 362474000 Entire ansa cervicalis (body structure) P01836 Y 55142 P nervous system 7C308AAE345549A09642F1CB7CC85AAE DBE125CFCB234DFCA41ECD08E5CC0323 Ansa cervicalis Entire ansa cervicalis (body structure) 1837 1837 01837 supraclavicular part of brachial plexus 167005 S01837 Structure of supraclavicular part of brachial plexus (body structure) E01837 362475004 Entire supraclavicular part of brachial plexus (body structure) P01837 Y 65213 P nervous system 6A4074F149C64BD0BBEC8BF5EFA2FE0B 969660715D054E08968E1F1A3D0CB772 supraclavicular part of brachial plexus Entire supraclavicular part of brachial plexus (body structure) 1838 1838 01838 infraclavicular part of brachial plexus 81029008 S01838 Structure of infraclavicular part of brachial plexus (body structure) E01838 362476003 Entire infraclavicular part of brachial plexus (body structure) P01838 Y 65214 P nervous system 107127F1EDA948D6BC0DFF5BBCA55DCE 90289A1CBFB540C0A6C8D31E03CE4D7F infraclavicular part of brachial plexus Entire infraclavicular part of brachial plexus (body structure) 1839 1839 01839 lumbar spinal nerve 77513005 S01839 Structure of lumbar spinal nerve (body structure) E01839 361600002 Entire lumbar spinal nerve (body structure) P01839 Y 5861 P nervous system 1CBA41497EDB447BB16C56E8E87FDD59 4CCFE23CE77549658A469539DDB23BDB lumbar spinal nerve Entire lumbar spinal nerve (body structure) 1840 1840 01840 lumbar nerve ventral primary division 51970001 S01840 Lumbar nerve ventral primary division structure (body structure) E01840 362478002 Entire lumbar nerve ventral primary division (body structure) P01840 Y 6029 P nervous system A4DB7D20BFC84D32953D2826D69BB558 5B31EF7DEF6F478A9D17F7D9F467314E Lumbar nerve ventral primary division Entire lumbar nerve ventral primary division (body structure) 1841 1841 01841 sacral spinal nerve 46315001 S01841 Structure of sacral spinal nerve (body structure) E01841 361601003 Entire sacral spinal nerve (body structure) P01841 Y 5862 P nervous system B365A6B0FC8A4F4FB2BDA2F9A620EE0A C45B30A11A7F4AF3A07864079C925640 sacral spinal nerve Entire sacral spinal nerve (body structure) 1842 1842 01842 sacral nerve dorsal primary division 22624009 S01842 Sacral nerve dorsal primary division structure (body structure) E01842 362480008 Entire sacral nerve dorsal primary division (body structure) P01842 Y 6799 P nervous system BA9C98C9C51944FCBBEE7437EC698DA4 6D9D6FE0A101414E99812296B7053915 Sacral nerve dorsal primary division Entire sacral nerve dorsal primary division (body structure) 1843 1843 01843 autonomic nervous system 72167002 S01843 Autonomic nervous system structure (body structure) E01843 362481007 Entire autonomic nervous system (body structure) P01843 - 9905 P nervous system 04CBFB5FFD3E45D7A4C1BB033D8F5EF7 D5074B0C98984F3DABFE24FA53C8CDA4 Autonomic nervous system Entire autonomic nervous system (body structure) 1844 1844 01844 autonomic plexus 10915005 S01844 Autonomic plexus structure (body structure) E01844 362482000 Entire autonomic plexus (body structure) P01844 - 5910 P nervous system 5127090B8C064390BC169A0335DC70C2 AF1FFD0F797B488B9F5680AC7E5A1917 Autonomic plexus Entire autonomic plexus (body structure) 1845 1845 01845 autonomic ganglion 57074003 S01845 Autonomic plexus ganglia structure (body structure) E01845 362483005 Entire autonomic plexus ganglia (body structure) P01845 - 5889 P nervous system F57F7E14ECB6445BAC48517CF1F1CAE3 63EA6D58A1D84F62891039D99BEB8513 Autonomic plexus ganglia Entire autonomic plexus ganglia (body structure) 1846 1846 01846 sympathetic nervous system 68365008 S01846 Sympathetic nervous system structure (body structure) E01846 362484004 Entire sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P01846 - 9906 P nervous system 9C4BF9F1DDB4419DAFF66A4860B7FBBD D2EC1CAB99944D83AD8F91ADC8F032A0 Sympathetic nervous system Entire sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 1847 1847 01847 sympathetic ganglion 55139000 S01847 Sympathetic ganglion structure (body structure) E01847 362485003 Entire sympathetic ganglion (body structure) P01847 Y 5890 P nervous system C46C4724740C4747AB1FF4F1B7938498 C66A6503ED644237ACDADA987E69E843 Sympathetic ganglion Entire sympathetic ganglion (body structure) 1848 1848 01848 cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system 36628003 S01848 Structure of cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E01848 362486002 Entire cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P01848 - P nervous system A7F1AD42DF6749FEB1106C915AC64D69 E6248F94E6F44051A0AFB1E2BAE4B62C cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system Entire cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 1849 1849 01849 cervical portion of sympathetic nervous system 86034008 S01849 Structure of cervical portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E01849 362487006 Entire cervical portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P01849 - P nervous system 68FEA67BBA56445A84DF6425EF4BF52B ABEC8A28B56F42EBB2AD816BE5C97F8A cervical portion of sympathetic nervous system Entire cervical portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 1850 1850 01850 thoracic portion of sympathetic nervous system 77804002 S01850 Structure of thoracic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E01850 362488001 Entire thoracic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P01850 - 0 P nervous system 3003D4E277BE429AACE0C3BF148ED459 C747BE6A33C04A2F96998B6114F630A3 thoracic portion of sympathetic nervous system Entire thoracic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 1851 1851 01851 abdominopelvic portion of sympathetic nervous system 7986004 S01851 Structure of abdominopelvic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E01851 362489009 Entire abdominopelvic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P01851 - P nervous system E9291745431549A9961577F7FF84729B AA065DEA84CD457AB93CEFCEEDA27316 abdominopelvic portion of sympathetic nervous system Entire abdominopelvic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 1852 1852 01852 lumbar portion of sympathetic nervous system 60791006 S01852 Structure of lumbar portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E01852 362490000 Entire lumbar portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P01852 - P nervous system C93A5A3D61B74244A338CA68237F3D30 F12F7EB6B5C14A2C8831FD975874F7E0 lumbar portion of sympathetic nervous system Entire lumbar portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 1853 1853 01853 abdominal aortic plexus 4158003 S01853 Abdominal aortic plexus structure (body structure) E01853 362491001 Entire abdominal aortic plexus (body structure) P01853 - 6640 P nervous system 8E3557F715844D1C96C3C4812E8B7FD4 A475F2A59B5949678BD09B0FA04DDAE9 Abdominal aortic plexus Entire abdominal aortic plexus (body structure) 1854 1854 01854 celiac ganglion 50534001 S01854 Celiac ganglion structure (body structure) E01854 362492008 Entire celiac ganglion (body structure) P01854 Y 77570 P nervous system 15A583E4A4BF4A54B8032DA643E86A68 0EFA6BF7DA8E4A94BDEDEE6EB0F9ADD1 Celiac ganglion Entire celiac ganglion (body structure) 1855 1855 01855 superior mesenteric plexus 53224005 S01855 Superior mesenteric plexus structure (body structure) E01855 362493003 Entire superior mesenteric plexus (body structure) P01855 Y 6639 P nervous system 7F789DFBDCB34EEC8A02592BCD0D542E 3F3C55E268674B95BF5504B859910906 Superior mesenteric plexus Entire superior mesenteric plexus (body structure) 1856 1856 01856 celiac nervous plexus 4150005 S01856 Celiac nervous plexus structure (body structure) E01856 362494009 Entire celiac nervous plexus (body structure) P01856 - 6630 P nervous system 48F9FE61893C4356896C69313E4F767E 7BE587AF52C24726BE150C57680A6D5B Celiac nervous plexus Entire celiac nervous plexus (body structure) 1857 1857 01857 inferior mesenteric plexus 79869003 S01857 Inferior mesenteric plexus structure (body structure) E01857 362495005 Entire inferior mesenteric plexus (body structure) P01857 - 6641 P nervous system D56966EDA31447838500654833AF6AC3 83C28EF49FD048B7B98619CB85FA9E77 Inferior mesenteric plexus Entire inferior mesenteric plexus (body structure) 1858 1858 01858 inferior hypogastric plexus 47881004 S01858 Inferior hypogastric plexus structure (body structure) E01858 192608000 Entire inferior hypogastric plexus (body structure) P01858 - 6643 P nervous system F0E3D392368D486686724AED2529D44F 83267D3AEFA74319AADA36E61BD4798D Inferior hypogastric plexus Entire inferior hypogastric plexus (body structure) 1859 1859 01859 parasympathetic nervous system 23424009 S01859 Parasympathetic nervous system structure (body structure) E01859 362496006 Entire parasympathetic nervous system (body structure) P01859 - 9907 P nervous system 72D9DE5F710A42EB81EC418C52A9F4FF A33C29A3E1094E9CB7FBA5BE814595F8 Parasympathetic nervous system Entire parasympathetic nervous system (body structure) 1860 1860 01860 cranial portion of parasympathetic nervous system 87792005 S01860 Structure of cranial portion of parasympathetic nervous system (body structure) E01860 362497002 Entire cranial portion of parasympathetic nervous system (body structure) P01860 - 77566 P nervous system CF1D607040C848DDA6DAA3F49D1E5120 AD48191268F04DEC908DCA3F125F29B1 cranial portion of parasympathetic nervous system Entire cranial portion of parasympathetic nervous system (body structure) 1861 1861 01861 sacral portion of parasympathetic nervous system 91188002 S01861 Structure of sacral portion of parasympathetic nervous system (body structure) E01861 362498007 Entire sacral portion of parasympathetic nervous system (body structure) P01861 - P nervous system 8445082C89314961B8C13DD55C9A2B7A 74E3829778994DC4A40ABB268F640496 sacral portion of parasympathetic nervous system Entire sacral portion of parasympathetic nervous system (body structure) 1862 1862 01862 optic axis 39342003 S01862 Optic axis structure (body structure) E01862 362499004 Entire optic axis (body structure) P01862 Y 58163 P special senses organ system 020F6580E2BF4A0F9CC4921446444C29 B47B295ADF854CE8958CDD050D8C1645 Optic axis Entire optic axis (body structure) 1863 1863 01863 fascial sheath of eyeball 77011004 S01863 Structure of fascial sheath of eyeball (body structure) E01863 280577007 Entire fascial sheath of eyeball (body structure) P01863 Y 58734 P special senses organ system D79C9EEC58A9491E8D5AECA9E51C1FEB C7E797369A754ACCB1C0D3A929EA2030 fascial sheath of eyeball Entire fascial sheath of eyeball (body structure) 1864 1864 01864 soft tissue of orbit 24736005 S01864 Structure of soft tissues of orbit (body structure) E01864 362501007 Entire soft tissues of orbit (body structure) P01864 Y D special senses organ system C9456E2BE3954A33B29EDCCB6802C116 1E1649EC82BF4E4C8580FDCE5EE4D5B7 soft tissues of orbit Entire soft tissues of orbit (body structure) 1865 1865 01865 right eye 18944008 S01865 Right eye structure (body structure) E01865 362502000 Entire right eye (body structure) P01865 Rgroup 12514 D special senses organ system DAC1AE397CDB4560841ABBC98200FDBB 1F167E893BCF44928904A67D114A3B3B Right eye Entire right eye (body structure) 1866 1866 01866 left eye 8966001 S01866 Left eye structure (body structure) E01866 362503005 Entire left eye (body structure) P01866 Lgroup 12515 D special senses organ system 01388A6425C943FFBB61189160A5F292 2D9D932FAA5748AA8573E740CDCAD708 Left eye Entire left eye (body structure) 1867 1867 01867 posterior chamber of eye 65643003 S01867 Structure of posterior chamber of eye (body structure) E01867 362504004 Entire posterior chamber of eye (body structure) P01867 Y 58080 P special senses organ system 012F2832BCEE4AB787B182CF5AEC9779 EEA53D486006480DAE0BC5ED033875FC posterior chamber of eye Entire posterior chamber of eye (body structure) 1868 1868 01868 vitreous cavity 26386000 S01868 Vitreous cavity structure (body structure) E01868 362505003 Entire vitreous cavity (body structure) P01868 Y 58848 P special senses organ system DF0A156EB7624745B4CA0B6B5B640318 0510B9F94BB24641A37F040012DE0CF7 Vitreous cavity Entire vitreous cavity (body structure) 1869 1869 01869 hyaloid canal 19359003 S01869 Hyaloid canal structure (body structure) E01869 362506002 Entire hyaloid canal (body structure) P01869 Y 58837 P special senses organ system 82372D791E3046D997789EB08D89F521 917D1602029041D192152A5B4A018C81 Hyaloid canal Entire hyaloid canal (body structure) Vitreous humor which fills the canal occupied by the hyaloid artery. 1870 1870 01870 suspensory ligament of eyeball 41950001 S01870 Structure of suspensory ligament of eyeball (body structure) E01870 362507006 Entire suspensory ligament of eyeball (body structure) P01870 Y P special senses organ system 86657A885F18426CA2A58A0DBF1FD03A 930209D2914745E38607EEE80A3FE8F8 suspensory ligament of eyeball Entire suspensory ligament of eyeball (body structure) 1871 1871 01871 both eyes 40638003 S01871 Structure of both eyes (body structure) E01871 362508001 Both eyes, entire (body structure) P01871 - P special senses organ system 28D88B0F47B6483BA9C62165EF5C2F37 CDDB2A2E21574CF7BB7AF76B14C1A4D1 both eyes Both eyes, entire (body structure) 1872 1872 01872 anterior surface of cornea 20977007 S01872 Structure of anterior surface of cornea (body structure) E01872 362509009 Entire anterior surface of cornea (body structure) P01872 Y 58317 P special senses organ system F19751A3EC5A4C46A6D304AA88D2BFB4 2D6FE3F340D2412C92089C4297EBEDA4 anterior surface of cornea Entire anterior surface of cornea (body structure) 1873 1873 01873 limbus corneae 59952002 S01873 Limbus corneae structure (body structure) E01873 362510004 Entire limbus corneae (body structure) P01873 Y P special senses organ system 513731BB48A3407E9A393B738445D1CC EEE6E93150D1424E89C70DAD0E827954 Limbus corneae Entire limbus corneae (body structure) 1874 1874 01874 substantia propria of cornea 50546002 S01874 Structure of substantia propria of cornea (body structure) E01874 362511000 Entire substantia propria of cornea (body structure) P01874 Y 58306 P special senses organ system 3D5DFFD73F364C93B1369889CBC1346F DA943555141040C6B4A5672B5327A665 substantia propria of cornea Entire substantia propria of cornea (body structure) 1875 1875 01875 trabecular meshwork 66731004 S01875 Trabecular meshwork structure (body structure) E01875 280694002 Entire trabecular meshwork (body structure) P01875 Y 77660 P special senses organ system 8FD9B2E5C23448CC882BEBDBA62C7B9C 40B438A3F3D641188EF17DC6B3018A78 Trabecular meshwork Entire trabecular meshwork (body structure) 1876 1876 01876 superior retinal temporal vein 39078001 S01876 Superior retinal temporal vein structure (body structure) E01876 362512007 Entire superior retinal temporal vein (body structure) P01876 Y 51913 P venous system 16C5EFA48D474FD29E302DA64EA7AEEF 1C81AC2D0A6A4D3AA26E26C73B1520E4 Superior retinal temporal vein Entire superior retinal temporal vein (body structure) 1877 1877 01877 corona ciliaris 30047009 S01877 Pars plicata structure (body structure) E01877 280859006 Entire corona ciliaris (body structure) P01877 Y 58431 P special senses organ system E5B02E8B45E44BA1A734F8D29013D89F B1341C54C1A149158D551A52221A6BBD Pars plicata Entire corona ciliaris (body structure) 1878 1878 01878 pupillary margin of iris 62880001 S01878 Structure of pupillary margin of iris (body structure) E01878 362514008 Entire pupillary margin of iris (body structure) P01878 Y 58507 P special senses organ system A6C5DD03643147809FDBD9236FD5620D 6920A3729CA84192A78AF4E01834D039 pupillary margin of iris Entire pupillary margin of iris (body structure) 1879 1879 01879 ciliary margin of iris 82168001 S01879 Structure of ciliary margin of iris (body structure) E01879 362515009 Entire ciliary margin of iris (body structure) P01879 Y 58508 P special senses organ system 65C5A675BB3D41A49F9347B0B9645780 0103C9026059440993C2814B918D8F92 ciliary margin of iris Entire ciliary margin of iris (body structure) 1880 1880 01880 tunica interna of eyeball 8264007 S01880 Structure of tunica interna of eyeball (body structure) E01880 362516005 Entire tunica interna of eyeball (body structure) P01880 Y P special senses organ system E7C6EA4191B147C5ACEB8C560FB5CE8A 5F3200C8407944FF886A384E26628C31 tunica interna of eyeball Entire tunica interna of eyeball (body structure) 1881 1881 01881 macula lutea 82859000 S01881 Macula lutea structure (body structure) E01881 362517001 Entire macula lutea (body structure) P01881 Y 58637 P special senses organ system 9235E199D55F4E94803C1FEA553EC19E BAFD395456A14B80858DD70B8794EFE9 Macula lutea Entire macula lutea (body structure) 1882 1882 01882 optic disc 81016008 S01882 Optic disc structure (body structure) E01882 362518006 Entire optic disc (body structure) P01882 Y 58634 P special senses organ system AAEA71E449AB4CCA9325F8190BF633C9 1498D3C4F34B4C80BB6B6864366D7EA8 Optic disc Entire optic disc (body structure) 1883 1883 01883 fundus of eye 65784005 S01883 Structure of fundus of eye (body structure) E01883 362519003 Entire fundus of eye (body structure) P01883 Y P special senses organ system 1A50D4F7B2C649B28E36A8DBB63FEF76 18DD73BA57CB495C82EF28A44A202CEE fundus of eye Entire fundus of eye (body structure) 1884 1884 01884 inner nuclear layer of retina 24040007 S01884 Structure of inner nuclear layer of retina (body structure) E01884 362520009 Entire inner nuclear layer of retina (body structure) P01884 Y 58686 P special senses organ system 48FD9CA6FFD34958B5D05AB3C26B04A2 B387E58E192A4856889F2D84751076BD inner nuclear layer of retina Entire inner nuclear layer of retina (body structure) 1885 1885 01885 anterior surface of lens 85013008 S01885 Structure of anterior surface of lens (body structure) E01885 362521008 Entire anterior surface of lens (body structure) P01885 Y 58889 P special senses organ system 3322956ED1754716AD6A4FC69C1A4666 3402A28112604F1BBE95873E1B4D7A69 anterior surface of lens Entire anterior surface of lens (body structure) 1886 1886 01886 posterior surface of lens 47813007 S01886 Structure of posterior surface of lens (body structure) E01886 362522001 Entire posterior surface of lens (body structure) P01886 Y 58890 P special senses organ system 71113BB271D44D7AA13632831F49AA4C 6229B4355E8F44A4A21A9DD6C85C74D4 posterior surface of lens Entire posterior surface of lens (body structure) 1887 1887 01887 epithelium of lens 5194009 S01887 Structure of epithelium of lens (body structure) E01887 362523006 Entire epithelium of lens (body structure) P01887 Y 58871 P special senses organ system 5B07661155BC465BBCB047784842BEA0 EB7DF3F3417447A8AEF0A9927C3A08E8 epithelium of lens Entire epithelium of lens (body structure) 1888 1888 01888 suspensory ligament of lens 5128004 S01888 Structure of suspensory ligament of lens (body structure) E01888 362524000 Entire suspensory ligament of lens (body structure) P01888 Y 58838 P special senses organ system 58084008F9EA4EA4A816DE5DD9B04EEB 28FFAB6847D647F3A7E4496B02041617 suspensory ligament of lens Entire suspensory ligament of lens (body structure) 1889 1889 01889 lateral canthus 61242005 S01889 Lateral canthus structure (body structure) E01889 362525004 Entire lateral canthus (body structure) P01889 Y P special senses organ system D6DBF8FDA8294F3A9798F5912811D80D 17789CA41A28438EBCC054C3D935461B Lateral canthus Entire lateral canthus (body structure) 1890 1890 01890 medial canthus 70339009 S01890 Medial canthus structure (body structure) E01890 362526003 Entire medial canthus (body structure) P01890 Y 87102 P special senses organ system DC896AEEBD884CCF869A1AACE46E82D0 A10292D3262E454FB9B1FBD5640C730C Medial canthus Entire medial canthus (body structure) 1891 1891 01891 free margin of eyelid 77024004 S01891 Structure of free margin of eyelid (body structure) E01891 362527007 Entire free margin of eyelid (body structure) P01891 Y 59356 P special senses organ system 5DC7FA534C24441883DDF7AD36FE1E31 1E2C900E37474280B25B829A8A9384CC free margin of eyelid Entire free margin of eyelid (body structure) 1892 1892 01892 lower eyelid 62736007 S01892 Lower eyelid structure (body structure) E01892 362528002 Entire lower eyelid (body structure) P01892 Y 54442 P special senses organ system A407BFB418FA4B8699D54074D1AD0525 0F8E05C687F84B04B2EF77B49D783C68 Lower eyelid Entire lower eyelid (body structure) 1893 1893 01893 tarsal plate 12173003 S01893 Tarsal plate structure (body structure) E01893 362529005 Entire tarsal plate (body structure) P01893 Y 59086 P special senses organ system C1815AAF9BF340D38E61D70E243EE204 371ECCAB6B5149F38CC6D63D6E0E7B1C Tarsal plate Entire tarsal plate (body structure) 1894 1894 01894 lacrimal caruncle 43045000 S01894 Lacrimal caruncle structure (body structure) E01894 362530000 Entire lacrimal caruncle (body structure) P01894 Y 77672 P special senses organ system C7BE46AF62F746C985F44425EAE45E9D 7B7DF9B1DBF346778E26DFF4654F9994 Lacrimal caruncle Entire lacrimal caruncle (body structure) 1895 1895 01895 conjunctival sac 10737006 S01895 Conjunctival sac structure (body structure) E01895 362531001 Entire conjunctival sac (body structure) P01895 Y 20291 P special senses organ system 46E529D03BD44E5D8C2C2D56E570DE51 7F89DDD28B1D4A9A9E5488E3E42F20DD Conjunctival sac Entire conjunctival sac (body structure) Serous sac, which has as parts the conjunctiva and the cavity of conjunctiva. Examples: There are only two conjunctival sacs, the right and the left. 1896 1896 01896 lacrimal system 314802006 S01896 Lacrimal structure (body structure) E01896 416060002 Entire lacrimal system (body structure) P01896 Y 55605 P special senses organ system 7AA09B155ED242E1874244EC669998B4 120D2A8061284A52A95AAAE85DF5B0A6 Lacrimal system Entire lacrimal system (body structure) 1897 1897 01897 lacrimal papilla 82139002 S01897 Lacrimal papilla structure (body structure) E01897 362533003 Entire lacrimal papilla (body structure) P01897 Y 59407 P special senses organ system 5C20D2AA29324326942B2FCE81CEF289 E0DEF83A0DB14DE1BB67BD9B8663DE70 Lacrimal papilla Entire lacrimal papilla (body structure) 1898 1898 01898 lacrimal sac 3954005 S01898 Lacrimal sac structure (body structure) E01898 362534009 Entire lacrimal sac (body structure) P01898 372194000 Lacrimal sac part (body structure) Y 20289 P special senses organ system 5205306371044E0883216A94682C53EC F6D00C87CFCB4754B5E8073D105A294C 5756C3D9CFB94DC98E42DD83D5327EA0 Lacrimal sac Entire lacrimal sac (body structure) Lacrimal sac 1899 1899 01899 spine of helix 78389002 S01899 Structure of spine of helix (body structure) E01899 362535005 Entire spine of helix (body structure) P01899 Y 61027 P special senses organ system FBE50B8C08834B4BA12866E57EBDF6ED DD4A51887C41435A9FB301CE501BB140 spine of helix Entire spine of helix (body structure) 1900 1900 01900 tail of helix 55418004 S01900 Structure of tail of helix (body structure) E01900 362536006 Entire tail of helix (body structure) P01900 Y 61028 P special senses organ system D3ADC64648404006BAA772926B617841 0423C3A05652441A9F0FE47228F508A3 tail of helix Entire tail of helix (body structure) 1901 1901 01901 auricular tubercle 62839008 S01901 Auricular tubercle structure (body structure) E01901 362537002 Entire auricular tubercle (body structure) P01901 Y 61151 P special senses organ system 6E040CA7D1E54524AE416551AD780293 2B75EF8F956F445BAA1E581CE79A4F58 Auricular tubercle Entire auricular tubercle (body structure) 1902 1902 01902 fossa triangularis of ear 31136007 S01902 Structure of fossa triangularis of ear (body structure) E01902 362538007 Entire fossa triangularis of ear (body structure) P01902 Y 61091 P special senses organ system 3EE1F4D90A8444989DB71FEC3FA0478A C62EA9A48E534B41870B3FB97250533B fossa triangularis of ear Entire fossa triangularis of ear (body structure) 1903 1903 01903 crus of antihelix 113328006 S01903 Structure of crura of antihelix (body structure) E01903 362539004 Entire crura of antihelix (body structure) P01903 Y P special senses organ system 2678D8EFFF4745868551E8142626612B 470E938F2F9C402A8861E5252610D093 crura of antihelix Entire crura of antihelix (body structure) 1904 1904 01904 scaphoid fossa 82024001 S01904 Scaphoid fossa structure (body structure) E01904 362540002 Entire scaphoid fossa (body structure) P01904 Y 84973 P special senses organ system 7552CB8BB1194AE1ABD7D02924A98126 25202777F6B94174AA901D866BD2B2F7 Scaphoid fossa Entire scaphoid fossa (body structure) 1905 1905 01905 tragus 59581006 S01905 Tragus structure (body structure) E01905 362541003 Entire tragus (body structure) P01905 Y 60998 P special senses organ system A0ED9668AAA841AE85BEC704F5060169 E4C96C62F6EB49C9A4ABE692C2293634 Tragus Entire tragus (body structure) 1906 1906 01906 intertragal incisure 3362007 S01906 Intertragal incisure structure (body structure) E01906 362542005 Entire intertragal incisure (body structure) P01906 Y 61175 P special senses organ system 9F6594782EA4440BB3CD4A7BF30690A3 AF565C1CA9094CB6A6F8F77060EE0212 Intertragal incisure Entire intertragal incisure (body structure) 1907 1907 01907 antitragus 24264001 S01907 Antitragus structure (body structure) E01907 362543000 Entire antitragus (body structure) P01907 Y 61001 P special senses organ system 254A7546467E453EBD1621C144E9E033 37E64EDC608C4FB5B6566DB413D6777B Antitragus Entire antitragus (body structure) 1908 1908 01908 ear lobule 48800003 S01908 Ear lobule structure (body structure) E01908 362544006 Entire ear lobule (body structure) P01908 Y 60984 P special senses organ system 35A28FA901A84554A1D95E2B87217992 210C06F37E244BBA9A1724AD346E475A Ear lobule Entire ear lobule (body structure) 1909 1909 01909 cymba conchae 68530009 S01909 Cymba conchae structure (body structure) E01909 362545007 Entire cymba conchae (body structure) P01909 Y 61082 P special senses organ system EEF014CC205042BAA1E7241EA2F041DA DBAB773D2DEB4F2591B5EE052ACC309B Cymba conchae Entire cymba conchae (body structure) 1910 1910 01910 cavity of concha 42407000 S01910 Structure of cavity of concha (body structure) E01910 362546008 Entire cavity of concha (body structure) P01910 Y 61088 P special senses organ system 1CC41AFA60BA4B0891D17A2B8CDA61FF B241AF1B08784FDC93EAA04C872993D5 cavity of concha Entire cavity of concha (body structure) 1911 1911 01911 crus of helix 78743007 S01911 Structure of crus of helix (body structure) E01911 362547004 Entire crus of helix (body structure) P01911 Y 61024 P special senses organ system 7C2B499170FE4415A0CE5A8182ADD205 85F28C1CA94143BF94E873AD8DFEEDBA crus of helix Entire crus of helix (body structure) 1912 1912 01912 ligament of auricle 90274004 S01912 Structure of ligament of auricle (body structure) E01912 362548009 Entire ligament of auricle (body structure) P01912 Y 61035 P special senses organ system 97B59586147345CF8682FE42AB873A7D FF97DAC0BC4B48BDBF0B3C7B97758B43 ligament of auricle Entire ligament of auricle (body structure) 1913 1913 01913 cartilaginous portion of auditory canal 40691006 S01913 Structure of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) E01913 362549001 Entire cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) P01913 Y 61289 P special senses organ system 4E62A3BBCE7C4B58A6B108D956725A9C 338BE6344EAE46339EA8FDDD8F3AA7D9 cartilaginous portion of auditory canal Entire cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) 1914 1914 01914 osseous portion of external auditory canal 314258009 S01914 Osseous external auditory canal structure (body structure) E01914 362550001 Entire osseous portion of auditory canal (body structure) P01914 Y 61290 P special senses organ system B1D8C00BCC694270BD42AD5D31DE874E 34E00F0C384A494F881F5259104BC167 Osseous external auditory canal Entire osseous portion of auditory canal (body structure) 1915 1915 01915 tympanic cavity 51837005 S01915 Tympanic cavity structure (body structure) E01915 362551002 Entire tympanic cavity (body structure) P01915 Y 56461 P special senses organ system F60754135AE2438CA08E6680A9651F39 17F9D70F16C34BA7B70C489317B5F7EF Tympanic cavity Entire tympanic cavity (body structure) 1916 1916 01916 tympanic mucosa 14242009 S01916 Tympanic mucosa structure (body structure) E01916 362552009 Entire tympanic mucosa (body structure) P01916 Y P special senses organ system AAC6970913624B10AEA6662E931C28AF 050A5757368F42B59D8F8988007AB092 Tympanic mucosa Entire tympanic mucosa (body structure) 1919 1919 01919 pars tensa of tympanic membrane 2792005 S01919 Structure of pars tensa of tympanic membrane (body structure) E01919 362555006 Entire pars tensa of tympanic membrane (body structure) P01919 Y 56722 P special senses organ system 01CFB1CDF4184EEDA3C270F90C5A0592 3E4B7D7010784B5F94DF96E67FF9C7F1 pars tensa of tympanic membrane Entire pars tensa of tympanic membrane (body structure) 1920 1920 01920 wall of tympanic cavity 70144009 S01920 Structure of wall of tympanic cavity (body structure) E01920 362556007 Entire wall of tympanic cavity (body structure) P01920 Y P special senses organ system 5E67BD06CCD34784BEDA649A295E35C4 C27EAABCA4384026A5FF200A98BBC51A wall of tympanic cavity Entire wall of tympanic cavity (body structure) 1921 1921 01921 recessus epitympanicus 40881002 S01921 Recessus epitympanicus structure (body structure) E01921 362557003 Entire recessus epitympanicus (body structure) P01921 Y 56717 P special senses organ system 8BEFF60E66F44A31A6C1DC2321FA29D7 060654DA79FA46F2B61B1B6B4F05AFF6 Recessus epitympanicus Entire recessus epitympanicus (body structure) 1922 1922 01922 articulation of auditory ossicle 7999001 S01922 Structure of articulations of auditory ossicles (body structure) E01922 362558008 Entire articulation of auditory ossicles (body structure) P01922 Y 60063 P musculoskeletal system 574CE0722354482FB9F5CA26C9BFE101 5332841C7FF44CB697C5F2CA21A01BCA articulations of auditory ossicles Entire articulation of auditory ossicles (body structure) 1923 1923 01923 ossicular ligament 26868005 S01923 Ossicular ligament structure (body structure) E01923 362559000 Entire ossicular ligament (body structure) P01923 Y P 2C2C3C7AB5174D1ABBB953DC352ED5D3 3C7C7F9F5C17481BBE7CD4F88B39E169 Ossicular ligament Entire ossicular ligament (body structure) 1924 1924 01924 membrane of stapes 34176001 S01924 Structure of membrane of stapes (body structure) E01924 362560005 Entire membrane of stapes (body structure) P01924 Y 60959 P musculoskeletal system E88726FB55074946A655DCA4A745306E D6679657FC50491A926BA337C8917AFC membrane of stapes Entire membrane of stapes (body structure) 1925 1925 01925 vestibular window 3931001 S01925 Vestibular window structure (body structure) E01925 362561009 Entire vestibular window (body structure) P01925 Y 56913 P special senses organ system 96E48299FA214841889370981F3C7743 4188DF157CD64062883C851434228492 Vestibular window Entire vestibular window (body structure) 1926 1926 01926 mastoid cells and antra 91716001 S01926 Mastoid cells and antra structure (body structure) E01926 362562002 Entire mastoid cells and antra (body structure) P01926 - P special senses organ system 4D8979C967F644518599EA09551F5ADA 0240466F6F45433CB29B868F9F26C0C4 Mastoid cells and antra Entire mastoid cells and antra (body structure) 1927 1927 01927 osseous portion of Eustachian tube 8251006 S01927 Structure of osseous portion of Eustachian tube (body structure) E01927 362563007 Entire osseous portion of Eustachian tube (body structure) P01927 Y 60057 P special senses organ system C7932F557A184A769BF048211C63798A 6957542436D149DF872744032EB7A78F osseous portion of Eustachian tube Entire osseous portion of Eustachian tube (body structure) 1928 1928 01928 cartilaginous portion of Eustachian tube 71013008 S01928 Structure of cartilaginous portion of Eustachian tube (body structure) E01928 362564001 Entire cartilaginous portion of Eustachian tube (body structure) P01928 Y 60058 P special senses organ system 49A9086444A04024AB6D48D69D5022F8 9467B980D9C74EC99FD7A22AEFD81105 cartilaginous portion of Eustachian tube Entire cartilaginous portion of Eustachian tube (body structure) 1929 1929 01929 cartilage of Eustachian tube 20008000 S01929 Structure of cartilage of Eustachian tube (body structure) E01929 362565000 Entire cartilage of Eustachian tube (body structure) P01929 Y 60096 P special senses organ system 45A011ED1409417584FC141CA91180F6 1FD108408CA34172A21C088FB991AA88 cartilage of Eustachian tube Entire cartilage of Eustachian tube (body structure) 1930 1930 01930 mucous membrane of Eustachian tube 35816002 S01930 Structure of mucous membrane of Eustachian tube (body structure) E01930 362566004 Entire mucous membrane of Eustachian tube (body structure) P01930 Y 60109 P special senses organ system EF29F80076F84AEBAC1AE386CB4DD3A6 C10729AA1BB44CAF981A8E17B30BC23A mucous membrane of Eustachian tube Entire mucous membrane of Eustachian tube (body structure) 1931 1931 01931 endolymphatic duct 78539006 S01931 Endolymphatic duct structure (body structure) E01931 362567008 Entire endolymphatic duct (body structure) P01931 Y 61246 P special senses organ system 13DB29F33FC04B249D46AA484D68F065 FC6BEC7395FA442681F53058EF4EF268 Endolymphatic duct Entire endolymphatic duct (body structure) 1932 1932 01932 macula of utricle 6799003 S01932 Structure of macula of utricle (body structure) E01932 362568003 Entire macula of utricle (body structure) P01932 Y 74960 P special senses organ system 6308AE3B578545EA8CDD13F13859AF61 A5294217208B44848AFE4CF023D95C09 macula of utricle Entire macula of utricle (body structure) 1933 1933 01933 membrane of semicircular duct 57146005 S01933 Structure of membrane of semicircular duct (body structure) E01933 362569006 Entire membrane of semicircular duct (body structure) P01933 Y P special senses organ system 41886D99D4604029A73567F62E4374F7 72A0B29826E945BC8901A7D82D2B7556 membrane of semicircular duct Entire membrane of semicircular duct (body structure) 1934 1934 01934 membranous ampulla 4843009 S01934 Membranous ampulla structure (body structure) E01934 362570007 Entire membranous ampulla (body structure) P01934 Y P special senses organ system 2FFC14C6158A4AB4B0E3BEB4DCA860E9 D56F0CFDEC974E0EA716FE734AC1C96A Membranous ampulla Entire membranous ampulla (body structure) 1935 1935 01935 otolithic membrane 11398005 S01935 Otolithic membrane structure (body structure) E01935 362571006 Entire otolithic membrane (body structure) P01935 Y 75573 P special senses organ system 74F573CD22264E31B88DC724A2F3CC4C FB108DF7B6F24515B3722A5BA484BC4F Otolithic membrane Entire otolithic membrane (body structure) 1936 1936 01936 macula of saccule 4111006 S01936 Structure of macula of saccule (body structure) E01936 362572004 Entire macula of saccule (body structure) P01936 Y 74944 P special senses organ system 95E7EEFEF89147A4B565B1E6800CAE7E 2D04941E89B5498E8E43568427821B47 macula of saccule Entire macula of saccule (body structure) 1937 1937 01937 supporting cell of organ of Corti 28199004 S01937 Structure of supporting cell of organ of Corti (body structure) E01937 362573009 Entire supporting cell of organ of Corti (body structure) P01937 Y 79802 P nervous system F597B0CBA23F4200B8E294230DFD764F 9BADFA09E8764FBD9B2793DBA56AADDA supporting cell of organ of Corti Entire supporting cell of organ of Corti (body structure) 1938 1938 01938 basilar membrane of cochlea 50862003 S01938 Structure of basilar membrane of cochlea (body structure) E01938 362574003 Entire basilar membrane of cochlea (body structure) P01938 Y 75706 P nervous system CCF902C24FF342EB81DAB9DD139A7D1F FE04751E15E14AA2A4639618AFD533C8 basilar membrane of cochlea Entire basilar membrane of cochlea (body structure) 1939 1939 01939 vestibular membrane 65224006 S01939 Vestibular membrane structure (body structure) E01939 362575002 Entire vestibular membrane (body structure) P01939 Y 77829 P nervous system 054392577B09422CA0C9D54E75F80EC9 4567D8790405457CB0B3108B4EAD30C4 Vestibular membrane Entire vestibular membrane (body structure) 1940 1940 01940 perilymphatic space 19969001 S01940 Perilymphatic space structure (body structure) E01940 362576001 Entire perilymphatic space (body structure) P01940 Y 77745 P special senses organ system 00AF8AD61A664C869520B6E77F0DDFA4 E821773014E447418135E8398E66BFE1 Perilymphatic space Entire perilymphatic space (body structure) 1941 1941 01941 spiral canal of modiolus 29535008 S01941 Structure of spiral canal of modiolus (body structure) E01941 362577005 Entire spiral canal of modiolus (body structure) P01941 Y P special senses organ system C6F0F1540E88442C848E698C31D433E3 3B0810BA669949A9828C94A719918FB9 spiral canal of modiolus Entire spiral canal of modiolus (body structure) 1942 1942 01942 scala vestibuli 4394008 S01942 Scala vestibuli structure (body structure) E01942 362578000 Entire scala vestibuli (body structure) P01942 Y 61269 P special senses organ system 21FA287AF4114C3DBCC89DF26914D7C7 CF7DD214AFAD4E0892FDB5492FE4938C Scala vestibuli Entire scala vestibuli (body structure) 1943 1943 01943 scala tympani 81985002 S01943 Scala tympani structure (body structure) E01943 362579008 Entire scala tympani (body structure) P01943 Y 61272 P special senses organ system 0E7FAEFD6D7943739E26FFB4776FBB09 4C1F9CB8BE4E4EE08C46654E9ABC586B Scala tympani Entire scala tympani (body structure) 1945 1945 01945 fundus of internal auditory canal 41195007 S01945 Structure of fundus of internal auditory canal (body structure) E01945 362581005 Entire fundus of internal auditory canal (body structure) P01945 Y P 2325E32B1CB944049C01FEAA8C80ADB7 B5DBD3FDD4F844BD80EA02F1EDC5FBD0 fundus of internal auditory canal Entire fundus of internal auditory canal (body structure) 1946 1946 01946 endocrine tissue 54762004 S01946 Endocrine tissue structure (body structure) E01946 362582003 Entire endocrine tissue (body structure) P01946 - P endocrine system 4CBE225782B544EDB0DF68BCE6F9B46E 595124F0610F4A089BBAD9DBE8A4A9C3 Endocrine tissue Entire endocrine tissue (body structure) 1947 1947 01947 hypophyseal diverticulum 89718004 S01947 Hypophyseal diverticulum structure (body structure) E01947 362583008 Entire hypophyseal diverticulum (body structure) P01947 - P endocrine system CA50205CF2C9466B9418037DA8349F95 5A4A1F543C894BB48C4B59220CF833F4 Hypophyseal diverticulum Entire hypophyseal diverticulum (body structure) 1948 1948 01948 adrenal cortex 68594002 S01948 Adrenal cortex structure (body structure) E01948 362584002 Entire adrenal cortex (body structure) P01948 Y 15632 P endocrine system 7DAA0D0324D34B09B983F9B4C50201CB 3F20807A3EAC495C89E7D8936C47CCA4 Adrenal cortex Entire adrenal cortex (body structure) 1949 1949 01949 adrenal medulla 38254008 S01949 Adrenal medulla structure (body structure) E01949 362585001 Entire adrenal medulla (body structure) P01949 Y 15633 P endocrine system 9B268E559EF24AFBB5F92E80F95BF3E6 9216F9F4CDC44140AC28D47A51F76B3B Adrenal medulla Entire adrenal medulla (body structure) 1950 1950 01950 carotid body 51345006 S01950 Carotid body structure (body structure) E01950 362586000 Entire carotid body (body structure) P01950 Y 50095 P endocrine system BD9CFC7F3B6A43428DF9F48855D378AF DE46B466AB184DD483B9DBEF9D3C424C Carotid body Entire carotid body (body structure) 1951 1951 01951 hematopoietic system 57171008 S01951 Hematopoietic system structure (body structure) E01951 362587009 Entire hematopoietic system (body structure) P01951 - 9667 P hematopoietic system 1BCA1D2A9AB3424BB3004AFFE58F3915 5C02B8CBD85D41F78924F0D3AAE239EB Hematopoietic system Entire hematopoietic system (body structure) 1952 1952 01952 reticuloendothelial system 6013009 S01952 Structure of reticuloendothelial system (body structure) E01952 362588004 Entire reticuloendothelial system (body structure) P01952 - P reticuloendothelial system 0F49B0168916458EA97FA0A2033D9A51 10ADF19551B144AEBB910915BBA91F23 reticuloendothelial system Entire reticuloendothelial system (body structure) 1953 1953 01953 lymphoid organ 91688001 S01953 Lymphoid organ structure (body structure) E01953 361338006 Entire lymphoid organ (body structure) P01953 119569007 Lymphoid organ part (body structure) - P lymphoid system 15F21705550F40829FE67EF9FE1A4C6F E84B9230FF674BB4A26531448A9D1294 7E6982BCDB244CEBACAB7842DAD5CC51 Lymphoid organ Entire lymphoid organ (body structure) Lymphoid organ 1954 1954 01954 lymphoid system 122490001 S01954 Lymphoid system structure (body structure) E01954 362589007 Entire lymphoid system (body structure) P01954 - 74594 P lymphoid system D2C7EAF757FD4B7490F837B4DE5B7A16 9C4077237ED1443D8D38DCEC649E144A Lymphoid system Entire lymphoid system (body structure) 1955 1955 01955 immune system 116003000 S01955 Structure of immune system (body structure) E01955 362590003 Entire immune system (body structure) P01955 - 9825 P immune system 226F89884CBE4881BF48DF820E18E0B4 9DEEEFD42F5B4E4CB139A2E4C3C4C1D4 immune system Entire immune system (body structure) 1956 1956 01956 lymphocytic tissue 6969002 S01956 Lymphocytic tissue structure (body structure) E01956 362591004 Entire lymphocytic tissue (body structure) P01956 - 55220 P lymphoid system D7B5A39C8DBD4A8BB546F7C86C4E68F0 3C53C79877F74C6AA7AAEB2B8DF0891C Lymphocytic tissue Entire lymphocytic tissue (body structure) 1957 1957 01957 splenic capsule 46929006 S01957 Splenic capsule structure (body structure) E01957 362592006 Entire splenic capsule (body structure) P01957 - P lymphoid system 22FFAB746B26435EA69EBEDA315473C8 740F14D973BA45459187AF694C3DA988 Splenic capsule Entire splenic capsule (body structure) 1958 1958 01958 lymphoid follicle 60315003 S01958 Lymphatic follicle structure (body structure) E01958 362593001 Entire lymphatic follicle (body structure) P01958 - P lymphoid system DA8D7FAE5FC34ED99A01706EAF4A6CFD 2D472485CB2F4140A877CE3F7D51E361 Lymphatic follicle Entire lymphatic follicle (body structure) 1959 1959 01959 oropharyngeal tonsil S01959 E01959 362594007 Entire oropharyngeal tonsil (lingual, palatine, pharyngeal) (body structure) P01959 - P lymphoid system A61D8F8B32B54B079CEB3B67DB002DC2 Entire oropharyngeal tonsil (lingual, palatine, pharyngeal) (body structure) 1960 1960 01960 palatine arch 21294006 S01960 Palatine arch structure (body structure) E01960 362595008 Entire palatine arch (body structure) P01960 Y 60022 P digestive system 647AB02B4AAE419EBE99DA200CFFD2A1 106C156D73534264912F51783E5CCAA2 Palatine arch Entire palatine arch (body structure) 1961 1961 01961 tonsillar fossa 32163006 S01961 Tonsillar fossa structure (body structure) E01961 362596009 Entire tonsillar fossa (body structure) P01961 Y 55041 P digestive system 44F7C8E6CB8A4D1EB8C94509E316BB29 7B36CDE1231C41B5B4985FABADB685B9 Tonsillar fossa Entire tonsillar fossa (body structure) 1962 1962 01962 lymphatic system 89890002 S01962 Structure of lymphatic system (body structure) E01962 362597000 Entire lymphatic system (body structure) P01962 - 7162 P lymphatic system 338450D6EF19444283035D7D7C9036CA A0F45DA5B65D49B1952C78D5C527B62B lymphatic system Entire lymphatic system (body structure) Segment of lymphoid system which has as its direct parts right lymphatic tree organ and thoracic duct tree. 1963 1963 01963 lymphatic system of head 7362006 S01963 Structure of lymphatic system of head (body structure) E01963 P01963 - 86230 P lymphatic system E2E9B4935EF34C2794D3F2D845FE232B lymphatic system of head 1964 1964 01964 lymphatic system of neck 69831007 S01964 Structure of lymphatic system of neck (body structure) E01964 P01964 - P lymphatic system 006F48EEF14142EAB8665DA62CB31CB7 lymphatic system of neck 1965 1965 01965 thoracic duct 1732005 S01965 Thoracic duct structure (body structure) E01965 362600004 Entire thoracic duct (body structure) P01965 - 5031 P lymphatic system 37072B3ABF5B44389D75651CC79C74D7 0AF93F06E90247628EA1E6AE1B2BA8FE Thoracic duct Entire thoracic duct (body structure) Lymphatic trunk that connects all tributaries of the thoracic duct tree to the trunk of the left brachiocephalic vein. There is only one thoracic duct. 1966 1966 01966 lymphatic system of abdomen 86002004 S01966 Lymphatic structure of abdomen (body structure) E01966 P01966 - 86232 P lymphatic system B5ACB3B79B6842E59DB0C3C2F14EEDAC Lymphatic of abdomen 1967 1967 01967 right half of body 85421007 S01967 Structure of right half of body (body structure) E01967 362602007 Entire right half of body (body structure) P01967 Rgroup D 0B4C0A261C0A44E0B26A210B18EA74ED 9F299C1B97C84493B30A9BFAFCD65C29 right half of body Entire right half of body (body structure) 1968 1968 01968 left half of body 31156008 S01968 Structure of left half of body (body structure) E01968 362603002 Entire left half of body (body structure) P01968 Lgroup D CFE4D6BBADA0482D8E1A4BAFF25C0275 D907964EDA204A8398ADDC666A622028 left half of body Entire left half of body (body structure) 1969 1969 01969 portion of body tissue 85756007 S01969 Body tissue structure (body structure) E01969 362604008 Entire body tissue (body structure) P01969 - 9637 P 05C1E3D461B64DDFA1630944348EE965 413911102FE4405B9E1A13C1A485C126 Body tissue Entire body tissue (body structure) Anatomical structure which has as its parts cells of predominantly one type with or without intercellular matrix. Examples: epithelium, muscle tissue, connective tissue, neural tissue, lymphoid tissue. 1970 1970 01970 anatomical space 2969000 S01970 Body space structure (body structure) E01970 362605009 Entire body space (body structure) P01970 - 5897 P 8029C6C60A93412F8F837B3FA536F406 82B7A02A39704D10AB3EF224DBEE0175 Body space Entire body space (body structure) Immaterial anatomical entity which has three spatial dimensions. 1971 1971 01971 organ cavity 91808001 S01971 Organ cavity structure (body structure) E01971 362606005 Entire organ cavity (body structure) P01971 - 12237 P 10D73477D7394A8BAE53DEFC1BA83A63 018810CB9E8242D9936A6EC47D0A3349 Organ cavity Entire organ cavity (body structure) Anatomical cavity, which is surrounded by all morphological parts of an organ; is continuous within the organ; contains one or more body substances. Examples: pericardial cavity, cavity of stomach, uterine cavity. 1972 1972 01972 mouth region of head 123851003 S01972 Mouth region structure (body structure) E01972 21082005 Entire mouth region (body structure) P01972 127945006 Mouth region part (body structure) - 49184 P digestive system 9FD65EB758DD46DDB1C498EE157D77BF 42D4F96825BA435091A832010F7080CA 36BE1134695642CB8ABACC2663DFABED Mouth region Entire mouth region (body structure) Mouth region 1973 1973 01973 spino-olivary tract 127959004 S01973 Spino-olivary tract structure (body structure) E01973 362607001 Entire spino-olivary tract (body structure) P01973 Y 72643 P nervous system 601E35AC6818420E91536C2B28C7C5BE 49D5535A94B64252917F0F2C32B2A362 Spino-olivary tract Entire spino-olivary tract (body structure) 1974 1974 01974 female body 1086007 S01974 Female structure (body structure) E01974 362608006 Entire female (body structure) P01974 - P F5055F64707B42C38A7B475DAACAE34B 478CCE2266CD4FA5990EAB78F767457F Female Entire female (body structure) 1975 1975 01975 male body 10052007 S01975 Male structure (body structure) E01975 362609003 Entire male (body structure) P01975 - P 014872ABAECD4D3F8477FDC0C2658182 53A71FB53C4C4E03874CCDDCF78E60D0 Male Entire male (body structure) 1976 1976 01976 side of head 14218005 S01976 Structure of side of head (body structure) E01976 362611007 Entire side of head (body structure) P01976 Y P B7774C5E20E3410CBF81F6F0950A28E8 762E727A36974FBEBD415526862FB6A4 side of head Entire side of head (body structure) 1977 1977 01977 right half of head 29624005 S01977 Structure of right half of head (body structure) E01977 362612000 Entire right half of head (body structure) P01977 Rgroup D FE56123C33BD47F08879271DEBB613C3 6824828A9E224368915AD0332248D420 right half of head Entire right half of head (body structure) 1978 1978 01978 left half of head 64237003 S01978 Structure of left half of head (body structure) E01978 362613005 Entire left half of head (body structure) P01978 Lgroup D 6E2504466FBD41CB82320107BCAD8584 B02DA52659074DA5AE813079A4A6452D left half of head Entire left half of head (body structure) 1979 1979 01979 forehead 52795006 S01979 Forehead structure (body structure) E01979 362614004 Entire forehead (body structure) P01979 - 63864 P 6CB683367E6F4A0DAAE3D8C4585718AE 5F68689152EB42618AC35D8798E32288 Forehead Entire forehead (body structure) Subdivision of head bounded by the hairline and the eyebrows. 1980 1980 01980 supraorbital area 56493000 S01980 Supraorbital area structure (body structure) E01980 362615003 Entire supraorbital area (body structure) P01980 Y P 8927F0ADEBEE4C9E92381AD6D59F5C5D 889AD364F9F34707A6113AE0485CB41F Supraorbital area Entire supraorbital area (body structure) 1981 1981 01981 vertex 88986008 S01981 Vertex structure (body structure) E01981 362616002 Entire vertex (body structure) P01981 - 46484 P 9FF695A613194A32834652D3EF013E0F 75D02123A633457890FF190BF8AC6329 Vertex Entire vertex (body structure) 1982 1982 01982 parietal region of head 76332005 S01982 Parietal region structure (body structure) E01982 362617006 Entire parietal region (body structure) P01982 Y 61731 P nervous system 2900184971B149C5BBD1C53343AB9165 033075927C704692A9AA030CD58D1B68 Parietal region Entire parietal region (body structure) Subdivision of head proper which consists of the parietal bones and all layers superficial to them. Examples: There are only two canonical instances, right and left parietal parts of head. 1983 1983 01983 occipital region of head 43631005 S01983 Occipital region structure (body structure) E01983 362618001 Entire occipital region (body structure) P01983 - 49187 P nervous system 68504454437F4F72B932B9A3B793F81F DC72B043227D472EAE7B85BA3465D54D Occipital region Entire occipital region (body structure) Subdivision of head proper which consists of the occipital bone and all layers superficial to it. 1984 1984 01984 suboccipital region of neck 53966003 S01984 Suboccipital region structure (body structure) E01984 362619009 Entire suboccipital region (body structure) P01984 - P regional/topgraphical EEEC409817194F789A1CD794D9AB84FA 541B08AD5FA646489073606EC9EBF629 Suboccipital region Entire suboccipital region (body structure) 1985 1985 01985 temporal region of head 450721000 S01985 3e0daaa5-b65b-42e1-84e0-3443535bf022 Structure of temporal region (body structure) E01985 362620003 Entire temporal region (body structure) P01985 Y 63867 P regional/topgraphical B805DC13D59F4FE592787B7F516CED86 69828EBB521E47DCBE0624EE494281D6 temporal region Entire temporal region (body structure) 1986 1986 01986 infratemporal region of head 26672007 S01986 Infratemporal region structure (body structure) E01986 362621004 Entire infratemporal region (body structure) P01986 Y P regional/topgraphical 251495014E48454DB7716D3016AFE640 2414E7646699488F8DD147937889C388 Infratemporal region Entire infratemporal region (body structure) 1987 1987 01987 auricular region of head 61942001 S01987 Auricular region structure (body structure) E01987 362622006 Entire auricular region (body structure) P01987 Y P regional/topgraphical D70017AC4ADA4B8EA3B385C01BD4B823 6A80D631E4D04467962DB3DD2DBA38E9 Auricular region Entire auricular region (body structure) 1988 1988 01988 postauricular region of head 81124000 S01988 Postauricular region structure (body structure) E01988 362623001 Entire postauricular region (body structure) P01988 Y P regional/topgraphical E5709348AE39429397E1AC44C4ADAA6B 1B3C5B1065ED414C89E9A9830BF1C78E Postauricular region Entire postauricular region (body structure) 1989 1989 01989 preauricular region of head 56185007 S01989 Preauricular region structure (body structure) E01989 362624007 Entire preauricular region (body structure) P01989 Y P regional/topgraphical 090B56C206454D9B8F8386115DE401D0 4EB6F034DB444BA483968CDF50CDB383 Preauricular region Entire preauricular region (body structure) 1990 1990 01990 scalp 41695006 S01990 Scalp structure (body structure) E01990 181480002 Entire scalp (body structure) P01990 - 46494 P A440BA440DE34EB4B6B9945109F83910 6AA111C5AD854E599DBB73B0D615E815 Scalp Entire scalp (body structure) 1991 1991 01991 epicranium 128425006 S01991 Epicranium structure (body structure) E01991 362625008 Entire epicranium (body structure) P01991 - P C8F7A9A32815429D8BF0E2AA190FE94D 38E9C7EA6A3F492E90DCCCF74A15EAED Epicranium Entire epicranium (body structure) 1992 1992 01992 right side of face 49368008 S01992 Structure of right side of face (body structure) E01992 362626009 Entire right side of face (body structure) P01992 R 54546 P 3B8FF11091F94475946D9703BC5E6A9E 89BE21989AB244D18EF02A3C20700956 right side of face Entire right side of face (body structure) 1993 1993 01993 left side of face 83272003 S01993 Structure of left side of face (body structure) E01993 362627000 Entire left side of face (body structure) P01993 L 54547 P 32880559DE0C45A4A227AAAD6538F9E2 ED894022A98B41199505CDC84EBF6F28 left side of face Entire left side of face (body structure) 1994 1994 01994 oral region of face 836005 S01994 Structure of oral region of face (body structure) E01994 362628005 Entire oral region of face (body structure) P01994 - P digestive system 944EF2DB5C9745C09DD3E871E5D761E8 88F103A8D7F6494A8369B7CF8CD495F7 oral region of face Entire oral region of face (body structure) 1995 1995 01995 zygomatic region of face 8617001 S01995 Structure of zygomatic region of face (body structure) E01995 362629002 Entire zygomatic region of face (body structure) P01995 Y 60966 P digestive system C38D310531B04E77B26D2C45206EF009 7FF23D1031F04106A3880AB11D74852A zygomatic region of face Entire zygomatic region of face (body structure) 1996 1996 01996 parotid-masseteric region of face 26270005 S01996 Structure of parotid-masseteric region of face (body structure) E01996 362630007 Entire parotid-masseteric region of face (body structure) P01996 Y 46491 P regional/topgraphical 302A5B6E7F1C4E02A46FF44C8AB77C36 65676FF09CB141F8B222A28A9219F24C parotid-masseteric region of face Entire parotid-masseteric region of face (body structure) 1997 1997 01997 infrapalpebral fold 71905009 S01997 Infrapalpebral fold structure (body structure) E01997 362631006 Entire infrapalpebral fold (body structure) P01997 Y 75017 P 8941F9B3095D4D43854BE8F8F83A25FE C53A9B2156C94A1F8869853EBA3F327E Infrapalpebral fold Entire infrapalpebral fold (body structure) 1998 1998 01998 chin 30291003 S01998 Chin structure (body structure) E01998 362632004 Entire chin (body structure) P01998 - 46495 P 19B8931B81494A0CABD8A4C25287BB48 D3603F36F42D40CB9768DCC4509C6770 Chin Entire chin (body structure) 2001 2001 02001 upper jaw region 4335006 S02001 Upper jaw region structure (body structure) E02001 362636001 Upper jaw region (body structure) P02001 - 54397 P regional/topgraphical 36EF3E16A94A491B99CA9D1158808D48 30BDF5AE8E964733BC15A48B12211C0E Upper jaw region Upper jaw region (body structure) 2002 2002 02002 lower jaw region 48077000 S02002 Lower jaw region structure (body structure) E02002 362637005 Entire lower jaw region (body structure) P02002 - 54398 P regional/topgraphical 576B008D99A846ADAB4ECE176F15928A 610A3EDBD74049FBA5036B31B92C2E51 Lower jaw region Entire lower jaw region (body structure) 2003 2003 02003 submandibular space 118656006 S02003 Submandibular space structure (body structure) E02003 362638000 Entire submandibular space (body structure) P02003 Y 84991 P digestive system 22E234ED714145B29A2267CC77CED6D1 EF50DB3CC85C478AB6AF4589FF0F0336 Submandibular space Entire submandibular space (body structure) 2005 2005 02005 middle fossa of cranial cavity 42592002 S02005 Structure of middle fossa of cranial cavity (body structure) E02005 244677005 Entire middle fossa of cranial cavity (body structure) P02005 - 54369 P skeletal system 23E932E156A74727BC5EF24BBF8E8031 E2E3005C00B047DAB17D886E8E1266D8 middle fossa of cranial cavity Entire middle fossa of cranial cavity (body structure) 2006 2006 02006 posterior fossa of cranial cavity 35763008 S02006 Structure of posterior fossa of cranial cavity (body structure) E02006 244678000 Entire posterior fossa of cranial cavity (body structure) P02006 - 54368 P skeletal system A5AB7185002140C3A8949CAE96B20E5F 09CD1736B4724CF89C4228192681E55A posterior fossa of cranial cavity Entire posterior fossa of cranial cavity (body structure) 2007 2007 02007 dorsum sellae 41831002 S02007 Dorsum sellae structure (body structure) E02007 362640005 Entire dorsum sellae (body structure) P02007 - 54718 P skeletal system 60652BB912004160A1225C074DC5B89A D0DA0CEE3C654BF6B5C2A1F4C9C81BF1 Dorsum sellae Entire dorsum sellae (body structure) 2008 2008 02008 orbital margin 77886003 S02008 Orbital margin structure (body structure) E02008 362641009 Entire orbital margin (body structure) P02008 Y 53176 P special senses organ system DB75CE7E90BB4B9FBDF059F38E13F607 86CC2DDFE5E84EB8812155A57DDBDBB5 Orbital margin Entire orbital margin (body structure) 2009 2009 02009 infraorbital margin 44326005 S02009 Infraorbital margin structure (body structure) E02009 362642002 Entire infraorbital margin (body structure) P02009 Y 53177 P special senses organ system C4E8CCC21B8B4097A53A5BA1E53942BA D71AF926BF6E4C26873735C65D536AA0 Infraorbital margin Entire infraorbital margin (body structure) 2010 2010 02010 superior wall of orbit 10545004 S02010 Structure of superior wall of orbit (body structure) E02010 362643007 Entire superior wall of orbit (body structure) P02010 Y 53078 P special senses organ system 066A18354DA941059E5D1FCFD5DF4639 FF5FA7CACC0648DFBFDA7B18F510E010 superior wall of orbit Entire superior wall of orbit (body structure) 2011 2011 02011 inferior wall of orbit 113344002 S02011 Structure of inferior wall of orbit (body structure) E02011 280554007 Entire inferior wall of orbit (body structure) P02011 Y 53079 P special senses organ system 382B7837F7B64F89BB98301F9B626254 A4215AC2F393401581819CA42B133FDB inferior wall of orbit Entire inferior wall of orbit (body structure) 2012 2012 02012 lateral wall of orbit 4061004 S02012 Structure of lateral wall of orbit (body structure) E02012 362644001 Entire lateral wall of orbit (body structure) P02012 Y 53080 P special senses organ system 5A619B1A990B46009FDF446ABB2A588C 69ABC684FC5942A78CBC2AC7B05AC66A lateral wall of orbit Entire lateral wall of orbit (body structure) 2013 2013 02013 medial wall of orbit 25388009 S02013 Structure of medial wall of orbit (body structure) E02013 362645000 Entire medial wall of orbit (body structure) P02013 Y 53081 P special senses organ system A8F076828B4046B18DAA8F2BE9C926FA DFC1F13F396F49FAB359D11E39570D95 medial wall of orbit Entire medial wall of orbit (body structure) 2014 2014 02014 periorbital region of face 1711002 S02014 Periorbital region structure (body structure) E02014 362646004 Entire periorbital region (body structure) P02014 Y P special senses organ system 86EBF891E2C74F30A50957F06D52DBC8 D50C956BC7194326A3E061F9A308CD1A Periorbital region Entire periorbital region (body structure) 2015 2015 02015 pterygoid region of head 84765007 S02015 Pterygoid region structure (body structure) E02015 362647008 Entire pterygoid region (body structure) P02015 Y P regional/topgraphical E9ADDA8270E54F64A9A9CA1AF2860D94 1C74EBB979AF4080BB4E3E7766F6E9B6 Pterygoid region Entire pterygoid region (body structure) 2016 2016 02016 laryngeal prominence of thyroid cartilage 44935009 S02016 Laryngeal prominence structure (body structure) E02016 362648003 Entire laryngeal prominence (body structure) P02016 - 55304 P musculoskeletal system F0C53E7425DA4E04BB455AF5CBF5B347 22088F31B9464873ADC4FFB8C4399040 Laryngeal prominence Entire laryngeal prominence (body structure) 2017 2017 02017 front of neck 49928004 S02017 Structure of anterior portion of neck (body structure) E02017 362649006 Entire anterior portion of neck (body structure) P02017 - 24223 P 907303E3545A49F79C49EA9FCBCE3245 80D44AABC1134294A41F2BD579EA41AD anterior portion of neck Entire anterior portion of neck (body structure) Subdivision of neck, which is demarcated from the back of the neck by the plane of the anterior part of the prevertebral fascia; together with the back of the neck, it constitutes the neck. 2018 2018 02018 submandibular triangle 5713008 S02018 Submandibular triangle structure (body structure) E02018 361357002 Entire submandibular area (body structure) P02018 Y 57779 P 1CB407210EDC40D396F097F1FAC9FE3B 4DF738790F6248FBA4B13706CE2420E2 Submandibular triangle Entire submandibular area (body structure) 2019 2019 02019 lateral part of neck 33704003 S02019 Structure of lateral portion of neck (body structure) E02019 362651005 Entire lateral portion of neck (body structure) P02019 Y 74794 P 18DC5513B1EF4CF998C52AEB3B8D1D6E BECB4189C5CC46A9B475484E179B4C70 lateral portion of neck Entire lateral portion of neck (body structure) 2020 2020 02020 right half of neck 170303002 S02020 Structure of right half of neck (body structure) E02020 362652003 Entire right half of neck (body structure) P02020 Rgroup D 521FC0B5F88D4E6B96A823738ACEE4BF 84A975CA7BB24D30828D385724AB0D54 right half of neck Entire right half of neck (body structure) 2021 2021 02021 left half of neck 170583000 S02021 Structure of left half of neck (body structure) E02021 362653008 Entire left half of neck (body structure) P02021 Lgroup D 7D09E424CA0E4CCE9C2F0B728E49113B C42FF2CFD8E64E8387B7DFBD92FF6053 left half of neck Entire left half of neck (body structure) 2022 2022 02022 surface of back of neck 415645009 S02022 Structure of surface region of back of neck (body structure) E02022 414109003 Entire surface region of back of neck (body structure) P02022 - 24207 D integument/surface BBC20DFD389F4D87962F8A78DAA94017 1F303CC51B37430595F51A36BDD5C746 surface region of back of neck Entire surface region of back of neck (body structure) 2023 2023 02023 clavicular region 12928009 S02023 Clavicular region structure (body structure) E02023 362655001 Entire clavicular region (body structure) P02023 Y P regional/topgraphical 8DBC39E50A164330A541A2F87127ECF5 E418A6F1D3B14C42BE48107CCB2269FD Clavicular region Entire clavicular region (body structure) 2024 2024 02024 supraclavicular region of neck 77621008 S02024 Structure of supraclavicular region of neck (body structure) E02024 362656000 Entire supraclavicular region of neck (body structure) P02024 Y P regional/topgraphical 2DA6EF1966A54470ABA4B8089E063879 FE0D2634038248D78A188AA20E63CDCA supraclavicular region of neck Entire supraclavicular region of neck (body structure) 2025 2025 02025 lateral region of trunk 19819008 S02025 Structure of lateral region of trunk (body structure) E02025 362657009 Entire lateral region of trunk (body structure) P02025 Y P regional/topgraphical 4FAC8F6C278E4C2192C3AD7ED173C8D8 223EDEB39174449ABBC980CF31402BDA lateral region of trunk Entire lateral region of trunk (body structure) 2026 2026 02026 milk line of trunk 79901003 S02026 Structure of milk line of trunk (body structure) E02026 362658004 Entire milk line of trunk (body structure) P02026 Y P 3F843691A0ED4F9B8D26587C1B10508F 411CE438706447F2BEC10C8E2FA64A54 milk line of trunk Entire milk line of trunk (body structure) 2027 2027 02027 anterior axillary line 91199000 S02027 Anterior axillary line structure (body structure) E02027 362659007 Entire anterior axillary line (body structure) P02027 Y 20259 P 4CC00E6CA93E4B2188D710AFA0F31E58 4B64D95746CD4CE28DA2250274AE65FC Anterior axillary line Entire anterior axillary line (body structure) 2028 2028 02028 posterior axillary line 45903001 S02028 Posterior axillary line structure (body structure) E02028 362660002 Entire posterior axillary line (body structure) P02028 Y 20260 P A3A1500DCC034C89B4ABD91EF4A75491 F7E06D08CD3F4050ABE19515416B6205 Posterior axillary line Entire posterior axillary line (body structure) 2029 2029 02029 thoracic segment of trunk 67734004 S02029 Upper trunk structure (body structure) E02029 362661003 Entire upper trunk (body structure) P02029 - 259209 P FA7052B35512496AB320EDA155D3479C 1DB725AC481C4C879F7BED05E28F7447 Upper trunk Entire upper trunk (body structure) Subdivision of trunk which has as its parts the thorax and the back of thorax. 2030 2030 02030 lower trunk 63337009 S02030 Lower trunk structure (body structure) E02030 362662005 Entire lower trunk (body structure) P02030 - 20345 P FDD1890BA8E141909E5C3B29AAF614B0 6E4A785D497347B5898120901002ED41 Lower trunk Entire lower trunk (body structure) 2031 2031 02031 right half of trunk 39132006 S02031 Structure of right side of trunk (body structure) E02031 362663000 Entire right side of trunk (body structure) P02031 Rgroup D 4B2525B6882A42698AE6F77CE3F6C0BC BA7FCD9C5FC24C75889E0D6C767A3366 right side of trunk Entire right side of trunk (body structure) 2032 2032 02032 left half of trunk 61379005 S02032 Structure of left side of trunk (body structure) E02032 362664006 Entire left side of trunk (body structure) P02032 Lgroup D 593E3B6C6074470B8889A3778D20B66F 9DA06C7EB9B24E098B51680A2AF8F36B left side of trunk Entire left side of trunk (body structure) 2033 2033 02033 surface of vertebral region of back S02033 E02033 362665007 Vertebral region of back (surface region) (body structure) P02033 - D integument/surface 01A2B5E6034540F7B739974EF8EA1872 Vertebral region of back (surface region) (body structure) 2034 2034 02034 cervical and thoracic region of back 35549004 S02034 Upper back structure (body structure) E02034 362666008 Entire upper back (body structure) P02034 - P B176C3E4C094463AB35FC376E7454901 1251350F251F409CBF3AE87071390092 Upper back Entire upper back (body structure) 2035 2035 02035 lower back 37822005 S02035 Lower back structure (body structure) E02035 362667004 Entire lower back (body structure) P02035 - P DE7363AC1621477B9796FB5B90902AC1 8EA9BF75ADF04C0AB0D6909CFF0D5C13 Lower back Entire lower back (body structure) 2036 2036 02036 thoracic and lumbar region of back 6989001 S02036 Structure of thoracolumbar region of back (body structure) E02036 362668009 Entire thoracolumbar region of back (body structure) P02036 - 24187 P regional/topgraphical E4F7FAB4CC7D4F73B8D5F7C6C37F6E6E 3D736676566E4FB083FD8592F77B966F thoracolumbar region of back Entire thoracolumbar region of back (body structure) 2037 2037 02037 scapular region of back 7874003 S02037 Structure of scapular region of back (body structure) E02037 182345000 Scapular region (body structure) P02037 Y P regional/topgraphical C395A849FF424D96A105D20812D41989 71D2CB87E4684D75830B0E3E9CD33333 scapular region of back Scapular region (body structure) 2038 2038 02038 interscapular region of back 3865001 S02038 Structure of interscapular region of back (body structure) E02038 362670000 Entire interscapular region of back (body structure) P02038 - 22992 P regional/topgraphical DB6B0E653DD941298A1419FE7C7DC9DF 813BA81756A7413E8B12E288362067CD interscapular region of back Entire interscapular region of back (body structure) 2039 2039 02039 infraclavicular region of thorax 20253009 S02039 Infraclavicular region structure (body structure) E02039 181036008 Entire infraclavicular region (body structure) P02039 Y 61479 P regional/topgraphical 1F36C2F1CBDF4F83B7F36DEC7D19C95D C4093CA71D7F4A588CD4AFECC2ECC89A Infraclavicular region Entire infraclavicular region (body structure) 2040 2040 02040 pectoral region 251007 S02040 Pectoral region structure (body structure) E02040 261153006 Entire pectoral region (body structure) P02040 Y 61471 P regional/topgraphical 5263A2117B654A99B41CFB2D60FE50A9 485DB3AB72D5418098959442BE83C72B Pectoral region Entire pectoral region (body structure) 2042 2042 02042 lateral lumbar region of abdominal wall 58602004 S02042 Flank structure (body structure) E02042 362673003 Entire flank (body structure) P02042 Y 14603 P CF554310C600403485F1CC3708CE151B 3083A02F49EA4771A2949C45B62C9FC7 Flank Entire flank (body structure) 2043 2043 02043 lumbar and sacral region of back 21492008 S02043 Lumbosacral region structure (body structure) E02043 362674009 Entire lumbosacral region (body structure) P02043 - P regional/topgraphical AF69FF9C3CAD4FB9A522E81A69250B05 E382A36240934B2BB04B1309136286D4 Lumbosacral region Entire lumbosacral region (body structure) 2044 2044 02044 sacrococcygeal region of back 72143005 S02044 Sacrococcygeal region structure (body structure) E02044 362675005 Entire sacrococcygeal region (body structure) P02044 - P regional/topgraphical F82AB865A81743F980770EF73D3309AB A56F51BB8E2B4242A1911E9A955FAE02 Sacrococcygeal region Entire sacrococcygeal region (body structure) 2045 2045 02045 coccygeal region of back 72153006 S02045 Coccygeal region structure (body structure) E02045 362676006 Entire coccygeal region (body structure) P02045 - P regional/topgraphical C32B01D1DA7840C0AEBBB3F22B488E97 00664364F8B343A8848975932BCDF849 Coccygeal region Entire coccygeal region (body structure) 2046 2046 02046 buttock 46862004 S02046 Buttock structure (body structure) E02046 362677002 Entire buttock (body structure) P02046 Y 25245 P skeletal system C1F7118E277A4DE5AE266644E9F14FEB 8F3154C571D54CF3A4D779FB9B74AFF5 Buttock Entire buttock (body structure) 2047 2047 02047 soft tissue of buttock 95941007 S02047 Structure of soft tissues of buttock (body structure) E02047 362678007 Entire soft tissues of buttock (body structure) P02047 Y D skeletal system 08A34C2FF684420E8751A5249FDDD08E 23D505617DE84438B0B55AFC360C3FAE soft tissues of buttock Entire soft tissues of buttock (body structure) 2048 2048 02048 gluteal sulcus 89508007 S02048 Gluteal sulcus structure (body structure) E02048 362679004 Entire gluteal sulcus (body structure) P02048 Y 20233 P skeletal system DEE2256EFD714FADB1C1BEA24C652325 71B2311B3B934B079339CB9B9DDC28ED Gluteal sulcus Entire gluteal sulcus (body structure) 2049 2049 02049 anal triangle region of perineum 81939000 S02049 Anal region structure (body structure) E02049 362680001 Entire anal region (body structure) P02049 - 20347 P genital system 39AE5AA639454B648F22E1B9A16ACB00 DAC73995DED64CA892262E47266F1CDE Anal region Entire anal region (body structure) 2050 2050 02050 urogenital triangle region of perineum 67149001 S02050 Structure of urogenital region of perineum (body structure) E02050 362681002 Entire urogenital region of perineum (body structure) P02050 - 20348 P regional/topgraphical 5DC478B054184177A711EFC348D83144 A77C47CE91654F00B49A4478CAD5A8F8 urogenital region of perineum Entire urogenital region of perineum (body structure) 2051 2051 02051 right hemithorax 51872008 S02051 Right thorax structure (body structure) E02051 362682009 Entire right thorax (body structure) P02051 Rgroup 20359 P A4198D614930409CA05C13586AFDA04C BFC21CEAC438468DB6E71B1AAD61045B Right thorax Entire right thorax (body structure) 2052 2052 02052 left hemithorax 40768004 S02052 Left thorax structure (body structure) E02052 362683004 Entire left thorax (body structure) P02052 Lgroup 20360 P E3B4D91975FE4DE490A2A43D851D76AB A6A4AE530DD94ECA9FD25099CF57D61E Left thorax Entire left thorax (body structure) 2053 2053 02053 posterior chest wall 76052000 S02053 Posterior chest wall structure (body structure) E02053 362684005 Entire posterior chest wall (body structure) P02053 - 73103 P 46A8FC33048749D384B17CBDB5B4737F BBF53F987C9A4467876D8B6C2CC2F347 Posterior chest wall Entire posterior chest wall (body structure) Subdivision of the chest which is posterior to the mid axillary plane. 2054 2054 02054 anterior chest wall 63698005 S02054 Anterior chest wall structure (body structure) E02054 362685006 Entire anterior chest wall (body structure) P02054 - 87543 P CE1960742036415180B0FB6FAC90AFFC 3D43F77D42EA4754AAB3AB545C675939 Anterior chest wall Entire anterior chest wall (body structure) 2055 2055 02055 cervicothoracic-brachial compartment 64172009 S02055 Thoracic outlet structure (body structure) E02055 362686007 Entire thoracic outlet (body structure) P02055 - 286518 P respiratory system ADF5D1282DAC4B4CB187AC6AA3C49FDD B12A95BE463940EA8C4A484475A272BD Thoracic outlet Entire thoracic outlet (body structure) 2056 2056 02056 superior mediastinum 71274004 S02056 Superior mediastinum structure (body structure) E02056 362687003 Entire superior mediastinum (body structure) P02056 - 9827 P respiratory system BDD68EEF36D348E9A38F425252393224 FA7FAE047A35429F98189D25B43ACEE0 Superior mediastinum Entire superior mediastinum (body structure) 2057 2057 02057 middle mediastinum 69608005 S02057 Middle mediastinum structure (body structure) E02057 362688008 Entire middle mediastinum (body structure) P02057 - 9839 P respiratory system DA659B6A9313431D8722A53E0BD16D6D 9B1D528235DB46AF913125C4B21CF258 Middle mediastinum Entire middle mediastinum (body structure) 2058 2058 02058 lumbar part of diaphragm 77305008 S02058 Structure of lumbar part of diaphragm (body structure) E02058 362689000 Entire lumbar part of diaphragm (body structure) P02058 - 58278 P respiratory system B1A93A5CD29141E0AF5116B071E11237 05F3F655BB4C4DE5B0992CB612281545 lumbar part of diaphragm Entire lumbar part of diaphragm (body structure) 2059 2059 02059 right crus of diaphragm 17407001 S02059 Structure of right crus of diaphragm (body structure) E02059 362690009 Entire right crus of diaphragm (body structure) P02059 R 58286 P respiratory system 1069EF98B98C4C389DC773484F4C1294 A9BB355F2EF64BA08C2092D637B9AFF2 right crus of diaphragm Entire right crus of diaphragm (body structure) 2060 2060 02060 upper abdomen 80581009 S02060 Upper abdomen structure (body structure) E02060 362691008 Entire upper abdomen (body structure) P02060 - 20364 P 85C4F565876C4245BE89EDDDE7325951 1B76E31DD13849E69D7F32BDA023A56F Upper abdomen Entire upper abdomen (body structure) 2061 2061 02061 lower abdomen 27033000 S02061 Lower abdomen structure (body structure) E02061 362692001 Entire lower abdomen (body structure) P02061 - 20365 P F72728BBA8C14974AFC3F86AEFBB5654 C24E0B0F29494B53B9C97DF822EC98D0 Lower abdomen Entire lower abdomen (body structure) 2062 2062 02062 epigastric region of abdomen 27947004 S02062 Epigastric region structure (body structure) E02062 362693006 Entire epigastric region (body structure) P02062 - 20389 P regional/topgraphical F036CFEDC0FF477EAF68A8BCA13C8CB4 0806A05EB61549D5B1AE7622EE4F039E Epigastric region Entire epigastric region (body structure) 2063 2063 02063 hypochondriac region of abdomen 19695001 S02063 Hypochondriac region structure (body structure) E02063 182339008 Entire hypochondriac region (body structure) P02063 Y 20390 P regional/topgraphical 7F954BD18F334DF88744D0F64D64C0E5 87E1010AA48D4CCFAC0F7E7B0BD062C1 Hypochondriac region Entire hypochondriac region (body structure) 2064 2064 02064 umbilical region of abdomen 90290004 S02064 Umbilical region structure (body structure) E02064 243961003 Entire umbilical region (body structure) P02064 - P regional/topgraphical A406E8D2666143CB8E2B2D16B5CAFCA9 56F5F063B8D048CBA75AE8D4B19F2203 Umbilical region Entire umbilical region (body structure) 2065 2065 02065 hypogastric region of abdomen 11708003 S02065 Hypogastric region structure (body structure) E02065 182348003 Entire hypogastric region (body structure) P02065 - 14602 P regional/topgraphical A360C1D821C54FEE94B2292BC740D734 4E5166FA390B4597A70C4CB23DCB7756 Hypogastric region Entire hypogastric region (body structure) 2066 2066 02066 mons pubis 82029006 S02066 Mons pubis structure (body structure) E02066 362695004 Entire mons pubis (body structure) P02066 - 20218 P genital system 0BC09A4841C84582992BCE71624DFC86 17A59DC002B243489C9B5745CC46C1B6 Mons pubis Entire mons pubis (body structure) 2067 2067 02067 anterior abdominal wall 59380008 S02067 Anterior abdominal wall structure (body structure) E02067 362696003 Entire anterior abdominal wall (body structure) P02067 - 14627 P 17E4193EB5E54B0FACFACF1A091B05C8 B29226C474EE4573BF8DC0BEBAD22956 Anterior abdominal wall Entire anterior abdominal wall (body structure) 2068 2068 02068 posterior abdominal wall 22577007 S02068 Posterior abdominal wall structure (body structure) E02068 362697007 Entire posterior abdominal wall (body structure) P02068 - 14628 P 51A3D2EFEB274DD893FD8DB227473D60 5DC9C0F9E3114841895DF01C6F97FBD9 Posterior abdominal wall Entire posterior abdominal wall (body structure) 2069 2069 02069 peritoneum (serous membrane) 15425007 S02069 Peritoneum (serous membrane) structure (body structure) E02069 362698002 Entire peritoneum (serous membrane) (body structure) P02069 - 9584 P digestive system 346124C429E04380BCC8C0F5EA656E71 4420E814D37C467490EF6D564F593EF6 Peritoneum (serous membrane) Entire peritoneum (serous membrane) (body structure) 2070 2070 02070 serous layer of peritoneum 81113002 S02070 Structure of serous layer of peritoneum (body structure) E02070 362699005 Entire serous layer of peritoneum (body structure) P02070 - P digestive system 01F5126C8750484AB6B12F2690ABC72F 22085348A32D498DA089551BDF08E4B2 serous layer of peritoneum Entire serous layer of peritoneum (body structure) 2071 2071 02071 parietal peritoneum 66475004 S02071 Parietal peritoneum structure (body structure) E02071 362700006 Entire parietal peritoneum (body structure) P02071 - 21451 P digestive system 82C417FD5606451785C5A86751D10379 E2C56D753383458C95BDEE1E2E2342E0 Parietal peritoneum Entire parietal peritoneum (body structure) 2072 2072 02072 peritoneal sac 118762006 S02072 Peritoneal sac structure (body structure) E02072 362701005 Entire peritoneal sac (body structure) P02072 - 9908 P digestive system C518E110842E4FAC85B22367BADD765B D062137277804DC9B18DE82B3EB73D18 Peritoneal sac Entire peritoneal sac (body structure) Serous sac, which has as parts the peritoneum and the peritoneal cavity. 2073 2073 02073 visceral peritoneum 50703002 S02073 Visceral peritoneum structure (body structure) E02073 362702003 Entire visceral peritoneum (body structure) P02073 - 14703 P digestive system 3C20D9A789A2488DBAEEE50A95154905 EB3292A9E8AA473CA7D810229CE8CFA2 Visceral peritoneum Entire visceral peritoneum (body structure) 2074 2074 02074 lesser sac of peritoneum 113346000 S02074 Omental bursa structure (body structure) E02074 243972008 Lesser sac of peritoneum (body structure) P02074 - P digestive system A8975F0A6EBC4E31AFECF4DD482806C8 2EA47375520B4887873F32A392B0D098 Omental bursa Lesser sac of peritoneum (body structure) 2075 2075 02075 duodenal recess 12515005 S02075 Duodenal recess structure (body structure) E02075 362704002 Entire duodenal recess (body structure) P02075 - 14631 P 505436CB433F4644AE22E8DA69D70E0D 28EC1386270848738C3929F67063112A Duodenal recess Entire duodenal recess (body structure) 2076 2076 02076 falciform ligament 11978009 S02076 Falciform ligament structure (body structure) E02076 362705001 Entire falciform ligament (body structure) P02076 - 15823 P digestive system 86B50023926D4EA7B7E40852F1EDBCC7 F2DC05DE425E4A2D9064B1E7E659C857 Falciform ligament Entire falciform ligament (body structure) 2077 2077 02077 hepatoduodenal ligament 20038006 S02077 Hepatoduodenal ligament structure (body structure) E02077 362706000 Entire hepatoduodenal ligament (body structure) P02077 - 16521 P digestive system AB51DF3C6B3548809ADDC0664CB57CDD 497336B800B24F12896839B2213E9892 Hepatoduodenal ligament Entire hepatoduodenal ligament (body structure) 2078 2078 02078 mesentery 89679009 S02078 Mesentery structure (body structure) E02078 362707009 Entire mesentery (body structure) P02078 - 7144 P digestive system 284934D4C573486B9FC50722E67DE617 AB1AEC15921144A883B9D9F94B0547F8 Mesentery Entire mesentery (body structure) Anatomical organ component composed of a double layer of serous membrane that suspends a viscus from the body wall or connects adjacent viscera and in doing so conveys blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves to and from the viscera. Examples: greater omentum, broad ligament of uterus, sigmoid mesocolon. 2079 2079 02079 mesentery of small intestine 32332001 S02079 Structure of mesentery of small intestine (body structure) E02079 245456008 Small intestine mesentery (body structure) P02079 - 14643 P digestive system B06FB698DD7B4D93965054CBB7D05698 3B9B7C28DBDF43C9BA06557EE04DF986 mesentery of small intestine Small intestine mesentery (body structure) 2080 2080 02080 mesentery of colon 33437000 S02080 Structure of mesentery of colon (body structure) E02080 362709007 Entire mesentery of colon (body structure) P02080 - P digestive system 68DC1DDDB8A349748AD0EE9829A923EA 1ED741F33D10475B9D6D36F2D71445A1 mesentery of colon Entire mesentery of colon (body structure) 2081 2081 02081 omentum 27398004 S02081 Omentum structure (body structure) E02081 362710002 Entire omentum (body structure) P02081 372202000 Omentum part (body structure) - 14650 P digestive system B813525F23694AA59653B6F5E6C7CA16 942131A2075D4DFFB6E36D5E3AE80F7A 64B6873213D841DEB689957F6B674238 Omentum Entire omentum (body structure) Omentum 2082 2082 02082 greater omentum 35366003 S02082 Greater omentum structure (body structure) E02082 362711003 Entire greater omentum (body structure) P02082 - 9580 P digestive system C3F0EF94640346FFA5B8920D3015F2DF 5D79D02CA13041ECA7FE9BBFC38B021C Greater omentum Entire greater omentum (body structure) 2083 2083 02083 lesser omentum 63404006 S02083 Lesser omentum structure (body structure) E02083 362712005 Entire lesser omentum (body structure) P02083 - 9715 P digestive system A481C84A3358472CBAE2F21B31907B95 ED02B27DFCC2499896A3ACA9456EF5B9 Lesser omentum Entire lesser omentum (body structure) 2084 2084 02084 retroperitoneal region, excluding major organs 129109004 S02084 Structure of retroperitoneal region, excluding major organs (body structure) E02084 362713000 Entire retroperitoneal region, excluding major organs (body structure) P02084 - P regional/topgraphical C86D7D97E689411A9F1C761ABFC4CEC5 DD92E3B3CF1C477A8BF13EA0ED6C9956 retroperitoneal region, excluding major organs Entire retroperitoneal region, excluding major organs (body structure) 2085 2085 02085 ileocecal recess 11788001 S02085 Ileocecal recess structure (body structure) E02085 362714006 Entire ileocecal recess (body structure) P02085 - 14638 P AD550E3A6625440F93054E5B3BB02A94 7876468A325545FCB783A64BD7F25A52 Ileocecal recess Entire ileocecal recess (body structure) 2086 2086 02086 greater pelvis 89253005 S02086 Major pelvis structure (body structure) E02086 362715007 Entire major pelvis (body structure) P02086 - 259083 P musculoskeletal system BB3F5E13FD2D4E06A810F08529439076 2E0E3292A1A44331B3BCEF918D82CE90 Major pelvis Entire major pelvis (body structure) 2087 2087 02087 superior pelvic aperture 113349007 S02087 Superior pelvic aperture structure (body structure) E02087 362716008 Entire superior pelvic aperture (body structure) P02087 - 17272 P musculoskeletal system 371191754632444FB83E018EC8B1D5D5 C5E67888AABD4380B285B9AE73241C95 Superior pelvic aperture Entire superior pelvic aperture (body structure) 2088 2088 02088 compartment of true pelvis 80266002 S02088 Minor pelvis structure (body structure) E02088 362717004 Entire minor pelvis (body structure) P02088 - 85032 P E9A4638BEEE74DC2BAE1810CD0D60EC7 BD7C25CD4BB14F39805B118EA0042639 Minor pelvis Entire minor pelvis (body structure) Subdivision of abdomen, which is demarcated from the abdomen proper by the plane of the superior pelvic aperture, and from the perineum by the inferior surface of the pelvic diaphragm; together with the abdomen proper, it constitutes the abdomen. Examples: There is only one pelvis. 2089 2089 02089 pelvic wall 3665003 S02089 Pelvic wall structure (body structure) E02089 362718009 Entire pelvic wall (body structure) P02089 - 10430 P 1AE66611CCD74AAFB2A90D9C80BCE7ED 8A6587A8329340F397DFCC5BD955B9A0 Pelvic wall Entire pelvic wall (body structure) 2090 2090 02090 urogenital diaphragm 82360003 S02090 Urogenital diaphragm structure (body structure) E02090 362719001 Entire urogenital diaphragm (body structure) P02090 - 19734 P musculoskeletal system 10BDCA2AE0C24F94898489FA677422C0 0C2B0E7C41FE423E93DBBC38C2F21AAB Urogenital diaphragm Entire urogenital diaphragm (body structure) 2091 2091 02091 soft tissue of pelvis 20159001 S02091 Structure of soft tissues of pelvis (body structure) E02091 362720007 Entire soft tissues of pelvis (body structure) P02091 - D 1D4D37EB71914A3EB0AA57F914652D60 4B9C324C5ED8474585DE36FE5B5B2E1A soft tissues of pelvis Entire soft tissues of pelvis (body structure) 2092 2092 02092 pelvic peritoneum 72372004 S02092 Pelvic peritoneum structure (body structure) E02092 362721006 Entire pelvic peritoneum (body structure) P02092 - 20992 P digestive system BD25D484D5D54FDCA2660312B8902C04 7A535ABA545B4392A0D3E61173A92251 Pelvic peritoneum Entire pelvic peritoneum (body structure) 2093 2093 02093 pelvic part of peritoneal cavity 78074000 S02093 Pelvic peritoneal cavity structure (body structure) E02093 362722004 Entire pelvic peritoneal cavity (body structure) P02093 - 14720 P digestive system C5BBC8DDA5BA417DA0E8A250250BB64D 7F7BDD2F2A884044952142DD5F518010 Pelvic peritoneal cavity Entire pelvic peritoneal cavity (body structure) 2094 2094 02094 broad ligament 34411009 S02094 Broad ligament structure (body structure) E02094 362723009 Entire broad ligament (body structure) P02094 Y 16516 P genital system 1F00DB9C27F94EDFA3BBE1E7E9BA14DD 6EAA26F1C1BE484FB31E0E6F092182C9 Broad ligament Entire broad ligament (body structure) 2095 2095 02095 inguinal region 26893007 S02095 Inguinal region structure (body structure) E02095 243962005 Entire inguinal region (body structure) P02095 Y 24040 P genitourinary system 7B71FEB87FD642C1887A24B5C09A139A 4B05AFDEE74D4418B21A8E89A0330060 Inguinal region Entire inguinal region (body structure) 2096 2096 02096 right inguinal region 37117007 S02096 Right inguinal region structure (body structure) E02096 362724003 Entire right inguinal region (body structure) P02096 R 24036 P genitourinary system B43DA8881AAF42BC94CE066AC958FD33 18C4CFA8124D4089993C78A7E6C956DE Right inguinal region Entire right inguinal region (body structure) 2097 2097 02097 left inguinal region 85119005 S02097 Left inguinal region structure (body structure) E02097 362725002 Entire left inguinal region (body structure) P02097 L 24037 P genitourinary system AF03797926884D26878CB8CEDE88A46B F38DED19D83B49CD9FC80679AA0ABE23 Left inguinal region Entire left inguinal region (body structure) 2098 2098 02098 processus vaginalis peritonei 50245004 S02098 Processus vaginalis peritonei structure (body structure) E02098 P02098 Y P digestive system 00503798E1D74361ABF4087B91AB45DD Processus vaginalis peritonei 2099 2099 02099 right upper limb 6921000 S02099 Right upper extremity structure (body structure) E02099 362728000 Entire right upper extremity (body structure) P02099 R 7185 P 3A87B42F8D1F48E3A02FFAD51E4D2AA0 1C0B4EB08B7E46EE97FD2A12D12CED06 Right upper extremity Entire right upper extremity (body structure) 2100 2100 02100 left upper limb 80768000 S02100 Left upper extremity structure (body structure) E02100 362729008 Entire left upper extremity (body structure) P02100 L 7186 P 356E8790FB554FEF88C28476C2E2BA37 D41B17C4A92344FCB804682C79516D45 Left upper extremity Entire left upper extremity (body structure) 2101 2101 02101 anterior axillary fold 52239003 S02101 Anterior axillary fold structure (body structure) E02101 362730003 Entire anterior axillary fold (body structure) P02101 Y P skeletal system 57FA69A567484ED6A1DD42AAD87147B4 905549964AFA4793AE5FD8C8E4F7E29E Anterior axillary fold Entire anterior axillary fold (body structure) 2102 2102 02102 posterior axillary fold 55665000 S02102 Posterior axillary fold structure (body structure) E02102 362731004 Entire posterior axillary fold (body structure) P02102 Y P skeletal system E8BE83269B474F37823B792885BF1995 6537BBA1EA76447E9B05FA329D7D52B3 Posterior axillary fold Entire posterior axillary fold (body structure) 2103 2103 02103 axillary region 91470000 S02103 Axillary region structure (body structure) E02103 362732006 Entire axillary region (body structure) P02103 Y 24864 P skeletal system 2F5E27B9AD844C779014AFA243730154 B03382484B0847068EF92EA96D79C4EC Axillary region Entire axillary region (body structure) 2104 2104 02104 upper arm 40983000 S02104 Upper arm structure (body structure) E02104 302538001 Entire upper arm (body structure) P02104 Y 24890 P 223DF5B198FD4659A16DAB83739CE620 3B8715F56FA0441883FA6FB0F6449EF3 Upper arm Entire upper arm (body structure) 2105 2105 02105 deltoid region 37622008 S02105 Deltoid region structure (body structure) E02105 362734007 Entire deltoid region (body structure) P02105 Y 73004 P skeletal system 2B0C0C71DB3C45EF97E58420629341CD 7F2B3D817E4F42C6AECA6217D47D6B71 Deltoid region Entire deltoid region (body structure) 2106 2106 02106 anterior surface of upper arm 7311008 S02106 Structure of anterior surface of upper arm (body structure) E02106 362735008 Entire anterior surface of upper arm (body structure) P02106 Y 25265 P regional/topgraphical E07B0FF70C204A41A32A1C0EE4CB5A9D 941D27F6B9EB40359B16D0A40896B8F2 anterior surface of upper arm Entire anterior surface of upper arm (body structure) 2107 2107 02107 posterior surface of upper arm 15703000 S02107 Structure of posterior surface of upper arm (body structure) E02107 362736009 Entire posterior surface of upper arm (body structure) P02107 Y 25272 P regional/topgraphical 2B2632B6148948F7A0E2A81D7D41BAAD 30175641BC1A4C9D81E7AAE6E3BB6C5E posterior surface of upper arm Entire posterior surface of upper arm (body structure) 2108 2108 02108 lateral surface of upper arm 34894009 S02108 Structure of lateral surface of upper arm (body structure) E02108 362737000 Lateral surface of upper arm (surface region) (body structure) P02108 Y 25275 D integument/surface FFCDFFBF342846F8BEF5DA90452AD3D9 DBA79F8BC0B24E10A799BE809CEC32F8 lateral surface of upper arm Lateral surface of upper arm (surface region) (body structure) 2109 2109 02109 medial surface of upper arm 6894000 S02109 Structure of medial surface of upper arm (body structure) E02109 362738005 Medial surface of upper arm (surface region) (body structure) P02109 Y 25274 D integument/surface D30C909C6B7043D6B14A6FE2D2CDB663 0735876F07FE454B9D6F21E4EDE8C78C medial surface of upper arm Medial surface of upper arm (surface region) (body structure) 2110 2110 02110 elbow region of upper limb 127949000 S02110 Elbow region structure (body structure) E02110 76248009 Entire elbow region (body structure) P02110 Y 24901 P regional/topgraphical 952A82A47160471893E8355BE57861D6 4866A654DA8046B1A6A832DB9C49FD76 Elbow region Entire elbow region (body structure) 2111 2111 02111 antecubital region of upper limb 90837009 S02111 Antecubital region structure (body structure) E02111 362740000 Entire antecubital region (body structure) P02111 Y 24904 P regional/topgraphical 54DB61589A414D7EB745E9D613895CA4 C37C2370D5B947E3A3653C2BCBB64B08 Antecubital region Entire antecubital region (body structure) 2112 2112 02112 forearm 14975008 S02112 Forearm structure (body structure) E02112 362741001 Entire forearm (body structure) P02112 Y 9663 P A1E4280FEBFA4535AC7D1343BAC57ABB 0AD1A4E86ACD425B84DEBDCE338738DF Forearm Entire forearm (body structure) 2113 2113 02113 posterior surface of forearm 88200005 S02113 Structure of posterior surface of forearm (body structure) E02113 362742008 Entire posterior surface of forearm (body structure) P02113 Y 25295 P regional/topgraphical CD522001FB2D47BE8AECEB4D346F1E7D 78BBDB5431F0419CA556A3C3B51C38BC posterior surface of forearm Entire posterior surface of forearm (body structure) 2114 2114 02114 anterior surface of forearm 52968007 S02114 Structure of anterior surface of forearm (body structure) E02114 362743003 Entire anterior surface of forearm (body structure) P02114 Y 25292 D integument/surface 0E661956A1E64078A034FCC765499361 83239A4D4FA140859A1E4D4FE579BD7B anterior surface of forearm Entire anterior surface of forearm (body structure) 2115 2115 02115 surface of lateral margin of forearm S02115 E02115 362744009 Lateral margin of forearm (surface region) (body structure) P02115 Y D integument/surface EEE6428CE0FE4EC68A4DE9C54851F1EC Lateral margin of forearm (surface region) (body structure) 2116 2116 02116 surface of medial margin of forearm S02116 E02116 362745005 Medial margin of forearm (surface region) (body structure) P02116 Y D integument/surface B907033B29714C848CEB3DBA8FEDB8EE Medial margin of forearm (surface region) (body structure) 2117 2117 02117 surface of dorsum of hand S02117 E02117 362746006 Dorsum of hand (surface region) (body structure) P02117 Y D integument/surface D475F01EF44C446393712E5D4BF36BDD Dorsum of hand (surface region) (body structure) 2118 2118 02118 palm proper 21547004 S02118 Palm (region) structure (body structure) E02118 P02118 Y 24920 P regional/topgraphical 4241E54B19D447CB8988E328B70B8194 Palm (region) Ventral region of the hand, including all structures superficial to the carpals and metacarpals, bounded proximally by the line of the radiocarpal wrist joint, and distally by the line of the metacarpophalangeal joints. Includes the thenar and hypothenar regions. 2119 2119 02119 thenar region of hand 73077005 S02119 Thenar region structure (body structure) E02119 P02119 Y 61520 P regional/topgraphical 72F8B865E989445A8E63C3D44A70082A Thenar region 2120 2120 02120 hypothenar region of hand 83947006 S02120 Hypothenar region structure (body structure) E02120 P02120 Y 61523 P regional/topgraphical 1E4289C74FD041E6BAF135A559CB8642 Hypothenar region 2121 2121 02121 dorsal surface of finger 32025001 S02121 Structure of dorsal surface of finger (body structure) E02121 362750004 Dorsal surface of finger (surface region) (body structure) P02121 Y 25313 D integument/surface F1EFC6D7D3E447849D156940F7E036C9 FD2777C5F99E4001B51CEACE860684E4 dorsal surface of finger Dorsal surface of finger (surface region) (body structure) 2122 2122 02122 palmar surface of finger 69364001 S02122 Structure of palmar surface of finger (body structure) E02122 362751000 Palmar surface of finger (surface region) (body structure) P02122 Y 25314 D integument/surface 77C860873EDA40E0A5142334F422ACA8 A81EFDB4777846E6BE4E8E779D18DA51 palmar surface of finger Palmar surface of finger (surface region) (body structure) 2123 2123 02123 lateral surface of finger 91324008 S02123 Structure of lateral surface of finger (body structure) E02123 362752007 Lateral surface of finger (surface region) (body structure) P02123 Y 25317 D integument/surface 047198C03AB64253A4A6714BC0B11827 B5A7F5DA2CAC428CB9D84DF665257B0B lateral surface of finger Lateral surface of finger (surface region) (body structure) 2124 2124 02124 medial surface of finger 20161005 S02124 Structure of medial surface of finger (body structure) E02124 362753002 Medial surface of finger (surface region) (body structure) P02124 Y 25318 D integument/surface 081CEE86CE7B49098AC1E44DA12D1B7A A0757166573D456FAA4F673A84F82593 medial surface of finger Medial surface of finger (surface region) (body structure) 2125 2125 02125 dorsal surface of thumb 74729006 S02125 Structure of dorsal surface of thumb (body structure) E02125 362754008 Entire dorsal surface of thumb (body structure) P02125 Y 25335 D integument/surface 2DFB2E7858F24452932EC753AE85E486 922741C173194E86AFC1FA47391AEDB8 dorsal surface of thumb Entire dorsal surface of thumb (body structure) 2126 2126 02126 palmar surface of thumb 56999005 S02126 Structure of palmar surface of thumb (body structure) E02126 362755009 Entire palmar surface of thumb (body structure) P02126 Y 25353 D integument/surface 8FD00DF8A5B14F35AE871CAB3FF3CB36 C7FC33E84A444BAE97FB2FA56AAC232F palmar surface of thumb Entire palmar surface of thumb (body structure) 2127 2127 02127 lateral surface of thumb 30441000 S02127 Structure of lateral surface of thumb (body structure) E02127 362756005 Lateral surface of thumb (surface region) (body structure) P02127 Y 25368 D integument/surface EE9D14977D304B81B30CEDD77039CDAA 034B306451C643FC95B2A356B04767CB lateral surface of thumb Lateral surface of thumb (surface region) (body structure) 2128 2128 02128 medial surface of thumb 40895004 S02128 Structure of medial surface of thumb (body structure) E02128 362757001 Medial surface of thumb (surface region) (body structure) P02128 Y 25388 D integument/surface 1AC1669D474D45DFA7E1CC6B9984CF8C E5A3426F8BDA44BBB56B43CB11F6FC2D medial surface of thumb Medial surface of thumb (surface region) (body structure) 2129 2129 02129 index finger 83738005 S02129 Index finger structure (body structure) E02129 362758006 Entire index finger (body structure) P02129 Y 24946 P B0561FC7B8FF495087783B807586B5A1 8EBA930F4C924389AEE5C68A38551181 Index finger Entire index finger (body structure) 2130 2130 02130 dorsal surface of index finger 3117000 S02130 Structure of dorsal surface of index finger (body structure) E02130 362759003 Entire dorsal surface of index finger (body structure) P02130 Y 25338 D integument/surface 9A4B97B33EEC40FCA8838F142136D595 2D67AFCCCD7E4E55BAABA0FB5248942C dorsal surface of index finger Entire dorsal surface of index finger (body structure) 2131 2131 02131 palmar surface of index finger 73100005 S02131 Structure of palmar surface of index finger (body structure) E02131 362760008 Entire palmar surface of index finger (body structure) P02131 Y 25354 D integument/surface FE39A97548A8420B8E4BB1301C4F31BF A121A1A40EC64076AB43EDCAB7288EE2 palmar surface of index finger Entire palmar surface of index finger (body structure) 2132 2132 02132 lateral surface of index finger 34928003 S02132 Structure of lateral surface of index finger (body structure) E02132 362761007 Lateral surface of index finger (surface region) (body structure) P02132 Y 25369 D integument/surface B8A3B3A9233C44868B9AB75B84DC308B DB02CEF6DB2A4E34A3CA451B9287716E lateral surface of index finger Lateral surface of index finger (surface region) (body structure) 2133 2133 02133 medial surface of index finger 46278007 S02133 Structure of medial surface of index finger (body structure) E02133 362762000 Medial surface of index finger (surface region) (body structure) P02133 Y 25389 D integument/surface AEF0EF62C9D44E13A27194354D773DA8 6C014B95850843528122C1E196B261D7 medial surface of index finger Medial surface of index finger (surface region) (body structure) 2134 2134 02134 middle finger 65531009 S02134 Middle finger structure (body structure) E02134 362763005 Entire middle finger (body structure) P02134 Y 24947 P 3AB8075917EE4616A0CB0AAF57D7B1F4 09E8E1FE967948C889199DB7A56AC184 Middle finger Entire middle finger (body structure) 2135 2135 02135 dorsal surface of middle finger 77517006 S02135 Structure of dorsal surface of middle finger (body structure) E02135 362764004 Entire dorsal surface of middle finger (body structure) P02135 Y 25341 D integument/surface D7489B91F5834A86921543C03A6274B6 0540043BE5524420977E29896AF4F81A dorsal surface of middle finger Entire dorsal surface of middle finger (body structure) 2136 2136 02136 palmar surface of middle finger 8862000 S02136 Structure of palmar surface of middle finger (body structure) E02136 362765003 Entire palmar surface of middle finger (body structure) P02136 Y 25355 D integument/surface 39EFA28605974966B7298D6D1C6D123D B34E5F49B4A34EFC81538E0B287B9495 palmar surface of middle finger Entire palmar surface of middle finger (body structure) 2137 2137 02137 lateral surface of middle finger 90932004 S02137 Structure of lateral surface of middle finger (body structure) E02137 362766002 Lateral surface of middle finger (surface region) (body structure) P02137 Y 25370 D integument/surface 8C68C2E34F894787BF2BE8DAE12D01FB 1B391C59AE204FE9916A9C797F2FE226 lateral surface of middle finger Lateral surface of middle finger (surface region) (body structure) 2138 2138 02138 medial surface of middle finger 54989002 S02138 Structure of medial surface of middle finger (body structure) E02138 362767006 Medial surface of middle finger (surface region) (body structure) P02138 Y 25390 D integument/surface DC34557D0BDF406388A27C7244F0686D 2896DD02CBEA4448A84062EF08552C6C medial surface of middle finger Medial surface of middle finger (surface region) (body structure) 2139 2139 02139 ring finger 82002001 S02139 Ring finger structure (body structure) E02139 362768001 Entire ring finger (body structure) P02139 Y 24948 P 084D303F75E5462095F353EB47BDDB58 DA5E065F112D4380911E7306107D78EE Ring finger Entire ring finger (body structure) 2140 2140 02140 dorsal surface of ring finger 52263006 S02140 Structure of dorsal surface of ring finger (body structure) E02140 362769009 Entire dorsal surface of ring finger (body structure) P02140 Y 25346 D integument/surface 176CB923A08A4716B84A0BE9BA3EA05F 3AF7BABDF86242F98729E6501F63EC7B dorsal surface of ring finger Entire dorsal surface of ring finger (body structure) 2141 2141 02141 palmar surface of ring finger 46574008 S02141 Structure of palmar surface of ring finger (body structure) E02141 362770005 Entire palmar surface of ring finger (body structure) P02141 Y 25356 D integument/surface BD07D9EC6EBF48F7B8F5105F6BBE8371 2AB7FF06598F4C7CBEB9A1A1C2672279 palmar surface of ring finger Entire palmar surface of ring finger (body structure) 2142 2142 02142 lateral surface of ring finger 40097006 S02142 Structure of lateral surface of ring finger (body structure) E02142 362771009 Lateral surface of ring finger (surface region) (body structure) P02142 Y 25371 D integument/surface 5C949028774846068D646840CAD6E754 C59FAED0614A4E8BAC4DA2B8BCC2F337 lateral surface of ring finger Lateral surface of ring finger (surface region) (body structure) 2143 2143 02143 medial surface of ring finger 65391005 S02143 Structure of medial surface of ring finger (body structure) E02143 362772002 Medial surface of ring finger (surface region) (body structure) P02143 Y 25391 D integument/surface 689F1BAB7A014DAD8AC635E7410ED2FA F556E33634A448068F379837F0E86FFE medial surface of ring finger Medial surface of ring finger (surface region) (body structure) 2144 2144 02144 little finger 12406000 S02144 Little finger structure (body structure) E02144 362773007 Entire little finger (body structure) P02144 Y 24949 P A548C4FC770B49EA99E7DA2641F65E17 86DDB1D8442D47488F358F340491F6C6 Little finger Entire little finger (body structure) 2145 2145 02145 dorsal surface of little finger 28674004 S02145 Structure of dorsal surface of little finger (body structure) E02145 362774001 Entire dorsal surface of little finger (body structure) P02145 Y 25350 D integument/surface B861ED7A1FF44BD7821935345AC9E126 265316169E1443009D672219C61F51E0 dorsal surface of little finger Entire dorsal surface of little finger (body structure) 2146 2146 02146 palmar surface of little finger 4148002 S02146 Structure of palmar surface of little finger (body structure) E02146 362775000 Entire palmar surface of little finger (body structure) P02146 Y 25357 D integument/surface 93CEE5541313494DB2348C0C7D585FE8 9125E89970454756A57710E91E3A0B93 palmar surface of little finger Entire palmar surface of little finger (body structure) 2147 2147 02147 lateral surface of little finger 4358009 S02147 Structure of lateral surface of little finger (body structure) E02147 362776004 Lateral surface of little finger (surface region) (body structure) P02147 Y 25372 D integument/surface BCDE9EEAB7CE4A1C881B700A1B090B44 6FD359D72C8843758D7E3ADB8BE1C966 lateral surface of little finger Lateral surface of little finger (surface region) (body structure) 2148 2148 02148 medial surface of little finger 77308005 S02148 Structure of medial surface of little finger (body structure) E02148 362777008 Medial surface of little finger (surface region) (body structure) P02148 Y 25392 D integument/surface 5F464878AF7E4399BC3B06FAE04F7A5A 147E62B16453469E8AB46374DCBEE58A medial surface of little finger Medial surface of little finger (surface region) (body structure) 2149 2149 02149 interdigital region of hand 74106007 S02149 Structure of interdigital space of hand (body structure) E02149 362778003 Entire interdigital space of hand (body structure) P02149 Y P regional/topgraphical B988CE6F48FC4FF0B35F540E62EDE0F5 AC5C3202916645BC9D69A2491822AA16 interdigital space of hand Entire interdigital space of hand (body structure) 2150 2150 02150 group of fingers 70327001 S02150 Structure of all fingers (body structure) E02150 362779006 All fingers (body structure) P02150 - P regional/topgraphical/group C40AC0CFD30C4DDDA1817E01ECAB8755 1FF0B4E6E9C54B5EAB22F3833D5D1772 all fingers All fingers (body structure) 2151 2151 02151 anterior surface of lower limb 39825004 S02151 Structure of anterior surface of lower extremity (body structure) E02151 362780009 Entire anterior surface of lower extremity (body structure) P02151 Y P regional/topgraphical 68293D16D1C1450988D685E075A58BAF 9761DCD1C66C48E59A32FA5C2504A231 anterior surface of lower extremity Entire anterior surface of lower extremity (body structure) 2152 2152 02152 posterior surface of lower limb 18636006 S02152 Structure of posterior surface of lower extremity (body structure) E02152 362781008 Entire posterior surface of lower extremity (body structure) P02152 Y P regional/topgraphical 8C3B6A905274422F877712AB1996D677 E5E19D939A764E4E8B7A234C992A5FFD posterior surface of lower extremity Entire posterior surface of lower extremity (body structure) 2153 2153 02153 lateral surface of lower limb 66468000 S02153 Structure of lateral surface of lower extremity (body structure) E02153 362782001 Entire lateral surface of lower extremity (body structure) P02153 Y P regional/topgraphical 0CFA1D16D4C84D76A9CAD1022CF7877F A1E35689E64947358264B5050C492E22 lateral surface of lower extremity Entire lateral surface of lower extremity (body structure) 2154 2154 02154 medial surface of lower limb 89779002 S02154 Structure of medial surface of lower extremity (body structure) E02154 362783006 Entire medial surface of lower extremity (body structure) P02154 Y P regional/topgraphical D9FB899214D846E59168E05D318D54FC 4B0FAEA92EB443EF810D6DEED27F7D7C medial surface of lower extremity Entire medial surface of lower extremity (body structure) 2155 2155 02155 right lower limb 62175007 S02155 Right lower extremity structure (body structure) E02155 362784000 Entire right lower extremity (body structure) P02155 R 7187 P 833B05FD98F74991BB12FE82AC2FAB43 330B87A1F56144DA88B5634AAFD97D28 Right lower extremity Entire right lower extremity (body structure) 2156 2156 02156 left lower limb 32153003 S02156 Left lower extremity structure (body structure) E02156 362785004 Entire left lower extremity (body structure) P02156 L 7188 P 2FDBF30390174C718D11907F63908426 3BED19018D414E4E85DF37246E7D9545 Left lower extremity Entire left lower extremity (body structure) 2157 2157 02157 subregion of thigh 83038001 S02157 Femoral region structure (body structure) E02157 362786003 Entire femoral region (body structure) P02157 Y 74845 D regional/topgraphical D73F860517964D2DA55F847C8AAD1FD1 E3FD7E33BB67412580FE81C65C4A4889 Femoral region Entire femoral region (body structure) 2158 2158 02158 anterior surface of thigh 22799002 S02158 Structure of anterior surface of thigh (body structure) E02158 362787007 Entire anterior surface of thigh (body structure) P02158 Y 25404 D integument/surface D5EA1F7ADA8F4E87952523086CEF816B 144CF2AAB2944CE58B43EED51FD69C03 anterior surface of thigh Entire anterior surface of thigh (body structure) 2159 2159 02159 posterior surface of thigh 90528004 S02159 Structure of posterior surface of thigh (body structure) E02159 362788002 Entire posterior surface of thigh (body structure) P02159 Y 25405 D integument/surface DA8132635DEC43498F3139AA758522EC A1ADA44B4EF04853BFBD3ADB89B33958 posterior surface of thigh Entire posterior surface of thigh (body structure) 2160 2160 02160 medial surface of thigh 45180001 S02160 Structure of medial surface of thigh (body structure) E02160 362789005 Entire medial surface of thigh (body structure) P02160 Y 25412 D integument/surface 03775C1C29E645DC919313588C1E3A81 BE7384E5D9804F4EB02667418D9B21D4 medial surface of thigh Entire medial surface of thigh (body structure) 2161 2161 02161 lateral surface of thigh 20866002 S02161 Structure of lateral surface of thigh (body structure) E02161 362790001 Entire lateral surface of thigh (body structure) P02161 Y 25413 D integument/surface 8192DB702CAD46CFBC7AA341A00EBF87 D9F262FDDBED4F05AD986A525669B65E lateral surface of thigh Entire lateral surface of thigh (body structure) 2162 2162 02162 popliteal region of lower limb 6902008 S02162 Popliteal region structure (body structure) E02162 362791002 Entire popliteal region (body structure) P02162 Y 24976 P regional/topgraphical CE081517335F40CD8A3801D56A1F2CE1 7BA23905776D4B65B171A8902BBD6AFD Popliteal region Entire popliteal region (body structure) 2163 2163 02163 popliteal fossa 32361000 S02163 Popliteal fossa structure (body structure) E02163 P02163 Y 22525 P musculoskeletal system 8B2A13060BEF4A93B0052BB34E87F2A0 Popliteal fossa 2164 2164 02164 lower leg 30021000 S02164 Lower leg structure (body structure) E02164 362793004 Entire lower leg, from knee to ankle (body structure) P02164 Y 24979 P 22E9BF6E466E49F19CBDA27066FF8EA7 682E91A26C2F452A82521983B9A9F3FA Lower leg Entire lower leg, from knee to ankle (body structure) 2165 2165 02165 anterior surface of lower leg 62899005 S02165 Structure of anterior surface of lower leg (body structure) E02165 362794005 Entire anterior surface of lower leg (body structure) P02165 Y 25427 D integument/surface 8E20597DD83F47F6A5D1822B9560E788 733D50670C4845D9B760636CAB207D33 anterior surface of lower leg Entire anterior surface of lower leg (body structure) 2166 2166 02166 medial surface of lower leg 20487001 S02166 Structure of medial surface of lower leg (body structure) E02166 362795006 Entire medial surface of lower leg (body structure) P02166 Y 25429 D integument/surface 9E2E5F266ADC41B2A0EE7999E5E94CA4 8F5F6C28E9454C78A58C7F075AB7A049 medial surface of lower leg Entire medial surface of lower leg (body structure) 2167 2167 02167 posterior surface of lower leg 76209009 S02167 Structure of posterior surface of lower leg (body structure) E02167 362796007 Posterior surface of lower leg (calf) (body structure) P02167 Y 25428 D integument/surface 99C3C5B850C44774B843A3D7B4DA7A4E B2623910255D4232A586D192B3CCD22A posterior surface of lower leg Posterior surface of lower leg (calf) (body structure) 2168 2168 02168 lateral surface of lower leg 441621007 S02168 Structure of lateral surface of lower leg (body structure) E02168 362797003 Entire lateral surface of lower leg (body structure) P02168 Y 25430 D integument/surface F3F59325372D4311A4815C1A316B02E8 lateral surface of lower leg Entire lateral surface of lower leg (body structure) 2169 2169 02169 anterior tibial compartment 4812002 S02169 Anterior tibial compartment structure (body structure) E02169 362798008 Entire anterior tibial compartment (body structure) P02169 Y P musculoskeletal system 14A7BCF9F716493E9949C71BE9B78840 4BFECF48E24E43FE992D490CCDE7CCDB Anterior tibial compartment Entire anterior tibial compartment (body structure) 2170 2170 02170 shin 78234002 S02170 Shin structure (body structure) E02170 362799000 Entire shin (body structure) P02170 Y 24985 P 2B739F068433439189DD44E12CE37208 3BBA3E3E5E9F42AFB0269AE9FE31AB51 Shin Entire shin (body structure) 2171 2171 02171 calf of leg 53840002 S02171 Structure of calf of leg (body structure) E02171 244015008 Entire calf of leg (body structure) P02171 Y 24984 P BFEFDEEB828C47528F808B876A40747E 7A35DC894AEA47F6989CEEEB3127E9D9 calf of leg Entire calf of leg (body structure) 2172 2172 02172 malleolar region of lower limb 13765007 S02172 Malleolar region structure (body structure) E02172 362801002 Entire malleolar region (body structure) P02172 Y 25448 P regional/topgraphical 11C81317CAF248EE88AB8D713BD8F050 089EB65AB4C04DE7997926AC017041EB Malleolar region Entire malleolar region (body structure) 2173 2173 02173 lateral malleolar region 44677007 S02173 Lateral malleolar region structure (body structure) E02173 362802009 Entire lateral malleolar region (body structure) P02173 Y 25450 P regional/topgraphical A6967DB25B4C44FF869B5161E9A357FE 16019AD6031F482EB17CCF82B803D63A Lateral malleolar region Entire lateral malleolar region (body structure) 2174 2174 02174 medial malleolar region 56650008 S02174 Medial malleolar region structure (body structure) E02174 362803004 Entire medial malleolar region (body structure) P02174 Y 25449 P regional/topgraphical 55A49B8FB3C84D04AC863FB831531510 6530DD6414994F1BAB20C12814FB12A3 Medial malleolar region Entire medial malleolar region (body structure) 2175 2175 02175 heel 76853006 S02175 Heel structure (body structure) E02175 362804005 Entire heel (body structure) P02175 Y 24994 P 68A3BCCC2A4C4C43B146C9BF14978EDB 636BF47D4ADC490DB40130BBEC33FE1D Heel Entire heel (body structure) 2177 2177 02177 surface of dorsum of foot S02177 E02177 362806007 Dorsum of foot (surface region) (body structure) P02177 Y 25453 D integument/surface 7C20F0E7679D493F8B4C82B1CB00F4B5 Dorsum of foot (surface region) (body structure) 2178 2178 02178 surface of sole of foot S02178 E02178 362807003 Sole of foot (surface region) (body structure) P02178 Y D integument/surface 2CD42167368A4EBE92880A2D509261FE Sole of foot (surface region) (body structure) 2179 2179 02179 surface of lateral border of sole S02179 E02179 362808008 Lateral border of sole (surface region) (body structure) P02179 Y D integument/surface CFF96FB4C0834AC2933884EE26CDE87F Lateral border of sole (surface region) (body structure) 2180 2180 02180 surface of medial border of sole S02180 E02180 362809000 Medial border of sole (surface region) (body structure) P02180 Y D integument/surface 0AC13BBD315449F684A376C3DE0BF34E Medial border of sole (surface region) (body structure) 2181 2181 02181 arch of foot 9089003 S02181 Structure of arch of foot (body structure) E02181 362810005 Entire arch of foot (body structure) P02181 Y P D89B28B7CAE14A2C82928A5F34737B4B E5043342C2E24E41A14EE86708EB0E4A arch of foot Entire arch of foot (body structure) 2182 2182 02182 longitudinal arch of foot 86509003 S02182 Structure of longitudinal arch of foot (body structure) E02182 362811009 Entire longitudinal arch of foot (body structure) P02182 Y 75030 P 9E20FCF3B5484D308484C2A0C67B8702 9714A7224C474BDD896EAAAFA8845B2F longitudinal arch of foot Entire longitudinal arch of foot (body structure) 2183 2183 02183 dorsal surface of toe 113353009 S02183 Structure of dorsal surface of toe (body structure) E02183 182309003 Entire dorsal surface of toe (body structure) P02183 Y 25482 D integument/surface 2AD93B4BFDEE4A3D8CC86E74E825DAFC 7E34D89253504D6BAD7CD2B25CC3F7E3 dorsal surface of toe Entire dorsal surface of toe (body structure) 2184 2184 02184 plantar surface of toe 41774009 S02184 Structure of plantar surface of toe (body structure) E02184 362812002 Entire plantar surface of toe (body structure) P02184 Y 25483 D integument/surface F90CA63A012D46029608A2838E1C3053 D9289D51408345ED8DCBAD6FB250D1C8 plantar surface of toe Entire plantar surface of toe (body structure) 2185 2185 02185 lateral surface of toe 10421001 S02185 Structure of lateral surface of toe (body structure) E02185 362813007 Entire lateral surface of toe (body structure) P02185 Y 25484 D integument/surface C90745FED23F4AE7A003F17F2842F3E4 8C8B2FD154CC412C919F4A0329CB67A5 lateral surface of toe Entire lateral surface of toe (body structure) 2186 2186 02186 medial surface of toe 2372001 S02186 Structure of medial surface of toe (body structure) E02186 362814001 Entire medial surface of toe (body structure) P02186 Y 25485 D integument/surface 990D59FD791D46F69A7C14C3AC11C194 A204C5258ED74137AC978E3818699371 medial surface of toe Entire medial surface of toe (body structure) 2187 2187 02187 dorsal surface of great toe 3867009 S02187 Structure of dorsal surface of great toe (body structure) E02187 263984002 Entire dorsal surface of great toe (body structure) P02187 Y 25486 D integument/surface 8E8C0ACA556F47548F6668A6E2C177E2 ED088375DF8D485AA0035E36457086D2 dorsal surface of great toe Entire dorsal surface of great toe (body structure) 2188 2188 02188 plantar surface of great toe 311007 S02188 Structure of plantar surface of great toe (body structure) E02188 362815000 Entire plantar surface of great toe (body structure) P02188 Y 25501 D integument/surface C2AEBB70B39F451BAC856FDBF1CA66E2 82925C91D7764A82B70191DE9E0AA9F7 plantar surface of great toe Entire plantar surface of great toe (body structure) 2189 2189 02189 lateral surface of great toe 55095007 S02189 Structure of lateral surface of great toe (body structure) E02189 362816004 Entire lateral surface of great toe (body structure) P02189 Y 25512 D integument/surface 6290C06910E542ABA13706E2469AEC19 E375B43D28AF4965B693F14DC4724D3F lateral surface of great toe Entire lateral surface of great toe (body structure) 2190 2190 02190 medial surface of great toe 4755009 S02190 Structure of medial surface of great toe (body structure) E02190 182310008 Entire medial surface of great toe (body structure) P02190 Y 25517 D integument/surface 61EC71E5F03042A0A40CE348D189BB5C 1210049E4EDC4C0398E9BCE15F8C2611 medial surface of great toe Entire medial surface of great toe (body structure) 2191 2191 02191 second toe 55078004 S02191 Second toe structure (body structure) E02191 362817008 Entire second toe (body structure) P02191 Y 25048 P 2885700853264B05B84F337E6CD2C5BD F26708AC10164F7F89F6D06B9CC75F2C Second toe Entire second toe (body structure) 2192 2192 02192 dorsal surface of second toe 41506008 S02192 Structure of dorsal surface of second toe (body structure) E02192 263985001 Entire dorsal surface of second toe (body structure) P02192 Y 25487 D integument/surface FC8816D8EB064E699B1998C910E16D0A 11C1329E25AB48199473143B7F6E2A82 dorsal surface of second toe Entire dorsal surface of second toe (body structure) 2193 2193 02193 plantar surface of second toe 55076000 S02193 Structure of plantar surface of second toe (body structure) E02193 362818003 Entire plantar surface of second toe (body structure) P02193 Y 25502 D integument/surface 94F73C8F168A4B678C59F23969EE7EC2 B016562F328747F29F27117D9630951A plantar surface of second toe Entire plantar surface of second toe (body structure) 2194 2194 02194 lateral surface of second toe 21771009 S02194 Structure of lateral surface of second toe (body structure) E02194 362819006 Entire lateral surface of second toe (body structure) P02194 Y 25513 D integument/surface D8C81D02484D4377B4FBCEBF3CFEF61E 22014B7D029942FFB2CB12CFCBE495BC lateral surface of second toe Entire lateral surface of second toe (body structure) 2195 2195 02195 medial surface of second toe 76852001 S02195 Structure of medial surface of second toe (body structure) E02195 362820000 Entire medial surface of second toe (body structure) P02195 Y 25518 D integument/surface 468F3DB030CA404C9795284DAF68C629 9A22F725EA5A4F9A9B577CD3F95A2CE2 medial surface of second toe Entire medial surface of second toe (body structure) 2196 2196 02196 third toe 78132007 S02196 Third toe structure (body structure) E02196 362821001 Entire third toe (body structure) P02196 Y 25051 P 1589E5672EE04B08A7CCF6999B507731 43C9CB997C9946F5B40B2B47AC51A06F Third toe Entire third toe (body structure) 2197 2197 02197 dorsal surface of third toe 13260001 S02197 Structure of dorsal surface of third toe (body structure) E02197 263986000 Entire dorsal surface of third toe (body structure) P02197 Y 25488 D integument/surface 52CA5E1DC211412584EA1CAEC9E68F7D 43715C376C414AA0A6DE0999B21CB289 dorsal surface of third toe Entire dorsal surface of third toe (body structure) 2198 2198 02198 plantar surface of third toe 85101001 S02198 Structure of plantar surface of third toe (body structure) E02198 362822008 Entire plantar surface of third toe (body structure) P02198 Y 25503 D integument/surface 2E55688FEA784A3A9E6DDAB53B4C562D 0BC581D5FD6947F795768720DA290688 plantar surface of third toe Entire plantar surface of third toe (body structure) 2199 2199 02199 lateral surface of third toe 43402001 S02199 Structure of lateral surface of third toe (body structure) E02199 362824009 Entire lateral surface of third toe (body structure) P02199 Y 25514 D integument/surface 48CAA3A55F784A3A8E03BE60BA5A2687 A9FBC045A4C04293BC89C55D1CB8D2C5 lateral surface of third toe Entire lateral surface of third toe (body structure) 2200 2200 02200 medial surface of third toe 10134009 S02200 Structure of medial surface of third toe (body structure) E02200 362825005 Entire medial surface of third toe (body structure) P02200 Y 25519 D integument/surface ECCAA2C1D7084DEE87CC3F79582D9CF8 A765C01DFA4F4E2C82C40D506B4E9D02 medial surface of third toe Entire medial surface of third toe (body structure) 2201 2201 02201 fourth toe 80349001 S02201 Fourth toe structure (body structure) E02201 362826006 Entire fourth toe (body structure) P02201 Y 25052 P 07B0F622DABD4EA78AF3F164712AA0D9 F29280BDF26B4BE889889CF75687B0A7 Fourth toe Entire fourth toe (body structure) 2202 2202 02202 dorsal surface of fourth toe 82910003 S02202 Structure of dorsal surface of fourth toe (body structure) E02202 263987009 Entire dorsal surface of fourth toe (body structure) P02202 Y 25489 D integument/surface 97CCDE56338344B6A344ADB7902B7D8A 0E3AB34C3FC44515B455918075B9F2B1 dorsal surface of fourth toe Entire dorsal surface of fourth toe (body structure) 2203 2203 02203 plantar surface of fourth toe 9432007 S02203 Structure of plantar surface of fourth toe (body structure) E02203 362827002 Entire plantar surface of fourth toe (body structure) P02203 Y 25504 D integument/surface B9E8837731E04BAA9575289BD765F664 FE42F32D4A2A4FAFA9A594B469F4BB71 plantar surface of fourth toe Entire plantar surface of fourth toe (body structure) 2204 2204 02204 lateral surface of fourth toe 82817001 S02204 Structure of lateral surface of fourth toe (body structure) E02204 362828007 Entire lateral surface of fourth toe (body structure) P02204 Y 25515 D integument/surface DD051534B26D4E8F8D10F9A164C28D20 923205A28D764B8F80A83CD7934E3FCF lateral surface of fourth toe Entire lateral surface of fourth toe (body structure) 2205 2205 02205 medial surface of fourth toe 12730004 S02205 Structure of medial surface of fourth toe (body structure) E02205 362829004 Entire medial surface of fourth toe (body structure) P02205 Y 25520 D integument/surface F605EEBA92CF42CA9397538C15A39E1B 8CC950BB62C6404188A7CE6DD39EE141 medial surface of fourth toe Entire medial surface of fourth toe (body structure) 2206 2206 02206 fifth toe 39915008 S02206 Fifth toe structure (body structure) E02206 362830009 Entire fifth toe (body structure) P02206 Y 25053 P 7F9E317A3A384C26A0E52241FB365C69 24F79EED21B54235B971F78A11BC08EB Fifth toe Entire fifth toe (body structure) 2207 2207 02207 dorsal surface of fifth toe 57994005 S02207 Structure of dorsal surface of fifth toe (body structure) E02207 263988004 Entire dorsal surface of fifth toe (body structure) P02207 Y 25490 D integument/surface 78BF0C6A2D7E4CAFA5991F66D0EBFD6D 3B06F76E985F41508A0EA24AFCEBD7C9 dorsal surface of fifth toe Entire dorsal surface of fifth toe (body structure) 2208 2208 02208 plantar surface of fifth toe 74049005 S02208 Structure of plantar surface of fifth toe (body structure) E02208 362831008 Entire plantar surface of fifth toe (body structure) P02208 Y 25505 D integument/surface C505B25F896F4A17926CF9B8C25E4CF4 F93C5DEA3BEA4AA08F66B3E3F1B6B926 plantar surface of fifth toe Entire plantar surface of fifth toe (body structure) 2209 2209 02209 lateral surface of fifth toe 72278003 S02209 Structure of lateral surface of fifth toe (body structure) E02209 362832001 Entire lateral surface of fifth toe (body structure) P02209 Y 25516 D integument/surface 2DA7A7145C884FEC9A49620605A31FAD 442F69A8C6CA4F098E830C35D709A2C0 lateral surface of fifth toe Entire lateral surface of fifth toe (body structure) 2210 2210 02210 medial surface of fifth toe 65689005 S02210 Structure of medial surface of fifth toe (body structure) E02210 362833006 Entire medial surface of fifth toe (body structure) P02210 Y 25521 D integument/surface 2F357EB07BE947B294BBBE280CFB9F2C 4641F7681D664B1484735219A27EEB17 medial surface of fifth toe Entire medial surface of fifth toe (body structure) 2211 2211 02211 interdigital region of foot 14162009 S02211 Structure of interdigital space of foot (body structure) E02211 362834000 Entire interdigital space of foot (body structure) P02211 Y P regional/topgraphical 472D52C49AEF458886F71F364F4FBA65 073F984B49C74A5489E651EF08D8DC71 interdigital space of foot Entire interdigital space of foot (body structure) 2212 2212 02212 group of toes 8671006 S02212 Structure of all toes (body structure) E02212 362835004 All toes (body structure) P02212 - P regional/topgraphical/group B1A4BF2707C1414C95DC0A30EA53680E 23BE148FD01742928AC2D80896CD96AB all toes All toes (body structure) 2214 2214 02214 secundines 63011004 S02214 Secundines structure (body structure) E02214 362838002 Entire secundines (body structure) P02214 - P 93948D74447344A099BCB1ABC82A4226 4DE7DED8075F4ABC9D2FE36F153428A4 Secundines Entire secundines (body structure) 2215 2215 02215 trophoblast 25149004 S02215 Trophoblast structure (body structure) E02215 362839005 Entire trophoblast (body structure) P02215 - 83029 P 58D64F3AA1DC4CCEB11DEC3D61189552 EFF45A2CB0D243CDBC6D0CDD1DF24233 Trophoblast Entire trophoblast (body structure) 2216 2216 02216 extraembryonic membrane 54134001 S02216 Extraembryonic membranes structure (body structure) E02216 362840007 Entire extraembryonic membranes (body structure) P02216 - P 802A6FBA5A064CC3BC5F83C58238E08A 543D9BDF1664488C81131B1B167EF9A2 Extraembryonic membranes Entire extraembryonic membranes (body structure) 2217 2217 02217 decidua basalis 69490004 S02217 Decidua basalis structure (body structure) E02217 362841006 Entire decidua basalis (body structure) P02217 - 86477 P genital system FC0873AA5607451CBA080032229512AC A1F22893C01545F4BE216083BED7138F Decidua basalis Entire decidua basalis (body structure) 2218 2218 02218 decidua 34863009 S02218 Decidua structure (body structure) E02218 362842004 Entire decidua (body structure) P02218 - 85538 P genital system B2801E3C1EFB4B94B73688DC5E11EAB4 24F11CD0B99C4075BD1DE980F943F8F2 Decidua Entire decidua (body structure) 2219 2219 02219 chorionic cavity 75899004 S02219 Chorionic cavity structure (body structure) E02219 362843009 Entire chorionic cavity (body structure) P02219 - P 234E4E54E07148E2A580EBCEFF58A1CE CCF4125C6B75492A84A77FC9F1FB9667 Chorionic cavity Entire chorionic cavity (body structure) 2220 2220 02220 chorionic villus 2049008 S02220 Chorionic villi structure (body structure) E02220 360403003 Placental villus (body structure) P02220 - P FC17819974F34997A9DFA050E5C855A1 C7F5CC7FD75341DAA929434DA592ED0F Chorionic villi Placental villus (body structure) 2221 2221 02221 yolk sac 26190007 S02221 Yolk sac structure (body structure) E02221 362845002 Entire yolk sac (body structure) P02221 - 87180 P A46940E7F97F49CABD0A1AAB419C842E 75433DD524EA4B9099F6CC75997F9C5B Yolk sac Entire yolk sac (body structure) 2222 2222 02222 fetal implantation site 7117004 S02222 Fetal implantation site structure (body structure) E02222 362846001 Entire fetal implantation site (body structure) P02222 - 0 P genital system 2B1417F977E849E3AE8FF8F0027F8FE9 65E9C61C012F4548A6FD343F3EB41505 Fetal implantation site Entire fetal implantation site (body structure) 2223 2223 02223 junctional zone of implantation 30829004 S02223 Structure of junctional zone of implantation (body structure) E02223 362847005 Entire junctional zone of implantation (body structure) P02223 - P genital system 1E6A6F0CB479443EBCF3F4361C0B22A6 58F7710F122A4080BE474D5FC66F9EEC junctional zone of implantation Entire junctional zone of implantation (body structure) 2224 2224 02224 embryo, stage 1 9156001 S02224 Embryo stage 1 structure (body structure) E02224 362848000 Entire embryo stage 1 (body structure) P02224 - P FEFA399D41FD4CB689576DB05569EB31 8E848EB28AE74315ADD27A33D45E359F Embryo stage 1 Entire embryo stage 1 (body structure) 2225 2225 02225 embryo, stage 3 87651006 S02225 Embryo stage 3 structure (body structure) E02225 362849008 Entire embryo stage 3 (body structure) P02225 - P 769001D6135A4D279FD83EABB613D7CB 2C8C7309401F4F86BD117E98E3E28E5C Embryo stage 3 Entire embryo stage 3 (body structure) 2226 2226 02226 embryo, stage 5 26084005 S02226 Embryo stage 5 structure (body structure) E02226 362850008 Entire embryo stage 5 (body structure) P02226 - P 3872BE0D73AD407F84B208BA367EF8A1 D5B52C54EADE4DA8A69265693D60E90A Embryo stage 5 Entire embryo stage 5 (body structure) 2227 2227 02227 ectoderm 63206006 S02227 Ectoderm structure (body structure) E02227 362851007 Entire ectoderm (body structure) P02227 - 69070 P 948F3EEBC6674177BB74496F4BB95B80 A9DA3C340EC949D0AFB5148A576FEF22 Ectoderm Entire ectoderm (body structure) 2228 2228 02228 neural tube 60271003 S02228 Neural tube structure (body structure) E02228 362852000 Entire neural tube (body structure) P02228 - P 3B71566EEBAF4FE39601300AD5F7CDFC 5B689EF214EC4793A9337A9ADA455235 Neural tube Entire neural tube (body structure) 2229 2229 02229 telencephalon of fetus 50430008 S02229 Structure of telencephalon of fetus (body structure) E02229 362853005 Entire telencephalon of fetus (body structure) P02229 - P nervous system C195A0BC34154BB3BF57DC80363D0A75 29B3730928434E4FA2D8142CC689D6F6 telencephalon of fetus Entire telencephalon of fetus (body structure) 2230 2230 02230 mesoderm 64927000 S02230 Mesoderm structure (body structure) E02230 362854004 Entire mesoderm (body structure) P02230 - 69072 P EA32D1313D044FFD801615196599CD4D FC3E2F2B98894762B134C5FACBAA0A34 Mesoderm Entire mesoderm (body structure) 2231 2231 02231 endoderm 55259008 S02231 Endoderm structure (body structure) E02231 362855003 Entire endoderm (body structure) P02231 - 69071 P F32113CF84534C45BDA155C669C9598B E8CC2F11B9E5498DACCC3B99BFB4287D Endoderm Entire endoderm (body structure) 2232 2232 02232 hindgut 8112008 S02232 Hindgut structure (body structure) E02232 362856002 Entire hindgut (body structure) P02232 - 45618 P digestive system 5FED5B8B511D4B08B538520A1E12FC45 A6A9E9E03B1449F9BB69CDFC370CDB60 Hindgut Entire hindgut (body structure) 2233 2233 02233 cloaca 64582000 S02233 Cloaca structure (body structure) E02233 362857006 Entire cloaca (body structure) P02233 - P digestive system 174392DDFFBD4A34B9B181C52F42EABA F8598FF529AB4F2BAE71CF84958A6068 Cloaca Entire cloaca (body structure) 2234 2234 02234 fourth pharyngeal pouch 76307008 S02234 Fourth pharyngeal pouch structure (body structure) E02234 362858001 Entire fourth pharyngeal pouch (body structure) P02234 Y P 9086CF8961CE442A8DDF8575783ACCF7 D40CAD060E034D3C964EE25372443169 Fourth pharyngeal pouch Entire fourth pharyngeal pouch (body structure) 2235 2235 02235 truncus arteriosus ridge 71155002 S02235 Truncus arteriosus ridge structure (body structure) E02235 362859009 Entire truncus arteriosus ridge (body structure) P02235 - P arterial system 31DC2E4ABE8F49AC925DEC21C65ADF4C 04FF792F0C9346C499C5E17833FCA225 Truncus arteriosus ridge Entire truncus arteriosus ridge (body structure) 2236 2236 02236 cardinal vein 4703008 S02236 Cardinal vein structure (body structure) E02236 362860004 Entire cardinal vein (body structure) P02236 Y P cardiovascular system E7A18B42310742BD95F58C62A97A11FA E948310640574363BE51F9C87BA9887C Cardinal vein Entire cardinal vein (body structure) 2237 2237 02237 facial process 89066004 S02237 Facial process structure (body structure) E02237 362861000 Entire facial process (body structure) P02237 - P 14723CBD33004A3EB94A2B8F249E38D9 41E63FB1005F4E11914E5194AEC9AEB9 Facial process Entire facial process (body structure) 2238 2238 02238 fetal dental lamina 30356008 S02238 Fetal dental lamina structure (body structure) E02238 362862007 Entire fetal dental lamina (body structure) P02238 Y 0 P 98CA078EEE60472FAC183913C05263B1 73E2805031BD4933B103C5C934F92473 Fetal dental lamina Entire fetal dental lamina (body structure) 2239 2239 02239 enamel organ 61415007 S02239 Enamel organ structure (body structure) E02239 362863002 Entire enamel organ (body structure) P02239 Y P AD928C8B3EE64B74A424C7AD8DB6D471 2686AF59053945B4B6A629A1CCAAB5DB Enamel organ Entire enamel organ (body structure) 2240 2240 02240 optic vesicle 69325004 S02240 Optic vesicle structure (body structure) E02240 362864008 Entire optic vesicle (body structure) P02240 Y P FFEFF5F97F214BEBB533EB35D86AA463 A84401C1ABD24F4C942413E2E418B7D1 Optic vesicle Entire optic vesicle (body structure) 2241 2241 02241 fetal head 54527006 S02241 Fetal head structure (body structure) E02241 362865009 Entire fetal head (body structure) P02241 - 0 P 4B9F36CCD8284E8FA49E5654912CDC96 F5775CB3BD484227882EDE7382B142D4 Fetal head Entire fetal head (body structure) 2242 2242 02242 fetal bone 81055009 S02242 Fetal bone structure (body structure) E02242 362866005 Entire fetal bone (body structure) P02242 - 0 P skeletal system CEAB42BD9C944D6A9584447203FFEB78 D029C61AFE9E44D29E255A4D525D36FF Fetal bone Entire fetal bone (body structure) 2243 2243 02243 centrum of vertebra 95957007 S02243 Structure of centrum of vertebra (body structure) E02243 362867001 Entire centrum of vertebra (body structure) P02243 - P skeletal system 784D98FB689F4FDDA588F5957EBF1BDF C1F46C071F6E4E4EB429405794EF5B36 centrum of vertebra Entire centrum of vertebra (body structure) 2244 2244 02244 centrum of cervical vertebra 95959005 S02244 Structure of centrum of cervical vertebra (body structure) E02244 362868006 Entire centrum of cervical vertebra (body structure) P02244 - P skeletal system BD1D072BF0ED49C39A0DE2E6D1822F52 EC3EA6B707DF4221AD52EBE05FB287CA centrum of cervical vertebra Entire centrum of cervical vertebra (body structure) 2245 2245 02245 centrum of thoracic vertebra 95961001 S02245 Structure of centrum of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02245 362869003 Entire centrum of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02245 - P skeletal system 0D662E06B42C406F8988E1D29C9C43E7 4BD7C299ADC447C8980BB1DC80574103 centrum of thoracic vertebra Entire centrum of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2246 2246 02246 centrum of lumbar vertebra 95963003 S02246 Structure of centrum of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02246 362870002 Entire centrum of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02246 - P musculoskeletal system EE55B0FBDBAA4102B2DE8F8C3CD22FBA 0D3DD2F1A51C49F3B62E3B2C287C95C7 centrum of lumbar vertebra Entire centrum of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2247 2247 02247 centrum of sacral vertebra 95965005 S02247 Structure of centrum of sacral vertebra (body structure) E02247 362871003 Entire centrum of sacral vertebra (body structure) P02247 - P musculoskeletal system 3822F5588D744B68A934B80D0250224F AE5436ED45804F0BB3A332FF4753412E centrum of sacral vertebra Entire centrum of sacral vertebra (body structure) 2249 2249 02249 bone of upper limb S02249 E02249 368532003 Entire bone of upper extremity (body structure) P02249 Y P musculoskeletal system AE0CAB6C779646889DBB21F9AA88AB18 Entire bone of upper extremity (body structure) 2250 2250 02250 proximal shaft of humerus 86786009 S02250 Structure of proximal shaft of humerus (body structure) E02250 263388005 Entire proximal shaft of humerus (body structure) P02250 Y 23381 P skeletal system 3B56FFECB0ED46D69FFE1ED9E4AF6414 A658C38C54E748F4802FA314DDCDEAC8 proximal shaft of humerus Entire proximal shaft of humerus (body structure) 2251 2251 02251 proximal shaft of radius 113221002 S02251 Structure of proximal shaft of radius (body structure) E02251 263392003 Entire proximal shaft of radius (body structure) P02251 Y P musculoskeletal system 37838CCCAB8A49299469D28043D824A4 39C74ABE58644E7FB461279A96DC4D71 proximal shaft of radius Entire proximal shaft of radius (body structure) 2252 2252 02252 proximal shaft of ulna 113222009 S02252 Structure of proximal shaft of ulna (body structure) E02252 263396000 Entire proximal shaft of ulna (body structure) P02252 Y 63425 P musculoskeletal system AD30AFB6BE6F4DACAC1AFE63ED01F927 3E107577C48A40038251FEB9D53B3AD6 proximal shaft of ulna Entire proximal shaft of ulna (body structure) 2253 2253 02253 proximal phalanx of index finger 28201002 S02253 Structure of proximal phalanx of index finger (body structure) E02253 263403003 Entire proximal phalanx of index finger (body structure) P02253 Y 23919 P musculoskeletal system 4726E00017704FA587D1100D6199503E 1E5144B5CC6C4D5580F2F986BC015D43 proximal phalanx of index finger Entire proximal phalanx of index finger (body structure) 2254 2254 02254 middle phalanx of index finger 7083009 S02254 Structure of middle phalanx of index finger (body structure) E02254 263407002 Entire middle phalanx of index finger (body structure) P02254 Y 23933 P musculoskeletal system C27E185DB72C43B5A0B3FB0A409C4E38 4D54712355AF441C969228587DAA2306 middle phalanx of index finger Entire middle phalanx of index finger (body structure) 2255 2255 02255 proximal phalanx of middle finger 36256002 S02255 Structure of proximal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E02255 263404009 Entire proximal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) P02255 Y 23920 P musculoskeletal system D2190048BB694F98884E6ABA502496F1 18C9E68DE4CE4A81B317239208D7CE35 proximal phalanx of middle finger Entire proximal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) 2256 2256 02256 middle phalanx of middle finger 113223004 S02256 Structure of middle phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E02256 263408007 Entire middle phalanx of middle finger (body structure) P02256 Y 23934 P musculoskeletal system AEFA0E29D74C487DA154B719F60ACDD2 3C77751CEA614C51A94DAF24205110AB middle phalanx of middle finger Entire middle phalanx of middle finger (body structure) 2257 2257 02257 proximal phalanx of ring finger 64317004 S02257 Structure of proximal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E02257 263405005 Entire proximal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) P02257 Y 23921 P musculoskeletal system 0E1F35A30E7A4E579BC49614A29ADB4D 40ED1C860F4B477E8D24D61C51E03240 proximal phalanx of ring finger Entire proximal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) 2258 2258 02258 middle phalanx of ring finger 14824009 S02258 Structure of middle phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E02258 263409004 Entire middle phalanx of ring finger (body structure) P02258 Y 23935 P musculoskeletal system 3D9211C37B774BCFA7ACBBF0A2390C7D 87E000BA421D4F70AD495E9F9113AB3A middle phalanx of ring finger Entire middle phalanx of ring finger (body structure) 2259 2259 02259 proximal phalanx of little finger 90940005 S02259 Structure of proximal phalanx of little finger (body structure) E02259 263406006 Entire proximal phalanx of little finger (body structure) P02259 Y 23922 P musculoskeletal system 41B9996737C8401882AEB71FA4A7EB24 8F052CB2A7C9408F80A31D2C6BDFD228 proximal phalanx of little finger Entire proximal phalanx of little finger (body structure) 2260 2260 02260 middle phalanx of little finger 22516007 S02260 Structure of middle phalanx of little finger (body structure) E02260 263410009 Entire middle phalanx of little finger (body structure) P02260 Y 23936 P musculoskeletal system 8AFB4B09CD3244E6833D930858563EE0 6879AAD6A16D4BE49440C9C73ED8500B middle phalanx of little finger Entire middle phalanx of little finger (body structure) 2261 2261 02261 proximal shaft of tibia 38624006 S02261 Structure of proximal shaft of tibia (body structure) E02261 182070007 Entire proximal shaft of tibia (body structure) P02261 Y P skeletal system CD21728D2A7348DFA85970176109FBCC 89D12B5013654B9F983792A4CAB1EFA7 proximal shaft of tibia Entire proximal shaft of tibia (body structure) 2262 2262 02262 proximal shaft of fibula 13838008 S02262 Structure of proximal shaft of fibula (body structure) E02262 182092006 Entire proximal shaft of fibula (body structure) P02262 Y P skeletal system 7F65F8E9FC144C8D9BBD02266EFA1BC4 A180507EAC6C42CEA5798ECCCB3D5DE5 proximal shaft of fibula Entire proximal shaft of fibula (body structure) 2263 2263 02263 thoracic spine joint 34449008 S02263 Thoracic spine joint structure (body structure) E02263 361282000 Entire joint of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02263 - P musculoskeletal system 016F497E66B14B9F92C18A3A83910DEF 8261CE0F27D74866BA60400680D59940 Thoracic spine joint Entire joint of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2265 2265 02265 cerebral vessel S02265 E02265 361284004 Entire cerebral vessels (body structure) P02265 - P cardiovascular system 2ADF3E4AA4FD435585950E12EB8D5F54 Entire cerebral vessels (body structure) 2267 2267 02267 axillary fossa 422543003 S02267 Structure of axillary fossa (body structure) E02267 361288001 Entire axillary fossa (body structure) P02267 Y 61464 P skeletal system 78AD91F0C455454AA9F5D12C17583853 A9DBA078D08A4575B3344BBE79A7497C axillary fossa Entire axillary fossa (body structure) 2268 2268 02268 wrist region of upper limb 8205005 S02268 Wrist region structure (body structure) E02268 361289009 Entire wrist region (body structure) P02268 Y 24922 P regional/topgraphical 9291706308BC490E8DC32BCB48D1E224 CD7AEFA42CF74026912706C8DEBBEB64 Wrist region Entire wrist region (body structure) 2270 2270 02270 knee region of lower limb 72696002 S02270 Knee region structure (body structure) E02270 361291001 Entire knee region (body structure) P02270 Y 24974 P regional/topgraphical 9D196AB0C1894C69B8E3E74A66288AA0 B3C82C2C937B4D959CD099B4CD319FB4 Knee region Entire knee region (body structure) 2271 2271 02271 ankle region of lower limb 344001 S02271 Ankle region structure (body structure) E02271 361292008 Entire ankle region (body structure) P02271 Y 9665 P regional/topgraphical 124EBEC1D2374501B3601CA06F2EA447 2BF0F489F68B4921BE2E6BA1D267D6BF Ankle region Entire ankle region (body structure) 2272 2272 02272 renal ganglion S02272 E02272 361293003 Entire renal ganglia (body structure) P02272 Y 77586 P nervous system C4604BAA96AB47F6BC67263E85D22692 Entire renal ganglia (body structure) 2273 2273 02273 group of abdominal viscera S02273 E02273 361295005 All abdominal viscera (body structure) P02273 - 32413 P regional/topgraphical/group 4AFA6F9E6B7D4307A65E120D579913DE All abdominal viscera (body structure) Set of organs located in the abdominal cavity. 2275 2275 02275 greater wing of sphenoid bone 37724000 S02275 Structure of greater wing of sphenoid bone (body structure) E02275 361298007 Entire greater wing of sphenoid bone (body structure) P02275 Y 52868 P skeletal system BE9F31DED96545659BF9169ECD611167 D9BAD6225DD54BA599A8A9DB200E31F6 greater wing of sphenoid bone Entire greater wing of sphenoid bone (body structure) 2276 2276 02276 hyoid bursa S02276 E02276 361299004 Entire hyoid bursa (body structure) P02276 Y 75380 P musculoskeletal system 9FF8251BA8704080B7929F5E28260F6B Entire hyoid bursa (body structure) 2277 2277 02277 posterior ligament of uterus 48913005 S02277 Structure of posterior ligament of uterus (body structure) E02277 361301006 Entire posterior ligament of uterus (body structure) P02277 Y 16533 P genital system 2C6F81F3E5F24AA29BEB4E03675E5936 B3A1C4446C304F9EBAD1557BDB33594B posterior ligament of uterus Entire posterior ligament of uterus (body structure) 2278 2278 02278 spiral lamina of modiolus S02278 E02278 361315008 Entire spiral lamina of modiolus (body structure) P02278 Y P special senses organ system DC7E474A6ED748DDA10383645AB287D2 Entire spiral lamina of modiolus (body structure) 2280 2280 02280 neuroepithelial layer of retina 113324008 S02280 Structure of neuroepithelial layer of retina (body structure) E02280 361320008 Entire neuroepithelial layer (body structure) P02280 Y 58680 P special senses organ system AA9A42A3A3E248AAB9F9885244228646 E3EAD72DCA394F4F99812CA5BD377380 neuroepithelial layer of retina Entire neuroepithelial layer (body structure) 2281 2281 02281 iliac tuberosity 8814006 S02281 Structure of iliac tuberosity (body structure) E02281 361323005 Entire iliac tuberosity (body structure) P02281 Y 16908 P skeletal system 213437AE80DE45B08A144ED23A6EAD17 25824C9F700C4EE5A8358B973A829B46 iliac tuberosity Entire iliac tuberosity (body structure) 2282 2282 02282 inferior ischial ramus S02282 E02282 361324004 Entire inferior ischial ramus (body structure) P02282 Y P skeletal system B0D8F95D6DF5486D85696EDAECD77BE8 Entire inferior ischial ramus (body structure) 2283 2283 02283 mid portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery 91753007 S02283 Structure of mid portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E02283 361327006 Entire mid portion of circumflex branch of left coronary (body structure) P02283 - L P arterial system 2C2760337FCA4B6E8A66F365F12956CE 7DC13AFF064344379B81944E8F4EEFB6 mid portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery Entire mid portion of circumflex branch of left coronary (body structure) 2285 2285 02285 male pelvic organ S02285 E02285 361341002 Entire male pelvic organs (body structure) P02285 - P genital system 7D8410753F7F4AD695C6A08A3F6A522D Entire male pelvic organs (body structure) 2286 2286 02286 supratentorial brain 222036002 S02286 Supratentorial brain structure (body structure) E02286 361343004 Entire supratentorial brain (body structure) P02286 119243000 Supratentorial brain part (body structure) - P nervous system B2B1591EF56B48C4AC06B58703B3EDE4 9C6792495DD44DDD8A9B1227A7164019 046A9D94A790440393E74F8B0259679B Supratentorial brain Entire supratentorial brain (body structure) Supratentorial brain 2287 2287 02287 vomeronasal organ 56969001 S02287 Vomeronasal organ structure (body structure) E02287 361346007 Entire vomeronasal organ (body structure) P02287 Y 77280 P respiratory system 9299D2597338412DAB308E44AD17B3B3 1910E0CAAF054341AF22A1B416957C4E Vomeronasal organ Entire vomeronasal organ (body structure) 2288 2288 02288 nasal passage S02288 E02288 361347003 Entire nasal passage (body structure) P02288 Y P respiratory system F874DEA09C894DFEB1E7F8B7E053401F Entire nasal passage (body structure) 2289 2289 02289 lateral lacunar lymph node S02289 E02289 361349000 Entire lateral lacunar lymph node (body structure) P02289 Y 77167 P lymphatic system 8743370654A04C66973DB3E9844B51F4 Entire lateral lacunar lymph node (body structure) 2292 2292 02292 abdominal wall muscle 195879000 S02292 Structure of abdominal wall muscle (body structure) E02292 361352008 Entire abdominal wall muscle (body structure) P02292 Y P musculoskeletal system F13BCFEC832D49BBA10E75EB9EB469AA 3C159770770943699FDADB8FAA0BDA05 abdominal wall muscle Entire abdominal wall muscle (body structure) 2293 2293 02293 intercartilaginous part of rima glottidis 71955001 S02293 Intercartilaginous part of rima glottidis (body structure) E02293 361353003 Entire intercartilaginous part of rima glottidis (body structure) P02293 - 55510 P respiratory system 7934DEB6FF114B24B419614BE446CEA2 E2D3A180B8404F7E98F41C276D22F427 Intercartilaginous part of rima glottidis Entire intercartilaginous part of rima glottidis (body structure) 2294 2294 02294 biliary system S02294 E02294 361354009 Entire biliary system (body structure) P02294 - 79646 P biliary system 3E7AA9D235FE44B19D7028C1EF33C18E Entire biliary system (body structure) 2297 2297 02297 intestinal tract S02297 E02297 361358007 Entire intestinal tract (body structure) P02297 - P digestive system DB6A01BF99574CB3AD97E618B7ECCF6C Entire intestinal tract (body structure) 2298 2298 02298 acinus of lung 18012006 S02298 Structure of acinus of lung (body structure) E02298 361365004 Entire pulmonary acinus (body structure) P02298 Y 7313 P respiratory system 78F1716ECA7B47969CCAAC27961E8CF4 6616FA79ED7745AB96FB8FA0927EA09F acinus of lung Entire pulmonary acinus (body structure) 2299 2299 02299 neuromyoarterial glomus 256583008 S02299 Structure of neuromyoarterial glomus (body structure) E02299 361366003 Entire neuromyoarterial glomus (body structure) P02299 - P cardiovascular system B73643EB48174998BEEE491A0AAA2ADB EC877C50179F43C68E55A6A9F2001CBB neuromyoarterial glomus Entire neuromyoarterial glomus (body structure) 2300 2300 02300 locomotor system S02300 E02300 361368002 Entire locomotor system (body structure) P02300 - P locomotor system A47B854981F3464A8441C611A5C5DFDE Entire locomotor system (body structure) 2302 2302 02302 rotator cuff including muscles and tendons 7885001 S02302 Structure of rotator cuff including muscles and tendons (body structure) E02302 361372003 Entire rotator cuff including muscles and tendons (body structure) P02302 372229005 Part of rotator cuff including muscles and tendons (body structure) Y 37018 P musculoskeletal system 8F49102A6DD84EF9A6FAB7F128F640DB 2A27B16E065A49A68585D9D3CF8F1E13 C101D86297DA43BC859F0E2C4D1376FC rotator cuff including muscles and tendons Entire rotator cuff including muscles and tendons (body structure) rotator cuff including muscles and tendons 2303 2303 02303 vertebral column 421060004 S02303 Structure of vertebral column (body structure) E02303 44300000 Entire vertebral column (body structure) P02303 - 13478 P skeletal system 37D39A0DC7BE4BC58315B423C5656DF8 E3C35CD1413F4F289B4671F42434966F vertebral column Entire vertebral column (body structure) 2304 2304 02304 bone tissue of sacrum 54735007 S02304 Bone structure of sacrum (body structure) E02304 P02304 372210004 Part of bone of sacrum (body structure) - 43624 D musculoskeletal system 1D454BB49B77438388A524985ADC9D67 07EF902D383C48EB804E41D2D3449B80 Bone of sacrum bone of sacrum 2305 2305 02305 nose, accessory sinus and nasopharynx S02305 E02305 361382002 Entire nose, accessory sinus and nasopharynx, CS (body structure) P02305 - P respiratory system 8EAFD3F12CA147E6841FDF94EECBA02C Entire nose, accessory sinus and nasopharynx, CS (body structure) 2306 2306 02306 larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs S02306 E02306 361383007 Entire larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs, CS (body structure) P02306 - P respiratory system 0B3D8B9D981A4088AA0DF30C229CFF88 Entire larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs, CS (body structure) 2307 2307 02307 duodenojejunal recess S02307 E02307 276941006 Entire duodenojejunal recess (body structure) P02307 - 14636 P CEBFD992F91646D2BA40D6FF42E35601 Entire duodenojejunal recess (body structure) 2308 2308 02308 anterior pillar of fauces S02308 E02308 276958001 Entire anterior pillar of fauces (body structure) P02308 Y P digestive system 178CBBEE9E334BC0915D17F99D1FCC0F Entire anterior pillar of fauces (body structure) 2309 2309 02309 frontal region of head 700036009 S02309 Frontal region structure (body structure) E02309 279003001 Entire frontal region (body structure) P02309 - P nervous system 9EF77D7AD9E049078B8C9A79D783A667 Entire frontal region (body structure) 2310 2310 02310 parapharyngeal space S02310 E02310 280190005 Entire parapharyngeal space (body structure) P02310 Y P digestive system F6702CAB6654436AA99D782BA95AA952 Entire parapharyngeal space (body structure) 2312 2312 02312 right faucial tonsil 1721005 S02312 Right faucial tonsil structure (body structure) E02312 280411004 Entire right tonsil (palatine) (body structure) P02312 R 54973 P digestive system AB01BC5CCF874942A20E57539B17821D 6B9B1D0D5271436DB20AB96224E70F90 Right faucial tonsil Entire right tonsil (palatine) (body structure) 2313 2313 02313 left faucial tonsil 15058008 S02313 Left faucial tonsil structure (body structure) E02313 280412006 Entire left tonsil (palatine) (body structure) P02313 L 54974 P digestive system 8636E8F99A674EC6B101319D164D100E 8CCD3A8AE60E41F3A526ADA0A8704FB6 Left faucial tonsil Entire left tonsil (palatine) (body structure) 2314 2314 02314 mastoid process of skull S02314 E02314 304336002 Entire mastoid process of skull (body structure) P02314 Y P skeletal system 9CC4BCF89CD94995914F91F9B193CB69 Entire mastoid process of skull (body structure) 2315 2315 02315 subthalamic nucleus of Luy 432044009 S02315 Structure of subthalamic nucleus of Luy (body structure) E02315 361575000 Entire luys' nucleus (body structure) P02315 Y 62035 P nervous system 1f88fbd118b4a563702b52eac69b8a42 03B300F892A045ADBD9802A7AFB959EC subthalamic nucleus of Luy Entire luys' nucleus (body structure) 2317 2317 02317 cervical vertebral column 122494005 S02317 Cervical spine structure (body structure) E02317 361684008 Entire cervical spinal column (body structure) P02317 - 24138 P skeletal system AA1EDF76BA6F430492CDB2311DF1109A 3476A433173548DCA40E606F03666FE0 Entire cervical spinal column (body structure) 2319 2319 02319 lumbar vertebral column 122496007 S02319 Lumbar spine structure (body structure) E02319 361686005 Entire lumbar vertebral column (body structure) P02319 - 16203 P skeletal system 73B501BF36DA4F98B93B46C5273011B6 185B23855E424203AE3D4EBFF6606102 Entire lumbar vertebral column (body structure) 2320 2320 02320 deep pectoral muscle 63921005 S02320 Deep pectoral muscle structure (body structure) E02320 362936004 Entire deep pectoral muscle (body structure) P02320 Y P musculoskeletal system 32E709147E564CD0BFA2FD502F68A63C 897F58B75A88450285AB3C630F08E53A Deep pectoral muscle Entire deep pectoral muscle (body structure) 2321 2321 02321 lymphatic vessel of penis 72753001 S02321 Structure of lymphatic vessel of penis (body structure) E02321 278232001 Entire lymphatic vessel of penis (body structure) P02321 - P genital system 122944B407404B8E895DC9799F100948 6DCA876221974FFEACF35255972F3E94 lymphatic vessel of penis Entire lymphatic vessel of penis (body structure) 2322 2322 02322 inferior articular process of axis 28172001 S02322 Structure of inferior articular process of axis (body structure) E02322 165470000 Entire inferior articular process of axis (body structure) P02322 Y 24093 P skeletal system CCEA5CFFC98C4BE9B9B26B21C4058B72 CF97DDC63DA64C56BC861CB07060E898 inferior articular process of axis Entire inferior articular process of axis (body structure) 2323 2323 02323 superficial lymphatic of lower limb 56693008 S02323 Structure of superficial lymphatic vessel of lower extremity (body structure) E02323 301286006 Entire superficial lymphatic vessel of lower extremity (body structure) P02323 Y P lymphatic system 1D55631E41E94D8881F4D3D2A1768243 A6175AF6167647D588ECEC66FE9C9450 superficial lymphatic vessel of lower extremity Entire superficial lymphatic vessel of lower extremity (body structure) 2324 2324 02324 deep lymphatic vessel of lower limb 65739008 S02324 Structure of deep lymphatic vessel of lower extremity (body structure) E02324 301374006 Entire deep lymphatic vessel of lower extremity (body structure) P02324 Y P lymphatic system 72FB9795497947EEAAD2D55E75A562BD 96BBA07A1344474488E0FD192B8F7DC9 deep lymphatic vessel of lower extremity Entire deep lymphatic vessel of lower extremity (body structure) 2325 2325 02325 perilymphatic tissue 35210001 S02325 Structure of perilymphatic tissue (body structure) E02325 330032002 Entire perilymphatic tissue (body structure) P02325 - P lymphoreticular system FCF659CDFE604B52BFBEFBF85A11966B 754CC28BD22B46B7A0CD7035B241B22C perilymphatic tissue Entire perilymphatic tissue (body structure) 2326 2326 02326 thymic capsule 14358009 S02326 Structure of thymic capsule (body structure) E02326 188181003 Entire thymic capsule (body structure) P02326 - 72204 P lymphoid system 76768E8E22F64485BFAD13E4CF8C3761 3B98009FAA2D49AC976AA678658E5721 thymic capsule Entire thymic capsule (body structure) 2327 2327 02327 interstitial tissue of thymus 27643003 S02327 Structure of interstitial tissue of thymus (body structure) E02327 187797003 Entire interstitial tissue of thymus (body structure) P02327 - P lymphoid system C776170F2B32439AB55CD52B91A64BDC DB3757BA778D41B2A0E9466691B21C3E interstitial tissue of thymus Entire interstitial tissue of thymus (body structure) 2328 2328 02328 thymic lobule 1706004 S02328 Structure of thymic lobule (body structure) E02328 187882006 Entire thymic lobule (body structure) P02328 - 72215 P lymphoid system 3FE6E13A3F13468B818A1F8E47A07B52 E1045142C19E4D0888D7152EBA8DF1CC thymic lobule Entire thymic lobule (body structure) 2329 2329 02329 thymic cortex 1099005 S02329 Structure of thymic cortex (body structure) E02329 188262003 Entire thymic cortex (body structure) P02329 - 72205 P lymphoid system C8C713D9CC774FD383F08461DFAA36AF B90F1A2A079A4EBA8FFC2BC50CFE891B thymic cortex Entire thymic cortex (body structure) 2330 2330 02330 thymic medulla 38925005 S02330 Structure of thymic medulla (body structure) E02330 188344009 Entire thymic medulla (body structure) P02330 - 72206 P lymphoid system 9C053975639249FCA64F6A952E34CA60 CD735D0C044649B4B367E3DB80F5D094 thymic medulla Entire thymic medulla (body structure) 2331 2331 02331 odontoid process of axis 1172006 S02331 Structure of odontoid process of axis (body structure) E02331 181899003 Entire odontoid process of axis (body structure) P02331 - 24043 P skeletal system 4DBEC154BD6447469F6A251BADA06EFC 7A11359A0ED0428491DB96995A911D39 odontoid process of axis Entire odontoid process of axis (body structure) 2332 2332 02332 right lobe of thymus 80607000 S02332 Structure of right lobe of thymus (body structure) E02332 187981000 Entire right lobe of thymus (body structure) P02332 R 71194 P lymphoid system F306DAF78E174388B465E08CFDCB3ED5 6EA12564C8F446938E5B3BC7E0C1E937 right lobe of thymus Entire right lobe of thymus (body structure) 2333 2333 02333 left lobe of thymus 21215008 S02333 Structure of left lobe of thymus (body structure) E02333 188079002 Entire left lobe of thymus (body structure) P02333 L 71195 P lymphoid system D5BA50C3A0484B7A874EC5C409790C57 48FD1B0A459E444C92871B44F9245C6B left lobe of thymus Entire left lobe of thymus (body structure) 2334 2334 02334 arch of third cervical vertebra 32753008 S02334 Structure of arch of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E02334 312802007 Entire arch of third cervical vertebra (body structure) P02334 - 24237 P skeletal system F3C2F02838964A4894711E7263CA78CC 8E9ED7F3A21646CAA2776C2231EB734E arch of third cervical vertebra Entire arch of third cervical vertebra (body structure) 2335 2335 02335 multiple topographic sites 51576004 S02335 Structure of multiple topographic sites (body structure) E02335 318340006 Entire multiple topographic sites (body structure) P02335 - P 7A5974E0B3794199B37282809723ED24 8991DA38688E4F0CA9D96B7106156732 multiple topographic sites Entire multiple topographic sites (body structure) 2336 2336 02336 spinous process of third cervical vertebra 25181008 S02336 Structure of spinous process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E02336 280761009 Entire spinous process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) P02336 - 24245 P skeletal system C25DE32AB6BF41BBA1D8B4E660C6DEE2 051CB5918A7543B6A7B00AB8511C3B49 spinous process of third cervical vertebra Entire spinous process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) 2337 2337 02337 transverse process of third cervical vertebra 69722003 S02337 Structure of transverse process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E02337 280804007 Entire transverse process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) P02337 Y 24246 P skeletal system 84AC734C9EBB4342917F38F7BFFF581A C01F38D3A9714B009BCF81A7E82C47FE transverse process of third cervical vertebra Entire transverse process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) 2338 2338 02338 lumen of body system 113342003 S02338 Structure of lumen of body system (body structure) E02338 342806003 Entire lumen of body system (body structure) P02338 - P 9324B5B3A1364AD1BDEE779F2AB5EFE1 2858FA6DBE814865B5100D0CDB000284 lumen of body system Entire lumen of body system (body structure) 2339 2339 02339 organ capsule 91771000 S02339 Structure of organ capsule (body structure) E02339 342704008 Entire organ capsule (body structure) P02339 - P 1D198CEBB8FC4DB29953564823041A84 14344097B4ED4D9E8BF8771BDAE7216C organ capsule Entire organ capsule (body structure) 2340 2340 02340 lamina of third cervical vertebra 31631001 S02340 Structure of lamina of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E02340 280782003 Entire lamina of third cervical vertebra (body structure) P02340 Y 24242 P skeletal system 24535D8547BF4526B6FBFF4FEC00E7A4 B37795326CFB4A3390F6E7485EC0885D lamina of third cervical vertebra Entire lamina of third cervical vertebra (body structure) 2341 2341 02341 skin of plantar area of fourth toe 81563004 S02341 Skin structure of plantar surface of fourth toe (body structure) E02341 219994003 Entire skin of plantar surface of fourth toe (body structure) P02341 Y D integument/surface 9B885907078F461A8593A40C6A3C8F2B 7AF3C0CF8113473684A9234625E92265 Skin of plantar surface of fourth toe Entire skin of plantar surface of fourth toe (body structure) 2342 2342 02342 pedicle of third cervical vertebra 3279003 S02342 Structure of pedicle of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E02342 280739004 Entire pedicle of third cervical vertebra (body structure) P02342 pedicle of C3 Y 24239 P skeletal system 978D57F47CDA4EB48B5C7803F3DD6870 99CBAA9EAEF84879AA4CF83D6D7633B8 pedicle of third cervical vertebra Entire pedicle of third cervical vertebra (body structure) 2343 2343 02343 body cavity subdivision 91807006 S02343 Structure of body cavity subdivision (body structure) E02343 304246002 Entire body cavity subdivision (body structure) P02343 - 85007 P 94534DAC546E45EF980F41D5A5DA5A56 F11060F4ABEA455D8359A5DCFE0E5630 body cavity subdivision Entire body cavity subdivision (body structure) 2344 2344 02344 organ cavity subdivision 91812007 S02344 Structure of organ cavity subdivision (body structure) E02344 342907006 Entire organ cavity subdivision (body structure) P02344 - 9337 P B81A7FC17E72466B8F79EE00518DD7C9 EB92E4F6064C40E8B0B777E255F35C07 organ cavity subdivision Entire organ cavity subdivision (body structure) Anatomical cavity, which is surrounded by a morphological subdivision of an organ; is continuous with other organ cavity subdivisions of the same organ; together with other organ cavity subdivisions, it constitutes the organ cavity. Examples: lumen of pyloric antrum, lumen of bronchus, cavity of alveolar sac. 2345 2345 02345 serous cavity 91809009 S02345 Structure of serous cavity (body structure) E02345 304404008 Entire serous cavity (body structure) P02345 - P 270B36194B6347E6A866637A4A38FC25 07E2D30EB7DC441A87CBA0B9EE9615CF serous cavity Entire serous cavity (body structure) 2346 2346 02346 cavity of serous sac 91810004 S02346 Structure of cavity of serous sac (body structure) E02346 304317007 Entire cavity of serous sac (body structure) P02346 - 11349 P AAB23C0176EC45F98B9D05381BE0731F F2ADA06962EC491BA749694745657544 cavity of serous sac Entire cavity of serous sac (body structure) 2347 2347 02347 joint cavity 91811000 S02347 Structure of joint cavity (body structure) E02347 304998009 Entire joint cavity (body structure) P02347 - 7939 P articular system 22C5A13E68C7498C8FB2EB3A44A78DD9 3186F0E13F474EB689A77BEBE161AC30 joint cavity Entire joint cavity (body structure) Anatomical compartment which has as its parts an articular capsule surrounding the joint cavity (or joint compartment space) and the content of that space which includes the synovial capsule. Examples: Joint cavity of knee, joint cavity of shoulder. 2348 2348 02348 body compartment 91829005 S02348 Structure of body compartment (body structure) E02348 346802004 Entire body compartment (body structure) P02348 - 7563 P 4911682C49BF445F9FD26D5D4C7282F8 11C795FC22B64C1DB628E06C33A5A111 body compartment Entire body compartment (body structure) Compartment of trunk, which is embryologically derived from the intraembryonic celom; is located in the trunk, is enclosed by the body wall; contains serous sacs, viscera and other organs. 2349 2349 02349 articular process of third cervical vertebra 63660005 S02349 Structure of articular process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E02349 164007003 Entire articular process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) P02349 Y 24279 P skeletal system 93DD14A7E6704BBAB030F8D4E85F9FCF 3B9208AAE88141A190663840D7F27253 articular process of third cervical vertebra Entire articular process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) 2350 2350 02350 anatomical conduit 91830000 S02350 Structure of body conduit (body structure) E02350 346902003 Entire body conduit (body structure) P02350 - 242873 P FFDE9D795D0147AC8CE4EB73B319EAF9 9EFBBDAC68B24F8FAE44A901F0DD0FE0 body conduit Entire body conduit (body structure) Anatomical cluster which connects two or more compartments or two or more organ parts. 2352 2352 02352 myofascial compartment 118509002 S02352 Structure of fascial compartment (body structure) E02352 306709004 Entire fascial compartment (body structure) P02352 - P musculoskeletal system E371DC6788584865A1D9B02A027A4EF5 49B6A8AEFC2A472C9BEF45A70CCBEBFC fascial compartment Entire fascial compartment (body structure) 2353 2353 02353 superior articular process of third cervical vertebra 21214007 S02353 Structure of superior articular process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E02353 163805000 Entire superior articular process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) P02353 Y 24280 P skeletal system 2CCC94F159D343319FCBCCF71B1D9BE6 A8D7AF55EA9B4EA19FA70009D26C3647 superior articular process of third cervical vertebra Entire superior articular process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) 2354 2354 02354 inferior articular process of third cervical vertebra 81544000 S02354 Structure of inferior articular process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E02354 163906003 Entire inferior articular process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) P02354 Y 24283 P skeletal system 893D6F0028EC47029DBD91798A5884BB 18D81F95FF8D40259CBB823E86BB2403 inferior articular process of third cervical vertebra Entire inferior articular process of third cervical vertebra (body structure) 2355 2355 02355 body of third cervical vertebra 91116008 S02355 Structure of body of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E02355 280837009 Entire body of third cervical vertebra (body structure) P02355 - 24231 P skeletal system 4BAE593404BA47D68B0E7119E8A2D1C1 90B5EEA620174CEDA0C756E51C6C2A18 body of third cervical vertebra Entire body of third cervical vertebra (body structure) 2356 2356 02356 interdigital region 65464007 S02356 Structure of interdigital space (body structure) E02356 301200003 Entire interdigital space (body structure) P02356 Y P regional/topgraphical 0E2D568D7E064835A62F5623552F77F2 B653F4A4AE3F4571B6F25942B9BB03E5 interdigital space Entire interdigital space (body structure) 2357 2357 02357 C3/C4 intervertebral foramen 19563009 S02357 Structure of intervertebral foramen of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E02357 281872004 Entire intervertebral foramen of third cervical vertebra (body structure) P02357 Y 72181 P musculoskeletal system 6215978F6FA34C07B48A3E83214D4512 77BDFDAAAA6B43DBA6D578949C19A76A intervertebral foramen of third cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of third cervical vertebra (body structure) 2358 2358 02358 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third cervical vertebra 17847004 S02358 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E02358 161943005 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third cervical vertebra (body structure) P02358 - 24927 P musculoskeletal system 90546DD3227E4AF9B11D7A82A6A082B4 C6AEB7DE88E34B08913D1274105B251E nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third cervical vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third cervical vertebra (body structure) 2359 2359 02359 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third cervical vertebra 61278000 S02359 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E02359 162032002 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third cervical vertebra (body structure) P02359 - 24933 P musculoskeletal system 2B322343CA5D49E5B7A43D3B3753A68A 4915DBDF49C447E591C55BEE04DA6001 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third cervical vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third cervical vertebra (body structure) 2360 2360 02360 intervertebral disc space of third cervical vertebra 58384008 S02360 Structure of intervertebral disc space of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E02360 163200004 Entire intervertebral disc space of third cervical vertebra (body structure) P02360 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 0BF363D74BB04A5BACE2C68DEFC4764E F92C72EBFDE142CB9C17802DE3EBFE4D intervertebral disc space of third cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of third cervical vertebra (body structure) 2361 2361 02361 skin of lateral area of fourth toe 47921002 S02361 Skin structure of lateral surface of fourth toe (body structure) E02361 221195001 Entire skin of lateral surface of fourth toe (body structure) P02361 Y D integument/surface DC9C9EA1060A4632B5868A073EE92BCA 910386DB2A134D338F6A34290DD83DF9 Skin of lateral surface of fourth toe Entire skin of lateral surface of fourth toe (body structure) 2362 2362 02362 arch of fourth cervical vertebra 22397003 S02362 Structure of arch of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02362 312803002 Entire arch of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02362 - 24785 P skeletal system 30B29745BDBD4E3DA5A80B705B16B389 CBCC8E6127284925BDCBB1D0A29AC948 arch of fourth cervical vertebra Entire arch of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2363 2363 02363 spinous process of fourth cervical vertebra 86048008 S02363 Structure of spinous process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02363 280773009 Entire spinous process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02363 - 26354 P skeletal system FAAAEA005CDD43C7A1AE96624C059BAE F4C25E6A30C245D487314ADE84599ACA spinous process of fourth cervical vertebra Entire spinous process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2364 2364 02364 transverse process of fourth cervical vertebra 24287009 S02364 Structure of transverse process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02364 280818000 Entire transverse process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02364 Y 26322 P skeletal system F5D7CB4B6441440C92574A25D91E777B DCD3B48AD5FE41D184735787060C3DBD transverse process of fourth cervical vertebra Entire transverse process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2365 2365 02365 lamina of fourth cervical vertebra 87077004 S02365 Structure of lamina of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02365 280795008 Entire lamina of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02365 Y 26316 P skeletal system 9A2C54FFD3614783B71B418BF56CF47D D69664DAA3FA4F3CACE4B21ED7E2F227 lamina of fourth cervical vertebra Entire lamina of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2366 2366 02366 pedicle of fourth cervical vertebra 29597003 S02366 Structure of pedicle of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02366 280752009 Entire pedicle of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02366 pedicle of C4 Y 26310 P skeletal system 886A39890E2C4094AE9963BCDA7F13C1 A8AFFDEA510641B08B6096799D8434F1 pedicle of fourth cervical vertebra Entire pedicle of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2367 2367 02367 articular process of fourth cervical vertebra 27403003 S02367 Structure of articular process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02367 164310001 Entire articular process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02367 Y 26340 P skeletal system CAFAB951910C4E24ADF1FF89A5117D4D C372D9D53376474CA80C024F1BBBC963 articular process of fourth cervical vertebra Entire articular process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2368 2368 02368 superior articular process of fourth cervical vertebra 11465001 S02368 Structure of superior articular process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02368 164108006 Entire superior articular process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02368 Y 26342 P skeletal system 82F218278113471D96D270A0626B8641 AE433BBA6AAC47E69280A4F0143F22CD superior articular process of fourth cervical vertebra Entire superior articular process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2369 2369 02369 ligament of wrist joint 123857004 S02369 Structure of ligament of wrist joint (body structure) E02369 244619003 Entire ligament of wrist joint (body structure) P02369 Y 39996 P musculoskeletal system 4EC125AA6ECF43C59D6491225A61136A D75DD35438D441168AFDFC4433BA1E5E ligament of wrist joint Entire ligament of wrist joint (body structure) 2370 2370 02370 ligament of hand 123858009 S02370 Structure of ligament of hand (body structure) E02370 302159002 Entire ligament of hand (body structure) P02370 Y 42452 P musculoskeletal system D1349855293D4D0D9BB6E0950416E3C8 3FEC464C95C84406BE09F02BB2C349ED ligament of hand Entire ligament of hand (body structure) 2371 2371 02371 ligament of foot 123861005 S02371 Structure of ligament of foot (body structure) E02371 244651002 Entire ligament of foot (body structure) P02371 Y 44197 P musculoskeletal system 0C9EE32D79484817BD2BF31972FDB67B D8645D92005847FFA1C90DAD15DE626D ligament of foot Entire ligament of foot (body structure) 2372 2372 02372 inferior articular process of fourth cervical vertebra 42487002 S02372 Structure of inferior articular process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02372 164209009 Entire inferior articular process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02372 Y 26348 P skeletal system 4760B8A9201A4E858A488B4B6CB56A07 2895CF92C42943FBA442F69C3C03CC03 inferior articular process of fourth cervical vertebra Entire inferior articular process of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2373 2373 02373 body of fourth cervical vertebra 14705001 S02373 Structure of body of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02373 280850005 Entire body of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02373 - 24781 P skeletal system 9B13DA8AF13344508413D570D4338D45 68B03CF6EB844423BDBBFE9A9EC8AFF6 body of fourth cervical vertebra Entire body of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2374 2374 02374 skin of medial area of fourth toe 71852002 S02374 Skin structure of medial surface of fourth toe (body structure) E02374 222414005 Entire skin of medial surface of fourth toe (body structure) P02374 Y D integument/surface 518B9017CCE44A30BBC9113A0AF875D5 42CA40D4FFA943EA9E3090DCB1A181F1 Skin of medial surface of fourth toe Entire skin of medial surface of fourth toe (body structure) 2375 2375 02375 C4/C5 intervertebral foramen 43243003 S02375 Structure of intervertebral foramen of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02375 281873009 Entire intervertebral foramen of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02375 Y 72182 P musculoskeletal system ED376BF75FF34AEFA23ADF1C8491E33F 2E8947344F8F4D83A29DE9A144705850 intervertebral foramen of fourth cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2376 2376 02376 peritoneal fold 127952008 S02376 Structure of peritoneal fold (body structure) E02376 261922008 Entire peritoneal fold (body structure) P02376 - 20610 P digestive system E85EF0C2DF9C4825B9631A7BC81F610D FAC27EDEC4E944A895943CA56FE06B3E peritoneal fold Entire peritoneal fold (body structure) 2377 2377 02377 intracranial artery 127955005 S02377 Structure of intracranial artery (body structure) E02377 244204009 Entire intracranial artery (body structure) P02377 - P cardiovascular system E6283BF46EB848A2A3E8F88D7D671FB8 9D7BA252D71543D59412D191A69B2A0E intracranial artery Entire intracranial artery (body structure) 2378 2378 02378 non-autonomic peripheral nerve of the trunk 127956006 S02378 Structure of non-autonomic peripheral nerve of the trunk (body structure) E02378 279566002 Entire non-autonomic peripheral nerve of the trunk (body structure) P02378 Y P nervous system DF7041D7BB554B309B30DD5899095D32 CE3CF3B123FD4427862ECC021088BFDE non-autonomic peripheral nerve of the trunk Entire non-autonomic peripheral nerve of the trunk (body structure) 2379 2379 02379 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth cervical vertebra 41219008 S02379 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02379 162119005 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02379 - 24928 P musculoskeletal system D74354E48E994A2284CFE815E69D007E 5CFC4B1CD18843EC800EFF2AEB602541 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth cervical vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2380 2380 02380 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth cervical vertebra 16897007 S02380 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02380 162205004 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02380 - 24934 P musculoskeletal system 6F5615700D98458992BC5F16F3F1D6CC FEAF5B06124A42C8B6FCB972E644C534 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth cervical vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2381 2381 02381 infraauricular region of head 78392003 S02381 Structure of infraauricular region (body structure) E02381 368671005 Entire infraauricular region (body structure) P02381 Y P regional/topgraphical 18A07AFDD31E406F981DDD6170E6428C 4E0DB405955B4FCA95708A55D999E5DC infraauricular region Entire infraauricular region (body structure) 2382 2382 02382 intervertebral disc space of fourth cervical vertebra 42421003 S02382 Structure of intervertebral disc space of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02382 163301003 Entire intervertebral disc space of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02382 - 0 P musculoskeletal system C015007E1B984AF98A7D9909DAE1A91B EC8ECCA9650E4DD4A1EB0978CF4BA9C6 intervertebral disc space of fourth cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2383 2383 02383 infraorbital region of face 20595004 S02383 Structure of infraorbital region of face (body structure) E02383 368557008 Entire infraorbital region of face (body structure) P02383 Y P regional/topgraphical E711AF220FCB45D6987D80AA86526992 53339B466D734704BF383EF022263140 infraorbital region of face Entire infraorbital region of face (body structure) 2384 2384 02384 arch of fifth cervical vertebra 15439007 S02384 Structure of arch of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02384 312804008 Entire arch of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02384 - 24786 P skeletal system 027D6CB1972B4F65B281D4F5001D2DBF 209A51DA51BA46B9BAA80ACCA85DEBDD arch of fifth cervical vertebra Entire arch of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2385 2385 02385 center of face 27478008 S02385 Structure of center of face (body structure) E02385 368761004 Entire center of face (body structure) P02385 - P F4356707A8934DF49653151FF33A37BD 2CD9966B4A2E4A80BE161E94DA133496 center of face Entire center of face (body structure) 2386 2386 02386 lateral surface of face 30628005 S02386 Structure of lateral aspect of face (body structure) E02386 368762006 Entire lateral aspect of face (body structure) P02386 Y P 9B6B2309D3FD432EAA02E20FC87A8BA5 500DBC3E299E4B278A3CCAB1ECD4B534 lateral aspect of face Entire lateral aspect of face (body structure) 2387 2387 02387 soft tissue of face 95937008 S02387 Structure of soft tissues of face (body structure) E02387 368769002 Entire soft tissues of face (body structure) P02387 - D 2DB5140401D74DDDB99F7A810FFC20CF FE3C90F618C34A0F8B1D8FD1777DA72C soft tissues of face Entire soft tissues of face (body structure) 2388 2388 02388 spinous process of fifth cervical vertebra 13469002 S02388 Structure of spinous process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02388 280774003 Entire spinous process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02388 - 26407 P skeletal system 36F22AB79C2C4916A65EF2C0FBF7991A 94242FB93FFB4310B41874C9C462772D spinous process of fifth cervical vertebra Entire spinous process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2389 2389 02389 suprasellar region of cranial cavity 15328005 S02389 Structure of suprasellar region (body structure) E02389 368554001 Entire suprasellar region (body structure) P02389 - P skeletal system 8750A01CBF454B61900399E2AFB3C2E5 4B90B7B47EE949C78C050240C848F1DC suprasellar region Entire suprasellar region (body structure) 2390 2390 02390 carotid triangle 24542006 S02390 Structure of carotid triangle (body structure) E02390 170000008 Entire carotid triangle (body structure) P02390 Y 61598 P A94209DE3F6047679B7053686EED1533 0B3F16738572481AB731629A96E6C318 carotid triangle Entire carotid triangle (body structure) 2391 2391 02391 sternocleidomastoid region of neck 72220007 S02391 Structure of sternocleidomastoid region of neck (body structure) E02391 169801000 Entire sternocleidomastoid region of neck (body structure) P02391 Y P regional/topgraphical 3C398E60406C45E6BA0AE23DF23E0E7F A1DD814EA9074942A30CFB8C23308C74 sternocleidomastoid region of neck Entire sternocleidomastoid region of neck (body structure) 2392 2392 02392 transverse process of fifth cervical vertebra 84248002 S02392 Structure of transverse process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02392 280819008 Entire transverse process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02392 Y 26372 P skeletal system DE3F03FD493F4B0BB218E81391F5C51B A8E7CD40FCAC4893BC422CB8134D04E0 transverse process of fifth cervical vertebra Entire transverse process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2393 2393 02393 greater supraclavicular fossa 79087004 S02393 Structure of greater supraclavicular fossa (body structure) E02393 170101009 Entire greater supraclavicular fossa (body structure) P02393 Y 84958 P regional/topgraphical 58DFB521813844C89D10AA10B1930559 ED8471359832419D9E8FB8F1C7ECE9A3 greater supraclavicular fossa Entire greater supraclavicular fossa (body structure) 2394 2394 02394 lesser supraclavicular fossa 66106009 S02394 Structure of lesser supraclavicular fossa (body structure) E02394 170202009 Entire lesser supraclavicular fossa (body structure) P02394 Y 84981 P regional/topgraphical 894D24049DFC40F2AD906AF84F3AFA36 D5C44CEA3B5A4F75B300584466DD7D77 lesser supraclavicular fossa Entire lesser supraclavicular fossa (body structure) 2395 2395 02395 scalene region of neck 29480006 S02395 Structure of scalene region of neck (body structure) E02395 169900000 Entire scalene region of neck (body structure) P02395 Y P regional/topgraphical 7EAFC0C41DA64979B4A322605771C9A1 C6D78E3DBFA94312B2E6BC1495F9D983 scalene region of neck Entire scalene region of neck (body structure) 2396 2396 02396 soft tissue of head and neck 34201000 S02396 Structure of soft tissues of head and neck (body structure) E02396 158064003 Entire soft tissues of head and neck (body structure) P02396 - D D3F8A29004E8405AB5A937232B80E283 8949BB4FD41F4CF6AFA1CC01A270A64F soft tissues of head and neck Entire soft tissues of head and neck (body structure) 2397 2397 02397 lamina of fifth cervical vertebra 70840002 S02397 Structure of lamina of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02397 280796009 Entire lamina of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02397 Y 26366 P skeletal system 1B689FB69C9A4166B14C40038996700D D3EE2F6108194DF9AD7BA45E64738EBC lamina of fifth cervical vertebra Entire lamina of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2398 2398 02398 skin of area between fourth and fifth toes 113185004 S02398 Structure of skin between fourth and fifth toes (body structure) E02398 229445005 Entire skin between fourth and fifth toes (body structure) P02398 Y P integumentary system 93B19658FF394643A606DE0F3B637B79 83864C22F94A42B6B35E5E6F9BFE90F3 skin between fourth and fifth toes Entire skin between fourth and fifth toes (body structure) 2399 2399 02399 pedicle of fifth cervical vertebra 71484001 S02399 Structure of pedicle of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02399 280753004 Entire pedicle of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02399 pedicle of C5 Y 26360 P skeletal system 7C69416BAF49424899C7092662DBAA03 88B5A614884E4F96B227C2C5B5EAF7D9 pedicle of fifth cervical vertebra Entire pedicle of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2400 2400 02400 surface of waist region 33673004 S02400 Structure of waist (surface region) (body structure) E02400 243989000 Entire waist (surface region) (body structure) P02400 - D integument/surface 049F2DD8C1EA45EFAF592FF43AEC58AE 6AECA1F86B5A46C490AE05EEED27472A waist (surface region) Entire waist (surface region) (body structure) 2401 2401 02401 soft tissue of trunk 1490004 S02401 Structure of soft tissues of trunk (body structure) E02401 312626007 Entire soft tissues of trunk (body structure) P02401 - D E256D8587EBA45C7A8E1D6E6801ECE57 35E9CCBF613C4587961B253AC061DBFA soft tissues of trunk Entire soft tissues of trunk (body structure) 2402 2402 02402 articular process of fifth cervical vertebra 11532007 S02402 Structure of articular process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02402 164613006 Entire articular process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02402 Y 26392 P skeletal system 98F68EA252FD4383BA3909DA68A0EC1E E228A964DE324759B8BB3E80CC807CC0 articular process of fifth cervical vertebra Entire articular process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2403 2403 02403 infrascapular region of back 30340003 S02403 Structure of infrascapular region of back (body structure) E02403 312810008 Entire infrascapular region of back (body structure) P02403 Y 22995 P regional/topgraphical 99577EACCC274E538A7CCA7797A2DBB1 37D5B7D43D5345F08153649EB7F3D316 infrascapular region of back Entire infrascapular region of back (body structure) 2404 2404 02404 costovertebral angle of twelfth rib 91773002 S02404 Structure of costovertebral angle of twelfth rib (body structure) E02404 312886007 Entire costovertebral angle of twelfth rib (body structure) P02404 Y P E3A9BB1240534F0896F3AEC54F75FBF8 7FCA566A8AA645AB93408FB363056126 costovertebral angle of twelfth rib Entire costovertebral angle of twelfth rib (body structure) 2405 2405 02405 superior articular process of fifth cervical vertebra 90211001 S02405 Structure of superior articular process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02405 164411003 Entire superior articular process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02405 Y 26394 P skeletal system 433E0CCDA21E4554B24443BD56FB0A50 60F299A770154257999E68602BD6AF4E superior articular process of fifth cervical vertebra Entire superior articular process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2406 2406 02406 right shoulder region 91774008 S02406 Structure of right shoulder region (body structure) E02406 368106002 Entire right shoulder region (body structure) P02406 R 33642 P skeletal system 2FD6BFECECF44D73B18C7645B0A4E108 1C9DF905724D4BEBAAB3FAE06BC7D3C0 right shoulder region Entire right shoulder region (body structure) 2407 2407 02407 left shoulder region 91775009 S02407 Structure of left shoulder region (body structure) E02407 368107006 Entire left shoulder region (body structure) P02407 L 33643 P skeletal system EA329A3B4E5442ECB9EC5CD14DEDCFD0 9A7A358DE51A4BC7AA613B41C2C202B9 left shoulder region Entire left shoulder region (body structure) 2408 2408 02408 soft tissue of shoulder 95939006 S02408 Structure of soft tissues of shoulder (body structure) E02408 368159000 Entire soft tissues of shoulder (body structure) P02408 Y D skeletal system FBA3D7B0962C4854AD0961C492F22223 1EB3B6D6FE43476D8A49C74A3507F6E4 soft tissues of shoulder Entire soft tissues of shoulder (body structure) 2409 2409 02409 mammary region of trunk 32655009 S02409 Structure of mammary region (body structure) E02409 204340007 Entire mammary region (body structure) P02409 Y P regional/topgraphical B75C652B8516429FA37D7AD05AE40CDF 172277CC03B54129B92BC3B4BB93AE90 mammary region Entire mammary region (body structure) 2410 2410 02410 inferior articular process of fifth cervical vertebra 89827006 S02410 Structure of inferior articular process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02410 164512008 Entire inferior articular process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02410 Y 26401 P skeletal system 0AEA6293061D418DB88EB751ED6E450D 7C4D494CCFEF4D268179D33A79704B24 inferior articular process of fifth cervical vertebra Entire inferior articular process of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2411 2411 02411 sacroiliac region 1781007 S02411 Structure of sacroiliac region (body structure) E02411 311421006 Entire sacroiliac region (body structure) P02411 Y P regional/topgraphical 2A023FE3A3BC49F4BA6A3B0F539E7BCA 09020303BE104AF49FD85DA1086792E6 sacroiliac region Entire sacroiliac region (body structure) 2412 2412 02412 presacral region of pelvis 39703001 S02412 Structure of presacral region (body structure) E02412 281699004 Entire presacral region (body structure) P02412 - P regional/topgraphical DE1AEB78C7524571874D42B52F1E0402 7B4EBDC8BAC447C3A764E013F72557B5 presacral region Entire presacral region (body structure) 2413 2413 02413 body of fifth cervical vertebra 67479001 S02413 Structure of body of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02413 280851009 Entire body of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02413 - 24782 P skeletal system BEFC75C3EA674B77A62810D19F2815E5 17C527BC8C994456A6081A437E234DC5 body of fifth cervical vertebra Entire body of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2414 2414 02414 soft tissue of hip 95940008 S02414 Structure of soft tissues of hip (body structure) E02414 288175005 Entire soft tissues of hip (body structure) P02414 Y D skeletal system FD2D776270A04A7898770BDBB2CA12A0 1A7CBD62E4B54E7583DA1E592F59FF36 soft tissues of hip Entire soft tissues of hip (body structure) 2415 2415 02415 C5/C6 intervertebral foramen 70424007 S02415 Structure of intervertebral foramen of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02415 281874003 Entire intervertebral foramen of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02415 Y 72183 P musculoskeletal system 395B81AFD88F43D09EF9822C9E538FF1 C67FB522CD434142879E9CDB2F476A50 intervertebral foramen of fifth cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2416 2416 02416 soft tissue of perineum 71321006 S02416 Structure of soft tissues of perineum (body structure) E02416 367742000 Entire soft tissues of perineum (body structure) P02416 - D 1A9B07893C28441EB1BCD04BB05B0AC8 FFAAB05DA9554D95B9087EEED086F76C soft tissues of perineum Entire soft tissues of perineum (body structure) 2417 2417 02417 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra 71704004 S02417 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02417 162303008 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02417 - 24929 P musculoskeletal system B8102958A2CC49E8A6C2A7F4A8D03EC2 FDA25CE0BCAE46E3AC3C8D81F8ECD3F1 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2418 2418 02418 thoracic viscus 27832009 S02418 Structure of thoracic viscus (body structure) E02418 187639008 Entire thoracic viscus (body structure) P02418 - P respiratory system 1D164FC4939E4F119BD4EBA746384237 740FD8E53FA244F5BA3E3908AFAAEBAC thoracic viscus Entire thoracic viscus (body structure) 2420 2420 02420 precordium 46707002 S02420 Structure of precordium (body structure) E02420 279231003 Entire precordium (body structure) P02420 - 12824 P regional/topgraphical 85809D17C3D941138D32C60B085EAD24 A71EB7FB02E54F1CB5AD2916F16E87EB precordium Entire precordium (body structure) 2421 2421 02421 aortic area for auscultation 66625008 S02421 Structure of aortic area (body structure) E02421 204425009 Entire aortic area (body structure) P02421 - P 32435E6EC3394674998F854CC29135EC 757A9A6157E34BB0A751D1CC540D2CDC aortic area Entire aortic area (body structure) 2422 2422 02422 pulmonic area area for auscultation 10418003 S02422 Structure of pulmonic area (body structure) E02422 204510006 Entire pulmonic area (body structure) P02422 - P regional/topgraphical 0FE36B9F94BC4E10A85C5790C70CF7E5 F29C626D46D84FFCB93E710BEDEF38A4 pulmonic area Entire pulmonic area (body structure) 2423 2423 02423 mitral area for auscultation 68518003 S02423 Structure of mitral area (body structure) E02423 204586005 Entire mitral area (body structure) P02423 - P regional/topgraphical C4BF3430E0CE405F8F2EE81CAB3A4FE7 17F37B0B52B14614BF024FC5F4193AE9 mitral area Entire mitral area (body structure) 2424 2424 02424 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra 5611001 S02424 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02424 162399000 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02424 - 24935 P musculoskeletal system CE77C1127D3648318531CC52780E8F36 024C885094F84854A4F20761501D478B anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2425 2425 02425 tricuspid area for auscultation 33321005 S02425 Structure of tricuspid area (body structure) E02425 204665003 Entire tricuspid area (body structure) P02425 - P cardiovascular system FF2103FCFEA040AF8C3889A715282963 090363EE3A5249D7A399682D6FBF7EC0 tricuspid area Entire tricuspid area (body structure) 2426 2426 02426 sternal region of thorax 66419000 S02426 Structure of sternal region (body structure) E02426 367766006 Entire sternal region (body structure) P02426 - 24866 P regional/topgraphical 2E1976DDE0A646309A756C66F0D5F726 FD7F809E9FED48A1B922A3A4222ED392 sternal region Entire sternal region (body structure) 2427 2427 02427 parasternal region of thorax 91691001 S02427 Structure of parasternal region (body structure) E02427 279232005 Entire parasternal region (body structure) P02427 Y P regional/topgraphical DF90E09DE3044721ABF5C89F2B0EBA37 D2D2CB55E9E14777ABDD8608859C810F parasternal region Entire parasternal region (body structure) 2428 2428 02428 intercostal space 47495005 S02428 Structure of intercostal space (body structure) E02428 243937005 Entire intercostal space (body structure) P02428 Y 12243 P D473D66A8BCA4BDD9FA1494BFEEA2B8E D80757FE86E745CE9E307F1B6C616415 intercostal space Entire intercostal space (body structure) Space of compartment of trunk bounded by the upper and lower surfaces of two consecutive ribs. 2429 2429 02429 first intercostal space 117133000 S02429 Structure of first intercostal space (body structure) E02429 243938000 Entire first intercostal space (body structure) P02429 Y 0 P F65120167AED40F1A25A2FECEDE6934D 6FCEBA59B0134BD3996C5A7A585030D3 first intercostal space Entire first intercostal space (body structure) 2430 2430 02430 second intercostal space 117134006 S02430 Structure of second intercostal space (body structure) E02430 243939008 Entire second intercostal space (body structure) P02430 Y 0 P D9941DAFE7DA4996A946ED32A7207F75 F82D6A76CD5E49C6BFFA8E24421BC687 second intercostal space Entire second intercostal space (body structure) 2431 2431 02431 third intercostal space 117135007 S02431 Structure of third intercostal space (body structure) E02431 243940005 Entire third intercostal space (body structure) P02431 Y 0 P FB7959FA9F8D4986943B36B4CAA37100 1261F22728C549B994B04AF4ABDFFE5A third intercostal space Entire third intercostal space (body structure) 2432 2432 02432 intervertebral disc space of fifth cervical vertebra 53779003 S02432 Structure of intervertebral disc space of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02432 163402009 Entire intervertebral disc space of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02432 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 3E741273DCB447C7BF1B1FA5181D9B5E 491ADE0D6B064AA9818D9AB0F214F4F4 intervertebral disc space of fifth cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2433 2433 02433 fourth intercostal space 117136008 S02433 Structure of fourth intercostal space (body structure) E02433 243941009 Entire fourth intercostal space (body structure) P02433 Y 0 P 0A8FE82F1CE8404B8954079DF0A01300 3CBF278FBD5F460B81896130D8B91AE5 fourth intercostal space Entire fourth intercostal space (body structure) 2434 2434 02434 fifth intercostal space 117137004 S02434 Structure of fifth intercostal space (body structure) E02434 243942002 Entire fifth intercostal space (body structure) P02434 Y 0 P 150074ECBBF949219962CBCF763AAC20 E6993451EC47452B9D014821D562093C fifth intercostal space Entire fifth intercostal space (body structure) 2435 2435 02435 sixth intercostal space 117138009 S02435 Structure of sixth intercostal space (body structure) E02435 243943007 Entire sixth intercostal space (body structure) P02435 Y 0 P 749668F5C09F496781B6B3C8653F5961 38B73A505E0C4077B2CFCBB1250E6445 sixth intercostal space Entire sixth intercostal space (body structure) 2436 2436 02436 seventh intercostal space 117139001 S02436 Structure of seventh intercostal space (body structure) E02436 243944001 Entire seventh intercostal space (body structure) P02436 Y 0 P FFCF3CBDF6E8467897091A260D1D72BD D9865D3E8C5149CEBEE0C9377FEC8FF8 seventh intercostal space Entire seventh intercostal space (body structure) 2437 2437 02437 eighth intercostal space 117140004 S02437 Structure of eighth intercostal space (body structure) E02437 243945000 Entire eighth intercostal space (body structure) P02437 Y 0 P A0A1EBA7D7B5466DB14FCA8B6226B3B4 C33550ACBD0F47158BA7C71AD2C635A4 eighth intercostal space Entire eighth intercostal space (body structure) 2438 2438 02438 ninth intercostal space 117141000 S02438 Structure of ninth intercostal space (body structure) E02438 243946004 Entire ninth intercostal space (body structure) P02438 Y 0 P 7486E6A04A2E467DAEE30180FE8596BC E1AE62BA34CC47ECB38585CF337118A8 ninth intercostal space Entire ninth intercostal space (body structure) 2439 2439 02439 tenth intercostal space 117142007 S02439 Structure of tenth intercostal space (body structure) E02439 243947008 Entire tenth intercostal space (body structure) P02439 Y 0 P 5DFA7260F7714D618F70E3A905E4BC9F 78C11FBF886948EEA499CE1B4A0FDCC3 tenth intercostal space Entire tenth intercostal space (body structure) 2440 2440 02440 eleventh intercostal space 117143002 S02440 Structure of eleventh intercostal space (body structure) E02440 243948003 Entire eleventh intercostal space (body structure) P02440 Y 0 P A9E75FF9316743608B1519DF2F9DB9D7 98BA08263C504A5F967F378F303C72EE eleventh intercostal space Entire eleventh intercostal space (body structure) 2441 2441 02441 superior thoracic aperture 42973007 S02441 Structure of thoracic inlet (body structure) E02441 243935002 Entire thoracic inlet (body structure) P02441 - 7566 P respiratory system 97C9CE0D2C88436D9192969120C793E0 641772AA47904AAAA0AFF45F69D5366A thoracic inlet Entire thoracic inlet (body structure) 2442 2442 02442 skin of fifth toe 44419009 S02442 Skin structure of fifth toe (body structure) E02442 181574007 Entire skin of fifth toe (body structure) P02442 Y 37865 D integument/surface 09F28DA125704DD08E5A539AD611A745 664636437D4F48CEA6BCAD2CFFA9F5CA Skin of fifth toe Entire skin of fifth toe (body structure) 2443 2443 02443 right half of thoracic cavity 45221008 S02443 Structure of right thoracic cavity (body structure) E02443 181233008 Entire right thoracic cavity (body structure) P02443 Rgroup 13886 D respiratory system 24EF253FD4EA4E30B4BF9C7E210E6322 4866D82E9FE542D195487451ED555B77 right thoracic cavity Entire right thoracic cavity (body structure) Cavity of hemithorax demarcated from the mediastinum by the medial surface of the right mediastinal pleura. 2444 2444 02444 left half of thoracic cavity 43999007 S02444 Structure of left thoracic cavity (body structure) E02444 184407001 Entire left thoracic cavity (body structure) P02444 Lgroup 13887 D respiratory system DEA693C6C269413EAD5ED689582D4D29 DD81E529F16747ADB4589F9B795A3660 left thoracic cavity Entire left thoracic cavity (body structure) Cavity of hemithorax demarcated from the mediastinum by the medial surface of the left mediastinal pleura. 2445 2445 02445 pulmonary sulcus of thorax 65811001 S02445 Structure of pulmonary sulcus of thorax (body structure) E02445 187715007 Entire pulmonary sulcus of thorax (body structure) P02445 Y 7568 P respiratory system 3578A03587A14C659495E9346E2F44FC CE2B0A20F97A404FBEEFB5481DBC2C14 pulmonary sulcus of thorax Entire pulmonary sulcus of thorax (body structure) 2446 2446 02446 costal arch 24256007 S02446 Structure of costal arch (body structure) E02446 367767002 Entire costal arch (body structure) P02446 Y 7569 P skeletal system 1FE9EFDB33C2440C9CD1DE3DBFA3E1A8 5347DAE09F564DBF8E6BD682FD46867C costal arch Entire costal arch (body structure) 2447 2447 02447 infrasternal angle 5076001 S02447 Structure of infrasternal angle (body structure) E02447 204747008 Entire infrasternal angle (body structure) P02447 - 7573 P 4629BB415E694FEAA8B432C914230179 77C5792744CB4010A6C8A860503B398D infrasternal angle Entire infrasternal angle (body structure) 2448 2448 02448 substernal region of thorax 33547000 S02448 Structure of substernal region (body structure) E02448 204811001 Entire substernal region (body structure) P02448 - P regional/topgraphical 3C65EE7421134311B58A4DFA4D3D1ADA CB17EEF4D2954D21A5096AB103825990 substernal region Entire substernal region (body structure) 2449 2449 02449 arch of sixth cervical vertebra 113206008 S02449 Structure of arch of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02449 312805009 Entire arch of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02449 - 24787 P skeletal system F36AF1792A67459A8EF9203A8CF3DDAB DA28516DE52B4B3E98D5D0B3499FB4C5 arch of sixth cervical vertebra Entire arch of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2450 2450 02450 left crus of diaphragm 42677006 S02450 Structure of left crus of diaphragm (body structure) E02450 244937004 Entire left crus of diaphragm (body structure) P02450 L 58287 P respiratory system B66642DBE24948A1A35C0DF599994710 196F57C4CA9A4BB297879538060FB11E left crus of diaphragm Entire left crus of diaphragm (body structure) 2451 2451 02451 costal part of diaphragm 31195009 S02451 Structure of costal part of diaphragm (body structure) E02451 368048007 Entire costal part of diaphragm (body structure) P02451 Y 58277 P respiratory system 61991FED6B514AB6B3699928FA74B54D BBA80487C44248038E25A33615D3323C costal part of diaphragm Entire costal part of diaphragm (body structure) 2452 2452 02452 sternal part of diaphragm 52829004 S02452 Structure of sternal part of diaphragm (body structure) E02452 368049004 Entire sternal part of diaphragm (body structure) P02452 Y 58276 P respiratory system 80FA327DFAA54B1490204F4F918D5F2E E9B74BC28958423FA47170454A6005CD sternal part of diaphragm Entire sternal part of diaphragm (body structure) 2453 2453 02453 spinous process of sixth cervical vertebra 88182006 S02453 Structure of spinous process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02453 280775002 Entire spinous process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02453 - 26457 P skeletal system 9322E5D2EEC14363AE3B3EDF359397C4 E41968E7EEF248148E4BFED75BD01547 spinous process of sixth cervical vertebra Entire spinous process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2454 2454 02454 crus of diaphragm 947002 S02454 Structure of crus of diaphragm (body structure) E02454 244668003 Entire crus of diaphragm (body structure) P02454 Y P respiratory system 71A9E49D263B4CB9B46FAE0BC79C4649 6A200E20BCEF4E13829D4C15612F9B88 crus of diaphragm Entire crus of diaphragm (body structure) 2455 2455 02455 caval opening of diaphragm 56042000 S02455 Structure of caval opening of diaphragm (body structure) E02455 280063003 Entire caval opening of diaphragm (body structure) P02455 - 58290 P respiratory system E1F240D10F7C4D069A8A3D675A11E896 07D136AC418D45BEAA06550A4767E4E7 caval opening of diaphragm Entire caval opening of diaphragm (body structure) 2456 2456 02456 foramen of Bochdalek 89413009 S02456 Structure of foramen of Bochdalek (body structure) E02456 278260004 Entire foramen of Bochdalek (body structure) P02456 Y P respiratory system 1655E47971254296A8F6529F2C1FCA4D F74CAFD4229D48AB8BD1D662533C86D4 foramen of Bochdalek Entire foramen of Bochdalek (body structure) 2457 2457 02457 foramen of Morgagni 65766008 S02457 Structure of foramen of Morgagni (body structure) E02457 278261000 Entire foramen of Morgagni (body structure) P02457 - P respiratory system 1A3271D7AF8D40289B883661366AAD05 1D4D8913210C48BE85B63DC10AE6DEB3 foramen of Morgagni Entire foramen of Morgagni (body structure) 2458 2458 02458 transverse process of sixth cervical vertebra 21183003 S02458 Structure of transverse process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02458 280821003 Entire transverse process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02458 Y 26425 P skeletal system 3631390E770341B5B73A1196D89C7591 F7E4C848EBB44A80B90DD4CD1E8500C9 transverse process of sixth cervical vertebra Entire transverse process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2460 2460 02460 soft tissue of abdomen 69778002 S02460 Structure of soft tissues of abdomen (body structure) E02460 276862006 Entire soft tissues of abdomen (body structure) P02460 - D 0BA5A892FE1A4A4091366578FE597216 43901F9F808D4856928D6649A069FD2F soft tissues of abdomen Entire soft tissues of abdomen (body structure) 2461 2461 02461 abdominal viscus 19203006 S02461 Structure of abdominal viscus (body structure) E02461 276434005 Entire abdominal viscus (body structure) P02461 - 0 P 59FB81405A9647D7ACD93F73E5ABEB12 DF1BFC9E38B748D3AA6BD616658E8FDB abdominal viscus Entire abdominal viscus (body structure) 2462 2462 02462 lateral subregion of abdomen 84281001 S02462 Structure of lateral region of abdomen (body structure) E02462 243329008 Entire lateral region of abdomen (body structure) P02462 Y P regional/topgraphical 61ADD9F0B2F048C3A8D2215AD4D3B1E0 D0E60AAF83864B4F8B378BB05A8BC921 lateral region of abdomen Entire lateral region of abdomen (body structure) 2463 2463 02463 lamina of sixth cervical vertebra 88588002 S02463 Structure of lamina of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02463 280797000 Entire lamina of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02463 Y 26419 P skeletal system 5BC5790B5AE2447AAEE546F2B995E2F5 ED6514FCFCC246FB8F9EFCF69C302349 lamina of sixth cervical vertebra Entire lamina of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2464 2464 02464 right upper quadrant of abdomen 50519007 S02464 Structure of right upper quadrant of abdomen (body structure) E02464 243354008 Entire right upper quadrant of abdomen (body structure) P02464 R 20375 P E1086AA48F164C4193799C688FD7C6AE 929BBC7DFD324558A834B0A7CEEE01A1 right upper quadrant of abdomen Entire right upper quadrant of abdomen (body structure) 2465 2465 02465 right lower quadrant of abdomen 48544008 S02465 Structure of right lower quadrant of abdomen (body structure) E02465 243388002 Entire right lower quadrant of abdomen (body structure) P02465 R 20378 P 74D1D562E99E4A54951A2165461E5C77 EF0964D79C8148E5B036603AB678B700 right lower quadrant of abdomen Entire right lower quadrant of abdomen (body structure) 2466 2466 02466 left upper quadrant of abdomen 86367003 S02466 Structure of left upper quadrant of abdomen (body structure) E02466 243362000 Entire left upper quadrant of abdomen (body structure) P02466 L 20376 P 86BDDA6CA17E4C2A8298BE2CD861C0A7 81EAC4DE08F04685A24774312D4C2A0B left upper quadrant of abdomen Entire left upper quadrant of abdomen (body structure) 2467 2467 02467 left lower quadrant of abdomen 68505006 S02467 Structure of left lower quadrant of abdomen (body structure) E02467 243400007 Entire left lower quadrant of abdomen (body structure) P02467 L 20379 P DA9912B689D34E0F86A6B6C8035660EF E88A53ABD2D74A97A6ADEF7D7BD377A4 left lower quadrant of abdomen Entire left lower quadrant of abdomen (body structure) 2468 2468 02468 upper abdominal quadrant 26983001 S02468 Structure of upper abdominal quadrant (body structure) E02468 243382001 Entire upper abdominal quadrant (body structure) P02468 Y 20373 P 09095A698D4742E285855C39DBBE32EE 3D1C8D6B200A4586B8E127C5399766B7 upper abdominal quadrant Entire upper abdominal quadrant (body structure) 2469 2469 02469 inframammary region of thorax 56593003 S02469 Structure of inframammary region (body structure) E02469 261092001 Entire inframammary region (body structure) P02469 Y 24858 P regional/topgraphical 58893993558D41668F7EEC6014398C3E EF669CD0E1004E7C8C5FEC40A5D0FD48 inframammary region Entire inframammary region (body structure) 2470 2470 02470 pedicle of sixth cervical vertebra 76130007 S02470 Structure of pedicle of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02470 280754005 Entire pedicle of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02470 pedicle of C6 Y 26413 P skeletal system 71428D0373CE4F3B88BFF339B5752A8F C5B7A92258894D3CB2EC5B8F7EC98319 pedicle of sixth cervical vertebra Entire pedicle of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2471 2471 02471 lower abdominal quadrant 77491006 S02471 Structure of lower abdominal quadrant (body structure) E02471 243406001 Entire lower abdominal quadrant (body structure) P02471 Y 20377 P D7A87C75112745E391ED82296CA1F277 369E4FCF0B0D4A28B07E6D89FBB5BD88 lower abdominal quadrant Entire lower abdominal quadrant (body structure) 2472 2472 02472 iliac fossa 8412003 S02472 Structure of iliac fossa (body structure) E02472 182341009 Entire iliac fossa (body structure) P02472 Y 75316 P 14EA22883B9F4292907774DC1CA3F1A8 3D7F562D81E3463A9123A22ECFC39409 iliac fossa Entire iliac fossa (body structure) 2473 2473 02473 articular process of sixth cervical vertebra 23626002 S02473 Structure of articular process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02473 164908005 Entire articular process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02473 Y 26443 P skeletal system 866B16F5E50B498D914253D0BAF91CC4 06F7A31403BC4D099450DC72BED4AEA8 articular process of sixth cervical vertebra Entire articular process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2474 2474 02474 lateral abdominal wall 56047006 S02474 Structure of lateral abdominal wall (body structure) E02474 368077008 Entire lateral abdominal wall (body structure) P02474 Y P 8F7438CE5B5F4C02AEC73ADEA7CF2C84 88EE9C35A9B84A0D808E1775B03D434F lateral abdominal wall Entire lateral abdominal wall (body structure) 2475 2475 02475 extraperitoneal space 83137009 S02475 Structure of extraperitoneal space (body structure) E02475 368076004 Entire extraperitoneal space (body structure) P02475 - 14730 P 83D9D53AEAF44933B5F754BC8C71AB89 03A541D122FF4B689BEA9796B58EB67F extraperitoneal space Entire extraperitoneal space (body structure) 2476 2476 02476 abdomen, peritoneum and retroperitoneum 110713005 S02476 Structure of abdomen, peritoneum and retroperitoneum (combined site) (body structure) E02476 277050003 Entire abdomen, peritoneum and retroperitoneum (combined site) (body structure) P02476 - P digestive system 4AF9ABB11F40418EABC6F39B32BF021C C5148C94BC804F9F8027D218CA8B5FD4 abdomen, peritoneum and retroperitoneum (combined site) Entire abdomen, peritoneum and retroperitoneum (combined site) (body structure) 2477 2477 02477 superior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra 51914000 S02477 Structure of superior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02477 164714007 Entire superior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02477 Y 26445 P skeletal system 9B9A6EAE606041CE96BDBF099C83D5FB 2A4F9DE601434BB2ABEA08C457EA51A4 superior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra Entire superior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2478 2478 02478 subserous tissue of peritoneum 18292002 S02478 Structure of subserous tissue of peritoneum (body structure) E02478 263018008 Entire subserous tissue of peritoneum (body structure) P02478 - P digestive system 7C63FCAB30144B74AE0CCF66E74DC492 0E0138BA217748D680FE843DF9C88848 subserous tissue of peritoneum Entire subserous tissue of peritoneum (body structure) 2479 2479 02479 peritoneal mesothelium 34073007 S02479 Structure of peritoneal mesothelium (body structure) E02479 262511001 Entire peritoneal mesothelium (body structure) P02479 - 18147 P digestive system 11A30C03B77D48C9961C60DCADB22876 FD5BA648A66548C88985921D86D77738 peritoneal mesothelium Entire peritoneal mesothelium (body structure) 2480 2480 02480 serous layer of parietal peritoneum 83428004 S02480 Structure of serous layer of parietal peritoneum (body structure) E02480 368078003 Entire serous layer of parietal peritoneum (body structure) P02480 - P digestive system 4E08F74AAF6F4F0DB8CB0C58A1A17CB7 395ED783A3564CA0B9399BB68F2FD012 serous layer of parietal peritoneum Entire serous layer of parietal peritoneum (body structure) 2481 2481 02481 subserous tissue of parietal peritoneum 10808003 S02481 Structure of subserous tissue of parietal peritoneum (body structure) E02481 262844004 Entire subserous tissue of parietal peritoneum (body structure) P02481 - P digestive system 07F170DFC4214A3098B9726C44F83A6A AD32BAE03001495A8A6AFC2C0E9E5AE3 subserous tissue of parietal peritoneum Entire subserous tissue of parietal peritoneum (body structure) 2482 2482 02482 inferior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra 1243003 S02482 Structure of inferior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02482 164809001 Entire inferior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02482 Y 26451 P skeletal system A5E38E3FC5B84695A6A9BCBCB4F0BCF7 EDB93258BC124D2883E4265E8AE53958 inferior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra Entire inferior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2483 2483 02483 serous layer of visceral peritoneum 37277006 S02483 Structure of serous layer of visceral peritoneum (body structure) E02483 262408004 Entire serous layer of visceral peritoneum (body structure) P02483 - P digestive system 3F1AB02AA1914212B674785D68881AD8 7E2352A9AFDE4232B46614626AB23FB8 serous layer of visceral peritoneum Entire serous layer of visceral peritoneum (body structure) 2484 2484 02484 subserous tissue of visceral peritoneum 68147002 S02484 Structure of subserous tissue of visceral peritoneum (body structure) E02484 262929001 Entire subserous tissue of visceral peritoneum (body structure) P02484 - P digestive system 983FD7C9A60546028455744D59619FB3 96026DC77EAD409CB538B70C54383C5E subserous tissue of visceral peritoneum Entire subserous tissue of visceral peritoneum (body structure) 2485 2485 02485 epiploic foramen 43975007 S02485 Structure of epiploic foramen (body structure) E02485 264473006 Entire epiploic foramen (body structure) P02485 - 14711 P digestive system 01EF6D40936E4677896102E051849C83 D3C2B8E5FB0B493A929C44363A089F35 epiploic foramen Entire epiploic foramen (body structure) 2486 2486 02486 vestibule of omental bursa 48234005 S02486 Structure of vestibule of omental bursa (body structure) E02486 263107005 Entire vestibule of omental bursa (body structure) P02486 - 21293 P digestive system 6C367D1071474E5F930B4CD376B87724 5D49D4A6E56E44D5B68A1BFF57D7B2CE vestibule of omental bursa Entire vestibule of omental bursa (body structure) 2487 2487 02487 superior omental bursa 30445009 S02487 Structure of superior omental bursa (body structure) E02487 263190002 Entire superior omental bursa (body structure) P02487 - 14708 P digestive system CB93CF18A0EC47829A67622528602E3D F742F0B8666C4D30B2FB350071DBFAF9 superior omental bursa Entire superior omental bursa (body structure) 2488 2488 02488 inferior omental bursa 66439001 S02488 Structure of inferior omental bursa (body structure) E02488 263261002 Entire inferior omental bursa (body structure) P02488 - 14709 P digestive system 716DD0A160444BF08B30AD06B3A9DE3C 3B5D61147CA8463BBEBAAB634D7C9915 inferior omental bursa Entire inferior omental bursa (body structure) 2489 2489 02489 body of sixth cervical vertebra 88298007 S02489 Structure of body of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02489 280852002 Entire body of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02489 - 24783 P skeletal system C83F72F2337B481FA0CD68F15424F6D9 EE1C6F4838F24BC0AB40AC50B4673201 body of sixth cervical vertebra Entire body of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2490 2490 02490 splenic fossa of omental sac 51592009 S02490 Structure of splenic fossa of omental sac (body structure) E02490 263347005 Entire splenic fossa of omental sac (body structure) P02490 - 14710 P digestive system A27D4BF00B2E49778424698DBA9698E7 596704DCE19F422FAF68309177E2FF7E splenic fossa of omental sac Entire splenic fossa of omental sac (body structure) 2491 2491 02491 gastropancreatic fold 24494005 S02491 Structure of gastropancreatic folds (body structure) E02491 260101007 Entire gastropancreatic folds (body structure) P02491 - 16542 P digestive system 3A66B740C61F49DAA5989C0ED4AABA07 F2EE6BAD1B634296965D3D0C3F3D6E6F gastropancreatic folds Entire gastropancreatic folds (body structure) 2492 2492 02492 duodenal fold 5816009 S02492 Structure of duodenal fold (body structure) E02492 260449008 Entire duodenal fold (body structure) P02492 - 16529 P digestive system 613415705F374118A15D1BA772DBDB9A ED4AA7AD0E9E427588D861A987666EE9 duodenal fold Entire duodenal fold (body structure) 2493 2493 02493 superior duodenal fold 71900004 S02493 Structure of superior duodenal fold (body structure) E02493 260187009 Entire superior duodenal fold (body structure) P02493 Y 16530 P digestive system A49D122FE3D74D74BE448C8B183F11C5 3D35869219C245D59433708CB818D3B6 superior duodenal fold Entire superior duodenal fold (body structure) 2494 2494 02494 inferior duodenal fold 20336000 S02494 Structure of inferior duodenal fold (body structure) E02494 260264006 Entire inferior duodenal fold (body structure) P02494 - 16531 P digestive system CA876E0A91D24C1AAD1F49FC82490B46 B5A5CB47E92244BD8A4F9CBE08C72945 inferior duodenal fold Entire inferior duodenal fold (body structure) 2495 2495 02495 superior duodenal recess 69682008 S02495 Structure of superior duodenal recess (body structure) E02495 276936003 Entire superior duodenal recess (body structure) P02495 Y 77105 P 74F3968C6ECD4ECFBE1DF9A601754601 7A57E200E7B54ED1B08E61720AE178A4 superior duodenal recess Entire superior duodenal recess (body structure) 2496 2496 02496 inferior duodenal recess 70356001 S02496 Structure of inferior duodenal recess (body structure) E02496 276938002 Entire inferior duodenal recess (body structure) P02496 - 77106 P 8057F45657C94399A4F6788FA4DC2E5E D0A5C35DAAE842D4B5E2C92C422C46B8 inferior duodenal recess Entire inferior duodenal recess (body structure) 2497 2497 02497 paraduodenal fold 67491005 S02497 Structure of paraduodenal fold (body structure) E02497 260363003 Entire paraduodenal fold (body structure) P02497 - 77427 P digestive system 2916D735CEF34A86AA2D59F9CB9007BE 4B8E04F6FDCB4D99BD8DF9943F52D7C5 paraduodenal fold Entire paraduodenal fold (body structure) 2498 2498 02498 paraduodenal recess 7167006 S02498 Structure of paraduodenal recess (body structure) E02498 276940007 Entire paraduodenal recess (body structure) P02498 - 14634 P 05E05B0CBB734C22B923AE8C46750205 B789430DFEAC44DDACAB3BB1D6B933F9 paraduodenal recess Entire paraduodenal recess (body structure) 2499 2499 02499 skin of dorsal area of fifth toe 43022006 S02499 Skin structure of dorsal surface of fifth toe (body structure) E02499 218980006 Entire skin of dorsal surface of fifth toe (body structure) P02499 Y D integument/surface 680D7210FC5F490496DFD07C507DEE38 8FD604EBC43C4A499C8B014856583D4F Skin of dorsal surface of fifth toe Entire skin of dorsal surface of fifth toe (body structure) 2500 2500 02500 C6/C7 intervertebral foramen 81872001 S02500 Structure of intervertebral foramen of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02500 281875002 Entire intervertebral foramen of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02500 Y 72184 P musculoskeletal system D40F8611CD114A2BA011A69B763DC087 9D954CEBAF4545B89B3E937110E16241 intervertebral foramen of sixth cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2501 2501 02501 retroduodenal recess 43413003 S02501 Structure of retroduodenal recess (body structure) E02501 276948000 Entire retroduodenal recess (body structure) P02501 - 14635 P 464DF9ED80424F3896F53E17C0B1324D BC2A42CEBE714D4099ED32AAFC53C09B retroduodenal recess Entire retroduodenal recess (body structure) 2502 2502 02502 gastrocolic ligament 47606005 S02502 Structure of gastrocolic ligament (body structure) E02502 260539007 Entire gastrocolic ligament (body structure) P02502 - 16552 P digestive system 4D1D8DCBE5694E78B5671F407E9F96FE 976785EDB7BC48C6B0507B1437E1B6EC gastrocolic ligament Entire gastrocolic ligament (body structure) 2503 2503 02503 gastrosplenic ligament 71295009 S02503 Structure of gastrosplenic ligament (body structure) E02503 260636005 Entire gastrosplenic ligament (body structure) P02503 - 16517 P digestive system 7D85ECC5F2E14AE290268191E3DE2EB4 D680C89097624E52943DE969721788C1 gastrosplenic ligament Entire gastrosplenic ligament (body structure) 2504 2504 02504 gastrophrenic ligament 3582007 S02504 Structure of gastrophrenic ligament (body structure) E02504 260725009 Entire gastrophrenic ligament (body structure) P02504 - 16518 P digestive system C320D3B0072243F5B01320A75522DDC9 4AD610D6AFD446398A2EE453E8379EFA gastrophrenic ligament Entire gastrophrenic ligament (body structure) 2505 2505 02505 gastrohepatic ligament 6544009 S02505 Structure of gastrohepatic ligament (body structure) E02505 260825001 Entire gastrohepatic ligament (body structure) P02505 - 16520 P digestive system 63E73D76AE5948859579315C1AF1D663 97D0936AC8A94D26B65E86F78ADC20D9 gastrohepatic ligament Entire gastrohepatic ligament (body structure) 2506 2506 02506 phrenicocolic ligament 38454006 S02506 Structure of phrenicocolic ligament (body structure) E02506 260927008 Entire phrenicocolic ligament (body structure) P02506 - 16551 P digestive system 7D7FF16CDE9042CFA5B11C659AA13031 FE60219C31D947CFA782DCAA61D86DD3 phrenicocolic ligament Entire phrenicocolic ligament (body structure) 2507 2507 02507 phrenicosplenic ligament 113347009 S02507 Structure of phrenicosplenic ligament (body structure) E02507 261022006 Entire phrenicosplenic ligament (body structure) P02507 - 76981 P digestive system 5D22DDEBDEBB4BD5ACE6E6C4216768B8 B820FB230F8A4105AE10091715DA262A phrenicosplenic ligament Entire phrenicosplenic ligament (body structure) 2508 2508 02508 lateral umbilical fold 80830008 S02508 Structure of lateral umbilical fold (body structure) E02508 261116000 Entire lateral umbilical fold (body structure) P02508 Y 16537 P digestive system 6951C4E2F4444F8DADEF35DBE91A62F7 B72E4077AF4049D5B5A117276C88D586 lateral umbilical fold Entire lateral umbilical fold (body structure) 2509 2509 02509 hepatocolic ligament 233006 S02509 Structure of hepatocolic ligament (body structure) E02509 262115003 Entire hepatocolic ligament (body structure) P02509 - 16553 P digestive system C4249512385845D4BA81524BAB35554A 54053B24D8054331954B31D4167FCABE hepatocolic ligament Entire hepatocolic ligament (body structure) 2510 2510 02510 root of mesentery 24626005 S02510 Structure of root of mesentery (body structure) E02510 261211003 Entire root of mesentery (body structure) P02510 - 21057 P digestive system 562A7BE96E5449BB9B0A4C19A673DA6C 9B4614B7784140F89E034A407AE06ED1 root of mesentery Entire root of mesentery (body structure) 2511 2511 02511 jejunal mesentery 44980005 S02511 Structure of jejunal mesentery (body structure) E02511 261286003 Entire jejunal mesentery (body structure) P02511 - 14651 P digestive system 601AE6B2EB2540A4A968DB18525182F7 E15C7D5CDD1B47878D71EB48BF01BA72 jejunal mesentery Entire jejunal mesentery (body structure) 2512 2512 02512 ileal mesentery 48239000 S02512 Structure of ileal mesentery (body structure) E02512 261346008 Entire ileal mesentery (body structure) P02512 - 14652 P digestive system D21523A389544242B99517936ACA3A60 07C5065144804499A0D6A391860FBAC1 ileal mesentery Entire ileal mesentery (body structure) 2513 2513 02513 mesentery of ascending colon 6009002 S02513 Structure of mesentery of ascending colon (body structure) E02513 261433004 Entire mesentery of ascending colon (body structure) P02513 - 77100 P digestive system 3317BDB63B334493A9DABDF221FFBC78 F9AEE289FF6A412EA8E7AAF5525D2C32 mesentery of ascending colon Entire mesentery of ascending colon (body structure) 2514 2514 02514 transverse mesocolon 35346007 S02514 Structure of transverse mesocolon (body structure) E02514 245458009 Entire transverse mesocolon (body structure) P02514 - 14647 P digestive system 03FB44E47529420FA407A27BBA6968E5 86089025E3CD4482AA5820E90B0C7B9D transverse mesocolon Entire transverse mesocolon (body structure) 2515 2515 02515 mesentery of descending colon 62406002 S02515 Structure of mesentery of descending colon (body structure) E02515 261528001 Entire mesentery of descending colon (body structure) P02515 - 77102 P digestive system 3402F5FBC1BB43ABBE802B8B537E90D6 9829201EAFD242C8B7F177FE64C0726A mesentery of descending colon Entire mesentery of descending colon (body structure) 2516 2516 02516 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of sixth cervical vertebra 51015002 S02516 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02516 162500005 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02516 - 24930 P musculoskeletal system 9402BC0CD92749069EA0003D5505CE4D BDA8CCCFFEDD46018E7DD52ABACC0BEA nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of sixth cervical vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2517 2517 02517 mesoappendix 24507007 S02517 Structure of mesoappendix (body structure) E02517 261415005 Entire mesoappendix (body structure) P02517 - 16549 P digestive system 127F4F9D45C440BDAEDF45CA5CB2C90A 9DC3531610A546FB821029BF03D49DC7 mesoappendix Entire mesoappendix (body structure) 2518 2518 02518 ileocecal fold 25483004 S02518 Structure of ileocecal fold (body structure) E02518 261726000 Entire ileocecal fold (body structure) P02518 - 16532 P digestive system AC87C0E5B1594762BD5AC1FE0BB7BD67 FA52412F483346AA9E88416BE37D25F8 ileocecal fold Entire ileocecal fold (body structure) 2519 2519 02519 retrocecal recess 74061002 S02519 Structure of retrocecal recess (body structure) E02519 276947005 Entire retrocecal recess (body structure) P02519 - 14641 P BBC1E7F0A0D74A428811A1CF7E362EFF CDA11782505F41E584DD623599AFA0AC retrocecal recess Entire retrocecal recess (body structure) 2520 2520 02520 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of sixth cervical vertebra 80057009 S02520 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of sixth cerebral vertebra (body structure) E02520 162595005 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of sixth cerebral vertebra (body structure) P02520 - P musculoskeletal system C4DCA743C1634C59B7CD25BDC160ED93 5683317026FF4B7BAA968D3E8B0F78A9 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of sixth cerebral vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of sixth cerebral vertebra (body structure) 2521 2521 02521 vascular fold of cecum 89923009 S02521 Structure of vascular fold of cecum (body structure) E02521 261823002 Entire vascular fold of cecum (body structure) P02521 - 20618 P digestive system 4161BC3475564DE0B2BDE19FA6F797C5 407FBD4E795E4BEDB9FB18167D9DCFD0 vascular fold of cecum Entire vascular fold of cecum (body structure) 2522 2522 02522 intersigmoid recess 54590002 S02522 Structure of intersigmoid recess (body structure) E02522 276935004 Entire intersigmoid recess (body structure) P02522 - 14642 P 62E4F9D8735D4AFDA53AA777A62C9F85 AFC16A092D2D4F6FA47AB252F21D9844 intersigmoid recess Entire intersigmoid recess (body structure) 2523 2523 02523 intervertebral disc space of sixth cervical vertebra 15075002 S02523 Structure of intervertebral disc space of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) E02523 163503001 Entire intervertebral disc space of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) P02523 - 0 P musculoskeletal system FABE4045011245A9AC9A71D018BC418D D1E93CEF68E04D43AED9C2839979ED6F intervertebral disc space of sixth cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) 2524 2524 02524 inferior aperture of minor pelvis 46717007 S02524 Structure of inferior aperture of minor pelvis (body structure) E02524 296078000 Entire inferior aperture of minor pelvis (body structure) P02524 Y 17273 P 37DAAF93B0524607B20D6A2B7F1F63E8 230048EDCDBC41ECAECBA3E6870F484C inferior aperture of minor pelvis Entire inferior aperture of minor pelvis (body structure) 2525 2525 02525 perirectal region 13170006 S02525 Structure of perirectal region (body structure) E02525 276511004 Entire perirectal region (body structure) P02525 - 0 P regional/topgraphical 88A2405B13AE4CB58BF3ED0106223330 A4FC501AA9924CE0A63F89B2F9A351B8 perirectal region Entire perirectal region (body structure) 2526 2526 02526 retrovaginal region 85627002 S02526 Structure of retrovaginal region (body structure) E02526 276598009 Entire retrovaginal region (body structure) P02526 - 0 P regional/topgraphical E733A8E5241644908918D434C3C58BD3 41EB685020764AF389C0BE40415B4106 retrovaginal region Entire retrovaginal region (body structure) 2527 2527 02527 arch of seventh cervical vertebra 15621009 S02527 Structure of arch of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E02527 312806005 Entire arch of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P02527 - 24788 P skeletal system 65B1383B89DE431A86D940CC6A94D4FD 073A3D5C7F2C4483A44D0D071E046E2F arch of seventh cervical vertebra Entire arch of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 2528 2528 02528 inguinal fossa 360988004 S02528 Inguinal fossa (body structure) E02528 P02528 Y 21021 P genitourinary system 83C7A23689F34785B488D905F1F9B4E4 Inguinal fossa 2529 2529 02529 right inguinal triangle 17236004 S02529 Structure of right inguinal triangle (body structure) E02529 368086003 Entire right inguinal triangle (body structure) P02529 R 256511 P genitourinary system 92CB6582E46F4282912AF24E510066E4 B0491DA801F5493FBEDE0AC75DDD6D36 right inguinal triangle Entire right inguinal triangle (body structure) 2530 2530 02530 left inguinal triangle 113350007 S02530 Structure of left inguinal triangle (body structure) E02530 368087007 Entire left inguinal triangle (body structure) P02530 L 256513 P genitourinary system 0B74BB88530847279AE8FE99D57A06A9 F6A5BDC38BCB4365B7F1CF69FEE926DB left inguinal triangle Entire left inguinal triangle (body structure) 2531 2531 02531 medial inguinal fossa 91469001 S02531 Structure of medial inguinal fossa (body structure) E02531 368084000 Entire medial inguinal fossa (body structure) P02531 Y 21022 P genitourinary system 2BD07B71B86041A891713DF67F503E24 B5768B87C8E4450AB9757F879FDE655E medial inguinal fossa Entire medial inguinal fossa (body structure) 2532 2532 02532 lateral inguinal fossa 33775001 S02532 Structure of lateral inguinal fossa (body structure) E02532 368085004 Entire lateral inguinal fossa (body structure) P02532 Y 21023 P genitourinary system 8D876A9AD96349DFA5D6CF48BF598BD0 7A35B80C62D94E9D8BE881A887509172 lateral inguinal fossa Entire lateral inguinal fossa (body structure) 2533 2533 02533 femoral fossa 73289002 S02533 Structure of femoral fossa (body structure) E02533 368083006 Entire femoral fossa (body structure) P02533 Y 19759 P genitourinary system C0C59A9BCAE54A63ACE6C4575F80C1C7 EE93ECBE2B8847689526CC58A8EC13BE femoral fossa Entire femoral fossa (body structure) 2534 2534 02534 canal of Nuck 35015002 S02534 Structure of canal of Nuck (body structure) E02534 362726001 Entire processus vaginalis peritonei (body structure) P02534 Y P genital system F68AC7DBBBD748D9A6D0FDBCF6BF6593 700B40673347429A9E1E8F24125FA34A canal of Nuck Entire processus vaginalis peritonei (body structure) 2535 2535 02535 spinous process of seventh cervical vertebra 54277008 S02535 Structure of spinous process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E02535 280776001 Entire spinous process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P02535 - 26507 P skeletal system C1AD67E691A6418DBED32196DA58C2A2 76566B3BA8ED4370BF262C7BB263623B spinous process of seventh cervical vertebra Entire spinous process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 2536 2536 02536 soft tissue of inguinal region 67350009 S02536 Structure of soft tissues of inguinal region (body structure) E02536 276782000 Entire soft tissues of inguinal region (body structure) P02536 Y D genitourinary system 9AD58DCD86F1494E8BA9AA7CF1E38E0E 6B93D45C5F4749B7BF42E2C240867AB3 soft tissues of inguinal region Entire soft tissues of inguinal region (body structure) 2537 2537 02537 transverse process of seventh cervical vertebra 29283005 S02537 Structure of transverse process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E02537 280822005 Entire transverse process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P02537 Y 26475 P skeletal system 1F0852FFC310454D86F066E5945BE9A3 8E4D1131B7864A4FBEFE88E15F85261E transverse process of seventh cervical vertebra Entire transverse process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 2538 2538 02538 soft tissue of axilla 83151009 S02538 Structure of axillary soft tissues (body structure) E02538 203605009 Entire axillary soft tissues (body structure) P02538 Y D skeletal system 273D717689D143BF94BAF81DC8B1A5FC 6D4716B1D5864234879CF073A71A5036 axillary soft tissues Entire axillary soft tissues (body structure) 2539 2539 02539 right axillary region 19654004 S02539 Structure of right axillary region (body structure) E02539 203431003 Entire right axillary region (body structure) P02539 R 45302 P skeletal system 41F5A8C1A56B449FB0676A685797728D 27520909620245E39EE3A8CEC43F9419 right axillary region Entire right axillary region (body structure) 2540 2540 02540 left axillary region 20437008 S02540 Structure of left axillary region (body structure) E02540 203525004 Entire left axillary region (body structure) P02540 L 45303 P skeletal system 2C8C7EC839FE4CF3AE276AFF6B6DF27F 0DD60DC751E04EE8A40907BD1DE78E16 left axillary region Entire left axillary region (body structure) 2541 2541 02541 lamina of seventh cervical vertebra 85449000 S02541 Structure of lamina of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E02541 280798005 Entire lamina of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P02541 Y 26469 P skeletal system C322E9E7340B497EBA4F61B4DFA601A8 0CDA5F5FCD5B4A09BDB34B6F23BBB7CF lamina of seventh cervical vertebra Entire lamina of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 2542 2542 02542 posterior cubital region of upper limb 66498007 S02542 Structure of posterior cubital region (body structure) E02542 368132008 Entire posterior cubital region (body structure) P02542 Y 24907 P regional/topgraphical 25899E2DC0DB46D7A41D905939DE5620 CA6251AB41454E899F05A3031A6D7145 posterior cubital region Entire posterior cubital region (body structure) 2543 2543 02543 lateral cubital region of upper limb 10484007 S02543 Structure of lateral cubital region (body structure) E02543 368133003 Entire lateral cubital region (body structure) P02543 Y P regional/topgraphical 733073FDA29E42E29598ED5C69456DC5 49B6AF785CC44AE4BD92E7FE093F2927 lateral cubital region Entire lateral cubital region (body structure) 2544 2544 02544 skin of plantar area of fifth toe 43148001 S02544 Skin structure of plantar surface of fifth toe (body structure) E02544 220200003 Entire skin of plantar surface of fifth toe (body structure) P02544 Y D integument/surface 26C21E9074A348D9BB790D6E398BA93F A2033B6C9A19480DBA7DCC950EFB027B Skin of plantar surface of fifth toe Entire skin of plantar surface of fifth toe (body structure) 2545 2545 02545 pedicle of seventh cervical vertebra 79335006 S02545 Structure of pedicle of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E02545 280755006 Entire pedicle of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P02545 pedicle of C7 Y 26463 P skeletal system 0E65B8A30BB34F968C9BECF9C24C9C48 F8E3F005856C448E8391CDBB3FFF5F75 pedicle of seventh cervical vertebra Entire pedicle of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 2546 2546 02546 medial cubital region of upper limb 54264004 S02546 Structure of medial cubital region (body structure) E02546 368134009 Entire medial cubital region (body structure) P02546 Y P regional/topgraphical 1568992389F24BC58EECD1439D1CDEFF EC5316A3DDE345BE8DB159040715B149 medial cubital region Entire medial cubital region (body structure) 2547 2547 02547 articular process of seventh cervical vertebra 44755000 S02547 Structure of articular process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E02547 165182001 Entire articular process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P02547 Y 26493 P skeletal system 2EFDF1274B0541F8B3CD71557AFB295A AD816286B3D643558C3270C8E07B0C46 articular process of seventh cervical vertebra Entire articular process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 2548 2548 02548 right forearm 64262003 S02548 Structure of right forearm (body structure) E02548 368224007 Entire right forearm (body structure) P02548 Rgroup 11345 D CFF7F3D17821484EA6D16CE5EF55CB6E D12B42E3A6CD46AEB9518BCC1E551A74 right forearm Entire right forearm (body structure) 2549 2549 02549 left forearm 66480008 S02549 Structure of left forearm (body structure) E02549 368225008 Entire left forearm (body structure) P02549 Lgroup 11346 D 7C4799D47D0A49FFB4A63B710D7008F3 431EDBED1E5449FA8D22D7B6D97AEA04 left forearm Entire left forearm (body structure) 2550 2550 02550 anterior carpal region 15717009 S02550 Structure of anterior carpal region (body structure) E02550 368233009 Entire anterior carpal region (body structure) P02550 Y 24923 P regional/topgraphical CB384E46EE5349BAA2A8865782E3CC43 725F90A45B7B4AF59730E774DB5A6A22 anterior carpal region Entire anterior carpal region (body structure) 2551 2551 02551 posterior carpal region 106004 S02551 Structure of posterior carpal region (body structure) E02551 368234003 Entire posterior carpal region (body structure) P02551 Y 24924 P regional/topgraphical 354AC7D373D04E5E851899A90E906FF1 42BCA17566DD4054A1C52CBE487028BE posterior carpal region Entire posterior carpal region (body structure) 2552 2552 02552 right wrist 9736006 S02552 Structure of right wrist (body structure) E02552 368235002 Entire right wrist (body structure) P02552 Rgroup 24940 D 9D4813D41F9A4EDBA6F5E03DC542C9D3 71274DFAE4FA49A794EBB079A319F092 right wrist Entire right wrist (body structure) 2553 2553 02553 left wrist 5951000 S02553 Structure of left wrist (body structure) E02553 368236001 Entire left wrist (body structure) P02553 Lgroup 24941 D 6CA5E226A87B4B45AF73CDBDA5867106 F9B5D3DC292C4D5E964A0B7EF4A88E5E left wrist Entire left wrist (body structure) 2554 2554 02554 superior articular process of seventh cervical vertebra 5847003 S02554 Structure of superior articular process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E02554 164992000 Entire superior articular process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P02554 Y 26495 P skeletal system C753DADD481142E49517F88F58C28CC0 54B129F68E234AD78410FDD4D7D14D98 superior articular process of seventh cervical vertebra Entire superior articular process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 2555 2555 02555 right hand 78791008 S02555 Structure of right hand (body structure) E02555 368455003 Entire right hand (body structure) P02555 Rgroup 9713 D 2ADF69DEF68C4D9287FC26E94BDBB025 BB16FF594D87440EB1BFFC186DDCF56D right hand Entire right hand (body structure) 2556 2556 02556 left hand 85151006 S02556 Structure of left hand (body structure) E02556 368456002 Entire left hand (body structure) P02556 Lgroup 9714 D EB3043F248954594920C9118DE2F7256 D86B648A7B7441AB832A5720A5D0575F left hand Entire left hand (body structure) 2557 2557 02557 ulnar tunnel 59591000 S02557 Structure of ulnar tunnel (body structure) E02557 368217006 Entire ulnar tunnel (body structure) P02557 Y P CE5D547E8B5241C0A07713BF746DD2F7 7B5D1F18FBD24E3A8977698FB0AECC96 ulnar tunnel Entire ulnar tunnel (body structure) 2558 2558 02558 inferior articular process of seventh cervical vertebra 4276000 S02558 Structure of inferior articular process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E02558 165087005 Entire inferior articular process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P02558 Y 26501 P skeletal system DCEF9F4ECC6B4A928E42D8DDCCFB3B07 86E10B9ED1B64FC0B903A77641B45F46 inferior articular process of seventh cervical vertebra Entire inferior articular process of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 2559 2559 02559 body of seventh cervical vertebra 16126006 S02559 Structure of body of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E02559 280853007 Entire body of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P02559 - 24784 P skeletal system A830A799993A4758B3552839BD88FD66 8E5B3FD950664F4580A0A5A5C432CE7D body of seventh cervical vertebra Entire body of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 2560 2560 02560 C7/T1 intervertebral foramen 27057000 S02560 Structure of intervertebral foramen of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E02560 281876001 Entire intervertebral foramen of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P02560 Y 72185 P musculoskeletal system 7CEFFABDD7404655BD24F62EA3568947 58B4720451D84EB4857C65AE1923AEF0 intervertebral foramen of seventh cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 2561 2561 02561 soft tissue of upper limb 75490006 S02561 Structure of soft tissues of upper extremity (body structure) E02561 368488005 Entire soft tissues of upper extremity (body structure) P02561 Y D 0EF43A16650B4046BA537DDA2BECFE6B 8CBC99B7D5D546D7913EDFB618F3AD69 soft tissues of upper extremity Entire soft tissues of upper extremity (body structure) 2562 2562 02562 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of seventh cervical vertebra 52396005 S02562 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E02562 367844005 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P02562 - 24931 P musculoskeletal system AA7F4CF8683447AC8F219D8A2DDDB532 08009847B7A0492090026093D9545B93 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of seventh cervical vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 2563 2563 02563 right femoral region 73365007 S02563 Structure of right femoral region (body structure) E02563 368108001 Entire right femoral region (body structure) P02563 R 25406 P regional/topgraphical DE02DD7F3F134B809A6ED341E941CEAF 6C9E736635F546678CFD6A8DE1A6FA0C right femoral region Entire right femoral region (body structure) 2564 2564 02564 left femoral region 21014000 S02564 Structure of left femoral region (body structure) E02564 368109009 Entire left femoral region (body structure) P02564 L 25407 P regional/topgraphical 982FF0F9414941B7BDBF4B593AF4EB0B C7298AFB1A4E44E1BF272C8A992ABEB2 left femoral region Entire left femoral region (body structure) 2565 2565 02565 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of seventh cervical vertebra 69988005 S02565 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E02565 367845006 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P02565 - 24937 P musculoskeletal system 544B264D8A4A4E8ABEF9442046D90D48 D17903F538CE48EFAF108B68C9AADDA3 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of seventh cervical vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 2566 2566 02566 right thigh 11207009 S02566 Structure of right thigh (body structure) E02566 209570001 Entire right thigh (body structure) P02566 Rgroup 24968 D 82751FFE35234221A304F61A217A9C5C 52ED2AFE3C6147AEA2C35B8E3D1F9A05 right thigh Entire right thigh (body structure) 2567 2567 02567 left thigh 61396006 S02567 Structure of left thigh (body structure) E02567 209672000 Entire left thigh (body structure) P02567 Lgroup 24969 D E69F1E70F88345ED88C6914749CA2814 A06CD7ADB5724163A1A6F08A0232F09A left thigh Entire left thigh (body structure) 2568 2568 02568 mid thigh region 21671001 S02568 Structure of mid thigh region (body structure) E02568 368104004 Entire mid thigh region (body structure) P02568 Y P regional/topgraphical DE386739C5884CDC8F3B7C360C3744E9 F87593B4475B434DB3DD0D4E33D9261F mid thigh region Entire mid thigh region (body structure) 2569 2569 02569 intervertebral disc space of seventh cervical vertebra 20030004 S02569 Structure of intervertebral disc space of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E02569 163603009 Entire intervertebral disc space of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P02569 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 32FA420FD78640F2B963BFB42D412E36 47B0CA7107EF4D948526FFB7715EFA14 intervertebral disc space of seventh cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 2570 2570 02570 above knee region 41240009 S02570 Structure of above knee region (body structure) E02570 368105003 Entire above knee region (body structure) P02570 Y P regional/topgraphical 7F66FE298E184CC18C6363573C0B2EA3 C92DD91F78BD4A06B14F7D8741F6AD1E above knee region Entire above knee region (body structure) 2571 2571 02571 right knee 6757004 S02571 Structure of right knee (body structure) E02571 210562007 Entire right knee (body structure) P02571 Rgroup 24977 D 7929A956CEAD4F25A525B0B4396A1B18 D52DD46D78764F928AD0115CBE81E559 right knee Entire right knee (body structure) 2572 2572 02572 left knee 82169009 S02572 Structure of left knee (body structure) E02572 210659002 Entire left knee (body structure) P02572 Lgroup 24978 D C69868C120654EE3A0BA347E483B6421 09E9EB4E19D241DDB9C941B0D2103D2D left knee Entire left knee (body structure) 2573 2573 02573 below knee region 8289001 S02573 Structure of below knee region (body structure) E02573 212798007 Entire below knee region (body structure) P02573 Y P regional/topgraphical C2A97839E8BC4AC8951390CF0A3CE50E 7C469F32F0B949C4A89169B8460E2E7B below knee region Entire below knee region (body structure) 2574 2574 02574 saphenofemoral junction 128587003 S02574 Structure of saphenofemoral junction (body structure) E02574 244414002 Entire saphenofemoral junction (body structure) P02574 Y P venous system 9E83CF5BC6BA47FC90510DCA81553EE2 3B614F0959E34D03A101C4AB83A215C1 saphenofemoral junction Entire saphenofemoral junction (body structure) 2575 2575 02575 skin of lateral area of fifth toe 59023003 S02575 Skin structure of lateral surface of fifth toe (body structure) E02575 221398009 Entire skin of lateral surface of fifth toe (body structure) P02575 Y D integument/surface 738F0049A87142A6A1B2CAE8970A963E 6DF965391FAB46F78478782ED96175AA Skin of lateral surface of fifth toe Entire skin of lateral surface of fifth toe (body structure) 2576 2576 02576 right lower leg 32696007 S02576 Structure of right lower leg (body structure) E02576 213289002 Entire right lower leg (body structure) P02576 Rgroup 24980 D E558B08AAEEC40EF92E03C7569510E2C DFCE18FC8C7941EFA268BF9902C65DB6 right lower leg Entire right lower leg (body structure) 2577 2577 02577 left lower leg 48979004 S02577 Structure of left lower leg (body structure) E02577 213384005 Entire left lower leg (body structure) P02577 Lgroup 24981 D 2FC69E315C6D4239AF9F5E92AE0C15AF 8339586477DF489BBD18CBAF7AEF5836 left lower leg Entire left lower leg (body structure) 2578 2578 02578 arch of thoracic vertebra 50310005 S02578 Structure of arch of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02578 312764002 Entire arch of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02578 - 9151 P skeletal system 866A0321987E4FD99BD1E4B93E9121EF E928E5AE71F0466E90478D566D95164B arch of thoracic vertebra Entire arch of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2579 2579 02579 right ankle 6685009 S02579 Structure of right ankle (body structure) E02579 241699003 Entire right ankle (body structure) P02579 Rgroup 24970 D F4E48F862D4D46AC8CC7EA246E0A79B8 0C04432902704B8DA02A91E8944FA34D right ankle Entire right ankle (body structure) 2580 2580 02580 left ankle 51636004 S02580 Structure of left ankle (body structure) E02580 241784008 Entire left ankle (body structure) P02580 Lgroup 24971 D 281FDE0030524C608D3BDC46E9350209 E5EC0AC8C45447B889AAD71E6B9CF783 left ankle Entire left ankle (body structure) 2581 2581 02581 bimalleolar area 24935001 S02581 Structure of bimalleolar area (body structure) E02581 242061007 Entire bimalleolar area (body structure) P02581 Y P 2D5B4F15CC9C46E0B4FDA3867C16C1BF D80F1CE90FB347808A54E3FB1FF9A9C9 bimalleolar area Entire bimalleolar area (body structure) 2582 2582 02582 trimalleolar area 86195009 S02582 Structure of trimalleolar area (body structure) E02582 242163007 Entire trimalleolar area (body structure) P02582 Y P F7C61EBCEE934386AE31FE041F75AD02 4D45EC0A18474BBEB539077D6CA1DF5A trimalleolar area Entire trimalleolar area (body structure) 2583 2583 02583 spinous process of thoracic vertebra 27539006 S02583 Structure of spinous process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02583 280719003 Entire spinous process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02583 - 9149 P skeletal system 6A3B2C329F0F4DAA98B167AE67620202 ED4FEC4FCB674024B09C45C472B9FA56 spinous process of thoracic vertebra Entire spinous process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2584 2584 02584 soft tissue of lower limb 67328008 S02584 Structure of soft tissues of lower extremity (body structure) E02584 302584006 Entire soft tissues of lower extremity (body structure) P02584 Y D ACE4CEDB0B5A418E864526F0072B85B9 CBEA4DBF632E4BD8B9615FE90F400C77 soft tissues of lower extremity Entire soft tissues of lower extremity (body structure) 2585 2585 02585 metatarsal region of foot 1484003 S02585 Structure of metatarsal region of foot (body structure) E02585 279494007 Entire metatarsal region of foot (body structure) P02585 Y 24997 P regional/topgraphical 6326E7ABF05840CE92294A3E40098CFB AFDA0DCFC89B411FB1640664F4141DDA metatarsal region of foot Entire metatarsal region of foot (body structure) 2586 2586 02586 transverse process of thoracic vertebra 63916007 S02586 Structure of transverse process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02586 280731001 Entire transverse process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02586 Y 9150 P skeletal system D0C2398BB7A54C84BEC5CD3AD9FBB3E2 15FD1C39D58E4B74A5C4E1371D602A12 transverse process of thoracic vertebra Entire transverse process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2587 2587 02587 right foot 7769000 S02587 Structure of right foot (body structure) E02587 239830003 Entire right foot (body structure) P02587 Rgroup 11343 P C7034E5573A3441DBE26CAD352F4CCE5 EB3558B70FFF48A6BDE435A10D715590 right foot Entire right foot (body structure) 2588 2588 02588 left foot 22335008 S02588 Structure of left foot (body structure) E02588 239919000 Entire left foot (body structure) P02588 L 11344 P 507AFD90D6044A24A511D85CEC8F8AF8 AECA7BD7B6A44939980A2794FF7CB4D9 left foot Entire left foot (body structure) 2589 2589 02589 ball of foot 79768001 S02589 Structure of ball of foot (body structure) E02589 217658008 Entire ball of foot (body structure) P02589 Y P regional/topgraphical 819BF779652240108CBF8A95D01B6ED7 B41D8E3DCD5F4941890A6FFDFEA50EFD ball of foot Entire ball of foot (body structure) 2590 2590 02590 lamina of thoracic vertebra 81137002 S02590 Structure of lamina of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02590 280728002 Entire lamina of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02590 Y 9153 P skeletal system B0C2ED73308E457F9C483F37294DA12B 97ACC1D673D846F787EF8F68DC06587A lamina of thoracic vertebra Entire lamina of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2591 2591 02591 pedicle of thoracic vertebra 17448003 S02591 Structure of pedicle of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02591 280725004 Entire pedicle of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02591 Y 9152 P skeletal system 96B82808664C4CF48C871D84E4542378 ECB3381B8877460789F4D05534F3F4B6 pedicle of thoracic vertebra Entire pedicle of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2592 2592 02592 articular process of thoracic vertebra 87187003 S02592 Structure of articular process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02592 367827006 Entire articular process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02592 Y 9154 P skeletal system 8991A40AE1E546249D755E81BD67B39D 7547DF42D9534AFEBAAE783B7CAE988B articular process of thoracic vertebra Entire articular process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2593 2593 02593 superior articular process of thoracic vertebra 20394004 S02593 Structure of superior articular process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02593 367801006 Entire superior articular process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02593 Y 9155 P skeletal system C0E51AC5062342CFBC50AE73EEDE42EF DF35C1076CC2418CA33609434090FB4C superior articular process of thoracic vertebra Entire superior articular process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2594 2594 02594 inferior articular process of thoracic vertebra 63790006 S02594 Structure of inferior articular process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02594 367814007 Entire inferior articular process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02594 Y 9156 P skeletal system DEE69FFAED1F444BBC55B4829A87FDF2 F2D8AC3279CE43898D1B9ED64C992835 inferior articular process of thoracic vertebra Entire inferior articular process of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2595 2595 02595 body of thoracic vertebra 26849007 S02595 Structure of body of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02595 280737002 Entire body of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02595 - 9141 P skeletal system 48F1D0D4B54D49ABA032FCDD876346BE 7971A87E46174245ABC7C61F8B8CEA27 body of thoracic vertebra Entire body of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2596 2596 02596 skin of medial area of fifth toe 7726008 S02596 Skin structure of medial surface of fifth toe (body structure) E02596 222617006 Entire skin of medial surface of fifth toe (body structure) P02596 Y D integument/surface 9A2DD1DE13D348DD9C2AA56333ECCA2E AB1B87A27EDD42F4A067C1B48756B06E Skin of medial surface of fifth toe Entire skin of medial surface of fifth toe (body structure) 2597 2597 02597 intervertebral foramen of thoracic vertebra 17094008 S02597 Structure of intervertebral foramen of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02597 281877005 Entire intervertebral foramen of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02597 Y 9144 P musculoskeletal system 15B7CD6788CF4B9C99C8153655C34E00 9767BF4869D04475962914DA7A51D387 intervertebral foramen of thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2598 2598 02598 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of thoracic vertebra 55524007 S02598 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02598 367858007 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02598 - 10456 P articular system AB0CB6FDF39A44719BFBED6B57E4752F F106F85EB6B4444D9FC321D95150309E nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of thoracic vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2599 2599 02599 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of thoracic vertebra 7148007 S02599 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02599 367871005 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02599 - 10457 P articular system ED76DCB84DBC41D0B51AB163D12DCD20 35989EF6906B4526928B2F15F565BD18 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of thoracic vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2600 2600 02600 intervertebral disc space of thoracic vertebra 81420000 S02600 Structure of intervertebral disc space of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02600 367843004 Entire intervertebral disc space of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02600 - 0 P musculoskeletal system D7628C3AD8FC439CB72D12BABC4B4B8A 42E79862F553462EBC7CCB6FB608AA12 intervertebral disc space of thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2601 2601 02601 thoracic vertebral canal 11537001 S02601 Structure of thoracic spinal canal (body structure) E02601 367828001 Entire thoracic spinal canal (body structure) P02601 - 9142 P skeletal system 1548FAF9C7E449B9BBF3EB1349CAB90E B39B29A6DBF0477483A92829D3B3DC2E thoracic spinal canal Entire thoracic spinal canal (body structure) 2602 2602 02602 arch of first thoracic vertebra 22470006 S02602 Structure of arch of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02602 134362007 Entire arch of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02602 - 9167 P skeletal system BC7CC56910454E648E45B4E3E2366E9B B73CD85AE9704E09B68A8CB5B4635A7F arch of first thoracic vertebra Entire arch of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2603 2603 02603 spinous process of first thoracic vertebra 58260002 S02603 Structure of spinous process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02603 280762002 Entire spinous process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02603 - 9179 P skeletal system 1399BD1745C049C7A82098E41D11936C 10DF94BA79774CBC92B61B1ED7850FC2 spinous process of first thoracic vertebra Entire spinous process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2604 2604 02604 transverse process of first thoracic vertebra 78260001 S02604 Structure of transverse process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02604 280805008 Entire transverse process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02604 Y 9180 P skeletal system 020FA2738397433DA6D9DD8EC83BB170 14E6D32916954FE69E656503663737F8 transverse process of first thoracic vertebra Entire transverse process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2605 2605 02605 skin of palmar area of finger 70103008 S02605 Skin structure of palmar surface of finger (body structure) E02605 181546002 Entire skin of palmar surface of finger (body structure) P02605 Y D integument/surface AF3CA3ED1FD94380BAD9BC9332A3C6E2 6D8AC563F78C40899D7C300F2B80B80F Skin of palmar surface of finger Entire skin of palmar surface of finger (body structure) 2606 2606 02606 skin of interdigital region of foot 47960000 S02606 Skin structure of interdigital space of foot (body structure) E02606 244194008 Entire skin of interdigital space of foot (body structure) P02606 Y D integument/surface EDDDFE835C2D4ABF9F818A017FA3E2FB E84EB56684DD44159F95C6FF5CFE851C Skin of interdigital space of foot Entire skin of interdigital space of foot (body structure) 2607 2607 02607 lamina of first thoracic vertebra 39759006 S02607 Structure of lamina of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02607 280783008 Entire lamina of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02607 Y 9178 P skeletal system 3AEFF565298E4128A459BEC42583A876 623D0858853646E4B1BF31531DC42E77 lamina of first thoracic vertebra Entire lamina of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2608 2608 02608 pedicle of first thoracic vertebra 51309008 S02608 Structure of pedicle of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02608 280740002 Entire pedicle of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02608 pedicle of T1 Y 9175 P skeletal system FA0564DC07EF4F50AE3E24FB0988344F 03EA01FA51D84197A325498848E62336 pedicle of first thoracic vertebra Entire pedicle of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2609 2609 02609 articular process of first thoracic vertebra 78394002 S02609 Structure of articular process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02609 367815008 Entire articular process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02609 Y 9181 P skeletal system 1B17BC65C1D84E1DB3E237465330BBFA 5A64FD3BBAF840328484DEB618944114 articular process of first thoracic vertebra Entire articular process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2610 2610 02610 superior articular process of first thoracic vertebra 75435004 S02610 Structure of superior articular process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02610 367789003 Entire superior articular process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02610 Y 9182 P skeletal system 499E5F1A44B049459ADB2A3F6223036B 1C5C0A514F2445179C8EB8E0258D5216 superior articular process of first thoracic vertebra Entire superior articular process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2611 2611 02611 inferior articular process of first thoracic vertebra 32952009 S02611 Structure of inferior articular process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02611 367802004 Entire inferior articular process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02611 Y 9183 P skeletal system 1B6B794C39E04D93881FE10B94C0EF36 B8176DCFD175436996D494343EFA12AC inferior articular process of first thoracic vertebra Entire inferior articular process of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2612 2612 02612 body of first thoracic vertebra 56094003 S02612 Structure of body of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02612 280838004 Entire body of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02612 - 9166 P skeletal system E529FD7EDE6A48B89844372295191987 76B39DD18EB249038BA34BDB2E0FCB33 body of first thoracic vertebra Entire body of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2613 2613 02613 T1/T2 intervertebral foramen 42475009 S02613 Structure of intervertebral foramen of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02613 281878000 Entire intervertebral foramen of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02613 Y 9340 P musculoskeletal system 1C2928CC052347799FA0CC2203C1D7CE 020F8BBCE58F48ED98B5AFCAF22691DC intervertebral foramen of first thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2614 2614 02614 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra 3761003 S02614 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02614 367846007 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02614 - 10459 P musculoskeletal system ACF1855E7DE44E66A2D02784BC3EF982 2061DCE581FF49B1986CE435FCEA3D31 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2615 2615 02615 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra 20843003 S02615 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02615 367859004 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02615 - 10460 P musculoskeletal system 3D1C57CED21146219CE488861D1A8262 6EB45E51D7AD435182DCFD735ACA4200 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2616 2616 02616 skin of all toes 72715006 S02616 Skin structure of all toes (body structure) E02616 223937001 Entire skin of all toes (body structure) P02616 Y P integumentary system 2CFB95335C794A71BCEE78C2BFFC2A6D 1F7C1B00362143E0B3E2A90213A08CEA Skin of all toes Entire skin of all toes (body structure) 2617 2617 02617 intervertebral disc space of first thoracic vertebra 82756004 S02617 Structure of intervertebral disc space of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02617 367831000 Entire intervertebral disc space of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02617 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 2A3D8AC310AB48A894B6BA05BBF51420 EC7997BC652F418C8FB6D37D2D19174D intervertebral disc space of first thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2618 2618 02618 arch of second thoracic vertebra 32119002 S02618 Structure of arch of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02618 312789008 Entire arch of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02618 - 9196 P skeletal system 3BBDA07B907D46C095A431C33780A1D1 1468121B04914E7989FE22F6911367DC arch of second thoracic vertebra Entire arch of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2619 2619 02619 spinous process of second thoracic vertebra 29277007 S02619 Structure of spinous process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02619 280763007 Entire spinous process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02619 - 9201 P skeletal system 4ACD4E74C094485390C12FE490B93ABA 5602D8C365FB445BAF0098AA231D3D2F spinous process of second thoracic vertebra Entire spinous process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2620 2620 02620 transverse process of second thoracic vertebra 12446006 S02620 Structure of transverse process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02620 280806009 Entire transverse process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02620 Y 9202 P skeletal system 4FAB1601D856414B83F5AB491F28916E B0F0BB9123B74CD59C4C5B07D9A412B7 transverse process of second thoracic vertebra Entire transverse process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2621 2621 02621 lamina of second thoracic vertebra 88388003 S02621 Structure of lamina of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02621 280784002 Entire lamina of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02621 Y 9200 P skeletal system 9257FFD3C95B4CAFB2B52B9D2EA7878A CFC52C7926D449B9B3D56DB9D6D3BBBC lamina of second thoracic vertebra Entire lamina of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2622 2622 02622 pedicle of second thoracic vertebra 84253007 S02622 Structure of pedicle of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02622 280741003 Entire pedicle of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02622 pedicle of T2 Y 9197 P skeletal system 1B597B3B39964E2F97A820BDE0CE0233 D8509C4AB58E4D608B9329D2027E9012 pedicle of second thoracic vertebra Entire pedicle of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2623 2623 02623 articular process of second thoracic vertebra 29138002 S02623 Structure of articular process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02623 367816009 Entire articular process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02623 Y 9204 P skeletal system 51C8F576609841329761DFF757A2D087 6B0E501A92F246BFAE264EFF7D62F566 articular process of second thoracic vertebra Entire articular process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2624 2624 02624 superior articular process of second thoracic vertebra 24528003 S02624 Structure of superior articular process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02624 367790007 Entire superior articular process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02624 Y 9205 P skeletal system 6BF1A7A12D6A4BEEA1A564D8BC363520 5CD40248C115425CBCD34D7AD1223094 superior articular process of second thoracic vertebra Entire superior articular process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2625 2625 02625 inferior articular process of second thoracic vertebra 42199004 S02625 Structure of inferior articular process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02625 367803009 Entire inferior articular process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02625 Y 9207 P skeletal system 0B274D14CA6C48C58351062EA84AE163 AF238E2A0CBE4AE3897BACE021CE9F32 inferior articular process of second thoracic vertebra Entire inferior articular process of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2626 2626 02626 body of second thoracic vertebra 50060007 S02626 Structure of body of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02626 280839007 Entire body of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02626 - 9188 P skeletal system 9A227D4B385743DFA50CFCEEB2962F7A BBBD20AD8B5644038E5E03A1014ECEB4 body of second thoracic vertebra Entire body of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2627 2627 02627 T2/T3 intervertebral foramen 61659008 S02627 Structure of intervertebral foramen of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02627 281879008 Entire intervertebral foramen of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02627 Y 9341 P musculoskeletal system 5BF1EB59E91A48CB8042E870326A2342 F5EB91F0429543F19C93CC16F37F9CB3 intervertebral foramen of second thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2628 2628 02628 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra 12413000 S02628 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02628 367847003 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02628 - 13497 P musculoskeletal system 11A61677CFC34F0D82F6B976FA3988D5 7C071F0837DC45FC9D6EDF79100465F4 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2629 2629 02629 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra 25568006 S02629 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02629 367860009 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02629 - 13498 P musculoskeletal system 82A295DCD7EB441CA96028FA47A5DE31 BB44149B14C74AA7BD35B06A629B6907 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2630 2630 02630 intervertebral disc space of second thoracic vertebra 10714000 S02630 Structure of intervertebral disc space of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02630 367832007 Entire intervertebral disc space of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02630 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 0F21162DB8A542479A196210C25ECA29 0543A9FBC17042D2BC9B74F74A6EF3A5 intervertebral disc space of second thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2631 2631 02631 arch of third thoracic vertebra 31071005 S02631 Structure of arch of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02631 312790004 Entire arch of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02631 - 9218 P skeletal system 95E61381A6674527903239F54E18C26A 3F86324DD9584D5FBC476AA464B1677E arch of third thoracic vertebra Entire arch of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2632 2632 02632 spinous process of third thoracic vertebra 36913000 S02632 Structure of spinous process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02632 280764001 Entire spinous process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02632 - 9223 P skeletal system DEEB334CF6064A1697E0CFB6A893CC5D 4D2F1696656041CCB7420F55764608A0 spinous process of third thoracic vertebra Entire spinous process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2633 2633 02633 transverse process of third thoracic vertebra 73881009 S02633 Structure of transverse process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02633 280807000 Entire transverse process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02633 Y 9224 P skeletal system 32D730E78C654A8B94A2945A24043C81 4F7CF6C90A4C45F6BE7D2BA17722FD8F transverse process of third thoracic vertebra Entire transverse process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2634 2634 02634 small subcutaneous artery 18658008 S02634 Structure of small subcutaneous artery (body structure) E02634 318439008 Entire small subcutaneous artery (body structure) P02634 - P musculoskeletal system 2999225EEECA4D7BB60BD18395336388 75D1FFC3CBE84D3D8FF89CD0FCF6D057 small subcutaneous artery Entire small subcutaneous artery (body structure) 2635 2635 02635 lamina of third thoracic vertebra 7756004 S02635 Structure of lamina of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02635 280785001 Entire lamina of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02635 Y 9222 P skeletal system 244501FBD1C94B4AA99906AD4F26F1FC D8749600DBE64DAE8B071F516E52001B lamina of third thoracic vertebra Entire lamina of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2636 2636 02636 pedicle of third thoracic vertebra 29902008 S02636 Structure of pedicle of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02636 280742005 Entire pedicle of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02636 pedicle of T3 Y 9219 P skeletal system BDE66A6BDE27452A9909AE374E7B0BA1 5835B3765D0A4509A7A52F7FB6190E98 pedicle of third thoracic vertebra Entire pedicle of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2637 2637 02637 articular process of third thoracic vertebra 85989000 S02637 Structure of articular process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02637 367817000 Entire articular process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02637 Y 9226 P skeletal system 2B06145BCD524C9988283473DE910BAB 04A440BE297B4497B34F401D3F52B1C0 articular process of third thoracic vertebra Entire articular process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2638 2638 02638 superior articular process of third thoracic vertebra 15609005 S02638 Structure of superior articular process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02638 367791006 Entire superior articular process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02638 Y 9227 P skeletal system 9301CEC1AF124A4DB6F5128DFA6AAFF7 177C683A845644819CF6EC441C8C1ADB superior articular process of third thoracic vertebra Entire superior articular process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2639 2639 02639 inferior articular process of third thoracic vertebra 81390007 S02639 Structure of inferior articular process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02639 367804003 Entire inferior articular process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02639 Y 9229 P skeletal system D4430DAE546148858A5D7D07AED98534 93727EFB37794526B4F150BDB8730B19 inferior articular process of third thoracic vertebra Entire inferior articular process of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2640 2640 02640 body of third thoracic vertebra 73138009 S02640 Structure of body of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02640 280840009 Entire body of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02640 - 9210 P skeletal system 2C6862C212E04B2B9A4165DA9027515B E34166EFD328448EAC27437A0301C5E4 body of third thoracic vertebra Entire body of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2641 2641 02641 T3/T4 intervertebral foramen 81204008 S02641 Structure of intervertebral foramen of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02641 281880006 Entire intervertebral foramen of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02641 Y 9342 P musculoskeletal system 4364F0B42AD44BCAB1FC24309C0F5439 A8085E7881904835A10E2F5D3BC8F5BA intervertebral foramen of third thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2642 2642 02642 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra 50038009 S02642 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02642 367848008 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02642 - 13510 P musculoskeletal system F45E10C0563B40DBB533E8B394494A71 39868B1CCB80468598C5E281B78EDA80 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2643 2643 02643 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra 30018002 S02643 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02643 367861008 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02643 - 13520 P musculoskeletal system AE0D9ED6C728456FA7D2D5E2580EC81C D8320D836A9D46509D006BD20B483602 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2644 2644 02644 nail of fifth toe 22740002 S02644 Structure of nail of fifth toe (body structure) E02644 181596001 Entire nail of fifth toe (body structure) P02644 Y 54356 P integumentary system 92F174EC94F24392B0D7E0D75F300BD2 0368388F8ED7415D99CDC008E3473E3E nail of fifth toe Entire nail of fifth toe (body structure) 2645 2645 02645 intervertebral disc space of third thoracic vertebra 41099004 S02645 Structure of intervertebral disc space of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02645 367833002 Entire intervertebral disc space of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02645 - 0 P musculoskeletal system A71BFCC535284C46866033CFBBFDDBCA 9E94DA86410C480F84F1ED8213128B6C intervertebral disc space of third thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2646 2646 02646 arch of fourth thoracic vertebra 44587000 S02646 Structure of arch of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02646 312791000 Entire arch of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02646 - 9257 P skeletal system B4A76730FC4D4E3083A90F28B5A7C695 B155EED4ACFF4FA88D2095A8E786AABC arch of fourth thoracic vertebra Entire arch of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2647 2647 02647 spinous process of fourth thoracic vertebra 2824005 S02647 Structure of spinous process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02647 280765000 Entire spinous process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02647 - 9262 P skeletal system 2194124EE7B342488BEB5EA8C0AA3802 052D7DCE8C974A35B987A5A1DE5D3DE5 spinous process of fourth thoracic vertebra Entire spinous process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2648 2648 02648 transverse process of fourth thoracic vertebra 55606002 S02648 Structure of transverse process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02648 280808005 Entire transverse process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02648 Y 9263 P skeletal system 991A9B03B56C4D1C80C6D19CB58FFECB A4F9105B12964F6C9B2612E31B2A022D transverse process of fourth thoracic vertebra Entire transverse process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2649 2649 02649 lamina of fourth thoracic vertebra 1527006 S02649 Structure of lamina of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02649 280786000 Entire lamina of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02649 Y 9261 P skeletal system 29FCB64C479B4BA094C85675B7689915 4C8C71C0D1754AF9BEA86BE49C7DFF75 lamina of fourth thoracic vertebra Entire lamina of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2650 2650 02650 pedicle of fourth thoracic vertebra 70658005 S02650 Structure of pedicle of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02650 280743000 Entire pedicle of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02650 pedicle of T4 Y 9258 P skeletal system 0F0A6948D22843E0B588CDE2C1868EAE E6F115194D174522B2E7668C27F22A51 pedicle of fourth thoracic vertebra Entire pedicle of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2651 2651 02651 articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra 87201007 S02651 Structure of articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02651 367818005 Entire articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02651 Y 9265 P skeletal system 4D5B523D38E7476CAC2F51643BC531BE 57EB8A67A4AB4B4983B13291AADF8C5A articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra Entire articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2652 2652 02652 superior articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra 85713002 S02652 Structure of superior articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02652 367792004 Entire superior articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02652 Y 9266 P skeletal system 2AE72810697F45CFB2EB6216A59F46D8 24F03822B7424EC38959B6141B8B53CE superior articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra Entire superior articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2653 2653 02653 inferior articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra 113207004 S02653 Structure of inferior articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02653 367805002 Entire inferior articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02653 Y 9268 P skeletal system EA6D16D08DB04FDCB5F80E4329799E0D 42A9B61FE20C43139DD9C077D3277CB4 inferior articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra Entire inferior articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2654 2654 02654 region of skin 20795001 S02654 Structure of skin region (body structure) E02654 244066003 Entire skin region (body structure) P02654 - 12165 P integumentary system 6BF85A4F93C4489F877110176D095B97 342F1ED7791C4776B756F8C0CE43E242 skin region Entire skin region (body structure) Organ segment which is regional part of skin. Examples: skin of head, skin of limb. 2655 2655 02655 body of fourth thoracic vertebra 86197001 S02655 Structure of body of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02655 280841008 Entire body of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02655 - 9249 P skeletal system 728635AB67BC4D3DAED8A26112E1F53B E79B8C43AB78447895919FB07F20CB81 body of fourth thoracic vertebra Entire body of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2656 2656 02656 T4/T5 intervertebral foramen 31144007 S02656 Structure of intervertebral foramen of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02656 281881005 Entire intervertebral foramen of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02656 Y 9343 P musculoskeletal system 8271BA319B1E458C8D1D4012037649F0 D11F9F4EC1834E3CBD3216DBE3086411 intervertebral foramen of fourth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2657 2657 02657 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth thoracic vertebra 11107004 S02657 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02657 367849000 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02657 - 13511 P musculoskeletal system 4744EC79D1BC48DBA244DEF5CB6434C9 82118687CB0C400FBED5A6F8D49363B1 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth thoracic vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2658 2658 02658 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth thoracic vertebra 86580001 S02658 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02658 367862001 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02658 - 13521 P musculoskeletal system F3FD6A5AB9A147A1BEE0933001DD07E5 08FD6A254DD54AE392F84BFDA7032C00 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth thoracic vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2659 2659 02659 intervertebral disc space of fourth thoracic vertebra 45424003 S02659 Structure of intervertebral disc space of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02659 367834008 Entire intervertebral disc space of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02659 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 22B07C26EE1A433A8A66D73D6BDA6844 624348FD4624462898F8161E759A7650 intervertebral disc space of fourth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2660 2660 02660 arch of fifth thoracic vertebra 54580005 S02660 Structure of arch of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02660 312793002 Entire arch of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02660 - 9931 P skeletal system 9926BD78B29E43E48699834C7C4BD9C5 826ED5A0AB2142FBA6D74F458029DD82 arch of fifth thoracic vertebra Entire arch of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2661 2661 02661 spinous process of fifth thoracic vertebra 830004 S02661 Structure of spinous process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02661 280766004 Entire spinous process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02661 - 9936 P skeletal system 6C72D1EF93D84CAEAC5796610AD3F1C4 130A417610B94054B922039ED7957E21 spinous process of fifth thoracic vertebra Entire spinous process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2662 2662 02662 transverse process of fifth thoracic vertebra 24233003 S02662 Structure of transverse process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02662 280809002 Entire transverse process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02662 Y 9937 P skeletal system CF6FE19A04284067B484B22B8598CF81 231C0542F70E4AB28FCB9969123E8761 transverse process of fifth thoracic vertebra Entire transverse process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2663 2663 02663 skin of head 70762009 S02663 Skin structure of head (body structure) E02663 181484006 Entire skin of head (body structure) P02663 - 12166 D integument/surface 733380FE675E4D7CA0998A39D5A3F795 88D14A046B8B4886BB1260A1F1872896 Skin of head Entire skin of head (body structure) 2664 2664 02664 lamina of fifth thoracic vertebra 2205003 S02664 Structure of lamina of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02664 280787009 Entire lamina of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02664 Y 9935 P skeletal system F89CFAAB70814206A7603ECBC846B54B BA0564F5A1604876AA46644F9238F846 lamina of fifth thoracic vertebra Entire lamina of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2665 2665 02665 pedicle of fifth thoracic vertebra 66005005 S02665 Structure of pedicle of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02665 280744006 Entire pedicle of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02665 pedicle of T5 Y 9932 P skeletal system 5A98AD358DB64CFEB021B00029EB7671 FABE50926D2441BDA6077115B4947CF4 pedicle of fifth thoracic vertebra Entire pedicle of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2666 2666 02666 articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra 49090002 S02666 Structure of articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02666 367819002 Entire articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02666 Y 9939 P skeletal system 2F3495F852D54AE2902A570E60F26E10 2B5EE5973C3A47D9A72EA877DCB581BE articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra Entire articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2667 2667 02667 superior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra 8165001 S02667 Structure of superior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02667 367793009 Entire superior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02667 Y 9940 P skeletal system 6B7DF39A79C24244B2689AD853C27E0D EF0ACB00E91D497086BFADB207C41598 superior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra Entire superior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2668 2668 02668 inferior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra 71983004 S02668 Structure of inferior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02668 367806001 Entire inferior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02668 Y 9942 P skeletal system 18D2F253223E414596F9386E3348CD16 18C8206716BB499ABA985B989D2E2CEF inferior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra Entire inferior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2669 2669 02669 body of fifth thoracic vertebra 6105006 S02669 Structure of body of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02669 280842001 Entire body of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02669 - 9923 P skeletal system A12788F6E9614BBB887D98FD018B41CC AC70352180F444A7B010A71273D89320 body of fifth thoracic vertebra Entire body of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2670 2670 02670 T5/T6 intervertebral foramen 10042008 S02670 Structure of intervertebral foramen of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02670 281883008 Entire intervertebral foramen of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02670 Y 9944 P musculoskeletal system D5708A4FBC424157AE33CE9A2FAEF24A 7339537AF852402F9B6BE781CF1FD95E intervertebral foramen of fifth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2671 2671 02671 umbilical ring 38927002 S02671 Structure of umbilical ring (body structure) E02671 368065003 Entire umbilical ring (body structure) P02671 - 19930 P 45EB26925969456A86ABD987AF61A370 69A1F3D5D5634231A66E024F864B4E80 umbilical ring Entire umbilical ring (body structure) 2672 2672 02672 umbilical cord stump 60155008 S02672 Structure of umbilical cord stump (body structure) E02672 368067006 Entire umbilical cord stump (body structure) P02672 - P B8D19DF0AA5A47B59EE96153B090B1AC C1230B1E15F948DC963569A4DACBA7BE umbilical cord stump Entire umbilical cord stump (body structure) 2673 2673 02673 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth thoracic vertebra 76614000 S02673 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02673 367850000 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02673 - 13512 P musculoskeletal system B8498618E1ED404D8A576E9C4CF8976C E1E0F6D5F5444F7E82FDB9DCC8E57911 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth thoracic vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2674 2674 02674 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth thoracic vertebra 24678008 S02674 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02674 367863006 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02674 - 13522 P musculoskeletal system E60BCA318E22483C926CABE253E34BEF 374D3CA58D9B45D8AEE253856E3E7C6E anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth thoracic vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2675 2675 02675 intervertebral disc space of fifth thoracic vertebra 38992003 S02675 Structure of intervertebral disc space of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02675 367835009 Entire intervertebral disc space of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02675 - 0 P musculoskeletal system E66EF9F85BA34029BAAC97E46ED61E2F 40A4D078A07F490E8912AC11FBA64F8F intervertebral disc space of fifth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2676 2676 02676 arch of sixth thoracic vertebra 54611006 S02676 Structure of arch of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02676 312794008 Entire arch of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02676 - 9954 P skeletal system 5543C24157134EA2B92EAC5A07FED6F4 7D6AE6AE32434D519912B7E0216E2E65 arch of sixth thoracic vertebra Entire arch of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2677 2677 02677 spinous process of sixth thoracic vertebra 26607000 S02677 Structure of spinous process of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02677 P02677 - 9959 P skeletal system D7F35651C24E42108E8907E2062401CB spinous process of sixth thoracic vertebra 2678 2678 02678 transverse process of sixth thoracic vertebra 44334004 S02678 Structure of transverse process of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02678 280810007 Entire transverse process of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02678 Y 9960 P skeletal system E6358DD715AB48E6B99275E885EED40B E0DC90D44820468390F7483D65D61000 transverse process of sixth thoracic vertebra Entire transverse process of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2679 2679 02679 lamina of sixth thoracic vertebra 46410005 S02679 Structure of lamina of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02679 280788004 Entire lamina of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02679 Y 9958 P skeletal system FF57A27D7DD84E8BA0C98123AEB81A71 07072DC36C6540D786F7C01040E34EE0 lamina of sixth thoracic vertebra Entire lamina of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2680 2680 02680 pedicle of sixth thoracic vertebra 21020004 S02680 Structure of pedicle of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02680 280745007 Entire pedicle of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02680 pedicle of T6 Y 9955 P skeletal system 23AB4F51CB63438482DB59A5737DD576 95D288089FFE489BAA6886221074DCD5 pedicle of sixth thoracic vertebra Entire pedicle of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2681 2681 02681 articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra 19600001 S02681 Structure of articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02681 367820008 Entire articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02681 Y 9962 P skeletal system 117081ED36804965BEC2882BCF0EAEF7 6A73FB9FDF684A17A912A1AAA0412822 articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra Entire articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2682 2682 02682 superior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra 9994000 S02682 Structure of superior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02682 367794003 Entire superior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02682 Y 9963 P skeletal system 8A14FE4ECD5948DC8983C82BEFE1ACD8 98372D3499FC4DC6B8ACAEDC6E758CA7 superior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra Entire superior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2683 2683 02683 skin of palmar area of hand 70887009 S02683 Skin structure of palmar area of hand (body structure) E02683 181544004 Entire skin of palmar area of hand (body structure) P02683 Y 38301 D integument/surface 3F25439EECAF4004ABC43DA1C9E80F06 06FCFD7F40CA4F83A795266ACA50BD22 Skin of palmar area of hand Entire skin of palmar area of hand (body structure) 2684 2684 02684 skin of dorsal area of fourth toe 68055007 S02684 Skin structure of dorsal surface of fourth toe (body structure) E02684 218778007 Entire skin of dorsal surface of fourth toe (body structure) P02684 Y D integument/surface 3E3627CA86784BE6AE9E910FFAFF66B3 BB3B7105142B4F52ACA0A1E9DE621813 Skin of dorsal surface of fourth toe Entire skin of dorsal surface of fourth toe (body structure) 2685 2685 02685 transverse process of axis 69856001 S02685 Structure of transverse process of axis (body structure) E02685 181903005 Entire transverse process of axis (body structure) P02685 Y 24060 P skeletal system 31D223225A724323BAC5C31D9852686A 0BB1E86344EA434CBB52E743508B710B transverse process of axis Entire transverse process of axis (body structure) 2686 2686 02686 lymphatic vessel of mammary gland 42135007 S02686 Structure of lymphatic vessel of mammary gland (body structure) E02686 203906008 Entire lymphatic vessel of mammary gland (body structure) P02686 Y P lymphatic system 5780B1AC8DAB4763907B22D1D0D4D677 F47B1617B27B4D41AD5387F504D5EDD7 lymphatic vessel of mammary gland Entire lymphatic vessel of mammary gland (body structure) 2687 2687 02687 deep lymphatic vessel of thorax 88800004 S02687 Structure of deep lymphatic vessel of thorax (body structure) E02687 204000005 Entire deep lymphatic vessel of thorax (body structure) P02687 - 52095 P lymphatic system BF9C02C05CDF43EF8D640E8477782BCF B550295970C74334B1006A5B0B1AA9B7 deep lymphatic vessel of thorax Entire deep lymphatic vessel of thorax (body structure) 2688 2688 02688 intercostal lymphatic vessel 85152004 S02688 Structure of intercostal lymphatics (body structure) E02688 204088001 Entire intercostal lymphatics (body structure) P02688 Y 5850 P lymphatic system 632B89BC6A9C4575931DB73778427025 65ABD43295DB41128FEF9426BE548B4D intercostal lymphatics Entire intercostal lymphatics (body structure) 2689 2689 02689 internal mammary lymphatic vessel 48027003 S02689 Structure of internal mammary lymphatic vessel (body structure) E02689 196158006 Entire internal mammary lymphatics (body structure) P02689 Y P lymphatic system 36F4244E4BD44203A9CBC11ED5CFB9F8 21E2BBBA766449BDBC76806A81276633 internal mammary lymphatic vessel Entire internal mammary lymphatics (body structure) 2690 2690 02690 lymphatic vessel of diaphragm 32494001 S02690 Structure of lymphatic vessel of diaphragm (body structure) E02690 204170006 Entire lymphatic vessel of diaphragm (body structure) P02690 Y P lymphatic system 56FA570BA4294AFF80C47854684B7285 331EACBF960340A2B80FA3C082AA5E7B lymphatic vessel of diaphragm Entire lymphatic vessel of diaphragm (body structure) 2691 2691 02691 lymphatic vessel of lung 61513003 S02691 Structure of lymphatic vessel of lung (body structure) E02691 321862009 Entire lymphatic vessel of lung (body structure) P02691 Y P lymphatic system 57BFBD5F06DF49B2915C751FCF2F784C CD02A5A124454B3D97DF5C2E5B6427F4 lymphatic vessel of lung Entire lymphatic vessel of lung (body structure) 2692 2692 02692 lymphatic vessel of heart and pericardial sac 64362000 S02692 Structure of lymphatic vessel of heart and pericardial sac (body structure) E02692 188525001 Entire lymphatic vessel of heart and pericardial sac (body structure) P02692 - P lymphatic system 5BC0EDA6B7054714A227EB7C547E7B98 16B612C7FB454472BBB0C35F07518565 lymphatic vessel of heart and pericardial sac Entire lymphatic vessel of heart and pericardial sac (body structure) 2693 2693 02693 lymphatic vessel of esophagus 14374004 S02693 Structure of lymphatic vessel of esophagus (body structure) E02693 330124008 Entire lymphatic vessel of esophagus (body structure) P02693 - P lymphatic system 2E6D68982FE945E9A22629B5C97F9C68 A23724937A5C4259ADA6DC656E2FBFAB lymphatic vessel of esophagus Entire lymphatic vessel of esophagus (body structure) 2694 2694 02694 lymphatic vessel of thymus and mediastinum 40657007 S02694 Structure of lymphatic vessel of thymus and mediastinum (body structure) E02694 196242000 Entire lymphatic vessel of thymus and mediastinum (body structure) P02694 - P lymphatic system 0188494E02F94A7897E451E79B70CEA8 19749260F65C42389C30D4716F5F7D2F lymphatic vessel of thymus and mediastinum Entire lymphatic vessel of thymus and mediastinum (body structure) 2695 2695 02695 articular process of axis 43937007 S02695 Structure of articular process of axis (body structure) E02695 165564008 Entire articular process of axis (body structure) P02695 Y P skeletal system 2545F2DF46924F8D80FE77348EB9FFDB FAB433A0548449499D17981A125B9A7A articular process of axis Entire articular process of axis (body structure) 2696 2696 02696 cisterna chyli 65686003 S02696 Structure of cisterna chyli (body structure) E02696 279088007 Entire cisterna chyli (body structure) P02696 - 5835 P lymphatic system B7347BF2FFDA4F1FB772FB39C8D36AEF 1A202AC668B3408A8B2DFFFB5A5668E7 cisterna chyli Entire cisterna chyli (body structure) 2697 2697 02697 lymphatic vessel of stomach 9390001 S02697 Structure of lymphatic vessel of stomach (body structure) E02697 267901006 Entire lymphatic vessel of stomach (body structure) P02697 - P digestive system 859C11AA81164F149A2255E4CDB4FA8E CF99AE674E6B43719438B5E957C0E275 lymphatic vessel of stomach Entire lymphatic vessel of stomach (body structure) 2698 2698 02698 lymphatic vessel of liver and gallbladder 11105007 S02698 Structure of lymphatic vessel of liver and gallbladder (body structure) E02698 277506008 Entire lymphatic vessel of liver and gallbladder (body structure) P02698 - P lymphatic system A0A40DC3505B41678357DEF364C734A1 F72B8777AD384A6A89FC1BA104489DC1 lymphatic vessel of liver and gallbladder Entire lymphatic vessel of liver and gallbladder (body structure) 2699 2699 02699 lymphatic vessel of small intestine 61940009 S02699 Structure of lymphatic vessel of small intestine (body structure) E02699 266461009 Entire lymphatic vessel of small intestine (body structure) P02699 - P digestive system D3A834E36D884F8DA2BB423F12D67318 7231853EC6D442CFBB06E1B58FD73C6E lymphatic vessel of small intestine Entire lymphatic vessel of small intestine (body structure) 2700 2700 02700 lymphatic vessel of appendix and large intestine 7275008 S02700 Structure of lymphatic vessel of appendix and large intestine (body structure) E02700 279539002 Entire lymphatic vessel of appendix and large intestine (body structure) P02700 - P lymphatic system 47349E060E9D467AABDFB8027D9FCF01 3CCF267B06FB4BCCAFCD7CF16A04FCD2 lymphatic vessel of appendix and large intestine Entire lymphatic vessel of appendix and large intestine (body structure) 2701 2701 02701 lymphatic vessel of rectum and anus 51672006 S02701 Structure of lymphatic vessel of rectum and anus (body structure) E02701 277684000 Entire lymphatic vessel of rectum and anus (body structure) P02701 - P lymphatic system 1FE4BBDF19EF42318EE4C0FF11A6AAEB 52D0E32F7541463CB9B8A1421533D668 lymphatic vessel of rectum and anus Entire lymphatic vessel of rectum and anus (body structure) 2702 2702 02702 lymphatic vessel of spleen and pancreas 50354004 S02702 Structure of lymphatic vessel of spleen and pancreas (body structure) E02702 277603008 Entire lymphatic vessel of spleen and pancreas (body structure) P02702 - P lymphatic system 2DE923148C354035847F34B021DA03BE FEDFBBE0BF6C4FC293EF2983DBA2A1AD lymphatic vessel of spleen and pancreas Entire lymphatic vessel of spleen and pancreas (body structure) 2703 2703 02703 lymphatic vessel of adrenal gland 50174002 S02703 Structure of lymphatic vessel of adrenal gland (body structure) E02703 248700006 Entire lymphatic vessel of adrenal gland (body structure) P02703 Y P endocrine system 784D6BA56CBD405D9F4AA408614666B2 02B7B925B0C1444E909920F1A2D47DE3 lymphatic vessel of adrenal gland Entire lymphatic vessel of adrenal gland (body structure) 2704 2704 02704 lymphatic vessel of kidney 18518001 S02704 Structure of lymphatic vessel of kidney (body structure) E02704 273404005 Entire lymphatic vessel of kidney (body structure) P02704 Y P lymphatic system ABB81A345C294D3D80F895CE5871739F 663C0474DF824E8E8F3F8DF43439C99E lymphatic vessel of kidney Entire lymphatic vessel of kidney (body structure) 2705 2705 02705 superior articular process of axis 25402007 S02705 Structure of superior articular process of axis (body structure) E02705 165370001 Entire superior articular process of axis (body structure) P02705 Y P skeletal system 38C37712DA1B4F349EDCB256043CE14E 0208D0C7FFB64F2595E6B39809548086 superior articular process of axis Entire superior articular process of axis (body structure) 2706 2706 02706 lymphatic vessel of pelvis 57699003 S02706 Structure of lymphatic vessel of pelvis (body structure) E02706 314898001 Entire lymphatic vessel of pelvis (body structure) P02706 - 234827 P lymphatic system 3680FC1D8E8F499FB0954DEF512CC916 E0C9C5C5769B4F94AD3835ADAF51541F lymphatic vessel of pelvis Entire lymphatic vessel of pelvis (body structure) 2707 2707 02707 lymphatic vessel of ureter and urinary bladder 56224001 S02707 Structure of lymphatic vessel of ureter and urinary bladder (body structure) E02707 277774009 Entire lymphatic vessel of ureter and urinary bladder (body structure) P02707 - P lymphatic system E3552D705A4148859A900452996461A3 1306553B703C46EA9837424DCB225F0B lymphatic vessel of ureter and urinary bladder Entire lymphatic vessel of ureter and urinary bladder (body structure) 2708 2708 02708 lymphatic vessel of ovary and fallopian tube 13201004 S02708 Structure of lymphatic vessel of ovary and fallopian tube (body structure) E02708 277867009 Entire lymphatic vessel of ovary and fallopian tube (body structure) P02708 Y P lymphatic system 3D607265465B4A4C903FDF7EDC65E8B8 55EBC1AE7CB24D7A8AF5E8F962EF3046 lymphatic vessel of ovary and fallopian tube Entire lymphatic vessel of ovary and fallopian tube (body structure) 2709 2709 02709 lymphatic vessel of uterus 39445000 S02709 Structure of lymphatic vessel of uterus (body structure) E02709 253245001 Entire lymphatic vessel of uterus (body structure) P02709 - P genital system 5C40EF85AB6B490AAA430E9AC1766C71 FC669A3A94284086B8C7A634115E0B58 lymphatic vessel of uterus Entire lymphatic vessel of uterus (body structure) 2710 2710 02710 lymphatic vessel of vagina and female urethra 46544000 S02710 Structure of lymphatic vessel of vagina and female urethra (body structure) E02710 277952009 Entire lymphatic vessel of vagina and female urethra (body structure) P02710 - P genitourinary system D9F6D67541674751A676F2A38D5981AB ABA0B62FADEB4FA8AAB3FB7B7FEBE225 lymphatic vessel of vagina and female urethra Entire lymphatic vessel of vagina and female urethra (body structure) 2711 2711 02711 lymphatic vessel of vulva and clitoris 62759001 S02711 Structure of lymphatic vessel of vulva and clitoris (body structure) E02711 278045007 Entire lymphatic vessel of vulva and clitoris (body structure) P02711 - P lymphatic system B5AA0D5F87B948219607D312987DF105 855DAFCD4F1F4FD884C8ECF72CB69AAD lymphatic vessel of vulva and clitoris Entire lymphatic vessel of vulva and clitoris (body structure) 2712 2712 02712 lymphatic vessel of prostate and male urethra 88484002 S02712 Structure of lymphatic vessel of prostate and male urethra (body structure) E02712 278137004 Entire lymphatic vessel of prostate and male urethra (body structure) P02712 Y P lymphatic system FCB96B684C0C42D3B71A5AD1BA93861F 93DE1388549F4F5AADEF759EB77D99B3 lymphatic vessel of prostate and male urethra Entire lymphatic vessel of prostate and male urethra (body structure) 2713 2713 02713 inferior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra 65040004 S02713 Structure of inferior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02713 367807005 Entire inferior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02713 Y 9965 P skeletal system 3E0B50D8B8EA4C05AB4A82473EC96CFE 330C79DE1DF9427794800F6C5992E218 inferior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra Entire inferior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2714 2714 02714 skin of forehead 68698007 S02714 Skin structure of forehead (body structure) E02714 181470001 Entire skin of forehead (body structure) P02714 - 63883 D integument/surface C36F273810E14F0BA65CEF1AD054F26D 3C866963B03A4E5D9FCF38759E88B65A Skin of forehead Entire skin of forehead (body structure) 2715 2715 02715 body of sixth thoracic vertebra 32430008 S02715 Structure of body of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02715 280843006 Entire body of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02715 - 9946 P skeletal system 5CCD77F489B44EEAA3FA3FF31DE66BAD 59351116778C497BBF94CCB6C5C3E9CA body of sixth thoracic vertebra Entire body of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2716 2716 02716 T6/T7 intervertebral foramen 42083008 S02716 Structure of intervertebral foramen of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02716 281884002 Entire intervertebral foramen of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02716 Y 9967 P musculoskeletal system E3EA16AC19724BC08169CD09219FD885 C2349E1B4C674C0F98D288B674F5DF58 intervertebral foramen of sixth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2717 2717 02717 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of sixth thoracic vertebra 57665001 S02717 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02717 367851001 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02717 - 13513 P musculoskeletal system F6F6FD7B3A6844F5890FC1E0B692F8F1 CDF5F2B9253346349CCAF4B7E90BAA1D nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of sixth thoracic vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2718 2718 02718 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of sixth thoracic vertebra 69276004 S02718 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02718 367864000 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02718 - 13523 P musculoskeletal system EA38FFD24EC04B42B53F13B6CB3211F4 953EAFEEF3D744CB90C5FB880DC4A950 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of sixth thoracic vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2719 2719 02719 intervertebral disc space of sixth thoracic vertebra 71713002 S02719 Structure of intervertebral disc space of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02719 367836005 Entire intervertebral disc space of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02719 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 8B8B778F2DB44D57B1BFBBD4AFA24F74 6F9B5188B6634A139706FE7776E2B983 intervertebral disc space of sixth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2720 2720 02720 arch of seventh thoracic vertebra 79223005 S02720 Structure of arch of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02720 312795009 Entire arch of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02720 - 9977 P skeletal system EBAA1E8D9A8D4BF3A0726398210579DC 33B6DC28F93141D097D78CC981B4886E arch of seventh thoracic vertebra Entire arch of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2721 2721 02721 spinous process of seventh thoracic vertebra 84462006 S02721 Structure of spinous process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02721 280767008 Entire spinous process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02721 - 9982 P skeletal system CFFD8FDDF7F14D4791A57D98912E8A75 AFFA58074A184D5EBFC57BD41266FDBE spinous process of seventh thoracic vertebra Entire spinous process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2722 2722 02722 transverse process of seventh thoracic vertebra 54947005 S02722 Structure of transverse process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02722 280811006 Entire transverse process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02722 Y 9983 P skeletal system 3D48DA14EA4B49FA9767596EB9A45C92 BF8C27D802C64839813C2EEEC18BFC7B transverse process of seventh thoracic vertebra Entire transverse process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2723 2723 02723 skin of supraorbital area 48670002 S02723 Skin structure of supraorbital area (body structure) E02723 304626000 Entire skin of supraorbital area (body structure) P02723 Y D integument/surface 20E49788B46A477E8CFCCA6068E53FCD B4E2100F182949AD9046CEC40DA575A1 Skin of supraorbital area Entire skin of supraorbital area (body structure) 2724 2724 02724 lamina of seventh thoracic vertebra 68418001 S02724 Structure of lamina of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02724 280789007 Entire lamina of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02724 Y 9981 P skeletal system 5BC64C5F628F4C74902AC82E10B94DE4 652D45249D4F4C17A4D88E073620785A lamina of seventh thoracic vertebra Entire lamina of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2725 2725 02725 pedicle of seventh thoracic vertebra 49959002 S02725 Structure of pedicle of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02725 280746008 Entire pedicle of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02725 pedicle of T7 Y 9978 P skeletal system 114BC85647CC4722B85691BA2D6E7EAE 22E912CAE6DD4AABB6B37BF00932DEAF pedicle of seventh thoracic vertebra Entire pedicle of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2726 2726 02726 articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra 48623003 S02726 Structure of articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02726 367821007 Entire articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02726 Y 9985 P skeletal system E8769916EBCF4703AB61899F5DCD8394 5FCD99FE530845E1B2380EF6A5898A04 articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra Entire articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2727 2727 02727 superior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra 650002 S02727 Structure of superior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02727 367795002 Entire superior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02727 Y 9986 P skeletal system E5A34FF724F14F84981BFA2E185E42B1 A0A04151669B4026A006C0FF70EB2BA5 superior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra Entire superior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2728 2728 02728 inferior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra 36157000 S02728 Structure of inferior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02728 367808000 Entire inferior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02728 Y 9988 P skeletal system 3CE58905F1FD4B249A8A5C8B0BFBDB3A 5AAE28E841D14441BD9CD306F83B7E8E inferior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra Entire inferior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2729 2729 02729 body of seventh thoracic vertebra 71737002 S02729 Structure of body of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02729 280844000 Entire body of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02729 - 9969 P skeletal system 5BDA209ED9524BA79C41D6B15BAAEE4A 5599CCF3F08F46AA9C50C7A43BAB6F19 body of seventh thoracic vertebra Entire body of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2730 2730 02730 T7/T8 intervertebral foramen 66188007 S02730 Structure of intervertebral foramen of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02730 281885001 Entire intervertebral foramen of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02730 Y 9990 P musculoskeletal system D3AAE68738FF4EC596B6B14D8C070BC8 623EB9E1387D44989511597C65F75B10 intervertebral foramen of seventh thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2731 2731 02731 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of seventh thoracic vertebra 44285009 S02731 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02731 367852008 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02731 - 13514 P musculoskeletal system 47DCD8DE4E8142AFA52E0EDB5F660D69 3F63C788D80C4748B2A3B82AEE7CCE84 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of seventh thoracic vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2732 2732 02732 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of seventh thoracic vertebra 65496004 S02732 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02732 367865004 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02732 - 13524 P musculoskeletal system 4C8B2264760D4CD3BCF9C628C8731DE5 410ABF8314304C7FB05B7A2BFB35C247 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of seventh thoracic vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2733 2733 02733 skin of lateral area of finger 5697001 S02733 Skin structure of lateral surface of finger (body structure) E02733 368294000 Entire skin of lateral surface of finger (body structure) P02733 Y D integument/surface 2ACDC16535FC476CB58CDBFA526CCEEE 02BFF09589624F2EB98F58C8B870F943 Skin of lateral surface of finger Entire skin of lateral surface of finger (body structure) 2734 2734 02734 intervertebral disc space of seventh thoracic vertebra 39956006 S02734 Structure of intervertebral disc space of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02734 367837001 Entire intervertebral disc space of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02734 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 840537CF2CD949A2B5DFA880B485D268 E7C2D94805114BC4B7351697360CAD3F intervertebral disc space of seventh thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2735 2735 02735 arch of eighth thoracic vertebra 45675006 S02735 Structure of arch of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02735 312796005 Entire arch of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02735 - 10000 P skeletal system B8A22E47F4F74273A61FFA4A4C25A443 2209B6C4642C478689F4937D1E2687F1 arch of eighth thoracic vertebra Entire arch of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2736 2736 02736 spinous process of eighth thoracic vertebra 32839000 S02736 Structure of spinous process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02736 280768003 Entire spinous process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02736 - 10005 P skeletal system 0F3347F5D36A4AAEA29021F8404E92C7 0E37B09EB97D473DB92B7E3562F9A4D8 spinous process of eighth thoracic vertebra Entire spinous process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2737 2737 02737 transverse process of eighth thoracic vertebra 33813008 S02737 Structure of transverse process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02737 280812004 Entire transverse process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02737 Y 10006 P skeletal system E069E35E94EB4041836821119C55FA9A FA24B85E29D84D978EA8761C5733B766 transverse process of eighth thoracic vertebra Entire transverse process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2738 2738 02738 lamina of eighth thoracic vertebra 8387002 S02738 Structure of lamina of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02738 280790003 Entire lamina of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02738 Y 10004 P skeletal system DE2485F184024BF0875A4660C553DFA8 475A8812374847DBB78885A299E67AE0 lamina of eighth thoracic vertebra Entire lamina of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2739 2739 02739 pedicle of eighth thoracic vertebra 68899002 S02739 Structure of pedicle of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02739 280747004 Entire pedicle of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02739 pedicle of T8 Y 10001 P skeletal system D853874A9CD04C2E87FB136E0BAC573C 3F7A1B8EA6E44DF0A22BDE3668997CB4 pedicle of eighth thoracic vertebra Entire pedicle of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2740 2740 02740 articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra 35173000 S02740 Structure of articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02740 367822000 Entire articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02740 Y 10008 P skeletal system F948DD48EAA842169F21C2F3E5F13A29 56E19696E31F4CA2A64AD7434896D63A articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra Entire articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2741 2741 02741 superior articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra 71592008 S02741 Structure of superior articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02741 367809008 Entire superior articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02741 Y 10009 P skeletal system 7B924E75584342968861D5374CB0FDB7 B16E5D55AE4246B9A203A1F624F76C47 superior articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra Entire superior articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2742 2742 02742 inferior articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra 113208009 S02742 Structure of inferior articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02742 367796001 Entire inferior articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02742 Y 10011 P skeletal system 476E686E998E45C386969557DF42E2B2 9CF487674B5C4C32AAD2F9BBC542C123 inferior articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra Entire inferior articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2743 2743 02743 body of eighth thoracic vertebra 77435000 S02743 Structure of body of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02743 280845004 Entire body of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02743 - 9992 P skeletal system 4A66105ABF5D4AC1AD536F46A1593C0A CBA2EED20A50497786EB8005C0C96581 body of eighth thoracic vertebra Entire body of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2744 2744 02744 T8/T9 intervertebral foramen 11113008 S02744 Structure of intervertebral foramen of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02744 281886000 Entire intervertebral foramen of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02744 Y 10013 P musculoskeletal system EDC2C682AB9142518216579EE6C664CC F49194BCFDEC4C998BC3E2C5D4F46E27 intervertebral foramen of eighth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2745 2745 02745 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra 10036009 S02745 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02745 367853003 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02745 - 13515 P musculoskeletal system 0C689DB6392D4662922409E000AF8585 4C791E6DAA6C4D7DAD5AF953B8F146E4 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2746 2746 02746 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra 22692003 S02746 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02746 367866003 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02746 - 13525 P musculoskeletal system 3DED36BF40E14B0F9BD2BEFD44424EFE 9E31471FA98F422C980730E9C899771D anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2747 2747 02747 intervertebral disc space of eighth thoracic vertebra 50187008 S02747 Structure of intervertebral disc space of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02747 367838006 Entire intervertebral disc space of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02747 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 80B6378094264FAAA2BA12CE20D6BB86 298A39CA941F4AE2848116660648D3DB intervertebral disc space of eighth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2748 2748 02748 arch of ninth thoracic vertebra 69677001 S02748 Structure of arch of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02748 312797001 Entire arch of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02748 - 10023 P skeletal system EA910EA6FA8340B3B2BBABA659BF87EA D49CB2F534F440AD86064B66976BCB89 arch of ninth thoracic vertebra Entire arch of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2749 2749 02749 spinous process of ninth thoracic vertebra 21240001 S02749 Structure of spinous process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02749 280769006 Entire spinous process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02749 - 10028 P skeletal system 186A74D6FE54450C9CCDA132D3AF789B F5CCA5E35225445B971B9DADD83659F3 spinous process of ninth thoracic vertebra Entire spinous process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2750 2750 02750 transverse process of ninth thoracic vertebra 77460000 S02750 Structure of transverse process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02750 280813009 Entire transverse process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02750 Y 10029 P skeletal system D3760D0B7C5D477DBB325A720E113037 00EB1FB5DAD94678BB9035D03FF89BA4 transverse process of ninth thoracic vertebra Entire transverse process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2751 2751 02751 lamina of ninth thoracic vertebra 28232001 S02751 Structure of lamina of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02751 280791004 Entire lamina of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02751 Y 10027 P skeletal system FF84A9A7EAF64AEE8564996E990C19CA BBDE044E8E2740A29F83C20F71F81AF4 lamina of ninth thoracic vertebra Entire lamina of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2752 2752 02752 pedicle of ninth thoracic vertebra 40343004 S02752 Structure of pedicle of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02752 280748009 Entire pedicle of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02752 pedicle of T9 Y 10024 P skeletal system 22904856FBED4707BF65BDA1EEE680BE 199D707C9F87498BB8323848CE0B730D pedicle of ninth thoracic vertebra Entire pedicle of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2753 2753 02753 articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra 58110004 S02753 Structure of articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02753 367823005 Entire articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02753 Y 10031 P skeletal system 4E33CE56DF5645A3A76EB90F174B43BD 3D1B226BC1E44BFF9B749429B6B25F5B articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra Entire articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2754 2754 02754 superior articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra 48461008 S02754 Structure of superior articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02754 367797005 Entire superior articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02754 Y 10032 P skeletal system 80D4FBEBAA3A4402A1E4E370502912E1 28C67B77A5E3434E9568FF044E4CA299 superior articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra Entire superior articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2755 2755 02755 inferior articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra 44091000 S02755 Structure of inferior articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02755 367810003 Entire inferior articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02755 Y 10034 P skeletal system 23618C7AA4F747ACA1C60EB09A156BB2 32D153646F2B458ABF628E49850150C9 inferior articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra Entire inferior articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2756 2756 02756 body of ninth thoracic vertebra 33766003 S02756 Structure of body of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02756 280846003 Entire body of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02756 - 10015 P skeletal system CD741417D3254E1A87C77E9EB3432624 523FDB05CC794A459B59C00C61FE285D body of ninth thoracic vertebra Entire body of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2757 2757 02757 T9/T10 intervertebral foramen 88599000 S02757 Structure of intervertebral foramen of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02757 281887009 Entire intervertebral foramen of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02757 Y 10036 P musculoskeletal system 1E209D900EF44A68840BE5722BA9C883 A08A331C9330438B90A1DDD088059DB7 intervertebral foramen of ninth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2758 2758 02758 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of ninth thoracic vertebra 69789009 S02758 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02758 367854009 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02758 - 13516 P musculoskeletal system 4A7F79D513114E039E0974A528111964 0E01D8FADBE745FA9E8082ACAB207C74 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of ninth thoracic vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2759 2759 02759 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of ninth thoracic vertebra 40914000 S02759 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02759 367867007 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02759 - 13526 P musculoskeletal system 7AF463C2C627475298C10734C01992B5 4D8F3D2F6EDB496DA8B69157F927D80B anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of ninth thoracic vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2760 2760 02760 intervertebral disc space of ninth thoracic vertebra 24364003 S02760 Structure of intervertebral disc space of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02760 367839003 Entire intervertebral disc space of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02760 - 0 P musculoskeletal system C8D0D3B1112043A584F3CE03C748CBEE 17711768215E49A8BD2492A96C563CEB intervertebral disc space of ninth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2761 2761 02761 arch of tenth thoracic vertebra 3584008 S02761 Structure of arch of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02761 312798006 Entire arch of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02761 - 10045 P skeletal system 474822FEB633411C8F2592C30DAE46ED 16F6D5DDF28049E0A8E6408426E50C94 arch of tenth thoracic vertebra Entire arch of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2762 2762 02762 spinous process of tenth thoracic vertebra 22051008 S02762 Structure of spinous process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02762 280770007 Entire spinous process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02762 - 10050 P skeletal system 1F93056771494D90A6F18A867BB06BDF BC861F5B2B6749249024A45AAD9951BD spinous process of tenth thoracic vertebra Entire spinous process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2763 2763 02763 transverse process of tenth thoracic vertebra 45461007 S02763 Structure of transverse process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02763 280814003 Entire transverse process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02763 Y 10051 P skeletal system 3453C48231734954A634F7F516DC7A80 0FB4CB44EB7C46499916ED2E879F5E30 transverse process of tenth thoracic vertebra Entire transverse process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2764 2764 02764 lamina of tenth thoracic vertebra 48021002 S02764 Structure of lamina of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02764 280792006 Entire lamina of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02764 Y 10049 P skeletal system 6252E98C9D16483093379261AA9F145C B35CC8CB46D8492B9A3211D8B5FCA664 lamina of tenth thoracic vertebra Entire lamina of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2765 2765 02765 pedicle of tenth thoracic vertebra 17549008 S02765 Structure of pedicle of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02765 280749001 Entire pedicle of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02765 pedicle of T10 Y 10046 P skeletal system D442893300F9478085B113D204910096 2998D083450342A2BA17E6A90E8E89F5 pedicle of tenth thoracic vertebra Entire pedicle of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2766 2766 02766 articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra 78329004 S02766 Structure of articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02766 367824004 Entire articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02766 Y P skeletal system 8AEB651540824390ABBECFF829C4D4A3 6781A5BF7ECB44ABBFF1A76A8AF85466 articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra Entire articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2767 2767 02767 superior articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra 27690001 S02767 Structure of superior articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02767 367798000 Entire superior articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02767 Y 10054 P skeletal system 10FB1B09A4634E31B08BDE615003DBE3 9AED59994E72450096855D60CF460CD0 superior articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra Entire superior articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2768 2768 02768 inferior articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra 113210006 S02768 Structure of inferior articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02768 367811004 Entire inferior articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02768 Y 10056 P skeletal system 06BD816AA1F841109AAB6064306C1EC1 F170F7A586634B94952C6D5FE9E3BF6A inferior articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra Entire inferior articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2769 2769 02769 body of tenth thoracic vertebra 48405002 S02769 Structure of body of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02769 280847007 Entire body of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02769 - 10038 P skeletal system 296E4CB38E0C4F7CA79F0F18F94E012D BC6C305D8FDE4F5A8A5101F0F6092FDB body of tenth thoracic vertebra Entire body of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2770 2770 02770 T10/T11 intervertebral foramen 26642001 S02770 Structure of intervertebral foramen of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02770 281888004 Entire intervertebral foramen of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02770 Y 10058 P musculoskeletal system F38E4D4B3B284440926F2AFB881FF916 0FF9B20E465F4896B9626E54709576AE intervertebral foramen of tenth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2771 2771 02771 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra 53335003 S02771 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02771 367855005 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02771 - 13517 P musculoskeletal system C9FE9F5170E34A318588887AA8B1C2BC 43F7FB602BB846519119222867BF007C nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2772 2772 02772 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra 10339006 S02772 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02772 367868002 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02772 - 13527 P musculoskeletal system E1C23E0809BD49CB8E4FA1D263FE9EA5 E1CAB3C03C6E4E0EA4C16F7BC931554D anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2773 2773 02773 intervertebral disc space of tenth thoracic vertebra 39873009 S02773 Structure of intervertebral disc space of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02773 367840001 Entire intervertebral disc space of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02773 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 4FDB296149CF4FE681F8E7024428BA53 6614E734E06449A7B89B1BEE95AE4DAC intervertebral disc space of tenth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2774 2774 02774 arch of eleventh thoracic vertebra 60274006 S02774 Structure of arch of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02774 312799003 Entire arch of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02774 - 10067 P skeletal system FC97D89253BE4CF1BF91C12A2BC5E099 0A8C4C91B7014B858D460A4FF77C62AB arch of eleventh thoracic vertebra Entire arch of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2775 2775 02775 spinous process of eleventh thoracic vertebra 35483008 S02775 Structure of spinous process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02775 280771006 Entire spinous process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02775 - 10072 P skeletal system 2987C2FA50DD4E9C92237BCF7F508A0F D7CE848D38A946A58A1E204CE8E75EDE spinous process of eleventh thoracic vertebra Entire spinous process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2776 2776 02776 transverse process of eleventh thoracic vertebra 73619004 S02776 Structure of transverse process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02776 280815002 Entire transverse process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02776 Y 10073 P skeletal system DC166C09DFA940C485EFDDE2A19049F1 10BEA1EFE78E46DB89CCBE220F03CE44 transverse process of eleventh thoracic vertebra Entire transverse process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2777 2777 02777 skin of infratemporal region 40207008 S02777 Skin structure of infratemporal region (body structure) E02777 368675001 Entire skin of infratemporal region (body structure) P02777 Y D integument/surface CE371D200C784AE59BFC19F25EC47AAA B83C10E41C1A48669C6B0358C7D76087 Skin of infratemporal region Entire skin of infratemporal region (body structure) 2778 2778 02778 lamina of eleventh thoracic vertebra 11146002 S02778 Structure of lamina of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02778 280793001 Entire lamina of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02778 Y 10071 P skeletal system AA079D0798D04DC99BC64B2779FAB58E 5958027C728B4A23B15239865637B76D lamina of eleventh thoracic vertebra Entire lamina of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2779 2779 02779 pedicle of eleventh thoracic vertebra 8820007 S02779 Structure of pedicle of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02779 280750001 Entire pedicle of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02779 pedicle of T11 Y 10068 P skeletal system 470AFE5156254242BC923872DF994BC5 D34D9FB23FFB4ADFBFFBCA7B359D2B4A pedicle of eleventh thoracic vertebra Entire pedicle of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2780 2780 02780 articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra 74366003 S02780 Structure of articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02780 367825003 Entire articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02780 Y 10075 P skeletal system 51EAB1DAFFDF471B846F22E45E19C15C BA9E41DD770147A5A4C938B5DE047B31 articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra Entire articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2781 2781 02781 superior articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra 88826009 S02781 Structure of superior articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02781 367799008 Entire superior articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02781 Y 10076 P skeletal system 335355E8D73E43FBAF58012EFE4D61EE 0E39698992EF47F68300721279AC9DED superior articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra Entire superior articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2782 2782 02782 inferior articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra 113211005 S02782 Structure of inferior articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02782 367812006 Entire inferior articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02782 Y 10078 P skeletal system CF4C8F217EB749FA8CD6CCC2552F4B08 A4538AE66B0C415A943BD12EF1490255 inferior articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra Entire inferior articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2783 2783 02783 body of eleventh thoracic vertebra 52120002 S02783 Structure of body of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02783 280848002 Entire body of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02783 - 10060 P skeletal system BE5628445E1840D7A5E4E92F774D9985 366011923B6245DBA060F55FE618A7D9 body of eleventh thoracic vertebra Entire body of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2784 2784 02784 T11/T12 intervertebral foramen 81752004 S02784 Structure of intervertebral foramen of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02784 281889007 Entire intervertebral foramen of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02784 Y 10080 P musculoskeletal system FD62B3C9D9F945248A6BC66E3844D9CB D57B96D98B124AD49A5267D0A7BB6253 intervertebral foramen of eleventh thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2785 2785 02785 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra 17686002 S02785 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02785 367856006 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02785 - 13518 P musculoskeletal system EC608D51348F43B5964FF77B7B3C592D 1EA91B01EEE04FC7B3BEEC9F370DF039 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2786 2786 02786 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra 79421005 S02786 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02786 367869005 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02786 - 13528 P musculoskeletal system CD50071F84E24042B30309500D73C9E2 E73012FD61B74E29AE4FE7FC63F7BC2D anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2787 2787 02787 skin of postauricular region 24483006 S02787 Skin structure of postauricular region (body structure) E02787 244080005 Entire skin of postauricular region (body structure) P02787 Y D integument/surface A3B86F8BCD7948919267E3E2405A245D FEA82E52E5DD4215A8CC6674983EA033 Skin of postauricular region Entire skin of postauricular region (body structure) 2788 2788 02788 intervertebral disc space of eleventh thoracic vertebra 7591005 S02788 Structure of intervertebral disc space of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02788 367841002 Entire intervertebral disc space of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02788 - 0 P musculoskeletal system F2DFFBE14EC743EAB806BA6884A9348D 3F432B06FA0041EA996501AACCB8FC30 intervertebral disc space of eleventh thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2789 2789 02789 arch of twelfth thoracic vertebra 12053005 S02789 Structure of arch of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02789 312800004 Entire arch of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02789 - 10089 P skeletal system CD0EBBFA69594B0EAF9C097524F20732 9BE437B107D2471AA6D9F0D198752A26 arch of twelfth thoracic vertebra Entire arch of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2790 2790 02790 spinous process of twelfth thoracic vertebra 76031008 S02790 Structure of spinous process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02790 280772004 Entire spinous process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02790 - 10094 P skeletal system 5DFCB9B39D5B430589A450ACC3DA57BC C7C960F256984EFE97688AB7682DCADC spinous process of twelfth thoracic vertebra Entire spinous process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2791 2791 02791 transverse process of twelfth thoracic vertebra 70692008 S02791 Structure of transverse process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02791 280817005 Entire transverse process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02791 Y 10095 P skeletal system B0A7FCEF84494E888A059CA2CC3FA937 DDB58F1BF5374FBCA0990F7113656382 transverse process of twelfth thoracic vertebra Entire transverse process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2792 2792 02792 lamina of twelfth thoracic vertebra 12841007 S02792 Structure of lamina of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02792 280794007 Entire lamina of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02792 Y 10093 P skeletal system 5716EEA27F9A4D21A3DA7819447F001E EC6466C35ACE465DB9B19BFB6FCB5A34 lamina of twelfth thoracic vertebra Entire lamina of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2793 2793 02793 pedicle of twelfth thoracic vertebra 49901009 S02793 Structure of pedicle of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02793 280751002 Entire pedicle of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02793 Y 10090 P skeletal system 4EBC97E979A54681920AAFD59ADF2099 BFA4F2845E844209994D1439BB645B3E pedicle of twelfth thoracic vertebra Entire pedicle of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2794 2794 02794 articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra 5923009 S02794 Structure of articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02794 367826002 Entire articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02794 Y 10096 P skeletal system 9B5F66076EE844A3A583B8080A0E9D04 32EFE503AE624C83A0623BE6FA332044 articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra Entire articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2795 2795 02795 superior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra 17279002 S02795 Structure of superior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02795 367800007 Entire superior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02795 Y 10097 P skeletal system 1D3A261A85AD41DE869DAF7209BD1D44 7B8F318E337A4A7EA2AC543189919963 superior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra Entire superior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2796 2796 02796 inferior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra 8523001 S02796 Structure of inferior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02796 367813001 Entire inferior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02796 Y 10099 P skeletal system D437C5CE7E674270A5AED444DE9B5781 BF0E235DA79247D080C64D94D60A96B7 inferior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra Entire inferior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2797 2797 02797 skin of preauricular region 86719006 S02797 Skin structure of preauricular region (body structure) E02797 279080000 Entire skin of preauricular region (body structure) P02797 Y D integument/surface C47ECC63F5B14AD094ACC7BEDBA639FB A259A1EF128E4FC0B5FFB3DF75D2B89B Skin of preauricular region Entire skin of preauricular region (body structure) 2798 2798 02798 body of twelfth thoracic vertebra 33274003 S02798 Structure of body of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02798 280849005 Entire body of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02798 - 10082 P skeletal system 5B1957BCBD2B4C438F2D7BFE7C527D06 57383C2F72D54CB89E3D9F3A95F94A23 body of twelfth thoracic vertebra Entire body of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2799 2799 02799 T12/L1 intervertebral foramen 5192008 S02799 Structure of intervertebral foramen of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02799 281890003 Entire intervertebral foramen of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02799 Y 10101 P musculoskeletal system AE6F3E7D39BD40E4B9E35A04B099E77A FACBF7F63205493AB05064EB4B6F7808 intervertebral foramen of twelfth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2800 2800 02800 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of twelfth thoracic vertebra 81482006 S02800 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02800 367857002 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02800 - 13519 P musculoskeletal system BFD92AFA8D67430599CA57185E604151 077648D4DF994F54AAA631F1ABC51025 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of twelfth thoracic vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2801 2801 02801 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of twelfth thoracic vertebra 23834006 S02801 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02801 367870006 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02801 - 13529 P musculoskeletal system A0FEB9D6C0464654ADF988290EDEC053 4FC8FDC3B54C480AB2AFA67E761C2FBA anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of twelfth thoracic vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2802 2802 02802 intervertebral disc space of twelfth thoracic vertebra 8091003 S02802 Structure of intervertebral disc space of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) E02802 367842009 Entire intervertebral disc space of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P02802 - 0 P musculoskeletal system D669E83026EA4639A60F81AB7183AB15 083E030EA24A48F581049F087F862022 intervertebral disc space of twelfth thoracic vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 2803 2803 02803 arch of lumbar vertebra 67186000 S02803 Structure of arch of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02803 312766000 Entire arch of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02803 - 16076 P musculoskeletal system B94B95B763F4443C831B6C374290A13E 7878540BD6924E7DA16C65C28C33A66C arch of lumbar vertebra Entire arch of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2804 2804 02804 spinous process of lumbar vertebra 113215001 S02804 Structure of spinous process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02804 280720009 Entire spinous process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02804 - 16081 P musculoskeletal system CEC6DD11747949128E2D7DEFCFAF7CE7 7F21E314B474424CA9A08AC909BD6DCC spinous process of lumbar vertebra Entire spinous process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2805 2805 02805 transverse process of lumbar vertebra 26991005 S02805 Structure of transverse process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02805 280733003 Entire transverse process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02805 Y 16080 P musculoskeletal system F0D74A2033B747E08278DE92557A18A1 B27DC968AAF14283B51CEAFD5F52EB7D transverse process of lumbar vertebra Entire transverse process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2806 2806 02806 lamina of lumbar vertebra 30567008 S02806 Structure of lamina of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02806 280729005 Entire lamina of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02806 Y 16079 P musculoskeletal system CDAFA38D173C450782CB434FC5E4E4D6 E431260C12FD4C41ABF1E1AF036BB809 lamina of lumbar vertebra Entire lamina of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2807 2807 02807 pedicle of lumbar vertebra 79785004 S02807 Structure of pedicle of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02807 280726003 Entire pedicle of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02807 Y 16077 P musculoskeletal system AC36FBCEDB514848B0808820935426D7 0163BD31A8FE4C9F8C5671CBC4CBF832 pedicle of lumbar vertebra Entire pedicle of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2808 2808 02808 articular process of lumbar vertebra 39796002 S02808 Structure of articular process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02808 306880008 Entire articular process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02808 Y 16078 P musculoskeletal system 396D2CEF72CC44FEBC55BC623161A8AB 7E7793857F764A89834AD7529151F5B4 articular process of lumbar vertebra Entire articular process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2809 2809 02809 superior articular process of lumbar vertebra 272005 S02809 Structure of superior articular process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02809 305677003 Entire superior articular process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02809 Y 16126 P musculoskeletal system 7F9C76802E854FFA9DBB72FBA4F30F6D FA158891D4DA4548A97B18A832A80A40 superior articular process of lumbar vertebra Entire superior articular process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2810 2810 02810 inferior articular process of lumbar vertebra 76394009 S02810 Structure of inferior articular process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02810 306283004 Entire inferior articular process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02810 Y 16127 P musculoskeletal system A28719FD7CFF41BFB6D5FE59247DEE58 F149A33226244558976B5002CA1F9902 inferior articular process of lumbar vertebra Entire inferior articular process of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2811 2811 02811 body of lumbar vertebra 75002003 S02811 Structure of body of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02811 280738007 Entire body of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02811 - 16075 P musculoskeletal system BB5F3688BC074929BC855FEDDB62783D C6A983C6219D475C894ECC8B41D69C24 body of lumbar vertebra Entire body of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2812 2812 02812 intervertebral foramen of lumbar vertebra 41586005 S02812 Structure of intervertebral foramen of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02812 281891004 Entire intervertebral foramen of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02812 Y 72186 P musculoskeletal system 503C268D742941229B1E058099CA69F0 5EF162B6F05E400E9E5F4ACD8F24A0E8 intervertebral foramen of lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2813 2813 02813 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of lumbar vertebra 22468002 S02813 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02813 307682009 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02813 - 16062 P articular system 3CCBB5D3ABCC47AFAA4741B9A6CE3AA1 28179D2B6685462BA6FFA985B6D531BD nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of lumbar vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2814 2814 02814 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of lumbar vertebra 44405009 S02814 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02814 308245008 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02814 - 16068 P articular system C3E82BBE1DA949468D5AD23D34782F30 5463C4E9FEE34118A363B1FE554850F0 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of lumbar vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2815 2815 02815 skin of cheek 36141000 S02815 Skin structure of cheek (body structure) E02815 181472009 Entire skin of cheek (body structure) P02815 Y 24759 D integument/surface 045A809745BE45BA97CB927F4A5A37C7 A369D10D91834FDF80EB45D1315E40F7 Skin of cheek Entire skin of cheek (body structure) 2816 2816 02816 lumbar vertebral canal 52225003 S02816 Structure of lumbar spinal canal (body structure) E02816 306979009 Entire lumbar spinal canal (body structure) P02816 - 83805 P 2A89973AFC3D4B598592F334AA424B3A 8BB1E2E9EDDC4370BE0D92478325AE31 lumbar spinal canal Entire lumbar spinal canal (body structure) 2817 2817 02817 arch of first lumbar vertebra 64782003 S02817 Structure of arch of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02817 312807001 Entire arch of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02817 - 16087 P skeletal system 6FABC18774AB4F0A9D28C95B627172A8 4EA30D1E40DB4D0B86875519C2135EA0 arch of first lumbar vertebra Entire arch of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2818 2818 02818 spinous process of first lumbar vertebra 61506003 S02818 Structure of spinous process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02818 280777005 Entire spinous process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02818 - 16196 P skeletal system 7C24D12DF667442A81166172635DB25A F80ABC6A49BE4324B5B99F0F19A71436 spinous process of first lumbar vertebra Entire spinous process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2819 2819 02819 transverse process of first lumbar vertebra 17550008 S02819 Structure of transverse process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02819 280823000 Entire transverse process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02819 Y 16179 P skeletal system 6F2052B4F7EF40EB845E69E121E12608 F970A7C23EA848AA979288B7E1A83A81 transverse process of first lumbar vertebra Entire transverse process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2820 2820 02820 lamina of first lumbar vertebra 24572000 S02820 Structure of lamina of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02820 280799002 Entire lamina of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02820 Y 16164 P skeletal system 7E52F9BB032C428089B9897CE13DE755 1406E637504147F6954664A461B40F42 lamina of first lumbar vertebra Entire lamina of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2821 2821 02821 pedicle of first lumbar vertebra 65253007 S02821 Structure of pedicle of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02821 280756007 Entire pedicle of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02821 pedicle of L1 Y 16094 P skeletal system 77ACDDC8D10D4F14BC212A6A97014885 DC13264FF57149C7B54F4D5F54A86892 pedicle of first lumbar vertebra Entire pedicle of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2822 2822 02822 articular process of first lumbar vertebra 48987003 S02822 Structure of articular process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02822 306384008 Entire articular process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02822 Y 16111 P skeletal system 8511449D7225438481F14EB56BB5C403 889549A0BF3C4FFDBA67AF229DA24451 articular process of first lumbar vertebra Entire articular process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2823 2823 02823 superior articular process of first lumbar vertebra 79390004 S02823 Structure of superior articular process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02823 305172008 Entire superior articular process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02823 Y 16128 P skeletal system 76609049F3B648D2A9A360616C7C72A5 1463C1DB723647419347BA4E00DCEA60 superior articular process of first lumbar vertebra Entire superior articular process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2824 2824 02824 inferior articular process of first lumbar vertebra 67177005 S02824 Structure of inferior articular process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02824 305779007 Entire inferior articular process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02824 Y 16137 P skeletal system AA136BA1CC194AE79B37D34B5582042E C1C5147756D246048FB6DF194370F00C inferior articular process of first lumbar vertebra Entire inferior articular process of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2825 2825 02825 skin of medial area of finger 61592007 S02825 Skin structure of medial surface of finger (body structure) E02825 368304006 Entire skin of medial surface of finger (body structure) P02825 Y D integument/surface 2E3F100822F74CDCA28E847C08F40483 7F5EC386ADD248DFA93F45DD26380F14 Skin of medial surface of finger Entire skin of medial surface of finger (body structure) 2826 2826 02826 skin of infrapalpebral fold 17018007 S02826 Skin structure of infrapalpebral fold (body structure) E02826 368766009 Entire skin of infrapalpebral fold (body structure) P02826 Y D integument/surface 53483CD23B93493FB4D9869A3A82C033 27D34657FA024D52883B563A3F0E8B97 Skin of infrapalpebral fold Entire skin of infrapalpebral fold (body structure) 2827 2827 02827 body of first lumbar vertebra 61032001 S02827 Structure of body of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02827 280854001 Entire body of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02827 - 16082 P skeletal system BBBB16BDBF6246838688CAA5DEC45607 F4914D2DCE4C4199B65453E6E46975E6 body of first lumbar vertebra Entire body of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2828 2828 02828 L1/L2 intervertebral foramen 49117002 S02828 Structure of intervertebral foramen of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02828 281892006 Entire intervertebral foramen of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02828 Y 72187 P musculoskeletal system 99229E40012A46B1BC67840D50902136 D579B7EB20254B398A7CF0C4854F485A intervertebral foramen of first lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2829 2829 02829 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of first lumbar vertebra 27802001 S02829 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02829 307243004 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02829 - 16063 P musculoskeletal system 76D8EB9E51FF405A9D99F2D5D74AE3E8 5ABBD96CB0C642E3B2B502B5E5D4C689 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of first lumbar vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2830 2830 02830 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of first lumbar vertebra 45164006 S02830 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02830 307773007 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02830 - 16069 P musculoskeletal system 24463BA9DE914EF1B64573B13F4639D1 098AC10BC25B4ED79C00F29000233935 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of first lumbar vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2831 2831 02831 intervertebral disc space of first lumbar vertebra 25661006 S02831 Structure of intervertebral disc space of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02831 308332006 Entire intervertebral disc space of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02831 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 4EFD593FDDC346A385AE4EA858BE7A86 587B6804F1E04F7382AF3AEAA5C68E35 intervertebral disc space of first lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2832 2832 02832 arch of second lumbar vertebra 6711001 S02832 Structure of arch of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02832 312808006 Entire arch of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02832 - 16088 P skeletal system F29BF4009A5D431080EE551E972810FA B8A81B76A0F749B3B4BAFFFBABF6ACBA arch of second lumbar vertebra Entire arch of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2833 2833 02833 spinous process of second lumbar vertebra 77268005 S02833 Structure of spinous process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02833 280778000 Entire spinous process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02833 - 16197 P skeletal system 916061AA4981412E89BB0ABDF29AF4EC EE95E0CFCEFC43AFA8EDD2BE9550E0A0 spinous process of second lumbar vertebra Entire spinous process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2834 2834 02834 transverse process of second lumbar vertebra 89831000 S02834 Structure of transverse process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02834 280825007 Entire transverse process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02834 Y 16180 P skeletal system 5200A15C37354CE094B725D12EE64899 AF549D6B5DF740389B92165E7A963BB7 transverse process of second lumbar vertebra Entire transverse process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2835 2835 02835 skin of zygomatic region 33049008 S02835 Skin structure of zygomatic region (body structure) E02835 368764007 Entire skin of zygomatic region (body structure) P02835 Y D integument/surface 6EE254DF2D3B454DB740FC22215C780C 932F54754CFA4710A8E5738E4CC348A3 Skin of zygomatic region Entire skin of zygomatic region (body structure) 2836 2836 02836 lamina of second lumbar vertebra 113216000 S02836 Structure of lamina of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02836 280800003 Entire lamina of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02836 Y 16165 P skeletal system BB6D0155A086407A944C8E4B5E1B086B AEC65A17B4364F009E8AE0853616F050 lamina of second lumbar vertebra Entire lamina of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2837 2837 02837 pedicle of second lumbar vertebra 91129008 S02837 Structure of pedicle of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02837 280757003 Entire pedicle of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02837 pedicle of L2 Y 16095 P skeletal system A794FE609E9647A285FE9874179C826A 1F8464428077488D82645B9C870A6E85 pedicle of second lumbar vertebra Entire pedicle of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2838 2838 02838 articular process of second lumbar vertebra 33917005 S02838 Structure of articular process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02838 306485008 Entire articular process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02838 Y 16112 P skeletal system 4DD838BD2AB64D5A97B0E1F57A5733A1 A9E054C17E684B98ABDA97374A6E2D35 articular process of second lumbar vertebra Entire articular process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2839 2839 02839 superior articular process of second lumbar vertebra 74063004 S02839 Structure of superior articular process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02839 305273009 Entire superior articular process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02839 Y 16129 P skeletal system 41C4C02C99D5413F934DBB52BD797CD2 1B3300DB21C14AAD99EE50527BA82169 superior articular process of second lumbar vertebra Entire superior articular process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2840 2840 02840 inferior articular process of second lumbar vertebra 47576001 S02840 Structure of inferior articular process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02840 305880004 Entire inferior articular process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02840 Y 16138 P skeletal system 5161FF6A815645F7AEF4B8629DE2BACA 5695C44B82A94457915BA52E87DF14BD inferior articular process of second lumbar vertebra Entire inferior articular process of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2841 2841 02841 body of second lumbar vertebra 53983007 S02841 Structure of body of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02841 280855000 Entire body of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02841 - 16083 P skeletal system BD0B19ADEA194673A04AC2EC6860D902 9832CC2531E542B89BAC7D56FC694D67 body of second lumbar vertebra Entire body of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2842 2842 02842 L2/L3 intervertebral foramen 8695008 S02842 Structure of intervertebral foramen of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02842 281893001 Entire intervertebral foramen of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02842 Y 72188 P musculoskeletal system 1B289DCCB7C44BE18B50C6ECA70EEB34 18A761BB22BE473A9C9473473E59E4E6 intervertebral foramen of second lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2843 2843 02843 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of second lumbar vertebra 88390002 S02843 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02843 307327008 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02843 - 16064 P musculoskeletal system 1A6D2218087B40B99491D76BFF0B6CF0 DA982DA4259647CFAF4C85E12E9B8BE6 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of second lumbar vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2844 2844 02844 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of second lumbar vertebra 12013007 S02844 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02844 307870002 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02844 - 16070 P musculoskeletal system 944CBD4501F74B418786DF9404EB455E A95C05C6C9F84821B79178DF9ABCAE85 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of second lumbar vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2845 2845 02845 skin of eyelid 51360009 S02845 Skin structure of eyelid (body structure) E02845 245947005 Entire skin of eyelid (body structure) P02845 Y 24760 D integument/surface B847DF82D0C7424892DC402631A15113 B2565FDDC5CF4F0491A862FD9F91804F Skin of eyelid Entire skin of eyelid (body structure) 2846 2846 02846 intervertebral disc space of second lumbar vertebra 86297008 S02846 Structure of intervertebral disc space of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02846 308422000 Entire intervertebral disc space of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02846 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 89CD51EFB5D841D0A8DE0DF986D4AE5F 8635EA6A680C43C1B73CAC79AF6FE152 intervertebral disc space of second lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2847 2847 02847 arch of third lumbar vertebra 16967000 S02847 Structure of arch of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02847 312809003 Entire arch of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02847 - 16089 P skeletal system 8D2CD4B9B960403C870B4CE1793928C1 694DAA6F37194089A2FF4399E7527C96 arch of third lumbar vertebra Entire arch of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2848 2848 02848 spinous process of third lumbar vertebra 75346002 S02848 Structure of spinous process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02848 280779008 Entire spinous process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02848 - 16198 P skeletal system 5544339D3B264BDD952857D0DB7A9775 5815E227A516417B80C74049BB61444B spinous process of third lumbar vertebra Entire spinous process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2849 2849 02849 transverse process of third lumbar vertebra 18447006 S02849 Structure of transverse process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02849 280826008 Entire transverse process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02849 Y 16181 P skeletal system C223471C520D4F8EACED786CEFB82634 1204A14039084FE8A803E4619926679A transverse process of third lumbar vertebra Entire transverse process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2850 2850 02850 lamina of third lumbar vertebra 48960002 S02850 Structure of lamina of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02850 280801004 Entire lamina of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02850 Y 16166 P skeletal system 2705E42C5BA3421F85011FBCF11C1165 7E15D7A13DE9414183C5559D4C5FFDD0 lamina of third lumbar vertebra Entire lamina of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2851 2851 02851 pedicle of third lumbar vertebra 68179006 S02851 Structure of pedicle of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02851 280758008 Entire pedicle of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02851 pedicle of L3 Y 16096 P skeletal system 406649178F0441C4957689DB22C0286D BFE4FE6899374A3382042848955B6247 pedicle of third lumbar vertebra Entire pedicle of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2852 2852 02852 articular process of third lumbar vertebra 5403001 S02852 Structure of articular process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02852 306587002 Entire articular process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02852 Y 16113 P skeletal system A36DF479C3F244A2829F1264EE4F3340 CD3A0462FEB14C34B3E7F66302456622 articular process of third lumbar vertebra Entire articular process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2853 2853 02853 superior articular process of third lumbar vertebra 81842007 S02853 Structure of superior articular process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02853 305373006 Entire superior articular process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02853 Y 16130 P skeletal system 0BD0EDC78CFA439F8F7E49598A9BBD44 68FA61EF722E49838E20419EF06AA95F superior articular process of third lumbar vertebra Entire superior articular process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2854 2854 02854 inferior articular process of third lumbar vertebra 13255000 S02854 Structure of inferior articular process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02854 305982008 Entire inferior articular process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02854 Y 16139 P skeletal system 2188968DFCC54B6E8847AB2A7092F935 157A773534A947C0A6B3F99C8F65B66C inferior articular process of third lumbar vertebra Entire inferior articular process of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2855 2855 02855 skin of upper eyelid 41310005 S02855 Skin structure of upper eyelid (body structure) E02855 245948000 Entire skin of upper eyelid (body structure) P02855 Y 24761 D integument/surface A2F508D505E44F10BC32D6069F9165CE 4B7A7AE1BAC8439AAA09B846C019564B Skin of upper eyelid Entire skin of upper eyelid (body structure) 2856 2856 02856 body of third lumbar vertebra 55492004 S02856 Structure of body of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02856 280856004 Entire body of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02856 - 16084 P skeletal system 9D33E1D50CA84C3492AB2A87FB161993 0D91F33BE44744669B10A029BFD9E826 body of third lumbar vertebra Entire body of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2857 2857 02857 L3/L4 intervertebral foramen 77238001 S02857 Structure of intervertebral foramen of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02857 281894007 Entire intervertebral foramen of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02857 Y 72189 P musculoskeletal system 9FAB8E39FDBE4E82B088E11101CB195A 7D4170299D10496F8B1A6C67EA182C53 intervertebral foramen of third lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2858 2858 02858 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra 1562001 S02858 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02858 307419000 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02858 - 16065 P musculoskeletal system CE6ECC338CD642078119411BCC23AE18 99EA73B0417242D19AA6E4C1FC8C6595 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2859 2859 02859 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra 26990006 S02859 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02859 307970003 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02859 - 16071 P musculoskeletal system 85FD10022E234D2E87B0CC1CBC9D3AD5 1038B6F53BC649C990FC77ECDE9034B9 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2860 2860 02860 intervertebral disc space of third lumbar vertebra 27269000 S02860 Structure of intervertebral disc space of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02860 308513004 Entire intervertebral disc space of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02860 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 466B59CFAE134C63AC9E7A4FA0451BED BBC1D8820B7B427B91ACCB617FAF6E16 intervertebral disc space of third lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2861 2861 02861 arch of fourth lumbar vertebra 33081004 S02861 Structure of arch of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02861 312811007 Entire arch of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02861 - 16090 P skeletal system 261140D4B54F454DAFC33710AB292723 B3170C77460E4E748883E3E174D796C9 arch of fourth lumbar vertebra Entire arch of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2862 2862 02862 spinous process of fourth lumbar vertebra 89172001 S02862 Structure of spinous process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02862 280780006 Entire spinous process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02862 - 16199 P skeletal system 6DABA67EA9914198AEDADFA59B0D4003 117921D97E9445FAB80F4766CD5615DB spinous process of fourth lumbar vertebra Entire spinous process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2863 2863 02863 transverse process of fourth lumbar vertebra 22548006 S02863 Structure of transverse process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02863 280827004 Entire transverse process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02863 Y 16182 P skeletal system 91094E2B6F314CDF941A98E44E529E43 9CD8295705F04589997FB38FE9B6904C transverse process of fourth lumbar vertebra Entire transverse process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2864 2864 02864 skin of lower eyelid 40069000 S02864 Skin structure of lower eyelid (body structure) E02864 245949008 Entire skin of lower eyelid (body structure) P02864 Y 24762 D integument/surface D2757D07ED464DF68719E28AECD65C37 5F3BA70BB5BF4852A21A0CC46FDD004F Skin of lower eyelid Entire skin of lower eyelid (body structure) 2865 2865 02865 lamina of fourth lumbar vertebra 2826007 S02865 Structure of lamina of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02865 280802006 Entire lamina of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02865 Y 16167 P skeletal system 390E0B20AB734956AA658FB094DB01D8 DE101CBCEC1E41FCBC57069F2E4CB33C lamina of fourth lumbar vertebra Entire lamina of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2866 2866 02866 pedicle of fourth lumbar vertebra 64691005 S02866 Structure of pedicle of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02866 280759000 Entire pedicle of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02866 pedicle of L4 Y 16097 P skeletal system C09350FBFC6C471CAC37D3C98B2295D5 B855BF551AF64DC18301054671AAF6A9 pedicle of fourth lumbar vertebra Entire pedicle of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2867 2867 02867 articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra 37735005 S02867 Structure of articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02867 306688003 Entire articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02867 Y 16114 P skeletal system 808898D5CA584CEBA55425C3B7600442 CAEBB32EF1434306AC35D966D079A883 articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra Entire articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2868 2868 02868 superior articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra 113217009 S02868 Structure of superior articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02868 305475000 Entire superior articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02868 Y 16131 P skeletal system FD37802F8AEA4C41A97C5B4DFF7DF4A4 DDC343C16C514759971DBDCA18E5E0D5 superior articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra Entire superior articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2869 2869 02869 inferior articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra 20600008 S02869 Structure of inferior articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02869 306084000 Entire inferior articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02869 Y 16140 P skeletal system 7E6F39D6E0664609AC319B105738F66B EF4E493F250048F5845C1AA708E471A5 inferior articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra Entire inferior articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2870 2870 02870 body of fourth lumbar vertebra 71996003 S02870 Structure of body of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02870 280857008 Entire body of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02870 - 16085 P skeletal system C8BA3CD624734319AA98E3C762C1B849 8E6F7B81C7654CC29AE8FDF068BFEC0D body of fourth lumbar vertebra Entire body of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2871 2871 02871 L4/L5 intervertebral foramen 61559001 S02871 Structure of intervertebral foramen of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02871 281895008 Entire intervertebral foramen of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02871 Y 72190 P musculoskeletal system 91AF31D46587439AAD130B43AD54F4FB 6EA88F93E472496A881E9E637594F0C3 intervertebral foramen of fourth lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2872 2872 02872 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth lumbar vertebra 61038002 S02872 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02872 307516005 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02872 - 16066 P musculoskeletal system 4B06BF034B2545FA88BF0F509D00DB97 1663599F28A04248B8357F1B20B54A9D nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth lumbar vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2873 2873 02873 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth lumbar vertebra 83524000 S02873 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02873 308060000 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02873 - 16072 P musculoskeletal system 00AAADC0CD2841F189BB908A68686DA1 AAD44C03AFF342178B2D059544885DFD anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth lumbar vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2874 2874 02874 skin of circumorbital region 26803003 S02874 Structure of circumorbital skin (body structure) E02874 181475006 Entire circumorbital skin (body structure) P02874 Y D integument/surface 04FA7143733C42D08B784B9CD77A20D5 AA01A35500AB4206B1789B2696602EEC circumorbital skin Entire circumorbital skin (body structure) 2875 2875 02875 intervertebral disc space of fourth lumbar vertebra 79397001 S02875 Structure of intervertebral disc space of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02875 308611009 Entire intervertebral disc space of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02875 - 0 P musculoskeletal system A8656A911B64471A8BCEC8AF29FAE7BE 6CD58C3358A648539885ABB728173CE7 intervertebral disc space of fourth lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2876 2876 02876 arch of fifth lumbar vertebra 24489005 S02876 Structure of arch of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02876 312812000 Entire arch of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02876 - 16091 P skeletal system DB37EB9E81944697A80F173E5CA61B70 3BD96AE54E04435CB2848146686A7306 arch of fifth lumbar vertebra Entire arch of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2877 2877 02877 spinous process of fifth lumbar vertebra 33301009 S02877 Structure of spinous process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02877 280781005 Entire spinous process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02877 - 16200 P skeletal system 5B1653B2A414478A9B7B9A4C8018F3A9 E23E3E7F9A5A41299C126A3A9016CD51 spinous process of fifth lumbar vertebra Entire spinous process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2878 2878 02878 transverse process of fifth lumbar vertebra 44392002 S02878 Structure of transverse process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02878 280828009 Entire transverse process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02878 Y 16183 P skeletal system ED1197B70F184FFE9A9C807AE8FA53CC 07388310B62644E9B06ABC9044BE43B3 transverse process of fifth lumbar vertebra Entire transverse process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2879 2879 02879 lamina of fifth lumbar vertebra 52216009 S02879 Structure of lamina of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02879 280803001 Entire lamina of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02879 Y 16168 P skeletal system B4145982EA3D4616B727E4B0995E8647 DB9EEF53DBE342F8AFE16FB21619D899 lamina of fifth lumbar vertebra Entire lamina of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2880 2880 02880 pedicle of fifth lumbar vertebra 15849000 S02880 Structure of pedicle of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02880 280760005 Entire pedicle of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02880 pedicle of L5 Y 16098 P skeletal system 0A4952D665D044C2B097D2F6649B279F F2511AB22D6444B0BB470680AB1DC9E3 pedicle of fifth lumbar vertebra Entire pedicle of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2881 2881 02881 articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra 80076006 S02881 Structure of articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02881 306787004 Entire articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02881 Y 16115 P skeletal system 599E23AF9EE046948497C772FAF268B4 57E820BF783F434B9ACB9D1D7A037F20 articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra Entire articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2882 2882 02882 superior articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra 59463005 S02882 Structure of superior articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02882 305576002 Entire superior articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02882 Y 16132 P skeletal system 76572AA3CF5A462A9C6E718911CA4002 7D6113A7E8F94C32969D2E6F1B2357C2 superior articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra Entire superior articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2883 2883 02883 inferior articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra 57374009 S02883 Structure of inferior articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02883 306183008 Entire inferior articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02883 Y 16141 P skeletal system DA0A700C30994BF883F947B27CACF3C6 CCE1EA8268B34348A0CA8213B0DA589F inferior articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra Entire inferior articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2884 2884 02884 skin of palpebral margins 19701007 S02884 Skin structure of palpebral margins (body structure) E02884 368770001 Entire skin of palpebral margins (body structure) P02884 Y D integument/surface 17B48E84DD524F0497684C8BAE4F76B4 1497334486DD41EF83070D699D2A5FD6 Skin of palpebral margins Entire skin of palpebral margins (body structure) 2885 2885 02885 body of fifth lumbar vertebra 21799000 S02885 Structure of body of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02885 280858003 Entire body of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02885 - 16086 P skeletal system C45AA679CF0F4D4C9F135A4CD6D6782C E3CE6A3DCDD74D16B798443709351E19 body of fifth lumbar vertebra Entire body of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2886 2886 02886 L5/S1 intervertebral foramen 26009003 S02886 Structure of intervertebral foramen of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02886 281896009 Entire intervertebral foramen of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02886 Y 72191 P musculoskeletal system C2804C2449EB45E1ADA28852B228ED3C F97900DBEF4B4BEB88253072424993CB intervertebral foramen of fifth lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2887 2887 02887 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth lumbar vertebra 19162006 S02887 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02887 307600004 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02887 - 16067 P musculoskeletal system 62BE70AD9C7C43E5A8BFDAF8FDA2F205 B0FDD138155243DB852BD7ECA83ACAF6 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth lumbar vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2888 2888 02888 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth lumbar vertebra 68896009 S02888 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02888 308156001 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02888 - 16073 P musculoskeletal system 22135743BA9149D6828967EE06819558 8508F95EA3F84DB891CDF04890DC654F anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth lumbar vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2889 2889 02889 intervertebral disc space of fifth lumbar vertebra 565008 S02889 Structure of intervertebral disc space of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E02889 308702000 Entire intervertebral disc space of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P02889 - 0 P musculoskeletal system F36D6513F96D42E9BFB7E075397E59C2 3827F76BF63D4AA7944AC6414768E54B intervertebral disc space of fifth lumbar vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 2890 2890 02890 arch of sacral vertebra 102286006 S02890 Structure of arch of sacral vertebra (body structure) E02890 291008000 Entire arch of sacral vertebra (body structure) P02890 - P musculoskeletal system 28D05E4364C04A28BD315EC28762BEA8 FB3CFE0FE3FF44E0A05675DAD8C4AED9 arch of sacral vertebra Entire arch of sacral vertebra (body structure) 2891 2891 02891 first sacral vertebra 65985001 S02891 Structure of first sacral vertebra (body structure) E02891 181846009 Entire first sacral vertebra (body structure) P02891 - 13077 P musculoskeletal system 65A398F195D1443C8E22260E3160D25C D43C8A8F98CD4D11B5B2D9CD94EE17B1 first sacral vertebra Entire first sacral vertebra (body structure) 2892 2892 02892 skin of medial canthus 27887005 S02892 Skin structure of medial canthus (body structure) E02892 368771002 Entire skin of medial canthus (body structure) P02892 Y D integument/surface 5AD41F5FA07441029A48A418F7AA64C5 43277DBB02314FF4BEFDC13E2D26E5DD Skin of medial canthus Entire skin of medial canthus (body structure) 2893 2893 02893 second sacral vertebra 11808007 S02893 Structure of second sacral vertebra (body structure) E02893 181847000 Entire second sacral vertebra (body structure) P02893 - 13078 P musculoskeletal system CC595AC2D3A24491BB71BBEE7E1A88E6 7442A6EF07F747139384ECA94B95D681 second sacral vertebra Entire second sacral vertebra (body structure) 2894 2894 02894 third sacral vertebra 49967005 S02894 Structure of third sacral vertebra (body structure) E02894 181848005 Entire third sacral vertebra (body structure) P02894 - 13079 P musculoskeletal system F7B46984D1B1455189D3D6CAA0A30614 CB73662CA367410E8ED5D1C1C2385796 third sacral vertebra Entire third sacral vertebra (body structure) 2895 2895 02895 fourth sacral vertebra 69950008 S02895 Structure of fourth sacral vertebra (body structure) E02895 181849002 Entire fourth sacral vertebra (body structure) P02895 - 13080 P musculoskeletal system CCB17148A3E7424FBB6E8F80644C73DE A3C242082E754156B53BE89CD45C3023 fourth sacral vertebra Entire fourth sacral vertebra (body structure) 2896 2896 02896 fifth sacral vertebra 21452006 S02896 Structure of fifth sacral vertebra (body structure) E02896 181850002 Entire fifth sacral vertebra (body structure) P02896 - 13081 P musculoskeletal system BA638759C0B843E2BC634BB482295576 FE0AC946BC5948889FB25379D5F42847 fifth sacral vertebra Entire fifth sacral vertebra (body structure) 2897 2897 02897 sacral promontory 26359000 S02897 Structure of sacral promontory (body structure) E02897 291109005 Entire sacral promontory (body structure) P02897 - 31723 P skeletal system FD3E5D738496477F92C0F69BD8962C7F C90197F9436546D5A7E2AF2CDBE4B785 sacral promontory Entire sacral promontory (body structure) 2898 2898 02898 ala of sacrum 67094005 S02898 Structure of ala of sacrum (body structure) E02898 182023006 Entire ala of sacrum (body structure) P02898 Y 32439 P skeletal system FDD9FCF7D6CD47E3A252C60481B18125 B1128BEAABF148268AD8BA0303901171 ala of sacrum Entire ala of sacrum (body structure) 2899 2899 02899 hiatus of sacrum 33749000 S02899 Structure of hiatus of sacrum (body structure) E02899 291210009 Entire hiatus of sacrum (body structure) P02899 - 31732 P skeletal system 65F9924FFFC64AAFA4C910C0190CAFB3 D9FAB538567C4E48ABB369C15737D17D hiatus of sacrum Entire hiatus of sacrum (body structure) 2900 2900 02900 body of sacrum 72879000 S02900 Structure of body of sacrum (body structure) E02900 182022001 Entire body of sacrum (body structure) P02900 - 16217 P skeletal system 12AD6049BDAB489A899B2564DFB44B50 E6829A3997B34BB38E07F2B0DD2F6059 body of sacrum Entire body of sacrum (body structure) 2901 2901 02901 dorsal foramen of sacrum 87482001 S02901 Structure of dorsal foramina of sacrum (body structure) E02901 291612007 Entire dorsal foramina of sacrum (body structure) P02901 Y 31752 P skeletal system 750C388E3A044523945EFFB4331A02B4 6B9A368BD81742E8B1CE3E1094C34623 dorsal foramina of sacrum Entire dorsal foramina of sacrum (body structure) 2902 2902 02902 skin of lateral canthus 37671003 S02902 Skin structure of lateral canthus (body structure) E02902 368772009 Entire skin of lateral canthus (body structure) P02902 - D integument/surface D120699737F2446294FBE3017F590B08 C678B45F35CA49C5835640A5576FFF34 Skin of lateral canthus Entire skin of lateral canthus (body structure) 2903 2903 02903 pelvic foramen of sacrum 47211004 S02903 Structure of pelvic foramina of sacrum (body structure) E02903 291715000 Entire pelvic foramina of sacrum (body structure) P02903 Y 31751 P skeletal system BF540701512F4FD78B9E2705691281C8 A69FF91C66784701A33EC2476DDB11DF pelvic foramina of sacrum Entire pelvic foramina of sacrum (body structure) 2904 2904 02904 superior articular facet of sacrum 86428008 S02904 Structure of superior articular facet of sacrum (body structure) E02904 291311006 Entire superior articular facet of sacrum (body structure) P02904 Y 31733 P skeletal system 3F7306FD370D4664AA2A533A9C1CEE9A 61EB47627C7A41A19015245AD2582068 superior articular facet of sacrum Entire superior articular facet of sacrum (body structure) 2905 2905 02905 sacral tuberosity 35485001 S02905 Structure of sacral tuberosity (body structure) E02905 291410006 Entire sacral tuberosity (body structure) P02905 Y 31724 P skeletal system 31613273CE87425C94DFF4BE765C2D8B E2BB13461B5E4367A851D5BD9EAF3ED1 sacral tuberosity Entire sacral tuberosity (body structure) 2906 2906 02906 pelvic surface of sacrum 29432008 S02906 Structure of pelvic aspect of sacrum (body structure) E02906 291511007 Entire pelvic aspect of sacrum (body structure) P02906 - 31718 P skeletal system B9631433694F4BA88DA5D6B457537E31 E864CC45AD0E481DB0E2D7E23DCB29BD pelvic aspect of sacrum Entire pelvic aspect of sacrum (body structure) 2907 2907 02907 arch of coccygeal vertebra 102287002 S02907 Structure of arch of coccygeal vertebra (body structure) E02907 291917003 Entire arch of coccygeal vertebra (body structure) P02907 - P skeletal system 55DF7FEE3A114687A5C9F2F3B1F6DFDD 2D5BCFFD82754197A65549854469A504 arch of coccygeal vertebra Entire arch of coccygeal vertebra (body structure) 2908 2908 02908 body of coccygeal vertebra 105581008 S02908 Structure of body of coccygeal vertebra (body structure) E02908 292016007 Entire body of coccygeal vertebra (body structure) P02908 - P skeletal system 3A876C6FFD8445D4BF00BE4F703FC5E8 095575CD72C048E1A3C9B5941854DC4E body of coccygeal vertebra Entire body of coccygeal vertebra (body structure) 2909 2909 02909 first coccygeal vertebra 55293007 S02909 Structure of first coccygeal vertebra (body structure) E02909 278911003 Entire first coccygeal vertebra (body structure) P02909 - 35495 P skeletal system F8DD7F98CBD242D9802253089233E155 45DA06D2504545B9AF9FA46FF2819FBC first coccygeal vertebra Entire first coccygeal vertebra (body structure) 2910 2910 02910 second coccygeal vertebra 72268001 S02910 Structure of second coccygeal vertebra (body structure) E02910 278912005 Entire second coccygeal vertebra (body structure) P02910 - 35496 P skeletal system 6F6FB308BF2F41E8BF51C934D5F172F4 BECA0927C50D44648BDF063ECF013FDE second coccygeal vertebra Entire second coccygeal vertebra (body structure) 2911 2911 02911 third coccygeal vertebra 85141005 S02911 Structure of third coccygeal vertebra (body structure) E02911 278913000 Entire third coccygeal vertebra (body structure) P02911 - 35497 P skeletal system A02094F5E5014467837ABB3F9F2B844F 9A29BF61A0DB453AB3E499222B5E5B52 third coccygeal vertebra Entire third coccygeal vertebra (body structure) 2912 2912 02912 skin of nose 113179006 S02912 Skin structure of nose (body structure) E02912 244085000 Entire skin of nose (body structure) P02912 - D integument/surface 352EDB684D174CBBACA7EE6462EB262E 289ECD9A8A02448C855445E46D07243F Skin of nose Entire skin of nose (body structure) 2913 2913 02913 fourth coccygeal vertebra 4072009 S02913 Structure of fourth coccygeal vertebra (body structure) E02913 278914006 Entire fourth coccygeal vertebra (body structure) P02913 - 35498 P skeletal system F86D739C8A9247D0ABF979D0BA91B0FC EE85E447A21E45D093866BC592538367 fourth coccygeal vertebra Entire fourth coccygeal vertebra (body structure) 2914 2914 02914 horn of coccyx 61634004 S02914 Structure of horn of coccyx (body structure) E02914 292117000 Entire horn of coccyx (body structure) P02914 Y 35005 P skeletal system CDA46102C6D04A06BDB7895D40E7FA86 0732E6EECE2A43A7B3082D78CE44D6AB horn of coccyx Entire horn of coccyx (body structure) 2915 2915 02915 apex of coccyx 3838008 S02915 Structure of apex of coccyx (body structure) E02915 292219008 Entire apex of coccyx (body structure) P02915 - P skeletal system 4B49CFB953D8466CAAD9D40F792A0463 BBE7BD4A12F6476A90D42095570A0B24 apex of coccyx Entire apex of coccyx (body structure) 2916 2916 02916 acromion 31934006 S02916 Structure of acromion (body structure) E02916 181911000 Entire acromion (body structure) P02916 372204004 Part of acromion (body structure) Y 23260 P skeletal system 706C88A3C9B84D8E82CB8189F46409EA 83522D827B8E4EC0A3E0724F7C21DCF5 78D1D671F32847559233C2DACB2ECC1B acromion Entire acromion (body structure) acromion 2917 2917 02917 coracoid process of scapula 8931003 S02917 Structure of coracoid process of scapula (body structure) E02917 181912007 Entire coracoid process of scapula (body structure) P02917 Y 13455 P skeletal system 64CDC71964DC4475BF5B42F542E1B53B BCC2A6361FF849DB90469AC9FBB9C69D coracoid process of scapula Entire coracoid process of scapula (body structure) 2918 2918 02918 medial border of scapula 91670009 S02918 Structure of medial border of scapula (body structure) E02918 368187009 Entire medial border of scapula (body structure) P02918 Y 23242 P skeletal system C58A784363EB4980A438A79DEFEFEF8C EC48463E0B8D4C03B82EDB2EAD3C0A05 medial border of scapula Entire medial border of scapula (body structure) 2919 2919 02919 spine of scapula 81309001 S02919 Structure of spine of scapula (body structure) E02919 181916005 Entire spine of scapula (body structure) P02919 Y 13453 P skeletal system 8376BA86993B4E58984B62037BA38370 63E55AE2F43448B19864077E65549B11 spine of scapula Entire spine of scapula (body structure) 2920 2920 02920 skin of thumb 59354007 S02920 Skin structure of thumb (body structure) E02920 280423005 Entire skin of thumb (body structure) P02920 Y 38305 D integument/surface 8A91B889993C4EFC9B4E62A6407E03D1 888E71AFE28C4EA18815F923B4E579D4 Skin of thumb Entire skin of thumb (body structure) 2921 2921 02921 skin of nasolabial fold 37108007 S02921 Skin structure of nasolabial fold (body structure) E02921 368112007 Entire skin of nasolabial fold (body structure) P02921 Y D integument/surface 24B1C13AFE69414B851426D269211708 6E7892D6542140A9BE7DBCE2C3E4506A Skin of nasolabial fold Entire skin of nasolabial fold (body structure) 2922 2922 02922 superior medial angle of scapula 45541004 S02922 Structure of superior medial angle of scapula (body structure) E02922 368188004 Entire superior medial angle of scapula (body structure) P02922 Y 23248 P skeletal system 0EE1A3B1A2A54987BF7DF894C5630E6B 90964827D507465FBA21DD873928DA4B superior medial angle of scapula Entire superior medial angle of scapula (body structure) 2923 2923 02923 costal surface of scapula 32885002 S02923 Structure of costal aspect of scapula (body structure) E02923 368189007 Entire costal aspect of scapula (body structure) P02923 Y 23227 P skeletal system 6CCC2F3600634BFC80AFD338505EC717 1C4DFDB859EE466993F5CE3F4B7CF7C5 costal aspect of scapula Entire costal aspect of scapula (body structure) 2924 2924 02924 dorsal surface of scapula 51698000 S02924 Structure of dorsal aspect of scapula (body structure) E02924 368190003 Entire dorsal aspect of scapula (body structure) P02924 Y 23230 P skeletal system 47E2BE186D7642BC943628E7789E08B2 8936C630C58143BBB588616E5FDFC0D9 dorsal aspect of scapula Entire dorsal aspect of scapula (body structure) 2925 2925 02925 anatomical neck of scapula 63572008 S02925 Structure of neck of scapula (body structure) E02925 181915009 Entire neck of scapula (body structure) P02925 Y 23254 P skeletal system CE94009089264589A76F37FFA385B213 2E8236C149C94AB0BD73BF303C5E5511 neck of scapula Entire neck of scapula (body structure) 2926 2926 02926 clavicular facet of scapula 2010005 S02926 Structure of clavicular facet of scapula (body structure) E02926 368164001 Entire clavicular facet of scapula (body structure) P02926 Y 23303 P skeletal system 15179FAC1F83454A83C4B91940807402 86EB06773AC24E338EA5686BAE7B061D clavicular facet of scapula Entire clavicular facet of scapula (body structure) 2927 2927 02927 anterior glenoid lip 30663000 S02927 Structure of anterior glenoid lip (body structure) E02927 368165000 Entire anterior glenoid lip (body structure) P02927 Y P skeletal system 6C9F08B45A814ABB92A975302EE71E1F 77BFCF559FD94CA48224540BD18F096A anterior glenoid lip Entire anterior glenoid lip (body structure) 2928 2928 02928 supraglenoid tubercle of scapula 87980000 S02928 Structure of supraglenoid tubercle of scapula (body structure) E02928 368191004 Entire supraglenoid tubercle of scapula (body structure) P02928 Y P skeletal system 3717430301FA44BFB27413A03934F8C4 445535ED1625456EB2845E4E1A5C7AB1 supraglenoid tubercle of scapula Entire supraglenoid tubercle of scapula (body structure) 2929 2929 02929 body of scapula 52900002 S02929 Structure of body of scapula (body structure) E02929 368192006 Entire body of scapula (body structure) P02929 Y 13454 P skeletal system 230F938F820E422CA1E6463F6DE9D6F3 BDDB7798DA99453DB62F38FF8EC181C2 body of scapula Entire body of scapula (body structure) 2930 2930 02930 skin of ala nasi 68598004 S02930 Skin structure of ala nasi (body structure) E02930 244087008 Entire skin of ala nasi (body structure) P02930 Y 59534 D integument/surface FBE34A484B9A45B89EB3059482F1C75E F38DF10C0FEA43ACAD63672F17882330 Skin of ala nasi Entire skin of ala nasi (body structure) 2931 2931 02931 sternal facet of clavicle 13669009 S02931 Structure of sternal facet of clavicle (body structure) E02931 368193001 Entire sternal facet of clavicle (body structure) P02931 Y 23334 P skeletal system 2D186F340A904EF2986FF4AF3CAA73D5 B154FA0539FB427BBFAC10C72F4715E2 sternal facet of clavicle Entire sternal facet of clavicle (body structure) 2932 2932 02932 acromial facet of clavicle 87497003 S02932 Structure of acromial facet of clavicle (body structure) E02932 368194007 Entire acromial facet of clavicle (body structure) P02932 Y 23340 P skeletal system EF3B0AF5E49B4705A6626D56A151227E F18B594344C54B16B6D7FA2BC5D8D77B acromial facet of clavicle Entire acromial facet of clavicle (body structure) 2933 2933 02933 conoid tubercle of clavicle 10864003 S02933 Structure of conoid tubercle of clavicle (body structure) E02933 368195008 Entire conoid tubercle of clavicle (body structure) P02933 Y 23322 P skeletal system 9376C3104770409C91A623AD04310C1C CBEFD2BA0E614F5D897E39FA32CF6246 conoid tubercle of clavicle Entire conoid tubercle of clavicle (body structure) 2934 2934 02934 sternal end of clavicle 58004002 S02934 Structure of sternal end of clavicle (body structure) E02934 181920009 Entire sternal end of clavicle (body structure) P02934 Y 23297 P skeletal system 5C42C94EBFDC4ED49997D7DF6A31406D A739E9E0013D4ABAB4093E6DDD7D8A57 sternal end of clavicle Entire sternal end of clavicle (body structure) 2935 2935 02935 shaft of clavicle 12981001 S02935 Structure of shaft of clavicle (body structure) E02935 181919003 Entire shaft of clavicle (body structure) P02935 Y 23294 P skeletal system 2CE9A1566EB4491F89B99393C5AF985C 63F048C0397E4BB7AF0169FEED6E2927 shaft of clavicle Entire shaft of clavicle (body structure) 2936 2936 02936 acromial end of clavicle 46087007 S02936 Structure of acromial end of clavicle (body structure) E02936 181918006 Entire acromial end of clavicle (body structure) P02936 Y 23300 P skeletal system 9B00905F694647A2A8AEB5E06F27B43F 3D2B267F16EE435FA8915EFB04ADF19C acromial end of clavicle Entire acromial end of clavicle (body structure) 2937 2937 02937 anterior superior iliac spine 39583001 S02937 Structure of anterior superior iliac spine (body structure) E02937 182031001 Entire anterior superior iliac spine (body structure) P02937 Y 49465 P skeletal system 38743673F45343BB882BFB4E44DD7BC0 1C2792B1F94A4A1DB9E3E30D7DD069F5 anterior superior iliac spine Entire anterior superior iliac spine (body structure) 2938 2938 02938 anterior inferior iliac spine 20650001 S02938 Structure of anterior inferior iliac spine (body structure) E02938 182030000 Entire anterior inferior iliac spine (body structure) P02938 Y 63614 P skeletal system D41AECE3A9D34D1A94F7353A8901819F 637C53E90FBC403AB7419C8EE7259560 anterior inferior iliac spine Entire anterior inferior iliac spine (body structure) 2939 2939 02939 posterior superior iliac spine 13871007 S02939 Structure of posterior superior iliac spine (body structure) E02939 182032008 Entire posterior superior iliac spine (body structure) P02939 Y 49468 P skeletal system 844BC91D4EA84B5FB086A90195B4E73A 0066452E99B14AA0B048430D36B2E9A1 posterior superior iliac spine Entire posterior superior iliac spine (body structure) 2940 2940 02940 skin of tip of nose 79283007 S02940 Skin structure of tip of nose (body structure) E02940 244090002 Entire skin of tip of nose (body structure) P02940 - 59533 D integument/surface B965CE98ED154B8F8D4B61B34E0D0F54 943C7736B5AF46FFA096DBC50B8191BB Skin of tip of nose Entire skin of tip of nose (body structure) 2941 2941 02941 posterior inferior iliac spine 51461009 S02941 Structure of posterior inferior iliac spine (body structure) E02941 182033003 Entire posterior inferior iliac spine (body structure) P02941 Y 63615 P skeletal system C9567BBF089C4BB4A5368146D6CAF4FD 364FA15DDCFB4141BD992FEA415A0338 posterior inferior iliac spine Entire posterior inferior iliac spine (body structure) 2942 2942 02942 sacral articulating facet of ilium 68604001 S02942 Structure of sacral articulating facet of ilium (body structure) E02942 292422007 Entire sacral articulating facet of ilium (body structure) P02942 Y P skeletal system CA2F04E2FB904B5FA69A8711C9D3188A 80A7024A025F4A69B1EF67F4B0247BCF sacral articulating facet of ilium Entire sacral articulating facet of ilium (body structure) 2943 2943 02943 body of ilium 77052008 S02943 Structure of body of ilium (body structure) E02943 292524005 Entire body of ilium (body structure) P02943 Y 42825 P skeletal system C70609A4D76848D5804BDE4B7DE159A5 B2BDDAE8B9D543659A216CC08EBE466F body of ilium Entire body of ilium (body structure) 2944 2944 02944 ala ossis ilii 35143009 S02944 Structure of ala ossis ilii (body structure) E02944 182024000 Entire ala ossis ilii (body structure) P02944 Y 42826 P skeletal system 1D0F8FA344F94567AA819B4263D09176 B875A0330C114C41829986781E658B40 ala ossis ilii Entire ala ossis ilii (body structure) 2945 2945 02945 body of ischium 692007 S02945 Structure of body of ischium (body structure) E02945 182040002 Entire body of ischium (body structure) P02945 Y 17004 P skeletal system 57F6D929E7D7406982C9293FAF685759 395F7322980B493DB8B74D43C195EB26 body of ischium Entire body of ischium (body structure) 2946 2946 02946 superior ischial ramus 59506003 S02946 Structure of superior ischial ramus (body structure) E02946 292625002 Entire superior ischial ramus (body structure) P02946 Y 17007 P skeletal system 1BCA6CC68B1A40DD9D6FDC040F757944 68DD7D629D1F43D3A8D13BEB16354596 superior ischial ramus Entire superior ischial ramus (body structure) 2947 2947 02947 skin of bridge of nose 14292005 S02947 Skin structure of bridge of nose (body structure) E02947 244086004 Entire skin of bridge of nose (body structure) P02947 - D integument/surface 4CBAA461588F4E8FB7B03EAD9F7F31BB 4BC77458C859445F8230335BB05925EA Skin of bridge of nose Entire skin of bridge of nose (body structure) 2948 2948 02948 ischial spine 18074002 S02948 Structure of ischial spine (body structure) E02948 182042005 Entire ischial spine (body structure) P02948 Y 17028 P skeletal system C6DE8BD9B9A34D019CB1DDFECAF07C56 D08E125314294382AC2A7AEE83D57D93 ischial spine Entire ischial spine (body structure) 2949 2949 02949 greater sciatic notch 32293005 S02949 Structure of greater sciatic notch (body structure) E02949 292728005 Entire greater sciatic notch (body structure) P02949 Y 16902 P skeletal system 58622ECD820A4FFABC2DB8F02EFD3D33 FAD23E9AF6364009BC271D084A0D11D1 greater sciatic notch Entire greater sciatic notch (body structure) 2950 2950 02950 lesser sciatic notch 10417008 S02950 Structure of lesser sciatic notch (body structure) E02950 292830001 Entire lesser sciatic notch (body structure) P02950 Y 16911 P skeletal system 398238B474FF403A94F5D68400030314 12C31B9FBD6F4FF8B79E88A3476B7869 lesser sciatic notch Entire lesser sciatic notch (body structure) 2951 2951 02951 body of pubis 12656001 S02951 Structure of body of pubis (body structure) E02951 182036006 Entire body of pubis (body structure) P02951 Y 16987 P skeletal system DD86F1DDBE104355B998DAAED0B9457C BE4C279DAB814D06817D2270AF3EC12F body of pubis Entire body of pubis (body structure) 2952 2952 02952 symphysial surface of pubis 25686002 S02952 Structure of symphysial surface of pubis (body structure) E02952 292931001 Entire symphysial surface of pubis (body structure) P02952 Y 16965 P skeletal system A81CD4CC4510415DB227101FDA114AB9 C1D0EB4E8A2E4AA195DBCF858B7675D4 symphysial surface of pubis Entire symphysial surface of pubis (body structure) 2953 2953 02953 pubic crest 60615005 S02953 Structure of pubic crest (body structure) E02953 293033006 Entire pubic crest (body structure) P02953 Y 16952 P skeletal system F231BF40933D4ECE8F154CD8EEE3D5E7 009312D2EF324C0A8BE5E064AADC5E59 pubic crest Entire pubic crest (body structure) 2954 2954 02954 pubic tubercle 79384003 S02954 Structure of pubic tubercle (body structure) E02954 182039004 Entire pubic tubercle (body structure) P02954 Y 16953 P skeletal system 511132589EF7424FA5BAAFA46476AB72 8B49E8C5BA974D1B8FE3E2B044B9DDA5 pubic tubercle Entire pubic tubercle (body structure) 2955 2955 02955 iliopubic eminence 113219007 S02955 Structure of iliopubic eminence (body structure) E02955 293134003 Entire iliopubic eminence (body structure) P02955 Y 16907 P skeletal system 0BB977217C8D4A89AED42FA1C11C3F05 106D1BDC411545B68BACCD18D4B54C1B iliopubic eminence Entire iliopubic eminence (body structure) 2956 2956 02956 inferior ramus of pubis 53292004 S02956 Structure of inferior ramus of pubis (body structure) E02956 182038007 Entire inferior ramus of pubis (body structure) P02956 Y 16989 P skeletal system 9ED3382EEBC84387B6D6D5AE01F95E55 54D2848B64804616A384EC872D974775 inferior ramus of pubis Entire inferior ramus of pubis (body structure) 2957 2957 02957 skin of lower margin of nasal septum 40021003 S02957 Skin structure of lower margin of nasal septum (body structure) E02957 368113002 Entire skin of lower margin of nasal septum (body structure) P02957 - 59726 D integument/surface BF7B0A2E5EF647B5852E0E5D1CA7B52F 586DC4DC77014A32AB7CBB4CDAF52B2E Skin of lower margin of nasal septum Entire skin of lower margin of nasal septum (body structure) 2958 2958 02958 superior ramus of pubis 89591009 S02958 Structure of superior ramus of pubis (body structure) E02958 182037002 Entire superior ramus of pubis (body structure) P02958 Y 16988 P skeletal system AD460BF6AE9B4B8D87E9BB8C7A5A78A7 1C2AA2A8F2504A88927E31B93A068976 superior ramus of pubis Entire superior ramus of pubis (body structure) 2959 2959 02959 linea terminalis of pelvis 30758006 S02959 Structure of linea terminalis of pelvis (body structure) E02959 293235005 Entire linea terminalis of pelvis (body structure) P02959 Y 75091 P musculoskeletal system A3C6A5DC0EC24A32ABB29795B2096E35 059FC980EC44476B87473D2009E50C69 linea terminalis of pelvis Entire linea terminalis of pelvis (body structure) 2960 2960 02960 acetabular fossa 58823008 S02960 Structure of acetabular fossa (body structure) E02960 289666003 Entire acetabular fossa (body structure) P02960 Y 17269 P musculoskeletal system B058880095E0436780B07B5797FA7DDB D57B76E812E04C9EBEB79A1770831E1C acetabular fossa Entire acetabular fossa (body structure) 2961 2961 02961 acetabular notch 113220001 S02961 Structure of acetabular notch (body structure) E02961 289767000 Entire acetabular notch (body structure) P02961 Y 16944 P musculoskeletal system A93E3E2C070D443C977E212D1A6F9967 383CD81C433344498B9EA5BE4EACDB86 acetabular notch Entire acetabular notch (body structure) 2962 2962 02962 lunar surface of acetabulum 10585005 S02962 Structure of lunar surface of acetabulum (body structure) E02962 289957004 Entire lunar surface of acetabulum (body structure) P02962 Y 43524 P musculoskeletal system 3CE7E55FAB174C6C96C93B97E110EACC CB13652F34574A4AB304516E792E3ED0 lunar surface of acetabulum Entire lunar surface of acetabulum (body structure) 2963 2963 02963 skin of lip 88089004 S02963 Skin structure of lip (body structure) E02963 244092005 Entire skin of lip (body structure) P02963 - 24764 D integument/surface 2FB5561776974F8FBA0902653A3F45CC 7F23D1C0823E4BB2853CB12270F56E21 Skin of lip Entire skin of lip (body structure) 2964 2964 02964 articular surface of acetabulum 81355004 S02964 Structure of articular surface of acetabulum (body structure) E02964 290027001 Entire articular surface of acetabulum (body structure) P02964 Y P skeletal system 61AE77874499407A9001E86E7B609923 7495AF534599481EA9C2C290CE1DEA67 articular surface of acetabulum Entire articular surface of acetabulum (body structure) 2965 2965 02965 roof of acetabulum 79456009 S02965 Structure of roof of acetabulum (body structure) E02965 289865002 Entire roof of acetabulum (body structure) P02965 Y P musculoskeletal system 074FA43A3797449BAC02C312201F49B1 671E1DCB27E44AC2B568833E2B1FCF5A roof of acetabulum Entire roof of acetabulum (body structure) 2968 2968 02968 head of humerus 81965001 S02968 Structure of head of humerus (body structure) E02968 181924000 Entire head of humerus (body structure) P02968 Y 13304 P skeletal system 49BD64D7709F4F1E9324759235CB4ED5 86D643B14AA947C3ABEF35337D3051E5 head of humerus Entire head of humerus (body structure) 2969 2969 02969 surgical neck of humerus 66388000 S02969 Structure of surgical neck of humerus (body structure) E02969 181937002 Entire surgical neck of humerus (body structure) P02969 Y 23359 P skeletal system E26C3A6F843149D6B688CE3AF27D9053 BB3E494EBB2B4C08AAA9A4AE3AD38809 surgical neck of humerus Entire surgical neck of humerus (body structure) 2970 2970 02970 greater tuberosity of humerus 58947000 S02970 Structure of greater tuberosity of humerus (body structure) E02970 181934009 Entire greater tuberosity of humerus (body structure) P02970 Y 23390 P skeletal system 8246E1983F5E4C5C9BD794E63D807B00 8AC31E54BB1847F2BBE055303140EF18 greater tuberosity of humerus Entire greater tuberosity of humerus (body structure) 2971 2971 02971 skin of upper lip 16251004 S02971 Skin structure of upper lip (body structure) E02971 281629007 Entire skin of upper lip (body structure) P02971 - 24765 D integument/surface 9FF6F2A5F4184736A31DE0BA8BD84265 01E2447A2C64490E999FE710D98363EB Skin of upper lip Entire skin of upper lip (body structure) 2972 2972 02972 lesser tuberosity of humerus 4621004 S02972 Structure of lesser tuberosity of humerus (body structure) E02972 181935005 Entire lesser tuberosity of humerus (body structure) P02972 Y 23393 P skeletal system 51EB38AF3FE64A51A114C21DDED91841 CCE181661C7E432AAE499E3A5895BE48 lesser tuberosity of humerus Entire lesser tuberosity of humerus (body structure) 2973 2973 02973 capitulum of humerus 53978004 S02973 Structure of capitulum of humerus (body structure) E02973 282816008 Entire capitulum of humerus (body structure) P02973 Y 23373 P skeletal system 4CD02753EFC04380BCE60C920F8DAEFD 1D48EC9E903E42A3BD670C2098A1EF6F capitulum of humerus Entire capitulum of humerus (body structure) 2974 2974 02974 trochlea of humerus 89905001 S02974 Structure of trochlea of humerus (body structure) E02974 282817004 Entire trochlea of humerus (body structure) P02974 Y 23370 P skeletal system A3E855FAB397472E8865F95D2C1FE719 CB857464C9C0422A8F593A326072A497 trochlea of humerus Entire trochlea of humerus (body structure) 2975 2975 02975 medial epicondyle of humerus 31167009 S02975 Structure of medial epicondyle of humerus (body structure) E02975 181929005 Entire medial epicondyle of humerus (body structure) P02975 Y 23441 P skeletal system 14959B595B69461ABB40A93D9CC5AD79 B6A82D7A5A414811A54F53EEE97E9C68 medial epicondyle of humerus Entire medial epicondyle of humerus (body structure) 2976 2976 02976 lateral epicondyle of humerus 73451009 S02976 Structure of lateral epicondyle of humerus (body structure) E02976 181933003 Entire lateral epicondyle of humerus (body structure) P02976 Y 23442 P skeletal system FDF061FB0FC14D09A75D6E8C57A00FF6 5F71ABEA381F423D99F197FEFFF4EC24 lateral epicondyle of humerus Entire lateral epicondyle of humerus (body structure) 2977 2977 02977 supracondylar part of humerus 23409000 S02977 Structure of supracondylar part of humerus (body structure) E02977 181931001 Entire supracondylar part of humerus (body structure) P02977 Y 0 P skeletal system BA676D6FBA414155B051503D6BA2E15A FB61309846CE4EFCBAE9AF1208A59B39 supracondylar part of humerus Entire supracondylar part of humerus (body structure) 2978 2978 02978 subcapital part of humerus 61787008 S02978 Structure of subcapital part of humerus (body structure) E02978 368196009 Entire subcapital part of humerus (body structure) P02978 Y 0 P skeletal system F51C90E769C54DBF88C9891A285FE573 F69192F28A8843CAA87F8AF912784E65 subcapital part of humerus Entire subcapital part of humerus (body structure) 2979 2979 02979 midshaft of humerus 78835006 S02979 Structure of midshaft of humerus (body structure) E02979 263389002 Entire midshaft of humerus (body structure) P02979 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 54F4BAA23FA34340820E9FCE633A07FB 440E90E21EE747C5B93CE3DA531750DF midshaft of humerus Entire midshaft of humerus (body structure) 2980 2980 02980 distal shaft of humerus 19976006 S02980 Structure of distal shaft of humerus (body structure) E02980 263390006 Entire distal shaft of humerus (body structure) P02980 Y 23383 P musculoskeletal system EA25C6FADF8D424087AD67874F879849 B4EB1EFCA44842FF8F8D6F3C1EEAB8A0 distal shaft of humerus Entire distal shaft of humerus (body structure) 2981 2981 02981 skin of lower lip 66934001 S02981 Skin structure of lower lip (body structure) E02981 281630002 Entire skin of lower lip (body structure) P02981 - 24767 D integument/surface 45C270D42FDF4D478D6000155C7A175C 67325863BA80483AB4C7CF5DD66D150B Skin of lower lip Entire skin of lower lip (body structure) 2982 2982 02982 head of radius 50184001 S02982 Structure of head of radius (body structure) E02982 181941003 Entire head of radius (body structure) P02982 Y 33773 P skeletal system 57B96AFE60794C4BB236E32C319E038D 1285FAF1320346EBAECFAC8F1BAC272F head of radius Entire head of radius (body structure) 2983 2983 02983 neck of radius 90212008 S02983 Structure of neck of radius (body structure) E02983 181942005 Entire neck of radius (body structure) P02983 Y 23479 P skeletal system 294963CB5323437B90F6C3A071BCD031 7F28247D00684A63B102905C026F4A34 neck of radius Entire neck of radius (body structure) 2984 2984 02984 styloid process of radius 21754008 S02984 Structure of styloid process of radius (body structure) E02984 181944006 Entire styloid process of radius (body structure) P02984 Y 23524 P skeletal system 8FA540C89B1F4DB192277593D72E24F5 4F6EF88AAB8549CD832CB57B39444AE1 styloid process of radius Entire styloid process of radius (body structure) 2985 2985 02985 radial tuberosity 77424005 S02985 Structure of radial tuberosity (body structure) E02985 368218001 Entire radial tuberosity (body structure) P02985 Y 23489 P skeletal system 7512AD5E2D88421399C97DE4843CBD40 60CDE86BF7AA402EBBC9136AE19DACCA radial tuberosity Entire radial tuberosity (body structure) 2986 2986 02986 ulnar notch of radius 51829002 S02986 Structure of ulnar notch of radius (body structure) E02986 368221004 Entire ulnar notch of radius (body structure) P02986 Y 23530 P skeletal system B3C42FAF6C704E5A9C5FC824D1408DCD 8FDB4D58C51F4C16A30ABF788598E737 ulnar notch of radius Entire ulnar notch of radius (body structure) 2987 2987 02987 carpal articular surface of radius 52926007 S02987 Structure of carpal articular surface of radius (body structure) E02987 368222006 Entire carpal articular surface of radius (body structure) P02987 Y 23535 P skeletal system 4E19C2B772D14D29B8CA2C4646739696 A63C8F588F1A458384EAF50938FE2C43 carpal articular surface of radius Entire carpal articular surface of radius (body structure) 2988 2988 02988 proximal epiphysis of radius 21277009 S02988 Structure of proximal epiphysis of radius (body structure) E02988 280029000 Entire proximal epiphysis of radius (body structure) P02988 Y 39780 P skeletal system 5D7298176F474F69BC230621828F8C12 04C7CA4CB33A4D58808D9D41551CBA39 proximal epiphysis of radius Entire proximal epiphysis of radius (body structure) 2989 2989 02989 distal epiphysis of radius 22291000 S02989 Structure of distal epiphysis of radius (body structure) E02989 280013008 Entire distal epiphysis of radius (body structure) P02989 Y 33776 P skeletal system 6A7F84796E3146EA9C096A77E9C9780D C011752927214698AA2B0F3285CADB8F distal epiphysis of radius Entire distal epiphysis of radius (body structure) 2990 2990 02990 skin of philtrum 84365009 S02990 Skin structure of philtrum (body structure) E02990 244094006 Entire skin of philtrum (body structure) P02990 - 59377 D integument/surface 4CE193D3CD574D74B0DF5AB6EC03D3D1 0EC42F1A810744B58DAA596D6319A5CC Skin of philtrum Entire skin of philtrum (body structure) 2991 2991 02991 midshaft of radius 16708002 S02991 Structure of midshaft of radius (body structure) E02991 263393008 Entire midshaft of radius (body structure) P02991 Y P musculoskeletal system 85B8EE183CC04265A3D9E80AC9EBE2B3 132F13A19C0C45C484B7974F9BC6A0B7 midshaft of radius Entire midshaft of radius (body structure) 2992 2992 02992 distal shaft of radius 76064008 S02992 Structure of distal shaft of radius (body structure) E02992 263394002 Entire distal shaft of radius (body structure) P02992 Y P musculoskeletal system BBC541926FE74757BD2E0DC7A2963E35 80A0C531C6144014A7628AF16AFD63F3 distal shaft of radius Entire distal shaft of radius (body structure) 2993 2993 02993 olecranon 371504003 S02993 Structure of olecranon (body structure) E02993 181949001 Entire olecranon (body structure) P02993 372223006 Part of olecranon (body structure) Y 39795 P skeletal system D385756D624C4601AB9CE420A08302F4 646113B3E509481E953AA3A2D838961D 9530865C326549B19A2E1C968A70C98D olecranon Entire olecranon (body structure) olecranon 2994 2994 02994 coronoid process of ulna 27807007 S02994 Structure of coronoid process of ulna (body structure) E02994 181951002 Entire coronoid process of ulna (body structure) P02994 Y 23616 P skeletal system 6F0B9D04431244459556626ED9C98F23 3051B656C3F84C5BB67B0D0A0FC9F168 coronoid process of ulna Entire coronoid process of ulna (body structure) 2995 2995 02995 ulnar tuberosity 30930005 S02995 Structure of ulnar tuberosity (body structure) E02995 368219009 Entire ulnar tuberosity (body structure) P02995 Y 23617 P skeletal system 24A454A0E98B4E598790B5C9F4EE5FDA A8F8E504E6744182A5DE16D015040796 ulnar tuberosity Entire ulnar tuberosity (body structure) 2996 2996 02996 trochlear fossa of ulna 46368007 S02996 Structure of trochlear fossa of ulna (body structure) E02996 305046001 Entire trochlear fossa of ulna (body structure) P02996 Y P skeletal system F2278063E24A4005B884DF1CC838F921 FA6B478E276040238AAEA0B8EF8C81E1 trochlear fossa of ulna Entire trochlear fossa of ulna (body structure) 2997 2997 02997 radial notch of ulna 4954000 S02997 Structure of radial notch of ulna (body structure) E02997 368220003 Entire radial notch of ulna (body structure) P02997 Y 23618 P skeletal system 481D5D9E0EBC44828A08DEEC839611B6 0AB885D7FF0A43CFA0E3163D2CB3971C radial notch of ulna Entire radial notch of ulna (body structure) 2998 2998 02998 styloid process of ulna 91361004 S02998 Structure of styloid process of ulna (body structure) E02998 181952009 Entire styloid process of ulna (body structure) P02998 Y 23628 P skeletal system 37F633F9476741DEA0648B12F924032E 2146A3FEFD654D7A86A4D4848AF85703 styloid process of ulna Entire styloid process of ulna (body structure) 2999 2999 02999 articular circumference of ulna 75424009 S02999 Structure of articular circumference of ulna (body structure) E02999 368143000 Entire articular circumference of ulna (body structure) P02999 Y 75087 P skeletal system 8A4B3759A05A4D39BCE8CD108BDE5ACB D9621E2D103245339929BC4B1FF3C747 articular circumference of ulna Entire articular circumference of ulna (body structure) 3000 3000 03000 midshaft of ulna 46001005 S03000 Structure of midshaft of ulna (body structure) E03000 263397009 Entire midshaft of ulna (body structure) P03000 Y 63426 P musculoskeletal system 9A83EF86C54D42B1B91003B76DC403AA A34F7261F85D439184309D1216A8D45C midshaft of ulna Entire midshaft of ulna (body structure) 3001 3001 03001 distal shaft of ulna 66968007 S03001 Structure of distal shaft of ulna (body structure) E03001 263398004 Entire distal shaft of ulna (body structure) P03001 Y 63427 P musculoskeletal system 209F0C4BD55D4E2E9703529F3AB93247 1CBE1E278A624695943C51943C25A88F distal shaft of ulna Entire distal shaft of ulna (body structure) 3002 3002 03002 skin of dorsal area of thumb 66624007 S03002 Skin structure of dorsal surface of thumb (body structure) E03002 368385009 Entire skin of dorsal surface of thumb (body structure) P03002 Y D integument/surface 1C7789FB007744D88A690C2641D57838 AEF520E4785B41AAADCE18B6C57E7141 Skin of dorsal surface of thumb Entire skin of dorsal surface of thumb (body structure) 3003 3003 03003 skin of chin 23747009 S03003 Skin structure of chin (body structure) E03003 181474005 Entire skin of chin (body structure) P03003 - 53658 D integument/surface DB1C8AB1546544FB85BF8259C8FEB359 81F963468D3B480F9FAE7199623563D0 Skin of chin Entire skin of chin (body structure) 3004 3004 03004 scaphoid tubercle 44848009 S03004 Structure of scaphoid tubercle (body structure) E03004 181963007 Entire scaphoid tubercle (body structure) P03004 Y 23759 P skeletal system A6107EA5DF7A4193AF7B0F36D1BAF512 25FEFDA8F1C34598A02ACB243AE0A6DA scaphoid tubercle Entire scaphoid tubercle (body structure) 3005 3005 03005 waist of scaphoid bone 87861001 S03005 Structure of waist of scaphoid bone (body structure) E03005 181962002 Entire waist of scaphoid bone (body structure) P03005 Y 40158 P skeletal system 06BE652AA323435DB52077287E64C30C D436CAC56AEB4EB18A4B2F88C71133A6 waist of scaphoid bone Entire waist of scaphoid bone (body structure) 3006 3006 03006 pisiform bone of hand 19799002 S03006 Structure of pisiform bone of hand (body structure) E03006 181966004 Entire pisiform bone of hand (body structure) P03006 Y 23718 P skeletal system 362BF15B95C845D4AE38AEFD57D12730 CDC42476F4E849DEBE36B9A9E786743D pisiform bone of hand Entire pisiform bone of hand (body structure) 3007 3007 03007 lunate bone 52181001 S03007 Structure of lunate bone (body structure) E03007 181959000 Entire lunate bone (body structure) P03007 Y 23712 P skeletal system 9B9F113590544C6BAE0591C152AC1C99 44028EE75065469FA5F755ED3F3577FB lunate bone Entire lunate bone (body structure) 3008 3008 03008 capitate bone 82210006 S03008 Structure of capitate bone (body structure) E03008 181964001 Entire capitate bone (body structure) P03008 Y 23727 P skeletal system BDF07C7CD6274170A918ABC4A5F066CC DBD90E0F32F24074B21391815BBFED41 capitate bone Entire capitate bone (body structure) 3009 3009 03009 tubercle of trapezial bone 29438007 S03009 Structure of tubercle of trapezial bone (body structure) E03009 368238000 Entire tubercle of trapezial bone (body structure) P03009 Y 39721 P skeletal system 11FB876D50C34468B78CFD6785F0EED8 FBCCD79614AF472EAA48C70234EFE370 tubercle of trapezial bone Entire tubercle of trapezial bone (body structure) 3010 3010 03010 triangular bone 80417002 S03010 Structure of triangular bone (body structure) E03010 181965000 Entire triangular bone (body structure) P03010 Y 23715 P skeletal system 7884DC7FB90B435BAE7B545102087BD2 3ADA5E8DAFEE41128CF5402965386F61 triangular bone Entire triangular bone (body structure) 3011 3011 03011 tubercle of trapezoid bone 17821008 S03011 Structure of tubercle of trapezoid bone (body structure) E03011 368239008 Entire tubercle of trapezoid bone (body structure) P03011 Y P skeletal system 105D00DEDD6F46A1A752E8012442E78B 8FC17F1B982A4346B0072AF39BAB31F3 tubercle of trapezoid bone Entire tubercle of trapezoid bone (body structure) 3012 3012 03012 hook of hamate bone 35169003 S03012 Structure of hook of hamate bone (body structure) E03012 181968003 Entire hook of hamate bone (body structure) P03012 Y 39978 P skeletal system AFA9F65A8DB445C0A8ACAFA1620A7F8E 4C07983B4FE74352B99581C5CB44C926 hook of hamate bone Entire hook of hamate bone (body structure) 3013 3013 03013 base of metacarpal bone 7160008 S03013 Structure of base of metacarpal bone (body structure) E03013 272695001 Entire base of metacarpal bone (body structure) P03013 Y 33795 P musculoskeletal system 522CFAF1F4034D7B900DA6F9F27A8A48 181E19CD78C5470D80786AFA2CC1B2A1 base of metacarpal bone Entire base of metacarpal bone (body structure) 3014 3014 03014 bone tissue of shaft of metacarpal bone 66286004 S03014 Bone structure of shaft of metacarpal (body structure) E03014 P03014 Y 33804 D musculoskeletal system 8FF9AC1D85114A4B8EB33381487C083F Bone of shaft of metacarpal 3015 3015 03015 head of metacarpal bone 9498009 S03015 Structure of head of metacarpal bone (body structure) E03015 272698004 Entire head of metacarpal bone (body structure) P03015 Y 33798 P musculoskeletal system DD9B7155E41942F19582D8B1D35CB515 695343847B4E40A6B6220CADA316B2BE head of metacarpal bone Entire head of metacarpal bone (body structure) 3016 3016 03016 base of first metacarpal bone 62833009 S03016 Structure of base of first metacarpal bone (body structure) E03016 181978000 Entire base of first metacarpal bone (body structure) P03016 Y 42788 P musculoskeletal system 00DE826859094658947E36F59C9EE5F3 1FA02B4756894C7180E65A9FC339B838 base of first metacarpal bone Entire base of first metacarpal bone (body structure) 3017 3017 03017 skin of labiomental crease 51215006 S03017 Skin structure of labiomental crease (body structure) E03017 368763001 Entire skin of labiomental crease (body structure) P03017 Y D integument/surface 43987723D9C84B6DBF2C4ECE48139FD1 CBEF620E04774D459DBF5854A6CEAB6A Skin of labiomental crease Entire skin of labiomental crease (body structure) 3018 3018 03018 shaft of first metacarpal bone 37858003 S03018 Structure of shaft of first metacarpal bone (body structure) E03018 181979008 Entire shaft of first metacarpal bone (body structure) P03018 Y 42869 P musculoskeletal system 6429F6937C9740E8B19766F43B7F2B64 04628F86DBE84542A1A732CB79FE4FAF shaft of first metacarpal bone Entire shaft of first metacarpal bone (body structure) 3019 3019 03019 head of first metacarpal bone 42913000 S03019 Structure of head of first metacarpal bone (body structure) E03019 181981005 Entire head of first metacarpal bone (body structure) P03019 Y 42803 P musculoskeletal system E92E4D1532AB4AAF84F154AFFE6F62B4 AE04EF608E7C4F7098BA8DFFFBFB3224 head of first metacarpal bone Entire head of first metacarpal bone (body structure) 3020 3020 03020 articular surface, trapezium, of first metacarpal bone 40341002 S03020 Structure of articular surface, trapezoid, of first metacarpal bone (body structure) E03020 368445002 Entire articular surface, trapezoid, of first metacarpal bone (body structure) P03020 Y 43310 P musculoskeletal system 950EEB1776DC47AB8C48F824D4863814 03EAE67EF2F94C7B8122CA233D152549 articular surface, trapezoid, of first metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, trapezoid, of first metacarpal bone (body structure) 3022 3022 03022 articular surface, phalanx, of first metacarpal bone 60813001 S03022 Structure of articular surface, phalanges, of first metacarpal bone (body structure) E03022 368447005 Entire articular surface, phalanges, of first metacarpal bone (body structure) P03022 Y P musculoskeletal system 7F90289304E84F51977A9CF363CB3CEC E16E836192CF4A61AB59EF3A428AC5F1 articular surface, phalanges, of first metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, phalanges, of first metacarpal bone (body structure) 3023 3023 03023 base of second metacarpal bone 55398001 S03023 Structure of base of second metacarpal bone (body structure) E03023 263461004 Entire base of second metacarpal bone (body structure) P03023 Y 42791 P musculoskeletal system 1B1687BA8DCB49BCB935A346AD2DB556 365D6FDBF2334234964FB4A7851B45E4 base of second metacarpal bone Entire base of second metacarpal bone (body structure) 3024 3024 03024 shaft of second metacarpal bone 65609007 S03024 Structure of shaft of second metacarpal bone (body structure) E03024 263462006 Entire shaft of second metacarpal bone (body structure) P03024 Y 42872 P musculoskeletal system 57433899BA9D49A3A831852BF37A6565 A501C899F31B4626B50A1244EAF09EAF shaft of second metacarpal bone Entire shaft of second metacarpal bone (body structure) 3025 3025 03025 head of second metacarpal bone 77354001 S03025 Structure of head of second metacarpal bone (body structure) E03025 263464007 Entire head of second metacarpal bone (body structure) P03025 Y 42806 P musculoskeletal system 3D64D54257864987BED934E98EA6158B 62616509BBF141CB9A046BBB18AFE1F8 head of second metacarpal bone Entire head of second metacarpal bone (body structure) 3027 3027 03027 skin of jaw 41935005 S03027 Skin structure of jaw (body structure) E03027 244095007 Entire skin of jaw (body structure) P03027 - 24769 D integument/surface A7C3ADFAEBC94BA086CB9717644D6C62 87FF320D00F544629DE56F6388353E0E Skin of jaw Entire skin of jaw (body structure) 3028 3028 03028 articular surface, trapezoid, of second metacarpal bone 81129005 S03028 Structure of articular surface, trapezoid, of second metacarpal bone (body structure) E03028 368429004 Entire articular surface, trapezoid, of second metacarpal bone (body structure) P03028 Y 33433 P musculoskeletal system E247AA1155564B40BB5DBD073557AE4C 202DD84683FB45D0930752A52476A864 articular surface, trapezoid, of second metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, trapezoid, of second metacarpal bone (body structure) 3029 3029 03029 articular surface, third metacarpal, of second metacarpal bone 2454008 S03029 Structure of articular surface, third metacarpal, of second metacarpal bone (body structure) E03029 368430009 Entire articular surface, third metacarpal, of second metacarpal bone (body structure) P03029 Y P musculoskeletal system 4499CC4AFAAB43508184990A1E64C8DA 6CAC9897BB10432DA0BB2A48402DB742 articular surface, third metacarpal, of second metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, third metacarpal, of second metacarpal bone (body structure) 3030 3030 03030 articular surface, phalanges, of second metacarpal bone 105582001 S03030 Structure of articular surface, phalanges, of second metacarpal bone (body structure) E03030 368313008 Entire articular surface, phalanges, of second metacarpal bone (body structure) P03030 Y P articular system 27A44401C78B44C387E0CC3B1DA53EA9 5C5E79FD60C34B0A8DB3FDFC1BFC5757 articular surface, phalanges, of second metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, phalanges, of second metacarpal bone (body structure) 3031 3031 03031 base of third metacarpal bone 2306004 S03031 Structure of base of third metacarpal bone (body structure) E03031 263465008 Entire base of third metacarpal bone (body structure) P03031 Y 42794 P musculoskeletal system 4BF3BC64904A4D96B5A67CBED03AC135 2A69BAC8A9324E8F8CF69594E450FA9D base of third metacarpal bone Entire base of third metacarpal bone (body structure) 3032 3032 03032 shaft of third metacarpal bone 64807000 S03032 Structure of shaft of third metacarpal bone (body structure) E03032 263466009 Entire shaft of third metacarpal bone (body structure) P03032 Y 42875 P musculoskeletal system 174C5BDC0195451784182102AFBDDCA6 952FAC8F0C5C4837BFCD054E6A705433 shaft of third metacarpal bone Entire shaft of third metacarpal bone (body structure) 3033 3033 03033 head of third metacarpal bone 39328006 S03033 Structure of head of third metacarpal bone (body structure) E03033 263468005 Entire head of third metacarpal bone (body structure) P03033 Y 42809 P musculoskeletal system A6B3931E30EB4A58975F6DE4F62CACAB 2C4F3B58A7F349F3A08A84B7E37A34CD head of third metacarpal bone Entire head of third metacarpal bone (body structure) 3034 3034 03034 styloid process of third metacarpal bone 67111000 S03034 Structure of styloid process of third metacarpal bone (body structure) E03034 368435004 Entire styloid process of third metacarpal bone (body structure) P03034 Y 76637 P skeletal system EAC9154481E54604B381526E7D3F9552 037F4B4B83D24A71BF0C424A8ADD36C6 styloid process of third metacarpal bone Entire styloid process of third metacarpal bone (body structure) 3035 3035 03035 articular surface, second metacarpal, of third metacarpal bone 33103002 S03035 Structure of articular surface, second metacarpal, of third metacarpal bone (body structure) E03035 368431008 Entire articular surface, second metacarpal, of third metacarpal bone (body structure) P03035 Y P musculoskeletal system 542ED6EDE82B4DAF9FCB8EEA7EB23201 5BCB60D4AC5D44C688764CB4F30F265D articular surface, second metacarpal, of third metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, second metacarpal, of third metacarpal bone (body structure) 3036 3036 03036 articular surface, capitate, of third metacarpal bone 17557006 S03036 Structure of articular surface, capitate, of third metacarpal bone (body structure) E03036 368432001 Entire articular surface, capitate, of third metacarpal bone (body structure) P03036 Y 33459 P musculoskeletal system E4EEED2132C443779C56284FC72C6BB6 C8112D114B4E48349BBC034F5CF795C4 articular surface, capitate, of third metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, capitate, of third metacarpal bone (body structure) 3037 3037 03037 skin of ear 1902009 S03037 Skin structure of ear (body structure) E03037 244073008 Entire skin of ear (body structure) P03037 Y 24775 D integument/surface EDB59D8523064D0F8FB5F84CD275D8DD 49F7075A23D04D1F8EF3F1FB46F03FCF Skin of ear Entire skin of ear (body structure) 3038 3038 03038 articular surface, fourth metacarpal, of third metacarpal bone 54720006 S03038 Structure of articular surface, fourth metacarpal, of third metacarpal bone (body structure) E03038 368433006 Entire articular surface, fourth metacarpal, of third metacarpal bone (body structure) P03038 Y P musculoskeletal system FC2780FB7D884DC78BB2DF1726BA381B 7CD9FCE54E1B4AA5BD712735B072B4D1 articular surface, fourth metacarpal, of third metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, fourth metacarpal, of third metacarpal bone (body structure) 3039 3039 03039 articular surface, phalanges, of third metacarpal bone 25581004 S03039 Structure of articular surface, phalanges, of third metacarpal bone (body structure) E03039 368434000 Entire articular surface, phalanges, of third metacarpal bone (body structure) P03039 Y P musculoskeletal system 3F253136A645482492826425473046BA 85A488F90B214D05996FEF8E548F8896 articular surface, phalanges, of third metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, phalanges, of third metacarpal bone (body structure) 3040 3040 03040 base of fourth metacarpal bone 50210007 S03040 Structure of base of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) E03040 263469002 Entire base of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) P03040 Y 42797 P musculoskeletal system 6A07075A15214A879C0D55A46766D93A 8A255D32FBB24C39BC8D26EE76FEA4C0 base of fourth metacarpal bone Entire base of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) 3041 3041 03041 shaft of fourth metacarpal bone 64554007 S03041 Structure of shaft of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) E03041 263470001 Entire shaft of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) P03041 Y 42878 P musculoskeletal system 3F041FACF0A145378F992E0713EA78AB 0925649A9B2D4BF58C59F1D4F13602BB shaft of fourth metacarpal bone Entire shaft of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) 3042 3042 03042 head of fourth metacarpal bone 80463008 S03042 Structure of head of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) E03042 263472009 Entire head of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) P03042 Y 42812 P musculoskeletal system D22AD14713C0493EA79FEB065E86D218 4A5AE2CE8ABD4D799E07515C0825CEA6 head of fourth metacarpal bone Entire head of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) 3043 3043 03043 articular surface, third metacarpal, of fourth metacarpal bone 5889006 S03043 Structure of articular surface, third metacarpal, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) E03043 368436003 Entire articular surface, third metacarpal, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) P03043 Y P musculoskeletal system EF30201688504DEC8C609924631D58DE DC452D0516FC420AB1A8262741FCD8FE articular surface, third metacarpal, of fourth metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, third metacarpal, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) 3044 3044 03044 articular surface, capitate, of fourth metacarpal bone 19397003 S03044 Structure of articular surface, capitate, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) E03044 368437007 Entire articular surface, capitate, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) P03044 Y 33460 P musculoskeletal system 1D314910BE9E46C7BBBC86FC4540D044 8C63C1E213484C269CEA19DE7FAB4FB9 articular surface, capitate, of fourth metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, capitate, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) 3045 3045 03045 articular surface, hamate, of fourth metacarpal bone 40671004 S03045 Structure of articular surface, hamate, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) E03045 368438002 Entire articular surface, hamate, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) P03045 Y 33493 P musculoskeletal system 2F66ED09EEFE40A9B9D38163106FCAE7 50395E22C43F4EE68376810032577C3B articular surface, hamate, of fourth metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, hamate, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) 3046 3046 03046 articular surface, fifth metacarpal, of fourth metacarpal bone 49879006 S03046 Structure of articular surface, fifth metacarpal, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) E03046 368439005 Entire articular surface, fifth metacarpal, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) P03046 Y P musculoskeletal system DDECF5A4AA7B4A76923E9D457A85E054 DB2256C21AF74B1794D5012AEEB4AEA0 articular surface, fifth metacarpal, of fourth metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, fifth metacarpal, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) 3047 3047 03047 skin of pinna 44737009 S03047 Skin structure of pinna (body structure) E03047 314387007 Entire skin of pinna (body structure) P03047 Y 61315 D integument/surface 61BB233B5039404886354274ED95CBBC 870BC03940B243D78FAE4767CFAFD048 Skin of pinna Entire skin of pinna (body structure) 3048 3048 03048 articular surface, phalanges, of fourth metacarpal bone 221001 S03048 Structure of articular surface, phalanges, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) E03048 368440007 Entire articular surface, phalanges, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) P03048 Y P musculoskeletal system 09EBD808FE1B42F9871CBB18BF2D3FE5 3F77BFB73F174A26AC16F4DCE8E06207 articular surface, phalanges, of fourth metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, phalanges, of fourth metacarpal bone (body structure) 3049 3049 03049 base of fifth metacarpal bone 24960001 S03049 Structure of base of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) E03049 263473004 Entire base of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) P03049 Y 42800 P musculoskeletal system A2A9BAA099CE4BAF8676C0DEA49CC2C8 2D07777F2DDD4EB7AEC54EF69F144C53 base of fifth metacarpal bone Entire base of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) 3050 3050 03050 shaft of fifth metacarpal bone 11052003 S03050 Structure of shaft of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) E03050 263474005 Entire shaft of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) P03050 Y 42881 P musculoskeletal system 4892C2B1065846DD97380A43CEEE627E C598948EFCB246B78E0A4CFF077126C3 shaft of fifth metacarpal bone Entire shaft of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) 3051 3051 03051 head of fifth metacarpal bone 10642009 S03051 Structure of head of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) E03051 263476007 Entire head of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) P03051 Y 42815 P musculoskeletal system CABA8FFAAE5044E6B45EE07456A8A046 E291BFC4AA274F82BA24C6541719CAF9 head of fifth metacarpal bone Entire head of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) 3052 3052 03052 articular surface, fourth metacarpal, of fifth metacarpal bone 31678000 S03052 Structure of articular surface, fourth metacarpal, of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) E03052 368442004 Entire articular surface, fourth metacarpal, of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) P03052 Y P musculoskeletal system AD1D5D8FF19F4630B513FF4FCF5E7994 33598546CE7B444F86F52465F69D878A articular surface, fourth metacarpal, of fifth metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, fourth metacarpal, of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) 3053 3053 03053 articular surface, hamate, of fifth metacarpal bone 40419003 S03053 Structure of articular surface, hamate, of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) E03053 368443009 Entire articular surface, hamate, of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) P03053 Y 33494 P musculoskeletal system 81DA417813214F37893556B1B02FFB9E 5B13709A2964410294CB331583900EF5 articular surface, hamate, of fifth metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, hamate, of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) 3054 3054 03054 articular surface, phalanges, of fifth metacarpal bone 77948006 S03054 Structure of articular surface, phalanges, of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) E03054 368444003 Entire articular surface, phalanges, of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) P03054 Y P musculoskeletal system F718825A0301445EA83B10938F92E1F8 E320A69CDEDE45538FA6DCC8316878F0 articular surface, phalanges, of fifth metacarpal bone Entire articular surface, phalanges, of fifth metacarpal bone (body structure) 3055 3055 03055 skin of helix 79313003 S03055 Skin structure of helix (body structure) E03055 368606001 Entire skin of helix (body structure) P03055 Y D integument/surface 9DA1D71B6FA343CC9C9260CACB101032 AAC9B8E92B4341E488991EA925239C5D Skin of helix Entire skin of helix (body structure) 3056 3056 03056 tuberosity of distal phalanx of hand 5881009 S03056 Structure of tuberosity of distal phalanx of hand (body structure) E03056 368424009 Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of hand (body structure) P03056 Y 76641 P musculoskeletal system 293DE8BC954C415280782F4A731A17EE ADA39C2C40D54AE1A531C3D71526ED23 tuberosity of distal phalanx of hand Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of hand (body structure) 3057 3057 03057 base of phalanx of hand 26060002 S03057 Structure of base of phalanx of hand (body structure) E03057 276149009 Entire base of phalanx of hand (body structure) P03057 Y P musculoskeletal system B4DF4E494C6F4C45A1CDAF12AF3B5F47 FC692D1F6ABC4532B821D0563A9AABB8 base of phalanx of hand Entire base of phalanx of hand (body structure) 3058 3058 03058 shaft of phalanx of hand 36330007 S03058 Structure of shaft of phalanx of hand (body structure) E03058 276150009 Entire shaft of phalanx of hand (body structure) P03058 Y 37546 P musculoskeletal system A86CCCC2A1124DB793E16EF5C0F17D5C 55CE5B7B172B45A8BF2638D97593560C shaft of phalanx of hand Entire shaft of phalanx of hand (body structure) 3059 3059 03059 head of phalanx of hand 2076008 S03059 Structure of head of phalanx of hand (body structure) E03059 368423003 Entire head of phalanx of hand (body structure) P03059 Y 37604 P musculoskeletal system 38166A4662464B0F8E1379FA8E3038A6 B2B296D35BCD455C83CC4ADCB95CA830 head of phalanx of hand Entire head of phalanx of hand (body structure) 3060 3060 03060 articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of hand 8265008 S03060 Structure of articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of hand (body structure) E03060 368425005 Entire articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of hand (body structure) P03060 Y P musculoskeletal system 9AAF44E07D9846A2A5AA4968B740858A EE15A0147CD24C60BCE2E6D85846A6DB articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of hand Entire articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of hand (body structure) 3061 3061 03061 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of hand 83322002 S03061 Structure of articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of hand (body structure) E03061 368426006 Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of hand (body structure) P03061 Y P musculoskeletal system 31D7FD316F7C49CAA1A2B0F203EB7C64 73AC34606308414E8196E26B53C27A56 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of hand Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of hand (body structure) 3062 3062 03062 skin of spine of helix 25987008 S03062 Skin structure of spine of helix (body structure) E03062 368602004 Entire skin of spine of helix (body structure) P03062 Y D integument/surface 6BCFE7BAB3774D0099C0CBA8B2133379 9C1E69A222D94C0B97CB1DF7D14AFC45 Skin of spine of helix Entire skin of spine of helix (body structure) 3063 3063 03063 tuberosity of distal phalanx of thumb 78816006 S03063 Structure of tuberosity of distal phalanx of thumb (body structure) E03063 368395002 Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of thumb (body structure) P03063 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 7267ACE08B0A46A08E83FA8472B1F502 6761B01EBF904F9FB9C65625E0C1FDB4 tuberosity of distal phalanx of thumb Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of thumb (body structure) 3064 3064 03064 base of phalanx of thumb 64496008 S03064 Structure of base of phalanx of thumb (body structure) E03064 272700008 Entire base of phalanx of thumb (body structure) P03064 Y 37489 P musculoskeletal system 5563A65441A34D659AEE7A29AF148A09 11B0605D767846729E372E5514CD107B base of phalanx of thumb Entire base of phalanx of thumb (body structure) 3065 3065 03065 shaft of phalanx of thumb 19322004 S03065 Structure of shaft of phalanx of thumb (body structure) E03065 272701007 Entire shaft of phalanx of thumb (body structure) P03065 Y 40296 P musculoskeletal system D009D46EAB384DA1A449100EA1C54D46 28F71E1CB645439E8814B224AE4A90F1 shaft of phalanx of thumb Entire shaft of phalanx of thumb (body structure) 3066 3066 03066 head of phalanx of thumb 38012000 S03066 Structure of head of phalanx of thumb (body structure) E03066 272703005 Entire head of phalanx of thumb (body structure) P03066 Y 40297 P musculoskeletal system 5330830E38F2426A87F8C16F21A61E40 B1869EDEA16B448787CB57253D8A478F head of phalanx of thumb Entire head of phalanx of thumb (body structure) 3067 3067 03067 articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of thumb 3054007 S03067 Structure of articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of thumb (body structure) E03067 368394003 Entire articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of thumb (body structure) P03067 Y P musculoskeletal system 634D1891783E48A0890CBF80B569C5C0 C07454F3FEC84ED6B0E4AC92FEC7D288 articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of thumb Entire articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of thumb (body structure) 3068 3068 03068 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of thumb 30881004 S03068 Structure of articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of thumb (body structure) E03068 368393009 Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of thumb (body structure) P03068 Y P musculoskeletal system E64E51804D874750984749CA83C51A7D 11F15DC67D3241CFB445F07877DBD290 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of thumb Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of thumb (body structure) 3069 3069 03069 tarsal canal 19567005 S03069 Structure of tarsal canal (body structure) E03069 182107008 Entire tarsal canal (body structure) P03069 Y 35138 P CA35548832E749AD85143259580A6B1D F7486FEFD8284796BF95F6116405E274 tarsal canal Entire tarsal canal (body structure) 3070 3070 03070 skin of tail of helix 89342002 S03070 Skin structure of tail of helix (body structure) E03070 368603009 Entire skin of tail of helix (body structure) P03070 Y D integument/surface 0E53469D18A641EE815D3EE834BFF3C4 AE21C73545B34ADCB9A4D6EAF5185AC3 Skin of tail of helix Entire skin of tail of helix (body structure) 3071 3071 03071 tuberosity of distal phalanx of index finger 24399004 S03071 Structure of tuberosity of distal phalanx of index finger (body structure) E03071 368306008 Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of index finger (body structure) P03071 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 11D5D74B369546369E2857CB8674B343 AB050792072B43E59487BB81D8750ADA tuberosity of distal phalanx of index finger Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of index finger (body structure) 3072 3072 03072 base of phalanx of index finger 10025002 S03072 Structure of base of phalanx of index finger (body structure) E03072 368307004 Entire base of phalanx of index finger (body structure) P03072 Y 37498 P musculoskeletal system D14E3878DCE5473BB8B1332C2F0A0ADC 6A9417CB97914CAC88AA4D0CBF0A7B62 base of phalanx of index finger Entire base of phalanx of index finger (body structure) 3073 3073 03073 shaft of phalanx of index finger 19617008 S03073 Structure of shaft of phalanx of index finger (body structure) E03073 368308009 Entire shaft of phalanx of index finger (body structure) P03073 Y 37556 P musculoskeletal system C8BFE517F5D54762BF8DF1EA56E3E622 EFDD8314C5744F1AA8DACF8172D20D04 shaft of phalanx of index finger Entire shaft of phalanx of index finger (body structure) 3074 3074 03074 head of phalanx of index finger 61482001 S03074 Structure of head of phalanx of index finger (body structure) E03074 368309001 Entire head of phalanx of index finger (body structure) P03074 Y 37614 P musculoskeletal system 60356C4337234124BE9520874248D4A1 F6F615ECAE1946349DF6E1587AB6ABA6 head of phalanx of index finger Entire head of phalanx of index finger (body structure) 3075 3075 03075 articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of index finger 29400008 S03075 Structure of articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of index finger (body structure) E03075 368310006 Entire articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of index finger (body structure) P03075 Y P musculoskeletal system EB1DDF7316FC4DE2953A0CB7B3F9E065 55D2F6CCB0D14D69ABB3C997BC3AAB28 articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of index finger Entire articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of index finger (body structure) 3076 3076 03076 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of index finger 87109003 S03076 Structure of articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of index finger (body structure) E03076 368311005 Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of index finger (body structure) P03076 Y P musculoskeletal system 9B7657E0E82F437AABB1E2E1FEB81585 2FF4D32A8D5E4C3699C7290496E92465 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of index finger Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of index finger (body structure) 3077 3077 03077 skin of auricular tubercle 56966008 S03077 Skin structure of auricular tubercle (body structure) E03077 368604003 Entire skin of auricular tubercle (body structure) P03077 Y D integument/surface 5344CDB941064C48A89CBE151F362F93 76A7FD4FDC29422C9948AA40E95EE3E8 Skin of auricular tubercle Entire skin of auricular tubercle (body structure) 3078 3078 03078 tuberosity of distal phalanx of middle finger 76284002 S03078 Structure of tuberosity of distal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E03078 368322009 Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) P03078 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system DB161CF53964457EB209ED8AFF46DE7A 94A916D14C9F430E8A8DD416DFB023F5 tuberosity of distal phalanx of middle finger Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) 3079 3079 03079 base of phalanx of middle finger 6572002 S03079 Structure of base of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E03079 368323004 Entire base of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) P03079 Y 37510 P musculoskeletal system 7B873D5226B2487EB66860C57271546A 6DADCDF248394C9E9F6A1CC43B2FC781 base of phalanx of middle finger Entire base of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) 3080 3080 03080 shaft of phalanx of middle finger 8827005 S03080 Structure of shaft of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E03080 368324005 Entire shaft of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) P03080 Y 37568 P musculoskeletal system 14AAE7824C264D8FB37A664A72E7F936 3D00297D7FDA4A4FBAB4BC2D1A924341 shaft of phalanx of middle finger Entire shaft of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) 3081 3081 03081 head of phalanx of middle finger 20134005 S03081 Structure of head of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E03081 368325006 Entire head of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) P03081 Y 37626 P musculoskeletal system 0BC2163319F7496CBAB976F42C089A14 5AA5EB800B5A4E428248CB91B4BDDDE0 head of phalanx of middle finger Entire head of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) 3082 3082 03082 articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of middle finger 69952000 S03082 Structure of articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E03082 368326007 Entire articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) P03082 Y P musculoskeletal system D882D08A43874625A44BCC433F64A172 9DC6C20D406C478EA469039FB7399FB9 articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of middle finger Entire articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) 3083 3083 03083 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of middle finger 91323002 S03083 Structure of articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E03083 368327003 Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) P03083 Y P musculoskeletal system 5055A0EEEAEE462D99F023C9E792F217 A11092E7C2DD49149129435751D97DF4 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of middle finger Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) 3084 3084 03084 skin of palmar area of thumb 72331001 S03084 Skin structure of palmar surface of thumb (body structure) E03084 368387001 Entire skin of palmar surface of thumb (body structure) P03084 Y D integument/surface 1F78EDB862E148A384E3CB412B48494D A1EC9A3EAF7B4881A1F4DB97218194FA Skin of palmar surface of thumb Entire skin of palmar surface of thumb (body structure) 3085 3085 03085 skin of antihelix 33294007 S03085 Skin structure of antihelix (body structure) E03085 368608000 Entire skin of antihelix (body structure) P03085 Y D integument/surface 2A02AAE70DA649ECA4DA3108F9F54DCD 6A515EE59F1A459BBA86FDD198880B3E Skin of antihelix Entire skin of antihelix (body structure) 3086 3086 03086 tuberosity of distal phalanx of ring finger 79452006 S03086 Structure of tuberosity of distal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E03086 368336004 Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) P03086 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 14170D4933BA47BE8679BEE343899383 9DAF517A114F4DA2ABD827683F750D29 tuberosity of distal phalanx of ring finger Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) 3087 3087 03087 base of phalanx of ring finger 60035005 S03087 Structure of base of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E03087 368337008 Entire base of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) P03087 Y 37522 P musculoskeletal system 3856353A219B48219CEA436E5643F8E3 2D25B2D5868A4327A3FFBA5243A9C433 base of phalanx of ring finger Entire base of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) 3088 3088 03088 shaft of phalanx of ring finger 72289005 S03088 Structure of shaft of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E03088 368338003 Entire shaft of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) P03088 Y 37580 P musculoskeletal system 5BFDC64AF18645DF86E8885EABD369E5 D16A862440874A50A6FBE72CCACC2443 shaft of phalanx of ring finger Entire shaft of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) 3089 3089 03089 head of phalanx of ring finger 35801000 S03089 Structure of head of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E03089 368339006 Entire head of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) P03089 Y 37638 P musculoskeletal system BB1BE07754BB423690334B4B428CB60B 94487241207C4CCDB4E0222D59DE6E8F head of phalanx of ring finger Entire head of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) 3090 3090 03090 articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of ring finger 31185002 S03090 Structure of articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E03090 368340008 Entire articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) P03090 Y P musculoskeletal system A971C2F4470946E7AD4477D6106F3CBD 65B67B1F2D53489C9ECE04A6D136A5AB articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of ring finger Entire articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) 3091 3091 03091 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of ring finger 67413007 S03091 Structure of articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E03091 368341007 Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) P03091 Y P musculoskeletal system CE880B314162418CAF2DB485211BA4D5 91E9F53827BE475984A3928689133AF9 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of ring finger Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) 3092 3092 03092 skin of fossa triangularis of ear 82858008 S03092 Skin structure of fossa triangularis of ear (body structure) E03092 368609008 Entire skin of fossa triangularis of ear (body structure) P03092 Y D integument/surface E1ECAE8EEE1F42EFAF943EE8FF407980 E4089CD28A2547AF90CE27FAA3C42D19 Skin of fossa triangularis of ear Entire skin of fossa triangularis of ear (body structure) 3093 3093 03093 tuberosity of distal phalanx of little finger 74637008 S03093 Structure of tuberosity of distal phalanx of little finger (body structure) E03093 368350009 Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of little finger (body structure) P03093 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 157AAA64BD0C4EE995A183E66D8ADC4B 46153EFB0C0641DE95EAA0823896DEC2 tuberosity of distal phalanx of little finger Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of little finger (body structure) 3094 3094 03094 base of phalanx of little finger 21096004 S03094 Structure of base of phalanx of little finger (body structure) E03094 368351008 Entire base of phalanx of little finger (body structure) P03094 Y 37534 P musculoskeletal system 79FD76AAD23F4B02B1EF16B265DB2ADA F9FEA8CFAB0D435B9E4464C545F67D8E base of phalanx of little finger Entire base of phalanx of little finger (body structure) 3095 3095 03095 shaft of phalanx of little finger 19248005 S03095 Structure of shaft of phalanx of little finger (body structure) E03095 368352001 Entire shaft of phalanx of little finger (body structure) P03095 Y 37592 P musculoskeletal system 9742BFEA9E6744459CFAA34770CF66D8 A36CA8FFB1254DC1BEFC88A049732446 shaft of phalanx of little finger Entire shaft of phalanx of little finger (body structure) 3096 3096 03096 head of phalanx of little finger 23340008 S03096 Structure of head of phalanx of little finger (body structure) E03096 368353006 Entire head of phalanx of little finger (body structure) P03096 Y 37650 P musculoskeletal system 87FFDA360BC243CCAD216847E4A0B46B FDF6048C885E49E9ADD309563698695D head of phalanx of little finger Entire head of phalanx of little finger (body structure) 3097 3097 03097 articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of little finger 37342008 S03097 Structure of articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of little finger (body structure) E03097 368354000 Entire articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of little finger (body structure) P03097 Y P musculoskeletal system 5CFA260131394BF3ABA75005DCA5757C 9C83A245C04340DDB77DE461861547E3 articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of little finger Entire articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of little finger (body structure) 3098 3098 03098 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of little finger 12581006 S03098 Structure of articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of little finger (body structure) E03098 368355004 Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of little finger (body structure) P03098 Y P musculoskeletal system 8DEC75D5BDCC4DA896FADFCDEE2D6819 29F9ACDEE0EC4399886FCC65E05D8F33 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of little finger Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of little finger (body structure) 3099 3099 03099 sesamoid bone of hand 56818000 S03099 Structure of sesamoid bone of hand (body structure) E03099 368448000 Entire sesamoid bone of hand (body structure) P03099 Y 42353 P musculoskeletal system 5F9811A5FB8F40FE84DEC8F8BF9A8827 CA5211E9CE094CF5B31700692A66225B sesamoid bone of hand Entire sesamoid bone of hand (body structure) 3100 3100 03100 skin of crura of antihelix 26461005 S03100 Skin structure of crura of antihelix (body structure) E03100 368607005 Entire skin of crura of antihelix (body structure) P03100 Y D integument/surface 3E94503C7C43475091590CA9807C3463 402345BFA0C24AFEA2DB775982447156 Skin of crura of antihelix Entire skin of crura of antihelix (body structure) 3101 3101 03101 fabella 51457003 S03101 Structure of fabella (body structure) E03101 302749009 Entire fabella (body structure) P03101 Y P musculoskeletal system 869AAD05A8C045B683C4AFB562EE6F6D 5DF75B4595844C57A6AE57B42FF607B6 fabella Entire fabella (body structure) 3102 3102 03102 greater trochanter of femur 30547004 S03102 Structure of greater trochanter of femur (body structure) E03102 182050001 Entire greater trochanter of femur (body structure) P03102 Y 32852 P skeletal system 3512673B7D1448D1B08D34241FB70020 88109C82D8DC4E0DA3DAB9FC44FB05DE greater trochanter of femur Entire greater trochanter of femur (body structure) 3103 3103 03103 lesser trochanter of femur 55499008 S03103 Structure of lesser trochanter of femur (body structure) E03103 182051002 Entire lesser trochanter of femur (body structure) P03103 Y 32853 P skeletal system 3E02964B30F3469CB1CFDBEC92FB73E7 9841442C9D47437BBD80C42053A29D3A lesser trochanter of femur Entire lesser trochanter of femur (body structure) 3104 3104 03104 intertrochanteric line of femur 75595003 S03104 Structure of intertrochanteric line of femur (body structure) E03104 208867004 Entire intertrochanteric line of femur (body structure) P03104 Y 43712 P skeletal system EB3DB26843DE41F7A1E7D31C41EDE0E1 630D3FA432F8433E93070FFF09BDA203 intertrochanteric line of femur Entire intertrochanteric line of femur (body structure) 3105 3105 03105 intertrochanteric crest of femur 37248005 S03105 Structure of intertrochanteric crest of femur (body structure) E03105 208968005 Entire intertrochanteric crest of femur (body structure) P03105 Y 43706 P skeletal system 1199C41F3319492A972E35F172D604B6 4039EABEA2C945EA9E57F0CBC5379FB8 intertrochanteric crest of femur Entire intertrochanteric crest of femur (body structure) 3106 3106 03106 medial epicondyle of femur 71004006 S03106 Structure of medial epicondyle of femur (body structure) E03106 209172001 Entire medial epicondyle of femur (body structure) P03106 Y 32864 P skeletal system 80C04E8BF090419EBB11A536ADB8BFAB 58FDB635854348C8944052EA826E56BC medial epicondyle of femur Entire medial epicondyle of femur (body structure) 3107 3107 03107 skin of scaphoid fossa of external ear 20166000 S03107 Skin structure of scaphoid fossa of external ear (body structure) E03107 368610003 Entire skin of scaphoid fossa of external ear (body structure) P03107 Y D integument/surface AF7660DD3A1C4B24A66E551CF1739B01 CE394F3C2B03416EAA2692EB6430E56F Skin of scaphoid fossa of external ear Entire skin of scaphoid fossa of external ear (body structure) 3108 3108 03108 lateral epicondyle of femur 72264004 S03108 Structure of lateral epicondyle of femur (body structure) E03108 209275007 Entire lateral epicondyle of femur (body structure) P03108 Y 32867 P skeletal system 8A7D7DD95CA74D43B8D4B3792DF7A688 CAF44E6FF39840C68C43702EE349C7C6 lateral epicondyle of femur Entire lateral epicondyle of femur (body structure) 3109 3109 03109 supracondylar part of femur 44351006 S03109 Structure of supracondylar part of femur (body structure) E03109 182055006 Entire supracondylar part of femur (body structure) P03109 Y P skeletal system 82195770E1C64676A4DD0F91964DF291 843F8BCCD690444BB870BBF44B52DE2A supracondylar part of femur Entire supracondylar part of femur (body structure) 3110 3110 03110 epicondylar part of femur 51377009 S03110 Structure of epicondylar part of femur (body structure) E03110 209376006 Entire epicondylar part of femur (body structure) P03110 Y P skeletal system BBE2B5E67DAE4BACA08FFA1B541C41D2 1530608E6CC343409871CD614F3F9F27 epicondylar part of femur Entire epicondylar part of femur (body structure) 3111 3111 03111 third trochanter of femur 29079003 S03111 Structure of third trochanter of femur (body structure) E03111 209070007 Entire third trochanter of femur (body structure) P03111 Y P skeletal system FF1208A856D74B81909C5CAA5D6329CC 1DCCC831BE4847409EBB4492A7A6E6D8 third trochanter of femur Entire third trochanter of femur (body structure) 3112 3112 03112 midshaft of femur 60613003 S03112 Structure of midshaft of femur (body structure) E03112 182053004 Entire midshaft of femur (body structure) P03112 Y P skeletal system 0AA039551CD847F4AF690DDC3C79AA69 47187D32B205498092E76BCFC9F5E3CC midshaft of femur Entire midshaft of femur (body structure) 3113 3113 03113 distal shaft of femur 23480003 S03113 Structure of distal shaft of femur (body structure) E03113 182054005 Entire distal shaft of femur (body structure) P03113 Y P skeletal system 9A94687B7F114861BB5201F80D6B0272 A7C2C1E2C5364A7E9ABC4F858F60DFDA distal shaft of femur Entire distal shaft of femur (body structure) 3114 3114 03114 proximal epiphysis of femur 55301004 S03114 Structure of proximal epiphysis of femur (body structure) E03114 244702009 Entire proximal epiphysis of femur (body structure) P03114 Y 32841 P skeletal system BCE9322294474142980629AF7FA1C99B 0841DFBC4051448C8B1C623DC77396F4 proximal epiphysis of femur Entire proximal epiphysis of femur (body structure) 3115 3115 03115 distal epiphysis of femur 24571007 S03115 Structure of distal epiphysis of femur (body structure) E03115 280016000 Entire distal epiphysis of femur (body structure) P03115 Y 32844 P skeletal system D7837D41263E4C1185B9EDCC691D87B9 C3F5B8B77B924C9897D73BF16EEFB4AA distal epiphysis of femur Entire distal epiphysis of femur (body structure) 3116 3116 03116 intracapsular section of neck of femur 11128008 S03116 Structure of intracapsular section of neck of femur (body structure) E03116 208599000 Entire intracapsular section of neck of femur (body structure) P03116 Y P skeletal system 1C7A01A08F5A48A2B8C041C8A41F2049 32524B0882E6409DA019A6CED5C210B9 intracapsular section of neck of femur Entire intracapsular section of neck of femur (body structure) 3117 3117 03117 skin of tragus 79502000 S03117 Skin structure of tragus (body structure) E03117 244076000 Entire skin of tragus (body structure) P03117 Y D integument/surface BFEC02AA17B34B508D5AA6CA7B7EF149 BA94E7AE7630420CBCAA17E0B212A93A Skin of tragus Entire skin of tragus (body structure) 3118 3118 03118 midcervical section of neck of femur 43778002 S03118 Structure of midcervical section of neck of femur (body structure) E03118 208681000 Entire midcervical section of neck of femur (body structure) P03118 Y P skeletal system 80861FA572DB485BB913062D1C24AA34 B2BAEB09F14145B99820E08E95ACB812 midcervical section of neck of femur Entire midcervical section of neck of femur (body structure) 3119 3119 03119 base of neck of femur 13348000 S03119 Structure of base of neck of femur (body structure) E03119 312784003 Entire base of neck of femur (body structure) P03119 Y P skeletal system 4D8FC8C731B544B6B0BA036E4C07A53C 821F88A0417D472D92D4CDDB90805C75 base of neck of femur Entire base of neck of femur (body structure) 3120 3120 03120 subcapital section of head of femur 40363006 S03120 Structure of subcapital section of head of femur (body structure) E03120 312783009 Entire subcapital section of head of femur (body structure) P03120 Y P skeletal system AA4C673601A840CFA560A86CE47B7BC0 F9297807F850438398E435452B646091 subcapital section of head of femur Entire subcapital section of head of femur (body structure) 3121 3121 03121 subtrochanteric section of femur 66336007 S03121 Structure of subtrochanteric section of femur (body structure) E03121 182052009 Entire subtrochanteric section of femur (body structure) P03121 Y P skeletal system A0C9807EAAB240548CBBE9AEE2A9E4B0 5F79AAFC972849EEA7D01A2630342D7E subtrochanteric section of femur Entire subtrochanteric section of femur (body structure) 3122 3122 03122 trochlea of femur 11716007 S03122 Structure of trochlea of femur (body structure) E03122 209475009 Entire trochlea of femur (body structure) P03122 Y P skeletal system 68CB7118FFF940419F77919063961DB9 CEA1CA3DD463430C8DD6E23A7365F1B3 trochlea of femur Entire trochlea of femur (body structure) 3123 3123 03123 apex of patella 87821002 S03123 Structure of apex of patella (body structure) E03123 312782004 Entire apex of patella (body structure) P03123 Y 43670 P musculoskeletal system 823925A251844306892DC871B4845E99 039F0D402F204AEF99EAB3CCBC5AE8CF apex of patella Entire apex of patella (body structure) 3124 3124 03124 medial articular facet of patella 77261004 S03124 Structure of medial articular facet of patella (body structure) E03124 182087009 Entire medial articular facet of patella (body structure) P03124 Y 43678 P musculoskeletal system 08471EE028D34A63B5E5489787BDCD36 25DEA383A1154C7880BC25E4B5B8AB49 medial articular facet of patella Entire medial articular facet of patella (body structure) 3125 3125 03125 lateral articular facet of patella 27251009 S03125 Structure of lateral articular facet of patella (body structure) E03125 182089007 Entire lateral articular facet of patella (body structure) P03125 Y 43679 P musculoskeletal system CDA038A4EDEA4D0FB1EF59A4774EC4E3 733236AE41F444A9819966FEAD6B7A1D lateral articular facet of patella Entire lateral articular facet of patella (body structure) 3126 3126 03126 base of patella 24488002 S03126 Structure of base of patella (body structure) E03126 312781006 Entire base of patella (body structure) P03126 Y 43671 P skeletal system 17D5F4C543184928AA5287A092D3BF1D 435056D959844DF3BB9EF4E0F31F5800 base of patella Entire base of patella (body structure) 3127 3127 03127 skin of intertragal incisure 45591000 S03127 Skin structure of intertragal incisure (body structure) E03127 368611004 Entire skin of intertragal incisure (body structure) P03127 Y D integument/surface ABF2AED580E34A8EB6D545468C090E60 7C3815111597451EB6BC8940422593AE Skin of intertragal incisure Entire skin of intertragal incisure (body structure) 3128 3128 03128 articular facet of patella 87434007 S03128 Structure of articular facet of patella (body structure) E03128 272714008 Entire articular facet of patella (body structure) P03128 Y 43669 P musculoskeletal system C756DCA46FFD4427966366D33F824CA7 6B682C3B4DDB48AAA5997DA60DC58C42 articular facet of patella Entire articular facet of patella (body structure) 3129 3129 03129 medial condyle of tibia 32085003 S03129 Structure of medial condyle of tibia (body structure) E03129 182066004 Entire medial condyle of tibia (body structure) P03129 Y 35445 P skeletal system 1D858B3419B54D7EBD41796656E358D3 772D77B218D74EDDB9A172891EE8669A medial condyle of tibia Entire medial condyle of tibia (body structure) 3130 3130 03130 lateral condyle of tibia 65548001 S03130 Structure of lateral condyle of tibia (body structure) E03130 182067008 Entire lateral condyle of tibia (body structure) P03130 Y 35448 P skeletal system FADE92C66E004A80BF55C3E488A620CE 8C695E9C907B4460B0F3B45F960B4BFD lateral condyle of tibia Entire lateral condyle of tibia (body structure) 3131 3131 03131 intercondylar spine of tibia 42824004 S03131 Structure of intercondylar spine of tibia (body structure) E03131 213892005 Entire intercondylar spine of tibia (body structure) P03131 Y 43761 P skeletal system 5765745AB671420C88C5E6EE7081553C A81030C4C35A44AB9A2B1D2D5736F173 intercondylar spine of tibia Entire intercondylar spine of tibia (body structure) 3132 3132 03132 tibial tuberosity 45879002 S03132 Structure of tibial tuberosity (body structure) E03132 282824003 Entire tibial tuberosity (body structure) P03132 Y 35463 P skeletal system 997E8745FFCF4523BD51743CAB9BC4BF 933213AD89C9479F84434DFC157AD042 tibial tuberosity Entire tibial tuberosity (body structure) 3133 3133 03133 superior articular facet of tibia with fibula 33462000 S03133 Structure of superior articular facet of tibia with fibula (body structure) E03133 213994005 Entire superior articular facet of tibia with fibula (body structure) P03133 Y P skeletal system B42F557634E54128AA84E7165970E52C A43D6E2EDC8340E6B4988843C6FD78F4 superior articular facet of tibia with fibula Entire superior articular facet of tibia with fibula (body structure) 3134 3134 03134 inferior articular facet of tibia with fibula 41714004 S03134 Structure of inferior articular facet of tibia with fibula (body structure) E03134 214199007 Entire inferior articular facet of tibia with fibula (body structure) P03134 Y P skeletal system 6B75409F8683438C95B6737F91F518C5 E932444DE98F41E397558D1740D5EC75 inferior articular facet of tibia with fibula Entire inferior articular facet of tibia with fibula (body structure) 3135 3135 03135 skin of antitragus 38407007 S03135 Skin structure of antitragus (body structure) E03135 368612006 Entire skin of antitragus (body structure) P03135 Y D integument/surface 1E182708AB2C4A84BD41293016C8484C E4EC3E3D7C534C0995A3C45C11ECF2B0 Skin of antitragus Entire skin of antitragus (body structure) 3136 3136 03136 malleolar articular surface of tibia 29907002 S03136 Structure of malleolar articular surface of tibia (body structure) E03136 214097006 Entire malleolar articular surface of tibia (body structure) P03136 Y P skeletal system 26581FF5530645B2AF2F0545C5CE39F0 F84BB55D20BE4F08ADB0F07ECACCFFF2 malleolar articular surface of tibia Entire malleolar articular surface of tibia (body structure) 3137 3137 03137 midshaft of tibia 78492002 S03137 Structure of midshaft of tibia (body structure) E03137 182071006 Entire midshaft of tibia (body structure) P03137 Y P skeletal system 14CDA51A158A4C8D9201790AE89A6A66 CD3F3B2CCF6241BCB52C4DBBFB4FE3A8 midshaft of tibia Entire midshaft of tibia (body structure) 3138 3138 03138 distal shaft of tibia 61945004 S03138 Structure of distal shaft of tibia (body structure) E03138 182072004 Entire distal shaft of tibia (body structure) P03138 Y P skeletal system 43EEE2D9D07C404B99F248BA2CCE3B6C EE8824A68EBD4CBDB84ED8883A94DB28 distal shaft of tibia Entire distal shaft of tibia (body structure) 3139 3139 03139 condyle of tibia 17011001 S03139 Structure of condyle of tibia (body structure) E03139 182062002 Entire condyle of tibia (body structure) P03139 Y P skeletal system 44BDB7714E804799AE0287A9BB4ED6D7 F8DF0D823F694C7C879F92A1144AB797 condyle of tibia Entire condyle of tibia (body structure) 3140 3140 03140 articular facet of head of fibula 6684008 S03140 Structure of articular facet of head of fibula (body structure) E03140 214303009 Entire articular facet of head of fibula (body structure) P03140 Y 66210 P skeletal system 7BF28F67BD3442A798DBE46562083F75 30BBB745B1324618828434803EFD0364 articular facet of head of fibula Entire articular facet of head of fibula (body structure) 3141 3141 03141 skin of ear lobule 2059009 S03141 Skin structure of ear lobule (body structure) E03141 244077009 Entire skin of ear lobule (body structure) P03141 Y D integument/surface 7938728578434303BCDF16404F2515B7 B43C661A602F44BFB321E80BA761570E Skin of ear lobule Entire skin of ear lobule (body structure) 3142 3142 03142 apex of head of fibula 33816000 S03142 Structure of apex of head of fibula (body structure) E03142 214404004 Entire apex of head of fibula (body structure) P03142 Y 43845 P skeletal system 80E9B415D9AC4030BF8D0416B2293A0F CB267B02B28B4B47BF8FE8871EE76CB2 apex of head of fibula Entire apex of head of fibula (body structure) 3143 3143 03143 malleolar articular facet of fibula 81668002 S03143 Structure of malleolar articular facet of fibula (body structure) E03143 214506000 Entire malleolar articular facet of fibula (body structure) P03143 Y P skeletal system 38084A306DAB410EB95F833E90BA4437 AE78477F47DB4FF1B8D4F08DE236C4C3 malleolar articular facet of fibula Entire malleolar articular facet of fibula (body structure) 3144 3144 03144 posterior malleolus of fibula 25539005 S03144 Structure of posterior malleolus of fibula (body structure) E03144 214608009 Entire posterior malleolus of fibula (body structure) P03144 Y P skeletal system BBE624623FDE429C82F5FE5C789EEA9E 6B0CFC7F517F46DFB8F27B88F674B99E posterior malleolus of fibula Entire posterior malleolus of fibula (body structure) 3145 3145 03145 pyramidal lobe of thyroid 40716006 S03145 Structure of pyramidal lobe of thyroid (body structure) E03145 245538006 Entire pyramidal lobe of thyroid (body structure) P03145 Y 49180 P endocrine system 7BBFF34E367A45B6B3CBC5A3CF808FFA 03387194229A45E8BD62684960E11254 pyramidal lobe of thyroid Entire pyramidal lobe of thyroid (body structure) 3146 3146 03146 isthmus of thyroid gland 40867004 S03146 Structure of isthmus of thyroid gland (body structure) E03146 245539003 Entire isthmus of thyroid gland (body structure) P03146 Y 49178 P endocrine system D1A3A4EE980746CA8E7A57C0971121DE 4C6839D1D20E404B9F2B1D0EA3EF5E41 isthmus of thyroid gland Entire isthmus of thyroid gland (body structure) 3147 3147 03147 midshaft of fibula 72650005 S03147 Structure of midshaft of fibula (body structure) E03147 182093001 Entire midshaft of fibula (body structure) P03147 Y P skeletal system AA22D7E47458466B852D231BBF315456 DF34AFCD439D41308C2EFEB1CFA39174 midshaft of fibula Entire midshaft of fibula (body structure) 3148 3148 03148 distal shaft of fibula 55873007 S03148 Structure of distal shaft of fibula (body structure) E03148 182094007 Entire distal shaft of fibula (body structure) P03148 Y P skeletal system C1219D35F203414BB0399694988310D5 3D7DD47AAFEA462AB9EE645AA579306F distal shaft of fibula Entire distal shaft of fibula (body structure) 3149 3149 03149 skin of concha 21439001 S03149 Skin structure of concha (body structure) E03149 368615008 Entire skin of concha (body structure) P03149 Y D integument/surface EBCEB57C65D54F9A868B25E69977D89F B22863E4ADC749B1A25E8DFD4F60C1AE Skin of concha Entire skin of concha (body structure) 3150 3150 03150 medial process of calcaneal tubercle 69520008 S03150 Structure of medial process of calcaneal tubercle (body structure) E03150 216540003 Entire medial process of calcaneal tubercle (body structure) P03150 Y P skeletal system 44B7185805D841CE8D2F76C3E3EBD214 C676C220067E43018FC6261BE5ED6EC2 medial process of calcaneal tubercle Entire medial process of calcaneal tubercle (body structure) 3151 3151 03151 lateral process of calcaneal tubercle 16570005 S03151 Structure of lateral process of calcaneal tubercle (body structure) E03151 216641005 Entire lateral process of calcaneal tubercle (body structure) P03151 Y P skeletal system F26DC0EEEA31414E9AF07619F86A36E5 CB7F5A028F01429D8918B98D9BA5EA29 lateral process of calcaneal tubercle Entire lateral process of calcaneal tubercle (body structure) 3152 3152 03152 sustentaculum tali 34437007 S03152 Structure of sustentaculum tali (body structure) E03152 182111002 Entire sustentaculum tali (body structure) P03152 Y 33641 P skeletal system 1075A42E5EBC4A1ABF0110EE2392DE85 AB59C07E4CC343E5A15258052E3C38DD sustentaculum tali Entire sustentaculum tali (body structure) 3153 3153 03153 anterior articular surface for talus 4402002 S03153 Structure of anterior articular surface for talus (body structure) E03153 182114005 Entire anterior articular surface for talus (body structure) P03153 Y 33714 P skeletal system 9A8743400B3A4735AC902A03C89DB23C 315E7C0EEE004F88B8C50A6A0C479987 anterior articular surface for talus Entire anterior articular surface for talus (body structure) 3154 3154 03154 middle articular surface for talus 45840008 S03154 Structure of middle articular surface for talus (body structure) E03154 182113004 Entire middle articular surface for talus (body structure) P03154 Y 33715 P skeletal system 6B28F689C2B24D77B6DBE0B559CC2DBD 48085406F49443A5B1A2148522F847B0 middle articular surface for talus Entire middle articular surface for talus (body structure) 3155 3155 03155 posterior articular surface for talus 65561001 S03155 Structure of posterior articular surface for talus (body structure) E03155 182112009 Entire posterior articular surface for talus (body structure) P03155 Y 33716 P skeletal system AB0E2D30F8A747CEB685B6FB1BB93D9B F3B5F8DB6A154A7F8139EA746A3D5F19 posterior articular surface for talus Entire posterior articular surface for talus (body structure) 3156 3156 03156 skin of cymba conchae 44767003 S03156 Skin structure of cymba conchae (body structure) E03156 368613001 Entire skin of cymba conchae (body structure) P03156 Y D integument/surface 2C6395F02D4241F4BB1E004AF8E937E6 860D96D8657B4EEC80B965160B481621 Skin of cymba conchae Entire skin of cymba conchae (body structure) 3157 3157 03157 groove for flexor hallucis 59125008 S03157 Structure of groove for flexor hallucis (body structure) E03157 216743004 Entire groove for flexor hallucis (body structure) P03157 Y P skeletal system DC4AF4FDF4ED43A59A4AF3B291170BAC 7786C2BA184B48549C5AA524B643E26B groove for flexor hallucis Entire groove for flexor hallucis (body structure) 3158 3158 03158 cuboidal articular surface of calcaneus 46007009 S03158 Structure of cuboidal articular surface of calcaneus (body structure) E03158 216844004 Entire cuboidal articular surface of calcaneus (body structure) P03158 Y 33707 P skeletal system C7072D01C32D4872B39F487A9C7557D9 38C8B37A9D054A6AAE85268AC9F0B07A cuboidal articular surface of calcaneus Entire cuboidal articular surface of calcaneus (body structure) 3159 3159 03159 head of talus 28269003 S03159 Structure of head of talus (body structure) E03159 182105000 Entire head of talus (body structure) P03159 Y 33635 P skeletal system FE1D85319EBB48CE8DBED9856D00660B 8BE0003DF425488699187D892D7DCB61 head of talus Entire head of talus (body structure) 3160 3160 03160 neck of talus 74335009 S03160 Structure of neck of talus (body structure) E03160 182104001 Entire neck of talus (body structure) P03160 Y 33636 P skeletal system 366C32AF32B2492DA8CED003515071D0 2B4E60C9BE4E457CA7AB17C8FC5D0C89 neck of talus Entire neck of talus (body structure) 3161 3161 03161 body of talus 13611003 S03161 Structure of body of talus (body structure) E03161 182103007 Entire body of talus (body structure) P03161 Y 33637 P skeletal system A310C82C4CE244E3B89701B315E51132 AAA003A5A277438AAD09D705A78D7714 body of talus Entire body of talus (body structure) 3162 3162 03162 posterior calcaneal articular surface of talus 32843001 S03162 Structure of posterior calcaneal articular surface of talus (body structure) E03162 238227008 Entire posterior calcaneal articular surface of talus (body structure) P03162 Y P skeletal system 2A42A7CD2AC6474E9A89FF7982E08051 9A7D88EA3CE947F4BECA38132A7A51D2 posterior calcaneal articular surface of talus Entire posterior calcaneal articular surface of talus (body structure) 3163 3163 03163 middle calcaneal articular surface of talus 13605001 S03163 Structure of middle calcaneal articular surface of talus (body structure) E03163 238320007 Entire middle calcaneal articular surface of talus (body structure) P03163 Y P skeletal system 05707CA4BE614C408669365DA06A9244 7D224A1ED0714F0AA91B42F9B9BC29CC middle calcaneal articular surface of talus Entire middle calcaneal articular surface of talus (body structure) 3164 3164 03164 anterior calcaneal articular surface of talus 18505009 S03164 Structure of anterior calcaneal articular surface of talus (body structure) E03164 238397003 Entire anterior calcaneal articular surface of talus (body structure) P03164 Y P skeletal system 9E08121FB29242D28923192009C0DC07 A428A3AAA6AF4FAEBAFF6BC1D5992F50 anterior calcaneal articular surface of talus Entire anterior calcaneal articular surface of talus (body structure) 3165 3165 03165 navicular calcaneal articular surface of talus 39974002 S03165 Structure of navicular calcaneal articular surface of talus (body structure) E03165 238489006 Entire navicular calcaneal articular surface of talus (body structure) P03165 Y P skeletal system A15D6C18A1474E848DDE8D13EAACAA5F B3D9196CA386446F8433D59878710616 navicular calcaneal articular surface of talus Entire navicular calcaneal articular surface of talus (body structure) 3166 3166 03166 skin of lateral area of thumb 19601002 S03166 Skin structure of lateral surface of thumb (body structure) E03166 368389003 Entire skin of lateral surface of thumb (body structure) P03166 Y D integument/surface 12F97CE5FEB34D6594B413325C05B363 E88EACD273B34179AD96DD0770F67CB5 Skin of lateral surface of thumb Entire skin of lateral surface of thumb (body structure) 3167 3167 03167 skin of cavity of concha 51098001 S03167 Skin structure of cavity of concha (body structure) E03167 368614007 Entire skin of cavity of concha (body structure) P03167 Y D integument/surface 099208311CE24507B0F723B4A102E194 29B2DCD0371241F1B519255AF8064B93 Skin of cavity of concha Entire skin of cavity of concha (body structure) 3168 3168 03168 posterior tubercle of talus 26339004 S03168 Structure of posterior tubercle of talus (body structure) E03168 182106004 Entire posterior tubercle of talus (body structure) P03168 Y P skeletal system C0CB5EAF29F648EE9B3A9DAC92D7CA41 EBAC667952214D3CB2835801C87E340E posterior tubercle of talus Entire posterior tubercle of talus (body structure) 3169 3169 03169 tuberosity of cuboid bone 40384001 S03169 Structure of tuberosity of cuboid bone (body structure) E03169 238964006 Entire tuberosity of cuboid bone (body structure) P03169 Y 76642 P skeletal system 8EDE08A749E945E1955ABB5B52D7C307 3CEBD04B4DA047849000770A3E70F447 tuberosity of cuboid bone Entire tuberosity of cuboid bone (body structure) 3170 3170 03170 calcaneal facet of cuboid bone 66743003 S03170 Structure of calcaneal facet of cuboid bone (body structure) E03170 238730000 Entire calcaneal facet of cuboid bone (body structure) P03170 Y P skeletal system EFD1E24ABAA64DDF8E6A9610EAFA3739 4AF9592E5F4D44CBA2718D6A40D54C16 calcaneal facet of cuboid bone Entire calcaneal facet of cuboid bone (body structure) 3171 3171 03171 fourth metatarsal facet of cuboid bone 50302009 S03171 Structure of fourth metatarsal facet of cuboid bone (body structure) E03171 238574000 Entire fourth metatarsal facet of cuboid bone (body structure) P03171 Y 35120 P skeletal system 8D2C5E89BD4A4F4392098A756D332DB7 067915A64B57415488BE9C26505DF203 fourth metatarsal facet of cuboid bone Entire fourth metatarsal facet of cuboid bone (body structure) 3172 3172 03172 fifth metatarsal facet of cuboid bone 43051005 S03172 Structure of fifth metatarsal facet of cuboid bone (body structure) E03172 238650008 Entire fifth metatarsal facet of cuboid bone (body structure) P03172 Y 35123 P skeletal system 5423DF12A2D14D199259CBA1FA96C317 E8DC3841F57D4E9B97D59EDC33085745 fifth metatarsal facet of cuboid bone Entire fifth metatarsal facet of cuboid bone (body structure) 3173 3173 03173 third cuneiform facet of cuboid bone 13761003 S03173 Structure of third cuneiform facet of cuboid bone (body structure) E03173 238802006 Entire third cuneiform facet of cuboid bone (body structure) P03173 Y P skeletal system F8EF90B7627D49AC8025ECCE9652979D C2F92D3B97B84F7FBF75E0011CAECEE6 third cuneiform facet of cuboid bone Entire third cuneiform facet of cuboid bone (body structure) 3174 3174 03174 navicular facet of cuboid bone 16495008 S03174 Structure of navicular facet of cuboid bone (body structure) E03174 238885005 Entire navicular facet of cuboid bone (body structure) P03174 Y 35111 P skeletal system BC2C3B9D286945C689B7C5DFBF4E07D5 E96411E48C184C13B8F4C8A7A6D5E937 navicular facet of cuboid bone Entire navicular facet of cuboid bone (body structure) 3175 3175 03175 tuberosity of navicular bone of foot 82008002 S03175 Structure of tuberosity of navicular bone of foot (body structure) E03175 182115006 Entire tuberosity of navicular bone of foot (body structure) P03175 Y 34782 P skeletal system 32109B099AB245ACA629E4B86418C434 B0A1E36F3F844AFBBAEC6E5E387C09D8 tuberosity of navicular bone of foot Entire tuberosity of navicular bone of foot (body structure) 3176 3176 03176 skin of crus of helix 57726007 S03176 Skin structure of crus of helix (body structure) E03176 368605002 Entire skin of crus of helix (body structure) P03176 Y D integument/surface 6A14519AD4C844379A37A491BBF5B3A0 A8AE964910FB48E199524E53AD50DD27 Skin of crus of helix Entire skin of crus of helix (body structure) 3177 3177 03177 talar facet of navicular bone of foot 2986006 S03177 Structure of talar facet of navicular bone of foot (body structure) E03177 239220004 Entire talar facet of navicular bone of foot (body structure) P03177 Y 34772 P skeletal system BE8506A4F4AB46A4B8ADA0373D996E92 98F92151C6D647DDB2DB9791F95CEF83 talar facet of navicular bone of foot Entire talar facet of navicular bone of foot (body structure) 3178 3178 03178 first cuneiform facet of navicular bone of foot 84710008 S03178 Structure of first cuneiform facet of navicular bone of foot (body structure) E03178 239044005 Entire first cuneiform facet of navicular bone of foot (body structure) P03178 Y P skeletal system 786210A875D540A88A22672CCEC0482E 35F5DE9D7247418F872263393925FB46 first cuneiform facet of navicular bone of foot Entire first cuneiform facet of navicular bone of foot (body structure) 3179 3179 03179 third cuneiform facet of navicular bone of foot 21076007 S03179 Structure of third cuneiform facet of navicular bone of foot (body structure) E03179 239130001 Entire third cuneiform facet of navicular bone of foot (body structure) P03179 Y P skeletal system 6C189EBE0F9C402F95A3A3133BF8A5FF 9F9B8A734A124037813536D919675E9B third cuneiform facet of navicular bone of foot Entire third cuneiform facet of navicular bone of foot (body structure) 3180 3180 03180 cuboid facet of navicular bone of foot 41053001 S03180 Structure of cuboid facet of navicular bone of foot (body structure) E03180 239310007 Entire cuboid facet of navicular bone of foot (body structure) P03180 Y P skeletal system 90CD97A02CC441D1909A2F6989DF850A 26CD5C202001431FAD62185691786D7D cuboid facet of navicular bone of foot Entire cuboid facet of navicular bone of foot (body structure) 3181 3181 03181 second metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone 65175001 S03181 Structure of second metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) E03181 237222000 Entire second metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) P03181 Y 35031 P skeletal system 5E90D1CA7A8C4D539D045F9F22CBA6F3 3BF7DCC3E8C54C6EB7BA704A73A22FCA second metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone Entire second metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) 3182 3182 03182 third metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone 14722004 S03182 Structure of third metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) E03182 237287008 Entire third metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) P03182 Y 34979 P skeletal system 5FCE623241224BB88282653AF8BA69D3 24D91DDEB6AD4378B9C88DA83DCDD768 third metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone Entire third metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) 3183 3183 03183 fourth metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone 4371007 S03183 Structure of fourth metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) E03183 237356008 Entire fourth metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) P03183 Y 35053 P skeletal system 5A295B6CEFCA49C381C8616856B09552 49CD1098BE5948349BB388EB29BA494E fourth metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone Entire fourth metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) 3184 3184 03184 cuboidal facet of lateral cuneiform bone 66003003 S03184 Structure of cuboidal facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) E03184 237442007 Entire cuboidal facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) P03184 Y P skeletal system 4E767C261A1E414B84C5F12B7A079969 6DCE739C52814F7BAF18EA99D285B5C4 cuboidal facet of lateral cuneiform bone Entire cuboidal facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) 3185 3185 03185 navicular facet of lateral cuneiform bone 25366009 S03185 Structure of navicular facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) E03185 237524000 Entire navicular facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) P03185 Y 35043 P skeletal system 9D0CD3451CF34F4DAC60B93F82E48206 E06A920B437841D1B67BB999E40C3221 navicular facet of lateral cuneiform bone Entire navicular facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) 3186 3186 03186 cuneiform facet of lateral cuneiform bone 68958007 S03186 Structure of cuneiform facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) E03186 237605009 Entire cuneiform facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) P03186 Y P skeletal system 1AE68D65A77943D7AF387DE56DA336E1 71E5D21024594C418AC33A3B60C1761B cuneiform facet of lateral cuneiform bone Entire cuneiform facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) 3187 3187 03187 first metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform bone 2397002 S03187 Structure of first metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform bone (body structure) E03187 237690009 Entire first metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform bone (body structure) P03187 Y 34855 P skeletal system D30CC8B58E164224AAE367EC6E436BB4 EA35EE984FCF47EF98FF5BD0C789EE3D first metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform bone Entire first metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform bone (body structure) 3188 3188 03188 second metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform bone 89121005 S03188 Structure of second metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform bone (body structure) E03188 237773007 Entire second metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform bone (body structure) P03188 Y 34840 P skeletal system 3084A4D873854310B1F5350F19713B95 DCBB92B12B724833823F9A5E64EC992E second metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform bone Entire second metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform bone (body structure) 3189 3189 03189 second cuneiform facet of medial cuneiform bone 43443001 S03189 Structure of second cuneiform facet of medial cuneiform bone (body structure) E03189 237845002 Entire second cuneiform facet of medial cuneiform bone (body structure) P03189 Y P skeletal system AC4B6414FD6B4EDABC7C0FA0DBE3BD85 668A50B64F9546DE8E5D5CAACEA28F85 second cuneiform facet of medial cuneiform bone Entire second cuneiform facet of medial cuneiform bone (body structure) 3190 3190 03190 navicular facet of medial cuneiform bone 57381002 S03190 Structure of navicular facet of medial cuneiform bone (body structure) E03190 237906008 Entire navicular facet of medial cuneiform bone (body structure) P03190 Y 34847 P skeletal system C66B65B465464F3A8D2AD274AFBAC1E5 4CA3D4A795044AA1BD4FDFD22FBC7648 navicular facet of medial cuneiform bone Entire navicular facet of medial cuneiform bone (body structure) 3191 3191 03191 second metatarsal facet of intermediate cuneiform bone 51145002 S03191 Structure of second metatarsal facet of intermediate cuneiform bone (body structure) E03191 238058002 Entire second metatarsal facet of intermediate cuneiform bone (body structure) P03191 Y 34922 P skeletal system 5DDE62606587489381ED4A2F97046777 A1DC0EB4A37E40A382E80EB73AAB5281 second metatarsal facet of intermediate cuneiform bone Entire second metatarsal facet of intermediate cuneiform bone (body structure) 3192 3192 03192 first cuneiform facet of intermediate cuneiform bone 19862009 S03192 Structure of first cuneiform facet of intermediate cuneiform bone (body structure) E03192 237949009 Entire first cuneiform facet of intermediate cuneiform bone (body structure) P03192 Y P skeletal system 14DC26B207EC4CC2AD374337A0CCF525 13F0FDA8D0B34B54A23C31B19EC5828A first cuneiform facet of intermediate cuneiform bone Entire first cuneiform facet of intermediate cuneiform bone (body structure) 3193 3193 03193 third cuneiform facet of intermediate cuneiform bone 63220004 S03193 Structure of third cuneiform facet of intermediate cuneiform bone (body structure) E03193 238015001 Entire third cuneiform facet of intermediate cuneiform bone (body structure) P03193 Y P skeletal system 17C63F35D0B340EC8B4E055E0A0E8584 8ABF6DB21C9F477AAF4192C154B7A7C5 third cuneiform facet of intermediate cuneiform bone Entire third cuneiform facet of intermediate cuneiform bone (body structure) 3194 3194 03194 navicular facet of intermediate cuneiform bone 5625000 S03194 Structure of navicular facet of intermediate cuneiform bone (body structure) E03194 238140006 Entire navicular facet of intermediate cuneiform bone (body structure) P03194 Y 34925 P skeletal system 0495F676E0984328912EC2A188C34A0E 922BF9AD420547F3AC94C6691BE28061 navicular facet of intermediate cuneiform bone Entire navicular facet of intermediate cuneiform bone (body structure) 3195 3195 03195 tuberosity of first metatarsal bone 33598006 S03195 Structure of tuberosity of first metatarsal bone (body structure) E03195 236396001 Entire tuberosity of first metatarsal bone (body structure) P03195 Y 76643 P skeletal system 34A650BA48D34E6A87C4EEB9ABB3C7A6 0E46EDD3AC2C4BBAAE2D80F1709FE267 tuberosity of first metatarsal bone Entire tuberosity of first metatarsal bone (body structure) 3196 3196 03196 base of first metatarsal bone 89221001 S03196 Structure of base of first metatarsal bone (body structure) E03196 182124002 Entire base of first metatarsal bone (body structure) P03196 Y 42963 P skeletal system F80DD54CB4EC44D4AAFA21A4FA75524B C0B5FEF0288140F4A9B434346735CC75 base of first metatarsal bone Entire base of first metatarsal bone (body structure) 3197 3197 03197 shaft of first metatarsal bone 34352001 S03197 Structure of shaft of first metatarsal bone (body structure) E03197 182125001 Entire shaft of first metatarsal bone (body structure) P03197 Y 43007 P skeletal system 0052BF58EB6641568466AB46FB3BD8A6 70ED9793F82F49ECB1C400CA82D18806 shaft of first metatarsal bone Entire shaft of first metatarsal bone (body structure) 3198 3198 03198 head of first metatarsal bone 67169006 S03198 Structure of head of first metatarsal bone (body structure) E03198 182127009 Entire head of first metatarsal bone (body structure) P03198 Y 42983 P skeletal system B2BD1F03DB864C49A29C05BE63BC5ADB CDE6E51E2FDC4A6783AA7ED285DFE40C head of first metatarsal bone Entire head of first metatarsal bone (body structure) 3199 3199 03199 first cuneiform articular facet of first metatarsal bone 13276005 S03199 Structure of first cuneiform articular facet of first metatarsal bone (body structure) E03199 236133003 Entire first cuneiform articular facet of first metatarsal bone (body structure) P03199 Y P skeletal system 520A19131C924DF9A14024BF3E9A95E6 EA8440A1604749958EC103EE29AF3516 first cuneiform articular facet of first metatarsal bone Entire first cuneiform articular facet of first metatarsal bone (body structure) 3200 3200 03200 second metatarsal articular facet of first metatarsal bone 47214007 S03200 Structure of second metatarsal articular facet of first metatarsal bone (body structure) E03200 236221004 Entire second metatarsal articular facet of first metatarsal bone (body structure) P03200 Y P skeletal system 1930EE55B6D744699029738552CBD398 3122053C438143D1B6D3FB60A7A6EC5D second metatarsal articular facet of first metatarsal bone Entire second metatarsal articular facet of first metatarsal bone (body structure) 3201 3201 03201 first phalangeal articular facet of first metatarsal bone 11122009 S03201 Structure of first phalangeal articular facet of first metatarsal bone (body structure) E03201 236309001 Entire first phalangeal articular facet of first metatarsal bone (body structure) P03201 Y P skeletal system FA95481F552B42F9B5FAB8070E586A38 5CC2F80288484C839A1B1DF7334B51DD first phalangeal articular facet of first metatarsal bone Entire first phalangeal articular facet of first metatarsal bone (body structure) 3202 3202 03202 body of sphenoid bone 361297002 S03202 Structure of body of sphenoid bone (body structure) E03202 140491003 Entire body of sphenoid bone (body structure) P03202 - 52867 P skeletal system 25402FC0B5D14F57A877AC83106FC294 6608F184F3D64FF4BB5A059DD8BF86C4 body of sphenoid bone Entire body of sphenoid bone (body structure) 3203 3203 03203 skin of laryngeal prominence 17697002 S03203 Skin structure of laryngeal prominence (body structure) E03203 168932006 Entire skin of laryngeal prominence (body structure) P03203 - D integument/surface 9BC30FD85E4445AA8A65DB0148C0D583 C46820FD093B4CAF89FC120EEE07A5D9 Skin of laryngeal prominence Entire skin of laryngeal prominence (body structure) 3204 3204 03204 base of second metatarsal bone 90894004 S03204 Structure of base of second metatarsal bone (body structure) E03204 182130002 Entire base of second metatarsal bone (body structure) P03204 Y 42964 P skeletal system DDC96278442A49AF98756B0C7E7FE61E EDAFA8562B554A03A9221B20F592E94B base of second metatarsal bone Entire base of second metatarsal bone (body structure) 3205 3205 03205 shaft of second metatarsal bone 88394006 S03205 Structure of shaft of second metatarsal bone (body structure) E03205 182131003 Entire shaft of second metatarsal bone (body structure) P03205 Y 43008 P skeletal system A929A08FCB56478886E596E7099B22DB 85D52C42FD4E48F184FC01EA241BE0CB shaft of second metatarsal bone Entire shaft of second metatarsal bone (body structure) 3206 3206 03206 head of second metatarsal bone 9677004 S03206 Structure of head of second metatarsal bone (body structure) E03206 182133000 Entire head of second metatarsal bone (body structure) P03206 Y 42986 P skeletal system 4D32A03FD50A4F0B9A827F0ADF4B3A2E E75D572C28FE4DDF81CFBB310159208C head of second metatarsal bone Entire head of second metatarsal bone (body structure) 3207 3207 03207 first cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone 64758008 S03207 Structure of first cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) E03207 234881005 Entire first cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) P03207 Y P skeletal system D5FFDF8F197D4CCF89F4DC1EB13F1080 7522F6F3D9EA4B0183BB238379731D95 first cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone Entire first cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) 3208 3208 03208 second cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone 68835005 S03208 Structure of second cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) E03208 234957002 Entire second cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) P03208 Y P skeletal system 6B2242ADF5814E0EA98323331493340F 5F94C5B400BB44F0BB6CB9577E13F13A second cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone Entire second cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) 3209 3209 03209 third cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone 89513006 S03209 Structure of third cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) E03209 235020000 Entire third cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) P03209 Y P skeletal system 562EE97718934F90917922A8BC9504CF FA2CA7FB34AE4CDD99C12AC4EFFF4524 third cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone Entire third cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) 3210 3210 03210 first metatarsal articular facet of second metatarsal bone 75690002 S03210 Structure of first metatarsal articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) E03210 235102007 Entire first metatarsal articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) P03210 Y P skeletal system 7461F0F434434149B88BDB805482461C 9C02EC3CED3E41899ED64AD8384C2C64 first metatarsal articular facet of second metatarsal bone Entire first metatarsal articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) 3211 3211 03211 third metatarsal articular facet of second metatarsal bone 82875002 S03211 Structure of third metatarsal articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) E03211 235172008 Entire third metatarsal articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) P03211 Y P skeletal system D6B791A6002B449E94799D9AC2F73784 FF67EAAFA53A4DCBA7F12C2552B573B6 third metatarsal articular facet of second metatarsal bone Entire third metatarsal articular facet of second metatarsal bone (body structure) 3212 3212 03212 skin of anterior part of neck 11584001 S03212 Skin structure of anterior portion of neck (body structure) E03212 181482005 Entire skin of anterior portion of neck (body structure) P03212 - 23023 D integument/surface 0407F18FD5BE4A968A93D8F11C772E25 C56667085D6641D5AE08108BE5984743 Skin of anterior portion of neck Entire skin of anterior portion of neck (body structure) 3213 3213 03213 base of third metatarsal bone 89995006 S03213 Structure of base of third metatarsal bone (body structure) E03213 182135007 Entire base of third metatarsal bone (body structure) P03213 Y 42965 P skeletal system BFFF304074104FA5AD5188E2B229BBC8 DD811B32361C46338E045C11F96370DE base of third metatarsal bone Entire base of third metatarsal bone (body structure) 3214 3214 03214 shaft of third metatarsal bone 64339002 S03214 Structure of shaft of third metatarsal bone (body structure) E03214 182136008 Entire shaft of third metatarsal bone (body structure) P03214 Y 43009 P skeletal system A003A893CA9A40CCB8602ADC3D9F4D9B 37C335B4BD2A4123854B2A1A8301FC90 shaft of third metatarsal bone Entire shaft of third metatarsal bone (body structure) 3215 3215 03215 head of third metatarsal bone 46971007 S03215 Structure of head of third metatarsal bone (body structure) E03215 182138009 Entire head of third metatarsal bone (body structure) P03215 Y 42998 P skeletal system 1A6BF17F2BA04043936083554CA03747 1B41AF8F9208418F832FAE1179D987AD head of third metatarsal bone Entire head of third metatarsal bone (body structure) 3216 3216 03216 second metatarsal articular facet of third metatarsal bone 30344007 S03216 Structure of second metatarsal articular facet of third metatarsal bone (body structure) E03216 235416008 Entire second metatarsal articular facet of third metatarsal bone (body structure) P03216 Y P skeletal system 29523B41EA9F4DB8A7791F3C7B1A6BAC 46F8822D67044194A78A713A08057466 second metatarsal articular facet of third metatarsal bone Entire second metatarsal articular facet of third metatarsal bone (body structure) 3217 3217 03217 third cuneiform articular facet of third metatarsal bone 17010000 S03217 Structure of third cuneiform articular facet of third metatarsal bone (body structure) E03217 235257003 Entire third cuneiform articular facet of third metatarsal bone (body structure) P03217 Y P skeletal system 1D1BCC9180E74AC5BF46ABD01096126E 7F8A58C42F1F4207B2E1D6CE60186498 third cuneiform articular facet of third metatarsal bone Entire third cuneiform articular facet of third metatarsal bone (body structure) 3219 3219 03219 fourth metatarsal articular facet of third metatarsal bone 88503008 S03219 Structure of fourth metatarsal articular facet of third metatarsal bone (body structure) E03219 235500009 Entire fourth metatarsal articular facet of third metatarsal bone (body structure) P03219 Y P skeletal system ADF44DA068674E69ABC0CD3B993C2731 8ACB3ADE084C43CA93A1855107064DE6 fourth metatarsal articular facet of third metatarsal bone Entire fourth metatarsal articular facet of third metatarsal bone (body structure) 3220 3220 03220 high right atrium 128591008 S03220 Structure of high right atrium (body structure) E03220 277741009 Entire high right atrium (body structure) P03220 - R P cardiovascular system C8E63510F589480E8474AA97DA4B271C E374858914174343B89C07B24B9141CD high right atrium Entire high right atrium (body structure) 3221 3221 03221 mid right atrium 128593006 S03221 Structure of mid right atrium (body structure) E03221 277742002 Entire mid right atrium (body structure) P03221 - R P cardiovascular system CF39F3DBBE71400D8C108EC233C29D00 808D866D930540EBB39EB2E06F41056A mid right atrium Entire mid right atrium (body structure) 3222 3222 03222 low right atrium 128594000 S03222 Structure of low right atrium (body structure) E03222 277743007 Entire low right atrium (body structure) P03222 - R P cardiovascular system 809609338D5143B4BFE834FC047CFFCC 6B0F40B7330F48D9BA1A7785D622EE23 low right atrium Entire low right atrium (body structure) 3223 3223 03223 base of fourth metatarsal bone 15368009 S03223 Structure of base of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) E03223 182140004 Entire base of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) P03223 Y 42966 P skeletal system 72195B397FA042F4BE3372B2D13F0B3A FB29C6D2AEA24949AFED64C78E677BF2 base of fourth metatarsal bone Entire base of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) 3224 3224 03224 shaft of fourth metatarsal bone 50919003 S03224 Structure of shaft of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) E03224 182141000 Entire shaft of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) P03224 Y 43010 P skeletal system C2081698DF4A4284A690544E7B08C874 BDC537BC93A24C5BBF278C8E179199A2 shaft of fourth metatarsal bone Entire shaft of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) 3225 3225 03225 skin of submandibular area 34799006 S03225 Skin structure of submandibular area (body structure) E03225 244102001 Entire skin of submandibular area (body structure) P03225 Y D integument/surface F6C289CD05B84845B72C8A9A0DAC49A3 2E7245E147774FBF8D4B28E523E99ED9 Skin of submandibular area Entire skin of submandibular area (body structure) 3226 3226 03226 head of fourth metatarsal bone 3134008 S03226 Structure of head of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) E03226 182143002 Entire head of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) P03226 Y 42999 P skeletal system F3BC2240FE1E4CA3AE40A1C61070A9BA 5B0426EF5CEA40DCAF83BC210FBE50BB head of fourth metatarsal bone Entire head of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) 3227 3227 03227 third metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone 90413001 S03227 Structure of third metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) E03227 235587005 Entire third metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) P03227 Y P skeletal system 852252F1D06445D3BF356E03721AAFD7 EB1A2BA99CD7442CA46EDAEC62482A86 third metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone Entire third metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) 3228 3228 03228 third cuneiform articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone 17714003 S03228 Structure of third cuneiform articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) E03228 235740001 Entire third cuneiform articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) P03228 Y P skeletal system FD4B2B5FC9D74A7B8F66DF362AEF62C0 C41B8E5CEF1243CCA420BBC4A2415C86 third cuneiform articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone Entire third cuneiform articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) 3229 3229 03229 cuboid articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone 2543001 S03229 Structure of cuboid articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) E03229 235818004 Entire cuboid articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) P03229 Y P skeletal system DEC5887A705D40B0BE348ACB7E9DDB24 3D2F46B9F86940D980F88C92EB176742 cuboid articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone Entire cuboid articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) 3230 3230 03230 fifth metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone 3956007 S03230 Structure of fifth metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) E03230 235668005 Entire fifth metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) P03230 Y P skeletal system 86A536443EB64E21900A2919380DC673 194471F837554BEE807B0CE4DDFFDEAF fifth metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone Entire fifth metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone (body structure) 3231 3231 03231 styloid process of fifth metatarsal bone 38607000 S03231 Structure of styloid process of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) E03231 236052007 Entire styloid process of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) P03231 Y P skeletal system 3DBC8B3A7C1547368C431225BF53793A 7951303083244491B916341C9B464A8E styloid process of fifth metatarsal bone Entire styloid process of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) 3232 3232 03232 base of fifth metatarsal bone 30980004 S03232 Structure of base of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) E03232 182145009 Entire base of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) P03232 Y 42967 P skeletal system 25A16A747D804283B33852B11E74BED0 3DA9670D5ED9426389273B6250B455FD base of fifth metatarsal bone Entire base of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) 3233 3233 03233 shaft of fifth metatarsal bone 9212008 S03233 Structure of shaft of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) E03233 182146005 Entire shaft of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) P03233 Y 43011 P skeletal system EA48387E158749DC9A82C3450B102BEB CCF73A941463439E99EF01D1A369F851 shaft of fifth metatarsal bone Entire shaft of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) 3234 3234 03234 head of fifth metatarsal bone 71822005 S03234 Structure of head of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) E03234 182148006 Entire head of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) P03234 Y 43000 P skeletal system 1BCBCB8CEB654C3DB1416E50F946D461 807144F4B32447E8AE1E506B2071B9CD head of fifth metatarsal bone Entire head of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) 3235 3235 03235 skin of lateral part of neck 5272005 S03235 Skin structure of lateral portion of neck (body structure) E03235 181483000 Entire skin of lateral portion of neck (body structure) P03235 Y D integument/surface CF117ED814C4412F9A0FF2415A290A9D C641293E4E8745DD8A258236C8E6076B Skin of lateral portion of neck Entire skin of lateral portion of neck (body structure) 3236 3236 03236 fourth metatarsal articular facet of fifth metatarsal bone 37675007 S03236 Structure of fourth metatarsal articular facet of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) E03236 235893009 Entire fourth metatarsal articular facet of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) P03236 Y P skeletal system DE8163BBC5604C19975EAC660707A29F 42D6BE7B8D914905BAFEAC631372FE5A fourth metatarsal articular facet of fifth metatarsal bone Entire fourth metatarsal articular facet of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) 3237 3237 03237 cuboid articular facet of fifth metatarsal bone 16899005 S03237 Structure of cuboid articular facet of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) E03237 235970004 Entire cuboid articular facet of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) P03237 Y P skeletal system 52670CFB718F432FADB834AC47949C92 2A592318BB74495090870232B5A5C39C cuboid articular facet of fifth metatarsal bone Entire cuboid articular facet of fifth metatarsal bone (body structure) 3238 3238 03238 vesalian bone 55509003 S03238 Structure of vesalian bone (body structure) E03238 182149003 Entire vesalian bone (body structure) P03238 Y P musculoskeletal system 9A2B0657FFC34BA693D82AC1CE318C4B B71EA9572C4C497C855A90070C592057 vesalian bone Entire vesalian bone (body structure) 3239 3239 03239 tuberosity of phalanx of foot 76459003 S03239 Structure of tuberosity of phalanx of foot (body structure) E03239 236545004 Entire tuberosity of phalanx of foot (body structure) P03239 Y P musculoskeletal system AAD03C4077A246469A24323D0EFA6187 6E17D234579143A6B23FE1CDC37B9E8D tuberosity of phalanx of foot Entire tuberosity of phalanx of foot (body structure) 3240 3240 03240 base of phalanx of foot 4603002 S03240 Structure of base of phalanx of foot (body structure) E03240 236636005 Entire base of phalanx of foot (body structure) P03240 Y 32888 P musculoskeletal system 3C5880ED41DE4169835D572E4801A23B 3E4844CE74FA4CC28600FDABC52CD797 base of phalanx of foot Entire base of phalanx of foot (body structure) 3241 3241 03241 shaft of phalanx of foot 16875005 S03241 Structure of shaft of phalanx of foot (body structure) E03241 236716003 Entire shaft of phalanx of foot (body structure) P03241 Y 32889 P musculoskeletal system D35364549E5A413ABC270FA1F30CF5D2 EA99868A49D847FE99609176DE041A07 shaft of phalanx of foot Entire shaft of phalanx of foot (body structure) 3242 3242 03242 skin of nuchal region 4658004 S03242 Skin structure of nuchal region (body structure) E03242 181481003 Entire skin of nuchal region (body structure) P03242 - 23020 D integument/surface 0668E3F54A5F419580E6F94D97323547 BA5D7D447D3A4E6CA9A940FB717C5FCC Skin of nuchal region Entire skin of nuchal region (body structure) 3243 3243 03243 head of phalanx of foot 45398007 S03243 Structure of head of phalanx of foot (body structure) E03243 236801009 Entire head of phalanx of foot (body structure) P03243 Y 32890 P musculoskeletal system DF722C3A2FC3488B8245D4DA6F5F2897 5D61298419C24A909D50677E30206A93 head of phalanx of foot Entire head of phalanx of foot (body structure) 3244 3244 03244 articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of foot 43472000 S03244 Structure of articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of foot (body structure) E03244 236885003 Entire articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of foot (body structure) P03244 Y P musculoskeletal system ED30BA7D6F6745EDB219D53814062B28 FD06D39E5BD146F6A8C8B298B4910AFA articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of foot Entire articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of foot (body structure) 3245 3245 03245 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of foot 21856002 S03245 Structure of articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of foot (body structure) E03245 236970008 Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of foot (body structure) P03245 Y P musculoskeletal system 2532B78E69144FE68ECF28ED8BEC4046 33FBBA2ACAEC4D19AEA1B747CEB96D57 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of foot Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of foot (body structure) 3246 3246 03246 tuberosity of distal phalanx of great toe 68763004 S03246 Structure of tuberosity of distal phalanx of great toe (body structure) E03246 223025000 Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of great toe (body structure) P03246 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 66C2AA40A5B14951B4B2BE3BB4ACE4F9 D44CAD8EEB4340319375728C1FA3F51B tuberosity of distal phalanx of great toe Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of great toe (body structure) 3247 3247 03247 base of phalanx of great toe 89799008 S03247 Structure of base of phalanx of great toe (body structure) E03247 223127005 Entire base of phalanx of great toe (body structure) P03247 Y 32887 P musculoskeletal system B2B1E94B54E84DA0879313C108B9C40E BA698F2D40974650A06255322503C7B4 base of phalanx of great toe Entire base of phalanx of great toe (body structure) 3248 3248 03248 shaft of phalanx of great toe 84763000 S03248 Structure of shaft of phalanx of great toe (body structure) E03248 223230005 Entire shaft of phalanx of great toe (body structure) P03248 Y 32891 P musculoskeletal system 07E885B53A964D0694D90D3F3F11E445 D3BE1F06282C4E01ABB2F51E3B8D6685 shaft of phalanx of great toe Entire shaft of phalanx of great toe (body structure) 3249 3249 03249 head of phalanx of great toe 582005 S03249 Structure of head of phalanx of great toe (body structure) E03249 223332000 Entire head of phalanx of great toe (body structure) P03249 Y 32892 P musculoskeletal system ADD9DD60C8924B49A26059DB9335F12B 7A57707DDAB74C88A450B19F7BB676F9 head of phalanx of great toe Entire head of phalanx of great toe (body structure) 3250 3250 03250 skin of supraclavicular region of neck 76072005 S03250 Skin structure of supraclavicular region of neck (body structure) E03250 280908006 Entire skin of supraclavicular region of neck (body structure) P03250 Y D integument/surface 3214E0F3102D4F0BAACACFAA48A2E719 F9B72519131B464BBCF58CD31DB2A109 Skin of supraclavicular region of neck Entire skin of supraclavicular region of neck (body structure) 3251 3251 03251 articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of great toe 53055007 S03251 Structure of articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of great toe (body structure) E03251 223432004 Entire articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of great toe (body structure) P03251 Y P musculoskeletal system 99B960685F9E4BC292CB519776C4BC0C 1018E98CBD7E49D19F2FDF23A2632A9E articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of great toe Entire articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of great toe (body structure) 3252 3252 03252 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of great toe 22349004 S03252 Structure of articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of great toe (body structure) E03252 223530009 Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of great toe (body structure) P03252 Y P musculoskeletal system 731A9079FC9E4C8BA00EE57F9625A713 7C828D8A3A464436BC62A0EDBA5E90F7 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of great toe Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of great toe (body structure) 3253 3253 03253 tuberosity of distal phalanx of second toe 58991000 S03253 Structure of tuberosity of distal phalanx of second toe (body structure) E03253 226392009 Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of second toe (body structure) P03253 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 361EF01A1F7C43AC876CEDF4943F50E5 EEB75AE22C0E4FD8BD5B6D0894CCB726 tuberosity of distal phalanx of second toe Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of second toe (body structure) 3254 3254 03254 base of phalanx of second toe 51911008 S03254 Structure of base of phalanx of second toe (body structure) E03254 226494006 Entire base of phalanx of second toe (body structure) P03254 Y 32913 P musculoskeletal system 826CB946875045FC92CE67260DF12106 7566C4CE02434B2BA426F70992C5349C base of phalanx of second toe Entire base of phalanx of second toe (body structure) 3255 3255 03255 shaft of phalanx of second toe 48454009 S03255 Structure of shaft of phalanx of second toe (body structure) E03255 226594009 Entire shaft of phalanx of second toe (body structure) P03255 Y 32916 P musculoskeletal system 17B1A822134B4A06BB35B23C7ED26251 9694D1E054D540859466FCDEDD4FE7FA shaft of phalanx of second toe Entire shaft of phalanx of second toe (body structure) 3256 3256 03256 head of phalanx of second toe 38006005 S03256 Structure of head of phalanx of second toe (body structure) E03256 226696000 Entire head of phalanx of second toe (body structure) P03256 Y 32919 P musculoskeletal system 5F8484D76CFA447D935A4FB6CEE3C2E1 30E4D70357E5412B88926ADED65F9D6F head of phalanx of second toe Entire head of phalanx of second toe (body structure) 3257 3257 03257 skin of medial area of thumb 66420006 S03257 Skin structure of medial surface of thumb (body structure) E03257 368391006 Entire skin of medial surface of thumb (body structure) P03257 Y D integument/surface DA01D5AC40FE49B885FC3D8F32D79180 DE902C3F599243E69FB4E7999B2984E6 Skin of medial surface of thumb Entire skin of medial surface of thumb (body structure) 3258 3258 03258 skin of suprasternal notch 113180009 S03258 Skin structure of suprasternal notch (body structure) E03258 244103006 Entire skin of suprasternal notch (body structure) P03258 - D integument/surface 5B12EE40524A4696A251915AF8CC6CA9 A882BE0CA65449F7A636D5DF6B55390F Skin of suprasternal notch Entire skin of suprasternal notch (body structure) 3259 3259 03259 articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of second toe 79799000 S03259 Structure of articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of second toe (body structure) E03259 226792006 Entire articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of second toe (body structure) P03259 Y P musculoskeletal system D116D04203FC400EB9A55290B40F18B6 AEA77723D29641EB87C8ED2D6F307224 articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of second toe Entire articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of second toe (body structure) 3260 3260 03260 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of second toe 79732006 S03260 Structure of articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of second toe (body structure) E03260 226893005 Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of second toe (body structure) P03260 Y P musculoskeletal system FD728C8B8D5E4BCAB7B323C4A04262BD B7505030FBAE483393FC023E45467D7C articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of second toe Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of second toe (body structure) 3261 3261 03261 tuberosity of distal phalanx of third toe 88335009 S03261 Structure of tuberosity of distal phalanx of third toe (body structure) E03261 226986007 Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of third toe (body structure) P03261 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 86133BD2FA78462A835BCE9F076F13FF 074B05486AA44270B45C1615F6EE8105 tuberosity of distal phalanx of third toe Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of third toe (body structure) 3262 3262 03262 base of phalanx of third toe 78847000 S03262 Structure of base of phalanx of third toe (body structure) E03262 227090003 Entire base of phalanx of third toe (body structure) P03262 Y 32922 P musculoskeletal system 61871F03B0F941A7886B470304EFEB36 55F15F7D851D48729BA8872E27DEE5C8 base of phalanx of third toe Entire base of phalanx of third toe (body structure) 3263 3263 03263 shaft of phalanx of third toe 58510007 S03263 Structure of shaft of phalanx of third toe (body structure) E03263 227192008 Entire shaft of phalanx of third toe (body structure) P03263 Y 32925 P musculoskeletal system 57252C5D3CDD4A6E9B9BB96D9A274833 0687B1C36F5F43BC81DA405C3EAAC926 shaft of phalanx of third toe Entire shaft of phalanx of third toe (body structure) 3264 3264 03264 head of phalanx of third toe 12460008 S03264 Structure of head of phalanx of third toe (body structure) E03264 227293008 Entire head of phalanx of third toe (body structure) P03264 Y 32928 P musculoskeletal system AB637EF917C54A2BABFE9FEAD94F5055 DE0B9506094E47E38ACB9B17B1FBE1D3 head of phalanx of third toe Entire head of phalanx of third toe (body structure) 3265 3265 03265 skin of head and neck 58308009 S03265 Skin structure of head and neck (body structure) E03265 244067007 Entire skin of head and neck (body structure) P03265 - D integument/surface 25A2E53CF3A8474C92EFF027BD2213F5 D00BDDC21ADC4B558FC0B61806FAAE57 Skin of head and neck Entire skin of head and neck (body structure) 3266 3266 03266 articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of third toe 73116007 S03266 Structure of articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of third toe (body structure) E03266 227394000 Entire articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of third toe (body structure) P03266 Y P musculoskeletal system 9058CDCA75A047B08BA01340DE780150 549EE45EA11C4091A19D70A1888A4DF1 articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of third toe Entire articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of third toe (body structure) 3267 3267 03267 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of third toe 61674005 S03267 Structure of articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of third toe (body structure) E03267 227494004 Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of third toe (body structure) P03267 Y P musculoskeletal system 4A6F6CC5E3504E7CB7EB270724705CB4 751F9F017AD042C8BFFA54C0D1CBB0FD articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of third toe Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of third toe (body structure) 3268 3268 03268 tuberosity of distal phalanx of fourth toe 20809007 S03268 Structure of tuberosity of distal phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) E03268 227596004 Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) P03268 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 5302C684313441DF9BCFA86520A04218 5D8912BCFA7E48D589A825BBC9B48BAE tuberosity of distal phalanx of fourth toe Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) 3269 3269 03269 base of phalanx of fourth toe 54863001 S03269 Structure of base of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) E03269 227697001 Entire base of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) P03269 Y 32931 P musculoskeletal system 99D34FE1A7EC4A798B7ACAB18693228F 3E2EEC7C0910403DADCC8622F9ECD5D7 base of phalanx of fourth toe Entire base of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) 3270 3270 03270 shaft of phalanx of fourth toe 69034003 S03270 Structure of shaft of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) E03270 227798000 Entire shaft of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) P03270 Y 32934 P musculoskeletal system 30F792B5AC64400A87591810FB754E98 0913D1E3E372406C8D04B575755710D3 shaft of phalanx of fourth toe Entire shaft of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) 3271 3271 03271 head of phalanx of fourth toe 43973000 S03271 Structure of head of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) E03271 227900006 Entire head of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) P03271 Y 32937 P musculoskeletal system 372623CBA5FE4CB392A10C5B6FBC3633 75541D6CF7284697BC1E3B0BC80034E7 head of phalanx of fourth toe Entire head of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) 3272 3272 03272 skin of trunk 86381001 S03272 Skin structure of trunk (body structure) E03272 181489001 Entire skin of trunk (body structure) P03272 - 12167 D integument/surface E250620E4E5A411A959FCC38A2359CB1 32A707D8450D4137B9846188237CAE5F Skin of trunk Entire skin of trunk (body structure) 3273 3273 03273 articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of fourth toe 64402004 S03273 Structure of articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) E03273 228001005 Entire articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) P03273 Y P musculoskeletal system D52D59D53E1645AFAF9C90E7F8FB0691 355FBFA558B84525B9595E746E42F7DE articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of fourth toe Entire articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) 3274 3274 03274 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of fourth toe 40409009 S03274 Structure of articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) E03274 228096007 Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) P03274 Y P musculoskeletal system B0AFA83B0EEF41629EA8871728EFC442 77668A5D17074B18859F6EF83334BFA3 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of fourth toe Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) 3275 3275 03275 tuberosity of distal phalanx of little toe 635006 S03275 Structure of tuberosity of distal phalanx of little toe (body structure) E03275 228188004 Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of little toe (body structure) P03275 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system BD1E2746196F4818A3B08E26442B2A73 A6AF8585EBA8496394490CD1F23E3E1C tuberosity of distal phalanx of little toe Entire tuberosity of distal phalanx of little toe (body structure) 3276 3276 03276 base of phalanx of little toe 11710001 S03276 Structure of base of phalanx of little toe (body structure) E03276 228284005 Entire base of phalanx of little toe (body structure) P03276 Y 32940 P musculoskeletal system 465DA84F000141B395C5E8E520070BE3 02C7038DF57640B3B945FAEB6C1E0C7C base of phalanx of little toe Entire base of phalanx of little toe (body structure) 3277 3277 03277 shaft of phalanx of little toe 49865003 S03277 Structure of shaft of phalanx of little toe (body structure) E03277 228385009 Entire shaft of phalanx of little toe (body structure) P03277 Y 32943 P musculoskeletal system 806675B24493492EB7C0FF70DB2F0C77 19C932033B224FD6900D347D1903AE44 shaft of phalanx of little toe Entire shaft of phalanx of little toe (body structure) 3278 3278 03278 head of phalanx of little toe 46844008 S03278 Structure of head of phalanx of little toe (body structure) E03278 228485008 Entire head of phalanx of little toe (body structure) P03278 Y 32946 P musculoskeletal system EAD6379405D541B98E15F03B0D14A7A4 77EE3D75A87C403892E3389BD2084DE9 head of phalanx of little toe Entire head of phalanx of little toe (body structure) 3279 3279 03279 skin of upper trunk 54440003 S03279 Skin structure of upper trunk (body structure) E03279 304504005 Entire skin of upper trunk (body structure) P03279 - 23027 D integument/surface 621BE488E42A48E89E0BD5A72A392460 ACA95BC372734C48ADE4C7C9FE595B94 Skin of upper trunk Entire skin of upper trunk (body structure) 3280 3280 03280 articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of fifth toe 45521009 S03280 Structure of articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of fifth toe (body structure) E03280 228581001 Entire articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of fifth toe (body structure) P03280 Y P musculoskeletal system 312E728264304DCA97AC47BAEE08FB80 6AD9B7C6EB3E442DA30A3C1CA18EDF0D articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of fifth toe Entire articular surface, metatarsal, of phalanx of fifth toe (body structure) 3281 3281 03281 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of fifth toe 69587008 S03281 Structure of articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of fifth toe (body structure) E03281 228670006 Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of fifth toe (body structure) P03281 Y P musculoskeletal system ADCE2A0537D644C4A9B27CA4F4978264 CB1BF81DCFAD415A9364441D91142928 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of fifth toe Entire articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of fifth toe (body structure) 3282 3282 03282 sesamoid bone of foot 58742003 S03282 Structure of sesamoid bone of foot (body structure) E03282 244675002 Entire sesamoid bone of foot (body structure) P03282 Y 45096 P musculoskeletal system 60775290F25E45699BBBC3D7FBC01DE6 566DE996AFCE4E4A8E0D10B876F0D602 sesamoid bone of foot Entire sesamoid bone of foot (body structure) 3283 3283 03283 palpebral part of orbicularis oculi muscle 85338005 S03283 Structure of palpebral part of orbicularis oculi muscle (body structure) E03283 368775006 Entire palpebral part of orbicularis oculi muscle (body structure) P03283 Y P special senses organ system 7FAE0AE046DC4670BE3478564EABED93 8B81FB843804495697076E989414B6D2 palpebral part of orbicularis oculi muscle Entire palpebral part of orbicularis oculi muscle (body structure) 3284 3284 03284 lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi muscle 5491007 S03284 Structure of lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi muscle (body structure) E03284 368776007 Entire lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi muscle (body structure) P03284 Y P special senses organ system DD016CBCF5AD4ED6B30D9C334C1FC550 3D23C5439CA242ECBE46B92E0E06C3C3 lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi muscle Entire lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi muscle (body structure) 3285 3285 03285 extraocular muscle 67833000 S03285 Structure of extraocular muscle (body structure) E03285 181150000 Entire extraocular muscle (body structure) P03285 Y 49033 P musculoskeletal system 970A1415FC7A4203A71C81B54E369347 620EC972E41040989C064B907CCCCCD1 extraocular muscle Entire extraocular muscle (body structure) 3286 3286 03286 skin of lower trunk 58403004 S03286 Skin structure of lower trunk (body structure) E03286 304695005 Entire skin of lower trunk (body structure) P03286 - 12169 D integument/surface 4A35CA9D950B4213B44F7AEBC19E72C1 EA7E2632A3894A0E96D4F835861BF423 Skin of lower trunk Entire skin of lower trunk (body structure) 3287 3287 03287 superficial part of superior levator palpebrae muscle 39219007 S03287 Structure of superficial part of superior levator palpebrae muscle (body structure) E03287 368788009 Entire superficial part of superior levator palpebrae muscle (body structure) P03287 Y P special senses organ system 5A46A19AF1DB454BB1F82B98EDFD2A80 81C4E0FE57134EC9A1B4879A940E9279 superficial part of superior levator palpebrae muscle Entire superficial part of superior levator palpebrae muscle (body structure) 3288 3288 03288 deep part of superior levator palpebrae muscle 76042004 S03288 Structure of deep part of superior levator palpebrae muscle (body structure) E03288 368789001 Entire deep part of superior levator palpebrae muscle (body structure) P03288 Y P special senses organ system 3458762BF93647299D621D4B64B2C5D8 2DB398A3CFBC4CA6A08E9B0DF4B74251 deep part of superior levator palpebrae muscle Entire deep part of superior levator palpebrae muscle (body structure) 3289 3289 03289 medial arch of foot 32742002 S03289 Structure of medial arch of foot (instep) (body structure) E03289 306989008 Entire medial arch of foot (instep) (body structure) P03289 Y P 8BF585ACFAE04BED92F0360726A57E4E CFA34D400D3840D58E8367EDFD4ED864 medial arch of foot (instep) Entire medial arch of foot (instep) (body structure) 3290 3290 03290 lateral arch of foot 55688004 S03290 Structure of lateral arch of foot (body structure) E03290 306990004 Entire lateral arch of foot (body structure) P03290 Y P 23DA9DBCA63748CC95F46FC3F858E1EC 86F25E3C80CE47E0B5DE3D3D8E10637F lateral arch of foot Entire lateral arch of foot (body structure) 3291 3291 03291 extrinsic auricular muscle 57062002 S03291 Structure of extrinsic auricular muscles (body structure) E03291 244758001 Entire extrinsic auricular muscles (body structure) P03291 Y 46854 P musculoskeletal system FECCE7F6B1894A4E8DE3C5D4D0C5742F 64AD14C701E04D1E897F38FD7D8CCBFF extrinsic auricular muscles Entire extrinsic auricular muscles (body structure) 3292 3292 03292 anterior auricularis muscle 91671008 S03292 Structure of anterior auricularis muscle (body structure) E03292 244760004 Entire anterior auricularis muscle (body structure) P03292 Y 46856 P special senses organ system 96881B54BC1143B4A78D90CBAEDDC6AD CC932E3825194A2982E57F9ED9D73905 anterior auricularis muscle Entire anterior auricularis muscle (body structure) 3293 3293 03293 superior auricularis muscle 34634008 S03293 Structure of superior auricularis muscle (body structure) E03293 244759009 Entire superior auricularis muscle (body structure) P03293 Y 46855 P special senses organ system F7B9C6FDD3E7448C856A051F24C4B10C 18C0B5C6F72A483685172D9F870EAFEB superior auricularis muscle Entire superior auricularis muscle (body structure) 3294 3294 03294 skin of lateral region of trunk 24415007 S03294 Skin structure of lateral region of trunk (body structure) E03294 311967003 Entire skin of lateral region of trunk (body structure) P03294 Y D integument/surface 4CBE9EC295394F16A1E204C49506A3CA E084660C4C974F518B1D9803C713DB60 Skin of lateral region of trunk Entire skin of lateral region of trunk (body structure) 3295 3295 03295 posterior auricularis muscle 40934004 S03295 Structure of posterior auricularis muscle (body structure) E03295 244761000 Entire posterior auricularis muscle (body structure) P03295 Y 46857 P special senses organ system E29261A8C93D48E2BAC708B852F107AC DD67913E7CBD434590CA9EE13626E22A posterior auricularis muscle Entire posterior auricularis muscle (body structure) 3296 3296 03296 aryepiglottic muscle 6325003 S03296 Structure of aryepiglottic muscle (body structure) E03296 244818009 Entire aryepiglottic muscle (body structure) P03296 Y 46602 P respiratory system D55DFC39E7584E669E4D59DA55762C19 3099D3D310A94C4CAC586A5330B8A006 aryepiglottic muscle Entire aryepiglottic muscle (body structure) 3297 3297 03297 cricothyroid muscle 19468002 S03297 Structure of cricothyroid muscle (body structure) E03297 244809007 Entire cricothyroid muscle (body structure) P03297 Y 46417 P musculoskeletal system 330750B8B2D14CC98D83CD5BDC5E472C 30F3D2DD01BA45C8AAA4B97752DA94DC cricothyroid muscle Entire cricothyroid muscle (body structure) 3298 3298 03298 posterior cricoarytenoid muscle 10634008 S03298 Structure of posterior cricoarytenoid muscle (body structure) E03298 244812005 Entire posterior cricoarytenoid muscle (body structure) P03298 Y 46576 P respiratory system F26FFA12B5DA45F9BC26748C87983D7E 796B6A5ED75D4E4AB27523C74CCE8063 posterior cricoarytenoid muscle Entire posterior cricoarytenoid muscle (body structure) 3299 3299 03299 lateral cricoarytenoid muscle 14253003 S03299 Structure of lateral cricoarytenoid muscle (body structure) E03299 244813000 Entire lateral cricoarytenoid muscle (body structure) P03299 Y 46579 P respiratory system A6B1E719BCA44621B5AC611B2963FCF4 C2A95A051C8C4C8588480851A777B096 lateral cricoarytenoid muscle Entire lateral cricoarytenoid muscle (body structure) 3300 3300 03300 vocalis muscle 75357007 S03300 Structure of vocalis muscle (body structure) E03300 244820007 Entire vocalis muscle (body structure) P03300 Y 46591 P respiratory system 1368865C60314711A35FE4DBEA3831B0 3DDB6BAE80A640EF84CEDE0388CB5B42 vocalis muscle Entire vocalis muscle (body structure) 3301 3301 03301 thyroepiglottic muscle 84738000 S03301 Structure of thyroepiglottic muscle (body structure) E03301 244819001 Entire thyroepiglottic muscle (body structure) P03301 Y 46594 P muscular system C61E15BBE8D44774A07BC78E62D3DCCF 8C2A6115DDA04D8BAD48B9FDF0312116 thyroepiglottic muscle Entire thyroepiglottic muscle (body structure) 3302 3302 03302 oblique arytenoid muscle 89527001 S03302 Structure of oblique arytenoid muscle (body structure) E03302 244817004 Entire oblique arytenoid muscle (body structure) P03302 Y 46583 P respiratory system 549BCA62BFCD40368A3B59541B9EFFA0 CC416C1D4BED4E89BB23E956DEDE097B oblique arytenoid muscle Entire oblique arytenoid muscle (body structure) 3303 3303 03303 skin of shoulder 76552005 S03303 Skin structure of shoulder (body structure) E03303 244131002 Entire skin of shoulder (body structure) P03303 Y 34830 D integument/surface ED1DE2F41C7C4F77996476E184150597 2F55EB1124624D18B99834893815EFE3 Skin of shoulder Entire skin of shoulder (body structure) 3304 3304 03304 transverse arytenoid muscle 9891007 S03304 Structure of transverse arytenoid muscle (body structure) E03304 244816008 Entire transverse arytenoid muscle (body structure) P03304 Y 46582 P respiratory system 5373338078E34742A0984AFB11CD0EF2 1013228C498A4822A137EE3298DB031B transverse arytenoid muscle Entire transverse arytenoid muscle (body structure) 3305 3305 03305 intrinsic lingual muscle 20200000 S03305 Structure of intrinsic lingual muscle (body structure) E03305 244788005 Entire intrinsic lingual muscle (body structure) P03305 Y 46701 P digestive system 5627B9474936427684B76B2DAE34A2EF 114C10853FB54FADA9559A1381FA1197 intrinsic lingual muscle Entire intrinsic lingual muscle (body structure) 3306 3306 03306 chondroglossal muscle 43104006 S03306 Structure of chondroglossal muscle (body structure) E03306 244787000 Entire chondroglossal muscle (body structure) P03306 Y 46700 P digestive system 5A4DC9F23ED7401197C467830C00451C 53444E07806E4FCA80F4B401DE0CDDD0 chondroglossal muscle Entire chondroglossal muscle (body structure) 3307 3307 03307 superior longitudinal muscle of tongue 31318000 S03307 Structure of superior longitudinal muscle of tongue (body structure) E03307 244790006 Entire superior longitudinal muscle of tongue (body structure) P03307 Y 46693 P digestive system 93AB7C3C3C7C47979127C1423808776F 09AC2AD24A7644838CA7841F69DA07B6 superior longitudinal muscle of tongue Entire superior longitudinal muscle of tongue (body structure) 3308 3308 03308 inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue 1122009 S03308 Structure of inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue (body structure) E03308 244791005 Entire inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue (body structure) P03308 Y 46694 P digestive system 0500B3771F164DEDB1C846926C00B2CD 9913373C22424711ADC112580D08EDC2 inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue Entire inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue (body structure) 3309 3309 03309 transverse muscle of tongue 53123009 S03309 Structure of transverse muscle of tongue (body structure) E03309 244792003 Entire transverse muscle of tongue (body structure) P03309 Y 46695 P digestive system A2B271AD574F485A999FEE0E09ED4EF4 D45C6D214CD84E5F8CD3BC665CE256D6 transverse muscle of tongue Entire transverse muscle of tongue (body structure) 3310 3310 03310 vertical muscle of tongue 41575008 S03310 Structure of vertical muscle of tongue (body structure) E03310 244793008 Entire vertical muscle of tongue (body structure) P03310 Y 46696 P digestive system 715C99AD3A04403497E9D3023ACC8051 65B0ECDEC70942A789D19C6D17E54562 vertical muscle of tongue Entire vertical muscle of tongue (body structure) 3311 3311 03311 genioglossus muscle 37507008 S03311 Structure of genioglossus muscle (body structure) E03311 244784007 Entire genioglossus muscle (body structure) P03311 Y 46690 P digestive system A533BB1E9204416EB398F78458D9D21F A8E569405E434E6BBBB98D7C5E327E6E genioglossus muscle Entire genioglossus muscle (body structure) 3312 3312 03312 styloglossus muscle 30206001 S03312 Structure of styloglossus muscle (body structure) E03312 244786009 Entire styloglossus muscle (body structure) P03312 Y 46692 P digestive system 39DDC946718F4BD483E571A995655F83 C2ABE8A430D349E6A5988DA8490EF830 styloglossus muscle Entire styloglossus muscle (body structure) 3313 3313 03313 hyoglossus muscle 44335003 S03313 Structure of hyoglossus muscle (body structure) E03313 244785008 Entire hyoglossus muscle (body structure) P03313 Y 46691 P digestive system 588723433F28406D8FA46E2CE7EF42E1 C8990FD7664E46268E9271C4C8BF91F9 hyoglossus muscle Entire hyoglossus muscle (body structure) 3314 3314 03314 skin of scapular region of back 45980000 S03314 Skin structure of scapular region of back (body structure) E03314 181516000 Entire skin of scapular region of back (body structure) P03314 Y D integument/surface DD92CB147CDA4AC58FC26E48FB0EB5E5 E17183FF37C445B9A92C0D312E8869DB Skin of scapular region of back Entire skin of scapular region of back (body structure) 3315 3315 03315 levator veli palatini muscle 57314004 S03315 Structure of levator veli palatini muscle (body structure) E03315 244795001 Entire levator veli palatini muscle (body structure) P03315 Y 46727 P musculoskeletal system D3F3E5FB68C64755AB7801BEC2992575 65799CA1EC764243891BE3CF2490DD2C levator veli palatini muscle Entire levator veli palatini muscle (body structure) 3316 3316 03316 uvular muscle 30501007 S03316 Structure of uvular muscle (body structure) E03316 244797009 Entire uvular muscle (body structure) P03316 Y 46733 P digestive system CEAFA2EA52D04470BE9BF7A227641325 FC96CAB132DE4017B13605E3DE97C4A8 uvular muscle Entire uvular muscle (body structure) 3317 3317 03317 palatoglossal muscle 26296007 S03317 Structure of palatoglossal muscle (body structure) E03317 244783001 Entire palatoglossal muscle (body structure) P03317 Y 46697 P digestive system B43E6A6B54A34D88BF039BDF1DE1F64D 7ABE081BFD2E4ECEB8A7CB167EFE46A8 palatoglossal muscle Entire palatoglossal muscle (body structure) 3318 3318 03318 palatopharyngeus 24211000 S03318 Structure of palatopharyngeal muscle (body structure) E03318 244796000 Entire palatopharyngeal muscle (body structure) P03318 Y 46666 P digestive system D651721DB47D465781B7CB446A5CC991 925A9AB117CF427C92DCD6FA49F850F0 palatopharyngeal muscle Entire palatopharyngeal muscle (body structure) 3319 3319 03319 pharyngeal raphe 81408008 S03319 Structure of pharyngeal raphe (body structure) E03319 179763009 Entire pharyngeal raphe (body structure) P03319 - 55077 P digestive system 2E32A812AB5D440A9A379D667766BF1B 988A439C212A4E718FC6C295D6CEA7F7 pharyngeal raphe Entire pharyngeal raphe (body structure) 3320 3320 03320 pterygopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle 32558002 S03320 Structure of pterygopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) E03320 179862006 Entire pterygopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) P03320 Y P digestive system 31816FC307A24E37A75FEA395ABD4F37 1332285CEDBC4EA6A604290E8D193A0D pterygopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle Entire pterygopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) 3321 3321 03321 skin of interscapular region of back 11482004 S03321 Skin structure of interscapular region of back (body structure) E03321 286592004 Entire skin of interscapular region of back (body structure) P03321 - D integument/surface BF7FD4A856914683B4D7664602117D45 880378CC744A40C287530C381AB73A53 Skin of interscapular region of back Entire skin of interscapular region of back (body structure) 3322 3322 03322 buccopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle 63655006 S03322 Structure of buccopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) E03322 179963002 Entire buccopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) P03322 Y P muscular system 51A27678D067431EAACFD5C28D1EA53A 8CA36DD5083A4CBDAA0FB6690F8BCBBD buccopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle Entire buccopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) 3323 3323 03323 mylopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle 90770007 S03323 Structure of mylopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) E03323 180053007 Entire mylopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) P03323 Y P digestive system B31F4268A58C4AB3BE4314033B22635D 3F994EA1B06B48089AE6B2C08C229E53 mylopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle Entire mylopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) 3324 3324 03324 glossopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle 48017009 S03324 Structure of glossopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) E03324 180148000 Entire glossopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) P03324 Y P digestive system 9783B621E88E4CCAA9ACEE69E42B4818 BC93B313A130416ABFFB2D7A304FF1ED glossopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle Entire glossopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) 3325 3325 03325 chondropharyngeal part of middle constrictor pharyngeus muscle 89768007 S03325 Structure of chondropharyngeal part of middle constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) E03325 180241000 Entire chondropharyngeal part of middle constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) P03325 Y P digestive system 14CDB69BDFE648BBA551D8E809A579D9 5131A9DDF9794037825D87E1DF5706D4 chondropharyngeal part of middle constrictor pharyngeus muscle Entire chondropharyngeal part of middle constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) 3326 3326 03326 ceratopharyngeal part of middle constrictor pharyngeus muscle 17468009 S03326 Structure of ceratopharyngeal part of middle constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) E03326 180338006 Entire ceratopharyngeal part of middle constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) P03326 Y P digestive system F1463C0A7C6D4B15B3D9A2C11F886D38 F8D27DE9816C4C96B5918EF10A3C66E3 ceratopharyngeal part of middle constrictor pharyngeus muscle Entire ceratopharyngeal part of middle constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) 3327 3327 03327 thyropharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle 63333008 S03327 Structure of thyropharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) E03327 244805001 Entire thyropharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) P03327 Y 46658 P muscular system E521A63A78B3471F975DF8EBC32C3E88 E5AC42FF238F451EA997257C8A854776 thyropharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle Entire thyropharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) 3328 3328 03328 cricopharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle 28276008 S03328 Structure of cricopharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) E03328 244804002 Entire cricopharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) P03328 Y 46661 P digestive system 35916B86D7D2489D9BAD14B54FFCFD7C 9A91D95CB1D940339E93A37CA6EAEAA6 cricopharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle Entire cricopharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (body structure) 3329 3329 03329 stylopharyngeus muscle 30305004 S03329 Structure of stylopharyngeus muscle (body structure) E03329 244806000 Entire stylopharyngeus muscle (body structure) P03329 Y 46664 P musculoskeletal system 1612A6321C744518B95D7E1B5F682197 BE7DAE94361B4185965B8A1CD9D9834D stylopharyngeus muscle Entire stylopharyngeus muscle (body structure) 3330 3330 03330 skin of clavicular region 91009005 S03330 Skin structure of clavicular region (body structure) E03330 244132009 Entire skin of clavicular region (body structure) P03330 Y D integument/surface 4F78B9253A3247BC96AFB54CE97B518B A70C27C5F6794FF7A8196CCC08BB1AA2 Skin of clavicular region Entire skin of clavicular region (body structure) 3331 3331 03331 salpingopharyngeus muscle 57021008 S03331 Structure of salpingopharyngeus muscle (body structure) E03331 244807009 Entire salpingopharyngeus muscle (body structure) P03331 Y 46665 P digestive system DA04014E1BC84E5FB432677B22BE3713 934997A27F054695A5343D590878C81B salpingopharyngeus muscle Entire salpingopharyngeus muscle (body structure) 3332 3332 03332 intertendineal connection of extensor digitorum muscle of hand 52218005 S03332 Structure of intertendineal connection of extensor digitorum muscle of hand (body structure) E03332 368477004 Entire intertendineal connection of extensor digitorum muscle of hand (body structure) P03332 Y P musculoskeletal system A5E2C3AA0A9041ADBE05AA21C801471E E1AAA407DEEA468DA1C7A6CC74117E70 intertendineal connection of extensor digitorum muscle of hand Entire intertendineal connection of extensor digitorum muscle of hand (body structure) 3333 3333 03333 external intercostal membrane 12039005 S03333 Structure of external intercostal membrane (body structure) E03333 182482008 Entire anterior intercostal membrane (body structure) P03333 Y 10475 P musculoskeletal system BED24D53EA7B4886991900BE11E054A9 CBEAD76DABDB4E4AA6E0F06EE24FA617 external intercostal membrane Entire anterior intercostal membrane (body structure) 3334 3334 03334 internal intercostal membrane 82263003 S03334 Structure of internal intercostal membrane (body structure) E03334 182481001 Entire posterior intercostal membrane (body structure) P03334 Y 10476 P musculoskeletal system 7AE928788D6D434DACDF3C2E78DDE9EA 4622C98BF0334EC8B2D91D8A9C4FD96A internal intercostal membrane Entire posterior intercostal membrane (body structure) 3335 3335 03335 cremaster muscle 51418006 S03335 Structure of cremaster muscle (body structure) E03335 244948006 Entire cremaster muscle (body structure) P03335 Y 21531 P musculoskeletal system 2E9373F991174854B5EE227303906F90 10E87117B01047BFBC8814C46638282E cremaster muscle Entire cremaster muscle (body structure) 3336 3336 03336 sphincter ani muscle 41178004 S03336 Structure of sphincter ani muscle (body structure) E03336 245453000 Entire sphincter ani muscle (body structure) P03336 372231001 Part of sphincter ani muscle (body structure) - P digestive system DF6DD68C1CB542B6B9272D5D11A14C21 F54420DBFAFD41C5A2041D3F7855A832 6E66CB4A824045258E88448C5B83A479 sphincter ani muscle Entire sphincter ani muscle (body structure) sphincter ani muscle 3337 3337 03337 subcutaneous portion of sphincter ani externus muscle 32479000 S03337 Structure of subcutaneous portion of sphincter ani externus muscle (body structure) E03337 367652005 Entire subcutaneous portion of sphincter ani externus muscle (body structure) P03337 - 27286 P digestive system 50DEC2A073204C788F2928C3ABB3BA32 17F9BAE6E8574CDDA0BB8CC7DBB55A84 subcutaneous portion of sphincter ani externus muscle Entire subcutaneous portion of sphincter ani externus muscle (body structure) 3338 3338 03338 skin of area between thumb and index finger 47239003 S03338 Structure of skin between thumb and second finger (body structure) E03338 368398000 Entire skin between thumb and second finger (body structure) P03338 Y P integumentary system 88D45D4156F647B1B4D3B7B73ABC67DB 05ED8905C84341C4983082B93A880F0E skin between thumb and second finger Entire skin between thumb and second finger (body structure) 3339 3339 03339 skin of infraclavicular region 66288003 S03339 Skin structure of infraclavicular region (body structure) E03339 180940006 Entire skin of infraclavicular region (body structure) P03339 Y D integument/surface 09C20117E22B4C48A1F74A35965F2F9E 68B9C4F5230C44E784B315D807DC48E8 Skin of infraclavicular region Entire skin of infraclavicular region (body structure) 3340 3340 03340 superficial portion of sphincter ani externus muscle 63796000 S03340 Structure of superficial portion of sphincter ani externus muscle (body structure) E03340 367653000 Entire superficial portion of sphincter ani externus muscle (body structure) P03340 - P digestive system AEAF6AF2875A4ABBBCD36C733D23A2B3 2AD3C58A7258415BB5A906BD59B24E2C superficial portion of sphincter ani externus muscle Entire superficial portion of sphincter ani externus muscle (body structure) 3341 3341 03341 deep portion of sphincter ani externus muscle 113231009 S03341 Structure of deep portion of sphincter ani externus muscle (body structure) E03341 367654006 Entire deep portion of sphincter ani externus muscle (body structure) P03341 - P digestive system 431E8C99233C4BF182F7852E9675061B FB54C0CA29D842CBB16B73385E6C6988 deep portion of sphincter ani externus muscle Entire deep portion of sphincter ani externus muscle (body structure) 3342 3342 03342 sphincter urethrae muscle 39498002 S03342 Structure of sphincter urethrae muscle (body structure) E03342 277857004 Entire sphincter urethrae muscle (body structure) P03342 - 85274 P musculoskeletal system 0322B31FF1C640ECA9086821D87C28E8 B43B4702BDAB4633BE5DEBCFCC9763E1 sphincter urethrae muscle Entire sphincter urethrae muscle (body structure) 3343 3343 03343 articular capsule 32551008 S03343 Structure of articular capsule (body structure) E03343 182238002 Entire articular capsule (body structure) P03343 - 34836 P articular system 777822FAA1954CB0A8272418FD56D50C 437C1CB2A14D4126988EAAB74DBF969B articular capsule Entire articular capsule (body structure) 3344 3344 03344 synovial membrane of joint 88928006 S03344 Structure of synovial tissue of joint (body structure) E03344 280443004 Entire synovial tissue of joint (body structure) P03344 372233003 Part of synovial tissue of joint (body structure) - P articular system 48419750611B47A2AC5B3E4F99644144 B7AA6F6D8DEE45C28D43040A6927244C E2AC068A873746208AE6DD1C4B79F709 synovial tissue of joint Entire synovial tissue of joint (body structure) synovial tissue of joint 3345 3345 03345 articular cartilage 41052006 S03345 Structure of articular cartilage (body structure) E03345 305026006 Entire articular cartilage (body structure) P03345 - 12264 P articular system 4CA7A86207AD4ED09E0668644CF14D9E 3D6E528A57574971843EC1262F1056C5 articular cartilage Entire articular cartilage (body structure) 3346 3346 03346 plane joint 11248007 S03346 Structure of plane joint (body structure) E03346 334987007 Entire plane joint (body structure) P03346 - P articular system 98EC42FE464F4B01990C36D9EC1262FA ADF4C5C8B9AD40E0A15213F16BF6FBF5 plane joint Entire plane joint (body structure) 3347 3347 03347 spheroidal joint 70581004 S03347 Structure of spheroidal joint (body structure) E03347 335088009 Entire spheroidal joint (body structure) P03347 - P articular system C9FF047FC4644B99AE3E0768669AC024 DA30EF8237754C2991008BBD8292C569 spheroidal joint Entire spheroidal joint (body structure) 3348 3348 03348 pivot joint 47138004 S03348 Structure of pivot joint (body structure) E03348 335189004 Entire pivot joint (body structure) P03348 - P articular system 4D23DD9EDAF442FDA487B328F4D2543A 5D3052347328430B906E06C16F6244F2 pivot joint Entire pivot joint (body structure) 3349 3349 03349 ginglymus 49947001 S03349 Structure of ginglymus (body structure) E03349 335391000 Entire ginglymus (body structure) P03349 - P articular system 16CC562A8B63422C86A9880B7037C3D2 BD4141189AB84E54A091E46D2F1BCBFF ginglymus Entire ginglymus (body structure) 3350 3350 03350 cochlear joint 71267009 S03350 Structure of cochlear joint (body structure) E03350 335290002 Entire cochlear joint (body structure) P03350 Y nh P articular system A57D1B885E2E4D9B9EE3D9750CD23712 DB3A112A307541FE80500FF9366496DE cochlear joint Entire cochlear joint (body structure) 3351 3351 03351 condylar joint 19949006 S03351 Structure of condylar joint (body structure) E03351 335493003 Entire condylar joint (body structure) P03351 Y P articular system F5E8D484B44444D4A9EB09239C1433C3 AF13C43003A141209BE1287FD1144C6D condylar joint Entire condylar joint (body structure) 3352 3352 03352 skin of anterior axillary fold 19306000 S03352 Skin structure of anterior axillary fold (body structure) E03352 181494001 Entire skin of anterior axillary fold (body structure) P03352 Y D integument/surface CB959ECF192840DC9FA7CE8898CB9AA1 34BA880FB00D45DA8E70C4057B42ABF1 Skin of anterior axillary fold Entire skin of anterior axillary fold (body structure) 3353 3353 03353 serrated suture 78472009 S03353 Serrated suture structure (body structure) E03353 334074003 Entire serrated suture (body structure) P03353 - P articular system B88164B588A24FE9979AA081360B8B9D 7444C9805596474EBC4B79B8795EC6BA Serrated suture Entire serrated suture (body structure) 3354 3354 03354 squamous suture 44072000 S03354 Squamous suture structure (body structure) E03354 334174000 Entire squamous suture (body structure) P03354 Y 52946 P articular system B01834BC90FD4866B444DCEB18C4A70A 31EDDFAE6AFC4ADA8B4A306E5C5B6F85 Squamous suture Entire squamous suture (body structure) 3355 3355 03355 plane suture 74224002 S03355 Plane suture structure (body structure) E03355 334275007 Entire plane suture (body structure) P03355 - 76810 P articular system 34534051996649989F333D67E95BABC4 9A0E4A2F3BFD48649488F689C6AD38CF Plane suture Entire plane suture (body structure) 3356 3356 03356 skin of posterior axillary fold 21377006 S03356 Skin structure of posterior axillary fold (body structure) E03356 181495000 Entire skin of posterior axillary fold (body structure) P03356 Y D integument/surface CBAC221D50DD4C2BB149B1F3F8EA58C4 8E41E2D78C0E4C2496157E1B05DA7EE2 Skin of posterior axillary fold Entire skin of posterior axillary fold (body structure) 3357 3357 03357 sagittal suture of skull 62169003 S03357 Structure of sagittal suture of skull (body structure) E03357 244511007 Entire sagittal suture of skull (body structure) P03357 - 52929 P skeletal system F78C7641292C4C33815F65F0A33C6420 BD948EB1F1964C13BAA3D1CA85CEDE5F sagittal suture of skull Entire sagittal suture of skull (body structure) 3358 3358 03358 coronal suture of skull 29012004 S03358 Structure of coronal suture of skull (body structure) E03358 244510008 Entire coronal suture of skull (body structure) P03358 Y 52928 P skeletal system 47123B3579F64F57B85CCB3BF1894EF0 C74AA70DD9A1474EB5B0B79FCC6A4ED0 coronal suture of skull Entire coronal suture of skull (body structure) 3359 3359 03359 occipitomastoid suture of skull 57250008 S03359 Structure of occipitomastoid suture of skull (body structure) E03359 134136005 Entire occipitomastoid suture of skull (body structure) P03359 Y 52934 P musculoskeletal system C14151F166724121B22623AF651A742C 19D79D44510F4140BE2736ED256CC45C occipitomastoid suture of skull Entire occipitomastoid suture of skull (body structure) 3360 3360 03360 squamous suture of skull 15581003 S03360 Structure of squamous suture of skull (body structure) E03360 136248004 Entire squamous suture of skull (body structure) P03360 Y P musculoskeletal system 605604B1F8BA4DD4904FB562F0E0D943 0F81DF627D6A41C59B49C1284440D309 squamous suture of skull Entire squamous suture of skull (body structure) 3361 3361 03361 squamomastoid suture of skull 75300002 S03361 Structure of squamomastoid suture of skull (body structure) E03361 135161004 Entire squamomastoid suture of skull (body structure) P03361 Y 52982 P musculoskeletal system 043F8087FDE349D6BCEE08E188513545 3CCE617B3D124AD189C7E657EFBBAD88 squamomastoid suture of skull Entire squamomastoid suture of skull (body structure) 3362 3362 03362 sphenoid suture of skull 87054004 S03362 Structure of sphenoid suture of skull (body structure) E03362 136652009 Entire sphenoid suture of skull (body structure) P03362 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 2A39924ED7FA4E5798C140702BE7BCB3 10A1FA7C684940568E411AD7BF28E376 sphenoid suture of skull Entire sphenoid suture of skull (body structure) 3363 3363 03363 sphenofrontal suture of skull 43772001 S03363 Structure of sphenofrontal suture of skull (body structure) E03363 136349005 Entire sphenofrontal suture of skull (body structure) P03363 Y 52938 P musculoskeletal system 1D0B1FE00D7A4304807C200FE79B66C1 F29AD91053D847E3A37DD1950199A22F sphenofrontal suture of skull Entire sphenofrontal suture of skull (body structure) 3364 3364 03364 skin of chest 74160004 S03364 Skin structure of chest (body structure) E03364 181496004 Entire skin of chest (body structure) P03364 - D integument/surface 0E33A79E8A754129AE3F2F2C34916F2E D171755C2C094521AE0631419F11EDA7 Skin of chest Entire skin of chest (body structure) 3365 3365 03365 sphenoethmoidal suture of skull 77693001 S03365 Structure of sphenoethmoidal suture of skull (body structure) E03365 368979009 Entire sphenoethmoidal suture of skull (body structure) P03365 Y 52943 P musculoskeletal system 4F2C6A4B8A9B45A1812F0E127E1369F0 C89D5D08014E4515B60861A152A87F8A sphenoethmoidal suture of skull Entire sphenoethmoidal suture of skull (body structure) 3366 3366 03366 sphenosquamous suture of skull 71968009 S03366 Structure of sphenosquamous suture of skull (body structure) E03366 136450009 Entire sphenosquamous suture of skull (body structure) P03366 Y 52944 P musculoskeletal system 3F07FDE5EA194739906710D20DBA9857 2FF11D59F23A448A86ACFCCD0C0BBDA2 sphenosquamous suture of skull Entire sphenosquamous suture of skull (body structure) 3367 3367 03367 sphenoparietal suture of skull 84226008 S03367 Structure of sphenoparietal suture of skull (body structure) E03367 136551005 Entire sphenoparietal suture of skull (body structure) P03367 Y 52945 P musculoskeletal system BD49D49175BB498F85ABBB610FBE5C5B 124BEFAE2BA84A7FBC00777293D259D7 sphenoparietal suture of skull Entire sphenoparietal suture of skull (body structure) 3368 3368 03368 sphenozygomatic suture of skull 113235000 S03368 Structure of sphenozygomatic suture of skull (body structure) E03368 368980007 Entire sphenozygomatic suture of skull (body structure) P03368 Y 52956 P musculoskeletal system 63187053D5874D3A8D41DAF2D4DCCD06 1AD28F1BCF804ACA82CEAE9AF43E4794 sphenozygomatic suture of skull Entire sphenozygomatic suture of skull (body structure) 3369 3369 03369 sphenomaxillary suture of skull 74807001 S03369 Structure of sphenomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) E03369 368981006 Entire sphenomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) P03369 Y 52957 P musculoskeletal system 9B69D3B4D1F648B3A850597BC1AEE93F 6F077C816E6B45D08E51DADCBAE1DE21 sphenomaxillary suture of skull Entire sphenomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) 3370 3370 03370 parietomastoid suture of skull 36400003 S03370 Structure of parietomastoid suture of skull (body structure) E03370 136753005 Entire parietomastoid suture of skull (body structure) P03370 Y 52947 P musculoskeletal system 26C92CCC3E7E43049231FE3098D1AC89 A70F6333471B4ECFA24544869DEDC376 parietomastoid suture of skull Entire parietomastoid suture of skull (body structure) 3371 3371 03371 frontal suture of skull 74448009 S03371 Structure of frontal suture of skull (body structure) E03371 136854008 Entire frontal suture of skull (body structure) P03371 - 52989 P musculoskeletal system 6A6DC77A654A47B287482DDC776BEBC8 CD087DF23BAE45E8B5E738A43FCF7E76 frontal suture of skull Entire frontal suture of skull (body structure) 3372 3372 03372 frontonasal suture of skull 44535004 S03372 Structure of frontonasal suture of skull (body structure) E03372 368982004 Entire frontonasal suture of skull (body structure) P03372 Y 52948 P musculoskeletal system 7136BE05B7444529B5A6CEC8FC46127A 75FA1223AB6A466FBFF0CF1D07B7F71F frontonasal suture of skull Entire frontonasal suture of skull (body structure) 3373 3373 03373 frontoethmoidal suture of skull 90862009 S03373 Structure of frontoethmoidal suture of skull (body structure) E03373 368983009 Entire frontoethmoidal suture of skull (body structure) P03373 Y 52949 P musculoskeletal system EBB61912B6F64C5CA5C3CED1C38EBACF 84BB484093084E0BACB3ADBC1026A23F frontoethmoidal suture of skull Entire frontoethmoidal suture of skull (body structure) 3374 3374 03374 frontomaxillary suture of skull 22182005 S03374 Structure of frontomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) E03374 368984003 Entire frontomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) P03374 Y 52950 P musculoskeletal system 93D20F4B0A5540E2A061754127F17719 93C79958ED0C4C8BBC3A94E0E8AAE8E6 frontomaxillary suture of skull Entire frontomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) 3375 3375 03375 skin of breast 82038008 S03375 Skin structure of breast (body structure) E03375 181490005 Entire skin of breast (body structure) P03375 Y 10464 D integument/surface 673458113ED847589D5DF2F099813957 9897A300BBF54B50B1B9B398525455EA Skin of breast Entire skin of breast (body structure) 3376 3376 03376 frontolacrimal suture of skull 16113007 S03376 Structure of frontolacrimal suture of skull (body structure) E03376 368985002 Entire frontolacrimal suture of skull (body structure) P03376 Y 52951 P musculoskeletal system CFB7B14AD7294926B1E6AAA6DC2258C1 12EA2DA1382C4A10AAE97353C06263F1 frontolacrimal suture of skull Entire frontolacrimal suture of skull (body structure) 3377 3377 03377 frontozygomatic suture of skull 1063000 S03377 Structure of frontozygomatic suture of skull (body structure) E03377 368986001 Entire frontozygomatic suture of skull (body structure) P03377 Y 52952 P musculoskeletal system 9AD914259C074667BDA3C854BE15DF31 27ED4D6DDDD647109E61B024CB6938A2 frontozygomatic suture of skull Entire frontozygomatic suture of skull (body structure) 3378 3378 03378 zygomaticomaxillary suture of skull 22054000 S03378 Structure of zygomaticomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) E03378 368987005 Entire zygomaticomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) P03378 Y 52953 P musculoskeletal system 8CB2FF93D32C4906915CA781EC51A125 6BB6F61ED53E4469A166BB0C237C2C69 zygomaticomaxillary suture of skull Entire zygomaticomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) 3379 3379 03379 ethmoidomaxillary suture of skull 27661007 S03379 Structure of ethmoidomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) E03379 368988000 Entire ethmoidomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) P03379 Y 52954 P musculoskeletal system 6BF3E91F148E4F0CB1597782BDEF7801 334586213E1B4F4E912E6306B9E2893E ethmoidomaxillary suture of skull Entire ethmoidomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) 3380 3380 03380 fontanel of skull 79361005 S03380 Structure of fontanel of skull (body structure) E03380 272681004 Entire fontanel of skull (body structure) P03380 - 75438 P skeletal system 2F138A4A493048FEB92E3185F8015809 C597979B886A47E98B83A208039B1F70 fontanel of skull Entire fontanel of skull (body structure) 3381 3381 03381 anterior fontanel of skull 77564006 S03381 Structure of anterior fontanel of skull (body structure) E03381 244680006 Entire anterior fontanel of skull (body structure) P03381 - 75439 P skeletal system DCC2A28084224056AD9839A4FBD38A03 9B0721A89D0D410DACBCA8E4F0FCB2FF anterior fontanel of skull Entire anterior fontanel of skull (body structure) 3382 3382 03382 sphenoidal fontanel of skull 58287003 S03382 Structure of sphenoidal fontanel of skull (body structure) E03382 136955008 Entire sphenoidal fontanel of skull (body structure) P03382 Y 75441 P skeletal system 871636ADA7604EA4BD498BE688CF16AF C4BA27629CA643DF8340F19DF992DC0F sphenoidal fontanel of skull Entire sphenoidal fontanel of skull (body structure) 3383 3383 03383 mastoid fontanel of skull 8314003 S03383 Structure of mastoid fontanel of skull (body structure) E03383 137056002 Entire mastoid fontanel of skull (body structure) P03383 Y P skeletal system B0443FB14217485EBF59165635F0A325 D1802B2D76D94BC285E843E621024A93 mastoid fontanel of skull Entire mastoid fontanel of skull (body structure) 3384 3384 03384 posterior fontanel of skull 15994005 S03384 Structure of posterior fontanel of skull (body structure) E03384 244681005 Entire posterior fontanel of skull (body structure) P03384 - 75440 P skeletal system 0797AD8C08544131BDF435968D53ED03 48DA05214E71465090D45997E8D19281 posterior fontanel of skull Entire posterior fontanel of skull (body structure) 3385 3385 03385 temporozygomatic suture of skull 82034005 S03385 Structure of temporozygomatic suture of skull (body structure) E03385 368989008 Entire temporozygomatic suture of skull (body structure) P03385 Y 52958 P musculoskeletal system AED1D283516841198D2CD0464E814B69 5D60982221804A97A0FE680E133F700E temporozygomatic suture of skull Entire temporozygomatic suture of skull (body structure) 3386 3386 03386 skin of nipple 54468004 S03386 Skin structure of nipple (body structure) E03386 181499006 Entire skin of nipple (body structure) P03386 Y 12828 D integument/surface E811A2AF5AD64111BE13CDB67358E685 E1BB6028755C47D0AD338535CA9D382A Skin of nipple Entire skin of nipple (body structure) 3387 3387 03387 nasal suture of skull 2349003 S03387 Structure of nasal suture of skull (body structure) E03387 368992007 Entire nasal suture of skull (body structure) P03387 - P musculoskeletal system CE172F0724FA4401898D904FF8A7C50F 1B4C4ADBAB4247669DF964A1F039DAE1 nasal suture of skull Entire nasal suture of skull (body structure) 3388 3388 03388 internasal suture of skull 81930001 S03388 Structure of internasal suture of skull (body structure) E03388 368990004 Entire internasal suture of skull (body structure) P03388 - 52959 P musculoskeletal system D2B9534547B84BF89AD6025750AEAD39 679A18DB89DC476089CBF3020E9A4A18 internasal suture of skull Entire internasal suture of skull (body structure) 3389 3389 03389 nasomaxillary suture of skull 83651005 S03389 Structure of nasomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) E03389 368991000 Entire nasomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) P03389 Y 52960 P musculoskeletal system DD92D5E4C20E4EF892F354FF8EF394E0 05AF4E6B7E7F43B9BBB4312DDB9865F8 nasomaxillary suture of skull Entire nasomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) 3390 3390 03390 lacrimal suture of skull 39017002 S03390 Structure of lacrimal suture of skull (body structure) E03390 368995009 Entire lacrimal suture of skull (body structure) P03390 Y P musculoskeletal system F5EF3860A8F7497B9D7D627F39DC4A23 237006A4555140109964F3864138E5D5 lacrimal suture of skull Entire lacrimal suture of skull (body structure) 3391 3391 03391 lacrimomaxillary suture of skull 57848008 S03391 Structure of lacrimomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) E03391 368993002 Entire lacrimomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) P03391 Y 52961 P musculoskeletal system CC6C12FC908947B1B54BB2EC515A7C4A F8979B461E504B70BEC6142F67D0C966 lacrimomaxillary suture of skull Entire lacrimomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) 3392 3392 03392 lacrimoconchal suture of skull 53969005 S03392 Structure of lacrimoconchal suture of skull (body structure) E03392 368994008 Entire lacrimoconchal suture of skull (body structure) P03392 Y 52962 P musculoskeletal system A42B9D56015242B3AEA80BD6D30435BF 10CBB83B68334834A05C316D780642EB lacrimoconchal suture of skull Entire lacrimoconchal suture of skull (body structure) 3393 3393 03393 intermaxillary suture of skull 69420005 S03393 Structure of intermaxillary suture of skull (body structure) E03393 368996005 Entire intermaxillary suture of skull (body structure) P03393 - 52963 P musculoskeletal system 58F34C81241C4EB3B84F35043F11F9B5 EAB85742977F40E6A2DC95507D99222C intermaxillary suture of skull Entire intermaxillary suture of skull (body structure) 3394 3394 03394 palatine suture of skull 60705007 S03394 Structure of palatine suture of skull (body structure) E03394 369001002 Entire palatine suture of skull (body structure) P03394 - P musculoskeletal system 10715FB8F2ED4092855B2DE490DB4BA9 5B73309BF9F6489BA83665C421188D79 palatine suture of skull Entire palatine suture of skull (body structure) 3395 3395 03395 palatomaxillary suture of skull 14251001 S03395 Structure of palatomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) E03395 368997001 Entire palatomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) P03395 Y 52964 P musculoskeletal system B8B59170F8B44EDD92635E59C39851E4 4FBF9C4127C5475DAB50FC695592D92F palatomaxillary suture of skull Entire palatomaxillary suture of skull (body structure) 3396 3396 03396 palatoethmoidal suture of skull 46941004 S03396 Structure of palatoethmoidal suture of skull (body structure) E03396 368998006 Entire palatoethmoidal suture of skull (body structure) P03396 Y 52965 P musculoskeletal system 9F0C7B749F3A481A95A1CB428A32DD2C 0BC7866C78AA4FC4AB35753B18B25E0B palatoethmoidal suture of skull Entire palatoethmoidal suture of skull (body structure) 3397 3397 03397 skin of areola 72005009 S03397 Skin structure of areola (body structure) E03397 181500002 Entire skin of areola (body structure) P03397 Y 50050 D integument/surface BBE57B5E07E44CE1930954F289DA0706 1200EA630E50454D91C65E0F6A0BD060 Skin of areola Entire skin of areola (body structure) 3398 3398 03398 middle palatine suture of skull 45051007 S03398 Structure of middle palatine suture of skull (body structure) E03398 368999003 Entire middle palatine suture of skull (body structure) P03398 - 52966 P musculoskeletal system 2F6C8251E8E94335AE50D0A703D5F8C8 2E0329E4FB5C4F709A167DFC9DA0583B middle palatine suture of skull Entire middle palatine suture of skull (body structure) 3399 3399 03399 transverse palatine suture of skull 54015003 S03399 Structure of transverse palatine suture of skull (body structure) E03399 369000001 Entire transverse palatine suture of skull (body structure) P03399 Y 52971 P musculoskeletal system 833B32C74E28457099AE3298883AFFDC 563A44DF8BA741A6A63CAEA6610F1DAE transverse palatine suture of skull Entire transverse palatine suture of skull (body structure) 3400 3400 03400 sphenooccipital synchondrosis 80746005 S03400 Structure of sphenooccipital synchondrosis (body structure) E03400 140895003 Entire sphenooccipital synchondrosis (body structure) P03400 - 54818 P musculoskeletal system 819033D6FBAF412683D4C6A0544B8700 39AEBDA55F484BD39D122294C989C48A sphenooccipital synchondrosis Entire sphenooccipital synchondrosis (body structure) 3401 3401 03401 sphenopetrosal synchondrosis 11451003 S03401 Structure of sphenopetrosal synchondrosis (body structure) E03401 140996003 Entire sphenopetrosal synchondrosis (body structure) P03401 Y 54812 P musculoskeletal system DDEBC48BF49841C6A53C3655CAFC690E AFC5617BBF614D90AD87175332165C6E sphenopetrosal synchondrosis Entire sphenopetrosal synchondrosis (body structure) 3402 3402 03402 petrosooccipital synchondrosis 24085008 S03402 Structure of petrosooccipital synchondrosis (body structure) E03402 141097001 Entire petrosooccipital synchondrosis (body structure) P03402 - 54826 P musculoskeletal system A7303DB898304939831684693F92B2D0 42E02792433A4610AADA83FE9C01CF9E petrosooccipital synchondrosis Entire petrosooccipital synchondrosis (body structure) 3403 3403 03403 posterior intraoccipital synchondrosis 9290004 S03403 Structure of posterior intraoccipital synchondrosis (body structure) E03403 140693008 Entire posterior intraoccipital synchondrosis (body structure) P03403 - 54827 P musculoskeletal system 90F3B764EA42408BBAA47387A872D525 D7702775246B4010B4997CBBF7B8EE66 posterior intraoccipital synchondrosis Entire posterior intraoccipital synchondrosis (body structure) 3404 3404 03404 anterior intraoccipital synchondrosis 56741003 S03404 Structure of anterior intraoccipital synchondrosis (body structure) E03404 140794007 Entire anterior intraoccipital synchondrosis (body structure) P03404 - 54829 P musculoskeletal system 3D15A847AFA14911B536862ACDC67CA6 BC8CCF3A471A4E3298F72425962E688A anterior intraoccipital synchondrosis Entire anterior intraoccipital synchondrosis (body structure) 3405 3405 03405 capsule of temporomandibular joint 6074008 S03405 Structure of capsule of temporomandibular joint (body structure) E03405 303404000 Entire capsule of temporomandibular joint (body structure) P03405 Y P digestive system DCE60382838344C4BCC7CF28C1F2D4BA FF25AA8A06FC4316BD0E17FFCF5809DA capsule of temporomandibular joint Entire capsule of temporomandibular joint (body structure) 3406 3406 03406 articular disc of temporomandibular joint 18948006 S03406 Structure of articular disc of temporomandibular joint (body structure) E03406 282433007 Entire articular disc of temporomandibular joint (body structure) P03406 372205003 Part of articular disc of temporomandibular joint (body structure) Y 57059 P digestive system BBBA32CCA7834C8B9BADE2F3B73FABC6 C95C239687FB464F9C0D5A8EE7D4D7E7 E36CDAB3F1C442F18056CFA093A93AF3 articular disc of temporomandibular joint Entire articular disc of temporomandibular joint (body structure) articular disc of temporomandibular joint 3407 3407 03407 skin of milk line 36073009 S03407 Skin structure of milk line (body structure) E03407 312441003 Entire skin of milk line (body structure) P03407 Y D integument/surface 1558A97BB5E24CD38F3292C8B6DA9F86 742F7A4409D84FC8A3EB3D4F240BDE4E Skin of milk line Entire skin of milk line (body structure) 3408 3408 03408 lateral ligament of temporomandibular joint 9332006 S03408 Structure of lateral ligament of temporomandibular joint (body structure) E03408 244582009 Entire lateral ligament of temporomandibular joint (body structure) P03408 Y 57071 P digestive system 99FA2F17A7684ABD888ABA1FD8B8B99F 6FDDA9816032445B9EFD0CAD2C9BC078 lateral ligament of temporomandibular joint Entire lateral ligament of temporomandibular joint (body structure) 3409 3409 03409 sphenomandibular ligament of temporomandibular joint 50478008 S03409 Structure of sphenomandibular ligament of temporomandibular joint (body structure) E03409 244583004 Entire sphenomandibular ligament of temporomandibular joint (body structure) P03409 Y 57077 P digestive system 5902D5DF9E42418BB3B18452D24F9DAF BAD8638740B040D093D94D59C8E83972 sphenomandibular ligament of temporomandibular joint Entire sphenomandibular ligament of temporomandibular joint (body structure) 3410 3410 03410 stylomandibular ligament of temporomandibular joint 53674000 S03410 Structure of stylomandibular ligament of temporomandibular joint (body structure) E03410 244584005 Entire stylomandibular ligament of temporomandibular joint (body structure) P03410 Y 57083 P digestive system 6816AFF8317F4144AAEB0A4E40F1EF1B B991637C1B964D12965E3CF0931AD414 stylomandibular ligament of temporomandibular joint Entire stylomandibular ligament of temporomandibular joint (body structure) 3411 3411 03411 capsule of zygapophyseal joint 47369007 S03411 Structure of capsule of zygapophyseal joint (body structure) E03411 316485003 Entire capsule of zygapophyseal joint (body structure) P03411 Y P skeletal system 57203087229A4DBF9B6CC6FC867BE0D9 5789BA3ACC84488F8DDEC3717219495E capsule of zygapophyseal joint Entire capsule of zygapophyseal joint (body structure) 3412 3412 03412 capsule of atlantooccipital joint 21347000 S03412 Structure of capsule of atlantooccipital joint (body structure) E03412 141198008 Entire capsule of atlantooccipital joint (body structure) P03412 Y 25004 P musculoskeletal system 451CCE134EEC4A2FB97C76923429C5C7 A0D29097026544A6A636CE401887AA05 capsule of atlantooccipital joint Entire capsule of atlantooccipital joint (body structure) 3413 3413 03413 anterior atlantooccipital membrane 51782004 S03413 Structure of anterior atlantooccipital membrane (body structure) E03413 141299008 Entire anterior atlantooccipital membrane (body structure) P03413 Y 25005 P musculoskeletal system CB55FA46D86147D39B758B263F8AE7AB 0BA4CDDD17F24196B89BEBB1A628AA09 anterior atlantooccipital membrane Entire anterior atlantooccipital membrane (body structure) 3414 3414 03414 skin of anterior axillary line 113181008 S03414 Skin structure of anterior axillary line (body structure) E03414 312145002 Entire skin of anterior axillary line (body structure) P03414 Y D integument/surface 13A32F0620A6494FB149F253965C80D9 C43C5C448D894EEE9793AD20F592D877 Skin of anterior axillary line Entire skin of anterior axillary line (body structure) 3415 3415 03415 posterior atlantooccipital membrane 36416001 S03415 Structure of posterior atlantooccipital membrane (body structure) E03415 141400004 Entire posterior atlantooccipital membrane (body structure) P03415 Y 25006 P musculoskeletal system BC062EB25C2B4C5CAB68804DD19C8742 04BF73B4F7F342D894BD5C060D068018 posterior atlantooccipital membrane Entire posterior atlantooccipital membrane (body structure) 3416 3416 03416 median atlantoaxial joint 79961001 S03416 Structure of medial atlantoaxial joint (body structure) E03416 281840002 Entire medial atlantoaxial joint (body structure) P03416 - 24943 P skeletal system 4108BCBD82C64C4C856209E4C3373E99 4FED63DDD3AE486583459FE62C081E7E medial atlantoaxial joint Entire medial atlantoaxial joint (body structure) 3417 3417 03417 lateral atlantoaxial joint 49126004 S03417 Structure of lateral atlantoaxial joint (body structure) E03417 281841003 Entire lateral atlantoaxial joint (body structure) P03417 Y 24944 P musculoskeletal system 14C2DB89B36443BABAC0E786364229D9 83B1A58F79814F79ACE0FB4EB576B03F lateral atlantoaxial joint Entire lateral atlantoaxial joint (body structure) 3418 3418 03418 capsule of atlantoaxial joint 19385004 S03418 Structure of capsule of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) E03418 162897006 Entire capsule of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) P03418 - P musculoskeletal system 450241A383684516B448FDE5143607A0 607733816C4E4B3D8A468A27207951AE capsule of atlantoaxial joint Entire capsule of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) 3419 3419 03419 tectorial membrane of atlantoaxial joint 83193005 S03419 Structure of tectorial membrane of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) E03419 162998002 Entire tectorial membrane of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) P03419 - P musculoskeletal system FD98FF40D42A42DC93D3A8375B6BDC2E 39D1D31BD6DA4FB697C0DC31D9713C81 tectorial membrane of atlantoaxial joint Entire tectorial membrane of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) 3420 3420 03420 joint of cervical vertebra other than atlas or axis 64405002 S03420 Structure of joint of cervical vertebra other than atlas or axis (body structure) E03420 163099000 Entire joint of cervical vertebra other than atlas or axis (body structure) P03420 - P musculoskeletal system 572BB7155E234405A11C1873C82EFD2D 7552DC04360D483B95B6EA02C9BE188B joint of cervical vertebra other than atlas or axis Entire joint of cervical vertebra other than atlas or axis (body structure) 3421 3421 03421 skin of index finger 49996006 S03421 Skin structure of index finger (body structure) E03421 368312003 Entire skin of index finger (body structure) P03421 Y 38308 D integument/surface 0D489F5A69BF43D09AD9ED4D83AB8632 92F61A15A7FC4C6B80AF63C390795C4A Skin of index finger Entire skin of index finger (body structure) 3422 3422 03422 skin of posterior axillary line 29231003 S03422 Skin structure of posterior axillary line (body structure) E03422 312315008 Entire skin of posterior axillary line (body structure) P03422 Y D integument/surface 523A943F855E428FA2367AEC1C816E6F 992B63D8A94E498AA9E9AB43AA5A57F1 Skin of posterior axillary line Entire skin of posterior axillary line (body structure) 3423 3423 03423 labrum glenoidale 86721001 S03423 Structure of labrum glenoidale (body structure) E03423 182391008 Entire labrum glenoidale (body structure) P03423 Y P articular system 9B00F2FF429D4743B69ED5FB56A48D9B 8008C71B9534447FAC45E51CC7ADB2C7 labrum glenoidale Entire labrum glenoidale (body structure) 3424 3424 03424 capsule of acromioclavicular joint 24341000 S03424 Structure of capsule of acromioclavicular joint (body structure) E03424 368174003 Entire capsule of acromioclavicular joint (body structure) P03424 Y P skeletal system 02769D4FBCC245868D684630946350E7 76EB9796F6CC4808817C964AE6CD4CFC capsule of acromioclavicular joint Entire capsule of acromioclavicular joint (body structure) 3425 3425 03425 skin of back 66643007 S03425 Skin structure of back (body structure) E03425 181492002 Entire skin of back (body structure) P03425 - 10462 D integument/surface 463571DE56734D58A8FE6B9E88D7DD47 4AD27648103C46E981B132544BBE35E5 Skin of back Entire skin of back (body structure) 3426 3426 03426 articular disc of acromioclavicular joint 33600000 S03426 Structure of articular disc of acromioclavicular joint (body structure) E03426 368175002 Entire articular disc of acromioclavicular joint (body structure) P03426 Y 26028 P skeletal system 5A6073317E384B69849CBBA1BD1980A8 FC8BC4F721084758BD158214E275C8E7 articular disc of acromioclavicular joint Entire articular disc of acromioclavicular joint (body structure) 3427 3427 03427 humeroradial joint 65232003 S03427 Structure of humeroradial joint (body structure) E03427 182171008 Entire humeroradial joint (body structure) P03427 Y 38855 P articular system 155E2058538E4408BFC1F46B52450C7F 7A8E55F648924E35A3E258D9AA0383E3 humeroradial joint Entire humeroradial joint (body structure) 3428 3428 03428 humeroulnar joint 44034005 S03428 Structure of humeroulnar joint (body structure) E03428 303064006 Entire humeroulnar joint (body structure) P03428 Y 38854 P articular system CC21148ADDB043D8901B1C8473CED089 3E654B9626C042C0B7D187AD158E3E49 humeroulnar joint Entire humeroulnar joint (body structure) 3429 3429 03429 capsule of proximal radioulnar joint 45599003 S03429 Structure of capsule of proximal radioulnar joint (body structure) E03429 368144006 Entire capsule of proximal radioulnar joint (body structure) P03429 Y P articular system 792124581A2243889E8D88AF1083B855 541DBFFB4439442887D6787673196E9D capsule of proximal radioulnar joint Entire capsule of proximal radioulnar joint (body structure) 3431 3431 03431 skin of upper back 74358007 S03431 Skin structure of upper back (body structure) E03431 304890003 Entire skin of upper back (body structure) P03431 - D integument/surface 098BE93EEAB348D8A52DD9E7700AD5D6 30C5C54A851D49AA9EF698407EDBBB83 Skin of upper back Entire skin of upper back (body structure) 3432 3432 03432 sacciform recess of distal radioulnar joint 83427009 S03432 Structure of sacciform recess of distal radioulnar joint (body structure) E03432 368256000 Entire sacciform recess of distal radioulnar joint (body structure) P03432 Y 40048 P articular system 8F1B5674CE32409CA0BD93E51A4DA84F 7B348264B760440297872218811C3B38 sacciform recess of distal radioulnar joint Entire sacciform recess of distal radioulnar joint (body structure) 3433 3433 03433 capsule of radiocarpal joint 29005008 S03433 Structure of capsule of radiocarpal joint (body structure) E03433 263381004 Entire capsule of radiocarpal joint (body structure) P03433 Y P articular system 8F3B33D933344BA9A6268D7F040BDC0C A2A8CE8AC1E842EB81D480046036B77A capsule of radiocarpal joint Entire capsule of radiocarpal joint (body structure) 3434 3434 03434 intercarpal joint 43966005 S03434 Structure of intercarpal joint (body structure) E03434 182176003 Entire intercarpal joint (body structure) P03434 Y 35292 P musculoskeletal system A535ABD214F444F29EF962D95A5B197E 0ECB5026B33D46AE8B6C46EC8A7F9FFF intercarpal joint Entire intercarpal joint (body structure) 3435 3435 03435 capsule of joint of pisiform bone 11997009 S03435 Structure of capsule of joint of pisiform bone (body structure) E03435 368258004 Entire capsule of joint of pisiform bone (body structure) P03435 Y P articular system 457F6A9A67824DCDA9ACCE0C32CEF0A8 FF92EC90AF154CA19A4CDE65402058B8 capsule of joint of pisiform bone Entire capsule of joint of pisiform bone (body structure) 3436 3436 03436 capsule of midcarpal joint 83708004 S03436 Structure of capsule of midcarpal joint (body structure) E03436 368259007 Entire capsule of midcarpal joint (body structure) P03436 Y P articular system 5CEB723C889C4DFDB84BA53620B778B9 AEB1A7B5D3CB4B5C9939ED48F8477E16 capsule of midcarpal joint Entire capsule of midcarpal joint (body structure) 3437 3437 03437 interphalangeal joint of finger 302534004 S03437 Structure of interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E03437 416810009 Entire interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) P03437 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system B4902D0F6ABE48FE977055E886021398 FB5754AC95A5481EA7A678EAA81190F0 interphalangeal joint of finger Entire interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) 3438 3438 03438 skin of lower back 113182001 S03438 Skin structure of lower back (body structure) E03438 286601005 Entire skin of lower back (body structure) P03438 - D integument/surface 340465B8FF6B468F9A1A8A7A29EFC129 9D8CBA153C874C258909E0E5F51AF514 Skin of lower back Entire skin of lower back (body structure) 3439 3439 03439 capsule of carpometacarpal joint 23090001 S03439 Structure of capsule of carpometacarpal joint (body structure) E03439 368261003 Entire capsule of carpometacarpal joint (body structure) P03439 Y P musculoskeletal system 68AE5D4E80674B45A3E15FF6DF5F8E0B F6135AD149D74467B9511E87D3A348D2 capsule of carpometacarpal joint Entire capsule of carpometacarpal joint (body structure) 3440 3440 03440 capsule of carpometacarpal joint of thumb 74553002 S03440 Structure of capsule of carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) E03440 368260002 Entire capsule of carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) P03440 Y P musculoskeletal system D9E832FECD644F70849EDAC2EF96BC71 374F1E87C4214308A33E289A32E67AFB capsule of carpometacarpal joint of thumb Entire capsule of carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) 3441 3441 03441 capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint 77432002 S03441 Structure of capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint (body structure) E03441 368454004 Entire capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint (body structure) P03441 Y P musculoskeletal system 1028448D972340C79B9FFA3E05E9AC67 311439F18B684ABE98E18071E494488E capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint Entire capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint (body structure) 3442 3442 03442 capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb 16078006 S03442 Structure of capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) E03442 368396001 Entire capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) P03442 Y P articular system 2EBE6327D24E4E879715E7F65FE0AAC7 262EF2F0013E44978DCCA976458C8215 capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb Entire capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) 3443 3443 03443 capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger 61737001 S03443 Structure of capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) E03443 368314002 Entire capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) P03443 Y P articular system 0F6333EDCA1A48BA8C7DF485F5953B36 87AB8F00D8F546FC8144AC0CAFD24B53 capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger Entire capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) 3444 3444 03444 skin of vertebral area 75160005 S03444 Skin structure of vertebral area (body structure) E03444 318140000 Entire skin of vertebral area (body structure) P03444 - D integument/surface 8F6B12B5C7604FAA933B8290D145F283 C1B5437BA5A34E81976BF1C8D257B74A Skin of vertebral area Entire skin of vertebral area (body structure) 3445 3445 03445 capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger 41158007 S03445 Structure of capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) E03445 368328008 Entire capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) P03445 Y P articular system 7F7DEE2C22D14093AA3BE95635BD5AE7 0ADACBC6E0EE4AF0B73AD03D4886F1A0 capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger Entire capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) 3446 3446 03446 capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger 60226006 S03446 Structure of capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) E03446 368342000 Entire capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) P03446 Y P articular system 3059406190DE43F98775609B16F7E522 19676B0406AD4B0E9E270A5CCA090B38 capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger Entire capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) 3447 3447 03447 capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger 12795007 S03447 Structure of capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) E03447 368356003 Entire capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) P03447 Y P articular system 5A946AE192C945C5A4AE8D29D8E1A6E8 F40D9253882F41419D73868BF8D94B6D capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger Entire capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) 3448 3448 03448 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger 17929009 S03448 Structure of capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E03448 368366006 Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) P03448 Y P musculoskeletal system CEF882818C5746D5B4A84CC97068B236 9BF5ACCA9ED84FE0829D474CDAC2366D capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) 3449 3449 03449 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of finger 84734003 S03449 Structure of capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E03449 368367002 Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) P03449 Y P musculoskeletal system 8B6BB7023CB0497BB50EEA530CB542CA AAB378F84B3B4125BFBB236F90416325 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of finger Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) 3450 3450 03450 skin of flank 34284005 S03450 Skin structure of flank (body structure) E03450 181503000 Entire skin of flank (body structure) P03450 Y D integument/surface D86C7460192E4AE496339AC272160DF8 76EADFE466F744F0932AB04D3DBCD2C7 Skin of flank Entire skin of flank (body structure) 3451 3451 03451 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger 4066009 S03451 Structure of capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) E03451 368315001 Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) P03451 Y P musculoskeletal system F41D6A42109E4E5F9D28CFA97A1E6867 8E0CDB25EBC54FD9986B71E7F21EBCDD capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) 3452 3452 03452 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of index finger 52312008 S03452 Structure of capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) E03452 368316000 Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) P03452 Y P musculoskeletal system 46C9F578991341269FEDA92866605F8E 24AC9C0764AD4F499C851451C3613ECF capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of index finger Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) 3453 3453 03453 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 66834000 S03453 Structure of capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) E03453 368329000 Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) P03453 Y P musculoskeletal system 667E08B63B8F4D79929A3E44598746C4 84141FAB2FE6485FB3FA271AC0C645A1 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) 3454 3454 03454 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 59555007 S03454 Structure of capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) E03454 368330005 Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) P03454 Y P musculoskeletal system 7A39921A1EF84AC6AD9740E1CE3AAC24 569C481D3B44403AA212E7853C1C0747 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) 3455 3455 03455 skin of lumbosacral region 51301006 S03455 Skin structure of lumbosacral region (body structure) E03455 309861007 Entire skin of lumbosacral region (body structure) P03455 - D integument/surface 814AF799799745769408CD434CE54A01 5BE54E6270FE4C2E8A266337901CF1FC Skin of lumbosacral region Entire skin of lumbosacral region (body structure) 3456 3456 03456 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 73216004 S03456 Structure of capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) E03456 368343005 Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) P03456 Y P musculoskeletal system C74822D5D3FF46D3AE71AA98E8733ED9 621F311F746748069827671FB61DD8F5 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) 3457 3457 03457 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 28313005 S03457 Structure of capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) E03457 368344004 Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) P03457 Y P musculoskeletal system 21547655FFED493CBE31F1E25BC89717 98DA93A25410431484F9F08DA6860929 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) 3458 3458 03458 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger 23094005 S03458 Structure of capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) E03458 368357007 Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) P03458 Y P musculoskeletal system 2C83A47EEFDF4A5295EDFA17C1196B4B 0B2011BD8BD64BFD84275668C0DD0B8E capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) 3459 3459 03459 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of little finger 22162006 S03459 Structure of capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) E03459 368358002 Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) P03459 Y P musculoskeletal system E54E86B843A542F7B3C33159A8A57680 4DE472195798411FA401345F8955F79B capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of little finger Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) 3460 3460 03460 capsule of sternoclavicular joint 82039000 S03460 Structure of capsule of sternoclavicular joint (body structure) E03460 368185001 Entire capsule of sternoclavicular joint (body structure) P03460 Y P skeletal system 5B2F8E34B6634B24970908CC92785619 ABA071BF1F814A69BF02EBAC61897050 capsule of sternoclavicular joint Entire capsule of sternoclavicular joint (body structure) 3461 3461 03461 skin of sacrococcygeal region 50938007 S03461 Skin structure of sacrococcygeal region (body structure) E03461 290600004 Entire skin of sacrococcygeal region (body structure) P03461 - D integument/surface BD311823ADA1470EA965B6F6E96FE4EC DD8562EF8B9F4DF590927624532CA31A Skin of sacrococcygeal region Entire skin of sacrococcygeal region (body structure) 3462 3462 03462 articular disc of sternoclavicular joint 77751007 S03462 Structure of articular disc of sternoclavicular joint (body structure) E03462 368186000 Entire articular disc of sternoclavicular joint (body structure) P03462 Y 26010 P skeletal system 7FAB1A05E955425495A6980531B40F9C B5FD8433F52C433885FDD6B87DF49F95 articular disc of sternoclavicular joint Entire articular disc of sternoclavicular joint (body structure) 3463 3463 03463 sternal synchondrosis 64564003 S03463 Structure of sternal synchondrosis (body structure) E03463 367780004 Entire sternal synchondrosis (body structure) P03463 - 71373 P skeletal system 1E5E68AFC2F54F43876C0405B4662B5C BB1FB4A01A154BC7AF1A648234B3D280 sternal synchondrosis Entire sternal synchondrosis (body structure) 3464 3464 03464 xiphosternal synchondrosis 113239006 S03464 Structure of xiphosternal synchondrosis (body structure) E03464 263313007 Entire xiphosternal synchondrosis (body structure) P03464 - 7503 P skeletal system 82E7B9A55D704F74ACCF8A2F923635C3 CF3486E5B36145609CB515969BBA2611 xiphosternal synchondrosis Entire xiphosternal synchondrosis (body structure) 3465 3465 03465 capsule of sternocostal joint 53649003 S03465 Structure of capsule of sternocostal joint (body structure) E03465 367783002 Entire capsule of sternocostal joint (body structure) P03465 Y 9063 P articular system A40F1094DA594C5AB977954B1AF315D4 88361C47790648F4AF09A0968F1351E7 capsule of sternocostal joint Entire capsule of sternocostal joint (body structure) 3466 3466 03466 capsule of costovertebral joint 63151003 S03466 Structure of capsule of costovertebral joint (body structure) E03466 367781000 Entire capsule of costovertebral joint (body structure) P03466 Y P articular system 6958A284AA5E4878B02395E88F642535 88C61F2C93B64A54824683F3CD013DDF capsule of costovertebral joint Entire capsule of costovertebral joint (body structure) 3467 3467 03467 skin of sacral region 51027004 S03467 Skin structure of sacral region (body structure) E03467 181515001 Entire skin of sacral region (body structure) P03467 - D integument/surface EFD0231A64EA443B8D2C5519412D9171 80541E201C4B4DE1B6F91C4FDF381CA2 Skin of sacral region Entire skin of sacral region (body structure) 3468 3468 03468 capsule of costotransverse joint 29526001 S03468 Structure of capsule of costotransverse joint (body structure) E03468 367782007 Entire capsule of costotransverse joint (body structure) P03468 Y 10140 P skeletal system 0C64D99BE23842299AF8ECB95685852E 7466005DD26B409D88BCBE480BA244F3 capsule of costotransverse joint Entire capsule of costotransverse joint (body structure) 3469 3469 03469 interchondral joint 59700007 S03469 Structure of interchondral joint (body structure) E03469 303101003 Entire interchondral joint (body structure) P03469 Y P articular system AF6FE46D6C9844A1834999EC331B5CCA 7363640DE82B417BBAEB79509C52E895 interchondral joint Entire interchondral joint (body structure) 3470 3470 03470 interpubic disc 84694005 S03470 Structure of interpubic disc (body structure) E03470 290907004 Entire interpubic disc (body structure) P03470 - 21491 P musculoskeletal system 75B326BE655748BA9570BC4B2B4DFAF5 ECB5B5FEE1AC4506823778D4025E0D38 interpubic disc Entire interpubic disc (body structure) 3471 3471 03471 capsule of hip joint 72525003 S03471 Structure of capsule of hip joint (body structure) E03471 263382006 Entire capsule of hip joint (body structure) P03471 Y P musculoskeletal system BB6FF9F4B58B4B03BD9D79D29E2A2EEB C00BE559B9094B148A73DC2EF073CD8A capsule of hip joint Entire capsule of hip joint (body structure) 3472 3472 03472 labrum of acetabulum 88692004 S03472 Structure of labrum of acetabulum (body structure) E03472 182439007 Entire labrum of acetabulum (body structure) P03472 Y 43521 P skeletal system C95ADAA9B5774C07B537D00F01C4167E E0D1E81794F74E02B26271BD66F67199 labrum of acetabulum Entire labrum of acetabulum (body structure) 3473 3473 03473 skin of coccygeal region 22115004 S03473 Skin structure of coccygeal region (body structure) E03473 287274001 Entire skin of coccygeal region (body structure) P03473 - D integument/surface 520916579C964E7FB135D88779CE9722 0F7E9D401EF044B3859846572681FE6E Skin of coccygeal region Entire skin of coccygeal region (body structure) 3474 3474 03474 infrapatellar alar fold 75074001 S03474 Structure of infrapatellar alar folds (body structure) E03474 211612002 Entire infrapatellar alar folds (body structure) P03474 Y P musculoskeletal system 8519B981632A4C79BB2D4C9B844B4455 61435BF9D0874211A2CC84C5F9AB7530 infrapatellar alar folds Entire infrapatellar alar folds (body structure) 3475 3475 03475 infrapatellar fat pad 88775003 S03475 Structure of infrapatellar fat pad (body structure) E03475 282128003 Entire infrapatellar fat pad (body structure) P03475 Y 58772 P articular system 60D92054BD5C4833AC2B62899A40C445 8AEE3C4820F647618C9D8018583D1ACD infrapatellar fat pad Entire infrapatellar fat pad (body structure) 3476 3476 03476 capsule of proximal tibiofibular joint 3538003 S03476 Structure of capsule of proximal tibiofibular joint (body structure) E03476 302753006 Entire capsule of proximal tibiofibular joint (body structure) P03476 Y P articular system B3F786ACC8DB4FB29D627ED4288D63F7 FAC6ABAD5C594885B7FFE831FA6CE4DF capsule of proximal tibiofibular joint Entire capsule of proximal tibiofibular joint (body structure) 3477 3477 03477 skin of dorsal area of index finger 37314006 S03477 Skin structure of dorsal surface of index finger (body structure) E03477 368266008 Entire skin of dorsal surface of index finger (body structure) P03477 Y D integument/surface F934A1C103FD4B6593A196E79CEE5D49 3D931571ADBB4AE49463FC80C78D9AE0 Skin of dorsal surface of index finger Entire skin of dorsal surface of index finger (body structure) 3478 3478 03478 skin of hip 49812005 S03478 Skin structure of hip (body structure) E03478 181518004 Entire skin of hip (body structure) P03478 Y 45282 D integument/surface 9D302E51E5544451891051B12202B29E EDE16A97A49E434EB9654F11EC0FCDF1 Skin of hip Entire skin of hip (body structure) 3479 3479 03479 capsule of distal tibiofibular joint 48804007 S03479 Structure of capsule of distal tibiofibular joint (body structure) E03479 302850000 Entire capsule of distal tibiofibular joint (body structure) P03479 Y P skeletal system 3A8318612E014B31BA80F9369DAD9DBD 2B733F3517264EB99CB4D8293B321976 capsule of distal tibiofibular joint Entire capsule of distal tibiofibular joint (body structure) 3480 3480 03480 capsule of ankle joint 2712006 S03480 Structure of capsule of ankle joint (body structure) E03480 263383001 Entire capsule of ankle joint (body structure) P03480 Y P articular system 5FFA08C1FA8A4CA68BD3DEB8193396D6 402EE1D5C52B4EC2B854AD863D312359 capsule of ankle joint Entire capsule of ankle joint (body structure) 3481 3481 03481 capsule of talocalcaneonavicular joint 53569003 S03481 Structure of capsule of talocalcaneonavicular joint (body structure) E03481 239395003 Entire capsule of talocalcaneonavicular joint (body structure) P03481 Y P musculoskeletal system 70C5321F8C36447F943448E723ACAEEA 6AFDC6FD36644784A0AD2F3F632E5570 capsule of talocalcaneonavicular joint Entire capsule of talocalcaneonavicular joint (body structure) 3482 3482 03482 skin of buttock 22180002 S03482 Skin structure of buttock (body structure) E03482 181493007 Entire skin of buttock (body structure) P03482 Y 45285 D integument/surface 0F8DB5A709B740B0B4643799FAD36090 743411F3046C49D6B83012AB6CA88BD5 Skin of buttock Entire skin of buttock (body structure) 3483 3483 03483 capsule of calcaneocuboidal joint 10328008 S03483 Structure of capsule of calcaneocuboidal joint (body structure) E03483 239474007 Entire capsule of calcaneocuboidal joint (body structure) P03483 Y P musculoskeletal system 4FC0CF5B8EA44672BE636A4BD28A3CEB 1CB0BE802BF94263B40B5EEC93D2D9A9 capsule of calcaneocuboidal joint Entire capsule of calcaneocuboidal joint (body structure) 3484 3484 03484 capsule of cuneonavicular joint 56184006 S03484 Structure of capsule of cuneonavicular joint (body structure) E03484 239559007 Entire capsule of cuneonavicular joint (body structure) P03484 Y P musculoskeletal system 2DC1CCF6B23F40748AEE2B760E729C78 3FC968999B1C406F8201A6BD4CDCB65F capsule of cuneonavicular joint Entire capsule of cuneonavicular joint (body structure) 3485 3485 03485 tarsometatarsal joint 52741001 S03485 Structure of tarsometatarsal joint (body structure) E03485 182222008 Entire tarsometatarsal joint (body structure) P03485 Y 35216 P musculoskeletal system FED2172970FB4C6196DB1335093D8D9E 1628C5A9C5A340B4B2CA39AEEC6573E1 tarsometatarsal joint Entire tarsometatarsal joint (body structure) 3486 3486 03486 capsule of intermetatarsal joint 67462007 S03486 Structure of capsule of intermetatarsal joint (body structure) E03486 239654005 Entire capsule of intermetatarsal joint (body structure) P03486 Y P musculoskeletal system 949846E1CE074D3AAA5D88DBB8939829 53C7A142DA4A48B989EC03BEE8995DA2 capsule of intermetatarsal joint Entire capsule of intermetatarsal joint (body structure) 3487 3487 03487 capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint 22854001 S03487 Structure of capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) E03487 228866001 Entire capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P03487 Y P musculoskeletal system B6671AA8F1C442F68C460F9BDB06CD3C 7F2A245F48FB47B79002FA78A7BAC3E6 capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint Entire capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 3488 3488 03488 capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe 35711001 S03488 Structure of capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe (body structure) E03488 228764007 Entire capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe (body structure) P03488 Y P musculoskeletal system C3A5E6EB3E77449EBDFE49EB1AEE5A21 D8CAF689140542BCBAD63602BB7F4084 capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe Entire capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe (body structure) 3489 3489 03489 capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of second toe 18586007 S03489 Structure of capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) E03489 225293007 Entire capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) P03489 Y P musculoskeletal system BFD0B335D0C84C88806142FEA11A2219 A10C840D2F674AD1BE1A406C7128D725 capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of second toe Entire capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) 3490 3490 03490 capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of third toe 14854004 S03490 Structure of capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) E03490 225389004 Entire capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) P03490 Y P musculoskeletal system F671700257C145438C8C30B47B99D069 7C02FB6356E345CFBFF5D7F30B8BEDF5 capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of third toe Entire capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) 3491 3491 03491 capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of fourth toe 34703003 S03491 Structure of capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) E03491 225483002 Entire capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) P03491 Y P musculoskeletal system 535018E46E8944DF8AC933A0833A6551 A6310A7B417A4AC59BB68F908E254237 capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of fourth toe Entire capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) 3492 3492 03492 capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of fifth toe 9185007 S03492 Structure of capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) E03492 225572008 Entire capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) P03492 Y P musculoskeletal system 49930F203C25454883542A6D427F4386 D26D1360D2034631BBB551B1B9AA0FD6 capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of fifth toe Entire capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) 3493 3493 03493 skin of epigastric area 30598005 S03493 Skin structure of epigastric area (body structure) E03493 181507004 Entire skin of epigastric area (body structure) P03493 - D integument/surface BC46F9D29EA04F61BDA61CED1874E1D5 C58BE2F720CD499FBF6FA6641065A6CC Skin of epigastric area Entire skin of epigastric area (body structure) 3494 3494 03494 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of toe 27072001 S03494 Structure of capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of toe (body structure) E03494 229245007 Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of toe (body structure) P03494 Y P musculoskeletal system 2626472193994FCEB07050F08898EAED 14E51C76FD7142B398A74B08FF16BEC0 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of toe Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of toe (body structure) 3495 3495 03495 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of toe 63019002 S03495 Structure of capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of toe (body structure) E03495 229343002 Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of toe (body structure) P03495 Y P musculoskeletal system B9A382C453C74189A9CF7A0789A94F99 B48BB559865D4E3E83BAE205B9DFBB78 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of toe Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of toe (body structure) 3496 3496 03496 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of second toe 85031009 S03496 Structure of capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) E03496 225663007 Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) P03496 Y P musculoskeletal system FB8E28638B4C46828DC8AF07B4D58C32 37A8D56C1B1744DE817B69FE0447959F capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of second toe Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) 3497 3497 03497 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of second toe 60154007 S03497 Structure of capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) E03497 225755003 Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) P03497 Y P musculoskeletal system B8A35E35455D44C6A65052854300D061 290557F6707F49AD9A52740A36BE8085 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of second toe Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) 3498 3498 03498 skin of hypochondriac region 42105000 S03498 Skin structure of hypochondriac region (body structure) E03498 181508009 Entire skin of hypochondriac region (body structure) P03498 Y D integument/surface 83D23ADB14804823945728CCBE74DC76 91A9E184B24544A28F542D5498F0564F Skin of hypochondriac region Entire skin of hypochondriac region (body structure) 3499 3499 03499 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe 587004 S03499 Structure of capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) E03499 225851000 Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) P03499 Y P musculoskeletal system 0E0D8C63675341949E2C50E1EFD5C5BA 0DD891CEF40947349E64865D875429B2 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) 3500 3500 03500 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of third toe 5948007 S03500 Structure of capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) E03500 225949003 Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) P03500 Y P musculoskeletal system A021398E248847AD8781639D80A04D0F ED67D93DB8FF4A04803FF72E70C73FA8 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of third toe Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) 3501 3501 03501 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe 76745006 S03501 Structure of capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) E03501 226043005 Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) P03501 Y P musculoskeletal system 662F19CF8E454B13A4357806946ADFF7 EE7FFDE3A8A84E4FAD27D893166B0E16 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) 3502 3502 03502 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe 88464001 S03502 Structure of capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) E03502 226131007 Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) P03502 Y P musculoskeletal system 10FA46E8F6634D748E2522EFF487D409 27F5EAE47EA74B19A77CD949EC0F7914 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) 3503 3503 03503 capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe 77953001 S03503 Structure of capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) E03503 226227008 Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) P03503 Y P musculoskeletal system 841F916FCA6D459BB0D69AC6AED390C2 65DA376A27884327BBA09AC595458D3B capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe Entire capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) 3504 3504 03504 skin of umbilicus 315003 S03504 Skin structure of umbilicus (body structure) E03504 244112008 Entire skin of umbilicus (body structure) P03504 - 74803 D integument/surface E0423055472E448C9C64BA920C9342AA 9CEF6063C92C419F9DD16D6B4314C28C Skin of umbilicus Entire skin of umbilicus (body structure) 3505 3505 03505 capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe 81153004 S03505 Structure of capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) E03505 226322004 Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) P03505 Y P musculoskeletal system 5A72FD4258554FCAB79DBBC615BCCE42 02F41CC6139B43F2BA226D8DF0EB9B3C capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe Entire capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) 3506 3506 03506 subcutaneous bursa 55927009 S03506 Structure of subcutaneous bursa (body structure) E03506 331813002 Entire subcutaneous bursa (body structure) P03506 - 32426 P FD23A06EAA28480DB97525853298217F 6F3B5EE9B3514ABCB88BE213442F434D subcutaneous bursa Entire subcutaneous bursa (body structure) 3507 3507 03507 submuscular bursa 64393004 S03507 Structure of submuscular bursa (body structure) E03507 331914007 Entire submuscular bursa (body structure) P03507 - 32428 P ED1AF079F2C946FE9D04462875ACCBAB D00752E857D44C0EA4A47ABF2CF1B0F4 submuscular bursa Entire submuscular bursa (body structure) 3508 3508 03508 subfascial bursa 32731006 S03508 Structure of subfascial bursa (body structure) E03508 332013001 Entire subfascial bursa (body structure) P03508 - 32429 P 158E65246F914F399F5D8A948BBE4FBE 604D71A0332041B0A41FD649480C1939 subfascial bursa Entire subfascial bursa (body structure) 3509 3509 03509 subtendinous bursa 23668002 S03509 Structure of subtendinous bursa (body structure) E03509 332111001 Entire subtendinous bursa (body structure) P03509 - 32427 P 23A2F042E86E48C0BAEBF33A228EC071 B699FDB0A10E4854A0BCDC0C8F5837F9 subtendinous bursa Entire subtendinous bursa (body structure) 3510 3510 03510 tensor veli palatini muscle bursa 45329007 S03510 Structure of tensor veli palatini muscle bursa (body structure) E03510 368682002 Entire tensor veli palatini muscle bursa (body structure) P03510 Y P musculoskeletal system 823C0AFE9901489DBB6206935EA105AC 8AF3BFF1431D404F95942ADF3DD94551 tensor veli palatini muscle bursa Entire tensor veli palatini muscle bursa (body structure) 3511 3511 03511 Fleischmann's bursa 23220003 S03511 Structure of Fleischmann's bursa (body structure) E03511 368705005 Entire Fleischmann's bursa (body structure) P03511 Y P digestive system 8AA738C894D047EE9141810FC8C45F2E 88248F7C906E4A75B48CAF57C672D45E Fleischmann's bursa Entire Fleischmann's bursa (body structure) 3512 3512 03512 subcutaneous bursa of laryngeal prominence 49679008 S03512 Structure of subcutaneous bursa of laryngeal prominence (body structure) E03512 173244002 Entire subcutaneous bursa of laryngeal prominence (body structure) P03512 Y 76877 P musculoskeletal system 4F98DFE32BA64C4E9BF57B50A89BD3E4 1DDCB0A58190442AB2118D4BC60D105A subcutaneous bursa of laryngeal prominence Entire subcutaneous bursa of laryngeal prominence (body structure) 3513 3513 03513 vesicular bursa of sternohyoid muscle 1030007 S03513 Structure of vesicular bursa of sternohyoid muscle (body structure) E03513 175116009 Entire vesicular bursa of sternohyoid muscle (body structure) P03513 Y P A38DE94281FC455DB7620885380F3BE3 0EF9EDA2EB3A4B218A3718C3629139BA vesicular bursa of sternohyoid muscle Entire vesicular bursa of sternohyoid muscle (body structure) 3514 3514 03514 retrohyoid bursa 29626007 S03514 Structure of retrohyoid bursa (body structure) E03514 173332003 Entire retrohyoid bursa (body structure) P03514 Y 76878 P musculoskeletal system 708EEF5B236D4C76BB6CE8AB6BBEA4E4 D7C7039F4BAC43B49C03C548D454B46C retrohyoid bursa Entire retrohyoid bursa (body structure) 3515 3515 03515 skin of umbilical region 79956003 S03515 Skin structure of umbilical region (body structure) E03515 368071009 Entire skin of umbilical region (body structure) P03515 - D integument/surface C124300EBDC5402DA3F6D22028BC7B19 B0927A1E7393480B94B1BE78A1BE0F1B Skin of umbilical region Entire skin of umbilical region (body structure) 3516 3516 03516 infrahyoid bursa 24255006 S03516 Structure of infrahyoid bursa (body structure) E03516 173423004 Entire infrahyoid bursa (body structure) P03516 Y 75391 P musculoskeletal system 2DDA069E8E8946D08BBA31D09D6A6D0A F824FB2FF32B4A9E8AE74B45E43860EB infrahyoid bursa Entire infrahyoid bursa (body structure) 3517 3517 03517 retromammary bursa 24647009 S03517 Structure of retromammary bursa (body structure) E03517 204892007 Entire retromammary bursa (body structure) P03517 Y P BAA1ACCEDF9E4BC085E28E334568E3E4 9B0B0FD1E0F34185BAF11733960E447B retromammary bursa Entire retromammary bursa (body structure) 3518 3518 03518 subtendinous bursa of trapezius muscle 82553005 S03518 Structure of subtendinous bursa of trapezius muscle (body structure) E03518 311696004 Entire subtendinous bursa of trapezius muscle (body structure) P03518 Y P 763EB57539CD47F2A7CE67B9A2999856 E5B1A06E197544C3B84081950513C335 subtendinous bursa of trapezius muscle Entire subtendinous bursa of trapezius muscle (body structure) 3519 3519 03519 subacromial bursa 63424005 S03519 Structure of subacromial bursa (body structure) E03519 182486006 Entire subacromial bursa (body structure) P03519 Y 35515 P skeletal system 45D8089979F04B4F9300D713F7509152 2546B898AB944F52AE135E6CA7334FED subacromial bursa Entire subacromial bursa (body structure) 3520 3520 03520 subcutaneous acromial bursa 8039003 S03520 Structure of subcutaneous acromial bursa (body structure) E03520 368177005 Entire subcutaneous acromial bursa (body structure) P03520 Y 34990 P skeletal system A938581E0B124A0F85DDE5EBC5941345 279C06B431DE477C81A41B3794FCF07D subcutaneous acromial bursa Entire subcutaneous acromial bursa (body structure) 3521 3521 03521 subdeltoid bursa 54242008 S03521 Structure of subdeltoid bursa (body structure) E03521 282102001 Entire subdeltoid bursa (body structure) P03521 Y 5035 P skeletal system 8BE6B911C120450B9BE982C21FAEE2B7 BE0C019D222F43928F0BD589001506F0 subdeltoid bursa Entire subdeltoid bursa (body structure) 3522 3522 03522 bursa of coracobrachialis muscle 35854002 S03522 Structure of bursa of coracobrachialis muscle (body structure) E03522 368178000 Entire bursa of coracobrachialis muscle (body structure) P03522 Y 37026 P skeletal system BDD4DD8421D44ADC824930ED026941F2 A45DFA17E3424B348F1405562EFDFE73 bursa of coracobrachialis muscle Entire bursa of coracobrachialis muscle (body structure) 3523 3523 03523 subtendinous bursa of infraspinatus muscle 21462004 S03523 Structure of subtendinous bursa of infraspinatus muscle (body structure) E03523 368179008 Entire subtendinous bursa of infraspinatus muscle (body structure) P03523 Y 35518 P skeletal system 72E8AEB9D47D4911AF9C860C7A0FB2A7 9FE4DC91F31B4054940704C0C2D4F2C1 subtendinous bursa of infraspinatus muscle Entire subtendinous bursa of infraspinatus muscle (body structure) 3524 3524 03524 subtendinous bursa of subscapularis muscle 17160008 S03524 Structure of subtendinous bursa of subscapularis muscle (body structure) E03524 368180006 Entire subtendinous bursa of subscapularis muscle (body structure) P03524 Y 35027 P skeletal system C9639FCD74B54040931EF103E3720379 33C63D6D6B094C58BEF32B55EE61B6E5 subtendinous bursa of subscapularis muscle Entire subtendinous bursa of subscapularis muscle (body structure) 3525 3525 03525 subtendinous bursa of teres major muscle 56284003 S03525 Structure of subtendinous bursa of teres major muscle (body structure) E03525 368181005 Entire subtendinous bursa of teres major muscle (body structure) P03525 Y P skeletal system F488A0975AB2456AAEA2793662DDC21D 0EF9397624714676BF77B56D70871B1F subtendinous bursa of teres major muscle Entire subtendinous bursa of teres major muscle (body structure) 3527 3527 03527 subtendinous bursa of latissimus dorsi muscle 54608005 S03527 Structure of subtendinous bursa of latissimus dorsi muscle (body structure) E03527 368182003 Entire subtendinous bursa of latissimus dorsi muscle (body structure) P03527 Y P skeletal system 328A4C8D69344A939EC6065D900930BA ECD87D79394F417CBB950771A565BC46 subtendinous bursa of latissimus dorsi muscle Entire subtendinous bursa of latissimus dorsi muscle (body structure) 3528 3528 03528 subcutaneous olecranon bursa 87270007 S03528 Structure of subcutaneous olecranon bursa (body structure) E03528 368138007 Entire subcutaneous olecranon bursa (body structure) P03528 Y 42265 P musculoskeletal system CFA43DF13FBC4495988622CFF7565599 4E1A2DD55A7948C39FC2FEE940F85116 subcutaneous olecranon bursa Entire subcutaneous olecranon bursa (body structure) 3529 3529 03529 infratendinous olecranon bursa 7347009 S03529 Structure of infratendinous olecranon bursa (body structure) E03529 368137002 Entire infratendinous olecranon bursa (body structure) P03529 Y P musculoskeletal system FE9613CCB09645B49552B5CADEF2F406 BA4FDCB488694CDC992C2F1CE08B0FE7 infratendinous olecranon bursa Entire infratendinous olecranon bursa (body structure) 3530 3530 03530 subtendinous bursa of triceps brachii muscle 7658005 S03530 Structure of subtendinous bursa of triceps brachii muscle (body structure) E03530 368140002 Entire subtendinous bursa of triceps brachii muscle (body structure) P03530 Y 37761 P musculoskeletal system ADE8A07F73794532AA7D5E11272A0B5B 160FDE3CD89A44DAA9709A36CA2805E0 subtendinous bursa of triceps brachii muscle Entire subtendinous bursa of triceps brachii muscle (body structure) 3531 3531 03531 intratendinous bursa of olecranon 78685004 S03531 Structure of intratendinous bursa of olecranon (body structure) E03531 368139004 Entire intratendinous bursa of olecranon (body structure) P03531 Y 76879 P musculoskeletal system 97ED55BEF4994B7F97669AC84B491EAB AD135B06C9AC4889A4E599F8C1E23126 intratendinous bursa of olecranon Entire intratendinous bursa of olecranon (body structure) 3532 3532 03532 bicipitoradial bursa 65618009 S03532 Structure of bicipitoradial bursa (body structure) E03532 368141003 Entire bicipitoradial bursa (body structure) P03532 Y 42281 P musculoskeletal system A7F353DE32954B0BB0F22489EA12ED42 C0151C2A7FE545E9B2E36734F8730CAB bicipitoradial bursa Entire bicipitoradial bursa (body structure) 3533 3533 03533 interosseous cubital bursa 22603004 S03533 Structure of interosseous cubital bursa (body structure) E03533 368142005 Entire interosseous cubital bursa (body structure) P03533 Y 75261 P musculoskeletal system F94EE22BA1274A79AD814319734C10BF 66E97134C06E4334964216B95F59A65B interosseous cubital bursa Entire interosseous cubital bursa (body structure) 3534 3534 03534 extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle bursa 60003005 S03534 Structure of extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle bursa (body structure) E03534 368237005 Entire extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle bursa (body structure) P03534 Y P musculoskeletal system 6660CE87BDE74091B43D3790CC26B3C6 30764ACCE1724C848029BF86D8F9D552 extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle bursa Entire extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle bursa (body structure) 3535 3535 03535 subcutaneous trochanteric bursa 54971003 S03535 Structure of subcutaneous trochanteric bursa (body structure) E03535 209975000 Entire subcutaneous trochanteric bursa (body structure) P03535 Y 43581 P musculoskeletal system D1A7FAADA8C04449BA223E16A7594623 337B428E2B1F402E8A2BFE30D689DE85 subcutaneous trochanteric bursa Entire subcutaneous trochanteric bursa (body structure) 3536 3536 03536 gluteus maximus muscle trochanteric bursa 25518003 S03536 Structure of gluteus maximus muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) E03536 288671002 Entire gluteus maximus muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) P03536 Y 45063 P musculoskeletal system 770BE05B9F6B47D09D90311E8ABEAC92 132F169F81B645ACBC6AC1E97326AF47 gluteus maximus muscle trochanteric bursa Entire gluteus maximus muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) 3537 3537 03537 skin of mons pubis 13408007 S03537 Skin structure of mons pubis (body structure) E03537 367673005 Entire skin of mons pubis (body structure) P03537 - 23098 D integument/surface D19C6B63CEFD4618B01E46D36C170F1C B8996E41E7804E1682DBCFC53A25174E Skin of mons pubis Entire skin of mons pubis (body structure) 3538 3538 03538 gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa 86847002 S03538 Structure of gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) E03538 288973002 Entire gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) P03538 Y 45072 P musculoskeletal system C423389EAA7745F59E9EF5B5FFA2EAC7 7A2D32066F9A49ECACA5FAC68D3F650D gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa Entire gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) 3539 3539 03539 superficial portion of gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa 50145006 S03539 Structure of superficial portion of gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) E03539 288774002 Entire superficial portion of gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) P03539 Y P musculoskeletal system 6E2AF5F3A34348BC992B652474AA14D5 3DC38FCAFDAB4D038897E17932AFAA92 superficial portion of gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa Entire superficial portion of gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) 3540 3540 03540 deep portion of gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa 86546004 S03540 Structure of deep portion of gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) E03540 288872006 Entire deep portion of gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) P03540 Y P musculoskeletal system 4BE75C649B754D4C957B8FF430729BC8 3D826BEA11BB49EB9FEE479D8EC3E8A3 deep portion of gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa Entire deep portion of gluteus medius muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) 3541 3541 03541 trochanteric bursa 446003 S03541 Structure of trochanteric bursa (body structure) E03541 182494004 Entire trochanteric bursa (body structure) P03541 Y P musculoskeletal system D9E698CDF33C4B94B0D18BAA8015202C 9021A7A75C44418A8F00D9F30093347F trochanteric bursa Entire trochanteric bursa (body structure) 3542 3542 03542 gluteus minimus muscle trochanteric bursa 289075000 S03542 Structure of gluteus minimus muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) E03542 30303006 Entire gluteus minimus muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) P03542 Y 45066 P musculoskeletal system 0EF9474D8BAA48D991D1F81132496457 4DC4AC0781D54DF8B02BA73768D2784B gluteus minimus muscle trochanteric bursa Entire gluteus minimus muscle trochanteric bursa (body structure) 3543 3543 03543 piriformis muscle bursa 37797000 S03543 Structure of piriformis muscle bursa (body structure) E03543 289175002 Entire piriformis muscle bursa (body structure) P03543 Y P musculoskeletal system 53DA791E18934C3A86AA313AC1169BAD 59F04D3487004EF1AD082CDE4C164A66 piriformis muscle bursa Entire piriformis muscle bursa (body structure) 3544 3544 03544 obturator internus muscle ischial bursa 5068003 S03544 Structure of obturator internus muscle ischial bursa (body structure) E03544 287975007 Entire obturator internus muscle ischial bursa (body structure) P03544 Y P musculoskeletal system 2C560B3D9B6241BB979D862BB312E3CD 57B1061314384958836CA0086F97F18A obturator internus muscle ischial bursa Entire obturator internus muscle ischial bursa (body structure) 3545 3545 03545 subtendinous bursa of obturator internus muscle 41666002 S03545 Structure of subtendinous bursa of obturator internus muscle (body structure) E03545 289268009 Entire subtendinous bursa of obturator internus muscle (body structure) P03545 Y P musculoskeletal system 98C3189F5FFD4E4A980001E67C91F5AF CA634651C0F249A1B49D7673249C9A4F subtendinous bursa of obturator internus muscle Entire subtendinous bursa of obturator internus muscle (body structure) 3546 3546 03546 intermuscular bursa of gluteus muscle 29643005 S03546 Structure of intermuscular bursae of gluteus muscles (body structure) E03546 288476004 Entire intermuscular bursae of gluteus muscles (body structure) P03546 Y P musculoskeletal system 3D9B20F638E148EBA8450E2F1C3AAA35 A3C8203C80754E08A6C850BA79C22CB2 intermuscular bursae of gluteus muscles Entire intermuscular bursae of gluteus muscles (body structure) 3547 3547 03547 gluteus maximus muscle ischial bursa 57623007 S03547 Structure of gluteus maximus muscle ischial bursa (body structure) E03547 288075007 Entire gluteus maximus muscle ischial bursa (body structure) P03547 Y 45075 P musculoskeletal system 39C3E78B22C64B48ACE4515475FEA9E2 01708860E95D4402B6F81157D4B2E86B gluteus maximus muscle ischial bursa Entire gluteus maximus muscle ischial bursa (body structure) 3548 3548 03548 skin of inguinal region 39687006 S03548 Skin structure of inguinal region (body structure) E03548 181519007 Entire skin of inguinal region (body structure) P03548 Y D integument/surface 9C7DD8ADF2784EF1A5C52ECBBEEFF097 97A90B87F3924C4F8C7E72F34FD748CE Skin of inguinal region Entire skin of inguinal region (body structure) 3549 3549 03549 subtendinous iliac bursa 9320007 S03549 Structure of subtendinous iliac bursa (body structure) E03549 289364009 Entire subtendinous iliac bursa (body structure) P03549 Y 45022 P musculoskeletal system 31372EF305664A34AA508F2819961C36 16B5106E27824E56BB3654ADEC835AE7 subtendinous iliac bursa Entire subtendinous iliac bursa (body structure) 3550 3550 03550 iliopectineal bursa 289465009 S03550 Structure of iliopectineal bursa (body structure) E03550 18971008 Entire iliopectineal bursa (body structure) P03550 Y 75385 P musculoskeletal system 9F7241785C0041F686DC58A13701AED6 A1E847FE001B47709E4543423A944B7C iliopectineal bursa Entire iliopectineal bursa (body structure) 3551 3551 03551 sacral bursa 289565006 S03551 Structure of sacral bursa (body structure) E03551 21792009 Entire sacral bursa (body structure) P03551 Y P musculoskeletal system 514782EF12154997B96D3649E25E8ECF E218EE6B908B435892E0D58F1F8D7BCC sacral bursa Entire sacral bursa (body structure) 3552 3552 03552 prepatellar bursa 52349002 S03552 Structure of prepatellar bursa (body structure) E03552 182498001 Entire prepatellar bursa (body structure) P03552 Y P articular system A32B1629D5C44A338CA0DF4B79B3BE0A 75C596302E674865BADDBD69A2EA851A prepatellar bursa Entire prepatellar bursa (body structure) 3553 3553 03553 subcutaneous prepatellar bursa 211099008 S03553 Structure of subcutaneous prepatellar bursa (body structure) E03553 1076006 Entire subcutaneous prepatellar bursa (body structure) P03553 Y 45198 P articular system 33A809CAB9E242299FD06FBEB4B75F3F 34C4D4EFAAC8464DA43F17EC4140F631 subcutaneous prepatellar bursa Entire subcutaneous prepatellar bursa (body structure) 3554 3554 03554 subfascial prepatellar bursa 211187004 S03554 Structure of subfascial prepatellar bursa (body structure) E03554 20275006 Entire subfascial prepatellar bursa (body structure) P03554 Y 45048 P articular system D98A84D8DB24445ABD7FE9D2D7120E79 7AE637657A374760B82817B9B063656A subfascial prepatellar bursa Entire subfascial prepatellar bursa (body structure) 3555 3555 03555 subtendinous prepatellar bursa 211283009 S03555 Structure of subtendinous prepatellar bursa (body structure) E03555 8845005 Entire subtendinous prepatellar bursa (body structure) P03555 Y 45051 P articular system DBF7131BADCF48A183B161E33E0AFAC7 5FABE97B172740588A4876C3FB192267 subtendinous prepatellar bursa Entire subtendinous prepatellar bursa (body structure) 3556 3556 03556 suprapatellar bursa 75415000 S03556 Structure of suprapatellar bursa (body structure) E03556 281703001 Entire suprapatellar bursa (body structure) P03556 Y 12253 P articular system 4CB35F8634A743B58D1237D2179FA5C6 FC8E2D11D19C49709B50B70B16E53D5F suprapatellar bursa Entire suprapatellar bursa (body structure) 3557 3557 03557 infrapatellar bursa 21067000 S03557 Structure of infrapatellar bursa (body structure) E03557 182499009 Entire infrapatellar bursa (body structure) P03557 Y 75405 P articular system 8ED7383104574642BDBC38FA3EDE9924 D0BAF9689CA24993985F8BD5E90B916E infrapatellar bursa Entire infrapatellar bursa (body structure) 3558 3558 03558 subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa 211378003 S03558 Structure of subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa (body structure) E03558 62689003 Entire subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa (body structure) P03558 Y 43791 P articular system 18104779F41D4903821122AD52F4F60C 80D9CF924739473DA3B2F149C25426AB subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa Entire subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa (body structure) 3559 3559 03559 skin of palmar area of index finger 48856004 S03559 Skin structure of palmar surface of index finger (body structure) E03559 368277002 Entire skin of palmar surface of index finger (body structure) P03559 Y D integument/surface 1C1390949C164E66B7D11BB4779F120B 6FBDD285742A4EA1AF1519ED87BCAB41 Skin of palmar surface of index finger Entire skin of palmar surface of index finger (body structure) 3560 3560 03560 deep infrapatellar bursa 211475001 S03560 Structure of deep infrapatellar bursa (body structure) E03560 68668000 Entire deep infrapatellar bursa (body structure) P03560 Y 43794 P articular system B1C9271A5BD443618178DAB127BCEFA8 1F3426E5C06A4187B1EEA59BA08C5464 deep infrapatellar bursa Entire deep infrapatellar bursa (body structure) 3561 3561 03561 subcutaneous bursa of tibial tuberosity 211534006 S03561 Structure of subcutaneous bursa of tibial tuberosity (body structure) E03561 81210008 Entire subcutaneous bursa of tibial tuberosity (body structure) P03561 Y 45036 P articular system 92727642379A4C23BD3EA4789B265F63 23C2414FBD14486FA41C0D21B474CAC9 subcutaneous bursa of tibial tuberosity Entire subcutaneous bursa of tibial tuberosity (body structure) 3562 3562 03562 subtendinous bursae of sartorius muscle 28595000 S03562 Structure of subtendinous bursae of sartorius muscle (body structure) E03562 210910003 Entire subtendinous bursae of sartorius muscle (body structure) P03562 Y P articular system 8285FC32B00942EF83D93DF9F34A5E28 E71F6AFD564146E8BC918F25004DA0EE subtendinous bursae of sartorius muscle Entire subtendinous bursae of sartorius muscle (body structure) 3563 3563 03563 anserine bursa 60623007 S03563 Structure of anserine bursa (body structure) E03563 182501001 Entire anserine bursa (body structure) P03563 Y 45201 P articular system B107D84C5C844F00BFFF07CE018FAB3A C5E38B4D86254C9F9A95CBA39E8A034F anserine bursa Entire anserine bursa (body structure) 3564 3564 03564 subtendinous bursa of biceps femoris inferior muscle 82505006 S03564 Structure of subtendinous bursa of biceps femoris inferior muscle (body structure) E03564 211000002 Entire subtendinous bursa of biceps femoris inferior muscle (body structure) P03564 Y 75185 P articular system BEABF455684048EC89C0FF9E9BD0D4E7 C714B39365DF4734BD2F66F6CCE0234A subtendinous bursa of biceps femoris inferior muscle Entire subtendinous bursa of biceps femoris inferior muscle (body structure) 3565 3565 03565 subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius lateralis muscle 64017009 S03565 Structure of subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius lateralis muscle (body structure) E03565 210756004 Entire subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius lateralis muscle (body structure) P03565 Y P articular system 1A22D6B3EBEF448693D189D079919EF8 44564165D1E84650BA8A8F8AF9016440 subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius lateralis muscle Entire subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius lateralis muscle (body structure) 3566 3566 03566 subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius medialis muscle 31164002 S03566 Structure of subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius medialis muscle (body structure) E03566 210817001 Entire subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius medialis muscle (body structure) P03566 Y P articular system 7A06C6CB6DF7420793569FA453C5898E C2D3D29CB6C6464295F60B06E81ED682 subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius medialis muscle Entire subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius medialis muscle (body structure) 3567 3567 03567 semimembranosus muscle bursa 67235002 S03567 Structure of semimembranosus muscle bursa (body structure) E03567 182502008 Entire semimembranosus muscle bursa (body structure) P03567 Y 45081 P articular system 4FD6FA4892AC4AB6B73DA6DF601638F8 340A0E17416241D8A008DA33AB38954A semimembranosus muscle bursa Entire semimembranosus muscle bursa (body structure) 3568 3568 03568 subcutaneous lateral malleolar bursa 41347005 S03568 Structure of subcutaneous lateral malleolar bursa (body structure) E03568 242264006 Entire subcutaneous lateral malleolar bursa (body structure) P03568 Y P musculoskeletal system 50E04EA95BCE46AA869FE4166DC74164 77800F5170804FCEA168C4793701E4F2 subcutaneous lateral malleolar bursa Entire subcutaneous lateral malleolar bursa (body structure) 3569 3569 03569 subcutaneous medial malleolar bursa 113240008 S03569 Structure of subcutaneous medial malleolar bursa (body structure) E03569 242366006 Entire subcutaneous medial malleolar bursa (body structure) P03569 Y P musculoskeletal system 3110752AB15A4CD2857AAB6B999D87EF 0F06FBAF1A424129B65F799376C23C89 subcutaneous medial malleolar bursa Entire subcutaneous medial malleolar bursa (body structure) 3570 3570 03570 skin of external genitalia 60944009 S03570 Skin structure of external genitalia (body structure) E03570 367701003 Entire skin of external genitalia (body structure) P03570 - D integument/surface 9E3BD34A7C0A40B38172440BA68CD66F 45E099749E1740238AE8CDDBE58F6997 Skin of external genitalia Entire skin of external genitalia (body structure) 3571 3571 03571 subtendinous bursa of anterior tibial muscle 43737004 S03571 Structure of subtendinous bursa of anterior tibial muscle (body structure) E03571 214710000 Entire subtendinous bursa of anterior tibial muscle (body structure) P03571 Y 45033 P musculoskeletal system 72E1D9C73E33422B922E82789335A378 64F1B81E64594216A0565A56215B30B8 subtendinous bursa of anterior tibial muscle Entire subtendinous bursa of anterior tibial muscle (body structure) 3572 3572 03572 subcutaneous calcaneal bursa 13826004 S03572 Structure of subcutaneous calcaneal bursa (body structure) E03572 234525005 Entire subcutaneous calcaneal bursa (body structure) P03572 Y 45045 P musculoskeletal system A0F4A829223B433B9995A8CB399634CC D9869D0BD7BC4CAA818D1DC9B1C72185 subcutaneous calcaneal bursa Entire subcutaneous calcaneal bursa (body structure) 3573 3573 03573 calcaneal tendon bursa 48048001 S03573 Structure of calcaneal tendon bursa (body structure) E03573 245254008 Entire calcaneal tendon bursa (body structure) P03573 Y 45084 P musculoskeletal system 21D0022E7FF849879AD32CA469161A96 151BC53500F841248EE666B0377C43BA calcaneal tendon bursa Entire calcaneal tendon bursa (body structure) 3574 3574 03574 flexor tendon 77685001 S03574 Structure of flexor tendon (body structure) E03574 330518008 Entire flexor tendon (body structure) P03574 Y P muscular system 79A99828C2824C6785BBDF6F14C73440 060C7B817D564D4C9479A08438082DC6 flexor tendon Entire flexor tendon (body structure) 3575 3575 03575 extensor tendon 58948005 S03575 Structure of extensor tendon (body structure) E03575 330615000 Entire extensor tendon (body structure) P03575 Y P muscular system 5C915DFFE4A84BEB81EEB6265F0F73F1 A2816CEE96CD4BF8B09E0F8D94C5F8D6 extensor tendon Entire extensor tendon (body structure) 3576 3576 03576 common tendon 71685008 S03576 Structure of common tendon (body structure) E03576 330711000 Entire common tendon (body structure) P03576 Y P muscular system 053D6B48EFA04E959A917DC4882BE483 DFEC0907655B4ED49DFB1BEC68323FE8 common tendon Entire common tendon (body structure) 3577 3577 03577 tendon insertion 60636007 S03577 Structure of tendon insertion (body structure) E03577 330807000 Entire tendon insertion (body structure) P03577 Y P musculoskeletal system 5C75B56C82E04628AA6C776F783EAA3D 099FCDB3010344D7882BF496C4F08742 tendon insertion Entire tendon insertion (body structure) 3578 3578 03578 proximal tendon insertion 330907001 S03578 Structure of proximal tendon insertion (body structure) E03578 29160004 Entire proximal tendon insertion (body structure) P03578 Y P musculoskeletal system 24FC536428BA420CBD7479A54CAA3196 B20B5951BB3A48E192706D3A9D1D20A6 proximal tendon insertion Entire proximal tendon insertion (body structure) 3579 3579 03579 distal tendon insertion 331008002 S03579 Structure of distal tendon insertion (body structure) E03579 14187002 Entire distal tendon insertion (body structure) P03579 Y P musculoskeletal system 78ABA7FA38FC4EC58638B84BACE50C07 87A1331F29A04A5E9615C4845DC0688B distal tendon insertion Entire distal tendon insertion (body structure) 3580 3580 03580 skin of pelvis 82654007 S03580 Skin structure of pelvis (body structure) E03580 181517009 Entire skin of pelvis (body structure) P03580 - 22984 D integument/surface 5C04A847197248D491F75F99FF7B5EF0 77BAD3D58E3146BCB56685CD55731BB1 Skin of pelvis Entire skin of pelvis (body structure) 3581 3581 03581 fibrous tendon sheath 86771003 S03581 Structure of fibrous tendon sheath (body structure) E03581 331108004 Entire fibrous tendon sheath (body structure) P03581 Y P musculoskeletal system A53D2B8A9A234764AA0B87A84B401701 5D5DA26178D3402B86D05E6D3B3E0D09 fibrous tendon sheath Entire fibrous tendon sheath (body structure) 3582 3582 03582 tendinous intersection 113241007 S03582 Structure of tendinous intersection (body structure) E03582 331307002 Entire tendinous intersection (body structure) P03582 Y P muscular system F4A8B479E36D41B294B760C74B0065C2 E2058DA0677D4B27A4F03675F8B4D07A tendinous intersection Entire tendinous intersection (body structure) 3583 3583 03583 tendinous arch 8775007 S03583 Structure of tendinous arch (body structure) E03583 331408006 Entire tendinous arch (body structure) P03583 Y P muscular system B9C6805E5D76431FAC3261C4AFC70CE5 542A5144E75D40C083EFE95CDAAAD753 tendinous arch Entire tendinous arch (body structure) 3584 3584 03584 tunnel of tendon 68954009 S03584 Structure of tunnel of tendon (body structure) E03584 331510005 Entire tunnel of tendon (body structure) P03584 Y P muscular system D4D3778D87444C13BF764548853CFD9D 1729305F526344599E5004AB7A99A971 tunnel of tendon Entire tunnel of tendon (body structure) 3585 3585 03585 tendon and tendon sheath of head, neck and trunk 40698000 S03585 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of head, neck and trunk (body structure) E03585 336710008 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of head, neck and trunk (body structure) P03585 Y P muscular system 5A91D2EFDCC34D64B62BCB08414E84B6 74887ACEE7D34FC7AD4C800E34CDB968 tendon and tendon sheath of head, neck and trunk Entire tendon and tendon sheath of head, neck and trunk (body structure) 3586 3586 03586 superior oblique muscle tendon 51703006 S03586 Structure of superior oblique muscle tendon (body structure) E03586 245053008 Entire superior oblique muscle tendon (body structure) P03586 372232008 Part of superior oblique muscle tendon (body structure) Y 54128 P special senses organ system 941B97144B4C41A596D8781B780C6B59 54C83256F4354298B25A1886E46DAB19 FAA76FD8E65D4453AB215B431C401917 superior oblique muscle tendon Entire superior oblique muscle tendon (body structure) superior oblique muscle tendon 3587 3587 03587 superior oblique muscle tendon sheath 28591009 S03587 Structure of superior oblique muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03587 368815006 Entire superior oblique muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03587 Y 49074 P musculoskeletal system 4100B9813AD44A349598211A32961CB5 71B5CB28BFD04E9FAD6665ACDC73859B superior oblique muscle tendon sheath Entire superior oblique muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3588 3588 03588 tendon and tendon sheath of shoulder and upper limb 371299000 S03588 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of shoulder and upper extremity (body structure) E03588 336811001 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of shoulder and upper extremity (body structure) P03588 Y P muscular system 69555650EC9D4C98BACE07024E7D6FD7 6C4FCD24D9674A8EBA2CF4225BC3DCDC tendon and tendon sheath of shoulder and upper extremity Entire tendon and tendon sheath of shoulder and upper extremity (body structure) 3589 3589 03589 skin of gluteal fold 63029009 S03589 Skin structure of gluteal fold (body structure) E03589 288377007 Entire skin of gluteal fold (body structure) P03589 Y D integument/surface 79552A7E98184CB2932D727B0190658C 9188BB85A61B4978811B2DB893998D37 Skin of gluteal fold Entire skin of gluteal fold (body structure) 3590 3590 03590 tendon and tendon sheath of shoulder 57039004 S03590 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of shoulder (body structure) E03590 368176001 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of shoulder (body structure) P03590 Y P skeletal system 13E8219546BD4342ADEB34152CC85107 9CB36A21A8134984B119C85CE991E478 tendon and tendon sheath of shoulder Entire tendon and tendon sheath of shoulder (body structure) 3591 3591 03591 tendon of supraspinatus muscle 5580002 S03591 Structure of tendon of supraspinatus muscle (body structure) E03591 263480002 Entire tendon of supraspinatus muscle (body structure) P03591 Y 37075 P musculoskeletal system 7F8717D54992400A977ADC9AC5A43521 0F3C1A78DE9A4A7CB682C549816DAE68 tendon of supraspinatus muscle Entire tendon of supraspinatus muscle (body structure) 3592 3592 03592 tendon of infraspinatus muscle 59713001 S03592 Structure of tendon of infraspinatus muscle (body structure) E03592 282101008 Entire tendon of infraspinatus muscle (body structure) P03592 Y 37076 P musculoskeletal system D2516E34AE8F4EFE92E0B1A42B4C9FCA AF5E3A9DCEDA4BE8A19DC000D30DF850 tendon of infraspinatus muscle Entire tendon of infraspinatus muscle (body structure) 3593 3593 03593 tendon of subscapularis muscle 80108009 S03593 Structure of tendon of subscapularis muscle (body structure) E03593 282104000 Entire tendon of subscapularis muscle (body structure) P03593 Y 37077 P musculoskeletal system 11B8DD9331044E3CB788BEE49915D0A2 B153FFD8BFD84B25917969206CDDF96C tendon of subscapularis muscle Entire tendon of subscapularis muscle (body structure) 3594 3594 03594 tendon and tendon sheath of elbow 25612009 S03594 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of elbow (body structure) E03594 368150001 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of elbow (body structure) P03594 Y P muscular system 7B920B9B92D7421A802293364727F7B9 D782F2449F5A4C9385187DB3A67A6104 tendon and tendon sheath of elbow Entire tendon and tendon sheath of elbow (body structure) 3595 3595 03595 triceps tendon 22525001 S03595 Structure of triceps tendon (body structure) E03595 245105007 Entire triceps tendon (body structure) P03595 Y 38380 P muscular system FB972A390F3546EFA2C7067B97F69BDE C594BC7B0A1E4F19AA149D3F1F94BF7B triceps tendon Entire triceps tendon (body structure) 3596 3596 03596 tendon and tendon sheath of forearm 113242000 S03596 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of forearm (body structure) E03596 368226009 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of forearm (body structure) P03596 Y P muscular system 60EF9EF39C16495489D72F374F506544 04C5BCDD732A4DF5848F1796258E4C59 tendon and tendon sheath of forearm Entire tendon and tendon sheath of forearm (body structure) 3597 3597 03597 abductor longi and extensor brevis pollicis muscle tendon 368375008 S03597 Structure of abductor longi and extensor brevis pollicis muscle tendon (body structure) E03597 59331003 Entire abductor longi and extensor brevis pollicis muscle tendon (body structure) P03597 Y P musculoskeletal system 7F3E55337A7C44F796E2774ED135D652 A789688734E241F6881B4E7748B2FB45 abductor longi and extensor brevis pollicis muscle tendon Entire abductor longi and extensor brevis pollicis muscle tendon (body structure) 3598 3598 03598 skin of perianal area 21308002 S03598 Skin structure of perianal area (body structure) E03598 181522009 Entire skin of perianal area (body structure) P03598 - 29350 D integument/surface 0AA38AD0DA3E4C26BFC3E8CE650B4B46 A1172773BB90441BB294CE6AB472A059 Skin of perianal area Entire skin of perianal area (body structure) 3599 3599 03599 abductor longi and extensor brevis pollicis muscle tendon sheath 73649002 S03599 Structure of abductor longi and extensor brevis pollicis muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03599 368529001 Entire abductor longi and extensor brevis pollicis muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03599 Y P musculoskeletal system 9EFE14FFE9AC43DFA5E71E5D811ECDB2 7ABD0169F1854BB9BD8A140F5397FA17 abductor longi and extensor brevis pollicis muscle tendon sheath Entire abductor longi and extensor brevis pollicis muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3600 3600 03600 extensor carpi radialis muscle tendon 50906002 S03600 Structure of extensor carpi radialis muscle tendon (body structure) E03600 276147006 Entire extensor carpi radialis muscle tendon (body structure) P03600 Y P muscular system 7957A2B7861B44CC8AE9458B1595828A B554DC7532A044708982FFDE5D00BFA8 extensor carpi radialis muscle tendon Entire extensor carpi radialis muscle tendon (body structure) 3601 3601 03601 extensor carpi radialis muscle tendon sheath 19528004 S03601 Structure of extensor carpi radialis muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03601 276148001 Entire extensor carpi radialis muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03601 Y 40864 P musculoskeletal system 0CA2EB06D3604766A18A1C0B554EF7CE 2DECFF208EC94D7C91C5519353E0EED5 extensor carpi radialis muscle tendon sheath Entire extensor carpi radialis muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3602 3602 03602 extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon 40717002 S03602 Structure of extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon (body structure) E03602 245138003 Entire extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon (body structure) P03602 Y 40794 P musculoskeletal system CF0C401CC88B491AAE7232C1D34AAE5C E8F870465E5245859C83883C52872177 extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon Entire extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon (body structure) 3603 3603 03603 extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon sheath 25509000 S03603 Structure of extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03603 280098000 Entire extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03603 Y 40865 P musculoskeletal system F1186C007C7C4DFB96567B59EC4B7358 30818C6F5B654EFE87003E6438B962DF extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon sheath Entire extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3604 3604 03604 extensor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon 83352005 S03604 Structure of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon (body structure) E03604 245134001 Entire extensor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon (body structure) P03604 Y 40764 P muscular system C4DB7386D64D4830A03E00D884EEC6AA 125AAAD19D5D41438BA6F4DCDA920924 extensor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon Entire extensor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon (body structure) 3605 3605 03605 extensor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon sheath 27118005 S03605 Structure of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03605 280097005 Entire extensor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03605 Y 40867 P musculoskeletal system 92CC3C0D60F942ECA467B0163C4C580A A94420B212C74C4EB6D40FD9B2DD13D0 extensor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon sheath Entire extensor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3606 3606 03606 flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon 15862001 S03606 Structure of flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon (body structure) E03606 245109001 Entire flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon (body structure) P03606 Y 38582 P muscular system 18F897DB2DC54FCEA3BC930C882160E3 6AD75FD4543B428E89DB68EDA6990F77 flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon Entire flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon (body structure) 3607 3607 03607 flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon sheath 17336002 S03607 Structure of flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03607 305041006 Entire flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03607 Y 40855 P musculoskeletal system D274CD56127E434A997544A20F531B8E EA19571A09ED40AB9412D5E09607270F flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon sheath Entire flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3608 3608 03608 flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon 2600000 S03608 Structure of flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon (body structure) E03608 245120001 Entire flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon (body structure) P03608 Y 38673 P musculoskeletal system D122BA947C2D4AAD9B9C47B4AE4953F1 AF38AF81EFDD4C46ACA21E3103F90D12 flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon Entire flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon (body structure) 3609 3609 03609 skin of anus 59112000 S03609 Skin structure of anus (body structure) E03609 312579006 Entire skin of anus (body structure) P03609 - 28008 D integument/surface 1E7D4683A15B48C9BFD6392851FB6E2C B65079888CEF4D5BA067BDBBDA399C47 Skin of anus Entire skin of anus (body structure) 3610 3610 03610 flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon sheath 24367005 S03610 Structure of flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03610 264477007 Entire flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03610 Y 40854 P musculoskeletal system 57616A2A87AD4DA8BF5704DBC46D5972 04D6C6D0AF014D5A936C7AEC2D1B5C37 flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon sheath Entire flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3611 3611 03611 tendon sheath of finger 50966004 S03611 Structure of tendon sheath of finger (body structure) E03611 368368007 Entire tendon sheath of finger (body structure) P03611 Y P musculoskeletal system 272E574D5A05440BABD90FE50759E9E9 477A7ABB902943E18E9BBA8840770112 tendon sheath of finger Entire tendon sheath of finger (body structure) 3612 3612 03612 vinculum longum 52944004 S03612 Structure of vinculum longum (body structure) E03612 368449008 Entire vinculum longum (body structure) P03612 Y 42609 P muscular system B8937194CC194E7BA86FB7E1FC2A2F7B 5EF9D4D5EA994AF981FA4198A13DA1D5 vinculum longum Entire vinculum longum (body structure) 3613 3613 03613 vinculum breve 29278002 S03613 Structure of vinculum breve (body structure) E03613 368450008 Entire vinculum breve (body structure) P03613 Y 42608 P muscular system AD24191081EB4DB39C260C23C6F7060C 88971DE47AC3481996E0C708BC786A99 vinculum breve Entire vinculum breve (body structure) 3614 3614 03614 chiasma tendinum 25708005 S03614 Structure of chiasma tendinum (body structure) E03614 368457006 Entire chiasma tendinum (body structure) P03614 Y P muscular system 01B07DA87110402E98A938CB4248E905 5EF333316E274BDFA479D6B3328DF51E chiasma tendinum Entire chiasma tendinum (body structure) 3615 3615 03615 extensor digitorum and extensor indicis muscle tendon 368319007 S03615 Structure of extensor digitorum and extensor indicis muscle tendon (body structure) E03615 63162003 Entire extensor digitorum and extensor indicis muscle tendon (body structure) P03615 Y P musculoskeletal system C9A46F428FDC487E8B33174BD80B00A4 D9C7EB82C94F48B7AC2B74811BE9352D extensor digitorum and extensor indicis muscle tendon Entire extensor digitorum and extensor indicis muscle tendon (body structure) 3616 3616 03616 extensor digitorum and extensor indicis muscle tendon sheath 368369004 S03616 Structure of extensor digitorum and extensor indicis muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03616 87754009 Entire extensor digitorum and extensor indicis muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03616 Y P musculoskeletal system A6F447ECDFE54B83955250012F0C6041 0339EAF9BBCB4879A6AA0E851E133B4A extensor digitorum and extensor indicis muscle tendon sheath Entire extensor digitorum and extensor indicis muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3617 3617 03617 skin of female genitalia 19938000 S03617 Skin structure of female genitalia (body structure) E03617 244123007 Entire skin of female genitalia (body structure) P03617 - D integument/surface 94AFAC3973094EC38DBD250F8FF8E9F2 4CB04871672A4C108B79CA03648637DB Skin of female genitalia Entire skin of female genitalia (body structure) 3618 3618 03618 extensor digiti minimi muscle tendon 74855001 S03618 Structure of extensor digiti minimi muscle tendon (body structure) E03618 245132002 Entire extensor digiti minimi muscle tendon (body structure) P03618 Y 40749 P musculoskeletal system 1F1A78CF7A6D4A94A463CC7055C2F854 4495C9430DB04C0C9C0B51FD56BB424F extensor digiti minimi muscle tendon Entire extensor digiti minimi muscle tendon (body structure) 3619 3619 03619 extensor digiti minimi muscle tendon sheath 74655004 S03619 Structure of extensor digiti minimi muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03619 280101001 Entire extensor digiti minimi muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03619 Y P musculoskeletal system EFA42CCA485642C19F64385A1BDC5AA9 B303166EF4A847B6BDAE2EFDE0461F21 extensor digiti minimi muscle tendon sheath Entire extensor digiti minimi muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3620 3620 03620 tendon of finger 29442005 S03620 Structure of tendon of finger (body structure) E03620 368370003 Entire tendon of finger (body structure) P03620 Y P musculoskeletal system 20FF3EB8D4FF4B73BAF04885B971E05A 7BA505449A294DB8B70560674A9117B5 tendon of finger Entire tendon of finger (body structure) 3621 3621 03621 tendon of thumb 368371004 S03621 Structure of tendon of thumb (body structure) E03621 78716002 Entire tendon of thumb (body structure) P03621 Y P musculoskeletal system EDD723343269480CB3AE7DE504BAF9DE 0651B783C57041219D15577612070658 tendon of thumb Entire tendon of thumb (body structure) 3622 3622 03622 tendon of index finger 368376009 S03622 Structure of tendon of index finger (body structure) E03622 9743000 Entire tendon of index finger (body structure) P03622 Y P musculoskeletal system 201D5D6BEAFC45F3A25CBAB80FA4DE20 A26A7FC89F4243289108C55E536B471C tendon of index finger Entire tendon of index finger (body structure) 3623 3623 03623 tendon of middle finger 368377000 S03623 Structure of tendon of middle finger (body structure) E03623 71784002 Entire tendon of middle finger (body structure) P03623 Y P musculoskeletal system E164E3556A3A475E9B9860CE76F8BFC5 A5BE1CA57E2D42FE916D1571D901CF50 tendon of middle finger Entire tendon of middle finger (body structure) 3624 3624 03624 tendon of ring finger 368378005 S03624 Structure of tendon of ring finger (body structure) E03624 22586002 Entire tendon of ring finger (body structure) P03624 Y P musculoskeletal system 9FA9DA209EA14013AFD84FB6F24CC639 6F7DF989F1CE41BF9A31C94A33FED4A0 tendon of ring finger Entire tendon of ring finger (body structure) 3625 3625 03625 tendon of little finger 368379002 S03625 Structure of tendon of little finger (body structure) E03625 23086003 Entire tendon of little finger (body structure) P03625 Y P musculoskeletal system C29C45BD48F74D55B5ECBE15C97CCEAE EB45B4EFE16049D4A5130E5C50DC2D2D tendon of little finger Entire tendon of little finger (body structure) 3626 3626 03626 flexor tendon of finger 368380004 S03626 Structure of flexor tendon of finger (body structure) E03626 58394003 Entire flexor tendon of finger (body structure) P03626 Y P musculoskeletal system B83B9415438348F1BA75B6432E393D1F D86C9907A5064E828A25A4CFEC701B15 flexor tendon of finger Entire flexor tendon of finger (body structure) 3627 3627 03627 flexor tendon of thumb 368372006 S03627 Structure of flexor tendon of thumb (body structure) E03627 24724004 Entire flexor tendon of thumb (body structure) P03627 Y P musculoskeletal system D650F97259C041CF9DA015207C20B066 66A92811E9494F27AA319E3E2B660A83 flexor tendon of thumb Entire flexor tendon of thumb (body structure) 3628 3628 03628 flexor tendon of index finger 13055008 S03628 Structure of flexor tendon of second finger (body structure) E03628 368317009 Entire flexor tendon of second finger (body structure) P03628 Y P musculoskeletal system 6179679DCFD24341AF2FB627650EB368 894CE5DF48E548FF9D954B4009E48E46 flexor tendon of second finger Entire flexor tendon of second finger (body structure) 3629 3629 03629 flexor tendon of middle finger 17390005 S03629 Structure of flexor tendon of third finger (body structure) E03629 368331009 Entire flexor tendon of third finger (body structure) P03629 Y P musculoskeletal system 2375A77C1E7748AB876A4CBE5B5941BD 38AC5A4B3E0244E585F923C2F76C6CF7 flexor tendon of third finger Entire flexor tendon of third finger (body structure) 3630 3630 03630 flexor tendon of ring finger 77088003 S03630 Structure of flexor tendon of fourth finger (body structure) E03630 368345003 Entire flexor tendon of fourth finger (body structure) P03630 Y P musculoskeletal system C9912BB80F124C49AC4C11EE2F7437F4 1A0EC58587FE44698D6A87D669D436FB flexor tendon of fourth finger Entire flexor tendon of fourth finger (body structure) 3631 3631 03631 flexor tendon of little finger 87461007 S03631 Structure of flexor tendon of fifth finger (body structure) E03631 368359005 Entire flexor tendon of fifth finger (body structure) P03631 Y P musculoskeletal system A7BE84B99EE046DD8147D02B53AD8181 3535FBE0CDA1486080B51397CF52554D flexor tendon of fifth finger Entire flexor tendon of fifth finger (body structure) 3632 3632 03632 superficial flexor tendon of finger 61729009 S03632 Structure of superficial flexor tendon of finger (body structure) E03632 245112003 Entire superficial flexor tendon of finger (body structure) P03632 Y 38624 P musculoskeletal system 19A6736530F345B6858AC5FCA7CAA0B5 19671510901C40F7A44D832F78349971 superficial flexor tendon of finger Entire superficial flexor tendon of finger (body structure) 3633 3633 03633 superficial flexor tendon of thumb 368373001 S03633 Structure of superficial flexor tendon of thumb (body structure) E03633 53376007 Entire superficial flexor tendon of thumb (body structure) P03633 Y P musculoskeletal system E48A8CFD5F7644828F4235143E497D3E 250BF25F2DA84D729ED64D07D4D72819 superficial flexor tendon of thumb Entire superficial flexor tendon of thumb (body structure) 3634 3634 03634 superficial flexor tendon of index finger 84904004 S03634 Structure of superficial flexor tendon of index finger (body structure) E03634 181655009 Entire superficial flexor tendon of index finger (body structure) P03634 Y P musculoskeletal system 2A121851481D4C9F8A6474CDF7750E0A 3103431D5F334987B1774709365352C0 superficial flexor tendon of index finger Entire superficial flexor tendon of index finger (body structure) 3635 3635 03635 superficial flexor tendon of middle finger 51861003 S03635 Structure of superficial flexor tendon of middle finger (body structure) E03635 181656005 Entire superficial flexor tendon of middle finger (body structure) P03635 Y P musculoskeletal system AF5D84E2030D47E192B7B26573A97650 77C2F25DE28D4073A62479259D7F1CC4 superficial flexor tendon of middle finger Entire superficial flexor tendon of middle finger (body structure) 3636 3636 03636 superficial flexor tendon of ring finger 27448004 S03636 Structure of superficial flexor tendon of ring finger (body structure) E03636 181657001 Entire superficial flexor tendon of ring finger (body structure) P03636 Y P musculoskeletal system C679BBCEE4944E8A9132C6EF17DAD817 790D4AC843B744B3BF8CAC42E2024EB5 superficial flexor tendon of ring finger Entire superficial flexor tendon of ring finger (body structure) 3637 3637 03637 superficial flexor tendon of little finger 8040001 S03637 Structure of superficial flexor tendon of little finger (body structure) E03637 181658006 Entire superficial flexor tendon of little finger (body structure) P03637 Y P musculoskeletal system 5E4E8A4CA1724C1DBBC9349A78BE4EC8 611BE891B5F24B05A2A297B502F6C462 superficial flexor tendon of little finger Entire superficial flexor tendon of little finger (body structure) 3638 3638 03638 skin of cruro-vulvar fold 87706001 S03638 Skin structure of cruro-vulvar fold (body structure) E03638 367667009 Entire skin of cruro-vulvar fold (body structure) P03638 Y D integument/surface 2F7F8A6E69D745069DBC501B92F1C033 1345B05FEE6C40E28CF0A8A53DB02CB7 Skin of cruro-vulvar fold Entire skin of cruro-vulvar fold (body structure) 3639 3639 03639 deep flexor tendon of finger 31143001 S03639 Structure of deep flexor tendon of finger (body structure) E03639 245114002 Entire deep flexor tendon of finger (body structure) P03639 Y 38661 P musculoskeletal system 5B22A070F73C469CA8EAB4F42388ED3F BA640E0E27F2493DB6F9536708308C06 deep flexor tendon of finger Entire deep flexor tendon of finger (body structure) 3640 3640 03640 deep flexor tendon of index finger 1350001 S03640 Structure of deep flexor tendon of index finger (body structure) E03640 181660008 Entire deep flexor tendon of index finger (body structure) P03640 Y P musculoskeletal system FE7EC92EBD9A4397B0891C70658CAE56 CA6431CC12D84297B7F9DAA57498A6AB deep flexor tendon of index finger Entire deep flexor tendon of index finger (body structure) 3641 3641 03641 deep flexor tendon of middle finger 43407007 S03641 Structure of deep flexor tendon of middle finger (body structure) E03641 134147003 Entire deep flexor tendon of middle finger (body structure) P03641 Y P musculoskeletal system 6AC7BB301E4D4C4F8E0C582079F15140 4172A248F20247CD9AD0C4F1DC713070 deep flexor tendon of middle finger Entire deep flexor tendon of middle finger (body structure) 3642 3642 03642 deep flexor tendon of ring finger 61069003 S03642 Structure of deep flexor tendon of ring finger (body structure) E03642 181661007 Entire deep flexor tendon of ring finger (body structure) P03642 Y P musculoskeletal system AAB330484A7D46348C3D89123F4ED4F0 3289EBAD24974F639ACAD143FA2AA21D deep flexor tendon of ring finger Entire deep flexor tendon of ring finger (body structure) 3643 3643 03643 deep flexor tendon of little finger 36634005 S03643 Structure of deep flexor tendon of little finger (body structure) E03643 181662000 Entire deep flexor tendon of little finger (body structure) P03643 Y P musculoskeletal system 0A02B6CB44EC4F4B895FD4242B557FE7 BFE03BFDF44143DBBDC9E2690C655B87 deep flexor tendon of little finger Entire deep flexor tendon of little finger (body structure) 3644 3644 03644 extensor tendon of finger 368381000 S03644 Structure of extensor tendon of finger (body structure) E03644 51520007 Entire extensor tendon of finger (body structure) P03644 Y P musculoskeletal system 64B25854E50D473A9CCD160B466362EC 2A930ABE524C4FA2A1C2A9424D5823E0 extensor tendon of finger Entire extensor tendon of finger (body structure) 3645 3645 03645 extensor tendon of thumb 368374007 S03645 Structure of extensor tendon of thumb (body structure) E03645 44713009 Entire extensor tendon of thumb (body structure) P03645 Y P musculoskeletal system 864DC6156C9749A78FE11EB4E32DFA5E 1190D075CF0747A5B743D57B0296A06D extensor tendon of thumb Entire extensor tendon of thumb (body structure) 3646 3646 03646 extensor tendon of index finger 76086009 S03646 Structure of extensor tendon of index finger (body structure) E03646 368318004 Entire extensor tendon of index finger (body structure) P03646 Y P musculoskeletal system C180504DCDD94DE493628DE9684EC462 1181D0E1A74245FFBE6D6473EE18EF7D extensor tendon of index finger Entire extensor tendon of index finger (body structure) 3647 3647 03647 extensor tendon of middle finger 49685001 S03647 Structure of extensor tendon of middle finger (body structure) E03647 368332002 Entire extensor tendon of middle finger (body structure) P03647 Y P musculoskeletal system DB9C9A0D60FD4782BE7CF392CB7CF054 7C432D52B7014F84B04F7BE32256EAB5 extensor tendon of middle finger Entire extensor tendon of middle finger (body structure) 3648 3648 03648 extensor tendon of ring finger 13675000 S03648 Structure of extensor tendon of ring finger (body structure) E03648 368346002 Entire extensor tendon of ring finger (body structure) P03648 Y P musculoskeletal system CE043C6224F4479CBF305D9E1FE4F899 0BEE80C0EC624B619543907F5F80C8DB extensor tendon of ring finger Entire extensor tendon of ring finger (body structure) 3649 3649 03649 extensor tendon of little finger 10972000 S03649 Structure of extensor tendon of little finger (body structure) E03649 368360000 Entire extensor tendon of little finger (body structure) P03649 Y P musculoskeletal system 93E8D6ECCC2F46B98FA96D8EF67E0AAF 0A350472F0544CEC94E77208E149DCEE extensor tendon of little finger Entire extensor tendon of little finger (body structure) 3650 3650 03650 tendon and tendon sheath of hip 79317002 S03650 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of hip (body structure) E03650 336914008 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of hip (body structure) P03650 Y P muscular system 8B30CA9AA7684C75B5BAEF8CFBE1AB5D FAD80C3E1F7D47B09A0B3C91B665405D tendon and tendon sheath of hip Entire tendon and tendon sheath of hip (body structure) 3651 3651 03651 tendon sheath of popliteus muscle 2803000 S03651 Structure of tendon sheath of popliteus muscle (body structure) E03651 215320001 Entire tendon sheath of popliteus muscle (body structure) P03651 Y P muscular system E8E1BE87E2B64F3DA97E635441055F12 66044F2CACDD447493AC2A853B6623AD tendon sheath of popliteus muscle Entire tendon sheath of popliteus muscle (body structure) 3652 3652 03652 superficial pes anserinus 20029009 S03652 Structure of superficial pes anserinus (body structure) E03652 211774003 Entire superficial pes anserinus (body structure) P03652 Y P muscular system 59D5A6D92CE14B94B0D07DAC940A1D86 3BD7089A6BAF437E86AACEEB30DEA1A4 superficial pes anserinus Entire superficial pes anserinus (body structure) 3653 3653 03653 deep pes anserinus 27945007 S03653 Structure of deep pes anserinus (body structure) E03653 302733007 Entire deep pes anserinus (body structure) P03653 Y P musculoskeletal system 90A49B656C0942EBAD686B66B41B3A28 DED8120350C14178B2663843A2AF7E58 deep pes anserinus Entire deep pes anserinus (body structure) 3654 3654 03654 common tendon of quadriceps femoris 70567001 S03654 Structure of quadriceps tendon (body structure) E03654 245175008 Entire quadriceps tendon (body structure) P03654 Y 46900 P muscular system E8B33F3039D847AF8B839FE7F816130E 1091F67FD09549EDBA594F76C280F5E3 quadriceps tendon Entire quadriceps tendon (body structure) 3655 3655 03655 flexor tendon of knee joint 11757000 S03655 Structure of flexor tendon of knee joint (body structure) E03655 211858003 Entire flexor tendon of knee joint (body structure) P03655 Y P muscular system ECCEC78D4F764F21A8AD29ADE2C369A5 6D8E9B2729A047E896DD73276924083F flexor tendon of knee joint Entire flexor tendon of knee joint (body structure) 3656 3656 03656 skin of lateral area of index finger 21194004 S03656 Skin structure of lateral surface of index finger (body structure) E03656 368286007 Entire skin of lateral surface of index finger (body structure) P03656 Y D integument/surface AA119634FF834FF4A09694817D95A3B8 F9818EFB88A34010B699AB984EA24305 Skin of lateral surface of index finger Entire skin of lateral surface of index finger (body structure) 3657 3657 03657 skin of anterior commissure of labia majora 91030001 S03657 Skin structure of anterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) E03657 367668004 Entire skin of anterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) P03657 - D integument/surface D1BD9592270F4FC7BCA28C626A38EA88 3DACACCCBD1B4C419D76EB33897CA83A Skin of anterior commissure of labia majora Entire skin of anterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) 3658 3658 03658 medial flexor tendon of knee 211951005 S03658 Structure of medial flexor tendon of knee (body structure) E03658 80682008 Entire medial flexor tendon of knee (body structure) P03658 Y P muscular system 0B44344B631549938DCCC57E0BFFF4D5 E4A601725F3F4193BDBAB046016603DA medial flexor tendon of knee Entire medial flexor tendon of knee (body structure) 3659 3659 03659 lateral flexor tendon of knee 212034003 S03659 Structure of lateral flexor tendon of knee (body structure) E03659 74152000 Entire lateral flexor tendon of knee (body structure) P03659 Y P muscular system DE073FF87FEC4BE5B66B383865C409CF 4395B9C8607B40DBAF4C5FA58E9FC517 lateral flexor tendon of knee Entire lateral flexor tendon of knee (body structure) 3660 3660 03660 adductor tendon 54525003 S03660 Structure of adductor tendon (body structure) E03660 302741007 Entire adductor tendon (body structure) P03660 Y P muscular system 3992D06E30DF400AB3E6F6CB9D174509 73C1C96BED70424A963070AE90EB2829 adductor tendon Entire adductor tendon (body structure) 3661 3661 03661 anterior tibial muscle tendon 49738002 S03661 Structure of anterior tibial muscle tendon (body structure) E03661 181717006 Entire anterior tibial muscle tendon (body structure) P03661 Y 47050 P muscular system D89673C442304A1A95D1C8453CF97CF2 FAB94BCB8962418684837CB671F1AF97 anterior tibial muscle tendon Entire anterior tibial muscle tendon (body structure) 3662 3662 03662 anterior tibial muscle tendon sheath 39903009 S03662 Structure of anterior tibial muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03662 280085009 Entire anterior tibial muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03662 Y P muscular system E3277B97B9884AD5ACE8A546661BC09F F852BC0CC25640CE8B0BA0C3F762123B anterior tibial muscle tendon sheath Entire anterior tibial muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3663 3663 03663 extensor hallucis longus muscle tendon 86539008 S03663 Structure of extensor hallucis longus muscle tendon (body structure) E03663 181718001 Entire extensor hallucis longus muscle tendon (body structure) P03663 Y 47065 P muscular system 9FAC24A2EBC542C6B956765C3871B935 F0A58365C38649ED8D0DFE4FD804011F extensor hallucis longus muscle tendon Entire extensor hallucis longus muscle tendon (body structure) 3664 3664 03664 extensor hallucis longus muscle tendon sheath 87775001 S03664 Structure of extensor hallucis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03664 280093009 Entire extensor hallucis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03664 Y P muscular system 3027E960FEEB46C1AFBFB793575EFC0C 1530E4A9E9B74815B18468A2A80A2E2C extensor hallucis longus muscle tendon sheath Entire extensor hallucis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3665 3665 03665 extensor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon 51120000 S03665 Structure of extensor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon (body structure) E03665 181719009 Entire extensor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon (body structure) P03665 Y 47080 P muscular system 483790F409034F22A8A319DE117141F0 B5F948406FC14658BF854E55A92553B1 extensor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon Entire extensor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon (body structure) 3666 3666 03666 extensor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon sheath 85022009 S03666 Structure of extensor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03666 280094003 Entire extensor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03666 Y P musculoskeletal system 0C3AD10604B1432BAB314C3FD8927DE5 49D6D28B283943DFB9F4CB80CF07F4D0 extensor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon sheath Entire extensor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3667 3667 03667 skin of posterior commissure of labia majora 19245008 S03667 Skin structure of posterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) E03667 367669007 Entire skin of posterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) P03667 Y D integument/surface 54BB508ABE3149EEB0F03294B73A8283 49DF92239EAF4E389EDBFB9847275BA3 Skin of posterior commissure of labia majora Entire skin of posterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) 3668 3668 03668 flexor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon 15243009 S03668 Structure of flexor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon (body structure) E03668 302515004 Entire flexor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon (body structure) P03668 Y 51083 P musculoskeletal system 272C1BBDB2304A3EB1EB9DB4DBA0A932 0CBC543B40CE4839AD84291292AD8D75 flexor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon Entire flexor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon (body structure) 3669 3669 03669 flexor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon sheath 89969009 S03669 Structure of flexor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03669 280092004 Entire flexor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03669 Y P musculoskeletal system E3A4481FE4AC4A27BDF212905FF6A31C 6DBB75EAF0494EFBA5B054B72BCD555B flexor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon sheath Entire flexor digitorum pedis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3670 3670 03670 posterior tibial muscle tendon 63149002 S03670 Structure of posterior tibial muscle tendon (body structure) E03670 181716002 Entire posterior tibial muscle tendon (body structure) P03670 Y 46002 P musculoskeletal system D0F34351E1FD418297F31C74EF9182CB 3926363326684038807B25789F80721C posterior tibial muscle tendon Entire posterior tibial muscle tendon (body structure) 3671 3671 03671 posterior tibial muscle tendon sheath 28246001 S03671 Structure of posterior tibial muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03671 280086005 Entire posterior tibial muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03671 Y P muscular system 8F368538E904448780D673E3D46C80F9 DB7AE522573E49F688133A297C372E43 posterior tibial muscle tendon sheath Entire posterior tibial muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3672 3672 03672 flexor hallucis longus muscle tendon 89110001 S03672 Structure of flexor hallucis longus muscle tendon (body structure) E03672 181710008 Entire flexor hallucis longus muscle tendon (body structure) P03672 Y 47200 P musculoskeletal system 41E1634913FD4A0684C7C598ADAD2490 6C331EEF614B43658A31C95511A4C243 flexor hallucis longus muscle tendon Entire flexor hallucis longus muscle tendon (body structure) 3673 3673 03673 flexor hallucis longus muscle tendon sheath 28969009 S03673 Structure of flexor hallucis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03673 280089003 Entire flexor hallucis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03673 Y P musculoskeletal system 6347E9FD21C644EFAF0FEF83CB30E7BA 39F23CD2EBAE44AE85BEC82C16E04B6B flexor hallucis longus muscle tendon sheath Entire flexor hallucis longus muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3674 3674 03674 common tendon sheath of peroneal muscle 54881003 S03674 Structure of common tendon sheath of peroneal muscle (body structure) E03674 302743005 Entire common tendon sheath of peroneal muscle (body structure) P03674 Y P musculoskeletal system 57043D3FB5E54DB59C3A333E9C40B753 A9FDDE0DCFA647439E8DB22580561D11 common tendon sheath of peroneal muscle Entire common tendon sheath of peroneal muscle (body structure) 3675 3675 03675 Achilles tendon 61352006 S03675 Structure of achilles tendon (body structure) E03675 181705009 Entire achilles tendon (body structure) P03675 Y 51061 P skeletal system 867A32C68DD64A59A482B40CF684A290 D21AB6530CA642F9B3E96C193DEE10FC achilles tendon Entire achilles tendon (body structure) 3676 3676 03676 fibularis longus tendon 91322007 S03676 Structure of peroneal longus plantaris muscle tendon (body structure) E03676 181721004 Entire peroneal longus plantaris muscle tendon (body structure) P03676 Y 47110 P musculoskeletal system 28654710DB264895AFECFFB5057D6C5B 23424E5A546D4F678A027B172279656F peroneal longus plantaris muscle tendon Entire peroneal longus plantaris muscle tendon (body structure) 3677 3677 03677 fibularis longus tendon sheath 11865008 S03677 Structure of peroneal longus plantaris muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E03677 305038002 Entire peroneal longus plantaris muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P03677 Y P muscular system E7E8E3DFEA7B49239233314F5E755106 AB093CB7AFC34936A6458CFD68797D88 peroneal longus plantaris muscle tendon sheath Entire peroneal longus plantaris muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 3678 3678 03678 plantaris muscle tendon 90044004 S03678 Structure of plantaris muscle tendon (body structure) E03678 245200006 Entire plantaris muscle tendon (body structure) P03678 Y 47170 P musculoskeletal system A95F012237F34310A047DEC7E565F3CD DF7C30E23797498AA2F5AFE9410747C1 plantaris muscle tendon Entire plantaris muscle tendon (body structure) 3679 3679 03679 tendon sheath of toe 80320009 S03679 Structure of tendon sheath of toe (body structure) E03679 229790002 Entire tendon sheath of toe (body structure) P03679 Y 45095 P musculoskeletal system 31A22291272149559C6DAE6606A5022F EF2EAAA3063B46F5BF28982747C014C5 tendon sheath of toe Entire tendon sheath of toe (body structure) 3680 3680 03680 vincula tendinum of foot 233200006 S03680 Structure of vincula tendinum of foot (body structure) E03680 61374000 Entire vincula tendinum of foot (body structure) P03680 Y 76455 P musculoskeletal system 2878F1C087624A50BA8CD914759442B7 D5EABAE3B721464BA78AE6991FC6537A vincula tendinum of foot Entire vincula tendinum of foot (body structure) 3681 3681 03681 tendon of foot 53870007 S03681 Structure of tendon of foot (body structure) E03681 245210002 Entire tendon of foot (body structure) P03681 Y P musculoskeletal system 916655355AC14C54B52D8337FFB08E3D 3DB9E36630D24925830DD09F7D930621 tendon of foot Entire tendon of foot (body structure) 3682 3682 03682 tendon of toe 68754001 S03682 Structure of tendon of toe (body structure) E03682 230087002 Entire tendon of toe (body structure) P03682 Y P musculoskeletal system 2951E3B559804C6C9336824CE1F356D5 3EE83597D093497098DE7432C7B8C2BA tendon of toe Entire tendon of toe (body structure) 3683 3683 03683 digital tendon and tendon sheath of foot 2433001 S03683 Structure of digital tendon and tendon sheath of foot (body structure) E03683 240013007 Entire digital tendon and tendon sheath of foot (body structure) P03683 Y P musculoskeletal system 7F376300C9804505AF6E215BC660ED36 16C65BF7F8FE4A0186A04C17A53C0399 digital tendon and tendon sheath of foot Entire digital tendon and tendon sheath of foot (body structure) 3684 3684 03684 tendon and tendon sheath of great toe 62054001 S03684 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of great toe (body structure) E03684 223632005 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of great toe (body structure) P03684 Y P musculoskeletal system C130944FC5E3420690E32E09DFB0FB07 EA003079DC52482ABA32A23DDDC97D7E tendon and tendon sheath of great toe Entire tendon and tendon sheath of great toe (body structure) 3685 3685 03685 tendon and tendon sheath of second toe 9261005 S03685 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of second toe (body structure) E03685 224138003 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of second toe (body structure) P03685 Y P musculoskeletal system 0F5AB5D5E88E4ECB81544ADEA78EAAFC 464CDCEF96D647B085975528A157F9CE tendon and tendon sheath of second toe Entire tendon and tendon sheath of second toe (body structure) 3686 3686 03686 tendon and tendon sheath of third toe 43502004 S03686 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of third toe (body structure) E03686 224443001 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of third toe (body structure) P03686 Y P musculoskeletal system EA541DD2FF7946118CA135D740FD0018 9B807B8BF3FD40D1B781BEA83E309711 tendon and tendon sheath of third toe Entire tendon and tendon sheath of third toe (body structure) 3687 3687 03687 skin of glans clitoridis 65469002 S03687 Skin structure of glans clitoridis (body structure) E03687 367672000 Entire skin of glans clitoridis (body structure) P03687 - 20170 D integument/surface 49383953A2F54472B967F9E4566E7716 F5937BEA84D543F58F0C0E63AF772023 Skin of glans clitoridis Entire skin of glans clitoridis (body structure) 3688 3688 03688 tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe 43330000 S03688 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe (body structure) E03688 224737004 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe (body structure) P03688 Y P musculoskeletal system BF95DB6D51FC4BA28051A45AE4238DF5 B68123BBBAC547F2B530F40EB2C55B4D tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe Entire tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe (body structure) 3689 3689 03689 tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe 41148008 S03689 Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe (body structure) E03689 225016009 Entire tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe (body structure) P03689 Y P musculoskeletal system 4599D9B8ACB04529AB37A6C0B0E5A7E1 F495996F427F4E9FB01E49565B3C9DA3 tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe Entire tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe (body structure) 3690 3690 03690 flexor tendon and tendon sheath of toe 240094002 S03690 Structure of flexor tendon and tendon sheath of toe (body structure) E03690 22444005 Entire flexor tendon and tendon sheath of toe (body structure) P03690 Y P musculoskeletal system 4B7562038F55473794DF3089858D98A0 8C2397B8F0144A07B507721FA03A3829 flexor tendon and tendon sheath of toe Entire flexor tendon and tendon sheath of toe (body structure) 3691 3691 03691 flexor tendon and tendon sheath of great toe 223734002 S03691 Structure of flexor tendon and tendon sheath of great toe (body structure) E03691 85415008 Entire flexor tendon and tendon sheath of great toe (body structure) P03691 Y P musculoskeletal system 1B57A8AB53224BF4A98594E0C3BEC484 A09AF62F6A984474866E853430F66FCC flexor tendon and tendon sheath of great toe Entire flexor tendon and tendon sheath of great toe (body structure) 3692 3692 03692 flexor tendon and tendon sheath of second toe 224240000 S03692 Structure of flexor tendon and tendon sheath of second toe (body structure) E03692 73026003 Entire flexor tendon and tendon sheath of second toe (body structure) P03692 Y P musculoskeletal system BFE75142A3F242E9808CA03B458AC3B2 CA949550DFEE427B9E2374A0BF5E2B05 flexor tendon and tendon sheath of second toe Entire flexor tendon and tendon sheath of second toe (body structure) 3693 3693 03693 flexor tendon and tendon sheath of third toe 224539003 S03693 Structure of flexor tendon and tendon sheath of third toe (body structure) E03693 84018008 Entire flexor tendon and tendon sheath of third toe (body structure) P03693 Y P musculoskeletal system 95BBE88B4473460E8595DD0A3B4F978A 61A6B9C520B144E38FC3CF6F33E97CB0 flexor tendon and tendon sheath of third toe Entire flexor tendon and tendon sheath of third toe (body structure) 3694 3694 03694 flexor tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe 224836002 S03694 Structure of flexor tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe (body structure) E03694 284007 Entire flexor tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe (body structure) P03694 Y P musculoskeletal system 4E92E65563E3498C81B3EED2B5240556 290F5A4AF8FC4B92B904D2DDD5E15D52 flexor tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe Entire flexor tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe (body structure) 3695 3695 03695 flexor tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe 225107007 S03695 Structure of flexor tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe (body structure) E03695 90903002 Entire flexor tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe (body structure) P03695 Y P musculoskeletal system EFDF8BFB57334234AF2DF950812C8A5B BF2F63C0183D4C6A9C60B4551EFAD2E1 flexor tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe Entire flexor tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe (body structure) 3696 3696 03696 extensor tendon and tendon sheath of toe 240176006 S03696 Structure of extensor tendon and tendon sheath of toe (body structure) E03696 15608002 Entire extensor tendon and tendon sheath of toe (body structure) P03696 Y P musculoskeletal system E58B0F3F74D643C49D1E06C0A31607AC 6A7D1D61AAAF46398C2741999AEA5B89 extensor tendon and tendon sheath of toe Entire extensor tendon and tendon sheath of toe (body structure) 3697 3697 03697 extensor tendon and tendon sheath of great toe 240260005 S03697 Structure of extensor tendon and tendon sheath of great toe (body structure) E03697 29752005 Entire extensor tendon and tendon sheath of great toe (body structure) P03697 Y P musculoskeletal system 02F2E6CC6DE64721A85E33F08B959EDB 439CCDD24F464837A0DBDE09CB6D7DD9 extensor tendon and tendon sheath of great toe Entire extensor tendon and tendon sheath of great toe (body structure) 3698 3698 03698 skin of prepuce of clitoris 76723005 S03698 Skin structure of prepuce of clitoris (body structure) E03698 367670008 Entire skin of prepuce of clitoris (body structure) P03698 - 27886 D integument/surface F6C773686FB44933BC69834572D236F9 BCFD8FFF7DBF46EDB074CB4CFBFD76C4 Skin of prepuce of clitoris Entire skin of prepuce of clitoris (body structure) 3699 3699 03699 extensor tendon and tendon sheath of second toe 240347001 S03699 Structure of extensor tendon and tendon sheath of second toe (body structure) E03699 60327000 Entire extensor tendon and tendon sheath of second toe (body structure) P03699 Y P musculoskeletal system FF0DA970684544F0A0A9C1D3F5FA3D25 B4C5F51ACAF04384B65BA51E02778CE7 extensor tendon and tendon sheath of second toe Entire extensor tendon and tendon sheath of second toe (body structure) 3700 3700 03700 extensor tendon and tendon sheath of third toe 240430003 S03700 Structure of extensor tendon and tendon sheath of third toe (body structure) E03700 45501008 Entire extensor tendon and tendon sheath of third toe (body structure) P03700 Y P musculoskeletal system 197607C8CBD541E4AFFD70101ADB7947 346F6F769A0C42C9AA23F1F75032C458 extensor tendon and tendon sheath of third toe Entire extensor tendon and tendon sheath of third toe (body structure) 3701 3701 03701 extensor tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe 240505004 S03701 Structure of extensor tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe (body structure) E03701 27622004 Entire extensor tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe (body structure) P03701 Y P musculoskeletal system 86E29B398F3C4802A5BD46F5361CDC8B ADD50DBD12764E1487D46C13C47214B0 extensor tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe Entire extensor tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe (body structure) 3702 3702 03702 extensor tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe 240570008 S03702 Structure of extensor tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe (body structure) E03702 4193005 Entire extensor tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe (body structure) P03702 Y P musculoskeletal system 346DC331629E49DBBD801D9A10A7F096 00009EED684F4ACC8AA5ED48B2830406 extensor tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe Entire extensor tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe (body structure) 3703 3703 03703 extracapsular ligament 27474005 S03703 Structure of extracapsular ligament (body structure) E03703 333403005 Entire extracapsular ligament (body structure) P03703 - 71391 P musculoskeletal system 2DDAF45449934D84AF9DD6D5831484A3 50EA2E9A71BD4CEDB8DD9E5BE88CD8F1 extracapsular ligament Entire extracapsular ligament (body structure) 3704 3704 03704 intracapsular ligament 74980002 S03704 Structure of intracapsular ligament (body structure) E03704 333503008 Entire intracapsular ligament (body structure) P03704 - 71389 P musculoskeletal system F686BFF77C9A43BEBD0F8800AA1C1FDE FAF438F8D81742A090965A72BB9DFF93 intracapsular ligament Entire intracapsular ligament (body structure) 3705 3705 03705 capsular ligament 28703000 S03705 Structure of capsular ligament (body structure) E03705 333595006 Entire capsular ligament (body structure) P03705 - 71390 P musculoskeletal system CDE4D5858C3A403BB2F61E24876AFFF2 B3487006D15E4B0ABEF6011A6F9FF766 capsular ligament Entire capsular ligament (body structure) 3706 3706 03706 collateral ligament 457008 S03706 Structure of collateral ligament (body structure) E03706 333689003 Entire collateral ligament (body structure) P03706 Y P musculoskeletal system EFA8E608F28A45988DE76B008989EAC5 83D56EC7BD0343088863C02394639648 collateral ligament Entire collateral ligament (body structure) 3707 3707 03707 pterygospinal ligament 45593002 S03707 Structure of pterygospinal ligament (body structure) E03707 166861004 Entire pterygospinal ligament (body structure) P03707 Y P musculoskeletal system 7FF70E9E8BE9478A96EDAF5ED72CA12F 21E32C174EA24070858B08E62AC0E5AC pterygospinal ligament Entire pterygospinal ligament (body structure) 3708 3708 03708 stylohyoid ligament 167063009 S03708 Structure of stylohyoid ligament (body structure) E03708 66275001 Entire stylohyoid ligament (body structure) P03708 Y 72308 P musculoskeletal system 1BBEED59F78D446A891598591FE0B2A8 DE2AB2DE9812440F9BAC41CE5CBD44DE stylohyoid ligament Entire stylohyoid ligament (body structure) 3709 3709 03709 skin of frenulum of clitoris 2484000 S03709 Skin structure of frenulum of clitoris (body structure) E03709 367671007 Entire skin of frenulum of clitoris (body structure) P03709 - D integument/surface E074940D33C04A38BB19FDBDB23AB71A E6630FDB8BA54E74BBC8CB7E6C9A1A68 Skin of frenulum of clitoris Entire skin of frenulum of clitoris (body structure) 3710 3710 03710 intertransverse ligament 42762008 S03710 Structure of intertransverse ligaments (body structure) E03710 244599005 Entire intertransverse ligament (body structure) P03710 Y 13426 P musculoskeletal system F94FD690D88C439BA258D9CCB2AA7751 29BBFABEA51E4E43B8E4229610EC5FDE intertransverse ligaments Entire intertransverse ligament (body structure) 3711 3711 03711 interspinous ligament 52460007 S03711 Structure of interspinous ligament (body structure) E03711 244596003 Entire interspinous ligament (body structure) P03711 - 13424 P musculoskeletal system C888F28D611B48EE9E8B67E2441F93FE 672B7A46249E4687ACCA6A1D0DFAAFCD interspinous ligament Entire interspinous ligament (body structure) 3712 3712 03712 supraspinous ligament 33154002 S03712 Structure of supraspinous ligament (body structure) E03712 244592001 Entire supraspinous ligament (body structure) P03712 - 13425 P musculoskeletal system 4770555F24024091BEBBB62B46C95FEA 629D07C8DC5B424CA288824B24EA752C supraspinous ligament Entire supraspinous ligament (body structure) 3713 3713 03713 alar ligament 55610004 S03713 Structure of alar ligaments (body structure) E03713 182360002 Entire alar ligament (body structure) P03713 Y 24919 P musculoskeletal system FB7136945A9C489F98CD0375F474218C 21FF561EB81D4C14AD161F246F4101F5 alar ligaments Entire alar ligament (body structure) 3714 3714 03714 apical ligament of odontoid process 49129006 S03714 Structure of apical ligament of odontoid process (body structure) E03714 182361003 Entire apical ligament of odontoid process (body structure) P03714 - 71441 P musculoskeletal system 0FD0618E4B8D47DAA6066090700FF2B5 7132D2FC6AAD499FB6AABF9A858B5F12 apical ligament of odontoid process Entire apical ligament of odontoid process (body structure) 3715 3715 03715 cruciate ligament of axis 68823006 S03715 Structure of cruciate ligament of axis (body structure) E03715 182362005 Entire cruciate ligament of axis (body structure) P03715 - P musculoskeletal system 9EC65585C6A9474A877AC15F6260C896 977F54767F81411984DE7432267FD3AF cruciate ligament of axis Entire cruciate ligament of axis (body structure) 3716 3716 03716 ligamentum flavum 17051003 S03716 Structure of ligamentum flavum (body structure) E03716 244598002 Entire ligamentum flavum (body structure) P03716 Y 13423 P musculoskeletal system B6AC3717380046559B368BFFB1895BF2 2824F54B1F5D4A6CA0C3D20DF044312B ligamentum flavum Entire ligamentum flavum (body structure) 3717 3717 03717 ligament of neck 72579007 S03717 Structure of ligament of neck (body structure) E03717 166962007 Entire ligament of neck (body structure) P03717 - P musculoskeletal system 6F5F22D735AC45ABB3342B7D2A52B17A D9958B22BB91419F9CB2E7E3213C31FF ligament of neck Entire ligament of neck (body structure) 3718 3718 03718 ligamentum nuchae 6404004 S03718 Structure of ligamentum nuchae (body structure) E03718 182368009 Entire ligamentum nuchae (body structure) P03718 - 13427 P musculoskeletal system 4F817C98841345C3ACE5C705AFAD331C 7DB05097469A450CA3F66A451F9EF793 ligamentum nuchae Entire ligamentum nuchae (body structure) 3719 3719 03719 ligament of lumbosacral joint 6828005 S03719 Structure of ligament of lumbosacral joint (body structure) E03719 307161002 Entire ligament of lumbosacral joint (body structure) P03719 Y P musculoskeletal system 39E1C5F11AE34001AEB86A093BD08D8A 4BC36948F4C04EE08DDF1605881B6F29 ligament of lumbosacral joint Entire ligament of lumbosacral joint (body structure) 3720 3720 03720 ligament of trunk 77638007 S03720 Structure of ligament of trunk (body structure) E03720 336609007 Entire ligament of trunk (body structure) P03720 - D 40300F5267314E88889AAB222B01010D 5A9F54C9FAE14E1088C756DBAD838A8A ligament of trunk Entire ligament of trunk (body structure) 3721 3721 03721 radiate ligament of head of rib 74502003 S03721 Structure of radiate ligament of head of rib (body structure) E03721 333786001 Entire radiate ligament of head of rib (body structure) P03721 Y 8961 P articular system 1470CE14EF0F4DC496AB8A98D456D2AC 268937E486784D2FB5E38630A05B3677 radiate ligament of head of rib Entire radiate ligament of head of rib (body structure) 3722 3722 03722 intraarticular ligament of head of rib 67703003 S03722 Structure of intraarticular ligament of head of rib (body structure) E03722 336306007 Entire intraarticular ligament of head of rib (body structure) P03722 Y 8962 P articular system 072DED0ADB5C46408E73A7B76CF4A833 81EF28273DF84467A432B6637CBABB8F intraarticular ligament of head of rib Entire intraarticular ligament of head of rib (body structure) 3723 3723 03723 superior costotransverse ligament 28892005 S03723 Structure of superior costotransverse ligament (body structure) E03723 367784008 Entire superior costotransverse ligament (body structure) P03723 Y 8958 P musculoskeletal system 2345B5A081934FEBB1237E47575361EE 589E81EB4146403E856C9AEBF29CF650 superior costotransverse ligament Entire superior costotransverse ligament (body structure) 3724 3724 03724 lateral costotransverse ligament 46632007 S03724 Structure of lateral costotransverse ligament (body structure) E03724 367785009 Entire lateral costotransverse ligament (body structure) P03724 Y 12162 P musculoskeletal system D638BC9118B146168C88B70608F4EB93 A38EB59E3C5C481589506018DDD80AFD lateral costotransverse ligament Entire lateral costotransverse ligament (body structure) 3725 3725 03725 lumbocostal ligament 78015006 S03725 Structure of lumbocostal ligament (body structure) E03725 336407002 Entire lumbocostal ligament (body structure) P03725 Y 8960 P musculoskeletal system FCDC7E8277CB42909686BF031F5B4B28 A7C3D421EBD64628AFD7E7EC2A3F4D61 lumbocostal ligament Entire lumbocostal ligament (body structure) 3726 3726 03726 intraarticular sternocostal ligament 12192001 S03726 Structure of intraarticular sternocostal ligament (body structure) E03726 333882009 Entire intraarticular sternocostal ligament (body structure) P03726 Y 8744 P musculoskeletal system 2C24C2629BB141AFB7575F11BCE38EF5 CE42A00BF3F147259C0AE0A6A6636C7C intraarticular sternocostal ligament Entire intraarticular sternocostal ligament (body structure) 3727 3727 03727 skin of glans penis 7991003 S03727 Skin structure of glans penis (body structure) E03727 244120005 Entire skin of glans penis (body structure) P03727 - 19642 D integument/surface 95DA28845FAA4B0095FEFDA794C7B42A B0156AA812884D83868C3B0D22B8E98B Skin of glans penis Entire skin of glans penis (body structure) 3728 3728 03728 sternocostal radiate ligament 86535002 S03728 Structure of sternocostal radiate ligaments (body structure) E03728 367779002 Entire sternocostal radiate ligament (body structure) P03728 Y 9024 P musculoskeletal system 8C082A421FC5413E8709BE7604621840 23BF31EB0BB04EC3B6537C2660581DE8 sternocostal radiate ligaments Entire sternocostal radiate ligament (body structure) 3729 3729 03729 costoxiphoid ligament 35982005 S03729 Structure of costoxiphoid ligaments (body structure) E03729 313059004 Entire costoxiphoid ligament (body structure) P03729 Y 9025 P musculoskeletal system 957F3FA96FF34D8BB376D2A3A72CBB5A 931EF7A939BC44BF97A84CF2C9CB0B49 costoxiphoid ligaments Entire costoxiphoid ligament (body structure) 3730 3730 03730 sternal membrane 49152005 S03730 Structure of sternal membrane (body structure) E03730 367903008 Entire sternal membrane (body structure) P03730 Y 76873 P skeletal system 100381FC31D24F2396742834AC67BF44 E019DFD79E5D4ED4A63725AD301587C8 sternal membrane Entire sternal membrane (body structure) 3731 3731 03731 ligament of sternoclavicular joint 85499001 S03731 Structure of ligament of sternoclavicular joint (body structure) E03731 182386007 Entire ligament of sternoclavicular joint (body structure) P03731 Y 63980 P skeletal system 7D3D462F132342CC919FE04FD3E2B37C FDDF867EB9594B46B7468101C72C5368 ligament of sternoclavicular joint Entire ligament of sternoclavicular joint (body structure) 3732 3732 03732 anterior sternoclavicular ligament 368166004 S03732 Structure of anterior sternoclavicular ligament (body structure) E03732 75383002 Entire anterior sternoclavicular ligament (body structure) P03732 Y 26011 P skeletal system A6DD18B162D04B8DA270CBB3D057286D D94C2E41ED7042A4B98BA6ABBD8400EE anterior sternoclavicular ligament Entire anterior sternoclavicular ligament (body structure) 3733 3733 03733 posterior sternoclavicular ligament 368167008 S03733 Structure of posterior sternoclavicular ligament (body structure) E03733 17180009 Entire posterior sternoclavicular ligament (body structure) P03733 Y 26012 P skeletal system 8EE8403D6F124023B1A8F299B25EA21C 3149DFB9CE4E43A8A76B4B26D5EE80D2 posterior sternoclavicular ligament Entire posterior sternoclavicular ligament (body structure) 3734 3734 03734 costoclavicular ligament 368168003 S03734 Structure of costoclavicular ligament (body structure) E03734 24535006 Entire costoclavicular ligament (body structure) P03734 Y 26014 P skeletal system EE59E949E2304E30936D893B073186FE 2288B7EE55144C39A5824817DE8AE7E1 costoclavicular ligament Entire costoclavicular ligament (body structure) 3735 3735 03735 interclavicular ligament 8560002 S03735 Structure of interclavicular ligament (body structure) E03735 336508009 Entire interclavicular ligament (body structure) P03735 Y 26013 P skeletal system 6270BD8589DF41BF99B9552247037BC9 3AB0234264924891BFB011EFE757A9A7 interclavicular ligament Entire interclavicular ligament (body structure) 3736 3736 03736 ligament of acromioclavicular joint 56971001 S03736 Structure of ligament of acromioclavicular joint (body structure) E03736 182387003 Entire ligament of acromioclavicular joint (body structure) P03736 Y P skeletal system 4B4AD4EFA8E9410A933849DABBA1EF5C 60C7CB1319214030A0D6162E9B59B0CE ligament of acromioclavicular joint Entire ligament of acromioclavicular joint (body structure) 3737 3737 03737 skin of corona of glans penis 36441008 S03737 Skin structure of corona of glans penis (body structure) E03737 244121009 Entire skin of corona of glans penis (body structure) P03737 - D integument/surface 0D528A7C43A640CCA47A60316E4CE8A0 51A000017FA04843B8599C059FF6B0A7 Skin of corona of glans penis Entire skin of corona of glans penis (body structure) 3738 3738 03738 acromioclavicular ligament 368169006 S03738 Structure of acromioclavicular ligament (body structure) E03738 45750000 Entire acromioclavicular ligament (body structure) P03738 Y 26026 P skeletal system CC185B296D2E41AB851276C80EC29D01 77C4FB31200B4B9F8206735774E33944 acromioclavicular ligament Entire acromioclavicular ligament (body structure) 3739 3739 03739 trapezoid ligament 8942007 S03739 Structure of trapezoid ligament (body structure) E03739 368170007 Entire trapezoid ligament (body structure) P03739 Y 26030 P skeletal system 16DF6A90E14F45A1A4FDCFEF66AE9535 214E368267D74F5D9FEF70C15638B477 trapezoid ligament Entire trapezoid ligament (body structure) 3740 3740 03740 conoid ligament 79393002 S03740 Structure of conoid ligament (body structure) E03740 368171006 Entire conoid ligament (body structure) P03740 Y 26031 P skeletal system A29FA9525CED4F33A8DF355E5BAE108F 07525FB667B0406CAF37E06EA79CF012 conoid ligament Entire conoid ligament (body structure) 3741 3741 03741 lacunar ligament 81737006 S03741 Structure of lacunar ligament (body structure) E03741 277231005 Entire lacunar ligament (body structure) P03741 Y 20184 P musculoskeletal system E89D6AEDB5A344E4A7283D2B7C05EBBF FF4AC94980DF4049888A29DB76A93461 lacunar ligament Entire lacunar ligament (body structure) 3742 3742 03742 pectineal ligament 24973002 S03742 Structure of pectineal ligament (body structure) E03742 256661003 Entire pectineal ligament (body structure) P03742 Y 20188 P musculoskeletal system 9E77623D552E49A5B97A1EBC881B1C8E 4E10D8C6F5C74DA7B9996C4E2562F475 pectineal ligament Entire pectineal ligament (body structure) 3743 3743 03743 ligamentum inguinale reflexum 91557006 S03743 Structure of ligamentum inguinale reflexum (body structure) E03743 277323003 Entire ligamentum inguinale reflexum (body structure) P03743 Y 20187 P musculoskeletal system 961323BD6BA44753ADB7C8DB280C6F02 9A00083E49684983AC61AAFF7C756A6C ligamentum inguinale reflexum Entire ligamentum inguinale reflexum (body structure) 3744 3744 03744 ligament of sacroiliac joint and pubic symphysis 8464009 S03744 Structure of ligament of sacroiliac joint and pubic symphysis (body structure) E03744 290806007 Entire ligament of sacroiliac joint and pubic symphysis (body structure) P03744 - P musculoskeletal system 372389936E9F4FA6A627E6113144FE22 5C7C71D55C9C405C89F2A5051B26064B ligament of sacroiliac joint and pubic symphysis Entire ligament of sacroiliac joint and pubic symphysis (body structure) 3745 3745 03745 sacrospinous ligament 23937003 S03745 Structure of sacrospinous ligament (body structure) E03745 304927006 Entire sacrospinous ligament (body structure) P03745 Y 21485 P musculoskeletal system F2D4B17A77B540A0B255FB21651B47BF FD5822CEA79945C6B228551EC9D0BDE4 sacrospinous ligament Entire sacrospinous ligament (body structure) 3746 3746 03746 ventral sacroiliac ligament 78413006 S03746 Structure of ventral sacroiliac ligaments (body structure) E03746 182433008 Entire ventral sacroiliac ligament (body structure) P03746 Y 21464 P musculoskeletal system EDE7F7786EE047A286B0983035EB5AD6 9CC572C457EA4D0F984724348FBE1A8A ventral sacroiliac ligaments Entire ventral sacroiliac ligament (body structure) 3747 3747 03747 interosseous sacroiliac ligament 65610002 S03747 Structure of interosseous sacroiliac ligaments (body structure) E03747 244611000 Entire interosseous sacroiliac ligament (body structure) P03747 Y 21467 P musculoskeletal system FF050F528FA84C809A1FC28FCCEFC3BD 0E3B8AFE52524E32844847464DC49B08 interosseous sacroiliac ligaments Entire interosseous sacroiliac ligament (body structure) 3748 3748 03748 dorsal sacroiliac ligament 20204009 S03748 Structure of dorsal sacroiliac ligaments (body structure) E03748 182434002 Entire dorsal sacroiliac ligament (body structure) P03748 Y 21468 P musculoskeletal system 10A1BD6B7BBF47C68EAB8B0A0CE7200B 66B3BB142349415CA7C76EED6346D21A dorsal sacroiliac ligaments Entire dorsal sacroiliac ligament (body structure) 3749 3749 03749 superior pubic ligament 113243005 S03749 Structure of superior pubic ligament (body structure) E03749 244607006 Entire superior pubic ligament (body structure) P03749 - 21489 P musculoskeletal system 82B8A222D5BC47B8A106FDBDFF08C9C5 4DF7068BBC2D49B6BDEC4189B4C480FE superior pubic ligament Entire superior pubic ligament (body structure) 3750 3750 03750 arcuate ligament of pubis 30052004 S03750 Structure of arcuate ligament of pubis (body structure) E03750 244609009 Entire arcuate ligament of pubis (body structure) P03750 - 21490 P musculoskeletal system 0E916E5AE6944099B7602933779AF4D8 29C193C476CD48338DEC00683C193AE4 arcuate ligament of pubis Entire arcuate ligament of pubis (body structure) 3751 3751 03751 transverse ligament of perineum 51761005 S03751 Structure of transverse ligament of perineum (body structure) E03751 367753006 Entire transverse ligament of perineum (body structure) P03751 Y 27686 P musculoskeletal system 90606FF41E5B4CAFA7C9C9CCA6453BF9 2B8C5AA7949D4B888727B3E68C04003C transverse ligament of perineum Entire transverse ligament of perineum (body structure) 3752 3752 03752 coracoacromial ligament 69970002 S03752 Structure of coracoacromial ligament (body structure) E03752 182389000 Entire coracoacromial ligament (body structure) P03752 Y 25943 P skeletal system 58AE2A6840C04D59966EA706A3AEDC03 B306A28A6C85413D89D4BA539B9D9D27 coracoacromial ligament Entire coracoacromial ligament (body structure) 3753 3753 03753 superior transverse scapular ligament 368172004 S03753 Structure of superior transverse scapular ligament (body structure) E03753 9646001 Entire superior transverse scapular ligament (body structure) P03753 Y 25950 P skeletal system 61199E167552418DAA6E022E5407B8C4 4D0BAA78EC8E4016BE03A111FAEF1DC7 superior transverse scapular ligament Entire superior transverse scapular ligament (body structure) 3754 3754 03754 skin of medial area of index finger 67481004 S03754 Skin structure of medial surface of index finger (body structure) E03754 368296003 Entire skin of medial surface of index finger (body structure) P03754 Y D integument/surface 549A1CD702114499AF3B7A7C9B26E0AE 80CFC3D3D8984B33BA32520FF2691083 Skin of medial surface of index finger Entire skin of medial surface of index finger (body structure) 3755 3755 03755 skin of frenulum of penis 74742006 S03755 Skin structure of frenulum of penis (body structure) E03755 367695009 Entire skin of frenulum of penis (body structure) P03755 - D integument/surface E60CDFB5CE1E461FB1DAB0390A293A89 B3F931647B864019B3A38C8895014EAA Skin of frenulum of penis Entire skin of frenulum of penis (body structure) 3756 3756 03756 inferior transverse scapular ligament 368173009 S03756 Structure of inferior transverse scapular ligament (body structure) E03756 8910001 Entire inferior transverse scapular ligament (body structure) P03756 Y 25978 P skeletal system DF65C7C9885548B18A4AF6A030F6D0A3 88FFF31871A347E1ADE707540A1C6C79 inferior transverse scapular ligament Entire inferior transverse scapular ligament (body structure) 3757 3757 03757 ligament of shoulder joint 50024002 S03757 Structure of ligament of shoulder joint (body structure) E03757 244613002 Entire ligament of shoulder joint (body structure) P03757 Y 39992 P skeletal system FB0C05D9AB164E1CBF06A9152952D08F 9E125EA77E5B4AE587102A57C32EE70C ligament of shoulder joint Entire ligament of shoulder joint (body structure) 3758 3758 03758 glenohumeral ligament 54349001 S03758 Structure of glenohumeral ligaments (body structure) E03758 182390009 Entire glenohumeral ligament (body structure) P03758 Y 34961 P skeletal system CBDB43B6B79945EBB8FDDD7B81ECD0E7 EE6CE7DB637A452EA1D1167BF527A274 glenohumeral ligaments Entire glenohumeral ligament (body structure) 3759 3759 03759 coracohumeral ligament 55578007 S03759 Structure of coracohumeral ligament (body structure) E03759 244615009 Entire coracohumeral ligament (body structure) P03759 Y 34951 P skeletal system A166E56D012743698CEE6BDF2CF20719 05B5C187FA754E508A41F396E170C33F coracohumeral ligament Entire coracohumeral ligament (body structure) 3760 3760 03760 ligament of elbow joint 87218006 S03760 Structure of ligament of elbow joint (body structure) E03760 182392001 Entire ligament of elbow joint (body structure) P03760 Y 39995 P musculoskeletal system 674415DF67054737A30D7F489208C871 892BDF574A3B408DB557FE8DBBFA157F ligament of elbow joint Entire ligament of elbow joint (body structure) 3761 3761 03761 collateral ulnar ligament of elbow 113244004 S03761 Structure of collateral ulnar ligament of elbow (body structure) E03761 304910003 Entire collateral ulnar ligament of elbow (body structure) P03761 Y 38869 P musculoskeletal system 55228467598F447EAD473B4FFAF6085B 9299124F07DA4759A9ABBE2B3CBBF5BA collateral ulnar ligament of elbow Entire collateral ulnar ligament of elbow (body structure) 3762 3762 03762 collateral radial ligament of elbow 56399000 S03762 Structure of collateral radial ligament of elbow (body structure) E03762 304911004 Entire collateral radial ligament of elbow (body structure) P03762 Y P musculoskeletal system 47705FF48BF44071A405890DAB210EC7 3B20AE057ABF4BA8B06DC14899B8B06A collateral radial ligament of elbow Entire collateral radial ligament of elbow (body structure) 3763 3763 03763 annular ligament of radius 113245003 S03763 Structure of annular ligament of radius (body structure) E03763 182394000 Entire annular ligament of radius (body structure) P03763 Y 38872 P articular system 2FFE71F12CEA4989A5570BC8AFE940AD E6C3B23C45D24C108F7A0520284920CD annular ligament of radius Entire annular ligament of radius (body structure) 3764 3764 03764 quadrate ligament of elbow 368147004 S03764 Structure of quadrate ligament of elbow (body structure) E03764 61219003 Entire quadrate ligament of elbow (body structure) P03764 Y P musculoskeletal system 73B15753AED94D439529906D4D311A35 DCCA55EF7A51434A86F622DEC5F6DF5B quadrate ligament of elbow Entire quadrate ligament of elbow (body structure) 3765 3765 03765 interosseous membrane of forearm 368145007 S03765 Structure of antebrachial interosseous membrane (body structure) E03765 72800000 Entire antebrachial interosseous membrane (body structure) P03765 Y 23706 P musculoskeletal system A438FD38336F479D9BF55FEC6595881F 03C9553448784C5DB633BC8E8980EAC5 antebrachial interosseous membrane Entire antebrachial interosseous membrane (body structure) 3766 3766 03766 chorda obliqua of elbow 368146008 S03766 Structure of chorda obliqua of elbow (body structure) E03766 59095001 Entire chorda obliqua of elbow (body structure) P03766 Y 39484 P musculoskeletal system 14FD1C1CD79541368EFAF033E6D4C460 85D250BC9F414375BEAF4CEEB6A37049 chorda obliqua of elbow Entire chorda obliqua of elbow (body structure) 3767 3767 03767 ligament of superior radioulnar joint 49855009 S03767 Structure of ligament of superior radioulnar joint (body structure) E03767 182393006 Entire ligament of superior radioulnar joint (body structure) P03767 Y P musculoskeletal system 4BB8DDE235DA4589A63608090763BB71 A58C46228FCF424EBC53F8D206F5DEB6 ligament of superior radioulnar joint Entire ligament of superior radioulnar joint (body structure) 3768 3768 03768 dorsal radiocarpal ligament 37309007 S03768 Structure of dorsal radiocarpal ligament (body structure) E03768 182401004 Entire dorsal radiocarpal ligament (body structure) P03768 Y 40001 P musculoskeletal system C05E2A6791FD4938AB0A609D5F2644FB 80D01CE6A8334CEE8F0B5EA5409E1A12 dorsal radiocarpal ligament Entire dorsal radiocarpal ligament (body structure) 3769 3769 03769 palmar radiocarpal ligament 50783004 S03769 Structure of palmar radiocarpal ligament (body structure) E03769 182399005 Entire volar radiocarpal ligament (body structure) P03769 Y 40002 P musculoskeletal system D0D763AC4B6041A08A9C69F8397F936A B32A69C55A2A40518A23E7240E2D7445 palmar radiocarpal ligament Entire volar radiocarpal ligament (body structure) 3770 3770 03770 palmar ulnocarpal ligament 49625004 S03770 Structure of palmar ulnocarpal ligament (body structure) E03770 368240005 Entire palmar ulnocarpal ligament (body structure) P03770 Y 40004 P musculoskeletal system B3C9128908D54066B92C11A2A1200B59 CBB4365D304F46A4A8EEBB049D4174AD palmar ulnocarpal ligament Entire palmar ulnocarpal ligament (body structure) 3771 3771 03771 carpal radiate ligament 69822007 S03771 Structure of carpal radiate ligament (body structure) E03771 244626003 Entire carpal radiate ligament (body structure) P03771 Y 42298 P musculoskeletal system 02B641A17D8B4546864928D31955903A A0DC8A38DC6D46F5B74116305F54DEFB carpal radiate ligament Entire carpal radiate ligament (body structure) 3772 3772 03772 collateral carpal ulnar ligament 22296005 S03772 Structure of collateral carpal ulnar ligament (body structure) E03772 182408005 Entire collateral carpal ulnar ligament (body structure) P03772 Y 40005 P musculoskeletal system 5B72377D3DCB4FAEBCC8D411E0231155 BA3FC55D1899412CA12565BB6F310866 collateral carpal ulnar ligament Entire collateral carpal ulnar ligament (body structure) 3773 3773 03773 collateral carpal radial ligament 41728005 S03773 Structure of collateral carpal radial ligament (body structure) E03773 182398002 Entire collateral carpal radial ligament (body structure) P03773 Y 40006 P musculoskeletal system FBE60CB23DE54D65A2366378D2D297FE CDADE1D373F04416840CEE53339E0C89 collateral carpal radial ligament Entire collateral carpal radial ligament (body structure) 3774 3774 03774 dorsal intercarpal ligament 53293009 S03774 Structure of dorsal intercarpal ligaments (body structure) E03774 182415002 Entire dorsal intercarpal ligament (body structure) P03774 Y 42301 P musculoskeletal system 0DA3500C74F44176B1186708E3024024 B3B3BF2E432C44A1A5F36787DFD8D502 dorsal intercarpal ligaments Entire dorsal intercarpal ligament (body structure) 3775 3775 03775 skin of cruro-scrotal fold 34918007 S03775 Skin structure of cruro-scrotal fold (body structure) E03775 367700002 Entire skin of cruro-scrotal fold (body structure) P03775 Y D integument/surface 7552A228AA044A8FAA5C7B8EE04D42E5 4E8761FD57954D76961A5D80F7C2CF0D Skin of cruro-scrotal fold Entire skin of cruro-scrotal fold (body structure) 3776 3776 03776 palmar intercarpal ligament 368242002 S03776 Structure of palmar intercarpal ligaments (body structure) E03776 182414003 Entire volar intercarpal ligament (body structure) P03776 Y 42302 P musculoskeletal system 72787BF7DFD1492E841EB589D38035C1 45417C4B80D44657BD33ECEA6E3D1615 palmar intercarpal ligaments Entire volar intercarpal ligament (body structure) 3777 3777 03777 intercarpal interosseous ligament 368243007 S03777 Structure of intercarpal interosseous ligaments (body structure) E03777 67145007 Entire intercarpal interosseous ligament (body structure) P03777 Y 42303 P musculoskeletal system 87823DF1ACBD4BB5AAE8945F76A8E50C 235AE6D51E8E454CAC5AF9417922DC81 intercarpal interosseous ligaments Entire intercarpal interosseous ligament (body structure) 3778 3778 03778 ligament of midcarpal joint 77030004 S03778 Structure of ligament of midcarpal joint (body structure) E03778 276168007 Entire ligament of midcarpal joint (body structure) P03778 Y P musculoskeletal system 74C1949F6A984B359D2A2D449E66F021 01BE18E3D5864F18ABF889A58BF3CE9E ligament of midcarpal joint Entire ligament of midcarpal joint (body structure) 3779 3779 03779 dorsal metacarpal ligament 368244001 S03779 Structure of dorsal metacarpal ligaments (body structure) E03779 3785006 Entire dorsal metacarpal ligament (body structure) P03779 Y 73150 P musculoskeletal system F689B6A5FD9847DF9A1539A4C5565FC8 23D6A2A393664DB6A7019C6D15DB4AB8 dorsal metacarpal ligaments Entire dorsal metacarpal ligament (body structure) 3780 3780 03780 palmar metacarpal ligament 368245000 S03780 Structure of palmar metacarpal ligaments (body structure) E03780 90792006 Entire palmar metacarpal ligament (body structure) P03780 Y 73151 P musculoskeletal system 4E190A9377544732B9F5F7DCD494082A 4205F3EA4474481C914D0BD189741501 palmar metacarpal ligaments Entire palmar metacarpal ligament (body structure) 3781 3781 03781 interosseous metacarpal ligament 368246004 S03781 Structure of interosseous metacarpal ligaments (body structure) E03781 57738003 Entire interosseous metacarpal ligament (body structure) P03781 Y 73152 P musculoskeletal system 6F3D38AF9E994677BA6BA108EC71DE55 9907AE8DE1EE42449FF847F64D2836DE interosseous metacarpal ligaments Entire interosseous metacarpal ligament (body structure) 3782 3782 03782 pisohamate ligament 368247008 S03782 Structure of pisohamate ligament (body structure) E03782 63252004 Entire pisohamate ligament (body structure) P03782 Y 42304 P musculoskeletal system 23E1E0FEB6054AE7A38A975EFB0009BF 75EC91DD7AE64A609EA84789275912A6 pisohamate ligament Entire pisohamate ligament (body structure) 3783 3783 03783 pisometacarpal ligament 368248003 S03783 Structure of pisometacarpal ligament (body structure) E03783 89348003 Entire pisometacarpal ligament (body structure) P03783 Y 42305 P musculoskeletal system 80026DE9A88042FA93C7A365A0A33D87 2FC88A6A5C23495D89236FAB5BB893B4 pisometacarpal ligament Entire pisometacarpal ligament (body structure) 3784 3784 03784 carpal canal 64630009 S03784 Structure of carpal canal (body structure) E03784 264448006 Entire carpal canal (body structure) P03784 Y 42352 P musculoskeletal system BD199F2E5A224EAB9588009134565594 D5F9EE3CCB7146A39145635761FB3ACA carpal canal Entire carpal canal (body structure) 3785 3785 03785 ligament of carpometacarpal joint 368249006 S03785 Structure of ligament of carpometacarpal joint (body structure) E03785 77133004 Entire ligament of carpometacarpal joint (body structure) P03785 Y 73139 P musculoskeletal system B4CEE54910D74C0B8CC64E74A687340E E81E9B7E968049339AE528397CDF083C ligament of carpometacarpal joint Entire ligament of carpometacarpal joint (body structure) 3786 3786 03786 skin of male genitalia 14225003 S03786 Skin structure of male genitalia (body structure) E03786 244115005 Entire skin of male genitalia (body structure) P03786 - D integument/surface DD52B1C3AF1340E89DD17EDBAC8076CA F4F9C88DF5D143BB88C1131E61DE350D Skin of male genitalia Entire skin of male genitalia (body structure) 3787 3787 03787 dorsal carpometacarpal ligament 368250006 S03787 Structure of dorsal carpometacarpal ligaments (body structure) E03787 76709008 Entire dorsal carpometacarpal ligament (body structure) P03787 Y 73140 P musculoskeletal system 8E96E3DA67E544B1B0D48D21DB98FFFB 13D674DA35624EC0B7A9B4485247A15A dorsal carpometacarpal ligaments Entire dorsal carpometacarpal ligament (body structure) 3788 3788 03788 palmar carpometacarpal ligament 368251005 S03788 Structure of palmar carpometacarpal ligaments (body structure) E03788 32603008 Entire palmar carpometacarpal ligament (body structure) P03788 Y 73141 P musculoskeletal system 3127BB7EC48946FB8842808167A01ACC EC898971D9784AE48B75D1439AFD507C palmar carpometacarpal ligaments Entire palmar carpometacarpal ligament (body structure) 3789 3789 03789 collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint 56103003 S03789 Structure of collateral ligaments of metacarpophalangeal joints (body structure) E03789 368252003 Entire collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint (body structure) P03789 Y 42771 P musculoskeletal system CF094D01C8C24132A2D4B991EAC22F98 E2A55D723C134AFFB01DCBDF9D4BC476 collateral ligaments of metacarpophalangeal joints Entire collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint (body structure) 3790 3790 03790 palmar ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint 44650003 S03790 Structure of palmar ligaments of metacarpophalangeal joints (body structure) E03790 368253008 Entire palmar ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint (body structure) P03790 Y 42772 P musculoskeletal system 112FD4D900DF448AB6DF7F4AE0B8A30D 1C7C364FE1084BB8BDED99E8F4E06F1F palmar ligaments of metacarpophalangeal joints Entire palmar ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint (body structure) 3791 3791 03791 deep transverse metacarpal ligament 368254002 S03791 Structure of deep transverse metacarpal ligament (body structure) E03791 35306001 Entire deep transverse metacarpal ligament (body structure) P03791 Y 42459 P musculoskeletal system 4FFC801E1FCC4EA3948579DDAF7E7943 4B1D776F2FAB45E39684CC3ED019F389 deep transverse metacarpal ligament Entire deep transverse metacarpal ligament (body structure) 3792 3792 03792 ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand 368451007 S03792 Structure of ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand (body structure) E03792 65415004 Entire ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand (body structure) P03792 Y 42769 P musculoskeletal system 4882AAC61B93476481A7052E56CE4151 C0CAC50DA50647A8AA8AAD3DEB6D4036 ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand Entire ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand (body structure) 3793 3793 03793 collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand 368452000 S03793 Structure of collateral ligaments of interphalangeal joints of hand (body structure) E03793 49336000 Entire collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand (body structure) P03793 Y 71409 P musculoskeletal system 41BCE3E1A4C14647954AFE455865CFDA CC71DED177294D3A93B30CD3A75C28CC collateral ligaments of interphalangeal joints of hand Entire collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand (body structure) 3794 3794 03794 palmar ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand 368453005 S03794 Structure of palmar ligaments of interphalangeal joints of hand (body structure) E03794 12742009 Entire palmar ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand (body structure) P03794 Y 71410 P musculoskeletal system B5562826E620488CBF4921F5AAE5C716 00FAD157F13E493FA32E88C425A722AA palmar ligaments of interphalangeal joints of hand Entire palmar ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand (body structure) 3795 3795 03795 ligament of hip joint 41987009 S03795 Structure of ligament of hip joint (body structure) E03795 182435001 Entire ligament of hip joint (body structure) P03795 Y 42868 P musculoskeletal system 46FB4A70582049C4A76979C8FFA14B6B AD5D56D1A91A4881B2AA319DDB7DC217 ligament of hip joint Entire ligament of hip joint (body structure) 3796 3796 03796 zona orbicularis of hip joint 27263004 S03796 Structure of zona orbicularis of hip joint (body structure) E03796 290099006 Entire zona orbicularis of hip joint (body structure) P03796 Y 42960 P musculoskeletal system 12760A9366BC4DC6A78C7514A2A390E3 D1CCBB10B6CA4361A071A34549137A9C zona orbicularis of hip joint Entire zona orbicularis of hip joint (body structure) 3797 3797 03797 ischiofemoral ligament 28250008 S03797 Structure of ischiofemoral ligament (body structure) E03797 182437009 Entire ischiofemoral ligament (body structure) P03797 Y 43027 P musculoskeletal system E9ED1D8FDD2243C3AE0828511D6F9AA5 C8DAC8724E8E4E9485CC45B75E5ADBE0 ischiofemoral ligament Entire ischiofemoral ligament (body structure) 3798 3798 03798 pubofemoral ligament 26788001 S03798 Structure of pubofemoral ligament (body structure) E03798 182438004 Entire pubofemoral ligament (body structure) P03798 Y 43024 P musculoskeletal system 3ECB9BA1BC2E46B39553302A42CCB2E0 71F4C6C7B1B5403F9E58A986650DF779 pubofemoral ligament Entire pubofemoral ligament (body structure) 3799 3799 03799 transverse acetabular ligament 58465009 S03799 Structure of transverse acetabular ligament (body structure) E03799 244633003 Entire transverse acetabular ligament (body structure) P03799 Y 43518 P musculoskeletal system AF8636C999874E74A4DFE56A2E654411 8942538B315B4FF488AEC97A0A15D5B8 transverse acetabular ligament Entire transverse acetabular ligament (body structure) 3800 3800 03800 ligament of the head of the femur 16563005 S03800 Structure of ligament of the head of the femur (body structure) E03800 244635005 Entire ligament of the head of the femur (body structure) P03800 Y 43235 P musculoskeletal system 774B51FE91C64A1998132486236FF216 AEE23AAC0A314580B25216EEA2AE7367 ligament of the head of the femur Entire ligament of the head of the femur (body structure) 3801 3801 03801 ligament of lower limb 27727000 S03801 Structure of ligament of lower extremity (body structure) E03801 244631001 Entire ligament of lower extremity (body structure) P03801 Y P musculoskeletal system 2BA06B6099BA4CE3B0764F569B1EA03F 8157205BC05E41D9B58DC7AA3DB23D5B ligament of lower extremity Entire ligament of lower extremity (body structure) 3802 3802 03802 ligament of knee joint 68010000 S03802 Structure of ligament of knee joint (body structure) E03802 182440009 Entire ligament of knee joint (body structure) P03802 Y 44580 P musculoskeletal system 5CEF343E8E334AA89DD5BCB19A7D5F46 8021831A1EAB4C9795337E583533FF89 ligament of knee joint Entire ligament of knee joint (body structure) 3803 3803 03803 transverse ligament of knee joint 65836007 S03803 Structure of transverse ligament of knee joint (body structure) E03803 244643000 Entire transverse ligament of knee joint (body structure) P03803 Y 44659 P musculoskeletal system 296585C5CFD0465F835FE6CBAB589F00 6E97C85DFFD445C9B967007038CF6255 transverse ligament of knee joint Entire transverse ligament of knee joint (body structure) 3804 3804 03804 cruciate ligament of knee joint 78928002 S03804 Structure of cruciate ligaments of knee joint (body structure) E03804 245934000 Entire cruciate ligament of knee joint (body structure) P03804 Y P musculoskeletal system C3171C164C9A46AE8BE579A6F0537382 5476A7B392354AB7918F63173FAD7F1D cruciate ligaments of knee joint Entire cruciate ligament of knee joint (body structure) 3805 3805 03805 skin of upper limb 371311000 S03805 Skin structure of upper extremity (body structure) E03805 244130001 Entire skin of upper extremity (body structure) P03805 Y 23101 D integument/surface 9F9323C34BB64FD3B34A920CED7A7CBF 64FC8EF0CC9E44C6BFEA7AD97195B7DE Skin of upper extremity Entire skin of upper extremity (body structure) 3806 3806 03806 anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint 895007 S03806 Structure of anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint (body structure) E03806 182443006 Entire anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint (body structure) P03806 Y 44614 P musculoskeletal system A15A96D2737449D5B2BE527F035B9161 E2B62F3498484618BB326ADD4B7FD85E anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint Entire anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint (body structure) 3807 3807 03807 posterior cruciate ligament of knee joint 16219000 S03807 Structure of posterior cruciate ligament of knee joint (body structure) E03807 182445004 Entire posterior cruciate ligament of knee joint (body structure) P03807 Y 44617 P musculoskeletal system 8E9BEBD827C14A638E9B126D3D3D295D EEC6C4C8331646478977C183410F110E posterior cruciate ligament of knee joint Entire posterior cruciate ligament of knee joint (body structure) 3808 3808 03808 oblique popliteal ligament 44466008 S03808 Structure of oblique popliteal ligament (body structure) E03808 244638007 Entire oblique popliteal ligament (body structure) P03808 Y 44582 P musculoskeletal system 716E36444B284E89B48629325930D5E0 61E119145D064F239090E4E227B3C40E oblique popliteal ligament Entire oblique popliteal ligament (body structure) 3809 3809 03809 arcuate popliteal ligament 28125001 S03809 Structure of arcuate popliteal ligament (body structure) E03809 244637002 Entire arcuate popliteal ligament (body structure) P03809 Y 44596 P musculoskeletal system 50E2846149D0495CB9123A83C70464F7 5BDF41B0E4324365B06EE4DB9DF4FE14 arcuate popliteal ligament Entire arcuate popliteal ligament (body structure) 3810 3810 03810 patellar ligament 18033002 S03810 Structure of patellar ligament (body structure) E03810 244639004 Entire patellar ligament (body structure) P03810 Y 44581 P musculoskeletal system 2758765DB6BF4A8FB2F27DA60E1E949F B9F8B45E25CA451E8C020D7DA2282745 patellar ligament Entire patellar ligament (body structure) 3811 3811 03811 medial patellar retinaculum 73343007 S03811 Structure of medial patellar retinaculum (body structure) E03811 245930009 Entire medial patellar retinaculum (body structure) P03811 Y 44587 P muscular system E54D93E4B91947F39DD80A2FE467BFB9 B80E8B154A2D424EA1CB90C02D8F1875 medial patellar retinaculum Entire medial patellar retinaculum (body structure) 3812 3812 03812 lateral patellar retinaculum 76758007 S03812 Structure of lateral patellar retinaculum (body structure) E03812 245929004 Entire lateral patellar retinaculum (body structure) P03812 Y 44590 P muscular system 07C90C34005B4CD2B3476E7AD17E99CF 20B268A292944590AED0E4D32814BC3C lateral patellar retinaculum Entire lateral patellar retinaculum (body structure) 3813 3813 03813 medial collateral ligament of knee joint 1627004 S03813 Structure of medial collateral ligament of knee joint (body structure) E03813 182441008 Entire medial collateral ligament of knee joint (body structure) P03813 Y 305650 P musculoskeletal system C5F5E1822F60407481A8A93EC7710967 7A100497978543DEA72E5277706BF664 medial collateral ligament of knee joint Entire medial collateral ligament of knee joint (body structure) 3814 3814 03814 lateral collateral ligament of knee joint 39959004 S03814 Structure of lateral collateral ligament of knee joint (body structure) E03814 182442001 Entire lateral collateral ligament of knee joint (body structure) P03814 Y P musculoskeletal system E3A713CBB2364328ADF1076D92CB6DC3 5ECC11C1BF5D4620974FE19744579500 lateral collateral ligament of knee joint Entire lateral collateral ligament of knee joint (body structure) 3815 3815 03815 intraarticular ligament of knee joint 79562002 S03815 Structure of intraarticular ligament of knee joint (body structure) E03815 211688005 Entire intraarticular ligament of knee joint (body structure) P03815 Y P musculoskeletal system 43836D62FB1B40F0B9A80D494147BB7B 6358E037F75E43ACB31587CE92BA7724 intraarticular ligament of knee joint Entire intraarticular ligament of knee joint (body structure) 3816 3816 03816 meniscofemoral ligament 81062000 S03816 Structure of meniscofemoral ligament (body structure) E03816 245938002 Entire meniscofemoral ligament (body structure) P03816 Y 44635 P musculoskeletal system 089B86D0EADE4162898C8CF9E2B64867 F0BC9BE1E5C24D09AC25234D9742F518 meniscofemoral ligament Entire meniscofemoral ligament (body structure) 3817 3817 03817 anterior meniscofemoral ligament 76264001 S03817 Structure of anterior meniscofemoral ligament (body structure) E03817 245939005 Entire anterior meniscofemoral ligament (body structure) P03817 Y 76854 P musculoskeletal system 6382721AF4E74CAFAA168B201D1F1110 121B2D860AFA4FD6BB7BCEDD0AD01FD1 anterior meniscofemoral ligament Entire anterior meniscofemoral ligament (body structure) 3818 3818 03818 posterior meniscofemoral ligament 12880004 S03818 Structure of posterior meniscofemoral ligament (body structure) E03818 245940007 Entire posterior meniscofemoral ligament (body structure) P03818 Y 76855 P musculoskeletal system 77249EF8AA6C40019E6AAB7C66F92582 D87D9CB99053445DACE7691331BF9F8B posterior meniscofemoral ligament Entire posterior meniscofemoral ligament (body structure) 3819 3819 03819 ligament of proximal tibiofibular joint 50692009 S03819 Structure of ligament of proximal tibiofibular joint (body structure) E03819 313063006 Entire ligament of proximal tibiofibular joint (body structure) P03819 Y P musculoskeletal system 4DAA5E73B0D54B9C8DAE6C526772A55C 76A461FA7C0849DEBE3A3E8706B76EB4 ligament of proximal tibiofibular joint Entire ligament of proximal tibiofibular joint (body structure) 3820 3820 03820 anterior ligament of head of fibula 302774007 S03820 Structure of anterior ligament of head of fibula (body structure) E03820 7507003 Entire anterior ligament of head of fibula (body structure) P03820 Y 76857 P musculoskeletal system 892C4DA07E7B40AA9BCF7F3B36D83CF5 D0DAB6BFC8CC43FABAA698F6A31AE5FE anterior ligament of head of fibula Entire anterior ligament of head of fibula (body structure) 3821 3821 03821 posterior ligament of head of fibula 302825003 S03821 Structure of posterior ligament of head of fibula (body structure) E03821 87951009 Entire posterior ligament of head of fibula (body structure) P03821 Y 76858 P musculoskeletal system B3E20C9113574D6698EC1CFED08A928B DA4958AFB8C54803A2CC7123EC189C72 posterior ligament of head of fibula Entire posterior ligament of head of fibula (body structure) 3822 3822 03822 interosseous membrane of leg 80111005 S03822 Structure of interosseous membrane of leg (body structure) E03822 182410007 Entire interosseous membrane of leg (body structure) P03822 Y 35187 P musculoskeletal system 87A1CCA990D54D7590787D101F091B64 637C852582EB43ABAAA98878641795A5 interosseous membrane of leg Entire interosseous membrane of leg (body structure) 3823 3823 03823 dorsal tarsal ligament 233295006 S03823 Structure of dorsal tarsal ligaments (body structure) E03823 76429008 Entire dorsal tarsal ligament (body structure) P03823 Y 44210 P musculoskeletal system B9F40328A464497EA877E01118F83F75 05ECCDF685E947109D6F18E5E65F53EB dorsal tarsal ligaments Entire dorsal tarsal ligament (body structure) 3824 3824 03824 talonavicular ligament 19177003 S03824 Structure of talonavicular ligament (body structure) E03824 232725006 Entire talonavicular ligament (body structure) P03824 Y 44213 P musculoskeletal system B1888CFA59444D2994431B46EF433442 8A35479FD9AC4A75AF89309DEEA449DF talonavicular ligament Entire talonavicular ligament (body structure) 3825 3825 03825 dorsal intercuneiform ligament 6606008 S03825 Structure of dorsal intercuneiform ligaments (body structure) E03825 232465006 Entire dorsal intercuneiform ligament (body structure) P03825 Y 44214 P musculoskeletal system BD6762D651E640E294CFE647A4CB629A 9374007257D84E06A25BD53280626BC5 dorsal intercuneiform ligaments Entire dorsal intercuneiform ligament (body structure) 3826 3826 03826 sulci cutis 27170006 S03826 Structure of sulci cutis (body structure) E03826 320501002 Entire sulci cutis (body structure) P03826 - P integumentary system B823C0571FE442C2800C602918082FAB 18D2C40AC8F44795920F89267D4DA30E sulci cutis Entire sulci cutis (body structure) 3827 3827 03827 dorsal cuneocuboidal ligament 25078001 S03827 Structure of dorsal cuneocuboidal ligament (body structure) E03827 232218003 Entire dorsal cuneocuboidal ligament (body structure) P03827 Y P musculoskeletal system DA2BF9A952984A6EADE4D8DCE8855404 6FADA2E2384843F091EE2F41F334845F dorsal cuneocuboidal ligament Entire dorsal cuneocuboidal ligament (body structure) 3828 3828 03828 dorsal cuboidonavicular ligament 63046007 S03828 Structure of dorsal cuboidonavicular ligament (body structure) E03828 232047004 Entire dorsal cuboidonavicular ligament (body structure) P03828 Y P musculoskeletal system 4DEB1EE98754422AA82F8131E9BDE548 1AAA8A932FC7473287CB74713358478D dorsal cuboidonavicular ligament Entire dorsal cuboidonavicular ligament (body structure) 3829 3829 03829 bifurcated ligament 84441005 S03829 Structure of bifurcated ligament (body structure) E03829 182461002 Entire bifurcated ligament (body structure) P03829 Y 44216 P musculoskeletal system 254C30393DE84CD2808F381CF37D622B DC0886DB0C0542F6A9056C083F55D72D bifurcated ligament Entire bifurcated ligament (body structure) 3830 3830 03830 calcaneonavicular ligament 65681008 S03830 Structure of calcaneonavicular ligament (body structure) E03830 232818005 Entire calcaneonavicular ligament (body structure) P03830 Y 44233 P musculoskeletal system 5662D81937E0471B97DE8DDDCF908F01 158F6BA2519F4873B8D8D40981DEFC00 calcaneonavicular ligament Entire calcaneonavicular ligament (body structure) 3831 3831 03831 calcaneocuboidal ligament 9512009 S03831 Structure of calcaneocuboidal ligament (body structure) E03831 232914006 Entire calcaneocuboidal ligament (body structure) P03831 Y 44234 P musculoskeletal system 1BBD12089EE04D7E98225F3072E06CDE 065398C6242649C0A7A83775AD57CE86 calcaneocuboidal ligament Entire calcaneocuboidal ligament (body structure) 3832 3832 03832 dorsal cuneonavicular ligament 37652000 S03832 Structure of dorsal cuneonavicular ligaments (body structure) E03832 231731006 Entire dorsal cuneonavicular ligament (body structure) P03832 Y 44239 P musculoskeletal system 7AF83F4130CA4658829210BCE787FC45 9586F027912F41DE80600ADEE4F55BEA dorsal cuneonavicular ligaments Entire dorsal cuneonavicular ligament (body structure) 3833 3833 03833 ligament of distal tibiofibular joint 87183004 S03833 Structure of ligament of distal tibiofibular joint (body structure) E03833 244644006 Entire ligament of distal tibiofibular joint (body structure) P03833 Y P skeletal system 72DC399BE95A4B49B10D44B6616D9523 DB039945832B4E64B8DF5A3B5F142782 ligament of distal tibiofibular joint Entire ligament of distal tibiofibular joint (body structure) 3834 3834 03834 anterior tibiofibular ligament 33718005 S03834 Structure of anterior tibiofibular ligament (body structure) E03834 313127008 Entire anterior tibiofibular ligament (body structure) P03834 Y 76852 P skeletal system 1C4875E5EB814E1B9BE721F41AA550F8 3433CF869FA54EFEAC12AE7EC1414F84 anterior tibiofibular ligament Entire anterior tibiofibular ligament (body structure) 3835 3835 03835 posterior tibiofibular ligament 41631004 S03835 Structure of posterior tibiofibular ligament (body structure) E03835 313126004 Entire posterior tibiofibular ligament (body structure) P03835 Y 76853 P skeletal system 82295CB58BE14F72BDB898B749D0FC3D BB59F36AFEE34C8B9B4073FE3716F00E posterior tibiofibular ligament Entire posterior tibiofibular ligament (body structure) 3836 3836 03836 cleavage lines of skin 19537004 S03836 Structure of cleavage lines of skin (body structure) E03836 321185007 Entire cleavage lines of skin (body structure) P03836 - P integumentary system 5B2F26F612974BE8BAA9A9D8A97C052A E4D402A226664B1BB41C9C576EC7957B cleavage lines of skin Entire cleavage lines of skin (body structure) 3837 3837 03837 plantar tarsal ligament 233387009 S03837 Structure of plantar tarsal ligaments (body structure) E03837 7498002 Entire plantar tarsal ligament (body structure) P03837 Y 44245 P musculoskeletal system 9F6A8CE1AB8C4734BB56CF7B53B5DBF5 7A21208A92C4479890F9BF990B8FAEFF plantar tarsal ligaments Entire plantar tarsal ligament (body structure) 3838 3838 03838 long plantar ligament 10655005 S03838 Structure of long plantar ligament (body structure) E03838 182463004 Entire long plantar ligament (body structure) P03838 Y 44248 P musculoskeletal system BCFFA34369034E3E97EF3BF86000938F A5BD926E10A8409E8EF0F97D06BC00B0 long plantar ligament Entire long plantar ligament (body structure) 3839 3839 03839 plantar calcaneocuboidal ligament 233012000 S03839 Structure of plantar calcaneocuboidal ligament (body structure) E03839 7384006 Entire plantar calcaneocuboidal ligament (body structure) P03839 Y P musculoskeletal system A20C3E35CEC24ADF94A20FEAF61A4B0D CE0ADABDCBB54D13A44958091235D8A3 plantar calcaneocuboidal ligament Entire plantar calcaneocuboidal ligament (body structure) 3840 3840 03840 plantar calcaneonavicular ligament 67755002 S03840 Structure of plantar calcaneonavicular ligament (body structure) E03840 182460001 Entire plantar calcaneonavicular ligament (body structure) P03840 Y 44254 P musculoskeletal system 99EBC6B1A974410CA65C5504E00D31B2 CB5B965A3C9B4423AD3EEB861EEF5720 plantar calcaneonavicular ligament Entire plantar calcaneonavicular ligament (body structure) 3841 3841 03841 plantar cuneonavicular ligament 67660009 S03841 Structure of plantar cuneonavicular ligament (body structure) E03841 231811001 Entire plantar cuneonavicular ligament (body structure) P03841 Y 44257 P musculoskeletal system 4A7649D93B224AB0B249B93E669B54D9 B179EC7D32344A22AC59D00A9E31DA57 plantar cuneonavicular ligament Entire plantar cuneonavicular ligament (body structure) 3842 3842 03842 plantar cuboidonavicular ligament 53079009 S03842 Structure of plantar cuboidonavicular ligament (body structure) E03842 232130002 Entire plantar cuboidonavicular ligament (body structure) P03842 Y P musculoskeletal system 226AD08510E24191BEFB2FD628E252AA EA21B7C83C3C4318948CD9005AFC1227 plantar cuboidonavicular ligament Entire plantar cuboidonavicular ligament (body structure) 3843 3843 03843 plantar intercuneiform ligament 29641007 S03843 Structure of plantar intercuneiform ligaments (body structure) E03843 232545001 Entire plantar intercuneiform ligament (body structure) P03843 Y 44263 P musculoskeletal system 24EE41D34F9F4A1E9EBF781A7D2CBEA9 1896E1A6BC974AF3A191C109C964BAF1 plantar intercuneiform ligaments Entire plantar intercuneiform ligament (body structure) 3844 3844 03844 plantar cuneocuboidal ligament 21432005 S03844 Structure of plantar cuneocuboidal ligament (body structure) E03844 232296000 Entire plantar cuneocuboidal ligament (body structure) P03844 Y P musculoskeletal system 52BF261027A8418F91A34B851A661705 8928C5C536A245B48A013A104507821C plantar cuneocuboidal ligament Entire plantar cuneocuboidal ligament (body structure) 3845 3845 03845 ligament of ankle joint 67211007 S03845 Structure of ligament of ankle joint (body structure) E03845 182453007 Entire ligament of ankle joint (body structure) P03845 Y 44058 P musculoskeletal system 651855F2568646BF98151380864DDC2D D2283962B0274CD5AF4BD8E6E71E6870 ligament of ankle joint Entire ligament of ankle joint (body structure) 3846 3846 03846 tension lines of skin 49294001 S03846 Structure of tension lines of skin (body structure) E03846 321282004 Entire tension lines of skin (body structure) P03846 - P integumentary system 5BD226877A1349F49D27EE498EA1E164 9F4DDC6452F041A296199E28167AD0BE tension lines of skin Entire tension lines of skin (body structure) 3847 3847 03847 tibionavicular part of medial ligament of talocrural joint 13318003 S03847 Structure of tibionavicular part of medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) E03847 242672003 Entire tibionavicular part of medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) P03847 Y P skeletal system 3735BA64FE2F42DDA8943133FCB6E4EF 6DC0CB8C120F429C9A9049EAC015D044 tibionavicular part of medial ligament of talocrural joint Entire tibionavicular part of medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) 3848 3848 03848 tibiocalcaneal part of medial ligament of talocrural joint 34542001 S03848 Structure of tibiocalcaneal part of medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) E03848 242775006 Entire tibiocalcaneal part of medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) P03848 Y P skeletal system D0D77E04A98047F197B0CE6189EBCFD3 925A21FE2613449DAEF38C13B23B5755 tibiocalcaneal part of medial ligament of talocrural joint Entire tibiocalcaneal part of medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) 3849 3849 03849 anterior tibiotalar part of medial ligament of talocrural joint 70239006 S03849 Structure of anterior tibiotalar part of medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) E03849 242877007 Entire anterior tibiotalar part of medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) P03849 Y P skeletal system 39D19240C0EB4058991E05009E0A4118 DC1E6541E1804BF5AEFECB8B0E0D9C42 anterior tibiotalar part of medial ligament of talocrural joint Entire anterior tibiotalar part of medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) 3850 3850 03850 posterior tibiotalar part of medial ligament of talocrural joint 65901007 S03850 Structure of posterior tibiotalar part of medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) E03850 242979009 Entire posterior tibiotalar part of medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) P03850 Y P skeletal system CD40059454A44ED7AE73C46A26F0E1EC C7C473880C674C818F78E41898182D01 posterior tibiotalar part of medial ligament of talocrural joint Entire posterior tibiotalar part of medial ligament of talocrural joint (body structure) 3851 3851 03851 anterior talofibular ligament 14719001 S03851 Structure of anterior talofibular ligament (body structure) E03851 242467001 Entire anterior talofibular ligament (body structure) P03851 Y 44083 P skeletal system 177B547590CA432A93E45ADD45E6447C 297012E1F6B24DF580F0D88DDC21FBFB anterior talofibular ligament Entire anterior talofibular ligament (body structure) 3852 3852 03852 posterior talofibular ligament 30528002 S03852 Structure of posterior talofibular ligament (body structure) E03852 242570004 Entire posterior talofibular ligament (body structure) P03852 Y 44084 P skeletal system 3E0AB24D409D4569930C2E27DD4A95EE A46A7A3A6C6242CF9BF63357078AB4BC posterior talofibular ligament Entire posterior talofibular ligament (body structure) 3853 3853 03853 calcaneofibular ligament 18206006 S03853 Structure of calcaneofibular ligament (body structure) E03853 244650001 Entire calcaneofibular ligament (body structure) P03853 Y 44089 P skeletal system D940C45613514391B47B1DB164A43837 28A7994D75314893987B0C13F501A45A calcaneofibular ligament Entire calcaneofibular ligament (body structure) 3854 3854 03854 ligament of talocalcaneonavicular joint 52007002 S03854 Structure of ligament of talocalcaneonavicular joint (body structure) E03854 233107004 Entire ligament of talocalcaneonavicular joint (body structure) P03854 Y P musculoskeletal system 5B09D92663734C14B5574DA9FA9A1C87 7D0F73E90C2E4FABB1AC2E4C3A299647 ligament of talocalcaneonavicular joint Entire ligament of talocalcaneonavicular joint (body structure) 3855 3855 03855 lateral talocalcaneal ligament 77156008 S03855 Structure of lateral talocalcaneal ligament (body structure) E03855 231890004 Entire lateral talocalcaneal ligament (body structure) P03855 Y 44284 P musculoskeletal system ED8FA29EA3C244D29C8634F9C784D098 B9EA98479D6F448095A721E20BC4944C lateral talocalcaneal ligament Entire lateral talocalcaneal ligament (body structure) 3856 3856 03856 medial talocalcaneal ligament 54011007 S03856 Structure of medial talocalcaneal ligament (body structure) E03856 231965000 Entire medial talocalcaneal ligament (body structure) P03856 Y 44285 P musculoskeletal system 14E7138F219F45F890FCEC994AC57439 2F0DC1AF233D49DC9D076976473327CB medial talocalcaneal ligament Entire medial talocalcaneal ligament (body structure) 3857 3857 03857 skin of area between index and middle fingers 37579005 S03857 Structure of skin between second and third fingers (body structure) E03857 368399008 Entire skin between second and third fingers (body structure) P03857 Y P integumentary system 7E2D1C5F77C047C8BC5F83383FA604D3 DA980F4BA73F40FC91783B4E87D547FA skin between second and third fingers Entire skin between second and third fingers (body structure) 3858 3858 03858 cristae cutis 105579006 S03858 Structure of cristae cutis (body structure) E03858 320601009 Entire cristae cutis (body structure) P03858 - 71013 P integumentary system 68FF6BF60A25496989F2E9B273DB33BB A814F8EBF5CE42629E364C1EA9D5DC59 cristae cutis Entire cristae cutis (body structure) 3859 3859 03859 interosseous ligament of ankle 243079002 S03859 Structure of interosseous ligaments of ankle (body structure) E03859 44281000 Entire interosseous ligament of ankle (body structure) P03859 Y P musculoskeletal system 217254E6A51942F98966226AA6EA2144 FC49607A5DDF4B368238C92C79FF4E2D interosseous ligaments of ankle Entire interosseous ligament of ankle (body structure) 3860 3860 03860 interosseous talocalcaneal ligament 243173004 S03860 Structure of interosseous talocalcaneal ligament (body structure) E03860 86722008 Entire interosseous talocalcaneal ligament (body structure) P03860 Y 44199 P musculoskeletal system 56D5E6C5373D4A4089E3B58A3F79C534 B6F965A222DB4DFD90B5D9239739ABA3 interosseous talocalcaneal ligament Entire interosseous talocalcaneal ligament (body structure) 3861 3861 03861 interosseous cuneocuboidal ligament 26279006 S03861 Structure of interosseous cuneocuboidal ligament (body structure) E03861 232382009 Entire interosseous cuneocuboidal ligament (body structure) P03861 Y P musculoskeletal system CE5016E1371F47DA8FF3B6697EE2752D 908FEB99223A4A9A86FF47F66B69B2BB interosseous cuneocuboidal ligament Entire interosseous cuneocuboidal ligament (body structure) 3862 3862 03862 interosseous intercuneiform ligament 51710000 S03862 Structure of interosseous intercuneiform ligaments (body structure) E03862 232630001 Entire interosseous intercuneiform ligament (body structure) P03862 Y 44207 P musculoskeletal system D5FC564C3A1B46E58BD8F54CCEE48FBA D6C1A9A4C056492096C069420778ED7E interosseous intercuneiform ligaments Entire interosseous intercuneiform ligament (body structure) 3863 3863 03863 ligament of midtarsal joint 47246007 S03863 Structure of ligament of midtarsal joint (body structure) E03863 182459006 Entire ligament of midtarsal joint (body structure) P03863 Y P musculoskeletal system 06C60E13662B473AA6D44C09CE34616B CBF07EF477264959B034BA897781EACC ligament of midtarsal joint Entire ligament of midtarsal joint (body structure) 3864 3864 03864 ligament of tarsometatarsal joint 51193008 S03864 Structure of ligament of tarsometatarsal joint (body structure) E03864 182466007 Entire ligament of tarsometatarsal joint (body structure) P03864 Y 44269 P musculoskeletal system 30B303257F7545159E74572DEB2FC587 FE16CE85AE3F4BA49D1C81EC9C03E5BC ligament of tarsometatarsal joint Entire ligament of tarsometatarsal joint (body structure) 3865 3865 03865 dorsal tarsometatarsal ligament 233474004 S03865 Structure of dorsal tarsometatarsal ligaments (body structure) E03865 87508002 Entire dorsal tarsometatarsal ligament (body structure) P03865 Y 44270 P musculoskeletal system B1968A36B54343F69577ED35FAC1F5B7 F90812E574B64FA188D7D694A01136BD dorsal tarsometatarsal ligaments Entire dorsal tarsometatarsal ligament (body structure) 3866 3866 03866 plantar tarsometatarsal ligament 233566003 S03866 Structure of plantar tarsometatarsal ligaments (body structure) E03866 33735009 Entire plantar tarsometatarsal ligament (body structure) P03866 Y 44271 P musculoskeletal system 85E6F4F2FF254173BDB2969C326744F7 E3E901C047FC410994B819AEEC78C5F2 plantar tarsometatarsal ligaments Entire plantar tarsometatarsal ligament (body structure) 3867 3867 03867 interosseous cuneometatarsal ligament 233654001 S03867 Structure of interosseous cuneometatarsal ligaments (body structure) E03867 51712008 Entire interosseous cuneometatarsal ligament (body structure) P03867 Y 44272 P musculoskeletal system 6517C49EECEF4283AFBDA56910CCEBAD 6256E437D0D14C0DB7851DB3E9C469A6 interosseous cuneometatarsal ligaments Entire interosseous cuneometatarsal ligament (body structure) 3868 3868 03868 dermatoglyphic patterns 42235004 S03868 Structure of dermatoglyphic patterns (body structure) E03868 314292007 Entire dermatoglyphic patterns (body structure) P03868 Y P integumentary system AF9A77A11FBE4F70AB340614102CCB2D 25457C0865384939B5CAD916BA1C2F8F dermatoglyphic patterns Entire dermatoglyphic patterns (body structure) 3869 3869 03869 lateral ligament of ankle joint 71310002 S03869 Structure of lateral ligament of ankle joint (body structure) E03869 182454001 Entire lateral ligament of ankle joint (body structure) P03869 Y 44076 P skeletal system 5F9C84F6EA27460FA9F416071F170D5E 10AA53FBF5E84CABBAEBEF6F54F693B6 lateral ligament of ankle joint Entire lateral ligament of ankle joint (body structure) 3870 3870 03870 ligament of metatarsophalangeal joint 49720000 S03870 Structure of ligament of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) E03870 244652009 Entire ligament of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P03870 Y 44508 P musculoskeletal system 454808E3CF0F4FFFAC93D03DE38EAA92 C36ECBF67D0F457EAF6756109E19D6B1 ligament of metatarsophalangeal joint Entire ligament of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 3871 3871 03871 collateral ligament of metatarsophalangeal joint 228964002 S03871 Structure of collateral ligaments of metatarsophalangeal joints (body structure) E03871 56178008 Entire collateral ligament of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P03871 Y P musculoskeletal system 880798541D954F158547190CDF0838AE 5C7A08D38FFF4AC692D9594D7415BA73 collateral ligaments of metatarsophalangeal joints Entire collateral ligament of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 3872 3872 03872 plantar ligament of metatarsophalangeal joint 229046001 S03872 Structure of plantar ligaments of metatarsophalangeal joints (body structure) E03872 16801000 Entire plantar ligament of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P03872 Y 71425 P musculoskeletal system 9EF193B32C204D888D1FDE4CB4551D51 235A3FC5697C49758E0722A2765F286B plantar ligaments of metatarsophalangeal joints Entire plantar ligament of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 3873 3873 03873 deep transverse metatarsal ligament 233803003 S03873 Structure of deep transverse metatarsal ligament (body structure) E03873 81163007 Entire deep transverse metatarsal ligament (body structure) P03873 Y 44490 P musculoskeletal system 454860AF07B3474982A25C8D5D79A4FE E20113F197454145BFB097E8ECBB6655 deep transverse metatarsal ligament Entire deep transverse metatarsal ligament (body structure) 3874 3874 03874 metatarsal ligament 233732005 S03874 Structure of metatarsal ligament (body structure) E03874 91126001 Entire metatarsal ligament (body structure) P03874 Y P musculoskeletal system 9C33526B057C4D92A13FC506D2EC55F2 83F559A8B0464068B84EBCBEE472E843 metatarsal ligament Entire metatarsal ligament (body structure) 3875 3875 03875 interosseous metatarsal ligament 233876007 S03875 Structure of interosseous metatarsal ligaments (body structure) E03875 86418004 Entire interosseous metatarsal ligament (body structure) P03875 Y 71421 P musculoskeletal system 217A7600EF6B47A78F509E421E560D84 6638A41D9E7041B8977FF0D55A0EBDB6 interosseous metatarsal ligaments Entire interosseous metatarsal ligament (body structure) 3876 3876 03876 interosseous metatarsal space 84982003 S03876 Structure of interosseous metatarsal spaces (body structure) E03876 236473000 Entire interosseous metatarsal spaces (body structure) P03876 Y P 7031290BB1484BF9967A921559841C23 CCC4DC7D59E54E49842351C94332E185 interosseous metatarsal spaces Entire interosseous metatarsal spaces (body structure) 3877 3877 03877 ligament of interphalangeal joint of foot 63587003 S03877 Structure of ligament of interphalangeal joint of foot (body structure) E03877 244653004 Entire ligament of interphalangeal joint of foot (body structure) P03877 Y P musculoskeletal system A951A0A6696148D7839DDD6FDE2EEBF0 66EB797BFA554859AAE445512EC8BEEC ligament of interphalangeal joint of foot Entire ligament of interphalangeal joint of foot (body structure) 3878 3878 03878 collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of foot 34691003 S03878 Structure of collateral ligaments of interphalangeal joints of foot (body structure) E03878 276162008 Entire collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of foot (body structure) P03878 Y 71426 P musculoskeletal system 401F2B77B0F04560AED36DDFB4EC4089 EC0E9773EDA14C6B9477F3EC977FEF1F collateral ligaments of interphalangeal joints of foot Entire collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of foot (body structure) 3879 3879 03879 capillary of skin 49094006 S03879 Structure of capillary of skin (body structure) E03879 320700003 Entire capillary of skin (body structure) P03879 - P cardiovascular system E3AF2C21D302488B92FB477869FBBA6F 6968268C100E47DB87E21A250B4050EC capillary of skin Entire capillary of skin (body structure) 3880 3880 03880 plantar ligament of interphalangeal joint of foot 229146004 S03880 Structure of plantar ligaments of interphalangeal joints of foot (body structure) E03880 31843003 Entire plantar ligament of interphalangeal joint of foot (body structure) P03880 Y 71427 P musculoskeletal system F3C074C457BB4E30B0FE728B5F0E895F F7E53684660647BFA7684879C9557AD2 plantar ligaments of interphalangeal joints of foot Entire plantar ligament of interphalangeal joint of foot (body structure) 3881 3881 03881 thoracolumbar fascia 317949002 S03881 Structure of thoracolumbar fascia (body structure) E03881 78298001 Entire thoracolumbar fascia (body structure) P03881 - 25072 P musculoskeletal system 871A719FEA0C4757BAB9BA16EA5419ED A4260350F1374273A39059135D1EE90A thoracolumbar fascia Entire thoracolumbar fascia (body structure) 3882 3882 03882 nuchal fascia 178007007 S03882 Structure of nuchal fascia (body structure) E03882 34973005 Entire nuchal fascia (body structure) P03882 - 76867 P musculoskeletal system D634E886A34F4542AFDE26947D8F92B1 3F7F8BC5E2D14450B55A7AB7DE9C1E63 nuchal fascia Entire nuchal fascia (body structure) 3883 3883 03883 fascia of head, orbit and neck 72276004 S03883 Structure of fascia of head, orbit AND/OR neck (body structure) E03883 276163003 Entire fascia of head, orbit AND/OR neck (body structure) P03883 - 76871 P musculoskeletal system F1DB8E0E0A0E4F399822A483B17E6A75 94695352248F4DD3B4643B4FFFE8ED8C fascia of head, orbit AND/OR neck Entire fascia of head, orbit AND/OR neck (body structure) 3884 3884 03884 buccopharyngeal fascia 178104002 S03884 Structure of buccopharyngeal fascia (body structure) E03884 11615002 Entire buccopharyngeal fascia (body structure) P03884 - 55078 P musculoskeletal system 019ADE2A99C44CCEBE00A0A1E04A3FE3 7FBFFCBED36E47FD8FB23D4F7F6A8ECD buccopharyngeal fascia Entire buccopharyngeal fascia (body structure) 3885 3885 03885 galea aponeurotica 52719001 S03885 Structure of galea aponeurotica (body structure) E03885 368677009 Entire galea aponeurotica (body structure) P03885 Y 46768 P musculoskeletal system D83E53EEE3944CF09B17C262FB94CDBA 33FA3289989C415FB75BA02E000D99C8 galea aponeurotica Entire galea aponeurotica (body structure) 3886 3886 03886 parotid fascia 178194005 S03886 Structure of parotid fascia (body structure) E03886 85264002 Entire parotid fascia (body structure) P03886 Y 76862 P musculoskeletal system 3DD42A800B6E40E1B5F919F11C755A16 ECB61D6619FC43948669D7E0B5F6C07E parotid fascia Entire parotid fascia (body structure) 3887 3887 03887 skin fat 16220006 S03887 Structure of skin fat (body structure) E03887 320898005 Entire skin fat (body structure) P03887 - P integumentary system 366B6BF66F5C42FC8E673855979B5AE2 0FE2C82C018143238DA51DE88C73D704 skin fat Entire skin fat (body structure) 3888 3888 03888 superficial layer of temporal fascia 82102003 S03888 Structure of superficial layer of temporal fascia (body structure) E03888 368672003 Entire superficial layer of temporal fascia (body structure) P03888 Y 76864 P musculoskeletal system C0AEABA7F3A145DCA2D40233895287B1 9DE1A297336A4F3592E56FD15C2FC2FC superficial layer of temporal fascia Entire superficial layer of temporal fascia (body structure) 3889 3889 03889 deep layer of temporal fascia 58619002 S03889 Structure of deep layer of temporal fascia (body structure) E03889 368673008 Entire deep layer of temporal fascia (body structure) P03889 Y 76865 P musculoskeletal system FC541AFC13A14045ADCCD6DFFA455CA5 E6DCD04BF22F4753B605BFEE0338CB0F deep layer of temporal fascia Entire deep layer of temporal fascia (body structure) 3890 3890 03890 superficial layer of cervical fascia 29490003 S03890 Structure of superficial layer of cervical fascia (body structure) E03890 175208005 Entire superficial layer of cervical fascia (body structure) P03890 - 57805 P musculoskeletal system 3801DAC8740547E0B767E7AF9E1BF646 8D3BD0739033482DB999271F8EEFF516 superficial layer of cervical fascia Entire superficial layer of cervical fascia (body structure) 3891 3891 03891 pretracheal layer of cervical fascia 43649005 S03891 Structure of pretracheal layer of cervical fascia (body structure) E03891 175308008 Entire pretracheal layer of cervical fascia (body structure) P03891 - 46559 P musculoskeletal system 4D96BDD1E2B644D98ACDFE1E81A243C7 0B05A83863F14CD4ACBB8E03AB675FC3 pretracheal layer of cervical fascia Entire pretracheal layer of cervical fascia (body structure) 3892 3892 03892 prevertebral layer of cervical fascia 22320007 S03892 Structure of prevertebral layer of cervical fascia (body structure) E03892 175407002 Entire prevertebral layer of cervical fascia (body structure) P03892 Y 46560 P musculoskeletal system 19BCB2D36FD4450A8EB0186C459C7431 0D9A96CD748049539B5A0AE61B674A0E prevertebral layer of cervical fascia Entire prevertebral layer of cervical fascia (body structure) 3893 3893 03893 carotid sheath 23657002 S03893 Structure of carotid sheath (body structure) E03893 175505007 Entire carotid sheath (body structure) P03893 Y 46561 P musculoskeletal system D84006FC0E27491897A85C2C726EA8EA 12164C1FC57648B38C4289C0471EB336 carotid sheath Entire carotid sheath (body structure) 3894 3894 03894 fascia of trunk 72666007 S03894 Structure of fascia of trunk (body structure) E03894 272672005 Entire fascia of trunk (body structure) P03894 - 57816 P musculoskeletal system 9394F56D174B401790F09EC372B27781 591937F01DF9403F83D039309CC5D934 fascia of trunk Entire fascia of trunk (body structure) 3895 3895 03895 fascia of abdomen 23744002 S03895 Structure of fascia of abdomen (body structure) E03895 306708007 Entire fascia of abdomen (body structure) P03895 - 19841 P musculoskeletal system FC77FD8F4554479EB6400FF9C142F3F7 140BD52A541044268CA67D032CB9EFE2 fascia of abdomen Entire fascia of abdomen (body structure) 3896 3896 03896 pectoral fascia 33864009 S03896 Structure of pectoral fascia (body structure) E03896 181133002 Entire pectoral fascia (body structure) P03896 Y 37803 P musculoskeletal system AFA3E1224F76403CBDFDA904620F969F 22BB0BB4C1AF4B158DCED039493600BF pectoral fascia Entire pectoral fascia (body structure) 3897 3897 03897 dermal papilla 89986003 S03897 Structure of dermal papilla (body structure) E03897 320101005 Entire dermal papilla (body structure) P03897 - 70737 P integumentary system DFDAB310875C428EBE9F20A6E6512712 E50104BE4F8E4D4484CCC4CC8296F2F4 dermal papilla Entire dermal papilla (body structure) 3898 3898 03898 clavipectoral fascia 64057007 S03898 Structure of clavipectoral fascia (body structure) E03898 317865002 Entire clavipectoral fascia (body structure) P03898 Y 37340 P musculoskeletal system 4157DB8926F84227A567932A5B628601 F94DD77D95F2455B9F45734FE0B14ECA clavipectoral fascia Entire clavipectoral fascia (body structure) 3899 3899 03899 falx inguinalis 318044007 S03899 Structure of falx inguinalis (body structure) E03899 52430002 Entire falx inguinalis (body structure) P03899 Y 20275 P musculoskeletal system 35902D8E4E4C4312BB2994533531B9E5 0B5BAF8048534BF0A5DD12A70E41E13A falx inguinalis Entire falx inguinalis (body structure) 3900 3900 03900 interfoveolar ligament 91192009 S03900 Structure of interfoveolar ligament (body structure) E03900 368092009 Entire interfoveolar ligament (body structure) P03900 Y 18095 P musculoskeletal system CDD04BE6395D43F583FA06FBA898330C 19B089F892394A9B972DEC84FFD982A0 interfoveolar ligament Entire interfoveolar ligament (body structure) 3901 3901 03901 fascia of rectus abdominis muscle 72291002 S03901 Structure of fascia of rectus abdominis muscle (body structure) E03901 256663000 Entire fascia of rectus abdominis muscle (body structure) P03901 Y P musculoskeletal system C1A67329234E492ABC3571978A1A15AA 8529ADAA2E2E40AC8B93AE5AB5D75FA0 fascia of rectus abdominis muscle Entire fascia of rectus abdominis muscle (body structure) 3902 3902 03902 fascia of upper limb 9813009 S03902 Structure of fascia of upper extremity (body structure) E03902 272671003 Entire fascia of upper extremity (body structure) P03902 Y 57806 P musculoskeletal system DB402E1618654FB1AAE5D6E49657ECA2 8FCF17DD977E44D99482376C92AAD7F4 fascia of upper extremity Entire fascia of upper extremity (body structure) 3903 3903 03903 axillary fascia 368536000 S03903 Structure of axillary fascia (body structure) E03903 28311007 Entire axillary fascia (body structure) P03903 Y 37329 P musculoskeletal system 33CB7C79197C4624957BC32319C7710D C03E681DADD648B99E49921F2B3E3160 axillary fascia Entire axillary fascia (body structure) 3904 3904 03904 brachial fascia 80147006 S03904 Structure of brachial fascia (body structure) E03904 368533008 Entire brachial fascia (body structure) P03904 Y 37784 P musculoskeletal system A3C9CDFB020A4973A2B8380719E64502 84F3710E3FCF44D682CC882C1F9ED103 brachial fascia Entire brachial fascia (body structure) 3905 3905 03905 medial intermuscular brachial septum 63299006 S03905 Structure of medial intermuscular brachial septum (body structure) E03905 368534002 Entire medial intermuscular brachial septum (body structure) P03905 Y 37886 P musculoskeletal system A8C10CD01F5E4360B372D42F88718584 966887DAC5694BFF9F7FB8C4DD9D492E medial intermuscular brachial septum Entire medial intermuscular brachial septum (body structure) 3906 3906 03906 lateral intermuscular brachial septum 73983006 S03906 Structure of lateral intermuscular brachial septum (body structure) E03906 368535001 Entire lateral intermuscular brachial septum (body structure) P03906 Y 37888 P musculoskeletal system 85394E7A96744DD6A58F90AA96161344 01A70090ACA5474D875C35E54CB6B5B1 lateral intermuscular brachial septum Entire lateral intermuscular brachial septum (body structure) 3907 3907 03907 collagen fiber of skin 76455009 S03907 Structure of collagen fibers of skin (body structure) E03907 320991003 Entire collagen fibers of skin (body structure) P03907 - P integumentary system 9AF9D1B3A0544FFA9AE640801E1346B3 8778E0DD86FC4104B36E3328A1071E60 collagen fibers of skin Entire collagen fibers of skin (body structure) 3908 3908 03908 fascia of forearm, hand and finger 113247006 S03908 Structure of fascia of forearm, hand and finger (body structure) E03908 276169004 Entire fascia of forearm, hand and finger (body structure) P03908 Y P musculoskeletal system F23EF6FBAAB346C39283DFDBE4208E92 271E662727E546E7BAE13F082ACDC680 fascia of forearm, hand and finger Entire fascia of forearm, hand and finger (body structure) 3909 3909 03909 antebrachial fascia 22652000 S03909 Structure of antebrachial fascia (body structure) E03909 368537009 Entire antebrachial fascia (body structure) P03909 Y 38851 P musculoskeletal system 6D3B157676914524B1FA07B81B73052F BD483AEE759040D0BDA0CBCCE7262D7F antebrachial fascia Entire antebrachial fascia (body structure) 3910 3910 03910 dorsal fascia of hand 75757005 S03910 Structure of dorsal fascia of hand (body structure) E03910 368416004 Entire dorsal fascia of hand (body structure) P03910 Y 42443 P musculoskeletal system DCE818C5CDDD4327AC2069CB0335C1D0 54E7DC8F544B4F0CA6B50B5EC1445413 dorsal fascia of hand Entire dorsal fascia of hand (body structure) 3911 3911 03911 retinaculum extensorum of hand 82333005 S03911 Structure of retinaculum extensorum of hand (body structure) E03911 368414001 Entire retinaculum extensorum of hand (body structure) P03911 Y 39987 P musculoskeletal system 9AA62997D0BE4698AE6B81BE84D8BBC7 DD15D5B0F0D14B0CB121CDE32F91621E retinaculum extensorum of hand Entire retinaculum extensorum of hand (body structure) 3912 3912 03912 transverse fascicle of palmar aponeurosis 34932009 S03912 Structure of transverse fascicles of palmar aponeurosis (body structure) E03912 368110004 Entire transverse fascicles of palmar aponeurosis (body structure) P03912 Y 42465 P musculoskeletal system 59DAC241D76F42DE9D574DB633B6F376 F4DEF1A293FE416AB295322F853A804E transverse fascicles of palmar aponeurosis Entire transverse fascicles of palmar aponeurosis (body structure) 3913 3913 03913 superficial transverse metacarpal ligament 368255001 S03913 Structure of superficial transverse metacarpal ligament (body structure) E03913 15324007 Entire superficial transverse metacarpal ligament (body structure) P03913 Y 42458 P musculoskeletal system 9D5C3C8FD37D41C7A2DF139CEFA968B7 D9A205BE210A4160A4A05EC3F93112A7 superficial transverse metacarpal ligament Entire superficial transverse metacarpal ligament (body structure) 3914 3914 03914 palmar fascia of thumb 74606008 S03914 Structure of palmar fascia of thumb (body structure) E03914 368413007 Entire palmar fascia of thumb (body structure) P03914 Y P musculoskeletal system 480A2840C83043C7907E91A6DB0E8A4C DFE15CB185CB45BEBDA06630325129EF palmar fascia of thumb Entire palmar fascia of thumb (body structure) 3915 3915 03915 palmar fascia of index finger 66736009 S03915 Structure of palmar fascia of second finger (body structure) E03915 368320001 Entire palmar fascia of second finger (body structure) P03915 Y P musculoskeletal system 28DA386051214BBAB66A7D00572D86D1 B20FDF5C391E49E0BC8C17032935B56F palmar fascia of second finger Entire palmar fascia of second finger (body structure) 3916 3916 03916 palmar fascia of middle finger 43598009 S03916 Structure of palmar fascia of third finger (body structure) E03916 368333007 Entire palmar fascia of third finger (body structure) P03916 Y P musculoskeletal system 7FC074E9DA9C494F8F9464FF0CCDD387 460F96FD4DCB40DD96775605BCA80393 palmar fascia of third finger Entire palmar fascia of third finger (body structure) 3917 3917 03917 elastic fiber of skin 55696009 S03917 Structure of elastic fibers of skin (body structure) E03917 321090007 Entire elastic fibers of skin (body structure) P03917 - P integumentary system 3A06D2055D5B4686B76DABFCD847BFC9 2BAE23BFE2084E97A294AEF18058798B elastic fibers of skin Entire elastic fibers of skin (body structure) 3918 3918 03918 palmar fascia of ring finger 85304002 S03918 Structure of palmar fascia of fourth finger (body structure) E03918 368347006 Entire palmar fascia of fourth finger (body structure) P03918 Y P musculoskeletal system 5D7E7317CC66410CB7BA88FCC3887D21 35AE836152F64E6BB2C7B312B4D121AF palmar fascia of fourth finger Entire palmar fascia of fourth finger (body structure) 3919 3919 03919 palmar fascia of little finger 59138000 S03919 Structure of palmar fascia of fifth finger (body structure) E03919 368361001 Entire palmar fascia of fifth finger (body structure) P03919 Y P musculoskeletal system 031737A65132418784AEFF4A96B7DE7B 72B44944B48D43678C423BCC53FD702C palmar fascia of fifth finger Entire palmar fascia of fifth finger (body structure) 3920 3920 03920 retinaculum flexorum of hand 43558007 S03920 Structure of retinaculum flexorum of hand (body structure) E03920 368415000 Entire retinaculum flexorum of hand (body structure) P03920 Y 39988 P musculoskeletal system 657B62A2404F4163AC6253966CFE06AE CB80D42DA56D4E89B031121E2159C5EA retinaculum flexorum of hand Entire retinaculum flexorum of hand (body structure) 3921 3921 03921 thenar and hypothenar spaces 8815007 S03921 Structure of thenar and hypothenar spaces (body structure) E03921 P03921 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 633D575FA1354268934E445F1BCC5D4B thenar and hypothenar spaces 3922 3922 03922 lateral (thenar) space of palm 68350007 S03922 Structure of thenar space (body structure) E03922 282444004 Entire thenar space (body structure) P03922 Y 45091 P musculoskeletal system 7E509582445445B59FC6D45E713FC281 630A496EB5394105AB87A16EF28A2DE0 thenar space Entire thenar space (body structure) 3923 3923 03923 hypothenar space 16666006 S03923 Structure of hypothenar space (body structure) E03923 282442000 Entire hypothenar space (body structure) P03923 Y 222983 P musculoskeletal system 1B117ED127374226B3C87E18064616F6 F54FBE0AB9C44AFE9C52C46C72CF1F3E hypothenar space Entire hypothenar space (body structure) 3924 3924 03924 medial (midpalmar) space of palm 58841000 S03924 Structure of midpalmar space (body structure) E03924 282443005 Entire midpalmar space (body structure) P03924 Y 58541 P CD329037B505429B9898A611189B81C4 8696B9AA950146F2A2CDAB12282B3482 midpalmar space Entire midpalmar space (body structure) 3925 3925 03925 pulp space of finger 76856003 S03925 Structure of distal anterior closed space of finger (body structure) E03925 368382007 Entire distal anterior closed space of finger (body structure) P03925 Y 0 P CF9ED96028BA4F0F9F98EB13C0AE2330 B2C730F74458454CB7BDF7513608DBA0 distal anterior closed space of finger Entire distal anterior closed space of finger (body structure) 3926 3926 03926 fascia of finger 31180007 S03926 Structure of fascia of finger (body structure) E03926 245245005 Entire fascia of finger (body structure) P03926 Y P musculoskeletal system 650ACAFAF0634D97B176414CED6ECCE5 47EA31B82B5D4F3F81473F59D0A446C0 fascia of finger Entire fascia of finger (body structure) 3927 3927 03927 fascia of lower limb 33226003 S03927 Structure of fascia of lower extremity (body structure) E03927 245250004 Entire fascia of lower extremity (body structure) P03927 Y 57807 P musculoskeletal system 4FCB1E7684744466A4FDD93F5F0B7B84 0857A4FC8FC243FFA814AF31F187B602 fascia of lower extremity Entire fascia of lower extremity (body structure) 3928 3928 03928 muscular lacuna of iliac fascia 49535002 S03928 Structure of muscular lacuna of iliac fascia (body structure) E03928 302903008 Entire muscular lacuna of iliac fascia (body structure) P03928 Y P musculoskeletal system 8FEB04C85C154DA498E8572051315885 C1E3FE6F6D804FC1A68F6512E05DC860 muscular lacuna of iliac fascia Entire muscular lacuna of iliac fascia (body structure) 3929 3929 03929 iliopectinate arch of iliac fascia 66575002 S03929 Structure of iliopectinate arch of iliac fascia (body structure) E03929 303058004 Entire iliopectinate arch of iliac fascia (body structure) P03929 Y P musculoskeletal system 8C0736BFAE8047E7B9015252A3E0AC40 A966D013E4F24730A040914BDB7CC39C iliopectinate arch of iliac fascia Entire iliopectinate arch of iliac fascia (body structure) 3930 3930 03930 vascular lacuna of iliac fascia 67234003 S03930 Structure of vascular lacuna of iliac fascia (body structure) E03930 302967006 Entire vascular lacuna of iliac fascia (body structure) P03930 Y P musculoskeletal system 98FF3CF67B7F495292FAE0F075C5E2D2 42788F675DD446AF9CC1DB3A4FD0AFA5 vascular lacuna of iliac fascia Entire vascular lacuna of iliac fascia (body structure) 3931 3931 03931 iliotibial tract 7480001 S03931 Structure of iliotibial tract (body structure) E03931 181678003 Entire iliotibial tract (body structure) P03931 Y 51048 P musculoskeletal system 95F1E000167B47F3869E5C29A35A25F3 6A3212EFF9604F788C6CBA813FBA0A0B iliotibial tract Entire iliotibial tract (body structure) 3932 3932 03932 crural fascia 21577005 S03932 Structure of crural fascia (body structure) E03932 245252007 Entire crural fascia (body structure) P03932 Y 45206 P musculoskeletal system 3AC646F3999744C7A22D48E5EDC7DC28 5E26EC32AFD4452F8B95F5CC9AFE51EC crural fascia Entire crural fascia (body structure) 3933 3933 03933 falciform margin of saphenous opening 10957004 S03933 Structure of falciform margin of saphenous opening (body structure) E03933 210070008 Entire falciform margin of saphenous opening (body structure) P03933 Y 58770 P musculoskeletal system BA7050546BB146ACA2503FC6AF46BC15 DEEF6B59C62542F0AC34E4DD0FE0D766 falciform margin of saphenous opening Entire falciform margin of saphenous opening (body structure) 3934 3934 03934 cribriform fascia of saphenous opening 65869007 S03934 Structure of cribriform fascia of saphenous opening (body structure) E03934 210168001 Entire cribriform fascia of saphenous opening (body structure) P03934 Y 58735 P musculoskeletal system A72C38CB35E64BEF9E28A17BE9AE9CB3 5E2D0DC5F62343AAA973D42D36FF6366 cribriform fascia of saphenous opening Entire cribriform fascia of saphenous opening (body structure) 3935 3935 03935 small blood vessel of dermis 77749008 S03935 Structure of small blood vessel of dermis (body structure) E03935 320204006 Entire small blood vessel of dermis (body structure) P03935 - P cardiovascular system A0140855BB144D5EB2A0049E106EDBAC 6D66EBE6752645A5B2AEFDB93F085A46 small blood vessel of dermis Entire small blood vessel of dermis (body structure) 3937 3937 03937 transverse fascicle of plantar aponeurosis 13001009 S03937 Structure of transverse fascicles of plantar aponeurosis (body structure) E03937 234379000 Entire transverse fascicles of plantar aponeurosis (body structure) P03937 Y 58851 P musculoskeletal system 3617DB07867245D482F81E52023091C4 604CE620189D4E2189751E698D8A74ED transverse fascicles of plantar aponeurosis Entire transverse fascicles of plantar aponeurosis (body structure) 3938 3938 03938 dorsal fascia of foot 59362004 S03938 Structure of dorsal fascia of foot (body structure) E03938 234449006 Entire dorsal fascia of foot (body structure) P03938 Y 58793 P musculoskeletal system 2E9DE43DB68B44CFB475479B21768575 B922C464BC584BD4A62318711D5818C5 dorsal fascia of foot Entire dorsal fascia of foot (body structure) 3939 3939 03939 superficial transverse metatarsal ligament 233953005 S03939 Structure of superficial transverse metatarsal ligament (body structure) E03939 42009009 Entire superficial transverse metatarsal ligament (body structure) P03939 Y 44560 P musculoskeletal system 8146BDA58D9C4D059F69C940DDBADDE9 26A176C5626846E68C5F5BEDD548BF24 superficial transverse metatarsal ligament Entire superficial transverse metatarsal ligament (body structure) 3940 3940 03940 superior retinaculum of extensor muscles 113248001 S03940 Structure of superior retinaculum of extensor muscles (body structure) E03940 234031002 Entire superior retinaculum of extensor muscles (body structure) P03940 Y P musculoskeletal system 11259E50EA8942CAA05CD68F56F9E06A 4A8396DD8C7D464E931A9B28632823CE superior retinaculum of extensor muscles Entire superior retinaculum of extensor muscles (body structure) 3941 3941 03941 inferior retinaculum of extensor muscles 39395000 S03941 Structure of inferior retinaculum of extensor muscles (body structure) E03941 234114006 Entire inferior retinaculum of extensor muscles (body structure) P03941 Y P musculoskeletal system A2A9050CDAD843B4A25F765BFDE7C6EB 13C9656871864A229F6E157296DB817A inferior retinaculum of extensor muscles Entire inferior retinaculum of extensor muscles (body structure) 3942 3942 03942 superior retinaculum of peroneal muscles 20954007 S03942 Structure of superior retinaculum of peroneal muscles (body structure) E03942 234204006 Entire superior retinaculum of peroneal muscles (body structure) P03942 Y P musculoskeletal system 738403CF9B934719A1F863CF3F5BB507 EF6DFC7A42524AB7AB7E42E287CB0E11 superior retinaculum of peroneal muscles Entire superior retinaculum of peroneal muscles (body structure) 3943 3943 03943 inferior retinaculum of peroneal muscles 78193000 S03943 Structure of inferior retinaculum of peroneal muscles (body structure) E03943 234298000 Entire inferior retinaculum of peroneal muscles (body structure) P03943 Y P musculoskeletal system ADDD640DA279481CAFAE34F6335074A9 69B924885F944B589CEE4F89D0EDA21A inferior retinaculum of peroneal muscles Entire inferior retinaculum of peroneal muscles (body structure) 3944 3944 03944 urogenital diaphragmatic fascia 50730007 S03944 Structure of urogenital diaphragmatic fascia (body structure) E03944 367745003 Entire urogenital diaphragmatic fascia (body structure) P03944 - P musculoskeletal system ABA8B15803B94574B05B9824751E647A 7675239F3BE647AF9354953518B25541 urogenital diaphragmatic fascia Entire urogenital diaphragmatic fascia (body structure) 3945 3945 03945 small arteriole of dermis 320303003 S03945 Structure of small arteriole of dermis (body structure) E03945 57510009 Entire small arteriole of dermis (body structure) P03945 - P arterial system 88DE22B529B54AA7BFF1163618F7A4AC 4E0B35DD0E2E427787D03FD27FA8C4C3 small arteriole of dermis Entire small arteriole of dermis (body structure) 3946 3946 03946 superior urogenital diaphragmatic fascia 367746002 S03946 Structure of superior urogenital diaphragmatic fascia (body structure) E03946 90123002 Entire superior urogenital diaphragmatic fascia (body structure) P03946 Y 27355 P musculoskeletal system 7D43B4054F9F430CAB2E27B22F177CA8 01801CCFDB8545BD86FCBDE552B78E3D superior urogenital diaphragmatic fascia Entire superior urogenital diaphragmatic fascia (body structure) 3947 3947 03947 inferior urogenital diaphragmatic fascia 367747006 S03947 Structure of inferior urogenital diaphragmatic fascia (body structure) E03947 87887001 Entire inferior urogenital diaphragmatic fascia (body structure) P03947 Y 30514 P musculoskeletal system BBE6AF75607A4F499DDC68E027250B33 4936AB9632114B31A835972169746BCE inferior urogenital diaphragmatic fascia Entire inferior urogenital diaphragmatic fascia (body structure) 3948 3948 03948 superficial perineal space 85300006 S03948 Structure of superficial perineal space (body structure) E03948 367756003 Entire superficial perineal space (body structure) P03948 Y 22062 P 89FC8637EC364D1E8E1B93B366E28A66 C525226F4ED34B3380494D03080677E5 superficial perineal space Entire superficial perineal space (body structure) 3949 3949 03949 pudendal canal 70207004 S03949 Structure of pudendal canal (body structure) E03949 367757007 Entire pudendal canal (body structure) P03949 Y 22071 P musculoskeletal system C697DB9D4F7E490099E1A93C8C33122C A0AF57FB18A04F2E8338AAC4DF19AAA7 pudendal canal Entire pudendal canal (body structure) 3950 3950 03950 retropubic space 33126009 S03950 Structure of retropubic space (body structure) E03950 288465003 Entire retropubic space (body structure) P03950 - 22060 P 278A320FE1DA4334AB9A1AAE2482C0C3 66BA7D70F5D545ADA6E546E63A4301E3 retropubic space Entire retropubic space (body structure) 3951 3951 03951 prostatic fascia 28584006 S03951 Structure of prostatic fascia (body structure) E03951 259945002 Entire prostatic fascia (body structure) P03951 - 19137 P musculoskeletal system DCC8CA81F83947C9B9C7B9E9A4B75671 6E246AA057424485AD8FA6D887B69A6B prostatic fascia Entire prostatic fascia (body structure) 3952 3952 03952 parietal fascia of pelvis 59757002 S03952 Structure of parietal fascia of pelvis (body structure) E03952 259982006 Entire parietal fascia of pelvis (body structure) P03952 - 19099 P musculoskeletal system D011E0B8732C413DB769699764F1B251 6B35F692B7004A288E469E1EEEF366D8 parietal fascia of pelvis Entire parietal fascia of pelvis (body structure) 3953 3953 03953 skin of middle finger 26839009 S03953 Skin structure of middle finger (body structure) E03953 368334001 Entire skin of middle finger (body structure) P03953 Y 38311 D integument/surface AA446A11888540759275F3509DAFAB8E 377FE712298A4CCAACC8FF3059B79039 Skin of middle finger Entire skin of middle finger (body structure) 3954 3954 03954 visceral fascia of pelvis 58285006 S03954 Structure of visceral fascia of pelvis (body structure) E03954 260038005 Entire visceral fascia of pelvis (body structure) P03954 - 19100 P musculoskeletal system F47CE998FDFF4A6EA1A7A1E136514A2D 9698218055004093B8268E682119E880 visceral fascia of pelvis Entire visceral fascia of pelvis (body structure) 3955 3955 03955 superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm 81354000 S03955 Structure of superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm (body structure) E03955 259850007 Entire superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm (body structure) P03955 - 19133 P musculoskeletal system 445257FDF989474FAB43F8668A4AD6FA 989B754D41E04655ABB5ADE150B6CB80 superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm Entire superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm (body structure) 3956 3956 03956 tendinous arch of pelvic fascia 3093003 S03956 Structure of tendinous arch of pelvic fascia (body structure) E03956 368111000 Entire tendinous arch of pelvic fascia (body structure) P03956 - 77252 P musculoskeletal system AAD18E947FC54D9996683E2245DA5120 8270DAE4273D4C4D82CF16D5E7A26059 tendinous arch of pelvic fascia Entire tendinous arch of pelvic fascia (body structure) 3957 3957 03957 inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm 90721008 S03957 Structure of inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm (body structure) E03957 259890005 Entire inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm (body structure) P03957 - 19936 P muscular system 799326FD857C4D22B3AA1566ABFD8417 70969200272B4DC78B63B6AC18C0DB32 inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm Entire inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm (body structure) 3958 3958 03958 cremasteric fascia 2810006 S03958 Structure of cremasteric fascia (body structure) E03958 279587007 Entire cremasteric fascia (body structure) P03958 Y 74054 P musculoskeletal system A44C291121F8443F887DE8E43BFD766E 302168404C0C48448270051B6BF14275 cremasteric fascia Entire cremasteric fascia (body structure) 3959 3959 03959 external spermatic fascia 68317007 S03959 Structure of external spermatic fascia (body structure) E03959 279588002 Entire external spermatic fascia (body structure) P03959 Y 69248 P musculoskeletal system 01D99160F0FD482B931418528BE0CE8E C41072364E4344328413BE89E7BE4334 external spermatic fascia Entire external spermatic fascia (body structure) 3960 3960 03960 internal spermatic fascia 37908006 S03960 Structure of internal spermatic fascia (body structure) E03960 279586003 Entire internal spermatic fascia (body structure) P03960 Y 77299 P musculoskeletal system 4D2B6674BE264B5D935CBA49FBEEEF44 77FA3E204AF04309BE82E1E36B86C115 internal spermatic fascia Entire internal spermatic fascia (body structure) 3961 3961 03961 superior fascia of perineum 5382009 S03961 Structure of superior fascia of perineum (body structure) E03961 367758002 Entire superior fascia of perineum (body structure) P03961 - P musculoskeletal system 4BC6694BFBA847C393C163CA5E5B83DC 994B44B631CB43BCBBAE36D73C77721D superior fascia of perineum Entire superior fascia of perineum (body structure) 3962 3962 03962 penile fascia 77049000 S03962 Structure of penile fascia (body structure) E03962 279718007 Entire penile fascia (body structure) P03962 - 19641 P genital system B2425F19E0DC43369AC9F7DE77DA1542 38C7785453CE4B2887D29E1EA67D8B42 penile fascia Entire penile fascia (body structure) 3963 3963 03963 adnexal orifice of skin 25365008 S03963 Structure of adnexal orifice of skin (body structure) E03963 320004000 Entire adnexal orifice of skin (body structure) P03963 - P integumentary system C51B1A5216114248A77CDFDA07CB3665 84632ED932DB4D5097B6E9B7383148F5 adnexal orifice of skin Entire adnexal orifice of skin (body structure) 3964 3964 03964 superficial penile fascia 65006004 S03964 Structure of superficial penile fascia (body structure) E03964 279721009 Entire superficial penile fascia (body structure) P03964 - 18087 P musculoskeletal system F3DEC18374B8492494C585FAD7813509 C32CDAF7755B4701A3B11FC77526082D superficial penile fascia Entire superficial penile fascia (body structure) 3965 3965 03965 deep penile fascia 367736004 S03965 Structure of deep penile fascia (body structure) E03965 31151003 Entire deep penile fascia (body structure) P03965 - 19645 P genital system 88988CB7D5A8420AB0782D0296FAB888 28FAB75246B94EE588D838CF25096BF0 deep penile fascia Entire deep penile fascia (body structure) 3966 3966 03966 clitoridal fascia 36299007 S03966 Structure of clitoridal fascia (body structure) E03966 367684003 Entire clitoridal fascia (body structure) P03966 - P musculoskeletal system D436C2187D074BB0B612D1DB710C9E51 0E99E3727E0C48CFB482D6C5833039E1 clitoridal fascia Entire clitoridal fascia (body structure) 3967 3967 03967 upper respiratory tract cavity 47005005 S03967 Structure of upper respiratory tract cavity (body structure) E03967 180745008 Entire upper respiratory tract cavity (body structure) P03967 - P respiratory system 0323009FA6A44A41961EC498710A89F0 CB7F6EB9574D48D58E7079E419DCDBC7 upper respiratory tract cavity Entire upper respiratory tract cavity (body structure) 3968 3968 03968 respiratory epithelium 2845003 S03968 Structure of respiratory epithelium (body structure) E03968 321764001 Entire respiratory epithelium (body structure) P03968 Y P respiratory system 35317152E9CF4053997AF597D61A489E 99C8555C42214077B948E3694F35D848 respiratory epithelium Entire respiratory epithelium (body structure) 3969 3969 03969 mucous membrane of nose 34508005 S03969 Structure of mucous membrane of nose (body structure) E03969 310211009 Entire mucous membrane of nose (body structure) P03969 Y 59684 P respiratory system 95E512A37F8547EBBEA852C2B55CDC9A 0D03E15697A44AC894F6D1C8A7FC2A37 mucous membrane of nose Entire mucous membrane of nose (body structure) 3970 3970 03970 nasal gland 69912002 S03970 Structure of nasal gland (body structure) E03970 368881007 Entire nasal gland (body structure) P03970 Y 71625 P respiratory system 92AB843E26D149FF85631387705F69CC F7558E9C2AD447299BE695DEEF001378 nasal gland Entire nasal gland (body structure) 3971 3971 03971 olfactory gland 35419003 S03971 Structure of olfactory gland (body structure) E03971 368891001 Entire olfactory gland (body structure) P03971 Y 75801 P special senses organ system B606F89FD7964326A9DEF68F9FF101FF 6AC523626B40451BA7CD4F45EB8AC79C olfactory gland Entire olfactory gland (body structure) 3972 3972 03972 cavernous plexus of nose 44836006 S03972 Structure of cavernous plexus of nose (body structure) E03972 368898007 Entire cavernous plexus of nose (body structure) P03972 - P venous system 3BB50A868C284EFCAB2980B35CAD42D0 6D90D05ACA874EFE89705CE856360048 cavernous plexus of nose Entire cavernous plexus of nose (body structure) 3973 3973 03973 superior nasal meatus 87880004 S03973 Structure of superior nasal meatus (body structure) E03973 310213007 Entire superior nasal meatus (body structure) P03973 Y 53138 P respiratory system 5BEB0D318C304FE3B992EC55D057F9A9 2C92DFC601E84AA3B8B61922D7A946F9 superior nasal meatus Entire superior nasal meatus (body structure) 3974 3974 03974 vellus hair 89714002 S03974 Structure of vellus hair (body structure) E03974 319720006 Entire vellus hair (body structure) P03974 - 70668 P integumentary system C9B9B765E7174A95812FDF6C646DD166 D7576EF5FD2A493196FC92AAB4886A49 vellus hair Entire vellus hair (body structure) 3975 3975 03975 atrium of middle nasal meatus 83155000 S03975 Structure of atrium of middle nasal meatus (body structure) E03975 368882000 Entire atrium of middle nasal meatus (body structure) P03975 Y 59737 P respiratory system C5D7FFBD786E4FB0A1CA44349F81E459 8F4C765BC408459F89867A73B33F0B61 atrium of middle nasal meatus Entire atrium of middle nasal meatus (body structure) 3976 3976 03976 inferior nasal meatus 78155005 S03976 Structure of inferior nasal meatus (body structure) E03976 310214001 Entire inferior nasal meatus (body structure) P03976 Y 53140 P respiratory system 9E4D47F249B54A09AFAD5086F09FBB8C 3FF426F2E32F49CC82B0FEDB89452447 inferior nasal meatus Entire inferior nasal meatus (body structure) 3977 3977 03977 nasopharyngeal meatus 12655002 S03977 Structure of nasopharyngeal meatus (body structure) E03977 368884004 Entire nasopharyngeal meatus (body structure) P03977 - 0 P respiratory system 4DB4EB978B4D4BF380A63F541886610A CFBABDC44A6440058456A04EA2776F82 nasopharyngeal meatus Entire nasopharyngeal meatus (body structure) 3978 3978 03978 intranasal hair 66183003 S03978 Structure of intranasal hair (body structure) E03978 368885003 Entire intranasal hair (body structure) P03978 Y 53670 P respiratory system 859A7A04E1144E7EAD9A2D3CCFE5FE99 FBCD96B2CF39491783AEB1733880D91E intranasal hair Entire intranasal hair (body structure) 3979 3979 03979 roof of nose 60898009 S03979 Structure of roof of nose (body structure) E03979 368886002 Entire roof of nose (body structure) P03979 Y P respiratory system 307F59E4DE744743A24CD10E73DF2169 53EEFE00843D4D50A6ACA3FC71270EC6 roof of nose Entire roof of nose (body structure) 3980 3980 03980 dorsum of nose 84047001 S03980 Structure of dorsum of nose (body structure) E03980 368114008 Entire dorsum of nose (body structure) P03980 - 59517 P respiratory system 7807E0458619406DAA3B586CC19A3E83 308507566EAA456A988061A479966151 dorsum of nose Entire dorsum of nose (body structure) 3981 3981 03981 nasal septum mobile portion 18402005 S03981 Structure of nasal septum mobile portion (body structure) E03981 368120009 Entire nasal septum mobile portion (body structure) P03981 - 59595 P respiratory system 20D2EE63FCA4420E8D5E74FDF29F80BE F07DAF4DC0F04AFAAE9D83BCB14A9965 nasal septum mobile portion Entire nasal septum mobile portion (body structure) 3982 3982 03982 terminal hair 41376008 S03982 Structure of terminal hair (body structure) E03982 319813006 Entire terminal hair (body structure) P03982 - 70669 P integumentary system 2AAED1399165434183BDF5D5F9BB2CF0 90519C20DA154885ADEDC84A764BB058 terminal hair Entire terminal hair (body structure) 3983 3983 03983 root of nose 368121008 S03983 Structure of root of nose (body structure) E03983 1825009 Entire root of nose (body structure) P03983 - 59516 P respiratory system 9E46FB19795C4B1F8C8A060752D9A33B AC177D2D566647A09C3E683A9729FE8A root of nose Entire root of nose (body structure) 3984 3984 03984 medial crus of greater alar cartilage 52197006 S03984 Structure of medial crus of greater alar cartilage (body structure) E03984 368116005 Entire medial crus of greater alar cartilage (body structure) P03984 Y 59544 P skeletal system DE724581AB614C82872DA3A4B41A1269 F75BA2D8CA914B51BAE01E870E413897 medial crus of greater alar cartilage Entire medial crus of greater alar cartilage (body structure) 3985 3985 03985 lateral crus of greater alar cartilage 48900004 S03985 Structure of lateral crus of greater alar cartilage (body structure) E03985 368117001 Entire lateral crus of greater alar cartilage (body structure) P03985 Y 59547 P skeletal system 3A57CCA7F66D4852AB5E55A06876C177 5A2B109FCB0E4EE6AD5999B78D0C9FAF lateral crus of greater alar cartilage Entire lateral crus of greater alar cartilage (body structure) 3986 3986 03986 lateral nasal cartilage 38374003 S03986 Structure of lateral nasal cartilage (body structure) E03986 278944009 Entire lateral nasal cartilage (body structure) P03986 Y 59511 P skeletal system A544D3FAA1284F53BCD47B558CF73239 8E3FB80564CA443B8FCD5F815F32A19D lateral nasal cartilage Entire lateral nasal cartilage (body structure) 3987 3987 03987 posterior process of nasal septal cartilage 9609000 S03987 Structure of posterior process of nasal septal cartilage (body structure) E03987 368122001 Entire posterior process of nasal septal cartilage (body structure) P03987 - 59580 P skeletal system A4E489FF6A6F43299A031CB899727C23 DCDCE18B85F84C8FA8AA2B9C32AC4BAB posterior process of nasal septal cartilage Entire posterior process of nasal septal cartilage (body structure) 3988 3988 03988 lesser alar cartilage 61047005 S03988 Structure of lesser alar cartilages (body structure) E03988 368118006 Entire lesser alar cartilages (body structure) P03988 Y 59507 P skeletal system 65C30C201B904A928CCDC18AD2E47323 4ECC990FC049445E8296E7E10B9B042B lesser alar cartilages Entire lesser alar cartilages (body structure) 3989 3989 03989 vomeronasal cartilage 50329004 S03989 Structure of vomeronasal cartilage (body structure) E03989 368123006 Entire vomeronasal cartilage (body structure) P03989 Y 59514 P skeletal system E6359FBE3D904B069969C13DA58F750B AF267C8F7B444564BCBD1FB3C87EDA73 vomeronasal cartilage Entire vomeronasal cartilage (body structure) 3990 3990 03990 accessory nasal cartilage 57764009 S03990 Structure of accessory nasal cartilages (body structure) E03990 368124000 Entire accessory nasal cartilages (body structure) P03990 Y 59510 P skeletal system 16BE393D9BD342DDB94D069D42672758 957FB9EAC97C4638A54279C8DD741CDB accessory nasal cartilages Entire accessory nasal cartilages (body structure) 3991 3991 03991 anterior naris 1797002 S03991 Structure of anterior naris (body structure) E03991 276165005 Entire anterior naris (body structure) P03991 Y 0 P respiratory system 4992A5CDFF254D159A09D40F7CCF7F6E 831EBFB72D784A468F439691CA54AFCB anterior naris Entire anterior naris (body structure) 3992 3992 03992 nasal vestibule 48446007 S03992 Structure of nasal vestibule (body structure) E03992 278940000 Entire nasal vestibule (body structure) P03992 Y 59644 P respiratory system 571AFEB5172144E28F1C1B826FAF3D2A BF641A0360C242AABA089710788D487F nasal vestibule Entire nasal vestibule (body structure) 3993 3993 03993 nasal fossa 53912006 S03993 Structure of nasal fossae (body structure) E03993 368887006 Entire nasal fossae (body structure) P03993 Y P respiratory system 03B473EBFFC5455897B9DE0AEF7BE9DC C706A7C9BF254E309F4E04A4A9051880 nasal fossae Entire nasal fossae (body structure) 3994 3994 03994 membranous part of nasal septum 49717008 S03994 Structure of membranous part of nasal septum (body structure) E03994 368892008 Entire membranous part of nasal septum (body structure) P03994 - 77197 P respiratory system 75E1C45A845B4D4CA9174FC034E1CB7C 6FE6D96B438C45B398B8298055BC98DF membranous part of nasal septum Entire membranous part of nasal septum (body structure) 3995 3995 03995 posterior margin of nasal septum 7835005 S03995 Structure of posterior margin of nasal septum (body structure) E03995 368893003 Entire posterior margin of nasal septum (body structure) P03995 - P respiratory system B3DDFE5CE45B4AEDB07504E744FEBA05 D22CAFB9CCA14CF0AD624CADF6E42114 posterior margin of nasal septum Entire posterior margin of nasal septum (body structure) 3996 3996 03996 choana 71717001 S03996 Structure of choana (body structure) E03996 244507001 Entire choana (body structure) P03996 Y 0 P respiratory system 5661696F14F943BEACE594C24AE4C7EE C545574ECDD444B48A17083D05B0962C choana Entire choana (body structure) 3997 3997 03997 limen nasi 20968000 S03997 Structure of limen nasi (body structure) E03997 368888001 Entire limen nasi (body structure) P03997 Y 59686 P respiratory system B7B227FF96B4414587AA85E28629FF81 5245D0B8B84043D1ABA5FE135AF0331E limen nasi Entire limen nasi (body structure) Subdivision of surface of viscerocranial mucosa which overlies the upper part of the major alar cartilage. Examples: There are only two canonical instances, right and left limen nasi. 3998 3998 03998 hair matrix 73653000 S03998 Structure of hair matrix (body structure) E03998 319024007 Entire hair matrix (body structure) P03998 - 70945 P integumentary system B14077763A454D3FA8BE675F78B5B4A6 FDB7C2586A1C4940A69669A4E088E3C7 hair matrix Entire hair matrix (body structure) 3999 3999 03999 agger nasi 3377004 S03999 Structure of agger nasi (body structure) E03999 368889009 Entire agger nasi (body structure) P03999 Y 59766 P respiratory system FD6B75B0DDAC487689B0E2869B190EAF 6C22598819F84163925E443FBBD9D312 agger nasi Entire agger nasi (body structure) Subdivision of surface of viscerocranial mucosa in the middle meatus. Examples: There are only two canonical instances, right and left agger nasi. 4000 4000 04000 sphenoethmoidal recess 45243000 S04000 Structure of sphenoethmoidal recess (body structure) E04000 368890000 Entire sphenoethmoidal recess (body structure) P04000 Y 59734 P respiratory system A1D5E1EDA4A042F899C59B2D530B2BDA 134C48948D9D45629FD2982AFC65A4A9 sphenoethmoidal recess Entire sphenoethmoidal recess (body structure) 4001 4001 04001 mucous membrane of accessory sinus 51848003 S04001 Structure of mucous membrane of accessory sinus (body structure) E04001 368899004 Entire mucous membrane of accessory sinus (body structure) P04001 Y P respiratory system 7AB0B237E5D0414CB55C20F407AA330F 8C1484A1F3B8498590E18E37E50747FC mucous membrane of accessory sinus Entire mucous membrane of accessory sinus (body structure) 4002 4002 04002 accessory sinus gland 4486002 S04002 Structure of accessory sinus gland (body structure) E04002 368902001 Entire accessory sinus gland (body structure) P04002 Y P respiratory system 66C6FE959C3145B4B3ED3AD73E8A41E7 88EEDEADFA8B45FC97F52871C83ED58E accessory sinus gland Entire accessory sinus gland (body structure) 4003 4003 04003 paranasal sinus wall 77220004 S04003 Structure of paranasal sinus wall (body structure) E04003 303335005 Entire paranasal sinus wall (body structure) P04003 Y P respiratory system 3964C946FD354B9981D4030846FCEC4F 2392360D0AA0468198D4ADFDB66944D8 paranasal sinus wall Entire paranasal sinus wall (body structure) 4004 4004 04004 paranasal sinus cavity 55111001 S04004 Structure of paranasal sinus cavity (body structure) E04004 368907007 Entire paranasal sinus cavity (body structure) P04004 Y 59679 P respiratory system D6841E90032A49FD964A675F822538BC 687A508613434554AADB8E26BCC34F49 paranasal sinus cavity Entire paranasal sinus cavity (body structure) 4005 4005 04005 outer root sheath 70868003 S04005 Structure of outer root sheath (body structure) E04005 319224003 Entire outer root sheath (body structure) P04005 - P integumentary system 871E1DB78CDE4226919EBE0E0AB9E885 CBAE1A461AAC429FB0B876D4F3F1B401 outer root sheath Entire outer root sheath (body structure) 4006 4006 04006 mucous membrane of maxillary sinus 87550002 S04006 Structure of mucous membrane of maxillary sinus (body structure) E04006 368908002 Entire mucous membrane of maxillary sinus (body structure) P04006 Y 59773 P respiratory system E6E9F87505D44857A056A4DD5C4F4FFE F98823A840674C1F8B010A9C6DBB2196 mucous membrane of maxillary sinus Entire mucous membrane of maxillary sinus (body structure) 4007 4007 04007 maxillary sinus mucous gland 368903006 S04007 Structure of maxillary sinus mucous gland (body structure) E04007 35351001 Entire maxillary sinus mucous gland (body structure) P04007 Y P respiratory system A9D45D85928445E4A1718B9137A949DE 947AE69E56F44A4C92093DFD09C6A434 maxillary sinus mucous gland Entire maxillary sinus mucous gland (body structure) 4008 4008 04008 mucous membrane of frontal sinus 63012006 S04008 Structure of mucous membrane of frontal sinus (body structure) E04008 368909005 Entire mucous membrane of frontal sinus (body structure) P04008 Y 59774 P respiratory system 37E5B81D72674B6BB7E4739E2E60C42A A71468143E1C407DA8F44114755A2B1D mucous membrane of frontal sinus Entire mucous membrane of frontal sinus (body structure) 4009 4009 04009 frontal sinus gland 368904000 S04009 Structure of frontal sinus gland (body structure) E04009 29176008 Entire frontal sinus gland (body structure) P04009 Y P respiratory system 02FE1B6299AD4EC39519ED72A5BF21D1 4A3F62FAEAA64B02B5F067242AC7C822 frontal sinus gland Entire frontal sinus gland (body structure) 4010 4010 04010 anterior cell of ethmoid sinus 26357003 S04010 Structure of anterior cells of ethmoid sinus (body structure) E04010 277152008 Entire anterior cells of ethmoid sinus (body structure) P04010 Y P respiratory system 104AF96B5623466D9AA443B1979DE5A6 150F5142FA894FAAB0E99A62EBE51EE2 anterior cells of ethmoid sinus Entire anterior cells of ethmoid sinus (body structure) 4011 4011 04011 middle cell of ethmoid sinus 57232001 S04011 Structure of middle cells of ethmoid sinus (body structure) E04011 305022008 Entire middle cells of ethmoid sinus (body structure) P04011 Y P respiratory system 758B19D285E849DD810CD752869AEF03 64FAAD3BC4CB488FB472D63B83954C55 middle cells of ethmoid sinus Entire middle cells of ethmoid sinus (body structure) 4012 4012 04012 posterior cell of ethmoid sinus 5890002 S04012 Structure of posterior cells of ethmoid sinus (body structure) E04012 277153003 Entire posterior cells of ethmoid sinus (body structure) P04012 Y P respiratory system 1EE9E573D8034BF5AD4B27144C376730 9817BF6146AE4D11A58B1A378B424E37 posterior cells of ethmoid sinus Entire posterior cells of ethmoid sinus (body structure) 4013 4013 04013 mucous membrane of ethmoid sinus 368900009 S04013 Structure of mucous membrane of ethmoid sinus (body structure) E04013 65501003 Entire mucous membrane of ethmoid sinus (body structure) P04013 Y P respiratory system D1190151A12F40ADB7ADBDBCF763A428 AFDB386F6E264F33B0063567C82D7129 mucous membrane of ethmoid sinus Entire mucous membrane of ethmoid sinus (body structure) 4014 4014 04014 ethmoid sinus gland 368905004 S04014 Structure of ethmoid sinus gland (body structure) E04014 81025002 Entire ethmoid sinus gland (body structure) P04014 Y P respiratory system EC7402D0986A4C3398E59A0921E6D1FF 3935E80032FB42C9A4A7C14A563848D3 ethmoid sinus gland Entire ethmoid sinus gland (body structure) 4015 4015 04015 ethmoidal bulla 14518006 S04015 Structure of ethmoidal bulla (body structure) E04015 306372006 Entire ethmoidal bulla (body structure) P04015 Y 57487 P respiratory system 1B3352A0F3FA488DB36E6E04CC813ABD 2256891B197D42249F6D5784F46459D0 ethmoidal bulla Entire ethmoidal bulla (body structure) 4016 4016 04016 ethmoidal infundibulum 80134001 S04016 Structure of ethmoidal infundibulum (body structure) E04016 368895005 Entire ethmoidal infundibulum (body structure) P04016 Y 75769 P respiratory system 4AEB9229824344F68372AB9A12C8AE1D 4C9EEEF1AE334D169B4956104A5E6C3D ethmoidal infundibulum Entire ethmoidal infundibulum (body structure) 4017 4017 04017 semilunar hiatus of ethmoid sinus 64774003 S04017 Structure of semilunar hiatus of ethmoid sinus (body structure) E04017 368883005 Entire semilunar hiatus of ethmoid sinus (body structure) P04017 Y P respiratory system 384479BBDF574A20A77776E0B9F101AD D70C155A29D94CFAA3461E9C4215128B semilunar hiatus of ethmoid sinus Entire semilunar hiatus of ethmoid sinus (body structure) 4018 4018 04018 skin of dorsal area of middle finger 40206004 S04018 Skin structure of dorsal surface of middle finger (body structure) E04018 368267004 Entire skin of dorsal surface of middle finger (body structure) P04018 Y D integument/surface 347B71F1D75A4686A8E9E510C1C7980F 23152D31B54740BEB6F945100B6172EB Skin of dorsal surface of middle finger Entire skin of dorsal surface of middle finger (body structure) 4019 4019 04019 Henle's layer 81636005 S04019 Structure of Henle's layer (body structure) E04019 319322001 Entire Henle's layer (body structure) P04019 - P integumentary system F2638776C94A4A179B2E011EFC011D75 82C8F38305874867832168A3D846A30C Henle's layer Entire Henle's layer (body structure) 4020 4020 04020 mucous membrane of sphenoid sinus 368901008 S04020 Structure of mucous membrane of sphenoid sinus (body structure) E04020 43774000 Entire mucous membrane of sphenoid sinus (body structure) P04020 Y P respiratory system F79861BFBB2044229E7989D0CCAFF3BA 7F7140A252C344E69592CFCBB49C9FF9 mucous membrane of sphenoid sinus Entire mucous membrane of sphenoid sinus (body structure) 4021 4021 04021 sphenoid sinus gland 368906003 S04021 Structure of sphenoid sinus gland (body structure) E04021 15587004 Entire sphenoid sinus gland (body structure) P04021 Y P respiratory system 21B1A2FB52454D47A5A6118951D4654B 730B67B401A945F8B4CF2E70089E3452 sphenoid sinus gland Entire sphenoid sinus gland (body structure) 4022 4022 04022 right lateral nasopharynx 178579001 S04022 Structure of right lateral nasopharynx (body structure) E04022 88766000 Entire right lateral nasopharynx (body structure) P04022 R 54910 P respiratory system E3935305906C4A2FAC294B713B54AD2A E9E8A0EB928047DF943D48CE40CE93F8 right lateral nasopharynx Entire right lateral nasopharynx (body structure) 4023 4023 04023 left lateral nasopharynx 178679005 S04023 Structure of left lateral nasopharynx (body structure) E04023 41871007 Entire left lateral nasopharynx (body structure) P04023 L 54912 P respiratory system BACA6DD0B19647A780365A42540B8165 88C8A9FE022C41BAA8A091627BB449FF left lateral nasopharynx Entire left lateral nasopharynx (body structure) 4024 4024 04024 anterior wall of nasopharynx 82521001 S04024 Structure of anterior wall of nasopharynx (body structure) E04024 179170003 Entire anterior wall of nasopharynx (body structure) P04024 - P respiratory system B750DAD1EF8E46F0A55744D1C65535CB 37FD8030D58C4399BB88DC5667EBD388 anterior wall of nasopharynx Entire anterior wall of nasopharynx (body structure) 4025 4025 04025 superior wall of nasopharynx 20409001 S04025 Structure of superior wall of nasopharynx (body structure) E04025 179268001 Entire superior wall of nasopharynx (body structure) P04025 - P respiratory system 988ABD89D41C4984ABBF239C3C8D361C 450F3E7B8F8C49C8AEDD83B7F5F3F1A4 superior wall of nasopharynx Entire superior wall of nasopharynx (body structure) 4026 4026 04026 Huxley's layer 22578002 S04026 Structure of Huxley's layer (body structure) E04026 319423007 Entire Huxley's layer (body structure) P04026 - P integumentary system F233041E110541F5B494BC1EEE952674 12600AFB94C94B29A7A6AE5A80E88D55 Huxley's layer Entire Huxley's layer (body structure) 4027 4027 04027 nasopharyngeal gland 2292006 S04027 Structure of nasopharyngeal gland (body structure) E04027 178973008 Entire nasopharyngeal gland (body structure) P04027 - 55076 P respiratory system 042800308FFE4188ACC45F403AF20D94 FB07C09DAEA24F9B8FE10BFDB19E5037 nasopharyngeal gland Entire nasopharyngeal gland (body structure) 4028 4028 04028 nasopharyngeal cavity 18962004 S04028 Structure of nasopharyngeal cavity (body structure) E04028 179072008 Entire nasopharyngeal cavity (body structure) P04028 - 55094 P respiratory system 2223039108894986BFCDF1D5A80864FF B76F5E1DA5644D048D3D6777B20F5E00 nasopharyngeal cavity Entire nasopharyngeal cavity (body structure) 4029 4029 04029 nasal portion of nasopharynx 77723003 S04029 Structure of nasal portion of nasopharynx (body structure) E04029 368896006 Entire nasal portion of nasopharynx (body structure) P04029 Y P respiratory system 8E1FF7A2B9F6449BA8852309BD16A79E 8032715A515B4CA79E84CC910C59FB37 nasal portion of nasopharynx Entire nasal portion of nasopharynx (body structure) 4030 4030 04030 oral portion of nasopharynx 70361004 S04030 Structure of oral portion of nasopharynx (body structure) E04030 144430006 Entire oral portion of nasopharynx (body structure) P04030 - P digestive system 49111CA00AE647AB9FF31F3B7DAB012A 8CEA7F6D5FDC46A5AF6F068A03BC8F67 oral portion of nasopharynx Entire oral portion of nasopharynx (body structure) 4031 4031 04031 pharyngeal portion of nasopharynx 38912002 S04031 Structure of pharyngeal portion of nasopharynx (body structure) E04031 178285009 Entire pharyngeal portion of nasopharynx (body structure) P04031 - P respiratory system BDF78A22124443368D116038D317D7FE 99708C71C2D94721AB940C6CC6FE6368 pharyngeal portion of nasopharynx Entire pharyngeal portion of nasopharynx (body structure) 4033 4033 04033 tubal elevation of pharynx 65563003 S04033 Structure of tubal elevation of pharynx (body structure) E04033 179368003 Entire tubal elevation of pharynx (body structure) P04033 - P respiratory system B252B5DB3C964862A2FFCB73100655FD F6EDF4ACC1A04AE1982A3CAB19485001 tubal elevation of pharynx Entire tubal elevation of pharynx (body structure) 4034 4034 04034 salpingopharyngeal fold 44637004 S04034 Structure of salpingopharyngeal fold (body structure) E04034 158165004 Entire salpingopharyngeal fold (body structure) P04034 Y 54987 P respiratory system C2AC543D22AB4CBC99E2643E4DF3256A EE9A5A4F560349F2B29EE3E937C0909E salpingopharyngeal fold Entire salpingopharyngeal fold (body structure) Subdivision of viscerocranial mucosa behind the opening of the pharyngotympanic tube. Examples: There are only two instances, right and left salpingopharyngeal folds. 4035 4035 04035 cuticular layer of hair 113174001 S04035 Structure of cuticular layer of hair (body structure) E04035 318733008 Entire cuticular layer of hair (body structure) P04035 - P integumentary system 0D9B8F140D874A0593FCBF5BE66E1CF0 12D56F4A9DD442C9B13B0C0389E97247 cuticular layer of hair Entire cuticular layer of hair (body structure) 4036 4036 04036 anterior epiglottis 10537009 S04036 Structure of anterior epiglottis (body structure) E04036 170989005 Entire anterior epiglottis (body structure) P04036 - P digestive system 411CB34049894F39BF4C790E45E03F3C 36C61D37E1424389A86419D9E1F9CB2B anterior epiglottis Entire anterior epiglottis (body structure) 4037 4037 04037 posterior epiglottis 2894003 S04037 Structure of posterior epiglottis (body structure) E04037 171085008 Entire posterior epiglottis (body structure) P04037 - P digestive system 68D7A74DD4744ED19059712C26D09BFA 50856586FEFE45A3B7CA7E2F1077E286 posterior epiglottis Entire posterior epiglottis (body structure) 4038 4038 04038 mucous membrane of epiglottis 30141008 S04038 Structure of mucous membrane of epiglottis (body structure) E04038 156751001 Entire mucous membrane of epiglottis (body structure) P04038 - 64015 P digestive system 82BB1EDA313E49C692EBB841749E72A0 EED2A89A08DB49C0B8BFF45A89977CEE mucous membrane of epiglottis Entire mucous membrane of epiglottis (body structure) 4039 4039 04039 leaf of epiglottis 6864006 S04039 Structure of leaf of epiglottis (body structure) E04039 171188008 Entire leaf of epiglottis (body structure) P04039 - 55399 P digestive system ACE6BBF40BFB4B1595F98693C5567F14 50977E0214E4453DBCD04E1C4FCDF239 leaf of epiglottis Entire leaf of epiglottis (body structure) 4040 4040 04040 epiglottic tubercle 60766006 S04040 Structure of epiglottic tubercle (body structure) E04040 279543003 Entire epiglottic tubercle (body structure) P04040 - 55397 P digestive system 617F9C8351BC44D4AD5D0EF2A68CCB0E A06E2DAA714648C0BE1809AE4411598C epiglottic tubercle Entire epiglottic tubercle (body structure) 4041 4041 04041 thyroepiglottic ligament 39066000 S04041 Structure of thyroepiglottic ligament (body structure) E04041 279562000 Entire thyroepiglottic ligament (body structure) P04041 Y 55230 P musculoskeletal system 817EAF1C3AC64076B14C019B5A3CE957 EA63CDCE8E764BEDB0E0FB28D66ED886 thyroepiglottic ligament Entire thyroepiglottic ligament (body structure) 4042 4042 04042 hyoepiglottic ligament 67318004 S04042 Structure of hyoepiglottic ligament (body structure) E04042 279552007 Entire hyoepiglottic ligament (body structure) P04042 Y 55227 P musculoskeletal system 0A8F8CF91976424A969A1CF3956C4F27 BD77934E601A424C9136311AA7A09CAF hyoepiglottic ligament Entire hyoepiglottic ligament (body structure) 4043 4043 04043 postcricoid region 35806005 S04043 Structure of postcricoid region (body structure) E04043 276965009 Entire postcricoid region (body structure) P04043 - P digestive system A694897B6EE1410BA8DA628ECCC2CE6C 16916E2D9D2E49D5911AEE82DAA425B1 postcricoid region Entire postcricoid region (body structure) 4044 4044 04044 hair cortex 58353006 S04044 Structure of hair cortex (body structure) E04044 318832008 Entire hair cortex (body structure) P04044 - 70934 P integumentary system 696EF59F2FC947339AFBD43F3443AA98 B2696977E17748D6ABEA0EC4DABA40CC hair cortex Entire hair cortex (body structure) 4045 4045 04045 laryngeal lymph follicle 44146006 S04045 Structure of laryngeal lymph follicles (body structure) E04045 173698005 Entire laryngeal lymph follicles (body structure) P04045 - P lymphoid system A11D964863DB44A2806B088D77FD3222 D857CD4F7E6E4BA5B09E2A72A59B692E laryngeal lymph follicles Entire laryngeal lymph follicles (body structure) 4046 4046 04046 quadrangular membrane of larynx 69237000 S04046 Structure of quadrangular membrane of larynx (body structure) E04046 279548007 Entire quadrangular membrane of larynx (body structure) P04046 Y P musculoskeletal system 1E13CB51285446248B0BA9637D7E2AC6 CD0056DF1AD5450BA816CECD017BD8DD quadrangular membrane of larynx Entire quadrangular membrane of larynx (body structure) 4047 4047 04047 vestibular ligament of larynx 45532009 S04047 Structure of vestibular ligament of larynx (body structure) E04047 279561007 Entire vestibular ligament of larynx (body structure) P04047 Y 64147 P musculoskeletal system E143776BC2F045C0B1E743DC00A3E3C2 F260D76C9887404B937791F10B2F3277 vestibular ligament of larynx Entire vestibular ligament of larynx (body structure) 4048 4048 04048 conus elasticus of larynx 87762001 S04048 Structure of conus elasticus of larynx (body structure) E04048 171945004 Entire conus elasticus of larynx (body structure) P04048 Y 55250 P musculoskeletal system 2156815B892D409C8E248CEE27E156AC 81CD0CCD7A8F4CA285997AF8517BAD4C conus elasticus of larynx Entire conus elasticus of larynx (body structure) 4049 4049 04049 vocal ligament of larynx 21582003 S04049 Structure of vocal ligament of larynx (body structure) E04049 245506001 Entire vocal ligament of larynx (body structure) P04049 Y 55244 P musculoskeletal system 906000A94F964DA08057DAACF9153871 D0BF53CFEB404BFE987FFB0C9491D2C0 vocal ligament of larynx Entire vocal ligament of larynx (body structure) 4050 4050 04050 laryngeal gland 31200000 S04050 Structure of laryngeal gland (body structure) E04050 173512000 Entire laryngeal gland (body structure) P04050 - 55511 P respiratory system B185EE69F9594A1BA5B1073D6B1BB5FA D6D52694DDEB452F86152D60FE859C7A laryngeal gland Entire laryngeal gland (body structure) 4051 4051 04051 hair medulla 6359004 S04051 Structure of hair medulla (body structure) E04051 318929009 Entire hair medulla (body structure) P04051 - P integumentary system D7D0FC8315514605B28C4FB1D0CDB2A4 4E7278E24DAC4D13A15550D230B82DD1 hair medulla Entire hair medulla (body structure) 4052 4052 04052 lamina of thyroid cartilage 55839002 S04052 Structure of lamina of thyroid cartilage (body structure) E04052 279510002 Entire lamina of thyroid cartilage (body structure) P04052 Y 55301 P musculoskeletal system 6FFDFB325AC444EAA35F0E053F050D7F 86BD8FE1B4614D8CB2CEDE17258F4D1B lamina of thyroid cartilage Entire lamina of thyroid cartilage (body structure) 4053 4053 04053 thyroid notch 34841000 S04053 Structure of thyroid notch (body structure) E04053 279517004 Thyroid incisure (body structure) P04053 - 55281 P musculoskeletal system D48886B8D0DA462F904255A379498AAC 60EA0BA53BCC4A7887BB15889FE877DA thyroid notch Thyroid incisure (body structure) 4054 4054 04054 thyroid tubercle 9880000 S04054 Structure of thyroid tubercle (body structure) E04054 279519001 Entire thyroid tubercle (body structure) P04054 Y 55288 P musculoskeletal system 483C1E9B9E7F451284B2D800FD226835 7DD198536135466A9B09CB16CA499732 thyroid tubercle Entire thyroid tubercle (body structure) 4055 4055 04055 oblique line of thyroid cartilage 32656005 S04055 Structure of oblique line of thyroid cartilage (body structure) E04055 279516008 Entire oblique line of thyroid cartilage (body structure) P04055 Y 55289 P musculoskeletal system 8B3E97670A4A46FB91E9F3455A695DB8 C7BAE32A396C4EFE90F3633EE771DD07 oblique line of thyroid cartilage Entire oblique line of thyroid cartilage (body structure) 4056 4056 04056 cornu of thyroid cartilage 52738005 S04056 Structure of cornu of thyroid cartilage (body structure) E04056 279518009 Entire cornu of thyroid cartilage (body structure) P04056 Y 55300 P musculoskeletal system 5E9603177D7D475E8D0B0D6B87608664 2C0DC478FB414027966DC2D8EA1D03B3 cornu of thyroid cartilage Entire cornu of thyroid cartilage (body structure) 4057 4057 04057 thyroid foramen 51652001 S04057 Structure of thyroid foramen (body structure) E04057 172704000 Entire thyroid foramen (body structure) P04057 Y 75347 P musculoskeletal system 36D4AA5358674C6082CAD3769EC378C2 734E577DA6BE48D0BBF7E0E391F52651 thyroid foramen Entire thyroid foramen (body structure) 4058 4058 04058 thyrohyoid ligament 66617006 S04058 Structure of thyrohyoid ligament (body structure) E04058 279551000 Entire thyrohyoid ligament (body structure) P04058 Y 55135 P musculoskeletal system 45E97FEEA914475F9864EFAB885CDA1C E2AEE12629024E6D8A192B08B21B85A1 thyrohyoid ligament Entire thyrohyoid ligament (body structure) 4059 4059 04059 middle thyrohyoid ligament 39787002 S04059 Structure of middle thyrohyoid ligament (body structure) E04059 279554008 Entire middle thyrohyoid ligament (body structure) P04059 Y 55138 P musculoskeletal system 4DC9E98E983547908535309C72976137 394A32B5A2D84FD4BC2E403A347314BC middle thyrohyoid ligament Entire middle thyrohyoid ligament (body structure) 4060 4060 04060 arch of cricoid cartilage 40659005 S04060 Structure of arch of cricoid cartilage (body structure) E04060 279525002 Entire arch of cricoid cartilage (body structure) P04060 - 55313 P musculoskeletal system A6D84C65F59F436EAE7E4F0B97E00AD7 83BE5E5ADD3A42D08ECA7F57FF0ACC6B arch of cricoid cartilage Entire arch of cricoid cartilage (body structure) 4061 4061 04061 lamina of cricoid cartilage 26596008 S04061 Structure of lamina of cricoid cartilage (body structure) E04061 279524003 Entire lamina of cricoid cartilage (body structure) P04061 - 55314 P musculoskeletal system 549B19591A944EC48EC577CDD387E62F 397D004A66BC434497B551955C15D671 lamina of cricoid cartilage Entire lamina of cricoid cartilage (body structure) 4062 4062 04062 articular facet of cricoid cartilage for thyroid cartilage 43955003 S04062 Structure of articular facet of cricoid cartilage for thyroid cartilage (body structure) E04062 172793002 Entire articular facet of cricoid cartilage for thyroid cartilage (body structure) P04062 Y P musculoskeletal system FC5868B728E54623967079EB21D325D0 F25E1174AED04DDFB22F068793F0FC5D articular facet of cricoid cartilage for thyroid cartilage Entire articular facet of cricoid cartilage for thyroid cartilage (body structure) 4063 4063 04063 cricothyroid articular capsule 34806004 S04063 Structure of cricothyroid articular capsule (body structure) E04063 166661002 Entire cricothyroid articular capsule (body structure) P04063 Y 55106 P musculoskeletal system F12D3CEE617246CD879A1E85656438A3 24829824E1374175B101552D2B290875 cricothyroid articular capsule Entire cricothyroid articular capsule (body structure) 4064 4064 04064 cricothyroid ligament 66150005 S04064 Structure of cricothyroid ligament (body structure) E04064 279558006 Entire cricothyroid ligament (body structure) P04064 - 55233 P musculoskeletal system 1048F76A23024D1DBF21BA7C6968EC77 7BDF4A13650C45F09AD320E7E3AB1128 cricothyroid ligament Entire cricothyroid ligament (body structure) 4065 4065 04065 cricotracheal ligament 66030008 S04065 Structure of cricotracheal ligament (body structure) E04065 279553002 Entire cricotracheal ligament (body structure) P04065 - 55259 P musculoskeletal system AF747D514B8E4CA49BF6B5C4E10F4F53 61D546DB8A574C85BAC3DE9EB28A100D cricotracheal ligament Entire cricotracheal ligament (body structure) 4066 4066 04066 hair papilla 78722006 S04066 Structure of hair papilla (body structure) E04066 319123004 Entire hair papilla (body structure) P04066 - P integumentary system 645D4E87125D49C5B681B7836FBC98C7 3E07138AC8F44F8586DA8395DC539CDF hair papilla Entire hair papilla (body structure) 4067 4067 04067 base of arytenoid cartilage 51307005 S04067 Structure of base of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) E04067 279532006 Entire base of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) P04067 Y 55349 P musculoskeletal system E94D1BB13B65455691F9C5A37B3912A1 F5557B8325CE49F2BC010637351CCEC1 base of arytenoid cartilage Entire base of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) 4068 4068 04068 crista arcuata of arytenoid cartilage 59904007 S04068 Structure of crista arcuata of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) E04068 172881002 Entire crista arcuata of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) P04068 Y 55352 P musculoskeletal system 8E0E654929F54143B65D78730E6FF0B7 CAB2AB668B554C1AB0749A797DA074A3 crista arcuata of arytenoid cartilage Entire crista arcuata of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) 4069 4069 04069 colliculus of arytenoid cartilage 58176001 S04069 Structure of colliculus of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) E04069 172973004 Entire colliculus of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) P04069 Y 55353 P musculoskeletal system BB5ECDD6FFAB4F89BA56EB7BEDAD07AC 868EAC4AEE034BECB759BFA7AD7A91E3 colliculus of arytenoid cartilage Entire colliculus of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) 4070 4070 04070 fovea oblonga of arytenoid cartilage 55370004 S04070 Structure of fovea oblonga of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) E04070 173058007 Entire fovea oblonga of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) P04070 Y 55354 P musculoskeletal system 031D3E4F2AA1442DB4456ABEB0AF6926 D18EA6CC225548B8B13A902A9878EB71 fovea oblonga of arytenoid cartilage Entire fovea oblonga of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) 4071 4071 04071 fovea triangularis of arytenoid cartilage 29025007 S04071 Structure of fovea triangularis of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) E04071 173149002 Entire fovea triangularis of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) P04071 Y 55355 P musculoskeletal system 4F9D2D138962446DBF6BC7AB53A4C0FE AE94DE940A2A4A23A680DBF1C9F8E32B fovea triangularis of arytenoid cartilage Entire fovea triangularis of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) 4072 4072 04072 apex of arytenoid cartilage 82925003 S04072 Structure of apex of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) E04072 279534007 Entire apex of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) P04072 Y 55348 P musculoskeletal system 0823FCC166824622BDF8A5BDD69E2628 B5F62F665DFF49BAB35DD23C2868DE84 apex of arytenoid cartilage Entire apex of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) 4073 4073 04073 vocal process of arytenoid cartilage 81530006 S04073 Structure of vocal process of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) E04073 279540000 Entire vocal process of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) P04073 Y 55350 P musculoskeletal system 5621E13A568F4EB09FC11B57EE2BFECC F9399DDA30AC42178BD3CA21885B5429 vocal process of arytenoid cartilage Entire vocal process of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) 4074 4074 04074 muscular process of arytenoid cartilage 18087008 S04074 Structure of muscular process of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) E04074 279538005 Entire muscular process of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) P04074 Y 55351 P musculoskeletal system 8C27128104374DD2A844B17BF6D02879 F562A266E9A545C18C30199C9BEBBDE1 muscular process of arytenoid cartilage Entire muscular process of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) 4075 4075 04075 cricopharyngeal ligament 30076007 S04075 Structure of cricopharyngeal ligament (body structure) E04075 172455006 Entire cricopharyngeal ligament (body structure) P04075 Y 55260 P musculoskeletal system DBD2EF8D1DAE4604B71E146E6DF587C9 F4B937DCADAA41109B7C4261A475F7DE cricopharyngeal ligament Entire cricopharyngeal ligament (body structure) 4076 4076 04076 cricoarytenoid articular capsule 65365009 S04076 Structure of cricoarytenoid articular capsule (body structure) E04076 166761006 Entire cricoarytenoid articular capsule (body structure) P04076 Y P musculoskeletal system 69FD948C8A434BA1B442F4082E3052AA E02135FF4C504B338FB1A95ED1FD1ACB cricoarytenoid articular capsule Entire cricoarytenoid articular capsule (body structure) 4077 4077 04077 infundibulum of hair follicle 59002009 S04077 Structure of infundibulum of hair follicle (body structure) E04077 319522000 Entire infundibulum of hair follicle (body structure) P04077 - 70722 P integumentary system 152EE17914344022A9ADF3AA1635C877 D18FD70AE565472D8DF7FAF3AFDD31D5 infundibulum of hair follicle Entire infundibulum of hair follicle (body structure) 4078 4078 04078 posterior cricoarytenoid ligament 63847002 S04078 Structure of posterior cricoarytenoid ligament (body structure) E04078 172533001 Entire posterior cricoarytenoid ligament (body structure) P04078 Y 55374 P musculoskeletal system 3DC6E8EC81E940E49EF5BD81C3264A60 57582C971F2B40F2BDA1A6DAC83DEBFA posterior cricoarytenoid ligament Entire posterior cricoarytenoid ligament (body structure) 4079 4079 04079 corniculate cartilage 74241000 S04079 Structure of corniculate cartilage (body structure) E04079 278989005 Entire corniculate cartilage (body structure) P04079 Y 55110 P respiratory system 2F33310D399843749EF704B1DAD1C27F 3DC2E148A25A4648A6BFE527EED4B6D4 corniculate cartilage Entire corniculate cartilage (body structure) 4080 4080 04080 cuneiform cartilage 35779009 S04080 Structure of cuneiform cartilage (body structure) E04080 264456009 Entire cuneiform cartilage (body structure) P04080 Y 55111 P musculoskeletal system AB5C84F2D9434D4D8F142694C534EFD0 BF188550CF7240A3B6C032BCE0DF1274 cuneiform cartilage Entire cuneiform cartilage (body structure) 4081 4081 04081 cuneiform tubercle 67581001 S04081 Structure of cuneiform tubercle (body structure) E04081 171289007 Entire cuneiform tubercle (body structure) P04081 Y 55391 P digestive system 4B94BDA7CD9F4B4689F753840F1D391F 47C380F0095F481C890F3CA2B5A9FDCC cuneiform tubercle Entire cuneiform tubercle (body structure) 4082 4082 04082 infundibular canal of hair follicle 66840007 S04082 Structure of infundibular canal of hair follicle (body structure) E04082 319622005 Entire infundibular canal of hair follicle (body structure) P04082 - P integumentary system F45CBA5479FC4431BBEBFE6D408B0ADE 0F0D2215B8014E65BCBA5B1BBCBF639C infundibular canal of hair follicle Entire infundibular canal of hair follicle (body structure) 4083 4083 04083 rima vestibuli 59816000 S04083 Structure of rima vestibuli (body structure) E04083 279564004 Entire rima vestibuli (body structure) P04083 Y 55473 P respiratory system 84E27466962949C0BEDB624BA3046A63 CB9A43CB8AD041FD97E5C0E9F46E787A rima vestibuli Entire rima vestibuli (body structure) 4084 4084 04084 laryngeal pouch 83775000 S04084 Structure of laryngeal pouch (body structure) E04084 171762001 Entire laryngeal pouch (body structure) P04084 Y 64172 P respiratory system DC09E0BCF3AE471BAF170178806F575B 976ACBB42513454798F017DA322EB17C laryngeal pouch Entire laryngeal pouch (body structure) 4085 4085 04085 hypopharyngeal surface of aryepiglottic fold 36088004 S04085 Structure of hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (body structure) E04085 171386002 Entire hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (body structure) P04085 Y P digestive system 6C90382210DB4824A38E6695F792C045 4779F99150104D789C4A7768FD5A8FF2 hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold Entire hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (body structure) 4086 4086 04086 laryngeal surface of aryepiglottic fold 102294004 S04086 Structure of laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (body structure) E04086 171480009 Entire laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (body structure) P04086 Y P digestive system 8B5CD43C9FFD4241A72D9EF424CE7AB2 5561013B3380471DBAD5BE1AB0092629 laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold Entire laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (body structure) 4087 4087 04087 intermembranous part of rima glottidis 73574005 S04087 Structure of intermembranous part of rima glottidis (body structure) E04087 172032003 Entire intermembranous part of rima glottidis (body structure) P04087 - 55509 P respiratory system 23A4EED64ED347DFBB86B9F5BCC6AD37 D3CB0A0CF6024805B4AB9265BDEC02CF intermembranous part of rima glottidis Entire intermembranous part of rima glottidis (body structure) 4088 4088 04088 supraglottic space 86483002 S04088 Structure of supraglottic space (body structure) E04088 171853006 Entire supraglottic space (body structure) P04088 - P respiratory system 9CB561A958FF46DFBEA8A6EFB14B6540 798513CEA8344C979877A4FB86146AB0 supraglottic space Entire supraglottic space (body structure) 4089 4089 04089 interarytenoid notch 41512003 S04089 Structure of interarytenoid notch (body structure) E04089 173604004 Entire interarytenoid notch (body structure) P04089 - 75122 P respiratory system F57109DD9B084F358E2E79163C77620A 8456B1B908BE429A97C7C8085AF62898 interarytenoid notch Entire interarytenoid notch (body structure) 4090 4090 04090 hypopharyngeal surface of interarytenoid fold 102295003 S04090 Structure of hypopharyngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (body structure) E04090 171576002 Entire hypopharyngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (body structure) P04090 - P digestive system 0EF7E169E08D499FA8659D9864C03DEA B9BD839EFF234C63A421B1C5198ECBA8 hypopharyngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold Entire hypopharyngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (body structure) 4091 4091 04091 laryngeal surface of interarytenoid fold 102296002 S04091 Structure of laryngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (body structure) E04091 171672009 Entire laryngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (body structure) P04091 - P digestive system AC1E2047EF9744FBACF9C40996AEFA3E DFB3388124DC46ACB32B8F12DBCD5C09 laryngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold Entire laryngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (body structure) 4092 4092 04092 commissure of larynx 72691007 S04092 Structure of commissure of larynx (body structure) E04092 172116004 Entire commissure of larynx (body structure) P04092 - P respiratory system FBC9876DA53F49D0AB55CFBCB1E40577 31197E40CE2F4FD1B045CC611923BEDB commissure of larynx Entire commissure of larynx (body structure) 4093 4093 04093 skin of palmar area of middle finger 65271000 S04093 Skin structure of palmar surface of middle finger (body structure) E04093 368279004 Entire skin of palmar surface of middle finger (body structure) P04093 Y D integument/surface E78AEA7321A14BF9BF6350BCAB8BC1E7 21A1641AE895438D9BFA27A57459D0FE Skin of palmar surface of middle finger Entire skin of palmar surface of middle finger (body structure) 4094 4094 04094 anterior commissure of larynx 18374008 S04094 Structure of anterior commissure of larynx (body structure) E04094 277148008 Entire anterior commissure of larynx (body structure) P04094 - P respiratory system 33869E9D3C8D431DA3EF69394C03018B 0D7C800AC0C84E01AF322D745A6E40F0 anterior commissure of larynx Entire anterior commissure of larynx (body structure) 4095 4095 04095 posterior commissure of larynx 81683007 S04095 Structure of posterior commissure of larynx (body structure) E04095 277149000 Entire posterior commissure of larynx (body structure) P04095 - P respiratory system 8CB91DF05EFC40CFA2737FCA8519F531 BE7E1FCD98774A0C8E32067434326907 posterior commissure of larynx Entire posterior commissure of larynx (body structure) 4096 4096 04096 intrinsic laryngeal muscle 38650005 S04096 Structure of intrinsic laryngeal muscle (body structure) E04096 244810002 Entire intrinsic laryngeal muscle (body structure) P04096 Y 55226 P musculoskeletal system 04CCFD9C2E2741D98A518B36DA92B0D5 6EE9E26D3C504DBEB0654D0B9F265760 intrinsic laryngeal muscle Entire intrinsic laryngeal muscle (body structure) 4097 4097 04097 articulation of laryngeal cartilage 63763002 S04097 Structure of articulations of laryngeal cartilage (body structure) E04097 279546006 Entire articulations of laryngeal cartilage (body structure) P04097 Y 55100 P musculoskeletal system 7E3137F5B6E644C88B74C2DAB99E58A8 C00B0737B8D14C509F409B99ADA134F2 articulations of laryngeal cartilage Entire articulations of laryngeal cartilage (body structure) 4098 4098 04098 extrinsic larynx 80478001 S04098 Structure of extrinsic larynx (body structure) E04098 172197009 Entire extrinsic larynx (body structure) P04098 - P respiratory system F4F6FF3E9DB84882937999DF259EAEB8 75F9B692E2424F08A4C300F0E3B59A53 extrinsic larynx Entire extrinsic larynx (body structure) 4099 4099 04099 intrinsic larynx 1617005 S04099 Structure of intrinsic larynx (body structure) E04099 172285003 Entire intrinsic larynx (body structure) P04099 - P respiratory system B1561999D8A54E1A932BABB272F3D20F 80D36389EFE645C49AD8647C1E11AFF1 intrinsic larynx Entire intrinsic larynx (body structure) 4100 4100 04100 upper third of trachea 91741008 S04100 Structure of upper third of trachea (body structure) E04100 173792003 Entire upper third of trachea (body structure) P04100 - P respiratory system C0BB37C3C41C4A2F886C33675AE44F6D AF7422E2AB654BE7934034C7B08DFD4C upper third of trachea Entire upper third of trachea (body structure) 4101 4101 04101 middle third of trachea 91742001 S04101 Structure of middle third of trachea (body structure) E04101 197088007 Entire middle third of trachea (body structure) P04101 - P respiratory system 062D17DC5790443E8631027E17B8E177 EF3B63FD8F304AE99A4450FBA5CCE075 middle third of trachea Entire middle third of trachea (body structure) 4102 4102 04102 lower third of trachea 91743006 S04102 Structure of lower third of trachea (body structure) E04102 197175007 Entire lower third of trachea (body structure) P04102 - P respiratory system B84244C5325644B0A7048CEC657DA85D E24E36AE2E5C4DB49E5D64F0D85FB6F6 lower third of trachea Entire lower third of trachea (body structure) 4103 4103 04103 eyelash 85803001 S04103 Structure of eyelash (body structure) E04103 244201001 Entire eyelash (body structure) P04103 Y 53669 P special senses organ system 82F6CE8EB4E048C1A93509F571E3F92E 4C692D79102B40D089C01F9D61FE9232 eyelash Entire eyelash (body structure) 4104 4104 04104 tracheal gland 23655005 S04104 Structure of tracheal gland (body structure) E04104 197423006 Entire tracheal gland (body structure) P04104 - 7473 P respiratory system 4E7DC8F0E53E42A1B992FA8553D1B96A CB0E2C8534DC4184AFC27A952DF3CCB6 tracheal gland Entire tracheal gland (body structure) 4105 4105 04105 tracheal cartilage 17301001 S04105 Structure of tracheal cartilage (body structure) E04105 278979006 Entire tracheal cartilage (body structure) P04105 - 7434 P musculoskeletal system 7A0721779F26415D92AFE87A4D50A079 11BBF91A06F94D01A8E67B286A08E229 tracheal cartilage Entire tracheal cartilage (body structure) 4106 4106 04106 tracheal ligament 167164000 S04106 Structure of tracheal ligament (body structure) E04106 88436006 Entire tracheal ligament (body structure) P04106 - 7467 P musculoskeletal system 78A9C09BFC644C3DB13DAF26821811D7 D37767A58FD345688EE5FC44DF493696 tracheal ligament Entire tracheal ligament (body structure) 4107 4107 04107 tracheal membranous wall 18554002 S04107 Structure of tracheal membranous wall (body structure) E04107 197249003 Entire tracheal membranous wall (body structure) P04107 - 7468 P respiratory system D3B254F76E2047E9BD0E7822879E3E56 D982D26A2DE447608353C7D34C225937 tracheal membranous wall Entire tracheal membranous wall (body structure) 4108 4108 04108 tracheal lumen 25075003 S04108 Structure of tracheal lumen (body structure) E04108 197486000 Entire tracheal lumen (body structure) P04108 - 7469 P respiratory system BF41FCFCEC8C403DA6C044F78104DC6D 0FBFB46B45A64DCE8B92E2D46DBD9EE8 tracheal lumen Entire tracheal lumen (body structure) 4109 4109 04109 carina 28700002 S04109 Structure of carina (body structure) E04109 181214003 Entire carina (body structure) P04109 - 7465 P respiratory system 14A6599AEC2C49D195347AFD93728183 369681E5DF21475693CA1511BEBC04B0 carina Entire carina (body structure) 4110 4110 04110 trachealis muscle 64292007 S04110 Structure of tracheal muscle (body structure) E04110 197333002 Entire tracheal muscle (body structure) P04110 - 7466 P musculoskeletal system 70DBEA085178471193F72C565511814B 7819C695C96D4D72BC73AAC6B578CAF8 tracheal muscle Entire tracheal muscle (body structure) 4111 4111 04111 peritracheal tissue 59837008 S04111 Structure of peritracheal tissue (body structure) E04111 197587007 Entire peritracheal tissue (body structure) P04111 - P respiratory system D782A85F97764570A19334D8C25BD21E DB3D16F1C68A4260BF5653016925B020 peritracheal tissue Entire peritracheal tissue (body structure) 4112 4112 04112 hair of scalp 64013008 S04112 Structure of hair of scalp (body structure) E04112 280933009 Entire hair of scalp (body structure) P04112 - 54241 P integumentary system 3610189763DB48628E1EB3249ACCD52F C3735853301F4DF6A5ADE29EE82F156C hair of scalp Entire hair of scalp (body structure) 4113 4113 04113 bronchial cartilage 20826001 S04113 Structure of bronchial cartilage (body structure) E04113 278980009 Entire bronchial cartilage (body structure) P04113 Y 62649 P respiratory system 7C72984550D446E0A8C78F78539CB8AB 4B15FD926C144D90A18933C8D990F12C bronchial cartilage Entire bronchial cartilage (body structure) 4114 4114 04114 bronchial lumen 5926001 S04114 Structure of bronchial lumen (body structure) E04114 199401001 Entire bronchial lumen (body structure) P04114 Y 62646 P respiratory system 1FD0B3DAA871425B8E71F29E197ED746 DC271F9A35114C29A05FA8D4E0EDC35C bronchial lumen Entire bronchial lumen (body structure) 4115 4115 04115 peribronchial tissue 54233001 S04115 Structure of peribronchial tissue (body structure) E04115 199697003 Entire peribronchial tissue (body structure) P04115 Y P respiratory system 1F9868FD5E024D86BF3EED71F192928D FCA88E6A1A7347059E1E669903B1E7D1 peribronchial tissue Entire peribronchial tissue (body structure) 4116 4116 04116 right bronchial lumen 199499006 S04116 Structure of right bronchial lumen (body structure) E04116 79057005 Entire right bronchial lumen (body structure) P04116 R 13125 P respiratory system FE5AF00842B1493994C3DD4EC52C2902 34FD9705F7A04852A938CF6BAE49796F right bronchial lumen Entire right bronchial lumen (body structure) 4117 4117 04117 right apical segmental bronchus 65359009 S04117 Structure of right apical segmental bronchus (body structure) E04117 278374009 Entire right apical segmental bronchus (body structure) P04117 R 7398 P respiratory system 5498398A59B24D419039796C5A25FE71 BE7C1CA82B074B838B426C44DCA94ED3 right apical segmental bronchus Entire right apical segmental bronchus (body structure) 4118 4118 04118 right upper lobe posterior segmental bronchus 25144009 S04118 Structure of right upper lobe posterior segmental bronchus (body structure) E04118 278376006 Entire right upper lobe posterior segmental bronchus (body structure) P04118 R 7399 P respiratory system 3A133DC8A62A4A19857A920F5182CE06 492B034C97174E71949A778DBB4DB137 right upper lobe posterior segmental bronchus Entire right upper lobe posterior segmental bronchus (body structure) 4119 4119 04119 right upper lobe anterior segmental bronchus 45836004 S04119 Structure of right upper lobe anterior segmental bronchus (body structure) E04119 278375005 Entire right upper lobe anterior segmental bronchus (body structure) P04119 R 7400 P respiratory system 9B906701398B44ACB74332512E99BC3B 1C69D45E1C4A4B4AB335CC3E4B6DBAED right upper lobe anterior segmental bronchus Entire right upper lobe anterior segmental bronchus (body structure) 4120 4120 04120 hair of face 62961004 S04120 Structure of hair of face (body structure) E04120 368910000 Entire hair of face (body structure) P04120 - 54360 P integumentary system A0CDEB92E0D549C59313A222C779E1D0 C0D7111766F244B0BFF49F33DBABA074 hair of face Entire hair of face (body structure) 4121 4121 04121 right upper lobe bronchial lumen 10574008 S04121 Structure of right upper lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) E04121 181905003 Entire right upper lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) P04121 R P respiratory system BCCB5226D3C445648A1CB16B4160CF19 DE399AEBAA02404484A56190645218FE right upper lobe bronchial lumen Entire right upper lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) 4122 4122 04122 right middle lobe lateral segmental bronchus 20218002 S04122 Structure of right middle lobe lateral segmental bronchus (body structure) E04122 278372008 Entire right middle lobe lateral segmental bronchus (body structure) P04122 R 7402 P respiratory system 4A72270CF30D43E6B5772EDE92EBBB32 6318425C5DF947A7A57DB2345355AC44 right middle lobe lateral segmental bronchus Entire right middle lobe lateral segmental bronchus (body structure) 4123 4123 04123 right middle lobe medial segmental bronchus 61276001 S04123 Structure of right middle lobe medial segmental bronchus (body structure) E04123 278373003 Entire right middle lobe medial segmental bronchus (body structure) P04123 R 7403 P respiratory system FF763E4ECF314B1682FA619B469AF456 03FDD14D6C014664A0E24E01ADC15737 right middle lobe medial segmental bronchus Entire right middle lobe medial segmental bronchus (body structure) 4124 4124 04124 right middle lobe bronchial lumen 58431008 S04124 Structure of right middle lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) E04124 182003005 Entire right middle lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) P04124 R P respiratory system E32E96385B0D4D78BDD5C1A172DF09A2 8F857BC570FD4937B179F911C268485E right middle lobe bronchial lumen Entire right middle lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) 4125 4125 04125 right lower lobe apical segmental bronchus 31101008 S04125 Structure of right lower lobe apical segmental bronchus (body structure) E04125 263950001 Entire right lower lobe apical segmental bronchus (body structure) P04125 R 7416 P respiratory system 2A44D2D46D92470681F10E56BB9B9DC2 89BA9DAB873944EA942EAA1136C12B39 right lower lobe apical segmental bronchus Entire right lower lobe apical segmental bronchus (body structure) 4126 4126 04126 right lower lobe medial segmental bronchus 63602000 S04126 Structure of right lower lobe medial segmental bronchus (body structure) E04126 264097008 Entire right lower lobe medial segmental bronchus (body structure) P04126 R 7417 P respiratory system 8C85EA959C1A42A9863DDC268D572ABD 02B1E121321E45C4BCCD765284F5539A right lower lobe medial segmental bronchus Entire right lower lobe medial segmental bronchus (body structure) 4127 4127 04127 right lower lobe anterior segmental bronchus 90949006 S04127 Structure of right lower lobe anterior segmental bronchus (body structure) E04127 264440004 Entire right lower lobe anterior segmental bronchus (body structure) P04127 R 7418 P respiratory system DAF80CBF24E24CBF8E19F8566AD4AD3C 7B9E1F11C0D2465BAF4103A0F512E451 right lower lobe anterior segmental bronchus Entire right lower lobe anterior segmental bronchus (body structure) 4128 4128 04128 right lower lobe lateral segmental bronchus 41765007 S04128 Structure of right lower lobe lateral segmental bronchus (body structure) E04128 264061004 Entire right lower lobe lateral segmental bronchus (body structure) P04128 R 7419 P respiratory system B40AAFC965B24E759B87F5F9A2871EA0 95DE35BC812547ADB37107A6A76ABD36 right lower lobe lateral segmental bronchus Entire right lower lobe lateral segmental bronchus (body structure) 4129 4129 04129 vellus hair of face 368911001 S04129 Structure of vellus hair of face (body structure) E04129 26074009 Entire vellus hair of face (body structure) P04129 - P integumentary system A6D6CBC772FD4E5D85D98B539B07BDC2 149718E65EEF4767AA0FBF1178F0B1D8 vellus hair of face Entire vellus hair of face (body structure) 4130 4130 04130 right lower lobe posterior segmental bronchus 64154003 S04130 Structure of right lower lobe posterior segmental bronchus (body structure) E04130 264155000 Entire right lower lobe posterior segmental bronchus (body structure) P04130 R 7420 P respiratory system 6C294DD886DC46DB8065EB14B3474F81 2400F937C5D14F30BB2D5C5EE399DDE2 right lower lobe posterior segmental bronchus Entire right lower lobe posterior segmental bronchus (body structure) 4131 4131 04131 right subapical segmental bronchus 63153000 S04131 Structure of right subapical segmental bronchus (body structure) E04131 181612005 Entire right subapical segmental bronchus (body structure) P04131 R 7422 P respiratory system EDDD5F80FA5F4BB195E165AD23403365 87388D52395644F5ACF32A00DA7F9F57 right subapical segmental bronchus Entire right subapical segmental bronchus (body structure) 4132 4132 04132 right lower lobe bronchial lumen 76946003 S04132 Structure of right lower lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) E04132 182097000 Entire right lower lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) P04132 R P respiratory system 107F6D6F1257471FA63DE451ADF7E6BE A17BE430B69049B4B1A2851740BA5B1C right lower lobe bronchial lumen Entire right lower lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) 4133 4133 04133 left bronchial lumen 199599008 S04133 Structure of left bronchial lumen (body structure) E04133 84271000 Entire left bronchial lumen (body structure) P04133 L 13126 P respiratory system E15E39519478475E92F15C7DD211B127 343B005EB36D4445B03B032B1E9B5D91 left bronchial lumen Entire left bronchial lumen (body structure) 4134 4134 04134 lingular bronchus 64720009 S04134 Structure of lingular bronchus (body structure) E04134 276835003 Entire lingular bronchus (body structure) P04134 Y 7429 P respiratory system 50CC2DE8A33C4EB49C9AD91C9A2089BA 77ADE84274FC43CDB0D4473331425210 lingular bronchus Entire lingular bronchus (body structure) 4135 4135 04135 left apicoposterior segmental bronchus 44546001 S04135 Structure of left apicoposterior segmental bronchus (body structure) E04135 278379004 Entire left apicoposterior segmental bronchus (body structure) P04135 L 7425 P respiratory system 64800A1E7712425CB5A07F6834CFD2C6 23B658A889F04474AA2ED09A6DCE545B left apicoposterior segmental bronchus Entire left apicoposterior segmental bronchus (body structure) 4136 4136 04136 left upper lobe anterior segmental bronchus 51237004 S04136 Structure of left upper lobe anterior segmental bronchus (body structure) E04136 278380001 Entire left upper lobe anterior segmental bronchus (body structure) P04136 L 7428 P respiratory system 2EA0FF6322144EF9B18C854647382D18 9D251A0F4FC04482989DD6ECE515D4A2 left upper lobe anterior segmental bronchus Entire left upper lobe anterior segmental bronchus (body structure) 4137 4137 04137 superior lingular bronchus 11990006 S04137 Structure of superior lingular bronchus (body structure) E04137 264218005 Entire superior lingular bronchus (body structure) P04137 Y 7430 P respiratory system 6B1994E9812B4F4A8A3952BFABA1D32F 10CF43E5DC4641299B1B725D3841B035 superior lingular bronchus Entire superior lingular bronchus (body structure) 4138 4138 04138 terminal hair of face 368912008 S04138 Structure of terminal hair of face (body structure) E04138 76207006 Entire terminal hair of face (body structure) P04138 - P integumentary system 747C40390DB4484F93EA05535900CB31 FABC5E55521A4CAD972C2B7DC4A7A47C terminal hair of face Entire terminal hair of face (body structure) 4139 4139 04139 inferior lingular bronchus 59691009 S04139 Structure of inferior lingular bronchus (body structure) E04139 264032000 Entire inferior lingular bronchus (body structure) P04139 Y 7431 P respiratory system 23EF0C37C89B4BACAA2B9705FA8747F3 31323B4356E442989AB30EF61B532262 inferior lingular bronchus Entire inferior lingular bronchus (body structure) 4140 4140 04140 left upper lobe bronchial lumen 81207001 S04140 Structure of left upper lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) E04140 185325001 Entire left upper lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) P04140 L P respiratory system 22641ECEA96340E4A422302BF25D487E 9805AEB3A7C24747BF0B5B99FC52F2DC left upper lobe bronchial lumen Entire left upper lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) 4141 4141 04141 left lower lobe bronchial lumen 37417000 S04141 Structure of left lower lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) E04141 185428000 Entire left lower lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) P04141 L P respiratory system D41A6A324FB0454F97EE0ECF60204310 27AE3F491C3B4B55A2856180F959AC8C left lower lobe bronchial lumen Entire left lower lobe bronchial lumen (body structure) 4142 4142 04142 left lower lobe superior segmental bronchus 74806005 S04142 Structure of left lower lobe superior segmental bronchus (body structure) E04142 278381002 Entire left lower lobe superior segmental bronchus (body structure) P04142 L 7504 P respiratory system A5D09E0090F34D159A5BC8A9986DAF6F EDA5DCB1347A4E98B51517425E479764 left lower lobe superior segmental bronchus Entire left lower lobe superior segmental bronchus (body structure) 4143 4143 04143 left lower lobe anterior segmental bronchus 113251008 S04143 Structure of left lower lobe anterior segmental bronchus (body structure) E04143 278382009 Entire left lower lobe anterior segmental bronchus (body structure) P04143 L 7506 P respiratory system 661E7F09C5D94CBBB6190A695A1C96DD 3FEC0B52FBDA438EA431124C72340D13 left lower lobe anterior segmental bronchus Entire left lower lobe anterior segmental bronchus (body structure) 4144 4144 04144 left lower lobe lateral segmental bronchus 42171008 S04144 Structure of left lower lobe lateral segmental bronchus (body structure) E04144 278383004 Entire left lower lobe lateral segmental bronchus (body structure) P04144 L 7507 P respiratory system 857CBBED23FB4E0DA654A73A2085F33B 84A2F6A39B3D4D3A97E262479A37704B left lower lobe lateral segmental bronchus Entire left lower lobe lateral segmental bronchus (body structure) 4145 4145 04145 left lower lobe posterior segmental bronchus 43851006 S04145 Structure of left lower lobe posterior segmental bronchus (body structure) E04145 278384005 Entire left lower lobe posterior segmental bronchus (body structure) P04145 L 7508 P respiratory system 0BFB2ED203504C5AA24FAF988630642B 65AD45D6284E4352904AE7D1A0D486F6 left lower lobe posterior segmental bronchus Entire left lower lobe posterior segmental bronchus (body structure) 4146 4146 04146 left lower lobe medial segmental bronchus 76760009 S04146 Structure of left lower lobe medial segmental bronchus (body structure) E04146 185017008 Entire left lower lobe medial segmental bronchus (body structure) P04146 L 7505 P respiratory system 311A1416CD0B43C68B12EB669B82A5F9 24FC285A524B4E918276FAD01FF7BA87 left lower lobe medial segmental bronchus Entire left lower lobe medial segmental bronchus (body structure) 4147 4147 04147 left subapical segmental bronchus 80081002 S04147 Structure of left subapical segmental bronchus (body structure) E04147 185121004 Entire left subapical segmental bronchus (body structure) P04147 L 7509 P respiratory system 4B31C099932B481185F6B1A90D72C774 D085355842E94CA4A4BE69DACFC60A4B left subapical segmental bronchus Entire left subapical segmental bronchus (body structure) 4148 4148 04148 hair of neck 17167006 S04148 Structure of hair of neck (body structure) E04148 169024006 Entire hair of neck (body structure) P04148 - 54242 P integumentary system 6E283785F1E14A93AA69A489953C1A17 6297A1D8B6FF41FFB8616BC3CAD0AD23 hair of neck Entire hair of neck (body structure) 4149 4149 04149 segmental bronchial branch 2330002 S04149 Structure of segmental bronchial branches (body structure) E04149 199310005 Entire segmental bronchial branches (body structure) P04149 Y P respiratory system 56CA6845FAC94009A41B8303E4D66DA5 7677A0390CDC4E29A75ECEE91AA280BC segmental bronchial branches Entire segmental bronchial branches (body structure) 4150 4150 04150 eparterial bronchus 45302002 S04150 Structure of eparterial bronchus (body structure) E04150 181806003 Entire eparterial bronchus (body structure) P04150 - P respiratory system C30FE5FA96BF452795451FA0F7AEDB88 A1752DFBEB154748B2A4B559AD1632FA eparterial bronchus Entire eparterial bronchus (body structure) 4151 4151 04151 hyparterial bronchus 4159006 S04151 Structure of hyparterial bronchus (body structure) E04151 199794000 Entire hyparterial bronchus (body structure) P04151 Y P respiratory system E4B865FD5C2E4083A1344A31F9AC636B 8D375CE0331241B0B140EA57D204258E hyparterial bronchus Entire hyparterial bronchus (body structure) 4152 4152 04152 terminal bronchiole 33594008 S04152 Structure of terminal bronchiole (body structure) E04152 278981008 Entire terminal bronchiole (body structure) P04152 Y 7411 P respiratory system 2DAAA4C65702442FBD521A6EC637E8F1 DD1FBBBEBC0A482390F91B3940988110 terminal bronchiole Entire terminal bronchiole (body structure) 4153 4153 04153 peribronchiolar tissue 28937000 S04153 Structure of peribronchiolar tissue (body structure) E04153 199891000 Entire peribronchiolar tissue (body structure) P04153 Y P respiratory system 2F8264EA5EDA43A0B90CF5C7DF2A1FC8 CF644F5AE4654866ADF493C88FE682BF peribronchiolar tissue Entire peribronchiolar tissue (body structure) 4154 4154 04154 bronchiole of right lung 85332006 S04154 Structure of bronchiole of right lung (body structure) E04154 200089000 Entire bronchiole of right lung (body structure) P04154 R P respiratory system 640A73B90C2C4E4492F27993C3EE3E0D 7FA62965C69C4D13B6F7B9653E54E61E bronchiole of right lung Entire bronchiole of right lung (body structure) 4155 4155 04155 bronchiole of right upper lobe 200186005 S04155 Structure of bronchiole of right upper lobe (body structure) E04155 84841004 Entire bronchiole of right upper lobe (body structure) P04155 R P respiratory system 1A8EB62E059D4B0FA2AD6B1AF0F23BDB 9CF68B5E74A5419685B825B9866F58CA bronchiole of right upper lobe Entire bronchiole of right upper lobe (body structure) 4156 4156 04156 bronchiole of right middle lobe 200285004 S04156 Structure of bronchiole of right middle lobe (body structure) E04156 69714005 Entire bronchiole of right middle lobe (body structure) P04156 R P respiratory system 367AEE6A16124F3284C54ADEE67892D6 AE2F75DA99F242698FB3EF81BEBC853D bronchiole of right middle lobe Entire bronchiole of right middle lobe (body structure) 4157 4157 04157 hair of axilla 75703003 S04157 Structure of hair of axilla (body structure) E04157 280911007 Entire hair of axilla (body structure) P04157 Y 54253 P skeletal system B7B55A1C99854D1CA85D53680A70A146 74158684507543B7BC571A3FE7EEAA5F hair of axilla Entire hair of axilla (body structure) 4158 4158 04158 bronchiole of right lower lobe 200384002 S04158 Structure of bronchiole of right lower lobe (body structure) E04158 15215000 Entire bronchiole of right lower lobe (body structure) P04158 R P respiratory system 592F89EF0E1D49C28408F4F706D5EFF0 459DB2F1205745D29051393D4E1D6ED0 bronchiole of right lower lobe Entire bronchiole of right lower lobe (body structure) 4159 4159 04159 bronchiole of left lung 14034004 S04159 Structure of bronchiole of left lung (body structure) E04159 200484003 Entire bronchiole of left lung (body structure) P04159 L P respiratory system 4233CC44909F415B8CA391EA14A713B0 7BB335958DAC49369C2546B22D600E24 bronchiole of left lung Entire bronchiole of left lung (body structure) 4160 4160 04160 bronchiole of left upper lobe 200581009 S04160 Structure of bronchiole of left upper lobe (body structure) E04160 72426004 Entire bronchiole of left upper lobe (body structure) P04160 L P respiratory system C5CF7D085C4C4076A85C72F644366F89 1AEDB0DBFF5C4B98868E77BD86C4DF77 bronchiole of left upper lobe Entire bronchiole of left upper lobe (body structure) 4161 4161 04161 bronchiole of left lower lobe 200629001 S04161 Structure of bronchiole of left lower lobe (body structure) E04161 80548008 Entire bronchiole of left lower lobe (body structure) P04161 L P respiratory system B0A1BB0EE7C143AD88ED2182BFDA4683 10E13976C3284183A53CF62634FC7CB8 bronchiole of left lower lobe Entire bronchiole of left lower lobe (body structure) 4162 4162 04162 costal surface of lung 528006 S04162 Structure of costal surface of lung (body structure) E04162 200812001 Entire costal surface of lung (body structure) P04162 Y 7321 P respiratory system C4ADD1CA05BD4C1FA0D359FA27CFA1A8 BCCAE332216C442883B2C811A30EAF58 costal surface of lung Entire costal surface of lung (body structure) 4163 4163 04163 vertebral part of medial surface of lung 89514000 S04163 Structure of vertebral part of medial surface of lung (body structure) E04163 200903004 Entire vertebral part of medial surface of lung (body structure) P04163 Y P respiratory system F60B0040A2324D4BB5901AAA7A9CE7E6 E614C4C6B3D843079F031B9F9C0F83E1 vertebral part of medial surface of lung Entire vertebral part of medial surface of lung (body structure) 4164 4164 04164 mediastinal part of medial surface of lung 14945003 S04164 Structure of mediastinal part of medial surface of lung (body structure) E04164 200988005 Entire mediastinal part of medial surface of lung (body structure) P04164 Y P respiratory system 51F64A1649574A94A2088F9D558DB526 2A51A00001344CE4B68D96D1190FC6A1 mediastinal part of medial surface of lung Entire mediastinal part of medial surface of lung (body structure) 4165 4165 04165 hair of trunk 36724005 S04165 Structure of hair of trunk (body structure) E04165 276164009 Entire hair of trunk (body structure) P04165 - 54250 P integumentary system 413F3BF87A294B26A72985C5D0D4D11D 2A2BE689B3004BBF9D8D7FC3900AB824 hair of trunk Entire hair of trunk (body structure) 4166 4166 04166 cardiac impression of medial surface of lung 113252001 S04166 Structure of cardiac impression of medial surface of lung (body structure) E04166 201068001 Entire cardiac impression of medial surface of lung (body structure) P04166 Y P respiratory system 898B299C1BE6443B950A43F0DF711939 0E535F33FDC744CC818144EA70F3ECF7 cardiac impression of medial surface of lung Entire cardiac impression of medial surface of lung (body structure) 4167 4167 04167 diaphragmatic surface of lung 8892009 S04167 Structure of diaphragmatic surface of lung (body structure) E04167 201149001 Entire diaphragmatic surface of lung (body structure) P04167 Y 7320 P respiratory system 485DC1B78CFE4A71B1E625F0EE501FC3 7641BE991F194C40A284E2702EB7968D diaphragmatic surface of lung Entire diaphragmatic surface of lung (body structure) 4168 4168 04168 interlobar surface of lung 88985007 S04168 Structure of interlobar surfaces of lung (body structure) E04168 201233009 Entire interlobar surfaces of lung (body structure) P04168 Y 7327 P respiratory system 8676E79A87AA4B869247FA267167C4C5 B155463347C042DAA28A16C73869C39B interlobar surfaces of lung Entire interlobar surfaces of lung (body structure) 4169 4169 04169 anterior margin of lung 79797003 S04169 Structure of anterior margin of lung (body structure) E04169 201314002 Entire anterior margin of lung (body structure) P04169 Y 7328 P respiratory system 342EF546C907493B96F339AA62A7C5B5 B6275C583B7A4B308CFB564BEE3E0937 anterior margin of lung Entire anterior margin of lung (body structure) 4170 4170 04170 inferior margin of lung 81657002 S04170 Structure of inferior margin of lung (body structure) E04170 201410005 Entire inferior margin of lung (body structure) P04170 Y 7329 P respiratory system 34B93367360542048D3059774A8E862D 64815151C4394CA7BA688AEC0BF6B333 inferior margin of lung Entire inferior margin of lung (body structure) 4171 4171 04171 transplanted lung 10047002 S04171 Structure of transplanted lung (body structure) E04171 187543000 Entire transplanted lung (body structure) P04171 Y P respiratory system B96261283BB24F5FBD31DCD6C268225B 25F0A94ABF1E41EBBAB42A00B4463743 transplanted lung Entire transplanted lung (body structure) 4172 4172 04172 alveolar duct of lung 23622000 S04172 Structure of alveolar duct of lung (body structure) E04172 202008002 Entire alveolar duct of lung (body structure) P04172 Y P respiratory system E51926CCCEBF4BAE8B0F10CF6015776B FCE538E4944E4EE6B590F049EECF0487 alveolar duct of lung Entire alveolar duct of lung (body structure) 4173 4173 04173 atrium of alveolus 81056005 S04173 Structure of atrium of alveolus (body structure) E04173 201806004 Entire atrium of alveolus (body structure) P04173 Y 7340 P respiratory system A208920A3C774577B6BFA2656580AF11 040CFD57C27B4255A637AA8FB2AC8E91 atrium of alveolus Entire atrium of alveolus (body structure) 4174 4174 04174 hair of limb 78954005 S04174 Structure of hair of extremity (body structure) E04174 303903004 Entire hair of extremity (body structure) P04174 Y 54243 P integumentary system AFDD3A4B3C1D4B02BF3CAFBE8DEF6DB2 1B3ED3AC5EFD460081CB0FDAA4F6F508 hair of extremity Entire hair of extremity (body structure) 4175 4175 04175 alveolar epithelium 28134006 S04175 Structure of alveolar epithelium (body structure) E04175 201907007 Entire alveolar epithelium (body structure) P04175 Y P respiratory system 99A2A50147FF4421BAEB6110AB944CF6 02D33FB07BCA4D7B9372C8E60B51C848 alveolar epithelium Entire alveolar epithelium (body structure) 4176 4176 04176 perihilar region of lung 63907008 S04176 Structure of perihilar region of lung (body structure) E04176 201508005 Entire perihilar region of lung (body structure) P04176 Y 7332 P respiratory system F8E280FD689542FEB46524670F66748E D07C37F8B7784AC3BAD20616C9365BF9 perihilar region of lung Entire perihilar region of lung (body structure) 4177 4177 04177 apex of lung 86598002 S04177 Structure of apex of lung (body structure) E04177 314790003 Entire apex of lung (body structure) P04177 Y 7319 P respiratory system 62E3F0A265E24B5B958C25A49F6628DC 490ED8AF58A64742B99D47AC54A1C897 apex of lung Entire apex of lung (body structure) 4178 4178 04178 apex of right lung 62884005 S04178 Structure of apex of right lung (body structure) E04178 181324009 Entire apex of right lung (body structure) P04178 R 7369 P respiratory system 07F787A564AB416CBA42ABEAB58DD331 EB82E179053E48A49DFD17F4AFC974EE apex of right lung Entire apex of right lung (body structure) 4179 4179 04179 base of right lung 51785002 S04179 Structure of base of right lung (body structure) E04179 181416003 Entire base of right lung (body structure) P04179 R 86152 P respiratory system 58A60B5C7E344133AD6FB7E3F7DD6F15 87EF9ADC816A4B9D95ED4C4AB091C169 base of right lung Entire base of right lung (body structure) 4180 4180 04180 skin of lateral area of middle finger 79921002 S04180 Skin structure of lateral surface of middle finger (body structure) E04180 368288008 Entire skin of lateral surface of middle finger (body structure) P04180 Y D integument/surface 2C96F905EC904BF0A9EB15B09305E659 65C470480D7A466F902BA570143DDB82 Skin of lateral surface of middle finger Entire skin of lateral surface of middle finger (body structure) 4181 4181 04181 hair of perineum 57559008 S04181 Structure of hair of perineum (body structure) E04181 367759005 Entire hair of perineum (body structure) P04181 - P integumentary system B4A22A3031EE4AAA8DC10D1BD08D4D3E 2ACC2AAAA9D447C38C41A1622AEA4FE3 hair of perineum Entire hair of perineum (body structure) 4182 4182 04182 root of right lung 77194008 S04182 Structure of root of right lung (body structure) E04182 181513008 Entire root of right lung (body structure) P04182 R 19735 P respiratory system 853FCB8087BD4B81B0033BDE1D3C49B2 D212B0ED770F4FEC946EC92B3BE72A29 root of right lung Entire root of right lung (body structure) 4183 4183 04183 oblique interlobar fissure of right lung 24720008 S04183 Structure of oblique interlobar fissure of right lung (body structure) E04183 278986003 Entire oblique interlobar fissure of right lung (body structure) P04183 R 7439 P respiratory system C81F5318F34648F3BFE52A0119E83915 1772B8FCEEA14828AC6FC4C30C2FC303 oblique interlobar fissure of right lung Entire oblique interlobar fissure of right lung (body structure) 4184 4184 04184 horizontal interlobar fissure of right lung 83067000 S04184 Structure of horizontal interlobar fissure of right lung (body structure) E04184 278987007 Entire horizontal interlobar fissure of right lung (body structure) P04184 R 75123 P respiratory system D9B186845C3742DC9F8F951D3CB8FDF7 2337016F005E4A2283A6852C9D85BE68 horizontal interlobar fissure of right lung Entire horizontal interlobar fissure of right lung (body structure) 4185 4185 04185 segment of right lung 57483003 S04185 Structure of segment of right lung (body structure) E04185 272651007 Entire segment of right lung (body structure) P04185 R 8743 P respiratory system 1E338DA8A411447FA8365349F5FE2132 7F2100CAE370419EB2845EB6181EE221 segment of right lung Entire segment of right lung (body structure) 4186 4186 04186 perihilar region of right lung 56860001 S04186 Structure of perihilar region of right lung (body structure) E04186 181706005 Entire perihilar region of right lung (body structure) P04186 R 7390 P respiratory system 1CD64E76D1724F19B6FF7EE6F6AB9CC8 03AD90E18BA34B818D2CB59888513C74 perihilar region of right lung Entire perihilar region of right lung (body structure) 4187 4187 04187 hair of pubis 75776007 S04187 Structure of hair of pubis (body structure) E04187 256893008 Entire hair of pubis (body structure) P04187 - 54319 P genital system 9AD8E718ABDE421FAD53B8792D6F5725 0D81D91C3D204D7BB0F0B328B32948BC hair of pubis Entire hair of pubis (body structure) 4188 4188 04188 medial basal segment of right lower lobe of lung 27589003 S04188 Structure of medial basal segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) E04188 245520008 Entire medial basal segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) P04188 R 7365 P respiratory system 4970BA1A65934F74B7C5B6D6AFC13869 FF97FA6082A54AFE8F866763698E2A57 medial basal segment of right lower lobe of lung Entire medial basal segment of right lower lobe of lung (body structure) 4189 4189 04189 apex of left lung 14559000 S04189 Structure of apex of left lung (body structure) E04189 184508008 Entire apex of left lung (body structure) P04189 L 7381 P respiratory system 34F61613E6624E85806A49C7881CBB01 9A382AE0083F4349BDBB98AD88B65082 apex of left lung Entire apex of left lung (body structure) 4190 4190 04190 base of left lung 60859004 S04190 Structure of base of left lung (body structure) E04190 184611002 Entire base of left lung (body structure) P04190 L 86153 P respiratory system AFE21F37947642B694AC5E1349C1838A 3B0B0750FA3C4CA186394A8257EEFFFC base of left lung Entire base of left lung (body structure) 4191 4191 04191 root of left lung 48778000 S04191 Structure of root of left lung (body structure) E04191 184713009 Entire root of left lung (body structure) P04191 L 19736 P respiratory system C2C27A558A1D4C3E8284915DF6ADE25C D4C5A7D77F2A4CAC9DF035990092A232 root of left lung Entire root of left lung (body structure) 4192 4192 04192 oblique interlobar fissure of left lung 63914005 S04192 Structure of oblique interlobar fissure of left lung (body structure) E04192 278988002 Entire oblique interlobar fissure of left lung (body structure) P04192 L 7440 P respiratory system 3DE300635EAB44A9A46DA2BC236BB47A C7184A6446B6410FB1FB7D04E7B883C3 oblique interlobar fissure of left lung Entire oblique interlobar fissure of left lung (body structure) 4193 4193 04193 cardiac notch of left lung 79512007 S04193 Structure of cardiac notch of left lung (body structure) E04193 184814008 Entire cardiac notch of left lung (body structure) P04193 L 13157 P respiratory system F4A24162AC9C4CE6B659EE2E2FF5C026 89B50D9D131148FF81E73B8B12D1954B cardiac notch of left lung Entire cardiac notch of left lung (body structure) 4194 4194 04194 segment of left lung 75472005 S04194 Structure of segment of left lung (body structure) E04194 272652000 Entire segment of left lung (body structure) P04194 L 11181 P respiratory system 184FB5077D0A4EDBAB3BC8DDB992BF4F 2C3223B7E6514D26A41C3337B1BA5738 segment of left lung Entire segment of left lung (body structure) 4195 4195 04195 perihilar region of left lung 21519003 S04195 Structure of perihilar region of left lung (body structure) E04195 185224000 Entire perihilar region of left lung (body structure) P04195 L 7391 P respiratory system 37AE3C9E4C624D5AA223D61371B175B7 6810ED46D8CA413C8DA02144C046E861 perihilar region of left lung Entire perihilar region of left lung (body structure) 4196 4196 04196 free edge of nail 66564001 S04196 Structure of free edge of nail (body structure) E04196 301102004 Entire free edge of nail (body structure) P04196 Y 60703 P integumentary system EED3A297DFBD40D3982E8EB03240D158 D6381FC77250448EA9BD6BFB1B96AFA1 free edge of nail Entire free edge of nail (body structure) 4197 4197 04197 lingula of left lung 50837003 S04197 Structure of lingula of left lung (body structure) E04197 184916009 Entire lingula of left lung (body structure) P04197 L 7433 P respiratory system 1E052C24A696414C89517B3C204052F4 7E6044D8917C49A4868199A99BE6F37B lingula of left lung Entire lingula of left lung (body structure) 4198 4198 04198 interstitial tissue of lung 113254000 S04198 Structure of interstitial tissue of lung (body structure) E04198 201609008 Entire interstitial tissue of lung (body structure) P04198 Y 27533 P respiratory system ABA9CD3BA4184D948C04B6D0491382D8 66DDC03EED6A4D808E73AAE8D316F2C8 interstitial tissue of lung Entire interstitial tissue of lung (body structure) 4199 4199 04199 parenchyma of lung 113255004 S04199 Structure of parenchyma of lung (body structure) E04199 201712001 Entire lung parenchyma (body structure) P04199 Y 27360 P respiratory system 0BA9B47DC5B4414792AD91EC985FA682 06B9FE9B537040FCACDDA45159D33840 parenchyma of lung Entire lung parenchyma (body structure) 4200 4200 04200 lymphoid system of lung 22226004 S04200 Structure of lymphoid tissue of lung (body structure) E04200 329931009 Entire lymphoid tissue of lung (body structure) P04200 Y P lymphoid system 22516825CFC04B67BA838523DB357DFD 65C16236543E4278A9EF3AD32978ED3D lymphoid tissue of lung Entire lymphoid tissue of lung (body structure) 4201 4201 04201 lunula 29152000 S04201 Structure of lunula (body structure) E04201 300538005 Entire lunula (body structure) P04201 Y 77858 P integumentary system 03760201723D42EEA9F2F0F5DF8655F6 172FBB1AE23C4C79A52773999954F234 lunula Entire lunula (body structure) 4202 4202 04202 right visceral pleura 5627008 S04202 Structure of right visceral pleura (body structure) E04202 184204006 Entire right visceral pleura (body structure) P04202 R 27310 P respiratory system 4EAA0604DDF54A968237CBC801D49447 F924DCE3384B4D848FBAD53341A3EB96 right visceral pleura Entire right visceral pleura (body structure) 4203 4203 04203 right parietal pleura 14818003 S04203 Structure of right parietal pleura (body structure) E04203 184304009 Entire right parietal pleura (body structure) P04203 R 27312 P respiratory system 5F487F02410F45ACAC99BA828C93FAE0 0121951E4C3F4648971AF6184105F790 right parietal pleura Entire right parietal pleura (body structure) 4204 4204 04204 right pleural cavity 73834008 S04204 Structure of right pleural cavity (body structure) E04204 243959007 Entire right pleural cavity (body structure) P04204 R 9741 P respiratory system 0DDDA3AD02174C36AC69D772B6198186 5293A41BAC754743876E86C3B73DE3A4 right pleural cavity Entire right pleural cavity (body structure) 4205 4205 04205 left visceral pleura 49310007 S04205 Structure of left visceral pleura (body structure) E04205 187240001 Entire left visceral pleura (body structure) P04205 L 27311 P respiratory system DDBCE10F1D04493699B3381072A795E9 F74F0345B0EF441A9E767EA077BE4B94 left visceral pleura Entire left visceral pleura (body structure) 4206 4206 04206 cuticle of nail 6620001 S04206 Structure of cuticle of nail (body structure) E04206 300630005 Entire cuticle of nail (body structure) P04206 Y P integumentary system 578CA4B306874C6AA1644DEBC31BA749 20D26BDE147F4F43A1D6D26D94A93A6F cuticle of nail Entire cuticle of nail (body structure) 4207 4207 04207 left parietal pleura 90986007 S04207 Structure of left parietal pleura (body structure) E04207 187338008 Entire left parietal pleura (body structure) P04207 L 27313 P respiratory system 34F2D36DC1C541FE9458EA695E802846 492A8A36E942450A9C8BB083ABFEF477 left parietal pleura Entire left parietal pleura (body structure) 4208 4208 04208 left pleural cavity 44067009 S04208 Structure of left pleural cavity (body structure) E04208 243958004 Entire left pleural cavity (body structure) P04208 L 9742 P respiratory system 8118BEF1D03E498BBDAB6F6A6EB76C38 258CC0A950DE4F0598F11D40F24FC21D left pleural cavity Entire left pleural cavity (body structure) 4209 4209 04209 costal pleura 19336009 S04209 Structure of costal pleura (body structure) E04209 368060008 Entire costal pleura (body structure) P04209 Y 9735 P respiratory system C8C77BC3A5404AB6A3B3CEC62BB5A6C3 B00758FA334F4EEAB070A8EC45B7A92D costal pleura Entire costal pleura (body structure) 4210 4210 04210 diaphragmatic pleura 20728007 S04210 Structure of diaphragmatic pleura (body structure) E04210 202302008 Entire diaphragmatic pleura (body structure) P04210 Y 9737 P respiratory system 77F32A40476E41C896A23A0116133912 452B6ED73ED7430596EAC96A7AFEF4B6 diaphragmatic pleura Entire diaphragmatic pleura (body structure) 4211 4211 04211 cervical pleura 36545001 S04211 Structure of cervical pleura (body structure) E04211 202395000 Entire cervical pleura (body structure) P04211 Y 27534 P respiratory system C1FB5C632D0C4E4D804C9EE9BA96B020 67573B4E3EC847C7BC2F14A73A9F9C96 cervical pleura Entire cervical pleura (body structure) 4212 4212 04212 pericardial pleura 31562005 S04212 Structure of pericardial pleura (body structure) E04212 202107009 Entire pericardial pleura (body structure) P04212 Y P respiratory system 0FE93F7CC57243629476CBCA075E2BC0 E1F55F8651A944EBA98DD6F05E34D42B pericardial pleura Entire pericardial pleura (body structure) 4213 4213 04213 phrenicocostal sinus 60162004 S04213 Structure of phrenicocostal sinus (body structure) E04213 278206007 Entire phrenicocostal sinus (body structure) P04213 Y 11355 P respiratory system 85681A49EF99401DA3A4E3769F493938 13B3A083AAA74BCF8EF43D7CA51FA627 phrenicocostal sinus Entire phrenicocostal sinus (body structure) 4214 4214 04214 phrenicomediastinal sinus 206320002 S04214 Structure of phrenicomediastinal sinus (body structure) E04214 35890009 Entire phrenicomediastinal sinus (body structure) P04214 Y P respiratory system 34CC79534B274E428ED9762CF28CB8D9 38288B0618C7476FAD285280D814E3FF phrenicomediastinal sinus Entire phrenicomediastinal sinus (body structure) 4215 4215 04215 costomediastinal sinus 72158002 S04215 Structure of costomediastinal sinus (body structure) E04215 278205006 Entire costomediastinal sinus (body structure) P04215 Y 9747 P respiratory system 611F86D647264B4189DC3CDF23D7C3A8 60705EEEE9994DFB989C2230069D600D costomediastinal sinus Entire costomediastinal sinus (body structure) 4216 4216 04216 proximal nail fold 18968000 S04216 Structure of proximal nail fold (body structure) E04216 368384008 Entire proximal nail fold (body structure) P04216 Y P integumentary system B290E77A5BCB4CD0A916CABA995DED46 FE4FBF38F9BF4B0D8A9E0D112CB45805 proximal nail fold Entire proximal nail fold (body structure) 4217 4217 04217 pleural recess 6731002 S04217 Structure of pleural recess (body structure) E04217 276142000 Entire pleural recess (body structure) P04217 Y 9743 P respiratory system 858E7F3F91664B3A99865743778905CF 05AF5239332942A7A187C1069636A179 pleural recess Entire pleural recess (body structure) 4218 4218 04218 suprapleural membrane 66155000 S04218 Structure of suprapleural membrane (body structure) E04218 278188001 Entire suprapleural membrane (body structure) P04218 Y 57866 P musculoskeletal system 0EC5AC0DCDD140C294727ACBFAD474CF BAA097837CA742F4A57A1592BF127A5F suprapleural membrane Entire suprapleural membrane (body structure) 4219 4219 04219 base of heart 60991002 S04219 Structure of base of heart (body structure) E04219 277701000 Entire base of heart (body structure) P04219 - 223286 P cardiovascular system 2F24581F98B1441CABD060BC30C2DE46 8750477E990A42FCA8D156D5E7C59EAA base of heart Entire base of heart (body structure) Zone of heart which has as its parts the left atrium and the inflow part of right atrium. 4220 4220 04220 notch of apex of heart 89012007 S04220 Structure of notch of apex of heart (body structure) E04220 277920009 Entire notch of apex of heart (body structure) P04220 - 75133 P cardiovascular system 4A28E0BCF6B94596ACCFBD13E23BE4CE 64EEDFEDE8C5447498127EE5C37B0720 notch of apex of heart Entire notch of apex of heart (body structure) 4221 4221 04221 transplanted heart 81510007 S04221 Structure of transplanted heart (body structure) E04221 195591003 Entire transplanted heart (body structure) P04221 - P cardiovascular system 433342FEE080486DBDB1C22624051C96 9A78ACB5D6044890BF616E03FAEDEBA8 transplanted heart Entire transplanted heart (body structure) 4222 4222 04222 sternocostal surface of heart 29662008 S04222 Structure of sternocostal surface of heart (body structure) E04222 277702007 Entire sternocostal surface of heart (body structure) P04222 - 7140 P cardiovascular system 68315CE2B6034478A7F5BB52BA161AAC E9C77E89B6624695B5B9210CE00466C0 sternocostal surface of heart Entire sternocostal surface of heart (body structure) 4223 4223 04223 diaphragmatic surface of heart 60383004 S04223 Structure of diaphragmatic surface of heart (body structure) E04223 277703002 Entire diaphragmatic surface of heart (body structure) P04223 - 7141 P cardiovascular system EDE85A57C777489984F20A456888E604 1CA607873A844F329916A92BFE5C0AE5 diaphragmatic surface of heart Entire diaphragmatic surface of heart (body structure) 4224 4224 04224 pulmonary surface of heart 32910004 S04224 Structure of pulmonary surface of heart (body structure) E04224 277924000 Entire pulmonary surface of heart (body structure) P04224 - P cardiovascular system 9D9D8B36D27D49EA874311DADEAC16C1 548E3CCF4DB44B4C9B3F1E4E17E8E38A pulmonary surface of heart Entire pulmonary surface of heart (body structure) 4225 4225 04225 right margin of heart 8608001 S04225 Structure of right margin of heart (body structure) E04225 277705009 Entire right margin of heart (body structure) P04225 - 7173 R P cardiovascular system E83AD92F0CC047C18EAB35FCC811E159 9D07F66F7A5343D2975F6C342D243E2D right margin of heart Entire right margin of heart (body structure) 4226 4226 04226 left margin of heart 29294009 S04226 Structure of left margin of heart (body structure) E04226 277704008 Entire left margin of heart (body structure) P04226 - 7172 L P cardiovascular system EA2E450598524B2C9D3EF1F49F937E88 975BFECC03244D0BA4940188FD3A4C6D left margin of heart Entire left margin of heart (body structure) Border of heart between the posterior and lateral walls of the left ventricle. 4227 4227 04227 anterior myocardium 6975006 S04227 Structure of anterior myocardium (body structure) E04227 192901008 Entire anterior myocardium (body structure) P04227 - P cardiovascular system 416E4149168B40F5A3D9735BA84B7F17 3A7B515F7F004B6A8FEA5B9FB231F5B4 anterior myocardium Entire anterior myocardium (body structure) 4228 4228 04228 posterior myocardium 19914004 S04228 Structure of posterior myocardium (body structure) E04228 192986001 Entire posterior myocardium (body structure) P04228 - P cardiovascular system 09E122FB08D04E7D8E48D7E85531B477 6DB4948C69DA4C94AA5AEE67B1A9B972 posterior myocardium Entire posterior myocardium (body structure) 4229 4229 04229 lateral myocardium 273000 S04229 Structure of lateral myocardium (body structure) E04229 193068007 Entire lateral myocardium (body structure) P04229 - P cardiovascular system C4BCCD750F7A465FAF0C37DD8EAAE58F B5F051E7DF714C6EBD9572254D675ED4 lateral myocardium Entire lateral myocardium (body structure) 4230 4230 04230 subendocardial myocardium 58148009 S04230 Structure of subendocardial myocardium (body structure) E04230 193145001 Entire subendocardial myocardium (body structure) P04230 - P cardiovascular system 7796F57A64D6480F962469457512D3A2 B65B2B6AA0274561B7D0FD5681B2E1F4 subendocardial myocardium Entire subendocardial myocardium (body structure) 4231 4231 04231 nail root 38671000 S04231 Structure of nail root (body structure) E04231 300732009 Entire nail root (body structure) P04231 Y 60128 P integumentary system 13B51F982735470099301E42EE3A0E11 0C14D5FB5EEC46C1985413A14D96D464 nail root Entire nail root (body structure) 4232 4232 04232 vortex of the heart 20575005 S04232 Structure of vortex of the heart (body structure) E04232 190253004 Entire vortex of the heart (body structure) P04232 - 84628 P cardiovascular system 68FAC2F92A9248FEA2F3A1D762BFF914 282DF86DFE5749DEA614AC488583287F vortex of the heart Entire vortex of the heart (body structure) 4233 4233 04233 fibrous trigone of heart 74552007 S04233 Structure of fibrous trigone of heart (body structure) E04233 188869000 Entire fibrous trigone of heart (body structure) P04233 - 9504 P cardiovascular system 97B4C696F02E4C3D8359D392689CD388 8CF9E0B807F448E6A32BA77805175F83 fibrous trigone of heart Entire fibrous trigone of heart (body structure) Subdivision of fibrous skeleton of heart which connects the posterior cusp of the aortic valve to the leaf of cardiac valve. 4234 4234 04234 auricular appendage 68786006 S04234 Structure of auricular appendage (body structure) E04234 305223006 Entire auricular appendage (body structure) P04234 - 77110 P cardiovascular system 75C0F071F7C74773930416C3B8D33C7C 19517F6AA9A3443288EF8549BDE5A488 auricular appendage Entire auricular appendage (body structure) 4235 4235 04235 myocardium of atrium 17475005 S04235 Structure of myocardium of atrium (body structure) E04235 191910002 Entire myocardium of atrium (body structure) P04235 - 83509 P cardiovascular system E2896FBA27B94C94AE54D811D9DF0BC5 41061F0A88134DF7BE59A5683C5E88ED myocardium of atrium Entire myocardium of atrium (body structure) 4236 4236 04236 skin of hand and foot 42097000 S04236 Skin structure of hand and foot (combined site) (body structure) E04236 304065001 Entire skin of hand and foot (body structure) P04236 Y P integumentary system ABF458C16CA24EEDB14AC72A18D5172D 8247CF0BF4DF4C7499510F9BD7C6FA1B Skin of hand and foot (combined site) Entire skin of hand and foot (body structure) 4237 4237 04237 skin of medial area of middle finger 9348007 S04237 Skin structure of medial surface of middle finger (body structure) E04237 368298002 Entire skin of medial surface of middle finger (body structure) P04237 Y D integument/surface 275E312185C241F2BDA2A542AC5DCBB9 B3D82639538A4B2C9AA68B21145EA9C6 Skin of medial surface of middle finger Entire skin of medial surface of middle finger (body structure) 4238 4238 04238 keratogenous zone of nail 66333004 S04238 Structure of keratogenous zone of nail (body structure) E04238 300831006 Entire keratogenous zone of nail (body structure) P04238 Y P integumentary system 268492B245D64494A90AF0A7E21FB77F 96D5A69F27914F53901A73BF4157F4FF keratogenous zone of nail Entire keratogenous zone of nail (body structure) 4239 4239 04239 valve of foramen ovale 75847001 S04239 Structure of valve of foramen ovale (body structure) E04239 188958004 Entire valve of foramen ovale (body structure) P04239 - 75348 P cardiovascular system 0157310763564678ACAABC8AD92BDA82 A96F2A5FEEE0454785314107BDEE1252 valve of foramen ovale Entire valve of foramen ovale (body structure) 4240 4240 04240 septum secundum 82221002 S04240 Structure of septum secundum (body structure) E04240 308850005 Entire septum secundum (body structure) P04240 - 63910 P cardiovascular system DBB6E3FBB87348759E120C1F82CCEADF 46F0E7130BBF476F98B0D4C8FFB6D029 septum secundum Entire septum secundum (body structure) 4241 4241 04241 ostium primum 86023005 S04241 Structure of ostium primum (body structure) E04241 308852002 Entire ostium primum (body structure) P04241 - P cardiovascular system 67FD2422F61F44E681EE6D829529F906 199E4DE146B84E78A22BAA68E07B79DE ostium primum Entire ostium primum (body structure) 4242 4242 04242 ostium secundum 24467006 S04242 Structure of ostium secundum (body structure) E04242 308854001 Entire ostium secundum (body structure) P04242 - P cardiovascular system D349F14072784AA99BEA02D37EE424B4 0245CD41DB7F46C2ADDE38B154984507 ostium secundum Entire ostium secundum (body structure) 4243 4243 04243 fossa ovalis of heart 51700009 S04243 Structure of fossa ovalis of heart (body structure) E04243 277719009 Entire fossa ovalis of heart (body structure) P04243 - 9246 P cardiovascular system F7D3B1347E5D49C1AA099BDCA9848B85 ED656DED47D14305B0C9D2ECE08C4CC3 fossa ovalis of heart Entire fossa ovalis of heart (body structure) 4244 4244 04244 limbus of fossa ovalis 84712000 S04244 Structure of limbus of fossa ovalis (body structure) E04244 189054009 Entire limbus of fossa ovalis (body structure) P04244 - 9247 P cardiovascular system 5C61BD10E155480A9FB7A5C83506D713 C63FBAA2DFAA4D8C8EB9CB90BBF7F9CC limbus of fossa ovalis Entire limbus of fossa ovalis (body structure) 4245 4245 04245 endocardium of atrium 61840008 S04245 Structure of endocardium of atrium (body structure) E04245 192001005 Entire endocardium of atrium (body structure) P04245 - 7284 P cardiovascular system AFC7EA3399584356BFBA4511195C7AB5 67E9654835A64C0299145F9BAE73C61C endocardium of atrium Entire endocardium of atrium (body structure) 4246 4246 04246 right auricular appendage 68300000 S04246 Structure of right auricular appendage (body structure) E04246 277713005 Entire right auricular appendage (body structure) P04246 - 7218 R P cardiovascular system 332CAF9479154306981CE5B4B7B5633C D7C7151FAF2E4B58AA6E76D73FE283E7 right auricular appendage Entire right auricular appendage (body structure) 4247 4247 04247 right coronary sulcus 22093009 S04247 Structure of right coronary sulcus (body structure) E04247 277707001 Entire right coronary sulcus (body structure) P04247 - 7175 R P cardiovascular system 450D0511A56F4375AC316E20FF1024EF 50CC5FEB31F04985BFB8020D7F5A2739 right coronary sulcus Entire right coronary sulcus (body structure) 4248 4248 04248 valve of inferior vena cava 61995003 S04248 Structure of valve of inferior vena cava (body structure) E04248 277722006 Entire valve of inferior vena cava (body structure) P04248 - 9240 P cardiovascular system 4C52007A3B2C4856A1F600687B7DCF18 ABFBD65607784BDA86F996584FF73F5C valve of inferior vena cava Entire valve of inferior vena cava (body structure) Vestigial cardiac valve which is continuous with the valve of the coronary sinus and the crista terminalis. 4249 4249 04249 ostium of superior vena cava 79234008 S04249 Structure of ostium of superior vena cava (body structure) E04249 189376005 Entire ostium of superior vena cava (body structure) P04249 - 9238 P cardiovascular system 917C64C5478D4395AB4EF2BB07FCE63F DD310C239AFE4CE1919B5ACFC34EDFBE ostium of superior vena cava Entire ostium of superior vena cava (body structure) 4250 4250 04250 ligament of left superior vena cava 6073002 S04250 Structure of ligament of left superior vena cava (body structure) E04250 188789007 Entire ligament of left superior vena cava (body structure) P04250 L 7224 P cardiovascular system A3F9DE5DF568400BADD94F36481EC951 D19B1C34CA45415083B50BCF50AD49F4 ligament of left superior vena cava Entire ligament of left superior vena cava (body structure) 4251 4251 04251 ostium of inferior vena cava 30267007 S04251 Structure of ostium of inferior vena cava (body structure) E04251 189479002 Entire ostium of inferior vena cava (body structure) P04251 - 9239 P cardiovascular system D60A1AEADAE84A02B7BB1252174C4DBF 568FC234D6D04EAC8C26E1C0C1A1A95A ostium of inferior vena cava Entire ostium of inferior vena cava (body structure) 4252 4252 04252 crista terminalis cordis 77801005 S04252 Structure of crista terminalis cordis (body structure) E04252 277693004 Entire crista terminalis cordis (body structure) P04252 - 9236 P cardiovascular system 916DACAC89004B43953168DB5E09513B B14052FCEC3D4CEF80920EDEBD01E14C crista terminalis cordis Entire crista terminalis cordis (body structure) Region of wall of right atrium which separates the anterior wall of right atrium from the lateral wall of right atrium and is continuous with the valve of inferior vana cava. 4253 4253 04253 sulcus terminalis cordis 6253001 S04253 Structure of sulcus terminalis cordis (body structure) E04253 277716002 Entire sulcus terminalis cordis (body structure) P04253 Y 9287 P cardiovascular system 05891DFB6069419C8045C25F681EC211 156F5FBE1DC64BE28E4696DC47040B44 sulcus terminalis cordis Entire sulcus terminalis cordis (body structure) 4254 4254 04254 hyponychium 89699003 S04254 Structure of hyponychium (body structure) E04254 300918002 Entire hyponychium (body structure) P04254 Y 77860 P integumentary system 813326BD1A1E48479D540E6A1455C2D4 647E6CF3C1B44AD983864200FD24C13A hyponychium Entire hyponychium (body structure) 4255 4255 04255 intercaval sinus 76033006 S04255 Structure of intercaval sinus (body structure) E04255 277714004 Entire intercaval sinus (body structure) P04255 Y 9237 P cardiovascular system 614B08B2E0504CB88C7E1B5996A297A9 CC66580EBBC5488A8ADC5570187B59D1 intercaval sinus Entire intercaval sinus (body structure) 4256 4256 04256 intervenous tubercle of right atrium 7651004 S04256 Structure of intervenous tubercle of right atrium (body structure) E04256 189556000 Entire intervenous tubercle of right atrium (body structure) P04256 - 9270 R P cardiovascular system BBB704CB5D2349ACBC83B2C88E565425 44BB070107154279A7B370A36D2BEC75 intervenous tubercle of right atrium Entire intervenous tubercle of right atrium (body structure) 4257 4257 04257 supratricuspid valve area 27276005 S04257 Structure of supratricuspid valve area (body structure) E04257 189595004 Entire supratricuspid valve area (body structure) P04257 - P cardiovascular system 180A2D3E4C4348CBAD05668C281E4C6C C5A6ABF5116F4CABA9E45468AB2A8448 supratricuspid valve area Entire supratricuspid valve area (body structure) 4258 4258 04258 left auricular appendage 33626005 S04258 Structure of left auricular appendage (body structure) E04258 277930000 Entire left auricular appendage (body structure) P04258 - 7219 L P cardiovascular system C92FA5F2ADEE43FAA38F2BC518A68176 43AEF5A1E313486682D37197EA343FC4 left auricular appendage Entire left auricular appendage (body structure) 4259 4259 04259 myocardium of left atrium 15713008 S04259 Structure of myocardium of left atrium (body structure) E04259 189936008 Entire myocardium of left atrium (body structure) P04259 - 83532 L P cardiovascular system C2205FD4544149E5BB6F2D93ADD08C98 14A97267B8524016ABDB3A0A3D208165 myocardium of left atrium Entire myocardium of left atrium (body structure) Myocardium of atrium which is continuous with the tunica media of pulmonary vein. 4260 4260 04260 coronary sinus of left atrial septum 31162003 S04260 Structure of coronary sinus of left atrial septum (body structure) E04260 190000001 Entire coronary sinus of left atrial septum (body structure) P04260 - L P cardiovascular system 790EACE5C3E741E8B7A18B468DC4C658 20C367AF4C0D429BA5CF519F8CE46037 coronary sinus of left atrial septum Entire coronary sinus of left atrial septum (body structure) 4261 4261 04261 left coronary sulcus 188621001 S04261 Structure of left coronary sulcus (body structure) E04261 60290006 Entire left coronary sulcus (body structure) P04261 - 7176 L P cardiovascular system 8C93AFD4998A4BA3AA2D14F64B691985 506B7E3A2722400F9FFE732959FEE2C2 left coronary sulcus Entire left coronary sulcus (body structure) 4262 4262 04262 ostium of pulmonary vein 27306007 S04262 Structure of ostia of pulmonary veins (body structure) E04262 277932008 Entire ostia of pulmonary veins (body structure) P04262 Y 9307 P cardiovascular system B4A0542CF49D4D5DBFA26760BAB9ED68 EEBBAEB28BD84A32AC86E6440CB39FE0 ostia of pulmonary veins Entire ostia of pulmonary veins (body structure) 4263 4263 04263 endocardium of left atrium 33052000 S04263 Structure of endocardium of left atrium (body structure) E04263 190064008 Entire endocardium of left atrium (body structure) P04263 - 7286 L P cardiovascular system B8C59918361E4C8CBFE6D493AEA0A3FB 3669FF256E274A41BB2B17D42F6B8388 endocardium of left atrium Entire endocardium of left atrium (body structure) Endocardium of atrium which is continuous with the tunica intima of the trunk of pulmonary vein. 4264 4264 04264 distal nail groove 89008001 S04264 Structure of distal nail groove (body structure) E04264 301006004 Entire distal nail groove (body structure) P04264 Y P integumentary system 56949DC5C97F46A7BA4B8F496B26AAC8 F37C97C040AF4BABAD3951A43B26FB78 distal nail groove Entire distal nail groove (body structure) 4265 4265 04265 supramitral valve area 69476002 S04265 Structure of supramitral valve area (body structure) E04265 190154002 Entire supramitral valve area (body structure) P04265 - P cardiovascular system 342BE0EC34434BF8A5B4DA94EE02E16D F251EB68C1F741BEB83C93C6E3124AC4 supramitral valve area Entire supramitral valve area (body structure) 4266 4266 04266 atrioventricular septum 14692001 S04266 Structure of atrioventricular septum (body structure) E04266 280151006 Entire atrioventricular septum (body structure) P04266 - 7136 P cardiovascular system C9A41012931D49EC8DA0182357583FEA E0AD1A93FAFF4A65AB4C6F3309E95CB0 atrioventricular septum Entire atrioventricular septum (body structure) Region of membranous part of interventricular septum which is continuous with the membranous part of interventricular septum proper and is attached to the septal leaflet of tricuspid valve and the right posterior cusp of the aortic valve. 4267 4267 04267 membranous portion of interventricular septum 56514005 S04267 Structure of membranous portion of interventricular septum (body structure) E04267 278228007 Entire membranous portion of interventricular septum (body structure) P04267 - 7135 P cardiovascular system 30A01B5581A241E58FDA3AE0D4FBCD7F 4E0C780EFB314CEB9E176177C0C94755 membranous portion of interventricular septum Entire membranous portion of interventricular septum (body structure) Membranous part of cardiac septum which has as its parts the endocardium of interventricular septum , central fibrous body part and the atrioventricular septum and is continuous with the membranous part of interatrial septum. 4268 4268 04268 anterior portion of interventricular septum 81606001 S04268 Structure of anterior portion of interventricular septum (body structure) E04268 280154003 Entire anterior portion of interventricular septum (body structure) P04268 - P cardiovascular system BA8EAC930AD546B6BD15C651836BAF33 C03A9D8ACE0F402EAA8F42D565001057 anterior portion of interventricular septum Entire anterior portion of interventricular septum (body structure) 4269 4269 04269 anterior interventricular sulcus 58266008 S04269 Structure of anterior interventricular sulcus (body structure) E04269 277710008 Entire anterior interventricular sulcus (body structure) P04269 - 7177 P cardiovascular system 945E90F9E6B54993B91C9B5EA5AB0909 61BA73DCF6854021BDF34A0D73B14403 anterior interventricular sulcus Entire anterior interventricular sulcus (body structure) 4270 4270 04270 posterior portion of interventricular septum 68903009 S04270 Structure of posterior portion of interventricular septum (body structure) E04270 189134005 Entire posterior portion of interventricular septum (body structure) P04270 - P cardiovascular system 3111BC17BC2A4E5F9BCC53B88720BB09 248C75DE16754F8FBEE8DD40DDB5F766 posterior portion of interventricular septum Entire posterior portion of interventricular septum (body structure) 4271 4271 04271 posterior interventricular sulcus 60445004 S04271 Structure of posterior interventricular sulcus (body structure) E04271 277711007 Entire posterior interventricular sulcus (body structure) P04271 - 7178 P cardiovascular system 0401A2A9CB1D41EBB6110E131756474E 89EF1A1FDE5947DE9ED4522488587558 posterior interventricular sulcus Entire posterior interventricular sulcus (body structure) 4272 4272 04272 subaortic portion of interventricular septum 43991005 S04272 Structure of subaortic portion of interventricular septum (body structure) E04272 280155002 Entire subaortic portion of interventricular septum (body structure) P04272 - P cardiovascular system 66E0814D5BF24885AB49726B94FB7D36 9D2C08A609F94EEB93C0A1C361317C55 subaortic portion of interventricular septum Entire subaortic portion of interventricular septum (body structure) 4273 4273 04273 lateral nail fold 16465000 S04273 Structure of lateral nail fold (body structure) E04273 368268009 Entire lateral nail fold (body structure) P04273 Y P integumentary system D5752E2BCC5341E2BC215A03B5181EEA C4C33219AED24D3F979C169DCE8B3FA1 lateral nail fold Entire lateral nail fold (body structure) 4274 4274 04274 subtricuspid portion of interventricular septum 16401007 S04274 Structure of subtricuspid portion of interventricular septum (body structure) E04274 189211008 Entire subtricuspid portion of interventricular septum (body structure) P04274 - P cardiovascular system 610AD628A1C7439AAB011DBBC4ABD35C 33B3F2F5C22041248749E4829BDC3DD5 subtricuspid portion of interventricular septum Entire subtricuspid portion of interventricular septum (body structure) 4275 4275 04275 apical portion of interventricular septum 72631005 S04275 Structure of apical portion of interventricular septum (body structure) E04275 263951002 Entire apical portion of interventricular septum (body structure) P04275 - P cardiovascular system A95D5B37A2D149158390003749D60618 9EF00C8E30084CFEB627F55F47990F0F apical portion of interventricular septum Entire apical portion of interventricular septum (body structure) 4276 4276 04276 myocardium of ventricle 7872004 S04276 Structure of myocardium of ventricle (body structure) E04276 192084000 Entire myocardium of ventricle (body structure) P04276 - 12151 P cardiovascular system FCC753E0318446EEA4235D590267C022 C6A066D2C9C9496CAD32D2AD70A979C3 myocardium of ventricle Entire myocardium of ventricle (body structure) 4277 4277 04277 papillary muscle 35054001 S04277 Structure of papillary muscle (body structure) E04277 279329009 Entire papillary muscle (body structure) P04277 - 12154 P cardiovascular system 609E66B078324193B4D4F1D4E1E99CDF 84A8A745D69C47C689ADF335AF3117D9 papillary muscle Entire papillary muscle (body structure) Region of myocardium which is continuous with the chorda tendinea and the wall of heart. 4278 4278 04278 muscular portion of interventricular septum 5633004 S04278 Structure of muscular portion of interventricular septum (body structure) E04278 278229004 Entire muscular portion of interventricular septum (body structure) P04278 - 7134 P cardiovascular system F7F4227F42AF4F21B36D85CD9FD207BB 072CF38EC8514E808D0735321036470B muscular portion of interventricular septum Entire muscular portion of interventricular septum (body structure) Muscular part of cardiac septum which is continuous with the membranous part of interventricular septum and the myocardium of free wall of right and left ventricles. 4279 4279 04279 endocardium of ventricle 23538004 S04279 Structure of endocardium of ventricle (body structure) E04279 192172004 Entire endocardium of ventricle (body structure) P04279 - 12148 P cardiovascular system 90344E588B56426DA24EBED46681F69D FE8BE0A7BC11480EBE5A7CAB3D1DD67B endocardium of ventricle Entire endocardium of ventricle (body structure) 4280 4280 04280 crista supraventricularis 90408000 S04280 Structure of crista supraventricularis (body structure) E04280 278954008 Entire crista supraventricularis (body structure) P04280 - 9293 P cardiovascular system 0AC98B7576B841F6AB0EEBE46F9F9CCE EE4B86ABA8AE49A0A390951D18BF0E5F crista supraventricularis Entire crista supraventricularis (body structure) Region of wall of right ventricle which has as its parts the mural and septal limbs of supraventricular crest. 4281 4281 04281 nail of finger 91456000 S04281 Structure of nail of finger (body structure) E04281 244197001 Entire nail of finger (body structure) P04281 Y 0 P integumentary system 8EE43E52248C4519938CD502DDDF25BF 0FE75948EE31414C8BFA9A25C0DEDC1B nail of finger Entire nail of finger (body structure) 4282 4282 04282 papillary muscle of right ventricle 2383005 S04282 Structure of papillary muscles of right ventricle (body structure) E04282 244356004 Entire papillary muscles of right ventricle (body structure) P04282 - 7259 R P cardiovascular system A6C9FC4C2A7E4B12A27AEEB18A6F9087 F9D6C1E05B234B5E9539F1FD68D7BC13 papillary muscles of right ventricle Entire papillary muscles of right ventricle (body structure) Papillary muscle which consists of the anteiror, posterior and septal papillary muscles of right ventricle and is continuous with the chorda tendinea of the right ventricle. 4283 4283 04283 anterior papillary muscle of right ventricle 53265005 S04283 Structure of anterior papillary muscle of right ventricle (body structure) E04283 244359006 Entire anterior papillary muscle of right ventricle (body structure) P04283 - 7260 R P cardiovascular system CDB9FAC7D2304E54A75DCA004638E719 102D4226475D45DE8A18E2C0F9046552 anterior papillary muscle of right ventricle Entire anterior papillary muscle of right ventricle (body structure) Papillary muscle of right venricle which is attached to the wall of right ventricle below the anteroposterior commissure of tricuspid valve and the septomarginal trabecula. 4284 4284 04284 posterior papillary muscle of right ventricle 88033008 S04284 Structure of posterior papillary muscle of right ventricle (body structure) E04284 244358003 Entire posterior papillary muscle of right ventricle (body structure) P04284 - 7261 R P cardiovascular system F63DCE69CAAB41A0BE1E26B2B60B86B6 F8C8BC5A27BE4FF9821A6254BCE72EF9 posterior papillary muscle of right ventricle Entire posterior papillary muscle of right ventricle (body structure) Papillary muscle of right ventricle which is attached to the wall of right ventricle below the posteroseptal commissure of tricuspid valve. 4285 4285 04285 septal papillary muscle of right ventricle 81051000 S04285 Structure of septal papillary muscle of right ventricle (body structure) E04285 244357008 Entire septal papillary muscle of right ventricle (body structure) P04285 - 7262 R P cardiovascular system E0370F87544C4BDC9FE4FD86A9F154CC AB9BE43D020241C3B0BE9030F17E89C4 septal papillary muscle of right ventricle Entire septal papillary muscle of right ventricle (body structure) Papillary muscle of right ventricle which is attached to the septomarginal trabecula. 4286 4286 04286 trabecula carnea of right ventricle 73641004 S04286 Structure of trabecula carnea of right ventricle (body structure) E04286 192373001 Entire trabecula carnea of right ventricle (body structure) P04286 - 7270 R P cardiovascular system 6C7E77EF0361482CA598C48A1720AEB6 05CE6BEAFBDE4720B6EF1229F6D8E901 trabecula carnea of right ventricle Entire trabecula carnea of right ventricle (body structure) 4287 4287 04287 inflow tract of right ventricle 8017000 S04287 Structure of inflow tract of right ventricle (body structure) E04287 278950004 Entire inflow tract of right ventricle (body structure) P04287 - 9552 R P cardiovascular system D27F8DF7148945F9A78BC10FECB749E1 399FE85FBC7E436F8D12728FB5B13E0B inflow tract of right ventricle Entire inflow tract of right ventricle (body structure) 4288 4288 04288 outflow tract of right ventricle 44627009 S04288 Structure of outflow tract of right ventricle (body structure) E04288 264183003 Entire outflow tract of right ventricle (body structure) P04288 - 7216 R P cardiovascular system 5DD83A1EC8EB4862B84F97163B44D34F 1ECC0E63BD05487CA5C6CCA67086D6B8 outflow tract of right ventricle Entire outflow tract of right ventricle (body structure) Outflow part of ventricle which is continuous with the pulmonary trunk. 4289 4289 04289 tendon of conus arteriosus 39226007 S04289 Structure of tendon of conus arteriosus (body structure) E04289 192476008 Entire tendon of conus arteriosus (body structure) P04289 - 9290 P muscular system FBD14827DFEB4E8EA69256AEAE0652E6 6DC3E3C61B0244E0B8086CBD1C4E0D00 tendon of conus arteriosus Entire tendon of conus arteriosus (body structure) 4290 4290 04290 trabecula septomarginalis 34753009 S04290 Structure of trabecula septomarginalis (body structure) E04290 278952007 Entire trabecula septomarginalis (body structure) P04290 - 7272 P cardiovascular system 8289A54BBEEB4F5FA23EE944265C5743 2397809EE3F645F4A96DB9BF7DB74F0E trabecula septomarginalis Entire trabecula septomarginalis (body structure) 4291 4291 04291 endocardium of right ventricle 192274009 S04291 Structure of endocardium of right ventricle (body structure) E04291 8911002 Entire endocardium of right ventricle (body structure) P04291 - 9536 R P cardiovascular system 5BE47CFCA7E148B7817AD144BA9072E7 925EC28F27E4498DBF0891FDD7644C20 endocardium of right ventricle Entire endocardium of right ventricle (body structure) Endocardium of ventricle which is continuous tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve and with the tunica intima of the pulmonary trunk. 4292 4292 04292 nail of thumb 28274006 S04292 Structure of nail of thumb (body structure) E04292 181584008 Entire nail of thumb (body structure) P04292 Y 54329 P integumentary system 4107FB1259174AA28634F3012FF39662 3A17986A6F2448A7A248CC2E00BE40E6 nail of thumb Entire nail of thumb (body structure) 4293 4293 04293 foramen of small vein of right ventricle 63786009 S04293 Structure of foramina of small veins of right ventricle (body structure) E04293 192573002 Entire foramina of small veins of right ventricle (body structure) P04293 - R P cardiovascular system 6E409D531F734FB3B330D58D04291A90 9134AE292B9C4762BFBFA09484294CDC foramina of small veins of right ventricle Entire foramina of small veins of right ventricle (body structure) 4294 4294 04294 trabecula carnea of left ventricle 3118005 S04294 Structure of trabecula carnea of left ventricle (body structure) E04294 190344008 Entire trabecula carnea of left ventricle (body structure) P04294 - 7271 L P cardiovascular system 2FE579A426394222AB285509F576D208 9D9434FA3BE44740B66FC415F4A64C27 trabecula carnea of left ventricle Entire trabecula carnea of left ventricle (body structure) 4295 4295 04295 papillary muscle of left ventricle 77078004 S04295 Structure of papillary muscles of left ventricle (body structure) E04295 244347007 Entire papillary muscles of left ventricle (body structure) P04295 - 9352 L P cardiovascular system 3962A080C1FC4C4FAC474B94893ED6AF C782377275B04B94AA62180DF00D4FC0 papillary muscles of left ventricle Entire papillary muscles of left ventricle (body structure) Papillary muscle which consists of the lateral and posterior papillary muscles of left ventricle and is continuous with the chorda tendinea of the left ventricle. 4296 4296 04296 anterior papillary muscle of left ventricle 3366005 S04296 Structure of anterior papillary muscle of left ventricle (body structure) E04296 244349005 Entire anterior papillary muscle of left ventricle (body structure) P04296 - 7264 L P cardiovascular system 03A4517D0E174A89819D41DE88B5A410 6357CA24A6E64CE4AE955F6C8E5347CF anterior papillary muscle of left ventricle Entire anterior papillary muscle of left ventricle (body structure) Papillary muscle of left ventricle which has as its parts the anterolateral and posterior heads of the lateral papillary muscle of left ventricle that is continuous with the lateral wall of left ventricle. 4297 4297 04297 posterior papillary muscle of left ventricle 2922005 S04297 Structure of posterior papillary muscle of left ventricle (body structure) E04297 244348002 Entire posterior papillary muscle of left ventricle (body structure) P04297 - 7266 L P cardiovascular system FDA699E12BFB463A91ECD3FB8474CAFB E8B64E5652E34E6BB4FDF2E3411CCFE4 posterior papillary muscle of left ventricle Entire posterior papillary muscle of left ventricle (body structure) Papillary muscle of left ventricle which has as its parts the posteromedial and anterior heads of the posterior papillary muscle of left ventricle and is continuous with the inferior wall of left ventricle.. 4298 4298 04298 myocardium of posteroseptal region 10846005 S04298 Structure of myocardium of posteroseptal region (body structure) E04298 190441001 Entire myocardium of posteroseptal region (body structure) P04298 - P cardiovascular system 9D5723B4F50D40688F97CDE0723C94A4 DF85FCE2097543AAA3CEF3A35D0DF9A3 myocardium of posteroseptal region Entire myocardium of posteroseptal region (body structure) 4299 4299 04299 myocardium of anteroseptal region 20706007 S04299 Structure of myocardium of anteroseptal region (body structure) E04299 190513003 Entire myocardium of anteroseptal region (body structure) P04299 - P cardiovascular system 21955C1409534D95B9ED97BE7E434186 57DE2DF47A2846E6B3655BD9274DBD02 myocardium of anteroseptal region Entire myocardium of anteroseptal region (body structure) 4300 4300 04300 myocardium of diaphragmatic region 72542009 S04300 Structure of myocardium of diaphragmatic region (body structure) E04300 190593002 Entire myocardium of diaphragmatic region (body structure) P04300 - P cardiovascular system 417DAAFEC3CF42D69A5B9EC1C82D9747 811534CEDF794FE1939196BCCA860FF9 myocardium of diaphragmatic region Entire myocardium of diaphragmatic region (body structure) 4301 4301 04301 nail of index finger 63288009 S04301 Structure of nail of index finger (body structure) E04301 181580004 Entire nail of index finger (body structure) P04301 Y 54332 P integumentary system 5D727CE8D9FC41C08FF684167FD563B1 8778CAB06220438FBA6203C71F554041 nail of index finger Entire nail of index finger (body structure) 4302 4302 04302 myocardium of posterolateral region 33272004 S04302 Structure of myocardium of posterolateral region (body structure) E04302 190685007 Entire myocardium of posterolateral region (body structure) P04302 - P cardiovascular system 23054694C904432E9CB18D22026B25A3 67249E9186864F8086684CEC0B4CC7BE myocardium of posterolateral region Entire myocardium of posterolateral region (body structure) 4303 4303 04303 myocardium of anterolateral region 73050001 S04303 Structure of myocardium of anterolateral region (body structure) E04303 190762001 Entire myocardium of anterolateral region (body structure) P04303 - P cardiovascular system F74A823AF0A74BFC9F5C67FA4CE199A5 BAA113A0A66C418D8048987680E58E78 myocardium of anterolateral region Entire myocardium of anterolateral region (body structure) 4304 4304 04304 myocardium of ventricular septum 83654002 S04304 Structure of myocardium of ventricular septum (body structure) E04304 189283000 Entire myocardium of ventricular septum (body structure) P04304 - P cardiovascular system 9C6C04F681F3455EB784425FE59B5F5A 7ED5495723B1485D83142C526FE54BA6 myocardium of ventricular septum Entire myocardium of ventricular septum (body structure) 4305 4305 04305 myocardium of apex of heart 47962008 S04305 Structure of myocardium of apex of heart (body structure) E04305 188708001 Entire myocardium of apex of heart (body structure) P04305 - P cardiovascular system 97C31D67426D41EAA71E41CF7BE39210 BA83A38A09494F7CA3A856596267ED91 myocardium of apex of heart Entire myocardium of apex of heart (body structure) 4306 4306 04306 myocardium of inferolateral region 16239001 S04306 Structure of myocardium of inferolateral region (body structure) E04306 190852001 Entire myocardium of inferolateral region (body structure) P04306 - P cardiovascular system 17265D6F7FD64C95B20E69F2DBF99BBA D4886328255945E387C19C03C0C61A39 myocardium of inferolateral region Entire myocardium of inferolateral region (body structure) 4307 4307 04307 inflow tract of left ventricle 70238003 S04307 Structure of inflow tract of left ventricle (body structure) E04307 278960008 Entire inflow tract of left ventricle (body structure) P04307 - 9564 L P cardiovascular system 4A1D2FE902AB4260A8EC71F66419E86D 934A8BD31C2B4371A96CB2ADD3566EFB inflow tract of left ventricle Entire inflow tract of left ventricle (body structure) 4308 4308 04308 outflow tract of left ventricle 13418002 S04308 Structure of outflow tract of left ventricle (body structure) E04308 264070001 Entire outflow tract of left ventricle (body structure) P04308 - 9473 L P cardiovascular system 4D322DA59D294CF18C4B9C6283C65D36 66E0BCCED3F24DBA9CD728E39C18F2F7 outflow tract of left ventricle Entire outflow tract of left ventricle (body structure) Outflow part of ventricle which is continuous with the aorta. 4309 4309 04309 endocardium of left ventricle 32503000 S04309 Structure of endocardium of left ventricle (body structure) E04309 191004004 Entire endocardium of left ventricle (body structure) P04309 - 9559 L P cardiovascular system B88221B8B28D432E8E3B701E72147833 D73893A7636C48C5A4B2B016E7CE4F1A endocardium of left ventricle Entire endocardium of left ventricle (body structure) Endocardium of ventricle which is continuous with mitral valve , aortic valve, atrioventricular septum and the tunica intima of the aorta. 4310 4310 04310 subvalvular aortic region 19797000 S04310 Structure of subvalvular aortic region (body structure) E04310 244381001 Entire subvalvular aortic region (body structure) P04310 - P cardiovascular system 998220B74DF84617A4FC737854B3209E 1F7489F51EB644ABAF7FBE7F590F1155 subvalvular aortic region Entire subvalvular aortic region (body structure) 4311 4311 04311 nail of middle finger 61366001 S04311 Structure of nail of middle finger (body structure) E04311 181581000 Entire nail of middle finger (body structure) P04311 Y 54335 P integumentary system 3AB50440C5F64057BA3235B73EE45BC3 15089DA073984CBFA9E9BB67363E865C nail of middle finger Entire nail of middle finger (body structure) 4312 4312 04312 sinoatrial node 88210001 S04312 Structure of sinoatrial node (body structure) E04312 277687007 Entire sinoatrial node (body structure) P04312 - 9477 P cardiovascular system 81DEC51966F248939D167302D1D5AC50 3D41FA2E8EBE43AB8C718A8D32B8F13C sinoatrial node Entire sinoatrial node (body structure) Subdivision of conducting system of heart at the junction of the right atrium and the superior vena cava, around the sinoatrial nodal branch of right coronary artery and is continuous with the internodal tract. 4313 4313 04313 atrioventricular node 25943004 S04313 Structure of atrioventricular node (body structure) E04313 277688002 Entire atrioventricular node (body structure) P04313 - 9478 P cardiovascular system 26A9EA0E1FFA43EAA8220E133A5C8B75 B92387889EE84261A1F448C22F15A87F atrioventricular node Entire atrioventricular node (body structure) Subdivision of conducting system of heart which is located in the muscular part of the interatrial septum that is continuous with the atrioventricular bundle. 4314 4314 04314 right branch of atrioventricular bundle 57383004 S04314 Structure of right branch of atrioventricular bundle (body structure) E04314 277689005 Entire right branch of atrioventricular bundle (body structure) P04314 - 9486 R P cardiovascular system CA9A13530B424E74864F94DBCF42BF1D B7B50EFDA92541FBA3EC35E6033C1776 right branch of atrioventricular bundle Entire right branch of atrioventricular bundle (body structure) Subdivision of conducting system of heart which enters the septal myocardium of right ventricle to reach the anterior papillary muscle and then subendocardially to the apex of the heart. 4315 4315 04315 left anterior division of left branch of atrioventricular bundle 84654008 S04315 Structure of left anterior division of left branch of atrioventricular bundle (body structure) E04315 280140006 Entire left anterior division of left branch of atrioventricular bundle (body structure) P04315 - 9488 L P cardiovascular system 62F30205CE73472995B4643A37329002 A1CB020FB8944834B30E435D56ADEC4A left anterior division of left branch of atrioventricular bundle Entire left anterior division of left branch of atrioventricular bundle (body structure) Subdivision of conducting system of heart which enters the anterior papillary muscle of left ventricle and is continuous with the subendocardial branch of the anterior division of left branch of atrioventricular bundle. 4316 4316 04316 left posterior division of left branch of atrioventricular bundle 91085002 S04316 Structure of left posterior division of left branch of atrioventricular bundle (body structure) E04316 280141005 Entire left posterior division of left branch of atrioventricular bundle (body structure) P04316 - 9489 L P cardiovascular system 0F4B0F562AE745ABB90166A49B845478 F47BF142FB5E44ABA52290F3D6B1DF25 left posterior division of left branch of atrioventricular bundle Entire left posterior division of left branch of atrioventricular bundle (body structure) Subdivision of conducting system of heart which enters the posterior papillary muscle of the left ventricle and is continuous with the subendocardial branch of the posterior division of the left branch of the atrioventricular bundle. 4317 4317 04317 Purkinje fiber bundle 13050003 S04317 Structure of purkinje fibers (body structure) E04317 277691002 Entire purkinje fibers (body structure) P04317 - 9492 P cardiovascular system 2B3B5F35176F43BAA15FA43F9FBDA4C4 BBC002E39F094639BD29DCB751872605 purkinje fibers Entire purkinje fibers (body structure) Conducting tissue of heart which consists of Purkinje myocytes. 4318 4318 04318 bundle branch 59521009 S04318 Structure of bundle branches (body structure) E04318 280142003 Entire bundle branches (body structure) P04318 - P cardiovascular system 7912C9322D6C459C937D5C8098F2C6AF E7C34D19677C404982E5CD45E10D5D95 bundle branches Entire bundle branches (body structure) 4319 4319 04319 nail of ring finger 51596007 S04319 Structure of nail of ring finger (body structure) E04319 181582007 Entire nail of ring finger (body structure) P04319 Y 54338 P integumentary system F5DF1DDAF4E54FFA829CA108CF0C9EA2 31D9C39B8E1E4208A4815327B8B46D48 nail of ring finger Entire nail of ring finger (body structure) 4320 4320 04320 cardiac valve leaflet 6530003 S04320 Structure of cardiac valve leaflet (body structure) E04320 192664000 Entire cardiac valve leaflet (body structure) P04320 - 67598 P cardiovascular system 78614076784447939092CBE6177ABD91 6C1061F418C942FD840ED9C060DA522F cardiac valve leaflet Entire cardiac valve leaflet (body structure) Organ component which is attached to the chorda tendinea and the fibrous rings of tricuspid and mitral valves. 4321 4321 04321 cardiac valve cusp 192747009 S04321 Structure of cardiac valve cusp (body structure) E04321 30822008 Entire cardiac valve cusp (body structure) P04321 - 7232 P 76BA2C753DAC411A8307E0713A0299BB 289C6F0F971D40029A0C3138A7A8FBE1 cardiac valve cusp Entire cardiac valve cusp (body structure) Organ component which has as its parts the cusp proper, lunule and nodule of semilunar valvule. 4322 4322 04322 chordae tendineae cordis 102298001 S04322 Structure of chordae tendineae cordis (body structure) E04322 279330004 Entire chordae tendineae cordis (body structure) P04322 - 12225 P cardiovascular system DB71A36EAC664B958DE832EBD33BB262 0656E3BFFF5C4AD59FBF0D4F33BFFA3C chordae tendineae cordis Entire chordae tendineae cordis (body structure) Organ component layer which is attached to the leaf of cardiac valve and is continuous with the endocardium of the papillary muscle. 4323 4323 04323 anulus fibrosus of tricuspid orifice 113259005 S04323 Structure of anulus fibrosus of tricuspid orifice (body structure) E04323 279170002 Entire anulus fibrosus of tricuspid orifice (body structure) P04323 - 9500 P cardiovascular system BE0E6495BC70458887DAB43874AEC22F 0F240072CDD4465DB4F45205036FADC5 anulus fibrosus of tricuspid orifice Entire anulus fibrosus of tricuspid orifice (body structure) Right fibrous ring of heart which consists of the anulus proper of tricuspid valve, the interfilar connective tissue of tricuspid valve and the right fibrous trigone of heart that attaches the leaflets of tricuspid valve to the wall of heart. 4324 4324 04324 leaflet of tricuspid valve 32427001 S04324 Structure of leaflet of tricuspid valve (body structure) E04324 276830008 Entire leaflet of tricuspid valve (body structure) P04324 - 7237 P cardiovascular system E90431780C3649948B8BFD8AECB7550B 904B00E47632483AAFA666C035C35916 leaflet of tricuspid valve Entire leaflet of tricuspid valve (body structure) Leaf of caridac valve which has as its parts the anterior, posterior and septal leaflets that is is attached to the chorda tendinea of the right ventricle and the fibrous ring of tricuspid valve. 4325 4325 04325 anterior leaflet of tricuspid valve 29562000 S04325 Structure of anterior leaflet of tricuspid valve (body structure) E04325 261050006 Entire anterior leaflet of tricuspid valve (body structure) P04325 - 7238 P cardiovascular system E5E6D65815A145FBBB23D88DE3B6BAE6 7CD8DA0A0B6F4E198BD33000AB20C2A8 anterior leaflet of tricuspid valve Entire anterior leaflet of tricuspid valve (body structure) Leaflet of tricuspid valve which is attached to the anterior and septal papillary muscles through the chorda tendinea of right ventricle. 4326 4326 04326 posterior leaflet of tricuspid valve 68209001 S04326 Structure of posterior leaflet of tricuspid valve (body structure) E04326 261090009 Entire posterior leaflet of tricuspid valve (body structure) P04326 - 7239 P cardiovascular system 8E193B97179141A295292D4C67E76038 46889D1CCD5544A2969EBBA7C7B71714 posterior leaflet of tricuspid valve Entire posterior leaflet of tricuspid valve (body structure) Leaflet of tricuspid valve which is attached to the anterior and posterior papillary muscles through the chorda tendinea of the right ventricle. 4327 4327 04327 septal leaflet of tricuspid valve 27055008 S04327 Structure of septal leaflet of tricuspid valve (body structure) E04327 261417002 Entire septal leaflet of tricuspid valve (body structure) P04327 - 7240 P cardiovascular system C77E83468B324333A93F7AB2D63037DF 254B537A7AC24C47BA64FBDF78312AE2 septal leaflet of tricuspid valve Entire septal leaflet of tricuspid valve (body structure) Leaflet of tricuspid valve which is attached to the posterior and septal papillary muscles through the chorda tendinea of the right ventricle. 4328 4328 04328 skin of area between middle and ring fingers 83673003 S04328 Structure of skin between third and fourth fingers (body structure) E04328 368400001 Entire skin between third and fourth fingers (body structure) P04328 Y P integumentary system 950B5999E62D438BBAE80D2CD264B8B3 F6C49E2E67DD4E64918C1631584BC82F skin between third and fourth fingers Entire skin between third and fourth fingers (body structure) 4329 4329 04329 nail of little finger 44431006 S04329 Structure of nail of little finger (body structure) E04329 181583002 Entire nail of little finger (body structure) P04329 Y 54341 P integumentary system AF148BD3F324477FA2B99447724B6C22 154975A0B598479F977698BFD87A3524 nail of little finger Entire nail of little finger (body structure) 4330 4330 04330 chordae tendineae of tricuspid valve 52623001 S04330 Structure of chordae tendineae of tricuspid valve (body structure) E04330 244360001 Entire chordae tendineae of tricuspid valve (body structure) P04330 - P cardiovascular system A89C8EFB5D5840DAB1FE321BF4875477 21AD4AE2A8B34A6EB9F00F6BB7473207 chordae tendineae of tricuspid valve Entire chordae tendineae of tricuspid valve (body structure) 4331 4331 04331 commissure of tricuspid valve 3462006 S04331 Structure of commissure of tricuspid valve (body structure) E04331 192827009 Entire commissure of tricuspid valve (body structure) P04331 - 12213 P cardiovascular system 0D74FA7EE6844D3081DFBB60FDA072D4 B9FB8499B1BD4F678CFBA47D8B91FB7E commissure of tricuspid valve Entire commissure of tricuspid valve (body structure) 4332 4332 04332 anulus fibrosus of pulmonary artery 90318009 S04332 Structure of anulus fibrosus of pulmonary artery (body structure) E04332 279171003 Entire anulus fibrosus of pulmonary artery (body structure) P04332 - 9503 P arterial system 90D91FBAD9FD4400A3AC69861D2F7967 CC96F01BE1D04023ABB0786B9CDE77E0 anulus fibrosus of pulmonary artery Entire anulus fibrosus of pulmonary artery (body structure) Right fibrous ring of heart which consists of the right anterior, left anteiror and the posterior semilunar fibrous scallops of pulmonary valve anulus that attaches the cusps of pulmonary valve to the wall of heart. 4333 4333 04333 right cusp of pulmonic valve 71631008 S04333 Structure of right cusp of pulmonic valve (body structure) E04333 244367003 Entire right cusp of pulmonic valve (body structure) P04333 - 7249 R P cardiovascular system C8061C3ACFED4EB6AB9CAEA145936ECE 5663ECD86F004BDB8A1081096AF0ED4A right cusp of pulmonic valve Entire right cusp of pulmonic valve (body structure) 4334 4334 04334 left cusp of pulmonic valve 25373004 S04334 Structure of left cusp of pulmonic valve (body structure) E04334 244368008 Entire left cusp of pulmonic valve (body structure) P04334 - 7250 L P cardiovascular system 678967134CFA40F48F8549A7A022E472 74FBF1CDA833458BA83E8808156E8604 left cusp of pulmonic valve Entire left cusp of pulmonic valve (body structure) Cusp of pulmonary valve which is adjacent to the left posterior cusp of aortic valve. 4335 4335 04335 anterior cusp of pulmonic valve 28737008 S04335 Structure of anterior cusp of pulmonic valve (body structure) E04335 244369000 Entire anterior cusp of pulmonic valve (body structure) P04335 - 7247 P cardiovascular system 8FC3C6AD22EC4A579BD1AA11C8C9EB6D C9FA69DE6B18447A9626003EA57474B3 anterior cusp of pulmonic valve Entire anterior cusp of pulmonic valve (body structure) 4336 4336 04336 nodule of pulmonic valve 86490007 S04336 Structure of nodule of pulmonic valve (body structure) E04336 189708008 Entire nodule of pulmonic valve (body structure) P04336 - P cardiovascular system 639C6F5EE27E4947BB70BB9DC11138D9 D1D79BB8F90A45B48510A8925674C158 nodule of pulmonic valve Entire nodule of pulmonic valve (body structure) 4337 4337 04337 lunule of pulmonic valve 86839002 S04337 Structure of lunule of pulmonic valve (body structure) E04337 189647004 Entire lunule of pulmonic valve (body structure) P04337 - 9357 P cardiovascular system DB44CBF4B7524C81A01B3FF9DBAFF026 E02844D37F50486BB9A7500EC820FA17 lunule of pulmonic valve Entire lunule of pulmonic valve (body structure) 4338 4338 04338 nail of toe 76578001 S04338 Structure of nail of toe (body structure) E04338 244198006 Entire nail of toe (body structure) P04338 Y 54328 P integumentary system F6DF3775A8064FFDAF7DD894B2E0BF90 9F31552A837141A69BD572FD5826426B nail of toe Entire nail of toe (body structure) 4339 4339 04339 commissure of pulmonic valve 27793006 S04339 Structure of commissure of pulmonic valve (body structure) E04339 189753005 Entire commissure of pulmonic valve (body structure) P04339 - 12214 P cardiovascular system E7B6B06BDB0440FC9926F47A717192B5 FB0FA346C8B74AA08A16EC8B917C17B4 commissure of pulmonic valve Entire commissure of pulmonic valve (body structure) 4340 4340 04340 right commissure of pulmonic valve 189791005 S04340 Structure of right commissure of pulmonic valve (body structure) E04340 3350008 Entire right commissure of pulmonic valve (body structure) P04340 - R P cardiovascular system F9500730B3F84C81864B86799B59692D 4DE68FBBB04E4DA38C906D1815FE82E0 right commissure of pulmonic valve Entire right commissure of pulmonic valve (body structure) 4341 4341 04341 left commissure of pulmonic valve 189842008 S04341 Structure of left commissure of pulmonic valve (body structure) E04341 23194007 Entire left commissure of pulmonic valve (body structure) P04341 - L P cardiovascular system EFA6AA1F2AF54BFBBE6BC702CD6E502E 710919DDFC184F9396775E0A228268F3 left commissure of pulmonic valve Entire left commissure of pulmonic valve (body structure) 4342 4342 04342 posterior commissure of pulmonic valve 189888002 S04342 Structure of posterior commissure of pulmonic valve (body structure) E04342 51699008 Entire posterior commissure of pulmonic valve (body structure) P04342 - P cardiovascular system 42709A8D859A4503B1E193644D09C099 C6F2FE5525844B2AB0D282581BD0108C posterior commissure of pulmonic valve Entire posterior commissure of pulmonic valve (body structure) 4343 4343 04343 anulus fibrosus of mitral orifice 65197004 S04343 Structure of anulus fibrosus of mitral orifice (body structure) E04343 279174006 Entire anulus fibrosus of mitral orifice (body structure) P04343 - 9498 P cardiovascular system BABA7E44B6C847DD8A4ACDC294DC9BFD C485A295FB094D949F6B314A65C170C1 anulus fibrosus of mitral orifice Entire anulus fibrosus of mitral orifice (body structure) left fibrous ring of heart which consists of the anulus proper, the interfilar connective tissue, the left fibrous trigone and the subaortic curtain of left ventricle that attaches the leaflets of mitral valve to the wall of heart. 4344 4344 04344 leaflet of mitral valve 46807008 S04344 Structure of leaflet of mitral valve (body structure) E04344 244353007 Entire leaflet of mitral valve (body structure) P04344 - 7241 P cardiovascular system 5E1AECA071DE44F7A3445F170CD9A605 08B9D96495D6485F83FADEDE471E5502 leaflet of mitral valve Entire leaflet of mitral valve (body structure) Leaf of cardiac valve which has as its parts the anterior, and posterior leaflets that is attached to the chorda tendinea of left ventricle and to the frbrous ring of mitral valve. 4345 4345 04345 anterior leaflet of mitral valve 21498007 S04345 Structure of anterior leaflet of mitral valve (body structure) E04345 244354001 Entire anterior leaflet of mitral valve (body structure) P04345 - 7242 P cardiovascular system 933E2E30606E41BCA255ECC5789A3215 07657F2BC8124F84B5D8E26C0EF11AD6 anterior leaflet of mitral valve Entire anterior leaflet of mitral valve (body structure) Leaflet of mitral valve which is attached to the anterior head of the posterior papillary muscle of left ventricle through the chorda tendinea of the left ventricle. 4346 4346 04346 posterior leaflet of mitral valve 57793009 S04346 Structure of posterior leaflet of mitral valve (body structure) E04346 244355000 Entire posterior leaflet of mitral valve (body structure) P04346 - 7243 P cardiovascular system 0B649561F0C44DED8FFC0962FE7051BB 29D5DE0CA32E44B596B1137CB3D5FC49 posterior leaflet of mitral valve Entire posterior leaflet of mitral valve (body structure) Leaflet of mitral valve which is attached to the posterior head of the lateral papillary muscle of left ventricle through the chorda tendinea of the left ventricle. 4347 4347 04347 nail of great toe 38790000 S04347 Structure of nail of great toe (body structure) E04347 181592004 Entire nail of great toe (body structure) P04347 Y 54344 P integumentary system 36191C02D87B4F5C9D38C5B8CE36EF1E 63BC606F64F6424A81246BDCE9F34B23 nail of great toe Entire nail of great toe (body structure) 4348 4348 04348 chordae tendineae of mitral valve 113260000 S04348 Structure of chordae tendineae of mitral valve (body structure) E04348 244350005 Entire chordae tendineae of mitral valve (body structure) P04348 - P cardiovascular system AE80767BAE424D6EBF1F02B38954A697 3DF78E361F444DF2992B063A9F35985A chordae tendineae of mitral valve Entire chordae tendineae of mitral valve (body structure) 4349 4349 04349 commissure of mitral valve 19198003 S04349 Structure of commissure of mitral valve (body structure) E04349 191104001 Entire commissure of mitral valve (body structure) P04349 - 7244 P cardiovascular system 1394B1A7BD43479693795D24D8A9E3C6 16FBDE536B754B22A2497D47BC6F00A3 commissure of mitral valve Entire commissure of mitral valve (body structure) 4350 4350 04350 anterior commissure of mitral valve 191198007 S04350 Structure of anterior commissure of mitral valve (body structure) E04350 6541001 Entire anterior commissure of mitral valve (body structure) P04350 - 9888 P cardiovascular system A479E52CE4504250B6A3C6BC489A4602 60E3C07C1BA14EE8880DC3AA5E2886C6 anterior commissure of mitral valve Entire anterior commissure of mitral valve (body structure) 4351 4351 04351 posterior commissure of mitral valve 191281004 S04351 Structure of posterior commissure of mitral valve (body structure) E04351 83135001 Entire posterior commissure of mitral valve (body structure) P04351 - 9890 P cardiovascular system FFFBC4003AA74B2EB9ED7275B4B4D7D6 664D05A3C140498FB88E5A086322399C posterior commissure of mitral valve Entire posterior commissure of mitral valve (body structure) 4352 4352 04352 anulus fibrosus of aorta 77583004 S04352 Structure of anulus fibrosus of aorta (body structure) E04352 279175007 Entire anulus fibrosus of aorta (body structure) P04352 - 9502 P arterial system E48E8ADC52FF4A67BA7AE5B70458103A 974BEBC6BC494F66970845AC0255A669 anulus fibrosus of aorta Entire anulus fibrosus of aorta (body structure) Left fibrous ring of heart which consists of the anterior, right posterior and left posterior semilunar fibrous scallops of the aortic valve anulus that attaches the cusp of aortic valve to the wall of heart. 4353 4353 04353 right cusp of aortic valve 45324002 S04353 Structure of right cusp of aortic valve (body structure) E04353 244364005 Entire right cusp of aortic valve (body structure) P04353 - 7253 R P cardiovascular system 6D704598119D4567BD4D8ABF587CAD1F DE94CB657C924A52968D8DD0AC65F075 right cusp of aortic valve Entire right cusp of aortic valve (body structure) Cusp of aortic valve which is adjacent to the origin of the ostium of the right coronary artery. 4354 4354 04354 left cusp of aortic valve 63059004 S04354 Structure of left cusp of aortic valve (body structure) E04354 244365006 Entire left cusp of aortic valve (body structure) P04354 - 7254 L P cardiovascular system A1363F67F633421A839D035E0B0B5956 66835275CB6A4E87997B157FB14CB241 left cusp of aortic valve Entire left cusp of aortic valve (body structure) Cusp of aortic valve which is adjacent to the origin of the ostium of the left coronary artery and is attached to the left fibrous trigone of heart. 4355 4355 04355 posterior cusp of aortic valve 69374003 S04355 Structure of posterior cusp of aortic valve (body structure) E04355 244366007 Entire posterior cusp of aortic valve (body structure) P04355 - 7252 P cardiovascular system 8C9AC492751F487EBCBDE4DD837944F0 1FD6FF35D8D8484D999113F13750A068 posterior cusp of aortic valve Entire posterior cusp of aortic valve (body structure) Cusp of aortic valve which is attached to the membranous part of the interventricular septum, the atrioventricular septum and the right fibrous trigone of the heart. 4356 4356 04356 nail of second toe 8770002 S04356 Structure of nail of second toe (body structure) E04356 181593009 Entire nail of second toe (body structure) P04356 Y 54347 P integumentary system 2275FFE25C9140CDB7BA81A2355423A8 99A9111894844DF296F277422DE28CD7 nail of second toe Entire nail of second toe (body structure) 4357 4357 04357 nodule of aortic valve 58834006 S04357 Structure of nodule of aortic valve (body structure) E04357 191453007 Entire nodule of aortic valve (body structure) P04357 - P cardiovascular system 8B49042393964E2E8A887B868FDE0E73 E45484FB41B14FC1A623B8A93C100FF3 nodule of aortic valve Entire nodule of aortic valve (body structure) 4358 4358 04358 lunule of aortic valve 25189005 S04358 Structure of lunule of aortic valve (body structure) E04358 191366008 Entire lunule of aortic valve (body structure) P04358 - 9366 P cardiovascular system 720307F7DEBA4DA3BA1E21C353CF2170 EC41743EECA746608E1CA45DE83355C9 lunule of aortic valve Entire lunule of aortic valve (body structure) 4359 4359 04359 commissure of aortic valve 46396001 S04359 Structure of commissure of aortic valve (body structure) E04359 191546000 Entire commissure of aortic valve (body structure) P04359 - 12211 P cardiovascular system AB42D53F825B492188C072BED9A144FE 2B793798257E47C9BF70D1015F7E383A commissure of aortic valve Entire commissure of aortic valve (body structure) 4360 4360 04360 right commissure of aortic valve 191645008 S04360 Structure of right commissure of aortic valve (body structure) E04360 12828008 Entire right commissure of aortic valve (body structure) P04360 - R P cardiovascular system 2E58049C7D674276B056212432FA0CCD 519DE8169CE74EB6A537940F4B29B0EC right commissure of aortic valve Entire right commissure of aortic valve (body structure) 4361 4361 04361 left commissure of aortic valve 191735000 S04361 Structure of left commissure of aortic valve (body structure) E04361 205006 Entire left commissure of aortic valve (body structure) P04361 - L P cardiovascular system 0D2F79115DE84B8F9F6160753516CABF B45DE5AA9FC84AD09B4338D1E57E2941 left commissure of aortic valve Entire left commissure of aortic valve (body structure) 4362 4362 04362 anterior commissure of aortic valve 191810003 S04362 Structure of anterior commissure of aortic valve (body structure) E04362 10271001 Entire anterior commissure of aortic valve (body structure) P04362 - P cardiovascular system C99895CD10AD44348DF522EB97E6DB24 46720123C86C400D83D9605B714E4D1A anterior commissure of aortic valve Entire anterior commissure of aortic valve (body structure) 4363 4363 04363 visceral pericardium 6871001 S04363 Structure of visceral pericardium (body structure) E04363 243955001 Entire visceral pericardium (body structure) P04363 - 84882 P cardiovascular system CBC28BB45AF74DDD901403A006D9D793 1B45C9A6DFE34D9DB2A6F7E5597BB154 visceral pericardium Entire visceral pericardium (body structure) Visceral serous membrane which is continuous with the parietal serous pericardium and is attached to the myocardium. 4364 4364 04364 parietal pericardium 61067001 S04364 Structure of parietal pericardium (body structure) E04364 243956000 Entire parietal pericardium (body structure) P04364 - 9870 P cardiovascular system E7A23F6831EA43A1AEE96C74BF8F4F29 401E19A9E3944E04892CEA6E9E730D95 parietal pericardium Entire parietal pericardium (body structure) Parietal serous membrane which is continuous with the visceral serous pericardium and is attached to the central tendon of diaphragm. 4365 4365 04365 nail of third toe 1569005 S04365 Structure of nail of third toe (body structure) E04365 181594003 Entire nail of third toe (body structure) P04365 Y 54350 P integumentary system DBAE133075FD4BCDBD4A1FFB15971662 26D8D8FD28EC451781F496CDF22B251C nail of third toe Entire nail of third toe (body structure) 4366 4366 04366 fibrous portion of pericardium 1012000 S04366 Structure of fibrous portion of pericardium (body structure) E04366 243953008 Entire fibrous portion of pericardium (body structure) P04366 - 9586 P cardiovascular system 8991355911CF483AAC386B2B2910A996 AEAB6A51408E4F93BBB12267630E4288 fibrous portion of pericardium Entire fibrous portion of pericardium (body structure) Membrane organ which is attached to the pericardial sac proper and the central tendon of diaphragm and is continuous with the pretracheal fascia. 4367 4367 04367 sternopericardial ligament 40676009 S04367 Structure of sternopericardial ligament (body structure) E04367 195856001 Entire sternopericardial ligament (body structure) P04367 - 9872 P musculoskeletal system A3706F1DA98F4D2BBA07EEE414367EAB 1F45F791C9564782A02A53B114853596 sternopericardial ligament Entire sternopericardial ligament (body structure) 4368 4368 04368 superior sternopericardial ligament 195926006 S04368 Structure of superior sternopericardial ligament (body structure) E04368 77273004 Entire superior sternopericardial ligament (body structure) P04368 - 9873 P musculoskeletal system 0CB5EA24DDC6418785001015274AAFA3 E260BBC1FD2249E5B2982CCDAA40E241 superior sternopericardial ligament Entire superior sternopericardial ligament (body structure) 4369 4369 04369 inferior sternopericardial ligament 196000009 S04369 Structure of inferior sternopericardial ligament (body structure) E04369 11930009 Entire inferior sternopericardial ligament (body structure) P04369 - 9874 P musculoskeletal system 16A5845B133543DC85AF77305F42519C 3A1B6722560F49F298BAA584B40B82C6 inferior sternopericardial ligament Entire inferior sternopericardial ligament (body structure) 4370 4370 04370 transverse sinus of pericardium 56318009 S04370 Structure of transverse sinus of pericardium (body structure) E04370 195687002 Entire transverse sinus of pericardium (body structure) P04370 - 77132 P cardiovascular system FF4D0BD8FD4A4E0385A599C070316DAA EDC456FE420F4ECBA9912D99A28B92A5 transverse sinus of pericardium Entire transverse sinus of pericardium (body structure) 4371 4371 04371 oblique sinus of pericardium 26323006 S04371 Structure of oblique sinus of pericardium (body structure) E04371 195781007 Entire oblique sinus of pericardium (body structure) P04371 - 77133 P cardiovascular system 26F6F67DC4E74322B1768B8AB4D7FF9A 0B481BABFDC24D749303DB8A5B104C06 oblique sinus of pericardium Entire oblique sinus of pericardium (body structure) 4372 4372 04372 transplanted artery 68273001 S04372 Structure of transplanted artery (body structure) E04372 337217004 Entire transplanted artery (body structure) P04372 - P arterial system 483D465690FA4016B869A5067E509279 AC9DC650D26E481796B4E9EF26B9A2B2 transplanted artery Entire transplanted artery (body structure) 4373 4373 04373 arteriole 28225005 S04373 Structure of arteriole (body structure) E04373 337724002 Entire arteriole (body structure) P04373 - 63182 P arterial system DB8B2FC69535491D8BDBB5875F0EBECA FD4494305BC74E45988D9DE93346F8C4 arteriole Entire arteriole (body structure) Subdivision of arterial tree (organ) which is directly continuous with capillary vessel. 4374 4374 04374 afferent arteriole 337825009 S04374 Structure of afferent arteriole (body structure) E04374 67498004 Entire afferent arteriole (body structure) P04374 Y P arterial system BB0644A748AD44A7815936F831DA6D71 F6953BCA8A4D4799B87F3DC931A1C6FD afferent arteriole Entire afferent arteriole (body structure) 4375 4375 04375 efferent arteriole 337928007 S04375 Structure of efferent arteriole (body structure) E04375 29926005 Entire efferent arteriole (body structure) P04375 Y P arterial system 196B26DAB9EE4EE0B4D685D95391C67F 8B104C17CF0B4D9C8EC881821BC222F8 efferent arteriole Entire efferent arteriole (body structure) 4376 4376 04376 nail of fourth toe 6194002 S04376 Structure of nail of fourth toe (body structure) E04376 181595002 Entire nail of fourth toe (body structure) P04376 Y 54353 P integumentary system 9A4FA48A0C234802BC85DE931C534F02 F0AD5667DEAA4AB2B8C2979A8E21C683 nail of fourth toe Entire nail of fourth toe (body structure) 4377 4377 04377 arteriolae rectae 338029004 S04377 Structure of arteriolae rectae (body structure) E04377 27457005 Entire arteriolae rectae (body structure) P04377 - P arterial system 8CF0837AEC9B48DDA5A7D43D5E0FE69E 0152C2D6C46A4DF4B7A271A48A17EC36 arteriolae rectae Entire arteriolae rectae (body structure) 4378 4378 04378 nutrient artery 54589006 S04378 Structure of nutrient artery (body structure) E04378 337318006 Entire nutrient artery (body structure) P04378 - 50779 P arterial system 7A0932DE76CE4589A74313976E067B3C B9E332DADE4445E891C1F669DBFEFD16 nutrient artery Entire nutrient artery (body structure) 4379 4379 04379 small artery 23081008 S04379 Structure of small artery (body structure) E04379 337419004 Entire small artery (body structure) P04379 - P arterial system FD24EA3B1A2D45258D36697539472706 ED51917DA5DB422EA23CD927A2CB0265 small artery Entire small artery (body structure) 4380 4380 04380 medium artery 68438000 S04380 Structure of medium artery (body structure) E04380 337521007 Entire medium artery (body structure) P04380 - 70769 P arterial system 448E84CC1FC548FE896ED5BE8E257007 2B016CC6C093460FAA7B9C439E613505 medium artery Entire medium artery (body structure) 4381 4381 04381 large artery 55441007 S04381 Structure of large artery (body structure) E04381 337622005 Entire large artery (body structure) P04381 - P arterial system C25DB49C5C154D24A32A87B134E6383E 3C93808661F740DC8CA9FF38B9598A2F large artery Entire large artery (body structure) 4382 4382 04382 periaortic tissue 56494006 S04382 Structure of periaortic tissue (body structure) E04382 313459005 Entire periaortic tissue (body structure) P04382 - P 7AED4E3CCDB54A7F8A8A5131FBE99D57 483759CBF6E8426AB1EBEFF813217386 periaortic tissue Entire periaortic tissue (body structure) 4383 4383 04383 sinus of Valsalva 81128002 S04383 Structure of sinus of Valsalva (body structure) E04383 277732004 Entire sinus of Valsalva (body structure) P04383 - 3745 P arterial system 5ED933CA390A4D59A4F6338FF1ACAF4E 49559C5DD8884FC1854C144CEBAA1CED sinus of Valsalva Entire sinus of Valsalva (body structure) 4384 4384 04384 right sinus of Valsalva 89093001 S04384 Structure of right sinus of Valsalva (body structure) E04384 264177001 Entire right sinus of Valsalva (body structure) P04384 - 3748 R P arterial system F0768F79D9EF4179BFA975899E9BD18D 7E7472514E614D14AB1792BEA3B8F716 right sinus of Valsalva Entire right sinus of Valsalva (body structure) 4385 4385 04385 left sinus of Valsalva 36371001 S04385 Structure of left sinus of Valsalva (body structure) E04385 264066009 Entire left sinus of Valsalva (body structure) P04385 - 3756 L P arterial system C35B8CF61EC741D9A0DCF416F74E5191 5B8819EBF0D643A6A4BF9B90316A8D55 left sinus of Valsalva Entire left sinus of Valsalva (body structure) 4386 4386 04386 posterior sinus of Valsalva 24865005 S04386 Structure of posterior sinus of Valsalva (body structure) E04386 264873000 Entire posterior sinus of Valsalva (body structure) P04386 - 3764 P arterial system A6F91A6D46AC4EC9ABFAC55456318651 971B9022DAAE4521AE3638C623C982E6 posterior sinus of Valsalva Entire posterior sinus of Valsalva (body structure) 4387 4387 04387 skin of upper arm 371309009 S04387 Skin structure of upper arm (body structure) E04387 181531009 Entire skin of upper arm (body structure) P04387 Y 37721 D integument/surface BBADA0C8F03F426C914B66C4587AD22B A77E5AE8C111416DB6DF2BDA6DE0E42D Skin of upper arm Entire skin of upper arm (body structure) 4388 4388 04388 aortic isthmus 88593004 S04388 Structure of aortic isthmus (body structure) E04388 197677000 Entire aortic isthmus (body structure) P04388 - 3771 P arterial system 5687B1C1B46445AD8B0573C45040F03B 11B258D59D03417E8631C1557F1216F6 aortic isthmus Entire aortic isthmus (body structure) 4389 4389 04389 preductal region of aortic arch 75397005 S04389 Structure of preductal region of aortic arch (body structure) E04389 197773005 Entire preductal region of aortic arch (body structure) P04389 - 3774 P arterial system 468E24A4B89D4579AD8B20C76815996E EC17D31C7714492A9C31C4BF125441F5 preductal region of aortic arch Entire preductal region of aortic arch (body structure) 4390 4390 04390 postductal region of aortic arch 60835009 S04390 Structure of postductal region of aortic arch (body structure) E04390 197852003 Entire postductal region of aortic arch (body structure) P04390 - 3776 P arterial system 2E9B9B924B2A4CEC8782A6FA6BA4BA41 02702BAD2B494597B5C277D0A10CD8D7 postductal region of aortic arch Entire postductal region of aortic arch (body structure) 4391 4391 04391 juxtaductal region of aortic arch 17525005 S04391 Structure of juxtaductal region of aortic arch (body structure) E04391 197932000 Entire juxtaductal region of aortic arch (body structure) P04391 - 3778 P arterial system D7F5C22C734A41FCAF44AA35B87D4EBA 6942598E51414D78AF686DDAEFE1C7A0 juxtaductal region of aortic arch Entire juxtaductal region of aortic arch (body structure) 4392 4392 04392 ligamentum arteriosum 2160002 S04392 Structure of ligamentum arteriosum (body structure) E04392 198009004 Entire ligamentum arteriosum (body structure) P04392 - 13421 P arterial system D12E220F223840A3AFC1452EAF72EE26 87C4C0BD6F714EB59958B29530D3FA98 ligamentum arteriosum Entire ligamentum arteriosum (body structure) 4393 4393 04393 descending thoracic aorta 32672002 S04393 Structure of descending thoracic aorta (body structure) E04393 181301002 Entire descending thoracic aorta (body structure) P04393 - 87217 P cardiovascular system 6AFE7C3173B04A7ABD90FB2A3C54D44F CD67AD9BD10948B0892B70F7B16A2AA2 descending thoracic aorta Entire descending thoracic aorta (body structure) 4394 4394 04394 suprarenal aorta 1918003 S04394 Structure of suprarenal aorta (body structure) E04394 181303004 Entire suprarenal aorta (body structure) P04394 - 3792 P arterial system B0329D1E9AD54C068D2F91962552DFC1 75E5252B92F84F9DAAC818BA4C602D94 suprarenal aorta Entire suprarenal aorta (body structure) 4395 4395 04395 infrarenal aorta 28205006 S04395 Structure of infrarenal aorta (body structure) E04395 181304005 Entire infrarenal aorta (body structure) P04395 - 3793 P arterial system AD59B4B0F31E4BB1BFCC4A218C5E5208 7C3C87578BB04B75AB4E6A1EBEBE3ADC infrarenal aorta Entire infrarenal aorta (body structure) 4396 4396 04396 skin of deltoid region 23547007 S04396 Skin structure of deltoid region (body structure) E04396 244134005 Entire skin of deltoid region (body structure) P04396 Y D integument/surface 65A86521EC544035A37D785ECAB6BE49 60576AF7A494401A97399704F2E1A4B4 Skin of deltoid region Entire skin of deltoid region (body structure) 4397 4397 04397 aortic bifurcation 73166001 S04397 Structure of aortic bifurcation (body structure) E04397 244232000 Entire aortic bifurcation (body structure) P04397 - 3795 P arterial system 96B1EC57468543D69EC18F6D4E5AB4A4 274650FEDA90461495D3336B0E009D49 aortic bifurcation Entire aortic bifurcation (body structure) 4398 4398 04398 ostium of coronary artery 55537005 S04398 Structure of ostium of coronary artery (body structure) E04398 312553002 Entire ostium of coronary artery (body structure) P04398 - 4679 P cardiovascular system 9B2F6C9F7EC34B53ABD21CA8E87EFD2B 277EAFC7E564464CA35658779B991D92 ostium of coronary artery Entire ostium of coronary artery (body structure) 4399 4399 04399 ostium of left coronary artery 76862008 S04399 Structure of ostium of left coronary artery (body structure) E04399 312554008 Entire ostium of left coronary artery (body structure) P04399 - 3760 L P cardiovascular system DC21B17380C04F7695090CDB8729BE31 25F33491DE1540DDBFD82189F5AB8570 ostium of left coronary artery Entire ostium of left coronary artery (body structure) 4400 4400 04400 proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery 68787002 S04400 Structure of proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04400 193229006 Entire proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04400 - 3866 L P arterial system 8E1BF50D31C646CF83D01179A1E93D25 2D9EB4E70AE6494F8C0F0007D67396DB proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery Entire proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4401 4401 04401 distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery 36672000 S04401 Structure of distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04401 193304002 Entire distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04401 - 3884 L P arterial system 8C681A2E702E4A9F93CE1F0F337E1B03 8C5BCBCE225240C08BCB75F3F70DB714 distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery Entire distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4402 4402 04402 descending segment of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery 43023001 S04402 Structure of descending segment of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04402 193386003 Entire descending segment of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04402 - L P arterial system E0B33BFE917E40D8B09BDD422DF40ACA 42A03175C5A3412591D3FD3510D44998 descending segment of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery Entire descending segment of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4403 4403 04403 skin of anterior area of upper arm 45981001 S04403 Skin structure of anterior surface of upper arm (body structure) E04403 181532002 Entire skin of anterior surface of upper arm (body structure) P04403 Y D integument/surface 0EEE17F1ECD24CEA92DFFF19E3F4D752 F847D892EDD04537BD64997C14966017 Skin of anterior surface of upper arm Entire skin of anterior surface of upper arm (body structure) 4404 4404 04404 diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery 44024001 S04404 Structure of diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04404 314217002 Entire diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04404 - 3860 L P arterial system BD20C917F15C40CE91BE9E528B7B79DD F02EE11564534D369DC7DEBF3FF429AF diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery Entire diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) Branch of anterior interventricular branch of left coronary artery which arises from the terminal end of the left coronary artery between the angle formed by the anterior interventricular branch and the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery and supplies the left ventricle. 4405 4405 04405 mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery 91748002 S04405 Structure of mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04405 193467007 Entire mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04405 - L P arterial system C7B4EAD608BA46BFB99F31B694B3FFC2 4ED41DB0F5BA416EBC0DB549A84AD28D mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery Entire mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4406 4406 04406 first septal perforator branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery 91749005 S04406 Structure of first septal perforator branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04406 193540004 Entire first septal perforator branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04406 - L P arterial system CF3D7303155243A3AA0D4AEBDC228EBB 9BBA5EE864DC4BC09D2D42ACBB9E3038 first septal perforator branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery Entire first septal perforator branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4407 4407 04407 first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery 91750005 S04407 Structure of first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04407 244249007 Entire first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04407 - L P arterial system 4BBAA7ECCE8A48FD960DC5F3523F87BF 3051D8AFFE44440CAEE1767F0EBD98F7 first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery Entire first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4408 4408 04408 second diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery 91751009 S04408 Structure of second diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04408 244250007 Entire second diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04408 - L P arterial system 524E9813EAE24A9887A4371667728065 8B1C8E5B214B4AA88D6F0EF3A1163371 second diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery Entire second diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4409 4409 04409 third diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery 91752002 S04409 Structure of third diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04409 314216006 Entire third diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04409 - L P arterial system 04628E1B2BFA4F4098A01F34CC9E5B5E 820E5B320B3143E4BC7AA4CFAB204A95 third diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery Entire third diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4410 4410 04410 proximal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery 52433000 S04410 Structure of proximal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04410 193619006 Entire proximal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04410 - 3897 L P arterial system B0EE3F3CCF354941A076458C93F62737 2107EFAC5D234EFD8D788F9CCEA1D700 proximal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery Entire proximal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4411 4411 04411 distal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery 6511003 S04411 Structure of distal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04411 193684007 Entire distal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04411 - 3906 L P arterial system 173102F2C44E444886DB22BA18F3B5D6 E4812CEC700043E39E37CBC6B81F03F8 distal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery Entire distal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4412 4412 04412 obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery 51815003 S04412 Structure of obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04412 264108005 Entire obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04412 - 74924 L P arterial system 7A61D91C263147588BD9A73D9F512405 049C4CA236CF49BBB0FFC012F3D97F50 obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery Entire obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4413 4413 04413 skin of ring finger 113183006 S04413 Skin structure of ring finger (body structure) E04413 368348001 Entire skin of ring finger (body structure) P04413 Y 38314 D integument/surface 0AF3BD45118F42489DDC3C954CBBDCCC A21DB01A93BE4668A31C6788AA7B4B65 Skin of ring finger Entire skin of ring finger (body structure) 4414 4414 04414 skin of posterior area of upper arm 72939005 S04414 Skin structure of posterior surface of upper arm (body structure) E04414 181533007 Entire skin of posterior surface of upper arm (body structure) P04414 Y D integument/surface FDEBF85ED61E4211AF8E3476C03EA349 B72951B18FFD4CE4AC680C3676744C85 Skin of posterior surface of upper arm Entire skin of posterior surface of upper arm (body structure) 4415 4415 04415 atrioventricular branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery 75902001 S04415 Structure of atrioventricular branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04415 194366007 Entire atrioventricular branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04415 - L P arterial system E959C4F190054F74A635DC5130221324 0D5EAB908D384BCCB44FF384E1E478C0 atrioventricular branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery Entire atrioventricular branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4416 4416 04416 left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery 57823005 S04416 Structure of left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04416 264161002 Entire left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04416 - L P arterial system E7A01D35F5F343A3B106C34211F58F66 8981A1CFEF2343498560DD45C787F5C7 left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery Entire left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4417 4417 04417 left posterior descending branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery 56322004 S04417 Structure of left posterior descending branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04417 244256001 Entire left posterior descending branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04417 - L P arterial system 0A722E3C673445D9BAE093F24E6724F1 56B460C183974941820AA5C1774A166B left posterior descending branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery Entire left posterior descending branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4418 4418 04418 first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery 91754001 S04418 Structure of first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04418 244253009 Entire first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04418 - L P arterial system 2A626E0538E34FD28C324B8BAA18A244 1C618D2D55274707A88CA7F57650DEBA first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery Entire first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4419 4419 04419 second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery 91755000 S04419 Structure of second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04419 244254003 Entire second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04419 - L P arterial system 3955E7B1BBB94C67A583830956C8C3A8 F463B562D199406C984B023751BFEBE7 second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery Entire second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4420 4420 04420 third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery 91756004 S04420 Structure of third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04420 244255002 Entire third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04420 - L P arterial system 21E2C8CA572A4260AD3C96084A803478 1C0C08C0D6624A039F710AAF231CEACF third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery Entire third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4421 4421 04421 first left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery 91757008 S04421 Structure of first left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04421 193775002 Entire first left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04421 - L P arterial system C13463238F6F40658E7E402B879BA8FB 301672D4494E4CD396C63ACE3B7535F8 first left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery Entire first left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4422 4422 04422 second left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery 91758003 S04422 Structure of second left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04422 193855000 Entire second left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04422 - L P arterial system E2B64B3C7C8E495492B88BE83B911B17 915A6B5AA3AD4B27955502CFBA4C20B8 second left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery Entire second left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4423 4423 04423 third left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery 91759006 S04423 Structure of third left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E04423 193929002 Entire third left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) P04423 - L P arterial system 51877822A9994423B82CACC0F044E291 B79815C9F62446619BE798423ECAC5C9 third left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery Entire third left posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure) 4424 4424 04424 skin of lateral area of upper arm 58930001 S04424 Skin structure of lateral surface of upper arm (body structure) E04424 244138008 Entire skin of lateral surface of upper arm (body structure) P04424 Y D integument/surface 6E56672420CE4797A799AF8136A58B82 A97EE5C5375E41E69DF15A827735D28A Skin of lateral surface of upper arm Entire skin of lateral surface of upper arm (body structure) 4425 4425 04425 proximal portion of right coronary artery 91083009 S04425 Structure of proximal portion of right coronary artery (body structure) E04425 194000007 Entire proximal portion of right coronary artery (body structure) P04425 - 3804 R P cardiovascular system 5155785910FD453AACD8F97AF2A95C88 45AE105D2E41423FAFA0E2F65814731B proximal portion of right coronary artery Entire proximal portion of right coronary artery (body structure) 4426 4426 04426 distal portion of right coronary artery 41879009 S04426 Structure of distal portion of right coronary artery (body structure) E04426 194066003 Entire distal portion of right coronary artery (body structure) P04426 - 3832 R P cardiovascular system 4206F9CEAE58495392E91BDDBA81CDFC DF3460031C7C450B932711D043B9797D distal portion of right coronary artery Entire distal portion of right coronary artery (body structure) 4427 4427 04427 ostium of right coronary artery 56789007 S04427 Structure of ostium of right coronary artery (body structure) E04427 312555009 Entire ostium of right coronary artery (body structure) P04427 - 3752 R P cardiovascular system 2C7B07252F1D434FAF325C7986195D57 58BEB50FFA2F45D3B9E51F632C25EF41 ostium of right coronary artery Entire ostium of right coronary artery (body structure) 4428 4428 04428 sinoatrial node branch of right coronary artery 8482007 S04428 Structure of sinoatrial node branch of right coronary artery (body structure) E04428 194438003 Entire sinoatrial node branch of right coronary artery (body structure) P04428 - R P arterial system 0BA424BBF1984FD6A75C3AC85F343225 623FD61A0A444D50A5231734160E7B34 sinoatrial node branch of right coronary artery Entire sinoatrial node branch of right coronary artery (body structure) 4429 4429 04429 posterior descending branch of right coronary artery 53655008 S04429 Structure of posterior descending branch of right coronary artery (body structure) E04429 264150005 Entire posterior descending branch of right coronary artery (body structure) P04429 - 3840 R P arterial system 298D3CE36CDC4A9AABDBC3159E1EC758 068418A5FA0740A3A37EE46A3829D852 posterior descending branch of right coronary artery Entire posterior descending branch of right coronary artery (body structure) Branch of right coronary artery which runs along the upper third of the posterior interventricular sulcus to supply the posterior wall of right and left ventricles and the posterior third of the interventricular septum. 4430 4430 04430 posterior lateral branch of right coronary artery 17269004 S04430 Structure of posterior lateral branch of right coronary artery (body structure) E04430 194539008 Entire posterior lateral branch of right coronary artery (body structure) P04430 - R P arterial system 81873E4D299549D7977E5A4308FDA000 F29CDE6CA5C841F0BC0E9E133B46879D posterior lateral branch of right coronary artery Entire posterior lateral branch of right coronary artery (body structure) 4431 4431 04431 atrioventricular node branch of right coronary artery 12800002 S04431 Structure of atrioventricular node branch of right coronary artery (body structure) E04431 194641003 Entire atrioventricular node branch of right coronary artery (body structure) P04431 - 3851 R P arterial system 96C913A698D046FAA0DEC97B25B2FBF5 95E5605E6E7F419ABB6B23DBEDC2C4CE atrioventricular node branch of right coronary artery Entire atrioventricular node branch of right coronary artery (body structure) 4432 4432 04432 first right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery 91761002 S04432 Structure of first right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery (body structure) E04432 194142006 Entire first right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery (body structure) P04432 - R P arterial system 40E44FC045C74853BFE51FA6D3FDE2CF 3CDEB1DCE2F6471DBF1BC8B9782D9AA0 first right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery Entire first right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery (body structure) 4433 4433 04433 second right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery 91762009 S04433 Structure of second right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery (body structure) E04433 194212001 Entire second right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery (body structure) P04433 - R P arterial system E01492AC939144CB9A3BDBA0864F6086 6F15E56EA40149F9B1E4DDB9612E676D second right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery Entire second right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery (body structure) 4434 4434 04434 skin of medial area of upper arm 88260007 S04434 Skin structure of medial surface of upper arm (body structure) E04434 244142006 Entire skin of medial surface of upper arm (body structure) P04434 Y D integument/surface A3DF6C264E084C3D891DFDC5D2420A5C 06555CDA93F64D0AA710B38EEB306EBE Skin of medial surface of upper arm Entire skin of medial surface of upper arm (body structure) 4435 4435 04435 third right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery 91763004 S04435 Structure of third right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery (body structure) E04435 194296004 Entire third right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery (body structure) P04435 - R P arterial system 61574F88574E409E9FDFCD376B7E5FB9 1F6468F9F909449896E322DA7F7D9712 third right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery Entire third right posterolateral branch of the posterior descending branch of right coronary artery (body structure) 4436 4436 04436 conus artery 83186006 S04436 Structure of conus artery (body structure) E04436 194731008 Entire conus artery (body structure) P04436 - 74938 P arterial system 76BE64AFF3AA4184A63A1BC241F7D1B1 AEFD6F0FA8A04237AA7E1F80146454CE conus artery Entire conus artery (body structure) 4437 4437 04437 marginal branch of right coronary artery 22765000 S04437 Structure of marginal branch of right coronary artery (body structure) E04437 244258000 Entire marginal branch of right coronary artery (body structure) P04437 - 3818 R P arterial system F0FEC214174B4CC38CEC52DDF227ACBC 99C1B82A8F2E45D9BB919B047801B6AF marginal branch of right coronary artery Entire marginal branch of right coronary artery (body structure) Anterior ventricular branch of right coronary artery which runs downward along the the acute margin and supplies the anterior wall of right ventricle and the apex. 4438 4438 04438 first right ventricular branch of right coronary artery 68059001 S04438 Structure of first right ventricular branch of right coronary artery (body structure) E04438 194813000 Entire first right ventricular branch of right coronary artery (body structure) P04438 - 3815 R P arterial system F68308CA75CC43C58F463C3F3F299B21 05D1A7313F4C4722BF58B5732A999DBF first right ventricular branch of right coronary artery Entire first right ventricular branch of right coronary artery (body structure) 4439 4439 04439 right pulmonary artery 78480002 S04439 Structure of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E04439 244235003 Entire right pulmonary artery (body structure) P04439 R 8613 P respiratory system EEC0928E46B545D8ADAC30F4F0B41A34 4877DD9D05F3457DB9DFFF429EB8CD2B right pulmonary artery Entire right pulmonary artery (body structure) 4440 4440 04440 apical branch of right pulmonary artery 8242003 S04440 Structure of apical branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E04440 182190000 Entire apical branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) P04440 R 66593 P respiratory system FDBF9377A023419FB2EA1F29DBA63F4A CD642A67F15E4CD584ECFF054F046068 apical branch of right pulmonary artery Entire apical branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) 4441 4441 04441 posterior descending branch of right pulmonary artery 18552003 S04441 Structure of posterior descending branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E04441 182263002 Entire posterior descending branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) P04441 R 66596 P respiratory system 81E3D869D6CF4C9FA6D9FABF317EBEB0 5F450BB54BA446849EB40633DE208EDD posterior descending branch of right pulmonary artery Entire posterior descending branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) 4442 4442 04442 anterior descending branch of right pulmonary artery 67128002 S04442 Structure of anterior descending branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E04442 182346004 Entire anterior descending branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) P04442 R 66600 P respiratory system F2EF46AF773C461D9DC0F6007DC1B8E9 9D86812071BC4C67AB81B0D536286AFC anterior descending branch of right pulmonary artery Entire anterior descending branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) 4443 4443 04443 posterior ascending branch of right pulmonary artery 31634009 S04443 Structure of posterior ascending branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E04443 182444000 Entire posterior ascending branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) P04443 R P respiratory system B0D4A8DD39F0484A91B62F7950EE839B 867DB94F1D624136B390FA88F9B68EC8 posterior ascending branch of right pulmonary artery Entire posterior ascending branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) 4444 4444 04444 middle lobe branch of right pulmonary artery 15338000 S04444 Structure of middle lobe branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E04444 182544002 Entire middle lobe branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) P04444 R P respiratory system 79B0A11AA7AD4269952042C05E97CC91 1B684DA69F0B400A92896862217F7EA5 middle lobe branch of right pulmonary artery Entire middle lobe branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) 4445 4445 04445 apical lower lobe branch of right pulmonary artery 27630003 S04445 Structure of apical lower lobe branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E04445 182634005 Entire apical lower lobe branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) P04445 R 66575 P respiratory system D94A048B40A140F481A82CC3C9D4137D C6A13E4E81544DA4992ABB110D88FEE2 apical lower lobe branch of right pulmonary artery Entire apical lower lobe branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) 4446 4446 04446 medial basal branch of right pulmonary artery 53757008 S04446 Structure of medial basal branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E04446 182721002 Entire medial basal branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) P04446 R 66579 P respiratory system CBC674AFCFB7439EBFE073A95D60255A 471D089982E140D0AE290EADF7D4A89B medial basal branch of right pulmonary artery Entire medial basal branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) 4447 4447 04447 anterior basal branch of right pulmonary artery 70081006 S04447 Structure of anterior basal branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E04447 182818005 Entire anterior basal branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) P04447 R 66582 P respiratory system 198F7AAE169346F39BD160558E1E1000 55B447C921E848F4993A3D24E1976725 anterior basal branch of right pulmonary artery Entire anterior basal branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) 4448 4448 04448 lateral basal branch of right pulmonary artery 20163008 S04448 Structure of lateral basal branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E04448 182920007 Entire lateral basal branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) P04448 R 66585 P respiratory system 4BFA7BC954414ECFB10BC313DAF8EE09 5416845E03FA437DAF68B468B9AF9D70 lateral basal branch of right pulmonary artery Entire lateral basal branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) 4449 4449 04449 posterior basal branch of right pulmonary artery 51681000 S04449 Structure of posterior basal branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E04449 183015003 Entire posterior basal branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) P04449 R 66588 P respiratory system 9D7AAD825C1D4EF1B51193342A3953E7 5D8E6448CDF448A5B0E80B7161F723D8 posterior basal branch of right pulmonary artery Entire posterior basal branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) 4450 4450 04450 anterior ascending branch of right pulmonary artery 19176007 S04450 Structure of anterior ascending branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E04450 183114002 Entire anterior ascending branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) P04450 R 8622 P respiratory system EED5015E9A7E435B85706AFE9B547A8B FBB347D09DBE45D6A3EBE9A04F7B5174 anterior ascending branch of right pulmonary artery Entire anterior ascending branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) 4451 4451 04451 subapical branch of right pulmonary artery 35199007 S04451 Structure of subapical branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E04451 183213000 Entire subapical branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) P04451 R 262573 P respiratory system 77B9D4A5F3D8480393A010E5DEFAD153 53DDEB0581F2413AA3FE5B4CC1EBD64E subapical branch of right pulmonary artery Entire subapical branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) 4452 4452 04452 left pulmonary artery 50408007 S04452 Structure of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E04452 244234004 Entire left pulmonary artery (body structure) P04452 L 8614 P respiratory system 532CA919B47B451A8C171031E010723E E04C4A040F5241B3814EB8C263BA1446 left pulmonary artery Entire left pulmonary artery (body structure) 4453 4453 04453 apical branch of left pulmonary artery 24279008 S04453 Structure of apical branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E04453 185529006 Entire apical branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) P04453 L 66594 P respiratory system C13E31ED5B9544EBACB2CF386978FA93 D84CE897F0704A1BB7ACA9B309778A10 apical branch of left pulmonary artery Entire apical branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) 4454 4454 04454 anterior descending branch of left pulmonary artery 57121005 S04454 Structure of anterior descending branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E04454 185632000 Entire anterior descending branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) P04454 L 8636 P respiratory system B8D8DA23A0104514AF492AA8B981427E F06355CBE6AE4AF9A501237361E67960 anterior descending branch of left pulmonary artery Entire anterior descending branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) 4455 4455 04455 posterior branch of left pulmonary artery 53717005 S04455 Structure of posterior branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E04455 185733002 Entire posterior branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) P04455 L 66597 P respiratory system 6A1347218ED24D87BA57F0CE7E1C6A2B 018E7DAE4D1746ACB0A2FCB3B7C7BBFC posterior branch of left pulmonary artery Entire posterior branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) 4456 4456 04456 anterior ascending branch of left pulmonary artery 59348006 S04456 Structure of anterior ascending branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E04456 185836004 Entire anterior ascending branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) P04456 L 8637 P respiratory system C8B4572E5523473C8088631D8F426F78 B793453C864242E7A9E4B3E7328B7F23 anterior ascending branch of left pulmonary artery Entire anterior ascending branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) 4457 4457 04457 lingular branch of left pulmonary artery 55219005 S04457 Structure of lingular branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E04457 185938004 Entire lingular branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) P04457 L 66605 P respiratory system B44D319D93FA43A99C26A4001197F0ED DAA44F881BFD4C52864C583CC3309D45 lingular branch of left pulmonary artery Entire lingular branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) 4458 4458 04458 superior lingular branch of left pulmonary artery 186038005 S04458 Structure of superior lingular branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E04458 83147007 Entire superior lingular branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) P04458 L 68697 P respiratory system 6A9FC36D31B44BEDB486556C27C53D4A 5E6D2DE08DBE4699B568FF1C133752C6 superior lingular branch of left pulmonary artery Entire superior lingular branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) 4459 4459 04459 inferior lingular branch of left pulmonary artery 186120009 S04459 Structure of inferior lingular branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E04459 21717004 Entire inferior lingular branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) P04459 L 68698 P respiratory system B1E2840B60E7419C863A785F0B12DEEF B0A230BE0A344450B47DD653C3F91428 inferior lingular branch of left pulmonary artery Entire inferior lingular branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) 4460 4460 04460 apical lower lobe branch of left pulmonary artery 24047005 S04460 Structure of apical lower lobe branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E04460 186196009 Entire apical lower lobe branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) P04460 L 66576 P respiratory system 53B5F3A95C6547D1B00777855C11BFB4 13B38BCF145843AE886EC03DEE18CD39 apical lower lobe branch of left pulmonary artery Entire apical lower lobe branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) 4461 4461 04461 medial basal branch of left pulmonary artery 23848006 S04461 Structure of medial basal branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E04461 186262005 Entire medial basal branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) P04461 L 66580 P respiratory system 941881F4D8B345B698561F35E25B8795 6EDAAFB80C464B5D8276A9D88903EDD9 medial basal branch of left pulmonary artery Entire medial basal branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) 4462 4462 04462 skin of elbow 74757004 S04462 Skin structure of elbow (body structure) E04462 181534001 Entire skin of elbow (body structure) P04462 Y 38250 D integument/surface 6CECA7C623A4462589C539CB220BCE7F D739C18D57EE4308B84CE9DB31F2779F Skin of elbow Entire skin of elbow (body structure) 4463 4463 04463 anterior basal branch of left pulmonary artery 70162000 S04463 Structure of anterior basal branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E04463 186333007 Entire anterior basal branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) P04463 L 66583 P respiratory system ACB76EAC49D24655AB4E11B22C77D240 7D61CD5F0AD14FD7A2F047BB6E7FFDF3 anterior basal branch of left pulmonary artery Entire anterior basal branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) 4464 4464 04464 lateral basal branch of left pulmonary artery 24094002 S04464 Structure of lateral basal branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E04464 186396001 Entire lateral basal branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) P04464 L 66586 P respiratory system 1D9D8854F9614264BBABCDA8AD9AB3D7 54B915A995F1488FB181964DD22D3952 lateral basal branch of left pulmonary artery Entire lateral basal branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) 4465 4465 04465 posterior basal branch of left pulmonary artery 6317000 S04465 Structure of posterior basal branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E04465 186483001 Entire posterior basal branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) P04465 L 66589 P respiratory system 5CC018E094934E879BD5E90AFA22CE89 88E28D589A604CA98AFED7BCD4003D0A posterior basal branch of left pulmonary artery Entire posterior basal branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) 4466 4466 04466 subapical branch of left pulmonary artery 23326007 S04466 Structure of subapical branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E04466 186559006 Entire subapical branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) P04466 L 262575 P respiratory system 11B4B593C2524C428508D9574EA5E603 7597B743520644EBBF821B40AF1EFEBB subapical branch of left pulmonary artery Entire subapical branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) 4467 4467 04467 artery of head and neck 47990007 S04467 Structure of artery of head, neck AND/OR brain (body structure) E04467 244203003 Entire artery of head, neck AND/OR brain (body structure) P04467 - P arterial system 3BBE20947410434F9E02EC694684D0BE 9D35AB1C401F49839BFF66E31C90E057 artery of head, neck AND/OR brain Entire artery of head, neck AND/OR brain (body structure) 4468 4468 04468 skin of antecubital fossa 17957002 S04468 Skin structure of antecubital fossa (body structure) E04468 368135005 Entire skin of antecubital fossa (body structure) P04468 Y D integument/surface 108D8CE0E11C470DA6E0222396D3CC7B 3E1DB453ADC84CA9BD50B8B9938F54E3 Skin of antecubital fossa Entire skin of antecubital fossa (body structure) 4469 4469 04469 carotid bifurcation 80272002 S04469 Structure of carotid bifurcation (body structure) E04469 244209004 Entire carotid bifurcation (body structure) P04469 Y 50096 P arterial system 00A36871212548F2A78416577F768538 5C007FD55BD0499F9DD5D1194DB985F9 carotid bifurcation Entire carotid bifurcation (body structure) 4470 4470 04470 carotid sinus 21479005 S04470 Structure of carotid sinus (body structure) E04470 281137000 Entire carotid sinus (body structure) P04470 Y 50094 P arterial system BB255E11DD2A4C29B06B45BFE2C3D7DC 5C0A2929BA3E4E86BF0AA9116884F091 carotid sinus Entire carotid sinus (body structure) 4471 4471 04471 right carotid sinus 79718009 S04471 Structure of right carotid sinus (body structure) E04471 161150005 Entire right carotid sinus (body structure) P04471 R 50099 P cardiovascular system BC3E9B9725E14DF38138130227E68D20 45C049C4379141779FF8A582566A598E right carotid sinus Entire right carotid sinus (body structure) 4472 4472 04472 left carotid sinus 9775002 S04472 Structure of left carotid sinus (body structure) E04472 161352005 Entire left carotid sinus (body structure) P04472 L 50100 P cardiovascular system 14CC54A59886481CA4D15A7A55CF6BD4 7605902B56844053BD30AEF02B49EF65 left carotid sinus Entire left carotid sinus (body structure) 4473 4473 04473 right external carotid artery 5195005 S04473 Structure of right external carotid artery (body structure) E04473 160959002 Entire right external carotid artery (body structure) P04473 R 66531 P arterial system D62A6449E5E74BC9A06F676615A7196D 0301E8436675435CB6247B45957DE4E3 right external carotid artery Entire right external carotid artery (body structure) 4474 4474 04474 left external carotid artery 47629002 S04474 Structure of left external carotid artery (body structure) E04474 161054003 Entire left external carotid artery (body structure) P04474 L 66532 P cardiovascular system 3F57A944CE6F4A7CA6E7A238C5996546 76ED7E3E08F14283B423031D70A3F969 left external carotid artery Entire left external carotid artery (body structure) 4475 4475 04475 superior thyroid artery 72021004 S04475 Structure of superior thyroid artery (body structure) E04475 244218002 Entire superior thyroid artery (body structure) P04475 Y 66471 P endocrine system E27B7C5358764253AEADC2BE77E7B097 CB439C6C791C4C969DFEAC0C723C75E2 superior thyroid artery Entire superior thyroid artery (body structure) 4476 4476 04476 infrahyoid artery 46427002 S04476 Infrahyoid artery (body structure) E04476 160198006 Entire infrahyoid artery (body structure) P04476 Y 66474 P arterial system 3CA90916FDF14CC6AD8C5AE53A2CB8BA 0AEEE8CDC67C4DDC9DC3A98DE5F87723 Infrahyoid artery Entire infrahyoid artery (body structure) 4477 4477 04477 sternocleidomastoid branch of superior thyroid artery 47785004 S04477 Structure of sternocleidomastoid branch of superior thyroid artery (body structure) E04477 160294001 Entire sternocleidomastoid branch of superior thyroid artery (body structure) P04477 Y 80474 P arterial system E827F28BA0494E9CAD030D57FDA980EA BE1596194EE3401DA5528A9532DAAF23 sternocleidomastoid branch of superior thyroid artery Entire sternocleidomastoid branch of superior thyroid artery (body structure) 4478 4478 04478 skin of forearm 5742000 S04478 Skin structure of forearm (body structure) E04478 181537008 Entire skin of forearm (body structure) P04478 Y 38265 D integument/surface EE5F84DE6C6A457FB180F4FFB3E2176B AAAFA0F67A9747679F50723004E7429A Skin of forearm Entire skin of forearm (body structure) 4479 4479 04479 superior laryngeal artery 12145000 S04479 Structure of superior laryngeal artery (body structure) E04479 160395003 Entire superior laryngeal artery (body structure) P04479 Y 66468 P arterial system 4BEF03015A3F48A1B90684505F4F6883 C8F4E60C585B496AA4D1CF74E866E37B superior laryngeal artery Entire superior laryngeal artery (body structure) 4480 4480 04480 cricothyroid branch of superior thyroid artery 52586000 S04480 Structure of cricothyroid branch of superior thyroid artery (body structure) E04480 160495002 Entire cricothyroid branch of superior thyroid artery (body structure) P04480 Y 66477 P arterial system DBA8C1995FA34815BC4A3ED8357E08D9 D96E5C117B754C91A732B0F4A1B9E8D3 cricothyroid branch of superior thyroid artery Entire cricothyroid branch of superior thyroid artery (body structure) 4481 4481 04481 anterior branch of superior thyroid artery 79582003 S04481 Structure of anterior branch of superior thyroid artery (body structure) E04481 160586007 Entire anterior branch of superior thyroid artery (body structure) P04481 Y 76292 P arterial system C329B4B81D804BECA83E4EA0CA6FEACD 62B8993A58784233AE00E936E77EA8F7 anterior branch of superior thyroid artery Entire anterior branch of superior thyroid artery (body structure) 4482 4482 04482 posterior branch of superior thyroid artery 59157009 S04482 Structure of posterior branch of superior thyroid artery (body structure) E04482 160674003 Entire posterior branch of superior thyroid artery (body structure) P04482 Y 76295 P arterial system 10D760646AFD41FFB817DEA1E7DF25B5 A73BF18540C64749AD24426AD4C4A4D5 posterior branch of superior thyroid artery Entire posterior branch of superior thyroid artery (body structure) 4483 4483 04483 ascending pharyngeal artery 80435006 S04483 Structure of ascending pharyngeal artery (body structure) E04483 244217007 Entire ascending pharyngeal artery (body structure) P04483 Y 66480 P arterial system 53CA7C9F16FB4ED883D2902F662CA28B D8E01FD2FCCA49F9A74094C171B1F32C ascending pharyngeal artery Entire ascending pharyngeal artery (body structure) 4484 4484 04484 meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery 15263002 S04484 Structure of meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery (body structure) E04484 159946002 Entire meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery (body structure) P04484 Y 49523 P arterial system B5002DE3543F4507AE1D18CE40D66F32 DDD288B71444479E875B4E68004AF7DF meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery Entire meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery (body structure) 4485 4485 04485 pharyngeal branches of ascending pharyngeal artery 64277006 S04485 Structure of pharyngeal branches of ascending pharyngeal artery (body structure) E04485 160025003 Entire pharyngeal branches of ascending pharyngeal artery (body structure) P04485 Y 71673 P arterial system DA1E0E60C3DC4FC5B461AB5F192560C4 B5F896729CC341E1A045B264CBA06C7A pharyngeal branches of ascending pharyngeal artery Entire pharyngeal branches of ascending pharyngeal artery (body structure) 4486 4486 04486 inferior tympanic branch of ascending pharyngeal artery 67082001 S04486 Structure of inferior tympanic branch of ascending pharyngeal artery (body structure) E04486 160115005 Entire inferior tympanic branch of ascending pharyngeal artery (body structure) P04486 Y 49506 P arterial system 17D844BA07E64950BA1DD33BFC1A26BD 3A5E862079354D28A2E9E999EE9BE324 inferior tympanic branch of ascending pharyngeal artery Entire inferior tympanic branch of ascending pharyngeal artery (body structure) 4487 4487 04487 lingual artery 113264009 S04487 Structure of lingual artery (body structure) E04487 181327002 Entire lingual artery (body structure) P04487 Y 66446 P digestive system FE1F513D074D47998D91D544A8AEFA27 0F12A596DF9F4DEAA296F10797DB7F09 lingual artery Entire lingual artery (body structure) 4488 4488 04488 suprahyoid artery 35989001 S04488 Structure of suprahyoid artery (body structure) E04488 160867006 Entire suprahyoid artery (body structure) P04488 Y 80488 P arterial system A42AA3A4AE67471891AADB7CB39475F1 9D53520FD06C4ECF8C92A8C9829C882E suprahyoid artery Entire suprahyoid artery (body structure) 4489 4489 04489 skin of posterior area of forearm 41550009 S04489 Skin structure of posterior surface of forearm (body structure) E04489 181539006 Entire skin of posterior surface of forearm (body structure) P04489 Y D integument/surface 2BCB0E0C22C6467387908C955CC70D8E F20E0E9E6CE241A7B77C544108F778FC Skin of posterior surface of forearm Entire skin of posterior surface of forearm (body structure) 4490 4490 04490 sublingual branch of lingual artery 35990005 S04490 Structure of sublingual branch of lingual artery (body structure) E04490 368706006 Entire sublingual branch of lingual artery (body structure) P04490 Y 80485 P digestive system 60060FFEA52B4857BA2B20FDFCBAC2AC 1A61C7D6FB0C41C28DD83EE12DC662CA sublingual branch of lingual artery Entire sublingual branch of lingual artery (body structure) 4491 4491 04491 dorsal lingual branch of lingual artery 71705003 S04491 Structure of dorsal lingual branch of lingual artery (body structure) E04491 368740006 Entire dorsal lingual branch of lingual artery (body structure) P04491 Y 80491 P digestive system 90A35CB2A6224292A0CB0FA53248D80F B204B0B02160412D9E17D48D4F91216E dorsal lingual branch of lingual artery Entire dorsal lingual branch of lingual artery (body structure) 4492 4492 04492 profunda artery of tongue 89685002 S04492 Structure of profunda artery of tongue (body structure) E04492 368741005 Entire profunda artery of tongue (body structure) P04492 Y 49532 P digestive system E0460E52E9D3479CA58F9D5E3A4151A3 51C95D53DF514481B45CBE22759D70B3 profunda artery of tongue Entire profunda artery of tongue (body structure) 4493 4493 04493 facial artery 23074001 S04493 Structure of facial artery (body structure) E04493 181328007 Entire facial artery (body structure) P04493 Y 66449 P arterial system 94AECDF0ECE54AF2A8D145AA623AB3CB 6656D2FCEC524DB38539E30F5152A28C facial artery Entire facial artery (body structure) 4494 4494 04494 ascending palatine artery 148369008 S04494 Structure of ascending palatine artery (body structure) E04494 25879008 Entire ascending palatine artery (body structure) P04494 Y 79300 P arterial system 60516B0B68534887945347DEB54A8D10 16F99A3861F34BCCB1A40170E453E2D7 ascending palatine artery Entire ascending palatine artery (body structure) 4495 4495 04495 tonsillar artery 32570003 S04495 Structure of tonsillar artery (body structure) E04495 160771003 Entire tonsillar artery (body structure) P04495 Y 79322 P arterial system DCB1A05B91AF448A8CC913D2DAB508AF B0E9D5F0ABB4476FB44F6847E2AF62AB tonsillar artery Entire tonsillar artery (body structure) 4496 4496 04496 submental artery 31240006 S04496 Structure of submental artery (body structure) E04496 144834008 Entire submental artery (body structure) P04496 Y 79325 P arterial system 5323E1F12C074279BEC0D90F3C3E8AEB 01FF5BD3629A48C0B861F438A5C30BDF submental artery Entire submental artery (body structure) 4497 4497 04497 glandular branch of facial artery 79208000 S04497 Structure of glandular branch of facial artery (body structure) E04497 144935008 Entire glandular branch of facial artery (body structure) P04497 Y 79328 P arterial system 1483752EB57B48CA9D3EB8F7B5867A55 9C49925F34114062A4054AE1C128893D glandular branch of facial artery Entire glandular branch of facial artery (body structure) 4498 4498 04498 inferior labial artery 47067000 S04498 Structure of inferior labial artery (body structure) E04498 145036002 Entire inferior labial artery (body structure) P04498 Y 79332 P arterial system 83A7346B1B8F4CF1878F8D78C43284C2 7ADB8A1CB81B4D409F66B02DC6EB56AF inferior labial artery Entire inferior labial artery (body structure) 4499 4499 04499 superior labial artery 235004 S04499 Structure of superior labial artery (body structure) E04499 145137009 Entire superior labial artery (body structure) P04499 Y 79335 P arterial system FD0DFB88AC654560B774756631147860 3F7701B424DA4C5BA40E509AAEDF6EE3 superior labial artery Entire superior labial artery (body structure) 4500 4500 04500 skin of anterior area of forearm 70559009 S04500 Skin structure of anterior surface of forearm (body structure) E04500 181538003 Entire skin of anterior surface of forearm (body structure) P04500 Y D integument/surface 75DA24CBA9B443058A87C47ECBC8E7DA 9F7AB08C093541B795525E16E4D5B7C1 Skin of anterior surface of forearm Entire skin of anterior surface of forearm (body structure) 4501 4501 04501 angular artery 61231001 S04501 Structure of angular artery (body structure) E04501 145238006 Entire angular artery (body structure) P04501 Y 79348 P arterial system 3A4F55828BF94D56A64760059707FE52 8F2564401A254BAE80267EF84F2ED13D angular artery Entire angular artery (body structure) 4502 4502 04502 occipital artery 31145008 S04502 Structure of occipital artery (body structure) E04502 244219005 Entire occipital artery (body structure) P04502 Y 66452 P arterial system 269E8BBBD5754591966324058493565E A9C3E87667E14F86A73D2BF1F5E9DC14 occipital artery Entire occipital artery (body structure) 4503 4503 04503 mastoid branch of occipital artery 71030005 S04503 Structure of mastoid branch of occipital artery (body structure) E04503 145339000 Entire mastoid branch of occipital artery (body structure) P04503 Y 79352 P arterial system 128F25FBCBD24EBFADCE61581D2EC8C6 94B58F69AF0545599004F9916638463B mastoid branch of occipital artery Entire mastoid branch of occipital artery (body structure) 4504 4504 04504 auricular branch occipital artery 68907005 S04504 Structure of auricular branch occipital artery (body structure) E04504 145440004 Entire auricular branch of occipital artery (body structure) P04504 Y 79364 P arterial system F53C73A17B984D96B50805552D3040BD 5ED9029567BB4F57B37542827264A376 auricular branch occipital artery Entire auricular branch of occipital artery (body structure) 4505 4505 04505 sternocleidomastoid branch of occipital artery 81180006 S04505 Structure of sternocleidomastoid branch of occipital artery (body structure) E04505 145541003 Entire sternocleidomastoid branch of occipital artery (body structure) P04505 Y 79355 P arterial system 684C68EB631148798C3339A2093FF361 2E787DCAD017454C98C28CEF2460860C sternocleidomastoid branch of occipital artery Entire sternocleidomastoid branch of occipital artery (body structure) 4506 4506 04506 meningeal branch of occipital artery 996007 S04506 Structure of meningeal branch of occipital artery (body structure) E04506 145642002 Entire meningeal branch of occipital artery (body structure) P04506 Y 79380 P arterial system B6F82F9B6DBE4A66889F0195B00ACA0F 189170167873409C937B659ABAAC0FED meningeal branch of occipital artery Entire meningeal branch of occipital artery (body structure) 4507 4507 04507 occipital branch of occipital artery 31488006 S04507 Structure of occipital branch of occipital artery (body structure) E04507 145743003 Entire occipital branch of occipital artery (body structure) P04507 Y 79367 P arterial system 1CD07EEEB2B14E7FA12A79FD276A1C34 D4AB184119EE40C38F5DFECCDADFF096 occipital branch of occipital artery Entire occipital branch of occipital artery (body structure) 4508 4508 04508 descending branch of occipital artery 33102007 S04508 Structure of descending branch of occipital artery (body structure) E04508 145844003 Entire descending branch of occipital artery (body structure) P04508 Y 79370 P arterial system E83A8B0959444F87918E435E717D232A B6C76EEBA0FF4C319567A31152849573 descending branch of occipital artery Entire descending branch of occipital artery (body structure) 4509 4509 04509 muscular branches of occipital artery 81275005 S04509 Structure of muscular branches of occipital artery (body structure) E04509 145945003 Entire muscular branches of occipital artery (body structure) P04509 Y 79383 P arterial system 086D322671084AABAA3363ABA91B844B 9694C0B002DA48CD998AF618377825D7 muscular branches of occipital artery Entire muscular branches of occipital artery (body structure) 4510 4510 04510 posterior auricular artery 20360001 S04510 Structure of posterior auricular artery (body structure) E04510 244220004 Entire posterior auricular artery (body structure) P04510 Y 66458 P arterial system 64CBF16C7D51447AB26D9C3789B1D8B9 B1DF09CDE44941DD990F75595B7E2440 posterior auricular artery Entire posterior auricular artery (body structure) 4511 4511 04511 skin of dorsal area of ring finger 71888007 S04511 Skin structure of dorsal surface of ring finger (body structure) E04511 368269001 Entire skin of dorsal surface of ring finger (body structure) P04511 Y D integument/surface 50B57F3457C5484888679DA646A35D88 9685603D2C284D43958469E101862B1E Skin of dorsal surface of ring finger Entire skin of dorsal surface of ring finger (body structure) 4512 4512 04512 skin of lateral margin of forearm 20086004 S04512 Skin structure of lateral margin of forearm (body structure) E04512 244153000 Entire skin of lateral margin of forearm (body structure) P04512 Y D integument/surface 1E4B99434EFF430482BCC7A2DDEAF90C 8249674C18484D378AC87AC690117C6C Skin of lateral margin of forearm Entire skin of lateral margin of forearm (body structure) 4513 4513 04513 stylomastoid artery 71915003 S04513 Structure of stylomastoid artery (body structure) E04513 146046005 Entire stylomastoid artery (body structure) P04513 Y 49628 P arterial system F6CABD0E3F0E442280BF145347BF7F4A CF0D519F8AC34A65AE274A9289CCD76A stylomastoid artery Entire stylomastoid artery (body structure) 4514 4514 04514 posterior tympanic artery 77134005 S04514 Structure of posterior tympanic artery (body structure) E04514 146147003 Entire posterior tympanic artery (body structure) P04514 Y 49631 P arterial system A39F1B96D8B1479EB10268408B6236A7 479C58F91308467A93F20302CA68BB92 posterior tympanic artery Entire posterior tympanic artery (body structure) 4515 4515 04515 auricular branch of posterior auricular artery 45683000 S04515 Structure of auricular branch of posterior auricular artery (body structure) E04515 146248002 Entire auricular branch of posterior auricular artery (body structure) P04515 Y 49641 P arterial system 0D1DF268F6C54891A2287725C68605C2 DC01F955F452424C93BFCD3CB7352E55 auricular branch of posterior auricular artery Entire auricular branch of posterior auricular artery (body structure) 4516 4516 04516 occipital branch of posterior auricular artery 3609007 S04516 Structure of occipital branch of posterior auricular artery (body structure) E04516 146349008 Entire occipital branch of posterior auricular artery (body structure) P04516 Y 49644 P arterial system 0295C95C19714F12AB7F8AD0A0E8CEDC ECB7AFAF5B564EA9B1D5A373CF2AECA9 occipital branch of posterior auricular artery Entire occipital branch of posterior auricular artery (body structure) 4517 4517 04517 superficial temporal artery 15672000 S04517 Structure of superficial temporal artery (body structure) E04517 181325005 Entire superficial temporal artery (body structure) P04517 Y 79428 P arterial system EF3DBFCA83EE4850AB58C0F79C08DE13 E6C9688926C84FA99C4A0D9A6201847C superficial temporal artery Entire superficial temporal artery (body structure) 4518 4518 04518 parotid branch of superficial temporal artery 50019000 S04518 Structure of parotid branch of superficial temporal artery (body structure) E04518 146450007 Entire parotid branch of superficial temporal artery (body structure) P04518 Y 79432 P arterial system 666C25748DD4473A9596718D573B2436 DD2697CE7083422A869A3311BDD59DD4 parotid branch of superficial temporal artery Entire parotid branch of superficial temporal artery (body structure) 4519 4519 04519 transverse facial artery 2395005 S04519 Structure of transverse facial artery (body structure) E04519 146551008 Entire transverse facial artery (body structure) P04519 Y 79435 P arterial system 5CF5DDE5CE6541518715A8A5D1B6D925 D0466BD6B2594CFEB9489C0830962F08 transverse facial artery Entire transverse facial artery (body structure) 4520 4520 04520 anterior auricular branch of superficial temporal artery 29769007 S04520 Structure of anterior auricular branch of superficial temporal artery (body structure) E04520 146652007 Entire anterior auricular branch of superficial temporal artery (body structure) P04520 Y 79448 P arterial system 25C46D5360B0427581AB25BE4FE7A778 4AC83594E42B45619E6CE28A6D90BFF2 anterior auricular branch of superficial temporal artery Entire anterior auricular branch of superficial temporal artery (body structure) 4521 4521 04521 zygomatico-orbital artery 69987000 S04521 Structure of zygomatico-orbital artery (body structure) E04521 146753008 Entire zygomatico-orbital artery (body structure) P04521 Y 79451 P arterial system 62E78F5E1EF042FE860C6AC6DB513F91 4F773A9C346D437CA972B6EE7EE2F87F zygomatico-orbital artery Entire zygomatico-orbital artery (body structure) 4522 4522 04522 middle temporal artery 20988001 S04522 Structure of middle temporal artery (body structure) E04522 146854006 Entire middle temporal artery (body structure) P04522 Y 79454 P arterial system E68EE46C8F6F4C0CB47541F3BB32A2B1 2C0037EA1F2C4D4DAC2D3CDD42D2FEB9 middle temporal artery Entire middle temporal artery (body structure) 4523 4523 04523 skin of medial margin of forearm 60428009 S04523 Skin structure of medial margin of forearm (body structure) E04523 244152005 Entire skin of medial margin of forearm (body structure) P04523 Y D integument/surface B85EE828E6304D99A026F502881B2836 7BD4D1E5358849A28BBFBA9FE0868289 Skin of medial margin of forearm Entire skin of medial margin of forearm (body structure) 4524 4524 04524 frontal branch of superficial temporal artery 73824004 S04524 Structure of frontal branch of superficial temporal artery (body structure) E04524 146955006 Entire frontal branch of superficial temporal artery (body structure) P04524 Y 79457 P arterial system 4109E5EF9336472DB6F83CD594430DC3 44002B86A7794834BEFFAF3D684D6459 frontal branch of superficial temporal artery Entire frontal branch of superficial temporal artery (body structure) 4525 4525 04525 parietal branch of superficial temporal artery 1467009 S04525 Structure of parietal branch of superficial temporal artery (body structure) E04525 147056000 Entire parietal branch of superficial temporal artery (body structure) P04525 Y 79460 P arterial system 0FD5F29001024E218224BAFC5B8A2FAB 56E5AC0F7ACA4BEF9A3FE21C1D7EE9FC parietal branch of superficial temporal artery Entire parietal branch of superficial temporal artery (body structure) 4526 4526 04526 maxillary artery 63082002 S04526 Structure of maxillary artery (body structure) E04526 181326006 Entire maxillary artery (body structure) P04526 Y 66455 P arterial system 9EA4F46F64E54D25B30AB684953AD032 6035D0184DD941FA93031CD754C29302 maxillary artery Entire maxillary artery (body structure) 4527 4527 04527 deep auricular artery 72118004 S04527 Structure of deep auricular artery (body structure) E04527 147157007 Entire deep auricular artery (body structure) P04527 Y 79471 P arterial system 70793140E5994483B123DB7EBD2D7B2D 96AA021094B94296BC9BE0734E143AB0 deep auricular artery Entire deep auricular artery (body structure) 4528 4528 04528 sphenopalatine artery 83742008 S04528 Structure of sphenopalatine artery (body structure) E04528 312162007 Entire sphenopalatine artery (body structure) P04528 Y 79580 P arterial system 06571473BBDE43408EEA2A7E56DD6A3D E2A67F71768442F6B8F42D0044D987BA sphenopalatine artery Entire sphenopalatine artery (body structure) 4529 4529 04529 anterior tympanic artery 61654003 S04529 Structure of anterior tympanic artery (body structure) E04529 147258006 Entire anterior tympanic artery (body structure) P04529 Y 79474 P arterial system A8CA1ED52DB84335BA8D23251D12E3AA 104B7DB6D8C349309BB73B63437F0ACF anterior tympanic artery Entire anterior tympanic artery (body structure) 4530 4530 04530 inferior alveolar artery 32936006 S04530 Structure of inferior alveolar artery (body structure) E04530 276151008 Entire inferior alveolar artery (body structure) P04530 Y 79477 P arterial system 7283B6A6D2D04F2DB6A477E11F35B9D0 2E1BC826CC3D44A2A71759BA06D20404 inferior alveolar artery Entire inferior alveolar artery (body structure) 4531 4531 04531 dental branch of inferior alveolar artery 402006 S04531 Structure of dental branch of inferior alveolar artery (body structure) E04531 147359000 Entire dental branch of inferior alveolar artery (body structure) P04531 Y 79481 P arterial system 08325194245C4DC8A5992CB1D5087B26 2F25AD9EEC244ED9B6B305E28344DD22 dental branch of inferior alveolar artery Entire dental branch of inferior alveolar artery (body structure) 4532 4532 04532 mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar artery 18399009 S04532 Structure of mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar artery (body structure) E04532 147460006 Entire mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar artery (body structure) P04532 Y 79490 P arterial system C15D6493E4DD466DB72FACE966AC4572 2AA5AACE06D54813994E59E44F317440 mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar artery Entire mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar artery (body structure) 4533 4533 04533 mental artery 54927002 S04533 Structure of mental artery (body structure) E04533 147561008 Entire mental artery (body structure) P04533 Y 79487 P arterial system 2574CB1E3BFF491C88B68C1616BDBDDC FB89A1E4AB304B8FBEC5119471B9D0D9 mental artery Entire mental artery (body structure) 4534 4534 04534 artery of the pterygoid canal 63824003 S04534 Structure of artery of the pterygoid canal (body structure) E04534 147662009 Entire artery of the pterygoid canal (body structure) P04534 Y 85528 P arterial system E95743A1738F408FB01D8CF0214C6744 6D0B73C37A3C4C37AB805E97994A9D55 artery of the pterygoid canal Entire artery of the pterygoid canal (body structure) 4535 4535 04535 posterior, lateral and septal nasal arteries 20345004 S04535 Structure of posterior, lateral and septal nasal arteries (body structure) E04535 368880008 Entire posterior, lateral and septal nasal arteries (body structure) P04535 Y P arterial system 8AA78208FC7045839CF6FFD5ABCFE850 8576B83DEBCB476287631A51EF5A61C1 posterior, lateral and septal nasal arteries Entire posterior, lateral and septal nasal arteries (body structure) 4536 4536 04536 middle meningeal artery 64395006 S04536 Structure of middle meningeal artery (body structure) E04536 278100005 Entire middle meningeal artery (body structure) P04536 Y 79493 P arterial system 81899266458147F88D938E265460528E 441B3853062E4F0593CB0FD874A1871A middle meningeal artery Entire middle meningeal artery (body structure) 4537 4537 04537 superior tympanic artery 36947002 S04537 Structure of superior tympanic artery (body structure) E04537 147763009 Entire superior tympanic artery (body structure) P04537 Y 79515 P arterial system 911B9EBEEBD545C6B19839E7E85694F9 29552F1F45F14BF3B5F56FAA44743B6A superior tympanic artery Entire superior tympanic artery (body structure) 4538 4538 04538 masseteric artery 38393001 S04538 Structure of masseteric artery (body structure) E04538 147864007 Entire masseteric artery (body structure) P04538 Y 79524 P arterial system 0CB646B671144C93A16C9ADDFDA08546 8BA5B6FCCDD84F6F9DC4FB8938B959A5 masseteric artery Entire masseteric artery (body structure) 4539 4539 04539 deep temporal artery 68930004 S04539 Structure of deep temporal artery (body structure) E04539 147965009 Entire deep temporal artery (body structure) P04539 Y 79527 P arterial system 826F90D44B2840F9A62157A96890EA7C 8741F244E19B4C6A94745664FB929426 deep temporal artery Entire deep temporal artery (body structure) 4540 4540 04540 buccal artery 34661008 S04540 Structure of buccal artery (body structure) E04540 148066005 Entire buccal artery (body structure) P04540 Y 79537 P arterial system C54F993CEEC94E62AAAB398C47511F95 2756BB5566BD43BAA7E1E8FAE14DAB50 buccal artery Entire buccal artery (body structure) 4541 4541 04541 superior posterior alveolar artery 71224001 S04541 Structure of superior posterior alveolar artery, including dental branches (body structure) E04541 368878002 Entire superior posterior alveolar artery, including dental branches (body structure) P04541 Y P arterial system 24B85B8174D14E1683DE76A5E46A9A20 122DECF9E69E4FAA9471DBB7D089CE31 superior posterior alveolar artery, including dental branches Entire superior posterior alveolar artery, including dental branches (body structure) 4542 4542 04542 infraorbital artery 90222002 S04542 Structure of infraorbital artery (body structure) E04542 148167004 Entire infraorbital artery (body structure) P04542 Y P arterial system E7EABA558BCA44CA986DD12622285DCA 3663B7EF879D458EA9C9BE02AD56C5B1 infraorbital artery Entire infraorbital artery (body structure) 4543 4543 04543 superior anterior alveolar artery 45949005 S04543 Structure of superior anterior alveolar artery, including dental branches (body structure) E04543 368879005 Entire superior anterior alveolar artery, including dental branches (body structure) P04543 Y 49771 P arterial system 6A4291CCDAF54741830DC4AC1D1C6B28 9848B62C8D7E47E9B26FC65EA1CA45BB superior anterior alveolar artery, including dental branches Entire superior anterior alveolar artery, including dental branches (body structure) 4544 4544 04544 palatine artery 23028000 S04544 Structure of palatine artery (body structure) E04544 148268003 Entire palatine artery (body structure) P04544 Y 79205 P arterial system 4F90D606E4684566AD0D7E1C6E83C14D C76803D523354ED782112FCA069D3426 palatine artery Entire palatine artery (body structure) 4545 4545 04545 right internal carotid artery 38917008 S04545 Structure of right internal carotid artery (body structure) E04545 161251001 Entire right internal carotid artery (body structure) P04545 R 75866 P arterial system 8A32615353C748AF86F664CDFB3CA219 167DC13B22E14183AD3A0B93E24A8210 right internal carotid artery Entire right internal carotid artery (body structure) 4546 4546 04546 left internal carotid artery 58379002 S04546 Structure of left internal carotid artery (body structure) E04546 161452006 Entire left internal carotid artery (body structure) P04546 L 75867 P cardiovascular system B31F15D17C5C41FC98309DD72AD82996 3AABACD6C84F4392BEC7CC166818964D left internal carotid artery Entire left internal carotid artery (body structure) 4547 4547 04547 cavernous portion of internal carotid artery 8752000 S04547 Structure of cavernous portion of internal carotid artery (body structure) E04547 244205005 Entire cavernous portion of internal carotid artery (body structure) P04547 Y 70515 P arterial system 760256652AAC473DA37CA3FAB4C4402E 942105EA3A454AF5B47AC9C5AD2B0887 cavernous portion of internal carotid artery Entire cavernous portion of internal carotid artery (body structure) Segment of the internal carotid artery from the petrolingual ligament to the proximal dural ring. The cavernous sgement is surrounded by the cavernous sinus. Bouthillier segment C4. 4548 4548 04548 intradural portion of internal carotid artery 22354008 S04548 Structure of cerebral portion of internal carotid artery (body structure) E04548 261098002 Entire cerebral portion of internal carotid artery (body structure) P04548 Y 70518 P arterial system 7CC5D96C593D4FD08F6AA07C7071583A F7076D4EDB6544CE901FF677DC806056 cerebral portion of internal carotid artery Entire cerebral portion of internal carotid artery (body structure) 4549 4549 04549 cervical portion of internal carotid artery 17999001 S04549 Structure of cervical portion of internal carotid artery (body structure) E04549 161553004 Entire cervical portion of internal carotid artery (body structure) P04549 Y 79590 P arterial system 85C81CCEF291444FAC2E60A85166D137 5AA325FFE9B742FFB52BC6F2AF15B020 cervical portion of internal carotid artery Entire cervical portion of internal carotid artery (body structure) Segment of the internal carotid artery from the carotid bifurcation to the entrance to the carotid canal. Bouthillier segment C1. 4550 4550 04550 carotid siphon 54409005 S04550 Structure of carotid siphon (body structure) E04550 369302002 Entire carotid siphon (body structure) P04550 Y 50109 P arterial system EF5EC2A4B4004B8EBA5923C6F46B0BA4 25AFE9A19A2042ABBF2780CA3817DA0C carotid siphon Entire carotid siphon (body structure) 4551 4551 04551 caroticotympanic artery 46119003 S04551 Structure of caroticotympanic artery (body structure) E04551 148470005 Entire caroticotympanic artery (body structure) P04551 Y 49828 P arterial system 8039D3BE532F483CAB66B4BF605EF26D 99758951685D45D08ED721C5CE1ACA0B caroticotympanic artery Entire caroticotympanic artery (body structure) 4552 4552 04552 posterior communicating artery 43119007 S04552 Structure of posterior communicating artery (body structure) E04552 181314001 Entire posterior communicating artery (body structure) P04552 Y 50084 P arterial system FBB7E2028FAF4AF9A6675970CC4FE916 CB7C5C5D5BDB4D94A9FC3A96E17FBEF2 posterior communicating artery Entire posterior communicating artery (body structure) 4553 4553 04553 choroidal artery 16700009 S04553 Structure of choroidal artery (body structure) E04553 244210009 Entire choroidal artery (body structure) P04553 Y P cardiovascular system 2C2AA6E1CE624692BC65F96121E0C010 B66EFAAF674145FCB8A107D0781A0C2D choroidal artery Entire choroidal artery (body structure) 4554 4554 04554 anterior choroidal artery 59920002 S04554 Structure of anterior choroidal artery (body structure) E04554 244211008 Entire anterior choroidal artery (body structure) P04554 Y 76253 P arterial system 04830EE93D3A47E384E1032642D93EEA 24EB52A4AD7F464FB5776D9F5A792221 anterior choroidal artery Entire anterior choroidal artery (body structure) 4555 4555 04555 choroidal branch of posterior cerebral artery 42494004 S04555 Structure of choroidal branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04555 369346005 Entire choroidal branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04555 Y P arterial system A1D0C4F447D24894BC2BA8BCA206BCBE FBBD4988B22F4C4BA94240872B0E0E5A choroidal branch of posterior cerebral artery Entire choroidal branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4556 4556 04556 hypophyseal artery 75718002 S04556 Structure of hypophyseal artery (body structure) E04556 304966003 Entire hypophyseal artery (body structure) P04556 Y P arterial system F88AFC825D224C48ACF1FB8442D91BE5 FAE985B7E3534C28ACA1434E6C8BF0AA hypophyseal artery Entire hypophyseal artery (body structure) 4557 4557 04557 inferior hypophyseal artery 74200005 S04557 Structure of inferior hypophyseal artery (body structure) E04557 303428003 Entire inferior hypophyseal artery (body structure) P04557 Y 49846 P arterial system DE32556B234D461DB0D1EB9E7F80A3E3 8E98C39729D34DAAA95B8C89691C5350 inferior hypophyseal artery Entire inferior hypophyseal artery (body structure) 4558 4558 04558 superior hypophyseal artery 55601007 S04558 Structure of superior hypophyseal artery (body structure) E04558 303427008 Entire superior hypophyseal artery (body structure) P04558 Y 49849 P arterial system E8D073FA195845D080866843CB893CE3 5C251E31AD2F46BDA667F15EA53D6336 superior hypophyseal artery Entire superior hypophyseal artery (body structure) 4559 4559 04559 ophthalmic artery 53549008 S04559 Structure of ophthalmic artery (body structure) E04559 181310005 Entire ophthalmic artery (body structure) P04559 Y 70524 P cardiovascular system 8B5FC36F5B7641C8B35CD78FF938494E 91DEAB7BA7184A94A5F1928FA672D5E0 ophthalmic artery Entire ophthalmic artery (body structure) 4560 4560 04560 meningeal branch of ophthalmic artery 83392007 S04560 Structure of meningeal branch of ophthalmic artery (body structure) E04560 369328004 Entire meningeal branch of ophthalmic artery (body structure) P04560 Y P cardiovascular system 7C0DA12918C149CFA4CA4C0ECA130C73 337D7C791C5446E2B115E0D0FB4ABCF5 meningeal branch of ophthalmic artery Entire meningeal branch of ophthalmic artery (body structure) 4561 4561 04561 muscular branch of ophthalmic artery 63255002 S04561 Structure of muscular branch of ophthalmic artery (body structure) E04561 369329007 Entire muscular branch of ophthalmic artery (body structure) P04561 Y 75985 P cardiovascular system 9520A3673C43437383CC5146B663759E 04F86C58384046E7AA775B64FC501036 muscular branch of ophthalmic artery Entire muscular branch of ophthalmic artery (body structure) 4562 4562 04562 skin of wrist 24785000 S04562 Skin structure of wrist (body structure) E04562 181540008 Entire skin of wrist (body structure) P04562 Y 38280 D integument/surface F09D096E1B934384B0AE4E1B752853A8 DE58806C4A1D4D098B5A6759998E1A36 Skin of wrist Entire skin of wrist (body structure) 4563 4563 04563 lacrimal artery 59749000 S04563 Structure of lacrimal artery (body structure) E04563 369324002 Entire lacrimal artery (body structure) P04563 Y 75966 P arterial system 0ECB5FA0302D44AAB48220544DCEB697 B11C987D2091416CA4C7AA9C6282C04D lacrimal artery Entire lacrimal artery (body structure) 4564 4564 04564 zygomatic branch of lacrimal artery 38550000 S04564 Structure of zygomatic branch of lacrimal artery (body structure) E04564 369320006 Entire zygomatic branch of lacrimal artery (body structure) P04564 Y 75976 P arterial system 0759572356A0436C96198EA2261773E9 D87077C777E74A57A8E8E384AB0FCC45 zygomatic branch of lacrimal artery Entire zygomatic branch of lacrimal artery (body structure) 4565 4565 04565 recurrent meningeal branch of lacrimal artery 19414007 S04565 Structure of recurrent meningeal branch of lacrimal artery (body structure) E04565 369321005 Entire recurrent meningeal branch of lacrimal artery (body structure) P04565 Y 75970 P arterial system D6ECF6E1A2784424B5EB422B53F113DD 84A3D0D551634F61BE4BB772B53E1A55 recurrent meningeal branch of lacrimal artery Entire recurrent meningeal branch of lacrimal artery (body structure) 4566 4566 04566 anastomotic lacrimal artery 19796009 S04566 Structure of anastomotic lacrimal artery (body structure) E04566 369322003 Entire anastomotic lacrimal artery (body structure) P04566 Y P arterial system FE220354D06642128774416B8B57BECD 4764BC90E261404F807EAEF653F877E0 anastomotic lacrimal artery Entire anastomotic lacrimal artery (body structure) 4567 4567 04567 supraorbital artery 53100006 S04567 Structure of supraorbital artery (body structure) E04567 369330002 Entire supraorbital artery (body structure) P04567 Y 76005 P cardiovascular system 949EC44CD8284D419EC12BAA7DA9143F A8AB2AB3A3D8412D9B0A87B680B7435D supraorbital artery Entire supraorbital artery (body structure) 4568 4568 04568 central retinal artery 76117006 S04568 Structure of central retinal artery (body structure) E04568 280916002 Entire central retinal artery (body structure) P04568 Y 75917 P special senses organ system 110DC81F4AEF414096E57991E442453D 5E8EC737AF0349279965250359F13793 central retinal artery Entire central retinal artery (body structure) 4569 4569 04569 ciliary artery 48419002 S04569 Structure of ciliary artery (body structure) E04569 368800005 Entire ciliary artery (body structure) P04569 Y P special senses organ system 939112711E92428491B962A152752CB4 1C211C04E16740C7A366A59AB7B004E2 ciliary artery Entire ciliary artery (body structure) 4570 4570 04570 short posterior ciliary artery 368801009 S04570 Structure of short posterior ciliary artery (body structure) E04570 51659005 Entire short posterior ciliary artery (body structure) P04570 Y 75963 P special senses organ system 9D63AB3CF7304BFE8B26B8D5DB88BAFC 8B26DEC4FAE741E481CB59A23B5FDD07 short posterior ciliary artery Entire short posterior ciliary artery (body structure) 4571 4571 04571 long posterior ciliary artery 368802002 S04571 Structure of long posterior ciliary artery (body structure) E04571 70617003 Entire long posterior ciliary artery (body structure) P04571 Y 75953 P special senses organ system F17542966CAF49C3AEBCC46700EE9D6D 8DCAA2ED51774DFFAEC703D7C502707B long posterior ciliary artery Entire long posterior ciliary artery (body structure) 4572 4572 04572 anterior ciliary artery 84883009 S04572 Structure of anterior ciliary artery (body structure) E04572 368797008 Entire anterior ciliary artery (body structure) P04572 Y 75989 P arterial system 42C3FB159736497E83F0223CD751061C 24EE216C1E1840A1B5E92A3C292BE1BF anterior ciliary artery Entire anterior ciliary artery (body structure) 4573 4573 04573 skin of dorsal area of wrist 52876008 S04573 Skin structure of dorsal area of wrist (body structure) E04573 181543005 Entire skin of dorsal area of wrist (body structure) P04573 Y D integument/surface 556C501F512144D7AE82A4E75C2F7515 7071D24BB97B48F8B79A41CF7F72A695 Skin of dorsal area of wrist Entire skin of dorsal area of wrist (body structure) 4574 4574 04574 episcleral artery 5979006 S04574 Structure of episcleral artery (body structure) E04574 368798003 Entire episcleral artery (body structure) P04574 Y 76002 P special senses organ system BC2EC1E125AB4592BCC986233B2F370A ABA8073AFBC34796BF2E53F6E00FCA24 episcleral artery Entire episcleral artery (body structure) 4575 4575 04575 conjunctival artery 14957007 S04575 Structure of conjunctival artery (body structure) E04575 368803007 Entire conjunctival artery (body structure) P04575 Y P special senses organ system 89D230AC7012476BB18F981708178FB6 6855C3DEE56D4047A64F7C93083A97A1 conjunctival artery Entire conjunctival artery (body structure) 4576 4576 04576 anterior conjunctival artery 68133001 S04576 Structure of anterior conjunctival artery (body structure) E04576 368799006 Entire anterior conjunctival artery (body structure) P04576 Y 75999 P special senses organ system B511A76985D749DCB4E1457BCE3A2231 4767FC7676904F919527BDF0F912BABD anterior conjunctival artery Entire anterior conjunctival artery (body structure) 4577 4577 04577 posterior conjunctival artery 368804001 S04577 Structure of posterior conjunctival artery (body structure) E04577 43286003 Entire posterior conjunctival artery (body structure) P04577 Y 76045 P special senses organ system 2FCE01D1F723476D8E4A3BB40C292BC5 A5285A279593440C97DDEAA3278E709A posterior conjunctival artery Entire posterior conjunctival artery (body structure) 4578 4578 04578 ethmoidal artery 73954008 S04578 Structure of ethmoidal artery (body structure) E04578 244222007 Entire ethmoidal artery (body structure) P04578 Y P arterial system 4C3FEAE1D237403F8992E3A6DD1B4686 B823386570FE46EC8012BE9255F27D9D ethmoidal artery Entire ethmoidal artery (body structure) 4579 4579 04579 posterior ethmoidal artery 62223008 S04579 Structure of posterior ethmoidal artery (body structure) E04579 312161000 Entire posterior ethmoidal artery (body structure) P04579 Y 76018 P cardiovascular system D1A65CD743354FC5AEB06FFAE672C41E 5AC50EE3BA8B4FE4A5C3003670E73722 posterior ethmoidal artery Entire posterior ethmoidal artery (body structure) 4580 4580 04580 anterior ethmoidal artery 2675006 S04580 Structure of anterior ethmoidal artery (body structure) E04580 312160004 Entire anterior ethmoidal artery (body structure) P04580 Y 76028 P arterial system 5DC32A20BF984704AA5F1BEAD8B2A205 F538D1C90A474983A24FE88EDE1C81F4 anterior ethmoidal artery Entire anterior ethmoidal artery (body structure) 4581 4581 04581 anterior meningeal artery 71754005 S04581 Structure of anterior meningeal artery (body structure) E04581 369327009 Entire anterior meningeal artery (body structure) P04581 Y 76032 P cardiovascular system F513991324C24D26BE8DB45BCB686C23 14C06FC9310A47A3ABFE430307EE2CCA anterior meningeal artery Entire anterior meningeal artery (body structure) 4582 4582 04582 palpebral artery 54479009 S04582 Structure of palpebral artery (body structure) E04582 148571007 Entire palpebral artery (body structure) P04582 Y P arterial system B4B421B0E4D5451192F8B0BDA666054A 0197A4A37A584F7D8E3747169318226D palpebral artery Entire palpebral artery (body structure) 4583 4583 04583 medial palpebral artery 61906009 S04583 Structure of medial palpebral artery (body structure) E04583 369331003 Entire medial palpebral artery (body structure) P04583 Y 76041 P cardiovascular system 1BF468A8A0A947FCA9C3761EB092FDCB 6CBB809F42FC462B81A8D2B06139CEBB medial palpebral artery Entire medial palpebral artery (body structure) 4584 4584 04584 skin of palmar area of wrist 24527008 S04584 Skin structure of palmar area of wrist (body structure) E04584 181542000 Entire skin of palmar area of wrist (body structure) P04584 Y D integument/surface 8BCBC450D5F54CBF9B0661B29E2E31E5 27E6170CE176425AAC16B2864AC6E857 Skin of palmar area of wrist Entire skin of palmar area of wrist (body structure) 4585 4585 04585 lateral palpebral artery 57975000 S04585 Structure of lateral palpebral artery (body structure) E04585 369323008 Entire lateral palpebral artery (body structure) P04585 Y 75979 P arterial system D69F61379A064999913DA5A6E535E05E 7F7836E06C2141D1B36C569F739778FA lateral palpebral artery Entire lateral palpebral artery (body structure) 4586 4586 04586 superior palpebral arch 3395001 S04586 Structure of superior palpebral arch (body structure) E04586 369325001 Entire superior palpebral arch (body structure) P04586 Y 76048 P arterial system C0DDFC0C523E4B03B655D6010A71E544 5407ADFFD1AA4F61A598465808DE08F2 superior palpebral arch Entire superior palpebral arch (body structure) 4587 4587 04587 inferior palpebral arch 66311001 S04587 Structure of inferior palpebral arch (body structure) E04587 369326000 Entire inferior palpebral arch (body structure) P04587 Y 76051 P arterial system 0FB939EAB378420CB4A2F8C5EFCDE8A3 BBC6C9D78AFA4CDABD254E2E042C8EAF inferior palpebral arch Entire inferior palpebral arch (body structure) 4588 4588 04588 supratrochlear artery 79559000 S04588 Structure of supratrochlear artery (body structure) E04588 369332005 Entire supratrochlear artery (body structure) P04588 Y 76058 P cardiovascular system DE53071E9AEB486D9B46057494060798 3FF69362899F43EA96C10CB783D7374B supratrochlear artery Entire supratrochlear artery (body structure) 4589 4589 04589 dorsal nasal artery 32292000 S04589 Structure of dorsal nasal artery (body structure) E04589 369333000 Entire dorsal nasal artery (body structure) P04589 Y 76055 P cardiovascular system 47863FB6AD47494CB4E68CDAD3A776DE 744A30C2F3AA46249B75B71EAF6C4215 dorsal nasal artery Entire dorsal nasal artery (body structure) 4590 4590 04590 cerebral artery 88556005 S04590 Structure of cerebral artery (body structure) E04590 181308008 Entire cerebral artery (body structure) P04590 Y P cardiovascular system A8C1FCA9AE6A4AD1A8F05DF855415F36 4D894149CAB24E10AFB41E1EA84FCE07 cerebral artery Entire cerebral artery (body structure) 4591 4591 04591 central branch of circle of Willis 51416005 S04591 Structure of central branch of circle of Willis (body structure) E04591 369292006 Entire central branch of circle of Willis (body structure) P04591 Y P arterial system 912C3D07B87E4E9AA3E24358EE2D79C7 896A6FEDCD7F4A25B2B82883B73577E0 central branch of circle of Willis Entire central branch of circle of Willis (body structure) 4592 4592 04592 anteromedial branch of circle of Willis 50413006 S04592 Structure of anteromedial branch of circle of Willis (body structure) E04592 369293001 Entire anteromedial branch of circle of Willis (body structure) P04592 Y P arterial system 48ABABB4E2514E0486777EABF86D93D0 70A8824E40C6424D9AC16EED71FD2C69 anteromedial branch of circle of Willis Entire anteromedial branch of circle of Willis (body structure) 4593 4593 04593 posteromedial branch of circle of Willis 30191007 S04593 Structure of posteromedial branch of circle of Willis (body structure) E04593 369294007 Entire posteromedial branch of circle of Willis (body structure) P04593 Y P arterial system F274DC385EE3449E83F78C9F039FD54C 417BF0AE5EFE4D7A9E0350DC3BD12ED0 posteromedial branch of circle of Willis Entire posteromedial branch of circle of Willis (body structure) 4594 4594 04594 skin of hand 33712006 S04594 Skin structure of hand (body structure) E04594 181527003 Entire skin of hand (body structure) P04594 Y 38295 D integument/surface 1F093CB9219C45698C37BAEAE640D761 44EC829C8FCF4ECEA75382905E6FD976 Skin of hand Entire skin of hand (body structure) 4595 4595 04595 anterolateral branch of circle of Willis 50564009 S04595 Structure of anterolateral branch of circle of Willis (body structure) E04595 369295008 Entire anterolateral branch of circle of Willis (body structure) P04595 Y P arterial system 41EF5080E2D14CD6B63CDB30D246703B 0A06BE3B236943829ABEFBFCFD3A405C anterolateral branch of circle of Willis Entire anterolateral branch of circle of Willis (body structure) 4596 4596 04596 posterolateral branch of circle of Willis 63124001 S04596 Structure of posterolateral branch of circle of Willis (body structure) E04596 369296009 Entire posterolateral branch of circle of Willis (body structure) P04596 Y P arterial system CCA5A502B967438AA732812C6E6EB666 0C00C22752B14BF39E0E1EC80B209C8D posterolateral branch of circle of Willis Entire posterolateral branch of circle of Willis (body structure) 4597 4597 04597 anterior communicating artery 8012006 S04597 Structure of anterior communicating artery (body structure) E04597 181311009 Entire anterior communicating artery (body structure) P04597 Y 76068 P arterial system 749E1FAD7E1D4F3FBA81E5A18FBC9740 7845C00ABC544B6D9D7B97B3FF4BCEDE anterior communicating artery Entire anterior communicating artery (body structure) 4598 4598 04598 anteromedial central branch of anterior communicating artery 69551001 S04598 Structure of anteromedial central branch of anterior communicating artery (body structure) E04598 369297000 Entire anteromedial central branch of anterior communicating artery (body structure) P04598 Y 50170 P arterial system 5BBA215B222C47DEAABA57E781EAF54B 0917D56ED1DB46CD84198B4A30667CAC anteromedial central branch of anterior communicating artery Entire anteromedial central branch of anterior communicating artery (body structure) 4599 4599 04599 anterior cerebral artery 60176003 S04599 Structure of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04599 181309000 Entire anterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04599 Y 76061 P arterial system FDCFF7E81F514E94A31E018108E9CF8C A7F902FB4CA6440BA5D9F5B72D52F3FD anterior cerebral artery Entire anterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4600 4600 04600 right anterior cerebral artery 369298005 S04600 Structure of right anterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04600 6643005 Entire right anterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04600 R 76062 P arterial system 0E3ED5AC0DB04963875904CFA41F4A64 F090D7D939AB4191B0B4CC7BE5A9085E right anterior cerebral artery Entire right anterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4601 4601 04601 left anterior cerebral artery 369299002 S04601 Structure of left anterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04601 47824009 Entire left anterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04601 L 76063 P arterial system 9186C418D54E49429775C6F8B1AB79E1 7823A7B8BCD3495BB9B4D26BBE00C04E left anterior cerebral artery Entire left anterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4602 4602 04602 cortical branch of anterior cerebral artery 75267004 S04602 Structure of cortical branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04602 369334006 Entire cortical branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04602 Y P arterial system 512D814A50C9403793208DA2187A956D A981DBA05B8A455FA79F61884B93DDA5 cortical branch of anterior cerebral artery Entire cortical branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4603 4603 04603 frontopolar branch of anterior cerebral artery 369335007 S04603 Structure of frontopolar branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04603 84655009 Entire frontopolar branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04603 Y 76075 P arterial system CA4B27EE2387449C9626DC2E489FEB2D 278314030B664F2081B8732681E19081 frontopolar branch of anterior cerebral artery Entire frontopolar branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4604 4604 04604 frontal branch of anterior cerebral artery 369336008 S04604 Structure of frontal branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04604 85044004 Entire frontal branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04604 Y P arterial system 3FBC14DACA614C9C9C3DD65627F74FC3 2EB8329505844923A2775F56418D7F23 frontal branch of anterior cerebral artery Entire frontal branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4605 4605 04605 skin of dorsal area of hand 21548009 S04605 Skin structure of dorsal area of hand (body structure) E04605 181545003 Entire skin of dorsal area of hand (body structure) P04605 Y 38298 D integument/surface 9C424C1C95E940AAAB99C60A9D2CEAAC 01592BF494664CA7A90B07E34ED7523A Skin of dorsal area of hand Entire skin of dorsal area of hand (body structure) 4606 4606 04606 orbital branch of anterior cerebral artery 369337004 S04606 Structure of orbital branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04606 39229000 Entire orbital branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04606 Y P arterial system B9C07A5ED9254E2BAD75004397F09530 404CC52A75244A148A764DC00F070A0C orbital branch of anterior cerebral artery Entire orbital branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4607 4607 04607 callosomarginal branch of anterior cerebral artery 369338009 S04607 Structure of callosomarginal branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04607 6742006 Entire callosomarginal branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04607 Y 76078 P arterial system 4FF6DEBD981C4CA4B7FA777FA06AF579 F16A215A6F9446A6937761B8E9EBBB09 callosomarginal branch of anterior cerebral artery Entire callosomarginal branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4608 4608 04608 callosal branch of anterior cerebral artery 369339001 S04608 Structure of callosal branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04608 26834004 Entire callosal branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04608 Y 76097 P arterial system E7BFE5532B58400283485AE88818881D B1BD303A41C843838C74F3C67235123D callosal branch of anterior cerebral artery Entire callosal branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4609 4609 04609 parietal branch of anterior cerebral artery 369340004 S04609 Structure of parietal branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04609 3966004 Entire parietal branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04609 Y P arterial system A21D7D3E400F488C8559E5CB897BF1B6 ECC4C091F14D4F2C8598DE23E7203C20 parietal branch of anterior cerebral artery Entire parietal branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4610 4610 04610 central branch of anterior cerebral artery 48624009 S04610 Structure of central branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04610 369341000 Entire central branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04610 Y P arterial system 7B62C614A0A14CDEBEF592DDB9ACE7B3 630DB285EA5E4998AE3B44AF164D0F78 central branch of anterior cerebral artery Entire central branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4611 4611 04611 anteromedial perforating artery 369316007 S04611 Structure of anteromedial perforating artery (body structure) E04611 10299005 Entire anteromedial perforating artery (body structure) P04611 Y P arterial system 0E8674FB30644D96A74505119D17E213 8903A43E308B481E84C9E27F8C4E5F74 anteromedial perforating artery Entire anteromedial perforating artery (body structure) 4612 4612 04612 recurrent artery of Huebner 369318008 S04612 Structure of recurrent artery of Huebner (body structure) E04612 74830007 Entire recurrent artery of Huebner (body structure) P04612 Y P arterial system 6AB8F4F913374F7292AF4DC36ADAD1D5 AB8CED5DADA5425AB8EB7F6B5BD44AE9 recurrent artery of Huebner Entire recurrent artery of Huebner (body structure) 4613 4613 04613 middle cerebral artery 17232002 S04613 Structure of middle cerebral artery (body structure) E04613 181312002 Entire middle cerebral artery (body structure) P04613 Y 61990 P arterial system E1FDCD7E66234AB4A6B74418BEEB157F 7DC21847E5C34C74BCB2BFC0DAA78825 middle cerebral artery Entire middle cerebral artery (body structure) 4614 4614 04614 right middle cerebral artery 369352006 S04614 Structure of right middle cerebral artery (body structure) E04614 31903007 Entire right middle cerebral artery (body structure) P04614 R 61991 P arterial system 1CF63BEC37C9493CB882C73BC20045CD 7D2850E2360D40D6BB9B674C3C8A1AB4 right middle cerebral artery Entire right middle cerebral artery (body structure) 4615 4615 04615 left middle cerebral artery 369353001 S04615 Structure of left middle cerebral artery (body structure) E04615 51788000 Entire left middle cerebral artery (body structure) P04615 L 67684 P arterial system C3FB72620E534CACBD2E5CE6276F5CD9 A445A1B1902E4CBAA72FFC1E809BE30E left middle cerebral artery Entire left middle cerebral artery (body structure) 4616 4616 04616 skin of palmar area of ring finger 28404007 S04616 Skin structure of palmar surface of ring finger (body structure) E04616 368281002 Entire skin of palmar surface of ring finger (body structure) P04616 Y D integument/surface 8B18C1461C8D4D1DAD6147A0D359FC50 2EA0A535B02C4D9189E83EE5B0BF9217 Skin of palmar surface of ring finger Entire skin of palmar surface of ring finger (body structure) 4617 4617 04617 subcutaneous tissue of head 90181003 S04617 Subcutaneous tissue structure of head (body structure) E04617 144329002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of head (body structure) P04617 - D integument/surface D70351AD7A9B4F4C8E9A9223A28690B3 45ADB800B73D46F4BF3B3B431065D20D Subcutaneous tissue of head Entire subcutaneous tissue of head (body structure) 4618 4618 04618 cortical branch of middle cerebral artery 11195002 S04618 Structure of cortical branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) E04618 369303007 Entire cortical branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) P04618 Y P cardiovascular system DDF68F8CCB014473A7B595E2F5070438 27A27C49B1E644FC8048C62D72D9E75D cortical branch of middle cerebral artery Entire cortical branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) 4619 4619 04619 orbital branch of middle cerebral artery 17555003 S04619 Structure of orbital branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) E04619 369314005 Entire orbital branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) P04619 Y P cardiovascular system BE73A39084D14B3E9ECDF3C5FA999AFD 40AD88D2B1044A2EBD1CEFAC5B94A37A orbital branch of middle cerebral artery Entire orbital branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) 4620 4620 04620 frontal branch of middle cerebral artery 369304001 S04620 Structure of frontal branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) E04620 10840004 Entire frontal branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) P04620 Y P cardiovascular system DAF401B95222494585E01BB04FCC3B27 A17BFAB700C64290A872E0C0534C796A frontal branch of middle cerebral artery Entire frontal branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) 4621 4621 04621 parietal branch of middle cerebral artery 369306004 S04621 Structure of parietal branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) E04621 58229002 Entire parietal branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) P04621 Y P cardiovascular system 0E53D8D8769F4226BFF84A16161243BA E7C334E001324A17A1A07FA0331C2F57 parietal branch of middle cerebral artery Entire parietal branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) 4622 4622 04622 temporal branch of middle cerebral artery 369309006 S04622 Structure of temporal branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) E04622 80209007 Entire temporal branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) P04622 Y P cardiovascular system 18891596B6F3427C8EA758D0B77DDE55 8B6DB2714B0347EE8422D6295DA83B8A temporal branch of middle cerebral artery Entire temporal branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) 4623 4623 04623 parietotemporal branch of middle cerebral artery 369312009 S04623 Structure of parietotemporal branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) E04623 79503005 Entire parietotemporal branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) P04623 Y P cardiovascular system 1E00D4B24B0F4C03B5CB124A4C58EC54 3BD8538004B6486594399C5257F4F9A2 parietotemporal branch of middle cerebral artery Entire parietotemporal branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) 4624 4624 04624 central branch of middle cerebral artery 48568000 S04624 Structure of central branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) E04624 369315006 Entire central branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) P04624 Y P cardiovascular system 3F8E275BC9B64F25ACC2D20A9677DDD9 7026BA8D726A452086B95E217B4AF506 central branch of middle cerebral artery Entire central branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) 4625 4625 04625 striate artery 369317003 S04625 Structure of striate artery (body structure) E04625 7764005 Entire striate artery (body structure) P04625 Y P cardiovascular system FB572CF426344EB7977850DDCAA19315 AE5728A34320418C92A085558AFB0023 striate artery Entire striate artery (body structure) 4626 4626 04626 lateral striate artery 369319000 S04626 Structure of lateral striate artery (body structure) E04626 8160006 Entire lateral striate artery (body structure) P04626 Y P cardiovascular system 1526608AA06A43D3ACC0A42E3B4BB92A 77F3BBCA9FE742F8A2EADDB8DEBFF7DF lateral striate artery Entire lateral striate artery (body structure) 4627 4627 04627 Rolandic artery 369313004 S04627 Structure of rolandic artery (body structure) E04627 67762006 Entire rolandic artery (body structure) P04627 Y P cardiovascular system CF78D57385724D108E6ECFEC733F4A1F 8BB2E35BA3E746D6A3F9054BCDEF1800 rolandic artery Entire rolandic artery (body structure) 4628 4628 04628 subcutaneous tissue of scalp 6269008 S04628 Subcutaneous tissue structure of scalp (body structure) E04628 368678004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of scalp (body structure) P04628 - D integument/surface 03F4E69E9EC24F8B9675D841D111F322 8ADD3E326AC74DFD9C66A1FBD4B3C9E9 Subcutaneous tissue of scalp Entire subcutaneous tissue of scalp (body structure) 4629 4629 04629 prerolandic artery 369305000 S04629 Structure of prerolandic artery (body structure) E04629 82386008 Entire prerolandic artery (body structure) P04629 Y P cardiovascular system 344BA8FA8E7D4E5EA695A35ED4AF53DF 16A8B0F801034143B8BAD686EAB1A17E prerolandic artery Entire prerolandic artery (body structure) 4630 4630 04630 anterior parietal artery 369307008 S04630 Structure of anterior parietal artery (body structure) E04630 78499006 Entire anterior parietal artery (body structure) P04630 Y 76160 P cardiovascular system 9DE8FD91113340FB9C0B6FBA78AA705B 2D4D434A4585477AB265805959F2D30C anterior parietal artery Entire anterior parietal artery (body structure) 4631 4631 04631 posterior parietal artery 369308003 S04631 Structure of posterior parietal artery (body structure) E04631 44894007 Entire posterior parietal artery (body structure) P04631 Y 76163 P cardiovascular system 4FBFFAB90ACD4665ACC19E408FBDF576 D8BDA3C037454573A5BCCEDE2D9D3B40 posterior parietal artery Entire posterior parietal artery (body structure) 4632 4632 04632 anterior temporal artery 369310001 S04632 Structure of anterior temporal artery (body structure) E04632 44310009 Entire anterior temporal artery (body structure) P04632 Y 76115 P cardiovascular system 31C9E059BD564548873C473AAE751722 D4661C71E34C4886A674B8125494445C anterior temporal artery Entire anterior temporal artery (body structure) 4633 4633 04633 posterior temporal artery 369311002 S04633 Structure of posterior temporal artery (body structure) E04633 23830002 Entire posterior temporal artery (body structure) P04633 Y 76118 P cardiovascular system 6E7858F162254CA18D712586E8F00358 006EC6E7283B4BE2BBCFBD3346CD6F63 posterior temporal artery Entire posterior temporal artery (body structure) 4634 4634 04634 vertebral artery 85234005 S04634 Structure of vertebral artery (body structure) E04634 181323003 Entire vertebral artery (body structure) P04634 Y 76260 P cardiovascular system 3D2FD818C39F4ADEBBB2335856E7080D 406390BD1E8845DBBAD2A3496A368F41 vertebral artery Entire vertebral artery (body structure) 4635 4635 04635 right vertebral artery 369354007 S04635 Structure of right vertebral artery (body structure) E04635 42384005 Entire right vertebral artery (body structure) P04635 R 76261 P cardiovascular system FC04D421260746BA8CE7F20A2103A405 E46CE9F9EB084DF19560B97B5738B8B1 right vertebral artery Entire right vertebral artery (body structure) 4636 4636 04636 left vertebral artery 369355008 S04636 Structure of left vertebral artery (body structure) E04636 50291007 Entire left vertebral artery (body structure) P04636 L 76262 P cardiovascular system 7B28EF1F85104333947635C45307A8F8 1702F51A840E4EB2B704BF98C06778AF left vertebral artery Entire left vertebral artery (body structure) 4637 4637 04637 anterior spinal artery 17388009 S04637 Structure of anterior spinal artery (body structure) E04637 181329004 Entire anterior spinal artery (body structure) P04637 Y 50531 P arterial system 93D6C1D3D54749A995D171B7372C761D 6DF7F7357CDE4816BF5CF10F4FF50097 anterior spinal artery Entire anterior spinal artery (body structure) 4638 4638 04638 great anterior radicular artery of Adamkiewicz 83232007 S04638 Structure of great anterior radicular artery of Adamkiewicz (body structure) E04638 181331008 Entire great anterior radicular artery of Adamkiewicz (body structure) P04638 Y 4183 P cardiovascular system 743B39DDD82749459EA0D67BB54A07E8 902F1A02E6C94F63B740806641F37C65 great anterior radicular artery of Adamkiewicz Entire great anterior radicular artery of Adamkiewicz (body structure) 4639 4639 04639 subcutaneous tissue of forehead 47460007 S04639 Subcutaneous tissue structure of forehead (body structure) E04639 368660009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of forehead (body structure) P04639 Y D integument/surface CA7B9AC694614DC9913F2D2D8288919A 21CBC72221A74DFAB1799FB42221016C Subcutaneous tissue of forehead Entire subcutaneous tissue of forehead (body structure) 4640 4640 04640 posterior spinal artery 54834004 S04640 Structure of posterior spinal artery (body structure) E04640 181330009 Entire posterior spinal artery (body structure) P04640 Y 86072 P cardiovascular system 990A67EFEFAA4E11A7CD0D44358E1083 F14B8481A6AE414AA14EA9A61FC251C8 posterior spinal artery Entire posterior spinal artery (body structure) 4641 4641 04641 choroidal branch of posterior spinal artery 8640002 S04641 Structure of choroidal branch of posterior spinal artery (body structure) E04641 313362009 Entire choroidal branch of posterior spinal artery (body structure) P04641 Y P arterial system 04FC52BDBF674134ADEE5520B2B12BE5 25C14036B8E94495989E5A92F15A3D3E choroidal branch of posterior spinal artery Entire choroidal branch of posterior spinal artery (body structure) 4642 4642 04642 posterior inferior cerebellar artery 45242005 S04642 Structure of posterior inferior cerebellar artery (body structure) E04642 244212001 Entire posterior inferior cerebellar artery (body structure) P04642 Y 86069 P cardiovascular system 4A07244C46CD463D96FEA94D8E3DA0E5 0EE74112EB3541C48D6CB53EDDFA10FF posterior inferior cerebellar artery Entire posterior inferior cerebellar artery (body structure) 4643 4643 04643 medullary branch of posterior inferior cerebellar artery 369357000 S04643 Structure of medullary branch of posterior inferior cerebellar artery (body structure) E04643 27843001 Entire medullary branch of posterior inferior cerebellar artery (body structure) P04643 Y P cardiovascular system C796FFA900AC4BB69474599573B784F4 A8F7300C013B4A969889700FF4C2AE94 medullary branch of posterior inferior cerebellar artery Entire medullary branch of posterior inferior cerebellar artery (body structure) 4644 4644 04644 basilar artery 59011009 S04644 Structure of basilar artery (body structure) E04644 244215004 Entire basilar artery (body structure) P04644 Y 76647 P cardiovascular system E5ACAF756B174077ACD7781D1E1128DD 2BC38036ED0E4251BEE82AC99347A8CD basilar artery Entire basilar artery (body structure) 4645 4645 04645 pontine artery 369356009 S04645 Structure of pontine artery (body structure) E04645 17722005 Entire pontine artery (body structure) P04645 Y 76649 P arterial system 4C3CFBE4D2784D619F7B15DB485EC3AE D903F70960EE48308A22CE974E0966C6 pontine artery Entire pontine artery (body structure) 4646 4646 04646 labyrinthine artery 89471000 S04646 Structure of labyrinthine artery (body structure) E04646 148672009 Entire labyrinthine artery (body structure) P04646 Y 50548 P arterial system 8AB61C46C1BB4F8D8E6B5FEF2FBDFE06 B2823472967643A3B7B233A98956F8F7 labyrinthine artery Entire labyrinthine artery (body structure) 4647 4647 04647 anterior vestibular artery 69581009 S04647 Structure of anterior vestibular artery (body structure) E04647 148773008 Entire anterior vestibular artery (body structure) P04647 Y 52239 P arterial system 33CBCC8C3C974AC1944DB98E05258BDA B4D44F00659943C582FAA5D9CCD80E13 anterior vestibular artery Entire anterior vestibular artery (body structure) 4648 4648 04648 common cochlear artery 59950005 S04648 Structure of common cochlear artery (body structure) E04648 148874007 Entire common cochlear artery (body structure) P04648 Y 52242 P arterial system 66E8326593EC46D1A4FEC20627B7871E ACF3E0CD92E74DAC8C12F37C474B50D4 common cochlear artery Entire common cochlear artery (body structure) 4649 4649 04649 vestibulocochlear artery 43291002 S04649 Structure of vestibulocochlear artery (body structure) E04649 148975009 Entire vestibulocochlear artery (body structure) P04649 Y 52246 P arterial system 4CE2DE3A9BB444D590A864994CEC9D9D 399341792F7D4B2A830B7BD601A41D5D vestibulocochlear artery Entire vestibulocochlear artery (body structure) 4650 4650 04650 subcutaneous tissue of supraorbital area 2923000 S04650 Subcutaneous tissue structure of supraorbital area (body structure) E04650 368659004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of supraorbital area (body structure) P04650 Y D integument/surface 792272DD34C341D0A35BE52D2E9428B9 F8E6E1C0407742138196C4EBE44F136B Subcutaneous tissue of supraorbital area Entire subcutaneous tissue of supraorbital area (body structure) 4651 4651 04651 arterial tufts of cochlea 64680003 S04651 Structure of arterial tufts of cochlea (body structure) E04651 149077008 Entire arterial tufts of cochlea (body structure) P04651 Y P arterial system F1EF34683C9E451CA8523DB7FB79C8E7 6176407BD48E4FEC8F26D1A013027941 arterial tufts of cochlea Entire arterial tufts of cochlea (body structure) 4652 4652 04652 vestibular branch of vestibulocochlear artery 83203009 S04652 Structure of vestibular branch of vestibulocochlear artery (body structure) E04652 149178000 Entire vestibular branch of vestibulocochlear artery (body structure) P04652 Y P arterial system C3758F5C396048079B9B37D31F9DBC22 DEAAFAB6446B4466AD14D3042B8BF675 vestibular branch of vestibulocochlear artery Entire vestibular branch of vestibulocochlear artery (body structure) 4653 4653 04653 cochlear branch of vestibulocochlear artery 62010007 S04653 Structure of cochlear branch of vestibulocochlear artery (body structure) E04653 149279004 Entire cochlear branch of vestibulocochlear artery (body structure) P04653 Y 52254 P arterial system D65C912DD2544935A95FA39987855A80 FD35C21492C54A45B117D55C4EEAA97A cochlear branch of vestibulocochlear artery Entire cochlear branch of vestibulocochlear artery (body structure) 4654 4654 04654 spiral modiolar artery 70138005 S04654 Structure of spiral modiolar artery (body structure) E04654 149380004 Entire spiral modiolar artery (body structure) P04654 Y 52312 P arterial system A57061BF41944945AFCED20473634B1B F6C493CFA0B04B358A4CEBB448DC8A3C spiral modiolar artery Entire spiral modiolar artery (body structure) 4655 4655 04655 anterior inferior cerebellar artery 50395001 S04655 Structure of anterior inferior cerebellar artery (body structure) E04655 244213006 Entire anterior inferior cerebellar artery (body structure) P04655 Y 50544 P arterial system 5108A53BE96740E9A566F44D5CB4E754 E6377D9E3ED64F7E9351E26301A527AF anterior inferior cerebellar artery Entire anterior inferior cerebellar artery (body structure) 4656 4656 04656 superior cerebellar artery 51691006 S04656 Structure of superior cerebellar artery (body structure) E04656 244214000 Entire superior cerebellar artery (body structure) P04656 Y 86075 P arterial system 4A47F6BFAB6144CDA48A71BBFF33A0E4 DCD03475070D40B69494ADC6DA7D0F4F superior cerebellar artery Entire superior cerebellar artery (body structure) 4657 4657 04657 cerebellar artery 38608005 S04657 Structure of cerebellar artery (body structure) E04657 278102002 Entire cerebellar artery (body structure) P04657 Y P cardiovascular system 6FA4DAD1F80C4DA5BC8F4994DD8A6A1F D6ECA1B8FC6D4211AEC1973B7B949808 cerebellar artery Entire cerebellar artery (body structure) 4658 4658 04658 posterior cerebral artery 70382005 S04658 Structure of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04658 181313007 Entire posterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04658 Y 85063 P arterial system 780D523AB920431899741646D5E3604E 67D03CB69CD84320A9B0DAA05AA697BF posterior cerebral artery Entire posterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4659 4659 04659 right posterior cerebral artery 369300005 S04659 Structure of right posterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04659 6633007 Entire right posterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04659 R 85070 P arterial system 99587B8F62784EDE97956ACC0B1CF48D F59F1FEEAA7F4C9DA322A7940528DA42 right posterior cerebral artery Entire right posterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4660 4660 04660 left posterior cerebral artery 369301009 S04660 Structure of left posterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04660 113265005 Entire left posterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04660 L 85071 P arterial system 48DF9DFF68DC49A69C25087189E14521 BD00DA4E77594C9C82827431309E2396 left posterior cerebral artery Entire left posterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4661 4661 04661 subcutaneous tissue of vertex 7597009 S04661 Subcutaneous tissue structure of vertex (body structure) E04661 368662001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of vertex (body structure) P04661 - D integument/surface A7048D8090B6492482FFE650AE3E061B C5EE0B34225E4718A430A1FB1EDBB62A Subcutaneous tissue of vertex Entire subcutaneous tissue of vertex (body structure) 4662 4662 04662 cortical branch of posterior cerebral artery 29456007 S04662 Structure of cortical branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04662 369347001 Entire cortical branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04662 Y P cardiovascular system 080ED910BB62432FB33118ED040C279F DE378AEB66754B879901A7B5CF690699 cortical branch of posterior cerebral artery Entire cortical branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4663 4663 04663 temporal branch of posterior cerebral artery 369348006 S04663 Structure of temporal branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04663 32209002 Entire temporal branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04663 Y P cardiovascular system 07BA441246154EB5A137FA14829945C2 644CBB64FCE84F4B9E5B35746470B597 temporal branch of posterior cerebral artery Entire temporal branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4664 4664 04664 occipital branch of posterior cerebral artery 369349003 S04664 Structure of occipital branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04664 26924009 Entire occipital branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04664 Y P cardiovascular system 15286B37579D4396984B48CA02677AA1 5AEC6BF67D524FB6B7B04554B66A4BB7 occipital branch of posterior cerebral artery Entire occipital branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4665 4665 04665 parietooccipital branch of posterior cerebral artery 369351004 S04665 Structure of parietooccipital branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) E04665 23510007 Entire parietooccipital branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) P04665 Y P cardiovascular system 2FDCCD5299634220BA2C170C2AF0E2C4 FDD3B1DCB72D400586D373192B63F03B parietooccipital branch of posterior cerebral artery Entire parietooccipital branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) 4666 4666 04666 calcarine artery 369350003 S04666 Structure of calcarine artery (body structure) E04666 2703009 Entire calcarine artery (body structure) P04666 Y 50655 P arterial system A9B8A8A6277B4CEFBAF92A7178842B3A F5EC5E8031EC40EA8ADECF95D611BCCF calcarine artery Entire calcarine artery (body structure) 4667 4667 04667 posterior choroidal artery 7736000 S04667 Structure of posterior choroidal artery (body structure) E04667 369342007 Entire posterior choroidal artery (body structure) P04667 Y 86129 P arterial system 45A80B3F94074A31A5AB246169E9CC92 9312CB6590F44C26A90C2A23ACAF03EE posterior choroidal artery Entire posterior choroidal artery (body structure) 4668 4668 04668 lateral branch of posterior choroidal artery 369343002 S04668 Structure of lateral branch of posterior choroidal artery (body structure) E04668 45831009 Entire lateral branch of posterior choroidal artery (body structure) P04668 Y 50631 P arterial system 085E2C26CB70421DB92946A367BB18D9 CA283032F3C640F29A749020C79BCEEA lateral branch of posterior choroidal artery Entire lateral branch of posterior choroidal artery (body structure) 4669 4669 04669 medial branch of posterior choroidal artery 369344008 S04669 Structure of medial branch of posterior choroidal artery (body structure) E04669 78995008 Entire medial branch of posterior choroidal artery (body structure) P04669 Y 50630 P arterial system BA3038FF613346F9ACD011DAA9390FD3 54DE634270644739935DBCEB9E14D32A medial branch of posterior choroidal artery Entire medial branch of posterior choroidal artery (body structure) 4670 4670 04670 central branch of posterior choroidal artery 369345009 S04670 Structure of central branches of posterior choroidal artery (body structure) E04670 34573002 Entire central branches of posterior choroidal artery (body structure) P04670 Y P arterial system 5A6B0D9C405345C7B9EDFDFBD581DB48 EFA260EB6EC341899E17C240EBAB4C30 central branches of posterior choroidal artery Entire central branches of posterior choroidal artery (body structure) 4671 4671 04671 artery of thorax and abdomen 39499005 S04671 Structure of artery of thorax AND/OR abdomen (body structure) E04671 313560002 Entire artery of thorax AND/OR abdomen (body structure) P04671 - P arterial system 88E2E66341A54250B5AAF8F6C97AB454 68B509BE27384BD6800E99942BDF0B25 artery of thorax AND/OR abdomen Entire artery of thorax AND/OR abdomen (body structure) 4672 4672 04672 subcutaneous tissue of parietal region 11558007 S04672 Subcutaneous tissue structure of parietal region (body structure) E04672 368663006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of parietal region (body structure) P04672 Y D integument/surface 628185F1BB774E6B81EE61736961FF05 E9135008E61F417E9ABDDD5AAF4B6456 Subcutaneous tissue of parietal region Entire subcutaneous tissue of parietal region (body structure) 4673 4673 04673 brachiocephalic artery 12691009 S04673 Structure of brachiocephalic artery (body structure) E04673 244244002 Entire brachiocephalic artery (body structure) P04673 Y 69316 P cardiovascular system 1B09C76EFAB04A5DAC6AAA0591269EA6 312BDB9625F947FE988B66C852289DB3 brachiocephalic artery Entire brachiocephalic artery (body structure) 4674 4674 04674 thymic branch of brachiocephalic artery 61720008 S04674 Structure of thymic branch of brachiocephalic artery (body structure) E04674 205762002 Entire thymic branch of brachiocephalic artery (body structure) P04674 Y 82546 P arterial system 1DD97E89DD8640858FE05033D9B4A30F C1C799CE369D4CC3910FD5360EE7763F thymic branch of brachiocephalic artery Entire thymic branch of brachiocephalic artery (body structure) 4675 4675 04675 bronchial branch of brachiocephalic artery 46704009 S04675 Structure of bronchial branch of brachiocephalic artery (body structure) E04675 205829001 Entire bronchial branch of brachiocephalic artery (body structure) P04675 Y 82547 P arterial system 039CE36B443542C9B707A05559592E9E 73FB78474A7D4D1A91540329CDE209D6 bronchial branch of brachiocephalic artery Entire bronchial branch of brachiocephalic artery (body structure) 4676 4676 04676 thyroidea ima artery 66117005 S04676 Structure of thyroidea ima artery (body structure) E04676 244227001 Entire thyroidea ima artery (body structure) P04676 Y 3936 P endocrine system 3C9AAA0540B14DBD870A033F9E535CCF 685538AA0FE847719DC553DDDDD79633 thyroidea ima artery Entire thyroidea ima artery (body structure) 4677 4677 04677 subclavian artery 36765005 S04677 Structure of subclavian artery (body structure) E04677 265790007 Entire subclavian artery (body structure) P04677 Y 69317 P arterial system B581A57BA3004CCD9A69E3F17B490B7B 40C031A76ACF45A484E4202CF7F8DC5B subclavian artery Entire subclavian artery (body structure) 4678 4678 04678 right subclavian artery 29700009 S04678 Structure of right subclavian artery (body structure) E04678 244246000 Entire right subclavian artery (body structure) P04678 R 82595 P cardiovascular system A4E1F3A2082742A2A008EE0AF4360DA1 16C25FE8B17A4A5B8CA2F5D0A289EC09 right subclavian artery Entire right subclavian artery (body structure) 4679 4679 04679 left subclavian artery 85235006 S04679 Structure of left subclavian artery (body structure) E04679 244245001 Entire left subclavian artery (body structure) P04679 L 69319 P cardiovascular system 76ECB107910A49CF9D739AC0CDD68AD7 FBF043188A5C447A9E4DC2721F22A6DC left subclavian artery Entire left subclavian artery (body structure) 4680 4680 04680 thyrocervical trunk 6538005 S04680 Structure of thyrocervical trunk (body structure) E04680 244226005 Entire thyrocervical trunk (body structure) P04680 Y 3990 P cardiovascular system 75F17FC9033946B084240E5B179E65C5 E638A1333D834C7681D3E8B73A6F7EE4 thyrocervical trunk Entire thyrocervical trunk (body structure) 4681 4681 04681 transverse cervical artery 91730006 S04681 Structure of transverse cervical artery (body structure) E04681 244224008 Entire transverse cervical artery (body structure) P04681 Y 81007 P cardiovascular system 35EC953675EA4A77B1AB1C56E7F9DB69 8D24F21E18D74E9687517877C534101F transverse cervical artery Entire transverse cervical artery (body structure) 4682 4682 04682 inferior thyroid artery 75522005 S04682 Structure of inferior thyroid artery (body structure) E04682 303419004 Entire inferior thyroid artery (body structure) P04682 Y 66465 P endocrine system 2F83F9EEF360450AA23CAFCC4D9E1D32 9700F50AD6684909A7581B6F5BE5A14C inferior thyroid artery Entire inferior thyroid artery (body structure) 4683 4683 04683 subcutaneous tissue of occipital region 36591009 S04683 Subcutaneous tissue structure of occipital region (body structure) E04683 368664000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of occipital region (body structure) P04683 - D integument/surface 8F1209A8699B449F8868ED0EC2ABB8F8 41E1BD33D43B4F3C9E596AC1B5A9419C Subcutaneous tissue of occipital region Entire subcutaneous tissue of occipital region (body structure) 4684 4684 04684 glandular branch of inferior thyroid artery 48628007 S04684 Structure of glandular branch of inferior thyroid artery (body structure) E04684 159613005 Entire glandular branch of inferior thyroid artery (body structure) P04684 Y 76279 P endocrine system 00FFC119ABC74A7087298495AC9E5E80 11AE454485D04DCB81B2F549BD07E16E glandular branch of inferior thyroid artery Entire glandular branch of inferior thyroid artery (body structure) 4685 4685 04685 pharyngeal branch of inferior thyroid artery 42118008 S04685 Structure of pharyngeal branch of inferior thyroid artery (body structure) E04685 159697007 Entire pharyngeal branch of inferior thyroid artery (body structure) P04685 Y 76276 P endocrine system 41380689BE6E4F629A2058C530778A49 B8AFBD0AF50F4E1DB2B494F4452430F4 pharyngeal branch of inferior thyroid artery Entire pharyngeal branch of inferior thyroid artery (body structure) 4686 4686 04686 esophageal branch of inferior thyroid artery 67674002 S04686 Structure of esophageal branch of inferior thyroid artery (body structure) E04686 159781008 Entire esophageal branch of inferior thyroid artery (body structure) P04686 Y 76280 P endocrine system 7A1ADD2935D4459289BD96B6DAB8EF37 54F6139A0D104EA4B0CF01B03C561A94 esophageal branch of inferior thyroid artery Entire esophageal branch of inferior thyroid artery (body structure) 4687 4687 04687 tracheal branch of inferior thyroid artery 88843007 S04687 Structure of tracheal branch of inferior thyroid artery (body structure) E04687 159862007 Entire tracheal branch of inferior thyroid artery (body structure) P04687 Y 76277 P endocrine system 1A33B9A8911C4D179331E930C311E0A8 87CDB767392446F19A2456E919EB6372 tracheal branch of inferior thyroid artery Entire tracheal branch of inferior thyroid artery (body structure) 4688 4688 04688 transverse scapular artery 59373006 S04688 Structure of transverse scapular artery (body structure) E04688 244312004 Entire transverse scapular artery (body structure) P04688 Y 70354 P skeletal system 2057DD0DB9254FB8963FC864578D35CE A9DA35C78334406C971C903ADAFAAA95 transverse scapular artery Entire transverse scapular artery (body structure) 4689 4689 04689 costocervical trunk 3159004 S04689 Structure of costocervical trunk (body structure) E04689 244225009 Entire costocervical trunk (body structure) P04689 Y 10636 P cardiovascular system CB714B17861C4F4F99AB449AA80A7352 075709C0EC55477C9E1E2DC838D219C8 costocervical trunk Entire costocervical trunk (body structure) 4690 4690 04690 superior intercostal artery 31567004 S04690 Structure of superior intercostal artery (body structure) E04690 198427009 Entire superior intercostal artery (body structure) P04690 Y 76998 P arterial system 583597F506B24E4FAB82CF26BDF0DCA1 164BD93EA66A470EA7B8E9D2FD48BB98 superior intercostal artery Entire superior intercostal artery (body structure) 4691 4691 04691 internal thoracic artery 69327007 S04691 Structure of internal thoracic artery (body structure) E04691 244239009 Entire internal thoracic artery (body structure) P04691 Y 76302 P arterial system 5E0FBF8488094BA18BCEA399DE5739AB C7CA561B31214A88859F9FD3345D623B internal thoracic artery Entire internal thoracic artery (body structure) 4692 4692 04692 thymic branch of internal thoracic artery 367772006 S04692 Structure of thymic branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) E04692 76543001 Entire thymic branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) P04692 Y 10647 P arterial system 15415398CE7E47BBA67E114124F81264 31D83E3DE688425298B53DA343639FF2 thymic branch of internal thoracic artery Entire thymic branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) 4693 4693 04693 intercostal branch of internal thoracic artery 28991002 S04693 Structure of intercostal branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) E04693 244241005 Entire intercostal branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) P04693 Y 10641 P arterial system 65DB985CFAF942F9A9A0772415A5C68A F72A22A385784B80BA0C82C27B8DC8F0 intercostal branch of internal thoracic artery Entire intercostal branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) 4694 4694 04694 subcutaneous tissue of suboccipital region 3490005 S04694 Subcutaneous tissue structure of suboccipital region (body structure) E04694 368667007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of suboccipital region (body structure) P04694 - D integument/surface D8025F3AFC6942E68D4E955680C29273 DBADFE37412B40F19DF543ACF6230A2D Subcutaneous tissue of suboccipital region Entire subcutaneous tissue of suboccipital region (body structure) 4695 4695 04695 pericardiophrenic artery 3924000 S04695 Structure of pericardiophrenic artery (body structure) E04695 367770003 Entire pericardiophrenic artery (body structure) P04695 Y P arterial system 043DCEE01864467992D1751C4DC83B49 654AD3F70AA144728BF6641B40B61651 pericardiophrenic artery Entire pericardiophrenic artery (body structure) 4696 4696 04696 superior epigastric artery 34988000 S04696 Structure of superior epigastric artery (body structure) E04696 244287004 Entire superior epigastric artery (body structure) P04696 Y 66543 P arterial system 71BE3A1FC7A348DABF14E4A98D5143F1 B4B985BE4A83477D96683B6B02F7970D superior epigastric artery Entire superior epigastric artery (body structure) 4697 4697 04697 musculophrenic artery 42420002 S04697 Structure of musculophrenic artery (body structure) E04697 244242003 Entire musculophrenic artery (body structure) P04697 Y 66546 P arterial system 7413EE3ADB584BF6A5623B5F730DCB37 1BCB075FCDB2401BB71DA608D582FE6B musculophrenic artery Entire musculophrenic artery (body structure) 4698 4698 04698 branch of descending thoracic aorta 91000009 S04698 Structure of branch of descending thoracic aorta (body structure) E04698 205932004 Entire branch of descending thoracic aorta (body structure) P04698 - P arterial system B438838500E6463C8305EDBD7D9D18DC F2D9D162D5D94031918539FB65A05C03 branch of descending thoracic aorta Entire branch of descending thoracic aorta (body structure) 4699 4699 04699 bronchial artery 64468002 S04699 Structure of bronchial artery (body structure) E04699 244247009 Entire bronchial artery (body structure) P04699 Y 4142 P arterial system 384FB154910F45599FDC8D85BDDA20B4 1264EF7A4C274383878D353341ED8D6F bronchial artery Entire bronchial artery (body structure) 4700 4700 04700 posterior intercostal artery 808000 S04700 Structure of posterior intercostal artery (body structure) E04700 244240006 Entire posterior intercostal artery (body structure) P04700 Y 69340 P arterial system 8EE9547916914D518813B64B6FC47C0D B762C04BB69C4E08933CB132F8B4AFAB posterior intercostal artery Entire posterior intercostal artery (body structure) 4701 4701 04701 first posterior intercostal artery 367768007 S04701 Structure of first posterior intercostal artery (body structure) E04701 91733008 Entire first posterior intercostal artery (body structure) P04701 Y 69341 P arterial system C3352A9CA0A04430B98B3181D05EADC2 47D0C2243B904B0586389B3389FD6A17 first posterior intercostal artery Entire first posterior intercostal artery (body structure) 4702 4702 04702 second posterior intercostal artery 367769004 S04702 Structure of second posterior intercostal artery (body structure) E04702 91734002 Entire second posterior intercostal artery (body structure) P04702 Y 69344 P arterial system CA3894609F414E6DAF7A6A624D062673 FCFE5384F8754F9895CAF63C44A74EAD second posterior intercostal artery Entire second posterior intercostal artery (body structure) 4703 4703 04703 subcostal artery 91204006 S04703 Structure of subcostal artery (body structure) E04703 244243008 Entire subcostal artery (body structure) P04703 Y 69374 P arterial system FE691491F34B4898903DAD3AC367C8C4 3EE4D706A3FF4682897556F95900E3AA subcostal artery Entire subcostal artery (body structure) 4704 4704 04704 esophageal artery 206034008 S04704 Structure of esophageal artery (body structure) E04704 56548006 Entire esophageal artery (body structure) P04704 - 69339 P cardiovascular system DB3FF1C08A02400DBFFE66088B9B0714 C2D5ECFEFD1A43E6AB7982EF959E60D2 esophageal artery Entire esophageal artery (body structure) 4705 4705 04705 subcutaneous tissue of temporal region of head 73538001 S04705 Subcutaneous tissue structure of temporal region (body structure) E04705 368674002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of temporal region (body structure) P04705 Y D integument/surface D1E164D90655479CBE2A36A1393F07E0 7B9CF1EB5B6F4B599FA509E3289DF251 Subcutaneous tissue of temporal region Entire subcutaneous tissue of temporal region (body structure) 4706 4706 04706 superior phrenic artery 38991005 S04706 Structure of superior phrenic artery (body structure) E04706 198521008 Entire superior phrenic artery (body structure) P04706 Y 4163 P arterial system 59D313F0DB39467185A4259FC4811B41 410BE85FEE61466995E68B657C24F506 superior phrenic artery Entire superior phrenic artery (body structure) 4707 4707 04707 pericardial artery 33728001 S04707 Structure of pericardial artery (body structure) E04707 198618001 Entire pericardial artery (body structure) P04707 Y 69334 P cardiovascular system 41A8F6D0ECC348479511ECB59BEFE758 6894D7C4287349109F0D7522319CC86C pericardial artery Entire pericardial artery (body structure) 4708 4708 04708 mediastinal branch of descending thoracic aorta 49403000 S04708 Structure of mediastinal branch of descending thoracic aorta (body structure) E04708 198080002 Entire mediastinal branch of descending thoracic aorta (body structure) P04708 Y 69338 P cardiovascular system FCD0FD4DE54643B4BDD16DF2F718366C 37CF5F0654F4414FBD091DEA59E08BA0 mediastinal branch of descending thoracic aorta Entire mediastinal branch of descending thoracic aorta (body structure) 4709 4709 04709 celiac artery 57850000 S04709 Structure of celiac artery (body structure) E04709 181340007 Entire celiac artery (body structure) P04709 - 14812 P cardiovascular system A806DCC1920F410296423FE5C506D107 DF31B719202E43A9A804E579D3AD9D14 celiac artery Entire celiac artery (body structure) 4710 4710 04710 left gastric artery 23771002 S04710 Structure of left gastric artery (body structure) E04710 244267000 Entire left gastric artery (body structure) P04710 - 66492 L P cardiovascular system E2952CA819F34177A96FB03BF55FFE32 6251F7AF8AEE41BA91E02ECC7BB950F8 left gastric artery Entire left gastric artery (body structure) 4711 4711 04711 common hepatic artery 66559000 S04711 Structure of common hepatic artery (body structure) E04711 244263001 Entire common hepatic artery (body structure) P04711 - 76536 P digestive system AF4C7EB36EED40C29C8A59764E893347 30F782AA274C46FDBFD653ADED508795 common hepatic artery Entire common hepatic artery (body structure) 4712 4712 04712 right branch of hepatic artery 69421009 S04712 Structure of right branch of hepatic artery (body structure) E04712 244265008 Entire right branch of hepatic artery (body structure) P04712 - 70456 R P digestive system FD145BCD2E044B1CBC59DCFBB6408E78 25A1CB7B0BC84E3FA1B201EA075200AB right branch of hepatic artery Entire right branch of hepatic artery (body structure) 4713 4713 04713 artery of the caudate lobe of liver 18939001 S04713 Structure of artery of the caudate lobe of liver (body structure) E04713 272598007 Entire artery of the caudate lobe of liver (body structure) P04713 - P arterial system 8D4DD94CB9D046E68BA90CA9790DE767 6E3A2EF2593543DC8EEA39EAC07B4560 artery of the caudate lobe of liver Entire artery of the caudate lobe of liver (body structure) 4714 4714 04714 anterior segment artery of liver 69735007 S04714 Structure of anterior segment artery of liver (body structure) E04714 272656002 Entire anterior segment artery of liver (body structure) P04714 - 70441 P arterial system C658AB59FCAE4342B5C94043EFF65BEE A1535462C92E45FE9122D7AB617C9CAB anterior segment artery of liver Entire anterior segment artery of liver (body structure) 4715 4715 04715 subcutaneous tissue of infratemporal region 37408000 S04715 Subcutaneous tissue structure of infratemporal region (body structure) E04715 368676000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of infratemporal region (body structure) P04715 Y D integument/surface 884DD087D23B4C0EB5282A5F3BC7FFEF 3F941AD83DF04A6D8F4BFE124BF732DE Subcutaneous tissue of infratemporal region Entire subcutaneous tissue of infratemporal region (body structure) 4716 4716 04716 posterior segment artery of liver 35523009 S04716 Structure of posterior segment artery of liver (body structure) E04716 272709009 Entire posterior segment artery of liver (body structure) P04716 - 70444 P arterial system CD19CB6397994B9F921B22268C9BE6FB 28870DF3E5804EDC9DF7BE84ED166BE5 posterior segment artery of liver Entire posterior segment artery of liver (body structure) 4717 4717 04717 left branch of hepatic artery 21807003 S04717 Structure of left branch of hepatic artery (body structure) E04717 244264007 Entire left branch of hepatic artery (body structure) P04717 - 70457 L P digestive system 34A4A53318D24EF590E4E3B47CE650AB DE959EFF26B640EAB40ECA589F779433 left branch of hepatic artery Entire left branch of hepatic artery (body structure) 4718 4718 04718 middle segment artery of liver 90752009 S04718 Structure of middle segment artery of liver (body structure) E04718 272795008 Entire middle segment artery of liver (body structure) P04718 - 70448 P arterial system D8A623D46C784DE7A608CFD0405F86B6 249920F936104C0DAFB765C96B43947F middle segment artery of liver Entire middle segment artery of liver (body structure) 4719 4719 04719 lateral segment artery of liver 33392008 S04719 Structure of lateral segment artery of liver (body structure) E04719 272896002 Entire lateral segment artery of liver (body structure) P04719 - 70451 P arterial system FF962B0A535E4C48BB0A881C8BB6C16F 758EEA7B558A4245A76DFC5EAF41EEDD lateral segment artery of liver Entire lateral segment artery of liver (body structure) 4720 4720 04720 cystic artery 52109002 S04720 Structure of cystic artery (body structure) E04720 244274005 Entire cystic artery (body structure) P04720 - 70459 P digestive system 909A03D20F6447F891411DA53A319A25 FEA62EE8456146E7BFC9057E2535C3DE cystic artery Entire cystic artery (body structure) 4721 4721 04721 right gastric artery 34990004 S04721 Structure of right gastric artery (body structure) E04721 244268005 Entire right gastric artery (body structure) P04721 - 76575 R P digestive system 4331980664B2404C8C49FD464A5DA721 7EB9B695EB044CB29A709787210B000F right gastric artery Entire right gastric artery (body structure) 4722 4722 04722 gastroduodenal artery 37274004 S04722 Structure of gastroduodenal artery (body structure) E04722 244269002 Entire gastroduodenal artery (body structure) P04722 - 76574 P digestive system F925FA963B3D4C46ACCBE9250DD07AF9 0BA72BF1E4B94591BFBB20E55F33C8BC gastroduodenal artery Entire gastroduodenal artery (body structure) 4723 4723 04723 right gastroepiploic artery 56439003 S04723 Structure of right gastroepiploic artery (body structure) E04723 244271002 Entire right gastroepiploic artery (body structure) P04723 - 14781 R P arterial system 09A2C29C711B4F419CEE15C7E2CE0385 6EA1F752EF8846FFA9ED47637A5CDF0F right gastroepiploic artery Entire right gastroepiploic artery (body structure) 4724 4724 04724 splenic artery 22083002 S04724 Structure of splenic artery (body structure) E04724 244266009 Entire splenic artery (body structure) P04724 - 66495 P cardiovascular system 4B90FCD181814B3C9561078D0EA91C38 0C51254161844FC39C848FF36496FE0C splenic artery Entire splenic artery (body structure) 4725 4725 04725 pancreatic branch of splenic artery 20004003 S04725 Structure of pancreatic branch of splenic artery (body structure) E04725 248460007 Entire pancreatic branch of splenic artery (body structure) P04725 - P arterial system 2A083ECA0A1A450AAF565ECFD69A1FDA 2F1E0FD22894472CB4749F36E1990F68 pancreatic branch of splenic artery Entire pancreatic branch of splenic artery (body structure) 4726 4726 04726 skin of lateral area of ring finger 76258008 S04726 Skin structure of lateral surface of ring finger (body structure) E04726 368290009 Entire skin of lateral surface of ring finger (body structure) P04726 Y D integument/surface 2B9BA3E7F9BD4DD1BD0FC2F1E6969667 25CC8509C0064CE0AB0F237906055610 Skin of lateral surface of ring finger Entire skin of lateral surface of ring finger (body structure) 4727 4727 04727 subcutaneous tissue of postauricular region 81726005 S04727 Subcutaneous tissue structure of postauricular region (body structure) E04727 368669005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of postauricular region (body structure) P04727 Y D integument/surface 6A59B571FB2848AE9E6BAFF2E5030509 94A02D83688741C28A1750CDC8848B25 Subcutaneous tissue of postauricular region Entire subcutaneous tissue of postauricular region (body structure) 4728 4728 04728 left gastroepiploic artery 67671005 S04728 Structure of left gastroepiploic artery (body structure) E04728 244270001 Entire left gastroepiploic artery (body structure) P04728 - 70473 L P arterial system 27B67411C1764962911F5C9F1207A05B A70F9DC886E448B89F1F8986BA973511 left gastroepiploic artery Entire left gastroepiploic artery (body structure) 4729 4729 04729 posterior gastric artery 81248003 S04729 Structure of posterior gastric artery (body structure) E04729 282894005 Entire posterior gastric artery (body structure) P04729 - 70476 P arterial system 1B5C979852924EA9AA7846E0AF9608F9 94D4B461089A45CF840948C269F8B0AD posterior gastric artery Entire posterior gastric artery (body structure) 4730 4730 04730 splenic branch of splenic artery 3302009 S04730 Structure of splenic branch of splenic artery (body structure) E04730 282995005 Entire splenic branch of splenic artery (body structure) P04730 - 76595 P arterial system 45F8653911F849958F8CF6BC92C34BA3 4A5B5553407A41EAAF593A905039CEBA splenic branch of splenic artery Entire splenic branch of splenic artery (body structure) 4731 4731 04731 superior pancreaticoduodenal artery 15002000 S04731 Structure of superior pancreaticoduodenal artery (body structure) E04731 244272009 Entire superior pancreaticoduodenal artery (body structure) P04731 - 70437 P arterial system C8DDDADAB6004035A949A6FF8AB947C7 35506BDE9DD64303BA0FC811254F2F9A superior pancreaticoduodenal artery Entire superior pancreaticoduodenal artery (body structure) 4732 4732 04732 mesenteric artery 86570000 S04732 Structure of mesenteric artery (body structure) E04732 281084003 Entire mesenteric artery (body structure) P04732 - P digestive system A002D24318394F2088FF26AA93F13744 2A731246DAA04BD0A49ED4294E002E16 mesenteric artery Entire mesenteric artery (body structure) 4733 4733 04733 inferior mesenteric artery 33795007 S04733 Structure of inferior mesenteric artery (body structure) E04733 181341006 Entire inferior mesenteric artery (body structure) P04733 - 66359 P cardiovascular system 3087E6C8A4B444FE82A9902364BA611A 6A35B4D1E7F84680862BD5FE02E47A56 inferior mesenteric artery Entire inferior mesenteric artery (body structure) 4734 4734 04734 left colic artery 49664001 S04734 Structure of left colic artery (body structure) E04734 244277003 Entire left colic artery (body structure) P04734 - 66501 L P cardiovascular system CA288C9EBDD241D4BD4131440D516191 FDDC1D2486A24623B73BDE107AB89DD1 left colic artery Entire left colic artery (body structure) 4735 4735 04735 inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery 25727004 S04735 Structure of inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery (body structure) E04735 244273004 Entire inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery (body structure) P04735 - 14805 P cardiovascular system F7702ACF2DAC49ED9985FAF1AE587C69 76815005F88947FC9634F39E8542E38F inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery Entire inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery (body structure) 4736 4736 04736 jejunal artery 83997005 S04736 Structure of jejunal artery (body structure) E04736 265391008 Entire jejunal artery (body structure) P04736 - 66496 P arterial system E90BCDBC3772421E8D8FD89EC6E6F71C 26AF692A701A48C38411DC8CB64594C7 jejunal artery Entire jejunal artery (body structure) 4737 4737 04737 subcutaneous tissue of preauricular region 31333008 S04737 Subcutaneous tissue structure of preauricular region (body structure) E04737 368670006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of preauricular region (body structure) P04737 Y D integument/surface D7E7ADC50BF4465DA472840E0770A1E8 AAC4BB13558A4C8C9CD2748B42F87EC5 Subcutaneous tissue of preauricular region Entire subcutaneous tissue of preauricular region (body structure) 4738 4738 04738 ileal artery 1581009 S04738 Structure of ileal artery (body structure) E04738 265479003 Entire ileal artery (body structure) P04738 - 66497 P cardiovascular system 9F0647124CA04128B03EC96BCE0E4C47 47C01A685628461B9F646D52F2CFE3CF ileal artery Entire ileal artery (body structure) 4739 4739 04739 colic artery 266052002 S04739 Structure of colic artery (body structure) E04739 77852007 Entire colic artery (body structure) P04739 - P digestive system 165B55A392474047A74D2BBDB2F9176E 5B1EE654569942A6B3F43AA30F6B6A91 colic artery Entire colic artery (body structure) 4740 4740 04740 ascending ileocolic artery 50892007 S04740 Structure of ascending ileocolic artery (body structure) E04740 265576007 Entire ascending ileocolic artery (body structure) P04740 - 75859 P digestive system 7155C47E9C6C49699A863C2A8A9B5C79 73B5BC85A84D432FAC3B65032B57A7A8 ascending ileocolic artery Entire ascending ileocolic artery (body structure) 4741 4741 04741 anterior cecal artery 1502004 S04741 Structure of anterior cecal artery (body structure) E04741 265672000 Entire anterior cecal artery (body structure) P04741 - 75860 P digestive system 7CD5C8CADFC641E39C5D2707566D346E DFD7FF5066B94B088FD8350F95787827 anterior cecal artery Entire anterior cecal artery (body structure) 4742 4742 04742 posterior cecal artery 58317009 S04742 Structure of posterior cecal artery (body structure) E04742 265759005 Entire posterior cecal artery (body structure) P04742 - 75861 P digestive system BDF46E25A5F84EAE910A1ED647A2818E 674AB25808F942CCB0A86DAC07197784 posterior cecal artery Entire posterior cecal artery (body structure) 4743 4743 04743 right colic artery 7067009 S04743 Structure of right colic artery (body structure) E04743 244275006 Entire right colic artery (body structure) P04743 - 66500 R P arterial system E66FD07E80214806A18E08E6AA00DF4E 25BE15C788AE4D8E8172FF8DFE4243EF right colic artery Entire right colic artery (body structure) 4744 4744 04744 middle colic artery 42881009 S04744 Structure of middle colic artery (body structure) E04744 244276007 Entire middle colic artery (body structure) P04744 - 66498 P arterial system 13AC7B993E7C46C4B2F7180C98516C78 B53DBA001175497196192699E5B362DA middle colic artery Entire middle colic artery (body structure) 4745 4745 04745 appendicular artery 40092000 S04745 Structure of appendicular artery (body structure) E04745 265856006 Entire appendicular artery (body structure) P04745 - 75862 P digestive system 02A7BB79BE3343EA8C715667295AE832 3D76CF575A4A463B90E841D6350141A9 appendicular artery Entire appendicular artery (body structure) 4746 4746 04746 sigmoid artery 76845003 S04746 Structure of sigmoid artery (body structure) E04746 265956005 Entire sigmoid artery (body structure) P04746 - 66502 P cardiovascular system 86E974022E8A4A2382C545DC07D2B665 EB55CB9DE0CE473FAA26200B985BAA8F sigmoid artery Entire sigmoid artery (body structure) 4747 4747 04747 superior rectal artery 2539000 S04747 Structure of superior rectal artery (body structure) E04747 244278008 Entire superior rectal artery (body structure) P04747 - 66504 P cardiovascular system DB4D0F216EB64B81867D6CE8C468F7E7 3B59008D82714EA4857570B26679581B superior rectal artery Entire superior rectal artery (body structure) 4748 4748 04748 subcutaneous tissue of face 43163003 S04748 Subcutaneous tissue structure of face (body structure) E04748 368913003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of face (body structure) P04748 - 57796 D integument/surface 1EA348838803415DB988F9CEDD17A28B 8D77D7FCEBC842CDB2F62BA08D208194 Subcutaneous tissue of face Entire subcutaneous tissue of face (body structure) 4749 4749 04749 renal artery 2841007 S04749 Structure of renal artery (body structure) E04749 181339005 Entire renal artery (body structure) P04749 Y 66362 P arterial system C3A64F78A4CB4576985EB4206923A55C A5E5B2E6EF4B41BFB1256B59E378640D renal artery Entire renal artery (body structure) 4750 4750 04750 right renal artery 275208009 S04750 Structure of right renal artery (body structure) E04750 36800007 Entire right renal artery (body structure) P04750 R 66363 P cardiovascular system FBC8F621E23F4DD3BDC9472EB2F6EB25 07D9CBDE3F4E4F8B9DC450EDFB0270AF right renal artery Entire right renal artery (body structure) 4751 4751 04751 left renal artery 275309004 S04751 Structure of left renal artery (body structure) E04751 19215005 Entire left renal artery (body structure) P04751 L 66364 P cardiovascular system 3ECFAF17CDF144E1988EA771A1AEDDD8 FA194CB5C5C94EAE9026C4651DF3F37B left renal artery Entire left renal artery (body structure) 4752 4752 04752 inferior suprarenal artery 21270006 S04752 Structure of inferior suprarenal artery (body structure) E04752 303426004 Entire inferior suprarenal artery (body structure) P04752 Y 69264 P endocrine system 5E2C44ACB4C74482AAB32429C9345717 BDFED3E2070F4EC1A34B7955AE586BCC inferior suprarenal artery Entire inferior suprarenal artery (body structure) 4753 4753 04753 anterior division of renal artery 202009 S04753 Structure of anterior division of renal artery (body structure) E04753 273708007 Entire anterior division of renal artery (body structure) P04753 Y 70485 P arterial system 9ED5DD18302949C8BD18CB2D9D898119 3D059E66476D40D0909BECC43D9214CE anterior division of renal artery Entire anterior division of renal artery (body structure) 4754 4754 04754 posterior division of renal artery 90586002 S04754 Structure of posterior division of renal artery (body structure) E04754 273810001 Entire posterior division of renal artery (body structure) P04754 Y 70488 P arterial system F88C4BF06119425EBAAE214331AA29BE C86F0B66300D47C4A31E579411D0744D posterior division of renal artery Entire posterior division of renal artery (body structure) 4755 4755 04755 apical segmental branch of renal artery 274725003 S04755 Structure of apical segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) E04755 56016000 Entire apical segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) P04755 Y P arterial system 2ECEB83B89D6416DAB7726A8F8AA683B 64B79A466DA142CD8DFE4F39FA7BEDEB apical segmental branch of renal artery Entire apical segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) 4756 4756 04756 upper anterior segmental branch of renal artery 274822009 S04756 Structure of upper anterior segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) E04756 25445000 Entire upper anterior segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) P04756 Y P arterial system A3CCF7E50E3D467FB3BEA66346F2774C 4E6CDC232CE9424F84845AF175A24D1B upper anterior segmental branch of renal artery Entire upper anterior segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) 4757 4757 04757 lower segmental branch of renal artery 274911006 S04757 Structure of lower segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) E04757 80130005 Entire lower segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) P04757 Y P arterial system 4F396B2884804EAE827DB42B27D7395D 2B8C2A8B631E45598E559C9D60B47954 lower segmental branch of renal artery Entire lower segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) 4758 4758 04758 lower anterior segmental branch of renal artery 275005004 S04758 Structure of lower anterior segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) E04758 70951001 Entire lower anterior segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) P04758 Y P arterial system 5947DC83DA524390B6E79E53AFAD3743 1BF999C287204A5AB3EFCA03998F4A2D lower anterior segmental branch of renal artery Entire lower anterior segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) 4759 4759 04759 subcutaneous tissue of cheek 23422008 S04759 Subcutaneous tissue structure of cheek (body structure) E04759 368759008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of cheek (body structure) P04759 Y D integument/surface EEE51243B3E3414095E2755CF5056485 56B464730710448891804A5BBF4B7871 Subcutaneous tissue of cheek Entire subcutaneous tissue of cheek (body structure) 4760 4760 04760 posterior segmental branch of renal artery 275107009 S04760 Structure of posterior segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) E04760 113266006 Entire posterior segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) P04760 Y P arterial system 0969F47851654A22B08162605457FA64 22AA0C3D24534D5880E82C0332F895E8 posterior segmental branch of renal artery Entire posterior segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) 4761 4761 04761 perforating artery of kidney 15763003 S04761 Structure of perforating artery of kidney (body structure) E04761 273911001 Entire perforating artery of kidney (body structure) P04761 Y P arterial system 305C83C8B57A4DAB9FE0C5C378248042 D4EBE419B3EB4E02A5A51DE90606A235 perforating artery of kidney Entire perforating artery of kidney (body structure) 4762 4762 04762 intrinsic artery of kidney 41779004 S04762 Structure of intrinsic artery of kidney (body structure) E04762 273981006 Entire intrinsic artery of kidney (body structure) P04762 Y P arterial system 5ADA2AADF86E4866B7F79850AC180B3E 2D9105ADF8A74506BDF95BA22AA6C3AB intrinsic artery of kidney Entire intrinsic artery of kidney (body structure) 4763 4763 04763 lobar artery of kidney 274060004 S04763 Structure of lobar artery of kidney (body structure) E04763 72684009 Entire lobar artery of kidney (body structure) P04763 Y 70495 P arterial system 8EC26AA973D04FEA87A8AE75C456A9C9 FC554905E3374922A0033A006E9B7F08 lobar artery of kidney Entire lobar artery of kidney (body structure) 4764 4764 04764 interlobar artery of kidney 274143007 S04764 Structure of interlobar artery of kidney (body structure) E04764 62802007 Entire interlobar artery of kidney (body structure) P04764 Y 70496 P arterial system 7FA99B40D3D2422B98A514B739E62C92 44755C6B56474EE7AFB28BCC2BDBFB69 interlobar artery of kidney Entire interlobar artery of kidney (body structure) 4765 4765 04765 arcuate artery of kidney 274231001 S04765 Structure of arcuate artery of kidney (body structure) E04765 42764009 Entire arcuate artery of kidney (body structure) P04765 Y 70497 P arterial system DC841FEFB805482DA453FA1E03907C5A 7619103E6A29492BB5B47D2FB2F618F4 arcuate artery of kidney Entire arcuate artery of kidney (body structure) 4766 4766 04766 interlobular artery of kidney 274329007 S04766 Structure of interlobular artery of kidney (body structure) E04766 76147008 Entire interlobular artery of kidney (body structure) P04766 Y 70498 P arterial system FC81FD4B15B74C26950BF90DFCBCA6C4 1209C878DCAB4230A83CCDFC1042AF9B interlobular artery of kidney Entire interlobular artery of kidney (body structure) 4767 4767 04767 afferent glomerular arteriole 9481009 S04767 Structure of afferent glomerular arteriole (body structure) E04767 273506009 Entire afferent glomerular arteriole (body structure) P04767 Y 272216 P arterial system 56D7DB581B8A4221A5D448048A6FD0A7 123FDF1D65AA4DFDA6029B661AE0A437 afferent glomerular arteriole Entire afferent glomerular arteriole (body structure) 4768 4768 04768 efferent glomerular arteriole 65780001 S04768 Structure of efferent glomerular arteriole (body structure) E04768 273607005 Entire efferent glomerular arteriole (body structure) P04768 Y 272214 P arterial system E4343CCAE6334585BC93CD7DE0059406 2D56B599DDC5486C92BAF88C1A10ADF7 efferent glomerular arteriole Entire efferent glomerular arteriole (body structure) 4769 4769 04769 arteriolae rectae of kidney 274430003 S04769 Structure of arteriolae rectae of kidney (body structure) E04769 16654000 Entire arteriolae rectae of kidney (body structure) P04769 Y P arterial system 0B73A01B743A405181B69647E36775AB 1D9D70ECB6E5468EAA4EC058EC948BF6 arteriolae rectae of kidney Entire arteriolae rectae of kidney (body structure) 4770 4770 04770 subcutaneous tissue of infrapalpebral fold 44853004 S04770 Subcutaneous tissue structure of infrapalpebral fold (body structure) E04770 368767000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of infrapalpebral fold (body structure) P04770 Y D integument/surface EAF73F80673F4DE8ACB28D48D19C65B3 58B4E37D04034379A9C1553A5B07C91B Subcutaneous tissue of infrapalpebral fold Entire subcutaneous tissue of infrapalpebral fold (body structure) 4771 4771 04771 arteriolae rectae spuriae of kidney 274522002 S04771 Structure of arteriolae rectae spuriae of kidney (body structure) E04771 46270000 Entire arteriolae rectae spuriae of kidney (body structure) P04771 Y P arterial system ECC64850084148CE952AAFA406F1207A 023925109D1E4FDEB7B9835175322C15 arteriolae rectae spuriae of kidney Entire arteriolae rectae spuriae of kidney (body structure) 4772 4772 04772 arteriolae rectae vera of kidney 274624008 S04772 Structure of arteriolae rectae vera of kidney (body structure) E04772 85365003 Entire arteriolae rectae vera of kidney (body structure) P04772 Y P arterial system 6B6E8BAC05814061B12195BC931E55F2 4BDFB77767E64722A3C24EA5BF07EFBF arteriolae rectae vera of kidney Entire arteriolae rectae vera of kidney (body structure) 4773 4773 04773 capillary of kidney 72333003 S04773 Structure of capillary of kidney (body structure) E04773 275409003 Entire capillary of kidney (body structure) P04773 Y P cardiovascular system 9715E205A0CC492E801DA2EDE057BE30 644D6E145D9C49EF876F341732149622 capillary of kidney Entire capillary of kidney (body structure) 4774 4774 04774 cortical intertubular capillary plexuses 275506007 S04774 Structure of cortical intertubular capillary plexuses (body structure) E04774 80284000 Entire cortical intertubular capillary plexuses (body structure) P04774 Y P cardiovascular system E5FEBA28434F486BA04EBBC8872E1953 5F60A6C8E0DE48A7B16164BA9617A6D4 cortical intertubular capillary plexuses Entire cortical intertubular capillary plexuses (body structure) 4775 4775 04775 peritubular capillary plexus 275606004 S04775 Structure of peritubular capillary plexus (body structure) E04775 36447007 Entire peritubular capillary plexus (body structure) P04775 Y P cardiovascular system E91131EB791C43A5B4288318B0EFF0AB 5680C7C143F8408F946753C696497DE8 peritubular capillary plexus Entire peritubular capillary plexus (body structure) 4776 4776 04776 capsular plexus of kidney 275708005 S04776 Structure of capsular plexus of kidney (body structure) E04776 40625006 Entire capsular plexus of kidney (body structure) P04776 Y P cardiovascular system 525B78182DB4406C99F5A3E583B7690F E58FAB7497AE41C28CB022620F3A3C7A capsular plexus of kidney Entire capsular plexus of kidney (body structure) 4777 4777 04777 iliac artery 10293006 S04777 Structure of iliac artery (body structure) E04777 244330006 Entire iliac artery (body structure) P04777 Y P arterial system D469C37D192349D49F1EC1D251C00EE8 43831CF5117443A7830BAF2CB8A1970D iliac artery Entire iliac artery (body structure) 4778 4778 04778 right common iliac artery 15567000 S04778 Structure of right common iliac artery (body structure) E04778 283392005 Entire right common iliac artery (body structure) P04778 R 69383 P cardiovascular system E1B0FB3AD1C8433490896A7980CEF87F 43244D32DA0E4176A703F6A20A719476 right common iliac artery Entire right common iliac artery (body structure) 4779 4779 04779 subcutaneous tissue of zygomatic region 18766005 S04779 Subcutaneous tissue structure of zygomatic region (body structure) E04779 368765008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of zygomatic region (body structure) P04779 Y D integument/surface 48FF2EB8D81D45CDBD8D48C46B7D2850 83E5BF2131204E00B16F306EC6F2E868 Subcutaneous tissue of zygomatic region Entire subcutaneous tissue of zygomatic region (body structure) 4780 4780 04780 left common iliac artery 77428008 S04780 Structure of left common iliac artery (body structure) E04780 283493001 Entire left common iliac artery (body structure) P04780 L 69384 P cardiovascular system 889BB78AA0184285BE74F73EEB0BCBD9 528331ACF3B84013AC1673F982DF0534 left common iliac artery Entire left common iliac artery (body structure) 4781 4781 04781 internal iliac artery 90024005 S04781 Structure of internal iliac artery (body structure) E04781 181346001 Entire internal iliac artery (body structure) P04781 Y 66384 P arterial system 92973273E0024ADF8D50B14F9EC4AA91 9F50809077974F9E84375601D01EEFFD internal iliac artery Entire internal iliac artery (body structure) 4782 4782 04782 right internal iliac artery 283593004 S04782 Structure of right internal iliac artery (body structure) E04782 25043001 Entire right internal iliac artery (body structure) P04782 R 70186 P cardiovascular system 072740725F9E4CCC9C289E83EEA58765 C9DE78C69CFE44A5ADAB6208FEA5B3BC right internal iliac artery Entire right internal iliac artery (body structure) 4783 4783 04783 left internal iliac artery 283696001 S04783 Structure of left internal iliac artery (body structure) E04783 14382004 Entire left internal iliac artery (body structure) P04783 L 70187 P cardiovascular system 1C7E7477DC814DF28073B19C8E353B3C 05F509587F18476EABCF97CE3543B7C3 left internal iliac artery Entire left internal iliac artery (body structure) 4784 4784 04784 iliolumbar artery 293947007 S04784 Structure of iliolumbar artery (body structure) E04784 113267002 Entire iliolumbar artery (body structure) P04784 Y 66437 P arterial system 2943E82A418C41449BEA3CAC212BCEE2 39CEDE757CFE4129A5FF12D47D804DB6 iliolumbar artery Entire iliolumbar artery (body structure) 4785 4785 04785 lateral sacral artery 76361006 S04785 Structure of lateral sacral artery (body structure) E04785 244306009 Entire lateral sacral artery (body structure) P04785 Y 66438 P arterial system 814D6431E3FE4AACAD71870C868C6146 37D6B92F5F05455786D8F5EDC6BA84E3 lateral sacral artery Entire lateral sacral artery (body structure) 4786 4786 04786 obturator artery 3156006 S04786 Structure of obturator artery (body structure) E04786 244302006 Entire obturator artery (body structure) P04786 Y 66429 P arterial system 1C9CB6761ADA44249EE07B38427FF0A8 98EF2617915F493D83B10287E76D9710 obturator artery Entire obturator artery (body structure) 4787 4787 04787 gluteal artery 294049004 S04787 Structure of gluteal artery (body structure) E04787 30570007 Entire gluteal artery (body structure) P04787 Y P arterial system B18B64C0EFEE41EA8F8B234AE6226996 A65E12888FB74D5FAFBDD42B393C08DB gluteal artery Entire gluteal artery (body structure) 4788 4788 04788 superior gluteal artery 72504003 S04788 Structure of superior gluteal artery (body structure) E04788 181354004 Entire superior gluteal artery (body structure) P04788 Y 66439 P arterial system 6C59273A812440819D9E085A41C229AD 6597318EA9EC48CA84AA970FD9BEED33 superior gluteal artery Entire superior gluteal artery (body structure) 4789 4789 04789 inferior gluteal artery 85259001 S04789 Structure of inferior gluteal artery (body structure) E04789 181355003 Entire inferior gluteal artery (body structure) P04789 Y 66430 P arterial system 2A983038FBA24655B3392DBEFC71C3D9 0A80BCDEA7FB4916B818400ACC699C2E inferior gluteal artery Entire inferior gluteal artery (body structure) 4790 4790 04790 subcutaneous tissue of eyelid 5976004 S04790 Subcutaneous tissue structure of eyelid (body structure) E04790 368780002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of eyelid (body structure) P04790 Y D integument/surface CF3D3AEC4EC9448DB60361ECF99865CC 2F9DC988FCC24CF8AEB2D99A9F831CDC Subcutaneous tissue of eyelid Entire subcutaneous tissue of eyelid (body structure) 4791 4791 04791 sciatic artery 65917001 S04791 Structure of sciatic artery (body structure) E04791 290195003 Entire sciatic artery (body structure) P04791 Y P skeletal system CBAE1EBC4FF74DDBA3F31F857C69B41C 10B0E3824BBE4EA69501C58851ED3D60 sciatic artery Entire sciatic artery (body structure) 4792 4792 04792 ductus deferens artery 49927009 S04792 Structure of ductus deferens artery (body structure) E04792 279659005 Entire ductus deferens artery (body structure) P04792 Y 77384 P arterial system 382A3D3441CD4C2DAB3D9CF6F257AC7B CA19175614DC4B96A31C518EEE323576 ductus deferens artery Entire ductus deferens artery (body structure) 4793 4793 04793 vesical artery 43380006 S04793 Structure of vesical artery (body structure) E04793 244307000 Entire vesical artery (body structure) P04793 Y P arterial system 4751D515DA904045963E4022322526F0 259F406F29B74F5B90FFAE36404D2291 vesical artery Entire vesical artery (body structure) 4794 4794 04794 superior vesical artery 283984006 S04794 Structure of superior vesical artery (body structure) E04794 113268007 Entire superior vesical artery (body structure) P04794 Y 70029 P arterial system 489F382E8EA9444AB8757C2C0C986059 2D96D53AF0AC4B4ABAF1CB8DB1D9A421 superior vesical artery Entire superior vesical artery (body structure) 4795 4795 04795 inferior vesical artery 284057003 S04795 Structure of inferior vesical artery (body structure) E04795 43210002 Entire inferior vesical artery (body structure) P04795 Y 70032 P arterial system 1BE3E7D3F93E44B7998D875FCC7A2FF8 5257680FB7804368B6EDAB1A788CB4AD inferior vesical artery Entire inferior vesical artery (body structure) 4796 4796 04796 uterine artery 91079009 S04796 Structure of uterine artery (body structure) E04796 244300003 Entire uterine artery (body structure) P04796 Y 70038 P genital system 9E9A25BF081540429923F75A1B5F5BBE 5AB81BA8BA5B4504BDBC0C2A1E506B06 uterine artery Entire uterine artery (body structure) 4797 4797 04797 ovarian branch of uterine artery 27714004 S04797 Structure of ovarian branch of uterine artery (body structure) E04797 284114005 Entire ovarian branch of uterine artery (body structure) P04797 Y 70108 P arterial system B73CFE42BD1F41AA8CD33E9DD6FB1834 144401BBF5724E8391C2F9CACCA7C190 ovarian branch of uterine artery Entire ovarian branch of uterine artery (body structure) 4798 4798 04798 tubal branch of uterine artery 61442008 S04798 Structure of tubal branch of uterine artery (body structure) E04798 284203004 Entire tubal branch of uterine artery (body structure) P04798 Y 70105 P arterial system 2F7A203359DA42D3A39D236227615240 62F572D5A6F540409F38B70CF62450DD tubal branch of uterine artery Entire tubal branch of uterine artery (body structure) 4799 4799 04799 vaginal artery 85802006 S04799 Structure of vaginal artery (body structure) E04799 244301004 Entire vaginal artery (body structure) P04799 Y 70041 P arterial system 1F93DBEB7861406DA1484C67E67CD7C5 544A59B5150E40B9A9ECB1755C8C578F vaginal artery Entire vaginal artery (body structure) 4800 4800 04800 middle rectal artery 57967006 S04800 Structure of middle rectal artery (body structure) E04800 244305008 Entire middle rectal artery (body structure) P04800 Y 70035 P arterial system 5DEACD1095BD4FC5A135E875A848CC16 4B670FA85AA744DA8BA0D6624D4651FA middle rectal artery Entire middle rectal artery (body structure) 4801 4801 04801 subcutaneous tissue of upper eyelid 27243006 S04801 Subcutaneous tissue structure of upper eyelid (body structure) E04801 368781003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of upper eyelid (body structure) P04801 Y D integument/surface 2FC6001D157A45CEBA57176B823BBF5D 5D40372591194E33B7B02599046EB36A Subcutaneous tissue of upper eyelid Entire subcutaneous tissue of upper eyelid (body structure) 4802 4802 04802 internal pudendal artery 77276007 S04802 Structure of internal pudendal artery (body structure) E04802 244309002 Entire internal pudendal artery (body structure) P04802 Y 66428 P arterial system 8817D8735B394825BEC2BE0205BFFE78 4D97C1FBF16D4C27A4ED5D819EF4C3E0 internal pudendal artery Entire internal pudendal artery (body structure) 4803 4803 04803 posterior scrotal branch of internal pudendal artery 9684007 S04803 Structure of posterior scrotal branch of internal pudendal artery (body structure) E04803 244295000 Entire posterior scrotal branch of internal pudendal artery (body structure) P04803 Y 69881 P arterial system 94D933C2A6B04E658FF7E5BDAF5212FD AB9BA9A31E9C4563A696C644F38C1A2A posterior scrotal branch of internal pudendal artery Entire posterior scrotal branch of internal pudendal artery (body structure) 4804 4804 04804 posterior labial branch of internal pudendal artery 47182008 S04804 Structure of posterior labial branch of internal pudendal artery (body structure) E04804 244299006 Entire posterior labial branch of internal pudendal artery (body structure) P04804 Y 69894 P arterial system 1A28BF2352654AD0B872237BBB31EC25 642021DA29274ABFB37B91178BBB7FCF posterior labial branch of internal pudendal artery Entire posterior labial branch of internal pudendal artery (body structure) 4805 4805 04805 artery of the bulb of the penis 16385000 S04805 Structure of artery of the bulb of the penis (body structure) E04805 293338009 Entire artery of the bulb of the penis (body structure) P04805 Y 69904 P arterial system 7D497159C8F845ABB1D0513A3237036A 5E6278FC1E774AD9B48AA7827F254E36 artery of the bulb of the penis Entire artery of the bulb of the penis (body structure) 4806 4806 04806 artery of the bulb of the vaginal vestibule 60377002 S04806 Structure of artery of the bulb of the vaginal vestibule (body structure) E04806 293541004 Entire artery of the bulb of the vaginal vestibule (body structure) P04806 Y P arterial system 624C7BA4F7FD4DFA81B20F9F39AD4CDB 085095C0BE084B659D663E5633B0E6D2 artery of the bulb of the vaginal vestibule Entire artery of the bulb of the vaginal vestibule (body structure) 4807 4807 04807 deep artery of penis 47856002 S04807 Structure of deep artery of penis (body structure) E04807 244293007 Entire deep artery of penis (body structure) P04807 Y 69943 P genital system 3FBBA036CAFD49468784E3F1B258A3B5 EA1148D7B63E4BB992D231B023F4666D deep artery of penis Entire deep artery of penis (body structure) 4808 4808 04808 deep artery of clitoris 5458003 S04808 Structure of deep artery of clitoris (body structure) E04808 244297008 Entire deep artery of clitoris (body structure) P04808 Y 69967 P genital system D3B64840660C48199EEAB5EEEC3D09A8 505D8D4ACB9349CFA9D9AEBEC35DF89C deep artery of clitoris Entire deep artery of clitoris (body structure) 4809 4809 04809 dorsal artery of penis 48098000 S04809 Structure of dorsal artery of penis (body structure) E04809 244294001 Entire dorsal artery of penis (body structure) P04809 Y 69927 P genital system 4E078365F84E4760938CA7F68FB7A606 6AF36DD784D54FB8B5F5311211FB1710 dorsal artery of penis Entire dorsal artery of penis (body structure) 4810 4810 04810 dorsal artery of clitoris 56738007 S04810 Structure of dorsal artery of clitoris (body structure) E04810 244298003 Entire dorsal artery of clitoris (body structure) P04810 Y 69951 P genital system E217C87E956943DDB40DEF626167D0BF B37EA394FFB74993A6D5D1892E44BD44 dorsal artery of clitoris Entire dorsal artery of clitoris (body structure) 4811 4811 04811 inferior rectal artery 63473001 S04811 Structure of inferior rectal artery (body structure) E04811 244304007 Entire inferior rectal artery (body structure) P04811 Y 69857 P arterial system ED62E2C9217640209D2B39EE7A6CDAF8 8586EB16856642F39455DEE07D9AE3CE inferior rectal artery Entire inferior rectal artery (body structure) 4812 4812 04812 subcutaneous tissue of lower eyelid 53750005 S04812 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lower eyelid (body structure) E04812 368777003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower eyelid (body structure) P04812 Y D integument/surface 0DC305FE8CA84CF8974CD9FB299D5552 9F8E5D6C1B8E462BBFEB4690C1FE3D2A Subcutaneous tissue of lower eyelid Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower eyelid (body structure) 4813 4813 04813 perineal artery 17061005 S04813 Structure of perineal artery (body structure) E04813 244303001 Entire perineal artery (body structure) P04813 Y 69867 P arterial system 3710C680DAAF4492BB857E96B116BBC9 BACB2968409243358538C65AF3F70FC7 perineal artery Entire perineal artery (body structure) 4814 4814 04814 urethral artery 294150001 S04814 Structure of urethral artery (body structure) E04814 87263007 Entire urethral artery (body structure) P04814 Y 69914 P arterial system F2313B658B8C41E3B4BF1236E2252AB0 321194AF62E14E3099AB678E8146269A urethral artery Entire urethral artery (body structure) 4815 4815 04815 penile or clitoridal artery 294251005 S04815 Structure of penile or clitoridal artery (body structure) E04815 84532002 Entire penile or clitoridal artery (body structure) P04815 Y P arterial system 15938B084232470E80D8F1DA7207BCAF 47C7AA9F1D294ED78ABCFD40836621FB penile or clitoridal artery Entire penile or clitoridal artery (body structure) 4817 4817 04817 external iliac artery 113269004 S04817 Structure of external iliac artery (body structure) E04817 181352000 Entire external iliac artery (body structure) P04817 Y 69389 P arterial system 0F48BB8F8C034C1A847969310197D7E1 8DB6793BED7545B59ABFB8949946C31E external iliac artery Entire external iliac artery (body structure) 4818 4818 04818 right external iliac artery 283797001 S04818 Structure of right external iliac artery (body structure) E04818 18388007 Entire right external iliac artery (body structure) P04818 R 70184 P cardiovascular system 6FFD97E7A89440F5A721463523F46257 2B6CCA1394E1455F9F606FB904247D09 right external iliac artery Entire right external iliac artery (body structure) 4819 4819 04819 left external iliac artery 283892001 S04819 Structure of left external iliac artery (body structure) E04819 13914008 Entire left external iliac artery (body structure) P04819 L 70185 P cardiovascular system 693294779F324D7999E14D3C32CA3BA6 BCCB84B997A74570BE07EF46A57EEE56 left external iliac artery Entire left external iliac artery (body structure) 4820 4820 04820 inferior epigastric artery 78577000 S04820 Structure of inferior epigastric artery (body structure) E04820 244288009 Entire inferior epigastric artery (body structure) P04820 Y 66489 P arterial system 6A948CF314344EB3BE6BF0F6C6B0ECA6 3B3A6E708B7A4134A990D529661EBE05 inferior epigastric artery Entire inferior epigastric artery (body structure) 4821 4821 04821 pubic branch of inferior epigastric artery 29168006 S04821 Structure of pubic branch of inferior epigastric artery (body structure) E04821 368080009 Entire pubic branch of inferior epigastric artery (body structure) P04821 Y 20701 P arterial system DD5CCBFF54234481A3E4054869654A90 9727ACDEA3DE4FFD809BFC1184B10717 pubic branch of inferior epigastric artery Entire pubic branch of inferior epigastric artery (body structure) 4822 4822 04822 cremasteric artery 22770007 S04822 Structure of cremasteric artery (body structure) E04822 279658002 Entire cremasteric artery (body structure) P04822 Y 20695 P arterial system E42F5FE6B55543E38D5ABCED6ACC5EFF 50D2E1F6A24846709185A371C1A0DD80 cremasteric artery Entire cremasteric artery (body structure) 4823 4823 04823 subcutaneous tissue of periorbital region 38657008 S04823 Subcutaneous tissue structure of periorbital region (body structure) E04823 368796004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of periorbital region (body structure) P04823 - D integument/surface E3E7B3728369402CB07DDE57C80B2AEE D45FE054F2434292AFA0BE1BBB034126 Subcutaneous tissue of periorbital region Entire subcutaneous tissue of periorbital region (body structure) 4824 4824 04824 artery of the round ligament 17918005 S04824 Structure of artery of the round ligament (body structure) E04824 284259009 Entire artery of the round ligament (body structure) P04824 Y 20698 P arterial system 69BB593110924B689D1E3455CDF5BE6B 3707CC093CD64D45B9D0F11C4B161207 artery of the round ligament Entire artery of the round ligament (body structure) 4825 4825 04825 deep circumflex iliac artery 155008 S04825 Structure of deep circumflex iliac artery (body structure) E04825 181353005 Entire deep circumflex iliac artery (body structure) P04825 Y 70211 P arterial system CD26D4C26DEC417786D67EDA21ECB885 8E7C5B209EB1456CAD62DAFDB0492294 deep circumflex iliac artery Entire deep circumflex iliac artery (body structure) 4826 4826 04826 inferior phrenic artery 29660000 S04826 Structure of inferior phrenic artery (body structure) E04826 244283000 Entire inferior phrenic artery (body structure) P04826 Y 66483 P arterial system 903D7E2651E54213AD9D3271AAF8EB27 171BBA7D29184296BFA33CFB2A018DFF inferior phrenic artery Entire inferior phrenic artery (body structure) 4827 4827 04827 suprarenal artery 89500000 S04827 Structure of adrenal artery (body structure) E04827 181342004 Entire adrenal artery (body structure) P04827 Y P endocrine system 2F83E72793DF47E48DF96B6BE2C2CE72 EE465EAA5BBB4264B281DD2EE0437A77 adrenal artery Entire adrenal artery (body structure) 4828 4828 04828 middle suprarenal artery 91735001 S04828 Structure of middle suprarenal artery (body structure) E04828 303425000 Entire middle suprarenal artery (body structure) P04828 Y 69378 P endocrine system 10217FB2C80F40C3AEA7672E8D0CA8BB 93B20DEADDEF44B9BBC5F57944EE2D2E middle suprarenal artery Entire middle suprarenal artery (body structure) 4829 4829 04829 superior suprarenal artery 91736000 S04829 Structure of superior suprarenal artery (body structure) E04829 303424001 Entire superior suprarenal artery (body structure) P04829 Y 14863 P endocrine system 0665CC16C8214E9AB4FB2677BD40307B D4D5CA90D26A4088BD830D9CB5C90CEA superior suprarenal artery Entire superior suprarenal artery (body structure) 4830 4830 04830 lumbar artery 34635009 S04830 Structure of lumbar artery (body structure) E04830 244285007 Entire lumbar artery (body structure) P04830 Y 66360 P arterial system 72EE1286DDBC4C2F8EA73FF7A01C3523 7368661649304C85A7945910364308B4 lumbar artery Entire lumbar artery (body structure) 4831 4831 04831 testicular artery 27175001 S04831 Structure of testicular artery (body structure) E04831 244281003 Entire testicular artery (body structure) P04831 Y 69379 P arterial system DC7F501A849B4809ADEC9B47E065B20E 5779BFD566FC4D31B4085620DE732A6F testicular artery Entire testicular artery (body structure) 4832 4832 04832 ureteral branch of testicular artery 11217004 S04832 Structure of ureteral branch of testicular artery (body structure) E04832 283094004 Entire ureteral branch of testicular artery (body structure) P04832 Y P arterial system 35648FED86614612B92E6902062BCD7E 5D21B5DEA4BD4908B41DF88F390BA639 ureteral branch of testicular artery Entire ureteral branch of testicular artery (body structure) 4833 4833 04833 ovarian artery 12052000 S04833 Structure of ovarian artery (body structure) E04833 244280002 Entire ovarian artery (body structure) P04833 Y 66380 P genital system E8CDB8F81EB14F7D86D0702900A186A2 3C28CEAD64474537AEF189B7DEEB49C6 ovarian artery Entire ovarian artery (body structure) 4834 4834 04834 skin of medial area of ring finger 91405009 S04834 Skin structure of medial surface of ring finger (body structure) E04834 368300002 Entire skin of medial surface of ring finger (body structure) P04834 Y D integument/surface BF67A4EADEA04AA28930E3FCD858BF83 F7DB98E30AD34F9B8678E3C22040DEEF Skin of medial surface of ring finger Entire skin of medial surface of ring finger (body structure) 4835 4835 04835 subcutaneous tissue of palpebral margin 55318000 S04835 Subcutaneous tissue structure of palpebral margins (body structure) E04835 368782005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of palpebral margins (body structure) P04835 Y D integument/surface AAB32CC57E8446EBB4D871BFB3ADA6D7 5E3F7BF76BAA44F3A3F0A3B041C05E5A Subcutaneous tissue of palpebral margins Entire subcutaneous tissue of palpebral margins (body structure) 4836 4836 04836 ureteral branch of ovarian artery 66418008 S04836 Structure of ureteral branch of ovarian artery (body structure) E04836 283191005 Entire ureteral branch of ovarian artery (body structure) P04836 Y P arterial system 7835172DF6E745EA94218D42804F6303 891456D177944EE58E87536A8718F25D ureteral branch of ovarian artery Entire ureteral branch of ovarian artery (body structure) 4837 4837 04837 median sacral artery 47498007 S04837 Structure of median sacral artery (body structure) E04837 244282005 Entire median sacral artery (body structure) P04837 Y 66535 P cardiovascular system 3996CE4FB0B44BBDB4543421ED2F0B98 83236889739C41BFBDF0D1838308611F median sacral artery Entire median sacral artery (body structure) 4838 4838 04838 artery of limb 4146003 S04838 Structure of artery of extremity (body structure) E04838 304827007 Entire artery of extremity (body structure) P04838 Y P cardiovascular system ADE280C120C24D039726783FC7E08370 CD84D2E0AEC243E185324FE1FCA22E34 artery of extremity Entire artery of extremity (body structure) 4839 4839 04839 artery of upper limb 75531005 S04839 Structure of artery of upper extremity (body structure) E04839 244310007 Entire artery of upper extremity (body structure) P04839 Y 70798 P cardiovascular system 6CF96613AFCC47C1AE6E4254D8239774 2D46D579E8DB45208735E88C6EE74EA1 artery of upper extremity Entire artery of upper extremity (body structure) 4840 4840 04840 artery of lower limb 70791007 S04840 Structure of artery of lower extremity (body structure) E04840 244324006 Entire artery of lower extremity (body structure) P04840 Y 70814 D cardiovascular system BFC54B8313CF43B1BA1E7D10BDBE6E10 F02848E0F0CF4B0597E5EECF0AB82F3C artery of lower extremity Entire artery of lower extremity (body structure) 4841 4841 04841 axillary artery 67937003 S04841 Structure of axillary artery (body structure) E04841 181321001 Entire axillary artery (body structure) P04841 Y 78256 P skeletal system EDFB6CDE4A5343E8BF21C51880C23622 5BC476E9C8604388BD2F6BC72BFCB798 axillary artery Entire axillary artery (body structure) 4842 4842 04842 right axillary artery 368501004 S04842 Structure of right axillary artery (body structure) E04842 66949009 Entire right axillary artery (body structure) P04842 R 78260 P skeletal system 4DA5CF0EB19740B782571930D722BE60 C9AF4389090F451A835886D41E2CB033 right axillary artery Entire right axillary artery (body structure) 4843 4843 04843 left axillary artery 368502006 S04843 Structure of left axillary artery (body structure) E04843 88727008 Entire left axillary artery (body structure) P04843 L 78261 P skeletal system CC01A502355042F896689C3A7C46A590 7F1CF7AAF7A748C885428517B21BC0C5 left axillary artery Entire left axillary artery (body structure) 4844 4844 04844 superior thoracic artery 2020000 S04844 Structure of superior thoracic artery (body structure) E04844 198713000 Entire superior thoracic artery (body structure) P04844 Y 66559 P arterial system 5ADD3136FF3F437EBDA961ACD92D6416 404A385074CB4372B64DD40DC7951D5B superior thoracic artery Entire superior thoracic artery (body structure) 4845 4845 04845 thoracoacromial artery 75880008 S04845 Structure of thoracoacromial artery (body structure) E04845 244315002 Entire thoracoacromial artery (body structure) P04845 Y 66562 P arterial system 9216C81F48AF4AD8B68C0D9DF3F7B56D D80AEE92370145BE959CA9D4AC12574F thoracoacromial artery Entire thoracoacromial artery (body structure) 4846 4846 04846 subcutaneous tissue of medial canthus 85322004 S04846 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial canthus (body structure) E04846 368778008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial canthus (body structure) P04846 Y D integument/surface 2911B4FE566947CBB70B7667B7F59A05 01E1E213C1074F9983925B1D715C6463 Subcutaneous tissue of medial canthus Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial canthus (body structure) 4847 4847 04847 subscapular artery 31388007 S04847 Structure of subscapular artery (body structure) E04847 244311006 Entire subscapular artery (body structure) P04847 Y 66549 P arterial system 85A055AD24B144A9B6A6389F8B09E468 2E54BAE25C4A4A839ECA3F962B19725C subscapular artery Entire subscapular artery (body structure) 4848 4848 04848 anterior circumflex humeral artery 31348002 S04848 Structure of anterior circumflex humeral artery (body structure) E04848 368507000 Entire anterior circumflex humeral artery (body structure) P04848 Y 66568 P cardiovascular system C196095C0F154943AF325CA25C564E4D 81EDE1BA3A6245889E9F3A3D8899B258 anterior circumflex humeral artery Entire anterior circumflex humeral artery (body structure) 4849 4849 04849 posterior circumflex humeral artery 20375009 S04849 Structure of posterior circumflex humeral artery (body structure) E04849 368508005 Entire posterior circumflex humeral artery (body structure) P04849 Y 66571 P cardiovascular system 4C5202EC612543EB94D6E66D96946ECE FBA6A07F45AC47C2A67F7DD7DFDF0663 posterior circumflex humeral artery Entire posterior circumflex humeral artery (body structure) 4850 4850 04850 brachial artery 17137000 S04850 Structure of brachial artery (body structure) E04850 181322008 Entire brachial artery (body structure) P04850 Y 82597 P cardiovascular system 860C614E2EC1433B9263864BC3D977B1 AF07BDE3FA354C409C803FF4B016D32A brachial artery Entire brachial artery (body structure) 4851 4851 04851 deep brachial artery 368518000 S04851 Structure of deep brachial artery (body structure) E04851 41065002 Entire deep brachial artery (body structure) P04851 Y 66627 P arterial system 0AA1216B24764D0EB3FEE77847BD3CBC 61AACE827F334A44B81C706C57A0855E deep brachial artery Entire deep brachial artery (body structure) 4852 4852 04852 superior collateral ulnar artery 46389003 S04852 Structure of superior collateral ulnar artery (body structure) E04852 368151002 Entire superior collateral ulnar artery (body structure) P04852 Y 76384 P arterial system E6BDF80D18094B35B22C386A182F30DB 93628339C21541F4AB064BE25C14B890 superior collateral ulnar artery Entire superior collateral ulnar artery (body structure) 4853 4853 04853 inferior collateral ulnar artery 10766009 S04853 Structure of inferior collateral ulnar artery (body structure) E04853 368152009 Entire inferior collateral ulnar artery (body structure) P04853 Y 76387 P arterial system D8266D6E09B54F23A78E5E44E7850A5A BE40F4B7A2F44DCFAF87C0FB24E734ED inferior collateral ulnar artery Entire inferior collateral ulnar artery (body structure) 4854 4854 04854 ulnar artery 44984001 S04854 Structure of ulnar artery (body structure) E04854 181333006 Entire ulnar artery (body structure) P04854 Y 66622 P cardiovascular system 805EBA026E6F4A3F9654EC87CB353011 67C5F7EFEBD84B849C935FCA7860F3BA ulnar artery Entire ulnar artery (body structure) 4855 4855 04855 right ulnar artery 368505008 S04855 Structure of right ulnar artery (body structure) E04855 46267004 Entire right ulnar artery (body structure) P04855 R 66623 P cardiovascular system 0AFFB1E01B9247DB9E9902DF14FFA9B2 651920C968264BF2815B89781FC1960E right ulnar artery Entire right ulnar artery (body structure) 4856 4856 04856 left ulnar artery 368506009 S04856 Structure of left ulnar artery (body structure) E04856 8907008 Entire left ulnar artery (body structure) P04856 L 66624 P cardiovascular system 930ED80003B346AB9B5A05DCAE2BB3C1 B3080478B6D540288BE335BA9351FF4E left ulnar artery Entire left ulnar artery (body structure) 4857 4857 04857 subcutaneous tissue of lateral canthus 91298000 S04857 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral canthus (body structure) E04857 368779000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral canthus (body structure) P04857 Y D integument/surface 28E090A2FDE34198BAB7CF4AC97F46FA 7051B29FDD1E4D82ADC146090D5106D4 Subcutaneous tissue of lateral canthus Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral canthus (body structure) 4858 4858 04858 recurrent ulnar artery 80794009 S04858 Structure of recurrent ulnar artery (body structure) E04858 368153004 Entire recurrent ulnar artery (body structure) P04858 Y 77140 P arterial system A1E188FFA104470A89C50D8AAA0E194C 93357AD8C1E6458EB06BD77B249F4F3A recurrent ulnar artery Entire recurrent ulnar artery (body structure) 4859 4859 04859 anterior circumflex ulnar artery 368154005 S04859 Structure of anterior circumflex ulnar artery (body structure) E04859 71360008 Entire anterior circumflex ulnar artery (body structure) P04859 Y P arterial system 63EA4862C4FD4C748BDB87593705FF73 56676B65C3914D2E90F9AD4FD483C106 anterior circumflex ulnar artery Entire anterior circumflex ulnar artery (body structure) 4860 4860 04860 posterior circumflex ulnar artery 368155006 S04860 Structure of posterior circumflex ulnar artery (body structure) E04860 41316004 Entire posterior circumflex ulnar artery (body structure) P04860 Y 76460 P arterial system 5C8BAC6A517B4CFE96570E8DD041E829 DBB37394468E40FAA2713FD1B8706B95 posterior circumflex ulnar artery Entire posterior circumflex ulnar artery (body structure) 4861 4861 04861 deep palmar branch of ulnar artery 20545000 S04861 Structure of deep palmar branch of ulnar artery (body structure) E04861 368460004 Entire deep palmar branch of ulnar artery (body structure) P04861 Y 76503 P cardiovascular system 253C44E664E644AA87ACE65206B7D7BC 9B657FF8DD99455BAAD4D5BDB27AD6C2 deep palmar branch of ulnar artery Entire deep palmar branch of ulnar artery (body structure) 4862 4862 04862 proper volar digital artery 368469003 S04862 Structure of proper volar digital arteries (body structure) E04862 91778006 Entire proper volar digital arteries (body structure) P04862 Y P cardiovascular system E03B62C0B4B044E7BEDC6F3854A1A97A C9282A6D28874B919FEDC4A6527D3CBF proper volar digital arteries Entire proper volar digital arteries (body structure) 4863 4863 04863 anterior interosseous artery 91779003 S04863 Structure of anterior interosseous artery (body structure) E04863 244317005 Entire anterior interosseous artery (body structure) P04863 Y 76472 P arterial system 6AED382D776146658BCCBFC8719CB3E6 70FBD3436C084C1EA66F80780EC9F499 anterior interosseous artery Entire anterior interosseous artery (body structure) 4864 4864 04864 companion artery to median nerve 368519008 S04864 Structure of companion artery to median nerve (body structure) E04864 91780000 Entire companion artery to median nerve (body structure) P04864 Y 77142 P arterial system 5B17B90E714044EC80E0622752D4FCF4 7DC62CECB86A48F7A017FCDE437C59BB companion artery to median nerve Entire companion artery to median nerve (body structure) 4865 4865 04865 posterior interosseous artery 91781001 S04865 Structure of posterior interosseous artery (body structure) E04865 244318000 Entire posterior interosseous artery (body structure) P04865 Y 76475 P arterial system CC40614D529241579BDE317C1EF0DCC0 04D70F51DED54688A3C8F325CEB6D64D posterior interosseous artery Entire posterior interosseous artery (body structure) 4866 4866 04866 subcutaneous tissue of nose 68406005 S04866 Subcutaneous tissue structure of nose (body structure) E04866 368126003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of nose (body structure) P04866 - D integument/surface 794A3679D69A4CD3A9109114BAE09B52 7026AB55222444648CB77D3A15F61580 Subcutaneous tissue of nose Entire subcutaneous tissue of nose (body structure) 4867 4867 04867 recurrent interosseous artery 91782008 S04867 Structure of recurrent interosseous artery (body structure) E04867 368156007 Entire recurrent interosseous artery (body structure) P04867 Y 77144 P arterial system C785376B901D42A4BAA49161D498F4A7 0DCF03CB89554CEC87D37DED7A6FA775 recurrent interosseous artery Entire recurrent interosseous artery (body structure) 4868 4868 04868 dorsal carpal branch of ulnar artery 91783003 S04868 Structure of dorsal carpal branch of ulnar artery (body structure) E04868 368514003 Entire dorsal carpal branch of ulnar artery (body structure) P04868 Y 76492 P cardiovascular system 557505F36B7D4BC2865CA704C34CC6D2 E578013CA65A42138B88639710E528CB dorsal carpal branch of ulnar artery Entire dorsal carpal branch of ulnar artery (body structure) 4869 4869 04869 palmar carpal branch of ulnar artery 91784009 S04869 Structure of palmar carpal branch of ulnar artery (body structure) E04869 368515002 Entire palmar carpal branch of ulnar artery (body structure) P04869 Y 76484 P arterial system 26EB90DA6D7B4C0AABAD2110C4EFCDF2 5C701E4BC47D4C48AA765161ADF9F84E palmar carpal branch of ulnar artery Entire palmar carpal branch of ulnar artery (body structure) 4870 4870 04870 radial artery 45631007 S04870 Structure of radial artery (body structure) E04870 181332001 Entire radial artery (body structure) P04870 Y 66621 P cardiovascular system 4A86E2DE2B73465788F3C03296363D40 BD48E968C4DB4E8C929791DEDF055BE9 radial artery Entire radial artery (body structure) 4871 4871 04871 right radial artery 368503001 S04871 Structure of right radial artery (body structure) E04871 89971009 Entire right radial artery (body structure) P04871 R 66625 P cardiovascular system 5551698A1D0E4355A9BD7C40DD0E03D4 6EE84BF81FDA47249E40D6C0F6109A24 right radial artery Entire right radial artery (body structure) 4872 4872 04872 left radial artery 368504007 S04872 Structure of left radial artery (body structure) E04872 40966009 Entire left radial artery (body structure) P04872 L 66626 P cardiovascular system D7693DBBC7CD43EA83365E04029D68FE BEFCE822B1D34E5DB793EB23A1331B97 left radial artery Entire left radial artery (body structure) 4873 4873 04873 radial recurrent artery 35901001 S04873 Structure of radial recurrent artery (body structure) E04873 368157003 Entire radial recurrent artery (body structure) P04873 Y 66630 P arterial system 44FAA462A50145FDBDD2D73C66C8DE6D DA07EF6D1CDD46FBA9F2E1CB85B8F950 radial recurrent artery Entire radial recurrent artery (body structure) 4874 4874 04874 deep palmar arch of radial artery 10119003 S04874 Structure of deep volar arch of radial artery (body structure) E04874 285748007 Entire deep palmar arch of radial artery (body structure) P04874 Y 22838 P cardiovascular system EF430DCC2EE74AE49C66566120DEFD09 25B982AF852E47E0983E047DA89EDDA7 deep volar arch of radial artery Entire deep palmar arch of radial artery (body structure) 4875 4875 04875 volar metacarpal artery 18997002 S04875 Structure of volar metacarpal artery (body structure) E04875 244321003 Entire volar metacarpal artery (body structure) P04875 Y 22863 P cardiovascular system A7374E5AB49542CE818530A7FDECDDCF 9DE7E1DB185449E490DAC8F9BC366AA5 volar metacarpal artery Entire volar metacarpal artery (body structure) 4876 4876 04876 subcutaneous tissue of nasolabial fold 30316006 S04876 Subcutaneous tissue structure of nasolabial fold (body structure) E04876 368914009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of nasolabial fold (body structure) P04876 Y D integument/surface 3C5F9120131E405F949DDAC645ACA38F 32B5BD119D014FF28165618F12B40485 Subcutaneous tissue of nasolabial fold Entire subcutaneous tissue of nasolabial fold (body structure) 4877 4877 04877 perforating branch of palmar metacarpal artery 91785005 S04877 Structure of perforating branch of palmar metacarpal arteries (body structure) E04877 368465009 Entire perforating branch of palmar metacarpal arteries (body structure) P04877 Y P cardiovascular system 07B548A9B95048CEA96D8123C17F766D 47628A7A54E8437CA5D923BA8C707528 perforating branch of palmar metacarpal arteries Entire perforating branch of palmar metacarpal arteries (body structure) 4878 4878 04878 pollicis artery 6551000 S04878 Structure of pollicis artery (body structure) E04878 244322005 Entire pollicis artery (body structure) P04878 Y 76427 P arterial system 077BE4B8949D46FDA173F4F86C6BD02F ACC035F57B1B43469EEF9D699521FF39 pollicis artery Entire pollicis artery (body structure) 4879 4879 04879 carpal palmar branch of radial artery 38110006 S04879 Structure of carpal palmar branch of radial artery (body structure) E04879 368516001 Entire carpal palmar branch of radial artery (body structure) P04879 Y 76415 P arterial system 0659D33FD81540AE8233F75825E07E5E 8136D53772AF4327A241B3B9E9963017 carpal palmar branch of radial artery Entire carpal palmar branch of radial artery (body structure) 4880 4880 04880 carpal dorsal branch of radial artery 87600000 S04880 Structure of carpal dorsal branch of radial artery (body structure) E04880 368517005 Entire carpal dorsal branch of radial artery (body structure) P04880 Y 76421 P cardiovascular system D4FA856B967F41B58ACD49870A26BFBE 4841DE2CA85F42D4A8B002B060A3AB1F carpal dorsal branch of radial artery Entire carpal dorsal branch of radial artery (body structure) 4881 4881 04881 arterial rete of dorsal wrist 91786006 S04881 Structure of arterial rete of dorsal wrist (body structure) E04881 368262005 Entire arterial rete of dorsal wrist (body structure) P04881 Y P arterial system 87E76A185A1E46C282C05345D078E0CF 6C2F0B59C23742C6B5F7C12103B5D4D3 arterial rete of dorsal wrist Entire arterial rete of dorsal wrist (body structure) 4882 4882 04882 common palmar digital artery 368470002 S04882 Structure of common palmar digital artery (body structure) E04882 38396009 Entire common palmar digital artery (body structure) P04882 Y 22852 P cardiovascular system F42EE28122C540B3A6E118488C542ED7 3CCA0792CFBB4F73929176B53E614E43 common palmar digital artery Entire common palmar digital artery (body structure) 4883 4883 04883 common digital artery of the second web space 368471003 S04883 Structure of common digital artery of the second web space (body structure) E04883 91801007 Entire common digital artery of the second web space (body structure) P04883 Y P cardiovascular system 3101FF00222544EAB26135782F53E8CA 9644BB58F8894532B71971E33CB5D457 common digital artery of the second web space Entire common digital artery of the second web space (body structure) 4884 4884 04884 common digital artery of the third web space 368472005 S04884 Structure of common digital artery of the third web space (body structure) E04884 91802000 Entire common digital artery of the third web space (body structure) P04884 Y P cardiovascular system 623F45A7402049269F096064891B0E29 E7A84A67D68A434AA234CBE25C1800D3 common digital artery of the third web space Entire common digital artery of the third web space (body structure) 4885 4885 04885 common digital artery of the fourth web space 368473000 S04885 Structure of common digital artery of the fourth web space (body structure) E04885 91803005 Entire common digital artery of the fourth web space (body structure) P04885 Y P cardiovascular system 74A56858906E4C13A1D332D3AA259600 33BA29E8577A43FFA6D32791C0F9E858 common digital artery of the fourth web space Entire common digital artery of the fourth web space (body structure) 4886 4886 04886 dorsal metacarpal artery 91787002 S04886 Structure of dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) E04886 244320002 Entire dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) P04886 Y 70800 P cardiovascular system E89A4939F1DD4E2396B0F6DC2A540007 E8839D4C00D5464294FF77243D2F6BEA dorsal metacarpal artery Entire dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) 4887 4887 04887 subcutaneous tissue of ala nasi 74319002 S04887 Subcutaneous tissue structure of ala nasi (body structure) E04887 368119003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of ala nasi (body structure) P04887 Y D integument/surface 0C2C24A10C0F4F97BE2B2DD9AB084573 A6F1FF71CA2247AD925AB45A5D167F86 Subcutaneous tissue of ala nasi Entire subcutaneous tissue of ala nasi (body structure) 4888 4888 04888 dorsal digital artery of hand 368474006 S04888 Structure of dorsal digital artery of hand (body structure) E04888 91793005 Entire dorsal digital artery of hand (body structure) P04888 Y 70801 P cardiovascular system 88FF21CC554B4EA49ECC702B5B2BDB75 430E8C8C4B4B48D89269D0A579862D76 dorsal digital artery of hand Entire dorsal digital artery of hand (body structure) 4889 4889 04889 dorsalis pollicis artery 368475007 S04889 Structure of dorsales pollicis arteries (body structure) E04889 91794004 Entire dorsales pollicis arteries (body structure) P04889 Y P cardiovascular system A0A228C11F0A4F18B5864F47A9747D79 5C853B719E7C4130AF56288198157AD6 dorsales pollicis arteries Entire dorsales pollicis arteries (body structure) 4890 4890 04890 dorsalis indicis artery 368476008 S04890 Structure of dorsalis indicis artery (body structure) E04890 91795003 Entire dorsalis indicis artery (body structure) P04890 Y P cardiovascular system D5DD95A3627C4AE882E1575E6F9E4041 4BECC53BDFAE4B7398B51375228F3B5E dorsalis indicis artery Entire dorsalis indicis artery (body structure) 4891 4891 04891 ramus of the superficial volar arch 91796002 S04891 Structure of ramus of the superficial volar arch (body structure) E04891 368459009 Entire ramus of the superficial volar arch (body structure) P04891 Y P cardiovascular system D8E04A99FD764DCEB4FC48D7CFC26825 CF84504DF35E4D519FEC516472ED6FCF ramus of the superficial volar arch Entire ramus of the superficial volar arch (body structure) 4892 4892 04892 radialis indicis artery 91797006 S04892 Structure of radialis indicis artery (body structure) E04892 244323000 Entire radialis indicis artery (body structure) P04892 Y 76430 P arterial system B9FB4D7FDC124ABCA42F19E78A25FBA0 676E177D489841D98ABFDB248C56B141 radialis indicis artery Entire radialis indicis artery (body structure) 4893 4893 04893 femoral artery 7657000 S04893 Structure of femoral artery (body structure) E04893 244332003 Entire femoral artery (body structure) P04893 Y 20730 P arterial system B937C2492FE44074AB4E8B89A3EF58D8 05B064093FE3444BADFC741AFB67200D femoral artery Entire femoral artery (body structure) 4894 4894 04894 right femoral artery 69833005 S04894 Structure of right femoral artery (body structure) E04894 302374009 Entire right femoral artery (body structure) P04894 R 20731 P cardiovascular system FE661A264D804ED5860C159A373896F0 C02F97E9FC3846A09FB148A42C41EDF2 right femoral artery Entire right femoral artery (body structure) 4895 4895 04895 left femoral artery 113270003 S04895 Structure of left femoral artery (body structure) E04895 302531007 Entire left femoral artery (body structure) P04895 L 20732 P cardiovascular system 923F76D6B0BD401098D5DDB0EEFCF7B3 BF708F4860D94FD7AAEB0FC96613F759 left femoral artery Entire left femoral artery (body structure) 4896 4896 04896 external pudendal artery 51463007 S04896 Structure of external pudendal artery (body structure) E04896 244308005 Entire external pudendal artery (body structure) P04896 Y P arterial system E9786A304C1F498CAB2554DD7965F735 3AD92EC7CFE040FE923818A1BCC5C2DB external pudendal artery Entire external pudendal artery (body structure) 4897 4897 04897 anterior scrotal branch of external pudendal artery 18297008 S04897 Structure of anterior scrotal branch of external pudendal artery (body structure) E04897 293439002 Entire anterior scrotal branch of external pudendal artery (body structure) P04897 Y P arterial system 0AEA9A6D33E64632B1F55BA597F40964 BD4F0A98DCF54BE291461332101E8739 anterior scrotal branch of external pudendal artery Entire anterior scrotal branch of external pudendal artery (body structure) 4898 4898 04898 subcutaneous tissue of tip of nose 54243003 S04898 Subcutaneous tissue structure of tip of nose (body structure) E04898 368115009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of tip of nose (body structure) P04898 - D integument/surface 9DA004C13041406386ACD99FC939A04E F7167E1A267C48FEB5C1066074DF1C5C Subcutaneous tissue of tip of nose Entire subcutaneous tissue of tip of nose (body structure) 4899 4899 04899 anterior labial branch of external pudendal artery 79379009 S04899 Structure of anterior labial branch of external pudendal artery (body structure) E04899 293642003 Entire anterior labial branch of external pudendal artery (body structure) P04899 Y P arterial system 09E7773330394F95A797BB3D370B2AF8 BB58F5004B2F4681AF1E92C73958D8E6 anterior labial branch of external pudendal artery Entire anterior labial branch of external pudendal artery (body structure) 4900 4900 04900 inguinal branch of external pudendal artery 65212004 S04900 Structure of inguinal branch of external pudendal artery (body structure) E04900 368081008 Entire inguinal branch of external pudendal artery (body structure) P04900 Y P arterial system D91F68ADBE154597BB3B45371FB8F54F 9C6FA894AE6645D08522A17174E02E33 inguinal branch of external pudendal artery Entire inguinal branch of external pudendal artery (body structure) 4901 4901 04901 superficial external pudendal artery 293744005 S04901 Structure of superficial external pudendal artery (body structure) E04901 47954000 Entire superficial external pudendal artery (body structure) P04901 Y 69409 P arterial system 5BB9178AAF4B4F46AC160BB232DE26CE F81034FFA94D495EB643B40152CE54ED superficial external pudendal artery Entire superficial external pudendal artery (body structure) 4902 4902 04902 deep external pudendal artery 293846002 S04902 Structure of deep external pudendal artery (body structure) E04902 31708008 Entire deep external pudendal artery (body structure) P04902 Y 69412 P arterial system 03C80E1A24384BBE8BF3C24E90740635 7F427DB5317447F7B30FAACE87F1666A deep external pudendal artery Entire deep external pudendal artery (body structure) 4903 4903 04903 profunda femoris artery 31677005 S04903 Structure of profunda femoris artery (body structure) E04903 181348000 Entire profunda femoris artery (body structure) P04903 Y 69395 P arterial system E77C2F6C8E274FA39365685F3EB55E7B 928879AB615C44C3AF6ACA1A12CA9596 profunda femoris artery Entire profunda femoris artery (body structure) 4904 4904 04904 medial circumflex femoral artery 13792001 S04904 Structure of medial circumflex femoral artery (body structure) E04904 244326008 Entire medial circumflex femoral artery (body structure) P04904 Y 77323 P arterial system 3BF68F1612BD4972A6756C74619BB587 BA3718102B9C4AC9A7A4AE88518797FD medial circumflex femoral artery Entire medial circumflex femoral artery (body structure) 4905 4905 04905 lateral circumflex femoral artery 11208004 S04905 Structure of lateral circumflex femoral artery (body structure) E04905 244325007 Entire lateral circumflex femoral artery (body structure) P04905 Y 77307 P arterial system 5F7CEECEF3CC45CD915148D36D77FE1C 9ED96EB3B578477482DBF26D3C8B6C8D lateral circumflex femoral artery Entire lateral circumflex femoral artery (body structure) 4906 4906 04906 perforating artery of femur 62015002 S04906 Structure of perforating artery of femur (body structure) E04906 302720001 Entire perforating artery of femur (body structure) P04906 Y P arterial system 7DBDBAE89E6C447289EF0C2433A18F3F 93648B12EBCB42358CCD6F445BA11DBB perforating artery of femur Entire perforating artery of femur (body structure) 4907 4907 04907 inguinal artery 83783006 S04907 Structure of inguinal artery (body structure) E04907 368082001 Entire inguinal artery (body structure) P04907 Y P genitourinary system 55E5CB1976DC4532A6144242D3E5C1FC 87990AC463D549488FC519D1B5444AA8 inguinal artery Entire inguinal artery (body structure) 4908 4908 04908 superficial epigastric artery 2848001 S04908 Structure of superficial epigastric artery (body structure) E04908 368079006 Entire superficial epigastric artery (body structure) P04908 Y 69403 P arterial system 0F5436A9815A42A8BC4837282FFC058B C34689B5B8E44C5D9F4E2CC3505D5E9C superficial epigastric artery Entire superficial epigastric artery (body structure) 4909 4909 04909 subcutaneous tissue of bridge of nose 91102003 S04909 Subcutaneous tissue structure of bridge of nose (body structure) E04909 368125004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of bridge of nose (body structure) P04909 - D integument/surface B74D83CA618548ABB37C7E944727D925 DCD4CE7F2FA5461EAD2C89D4229D9752 Subcutaneous tissue of bridge of nose Entire subcutaneous tissue of bridge of nose (body structure) 4910 4910 04910 descending genicular artery 302724005 S04910 Structure of descending genicular artery (body structure) E04910 16767009 Entire descending genicular artery (body structure) P04910 Y 22506 P arterial system 2EA0B73A65F245CA80E3700ADB8D40B8 6C86B6AEBC884B56928504CCF2A81161 descending genicular artery Entire descending genicular artery (body structure) 4911 4911 04911 popliteal artery 43899006 S04911 Structure of popliteal artery (body structure) E04911 181350008 Entire popliteal artery (body structure) P04911 Y 22528 P arterial system 5DF5059AFD08429A9020231BC989EE10 0EFC09E4781D48F18915E36852F09152 popliteal artery Entire popliteal artery (body structure) 4912 4912 04912 right popliteal artery 57832007 S04912 Structure of right popliteal artery (body structure) E04912 302451009 Entire right popliteal artery (body structure) P04912 R 22529 P arterial system F007B200FA374C2EA820296CBFE0919A 270FF4FCD6964F2A813ECA51F7DDC059 right popliteal artery Entire right popliteal artery (body structure) 4913 4913 04913 sural artery 30121003 S04913 Structure of sural artery (body structure) E04913 302693002 Entire sural artery (body structure) P04913 Y 66536 P cardiovascular system 0F0ED19ABDF64E018C6D2B2E01A23D90 F518243CF5E1498889A8AA0BCED4FE33 sural artery Entire sural artery (body structure) 4914 4914 04914 superior genicular artery 302731009 S04914 Structure of superior genicular artery (body structure) E04914 43438008 Entire superior genicular artery (body structure) P04914 Y 69419 P arterial system 23089BA1C31942E8B85283B67E7FCB14 A34172389D264F909844144554CE788F superior genicular artery Entire superior genicular artery (body structure) 4915 4915 04915 superior lateral genicular artery 32929005 S04915 Structure of superior lateral genicular artery (body structure) E04915 212115001 Entire superior lateral genicular artery (body structure) P04915 Y 22585 P arterial system 9750BD30B09F49D7A087479A7BB3A7DC C323E32775584155A29BDCB13C36B71B superior lateral genicular artery Entire superior lateral genicular artery (body structure) 4916 4916 04916 superior medial genicular artery 19513004 S04916 Structure of superior medial genicular artery (body structure) E04916 212204002 Entire superior medial genicular artery (body structure) P04916 Y 22584 P arterial system 9EA4AFE5595C4750A1505C29B2717ADE 9D96004AC6BA4605A4B0BC92A672E31E superior medial genicular artery Entire superior medial genicular artery (body structure) 4917 4917 04917 middle genicular artery 64322004 S04917 Structure of middle genicular artery (body structure) E04917 212292009 Entire middle genicular artery (body structure) P04917 Y 69426 P arterial system 80376DE88F7D4A729806743A3AE2FA21 CD101AA9A5314C7B89538542141CF666 middle genicular artery Entire middle genicular artery (body structure) 4918 4918 04918 inferior genicular artery 22319001 S04918 Structure of inferior genicular artery (body structure) E04918 212389007 Entire inferior genicular artery (body structure) P04918 Y 69429 P arterial system 2D2AEE668ACD48F89F60F90393299B25 0DF99795F81C4C168E895F2D9D2EC6A9 inferior genicular artery Entire inferior genicular artery (body structure) 4919 4919 04919 subcutaneous tissue of lower margin of nasal septum 9662007 S04919 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lower margin of nasal septum (body structure) E04919 368127007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower margin of nasal septum (body structure) P04919 - D integument/surface 44A52323225F45F5BF7D19F7BBB0BE5A 557D5DF15A4C487EA86850C292FD7A41 Subcutaneous tissue of lower margin of nasal septum Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower margin of nasal septum (body structure) 4920 4920 04920 inferior lateral genicular artery 212493002 S04920 Structure of inferior lateral genicular artery (body structure) E04920 14723009 Entire inferior lateral genicular artery (body structure) P04920 Y 43888 P arterial system 039D045F92944F28975195FEA6AC6B19 D152E95CF85E4A04965ADDFA9B3B275F inferior lateral genicular artery Entire inferior lateral genicular artery (body structure) 4921 4921 04921 inferior medial genicular artery 212536005 S04921 Structure of inferior medial genicular artery (body structure) E04921 50231005 Entire inferior medial genicular artery (body structure) P04921 Y 43889 P arterial system 92FDD31AD5A24487B59F841A5F3302BD 193A91AA6DBB49AC907C2A1A7D865767 inferior medial genicular artery Entire inferior medial genicular artery (body structure) 4922 4922 04922 arterial network of patella 42155008 S04922 Structure of arterial network of patella (body structure) E04922 212631005 Entire arterial network of patella (body structure) P04922 Y P arterial system 751F89CCB6CE4E17B62DE09C53D171AE 9647E93772E94CFC9E2F60CF72463488 arterial network of patella Entire arterial network of patella (body structure) 4923 4923 04923 posterior tibial artery 13363002 S04923 Structure of posterior tibial artery (body structure) E04923 181358001 Entire posterior tibial artery (body structure) P04923 Y 66421 P arterial system D9D0701E0CE64789951F8E1E783E34CD 60F62D67E13341E4ADBB7E1AF281E116 posterior tibial artery Entire posterior tibial artery (body structure) 4924 4924 04924 right posterior tibial artery 214811007 S04924 Structure of right posterior tibial artery (body structure) E04924 86455004 Entire right posterior tibial artery (body structure) P04924 R 66426 P arterial system D1DF22BA39BC437B9567DEF70501B48C DCC2B7866C9D42EC9186F5150E0E006E right posterior tibial artery Entire right posterior tibial artery (body structure) 4925 4925 04925 left posterior tibial artery 214912001 S04925 Structure of left posterior tibial artery (body structure) E04925 86681005 Entire left posterior tibial artery (body structure) P04925 L 66427 P arterial system 82D24716C9D743F79592C252A4C1079E 39CED1AFD6A34BA8B2A27B31D5FCC833 left posterior tibial artery Entire left posterior tibial artery (body structure) 4926 4926 04926 peroneal artery 8821006 S04926 Structure of peroneal artery (body structure) E04926 181359009 Entire peroneal artery (body structure) P04926 Y 66539 P arterial system 85146B349AC3407888AE73607398EDAD 15B82A41A54E4AB190349E154F11183D peroneal artery Entire peroneal artery (body structure) 4927 4927 04927 fibular nutrient artery 28221001 S04927 Structure of fibular nutrient artery (body structure) E04927 302704006 Entire fibular nutrient artery (body structure) P04927 Y 44036 P cardiovascular system B00FAD0E0EA34B388A8E12199043B438 399B9BFFF15F46E5857921F34FBE3D06 fibular nutrient artery Entire fibular nutrient artery (body structure) 4928 4928 04928 lateral plantar artery 44830000 S04928 Structure of lateral plantar artery (body structure) E04928 181361000 Entire lateral plantar artery (body structure) P04928 Y 69565 P arterial system 26F1E52D23874AA09B0CD014D47D7756 8032BF74EEA14187B28AA7FB5C0BA8FD lateral plantar artery Entire lateral plantar artery (body structure) 4929 4929 04929 subcutaneous tissue of lip 68889007 S04929 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lip (body structure) E04929 368687008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lip (body structure) P04929 - D integument/surface 1590A842BFCB4E6A9865EAAEA130F3B7 1083685797CF4DF887F00B1DB457AE4F Subcutaneous tissue of lip Entire subcutaneous tissue of lip (body structure) 4930 4930 04930 medial plantar artery 74156002 S04930 Structure of medial plantar artery (body structure) E04930 181360004 Entire medial plantar artery (body structure) P04930 Y 69755 P arterial system 12BEE63F8D34445A9E5CCE9329B55284 458FE5256B5B4DA4AED9EFF6E8C45747 medial plantar artery Entire medial plantar artery (body structure) 4931 4931 04931 plantar metatarsal artery 67456002 S04931 Structure of plantar metatarsal artery (body structure) E04931 244343006 Entire plantar metatarsal artery (body structure) P04931 Y 69715 P arterial system 83FCA41C7D7947BBB0439FBD0ECBB4FE ACBD4D0BE40B48BBA7C2B566C019C83E plantar metatarsal artery Entire plantar metatarsal artery (body structure) 4932 4932 04932 plantar digital artery 30000000 S04932 Structure of plantar digital artery (body structure) E04932 230727008 Entire plantar digital artery (body structure) P04932 Y 69682 P cardiovascular system A88B8E129F844F83B622EDE1531512B8 ED464B4C7180494DB39E30563FC59C19 plantar digital artery Entire plantar digital artery (body structure) 4933 4933 04933 anterior tibial artery 68053000 S04933 Structure of anterior tibial artery (body structure) E04933 181357006 Entire anterior tibial artery (body structure) P04933 Y 66420 P arterial system 6562331B8FD24D9195CF4E67C0D2E625 CACE2937502D4C05BDA59582CD2947A1 anterior tibial artery Entire anterior tibial artery (body structure) 4934 4934 04934 right anterior tibial artery 215013000 S04934 Structure of right anterior tibial artery (body structure) E04934 83648003 Entire right anterior tibial artery (body structure) P04934 R 66424 P arterial system CEAC394F019543E69871C0FA5D3C13B7 A1FB4FC2C6B64F58B67169F2C352F9F1 right anterior tibial artery Entire right anterior tibial artery (body structure) 4935 4935 04935 left anterior tibial artery 215116005 S04935 Structure of left anterior tibial artery (body structure) E04935 113271004 Entire left anterior tibial artery (body structure) P04935 L 66425 P arterial system B31548122E2F4BD188D7589BAFFBDB3F 0CB925753F56468690DEC836917AB81B left anterior tibial artery Entire left anterior tibial artery (body structure) 4936 4936 04936 anterior malleolar artery 56030005 S04936 Structure of anterior malleolar artery (body structure) E04936 243227008 Entire anterior malleolar artery (body structure) P04936 Y P cardiovascular system F22FA70566EC45D0BE60005E9E7CB70D 6A2DF96B0A1E45CDBF3791910B27317D anterior malleolar artery Entire anterior malleolar artery (body structure) 4937 4937 04937 anterior lateral malleolar artery 48712007 S04937 Structure of anterior lateral malleolar artery (body structure) E04937 241875001 Entire anterior lateral malleolar artery (body structure) P04937 Y 69746 P arterial system 186481A59D5A4FF4BB32B55949B3ED49 2145A391C43B42519DEEDB9D3630E90B anterior lateral malleolar artery Entire anterior lateral malleolar artery (body structure) 4938 4938 04938 medial anterior malleolar artery 17500001 S04938 Structure of medial anterior malleolar artery (body structure) E04938 241972002 Entire medial anterior malleolar artery (body structure) P04938 Y 69743 P arterial system F60A06054E8A435194BD21E98260C4DB 053BCFEE4A9E45E595DB9C216B55625D medial anterior malleolar artery Entire medial anterior malleolar artery (body structure) 4939 4939 04939 skin of area between ring and little fingers 71664008 S04939 Structure of skin between fourth and fifth fingers (body structure) E04939 368401002 Entire skin between fourth and fifth fingers (body structure) P04939 Y P integumentary system C3998FAED16B4D7391E9583C25C9E809 66AEC457885542D7A034EFCADEB3F1C3 skin between fourth and fifth fingers Entire skin between fourth and fifth fingers (body structure) 4940 4940 04940 subcutaneous tissue of upper lip 52780009 S04940 Subcutaneous tissue structure of upper lip (body structure) E04940 368688003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of upper lip (body structure) P04940 - D integument/surface 72405D3AAE304D01BFF48380A99783CF 0E55978F1A434FF6A99FBD348FCC1C82 Subcutaneous tissue of upper lip Entire subcutaneous tissue of upper lip (body structure) 4941 4941 04941 anterior tibial recurrent artery 59830005 S04941 Structure of anterior recurrent tibial artery (body structure) E04941 212577009 Entire anterior recurrent tibial artery (body structure) P04941 Y 69749 P arterial system 98138D122EEF4FEA98B55C760E160C44 050013F2AA5A42CAB6F5477A19AB8181 anterior recurrent tibial artery Entire anterior recurrent tibial artery (body structure) 4942 4942 04942 posterior tibial recurrent artery 52320005 S04942 Structure of posterior recurrent tibial artery (body structure) E04942 302711005 Entire posterior recurrent tibial artery (body structure) P04942 Y 69740 P arterial system C8803C539EDE469C877E397258B02D14 88B2422EAF4947B5BC299E98E466C23F posterior recurrent tibial artery Entire posterior recurrent tibial artery (body structure) 4943 4943 04943 dorsalis pedis artery 86547008 S04943 Structure of dorsalis pedis artery (body structure) E04943 181362007 Entire dorsalis pedis artery (body structure) P04943 Y 268703 P arterial system DDD63E832D6241188D8DA8739ED30516 E2356DAD22434DD087449E24B7B9AF2C dorsalis pedis artery Entire dorsalis pedis artery (body structure) 4944 4944 04944 tarsal artery 60561004 S04944 Structure of tarsal artery (body structure) E04944 230817006 Entire tarsal artery (body structure) P04944 Y P arterial system F5B928AEA8F84F2C9AB08BAD5D8A30F9 371DF1B9FEB947A2B29672C2CD820149 tarsal artery Entire tarsal artery (body structure) 4945 4945 04945 lateral tarsal artery 230909004 S04945 Structure of lateral tarsal artery (body structure) E04945 42865004 Entire lateral tarsal artery (body structure) P04945 Y 69539 P arterial system 4487ECB5EFF8434186BC2CD482857E03 BF00985A07A94E2CAC57D18CDD68C526 lateral tarsal artery Entire lateral tarsal artery (body structure) 4946 4946 04946 medial tarsal artery 231004001 S04946 Structure of medial tarsal artery (body structure) E04946 67925000 Entire medial tarsal artery (body structure) P04946 Y 69536 P arterial system D441AAB704DD4872BE4B32FC59E1672F EC58EB3EBDEE4A3ABDEE85AFE533CD13 medial tarsal artery Entire medial tarsal artery (body structure) 4947 4947 04947 deep plantar branch of arcuate artery 16302004 S04947 Structure of deep plantar branch of arcuate artery (body structure) E04947 281135008 Entire deep plantar branch of arcuate artery (body structure) P04947 Y 69513 P cardiovascular system 6E773BC20B35486490AB839D35064CAB 14CA47B3116E40EFA01792A365E6297F deep plantar branch of arcuate artery Entire deep plantar branch of arcuate artery (body structure) 4948 4948 04948 subcutaneous tissue of lower lip 79275001 S04948 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lower lip (body structure) E04948 368690002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower lip (body structure) P04948 - D integument/surface BAB068D1FDD94314B6AFAEEAD3821AE0 7BFC20DD797F4EFF8EFA48F156EB3E7A Subcutaneous tissue of lower lip Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower lip (body structure) 4949 4949 04949 dorsal metatarsal artery 3541007 S04949 Structure of dorsal metatarsal artery (body structure) E04949 244342001 Entire dorsal metatarsal artery (body structure) P04949 Y 69716 P arterial system B9D6F7110A1C484A9B068166539CC63E A82983DD9143497AA09305F45A30F0F5 dorsal metatarsal artery Entire dorsal metatarsal artery (body structure) 4950 4950 04950 dorsal digital artery of foot 49256001 S04950 Structure of dorsal digital artery of foot (body structure) E04950 230173000 Entire dorsal digital artery of foot (body structure) P04950 Y 44660 P arterial system BF26027BD09C487EB466641002BDE617 C004D3AE98E84009A2D3908921652677 dorsal digital artery of foot Entire dorsal digital artery of foot (body structure) 4951 4951 04951 central vein of the retina 62869001 S04951 Structure of central vein of the retina (body structure) E04951 280927000 Entire central vein of the retina (body structure) P04951 Y 51799 P venous system D435913C0B8445418B87D830761564E5 9F6B91CD526F43719580C040DF2A80F5 central vein of the retina Entire central vein of the retina (body structure) 4952 4952 04952 cardiac vein 85439003 S04952 Structure of cardiac vein (body structure) E04952 277726009 Entire cardiac vein (body structure) P04952 - 12846 P cardiovascular system B2D3E9E0353E448CBC41AD2EE84DDD66 C52735CEF25C46A29BD866BC1A5DA36B cardiac vein Entire cardiac vein (body structure) 4953 4953 04953 coronary sinus ostium 71271007 S04953 Structure of coronary sinus ostium (body structure) E04953 312542008 Entire coronary sinus ostium (body structure) P04953 Y 9241 P cardiovascular system EEDD8BAD11CC449F944E0ABD1C60402E 45774486E27C4BEA9AB1A3D73B63CBFD coronary sinus ostium Entire coronary sinus ostium (body structure) 4954 4954 04954 ampullary portion of great cardiac vein 47001001 S04954 Structure of ampullary portion of great cardiac vein (body structure) E04954 194904001 Entire ampullary portion of great cardiac vein (body structure) P04954 - P cardiovascular system E33056CE8C0B4E5ABC5F3FD252896251 6B9F81A4F71B40ADBBB11729C067AB8C ampullary portion of great cardiac vein Entire ampullary portion of great cardiac vein (body structure) 4955 4955 04955 valve of coronary sinus 48955001 S04955 Structure of valve of coronary sinus (body structure) E04955 277723001 Entire valve of coronary sinus (body structure) P04955 - 9242 P cardiovascular system FD281A3DD5A444B9B7CD03F5EB51646A A7261D5E4E6347B3B80B7AA89FEF11A0 valve of coronary sinus Entire valve of coronary sinus (body structure) Vestigial cardiac valve which is continuous with the valve of the inferior vena cava. 4956 4956 04956 middle cardiac vein 73580002 S04956 Structure of middle cardiac vein (body structure) E04956 277729002 Entire middle cardiac vein (body structure) P04956 - 4713 P cardiovascular system 1B78F2C47DB8411AA7594191632A123D DB2BAB8A8E0E45DE9844B9DEF91895F2 middle cardiac vein Entire middle cardiac vein (body structure) 4957 4957 04957 subcutaneous tissue of philtrum 608002 S04957 Subcutaneous tissue structure of philtrum (body structure) E04957 368689006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of philtrum (body structure) P04957 - D integument/surface 6132751854C94F1A8241137A868ACF7B B3BFE3DDBF9444AC921035B4A5A66533 Subcutaneous tissue of philtrum Entire subcutaneous tissue of philtrum (body structure) 4958 4958 04958 small cardiac vein 49082002 S04958 Structure of small cardiac vein (body structure) E04958 277730007 Entire small cardiac vein (body structure) P04958 - 4714 P cardiovascular system F97FE1228BAA423396AD7CA919F6E0A1 C337C3A288434A2C951510689E88B691 small cardiac vein Entire small cardiac vein (body structure) 4959 4959 04959 anterior cardiac vein 194996006 S04959 Structure of anterior cardiac vein (body structure) E04959 43967001 Entire anterior cardiac vein (body structure) P04959 - 76767 P cardiovascular system 342CDCC53F5147E187CEFD256865EE23 D9D6839830A748DCA127E8D78D461E62 anterior cardiac vein Entire anterior cardiac vein (body structure) 4960 4960 04960 smallest cardiac vein 195073003 S04960 Structure of smallest cardiac vein (body structure) E04960 75159000 Entire smallest cardiac vein (body structure) P04960 - 223888 P cardiovascular system AD90CF002DA64F1B994839B7AAA028A7 D13869E88BBE499EAABFA8EAD0BFCDE9 smallest cardiac vein Entire smallest cardiac vein (body structure) 4961 4961 04961 posterior vein of left ventricle 195416006 S04961 Structure of posterior vein of left ventricle (body structure) E04961 60477001 Entire posterior vein of left ventricle (body structure) P04961 - 4712 L P cardiovascular system 7DA44259CD89412A9076B3731B46C002 138398A3DE9D443CAE6FA022A9F6D1A8 posterior vein of left ventricle Entire posterior vein of left ventricle (body structure) 4962 4962 04962 oblique vein of left atrium 195253002 S04962 Structure of oblique vein of left atrium (body structure) E04962 13686003 Entire oblique vein of left atrium (body structure) P04962 - 4715 L P cardiovascular system C12C849E07F14D879D9084AAE8C0AD6D 5D54060F2A8947D389A6733C58E36281 oblique vein of left atrium Entire oblique vein of left atrium (body structure) 4963 4963 04963 atrial vein 195164009 S04963 Structure of atrial vein (body structure) E04963 71556009 Entire atrial vein (body structure) P04963 - P cardiovascular system B5C37A528ACA4B94944B50E87BBE693F B54B576DE7184F6B91AC7FB791D87010 atrial vein Entire atrial vein (body structure) 4964 4964 04964 ventricular vein 195328002 S04964 Structure of ventricular vein (body structure) E04964 33916001 Entire ventricular vein (body structure) P04964 - P cardiovascular system AC6E1E1B04D0483A9F2E6E923C759051 ED5695362B87400EA7651BA4738127A6 ventricular vein Entire ventricular vein (body structure) 4965 4965 04965 atrioventricular vein 195496005 S04965 Structure of atrioventricular vein (body structure) E04965 39075003 Entire atrioventricular vein (body structure) P04965 - P cardiovascular system F1A09907A91A44E39D20176D1C3A6EDC 66CAC220C876415ABA8087D10391EBCF atrioventricular vein Entire atrioventricular vein (body structure) 4966 4966 04966 hepatic vein 8993003 S04966 Structure of hepatic vein (body structure) E04966 278191001 Entire hepatic vein (body structure) P04966 - 14337 P digestive system C05F1DBBD285437B8E429290053D6BF9 61362E1C5E384738AD72E82502BB6309 hepatic vein Entire hepatic vein (body structure) 4967 4967 04967 right hepatic vein 272998002 S04967 Structure of right hepatic vein (body structure) E04967 18135006 Entire right hepatic vein (body structure) P04967 - 14338 R P digestive system AD454078A56F4EF3B394104FB1EFBF6B 6CE206D2DCE24A2C962F386845B63B5E right hepatic vein Entire right hepatic vein (body structure) 4968 4968 04968 subcutaneous tissue of vermilion border 30152002 S04968 Subcutaneous tissue structure of vermilion border (body structure) E04968 368691003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of vermilion border (body structure) P04968 - D integument/surface 71EC760AA564407EBA17501B77829BC3 27A8CF1DF8BA48EA901932FC0C1F5C9D Subcutaneous tissue of vermilion border Entire subcutaneous tissue of vermilion border (body structure) 4969 4969 04969 lingual papillae 69070000 S04969 Structure of lingual papillae (body structure) E04969 368728006 Entire lingual papillae (body structure) P04969 - 54819 P digestive system AF378669B62C44C8A069A71850411D8E E9EFA6C8DDBD450E8FC6B088BC56CDD2 lingual papillae Entire lingual papillae (body structure) 4970 4970 04970 vallate papillae of tongue 368729003 S04970 Structure of vallate papillae of tongue (body structure) E04970 69517000 Entire vallate papillae of tongue (body structure) P04970 - 54822 P digestive system 201C7BEEB6CE4E96990404F3A12738E0 3F31DB83203140E6997E9EE47049F684 vallate papillae of tongue Entire vallate papillae of tongue (body structure) 4971 4971 04971 filiform papillae of tongue 368730008 S04971 Structure of filiform papillae of tongue (body structure) E04971 58743008 Entire filiform papillae of tongue (body structure) P04971 - 54820 P digestive system 352AB85400C943498C43F1EE0BCCAB40 07A967F5FB4C49849E73849DE0CE8113 filiform papillae of tongue Entire filiform papillae of tongue (body structure) 4972 4972 04972 conical papillae of tongue 368731007 S04972 Structure of conical papillae of tongue (body structure) E04972 44965004 Entire conical papillae of tongue (body structure) P04972 - P digestive system 27A283D1272E4CC38EA5411542B898E0 748F3D4BC5C34162A6EA1D3DCFA69BC4 conical papillae of tongue Entire conical papillae of tongue (body structure) 4973 4973 04973 fungiform papillae of tongue 368732000 S04973 Structure of fungiform papillae of tongue (body structure) E04973 80673002 Entire fungiform papillae of tongue (body structure) P04973 - 54821 P digestive system 65028980B2B44CCAABCE3976CA4C2C30 66617AF3719143A89C0D4CB911222323 fungiform papillae of tongue Entire fungiform papillae of tongue (body structure) 4974 4974 04974 sulcus of foliate papillae 45435008 S04974 Structure of sulcus of foliate papillae (body structure) E04974 368733005 Entire sulcus of foliate papillae (body structure) P04974 Y P digestive system 715A37D000AF423694EF74CECED5CC20 B71E235A97B64170B99CA4B130F4387E sulcus of foliate papillae Entire sulcus of foliate papillae (body structure) 4975 4975 04975 gustatory pore 7188002 S04975 Structure of gustatory pore (body structure) E04975 368724008 Entire gustatory pore (body structure) P04975 - 63589 P special senses organ system BFDCBFFF92F14D228DADB9ED1B2E20DC 69E3FBC05C18458E86E98536B417C4BE gustatory pore Entire gustatory pore (body structure) 4976 4976 04976 lateral margin of tongue 41881006 S04976 Structure of lateral margin of tongue (body structure) E04976 272662007 Entire lateral margin of tongue (body structure) P04976 Y P digestive system 7BD86D891D6542269EB6F1BE53E72BDB 7293EA8FE5BB4146A5522BE6EFAA402B lateral margin of tongue Entire lateral margin of tongue (body structure) 4977 4977 04977 subcutaneous tissue of chin 5520004 S04977 Subcutaneous tissue structure of chin (body structure) E04977 368768005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of chin (body structure) P04977 - D integument/surface B51DA6C8E0F946588A922D8C6F37B023 C29490AE73D34224A31F356F6F806B98 Subcutaneous tissue of chin Entire subcutaneous tissue of chin (body structure) 4978 4978 04978 right margin of tongue 15864000 S04978 Structure of right margin of tongue (body structure) E04978 368572007 Entire right margin of tongue (body structure) P04978 R 54653 P digestive system 3A160F47AB68422C8433DC924363501A CD011AB8D68F401D848096E891CE8A94 right margin of tongue Entire right margin of tongue (body structure) 4979 4979 04979 left margin of tongue 38246006 S04979 Structure of left margin of tongue (body structure) E04979 368594004 Entire left margin of tongue (body structure) P04979 L 54654 P digestive system BF2A814D69C4412FB90921EE436BEA95 DCA8FFC55B4A43A29EDA0F8132F83271 left margin of tongue Entire left margin of tongue (body structure) 4980 4980 04980 plica fimbriata of tongue 65272007 S04980 Structure of plica fimbriata of tongue (body structure) E04980 368725009 Entire plica fimbriata of tongue (body structure) P04980 Y 54656 P digestive system 692C636CD0EE48B6A371F82E333E1228 8C4D4F8B18C14343970B4B6556A85BC5 plica fimbriata of tongue Entire plica fimbriata of tongue (body structure) 4981 4981 04981 frenulum linguae 1159005 S04981 Structure of frenulum linguae (body structure) E04981 264113009 Entire frenulum linguae (body structure) P04981 - 54659 P digestive system 763DDBF059924D88977145E4FB23DB81 23506E8090224080AF983961BD30DBAD frenulum linguae Entire frenulum linguae (body structure) 4982 4982 04982 junctional zone of base of tongue 23263000 S04982 Structure of junctional zone of base of tongue (body structure) E04982 368739009 Entire junctional zone of base of tongue (body structure) P04982 - P digestive system 058A73DC7EA94E4CB5EBB5868D782C15 1D4B4BBC70414456B9D30997F3B29A3F junctional zone of base of tongue Entire junctional zone of base of tongue (body structure) 4983 4983 04983 vestibular surface of tooth 62579006 S04983 Structure of vestibular surface of tooth (body structure) E04983 245647007 Entire vestibular surface of tooth (body structure) P04983 surface of tooth, vestibular Y 55644 P digestive system 0B0DFB8F930C4D5EA258191D75385EFA 923B4332413545BABC82A3966468E5C4 vestibular surface of tooth Entire vestibular surface of tooth (body structure) 4984 4984 04984 subcutaneous tissue of submental area 7840002 S04984 Subcutaneous tissue structure of submental area (body structure) E04984 368915005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of submental area (body structure) P04984 - D integument/surface 62C168F5D0984C23904C5A45AE3660F1 1B9CB2F5F4D14BE9A288CAA7311C5B1A Subcutaneous tissue of submental area Entire subcutaneous tissue of submental area (body structure) 4985 4985 04985 mesial surface of tooth 8483002 S04985 Structure of mesial surface of tooth (body structure) E04985 245652002 Entire mesial surface of tooth (body structure) P04985 surface of tooth, mesial Y 55650 P digestive system 3F7D64996D9540759E0A1B1B84CF2B60 14A4EFF991584E9FBB01089D09F642ED mesial surface of tooth Entire mesial surface of tooth (body structure) 4986 4986 04986 distal surface of tooth 90933009 S04986 Structure of distal surface of tooth (body structure) E04986 245653007 Entire distal surface of tooth (body structure) P04986 surface of tooth, distal Y 55649 P digestive system 3B759852BE3F4AC2919FC75F779B3613 C24A90B149754FE499BC436DDE539869 distal surface of tooth Entire distal surface of tooth (body structure) 4987 4987 04987 occlusal tubercle of molar tooth 78063009 S04987 Structure of occlusal tubercle of molar tooth (body structure) E04987 368695007 Entire occlusal tubercle of molar tooth (body structure) P04987 occlusal tubercle of molar tooth Y P digestive system C67948B896AF4DBA920A8F7188643A33 58B3637A37B742DFB7ACC94A04D0D264 occlusal tubercle of molar tooth Entire occlusal tubercle of molar tooth (body structure) 4988 4988 04988 apex of cusp of tooth 28255003 S04988 Structure of apex of cusp of tooth (body structure) E04988 368696008 Entire apex of cusp of tooth (body structure) P04988 apex of cusp of tooth Y 56656 P digestive system 0BD94C15541B44809DC96E74D48BBAB4 019C0DE51380464F936296271704BB8E apex of cusp of tooth Entire apex of cusp of tooth (body structure) 4989 4989 04989 dental tubercle 21332009 S04989 Structure of dental tubercle (body structure) E04989 368700000 Entire dental tubercle (body structure) P04989 Y 56498 P digestive system 3CF32C4B94AC4A99A5A7CA10944CD3C8 A4FF5AB51B3B42BD9E59AEC762D3DD46 dental tubercle Entire dental tubercle (body structure) 4990 4990 04990 contact surface of tooth 85464000 S04990 Structure of contact surface of tooth (body structure) E04990 368697004 Entire contact surface of tooth (body structure) P04990 surface of tooth, contact Y 56909 P digestive system C1CD08042BF74780A9F5400583E9D9A0 47BAC9841CB2477F8EFB84AACF65F4CE contact surface of tooth Entire contact surface of tooth (body structure) 4991 4991 04991 subcutaneous tissue of labiomental crease 32377004 S04991 Subcutaneous tissue structure of labiomental crease (body structure) E04991 368916006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of labiomental crease (body structure) P04991 Y D integument/surface 547771F40F0646E89283ECDF437A658B 119119AFB826437088B0EAC941764836 Subcutaneous tissue of labiomental crease Entire subcutaneous tissue of labiomental crease (body structure) 4992 4992 04992 cingulum dentis 1997009 S04992 Structure of cingulum dentis (body structure) E04992 245650005 Entire cingulum dentis (body structure) P04992 Y 56731 P digestive system F63C2C5968CD4C919B69691A3D7AA6DF 32386A4DEA874F138ED0C5F2B959C881 cingulum dentis Entire cingulum dentis (body structure) 4993 4993 04993 incisal border of tooth 56671003 S04993 Structure of incisal border of tooth (body structure) E04993 245645004 Entire incisal border of tooth (body structure) P04993 border of tooth, incisal Y 57045 P digestive system 6B4BB131471F4CA8B826AC4537656125 E5A683204AF84183AE5BF68C961F2810 incisal border of tooth Entire incisal border of tooth (body structure) 4994 4994 04994 root canal of tooth 3262009 S04994 Structure of root canal of tooth (body structure) E04994 245743002 Entire root canal of tooth (body structure) P04994 root canal of tooth Y 55674 P digestive system C77C28D6937D4EE18A0D36040156B4FA A2019BAB8D0C4C828166050E842922F1 root canal of tooth Entire root canal of tooth (body structure) 4995 4995 04995 apical foramen of tooth 2718005 S04995 Structure of apical foramen of tooth (body structure) E04995 368698009 Entire apical foramen of tooth (body structure) P04995 apical foramen of tooth Y 57159 P digestive system EA398270B9AD46539BDC5155834DA72B 54145D262A6642ADB7B6254F818E030A apical foramen of tooth Entire apical foramen of tooth (body structure) 4996 4996 04996 lateral surface of root of tooth 21475004 S04996 Structure of lateral surface of root of tooth (body structure) E04996 245713004 Entire lateral surface of root of tooth (body structure) P04996 surface of root of tooth, lateral Y P digestive system C64782E95D604D69A82D8198125EAB5B 878638832C254544B8166ACE02A4BC82 lateral surface of root of tooth Entire lateral surface of root of tooth (body structure) 4997 4997 04997 cementoenamel junction 58592000 S04997 Structure of cementoenamel junction (body structure) E04997 245707008 Amelocemental junction of tooth (body structure) P04997 Y P digestive system 30DE9491D84247C49F099E5DCA4CF79F 62BFD82817E44571A3349F108746FA16 cementoenamel junction Amelocemental junction of tooth (body structure) 4998 4998 04998 subcutaneous tissue of jaw 6991009 S04998 Subcutaneous tissue structure of jaw (body structure) E04998 368868000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of jaw (body structure) P04998 - D integument/surface 2FA068E36A6B40B6B10B0C1569309BB2 B0E936C69BD3471E89E42755206B5EAA Subcutaneous tissue of jaw Entire subcutaneous tissue of jaw (body structure) 4999 4999 04999 coronal pulp of tooth 11326003 S04999 Structure of coronal pulp of tooth (body structure) E04999 245741000 Entire coronal pulp of tooth (body structure) P04999 pulp of tooth, coronal Y 55632 P digestive system 94922A3058154504ADA91A6D4B965F4A 49E6C7A71AE04304BCD3ED1B5635A313 coronal pulp of tooth Entire coronal pulp of tooth (body structure) 5000 5000 05000 pulp of auxiliary canal of tooth 90956000 S05000 Structure of pulp of auxiliary canal of tooth (body structure) E05000 245752006 Entire pulp of auxiliary canal of tooth (body structure) P05000 pulp of auxiliary canal of tooth Y P B0AAE7D6749F401B9344CD4307E246D0 4CBA221EDCAF4331924FAE998A7EF637 pulp of auxiliary canal of tooth Entire pulp of auxiliary canal of tooth (body structure) 5001 5001 05001 apex of radicular pulp of tooth 368699001 S05001 Structure of apex of radicular pulp of tooth (body structure) E05001 64742005 Entire apex of radicular pulp of tooth (body structure) P05001 apex of radicular pulp of tooth Y P digestive system FA5C1B44DA01497F85F72FB702761FA5 2A4C6E1C3CF9475EBCA0DE66D954BAB2 apex of radicular pulp of tooth Entire apex of radicular pulp of tooth (body structure) 5002 5002 05002 subcutaneous tissue of external ear 11711002 S05002 Subcutaneous tissue structure of external ear (body structure) E05002 368616009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of external ear (body structure) P05002 Y D integument/surface AC7702CB24674D1184C4B048B2AF3D74 47531754344F411B92E329FE638B9B05 Subcutaneous tissue of external ear Entire subcutaneous tissue of external ear (body structure) 5003 5003 05003 maxillary teeth 68137000 S05003 Structure of maxillary teeth (body structure) E05003 245546007 All maxillary teeth (body structure) P05003 Y P digestive system 141D55F9529842C39A2EED5901484507 3A7DE02E337C49EAA80B794CE41EBEE7 maxillary teeth All maxillary teeth (body structure) 5004 5004 05004 mandibular teeth 58280001 S05004 Structure of mandibular teeth (body structure) E05004 245547003 Entire mandibular teeth (body structure) P05004 - P digestive system 1D385FA1CB0541B785F21A5025D29757 EADE3CB5014447F0B2E921F003D9BA2D mandibular teeth Entire mandibular teeth (body structure) 5005 5005 05005 permanent tooth 37977002 S05005 Structure of permanent tooth (body structure) E05005 245563006 Entire permanent tooth (body structure) P05005 tooth, permanent Y 75152 P digestive system 753C9784527149228A6E1768D70D83BB E29F423FBF6640AAB1921CC7C13F5A67 permanent tooth Entire permanent tooth (body structure) 5006 5006 05006 upper right third molar tooth (Tooth 1) 68085002 S05006 Structure of maxillary right third molar tooth (body structure) E05006 245566003 Entire permanent maxillary right third molar tooth (body structure) P05006 tooth, molar, third, upper, right R 55696 P digestive system 558012FA180345919D9CFEC516C576D4 FA5BB733224D45A58F2F05E240B790D1 maxillary right third molar tooth Entire permanent maxillary right third molar tooth (body structure) 5007 5007 05007 upper right second molar tooth 7121006 S05007 Structure of maxillary right second molar tooth (body structure) E05007 245567007 Entire permanent maxillary right second molar tooth (body structure) P05007 tooth, molar, second, upper, right R 0 P digestive system 3E921941BF4845A99A5398EE5A92AAB4 D85BCA5E50B142508DED4C0B4A4BE73A maxillary right second molar tooth Entire permanent maxillary right second molar tooth (body structure) 5008 5008 05008 upper right first molar tooth 5140004 S05008 Structure of maxillary right first molar tooth (body structure) E05008 245568002 Entire permanent maxillary right first molar tooth (body structure) P05008 tooth, molar, first, upper, right R 0 P digestive system 407CE0BD84374A12A0C7E267FFF0F1D0 D70C0BDF3CDF4F22AA0264E0CA1A4C06 maxillary right first molar tooth Entire permanent maxillary right first molar tooth (body structure) 5009 5009 05009 upper right second premolar tooth (Tooth 4) 36492000 S05009 Structure of maxillary right second premolar tooth (body structure) E05009 245570006 Entire permanent maxillary right second premolar tooth (body structure) P05009 tooth, premolar, second, upper, right R 55688 P digestive system F071F9E184C64B3687BCD0F47E14912B 982CC158C3064569909DF65AC4F73C11 maxillary right second premolar tooth Entire permanent maxillary right second premolar tooth (body structure) 5010 5010 05010 upper right first premolar tooth (Tooth 5) 57826002 S05010 Structure of maxillary right first premolar tooth (body structure) E05010 245571005 Entire permanent maxillary right first premolar tooth (body structure) P05010 tooth, premolar, first, upper, right R 55689 P digestive system EF9C5DB1ADF64D82B67DFA22DE0D7B6D CCECBF7B8D61435D87834E09196891B4 maxillary right first premolar tooth Entire permanent maxillary right first premolar tooth (body structure) 5011 5011 05011 permanent upper right canine tooth (Tooth 6) S05011 E05011 245572003 Entire permanent maxillary right canine tooth (body structure) P05011 tooth, canine, permanent, upper, right R 55798 P digestive system 1973C1A91ECC47758FBDA8315F8608D9 Entire permanent maxillary right canine tooth (body structure) 5012 5012 05012 subcutaneous tissue of pinna 88249003 S05012 Subcutaneous tissue structure of pinna (body structure) E05012 368617000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of pinna (body structure) P05012 Y D integument/surface 98EA3D3E2F014F95B1849A9DD4927F5F E9B8B8393B504BF89CE96CD9717336A1 Subcutaneous tissue of pinna Entire subcutaneous tissue of pinna (body structure) 5013 5013 05013 upper right lateral incisor tooth 11712009 S05013 Structure of maxillary right lateral incisor tooth (body structure) E05013 245574002 Entire permanent maxillary right lateral incisor tooth (body structure) P05013 tooth, incisor, lateral, upper, right R 0 P digestive system 66D4CB9C5C694FB49FD06260FDDB8CF3 211954B0F96A47688DAEC4B9EB360085 maxillary right lateral incisor tooth Entire permanent maxillary right lateral incisor tooth (body structure) 5014 5014 05014 upper right central incisor tooth 22120004 S05014 Structure of maxillary right central incisor tooth (body structure) E05014 245575001 Entire permanent maxillary right central incisor tooth (body structure) P05014 tooth, incisor, central, upper, right R 0 P digestive system D7E44901F8FC4BF79471F78E7539B42B D7E93157961746DCAF66AFBE89414E2D maxillary right central incisor tooth Entire permanent maxillary right central incisor tooth (body structure) 5015 5015 05015 upper left central incisor tooth 31982000 S05015 Structure of maxillary left central incisor tooth (body structure) E05015 245587008 Entire permanent maxillary left central incisor tooth (body structure) P05015 tooth, incisor, central, upper, left L 0 P digestive system D732929ACFB74218A967C9E64D6893A1 86C896CA688B45DA8DD1EAADC4A9CF7E maxillary left central incisor tooth Entire permanent maxillary left central incisor tooth (body structure) 5016 5016 05016 upper left lateral incisor tooth 25748002 S05016 Structure of maxillary left lateral incisor tooth (body structure) E05016 245586004 Entire permanent maxillary left lateral incisor tooth (body structure) P05016 tooth, incisor, lateral, upper, left L 0 P digestive system 990B14E1356549AF8FCFBB23E8F0A776 14D8E5AE991C41B6BACD56AEEE139044 maxillary left lateral incisor tooth Entire permanent maxillary left lateral incisor tooth (body structure) 5017 5017 05017 permanent upper left canine tooth (Tooth 11) S05017 E05017 245584001 Entire permanent maxillary left canine tooth (body structure) P05017 tooth, canine, permanent, upper, left L 55799 P digestive system 91FDF2FC5B52435CA400C11D7F59E872 Entire permanent maxillary left canine tooth (body structure) 5018 5018 05018 upper left first premolar tooth (Tooth 12) 61897005 S05018 Structure of maxillary left first premolar tooth (body structure) E05018 245583007 Entire permanent maxillary left first premolar tooth (body structure) P05018 tooth, premolar, first, upper, left L 55690 P digestive system AC960935210F476E8515F9EE8FF9EEC9 4BBEC7831DFD4988BAA9D7BD5C4A939C maxillary left first premolar tooth Entire permanent maxillary left first premolar tooth (body structure) 5019 5019 05019 upper left second premolar tooth (Tooth 13) 23226009 S05019 Structure of maxillary left second premolar tooth (body structure) E05019 245582002 Entire permanent maxillary left second premolar tooth (body structure) P05019 tooth, premolar, second, upper, left L 55691 P digestive system 19002DF6424042BFBDFE4E728EBE4BBA 74CDF415D33547A8A31C330AFFC249F4 maxillary left second premolar tooth Entire permanent maxillary left second premolar tooth (body structure) 5020 5020 05020 upper left first molar tooth 23427002 S05020 Structure of maxillary left first molar tooth (body structure) E05020 245579007 Entire permanent maxillary left first molar tooth (body structure) P05020 tooth, molar, first, upper, left L 0 P digestive system C3BCDB20344C4B6D8A33652A8A23B7AA 8F2E3BDD6B924382A31E2046CB79B90F maxillary left first molar tooth Entire permanent maxillary left first molar tooth (body structure) 5021 5021 05021 upper left second molar tooth 66303006 S05021 Structure of maxillary left second molar tooth (body structure) E05021 245578004 Entire permanent maxillary left second molar tooth (body structure) P05021 tooth, molar, second, upper, left L 0 P digestive system 212857F8A940420192EEB208E349C16B A251CC0E94CA4C5A86DFBAAA25087D53 maxillary left second molar tooth Entire permanent maxillary left second molar tooth (body structure) 5022 5022 05022 upper left third molar tooth (Tooth 16) 87704003 S05022 Structure of maxillary left third molar tooth (body structure) E05022 245577009 Entire permanent maxillary left third molar tooth (body structure) P05022 tooth, molar, third, upper, left L 55701 P digestive system 02579D0D53304B13AD5F4B7D99AA33F3 EF45255A7C044961BCDD84A5AAFF8C26 maxillary left third molar tooth Entire permanent maxillary left third molar tooth (body structure) 5023 5023 05023 skin of little finger 73624001 S05023 Skin structure of little finger (body structure) E05023 368362008 Entire skin of little finger (body structure) P05023 Y 38317 D integument/surface 08B16AA0CE884F7C8B12ADCC78788E4B A8B1375482A74393B70A02CF5CA59774 Skin of little finger Entire skin of little finger (body structure) 5024 5024 05024 subcutaneous tissue of helix 12709008 S05024 Subcutaneous tissue structure of helix (body structure) E05024 368618005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of helix (body structure) P05024 Y D integument/surface DEF506FC332F462FA308DC7BEF5CA3B7 9B09484BFD76433CA1C3C6B0F0CA5C77 Subcutaneous tissue of helix Entire subcutaneous tissue of helix (body structure) 5025 5025 05025 lower left third molar tooth (Tooth 17) 74344005 S05025 Structure of mandibular left third molar tooth (body structure) E05025 245602006 Entire permanent mandibular left third molar tooth (body structure) P05025 tooth, molar, third, lower, left L 55702 P digestive system 66C77CC059AC4B098AF3CFD674341D88 AC374D55D50042EBB71DD1A48779E664 mandibular left third molar tooth Entire permanent mandibular left third molar tooth (body structure) 5026 5026 05026 lower left second molar tooth 48402004 S05026 Structure of mandibular left second molar tooth (body structure) E05026 245603001 Entire permanent mandibular left second molar tooth (body structure) P05026 tooth, molar, second, lower, left L 0 P digestive system E6F918CBE18347E1966540740BDEF5BE 2C691098AEED429999FC5CC8194A92BB mandibular left second molar tooth Entire permanent mandibular left second molar tooth (body structure) 5027 5027 05027 lower left first molar tooth 89625000 S05027 Structure of mandibular left first molar tooth (body structure) E05027 245604007 Entire permanent mandibular left first molar tooth (body structure) P05027 tooth, molar, first, lower, left L 0 P digestive system 0195DDF9ACB643D0AF616B8560B7FE5E C1BB06B572824213987AE9D459FD5EAB mandibular left first molar tooth Entire permanent mandibular left first molar tooth (body structure) 5028 5028 05028 lower left second premolar tooth (Tooth 20) 24573005 S05028 Structure of mandibular left second premolar tooth (body structure) E05028 245606009 Entire permanent mandibular left second premolar tooth (body structure) P05028 tooth, premolar, second, lower, left L 55692 P digestive system D09A7298F3DA4ECDAC5398694C1E6D94 66476D6E9D084877AA7E25AAEC8CF6A8 mandibular left second premolar tooth Entire permanent mandibular left second premolar tooth (body structure) 5029 5029 05029 lower left first premolar tooth (Tooth 21) 2400006 S05029 Structure of mandibular left first premolar tooth (body structure) E05029 245607000 Entire permanent mandibular left first premolar tooth (body structure) P05029 tooth, premolar, first, lower, left L 55693 P digestive system DD6438A01299410CBE15401C78E7A48D C2AF4E0E08F144E382BACA6F9FCB9342 mandibular left first premolar tooth Entire permanent mandibular left first premolar tooth (body structure) 5030 5030 05030 permanent lower left canine tooth (Tooth 22) S05030 E05030 245608005 Entire permanent mandibular left canine tooth (body structure) P05030 tooth, canine, permanent, lower, left L 55687 P digestive system 4104A50950F343C09B15B1D1D3E02133 Entire permanent mandibular left canine tooth (body structure) 5031 5031 05031 lower left lateral incisor tooth 77130001 S05031 Structure of mandibular left lateral incisor tooth (body structure) E05031 245610007 Entire permanent mandibular left lateral incisor tooth (body structure) P05031 tooth, incisor, lateral, lower, left L 0 P digestive system 7AA1E93AE4D34A0DA10DEC84BE156E4B ABFA0EA53E3544DE97673AD825E8F6E1 mandibular left lateral incisor tooth Entire permanent mandibular left lateral incisor tooth (body structure) 5032 5032 05032 lower left central incisor tooth 113278005 S05032 Structure of mandibular left central incisor tooth (body structure) E05032 245611006 Entire permanent mandibular left central incisor tooth (body structure) P05032 tooth, incisor, central, lower, left L 0 P digestive system 61C72A9CD8544333AC3D2CCD0D28103F B52136B8DB8244F783ADD8699120FFC0 mandibular left central incisor tooth Entire permanent mandibular left central incisor tooth (body structure) 5033 5033 05033 lower right central incisor tooth 15422005 S05033 Structure of mandibular right central incisor tooth (body structure) E05033 245600003 Entire permanent mandibular right central incisor tooth (body structure) P05033 tooth, incisor, central, lower, right R 0 P digestive system FEB229AD148048D899773123AFACD1E0 31375A775C034A569A0ECE6DBC8CD4A1 mandibular right central incisor tooth Entire permanent mandibular right central incisor tooth (body structure) 5034 5034 05034 lower right lateral incisor tooth 82628004 S05034 Structure of mandibular right lateral incisor tooth (body structure) E05034 245599001 Entire permanent mandibular right lateral incisor tooth (body structure) P05034 tooth, incisor, lateral, lower, right R 0 P digestive system 338685402A344D37994D989E582067EE FE641763FFC946118E6A850B23F8B3CB mandibular right lateral incisor tooth Entire permanent mandibular right lateral incisor tooth (body structure) 5035 5035 05035 subcutaneous tissue of spine of helix 21027001 S05035 Subcutaneous tissue structure of spine of helix (body structure) E05035 368619002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of spine of helix (body structure) P05035 Y D integument/surface 216D05B5A457455AA5C4642CEF28180F 982708D83F004A0FBB16803E7A445F26 Subcutaneous tissue of spine of helix Entire subcutaneous tissue of spine of helix (body structure) 5036 5036 05036 permanent lower right canine tooth (Tooth 27) S05036 E05036 245597004 Entire permanent mandibular right canine tooth (body structure) P05036 tooth, canine, permanent, lower, right R 55686 P digestive system 7A6F36D65DB14936A0619BA5E315694F Entire permanent mandibular right canine tooth (body structure) 5037 5037 05037 lower right first premolar tooth (Tooth 28) 80140008 S05037 Structure of mandibular right first premolar tooth (body structure) E05037 245596008 Entire permanent mandibular right first premolar tooth (body structure) P05037 tooth, premolar, first, lower, right R 55694 P digestive system 7A0B24375B884826898D79B084FE0302 CD220F82B0D64D0CA14F969F47429747 mandibular right first premolar tooth Entire permanent mandibular right first premolar tooth (body structure) 5038 5038 05038 lower right second premolar tooth (Tooth 29) 8873007 S05038 Structure of mandibular right second premolar tooth (body structure) E05038 245595007 Entire permanent mandibular right second premolar tooth (body structure) P05038 tooth, premolar, second, lower, right R 55695 P digestive system 0F88B665D9F84EB4A0BE741B32D39F85 DF5FC0211056419FAA1AB33AAFCDD441 mandibular right second premolar tooth Entire permanent mandibular right second premolar tooth (body structure) 5039 5039 05039 lower right first molar tooth 28480000 S05039 Structure of mandibular right first molar tooth (body structure) E05039 245592005 Entire permanent mandibular right first molar tooth (body structure) P05039 tooth, molar, first, lower, right R 0 P digestive system 14082C20024E4868A8EA7627FD1B250F 834D5144C5A043918C64AA0A10D56BFB mandibular right first molar tooth Entire permanent mandibular right first molar tooth (body structure) 5040 5040 05040 lower right second molar tooth 40005008 S05040 Structure of mandibular right second molar tooth (body structure) E05040 245591003 Entire permanent mandibular right second molar tooth (body structure) P05040 tooth, molar, second, lower, right R 0 P digestive system CF2BBD10310D4F7EAAB80B99D391D9BE 77D896A94E9D42088C1E688D0378AC8A mandibular right second molar tooth Entire permanent mandibular right second molar tooth (body structure) 5041 5041 05041 lower right third molar tooth (Tooth 32) 38994002 S05041 Structure of mandibular right third molar tooth (body structure) E05041 245590002 Entire permanent mandibular right third molar tooth (body structure) P05041 tooth, molar, third, lower, right R 55707 P digestive system 1D0DCF509A044FF89436F11F8AA5B60A E687106BA49B47FFAA223BA78A7F6313 mandibular right third molar tooth Entire permanent mandibular right third molar tooth (body structure) 5042 5042 05042 third molar tooth 59966007 S05042 Structure of wisdom tooth (body structure) E05042 181222005 Entire wisdom tooth (body structure) P05042 tooth, molar, third Y 0 P digestive system 0E376E08F723424F832E9AD85ED3E250 0B77AB6C1CD04C2691FD51DA855D9C95 wisdom tooth Entire wisdom tooth (body structure) 5043 5043 05043 incisor tooth 78509001 S05043 Structure of incisor tooth (body structure) E05043 420856006 Entire incisor tooth (body structure) P05043 tooth, incisor Y 12823 P digestive system 23B5A2AC6B7B4D81813ABA53F90DD89D 7364EA7265E047E1848D0FE4B3A78E81 incisor tooth Entire incisor tooth (body structure) 5044 5044 05044 canine tooth 45208001 S05044 Structure of canine tooth (body structure) E05044 420817000 Entire canine tooth (body structure) P05044 tooth, canine Y 55636 P digestive system 6A5C549AEE3F4C37BC4E4B13174B7554 7145F18CA62F45A58FA25D27155088A0 canine tooth Entire canine tooth (body structure) 5045 5045 05045 premolar tooth 76424003 S05045 Structure of premolar tooth (body structure) E05045 304572005 Entire premolar tooth (body structure) P05045 tooth, premolar Y 55637 P digestive system B9AF765440074D42AA463CB2D6B9CEEE 57B9BBC522F7413B9F4CC2E03BC2C441 premolar tooth Entire premolar tooth (body structure) 5046 5046 05046 subcutaneous tissue of tail of helix 19832003 S05046 Subcutaneous tissue structure of tail of helix (body structure) E05046 368620008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of tail of helix (body structure) P05046 Y D integument/surface 877D08D6D53E46E6B023BF6B380D8BBB 221960405D184FD9AA59090F1F70EBA6 Subcutaneous tissue of tail of helix Entire subcutaneous tissue of tail of helix (body structure) 5047 5047 05047 deciduous tooth 21644001 S05047 Structure of deciduous tooth (body structure) E05047 245612004 Entire deciduous tooth (body structure) P05047 tooth, primary Y P digestive system 4D13502D9D5342A0B780BE6E55EAC307 F38B993CE31D43BCB50B2918847C7ED0 deciduous tooth Entire deciduous tooth (body structure) 5048 5048 05048 deciduous upper right central incisor tooth (Tooth E) 88824007 S05048 Structure of deciduous maxillary right central incisor tooth (body structure) E05048 245620002 Entire deciduous maxillary right central incisor tooth (body structure) P05048 tooth, incisor, central, primary, upper, right R 84220 P digestive system 1DEEA2C031FC44168E6519B2CDA0E803 0ABD3216AE2341B49C7C529137CCE318 deciduous maxillary right central incisor tooth Entire deciduous maxillary right central incisor tooth (body structure) 5049 5049 05049 deciduous upper right lateral incisor tooth (Tooth D) 65624003 S05049 Structure of deciduous maxillary right lateral incisor tooth (body structure) E05049 245619008 Entire deciduous maxillary right lateral incisor tooth (body structure) P05049 tooth, incisor, lateral, primary, upper, right R 84222 P digestive system 0622A033A4D1418C866E1BA92AAC4963 DB954EC72B0D44808EF598A20C142A85 deciduous maxillary right lateral incisor tooth Entire deciduous maxillary right lateral incisor tooth (body structure) 5050 5050 05050 deciduous upper right canine tooth (Tooth C) 30618001 S05050 Structure of deciduous maxillary right canine tooth (body structure) E05050 245617005 Entire deciduous maxillary right canine tooth (body structure) P05050 tooth, canine, primary, upper, right R 84230 P digestive system 3F2BE10248CF4BDB9AC5900E867B9BB1 8B2F57FEFFEC404DBC7AEB6CE9B2FB73 deciduous maxillary right canine tooth Entire deciduous maxillary right canine tooth (body structure) 5051 5051 05051 deciduous upper right first molar tooth (Tooth B) 17505006 S05051 Structure of deciduous maxillary right first molar tooth (body structure) E05051 245616001 Entire deciduous maxillary right first molar tooth (body structure) P05051 tooth, molar, first, primary, upper, right R 84238 P digestive system 358A67C7E4F342DD836663A56A0093BF 5B6B1C9E840546C990277F4DF05528BA deciduous maxillary right first molar tooth Entire deciduous maxillary right first molar tooth (body structure) 5052 5052 05052 deciduous upper right second molar tooth (Tooth A) 27855007 S05052 Structure of deciduous maxillary right second molar tooth (body structure) E05052 245615002 Entire deciduous maxillary right second molar tooth (body structure) P05052 tooth, molar, second, primary, upper, right R 84240 P digestive system E02E337A664F434E9F371DD1157E6800 C72D02CD7DFB4973BB30A76257829C5A deciduous maxillary right second molar tooth Entire deciduous maxillary right second molar tooth (body structure) 5053 5053 05053 deciduous upper left central incisor tooth (Tooth F) 51678005 S05053 Structure of deciduous maxillary left central incisor tooth (body structure) E05053 245627004 Entire deciduous maxillary left central incisor tooth (body structure) P05053 tooth, incisor, central, primary, upper, left L 84221 P digestive system 9493DEF8F4334BFFA35F8379831823FC 95DE0567D9E246B4A61C6C8B6BFA3D68 deciduous maxillary left central incisor tooth Entire deciduous maxillary left central incisor tooth (body structure) 5054 5054 05054 deciduous upper left lateral incisor tooth (Tooth G) 43622005 S05054 Structure of deciduous maxillary left lateral incisor tooth (body structure) E05054 245626008 Entire deciduous maxillary left lateral incisor tooth (body structure) P05054 tooth, incisor, lateral, primary, upper, left L 84223 P digestive system 7FB1125DB4A54787944EC5B0A4D6A25C 1D67EFC2613E439AA12C159086184681 deciduous maxillary left lateral incisor tooth Entire deciduous maxillary left lateral incisor tooth (body structure) 5055 5055 05055 subcutaneous tissue of auricular tubercle 77964003 S05055 Subcutaneous tissue structure of auricular tubercle (body structure) E05055 368621007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of auricular tubercle (body structure) P05055 Y D integument/surface 2BAE9D5BF0E14B37BB450180B6A21D52 246D1726315D4F9CB4774FCADC663A98 Subcutaneous tissue of auricular tubercle Entire subcutaneous tissue of auricular tubercle (body structure) 5056 5056 05056 deciduous upper left canine tooth (Tooth H) 73937000 S05056 Structure of deciduous maxillary left canine tooth (body structure) E05056 245624006 Entire deciduous maxillary left canine tooth (body structure) P05056 tooth, canine, primary, upper, left L 84231 P digestive system BF5556A815AF44E88C70A5B5C3CAA901 BF6A6393B3454053BFF9C4E6324F7CEC deciduous maxillary left canine tooth Entire deciduous maxillary left canine tooth (body structure) 5057 5057 05057 deciduous upper left first molar tooth (Tooth I) 45234009 S05057 Structure of deciduous maxillary left first molar tooth (body structure) E05057 245623000 Entire deciduous maxillary left first molar tooth (body structure) P05057 tooth, molar, first, primary, upper, left L 84239 P digestive system 0398BFC1DAB94316A038FAF82D747830 29FC8589D9504E21976BB074F15D59EF deciduous maxillary left first molar tooth Entire deciduous maxillary left first molar tooth (body structure) 5058 5058 05058 deciduous upper left second molar tooth (Tooth J) 51943008 S05058 Structure of deciduous maxillary left second molar tooth (body structure) E05058 245622005 Entire deciduous maxillary left second molar tooth (body structure) P05058 tooth, molar, second, primary, upper, left L 84241 P digestive system A12E994FBA9B439EB220F1EE6B0C2BAB 667DE7208659478A8F1F9C57FA0C8E09 deciduous maxillary left second molar tooth Entire deciduous maxillary left second molar tooth (body structure) 5059 5059 05059 deciduous lower right central incisor tooth (Tooth P) 67834006 S05059 Structure of deciduous mandibular right central incisor tooth (body structure) E05059 245635001 Entire deciduous mandibular right central incisor tooth (body structure) P05059 tooth, incisor, central, primary, lower, right R 84224 P digestive system 931691FF23C5400FBB7958B4B4D0DF64 6E94C092FBB349C2A79D8AF2DBCEC969 deciduous mandibular right central incisor tooth Entire deciduous mandibular right central incisor tooth (body structure) 5060 5060 05060 deciduous lower right lateral incisor tooth (Tooth Q) 22445006 S05060 Structure of deciduous mandibular right lateral incisor tooth (body structure) E05060 245634002 Entire deciduous mandibular right lateral incisor tooth (body structure) P05060 tooth, incisor, lateral, primary, lower, right R 84226 P digestive system 8E5A98A5EAB74103A4BAB2D493FBB381 2B7D327F823B4872859C3BC7A6C8225B deciduous mandibular right lateral incisor tooth Entire deciduous mandibular right lateral incisor tooth (body structure) 5061 5061 05061 deciduous lower right canine tooth (Tooth R) 6062009 S05061 Structure of deciduous mandibular right canine tooth (body structure) E05061 245632003 Entire deciduous mandibular right canine tooth (body structure) P05061 tooth, canine, primary, lower, right R 84232 P digestive system 73621DE06D0B4FE69853BAAE44B03253 1E96F430C7B447AFA43185027CCC06D7 deciduous mandibular right canine tooth Entire deciduous mandibular right canine tooth (body structure) 5062 5062 05062 deciduous lower right first molar tooth (Tooth S) 58646007 S05062 Structure of deciduous mandibular right first molar tooth (body structure) E05062 245631005 Entire deciduous mandibular right first molar tooth (body structure) P05062 tooth, molar, first, primary, lower, right R 84242 P digestive system C393AB8E86B747C5AB012EDB3DECA2A2 568BC8A002F649B69A69A14FC200FC98 deciduous mandibular right first molar tooth Entire deciduous mandibular right first molar tooth (body structure) 5063 5063 05063 deciduous lower right second molar tooth (Tooth T) 61868007 S05063 Structure of deciduous mandibular right second molar tooth (body structure) E05063 245630006 Entire deciduous mandibular right second molar tooth (body structure) P05063 tooth, molar, second, primary, lower, right R 84244 P digestive system 088E5BA08DD44C6991E93755860FBEFB 42B2CAFD175B4B5FB6E256AEF48D5AAC deciduous mandibular right second molar tooth Entire deciduous mandibular right second molar tooth (body structure) 5064 5064 05064 deciduous lower left central incisor tooth (Tooth O) 89552004 S05064 Structure of deciduous mandibular left central incisor tooth (body structure) E05064 245642001 Entire deciduous mandibular left central incisor tooth (body structure) P05064 tooth, incisor, central, primary, lower, left L 84225 P digestive system 0B79B988A19C42DAA7CC97D23E969F65 411ACFA6EEC34CCD8E0B387078501F1C deciduous mandibular left central incisor tooth Entire deciduous mandibular left central incisor tooth (body structure) 5065 5065 05065 deciduous lower left lateral incisor tooth (Tooth N) 14770005 S05065 Structure of deciduous mandibular left lateral incisor tooth (body structure) E05065 245641008 Entire deciduous mandibular left lateral incisor tooth (body structure) P05065 tooth, incisor, lateral, primary, lower, left L 84227 P digestive system 3E61CB42E8DE4D31B6041EE86E3029E5 0068FB4CA0F34B9580821425C6CF9849 deciduous mandibular left lateral incisor tooth Entire deciduous mandibular left lateral incisor tooth (body structure) 5066 5066 05066 subcutaneous tissue of antihelix 42962000 S05066 Subcutaneous tissue structure of antihelix (body structure) E05066 368623005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of antihelix (body structure) P05066 Y D integument/surface E47562FB770F4C6CA085E35F903BB8AE F6D14CB6E8B44C02B1B6477219E5E017 Subcutaneous tissue of antihelix Entire subcutaneous tissue of antihelix (body structure) 5067 5067 05067 deciduous lower left canine tooth (Tooth M) 43281008 S05067 Structure of deciduous mandibular left canine tooth (body structure) E05067 245639007 Entire deciduous mandibular left canine tooth (body structure) P05067 tooth, canine, primary, lower, left L 84233 P digestive system 087CAF6FF5C24B74BF129D968F71F000 781FD085753041618C734DF27D6FAD5F deciduous mandibular left canine tooth Entire deciduous mandibular left canine tooth (body structure) 5068 5068 05068 deciduous lower left first molar tooth (Tooth L) 38896004 S05068 Structure of deciduous mandibular left first molar tooth (body structure) E05068 245638004 Entire deciduous mandibular left first molar tooth (body structure) P05068 tooth, molar, first, primary, lower, left L 84243 P digestive system B1D50D5AA9784C0AA493746205DCCE10 9C8D5B2BC4584754BB96062A5CA310FD deciduous mandibular left first molar tooth Entire deciduous mandibular left first molar tooth (body structure) 5069 5069 05069 deciduous lower left second molar tooth (Tooth K) 49330006 S05069 Structure of deciduous mandibular left second molar tooth (body structure) E05069 245637009 Entire deciduous mandibular left second molar tooth (body structure) P05069 tooth, molar, second, primary, lower, left L 84245 P digestive system 913443A315C646D484DA888493BA246D 4CD20DDE152544B5A75B495226BBC745 deciduous mandibular left second molar tooth Entire deciduous mandibular left second molar tooth (body structure) 5070 5070 05070 middle hepatic vein 273099000 S05070 Structure of middle hepatic vein (body structure) E05070 54895000 Entire middle hepatic vein (body structure) P05070 - 14340 P digestive system 3F6390D75859454FB2137B180F46B5DB 52FA08D8DDDC4789AE139C5AB0D1EBBD middle hepatic vein Entire middle hepatic vein (body structure) 5071 5071 05071 left hepatic vein 273202007 S05071 Structure of left hepatic vein (body structure) E05071 55188000 Entire left hepatic vein (body structure) P05071 - 14339 L P digestive system 91FEDFCD221E4B01B564A831CF85220F C9E40AEB9ACE4B64B0FAEDFA5EA193DD left hepatic vein Entire left hepatic vein (body structure) 5072 5072 05072 renal vein 56400007 S05072 Structure of renal vein (body structure) E05072 181370002 Entire renal vein (body structure) P05072 Y 14334 P cardiovascular system 25AEC0851B3646BAAC58B1DFC8717627 29214564E99C43509E9B6F6E0DA7A5D1 renal vein Entire renal vein (body structure) 5073 5073 05073 left testicular vein 367708009 S05073 Structure of left testicular vein (body structure) E05073 90988008 Entire left testicular vein (body structure) P05073 L 14345 P genital system 09DCE7A52EF347C8A2C4A79441BA319B 7BC513DFD17D44079EB73197F36335DF left testicular vein Entire left testicular vein (body structure) 5074 5074 05074 left ovarian vein 259343000 S05074 Structure of left ovarian vein (body structure) E05074 73810003 Entire left ovarian vein (body structure) P05074 L 14347 P genital system D9AC4D5F2F5440BE85F1C5DEF75DCBFE 0A72FCC75F0B46F7879E4C69FEC51EA4 left ovarian vein Entire left ovarian vein (body structure) 5075 5075 05075 intrinsic vein of kidney 57666000 S05075 Structure of intrinsic vein of kidney (body structure) E05075 276011007 Entire intrinsic vein of kidney (body structure) P05075 Y 71630 P urinary system 6A990878E0A44E9A9AF0FC045FE2B9BB 1370D86AA608495184E9ADD7FBC70D16 intrinsic vein of kidney Entire intrinsic vein of kidney (body structure) 5076 5076 05076 interlobular vein of kidney 276115001 S05076 Structure of interlobular vein of kidney (body structure) E05076 4888005 Entire interlobular vein of kidney (body structure) P05076 Y 71634 P urinary system 6BDF3F26B455410DA97C81962138CC0B 794633C3DA9A4BB58D49C149964E76A7 interlobular vein of kidney Entire interlobular vein of kidney (body structure) 5077 5077 05077 subcutaneous tissue of fossa triangularis of ear 64733003 S05077 Subcutaneous tissue structure of fossa triangularis of ear (body structure) E05077 368625003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of fossa triangularis of ear (body structure) P05077 Y D integument/surface 46B045A812B54282B76E77B8AA01CDBA C32A304366054B15A97818976E120779 Subcutaneous tissue of fossa triangularis of ear Entire subcutaneous tissue of fossa triangularis of ear (body structure) 5078 5078 05078 stellate vein of kidney 276176009 S05078 Structure of stellate vein of kidney (body structure) E05078 28049001 Entire stellate vein of kidney (body structure) P05078 Y 71635 P urinary system 41709DA6E50B4ABFBCE6F0EB5E49B067 445B15F0BF9A47BBBF16D38A35FC4D40 stellate vein of kidney Entire stellate vein of kidney (body structure) 5079 5079 05079 arcuate vein of kidney 276193009 S05079 Structure of arcuate vein of kidney (body structure) E05079 62860002 Entire arcuate vein of kidney (body structure) P05079 Y 71632 P urinary system 2170B98A5AD749FDBBC6AA5B9A1C0237 CF0BC4543ED94405996D60CBC8519547 arcuate vein of kidney Entire arcuate vein of kidney (body structure) 5080 5080 05080 venulae rectae of medulla of kidney 246081006 S05080 Structure of venulae rectae of medulla of kidney (body structure) E05080 23373001 Entire venulae rectae of medulla of kidney (body structure) P05080 Y P cardiovascular system 15DB79F7F21942A2820C9D5565022040 DADE2B7954E34287A05D216495BEE4B1 venulae rectae of medulla of kidney Entire venulae rectae of medulla of kidney (body structure) 5081 5081 05081 testicular vein 31688004 S05081 Structure of testicular vein (body structure) E05081 264496006 Entire testicular vein (body structure) P05081 Y 14344 P genital system 56BDBD576C594A52942543C44EFE60CE 9C3DF9A3164C47A09A45BB8326C0DE3A testicular vein Entire testicular vein (body structure) 5082 5082 05082 ovarian vein 976004 S05082 Structure of ovarian vein (body structure) E05082 278193003 Entire ovarian vein (body structure) P05082 Y 14346 P genital system DF627C166C754D12B590A0FD8D143DC3 E9133117124143AEB340C56BD8610609 ovarian vein Entire ovarian vein (body structure) 5083 5083 05083 right testicular vein 367709001 S05083 Structure of right testicular vein (body structure) E05083 53500001 Entire right testicular vein (body structure) P05083 R 14341 P genital system 6870962647BB4CA3B756C1C87FC4C565 1146C6EEE5864FBD9AB0CA7D5FC0AF0D right testicular vein Entire right testicular vein (body structure) 5084 5084 05084 right ovarian vein 259368003 S05084 Structure of right ovarian vein (body structure) E05084 84389002 Entire right ovarian vein (body structure) P05084 R 14342 P genital system F65030584D2E415CB226E38521FD4448 461555E13F5F4EC7AF8F43179D9A4D60 right ovarian vein Entire right ovarian vein (body structure) 5085 5085 05085 pampiniform plexus 71469005 S05085 Structure of pampiniform plexus (body structure) E05085 279661001 Entire pampiniform plexus (body structure) P05085 Y 19607 P venous system B80595751943426A8CEE78C52E6B97C8 59D0CBD0CFAC44F9AA041E3E57EF3753 pampiniform plexus Entire pampiniform plexus (body structure) 5086 5086 05086 superior mesenteric vein 90771006 S05086 Structure of superior mesenteric vein (body structure) E05086 278031001 Entire superior mesenteric vein (body structure) P05086 - 14332 P cardiovascular system 6C24FA0881F64F7DAEDB6C871AE72FF8 7E457ED1314B4B88B471E845E06172AA superior mesenteric vein Entire superior mesenteric vein (body structure) 5087 5087 05087 subcutaneous tissue of crura of antihelix 53135008 S05087 Subcutaneous tissue structure of crura of antihelix (body structure) E05087 368624004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of crura of antihelix (body structure) P05087 Y D integument/surface BE4695BEB4EA46BFB354B2215D315A2B 0836EE99CC0741D6B1982AA59CA776EE Subcutaneous tissue of crura of antihelix Entire subcutaneous tissue of crura of antihelix (body structure) 5088 5088 05088 pancreatic vein 8059004 S05088 Structure of pancreatic vein (body structure) E05088 264492008 Entire pancreatic vein (body structure) P05088 - 15388 P digestive system 11FA21B672CA48FA8DB901F672C97E18 F1850B2491E440C8B636A6EB80F3A70D pancreatic vein Entire pancreatic vein (body structure) 5089 5089 05089 inferior mesenteric vein 32859001 S05089 Structure of inferior mesenteric vein (body structure) E05089 281055007 Entire inferior mesenteric vein (body structure) P05089 - 15391 P venous system 7BF94EFBBAE6425CB9FF2417F6F2D029 C9128ABD0A7F4D7FABB7B9E2E42CBD1A inferior mesenteric vein Entire inferior mesenteric vein (body structure) 5090 5090 05090 hemorrhoidal plexus 40724001 S05090 Structure of hemorrhoidal plexus (body structure) E05090 303051005 Entire hemorrhoidal plexus (body structure) P05090 - 18933 P venous system 9330FF064FCA4C23A1F3FCD64424BA8D F52385D42FCC42D6888AA1B269C2C428 hemorrhoidal plexus Entire hemorrhoidal plexus (body structure) 5091 5091 05091 prostatic venous plexus 29108008 S05091 Structure of prostatic venous plexus (body structure) E05091 303052003 Entire prostatic venous plexus (body structure) P05091 Y 29711 P genital system 07AA301E716B497F95BD8636C08DFF00 29EFE9C696874EC4841B40F93043AACA prostatic venous plexus Entire prostatic venous plexus (body structure) 5092 5092 05092 deep dorsal vein of penis 367733007 S05092 Structure of deep dorsal vein of penis (body structure) E05092 55433007 Entire deep dorsal vein of penis (body structure) P05092 Y 21354 P cardiovascular system D0F9F66382054B3ABC53B5AA4B92F02F 6C5EC274FB324BD4BEF37813471C8FDB deep dorsal vein of penis Entire deep dorsal vein of penis (body structure) 5093 5093 05093 deep dorsal vein of clitoris 367661005 S05093 Structure of deep dorsal vein of clitoris (body structure) E05093 25834009 Entire deep dorsal vein of clitoris (body structure) P05093 Y 77504 P cardiovascular system FB87E15565AD482AA41CEDD21828D52F 1CBB794A24A94508AA750543CFA804BD deep dorsal vein of clitoris Entire deep dorsal vein of clitoris (body structure) 5094 5094 05094 penile vein 16203007 S05094 Structure of penile vein (body structure) E05094 279925009 Entire penile vein (body structure) P05094 - P genital system 6B18C0C3B2FF4B49A62983B3BBE4DA57 8277FF1E680E47A89DD95E99A957CC90 penile vein Entire penile vein (body structure) 5095 5095 05095 deep vein of penis 367732002 S05095 Structure of deep vein of penis (body structure) E05095 64944001 Entire deep vein of penis (body structure) P05095 - 75402 P cardiovascular system CAF334BF26ED46B2A0215484B1F2072B AE714A8EBA7B4D0A9D29ED933D929192 deep vein of penis Entire deep vein of penis (body structure) 5096 5096 05096 deep vein of clitoris 3984002 S05096 Structure of deep vein of clitoris (body structure) E05096 367660006 Entire deep vein of clitoris (body structure) P05096 Y 75401 P cardiovascular system 33C61452FF864F8B913CE68208D71431 2C1E1F2D00C34446AF9FE9560564EBC7 deep vein of clitoris Entire deep vein of clitoris (body structure) 5097 5097 05097 posterior labial vein 367665001 S05097 Structure of posterior labial vein (body structure) E05097 38470008 Entire posterior labial vein (body structure) P05097 Y 21264 P genital system A808B24BBDF448A3B5CEBB064D981740 358FADB50B26479E8558104C43B8887D posterior labial vein Entire posterior labial vein (body structure) 5098 5098 05098 subcutaneous tissue of scaphoid fossa 67530006 S05098 Subcutaneous tissue structure of scaphoid fossa (body structure) E05098 368626002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of scaphoid fossa (body structure) P05098 Y D integument/surface 3AF235E13E3544DB9815E692CD38E032 E8A165C5B552473088A9671EF6AD1F94 Subcutaneous tissue of scaphoid fossa Entire subcutaneous tissue of scaphoid fossa (body structure) 5099 5099 05099 vein of the bulb of the penis 367734001 S05099 Structure of vein of the bulb of the penis (body structure) E05099 52970003 Entire vein of the bulb of the penis (body structure) P05099 Y 77510 P cardiovascular system 560530409177474897D824DA10FFB3AE BC8EDF7BD7FF46A08D76F666BF00257C vein of the bulb of the penis Entire vein of the bulb of the penis (body structure) 5100 5100 05100 vein of the bulb of the vestibule 20877008 S05100 Structure of vein of the bulb of the vestibule (body structure) E05100 367663008 Entire vein of the bulb of the vestibule (body structure) P05100 Y 77509 P genital system 775DB3C3E6EF4180958026267F845D23 7142E73E3454434FB4A02825E19363BA vein of the bulb of the vestibule Entire vein of the bulb of the vestibule (body structure) 5101 5101 05101 uterine vein 60028002 S05101 Structure of uterine vein (body structure) E05101 281063008 Entire uterine vein (body structure) P05101 Y 18896 P venous system 4B9EFBF4BD8C4250BE6C4C477DE5123A 8008048512DB4A9ABA2F6B0750443679 uterine vein Entire uterine vein (body structure) 5102 5102 05102 superficial dorsal vein of penis 367735000 S05102 Structure of superficial dorsal vein of penis (body structure) E05102 36149003 Entire superficial dorsal vein of penis (body structure) P05102 Y 21384 P genital system 307A6C9533CC4C56A21DC66634AE37B6 F047E05B50234B0D93ABCF4E1E061D09 superficial dorsal vein of penis Entire superficial dorsal vein of penis (body structure) 5103 5103 05103 superficial dorsal vein of clitoris 5046008 S05103 Structure of superficial dorsal veins of clitoris (body structure) E05103 367662003 Entire superficial dorsal veins of clitoris (body structure) P05103 Y 44550 P genital system A961324B648C49A8B0BA7EB47BF3D545 F2A34409286E41739ADFE3F53934B3B8 superficial dorsal veins of clitoris Entire superficial dorsal veins of clitoris (body structure) 5104 5104 05104 anterior labial vein 367666000 S05104 Structure of anterior labial vein (body structure) E05104 6944002 Entire anterior labial vein (body structure) P05104 Y 44552 P genital system C24DEE80F6F44C00B451E9144FFEE35F F44DFDEBB4FB4192AD2F9786F6457126 anterior labial vein Entire anterior labial vein (body structure) 5105 5105 05105 digestive system mucous membrane 410433007 S05105 Structure of digestive system mucous membrane (body structure) E05105 322249004 Entire gastrointestinal mucous membrane (body structure) P05105 - P digestive system 6A2C63EE853A4293A3EADC6F6A01882F A7122D780C664EBE80274434C22F1CC5 digestive system mucous membrane Entire gastrointestinal mucous membrane (body structure) 5106 5106 05106 subcutaneous tissue of tragus 89107008 S05106 Subcutaneous tissue structure of tragus (body structure) E05106 368627006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of tragus (body structure) P05106 Y D integument/surface 6E6136B085D247B180C085D1365D81BE 92DCFB5E606944D59786BCF9A480A770 Subcutaneous tissue of tragus Entire subcutaneous tissue of tragus (body structure) 5107 5107 05107 lymphoid system of gastrointestinal tract 19655003 S05107 Structure of lymphoid tissues of gastrointestinal tract (body structure) E05107 323031001 Entire lymphoid tissues of gastrointestinal tract (body structure) P05107 - P lymphoid system DC8CBA24082C49169EF66D558769523F 5AB428E553C043499B38F748EB7678D9 lymphoid tissues of gastrointestinal tract Entire lymphoid tissues of gastrointestinal tract (body structure) 5108 5108 05108 gastrointestinal serosa 27464007 S05108 Structure of gastrointestinal serosa (body structure) E05108 322449002 Entire gastrointestinal serosa (body structure) P05108 - P digestive system ACE34C43D4C94FF3A99A4DB39C78343A 9A08C3C57A9D4141969B480F94AB973C gastrointestinal serosa Entire gastrointestinal serosa (body structure) 5109 5109 05109 interstitial tissue of gastrointestinal tract 46078003 S05109 Structure of interstitial tissue of gastrointestinal tract (body structure) E05109 323131003 Entire interstitial tissue of gastrointestinal tract (body structure) P05109 - P digestive system 0334DBA99AB546FC8C56030C17AEB937 8985B006B90C4CF08056FD500618FF85 interstitial tissue of gastrointestinal tract Entire interstitial tissue of gastrointestinal tract (body structure) 5110 5110 05110 gastrointestinal subserosa 6076005 S05110 Structure of gastrointestinal subserosa (body structure) E05110 322548008 Entire gastrointestinal subserosa (body structure) P05110 - P digestive system D2246BE3C32D49A59FBE9202D3171618 A4A283E2CF6449729D10989781558134 gastrointestinal subserosa Entire gastrointestinal subserosa (body structure) 5111 5111 05111 transplanted intestine 90518008 S05111 Structure of transplanted intestine (body structure) E05111 266376000 Entire transplanted intestine (body structure) P05111 - P digestive system 26E856EF788F487C9D5F6B0EB337AB13 D8EA0BC0EC444836B715ED5B9539D1C0 transplanted intestine Entire transplanted intestine (body structure) 5112 5112 05112 intestinal epithelium 72517000 S05112 Structure of intestinal epithelium (body structure) E05112 266135004 Entire intestinal epithelium (body structure) P05112 - 17229 P digestive system 143A4209387C4B719E19129711448C5E C75D45A310A6422C846F7BF524CD1841 intestinal epithelium Entire intestinal epithelium (body structure) 5113 5113 05113 subcutaneous tissue of intertragal incisure 70633000 S05113 Subcutaneous tissue structure of intertragal incisure (body structure) E05113 368628001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of intertragal incisure (body structure) P05113 Y D integument/surface AB8DD0A607C843B0B7BDFD2E616E3302 E552F5503C3147E8AB3A5449B8B7C528 Subcutaneous tissue of intertragal incisure Entire subcutaneous tissue of intertragal incisure (body structure) 5114 5114 05114 intestinal lamina propria 48958004 S05114 Structure of intestinal lamina propria (body structure) E05114 266220006 Entire intestinal lamina propria (body structure) P05114 - P digestive system 7CBB3D0353EB4A78B4B3017EE6F28431 D529B6C43FCE4220AAF7F110DE774BDB intestinal lamina propria Entire intestinal lamina propria (body structure) 5115 5115 05115 intestinal gland 42298004 S05115 Structure of intestinal gland (body structure) E05115 266297002 Entire intestinal gland (body structure) P05115 - 15052 P digestive system CE93DC2380F5409982D3BCC8BFECE50A DC6C195DDDE9446495D5477948039965 intestinal gland Entire intestinal gland (body structure) 5116 5116 05116 angle of mouth 23161009 S05116 Structure of angle of mouth (body structure) E05116 263940002 Entire angle of mouth (body structure) P05116 Y 77269 P digestive system 24DAE046AEEA40469874690F8A4FA49B 2576F6E8039540A2968031D03CFDE22D angle of mouth Entire angle of mouth (body structure) 5117 5117 05117 rima oris 3382006 S05117 Structure of rima oris (body structure) E05117 368713006 Entire rima oris (body structure) P05117 - 59806 P digestive system 73C5B21180C442B39F583AD4EF714FDE DDBDE02289A6467D882BB5D6F1B7CD58 rima oris Entire rima oris (body structure) 5118 5118 05118 vestibule of mouth 34810001 S05118 Structure of vestibule of mouth (body structure) E05118 368714000 Entire vestibule of mouth (body structure) P05118 - 49183 P digestive system E110CD29C0FC47AEA8FC56281ED053C7 C55EBB37C9154E9A9112990E33D1115C vestibule of mouth Entire vestibule of mouth (body structure) 5119 5119 05119 oral cavity proper 71617008 S05119 Structure of oral cavity proper (body structure) E05119 368715004 Entire oral cavity proper (body structure) P05119 - 49182 P digestive system A39468079D3A43B488964AD6001F96E8 04C28845C897444EAA1957FF678DF8BC oral cavity proper Entire oral cavity proper (body structure) 5120 5120 05120 papilla incisiva of mouth 36451009 S05120 Structure of papilla incisiva of mouth (body structure) E05120 245782000 Entire papilla incisiva of mouth (body structure) P05120 - 77185 P digestive system 9B6E3C44003A4ECC88DBDC772BA091F0 4D19CE39548C486CA7F814B4B4022911 papilla incisiva of mouth Entire papilla incisiva of mouth (body structure) 5121 5121 05121 skin of dorsal area of little finger 43870001 S05121 Skin structure of dorsal surface of little finger (body structure) E05121 368270000 Entire skin of dorsal surface of little finger (body structure) P05121 Y D integument/surface 71A3933D515E4F75BBAB2873D5E23672 58F2116506664CF9847DA554BBE48E9E Skin of dorsal surface of little finger Entire skin of dorsal surface of little finger (body structure) 5122 5122 05122 subcutaneous tissue of antitragus 76162005 S05122 Subcutaneous tissue structure of antitragus (body structure) E05122 368629009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of antitragus (body structure) P05122 Y D integument/surface 64D042D51D1D4269B0B7569F9253BA7B E99DC8B01C934971B83D7EFC59F793FB Subcutaneous tissue of antitragus Entire subcutaneous tissue of antitragus (body structure) 5123 5123 05123 raphe of hard palate 20546004 S05123 Structure of raphe of hard palate (body structure) E05123 368683007 Entire raphe of hard palate (body structure) P05123 - P digestive system D5B7313272724DEE90E766480E9A7AC3 C0D5AFDA1AF4449A8EE5AADB935145F5 raphe of hard palate Entire raphe of hard palate (body structure) 5124 5124 05124 raphe of soft palate 3178004 S05124 Structure of raphe of soft palate (body structure) E05124 245785003 Entire raphe of soft palate (body structure) P05124 - P digestive system 969868302B4A4A908EC02A70D7F6B6BE 15DA0B1560BC4ED9BEC0D02121004C26 raphe of soft palate Entire raphe of soft palate (body structure) 5125 5125 05125 nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate 76786004 S05125 Structure of nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate (body structure) E05125 368684001 Entire nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate (body structure) P05125 - P digestive system CB6C7A59DFEC4DCFB57B72B9A65F086E BEA0339294CC41A3896C5242DAC1DDAF nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate Entire nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate (body structure) 5126 5126 05126 palatine mucous membrane 38525003 S05126 Structure of palatine mucous membrane (body structure) E05126 245840006 Entire palatine mucous membrane (body structure) P05126 - 59765 P digestive system 2D6222B227094BCB8A70C2110C4022F2 879BA60BD245417DB89F6E532BAB2079 palatine mucous membrane Entire palatine mucous membrane (body structure) 5127 5127 05127 transverse fold of palate 9127001 S05127 Structure of transverse folds of palate (body structure) E05127 245779005 Entire transverse folds of palate (body structure) P05127 Y 75652 P digestive system E921CA9431114204B69E3E8FA88BC781 AC4E7FEDB30D4E368A29061791605D71 transverse folds of palate Entire transverse folds of palate (body structure) 5128 5128 05128 parotid papilla 47612000 S05128 Structure of parotid papilla (body structure) E05128 368745001 Entire parotid papilla (body structure) P05128 Y 77272 P digestive system B0DA42BD05EB40D6B2422BDE3DF9AA8E F18125BAB0CC43B790DFB72DDC38D81F parotid papilla Entire parotid papilla (body structure) 5129 5129 05129 subcutaneous tissue of ear lobule 74582001 S05129 Subcutaneous tissue structure of ear lobule (body structure) E05129 368630004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of ear lobule (body structure) P05129 Y D integument/surface 840CC83521054B12A170A50799291124 BFB4B14984374263ACF4B84B7885C518 Subcutaneous tissue of ear lobule Entire subcutaneous tissue of ear lobule (body structure) 5130 5130 05130 mucous membrane of floor of mouth 36152006 S05130 Structure of mucous membrane of floor of mouth (body structure) E05130 245837006 Entire mucous membrane of floor of mouth (body structure) P05130 - P digestive system 17E55961C8394D61B7FB1E5C60E7B3CE C1FE448750014464994D34BFCF1F74DC mucous membrane of floor of mouth Entire mucous membrane of floor of mouth (body structure) 5131 5131 05131 anterior floor of mouth 52131005 S05131 Structure of anterior floor of mouth (body structure) E05131 245787006 Entire anterior floor of mouth (body structure) P05131 - P digestive system F563F8C53F314BDEBE16056F38DD8AAB 98B6BA6CFE984F748E1E6D562FDC4C95 anterior floor of mouth Entire anterior floor of mouth (body structure) 5132 5132 05132 lateral floor of mouth 28803009 S05132 Structure of lateral floor of mouth (body structure) E05132 245788001 Entire lateral floor of mouth (body structure) P05132 Y P digestive system B2097B47262040A58306D10E1C2C19BF C75EA0A22828498B9E7C630520097A4E lateral floor of mouth Entire lateral floor of mouth (body structure) 5133 5133 05133 retromolar area of mouth 85816001 S05133 Structure of retromolar area of mouth (body structure) E05133 245798007 Entire retromolar area of mouth (body structure) P05133 Y P digestive system 8811A4FE281543718E7E09AE00D22D0B 95644C5ED6104F3D8FF09BCDD2F744EE retromolar area of mouth Entire retromolar area of mouth (body structure) 5134 5134 05134 subcutaneous tissue of concha 3977005 S05134 Subcutaneous tissue structure of concha (body structure) E05134 368631000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of concha (body structure) P05134 Y D integument/surface 12003291866141D0BCA958984ED8AC64 8E5AF2A35F674C8B9B036D73CB9BB930 Subcutaneous tissue of concha Entire subcutaneous tissue of concha (body structure) 5135 5135 05135 mucous membrane of lip 59641005 S05135 Structure of mucous membrane of lip (body structure) E05135 245802008 Entire mucous membrane of lip (body structure) P05135 - P digestive system 3077514A3AD04EAAB8244FA73E612DC7 8A3A2B59D0794221A1A1564EAB4F7DF8 mucous membrane of lip Entire mucous membrane of lip (body structure) 5136 5136 05136 labial gland 66436008 S05136 Structure of labial gland (body structure) E05136 368694006 Entire labial gland (body structure) P05136 - 71613 P digestive system EF6EA8626CB840919477A7C20D2FB153 8735AE6B117648E4AC4D913CFE0E4F81 labial gland Entire labial gland (body structure) 5137 5137 05137 frenulum labii 7652006 S05137 Structure of frenulum labii (body structure) E05137 264053009 Entire frenulum labii (body structure) P05137 - 59820 P digestive system CE2652AE30694A61A915B0D3F2E1C43A 4E83FE347D5441568EDAE921E15FF976 frenulum labii Entire frenulum labii (body structure) 5138 5138 05138 gland of mucous membrane of upper lip 31660005 S05138 Structure of gland of mucous membrane of upper lip (body structure) E05138 368692005 Entire gland of mucous membrane of upper lip (body structure) P05138 - P digestive system 8CD46344A11A432BA1C59968B0EAAF21 5EF275427F3F4D72B07104976E1FF7A1 gland of mucous membrane of upper lip Entire gland of mucous membrane of upper lip (body structure) 5139 5139 05139 frenulum labii superioris 45825006 S05139 Structure of frenulum labii superioris (body structure) E05139 264488001 Entire frenulum labii superioris (body structure) P05139 - 59821 P digestive system DF6AFC76064347C8985843174916EA5F FFFE961F7FC249799DF6FA37FC17B0FD frenulum labii superioris Entire frenulum labii superioris (body structure) 5140 5140 05140 subcutaneous tissue of cymba conchae 85610005 S05140 Subcutaneous tissue structure of cymba conchae (body structure) E05140 368632007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of cymba conchae (body structure) P05140 Y D integument/surface 2161572FEE144C6C97AD1BE9FEA7C7F4 B1264227FEEA4C428C0D5C904618DEAB Subcutaneous tissue of cymba conchae Entire subcutaneous tissue of cymba conchae (body structure) 5141 5141 05141 gland of mucous membrane of lower lip 27114007 S05141 Structure of gland of mucous membrane of lower lip (body structure) E05141 368693000 Entire gland of mucous membrane of lower lip (body structure) P05141 - P digestive system D282B6175A504D77AD52A2BB24284131 DD6D78DBA637495FA1EB4C694FCC5EFB gland of mucous membrane of lower lip Entire gland of mucous membrane of lower lip (body structure) 5142 5142 05142 frenulum labii inferioris 34148009 S05142 Structure of frenulum labii inferioris (body structure) E05142 277191003 Entire frenulum labii inferioris (body structure) P05142 - 59822 P digestive system 32DC7C4CFCC840FEA961554D53B9D310 C05260BAAFE743BDB88DFB56C2A022F4 frenulum labii inferioris Entire frenulum labii inferioris (body structure) 5143 5143 05143 median furrow of tongue 75050004 S05143 Structure of median furrow of tongue (body structure) E05143 368742003 Entire median furrow of tongue (body structure) P05143 - 54835 P digestive system 5EE231277D7A407C96A31F6C3269166C 9B4DC171212A4ACDA08C1138E0BC2BB7 median furrow of tongue Entire median furrow of tongue (body structure) 5144 5144 05144 subcutaneous tissue of cavity of concha 51341002 S05144 Subcutaneous tissue structure of cavity of concha (body structure) E05144 368633002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of cavity of concha (body structure) P05144 Y D integument/surface 3D8A6E157FEB417D986F84B290131CCE C8F76C679D3A4F038E3928732818208F Subcutaneous tissue of cavity of concha Entire subcutaneous tissue of cavity of concha (body structure) 5145 5145 05145 septum of tongue 62710000 S05145 Structure of septum of tongue (body structure) E05145 368727001 Entire septum of tongue (body structure) P05145 - 54813 P digestive system 93113B00C3FC479E8D7B95B8237535A5 CA877F6F4FDB4885A9325F4D3B57D11E septum of tongue Entire septum of tongue (body structure) 5146 5146 05146 aponeurosis of tongue 25230005 S05146 Structure of aponeurosis of tongue (body structure) E05146 368743008 Entire aponeurosis of tongue (body structure) P05146 - 54841 P digestive system 3DB22EEF6C754A24A05893CC87E31B0F 083EBF2A049740038542A23034CAE17D aponeurosis of tongue Entire aponeurosis of tongue (body structure) 5147 5147 05147 gland of mucous membrane of tongue 74163002 S05147 Structure of gland of mucous membrane of tongue (body structure) E05147 368723002 Entire gland of mucous membrane of tongue (body structure) P05147 - 71617 P digestive system F35ABF8C007C4DCEA5DA8B212DED5822 AB85A4847AEA42B4ABE43D19BAE0A2A2 gland of mucous membrane of tongue Entire gland of mucous membrane of tongue (body structure) 5148 5148 05148 dorsum of tip of tongue 67261003 S05148 Structure of dorsum of tip of tongue (body structure) E05148 368734004 Entire dorsum of tip of tongue (body structure) P05148 - P digestive system 1E47CF780B54403E82C8D1F53A25D827 CCD918F079C74829A5D5205D4CEFAC9E dorsum of tip of tongue Entire dorsum of tip of tongue (body structure) 5149 5149 05149 dorsum of anterior tongue 77711009 S05149 Structure of dorsum of anterior tongue (body structure) E05149 368726005 Entire dorsum of anterior tongue (body structure) P05149 - 54646 P digestive system 681130EE5FFB42A6A68CE5E577523562 ACE6C88A3AF34EF1B44D3162DAE587A3 dorsum of anterior tongue Entire dorsum of anterior tongue (body structure) 5150 5150 05150 palatine portion of dorsum of tongue 17856007 S05150 Structure of palatine portion of dorsum of tongue (body structure) E05150 368735003 Entire palatine portion of dorsum of tongue (body structure) P05150 - 54644 P digestive system 554134BFBC4F4B79828CFEAD479A2DD9 F5DC1D4459544EB88286DEB44656783D palatine portion of dorsum of tongue Entire palatine portion of dorsum of tongue (body structure) 5151 5151 05151 subcutaneous tissue of crus of helix 76895002 S05151 Subcutaneous tissue structure of crus of helix (body structure) E05151 368622000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of crus of helix (body structure) P05151 Y D integument/surface 366617CC4357400996A7F3DE21D464A5 86205D826CB7473AB62C3FE07FB9AFAC Subcutaneous tissue of crus of helix Entire subcutaneous tissue of crus of helix (body structure) 5152 5152 05152 dorsal surface of base of tongue 38555005 S05152 Structure of dorsal surface of base of tongue (body structure) E05152 368736002 Entire dorsal surface of base of tongue (body structure) P05152 - P digestive system 2B60918C82D14A3E98F2AEA316248CAB 66043CAA265C403590DCC46DA7C6A85C dorsal surface of base of tongue Entire dorsal surface of base of tongue (body structure) 5153 5153 05153 sulcus terminalis of tongue 58180006 S05153 Structure of sulcus terminalis of tongue (body structure) E05153 368737006 Entire sulcus terminalis of tongue (body structure) P05153 Y 54790 P digestive system 84A1D62FEE1742439532F243575E6685 7849BACE80F148FAA4C09E0ABDDB228E sulcus terminalis of tongue Entire sulcus terminalis of tongue (body structure) 5154 5154 05154 foramen cecum of tongue 74657007 S05154 Structure of foramen cecum of tongue (body structure) E05154 368738001 Entire foramen cecum of tongue (body structure) P05154 - 54828 P digestive system 1B87FA105DAA48B289D3FD86A43899FF 92E7BB188AD94939A6C541AED0B6549B foramen cecum of tongue Entire foramen cecum of tongue (body structure) 5155 5155 05155 deciduous incisor tooth 368701001 S05155 Structure of deciduous incisor tooth (body structure) E05155 51528000 Entire deciduous incisor tooth (body structure) P05155 tooth, incisor, primary Y 84200 P digestive system 815622356211477C86C61BD40F8F031A 79ED14CBF43F44EDAF178F8E25703BB8 deciduous incisor tooth Entire deciduous incisor tooth (body structure) 5156 5156 05156 deciduous canine tooth 368702008 S05156 Structure of deciduous canine tooth (body structure) E05156 15819002 Entire deciduous canine tooth (body structure) P05156 tooth, canine, primary Y 84202 P digestive system 5C1699971DF643E9842BA22A47F1BC34 3AA23EADCEB14E46B327793937BCDD13 deciduous canine tooth Entire deciduous canine tooth (body structure) 5157 5157 05157 deciduous molar tooth 30314009 S05157 Structure of deciduous molar tooth (body structure) E05157 368703003 Entire deciduous molar tooth (body structure) P05157 tooth, molar, primary Y 84206 P digestive system 711ADE0E7181459EBF2F64C1464E96D8 A7EFCEDA53A14B468A389F3A474B67F0 deciduous molar tooth Entire deciduous molar tooth (body structure) 5158 5158 05158 subcutaneous tissue of external auditory canal 58166004 S05158 Subcutaneous tissue structure of external auditory canal (body structure) E05158 368634008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of external auditory canal (body structure) P05158 Y D integument/surface FA1AB1D80BDB47249C5350F271308107 F7D80EEFF9C5446491FF4484F5F1D252 Subcutaneous tissue of external auditory canal Entire subcutaneous tissue of external auditory canal (body structure) 5159 5159 05159 marginal gingiva 52268002 S05159 Structure of free surface of gingiva (body structure) E05159 245760007 Entire free surface of gingiva (body structure) P05159 Y P digestive system 7AECF1942EB84EE881560F57EBCB7310 C39F24BC36FC4D29A182D9B66D731477 free surface of gingiva Entire free surface of gingiva (body structure) 5160 5160 05160 attached surface of gingiva 38298008 S05160 Structure of attached surface of gingiva (body structure) E05160 245770009 Entire attached surface of gingiva (body structure) P05160 Y P digestive system 1F7707F297ED4F679A2C903A829D8E0F E0A0C4F49EC449C3BB54C13D1F798297 attached surface of gingiva Entire attached surface of gingiva (body structure) 5161 5161 05161 interdental papilla of gingiva 9325002 S05161 Structure of interdental papilla of gingiva (body structure) E05161 245769008 Entire interdental papilla of gingiva (body structure) P05161 Y 77187 P digestive system DBE881230D434EE6A4A761057B2BA07C 603E71E14FD74840810F462C62A06428 interdental papilla of gingiva Entire interdental papilla of gingiva (body structure) 5162 5162 05162 radicular gingiva 85084008 S05162 Structure of radicular gingiva (body structure) E05162 368707002 Entire radicular gingiva (body structure) P05162 Y P digestive system 6596AC63081F40558B333D371EA02330 BDDE9E3499AC436FAC2099924CBE1148 radicular gingiva Entire radicular gingiva (body structure) 5163 5163 05163 gingival mucous membrane 102300001 S05163 Structure of gingival mucous membrane (body structure) E05163 245810009 Entire gingival mucous membrane (body structure) P05163 Y P digestive system DE49B335D1B646D5B1A7931885C20788 74F1269FD121405A86CD591C09159E03 gingival mucous membrane Entire gingival mucous membrane (body structure) 5164 5164 05164 gum of maxilla 23114008 S05164 Structure of gum of maxilla (body structure) E05164 304703001 Entire gum of maxilla (body structure) P05164 - P digestive system 3EC0F3E305EA442091EB637CD7C80029 691D8235C23A48769AA9020532FAD7F1 gum of maxilla Entire gum of maxilla (body structure) 5165 5165 05165 gum of mandible 57131003 S05165 Structure of gum of mandible (body structure) E05165 304704007 Entire gum of mandible (body structure) P05165 - P digestive system D28FAEDF57AE47E5B409FD6CA071BFBB D252D3E3EA5744C8800FE76E4397AEAC gum of mandible Entire gum of mandible (body structure) 5166 5166 05166 subcutaneous tissue of neck 81853001 S05166 Subcutaneous tissue structure of neck (body structure) E05166 156953007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of neck (body structure) P05166 - D integument/surface 4865B96C47E14444A1004F908A1E6054 69D8EBFC6A3242D08D4924E40B3D3DF2 Subcutaneous tissue of neck Entire subcutaneous tissue of neck (body structure) 5167 5167 05167 upper alveolar ridge mucosa 77459005 S05167 Structure of upper alveolar ridge mucosa (body structure) E05167 368708007 Entire upper alveolar ridge mucosa (body structure) P05167 Y P digestive system B16DF6D6B0564E4A851C40A9808BC934 22BDD39987F64841A26D48E7A69086BD upper alveolar ridge mucosa Entire upper alveolar ridge mucosa (body structure) 5168 5168 05168 lower alveolar ridge mucosa 6912001 S05168 Structure of lower alveolar ridge mucosa (body structure) E05168 368709004 Entire lower alveolar ridge mucosa (body structure) P05168 Y P digestive system DBFB2A70DE3C44F385D90F6EF1320A03 08AC91A9ADFA4F5CAF1F95867CB5A4E7 lower alveolar ridge mucosa Entire lower alveolar ridge mucosa (body structure) 5169 5169 05169 alveolus dentalis 46141003 S05169 Structure of alveolus dentalis (body structure) E05169 288323008 Entire alveolus dentalis (body structure) P05169 Y 57490 P digestive system 9D88AF3E2A0D47268380C728ED1AAE7C 302FE614F53F4E378D97C5D03958A586 alveolus dentalis Entire alveolus dentalis (body structure) 5170 5170 05170 maxillary alveolus 272686009 S05170 Maxillary alveolus structure (body structure) E05170 414107001 Entire maxillary tooth socket (body structure) P05170 373608004 Part of maxillary alveolus (body structure) Y 58056 P digestive system 56FCE80D69344F398759E411D03BB699 BC9036AC7FEF4205B3D1D03168B374E4 E46AAF9E97D04C64B28A6AC2720D51C3 Maxillary alveolus Entire maxillary tooth socket (body structure) maxillary alveolus 5171 5171 05171 mandibular alveolus 414650007 S05171 Mandibular alveolus structure (body structure) E05171 414106005 Entire mandibular tooth socket (body structure) P05171 Y 58057 P digestive system BF31C6F925784D2BABDB570E05731D4F 5EC86B88B7B94E0D930383E0C4C4485B Mandibular alveolus Entire mandibular tooth socket (body structure) 5174 5174 05174 subcutaneous tissue of laryngeal prominence 91393007 S05174 Subcutaneous tissue structure of laryngeal prominence (body structure) E05174 157155007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of laryngeal prominence (body structure) P05174 - D integument/surface F3E66B35CAEE437BA998241D075D0145 BF2DE82DC27645E9A18BFC6A538B29EB Subcutaneous tissue of laryngeal prominence Entire subcutaneous tissue of laryngeal prominence (body structure) 5175 5175 05175 pharyngeal cavity 2175005 S05175 Structure of pharyngeal cavity (body structure) E05175 180543003 Entire pharyngeal cavity (body structure) P05175 - 54935 P digestive system B2FB44B4AEEC4DDAA7DC42B202DD35AD 6819A9D64CBF402883CAA3882EA19B71 pharyngeal cavity Entire pharyngeal cavity (body structure) 5176 5176 05176 pharyngeal mucous gland 75973005 S05176 Structure of pharyngeal mucous gland (body structure) E05176 158266007 Entire pharyngeal mucous gland (body structure) P05176 - P EE053E31136446AC838A4D86078B3126 CB4E7B64D678424DA123CD15D06CF3A2 pharyngeal mucous gland Entire pharyngeal mucous gland (body structure) 5177 5177 05177 retropharyngeal area 83030008 S05177 Structure of retropharyngeal area (body structure) E05177 280193007 Entire retropharyngeal area (body structure) P05177 Y 55080 P digestive system BA43EB0E3E1F45689790AE2382F6FCF3 531DC184DC704644A2D03B6B123FDF6E retropharyngeal area Entire retropharyngeal area (body structure) 5178 5178 05178 lateral pharyngeal space 12507007 S05178 Structure of lateral pharyngeal space (body structure) E05178 180439004 Entire lateral pharyngeal space (body structure) P05178 Y 55081 P digestive system F9FB5C3605B845CF8F3A4EEBAD0525A2 53E5249EBB964CC58DD24F2F38FC66B1 lateral pharyngeal space Entire lateral pharyngeal space (body structure) 5179 5179 05179 lateral pharyngeal wall 27973009 S05179 Structure of lateral pharyngeal wall (body structure) E05179 179467009 Entire lateral pharyngeal wall (body structure) P05179 Y 55085 P digestive system AE5F05CB7B25470F9379A3EA166B4E54 D9FCB114E8484237851B77F8046024DE lateral pharyngeal wall Entire lateral pharyngeal wall (body structure) 5180 5180 05180 subcutaneous tissue of anterior part of neck 5751008 S05180 Subcutaneous tissue structure of anterior portion of neck (body structure) E05180 157054009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior portion of neck (body structure) P05180 Y D integument/surface 1BE2D0006BEF4A36A76F50773919023A 79535B268F1B409BA37D10D0B1687ADE Subcutaneous tissue of anterior portion of neck Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior portion of neck (body structure) 5181 5181 05181 retromaxillary region 25146006 S05181 Structure of retromaxillary region (body structure) E05181 368716003 Entire retromaxillary region (body structure) P05181 Y P digestive system 94FDA701E68E44B7A3C59BD2345C0D27 FD339E60F2494DB59D7BB45508DA871D retromaxillary region Entire retromaxillary region (body structure) 5182 5182 05182 suprahyoid region 14056001 S05182 Structure of suprahyoid region (body structure) E05182 144531007 Entire suprahyoid region (body structure) P05182 - P digestive system 552ADE629D914844A59317BAED2E55E3 78045E6198C94E0DB98B9826E360E3C2 suprahyoid region Entire suprahyoid region (body structure) 5183 5183 05183 posterior wall of oropharynx 12999009 S05183 Structure of posterior wall of oropharynx (body structure) E05183 276960004 Entire posterior wall of oropharynx (body structure) P05183 - 55032 P digestive system 362051F80F5647E48E16C8466A0A1B5B 938B40D34513498C9CAADA7F220096D8 posterior wall of oropharynx Entire posterior wall of oropharynx (body structure) 5184 5184 05184 vallecula of epiglottis 42275007 S05184 Structure of vallecula of epiglottis (body structure) E05184 276955003 Entire vallecula of epiglottis (body structure) P05184 Y 55037 P digestive system 8F71CB0AACE140FF89CA208951D5D62C 5AB3CD1BEF3047E8AFA0ADA4479049B7 vallecula of epiglottis Entire vallecula of epiglottis (body structure) Subdivision of surface of viscerocranial mucosa, which is a depression located between the median and lateral glosso-epiglottic folds. Examples: There are only two instances, right and left epiglottic valleculas. 5185 5185 05185 middle glossoepiglottic fold 56300006 S05185 Structure of middle glossoepiglottic fold (body structure) E05185 279569009 Entire middle glossoepiglottic fold (body structure) P05185 - 55039 P digestive system C9290BB9B032491BB832CF9D6BC451A8 99EF5528203F468CB366D76913866DB1 middle glossoepiglottic fold Entire middle glossoepiglottic fold (body structure) 5186 5186 05186 lateral glossoepiglottic fold 8897003 S05186 Structure of lateral glossoepiglottic fold (body structure) E05186 279570005 Entire lateral glossoepiglottic fold (body structure) P05186 Y 55040 P digestive system 0BEEED357123437CAA6C3841014916B5 B14DDDADCD894B5CABF3EFD47268064B lateral glossoepiglottic fold Entire lateral glossoepiglottic fold (body structure) 5187 5187 05187 anterior surface of epiglottis 67298002 S05187 Structure of anterior surface of epiglottis (body structure) E05187 264441000 Entire anterior surface of epiglottis (body structure) P05187 - P digestive system 592062471F7C4752A0D3F0E1D3426BC5 4DC7FCCE05434CDEA23934DE393AC342 anterior surface of epiglottis Entire anterior surface of epiglottis (body structure) 5188 5188 05188 mucous membrane of oropharynx 33044003 S05188 Structure of mucous membrane of oropharynx (body structure) E05188 144632009 Entire mucous membrane of oropharynx (body structure) P05188 - 54933 P digestive system 3FAC23EE36CA4E59AB8DB1317B026E40 813BFCFEFB414C599B79CBDC6928A5C4 mucous membrane of oropharynx Entire mucous membrane of oropharynx (body structure) 5190 5190 05190 skin of palmar area of little finger 43825009 S05190 Skin structure of palmar surface of little finger (body structure) E05190 368283004 Entire skin of palmar surface of little finger (body structure) P05190 Y D integument/surface BF87986EC5374858BD57044C6A484C8B 52C6A65ED2464296A9730E72BE795945 Skin of palmar surface of little finger Entire skin of palmar surface of little finger (body structure) 5191 5191 05191 subcutaneous tissue of submandibular area 64577007 S05191 Subcutaneous tissue structure of submandibular area (body structure) E05191 157256001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of submandibular area (body structure) P05191 - D integument/surface 2C203D8370AE45A5AD35F6EC78143768 5B856BC854224EDEAEC41AE0576AAC4B Subcutaneous tissue of submandibular area Entire subcutaneous tissue of submandibular area (body structure) 5192 5192 05192 pharyngeal recess 1849007 S05192 Structure of pharyngeal recess (body structure) E05192 276964008 Entire pharyngeal recess (body structure) P05192 Y 54999 P respiratory system 5D1D968B5D1349F08DE48FB06BC52DA7 BD37922EED6943B8AD01CE53F98A1CFB pharyngeal recess Entire pharyngeal recess (body structure) 5193 5193 05193 pharyngeal bursa 64424004 S05193 Structure of pharyngeal bursa (body structure) E05193 179570006 Entire pharyngeal bursa (body structure) P05193 - 54986 P respiratory system 679BF01CBD4C40EF8BFC54E6B840D2F6 271CCD242E5840C0912D70985AAEFCEC pharyngeal bursa Entire pharyngeal bursa (body structure) Subdivision of the viscerocranial mucosa located above the superior constrictor of the pharynx and extends upwards and backwards toward the occipital bone. 5194 5194 05194 fold of laryngeal nerve 19332006 S05194 Structure of fold of laryngeal nerve (body structure) E05194 156852001 Entire fold of laryngeal nerve (body structure) P05194 Y 55073 P digestive system B29A772B82FE4EB0A07F528364E21CF5 014DDB9257FC4A1B98AE76C738F88F49 fold of laryngeal nerve Entire fold of laryngeal nerve (body structure) 5195 5195 05195 lateral wall of hypopharynx 88399001 S05195 Structure of lateral wall of hypopharynx (body structure) E05195 173888002 Entire lateral wall of hypopharynx (body structure) P05195 Y 55064 P digestive system 1EBB65DFF917408D9B782977F51BACD6 3F71FA0C12774BCBB08B69882A158DB5 lateral wall of hypopharynx Entire lateral wall of hypopharynx (body structure) 5196 5196 05196 piriform recess 6217003 S05196 Structure of piriform recess (body structure) E05196 264495005 Entire piriform recess (body structure) P05196 Y 55067 P digestive system 7A0B20BB24E04AA29AC19C88886D85FD 0333B89EF6B74705A1327DA0D0008BB6 piriform recess Entire piriform recess (body structure) 5197 5197 05197 posterior wall of hypopharynx 28567000 S05197 Structure of posterior wall of hypopharynx (body structure) E05197 276966005 Entire posterior wall of hypopharynx (body structure) P05197 - 55063 P digestive system 3178B72251FE40C8A659BC923DDD7F77 D482842163D747D0BD233926F6BD2115 posterior wall of hypopharynx Entire posterior wall of hypopharynx (body structure) 5198 5198 05198 junctional region of epiglottis with oropharynx 113280004 S05198 Structure of junctional region of epiglottis with oropharynx (body structure) E05198 144733007 Entire junctional region with oropharynx (body structure) P05198 - P digestive system 7A8B85B491194ACABC507CFA96C935F4 441E635D85D346CEA52DC618403B1EEE junctional region of epiglottis with oropharynx Entire junctional region with oropharynx (body structure) 5199 5199 05199 subcutaneous tissue of lateral part of neck 15828001 S05199 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral portion of neck (body structure) E05199 157559007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral portion of neck (body structure) P05199 Y D integument/surface E0D995DF623A47C18DFC7BD0E00EA253 790E04E1C153453F94E64432870AD787 Subcutaneous tissue of lateral portion of neck Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral portion of neck (body structure) 5200 5200 05200 esophageal gland 34899004 S05200 Structure of esophageal gland (body structure) E05200 322749003 Entire esophageal gland (body structure) P05200 - 9404 P digestive system B1BFD5894D294538BD0B6D7D8048F53D BC5A785EF39E4CDE9505D62AEFEFF46D esophageal gland Entire esophageal gland (body structure) 5201 5201 05201 cricoesophageal tendon 34132008 S05201 Structure of cricoesophageal tendon (body structure) E05201 322841005 Entire cricoesophageal tendon (body structure) P05201 - 76887 P digestive system 6E0AC21CF2944307ABF802267A628DF4 0E40FE2F9C404A4DB9468BD6E7F55406 cricoesophageal tendon Entire cricoesophageal tendon (body structure) 5202 5202 05202 bronchoesophageal muscle 91546001 S05202 Structure of bronchoesophageal muscle (body structure) E05202 199989007 Entire bronchoesophageal muscle (body structure) P05202 Y P digestive system 63B8F20A05DB4D4FBF09AE6BAFA6F7F5 4C8D2BDD9CE548C6A06891A141A71E35 bronchoesophageal muscle Entire bronchoesophageal muscle (body structure) 5203 5203 05203 pleuroesophageal muscle 52411002 S05203 Structure of pleuroesophageal muscle (body structure) E05203 202207004 Entire pleuroesophageal muscle (body structure) P05203 Y P digestive system 8F8ABFF3F42E4970A2A825C40DA1CAC7 377573A25E7C40808D04E721716C0B8B pleuroesophageal muscle Entire pleuroesophageal muscle (body structure) 5204 5204 05204 subcutaneous tissue of nuchal region 3215002 S05204 Subcutaneous tissue structure of nuchal region (body structure) E05204 157660005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of nuchal region (body structure) P05204 - D integument/surface D87679D98BDD486E8254ACFEA098C9D1 1E0F3D1F618D4A5E92997268071155E4 Subcutaneous tissue of nuchal region Entire subcutaneous tissue of nuchal region (body structure) 5205 5205 05205 periesophageal tissue 113282007 S05205 Structure of periesophageal tissue (body structure) E05205 322937007 Entire periesophageal tissue (body structure) P05205 - P digestive system 318C210678074D12A144EE75FFA468C4 D6F01DCA61CF44FFB586C3C6D2E3E84B periesophageal tissue Entire periesophageal tissue (body structure) 5206 5206 05206 esophageal lumen 55977007 S05206 Structure of esophageal lumen (body structure) E05206 322648002 Entire esophageal lumen (body structure) P05206 - 9398 P digestive system DFBB71C431CF4B5F80EDDA71319045CA 2EB74FAADF8340DDBDD5E1DCA97A056C esophageal lumen Entire esophageal lumen (body structure) 5207 5207 05207 rugal fold of stomach 65743007 S05207 Structure of gastric rugae (body structure) E05207 268518001 Entire gastric rugae (body structure) P05207 - 15106 P digestive system 6B167881A65F4C5E8B6B3622361FFB8F 1E95FC65DF3748438D43B66891745E4C gastric rugae Entire gastric rugae (body structure) 5208 5208 05208 area gastrica 68298000 S05208 Structure of area gastrica (body structure) E05208 269091006 Entire area gastrica (body structure) P05208 - P digestive system 31C6F087C2BB4162BA0A0F9A387B1265 CA8E0E6B6F0144A5AFDACFB410ED3EB4 area gastrica Entire area gastrica (body structure) 5209 5209 05209 villous fold of stomach 12722000 S05209 Structure of villous fold of stomach (body structure) E05209 268616005 Entire villous fold of stomach (body structure) P05209 - P digestive system 63B8DC9AEE5E4DE0B7CD8EFE2828FB63 C9B929EE55BF44DEAD0D0BC7813689D2 villous fold of stomach Entire villous fold of stomach (body structure) 5210 5210 05210 gastric foveola 87206002 S05210 Structure of gastric foveola (body structure) E05210 268426007 Entire gastric foveola (body structure) P05210 - 62947 P digestive system 8371775203674F09AF09A295D3CCD053 D22E918D73A74220A401152F857F8631 gastric foveola Entire gastric foveola (body structure) 5211 5211 05211 gastric fundal gland 40745008 S05211 Structure of gastric fundal gland (body structure) E05211 268338004 Entire gastric fundal gland (body structure) P05211 - 14923 P digestive system 4AD1798D41384F1BB0DC857327D452D3 7BB011DD13884358AC98CED025CAFCD0 gastric fundal gland Entire gastric fundal gland (body structure) 5212 5212 05212 subcutaneous tissue of supraclavicular region of neck 86608001 S05212 Subcutaneous tissue structure of supraclavicular region of neck (body structure) E05212 157357008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of supraclavicular region of neck (body structure) P05212 Y D integument/surface F75BE49944614D7E9F2BBD06D0D07299 C425EC2AF3874A418F0D56916F047928 Subcutaneous tissue of supraclavicular region of neck Entire subcutaneous tissue of supraclavicular region of neck (body structure) 5213 5213 05213 angular incisure of stomach 6550004 S05213 Structure of angular incisure of stomach (body structure) E05213 268168004 Entire angular incisure of stomach (body structure) P05213 - 14573 P digestive system 36C75AA88CA24A03AB8D28AB8EBFCA8E F563501B0ACE4522B332E8344E0200B6 angular incisure of stomach Entire angular incisure of stomach (body structure) 5214 5214 05214 cardiac ostium of stomach 63853002 S05214 Structure of cardiac ostium of stomach (body structure) E05214 268703004 Entire cardiac ostium of stomach (body structure) P05214 - 14564 P digestive system 651CF38EAD5A4F17829C9BE0BD169E87 5ACEEAD101AE47228AABCE3A52D9D061 cardiac ostium of stomach Entire cardiac ostium of stomach (body structure) 5215 5215 05215 subcutaneous tissue of suprasternal notch 82541006 S05215 Subcutaneous tissue structure of suprasternal notch (body structure) E05215 157458002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of suprasternal notch (body structure) P05215 - D integument/surface 26E66D96219B46D7BCC0DC90CD4C93F4 295BEE461FC1462FB3FA7BFBE75C57ED Subcutaneous tissue of suprasternal notch Entire subcutaneous tissue of suprasternal notch (body structure) 5216 5216 05216 cardiac incisure of stomach 5459006 S05216 Structure of cardiac incisure of stomach (body structure) E05216 268250007 Entire cardiac incisure of stomach (body structure) P05216 - 14576 P digestive system 0B31B0D891394D29B12EF585F366C1A3 2C11B05F42E54CAAA657014677AA9460 cardiac incisure of stomach Entire cardiac incisure of stomach (body structure) 5217 5217 05217 canal of stomach 5643001 S05217 Structure of canal of stomach (body structure) E05217 268897003 Entire canal of stomach (body structure) P05217 - 17093 P digestive system 4985241980A149FB8FBBFA387820DF81 5B44F3E447974098B11C3E5AF35DDCD9 canal of stomach Entire canal of stomach (body structure) 5218 5218 05218 pyloric canal 19987003 S05218 Structure of pyloric canal (body structure) E05218 245417002 Entire pyloric canal (body structure) P05218 - 14580 P digestive system 5EB3F9828014433C8862DC823F197A67 185BA846E5BC42F3BC425BFFF3CD20F6 pyloric canal Entire pyloric canal (body structure) 5219 5219 05219 gastric lumen 48231002 S05219 Structure of gastric lumen (body structure) E05219 268996006 Entire gastric lumen (body structure) P05219 - 14585 P digestive system 56C2047F540249CD94016B678A38ACE3 89423FFAF2BB4A20AB0FCFE648DFFC1F gastric lumen Entire gastric lumen (body structure) Organ cavity which is bound by the internal surface of the wall of stomach. 5220 5220 05220 pyloric ostium of stomach 77612007 S05220 Structure of pyloric ostium of stomach (body structure) E05220 245418007 Entire pyloric ostium of stomach (body structure) P05220 - 14565 P digestive system 45CCE6A003874EECACB57A60BCD3C5FA CA899FB9D3C84D83A25C5BD887941454 pyloric ostium of stomach Entire pyloric ostium of stomach (body structure) 5221 5221 05221 subcutaneous tissue of head and neck 22329008 S05221 Subcutaneous tissue structure of head and neck (body structure) E05221 158367001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of head and neck (body structure) P05221 - D integument/surface E96D6583CCA44D2488B0F98FEAAEDF49 27C520118F074B86A7456AAEA04D2193 Subcutaneous tissue of head and neck Entire subcutaneous tissue of head and neck (body structure) 5222 5222 05222 pyloric gland 70552000 S05222 Structure of pyloric gland (body structure) E05222 267989006 Entire pyloric gland (body structure) P05222 - 14922 P digestive system 05214FE9C9384B46837C2563E6523615 C39101F5D0D2461C8A22D157E2E2A963 pyloric gland Entire pyloric gland (body structure) 5223 5223 05223 small intestinal lumen 61129002 S05223 Structure of small intestinal lumen (body structure) E05223 267457009 Entire small intestinal lumen (body structure) P05223 - 14587 P digestive system 522DA0DDD1234C1DA66FFA442258269F E9B20E0CEA4647B4BC345B29700B56C9 small intestinal lumen Entire small intestinal lumen (body structure) 5224 5224 05224 Kerckring's valve 84465008 S05224 Structure of Kerckring's valve (body structure) E05224 267547005 Entire Kerckring's valve (body structure) P05224 - 15071 P digestive system 37700DA3B11440279ED2F1120FA39700 7A8642F48040416B81D0269F1D3AC9BB Kerckring's valve Entire Kerckring's valve (body structure) 5225 5225 05225 lymphoid follicle of small intestine 53911004 S05225 Structure of lymphoid follicle of small intestine (body structure) E05225 267012008 Entire lymphoid follicle of small intestine (body structure) P05225 - P lymphoid system DC25EABFFF5F475A96DD80EA3A2F83B5 3035290EBB0F49B0AD6A1940C62DB23B lymphoid follicle of small intestine Entire lymphoid follicle of small intestine (body structure) 5226 5226 05226 solitary lymphoid nodule of small intestine 267091000 S05226 Structure of solitary lymphoid nodule of small intestine (body structure) E05226 54806006 Entire solitary lymphoid nodule of small intestine (body structure) P05226 - 76465 P lymphoid system 57433B260366400A93D387365542BDD0 84624A35D3064DF5B8245C7EB82CC49B solitary lymphoid nodule of small intestine Entire solitary lymphoid nodule of small intestine (body structure) 5227 5227 05227 aggregated lymphoid follicle of small intestine 267190001 S05227 Structure of aggregated lymphoid follicle of small intestine (body structure) E05227 38986009 Entire aggregated lymphoid follicle of small intestine (body structure) P05227 - 15054 P lymphoid system 9DB1263E2DBE47F4BBC2C16225002250 3E23341A1C6B4238BF8B4DF6BF7F1A1D aggregated lymphoid follicle of small intestine Entire aggregated lymphoid follicle of small intestine (body structure) 5228 5228 05228 mesenteric border of small intestine 51234006 S05228 Structure of mesenteric border of small intestine (body structure) E05228 267281000 Entire mesenteric border of small intestine (body structure) P05228 - P digestive system 4A81B3962A144CCB9A246DD0712E10D1 6428B865BD9A4504981A8F827011CC7A mesenteric border of small intestine Entire mesenteric border of small intestine (body structure) 5229 5229 05229 anti-mesenteric border of small intestine 18787000 S05229 Structure of anti-mesenteric border of small intestine (body structure) E05229 267378008 Entire anti-mesenteric border of small intestine (body structure) P05229 - P digestive system 921D83B469AA424D941E3E98DCD5236F E9475AAC66C74C27B18F53F909CD6E09 anti-mesenteric border of small intestine Entire anti-mesenteric border of small intestine (body structure) 5230 5230 05230 subcutaneous tissue of trunk 39356001 S05230 Subcutaneous tissue structure of trunk (body structure) E05230 312721009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of trunk (body structure) P05230 - D integument/surface 77C8C44AA8B4407191C02237FF20983C CE51074665584BE18AD740B7A7D896C9 Subcutaneous tissue of trunk Entire subcutaneous tissue of trunk (body structure) 5231 5231 05231 superior flexure of duodenum 15103007 S05231 Structure of superior flexure of duodenum (body structure) E05231 266552007 Entire superior flexure of duodenum (body structure) P05231 - 15955 P digestive system D6CCA71295314EE9A0BCAB1BDE52C031 09FAEB14E52245898CFF7CB3CBA18B3F superior flexure of duodenum Entire superior flexure of duodenum (body structure) 5232 5232 05232 duodenojejunal junction S05232 E05232 281074004 Duodenojejunal junction (body structure) P05232 - 15957 P digestive system 13B7FEE779BD44DF992724ED74BDDE5F Duodenojejunal junction (body structure) 5233 5233 05233 inferior flexure of duodenum 19017009 S05233 Structure of inferior flexure of duodenum (body structure) E05233 266631009 Entire inferior flexure of duodenum (body structure) P05233 - 15956 P digestive system 30309945B5844DBEAFAB8182825F1676 4994E36731E345F68E5E9FD9BF5AE0F7 inferior flexure of duodenum Entire inferior flexure of duodenum (body structure) 5234 5234 05234 suspensory muscle of duodenum 71641006 S05234 Structure of suspensory muscle of duodenum (body structure) E05234 279979000 Entire suspensory muscle of duodenum (body structure) P05234 - 20509 P muscular system 25F7A0EE44D74094815D3572D48A6893 F9068B56830C47EC9C08A92B3DB99FB3 suspensory muscle of duodenum Entire suspensory muscle of duodenum (body structure) 5235 5235 05235 plica longitudinalis of duodenum 34881007 S05235 Structure of plica longitudinalis of duodenum (body structure) E05235 266727008 Entire plica longitudinalis of duodenum (body structure) P05235 - 15954 P digestive system BCA34DCD9B7C4CDC858FED6642BE3D39 7ABFFF8AA48B44B297D86A137B6953C2 plica longitudinalis of duodenum Entire plica longitudinalis of duodenum (body structure) 5236 5236 05236 subcutaneous tissue of upper trunk 67444003 S05236 Subcutaneous tissue structure of upper trunk (body structure) E05236 304596000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of upper trunk (body structure) P05236 - D integument/surface 26F91610C8AF4A509C9FBB89CFFCD7C0 138172788B104093AFB7E0CDC1B1A104 Subcutaneous tissue of upper trunk Entire subcutaneous tissue of upper trunk (body structure) 5237 5237 05237 inferior portion of duodenum 72793003 S05237 Structure of inferior portion of duodenum (body structure) E05237 245421009 Entire inferior portion of duodenum (body structure) P05237 - 14929 P digestive system 9D9A86AA60554DCB81E334B8814508FB 2763A2134DC6481BBC573330153976A3 inferior portion of duodenum Entire inferior portion of duodenum (body structure) 5238 5238 05238 ascending portion of duodenum 63803008 S05238 Structure of ascending portion of duodenum (body structure) E05238 245422002 Entire ascending portion of duodenum (body structure) P05238 - 14930 P digestive system 8EB10802C21D490482F5821679988634 33B339F0D6D847D59D7FD695D1810ACE ascending portion of duodenum Entire ascending portion of duodenum (body structure) 5239 5239 05239 periduodenal tissue 52427009 S05239 Structure of periduodenal tissue (body structure) E05239 266827000 Entire periduodenal tissue (body structure) P05239 - P digestive system AFB73E98BE0247CFA4F331BE6B2788A2 C20232EC09BC4C19BE221076D5CAAC3E periduodenal tissue Entire periduodenal tissue (body structure) 5240 5240 05240 duodenal lumen 9566001 S05240 Structure of duodenal lumen (body structure) E05240 266926005 Entire duodenal lumen (body structure) P05240 - 14589 P digestive system E64B62D0FCCF4A029C0038C1577FC051 7F7C5FF1C0AD466DBC07D68B4860F4DB duodenal lumen Entire duodenal lumen (body structure) 5241 5241 05241 jejunal lumen 68291006 S05241 Structure of jejunal lumen (body structure) E05241 263724007 Entire jejunal lumen (body structure) P05241 - 14590 P digestive system 7F96A3BC7C6C4C5988C36275B4571ADA AFAE4BD259044BFA953F6EDEE3BA7A11 jejunal lumen Entire jejunal lumen (body structure) 5242 5242 05242 mesenteric border of jejunum 91179006 S05242 Structure of mesenteric border of jejunum (body structure) E05242 263436002 Entire mesenteric border of jejunum (body structure) P05242 - 15964 P digestive system 7FDAB145A8964D90BACA28B16A3EED08 8EB60DF4D72B49A78293C12B61BCF98D mesenteric border of jejunum Entire mesenteric border of jejunum (body structure) 5243 5243 05243 anti-mesenteric border of jejunum 67593005 S05243 Structure of anti-mesenteric border of jejunum (body structure) E05243 263537008 Entire anti-mesenteric border of jejunum (body structure) P05243 - 15965 P digestive system F6567428E6B24E0292C4AAD63839B18C 632532553FB94ECBA8609275802739B3 anti-mesenteric border of jejunum Entire anti-mesenteric border of jejunum (body structure) 5244 5244 05244 subcutaneous tissue of lower trunk 30770005 S05244 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lower trunk (body structure) E05244 304795003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower trunk (body structure) P05244 - D integument/surface 71D04906FF194A4A9C179D1805B8DA95 25672185B0564DF291EC1A4CF6542C3E Subcutaneous tissue of lower trunk Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower trunk (body structure) 5245 5245 05245 ileal lumen 40810008 S05245 Structure of ileal lumen (body structure) E05245 264156004 Entire ileal lumen (body structure) P05245 - 14591 P digestive system 8DCB4E789E09472F96041AC552309B87 2CD5FCDB852A4C4BA5F8A64981D26FAF ileal lumen Entire ileal lumen (body structure) 5246 5246 05246 mesenteric border of ileum 20562005 S05246 Structure of mesenteric border of ileum (body structure) E05246 263964001 Entire mesenteric border of ileum (body structure) P05246 - 15966 P digestive system A68182F73AE14644927BDE68029A8882 9B1DC29FEABA4DDD806EA5BFCEE24C3B mesenteric border of ileum Entire mesenteric border of ileum (body structure) 5247 5247 05247 anti-mesenteric border of ileum 15359007 S05247 Structure of anti-mesenteric border of ileum (body structure) E05247 264062006 Entire anti-mesenteric border of ileum (body structure) P05247 - 15967 P digestive system 27B7AC6CA5CB4F58ADB75243946BB649 8E0D252F7AD943CD89125DF280DC1E8E anti-mesenteric border of ileum Entire anti-mesenteric border of ileum (body structure) 5248 5248 05248 proximal portion of ileum 40664009 S05248 Structure of proximal portion of ileum (body structure) E05248 263798002 Entire proximal portion of ileum (body structure) P05248 - 14964 P digestive system BD95127ABDFA4BF890AA7BAAD1434F4D 9D616CFC68574168AA70C2DD8AECEAB3 proximal portion of ileum Entire proximal portion of ileum (body structure) 5249 5249 05249 middle portion of ileum 4281009 S05249 Structure of middle portion of ileum (body structure) E05249 263876002 Entire middle portion of ileum (body structure) P05249 - 14965 P digestive system 2CBC1927F45D403CBB397220EF01BE72 06D8FA852C9646F2B0C6D993FF399D98 middle portion of ileum Entire middle portion of ileum (body structure) 5250 5250 05250 peri-ileal tissue 81743008 S05250 Structure of peri-ileal tissue (body structure) E05250 264454007 Entire peri-ileal tissue (body structure) P05250 - P digestive system 7F46DA29B6F34028A77224BBD632B137 2C9E86AE6AD74075A697070A3677DC40 peri-ileal tissue Entire peri-ileal tissue (body structure) 5251 5251 05251 subcutaneous tissue of lateral region of trunk 61791003 S05251 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral region of trunk (body structure) E05251 312056004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral region of trunk (body structure) P05251 Y D integument/surface 5BA5DDF67B99460991FF40EB0CDDB4C0 67021827A8684316A5E2E8D572E6DF0B Subcutaneous tissue of lateral region of trunk Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral region of trunk (body structure) 5252 5252 05252 ileocecal ostium 9970000 S05252 Structure of ileocecal ostium (body structure) E05252 264399003 Entire ileocecal ostium (body structure) P05252 - 15079 P digestive system 7218F4A435D543F0A02A36096BE5CAAF EF10ABE800B24B9EA365DBDA0AAF2733 ileocecal ostium Entire ileocecal ostium (body structure) 5253 5253 05253 frenulum of ileocecal valve 22763007 S05253 Structure of frenulum of ileocecal valve (body structure) E05253 264336007 Entire frenulum of ileocecal valve (body structure) P05253 - 15977 P digestive system 58C4CB8560C14BC5AA75D99ACAF08660 C00313877A51437FA4DCD9C4BC6B3560 frenulum of ileocecal valve Entire frenulum of ileocecal valve (body structure) 5254 5254 05254 ostium appendicis vermiformis 83856002 S05254 Structure of ostium appendicis vermiformis (body structure) E05254 264543000 Entire ostium appendicis vermiformis (body structure) P05254 - 14557 P digestive system E7AAF9C1A9E04E2D9F7896FC6C109A34 46E0A04AF2164F6595AE9F2B2EA454D9 ostium appendicis vermiformis Entire ostium appendicis vermiformis (body structure) 5255 5255 05255 retrocecal appendix 80114002 S05255 Structure of retrocecal appendix (body structure) E05255 264641009 Entire retrocecal appendix (body structure) P05255 - P digestive system EFC7AC8201EB497CB080CB668937C745 43936E3457344F2DAF7CE89390BA3B95 retrocecal appendix Entire retrocecal appendix (body structure) 5256 5256 05256 plica semilunaris coli 11436007 S05256 Structure of plicae semilunares coli (body structure) E05256 264842004 Entire plicae semilunares coli (body structure) P05256 - 14553 P digestive system 54F5BC1906784360B8454693A660400D 1F5265F952B04B7B8B110D69BD05FAD8 plicae semilunares coli Entire plicae semilunares coli (body structure) 5257 5257 05257 colonic haustra 6533001 S05257 Structure of colonic haustra (body structure) E05257 279976007 Entire colonic haustra (body structure) P05257 - 14552 P digestive system 16C55D3604B34E6CABFC54F9F698F463 2E878E94E13241AAB79899C673376C9F colonic haustra Entire colonic haustra (body structure) 5258 5258 05258 appendix epiploica 73800007 S05258 Structure of appendix epiploica (body structure) E05258 279977003 Entire appendix epiploica (body structure) P05258 - 15040 P digestive system 9BD8483413744DBDAEF5036C8795A94D 7C087D530A024B9EAE83A6D87BE440CF appendix epiploica Entire appendix epiploica (body structure) 5259 5259 05259 skin of lateral area of little finger 84649004 S05259 Skin structure of lateral surface of little finger (body structure) E05259 368292001 Entire skin of lateral surface of little finger (body structure) P05259 Y D integument/surface 6D5C720C183243CAA1777BF880E9B625 53C3E484A6944A6EB07113228239BB12 Skin of lateral surface of little finger Entire skin of lateral surface of little finger (body structure) 5260 5260 05260 subcutaneous tissue of shoulder region 360538003 S05260 Subcutaneous tissue of shoulder region (body structure) E05260 368160005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of shoulder (body structure) P05260 Y D integument/surface 36D5197F41AC4594936AA9A9418D74D4 BF0CCB9F628041D0BEB94B2DE772E845 Subcutaneous tissue of shoulder region Entire subcutaneous tissue of shoulder (body structure) 5261 5261 05261 taenia mesocolica 15881009 S05261 Structure of taenia mesocolica (body structure) E05261 264942000 Entire taenia mesocolica (body structure) P05261 - 15042 P digestive system 132AB852AFA542388B3D4C8DB2FDA513 50D7066E57164005900F24D6437D595B taenia mesocolica Entire taenia mesocolica (body structure) 5262 5262 05262 taenia omentalis 47554005 S05262 Structure of taenia omentalis (body structure) E05262 265028002 Entire taenia omentalis (body structure) P05262 - 15043 P digestive system 4B4189CCA20D467CB3D5EF31BDA2FD57 3B7B5F2684D7442DB7016F7C5075951B taenia omentalis Entire taenia omentalis (body structure) 5263 5263 05263 taenia libera 47489009 S05263 Structure of taenia libera (body structure) E05263 265118008 Entire taenia libera (body structure) P05263 - 15044 P digestive system EDF3094214364BC8A2CCF4237A9F314A 61ABC867259C46B19FE64CA5F5635C88 taenia libera Entire taenia libera (body structure) 5264 5264 05264 pericolic tissue 84860006 S05264 Structure of pericolic tissue (body structure) E05264 265217008 Entire pericolic tissue (body structure) P05264 - P digestive system 281B12AEFA074D37B5E38F842E792CCC C0D2607C958347588A2CB348CA06F2AA pericolic tissue Entire pericolic tissue (body structure) 5265 5265 05265 retrocolic tissue 58331009 S05265 Structure of retrocolic tissue (body structure) E05265 265300004 Entire retrocolic tissue (body structure) P05265 - P EA46877B3E5C44679EF1F5A49C978A6C 89874F340C9B435C8CA4ADFE7AC7B2B2 retrocolic tissue Entire retrocolic tissue (body structure) 5266 5266 05266 colic flexure 28559008 S05266 Structure of colic flexure (body structure) E05266 245426004 Entire colic flexure (body structure) P05266 - 14555 P digestive system 95618F01C1DD4D8388F95AECE400B1AA D7619DD08D824668A2A456C482E7B655 colic flexure Entire colic flexure (body structure) 5267 5267 05267 right colic flexure 48338005 S05267 Structure of right colic flexure (body structure) E05267 245427008 Entire right colic flexure (body structure) P05267 - 14550 R P digestive system DE12BCDBA9D042EAB12D0DF0C8106D9C 08263E224D264880A0C4802A2D035B6A right colic flexure Entire right colic flexure (body structure) 5268 5268 05268 subcutaneous tissue of scapular region of back 71791004 S05268 Subcutaneous tissue structure of scapular region of back (body structure) E05268 202691001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of scapular region of back (body structure) P05268 Y D integument/surface 44C36B3AFB4B4D498E1D2A44FC2421A0 35A31306CED3440FA6A7EAC90E086F06 Subcutaneous tissue of scapular region of back Entire subcutaneous tissue of scapular region of back (body structure) 5269 5269 05269 left colic flexure 72592005 S05269 Structure of left colic flexure (body structure) E05269 245428003 Entire left colic flexure (body structure) P05269 - 14551 L P digestive system A019C86393FA46829E065559BE72DFA3 E957480058494CC7BEC53D4876EAD629 left colic flexure Entire left colic flexure (body structure) 5271 5271 05271 sacral flexure of rectum 74611005 S05271 Structure of sacral flexure of rectum (body structure) E05271 245435006 Entire sacral flexure of rectum (body structure) P05271 - 15719 P digestive system 06CF36F9A8324111B990A0C7B77B24CC 138858D4E9CF4849BA31E58AD337AE0C sacral flexure of rectum Entire sacral flexure of rectum (body structure) 5272 5272 05272 perineal flexure of rectum 113285009 S05272 Structure of perineal flexure of rectum (body structure) E05272 245436007 Entire perineal flexure of rectum (body structure) P05272 - P digestive system E80C6CF995944274BFF351D45ACCD0C9 48FC934BF437411EA2BB266E20BB378D perineal flexure of rectum Entire perineal flexure of rectum (body structure) 5273 5273 05273 transverse fold of rectum 28265009 S05273 Structure of transverse fold of rectum (body structure) E05273 259687002 Entire transverse fold of rectum (body structure) P05273 - 15722 P digestive system C5C3432F3BD54A4FA1716B694E7EB43E 1D24E82466584308869328FA6A2B4E15 transverse fold of rectum Entire transverse fold of rectum (body structure) 5274 5274 05274 subcutaneous tissue of interscapular region of back 83713000 S05274 Subcutaneous tissue structure of interscapular region of back (body structure) E05274 202784009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of interscapular region of back (body structure) P05274 - D integument/surface D5F0F5F2FCE6430D94B8DB5DD61DCFFC 4EB4E4177F1B40AEB0416451BB5DF6FD Subcutaneous tissue of interscapular region of back Entire subcutaneous tissue of interscapular region of back (body structure) 5275 5275 05275 rectal ampulla 32611003 S05275 Structure of rectal ampulla (body structure) E05275 245432009 Entire rectal ampulla (body structure) P05275 - 15721 P digestive system 65EEE5A145E54FE28708A03EA1F01496 BDAD6A2ED15941A1A5095BEA9848797B rectal ampulla Entire rectal ampulla (body structure) 5276 5276 05276 rectal lumen 37207007 S05276 Structure of rectal lumen (body structure) E05276 259740004 Entire rectal lumen (body structure) P05276 - 14598 P digestive system 4C82BD5FDBE64C10BBCD9A1623872294 981C9877246D4E4EB810160C1494B789 rectal lumen Entire rectal lumen (body structure) 5277 5277 05277 rectosigmoid junction 49832006 S05277 Structure of rectosigmoid junction (body structure) E05277 245429006 Entire rectosigmoid junction (body structure) P05277 - P digestive system 5884BC16E6C24377B2B24E35BC901E74 5CC2D09886B2496BA755D04E2C129917 rectosigmoid junction Entire rectosigmoid junction (body structure) 5278 5278 05278 perirectal tissue 70853004 S05278 Structure of perirectal tissue (body structure) E05278 259763009 Entire perirectal tissue (body structure) P05278 - P digestive system D3FF0C2EB23C4D22B132D1C7333C8FA6 C62842EF282F4AC78F2CDAD169475E9E perirectal tissue Entire perirectal tissue (body structure) 5279 5279 05279 anorectal junction 57444000 S05279 Structure of anorectal junction (body structure) E05279 263673007 Entire anorectal junction (body structure) P05279 - 15716 P digestive system C755861B323C428AB3AC7305B1F24528 11B50FFED55F4B7EB179F676923CAFBD anorectal junction Entire anorectal junction (body structure) 5280 5280 05280 anal gland 78293005 S05280 Structure of anal gland (body structure) E05280 245448005 Entire anal gland (body structure) P05280 - 15720 P digestive system C7068751E8C74B4E8D5370D88FB545E1 04FC45D072C44641BC5626557C86CAF9 anal gland Entire anal gland (body structure) 5281 5281 05281 intramuscular anal gland 367655007 S05281 Structure of intramuscular anal gland (body structure) E05281 23729003 Entire intramuscular anal gland (body structure) P05281 - P digestive system 76DB130E2ACE4118AA72F2773FFB5883 64A3DC2DEA3542EE826C35E4B0D593BD intramuscular anal gland Entire intramuscular anal gland (body structure) 5282 5282 05282 subcutaneous tissue of clavicular region 44314000 S05282 Subcutaneous tissue structure of clavicular region (body structure) E05282 368162002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of clavicular region (body structure) P05282 Y D integument/surface 792DDEC8325E4181A87CDFB6BFF78FD0 1CC433B64AD94D4BBFD129F3772D8134 Subcutaneous tissue of clavicular region Entire subcutaneous tissue of clavicular region (body structure) 5284 5284 05284 anal intersphincteric groove 71920003 S05284 Structure of anal intersphincteric groove (body structure) E05284 245452005 Entire anal intersphincteric groove (body structure) P05284 - 15715 P digestive system 735CF915CC244B53A333CA493C391D25 CE6F87557C4F46E1851E142709545D0D anal intersphincteric groove Entire anal intersphincteric groove (body structure) 5285 5285 05285 anal valves 69692000 S05285 Structure of anal valves (body structure) E05285 245446009 Entire anal valves (body structure) P05285 - 15714 P digestive system 59A1040FE6A445C5AB5C0046C9628F22 5F27664E6F8D4499979098989A8D01F0 anal valves Entire anal valves (body structure) 5286 5286 05286 anal column 69656004 S05286 Structure of anal column (body structure) E05286 245444007 Entire anal column (body structure) P05286 - 15713 P digestive system 5CE7E3D12ECD4B1BA729E3FA04D00821 4251852384BC4CFCA8036673F4E8CF04 anal column Entire anal column (body structure) 5287 5287 05287 hemorrhoidal zone 28158005 S05287 Structure of hemorrhoidal zone (body structure) E05287 367656008 Entire hemorrhoidal zone (body structure) P05287 - P digestive system 713B4D4AFE764EBA907CD149C806170F 171031AD78614304B1A657CB6088794E hemorrhoidal zone Entire hemorrhoidal zone (body structure) 5288 5288 05288 cloacogenic area of rectum 72981004 S05288 Structure of cloacogenic area of rectum (body structure) E05288 367658009 Entire cloacogenic area of rectum (body structure) P05288 - P digestive system 63431CE51ADE4786907CA0AD69D67BF4 ECE10E5C2B164072B27DCB2B59300075 cloacogenic area of rectum Entire cloacogenic area of rectum (body structure) 5289 5289 05289 perianal connective tissue 90566001 S05289 Structure of perianal connective tissue (body structure) E05289 181263004 Entire perianal connective tissue (body structure) P05289 - P genital system E5B645B96D71418180EF79C0C63CE6ED 0D76A2C488B64A8D952401CDB62B74C1 perianal connective tissue Entire perianal connective tissue (body structure) 5290 5290 05290 subcutaneous tissue of infraclavicular region 90672005 S05290 Subcutaneous tissue structure of infraclavicular region (body structure) E05290 368163007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of infraclavicular region (body structure) P05290 Y D integument/surface 8DFA73C8C98641ADA618089B1EF1A809 30BEE89023C14CAFA1A580A21A3906C6 Subcutaneous tissue of infraclavicular region Entire subcutaneous tissue of infraclavicular region (body structure) 5291 5291 05291 orifice of salivary gland duct 11348009 S05291 Structure of orifice of salivary gland duct (body structure) E05291 311396006 Entire orifice of salivary gland duct (body structure) P05291 Y 59915 P digestive system A15D3BCB454B468EA9A7C345B7D999B2 B4F94A89377F4C7F9F29D0BB56DD12FF orifice of salivary gland duct Entire orifice of salivary gland duct (body structure) 5292 5292 05292 superficial portion of parotid gland 44989006 S05292 Structure of superficial portion of parotid gland (body structure) E05292 368749007 Entire superficial portion of parotid gland (body structure) P05292 Y 59809 P digestive system 7DA77E2ABFDC48199CC11E86B4F6809D 376ED978A3DD4ADDB65CA18C4BAADF31 superficial portion of parotid gland Entire superficial portion of parotid gland (body structure) 5293 5293 05293 deep portion of parotid gland 75606001 S05293 Structure of deep portion of parotid gland (body structure) E05293 368750007 Entire deep portion of parotid gland (body structure) P05293 Y 59812 P digestive system F79F565C524345BCBC0EA572133BEB51 A895AE7C15424562B5011805442EA9F2 deep portion of parotid gland Entire deep portion of parotid gland (body structure) 5294 5294 05294 lobe of parotid gland 30181001 S05294 Structure of lobe of parotid gland (body structure) E05294 368751006 Entire lobe of parotid gland (body structure) P05294 Y 59890 P digestive system E2D7025D34614CBE9BFF3EF5EDF8A806 A26D611179A4405086BB1D71366D3318 lobe of parotid gland Entire lobe of parotid gland (body structure) 5295 5295 05295 lobule of parotid gland 66268002 S05295 Structure of lobule of parotid gland (body structure) E05295 368752004 Entire lobule of parotid gland (body structure) P05295 Y 59936 P digestive system E5AE8C5C5D774942BE8F7F38B03C7E85 504EA4D25A8642D5A303289317330603 lobule of parotid gland Entire lobule of parotid gland (body structure) 5296 5296 05296 interstitial tissue of parotid gland 51091007 S05296 Structure of interstitial tissue of parotid gland (body structure) E05296 368744002 Entire interstitial tissue of parotid gland (body structure) P05296 Y 0 P digestive system 44442DDABBB6422D877B3B35C2AC51FC EEC70CD62E2A4B4B98740EC176008FC7 interstitial tissue of parotid gland Entire interstitial tissue of parotid gland (body structure) 5297 5297 05297 subcutaneous tissue of axilla 57930003 S05297 Subcutaneous tissue structure of axilla (body structure) E05297 368490006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of axilla (body structure) P05297 Y D integument/surface 1DFB54ECD76E4EF1B510979352F58420 F3FD42A81E2444A48CDCBF41D58E8235 Subcutaneous tissue of axilla Entire subcutaneous tissue of axilla (body structure) 5298 5298 05298 parotid gland capsule 71097005 S05298 Structure of parotid gland capsule (body structure) E05298 368753009 Entire parotid gland capsule (body structure) P05298 Y 59859 P digestive system B25134DD58794FA5867BAA9814FF9759 9AEDCD6578E648C99ACBB60C16D3ED65 parotid gland capsule Entire parotid gland capsule (body structure) 5299 5299 05299 parotid recess 16945001 S05299 Structure of parotid recess (body structure) E05299 368754003 Entire parotid recess (body structure) P05299 Y P 61E4675C9EEB4A9F834FA4A6CF23E9F7 BE0267B30C4E4561B987B1DC7DFE4E9F parotid recess Entire parotid recess (body structure) 5300 5300 05300 right parotid gland 85706002 S05300 Structure of right parotid gland (body structure) E05300 368755002 Entire right parotid gland (body structure) P05300 R 59797 P digestive system F56DCE16C8604849A3EFF4786EB3ED49 31C92176C7914705961FA0D779D4860C right parotid gland Entire right parotid gland (body structure) 5301 5301 05301 left parotid gland 44178003 S05301 Structure of left parotid gland (body structure) E05301 368756001 Entire left parotid gland (body structure) P05301 L 59798 P digestive system 17971ADEE92B4AEC8C0CE81638B4D1C0 E7D6B6531E8D4A2184AC896418E682DB left parotid gland Entire left parotid gland (body structure) 5302 5302 05302 branch of parotid duct 82618008 S05302 Structure of branch of parotid duct (body structure) E05302 368748004 Entire branch of parotid duct (body structure) P05302 Y P digestive system 5C06FEE09AF446A68BBC7CDEE094BA13 21D0F6F9FB584500BB2B602D52474F26 branch of parotid duct Entire branch of parotid duct (body structure) 5303 5303 05303 orifice of parotid duct 10711008 S05303 Structure of orifice of parotid duct (body structure) E05303 311397002 Entire orifice of parotid duct (body structure) P05303 Y 59916 P digestive system 85254B6A59274C98B88DB6842D401FAF 030459F7DED64486BEB5D1C732CDA587 orifice of parotid duct Entire orifice of parotid duct (body structure) 5304 5304 05304 lateral surface of sublingual gland 7471001 S05304 Structure of lateral surface of sublingual gland (body structure) E05304 368717007 Entire lateral surface of sublingual gland (body structure) P05304 Y P digestive system 8528F1833021400C8E82BA86DFC9F81F F25A7F469D5644C3934C6625CA8CE665 lateral surface of sublingual gland Entire lateral surface of sublingual gland (body structure) 5305 5305 05305 medial surface of sublingual gland 27039001 S05305 Structure of medial surface of sublingual gland (body structure) E05305 368718002 Entire medial surface of sublingual gland (body structure) P05305 Y P digestive system B7CAC410ADFF46A98475385997C52270 5DCE5A26338849D4B07E065B11087DCE medial surface of sublingual gland Entire medial surface of sublingual gland (body structure) 5306 5306 05306 subcutaneous tissue of anterior axillary fold 61325001 S05306 Subcutaneous tissue structure of anterior axillary fold (body structure) E05306 368491005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior axillary fold (body structure) P05306 Y D integument/surface 8109EB4F29F249729494864CB9579DA2 544040054EC74AE0BE987AA78D875900 Subcutaneous tissue of anterior axillary fold Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior axillary fold (body structure) 5307 5307 05307 right sublingual gland 81831003 S05307 Structure of right sublingual gland (body structure) E05307 368719005 Entire right sublingual gland (body structure) P05307 R 59804 P digestive system 0A9D45EE894E43E3A59128D7747441BC 940C8FE0905E4A99BDEFFD55F73278C4 right sublingual gland Entire right sublingual gland (body structure) 5308 5308 05308 left sublingual gland 64303008 S05308 Structure of left sublingual gland (body structure) E05308 368720004 Entire left sublingual gland (body structure) P05308 L 59805 P digestive system CAB0072626A247338C7FD6B10534A104 0A82C0C58F0844C3820789B576A4631F left sublingual gland Entire left sublingual gland (body structure) 5309 5309 05309 major sublingual duct 368721000 S05309 Structure of major sublingual duct (body structure) E05309 25237008 Entire major sublingual duct (body structure) P05309 Y 59986 P digestive system E2B4627FC6604D13B7F122C17D7D7F49 EA7F88BDA42D4D7B88D8FE7068BACCB7 major sublingual duct Entire major sublingual duct (body structure) 5310 5310 05310 minor sublingual duct 368722007 S05310 Structure of minor sublingual ducts (body structure) E05310 8710005 Entire minor sublingual ducts (body structure) P05310 Y 59987 P digestive system E9042CCEA9EA43DA962797D0E24A7A75 F57B3FE4BAAE4488BBD3F87621B53CCD minor sublingual ducts Entire minor sublingual ducts (body structure) 5311 5311 05311 sublingual duct 57901005 S05311 Structure of sublingual duct (body structure) E05311 281000009 Entire sublingual duct (body structure) P05311 Y 59983 P digestive system 4587523A784E4908842605F5D85FD11D 7C236B11F22A44DCAEF7945E2B5E8608 sublingual duct Entire sublingual duct (body structure) 5312 5312 05312 right submaxillary gland 91590006 S05312 Structure of right submaxillary gland (body structure) E05312 368757005 Entire right submaxillary gland (body structure) P05312 R 59802 P digestive system 057A9221F53C4B55AC99D351F0DFE1FB 81DFDE7B9BA146AAB50137C0A7CB5FF5 right submaxillary gland Entire right submaxillary gland (body structure) 5313 5313 05313 left submaxillary gland 48065005 S05313 Structure of left submaxillary gland (body structure) E05313 368758000 Entire left submaxillary gland (body structure) P05313 L 59803 P digestive system 72646360FD954FA2883E830A3AD93CC1 38FFBF2D3127478DA3E8F170F1F85A75 left submaxillary gland Entire left submaxillary gland (body structure) 5314 5314 05314 submaxillary duct 86391007 S05314 Structure of submaxillary duct (body structure) E05314 181237009 Entire submaxillary duct (body structure) P05314 Y 59899 P digestive system 3DF4DD56F0724F5E9E0C301C965862AC FCD74A99E13D4F69BFD00A2335FEC4E7 submaxillary duct Entire submaxillary duct (body structure) 5315 5315 05315 subcutaneous tissue of posterior axillary fold 83361005 S05315 Subcutaneous tissue structure of posterior axillary fold (body structure) E05315 368492003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of posterior axillary fold (body structure) P05315 Y D integument/surface 341C1A324041436D87649B73953B1564 F77BBF2AAC064C0CA7AADE43CAB2D782 Subcutaneous tissue of posterior axillary fold Entire subcutaneous tissue of posterior axillary fold (body structure) 5316 5316 05316 orifice of duct of minor salivary gland 368746000 S05316 Structure of orifice of duct of minor salivary gland (body structure) E05316 91432004 Entire orifice of duct of minor salivary gland (body structure) P05316 Y P digestive system EDA33BBD8C744D1893B291F0B4C69D98 F961030405E04F8A860E6E7724B839CC orifice of duct of minor salivary gland Entire orifice of duct of minor salivary gland (body structure) 5317 5317 05317 orifice of duct of anterior lingual gland 368747009 S05317 Structure of orifice of duct of anterior lingual gland (body structure) E05317 78727000 Entire orifice of duct of anterior lingual gland (body structure) P05317 Y P digestive system D4A5A8331B764CE3B60B9C5B4EF7ACB5 B4AEA5532C0248978309EF104A202789 orifice of duct of anterior lingual gland Entire orifice of duct of anterior lingual gland (body structure) 5318 5318 05318 transplanted liver 3860006 S05318 Structure of transplanted liver (body structure) E05318 272508003 Entire transplanted liver (body structure) P05318 - P digestive system C410512566384BE2AA4EA8ABEA72B60E 14C42E83F60549209682C50B4CB3D07B transplanted liver Entire transplanted liver (body structure) 5319 5319 05319 anterior segment of right lobe of liver 76919008 S05319 Structure of anterior segment of right lobe of liver (body structure) E05319 270226005 Entire anterior segment of right lobe of liver (body structure) P05319 - 14498 R P digestive system AF7EAB8FF9B5469991F8CE82C3ED0E16 EA3129CB264E4857968794F458B424FB anterior segment of right lobe of liver Entire anterior segment of right lobe of liver (body structure) 5320 5320 05320 posterior segment of right lobe of liver 9242006 S05320 Structure of posterior segment of right lobe of liver (body structure) E05320 270327004 Entire posterior segment of right lobe of liver (body structure) P05320 - 14499 R P digestive system 1F7B69159FB24FB29FC3E7F4080C6039 DAF34E5653714F3EAA6E86115299AAD0 posterior segment of right lobe of liver Entire posterior segment of right lobe of liver (body structure) 5321 5321 05321 subcutaneous tissue of chest 58087007 S05321 Subcutaneous tissue structure of chest (body structure) E05321 202594002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of chest (body structure) P05321 - D integument/surface F5FE6CAB54B24C4FA7293BBCD83417AF B3AC85810217416F84C16E81FAEE1DDC Subcutaneous tissue of chest Entire subcutaneous tissue of chest (body structure) 5322 5322 05322 medial segment of left lobe of liver 16777006 S05322 Structure of medial segment of left lobe of liver (body structure) E05322 271085007 Entire medial segment of left lobe of liver (body structure) P05322 - 14500 L P digestive system 2AD07A6E78444C85ADD5D8BB7FF852FC 99ADD8973D3C436BBB20AC1753EF7773 medial segment of left lobe of liver Entire medial segment of left lobe of liver (body structure) 5323 5323 05323 quadrate lobe of liver 26928007 S05323 Structure of quadrate lobe of liver (body structure) E05323 279929003 Entire quadrate lobe of liver (body structure) P05323 - 13364 P digestive system B6304951D1A04B1BBB55F5D339918E23 C8DA67E5A4964237B475F2D6CB9C988E quadrate lobe of liver Entire quadrate lobe of liver (body structure) 5324 5324 05324 papillary process of caudate lobe of liver 60039004 S05324 Structure of papillary process of caudate lobe of liver (body structure) E05324 271187002 Entire papillary process of caudate lobe of liver (body structure) P05324 - 14506 P digestive system CD838B8DE0684455AAD5171BAB058690 7B0FA7EEED5F46499DCB23EC0DA604CF papillary process of caudate lobe of liver Entire papillary process of caudate lobe of liver (body structure) 5325 5325 05325 caudate process of caudate lobe of liver 15760000 S05325 Structure of caudate process of caudate lobe of liver (body structure) E05325 270429000 Entire caudate process of caudate lobe of liver (body structure) P05325 - 14505 P digestive system 2100B4642AED4ECB8248B785C15B9A17 E6ED2E72FD6D4A339BBC6BAB24E90041 caudate process of caudate lobe of liver Entire caudate process of caudate lobe of liver (body structure) 5326 5326 05326 lateral segment of left lobe of liver 80303005 S05326 Structure of lateral segment of left lobe of liver (body structure) E05326 271288003 Entire lateral segment of left lobe of liver (body structure) P05326 - 14501 L P digestive system 916EE9812D05447AB2F715324817415B 6FE69625C55D4E98B9BBC23F49639524 lateral segment of left lobe of liver Entire lateral segment of left lobe of liver (body structure) 5327 5327 05327 serous capsule of liver 48025006 S05327 Structure of serous capsule of liver (body structure) E05327 262586001 Entire serous capsule of liver (body structure) P05327 - 15811 P digestive system 3FF7917A2426434BAD7CD56529F104F6 CAF4FB8F283B495BA632069469C565BC serous capsule of liver Entire serous capsule of liver (body structure) 5328 5328 05328 perivascular fibrous capsule of liver 62919005 S05328 Structure of perivascular fibrous capsule of liver (body structure) E05328 272313000 Entire perivascular fibrous capsule of liver (body structure) P05328 - 14472 P digestive system B6B1D4FB9DEF44DDB57BCFEA5B4AECA0 FD82839F303C419F98EFB9B019E42F3D perivascular fibrous capsule of liver Entire perivascular fibrous capsule of liver (body structure) Organ component of the liver, which consists of irregular dense connective tissue sheath which surrounds each portal triad. 5329 5329 05329 subcutaneous tissue of breast 25038008 S05329 Subcutaneous tissue structure of breast (body structure) E05329 202865000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of breast (body structure) P05329 Y D integument/surface ABD4D584E7CA409A8A406F743368ADAC AD954815940248DF996D81C9C34384CA Subcutaneous tissue of breast Entire subcutaneous tissue of breast (body structure) 5330 5330 05330 interstitial tissue of liver 57661005 S05330 Structure of interstitial tissue of liver (body structure) E05330 272124008 Entire interstitial tissue of liver (body structure) P05330 - 15815 P digestive system 117BADE88E9D429395B3010A12E73958 8F6E4AADF5AA4ACBAC285AE0EF1C0941 interstitial tissue of liver Entire interstitial tissue of liver (body structure) 5331 5331 05331 porta hepatis 11204002 S05331 Structure of porta hepatis (body structure) E05331 245379008 Entire porta hepatis (body structure) P05331 - 15758 P digestive system 1237B21E4FB24799B1597D2225487E6B 3F36F0F0C0FF4F2AA38092F751C26EAD porta hepatis Entire porta hepatis (body structure) 5332 5332 05332 cardiac impression of liver 318001 S05332 Structure of cardiac impression of liver (body structure) E05332 271718009 Entire cardiac impression of liver (body structure) P05332 - P digestive system 9D9F37F5C8C142069000663E3A51D89F D5361F694E71461A926245CEDC3BA3CA cardiac impression of liver Entire cardiac impression of liver (body structure) 5333 5333 05333 anterior portion of diaphragmatic surface of liver 58583003 S05333 Structure of anterior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) E05333 279959008 Entire anterior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) P05333 - 14476 P digestive system E97B1F0AC87D4C02B020F3DBDF6447DC 612F448BB2B340D8843B872FF9C10ABC anterior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver Entire anterior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) 5334 5334 05334 right portion of diaphragmatic surface of liver 68932007 S05334 Structure of right portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) E05334 279961004 Entire right portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) P05334 - 14477 R P digestive system 360A0225A72B45788782E5E7E218DF9D 1924D1FA8FF44F3199373334BC90DD87 right portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver Entire right portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver (body structure) 5335 5335 05335 area nuda hepatis 19264002 S05335 Structure of area nuda hepatis (body structure) E05335 279965008 Entire area nuda hepatis (body structure) P05335 - 14480 P digestive system C953D8D7A73E4CCEB0AA9C87AF4B177B E31168086B95477991E2086EDB31D748 area nuda hepatis Entire area nuda hepatis (body structure) 5336 5336 05336 groove for vena cava of liver 65706005 S05336 Structure of groove for vena cava of liver (body structure) E05336 270511007 Entire groove for vena cava of liver (body structure) P05336 - 14492 P digestive system B1B3AC77106A4E788D3EE6E32181FC87 25A658C95E4A4274AC6414B26BAD89B5 groove for vena cava of liver Entire groove for vena cava of liver (body structure) 5337 5337 05337 skin of medial area of little finger 15829009 S05337 Skin structure of medial surface of little finger (body structure) E05337 368302005 Entire skin of medial surface of little finger (body structure) P05337 Y D integument/surface 075DFB8794274D9E95A87244689FCBCF 6094D87E4CC543E4B7E2663BA1241B9E Skin of medial surface of little finger Entire skin of medial surface of little finger (body structure) 5338 5338 05338 subcutaneous tissue of nipple 68157001 S05338 Subcutaneous tissue structure of nipple (body structure) E05338 202953003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of nipple (body structure) P05338 Y D integument/surface 55734D73847B4DB2B6949E0CE503110B F6CDB1912B104E74A5EEE79E8868BE03 Subcutaneous tissue of nipple Entire subcutaneous tissue of nipple (body structure) 5339 5339 05339 groove of ligamentum venosum of liver 81151002 S05339 Structure of groove of ligamentum venosum of liver (body structure) E05339 271374004 Entire groove of ligamentum venosum of liver (body structure) P05339 - 14491 P digestive system 9D82F9D808BF4F85BD2DF4B098F36A88 47F39694C98648A4AAC019650DC3C51B groove of ligamentum venosum of liver Entire groove of ligamentum venosum of liver (body structure) 5340 5340 05340 incisure for round ligament of liver 13415004 S05340 Structure of incisure for round ligament of liver (body structure) E05340 271664006 Entire incisure for round ligament of liver (body structure) P05340 - 14493 P digestive system C668AB65A94A4821B8440C4FC41091BA 8B897202DD2048FFAC9DF795FEE725AE incisure for round ligament of liver Entire incisure for round ligament of liver (body structure) 5341 5341 05341 gallbladder fossa of liver 69039008 S05341 Structure of gallbladder fossa of liver (body structure) E05341 261413003 Entire gallbladder fossa of liver (body structure) P05341 - 14494 P digestive system 0892FF6DA3314C2BB0E4F0795E9AA88C 48B3D62FBBC84C3FADA16DC12BA4267F gallbladder fossa of liver Entire gallbladder fossa of liver (body structure) 5342 5342 05342 fissure of round ligament of liver 39182001 S05342 Structure of fissure of round ligament of liver (body structure) E05342 270601007 Entire fissure of round ligament of liver (body structure) P05342 - 75115 P digestive system E7E912D93776439D92CF0281BFC07464 4613A7A65EAD435B98CCC675762667FE fissure of round ligament of liver Entire fissure of round ligament of liver (body structure) 5343 5343 05343 interlobular bile duct 83488001 S05343 Structure of interlobular bile duct (body structure) E05343 362193005 Entire intrahepatic bile duct (body structure) P05343 - 15767 P digestive system BCAEA782BE6D45D39D746694F35C5ED1 2FDDBCB4507641578D2ABE868CA9BD6F interlobular bile duct Entire intrahepatic bile duct (body structure) 5344 5344 05344 subcutaneous tissue of areola 9568000 S05344 Subcutaneous tissue structure of areola (body structure) E05344 203048004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of areola (body structure) P05344 Y D integument/surface EB56E45BACC3441E92E01151BC7585FE 1F4CF328051B48268315AECA276CC340 Subcutaneous tissue of areola Entire subcutaneous tissue of areola (body structure) 5345 5345 05345 intralobular bile duct 15120006 S05345 Structure of intralobular bile duct (body structure) E05345 269922006 Entire intralobular bile duct (body structure) P05345 - 17545 P digestive system 3DAD027F49BE4BB8BE6E4911ED3FF60E 729CC584B9D943228FF23AADF3540134 intralobular bile duct Entire intralobular bile duct (body structure) 5346 5346 05346 bile canaliculus 87746007 S05346 Structure of bile canaliculus (body structure) E05346 270023005 Entire bile canaliculus (body structure) P05346 - 17547 P digestive system EB905F8A0D2E4C4A8A564D1594BEDABA DFC94DB7A74A4B939ECBA0ADB1008DD0 bile canaliculus Entire bile canaliculus (body structure) 5347 5347 05347 hepatic acinus 37424004 S05347 Structure of hepatic acinus (body structure) E05347 272214009 Entire hepatic acinus (body structure) P05347 - 14654 P digestive system 8EB0E2BA39B04B348357CA85AD045911 7A6212077ED94EF28506B10AEEC4AF0F hepatic acinus Entire hepatic acinus (body structure) 5348 5348 05348 hepatic sinusoid 271942000 S05348 Structure of hepatic sinusoid (body structure) E05348 67435004 Entire hepatic sinusoid (body structure) P05348 - 17543 P digestive system 418C1BF9ED074D349F2F3A13D22874A6 13A14FEAA3CD4BA58C9E4412D9DBDD17 hepatic sinusoid Entire hepatic sinusoid (body structure) 5349 5349 05349 interlobular artery of liver 8292002 S05349 Structure of interlobular artery of liver (body structure) E05349 272409008 Entire interlobular artery of liver (body structure) P05349 - 17546 P digestive system AC3423B24E7148538364BD8452F244F1 2E75FD2E7B9A4E22B9C37819F6BB38BA interlobular artery of liver Entire interlobular artery of liver (body structure) 5350 5350 05350 interlobular vein of liver 12254005 S05350 Structure of interlobular vein of liver (body structure) E05350 271786003 Entire interlobular vein of liver (body structure) P05350 - 17548 P digestive system 0ED0E507131E463C84495F373D155AAA 59F9651B7E59496D9EF126B368411E41 interlobular vein of liver Entire interlobular vein of liver (body structure) 5351 5351 05351 sublobular vein of liver 76202000 S05351 Structure of sublobular vein of liver (body structure) E05351 271851007 Entire sublobular vein of liver (body structure) P05351 - P digestive system 4D88F11E6F1E41618C3873F4596F0040 11DC4CC93F0C4CBB8E2C464AE2AC2E87 sublobular vein of liver Entire sublobular vein of liver (body structure) 5352 5352 05352 central vein of liver 75358002 S05352 Structure of central vein of liver (body structure) E05352 272023004 Entire central vein of liver (body structure) P05352 - 17544 P digestive system 87E1079322AB46B193F1F92207582EE8 793FA36193D6423EB0A53F3795864ED6 central vein of liver Entire central vein of liver (body structure) 5353 5353 05353 subcutaneous tissue of milk line 71154003 S05353 Subcutaneous tissue structure of milk line (body structure) E05353 312537000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of milk line (body structure) P05353 Y D integument/surface 5BB8168F7E5A4A37B8C5465506D56BC8 F5C434F5202B4986A304B7D9245577BD Subcutaneous tissue of milk line Entire subcutaneous tissue of milk line (body structure) 5354 5354 05354 appendix fibrosa of liver 113287001 S05354 Structure of appendix fibrosa of liver (body structure) E05354 271447001 Entire appendix fibrosa of liver (body structure) P05354 - P digestive system EB1875B5F56B4183ACC362E25511E80A 924A4756B8A748CD8B7BC53D0455300B appendix fibrosa of liver Entire appendix fibrosa of liver (body structure) 5355 5355 05355 omental tubercle of liver 70286005 S05355 Structure of omental tubercle of liver (body structure) E05355 271517001 Entire omental tubercle of liver (body structure) P05355 - 15735 P digestive system 75B9C46D096B4AB7B2123DF661D25380 79441B6E5D3B43098BD2C82D64807114 omental tubercle of liver Entire omental tubercle of liver (body structure) 5356 5356 05356 gastric impression of liver 42551006 S05356 Structure of gastric impression of liver (body structure) E05356 271598005 Entire gastric impression of liver (body structure) P05356 - 14487 P digestive system 8FEA08FB3530403DA2509F96BB329EF4 F31D71D97B8C4B9AB73D1824450E0E6F gastric impression of liver Entire gastric impression of liver (body structure) 5357 5357 05357 duodenal impression of liver 26226001 S05357 Structure of duodenal impression of liver (body structure) E05357 270703004 Entire duodenal impression of liver (body structure) P05357 - 14485 P digestive system 32C77EC85B8C4988AE5B079361FDD8D1 BCBC43EDE83444BDBB647FBB5A7D59D9 duodenal impression of liver Entire duodenal impression of liver (body structure) 5358 5358 05358 colic impression of liver 22275003 S05358 Structure of colic impression of liver (body structure) E05358 270804002 Entire colic impression of liver (body structure) P05358 - 14484 P digestive system 3A4D71CFEA7940CAB5457E22B7A506E8 F3C37DE1EDBC4F89B54F54313A06EE56 colic impression of liver Entire colic impression of liver (body structure) 5359 5359 05359 renal impression of liver 84318003 S05359 Structure of renal impression of liver (body structure) E05359 270896007 Entire renal impression of liver (body structure) P05359 - 14488 P digestive system 6EE4BBB0135F4C5B8F3E8F57C3D61E90 5F433A72244143DC8D848BBE484436E2 renal impression of liver Entire renal impression of liver (body structure) 5360 5360 05360 adrenal impression of liver 61460008 S05360 Structure of adrenal impression of liver (body structure) E05360 270989009 Entire adrenal impression of liver (body structure) P05360 - 14489 P digestive system C74DE7603AC948A7B91580ADF1306F36 21A9B8305C1E4EE2A93D0003CA9D0EC3 adrenal impression of liver Entire adrenal impression of liver (body structure) 5361 5361 05361 fundus of gallbladder 14347000 S05361 Structure of fundus of gallbladder (body structure) E05361 245391004 Entire fundus of gallbladder (body structure) P05361 - 14536 P digestive system 85ABE1D4C037408D8781E5F389C4D655 37EF3CF86D49460CBFDA85CE53848E83 fundus of gallbladder Entire fundus of gallbladder (body structure) 5362 5362 05362 subcutaneous tissue of anterior axillary line 41820005 S05362 Subcutaneous tissue structure of anterior axillary line (body structure) E05362 312233000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior axillary line (body structure) P05362 Y D integument/surface 0F22FBF48545414BA4B4C56BA3FB29B8 2F395015B96B4557B0A91D39362721DC Subcutaneous tissue of anterior axillary line Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior axillary line (body structure) 5363 5363 05363 body of gallbladder 3578005 S05363 Structure of body of gallbladder (body structure) E05363 245392006 Entire body of gallbladder (body structure) P05363 - 14537 P digestive system 1739E9B449E444BFAB85FE187C4196E5 6B8A7EBD97E04A549B3367C85F5F33D1 body of gallbladder Entire body of gallbladder (body structure) 5364 5364 05364 neck of gallbladder 47742008 S05364 Structure of neck of gallbladder (body structure) E05364 245394007 Entire neck of gallbladder (body structure) P05364 - 14538 P digestive system BCAEF44A9BD041C0832993901433BA0E 6DAD4F879D5648D2917BDAAF86B8406C neck of gallbladder Entire neck of gallbladder (body structure) 5365 5365 05365 valve of Heister 35067003 S05365 Structure of valve of Heister (body structure) E05365 270125000 Entire valve of Heister (body structure) P05365 - 15855 P digestive system 9CB00AD5B956408D9AF6CCAD73DDEBBF 4E9CCC7A82CA4A9EA32F84CD1086BD1C valve of Heister Entire valve of Heister (body structure) 5366 5366 05366 Luschka's duct 37074007 S05366 Structure of Luschka's ducts (body structure) E05366 262666009 Entire Luschka's ducts (body structure) P05366 - P digestive system 3259A7432783497FBEFF09B8F46F1A72 F6C51FCBD6AD4D2A9353330C4BF6C2AF Luschka's ducts Entire Luschka's ducts (body structure) 5367 5367 05367 hepatic duct 56732008 S05367 Structure of hepatic duct (body structure) E05367 245399002 Entire hepatic duct (body structure) P05367 - P digestive system 3C97E73BFF824AE383D816F0C2C5D58D F75CC409397E435AB4314E1FFC2EDA65 hepatic duct Entire hepatic duct (body structure) 5368 5368 05368 right hepatic duct 78000005 S05368 Structure of right hepatic duct (body structure) E05368 245401008 Entire right hepatic duct (body structure) P05368 - 14669 R P digestive system CB12FE4AAC9042D3A6597D085B83213A EE81D2907AA8481F96CA64D2724ED5ED right hepatic duct Entire right hepatic duct (body structure) 5369 5369 05369 anterior branch of right hepatic duct 71148004 S05369 Structure of anterior branch of right hepatic duct (body structure) E05369 269625005 Entire anterior branch of right hepatic duct (body structure) P05369 - 76898 R P venous system 1BDDAB876D8949AF9F98A4EC9081D9B5 B4A5D208333E4A1982F2D9C690E81AE3 anterior branch of right hepatic duct Entire anterior branch of right hepatic duct (body structure) 5370 5370 05370 posterior branch of right hepatic duct 63207002 S05370 Structure of posterior branch of right hepatic duct (body structure) E05370 269727007 Entire posterior branch of right hepatic duct (body structure) P05370 - 76899 R P venous system EFFE390505E74568939CE77E96CD453C E240CA64DE2C43E2AB1B56B788A05237 posterior branch of right hepatic duct Entire posterior branch of right hepatic duct (body structure) 5371 5371 05371 left hepatic duct 64281006 S05371 Structure of left hepatic duct (body structure) E05371 245400009 Entire left hepatic duct (body structure) P05371 - 14670 L P digestive system 37AA7009DD3443388D2F6537E888FBE8 C7937A8AAFB040B19E75BA7A37E78CE2 left hepatic duct Entire left hepatic duct (body structure) 5372 5372 05372 subcutaneous tissue of posterior axillary line 25155009 S05372 Subcutaneous tissue structure of posterior axillary line (body structure) E05372 312351001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of posterior axillary line (body structure) P05372 Y D integument/surface 4F899322D4AD4CE286D4FDE9BEBA9707 6B587D15E4014FD3AF09C2DAFC76DD46 Subcutaneous tissue of posterior axillary line Entire subcutaneous tissue of posterior axillary line (body structure) 5373 5373 05373 lateral branch of left hepatic duct 72231004 S05373 Structure of lateral branch of left hepatic duct (body structure) E05373 269182005 Entire lateral branch of left hepatic duct (body structure) P05373 - 76900 L P venous system 1834BBEF6B0E48398D4B6D7312766E82 A629EE0090B74973BC8979CDA3993FAE lateral branch of left hepatic duct Entire lateral branch of left hepatic duct (body structure) 5374 5374 05374 medial branch of left hepatic duct 26641008 S05374 Structure of medial branch of left hepatic duct (body structure) E05374 269263008 Entire medial branch of left hepatic duct (body structure) P05374 - 76901 L P venous system 118A80F64D1C4E379F8096D1F55AC017 376AC7F70A5A4420A691D6609E56FFFD medial branch of left hepatic duct Entire medial branch of left hepatic duct (body structure) 5375 5375 05375 hepatic duct of caudate lobe 60152006 S05375 Structure of hepatic duct of caudate lobe (body structure) E05375 269345005 Entire hepatic duct of caudate lobe (body structure) P05375 - 14675 P venous system 45BF9F30991242EBAC208BBF974E68E7 30CB4A9A928940E79877C07E465A0E0F hepatic duct of caudate lobe Entire hepatic duct of caudate lobe (body structure) 5376 5376 05376 right hepatic duct of caudate lobe 269447003 S05376 Structure of right hepatic duct of caudate lobe (body structure) E05376 66008007 Entire right hepatic duct of caudate lobe (body structure) P05376 - 76902 R P venous system 7C749CF69E674EC28FD59874808D5B10 4227B82BBD534135A81BB6921AF1A2DD right hepatic duct of caudate lobe Entire right hepatic duct of caudate lobe (body structure) 5377 5377 05377 left hepatic duct of caudate lobe 269522003 S05377 Structure of left hepatic duct of caudate lobe (body structure) E05377 61042004 Entire left hepatic duct of caudate lobe (body structure) P05377 - 76903 L P venous system 06A604F650D54C93844AAA5604022A30 97C99C118231471B8B81B144D26AD2B1 left hepatic duct of caudate lobe Entire left hepatic duct of caudate lobe (body structure) 5378 5378 05378 intrapancreatic portion of common bile duct 69170003 S05378 Structure of intrapancreatic portion of common bile duct (body structure) E05378 248115002 Entire intrapancreatic portion of common bile duct (body structure) P05378 - P digestive system 738270AF074A451191DF12AD41E19CBD 38AA5B5846CE498694147EB203DA06C0 intrapancreatic portion of common bile duct Entire intrapancreatic portion of common bile duct (body structure) 5379 5379 05379 subcutaneous tissue of back 4956003 S05379 Subcutaneous tissue structure of back (body structure) E05379 311775001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of back (body structure) P05379 - D integument/surface A1D6C5F83F2D4AFBA3AB0211CDEB975F C6D4815F0967436FBE92634A6A202241 Subcutaneous tissue of back Entire subcutaneous tissue of back (body structure) 5380 5380 05380 exocrine pancreas 20023005 S05380 Structure of exocrine pancreas (body structure) E05380 248202004 Entire exocrine pancreas (body structure) P05380 - 16017 P digestive system 8C0555E1053341959D5D8021E4D24726 BA7F9F86CFDA4B3AAD2A7CD04E5BD155 exocrine pancreas Entire exocrine pancreas (body structure) 5381 5381 05381 accessory pancreatic duct 113288006 S05381 Structure of accessory pancreatic duct (body structure) E05381 245386000 Entire accessory pancreatic duct (body structure) P05381 - 14534 P digestive system 601DE78DB85042E0B9B0C7BE3DDF6656 4D56E42A970743D8B06C20362E4194F1 accessory pancreatic duct Entire accessory pancreatic duct (body structure) 5382 5382 05382 interlobar duct of pancreas 8158009 S05382 Structure of interlobar duct of pancreas (body structure) E05382 247273006 Entire interlobar duct of pancreas (body structure) P05382 - P digestive system BD603B3E41264A64B7EF71C5503FD4A1 3BB0F5116D194C74BBFC0B89B95581F1 interlobar duct of pancreas Entire interlobar duct of pancreas (body structure) 5383 5383 05383 interlobular duct of pancreas 18270001 S05383 Structure of interlobular duct of pancreas (body structure) E05383 247357002 Entire interlobular duct of pancreas (body structure) P05383 - 16005 P digestive system 17315F34293D4CF895A0AD58067E08F5 5105B9A6E55048F28467592437B84383 interlobular duct of pancreas Entire interlobular duct of pancreas (body structure) 5384 5384 05384 intralobular duct of pancreas 58836008 S05384 Structure of intralobular duct of pancreas (body structure) E05384 247432008 Entire intralobular duct of pancreas (body structure) P05384 - 16015 P digestive system B729617157E34F20ABB9BA978833EA33 BF08E1FCAD3947AC8F8703AE2A10F84A intralobular duct of pancreas Entire intralobular duct of pancreas (body structure) 5385 5385 05385 intercalated duct of pancreas 51926005 S05385 Structure of intercalated duct of pancreas (body structure) E05385 247520007 Entire intercalated duct of pancreas (body structure) P05385 - 16013 P digestive system A0B2668A51CF4143B681A40AC9EACA42 1CADCB9B87D24AA6A3EC9D7A0318CCEB intercalated duct of pancreas Entire intercalated duct of pancreas (body structure) 5386 5386 05386 subcutaneous tissue of upper back 81509002 S05386 Subcutaneous tissue structure of upper back (body structure) E05386 304980005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of upper back (body structure) P05386 - D integument/surface C86B5916C2134682BC5DF2F387E9C236 8F2A0C785C704CA984E686DAA25BB7AD Subcutaneous tissue of upper back Entire subcutaneous tissue of upper back (body structure) 5387 5387 05387 pancreatic acinus 20066003 S05387 Structure of pancreatic acinus (body structure) E05387 247604006 Entire pancreatic acinus (body structure) P05387 - 16011 P digestive system C31187D6E8114713AC552A5FB7F22CE0 5D29B2FD782246738266A0DC3ACDA880 pancreatic acinus Entire pancreatic acinus (body structure) 5388 5388 05388 uncinate process of pancreas 30045001 S05388 Structure of uncinate process of pancreas (body structure) E05388 245383008 Entire uncinate process of pancreas (body structure) P05388 - 15857 P digestive system 7EE39FFBE619420096BDF50CBE597B7B 95B874DCC7C24114BEF6127659DFF973 uncinate process of pancreas Entire uncinate process of pancreas (body structure) 5389 5389 05389 pancreatic incisura 11081002 S05389 Structure of pancreatic incisura (body structure) E05389 247084009 Entire pancreatic incisura (body structure) P05389 - 75120 P digestive system 94F0E44D81474AD6B9255F1B88CBCA44 C0C049C97EDB4A4D920E38BE5315DE96 pancreatic incisura Entire pancreatic incisura (body structure) 5390 5390 05390 posterior surface of pancreas 90887002 S05390 Structure of posterior surface of pancreas (body structure) E05390 279987004 Entire posterior surface of pancreas (body structure) P05390 - 14523 P digestive system 955D69F121174625BB7067DC037F295C 3ECB9CB031384F858950922976B91E5D posterior surface of pancreas Entire posterior surface of pancreas (body structure) 5391 5391 05391 inferior surface of pancreas 36040002 S05391 Structure of inferior surface of pancreas (body structure) E05391 279988009 Entire inferior surface of pancreas (body structure) P05391 - 14524 P digestive system C20919C0E9EF4461A47615522DA20C8E 31E783B6F7A74B6586740F1848769A7F inferior surface of pancreas Entire inferior surface of pancreas (body structure) 5392 5392 05392 superior margin of pancreas 90541000 S05392 Structure of superior margin of pancreas (body structure) E05392 279989001 Entire superior margin of pancreas (body structure) P05392 - P digestive system F10925DDF0EB49E6A922813AE8C7764F E7D4AF2FA3D94D6FA96EABD3F9585B3B superior margin of pancreas Entire superior margin of pancreas (body structure) 5393 5393 05393 anterior margin of pancreas 25504005 S05393 Structure of anterior margin of pancreas (body structure) E05393 247175007 Entire anterior margin of pancreas (body structure) P05393 - P digestive system D1FBF7E340D54AF0A369EF3EA54A4C2D BBE5528F8C3F46A0A310B282825B2853 anterior margin of pancreas Entire anterior margin of pancreas (body structure) 5394 5394 05394 subcutaneous tissue of lower back 13840003 S05394 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lower back (body structure) E05394 311595009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower back (body structure) P05394 - D integument/surface CE9B29E4DCC4423886A79A3C03B59954 56180AE510C94745B56F92F631E7303D Subcutaneous tissue of lower back Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower back (body structure) 5395 5395 05395 inferior margin of pancreas 11054002 S05395 Structure of inferior margin of pancreas (body structure) E05395 279991009 Entire inferior margin of pancreas (body structure) P05395 - P digestive system B69CC0C756AA4107892030DFE6EA9479 1DAAD06945874DBBA9777B813AC3843A inferior margin of pancreas Entire inferior margin of pancreas (body structure) 5396 5396 05396 tuber omentale of pancreas 75103005 S05396 Structure of tuber omentale of pancreas (body structure) E05396 279986008 Entire tuber omentale of pancreas (body structure) P05396 - 15858 P digestive system 313D87A0F2034001AA3B0F3A2D4F0740 AEED974DB227480AAAE44DCFFB5E7E95 tuber omentale of pancreas Entire tuber omentale of pancreas (body structure) 5397 5397 05397 tail of pancreas 73239005 S05397 Structure of tail of pancreas (body structure) E05397 245382003 Entire tail of pancreas (body structure) P05397 - 14519 P digestive system B5A2D495D2E945DD9FA0AE936BDA9922 DE8F9FAE7AE24F1DB441AD1D94AF9029 tail of pancreas Entire tail of pancreas (body structure) 5398 5398 05398 pancreatic interstitial tissue 42459006 S05398 Structure of pancreatic interstitial tissue (body structure) E05398 247685009 Entire pancreatic interstitial tissue (body structure) P05398 - P digestive system 9A0191CCDBAB406080B5D09FAC4984E8 03E1434E514444ED87DF10A6639F302E pancreatic interstitial tissue Entire pancreatic interstitial tissue (body structure) 5399 5399 05399 peripancreatic tissue 67232004 S05399 Structure of peripancreatic tissue (body structure) E05399 264140009 Entire peripancreatic tissue (body structure) P05399 - P digestive system B7A5DB56CAD24C80A4DAA3B2154DA407 B31C2F9792A34A0DB253EC2F81020597 peripancreatic tissue Entire peripancreatic tissue (body structure) 5400 5400 05400 retropancreatic tissue 69974006 S05400 Structure of retropancreatic tissue (body structure) E05400 246715002 Entire retropancreatic tissue (body structure) P05400 - P digestive system 6D9A1F18711B4DED81E4244C89146992 0BA209C04CF946FC95DFAABDC5CD9A1B retropancreatic tissue Entire retropancreatic tissue (body structure) 5401 5401 05401 subcutaneous tissue of vertebral area 62468003 S05401 Subcutaneous tissue structure of vertebral area (body structure) E05401 311874007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of vertebral area (body structure) P05401 - D integument/surface F69374CBD1E7412BAB32E16782575947 A5E328B8FA01480BA7E7599CB1947270 Subcutaneous tissue of vertebral area Entire subcutaneous tissue of vertebral area (body structure) 5402 5402 05402 lateral border of kidney 91678002 S05402 Structure of lateral border of kidney (body structure) E05402 279377009 Entire lateral border of kidney (body structure) P05402 Y 15599 P urinary system 738B0E9412F74A3299930A9819F5E90A BEF8A13CBC314C5B8E06579362925367 lateral border of kidney Entire lateral border of kidney (body structure) 5403 5403 05403 medial border of kidney 40952004 S05403 Structure of medial border of kidney (body structure) E05403 279378004 Entire medial border of kidney (body structure) P05403 Y 15598 P urinary system DE39741A73004F5996A203085138ACA1 A32E439633D247359688C2AEBFB1CBD0 medial border of kidney Entire medial border of kidney (body structure) 5404 5404 05404 hilum of kidney 74033008 S05404 Structure of hilum of kidney (body structure) E05404 279370006 Entire hilum of kidney (body structure) P05404 Y 0 P urinary system C546D27D05814CA5A84F5952D2B79FA7 322B60DA94DB49E2BEFCC0C7942584D0 hilum of kidney Entire hilum of kidney (body structure) 5405 5405 05405 anterior surface of kidney 33471009 S05405 Structure of anterior surface of kidney (body structure) E05405 279375001 Entire anterior surface of kidney (body structure) P05405 Y 15589 P urinary system AEE50D88A38E4F1F9860F167CBA7CA46 49534CDDB3B64EC9AA36B792E5679DD9 anterior surface of kidney Entire anterior surface of kidney (body structure) 5406 5406 05406 posterior surface of kidney 35051009 S05406 Structure of posterior surface of kidney (body structure) E05406 279376000 Entire posterior surface of kidney (body structure) P05406 Y 15590 P urinary system 212707F2311C4238A76E87A236D4C5FE FB01F44619D84C9DAB3B8C31391482A6 posterior surface of kidney Entire posterior surface of kidney (body structure) 5407 5407 05407 superior pole of kidney 5324007 S05407 Structure of superior pole of kidney (body structure) E05407 279373008 Entire superior pole of kidney (body structure) P05407 Y 15604 P urinary system 6AA63ED3D3EC432F975B50033D6D584B A4354E2F105841FFBED9D2A3850AE742 superior pole of kidney Entire superior pole of kidney (body structure) Zone of kidney located at its superior end. 5408 5408 05408 inferior pole of kidney 89658009 S05408 Structure of inferior pole of kidney (body structure) E05408 279374002 Entire inferior pole of kidney (body structure) P05408 Y 15605 P urinary system 6F5ECABC46F44AD588719583761B16CA DC34B368F5004607BF5CEFB4328DDD97 inferior pole of kidney Entire inferior pole of kidney (body structure) Zone of kidney located at its inferior end. 5409 5409 05409 transplanted kidney 70948008 S05409 Structure of transplanted kidney (body structure) E05409 281112005 Entire transplanted kidney (body structure) P05409 Y P urinary system 133E126E7EBE4F5299AFEC3AC6C756F0 A765550D7F744D8C9DCBC2D5DFFDF6BB transplanted kidney Entire transplanted kidney (body structure) 5410 5410 05410 subcutaneous tissue of flank 45061000 S05410 Subcutaneous tissue structure of flank (body structure) E05410 368094005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of flank (body structure) P05410 Y D integument/surface 2128ED23EDB44A5286F83091C82CC938 ED72058AB74E4AC99ED2C6E94CFC3D0B Subcutaneous tissue of flank Entire subcutaneous tissue of flank (body structure) 5411 5411 05411 fibrous capsule of kidney 47658004 S05411 Structure of fibrous capsule of kidney (body structure) E05411 243657006 Entire fibrous capsule of kidney (body structure) P05411 Y 66610 P urinary system 492B7FCFF45144E1807DE56EA847337B 07A4045FBA224984A3DDECE72B526293 fibrous capsule of kidney Entire fibrous capsule of kidney (body structure) 5412 5412 05412 fatty capsule of kidney 32301002 S05412 Structure of fatty capsule of kidney (body structure) E05412 243673000 Entire fatty capsule of kidney (body structure) P05412 Y 15876 P urinary system 4724C620D96F47119FFD046345A3A5CB 5A6A3823D1814C6B8E1DAFE84E285C95 fatty capsule of kidney Entire fatty capsule of kidney (body structure) 5413 5413 05413 renal cortical interstitial tissue 16755007 S05413 Structure of renal cortical interstitial tissue (body structure) E05413 243707006 Entire renal cortical interstitial tissue (body structure) P05413 Y P urinary system 6170D78C036C4D74AFF4023B3CA8DA5F 8BC62968F7374505BAD9B6299FDCB4BF renal cortical interstitial tissue Entire renal cortical interstitial tissue (body structure) 5414 5414 05414 corticomedullary junction of kidney 6841009 S05414 Structure of corticomedullary junction of kidney (body structure) E05414 243795008 Entire corticomedullary junction of kidney (body structure) P05414 Y P urinary system A85F34AF3BD9461DBF71F0B155C8650C 14671ABE5B864D028E14A6A31F790971 corticomedullary junction of kidney Entire corticomedullary junction of kidney (body structure) 5415 5415 05415 renal medullary interstitial tissue 12041006 S05415 Structure of renal medullary interstitial tissue (body structure) E05415 245693005 Entire renal medullary interstitial tissue (body structure) P05415 Y P urinary system 4C92208082C540A0B0097E2E6779E255 CA787E5E217E48EE925FDA3246AC39BB renal medullary interstitial tissue Entire renal medullary interstitial tissue (body structure) 5416 5416 05416 renal segment 84924000 S05416 Structure of renal segment (body structure) E05416 279505001 Entire renal segment (body structure) P05416 Y 15615 P urinary system 5181934337504150A8DC4F0D6230A2E8 1FA94E8E21384556A7C93B85AA0656D8 renal segment Entire renal segment (body structure) Organ segment in the kidney defined by the distribution of the segmental renal arteries. Examples: superior renal segment, anterior renal segment. 5417 5417 05417 skin of interdigital region of hand 73939002 S05417 Skin structure of interdigital space of hand (body structure) E05417 244166000 Entire skin of interdigital space of hand (body structure) P05417 Y D integument/surface CE359ED473FB4FB491E2DB6C389442C3 0241ECF6C79742B8852A677FFB69F14D Skin of interdigital space of hand Entire skin of interdigital space of hand (body structure) 5418 5418 05418 subcutaneous tissue of lumbosacral region 55375009 S05418 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lumbosacral region (body structure) E05418 309955008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lumbosacral region (body structure) P05418 - D integument/surface 265AE9E5DF504EE7BFD597076B89FFB0 9E6D313E8CA946E785941B48DE6449B3 Subcutaneous tissue of lumbosacral region Entire subcutaneous tissue of lumbosacral region (body structure) 5419 5419 05419 superior renal segment 246180009 S05419 Structure of superior renal segment (body structure) E05419 72703007 Entire superior renal segment (body structure) P05419 Y 15616 P urinary system 2B7E6A91834C4E5FA270FF245F742DAE D47B53BF1D7D41A68DB2B59DF8CB5684 superior renal segment Entire superior renal segment (body structure) Renal segment supplied by the superior segmental renal artery. 5420 5420 05420 anterior superior renal segment 246279002 S05420 Structure of anterior superior renal segment (body structure) E05420 80467009 Entire anterior superior renal segment (body structure) P05420 Y 15617 P urinary system 07F21BB9002F4417A12C08A270118C84 A7FF83FEAA0A48F4AC7D0012D905074B anterior superior renal segment Entire anterior superior renal segment (body structure) Renal segment supplied by the anterior superior segmental renal artery. 5421 5421 05421 anterior inferior renal segment 246473003 S05421 Structure of anterior inferior renal segment (body structure) E05421 63858006 Entire anterior inferior renal segment (body structure) P05421 Y 15618 P urinary system 1F4A9D4F173A477C98DE3B71C73F59D1 37622A96B24347809CF3D1CF2A9E5116 anterior inferior renal segment Entire anterior inferior renal segment (body structure) Renal segment supplied by the anterior inferior segmental renal artery. 5422 5422 05422 inferior renal segment 246377003 S05422 Structure of inferior renal segment (body structure) E05422 74047007 Entire inferior renal segment (body structure) P05422 Y 15619 P urinary system CAA95347AF774969BDDAC74F54514D33 452D7F4A1F034AACAAF8B003899AE2C7 inferior renal segment Entire inferior renal segment (body structure) Renal segment supplied by the inferior segmental renal artery. 5423 5423 05423 posterior renal segment 246555003 S05423 Structure of posterior renal segment (body structure) E05423 59855004 Entire posterior renal segment (body structure) P05423 Y 15620 P urinary system E4824F2362704694889DC1D582B4243F E0FB62452EF24A06B23E5DF9E601E5AE posterior renal segment Entire posterior renal segment (body structure) Renal segment supplied by the posterior segmental renal artery. 5424 5424 05424 base of renal pyramid 39875002 S05424 Structure of base of renal pyramid (body structure) E05424 245792008 Entire base of renal pyramid (body structure) P05424 Y P urinary system A8FE47DCAC7D4FA5A7A90A803BA970B7 B88FC3F6602546D8BA920FE9A5C454EA base of renal pyramid Entire base of renal pyramid (body structure) 5425 5425 05425 subcutaneous tissue of sacrococcygeal region 35985007 S05425 Subcutaneous tissue structure of sacrococcygeal region (body structure) E05425 290704002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of sacrococcygeal region (body structure) P05425 - D integument/surface 28FD1DD760934A1BAB235C3DD9820373 E3A4098D15E14416A4A675E0107B1077 Subcutaneous tissue of sacrococcygeal region Entire subcutaneous tissue of sacrococcygeal region (body structure) 5426 5426 05426 papillary foramina of kidney 25543009 S05426 Structure of papillary foramina of kidney (body structure) E05426 243620000 Entire papillary foramina of kidney (body structure) P05426 Y 71645 P urinary system CD83CF0206C5499782DBA9E1FD02B894 8684766F03DB415E8FA35FD486380DE9 papillary foramina of kidney Entire papillary foramina of kidney (body structure) 5427 5427 05427 renal columns of Bertin 25564008 S05427 Structure of renal columns of Bertin (body structure) E05427 245882005 Entire renal columns of Bertin (body structure) P05427 Y 17633 P urinary system 9534DA2999294CBC9072703FD91D7672 8ADB615A397442D2A8941DB875C65A33 renal columns of Bertin Entire renal columns of Bertin (body structure) 5428 5428 05428 perirenal fascia 15223003 S05428 Structure of perirenal fascia (body structure) E05428 246805003 Entire perirenal fascia (body structure) P05428 Y P musculoskeletal system 9ADB1221C98540309C082BDA724765EF 531AE2A0924240F1955980F21640F3E5 perirenal fascia Entire perirenal fascia (body structure) 5429 5429 05429 perirenal fat 90399000 S05429 Structure of perirenal fat (body structure) E05429 246901006 Entire perirenal fat (body structure) P05429 Y 20502 P urinary system 8958894C60F94045A2912351E3EEAEA8 21EFEAFD11444237A0DD44E00B3DAF60 perirenal fat Entire perirenal fat (body structure) 5430 5430 05430 radiating portion of cortical lobule of kidney 6424000 S05430 Structure of radiating portion of cortical lobule of kidney (body structure) E05430 244752000 Entire radiating portion of cortical lobule of kidney (body structure) P05430 Y P urinary system 3C802C37669D46FA8ADBBE14B34440DF 63E823808E644376A1153E83E736F7E6 radiating portion of cortical lobule of kidney Entire radiating portion of cortical lobule of kidney (body structure) 5431 5431 05431 convoluting portion of cortical lobule of kidney 34617000 S05431 Structure of convoluting portion of cortical lobule of kidney (body structure) E05431 244853002 Entire convoluting portion of cortical lobule of kidney (body structure) P05431 Y P urinary system CEAAF7E5E3BE4F1497B5BEBC801BFF2F 0D08E22DC26F40BE996357952B27260C convoluting portion of cortical lobule of kidney Entire convoluting portion of cortical lobule of kidney (body structure) 5432 5432 05432 subcutaneous tissue of sacral region 90038003 S05432 Subcutaneous tissue structure of sacral region (body structure) E05432 311499000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of sacral region (body structure) P05432 - D integument/surface F352A994D2164C2380C5DCC1C86DF75B D440AA4E4D614918BD4352702134D52F Subcutaneous tissue of sacral region Entire subcutaneous tissue of sacral region (body structure) 5433 5433 05433 Bowman's space 2687004 S05433 Structure of Bowman's space (body structure) E05433 244284006 Entire Bowman's space (body structure) P05433 Y 17676 P urinary system 2AEBFBBF767B4CCAB258FE897C0BD234 6337B0F25FDC47AD98EBD3323F9F671E Bowman's space Entire Bowman's space (body structure) 5434 5434 05434 visceral layer of Bowman's capsule 110001 S05434 Structure of visceral layer of Bowman's capsule (body structure) E05434 244093000 Entire visceral layer of Bowman's capsule (body structure) P05434 Y P urinary system D440AEDE4737431EAF918DA8A21EE12B A988A8C0911740E3991B36FF3B3CF4C8 visceral layer of Bowman's capsule Entire visceral layer of Bowman's capsule (body structure) 5435 5435 05435 glomerular capillary basement membrane 45892004 S05435 Structure of glomerular capillary basement membrane (body structure) E05435 243897006 Entire glomerular capillary basement membrane (body structure) P05435 Y P cardiovascular system A9623BB9168E41F7AFF9135D7AE4A7B5 5465DB2350C44731A4836DAA984A57F8 glomerular capillary basement membrane Entire glomerular capillary basement membrane (body structure) 5436 5436 05436 glomerular capillary endothelium 91264009 S05436 Structure of glomerular capillary endothelium (body structure) E05436 243993006 Entire glomerular capillary endothelium (body structure) P05436 Y P cardiovascular system 0E20DBF8B83F408F98EC9FC66E7F9CFA 11BDEAB724154CAE8520A8EC660E1C3B glomerular capillary endothelium Entire glomerular capillary endothelium (body structure) 5437 5437 05437 glomerular vascular pole 57445004 S05437 Structure of glomerular vascular pole (body structure) E05437 244382008 Entire glomerular vascular pole (body structure) P05437 Y P urinary system 58A630B2C5E94593BBD331190BAA2C17 657A4456C91244EBAC3E3B46F2763C3D glomerular vascular pole Entire glomerular vascular pole (body structure) 5438 5438 05438 glomerular urinary pole 3042007 S05438 Structure of glomerular urinary pole (body structure) E05438 244482007 Entire glomerular urinary pole (body structure) P05438 Y P urinary system 9357CC7C631A44A19CF23DEDBF88112D 1E20A956B31F431C887FB6E1D16FAF0F glomerular urinary pole Entire glomerular urinary pole (body structure) 5439 5439 05439 glomerular mesangium 18602000 S05439 Structure of glomerular mesangium (body structure) E05439 244574009 Entire glomerular mesangium (body structure) P05439 Y 84140 P urinary system DFB2AA8A31F44245BA7BD3F97FF9A027 6A34C9741DE74D75A2B47BCC7E13EFEC glomerular mesangium Entire glomerular mesangium (body structure) 5440 5440 05440 subcutaneous tissue of coccygeal region 12635003 S05440 Subcutaneous tissue structure of coccygeal region (body structure) E05440 287377005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of coccygeal region (body structure) P05440 Y D integument/surface 8EA3F0781C9146E38C2A42B46A3F31D2 3E79E92270734A238B945474A417501E Subcutaneous tissue of coccygeal region Entire subcutaneous tissue of coccygeal region (body structure) 5441 5441 05441 straight renal tubule 74734005 S05441 Structure of straight renal tubule (body structure) E05441 245151008 Entire straight renal tubule (body structure) P05441 Y P urinary system B9A28B8B504C4D71BE5310A19D2E2E9C 72FC9446E5BF4B35BA0A4AF505EC823F straight renal tubule Entire straight renal tubule (body structure) 5442 5442 05442 renal tubular basement membrane 83844003 S05442 Structure of renal tubular basement membrane (body structure) E05442 245251000 Entire renal tubular basement membrane (body structure) P05442 Y P urinary system 089F0D7453BF46249BCC7E23CBB5695D F6C746D95DB24956974D0CDFBF1BD8C2 renal tubular basement membrane Entire renal tubular basement membrane (body structure) 5443 5443 05443 renal tubular neck 27788008 S05443 Structure of renal tubular neck (body structure) E05443 244191000 Entire renal tubular neck (body structure) P05443 Y P urinary system 782DBF31CF18430397CDF3A1639DD4F2 5FEE19F1864443BDB605C4F3DD6ED4E0 renal tubular neck Entire renal tubular neck (body structure) 5444 5444 05444 descending limb of Henle's loop 78486008 S05444 Structure of descending limb of Henle's loop (body structure) E05444 245350001 Entire descending limb of Henle's loop (body structure) P05444 Y 17705 P urinary system 7191292B9E8645C38215DC1747167753 8859CE22292D4CDC8945994D01D4074B descending limb of Henle's loop Entire descending limb of Henle's loop (body structure) 5445 5445 05445 ascending limb of Henle's loop 83711003 S05445 Structure of ascending limb of Henle's loop (body structure) E05445 245434005 Entire ascending limb of Henle's loop (body structure) P05445 Y 17717 P urinary system 5926999637F34AE6881688F2BDBCE725 2640189B22B84F029B8CCA93B68E84FF ascending limb of Henle's loop Entire ascending limb of Henle's loop (body structure) 5446 5446 05446 subcutaneous tissue of hip 49742004 S05446 Subcutaneous tissue structure of hip (body structure) E05446 288277005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of hip (body structure) P05446 Y D integument/surface B4EB96270072437DAF11FDA7ACEE6F5B 452B59E8B2E2470494930C7B6C5BBD79 Subcutaneous tissue of hip Entire subcutaneous tissue of hip (body structure) 5447 5447 05447 straight portion of distal convoluted renal tubule 113289003 S05447 Structure of straight portion of distal convoluted renal tubule (body structure) E05447 244953001 Entire straight portion of distal convoluted renal tubule (body structure) P05447 Y 17722 P urinary system 590ADDA65FA94902912D94E948AC1B5E F76287749C4F4F19A3CB327BF1D558AA straight portion of distal convoluted renal tubule Entire straight portion of distal convoluted renal tubule (body structure) 5448 5448 05448 convoluted portion of distal convoluted renal tubule 20648009 S05448 Structure of convoluted portion of distal convoluted renal tubule (body structure) E05448 245050006 Entire convoluted portion of distal convoluted renal tubule (body structure) P05448 Y 17723 P urinary system 47F17119307B49C1A991702B943E4C6B 81B901491C7945DDBE5EC4E9BAB4DF8A convoluted portion of distal convoluted renal tubule Entire convoluted portion of distal convoluted renal tubule (body structure) 5449 5449 05449 macula densa 23633002 S05449 Structure of macula densa (body structure) E05449 244657003 Entire macula densa (body structure) P05449 Y 86333 P endocrine system D2D810911D534813B07145AB1B7E2048 487C9A25723948AE831EE21983C0F4A4 macula densa Entire macula densa (body structure) 5450 5450 05450 collecting tubule 60297009 S05450 Structure of collecting tubule (body structure) E05450 245514007 Entire collecting tubule (body structure) P05450 Y 15628 P urinary system C24377A748C144BEB78A866DFEFF2B9D C18BA1CA490B4EF2B0E6E6DE304E4F0C collecting tubule Entire collecting tubule (body structure) 5451 5451 05451 lower nephron 15813001 S05451 Structure of lower nephron (body structure) E05451 245594006 Entire lower nephron (body structure) P05451 Y P urinary system CC8C347E1D7F4F9D85DCFCA35A200813 DAD7280D274F4F0FAC94620E7266E44B lower nephron Entire lower nephron (body structure) 5452 5452 05452 right renal pelvis 54444007 S05452 Structure of right renal pelvis (body structure) E05452 243419002 Entire right renal pelvis (body structure) P05452 R 15578 P urinary system 97E6900EB606443CA1CF4C3DFA0D4F84 3133A9D5472141E897F4D352EBC89466 right renal pelvis Entire right renal pelvis (body structure) 5453 5453 05453 left renal pelvis 38594006 S05453 Structure of left renal pelvis (body structure) E05453 243436005 Entire left renal pelvis (body structure) P05453 L 15579 P urinary system 7173CA4771E342218ED08FECB368A046 5380349FA93540C98CC1F2969669D939 left renal pelvis Entire left renal pelvis (body structure) 5454 5454 05454 subcutaneous tissue of buttock 52435007 S05454 Subcutaneous tissue structure of buttock (body structure) E05454 287781007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of buttock (body structure) P05454 Y D integument/surface B1FF9556CB394884B89AFD2CA1D83EFD 74D5A595054D4734BE0B028B5B086A78 Subcutaneous tissue of buttock Entire subcutaneous tissue of buttock (body structure) 5455 5455 05455 mucous membrane of renal pelvis 60361003 S05455 Structure of mucous membrane of renal pelvis (body structure) E05455 243482002 Entire mucous membrane of renal pelvis (body structure) P05455 Y 17931 P urinary system 2F7D2C47F7F347D7ADFE1265B6E1EE43 E62CAADCD3274FCD9EC71A249FC3BF53 mucous membrane of renal pelvis Entire mucous membrane of renal pelvis (body structure) 5456 5456 05456 lamina propria of renal pelvis 77732001 S05456 Structure of lamina propria of renal pelvis (body structure) E05456 243512009 Entire lamina propria of renal pelvis (body structure) P05456 Y 263274 P urinary system E2855908A92B484D8949A4F16FFD7109 AD47976D3A2345E4B28C0E0E3D471EBD lamina propria of renal pelvis Entire lamina propria of renal pelvis (body structure) 5457 5457 05457 muscularis of renal pelvis 40321007 S05457 Structure of muscularis of renal pelvis (body structure) E05457 243535007 Entire muscularis of renal pelvis (body structure) P05457 Y P muscular system 127A3C31CB01481080A316E17CB69BA6 15D2C3A835824C80A837C9FE01758139 muscularis of renal pelvis Entire muscularis of renal pelvis (body structure) 5458 5458 05458 lumen of renal pelvis 13259006 S05458 Structure of renal pelvic cavity (body structure) E05458 246629007 Entire renal pelvic cavity (body structure) P05458 Y 17649 P urinary system 48A2E47AB4A0434FBD064FC96EC86976 806FD6DEE647417D94D82BC27A157B10 renal pelvic cavity Entire renal pelvic cavity (body structure) 5459 5459 05459 renal calyx 2334006 S05459 Structure of calyx (body structure) E05459 276832000 Entire calyx (body structure) P05459 Y 284558 P urinary system 6499C16ECD8147D9929714C2DB55AEF1 1EFC79B6AD33418F9AAF1A6B94FAB080 calyx Entire calyx (body structure) 5460 5460 05460 major calyx 243553001 S05460 Structure of major calyx (body structure) E05460 1106008 Entire major calyx (body structure) P05460 Y 15613 P urinary system 01FF50E5D262442A8E70E9BC73E26864 4A81DD33BE5343F191BE7900366250A0 major calyx Entire major calyx (body structure) 5461 5461 05461 minor calyx 243589009 S05461 Structure of minor calyx (body structure) E05461 26293004 Entire minor calyx (body structure) P05461 Y 15614 P urinary system C3902A96513041D496A3FF60C1883A1A 9975B36614FF431CACAF66FE9E795EF3 minor calyx Entire minor calyx (body structure) 5462 5462 05462 subcutaneous tissue of abdomen 42972002 S05462 Subcutaneous tissue structure of abdomen (body structure) E05462 368093004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of abdomen (body structure) P05462 - 18083 D integument/surface F2DBB17BA18B44668BF02350E2D6B040 BBD915B970F54A6FAC5D5DCDFA5841A0 Subcutaneous tissue of abdomen Entire subcutaneous tissue of abdomen (body structure) 5463 5463 05463 abdominal portion of ureter 15868002 S05463 Structure of abdominal portion of ureter (body structure) E05463 279395007 Entire abdominal portion of ureter (body structure) P05463 Y 15882 P urinary system D7587D0F252F4A4E8B87A9C90339BEC4 0D3386C713974044AD887831F1CE9072 abdominal portion of ureter Entire abdominal portion of ureter (body structure) Segment of ureter contained in abdominal cavity proper. 5464 5464 05464 ureteropelvic junction 32004001 S05464 Structure of ureteropelvic junction (body structure) E05464 264130006 Entire ureteropelvic junction (body structure) P05464 Y 15898 P urinary system 75B40E984B6C48CF8ABF45D0E2360068 2CD6603E3E06475F8EC18BB39ABEC171 ureteropelvic junction Entire ureteropelvic junction (body structure) 5465 5465 05465 transplanted ureter 8623006 S05465 Structure of transplanted ureter (body structure) E05465 303408002 Entire transplanted ureter (body structure) P05465 Y P urinary system 2338DB3B3CFC41EDB21AB142751C4C6F AF4B25BF5EAE402DA79B9D20E2405353 transplanted ureter Entire transplanted ureter (body structure) 5466 5466 05466 right ureter 25308007 S05466 Structure of right ureter (body structure) E05466 276251000 Entire right ureter (body structure) P05466 R 15571 P urinary system 27ACFC66A69A499BBE36D01BA299D336 1901859666854235918C56E9082A6A07 right ureter Entire right ureter (body structure) 5467 5467 05467 left ureter 26559004 S05467 Structure of left ureter (body structure) E05467 276340002 Entire left ureter (body structure) P05467 L 15572 P urinary system DB8BD87E897142289E8E7B7C8B588DB1 D603B8A9B97649A690F483A4D1C70595 left ureter Entire left ureter (body structure) 5468 5468 05468 periureteral tissue 24577006 S05468 Structure of periureteral tissue (body structure) E05468 279498005 Entire periureteral tissue (body structure) P05468 Y P 3F64D22D04A3484CB8AFE31C4946F461 0B44E415F53145E1A87FA5194DBFCFD6 periureteral tissue Entire periureteral tissue (body structure) 5469 5469 05469 ureteral lumen 77980008 S05469 Structure of ureteral lumen (body structure) E05469 279398009 Entire ureteral lumen (body structure) P05469 Y 17608 P urinary system C2E30433ED734C8684982D66D0B864BA 70466187C1744A54A9B531341F164024 ureteral lumen Entire ureteral lumen (body structure) 5470 5470 05470 subcutaneous tissue of epigastric area 63442000 S05470 Subcutaneous tissue structure of epigastric area (body structure) E05470 368095006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of epigastric area (body structure) P05470 - D integument/surface 36DCDC2F8C5F4081B0E6F667F9B08966 B9F3076ECD2A40C08C7C62209E04BCB3 Subcutaneous tissue of epigastric area Entire subcutaneous tissue of epigastric area (body structure) 5471 5471 05471 muscular layer of urinary bladder 23614007 S05471 Structure of muscularis of urinary bladder (body structure) E05471 279412007 Entire muscularis of urinary bladder (body structure) P05471 - 15930 P muscular system 0BBC96618340493BAE7BF31FAB327EFD 8BA9AE0C0F85443C8174B7FE2FDE4784 muscularis of urinary bladder Entire muscularis of urinary bladder (body structure) 5472 5472 05472 interstitial tissue of urinary bladder 89713008 S05472 Structure of interstitial tissue of urinary bladder (body structure) E05472 250737008 Entire interstitial tissue of urinary bladder (body structure) P05472 - P urinary system E3E4492785C84BE486E9F9C59DE1A2AB EA37D64DC9E34802B35DF75D5384C367 interstitial tissue of urinary bladder Entire interstitial tissue of urinary bladder (body structure) 5473 5473 05473 anterior wall of urinary bladder 50858009 S05473 Structure of anterior wall of urinary bladder (body structure) E05473 281385007 Entire anterior wall of urinary bladder (body structure) P05473 - 15903 P urinary system 52650681809E4AFB8EE853401E67B51D 622F62CDD75B4615915F208D35389E48 anterior wall of urinary bladder Entire anterior wall of urinary bladder (body structure) 5474 5474 05474 posterior wall of urinary bladder 25640004 S05474 Structure of posterior wall of urinary bladder (body structure) E05474 281386008 Entire posterior wall of urinary bladder (body structure) P05474 - 15904 P urinary system 8A5E047FF485456DA2610F2A855289F6 61308FDEE7914215AE44C855D6F7CE3A posterior wall of urinary bladder Entire posterior wall of urinary bladder (body structure) 5475 5475 05475 lateral wall of urinary bladder 19318009 S05475 Structure of lateral wall of urinary bladder (body structure) E05475 264063001 Entire lateral wall of urinary bladder (body structure) P05475 Y 15905 P urinary system 5BDE8F83D60342B6A9E4C88CAD7FEA49 09D5FA7B59F0498F815488CB8B22A42A lateral wall of urinary bladder Entire lateral wall of urinary bladder (body structure) 5476 5476 05476 right wall of urinary bladder 250930003 S05476 Structure of right wall of urinary bladder (body structure) E05476 38890005 Entire right wall of urinary bladder (body structure) P05476 R 15906 P urinary system 0A4BF75202D747A189B42A02131CD7AA DF9AA34F17D5413DA6154AFC3CDAC68F right wall of urinary bladder Entire right wall of urinary bladder (body structure) 5477 5477 05477 left wall of urinary bladder 251028007 S05477 Structure of left wall of urinary bladder (body structure) E05477 54217004 Entire left wall of urinary bladder (body structure) P05477 L 15907 P urinary system 8B4304E61C7648C8BC8FBA775BB79C60 7B45E6B72A444E07BBA482C1D042C435 left wall of urinary bladder Entire left wall of urinary bladder (body structure) 5478 5478 05478 subcutaneous tissue of hypochondriac region 36340005 S05478 Subcutaneous tissue structure of hypochondriac region (body structure) E05478 368096007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of hypochondriac region (body structure) P05478 Y D integument/surface E7C7A85E5E8447C5811EF23129D6A77C 1B8F36AB8ED94CABB7CC8795D6B00F72 Subcutaneous tissue of hypochondriac region Entire subcutaneous tissue of hypochondriac region (body structure) 5479 5479 05479 lateral umbilical ligament 15054005 S05479 Structure of lateral umbilical ligaments (body structure) E05479 279429005 Entire lateral umbilical ligament (body structure) P05479 Y 19115 P urinary system BA17CCA36014464CAEA5672A59C9808F B18BD904A31A4EDD9EA4D24AF1C4D849 lateral umbilical ligaments Entire lateral umbilical ligament (body structure) 5480 5480 05480 apex of urinary bladder 69659006 S05480 Structure of apex of urinary bladder (body structure) E05480 279403005 Entire apex of urinary bladder (body structure) P05480 - 15914 P urinary system C483E38FE9444AEC994828E535D7C37D EBBBC9933CCB4F8CA6D342F1EFA8EC03 apex of urinary bladder Entire apex of urinary bladder (body structure) 5481 5481 05481 body of urinary bladder 26691007 S05481 Structure of body of urinary bladder (body structure) E05481 250355001 Entire body of urinary bladder (body structure) P05481 - 15909 P urinary system 2FC45B0056324A9986A6569B7B0B1B80 43E7442D739D484E90298FE891A900CD body of urinary bladder Entire body of urinary bladder (body structure) 5482 5482 05482 urinary bladder cavity 48367006 S05482 Structure of urinary bladder cavity (body structure) E05482 279405003 Entire urinary bladder cavity (body structure) P05482 - 15924 P urinary system D314E3D27C114B969CB71E33B0E01647 4FF6E22DF9494814AA449C7134E05E2A urinary bladder cavity Entire urinary bladder cavity (body structure) 5483 5483 05483 ureteral orifice 53180009 S05483 Structure of ureteral orifice (body structure) E05483 181415004 Entire ureteral orifice (body structure) P05483 Y 77047 P urinary system BD9BFBDB8CD74CF4BACA518763D5C976 9BCC40C4A0E64D14A5185095E359453E ureteral orifice Entire ureteral orifice (body structure) 5484 5484 05484 right ureteral orifice 251121004 S05484 Structure of right ureteral orifice (body structure) E05484 34376009 Entire right ureteral orifice (body structure) P05484 R 15939 P urinary system AA6411B3963E410A99E4321EE019AD32 88AD7EF0C1D14DB2880F741620288062 right ureteral orifice Entire right ureteral orifice (body structure) 5485 5485 05485 left ureteral orifice 251201007 S05485 Structure of left ureteral orifice (body structure) E05485 73118008 Entire left ureteral orifice (body structure) P05485 L 15940 P urinary system 86861B38E6C847ACBCDB5C928D320417 2D562362D48246C4A2FCDA7757720034 left ureteral orifice Entire left ureteral orifice (body structure) 5486 5486 05486 plica interureterica 85535007 S05486 Structure of plica interureterica (body structure) E05486 279421008 Entire plica interureterica (body structure) P05486 - P urinary system 760721BD0687456EB049B98C84538C6F C1A6ECDB0B47485FA6AE94133157B1BB plica interureterica Entire plica interureterica (body structure) 5487 5487 05487 subcutaneous tissue of umbilicus 65758004 S05487 Subcutaneous tissue structure of umbilicus (body structure) E05487 368066002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of umbilicus (body structure) P05487 - D integument/surface 5C182C18B6DD4A74ACB0DEA2780B76E6 A57B968B6A8D49DFB481FCCAF330230E Subcutaneous tissue of umbilicus Entire subcutaneous tissue of umbilicus (body structure) 5488 5488 05488 uvula of bladder 84526007 S05488 Structure of uvula of bladder (body structure) E05488 279419003 Entire uvula of bladder (body structure) P05488 - 15915 P urinary system 893ADDE5BEB64A6486556523ACC47E64 503F9FC1DCB44A489BD0D63E6CF761DF uvula of bladder Entire uvula of bladder (body structure) 5489 5489 05489 urinary bladder muscular sphincter 37483007 S05489 Structure of urinary bladder muscular sphincter (body structure) E05489 250438004 Entire urinary bladder muscular sphincter (body structure) P05489 - 15927 P urinary system 096541D7DFD64C9887A44E3242467F52 3519F0BBEFA14A758168DCE9183CCD8D urinary bladder muscular sphincter Entire urinary bladder muscular sphincter (body structure) 5490 5490 05490 internal sphincter of urinary bladder 250539009 S05490 Structure of internal sphincter of urinary bladder (body structure) E05490 48281006 Entire internal sphincter of urinary bladder (body structure) P05490 - 15946 P urinary system 6051D1B0BF304705B5824151D81AFF7A 14E6A8B3437140B89BA9E3B104F732DE internal sphincter of urinary bladder Entire internal sphincter of urinary bladder (body structure) 5491 5491 05491 external sphincter of urinary bladder 250639000 S05491 Structure of external sphincter of urinary bladder (body structure) E05491 46915005 Entire external sphincter of urinary bladder (body structure) P05491 - 15947 P urinary system BC2CA2509B6E44328EF981344C58C127 329E6A2E9BC04F1C9E7B4716BA701EB0 external sphincter of urinary bladder Entire external sphincter of urinary bladder (body structure) 5492 5492 05492 skin of all fingers 22599004 S05492 Skin structure of all fingers (body structure) E05492 368364009 Entire skin of all fingers (body structure) P05492 Y P integumentary system A8B9490A85204F5CA8BCEF2931225124 9D98906A7F914EC69E01B3D464AEE252 Skin of all fingers Entire skin of all fingers (body structure) 5493 5493 05493 subcutaneous tissue of umbilical region 56476000 S05493 Subcutaneous tissue structure of umbilical region (body structure) E05493 368072002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of umbilical region (body structure) P05493 - D integument/surface C5912F6B2DA84B79B108F37E80704AB6 A44159CF83A34780A73115928523DF12 Subcutaneous tissue of umbilical region Entire subcutaneous tissue of umbilical region (body structure) 5494 5494 05494 paraurethral duct 53134007 S05494 Structure of paraurethral ducts (body structure) E05494 279480006 Entire paraurethral ducts (body structure) P05494 Y 21445 P 77AEA1D75B204790A3C8244764C45344 F298E74FA33E45E6B42C1C09A067CC7D paraurethral ducts Entire paraurethral ducts (body structure) 5495 5495 05495 urethral lacuna 68943004 S05495 Structure of urethral lacunae (body structure) E05495 279472004 Entire urethral lacunae (body structure) P05495 - 19723 P genitourinary system AAE4F0AA31AC4255B167D8B103DA8A07 256DE17A0D6D4740AB6E01422A1AF11E urethral lacunae Entire urethral lacunae (body structure) 5496 5496 05496 urethral lumen 63202008 S05496 Structure of urethral lumen (body structure) E05496 279432008 Entire urethral lumen (body structure) P05496 - 19709 P urinary system 95E90BC66CA94CC7884E1D0200C1FBB4 7CC6309E21B440278F4FC3FB85E14AE7 urethral lumen Entire urethral lumen (body structure) 5497 5497 05497 prostatic utricle 84140001 S05497 Structure of prostatic utricle (body structure) E05497 197909004 Entire prostatic utricle (body structure) P05497 Y 19702 P genital system B4E21058FB464179BFE8E601CC06322E ACEE0A15B9BD43A2913DCB58D43E209C prostatic utricle Entire prostatic utricle (body structure) 5498 5498 05498 prostatic sinus of urethra 51394006 S05498 Structure of prostatic sinus of urethra (body structure) E05498 279454005 Entire prostatic sinus of urethra (body structure) P05498 - 19604 P genital system C0C4DD7ABE234FEBB61A9A81B0964485 4B637A5B032349178ED60330C58DE225 prostatic sinus of urethra Entire prostatic sinus of urethra (body structure) 5499 5499 05499 subcutaneous tissue of hypogastric region 38153006 S05499 Subcutaneous tissue structure of hypogastric region (body structure) E05499 368073007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of hypogastric region (body structure) P05499 - D integument/surface 0B79BF49675D4EB28CE95434023946B5 A2EDC487B43F461499F8EDC213644FE3 Subcutaneous tissue of hypogastric region Entire subcutaneous tissue of hypogastric region (body structure) 5500 5500 05500 valve of fossa navicularis of urethra 85951005 S05500 Structure of valve of fossa navicularis of urethra (body structure) E05500 367737008 Entire valve of fossa navicularis of urethra (body structure) P05500 - P urinary system 756C4C48CDC04ACA9283AE7FDFBEDC5C B8EF65FDBB9D474D9B831E3429BFC727 valve of fossa navicularis of urethra Entire valve of fossa navicularis of urethra (body structure) 5501 5501 05501 duct of bulbourethral gland 84243006 S05501 Structure of duct of bulbourethral gland (body structure) E05501 279709005 Entire duct of bulbourethral gland (body structure) P05501 Y 20091 P urinary system 9EEAE634DF8E49479B754059ADB3D7D4 CC6BE39D6FB045EB9BFB0CD9C4F72873 duct of bulbourethral gland Entire duct of bulbourethral gland (body structure) 5502 5502 05502 urethral meatus 87528003 S05502 Structure of urethral meatus (body structure) E05502 181424008 Entire urethral meatus (body structure) P05502 - 19650 P urinary system 360B58840EF04AE3AC8D9A7D34B3A5D4 C2EE2B2B5DB44DA893CA627D1A800AC7 urethral meatus Entire urethral meatus (body structure) 5503 5503 05503 periurethral tissue 52498007 S05503 Structure of periurethral tissue (body structure) E05503 256880003 Entire periurethral tissue (body structure) P05503 - P 01B2738DD5EF48B7B9F4FEE4F3A34C0E 318439D3932C4E10A67A1C3F8F81670A periurethral tissue Entire periurethral tissue (body structure) 5504 5504 05504 subcutaneous tissue of mons pubis 51724001 S05504 Subcutaneous tissue structure of mons pubis (body structure) E05504 367690004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of mons pubis (body structure) P05504 - D integument/surface 375E6D03F14441CDBB94862A354C87D3 D0DAFEA167784085B004999353353F12 Subcutaneous tissue of mons pubis Entire subcutaneous tissue of mons pubis (body structure) 5505 5505 05505 right half of vulva 60895007 S05505 Structure of right side of vulva (body structure) E05505 245470008 Entire right side of vulva (body structure) P05505 Rgroup D genital system D2D5CC414F384F80BD206F40E7F11379 395B5D6A8E5049EE996E04C6B7A67054 right side of vulva Entire right side of vulva (body structure) 5506 5506 05506 left half of vulva 89850000 S05506 Structure of left side of vulva (body structure) E05506 245471007 Entire left side of vulva (body structure) P05506 Lgroup D genital system 35CAE95910B34951979834B93F98CE2C 66321F8F22ED4842B66B27E871B081D0 left side of vulva Entire left side of vulva (body structure) 5507 5507 05507 vulvar mucous membrane 81238000 S05507 Structure of vulvar mucous membrane (body structure) E05507 367692007 Entire vulvar mucous membrane (body structure) P05507 - P genital system 73BB7D75045744DA89AAC2829AB18111 10FEC55DF84346CC9184B25AD175F1EF vulvar mucous membrane Entire vulvar mucous membrane (body structure) 5508 5508 05508 vulvar connective tissue 26423007 S05508 Structure of vulvar connective tissue (body structure) E05508 367693002 Entire vulvar connective tissue (body structure) P05508 Y P genital system E95818BFDAF4460EB3283E8DED2C86C5 63CE1DA635B34CB188D4275A3BF11CB4 vulvar connective tissue Entire vulvar connective tissue (body structure) 5509 5509 05509 subcutaneous tissue of inguinal region 87306004 S05509 Subcutaneous tissue structure of inguinal region (body structure) E05509 368097003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of inguinal region (body structure) P05509 Y D integument/surface 7832EE2760484CEF8B4B85DFF1D44511 C4D58EA02E7743D8B5768CAFF01E4147 Subcutaneous tissue of inguinal region Entire subcutaneous tissue of inguinal region (body structure) 5510 5510 05510 pudendal cleft 34357007 S05510 Structure of pudendal cleft (body structure) E05510 279857009 Entire pudendal cleft (body structure) P05510 - 19995 P genital system AFA2579420E84146A9471BD1DE088190 C235CA6C7B55484FB6971C6BC8DC10DA pudendal cleft Entire pudendal cleft (body structure) 5511 5511 05511 fossa of vaginal vestibule 69010008 S05511 Structure of fossa of vaginal vestibule (body structure) E05511 367694008 Entire fossa of vaginal vestibule (body structure) P05511 - 74904 P genital system E5A4718B38814BC7A00F6B4F6709834C 600AB3659D6545C991DC6D5B42E9CA55 fossa of vaginal vestibule Entire fossa of vaginal vestibule (body structure) 5512 5512 05512 bulb of vestibule 76420007 S05512 Structure of vestibular bulb of vagina (body structure) E05512 279873003 Entire vestibular bulb of vagina (body structure) P05512 Y 20199 P genital system 36920F793D3E4444A5EE86BCCB8A23E7 9C36FA519FFA4C8F83D151F250D9EDF3 vestibular bulb of vagina Entire vestibular bulb of vagina (body structure) Cavernous organ, located in labium minus . Examples: There iare only two bulbs of vestibule, the right and the left. 5513 5513 05513 subcutaneous tissue of perineum 113186003 S05513 Subcutaneous tissue structure of perineum (body structure) E05513 367743005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of perineum (body structure) P05513 - 18085 D integument/surface 37E3EF3AE2E445D6AD0FAAC032CC6E16 39755C9920CE4022A7A1E0CC4569FDEA Subcutaneous tissue of perineum Entire subcutaneous tissue of perineum (body structure) 5514 5514 05514 right corpus cavernosum of clitoris 48004006 S05514 Structure of right corpus cavernosum of clitoris (body structure) E05514 367682004 Entire right corpus cavernosum of clitoris (body structure) P05514 R 20173 P genital system D3CDE233722444AE86E6934368BA4BCC A53CB3473DB24F43AA3A44B97066F3F5 right corpus cavernosum of clitoris Entire right corpus cavernosum of clitoris (body structure) 5515 5515 05515 left corpus cavernosum of clitoris 63677005 S05515 Structure of left corpus cavernosum of clitoris (body structure) E05515 367683009 Entire left corpus cavernosum of clitoris (body structure) P05515 L 20174 P genital system 6368B3BEA45845AB9B72A46DCFA87E39 686AE098C4B44D64B7C7713BE0E55CAC left corpus cavernosum of clitoris Entire left corpus cavernosum of clitoris (body structure) 5516 5516 05516 septum of corpus cavernosum of clitoris 70127005 S05516 Structure of septum of corpus cavernosum of clitoris (body structure) E05516 279859007 Entire septum of corpus cavernosum of clitoris (body structure) P05516 - 21851 P genital system 11170A36905F474788130F54546BF6C8 C5445EF338DD46F9AAE7CC737204CF27 septum of corpus cavernosum of clitoris Entire septum of corpus cavernosum of clitoris (body structure) 5517 5517 05517 crus of clitoris 48081000 S05517 Structure of crus of clitoris (body structure) E05517 279860002 Entire crus of clitoris (body structure) P05517 - 20175 P genital system 89344F21EFF64016AAD40632EDE82853 9621B342A5504129B7AD4BBECB51E0E6 crus of clitoris Entire crus of clitoris (body structure) 5518 5518 05518 body of clitoris 56447003 S05518 Structure of body of clitoris (body structure) E05518 279858004 Entire body of clitoris (body structure) P05518 - 20000 P genital system 10AC1AF1ACC0416FBF443AF3DC0F4937 9795D3D9E30F4AD7A8D98383269EFB43 body of clitoris Entire body of clitoris (body structure) 5519 5519 05519 suspensory ligament of clitoris 83719001 S05519 Structure of suspensory ligament of clitoris (body structure) E05519 367685002 Entire suspensory ligament of clitoris (body structure) P05519 - 21861 P genital system 93B3D18595ED4FC6A92C55731E55C0D4 F604EBAC8BF04D7AA4026B0FC4F09BE2 suspensory ligament of clitoris Entire suspensory ligament of clitoris (body structure) 5520 5520 05520 Bartholin's gland duct 91686002 S05520 Structure of Bartholin's gland duct (body structure) E05520 245472000 Entire Bartholin's gland duct (body structure) P05520 Y 20088 P integumentary system 8EF2FD9A8B5047FA9E95D8273523FD4F 07A7AD07457846C3AE200F2C0B59340D Bartholin's gland duct Entire Bartholin's gland duct (body structure) 5521 5521 05521 minor vestibular gland 27722006 S05521 Structure of minor vestibular gland (body structure) E05521 279869001 Entire minor vestibular gland (body structure) P05521 Y 20019 P genital system 9B145952355D4BA992E046C78CBEE4CD 808EA886922049D39DDD86C47A29FAC7 minor vestibular gland Entire minor vestibular gland (body structure) 5522 5522 05522 subcutaneous tissue of external genitalia 7050002 S05522 Subcutaneous tissue structure of external genitalia (body structure) E05522 367702005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of external genitalia (body structure) P05522 - D integument/surface 94AC2C7B0CA64A31BCC75C0982CB4594 8D447085402E4B6AB494CD223DE78DFA Subcutaneous tissue of external genitalia Entire subcutaneous tissue of external genitalia (body structure) 5523 5523 05523 ruga of vagina 89146005 S05523 Structure of vaginal rugae (body structure) E05523 252751003 Entire vaginal rugae (body structure) P05523 - 19991 P genital system 383511F7AA784E63A1D9A44BAA4838CB E4BECC533E8C41C8B4B1D8AD1CBAF9D5 vaginal rugae Entire vaginal rugae (body structure) 5524 5524 05524 rugal column 5069006 S05524 Structure of rugal column (body structure) E05524 252845000 Entire rugal column (body structure) P05524 - P genital system 2B1F2BC8F7444CB897134A06CFAC09F1 54B5EB9E69D74525A655D794F9A11919 rugal column Entire rugal column (body structure) 5525 5525 05525 posterior rugal column 252941005 S05525 Structure of posterior rugal column (body structure) E05525 77466006 Entire posterior rugal column (body structure) P05525 - P genital system D2025190528C4950BBF33011D9964C0C A3A0FD8644BC48ADB3AA2FC4AB48CE03 posterior rugal column Entire posterior rugal column (body structure) 5526 5526 05526 vaginal urethral carina 19051008 S05526 Structure of vaginal urethral carina (body structure) E05526 253019002 Entire vaginal urethral carina (body structure) P05526 - 76910 P genitourinary system 6EFE5E6053924BE2BEAECC9772A4A4DF D80F1ED8139C47CFAC76552A8BC892C8 vaginal urethral carina Entire vaginal urethral carina (body structure) 5527 5527 05527 vaginal muscularis 50481003 S05527 Structure of vaginal muscularis (body structure) E05527 253069005 Entire vaginal muscularis (body structure) P05527 - P genital system 4E70C98BCF0740E1911C32B3E2D96BEE FA61C89A677B45408D0E179559C403C5 vaginal muscularis Entire vaginal muscularis (body structure) 5528 5528 05528 vaginal canal 48001003 S05528 Structure of vaginal canal (body structure) E05528 253155007 Entire vaginal canal (body structure) P05528 - P genital system 221C58DBD14A439899E3A3E711BDE863 886A667D53CC4A3BB20C25F4E2738833 vaginal canal Entire vaginal canal (body structure) 5529 5529 05529 subcutaneous tissue of pelvis 21340003 S05529 Subcutaneous tissue structure of pelvis (body structure) E05529 290296008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of pelvis (body structure) P05529 - D integument/surface 05BBBB712EAB4DF59A0B4402771F7D86 976F3706809F4D47BD2151C2D7157BB6 Subcutaneous tissue of pelvis Entire subcutaneous tissue of pelvis (body structure) 5530 5530 05530 fornix of vagina 41218000 S05530 Structure of fornix of vagina (body structure) E05530 245475003 Entire fornix of vagina (body structure) P05530 - 19985 P genital system C7CF6211B4DA4D19AB300C0ED1A00D41 53DFB80CE31B4B85AA28BCCF4DB0F724 fornix of vagina Entire fornix of vagina (body structure) 5531 5531 05531 anterior fornix 35931007 S05531 Structure of anterior fornix (body structure) E05531 245476002 Entire anterior fornix (body structure) P05531 - P genital system B5166183D90B45AF903C7CCB9BC7E1CE AEF10A460905465FBB3CE7C6732262D9 anterior fornix Entire anterior fornix (body structure) 5532 5532 05532 posterior fornix 58733005 S05532 Structure of posterior fornix (body structure) E05532 245477006 Entire posterior fornix (body structure) P05532 - P genital system D38B974BEEB141FB90DF190EC2005890 A0E957C1C0754940AC79D8C37A326CA2 posterior fornix Entire posterior fornix (body structure) 5533 5533 05533 lateral fornix 37242006 S05533 Structure of lateral fornix (body structure) E05533 245478001 Entire lateral fornix (body structure) P05533 Y P genital system 80A410597B954E149FC5A407F286A7E2 E502D89F729B4CB49C891B18A0011F72 lateral fornix Entire lateral fornix (body structure) 5534 5534 05534 right lateral fornix 252571009 S05534 Structure of right lateral fornix (body structure) E05534 84634007 Entire right lateral fornix (body structure) P05534 R P genital system A4174EB7CB304B519E02AAE80326DED9 64D8D590AD4E46A1BB7D8D642F1F758D right lateral fornix Entire right lateral fornix (body structure) 5535 5535 05535 left lateral fornix 252667002 S05535 Structure of left lateral fornix (body structure) E05535 59628006 Entire left lateral fornix (body structure) P05535 L P genital system 557D8DD39DC8410994EAFCDFA2377E56 F1601F10E3034FA0A8699A3E9B8495FE left lateral fornix Entire left lateral fornix (body structure) 5536 5536 05536 subcutaneous tissue of gluteal fold 40666006 S05536 Subcutaneous tissue structure of gluteal fold (body structure) E05536 287877003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of gluteal fold (body structure) P05536 Y D integument/surface 0B9A06851B6C4679999A746EBAB6F801 849DC7CFD0F64AE49FC829AC14DDF874 Subcutaneous tissue of gluteal fold Entire subcutaneous tissue of gluteal fold (body structure) 5537 5537 05537 hymen 27907006 S05537 Structure of hymen (body structure) E05537 245473005 Entire hymen (body structure) P05537 - 20005 P genital system E6EBD947AE2349F4A56DD10D762D1337 E6C285C0D5CA4B68A36B65531F997F3C hymen Entire hymen (body structure) 5538 5538 05538 hymenal caruncle 9870004 S05538 Structure of carunculae hymenales (body structure) E05538 279875005 Entire carunculae hymenales (body structure) P05538 - 78586 P genital system 61F3DBD0B5D44F04B489F83F317561FE 723039891EAB450B88057EDFAF36A741 carunculae hymenales Entire carunculae hymenales (body structure) 5539 5539 05539 margin of uterus 61434007 S05539 Structure of margin of uterus (body structure) E05539 253788005 Entire margin of uterus (body structure) P05539 Y 20424 P genital system 09ADB54C77894363AB63D4CB5C513F5D F90F90D6884F461BA7E8B374BBAF5865 margin of uterus Entire margin of uterus (body structure) 5540 5540 05540 right margin of uterus 253871009 S05540 Structure of right margin of uterus (body structure) E05540 2998001 Entire right margin of uterus (body structure) P05540 R 20425 P genital system BFD26E28B3D6458386B3667EA93286AC 360EF7C269F84C78A5309AF923491278 right margin of uterus Entire right margin of uterus (body structure) 5541 5541 05541 left margin of uterus 253951004 S05541 Structure of left margin of uterus (body structure) E05541 7376007 Entire left margin of uterus (body structure) P05541 L 20426 P genital system C5CE5C894C0B4D88B39378473EA5D28C 50177C2F58E64C198C3A49601E5F9642 left margin of uterus Entire left margin of uterus (body structure) 5542 5542 05542 intestinal surface of uterus 42460001 S05542 Structure of intestinal surface of uterus (body structure) E05542 253332003 Entire intestinal surface of uterus (body structure) P05542 - 17770 P genital system 2CE1485832E147E5901221C38BB0B2C6 2A8D7D7D9E7248D39F1F12F2AE1358B4 intestinal surface of uterus Entire intestinal surface of uterus (body structure) 5543 5543 05543 vesical surface of uterus 51273006 S05543 Structure of vesical surface of uterus (body structure) E05543 253424005 Entire vesical surface of uterus (body structure) P05543 - 17769 P genital system BC1ADACAD28F4956950BEBF59F8770DC 9C7B3F73DF7244AFA87B92F2DD134617 vesical surface of uterus Entire vesical surface of uterus (body structure) 5544 5544 05544 subcutaneous tissue of perianal area 81915005 S05544 Subcutaneous tissue structure of perianal area (body structure) E05544 367659001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of perianal area (body structure) P05544 - D integument/surface 7560DEBF0B41460E968C4A1DE426CEE8 2E7575B124C6482ABC42FF42D2952071 Subcutaneous tissue of perianal area Entire subcutaneous tissue of perianal area (body structure) 5545 5545 05545 horn of uterus 88590001 S05545 Structure of horn of uterus (body structure) E05545 245480007 Entire horn of uterus (body structure) P05545 Y 77053 P genital system FC5CE7D0466548D0BA0D333429EDAD49 1293B795ABC9478BA7AAA618339FCACF horn of uterus Entire horn of uterus (body structure) 5546 5546 05546 right horn of uterus 48040008 S05546 Structure of right horn of uterus (body structure) E05546 245481006 Entire right horn of uterus (body structure) P05546 R P genital system 9F9BA599B70B4E22AFE03A9CC1DAC057 391281CA526D4D7E9287436622486E2F right horn of uterus Entire right horn of uterus (body structure) 5547 5547 05547 left horn of uterus 27553006 S05547 Structure of left horn of uterus (body structure) E05547 245482004 Entire left horn of uterus (body structure) P05547 L P genital system D18533B3367243F2BA2883D5F3E01046 F325E841C40F43A79A7446E54A56B95E left horn of uterus Entire left horn of uterus (body structure) 5548 5548 05548 fundus uteri 27485007 S05548 Structure of fundus uteri (body structure) E05548 263354004 Entire fundus uteri (body structure) P05548 - 17561 P genital system 5F46883E57F14FD08485DA2D9694ABC3 607371046C604DEF84F8DA141D430FBD fundus uteri Entire fundus uteri (body structure) 5549 5549 05549 obstetric internal os of uterus 254439003 S05549 Structure of obstetric internal os of uterus (body structure) E05549 31985003 Entire obstetric internal os of uterus (body structure) P05549 - P genital system 20DE1A30AEA446FCBC22BD8A470CD1A0 D0CE841BC97E48CCA57C155E972B0650 obstetric internal os of uterus Entire obstetric internal os of uterus (body structure) 5550 5550 05550 uterine subserosa 6649009 S05550 Structure of uterine subserosa (body structure) E05550 245488000 Entire uterine subserosa (body structure) P05550 - 20423 P genital system A65E5CC82F0B41A89CEEDA92285698BD A163C68E6C52414586F25721E23C68E2 uterine subserosa Entire uterine subserosa (body structure) 5551 5551 05551 parametrium 45682005 S05551 Structure of parametrium (body structure) E05551 280455005 Entire parametrium (body structure) P05551 - 77061 P genital system B28746794D4545D4B497C20704C85E8C A24EA17A7D8C43B889CC52E25AD46266 parametrium Entire parametrium (body structure) 5552 5552 05552 uterine serosa 76195004 S05552 Structure of uterine serosa (body structure) E05552 253705006 Entire uterine serosa (body structure) P05552 - 17744 P genital system 8EDDCA2C376B431C92FFDFB4670FC422 F5AFB10864984F5AAA54C71DBF054DEC uterine serosa Entire uterine serosa (body structure) 5553 5553 05553 subcutaneous tissue of female genitalia 49985003 S05553 Subcutaneous tissue structure of female genitalia (body structure) E05553 367688000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of female genitalia (body structure) P05553 - D integument/surface B5D4C04D3B804C01A44A4FE6D909C115 78F15FF6D21245E8B887DCDDE9343FEA Subcutaneous tissue of female genitalia Entire subcutaneous tissue of female genitalia (body structure) 5554 5554 05554 interstitial tissue of uterus 30722004 S05554 Structure of interstitial tissue of uterus (body structure) E05554 254834002 Entire interstitial tissue of uterus (body structure) P05554 - P genital system CC3F2230F31B473597411466F064FDDB 7045726115954B17AF8471E1BB003B82 interstitial tissue of uterus Entire interstitial tissue of uterus (body structure) 5555 5555 05555 cervical mucous membrane 22916002 S05555 Structure of cervical mucous membrane (body structure) E05555 254907001 Entire cervical mucous membrane (body structure) P05555 - P genital system 0106476A0E52489FB1F4886046A966D5 00821CF61CCD4EB184CF743CD17B7A22 cervical mucous membrane Entire cervical mucous membrane (body structure) 5556 5556 05556 cervical lamina propria 87059009 S05556 Structure of cervical lamina propria (body structure) E05556 254991008 Entire cervical lamina propria (body structure) P05556 - P genital system 218BA268E84048BF869E0401B74E1CB5 5C2B07DE55304D1095D61443A602C5D2 cervical lamina propria Entire cervical lamina propria (body structure) 5557 5557 05557 wall of cervix 37397003 S05557 Structure of wall of cervix (body structure) E05557 277418002 Entire wall of cervix (body structure) P05557 - 17757 P genital system EBCB8E0C7B874919A10CA083EF3CCA25 1835BFE7F87D428DB937B3A5A944EE6C wall of cervix Entire wall of cervix (body structure) 5558 5558 05558 exocervical connective tissue 25036007 S05558 Structure of exocervical connective tissue (body structure) E05558 255336003 Entire exocervical connective tissue (body structure) P05558 - P genital system F1E4F45C64B34B8FA85F7111E5D69D70 1F82F61CC9994ED3BE0B7E74C7C47977 exocervical connective tissue Entire exocervical connective tissue (body structure) 5559 5559 05559 squamocolumnar junction of uterine cervix 87948002 S05559 Structure of squamocolumnar junction of uterine cervix (body structure) E05559 280451001 Entire squamocolumnar junction of uterine cervix (body structure) P05559 - P genital system 18AFBC431BE04A848F336DA631B8D3FE 3CE8F3ED91E94B4C80C589132EB50EF3 squamocolumnar junction of uterine cervix Entire squamocolumnar junction of uterine cervix (body structure) 5560 5560 05560 exocervical epithelial cell 91687006 S05560 Structure of exocervical epithelial cell (body structure) E05560 255268008 Entire exocervical epithelial cell (body structure) P05560 - P genital system 2B65CD800BD54F2BB519813B463CD7B2 FEB6E633141A40A1856DE08B574D41A7 exocervical epithelial cell Entire exocervical epithelial cell (body structure) 5561 5561 05561 skin of lower limb 371304004 S05561 Skin structure of lower extremity (body structure) E05561 181528008 Entire skin of lower extremity (body structure) P05561 Y 23102 D integument/surface 6C8EEF789995490894ADE8E99CB49303 24D1A1704BB7465B8282F9E0B63CA2F6 Skin of lower extremity Entire skin of lower extremity (body structure) 5562 5562 05562 subcutaneous tissue of vulva 85079002 S05562 Subcutaneous tissue structure of vulva (body structure) E05562 367689008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of vulva (body structure) P05562 - D integument/surface 12DA85B5A3B74FB6A041E604A1399809 F387521FFBD845D5887E8A529561B00A Subcutaneous tissue of vulva Entire subcutaneous tissue of vulva (body structure) 5563 5563 05563 anterior lip of cervix 43754007 S05563 Structure of anterior lip of cervix (body structure) E05563 245490004 Entire anterior lip of cervix (body structure) P05563 - P genital system D9DC8AB55841420AA755DEA672A0F71E 535F97662B84475CA728D44991DA6799 anterior lip of cervix Entire anterior lip of cervix (body structure) 5564 5564 05564 posterior lip of cervix 28471000 S05564 Structure of posterior lip of cervix (body structure) E05564 245491000 Entire posterior lip of cervix (body structure) P05564 - P genital system 76A2B79CAC64489FB8D93941EB0F2F9B 48E0D58BD1DE4FD5AEE7B867FE65F26C posterior lip of cervix Entire posterior lip of cervix (body structure) 5566 5566 05566 plica palmata 12051007 S05566 Structure of plica palmata (body structure) E05566 255125003 Entire plica palmata (body structure) P05566 - P genital system 9BF674E4DCC34108933664005EFF21E2 B0274E19EBB3424ABC31AA062DF41D6E plica palmata Entire plica palmata (body structure) 5567 5567 05567 endocervical connective tissue 19376004 S05567 Structure of endocervical connective tissue (body structure) E05567 255193000 Entire endocervical connective tissue (body structure) P05567 - P genital system 6573CB6FC1124341ADCF61D251ACF239 EB96BD8DCD1C404CA3B12DDA316D89D1 endocervical connective tissue Entire endocervical connective tissue (body structure) 5568 5568 05568 subcutaneous tissue of cruro-vulvar fold 82151000 S05568 Subcutaneous tissue structure of cruro-vulvar fold (body structure) E05568 367691000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of cruro-vulvar fold (body structure) P05568 Y D integument/surface D99956F366024153A397CA8ABD3ACA27 AAA22855F7A441069C5183B7F070994B Subcutaneous tissue of cruro-vulvar fold Entire subcutaneous tissue of cruro-vulvar fold (body structure) 5569 5569 05569 internal os 27869007 S05569 Structure of internal os (body structure) E05569 279886007 Entire internal os (body structure) P05569 - 17747 P genital system CBD6E07D24ED4CBF94898E1E8A0DBD49 4C1988F48D674AD1B1F6A0ADD42B367C internal os Entire internal os (body structure) 5570 5570 05570 endometrial zona basalis 2182009 S05570 Structure of endometrial zona basalis (body structure) E05570 253618006 Entire endometrial zona basalis (body structure) P05570 - P genital system B79CA2660C6A451A85F50828BCB395EF B4BC0611975D4BF78FAFBC1FC9DEFD9E endometrial zona basalis Entire endometrial zona basalis (body structure) 5571 5571 05571 endometrial surface epithelium 34796004 S05571 Structure of endometrial surface epithelium (body structure) E05571 253526009 Entire endometrial surface epithelium (body structure) P05571 - P genital system 8910E123EC0B4352BA89F38423621CCD 719A6D124A074480A0126FE7C3E3DB8C endometrial surface epithelium Entire endometrial surface epithelium (body structure) 5573 5573 05573 endometrial stroma 40749002 S05573 Structure of endometrial stroma (body structure) E05573 254115004 Entire endometrial stroma (body structure) P05573 - 86487 P genital system C49E38D271AF405EB816BBF9BAECBBA5 2EBE4057D41C414DA6C6E0AADA08ECEF endometrial stroma Entire endometrial stroma (body structure) 5574 5574 05574 endometrial blood vessel 29127002 S05574 Structure of endometrial blood vessel (body structure) E05574 254200009 Entire endometrial blood vessel (body structure) P05574 - P genital system E11E75253A2043C79FB26B6EBABE87BC 6EC6AFA1F6534492BAA89E58CBBE0D5C endometrial blood vessel Entire endometrial blood vessel (body structure) 5575 5575 05575 subcutaneous tissue of labium pudendum 54199008 S05575 Subcutaneous tissue structure of labium pudendum (body structure) E05575 367678001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of labium pudendum (body structure) P05575 Y D integument/surface B3F7FF9660B842F4867042E8655EDDBE 3F5951893E5A48F389ED637AB1785F09 Subcutaneous tissue of labium pudendum Entire subcutaneous tissue of labium pudendum (body structure) 5576 5576 05576 endometrial spiral arteriole 254271007 S05576 Structure of endometrial spiral arteriole (body structure) E05576 24628006 Entire endometrial spiral arteriole (body structure) P05576 - P arterial system 3F016D319DAC42949D788F47AFE96655 01AFED466AD741A4940578A9EB8C8A3B endometrial spiral arteriole Entire endometrial spiral arteriole (body structure) 5577 5577 05577 endometrial venule 254367006 S05577 Structure of endometrial venule (body structure) E05577 60795002 Entire endometrial venule (body structure) P05577 - P genital system 6324A85835AD4B0395FE2F2469E3746F 272629287B3F4FCF9F5B8BD758D125F0 endometrial venule Entire endometrial venule (body structure) 5578 5578 05578 submucous part of myometrium 77629005 S05578 Structure of submucous part of myometrium (body structure) E05578 254507008 Entire submucous part of myometrium (body structure) P05578 - P genital system F9E8BF2A8C254368A5542D4B26B8C05C 0FE4E448F04B424ABCB741F5E22C5FAC submucous part of myometrium Entire submucous part of myometrium (body structure) 5579 5579 05579 intramural part of myometrium 85210000 S05579 Structure of intramural part of myometrium (body structure) E05579 254584004 Entire intramural part of myometrium (body structure) P05579 - P genital system 3201D71724914263B33B2FF7A6496D8C 7D34C374CBB14FBEBF9F1BAC981C50BB intramural part of myometrium Entire intramural part of myometrium (body structure) 5580 5580 05580 subserous part of myometrium 52077003 S05580 Structure of subserous part of myometrium (body structure) E05580 254660004 Entire subserous part of myometrium (body structure) P05580 - P genital system 1982ADBA0A1D485A983830DA6BEFFCEF AA21158B229B423589B03544B8EE1BEA subserous part of myometrium Entire subserous part of myometrium (body structure) 5581 5581 05581 myometrial blood vessel 65566006 S05581 Structure of myometrial blood vessel (body structure) E05581 254752009 Entire myometrial blood vessel (body structure) P05581 - P genital system EC050B237433471386EA05C0698D3122 6BED2DF63C554C2788ECB726F469D5AD myometrial blood vessel Entire myometrial blood vessel (body structure) 5582 5582 05582 hilum of ovary 57117003 S05582 Structure of hilum of ovary (body structure) E05582 258222009 Entire hilum of ovary (body structure) P05582 Y 18652 P genital system 76A9DC36ABA2447D9022F239DC858D6B 321811AC1B9F4946A816563C45E73344 hilum of ovary Entire hilum of ovary (body structure) 5583 5583 05583 medial surface of ovary 6472004 S05583 Structure of medial aspect of ovary (body structure) E05583 279907002 Entire medial aspect of ovary (body structure) P05583 Y 18594 P genital system 90B3EE9D061E44ECBE84847E9E3EBDF3 F32234DEC2FD49D6A0E8D5D2577F3D2C medial aspect of ovary Entire medial aspect of ovary (body structure) 5584 5584 05584 subcutaneous tissue of anterior commissure of labia majora 30813007 S05584 Subcutaneous tissue structure of anterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) E05584 367674004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) P05584 - D integument/surface ED8DC9127BCB433BAFF99B10AF04E67F C07705C83A9649C1BC076F3C2C9C06D7 Subcutaneous tissue of anterior commissure of labia majora Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) 5585 5585 05585 lateral surface of ovary 61827003 S05585 Structure of lateral aspect of ovary (body structure) E05585 279906006 Entire lateral aspect of ovary (body structure) P05585 Y 18597 P genital system 6AAB98CDE7A94E0F9C30EF079A7576AC D7C9C6B05DC442869F1EDB59FD425D99 lateral aspect of ovary Entire lateral aspect of ovary (body structure) 5586 5586 05586 free margin of ovary 84415004 S05586 Structure of free margin of ovary (body structure) E05586 279910009 Entire free margin of ovary (body structure) P05586 Y 18601 P genital system 3D91EAB65423484BB711A69A77637DA3 E66AB558A8334C52A60ABD3CBD2BE4A3 free margin of ovary Entire free margin of ovary (body structure) 5587 5587 05587 mesovarian margin of ovary 7755000 S05587 Structure of mesovarian margin of ovary (body structure) E05587 279909004 Entire mesovarian margin of ovary (body structure) P05587 Y 18602 P genital system 31074CBA738D4C02B59EEFFDBB2FEF6E F4CF7CD73A3C418C8F24C4FB456EDAD2 mesovarian margin of ovary Entire mesovarian margin of ovary (body structure) 5588 5588 05588 tubal end of ovary 74240004 S05588 Structure of tubal end of ovary (body structure) E05588 279912001 Entire tubal end of ovary (body structure) P05588 Y 18607 P genital system 456C82B2DD754DBA8D6575AECA98005B C2151138F7974BA4A078C7A4B2FF9B23 tubal end of ovary Entire tubal end of ovary (body structure) 5589 5589 05589 uterine end of ovary 84569004 S05589 Structure of uterine end of ovary (body structure) E05589 279913006 Entire uterine end of ovary (body structure) P05589 Y 18610 P genital system B3149233FCAA4AA2805C32A9648FC59E 04A9B25FBF274766B05857E8DEFD55EB uterine end of ovary Entire uterine end of ovary (body structure) 5590 5590 05590 right ovary 20837000 S05590 Structure of right ovary (body structure) E05590 280123002 Entire right ovary (body structure) P05590 R 7213 P genital system AAB4FB8ACCA04314B115FBA91707205D 9A0FB032731A4FD287DF75101420D92C right ovary Entire right ovary (body structure) 5591 5591 05591 left ovary 43981004 S05591 Structure of left ovary (body structure) E05591 280124008 Entire left ovary (body structure) P05591 L 7214 P genital system 228B72139D174907A42DA6BB08518AF9 6880FE83784A4692977796066F899AC9 left ovary Entire left ovary (body structure) 5592 5592 05592 germinal epithelium of ovary 66319004 S05592 Structure of germinal epithelium of ovary (body structure) E05592 258308007 Entire germinal epithelium of ovary (body structure) P05592 Y 18629 P genital system DCBE50DB9E914A9299C19C60CAAC525E 6CBFB863A6154F208FCC0A8778D8901C germinal epithelium of ovary Entire germinal epithelium of ovary (body structure) 5593 5593 05593 tunica albuginea of ovary 28057003 S05593 Structure of tunica albuginea of ovary (body structure) E05593 258409003 Entire tunica albuginea of ovary (body structure) P05593 Y 18630 P genital system CBD0907C2B6446A4A580D654527A9300 2D0851B5360C461F9A18C4094077866C tunica albuginea of ovary Entire tunica albuginea of ovary (body structure) 5594 5594 05594 capsule of ovary 73051002 S05594 Structure of capsule of ovary (body structure) E05594 258491008 Entire capsule of ovary (body structure) P05594 Y 18662 P genital system 74BC1773A7D84CC8AE1EBAECD8661481 1AB20E5EA383498E970A874F48782636 capsule of ovary Entire capsule of ovary (body structure) 5595 5595 05595 subcutaneous tissue of posterior commissure of labia majora 87372001 S05595 Subcutaneous tissue structure of posterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) E05595 367675003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of posterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) P05595 - D integument/surface 5A7C2EBC48CE4E2C984CFE9D415DA767 D6E1DFFED7E24D86A34646AD9593A68F Subcutaneous tissue of posterior commissure of labia majora Entire subcutaneous tissue of posterior commissure of labia majora (body structure) 5596 5596 05596 rete ovarii 78519007 S05596 Structure of rete ovarii (body structure) E05596 259261007 Entire rete ovarii (body structure) P05596 Y P genital system 5A70D7207B4C4AED8FBFC35EAA2D797F F274F085477C4EA1B26356FFDD21BCE8 rete ovarii Entire rete ovarii (body structure) 5597 5597 05597 cumulus oophorus 18984004 S05597 Structure of cumulus oophorus (body structure) E05597 258586009 Entire cumulus oophorus (body structure) P05597 Y 18659 P genital system 7282DB53E1AA4BF485890B0AB8819787 451C73B31B1C4B64BEF4BFCFDA12440A cumulus oophorus Entire cumulus oophorus (body structure) 5598 5598 05598 primary ovarian follicle 76720008 S05598 Structure of primary ovarian follicle (body structure) E05598 258665002 Entire primary ovarian follicle (body structure) P05598 Y 18634 P genital system 06CBA437C9AC46E4811AA40D31A32579 3398869218BE4DACB9841F1C5D3FBD01 primary ovarian follicle Entire primary ovarian follicle (body structure) 5599 5599 05599 tunica externa of theca folliculi 15205006 S05599 Structure of tunica externa of theca folliculi (body structure) E05599 258767003 Entire tunica externa of theca folliculi (body structure) P05599 Y 18657 P genital system 59A8F935DB0F4778A0D9353B2434FC8B F9C5973C6BA0462DB34B9022CE05EC4D tunica externa of theca folliculi Entire tunica externa of theca folliculi (body structure) 5600 5600 05600 tunica interna of theca folliculi 24941008 S05600 Structure of tunica interna of theca folliculi (body structure) E05600 258869006 Entire tunica interna of theca folliculi (body structure) P05600 Y 18658 P genital system DEFF33B0E84D4F3982B44FDADD15614B 71E0EBB63CB84EDAAD2A6DBA4A4D8859 tunica interna of theca folliculi Entire tunica interna of theca folliculi (body structure) 5601 5601 05601 subcutaneous tissue of clitoris 49175003 S05601 Subcutaneous tissue structure of clitoris (body structure) E05601 367686001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of clitoris (body structure) P05601 - D integument/surface A604A0D3541E47DEA62E2E900DCA06E4 0671E691989A4C098955F1D472AC2CEA Subcutaneous tissue of clitoris Entire subcutaneous tissue of clitoris (body structure) 5602 5602 05602 stratum granulosum of ovarian follicle 61106005 S05602 Structure of stratum granulosum of ovarian follicle (body structure) E05602 258971005 Entire stratum granulosum of ovarian follicle (body structure) P05602 Y 18660 P genital system 621BDE39B2F74CD4A41D95B02772F14B 175143EEC77C499C96B8F96CC7CF107C stratum granulosum of ovarian follicle Entire stratum granulosum of ovarian follicle (body structure) 5603 5603 05603 corpus luteum of ovary 19931006 S05603 Structure of corpus luteum of ovary (body structure) E05603 257943001 Entire corpus luteum of ovary (body structure) P05603 Y 18619 P genital system 22975D7366724B4EA3E6BCCD6622D01D 2EAD3EC77BCC4500948A3BC732A26359 corpus luteum of ovary Entire corpus luteum of ovary (body structure) 5604 5604 05604 atretic follicle of ovary 29299004 S05604 Structure of atretic follicle of ovary (body structure) E05604 259073003 Entire atretic follicle of ovary (body structure) P05604 Y 18697 P genital system 54C1BB7661C948B8862A1BAE3C946914 25FCA990AEF542E9A75699EEA8067E79 atretic follicle of ovary Entire atretic follicle of ovary (body structure) 5605 5605 05605 corpus albicans of ovary 17995007 S05605 Structure of corpus albicans of ovary (body structure) E05605 258043001 Entire corpus albicans of ovary (body structure) P05605 Y 18620 P genital system 8175CACC3FD64D87B2CAE80EF51037A1 4A4E10FD37B84423B3E6B5DDF48E12DA corpus albicans of ovary Entire corpus albicans of ovary (body structure) 5606 5606 05606 interstitial tissue of ovary 17352004 S05606 Structure of interstitial tissue of ovary (body structure) E05606 259306002 Entire interstitial tissue of ovary (body structure) P05606 Y 18626 P genital system 5E18E9E8E37749468EC44FF19ADA689A 3A2EBFEBB057495C98910D440DD4ED83 interstitial tissue of ovary Entire interstitial tissue of ovary (body structure) 5608 5608 05608 parovarian region 13783004 S05608 Structure of parovarian region (body structure) E05608 368074001 Entire parovarian region (body structure) P05608 Y P genital system 40217B1AC5764ADBA2B09B98EE6C93F3 B04E65078335481BBF8F844CDD027AB1 parovarian region Entire parovarian region (body structure) 5609 5609 05609 subcutaneous tissue of glans clitoridis 66457000 S05609 Subcutaneous tissue structure of glans clitoridis (body structure) E05609 367681006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of glans clitoridis (body structure) P05609 - D integument/surface 4B8DD69B024940009FF097F7C757FA60 F1FE005420244ED4A095DD5CBDDA0A67 Subcutaneous tissue of glans clitoridis Entire subcutaneous tissue of glans clitoridis (body structure) 5610 5610 05610 right fallopian tube 2033006 S05610 Structure of right fallopian tube (body structure) E05610 280106006 Entire right fallopian tube (body structure) P05610 R 18483 P genital system 3982FBE2C5C040E6AC63DAD065E7002C 1D3954EE040D4D1EBE1FD95EA590D1D9 right fallopian tube Entire right fallopian tube (body structure) 5611 5611 05611 left fallopian tube 113293009 S05611 Structure of left fallopian tube (body structure) E05611 280107002 Entire left fallopian tube (body structure) P05611 L 18484 P genital system A9212A1A13AD437689101875DCDC9EDE 31D4352FA867416AABBAC56D73B9AAA9 left fallopian tube Entire left fallopian tube (body structure) 5612 5612 05612 uterine tubal plica 41880007 S05612 Structure of uterine tubal plicae (body structure) E05612 259642001 Entire uterine tubal plicae (body structure) P05612 Y 18537 P genital system 3C2AB7D5BAC844FDAD91EF55E2CBE44C 5F44963079D5498FA633D192985856E1 uterine tubal plicae Entire uterine tubal plicae (body structure) 5613 5613 05613 uterine tubal epithelium 41882004 S05613 Structure of uterine tubal epithelium (body structure) E05613 259422002 Entire uterine tubal epithelium (body structure) P05613 Y P genital system 874B6D897B6E42909C1D091E7497300A F9A4F8B2F3E540CB8322C77B3267564B uterine tubal epithelium Entire uterine tubal epithelium (body structure) 5614 5614 05614 uterine tubal muscularis 30733001 S05614 Structure of uterine tubal muscularis (body structure) E05614 259488000 Entire uterine tubal muscularis (body structure) P05614 Y 18318 P genital system 9BADE32351A8408BBBED89C5EED88D04 6634F0B709904AF3B57E1C7D80F4DC41 uterine tubal muscularis Entire uterine tubal muscularis (body structure) 5615 5615 05615 uterine tubal subserosa 41596001 S05615 Structure of uterine tubal subserosa (body structure) E05615 259539003 Entire uterine tubal subserosa (body structure) P05615 Y 18317 P genital system 540A9DC4839B416EBFD446A9EB3F4759 103ECD2E835C47FB85CBFF6C4A1CB7E7 uterine tubal subserosa Entire uterine tubal subserosa (body structure) 5616 5616 05616 uterine tubal serosa 113294003 S05616 Structure of uterine tubal serosa (body structure) E05616 259593000 Entire uterine tubal serosa (body structure) P05616 Y 18316 P genital system CFA4842C5475499594F2F5CE1606CB59 0A0FF92F8BC047E994CDD3A15EDF664B uterine tubal serosa Entire uterine tubal serosa (body structure) 5617 5617 05617 isthmus of fallopian tube 79281009 S05617 Structure of isthmus of fallopian tube (body structure) E05617 245498006 Entire isthmus of fallopian tube (body structure) P05617 Y 18306 P genital system 4E45066D35624B57AE9CAD9E7812D054 FAB50476A9B74D7499A5C42403F92F1B isthmus of fallopian tube Entire isthmus of fallopian tube (body structure) 5618 5618 05618 ampulla of fallopian tube 65608004 S05618 Structure of ampulla of fallopian tube (body structure) E05618 245497001 Entire ampulla of fallopian tube (body structure) P05618 Y 18305 P genital system FDA2B96E24F549B483581606FB644952 A6554E93E9F548438BD0A5457F82BCD8 ampulla of fallopian tube Entire ampulla of fallopian tube (body structure) 5619 5619 05619 subcutaneous tissue of prepuce of clitoris 22894004 S05619 Subcutaneous tissue structure of prepuce of clitoris (body structure) E05619 367676002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of prepuce of clitoris (body structure) P05619 - D integument/surface 611225610CF048CE912C65E92DDA2553 FE75D3AB76644A6A8FD21B06E119AAA3 Subcutaneous tissue of prepuce of clitoris Entire subcutaneous tissue of prepuce of clitoris (body structure) 5620 5620 05620 fimbria of fallopian tube 22675007 S05620 Structure of fimbria of fallopian tube (body structure) E05620 181462006 Entire fimbria of fallopian tube (body structure) P05620 Y 18308 P genital system 6F222A8A3E2341109B9CC2597112B90B B8CA78B11E34494794F3DCFBAF6E2FE6 fimbria of fallopian tube Entire fimbria of fallopian tube (body structure) 5621 5621 05621 uterine ostium of fallopian tube 5225005 S05621 Structure of uterine ostium of fallopian tube (body structure) E05621 279904009 Entire uterine ostium of fallopian tube (body structure) P05621 Y 18371 P genital system 9ED018EFEE574E4587ABB65EE3396386 00ADBC5134934FC686FB764F4A8AE807 uterine ostium of fallopian tube Entire uterine ostium of fallopian tube (body structure) 5622 5622 05622 abdominal ostium of fallopian tube 81504007 S05622 Structure of abdominal ostium of fallopian tube (body structure) E05622 279903003 Entire abdominal ostium of fallopian tube (body structure) P05622 Y 77049 P genital system D0EC2D2B3F73476F8221F595FF241F38 B7C3D5B05CA14B93974FF5485902D79D abdominal ostium of fallopian tube Entire abdominal ostium of fallopian tube (body structure) 5623 5623 05623 fallopian tube lumen 90046002 S05623 Structure of fallopian tube lumen (body structure) E05623 279899005 Entire fallopian tube lumen (body structure) P05623 Y 18359 P genital system 3012164EA6E340AB99282993244A10AF 63520CD0DB2D4C3FA0F9D8C9F779C009 fallopian tube lumen Entire fallopian tube lumen (body structure) 5624 5624 05624 subcutaneous tissue of frenulum of clitoris 81038005 S05624 Subcutaneous tissue structure of frenulum of clitoris (body structure) E05624 367677006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of frenulum of clitoris (body structure) P05624 - D integument/surface 1D12F2F9A5CE4F9E8C5A59B45240F713 AF59BBAC30EE4A79867229B6582E7773 Subcutaneous tissue of frenulum of clitoris Entire subcutaneous tissue of frenulum of clitoris (body structure) 5625 5625 05625 dorsum of penis 77271002 S05625 Structure of dorsum of penis (body structure) E05625 367739006 Entire dorsum of penis (body structure) P05625 - 0 P genital system 4530AC5251A448EBB033231BD1E4BB4D 8B209249DBA246EFA668734F7B995353 dorsum of penis Entire dorsum of penis (body structure) 5626 5626 05626 urethral surface of penis 12923000 S05626 Structure of urethral aspect of penis (body structure) E05626 367741007 Entire urethral aspect of penis (body structure) P05626 - P genital system B799C93A100D49668B984D38DAE8B474 B8D8ECB3587347AAA29DDEBCD131D668 urethral aspect of penis Entire urethral aspect of penis (body structure) 5627 5627 05627 suspensory ligament of penis 22076009 S05627 Structure of suspensory ligament of penis (body structure) E05627 279725000 Entire suspensory ligament of penis (body structure) P05627 - 18086 P genital system 214AEE2F45E54C88B0C8571553A3B9DF 544DD16A7CCC453C9FB1F7A287BD694F suspensory ligament of penis Entire suspensory ligament of penis (body structure) 5629 5629 05629 septum of penis 54892002 S05629 Structure of septum of penis (body structure) E05629 279719004 Entire septum of penis (body structure) P05629 - 19636 P genital system F481A4E889F1424F8E0D38DAA207EDE8 CFF11F76747D4A7D823211D299A63692 septum of penis Entire septum of penis (body structure) 5630 5630 05630 trabecula of corpus cavernosum 19675007 S05630 Structure of trabeculae of corpus cavernosum (body structure) E05630 367726007 Entire trabeculae of corpus cavernosum (body structure) P05630 Y 76519 P genital system 265FC2FE81FC448199C4A1CD4AF5B1B3 BEF298299592480AB4949D61B6E74ADD trabeculae of corpus cavernosum Entire trabeculae of corpus cavernosum (body structure) 5631 5631 05631 space of corpora cavernosa 82136009 S05631 Structure of spaces of corpora cavernosa (body structure) E05631 367727003 Entire spaces of corpora cavernosa (body structure) P05631 Y P genital system CBCBDDDA4D774ACEA6D2B3C02E9804A5 11E5C5D28EF74E44A20BD98A15D23A5D spaces of corpora cavernosa Entire spaces of corpora cavernosa (body structure) 5632 5632 05632 helicine artery 20082002 S05632 Structure of helicine arteries (body structure) E05632 279924008 Entire helicine arteries (body structure) P05632 Y P genital system 1851E47612FB491CA4FBB39599C3F00B FDB533E38DB943F08A57B281B0EBA463 helicine arteries Entire helicine arteries (body structure) 5633 5633 05633 cavernous vein of penis 23591007 S05633 Structure of cavernous vein of penis (body structure) E05633 367728008 Entire cavernous vein of penis (body structure) P05633 Y 75407 P cardiovascular system B02FC1018C7842329CB61AD239CD6755 96F05801425F4717958B9B1B5B1EEEB0 cavernous vein of penis Entire cavernous vein of penis (body structure) 5634 5634 05634 tunica albuginea of corpus spongiosum 4651005 S05634 Structure of tunica albuginea of corpus spongiosum (body structure) E05634 367729000 Entire tunica albuginea of corpus spongiosum (body structure) P05634 - 19631 P genital system CE1AFDF5EEEC4313B387A8194BEB2690 7E08DE87E5664BAE9703E8ED442FC6EE tunica albuginea of corpus spongiosum Entire tunica albuginea of corpus spongiosum (body structure) 5635 5635 05635 trabecula of corpus spongiosum 47536006 S05635 Structure of trabeculae of corpus spongiosum (body structure) E05635 367730005 Entire trabeculae of corpus spongiosum (body structure) P05635 - 76520 P genital system 82321FEC9F8A46CC9A5208A53263108F 04BFACB0A8BB45FEA51D9DD5C158BC87 trabeculae of corpus spongiosum Entire trabeculae of corpus spongiosum (body structure) 5636 5636 05636 space of corpus spongiosum 18663007 S05636 Structure of spaces of corpus spongiosum (body structure) E05636 367731009 Entire spaces of corpus spongiosum (body structure) P05636 - P genital system C58A30ADB60541B3B9412C44225AD01D 4CB7D6B4CFEC4BAF9A4280F079CEB130 spaces of corpus spongiosum Entire spaces of corpus spongiosum (body structure) 5637 5637 05637 subcutaneous tissue of glans penis 11035002 S05637 Subcutaneous tissue structure of glans penis (body structure) E05637 367705007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of glans penis (body structure) P05637 - D integument/surface 322B7672926340DEB6F2699DD421D9C6 0E12DC0C6142437485F5075198DADDA1 Subcutaneous tissue of glans penis Entire subcutaneous tissue of glans penis (body structure) 5638 5638 05638 septum of glans penis 53389001 S05638 Structure of septum of glans penis (body structure) E05638 367738003 Entire septum of glans penis (body structure) P05638 - 19640 P genital system 4D31FA8816C24EDFBA345D6F7D6D81F6 81929EB8E11448E5BF0E693F87C900FD septum of glans penis Entire septum of glans penis (body structure) 5639 5639 05639 inner preputial lamina 47221007 S05639 Structure of inner preputial lamina (body structure) E05639 367698006 Entire inner preputial lamina (body structure) P05639 - P genital system D0487F2930DB4513A6CBB96E19602EBD E32043E98DE74CF6AF16AF2A1D1824BA inner preputial lamina Entire inner preputial lamina (body structure) 5640 5640 05640 raphe penis 12129002 S05640 Structure of raphe penis (body structure) E05640 367696005 Entire raphe penis (body structure) P05640 - 19646 P integumentary system FD97D77837A945ADB73A0E1A30EEC7E4 C92EF220BB53401DB1E514DF434910BB raphe penis Entire raphe penis (body structure) 5641 5641 05641 preputial gland 45531002 S05641 Structure of preputial gland (body structure) E05641 278916008 Entire preputial gland (body structure) P05641 - 71652 P genital system AED0ED61AF7041D5A54AE361FF470DB7 B38C04DB8F974AFE8A7CC96E78EF18C5 preputial gland Entire preputial gland (body structure) 5642 5642 05642 base of prostate 36082003 S05642 Structure of base of prostate (body structure) E05642 279702001 Entire base of prostate (body structure) P05642 - 19595 P genital system 9AFC9F80289F4896B46B3F866FDC147C 4EFD051010284C1182F80F278892BE58 base of prostate Entire base of prostate (body structure) 5643 5643 05643 subcutaneous tissue of foreskin 53562007 S05643 Subcutaneous tissue structure of foreskin (body structure) E05643 367699003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of foreskin (body structure) P05643 - D integument/surface BB6489B9A2B34D868B23584290F02DEC D7E6EE11F99E47DC9BA05CB35B41A29E Subcutaneous tissue of foreskin Entire subcutaneous tissue of foreskin (body structure) 5644 5644 05644 apex of prostate 68756004 S05644 Structure of apex of prostate (body structure) E05644 279703006 Entire apex of prostate (body structure) P05644 - 19594 P genital system 33D24C2FEA2A4EB684B233B4BCD566A1 1A109F2B92E14777BAD1171934571A5C apex of prostate Entire apex of prostate (body structure) 5645 5645 05645 anterior surface of prostate 70371002 S05645 Structure of anterior surface of prostate (body structure) E05645 279696001 Entire anterior surface of prostate (body structure) P05645 - 19591 P genital system 7B4BA8F36D1140BC88A15201478D2C05 9371867B7CBC45FABCC874A84CF69B10 anterior surface of prostate Entire anterior surface of prostate (body structure) 5646 5646 05646 posterior surface of prostate 5026003 S05646 Structure of posterior surface of prostate (body structure) E05646 279697005 Entire posterior surface of prostate (body structure) P05646 - 19592 P genital system 38AE0B50FBA94F23ADDF2354E0A01CEC 6D11724D695A4F67AE8928C7480E7799 posterior surface of prostate Entire posterior surface of prostate (body structure) 5647 5647 05647 inferolateral surface of prostate 25800008 S05647 Structure of inferolateral surface of prostate (body structure) E05647 279698000 Entire inferolateral surface of prostate (body structure) P05647 Y 19596 P genital system 12D89000AACD4E16B3D297B454A769E1 03CE329803784A0DBB03897D1DE49C10 inferolateral surface of prostate Entire inferolateral surface of prostate (body structure) 5648 5648 05648 capsule of prostate 60405008 S05648 Structure of capsule of prostate (body structure) E05648 279682007 Entire capsule of prostate (body structure) P05648 - 19583 P genital system AD895B5C70FC458ABD3AA2D29C6E691F 32EC6ABA97DC4433931859E895D2F5AA capsule of prostate Entire capsule of prostate (body structure) 5649 5649 05649 interstitial tissue of prostate 82340006 S05649 Structure of interstitial tissue of prostate (body structure) E05649 279687001 Entire interstitial tissue of prostate (body structure) P05649 - 45719 P genital system 1C9208F9B46742CA971B20DB78147D03 1818035AC15241AF881408619D4386B8 interstitial tissue of prostate Entire interstitial tissue of prostate (body structure) 5650 5650 05650 orifice of prostatic duct 77074002 S05650 Structure of orifice of prostatic duct (body structure) E05650 279486000 Entire orifice of prostatic duct (body structure) P05650 Y 19703 P genital system A3AC7CBE544A4EAFA9547D426C118BE4 CC2E9C3B9C1B4B44A8BFFF7D000C4607 orifice of prostatic duct Entire orifice of prostatic duct (body structure) 5651 5651 05651 prostatic glandular tissue 33381007 S05651 Structure of prostatic glandular tissue (body structure) E05651 251398007 Entire prostatic glandular tissue (body structure) P05651 - P genital system 183BD9C35EF9434BA82DABCE4C7CB8FB 4D029B3B49CB4997962D657C562EE91F prostatic glandular tissue Entire prostatic glandular tissue (body structure) 5652 5652 05652 prostatic muscle 63612007 S05652 Structure of prostatic muscle (body structure) E05652 251498008 Entire prostatic muscle (body structure) P05652 - P genital system 66518D67DDD34F6CA7DFECDA1C1AEB20 D9D88B99E78346CDB733F20D14ABD4EE prostatic muscle Entire prostatic muscle (body structure) 5653 5653 05653 subcutaneous tissue of frenulum of penis 64047006 S05653 Subcutaneous tissue structure of frenulum of penis (body structure) E05653 367697001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of frenulum of penis (body structure) P05653 - D integument/surface 3211F8CCDEF448D8B7A5579C1A2C7AC7 8419C417A51046CA97D969BE672F6465 Subcutaneous tissue of frenulum of penis Entire subcutaneous tissue of frenulum of penis (body structure) 5654 5654 05654 puboprostatic muscle 56554007 S05654 Structure of puboprostatic muscle (body structure) E05654 251792005 Entire puboprostatic muscle (body structure) P05654 Y P genital system 2DB5E65E55D64225A79B5955C3DBDC4C 9C595F5D6988456DBDDB792925EA118C puboprostatic muscle Entire puboprostatic muscle (body structure) 5655 5655 05655 lobe of prostate 113295002 S05655 Structure of lobe of prostate (body structure) E05655 279692004 Entire lobe of prostate (body structure) P05655 - 19570 P genital system 31A41A5A97D94C3F8BAE9867699BBE20 4FF4B0D2C9734C5C8A8D073F40E5404A lobe of prostate Entire lobe of prostate (body structure) 5656 5656 05656 prostatic isthmus 87195004 S05656 Structure of prostatic isthmus (body structure) E05656 279693009 Entire prostatic isthmus (body structure) P05656 - 19574 P genital system D215E1C205C2419FBBFEE3250986EFCB 65F1FA4913904768AF7D15E1B4F6CE1D prostatic isthmus Entire prostatic isthmus (body structure) 5657 5657 05657 median lobe of prostate 33540003 S05657 Structure of median lobe of prostate (body structure) E05657 245466000 Entire median lobe of prostate (body structure) P05657 - 45701 P genital system 308D0E07E0D54D68A699E248FDE6DCF2 C4AC8CC9D6ED422AB26D999C21C72EEB median lobe of prostate Entire median lobe of prostate (body structure) 5658 5658 05658 lateral lobe of prostate 54754007 S05658 Structure of lateral lobe of prostate (body structure) E05658 245465001 Entire lateral lobe of prostate (body structure) P05658 Y 19577 P genital system 74F17C098E8F4C8C955DA0CCA0FBC6DD 65F607D0EA9D4193AE338E6E36E29483 lateral lobe of prostate Entire lateral lobe of prostate (body structure) 5659 5659 05659 right lateral lobe of prostate 251597001 S05659 Structure of right lateral lobe of prostate (body structure) E05659 54907003 Entire right lateral lobe of prostate (body structure) P05659 R 19578 P genital system 3165C673EB7A42879BC78EE48BD6CD62 C0CB6A2C36A74483AD4EC40C4B37BF61 right lateral lobe of prostate Entire right lateral lobe of prostate (body structure) 5660 5660 05660 left lateral lobe of prostate 251695000 S05660 Structure of left lateral lobe of prostate (body structure) E05660 22707006 Entire left lateral lobe of prostate (body structure) P05660 L 19579 P genital system 4129BC608C2242A2893A66E09A51BB67 E5C8287E60DC47B48FC2C597579F2AB6 left lateral lobe of prostate Entire left lateral lobe of prostate (body structure) 5661 5661 05661 periprostatic tissue 37446007 S05661 Structure of periprostatic tissue (body structure) E05661 312506000 Entire periprostatic tissue (body structure) P05661 - P genital system A51504F2314842D4803BEEEE786F3696 250F25CCC00E48C3B0D8113E049A026F periprostatic tissue Entire periprostatic tissue (body structure) 5662 5662 05662 right seminal vesicle 74308000 S05662 Structure of right seminal vesicle (body structure) E05662 252078006 Entire right seminal vesicle (body structure) P05662 R 19387 P genital system 00A137430BED44DDB09A5ED77605A7D2 3F9965B301FC41FBA9A009DF3FCDF1A6 right seminal vesicle Entire right seminal vesicle (body structure) 5663 5663 05663 subcutaneous tissue of scrotum 42411006 S05663 Subcutaneous tissue structure of scrotum (body structure) E05663 367706008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of scrotum (body structure) P05663 - D integument/surface 7B6514DD9F1E472DB7853EDA2F9CC3FE 5BFA3DB578E245B5B5F6B5EB7CE9B89B Subcutaneous tissue of scrotum Entire subcutaneous tissue of scrotum (body structure) 5664 5664 05664 left seminal vesicle 42320003 S05664 Structure of left seminal vesicle (body structure) E05664 252166005 Entire left seminal vesicle (body structure) P05664 L 19388 P genital system 9AFDBF2A2CCA4C3EB0CE08C0D7BE4D4E 152EDFD5433544DEABF17FBC70EE14CB left seminal vesicle Entire left seminal vesicle (body structure) 5665 5665 05665 mucosa of seminal vesicle 113296001 S05665 Structure of mucosa of seminal vesicle (body structure) E05665 252260007 Entire mucosa of seminal vesicle (body structure) P05665 Y 19405 P genital system FDAFCDA5D28A4EB488440AA5D732F96E D97E895F1A1C47C682A398A20525AFD5 mucosa of seminal vesicle Entire mucosa of seminal vesicle (body structure) 5666 5666 05666 muscularis of seminal vesicle 40417001 S05666 Structure of muscularis of seminal vesicle (body structure) E05666 252333002 Entire muscularis of seminal vesicle (body structure) P05666 Y P muscular system 8626BFFC71584E88B268E6D48B2BDD27 A4C0D18DE7EB4B6182B64DBB506CD919 muscularis of seminal vesicle Entire muscularis of seminal vesicle (body structure) 5667 5667 05667 adventitia of seminal vesicle 27456001 S05667 Structure of adventitia of seminal vesicle (body structure) E05667 252406002 Entire adventitia of seminal vesicle (body structure) P05667 Y 19403 P genital system 18EDF892CE574D8FB63F544D0384D307 469FF25CC6DC4B0CB8DAA84FF7CAA5A3 adventitia of seminal vesicle Entire adventitia of seminal vesicle (body structure) 5668 5668 05668 perivesicular tissue of seminal vesicle 2839006 S05668 Structure of perivesicular tissues of seminal vesicles (body structure) E05668 252492006 Entire perivesicular tissues of seminal vesicles (body structure) P05668 Y P genital system 2AA01B60DFDE42CBB2ADA0DF658C726E F59589DCFFFA4FEB81AD89EA1981947C perivesicular tissues of seminal vesicles Entire perivesicular tissues of seminal vesicles (body structure) 5669 5669 05669 seminal vesicle lumen 3068000 S05669 Structure of seminal vesicle lumen (body structure) E05669 279673001 Entire seminal vesicle lumen (body structure) P05669 Y 19399 P genital system 5101499B3C8F429584D9C3F076E8B494 15853F00C75E484CBF9DB1C34C4C4229 seminal vesicle lumen Entire seminal vesicle lumen (body structure) 5670 5670 05670 subcutaneous tissue of cruro-scrotal fold 47866005 S05670 Subcutaneous tissue structure of cruro-scrotal fold (body structure) E05670 367707004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of cruro-scrotal fold (body structure) P05670 Y D integument/surface F6DC8C6AE4134EADA7BCB53D9902CC1D BAE8B80363FF48CCB1F5923C757476D7 Subcutaneous tissue of cruro-scrotal fold Entire subcutaneous tissue of cruro-scrotal fold (body structure) 5671 5671 05671 inferior pole of testis 78679006 S05671 Structure of inferior pole of testis (body structure) E05671 279596007 Entire inferior pole of testis (body structure) P05671 Y 19915 P genital system D879B9A4DC4A4581985F31B98EBA5859 E522D53CCA1F4EB0AC80758F2F05F4E2 inferior pole of testis Entire inferior pole of testis (body structure) Zone of testis located at its inferior end. 5672 5672 05672 lateral surface of testis 37964006 S05672 Structure of lateral aspect of testis (body structure) E05672 279599000 Entire lateral aspect of testis (body structure) P05672 Y 19899 P genital system 2F0E924C625848DA84463261B9AE042E B3239D6D3BA744D2B9C84D1BC68091E8 lateral aspect of testis Entire lateral aspect of testis (body structure) 5673 5673 05673 medial surface of testis 82301001 S05673 Structure of medial aspect of testis (body structure) E05673 279598008 Entire medial aspect of testis (body structure) P05673 Y 19897 P genital system 86984829E4D548A6A552AC87B94893B3 2973FA0253624109BA859ACBE0F48317 medial aspect of testis Entire medial aspect of testis (body structure) 5674 5674 05674 anterior border of testis 45196003 S05674 Structure of anterior border of testis (body structure) E05674 279597003 Entire anterior border of testis (body structure) P05674 Y 75128 P genital system EFABF1743E76480996ED0E15E8A28880 F02B7F7FBBC4490593334BE67DE06E20 anterior border of testis Entire anterior border of testis (body structure) 5675 5675 05675 posterior border of testis 90217002 S05675 Structure of posterior border of testis (body structure) E05675 367714002 Entire posterior border of testis (body structure) P05675 Y 75129 P genital system 7FEBEA2D43834D38A885295254E5EC09 1E52567E24924306AEBF5F1AE3ABFABC posterior border of testis Entire posterior border of testis (body structure) 5676 5676 05676 right testis 15598003 S05676 Structure of right testis (body structure) E05676 367719007 Entire right testis (body structure) P05676 R 7211 P genital system 18B056CA5D284AB4ACF3A1AD425610B6 D51A320B668543B79FE7128E85BEAC5D right testis Entire right testis (body structure) 5677 5677 05677 left testis 63239009 S05677 Structure of left testis (body structure) E05677 367720001 Entire left testis (body structure) P05677 L 7212 P genital system BEB1AD7AB7B245D68E512A0318FDD6E8 2C6AED55B67840D48748175A31303A3F left testis Entire left testis (body structure) 5678 5678 05678 tunica albuginea of testis 58552002 S05678 Structure of tunica albuginea of testis (body structure) E05678 279604006 Entire tunica albuginea of testis (body structure) P05678 Y 19843 P genital system 90EB63FCA86B4780A2C7C446968E059F 15D011390AFE4E30824A221FE1D820EE tunica albuginea of testis Entire tunica albuginea of testis (body structure) 5679 5679 05679 lobule of testis 113297005 S05679 Structure of lobule of testis (body structure) E05679 279613008 Entire lobule of testis (body structure) P05679 Y 19860 P genital system FD10A8B878AB4A0389D44BBFB01A010D B20F42186D864F18B390D05C7704F333 lobule of testis Entire lobule of testis (body structure) 5680 5680 05680 subcutaneous tissue of male genitalia 46099000 S05680 Subcutaneous tissue structure of male genitalia (body structure) E05680 367703000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of male genitalia (body structure) P05680 - D integument/surface 67C691D4EB364A67B16B61489106DF27 3B2C2F241D0949A790D9180F699F7F4E Subcutaneous tissue of male genitalia Entire subcutaneous tissue of male genitalia (body structure) 5681 5681 05681 septum of testis 32019000 S05681 Structure of septum of testis (body structure) E05681 279610006 Entire septum of testis (body structure) P05681 Y 19814 P genital system 6089F1AA076F4DC4A5773DF66A9AE77A DEC0512CFF4444FB8ABB51BE3A8BB71E septum of testis Entire septum of testis (body structure) 5682 5682 05682 convoluted seminiferous tubule 59767007 S05682 Structure of convoluted seminiferous tubule (body structure) E05682 279615001 Entire convoluted seminiferous tubule (body structure) P05682 Y 19826 P genital system F1583ED1419644AF9DD6C9271BB547C1 9EED4D92F239406BA0C0993417F5889B convoluted seminiferous tubule Entire convoluted seminiferous tubule (body structure) 5683 5683 05683 straight seminiferous tubule 73203004 S05683 Structure of straight seminiferous tubule (body structure) E05683 279616000 Entire straight seminiferous tubule (body structure) P05683 Y 19827 P genital system 5C17407930944C04B771F0839CBE593C AED91DEE0923465FA57E4B73FE15B6A0 straight seminiferous tubule Entire straight seminiferous tubule (body structure) 5685 5685 05685 spermatogenic epithelium 53472008 S05685 Structure of spermatogenic epithelium (body structure) E05685 367717009 Entire spermatogenic epithelium (body structure) P05685 Y P genital system 2F2AB9FA8779474CB787458A617AF354 4B8E144BE6964C59B4FC7F8840062ED7 spermatogenic epithelium Entire spermatogenic epithelium (body structure) 5686 5686 05686 basement membrane of seminiferous tubule 42914006 S05686 Structure of basement membrane of seminiferous tubule (body structure) E05686 367718004 Entire basement membrane of seminiferous tubule (body structure) P05686 Y P genital system E08B228526F246B39D2AE503190E0F10 687BB69EC12F4195BF05A4AF3E80EDA3 basement membrane of seminiferous tubule Entire basement membrane of seminiferous tubule (body structure) 5688 5688 05688 rete testis 14221007 S05688 Structure of rete testis (body structure) E05688 279617009 Entire rete testis (body structure) P05688 Y 19834 P genital system 255C33085D0D43939057FDFE50C69975 683282810FA4410C92510A9CB9498F15 rete testis Entire rete testis (body structure) 5689 5689 05689 efferent ductule of testis 59914003 S05689 Structure of efferent ductule of testis (body structure) E05689 279618004 Entire efferent ductule of testis (body structure) P05689 Y 19081 P genital system 60C62A10A1974484A38C613BEB86A816 BDC4CC8BB0FD47E49F7A90E13E287290 efferent ductule of testis Entire efferent ductule of testis (body structure) 5690 5690 05690 parietal layer of tunica vaginalis 54143005 S05690 Structure of parietal layer of tunica vaginalis (body structure) E05690 279590001 Entire parietal layer of tunica vaginalis (body structure) P05690 Y 15865 P genital system 19FE756BCBA147249CA008562BD8FC8A 1AF6FA27A9394BDB965FC1E9E4116916 parietal layer of tunica vaginalis Entire parietal layer of tunica vaginalis (body structure) Parietal serous membrane, which is attached to inner surface of wall of a hemiscrotum. 5691 5691 05691 visceral layer of tunica vaginalis 70467004 S05691 Structure of visceral layer of tunica vaginalis (body structure) E05691 279608009 Entire visceral layer of tunica vaginalis (body structure) P05691 Y 15864 P genital system 8293FC3BC0E84B7B8F5A1A0B5544AD06 F0667738016B4D479232FED530447426 visceral layer of tunica vaginalis Entire visceral layer of tunica vaginalis (body structure) Visceral serous membrane which partially surrounds the testis. 5692 5692 05692 sinus epididymidis 12668005 S05692 Structure of sinus epididymidis (body structure) E05692 279600002 Entire sinus epididymidis (body structure) P05692 Y 19857 P genital system EA929C93B2B24381AE543849936CBF6D D858AC2BC7514C058F3172E03AE92DD1 sinus epididymidis Entire sinus epididymidis (body structure) 5693 5693 05693 right epididymis 74475002 S05693 Structure of right epididymis (body structure) E05693 367723004 Entire right epididymis (body structure) P05693 R 18256 P genital system 15D7C0DDF33C4F99B257C73A6C637058 7A826BDB83D2471F922BB74218E5168E right epididymis Entire right epididymis (body structure) 5694 5694 05694 subcutaneous tissue of upper limb 5682004 S05694 Subcutaneous tissue structure of upper extremity (body structure) E05694 368489002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of upper extremity (body structure) P05694 Y D integument/surface E28C7FEC78E74C01BEB73A5A26066D35 3AA0DDA9829945F686470A22B53EEC71 Subcutaneous tissue of upper extremity Entire subcutaneous tissue of upper extremity (body structure) 5695 5695 05695 left epididymis 86244002 S05695 Structure of left epididymis (body structure) E05695 367724005 Entire left epididymis (body structure) P05695 L 18257 P genital system 19AE4E017CDE4B57B26B768E7B8CACBA 144FD506C0804FD8951704B5429256F8 left epididymis Entire left epididymis (body structure) 5696 5696 05696 body of epididymis 72720006 S05696 Structure of body of epididymis (body structure) E05696 279620001 Entire body of epididymis (body structure) P05696 Y 18260 P genital system 75A368102F654397B9A5912738BA3601 2AAA906A44F4443FA411EE69FC0B1463 body of epididymis Entire body of epididymis (body structure) 5697 5697 05697 tail of epididymis 9321006 S05697 Structure of tail of epididymis (body structure) E05697 279621002 Entire tail of epididymis (body structure) P05697 Y 18261 P genital system 5B72FA8153E941B8915D576322EA8D2A 04DC24B6D27449AAA1357ADA58E3B9E4 tail of epididymis Entire tail of epididymis (body structure) 5698 5698 05698 superior ligament of epididymis 81650000 S05698 Structure of superior ligament of epididymis (body structure) E05698 367710006 Entire superior ligament of epididymis (body structure) P05698 Y 77293 P genital system 8F5503486BA746ACA52C0C584B22934E F9F94A04B47541099923B94E8D99662C superior ligament of epididymis Entire superior ligament of epididymis (body structure) 5699 5699 05699 inferior ligament of epididymis 24474001 S05699 Structure of inferior ligament of epididymis (body structure) E05699 367711005 Entire inferior ligament of epididymis (body structure) P05699 Y 77294 P genital system B45584C5759347DC924E83B202B8C8E1 1C1506DBDAE84D868C2728D492BD0418 inferior ligament of epididymis Entire inferior ligament of epididymis (body structure) 5700 5700 05700 superior aberrant ductule of epididymis 5498001 S05700 Structure of superior aberrant ductule of epididymis (body structure) E05700 279641007 Entire superior aberrant ductule of epididymis (body structure) P05700 Y 74057 P genital system 659A10B1842F47C58C431B7F066C773D 1F12C07450CE4431B7AE4E01FD7AEC94 superior aberrant ductule of epididymis Entire superior aberrant ductule of epididymis (body structure) 5701 5701 05701 inferior aberrant ductule of epididymis 76989004 S05701 Structure of inferior aberrant ductule of epididymis (body structure) E05701 279640008 Entire inferior aberrant ductule of epididymis (body structure) P05701 Y 74058 P genital system 17D9D3EF2B1C49E696CF0EDDB7670CA6 D06D21F9D40A452796BA998E10CD3AB6 inferior aberrant ductule of epididymis Entire inferior aberrant ductule of epididymis (body structure) 5702 5702 05702 epididymal lumen 29250003 S05702 Structure of epididymal lumen (body structure) E05702 367722009 Entire epididymal lumen (body structure) P05702 Y 18274 P genital system 7F436106F4844C68A0F086EAA6440A46 EED238CAB3354BADB6E7ED93D9E0C754 epididymal lumen Entire epididymal lumen (body structure) 5703 5703 05703 paradidymis 5780004 S05703 Structure of paradidymis (body structure) E05703 279643005 Entire paradidymis (body structure) P05703 Y 74055 P genital system 253C55F6BEF74EB4A56320106B7EBBB0 4F71223F22CF478C948A1D33890DCAE1 paradidymis Entire paradidymis (body structure) 5704 5704 05704 lobule of epididymis 67452000 S05704 Structure of lobule of epididymis (body structure) E05704 279625006 Entire lobule of epididymis (body structure) P05704 Y 19333 P genital system 1F16B77EDAF54664A71A13DAD5C8B410 8E9F8496F1EB4C5F91E7C8A86DA41162 lobule of epididymis Entire lobule of epididymis (body structure) 5705 5705 05705 periepididymal tissue 23671005 S05705 Structure of periepididymal tissue (body structure) E05705 367725006 Entire periepididymal tissue (body structure) P05705 Y P genital system 892FBD751C6F4809A1894BE5B9642CE9 D84061A359A4480DB83432F778780C42 periepididymal tissue Entire periepididymal tissue (body structure) 5706 5706 05706 right vas deferens 48147009 S05706 Structure of right vas deferens (body structure) E05706 251887001 Entire right vas deferens (body structure) P05706 R 19235 P genital system 8B1B0B5C4F6445E89A19884BB5C5527C 9E3297B1533B4C0EA45C45D82FA80BC2 right vas deferens Entire right vas deferens (body structure) 5707 5707 05707 left vas deferens 14149005 S05707 Structure of left vas deferens (body structure) E05707 251978006 Entire left vas deferens (body structure) P05707 L 19236 P genital system C0EAD2C2E41842BF9493DB2633FADCAA CC2C10ED0A8E4115B0346C790B7CFE35 left vas deferens Entire left vas deferens (body structure) 5708 5708 05708 mucosa of vas deferens 56375000 S05708 Structure of mucosa of vas deferens (body structure) E05708 299626000 Entire mucosa of vas deferens (body structure) P05708 Y 19240 P genital system 55B7412FB1644DB883F600C254819D10 7F75B087484F431B9C4BB98DEC32033F mucosa of vas deferens Entire mucosa of vas deferens (body structure) 5709 5709 05709 subcutaneous tissue of upper arm 87367005 S05709 Subcutaneous tissue structure of upper arm (body structure) E05709 368210008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of upper arm (body structure) P05709 Y D integument/surface 78DB2BA20DDB4E52B3347F26AB5A7FD6 F6B5DCDFF83A4B9F968DE25768A75F4E Subcutaneous tissue of upper arm Entire subcutaneous tissue of upper arm (body structure) 5710 5710 05710 muscularis of vas deferens 60995006 S05710 Structure of muscularis of vas deferens (body structure) E05710 299705008 Entire muscularis of vas deferens (body structure) P05710 Y 19239 P genital system 3E7A932ADA154E11B6DF36ABEB6F5594 EFE7C96F69424D368E6345800EFF9902 muscularis of vas deferens Entire muscularis of vas deferens (body structure) 5711 5711 05711 adventitia of vas deferens 57369001 S05711 Structure of adventitia of vas deferens (body structure) E05711 299803005 Entire adventitia of vas deferens (body structure) P05711 Y 19238 P genital system E1DD3BEDA6984A0491B4D951E51FE267 F95429348E044E61B90B739E80D7DA09 adventitia of vas deferens Entire adventitia of vas deferens (body structure) 5712 5712 05712 diverticula of ampulla of vas deferens 84707001 S05712 Structure of diverticula of ampulla of vas deferens (body structure) E05712 299898005 Entire diverticula of ampulla of vas deferens (body structure) P05712 Y P genital system A9FE7784E43142C7B65258562BBA66DB 53E37B89F44943C0B31A323156741BD1 diverticula of ampulla of vas deferens Entire diverticula of ampulla of vas deferens (body structure) 5713 5713 05713 right spermatic cord 69615002 S05713 Structure of right spermatic cord (body structure) E05713 300156002 Entire right spermatic cord (body structure) P05713 R 19938 P genital system EC1A5EB8C092408F91C7082DCB5CEF48 4BA19ED71CA1459F97235691F5BBD2AC right spermatic cord Entire right spermatic cord (body structure) 5714 5714 05714 left spermatic cord 53245003 S05714 Structure of left spermatic cord (body structure) E05714 300256009 Entire left spermatic cord (body structure) P05714 L 19939 P genital system 0FA9A0AA17324788B879B9B640191BC6 418E4A08FBAD4AC8B75996D151A2D6D3 left spermatic cord Entire left spermatic cord (body structure) 5715 5715 05715 gubernaculum testis 16406002 S05715 Structure of gubernaculum testis (body structure) E05715 299983007 Entire gubernaculum testis (body structure) P05715 Y 20421 P genital system F5E0D5CAFBCB45D3940ED746E9628163 2987E74D89E3460E99E4A6E4C9CCD6DB gubernaculum testis Entire gubernaculum testis (body structure) 5716 5716 05716 subcutaneous tissue of deltoid region 113187007 S05716 Subcutaneous tissue structure of deltoid region (body structure) E05716 368161009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of deltoid region (body structure) P05716 Y D integument/surface 0316558118234AF3BCC5E2821C277921 4B6661C9423E47B1B03EA446EDEED6C1 Subcutaneous tissue of deltoid region Entire subcutaneous tissue of deltoid region (body structure) 5717 5717 05717 genitoinguinal ligament 12300005 S05717 Structure of genitoinguinal ligament (body structure) E05717 300350000 Entire genitoinguinal ligament (body structure) P05717 Y P genital system 0E2037BD32854EAB91EAA7FD2F901088 FB546445B8EB47619C906307749755AD genitoinguinal ligament Entire genitoinguinal ligament (body structure) 5718 5718 05718 scrotal septum 31060009 S05718 Structure of scrotal septum (body structure) E05718 279591002 Entire scrotal septum (body structure) P05718 - 20729 P musculoskeletal system BFA887A8CD304BD78C0AAA0243E46791 AEAFAC6E36D545F194A8AAC993DDC37A scrotal septum Entire scrotal septum (body structure) 5719 5719 05719 scrotal raphe 60236003 S05719 Structure of scrotal raphe (body structure) E05719 279583006 Entire scrotal raphe (body structure) P05719 - 75130 P integumentary system 9AFB2EAD699D4D2E81B0EAE6B63CE9E9 8915E8DA449E4D2492DF01DD3335C6D7 scrotal raphe Entire scrotal raphe (body structure) 5720 5720 05720 dartos layer of scrotum 14445009 S05720 Structure of dartos layer of scrotum (body structure) E05720 279582001 Entire dartos layer of scrotum (body structure) P05720 - 27647 P musculoskeletal system D8A2BBEB03CA4E5698F43FCD8E3122F9 694C5EC36BA546C983F3513953704F82 dartos layer of scrotum Entire dartos layer of scrotum (body structure) 5721 5721 05721 geniculate ganglion 113312001 S05721 Structure of geniculate ganglion (body structure) E05721 279076005 Entire geniculate ganglion (body structure) P05721 Y 53414 P nervous system C8361FA0484B4AA985418D225232623B CA5F43F44D944FA9B5FF27F26BCB0139 geniculate ganglion Entire geniculate ganglion (body structure) 5722 5722 05722 cochlear nerve 113313006 S05722 Structure of cochlear nerve (body structure) E05722 280286001 Entire cochlear nerve (body structure) P05722 Y 53431 P special senses organ system D235CB5594E34A86ACFE985497746DD7 7E5B987B162B4488BC8105612DED8E75 cochlear nerve Entire cochlear nerve (body structure) 5723 5723 05723 spiral ganglion 35761005 S05723 Structure of spiral ganglion (body structure) E05723 368955007 Entire spiral ganglion (body structure) P05723 Y 53445 P skeletal system AE9EABD95C5F47C9AA155B7F5E864F75 7CCBDACAB7C94A0EB864161324FCA629 spiral ganglion Entire spiral ganglion (body structure) 5724 5724 05724 subcutaneous tissue of anterior area of upper arm 65190002 S05724 Subcutaneous tissue structure of anterior surface of upper arm (body structure) E05724 368201000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior surface of upper arm (body structure) P05724 Y D integument/surface F10C26EE102141B4A1F3264504AD6E3E 46D74D59C0024E92B1BED94D2032A78B Subcutaneous tissue of anterior surface of upper arm Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior surface of upper arm (body structure) 5725 5725 05725 vestibular ganglion 30474000 S05725 Structure of vestibular ganglion (body structure) E05725 244450009 Entire vestibular ganglion (body structure) P05725 Y 53435 P special senses organ system 8F956916A2E94041A27A51909F7335C5 D0F156F5F13A4175AAE2A66F1FF1FDBB vestibular ganglion Entire vestibular ganglion (body structure) 5726 5726 05726 tympanic nerve 37144002 S05726 Structure of tympanic nerve (body structure) E05726 280289008 Entire tympanic nerve (body structure) P05726 Y 53480 P special senses organ system 0421D6D06DE04AE3960660D4F168A365 814A760C556D49CEAE0D8829F5871540 tympanic nerve Entire tympanic nerve (body structure) 5727 5727 05727 genitofemoral nerve genital branch 34678004 S05727 Structure of genitofemoral nerve genital branch (body structure) E05727 279662008 Entire genitofemoral nerve genital branch (body structure) P05727 Y 20560 P nervous system CAA431E12AE5421787C8BD403A6F29A8 BD67E4A4ACCA43ADBDD6F5A381DA40DE genitofemoral nerve genital branch Entire genitofemoral nerve genital branch (body structure) 5728 5728 05728 testicular plexus 86064000 S05728 Structure of testicular plexus (body structure) E05728 279664009 Entire testicular plexus (body structure) P05728 Y 6637 P genital system F8EF76FF8A724F0B93145471B867AD10 0B2E61CFB1F54C92AB5DD2EE7A595666 testicular plexus Entire testicular plexus (body structure) 5729 5729 05729 equator of eyeball 40049005 S05729 Structure of equator of eyeball (body structure) E05729 280537004 Entire equator of eyeball (body structure) P05729 Y 58142 P special senses organ system D466EDA4B57546A6824BDA9C9CE08CB8 5D2C6D28F57D4B9BB56B57274EB2D76F equator of eyeball Entire equator of eyeball (body structure) 5730 5730 05730 meridian of eyeball 38881003 S05730 Structure of meridian of eyeball (body structure) E05730 368854007 Entire meridian of eyeball (body structure) P05730 Y 58151 P special senses organ system 5772EEC8BE3946568726A61DC7E6D507 AE5095D1B6604A0BBA3C88D10F2719E8 meridian of eyeball Entire meridian of eyeball (body structure) 5731 5731 05731 external axis of eyeball 56190005 S05731 Structure of external axis of eyeball (body structure) E05731 368852006 Entire external axis of eyeball (body structure) P05731 Y 58292 P special senses organ system B651DEA49A5345F2A542E79410BADD17 42FBF929303E4359AB0403CB3D9EFBC6 external axis of eyeball Entire external axis of eyeball (body structure) 5732 5732 05732 internal axis of eyeball 26583007 S05732 Structure of internal axis of eyeball (body structure) E05732 368853001 Entire internal axis of eyeball (body structure) P05732 Y 58293 P special senses organ system A99642DF090C4F0EB3055274E747D246 ED78D7000C534062B16ECC2300AF9D31 internal axis of eyeball Entire internal axis of eyeball (body structure) 5733 5733 05733 subcutaneous tissue of posterior area of upper arm 27476007 S05733 Subcutaneous tissue structure of posterior surface of upper arm (body structure) E05733 368202007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of posterior surface of upper arm (body structure) P05733 Y D integument/surface CD5E172FEFA0435C9DCD9C5854962BCA 31F0128315B34FDC9CDCDBA057027F25 Subcutaneous tissue of posterior surface of upper arm Entire subcutaneous tissue of posterior surface of upper arm (body structure) 5734 5734 05734 periorbital tissue 80713004 S05734 Structure of periorbital tissue (body structure) E05734 368795000 Entire periorbital tissue (body structure) P05734 Y P special senses organ system 7DBC7207B5A14AC8A29BB5565D96A3E0 771A4788931B4B9BA4F09256744349C3 periorbital tissue Entire periorbital tissue (body structure) 5735 5735 05735 orbital septum 32206009 S05735 Structure of orbital septum (body structure) E05735 368859002 Entire orbital septum (body structure) P05735 Y 59328 P musculoskeletal system 29174FD2CBDB491CA3461A842B91136B 31D869ADA0274582848C4492222C8ED9 orbital septum Entire orbital septum (body structure) 5736 5736 05736 muscular fascia of eyeball 86588008 S05736 Structure of muscular fascia of eyeball (body structure) E05736 368816007 Entire muscular fascia of eyeball (body structure) P05736 Y 77671 P special senses organ system 344D58EEACB24F6D8CBE2A40A4153872 62BD882FECA14EFEA9F96F39E37EC635 muscular fascia of eyeball Entire muscular fascia of eyeball (body structure) 5737 5737 05737 episcleral space 57794003 S05737 Structure of episcleral space (body structure) E05737 368849003 Entire episcleral space (body structure) P05737 Y 58985 P special senses organ system CAE990628F6247C9873E17544C0843FA D6D7996B9B154AB282871E3A4537C060 episcleral space Entire episcleral space (body structure) 5738 5738 05738 anterior pole of eye 14236005 S05738 Structure of anterior pole of eye (body structure) E05738 280660004 Entire anterior pole of eye (body structure) P05738 Y 58112 P special senses organ system FC965EE8B23B41C78A734C3F5A88EDE8 EED915E1AE714A5291EBCD088B3AD3AB anterior pole of eye Entire anterior pole of eye (body structure) 5739 5739 05739 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of upper arm 41274008 S05739 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of upper arm (body structure) E05739 368203002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of upper arm (body structure) P05739 Y D integument/surface C572E7FDBCB8409DBF758C8E804A20D6 A08DEFA54B2C4A25A1E796F98163C0A5 Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of upper arm Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of upper arm (body structure) 5740 5740 05740 posterior pole of eye 15932006 S05740 Structure of posterior pole of eye (body structure) E05740 280661000 Entire posterior pole of eye (body structure) P05740 Y 58114 P special senses organ system 3704853CEDB546A69E002DE8290E9861 7A0B530690D44DA1B19F7C7C492F02E1 posterior pole of eye Entire posterior pole of eye (body structure) 5741 5741 05741 aqueous humor 87321005 S05741 Structure of aqueous humor (body structure) E05741 280587006 Entire aqueous humor (body structure) P05741 Y 58819 P special senses organ system F3B840F57B3C41D6AC381456A6DC1723 1D08CEEBE8F04BDB9A2AE3C54712D97C aqueous humor Entire aqueous humor (body structure) Body substance in liquid state contained in the anterior and posterior chambers of the eyeball. 5743 5743 05743 hyaloid artery 5501001 S05743 Structure of hyaloid artery (body structure) E05743 308790003 Entire hyaloid artery (body structure) P05743 Y 77670 P special senses organ system DCEDBD6A2DC048F2A7F9CDC0EB2A54CF 94C19F03DF794E86B56720C06C02236A hyaloid artery Entire hyaloid artery (body structure) 5744 5744 05744 hyaloid fossa 30110007 S05744 Structure of hyaloid fossa (body structure) E05744 280603004 Entire hyaloid fossa (body structure) P05744 Y 58843 P special senses organ system 501F3765AABE4D40B9EC49A0F34A7A10 8C6E5BDAC70C494B8287C14A36AE3BE8 hyaloid fossa Entire hyaloid fossa (body structure) 5745 5745 05745 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of upper arm 62215006 S05745 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of upper arm (body structure) E05745 368204008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of upper arm (body structure) P05745 Y D integument/surface 7008BE3AAEB04D89AD1F58C335F6ACEA 14CAB7D5E00D4CF291C396F289B860DC Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of upper arm Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of upper arm (body structure) 5746 5746 05746 vitreous stroma 49039003 S05746 Structure of vitreous stroma (body structure) E05746 368848006 Entire vitreous stroma (body structure) P05746 Y P special senses organ system 2ED5B4FC1C174287ACE97B60348E44AC 4BC4F1CC407E446987B288514C629DF1 vitreous stroma Entire vitreous stroma (body structure) 5747 5747 05747 interstitial tissue of eyeball 80973000 S05747 Structure of interstitial tissue of eyeball (body structure) E05747 368855008 Entire interstitial tissue of eyeball (body structure) P05747 Y P special senses organ system C7A6B73F9EC84867894EF81FF6DE48B1 4D4D380FC8B744189D10F86965A1425D interstitial tissue of eyeball Entire interstitial tissue of eyeball (body structure) 5748 5748 05748 anulus tendineus communis 27941003 S05748 Structure of anulus tendineus communis (body structure) E05748 368860007 Entire anulus tendineus communis (body structure) P05748 Y 49071 P special senses organ system 88CBC192685F4AC997F7E87C3680DD98 4A81949321D4437CA8E875952BF907C4 anulus tendineus communis Entire anulus tendineus communis (body structure) Organ component cluster which consists of the fusion of the tendons of origin of the four rectus muscles of the eye. Examples: There are only two instances, right and left common tendinous rings. 5749 5749 05749 orbitalis muscle 80316005 S05749 Structure of orbitalis muscle (body structure) E05749 368790005 Entire orbitalis muscle (body structure) P05749 Y P muscular system 1655EA930EAA4F51925A0C490B0FE89C EFD33BF6575A49698311D8405A0D8455 orbitalis muscle Entire orbitalis muscle (body structure) 5750 5750 05750 medial check ligament of eye 2489005 S05750 Structure of medial check ligament of eye (body structure) E05750 280583005 Entire medial check ligament of eye (body structure) P05750 Y 49146 P special senses organ system 3BFDDBE219EC43418ED2D0E8A3EB6EE9 7B7BD5B779444ED5A913655C4F2645C3 medial check ligament of eye Entire medial check ligament of eye (body structure) 5751 5751 05751 lateral check ligament of eye 67117001 S05751 Structure of lateral check ligament of eye (body structure) E05751 280584004 Entire lateral check ligament of eye (body structure) P05751 Y 49143 P special senses organ system C976FFD78CEA443E89F7CB5B93FA47E9 27968B9FDF024E07846C95DF5A378C79 lateral check ligament of eye Entire lateral check ligament of eye (body structure) 5752 5752 05752 sinus venosus of sclera 55268005 S05752 Structure of sinus venosus of sclera (body structure) E05752 280605006 Entire sinus venosus of sclera (body structure) P05752 Y 51873 P venous system 95A972DF639A4A6E9C8DD408B45AF25A 57A3352FA05B4A8B914F5A96C8CE53A8 sinus venosus of sclera Entire sinus venosus of sclera (body structure) 5753 5753 05753 lamina episcleralis 10695007 S05753 Structure of lamina episcleralis (body structure) E05753 368850003 Entire lamina episcleralis (body structure) P05753 Y 58362 P special senses organ system 97AB75E6A19B4E69893ED439164AB42B 96B13CC5756F4422AC153ABB8011FC24 lamina episcleralis Entire lamina episcleralis (body structure) 5754 5754 05754 substantia propria of sclera 5825003 S05754 Structure of substantia propria of sclera (body structure) E05754 368851004 Entire substantia propria of sclera (body structure) P05754 Y 58365 P special senses organ system CAA89412C96643BBA459D3D2A30E0686 31A7162DB37E4DB0914EB85F408AC9B8 substantia propria of sclera Entire substantia propria of sclera (body structure) 5755 5755 05755 lamina fusca of sclera 66272003 S05755 Structure of lamina fusca of sclera (body structure) E05755 280607003 Entire lamina fusca of sclera (body structure) P05755 Y P special senses organ system 23AB7784038341B485AACB1755012EA8 C37ECA711FE74277881C4DB36C57EFFA lamina fusca of sclera Entire lamina fusca of sclera (body structure) 5756 5756 05756 external surface of sclera 34683007 S05756 Structure of external surface of sclera (body structure) E05756 280593003 Entire external surface of sclera (body structure) P05756 Y 58355 P special senses organ system B6BAF513B32D4ABB9810450CF90B8575 F3AD3CAEC06B4F9DB7B84F812384D41D external surface of sclera Entire external surface of sclera (body structure) 5757 5757 05757 inner surface of sclera 74235007 S05757 Structure of inner surface of sclera (body structure) E05757 280594009 Entire inner surface of sclera (body structure) P05757 Y 58356 P special senses organ system 86D5F8BE21E742CCA37254C13EF43505 D6162B5512EC4954A63B117064D2F206 inner surface of sclera Entire inner surface of sclera (body structure) 5758 5758 05758 lamina cribrosa of sclera 30322002 S05758 Structure of lamina cribrosa of sclera (body structure) E05758 281086001 Entire lamina cribrosa of sclera (body structure) P05758 Y 58371 P special senses organ system 67B0E32AA09E4854A6E9E3269C0011DA C2657CE08EC54917A47F5BAC18032FB5 lamina cribrosa of sclera Entire lamina cribrosa of sclera (body structure) 5759 5759 05759 scleral spur 75481004 S05759 Structure of scleral spur (body structure) E05759 280606007 Entire scleral spur (body structure) P05759 Y 59704 P special senses organ system 59BE546BC37147C880EB654F7F410A31 7E872F8EC98C46298880AE7BC4BD6BFD scleral spur Entire scleral spur (body structure) 5760 5760 05760 vertex of cornea 41657001 S05760 Structure of vertex of cornea (body structure) E05760 244494003 Entire vertex of cornea (body structure) P05760 Y 58329 P special senses organ system E75508E010064B9685AA27975D3F1A79 992C2A452EC149DD89D8108EF40486D3 vertex of cornea Entire vertex of cornea (body structure) 5761 5761 05761 posterior surface of cornea 69687002 S05761 Structure of posterior surface of cornea (body structure) E05761 244496001 Entire posterior surface of cornea (body structure) P05761 Y 58318 P special senses organ system A30D60AA88BB4754B4FFD1E38029DF58 A9D26867830847B3A46D6DEB8B08BF8D posterior surface of cornea Entire posterior surface of cornea (body structure) 5762 5762 05762 cornea of right eye 36840001 S05762 Structure of cornea of right eye (body structure) E05762 368573002 Entire cornea of right eye (body structure) P05762 Rgroup 58239 D special senses organ system A74C7B41FFAC416E8D2E5110D2AB9C63 7AC5004BBE3449EC86FD5F044FB20EAB cornea of right eye Entire cornea of right eye (body structure) 5763 5763 05763 cornea of left eye 11287007 S05763 Structure of cornea of left eye (body structure) E05763 368595003 Entire cornea of left eye (body structure) P05763 Lgroup 58240 D special senses organ system 5BCF5ACE6109490FB9C9BEB1663F729D 49220F2B29E447939762BA527E67E64D cornea of left eye Entire cornea of left eye (body structure) 5764 5764 05764 cornea of both eyes 21212006 S05764 Structure of cornea of both eyes (body structure) E05764 368821005 Entire cornea of both eyes (body structure) P05764 - P special senses organ system 48DBA7E1B4A24821A000E5A4EA8A3533 42770D57F857418592671ED36D911A78 cornea of both eyes Entire cornea of both eyes (body structure) 5765 5765 05765 transplanted cornea 10481004 S05765 Structure of transplanted cornea (body structure) E05765 368824002 Entire transplanted cornea (body structure) P05765 Y P special senses organ system 5EBD2F78AE5B45409FD09AC5D2C31880 EAA6506560524F079E00D14651A5FCC1 transplanted cornea Entire transplanted cornea (body structure) 5766 5766 05766 subcutaneous tissue of elbow 51834003 S05766 Subcutaneous tissue structure of elbow (body structure) E05766 368158008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of elbow (body structure) P05766 Y D integument/surface F8B505842C71432A9CA55D9A5BAD2441 87DC7219E5F1405687CE4227E56AD31C Subcutaneous tissue of elbow Entire subcutaneous tissue of elbow (body structure) 5767 5767 05767 corneal epithelium 15775008 S05767 Structure of corneal epithelium (body structure) E05767 368825001 All corneal epithelium (body structure) P05767 Y 58263 P special senses organ system 1FB8A61357114A52858F1F1F33554C11 8BF638DA16074F8C8223C56457E18130 corneal epithelium All corneal epithelium (body structure) 5768 5768 05768 Bowman's layer 55143001 S05768 Structure of Bowman's layer (body structure) E05768 281075003 Entire Bowman's layer (body structure) P05768 Y 58273 P special senses organ system 969E846043C44A18936DC252B02E1775 C7CBC225BC7E4B9DBFC210470E0EB020 Bowman's layer Entire Bowman's layer (body structure) 5769 5769 05769 corneal space 55790006 S05769 Structure of corneal spaces (body structure) E05769 368822003 Entire corneal spaces (body structure) P05769 Y P special senses organ system CE17CA62949C4691BA42737A63A64971 67DD3016BA614DC7AA52EC14C6738B38 corneal spaces Entire corneal spaces (body structure) 5771 5771 05771 Descemet's membrane 42983006 S05771 Structure of Descemet's membrane (body structure) E05771 281076002 Entire Descemet's membrane (body structure) P05771 Y 58309 P special senses organ system C57FFFAAAA0A4A4CB32E4EB2D38A52BD 22041A1B8417407F9DC798F4922D70BB Descemet's membrane Entire Descemet's membrane (body structure) 5772 5772 05772 corneal endothelial layer 65431007 S05772 Structure of corneal endothelium (body structure) E05772 368827009 Entire corneal endothelium (body structure) P05772 Y 63882 P special senses organ system 0321C8F0D6534CB896E25C352D9EB0A6 A39AADB8E8CA43A7B8D6E411FF1E8915 corneal endothelium Entire corneal endothelium (body structure) 5773 5773 05773 subcutaneous tissue of antecubital fossa 51054001 S05773 Subcutaneous tissue structure of antecubital fossa (body structure) E05773 368136006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of antecubital fossa (body structure) P05773 Y D integument/surface 6C55F453F84F40BEABC3BEE27B42B205 FA28F1B267044B77AB3CE73EE7373C1A Subcutaneous tissue of antecubital fossa Entire subcutaneous tissue of antecubital fossa (body structure) 5774 5774 05774 Fontana's space 54833005 S05774 Structure of Fontana's spaces (body structure) E05774 368828004 Entire Fontana's spaces (body structure) P05774 Y 71945 P special senses organ system CE5B0A2A84324B8E8B2A6A5D00AC5EF0 D96721846028471E88BC9CE2BCDA128D Fontana's spaces Entire Fontana's spaces (body structure) 5775 5775 05775 suprachoroidal space 3113001 S05775 Structure of suprachoroidal space (body structure) E05775 368844008 Entire suprachoroidal space (body structure) P05775 Y 58450 P special senses organ system 397EBB9D491A41958CF355747E5A0A50 991DE7BF2A864BA3A3AD7EBD0BDCF2AC suprachoroidal space Entire suprachoroidal space (body structure) 5776 5776 05776 internal lamina of choroid 113321000 S05776 Structure of internal lamina of choroid (body structure) E05776 368841000 Entire internal lamina of choroid (body structure) P05776 Y 58459 P special senses organ system 72211CCD8B194143971F522BE9FFDD56 A192DEDDC52D4D548EDC002B606FC8F7 internal lamina of choroid Entire internal lamina of choroid (body structure) 5777 5777 05777 stratum intermedium of choroid proper 21599002 S05777 Structure of stratum intermedium of choroid proper (body structure) E05777 368842007 Entire stratum intermedium of choroid proper (body structure) P05777 Y P special senses organ system 8B53F4DFA46B412DB1921488D2225F18 AD38AD8FCD934A009FF2F28701BD1C95 stratum intermedium of choroid proper Entire stratum intermedium of choroid proper (body structure) 5779 5779 05779 lamina vasculosa of choroid 56044004 S05779 Structure of lamina vasculosa of choroid (body structure) E05779 280896002 Entire lamina vasculosa of choroid (body structure) P05779 Y 58435 P special senses organ system 6699695460764DDF8EB641CE142CA315 3010003A14E847C993B9D56FD9A09995 lamina vasculosa of choroid Entire lamina vasculosa of choroid (body structure) 5780 5780 05780 lamina choroidocapillaris 36044006 S05780 Structure of lamina choroidocapillaris (body structure) E05780 280899009 Entire lamina choroidocapillaris (body structure) P05780 Y 58437 P special senses organ system A8515633A6AC402C99844396237D357D 7F35B4748CEF4FC3948441FBCF26CDC0 lamina choroidocapillaris Entire lamina choroidocapillaris (body structure) 5781 5781 05781 Bruch's basal membrane 23127007 S05781 Structure of Bruch's basal membrane (body structure) E05781 280652000 Entire Bruch's basal membrane (body structure) P05781 Y 58438 P special senses organ system 3B7636DB03C14463A349E94CFCDF48D9 875D960DDEDA4FB9840266A8B3B8ECB1 Bruch's basal membrane Entire Bruch's basal membrane (body structure) 5782 5782 05782 choroid of right eye 61886005 S05782 Structure of choroid of right eye (body structure) E05782 368574008 Entire choroid of right eye (body structure) P05782 Rgroup 58299 D special senses organ system 87BA1A13BC4046A7BE64D733BA8A6A85 C0C6B7A3B7CE41A8811EC12D39BC9EB8 choroid of right eye Entire choroid of right eye (body structure) 5783 5783 05783 subcutaneous tissue of forearm 29478000 S05783 Subcutaneous tissue structure of forearm (body structure) E05783 368227000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of forearm (body structure) P05783 Y D integument/surface 77E23604728C45F48C3906A4099BEB94 E9140C708CA6411DA6D531837255B176 Subcutaneous tissue of forearm Entire subcutaneous tissue of forearm (body structure) 5784 5784 05784 choroid of left eye 85966008 S05784 Structure of choroid of left eye (body structure) E05784 368596002 Entire choroid of left eye (body structure) P05784 Lgroup 58300 D special senses organ system AD7DC77B99E74987A80C4C7328E851FE 9023C84CC26D469FA1EFBA55E669DA18 choroid of left eye Entire choroid of left eye (body structure) 5785 5785 05785 choroid of both eyes 85009001 S05785 Structure of choroid of both eyes (body structure) E05785 368840004 Entire choroid of both eyes (body structure) P05785 - P special senses organ system 242FFE7F4D55493EA468F31C08674BCB E33633E6A34A48E4B4229ADA68DB5178 choroid of both eyes Entire choroid of both eyes (body structure) 5786 5786 05786 blood vessel of retina 28758002 S05786 Structure of blood vessel of retina (body structure) E05786 280692003 Entire blood vessel of retina (body structure) P05786 Y P special senses organ system 97888D18A5D24774B06AEF434FCEB0DB 472C56AAA3354AD0A0B2E0D69E7F3AE9 blood vessel of retina Entire blood vessel of retina (body structure) 5787 5787 05787 vortex vein 13572006 S05787 Structure of vortex veins (body structure) E05787 368813004 Entire vortex veins (body structure) P05787 Y 51796 P special senses organ system 1A2B83EA11DE4F60916CE43FA0B5964D ABB85A561F114D29BC8B2BA24390A7B7 vortex veins Entire vortex veins (body structure) 5788 5788 05788 retinal artery 27988004 S05788 Structure of retinal artery (body structure) E05788 277771001 Entire retinal artery (body structure) P05788 Y P special senses organ system 1F56CFAA2FE14FC583C7C4D8FF33B862 029557B5EE3C488A8159D567CCC37DBC retinal artery Entire retinal artery (body structure) 5789 5789 05789 superior retinal temporal artery 38631005 S05789 Structure of superior retinal temporal artery (body structure) E05789 280935002 Entire superior retinal temporal artery (body structure) P05789 Y 75928 P arterial system DB864BA52BD44607907AF3D00F66D056 5835D2EC8E3248AE90E61F7676227638 superior retinal temporal artery Entire superior retinal temporal artery (body structure) 5790 5790 05790 inferior retinal temporal artery 55250007 S05790 Structure of inferior retinal temporal artery (body structure) E05790 280934003 Entire inferior retinal temporal artery (body structure) P05790 Y 75938 P arterial system D35E00CDC30D4669BA83064486D47311 FCEFDD48D54440049E01F3E41A2E4A6B inferior retinal temporal artery Entire inferior retinal temporal artery (body structure) 5791 5791 05791 superior nasal retinal artery 39970006 S05791 Structure of superior nasal retinal artery (body structure) E05791 280937005 Entire superior nasal retinal artery (body structure) P05791 Y 75925 P arterial system 6180B3BF1B164223BF70A3152B6DEFA4 1F738F3901574A81856254812D42E05F superior nasal retinal artery Entire superior nasal retinal artery (body structure) 5792 5792 05792 inferior nasal retinal artery 20346003 S05792 Structure of inferior nasal retinal artery (body structure) E05792 280936001 Entire inferior nasal retinal artery (body structure) P05792 Y 75935 P arterial system 79D5ED4A9FAB4E77ABCC40ACE36E431E CDADBD0E2E77422CA69C6EB5CFA76FD3 inferior nasal retinal artery Entire inferior nasal retinal artery (body structure) 5793 5793 05793 superior macular artery 75488005 S05793 Structure of superior macular artery (body structure) E05793 368805000 Entire superior macular artery (body structure) P05793 Y 75941 P arterial system C94379B78DE5478B8150DFD640F95076 89B6099AA6B64F61A0D3B7BDC7174262 superior macular artery Entire superior macular artery (body structure) 5794 5794 05794 skin of thigh 371305003 S05794 Skin structure of thigh (body structure) E05794 181547006 Entire skin of thigh (body structure) P05794 Y 37790 D integument/surface C55FFEAE271F486295AAC6D91AD1AF5C 91F40F24D5F34B26A1683BD9A0EDC973 Skin of thigh Entire skin of thigh (body structure) 5795 5795 05795 subcutaneous tissue of posterior area of forearm 2453002 S05795 Subcutaneous tissue structure of posterior surface of forearm (body structure) E05795 368213005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of posterior surface of forearm (body structure) P05795 Y D integument/surface 74FB767BD5C447BE9CE913B250C48F3C 26F96BE71C5D4528B1BE14BE894D7C19 Subcutaneous tissue of posterior surface of forearm Entire subcutaneous tissue of posterior surface of forearm (body structure) 5796 5796 05796 inferior macular artery 90005007 S05796 Structure of inferior macular artery (body structure) E05796 368806004 Entire inferior macular artery (body structure) P05796 Y 75944 P arterial system 5D16CBBE12274FC8B6B8C037D9BD2CCF 6519679C509B4FA4B5B35D30D5E2BB9E inferior macular artery Entire inferior macular artery (body structure) 5797 5797 05797 medial retinal artery 64555008 S05797 Structure of medial retinal artery (body structure) E05797 368807008 Entire medial retinal artery (body structure) P05797 Y P arterial system BF8597F3414A466FBC005AFEEF5F3F32 E45DB6C315EB4524B26876AA5A2E46AD medial retinal artery Entire medial retinal artery (body structure) 5798 5798 05798 vein of retina 85003000 S05798 Structure of retinal vein (body structure) E05798 280913005 Entire retinal vein (body structure) P05798 Y P special senses organ system 3F5891CD23874F62B9942CFF017B6481 1F5BD8DBE83F4E4191720FB2E85498C2 retinal vein Entire retinal vein (body structure) 5799 5799 05799 inferior retinal temporal vein 84228009 S05799 Structure of inferior retinal temporal vein (body structure) E05799 280930007 Entire inferior retinal temporal vein (body structure) P05799 Y 51914 P venous system 86A4B56EF5454396AF1CE9413432DFF3 613D4D08B2B9410F9B356FDF3B78ECD4 inferior retinal temporal vein Entire inferior retinal temporal vein (body structure) 5800 5800 05800 superior nasal retinal vein 70116008 S05800 Structure of superior nasal retinal vein (body structure) E05800 280932004 Entire superior nasal retinal vein (body structure) P05800 Y 51916 P venous system B8D37B70CAD14854BAB8140EB9987EF6 40E0CFE204864F03AE409929BE574728 superior nasal retinal vein Entire superior nasal retinal vein (body structure) 5801 5801 05801 inferior nasal retinal vein 42578008 S05801 Structure of inferior nasal retinal vein (body structure) E05801 280931006 Entire inferior nasal retinal vein (body structure) P05801 Y 51915 P venous system F3B42DBAFDB947B4A32A1F48A218BC1F 726BF0625E844DCDA6D14CE3AC6A6AD4 inferior nasal retinal vein Entire inferior nasal retinal vein (body structure) 5802 5802 05802 superior macular vein 86109005 S05802 Structure of superior macular vein (body structure) E05802 368809006 Entire superior macular vein (body structure) P05802 Y 51917 P special senses organ system C36950D8E2C74FAA84B7ADE036CB8C19 3334D9F896D74887BAB1274DC0F48141 superior macular vein Entire superior macular vein (body structure) 5803 5803 05803 inferior macular vein 113322007 S05803 Structure of inferior macular vein (body structure) E05803 368810001 Entire inferior macular vein (body structure) P05803 Y 51918 P special senses organ system A3F44FEEAD1D49EFBDFD0D16233C82DA 2FD0EC30DC7D46EAADA93F10F39C319B inferior macular vein Entire inferior macular vein (body structure) 5804 5804 05804 medial retinal vein 30127004 S05804 Structure of medial retinal vein (body structure) E05804 368811002 Entire medial retinal vein (body structure) P05804 Y P venous system CFF04C58038F4A3AACA8FFEDF5B5C3AE 10FBADBBF0474D6E97F0484322F185CA medial retinal vein Entire medial retinal vein (body structure) 5805 5805 05805 subcutaneous tissue of anterior area of forearm 47323007 S05805 Subcutaneous tissue structure of anterior surface of forearm (body structure) E05805 368214004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior surface of forearm (body structure) P05805 Y D integument/surface 226621A1E0194F10BE00D0DCAF7B3F20 F8452F8273534D748AC2A10A5555BF3A Subcutaneous tissue of anterior surface of forearm Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior surface of forearm (body structure) 5806 5806 05806 pars plana 51082008 S05806 Structure of pars plana (body structure) E05806 368830002 Entire pars plana (body structure) P05806 Y 58480 P special senses organ system 97D8359A8F334250880F35ED6D26FC8B 8C23ED222C0D4137833E395B78AEBECB pars plana Entire pars plana (body structure) 5807 5807 05807 ciliary process 7345001 S05807 Structure of ciliary processes (body structure) E05807 280860001 Entire ciliary processes (body structure) P05807 Y 58486 P special senses organ system 8B199E9FC6E4480093295B8D3C69DFA8 3AAECFE4CA114E5AAE71E6DBF7E39878 ciliary processes Entire ciliary processes (body structure) 5808 5808 05808 ciliary plica 76138000 S05808 Structure of ciliary plicae (body structure) E05808 368831003 Entire ciliary plicae (body structure) P05808 Y 58487 P special senses organ system 77489106C7434C0CBAB8EE2700162B3E 5BE268D0CA3D4269ADBF5D6291222E73 ciliary plicae Entire ciliary plicae (body structure) 5809 5809 05809 meridional fiber of ciliary muscle 44571003 S05809 Structure of meridional fibers of ciliary muscle (body structure) E05809 280865006 Entire meridional fibers of ciliary muscle (body structure) P05809 Y 76823 P muscular system 8DDE186E28114B98A101EBED2F860A44 3F29FB1C681942EFA44C917D47957BF6 meridional fibers of ciliary muscle Entire meridional fibers of ciliary muscle (body structure) 5810 5810 05810 lamina basalis of ciliary body 12437000 S05810 Structure of lamina basalis of ciliary body (body structure) E05810 368832005 Entire lamina basalis of ciliary body (body structure) P05810 Y 58476 P special senses organ system F9E774EF16A84A528E0837F80760E12F 1ABC94BF18C340D5883D4260FE29F4E4 lamina basalis of ciliary body Entire lamina basalis of ciliary body (body structure) 5811 5811 05811 subcutaneous tissue of lateral margin of forearm 70914007 S05811 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral margin of forearm (body structure) E05811 368215003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral margin of forearm (body structure) P05811 Y D integument/surface C21BEF052BA24FA8BC8D5C07F6E08E7C 6A002C0890A847A4B8D2B264A384A777 Subcutaneous tissue of lateral margin of forearm Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral margin of forearm (body structure) 5812 5812 05812 anterior surface of iris 22040008 S05812 Structure of anterior surface of iris (body structure) E05812 280878006 Entire anterior surface of iris (body structure) P05812 Y 58491 P special senses organ system A04D8797EA334E8CBE48AFA88BFDEB63 A76EF647C49749D5A7142C1CE3F22F7B anterior surface of iris Entire anterior surface of iris (body structure) 5813 5813 05813 posterior surface of iris 53695005 S05813 Structure of posterior surface of iris (body structure) E05813 280879003 Entire posterior surface of iris (body structure) P05813 Y 58492 P special senses organ system 6FC59663456C4B3E8D84FE4D8B072668 46B23D89060240A682062C6B12D827BB posterior surface of iris Entire posterior surface of iris (body structure) 5814 5814 05814 plica of iris 39656009 S05814 Structure of plicae of iris (body structure) E05814 368837004 Entire plicae of iris (body structure) P05814 Y 58513 P special senses organ system 498A6CCD562B4B4A90821AB19C496987 6471165002C14C77B6DDE9D5160995B2 plicae of iris Entire plicae of iris (body structure) 5815 5815 05815 stroma of iris 43845001 S05815 Structure of stroma of iris (body structure) E05815 280882008 Entire stroma of iris (body structure) P05815 Y 58526 P special senses organ system 3E190491C5FF4BFB87FDFBECC5E21BB0 E27BC228759E46B5A9A3D651961BA909 stroma of iris Entire stroma of iris (body structure) 5816 5816 05816 greater circulus arteriosus of iris 1818002 S05816 Structure of greater circulus arteriosus of iris (body structure) E05816 280892000 Entire greater circulus arteriosus of iris (body structure) P05816 Y 58529 P special senses organ system EAE38D9820B94CF7BB11DC63CC24DD77 74A987EFC2DE44EA8CDDEBEA8E08D738 greater circulus arteriosus of iris Entire greater circulus arteriosus of iris (body structure) 5817 5817 05817 lesser circulus arteriosus of iris 44859000 S05817 Structure of lesser circulus arteriosus of iris (body structure) E05817 280893005 Entire lesser circulus arteriosus of iris (body structure) P05817 Y 58581 P special senses organ system 83840F8FBE654704BD2924E8AAB239C8 227728E639064F89820AC330BF08EA7D lesser circulus arteriosus of iris Entire lesser circulus arteriosus of iris (body structure) 5818 5818 05818 major ring of iris 78149000 S05818 Structure of major ring of iris (body structure) E05818 368835007 Entire major ring of iris (body structure) P05818 Y P special senses organ system 990DEAD5668841CA8F629D762A70E845 4031042C8D954CF0ADC659A268DC8ED5 major ring of iris Entire major ring of iris (body structure) 5819 5819 05819 minor ring of iris 29346007 S05819 Structure of minor ring of iris (body structure) E05819 368836008 Entire minor ring of iris (body structure) P05819 Y P special senses organ system 1BD6FF1AC48D459A858F7F0A32F50097 8CBB1BDD540247A08F8E50D4CC94CFB2 minor ring of iris Entire minor ring of iris (body structure) 5820 5820 05820 subcutaneous tissue of medial margin of forearm 57675003 S05820 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial margin of forearm (body structure) E05820 368216002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial margin of forearm (body structure) P05820 Y D integument/surface BF7983CC6DD24B2388F0F9CE162FCBBB EF67F6D7DBB74046A4839C876FD6121F Subcutaneous tissue of medial margin of forearm Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial margin of forearm (body structure) 5821 5821 05821 pupil of right eye 52378001 S05821 Structure of pupil of right eye (body structure) E05821 368575009 Entire pupil of right eye (body structure) P05821 R 58253 P special senses organ system 0BB4A6F7844241E4A963E5CAC60A61AB D851F0F1F2794C6B98415B650444D305 pupil of right eye Entire pupil of right eye (body structure) 5822 5822 05822 pupil of left eye 16089004 S05822 Structure of pupil of left eye (body structure) E05822 368597006 Entire pupil of left eye (body structure) P05822 L 58254 P special senses organ system 6D5803976A89483598177BB04CE6D4E6 AA64A8AE27DF47E6A7AAED06F1D53975 pupil of left eye Entire pupil of left eye (body structure) 5823 5823 05823 pupil of both eyes 67019001 S05823 Structure of pupil of both eyes (body structure) E05823 368838009 Entire pupil of both eyes (body structure) P05823 - P special senses organ system 24B5006FDF354C9AA27A33FD9A9AE7C4 8B0A0532E11A43E49A451EBFA40C79DA pupil of both eyes Entire pupil of both eyes (body structure) 5824 5824 05824 iris of right eye 22936001 S05824 Structure of iris of right eye (body structure) E05824 368576005 Entire iris of right eye (body structure) P05824 Rgroup 58236 D special senses organ system 3034A27978334BE285D0A7F6EE34AD8B 07DB394EE76542ADAC824C03FAA50425 iris of right eye Entire iris of right eye (body structure) 5825 5825 05825 iris of left eye 28153001 S05825 Structure of iris of left eye (body structure) E05825 368598001 Entire iris of left eye (body structure) P05825 Lgroup 58237 D special senses organ system 1190D687993C42DAA17F08B472FD8265 294AF165C7CE4208AF7F812B1475E984 iris of left eye Entire iris of left eye (body structure) 5826 5826 05826 iris of both eyes 87490001 S05826 Structure of iris of both eyes (body structure) E05826 368833000 Entire iris of both eyes (body structure) P05826 - P special senses organ system A1CE4F3BE30646A9BEE9B8F039758259 998632B6234541D893C94BBF1CA61B95 iris of both eyes Entire iris of both eyes (body structure) 5827 5827 05827 optic portion of retina 62719004 S05827 Structure of optic portion of retina (body structure) E05827 280614001 Entire optic portion of retina (body structure) P05827 Y 58604 P special senses organ system B487769BDB204E718AD22B470150B02F E57A574FC8564C0E9924D0EA75AC31C8 optic portion of retina Entire optic portion of retina (body structure) 5828 5828 05828 ora serrata of retina 45040007 S05828 Structure of ora serrata of retina (body structure) E05828 280612002 Entire ora serrata of retina (body structure) P05828 Y 58600 P special senses organ system 12B173CBCA6B4B83981E587D2D816397 91D7C93254324686B3219AA2262A0363 ora serrata of retina Entire ora serrata of retina (body structure) 5829 5829 05829 pars iridica of retina 41776006 S05829 Structure of pars iridica of retina (body structure) E05829 368839001 Entire pars iridica of retina (body structure) P05829 Y 58611 P special senses organ system B5A024EFB29F45B2A5522E52689BE466 013CDD0B78F14D4980A6E91D12F8FA94 pars iridica of retina Entire pars iridica of retina (body structure) 5830 5830 05830 retina of right eye 5597008 S05830 Structure of retina of right eye (body structure) E05830 368577001 Entire retina of right eye (body structure) P05830 Rgroup 58302 D special senses organ system 249204E2894A4D3CA20BE1975054BA4D E305AED9E1E345C59027587EC32AD182 retina of right eye Entire retina of right eye (body structure) Layer of wall of right eyeball which is continuous with right optic nerve. 5831 5831 05831 retina of left eye 58443009 S05831 Structure of retina of left eye (body structure) E05831 368599009 Entire retina of left eye (body structure) P05831 Lgroup 58303 D special senses organ system CC098FA638154CF69D6715E215026009 55A2E36691304D5C8A4AA67047B2CD83 retina of left eye Entire retina of left eye (body structure) Layer of wall of left eyeball which is continuous with left optic nerve. 5832 5832 05832 retina of both eyes 113323002 S05832 Structure of retina of both eyes (body structure) E05832 368845009 Entire retina of both eyes (body structure) P05832 - P special senses organ system 3CD347C7ED464A308933AA9F836595C1 16B04E325F1748A3B2D5A39585BE30E8 retina of both eyes Entire retina of both eyes (body structure) 5833 5833 05833 fovea centralis 67046006 S05833 Structure of fovea centralis (body structure) E05833 264479005 Entire fovea centralis (body structure) P05833 Y 58658 P special senses organ system 609C13BB56124C458146B872181E1D94 E89E04BCFC4F4862BF7AA573BDEDBFE2 fovea centralis Entire fovea centralis (body structure) 5834 5834 05834 physiologic cup of optic disc 50472009 S05834 Structure of physiologic cup of optic disc (body structure) E05834 368846005 Entire physiologic cup of optic disc (body structure) P05834 Y 77664 P special senses organ system 77D5D7264A674FE58D98EAB8572C96F1 CED83910102B4C94BF921F9CC3D0C233 physiologic cup of optic disc Entire physiologic cup of optic disc (body structure) 5835 5835 05835 retinal pigment epithelium 41275009 S05835 Structure of retinal pigment epithelium (body structure) E05835 280662007 Entire retinal pigment epithelium (body structure) P05835 Y 58627 P special senses organ system 763D222DCF81481CA97941DA4396A9F7 760F385079A445A1A78041FC4B3073E6 retinal pigment epithelium Entire retinal pigment epithelium (body structure) 5836 5836 05836 pigmented layer of ciliary body 10415000 S05836 Structure of pigmented layer of ciliary body (body structure) E05836 280873002 Entire pigmented layer of ciliary body (body structure) P05836 Y 58470 P special senses organ system DB6FB5496D9C48D38B7E4AB23968B566 FFF74500968E4F968433BB75BF96EC72 pigmented layer of ciliary body Entire pigmented layer of ciliary body (body structure) 5837 5837 05837 pigmented layer of iris 44864001 S05837 Structure of pigmented layer of iris (body structure) E05837 368834006 Entire pigmented layer of iris (body structure) P05837 Y P special senses organ system C6CC5F50E7704CCC97EB8DD74D32402F 7EA8AC9E3C39413BB130FAAA0548E0DA pigmented layer of iris Entire pigmented layer of iris (body structure) 5838 5838 05838 external limiting membrane of retina 76710003 S05838 Structure of external limiting membrane of retina (body structure) E05838 280676008 Entire external limiting membrane of retina (body structure) P05838 Y 58683 P special senses organ system 1ACE4DEB601743D7A6BA4441CF744319 63C32F9A3C7E4B15AF5FA744BB880FC4 external limiting membrane of retina Entire external limiting membrane of retina (body structure) 5839 5839 05839 outer nuclear layer of retina 74662008 S05839 Structure of outer nuclear layer of retina (body structure) E05839 280678009 Entire outer nuclear layer of retina (body structure) P05839 Y 58684 P special senses organ system 34D27E96B6CD4D8989BF1683E6870802 20F8522419B64BF3A544D1EC6EB72114 outer nuclear layer of retina Entire outer nuclear layer of retina (body structure) 5840 5840 05840 outer plexiform layer of retina 47155000 S05840 Structure of outer plexiform layer of retina (body structure) E05840 280684007 Entire outer plexiform layer of retina (body structure) P05840 Y 58685 P special senses organ system B7E639D3CB20420E905679A147846D5D 18E6BE3DAD5D4FB089AFDE0564861575 outer plexiform layer of retina Entire outer plexiform layer of retina (body structure) 5841 5841 05841 ganglion cell layer of retina 39197003 S05841 Structure of ganglion cell layer of retina (body structure) E05841 280670002 Entire ganglion cell layer of retina (body structure) P05841 Y 58687 P special senses organ system EB8719FA4CB04F9792DF16C4B3863DFB C8925B48CD354C9E9804FC5AC5BDCB1E ganglion cell layer of retina Entire ganglion cell layer of retina (body structure) 5842 5842 05842 nerve fiber layer of retina 45950005 S05842 Structure of nerve fiber layer of retina (body structure) E05842 280671003 Entire nerve fiber layer of retina (body structure) P05842 Y 58688 P special senses organ system 82FFB2DAA77E430C901FA148A44D8C35 D6D28AD5DF9946789F8319BB58E743BB nerve fiber layer of retina Entire nerve fiber layer of retina (body structure) 5843 5843 05843 inner plexiform layer of retina 113325009 S05843 Structure of inner plexiform layer of retina (body structure) E05843 280682006 Entire inner plexiform layer of retina (body structure) P05843 Y 58704 P special senses organ system 70ED5B7B36854305920E297998A9652B 682C812B6A0F42C3B899542398C005E4 inner plexiform layer of retina Entire inner plexiform layer of retina (body structure) 5844 5844 05844 substance of lens 35538005 S05844 Structure of substance of lens (body structure) E05844 368819000 Entire substance of lens (body structure) P05844 Y 77669 P special senses organ system 6107D2A942ED4E2396F0F0C7EB85E985 45ABE7216DE24DF3885D59A09E22DDFD substance of lens Entire substance of lens (body structure) 5845 5845 05845 nucleus of lens 56707006 S05845 Structure of nucleus of lens (body structure) E05845 280628007 Entire nucleus of lens (body structure) P05845 Y 58971 P special senses organ system 38EDA9F366554105892AD064A0482623 E52AD1A5AFD74FD888C69A5E70F86C7F nucleus of lens Entire nucleus of lens (body structure) 5846 5846 05846 anterior pole of lens 28993004 S05846 Structure of anterior pole of lens (body structure) E05846 302143002 Entire anterior pole of lens (body structure) P05846 Y 58897 P special senses organ system EED1F42936FE4D71B263A1DD5B425DE2 3CAFD4ED24F9494FAF05D587499F33B3 anterior pole of lens Entire anterior pole of lens (body structure) 5847 5847 05847 posterior pole of lens 77952006 S05847 Structure of posterior pole of lens (body structure) E05847 302144008 Entire posterior pole of lens (body structure) P05847 Y 58898 P special senses organ system C48F31D3FC9645E280582D7122EEB1E1 AAD438C89C3142789182830ADE4FE125 posterior pole of lens Entire posterior pole of lens (body structure) 5848 5848 05848 subcutaneous tissue of wrist 34190003 S05848 Subcutaneous tissue structure of wrist (body structure) E05848 368263000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of wrist (body structure) P05848 Y D integument/surface FF31F5B78AFB4A87BA8FDE79C461B990 C416F26F925B499BB3F5E9A57F74EF80 Subcutaneous tissue of wrist Entire subcutaneous tissue of wrist (body structure) 5849 5849 05849 axis of lens 88664009 S05849 Structure of axis of lens (body structure) E05849 280631008 Entire axis of lens (body structure) P05849 Y 58907 P special senses organ system 9C11001B3DD64A8EA2351998FA07D3AA 02F0F0BA5E694E35A768F8182BB66ED2 axis of lens Entire axis of lens (body structure) 5850 5850 05850 equator of lens 70278005 S05850 Structure of equator of lens (body structure) E05850 280632001 Entire equator of lens (body structure) P05850 Y 58910 P special senses organ system B8CED33CDAC346DB8DA73BA52760EB1D F02E1CEAAE2F4B06B31243B6A75F1871 equator of lens Entire equator of lens (body structure) 5851 5851 05851 radius of lens 39171009 S05851 Structure of radius of lens (body structure) E05851 368820006 Entire radius of lens (body structure) P05851 Y P special senses organ system 4EF31B9ACF88447EB28DB160F44DDD99 F4470886A4294D02AECC902FA06F8512 radius of lens Entire radius of lens (body structure) 5852 5852 05852 lens capsule 77155007 S05852 Structure of lens capsule (body structure) E05852 244500004 Entire lens capsule (body structure) P05852 Y 58881 P special senses organ system B2AD2830D23A47B983AC664D19992185 CF76CA570CF74CCB8D3860313A371A7E lens capsule Entire lens capsule (body structure) 5853 5853 05853 cortex of lens 33347001 S05853 Structure of cortex of lens (body structure) E05853 280626006 Entire cortex of lens (body structure) P05853 Y 58970 P special senses organ system 5072A70C0B8F4D2886F565D9DA4E4665 08338C8C1B494F45889398A6C928516A cortex of lens Entire cortex of lens (body structure) 5854 5854 05854 zonular space 68912006 S05854 Structure of zonular spaces (body structure) E05854 368818008 Entire zonular spaces (body structure) P05854 Y 58982 P special senses organ system 582E8F6217C44C1BA37F925390EE21FF 809530FD96074F6EA07BA34DCBE2943A zonular spaces Entire zonular spaces (body structure) 5855 5855 05855 iridocorneal angle 48362000 S05855 Structure of iridocorneal angle (body structure) E05855 244498000 Entire iridocorneal angle (body structure) P05855 Y 58577 P special senses organ system 726402ECA0E64B5294A83F2E7FD749FE 7A3F264E5441405CB388C278D994EF1F iridocorneal angle Entire iridocorneal angle (body structure) 5856 5856 05856 subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of wrist 91511009 S05856 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal area of wrist (body structure) E05856 368264006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of wrist (body structure) P05856 Y D integument/surface CD2968BABB5A490D886EE2B753CA5496 CADD9CBDE994482F9B17165092E32046 Subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of wrist Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of wrist (body structure) 5857 5857 05857 lens of right eye 72345007 S05857 Structure of lens of right eye (body structure) E05857 368578006 Entire lens of right eye (body structure) P05857 Rgroup 58242 D special senses organ system 57424E75FC7F4E96873F38C685EADB91 5B95E16287BD4395AAB4A17B77FC031D lens of right eye Entire lens of right eye (body structure) 5858 5858 05858 lens of left eye 88258005 S05858 Structure of lens of left eye (body structure) E05858 368600007 Entire lens of left eye (body structure) P05858 Lgroup 58243 D special senses organ system D284BC43B94B4924A7587AD614A5C962 2B354E369D9E43DBB87D3082DA91D05F lens of left eye Entire lens of left eye (body structure) 5859 5859 05859 lens of both eyes 32257008 S05859 Structure of lens of both eyes (body structure) E05859 306719005 Entire lens of both eyes (body structure) P05859 - P lymphoreticular system 06D54764B07A4279894AABC97A76E393 3F55D231F0A8449AB1B4B0160AFD3B3C lens of both eyes Entire lens of both eyes (body structure) 5860 5860 05860 palpebral fissure 595000 S05860 Structure of palpebral fissure (body structure) E05860 280576003 Entire palpebral fissure (body structure) P05860 Y 59110 P special senses organ system 86B52F649ACA4EBDA648C4DBC536179D 250C5AF817224F4CB9850AA84562882D palpebral fissure Entire palpebral fissure (body structure) 5861 5861 05861 canthus 24658000 S05861 Structure of canthus (body structure) E05861 181145006 Entire canthus (body structure) P05861 Y 59222 P special senses organ system E1892519CFD249549A966F6D205E9623 9F30C21FF728408CA1BE18AD88EB1616 canthus Entire canthus (body structure) 5862 5862 05862 subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of wrist 45393003 S05862 Subcutaneous tissue structure of palmar area of wrist (body structure) E05862 368265007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of wrist (body structure) P05862 Y D integument/surface 3B99B0C221DA4A3185BAC925C46CC3DA E9023BF126B549889753DD2E5D7D0477 Subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of wrist Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of wrist (body structure) 5863 5863 05863 anterior surface of eyelid 22824006 S05863 Structure of anterior aspect of eyelids (body structure) E05863 368786008 Entire anterior aspect of eyelids (body structure) P05863 Y 59059 D integument/surface D991F3742D0747B7A922BF36A806A714 17295270E8084B6FB77EEB1D081E04EA anterior aspect of eyelids Entire anterior aspect of eyelids (body structure) 5864 5864 05864 posterior surface of eyelid 75907007 S05864 Structure of posterior aspect of eyelids (body structure) E05864 368787004 Entire posterior aspect of eyelids (body structure) P05864 Y 59061 P special senses organ system E543CB68BF014162B6A4CE820FF251E6 D8DF4748CABA4D33B1A0BD68DCAC0193 posterior aspect of eyelids Entire posterior aspect of eyelids (body structure) 5865 5865 05865 medial palpebral ligament 39900007 S05865 Structure of medial palpebral ligament (body structure) E05865 280578002 Entire medial palpebral ligament (body structure) P05865 Y P special senses organ system 9302CB4B71F44356AF72CC4A53F68912 699EE061FCF44EDB98592326C40D957C medial palpebral ligament Entire medial palpebral ligament (body structure) 5866 5866 05866 lateral palpebral raphe 76140005 S05866 Structure of lateral palpebral raphe (body structure) E05866 280582000 Entire lateral palpebral raphe (body structure) P05866 Y 63967 P special senses organ system AE48098475F140E5A6931A6C09AD3F67 136533F38C6F4A60842B2BDF44ADF0C7 lateral palpebral raphe Entire lateral palpebral raphe (body structure) 5867 5867 05867 lateral palpebral ligament 51332007 S05867 Structure of lateral palpebral ligament (body structure) E05867 280581007 Entire lateral palpebral ligament (body structure) P05867 Y P special senses organ system DDD708D9E05C4FF5AB586A0513DDD65E 0F330086B4894CA7B9A0E745796C0FB0 lateral palpebral ligament Entire lateral palpebral ligament (body structure) 5868 5868 05868 right upper eyelid 62290000 S05868 Structure of right upper eyelid (body structure) E05868 368558003 Entire right upper eyelid (body structure) P05868 Rgroup 54440 D special senses organ system 679C8BFEC2CF402F9B7151B63A2D2677 ECBC79FB25EA442A8BC5A4E8BFE7AD9F right upper eyelid Entire right upper eyelid (body structure) 5869 5869 05869 left upper eyelid 65820005 S05869 Structure of left upper eyelid (body structure) E05869 368580000 Entire left upper eyelid (body structure) P05869 Lgroup 54441 D special senses organ system 2947245D14634ACCA1A8FFF11DC0448F 93D93504254C4356BF478F096733CE3C left upper eyelid Entire left upper eyelid (body structure) 5870 5870 05870 skin of anterior area of thigh 61248009 S05870 Skin structure of anterior surface of thigh (body structure) E05870 181548001 Entire skin of anterior surface of thigh (body structure) P05870 Y 37793 D integument/surface C2F5C903C2184844A722A405C42100DA ABA756311C7949448CD14553371EC1D3 Skin of anterior surface of thigh Entire skin of anterior surface of thigh (body structure) 5871 5871 05871 subcutaneous tissue of hand 20152005 S05871 Subcutaneous tissue structure of hand (body structure) E05871 368466005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of hand (body structure) P05871 Y D integument/surface 47011ED1A8784BE699639BFBB13D9DA2 5ECB1D84047E427E8883FBE8D0B2CAA6 Subcutaneous tissue of hand Entire subcutaneous tissue of hand (body structure) 5872 5872 05872 right lower eyelid 20060009 S05872 Structure of right lower eyelid (body structure) E05872 368559006 Entire right lower eyelid (body structure) P05872 Rgroup 54443 D special senses organ system CBC3DB117AFC4360B68EFB1B0A1407ED AE925A19377A4307909DF4D264D9E0C8 right lower eyelid Entire right lower eyelid (body structure) 5873 5873 05873 left lower eyelid 76662006 S05873 Structure of left lower eyelid (body structure) E05873 368581001 Entire left lower eyelid (body structure) P05873 Lgroup 54444 D special senses organ system 6291957C799842B981796EFFD32EBC55 4A8B038C0A8B47CB9A9AC22AC77B9BCD left lower eyelid Entire left lower eyelid (body structure) 5874 5874 05874 superior tarsal plate 83941007 S05874 Structure of superior tarsal plate (body structure) E05874 368773004 Entire superior tarsal plate (body structure) P05874 Y 59087 P special senses organ system EFC348128633413CACB610DAA5FFCCD0 DA1970A1B3114F3AA453C1D1B3B20068 superior tarsal plate Entire superior tarsal plate (body structure) 5875 5875 05875 inferior tarsal plate 30282002 S05875 Structure of inferior tarsal plate (body structure) E05875 368774005 Entire inferior tarsal plate (body structure) P05875 Y 59088 P special senses organ system 2C221B82ED6A417AA0C7277C0D34387A 135AC5B6043346D5AFE3BE4D086E0853 inferior tarsal plate Entire inferior tarsal plate (body structure) 5876 5876 05876 tarsal muscle 63359006 S05876 Structure of tarsal muscle (body structure) E05876 368784006 Entire tarsal muscle (body structure) P05876 Y 77873 P muscular system BB2E18439727435CAAEA07B50011249A 31A7A46B7B5D42649FBCB21EBC2345EE tarsal muscle Entire tarsal muscle (body structure) 5877 5877 05877 superior tarsal muscle 71497004 S05877 Structure of superior tarsal muscle (body structure) E05877 244775007 Entire superior tarsal muscle (body structure) P05877 Y 49058 P special senses organ system 0451FD58EEBF49E89AC7E35479F7E393 CF12CEDD4EF64B849D7B4EFD4754189C superior tarsal muscle Entire superior tarsal muscle (body structure) 5878 5878 05878 inferior tarsal muscle 38440003 S05878 Structure of inferior tarsal muscle (body structure) E05878 368783000 Entire inferior tarsal muscle (body structure) P05878 Y 49059 P special senses organ system F62B5D0406B948008654E3076CF0A86F F5AC9C6A5B6948FFA217017513E97976 inferior tarsal muscle Entire inferior tarsal muscle (body structure) 5879 5879 05879 meibomian gland 1110006 S05879 Structure of meibomian gland (body structure) E05879 280585003 Entire meibomian gland (body structure) P05879 Y 59104 P integumentary system D1529B9C139B4CB9B051E68F5AE5A0FD BDD37226983C49E5998EF9D35CB727F2 meibomian gland Entire meibomian gland (body structure) 5880 5880 05880 sweat gland of eyelid 28323001 S05880 Structure of sweat gland of eyelid (body structure) E05880 280586002 Entire sweat gland of eyelid (body structure) P05880 Y 59159 P special senses organ system 19EDD4ADCFAB477DB0E403D604DABAA7 66206F869D67425FA903FE1BC8B739E5 sweat gland of eyelid Entire sweat gland of eyelid (body structure) 5881 5881 05881 subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of hand 76544007 S05881 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal area of hand (body structure) E05881 368408008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of hand (body structure) P05881 Y D integument/surface 921B35CE9E2F4E5BB7F86F44795D32BB 35A4D08F474D4D09886F19D9FD6534CD Subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of hand Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of hand (body structure) 5882 5882 05882 semilunar fold of conjunctiva 38798007 S05882 Structure of semilunar fold of conjunctiva (body structure) E05882 280686009 Entire semilunar fold of conjunctiva (body structure) P05882 Y 59045 P special senses organ system 6D558762E0364D9D9E1973146D7AB8EB 88E9C8EFDA674E66BA5126AB65D46DF4 semilunar fold of conjunctiva Entire semilunar fold of conjunctiva (body structure) 5883 5883 05883 superior conjunctival fornix 57132005 S05883 Structure of superior conjunctival fornix (body structure) E05883 264243004 Entire superior conjunctival fornix (body structure) P05883 Y 59017 P special senses organ system 03371FC00F034F0699AF149B88C0AB4D FB9C5F1F2FB84BEE92D770D6D8AB2A67 superior conjunctival fornix Entire superior conjunctival fornix (body structure) 5884 5884 05884 inferior conjunctival fornix 72017006 S05884 Structure of inferior conjunctival fornix (body structure) E05884 264075006 Entire inferior conjunctival fornix (body structure) P05884 Y 59018 P special senses organ system F8B1E9CFB25D43208926D9C100114225 D809EC75C47A4CC3BEE3DCC875A431A5 inferior conjunctival fornix Entire inferior conjunctival fornix (body structure) 5885 5885 05885 palpebral conjunctiva 15768007 S05885 Structure of palpebral conjunctiva (body structure) E05885 280666005 Entire palpebral conjunctiva (body structure) P05885 Y 59025 P special senses organ system 833819700F214B51BEF4F17DE251EAAC 817D9D3EB26F44D690A284540CFC59AB palpebral conjunctiva Entire palpebral conjunctiva (body structure) 5886 5886 05886 bulbar conjunctiva 1832000 S05886 Structure of bulbar conjunctiva (body structure) E05886 264509009 Entire bulbar conjunctiva (body structure) P05886 Y 59024 P special senses organ system CD827099441F4A0BB9EE57362BA987E6 1914A2E4FC364043965FF3B63246BFE4 bulbar conjunctiva Entire bulbar conjunctiva (body structure) 5887 5887 05887 subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of hand 25805003 S05887 Subcutaneous tissue structure of palmar area of hand (body structure) E05887 368412002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of hand (body structure) P05887 Y D integument/surface 228A6A9CDD3740D38F044B5C7EF44CB8 B182406DF03E4EFEA9A1DF48C1AA032F Subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of hand Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of hand (body structure) 5888 5888 05888 conjunctiva of right eye 13014005 S05888 Structure of conjunctiva of right eye (body structure) E05888 368579003 Entire conjunctiva of right eye (body structure) P05888 Rgroup 59012 D special senses organ system 5342CD9D965E4A23A6274D1CBCFB35DB 54D37B2D5A8846DBB54A6AAD5F166D64 conjunctiva of right eye Entire conjunctiva of right eye (body structure) 5889 5889 05889 conjunctiva of left eye 67548002 S05889 Structure of conjunctiva of left eye (body structure) E05889 368601006 Entire conjunctiva of left eye (body structure) P05889 Lgroup 59013 D special senses organ system 29708D2204BA4DBF8F8F1E28ADC08304 BCFC4A2613574C568ECDBED74778B348 conjunctiva of left eye Entire conjunctiva of left eye (body structure) 5890 5890 05890 conjunctiva of both eyes 55654005 S05890 Structure of conjunctiva of both eyes (body structure) E05890 368829007 Entire conjunctiva of both eyes (body structure) P05890 - P special senses organ system 78EADB66493147EEB78A808E1FD23191 2EF37CBFF53048CAA67188B0FA7D41C2 conjunctiva of both eyes Entire conjunctiva of both eyes (body structure) 5891 5891 05891 orbital part of lacrimal gland 19727007 S05891 Structure of orbital part of lacrimal gland (body structure) E05891 280621001 Entire orbital part of lacrimal gland (body structure) P05891 Y 59383 P special senses organ system 83BF3245E6394605BCF69CF459D102DF 8C611D2B222240C1836DC33C0A130CB6 orbital part of lacrimal gland Entire orbital part of lacrimal gland (body structure) 5892 5892 05892 palpebral part of lacrimal gland 72473005 S05892 Structure of palpebral part of lacrimal gland (body structure) E05892 280622008 Entire palpebral part of lacrimal gland (body structure) P05892 Y 59384 P special senses organ system 6F47AF3DADA14367967FCD1D88523FDD D8E14579D4A54217ADCDC96A95688B75 palpebral part of lacrimal gland Entire palpebral part of lacrimal gland (body structure) 5893 5893 05893 rivus lacrimalis 48509006 S05893 Structure of rivus lacrimalis (body structure) E05893 368791009 Entire rivus lacrimalis (body structure) P05893 Y P special senses organ system 778B557968D84DC8975DAC583A04AF70 9D9AB5CD1FFB41F7AA706547303AFA06 rivus lacrimalis Entire rivus lacrimalis (body structure) 5894 5894 05894 lacus lacrimalis 45961002 S05894 Structure of lacus lacrimalis (body structure) E05894 368792002 Entire lacus lacrimalis (body structure) P05894 Y 59402 P special senses organ system 9DA2190CA6584938980D8E02ABB8D03F 7F3468139F9A45508B9804FB3632799C lacus lacrimalis Entire lacus lacrimalis (body structure) 5895 5895 05895 lacrimal punctum 54369006 S05895 Structure of lacrimal punctum (body structure) E05895 263344003 Entire lacrimal punctum (body structure) P05895 Y 59365 P special senses organ system DEF062FB195F43A1823795712B9CFE8A 832087D8DC2D4752993516767BAE485A lacrimal punctum Entire lacrimal punctum (body structure) 5896 5896 05896 fornix of lacrimal sac 9849005 S05896 Structure of fornix of lacrimal sac (body structure) E05896 368794001 Entire fornix of lacrimal sac (body structure) P05896 Y 77674 P special senses organ system 4C29BD9DBF8042A28A7E8BA860490886 91D6EC33819846D4B649411DA9EA7B05 fornix of lacrimal sac Entire fornix of lacrimal sac (body structure) 5897 5897 05897 ampulla of lacrimal canaliculus 46086003 S05897 Structure of ampulla of lacrimal canaliculus (body structure) E05897 280637007 Entire ampulla of lacrimal canaliculus (body structure) P05897 Y 59585 P special senses organ system 8E044B76F4A742AC834BEA80D372457D AE17E181DC35417B93717A0B53E110A9 ampulla of lacrimal canaliculus Entire ampulla of lacrimal canaliculus (body structure) 5898 5898 05898 subcutaneous tissue of hand and foot 87907000 S05898 Subcutaneous tissue structure of hand and foot (combined site) (body structure) E05898 303975007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of hand and foot (body structure) P05898 Y P musculoskeletal system C98BC9332D8F4B4AB365F23A9C5F3843 47F5C0B4AAB047249E0392048CD7AAC0 Subcutaneous tissue of hand and foot (combined site) Entire subcutaneous tissue of hand and foot (body structure) 5899 5899 05899 lacrimal fold 90962005 S05899 Structure of lacrimal fold (body structure) E05899 368793007 Entire lacrimal fold (body structure) P05899 Y 66389 P special senses organ system BF0500C3BDC14599904C0175AE074EEF A6BB76CED40A4C508D306B0A6E512034 lacrimal fold Entire lacrimal fold (body structure) 5902 5902 05902 fissura antitragohelicina 65010001 S05902 Structure of fissura antitragohelicina (body structure) E05902 368637001 Entire fissura antitragohelicina (body structure) P05902 Y 61184 P special senses organ system 2F675E3405E241DDB1385837CCA57A93 5E607EA1F06E4921AE3CFF64E74F284D fissura antitragohelicina Entire fissura antitragohelicina (body structure) 5904 5904 05904 eminentia conchae 87789006 S05904 Structure of eminentia conchae (body structure) E05904 368638006 Entire eminentia conchae (body structure) P05904 Y 61156 P special senses organ system 414FB76E309E4689B9131F4E1F7BAD80 AB8DD8F18FB440A2927D88B51848551C eminentia conchae Entire eminentia conchae (body structure) 5905 5905 05905 transverse antihelicine sulcus 11595007 S05905 Structure of transverse antihelicine sulcus (body structure) E05905 368639003 Entire transverse antihelicine sulcus (body structure) P05905 Y 61155 P special senses organ system 61460EB8E1934152B1B9FF7BF494F534 40C37EBFEB824A228A2D9CC08B9876A0 transverse antihelicine sulcus Entire transverse antihelicine sulcus (body structure) 5906 5906 05906 anterior auricular ligament 33407009 S05906 Structure of anterior auricular ligament (body structure) E05906 279638003 Entire anterior auricular ligament (body structure) P05906 Y 61036 P special senses organ system D366234A300D4AC8BF564103514C6EE3 6A3157D3AE5245C69574EAFAC343B358 anterior auricular ligament Entire anterior auricular ligament (body structure) 5907 5907 05907 posterior auricular ligament 46312003 S05907 Structure of posterior auricular ligament (body structure) E05907 279635000 Entire posterior auricular ligament (body structure) P05907 Y 61038 P special senses organ system 5CFB6308648A4EB48A620877138DF2A0 2F6383F4344D48CFAD8CB0F9F2808BAA posterior auricular ligament Entire posterior auricular ligament (body structure) 5908 5908 05908 superior auricular ligament 25968002 S05908 Structure of superior auricular ligament (body structure) E05908 279642000 Entire superior auricular ligament (body structure) P05908 Y 61037 P special senses organ system 1D26B5A6CA9440FDB262E825A4F2F6CB D7778518B26B482A80F09DD920ED54A4 superior auricular ligament Entire superior auricular ligament (body structure) 5909 5909 05909 intrinsic auricular muscle 62536009 S05909 Structure of intrinsic auricular muscle (body structure) E05909 244762007 Entire intrinsic auricular muscle (body structure) P05909 Y 48967 P musculoskeletal system 6085F8A843CA45EB8FA11DA9901D1C93 2612579A53BE474FBB2A931268DDEC03 intrinsic auricular muscle Entire intrinsic auricular muscle (body structure) 5910 5910 05910 helicis major muscle 67040000 S05910 Structure of helicis major muscle (body structure) E05910 244764008 Entire helicis major muscle (body structure) P05910 Y 48968 P special senses organ system 9869663831FF4136B1C35A2E5741E17F 91ED0FC7918F4CA8939AA41319B815BF helicis major muscle Entire helicis major muscle (body structure) 5911 5911 05911 helicis minor muscle 90542007 S05911 Structure of helicis minor muscle (body structure) E05911 244765009 Entire helicis minor muscle (body structure) P05911 Y 48971 P special senses organ system 5A3151A23E12483589892728568282C3 22E29EE505F141BDB5706DB88AC0E971 helicis minor muscle Entire helicis minor muscle (body structure) 5912 5912 05912 subcutaneous tissue of thenar region of palm 47558008 S05912 Subcutaneous tissue structure of thenar region of palm (body structure) E05912 368410005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of thenar region of palm (body structure) P05912 Y D integument/surface 7F66A2EDCC324614B5CF20407A7B720F 3C82016620C34F71AF865F9F4CFD1EF1 Subcutaneous tissue of thenar region of palm Entire subcutaneous tissue of thenar region of palm (body structure) 5913 5913 05913 tragicus muscle 21472001 S05913 Structure of tragicus muscle (body structure) E05913 244766005 Entire tragicus muscle (body structure) P05913 Y 48974 P special senses organ system 3B55858F6E9541DA91D1B9D4BA0D044B 35671091AE60481DB705B53269210D32 tragicus muscle Entire tragicus muscle (body structure) 5914 5914 05914 antitragicus muscle 368635009 S05914 Structure of antitragicus muscle (body structure) E05914 63899000 Entire antitragicus muscle (body structure) P05914 Y P musculoskeletal system 324477E46B1A4986A81EC1E448FBE151 9102BE0DB8844014A10745B50974EB31 antitragicus muscle Entire antitragicus muscle (body structure) 5915 5915 05915 transversus auricularis muscle 49670007 S05915 Structure of transversus auricularis muscle (body structure) E05915 244767001 Entire transversus auricularis muscle (body structure) P05915 Y 48983 P special senses organ system 959E00F33FC84252802FA7D0363E7DF4 84AA5F644451472B96C1D0E48FD630C1 transversus auricularis muscle Entire transversus auricularis muscle (body structure) 5916 5916 05916 obliquus auricularis muscle 31336000 S05916 Structure of obliquus auricularis muscle (body structure) E05916 244768006 Entire obliquus auricularis muscle (body structure) P05916 Y 48986 P special senses organ system 5D1BA863849E4B5483978CF400E3F717 BFF518278D774385A7A65E9CD415C22A obliquus auricularis muscle Entire obliquus auricularis muscle (body structure) 5917 5917 05917 incisurae helicis muscle 368636005 S05917 Structure of incisurae helicis muscle (body structure) E05917 67597006 Entire incisurae helicis muscle (body structure) P05917 Y P musculoskeletal system 7B81860D47E8471FB4DA6944988F9745 AB4C9686CC9A469AA15215605FED5BF8 incisurae helicis muscle Entire incisurae helicis muscle (body structure) 5918 5918 05918 external auditory canal opening 67283004 S05918 Structure of external auditory canal opening (body structure) E05918 279654000 Entire external auditory canal opening (body structure) P05918 Y 61301 P special senses organ system 223CA7F1A10347CE8F968178F1AE0F38 FC0F63CA2F0A4752BC2890F7BD1EFF7C external auditory canal opening Entire external auditory canal opening (body structure) 5919 5919 05919 subcutaneous tissue of hypothenar region of palm 59564002 S05919 Subcutaneous tissue structure of hypothenar region of palm (body structure) E05919 368411009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of hypothenar region of palm (body structure) P05919 Y D integument/surface D12679B280404635826F542A971DC6BD 24987D8269FA44DDAECBD3520ABFB6C6 Subcutaneous tissue of hypothenar region of palm Entire subcutaneous tissue of hypothenar region of palm (body structure) 5920 5920 05920 cartilage of auditory canal 83543000 S05920 Structure of cartilage of auditory canal (body structure) E05920 368645006 Entire cartilage of auditory canal (body structure) P05920 Y 61298 P special senses organ system 37C599952CD446A49A4BD4B7886F1BEC 09B56C385E944058B4885ACF6D23B06D cartilage of auditory canal Entire cartilage of auditory canal (body structure) 5921 5921 05921 incisure of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal 4375003 S05921 Structure of incisure of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) E05921 368640001 Entire incisure of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) P05921 Y P special senses organ system 442A15F8D9374BCA8D5B755FF95E0F64 2C7DDCF9A7E842B7A6E30B72DE22903E incisure of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal Entire incisure of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) 5922 5922 05922 external part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal 36610000 S05922 Structure of external part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) E05922 368641002 Entire external part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) P05922 Y P special senses organ system B6ED6809D132462D998EC08201E0E666 CC6ED8D4BC38416EA00BE5770E157384 external part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal Entire external part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) 5923 5923 05923 middle part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal 10151002 S05923 Structure of middle part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) E05923 368642009 Entire middle part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) P05923 Y P special senses organ system 1BB93911023D4F73B96439E072AD23D1 D528C51F3E074382883F22B79BB86E5C middle part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal Entire middle part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) 5924 5924 05924 inner part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal 78501003 S05924 Structure of inner part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) E05924 368643004 Entire inner part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) P05924 Y P special senses organ system DF744B67A1344229915F93FA33D90209 3EABC30791C34E37B544F2C5286B6104 inner part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal Entire inner part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) 5925 5925 05925 isthmus of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal 25735001 S05925 Structure of isthmus of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) E05925 368644005 Entire isthmus of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) P05925 Y P special senses organ system 04481C47CF1046C5A2422E12FA40BFE3 13DCB3C3235C4A46BA3524835645FFC6 isthmus of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal Entire isthmus of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal (body structure) 5926 5926 05926 isthmus of osseous portion of auditory canal 66000000 S05926 Structure of isthmus of osseous portion of auditory canal (body structure) E05926 368646007 Entire isthmus of osseous portion of auditory canal (body structure) P05926 Y P special senses organ system D522053995A74FBEB4E870E36FE52AB0 49947D4C17F6486C87DDED2BA26EB905 isthmus of osseous portion of auditory canal Entire isthmus of osseous portion of auditory canal (body structure) 5928 5928 05928 ceruminous gland 86682003 S05928 Structure of ceruminous gland (body structure) E05928 368648008 Entire ceruminous gland (body structure) P05928 Y P integumentary system 3FF9EBBFA2614AA8A14F597E54E08F49 C542E27A888B46C3A72A7671FB79E14D ceruminous gland Entire ceruminous gland (body structure) 5930 5930 05930 skin of posterior area of thigh 4578000 S05930 Skin structure of posterior surface of thigh (body structure) E05930 181549009 Entire skin of posterior surface of thigh (body structure) P05930 Y 37797 D integument/surface CDE9EACD6CC84620838D555427A93EFA 4B28434B857048AF9AECEB2DCD8F3F81 Skin of posterior surface of thigh Entire skin of posterior surface of thigh (body structure) 5931 5931 05931 subcutaneous tissue of finger 10482006 S05931 Subcutaneous tissue structure of finger (body structure) E05931 368383002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of finger (body structure) P05931 Y D integument/surface 9B388E332C1E4E218AA8874ECBA17B61 C54251976B9646A38AA3CA2968AAD788 Subcutaneous tissue of finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of finger (body structure) 5932 5932 05932 fold of chorda tympani 28497006 S05932 Structure of fold of chorda tympani (body structure) E05932 368654009 Entire fold of chorda tympani (body structure) P05932 Y 77727 P special senses organ system 4A76662818C643C5846FECAC079D505C 57F64E6484094DCEA883F00CC9022121 fold of chorda tympani Entire fold of chorda tympani (body structure) 5933 5933 05933 anterior recess of tympanic membrane 90888007 S05933 Structure of anterior recess of tympanic membrane (body structure) E05933 368655005 Entire anterior recess of tympanic membrane (body structure) P05933 Y 76930 P special senses organ system 8F45BBC6AB3C4DF7A5A773F07170E79A 6FAA3E3A8E6A42B091155EE38CD9985F anterior recess of tympanic membrane Entire anterior recess of tympanic membrane (body structure) 5934 5934 05934 superior recess of tympanic membrane 5893000 S05934 Structure of superior recess of tympanic membrane (body structure) E05934 368656006 Entire superior recess of tympanic membrane (body structure) P05934 Y 76931 P special senses organ system 818F5D8D508E44D69B0DC180DDDBF194 932A9399E73D46E4A63D9B75AC4E78CE superior recess of tympanic membrane Entire superior recess of tympanic membrane (body structure) 5935 5935 05935 posterior recess of tympanic membrane 87757002 S05935 Structure of posterior recess of tympanic membrane (body structure) E05935 264158003 Entire posterior recess of tympanic membrane (body structure) P05935 Y 76932 P special senses organ system 36C9F53D34714B4B8394655AE38AE3B3 E034D96B74E04A20AE0F701E91EC1ECE posterior recess of tympanic membrane Entire posterior recess of tympanic membrane (body structure) 5936 5936 05936 subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of finger 60378007 S05936 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal surface of finger (body structure) E05936 368275005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of finger (body structure) P05936 Y D integument/surface 1839BB87B64B416EBBDA02E685073969 3F5047F4FD694434A8F907392D4363CE Subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of finger (body structure) 5937 5937 05937 fold for incus 77724009 S05937 Structure of fold for incus (body structure) E05937 368938008 Entire fold for incus (body structure) P05937 Y 77728 P special senses organ system 29671B9B8B5141BA88E9ABA509B562CE EF81A5AF002148B2AB970FF4AB1228C3 fold for incus Entire fold for incus (body structure) 5938 5938 05938 fold for stapes 2726002 S05938 Structure of fold for stapes (body structure) E05938 368657002 Entire fold for stapes (body structure) P05938 Y 77729 P special senses organ system 99C038F27E5D4ADD9B7C91C3FC2C0317 6A1F58098D7B4C25ABD0D1F5FF65C0A3 fold for stapes Entire fold for stapes (body structure) 5939 5939 05939 anterior tympanic isthmus 47335006 S05939 Structure of isthmus tympani anticus (body structure) E05939 368917002 Entire isthmus tympani anticus (body structure) P05939 Y P special senses organ system 06FDC5C407B74BE38724BE34D1CE9ACF 3CF99C08684C404C8FFC253AC52414CD isthmus tympani anticus Entire isthmus tympani anticus (body structure) 5940 5940 05940 posterior tympanic isthmus 7192009 S05940 Structure of isthmus tympani posticus (body structure) E05940 368918007 Entire isthmus tympani posticus (body structure) P05940 Y P special senses organ system F63659A0512F4E00B00FE48986413EC8 D4DA5CFF48FE451F8F28B47710217C35 isthmus tympani posticus Entire isthmus tympani posticus (body structure) 5941 5941 05941 pars flaccida of tympanic membrane 59781009 S05941 Structure of pars flaccida of tympanic membrane (body structure) E05941 279594005 Entire pars flaccida of tympanic membrane (body structure) P05941 Y 56721 P special senses organ system DD217C1C00664E8CA2C26FBD6B6F320B 7AE5D1DF96C3470B88BA610F50B91FC2 pars flaccida of tympanic membrane Entire pars flaccida of tympanic membrane (body structure) 5942 5942 05942 anterior mallear fold 70757008 S05942 Structure of anterior mallear fold of tympanic membrane (body structure) E05942 368649000 Entire anterior mallear fold of tympanic membrane (body structure) P05942 Y 56772 P special senses organ system 5C248EE3E3E6485197DA3FDDDF035981 D5DE86B1B3DC49DB97F8EC9C708AFEB5 anterior mallear fold of tympanic membrane Entire anterior mallear fold of tympanic membrane (body structure) 5943 5943 05943 posterior mallear fold 11502004 S05943 Structure of posterior mallear fold of tympanic membrane (body structure) E05943 368650000 Entire posterior mallear fold of tympanic membrane (body structure) P05943 Y 56778 P special senses organ system 2FE50351A5824CC79C7CF3B333FAFEA1 C53EDFFB4A3941F6AB36B9ECD7A38F65 posterior mallear fold of tympanic membrane Entire posterior mallear fold of tympanic membrane (body structure) 5944 5944 05944 mallear prominence of tympanic membrane 69514007 S05944 Structure of mallear prominence of tympanic membrane (body structure) E05944 368651001 Entire mallear prominence of tympanic membrane (body structure) P05944 Y P special senses organ system 77CAF92B7D57494180C2F9FEB098569C B4D73868528D4A3E90ED35EEB36ACCD6 mallear prominence of tympanic membrane Entire mallear prominence of tympanic membrane (body structure) 5945 5945 05945 subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of finger 36845006 S05945 Subcutaneous tissue structure of palmar surface of finger (body structure) E05945 368285006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of finger (body structure) P05945 Y D integument/surface 50EC326D0D70430785E22F9647F338F8 48C1DC3918E14F38B83B0C8EE909C11A Subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of finger (body structure) 5946 5946 05946 stria mallearis 62701008 S05946 Structure of stria mallearis (body structure) E05946 368652008 Entire stria mallearis (body structure) P05946 Y 56790 P special senses organ system 12B4BE4475A74E6E9331AB735226A75E BC9A1E8DDF7B4EB4ADAAAE9FEDFBFB81 stria mallearis Entire stria mallearis (body structure) 5947 5947 05947 umbo of tympanic membrane 15264008 S05947 Structure of umbo of tympanic membrane (body structure) E05947 368653003 Entire umbo of tympanic membrane (body structure) P05947 Y 56723 P special senses organ system F265108BE11C4EC0BB2C93D9F7AC31BE 0D9B34DC37B04093A74789378E02DAFF umbo of tympanic membrane Entire umbo of tympanic membrane (body structure) 5948 5948 05948 fibrocartilaginous anulus of tympanic membrane 48977002 S05948 Structure of fibrocartilaginous anulus of tympanic membrane (body structure) E05948 368658007 Entire fibrocartilaginous anulus of tympanic membrane (body structure) P05948 Y 56735 P special senses organ system 144C70E3ED0A409FB176E149DAF1C1E4 5ED45E914239408DB2EFD55EB6275F05 fibrocartilaginous anulus of tympanic membrane Entire fibrocartilaginous anulus of tympanic membrane (body structure) 5949 5949 05949 inner wall of tympanic cavity 54998004 S05949 Structure of inner wall of tympanic cavity (body structure) E05949 368939000 Entire inner wall of tympanic cavity (body structure) P05949 Y P special senses organ system 0F4081398D1F48C6B5CBFD39FDDD96B3 B9B661452B7A4F048C03753C8CFE82EC inner wall of tympanic cavity Entire inner wall of tympanic cavity (body structure) 5950 5950 05950 cochlear promontory of tympanic cavity 53403002 S05950 Structure of cochlear promontory of tympanic cavity (body structure) E05950 280102008 Entire cochlear promontory of tympanic cavity (body structure) P05950 Y 77694 P special senses organ system 5DCA0EBD884548B7A5C0B3A7B0E1E31A 2ED45EF6A5A24C82B4FF9FCDC02FC50A cochlear promontory of tympanic cavity Entire cochlear promontory of tympanic cavity (body structure) 5951 5951 05951 tegmen of tympanic cavity 40072007 S05951 Structure of tegmen of tympanic cavity (body structure) E05951 368940003 Entire tegmen of tympanic cavity (body structure) P05951 Y P special senses organ system A83FD2EBC034420798C5522B81120723 B91A480292604E2789910F18D49B6DF3 tegmen of tympanic cavity Entire tegmen of tympanic cavity (body structure) 5952 5952 05952 floor of tympanic cavity 49611000 S05952 Structure of floor of tympanic cavity (body structure) E05952 368941004 Entire floor of tympanic cavity (body structure) P05952 Y 77642 P special senses organ system 00D7ADF06CD44A36BD15A5863CAFA043 9D046FEB688C4DDAB5FC34A945D3215B floor of tympanic cavity Entire floor of tympanic cavity (body structure) 5953 5953 05953 anterior wall of tympanic cavity 70965004 S05953 Structure of anterior wall of tympanic cavity (body structure) E05953 368942006 Entire anterior wall of tympanic cavity (body structure) P05953 Y P special senses organ system 6CF06C39AFE94104BB5BA2BC0B7F4A1A AF771CF809F84EA683A011F2454F1385 anterior wall of tympanic cavity Entire anterior wall of tympanic cavity (body structure) 5954 5954 05954 posterior wall of tympanic cavity 22145001 S05954 Structure of posterior wall of tympanic cavity (body structure) E05954 368943001 Entire posterior wall of tympanic cavity (body structure) P05954 Y P special senses organ system D19D8237A8C54FFC97512EC51A7B7B37 08D59D4AB81E4B3BAB22D9A272626BC5 posterior wall of tympanic cavity Entire posterior wall of tympanic cavity (body structure) 5955 5955 05955 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of finger 75644005 S05955 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of finger (body structure) E05955 368295004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of finger (body structure) P05955 Y D integument/surface 359CEB353B084A8DA5B1790484038DB9 E1860F3387DD4931937F01A1FB3DFD5C Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of finger (body structure) 5956 5956 05956 aditus to mastoid antrum 60359007 S05956 Structure of antral aditus of tympanic cavity (body structure) E05956 368919004 Entire antral aditus of tympanic cavity (body structure) P05956 Y 56797 P special senses organ system D08607D30D844AD08387D9319C012D71 B984882B09AC488CB6879574BC74AF05 antral aditus of tympanic cavity Entire antral aditus of tympanic cavity (body structure) 5957 5957 05957 mesotympanum 247005 S05957 Structure of mesotympanum (body structure) E05957 368944007 Entire mesotympanum (body structure) P05957 Y P special senses organ system A98A415B40664FD882A0F18C9277E6AB 4115CA0394D34EEAB6FBE89EC0048B33 mesotympanum Entire mesotympanum (body structure) 5958 5958 05958 incudomallear articulation 113329003 S05958 Structure of incudomallear articulation (body structure) E05958 264089001 Entire incudomallear articulation (body structure) P05958 Y 60064 P musculoskeletal system 6C795222D55A4B3FA3195653B4AE297C D5071072FA374A1CBAE68991500B5F1E incudomallear articulation Entire incudomallear articulation (body structure) 5959 5959 05959 incudostapedial articulation 18757006 S05959 Structure of incudostapedial articulation (body structure) E05959 264028006 Entire incudostapedial articulation (body structure) P05959 Y 60065 P musculoskeletal system 9C794504215D48B394BD7AADDE5D64A5 177B24C11EF340AA9BD8BE3BA5617CCD incudostapedial articulation Entire incudostapedial articulation (body structure) 5960 5960 05960 tympanostapedial syndesmosis 90020001 S05960 Structure of tympanostapedial syndesmosis (body structure) E05960 368920005 Entire tympanostapedial syndesmosis (body structure) P05960 Y 60875 P musculoskeletal system 5A08DBFDB0524994AA456A649E0BC36C 339D2AF2AF794B5AA0877407CFC4CC4A tympanostapedial syndesmosis Entire tympanostapedial syndesmosis (body structure) 5961 5961 05961 manubrium of malleus 75913003 S05961 Structure of manubrium of malleus (body structure) E05961 264091009 Entire manubrium of malleus (body structure) P05961 Y 52760 P skeletal system 90A31EC0A1354596A42B4E6294D0C776 0B8AD8BF75774F28BCBF8E1121DF810F manubrium of malleus Entire manubrium of malleus (body structure) 5962 5962 05962 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of finger 38669000 S05962 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of finger (body structure) E05962 368305007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of finger (body structure) P05962 Y D integument/surface BF8827F28C104ACDA1D2C4FE460D2A4C 193C7CE5692042C180FBE422408B45F1 Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of finger (body structure) 5963 5963 05963 head of malleus 77554002 S05963 Structure of head of malleus (body structure) E05963 368926004 Entire head of malleus (body structure) P05963 Y 52761 P skeletal system 48FAE9F07E1C454597BEFF6CC80DCB95 B1012D1065FC43559FBA4C06E81489DD head of malleus Entire head of malleus (body structure) 5964 5964 05964 neck of malleus 33741002 S05964 Structure of neck of malleus (body structure) E05964 368927008 Entire neck of malleus (body structure) P05964 Y 52762 P skeletal system 5D90417FD3FB4B2A9B67B1EAB88CE969 BAE9E8CA2E5D499184491638A77EFD2A neck of malleus Entire neck of malleus (body structure) 5965 5965 05965 lateral process of malleus 62466004 S05965 Structure of lateral process of malleus (body structure) E05965 368921009 Entire lateral process of malleus (body structure) P05965 Y 52770 P skeletal system AF840355EDFA4805978DC0FC9986EBEE 76A23BB94BA746AAB513E86D539A822B lateral process of malleus Entire lateral process of malleus (body structure) 5966 5966 05966 anterior process of malleus 76016004 S05966 Structure of anterior process of malleus (body structure) E05966 368922002 Entire anterior process of malleus (body structure) P05966 Y 52771 P skeletal system 91EDD8ADE6434324828EDE8210D80ED5 68A59CC643B14077BB1C9D33707ADED3 anterior process of malleus Entire anterior process of malleus (body structure) 5967 5967 05967 body of incus 17586009 S05967 Structure of body of incus (body structure) E05967 368856009 Entire body of incus (body structure) P05967 Y 52763 P skeletal system 246F4ABC994848A2BF40C2193F334AFD 242F9B5096C84FAE9CCF495BD7E2E391 body of incus Entire body of incus (body structure) 5968 5968 05968 long process of incus 29333002 S05968 Structure of long process of incus (body structure) E05968 264490000 Entire long process of incus (body structure) P05968 Y 52764 P skeletal system 6605014F73484E6C8E8EC1996142FA62 6617ED4383AC40CBA21BE541732992D5 long process of incus Entire long process of incus (body structure) 5969 5969 05969 lenticular process of incus 59417004 S05969 Structure of lenticular process of incus (body structure) E05969 368928003 Entire lenticular process of incus (body structure) P05969 Y 52775 P skeletal system BE1F77EA0D5F4E56988E19429DB089F3 7B69B5B161A84C0C8948985ABF5D7BA9 lenticular process of incus Entire lenticular process of incus (body structure) 5970 5970 05970 short process of incus 54510003 S05970 Structure of short process of incus (body structure) E05970 368929006 Entire short process of incus (body structure) P05970 Y 52765 P skeletal system B39FBF6BBAC646FC83C67FF93F985692 8819B765BC66485AA191C6A7F4C32F72 short process of incus Entire short process of incus (body structure) 5971 5971 05971 subcutaneous tissue of thumb 62870000 S05971 Subcutaneous tissue structure of thumb (body structure) E05971 368397005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of thumb (body structure) P05971 Y D integument/surface 734022D414414EC1802600E9D3ADBB18 DDE21F4762EA46B5B244CFCD648C4E3C Subcutaneous tissue of thumb Entire subcutaneous tissue of thumb (body structure) 5972 5972 05972 head of stapes 77141004 S05972 Structure of head of stapes (body structure) E05972 368932009 Entire head of stapes (body structure) P05972 Y 52766 P skeletal system C56C7529692C407589E12AED26D559AB 71B0AE3962804E9A95F64C917498B864 head of stapes Entire head of stapes (body structure) 5973 5973 05973 anterior limb of stapes 90759000 S05973 Structure of anterior limb of stapes (body structure) E05973 368933004 Entire anterior limb of stapes (body structure) P05973 Y 52767 P skeletal system 3AC929A67BE24C09B9A4360ADD53CCEC E8E07CD502E34D22BD13C978884A1454 anterior limb of stapes Entire anterior limb of stapes (body structure) 5974 5974 05974 posterior limb of stapes 1425000 S05974 Structure of posterior limb of stapes (body structure) E05974 368934005 Entire posterior limb of stapes (body structure) P05974 Y 52768 P skeletal system FE7A35B6FCBF4D5EB133804C7A316580 C929A19F89344922BADC3E29C9FBF7D5 posterior limb of stapes Entire posterior limb of stapes (body structure) 5975 5975 05975 base of stapes 59498008 S05975 Structure of base of stapes (body structure) E05975 279685009 Entire base of stapes (body structure) P05975 Y 52769 P skeletal system 4D2190E035794B5E8B5257E4CD48980E 4418FB7BE21E4A97901231BAB163539A base of stapes Entire base of stapes (body structure) 5976 5976 05976 neck of stapes 113330008 S05976 Structure of neck of stapes (body structure) E05976 368935006 Entire neck of stapes (body structure) P05976 Y P skeletal system B757555D989C4990A453BC347F0D6857 6F3ED69D56424C7E913B6DFE6EE7D258 neck of stapes Entire neck of stapes (body structure) 5977 5977 05977 anterior ligament of malleus 42282006 S05977 Structure of anterior ligament of malleus (body structure) E05977 368923007 Entire anterior ligament of malleus (body structure) P05977 Y 60879 P special senses organ system 487096D9B70D432D88CD1108EDE41713 E7B2114CAF7644CF90759D0FCBB1B714 anterior ligament of malleus Entire anterior ligament of malleus (body structure) 5978 5978 05978 superior ligament of malleus 62181004 S05978 Structure of superior ligament of malleus (body structure) E05978 368924001 Entire superior ligament of malleus (body structure) P05978 Y 60880 P special senses organ system 97B21994F6954F398E12316C504DF5F0 5C595DAA2AB14A30BB9730349139B33F superior ligament of malleus Entire superior ligament of malleus (body structure) 5979 5979 05979 lateral ligament of malleus 77795001 S05979 Structure of lateral ligament of malleus (body structure) E05979 368925000 Entire lateral ligament of malleus (body structure) P05979 Y 60881 P special senses organ system E3B472EADDBB41EFA77939487009272F 1BC3E6DF2CD749529A80D8220123C366 lateral ligament of malleus Entire lateral ligament of malleus (body structure) 5980 5980 05980 superior ligament of incus 83394008 S05980 Structure of superior ligament of incus (body structure) E05980 368930001 Entire superior ligament of incus (body structure) P05980 Y 60882 P special senses organ system F97D442329C5449DAD224ED2F565DD90 4CD69BAA6CB940F6A7C5DE67E5394D53 superior ligament of incus Entire superior ligament of incus (body structure) 5981 5981 05981 subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of thumb 52014000 S05981 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal surface of thumb (body structure) E05981 368386005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of thumb (body structure) P05981 Y D integument/surface D579B19B53134BEF9E3FAA3008DB864D 0B1B95B479B442199290A0102EA4216B Subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of thumb Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of thumb (body structure) 5982 5982 05982 posterior ligament of incus 64391002 S05982 Structure of posterior ligament of incus (body structure) E05982 368931002 Entire posterior ligament of incus (body structure) P05982 Y 60883 P special senses organ system DD8F01795F8041C3B2144A9AFBB7ADDA 2301CA2A8DCE4B1FA310538ABB040810 posterior ligament of incus Entire posterior ligament of incus (body structure) 5983 5983 05983 annular ligament of base of stapes 25614005 S05983 Structure of annular ligament of base of stapes (body structure) E05983 368936007 Entire annular ligament of base of stapes (body structure) P05983 Y 60884 P special senses organ system A960C87F66A0436DB04027C480C6077A 7329C95F74B7435D8431EFD8DCF514FA annular ligament of base of stapes Entire annular ligament of base of stapes (body structure) 5984 5984 05984 ossicular muscle 42088004 S05984 Structure of ossicular muscle (body structure) E05984 244778009 Entire ossicular muscle (body structure) P05984 Y 49026 P special senses organ system 44A800A3CFCD4887B21155454FED273F EE069787AB62432995FFCCC88D0F15A2 ossicular muscle Entire ossicular muscle (body structure) 5985 5985 05985 tensor tympani muscle 5942008 S05985 Structure of tensor tympani muscle (body structure) E05985 244779001 Entire tensor tympani muscle (body structure) P05985 Y 49028 P special senses organ system C27E5A23DA104D7387A093848E4A1014 0BF3B998B57B48DB9C935C88BA59583B tensor tympani muscle Entire tensor tympani muscle (body structure) 5986 5986 05986 stapedius muscle 81931002 S05986 Structure of stapedius muscle (body structure) E05986 244780003 Entire stapedius muscle (body structure) P05986 Y 49027 P special senses organ system 2042E38314BE4C218B3BD9F726ED6FB9 FDBF229CAF4F4D0AA5FCB02928766429 stapedius muscle Entire stapedius muscle (body structure) 5987 5987 05987 cochlear window 28784008 S05987 Structure of cochlear window (body structure) E05987 279785002 Entire cochlear window (body structure) P05987 Y 56932 P special senses organ system BD45EC162DC34C8AB63231FCA9CBA51F 47C11DF480A242D285428E54170D872A cochlear window Entire cochlear window (body structure) 5988 5988 05988 subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of thumb 60604000 S05988 Subcutaneous tissue structure of palmar surface of thumb (body structure) E05988 368388006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of thumb (body structure) P05988 Y D integument/surface 6716BE334CE947D1A015CA4BAE8AB5F9 1C895BB879CF469FA11592B257C78C21 Subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of thumb Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of thumb (body structure) 5989 5989 05989 mastoid cell 57222008 S05989 Structure of mastoid cell (body structure) E05989 264093007 Entire mastoid cell (body structure) P05989 - P A01FF1B1A06E4280A95EBA6EB7952273 FA3763B8FCDC4E2C98CB4FE1EE6DE211 mastoid cell Entire mastoid cell (body structure) 5990 5990 05990 anterior wall of mastoid antrum 39584007 S05990 Structure of anterior wall of mastoid antrum (body structure) E05990 368946009 Entire anterior wall of mastoid antrum (body structure) P05990 Y P skeletal system 9DC0AA795A87478D94B5906363E5D8AD D6E4B722F7274AFAB1A26D0E7CE89C4F anterior wall of mastoid antrum Entire anterior wall of mastoid antrum (body structure) 5991 5991 05991 medial wall of mastoid antrum 27376008 S05991 Structure of medial wall of mastoid antrum (body structure) E05991 368947000 Entire medial wall of mastoid antrum (body structure) P05991 Y P skeletal system 4A582225912746E6ACE0ED68ABBEABED 8889D0FFC03E4B3695658F24DB20BB65 medial wall of mastoid antrum Entire medial wall of mastoid antrum (body structure) 5992 5992 05992 roof of mastoid antrum 52768001 S05992 Structure of roof of mastoid antrum (body structure) E05992 368949002 Entire roof of mastoid antrum (body structure) P05992 Y P special senses organ system 87AF750F228D44D59C884C7255F9D063 CC8A8746B09E41CC8844BD381C02DCEF roof of mastoid antrum Entire roof of mastoid antrum (body structure) 5993 5993 05993 lateral wall of mastoid antrum 3524005 S05993 Structure of lateral wall of mastoid antrum (body structure) E05993 368948005 Entire lateral wall of mastoid antrum (body structure) P05993 Y P skeletal system 8A7081F28F2E427F96D5972A148CFCD7 BBEE4711D0854065B65357A909A54738 lateral wall of mastoid antrum Entire lateral wall of mastoid antrum (body structure) 5994 5994 05994 tympanic ostium of Eustachian tube 3663005 S05994 Structure of tympanic ostium of Eustachian tube (body structure) E05994 368937003 Entire tympanic ostium of Eustachian tube (body structure) P05994 Y 54980 P special senses organ system B0ECC3A72A8F4826A558986A4D97F77D 21B19AE3736F4F4FBC9624FD4CA7B494 tympanic ostium of Eustachian tube Entire tympanic ostium of Eustachian tube (body structure) 5995 5995 05995 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of thumb 48651007 S05995 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of thumb (body structure) E05995 368390007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of thumb (body structure) P05995 Y D integument/surface E6F106FD1D9E4F67A9A4F456A9C5AB49 5E36C7E01A89423993D46838FAFE6D3D Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of thumb Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of thumb (body structure) 5996 5996 05996 pharyngeal ostium of Eustachian tube 63415001 S05996 Structure of pharyngeal ostium of Eustachian tube (body structure) E05996 368945008 Entire pharyngeal ostium of Eustachian tube (body structure) P05996 Y 54979 P special senses organ system 2B514F79CA514E3CA50B07B3817408B5 96020807778F4A9D8764B6E4979735D2 pharyngeal ostium of Eustachian tube Entire pharyngeal ostium of Eustachian tube (body structure) 5997 5997 05997 isthmus of Eustachian tube 47744009 S05997 Structure of isthmus of Eustachian tube (body structure) E05997 279680004 Entire isthmus of Eustachian tube (body structure) P05997 Y 60066 P special senses organ system 40E17BDB374845C982BCC5FD4ABEBFDB 9610B41E17F74E1687435E94F7894007 isthmus of Eustachian tube Entire isthmus of Eustachian tube (body structure) 5998 5998 05998 crura membranacea of membranous labyrinth 42977008 S05998 Structure of crura membranacea of membranous labyrinth (body structure) E05998 368952005 Entire crura membranacea of membranous labyrinth (body structure) P05998 Y P special senses organ system BB966A19BAD94B17B1DD75F22163D74F 24DDA46E84DD46CF953117E58F0CBEB8 crura membranacea of membranous labyrinth Entire crura membranacea of membranous labyrinth (body structure) 5999 5999 05999 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of thumb 86861007 S05999 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of thumb (body structure) E05999 368392004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of thumb (body structure) P05999 Y D integument/surface 6EAF529407F448DE84562601BA6D2353 8A6E15E3904E4FEA8358AD9473FD0268 Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of thumb Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of thumb (body structure) 6000 6000 06000 endolymphatic sac 36214001 S06000 Structure of endolymphatic sac (body structure) E06000 279810008 Entire endolymphatic sac (body structure) P06000 Y 75639 P special senses organ system 698757B6AF434118AAE58C6A6A7444AB 893A29E1D7744ED08670E6403088AE45 endolymphatic sac Entire endolymphatic sac (body structure) 6001 6001 06001 utriculosaccular duct 81347006 S06001 Structure of utriculosaccular duct (body structure) E06001 279811007 Entire utriculosaccular duct (body structure) P06001 Y 61243 P special senses organ system 4B73A26DF0EE401C82742AE7704EEC37 81284828045944C6BF9A5BABC22D6E9B utriculosaccular duct Entire utriculosaccular duct (body structure) 6002 6002 06002 anterior semicircular duct 7404008 S06002 Structure of anterior semicircular duct (body structure) E06002 279836001 Entire anterior semicircular duct (body structure) P06002 Y 61123 P special senses organ system 440AA8ED58844AA7BF9493D88A8BE103 2E2839653A734FE4B51BF75509E13056 anterior semicircular duct Entire anterior semicircular duct (body structure) 6003 6003 06003 posterior semicircular canal 367569002 S06003 Structure of posterior semicircular canal (body structure) E06003 279762003 Entire posterior semicircular canal (body structure) P06003 Y 60190 P special senses organ system E4E2EBD6693746DCA23BD82D203B741D 4D1CA0DDE27F42D496CBD49B30770F14 posterior semicircular canal Entire posterior semicircular canal (body structure) 6004 6004 06004 lateral semicircular duct 79989003 S06004 Structure of lateral semicircular duct (body structure) E06004 279834003 Entire lateral semicircular duct (body structure) P06004 Y 61129 P special senses organ system 6E6D8D686D304F35A7284F56F09BD476 9961A63CB5234BB39B6D363AE005F3CC lateral semicircular duct Entire lateral semicircular duct (body structure) 6005 6005 06005 subcutaneous tissue between thumb and index finger 368403004 S06005 Structure of subcutaneous tissue between thumb and second finger (body structure) E06005 68468009 Entire subcutaneous tissue between thumb and second finger (body structure) P06005 Y P musculoskeletal system 7C6FB303EF6C47FDBD92C30A57E81CDF 5C6F694E97B7479AB56066052846D0E9 subcutaneous tissue between thumb and second finger Entire subcutaneous tissue between thumb and second finger (body structure) 6006 6006 06006 anterior membranous ampulla 77384009 S06006 Structure of anterior membranous ampulla (body structure) E06006 279855001 Entire anterior membranous ampulla (body structure) P06006 Y 61132 P special senses organ system 116E0934E85A45FF9755D030616529B0 EDC13C0EDDC84468913DBE7A64C179D8 anterior membranous ampulla Entire anterior membranous ampulla (body structure) 6007 6007 06007 posterior membranous ampulla 31657003 S06007 Structure of posterior membranous ampulla (body structure) E06007 279854002 Entire posterior membranous ampulla (body structure) P06007 Y 61135 P special senses organ system 1F417E67E6964A68A95FEA5BAEB15E0A 35E96B0027B54A08AD9B13550ADEE0E8 posterior membranous ampulla Entire posterior membranous ampulla (body structure) 6008 6008 06008 lateral membranous ampulla 58198005 S06008 Structure of lateral membranous ampulla (body structure) E06008 279853008 Entire lateral membranous ampulla (body structure) P06008 Y 61139 P special senses organ system D9DA7D346BD04B42B0EB96EF105DA7C4 5597A4F4DA804265B2D31B700944C676 lateral membranous ampulla Entire lateral membranous ampulla (body structure) 6009 6009 06009 crista ampullaris 12244006 S06009 Structure of crista ampullaris (body structure) E06009 368953000 Entire crista ampullaris (body structure) P06009 Y 77714 P special senses organ system B8CE16CCAA9D485CAAAF63CB0D1CA95E ADD9C7BCBA6147568860A1DE5A692C43 crista ampullaris Entire crista ampullaris (body structure) 6010 6010 06010 sulcus ampullaris 48143008 S06010 Structure of sulcus ampullaris (body structure) E06010 368954006 Entire sulcus ampullaris (body structure) P06010 Y 74584 P special senses organ system 5400A010C7D1490D87AD4765DE891313 4EA5FB3231404B4D9DBF35A4D21594FF sulcus ampullaris Entire sulcus ampullaris (body structure) 6011 6011 06011 stria vascularis of cochlea 88528000 S06011 Structure of stria vascularis of cochlea (body structure) E06011 279842002 Entire stria vascularis of cochlea (body structure) P06011 Y 77832 P nervous system D8E8A758B1754472BBFF01D8A7E88684 5378F9C0F9CB4CC99C139F7F64309E8C stria vascularis of cochlea Entire stria vascularis of cochlea (body structure) 6012 6012 06012 subcutaneous tissue of index finger 66433000 S06012 Subcutaneous tissue structure of index finger (body structure) E06012 368321002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of index finger (body structure) P06012 Y D integument/surface AA3C7968D54843E198DB1545C920A53C D295600B88944625863D28FBA8F76469 Subcutaneous tissue of index finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of index finger (body structure) 6013 6013 06013 vas spirale of cochlea 86178001 S06013 Structure of vas spirale of cochlea (body structure) E06013 368963008 Entire vas spirale of cochlea (body structure) P06013 Y P cardiovascular system 6072F60F477A469580ED46450C4CF144 A8A9CB4C00B44572AB43B8AB1875402A vas spirale of cochlea Entire vas spirale of cochlea (body structure) 6014 6014 06014 ductus reuniens 53154008 S06014 Structure of ductus reuniens (body structure) E06014 279805009 Entire ductus reuniens (body structure) P06014 Y 61252 P special senses organ system 07E2214F98BD4D5F819B3752B4903B3F 71448CCB78D849A28AB98D6335B6B1BE ductus reuniens Entire ductus reuniens (body structure) 6015 6015 06015 limbus of bony spiral lamina 36284007 S06015 Structure of limbus of bony spiral lamina (body structure) E06015 368959001 Entire limbus of bony spiral lamina (body structure) P06015 Y P special senses organ system A312506734BF4A799C1817C238DCD438 291F04BFFE8B4634AC340DBCD44AAB6B limbus of bony spiral lamina Entire limbus of bony spiral lamina (body structure) 6016 6016 06016 tectorial membrane of cochlea 36205006 S06016 Structure of tectorial membrane (body structure) E06016 368960006 Entire tectorial membrane (body structure) P06016 Y 75805 P nervous system 651679C066F64B2BA6D6764C70A86FA5 7807020DD4D247648892FBF0D8DAA9DB tectorial membrane Entire tectorial membrane (body structure) 6017 6017 06017 arcuate zone of organ of Corti 59670001 S06017 Structure of arcuate zone of organ of Corti (body structure) E06017 368961005 Entire arcuate zone of organ of Corti (body structure) P06017 Y P nervous system E3F3F38988764131B7BF24A6770AF6B0 1A12AA70AE9C42C4998D7D6DA072EF1C arcuate zone of organ of Corti Entire arcuate zone of organ of Corti (body structure) 6018 6018 06018 subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of index finger 60547009 S06018 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal surface of index finger (body structure) E06018 368271001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of index finger (body structure) P06018 Y D integument/surface AD148C26641047A98133CDAC33185AB3 038C83B3A7524724A87F714487097C47 Subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of index finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of index finger (body structure) 6019 6019 06019 pectinate zone of organ of Corti 11302000 S06019 Structure of pectinate zone of organ of Corti (body structure) E06019 368962003 Entire pectinate zone of organ of Corti (body structure) P06019 Y P nervous system 7C77ECFF164A4D1797DCE274D38ED0EC 99CC85A8DFB14475BA0C80AE9F580DF2 pectinate zone of organ of Corti Entire pectinate zone of organ of Corti (body structure) 6020 6020 06020 outer sulcus of organ of Corti 29270009 S06020 Structure of outer sulcus of organ of Corti (body structure) E06020 279844001 Entire outer sulcus of organ of Corti (body structure) P06020 Y P nervous system A0F5EAFA7F1840EA95B229DB690A90A9 CEEC7CD0520A430587FB3A71C5319915 outer sulcus of organ of Corti Entire outer sulcus of organ of Corti (body structure) 6021 6021 06021 inner sulcus of organ of Corti 83111006 S06021 Structure of inner sulcus of organ of Corti (body structure) E06021 279787005 Entire inner sulcus of organ of Corti (body structure) P06021 Y P nervous system CA115BD14E814906A3884B26077E6A30 02C11BB07A5D4E6D96AED9CF5D6C22D0 inner sulcus of organ of Corti Entire inner sulcus of organ of Corti (body structure) 6022 6022 06022 habenula perforata of organ of Corti 44078001 S06022 Structure of habenula perforata of organ of Corti (body structure) E06022 368964002 Entire habenula perforata of organ of Corti (body structure) P06022 Y P nervous system 55A5687FE8C2428EBBD321865591575B B4DE8E7D0C8C40B2B8CE259251BB837A habenula perforata of organ of Corti Entire habenula perforata of organ of Corti (body structure) 6023 6023 06023 Nuel's space 86718003 S06023 Structure of Nuel's space (body structure) E06023 368965001 Entire Nuel's space (body structure) P06023 Y P nervous system 9711FAB6754E440680E6B1E5A491FAE3 99D1A5C1FA2840E581EE573DB200CD19 Nuel's space Entire Nuel's space (body structure) 6024 6024 06024 reticular membrane of cochlear duct 84726009 S06024 Structure of reticular membrane of cochlear duct (body structure) E06024 368966000 Entire reticular membrane of cochlear duct (body structure) P06024 Y P nervous system 79FAA1B8BD2E4B658C39997B6C20FA58 1661881E5F02405087264C3646A72892 reticular membrane of cochlear duct Entire reticular membrane of cochlear duct (body structure) 6025 6025 06025 tight junction of cochlear duct 48837009 S06025 Structure of tight junction of cochlear duct (body structure) E06025 368967009 Entire tight junction of cochlear duct (body structure) P06025 Y P nervous system A0E75489C593461986F0E9A363F72225 0400C698A7DB4638845B935742CED82A tight junction of cochlear duct Entire tight junction of cochlear duct (body structure) 6026 6026 06026 intermediary junction of cochlear duct 86207002 S06026 Structure of intermediary junction of cochlear duct (body structure) E06026 368968004 Entire intermediary junction of cochlear duct (body structure) P06026 Y P nervous system D4300E4EF71D4645B1406A38C6444861 06A4B6A66EDF4926A921DAEE903D1026 intermediary junction of cochlear duct Entire intermediary junction of cochlear duct (body structure) 6027 6027 06027 perilymphatic duct 29921000 S06027 Structure of perilymphatic duct (body structure) E06027 368950002 Entire perilymphatic duct (body structure) P06027 Y 77822 P skeletal system 3C684781A1D54DDB9A92BE167F7C540C 8839E30C059E47FB90AB21C825B9B036 perilymphatic duct Entire perilymphatic duct (body structure) 6028 6028 06028 subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of index finger 19576003 S06028 Subcutaneous tissue structure of palmar surface of index finger (body structure) E06028 368278007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of index finger (body structure) P06028 Y D integument/surface 18834BF6A71942FBA2D74E2130D93A72 6D89D166C52343E9B25694479E4676BB Subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of index finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of index finger (body structure) 6029 6029 06029 macula cribrosa 55393005 S06029 Structure of macula cribrosa (body structure) E06029 279740003 Entire macula cribrosa (body structure) P06029 Y 77705 P special senses organ system 2303F365C22A4880AE35672702BCB292 87A26BE6CE1C4F7487A4935918848508 macula cribrosa Entire macula cribrosa (body structure) 6030 6030 06030 macula cribrosa superior 368969007 S06030 Structure of macula cribrosa superior (body structure) E06030 16471006 Entire macula cribrosa superior (body structure) P06030 Y 77722 P special senses organ system EB291827CA2E42AF93FE724D1E5C971A 05CC973429D74BA5885F30CCF19EACE5 macula cribrosa superior Entire macula cribrosa superior (body structure) 6031 6031 06031 macula cribrosa media 368970008 S06031 Structure of macula cribrosa media (body structure) E06031 67288008 Entire macula cribrosa media (body structure) P06031 Y 77723 P special senses organ system 789E9C60D22E43E6BE93593012F4145B 56287D5DF5B74E11A6DC51311E885BF0 macula cribrosa media Entire macula cribrosa media (body structure) 6032 6032 06032 macula cribrosa inferior 368971007 S06032 Structure of macula cribrosa inferior (body structure) E06032 66220008 Entire macula cribrosa inferior (body structure) P06032 Y 77724 P special senses organ system A8B50D20C356417F84F9E42DE4826965 611DE42F9B60452E9BE5D901CC901444 macula cribrosa inferior Entire macula cribrosa inferior (body structure) 6033 6033 06033 basis modioli 14685006 S06033 Structure of basis modioli (body structure) E06033 279799003 Entire basis modioli (body structure) P06033 Y 75640 P special senses organ system 35552F0C3F5E420F91D11AADECDAFC90 2F3837A894D046C49CC3C0E437183849 basis modioli Entire basis modioli (body structure) 6035 6035 06035 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of index finger 88738008 S06035 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of index finger (body structure) E06035 368287003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of index finger (body structure) P06035 Y D integument/surface D24DCFCC6CD844BF8BDC21D976AE99D6 799A951FFC394A61AD2B2DF0CDDDA0AB Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of index finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of index finger (body structure) 6036 6036 06036 longitudinal canal of modiolus 61749000 S06036 Structure of longitudinal canal of modiolus (body structure) E06036 368956008 Entire longitudinal canal of modiolus (body structure) P06036 Y P skeletal system C51697DEA7154CF7ABA30D892F797B7B DD2F14EF11494024A680678E4AB15D78 longitudinal canal of modiolus Entire longitudinal canal of modiolus (body structure) 6037 6037 06037 foramen centrale modioli 80502004 S06037 Structure of foramen centrale modioli (body structure) E06037 279794008 Entire foramen centrale modioli (body structure) P06037 Y P special senses organ system 87F6D934686247959201B469E4F8BDBF 181B975C92494FCFA89E0729FAE85581 foramen centrale modioli Entire foramen centrale modioli (body structure) 6038 6038 06038 basilar membrane of modiolus 82284008 S06038 Structure of basilar membrane of modiolus (body structure) E06038 368958009 Entire basilar membrane of modiolus (body structure) P06038 Y P nervous system 186E7D9882D9433CA408446BF1D682FA 969D943805DA4AC09025C990E80AEC1B basilar membrane of modiolus Entire basilar membrane of modiolus (body structure) 6039 6039 06039 helicotrema 10584009 S06039 Structure of helicotrema (body structure) E06039 279775003 Entire helicotrema (body structure) P06039 Y 61275 P special senses organ system 1F7CCDD69D6A41C4BAB96603ED49112D A4BF18BF86204CECA6205D922DAEFC9C helicotrema Entire helicotrema (body structure) 6040 6040 06040 porus acusticus internus 1992003 S06040 Structure of porus acusticus internus (body structure) E06040 368976002 Entire porus acusticus internus (body structure) P06040 Y 53162 P 4387A0C830FC46D4A06570BB0637C534 7496721B5E394328BDC953358F8B475E porus acusticus internus Entire porus acusticus internus (body structure) 6041 6041 06041 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of index finger 116007 S06041 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of index finger (body structure) E06041 368297007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of index finger (body structure) P06041 Y D integument/surface FA1CFE90D35640DFBD5E41455986B7BE C6B6D2820D4E48CAA0AA30F158109237 Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of index finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of index finger (body structure) 6042 6042 06042 area nervi facialis of internal auditory canal 48410003 S06042 Structure of area nervi facialis of internal auditory canal (body structure) E06042 368972000 Entire area nervi facialis of internal auditory canal (body structure) P06042 Y 77748 P skeletal system B695206629E549A8B7ABCF9C562025F0 7CBA3C5E016C4F2B8B50EBCF97F20AF8 area nervi facialis of internal auditory canal Entire area nervi facialis of internal auditory canal (body structure) 6043 6043 06043 area cochleae of internal auditory canal 19344009 S06043 Structure of area cochleae of internal auditory canal (body structure) E06043 368973005 Entire area cochleae of internal auditory canal (body structure) P06043 Y 0 P skeletal system 930CA04689EA4C14945850197F2C9B20 1E1B26C2B2D84977959F7EC6FCCF1892 area cochleae of internal auditory canal Entire area cochleae of internal auditory canal (body structure) 6044 6044 06044 tractus spiralis foraminosus 21113009 S06044 Structure of tractus spiralis foraminosus (body structure) E06044 279796005 Entire tractus spiralis foraminosus (body structure) P06044 Y 77746 P special senses organ system 2CDB211ABA934BADB6C08138DCAE210F 7B1ABBF53E6347398577071FB7596A79 tractus spiralis foraminosus Entire tractus spiralis foraminosus (body structure) 6045 6045 06045 superior vestibular area of internal auditory canal 71045003 S06045 Structure of superior vestibular area of internal auditory canal (body structure) E06045 368974004 Entire superior vestibular area of internal auditory canal (body structure) P06045 Y 77750 P skeletal system AFEDCBA5BED349C3B2D4E6B41EBCAA90 51F908DAD6DF427492F85EDD64CBF23A superior vestibular area of internal auditory canal Entire superior vestibular area of internal auditory canal (body structure) 6046 6046 06046 inferior vestibular area of internal auditory canal 63352002 S06046 Structure of inferior vestibular area of internal auditory canal (body structure) E06046 368975003 Entire inferior vestibular area of internal auditory canal (body structure) P06046 Y 77751 P skeletal system 7DD02D1C36764F4FBBF08E1C93D394F1 B84C2FC324824C01A17F8459D04B3113 inferior vestibular area of internal auditory canal Entire inferior vestibular area of internal auditory canal (body structure) 6047 6047 06047 foramen singulare 5279001 S06047 Structure of foramen singulare (body structure) E06047 368977006 Entire foramen singulare (body structure) P06047 Y 75352 P skeletal system 07BDD22ADDF248068DE78DC39B6C18FD 4C59A2AD31B349F396F3E566331BE130 foramen singulare Entire foramen singulare (body structure) 6048 6048 06048 otoconia 1610007 S06048 Structure of otoconia (body structure) E06048 368951003 Entire otoconia (body structure) P06048 Y 77826 P special senses organ system B9E1524F632E45A297722FBC19273827 C7023CB1AB954CF7AF52109AE2A95B6B otoconia Entire otoconia (body structure) 6049 6049 06049 paraaortic body 90769006 S06049 Structure of paraaortic body (body structure) E06049 276159005 Entire paraaortic body (body structure) P06049 - 15647 P endocrine system A3256B02C1294D34AC1EB0A24CBCE4BD BE0BAD0B92784BA28561F1AD22239097 paraaortic body Entire paraaortic body (body structure) 6050 6050 06050 subcutaneous tissue between index and middle fingers 368404005 S06050 Structure of subcutaneous tissue between second and third fingers (body structure) E06050 84289004 Entire subcutaneous tissue between second and third fingers (body structure) P06050 Y P musculoskeletal system 2241A45DA903479BAE8F58F865977013 DDA4FBE0DF6547D18D8581250EE729EE subcutaneous tissue between second and third fingers Entire subcutaneous tissue between second and third fingers (body structure) 6051 6051 06051 transplanted endocrine pancreas 21843009 S06051 Structure of transplanted endocrine pancreas (body structure) E06051 248032000 Entire transplanted endocrine pancreas (body structure) P06051 - P endocrine system 5D2354E3EB78465C80F8385CC32B3B73 E599FDDB9CC84CE591201C898FD2FC98 transplanted endocrine pancreas Entire transplanted endocrine pancreas (body structure) 6052 6052 06052 alpha cell of islet 61028007 S06052 Structure of alpha Cell of islet (body structure) E06052 247770008 Entire alpha Cell of islet (body structure) P06052 - P endocrine system 623A2D51EB2B4D4E8C0256FD228C228D 1187FB4C190140548204C8E05F2FDC39 alpha Cell of islet Entire alpha Cell of islet (body structure) 6053 6053 06053 beta cell of islet 36565008 S06053 Structure of beta Cell of islet (body structure) E06053 247867004 Entire beta Cell of islet (body structure) P06053 - P endocrine system F6B885ABC4314A50BE29D3569714FB76 4B6CE09CB3554D058B2C5F151F608508 beta Cell of islet Entire beta Cell of islet (body structure) 6054 6054 06054 delta cell of islet 11815004 S06054 Structure of delta Cell of islet (body structure) E06054 247952004 Entire delta Cell of islet (body structure) P06054 - 70587 P endocrine system 9F3B055F6EA245C6A263EA939804FD2C 26F6A68BA6EB4E53AF2C15D754F40530 delta Cell of islet Entire delta Cell of islet (body structure) 6055 6055 06055 subcutaneous tissue of middle finger 27693004 S06055 Subcutaneous tissue structure of middle finger (body structure) E06055 368335000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of middle finger (body structure) P06055 Y D integument/surface D65CB91EE59645B5859A0DEFCC3ED8B5 663DDD28C59E4B4682ABF33C77660C57 Subcutaneous tissue of middle finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of middle finger (body structure) 6056 6056 06056 supratonsillar fossa 45438005 S06056 Structure of supratonsillar fossa (body structure) E06056 143218008 Entire supratonsillar fossa (body structure) P06056 Y 55050 P digestive system C23BA786C1CC4C76A872533AA0F7E6DF B8A2F58458174745BB5F03596530AAE9 supratonsillar fossa Entire supratonsillar fossa (body structure) 6057 6057 06057 pharyngopalatine arch 5944009 S06057 Structure of pharyngopalatine arch (body structure) E06057 276959009 Entire pharyngopalatine arch (body structure) P06057 Y 55025 P digestive system DBAD132D1D70443BB2192B7EE607FC16 D536664651EA4A429493CA42DD75912E pharyngopalatine arch Entire pharyngopalatine arch (body structure) 6058 6058 06058 tonsillar capsule 86019002 S06058 Structure of tonsillar capsule (body structure) E06058 142814006 Entire tonsillar capsule (body structure) P06058 Y P digestive system 141C28CE091C48A4B10DBC634B292E8E EA5DB5429B9C42B288D51FE6C119072C tonsillar capsule Entire tonsillar capsule (body structure) 6059 6059 06059 tonsillar crypt 82747007 S06059 Structure of tonsillar crypt (body structure) E06059 143723007 Entire tonsillar crypt (body structure) P06059 Y 55044 P regional/topgraphical 29FF31A5790F4D73B95387C8887BFBF8 3723F969C83940F9B754097CD4B44172 tonsillar crypt Entire tonsillar crypt (body structure) 6060 6060 06060 crypt of palatine tonsil 23528009 S06060 Structure of crypt of palatine tonsil (body structure) E06060 142915006 Entire crypt of palatine tonsil (body structure) P06060 Y 59761 P digestive system FA9DD255577B4314AEBAB4223C1A0706 73A1676062F745F3ADD73D2111C8FD27 crypt of palatine tonsil Entire crypt of palatine tonsil (body structure) 6061 6061 06061 mucous membrane of tonsil 12221008 S06061 Structure of mucous membrane of tonsil (body structure) E06061 143016001 Entire mucous membrane of tonsil (body structure) P06061 Y P digestive system A8B62A3228E44C39B72006CCE6F0895F 468FF43DB21244EC96CC1231845EDFDC mucous membrane of tonsil Entire mucous membrane of tonsil (body structure) 6062 6062 06062 subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of middle finger 17453008 S06062 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal surface of middle finger (body structure) E06062 368272008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of middle finger (body structure) P06062 Y D integument/surface 36EB312486DA45CD96565F80BDEE4960 98989EB8BEF64C37A358C68B83ED002E Subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of middle finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of middle finger (body structure) 6063 6063 06063 submucosa of tonsil 9758008 S06063 Structure of submucosa of tonsil (body structure) E06063 143117008 Entire submucosa of tonsil (body structure) P06063 Y 0 P digestive system 7CF5641E392E4FF68C11FF23119EFAE7 C18A6B0A436C4B209D32554BF09ADED3 submucosa of tonsil Entire submucosa of tonsil (body structure) 6064 6064 06064 peritonsillar tissue 1015003 S06064 Structure of peritonsillar tissue (body structure) E06064 303338007 Entire peritonsillar tissue (body structure) P06064 Y P digestive system 4776E1F1B7EE48D18319324E1D8ABCF6 2A8FD5EF1CC143BF914B2F15BE0A95AF peritonsillar tissue Entire peritonsillar tissue (body structure) 6065 6065 06065 crypt of pharyngeal tonsil 73061009 S06065 Structure of crypt of pharyngeal tonsil (body structure) E06065 143420009 Entire crypt of pharyngeal tonsil (body structure) P06065 Y 76581 P lymphoid system 2642FD88598E4649B89BDD4845C87623 C850B5A80A9C456E9CD85A2C34D02A21 crypt of pharyngeal tonsil Entire crypt of pharyngeal tonsil (body structure) 6066 6066 06066 tubal tonsil 21058000 S06066 Structure of tubal tonsil (body structure) E06066 143319002 Entire tubal tonsil (body structure) P06066 Y 54975 P lymphoid system 75A4A6B41A2A422FB4A33ED458AC6B10 4CAD2E8C888D49B1A0E08D7FF96C8202 tubal tonsil Entire tubal tonsil (body structure) 6067 6067 06067 mucous membrane of adenoid 31386006 S06067 Structure of mucous membrane of adenoid (body structure) E06067 143521006 Entire mucous membrane of adenoid (body structure) P06067 Y P lymphoid system 7BDE5DEF662E4F979FBF0B9CE3A0C2F5 0ECECFF0DBB7466E9DF8B2527A579A24 mucous membrane of adenoid Entire mucous membrane of adenoid (body structure) 6068 6068 06068 submucosa of adenoid 30308002 S06068 Structure of submucosa of adenoid (body structure) E06068 143622009 Entire submucosa of adenoid (body structure) P06068 Y 0 P lymphoid system E07F2E1ADA6F44699EBDF9663007AB4B 8485D3466D3543AAA4B4536D52DA3C13 submucosa of adenoid Entire submucosa of adenoid (body structure) 6069 6069 06069 temporal fossa 5717009 S06069 Structure of temporal fossa (body structure) E06069 137157009 Entire temporal fossa (body structure) P06069 Y 75307 P skeletal system BA3D91A1489340538CD9B36E83EBA2F1 9EF795A757314C8AB93FF3486CFA44E3 temporal fossa Entire temporal fossa (body structure) 6070 6070 06070 infratemporal fossa 69541002 S06070 Structure of infratemporal fossa (body structure) E06070 260616009 Entire infratemporal fossa (body structure) P06070 Y 75308 P 82ABCB6F71F4425F9070D485DDC264E4 931C33AFCD86431A8D56E9C7BAF05A69 infratemporal fossa Entire infratemporal fossa (body structure) 6071 6071 06071 subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of middle finger 34408008 S06071 Subcutaneous tissue structure of palmar surface of middle finger (body structure) E06071 368280001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of middle finger (body structure) P06071 Y D integument/surface E49B5DAE64434129887570577E4643B9 80953DBDDB4548F8BC8085D3D14CBA81 Subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of middle finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of middle finger (body structure) 6072 6072 06072 pterygopalatine fossa 35375001 S06072 Structure of pterygopalatine fossa (body structure) E06072 137258008 Entire pterygopalatine fossa (body structure) P06072 Y 75309 P 46D126CC2AEB4A5D856DF4CFEE76D31C AAE66E4D13D7488AA635E1124FDCFEBB pterygopalatine fossa Entire pterygopalatine fossa (body structure) 6073 6073 06073 supratentorial region of cranial cavity 42946006 S06073 Structure of supratentorial region of cranial cavity (body structure) E06073 368555000 Entire supratentorial region of cranial cavity (body structure) P06073 - P skeletal system CCCA85B774354994AB2F848C1E556897 E9134BECEE13485DBC091A766912B7CA supratentorial region of cranial cavity Entire supratentorial region of cranial cavity (body structure) 6074 6074 06074 skin of medial area of thigh 73958006 S06074 Skin structure of medial surface of thigh (body structure) E06074 181550009 Entire skin of medial surface of thigh (body structure) P06074 Y D integument/surface 803B44C7C4E8438CAE256056DA13C5E1 1988354E38C143EBA652C86AB76F1477 Skin of medial surface of thigh Entire skin of medial surface of thigh (body structure) 6075 6075 06075 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of middle finger 83495005 S06075 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of middle finger (body structure) E06075 368289000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of middle finger (body structure) P06075 Y D integument/surface F7604EA47C3843F286771A8DD07779E9 0F83725F8AC343ACA8F1634506555FA3 Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of middle finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of middle finger (body structure) 6076 6076 06076 infratentorial region of cranial cavity 86723003 S06076 Structure of infratentorial region of cranial cavity (body structure) E06076 368556004 Entire infratentorial region of cranial cavity (body structure) P06076 - P skeletal system B59B5F355FB8463FB1F1C7AD725DCE52 A06FEF151D3546129D1FEC0C07129E92 infratentorial region of cranial cavity Entire infratentorial region of cranial cavity (body structure) 6077 6077 06077 pituitary fossa 42575006 S06077 Structure of pituitary fossa (body structure) E06077 264194004 Entire pituitary fossa (body structure) P06077 - 54721 P skeletal system E799475CA58B4289B09B6344FEB48712 BA5063616DA44195B1AB6C64FE161323 pituitary fossa Entire pituitary fossa (body structure) 6078 6078 06078 tuberculum sellae 61645001 S06078 Structure of tuberculum sellae (body structure) E06078 139784008 Entire tuberculum sellae (body structure) P06078 - 54719 P skeletal system 096C8F154FE74C60BC029B8214CE58D2 1170E2DBE5324907BF87F135A50051A3 tuberculum sellae Entire tuberculum sellae (body structure) 6079 6079 06079 middle clinoid process 82932007 S06079 Structure of middle clinoid process (body structure) E06079 139885000 Entire middle clinoid process (body structure) P06079 Y 54700 P skeletal system 76A0EE364E2E4B2FA74FE1C5D046E714 09598784989D46E5B85A6E7A412DA9D1 middle clinoid process Entire middle clinoid process (body structure) 6080 6080 06080 posterior clinoid process 46117001 S06080 Structure of posterior clinoid process (body structure) E06080 139986003 Entire posterior clinoid process (body structure) P06080 Y 54696 P skeletal system 84BB8AB45DB84BDFA1F86F36AEEBBBF4 62681EFE5DCB4A969BC0C3AFCC12C212 posterior clinoid process Entire posterior clinoid process (body structure) 6081 6081 06081 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of middle finger 86596003 S06081 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of middle finger (body structure) E06081 368299005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of middle finger (body structure) P06081 Y D integument/surface F9027E8F9A4140D79218B7A8A6934D20 E65BEA478DA54513B1E4FCC65A0C5D34 Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of middle finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of middle finger (body structure) 6082 6082 06082 anterior clinoid process 69148001 S06082 Structure of anterior clinoid process (body structure) E06082 140188009 Entire anterior clinoid process (body structure) P06082 Y 54693 P skeletal system 553150716F904CA99C884A01BF82A2F9 583B2F2FA8004ADFBFE1792FFB25F040 anterior clinoid process Entire anterior clinoid process (body structure) 6083 6083 06083 orbital opening 13898006 S06083 Structure of orbital opening (body structure) E06083 368862004 Entire orbital opening (body structure) P06083 Y 53134 P special senses organ system 4AA538B84F034057AAEE824B73343BB9 09B96216C86949969EDCCD1F0FA294CB orbital opening Entire orbital opening (body structure) 6084 6084 06084 inferior orbital fissure 30862007 S06084 Structure of inferior orbital fissure (body structure) E06084 280560007 Entire inferior orbital fissure (body structure) P06084 Y 0 P special senses organ system 422165A044A84516894295082F214342 12E67DD3B4614C6880815DBAEF9DE9C0 inferior orbital fissure Entire inferior orbital fissure (body structure) 6085 6085 06085 subcutaneous tissue between middle and ring fingers 368405006 S06085 Structure of subcutaneous tissue between third and fourth fingers (body structure) E06085 74048002 Entire subcutaneous tissue between third and fourth fingers (body structure) P06085 Y P musculoskeletal system 31D69C6C152D4B92A6D4DAC3F40813F4 8ED7274498EC4503851130398E7760A1 subcutaneous tissue between third and fourth fingers Entire subcutaneous tissue between third and fourth fingers (body structure) 6086 6086 06086 retrobulbar region 33428000 S06086 Structure of retroorbital region (body structure) E06086 368864003 Entire retroorbital region (body structure) P06086 Y P special senses organ system E7C3D03183A74921B24B14A029890DAA 426850E9DB084DD0A455D4B6AFE9C0B2 retroorbital region Entire retroorbital region (body structure) 6087 6087 06087 retrobulbar tissue 87914003 S06087 Structure of retrobulbar tissue (body structure) E06087 368865002 Entire retrobulbar tissue (body structure) P06087 Y P special senses organ system F61E2618F7EC48B5A128CA4E065F6C5F 0DA47FB94B6B4E49B2A0D761E607E553 retrobulbar tissue Entire retrobulbar tissue (body structure) 6088 6088 06088 median umbilical fold 66027001 S06088 Structure of median umbilical fold (body structure) E06088 279428002 Entire median umbilical fold (body structure) P06088 - 16536 P musculoskeletal system DE16DAFDD3B64EA2A15C1A7696313808 1FDCD16D426247CFA73B61253AD4906E median umbilical fold Entire median umbilical fold (body structure) 6089 6089 06089 medial umbilical fold 34373001 S06089 Structure of medial umbilical fold (body structure) E06089 279427007 Entire medial umbilical fold (body structure) P06089 Y 16535 P urinary system CF63B610C9D24AC89434CF078A4E5F36 AF69A8B5213C4EF6A9199409F8E686FC medial umbilical fold Entire medial umbilical fold (body structure) 6090 6090 06090 ligament of liver 262018003 S06090 Structure of ligament of liver (body structure) E06090 48536008 Entire ligament of liver (body structure) P06090 - 15820 P digestive system 67A296A259364F7AB4C8EEC6C24AA3DB 0B6E547CA5DD4134A6C689799265658F ligament of liver Entire ligament of liver (body structure) 6091 6091 06091 subcutaneous tissue of ring finger 4840007 S06091 Subcutaneous tissue structure of ring finger (body structure) E06091 368349009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of ring finger (body structure) P06091 Y D integument/surface 70514C09180B453797AB18EDCD2564DF 34CC067458DD43558D39DD273930A531 Subcutaneous tissue of ring finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of ring finger (body structure) 6092 6092 06092 coronary ligament 57627008 S06092 Structure of coronary ligament (body structure) E06092 279967000 Entire coronary ligament (body structure) P06092 - 15822 P digestive system F7C7999D90CC4DED8AE8BAC8B26EE08B 54A2152C62AF4895AA8E6F2345B7DF0D coronary ligament Entire coronary ligament (body structure) 6093 6093 06093 triangular ligament 39043001 S06093 Structure of triangular ligament (body structure) E06093 279968005 Entire triangular ligament (body structure) P06093 - 15821 P digestive system DDAF2A2B04954C2B8BEE015EAAC56D08 4BD0D27340304651A44D238D5A3C7B7B triangular ligament Entire triangular ligament (body structure) 6094 6094 06094 right triangular ligament 17479004 S06094 Structure of right triangular ligament (body structure) E06094 279969002 Entire right triangular ligament (body structure) P06094 - 15824 R P digestive system 757ADB98AA734EF7847E72C0214136D3 BB50A60826E64FDE945077535781E77A right triangular ligament Entire right triangular ligament (body structure) 6095 6095 06095 left triangular ligament 43903004 S06095 Structure of left triangular ligament (body structure) E06095 279970001 Entire left triangular ligament (body structure) P06095 - 15825 L P digestive system C04224FCD0C14293A7FF2AAD277512B5 88ACC14EBDC0427C875110E89B22C870 left triangular ligament Entire left triangular ligament (body structure) 6096 6096 06096 hepatorenal ligament 38034003 S06096 Structure of hepatorenal ligament (body structure) E06096 279971002 Entire hepatorenal ligament (body structure) P06096 - 16519 P digestive system 26D78ADD467C48CBBBE2B234328058E0 8C14EB3AEEFE44928E83F85588E61EE4 hepatorenal ligament Entire hepatorenal ligament (body structure) 6097 6097 06097 ligamentum teres of liver 1684009 S06097 Structure of ligamentum teres of liver (body structure) E06097 262209009 Entire ligamentum teres of liver (body structure) P06097 - 14079 P digestive system 00F49D05A6404CDFA632D31BE8EA42A7 5C61B26F92B04A67B3F40901D22F5456 ligamentum teres of liver Entire ligamentum teres of liver (body structure) 6098 6098 06098 ligamentum venosum of liver 262307008 S06098 Structure of ligamentum venosum of liver (body structure) E06098 80391004 Entire ligamentum venosum of liver (body structure) P06098 - 14080 P digestive system 42F51C8B96734AC09A48EA4AE926F733 414265DD5F3947AD9B3F6A20E2381B30 ligamentum venosum of liver Entire ligamentum venosum of liver (body structure) 6099 6099 06099 subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of ring finger 66574003 S06099 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal surface of ring finger (body structure) E06099 368273003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of ring finger (body structure) P06099 Y D integument/surface A054315DBBFB4D489341AD22561FA72F D32A1F49ED6E463E8CD7F685A4067D62 Subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of ring finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of ring finger (body structure) 6100 6100 06100 rectovaginal septum 67262005 S06100 Structure of rectovaginal septum (body structure) E06100 280538009 Entire rectovaginal septum (body structure) P06100 - 19934 P genital system A845DE65C841456A8478800BAD367E75 ACF3FBA5175144FAAEFDC36325C39B09 rectovaginal septum Entire rectovaginal septum (body structure) 6101 6101 06101 rectovesical septum 26921001 S06101 Structure of rectovesical septum (body structure) E06101 251302002 Entire rectovesical septum (body structure) P06101 - 19933 P urinary system A24BA53B48DD4871BB3E950BE8C9D7A8 9942D6FF0E4241FE8C3E056C29DA2218 rectovesical septum Entire rectovesical septum (body structure) 6102 6102 06102 obstetrical canal 8389004 S06102 Structure of obstetrical canal (body structure) E06102 299525005 Entire obstetrical canal (body structure) P06102 - P genital system 6441CA4D819A4433BFC7348D189C0B03 52E99D7EB0EC479A9E26030506D5B26B obstetrical canal Entire obstetrical canal (body structure) 6103 6103 06103 supporting tissue of urinary bladder 58859002 S06103 Structure of supporting tissue of urinary bladder (body structure) E06103 250834008 Entire supporting tissue of urinary bladder (body structure) P06103 - P urinary system 661A711935BE443FA25F4A646F1EF75D 94A91EAE50244A9C99C96C82D973081F supporting tissue of urinary bladder Entire supporting tissue of urinary bladder (body structure) 6104 6104 06104 supporting tissue of rectum 3370002 S06104 Structure of supporting tissue of rectum (body structure) E06104 259797002 Entire supporting tissue of rectum (body structure) P06104 - P digestive system 6C8620AA0B3C4455B5D79F8F755820DA FBED1BA5E95A40F39610B08157DD88E0 supporting tissue of rectum Entire supporting tissue of rectum (body structure) 6105 6105 06105 uterine ligament 17149004 S06105 Structure of uterine ligament (body structure) E06105 272668006 Entire uterine ligament (body structure) P06105 Y P genital system 1C7734A275B649B8A505B49616A059D1 51222EEF620A4575AEDA55CEB44DBF99 uterine ligament Entire uterine ligament (body structure) 6106 6106 06106 anterior ligament of uterus 2905008 S06106 Structure of anterior ligament of uterus (body structure) E06106 279895004 Entire anterior ligament of uterus (body structure) P06106 Y 19813 P genital system B0F5C2297C314D9384269957AA5A29B5 E13CBC9116C5403E8B6247A2B3F79AD8 anterior ligament of uterus Entire anterior ligament of uterus (body structure) 6107 6107 06107 rectovesical pouch 85481009 S06107 Structure of rectovesical pouch (body structure) E06107 261416006 Entire rectovesical pouch (body structure) P06107 - 14727 P digestive system F6A8684EA637407BBE5B09C814CA5A27 E2E955788CD44972A420EAD4DC2B81CD rectovesical pouch Entire rectovesical pouch (body structure) 6108 6108 06108 subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of ring finger 55068002 S06108 Subcutaneous tissue structure of palmar surface of ring finger (body structure) E06108 368282009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of ring finger (body structure) P06108 Y D integument/surface 1965799CB5B247D7A26E461A09A9A2BC C1EC181652AA424F92BD38FD6FA58E4E Subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of ring finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of ring finger (body structure) 6109 6109 06109 supravesical fossa 65203001 S06109 Structure of supravesical fossa (body structure) E06109 368075000 Entire supravesical fossa (body structure) P06109 Y 21051 P digestive system 807D948DB8DC4987913494700E861922 BE778CB628FD429E9AFD077ACBE64884 supravesical fossa Entire supravesical fossa (body structure) 6110 6110 06110 paravesical fossa 41790009 S06110 Structure of paravesical fossa (body structure) E06110 249904004 Entire paravesical fossa (body structure) P06110 Y 16546 P digestive system 5414D1C41D144BB280BF27E766A6C96A 6CC2E077149142B79A05824ED973896C paravesical fossa Entire paravesical fossa (body structure) 6111 6111 06111 vesicouterine pouch 83570007 S06111 Structure of vesicouterine pouch (body structure) E06111 249806003 Entire vesicouterine pouch (body structure) P06111 - 14729 P digestive system 2F57E12CE8CF47C7A82F15BE55013ACD A7485D8651C441A9837B8780CAA012AB vesicouterine pouch Entire vesicouterine pouch (body structure) 6112 6112 06112 rectouterine pouch 53843000 S06112 Structure of rectouterine pouch (body structure) E06112 181447009 Entire rectouterine pouch (body structure) P06112 - 14728 P digestive system 4301711F8B514462B8DE22EDEF07BB9B 31BD522433CC452F8A769C65FF25C8DB rectouterine pouch Entire rectouterine pouch (body structure) 6113 6113 06113 uterosacral ligament 91607008 S06113 Structure of uterosacral ligament (body structure) E06113 245496005 Entire uterosacral ligament (body structure) P06113 Y 19111 P genital system F1389AFD6A154813891434995CB72C23 6C63F2BA0A8E4EB28A5DD6F8C3B00049 uterosacral ligament Entire uterosacral ligament (body structure) 6114 6114 06114 pararectal fossa 85353002 S06114 Structure of pararectal fossa (body structure) E06114 249996009 Entire pararectal fossa (body structure) P06114 Y 19749 P digestive system AFD41CFDD94F4C319F7AC3525E722B2D EE44FEF58C5D4963825E5B4C91355318 pararectal fossa Entire pararectal fossa (body structure) 6115 6115 06115 ovarian ligament 7435002 S06115 Structure of ovarian ligament (body structure) E06115 279916003 Entire ovarian ligament (body structure) P06115 Y 55422 P genital system CA61B8BA59F0484F8C33D29271688C6F 79CB5B0055554005A7D79D20BDC975C3 ovarian ligament Entire ovarian ligament (body structure) 6116 6116 06116 mesovarium 20963009 S06116 Structure of mesovarium (body structure) E06116 279914000 Entire mesovarium (body structure) P06116 Y 19815 P genital system B95CCA2CC4FD46889006D27D68AA6FA8 0308B81C6E204548A6754CAF2CE76B0D mesovarium Entire mesovarium (body structure) 6117 6117 06117 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of ring finger 91282007 S06117 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of ring finger (body structure) E06117 368291008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of ring finger (body structure) P06117 Y D integument/surface 2147D041992D43FBB56036569D2F1EB2 15B419F335DE4EE7B88D2079DB040F7A Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of ring finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of ring finger (body structure) 6119 6119 06119 mesosalpinx 72626008 S06119 Structure of mesosalpinx (body structure) E06119 279900000 Entire mesosalpinx (body structure) P06119 Y 19808 P genital system 5BE8923D0F634C98A940423910C80333 8CBD77B278944673A6B6171243F2464B mesosalpinx Entire mesosalpinx (body structure) 6120 6120 06120 suspensory ligament of ovary 74676009 S06120 Structure of suspensory ligament of ovary (body structure) E06120 279917007 Entire suspensory ligament of ovary (body structure) P06120 Y 19822 P genital system 34594AF6F9EC4E77B03FCDCF0E00CEAE CA5F2275E10C4D759A2CB8EF83571C23 suspensory ligament of ovary Entire suspensory ligament of ovary (body structure) 6121 6121 06121 mesometrium 77757006 S06121 Structure of mesometrium (body structure) E06121 250172001 Entire mesometrium (body structure) P06121 Y 19816 P genital system 80CE4979621148889CE8EAF4FE2D4BE7 8451EE5C82174A56B12A3F94BB33BE48 mesometrium Entire mesometrium (body structure) 6122 6122 06122 round ligament of uterus 50840003 S06122 Structure of round ligament of uterus (body structure) E06122 245495009 Entire round ligament of uterus (body structure) P06122 Y 20420 P genital system 13AF5E7AB4A34C37B23928CDD739B1F1 5CE1CB45CC904BC5823068D165B3FDB5 round ligament of uterus Entire round ligament of uterus (body structure) 6123 6123 06123 transverse cervical ligament 74260007 S06123 Structure of transverse cervical ligament (body structure) E06123 279889000 Entire transverse cervical ligament (body structure) P06123 Y 77064 P genital system D4527F402C824377AC03974CAE2126AC 1B005D2DAFBD4C989E7CFB3CE5A9735E transverse cervical ligament Entire transverse cervical ligament (body structure) 6124 6124 06124 uteropelvic ligament 17477002 S06124 Structure of uteropelvic ligament (body structure) E06124 250268006 Entire uteropelvic ligament (body structure) P06124 Y P genital system F3BBA6A7C9BC4394ACF731C7A08E150C E497E1EDC0654D4681AFC9EC252889A5 uteropelvic ligament Entire uteropelvic ligament (body structure) 6125 6125 06125 processus vaginalis testis 67468006 S06125 Structure of processus vaginalis testis (body structure) E06125 367713008 Entire processus vaginalis testis (body structure) P06125 Y P genital system 0F57810A95F24BA587B885BE457F458F 748736EEF70140DB91CB2000F5805E11 processus vaginalis testis Entire processus vaginalis testis (body structure) 6126 6126 06126 lateral bicipital sulcus 63474007 S06126 Structure of lateral bicipital sulcus (body structure) E06126 368205009 Entire lateral bicipital sulcus (body structure) P06126 Y 74568 P skeletal system A8CDE73944714F59891EB780F7A1F20F 14A87645446D40A596EC072DC5D442A4 lateral bicipital sulcus Entire lateral bicipital sulcus (body structure) 6127 6127 06127 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of ring finger 40486000 S06127 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of ring finger (body structure) E06127 368301003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of ring finger (body structure) P06127 Y D integument/surface 70D1E71E56AD4156996AFDAE4BC82939 D9C9F44BE4324E0E9AE7D2F50A4BD561 Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of ring finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of ring finger (body structure) 6128 6128 06128 medial bicipital sulcus 88787005 S06128 Structure of medial bicipital sulcus (body structure) E06128 368206005 Entire medial bicipital sulcus (body structure) P06128 Y 74569 P skeletal system 930B9059BB824BF4A9CC78C48BF718CF D1B5B09357294BC6BFF2A7702A8707A4 medial bicipital sulcus Entire medial bicipital sulcus (body structure) 6129 6129 06129 product of conception 26864007 S06129 Structure of product of conception (body structure) E06129 280706002 Entire product of conception (body structure) P06129 - 0 P 803C4CBB766E428FA811F9E27813AE3E 7E004B8805A74F7889FF39B7D6BDE565 product of conception Entire product of conception (body structure) 6130 6130 06130 uterine part of placenta 22136002 S06130 Structure of uterine part of placenta (body structure) E06130 255944006 Entire uterine part of placenta (body structure) P06130 - P A834C29519244F28901A12102AF75175 9C2F6C85BF45429BA8CCF6FC874537DA uterine part of placenta Entire uterine part of placenta (body structure) 6131 6131 06131 fetal part of placenta 107008 S06131 Structure of fetal part of placenta (body structure) E06131 256034004 Entire fetal part of placenta (body structure) P06131 - 0 P 6AC00B611B964852A316B1F63DBE0A37 06D9EDE08ADF45DBAC636A2CF6B8C4E7 fetal part of placenta Entire fetal part of placenta (body structure) 6132 6132 06132 syncytial trophoblast 15594001 S06132 Structure of syncytial trophoblast (body structure) E06132 256965005 Entire syncytial trophoblast (body structure) P06132 - 83040 P E0D805D7C77141319847BD203DE0C3E0 A718BD5CCCB5470CB20F70055F7F4465 syncytial trophoblast Entire syncytial trophoblast (body structure) 6133 6133 06133 subcutaneous tissue between ring and little fingers 368406007 S06133 Structure of subcutaneous tissue between fourth and fifth fingers (body structure) E06133 69222004 Entire subcutaneous tissue between fourth and fifth fingers (body structure) P06133 Y P musculoskeletal system 9AEBFDF27EA64C8296A357A31D65F9C5 6A45506BBC0C4411A8A3416FBAE42D28 subcutaneous tissue between fourth and fifth fingers Entire subcutaneous tissue between fourth and fifth fingers (body structure) 6134 6134 06134 cytotrophoblast 6450001 S06134 Structure of cytotrophoblast (body structure) E06134 308841008 Entire cytotrophoblast (body structure) P06134 - 83039 P 6427625C36254DD184D32CDF4D8D09CE F4039AC1D9B5485EAECA494CC4199851 cytotrophoblast Entire cytotrophoblast (body structure) 6135 6135 06135 placental space 73611001 S06135 Structure of placental spaces (body structure) E06135 257067006 Entire placental spaces (body structure) P06135 - P E76BD3826E9D47E4A0F58ACBE006F617 BE97364C6D4E4266ADB7190861A2294F placental spaces Entire placental spaces (body structure) 6136 6136 06136 placenta and membrane 108363007 S06136 Structure of placenta AND/OR membrane (body structure) E06136 257169006 Entire placenta and membrane (body structure) P06136 - P regional/topgraphical/group A486162CA54C422991926F9DAA7CB541 E7A5D9CF48734BAAA540683CA682D52E placenta AND/OR membrane Entire placenta and membrane (body structure) 6137 6137 06137 decidua parietalis 29855001 S06137 Structure of decidua parietalis (body structure) E06137 255413006 Entire decidua parietalis (body structure) P06137 - 86479 P genital system B2C2281EF0074ACA82AAB17EC7C314D8 15706829C7DE42809660A65A9D92487C decidua parietalis Entire decidua parietalis (body structure) 6138 6138 06138 decidua capsularis 50051004 S06138 Structure of decidua capsularis (body structure) E06138 255498003 Entire decidua capsularis (body structure) P06138 - 86478 P genital system C6B316E5A4DB4CB18853E7F3087081DF C6294F6A23CC4AE19C194137E1C79163 decidua capsularis Entire decidua capsularis (body structure) 6139 6139 06139 subcutaneous tissue of little finger 56186008 S06139 Subcutaneous tissue structure of little finger (body structure) E06139 368363003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of little finger (body structure) P06139 Y D integument/surface C6E3B4E5C4B24D16836EA481A12F2500 6262A120A0764BA8BCC08E51FFDDD06D Subcutaneous tissue of little finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of little finger (body structure) 6140 6140 06140 intervillous space 44605000 S06140 Structure of intervillous space (body structure) E06140 257252003 Entire intervillous space (body structure) P06140 - P 62AF1C88F51E4759B3558C32CE0712DD 47272AF07FF3465094B2F619158B6F4D intervillous space Entire intervillous space (body structure) 6141 6141 06141 immature chorionic villi 79426000 S06141 Structure of immature chorionic villi (body structure) E06141 256119008 Entire immature chorionic villi (body structure) P06141 - P ACF1448B2D554F8C835C198AFB29DB1C 976FABF5BD224DF28F27DC3AE5EEEC00 immature chorionic villi Entire immature chorionic villi (body structure) 6142 6142 06142 mature chorionic villi 15940000 S06142 Structure of mature chorionic villi (body structure) E06142 256212006 Entire mature chorionic villi (body structure) P06142 - P E806D096A4AF4EE68BDE94E03903DEFB 1AE696EEE7F140659AB436F53040927D mature chorionic villi Entire mature chorionic villi (body structure) 6143 6143 06143 mesenchymal villous core 21195003 S06143 Structure of mesenchymal villous core (body structure) E06143 256296008 Entire mesenchymal villous core (body structure) P06143 - P 864C3487FA2C4DCF8675BDA21A9B58ED 083CBC61B0DE414096B8454E9DAA54AF mesenchymal villous core Entire mesenchymal villous core (body structure) 6144 6144 06144 chorionic plate 71287005 S06144 Structure of chorionic plate (body structure) E06144 256391000 Entire chorionic plate (body structure) P06144 - P C36325B1562A41EEAE9BBF285E9C1E98 4456F1B839E946F0B0CFD28128DBA75E chorionic plate Entire chorionic plate (body structure) 6145 6145 06145 chorion frondosum 37333001 S06145 Structure of chorion frondosum (body structure) E06145 257341007 Entire chorion frondosum (body structure) P06145 - P E2AA251FF20048A093F3F537934F96AE 33F679B70F074F88BE2891A0B34A9C62 chorion frondosum Entire chorion frondosum (body structure) 6146 6146 06146 chorion laeve 32791008 S06146 Structure of chorion laeve (body structure) E06146 257682002 Entire chorion laeve (body structure) P06146 - P 0D396A477DC446E8B85A06EA923DAE7D ADC304A282D445C093A90B95A52C2C5D chorion laeve Entire chorion laeve (body structure) 6147 6147 06147 subchorionic space 4352005 S06147 Structure of subchorionic space (body structure) E06147 257773004 Entire subchorionic space (body structure) P06147 - P EF700B4606B945CF8CB3070E10EBA814 FEF1A6FD456443C19FB14DA030E2B224 subchorionic space Entire subchorionic space (body structure) 6148 6148 06148 amnion 70847004 S06148 Structure of amnion (body structure) E06148 181457005 Entire amnion (body structure) P06148 - 80223 P 889E0CE090E24B5EA67819C41C7206D9 26A3BAD3A8B849488CEC08CF643C5EF5 amnion Entire amnion (body structure) 6149 6149 06149 skin of lateral area of thigh 80001000 S06149 Skin structure of lateral surface of thigh (body structure) E06149 181551008 Entire skin of lateral surface of thigh (body structure) P06149 Y D integument/surface BAD4E7EA377840C68A04EB4771798E17 779DF80C62DA426F9B452954D2859EF5 Skin of lateral surface of thigh Entire skin of lateral surface of thigh (body structure) 6150 6150 06150 subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of little finger 52202004 S06150 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal surface of little finger (body structure) E06150 368274009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of little finger (body structure) P06150 Y D integument/surface 78FF6FE6957E4371A391B3B644F0C83E C27F03FBF38146AAB017F99B79E2FDEE Subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of little finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of little finger (body structure) 6151 6151 06151 amniotic cavity 65022003 S06151 Structure of amniotic cavity (body structure) E06151 280366002 Entire amniotic cavity (body structure) P06151 - 63941 P 89BD48B6DF0E43E6B39C85468F7D62D9 AB867B5765334E93ABEAB622244B4E18 amniotic cavity Entire amniotic cavity (body structure) 6152 6152 06152 vitelline blood vessel of placenta 66331002 S06152 Structure of vitelline blood vessel of placenta (body structure) E06152 256680001 Entire vitelline blood vessel of placenta (body structure) P06152 - P cardiovascular system D1293C8351914C919E100EEF0EB0A003 3370ACE7F3F44B058C3C2BAD7DD719DB vitelline blood vessel of placenta Entire vitelline blood vessel of placenta (body structure) 6153 6153 06153 vitelline artery of placenta 256779006 S06153 Structure of vitelline artery of placenta (body structure) E06153 33240002 Entire vitelline artery of placenta (body structure) P06153 - P cardiovascular system D2DBE1F6B4C543FBB3B8D9D2BB6EE67D F80FA0F9BFB349D0B54C63EE73AE151E vitelline artery of placenta Entire vitelline artery of placenta (body structure) 6154 6154 06154 vitelline vein of placenta 256875007 S06154 Structure of vitelline vein of placenta (body structure) E06154 2730004 Entire vitelline vein of placenta (body structure) P06154 - P cardiovascular system 2FAB40AD595F492E910CC1E1FD3BECBC 6BA921A6207E485BBEEA97E06F5AEE04 vitelline vein of placenta Entire vitelline vein of placenta (body structure) 6155 6155 06155 yolk stalk 41629008 S06155 Structure of yolk stalk (body structure) E06155 280701007 Entire yolk stalk (body structure) P06155 - P digestive system FAD50BE66D8D4AF29C136A52EE8554FF 99BAF3A4C9F643DBBF406E00E2D4AF73 yolk stalk Entire yolk stalk (body structure) 6156 6156 06156 placental fetal surface 29721009 S06156 Structure of placental fetal surface (body structure) E06156 257421001 Entire placental fetal surface (body structure) P06156 - P regional/topgraphical 2170D33272C84EB5B225B57B9079BD3D 6B92C52E5362484DA858B5FE19E33ECC placental fetal surface Entire placental fetal surface (body structure) 6157 6157 06157 placental maternal surface 53400004 S06157 Structure of placental maternal surface (body structure) E06157 257515002 Entire placental maternal surface (body structure) P06157 - P regional/topgraphical D4A5CB52C13D4A399724E1F3268E073A CACFA078376E439889BA6797E16EC4CC placental maternal surface Entire placental maternal surface (body structure) 6158 6158 06158 placental cotyledon 12669002 S06158 Structure of placental cotyledon (body structure) E06158 256491001 Entire placental cotyledon (body structure) P06158 - P 3C0B914BC0444366AE7BBB83CF0090C7 83D762EDA0A8442EA271B9CA7671208A placental cotyledon Entire placental cotyledon (body structure) 6159 6159 06159 placental membrane 82530009 S06159 Structure of placental membrane (body structure) E06159 256591004 Entire placental membrane (body structure) P06159 - P 7C6514508A334C76B377D309C6BE9D58 1B23A8ACA6394CF59E65E9C8EBE04126 placental membrane Entire placental membrane (body structure) 6160 6160 06160 subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of little finger 45453002 S06160 Subcutaneous tissue structure of palmar surface of little finger (body structure) E06160 368284005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of little finger (body structure) P06160 Y D integument/surface AE612C9AF09947DB8F4D53BEFB8D6A5D 41B6D68F2D374D57BBECDC52CFA2D779 Subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of little finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of palmar surface of little finger (body structure) 6161 6161 06161 placental attachment of umbilical cord 29493001 S06161 Structure of placental attachment of umbilical cord (body structure) E06161 368068001 Entire placental attachment of umbilical cord (body structure) P06161 - P D580AAE2AB9845A99B9B19E407A30EB5 DB6D5A46AF174E87866C6F705B6228FC placental attachment of umbilical cord Entire placental attachment of umbilical cord (body structure) 6162 6162 06162 umbilical artery 50536004 S06162 Structure of umbilical artery (body structure) E06162 261404000 Entire umbilical artery (body structure) P06162 Y 66640 P arterial system 16F265F97A124B6DAC69D8965C5C12DE C006825F8C6A48D6AA450BEF377542AA umbilical artery Entire umbilical artery (body structure) 6163 6163 06163 Wharton's jelly 53455001 S06163 Structure of Wharton's jelly (body structure) E06163 368069009 Entire Wharton's jelly (body structure) P06163 - P 313818712CAC47EC84B137E079A05E99 83D8E2F082964E25A521AA4896BDB3A4 Wharton's jelly Entire Wharton's jelly (body structure) 6164 6164 06164 allantois 83575002 S06164 Structure of allantois (body structure) E06164 308825007 Entire allantois (body structure) P06164 - P 533BE9C5AC0846B299F8E7D6B777FB48 FB41CA570F694ADAB1BC4AA67D27BA73 allantois Entire allantois (body structure) 6165 6165 06165 amniotic villi 22814003 S06165 Structure of amniotic villi (body structure) E06165 368070005 Entire amniotic villi (body structure) P06165 - P 0BAD5936A2D642678FE6BFB03C62B747 7C4317F56E8E43C989990C5D3EE51247 amniotic villi Entire amniotic villi (body structure) 6166 6166 06166 Nitabuch's layer 54063000 S06166 Structure of Nitabuch's layer (body structure) E06166 255719009 Entire Nitabuch's layer (body structure) P06166 - P genital system FC39FD78FE8F4B2FA0286D668081DEF1 35D5280573DE401998B20912BF6FAD3F Nitabuch's layer Entire Nitabuch's layer (body structure) 6167 6167 06167 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of little finger 46004002 S06167 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of little finger (body structure) E06167 368293006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of little finger (body structure) P06167 Y D integument/surface 742FE85DCC244CCF94C76E2AE9F761D4 7940CFE8A22847B3A462BEA00E667A8F Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of little finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of little finger (body structure) 6168 6168 06168 coiled artery of decidua basalis 113363001 S06168 Structure of coiled artery of decidua basalis (body structure) E06168 255574007 Entire coiled artery of decidua basalis (body structure) P06168 Y P genital system A1696C20F40F43F38F1397C3E83ED00A EF4469EF99C84E82B1501B921F3F050D coiled artery of decidua basalis Entire coiled artery of decidua basalis (body structure) 6169 6169 06169 marginal venous sinus of placental attachment 72740004 S06169 Structure of marginal venous sinus of placental attachment (body structure) E06169 255651000 Entire marginal venous sinus of placental attachment (body structure) P06169 - P cardiovascular system 617D61DC26B54CFF8D04C8095DC3A3C6 49DE7452D4A54036A397A33B6E3A8276 marginal venous sinus of placental attachment Entire marginal venous sinus of placental attachment (body structure) 6170 6170 06170 collecting vein of border of placental attachment 49164002 S06170 Structure of collecting vein of border of placental attachment (body structure) E06170 255851003 Entire collecting vein of border of placental attachment (body structure) P06170 - P cardiovascular system 750F82FC35A4454A934DA558191B8726 2339755619254131883FFD1CD3CCB2BE collecting vein of border of placental attachment Entire collecting vein of border of placental attachment (body structure) 6171 6171 06171 transplanted embryo 53017002 S06171 Structure of transplanted embryo (body structure) E06171 296179005 Entire transplanted embryo (body structure) P06171 - P BCF4BEDC996543C58C091B1369C5B0BF 7E19AFB70219475C81C1704C26A20D3A transplanted embryo Entire transplanted embryo (body structure) 6172 6172 06172 exocelomic membrane 36414003 S06172 Structure of exocelomic membrane (body structure) E06172 296586008 Entire exocelomic membrane (body structure) P06172 - P 353C0050C5A5435DB4EF97DD9F11146E 83944D5EF7604360ADBB82254BBA98A0 exocelomic membrane Entire exocelomic membrane (body structure) 6173 6173 06173 exocelomic cavity 53440005 S06173 Structure of exocelomic cavity (body structure) E06173 257860007 Entire exocelomic cavity (body structure) P06173 - P E8AD65EB44304A6E8F341814B2A8790B AC5016AEB2824A969BFBF7391D22B5EE exocelomic cavity Entire exocelomic cavity (body structure) 6174 6174 06174 extraembryonic mesoblast 72392006 S06174 Structure of extraembryonic mesoblast (body structure) E06174 344332002 Entire extraembryonic mesoblast (body structure) P06174 - P CB38049E3DF9454FB18A9036CCBEF96E 9C3853CD97D04291872F8CA461EF1D96 extraembryonic mesoblast Entire extraembryonic mesoblast (body structure) 6175 6175 06175 embryonic disc 83987001 S06175 Structure of embryonic disc (body structure) E06175 345654000 Entire embryonic disc (body structure) P06175 - P 3278AE9765B6416FB24A6BCCA7531E51 F786A3FAA90E4E87A36085DFB4C687F8 embryonic disc Entire embryonic disc (body structure) 6176 6176 06176 septum transversum 40965008 S06176 Structure of septum transversum (body structure) E06176 308819008 Entire septum transversum (body structure) P06176 - P AEA372A0DF054D1994C4F3CDAF913746 1FA4A8134A1149DAAEA1F4CEF42CB97D septum transversum Entire septum transversum (body structure) 6177 6177 06177 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of little finger 74454005 S06177 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of little finger (body structure) E06177 368303000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of little finger (body structure) P06177 Y D integument/surface A30D47B570C149DC88290FC6EAA9C8EC 86F12D5236BE4B8DA07859C9D9284622 Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of little finger Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of little finger (body structure) 6178 6178 06178 pleural canal 74112002 S06178 Structure of pleural canal (body structure) E06178 344231006 Entire pleural canal (body structure) P06178 Y P 52AA99FD3A1F4B7EB27FE66E007B9F8D 18EDEAAF599C4F218885E167EAE6C41D pleural canal Entire pleural canal (body structure) 6179 6179 06179 mesogastrium 3396000 S06179 Structure of mesogastrium (body structure) E06179 261623000 Entire mesogastrium (body structure) P06179 - P digestive system 81EA51E7F877413FA3B0AE3818F8D610 53EA8D9D3B16401CB8E9C1E28F39F0A5 mesogastrium Entire mesogastrium (body structure) 6180 6180 06180 dorsal mesentery 68003006 S06180 Structure of dorsal mesentery (body structure) E06180 308823000 Entire dorsal mesentery (body structure) P06180 - 79795 P digestive system 256A87FF2DC349A4A1964ADF5B248CE8 97462BFF568D40D695347E2CA84B8D06 dorsal mesentery Entire dorsal mesentery (body structure) 6181 6181 06181 embryo categorized by stage 113364007 S06181 Structure of embryo stage (body structure) E06181 296280003 Entire embryo stage (body structure) P06181 - P F2023F6683B2494B977C41D0C2F7021D 0D4258A12CF84DB4BF0FA98F92C55EE5 embryo stage Entire embryo stage (body structure) 6184 6184 06184 embryo, stage 2 296383004 S06184 Structure of embryo stage 2 (body structure) E06184 14938003 Entire embryo stage 2 (body structure) P06184 - P 962014EC76334DEF89F01A977BC07971 71E27BF4C96844DF812A137CAA5CEC90 embryo stage 2 Entire embryo stage 2 (body structure) 6185 6185 06185 embryo, stage 4 296484009 S06185 Structure of embryo stage 4 (body structure) E06185 20744003 Entire embryo stage 4 (body structure) P06185 - P 19F81DC35C0049C2A22023DE713DD8D3 6019999C91884F4AB1961A63D8E85A44 embryo stage 4 Entire embryo stage 4 (body structure) 6186 6186 06186 subcutaneous tissue of interdigital region of hand 8714001 S06186 Subcutaneous tissue structure of interdigital space of hand (body structure) E06186 368402009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of interdigital space of hand (body structure) P06186 Y D integument/surface FA3D1AB963E349E6BC11596183628C85 141B8ACB6E09477BA53B05C9064BF801 Subcutaneous tissue of interdigital space of hand Entire subcutaneous tissue of interdigital space of hand (body structure) 6187 6187 06187 embryo, stage 6 296687005 S06187 Structure of embryo stage 6 (body structure) E06187 83819006 Entire embryo stage 6 (body structure) P06187 - P 36695339F0C743A69369FE2992C58D9E F6827EAB1BFD424AB52FFD56839DB430 embryo stage 6 Entire embryo stage 6 (body structure) 6188 6188 06188 embryo, stage 7 296791006 S06188 Structure of embryo stage 7 (body structure) E06188 47297004 Entire embryo stage 7 (body structure) P06188 - P D29504E6723149EB8C4619E0198730BE A0D46B0030BE48C099277EED1C707CD2 embryo stage 7 Entire embryo stage 7 (body structure) 6189 6189 06189 embryo, stage 8 296893000 S06189 Structure of embryo stage 8 (body structure) E06189 66432005 Entire embryo stage 8 (body structure) P06189 - P 5547C78A70074D97A6347A61E8F97FA9 FDA5E6F53F7844EA99477D40A2D2C673 embryo stage 8 Entire embryo stage 8 (body structure) 6190 6190 06190 abortus 28677006 S06190 Structure of abortus (body structure) E06190 299025000 Entire abortus (body structure) P06190 - P 72580559D8164FE296C49EFBCCE63A76 F824940CC69D4E56920CC4B799CF78CF abortus Entire abortus (body structure) 6191 6191 06191 embryo, stage 9 296992009 S06191 Structure of embryo stage 9 (body structure) E06191 62966009 Entire embryo stage 9 (body structure) P06191 - P 7852A75091EB45D6AB9915C322BBFA90 C258740585274B029D621042EBED1F71 embryo stage 9 Entire embryo stage 9 (body structure) 6192 6192 06192 fetus, stage 10 297093009 S06192 Structure of fetus stage 10 (body structure) E06192 89229004 Entire fetus stage 10 (body structure) P06192 - 0 P C3ABCDCAC2464DD084B8B8BF84F25195 2B77B389FD5D4CDFA89143536B52608C fetus stage 10 Entire fetus stage 10 (body structure) 6193 6193 06193 full term fetus, age 36-42 weeks 61648004 S06193 Structure of full term fetus, age 36-42 weeks (body structure) E06193 299124003 Entire full term fetus, age 36-42 weeks (body structure) P06193 - P 1BD5716E40AC4942BEEC630785E2F2E9 6C1BFAA95FA34E49B960937D6B1AFC8C full term fetus, age 36-42 weeks Entire full term fetus, age 36-42 weeks (body structure) 6194 6194 06194 subcutaneous tissue of all fingers 88814004 S06194 Subcutaneous tissue structure of all fingers (body structure) E06194 368365005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of all fingers (body structure) P06194 - P musculoskeletal system 5D372BFFFC214CB3A274C938491AB1FA C42C3BFD2EC4438CBC4FA16C215DD02D Subcutaneous tissue of all fingers Entire subcutaneous tissue of all fingers (body structure) 6195 6195 06195 postmature fetus, age over 42 weeks 85054000 S06195 Structure of postmature fetus, age over 42 weeks (body structure) E06195 299225006 Entire postmature fetus, age over 42 weeks (body structure) P06195 - P 6DE298C3EAEA41A9A0EAA6927524FFD9 865DCE6878B54203BBBCC74BA5034452 postmature fetus, age over 42 weeks Entire postmature fetus, age over 42 weeks (body structure) 6196 6196 06196 embryonic ependymal layer 89479003 S06196 Structure of embryonic ependymal layer (body structure) E06196 297764001 Entire embryonic ependymal layer (body structure) P06196 - P AC34E2E876C6461FB33A4AB87681C756 507017BE206A41CF81E41867694FA23A embryonic ependymal layer Entire embryonic ependymal layer (body structure) 6197 6197 06197 embryonic mantle layer 20797009 S06197 Structure of embryonic mantle layer (body structure) E06197 297866007 Entire embryonic mantle layer (body structure) P06197 - P 2472F9FD3DFC41968A064247681F717C A9D66505122742AF9B9B5FCFC8EB2F36 embryonic mantle layer Entire embryonic mantle layer (body structure) 6198 6198 06198 embryonic marginal layer 19370005 S06198 Structure of embryonic marginal layer (body structure) E06198 297965007 Entire embryonic marginal layer (body structure) P06198 - P BDADD3ED48C64C1CB9A4C63CEF8A9B1B B8522C79060E4D0588F732D4C163C833 embryonic marginal layer Entire embryonic marginal layer (body structure) 6199 6199 06199 paraphyseal body 59061000 S06199 Structure of paraphyseal body (body structure) E06199 369197007 Entire paraphyseal body (body structure) P06199 - P nervous system DE980A9203724D4691D99E6DD505750F 3351939831FF459999E819C82FAC0AB4 paraphyseal body Entire paraphyseal body (body structure) 6200 6200 06200 diencephalon of fetus 67647003 S06200 Structure of diencephalon of fetus (body structure) E06200 369195004 Entire diencephalon of fetus (body structure) P06200 - P nervous system 382AEF59624A4ECCA03F36F7E81EC17C 903B235C5AC54BA2AF9A91FC5CE0C536 diencephalon of fetus Entire diencephalon of fetus (body structure) 6201 6201 06201 subcutaneous tissue of lower limb 3766008 S06201 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lower extremity (body structure) E06201 302622002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower extremity (body structure) P06201 Y D integument/surface E2CDFB0FDA784C88A2CB02FAA12A5D97 76C8540B7418412DA65F997C564D31F0 Subcutaneous tissue of lower extremity Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower extremity (body structure) 6202 6202 06202 mesencephalon of fetus 29521006 S06202 Structure of mesencephalon of fetus (body structure) E06202 369266004 Entire mesencephalon of fetus (body structure) P06202 - P nervous system 3BFF4389EB7342FDBD6BB6C0064A49B3 CA92C4B3FD7F4FD381B1A8417455587C mesencephalon of fetus Entire mesencephalon of fetus (body structure) 6203 6203 06203 metencephalon of fetus 2332005 S06203 Structure of metencephalon of fetus (body structure) E06203 298045000 Entire metencephalon of fetus (body structure) P06203 - P 287B47DFDB2B4E4585485453EFCC0E82 5130C74A747C48AB95FAAEC0D3F7226D metencephalon of fetus Entire metencephalon of fetus (body structure) 6204 6204 06204 myelencephalon of fetus 37049009 S06204 Structure of myelencephalon of fetus (body structure) E06204 298134001 Entire myelencephalon of fetus (body structure) P06204 - P E3C5594D1924408FBBB01BD2BB62EE77 2C2DF69CBF1E43278BF6ED4115383CCE myelencephalon of fetus Entire myelencephalon of fetus (body structure) 6205 6205 06205 primitive mesoblast 15473002 S06205 Structure of primitive mesoblast (body structure) E06205 344433006 Entire primitive mesoblast (body structure) P06205 - P B548AB8FFEF646C3B3A19B6D1014AB98 DC137D0D04474059A13E9B151B7FFFF2 primitive mesoblast Entire primitive mesoblast (body structure) 6207 6207 06207 Meckel's cartilage 60450005 S06207 Structure of Meckel's cartilage (body structure) E06207 308773009 Entire Meckel's cartilage (body structure) P06207 - P C0256012219E49F48EB439C528D147F1 87180A9CAAAF46E99C77BA1821ED65CE Meckel's cartilage Entire Meckel's cartilage (body structure) 6208 6208 06208 occipital myotome 344637001 S06208 Structure of occipital myotome (body structure) E06208 45760009 Entire occipital myotome (body structure) P06208 Y P DF4D3EAB6A6F4253A4AB7F22464AC2CA 5C9FF175103642CF9A2842C7F3E3281C occipital myotome Entire occipital myotome (body structure) 6209 6209 06209 cervical myotome 344738001 S06209 Structure of cervical myotome (body structure) E06209 82653001 Entire cervical myotome (body structure) P06209 Y P BB51135425194F5B996E47E729775AD6 30FB894F7436434D9A7A5B933990923B cervical myotome Entire cervical myotome (body structure) 6210 6210 06210 thoracic myotome 344840004 S06210 Structure of thoracic myotome (body structure) E06210 89167005 Entire thoracic myotome (body structure) P06210 Y P 3A572B9C1F9C4A19BBEA38D95F456E5C 7EF4E0F13A494B1E859A1EFB149B9A91 thoracic myotome Entire thoracic myotome (body structure) 6211 6211 06211 lumbar myotome 344941004 S06211 Structure of lumbar myotome (body structure) E06211 68243005 Entire lumbar myotome (body structure) P06211 Y P 759F670DCC1B4C6D899A4FC6D3100171 FA1F22AC3F3C45E69C491C9DE7EB675D lumbar myotome Entire lumbar myotome (body structure) 6212 6212 06212 sacral myotome 345045004 S06212 Structure of sacral myotome (body structure) E06212 46836008 Entire sacral myotome (body structure) P06212 Y P 8A7E5C39A9804F1BA397B61420AAA6AA 97CF8609451D466AB69AA13D3B327790 sacral myotome Entire sacral myotome (body structure) 6213 6213 06213 caudal myotome 345147005 S06213 Structure of caudal myotome (body structure) E06213 30135001 Entire caudal myotome (body structure) P06213 Y P A908B728AF824B5C8121634C06BC6AAF 7068FE7A45C04D129BB2385E61AD02FC caudal myotome Entire caudal myotome (body structure) 6214 6214 06214 myotome 5898009 S06214 Structure of myotome (body structure) E06214 344535001 Entire myotome (body structure) P06214 Y P 500C690B807C4BE288531347BD48BAFD 7E7875BFD6934671A65FA4A601380E96 myotome Entire myotome (body structure) 6215 6215 06215 notochord 37222002 S06215 Structure of notochord (body structure) E06215 308820002 Entire notochord (body structure) P06215 - 85521 P B879D78B7B754E3293F1C844B98C52D9 30744A4F52324D79A7D2EB226B26A01C notochord Entire notochord (body structure) 6217 6217 06217 primitive sex cord 25883008 S06217 Structure of primitive sex cord (body structure) E06217 343823004 Entire primitive sex cord (body structure) P06217 - P 89246B552CD34BCFA41EC9740C9ECE06 4BD00CFB540148EFBEFA230017B3AA33 primitive sex cord Entire primitive sex cord (body structure) 6218 6218 06218 embryonic testis 3481003 S06218 Structure of embryonic testis (body structure) E06218 343924006 Entire embryonic testis (body structure) P06218 Y P genital system E60F32F10AE9414CBBDAA16796003DDD 5B7E1AC558D54C43AC4ADDDD595866FB embryonic testis Entire embryonic testis (body structure) 6219 6219 06219 mesonephric duct 49222007 S06219 Structure of mesonephric duct (body structure) E06219 308800003 Entire mesonephric duct (body structure) P06219 Y P ACBCE3EF112E46C1926323C6EF284F71 C1298BF174EF42EF9D0DC55AC3C86CF4 mesonephric duct Entire mesonephric duct (body structure) 6220 6220 06220 fetal provisional adrenal cortex 70875002 S06220 Structure of fetal provisional adrenal cortex (body structure) E06220 249138006 Entire fetal provisional adrenal cortex (body structure) P06220 Y 0 P endocrine system 73238F5B3D714262B79BD08D1A3AA9C5 493760786AAE4151B8EEBED99753A7ED fetal provisional adrenal cortex Entire fetal provisional adrenal cortex (body structure) 6221 6221 06221 paramesonephric duct 26896004 S06221 Structure of paramesonephric duct (body structure) E06221 308802006 Entire paramesonephric duct (body structure) P06221 Y P 99941EE6CC974E6EB130FA63B055B6E2 4DC5187AF8684CA9B1A2720F421B8510 paramesonephric duct Entire paramesonephric duct (body structure) 6222 6222 06222 urachus 14105008 S06222 Structure of urachus (body structure) E06222 276858000 Entire urachus (body structure) P06222 - 70343 P musculoskeletal system 02D3190CABE747B7957689FC3772F1F8 4F34BE52FFFF4639BEC64EAD7989448C urachus Entire urachus (body structure) 6223 6223 06223 subcutaneous tissue of thigh 3039001 S06223 Subcutaneous tissue structure of thigh (body structure) E06223 210267002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of thigh (body structure) P06223 Y D integument/surface EE26923415E94272BD9C0ECB366F74C1 648C70B90B4044E8AE6F43FB6F6AC699 Subcutaneous tissue of thigh Entire subcutaneous tissue of thigh (body structure) 6224 6224 06224 proctodeum 53147002 S06224 Structure of proctodeum (body structure) E06224 298233001 Entire proctodeum (body structure) P06224 - P digestive system 165D1E69204F495E9EB0AB6E5BB5CBE5 7E27812F502C4D52B76D3B609D5B77BF proctodeum Entire proctodeum (body structure) 6225 6225 06225 cloacal membrane 113365008 S06225 Structure of cloacal membrane (body structure) E06225 308826008 Entire cloacal membrane (body structure) P06225 - P digestive system 9F5213C2751448868D4E5A69BA0664A2 9F45E5EEF9FC466786DC0EC49D8F74F3 cloacal membrane Entire cloacal membrane (body structure) 6226 6226 06226 genital tubercle 9770007 S06226 Structure of genital tubercle (body structure) E06226 308798005 Entire genital tubercle (body structure) P06226 Y P F78BB5DFFCD04F409582F9BE3898202D 8DE103B886754565B05217D26DBC1E28 genital tubercle Entire genital tubercle (body structure) 6227 6227 06227 anterior limb bud 49716004 S06227 Structure of anterior limb bud (body structure) E06227 346062002 Entire anterior limb bud (body structure) P06227 Y P D23D1E3D44784BEC80E2748350B582B5 D00FF84553E84E2BBF87E664ED46C6A2 anterior limb bud Entire anterior limb bud (body structure) 6228 6228 06228 posterior limb bud 46528009 S06228 Structure of posterior limb bud (body structure) E06228 346164003 Entire posterior limb bud (body structure) P06228 Y P 9F3B3526CDC34CD78AB504E9A95ACB92 4C84A1506C954C148DF23E16DB189D39 posterior limb bud Entire posterior limb bud (body structure) 6229 6229 06229 ultimobranchial gland 91227003 S06229 Structure of ultimobranchial gland (body structure) E06229 345552007 Entire ultimobranchial gland (body structure) P06229 Y P 85BCCC66B2B84912B126683699C40A50 0ED840E6CDE64B1BA111EFC4CDE61AAB ultimobranchial gland Entire ultimobranchial gland (body structure) 6230 6230 06230 skin of knee 63464009 S06230 Skin structure of knee (body structure) E06230 181552001 Entire skin of knee (body structure) P06230 Y 37800 D integument/surface 3A46A6C199994302883CA9A27774057E 2C853BC84EFB48D7A6169C117632CFB0 Skin of knee Entire skin of knee (body structure) 6231 6231 06231 subcutaneous tissue of anterior area of thigh 33750000 S06231 Subcutaneous tissue structure of anterior surface of thigh (body structure) E06231 208167001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior surface of thigh (body structure) P06231 Y D integument/surface FAFAA3BF30B64F53BA781406469F6EE4 EEEF56502E264D81BB8215E7CBB90C49 Subcutaneous tissue of anterior surface of thigh Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior surface of thigh (body structure) 6232 6232 06232 first pharyngeal pouch 90995004 S06232 Structure of first pharyngeal pouch (body structure) E06232 345248006 Entire first pharyngeal pouch (body structure) P06232 Y P 31D884E4F02D4010AC0122E61CA74B79 0BD510F74D434579BB17E11E29867F93 first pharyngeal pouch Entire first pharyngeal pouch (body structure) 6233 6233 06233 second pharyngeal pouch 68163005 S06233 Structure of second pharyngeal pouch (body structure) E06233 345349000 Entire second pharyngeal pouch (body structure) P06233 Y P E0477D36F97440378E253F4EFB24FCC3 95B7F6142B1B42A39B086A74A6AC192D second pharyngeal pouch Entire second pharyngeal pouch (body structure) 6234 6234 06234 third pharyngeal pouch 79666008 S06234 Structure of third pharyngeal pouch (body structure) E06234 345450001 Entire third pharyngeal pouch (body structure) P06234 Y P 05CE76CF1FBE4E318D48971C48FFDA41 E7C7F3CF176546179D5AE18297A80BF9 third pharyngeal pouch Entire third pharyngeal pouch (body structure) 6235 6235 06235 omphalomesenteric artery 36972002 S06235 Structure of omphalomesenteric artery (body structure) E06235 338231001 Entire omphalomesenteric artery (body structure) P06235 - P arterial system CE1AB6EE5F1746B89175D1B5815637CD DD1A055A5DDC409FA7AE528128EA9D00 omphalomesenteric artery Entire omphalomesenteric artery (body structure) 6236 6236 06236 truncus arteriosus of fetus 58140002 S06236 Structure of truncus arteriosus of fetus (body structure) E06236 308828009 Entire truncus arteriosus of fetus (body structure) P06236 - 70301 P arterial system 5E24B9F5D8FA4161AA6F39471D670732 4F2065992D634C20966BFE627435FBDE truncus arteriosus of fetus Entire truncus arteriosus of fetus (body structure) 6237 6237 06237 subcutaneous tissue of posterior area of thigh 18357008 S06237 Subcutaneous tissue structure of posterior surface of thigh (body structure) E06237 208252006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of posterior surface of thigh (body structure) P06237 Y D integument/surface DD86D4453D424820A37496777C58D68C 8A1BA89C6BD84580AFF6BC1FC8896DEF Subcutaneous tissue of posterior surface of thigh Entire subcutaneous tissue of posterior surface of thigh (body structure) 6238 6238 06238 aortopulmonary septum 1136004 S06238 Structure of aortopulmonary septum (body structure) E06238 338332005 Entire aortopulmonary septum (body structure) P06238 - P arterial system 503C5EF2490F4D3C8A4A2285F61DEFDB D9AFC665A1814669AA54C91C4DC0535A aortopulmonary septum Entire aortopulmonary septum (body structure) 6239 6239 06239 right aorticopulmonary cushion 27441005 S06239 Structure of right aorticopulmonary cushion (body structure) E06239 338434007 Entire right aorticopulmonary cushion (body structure) P06239 - R P arterial system DD5E470388AF43629440F11D7ECEE8F6 E3EA0BD04F5C4B3FA73D2C876AC04FC9 right aorticopulmonary cushion Entire right aorticopulmonary cushion (body structure) 6240 6240 06240 left aorticopulmonary cushion 86300003 S06240 Structure of left aorticopulmonary cushion (body structure) E06240 338536007 Entire left aorticopulmonary cushion (body structure) P06240 - P arterial system BB672AA143A04717B8DF935C6A5793FA 495D89C4FD764B6EAA9EDB39F44EBFBC left aorticopulmonary cushion Entire left aorticopulmonary cushion (body structure) 6241 6241 06241 ductus arteriosus 4432005 S06241 Structure of ductus arteriosus (body structure) E06241 253684002 Entire ductus arteriosus (body structure) P06241 - 79871 P arterial system 4E3FB005343640788288031BD1BC59CF FBF440D087814A8DA08CC026D03D598C ductus arteriosus Entire ductus arteriosus (body structure) 6242 6242 06242 atrioventricular canal cushion 68696006 S06242 Structure of atrioventricular canal cushion (body structure) E06242 308851009 Entire atrioventricular canal cushion (body structure) P06242 - 70302 P cardiovascular system 118A21820378413392273ADB3CE2DEA4 4AB6D6926D424F88AAF3D287C772E7D3 atrioventricular canal cushion Entire atrioventricular canal cushion (body structure) 6243 6243 06243 atrioventricular canal 77469004 S06243 Structure of atrioventricular canal (body structure) E06243 341079007 Entire atrioventricular canal (body structure) P06243 - 71121 P cardiovascular system 2793AEC35AA6472686AF7BD94C25FACA 345662B5942A4224BFCF1966F1779FD2 atrioventricular canal Entire atrioventricular canal (body structure) 6244 6244 06244 common pulmonary vein 113366009 S06244 Structure of common pulmonary vein (body structure) E06244 340977000 Entire common pulmonary vein (body structure) P06244 Y P cardiovascular system 10B4D8BCF0F6464B98C0EE21F643806D 580B20B752F44222B5C5EAEB4DB034FE common pulmonary vein Entire common pulmonary vein (body structure) 6245 6245 06245 common cardinal vein 33515005 S06245 Structure of common cardinal vein (body structure) E06245 308783008 Entire common cardinal vein (body structure) P06245 Y 70308 P cardiovascular system D2CBA3B925F14AF9A0657D2D0AFC7830 5F7FB5545342448E94AC2837C9D6EFBA common cardinal vein Entire common cardinal vein (body structure) 6246 6246 06246 sinus venosus of fetus 15431005 S06246 Structure of sinus venosus of fetus (body structure) E06246 341180007 Entire sinus venosus of fetus (body structure) P06246 - 70303 P cardiovascular system 5E64CE3A86AC4286BED0082BCB160A71 608C328440194989A5D9EA5BC08BCCE7 sinus venosus of fetus Entire sinus venosus of fetus (body structure) 6247 6247 06247 subcutaneous tissue of femoral region 3876002 S06247 Subcutaneous tissue structure of femoral region (body structure) E06247 208074008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of femoral region (body structure) P06247 Y D integument/surface C2CD8EC5621B472E8C3C11DFBCAD6FF2 726CC796B5AF49C29213B022DB1C8CEB Subcutaneous tissue of femoral region Entire subcutaneous tissue of femoral region (body structure) 6248 6248 06248 anterior cardinal vein 65962002 S06248 Structure of anterior cardinal vein (body structure) E06248 308780006 Entire anterior cardinal vein (body structure) P06248 Y P cardiovascular system 38F6C926D7AD4C169002AE14524CB0C5 8BB7EBFF0ECF464BAC75FAE14AAA530F anterior cardinal vein Entire anterior cardinal vein (body structure) 6249 6249 06249 posterior cardinal vein 56974009 S06249 Structure of posterior cardinal vein (body structure) E06249 308781005 Entire posterior cardinal vein (body structure) P06249 Y P cardiovascular system AE75D3DE05F24085A819790DD6E25C5C 9AAEFA20048F49F8856FB5832F97AA97 posterior cardinal vein Entire posterior cardinal vein (body structure) 6250 6250 06250 subcardinal vein 50347005 S06250 Structure of subcardinal vein (body structure) E06250 308830006 Entire subcardinal vein (body structure) P06250 Y P cardiovascular system BFBD81C1D490474D9BCCC73DFBD9E2B9 8DEF4F10E4354CD3A13B6B9809A95857 subcardinal vein Entire subcardinal vein (body structure) 6251 6251 06251 intersubcardinal anastomosis 36600009 S06251 Structure of intersubcardinal anastomosis (body structure) E06251 340873000 Entire intersubcardinal anastomosis (body structure) P06251 Y P cardiovascular system 08D4D1969061402581FE9F6ABD6E77C7 3AD8BEE35EC047B59AFB4F07638C949E intersubcardinal anastomosis Entire intersubcardinal anastomosis (body structure) 6252 6252 06252 supracardinal vein 4766002 S06252 Structure of supracardinal vein (body structure) E06252 308829001 Entire supracardinal vein (body structure) P06252 Y P cardiovascular system F74BDC5BD90848358585C4A6145E8D2B E78DD37502B146E5B5A22F1BE24E15BE supracardinal vein Entire supracardinal vein (body structure) 6253 6253 06253 omphalomesenteric vein 29882009 S06253 Structure of omphalomesenteric vein (body structure) E06253 308832003 Entire omphalomesenteric vein (body structure) P06253 Y 70305 P cardiovascular system 86CF9CB6DBB149079CC83FB99EF6AF08 E5350A3D910249A98AA5A0796D8ADD4E omphalomesenteric vein Entire omphalomesenteric vein (body structure) 6254 6254 06254 frontal process of embryo 13169005 S06254 Structure of frontal process of embryo (body structure) E06254 346265009 Entire frontal process of embryo (body structure) P06254 - P FF1DCF439237435B9BDC80D4E660170D A94C2C38EB304FC0A245FF757D8039A5 frontal process of embryo Entire frontal process of embryo (body structure) 6255 6255 06255 maxillary process of embryo 43838001 S06255 Structure of maxillary process of embryo (body structure) E06255 346355001 Entire maxillary process of embryo (body structure) P06255 Y P 29582FBE83E246F1988FF3F2B476455F 3EBAE9112EC44E7395FAB2E1DD2D541E maxillary process of embryo Entire maxillary process of embryo (body structure) 6256 6256 06256 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of thigh 15958006 S06256 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of thigh (body structure) E06256 208407006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of thigh (body structure) P06256 Y D integument/surface 10BBCA8681724C42B4B12E81E35A7DB1 20F5B8BAE8254418921A3FBF11AEA725 Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of thigh Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of thigh (body structure) 6257 6257 06257 nasal process of embryo 32384007 S06257 Structure of nasal processes of embryo (body structure) E06257 308881001 Entire nasal processes of embryo (body structure) P06257 - P CFAF470070B84A538FED951FDFF04411 8DB06D22BAC3451DA79FF31AD6A6F9BE nasal processes of embryo Entire nasal processes of embryo (body structure) 6258 6258 06258 lateral nasal process 34398000 S06258 Structure of lateral nasal process (body structure) E06258 308880000 Entire lateral nasal process (body structure) P06258 Y P 50EB7D760016479E85768FC4D9380329 D94EB37C0162416E8C66985ABB05294B lateral nasal process Entire lateral nasal process (body structure) 6259 6259 06259 medial nasal process 32222005 S06259 Structure of medial nasal process (body structure) E06259 308877001 Entire medial nasal process (body structure) P06259 - P 7B90E3AEF9154F6BB6D0183744FAC697 7D5FFDCEC2DB416B909D5676BD163D68 medial nasal process Entire medial nasal process (body structure) 6260 6260 06260 palatine process of embryo 76947007 S06260 Structure of palatine process of embryo (body structure) E06260 345755007 Entire palatine process of embryo (body structure) P06260 Y P CD96F4BCF3F24BC9B6AD4785EF1FB3AF CDF4953584AE414F8C05F65083657FCB palatine process of embryo Entire palatine process of embryo (body structure) 6261 6261 06261 palatine duct 7742001 S06261 Structure of palatine duct (body structure) E06261 368872001 Entire palatine duct (body structure) P06261 Y 0 P skeletal system C8C86F19692D47BEB76AA12773DBAA6B BE87CCA2122E4DF78C67A9AE35BAA16B palatine duct Entire palatine duct (body structure) 6262 6262 06262 Hertwig's sheath 79399003 S06262 Structure of Hertwig's sheath (body structure) E06262 345857009 Entire Hertwig's sheath (body structure) P06262 Y P C0A24D2513C147A9AD1B151FD0102A8E 44BB8537CD214802BA1F97ECD21D6517 Hertwig's sheath Entire Hertwig's sheath (body structure) 6263 6263 06263 tuberculum impar 4861000 S06263 Structure of tuberculum impar (body structure) E06263 308821003 Entire tuberculum impar (body structure) P06263 - P A418E9072639409EB31CD85414C33F72 5D957688AA2F471C84B695FE04728EB5 tuberculum impar Entire tuberculum impar (body structure) 6264 6264 06264 Seessel's pocket 90967004 S06264 Structure of Seessel's pocket (body structure) E06264 344028000 Entire Seessel's pocket (body structure) P06264 - P digestive system 03BA910576FF4907B5353C632CD636AE BEF2A915514F4BEAA24A2B10DDFC54CD Seessel's pocket Entire Seessel's pocket (body structure) 6265 6265 06265 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of thigh 113188002 S06265 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of thigh (body structure) E06265 208504002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of thigh (body structure) P06265 Y D integument/surface E06512439D0641BF9AC08CC41F64CE13 52C56211760C4C59B9CD68BDC9A123CA Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of thigh Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of thigh (body structure) 6266 6266 06266 thyroglossal duct 42278009 S06266 Structure of thyroglossal duct (body structure) E06266 308822005 Entire thyroglossal duct (body structure) P06266 - 77274 P musculoskeletal system 11AD3F74A8114551947A9A185504E4E5 05177C3B0C4D4A83885206470A8154A6 thyroglossal duct Entire thyroglossal duct (body structure) 6268 6268 06268 optic stalk 59535006 S06268 Structure of optic stalk (body structure) E06268 308788004 Entire optic stalk (body structure) P06268 Y P 1E9ED8DBFB99448F9E36182543D8A1FC B4DFAC258378418C8EF2ECE70720EF45 optic stalk Entire optic stalk (body structure) 6269 6269 06269 lens plate and lens vesicle 83638000 S06269 Structure of lens plate and lens vesicle (body structure) E06269 343315006 Entire lens plate and lens vesicle (body structure) P06269 Y P 7A1CF0905427451CA444254BE17E811F E4766816E6CD42AC951A496171527DCF lens plate and lens vesicle Entire lens plate and lens vesicle (body structure) 6270 6270 06270 optic cup 74179001 S06270 Structure of optic cup (body structure) E06270 308789007 Entire optic cup (body structure) P06270 Y P 1EFB2CBDD6434326BEA21E932A7BCA00 9B0D882E737A4099998B7C6B80BE6A8A optic cup Entire optic cup (body structure) 6271 6271 06271 fetal tunica vasculosa lentis 74894000 S06271 Structure of fetal tunica vasculosa lentis (body structure) E06271 343416008 Entire fetal tunica vasculosa lentis (body structure) P06271 Y 0 P 7ABA38CA66F941B39087B2C8B95266AF EC363EECF0384D1D9B3C2CC3BDB0CACD fetal tunica vasculosa lentis Entire fetal tunica vasculosa lentis (body structure) 6272 6272 06272 fetal pupillary membrane 33658000 S06272 Structure of fetal pupillary membrane (body structure) E06272 280887002 Entire fetal pupillary membrane (body structure) P06272 Y 0 P special senses organ system ECC89D408A134BDF8B84BAB3D589EEA6 B6C3AC60B12F404E81F71662CD26B7B1 fetal pupillary membrane Entire fetal pupillary membrane (body structure) 6273 6273 06273 auditory vesicle 37700008 S06273 Structure of auditory vesicle (body structure) E06273 308792006 Entire auditory vesicle (body structure) P06273 Y P A65C58D940E04817A42CB698C0780D18 4761963729234E89AC8A7F2F0D17E825 auditory vesicle Entire auditory vesicle (body structure) 6274 6274 06274 subcutaneous tissue of knee 83820000 S06274 Subcutaneous tissue structure of knee (body structure) E06274 212679003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of knee (body structure) P06274 Y D integument/surface 8A472BC6BEB6493D927BCCD6BB3BD11C 76E9876C4CD74602B83B3F3EB1695D62 Subcutaneous tissue of knee Entire subcutaneous tissue of knee (body structure) 6275 6275 06275 otic tubercle 77162003 S06275 Structure of otic tubercle (body structure) E06275 343620004 Entire otic tubercle (body structure) P06275 Y P 7C529949C4CB48CF8B1BDFE642351268 4DC671DED87A46F49CBC48D3973A98C0 otic tubercle Entire otic tubercle (body structure) 6276 6276 06276 primary vitreous 36805002 S06276 Structure of primary vitreous (body structure) E06276 343518007 Entire primary vitreous (body structure) P06276 Y P 404592B9E0874998835233E4629F02D2 9F146AA3528D485BB1E206EA34F96A99 primary vitreous Entire primary vitreous (body structure) 6277 6277 06277 fetal atloid articulation 6326002 S06277 Structure of fetal atloid articulation (body structure) E06277 298328002 Entire fetal atloid articulation (body structure) P06277 - 0 P articular system 25CD6C57FEC04A94ADCD3CFFD8FF76BD 41F01421097A4EB18B054D03DCAC83A6 fetal atloid articulation Entire fetal atloid articulation (body structure) 6278 6278 06278 fetal cephalic prominence 20787000 S06278 Structure of fetal cephalic prominence (body structure) E06278 155439005 Entire fetal cephalic prominence (body structure) P06278 - 0 P D34709EB98434CF6B8F50CCA344CCD74 055715C3FB2343B1BA5EC06111B841DC fetal cephalic prominence Entire fetal cephalic prominence (body structure) 6279 6279 06279 fetal chondrocranium 809008 S06279 Structure of fetal chondrocranium (body structure) E06279 155540009 Entire fetal chondrocranium (body structure) P06279 - 0 P skeletal system 2F289C1094774F36B3E15F58D23FFB0F C387AA35625B46948DE7151D7BC7C515 fetal chondrocranium Entire fetal chondrocranium (body structure) 6280 6280 06280 fetal cranial vault 14709007 S06280 Structure of fetal cranial vault (body structure) E06280 155641002 Entire fetal cranial vault (body structure) P06280 - 0 P skeletal system 8C3A87350F2C40EF814CCEDDFF6DA9BC E36FFDB084524D48B083F79D29D5DD4A fetal cranial vault Entire fetal cranial vault (body structure) 6281 6281 06281 fetal bregma 61713001 S06281 Structure of fetal bregma (body structure) E06281 155742003 Entire fetal bregma (body structure) P06281 - 0 P 43649B6316E944F2A7C24960C7091E01 EF21EE18D1D244A499E85215A7D4363A fetal bregma Entire fetal bregma (body structure) 6282 6282 06282 fetal brow 32242001 S06282 Structure of fetal brow (body structure) E06282 368661008 Entire fetal brow (body structure) P06282 - 0 P 59A6C6A9480C47C090888119F1BCB71E 4D8F5EE8B07347149A8FE6DBEFE4C636 fetal brow Entire fetal brow (body structure) 6283 6283 06283 subcutaneous tissue of popliteal fossa 46806004 S06283 Subcutaneous tissue structure of popliteal fossa (body structure) E06283 208328001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of popliteal fossa (body structure) P06283 Y D integument/surface 8DC3CDFF6F0C43079DA502C6BFB75C4A 266F0C98B48041E2B56EF59A8D07028B Subcutaneous tissue of popliteal fossa Entire subcutaneous tissue of popliteal fossa (body structure) 6284 6284 06284 fetal occiput 60974001 S06284 Structure of fetal occiput (body structure) E06284 368665004 Entire fetal occiput (body structure) P06284 - 0 P nervous system DC6639F913AE4B5FB30FEBE435B71556 02CA6F758F2C48ADA888E8676CB73699 fetal occiput Entire fetal occiput (body structure) 6285 6285 06285 fetal parietal boss 29631009 S06285 Structure of fetal parietal boss (body structure) E06285 155843002 Entire fetal parietal boss (body structure) P06285 - 0 P 7C42E82500744A8592BA71B1A978A84F E5462B55BD6F4E03B47794D2502AE7B3 fetal parietal boss Entire fetal parietal boss (body structure) 6286 6286 06286 fetal vertex 26256005 S06286 Structure of fetal vertex (body structure) E06286 155943001 Entire fetal vertex (body structure) P06286 - 0 P 416949C826304494A3B3C1945F04C268 2DC17F31D091431980AD6FBA3162999D fetal vertex Entire fetal vertex (body structure) 6287 6287 06287 fetal chest contents 35104005 S06287 Structure of fetal chest contents (body structure) E06287 204970007 Entire fetal chest contents (body structure) P06287 - 0 P 153324515B4744AABDB307013EFA72F2 32020717E80B44B19EFF16C0CA542FB1 fetal chest contents Entire fetal chest contents (body structure) 6288 6288 06288 fetal abdomen contents 38456008 S06288 Structure of fetal abdomen contents (body structure) E06288 287072008 Entire fetal abdomen contents (body structure) P06288 - 0 P 72E37D979C274F0F9E9B601F8476A8DA 272247E27E8A4544AB3D8CA8D9ED100B fetal abdomen contents Entire fetal abdomen contents (body structure) 6289 6289 06289 fetal upper limb 90909003 S06289 Structure of fetal upper extremities (body structure) E06289 298422002 Entire fetal upper extremities (body structure) P06289 Y 0 P 9A50C94B0E56405AA5A3A703B701A93E AE5A209DA4444E08B9AE45F7C6C7BD02 fetal upper extremities Entire fetal upper extremities (body structure) 6290 6290 06290 fetal lower limb 58517005 S06290 Structure of fetal lower extremities (body structure) E06290 298523005 Entire fetal lower extremities (body structure) P06290 Y 0 P 3D5A936CA048437AA3404D25A700FFCE 5D4445EFEDD24977AB4FB675F561985E fetal lower extremities Entire fetal lower extremities (body structure) 6291 6291 06291 fetal space 20859003 S06291 Structure of fetal spaces (body structure) E06291 298725001 Entire fetal spaces (body structure) P06291 - 63944 P BD7AD3E4997042BA9AC55E63DBB2966A 35F56E4BB03246A5975AE8AF82135EBE fetal spaces Entire fetal spaces (body structure) 6292 6292 06292 fetal chondrification center 95942000 S06292 Structure of fetal chondrification center (body structure) E06292 298825009 Entire fetal chondrification center (body structure) P06292 - 0 P BE87E7B901D84EDA8C268225FB55109E 0325499398524CFCA1E565EE60F0069A fetal chondrification center Entire fetal chondrification center (body structure) 6293 6293 06293 fetal ossification center 28377002 S06293 Structure of fetal ossification center (body structure) E06293 298623000 Entire fetal ossification center (body structure) P06293 - 75436 P skeletal system 5E8FE7153AC24441A95CC62FCECDE21E 74F31EF8A6874ED0B1BFDBA3A9C5F92B fetal ossification center Entire fetal ossification center (body structure) 6294 6294 06294 fetal uterus 95943005 S06294 Structure of fetal uterus (body structure) E06294 255782009 Entire fetal uterus (body structure) P06294 - 72173 P genital system 026A0FA10C8F42418E24BBC8075254E1 EC3CB76D5135474F8B77BE324394BA66 fetal uterus Entire fetal uterus (body structure) 6295 6295 06295 dorsal aorta 113367000 S06295 Structure of dorsal aorta (body structure) E06295 338637006 Entire dorsal aorta (body structure) P06295 - P arterial system 80B1796C37F5476583AD1FEA0C777C6E 0A44555EB9884F87847C119605C16356 dorsal aorta Entire dorsal aorta (body structure) 6296 6296 06296 embryonic aortic arch 113368005 S06296 Structure of embryonic aortic arch (body structure) E06296 338739003 Entire embryonic aortic arch (body structure) P06296 Y P arterial system 3C5620B7DFFE4E4188F2A7DA6C08CC07 023F8B333CAF457885F6A59442F504B4 embryonic aortic arch Entire embryonic aortic arch (body structure) 6297 6297 06297 first right aortic arch 338840008 S06297 Structure of first right aortic arch (body structure) E06297 57548004 Entire first right aortic arch (body structure) P06297 R P arterial system 068DED3A4FCF4D7A97E50D2A5A82AD04 A6232FC11BFC4807BB3E930340CB6749 first right aortic arch Entire first right aortic arch (body structure) 6298 6298 06298 first left aortic arch 338943006 S06298 Structure of first left aortic arch (body structure) E06298 7967007 Entire first left aortic arch (body structure) P06298 L P arterial system 2F1E6D6D52194695839FC4CF317F033A 2A172B3072FB431280860BB0625258D4 first left aortic arch Entire first left aortic arch (body structure) 6299 6299 06299 first aortic arch 55362009 S06299 Structure of first aortic arch (body structure) E06299 308774003 Entire first aortic arch (body structure) P06299 Y P arterial system 7E4C6AD53C5E4B288ABC6638DF5ED277 27BF588AF4154F12A2DB3BAA9D33CD11 first aortic arch Entire first aortic arch (body structure) 6300 6300 06300 second right aortic arch 339045005 S06300 Structure of second right aortic arch (body structure) E06300 91692008 Entire second right aortic arch (body structure) P06300 R P arterial system FFC6C4C44DEB4BF99CD5BA7320EE47BF 54263F84BF6E451E8D712AF1F35826E3 second right aortic arch Entire second right aortic arch (body structure) 6301 6301 06301 second left aortic arch 339146008 S06301 Structure of second left aortic arch (body structure) E06301 91693003 Entire second left aortic arch (body structure) P06301 L P arterial system 52523A0E1A3D444FB32DE675F6C7FF0D D9AB28C5704F46948E816786FD6B3163 second left aortic arch Entire second left aortic arch (body structure) 6302 6302 06302 second aortic arch 91694009 S06302 Structure of second aortic arch (body structure) E06302 308775002 Entire second aortic arch (body structure) P06302 Y P arterial system BE90397D65E640D8882DF990F32B7B38 0E6F83175888407AB65CA5C4690AF1A9 second aortic arch Entire second aortic arch (body structure) 6303 6303 06303 third right aortic arch 339247008 S06303 Structure of third right aortic arch (body structure) E06303 91695005 Entire third right aortic arch (body structure) P06303 R P arterial system 4B1B342B19784778AFD6B6E19A437C05 72584E66F50846DBA907798DCEE349FB third right aortic arch Entire third right aortic arch (body structure) 6304 6304 06304 third left aortic arch 339348001 S06304 Structure of third left aortic arch (body structure) E06304 91696006 Entire third left aortic arch (body structure) P06304 L P arterial system BB5CD3636F7C4C9E884861BCD9A0BD88 969C251125B64D7C916E7E061EFD8CD2 third left aortic arch Entire third left aortic arch (body structure) 6305 6305 06305 third aortic arch 91697002 S06305 Structure of third aortic arch (body structure) E06305 308776001 Entire third aortic arch (body structure) P06305 Y P arterial system F5333E60CA2C496EB123F0F46C8C13F7 3A616514C0EF46608395096105661149 third aortic arch Entire third aortic arch (body structure) 6306 6306 06306 fourth right aortic arch 339450008 S06306 Structure of fourth right aortic arch (body structure) E06306 91698007 Entire fourth right aortic arch (body structure) P06306 R P arterial system 7AE5208318974372A073AC08F971B47B 8EB76657343A41228ABE4BB91371C7AD fourth right aortic arch Entire fourth right aortic arch (body structure) 6307 6307 06307 fourth left aortic arch 339552002 S06307 Structure of fourth left aortic arch (body structure) E06307 91699004 Entire fourth left aortic arch (body structure) P06307 L P arterial system F545562435C143BB8CAEF99C6B6AD227 A57BE85AE1334AFABED9C7C74E8736C7 fourth left aortic arch Entire fourth left aortic arch (body structure) 6308 6308 06308 fourth aortic arch 91700003 S06308 Structure of fourth aortic arch (body structure) E06308 308777005 Entire fourth aortic arch (body structure) P06308 Y P arterial system 3BBF017D44D0499B909E2B1C46151465 BB6A6F56A306476E89B7A1455C52F62D fourth aortic arch Entire fourth aortic arch (body structure) 6309 6309 06309 fifth right aortic arch 339653003 S06309 Structure of fifth right aortic arch (body structure) E06309 91701004 Entire fifth right aortic arch (body structure) P06309 R P arterial system A88EA7E2B7EE45088E2A8A4550857591 6CE05CA9E916499CB47E64F9E288B914 fifth right aortic arch Entire fifth right aortic arch (body structure) 6310 6310 06310 fifth left aortic arch 339755002 S06310 Structure of fifth left aortic arch (body structure) E06310 91702006 Entire fifth left aortic arch (body structure) P06310 L P arterial system 1167C5D4604345C6B62E38B35ED37A77 315EABB4EA0549CE8414C0723A66A785 fifth left aortic arch Entire fifth left aortic arch (body structure) 6311 6311 06311 subcutaneous tissue of lower leg 87292006 S06311 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lower leg (body structure) E06311 215218001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower leg (body structure) P06311 Y D integument/surface E88A8292E11F46A1940C1CF03FEE1F06 336D4678AD66484DB5B906FD78D7EFD6 Subcutaneous tissue of lower leg Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower leg (body structure) 6312 6312 06312 fifth aortic arch 91703001 S06312 Structure of fifth aortic arch (body structure) E06312 308778000 Entire fifth aortic arch (body structure) P06312 Y P arterial system 4F109C2A0F8B4AD3B088DC7C1500047F 8391B78C12B245CFA3A97A516B58FAA1 fifth aortic arch Entire fifth aortic arch (body structure) 6313 6313 06313 sixth right aortic arch 339856009 S06313 Structure of sixth right aortic arch (body structure) E06313 91704007 Entire sixth right aortic arch (body structure) P06313 R P arterial system 3767DDEDBC574A69829F617E8DEE0B25 70AF1B2CAB4B4831890E91963C96DADB sixth right aortic arch Entire sixth right aortic arch (body structure) 6314 6314 06314 sixth left aortic arch 339960006 S06314 Structure of sixth left aortic arch (body structure) E06314 91705008 Entire sixth left aortic arch (body structure) P06314 L P arterial system 90AB815A561543559B88975D6B687B78 C690B813497045A9A50E0D32DFC6566B sixth left aortic arch Entire sixth left aortic arch (body structure) 6315 6315 06315 sixth aortic arch 91706009 S06315 Structure of sixth aortic arch (body structure) E06315 308779008 Entire sixth aortic arch (body structure) P06315 Y P arterial system 73F86578BE91426893D0D96D9EC4B886 8B2F6BCAE1DC4CC8B744443885BEC4D1 sixth aortic arch Entire sixth aortic arch (body structure) 6316 6316 06316 primitive pulmonary artery 91707000 S06316 Structure of primitive pulmonary artery (body structure) E06316 198813007 Entire primitive pulmonary artery (body structure) P06316 Y P arterial system FA352BB6DFC34108B250EC79FF375466 8A6E9E893EFD4B8B8DCE4EE05AABBA93 primitive pulmonary artery Entire primitive pulmonary artery (body structure) 6317 6317 06317 carotid duct 91708005 S06317 Structure of carotid duct (body structure) E06317 340062006 Entire carotid duct (body structure) P06317 Y P arterial system 1AD24C0A28364CB6B216438759D55B3C 0A0D4186423F40FFB0A333DB0D89B35A carotid duct Entire carotid duct (body structure) 6318 6318 06318 seventh intersegmental artery 91709002 S06318 Structure of seventh intersegmental artery (body structure) E06318 338130007 Entire seventh intersegmental artery (body structure) P06318 Y P arterial system 72764F5D0BDA4EAD9192BF43173CE6C9 24CD4B47AD5A4AAFA08FA9480F7BCA9D seventh intersegmental artery Entire seventh intersegmental artery (body structure) 6319 6319 06319 fetal bone organ of head 95944004 S06319 Structure of fetal bone of head (body structure) E06319 156044003 Entire fetal bone of head (body structure) P06319 - 0 P skeletal system 2DBA541DA2CF40EA86B6B540F5AEC78F 6C2A4CF8CF214AE0A0EC285BAD34460C fetal bone of head Entire fetal bone of head (body structure) 6320 6320 06320 basisphenoid bone 156145000 S06320 Structure of basisphenoid bone (body structure) E06320 95945003 Entire basisphenoid bone (body structure) P06320 - 0 P skeletal system 011173EB0FA943EB81E909F163B23494 28ED8394C9E342D8890C9903CEEF4E75 basisphenoid bone Entire basisphenoid bone (body structure) 6321 6321 06321 basiotic bone 156246008 S06321 Structure of basiotic bone (body structure) E06321 95946002 Entire basiotic bone (body structure) P06321 - 0 P skeletal system 2DEC7F9047584E82967C5F832C152622 572BB1BEB05B4E2F8A4C8D34C3D5F43E basiotic bone Entire basiotic bone (body structure) 6322 6322 06322 skin of popliteal fossa 84507004 S06322 Skin structure of popliteal fossa (body structure) E06322 181554000 Entire skin of popliteal fossa (body structure) P06322 Y D integument/surface AAA88ABD2EFD4D759A936AA42DAAFD05 F2E895CB697D4C35B0BF57FE27932455 Skin of popliteal fossa Entire skin of popliteal fossa (body structure) 6323 6323 06323 subcutaneous tissue of anterior area of lower leg 341476009 S06323 Subcutaneous tissue of anterior surface of lower leg (body structure) E06323 212915000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior surface of lower leg (body structure) P06323 Y D integument/surface 730CD2F1E5CC4A878BF9986DD4B191F3 A64A82E413B44540A8F8F0B48C9A352B Subcutaneous tissue of anterior surface of lower leg Entire subcutaneous tissue of anterior surface of lower leg (body structure) 6324 6324 06324 supraoccipital bone 156347001 S06324 Structure of supraoccipital bone (body structure) E06324 95947006 Entire supraoccipital bone (body structure) P06324 Y P skeletal system 366875D9BE58494CA98437B6570CC963 D8C69D041FDD43B8A139529355558CDA supraoccipital bone Entire supraoccipital bone (body structure) 6325 6325 06325 interparietal bone 95948001 S06325 Structure of interparietal bone (body structure) E06325 369438005 Entire interparietal bone (body structure) P06325 - 75748 P skeletal system B4E7622C4B9B43A987748E50E5A89E57 98508BA6C19A4CCD8A69DF2B722E22C2 interparietal bone Entire interparietal bone (body structure) 6326 6326 06326 presphenoidal bone 156448007 S06326 Structure of presphenoidal bone (body structure) E06326 95949009 Entire presphenoidal bone (body structure) P06326 - 0 P skeletal system EED27EF9E82444D38E4BD65B1A7F6616 C93B30B680D54F5798596628CE0319AE presphenoidal bone Entire presphenoidal bone (body structure) 6327 6327 06327 postsphenoidal bone 156549002 S06327 Structure of postsphenoidal bone (body structure) E06327 95950009 Entire postsphenoidal bone (body structure) P06327 - 0 P skeletal system 6CADFF87F7384558B9402AEEB2F352E6 391C50C61F5340D1A42831C2C9268E0E postsphenoidal bone Entire postsphenoidal bone (body structure) 6328 6328 06328 premaxillary bone 95951008 S06328 Structure of premaxillary bone (body structure) E06328 308884009 Entire premaxillary bone (body structure) P06328 Y P skeletal system 13D381E3FFDB4180A1496E115FAA4522 19552F6C5B6F438D8F0ADBE0B0FDDED1 premaxillary bone Entire premaxillary bone (body structure) 6329 6329 06329 tympanic anulus 156650007 S06329 Structure of tympanic anulus (body structure) E06329 95952001 Entire tympanic anulus (body structure) P06329 Y 75053 P skeletal system 682CBE10E8D24313AA84907B9DE14EB9 2BFD1AFC6914443EA045C78405B92936 tympanic anulus Entire tympanic anulus (body structure) 6330 6330 06330 fetal bone organ of thoracic cage 95953006 S06330 Structure of fetal bone of thoracic cage (body structure) E06330 367786005 Entire fetal bone of thoracic cage (body structure) P06330 - 0 P skeletal system C5573966CBB942E7A5787855CABE3E95 63EF4831AD4A4E36A5A7E392084A9C76 fetal bone of thoracic cage Entire fetal bone of thoracic cage (body structure) 6331 6331 06331 fetal sternum 367787001 S06331 Structure of fetal sternum (body structure) E06331 95954000 Entire fetal sternum (body structure) P06331 - 0 P skeletal system 9A77739C879E4D6686B7B80BB8B37302 7F91563E1B284DA6986212C75E6D9686 fetal sternum Entire fetal sternum (body structure) 6332 6332 06332 sternebra 367788006 S06332 Structure of sternebra (body structure) E06332 95955004 Entire sternebra (body structure) P06332 - 7489 P skeletal system C521D5A1DA384A94A925943910DFE934 35B0290D69C9451AA549F111583ADFB2 sternebra Entire sternebra (body structure) 6333 6333 06333 fetal vertebral column 95956003 S06333 Structure of fetal vertebral column (body structure) E06333 298925005 Entire fetal vertebral column (body structure) P06333 - 0 P skeletal system D3152E9CDE494948ACD5465FE994B566 74D9DA8C33DE4677A6E5EFFCCB891DC7 fetal vertebral column Entire fetal vertebral column (body structure) 6334 6334 06334 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of lower leg 31274005 S06334 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of lower leg (body structure) E06334 212992003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of lower leg (body structure) P06334 Y D integument/surface 11AB6BC87E184C458861FA881F8C35DF 900CF5F58C53453FAF8C08984A83524B Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of lower leg Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of lower leg (body structure) 6335 6335 06335 cartilaginous centrum of vertebra 95958002 S06335 Structure of cartilaginous centrum of vertebra (body structure) E06335 317278007 Entire cartilaginous centrum of vertebra (body structure) P06335 - P skeletal system 905408860C574858AAC5C0D1D853884B C6FDFD21231D40D392C14E7E51BD6360 cartilaginous centrum of vertebra Entire cartilaginous centrum of vertebra (body structure) 6336 6336 06336 cartilaginous centrum of cervical vertebra 95960000 S06336 Structure of cartilaginous centrum of cervical vertebra (body structure) E06336 157761000 Entire cartilaginous centrum of cervical vertebra (body structure) P06336 - P skeletal system 80E33C4754B141A8A7CD884C9FCCE90E 8259933575A240D08FDDC7CBD6E0C609 cartilaginous centrum of cervical vertebra Entire cartilaginous centrum of cervical vertebra (body structure) 6337 6337 06337 cartilaginous centrum of thoracic vertebra 95962008 S06337 Structure of cartilaginous centrum of thoracic vertebra (body structure) E06337 367829009 Entire cartilaginous centrum of thoracic vertebra (body structure) P06337 - P skeletal system D31A570929AC4E4E973072DC9D4450A6 8C87E58AD7BF4E24A323887DAC92849D cartilaginous centrum of thoracic vertebra Entire cartilaginous centrum of thoracic vertebra (body structure) 6338 6338 06338 cartilaginous centrum of lumbar vertebra 95964009 S06338 Structure of cartilaginous centrum of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E06338 307067000 Entire cartilaginous centrum of lumbar vertebra (body structure) P06338 - P skeletal system 46F2AAFACCFE46B981BB89D1B99760C2 F029465465AF42ABBBD2443C1FC264FD cartilaginous centrum of lumbar vertebra Entire cartilaginous centrum of lumbar vertebra (body structure) 6339 6339 06339 cartilaginous centrum of sacral vertebra 102301002 S06339 Structure of cartilaginous centrum of sacral vertebra (body structure) E06339 367830004 Entire cartilaginous centrum of sacral vertebra (body structure) P06339 - P skeletal system DD15B5740284414D8C307E2774BEA8CD 6C3806A071C5417C9668493178517521 cartilaginous centrum of sacral vertebra Entire cartilaginous centrum of sacral vertebra (body structure) 6340 6340 06340 subcutaneous tissue of posterior area of lower leg 82694009 S06340 Subcutaneous tissue structure of posterior surface of lower leg (body structure) E06340 213092006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of posterior surface of lower leg (body structure) P06340 Y D integument/surface D964AD41F14A4E679CF11C31798AD46C B09E27E7164940F89F71AC52D52BBE44 Subcutaneous tissue of posterior surface of lower leg Entire subcutaneous tissue of posterior surface of lower leg (body structure) 6342 6342 06342 dermatoglyphic patterns of sole 321373007 S06342 Structure of dermatoglyphic patterns of sole (body structure) E06342 367572009 Entire dermatoglyphic patterns of sole (body structure) P06342 Y P integumentary system 53D5FAEA546048A8BACB92AC7A6ED84C 63B8129173E7492BB04DA8CDE684A6F3 dermatoglyphic patterns of sole Entire dermatoglyphic patterns of sole (body structure) 6343 6343 06343 dermatoglyphic patterns of palm 321472003 S06343 Structure of dermatoglyphic patterns of palm (body structure) E06343 367573004 Entire dermatoglyphic patterns of palm (body structure) P06343 Y P integumentary system 8490BCCD57704AF69A333F947A82876B 3682F5AB0725417E8CFB3FF8BDBD536B dermatoglyphic patterns of palm Entire dermatoglyphic patterns of palm (body structure) 6344 6344 06344 Sucquet-Hoyer anastomosis 367574005 S06344 Structure of Sucquet-Hoyer anastomosis (body structure) E06344 320800008 Entire sucquet-Hoyer anastomosis (body structure) P06344 Y P cardiovascular system 1D9888B83F47489F8FFACD845D3F9215 C731ACA28D2D4F1081D38F9E2F5C6894 Sucquet-Hoyer anastomosis Entire sucquet-Hoyer anastomosis (body structure) 6345 6345 06345 eyelashes 368785007 S06345 Structure of eyelashes (body structure) E06345 367575006 Entire eyelashes (body structure) P06345 Y 70742 P special senses organ system 3EAA7D0FA4A848CBB7329FCD1253A7C3 A933483EB1034B568AADB7E00558CBBF eyelashes Entire eyelashes (body structure) 6346 6346 06346 beard 367576007 S06346 Structure of beard (body structure) E06346 256924005 Entire beard (body structure) P06346 - 54240 P integumentary system A73C771E06DA4B159303980024EBE1E1 0627D60757CA45AA99C263176734DF1D beard Entire beard (body structure) 6347 6347 06347 skin of eyebrow 367577003 S06347 Skin structure of eyebrow (body structure) E06347 244487001 Entire skin of eyebrow (body structure) P06347 Y D integument/surface 63E66D3363DD4F929CE1FC0584CC1FD2 6F5958612CF44CEFAFC6994FAB50E6CE Skin of eyebrow Entire skin of eyebrow (body structure) 6348 6348 06348 skin of hypogastrium 367578008 S06348 Skin structure of hypogastric region (body structure) E06348 181509001 Entire skin of hypogastric region (body structure) P06348 - D integument/surface ACF9589F34F6437483E63DE2B51C852B FFC2F792D4EB435FA6120797A35512B2 Skin of hypogastric region Entire skin of hypogastric region (body structure) 6349 6349 06349 skin of labium majus 128252004 S06349 Skin structure of labium majus (body structure) E06349 244125000 Entire skin of labium majus (body structure) P06349 Y 20464 D integument/surface EE15F5F20C5B47E4A1E674A9597A5AF3 FFB364CECE18432E8324FF6D1DF3D16F Skin of labium majus Entire skin of labium majus (body structure) 6350 6350 06350 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of lower leg 91342003 S06350 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of leg (body structure) E06350 213194009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of leg (body structure) P06350 Y D integument/surface B6C85D5F4DC643DBA94AC59850B78061 4F2F7DE9D3604E14B6FD32011C981682 Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of leg Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of leg (body structure) 6351 6351 06351 skin of labium minus 128253009 S06351 Skin structure of labium minus (body structure) E06351 244126004 Entire skin of labium minus (body structure) P06351 Y 20465 D integument/surface 5EA82FD52F684CED90722E1CBF73C86D 1658D071626243F89D827A8161A54F4F Skin of labium minus Entire skin of labium minus (body structure) 6352 6352 06352 skin of olecranal region 367579000 S06352 Skin structure of olecranal region (body structure) E06352 244148005 Entire skin of olecranal region (body structure) P06352 Y D integument/surface D9C0FCAFF4BB48EC92A8520EA2B89325 6C64BC3036CA492A9EF6B7645E4C678B Skin of olecranal region Entire skin of olecranal region (body structure) 6353 6353 06353 subcutaneous tissue of axillary fossa 367580002 S06353 Subcutaneous tissue structure of axillary fossa (body structure) E06353 368493008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of axillary fossa (body structure) P06353 Y D integument/surface 406E927CDAE44DC788EDB1E4713AAFE5 1CEE7DEACA624C5592ECA6112A3CBEC5 Subcutaneous tissue of axillary fossa Entire subcutaneous tissue of axillary fossa (body structure) 6355 6355 06355 subcutaneous tissue of labium majus 367582005 S06355 Subcutaneous tissue structure of labium majus (body structure) E06355 367679009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of labium majus (body structure) P06355 Y D integument/surface 1E54FF4476B6439683AEFBDF92EBABE6 4986E288FB6C4C5285E7415D40B34747 Subcutaneous tissue of labium majus Entire subcutaneous tissue of labium majus (body structure) 6356 6356 06356 subcutaneous tissue of labium minus 367583000 S06356 Subcutaneous tissue structure of labium minus (body structure) E06356 367680007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of labium minus (body structure) P06356 Y D integument/surface 7E9DA556DE014C3B943A589C1A8DE43F 24D2631DF3424FD9818240B2067DD23C Subcutaneous tissue of labium minus Entire subcutaneous tissue of labium minus (body structure) 6357 6357 06357 transcervical section of neck of femur 367584006 S06357 Structure of transcervical section of neck of femur (body structure) E06357 208765001 Entire transcervical section of neck of femur (body structure) P06357 Y P skeletal system 945806A4FFEB4783B0D5409BC0CB07E0 8F56B175C19B466EA338C1E768EBB323 transcervical section of neck of femur Entire transcervical section of neck of femur (body structure) 6358 6358 06358 trochanteric section of femur 367585007 S06358 Structure of trochanteric section of femur (body structure) E06358 281953003 Entire trochanteric section of femur (body structure) P06358 Y P skeletal system B513A6006BCB4DBA878C53ED8F77343A 36A7EBA99BA3441DB48172F6575AED45 trochanteric section of femur Entire trochanteric section of femur (body structure) 6359 6359 06359 subcutaneous tissue of shin 13349008 S06359 Subcutaneous tissue structure of shin (body structure) E06359 212852004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of shin (body structure) P06359 Y D integument/surface 20BA991107C24F5BAFD167DB16DBF09C A4BF4FB5E61C4768B81F4CE9C594697C Subcutaneous tissue of shin Entire subcutaneous tissue of shin (body structure) 6360 6360 06360 metatarsal joint 367586008 S06360 Structure of metatarsal joint (body structure) E06360 239747005 Entire metatarsal joint (body structure) P06360 Y P musculoskeletal system FBC7162FFCB94584BA3D8A32BE05BF3C CD4A23F97DE64F89AEAB205E5A394041 metatarsal joint Entire metatarsal joint (body structure) 6361 6361 06361 deltoid bursa 367587004 S06361 Structure of deltoid bursa (body structure) E06361 368530006 Entire deltoid bursa (body structure) P06361 Y P skeletal system 7EDC14A0651245DA9311A264BB220545 56503A9AF64C4757986CD237A5610ED8 deltoid bursa Entire deltoid bursa (body structure) 6362 6362 06362 humeral bursa 367588009 S06362 Structure of humeral bursa (body structure) E06362 368531005 Entire humeral bursa (body structure) P06362 Y P skeletal system C27E0552EF7442AA9138A78486F8B8C6 F0F70AAA41F64600B3BF66E0ED5B788A humeral bursa Entire humeral bursa (body structure) 6363 6363 06363 acromial bursa 367589001 S06363 Structure of acromial bursa (body structure) E06363 368183008 Entire acromial bursa (body structure) P06363 Y 0 P skeletal system 0E7FB79DDCE74336817C0EAB9A2196F7 98E4148DC558403783BF9A18D4C5BBAD acromial bursa Entire acromial bursa (body structure) 6364 6364 06364 bony part of nasal septum 367591009 S06364 Structure of bony part of nasal septum (body structure) E06364 368894009 Entire bony part of nasal septum (body structure) P06364 - 59837 P skeletal system 5EFFD421E68E43FF864805CE36CC038B E69BB1D23F334969AF4B5970404A6B17 bony part of nasal septum Entire bony part of nasal septum (body structure) 6365 6365 06365 posterior nasopharynx 367592002 S06365 Structure of posterior nasopharynx (body structure) E06365 178385007 Entire posterior nasopharynx (body structure) P06365 - P respiratory system 13CADFA97C66495E91C16CAA45CB8A89 7D67AD4C423D47D89D6C9BD55DD79315 posterior nasopharynx Entire posterior nasopharynx (body structure) 6366 6366 06366 lateral half of nasopharynx 367593007 S06366 Structure of lateral nasopharynx (body structure) E06366 178480001 Entire lateral nasopharynx (body structure) P06366 Y 0 P respiratory system 64DC5626C488458D9375BE8C46E38E77 8EEB80448D554C92A229BECFD270BDB5 lateral nasopharynx Entire lateral nasopharynx (body structure) 6367 6367 06367 anterior nasopharynx 367594001 S06367 Structure of anterior nasopharynx (body structure) E06367 178783003 Entire anterior nasopharynx (body structure) P06367 - P respiratory system 7C22E4716F5941C2A1A1607E0989EF71 EF95AF99EF7E41A282AD8A865F10A85D anterior nasopharynx Entire anterior nasopharynx (body structure) 6368 6368 06368 subcutaneous tissue of calf of leg 113189005 S06368 Subcutaneous tissue structure of calf of leg (body structure) E06368 213486006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of calf of leg (body structure) P06368 Y D integument/surface 64DC3F6E7F93453A9314D2E95423F228 F061AD024F0D47DB90AA19669A2A9A62 Subcutaneous tissue of calf of leg Entire subcutaneous tissue of calf of leg (body structure) 6369 6369 06369 superior nasopharynx 367595000 S06369 Structure of superior nasopharynx (body structure) E06369 178880006 Entire superior nasopharynx (body structure) P06369 - P respiratory system 8594808DAFAE4B91B37EB9D9C58D43CE 815472476E9A48C3B655F8CBB57A1E23 superior nasopharynx Entire superior nasopharynx (body structure) 6370 6370 06370 roof of nasopharynx 367596004 S06370 Structure of roof of nasopharynx (body structure) E06370 276963002 Entire roof of nasopharynx (body structure) P06370 - 54906 P respiratory system 8BDAAEF4CF104493B91A843EFED1B783 2AD48DA68E2646C4BF82D3E70D7E646D roof of nasopharynx Entire roof of nasopharynx (body structure) 6371 6371 06371 lobular bronchiole 367597008 S06371 Structure of lobular bronchiole (body structure) E06371 278982001 Entire lobular bronchiole (body structure) P06371 Y P respiratory system F6533744861A42C98070BC495238F0CC FB723E3F4AA14A01B1F6EA416F3C6333 lobular bronchiole Entire lobular bronchiole (body structure) 6372 6372 06372 respiratory bronchiole 200723008 S06372 Structure of respiratory bronchiole (body structure) E06372 128517006 Entire respiratory bronchiole (body structure) P06372 Y 7412 P respiratory system E91BD22F62ED41739254A843B4339599 A6E59DDA97D94A6DA78375C9B9E46D6B respiratory bronchiole Entire respiratory bronchiole (body structure) 6373 6373 06373 myocardium of inferior surface of left ventricle 367598003 S06373 Structure of myocardium of inferior surface of left ventricle (body structure) E06373 190926008 Entire myocardium of inferior surface of left ventricle (body structure) P06373 - L P cardiovascular system FB472A0B40B24A2CAB0DCEB8AD83AB76 1FAC903C59A24F60854C0EAEBF3F1E1E myocardium of inferior surface of left ventricle Entire myocardium of inferior surface of left ventricle (body structure) 6374 6374 06374 artery of inner ear 367599006 S06374 Structure of artery of inner ear (body structure) E06374 314294008 Entire artery of inner ear (body structure) P06374 Y P arterial system 4B484096312743A7B8FD10BB9F3BE244 F2881A9BF2C447218C491E46DE38F11E artery of inner ear Entire artery of inner ear (body structure) 6375 6375 06375 gastric artery 367600009 S06375 Structure of gastric artery (body structure) E06375 304828002 Entire gastric artery (body structure) P06375 - P cardiovascular system C8C9DECE07864249BBD7A9053B56283B 4D112B9FD4994DCF958FF08F80DF4B85 gastric artery Entire gastric artery (body structure) 6376 6376 06376 ileocolic artery 120233009 S06376 Structure of ileocolic artery (body structure) E06376 244279000 Entire ileocolic artery (body structure) P06376 - 66499 P arterial system C18041ED3C6E49D4A2526CF70B79EC16 FAB55717FC4044FB99CE55D7936F1A26 ileocolic artery Entire ileocolic artery (body structure) 6377 6377 06377 periapical tissue 128472006 S06377 Structure of periapical tissue (body structure) E06377 368712001 Entire periapical tissue (body structure) P06377 Y P digestive system 8284F9D5818046099C5144351EA280E4 1D5C773C95094DA79E2C54C2D2E70037 periapical tissue Entire periapical tissue (body structure) 6378 6378 06378 subcutaneous tissue of ankle 38134001 S06378 Subcutaneous tissue structure of ankle (body structure) E06378 243248005 Entire subcutaneous tissue of ankle (body structure) P06378 Y D integument/surface D4F28C2ABC914255B92743F4DFB7E39A DBF2A9C004F24137827B651883B1BC10 Subcutaneous tissue of ankle Entire subcutaneous tissue of ankle (body structure) 6380 6380 06380 caudal one third of stomach 367603006 S06380 Structure of caudal one third of stomach (body structure) E06380 268802003 Entire caudal one third of stomach (body structure) P06380 - P digestive system 3AE0DC5268084F52B5D34CFCD1D63181 67AE2300ACA3470099653AD8B5A407C1 caudal one third of stomach Entire caudal one third of stomach (body structure) 6382 6382 06382 anal sinus 367605004 S06382 Structure of anal sinus (body structure) E06382 245447000 Entire anal sinus (body structure) P06382 - 15717 P digestive system F9B9B1EF202B420D9731BF8659108D11 0462C443B78245E3A7E0A70521D381E6 anal sinus Entire anal sinus (body structure) 6383 6383 06383 main pancreatic duct 367606003 S06383 Structure of duct of Wirsung (body structure) E06383 245385001 Entire duct of Wirsung (body structure) P06383 - 16003 P digestive system 4B7500F8AC414E5895852D2FF1FCD9F6 3E19B20999404B4C80C54DD3281E566E duct of Wirsung Entire duct of Wirsung (body structure) 6384 6384 06384 detrusor muscle of urinary bladder 367607007 S06384 Structure of detrusor muscle of urinary bladder (body structure) E06384 279414008 Entire detrusor muscle of urinary bladder (body structure) P06384 - P urinary system 92CD17D16E4A454388A88C1622B76EBB ECC45205673F42F4946B2B2078623D9B detrusor muscle of urinary bladder Entire detrusor muscle of urinary bladder (body structure) 6385 6385 06385 dome of urinary bladder 367608002 S06385 Structure of dome of urinary bladder (body structure) E06385 263983008 Entire dome of urinary bladder (body structure) P06385 - 265241 P urinary system B7FCFFB194954DE29C364E5DE1BB2069 EE359E1520FA4CCCB40B3E90F7E8CEF0 dome of urinary bladder Entire dome of urinary bladder (body structure) 6386 6386 06386 paraurethral gland 367609005 S06386 Structure of paraurethral gland (body structure) E06386 264125007 Entire paraurethral gland (body structure) P06386 Y 21444 P genital system 6063F387179D4711860693855EA0AB30 A3E3923E5FDA42D3AEAA07E9D7E9BB22 paraurethral gland Entire paraurethral gland (body structure) 6387 6387 06387 subcutaneous tissue of heel 24797004 S06387 Subcutaneous tissue structure of heel (body structure) E06387 216945004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of heel (body structure) P06387 Y D integument/surface E199538C0DBC4DD4A77084C4C47499A8 7E13D05CA745455BBAD539C6C683289E Subcutaneous tissue of heel Entire subcutaneous tissue of heel (body structure) 6388 6388 06388 Littre's gland 367610000 S06388 Structure of Littre's gland (body structure) E06388 303562001 Entire Littre's gland (body structure) P06388 Y 21443 P urinary system 77F11F4B659A4E6189569A78F1F733A3 29A18F11F4B24107B95A38F4A13222F3 Littre's gland Entire Littre's gland (body structure) 6389 6389 06389 vaginal vault 367611001 S06389 Structure of vaginal vault (body structure) E06389 245474004 Entire vaginal vault (body structure) P06389 - P genital system 7C4AA26675364088A42FB84EBCC9F495 43C9970A259C412C8EFD4286AB7F2E24 vaginal vault Entire vaginal vault (body structure) 6390 6390 06390 lower uterine segment 367612008 S06390 Structure of lower uterine segment (body structure) E06390 245484003 Entire lower uterine segment (body structure) P06390 - 17752 P genital system 59943D8B150F48D2948E3369F1C5D472 B361B59B080C498186E6A5E01A60CAB4 lower uterine segment Entire lower uterine segment (body structure) 6391 6391 06391 corpus fibrosum of ovary 367613003 S06391 Structure of corpus fibrosum of ovary (body structure) E06391 258132006 Entire corpus fibrosum of ovary (body structure) P06391 Y P genital system 57F75B9164DB4DC18859130B40D00917 361868BB22E243CD851769934E7BA2DA corpus fibrosum of ovary Entire corpus fibrosum of ovary (body structure) 6392 6392 06392 lamina suprachoroidea 367614009 S06392 Structure of lamina suprachoroidea (body structure) E06392 280895003 Entire lamina suprachoroidea (body structure) P06392 Y 58368 P special senses organ system E30481C18E9D4AF6A07754D4939D44EB 01ED8471F80E4941988199B80E5B4AD5 lamina suprachoroidea Entire lamina suprachoroidea (body structure) 6393 6393 06393 anterior semicircular canal 367615005 S06393 Structure of anterior semicircular canal (body structure) E06393 279764002 Entire anterior semicircular canal (body structure) P06393 Y 60187 P special senses organ system 42B3657CF85745F08DB3CEEB9E5AB83B A0566809F284428E8A1D1608B3E5C605 anterior semicircular canal Entire anterior semicircular canal (body structure) 6394 6394 06394 posterior semicircular duct 49360001 S06394 Structure of posterior semicircular duct (body structure) E06394 279835002 Entire posterior semicircular duct (body structure) P06394 Y 61126 P special senses organ system F67343D088A6424AA9D8DA653315EB60 3508EF2946444611830F7F501414EE19 posterior semicircular duct Entire posterior semicircular duct (body structure) 6395 6395 06395 lateral semicircular canal 367616006 S06395 Structure of lateral semicircular canal (body structure) E06395 279761005 Entire lateral semicircular canal (body structure) P06395 Y 60193 P special senses organ system 5E34B2219E304CCD8308ABD1D35774AD 5A13627A122C436C8AD7228E5CF1598D lateral semicircular canal Entire lateral semicircular canal (body structure) 6396 6396 06396 placental site 367617002 S06396 Structure of placental site (body structure) E06396 257587002 Entire placental site (body structure) P06396 - P 411698803B5C40BBB7BA34B1F5FBBE71 557CF36950DC449EA440E49623589B76 placental site Entire placental site (body structure) 6397 6397 06397 blastomere 367618007 S06397 Structure of blastomere (body structure) E06397 343113005 Entire blastomere (body structure) P06397 - 72551 P B009B4A6DF884D7B9D923475CF442CA4 629E02A102764A7DBFC15F33A25AA14E blastomere Entire blastomere (body structure) 6398 6398 06398 embryo, late embryo stage 297180002 S06398 Structure of late embryo stage (body structure) E06398 367619004 Entire late embryo stage (body structure) P06398 - P 2065FC59ADC74544A95D99CC38266E79 F54147BD0BF04490A68F20F499321279 late embryo stage Entire late embryo stage (body structure) 6399 6399 06399 fetus under 500gms 367620005 S06399 Structure of fetus under 500gms (body structure) E06399 299325009 Entire fetus under 500gms (body structure) P06399 - 0 P 92BB5C537BB24CFA9A2CB04D8FB0BE88 B435B5B17D6448BB9D92BC65ABF69FC2 fetus under 500gms Entire fetus under 500gms (body structure) 6400 6400 06400 embryo, stage 26 weeks 297258009 S06400 Structure of embryo stage, 26 weeks (body structure) E06400 367621009 Entire embryo stage, 26 weeks (body structure) P06400 - P 758914F5A46D4BC7BCA365C93C9B4D30 D6B215E8282B44E6A464E998E5F39F50 embryo stage, 26 weeks Entire embryo stage, 26 weeks (body structure) 6401 6401 06401 premature fetus, age 33-35 weeks 367622002 S06401 Structure of premature fetus, age 33-35 weeks (body structure) E06401 299424007 Entire premature fetus, age 33-35 weeks (body structure) P06401 - P 00AAAF5C84FB4E7EB43401B24271BA47 870B0482B7204243B166E537B4C9CB13 premature fetus, age 33-35 weeks Entire premature fetus, age 33-35 weeks (body structure) 6402 6402 06402 anal membrane 367623007 S06402 Structure of anal membrane (body structure) E06402 344130000 Entire anal membrane (body structure) P06402 - P digestive system 88428DA8479C49B0BE72A3AEFA6456C3 A31534AA8F8C44BAA682F826E7DF2273 anal membrane Entire anal membrane (body structure) 6403 6403 06403 subcutaneous tissue of foot 38157007 S06403 Subcutaneous tissue structure of foot (body structure) E06403 240726002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of foot (body structure) P06403 Y D integument/surface F908096A00B249C6BAABF7BC17589B10 EDEE6BB728F1482890F9421EF8D06D4D Subcutaneous tissue of foot Entire subcutaneous tissue of foot (body structure) 6404 6404 06404 ductus venosus 367624001 S06404 Structure of ductus venosus (body structure) E06404 304829005 Entire ductus venosus (body structure) P06404 - 71007 P cardiovascular system C0E4F694CB55442DBCD392FC25EBF1AD 5A51F3003BCE4F029D55814A9367617F ductus venosus Entire ductus venosus (body structure) 6405 6405 06405 nasopalatine duct 367625000 S06405 Structure of nasopalatine duct (body structure) E06405 345958000 Entire nasopalatine duct (body structure) P06405 Y P 47723C0BEA214FC7A9CAB2F21E2B309A 1B03B096F43E48DABBB81388A9E95852 nasopalatine duct Entire nasopalatine duct (body structure) 6406 6406 06406 bilaminar embryo 367626004 S06406 Structure of bilaminar embryo (body structure) E06406 343214008 Entire bilaminar embryo (body structure) P06406 - P EEFD0FD912534C64A6AF6218DCC2968A 976E5E9FD8084115B6C2A21289A74AAE bilaminar embryo Entire bilaminar embryo (body structure) 6407 6407 06407 trilaminar embryo 367627008 S06407 Structure of trilaminar embryo (body structure) E06407 346619004 Entire trilaminar embryo (body structure) P06407 - P 17099EBAC1E1469CBEAC1C2D3941D2C2 4F9768335FFC4450ADF375E79F950BED trilaminar embryo Entire trilaminar embryo (body structure) 6408 6408 06408 presomite embryo 367628003 S06408 Structure of presomite embryo (body structure) E06408 346702005 Entire presomite embryo (body structure) P06408 - P 07FEBC20717948A7BBA52B8E8ABB0239 B30929084F8543DD9FC5D88CFDEF14FB presomite embryo Entire presomite embryo (body structure) 6409 6409 06409 embryo, early somite stage 297357001 S06409 Structure of early somite stage (body structure) E06409 367629006 Entire early somite stage (body structure) P06409 - P E596780F83D24D53A2B14849AEE66BFD 98270A5C8CF04B93ACBD56D7D4F7BE15 early somite stage Entire early somite stage (body structure) 6410 6410 06410 embryo, stage with limb development 297458007 S06410 Structure of embryo stage with limb development (body structure) E06410 367630001 Entire embryo stage with limb development (body structure) P06410 - P 728E817D10504B52A50E67EFB27CCCB8 35325109C2EB4CA08211CC1E14965CC3 embryo stage with limb development Entire embryo stage with limb development (body structure) 6411 6411 06411 embryo, stage with closed neural tube 297560007 S06411 Structure of embryo stage with closed neural tube (body structure) E06411 367631002 Entire embryo stage with closed neural tube (body structure) P06411 - P CC6DD3E7A9414CED9F009F084C3BB421 0D7437FF2FDA44D1A63B60DE7963ED2A embryo stage with closed neural tube Entire embryo stage with closed neural tube (body structure) 6412 6412 06412 embryo, stage 20-52 days 297660004 S06412 Structure of embryo stage, 20-52 days (body structure) E06412 367632009 Entire embryo stage, 20-52 days (body structure) P06412 - P 0708DB47E0584478889A3EC7638747C9 29C7CD32860744D48E744AE4FF9304AB embryo stage, 20-52 days Entire embryo stage, 20-52 days (body structure) 6413 6413 06413 subcutaneous tissue of dorsum of foot 46048007 S06413 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsum of foot (body structure) E06413 217046007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsum of foot (body structure) P06413 Y D integument/surface 3CFCBB1B588A402C9DEC65D02B4CFA3D 35F02A3E9A604FD6918C081951569480 Subcutaneous tissue of dorsum of foot Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsum of foot (body structure) 6414 6414 06414 subcutaneous tissue of plantar area of foot 86123007 S06414 Subcutaneous tissue structure of sole of foot (body structure) E06414 217760004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of sole of foot (body structure) P06414 Y D 1025903800F84E759E34B34B0720DCC2 8E630ED5BC2E4C8884B73775D2945E9D Subcutaneous tissue of sole of foot Entire subcutaneous tissue of sole of foot (body structure) 6415 6415 06415 subcutaneous tissue of lateral border of sole of foot 5872003 S06415 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral border of sole of foot (body structure) E06415 217354001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral border of sole of foot (body structure) P06415 Y D integument/surface A3026229F96C47E6AA7B3699FD3E42DC 11D78C619CE844EA9A516A8EE38B3B4A Subcutaneous tissue of lateral border of sole of foot Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral border of sole of foot (body structure) 6416 6416 06416 subcutaneous tissue of medial border of sole of foot 46688003 S06416 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial border of sole of foot (body structure) E06416 217455004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial border of sole of foot (body structure) P06416 Y D integument/surface 38CCE5F2E5204E5080CE96C7D74EC4EC 4376BD750F7949BCA10D9FF0967B5497 Subcutaneous tissue of medial border of sole of foot Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial border of sole of foot (body structure) 6417 6417 06417 small venule of dermis 320401000 S06417 Structure of small venule of dermis (body structure) E06417 15494004 Entire small venule of dermis (body structure) P06417 - P cardiovascular system E92E2E651628490F9060011E323FB9CA 08EF8A74C21C44A082B40C694644463A small venule of dermis Entire small venule of dermis (body structure) 6422 6422 06422 subcutaneous tissue of toe 30284001 S06422 Subcutaneous tissue structure of toe (body structure) E06422 230259002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of toe (body structure) P06422 Y D integument/surface 039D4D0D37B14DB9B574151A124E8C30 8CA3E993B7A046A6A47E2C765C0A75B1 Subcutaneous tissue of toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of toe (body structure) 6423 6423 06423 subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of toe 87681003 S06423 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal surface of toe (body structure) E06423 219183003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of toe (body structure) P06423 Y D integument/surface BD36D1E7007D4F52954F84135C4DA2AA 3231CD1FF248474D8D329F16BA8EC48E Subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of toe (body structure) 6424 6424 06424 subcutaneous tissue of plantar area of toe 57059000 S06424 Subcutaneous tissue structure of plantar surface of toe (body structure) E06424 220400000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of toe (body structure) P06424 Y D integument/surface 9A444BDBC6E944EAB8A427EC2FA1A48B CA6A2B102CBE4F44A34C427E534DF431 Subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of toe (body structure) 6425 6425 06425 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of toe 61725003 S06425 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of toe (body structure) E06425 221600002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of toe (body structure) P06425 Y D integument/surface 459109CC284F47A5BA2827694DB5F1A0 6D5A057D897B4F3FAFFE9AD729212C28 Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of toe (body structure) 6426 6426 06426 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of toe 89840001 S06426 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of toe (body structure) E06426 222822008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of toe (body structure) P06426 Y D integument/surface 911EDACF216C4BC187DC66CA864A5101 BAD641915F764908A1A79432267EE014 Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of toe (body structure) 6427 6427 06427 subcutaneous tissue of great toe 49027006 S06427 Subcutaneous tissue structure of great toe (body structure) E06427 223836006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of great toe (body structure) P06427 Y D integument/surface 4E8A5568F89D41649383D2101BE77495 26B9B5A738084247B2F54346748EEA5B Subcutaneous tissue of great toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of great toe (body structure) 6428 6428 06428 subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of great toe 61920002 S06428 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal surface of great toe (body structure) E06428 218166003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of great toe (body structure) P06428 Y D integument/surface C5A4BF9B7AA24CA6B16F614E85B69EC8 9E3569B7C13F4FBA942114239E0A01E3 Subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of great toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of great toe (body structure) 6429 6429 06429 skin of limb 116370005 S06429 Skin structure of extremity (body structure) E06429 244129006 Entire skin of extremity (body structure) P06429 Y 23100 D integument/surface AD784F1F4018405890EA187D8B0DAA94 76E6EC094F404EF280F15422E1212961 Skin of extremity Entire skin of extremity (body structure) 6430 6430 06430 small subcutaneous blood vessel 23757005 S06430 Structure of small subcutaneous blood vessel (organ) (body structure) E06430 318535004 Entire small subcutaneous blood vessel (organ) (body structure) P06430 - P musculoskeletal system BCDAC7D917704EDBBF8C1F42D57AA838 5A05BC6B9039465297E30B04BED0F70F small subcutaneous blood vessel (organ) Entire small subcutaneous blood vessel (organ) (body structure) 6431 6431 06431 small subcutaneous vein 318634006 S06431 Structure of small subcutaneous vein (body structure) E06431 10617000 Entire small subcutaneous vein (body structure) P06431 Y P cardiovascular system A11AA54984FB411AA82FC9502385C742 D79560002DFB4BFB9B7CB1FAC0305142 small subcutaneous vein Entire small subcutaneous vein (body structure) 6432 6432 06432 subcutaneous tissue of plantar area of great toe 65888000 S06432 Subcutaneous tissue structure of plantar surface of great toe (body structure) E06432 219385002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of great toe (body structure) P06432 Y D integument/surface 5AD397ACCBD2422DB7DCEB9C3444A4B5 2640F4AB596B4234A5A6297BF1F43864 Subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of great toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of great toe (body structure) 6433 6433 06433 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of great toe 19919009 S06433 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of great toe (body structure) E06433 220592004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of great toe (body structure) P06433 Y D integument/surface 1CFC1AA283484A78BCAA1A23359A3D50 09B9CFB7CBF2470BB60F0B6B8111F437 Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of great toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of great toe (body structure) 6434 6434 06434 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of great toe 41139003 S06434 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of great toe (body structure) E06434 221804008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of great toe (body structure) P06434 Y D integument/surface 9C5EC01C283C437FA0AB875B96FF2C72 238F4A42CEA149B7BA7E4AB078D86624 Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of great toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of great toe (body structure) 6435 6435 06435 subcutaneous tissue between great toe and second toe 85114000 S06435 Structure of subcutaneous tissue between great toe and second toe (body structure) E06435 230409009 Entire subcutaneous tissue between great toe and second toe (body structure) P06435 Y P musculoskeletal system 70678EC659544476A7347FB34CAE00C4 561FCE6149E248E19599FF9F68518598 subcutaneous tissue between great toe and second toe Entire subcutaneous tissue between great toe and second toe (body structure) 6436 6436 06436 subcutaneous tissue of second toe 16499002 S06436 Subcutaneous tissue structure of second toe (body structure) E06436 224341003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of second toe (body structure) P06436 Y D integument/surface 99DA078D7F3349F88B8B2C55C47CE353 E7F4CFEEC7CF499AA8A1BE6DB7BB267E Subcutaneous tissue of second toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of second toe (body structure) 6437 6437 06437 subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of second toe 47890006 S06437 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal surface of second toe (body structure) E06437 218371003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of second toe (body structure) P06437 Y D integument/surface D0F512E71FA04AD5A0F0B0C7C0081E8A 846195231E6D4B1297F0AA2CA8BF2A27 Subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of second toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of second toe (body structure) 6438 6438 06438 skin of lower leg 75144006 S06438 Skin structure of lower leg (body structure) E06438 244180007 Entire skin of lower leg (body structure) P06438 Y 37828 D integument/surface FB92BB66C7214FA59ECF72C6B6E48CCE AF4D337C473F4C9EBA769064C45C2537 Skin of lower leg Entire skin of lower leg (body structure) 6439 6439 06439 subcutaneous tissue of plantar area of second toe 58725009 S06439 Subcutaneous tissue structure of plantar surface of second toe (body structure) E06439 219588004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of second toe (body structure) P06439 Y D integument/surface 0BEFBD3387804164B569A91FF98EE184 6374F53F3CEC4D8985E293496DF8FE0B Subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of second toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of second toe (body structure) 6440 6440 06440 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of second toe 29813005 S06440 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of second toe (body structure) E06440 220795004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of second toe (body structure) P06440 Y D integument/surface 1604FC27AE5143658A83E1EA506C6437 16AC59970D754A0DABA8CCD1D5CB30A6 Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of second toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of second toe (body structure) 6441 6441 06441 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of second toe 86339007 S06441 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of second toe (body structure) E06441 222007002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of second toe (body structure) P06441 Y D integument/surface F556C7B3298944F58722756ADC1FF886 94CD38841E61445C9D070FAD30DE2E31 Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of second toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of second toe (body structure) 6442 6442 06442 subcutaneous tissue between second and third toes 37846003 S06442 Structure of subcutaneous tissue between second and third toes (body structure) E06442 230487009 Entire subcutaneous tissue between second and third toes (body structure) P06442 Y P musculoskeletal system 2DEF0DB866344670B91428628B26AF4E FB5BCD4480B647EBAE7020F7F6963537 subcutaneous tissue between second and third toes Entire subcutaneous tissue between second and third toes (body structure) 6443 6443 06443 subcutaneous tissue of third toe 38078007 S06443 Subcutaneous tissue structure of third toe (body structure) E06443 224637009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of third toe (body structure) P06443 Y D integument/surface DB87BE22646A40F9A655277AAEF80867 DB3BD8C673F54B5099B6E9B64D73ACCA Subcutaneous tissue of third toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of third toe (body structure) 6444 6444 06444 subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of third toe 62462002 S06444 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal surface of third toe (body structure) E06444 218574007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of third toe (body structure) P06444 Y D integument/surface D16C870ADECE4E729DBDC2E4DA7C200C 40628AEA68F840F5BE214BD42ED264FD Subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of third toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of third toe (body structure) 6445 6445 06445 subcutaneous tissue of plantar area of third toe 83556007 S06445 Subcutaneous tissue structure of plantar surface of third toe (body structure) E06445 219791002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of third toe (body structure) P06445 Y D integument/surface 2948724DCE0C483184B43CF0DD4B2717 961DA654D50C47E19A003D13CFDA5281 Subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of third toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of third toe (body structure) 6446 6446 06446 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of third toe 62439004 S06446 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of third toe (body structure) E06446 220993001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of third toe (body structure) P06446 Y D integument/surface 7D88B9E320E44EABBAB59C1166FCBDAC 3CD3BEBF468D4BE4A0C4ACE15A055861 Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of third toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of third toe (body structure) 6447 6447 06447 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of third toe 6905005 S06447 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of third toe (body structure) E06447 222211004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of third toe (body structure) P06447 Y D integument/surface 024F7C9CC3CB4C2E89E0C4D916331866 08064FA560BD429D969F2A69746BC877 Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of third toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of third toe (body structure) 6448 6448 06448 lumbosacral vertebra 65098007 S06448 Structure of lumbosacral vertebrae (body structure) E06448 310055006 Entire lumbosacral vertebrae (body structure) P06448 - P skeletal system 3D4AA3D91D8B42C591DD95DF38368EA1 5C69CE2658B242CF8B04A38DDFDC8485 lumbosacral vertebrae Entire lumbosacral vertebrae (body structure) 6449 6449 06449 sacrococcygeal vertebra 44522008 S06449 Structure of sacrococcygeal vertebrae (body structure) E06449 316978005 Entire sacrococcygeal vertebrae (body structure) P06449 - P skeletal system 16A033D819234D5D866684755780B65D DD407F557487473AAEE5F079D41A5F27 sacrococcygeal vertebrae Entire sacrococcygeal vertebrae (body structure) 6450 6450 06450 subcutaneous tissue between third and fourth toes 25562007 S06450 Structure of subcutaneous tissue between third and fourth toes (body structure) E06450 230554008 Entire subcutaneous tissue between third and fourth toes (body structure) P06450 Y P musculoskeletal system 06213A524578440EB8E95FF82CEB2560 04B31711CDA04516AAC3EF74F89A39D5 subcutaneous tissue between third and fourth toes Entire subcutaneous tissue between third and fourth toes (body structure) 6451 6451 06451 subcutaneous tissue of fourth toe 79629002 S06451 Subcutaneous tissue structure of fourth toe (body structure) E06451 224935004 Entire subcutaneous tissue of fourth toe (body structure) P06451 Y D integument/surface 1E21EB55E8E34D4883E47BF235A65C45 C5A28C9174CF41439FDEF46F1B63692C Subcutaneous tissue of fourth toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of fourth toe (body structure) 6452 6452 06452 subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of fourth toe 28170009 S06452 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal surface of fourth toe (body structure) E06452 218879009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of fourth toe (body structure) P06452 Y D integument/surface 7AC69E47379A46B79041565963F4C20B 0EFB9D1CB84C4B7B88DC1888BF8D8807 Subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of fourth toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of fourth toe (body structure) 6453 6453 06453 medial condyle of femur 122474001 S06453 Structure of medial condyle of femur (body structure) E06453 182056007 Entire medial condyle of femur (body structure) P06453 Y 32858 P skeletal system 0D9F2322A48E4F66AA7FD3CFD2629B9B D4E6738DB6F64499A1CEC968F70FAEA9 medial condyle of femur Entire medial condyle of femur (body structure) 6454 6454 06454 lateral condyle of femur 122475000 S06454 Structure of lateral condyle of femur (body structure) E06454 182057003 Entire lateral condyle of femur (body structure) P06454 Y 32859 P skeletal system 2CC8BD9F9A46498F93EC721F31EC235E 39F5766A94BA410187BB51711C61CE2C lateral condyle of femur Entire lateral condyle of femur (body structure) 6455 6455 06455 subcutaneous tissue of plantar area of fourth toe 60855005 S06455 Subcutaneous tissue structure of plantar surface of fourth toe (body structure) E06455 220096006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of fourth toe (body structure) P06455 Y D integument/surface 9A5D2EA3CD2F474AB9352A1177A08B3D EF588C186D8043338D41D3489FE3A48E Subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of fourth toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of fourth toe (body structure) 6456 6456 06456 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of fourth toe 3910004 S06456 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of fourth toe (body structure) E06456 221296006 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of fourth toe (body structure) P06456 Y D integument/surface B872ED29732E4DA0862AEEDE81F2AF49 750E3E2415D24607BDD0A707295999B2 Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of fourth toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of fourth toe (body structure) 6457 6457 06457 head of skeletal muscle 24160002 S06457 Structure of head of skeletal muscle (body structure) E06457 331610001 Entire head of skeletal muscle (body structure) P06457 Y P muscular system 8C27F42E353C4168BEC2FD4E4BF32634 2FD4F805E2664CBCBC52CD29BDBD4DF3 head of skeletal muscle Entire head of skeletal muscle (body structure) 6458 6458 06458 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of fourth toe 45569007 S06458 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of fourth toe (body structure) E06458 222515009 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of fourth toe (body structure) P06458 Y D integument/surface 7E305F5E167B434B80DC911410C112BE EE4F48ED30984305ACFDA78FA76714F0 Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of fourth toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of fourth toe (body structure) 6459 6459 06459 subcutaneous tissue between fourth and fifth toes 113190001 S06459 Structure of subcutaneous tissue between fourth and fifth toes (body structure) E06459 230642000 Entire subcutaneous tissue between fourth and fifth toes (body structure) P06459 Y P musculoskeletal system E460DC14E76642399D25DBAFA35E1B02 D606A0FC6FEE40AFA0F91956C2C8EF9D subcutaneous tissue between fourth and fifth toes Entire subcutaneous tissue between fourth and fifth toes (body structure) 6460 6460 06460 splenius capitis muscle 1600003 S06460 Structure of splenius capitis muscle (body structure) E06460 244850004 Entire splenius capitis muscle (body structure) P06460 Y 22653 P musculoskeletal system AE8CB2B0CE554671868CFE8D98616F1E 893CBCCE1EFC479C93B8F289A092EC69 splenius capitis muscle Entire splenius capitis muscle (body structure) 6461 6461 06461 rectus capitis muscle 3959000 S06461 Structure of rectus capitis muscle (body structure) E06461 141703001 Entire rectus capitis muscle (body structure) P06461 Y P musculoskeletal system EF401EBA884046149B612C2AFEE2C05B 5005E42F2C7C421BAF879AAEC2763B2F rectus capitis muscle Entire rectus capitis muscle (body structure) 6462 6462 06462 anterior rectus capitis muscle 63528005 S06462 Structure of anterior rectus capitis muscle (body structure) E06462 244838005 Entire anterior rectus capitis muscle (body structure) P06462 Y 46312 P musculoskeletal system 8B44D226AA084741858E91D8D961000B A82A5BAAC9984846AA0670E5C8D3F970 anterior rectus capitis muscle Entire anterior rectus capitis muscle (body structure) 6463 6463 06463 obliquus capitis muscle 8496001 S06463 Structure of obliquus capitis muscle (body structure) E06463 245996000 Entire obliquus capitis muscle (body structure) P06463 Y P musculoskeletal system 9DCA43BAF79B4220A8854532AD6C6874 0F16655376BB47FA8B06A9AB32F02D5A obliquus capitis muscle Entire obliquus capitis muscle (body structure) 6464 6464 06464 subcutaneous tissue of fifth toe 79402002 S06464 Subcutaneous tissue structure of fifth toe (body structure) E06464 225197001 Entire subcutaneous tissue of fifth toe (body structure) P06464 Y D integument/surface 8805A3416DAB4048AD19E986866AC862 9491D614B4064A9495E221DC001AFC11 Subcutaneous tissue of fifth toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of fifth toe (body structure) 6465 6465 06465 longus capitis muscle 35752005 S06465 Structure of longus capitis muscle (body structure) E06465 244837000 Entire longus capitis muscle (body structure) P06465 Y 46308 P musculoskeletal system BED3B972C0184FB69B58F66943F2BC69 D98A0ED674F34354AFE2219BA922BCBF longus capitis muscle Entire longus capitis muscle (body structure) 6466 6466 06466 frontal belly of occipitofrontalis muscle 35201009 S06466 Structure of frontal belly of occipitofrontalis muscle (body structure) E06466 368680005 Entire frontal belly of occipitofrontalis muscle (body structure) P06466 Y P muscular system CA235A4C06BF45AFA926AF6A384C2414 1041A09A4AF647C4BEB50BF68D6DE57F frontal belly of occipitofrontalis muscle Entire frontal belly of occipitofrontalis muscle (body structure) 6467 6467 06467 occipital belly of occipitofrontalis muscle 21405000 S06467 Structure of occipital belly of occipitofrontalis muscle (body structure) E06467 368681009 Entire occipital belly of occipitofrontalis muscle (body structure) P06467 Y P muscular system C3CC0038B03F43CDBFAB795C88B25DDB FF5697C5943044789C76774618963F56 occipital belly of occipitofrontalis muscle Entire occipital belly of occipitofrontalis muscle (body structure) 6468 6468 06468 risorius muscle 89602001 S06468 Structure of risorius muscle (body structure) E06468 244755003 Entire risorius muscle (body structure) P06468 Y 46838 P musculoskeletal system BD00CE4CF7B24F93B1C0626200ADB647 E5A4AD8F9FE64DCE8E0268A127AB0BE2 risorius muscle Entire risorius muscle (body structure) 6469 6469 06469 subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of fifth toe 70197003 S06469 Subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal surface of fifth toe (body structure) E06469 219081003 Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of fifth toe (body structure) P06469 Y D integument/surface 65E9B906677A4981AD71D3399E2067FE 14D0439A8C494A85989CD4BE3C0012B3 Subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of fifth toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of dorsal surface of fifth toe (body structure) 6470 6470 06470 zygomaticus major muscle 80352009 S06470 Structure of zygomaticus major muscle (body structure) E06470 244740007 Entire zygomaticus major muscle (body structure) P06470 Y 46810 P musculoskeletal system E62AB12D17F64A1F8764E15E02FEA62D 57A9AAEE0633490CBADCE6966AE6FC96 zygomaticus major muscle Entire zygomaticus major muscle (body structure) 6471 6471 06471 zygomaticus minor muscle 69596008 S06471 Structure of zygomaticus minor muscle (body structure) E06471 244741006 Entire zygomaticus minor muscle (body structure) P06471 Y 46811 P musculoskeletal system 21630935A0604CBEA45AB297FD6AAA19 3CA35C4E6B984F29AF65EC3F9FB24DC6 zygomaticus minor muscle Entire zygomaticus minor muscle (body structure) 6472 6472 06472 levator labii superioris muscle 10062000 S06472 Structure of levator labii superioris muscle (body structure) E06472 244737007 Entire levator labii superioris muscle (body structure) P06472 Y 46805 P musculoskeletal system 8A956F3B558C48339E6DE10AAD73CAF2 2A7EE394C2A34522865B993F23518FC0 levator labii superioris muscle Entire levator labii superioris muscle (body structure) 6473 6473 06473 depressor labii inferioris muscle 77172000 S06473 Structure of depressor labii inferioris muscle (body structure) E06473 244746001 Entire depressor labii inferioris muscle (body structure) P06473 Y 46816 P musculoskeletal system EB893B3E319F4B94818191424D168E4A C48B5714C2F241C4841F3F90D9D9499E depressor labii inferioris muscle Entire depressor labii inferioris muscle (body structure) 6474 6474 06474 levator anguli oris muscle 27833004 S06474 Structure of levator anguli oris muscle (body structure) E06474 141501002 Entire levator anguli oris muscle (body structure) P06474 Y P musculoskeletal system 2D9E1953C72F4FFE94FE06E4BFCFBB66 56F711492DC64417856D5A7DC0347C15 levator anguli oris muscle Entire levator anguli oris muscle (body structure) 6475 6475 06475 buccinator muscle 71249002 S06475 Structure of buccinator muscle (body structure) E06475 244747005 Entire buccinator muscle (body structure) P06475 Y 46834 P musculoskeletal system C322D08535BF49E6A40C3C94B22D7DD3 42FDF50191AE44E396C1FFC6E5DCCEF2 buccinator muscle Entire buccinator muscle (body structure) 6476 6476 06476 depressor supercilii muscle 88465000 S06476 Structure of depressor supercilii muscle (body structure) E06476 244728007 Entire depressor supercilii muscle (body structure) P06476 Y 46798 P muscular system 4BB106F319104B93B7BB3269ECCE678B 3F0E40C9B71A49F984B66DAB2D8B837F depressor supercilii muscle Entire depressor supercilii muscle (body structure) 6477 6477 06477 corrugator supercilii muscle 88011006 S06477 Structure of corrugator supercilii muscle (body structure) E06477 244729004 Entire corrugator supercilii muscle (body structure) P06477 Y 46794 P musculoskeletal system 3282E4B57D0947C09C052E4079098387 B252F5C14F164197A85E8C67569833E3 corrugator supercilii muscle Entire corrugator supercilii muscle (body structure) 6478 6478 06478 mentalis muscle 65930000 S06478 Structure of mentalis muscle (body structure) E06478 244744003 Entire mentalis muscle (body structure) P06478 Y 46825 P musculoskeletal system 95A2160AB93946959F6B28C0D56F2FDF AF73CCC0039343A9BA338273C4515393 mentalis muscle Entire mentalis muscle (body structure) 6479 6479 06479 subcutaneous tissue of plantar area of fifth toe 40150008 S06479 Subcutaneous tissue structure of plantar surface of fifth toe (body structure) E06479 220301002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of fifth toe (body structure) P06479 Y D integument/surface A3536F3EABE3477DA6DEA546952E358E 183578FC86904982830B5E3D2D60762F Subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of fifth toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of plantar surface of fifth toe (body structure) 6480 6480 06480 transversus mentis muscle 62876006 S06480 Structure of transversus mentis muscle (body structure) E06480 141602002 Entire transversus mentis muscle (body structure) P06480 Y P musculoskeletal system 63A1D64910E44CBF9540FC1CBBD4B1D0 E9352316CB884A1785EE42B1787ECE3B transversus mentis muscle Entire transversus mentis muscle (body structure) 6481 6481 06481 superficial part of masseter muscle 52662005 S06481 Structure of superficial part of masseter muscle (body structure) E06481 142208007 Entire superficial part of masseter muscle (body structure) P06481 Y P digestive system E1CEBC32F3E14174B134E9346DA16CF7 868ED63057F242EA8013DE9AA75E0D8F superficial part of masseter muscle Entire superficial part of masseter muscle (body structure) 6482 6482 06482 deep part of masseter muscle 72850007 S06482 Structure of deep part of masseter muscle (body structure) E06482 142309002 Entire deep part of masseter muscle (body structure) P06482 Y P digestive system 969367D1804A494DA7B46EC3B85C1B26 39EE658731D84FD397F8AD957543273A deep part of masseter muscle Entire deep part of masseter muscle (body structure) 6483 6483 06483 pterygoid muscle 76738006 S06483 Structure of pterygoid muscle (body structure) E06483 244770002 Entire pterygoid muscle (body structure) P06483 Y P musculoskeletal system 055878BD1A9C4C2E8FD04461C42A36BE 5D6F2064315E4BE88FB6B3B21176DD30 pterygoid muscle Entire pterygoid muscle (body structure) 6484 6484 06484 lateral pterygoid muscle 88938001 S06484 Structure of lateral pterygoid muscle (body structure) E06484 244772005 Entire lateral pterygoid muscle (body structure) P06484 Y 49015 P muscular system D6F68C632EF24D2A8584252EC0EB93D4 4C1415C12BF149D5A28757143BE4E24B lateral pterygoid muscle Entire lateral pterygoid muscle (body structure) 6485 6485 06485 medial pterygoid muscle 85002005 S06485 Structure of medial pterygoid muscle (body structure) E06485 244771003 Entire medial pterygoid muscle (body structure) P06485 Y 49011 P muscular system A3DB5CCC93AA4251BE6FD1DA4F0A78E8 4169206189F042208F6F000D87ECE134 medial pterygoid muscle Entire medial pterygoid muscle (body structure) 6486 6486 06486 subcutaneous tissue of lateral area of fifth toe 12004005 S06486 Subcutaneous tissue structure of lateral surface of fifth toe (body structure) E06486 221499002 Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of fifth toe (body structure) P06486 Y D integument/surface F149811C4ABD41E6BB625467F0932E9D 067C802B0B8040DC8FD923F719E7C987 Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of fifth toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of fifth toe (body structure) 6487 6487 06487 marginal part of orbicularis oris muscle 8988001 S06487 Structure of marginal part of orbicularis oris muscle (body structure) E06487 142511007 Entire marginal part of orbicularis oris muscle (body structure) P06487 Y P musculoskeletal system 193C4B06F33244B5BDC5D5CECC3F54FA E570A03812F047CA98B92E2AC4A4BE33 marginal part of orbicularis oris muscle Entire marginal part of orbicularis oris muscle (body structure) 6488 6488 06488 labial part of orbicularis oris muscle 17131004 S06488 Structure of labial part of orbicularis oris muscle (body structure) E06488 142612007 Entire labial part of orbicularis oris muscle (body structure) P06488 Y P musculoskeletal system 2F6AD1C21C0B44F584382E8D5743BCFA 88C381C4BCB7465EB58205B3ADE27107 labial part of orbicularis oris muscle Entire labial part of orbicularis oris muscle (body structure) 6489 6489 06489 splenius cervicis muscle 61046001 S06489 Structure of splenius cervicis muscle (body structure) E06489 244851000 Entire splenius cervicis muscle (body structure) P06489 Y 22681 P musculoskeletal system A792EF8B2C264EC0BDFABA1637B359F2 3EA3B6E7130B4AD4967B7219288A9E03 splenius cervicis muscle Entire splenius cervicis muscle (body structure) 6491 6491 06491 skin of medial area of lower leg 58226009 S06491 Skin structure of medial surface of lower leg (body structure) E06491 181559005 Entire skin of medial surface of lower leg (body structure) P06491 Y D integument/surface 749ABD72BF0F45EF9F6384926968BEAD 0F833B32E0E8492A867A091A99FC2DA7 Skin of medial surface of lower leg Entire skin of medial surface of lower leg (body structure) 6492 6492 06492 subcutaneous tissue of medial area of fifth toe 29465000 S06492 Subcutaneous tissue structure of medial surface of fifth toe (body structure) E06492 222720007 Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of fifth toe (body structure) P06492 Y D integument/surface FC707F41B12F4F3E95CD92EFBF68E3C0 C9F64DDE681D4E3F931BA5DB5106516A Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of fifth toe Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of fifth toe (body structure) 6493 6493 06493 subcutaneous tissue of interdigital region of foot 90416009 S06493 Subcutaneous tissue structure of interdigital space of foot (body structure) E06493 230331000 Entire subcutaneous tissue of interdigital space of foot (body structure) P06493 Y D integument/surface 57102792E1384A2AA9E04FBF08006110 2BA10A3DB637462699A150433AA8995E Subcutaneous tissue of interdigital space of foot Entire subcutaneous tissue of interdigital space of foot (body structure) 6494 6494 06494 subcutaneous tissue of all toes 61463005 S06494 Subcutaneous tissue structure of all toes (body structure) E06494 224039008 Entire subcutaneous tissue of all toes (body structure) P06494 Y P musculoskeletal system 2785B5FDF9C041AC8BA2A0E3160FD4CC 5461745012A84BC3B4A66158163C36B4 Subcutaneous tissue of all toes Entire subcutaneous tissue of all toes (body structure) 6495 6495 06495 circulus venosus of base of nipple 22044004 S06495 Structure of circulus venosus of base of nipple (body structure) E06495 205454009 Entire circulus venosus of base of nipple (body structure) P06495 Y P venous system E72D06CB61A44F0CB1FFC05FF7D9A221 138A9DFD0AF147079D6539F5EF40DE98 circulus venosus of base of nipple Entire circulus venosus of base of nipple (body structure) 6496 6496 06496 central portion of breast 49058007 S06496 Structure of central portion of breast (body structure) E06496 205042000 Entire central portion of breast (body structure) P06496 Y P F68939EAEDC34B0480AD5EFA34289021 A09991C179EF45F39B9965B6B57535FF central portion of breast Entire central portion of breast (body structure) 6497 6497 06497 upper inner quadrant of breast 77831004 S06497 Structure of upper inner quadrant of breast (body structure) E06497 181132007 Entire upper inner quadrant of breast (body structure) P06497 Y 61375 P B7536118531F4719BC7925C44B7D133E 3BD6B193E4CF42F5BC5B9AB4DBB00DE2 upper inner quadrant of breast Entire upper inner quadrant of breast (body structure) 6498 6498 06498 appendicular skeleton 38781007 S06498 Structure of appendicular skeleton (body structure) E06498 322050006 Entire appendicular skeleton (body structure) P06498 - 71222 P skeletal system 51F0062982864A01908331E4BCB8C74C 946D5722CBEF4BC7B6D4D79BC791F99C appendicular skeleton Entire appendicular skeleton (body structure) *Subdivision of skeleton which consists of the bones of the upper and lower limbs. 6499 6499 06499 lower inner quadrant of breast 19100000 S06499 Structure of lower inner quadrant of breast (body structure) E06499 181135009 Entire lower inner quadrant of breast (body structure) P06499 Y 61377 P FD448FCE89304DCB8DABE8538ABECC68 2B786E36E1E541B197EE786C0AAA7B97 lower inner quadrant of breast Entire lower inner quadrant of breast (body structure) 6500 6500 06500 upper outer quadrant of breast 76365002 S06500 Structure of upper outer quadrant of breast (body structure) E06500 181134008 Entire upper outer quadrant of breast (body structure) P06500 Y 61380 P 61922315F5D14E77B8CAC44218228DD8 FABEBE8AB7F3442AA0CC8A02E204817A upper outer quadrant of breast Entire upper outer quadrant of breast (body structure) 6501 6501 06501 lower outer quadrant of breast 33564002 S06501 Structure of lower outer quadrant of breast (body structure) E06501 181136005 Entire lower outer quadrant of breast (body structure) P06501 Y 61376 P A2DD80B78C5A41909F2EC1066D1F1790 2A53F298C4564A61B9A9BF3B7D3009BE lower outer quadrant of breast Entire lower outer quadrant of breast (body structure) 6502 6502 06502 jugular notch of sternum 26493002 S06502 Structure of jugular notch of sternum (body structure) E06502 279160004 Entire jugular notch of sternum (body structure) P06502 Y 7542 P skeletal system 2DCE175E0DD34177A77ED79B36292E9C DCC051AD7F8C454894DBE9052A337516 jugular notch of sternum Entire jugular notch of sternum (body structure) 6503 6503 06503 costal cartilage 50016007 S06503 Structure of costal cartilage (body structure) E06503 244703004 Entire costal cartilage (body structure) P06503 Y 7591 P skeletal system 0D6DD4A2A3CB48279E15B3231CD1E611 0359A50122404B3796CF7A549295E4F8 costal cartilage Entire costal cartilage (body structure) 6504 6504 06504 first costal cartilage 47057005 S06504 Structure of first costal cartilage (body structure) E06504 244704005 Entire first costal cartilage (body structure) P06504 Y 7603 P skeletal system EEB6E03E060A4163B34CE1E4F85F0F44 342A822C14F74B40B2833CD12D8DADA1 first costal cartilage Entire first costal cartilage (body structure) 6505 6505 06505 second costal cartilage 66823003 S06505 Structure of second costal cartilage (body structure) E06505 244705006 Entire second costal cartilage (body structure) P06505 Y 7703 P skeletal system F1E1FF26446D43D58CE874506BA3B4BD 7FA5911D0B0B4065ACA727EAB690D2E4 second costal cartilage Entire second costal cartilage (body structure) 6506 6506 06506 third costal cartilage 113196007 S06506 Structure of third costal cartilage (body structure) E06506 244706007 Entire third costal cartilage (body structure) P06506 Y 7741 P skeletal system 7938E91FE0D246648C30D4BA68254FAA F78EBC10839B46BF87C04B6795EB1EF8 third costal cartilage Entire third costal cartilage (body structure) 6507 6507 06507 fourth costal cartilage 19292007 S06507 Structure of fourth costal cartilage (body structure) E06507 244707003 Entire fourth costal cartilage (body structure) P06507 Y 7768 P skeletal system 2343B2D9768A4D93A3F9DA57392E742E 81D33EEC088B414CBBFC6B3F4E10FD42 fourth costal cartilage Entire fourth costal cartilage (body structure) 6508 6508 06508 fifth costal cartilage 28764009 S06508 Structure of fifth costal cartilage (body structure) E06508 244708008 Entire fifth costal cartilage (body structure) P06508 Y 7795 P skeletal system C6009FC00BB64B7E94EC7CBD9347C405 764499CBEB31439BB4D89CB5D645342C fifth costal cartilage Entire fifth costal cartilage (body structure) 6509 6509 06509 sixth costal cartilage 67327003 S06509 Structure of sixth costal cartilage (body structure) E06509 244709000 Entire sixth costal cartilage (body structure) P06509 Y 7822 P skeletal system EC8C7F0E246142BABBC39B1BEB507F2A 5EC3D08519AC419E8F6A2D1C8592785E sixth costal cartilage Entire sixth costal cartilage (body structure) 6510 6510 06510 seventh costal cartilage 5574005 S06510 Structure of seventh costal cartilage (body structure) E06510 244710005 Entire seventh costal cartilage (body structure) P06510 Y 7849 P skeletal system F71A0623800949B49E2855BCA10C14E0 3CD2E522911B4FC697C5D88E7CC0230E seventh costal cartilage Entire seventh costal cartilage (body structure) 6511 6511 06511 eighth costal cartilage 40420009 S06511 Structure of eighth costal cartilage (body structure) E06511 244711009 Entire eighth costal cartilage (body structure) P06511 Y 8139 P skeletal system 8CDF784A600144AD9FC4B80EA00AB471 AD9ABDBB119F4425BAC1DC113ECC85C3 eighth costal cartilage Entire eighth costal cartilage (body structure) 6512 6512 06512 ninth costal cartilage 54306002 S06512 Structure of ninth costal cartilage (body structure) E06512 244712002 Entire ninth costal cartilage (body structure) P06512 Y 8356 P skeletal system ED8D8BB30CA8473DB6CEC6BAE441DE16 D8AF7C3E4B264CFB9C923A911B478FD6 ninth costal cartilage Entire ninth costal cartilage (body structure) 6513 6513 06513 tenth costal cartilage 90946004 S06513 Structure of tenth costal cartilage (body structure) E06513 244713007 Entire tenth costal cartilage (body structure) P06513 Y 8437 P skeletal system 0E8556E8517F4918800F368469AA003A FA7C6D77CC2A43D1AE8A191CDA80B783 tenth costal cartilage Entire tenth costal cartilage (body structure) 6514 6514 06514 eleventh costal cartilage 47570007 S06514 Structure of eleventh costal cartilage (body structure) E06514 244714001 Entire eleventh costal cartilage (body structure) P06514 Y 8502 P skeletal system 2457EF817E374BE794ABDF7E9A3DB2DE 3F9AC6507E984D2B96707B86726B3A1E eleventh costal cartilage Entire eleventh costal cartilage (body structure) 6515 6515 06515 twelfth costal cartilage 66785004 S06515 Structure of twelfth costal cartilage (body structure) E06515 244715000 Entire twelfth costal cartilage (body structure) P06515 Y 8518 P skeletal system 077853B2902540878C07914AFB71A1BF 6E09B4D1320C4F15B83173FF15AC490B twelfth costal cartilage Entire twelfth costal cartilage (body structure) 6516 6516 06516 gland of Montgomery 51858004 S06516 Structure of gland of Montgomery (body structure) E06516 279034002 Entire gland of Montgomery (body structure) P06516 Y 58090 P integumentary system 660BE9DA8DC3468980034800EB91E471 BEF10277E79C41F4835D49C61D88116E gland of Montgomery Entire gland of Montgomery (body structure) Lobular organ the parenchyma of which consists of acini connected to the surface of the areola or to a lactiferous duct by the duct of areolar gland. Examples: There are variable numbers of areolar glands. 6517 6517 06517 areolar tissue of breast 68192009 S06517 Structure of areolar tissue of breast (body structure) E06517 203141008 Entire areolar tissue of breast (body structure) P06517 Y P BD635EB2A95F43A68282445E50B990A0 5187C2BBEF064E5696B04920725BFA58 areolar tissue of breast Entire areolar tissue of breast (body structure) 6518 6518 06518 axillary tail of breast 38412008 S06518 Structure of axillary tail of breast (body structure) E06518 181137001 Entire axillary tail of breast (body structure) P06518 Y 58072 P 88B1AF28A25C4DA5B3B1C2CBCF0EC09B 8E6D8908C48146D29F238BD1B8FBE5F9 axillary tail of breast Entire axillary tail of breast (body structure) 6519 6519 06519 lactiferous sinus 32169005 S06519 Structure of lactiferous sinus (body structure) E06519 279010007 Entire lactiferous sinus (body structure) P06519 Y 58088 P 10E49880A7234AE4A8FE3F7B5DFB059E 82BC091923084B9EB5B736EFCF6B66A4 lactiferous sinus Entire lactiferous sinus (body structure) 6520 6520 06520 sternocleidomastoid muscle 22823000 S06520 Structure of sternocleidomastoid muscle (body structure) E06520 181741009 Entire sternocleidomastoid muscle (body structure) P06520 Y 13407 P musculoskeletal system FE48A8B516814974B5B41522CEE40FA1 9C518E454ADE407E8D6B44A5FCF76EC0 sternocleidomastoid muscle Entire sternocleidomastoid muscle (body structure) 6521 6521 06521 skin of lateral area of lower leg 15651003 S06521 Skin structure of lateral surface of lower leg (body structure) E06521 181558002 Entire skin of lateral surface of lower leg (body structure) P06521 Y D integument/surface A193C7D50E714E76B4758794A480AF41 FBE287D6A3C6435784F9BA3046DA640A Skin of lateral surface of lower leg Entire skin of lateral surface of lower leg (body structure) 6522 6522 06522 anterior belly of digastric muscle 48921004 S06522 Structure of anterior belly of digastric muscle (body structure) E06522 141804004 Entire anterior belly of digastric muscle (body structure) P06522 Y 46302 P musculoskeletal system 02DC6E3F51514C9CA49C113546454252 FFC167186D904DECA0A9CBF2CD794F85 anterior belly of digastric muscle Entire anterior belly of digastric muscle (body structure) 6523 6523 06523 posterior belly of digastric muscle 80877003 S06523 Structure of posterior belly of digastric muscle (body structure) E06523 141905002 Entire posterior belly of digastric muscle (body structure) P06523 Y 46303 P musculoskeletal system 0C5AF56C80464DEF86DCFA349C09BEF9 FEFAA98346FC4F3B94B1189B13A0F292 posterior belly of digastric muscle Entire posterior belly of digastric muscle (body structure) 6524 6524 06524 stylohyoid muscle 66145004 S06524 Structure of stylohyoid muscle (body structure) E06524 244826001 Entire stylohyoid muscle (body structure) P06524 Y 9625 P musculoskeletal system 9BAA083B590646689D6710A17BA57A42 BFAFCAE008664C0F85B7533571BDE060 stylohyoid muscle Entire stylohyoid muscle (body structure) 6525 6525 06525 mylohyoid muscle 15152006 S06525 Structure of mylohyoid muscle (body structure) E06525 244827005 Entire mylohyoid muscle (body structure) P06525 Y 46320 P muscular system D2E64CA4496941C39A79159C96FF0F78 5880C74D53754121A7BE392A556DE187 mylohyoid muscle Entire mylohyoid muscle (body structure) 6526 6526 06526 geniohyoid muscle 40859007 S06526 Structure of geniohyoid muscle (body structure) E06526 244828000 Entire geniohyoid muscle (body structure) P06526 Y 46325 P muscular system E3A6ED6AC1D747E696E51CD3261B723D 7A1AFF38EF804A7D84F413B9AFE1A6A4 geniohyoid muscle Entire geniohyoid muscle (body structure) 6527 6527 06527 infrahyoid muscle 68032009 S06527 Structure of infrahyoid muscle (body structure) E06527 244829008 Entire infrahyoid muscle (body structure) P06527 Y 13338 P musculoskeletal system 726A002685334D55A777C82E35346257 5D7CB775126A426AB72C9F6D6BC01103 infrahyoid muscle Entire infrahyoid muscle (body structure) 6528 6528 06528 sternohyoid muscle 78752003 S06528 Structure of sternohyoid muscle (body structure) E06528 244830003 Entire sternohyoid muscle (body structure) P06528 Y 13341 P musculoskeletal system BCD276FB197E4EF5A4D588EC83E2EEF4 573678D39F0C4ED19CE38B853DEB7F10 sternohyoid muscle Entire sternohyoid muscle (body structure) 6530 6530 06530 superior belly of omohyoid muscle 47467005 S06530 Structure of superior belly of omohyoid muscle (body structure) E06530 166157007 Entire superior belly of omohyoid muscle (body structure) P06530 Y 46340 P muscular system 751D96BC1CCF4F93A45496D210A3C969 0DE03FE06AF34E33A379FC23350A29EA superior belly of omohyoid muscle Entire superior belly of omohyoid muscle (body structure) 6531 6531 06531 inferior belly of omohyoid muscle 42174000 S06531 Structure of inferior belly of omohyoid muscle (body structure) E06531 166257001 Entire inferior belly of omohyoid muscle (body structure) P06531 Y 46341 P muscular system 48348C3ED4E34BAC8C1BAE2A86F0B823 69155BBC06D044398A59F1670908286A inferior belly of omohyoid muscle Entire inferior belly of omohyoid muscle (body structure) 6532 6532 06532 sternothyroid muscle 1087003 S06532 Structure of sternothyroid muscle (body structure) E06532 244831004 Entire sternothyroid muscle (body structure) P06532 Y 13343 P musculoskeletal system 7B5FA954FC754CB69A65C8C0A278CC97 C414E046F0C04617879FBFCA29AC2AA5 sternothyroid muscle Entire sternothyroid muscle (body structure) 6533 6533 06533 thyrohyoid muscle 113226007 S06533 Structure of thyrohyoid muscle (body structure) E06533 244832006 Entire thyrohyoid muscle (body structure) P06533 Y 13344 P musculoskeletal system 4F945DE6504E4435AD89B4D3E4ED3DE6 D4C0113A2D3A4196888F3BC8EB25BC47 thyrohyoid muscle Entire thyrohyoid muscle (body structure) 6534 6534 06534 levator glandulae thyroideae muscle 34834006 S06534 Structure of levator glandulae thyroideae muscle (body structure) E06534 166056000 Entire levator glandulae thyroideae muscle (body structure) P06534 Y P musculoskeletal system 721CB69CC088440882F7AB560796481C B4E7BC888E8346599C4E7024F90BE63C levator glandulae thyroideae muscle Entire levator glandulae thyroideae muscle (body structure) 6535 6535 06535 straight part of longus colli muscle 3594003 S06535 Structure of straight part of longus colli muscle (body structure) E06535 166358008 Entire straight part of longus colli muscle (body structure) P06535 Y P musculoskeletal system 36BC9FB05D5D4C929D8C0EFBA6E24067 9008E030096849C4A4FC9F9590B1B669 straight part of longus colli muscle Entire straight part of longus colli muscle (body structure) 6536 6536 06536 superior oblique part of longus colli muscle 76667000 S06536 Structure of superior oblique part of longus colli muscle (body structure) E06536 166459001 Entire superior oblique part of longus colli muscle (body structure) P06536 Y P musculoskeletal system 0E0F9B2C9B8944A688D398AA97B13694 7DAE03F9F98746DE913FC03FAEDAF90C superior oblique part of longus colli muscle Entire superior oblique part of longus colli muscle (body structure) 6537 6537 06537 inferior oblique part of longus colli muscle 46163007 S06537 Structure of inferior oblique part of longus colli muscle (body structure) E06537 166560009 Entire inferior oblique part of longus colli muscle (body structure) P06537 Y P musculoskeletal system 8076136A8362461597E011B71D4A893A F2935D6F8DB842F78BBD17A35C299443 inferior oblique part of longus colli muscle Entire inferior oblique part of longus colli muscle (body structure) 6538 6538 06538 scalenus anterior muscle 50755001 S06538 Structure of scalenus anterior muscle (body structure) E06538 181742002 Entire scalenus anterior muscle (body structure) P06538 Y 13385 P musculoskeletal system 026DACD4E76745148CAFFC190B3DBE07 B1566FE1A9E1476BBC1960D3C6BCE0EF scalenus anterior muscle Entire scalenus anterior muscle (body structure) 6540 6540 06540 scalenus medius muscle 38630006 S06540 Structure of scalenus medius muscle (body structure) E06540 244844009 Entire scalenus medius muscle (body structure) P06540 Y 13386 P musculoskeletal system 4376387C0CFE49BBA8EE60546A009AF1 928C0066AC234EFB8F251535A1E35541 scalenus medius muscle Entire scalenus medius muscle (body structure) 6541 6541 06541 scalenus posterior muscle 58162002 S06541 Structure of scalenus posterior muscle (body structure) E06541 244845005 Entire scalenus posterior muscle (body structure) P06541 Y 13387 P musculoskeletal system 63A16751A2054ABB86084EFCAC4C3E27 69310F4365BC41C09682C93C07455A10 scalenus posterior muscle Entire scalenus posterior muscle (body structure) 6542 6542 06542 platysma muscle 18252004 S06542 Structure of platysma muscle (body structure) E06542 244754004 Entire platysma muscle (body structure) P06542 Y 45738 P musculoskeletal system 285A034C4CD342E0A43877A7C2AF32C2 6FA2689334E442998C4FAFE18C881C3D platysma muscle Entire platysma muscle (body structure) 6543 6543 06543 skeletal muscle of tongue, palate, pharynx and nose 91682000 S06543 Structure of skeletal muscle of tongue, palate, pharynx AND/OR nose (body structure) E06543 142006001 Entire skeletal muscle of tongue, palate, pharynx AND/OR nose (body structure) P06543 - P musculoskeletal system 090D9C709F164C3FB8CD163CC5BFE152 2BE2A8BCDC9B498A93358C4235034517 skeletal muscle of tongue, palate, pharynx AND/OR nose Entire skeletal muscle of tongue, palate, pharynx AND/OR nose (body structure) 6544 6544 06544 extrinsic muscle of tongue 118644005 S06544 Structure of extrinsic muscle of tongue (body structure) E06544 244782006 Entire extrinsic muscle of tongue (body structure) P06544 Y 46699 P digestive system 8AD2CD3540304B5B859AB5D52C57AE7D DAE908EB34B64AC0B574E217B99DDABB extrinsic muscle of tongue Entire extrinsic muscle of tongue (body structure) 6545 6545 06545 muscle of palate and fauces 142107007 S06545 Structure of muscle of palate AND/OR fauces (body structure) E06545 73711005 Entire muscle of palate AND/OR fauces (body structure) P06545 Y P musculoskeletal system 2C10C2481663498BB2B21232D0C7015E 459B392008C04BCA9A07B07803430546 muscle of palate AND/OR fauces Entire muscle of palate AND/OR fauces (body structure) 6546 6546 06546 pterygomandibular raphe 13372005 S06546 Structure of pterygomandibular raphe (body structure) E06546 142713007 Entire pterygomandibular raphe (body structure) P06546 - 55618 P digestive system CA0CE2DB7737482A89A4508942B16DF8 CB56E01CFBAE42A8A5AF1C0DCEBD66BB pterygomandibular raphe Entire pterygomandibular raphe (body structure) 6547 6547 06547 procerus muscle 75220003 S06547 Structure of procerus muscle (body structure) E06547 244731008 Entire procerus muscle (body structure) P06547 Y 46769 P musculoskeletal system 45D064C2BA8941CF987F600FE1A33B07 27D8CB81041E47DFB2DBBA26CA9D2617 procerus muscle Entire procerus muscle (body structure) 6548 6548 06548 transverse part of nasalis muscle 13068000 S06548 Structure of transverse part of nasalis muscle (body structure) E06548 368128002 Entire transverse part of nasalis muscle (body structure) P06548 Y P musculoskeletal system 410D6692E6194C60BD1BC6F3FBE0E05F 62F0AE84E4C047A49F314598C9F0A526 transverse part of nasalis muscle Entire transverse part of nasalis muscle (body structure) 6549 6549 06549 alar part of nasalis muscle 56963000 S06549 Structure of alar part of nasalis muscle (body structure) E06549 368129005 Entire alar part of nasalis muscle (body structure) P06549 Y P muscular system 8999A45F2AF24504B9A6069ED9B4C1FC 6074FBE84528499F9A37BE24D4378B55 alar part of nasalis muscle Entire alar part of nasalis muscle (body structure) 6550 6550 06550 skeletal muscle of shoulder 102288007 S06550 Structure of skeletal muscle of shoulder (body structure) E06550 368197000 Entire skeletal muscle of shoulder (body structure) P06550 Y 33531 P skeletal system 13FA517B86A64880812080159ED5D18B 103845F757CD46BFB4D3125AE310302E skeletal muscle of shoulder Entire skeletal muscle of shoulder (body structure) 6551 6551 06551 teres minor muscle 51159009 S06551 Structure of teres minor muscle (body structure) E06551 277445001 Entire teres minor muscle (body structure) P06551 Y 32550 P musculoskeletal system 80693BBE4F134068BBC9A51B4F15E36A 05F5554BA1E74DBE8F5007E79957B631 teres minor muscle Entire teres minor muscle (body structure) 6552 6552 06552 teres major muscle 1193009 S06552 Structure of teres major muscle (body structure) E06552 277444002 Entire teres major muscle (body structure) P06552 Y 32549 P skeletal system 7B17E65B5BB34BF6BF1380D20C49732D C274199597FB495A95D4B841FB315222 teres major muscle Entire teres major muscle (body structure) 6553 6553 06553 deltoid muscle 35259002 S06553 Structure of deltoid muscle (body structure) E06553 181620007 Entire deltoid muscle (body structure) P06553 Y 32521 P skeletal system A075E5AA2B8948A7864EB2BF351C05FD 61BF88F180F1404FA64A5FA3B68D3DA4 deltoid muscle Entire deltoid muscle (body structure) Intrinsic muscle of shoulder which attaches to the spine of scapula, clavicle and humerus. 6554 6554 06554 long head of biceps brachii muscle 21940008 S06554 Structure of long head of biceps brachii muscle (body structure) E06554 281603007 Entire long head of biceps brachii muscle (body structure) P06554 Y 37683 P muscular system A8F292B72BD34FB3BDE164617B3EC9E9 754B777DF6B14A90911C4634E93BFFDE long head of biceps brachii muscle Entire long head of biceps brachii muscle (body structure) 6555 6555 06555 intertubercular synovial sheath of biceps brachii muscle 59152003 S06555 Structure of intertubercular synovial sheath of biceps brachii muscle (body structure) E06555 368520002 Entire intertubercular synovial sheath of biceps brachii muscle (body structure) P06555 Y P musculoskeletal system 90C57351B9A340278A96DD0F8E873CF4 714C0E66BFD54307A604578DC28998BF intertubercular synovial sheath of biceps brachii muscle Entire intertubercular synovial sheath of biceps brachii muscle (body structure) 6556 6556 06556 short head of biceps brachii muscle 66928008 S06556 Structure of short head of biceps brachii muscle (body structure) E06556 281604001 Entire short head of biceps brachii muscle (body structure) P06556 Y 37682 P muscular system 814DF6EA97FA4363A9474E3303D181C4 B46EC96F42414552A94282C03BF0589C short head of biceps brachii muscle Entire short head of biceps brachii muscle (body structure) 6557 6557 06557 aponeurosis of biceps brachii muscle 56262003 S06557 Structure of aponeurosis of biceps brachii muscle (body structure) E06557 368184002 Entire aponeurosis of biceps brachii muscle (body structure) P06557 Y P skeletal system 223A15D8AD0A49E3A282DE6F1C0D51F0 190B220319C644EBAB913E2425F29745 aponeurosis of biceps brachii muscle Entire aponeurosis of biceps brachii muscle (body structure) 6558 6558 06558 brachialis muscle 75915005 S06558 Structure of brachialis muscle (body structure) E06558 244982000 Entire brachialis muscle (body structure) P06558 Y 37667 P muscular system C2520D375D1F44138F8024CB375B294E C034DA9BF61D4FD8A95C71313AD322C4 brachialis muscle Entire brachialis muscle (body structure) 6559 6559 06559 acinus of breast 75662001 S06559 Structure of acinus of breast (body structure) E06559 205305001 Entire acinus of breast (body structure) P06559 Y 74438 P 77435B28BD8F4480B52B4E70D13904FC DBB221B67F7A4DA086513B589C40D35B acinus of breast Entire acinus of breast (body structure) 6560 6560 06560 long head of triceps brachii muscle 22072006 S06560 Structure of long head of triceps brachii muscle (body structure) E06560 281605000 Entire long head of triceps brachii muscle (body structure) P06560 Y 37692 P muscular system 76DC911320D74323B15BA3774CD0B9B2 01A5F6C368294960A40547949983E011 long head of triceps brachii muscle Entire long head of triceps brachii muscle (body structure) 6561 6561 06561 lateral head of triceps brachii muscle 38411001 S06561 Structure of lateral head of triceps brachii muscle (body structure) E06561 281606004 Entire lateral head of triceps brachii muscle (body structure) P06561 Y 37694 P muscular system AD851913B9764C38812C40CC442AF26D B1C2BC7F58A74013BF6A43081B584320 lateral head of triceps brachii muscle Entire lateral head of triceps brachii muscle (body structure) 6562 6562 06562 medial head of triceps brachii muscle 69898003 S06562 Structure of medial head of triceps brachii muscle (body structure) E06562 281607008 Entire medial head of triceps brachii muscle (body structure) P06562 Y 37693 P muscular system 15BADB9DC019484BB0E416E3A01002A4 C7BFB5642EE142BE880DCFFC9B395547 medial head of triceps brachii muscle Entire medial head of triceps brachii muscle (body structure) 6563 6563 06563 coracobrachialis muscle 44202005 S06563 Structure of coracobrachialis muscle (body structure) E06563 244980008 Entire coracobrachialis muscle (body structure) P06563 Y 37664 P skeletal system E63BCDEFED6A49AB91A82D5812B89F77 F0C6C07CD0CC473F94A7B631F5AAA68B coracobrachialis muscle Entire coracobrachialis muscle (body structure) 6564 6564 06564 anconeus muscle 53269004 S06564 Structure of anconeus muscle (body structure) E06564 244993003 Entire anconeus muscle (body structure) P06564 Y 37704 P muscular system 7F536CD53479495EB84B7BCC734586CC 38D5BD93DFD74A14A77AB22B9AADEEBD anconeus muscle Entire anconeus muscle (body structure) 6565 6565 06565 humeral head of pronator teres muscle 10886002 S06565 Structure of humeral head of pronator teres muscle (body structure) E06565 368521003 Entire humeral head of pronator teres muscle (body structure) P06565 Y 38558 P muscular system 7B9BE0B22C0A4CD291D33C6A09B55157 CBB739C68F4749739C307B11982BF473 humeral head of pronator teres muscle Entire humeral head of pronator teres muscle (body structure) 6566 6566 06566 ulnar head of pronator teres muscle 72709006 S06566 Structure of ulnar head of pronator teres muscle (body structure) E06566 368522005 Entire ulnar head of pronator teres muscle (body structure) P06566 Y 38559 P muscular system EBF6314237FC4D8FB692BEAB1731A2AA F32643CC514B4E06812A2B9166531E53 ulnar head of pronator teres muscle Entire ulnar head of pronator teres muscle (body structure) 6568 6568 06568 palmaris longus muscle 49931003 S06568 Structure of palmaris longus muscle (body structure) E06568 181636009 Entire palmaris longus muscle (body structure) P06568 Y 38462 P musculoskeletal system B78A2F369D4D476C9709085A1966984A 3E0A5A926F394B078C859363AD234202 palmaris longus muscle Entire palmaris longus muscle (body structure) 6569 6569 06569 humeral head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle 79747002 S06569 Structure of humeral head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle (body structure) E06569 368523000 Entire humeral head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle (body structure) P06569 Y 38615 P muscular system BE29E80518244D1D86584B36327291E7 3596D6533C65464981B61529727563B1 humeral head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle Entire humeral head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle (body structure) 6570 6570 06570 ulnar head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle 63209004 S06570 Structure of ulnar head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle (body structure) E06570 368524006 Entire ulnar head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle (body structure) P06570 Y 38616 P muscular system 014C34F0DEE74682B873291DBE13044B 3150137D2C2D4D29BC078E29A51962B7 ulnar head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle Entire ulnar head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle (body structure) 6571 6571 06571 flexor digitorum muscle of hand 52924005 S06571 Structure of flexor digitorum muscle of hand (body structure) E06571 368421001 Entire flexor digitorum muscle of hand (body structure) P06571 Y P musculoskeletal system 55655A29D417473EBFA68E904FD0A4C5 5BBA1BC56DC44026988A68AC601E86EC flexor digitorum muscle of hand Entire flexor digitorum muscle of hand (body structure) 6572 6572 06572 humeroulnar head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle 23725009 S06572 Structure of humeroulnar head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (body structure) E06572 368525007 Entire humeroulnar head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (body structure) P06572 Y 38636 P muscular system 0DF849147B8E4CB7A94C240BFA9EDBB2 7CFAE09EE777485C9C5B85263B63A147 humeroulnar head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle Entire humeroulnar head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (body structure) 6573 6573 06573 radial head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle 89262007 S06573 Structure of radial head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (body structure) E06573 368526008 Entire radial head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (body structure) P06573 Y 38637 P muscular system 4B2754403ABB477593086FBD9980126E C6D6ED6722D647B89A674EAB63DFD49F radial head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle Entire radial head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (body structure) 6574 6574 06574 intralobular mammary connective tissue 19704004 S06574 Structure of intralobular mammary connective tissue (body structure) E06574 203242009 Entire intralobular mammary connective tissue (body structure) P06574 Y P 8673CE16A41C489BB1E320042698CEC9 062C7447617C4D86A5ADF0F1D5B2383A intralobular mammary connective tissue Entire intralobular mammary connective tissue (body structure) 6575 6575 06575 pronator quadratus muscle 13869007 S06575 Structure of pronator quadratus muscle (body structure) E06575 244987006 Entire pronator quadratus muscle (body structure) P06575 Y 38453 P muscular system 632C057E002F407FA59D00EAC050402D 66821AF1EEAA4B9D8736FB8616A7F097 pronator quadratus muscle Entire pronator quadratus muscle (body structure) 6576 6576 06576 brachioradialis muscle 72111005 S06576 Structure of brachioradialis muscle (body structure) E06576 244989009 Entire brachioradialis muscle (body structure) P06576 Y 38485 P musculoskeletal system FF9D1495AF674F558E77F66D215B6CC8 480AC649404142DAA23AE376BB728DE5 brachioradialis muscle Entire brachioradialis muscle (body structure) 6577 6577 06577 extensor carpi radialis muscle 31486005 S06577 Structure of extensor carpi radialis muscle (body structure) E06577 276166006 Entire extensor carpi radialis muscle (body structure) P06577 Y P muscular system 6E5E47FBE61A4A58BC117208B29BA63F FFAB4A60077C4702983D1416542CEA8B extensor carpi radialis muscle Entire extensor carpi radialis muscle (body structure) 6578 6578 06578 extensor carpi radialis longus muscle 39421004 S06578 Structure of extensor carpi radialis longus muscle (body structure) E06578 244990000 Entire extensor carpi radialis longus muscle (body structure) P06578 Y 38494 P muscular system 1D736A0E0DC040FB833B01A738CC3EAD 01B234AD30FC4D6FB9A37CA6D22049D5 extensor carpi radialis longus muscle Entire extensor carpi radialis longus muscle (body structure) 6579 6579 06579 extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle 86172000 S06579 Structure of extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle (body structure) E06579 244991001 Entire extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle (body structure) P06579 Y 38497 P muscular system EA0E75B08F2347F1B08783EC9D9A4A78 E0692864A1F84A6EBAB2E2F594A0F43C extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle Entire extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle (body structure) 6580 6580 06580 fatty tissue of breast 89749009 S06580 Structure of fatty tissue of breast (body structure) E06580 279008005 Entire fatty tissue of breast (body structure) P06580 Y P 77E2F22A968647C0B272A9155FE8788D F27B5410B91B4E4CA99440F7AAA793F4 fatty tissue of breast Entire fatty tissue of breast (body structure) 6581 6581 06581 humeral head of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle 31645007 S06581 Structure of humeral head of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle (body structure) E06581 368527004 Entire humeral head of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle (body structure) P06581 Y 77260 P muscular system 8BE2F0FAACC949F89525E60FF7A576F1 C14CC70045B542659C65539EF89FFB14 humeral head of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle Entire humeral head of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle (body structure) 6582 6582 06582 ulnar head of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle 46967009 S06582 Structure of ulnar head of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle (body structure) E06582 368528009 Entire ulnar head of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle (body structure) P06582 Y 77261 P muscular system 8950BEF579D8492387B0830A78E8FDAD 99B3AEEA502B4EE0B81DA2AEF416F8A4 ulnar head of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle Entire ulnar head of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle (body structure) 6583 6583 06583 supinator muscle 40678005 S06583 Structure of supinator muscle (body structure) E06583 181634007 Entire supinator muscle (body structure) P06583 Y 38512 P musculoskeletal system 84F101485660402A94BF59C13B35F810 1465E8FBB6294C418CF5EDB9F8AADB05 supinator muscle Entire supinator muscle (body structure) 6584 6584 06584 palmaris brevis muscle 18513005 S06584 Structure of palmaris brevis muscle (body structure) E06584 181650004 Entire palmaris brevis muscle (body structure) P06584 Y 37381 P musculoskeletal system 3898B6AC926649C7AB0F2C82556FADD9 AE40B88F5FBC4D2F8A788BBB860374E3 palmaris brevis muscle Entire palmaris brevis muscle (body structure) 6585 6585 06585 abductor pollicis muscle 59908005 S06585 Structure of abductor pollicis muscle (body structure) E06585 368422008 Entire abductor pollicis muscle (body structure) P06585 Y P musculoskeletal system 23E6153D3E6B4F8392C1A8F4E7DD8CF7 7868BA55135D4F008AE286D5DAD38E3C abductor pollicis muscle Entire abductor pollicis muscle (body structure) 6586 6586 06586 abductor pollicis longus muscle 25541006 S06586 Structure of abductor pollicis longus muscle (body structure) E06586 256671001 Entire abductor pollicis longus muscle (body structure) P06586 Y 38515 P musculoskeletal system 34F4877FCA794FE59B881DE476513A54 21D22144BB0F4CD487B2098C60EB5F8A abductor pollicis longus muscle Entire abductor pollicis longus muscle (body structure) 6587 6587 06587 abductor pollicis brevis muscle 32573001 S06587 Structure of abductor pollicis brevis muscle (body structure) E06587 181648007 Entire abductor pollicis brevis muscle (body structure) P06587 Y 37373 P musculoskeletal system DFE51D2256774E11854FF4D6EE53543F 93BD04A023F5472B9220D9F88612CCFF abductor pollicis brevis muscle Entire abductor pollicis brevis muscle (body structure) 6588 6588 06588 superficial head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle 34260002 S06588 Structure of superficial head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle (body structure) E06588 368417008 Entire superficial head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle (body structure) P06588 Y 46104 P muscular system 31631090CA1A4C5A8DED0AFCB7BE82DD EE5BFC26843E467C941EEAA2BFEF0ABC superficial head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle Entire superficial head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle (body structure) 6589 6589 06589 deep head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle 7554004 S06589 Structure of deep head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle (body structure) E06589 368418003 Entire deep head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle (body structure) P06589 Y 46107 P muscular system 71E7FFE099BF4C57A3EA3C619062DE80 52A5A57362984940BD48459013DCCACA deep head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle Entire deep head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle (body structure) 6590 6590 06590 retromammary fat 81747009 S06590 Structure of retromammary fat (body structure) E06590 203341004 Entire retromammary fat (body structure) P06590 Y 67721 P D386E5F21EE04FA0A8038CD7CD01FC5F 6B4332A7857444FEAE165C987F2D9291 retromammary fat Entire retromammary fat (body structure) 6591 6591 06591 extensor pollicis brevis muscle 38259003 S06591 Structure of extensor pollicis brevis muscle (body structure) E06591 244995005 Entire extensor pollicis brevis muscle (body structure) P06591 Y 38518 P musculoskeletal system F680679BE77F43EA996C3F86C3B98E87 2A69169320534157ADECDF3A4F70F900 extensor pollicis brevis muscle Entire extensor pollicis brevis muscle (body structure) 6592 6592 06592 extensor indicis muscle 23250006 S06592 Structure of extensor indicis muscle (body structure) E06592 244996006 Entire extensor indicis muscle (body structure) P06592 Y 38524 P musculoskeletal system 043BB36854C64E458B36F46DB3302E0E 864C394B28044CF09EC28B186B90400E extensor indicis muscle Entire extensor indicis muscle (body structure) 6593 6593 06593 opponens pollicis muscle 79727005 S06593 Structure of opponens pollicis muscle (body structure) E06593 181647002 Entire opponens pollicis muscle (body structure) P06593 Y 37379 P musculoskeletal system AD50CD0AE4A34F7D88C6FFFCE9B262F3 E91D0F7492E14E1398032DA340A7817C opponens pollicis muscle Entire opponens pollicis muscle (body structure) 6594 6594 06594 oblique head of adductor pollicis muscle 72747001 S06594 Structure of oblique head of adductor pollicis muscle (body structure) E06594 368419006 Entire oblique head of adductor pollicis muscle (body structure) P06594 Y 46119 P muscular system A349B7AD246B4104A3E32B3E62AC4E68 225734E5C87F40C9B8EE3875C70C9B40 oblique head of adductor pollicis muscle Entire oblique head of adductor pollicis muscle (body structure) 6595 6595 06595 transverse head of adductor pollicis muscle 60120006 S06595 Structure of transverse head of adductor pollicis muscle (body structure) E06595 368420000 Entire transverse head of adductor pollicis muscle (body structure) P06595 Y 46120 P muscular system 5AC302BC2CE543FCBA290F36147B5AB1 7A6291C2094644F28C8BAD8992BEC224 transverse head of adductor pollicis muscle Entire transverse head of adductor pollicis muscle (body structure) 6596 6596 06596 abductor digiti minimi muscle of hand 115982000 S06596 Structure of abductor digiti minimi muscle of hand (body structure) E06596 181651000 Entire abductor digiti minimi muscle of hand (body structure) P06596 Y P musculoskeletal system 532755A0F54A4003857826B965127E85 D4E552A998114789BC5DB915E0A9000B abductor digiti minimi muscle of hand Entire abductor digiti minimi muscle of hand (body structure) 6597 6597 06597 skin of shin 18096008 S06597 Skin structure of shin (body structure) E06597 181557007 Entire skin of shin (body structure) P06597 Y D integument/surface BCC85E98B3DD4B2DB9981167988D67B8 BA5044C3B67A458A93F2CA5F68607B67 Skin of shin Entire skin of shin (body structure) 6598 6598 06598 lumbrical muscle of hand 88229007 S06598 Structure of lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) E06598 181654008 Entire lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) P06598 Y 37385 P musculoskeletal system A0CBD5BDF6684450B7EA9C7C4F4F6398 D415D812C63D488D9BF744B2BF3F5002 lumbrical muscle of hand Entire lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) 6599 6599 06599 interosseous muscle of hand 34031004 S06599 Structure of interosseous muscle of hand (body structure) E06599 265804003 Entire interosseous muscle of hand (body structure) P06599 Y 37417 P musculoskeletal system E791986EE4E94688862EE11B2C589D54 200709757A6B45DA98D5896ADA71D1A9 interosseous muscle of hand Entire interosseous muscle of hand (body structure) 6600 6600 06600 splenius muscle of trunk 4583008 S06600 Structure of splenius muscle of trunk (body structure) E06600 317078003 Entire splenius muscle of trunk (body structure) P06600 Y 77180 P musculoskeletal system D3F67CA2C7524F5B91E60BFDDF5DE23F CD6EB786CCAA482C8F11088CF5EBB0C8 splenius muscle of trunk Entire splenius muscle of trunk (body structure) 6601 6601 06601 suspensory ligament of breast 58487000 S06601 Structure of suspensory ligament of breast (body structure) E06601 279011006 Entire suspensory ligament of breast (body structure) P06601 Y 58040 P musculoskeletal system F9D06377E04C47C8B23F6079E925F871 D38BE46EE1B14CEEBA5F5EB32FC84760 suspensory ligament of breast Entire suspensory ligament of breast (body structure) 6602 6602 06602 erector spinae muscle 44947003 S06602 Structure of erector spinae muscle (body structure) E06602 244852007 Entire erector spinae muscle (body structure) P06602 Y 71302 P musculoskeletal system FFA6FA665E6A46928DF0F00699121DAE E5572C87345C4683BC0C8E5FB2E44E4D erector spinae muscle Entire erector spinae muscle (body structure) 6603 6603 06603 iliocostalis lumborum muscle 49178001 S06603 Structure of iliocostalis lumborum muscle (body structure) E06603 244855009 Entire iliocostalis lumborum muscle (body structure) P06603 Y 22702 P musculoskeletal system F0FD80EAEC67409EBB84BC14B9D6E05B 7D84CDE4CD9A4392BA991EBBC367A6DF iliocostalis lumborum muscle Entire iliocostalis lumborum muscle (body structure) 6604 6604 06604 iliocostalis thoracis muscle 10921009 S06604 Structure of iliocostalis thoracis muscle (body structure) E06604 244856005 Entire iliocostalis thoracis muscle (body structure) P06604 Y 22703 P muscular system 431045C3068F42A28075D5439318750A 1D97D59E73F44015ABB176E6FE93420E iliocostalis thoracis muscle Entire iliocostalis thoracis muscle (body structure) 6605 6605 06605 iliocostalis cervicis muscle 82631003 S06605 Structure of iliocostalis cervicis muscle (body structure) E06605 244857001 Entire iliocostalis cervicis muscle (body structure) P06605 Y 22704 P musculoskeletal system 86DC47618B12449CBDA648875B979970 2BFE70E8F9804B1AB61BBE5B1C4165DF iliocostalis cervicis muscle Entire iliocostalis cervicis muscle (body structure) 6606 6606 06606 longissimus muscle 88340001 S06606 Structure of longissimus muscle (body structure) E06606 244858006 Entire longissimus muscle (body structure) P06606 Y 77178 P musculoskeletal system 9973ADDBC58545018DC6C9E22999AC3A 54191DE0C096470DB3538B39DA2729A2 longissimus muscle Entire longissimus muscle (body structure) 6607 6607 06607 longissimus thoracis muscle 24796008 S06607 Structure of longissimus thoracis muscle (body structure) E06607 244859003 Entire longissimus thoracis muscle (body structure) P06607 Y 22709 P musculoskeletal system 4F0DC644AD0547459063068B054403E7 ECF7462EAC704DB094CD559430D00683 longissimus thoracis muscle Entire longissimus thoracis muscle (body structure) 6608 6608 06608 longissimus cervicis muscle 50059002 S06608 Structure of longissimus cervicis muscle (body structure) E06608 244860008 Entire longissimus cervicis muscle (body structure) P06608 Y 22711 P musculoskeletal system C3FB62C61D4E42FCB68BF0811CD624BD CFBB11DDBE5044A7BDA22022BDAC031E longissimus cervicis muscle Entire longissimus cervicis muscle (body structure) 6609 6609 06609 longissimus capitis muscle 61134003 S06609 Structure of longissimus capitis muscle (body structure) E06609 244861007 Entire longissimus capitis muscle (body structure) P06609 Y 22714 P musculoskeletal system 00A7AB19280945AD8FC8DFC9C5BE0EE6 F2FF40462B4A4652B8A47CBB2C620856 longissimus capitis muscle Entire longissimus capitis muscle (body structure) 6610 6610 06610 spinalis muscle 4317002 S06610 Structure of spinalis muscle (body structure) E06610 244862000 Entire spinalis muscle (body structure) P06610 Y 77179 P musculoskeletal system 37205DA80A064C76BBAB581DA843D95F 2C26C55F7A4F41E9A730791A52E3C2B2 spinalis muscle Entire spinalis muscle (body structure) 6611 6611 06611 lactating breast 71377008 S06611 Structure of lactating breast (body structure) E06611 205678009 Entire lactating breast (body structure) P06611 Y P 7BD7E0EF10524F569F60A67D5690F127 D0517D9920E446019FC85025B416C97C lactating breast Entire lactating breast (body structure) 6612 6612 06612 spinalis thoracis muscle 88769007 S06612 Structure of spinalis thoracis muscle (body structure) E06612 244863005 Entire spinalis thoracis muscle (body structure) P06612 Y 22765 P musculoskeletal system D407704E5D00474FA84B00A8616E5439 DC08FD05888E41D38E12D2436BBDDF83 spinalis thoracis muscle Entire spinalis thoracis muscle (body structure) 6613 6613 06613 spinalis cervicis muscle 90411004 S06613 Structure of spinalis cervicis muscle (body structure) E06613 244864004 Entire spinalis cervicis muscle (body structure) P06613 Y 22770 P musculoskeletal system 26B4383495B14D8A84AA778FBE97FE92 D46CFB25DA22401FBD02D4A48E615733 spinalis cervicis muscle Entire spinalis cervicis muscle (body structure) 6614 6614 06614 spinalis capitis muscle 50200003 S06614 Structure of spinalis capitis muscle (body structure) E06614 244865003 Entire spinalis capitis muscle (body structure) P06614 Y 22775 P musculoskeletal system 5390B93BF56D447E9DCE4AC6B9CEDD96 0C44CF5DC8D34602834CB3608C8CB99C spinalis capitis muscle Entire spinalis capitis muscle (body structure) 6615 6615 06615 transversospinalis muscle 87160002 S06615 Structure of transversospinalis muscle (body structure) E06615 244866002 Entire transversospinalis muscle (body structure) P06615 Y P musculoskeletal system 29DA0F2FE2074596A76645216D944442 9A8CEA9CE53347DD88B5FA57F288DC16 transversospinalis muscle Entire transversospinalis muscle (body structure) 6616 6616 06616 semispinalis muscle 56323009 S06616 Structure of semispinalis muscle (body structure) E06616 244867006 Entire semispinalis muscle (body structure) P06616 Y 22823 P musculoskeletal system 733ED8D7D8354C75BB0F90F78A9787F5 659469A5A9154E0CB76EB89CBCC09C7E semispinalis muscle Entire semispinalis muscle (body structure) 6617 6617 06617 semispinalis thoracis muscle 29385000 S06617 Structure of semispinalis thoracis muscle (body structure) E06617 244868001 Entire semispinalis thoracis muscle (body structure) P06617 Y 22828 P musculoskeletal system 39470BC984864F70AC75B0AA23CFBC09 38DEE7E6ACD04CEBAE0B8D2ECFB09B66 semispinalis thoracis muscle Entire semispinalis thoracis muscle (body structure) 6618 6618 06618 semispinalis cervicis muscle 44222009 S06618 Structure of semispinalis cervicis muscle (body structure) E06618 244869009 Entire semispinalis cervicis muscle (body structure) P06618 Y 22829 P musculoskeletal system 3842B605DA5841D381373C3A36C8057B 81294C5DD703459A9734C4A4C42330C7 semispinalis cervicis muscle Entire semispinalis cervicis muscle (body structure) 6619 6619 06619 semispinalis capitis muscle 2666009 S06619 Structure of semispinalis capitis muscle (body structure) E06619 244870005 Entire semispinalis capitis muscle (body structure) P06619 Y 22830 P musculoskeletal system 67877CFF8A4944B6B3CA738ED38C915C 81F2022E8F744306B3B3AAF040736438 semispinalis capitis muscle Entire semispinalis capitis muscle (body structure) 6620 6620 06620 transplanted skeletal bone 88544009 S06620 Structure of transplanted skeletal bone (body structure) E06620 333305002 Entire transplanted skeletal bone (body structure) P06620 - P skeletal system 4D2A005196E84D7799F48268AD1CC5A4 CE72ACA902D64583BC4DE32225CC6090 transplanted skeletal bone Entire transplanted skeletal bone (body structure) 6621 6621 06621 interspinalis muscle 73769004 S06621 Structure of interspinalis muscle (body structure) E06621 244875000 Entire interspinalis muscle (body structure) P06621 Y 22841 P musculoskeletal system 666C8425749343B09A08D7A23F9488D7 9F4A1A6DAB374CBAA657F53DAB4EC2EA interspinalis muscle Entire interspinalis muscle (body structure) 6622 6622 06622 interspinalis thoracis muscle 9841008 S06622 Structure of interspinalis thoracis muscle (body structure) E06622 134197004 Entire interspinalis thoracis muscle (body structure) P06622 Y 22846 P musculoskeletal system BF7ECFBAFCC2438AA95515381E921C0A 598B7E18F0DE41EEBF0D2A8930570F88 interspinalis thoracis muscle Entire interspinalis thoracis muscle (body structure) 6623 6623 06623 interspinalis lumborum muscle 86130001 S06623 Structure of interspinalis lumborum muscle (body structure) E06623 246021009 Entire interspinalis lumborum muscle (body structure) P06623 Y 22844 P muscular system ECE8CA0F3C5444B0A4BA0D8B95301DE8 0990286B122D4874AE0E537BE611BF06 interspinalis lumborum muscle Entire interspinalis lumborum muscle (body structure) 6624 6624 06624 long bone 113193004 S06624 Structure of long bone (body structure) E06624 332709000 Entire long bone (body structure) P06624 Y 7474 P skeletal system 725D427D0DC44298B17AE9063496C88B 8B8A51B3B9F64FF587B85BF86BFE7D2B long bone Entire long bone (body structure) 6625 6625 06625 muscle of lower back 48144002 S06625 Structure of muscle of lower back (body structure) E06625 317178000 Entire muscle of lower back (body structure) P06625 Y P musculoskeletal system 08172B2107C8486D8CBFD82690FA311C 105169ADB80048F4830F63CD721309F3 muscle of lower back Entire muscle of lower back (body structure) 6626 6626 06626 sternal muscle 6623004 S06626 Structure of sternal muscle (body structure) E06626 368052007 Entire sternal muscle (body structure) P06626 Y P musculoskeletal system 1FBA24F21DFD489687354B1FEEF93B8C 136933D845E54A32B2A4EE9C03F3EDFF sternal muscle Entire sternal muscle (body structure) 6627 6627 06627 clavicular part of pectoralis major muscle 2192001 S06627 Structure of clavicular part of pectoralis major muscle (body structure) E06627 368055009 Entire clavicular part of pectoralis major muscle (body structure) P06627 Y 34687 P muscular system 88E96C4B915148638E1BF5193C508AC4 3029F6827C63406587C00CAFD95B62D4 clavicular part of pectoralis major muscle Entire clavicular part of pectoralis major muscle (body structure) 6628 6628 06628 short bone 21478002 S06628 Structure of short bone (body structure) E06628 332807009 Entire short bone (body structure) P06628 - 7475 P skeletal system FF0BF7E5BF364062B95866DF1EE7FD08 627D1185CD2944ECB304A2CD24E5D397 short bone Entire short bone (body structure) 6629 6629 06629 sternocostal part of pectoralis major muscle 35618004 S06629 Structure of sternocostal part of pectoralis major muscle (body structure) E06629 368056005 Entire sternocostal part of pectoralis major muscle (body structure) P06629 Y 34696 P muscular system C1875B5313BE439F96E5BBF7C6537ADB 5ADCD8F40BB047FB9B8B0236604D4690 sternocostal part of pectoralis major muscle Entire sternocostal part of pectoralis major muscle (body structure) 6630 6630 06630 abdominal part of pectoralis major muscle 113228008 S06630 Structure of abdominal part of pectoralis major muscle (body structure) E06630 368057001 Entire abdominal part of pectoralis major muscle (body structure) P06630 Y 34699 P muscular system E389B4CB24E74B328423AF12B31C740F F526844AE4F743AABB16E9001E4A681F abdominal part of pectoralis major muscle Entire abdominal part of pectoralis major muscle (body structure) 6631 6631 06631 subclavius muscle 29514006 S06631 Structure of subclavius muscle (body structure) E06631 368053002 Entire subclavius muscle (body structure) P06631 Y 13410 P musculoskeletal system E1E9435DA38B45E78E6F68B6C4BFFA9C 45024693B4A7412CAC5BA5C67AE47D2D subclavius muscle Entire subclavius muscle (body structure) 6632 6632 06632 serratus anterior muscle 18346003 S06632 Structure of serratus anterior muscle (body structure) E06632 181748003 Entire serratus anterior muscle (body structure) P06632 Y 13397 P musculoskeletal system B6CA5C6CFF0646DAB5F97059A0D0575B A63E59104CA647DA86B9872477BC5C89 serratus anterior muscle Entire serratus anterior muscle (body structure) 6633 6633 06633 levator costae longus muscle 59188008 S06633 Structure of levator costae longus muscle (body structure) E06633 368050004 Entire levator costae longus muscle (body structure) P06633 Y P musculoskeletal system 5E377FD4075F4CCB8DE2E42550DF30DC 00CD45BAAB0249F4A165110287B8A190 levator costae longus muscle Entire levator costae longus muscle (body structure) 6634 6634 06634 flat bone 73220000 S06634 Structure of flat bone (body structure) E06634 332907008 Entire flat bone (body structure) P06634 - 7476 P skeletal system E1E75D27D6AB471A82226E4BF3606E3C 4BE307B36FBF4F979F30D1D122C23D9F flat bone Entire flat bone (body structure) 6635 6635 06635 levator costae brevis muscle 16161000 S06635 Structure of levator costae brevis muscle (body structure) E06635 368051000 Entire levator costae brevis muscle (body structure) P06635 Y P musculoskeletal system 1B36E904DC4341688452AF9FDAB859E2 3F55A81ABC9948C4A49664A54221E75C levator costae brevis muscle Entire levator costae brevis muscle (body structure) 6636 6636 06636 intercostal muscle 86419007 S06636 Structure of intercostal muscle (body structure) E06636 181746004 Entire intercostal muscle (body structure) P06636 Y 13354 P musculoskeletal system 59E5461767484D4187EE3E85B231C6EB 678D4983F64D4FAAB3D7574249592614 intercostal muscle Entire intercostal muscle (body structure) 6637 6637 06637 innermost intercostal muscle 24062007 S06637 Structure of innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) E06637 368054008 Entire innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) P06637 Y 9758 P musculoskeletal system 90AAC2B27A3D461A8DD6642FDA75906E E7168A17E0DD4B28A70F909087F257B6 innermost intercostal muscle Entire innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) 6638 6638 06638 subcostal muscle 64658001 S06638 Structure of subcostal muscle (body structure) E06638 244914005 Entire subcostal muscle (body structure) P06638 Y 9759 P musculoskeletal system 88833B7D42F74E14AB28DF1B595520C4 934DBB443CE0402996BB2BCA4E52ED43 subcostal muscle Entire subcostal muscle (body structure) 6639 6639 06639 muscle of upper back 41777002 S06639 Structure of muscle of upper back (body structure) E06639 305071003 Entire muscle of upper back (body structure) P06639 Y P musculoskeletal system 1053CC5FCDD542289B53C7FCB6537B55 067E7C644554467FA1C21262C82A49F6 muscle of upper back Entire muscle of upper back (body structure) 6640 6640 06640 trapezius muscle 31764008 S06640 Structure of trapezius muscle (body structure) E06640 181740005 Entire trapezius muscle (body structure) P06640 Y 9626 P musculoskeletal system 9C2098A38B5542EA8C3A2DAE7B20B899 3001FDD153A9471C92A39419EC02CAF1 trapezius muscle Entire trapezius muscle (body structure) 6641 6641 06641 latissimus dorsi muscle 15665001 S06641 Structure of latissimus dorsi muscle (body structure) E06641 181747008 Entire latissimus dorsi muscle (body structure) P06641 Y 13357 P musculoskeletal system 62C196EBD9B8478CAFA6B0612E8DF016 3EF5C15611704A1DB5512B8225298316 latissimus dorsi muscle Entire latissimus dorsi muscle (body structure) 6642 6642 06642 pneumatic bone 47173002 S06642 Structure of pneumatic bone (body structure) E06642 333008005 Entire pneumatic bone (body structure) P06642 - 7478 P skeletal system 4EADAB2A162D499D9DC7397538C030EE 3EA74654A07A49D48A130E7CE0856AC6 pneumatic bone Entire pneumatic bone (body structure) 6643 6643 06643 rhomboid major muscle 88530003 S06643 Structure of rhomboid major muscle (body structure) E06643 277442003 Entire rhomboid major muscle (body structure) P06643 Y 13379 P musculoskeletal system 95FDC36526BE42B9B6D9DA0353AE0174 B451B3D497454AD8B359FA598046C2E5 rhomboid major muscle Entire rhomboid major muscle (body structure) 6644 6644 06644 rhomboid minor muscle 64453003 S06644 Structure of rhomboid minor muscle (body structure) E06644 277443008 Entire rhomboid minor muscle (body structure) P06644 Y 13380 P musculoskeletal system 70BC50FC2CC34C529F666CD1C5FEA5D8 92CC1D87EE0741A79FBB767FF9692F8D rhomboid minor muscle Entire rhomboid minor muscle (body structure) 6645 6645 06645 levator scapulae muscle 11327007 S06645 Structure of levator scapulae muscle (body structure) E06645 279236008 Entire levator scapulae muscle (body structure) P06645 Y 32519 P musculoskeletal system 3AAEDE80277B431E9B297D8A8AA44484 FC98620B8ABE4FBEBFA13C58ECD3A2DF levator scapulae muscle Entire levator scapulae muscle (body structure) 6646 6646 06646 serratus posterior muscle 86364005 S06646 Structure of serratus posterior muscle (body structure) E06646 244934006 Entire serratus posterior muscle (body structure) P06646 Y 13400 P musculoskeletal system E00FACE4A4294DA581C8C5880B770248 C7CC24F341AD48CEB9D7826C3317A554 serratus posterior muscle Entire serratus posterior muscle (body structure) 6647 6647 06647 epiphysis 43719000 S06647 Structure of epiphysis (body structure) E06647 244701002 Entire epiphysis (body structure) P06647 - 24012 P skeletal system 70C184C0629D4E2BA46F62D3D2F09563 A55B7FA2C774476DB49F20B1F79E0D60 epiphysis Entire epiphysis (body structure) Subdivision of long bone which forms its expanded proximal or distal articular end; together with other the subdivisions of long bone, it constitutes the long bone. Examples: proximal epiphysis of humerus, distal epiphysis of femur. 6648 6648 06648 pyramidalis muscle 88053007 S06648 Structure of pyramidalis muscle (body structure) E06648 244950003 Entire pyramidalis muscle (body structure) P06648 Y 15568 P musculoskeletal system 2649DDBBCED2412E8A380FE3571693A1 D4C4FE34245A497BB915B5C3CD1EC307 pyramidalis muscle Entire pyramidalis muscle (body structure) 6649 6649 06649 transversus abdominis muscle 86493009 S06649 Structure of transversus abdominis muscle (body structure) E06649 244949003 Entire transversus abdominis muscle (body structure) P06649 Y 15570 P musculoskeletal system 1C6B85CF076848CBB65B1F4A6E604A50 25B3651FE919423AB4F5842731FAD1A0 transversus abdominis muscle Entire transversus abdominis muscle (body structure) 6650 6650 06650 rectus abdominis muscle 31243008 S06650 Structure of rectus abdominis muscle (body structure) E06650 256672008 Entire rectus abdominis muscle (body structure) P06650 Y 9628 P musculoskeletal system C88A23C89D804C899F829756B1952E98 EB3AB1131DFC4C3C926CDB3B5A3FAD08 rectus abdominis muscle Entire rectus abdominis muscle (body structure) 6651 6651 06651 quadratus lumborum muscle 6001004 S06651 Structure of quadratus lumborum muscle (body structure) E06651 181751005 Entire quadratus lumborum muscle (body structure) P06651 Y 15569 P musculoskeletal system 31B0B280DDA34518A0F3741B8E5A6806 ED33945F7967444D912AD2C588D7C51F quadratus lumborum muscle Entire quadratus lumborum muscle (body structure) 6652 6652 06652 pelvic diaphragm 12461007 S06652 Structure of pelvic diaphragm (body structure) E06652 367748001 Entire pelvic diaphragm (body structure) P06652 - 19726 P musculoskeletal system 997421B02CDA4DBBB82CFFCB7CDAAFDE D830435CB8004A57B99C66808D955093 pelvic diaphragm Entire pelvic diaphragm (body structure) 6653 6653 06653 proximal epiphysis 87740001 S06653 Structure of proximal epiphysis (body structure) E06653 279998003 Entire proximal epiphysis (body structure) P06653 Y 32821 P skeletal system 0D6730D3A58341319780AF28498C2509 96E1D85380894F029101B445392F7C4B proximal epiphysis Entire proximal epiphysis (body structure) 6654 6654 06654 levator ani muscle 79349002 S06654 Structure of levator ani muscle (body structure) E06654 181753008 Entire levator ani muscle (body structure) P06654 Y 19087 P musculoskeletal system 0797DDFFC32D47BEB51D681A8C970DB7 9F0CED5A79BE422F8DE925FD81B3895A levator ani muscle Entire levator ani muscle (body structure) 6655 6655 06655 pubococcygeus muscle 22355009 S06655 Structure of pubococcygeus muscle (body structure) E06655 244958005 Entire pubococcygeus muscle (body structure) P06655 Y 19090 P muscular system 323C9E56886B49BFB4A0709E484268C2 5FF8C70FD3E144868E75E089593AC4D7 pubococcygeus muscle Entire pubococcygeus muscle (body structure) 6656 6656 06656 levator prostatae muscle 367749009 S06656 Structure of levator prostatae muscle (body structure) E06656 71507008 Entire levator prostatae muscle (body structure) P06656 Y P musculoskeletal system 923A18168FAA4428913A8641A9FEE25F 39305BF18EF74039A4E07F2D337974E1 levator prostatae muscle Entire levator prostatae muscle (body structure) 6657 6657 06657 puborectalis muscle 61495006 S06657 Structure of puborectalis muscle (body structure) E06657 244962004 Entire puborectalis muscle (body structure) P06657 Y 19091 P muscular system ADCDA26B2F364E93A5282B0F98920938 BB8FA8339FF04E09981B7B62CEB3F0A8 puborectalis muscle Entire puborectalis muscle (body structure) 6658 6658 06658 iliococcygeus muscle 42221001 S06658 Structure of iliococcygeus muscle (body structure) E06658 244964003 Entire iliococcygeus muscle (body structure) P06658 Y 19092 P muscular system F3666FA2A28D413AB352B89C1D27379F BBE0A0681D4B490DA0979AED77C8AFA4 iliococcygeus muscle Entire iliococcygeus muscle (body structure) 6659 6659 06659 ventral sacrococcygeus muscle 40528000 S06659 Structure of ventral sacrococcygeus muscle (body structure) E06659 246060006 Entire ventral sacrococcygeus muscle (body structure) P06659 Y P musculoskeletal system 087889D093664B59B145FC7CBAFFE244 AF42B0E5B3734FBE9B8EBA99FFB29987 ventral sacrococcygeus muscle Entire ventral sacrococcygeus muscle (body structure) 6660 6660 06660 dorsal sacrococcygeus muscle 41249005 S06660 Structure of dorsal sacrococcygeus muscle (body structure) E06660 246059001 Entire dorsal sacrococcygeus muscle (body structure) P06660 Y P musculoskeletal system 088E052124514BD8A639DF1B170CB34C FFE34F41F9374F36ADD64FF6EF5703BF dorsal sacrococcygeus muscle Entire dorsal sacrococcygeus muscle (body structure) 6661 6661 06661 skin of calf of leg 51059006 S06661 Skin structure of calf of leg (body structure) E06661 244181006 Entire skin of calf of leg (body structure) P06661 Y D integument/surface 0F40D8435FE049D3BC1A744212980688 4B84412FBD374CF18CC7DEEBF8725079 Skin of calf of leg Entire skin of calf of leg (body structure) 6662 6662 06662 distal epiphysis 87046001 S06662 Structure of distal epiphysis (body structure) E06662 279999006 Entire distal epiphysis (body structure) P06662 Y 32822 P skeletal system 2A1B50EBCAD145FC9C447AA081DB7DC9 0DD8FCEBC945496D94BBD45B5DB3E4D3 distal epiphysis Entire distal epiphysis (body structure) 6663 6663 06663 bulbospongiosus muscle 71439003 S06663 Structure of bulbospongiosus muscle (body structure) E06663 244972001 Entire bulbospongiosus muscle (body structure) P06663 Y 19729 P musculoskeletal system 7C665F5273774D15AFEB34F0E332A22A 840F791DE1C44BBA85E8F46EB4D268E4 bulbospongiosus muscle Entire bulbospongiosus muscle (body structure) 6664 6664 06664 ischiocavernosus muscle 33646000 S06664 Structure of ischiocavernosus muscle (body structure) E06664 244975004 Entire ischiocavernosus muscle (body structure) P06664 Y 19730 P musculoskeletal system CED03FA80A13428B8501E5F89AC100D4 508AF807834B4E07B0F33F409021E45E ischiocavernosus muscle Entire ischiocavernosus muscle (body structure) 6665 6665 06665 rectourethralis muscle 50696007 S06665 Structure of rectourethralis muscle (body structure) E06665 367750009 Entire rectourethralis muscle (body structure) P06665 Y P musculoskeletal system 36FD1458406743F9BF37450BB9886315 706A42E7EF3B46E1A4FF53E8809DA067 rectourethralis muscle Entire rectourethralis muscle (body structure) 6666 6666 06666 rectovesicalis muscle 33814002 S06666 Structure of rectovesicalis muscle (body structure) E06666 367751008 Entire rectovesicalis muscle (body structure) P06666 - P musculoskeletal system 1C386CAAF8934049A44BCE2CBBA123AC D4F4E1F11F184552AD1C836110170524 rectovesicalis muscle Entire rectovesicalis muscle (body structure) 6667 6667 06667 pubovesicalis muscle 113232002 S06667 Structure of pubovesicalis muscle (body structure) E06667 367752001 Entire pubovesicalis muscle (body structure) P06667 Y P musculoskeletal system 87579C7BDE134AB4A8F6D4A4B278D70C 1AB366BA506F4B69ACDABBE483D29F22 pubovesicalis muscle Entire pubovesicalis muscle (body structure) 6668 6668 06668 epiphyseal line 84157002 S06668 Structure of epiphyseal line (body structure) E06668 333108008 Entire epiphyseal line (body structure) P06668 - 74585 P skeletal system CA87AD8AD02B4DFEA963729B7B1BEC26 33EB5DF1327F47C99FC16699E2970510 epiphyseal line Entire epiphyseal line (body structure) 6669 6669 06669 iliopsoas muscle 68455001 S06669 Structure of iliopsoas muscle (body structure) E06669 181668001 Entire iliopsoas muscle (body structure) P06669 Y 64918 P musculoskeletal system 156358E9CB5D42A39E523B362842371B B0A399BE137D498D9EE1640754435333 iliopsoas muscle Entire iliopsoas muscle (body structure) 6670 6670 06670 iliacus muscle 34281002 S06670 Structure of iliacus muscle (body structure) E06670 244956009 Entire iliacus muscle (body structure) P06670 Y 22310 P musculoskeletal system 5C72F4D0369C4436AA7620B95C12A541 E6DA06D4EF8D4CF28BC82D601082C8DD iliacus muscle Entire iliacus muscle (body structure) 6671 6671 06671 psoas major muscle 57240007 S06671 Structure of psoas major muscle (body structure) E06671 244952006 Entire psoas major muscle (body structure) P06671 Y 18060 P musculoskeletal system 067495966A164716BD895507E7621DDB 04D3EB85CA934D198CA84C59D9A72128 psoas major muscle Entire psoas major muscle (body structure) 6672 6672 06672 psoas minor muscle 11192004 S06672 Structure of psoas minor muscle (body structure) E06672 244954007 Entire psoas minor muscle (body structure) P06672 Y 22350 P musculoskeletal system 71838CA034EB48B99B47BAEF40E68228 8D74388C81064F00AD7F884E69B45D9A psoas minor muscle Entire psoas minor muscle (body structure) 6673 6673 06673 metaphysis 33251002 S06673 Structure of metaphysis (body structure) E06673 304581004 Entire metaphysis (body structure) P06673 Y 24014 P skeletal system 3ABDE143DF27472BB1638AA52127D462 8F63962D0AC344558B7E941E0D923BDF metaphysis Entire metaphysis (body structure) Subdivision of diaphysis which forms the proximal or distal end of diaphysis next to the epiphysis; together with diaphysis proper, it constitutes the diaphysis. Examples: proximal metaphysis of humerus, distal metaphysis of femur. 6674 6674 06674 psoas muscle 36278009 S06674 Structure of psoas muscle (body structure) E06674 276167002 Entire psoas muscle (body structure) P06674 Y P musculoskeletal system 6BA525B44BE84F858D5744B8B5A4C562 BBB1D999F675466691AFC50D6BDA7313 psoas muscle Entire psoas muscle (body structure) 6675 6675 06675 obturator muscle 26980003 S06675 Structure of obturator muscle (body structure) E06675 245024007 Entire obturator muscle (body structure) P06675 Y 19083 P musculoskeletal system 1D6DC7A257764BD997DE0BA5907F3560 2E45E654FE3244478B76CB9CBAE275C1 obturator muscle Entire obturator muscle (body structure) 6676 6676 06676 gluteus maximus muscle 206007 S06676 Structure of gluteus maximus muscle (body structure) E06676 181674001 Entire gluteus maximus muscle (body structure) P06676 Y 22314 P musculoskeletal system 77C048FCE774476BBA82747B2E445709 68FF359AA10348A1912520A9428A6290 gluteus maximus muscle Entire gluteus maximus muscle (body structure) 6677 6677 06677 gluteus medius muscle 78333006 S06677 Structure of gluteus medius muscle (body structure) E06677 181675000 Entire gluteus medius muscle (body structure) P06677 Y 22315 P musculoskeletal system B5516E53E6E741CDB74E5E84951B39AD DAB82BC919A54956888005BCA3D5B7C0 gluteus medius muscle Entire gluteus medius muscle (body structure) 6678 6678 06678 gluteus minimus muscle 75297007 S06678 Structure of gluteus minimus muscle (body structure) E06678 181676004 Entire gluteus minimus muscle (body structure) P06678 Y 22317 P musculoskeletal system B3F178D3A1D3432CBD20C56F2D28BC93 A3F0C21EBAF945488B9834B7F55A936F gluteus minimus muscle Entire gluteus minimus muscle (body structure) 6679 6679 06679 piriformis muscle 75699001 S06679 Structure of piriformis muscle (body structure) E06679 245019009 Entire piriformis muscle (body structure) P06679 Y 19082 P skeletal system 73797B6089FF466384135101AA1AE45E DC2578D89C834368AE578A5F6E4C4296 piriformis muscle Entire piriformis muscle (body structure) 6680 6680 06680 gemellus muscle 4759003 S06680 Structure of gemellus muscle (body structure) E06680 245021004 Entire gemellus muscle (body structure) P06680 Y 22319 P musculoskeletal system DB958692CAA945538E96D36CD94B70C6 6D06ED70B3F645EBA693906DE9E11B26 gemellus muscle Entire gemellus muscle (body structure) 6681 6681 06681 quadratus femoris muscle 52595008 S06681 Structure of quadratus femoris muscle (body structure) E06681 245020003 Entire quadratus femoris muscle (body structure) P06681 Y 22321 P skeletal system 1C96B94176D64075864F197E1B06EE7B 9440237E1E3643E5978539D782537ADF quadratus femoris muscle Entire quadratus femoris muscle (body structure) 6682 6682 06682 sartorius muscle 12595009 S06682 Structure of sartorius muscle (body structure) E06682 181683006 Entire sartorius muscle (body structure) P06682 Y 22353 P musculoskeletal system A08ED62F793C489093BA8C284F8C4038 A9493ED0E04D45439ECA69B998DC6A12 sartorius muscle Entire sartorius muscle (body structure) 6683 6683 06683 adductor muscle 44487003 S06683 Structure of adductor muscle (body structure) E06683 181670005 Entire adductor muscle (body structure) P06683 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 9C233A5B46BF4D35BC2C448C1832FC2B 300388BACD0F43B6938417370618C213 adductor muscle Entire adductor muscle (body structure) 6684 6684 06684 adductor brevis muscle 70770004 S06684 Structure of adductor brevis muscle (body structure) E06684 181687007 Entire adductor brevis muscle (body structure) P06684 Y 22442 P skeletal system 6B77CE956C0449C081C842C323686600 1DB5DA80A8FF4E69808C4B2004166C4B adductor brevis muscle Entire adductor brevis muscle (body structure) 6685 6685 06685 adductor magnus muscle 23087007 S06685 Structure of adductor magnus muscle (body structure) E06685 181688002 Entire adductor magnus muscle (body structure) P06685 Y 22443 P skeletal system 16D238E6CD20469D8C012392AA3B73ED 1F22B4C7D4474180BBEB0BD26F22C3AF adductor magnus muscle Entire adductor magnus muscle (body structure) 6686 6686 06686 gracilis muscle 2577006 S06686 Structure of gracilis muscle (body structure) E06686 181689005 Entire gracilis muscle (body structure) P06686 Y 43882 P skeletal system CEF361488C7D4A00A1E123418D7228E3 85E9967C3A4841C997DB132B6B7A8F35 gracilis muscle Entire gracilis muscle (body structure) 6687 6687 06687 proximal third of shaft of bone 19093009 S06687 Structure of proximal third of shaft of bone (body structure) E06687 332208007 Entire proximal third of shaft of bone (body structure) P06687 Y P skeletal system 617BC604FA344069AD861A0C592D7392 D9EB9F15CA5A4A1B814E3A00D683C840 proximal third of shaft of bone Entire proximal third of shaft of bone (body structure) 6688 6688 06688 quadriceps femoris muscle 21989003 S06688 Structure of quadriceps femoris muscle (body structure) E06688 181669009 Entire quadriceps femoris muscle (body structure) P06688 Y 22428 P skeletal system 5C5E843EE49149AFB2681E30C0CCFC2A CBD016F0FF1D40C7854B2A449E863A23 quadriceps femoris muscle Entire quadriceps femoris muscle (body structure) 6689 6689 06689 straight head of rectus femoris muscle 73485005 S06689 Structure of straight head of rectus femoris muscle (body structure) E06689 368099000 Entire straight head of rectus femoris muscle (body structure) P06689 Y 22435 P muscular system F7BEC6A04E8442B795D477405DA090D6 EA18E66A1CAC4FA38457881BBA378808 straight head of rectus femoris muscle Entire straight head of rectus femoris muscle (body structure) 6690 6690 06690 reflected head of rectus femoris muscle 41442003 S06690 Structure of reflected head of rectus femoris muscle (body structure) E06690 368100008 Entire reflected head of rectus femoris muscle (body structure) P06690 Y 22436 P muscular system 2C28891E56E54C2F9AA0EA64319BE6A4 5E2C6AC22DDE4D73B15ED0C5E6E55147 reflected head of rectus femoris muscle Entire reflected head of rectus femoris muscle (body structure) 6691 6691 06691 vastus lateralis muscle 1403006 S06691 Structure of vastus lateralis muscle (body structure) E06691 181681008 Entire vastus lateralis muscle (body structure) P06691 Y 22431 P muscular system F921DF69FF7C4B82A2EEBF65959A85FF 77D1EE2BF66A437F853AFD1F993152B4 vastus lateralis muscle Entire vastus lateralis muscle (body structure) 6692 6692 06692 vastus medialis muscle 3478008 S06692 Structure of vastus medialis muscle (body structure) E06692 181680009 Entire vastus medialis muscle (body structure) P06692 Y 22432 P muscular system CFEFEBF99F9A4424ADD0D6F485FE9283 3FA6E9B61A7B4D04A4C72A7DF76C27F2 vastus medialis muscle Entire vastus medialis muscle (body structure) 6693 6693 06693 pectineus muscle 71875009 S06693 Structure of pectineus muscle (body structure) E06693 245017006 Entire pectineus muscle (body structure) P06693 Y 22440 P musculoskeletal system 01D376D194F3445DB0AAF40FED554C54 BE8E8C2C102045468D46F3AD5951E0D4 pectineus muscle Entire pectineus muscle (body structure) 6694 6694 06694 vastus intermedius muscle 57733007 S06694 Structure of vastus intermedius muscle (body structure) E06694 181682001 Entire vastus intermedius muscle (body structure) P06694 Y 22433 P muscular system D07D9E054B664E8589CC6E96E52A27A5 DC507330FECA4BCC89995DFC019D610A vastus intermedius muscle Entire vastus intermedius muscle (body structure) 6695 6695 06695 middle third of shaft of bone 78926003 S06695 Structure of middle third of shaft of bone (body structure) E06695 332307000 Entire middle third of shaft of bone (body structure) P06695 Y P skeletal system 3BBE9180B68D43B4AB6ED3D927C20ABD D41D3341EE84432197B0309DCB9ECB11 middle third of shaft of bone Entire middle third of shaft of bone (body structure) 6696 6696 06696 long head of biceps femoris muscle 55190004 S06696 Structure of long head of biceps femoris muscle (body structure) E06696 209773001 Entire long head of biceps femoris muscle (body structure) P06696 Y 45887 P muscular system 6D04567FDC4C4B0D9933C64446933648 F1B4F3CB1A2A442EB24F1A99F4F6E53F long head of biceps femoris muscle Entire long head of biceps femoris muscle (body structure) 6697 6697 06697 short head of biceps femoris muscle 64568000 S06697 Structure of short head of biceps femoris muscle (body structure) E06697 209872003 Entire short head of biceps femoris muscle (body structure) P06697 Y 45890 P muscular system AC11E51A8C6A4354B562DFA98EC8A75A A2D634936D0944D2BFA7BDF4C5F101F3 short head of biceps femoris muscle Entire short head of biceps femoris muscle (body structure) 6698 6698 06698 adductor muscle of lower limb 36419008 S06698 Structure of adductor muscle of lower extremity (body structure) E06698 368101007 Entire adductor muscle of lower extremity (body structure) P06698 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 0B93DCC4B5D0479C99B89AF6E1D3655D C3F30104FED44A1B917258541B155BB9 adductor muscle of lower extremity Entire adductor muscle of lower extremity (body structure) 6699 6699 06699 distal third of shaft of bone 85671003 S06699 Structure of distal third of shaft of bone (body structure) E06699 332407004 Entire distal third of shaft of bone (body structure) P06699 Y P skeletal system 89B9A94B3921410A8C7B22C7E55D0980 FD0416CB570C43C980B3832621F1A0F9 distal third of shaft of bone Entire distal third of shaft of bone (body structure) 6700 6700 06700 lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle 113233007 S06700 Structure of lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle (body structure) E06700 213588009 Entire lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle (body structure) P06700 Y 45959 P muscular system B3797C669C064571B47DF0034C3ED47A 3CC22B4CD4574CA3AF74F152CC78CAC2 lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle Entire lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle (body structure) 6701 6701 06701 medial head of gastrocnemius muscle 10476008 S06701 Structure of medial head of gastrocnemius muscle (body structure) E06701 213689008 Entire medial head of gastrocnemius muscle (body structure) P06701 Y 45956 P muscular system 1168380B1B4E4AECB4EE1B9F4B19EAAD 991E13E0EC714E978F6279D331346334 medial head of gastrocnemius muscle Entire medial head of gastrocnemius muscle (body structure) 6702 6702 06702 tendinous arch of soleus muscle 50773003 S06702 Structure of tendinous arch of soleus muscle (body structure) E06702 213790007 Entire tendinous arch of soleus muscle (body structure) P06702 Y P muscular system BC88D0787E4143E4B71B9EAE026CC074 837AB0F8B2C4402E9FFBCF721D91B645 tendinous arch of soleus muscle Entire tendinous arch of soleus muscle (body structure) 6703 6703 06703 extensor digitorum brevis muscle of foot 87720008 S06703 Structure of extensor digitorum brevis muscle of foot (body structure) E06703 181726009 Entire extensor digitorum brevis muscle of foot (body structure) P06703 Y 51140 P musculoskeletal system 7428601E34114C25B8B8E1CAA4B0E0D3 1766D13075DC408293CBEB5FDFF5F3F9 extensor digitorum brevis muscle of foot Entire extensor digitorum brevis muscle of foot (body structure) 6704 6704 06704 articular surface of bone 70746003 S06704 Structure of articular surface of bone (body structure) E06704 332506005 Entire articular surface of bone (body structure) P06704 - P skeletal system 7BEB64914E84415DB5C74266F23AFB44 A730D2B00EA44BC39895592F80D58368 articular surface of bone Entire articular surface of bone (body structure) 6705 6705 06705 extensor hallucis brevis muscle 38702002 S06705 Structure of extensor hallucis brevis muscle (body structure) E06705 215421001 Entire extensor hallucis brevis muscle (body structure) P06705 Y 51141 P musculoskeletal system ECC8C53B12114E4882BB463CC8E7ECD9 631D617E482F4922826204DB3FC1E46C extensor hallucis brevis muscle Entire extensor hallucis brevis muscle (body structure) 6706 6706 06706 condyle 332607006 S06706 Structure of condyle (body structure) E06706 91737009 Entire condyle (body structure) P06706 - 75434 P skeletal system 3B04D1DBE92246929A6E73DBF5B06AFA B664683B7BC14C70BA1265B247C723D7 condyle Entire condyle (body structure) 6707 6707 06707 plantar muscle of foot 115969008 S06707 Structure of plantar muscle of foot (body structure) E06707 245034003 Entire plantar muscle of foot (body structure) P06707 Y P musculoskeletal system 9EE5A1D561B24C2BB7C2B5D9F1A7099F 20839FC68DA44FCAB1B7FDC56381B1D7 plantar muscle of foot Entire plantar muscle of foot (body structure) 6708 6708 06708 abductor digiti minimi muscle of foot 10245000 S06708 Structure of abductor digiti minimi muscle of foot (body structure) E06708 314873002 Entire abductor digiti minimi muscle of foot (body structure) P06708 Y 37451 P musculoskeletal system 2C6DA12EF6B74C6E816F815E08BF9B1B 3B0CA45DEB0A4A9FA7395B482F492B93 abductor digiti minimi muscle of foot Entire abductor digiti minimi muscle of foot (body structure) 6709 6709 06709 quadratus plantae muscle 234606004 S06709 Structure of quadratus plantae muscle (body structure) E06709 38095004 Entire quadratus plantae muscle (body structure) P06709 Y P musculoskeletal system A405119E6B4E4A6FA43A69D1AD1F9D87 98818F4BCC594F5BB1F9E2CD6D64A35E quadratus plantae muscle Entire quadratus plantae muscle (body structure) 6710 6710 06710 lumbrical muscle of foot 13911000 S06710 Structure of lumbrical muscle of foot (body structure) E06710 181715003 Entire lumbrical muscle of foot (body structure) P06710 Y 37453 P musculoskeletal system 8CF69701B6224EF7A092FDB62702AC73 4D195604695242E596F31DC8F0B6DC4D lumbrical muscle of foot Entire lumbrical muscle of foot (body structure) 6711 6711 06711 epicondyle 35925009 S06711 Structure of epicondyle (body structure) E06711 333209006 Entire epicondyle (body structure) P06711 - 75435 P skeletal system 03473F5008D34C5891D739E34DDCB20E 4ED3B1BFC5384C91BEB426FB544449DC epicondyle Entire epicondyle (body structure) 6712 6712 06712 flexor hallucis brevis muscle 22861002 S06712 Structure of flexor hallucis brevis muscle (body structure) E06712 181730007 Entire flexor hallucis brevis muscle (body structure) P06712 Y 37449 P musculoskeletal system B5A39B0F3707470B97452105FA5AE148 18CD1D3F69D348B5BADC4263B3AF2751 flexor hallucis brevis muscle Entire flexor hallucis brevis muscle (body structure) 6713 6713 06713 oblique head of adductor hallucis muscle 72493002 S06713 Structure of oblique head of adductor hallucis muscle (body structure) E06713 234694009 Entire oblique head of adductor hallucis muscle (body structure) P06713 Y 46014 P muscular system 9F27B357B492478BB82DC5651CC25CAC 037F2C9D6245475CB28A6E4A7357FD6E oblique head of adductor hallucis muscle Entire oblique head of adductor hallucis muscle (body structure) 6714 6714 06714 transverse head of adductor hallucis muscle 88370006 S06714 Structure of transverse head of adductor hallucis muscle (body structure) E06714 234786006 Entire transverse head of adductor hallucis muscle (body structure) P06714 Y 46015 P muscular system 54E92F69615B4A2E959F12020D1639B8 A006C6DF4DB64DF5B531C96F359E19D6 transverse head of adductor hallucis muscle Entire transverse head of adductor hallucis muscle (body structure) 6715 6715 06715 flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of foot 30741001 S06715 Structure of flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of foot (body structure) E06715 245039008 Entire flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of foot (body structure) P06715 Y 37455 P musculoskeletal system 1A9758E876F54B6EAC915CC620DABBC2 8D6E42E905B0424BB84F11F6367ABAEA flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of foot Entire flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of foot (body structure) 6716 6716 06716 abductor hallucis muscle 53240008 S06716 Structure of abductor hallucis muscle (body structure) E06716 181723001 Entire abductor hallucis muscle (body structure) P06716 Y 37448 P musculoskeletal system 884E1FDC8732443AA0FB4711482A5172 0C9F96D9033A490C96193BF6595C94A4 abductor hallucis muscle Entire abductor hallucis muscle (body structure) 6717 6717 06717 skin of ankle 67269001 S06717 Skin structure of ankle (body structure) E06717 181560000 Entire skin of ankle (body structure) P06717 Y 37831 D integument/surface 75CBFD2C4AE448FF8CCD55522021F971 9317338D6EDF4B4FBD06EA41EEA9C848 Skin of ankle Entire skin of ankle (body structure) 6718 6718 06718 bone tissue of bone of limb 48566001 S06718 Bone structure of extremity (body structure) E06718 P06718 Y 0 D skeletal system D5180D87958F41438E60813878569C16 Bone of extremity 6719 6719 06719 metacarpophalangeal joint of finger 125683009 S06719 Structure of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E06719 182191001 Entire metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) P06719 Y P musculoskeletal system 104D9CADE02D41B58DFD65B3E8E2EB22 1E6573C958094A43947CC0EC5726FFAF metacarpophalangeal joint of finger Entire metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) 6720 6720 06720 interphalangeal joint of thumb 115955008 S06720 Structure of interphalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) E06720 182192008 Entire interphalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) P06720 Y 35312 P musculoskeletal system DC8391F0325046F29A7D20D68089F6A0 0890C32292E348B880702B3AE4FCF8BD interphalangeal joint of thumb Entire interphalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) 6721 6721 06721 obturator canal 87874007 S06721 Structure of obturator canal (body structure) E06721 368098008 Entire obturator canal (body structure) P06721 Y 25715 P musculoskeletal system B99A2DCAFCBF4762B0A622C661BC05DB 109247884481494C97AC294CFE01DA8B obturator canal Entire obturator canal (body structure) 6722 6722 06722 greater sciatic foramen 35623004 S06722 Structure of greater sciatic foramen (body structure) E06722 280609000 Entire greater sciatic foramen (body structure) P06722 Y 17031 P 6E68EBBA4A5941C3AA11799EFA104572 424AFC9E00684352ACB400F8BF2CC574 greater sciatic foramen Entire greater sciatic foramen (body structure) 6723 6723 06723 lesser sciatic foramen 18938009 S06723 Structure of lesser sciatic foramen (body structure) E06723 280610005 Entire lesser sciatic foramen (body structure) P06723 Y 17035 P BBCE936E661948E7BF607497B9508C00 19278475AA8E492F9CFF276F9B0E821F lesser sciatic foramen Entire lesser sciatic foramen (body structure) 6724 6724 06724 femorotibial joint 129159008 S06724 Structure of femorotibial joint (body structure) E06724 182203004 Entire femorotibial joint (body structure) P06724 Y 43571 P musculoskeletal system 392672C3EE12470A8E9368FA7BFFA9AB 80BD081277ED46CEB7621EC518235541 femorotibial joint Entire femorotibial joint (body structure) 6725 6725 06725 patellofemoral joint 129160003 S06725 Structure of patellofemoral joint (body structure) E06725 182202009 Entire patellofemoral joint (body structure) P06725 Y 43574 P musculoskeletal system 20E2CB9B570D4C178A6BD4F55F5FEB8D 297659C69E064F9C9E4BB87B852B7A4F patellofemoral joint Entire patellofemoral joint (body structure) 6726 6726 06726 midtarsal joint 129158000 S06726 Structure of midtarsal joint (body structure) E06726 182220000 Entire midtarsal joint (body structure) P06726 Y P musculoskeletal system 02A3667CC2AD41D484F87D0E7E941AD3 CF93368B33DA45158E4B76445C88A3E7 midtarsal joint Entire midtarsal joint (body structure) 6727 6727 06727 joint of toe 122477008 S06727 Structure of joint of toe (body structure) E06727 280442009 Entire joint of toe (body structure) P06727 Y 35225 P musculoskeletal system 9EEA02D6168C42D3ABE9CD2470615707 8737AFE9FAE94E13A85F532DB0686396 joint of toe Entire joint of toe (body structure) 6728 6728 06728 superior orbital fissure 66394008 S06728 Structure of superior orbital fissure (body structure) E06728 280559002 Entire superior orbital fissure (body structure) P06728 Y 0 P special senses organ system A9D54A33F2FA47DD9BA507659AB2235D E195DCF4B2014021BD8C82EAB0AD331F superior orbital fissure Entire superior orbital fissure (body structure) 6729 6729 06729 synovial bursa 13351007 S06729 Structure of bursa (body structure) E06729 182483003 Entire bursa (body structure) P06729 - 9692 P 9A064B07B3D2455D9C83985DCA55E47C FF976ECF088D46FEB941B9356CCB5C62 bursa Entire bursa (body structure) Synovial sac located in the interstitial space between organs or subdivisions of two or more organs. Examples: subdeltoid bursa, anserine bursa. 6730 6730 06730 ischial bursa 129178008 S06730 Structure of ischial bursa (body structure) E06730 282440008 Entire ischial bursa (body structure) P06730 Y P musculoskeletal system 330CD50E8F5042A08A4D492C5E37DC64 561843893FC9492FAD670D18008427BE ischial bursa Entire ischial bursa (body structure) 6731 6731 06731 segmental branch of renal artery 120234003 S06731 Structure of segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) E06731 314320007 Entire segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) P06731 Y P arterial system 342EF1158B144855BC2A1AC86AE00D77 994EFA6484B045A5A2F0F75931FF1789 segmental branch of renal artery Entire segmental branch of renal artery (body structure) 6732 6732 06732 foramen rotundum 50613000 S06732 Structure of foramen rotundum (body structure) E06732 369439002 Entire foramen rotundum (body structure) P06732 Y 0 P skeletal system C0C8B5CBC6E24423B915EA26EE9AF718 592E33BD142A4C59954DE840FE822CD1 foramen rotundum Entire foramen rotundum (body structure) 6733 6733 06733 artery of pelvic region 116373007 S06733 Structure of artery of pelvic region (body structure) E06733 244290005 Entire artery of pelvic region (body structure) P06733 - P arterial system 8A1D631FC4A24DC0B45C1E3C63A49CD4 C1043F9FE31A469384565806F077E485 artery of pelvic region Entire artery of pelvic region (body structure) 6734 6734 06734 lateral thoracic artery 3743007 S06734 Structure of lateral thoracic artery (body structure) E06734 206135006 Entire lateral thoracic artery (body structure) P06734 Y 66565 P arterial system 9F4F5EC9E5F4482985FCE44B67FFA559 AAF2835E14C34FDA8ABD41929D65CF5C lateral thoracic artery Entire lateral thoracic artery (body structure) 6735 6735 06735 digital artery of hand 40254007 S06735 Structure of digital artery of hand (body structure) E06735 265791006 Entire digital artery of hand (body structure) P06735 Y P cardiovascular system 8B7915FA992E4C5CA822BC92C79E69C4 AC23F79AC9FB4790836BA85B16D41C5B digital artery of hand Entire digital artery of hand (body structure) 6736 6736 06736 second volar metacarpal artery 368462007 S06736 Structure of second volar metacarpal artery (body structure) E06736 91798001 Entire second volar metacarpal artery (body structure) P06736 Y P cardiovascular system EA47B36D13AC415597E5B9BCF8345E09 8C3C25F594464F58BFCCBDFDF4291E7B second volar metacarpal artery Entire second volar metacarpal artery (body structure) 6737 6737 06737 third volar metacarpal artery 368463002 S06737 Structure of third volar metacarpal artery (body structure) E06737 91799009 Entire third volar metacarpal artery (body structure) P06737 Y P cardiovascular system D1E991954AD14C6EBF57280016054C63 DE47DD13DB7E4DA2860947C72F350EF8 third volar metacarpal artery Entire third volar metacarpal artery (body structure) 6738 6738 06738 fourth volar metacarpal artery 368464008 S06738 Structure of fourth volar metacarpal artery (body structure) E06738 91800008 Entire fourth volar metacarpal artery (body structure) P06738 Y P cardiovascular system D5464B6E2A4F43679FAD6CA4E9212023 4876FA70DA724959A11EE7057E769619 fourth volar metacarpal artery Entire fourth volar metacarpal artery (body structure) 6739 6739 06739 first dorsal metacarpal artery 368509002 S06739 Structure of first dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) E06739 91788007 Entire first dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) P06739 Y 76424 P arterial system F5FFC069A5044718ACE347E59896B93D 4B4089F1C8DF4AE0B7A535C99986E8FB first dorsal metacarpal artery Entire first dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) 6740 6740 06740 second dorsal metacarpal artery 368510007 S06740 Structure of second dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) E06740 91789004 Entire second dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) P06740 Y P cardiovascular system AE90B3E075F647808159B0222DE48472 CE913D42137C457997AC64B620E9F02D second dorsal metacarpal artery Entire second dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) 6741 6741 06741 foramen spinosum 35665005 S06741 Structure of foramen spinosum (body structure) E06741 369440000 Entire foramen spinosum (body structure) P06741 Y 0 P skeletal system 94246C1B72574C7798C35E0762BA7224 77D7FFCA1B1B4068AC3843ADA0AE81D1 foramen spinosum Entire foramen spinosum (body structure) 6742 6742 06742 third dorsal metacarpal artery 368511006 S06742 Structure of third dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) E06742 91790008 Entire third dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) P06742 Y P cardiovascular system 4B403A0471064BF5BF58B1CF3B730B02 0BE76B77B7774CBE883FCCDB136D0534 third dorsal metacarpal artery Entire third dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) 6743 6743 06743 fourth dorsal metacarpal artery 368512004 S06743 Structure of fourth dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) E06743 91791007 Entire fourth dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) P06743 Y P cardiovascular system A2ACAA3299B54A83A4F22901FB963612 0E6F8F60F85B46D389A893CB44AD6177 fourth dorsal metacarpal artery Entire fourth dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) 6744 6744 06744 fifth dorsal metacarpal artery 368513009 S06744 Structure of fifth dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) E06744 91792000 Entire fifth dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) P06744 Y P cardiovascular system 9970CE7B694B416781F83CED3E463E84 E4E080C5D8EE40949F126165980D622A fifth dorsal metacarpal artery Entire fifth dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) 6745 6745 06745 genicular artery 128559007 S06745 Structure of genicular artery (body structure) E06745 244333008 Entire genicular artery (body structure) P06745 Y P cardiovascular system 48279946937A4DD29495C71C5C613B9B A24B1FBA38EB4D75B740B7DA74EA1D20 genicular artery Entire genicular artery (body structure) 6746 6746 06746 muscular type vein 33858002 S06746 Structure of muscular type vein (body structure) E06746 340670000 Entire muscular type vein (body structure) P06746 - P cardiovascular system 4FBF13063CC84B8BAD083566722D6DFC C292585BCE114B5A8D7AA0AE93FB953C muscular type vein Entire muscular type vein (body structure) 6747 6747 06747 fibrous type vein 340569006 S06747 Structure of fibrous type vein (body structure) E06747 90643009 Entire fibrous type vein (body structure) P06747 - P cardiovascular system 85894643F12B49EE830EAB9A2D0BE25F 2FB88FD79EE54566AEC3A22309EAD773 fibrous type vein Entire fibrous type vein (body structure) 6748 6748 06748 venous network 34340008 S06748 Structure of venous network (body structure) E06748 322151008 Entire venous network (body structure) P06748 - 4767 P venous system A5D6C3792F244833BCF6DB7732D51BFB 3E2873B24A284B0382D4396ECD6D806D venous network Entire venous network (body structure) 6749 6749 06749 venous sinus 80334009 S06749 Structure of venous sinus (body structure) E06749 341586007 Entire venous sinus (body structure) P06749 - P cardiovascular system 7EE00EFCB2B44DB3B730ECFC716108F1 09D949EDA3E041C9B0A6F752E84AC51D venous sinus Entire venous sinus (body structure) 6750 6750 06750 transplanted vein 49622001 S06750 Structure of transplanted vein (body structure) E06750 341281003 Entire transplanted vein (body structure) P06750 - P cardiovascular system AB850AE7EA8B43A9AF64385493EBBB12 A85245629F87453F98DB43D666AEC9DF transplanted vein Entire transplanted vein (body structure) 6751 6751 06751 foramen magnum 24532009 S06751 Structure of foramen magnum (body structure) E06751 244679008 Entire foramen magnum (body structure) P06751 - 75306 P skeletal system 34F61838CCFD4384A9BFD2AE92BB5505 A566D1D8E60A479FAD732F1705F855A9 foramen magnum Entire foramen magnum (body structure) 6752 6752 06752 venule 57766006 S06752 Structure of venule (body structure) E06752 341687009 Entire venule (body structure) P06752 - 63130 P cardiovascular system E7FE5621DB454D4CA37DE384CD690DE7 F62B5E5664E94A0C9A254EF2E9EE9D9D venule Entire venule (body structure) Subdivision of venous tree (organ) which is directly continuous with the capillary vessel. 6753 6753 06753 postcapillary venule 341789002 S06753 Structure of postcapillary venule (body structure) E06753 6216007 Entire postcapillary venule (body structure) P06753 - 63191 P cardiovascular system E14217D7388D40E8A676E16300689DB1 9D5369A191DF4ED681511C83451EBD1B postcapillary venule Entire postcapillary venule (body structure) 6754 6754 06754 muscular venule 341890001 S06754 Structure of muscular venule (body structure) E06754 71051008 Entire muscular venule (body structure) P06754 - 63192 P cardiovascular system 9F9EECAEFF2440F6965129DAC5094897 9076BB602E1C49B2B324F8B81031FC21 muscular venule Entire muscular venule (body structure) 6755 6755 06755 stellate venule 341994009 S06755 Structure of stellate venule (body structure) E06755 61155001 Entire stellate venule (body structure) P06755 - P cardiovascular system DA1F540AB0324543A754A1D057CBCDF1 66B0D5DB107B433086DE2D7F16BDD61C stellate venule Entire stellate venule (body structure) 6756 6756 06756 venulae rectae 53010000 S06756 Structure of venulae rectae (body structure) E06756 245983001 Entire venulae rectae (body structure) P06756 Y 72007 P cardiovascular system 803ADEC42F264C11B185B6149BD98832 EEF148CEEF88470BA8306D1FB38905AA venulae rectae Entire venulae rectae (body structure) 6757 6757 06757 superficial vein 55690003 S06757 Structure of superficial vein (body structure) E06757 341382008 Entire superficial vein (body structure) P06757 - P cardiovascular system 183C8599B8104B55AEE2CD5E0BA8ACE0 650D8CC5E0484DAB8EBFD5DB01B97A0D superficial vein Entire superficial vein (body structure) 6758 6758 06758 foramen ovale cranii 21575002 S06758 Structure of foramen ovale cranii (body structure) E06758 369441001 Entire foramen ovale cranii (body structure) P06758 Y 0 P skeletal system 9948806FBBB848639FF20FA202877F96 495A570C36BC4DB19E031977A74FDD30 foramen ovale cranii Entire foramen ovale cranii (body structure) 6759 6759 06759 deep vein 87003004 S06759 Structure of deep vein (body structure) E06759 341484008 Entire deep vein (body structure) P06759 - P cardiovascular system D26DA1C807224E0A8E93156EBBA88F30 CED1B404C1994F3D993A6D1979B506C5 deep vein Entire deep vein (body structure) 6760 6760 06760 valve of vein 72139006 S06760 Structure of valve of vein (body structure) E06760 337116000 Entire valve of vein (body structure) P06760 - 68095 P cardiovascular system B92004B4DEFE4F0D9DD68A8E2DE2E496 641ADEFFDBE5487EAF8B7E5E9CB7B784 valve of vein Entire valve of vein (body structure) 6761 6761 06761 valve of sinus 89175004 S06761 Structure of valve of sinus (body structure) E06761 342096006 Entire valve of sinus (body structure) P06761 - P cardiovascular system CD935A87293346A0B42D5FD50EACA5CE B2B4561C247F4395BE5056BD785BA69E valve of sinus Entire valve of sinus (body structure) 6762 6762 06762 frontonasal duct 118505008 S06762 Structure of frontonasal duct (body structure) E06762 302304008 Entire frontonasal duct (body structure) P06762 Y P skeletal system 04EA32E054B646CF81C26DD4AC45B67A EEFC1D128E8B4931B64B4F463EC1ABCE frontonasal duct Entire frontonasal duct (body structure) 6763 6763 06763 skin of heel 84607009 S06763 Skin structure of heel (body structure) E06763 244185002 Entire skin of heel (body structure) P06763 Y D integument/surface 89892057126C4ABD8DDB496B3DA8BC0B 5EF7242AF6BE465592FA5B73B8D59D4B Skin of heel Entire skin of heel (body structure) 6764 6764 06764 sphenoidal emissary foramen 44450006 S06764 Structure of sphenoidal emissary foramina (body structure) E06764 369442008 Entire sphenoidal emissary foramina (body structure) P06764 Y 0 P skeletal system 366A4F019A0C4556A8D0DE88EF3688D7 C4F61FCF4D9241B185EBEEDD927C5C44 sphenoidal emissary foramina Entire sphenoidal emissary foramina (body structure) 6765 6765 06765 foramen lacerum 61760009 S06765 Structure of foramen lacerum (body structure) E06765 369444009 Entire foramen lacerum (body structure) P06765 Y 0 P skeletal system 4F54CA4E062D45258FFB8C5F1BD23C37 5AB9D80BEB0F4B3CA9D0E8592BA3B828 foramen lacerum Entire foramen lacerum (body structure) 6766 6766 06766 frontal eminences 18422009 S06766 Structure of frontal eminences (body structure) E06766 137359002 Entire frontal eminences (body structure) P06766 Y 52852 P skeletal system 0F73549119014EB59D47452550007108 787E435EDF424057A4DB6BEC6C350B7A frontal eminences Entire frontal eminences (body structure) 6767 6767 06767 superciliary arch 27919003 S06767 Structure of superciliary arch (body structure) E06767 137460008 Entire superciliary arch (body structure) P06767 Y 52850 P skeletal system 388B151A29AC43E8951332E8C0BFD9F1 5A186E53A9004E189DDE43F430201DFC superciliary arch Entire superciliary arch (body structure) 6768 6768 06768 annular portion of fibrous sheath of finger 66991006 S06768 Structure of annular portion of fibrous sheath of finger (body structure) E06768 368130000 Entire annular portion of fibrous sheath of finger (body structure) P06768 Y P musculoskeletal system 13C808BA1A674E58932C9A8231C39B9C 397DE609B992423795EA848C2BBCDF4B annular portion of fibrous sheath of finger Entire annular portion of fibrous sheath of finger (body structure) 6769 6769 06769 cruciform portion of fibrous sheath of finger 56628007 S06769 Structure of cruciform portion of fibrous sheath of finger (body structure) E06769 368131001 Entire cruciform portion of fibrous sheath of finger (body structure) P06769 Y P musculoskeletal system 335165F391AF462F8CBFD0B7136A5F6D 1A66B9EFC05B4091910390447F1C0E59 cruciform portion of fibrous sheath of finger Entire cruciform portion of fibrous sheath of finger (body structure) 6770 6770 06770 tendon of gluteal region 128499008 S06770 Structure of tendon of gluteal region (body structure) E06770 245163003 Entire tendon of gluteal region (body structure) P06770 Y P skeletal system 589D419F1A1D45E6B94A1FD83AD6AD85 9E1715AA2DAE4B869364EE6926E3BEFB tendon of gluteal region Entire tendon of gluteal region (body structure) 6771 6771 06771 glabella region of forehead 51136003 S06771 Structure of glabella (body structure) E06771 137561005 Entire glabella (body structure) P06771 - 52851 P skeletal system 6942284767EE4625A2CA8D0DBF8188F0 6D076785C8D94985B7C1B11D4CDDBA6E glabella Entire glabella (body structure) 6772 6772 06772 tendon of gluteus medius 128500004 S06772 Structure of tendon of gluteus medius (body structure) E06772 245165005 Entire tendon of gluteus medius (body structure) P06772 Y 48249 P skeletal system D145D0619A4F4D33A8DAF5E9A85AB01E E6D8D5F9A34F471492678423DC1880F1 tendon of gluteus medius Entire tendon of gluteus medius (body structure) 6773 6773 06773 tendon of gluteus minimus 128501000 S06773 Structure of tendon of gluteus minimus (body structure) E06773 245164009 Entire tendon of gluteus minimus (body structure) P06773 Y 48264 P skeletal system BB5FBFD5ED43456AA9BED8C2ACE6D3AB 3B38711A08084B2EB0B5AF554490F1F8 tendon of gluteus minimus Entire tendon of gluteus minimus (body structure) 6774 6774 06774 tendon of gluteus maximus 128502007 S06774 Structure of tendon of gluteus maximus (body structure) E06774 245166006 Entire tendon of gluteus maximus (body structure) P06774 Y 48279 P skeletal system 0D8EFDD637D0426D90888101466790F2 703B3E5A4F604AC9B4066CE126339636 tendon of gluteus maximus Entire tendon of gluteus maximus (body structure) 6775 6775 06775 tendon of gemellus 128503002 S06775 Structure of tendon of gemellus (body structure) E06775 245168007 Entire tendon of gemellus (body structure) P06775 Y P skeletal system 140F1E4A24224C6DA5BA97F74FB7C092 35D83AFA962E4FA99E43C24288345159 tendon of gemellus Entire tendon of gemellus (body structure) 6776 6776 06776 tendon of superior gemellus 128504008 S06776 Structure of tendon of superior gemellus (body structure) E06776 245169004 Entire tendon of superior gemellus (body structure) P06776 Y 48204 P skeletal system B840037937DC4D5DA30A129722D77C14 EA62D24BCDD24B43B7A741D2DF0B6655 tendon of superior gemellus Entire tendon of superior gemellus (body structure) 6777 6777 06777 tendon of inferior gemellus 128505009 S06777 Structure of tendon of inferior gemellus (body structure) E06777 245170003 Entire tendon of inferior gemellus (body structure) P06777 Y 48219 P skeletal system 7D9EBA9A54A1447BA8D0DC005025707C 2685C17DA27640E89538B64F4997021C tendon of inferior gemellus Entire tendon of inferior gemellus (body structure) 6778 6778 06778 tendon of piriformis 128506005 S06778 Structure of tendon of piriformis (body structure) E06778 245167002 Entire tendon of piriformis (body structure) P06778 Y 48189 P skeletal system 17AD867F8C4A48DEAFE42CBD76F5E871 3EFAF83D28E34D0A926BEF29BA5AD015 tendon of piriformis Entire tendon of piriformis (body structure) 6779 6779 06779 tendon of biceps femoris 128508006 S06779 Structure of tendon of biceps femoris (body structure) E06779 245186005 Entire tendon of biceps femoris (body structure) P06779 Y 45930 P muscular system E137145A137C46AFBBFB8C82CBE98CB8 E7A96B42F5BE4AD1B282DFAA83FABBA5 tendon of biceps femoris Entire tendon of biceps femoris (body structure) 6780 6780 06780 tendon of semimembranosus 128509003 S06780 Structure of tendon of semimembranosus (body structure) E06780 245187001 Entire tendon of semimembranosus (body structure) P06780 Y 46945 P muscular system ED41653597E8414C99CD2C7515EF1469 56AFD37FE13E404C87F322476A0BE58E tendon of semimembranosus Entire tendon of semimembranosus (body structure) 6781 6781 06781 supraorbital margin 54472000 S06781 Structure of supraorbital margin (body structure) E06781 280550003 Entire supraorbital margin (body structure) P06781 Y 53097 P special senses organ system 95B5D27DFA3B4542B05395FCD50F616C 2A7F8356F77D49259FC9407C8FA02795 supraorbital margin Entire supraorbital margin (body structure) 6782 6782 06782 tendon of Todaro 128595004 S06782 Structure of tendon of Todaro (body structure) E06782 277720003 Entire tendon of Todaro (body structure) P06782 - 9277 P muscular system D7730FC970244371BFA8BC71875FC179 246EF7466F644C409AA7192EBCB69542 tendon of Todaro Entire tendon of Todaro (body structure) 6783 6783 06783 apex of right ventricle 128565007 S06783 Structure of apex of right ventricle (body structure) E06783 264913008 Entire apex of right ventricle (body structure) P06783 - R P cardiovascular system 004596FDE04144EBA9A8DC5E1A7E9491 7BB5AA282A974F328ABBB28D8657D6AE apex of right ventricle Entire apex of right ventricle (body structure) 6784 6784 06784 apex zone of myocardium of left ventricle 128564006 S06784 Structure of apex of left ventricle (body structure) E06784 264843009 Entire apex of left ventricle (body structure) P06784 - 86048 L P cardiovascular system CF8BD51055884E31B8B5685101AF6F30 D24B4918DBDE4E5D9D2D1DE0CACC22A6 apex of left ventricle Entire apex of left ventricle (body structure) Region of myocardium which has as its parts the anteroapical and inferoapical zones of myocardium of left ventricle. 6785 6785 06785 supraorbital notch 70707000 S06785 Structure of supraorbital notch (body structure) E06785 368866001 Entire supraorbital notch (body structure) P06785 Y P special senses organ system 38BB9614D9BB43AD8B06909D97550B4E D580AC6289F24CBE87576B41BC6A416D supraorbital notch Entire supraorbital notch (body structure) 6786 6786 06786 crista frontalis 67570004 S06786 Structure of crista frontalis (body structure) E06786 137662006 Entire crista frontalis (body structure) P06786 Y 57415 P skeletal system 5E953ADF340F4D2A82F898CAE92FE57D A56D8AFDC69C4173A43C3B9AF7FCF6A3 crista frontalis Entire crista frontalis (body structure) 6787 6787 06787 serous pericardium 118761004 S06787 Serous pericardium structure (body structure) E06787 243954002 Entire serous pericardium (body structure) P06787 - 9582 P cardiovascular system 693E34C6960D46FBB18563E9A370ABF0 79FCA3C4181E4F62B965D450FEB4DD59 Serous pericardium Entire serous pericardium (body structure) Serous membrane which has as its parts the epicardium and parietal serous pericardium that surrounds pericardial cavity. 6788 6788 06788 transplanted blood vessel 85094003 S06788 Structure of transplanted blood vessel (body structure) E06788 342197004 Entire transplanted blood vessel (body structure) P06788 - P cardiovascular system 540B4F91ED0E4358BF9B65C88F78EE37 CBE85285AD004E6DBA7A7AF96831418F transplanted blood vessel Entire transplanted blood vessel (body structure) 6789 6789 06789 capillary blood vessel 20982000 S06789 Structure of capillary blood vessel (organ) (body structure) E06789 255416003 Entire capillary blood vessel (organ) (body structure) P06789 - 63194 P cardiovascular system 43DD47B60CED4FD0A1D6D4990CEB9673 92F05D8B2B484EDF906FEB6DBE82ABC9 capillary blood vessel (organ) Entire capillary blood vessel (organ) (body structure) Subdivision of vascular tree (organ) which connects an arteriole to a venule or vice-versa. 6790 6790 06790 vasa vasorum 340365001 S06790 Structure of vasa vasorum (body structure) E06790 7524009 Entire vasa vasorum (body structure) P06790 - 77433 P cardiovascular system 536A1B7936EE4458BD939454751585FB 943AABC1C83F4AC48ECCFE1BB86AA5BA vasa vasorum Entire vasa vasorum (body structure) 6791 6791 06791 vascular sinusoid 50385008 S06791 Structure of vascular sinusoid (body structure) E06791 340163004 Entire vascular sinusoid (body structure) P06791 - P cardiovascular system 27B2D2BB5FE0499AA10299B664B51FB8 05C3D04C6917420F9614F73D9EC909F7 vascular sinusoid Entire vascular sinusoid (body structure) 6792 6792 06792 perivascular space 6914000 S06792 Structure of perivascular space (body structure) E06792 342298001 Entire perivascular space (body structure) P06792 - P cardiovascular system 94F14C980515453CAE9235ED25A7F9C4 C7F3DFD22AE54943A2CF7A77CF406DF6 perivascular space Entire perivascular space (body structure) 6793 6793 06793 anatomic arteriovenous anastomosis 36686001 S06793 Structure of anatomic arteriovenous anastomosis (body structure) E06793 342399007 Entire anatomic arteriovenous anastomosis (body structure) P06793 - P arterial system 31A788776C074032A2EC28BF578B28CC 044CBAFE4EC24103AE0ED0512FEE162B anatomic arteriovenous anastomosis Entire anatomic arteriovenous anastomosis (body structure) 6794 6794 06794 nasal spine of frontal bone 32181009 S06794 Structure of nasal spine of frontal bone (body structure) E06794 137763006 Entire nasal spine of frontal bone (body structure) P06794 - 57420 P skeletal system DDA0DAF15E5C445EBD55AA327AE54E0E A96E3F7237654A6198659735D0B8CD9C nasal spine of frontal bone Entire nasal spine of frontal bone (body structure) 6795 6795 06795 small blood vessel 27915009 S06795 Structure of small blood vessel (organ) (body structure) E06795 340264000 Entire small blood vessel (organ) (body structure) P06795 - P cardiovascular system 3B096FB9FBB5442383EB441C6AEE692F 69834D618ADD453DBF4E7E0802ACF9E1 small blood vessel (organ) Entire small blood vessel (organ) (body structure) 6796 6796 06796 medium size blood vessel 39938006 S06796 Structure of medium size blood vessel (organ) (body structure) E06796 340467005 Entire medium size blood vessel (organ) (body structure) P06796 - P cardiovascular system 8999C5E4BA674C0EB7DB09FC0BDC0D72 FF4DEB852D564E3EBE8C153084D86A6B medium size blood vessel (organ) Entire medium size blood vessel (organ) (body structure) 6797 6797 06797 great blood vessel 3711007 S06797 Structure of great blood vessel (organ) (body structure) E06797 340772002 Entire great blood vessel (organ) (body structure) P06797 - P cardiovascular system 9C0FE1A7D42847309B60E4C6F094201B 0F9D0600902547B28E78088747264E77 great blood vessel (organ) Entire great blood vessel (organ) (body structure) 6798 6798 06798 orbital plate of ethmoid bone 5854009 S06798 Structure of orbital plate of ethmoid bone (body structure) E06798 368817003 Entire orbital plate of ethmoid bone (body structure) P06798 Y 57451 P skeletal system 7426C134B8B848F0883D015AD7634D0C 85ADFF8D245D4F63B37D05DA907E966E orbital plate of ethmoid bone Entire orbital plate of ethmoid bone (body structure) 6799 6799 06799 inferior border of parietal bone 54630006 S06799 Structure of inferior border of parietal bone (body structure) E06799 138268000 Entire inferior border of parietal bone (body structure) P06799 Y P skeletal system E711455C8713492E9A554F4F90161085 386D71E42FF54BD5B80529B75C29E488 inferior border of parietal bone Entire inferior border of parietal bone (body structure) 6800 6800 06800 mastoid angle of parietal bone 16201009 S06800 Structure of mastoid angle of parietal bone (body structure) E06800 137864009 Entire mastoid angle of parietal bone (body structure) P06800 Y 57439 P skeletal system C2757C0C1F1D48A6B43AC580C9C01014 6D332413B0F4426388ED1F68F50CA6B9 mastoid angle of parietal bone Entire mastoid angle of parietal bone (body structure) 6801 6801 06801 sphenoid angle of parietal bone 15318001 S06801 Structure of sphenoid angle of parietal bone (body structure) E06801 137965006 Entire sphenoid angle of parietal bone (body structure) P06801 Y 57436 P skeletal system 28F8B4A7692A45BD955ED79D0E6B440E E221C3FA732748329C78CEA2FF7ADDC2 sphenoid angle of parietal bone Entire sphenoid angle of parietal bone (body structure) 6802 6802 06802 artery of abdomen 118634008 S06802 Structure of artery of abdomen (body structure) E06802 281470000 Entire artery of abdomen (body structure) P06802 - P arterial system 86D5B922F11D42B8818F613B8D2B37E8 D4CB628FFC244A05A9871AB13164C4D5 artery of abdomen Entire artery of abdomen (body structure) 6803 6803 06803 inferior laryngeal artery 64141005 S06803 Structure of inferior laryngeal artery (body structure) E06803 161654002 Entire inferior laryngeal artery (body structure) P06803 Y 66506 P arterial system 498C94A1C81F412791820AF633E36AFA A19DB6679D6D4970867C81BDE4B3A88E inferior laryngeal artery Entire inferior laryngeal artery (body structure) 6804 6804 06804 superficial cervical artery 10475007 S06804 Structure of superficial cervical artery (body structure) E06804 161746006 Entire superficial cervical artery (body structure) P06804 Y 66508 P cardiovascular system 3C5F9EF0BA12409993C55D8ACB4333E9 75AC9C5455C54F4489E1051530DCF0C7 superficial cervical artery Entire superficial cervical artery (body structure) 6805 6805 06805 ascending cervical artery 68745004 S06805 Structure of ascending cervical artery (body structure) E06805 161846001 Entire ascending cervical artery (body structure) P06805 Y 66507 P arterial system CAACDE169432438982F7A65D8190CD14 4FC6315AA36A47EB8D9C1CC0A6024D98 ascending cervical artery Entire ascending cervical artery (body structure) 6806 6806 06806 deep cervical artery 91731005 S06806 Structure of deep cervical artery (body structure) E06806 244223002 Entire deep cervical artery (body structure) P06806 Y 70403 P cardiovascular system 71074A1848B5418FA868C3944F1C13D3 E5CDCABC9C9D4736BA653D6CED2F3381 deep cervical artery Entire deep cervical artery (body structure) 6807 6807 06807 dorsal scapular artery 91732003 S06807 Structure of dorsal scapular artery (body structure) E06807 206232000 Entire dorsal scapular artery (body structure) P06807 Y 82551 P arterial system F734B81746114AF68A2E633A616B4144 D1B9A504E9EE41D5BFCAE5709245DD5F dorsal scapular artery Entire dorsal scapular artery (body structure) 6808 6808 06808 mediastinal branch of internal thoracic artery 29318005 S06808 Structure of mediastinal branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) E06808 367771004 Entire mediastinal branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) P06808 Y P arterial system D14A6923332541799A6588DAEF65B644 BB5960392E604C12B63D3A24769B2146 mediastinal branch of internal thoracic artery Entire mediastinal branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) 6809 6809 06809 bronchial branch of internal thoracic artery 84680009 S06809 Structure of bronchial branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) E06809 367773001 Entire bronchial branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) P06809 Y 71516 P arterial system 4D328E84F5834D7AB1D16D32BED6EB86 2B059CB14DA549EFA322A4234E544104 bronchial branch of internal thoracic artery Entire bronchial branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) 6810 6810 06810 frontal angle of parietal bone 21918004 S06810 Structure of frontal angle of parietal bone (body structure) E06810 138066007 Entire frontal angle of parietal bone (body structure) P06810 Y 57430 P skeletal system CE3D88DF7DC14E8BA930968274EB2FE3 2EAF23860BF44D4188B6DB5775C1D1D6 frontal angle of parietal bone Entire frontal angle of parietal bone (body structure) 6811 6811 06811 sternal branch of internal thoracic artery 44561000 S06811 Structure of sternal branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) E06811 367774007 Entire sternal branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) P06811 Y 70367 P arterial system F43B034F0BAD41CEBD8452568FA48994 D34EEA7A51C04BB983E057D33456A25C sternal branch of internal thoracic artery Entire sternal branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) 6812 6812 06812 perforating branch of internal thoracic artery 9837009 S06812 Structure of perforating branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) E06812 367775008 Entire perforating branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) P06812 Y 76318 P arterial system 7487647E87BB440C94F1991B47FCBFBB A6881B4AB1A047AFAEA273B62250FC2F perforating branch of internal thoracic artery Entire perforating branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) 6813 6813 06813 pericardial branch of internal thoracic artery 46620008 S06813 Structure of pericardial branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) E06813 367776009 Entire pericardial branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) P06813 Y P arterial system A7EA69F084E345608C920BA068822BC8 0A421F64B0B34C2C93C0E2A1A4B47590 pericardial branch of internal thoracic artery Entire pericardial branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) 6814 6814 06814 mammary branch of internal thoracic artery 75222006 S06814 Structure of mammary branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) E06814 367777000 Entire mammary branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) P06814 Y 76312 P arterial system E8C7F718F56B47DFBE697865EFF565B9 19FD03D253EB448686D67FC0031B0CAB mammary branch of internal thoracic artery Entire mammary branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) 6815 6815 06815 lateral costal branch of internal thoracic artery 33641005 S06815 Structure of lateral costal branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) E06815 367778005 Entire lateral costal branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) P06815 Y 76324 P arterial system D067371B8BFD48B9BCE0AC4CCE308B2D 96B9AB7CD1C74D3C8E014A22BA1BBAB3 lateral costal branch of internal thoracic artery Entire lateral costal branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) 6816 6816 06816 hepatic artery proper 18112008 S06816 Structure of hepatic artery proper (body structure) E06816 244262006 Entire hepatic artery proper (body structure) P06816 - 76548 P digestive system 1B616827D7F84CA5A5C253C778A71A5B 93E2742AB9D44F9A821D38275D774724 hepatic artery proper Entire hepatic artery proper (body structure) 6817 6817 06817 occipital angle of parietal bone 7896009 S06817 Structure of occipital angle of parietal bone (body structure) E06817 138167001 Entire occipital angle of parietal bone (body structure) P06817 Y 57433 P skeletal system C767B56F24D94678B0ACB7CAF3871ABC 8D28E4F9922F4479AE618AC1640E590F occipital angle of parietal bone Entire occipital angle of parietal bone (body structure) 6818 6818 06818 sagittal sulcus of parietal bone 12886005 S06818 Structure of sagittal sulcus of parietal bone (body structure) E06818 138369005 Entire sagittal sulcus of parietal bone (body structure) P06818 Y P skeletal system B6F25A31CEA448D983A9C37680754EEC AD49B832D6114CE18119C67142C4FDA2 sagittal sulcus of parietal bone Entire sagittal sulcus of parietal bone (body structure) 6819 6819 06819 parietal foramen 11240000 S06819 Structure of parietal foramen (body structure) E06819 138470007 Entire parietal foramen (body structure) P06819 Y 0 P skeletal system 915078FF0D9040E0AC282A5A60919F73 6EC2667B2C54425C99BFC636AD8381C4 parietal foramen Entire parietal foramen (body structure) 6820 6820 06820 parietal eminence 53033004 S06820 Structure of parietal eminence (body structure) E06820 138571009 Entire parietal eminence (body structure) P06820 Y 57080 P skeletal system 67BD20AC3FB5426081609E8B8C3AEBE8 3DFA2DC3697243458E49F9A5E0CDEDB7 parietal eminence Entire parietal eminence (body structure) 6821 6821 06821 base of lung 10024003 S06821 Structure of base of lung (body structure) E06821 314791004 Entire base of lung (body structure) P06821 Y P respiratory system 07915F14084E40FFA991D94607BF95D1 CBDF0A3F208A45AA9217242405B1FE98 base of lung Entire base of lung (body structure) 6822 6822 06822 skin of foot 60496002 S06822 Skin structure of foot (body structure) E06822 181529000 Entire skin of foot (body structure) P06822 Y 37834 D integument/surface 17954F96817E4E30B8A75A77E64F86C2 0C29D4CA239C451BB2295DB5DD2F28DC Skin of foot Entire skin of foot (body structure) 6823 6823 06823 annular portion of fibrous sheath of toe 78748003 S06823 Structure of annular portion of fibrous sheath of toe (body structure) E06823 229882007 Entire annular portion of fibrous sheath of toe (body structure) P06823 Y P musculoskeletal system 8396EE2DF2214D66868416A5510BF709 E2F1CE2E211240738E62F179401AB098 annular portion of fibrous sheath of toe Entire annular portion of fibrous sheath of toe (body structure) 6824 6824 06824 cruciform portion of fibrous sheath of toe 50678003 S06824 Structure of cruciform portion of fibrous sheath of toe (body structure) E06824 229985005 Entire cruciform portion of fibrous sheath of toe (body structure) P06824 Y P musculoskeletal system 01B932D874CA48BD804A8AB782ED0BB2 8E3307FE32694CEB95F7D1B3A76527BA cruciform portion of fibrous sheath of toe Entire cruciform portion of fibrous sheath of toe (body structure) 6826 6826 06826 ligament organ 52082005 S06826 Structure of ligament (body structure) E06826 182358004 Entire ligament (body structure) P06826 - 21496 P C550EA9A1D59422A8D8953A6B1D66D55 FE15E3DB651B44C9B2AAA725BDD7B0CC ligament Entire ligament (body structure) Nonparenchymatous organ that primarily consists of dense connective tissue aggregated into fasciculi by connective tissue. Examples: sutural ligament, radiate sternocostal ligament, ligament of liver, ovarian ligament. 6827 6827 06827 ligament of sacrococcygeal joint 76137005 S06827 Structure of ligament of sacrococcygeal joint (body structure) E06827 360911000 Sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) P06827 - 21499 P musculoskeletal system A9D535830711432C8977906A5BDB9DD6 C057AF96498E4CEA8E6A2B547DEE25FA ligament of sacrococcygeal joint Sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) 6828 6828 06828 superficial dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament 36183005 S06828 Structure of superficial dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) E06828 316079000 Entire superficial dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) P06828 - 21501 P musculoskeletal system D5261076B8C047B1B2E63515CDEBAEB8 A70FEEAF56084A65904A5078052F6290 superficial dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament Entire superficial dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) 6829 6829 06829 squamous part of temporal bone 91664003 S06829 Structure of squamous part of temporal bone (body structure) E06829 138672006 Entire squamous part of temporal bone (body structure) P06829 Y 52883 P skeletal system FCA9550B50584BDBA3055AC46C7ED9F1 3B6BAB1CB1074B9E842CD09D7344D56C squamous part of temporal bone Entire squamous part of temporal bone (body structure) 6830 6830 06830 deep dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament 10124000 S06830 Structure of deep dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) E06830 316180000 Entire deep dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) P06830 - 21502 P musculoskeletal system 3E31964F267C4A66919A84EA42826B23 3123C54AE6C141E2B50D759C68380F23 deep dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament Entire deep dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) 6831 6831 06831 ventral sacrococcygeal ligament 4743003 S06831 Structure of ventral sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) E06831 316282002 Entire ventral sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) P06831 - 21500 P musculoskeletal system 19F8AFA3E2454039A5DE7F30CBE57B65 F04E3B9767BD44DDA6139A7D2FF33EB2 ventral sacrococcygeal ligament Entire ventral sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) 6832 6832 06832 lateral sacrococcygeal ligament 23579003 S06832 Structure of lateral sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) E06832 316384003 Entire lateral sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) P06832 Y 21503 P musculoskeletal system 09215BF26DFA4366B9450E1D9DE6C08F B82CDAA67D524F06A9A9C0396425746A lateral sacrococcygeal ligament Entire lateral sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) 6833 6833 06833 ligament of diaphragm 7936005 S06833 Structure of ligament of diaphragm (body structure) E06833 276161001 Entire ligament of diaphragm (body structure) P06833 - P respiratory system 36D95BD3654B41B08F6C423C2A5A8F95 E1F66C82380C417C8C655EEB65276721 ligament of diaphragm Entire ligament of diaphragm (body structure) 6834 6834 06834 medial arcuate ligament of diaphragm 59642003 S06834 Structure of medial arcuate ligament of diaphragm (body structure) E06834 280052001 Entire medial arcuate ligament of diaphragm (body structure) P06834 Y P respiratory system 71F110D94DAD456794B69154311ED516 57B8BFAE83AD40839C6C4505AE1781CB medial arcuate ligament of diaphragm Entire medial arcuate ligament of diaphragm (body structure) 6835 6835 06835 lateral arcuate ligament of diaphragm 59193006 S06835 Structure of lateral arcuate ligament of diaphragm (body structure) E06835 280051008 Entire lateral arcuate ligament of diaphragm (body structure) P06835 Y P respiratory system 8617E9873C124E5295A87C86ECA60516 8B132F93C02847E8A6E4DF7E5847DAB5 lateral arcuate ligament of diaphragm Entire lateral arcuate ligament of diaphragm (body structure) 6836 6836 06836 median arcuate ligament of diaphragm 5362005 S06836 Structure of median arcuate ligament of diaphragm (body structure) E06836 280053006 Entire median arcuate ligament of diaphragm (body structure) P06836 - P respiratory system 699A354552FD43A89963B6613E1DDED4 C4E933176E9E4E608BAF5C35B11058AA median arcuate ligament of diaphragm Entire median arcuate ligament of diaphragm (body structure) 6837 6837 06837 perineal body 80203008 S06837 Structure of perineal body (body structure) E06837 367754000 Entire perineal body (body structure) P06837 - 20274 P musculoskeletal system 8C17D60E69E24ED5942A942CE1078C6A CB926A391F40406BA4F2EB4FA902A366 perineal body Entire perineal body (body structure) 6838 6838 06838 raphe of perineum 76210004 S06838 Structure of raphe of perineum (body structure) E06838 367755004 Entire raphe of perineum (body structure) P06838 - 20244 P musculoskeletal system 30BD853A6CFE44A98821032379EE5AF6 E28CED977F3C4908876911F1101FE30A raphe of perineum Entire raphe of perineum (body structure) 6839 6839 06839 masseter fascia 46728006 S06839 Structure of masseter fascia (body structure) E06839 142410006 Entire masseter fascia (body structure) P06839 Y 53981 P musculoskeletal system 71B22C5C394543B788BEC6548EE6C1A2 B8133403A3044975B3C4DC95E415FD08 masseter fascia Entire masseter fascia (body structure) 6840 6840 06840 inguinal ring 77335001 S06840 Structure of inguinal ring (body structure) E06840 278830004 Entire inguinal ring (body structure) P06840 Y 65075 P musculoskeletal system 93F2D9CDBDAC40169F9028811F936E1A 63482CCB99AF4C5EB0A0B27A3B3120EF inguinal ring Entire inguinal ring (body structure) 6841 6841 06841 medial crus of superficial inguinal ring 60720001 S06841 Structure of medial crus of superficial inguinal ring (body structure) E06841 368088002 Entire medial crus of superficial inguinal ring (body structure) P06841 Y 64828 P musculoskeletal system 0EB1FEC35CD1458B88C4CC287CFB4E0E DD9A4F557BB74DA4826CAED11B55FC64 medial crus of superficial inguinal ring Entire medial crus of superficial inguinal ring (body structure) 6842 6842 06842 lateral crus of superficial inguinal ring 82905002 S06842 Structure of lateral crus of superficial inguinal ring (body structure) E06842 368089005 Entire lateral crus of superficial inguinal ring (body structure) P06842 Y 20427 P musculoskeletal system 15CEC901B25B4CFAA6EB51C72F857D52 61826DF9FC634D419B78D5284DFC4527 lateral crus of superficial inguinal ring Entire lateral crus of superficial inguinal ring (body structure) 6843 6843 06843 intercrural fiber of superficial inguinal ring 65408007 S06843 Structure of intercrural fibers of superficial inguinal ring (body structure) E06843 368090001 Entire intercrural fibers of superficial inguinal ring (body structure) P06843 Y 77250 P musculoskeletal system 440E883C0AE740C781C42C577106F39F 24B16BE2B1CC44F29D549FCEB1B52FE8 intercrural fibers of superficial inguinal ring Entire intercrural fibers of superficial inguinal ring (body structure) 6844 6844 06844 deep inguinal ring 7296001 S06844 Structure of deep inguinal ring (body structure) E06844 278831000 Entire deep inguinal ring (body structure) P06844 Y 19927 P musculoskeletal system B161AD409A984467A151B594FB925F32 88A9A598B3884876BE17FF8A9A50289B deep inguinal ring Entire deep inguinal ring (body structure) 6845 6845 06845 tympanic part of temporal bone 28479003 S06845 Structure of tympanic part of temporal bone (body structure) E06845 138773005 Entire tympanic part of temporal bone (body structure) P06845 Y 52880 P skeletal system 6B129B8D261A4E95AE93449908671419 C4099BD52CC546D0AFD4348B3107B79A tympanic part of temporal bone Entire tympanic part of temporal bone (body structure) 6846 6846 06846 styloid process of temporal bone 73115006 S06846 Structure of styloid process of temporal bone (body structure) E06846 138874009 Entire styloid process of temporal bone (body structure) P06846 Y 52877 P skeletal system 7E8931DA432A45F1AE8CC92C23FC47D6 6EFF55ABF4D14C848F373C83D504E1E1 styloid process of temporal bone Entire styloid process of temporal bone (body structure) 6847 6847 06847 pulmonary ligament 9490002 S06847 Structure of pulmonary ligament (body structure) E06847 202492001 Entire pulmonary ligament (body structure) P06847 Y 9739 P respiratory system 56E8F5D52E8D4632BDFF8D88DBA4A062 F23B02D5AD3F4A58A720372DE7E6A56E pulmonary ligament Entire pulmonary ligament (body structure) 6848 6848 06848 stylomastoid foramen 84371003 S06848 Structure of stylomastoid foramen (body structure) E06848 134035007 Entire stylomastoid foramen (body structure) P06848 Y 0 P skeletal system 35359E07E1D542D58D17BA323ADFB45B B513455CD7E34B7195D1A2D0441FEABC stylomastoid foramen Entire stylomastoid foramen (body structure) 6849 6849 06849 wormian bone 113194005 S06849 Structure of wormian bone (body structure) E06849 272677004 Entire wormian bone (body structure) P06849 Y 59327 P skeletal system 5B62481639E7469E8884D39CD95C2AC9 7F5801D4114C4D0A8790FD8E62CE3580 wormian bone Entire wormian bone (body structure) 6850 6850 06850 adductor canal 70829005 S06850 Structure of adductor canal (body structure) E06850 210367000 Entire adductor canal (body structure) P06850 Y 58781 P muscular system 6B2751805CE54D51B34A0B754A36BF4B E5B6D8C2C27349698B65D6AD6426FA25 adductor canal Entire adductor canal (body structure) 6851 6851 06851 hiatus tendineus adductorius 24830005 S06851 Structure of hiatus tendineus adductorius (body structure) E06851 210466008 Entire hiatus tendineus adductorius (body structure) P06851 Y P muscular system 41FA87475DD24B2388723F072B9CD820 17AC41F613824CF18571686691F1BA05 hiatus tendineus adductorius Entire hiatus tendineus adductorius (body structure) 6852 6852 06852 femoral ring 60285008 S06852 Structure of femoral ring (body structure) E06852 368102000 Entire femoral ring (body structure) P06852 Y 77263 P genitourinary system F584EF36033C4EF9BDB78AEB31B39A0E D9A2613A57444CAC925584A7DF585C98 femoral ring Entire femoral ring (body structure) 6853 6853 06853 femoral septum 35826009 S06853 Structure of femoral septum (body structure) E06853 368091002 Entire femoral septum (body structure) P06853 Y 77264 P musculoskeletal system 1025ABE864FE4B5198F5ECA82A750D19 FDE59AA2DD104CBC86AFA32F1A0497D8 femoral septum Entire femoral septum (body structure) 6854 6854 06854 fat pad of ischiorectal fossa 87198002 S06854 Structure of fat pad of ischiorectal fossa (body structure) E06854 367760000 Entire fat pad of ischiorectal fossa (body structure) P06854 Y P musculoskeletal system 6B5E961897C147AFAB90418B7DB1FDE9 BB198C660AA94384A0C553875BF54A48 fat pad of ischiorectal fossa Entire fat pad of ischiorectal fossa (body structure) 6855 6855 06855 skin of dorsum of foot 22266000 S06855 Skin structure of dorsum of foot (body structure) E06855 181565005 Entire skin of dorsum of foot (body structure) P06855 Y 37846 D integument/surface AF07670CEE9B432EAD919C1DF3C91DC6 458ED607DA6046F9A51ED2C5EF3A3DB3 Skin of dorsum of foot Entire skin of dorsum of foot (body structure) 6856 6856 06856 basilar part of occipital bone 33898000 S06856 Structure of basilar part of occipital bone (body structure) E06856 138976007 Entire basilar part of occipital bone (body structure) P06856 - 52858 P skeletal system A6AB461FC9474430B496F797C980101D A1E7EA94112243638C05B4FEAD90D9C5 basilar part of occipital bone Entire basilar part of occipital bone (body structure) 6857 6857 06857 squamous part of occipital bone 38715006 S06857 Structure of squamous part of occipital bone (body structure) E06857 139077005 Entire squamous part of occipital bone (body structure) P06857 - 52860 P skeletal system AA0DF9FFD81241FF9CEDD129238F6740 3E1AB45C508D45ED868B8AAF25445FD9 squamous part of occipital bone Entire squamous part of occipital bone (body structure) 6858 6858 06858 internal occipital protuberance 65980006 S06858 Structure of internal occipital protuberance (body structure) E06858 139178002 Entire internal occipital protuberance (body structure) P06858 - 75755 P skeletal system CB072538197D4BE4B578611C49F88E41 655B07EEF108498D83BBB11B560198AF internal occipital protuberance Entire internal occipital protuberance (body structure) 6859 6859 06859 lateral part of occipital bone 64312005 S06859 Structure of lateral part of occipital bone (body structure) E06859 139279001 Entire lateral part of occipital bone (body structure) P06859 Y 52859 P skeletal system ED8B155501954F65AB4C25BE670CD6D6 EAFA3D7402324D759F3DFF91347A3EA3 lateral part of occipital bone Entire lateral part of occipital bone (body structure) 6860 6860 06860 hypoglossal canal 66584002 S06860 Structure of hypoglossal canal (body structure) E06860 139380001 Entire hypoglossal canal (body structure) P06860 Y 75370 P skeletal system 85792253DE1A4A1C98D5EF4EB3471C45 760D9D65D17D4D5CA022FD1F18BB7EE3 hypoglossal canal Entire hypoglossal canal (body structure) 6861 6861 06861 posterior condyle of occipital bone 40460005 S06861 Structure of posterior condyle of occipital bone (body structure) E06861 139481001 Entire posterior condyle of occipital bone (body structure) P06861 Y P skeletal system 1F16987B8D1449B680A614C33E8FA927 2EC3FD6D896E4A69B0A21B4CCFBAD0F4 posterior condyle of occipital bone Entire posterior condyle of occipital bone (body structure) 6862 6862 06862 external occipital protuberance 61918000 S06862 Structure of external occipital protuberance (body structure) E06862 139582005 Entire external occipital protuberance (body structure) P06862 - 75752 P skeletal system BA16A4857E9D48C5AF1E786ECD432379 63AD1D1F05E04EA9BFAAC1A48E97CA43 external occipital protuberance Entire external occipital protuberance (body structure) 6863 6863 06863 skin of thenar region of palm 26795005 S06863 Skin structure of thenar region of palm (body structure) E06863 244160006 Entire skin of thenar region of palm (body structure) P06863 Y D integument/surface B4F941369D6649DE8F56AA274FD03B10 92C7DE89EDA8416581A98FE5410CC49C Skin of thenar region of palm Entire skin of thenar region of palm (body structure) 6864 6864 06864 skin of sole of foot 37136002 S06864 Skin structure of sole of foot (body structure) E06864 181566006 Entire skin of sole of foot (body structure) P06864 Y 37849 D integument/surface 3B073E800A1A4E61930232886A8A9E6C 873B726C3A254A9B8EC80CBC4A12E8CF Skin of sole of foot Entire skin of sole of foot (body structure) 6865 6865 06865 clivus ossis occipitalis 52206001 S06865 Structure of clivus ossis occipitalis (body structure) E06865 139683009 Entire clivus ossis occipitalis (body structure) P06865 - 75747 P skeletal system 7C33EF85184346A09247B9253100D3DB B8D916C547D540628DB907C36992557D clivus ossis occipitalis Entire clivus ossis occipitalis (body structure) 6866 6866 06866 clivus ossis sphenoidalis 4430002 S06866 Structure of clivus ossis sphenoidalis (body structure) E06866 140087001 Entire clivus ossis sphenoidalis (body structure) P06866 - 54752 P skeletal system D8F33CEF8A5048468A23D7A7DBF4EBE7 BB2DE09380074248BD52F637879B5524 clivus ossis sphenoidalis Entire clivus ossis sphenoidalis (body structure) 6867 6867 06867 vein of head 8157004 S06867 Structure of vein of head (body structure) E06867 314215005 Entire vein of head (body structure) P06867 - P cardiovascular system 8F42C9D104D242BAB17FBF46E691C058 DB943BBB29CE4B14AB80F7545686C46B vein of head Entire vein of head (body structure) 6868 6868 06868 retromandibular vein 36566009 S06868 Structure of retromandibular vein (body structure) E06868 151299003 Entire retromandibular vein (body structure) P06868 Y 50928 P cardiovascular system E4AA5B90B3204AEF993D66869733460D D86534A2A28D4FA9815FA40130CEF0AC retromandibular vein Entire retromandibular vein (body structure) 6869 6869 06869 superficial temporal vein 87216005 S06869 Structure of superficial temporal vein (body structure) E06869 150087005 Entire superficial temporal vein (body structure) P06869 Y 50932 P venous system 38FA07A14DF8444FB57E060C08CCA8B1 F6165EFD1FDE463781057042C206100E superficial temporal vein Entire superficial temporal vein (body structure) 6870 6870 06870 middle temporal vein 71452008 S06870 Structure of middle temporal vein (body structure) E06870 151400007 Entire middle temporal vein (body structure) P06870 Y 50935 P venous system 45D7FDE389C3409EB14788E09E7D1346 0E95ADF66BB74188BC2AC3624CFA850E middle temporal vein Entire middle temporal vein (body structure) 6871 6871 06871 transverse facial vein 47346009 S06871 Structure of transverse facial vein (body structure) E06871 151501009 Entire transverse facial vein (body structure) P06871 Y 50938 P venous system 68190A139F6B4725B4807146451406C1 D70BC61777A54B7D83F702558EB061E1 transverse facial vein Entire transverse facial vein (body structure) 6872 6872 06872 maxillary vein 152410000 S06872 Structure of maxillary vein (body structure) E06872 29972009 Entire maxillary vein (body structure) P06872 Y 50941 P venous system 7F35D7C883294C29B68B96C2FC4A7059 5AB25BD4CCC74EF39F7D5EF56ABD4E1B maxillary vein Entire maxillary vein (body structure) 6873 6873 06873 pterygoid plexus and vein of the pterygoid canal 47945003 S06873 Structure of pterygoid plexus and vein of the pterygoid canal (body structure) E06873 369011009 Entire pterygoid plexus and vein of the pterygoid canal (body structure) P06873 Y P venous system 65AE3799F0EF40CF83AF1A28B03AF6F6 B0F18E271B034376AB05747652D6F672 pterygoid plexus and vein of the pterygoid canal Entire pterygoid plexus and vein of the pterygoid canal (body structure) 6874 6874 06874 deep temporal vein 152511004 S06874 Structure of deep temporal vein (body structure) E06874 798000 Entire deep temporal vein (body structure) P06874 Y 50954 P venous system DFB88E9BA63649EB8D9411936A4D7060 1D8FFAD67DC44E0D984EE4800B5CB59A deep temporal vein Entire deep temporal vein (body structure) 6875 6875 06875 anterior auricular vein 58199002 S06875 Structure of anterior auricular vein (body structure) E06875 151602009 Entire anterior auricular vein (body structure) P06875 Y 50956 P venous system 21AAAEC69A5842449F1A120841BA9AF6 29D4E74320BE418DB430BC818B542A33 anterior auricular vein Entire anterior auricular vein (body structure) 6876 6876 06876 parotid vein 87857007 S06876 Structure of parotid vein (body structure) E06876 151703005 Entire parotid vein (body structure) P06876 Y 50919 P cardiovascular system 58A09BE332FD4A919DAF0B37594156E8 1613FFCA60CF4D4FBE275ED1247A9FFF parotid vein Entire parotid vein (body structure) 6877 6877 06877 temporomandibular articulation vein 152612004 S06877 Structure of temporomandibular articulation vein (body structure) E06877 83643007 Entire temporomandibular articulation vein (body structure) P06877 Y P venous system 94E0BB19DA7E4B398F4F98529CC984A8 FA3D1AF8801141BFADA025EBC744DA38 temporomandibular articulation vein Entire temporomandibular articulation vein (body structure) 6878 6878 06878 tympanic vein 152713004 S06878 Structure of tympanic vein (body structure) E06878 11329005 Entire tympanic vein (body structure) P06878 Y 50959 P cardiovascular system C03DF6C931F840F2AB5A7B071C17154A F9E752A641334A1E99820801A38EAE94 tympanic vein Entire tympanic vein (body structure) 6879 6879 06879 stylomastoid vein 152814000 S06879 Structure of stylomastoid vein (body structure) E06879 39019004 Entire stylomastoid vein (body structure) P06879 Y 50960 P venous system 139571F11BAC4E1691B75C286729DDF0 E65556ED8B8744AF806098E8C36B9EB6 stylomastoid vein Entire stylomastoid vein (body structure) 6880 6880 06880 angular vein 39878000 S06880 Structure of angular vein (body structure) E06880 151804007 Entire angular vein (body structure) P06880 Y 50893 P cardiovascular system D6F00C0E1D9249B684256F892D488867 C5868594BA7D4B63A9D184769C137B15 angular vein Entire angular vein (body structure) 6881 6881 06881 supratrochlear vein 18294001 S06881 Structure of supratrochlear vein (body structure) E06881 151905009 Entire supratrochlear vein (body structure) P06881 Y 50898 P venous system B84C382AB33F4CA4B908A96484D0FE95 AE9BBA633999423080FED7ECC33958C8 supratrochlear vein Entire supratrochlear vein (body structure) 6882 6882 06882 supraorbital vein 1630006 S06882 Structure of supraorbital vein (body structure) E06882 152006005 Entire supraorbital vein (body structure) P06882 Y 50904 P venous system D45D1714952A420DA0157071B350EDEC 0C9DEFB1DA894EC19A7E8B9C86E57AE4 supraorbital vein Entire supraorbital vein (body structure) 6883 6883 06883 external nasal vein 47160001 S06883 Structure of external nasal vein (body structure) E06883 152107004 Entire external nasal vein (body structure) P06883 Y 50910 P venous system 1FE2FF0F0163475DB3562863676B8638 B44507D8AB1D4370B253D6A591A60AE9 external nasal vein Entire external nasal vein (body structure) 6884 6884 06884 palpebral vein 73839003 S06884 Structure of palpebral vein (body structure) E06884 152208004 Entire palpebral vein (body structure) P06884 Y 70886 P cardiovascular system A1F23557478D412AA981ABDC8BE7CA47 C46FB702F989496188F714095F0AF3ED palpebral vein Entire palpebral vein (body structure) 6885 6885 06885 labial vein of face 9305001 S06885 Structure of labial vein of face (body structure) E06885 367664002 Entire labial vein of face (body structure) P06885 Y P cardiovascular system E68044C543F64A0888AFE26DA08C4287 06A3FB4F47A54F6382534C1C038C0A72 labial vein of face Entire labial vein of face (body structure) 6886 6886 06886 deep facial vein 152915000 S06886 Structure of deep facial vein (body structure) E06886 24030009 Entire deep facial vein (body structure) P06886 Y 50916 P venous system C28B5C4DFB0B45D2995AD5ED3248954C FE53E325211B4C31A6D3A7130B373313 deep facial vein Entire deep facial vein (body structure) 6887 6887 06887 external palatine vein 153016005 S06887 Structure of external palatine vein (body structure) E06887 34114008 Entire external palatine vein (body structure) P06887 Y 50922 P venous system 5A080FB17124468B97C5F6FD953C6530 AC5DDBD9B3A9427CA5AF155F9178F7F7 external palatine vein Entire external palatine vein (body structure) 6888 6888 06888 submental vein 50651000 S06888 Structure of submental vein (body structure) E06888 152309009 Entire submental vein (body structure) P06888 Y 50925 P cardiovascular system 5A7994B658CB424EAF7B3CD7E6D0921D 687A97C2194343AC8B0D07A3FC3CD714 submental vein Entire submental vein (body structure) 6889 6889 06889 vein of neck 82121006 S06889 Structure of vein of neck (body structure) E06889 276141007 Entire vein of neck (body structure) P06889 - P cardiovascular system E7D0D47AF6CA45ECAF786C54F95D1F46 6EB62D016ACA4158BD66182CA56F071A vein of neck Entire vein of neck (body structure) 6890 6890 06890 jugular vein 63190004 S06890 Structure of jugular vein (body structure) E06890 244403000 Entire jugular vein (body structure) P06890 Y P cardiovascular system EBEA30C0114F428183356F6F8EDFFA82 44A66CEB1DC94859A2152F31B35253D6 jugular vein Entire jugular vein (body structure) 6891 6891 06891 external jugular vein 71585003 S06891 Structure of external jugular vein (body structure) E06891 181373000 Entire external jugular vein (body structure) P06891 Y 13110 P venous system B9D3224F771041D68F02D93A885CCC9B 5D318158A6B042DEB02D673379EB3653 external jugular vein Entire external jugular vein (body structure) 6892 6892 06892 posterior auricular vein 5115006 S06892 Structure of posterior auricular vein (body structure) E06892 150188002 Entire posterior auricular vein (body structure) P06892 Y 50851 P venous system F36B5599A52849D2AC09BCFC125538E3 C0C7E51A99934E10AE8B2FE60C3BB379 posterior auricular vein Entire posterior auricular vein (body structure) 6893 6893 06893 anterior jugular vein 158670005 S06893 Structure of anterior jugular vein (body structure) E06893 65478008 Entire anterior jugular vein (body structure) P06893 Y 13318 P venous system 1F53BE5FCDAF4C66B29C0A55F30F5385 554707BB11C24B67BB309C16140B41DF anterior jugular vein Entire anterior jugular vein (body structure) 6894 6894 06894 posterior external jugular vein 158768009 S06894 Structure of posterior external jugular vein (body structure) E06894 59579009 Entire posterior external jugular vein (body structure) P06894 Y 14318 P venous system 88FB96BD1700441B93532B5C7D82A409 4FD9F46116D34C81A40AF9D788515BA2 posterior external jugular vein Entire posterior external jugular vein (body structure) 6895 6895 06895 jugular arch 158856008 S06895 Structure of jugular arch (body structure) E06895 6930008 Entire jugular arch (body structure) P06895 Y 50855 P venous system D2FD1B59600A4302AD6EFF537E89169B DB9C265F426F42F0BDEF34FCD2D240F9 jugular arch Entire jugular arch (body structure) 6896 6896 06896 suprascapular vein 159105008 S06896 Structure of suprascapular vein (body structure) E06896 76328004 Entire suprascapular vein (body structure) P06896 Y 14319 P venous system CDD0C09ADABB4F9B9C553612C4ABBD0A 2732DE8ECB304C9A9212FB426646C3D7 suprascapular vein Entire suprascapular vein (body structure) 6897 6897 06897 transverse cervical vein 159180000 S06897 Structure of transverse cervical vein (body structure) E06897 59391001 Entire transverse cervical vein (body structure) P06897 Y 50858 P venous system 77D98A65D9294A13A287FF2E6EF9F99B 9FCE867B69A94CE29A30BD3F6F54C917 transverse cervical vein Entire transverse cervical vein (body structure) 6898 6898 06898 superior bulb of internal jugular vein 56912000 S06898 Structure of superior bulb of internal jugular vein (body structure) E06898 158945007 Entire superior bulb of internal jugular vein (body structure) P06898 Y 50805 P venous system 96C4125F31ED4B9AA5C325E5A4F459F9 A840E5D6515341B78BF588BE2823D980 superior bulb of internal jugular vein Entire superior bulb of internal jugular vein (body structure) 6899 6899 06899 inferior bulb of internal jugular vein 32530005 S06899 Structure of inferior bulb of internal jugular vein (body structure) E06899 159029003 Entire inferior bulb of internal jugular vein (body structure) P06899 Y 50807 P venous system 805049E700F447F899F4A3B76A30EF68 B278B557EF6248A194480E068C983BD5 inferior bulb of internal jugular vein Entire inferior bulb of internal jugular vein (body structure) 6900 6900 06900 pharyngeal plexus and pharyngeal veins 153117003 S06900 Structure of pharyngeal plexus and pharyngeal veins (body structure) E06900 42483003 Entire pharyngeal plexus and pharyngeal veins (body structure) P06900 Y P digestive system E62035A4034A4DB4BA89EA94EDCF12D2 BA0831DA288E4D858DC2FA550178B9FE pharyngeal plexus and pharyngeal veins Entire pharyngeal plexus and pharyngeal veins (body structure) 6901 6901 06901 meningeal vein 369363009 S06901 Structure of meningeal vein (body structure) E06901 84842006 Entire meningeal vein (body structure) P06901 Y 50839 P cardiovascular system F60B83E23CC0486AB32852429B7C7F38 DAC4CFD0C37E4FB5883C8AA15CF5FF6C meningeal vein Entire meningeal vein (body structure) 6902 6902 06902 lingual vein 40880001 S06902 Structure of lingual vein (body structure) E06902 181375007 Entire lingual vein (body structure) P06902 Y 14326 P venous system 53D847AC9BF04C7183FACB493A707495 4D5896E9CEF44758B4F40AC37DEBC199 lingual vein Entire lingual vein (body structure) 6903 6903 06903 jugum of sphenoid bone 8373002 S06903 Structure of jugum of sphenoid bone (body structure) E06903 140289008 Entire jugum of sphenoid bone (body structure) P06903 - P skeletal system 192DBC54806445E38A6BF6DB7362E49A A82F3448AEEA40C4A9EAF471E9626B8A jugum of sphenoid bone Entire jugum of sphenoid bone (body structure) 6904 6904 06904 dorsal lingual vein 153218003 S06904 Structure of dorsal lingual vein (body structure) E06904 4081003 Entire dorsal lingual vein (body structure) P06904 Y 50826 P venous system 3AC591B514BE45FE82D7CF495A5C4527 250131D807C5429FAD2492D0F8744951 dorsal lingual vein Entire dorsal lingual vein (body structure) 6905 6905 06905 vena comitans nervi hypoglossi 159263006 S06905 Structure of vena comitans nervi hypoglossi (body structure) E06905 49287004 Entire vena comitans nervi hypoglossi (body structure) P06905 Y 50833 P venous system A8ABF3C7A8BF4029B562F1EA261EA382 A7A09A75E59A49F2B940090F478C5105 vena comitans nervi hypoglossi Entire vena comitans nervi hypoglossi (body structure) 6906 6906 06906 sublingual vein 153319009 S06906 Structure of sublingual vein (body structure) E06906 4881004 Entire sublingual vein (body structure) P06906 Y 50836 P venous system CDF17D8F35A14B13AA228EDCBD875CBB C1DF5C2A4CB2408D85057AAFE3D20E83 sublingual vein Entire sublingual vein (body structure) 6907 6907 06907 deep lingual vein 153420002 S06907 Structure of deep lingual vein (body structure) E06907 48579005 Entire deep lingual vein (body structure) P06907 Y 50830 P venous system C85825DDE1A8424392190311A217EAD4 A839EF26D8194872811FA2CF67FE14AA deep lingual vein Entire deep lingual vein (body structure) 6908 6908 06908 vertebral vein 23664000 S06908 Structure of vertebral vein (body structure) E06908 303961000 Entire vertebral vein (body structure) P06908 Y 4727 P venous system 8DE2B3B9074F4AADB385EDAB4BE85FDB 594112FDE3934A7C9BCBB34093D942DD vertebral vein Entire vertebral vein (body structure) 6909 6909 06909 anterior vertebral vein 46584009 S06909 Structure of anterior vertebral vein (body structure) E06909 303963002 Entire anterior vertebral vein (body structure) P06909 Y 14296 P venous system 3B7D1BA3DF35458684A312FC21078834 91D4EB249CE047A28D1EDB5B3A592BC7 anterior vertebral vein Entire anterior vertebral vein (body structure) 6910 6910 06910 accessory vertebral vein 159341004 S06910 Structure of accessory vertebral vein (body structure) E06910 15221001 Entire accessory vertebral vein (body structure) P06910 Y 14290 P venous system 4E649FCFC8D047298E2C72FB8DF4F832 971CA8B9F1224E7B934E5837D0DBEF06 accessory vertebral vein Entire accessory vertebral vein (body structure) 6911 6911 06911 suboccipital venous plexus 153521000 S06911 Structure of suboccipital venous plexus (body structure) E06911 72694004 Entire suboccipital venous plexus (body structure) P06911 Y 50803 P venous system 0A26DC04166644358D4A9FEA9E71787C 3B2B2119A4614044AE4BAAA173FC4ABB suboccipital venous plexus Entire suboccipital venous plexus (body structure) 6912 6912 06912 deep cervical vein 15650002 S06912 Structure of deep cervical vein (body structure) E06912 303962007 Entire deep cervical vein (body structure) P06912 Y 4746 P venous system 3D686610300C4A37AFE5B04BA957A616 C983C0A9FD1A4D5FADD9D37DC338BC61 deep cervical vein Entire deep cervical vein (body structure) 6913 6913 06913 pterygoid process of sphenoid bone 68751009 S06913 Structure of pterygoid process of sphenoid bone (body structure) E06913 140390001 Entire pterygoid process of sphenoid bone (body structure) P06913 Y 54682 P skeletal system 844ED82CE44F4B4E8D502DDBB2D706BF D0AAF7DE18A841D1989A30346C7154DA pterygoid process of sphenoid bone Entire pterygoid process of sphenoid bone (body structure) 6914 6914 06914 external vertebral venous plexus 68330008 S06914 Structure of external vertebral venous plexus (body structure) E06914 312982005 Entire external vertebral venous plexus (body structure) P06914 - 12851 P venous system EF83AE896354415BBC28D2A0602669B8 C9E8A438CF5F47CE8422D4C1D87F9913 external vertebral venous plexus Entire external vertebral venous plexus (body structure) 6915 6915 06915 internal vertebral venous plexus 18722008 S06915 Structure of internal vertebral venous plexus (body structure) E06915 313074002 Entire internal vertebral venous plexus (body structure) P06915 - 4881 P venous system AB015C22C6594C1B9B6130A7024B7E22 7DCFA93EF42741089724703FE5042CA2 internal vertebral venous plexus Entire internal vertebral venous plexus (body structure) 6916 6916 06916 basivertebral vein 75207001 S06916 Structure of basivertebral vein (body structure) E06916 313171007 Entire basivertebral vein (body structure) P06916 Y 70891 P cardiovascular system C4AF40B025B6443E9519C9D740A7CFFE 35939EAEC793447E8EFF7DF7AFBEA20C basivertebral vein Entire basivertebral vein (body structure) 6917 6917 06917 thyroid vein 90553001 S06917 Structure of thyroid vein (body structure) E06917 303420005 Entire thyroid vein (body structure) P06917 Y P endocrine system 09234ACC7A054870A33FC86A746C0017 3AE1CB4318684619B25885FE200AE516 thyroid vein Entire thyroid vein (body structure) 6918 6918 06918 superior thyroid vein 18209004 S06918 Structure of superior thyroid vein (body structure) E06918 303421009 Entire superior thyroid vein (body structure) P06918 Y 14323 P venous system A369BA856F0146109C905CC3FCC94CCB C2D0FBB706E1473F8269D7DCE85EF491 superior thyroid vein Entire superior thyroid vein (body structure) 6919 6919 06919 middle thyroid vein 20188000 S06919 Structure of middle thyroid vein (body structure) E06919 303422002 Entire middle thyroid vein (body structure) P06919 Y 50823 P venous system E7593DF978C843DAB780BF6BEE2A0824 2FAAF46AF5384B9A8F133F0C7299AAE2 middle thyroid vein Entire middle thyroid vein (body structure) 6920 6920 06920 sternocleidomastoid vein 159439001 S06920 Structure of sternocleidomastoid vein (body structure) E06920 113272006 Entire sternocleidomastoid vein (body structure) P06920 Y 14325 P cardiovascular system 5C5386E0F5224FE1A897D325463BC085 0B2B18EE53C2459A8608F51F725578CA sternocleidomastoid vein Entire sternocleidomastoid vein (body structure) 6921 6921 06921 superior laryngeal vein 9086005 S06921 Structure of superior laryngeal vein (body structure) E06921 158468005 Entire superior laryngeal vein (body structure) P06921 Y 14324 P venous system 2E419D550A3C4D98BCE75065CD1C2772 A60C7150C6C94BD6AB77F432D756A9EC superior laryngeal vein Entire superior laryngeal vein (body structure) 6922 6922 06922 cerebral vein 68351006 S06922 Structure of cerebral vein (body structure) E06922 244392000 Entire cerebral vein (body structure) P06922 Y 50981 P cardiovascular system 1F4F6EAF5C5D4861952F29D159E28744 A3448FADC31B432190D521DAD6BEA7F5 cerebral vein Entire cerebral vein (body structure) 6923 6923 06923 superior cerebral vein 48462001 S06923 Structure of superior cerebral vein (body structure) E06923 244393005 Entire superior cerebral vein (body structure) P06923 Y 50978 P venous system D9EA8AE32EC04E1F9D42BC49FC489969 94A7A587D6E34480A6027315AABE87B9 superior cerebral vein Entire superior cerebral vein (body structure) 6924 6924 06924 inferior cerebral vein 72468004 S06924 Structure of inferior cerebral vein (body structure) E06924 244395003 Entire inferior cerebral vein (body structure) P06924 Y 50986 P venous system 77B2D69AE8F94DF8890A5F861B1E8066 D3DC1B972BED477F91EC4A3793BFEC35 inferior cerebral vein Entire inferior cerebral vein (body structure) 6925 6925 06925 occipital vein 32114007 S06925 Structure of occipital vein (body structure) E06925 150289003 Entire occipital vein (body structure) P06925 Y 50802 P venous system 22774B2606104EF784A57C21AB4A7352 B4B7C8C8D4244A4B8CCA68487072A73A occipital vein Entire occipital vein (body structure) 6926 6926 06926 vein of the uncus 369365002 S06926 Structure of vein of the uncus (body structure) E06926 76045002 Entire vein of the uncus (body structure) P06926 Y 51288 P venous system C4CBA645CF43441191EEC1CCB8949DA2 F61EB80FA7A84A9988743B7ED319AF42 vein of the uncus Entire vein of the uncus (body structure) 6927 6927 06927 middle cerebral vein 70949000 S06927 Structure of middle cerebral vein (body structure) E06927 244394004 Entire middle cerebral vein (body structure) P06927 Y P cardiovascular system 4752421748B14397A84480ECBF926E81 101D9DC2EE764019B344EA961F9CFECB middle cerebral vein Entire middle cerebral vein (body structure) 6928 6928 06928 superficial middle cerebral vein 28195005 S06928 Structure of superficial middle cerebral vein (body structure) E06928 308729005 Entire superficial middle cerebral vein (body structure) P06928 Y 50983 P venous system 79331317AB1A4D0192D5F1769C8D5AA3 D298BFCCEF274468AA88FB87C34BC548 superficial middle cerebral vein Entire superficial middle cerebral vein (body structure) 6929 6929 06929 superior anastomotic vein 8133004 S06929 Structure of superior anastomotic vein (body structure) E06929 279269008 Entire superior anastomotic vein (body structure) P06929 Y 51238 P venous system 9619707637534116907831B798F789A2 2952340FF1FC415FBA912045DF0B45A0 superior anastomotic vein Entire superior anastomotic vein (body structure) 6930 6930 06930 cribriform plate 36743005 S06930 Structure of cribriform plate (body structure) E06930 282814006 Entire cribriform plate (body structure) P06930 - 52890 P skeletal system 69598F28EA55471C9958057DCCFA6625 E4E2DD23647A46A69715698FDA78BE81 cribriform plate Entire cribriform plate (body structure) 6931 6931 06931 inferior anastomotic vein 64745007 S06931 Structure of inferior anastomotic vein (body structure) E06931 279270009 Entire inferior anastomotic vein (body structure) P06931 Y 51239 P venous system 4F0BF0EC40394AB9B33DB7A9AC539569 9A0A1EB048A14591B77AF0BC46D9D524 inferior anastomotic vein Entire inferior anastomotic vein (body structure) 6932 6932 06932 cerebral anastomotic vein 38703007 S06932 Structure of cerebral anastomotic vein (body structure) E06932 369364003 Entire cerebral anastomotic vein (body structure) P06932 Y P cardiovascular system 68A018A50EB64B62844DEFAA84C5B131 BBE1183CF3B347C088CD7A5A65E211F7 cerebral anastomotic vein Entire cerebral anastomotic vein (body structure) 6933 6933 06933 basal vein 10992007 S06933 Structure of basal vein (body structure) E06933 244398001 Entire basal vein (body structure) P06933 Y 50990 P venous system 8C48F5C0C6B942049B37CDC2FCF768FE F94912EF0DC941D5A1201661DD0E0DF0 basal vein Entire basal vein (body structure) 6934 6934 06934 deep middle cerebral vein 23540009 S06934 Structure of deep middle cerebral vein (body structure) E06934 279272001 Entire deep middle cerebral vein (body structure) P06934 Y 51309 P venous system A6E54E9297374C549E0A65688E114AC2 9FAA3407F7D54C3FB281D36C66D3E235 deep middle cerebral vein Entire deep middle cerebral vein (body structure) 6935 6935 06935 anterior cerebral vein 55155007 S06935 Structure of anterior cerebral vein (body structure) E06935 P06935 Y 51306 P venous system 3C80B7AA531B4A17845C67EB6F6E20F1 anterior cerebral vein 6936 6936 06936 striate vein 369366001 S06936 Structure of striate vein (body structure) E06936 42026003 Entire striate vein (body structure) P06936 Y P venous system 0A5E07F98308479E8E87FBF05D476B46 D0B94D6CC1874829A3654D91B45D80DD striate vein Entire striate vein (body structure) 6937 6937 06937 insular vein 369367005 S06937 Structure of insular vein (body structure) E06937 28180008 Entire insular vein (body structure) P06937 Y 51314 P venous system 5E27D75D17CF4BA7800B5FCF64368DA5 BC6B3A80F5D044F8801F524368B1FACE insular vein Entire insular vein (body structure) 6938 6938 06938 olfactory gyrus vein 369368000 S06938 Structure of olfactory gyrus vein (body structure) E06938 71899009 Entire olfactory gyrus vein (body structure) P06938 Y 51322 P venous system 3A5D0CA0BDF04C728575DA0BF78CBC9F E3CC94B263264B4B8AC90926802CA4C7 olfactory gyrus vein Entire olfactory gyrus vein (body structure) 6939 6939 06939 inferior choroid vein 369369008 S06939 Structure of inferior choroid vein (body structure) E06939 7234001 Entire inferior choroid vein (body structure) P06939 Y 50998 P venous system 05DC6201AC1B472EB83148AB5A985612 5A65D3B1A7EB4691B52213ABCF23CCD0 inferior choroid vein Entire inferior choroid vein (body structure) 6940 6940 06940 crista galli 8854008 S06940 Structure of crista galli (body structure) E06940 369004005 Entire crista galli (body structure) P06940 - 57442 P skeletal system 19D79FBF000A4588945DCD9CD523D026 B4AF6D8EE9564189A78C5BF794A56F21 crista galli Entire crista galli (body structure) 6941 6941 06941 peduncular vein 369381007 S06941 Structure of peduncular vein (body structure) E06941 32152008 Entire peduncular vein (body structure) P06941 Y 70875 P venous system CC0D3AB8442A4110B0E479DC639862CB 320165B16E2E46B081D495C60438DB90 peduncular vein Entire peduncular vein (body structure) 6942 6942 06942 internal cerebral vein 78776006 S06942 Structure of internal cerebral vein (body structure) E06942 244397006 Entire internal cerebral vein (body structure) P06942 Y 51003 P venous system 252497D204A8431099BF3C7AA5BCBF34 2DE9C50DA2F94E258A36960F0AE525DC internal cerebral vein Entire internal cerebral vein (body structure) 6943 6943 06943 choroid vein 57050001 S06943 Structure of choroid vein (body structure) E06943 279274000 Entire choroid vein (body structure) P06943 Y P venous system A0B7965A00B948258658BE799C68D819 84389C93160741E1BB094375FBBA8A03 choroid vein Entire choroid vein (body structure) 6944 6944 06944 thalamostriate vein 3444002 S06944 Structure of thalamostriate vein (body structure) E06944 279273006 Entire thalamostriate vein (body structure) P06944 Y P venous system 7C321AD62EE04090BC5E073E09204C7A 8E2E9406329643DBA8E25FF1CC3A319D thalamostriate vein Entire thalamostriate vein (body structure) 6945 6945 06945 vein of septum pellucidum 369370009 S06945 Structure of vein of septum pellucidum (body structure) E06945 16647006 Entire vein of septum pellucidum (body structure) P06945 Y P venous system 33817FA3F4F44C0FA712E516F345D84B CEBD448157824AF38F658C8E1B358798 vein of septum pellucidum Entire vein of septum pellucidum (body structure) 6946 6946 06946 medial vein of the lateral ventricle 369371008 S06946 Structure of medial vein of the lateral ventricle (body structure) E06946 33702004 Entire medial vein of the lateral ventricle (body structure) P06946 Y 51009 P venous system 401FD8621D414EAC8D3C50CD818BA652 862DF3554CB84DAB94467BFD17BBEFC0 medial vein of the lateral ventricle Entire medial vein of the lateral ventricle (body structure) 6947 6947 06947 lateral vein of the lateral ventricle 369372001 S06947 Structure of lateral vein of the lateral ventricle (body structure) E06947 51527005 Entire lateral vein of the lateral ventricle (body structure) P06947 Y 51010 P venous system 35CF8CF8957A427BA29558C9A68245B4 28C18D3899984053A05344444DB3C30D lateral vein of the lateral ventricle Entire lateral vein of the lateral ventricle (body structure) 6948 6948 06948 vein of the caudate nucleus 369373006 S06948 Structure of vein of the caudate nucleus (body structure) E06948 31699002 Entire vein of the caudate nucleus (body structure) P06948 Y 51011 P venous system EE221672DFF94794A603D86D54E4A313 B8E6E288704D4AFCAC1305293CB3B264 vein of the caudate nucleus Entire vein of the caudate nucleus (body structure) 6949 6949 06949 surface thalamic vein 369374000 S06949 Structure of surface thalamic vein (body structure) E06949 30712005 Entire surface thalamic vein (body structure) P06949 Y P venous system D55FD6C7EC784E209F7776730846911C B4C04C626F6E414BB33A89E5AF9EF932 surface thalamic vein Entire surface thalamic vein (body structure) 6950 6950 06950 posterior corpus callosal vein 369375004 S06950 Structure of posterior corpus callosal vein (body structure) E06950 64955001 Entire posterior corpus callosal vein (body structure) P06950 Y 51026 P venous system 2BF188326ADD42048AABCEF396BFE908 466EA12C25214E95A9437209668C52CD posterior corpus callosal vein Entire posterior corpus callosal vein (body structure) 6951 6951 06951 skin of lateral border of sole of foot 35739000 S06951 Skin structure of lateral border of sole of foot (body structure) E06951 244188000 Entire skin of lateral border of sole of foot (body structure) P06951 Y D integument/surface 8657003E742C4B849BA1BD6D7C026098 1FDAA92E3A0342DFAD39F27DCCD55659 Skin of lateral border of sole of foot Entire skin of lateral border of sole of foot (body structure) 6952 6952 06952 lamina perpendicularis of ethmoid bone 41828003 S06952 Structure of lamina perpendicularis of ethmoid bone (body structure) E06952 369005006 Entire lamina perpendicularis of ethmoid bone (body structure) P06952 Y 52891 P skeletal system E03F2AEC1CB54DE79EF78B97FBB52BE8 A3C9AED4896F46A590B7E76954704EBE lamina perpendicularis of ethmoid bone Entire lamina perpendicularis of ethmoid bone (body structure) 6953 6953 06953 cerebellar vein 369376003 S06953 Structure of cerebellar vein (body structure) E06953 40693009 Entire cerebellar vein (body structure) P06953 Y 51227 P cardiovascular system FCEF903A6A864AD0B2763AE35E59BACC 5651167C907D46B892FC6CBA64FB87BD cerebellar vein Entire cerebellar vein (body structure) 6954 6954 06954 superior cerebellar vein 369377007 S06954 Structure of superior cerebellar vein (body structure) E06954 64307009 Entire superior cerebellar vein (body structure) P06954 Y 51232 P venous system 39DDA1C8525D4598BD65B525ECBD263B 05FE5A7F735B44288B06D2A7F8028D87 superior cerebellar vein Entire superior cerebellar vein (body structure) 6955 6955 06955 inferior cerebellar vein 369378002 S06955 Structure of inferior cerebellar vein (body structure) E06955 69104006 Entire inferior cerebellar vein (body structure) P06955 Y 51233 P venous system 1226204FC09745A6A0829E70103DDC67 9C1A0BDF64D145168D384DEC345083D2 inferior cerebellar vein Entire inferior cerebellar vein (body structure) 6956 6956 06956 vein of the brain stem 369380008 S06956 Structure of vein of the brain stem (body structure) E06956 10523000 Entire vein of the brain stem (body structure) P06956 Y 51335 P cardiovascular system 90F48E600FE84A2582D61363D06AFFE0 999CD82F0E3F4475A415A566FE1F2A06 vein of the brain stem Entire vein of the brain stem (body structure) 6957 6957 06957 hypophyseal portal venous plexus 51762003 S06957 Structure of hypophyseal portal venous plexus (body structure) E06957 369155001 Entire hypophyseal portal venous plexus (body structure) P06957 - P venous system 04B1EE97A15841BCB5436D530E133BB3 DA460B72CBE64CB98E100F549FB883B7 hypophyseal portal venous plexus Entire hypophyseal portal venous plexus (body structure) 6958 6958 06958 mesencephalic vein 369382000 S06958 Structure of mesencephalic vein (body structure) E06958 43225002 Entire mesencephalic vein (body structure) P06958 Y P venous system 30FB75F9EDE5417F968569EBC1450A9F 839100241C014893B7B2D2A689C846B9 mesencephalic vein Entire mesencephalic vein (body structure) 6959 6959 06959 anterior pontomesencephalic vein 369383005 S06959 Structure of anterior pontomesencephalic vein (body structure) E06959 70745004 Entire anterior pontomesencephalic vein (body structure) P06959 Y P venous system 53159F93346C4D2182B9D48C7F640AEA 9FDBC2E09556439A87624AB509B6218D anterior pontomesencephalic vein Entire anterior pontomesencephalic vein (body structure) 6960 6960 06960 vein of the medulla oblongata 369384004 S06960 Structure of vein of the medulla oblongata (body structure) E06960 18067007 Entire vein of the medulla oblongata (body structure) P06960 Y 51343 P venous system 51EB395891C34B048E0552BADAF41D9E 598393EBB7FB4A3BA5033BC25AC96816 vein of the medulla oblongata Entire vein of the medulla oblongata (body structure) 6961 6961 06961 vein of the lateral recess of the fourth ventricle 369379005 S06961 Structure of vein of the lateral recess of the fourth ventricle (body structure) E06961 83541003 Entire vein of the lateral recess of the fourth ventricle (body structure) P06961 Y 51344 P venous system D35A865A66994C47B9BE9E29AA3BC4C9 E25CAC632925429D913209D6FE04E944 vein of the lateral recess of the fourth ventricle Entire vein of the lateral recess of the fourth ventricle (body structure) 6962 6962 06962 superior ophthalmic vein 82509000 S06962 Structure of superior ophthalmic vein (body structure) E06962 149481004 Entire superior ophthalmic vein (body structure) P06962 Y 51246 P venous system AECC2BBB5C18481FB43F07B7DF79B12E 17806DD694C44F99825AF5D3AC2C37E5 superior ophthalmic vein Entire superior ophthalmic vein (body structure) 6963 6963 06963 nasofrontal vein 153622002 S06963 Structure of nasofrontal vein (body structure) E06963 44840002 Entire nasofrontal vein (body structure) P06963 Y 51729 P venous system 9599D6C7E1544EB5882DB8795C89B39E DCCE970100D3473B9C598E7EB00B816D nasofrontal vein Entire nasofrontal vein (body structure) 6964 6964 06964 ethmoidal vein 153723004 S06964 Structure of ethmoidal vein (body structure) E06964 39297005 Entire ethmoidal vein (body structure) P06964 Y 51770 P venous system 311E92F2B5BE4EE59E53D37B663C1255 F699A6C2319E4A1BA682AA6D15ACABC5 ethmoidal vein Entire ethmoidal vein (body structure) 6965 6965 06965 lacrimal vein 6050005 S06965 Structure of lacrimal vein (body structure) E06965 149582008 Entire lacrimal vein (body structure) P06965 Y 51779 P venous system FBC3FC721EC34F19B76F2AC01AE3B355 959C876479F344A1BDD8105F29C35677 lacrimal vein Entire lacrimal vein (body structure) 6966 6966 06966 ciliary vein 32743007 S06966 Structure of ciliary vein (body structure) E06966 149683007 Entire ciliary vein (body structure) P06966 Y 51797 P venous system F88533992D264C5196A593BADA2654A8 F4D3AFB77B244789BB858A055838716E ciliary vein Entire ciliary vein (body structure) 6967 6967 06967 episcleral vein 31575005 S06967 Structure of episcleral vein (body structure) E06967 149784006 Entire episcleral vein (body structure) P06967 Y 51800 P venous system 847020FA2FB74BA7AD4377DC01FF2B97 C5DC2A88C58347ABBEFFCFD4CAA801DE episcleral vein Entire episcleral vein (body structure) 6968 6968 06968 conjunctival vein 49091003 S06968 Structure of conjunctival vein (body structure) E06968 149885003 Entire conjunctival vein (body structure) P06968 Y 70887 P cardiovascular system 9A1C4D704E0547FCA8626B5A2F4D8B1E 28C2554B342545BAAA4547D2EA7F0938 conjunctival vein Entire conjunctival vein (body structure) 6969 6969 06969 inferior ophthalmic vein 81117001 S06969 Structure of inferior ophthalmic vein (body structure) E06969 149986001 Entire inferior ophthalmic vein (body structure) P06969 Y 51247 P venous system 7BB4F68E90864B18B2F063AF13AE7A4E AEBF351EA0BD40E69932FDAE38DA0C25 inferior ophthalmic vein Entire inferior ophthalmic vein (body structure) 6970 6970 06970 labyrinthine vein 37684007 S06970 Structure of labyrinthine vein (body structure) E06970 150390005 Entire labyrinthine vein (body structure) P06970 Y 52386 P venous system 5FC20CD527084F9E9FD24A710361A32A C5805A594A7D4CA2917518503C3003FA labyrinthine vein Entire labyrinthine vein (body structure) 6971 6971 06971 common modiolar vein 65116009 S06971 Structure of common modiolar vein (body structure) E06971 150491008 Entire common modiolar vein (body structure) P06971 Y 52411 P venous system 586F1602DDAA4E45AC312EF6821EB129 4D8F5EFDC8614E28883259F85D93FE26 common modiolar vein Entire common modiolar vein (body structure) 6972 6972 06972 vein of the scala tympani 9108007 S06972 Structure of vein of the scala tympani (body structure) E06972 150592003 Entire vein of the scala tympani (body structure) P06972 Y 52426 P venous system E2745516AFC147B08BB905A943239B18 DBFA0C282DF0409285CEAD03A37834D8 vein of the scala tympani Entire vein of the scala tympani (body structure) 6973 6973 06973 vein of the scala vestibuli 88435005 S06973 Structure of vein of the scala vestibuli (body structure) E06973 150693003 Entire vein of the scala vestibuli (body structure) P06973 Y 52427 P venous system D05BC2D354B44CB98C75D0456164A3F1 6FD577455BCA43A1AD270ACB3DEDA1BD vein of the scala vestibuli Entire vein of the scala vestibuli (body structure) 6974 6974 06974 vein of the cochlear aqueduct 28573004 S06974 Structure of vein of the cochlear aqueduct (body structure) E06974 150794004 Entire vein of the cochlear aqueduct (body structure) P06974 Y 50842 P venous system EF2A23DE23FA492F9CCBCB9AC7385809 90AD64C59B5D4336813F8F51BA6D7938 vein of the cochlear aqueduct Entire vein of the cochlear aqueduct (body structure) 6975 6975 06975 vein of the round window 86998007 S06975 Structure of vein of the round window (body structure) E06975 150895008 Entire vein of the round window (body structure) P06975 Y P cardiovascular system FDEB1D9FF10F464C9F4154062E96E29B EED535C4B53540DE9D074387576ED114 vein of the round window Entire vein of the round window (body structure) 6976 6976 06976 vestibular vein 5943003 S06976 Structure of vestibular vein (body structure) E06976 150996008 Entire vestibular vein (body structure) P06976 Y P cardiovascular system 19550EA7BA1C4BF8AFE31B79B5E8AF5A C7D7551848B140F5ABEFBBDA821A699F vestibular vein Entire vestibular vein (body structure) 6977 6977 06977 anterior vestibular vein 151097005 S06977 Structure of anterior vestibular vein (body structure) E06977 74340001 Entire anterior vestibular vein (body structure) P06977 Y 52433 P venous system 46307E71BBD5463A962BF25E99DFC4BE 0B9C1F49EB45413188C3E689DEABF014 anterior vestibular vein Entire anterior vestibular vein (body structure) 6978 6978 06978 posterior vestibular vein 151198003 S06978 Structure of posterior vestibular vein (body structure) E06978 77669006 Entire posterior vestibular vein (body structure) P06978 Y 52434 P venous system 11F0A7FCB2604CA7B3301A22FBAAC7EB 72858405900B444880508FE6B816F556 posterior vestibular vein Entire posterior vestibular vein (body structure) 6979 6979 06979 vein of thorax 38809004 S06979 Structure of vein of thorax (body structure) E06979 281472008 Entire vein of thorax (body structure) P06979 - P cardiovascular system 73288DB7F5684C4B845DFDBB9E532992 D6B7B52CC84549B6B010E01FC1098A79 vein of thorax Entire vein of thorax (body structure) 6980 6980 06980 lamina perpendicularis of palatine bone 23083006 S06980 Structure of lamina perpendicularis of palatine bone (body structure) E06980 368685000 Entire lamina perpendicularis of palatine bone (body structure) P06980 Y 52899 P skeletal system CA5D42937AEF47FFB888346FD40162E0 0FDD1D24B38E4551A7A9046B2F3E7001 lamina perpendicularis of palatine bone Entire lamina perpendicularis of palatine bone (body structure) 6981 6981 06981 thoracoepigastric vein 66965005 S06981 Structure of thoracoepigastric vein (body structure) E06981 313661009 Entire thoracoepigastric vein (body structure) P06981 Y 13416 P cardiovascular system 72061029FCE549668E557DCECCD428BB 1E024A632CF64A068CE56605D0F8AE95 thoracoepigastric vein Entire thoracoepigastric vein (body structure) 6982 6982 06982 areolar venous plexus 68735001 S06982 Structure of areolar venous plexus (body structure) E06982 205517003 Entire areolar venous plexus (body structure) P06982 Y 77500 P venous system F309BF327E16465D8925CC0A805C6918 138A724ED3534A6CA6692CB3F566AF35 areolar venous plexus Entire areolar venous plexus (body structure) 6983 6983 06983 lateral thoracic vein 206400002 S06983 Structure of lateral thoracic vein (body structure) E06983 53595001 Entire lateral thoracic vein (body structure) P06983 Y 71210 P venous system 7FBC9C5114A1432989BF5141BE9DC363 3A5B651D050C437D903A59C9A06C359B lateral thoracic vein Entire lateral thoracic vein (body structure) 6984 6984 06984 internal thoracic vein 57008001 S06984 Structure of internal thoracic vein (body structure) E06984 281056008 Entire internal thoracic vein (body structure) P06984 Y 4729 P venous system B4EFDB1DCE41405695777589E3FEC0C1 5E5929CB3BCE4A87BC17CF23D6695B7A internal thoracic vein Entire internal thoracic vein (body structure) 6985 6985 06985 subclavian vein 9454009 S06985 Structure of subclavian vein (body structure) E06985 181388005 Entire subclavian vein (body structure) P06985 Y 4725 P venous system F8D84E59F81A4AF6BCA7648952C54069 CDFD25BAE9CF4F55B6EC94127518FC12 subclavian vein Entire subclavian vein (body structure) 6986 6986 06986 pectoral vein 206486005 S06986 Structure of pectoral vein (body structure) E06986 75912008 Entire pectoral vein (body structure) P06986 Y 70894 P venous system A73D62CADBFB4C719B9E5A496CE8D9EF 0F214322F5BA4C8B8C57ABF68578D1AE pectoral vein Entire pectoral vein (body structure) 6987 6987 06987 dorsal scapular vein 206562005 S06987 Structure of dorsal scapular vein (body structure) E06987 37401006 Entire dorsal scapular vein (body structure) P06987 Y 22931 P venous system EF0A2FD6C4ED4BD7AA06F78219B589D5 9AEFBCC742E4418787ECF90E2CF4DAE8 dorsal scapular vein Entire dorsal scapular vein (body structure) 6988 6988 06988 azygos vein 72107004 S06988 Structure of azygous vein (body structure) E06988 244407004 Entire azygous vein (body structure) P06988 - 4838 P venous system 5A29DF83AB58434F959464EF97A9C5D1 86005D97CB03427ABA11F7B8DB70299E azygous vein Entire azygous vein (body structure) 6989 6989 06989 right superior intercostal vein 368061007 S06989 Structure of right superior intercostal vein (body structure) E06989 80721005 Entire right superior intercostal vein (body structure) P06989 R 4877 P venous system 73DF1C7FA571446FBC6DBD844E6F4F8E 60371D3A5C9D46E5B765EC25B4404627 right superior intercostal vein Entire right superior intercostal vein (body structure) 6990 6990 06990 left superior intercostal vein 368062000 S06990 Structure of left superior intercostal vein (body structure) E06990 27297006 Entire left superior intercostal vein (body structure) P06990 L 4797 P venous system E83606C227F341B2A82BA98F56F559F8 736ADBF7E8FE4C0EA62253DDB6A5FA9C left superior intercostal vein Entire left superior intercostal vein (body structure) 6991 6991 06991 lamina horizontalis of palatine bone 28346004 S06991 Structure of lamina horizontalis of palatine bone (body structure) E06991 368686004 Entire lamina horizontalis of palatine bone (body structure) P06991 Y 52901 P skeletal system 21E62B4357B2499E8AD566118DBD0088 1B898BC8D5CC4F45A0BDD4819F8C68F2 lamina horizontalis of palatine bone Entire lamina horizontalis of palatine bone (body structure) 6992 6992 06992 anterior intercostal vein 368063005 S06992 Structure of anterior intercostal vein (body structure) E06992 15546000 Entire anterior intercostal vein (body structure) P06992 Y 12831 P cardiovascular system A33003446795466CADD68AF5608DB370 197FA0B104414AE8B1F37A60BFA064F6 anterior intercostal vein Entire anterior intercostal vein (body structure) 6993 6993 06993 posterior intercostal vein 368064004 S06993 Structure of posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E06993 89209000 Entire posterior intercostal vein (body structure) P06993 Y 4858 P cardiovascular system 3DAD7E2F8D1446429BE405AE4ECCE293 7FDD3CE618974438AB69A15724E8FFFF posterior intercostal vein Entire posterior intercostal vein (body structure) 6994 6994 06994 intercostal vein 16991009 S06994 Structure of intercostal vein (body structure) E06994 281057004 Entire intercostal vein (body structure) P06994 Y 0 P cardiovascular system 63525C9EE5534F3CBC1C48E03F9785E3 92A7407A944647BA9DF88B147477425D intercostal vein Entire intercostal vein (body structure) 6995 6995 06995 hemiazygos vein 25527002 S06995 Structure of hemiazygous vein (body structure) E06995 244408009 Entire hemiazygous vein (body structure) P06995 - 4944 P venous system 8768B76E92C14186A27D965444AF72EC 3D84FD0870BC4173837457665B4418C0 hemiazygous vein Entire hemiazygous vein (body structure) 6996 6996 06996 accessory hemiazygos vein 60626004 S06996 Structure of accessory hemiazygous vein (body structure) E06996 198155000 Entire accessory hemiazygous vein (body structure) P06996 - 5011 P venous system 9CC7AAF3C9CD4962A8312A58CAB0F29F 81445D5FFB0049B197FA055A31B9C117 accessory hemiazygous vein Entire accessory hemiazygous vein (body structure) 6997 6997 06997 esophageal vein 90895003 S06997 Structure of esophageal vein (body structure) E06997 304046009 Entire esophageal vein (body structure) P06997 - 4748 P cardiovascular system 9CE30BC4773649999A8BC63EF589098D B88A1977846B477E9985438FB5534DEF esophageal vein Entire esophageal vein (body structure) 6998 6998 06998 pericardial vein 43250004 S06998 Structure of pericardial vein (body structure) E06998 196078001 Entire pericardial vein (body structure) P06998 Y 4943 P venous system D8B26F10912A405EB1C3EBE5B773DE5F 1E272B756C61405AA656883149B3F896 pericardial vein Entire pericardial vein (body structure) 6999 6999 06999 mediastinal vein 20190004 S06999 Structure of mediastinal vein (body structure) E06999 198237001 Entire mediastinal vein (body structure) P06999 - 4722 P venous system C22896D03F744072B81FD11808DB1766 7D8A0F5383ED47F1A50490CD07EEA36B mediastinal vein Entire mediastinal vein (body structure) 7000 7000 07000 ascending lumbar vein 88004007 S07000 Structure of ascending lumbar vein (body structure) E07000 286297006 Entire ascending lumbar vein (body structure) P07000 Y 12858 P cardiovascular system D2E445D10D85474E929F9AC86A00DE92 68772C33F5D9434CB59C571B3BB3A8EF ascending lumbar vein Entire ascending lumbar vein (body structure) 7001 7001 07001 lumbar vein 9384000 S07001 Structure of lumbar vein (body structure) E07001 286399007 Entire lumbar vein (body structure) P07001 Y 15370 P venous system E17B4A1889794F1E9813A6D654B54989 8D8A06B157F24494B0F2D25861E4C451 lumbar vein Entire lumbar vein (body structure) 7002 7002 07002 intervertebral vein 57481001 S07002 Structure of intervertebral vein (body structure) E07002 313269002 Entire intervertebral vein (body structure) P07002 Y 76736 P cardiovascular system F8E042369AAC460A93F2A3C9C6DD96C2 60F52BF49CB44F2CA48A1FB3D12B0626 intervertebral vein Entire intervertebral vein (body structure) 7003 7003 07003 bronchial vein 20976003 S07003 Structure of bronchial vein (body structure) E07003 198293000 Entire bronchial vein (body structure) P07003 Y 4749 P venous system 815AC918E5E44D92A67CFF9C7214A94A 79A4794CFF574476B521C48B4EAC7FCB bronchial vein Entire bronchial vein (body structure) 7004 7004 07004 superior phrenic vein 10769002 S07004 Structure of superior phrenic vein (body structure) E07004 198356008 Entire superior phrenic vein (body structure) P07004 Y 78121 P venous system 1FBAB423A5394D238D9B5B746BFC3631 0843B3E127BF46B8BA0AEF1396E0C055 superior phrenic vein Entire superior phrenic vein (body structure) 7005 7005 07005 inferior phrenic vein 56369009 S07005 Structure of inferior phrenic vein (body structure) E07005 286500002 Entire inferior phrenic vein (body structure) P07005 Y 68068 P venous system F7DCD6C5AC48453A96845F1A5E89CDF8 FEC7F6D36A0A41C591044ACD1AE3B19F inferior phrenic vein Entire inferior phrenic vein (body structure) 7006 7006 07006 subcostal vein 206658008 S07006 Structure of subcostal vein (body structure) E07006 25248001 Entire subcostal vein (body structure) P07006 Y 12845 P cardiovascular system 418F18555ECB4FD9A7B6DEC85D40CDF7 2D60836CBCDD4D81B1F5208C15A435B1 subcostal vein Entire subcostal vein (body structure) 7007 7007 07007 vein of trunk 102299009 S07007 Structure of vein of trunk (body structure) E07007 244404006 Entire vein of trunk (body structure) P07007 - P cardiovascular system 19BFA711CFA24216838A5C5B8D3A60C9 86E5E42A0C1A43D9AB759E01665460CE vein of trunk Entire vein of trunk (body structure) 7008 7008 07008 superior right pulmonary vein 8629005 S07008 Structure of superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) E07008 278011000 Entire superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) P07008 R 49914 P cardiovascular system 22A0864972D14E3AB1DF0A2BCADB98EC 5F7B4570AA2B46F6989AFDC2E9003AD7 superior right pulmonary vein Entire superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) 7009 7009 07009 apical branch of superior right pulmonary vein 34611004 S07009 Structure of apical branch of superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) E07009 183310004 Entire apical branch of superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) P07009 R 8661 P cardiovascular system F6E645AFC8EA444186985D6248042CE7 0BA574A3170A430BAA771D908F3513D7 apical branch of superior right pulmonary vein Entire apical branch of superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) 7010 7010 07010 anterior branch of superior right pulmonary vein 46482006 S07010 Structure of anterior branch of superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) E07010 183394007 Entire anterior branch of superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) P07010 R 8662 P cardiovascular system E8615F466D4D4415915C6F1692A14A89 1D680103EDB9484C96FA05CC7C3C7E0D anterior branch of superior right pulmonary vein Entire anterior branch of superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) 7011 7011 07011 posterior branch of superior right pulmonary vein 44367000 S07011 Structure of posterior branch of superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) E07011 183490004 Entire posterior branch of superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) P07011 R 8663 P cardiovascular system 05AA517A1F6B420E8D98E50A8F19E96F 12C9D74AF2F34486B33999A1E0ADDC82 posterior branch of superior right pulmonary vein Entire posterior branch of superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) 7012 7012 07012 middle lobe branch of superior right pulmonary vein 87474001 S07012 Structure of middle lobe branch of superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) E07012 183592005 Entire middle lobe branch of superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) P07012 R 8656 P cardiovascular system 0A61919B62354F688A5FED97B8F6EC92 77D7E1BEC0284A04A70DB133447768A1 middle lobe branch of superior right pulmonary vein Entire middle lobe branch of superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) 7013 7013 07013 inferior right pulmonary vein 113273001 S07013 Structure of inferior right pulmonary vein (body structure) E07013 278012007 Entire inferior right pulmonary vein (body structure) P07013 R 49911 P cardiovascular system 1B430B8152CE430F831A6BEEFE7E71A5 212E2201C76D43BEBD3B702C6E95617E inferior right pulmonary vein Entire inferior right pulmonary vein (body structure) 7014 7014 07014 apical branch of inferior right pulmonary vein 26910005 S07014 Structure of apical branch of inferior right pulmonary vein (body structure) E07014 183694004 Entire apical branch of inferior right pulmonary vein (body structure) P07014 R 8670 P cardiovascular system 9C5378E02A914DA5A62FBDBA593CAB25 4A0B5483D1E84524BC533EBF1A840D02 apical branch of inferior right pulmonary vein Entire apical branch of inferior right pulmonary vein (body structure) 7015 7015 07015 common right basal pulmonary vein 34855008 S07015 Structure of common right basal pulmonary vein (body structure) E07015 183796006 Entire common right basal pulmonary vein (body structure) P07015 R 8671 P cardiovascular system 0BC62885E2684908998AA6F2624E24BE 113067D5E01449CDB89986821E0ED731 common right basal pulmonary vein Entire common right basal pulmonary vein (body structure) 7016 7016 07016 zygomatic bone 13881006 S07016 Zygomatic bone structure (body structure) E07016 272683001 Entire os zygomaticum (body structure) P07016 119531002 Zygomatic bone part (body structure) Y 52747 P digestive system A44FB69991AF49818DECFC7BAB58229D C66FCF972ACB46FA8F7F76C36CD2E504 5D46EC3372EC429E8674C0AEA475CED2 Zygomatic bone Entire os zygomaticum (body structure) Zygomatic bone 7017 7017 07017 superior right basal pulmonary vein 14451004 S07017 Structure of superior right basal pulmonary vein (body structure) E07017 183898003 Entire superior right basal pulmonary vein (body structure) P07017 R 8672 P respiratory system 236EDC34352E441E9E6682E955F6D2A0 00C1B6093415474281EF4EFB156DD2F7 superior right basal pulmonary vein Entire superior right basal pulmonary vein (body structure) 7018 7018 07018 anterior basal branch of inferior right pulmonary vein 78052006 S07018 Structure of anterior basal branch of inferior right pulmonary vein (body structure) E07018 183999007 Entire anterior basal branch of inferior right pulmonary vein (body structure) P07018 R 8673 P cardiovascular system 3955A0FA1D48405BB20FCE79B10CA912 CC1ACDED160749FA80847A37AEBC5217 anterior basal branch of inferior right pulmonary vein Entire anterior basal branch of inferior right pulmonary vein (body structure) 7019 7019 07019 inferior right basal pulmonary vein 88286002 S07019 Structure of inferior right basal pulmonary vein (body structure) E07019 184101005 Entire inferior right basal pulmonary vein (body structure) P07019 R 8674 P respiratory system BD39478C02A043C3BD69BEE6905C6845 34AE4A2794C94A31ADAE84978CE61815 inferior right basal pulmonary vein Entire inferior right basal pulmonary vein (body structure) 7020 7020 07020 superior left pulmonary vein 43863001 S07020 Structure of superior left pulmonary vein (body structure) E07020 278014008 Entire superior left pulmonary vein (body structure) P07020 L 49916 P cardiovascular system B8E084ABEDA34470857B0B607A93A7CC C3DEF0409E4C4BF1B909A36AB60F0D8C superior left pulmonary vein Entire superior left pulmonary vein (body structure) 7021 7021 07021 apicoposterior branch of superior left pulmonary vein 26324000 S07021 Structure of apicoposterior branch of superior left pulmonary vein (body structure) E07021 186615008 Entire apicoposterior branch of superior left pulmonary vein (body structure) P07021 L 8666 P cardiovascular system 39BE4DD423844EE8B4B18287D352D302 EF1B1C4AB2A04C868C8E6DF2DA79955C apicoposterior branch of superior left pulmonary vein Entire apicoposterior branch of superior left pulmonary vein (body structure) 7022 7022 07022 anterior branch of superior left pulmonary vein 39484005 S07022 Structure of anterior branch of superior left pulmonary vein (body structure) E07022 186700000 Entire anterior branch of superior left pulmonary vein (body structure) P07022 L 8667 P cardiovascular system A378D1848F364B15B43D613B0EA6C2D9 417061DE7EE147D5AB3AF9C8977D1E29 anterior branch of superior left pulmonary vein Entire anterior branch of superior left pulmonary vein (body structure) 7023 7023 07023 lingular branch of superior left pulmonary vein 22617008 S07023 Structure of lingular branch of superior left pulmonary vein (body structure) E07023 186787004 Entire lingular branch of superior left pulmonary vein (body structure) P07023 L 8658 P cardiovascular system 326D10A74CEF41BABA681DFCA11BE81B 9F5AFC3EEB91481483B0373C05DD1709 lingular branch of superior left pulmonary vein Entire lingular branch of superior left pulmonary vein (body structure) 7024 7024 07024 inferior left pulmonary vein 51249003 S07024 Structure of inferior left pulmonary vein (body structure) E07024 278013002 Entire inferior left pulmonary vein (body structure) P07024 L 49913 P cardiovascular system 1D1CD8779A9F443792C57C9D507308C6 F8A5A6BAF3504625867C97F2938491B4 inferior left pulmonary vein Entire inferior left pulmonary vein (body structure) 7025 7025 07025 apical branch of inferior left pulmonary vein 67252003 S07025 Structure of apical branch of inferior left pulmonary vein (body structure) E07025 186853001 Entire apical branch of inferior left pulmonary vein (body structure) P07025 L 8675 P cardiovascular system E4FB4278BBF54D148E3778D0C663F991 32864686567346CFB5EB65262B70759E apical branch of inferior left pulmonary vein Entire apical branch of inferior left pulmonary vein (body structure) 7026 7026 07026 common left basal pulmonary vein 22919009 S07026 Structure of common left basal pulmonary vein (body structure) E07026 186920005 Entire common left basal pulmonary vein (body structure) P07026 L 8676 P cardiovascular system 79F56DB315DB450AA5C52EFA423D4EF3 CED7027416244330A18F7C9296A959FF common left basal pulmonary vein Entire common left basal pulmonary vein (body structure) 7027 7027 07027 superior left basal pulmonary vein 42408005 S07027 Structure of superior left basal pulmonary vein (body structure) E07027 187001001 Entire superior left basal pulmonary vein (body structure) P07027 L 8677 P respiratory system B1201E4785B144EDA2D80E0957AB26C0 036825BDEF1B49208266B8D0A7BE04F5 superior left basal pulmonary vein Entire superior left basal pulmonary vein (body structure) 7028 7028 07028 anterior basal branch of inferior left pulmonary vein 35120000 S07028 Structure of anterior basal branch of inferior left pulmonary vein (body structure) E07028 187077003 Entire anterior basal branch of inferior left pulmonary vein (body structure) P07028 L 8678 P cardiovascular system 0D1FE718B3A5443480E2580CD724F664 BC6B691D0DAD459D9C9B62474ED97BEA anterior basal branch of inferior left pulmonary vein Entire anterior basal branch of inferior left pulmonary vein (body structure) 7029 7029 07029 inferior left basal pulmonary vein 58235002 S07029 Structure of inferior left basal pulmonary vein (body structure) E07029 187158003 Entire inferior left basal pulmonary vein (body structure) P07029 L 8679 P respiratory system 0655F5470B074DBFBE14F26416D16530 F0A5274E34ED474D9F294B223A9AAAC6 inferior left basal pulmonary vein Entire inferior left basal pulmonary vein (body structure) 7030 7030 07030 brachiocephalic vein 8887007 S07030 Structure of brachiocephalic vein (body structure) E07030 181371003 Entire brachiocephalic vein (body structure) P07030 Y 4723 P venous system 96D4C12641AF4D9CAA6776C76FC283CA BA1469954ECE4745AE3FCD52362EA920 brachiocephalic vein Entire brachiocephalic vein (body structure) 7031 7031 07031 inferior thyroid vein 75168003 S07031 Structure of inferior thyroid vein (body structure) E07031 303423007 Entire inferior thyroid vein (body structure) P07031 Y 4728 P venous system F303705A303F4F54862085E69CD11E12 18277827F840480FBC9C458BF7362F21 inferior thyroid vein Entire inferior thyroid vein (body structure) 7032 7032 07032 inferior laryngeal vein 46686004 S07032 Structure of inferior laryngeal vein (body structure) E07032 158569004 Entire inferior laryngeal vein (body structure) P07032 Y 50800 P venous system 13D233A9429641F09BB9B1EF3C9BFAA5 93FFBB0641D24A8199C64597B13F7A64 inferior laryngeal vein Entire inferior laryngeal vein (body structure) 7033 7033 07033 thymic vein 33432006 S07033 Structure of thymic vein (body structure) E07033 303432009 Entire thymic vein (body structure) P07033 Y 4747 P lymphoid system 47D23A60DB3C4BD58868F561D18FBBFF 1365AF231AB541A2A9BC8E4D74BA5612 thymic vein Entire thymic vein (body structure) 7034 7034 07034 tracheal vein 159530000 S07034 Structure of tracheal vein (body structure) E07034 62029001 Entire tracheal vein (body structure) P07034 Y 4750 P venous system 9802D97FB7964FE8A6CAAC8AAE166609 73A508918CFF409EB002D6C08080E0DD tracheal vein Entire tracheal vein (body structure) 7035 7035 07035 superior epigastric vein 26584001 S07035 Structure of superior epigastric vein (body structure) E07035 286596001 Entire superior epigastric vein (body structure) P07035 Y 4731 P venous system 74F6E188E274438EB8CB39038EF74EF2 5B1C5A73A5B54F7CB738F84124F61E39 superior epigastric vein Entire superior epigastric vein (body structure) 7036 7036 07036 subcutaneous vein of abdomen 34265007 S07036 Structure of subcutaneous vein of abdomen (body structure) E07036 286690001 Entire subcutaneous vein of abdomen (body structure) P07036 Y P cardiovascular system 9A6634C6D0624712A08A4F87967E00D0 8BC22C46C4374723BF016A9A25721518 subcutaneous vein of abdomen Entire subcutaneous vein of abdomen (body structure) 7037 7037 07037 musculophrenic vein 313762007 S07037 Structure of musculophrenic vein (body structure) E07037 1895000 Entire musculophrenic vein (body structure) P07037 Y 4732 P cardiovascular system EF29FAD72A0C41FE9B68E7D783E19A58 DB1F1D8C1B28497BA2C31496E17E46A4 musculophrenic vein Entire musculophrenic vein (body structure) 7038 7038 07038 skin of medial border of sole of foot 52953006 S07038 Skin structure of medial border of sole of foot (body structure) E07038 217557009 Entire skin of medial border of sole of foot (body structure) P07038 Y D integument/surface FC3CC5AF4C5B437DBA5E9A78EB385AEC 7009A8A0D1C546E19153FA32B7F444D7 Skin of medial border of sole of foot Entire skin of medial border of sole of foot (body structure) 7039 7039 07039 infraorbital margin of maxilla 27549009 S07039 Structure of infraorbital margin of maxilla (body structure) E07039 368863009 Entire infraorbital margin of maxilla (body structure) P07039 Y P special senses organ system 7E95E1BD1D924876A484E65990D5C3DC 1D352976282C49BEA5F6572E163409E9 infraorbital margin of maxilla Entire infraorbital margin of maxilla (body structure) 7040 7040 07040 abdominal portion of vena cava 41026000 S07040 Structure of abdominal portion of vena cava (body structure) E07040 199211006 Entire abdominal portion of vena cava (body structure) P07040 - 29180 P cardiovascular system F7F1959EFFAF4B80B1550AD18DC86209 D9BD36D1D4C84CEBB654300EAAE7D344 abdominal portion of vena cava Entire abdominal portion of vena cava (body structure) 7041 7041 07041 left suprarenal vein 248792009 S07041 Structure of left suprarenal vein (body structure) E07041 85087001 Entire left suprarenal vein (body structure) P07041 L 14349 P endocrine system 1512ACE181364B7687873F9AD11A288C CBC25513B726440C8A7ACF2892C17785 left suprarenal vein Entire left suprarenal vein (body structure) 7042 7042 07042 left renal vein 275809009 S07042 Structure of left renal vein (body structure) E07042 116356005 Entire left renal vein (body structure) P07042 L 14336 P venous system 03324F4F9299452593DD9E6D45E7E702 1FC5B49DEC764E5698588614935ADF42 left renal vein Entire left renal vein (body structure) 7043 7043 07043 right renal vein 275910003 S07043 Structure of right renal vein (body structure) E07043 116357001 Entire right renal vein (body structure) P07043 R 14335 P venous system BBF22091AC4D40D8B30F8644BDFE2523 C71BFDDCBB274BD28F4BC0EFEE67361D right renal vein Entire right renal vein (body structure) 7044 7044 07044 suprarenal vein 77905000 S07044 Structure of suprarenal vein (body structure) E07044 278194009 Entire suprarenal vein (body structure) P07044 Y 14348 P endocrine system 263DEC2F18E54AAEB1F890404D101219 524D45C938A747E9B4060A4569989796 suprarenal vein Entire suprarenal vein (body structure) 7045 7045 07045 right suprarenal vein 248889002 S07045 Structure of right suprarenal vein (body structure) E07045 69354005 Entire right suprarenal vein (body structure) P07045 R 14343 P endocrine system A568DAD7248B4DA7B27AB1BE2D7006B0 202F638F9BBB45CEA1EB2571FD567CA4 right suprarenal vein Entire right suprarenal vein (body structure) 7046 7046 07046 abdominal vein 84421000 S07046 Structure of abdominal vein (body structure) E07046 281473003 Entire abdominal vein (body structure) P07046 - P cardiovascular system AEDC4C02385B41578135A630C60599EE A284C49AA95B4563ADE73E8EEFCD5E0D abdominal vein Entire abdominal vein (body structure) 7047 7047 07047 maxillary buccal sulcus 419755007 S07047 Structure of maxillary buccal sulcus (body structure) E07047 245847009 Entire maxillary sulcus (body structure) P07047 Y P digestive system 3F2164F361A04CA1B670BE4E7E24C414 425067E132CE4D66B3193F68957F9880 maxillary buccal sulcus Entire maxillary sulcus (body structure) 7048 7048 07048 extrahepatic part of portal vein 65611003 S07048 Structure of extrahepatic part of main portal vein (body structure) E07048 273304006 Entire extrahepatic part of main portal vein (body structure) P07048 - 15418 P cardiovascular system 8262249D5CCE4A5A910E4A1402D3B633 B44FD9B274754D51A5FA5BD5C1CBDCB8 extrahepatic part of main portal vein Entire extrahepatic part of main portal vein (body structure) 7051 7051 07051 umbilical portion of portal vein 284639000 S07051 Structure of umbilical portion of portal vein (body structure) E07051 61660003 Entire umbilical portion of portal vein (body structure) P07051 - 77160 P 9B5C5964BFEF4DC1AF21CEDC12D8D1BA BD363372BA61465A9B2AF94CB0AB9AF7 umbilical portion of portal vein Entire umbilical portion of portal vein (body structure) 7052 7052 07052 trunk of portal vein 74680004 S07052 Structure of trunk of portal vein (body structure) E07052 286195007 Entire trunk of portal vein (body structure) P07052 372226003 Part of main portal vein (body structure) - 14329 P cardiovascular system 8C6AB1118498495D80F4926471299644 7A818B8E056F44298A3378473A26B0C6 CCD124AFA38B4FBA9F202B7FD30981B8 trunk of portal vein Entire trunk of portal vein (body structure) main portal vein 7053 7053 07053 branch of portal vein 28989005 S07053 Structure of branch of portal vein (body structure) E07053 284359007 Entire branch of portal vein (body structure) P07053 - P cardiovascular system 94353919F7A44A729E18C0E2D8E4733F 7FC804102E224544B2528905B5F09159 branch of portal vein Entire branch of portal vein (body structure) 7054 7054 07054 frontal process of maxilla 62380005 S07054 Structure of frontal process of maxilla (body structure) E07054 368869008 Entire frontal process of maxilla (body structure) P07054 Y 52894 P skeletal system EC191FF979364BF5AA6B1FBF446B6AE0 363603CD72034584A093F6DF7A7D42CA frontal process of maxilla Entire frontal process of maxilla (body structure) 7055 7055 07055 gastric vein 110568007 S07055 Structure of gastric vein (body structure) E07055 281060006 Entire gastric vein (body structure) P07055 - P cardiovascular system 9F1A4F67E8FB4BD4B720E0CC827E7734 CB405F49C7A94BF19DD0F934FB6BB80B gastric vein Entire gastric vein (body structure) 7056 7056 07056 left gastric vein 49253009 S07056 Structure of left gastric vein (body structure) E07056 281061005 Entire left gastric vein (body structure) P07056 - 15399 L P cardiovascular system 99AFB321FE224198866E19D503B986F3 2F41FD11BAB14A8B972A6B0957DFB3D1 left gastric vein Entire left gastric vein (body structure) 7057 7057 07057 right gastric vein 16625006 S07057 Structure of right gastric vein (body structure) E07057 281062003 Entire right gastric vein (body structure) P07057 - 15400 R P cardiovascular system D988C4877C7F45DE84D5A94F20D1AF32 5152751786FB440D9476BCB92FC7D2D0 right gastric vein Entire right gastric vein (body structure) 7058 7058 07058 prepyloric vein 31995005 S07058 Structure of prepyloric vein (body structure) E07058 285992004 Entire prepyloric vein (body structure) P07058 - 15404 P venous system 3EDF98A93E7949879309ECCC8E6280EF 8EC20B4766544C0EBB74B51B15F64137 prepyloric vein Entire prepyloric vein (body structure) 7059 7059 07059 paraumbilical vein 24170000 S07059 Structure of paraumbilical vein (body structure) E07059 286094009 Entire paraumbilical vein (body structure) P07059 - P cardiovascular system DC15148FB3954ECDAE47A4A510D8A0FC C2A3680237AE4E09B819E2531EFC74E0 paraumbilical vein Entire paraumbilical vein (body structure) 7060 7060 07060 cystic vein 90776001 S07060 Structure of cystic vein (body structure) E07060 281059001 Entire cystic vein (body structure) P07060 - 15403 P cardiovascular system 2CE05B85F1B34FE7985BC073C946EF5C BA43A90D4A754266B90F6A3B2EBF2700 cystic vein Entire cystic vein (body structure) 7061 7061 07061 ileocolic vein 285463009 S07061 Structure of ileocolic vein (body structure) E07061 36208008 Entire ileocolic vein (body structure) P07061 - 15408 P cardiovascular system 47CCD879F16A4CD5A6AADF939D97288D 61DDFD7EF22D450B990CE9E0419A94FB ileocolic vein Entire ileocolic vein (body structure) 7062 7062 07062 appendicular vein 285289006 S07062 Structure of appendicular vein (body structure) E07062 9878006 Entire appendicular vein (body structure) P07062 - 15410 P cardiovascular system 714A518280DB434CBC12E66F732A0A4F 8701D05589634F399E0FD8ABA7B994BA appendicular vein Entire appendicular vein (body structure) 7063 7063 07063 mesenteric vein 128583004 S07063 Structure of mesenteric vein (body structure) E07063 304045008 Entire mesenteric vein (body structure) P07063 - P cardiovascular system A610A34151B14CFBB19C858BE63B339F 3C02A37CD8F0422CA65E73A122D78FEF mesenteric vein Entire mesenteric vein (body structure) 7064 7064 07064 colic vein 285377006 S07064 Structure of colic vein (body structure) E07064 17504005 Entire colic vein (body structure) P07064 - P cardiovascular system 1FD8225E73E14D1E81060E1304F41B77 4D3AE74790C446159AC1879A52C523EF colic vein Entire colic vein (body structure) 7065 7065 07065 zygomatic process of maxilla 23224007 S07065 Structure of zygomatic process of maxilla (body structure) E07065 272684007 Entire zygomatic process of maxilla (body structure) P07065 Y 52895 P skeletal system 465D71FBF03C4D46AA44765634137113 74DD887F9C2D4DD985F3C4E086ECB8D8 zygomatic process of maxilla Entire zygomatic process of maxilla (body structure) 7066 7066 07066 right colic vein 285564001 S07066 Structure of right colic vein (body structure) E07066 68443007 Entire right colic vein (body structure) P07066 - 15407 R P cardiovascular system D3E5B0B8B97C426D90D95D45FAA49FC9 9F8FC0D49636454DA8F948B4AAACB2FC right colic vein Entire right colic vein (body structure) 7067 7067 07067 middle colic vein 285632004 S07067 Structure of middle colic vein (body structure) E07067 9018004 Entire middle colic vein (body structure) P07067 - 15406 P cardiovascular system CF0411DE43464CC6825162F08FF52F5E 64F7A8106CA4480E92ACEC2DC68E57CD middle colic vein Entire middle colic vein (body structure) 7068 7068 07068 intestinal vein 65847000 S07068 Structure of intestinal vein (body structure) E07068 285203009 Entire intestinal vein (body structure) P07068 - P cardiovascular system E70C722E973F4AD19F3ACA52B1E98C63 55AD56B48D204C0688D786828C26FC46 intestinal vein Entire intestinal vein (body structure) 7069 7069 07069 right gastroepiploic vein 20113003 S07069 Structure of right gastroepiploic vein (body structure) E07069 285891005 Entire right gastroepiploic vein (body structure) P07069 - 15397 R P venous system 47ACDC099DFB4C2EBD03C24DBC25ADF9 E2BA4902DB4142E197D224CCDBE70C40 right gastroepiploic vein Entire right gastroepiploic vein (body structure) 7070 7070 07070 pancreaticoduodenal vein 248547004 S07070 Structure of pancreaticoduodenal vein (body structure) E07070 76262002 Entire pancreaticoduodenal vein (body structure) P07070 - 15398 P digestive system 2E8A558F0D374049B385EF06E1566E76 EF8780940ECD47CAB58477C99AB4891E pancreaticoduodenal vein Entire pancreaticoduodenal vein (body structure) 7071 7071 07071 splenic vein 35819009 S07071 Structure of splenic vein (body structure) E07071 278029005 Entire splenic vein (body structure) P07071 - 14331 P cardiovascular system 353E026732634538858288205122F88B 4D5B62CF728A4484ADEB3950A4DA3069 splenic vein Entire splenic vein (body structure) 7072 7072 07072 short gastric vein 42321004 S07072 Structure of short gastric vein (body structure) E07072 285019005 Entire short gastric vein (body structure) P07072 - 15389 P venous system 4D2D02B4235649D9A93A83CEE993B983 E75E5881E5124CC99F2FB3AC4BDEABF2 short gastric vein Entire short gastric vein (body structure) 7073 7073 07073 left gastroepiploic vein 68180009 S07073 Structure of left gastroepiploic vein (body structure) E07073 285119008 Entire left gastroepiploic vein (body structure) P07073 - 15390 L P venous system E965FD778BA14F08A952AC90888EBE5A FF529248B09643499621A41F7F7DAEC5 left gastroepiploic vein Entire left gastroepiploic vein (body structure) 7074 7074 07074 left colic vein 15939002 S07074 Structure of left colic vein (body structure) E07074 284721002 Entire left colic vein (body structure) P07074 - 15394 L P venous system E27511837E644DAFB597AC2C83E68363 B62CF1F2A2EE40259FEF0C1AEBBF0598 left colic vein Entire left colic vein (body structure) 7075 7075 07075 sigmoid vein 65213009 S07075 Structure of sigmoid vein (body structure) E07075 284813001 Entire sigmoid vein (body structure) P07075 - 15395 P venous system 9DA3DBE4287F444B83CF1F218C500EFD FD10CED7CB6C459997F336411770839A sigmoid vein Entire sigmoid vein (body structure) 7076 7076 07076 palatine process of maxilla 63231007 S07076 Structure of palatine process of maxilla (body structure) E07076 368870009 Entire palatine process of maxilla (body structure) P07076 Y 52896 P skeletal system A3FB107A91934003A9802A5912C9A9E8 6C11512FAB2E4CCD9089FFE8F395F98B palatine process of maxilla Entire palatine process of maxilla (body structure) 7077 7077 07077 superior hemorrhoidal vein 51005008 S07077 Structure of superior hemorrhoidal vein (body structure) E07077 284917004 Entire superior hemorrhoidal vein (body structure) P07077 - 15393 P venous system C3826C55262F4D29AF12BF98079DDEAF B21FFDD2F54242F5BDE03E5DE4912CEF superior hemorrhoidal vein Entire superior hemorrhoidal vein (body structure) 7078 7078 07078 common iliac vein 46027005 S07078 Structure of common iliac vein (body structure) E07078 181398004 Entire common iliac vein (body structure) P07078 372217001 Part of common iliac vein (body structure) Y 14333 P venous system 3CE5C73D61254E12A9454F9C994FF7D2 9D1539AE759048C8AF89CC5EB22FE9A8 1966E205F934479DA94B5CFB5DB4A769 common iliac vein Entire common iliac vein (body structure) common iliac vein 7079 7079 07079 middle sacral vein 294756001 S07079 Structure of middle sacral vein (body structure) E07079 11915000 Entire middle sacral vein (body structure) P07079 Y 77168 P venous system 4AE22174B55F4873A569A12231920C9F 246A1C8964104A5DB34A87C2793720B0 middle sacral vein Entire middle sacral vein (body structure) 7080 7080 07080 iliolumbar vein 84911000 S07080 Structure of iliolumbar vein (body structure) E07080 286793006 Entire iliolumbar vein (body structure) P07080 Y 18902 P venous system 268368472F5C4BF68B25C856EE6F8241 9C2A3F80E07C4F92AE1CA90549A735A0 iliolumbar vein Entire iliolumbar vein (body structure) 7081 7081 07081 external iliac vein 63507001 S07081 Structure of external iliac vein (body structure) E07081 181400000 Entire external iliac vein (body structure) P07081 Y 18883 P venous system 7D333B1BC8094E41BCA8351FD1B89E6D 29E0477D7DA8495D9D73C9E281966287 external iliac vein Entire external iliac vein (body structure) 7082 7082 07082 inferior epigastric vein 26204002 S07082 Structure of inferior epigastric vein (body structure) E07082 286872000 Entire inferior epigastric vein (body structure) P07082 Y 21162 P venous system A74EE8C2AAE44555894FAA00CE697987 06CAA3A7A2BE469B8A44DE90D5D02150 inferior epigastric vein Entire inferior epigastric vein (body structure) 7083 7083 07083 deep circumflex iliac vein 294858005 S07083 Structure of deep circumflex iliac vein (body structure) E07083 11653007 Entire deep circumflex iliac vein (body structure) P07083 Y 21182 P venous system 0C2553A969B04947AA213E2E639CDB30 53339C49B4614B0EA1E5EF802D72E42D deep circumflex iliac vein Entire deep circumflex iliac vein (body structure) 7084 7084 07084 internal iliac vein 40300007 S07084 Structure of internal iliac vein (body structure) E07084 181399007 Entire internal iliac vein (body structure) P07084 Y 18884 P venous system 8181690E15BE445A80F2F2459F16ACF5 0E96B74B194E4318A994D5D10713F8D7 internal iliac vein Entire internal iliac vein (body structure) 7085 7085 07085 sacral venous plexus 294959001 S07085 Structure of sacral venous plexus (body structure) E07085 41373000 Entire sacral venous plexus (body structure) P07085 - 29710 P venous system 627CF0F38F2B4ACCAFB8F25D2C7B6A04 662B4B5ED2944BDC813E36874524CE17 sacral venous plexus Entire sacral venous plexus (body structure) 7086 7086 07086 vesical vein 295061002 S07086 Structure of vesical vein (body structure) E07086 12683000 Entire vesical vein (body structure) P07086 Y 70911 P venous system FB3F3D6D02BB46E887F632B7BA72E0EC 316E85B1D2FD4846BC7DE1728771A5FA vesical vein Entire vesical vein (body structure) 7087 7087 07087 vesical venous plexus 295162007 S07087 Structure of vesical venous plexus (body structure) E07087 31510008 Entire vesical venous plexus (body structure) P07087 Y 18934 P venous system 8972F0B2F5E146EC9570025226DE6F9A D3440A22AAF642689D03E561EEACA0DD vesical venous plexus Entire vesical venous plexus (body structure) 7088 7088 07088 gluteal vein 58659004 S07088 Structure of gluteal vein (body structure) E07088 181401001 Entire gluteal vein (body structure) P07088 Y P cardiovascular system EB6625FC43FE4C7E921B2CACF9F9E288 15E45C637B124795B811A10E7D61D383 gluteal vein Entire gluteal vein (body structure) 7089 7089 07089 superior gluteal vein 295263009 S07089 Structure of superior gluteal vein (body structure) E07089 66129001 Entire superior gluteal vein (body structure) P07089 Y 18908 P venous system 5B9881F8EC424D95BC73BA318912048D 6A9747C6E4D34B9F937B3A2B9B5BDBB2 superior gluteal vein Entire superior gluteal vein (body structure) 7090 7090 07090 inferior gluteal vein 295366003 S07090 Structure of inferior gluteal vein (body structure) E07090 55367003 Entire inferior gluteal vein (body structure) P07090 Y 18911 P venous system B5892A586D884CB8A8D98252E626534C D93B8843EDFA4851A294616D802C2BBB inferior gluteal vein Entire inferior gluteal vein (body structure) 7091 7091 07091 lateral sacral vein 295467008 S07091 Structure of lateral sacral vein (body structure) E07091 78035007 Entire lateral sacral vein (body structure) P07091 Y 18905 P venous system 3AE7178CDE9640609CDB99D9B5B93657 21C3A24741984A939181C034CE1F22FC lateral sacral vein Entire lateral sacral vein (body structure) 7092 7092 07092 obturator vein 295569009 S07092 Structure of obturator vein (body structure) E07092 20146009 Entire obturator vein (body structure) P07092 Y 18914 P venous system 3DA4BEDA7BAA426283BEA6DBE15D68CB 5C8BBA8FCA4B49848FE1D20D9F5B2F2F obturator vein Entire obturator vein (body structure) 7093 7093 07093 internal pudendal vein 295670003 S07093 Structure of internal pudendal vein (body structure) E07093 14885008 Entire internal pudendal vein (body structure) P07093 Y 18917 P venous system 798DBEA33A0444348E7FAB1B2C7BA2CA E15624B906784BC5A76044AF4BF44649 internal pudendal vein Entire internal pudendal vein (body structure) 7094 7094 07094 posterior scrotal vein 15935008 S07094 Structure of posterior scrotal vein (body structure) E07094 294353006 Entire posterior scrotal vein (body structure) P07094 Y 21254 P cardiovascular system 95A42777DEDF4FE783056EE0E96A15D8 8D73072DF1544E998E0D4319F2C51ECB posterior scrotal vein Entire posterior scrotal vein (body structure) 7095 7095 07095 middle hemorrhoidal vein 285718009 S07095 Structure of middle hemorrhoidal vein (body structure) E07095 35050005 Entire middle hemorrhoidal vein (body structure) P07095 Y 18893 P venous system 55F50BE2E5F4437B93762EBF6FF7C51F C049E85E834C45E7B4E5F80DD9DFE1BA middle hemorrhoidal vein Entire middle hemorrhoidal vein (body structure) 7096 7096 07096 inferior hemorrhoidal vein 285798008 S07096 Structure of inferior hemorrhoidal vein (body structure) E07096 18272009 Entire inferior hemorrhoidal vein (body structure) P07096 Y 21242 P venous system F0C73E190C764649B73786D8DD7394B4 1A0B9D222C6A4535865C6CA5312FC34B inferior hemorrhoidal vein Entire inferior hemorrhoidal vein (body structure) 7097 7097 07097 alveolar arch of maxilla 52982007 S07097 Structure of alveolar arch of maxilla (body structure) E07097 368871008 Entire alveolar arch of maxilla (body structure) P07097 Y 55640 P skeletal system 62AB1D77554C4814BE3835345B836C78 038B80095BFD4F2B970024EB6FB4D09C alveolar arch of maxilla Entire alveolar arch of maxilla (body structure) 7098 7098 07098 pudendal venous plexus 295774004 S07098 Structure of pudendal venous plexus (body structure) E07098 65326006 Entire pudendal venous plexus (body structure) P07098 - P venous system 3120C8BBB97D4A36B4E493780503ED1C 6DAEDED8A740443CACBDA5FECB87ACE2 pudendal venous plexus Entire pudendal venous plexus (body structure) 7099 7099 07099 uterine venous plexus 4810005 S07099 Structure of uterine venous plexus (body structure) E07099 294553007 Entire uterine venous plexus (body structure) P07099 - 29712 P venous system 26F25FF388844FCE81168441DA1B59B1 D25DDA0A742F4804875F2F9642AB9BFA uterine venous plexus Entire uterine venous plexus (body structure) 7100 7100 07100 vaginal venous plexus 35119006 S07100 Structure of vaginal venous plexus (body structure) E07100 294653003 Entire vaginal venous plexus (body structure) P07100 - 29713 P venous system BC86C6A891054BF69A37A392A75E681B 1C34EC4EB6A84E07A4B6B4863EB71D89 vaginal venous plexus Entire vaginal venous plexus (body structure) 7101 7101 07101 pelvic vein 13152008 S07101 Structure of pelvic vein (body structure) E07101 281481002 Entire pelvic vein (body structure) P07101 - P cardiovascular system 9D756D343C944837B2F8F42BA3BFB337 4C3121FC3A77424C87C205141F83DD2F pelvic vein Entire pelvic vein (body structure) 7102 7102 07102 maxillary tuberosity 41151001 S07102 Structure of maxillary tuberosity (body structure) E07102 244682003 Entire maxillary tuberosity (body structure) P07102 Y 57731 P skeletal system D1119067E59840FEAB31C56A3BA7F962 AE4E7C200F74430EB40E01E12BAA92C8 maxillary tuberosity Entire maxillary tuberosity (body structure) 7103 7103 07103 axillary vein 68705008 S07103 Structure of axillary vein (body structure) E07103 181389002 Entire axillary vein (body structure) P07103 Y 13329 P venous system E596EF0D9C624B7FA1DBCC0B2EEA8C12 B3BC075D71174132BD570388883B7C68 axillary vein Entire axillary vein (body structure) 7104 7104 07104 palmar vein 36698006 S07104 Structure of palmar vein (body structure) E07104 368478009 Entire palmar vein (body structure) P07104 Y P venous system 752E1231292E44A6BF3DCB3B27186971 B9A3C36A7479455CA83180F7D867357B palmar vein Entire palmar vein (body structure) 7105 7105 07105 superficial palmar venous arch 368479001 S07105 Structure of superficial palmar venous arch (body structure) E07105 12134003 Entire superficial palmar venous arch (body structure) P07105 Y 22914 P venous system 7C02E0C1F0994CD3B0048CA8800D1B1F 1A62F2DD17AD4110AEEF90FE47450370 superficial palmar venous arch Entire superficial palmar venous arch (body structure) 7106 7106 07106 digital palmar vein 368480003 S07106 Structure of digital palmar vein (body structure) E07106 83229009 Entire digital palmar vein (body structure) P07106 Y P venous system D08DD258DBA249A395F198279A7D4C1E C6986724BC94445ABA0F72C31C66C5CA digital palmar vein Entire digital palmar vein (body structure) 7107 7107 07107 deep palmar venous arch 368481004 S07107 Structure of deep palmar venous arch (body structure) E07107 65152008 Entire deep palmar venous arch (body structure) P07107 Y 22911 P venous system 54C2E7F6B8DA44B395169947F954DEDB 1A658B6AAC3A4B289568E019E9683162 deep palmar venous arch Entire deep palmar venous arch (body structure) 7108 7108 07108 dorsal metacarpal vein 78401001 S07108 Structure of dorsal metacarpal vein (body structure) E07108 368483001 Entire dorsal metacarpal vein (body structure) P07108 Y 22954 P venous system E17AFC66F9BB4077A3007B7E95F3DBC5 0CD2760B690549E584214BF8C3DA265D dorsal metacarpal vein Entire dorsal metacarpal vein (body structure) 7109 7109 07109 palmar metacarpal vein 368482006 S07109 Structure of palmar metacarpal vein (body structure) E07109 39563002 Entire palmar metacarpal vein (body structure) P07109 Y 22919 P venous system C6F4FA16FE584FC0B6D790F4612675CF 15C2DF22B59A4C2596A2EB67FA5BF831 palmar metacarpal vein Entire palmar metacarpal vein (body structure) 7110 7110 07110 basilic vein 19715009 S07110 Structure of basilic vein (body structure) E07110 181393008 Entire basilic vein (body structure) P07110 Y 22908 P venous system 0AF1154C538F4BC0A46B36CA412B6280 D976DC297C0448F39B8930A3E0A265C6 basilic vein Entire basilic vein (body structure) 7111 7111 07111 cephalic vein 20699002 S07111 Structure of cephalic vein (body structure) E07111 181391005 Entire cephalic vein (body structure) P07111 Y 13324 P venous system E1CF85BC799E4F4B834BDEE25586EE89 DB3A141D32A44ED1AAC65BB5AF75E093 cephalic vein Entire cephalic vein (body structure) 7112 7112 07112 thoracoacromial vein 27284009 S07112 Structure of thoracoacromial vein (body structure) E07112 368198005 Entire thoracoacromial vein (body structure) P07112 Y 23058 P venous system 31F912CB6A0A4DAABD54934F94137CC4 7FF19E64F1B84A6F8C9C71F89FE0502A thoracoacromial vein Entire thoracoacromial vein (body structure) 7113 7113 07113 accessory cephalic vein 2855004 S07113 Structure of accessory cephalic vein (body structure) E07113 368494002 Entire accessory cephalic vein (body structure) P07113 Y 22970 P venous system 57EF39B964274F1782F3A8CA7F4FEA70 598B92E4EC0F499896B9176751DCD7C9 accessory cephalic vein Entire accessory cephalic vein (body structure) 7114 7114 07114 median cubital vein 49852007 S07114 Structure of median cubital vein (body structure) E07114 181392003 Entire median cubital vein (body structure) P07114 Y 22963 P venous system 15B7D4CBEBA547D8B41A10B824ED61EC 763C09D2A3824C308E216A60543D4DB1 median cubital vein Entire median cubital vein (body structure) 7115 7115 07115 median antebrachial vein 63013001 S07115 Structure of median antebrachial vein (body structure) E07115 368495001 Entire median antebrachial vein (body structure) P07115 Y 22967 P venous system F547C1374FF04329918B9DE79782CB59 C6DA972EC9CF4789A2F6496F2A1AEDA7 median antebrachial vein Entire median antebrachial vein (body structure) 7116 7116 07116 median basilic vein 29202002 S07116 Structure of median basilic vein (body structure) E07116 368496000 Entire median basilic vein (body structure) P07116 Y P venous system 2C3D4BD0FB6E48D9ACA624A86701C953 DE98566C4DD8484A8493686031166457 median basilic vein Entire median basilic vein (body structure) 7117 7117 07117 median cephalic vein 75373001 S07117 Structure of median cephalic vein (body structure) E07117 368497009 Entire median cephalic vein (body structure) P07117 Y P venous system E9037B23352E48F7840333A1B6F86493 59614F95FA794BED95671E253F49E1A9 median cephalic vein Entire median cephalic vein (body structure) 7118 7118 07118 intercapital vein 26702002 S07118 Structure of intercapital vein (body structure) E07118 368498004 Entire intercapital vein (body structure) P07118 Y P venous system 9D4F6140EFC14B3AAF0E59E4B8C78973 F4C13C7189884FD896F67E2FE867CC55 intercapital vein Entire intercapital vein (body structure) 7119 7119 07119 ulnar vein 17623008 S07119 Structure of ulnar vein (body structure) E07119 368499007 Entire ulnar vein (body structure) P07119 Y 22950 P venous system 14491575F65A44BDBA845BB80F43543F E54C2706F42649F8980C306AD4277B48 ulnar vein Entire ulnar vein (body structure) 7120 7120 07120 radial vein 52359001 S07120 Structure of radial vein (body structure) E07120 368500003 Entire radial vein (body structure) P07120 Y 22947 P venous system F7C7EA1D965340FBA679F8C7A09302B7 1A1B5FC096EA45B79A18D7BCEBF50203 radial vein Entire radial vein (body structure) 7121 7121 07121 brachial vein 20115005 S07121 Structure of brachial vein (body structure) E07121 181390006 Entire brachial vein (body structure) P07121 Y 22934 P venous system C1D623129AA6432BB16D8C83C63EF615 DBF5236B56774E548359FDF30E93374D brachial vein Entire brachial vein (body structure) 7122 7122 07122 body of mandible 11048003 S07122 Structure of body of mandible (body structure) E07122 244684002 Entire body of mandible (body structure) P07122 - 52827 P skeletal system C17A36E472F14B05B7969872D931182D B21660519B464456AA19AFCA494143AD body of mandible Entire body of mandible (body structure) 7123 7123 07123 superficial epigastric vein 91642007 S07123 Structure of superficial epigastric vein (body structure) E07123 286971006 Entire superficial epigastric vein (body structure) P07123 Y 44318 P venous system 43667438CD6D44139F910D4C64DCB427 BE22A76BD1D8443497393D34D1BF99BC superficial epigastric vein Entire superficial epigastric vein (body structure) 7124 7124 07124 anterior scrotal vein 86581002 S07124 Structure of anterior scrotal vein (body structure) E07124 294454004 Entire anterior scrotal vein (body structure) P07124 Y 44553 P cardiovascular system 7D51C9D502ED42099565554DF09E7C75 8FB25E3D8AE349B1BE0CBBF4FA435ACE anterior scrotal vein Entire anterior scrotal vein (body structure) 7125 7125 07125 perforating branch of the femoral vein 10521003 S07125 Structure of perforating branch of the femoral vein (body structure) E07125 276153006 Entire perforating branch of the femoral vein (body structure) P07125 Y P venous system C35946D557E6434994FA5A3BCA20F789 C040ED78853540A6A91CD7EDB0E8AD09 perforating branch of the femoral vein Entire perforating branch of the femoral vein (body structure) 7127 7127 07127 alveolar arch of mandible 37728002 S07127 Structure of alveolar arch of mandible (body structure) E07127 368873006 Entire alveolar arch of mandible (body structure) P07127 - 64850 P skeletal system 7B807FE7B1D94E17880D386D834A7069 F1DD307C8E8D4A3DAB9015756868E7BE alveolar arch of mandible Entire alveolar arch of mandible (body structure) 7128 7128 07128 common digital vein of the foot 13020006 S07128 Structure of common digital vein of the foot (body structure) E07128 231547006 Entire common digital vein of the foot (body structure) P07128 Y P cardiovascular system 6032804C13E14941B21A1D7497889298 714AB77E4292466AB4E3BADB372A6D96 common digital vein of the foot Entire common digital vein of the foot (body structure) 7129 7129 07129 dorsal digital vein of foot 47831008 S07129 Structure of dorsal digital vein of foot (body structure) E07129 231637000 Entire dorsal digital vein of foot (body structure) P07129 Y 44392 P cardiovascular system 09617E46419F4D7D985B0229F41AB488 A0D74F046FCD417E93922BDC18CE3997 dorsal digital vein of foot Entire dorsal digital vein of foot (body structure) 7130 7130 07130 dorsal metatarsal vein of foot 88422001 S07130 Structure of dorsal metatarsal vein of foot (body structure) E07130 231094009 Entire dorsal metatarsal vein of foot (body structure) P07130 Y P venous system 644A1BAEDA8F4F629CF99FBC39600BC3 0F0E487D16484248B566E77A625E42DF dorsal metatarsal vein of foot Entire dorsal metatarsal vein of foot (body structure) 7131 7131 07131 accessory saphenous vein 12225004 S07131 Structure of accessory saphenous vein (body structure) E07131 302677006 Entire accessory saphenous vein (body structure) P07131 Y 44320 P venous system 9CD0E96336D345DA9D55B139E79AB0D2 E58C3FB2CCE740EF93C13725609C08A3 accessory saphenous vein Entire accessory saphenous vein (body structure) 7132 7132 07132 small saphenous vein 26805005 S07132 Structure of small saphenous vein (body structure) E07132 181404009 Entire small saphenous vein (body structure) P07132 Y 44333 P venous system 911AC2F12BEB4CC38CB4CB2159AA0F4B 183D193315224287A5A3EA8D781E4986 small saphenous vein Entire small saphenous vein (body structure) 7133 7133 07133 lateral femoral cutaneous vein 37427006 S07133 Structure of lateral femoral cutaneous vein (body structure) E07133 302684003 Entire lateral femoral cutaneous vein (body structure) P07133 Y P venous system 5F02081FD2084EC1B3AD3C02CF0F9BE2 EADA1379769D46CD83DF800EE0C3F2A8 lateral femoral cutaneous vein Entire lateral femoral cutaneous vein (body structure) 7134 7134 07134 external pudendal vein 295876006 S07134 Structure of external pudendal vein (body structure) E07134 9231002 Entire external pudendal vein (body structure) P07134 Y P cardiovascular system 658B0B54A3D04C54847550D4E31E104D C30AF1794BF344C0A47568D428CBE60F external pudendal vein Entire external pudendal vein (body structure) 7135 7135 07135 superficial circumflex iliac vein 295977003 S07135 Structure of superficial circumflex iliac vein (body structure) E07135 8067007 Entire superficial circumflex iliac vein (body structure) P07135 Y 44319 P venous system 60A8D4900E0B4133A0834C25ED214671 CADBEA05471C4EF1BC472290EE924504 superficial circumflex iliac vein Entire superficial circumflex iliac vein (body structure) 7136 7136 07136 plantar metatarsal vein 16357002 S07136 Structure of plantar metatarsal vein (body structure) E07136 231283003 Entire plantar metatarsal vein (body structure) P07136 Y 44504 P venous system 3BC4A3568C2E410B8BAD75A6F3D22554 F37CC3448BCB49DB92D190C9CB38648F plantar metatarsal vein Entire plantar metatarsal vein (body structure) 7137 7137 07137 posterior tibial vein 4258007 S07137 Structure of posterior tibial vein (body structure) E07137 281067009 Entire posterior tibial vein (body structure) P07137 Y 44332 P venous system E43BCD9D67A64CF78EEFB3D94F3718ED 2717C7468E3245A79CB29454FC871C5F posterior tibial vein Entire posterior tibial vein (body structure) 7138 7138 07138 anterior tibial vein 26703007 S07138 Structure of anterior tibial vein (body structure) E07138 281066000 Entire anterior tibial vein (body structure) P07138 Y 44331 P venous system 4B23360311FE446CBBEA678D7B4BD805 338D1922C6994587AA69505AF94E360D anterior tibial vein Entire anterior tibial vein (body structure) 7139 7139 07139 dorsal venous arch of foot 81900009 S07139 Structure of dorsal venous arch of foot (body structure) E07139 231189006 Entire dorsal venous arch of foot (body structure) P07139 Y 44356 P venous system F07395431701496380B7AE3218890EC4 5B67F5D5A0274FDA9236705CA4D23DA7 dorsal venous arch of foot Entire dorsal venous arch of foot (body structure) 7140 7140 07140 peroneal vein 71758008 S07140 Structure of peroneal vein (body structure) E07140 302629006 Entire peroneal vein (body structure) P07140 Y 44558 P venous system 4808552FBF8F4F73AF310C80118A8E8B 54B2118FB093485C9AECAEFB04AB33F9 peroneal vein Entire peroneal vein (body structure) 7141 7141 07141 plantar venous arch 55196005 S07141 Structure of plantar venous arch (body structure) E07141 231382006 Entire plantar venous arch (body structure) P07141 Y 44489 P venous system A07056F6A06C48C5AE9072CA1C3B20CB 907C231285B347B1B04B9E3D164364AF plantar venous arch Entire plantar venous arch (body structure) 7142 7142 07142 plantar digital vein of foot 60593007 S07142 Structure of plantar digital vein of foot (body structure) E07142 231471002 Entire plantar digital vein of foot (body structure) P07142 Y P venous system 14AEA85C5CB34907890FDCE775561B1D F82683B3F8EC4A86A8499B2FA1F1515F plantar digital vein of foot Entire plantar digital vein of foot (body structure) 7143 7143 07143 popliteal vein 56849005 S07143 Structure of popliteal vein (body structure) E07143 281065001 Entire popliteal vein (body structure) P07143 Y 44327 P venous system B714B45C4B1D4C82BB0BEB9CAC70170A 70000E63F04D44A698209558384A5394 popliteal vein Entire popliteal vein (body structure) 7144 7144 07144 vein of the knee 2302002 S07144 Structure of vein of the knee (body structure) E07144 212741000 Entire vein of the knee (body structure) P07144 Y 44559 P cardiovascular system CC95302A35A44C4CB9E2B73194BAC692 1EDFA9DE765947A2AF52770A95516CB7 vein of the knee Entire vein of the knee (body structure) 7145 7145 07145 profunda femoris vein 23438002 S07145 Structure of profunda femoris vein (body structure) E07145 302640003 Entire profunda femoris vein (body structure) P07145 Y 51041 P venous system 94497FBDF0BD4C43947B5D9AEC5DBD60 4762C498E7FA4FC7BEC7EA82B6908AAF profunda femoris vein Entire profunda femoris vein (body structure) 7146 7146 07146 femoral circumflex vein 113275008 S07146 Structure of femoral circumflex vein (body structure) E07146 302648005 Entire femoral circumflex vein (body structure) P07146 Y 0 P venous system 05B8FBC230764075B7B6BFEB277182D8 35E4E1DC132E4FBFB4E27782650486F5 femoral circumflex vein Entire femoral circumflex vein (body structure) 7147 7147 07147 medial circumflex femoral vein 302655007 S07147 Structure of medial circumflex femoral vein (body structure) E07147 35235007 Entire medial circumflex femoral vein (body structure) P07147 Y 44325 P venous system 15A2F51B6D864EC085135F7C877D359F 53EA1A98189B41A6836E20655E1DA81B medial circumflex femoral vein Entire medial circumflex femoral vein (body structure) 7148 7148 07148 lateral circumflex femoral vein 302668004 S07148 Structure of lateral circumflex femoral vein (body structure) E07148 70021009 Entire lateral circumflex femoral vein (body structure) P07148 Y 44326 P venous system 21421857F6584ACFAFDF2F1FE9D5EE36 C8EEE8110E0F43B2ACBEE73EA8E8A581 lateral circumflex femoral vein Entire lateral circumflex femoral vein (body structure) 7149 7149 07149 vein of skull 153824004 S07149 Structure of vein of skull (body structure) E07149 40436006 Entire vein of skull (body structure) P07149 - P cardiovascular system DC18FEB2ED9F4D40A0A37ABECED4A1C3 49E915B198D846A7A5339A50AC4C2C04 vein of skull Entire vein of skull (body structure) 7150 7150 07150 frontal diploic vein 153925002 S07150 Structure of frontal diploic vein (body structure) E07150 15147001 Entire frontal diploic vein (body structure) P07150 Y 50786 P venous system F5533596BBCF41B0BE35DE920DB6794A EBE0EF83D9974D03B5BEB255856C5CBA frontal diploic vein Entire frontal diploic vein (body structure) 7151 7151 07151 anterior temporal diploic vein 154026008 S07151 Structure of anterior temporal diploic vein (body structure) E07151 22926009 Entire anterior temporal diploic vein (body structure) P07151 Y 50787 P venous system 47B103A0C93F44CA9A91465C7E3E47E4 98AE73EEC37B41F4AC09661D65D252E7 anterior temporal diploic vein Entire anterior temporal diploic vein (body structure) 7152 7152 07152 posterior temporal diploic vein 154127002 S07152 Structure of posterior temporal diploic vein (body structure) E07152 405008 Entire posterior temporal diploic vein (body structure) P07152 Y 50788 P venous system E0A92AA6F2D0468EA4BEA98BAE1EA3B8 A2B81A6EB7294C36A6497C801AE42F58 posterior temporal diploic vein Entire posterior temporal diploic vein (body structure) 7153 7153 07153 occipital diploic vein 154228004 S07153 Structure of occipital diploic vein (body structure) E07153 80565004 Entire occipital diploic vein (body structure) P07153 Y 50789 P venous system A3E67DDA04A24585A57FF8EDE3EFA77B A4040A8EA2FE45F58F978549B2E287FB occipital diploic vein Entire occipital diploic vein (body structure) 7154 7154 07154 emissary vein of skull 154329009 S07154 Structure of emissary vein of skull (body structure) E07154 59191008 Entire emissary vein of skull (body structure) P07154 - 50790 P cardiovascular system CE41585537E741E6969EE4763B468436 CFC5DCBFB24B44A493AB826FE3837BB0 emissary vein of skull Entire emissary vein of skull (body structure) 7155 7155 07155 neck of mandible 49200000 S07155 Structure of neck of mandible (body structure) E07155 368875004 Entire neck of mandible (body structure) P07155 Y 59332 P skeletal system CD4E9A81057840E6B0740621628142C6 2664E016EB4D4183850BD13640C80C23 neck of mandible Entire neck of mandible (body structure) 7156 7156 07156 parietal emissary vein 154429005 S07156 Structure of parietal emissary vein (body structure) E07156 58615008 Entire parietal emissary vein (body structure) P07156 Y 50791 P venous system 389EFE7117A142EDB5BA8013F2485206 D74E92A6D2B44AC6BD3A762CD4CBB6BD parietal emissary vein Entire parietal emissary vein (body structure) 7157 7157 07157 mastoid emissary vein 154530003 S07157 Structure of mastoid emissary vein (body structure) E07157 87871004 Entire mastoid emissary vein (body structure) P07157 Y 50792 P venous system 4A9AE35F80F54FD0A3427FC44CF726B0 CA20554779404486830F2D0C6A832D2B mastoid emissary vein Entire mastoid emissary vein (body structure) 7158 7158 07158 condylar emissary vein 154631009 S07158 Structure of condylar emissary vein (body structure) E07158 108003 Entire condylar emissary vein (body structure) P07158 Y 50793 P venous system 1674E39EBDFC4044AD54D25A5310702F 76664973B27F4214B8BAAC987D2B181E condylar emissary vein Entire condylar emissary vein (body structure) 7159 7159 07159 occipital emissary vein 154732009 S07159 Structure of occipital emissary vein (body structure) E07159 47697007 Entire occipital emissary vein (body structure) P07159 Y 50794 P venous system 6DBDA629164640319C9A3C32A2C9B4E8 C72EAA8E1CD84EA8985998A5E8DE8EFD occipital emissary vein Entire occipital emissary vein (body structure) 7160 7160 07160 venous plexus of skull 154833009 S07160 Structure of venous plexus of skull (body structure) E07160 43764003 Entire venous plexus of skull (body structure) P07160 - P venous system FC1387E2C438407E9326A39D1E6021CF D4C06B299FD944D8836A351995B6A3EB venous plexus of skull Entire venous plexus of skull (body structure) 7161 7161 07161 venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal 154934004 S07161 Structure of venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal (body structure) E07161 21823003 Entire venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal (body structure) P07161 Y 50795 P venous system 05BA539970264478AA5713B1BF51917C F356831D8F4A4A9D8363A9BAB7A228A5 venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal Entire venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal (body structure) 7162 7162 07162 venous plexus of the foramen ovale basis cranii 155035008 S07162 Structure of venous plexus of the foramen ovale basis cranii (body structure) E07162 4718009 Entire venous plexus of the foramen ovale basis cranii (body structure) P07162 Y 50796 P venous system DA4E7FB7EFF44A6BB69B2991372F4895 4C10D22CD40E4133B3F185B9BBF8B2CB venous plexus of the foramen ovale basis cranii Entire venous plexus of the foramen ovale basis cranii (body structure) 7163 7163 07163 coronoid process of mandible 124002 S07163 Structure of coronoid process of mandible (body structure) E07163 244691004 Entire coronoid process of mandible (body structure) P07163 Y 52833 P skeletal system 41DFB1110C5D4904B5EFD865A3915A81 037BEAD33D26478A9350B7AC700AED37 coronoid process of mandible Entire coronoid process of mandible (body structure) 7164 7164 07164 lateral lacuna of superior sagittal sinus 88288001 S07164 Structure of lateral lacunae of superior sagittal sinus (body structure) E07164 369358005 Entire lateral lacunae of superior sagittal sinus (body structure) P07164 Y P venous system B342376C99D64AD29B14D91A0F718E4B CED44DD2CE61414F80F650786B55B386 lateral lacunae of superior sagittal sinus Entire lateral lacunae of superior sagittal sinus (body structure) 7165 7165 07165 inferior sagittal sinus 33886005 S07165 Structure of inferior sagittal sinus (body structure) E07165 279260007 Entire inferior sagittal sinus (body structure) P07165 - 50768 P venous system 1291964F1369410390ABB88043DAC9D8 C860B3C38DFC45E595310B728C2CDB63 inferior sagittal sinus Entire inferior sagittal sinus (body structure) 7166 7166 07166 straight sinus 38745009 S07166 Structure of straight sinus (body structure) E07166 279261006 Entire straight sinus (body structure) P07166 - 50769 P venous system 08EE9DFDCFB844BE8BBAFEA9950728A5 02B92CA08BB84FC3BF1451D23762B657 straight sinus Entire straight sinus (body structure) 7167 7167 07167 torcular Herophili 2285001 S07167 Structure of torcular Herophili (body structure) E07167 369362004 Entire torcular Herophili (body structure) P07167 - 50784 P venous system 82F9B3AD78F2496296F3443B3352B846 3CFA6E1606A14F08A333B684C6624E2E torcular Herophili Entire torcular Herophili (body structure) 7168 7168 07168 transverse sinus 28448002 S07168 Structure of transverse sinus (body structure) E07168 279262004 Entire transverse sinus (body structure) P07168 Y 50763 P venous system C1DDCF6F40FF4FE9974C346006CEDCB5 2E9A87CF1FE94FB1B52CBE05F33747F4 transverse sinus Entire transverse sinus (body structure) 7169 7169 07169 sigmoid sinus 54110006 S07169 Structure of sigmoid sinus (body structure) E07169 279264003 Entire sigmoid sinus (body structure) P07169 Y 50782 P cardiovascular system AE6F1F1BCC9A497B8B90CD462E5B2FAA 6D84331A21C442ECAF746B211B38F508 sigmoid sinus Entire sigmoid sinus (body structure) 7170 7170 07170 sphenoparietal sinus 6608009 S07170 Structure of sphenoparietal sinus (body structure) E07170 279266001 Entire sphenoparietal sinus (body structure) P07170 Y 50776 P venous system D262F407BDD8484C94152317C329E6C4 18D5BE4D0F8549A8831DCBDB3A18C190 sphenoparietal sinus Entire sphenoparietal sinus (body structure) 7171 7171 07171 cavernous sinus 18782006 S07171 Structure of cavernous sinus (body structure) E07171 244402005 Entire cavernous sinus (body structure) P07171 Y 50772 P venous system EDBAE1DFBEEE4C61A941A49E9F77F2A4 D7CC33472E7F46CEA5648221C5ACDEF0 cavernous sinus Entire cavernous sinus (body structure) 7172 7172 07172 anterior intercavernous sinus 26747001 S07172 Structure of anterior intercavernous sinus (body structure) E07172 369360007 Entire anterior intercavernous sinus (body structure) P07172 Y 50774 P venous system 9B99CDDFA2A144B483D3B11AE32AD750 0A5D0DB2205548D39AD7E0655483123A anterior intercavernous sinus Entire anterior intercavernous sinus (body structure) 7173 7173 07173 angle of mandible 11843008 S07173 Structure of angle of mandible (body structure) E07173 244687009 Entire angle of mandible (body structure) P07173 Y 59459 P skeletal system F6732808E92F49BB9C920A15CAFB08A6 6A9E6B5BFA4C44B9BCCF7671AEC42584 angle of mandible Entire angle of mandible (body structure) 7174 7174 07174 posterior intercavernous sinus 8546004 S07174 Structure of posterior intercavernous sinus (body structure) E07174 369361006 Entire posterior intercavernous sinus (body structure) P07174 Y 50775 P venous system C54D66CAF8954AEAAA1542BB1FC65D42 F9CAC9647235465A9B097D85539C0DB6 posterior intercavernous sinus Entire posterior intercavernous sinus (body structure) 7175 7175 07175 superior petrosal sinus 52066009 S07175 Structure of superior petrosal sinus (body structure) E07175 369359002 Entire superior petrosal sinus (body structure) P07175 Y 50771 P venous system C927ABC6E97E45FC99926558D2CB84ED 34A76C712F4848E5AD8108DA99B7287A superior petrosal sinus Entire superior petrosal sinus (body structure) 7176 7176 07176 inferior petrosal sinus 57657004 S07176 Structure of inferior petrosal sinus (body structure) E07176 279263009 Entire inferior petrosal sinus (body structure) P07176 Y 50770 P venous system D25AC1F6168B4FD1AF95D9E4A9289E05 7526D178E0484F1AAB564034C1D0865F inferior petrosal sinus Entire inferior petrosal sinus (body structure) 7177 7177 07177 basilar sinus 75223001 S07177 Structure of basilar sinus (body structure) E07177 279265002 Entire basilar sinus (body structure) P07177 - 50783 P venous system 8508BDBC4C424D769A667B9F14FFDD07 A74E095C5F654BFE9FC268CE21B2C6D1 basilar sinus Entire basilar sinus (body structure) 7178 7178 07178 occipital sinus 48917006 S07178 Structure of occipital sinus (body structure) E07178 279267005 Entire occipital sinus (body structure) P07178 - 50781 P venous system CA4A29F9FA8048F2AF54A34A6ADF4ECF E6FDE9FCFFBF43F3AE7783BBB4F670D2 occipital sinus Entire occipital sinus (body structure) 7179 7179 07179 spina mentalis 44736000 S07179 Structure of spina mentalis (body structure) E07179 302175004 Entire spina mentalis (body structure) P07179 Y P skeletal system 789BA2E4DD794FF3A4239078D11DDF2F 975DE3291CEB4D18910E25ABA0D598ED spina mentalis Entire spina mentalis (body structure) 7180 7180 07180 alveolar part of mandible 415635007 S07180 Structure of alveolar part of mandible (body structure) E07180 368874000 Entire alveolar process of mandible (body structure) P07180 - 52832 P skeletal system 5F1064151C6A4153BD791045AFE67ECE EAD61CAFFE4C4FB389109B511AA3400D alveolar part of mandible Entire alveolar process of mandible (body structure) 7181 7181 07181 mandibular canal 7854005 S07181 Structure of mandibular canal (body structure) E07181 368876003 Entire mandibular canal (body structure) P07181 Y 0 P skeletal system 12EF2EEEC6DB4796B69196E8B9E91851 B4CDBD3154A847B29964FA92AB664307 mandibular canal Entire mandibular canal (body structure) 7183 7183 07183 mandibular foramen 69000004 S07183 Structure of mandibular foramen (body structure) E07183 368877007 Entire mandibular foramen (body structure) P07183 Y 0 P skeletal system 5CB0AABE611B4FC6AF05F9D8D4A5A01C 42E74BEB2A5C41CFAD711ECD9277A731 mandibular foramen Entire mandibular foramen (body structure) 7184 7184 07184 lower female genitourinary tract 53851002 S07184 Structure of lower female genitourinary tract (body structure) E07184 323422005 Entire lower female genitourinary tract (body structure) P07184 - P genitourinary system 9D8752F062104CEC914228EDC47F2248 55A20F505A76480A99484E623B3386F5 lower female genitourinary tract Entire lower female genitourinary tract (body structure) 7185 7185 07185 upper female genitourinary tract 27436002 S07185 Structure of upper female genitourinary tract (body structure) E07185 323230009 Entire upper female genitourinary tract (body structure) P07185 - P genitourinary system 5B302DAF00CC4FDFA79D4D954764CA8F C4581246096D40878D2F14ED33E660EE upper female genitourinary tract Entire upper female genitourinary tract (body structure) 7186 7186 07186 body of hyoid bone 61763006 S07186 Structure of body of hyoid bone (body structure) E07186 369006007 Entire body of hyoid bone (body structure) P07186 - 59495 P skeletal system 5DB8FFC436A04AE5AEDE2D3E28E1E103 035443CE6138462BADE5ADE33BC92809 body of hyoid bone Entire body of hyoid bone (body structure) 7187 7187 07187 lesser horn of hyoid bone 81298002 S07187 Structure of lesser horn of hyoid bone (body structure) E07187 369007003 Entire lesser horn of hyoid bone (body structure) P07187 Y 59499 P skeletal system 665D40C87A0E43DABFB9EDACD3497B80 92147BC9A2454083AEA2009C38B37F8E lesser horn of hyoid bone Entire lesser horn of hyoid bone (body structure) 7188 7188 07188 greater horn of hyoid bone 77684002 S07188 Structure of greater horn of hyoid bone (body structure) E07188 369008008 Entire greater horn of hyoid bone (body structure) P07188 Y 59496 P skeletal system 2D5B36AC29124D3B80651ECF64976155 2A39254C68354883884E14BCDBD97DEF greater horn of hyoid bone Entire greater horn of hyoid bone (body structure) 7189 7189 07189 vault of skull 10927008 S07189 Structure of vault of skull (body structure) E07189 P07189 - P skeletal system B97B0483211245449C7AB870A5B1A484 vault of skull 7190 7190 07190 vermilion border of upper lip 128250007 S07190 Structure of vermilion border of upper lip (body structure) E07190 245799004 Entire vermilion border of upper lip (body structure) P07190 - 59390 P digestive system 48B3DA08C8DF4DF9AB55326C3166098B AB8B12D00BD046949F80AA4E2A3300D7 vermilion border of upper lip Entire vermilion border of upper lip (body structure) 7191 7191 07191 vermilion border of lower lip 128251006 S07191 Structure of vermilion border of lower lip (body structure) E07191 245800000 Entire vermilion border of lower lip (body structure) P07191 - 59391 P digestive system FC7F42DCB4D84D1A962C7D7159C9841E 28BFD99B74F548E5A5A469C8E9AA3553 vermilion border of lower lip Entire vermilion border of lower lip (body structure) 7192 7192 07192 mesiobuccal cusp 110578005 S07192 Structure of mesiobuccal cusp (body structure) E07192 245721005 Entire mesiobuccal cusp (body structure) P07192 Y 56491 P digestive system 7423EA5E9CB84D2CA5AD532BAF5ECA59 F2409C34F536417C8F04161260F5CC57 mesiobuccal cusp Entire mesiobuccal cusp (body structure) 7193 7193 07193 mesiolingual cusp 110579002 S07193 Structure of mesiolingual cusp (body structure) E07193 245723008 Entire mesiolingual cusp (body structure) P07193 Y 56493 P digestive system 573CC2FFDFDC4B3DBFF8A17D0BBA53F4 1F1818925D0D45D8B375F16A20682BC8 mesiolingual cusp Entire mesiolingual cusp (body structure) 7194 7194 07194 lingual cusp 110580004 S07194 Structure of lingual cusp (body structure) E07194 245720006 Entire lingual cusp (body structure) P07194 Y 56490 P digestive system E26E233B647D42EEB9C8813B89BA2117 B91CFBC59E844962B3E7208660C81AE3 lingual cusp Entire lingual cusp (body structure) 7195 7195 07195 distobuccal cusp 110581000 S07195 Structure of distobuccal cusp (body structure) E07195 245724002 Entire distobuccal cusp (body structure) P07195 Y 56494 P digestive system 5D31EC2CA1224BDA900694A52169CCA6 ACB82CDA2A1B4DC7B6C2701567EA4E20 distobuccal cusp Entire distobuccal cusp (body structure) 7196 7196 07196 distolingual cusp 110582007 S07196 Structure of distolingual cusp (body structure) E07196 245726000 Entire distolingual cusp (body structure) P07196 Y 56496 P digestive system 6718F5B8B32A45BAA9C76511DCE3734E 3C78C614489543FF9E8E75993CEAF658 distolingual cusp Entire distolingual cusp (body structure) 7197 7197 07197 buccal cusp 110583002 S07197 Structure of buccal cusp (body structure) E07197 245718008 Entire buccal cusp (body structure) P07197 Y 56488 P digestive system BFCEB0F2CBDE47F48EE80AE87216C8E6 4413F27E46934DEBAEE91F073599FEAB buccal cusp Entire buccal cusp (body structure) 7199 7199 07199 anterior surface of manubrium 7829005 S07199 Structure of anterior surface of manubrium (body structure) E07199 367884001 Entire anterior surface of manubrium (body structure) P07199 - 7510 P skeletal system CB874A7C72F74777830C5B37BD6CFBDA 32218C4CCB36421EA7D6631E9E2347D8 anterior surface of manubrium Entire anterior surface of manubrium (body structure) 7200 7200 07200 posterior surface of manubrium 35138002 S07200 Structure of posterior surface of manubrium (body structure) E07200 367885000 Entire posterior surface of manubrium (body structure) P07200 - 7511 P skeletal system 568C5619F4CA4121BDE48031E5A149DE 76DC45DEC2FF45D685CC9CFFA46D8950 posterior surface of manubrium Entire posterior surface of manubrium (body structure) 7201 7201 07201 gingival sulcus 110597005 S07201 Structure of gingival sulcus (body structure) E07201 245753001 Entire gingival sulcus (body structure) P07201 - 74580 P digestive system 2B473B7062C74D05BEF61B946FCB507A 0A7F5223D1124184B43871C1B8960319 gingival sulcus Entire gingival sulcus (body structure) 7202 7202 07202 inferior border of manubrium 89276008 S07202 Structure of inferior border of manubrium (body structure) E07202 367887008 Entire inferior border of manubrium (body structure) P07202 - 7513 P skeletal system F70BEE4036C24A21811FC9C07AF052E5 ABCCA6EA2127477586F4110A71386902 inferior border of manubrium Entire inferior border of manubrium (body structure) 7203 7203 07203 lateral border of manubrium 74440002 S07203 Structure of lateral border of manubrium (body structure) E07203 367888003 Entire lateral border of manubrium (body structure) P07203 Y 7514 P skeletal system BC42840BF3F84F50994478A1BA665260 60D1E7FF46494BA1A1263E471DA18C33 lateral border of manubrium Entire lateral border of manubrium (body structure) 7204 7204 07204 clavicular notch of sternum 75319007 S07204 Structure of clavicular notch of sternum (body structure) E07204 367886004 Entire clavicular notch of sternum (body structure) P07204 Y 7541 P skeletal system 3FB8D12414104B11B6F2A85101B7651F 76BC0F477BB44A5D8EDEB3341ADE2526 clavicular notch of sternum Entire clavicular notch of sternum (body structure) 7205 7205 07205 sternal angle 44612009 S07205 Structure of sternal angle (body structure) E07205 367894006 Entire sternal angle (body structure) P07205 - 7547 P skeletal system B97869223BE941539DF040F37561B872 3F2CB12CF9544619819608EC6D546DEA sternal angle Entire sternal angle (body structure) 7206 7206 07206 anterior surface of body of sternum 44871006 S07206 Structure of anterior surface of body of sternum (body structure) E07206 367889006 Entire anterior surface of body of sternum (body structure) P07206 - 7515 P skeletal system 938E86A3569F4FD98A13466ECDF78B21 565EE8208B5C49D69A910F9E2B21E454 anterior surface of body of sternum Entire anterior surface of body of sternum (body structure) 7207 7207 07207 posterior surface of body of sternum 75526008 S07207 Structure of posterior surface of body of sternum (body structure) E07207 367890002 Entire posterior surface of body of sternum (body structure) P07207 - 7516 P skeletal system E1B1757C461D4CDCAE745E6B8ECDA257 34EBC2AEC4C743BE836561E62548659F posterior surface of body of sternum Entire posterior surface of body of sternum (body structure) 7208 7208 07208 skin of toe 52034004 S07208 Skin structure of toe (body structure) E07208 181530005 Entire skin of toe (body structure) P07208 Y 37852 D integument/surface DE66801595BB4778B5A3B1047384806E 0310F0E1F3ED4A3399A535888103087C Skin of toe Entire skin of toe (body structure) 7209 7209 07209 lateral border of body of sternum 72105007 S07209 Structure of lateral border of body of sternum (body structure) E07209 367891003 Entire lateral border of body of sternum (body structure) P07209 Y 7517 P skeletal system D594DFB2DCF640A58EECC79D70E4B708 8D3AF86EE06347D9813BB865154DFE72 lateral border of body of sternum Entire lateral border of body of sternum (body structure) 7210 7210 07210 right lateral border of body of sternum 367892005 S07210 Structure of right lateral border of body of sternum (body structure) E07210 60487002 Entire right lateral border of body of sternum (body structure) P07210 R 7518 P skeletal system A7530809E0654302B47A48CBA30A55AD 83E1D9CC96814E0E899DF9F01BFB9E45 right lateral border of body of sternum Entire right lateral border of body of sternum (body structure) 7211 7211 07211 left lateral border of body of sternum 367893000 S07211 Structure of left lateral border of body of sternum (body structure) E07211 39095009 Entire left lateral border of body of sternum (body structure) P07211 L 7519 P skeletal system 896824C0C1E74FF988F1EAEE16C75852 D83E364B6F0643089FBB81FFAB044E12 left lateral border of body of sternum Entire left lateral border of body of sternum (body structure) 7212 7212 07212 xiphoid process of sternum 20298003 S07212 Structure of xiphoid process of sternum (body structure) E07212 272711000 Entire xiphoid process of sternum (body structure) P07212 - 7488 P skeletal system 65B9D097B1FF48E091D612D676EA1617 23EC33AA4F8744F3B581E8E37530C80E xiphoid process of sternum Entire xiphoid process of sternum (body structure) 7213 7213 07213 facet for costal cartilage of sternum 28310008 S07213 Structure of facet for costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) E07213 367895007 Entire facet for costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) P07213 Y P skeletal system 00725E2FC2AB4FCA8C1E5EBB344E842A 0EBCAEE479924117A591B7E2DA31EBF0 facet for costal cartilage of sternum Entire facet for costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) 7214 7214 07214 facet for first costal cartilage of sternum 367896008 S07214 Structure of facet for first costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) E07214 44614005 Entire facet for first costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) P07214 Y P skeletal system 1E1F04698B87487494C4D292E0342163 9F40DE3F5A0344A183E237A4C860ABB6 facet for first costal cartilage of sternum Entire facet for first costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) 7215 7215 07215 perihepatic region 29055000 S07215 Structure of perihepatic region (body structure) E07215 243273005 Entire perihepatic region (body structure) P07215 - P regional/topgraphical 5983BE34445F4BFABB342040B3DF4EDF A24F6BAA66744E46A9002D0425552290 perihepatic region Entire perihepatic region (body structure) 7216 7216 07216 subhepatic region 40954003 S07216 Structure of subhepatic region (body structure) E07216 243298006 Entire subhepatic region (body structure) P07216 - P regional/topgraphical 5D01941F894F4B648DA1E23D5B412F4C 9229348EF848472994C89FB6D7BF4C59 subhepatic region Entire subhepatic region (body structure) 7217 7217 07217 facet for second costal cartilage of sternum 367897004 S07217 Structure of facet for second costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) E07217 45473007 Entire facet for second costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) P07217 Y P skeletal system AEAC2B07432A4C3D955486901C4ACAB2 E1B9EB36A6ED421FA2941C7694BF00CD facet for second costal cartilage of sternum Entire facet for second costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) 7218 7218 07218 facet for third costal cartilage of sternum 367898009 S07218 Structure of facet for third costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) E07218 74393000 Entire facet for third costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) P07218 Y P skeletal system AAD9FF2A3F644F96B56B2391B89592CD F92A3A4BC1C047719B2B88BF58DBE049 facet for third costal cartilage of sternum Entire facet for third costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) 7219 7219 07219 facet for fourth costal cartilage of sternum 367899001 S07219 Structure of facet for fourth costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) E07219 70569003 Entire facet for fourth costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) P07219 Y P skeletal system 769220119A47454E96670DE0292ADB5D 3742204C2BD547BC8B98931D67CB32A3 facet for fourth costal cartilage of sternum Entire facet for fourth costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) 7220 7220 07220 facet for fifth costal cartilage of sternum 367900006 S07220 Structure of facet for fifth costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) E07220 9558005 Entire facet for fifth costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) P07220 Y P skeletal system 2BDE16AF23404398BE023D1C90430AA6 DE94B163781D4CE4BE9F7D5DE2B1BCCF facet for fifth costal cartilage of sternum Entire facet for fifth costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) 7221 7221 07221 skin of dorsal area of toe 51479008 S07221 Skin structure of dorsal surface of toe (body structure) E07221 219284001 Entire skin of dorsal surface of toe (body structure) P07221 Y D integument/surface 7EB5912AC1554577B91B1539176CAE24 2173BE50B1784A4CA411A2A0FE313C33 Skin of dorsal surface of toe Entire skin of dorsal surface of toe (body structure) 7222 7222 07222 facet for sixth costal cartilage of sternum 367901005 S07222 Structure of facet for sixth costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) E07222 33625009 Entire facet for sixth costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) P07222 Y P skeletal system 60BE86DDB46144EA8604E784B9068E42 30DDC5E9D34E4621BD66C27D6DA36713 facet for sixth costal cartilage of sternum Entire facet for sixth costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) 7223 7223 07223 facet for seventh costal cartilage of sternum 367902003 S07223 Structure of facet for seventh costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) E07223 113195006 Entire facet for seventh costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) P07223 Y P skeletal system 7B587379C5134E0E83FD513D6F20B0EA 16CDEF64A5584481B04F310FE5C67B1E facet for seventh costal cartilage of sternum Entire facet for seventh costal cartilage of sternum (body structure) 7224 7224 07224 crest of head of rib 27098007 S07224 Structure of crest of head of rib (body structure) E07224 367904002 Entire crest of head of rib (body structure) P07224 Y 7578 P skeletal system AF7D9A1245A7448E9A9E5ADB97F87576 5EBB6785850E4B32AAF0AE0641C40792 crest of head of rib Entire crest of head of rib (body structure) 7225 7225 07225 neck of rib 72184008 S07225 Structure of neck of rib (body structure) E07225 263359009 Entire neck of rib (body structure) P07225 Y 7576 P skeletal system 1F086E0DD75448AFB7AE159329029001 CF36968483AA4671BE7003A908FED8AE neck of rib Entire neck of rib (body structure) 7226 7226 07226 articular part of tubercle of rib 69585000 S07226 Structure of articular part of tubercle of rib (body structure) E07226 367931004 Entire articular part of tubercle of rib (body structure) P07226 Y 66090 P skeletal system D43B7153B8954FC3B3181EDAE0CBD82D 2E1B5F0A0F3B40BA9779313ED5C4D7D6 articular part of tubercle of rib Entire articular part of tubercle of rib (body structure) 7227 7227 07227 retroileal space 72190007 S07227 Structure of retroileal space (body structure) E07227 248620003 Entire retroileal space (body structure) P07227 - P 8610D7586709429DB64188BF05E24A01 73D6799E2E8B4B3E832E0E103BE3C1AF retroileal space Entire retroileal space (body structure) 7228 7228 07228 non-articular part of tubercle of rib 69177000 S07228 Structure of non-articular part of tubercle of rib (body structure) E07228 367943003 Entire non-articular part of tubercle of rib (body structure) P07228 Y 7585 P skeletal system F15E7CF08DDB42D9BD5A8DEFA1DB389F 666F237BB21D4CF5B6A4D66D8DCB87E3 non-articular part of tubercle of rib Entire non-articular part of tubercle of rib (body structure) 7229 7229 07229 periappendiceal tissue 78942005 S07229 Structure of periappendiceal tissue (body structure) E07229 276686006 Entire periappendiceal tissue (body structure) P07229 - P 6B760B6ADA1445D5B84845CBDB4B76B8 D85763B637FC4EA7B3AC65553171DBF5 periappendiceal tissue Entire periappendiceal tissue (body structure) 7230 7230 07230 angle of rib 14510004 S07230 Structure of angle of rib (body structure) E07230 263360004 Entire angle of rib (body structure) P07230 Y 7589 P skeletal system F2ECF50B606E43009BDE57A6FEEDA5D2 FDE151C1A4A64D998A171FD017181AE2 angle of rib Entire angle of rib (body structure) 7231 7231 07231 skin of plantar area of toe 23764007 S07231 Skin structure of plantar surface of toe (body structure) E07231 220494001 Entire skin of plantar surface of toe (body structure) P07231 Y D integument/surface DEB42AF85410411EB94304AF9034914D 2EACFADE9F874E72AC4C9C6AF820C48E Skin of plantar surface of toe Entire skin of plantar surface of toe (body structure) 7232 7232 07232 costal groove 17399006 S07232 Structure of costal groove (body structure) E07232 367967006 Entire costal groove (body structure) P07232 Y 7588 P skeletal system 507F1DF3758D4045A2856A369C19E7F9 621DC2D0EDE84BF6874A091BFA1A6B50 costal groove Entire costal groove (body structure) 7233 7233 07233 shaft of rib 41601005 S07233 Structure of shaft of rib (body structure) E07233 263361000 Entire shaft of rib (body structure) P07233 Y 7577 P skeletal system 4AC4A1FA19B342B0A341ED8F5196E90D FD22E845F0BD47DCB92E12ABB6450945 shaft of rib Entire shaft of rib (body structure) 7234 7234 07234 upper border of rib 90519000 S07234 Structure of upper border of rib (body structure) E07234 367992009 Entire upper border of rib (body structure) P07234 Y 7598 P skeletal system 16C84D764EA843DDAADC8073D4B68713 C26A1A21F8524788802BDB530C504D3F upper border of rib Entire upper border of rib (body structure) 7235 7235 07235 under border of rib 35707007 S07235 Structure of under border of rib (body structure) E07235 368005001 Entire under border of rib (body structure) P07235 Y P skeletal system DD10B3D8A3A84C718A635B9BC9014B35 0C39D57DDCFA447FA798D92414B9F03E under border of rib Entire under border of rib (body structure) 7236 7236 07236 outer surface of rib 39296001 S07236 Structure of outer surface of rib (body structure) E07236 368018009 Entire outer surface of rib (body structure) P07236 Y 7586 P skeletal system 9745974DAA5A4F9785DC4F996761A6DF 6AC09E1489A14BB0B52C5358EB5FDA88 outer surface of rib Entire outer surface of rib (body structure) 7237 7237 07237 upper male genitourinary tract 31176002 S07237 Structure of upper male genitourinary tract (body structure) E07237 323328005 Entire upper male genitourinary tract (body structure) P07237 - P genitourinary system 235550B3C81D42C59BE12CF50D931C1E 9442A7924D754835AE385C7051643DDE upper male genitourinary tract Entire upper male genitourinary tract (body structure) 7238 7238 07238 inner surface of rib 19460009 S07238 Structure of inner surface of rib (body structure) E07238 368031004 Entire inner surface of rib (body structure) P07238 Y 7587 P skeletal system 7236C60A87E14C1CB3E31AC2FBF08C77 71494AAE05CA4DC7AF39A4F6D71ACA16 inner surface of rib Entire inner surface of rib (body structure) 7239 7239 07239 crest of head of first rib 367905001 S07239 Structure of crest of head of first rib (body structure) E07239 15599006 Entire crest of head of first rib (body structure) P07239 Y P skeletal system 358650B79805495B93BC7E5B02693B88 D0F7CFF472DC401BB79A959F7297609F crest of head of first rib Entire crest of head of first rib (body structure) 7240 7240 07240 spinal sensory afferent system 12284002 S07240 Structure of spinal sensory afferent system (body structure) E07240 315876002 Entire spinal sensory afferent system (body structure) P07240 Y P nervous system C474AE8D878D4462AE6526625897836F 0124C2A3D0F44FB997EDA5B00370B743 spinal sensory afferent system Entire spinal sensory afferent system (body structure) 7242 7242 07242 neck of first rib 367917004 S07242 Structure of neck of first rib (body structure) E07242 49684002 Entire neck of first rib (body structure) P07242 Y 7601 P skeletal system D091125442874B0492514733B06A4161 D8FED19021404B9E8A371F3D2526A7F2 neck of first rib Entire neck of first rib (body structure) 7243 7243 07243 nervous system ganglion 64274004 S07243 Structure of nervous system ganglion (body structure) E07243 342603008 Entire nervous system ganglion (body structure) P07243 - P nervous system 47E940034CF2465DA65DDA8026765F61 0EC4E422A92E4057965700BBEF6A1332 nervous system ganglion Entire nervous system ganglion (body structure) 7244 7244 07244 special senses organ system 57645008 S07244 Structure of special senses organ system (body structure) E07244 276152001 Entire special senses organ system (body structure) P07244 - 7189 P special senses organ system 2957188603BD47DEB7A2E5684D029104 B6DA6B80824F4431B72D24D02A924109 special senses organ system Entire special senses organ system (body structure) 7245 7245 07245 intracranial vein 128320002 S07245 Structure of intracranial vein (body structure) E07245 244391007 Entire intracranial vein (body structure) P07245 - P cardiovascular system FD2AE0FBD1B04975B2AD8839B2703DE4 AC874D0A4BAE4F878DA58833C8357E29 intracranial vein Entire intracranial vein (body structure) 7246 7246 07246 skin of lateral area of toe 47984008 S07246 Skin structure of lateral surface of toe (body structure) E07246 221703006 Entire skin of lateral surface of toe (body structure) P07246 Y D integument/surface F8DDBB8549FB40C0A38AB74C3211C3AC 6718C7A534D44B019B1B287FC03F73A3 Skin of lateral surface of toe Entire skin of lateral surface of toe (body structure) 7247 7247 07247 articular part of tubercle of first rib 367932006 S07247 Structure of articular part of tubercle of first rib (body structure) E07247 63845005 Entire articular part of tubercle of first rib (body structure) P07247 Y 66092 P skeletal system 88C35AC806D54422A3BB82CD9FE29B8F 219C35B503B24897938AEE48B949AD61 articular part of tubercle of first rib Entire articular part of tubercle of first rib (body structure) 7248 7248 07248 non-articular part of tubercle of first rib 367944009 S07248 Structure of non-articular part of tubercle of first rib (body structure) E07248 77516002 Entire non-articular part of tubercle of first rib (body structure) P07248 Y 7607 P skeletal system 9DEB47B6D4B44E6B9D0F0850DF201D1D 403B168B91AE4FA1A54B66BFFD5BA5EA non-articular part of tubercle of first rib Entire non-articular part of tubercle of first rib (body structure) 7249 7249 07249 angle of first rib 367955009 S07249 Structure of angle of first rib (body structure) E07249 5122003 Entire angle of first rib (body structure) P07249 Y 7608 P skeletal system 8238FDC2FD1F4B6DA9F0BBDA06E7A45C 2BF7245C5BCA408496A579FDD3E09950 angle of first rib Entire angle of first rib (body structure) 7250 7250 07250 costal groove of first rib 367968001 S07250 Structure of costal groove of first rib (body structure) E07250 18882001 Entire costal groove of first rib (body structure) P07250 Y P skeletal system 7B9C645899B047C6AC4DBC7F844111A5 9F563CF9ACCB426FBABF4AF9E239DA51 costal groove of first rib Entire costal groove of first rib (body structure) 7251 7251 07251 shaft of first rib 367980009 S07251 Structure of shaft of first rib (body structure) E07251 29413002 Entire shaft of first rib (body structure) P07251 Y 7602 P skeletal system 875D856CDE044B37853DD379F65C259C 22447977362D43ABA224678177EA6B77 shaft of first rib Entire shaft of first rib (body structure) 7252 7252 07252 upper border of first rib 367993004 S07252 Structure of upper border of first rib (body structure) E07252 21421005 Entire upper border of first rib (body structure) P07252 Y 7609 P skeletal system 3AE2550CBE864BF985217412A6E312E2 40BDC3AFC63A4B66886BFDE64F9BD468 upper border of first rib Entire upper border of first rib (body structure) 7253 7253 07253 under border of first rib 368006000 S07253 Structure of under border of first rib (body structure) E07253 18547008 Entire under border of first rib (body structure) P07253 Y 7610 P skeletal system 8D449991B14140FE9AB59F0863B8D0EB 5C2B56C33A9844E4A82F5E3AFBF869BD under border of first rib Entire under border of first rib (body structure) 7254 7254 07254 Virchow-Robin space 23533008 S07254 Structure of virchow-Robin space (body structure) E07254 324289009 Entire virchow-Robin space (body structure) P07254 - P nervous system 4B2CC85440D2455D841D48E16585DCC3 C02CE10D9B3F474694270A2B9BE100BA virchow-Robin space Entire virchow-Robin space (body structure) 7255 7255 07255 Held's space 18812005 S07255 Structure of Held's space (body structure) E07255 324097006 Entire Held's space (body structure) P07255 - P nervous system 10E49A4ACC614278B1967286311C2C8B D714025EC2FF400D8526939A12D4A71B Held's space Entire Held's space (body structure) 7256 7256 07256 His' perivascular space 324385000 S07256 Structure of His' perivascular space (body structure) E07256 87501008 Entire His' perivascular space (body structure) P07256 - P nervous system 9741AA95E2484017889F998A5B4599DD FF9585C43B3B4CEFB57051622C358E22 His' perivascular space Entire His' perivascular space (body structure) 7257 7257 07257 outer surface of first rib 368019001 S07257 Structure of outer surface of first rib (body structure) E07257 79715007 Entire outer surface of first rib (body structure) P07257 Y 7611 P skeletal system 089790FAF8AB4B92821AA4DD48DD7E9A 40ED50C6F56B4074961FB7835A96207D outer surface of first rib Entire outer surface of first rib (body structure) 7258 7258 07258 meningeal space 32111004 S07258 Structure of meningeal space (body structure) E07258 324194002 Entire meningeal spaces (body structure) P07258 - P nervous system C3CD4BEC9886413A8FC3AF35E051FBBC 3F9C7DD83D744364854B9335F0BB34E6 meningeal space Entire meningeal spaces (body structure) 7259 7259 07259 basal meninges 113298000 S07259 Structure of basal meninges (body structure) E07259 369270007 Entire basal meninges (body structure) P07259 - P nervous system 012B52F1931444C196B1B7D2EF7DBFE7 A620BE41F291438A99E253733B6659B6 basal meninges Entire basal meninges (body structure) 7260 7260 07260 inner surface of first rib 368032006 S07260 Structure of inner surface of first rib (body structure) E07260 35862005 Entire inner surface of first rib (body structure) P07260 Y 7612 P skeletal system 96F3960F1EE04574AE312143E295F967 08C1D466BB7F495B82154D39EBF122AB inner surface of first rib Entire inner surface of first rib (body structure) 7261 7261 07261 falx cerebri 80401008 S07261 Structure of falx cerebri (body structure) E07261 279275004 Entire falx cerebri (body structure) P07261 - 83967 P nervous system 7BBD205D7A66434FAE816C902F5445B3 2A9478C21B674977BAFEA84F7059FD3D falx cerebri Entire falx cerebri (body structure) 7262 7262 07262 falx cerebelli 81084000 S07262 Structure of falx cerebelli (body structure) E07262 280380009 Entire falx cerebelli (body structure) P07262 - 83974 P nervous system 7192D5828166434B8D420B5B64892C41 C815C47CCC94481395F12A2ACBF2BDD7 falx cerebelli Entire falx cerebelli (body structure) 7263 7263 07263 dentate ligament 83083000 S07263 Structure of dentate ligament (body structure) E07263 315774009 Entire dentate ligament (body structure) P07263 - 71245 P nervous system B3677201F6FC4F0DB69330A2F3DB3CB0 2CE29EAC3C9547D5822D4399EEA8AA6A dentate ligament Entire dentate ligament (body structure) 7264 7264 07264 skin of hypothenar region of palm 89784008 S07264 Skin structure of hypothenar region of palm (body structure) E07264 244161005 Entire skin of hypothenar region of palm (body structure) P07264 Y D integument/surface A534047A88A64FCF9624C7F1D5F8E980 4AC6F5E2CC384B0D870A45BCA79E0B37 Skin of hypothenar region of palm Entire skin of hypothenar region of palm (body structure) 7265 7265 07265 skin of medial area of toe 74436006 S07265 Skin structure of medial surface of toe (body structure) E07265 222923004 Entire skin of medial surface of toe (body structure) P07265 Y D integument/surface C54637C398484827BA50BA686F6AF4EA D8DA3EBC6DBE4A63947175476A1478B9 Skin of medial surface of toe Entire skin of medial surface of toe (body structure) 7266 7266 07266 epidural space 30636001 S07266 Structure of epidural space (body structure) E07266 281866004 Entire epidural space (body structure) P07266 - 0 P nervous system D8C8B011A11441C6A8510D219D7291DB B083265232514D2F8762ED3584BB8431 epidural space Entire epidural space (body structure) 7267 7267 07267 subdural space of basal region 55962004 S07267 Structure of subdural space of basal region (body structure) E07267 369385003 Entire subdural space of basal region (body structure) P07267 - P nervous system A6ABF11D5BC343F6A9027E9CDA3277E6 1CADEED6BB9743018ECB2EC20B16E9A4 subdural space of basal region Entire subdural space of basal region (body structure) 7268 7268 07268 crest of head of second rib 367906000 S07268 Structure of crest of head of second rib (body structure) E07268 90015001 Entire crest of head of second rib (body structure) P07268 Y 7632 P skeletal system 3CAA4B4125124745B0D721A7B433C20C DB469F7FABAF43C881086DF6DB696BB7 crest of head of second rib Entire crest of head of second rib (body structure) 7269 7269 07269 subarachnoid cistern 61878005 S07269 Structure of subarachnoid cistern (body structure) E07269 314223007 Entire subarachnoid cistern (body structure) P07269 - 83717 P nervous system 73BAB927D1F14E91889847BC2EB2A80F 20DBA10D136D4510A72527B6C052BF5B subarachnoid cistern Entire subarachnoid cistern (body structure) 7270 7270 07270 cisterna fossae lateralis cerebri 369386002 S07270 Structure of cisterna fossae lateralis cerebri (body structure) E07270 12590004 Entire cisterna fossae lateralis cerebri (body structure) P07270 Y 83723 P nervous system 966B66A4292E4AEB91A5009E03C93C9E 0044F99CD1B149458FB0B680B56BA0BF cisterna fossae lateralis cerebri Entire cisterna fossae lateralis cerebri (body structure) 7271 7271 07271 cisterna magna 54165005 S07271 Structure of cisterna magna (body structure) E07271 280391002 Entire cisterna magna (body structure) P07271 - P nervous system F9FFDF2318474A87A1218F6B3D982DC1 56F786F333994448BF66831630956591 cisterna magna Entire cisterna magna (body structure) 7272 7272 07272 cisterna pontis 369387006 S07272 Structure of cisterna pontis (body structure) E07272 2499000 Entire cisterna pontis (body structure) P07272 - P nervous system DF5948C8F51543A68770E7FB321A689A B363031EBAF149BD8772D8A417154E6D cisterna pontis Entire cisterna pontis (body structure) 7273 7273 07273 cisterna ambiens 369388001 S07273 Structure of cisterna ambiens (body structure) E07273 56154003 Entire cisterna ambiens (body structure) P07273 - P nervous system 8B67DC24FB584E50B1BE244060056C80 99849B9D84CA4E22AABCF827C4FA0FBE cisterna ambiens Entire cisterna ambiens (body structure) 7274 7274 07274 cisterna interpeduncularis 369389009 S07274 Structure of cisterna interpeduncularis (body structure) E07274 91565009 Entire cisterna interpeduncularis (body structure) P07274 - 83718 P nervous system D7A89C426B87424B99A0B177492829A5 622F11F2024C405CA0EFD67E0C65BEF4 cisterna interpeduncularis Entire cisterna interpeduncularis (body structure) 7275 7275 07275 cisterna chiasmatica 369390000 S07275 Structure of cisterna chiasmatica (body structure) E07275 47947006 Entire cisterna chiasmatica (body structure) P07275 - 74515 P nervous system 37F2F6A1EC734AAB80EF064AC597A7BD 59935697C0EC49778DF071006A4EC86C cisterna chiasmatica Entire cisterna chiasmatica (body structure) 7276 7276 07276 neck of second rib 367918009 S07276 Structure of neck of second rib (body structure) E07276 48876005 Entire neck of second rib (body structure) P07276 Y 7622 P skeletal system 8F61F58D0FDD49DD96C212EFC5692DE5 4AF7974A715F460699A1F531ED6BE7C4 neck of second rib Entire neck of second rib (body structure) 7277 7277 07277 cisterna lamina terminalis 369391001 S07277 Structure of cisterna lamina terminalis (body structure) E07277 12692002 Entire cisterna lamina terminalis (body structure) P07277 - 74516 P nervous system 0EB7C688E5AC42CBA7511A3ED8E01E2E 186C5297FA964069AF7DC335DF565A45 cisterna lamina terminalis Entire cisterna lamina terminalis (body structure) 7278 7278 07278 cisterna corpus callosum 369392008 S07278 Structure of cisterna corpus callosum (body structure) E07278 23660009 Entire cisterna corpus callosum (body structure) P07278 - P nervous system C271147D358643AFA48D8FCE4F68D2D8 6DDD8057C23040039275F0989A2E6ED6 cisterna corpus callosum Entire cisterna corpus callosum (body structure) 7279 7279 07279 cavum septi pellucidi 74968005 S07279 Structure of cavum septi pellucidi (body structure) E07279 369196003 Entire cavum septi pellucidi (body structure) P07279 Y 61874 P nervous system 6C5A5DF452E5409DB57E1C8ACD90EE6E 91D3D834B3A14373B2B4F6337054111C cavum septi pellucidi Entire cavum septi pellucidi (body structure) 7280 7280 07280 ependyma of lateral ventricle 23559006 S07280 Structure of ependyma of lateral ventricle (body structure) E07280 369275002 Entire ependyma of lateral ventricle (body structure) P07280 Y 242825 P nervous system 2DFB801CA0D7448698983B4A6E9033D0 BEB16CDF9ABD4680B4A0F540ED5D12CA ependyma of lateral ventricle Entire ependyma of lateral ventricle (body structure) 7281 7281 07281 body of lateral ventricle 34803007 S07281 Structure of body of lateral ventricle (body structure) E07281 279246005 Entire body of lateral ventricle (body structure) P07281 Y 83703 P nervous system 9692732BC7F74DF295E70CA92B9D61FC 98914857B81847F5A7E2F79DED068585 body of lateral ventricle Entire body of lateral ventricle (body structure) 7282 7282 07282 anterior horn of lateral ventricle 30399003 S07282 Structure of anterior horn of lateral ventricle (body structure) E07282 279247001 Entire anterior horn of lateral ventricle (body structure) P07282 Y 74520 P nervous system 9D929F673C8942A092BB3BAFC9D3EB10 B2262687063746AB8B37B7B8661BB501 anterior horn of lateral ventricle Entire anterior horn of lateral ventricle (body structure) 7283 7283 07283 articular part of tubercle of second rib 367933001 S07283 Structure of articular part of tubercle of second rib (body structure) E07283 80139006 Entire articular part of tubercle of second rib (body structure) P07283 Y 66093 P skeletal system EDF9410CA77D4E5B8EC4C6567619A50A 50B33E7837354B3287F1F9C85D65CC46 articular part of tubercle of second rib Entire articular part of tubercle of second rib (body structure) 7284 7284 07284 interventricular foramen 13562008 S07284 Structure of interventricular foramen (body structure) E07284 279248006 Entire interventricular foramen (body structure) P07284 Y 75351 P nervous system EA9695EE1FBE44E3B2CAA87B49737496 2E3E9B8E2AA34F75AB4CF9FCB44B669D interventricular foramen Entire interventricular foramen (body structure) 7285 7285 07285 optic recess of third ventricle 15734001 S07285 Structure of optic recess of third ventricle (body structure) E07285 369279008 Entire optic recess of third ventricle (body structure) P07285 Y 78455 P nervous system EE8DD66F2E9F4D678A6D90E0D2C3AD33 56E0B6D7F7AE46B080BF435DE366083B optic recess of third ventricle Entire optic recess of third ventricle (body structure) 7286 7286 07286 infundibular recess of third ventricle 40367007 S07286 Structure of infundibular recess of third ventricle (body structure) E07286 369280006 Entire infundibular recess of third ventricle (body structure) P07286 Y 78456 P nervous system 042279EFC7B14643A344F33B02103820 F334916CA2EC474DBF872E9A55F1382A infundibular recess of third ventricle Entire infundibular recess of third ventricle (body structure) 7287 7287 07287 pineal recess of third ventricle 16478000 S07287 Structure of pineal recess of third ventricle (body structure) E07287 369281005 Entire pineal recess of third ventricle (body structure) P07287 - 78458 P nervous system BA9EA3E0DD5841D4A6CE4294DB0DDE23 C4F0E1A1D2E14797B8FD12861F272C24 pineal recess of third ventricle Entire pineal recess of third ventricle (body structure) 7288 7288 07288 hypothalamic sulcus of third ventricle 33960001 S07288 Structure of hypothalamic sulcus of third ventricle (body structure) E07288 369282003 Entire hypothalamic sulcus of third ventricle (body structure) P07288 Y 78465 P nervous system 62B1C667A4E94ADEAE5CD85C70059EF9 CD4492A0DCDF452C83E192B78293D71F hypothalamic sulcus of third ventricle Entire hypothalamic sulcus of third ventricle (body structure) 7289 7289 07289 ependyma of aqueduct of Sylvius 13031003 S07289 Structure of ependyma of aqueduct of Sylvius (body structure) E07289 369276001 Entire ependyma of aqueduct of Sylvius (body structure) P07289 Y P nervous system 5983773B8B3E40A097B2EAF72A34822F 5328A6F682D241CBAE2DAA129D9C9D05 ependyma of aqueduct of Sylvius Entire ependyma of aqueduct of Sylvius (body structure) 7290 7290 07290 periaqueductal gray matter 87286000 S07290 Structure of periaqueductal gray matter (body structure) E07290 369233003 Entire periaqueductal gray matter (body structure) P07290 Y 74510 P nervous system C810418F7FC9408194CEA731AB489B5E 1B460B734B6143EF86478C8B4539051F periaqueductal gray matter Entire periaqueductal gray matter (body structure) 7291 7291 07291 non-articular part of tubercle of second rib 367945005 S07291 Structure of non-articular part of tubercle of second rib (body structure) E07291 89233006 Entire non-articular part of tubercle of second rib (body structure) P07291 Y 7629 P skeletal system BAFFB812872B401AA9940B2087BEADD5 6438BF02905E4E9B95743E2EB0C75F45 non-articular part of tubercle of second rib Entire non-articular part of tubercle of second rib (body structure) 7292 7292 07292 ependyma of fourth ventricle 13315000 S07292 Structure of ependyma of fourth ventricle (body structure) E07292 369277005 Entire ependyma of fourth ventricle (body structure) P07292 - 242835 P nervous system D092C3568DEB42DB8F1A0593C151BF9B B64178B128EC44F2987933B1AC076DAE ependyma of fourth ventricle Entire ependyma of fourth ventricle (body structure) 7293 7293 07293 superior medullary velum 57478006 S07293 Structure of superior medullary velum (body structure) E07293 369269006 Entire superior medullary velum (body structure) P07293 Y 74508 P nervous system BCEA859F078F4B44916273D2B189BF55 86F62B08E05246108AAFA9FA39BA3D51 superior medullary velum Entire superior medullary velum (body structure) 7294 7294 07294 inferior medullary velum 40268000 S07294 Structure of inferior medullary velum (body structure) E07294 369048000 Entire inferior medullary velum (body structure) P07294 Y 72261 P nervous system 8910DFA2D5DB4DF3998BC8C282BFFB42 A655939ECCA24991938C054BB23B1E7C inferior medullary velum Entire inferior medullary velum (body structure) 7295 7295 07295 lateral recess of fourth ventricle 66501007 S07295 Structure of lateral recess of fourth ventricle (body structure) E07295 369283008 Entire lateral recess of fourth ventricle (body structure) P07295 Y 78470 P nervous system E9A2AA1E8F844A5C8B4EF15E8BC871DA 90D66B550E334A9F9C9D58CCCF124D80 lateral recess of fourth ventricle Entire lateral recess of fourth ventricle (body structure) 7296 7296 07296 angle of second rib 367956005 S07296 Structure of angle of second rib (body structure) E07296 38098002 Entire angle of second rib (body structure) P07296 Y 7630 P skeletal system B82CB5D5507B42C2BEF75914F38F13E3 03F1777B167C4EEEB68C9679C243F1D9 angle of second rib Entire angle of second rib (body structure) 7297 7297 07297 choroid plexus 80621003 S07297 Structure of choroid plexus (body structure) E07297 264450003 Entire choroid plexus (body structure) P07297 - P nervous system 50C5A2518C264B679BAFF17F6BC3B5F6 06213012FB4E4BE5BA0C8A87C2865594 choroid plexus Entire choroid plexus (body structure) 7298 7298 07298 choroid plexus of lateral ventricle 369272004 S07298 Structure of choroid plexus of lateral ventricle (body structure) E07298 70064002 Entire choroid plexus of lateral ventricle (body structure) P07298 Y 83711 P nervous system 83A143F7EFA44387B7CA877CB4AECB6E 1E28DD39B5FB4D118CF83868A7482616 choroid plexus of lateral ventricle Entire choroid plexus of lateral ventricle (body structure) 7299 7299 07299 choroid plexus of third ventricle 369273009 S07299 Structure of choroid plexus of third ventricle (body structure) E07299 61576002 Entire choroid plexus of third ventricle (body structure) P07299 - 78462 P nervous system F404B9BB48944163A83E6A33CD973BE0 35481A2A7780411A9697B8AC1957F50E choroid plexus of third ventricle Entire choroid plexus of third ventricle (body structure) 7300 7300 07300 choroid plexus of fourth ventricle 369274003 S07300 Structure of choroid plexus of fourth ventricle (body structure) E07300 42214001 Entire choroid plexus of fourth ventricle (body structure) P07300 - 78492 P nervous system 47914D8EA27E47C6998346304A3765DD 6460F93EE4664571829FCADF0CBC0EA4 choroid plexus of fourth ventricle Entire choroid plexus of fourth ventricle (body structure) 7301 7301 07301 costal groove of second rib 367969009 S07301 Structure of costal groove of second rib (body structure) E07301 45566000 Entire costal groove of second rib (body structure) P07301 Y 7636 P skeletal system F537B5CE9DB145C89E5E2E9AB4AB72DB C8FA7AAE1C7742FDBE8D77793AC7E5D9 costal groove of second rib Entire costal groove of second rib (body structure) 7303 7303 07303 centrum semiovale 55438003 S07303 Structure of centrum semiovale (body structure) E07303 369198002 Entire centrum semiovale (body structure) P07303 Y P nervous system 4DC84127BEB941FDBAA6AD6470BB1BF0 475307E21E9A4AA089B08C9FAA01A522 centrum semiovale Entire centrum semiovale (body structure) 7304 7304 07304 shaft of second rib 367981008 S07304 Structure of shaft of second rib (body structure) E07304 13061006 Entire shaft of second rib (body structure) P07304 Y 7623 P skeletal system 29CE7D8D3BDA4305B773FF28489947E3 715B50CE6E144733BDEE35DA8F6B232E shaft of second rib Entire shaft of second rib (body structure) 7305 7305 07305 longitudinal cerebral fissure 86766005 S07305 Structure of longitudinal cerebral fissure (body structure) E07305 369225004 Entire longitudinal cerebral fissure (body structure) P07305 Y 83727 P nervous system 7E86716852EB4AC3B6731A4FACFD41C5 1AA8D983136D461FB15730E5F6873741 longitudinal cerebral fissure Entire longitudinal cerebral fissure (body structure) 7306 7306 07306 fissure of Sylvius 55228006 S07306 Structure of fissure of Sylvius (body structure) E07306 369226003 Entire fissure of Sylvius (body structure) P07306 Y 77801 P nervous system 7F51239F4DCE49F2A1B5D92573BD2629 D446E85ABC8A40F8A4694050AD813D6E fissure of Sylvius Entire fissure of Sylvius (body structure) 7307 7307 07307 central sulcus 28294002 S07307 Structure of central sulcus (body structure) E07307 279340001 Entire central sulcus (body structure) P07307 Y 83752 P nervous system CE435AB63D6B48C2825315BF0B8B1A5E 1082947802574D099CFA491A9B25749C central sulcus Entire central sulcus (body structure) 7308 7308 07308 cingulate gyrus 25221002 S07308 Structure of cingulate gyrus (body structure) E07308 279208003 Entire cingulate gyrus (body structure) P07308 Y 62434 P nervous system 9A9111B7234047A393C4C82FF8DDF877 06861629C75C429380B1BEFD3211977F cingulate gyrus Entire cingulate gyrus (body structure) 7309 7309 07309 cingulate sulcus 11897008 S07309 Structure of cingulate sulcus (body structure) E07309 279350000 Entire cingulate sulcus (body structure) P07309 Y 83748 P nervous system 8F2EEDA6FC584C8D8EC850A34E830F59 62B73CA3D1BC4B0D93C01DBF633EC4DC cingulate sulcus Entire cingulate sulcus (body structure) 7310 7310 07310 skin of great toe 50276005 S07310 Skin structure of great toe (body structure) E07310 181569004 Entire skin of great toe (body structure) P07310 Y 37853 D integument/surface C6F7765857B84B7EA0ECF1B58434957D AFC2E1E5AB3A4825BD3D557FF3B268CD Skin of great toe Entire skin of great toe (body structure) 7311 7311 07311 upper border of second rib 367994005 S07311 Structure of upper border of second rib (body structure) E07311 89674004 Entire upper border of second rib (body structure) P07311 Y 7633 P skeletal system 5D8AB7CD3D96416EAA88C22D916A32A8 8B310481B4B94C2DB3B0CEFFD08CEEC2 upper border of second rib Entire upper border of second rib (body structure) 7312 7312 07312 preoccipital notch 74712008 S07312 Structure of preoccipital notch (body structure) E07312 369229005 Entire preoccipital notch (body structure) P07312 Y 83739 P nervous system 41686B103E1B43A8B64F08F86E83D26A 4C0DB12E8C8147B5ADC9035E6D625F44 preoccipital notch Entire preoccipital notch (body structure) 7313 7313 07313 frontal pole 72175008 S07313 Structure of frontal pole (body structure) E07313 314144002 Entire frontal pole (body structure) P07313 Y 74885 P nervous system CF8F3E5FB80A4E198A57ECC93A40FE10 9A0467B8FB9D45D1A0CD41F12EAAE395 frontal pole Entire frontal pole (body structure) 7314 7314 07314 superior frontal gyrus 36181007 S07314 Structure of superior frontal gyrus (body structure) E07314 279166005 Entire superior frontal gyrus (body structure) P07314 Y 61857 P nervous system 56C86D144F144F3DB50E8A96150E4E93 3ED2DA651B284827861B8B55C8226022 superior frontal gyrus Entire superior frontal gyrus (body structure) 7315 7315 07315 under border of second rib 368007009 S07315 Structure of under border of second rib (body structure) E07315 18514004 Entire under border of second rib (body structure) P07315 Y 7634 P skeletal system BF3A355E95534B98A3304701DABC2182 0CC6BC331EEF4A88BE2E6B6ACC534748 under border of second rib Entire under border of second rib (body structure) 7316 7316 07316 superior frontal sulcus 4121003 S07316 Structure of superior frontal sulcus (body structure) E07316 279342009 Entire superior frontal sulcus (body structure) P07316 Y 83755 P nervous system 4569EA9420A741E7AB2E54EBAD4D775C 609B1FF5B7AA43B8AC828E1244B5FEB7 superior frontal sulcus Entire superior frontal sulcus (body structure) 7317 7317 07317 middle frontal sulcus 61637006 S07317 Structure of middle frontal sulcus (body structure) E07317 369227007 Entire middle frontal sulcus (body structure) P07317 Y P nervous system 42AB50D12CE5407F83F07A1ECEDE088C 5002389F12B44F38BC9D544D27C83FB2 middle frontal sulcus Entire middle frontal sulcus (body structure) 7318 7318 07318 Broca's area 82880006 S07318 Structure of Broca's area (body structure) E07318 279257000 Entire Broca's area (body structure) P07318 Y 242176 P nervous system DA184FC69AFE4842B831FD916B0FB7BC F83F402445E54ACE88FCD2E71BB1371A Broca's area Entire Broca's area (body structure) 7319 7319 07319 precentral sulcus 78674001 S07319 Structure of precentral sulcus (body structure) E07319 279341002 Entire precentral sulcus (body structure) P07319 Y 83800 P nervous system 1846860BCECD469E86974A5C81718F6D AB6AFCAEA84048C1AE3CFEFDF7489BDF precentral sulcus Entire precentral sulcus (body structure) 7320 7320 07320 outer surface of second rib 368020007 S07320 Structure of outer surface of second rib (body structure) E07320 36383004 Entire outer surface of second rib (body structure) P07320 Y 7701 P skeletal system 6660B1B722C34D09A3E84F6B934E84B1 767626614A77406BB8425DF2944B626C outer surface of second rib Entire outer surface of second rib (body structure) 7321 7321 07321 paracentral lobule 9898001 S07321 Structure of paracentral lobule (body structure) E07321 279202002 Entire paracentral lobule (body structure) P07321 Y 77534 P nervous system B11A7C522544498A9A5DDA7E9E7726B4 031510F9A2E14309A3B41F46F9606D3A paracentral lobule Entire paracentral lobule (body structure) 7322 7322 07322 paracentral sulcus 85018004 S07322 Structure of paracentral sulcus (body structure) E07322 369228002 Entire paracentral sulcus (body structure) P07322 Y 83762 P nervous system 759BD4E65379448A8F09D03BC075F218 7BF71605FA1C4A1EB060E546040F91B7 paracentral sulcus Entire paracentral sulcus (body structure) 7323 7323 07323 gyrus rectus 30130006 S07323 Structure of gyrus rectus (body structure) E07323 279206004 Entire gyrus rectus (body structure) P07323 Y 61893 P nervous system 1A2006EB0B564C269439CB3391C0F1FA 36CC703C377F461D82F1B59159B3B026 gyrus rectus Entire gyrus rectus (body structure) 7324 7324 07324 olfactory sulcus 37590000 S07324 Structure of olfactory sulcus (body structure) E07324 279358007 Entire olfactory sulcus (body structure) P07324 Y 83769 P nervous system 0AB23AD07FAB46709B70336078EC9A31 937519FFA058494F85CEFA14DE10ABC4 olfactory sulcus Entire olfactory sulcus (body structure) 7325 7325 07325 orbital sulcus 29727008 S07325 Structure of orbital sulci (body structure) E07325 314143008 Entire orbital sulci (body structure) P07325 Y 83770 P nervous system 6746118ACD504AC48DF8336C0B467D8D 8AF8634EFFA14781BEA21DF3E30210CD orbital sulci Entire orbital sulci (body structure) 7326 7326 07326 inner surface of second rib 368033001 S07326 Structure of inner surface of second rib (body structure) E07326 55820007 Entire inner surface of second rib (body structure) P07326 Y 7635 P skeletal system C362701BE29B4240A8113B3CC850A9F6 842BA17260B64BF4A63FABFC11CC8CA5 inner surface of second rib Entire inner surface of second rib (body structure) 7327 7327 07327 cortex of parietal lobe 67601006 S07327 Structure of cortex of parietal lobe (body structure) E07327 369217001 Entire cortex of parietal lobe (body structure) P07327 Y 242203 P nervous system B9A00D4684AE45E5A99A66685D347B7D 32914E1981E74A879B15FF1CC281FC47 cortex of parietal lobe Entire cortex of parietal lobe (body structure) 7328 7328 07328 white matter of parietal lobe 32637000 S07328 Structure of white matter of parietal lobe (body structure) E07328 369200008 Entire white matter of parietal lobe (body structure) P07328 Y 256184 P nervous system C7E03FD17E604738B6884D6BF15CD6E8 8D85945E61FA4ED2A1BF58A1B69693EB white matter of parietal lobe Entire white matter of parietal lobe (body structure) 7329 7329 07329 postcentral gyrus 56884009 S07329 Structure of postcentral gyrus (body structure) E07329 279167001 Entire postcentral gyrus (body structure) P07329 Y 61896 P nervous system 04DD8B0069574012B14692C9C0EA0192 3BC671A6A4DB4CA580FE58C0ECBB66A4 postcentral gyrus Entire postcentral gyrus (body structure) 7330 7330 07330 postcentral sulcus 50207000 S07330 Structure of postcentral sulcus (body structure) E07330 279339003 Entire postcentral sulcus (body structure) P07330 Y 83774 P nervous system 6C78F694DD134195A56406E01EC6271C 7C8532392E04437F9580C2C0413F3DC7 postcentral sulcus Entire postcentral sulcus (body structure) 7331 7331 07331 superior parietal lobule 16925009 S07331 Structure of superior parietal lobule (body structure) E07331 279168006 Entire superior parietal lobule (body structure) P07331 Y 61899 P nervous system A13A0F3A8C85400DA46BCA449C1AA055 1C9BEE8E843645638E4B88F07479AA2E superior parietal lobule Entire superior parietal lobule (body structure) 7332 7332 07332 intraparietal sulcus 54091008 S07332 Structure of intraparietal sulcus (body structure) E07332 279338006 Entire intraparietal sulcus (body structure) P07332 Y 83772 P nervous system 284298944A514E518FFE264D329C7736 EF32C26A16D145589FA269103464048F intraparietal sulcus Entire intraparietal sulcus (body structure) 7333 7333 07333 supramarginal gyrus 13926003 S07333 Structure of supramarginal gyrus (body structure) E07333 279185008 Entire supramarginal gyrus (body structure) P07333 Y 61897 P nervous system 6C0204ACBCD04919B4E96DEEB44D9018 A02B3F30A47448AEBF41C3557F1DA9C4 supramarginal gyrus Entire supramarginal gyrus (body structure) 7334 7334 07334 angular gyrus 59024009 S07334 Structure of angular gyrus (body structure) E07334 279186009 Entire angular gyrus (body structure) P07334 Y 61898 P nervous system 80E9DC8E6D154F778BCEF8FE43B34F4F 8893989AC95A40E9A2659F9B9F1A5FD0 angular gyrus Entire angular gyrus (body structure) 7336 7336 07336 precuneus 17292004 S07336 Structure of precuneus (body structure) E07336 279200005 Entire precuneus (body structure) P07336 Y 61900 P nervous system 1A55EF997DF54B518757126469AA068B 3CEAE6AB59FF426F8F6485678FEFDA88 precuneus Entire precuneus (body structure) 7337 7337 07337 subparietal sulcus 81242002 S07337 Structure of subparietal sulcus (body structure) E07337 279352008 Entire subparietal sulcus (body structure) P07337 Y 83777 P nervous system 1F79E6D59D6148538764DB3CAC2B386D B9F5B86B362E4624BBCB8434943FBBC1 subparietal sulcus Entire subparietal sulcus (body structure) 7338 7338 07338 occipital pole 56658001 S07338 Structure of occipital pole (body structure) E07338 314160003 Entire occipital pole (body structure) P07338 Y 74892 P nervous system 32F063CD62E74BF7B9DA169E08C02936 A2D36B6CB1AD48E4A26D8194C595F841 occipital pole Entire occipital pole (body structure) 7339 7339 07339 crest of head of third rib 367907009 S07339 Structure of crest of head of third rib (body structure) E07339 18760004 Entire crest of head of third rib (body structure) P07339 Y 7640 P skeletal system 30628C8DDFF346D2930F1F607F3B1A68 47979C787E4D415FAA3A747B6EA7DFEE crest of head of third rib Entire crest of head of third rib (body structure) 7340 7340 07340 calcar avis 49131002 S07340 Structure of calcar avis (body structure) E07340 369271006 Entire calcar avis (body structure) P07340 Y 83707 P nervous system 9B406C5C810F4C808443B6A28735407A FE8A80F16F8C48079591B4E9F2C1B13F calcar avis Entire calcar avis (body structure) 7341 7341 07341 cuneus 74493001 S07341 Structure of cuneus (body structure) E07341 279199007 Entire cuneus (body structure) P07341 Y 61903 P nervous system 33259658778C460F9D2EC3AD00F98D1C 21E71EB92ECA401080E3B5749DDB0FCC cuneus Entire cuneus (body structure) 7342 7342 07342 lingual gyrus 7344002 S07342 Structure of lingual gyrus (body structure) E07342 279207008 Entire lingual gyrus (body structure) P07342 Y 61904 P nervous system 5703A726319D4C0AAB0AF90BD640C321 56B0BA251B744AD29389ACAC714CB34C lingual gyrus Entire lingual gyrus (body structure) 7343 7343 07343 collateral sulcus 6987004 S07343 Structure of collateral sulcus (body structure) E07343 279356006 Entire collateral sulcus (body structure) P07343 Y 83751 P nervous system 972F6A01B397425299269A1F464A748A 35F634A63BC34BE6981239E7094B3583 collateral sulcus Entire collateral sulcus (body structure) 7344 7344 07344 collateral eminence 21933007 S07344 Structure of collateral eminence (body structure) E07344 369230000 Entire collateral eminence (body structure) P07344 Y 83706 P nervous system 5A1F86DA81574B9D96241B241AAC52B8 6234833614564440A4636905979D78D3 collateral eminence Entire collateral eminence (body structure) 7345 7345 07345 lateral occipital gyrus 22735005 S07345 Structure of lateral occipital gyrus (body structure) E07345 369218006 Entire lateral occipital gyrus (body structure) P07345 Y 61902 P nervous system F39B6B739217417987C3E468E2CCA850 756D05C2A67E4576A8CF58ECE0EC9682 lateral occipital gyrus Entire lateral occipital gyrus (body structure) 7346 7346 07346 lateral occipital sulcus 27146007 S07346 Structure of lateral occipital sulcus (body structure) E07346 369219003 Entire lateral occipital sulcus (body structure) P07346 Y 83785 P nervous system 460DA7E2194B438E84D0EC53B90B2427 40A62A7738424FFB982CC9A2C56562E9 lateral occipital sulcus Entire lateral occipital sulcus (body structure) 7347 7347 07347 superior occipital gyrus 1092001 S07347 Structure of superior occipital gyrus (body structure) E07347 279182006 Entire superior occipital gyrus (body structure) P07347 Y 61901 P nervous system D2B1ACE33E494D3C89B52C5064AF9AF7 187BA96139EF4372B5706FA7FEEDD452 superior occipital gyrus Entire superior occipital gyrus (body structure) 7348 7348 07348 inferior occipital gyrus 87408004 S07348 Structure of inferior occipital gyrus (body structure) E07348 279183001 Entire inferior occipital gyrus (body structure) P07348 Y 273129 P nervous system 9B81921476024014B557FBB481E1193A AA230B8DFB464A819073315A66C26065 inferior occipital gyrus Entire inferior occipital gyrus (body structure) 7349 7349 07349 neck of third rib 367919001 S07349 Structure of neck of third rib (body structure) E07349 36099002 Entire neck of third rib (body structure) P07349 Y 7699 P skeletal system EB83EAC7E99F4864818BB87106B941F6 5AE310E7A9DA4C51BFA3BB04459E5FE7 neck of third rib Entire neck of third rib (body structure) 7350 7350 07350 temporal pole 34497009 S07350 Structure of temporal pole (body structure) E07350 314155002 Entire temporal pole (body structure) P07350 Y 74890 P nervous system 9A15EBF5965540F385D977036D8BCCDC CB3C558AA3F449958EA429BD2EF23F9C temporal pole Entire temporal pole (body structure) 7351 7351 07351 superior temporal sulcus 5001007 S07351 Structure of superior temporal sulcus (body structure) E07351 279344005 Entire superior temporal sulcus (body structure) P07351 Y 83783 P nervous system 1E4AE28F18E24D8AA3733E01B67D5C26 95532C3BB92D4BFF9B77AB410E67F254 superior temporal sulcus Entire superior temporal sulcus (body structure) 7352 7352 07352 middle temporal gyrus 35305002 S07352 Structure of middle temporal gyrus (body structure) E07352 279190006 Entire middle temporal gyrus (body structure) P07352 Y 61906 P nervous system 1DA6D3450B494C0A8D2B80FB2CA72CE5 B642131AE6EF41DAB06389DB6B168383 middle temporal gyrus Entire middle temporal gyrus (body structure) 7353 7353 07353 middle temporal sulcus 80500007 S07353 Structure of middle temporal sulcus (body structure) E07353 279345006 Entire middle temporal sulcus (body structure) P07353 Y P nervous system 129C582B038A48B89989BACB0A4C4CEA 603547F82D43490E97B9A75D02C7CCDE middle temporal sulcus Entire middle temporal sulcus (body structure) 7354 7354 07354 inferior temporal gyrus 73516003 S07354 Structure of inferior temporal gyrus (body structure) E07354 279191005 Entire inferior temporal gyrus (body structure) P07354 Y 61907 P nervous system 9D8D0F2534EC453882CD96ED0F58821F 73B3CADC9E014665942FACDA2172BB39 inferior temporal gyrus Entire inferior temporal gyrus (body structure) 7355 7355 07355 inferior temporal sulcus 48463006 S07355 Structure of inferior temporal sulcus (body structure) E07355 279346007 Entire inferior temporal sulcus (body structure) P07355 Y 83784 P nervous system 060DF000A2A44C8F99F15646F4A1121A 85A344F14CB14B979F7429A851EE0850 inferior temporal sulcus Entire inferior temporal sulcus (body structure) 7356 7356 07356 articular part of tubercle of third rib 57531007 S07356 Structure of articular part of tubercle of third rib (body structure) E07356 367929008 Entire articular part of tubercle of third rib (body structure) P07356 Y 66094 P skeletal system E8C6814A3FFE4061B6938E41B51084F2 28478283B21C41A9971923F90B5C06E4 articular part of tubercle of third rib Entire articular part of tubercle of third rib (body structure) 7357 7357 07357 lateral occipitotemporal gyrus 33185006 S07357 Structure of lateral occipitotemporal gyrus (body structure) E07357 279204001 Entire lateral occipitotemporal gyrus (body structure) P07357 Y P nervous system 1FFBAD9F8E734439A7E9E2F4CE97829B 06FE50E7FC07408EA6B691EAD399EA5A lateral occipitotemporal gyrus Entire lateral occipitotemporal gyrus (body structure) 7358 7358 07358 medial occipitotemporal gyrus 2741002 S07358 Structure of medial occipitotemporal gyrus (body structure) E07358 279203007 Entire medial occipitotemporal gyrus (body structure) P07358 Y 275191 P nervous system 6BFC6C12CFF749C9920C17490E087984 31117330397B49E899AA491233FB3E63 medial occipitotemporal gyrus Entire medial occipitotemporal gyrus (body structure) 7359 7359 07359 occipitotemporal sulcus 30359001 S07359 Structure of occipitotemporal sulcus (body structure) E07359 369220009 Entire occipitotemporal sulcus (body structure) P07359 Y 74518 P nervous system 094B8D5E0FC14741BB4E571E4E48C005 94A264C9916F4E66B261F5DA67434398 occipitotemporal sulcus Entire occipitotemporal sulcus (body structure) 7360 7360 07360 foot of hippocampus 39593008 S07360 Structure of foot of hippocampus (body structure) E07360 369093008 Entire foot of hippocampus (body structure) P07360 Y P nervous system A99315BBD1514C789920E115EC39DE2A 0548584193DF44AAA1AFCE25D7338A95 foot of hippocampus Entire foot of hippocampus (body structure) 7361 7361 07361 alveus of hippocampus 81883005 S07361 Structure of alveus of hippocampus (body structure) E07361 369094002 Entire alveus of hippocampus (body structure) P07361 Y 83867 P nervous system D71A5D0F78754DBCA0670A44D87417D3 D8AF6424201E4FADA850774A80D297BE alveus of hippocampus Entire alveus of hippocampus (body structure) 7362 7362 07362 dentate gyrus 89081005 S07362 Structure of dentate gyrus (body structure) E07362 279211002 Entire dentate gyrus (body structure) P07362 Y 61922 P nervous system 9E997CB21AF4416487D32C5B54F88799 814F7FF7959B43B58241B795126D5026 dentate gyrus Entire dentate gyrus (body structure) 7363 7363 07363 fimbriodentate sulcus 18593006 S07363 Structure of fimbriodentate sulcus (body structure) E07363 369095001 Entire fimbriodentate sulcus (body structure) P07363 Y 83728 P nervous system BE40FC2913244FE5939176B5C65150E9 12D9558405944945BF18C785ECABFB5C fimbriodentate sulcus Entire fimbriodentate sulcus (body structure) 7364 7364 07364 fimbria of hippocampus 19015001 S07364 Structure of fimbria of hippocampus (body structure) E07364 369096000 Entire fimbria of hippocampus (body structure) P07364 Y 83866 P nervous system 7940C7CDE592487FA086D70A8E8C5FFD B3DF6D726A68409A80A9601954D2F8AB fimbria of hippocampus Entire fimbria of hippocampus (body structure) 7365 7365 07365 skin of dorsal area of great toe 84600006 S07365 Skin structure of dorsal surface of great toe (body structure) E07365 218268008 Entire skin of dorsal surface of great toe (body structure) P07365 Y D integument/surface 073BB3A34BD842398BC394DA9ACFCBF1 EF42C55750B44EF6B1F2AF945B090A31 Skin of dorsal surface of great toe Entire skin of dorsal surface of great toe (body structure) 7366 7366 07366 non-articular part of tubercle of third rib 41477003 S07366 Structure of non-articular part of tubercle of third rib (body structure) E07366 367930003 Entire non-articular part of tubercle of third rib (body structure) P07366 Y 7710 P skeletal system 6C878340D7FD4B35ACD4436494014019 FC62F639C5BD4E3687979A10A189F03D non-articular part of tubercle of third rib Entire non-articular part of tubercle of third rib (body structure) 7367 7367 07367 subiculum hippocampi 72562001 S07367 Structure of subiculum hippocampi (body structure) E07367 369097009 Entire subiculum hippocampi (body structure) P07367 Y 74414 P nervous system FCE10B8EF51D42D2941384341AC5CDFA 096C06779C24474A9A61F81B4343ECE9 subiculum hippocampi Entire subiculum hippocampi (body structure) 7368 7368 07368 hippocampal fissure 18571001 S07368 Structure of hippocampal fissure (body structure) E07368 369101000 Entire hippocampal fissure (body structure) P07368 Y 83747 P nervous system 31E9CA5EA0B840C28AFECA3125B547F6 75B5D08DA3774304B17B1EC729C5D062 hippocampal fissure Entire hippocampal fissure (body structure) 7369 7369 07369 intralimbic gyrus 60396003 S07369 Structure of intralimbic gyrus (body structure) E07369 279212009 Entire intralimbic gyrus (body structure) P07369 Y 275054 P nervous system 26870F52C4A848518778DF3FDEA43C69 B78909EFA5904BD7A6F1B70712426C3A intralimbic gyrus Entire intralimbic gyrus (body structure) 7370 7370 07370 rhinal sulcus 37786000 S07370 Structure of rhinal sulcus (body structure) E07370 279357002 Entire rhinal sulcus (body structure) P07370 Y 83746 P nervous system E388CEC6F890497CBC098FB674FEA5FD 6788CC4F01B44895A6180AFF4618DFEE rhinal sulcus Entire rhinal sulcus (body structure) 7371 7371 07371 entorhinal cortex 3937002 S07371 Structure of entorhinal cortex (body structure) E07371 369099007 Entire entorhinal cortex (body structure) P07371 Y 72356 P nervous system D83963D051E74A18B593CD7E224DAAC6 73FBD06AFD3646A39926596CC08D2EA9 entorhinal cortex Entire entorhinal cortex (body structure) 7372 7372 07372 transentorhinal zone 16785002 S07372 Structure of transentorhinal zone (body structure) E07372 369100004 Entire transentorhinal zone (body structure) P07372 Y P nervous system 4887598BDD6A4C06901239EBF842CC6D A9F0CF4E40EE4D8CB5A8427ED99DE496 transentorhinal zone Entire transentorhinal zone (body structure) 7373 7373 07373 angle of third rib 367957001 S07373 Structure of angle of third rib (body structure) E07373 23634008 Entire angle of third rib (body structure) P07373 Y 7711 P skeletal system D26D3D2511814896ADD680DC306D7C89 D116394C2598458DA212A3B635D2976E angle of third rib Entire angle of third rib (body structure) 7374 7374 07374 cortex of insula 18456003 S07374 Structure of cortex of insula (body structure) E07374 369221008 Entire cortex of insula (body structure) P07374 Y 242223 P nervous system B4848E6A3098433AB8030635864CC9A7 8780808129B54FA793626D0287AFE846 cortex of insula Entire cortex of insula (body structure) 7375 7375 07375 extreme capsule 84013004 S07375 Structure of extreme capsule (body structure) E07375 279301006 Entire extreme capsule (body structure) P07375 Y 61960 P nervous system B2261279130449F2AD5E89AB0D6EBC1B 5B89E393C14D45DB8D572C6EEB4A9408 extreme capsule Entire extreme capsule (body structure) Extreme capsule is an organ subdivision of the telencephalon which is made up primarily of myelinated axonal neural tissue (white matter). The extreme capsule is a sheet-like fiber bundle located lateral to the clausturm and medial to the insula which projects dorsally to the white matter underlying the cerebral cortex. 7376 7376 07376 Reil's limiting sulcus 61847006 S07376 Structure of Reil's limiting sulcus (body structure) E07376 279347003 Entire Reil's limiting sulcus (body structure) P07376 Y 83753 P nervous system F8390AD8BC924275B49F5E10063D68D8 4A7A28D08F7847078BC92F4646195F5E Reil's limiting sulcus Entire Reil's limiting sulcus (body structure) 7377 7377 07377 costal groove of third rib 367970005 S07377 Structure of costal groove of third rib (body structure) E07377 49767001 Entire costal groove of third rib (body structure) P07377 Y 7714 P skeletal system F062FEBF674241C1A852660E6261AD53 34B5DE9B42E74878A0DD59DC2439F57E costal groove of third rib Entire costal groove of third rib (body structure) 7378 7378 07378 limen insulae 113301001 S07378 Structure of limen insulae (body structure) E07378 369215009 Entire limen insulae (body structure) P07378 Y P nervous system C1750EE9D10746F484C83EA9D100822E 570C4D660856466B964A6D6A85935922 limen insulae Entire limen insulae (body structure) 7379 7379 07379 frontoparietal operculum 57941001 S07379 Structure of frontoparietal operculum (body structure) E07379 369223006 Entire frontoparietal operculum (body structure) P07379 Y P nervous system CCDDF315381F4CBDBA71FDDCF4CA4E8F 7AFD35F8C93F435DB2D48D76042E712B frontoparietal operculum Entire frontoparietal operculum (body structure) 7380 7380 07380 temporal operculum 25866004 S07380 Structure of temporal operculum (body structure) E07380 369222001 Entire temporal operculum (body structure) P07380 Y 74891 P nervous system 2C5D1B6685E448459A9C625E3D7BBEF5 09AF30FCD06242F1AFCC64F5B4A1B625 temporal operculum Entire temporal operculum (body structure) 7381 7381 07381 body of corpus callosum 74938001 S07381 Structure of body of corpus callosum (body structure) E07381 279307005 Entire body of corpus callosum (body structure) P07381 - 61947 P nervous system 77D3CAE10F1C4ED692A1AD1B2985DDB3 8B171B2CE76047C19C6B30BBECFF9EFA body of corpus callosum Entire body of corpus callosum (body structure) 7382 7382 07382 genu of corpus callosum 70215001 S07382 Structure of genu of corpus callosum (body structure) E07382 279310003 Entire genu of corpus callosum (body structure) P07382 - 61946 P nervous system FBD107E9E8B542708AA809E2D8E8419C 73789AA5AA0F4C578AE0541FB419EF77 genu of corpus callosum Entire genu of corpus callosum (body structure) 7383 7383 07383 rostrum of corpus callosum 59326000 S07383 Structure of rostrum of corpus callosum (body structure) E07383 279311004 Entire rostrum of corpus callosum (body structure) P07383 - 61945 P nervous system 70338B1DEF1D439FB39ADDEC177894B5 426B4612A58445C1A8769EE0992E2230 rostrum of corpus callosum Entire rostrum of corpus callosum (body structure) 7384 7384 07384 shaft of third rib 367982001 S07384 Structure of shaft of third rib (body structure) E07384 56033007 Entire shaft of third rib (body structure) P07384 Y 7700 P skeletal system 5C5935F90FF34B73A6E0B27B285EC125 E5887974123F45668D32283DEA3F306B shaft of third rib Entire shaft of third rib (body structure) 7385 7385 07385 lamina terminalis of corpus callosum 41965000 S07385 Structure of lamina terminalis of corpus callosum (body structure) E07385 369203005 Entire lamina terminalis of corpus callosum (body structure) P07385 - P nervous system 125A4ABD92DD41CF940A94C40450B948 72828708AAB948A4AE4EEA13267891AB lamina terminalis of corpus callosum Entire lamina terminalis of corpus callosum (body structure) 7386 7386 07386 forceps major 80049006 S07386 Structure of forceps major (body structure) E07386 369201007 Entire forceps major (body structure) P07386 Y P nervous system B572BA9C85F247F4BC2A36153CAE710E CF251877CA5B4D9192746302EB10AA31 forceps major Entire forceps major (body structure) 7387 7387 07387 forceps minor 42932006 S07387 Structure of forceps minor (body structure) E07387 369199005 Entire forceps minor (body structure) P07387 Y P nervous system DFE640516439481C9B4215AFB8FEF154 3085192E194D46169B9298858559F8F3 forceps minor Entire forceps minor (body structure) 7388 7388 07388 temporal radiation of corpus callosum 35182006 S07388 Structure of temporal radiation of corpus callosum (body structure) E07388 369202000 Entire temporal radiation of corpus callosum (body structure) P07388 Y P nervous system 1B0F96A303F54C62AAAA7B38D79C2983 D2E2B09E6462474EAB0C1C3B8A011DE6 temporal radiation of corpus callosum Entire temporal radiation of corpus callosum (body structure) 7389 7389 07389 supracallosal gyrus 34380004 S07389 Structure of supracallosal gyrus (body structure) E07389 369231001 Entire supracallosal gyrus (body structure) P07389 Y 61920 P nervous system 9C51621F72604A0493F57C929B21A736 47A1AB6E63B942A3B4EBCD0610A86D36 supracallosal gyrus Entire supracallosal gyrus (body structure) 7390 7390 07390 superior longitudinal fasciculus 89202009 S07390 Structure of superior longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) E07390 369082006 Entire superior longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) P07390 Y 77631 P nervous system E3C59AFD49D04A2D91C8AEFE77C01481 DB6D0E9D8BE8425AB33C8FDE2164B7E2 superior longitudinal fasciculus Entire superior longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) 7391 7391 07391 upper border of third rib 367995006 S07391 Structure of upper border of third rib (body structure) E07391 26338007 Entire upper border of third rib (body structure) P07391 Y P skeletal system 1149E654BB254375B0554DD9799FE5BE D2B891287E16468EAFBFB9467E95D1FF upper border of third rib Entire upper border of third rib (body structure) 7392 7392 07392 uncinate fasciculus 26230003 S07392 Structure of uncinate fasciculus (body structure) E07392 369083001 Entire uncinate fasciculus (body structure) P07392 Y 77636 P nervous system D603547F1B6D45A5BF26A4303315AFC4 3477BEE9439840C78616D356050B9125 uncinate fasciculus Entire uncinate fasciculus (body structure) 7393 7393 07393 cingulum 37035000 S07393 Structure of cingulum (body structure) E07393 369084007 Entire cingulum (body structure) P07393 Y 83869 P nervous system 2B8264DCED2F438381E415B75AE20AE4 AEA377086DE34D7DA9ACBB661CCCFAAD cingulum Entire cingulum (body structure) 7394 7394 07394 inferior longitudinal fasciculus 55233005 S07394 Structure of inferior longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) E07394 369085008 Entire inferior longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) P07394 Y 77632 P nervous system 60C37AA671CA4CF8A5DD8C1FB69CD0E3 CD9652DFA4FA48D99AD7E15D43198011 inferior longitudinal fasciculus Entire inferior longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) 7395 7395 07395 superior fronto-occipital fasciculus 13958008 S07395 Structure of superior fronto-occipital fasciculus (body structure) E07395 369086009 Entire superior fronto-occipital fasciculus (body structure) P07395 Y P nervous system 71AA7E4B3CCC4D0E8DF1C5B6532C94F0 FDFF9B064806451B964C0BF29B2F4701 superior fronto-occipital fasciculus Entire superior fronto-occipital fasciculus (body structure) 7396 7396 07396 inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus 35664009 S07396 Structure of inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (body structure) E07396 369087000 Entire inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (body structure) P07396 Y P nervous system 2D587B8E3DB94F3CA3431FEA7809F051 9957F166AC0E41A688A4D66B76A33CB2 inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus Entire inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (body structure) 7397 7397 07397 vertical occipital fasciculus 80434005 S07397 Structure of vertical occipital fasciculus (body structure) E07397 369088005 Entire vertical occipital fasciculus (body structure) P07397 Y 83457 P nervous system 101D9F2952264E8C88A115C5CAD40316 6523AFE189E74662879AA1DCD50957B3 vertical occipital fasciculus Entire vertical occipital fasciculus (body structure) 7398 7398 07398 optic radiation 70105001 S07398 Structure of optic radiation (body structure) E07398 280953008 Entire optic radiation (body structure) P07398 Y 61941 P special senses organ system 36311B5945F54514B8A22A54F570B5DB 120D54B454324EF886AF4C4AD953046A optic radiation Entire optic radiation (body structure) 7399 7399 07399 olfactory bulb 113302008 S07399 Structure of olfactory bulb (body structure) E07399 279394006 Entire olfactory bulb (body structure) P07399 Y 77624 P nervous system 18893C0E634843CCBCC3403D81B79B78 ABDCD396B1BE4F8F81D5C98293F36859 olfactory bulb Entire olfactory bulb (body structure) Segment of neural tree organ which is continuous with a set of olfactory nerves and an olfactory tract. 7400 7400 07400 under border of third rib 368008004 S07400 Structure of under border of third rib (body structure) E07400 83697007 Entire under border of third rib (body structure) P07400 Y P skeletal system 6A564D8D737B4F179E598C4726F824CE F4AF6AA76E39488B9ACFD84E55F539CE under border of third rib Entire under border of third rib (body structure) 7401 7401 07401 olfactory trigone 56106006 S07401 Structure of olfactory trigone (body structure) E07401 369102007 Entire olfactory trigone (body structure) P07401 Y 74883 P nervous system 51FDD71EB60147E8AA3361BB581A1963 0B0092923B914DEA84FE3090DD80542B olfactory trigone Entire olfactory trigone (body structure) 7402 7402 07402 medial olfactory striae 44670009 S07402 Structure of medial olfactory striae (body structure) E07402 369105009 Entire medial olfactory striae (body structure) P07402 Y 77627 P special senses organ system 0E40005CB36046FD86B59A4ADD331188 39ED3799ED124A6DB363B9287F023BFF medial olfactory striae Entire medial olfactory striae (body structure) 7403 7403 07403 intermediate olfactory striae 57213007 S07403 Structure of intermediate olfactory striae (body structure) E07403 369106005 Entire intermediate olfactory striae (body structure) P07403 Y P special senses organ system 937394DF86C3468994DA63532456E2B3 5C79809FACD249ED961D05312B8C54FB intermediate olfactory striae Entire intermediate olfactory striae (body structure) 7404 7404 07404 lateral olfactory striae 54714005 S07404 Structure of lateral olfactory striae (body structure) E07404 369107001 Entire lateral olfactory striae (body structure) P07404 Y 61971 P special senses organ system B1E1416E257747FB842C7B004AE024FB 08CBD932F5984A45926A267D17F01347 lateral olfactory striae Entire lateral olfactory striae (body structure) 7405 7405 07405 medial olfactory gyrus 2686008 S07405 Structure of medial olfactory gyrus (body structure) E07405 369103002 Entire medial olfactory gyrus (body structure) P07405 Y 74509 P special senses organ system 2C6F60523833447982CDDE00280A1AA9 14DE042197F042258548764DD966E6CA medial olfactory gyrus Entire medial olfactory gyrus (body structure) 7406 7406 07406 lateral olfactory gyrus 8688004 S07406 Structure of lateral olfactory gyrus (body structure) E07406 369104008 Entire lateral olfactory gyrus (body structure) P07406 Y 62484 P special senses organ system 63F7F9BC1D2A4208A16F19F658C6D198 98679F09504C4AA5AABCC87057B6C258 lateral olfactory gyrus Entire lateral olfactory gyrus (body structure) 7407 7407 07407 anterior perforated substance 44528007 S07407 Structure of anterior perforated substance (body structure) E07407 369108006 Entire anterior perforated substance (body structure) P07407 Y 61891 P special senses organ system 1A3CC3B4C6B44C6091FA01A8AC159A69 8C44AE96F99F49DDB018ACF68C116963 anterior perforated substance Entire anterior perforated substance (body structure) Subdivision of telencephalon which is a region on the ventro-medial aspect of the telencephalon penetrated by numerous blood vessels. It is bounded by the optic tract posteriorly and the olfactory trigone anteriorly. 7408 7408 07408 nucleus basalis of Meynert 29023000 S07408 Structure of nucleus basalis of Meynert (body structure) E07408 369109003 Entire nucleus basalis of Meynert (body structure) P07408 Y 61887 P special senses organ system 3DCEACCB7F114A349175E3B2F0DC4726 E106BA8671814FFC8FC70216BCCA931E nucleus basalis of Meynert Entire nucleus basalis of Meynert (body structure) Subdivision of telencephalon which is actually several islands of neurons lying within the substantia innominata, located ventral to the basal ganglia and anterior to the hypothalamus. 7409 7409 07409 septal area of paraterminal body of rhinencephalon 33597001 S07409 Structure of septal area of paraterminal body of rhinencephalon (body structure) E07409 369113005 Entire septal area of paraterminal body of rhinencephalon (body structure) P07409 Y P special senses organ system CBC9CF6F4BA94B6CA370FF8FD4EE295B 7A9DC457A436421CB2B83F36E64AD7AE septal area of paraterminal body of rhinencephalon Entire septal area of paraterminal body of rhinencephalon (body structure) 7410 7410 07410 outer surface of third rib 368021006 S07410 Structure of outer surface of third rib (body structure) E07410 6046003 Entire outer surface of third rib (body structure) P07410 Y 7712 P skeletal system 69B383AC9AAE4203A7C8A7E8FA27F683 0C64B3D66FD34E52BD95C6B2DCA8205E outer surface of third rib Entire outer surface of third rib (body structure) 7411 7411 07411 anterior parolfactory area 38868005 S07411 Structure of anterior parolfactory area (body structure) E07411 369110008 Entire anterior parolfactory area (body structure) P07411 Y P special senses organ system B3FBDCF1B448421A887DD2C94816D4B1 278E452E5C9948B195B50F3DACAA3DEB anterior parolfactory area Entire anterior parolfactory area (body structure) 7412 7412 07412 posterior parolfactory area 66093007 S07412 Structure of posterior parolfactory area (body structure) E07412 369111007 Entire posterior parolfactory area (body structure) P07412 Y P special senses organ system F1FD0141E9A949A0A08ADDF998D18553 44462D461DD142A78110B0EDD7F0EA2E posterior parolfactory area Entire posterior parolfactory area (body structure) 7414 7414 07414 piriform area 74667002 S07414 Structure of piriform area (body structure) E07414 369098004 Entire piriform area (body structure) P07414 Y P special senses organ system 6AFAA480D39E49EBAF72E1C602C85B15 0D88163825104E428EE02CBF23757720 piriform area Entire piriform area (body structure) 7415 7415 07415 hippocampal commissure 13900008 S07415 Structure of hippocampal commissure (body structure) E07415 369115003 Entire hippocampal commissure (body structure) P07415 Y 61970 P special senses organ system C3526E9886B84240B576731F9882201B 0F2C9AB0A1A546EB8EF0600F689410F1 hippocampal commissure Entire hippocampal commissure (body structure) 7416 7416 07416 crus of fornix 52093007 S07416 Structure of crus of fornix (body structure) E07416 369116002 Entire crus of fornix (body structure) P07416 Y P special senses organ system B8344B477A1B43CFAFB0660C8E77F350 85FE1F29760D4A14ACA53CC01356F8A4 crus of fornix Entire crus of fornix (body structure) 7417 7417 07417 inner surface of third rib 368034007 S07417 Structure of inner surface of third rib (body structure) E07417 31451008 Entire inner surface of third rib (body structure) P07417 Y 7713 P skeletal system CA84F220E94F4D6E830C55628DFDDE7D F6DE8EE6DA584A7E89F7343ACE2662C3 inner surface of third rib Entire inner surface of third rib (body structure) 7418 7418 07418 columns of fornix 78204007 S07418 Structure of columns of fornix (body structure) E07418 369117006 Entire columns of fornix (body structure) P07418 Y 61968 P special senses organ system A433E3F310484AFD8D86FCB6804ED7E5 C6396A0F9E06467FB7AAEB1B7F8CD120 columns of fornix Entire columns of fornix (body structure) 7419 7419 07419 anterior commissure 62872008 S07419 Structure of anterior commissure (body structure) E07419 369119009 Entire anterior commissure (body structure) P07419 Y 61961 P special senses organ system 8DD1DD6F9AC14DFF839E11B0019D2146 7B502DCB100D49F4996406564383F98F anterior commissure Entire anterior commissure (body structure) 7420 7420 07420 gyrus fornicatus 27140001 S07420 Structure of gyrus fornicatus (body structure) E07420 369120003 Entire gyrus fornicatus (body structure) P07420 Y P special senses organ system A30431400F434874924FB72B415776E4 EACEB47B95BC46AFA72AAA50C4DB2518 gyrus fornicatus Entire gyrus fornicatus (body structure) 7421 7421 07421 head of caudate nucleus 88017005 S07421 Structure of head of caudate nucleus (body structure) E07421 279298007 Entire head of caudate nucleus (body structure) P07421 Y 61852 P nervous system AF0C165441D249509B29459AA1F27A12 5C48047B7CC447818747A7A171295403 head of caudate nucleus Entire head of caudate nucleus (body structure) 7422 7422 07422 tail of caudate nucleus 26356007 S07422 Structure of tail of caudate nucleus (body structure) E07422 279299004 Entire tail of caudate nucleus (body structure) P07422 Y 61854 P nervous system C574A057167F4470BA9B03889AFD1D05 64998738DBC949DBBB563385986C02B5 tail of caudate nucleus Entire tail of caudate nucleus (body structure) 7423 7423 07423 body of caudate nucleus 31476009 S07423 Structure of body of caudate nucleus (body structure) E07423 314175006 Entire body of caudate nucleus (body structure) P07423 Y 61853 P nervous system 8737C9773A894FA397EE753221C915B4 4AEA829C2F1940A396A335C73D7B0584 body of caudate nucleus Entire body of caudate nucleus (body structure) 7424 7424 07424 lateral medullary lamina 53351006 S07424 Structure of lateral medullary lamina (body structure) E07424 369204004 Entire lateral medullary lamina (body structure) P07424 Y 62469 P nervous system 8140695130C44EE78CBEE764DD5D64F0 2291850635414AE794D37E340D9D61A6 lateral medullary lamina Entire lateral medullary lamina (body structure) 7425 7425 07425 putamen 89278009 S07425 Structure of putamen (body structure) E07425 281512002 Entire putamen (body structure) P07425 Y 61834 P nervous system 31FD441C3DEB4513AEF1E0E666859CCF C94A17EE1CA345F2B12757191E1B599F putamen Entire putamen (body structure) Nucleus of brain which lies ventral to the caudate nucleus and internal capsule and medial to the external capsule. 7426 7426 07426 medial medullary lamina 74334008 S07426 Structure of medial medullary lamina (body structure) E07426 369205003 Entire medial medullary lamina (body structure) P07426 Y 62470 P nervous system 301D041B47B842B2932E21A92396B8CC 2D96B132BBC34C6A9394AECC241B9FCB medial medullary lamina Entire medial medullary lamina (body structure) 7427 7427 07427 frontopontine tract of internal capsule 67796004 S07427 Structure of frontopontine tract of internal capsule (body structure) E07427 369206002 Entire frontopontine tract of internal capsule (body structure) P07427 Y P nervous system 50E30200A04245EAA4A047B49CBD4FCB 3128E096F64E4A528F56E8C13E0CA4D8 frontopontine tract of internal capsule Entire frontopontine tract of internal capsule (body structure) 7428 7428 07428 skin of plantar area of great toe 83031007 S07428 Skin structure of plantar surface of great toe (body structure) E07428 219486002 Entire skin of plantar surface of great toe (body structure) P07428 Y D integument/surface 6FC0AC72776048BEA9BEDDA931F4EB20 CF859739D3CE4420A9BD7408D18ADD2B Skin of plantar surface of great toe Entire skin of plantar surface of great toe (body structure) 7429 7429 07429 crest of head of fourth rib 367908004 S07429 Structure of crest of head of fourth rib (body structure) E07429 70178003 Entire crest of head of fourth rib (body structure) P07429 Y 7751 P skeletal system 75E43DABF62E403EA7F51E8ADCDACE97 EAC8E97F67594CDDA77703FA26ECF144 crest of head of fourth rib Entire crest of head of fourth rib (body structure) 7430 7430 07430 lenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule 40085005 S07430 Structure of lenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) E07430 369207006 Entire lenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) P07430 Y 61956 P nervous system ECD6ED83CE4240F5BF8E65C5E5FE32A2 216D5FB7B2534131ADA3365026D2C99A lenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule Entire lenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) 7431 7431 07431 superior thalamic radiation of internal capsule 69857005 S07431 Structure of superior thalamic radiation of internal capsule (body structure) E07431 369211000 Entire superior thalamic radiation of internal capsule (body structure) P07431 Y P nervous system B974A033552647C49D7984A82E697A40 B4DE81CB23BF48A69B8FD359BCB7AC36 superior thalamic radiation of internal capsule Entire superior thalamic radiation of internal capsule (body structure) 7432 7432 07432 corticorubral tract of internal capsule 43146002 S07432 Structure of corticorubral tract of internal capsule (body structure) E07432 369208001 Entire corticorubral tract of internal capsule (body structure) P07432 Y P nervous system 2AFC2A6610C94131882AADC37A3DCBC1 3DF21FDB35C945D2A6103BCE6353FCA8 corticorubral tract of internal capsule Entire corticorubral tract of internal capsule (body structure) 7433 7433 07433 posterior thalamic radiation of internal capsule 2653009 S07433 Structure of posterior thalamic radiation of internal capsule (body structure) E07433 369209009 Entire posterior thalamic radiation of internal capsule (body structure) P07433 Y P nervous system B5FE5900643943E691CDF146FE5BDC58 CAE1772706C84D9AB5A384A8976BC150 posterior thalamic radiation of internal capsule Entire posterior thalamic radiation of internal capsule (body structure) 7434 7434 07434 temporopontine tract of posterior limb of internal capsule 79020004 S07434 Structure of temporopontine tract of posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) E07434 369212007 Entire temporopontine tract of posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) P07434 Y P nervous system FEBFF1329C4B42FDA9775FC13DE1B3DD 4AD31A56D08C46BF8C7F1687515F9220 temporopontine tract of posterior limb of internal capsule Entire temporopontine tract of posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) 7435 7435 07435 neck of fourth rib 367920007 S07435 Structure of neck of fourth rib (body structure) E07435 81628001 Entire neck of fourth rib (body structure) P07435 Y 7755 P skeletal system 5D9D574C1F8740FC8DA7E268EAB19705 A91FDCDB379C43EDA7C5E9154AC39003 neck of fourth rib Entire neck of fourth rib (body structure) 7436 7436 07436 corticocollicular tract of internal capsule 15485005 S07436 Structure of corticocollicular tract of internal capsule (body structure) E07436 369210004 Entire corticocollicular tract of internal capsule (body structure) P07436 Y P nervous system 59D24C7B90304F32A2EC49CB52EFEF1E AF57E73CFFF544C6B10A1D50B147BAF1 corticocollicular tract of internal capsule Entire corticocollicular tract of internal capsule (body structure) 7437 7437 07437 corona radiata of internal capsule 17341005 S07437 Structure of corona radiata of internal capsule (body structure) E07437 369213002 Entire corona radiata of internal capsule (body structure) P07437 Y P nervous system A5251182B6D1449CA54A009EEA7E4D76 3228223B2E324AE497A6BF86739B3306 corona radiata of internal capsule Entire corona radiata of internal capsule (body structure) 7438 7438 07438 anterior tubercle of thalamus 75551009 S07438 Structure of anterior tubercle of thalamus (body structure) E07438 369160002 Entire anterior tubercle of thalamus (body structure) P07438 Y 74867 P nervous system 5A91BBF7500B45BF8E97954BD6B3AD0C 21D65B39974E4994B27A036AF05381F8 anterior tubercle of thalamus Entire anterior tubercle of thalamus (body structure) 7439 7439 07439 internal medullary lamina of thalamus 4537002 S07439 Structure of internal medullary lamina of thalamus (body structure) E07439 369161003 Entire internal medullary lamina of thalamus (body structure) P07439 Y P nervous system 365ECAA31AD945DEB4316986D7372629 2A99651C09104A7D98302ACAF0FD031A internal medullary lamina of thalamus Entire internal medullary lamina of thalamus (body structure) 7440 7440 07440 periventricular gray matter of thalamus 58929006 S07440 Structure of periventricular gray matter of thalamus (body structure) E07440 369165007 Entire periventricular gray matter of thalamus (body structure) P07440 Y P nervous system FB67F8E8D7664B4D934E01FFEC135B47 229C91E83C6F47C2B9228B03320AFE95 periventricular gray matter of thalamus Entire periventricular gray matter of thalamus (body structure) 7441 7441 07441 massa intermedia 37176007 S07441 Structure of massa intermedia (body structure) E07441 369183004 Entire massa intermedia (body structure) P07441 - 74869 P nervous system 998C0B0D0A6B422BB86EB770031475FF D6C20BB5723B4F3CA1FD22317809067D massa intermedia Entire massa intermedia (body structure) 7442 7442 07442 rhomboidal nucleus of thalamus 71046002 S07442 Structure of rhomboidal nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E07442 369162005 Entire rhomboidal nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P07442 Y P nervous system 6ED202E707B849C8869EC0BBA0E7B20C 31D3C4AEAA794B5C941146CEC051248F rhomboidal nucleus of thalamus Entire rhomboidal nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 7443 7443 07443 paraventricular nucleus of thalamus 7378008 S07443 Structure of paraventricular nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E07443 369163000 Entire paraventricular nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P07443 Y 62152 P nervous system 6934417820534732A08F6235AFD22529 675CF2BB8E6B479E9D4C56F99BE3D085 paraventricular nucleus of thalamus Entire paraventricular nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 7444 7444 07444 reuniens nucleus of thalamus 41534001 S07444 Structure of reuniens nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E07444 369164006 Entire reuniens nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P07444 Y 62153 P nervous system AD7C3005BFFB405FBD924773134A06DB 082CE4EBCB4A4064BDCD9320B670FA6D reuniens nucleus of thalamus Entire reuniens nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 7445 7445 07445 articular part of tubercle of fourth rib 367934007 S07445 Structure of articular part of tubercle of fourth rib (body structure) E07445 52683004 Entire articular part of tubercle of fourth rib (body structure) P07445 Y 66095 P skeletal system FEC36349F63545959BE4B615DB43AFBC B16D7118E176419EBD0C5C60EF71191B articular part of tubercle of fourth rib Entire articular part of tubercle of fourth rib (body structure) 7446 7446 07446 pars parvocellularis of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus 24549002 S07446 Structure of pars parvocellularis of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E07446 369166008 Entire pars parvocellularis of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P07446 Y P nervous system 99FB67FC3CEB497F93C5F526D5E72D48 00F07A439BA34025AE25CB489C57F4E3 pars parvocellularis of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus Entire pars parvocellularis of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 7447 7447 07447 pars magnocellularis of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus 67390007 S07447 Structure of pars magnocellularis of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E07447 369167004 Entire pars magnocellularis of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P07447 Y P nervous system 8A947D3AB7B7409FA3CA4041F7B5B36C 43DC0396E0C04DA3A5A7D4BEF755A074 pars magnocellularis of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus Entire pars magnocellularis of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 7448 7448 07448 pars paralaminaris of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus 28179005 S07448 Structure of pars paralaminaris of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E07448 369168009 Entire pars paralaminaris of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P07448 Y P nervous system 57971A632031485A984599FCF8D74D2B ECD6E1ACCDE3430C9F33899FC6CB0F4C pars paralaminaris of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus Entire pars paralaminaris of dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 7449 7449 07449 pars parvocellularis of ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus 10937003 S07449 Structure of pars parvocellularis of ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E07449 369169001 Entire pars parvocellularis of ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P07449 Y P nervous system 5740C0E3493E4A88851AA0A2E6143207 1CCBAF52EA6A42C3A1E3AFA02598157A pars parvocellularis of ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus Entire pars parvocellularis of ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 7450 7450 07450 pars magnocellularis of ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus 49431009 S07450 Structure of pars magnocellularis of ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E07450 369170000 Entire pars magnocellularis of ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P07450 Y P nervous system DABAA18CD77B4134B25F581EC3F1E0A4 7B92AF7B730F43E3AD8DA10BEA65F196 pars magnocellularis of ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus Entire pars magnocellularis of ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 7451 7451 07451 non-articular part of tubercle of fourth rib 367946006 S07451 Structure of non-articular part of tubercle of fourth rib (body structure) E07451 73488007 Entire non-articular part of tubercle of fourth rib (body structure) P07451 Y 7760 P skeletal system CC5241125ADA440E83D232F0D238BF09 369B5D39ADBE43B586522890C408EF5F non-articular part of tubercle of fourth rib Entire non-articular part of tubercle of fourth rib (body structure) 7452 7452 07452 ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus 7091000 S07452 Structure of ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E07452 369171001 Entire ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P07452 Y P nervous system 06698E024A674D169C7BCD8405C9B3B6 851F32B74C144A4DB7F8C5F9E2AEBBE4 ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus Entire ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 7453 7453 07453 ventral posteromedial nucleus of thalamus 35536009 S07453 Structure of ventral posteromedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E07453 369172008 Entire ventral posteromedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P07453 Y P nervous system D5FB96B6593D4769AEE7016D540F75C9 FA3A8923ADB448239AF047B979BF3054 ventral posteromedial nucleus of thalamus Entire ventral posteromedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 7454 7454 07454 ventral posterior inferior nucleus 4775000 S07454 Structure of ventral posterior inferior nucleus (body structure) E07454 369173003 Entire ventral posterior inferior nucleus (body structure) P07454 Y 62199 P nervous system 365CA209E73A44C383AACF9849265507 36BF15EEEBDB4E66AA916DDD6823E426 ventral posterior inferior nucleus Entire ventral posterior inferior nucleus (body structure) 7455 7455 07455 ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus 1580005 S07455 Structure of ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E07455 369174009 Entire ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P07455 Y 62186 P nervous system C9A115E9FFC444348E141373013DA488 3D21C32B6561417A95EA077276B74EFD ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus Entire ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 7456 7456 07456 posterior tubercle of thalamus 64207007 S07456 Structure of posterior tubercle of thalamus (body structure) E07456 369175005 Entire posterior tubercle of thalamus (body structure) P07456 Y P nervous system A5BBC2408EA74D5B93AC51C924292865 D618557B149C4DB1AD60352958F39FDB posterior tubercle of thalamus Entire posterior tubercle of thalamus (body structure) 7457 7457 07457 angle of fourth rib 367958006 S07457 Structure of angle of fourth rib (body structure) E07457 113199000 Entire angle of fourth rib (body structure) P07457 Y 7761 P skeletal system 5E993CD1715547EA9AB938B9AB1C0604 5B8D56E228B74B1AB7791BB70ED5CA91 angle of fourth rib Entire angle of fourth rib (body structure) 7458 7458 07458 medial part of pulvinar 41951002 S07458 Structure of medial part of pulvinar (body structure) E07458 369176006 Entire medial part of pulvinar (body structure) P07458 Y P nervous system 740B8072CB7C4DA6BC3C4163284CA8F7 AB898B7FBCFC4D92924395A09A5BD8D0 medial part of pulvinar Entire medial part of pulvinar (body structure) 7459 7459 07459 lateral part of pulvinar 57491007 S07459 Structure of lateral part of pulvinar (body structure) E07459 369177002 Entire lateral part of pulvinar (body structure) P07459 Y P nervous system FD522BA553E54E969DCD7F5F2F3B8AB1 E38B584F17EA42FC8A3488ECD09D1D04 lateral part of pulvinar Entire lateral part of pulvinar (body structure) 7460 7460 07460 inferior part of pulvinar 45592007 S07460 Structure of inferior part of pulvinar (body structure) E07460 369178007 Entire inferior part of pulvinar (body structure) P07460 Y P nervous system 4347AED16A8C494C9B639CE0D5BF9FFD 13FBA49786B94920BA390B11198A587D inferior part of pulvinar Entire inferior part of pulvinar (body structure) 7461 7461 07461 external medullary lamina of thalamus 36768007 S07461 Structure of external medullary lamina of thalamus (body structure) E07461 369179004 Entire external medullary lamina of thalamus (body structure) P07461 Y 62078 P nervous system 39315CC114BF43278E8F8949E2C45A8F 19C986CDC34A4D738424445146ADD822 external medullary lamina of thalamus Entire external medullary lamina of thalamus (body structure) 7462 7462 07462 costal groove of fourth rib 367971009 S07462 Structure of costal groove of fourth rib (body structure) E07462 71441002 Entire costal groove of fourth rib (body structure) P07462 Y 7764 P skeletal system A7E8543DF8A84CAF934AD7264CAC3B87 0BE8D39FB4FA4FDAB3B00B7967A0D403 costal groove of fourth rib Entire costal groove of fourth rib (body structure) 7463 7463 07463 suprageniculate nucleus 113303003 S07463 Structure of suprageniculate nucleus (body structure) E07463 369180001 Entire suprageniculate nucleus (body structure) P07463 Y 62222 P nervous system 2423F9E90EEF499AA7439C06BFCE0972 B2192F259024470399A273847A4E4484 suprageniculate nucleus Entire suprageniculate nucleus (body structure) 7464 7464 07464 limitans nucleus 8024004 S07464 Structure of limitans nucleus (body structure) E07464 369181002 Entire limitans nucleus (body structure) P07464 Y 62220 P nervous system 67CE6C8948D04BAC91A00D3EFBEEC5EA C4CF6E34621448649418206DED2027BC limitans nucleus Entire limitans nucleus (body structure) 7465 7465 07465 shaft of fourth rib 367983006 S07465 Structure of shaft of fourth rib (body structure) E07465 61105009 Entire shaft of fourth rib (body structure) P07465 Y 7757 P skeletal system 3D105DFF0CB348A0BE6B1F0CBF131996 3D8BDC40972849C4AAAA9CABE1CA42D4 shaft of fourth rib Entire shaft of fourth rib (body structure) 7466 7466 07466 zona incerta 78066001 S07466 Structure of zona incerta (body structure) E07466 369186007 Entire zona incerta (body structure) P07466 Y 62038 P nervous system EEB0FDD419C04635BD53757116BBBF97 EB7B382EF50940D38FDEF9E2B2DD968C zona incerta Entire zona incerta (body structure) 7467 7467 07467 nucleus of the tegmented field of Forel 369191008 S07467 Structure of nucleus of the tegmented field of Forel (body structure) E07467 42683009 Entire nucleus of the tegmented field of Forel (body structure) P07467 Y 77796 P nervous system 320028DAD13B4F9C900F746BE469BD33 5D841AF3E7DA4DB9A02292C14221F698 nucleus of the tegmented field of Forel Entire nucleus of the tegmented field of Forel (body structure) 7468 7468 07468 prerubral area 29937006 S07468 Structure of prerubral area (body structure) E07468 369184005 Entire prerubral area (body structure) P07468 Y 62066 P nervous system 7E0002428C8345BAA6E4A628458EC19A FD23BFF873204F5D8D71A7CD2B3C46B4 prerubral area Entire prerubral area (body structure) 7469 7469 07469 endopeduncular nucleus 369192001 S07469 Structure of endopeduncular nucleus (body structure) E07469 82705008 Entire endopeduncular nucleus (body structure) P07469 Y 77691 P nervous system 8F9DFFE941504B7FBEDD433143EE26D4 2BA8AA249E4643D7B961155173928F4E endopeduncular nucleus Entire endopeduncular nucleus (body structure) 7470 7470 07470 ansa lenticularis 369188008 S07470 Structure of ansa lenticularis (body structure) E07470 37467007 Entire ansa lenticularis (body structure) P07470 Y 62070 P nervous system 9D93EC7E2C0D4C1988C0E6F64D4DEA3C 1A40A17E4AB54921938A4F52EE4788DC ansa lenticularis Entire ansa lenticularis (body structure) 7471 7471 07471 lenticular fasciculus 369189000 S07471 Structure of lenticular fasciculus (body structure) E07471 5677006 Entire lenticular fasciculus (body structure) P07471 Y P nervous system 266FDEA0F969459E8AE8EA9948A3284F 3CBA36E7FB7E4666B3FD12AD95C5DB29 lenticular fasciculus Entire lenticular fasciculus (body structure) 7472 7472 07472 forel's H2 bundle 369190009 S07472 Structure of Forel's H2 bundle (body structure) E07472 25776005 Entire Forel's H2 bundle (body structure) P07472 Y 62067 P nervous system D8A9CA4A3E3448C99073F0FE1FCAC4FA E87BAD9F923C4D77887E007FA91F9154 Forel's H2 bundle Entire Forel's H2 bundle (body structure) 7473 7473 07473 subthalamic fasciculus 81015007 S07473 Structure of subthalamic fasciculus (body structure) E07473 369187003 Entire subthalamic fasciculus (body structure) P07473 Y 77525 P nervous system 4D4E71AEABDA46D2A40F1B22644F267C C8B3CE281118412D82E167238B76C743 subthalamic fasciculus Entire subthalamic fasciculus (body structure) 7474 7474 07474 upper border of fourth rib 367996007 S07474 Structure of upper border of fourth rib (body structure) E07474 73646009 Entire upper border of fourth rib (body structure) P07474 Y P skeletal system CA98D342F98A4D28B3CAAA6CCF96384A 16A7BA44574F4A90AB5878EE3B7B00E4 upper border of fourth rib Entire upper border of fourth rib (body structure) 7476 7476 07476 thalamic fasciculus 41140001 S07476 Structure of thalamic fasciculus (body structure) E07476 369185006 Entire thalamic fasciculus (body structure) P07476 Y 62065 P nervous system BEDC67F60CB64A30B83EC69A7544B408 67D5DEA2CAF04CCFBEF24AA5B7A5D919 thalamic fasciculus Entire thalamic fasciculus (body structure) 7477 7477 07477 median eminence of neurohypophysis 43466000 S07477 Structure of median eminence of neurohypophysis (body structure) E07477 369121004 Entire median eminence of neurohypophysis (body structure) P07477 - 74634 P endocrine system 8E7323E936BF4024BBAF3971DB3F0704 4FDD44870E0B4B3DA59D0F36DD24AD33 median eminence of neurohypophysis Entire median eminence of neurohypophysis (body structure) 7478 7478 07478 posterior perforated substance of hypothalamus 62758009 S07478 Structure of posterior perforated substance of hypothalamus (body structure) E07478 369125008 Entire posterior perforated substance of hypothalamus (body structure) P07478 Y P nervous system B00CBA3169984DA686A37553925FD395 FE0B0CE321F74E4A8F6D8F467D5DDB0D posterior perforated substance of hypothalamus Entire posterior perforated substance of hypothalamus (body structure) 7479 7479 07479 fornix of hypothalamus 36911003 S07479 Structure of fornix of hypothalamus (body structure) E07479 369118001 Entire fornix of hypothalamus (body structure) P07479 Y P special senses organ system 00C11358E58D479CB6774F4C8277BD63 160426695E25472393C47296AAF96F67 fornix of hypothalamus Entire fornix of hypothalamus (body structure) 7480 7480 07480 under border of fourth rib 368009007 S07480 Structure of under border of fourth rib (body structure) E07480 83562002 Entire under border of fourth rib (body structure) P07480 Y P skeletal system FB3E6A49867A4B22BF5901568DA187DA A0B08DB5F7EE4478B6D4738EFB934D8F under border of fourth rib Entire under border of fourth rib (body structure) 7481 7481 07481 terminal stria nucleus of preoptic region 74089004 S07481 Structure of terminal stria nuclei of preoptic region (body structure) E07481 369126009 Entire terminal stria nuclei of preoptic region (body structure) P07481 Y 61884 P nervous system E3CD3E86649E4DBB935EC1F5E0C1145A A4170BE424C44C54A940CCA3E3EB5BDF terminal stria nuclei of preoptic region Entire terminal stria nuclei of preoptic region (body structure) 7482 7482 07482 preoptic periventricular nucleus 49243008 S07482 Structure of preoptic periventricular nucleus (body structure) E07482 369127000 Entire preoptic periventricular nucleus (body structure) P07482 Y 62324 P nervous system BBE13484C4F44043B8E7FF28FB232EB9 56E15DF336BE44CCBBC601384F8E34FE preoptic periventricular nucleus Entire preoptic periventricular nucleus (body structure) 7483 7483 07483 medial preoptic nucleus 23718002 S07483 Structure of medial preoptic nucleus (body structure) E07483 369128005 Entire medial preoptic nucleus (body structure) P07483 Y 67890 P nervous system F43727720C4F461EB13D60BD4B41BB9D 97390ACF599A4289884A331BC2361F5C medial preoptic nucleus Entire medial preoptic nucleus (body structure) 7484 7484 07484 lateral preoptic nucleus 79783006 S07484 Structure of lateral preoptic nucleus (body structure) E07484 369129002 Entire lateral preoptic nucleus (body structure) P07484 Y 62326 P nervous system 6D755262AE9043428472D4DF25C8E513 13BDCE4DF8A84B26AFF3BEA3A143B627 lateral preoptic nucleus Entire lateral preoptic nucleus (body structure) 7485 7485 07485 supraoptic nucleus 75740006 S07485 Structure of supraoptic nucleus (body structure) E07485 369130007 Entire supraoptic nucleus (body structure) P07485 Y 62317 P nervous system 9A7164F03E46429DB809A80BDDA3D5B0 BF8693B612A249049ADB3F90A12CC9B4 supraoptic nucleus Entire supraoptic nucleus (body structure) 7486 7486 07486 paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus 51171003 S07486 Structure of paraventricular nucleus (body structure) E07486 369131006 Entire paraventricular nucleus (body structure) P07486 Y 62320 P nervous system 0E1438941CDE49CE8C1A0F3FF8E54123 D7B2219390064030BAD1AF7D0CE6FA30 paraventricular nucleus Entire paraventricular nucleus (body structure) 7487 7487 07487 suprachiasmatic nucleus 13229001 S07487 Structure of suprachiasmatic nucleus (body structure) E07487 369132004 Entire suprachiasmatic nucleus (body structure) P07487 Y 67883 P nervous system 8993E087A64745608D5D20457143FADA 2668B53776D244D08B895D4DA627D9DA suprachiasmatic nucleus Entire suprachiasmatic nucleus (body structure) 7488 7488 07488 supraoptic hypophyseal tract 79845002 S07488 Structure of supraoptic hypophyseal tract (body structure) E07488 369135002 Entire supraoptic hypophyseal tract (body structure) P07488 Y P nervous system 997FE06D800E406996188DB16AE39174 E3455FF6C95A4D3CB091C1498527B3AB supraoptic hypophyseal tract Entire supraoptic hypophyseal tract (body structure) 7489 7489 07489 skin of lateral area of great toe 55085000 S07489 Skin structure of lateral surface of great toe (body structure) E07489 220694005 Entire skin of lateral surface of great toe (body structure) P07489 Y D integument/surface 07E341DC570341ECA85687F05A9F4E7B 7B9D354EB81145CDB2F862C66D401AF4 Skin of lateral surface of great toe Entire skin of lateral surface of great toe (body structure) 7490 7490 07490 outer surface of fourth rib 368022004 S07490 Structure of outer surface of fourth rib (body structure) E07490 44750005 Entire outer surface of fourth rib (body structure) P07490 Y P skeletal system 9E9804575D074380959B059FD9B29DBA 93D111D2FBCE41B296808B9C18DA7DD4 outer surface of fourth rib Entire outer surface of fourth rib (body structure) 7491 7491 07491 anterior hypothalamic nucleus 42967006 S07491 Structure of anterior hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) E07491 369133009 Entire anterior hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) P07491 Y 62319 P nervous system 3F9F83CC767C4932A4EC6466E452C6B9 9F765EF1BA7F420DB9BC1D4FE481F577 anterior hypothalamic nucleus Entire anterior hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) 7492 7492 07492 tuberoinfundibular tract of hypothalamus 11631005 S07492 Structure of tuberoinfundibular tract of hypothalamus (body structure) E07492 369136001 Entire tuberoinfundibular tract of hypothalamus (body structure) P07492 Y P nervous system 7B50531CE77D4BFF95B6203C67199170 87DA163BDB1C49F58D903F648CAD8240 tuberoinfundibular tract of hypothalamus Entire tuberoinfundibular tract of hypothalamus (body structure) 7493 7493 07493 tuberomammillary nucleus 2123001 S07493 Structure of tuberomammillary nucleus (body structure) E07493 369122006 Entire tuberomammillary nucleus (body structure) P07493 Y 62335 P nervous system AEA755057E4040708FB89F57A0666968 23B3802BFD334B429CB3254F0BBEDE72 tuberomammillary nucleus Entire tuberomammillary nucleus (body structure) 7494 7494 07494 hypothalamicohypophyseal tract 88964007 S07494 Structure of hypothalamicohypophyseal tract (body structure) E07494 369137005 Entire hypothalamicohypophyseal tract (body structure) P07494 Y P nervous system E710BCBE4C8B48B3B3EFB6C42D0471E8 1DFE859E5B2D421091C9432EBA66ED52 hypothalamicohypophyseal tract Entire hypothalamicohypophyseal tract (body structure) 7495 7495 07495 periventricular gray matter of hypothalamus 49726006 S07495 Structure of periventricular gray matter of hypothalamus (body structure) E07495 369138000 Entire periventricular gray matter of hypothalamus (body structure) P07495 Y P nervous system 44C63E73876E4D409ED7870F316D8811 CB62EE40F41C46B39F596C7A8E149225 periventricular gray matter of hypothalamus Entire periventricular gray matter of hypothalamus (body structure) 7496 7496 07496 arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus 41149000 S07496 Structure of nucleus infundibularis hypothalami (body structure) E07496 369123001 Entire nucleus infundibularis hypothalami (body structure) P07496 Y 62329 P nervous system BA5E7899A3A648D49085942702222172 6209F8ADB2B944009613C03D028610CE nucleus infundibularis hypothalami Entire nucleus infundibularis hypothalami (body structure) 7497 7497 07497 mammillothalamic tract of hypothalamus 57225005 S07497 Structure of mammillothalamic tract of hypothalamus (body structure) E07497 369139008 Entire mammillothalamic tract of hypothalamus (body structure) P07497 Y 62059 P nervous system 3CA81702F2EB4B86BE18E26A58A334A8 F185793A524F47E0AA8BAC1E22A49133 mammillothalamic tract of hypothalamus Entire mammillothalamic tract of hypothalamus (body structure) 7498 7498 07498 inner surface of fourth rib 368035008 S07498 Structure of inner surface of fourth rib (body structure) E07498 63321003 Entire inner surface of fourth rib (body structure) P07498 Y 7763 P skeletal system 3DFDE38155FF4475823E04588836A732 0BDC9235FE544A31888150F621431A74 inner surface of fourth rib Entire inner surface of fourth rib (body structure) 7499 7499 07499 mammillotegmental tract of hypothalamus 26013005 S07499 Structure of mammillotegmental tract of hypothalamus (body structure) E07499 369140005 Entire mammillotegmental tract of hypothalamus (body structure) P07499 Y P nervous system EAF3C792B71541DBBF1B0CA26441FA1C 23769B7CC2FE40F48C624B289118DD61 mammillotegmental tract of hypothalamus Entire mammillotegmental tract of hypothalamus (body structure) 7500 7500 07500 medial mammillary nucleus 52187002 S07500 Structure of medial mammillary nucleus (body structure) E07500 369141009 Entire medial mammillary nucleus (body structure) P07500 Y 62342 P nervous system A0815B219F2F4E219254AA5BAAFE67D5 5682C96D09C64CACA24B7BC98DF6DD36 medial mammillary nucleus Entire medial mammillary nucleus (body structure) 7502 7502 07502 lateral mammillary nucleus 16769007 S07502 Structure of lateral mammillary nucleus (body structure) E07502 369143007 Entire lateral mammillary nucleus (body structure) P07502 Y 62341 P nervous system A780A5CD7ADD4D80B4914C1733FEF97C 0E8BB12C76BF4181A3FF7D79F2AEED1B lateral mammillary nucleus Entire lateral mammillary nucleus (body structure) 7503 7503 07503 supramammillary nucleus 83959005 S07503 Structure of supramammillary nucleus (body structure) E07503 369144001 Entire supramammillary nucleus (body structure) P07503 Y 62347 P nervous system ACC0B3B986E541E9B878E0C3CAF3720A 1F56E8D749334C789B74E856B04B3121 supramammillary nucleus Entire supramammillary nucleus (body structure) 7504 7504 07504 supramammillary decussation 37047006 S07504 Structure of supramammillary decussation (body structure) E07504 369148003 Entire supramammillary decussation (body structure) P07504 Y 62056 P nervous system 6D2422E9DCE24DC08E595CAEC0019020 D04D3961C74E47988310FBA1B45EA856 supramammillary decussation Entire supramammillary decussation (body structure) 7505 7505 07505 mammillary peduncular nucleus 60678001 S07505 Structure of mammillary peduncular nucleus (body structure) E07505 369145000 Entire mammillary peduncular nucleus (body structure) P07505 Y P nervous system 0E4CB864AF534E699252EB9B69930B2F F3A406B86B9E46908696DB8ECCB3C433 mammillary peduncular nucleus Entire mammillary peduncular nucleus (body structure) 7506 7506 07506 mammillary peduncle 42981008 S07506 Structure of mammillary peduncle (body structure) E07506 369146004 Entire mammillary peduncle (body structure) P07506 Y 62061 P nervous system D1B95EB1BA504CF09739AF68F583405E 001B3F5F406E423296D765F878C86ECA mammillary peduncle Entire mammillary peduncle (body structure) 7507 7507 07507 nucleus intercalatus of hypothalamus 82665002 S07507 Structure of nucleus intercalatus of hypothalamus (body structure) E07507 369149006 Entire nucleus intercalatus of hypothalamus (body structure) P07507 Y P nervous system F1465E86A6534DB4B1D044FB357E4F4E D76668466FED4992AD5F1153CAB51BD5 nucleus intercalatus of hypothalamus Entire nucleus intercalatus of hypothalamus (body structure) 7508 7508 07508 transverse peduncular tract nucleus 1655000 S07508 Structure of transverse peduncular tract nucleus (body structure) E07508 369150006 Entire transverse peduncular tract nucleus (body structure) P07508 Y P nervous system 0F33B4F5A2234A5CAC8A82950BE4F81C F9A86BDE7F824C49A4244EE0FEADE9C1 transverse peduncular tract nucleus Entire transverse peduncular tract nucleus (body structure) 7509 7509 07509 ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus 62284004 S07509 Structure of ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) E07509 369124007 Entire ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) P07509 Y 62332 P nervous system 91DF4C03C5B14D8F823FA014DF754427 F79A5B66488546CCA1F7C20779346068 ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus Entire ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) 7510 7510 07510 dorsomedial nucleus of hypothalamus 31416000 S07510 Structure of dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) E07510 369134003 Entire dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) P07510 Y 62331 P nervous system 166523BC84364355BC97A41A535177E3 C260532C97F94FBE8181FA9866E432CA dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus Entire dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) 7511 7511 07511 posterior hypothalamic nucleus 6981003 S07511 Structure of posterior hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) E07511 369147008 Entire posterior hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) P07511 Y 62350 P nervous system 65695B7DD5A84431BA4D09A7970E7E8F F3D69738E1F14101AF8D756D8E0EAA29 posterior hypothalamic nucleus Entire posterior hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) 7512 7512 07512 median forebrain bundle 38067004 S07512 Structure of median forebrain bundle (body structure) E07512 369152003 Entire median forebrain bundle (body structure) P07512 Y 62064 P nervous system 589641C5615B4A198D4AF2A9A02CEBD3 E593D4AB51454779A48E7E7022148674 median forebrain bundle Entire median forebrain bundle (body structure) 7513 7513 07513 diencephalic portion of dorsal longitudinal fasciculus 70235000 S07513 Structure of diencephalic portion of dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) E07513 369153008 Entire diencephalic portion of dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) P07513 Y P nervous system 6D33B5EB82044DCD8DEB467F13E04B56 C953B7915A584AAA95C0F256B6FBB4F2 diencephalic portion of dorsal longitudinal fasciculus Entire diencephalic portion of dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) 7514 7514 07514 diencephalic periventricular fiber bundle 12922005 S07514 Structure of diencephalic periventricular fibers (body structure) E07514 361574001 Diencephalic periventricular fibers (body structure) P07514 Y P nervous system 72E6B5F8BB5B43EEBC070E66588C4C59 531AFB27798A44159446D3B222226189 diencephalic periventricular fibers Diencephalic periventricular fibers (body structure) 7515 7515 07515 hypothalamicothalamic tract 22164007 S07515 Structure of hypothalamicothalamic tract (body structure) E07515 369151005 Entire hypothalamicothalamic tract (body structure) P07515 Y P nervous system CA71DC6212E146A6A3B7ECBB579C26B9 C724AF48E07442C28BD17A9C722483C7 hypothalamicothalamic tract Entire hypothalamicothalamic tract (body structure) 7516 7516 07516 subcommissural organ 67892008 S07516 Structure of subcommissural organ (body structure) E07516 369193006 Entire subcommissural organ (body structure) P07516 - 72414 P nervous system 1541073FE8EC48709554C7E0DA26AEF6 0580A10AF06D48A3895BDF117A166230 subcommissural organ Entire subcommissural organ (body structure) 7517 7517 07517 habenular commissure 6866008 S07517 Structure of habenular commissure (body structure) E07517 279335009 Entire habenular commissure (body structure) P07517 Y 62048 P nervous system 47E14BC44024443291212FE5D2E5E4CA F72A56018AE0435BBF55A173A51C3BBB habenular commissure Entire habenular commissure (body structure) 7518 7518 07518 habenulopeduncular tract 63982000 S07518 Structure of habenulopeduncular tract (body structure) E07518 369194000 Entire habenulopeduncular tract (body structure) P07518 Y 72400 P nervous system B8EFD8260D5D47B28EC065DCD7E87457 C1AF941EA4CF4624A412BD79753BD463 habenulopeduncular tract Entire habenulopeduncular tract (body structure) 7519 7519 07519 crest of head of fifth rib 367909007 S07519 Structure of crest of head of fifth rib (body structure) E07519 78239007 Entire crest of head of fifth rib (body structure) P07519 Y 7778 P skeletal system 199EF93063974A729E765DA0D68C54FE D39F5BB4B6B446F09B78EE8E990D9336 crest of head of fifth rib Entire crest of head of fifth rib (body structure) 7520 7520 07520 reticular formation of midbrain 66407008 S07520 Structure of reticular formation of midbrain (body structure) E07520 369234009 Entire reticular formation of midbrain (body structure) P07520 Y 62406 P nervous system AA0F0229A1864D37AECE90F7DDDA7753 AFDCBF35A9B4424C81FB2F1BCEE44D51 reticular formation of midbrain Entire reticular formation of midbrain (body structure) 7521 7521 07521 cuneiform nucleus of midbrain 59618002 S07521 Structure of cuneiform nucleus of midbrain (body structure) E07521 369235005 Entire cuneiform nucleus of midbrain (body structure) P07521 Y P nervous system 13E879561269469F95201D4DAAA4FD22 DF3EC26EBC364C7C8E595ED7D7D709CF cuneiform nucleus of midbrain Entire cuneiform nucleus of midbrain (body structure) 7522 7522 07522 pedunculopontine nucleus of tegmentum of midbrain 81722007 S07522 Structure of pedunculopontine nucleus of tegmentum of midbrain (body structure) E07522 369236006 Entire pedunculopontine nucleus of tegmentum of midbrain (body structure) P07522 Y P nervous system A1BD9D94D05B43B8822D53726C5C9797 C0B33BA3A4D643AC8BF545CEB6B39305 pedunculopontine nucleus of tegmentum of midbrain Entire pedunculopontine nucleus of tegmentum of midbrain (body structure) 7523 7523 07523 interpeduncular nucleus of midbrain 68200002 S07523 Structure of interpeduncular nucleus of midbrain (body structure) E07523 369240002 Entire interpeduncular nucleus of midbrain (body structure) P07523 Y P nervous system 86533320461D40D3935D00E4FA16414D 069281AC3FEB4DA0B817AA90EE429DE8 interpeduncular nucleus of midbrain Entire interpeduncular nucleus of midbrain (body structure) 7524 7524 07524 dorsal longitudinal nucleus of midbrain 22107002 S07524 Structure of dorsal longitudinal nucleus of midbrain (body structure) E07524 369241003 Entire dorsal longitudinal nucleus of midbrain (body structure) P07524 Y P nervous system 2503F202177D4CCF806B6574D75B29AF 7D678CA8AEAD4D8D9D3E88E073456E7A dorsal longitudinal nucleus of midbrain Entire dorsal longitudinal nucleus of midbrain (body structure) 7525 7525 07525 central tegmental tract of midbrain 81230007 S07525 Structure of central tegmental tract of midbrain (body structure) E07525 369243000 Entire central tegmental tract of midbrain (body structure) P07525 Y 72456 P nervous system 28706F1DB92248129D4D357822DFF527 11AC6B8EB5DD434991B954D5EAD6B022 central tegmental tract of midbrain Entire central tegmental tract of midbrain (body structure) 7526 7526 07526 ventral tegmental nucleus of midbrain 57957001 S07526 Structure of ventral tegmental nuclei of midbrain (body structure) E07526 369244006 Entire ventral tegmental nuclei of midbrain (body structure) P07526 Y P nervous system 22DB30DD2B484F81B4BAF59EB03041B8 50835C4AF5FE4B78AA04133B893496C3 ventral tegmental nuclei of midbrain Entire ventral tegmental nuclei of midbrain (body structure) 7527 7527 07527 neck of fifth rib 367921006 S07527 Structure of neck of fifth rib (body structure) E07527 85412006 Entire neck of fifth rib (body structure) P07527 Y 7782 P skeletal system F3ACE19502774144BA0BEB26D0738373 3CCA883D78704471AABAEB61D2CA7753 neck of fifth rib Entire neck of fifth rib (body structure) 7528 7528 07528 stratum zonale of corpora quadrigemina 8965002 S07528 Structure of stratum zonale of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) E07528 369253004 Entire stratum zonale of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) P07528 Y 72406 P special senses organ system E24DBAB8A2D84E559FA3D73E98A78E39 A7502333D4F14CADBE5E3C6BDB6BAB53 stratum zonale of corpora quadrigemina Entire stratum zonale of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) 7529 7529 07529 stratum cinereum of corpora quadrigemina 27587001 S07529 Structure of stratum cinereum of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) E07529 369254005 Entire stratum cinereum of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) P07529 Y 72407 P special senses organ system B0D2F405C0BF4FE8AF3BA658C74B21C5 F9790A66FF564AF1ACAC7C4B680A6A9A stratum cinereum of corpora quadrigemina Entire stratum cinereum of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) 7530 7530 07530 stratum opticum of corpora quadrigemina 34579003 S07530 Structure of stratum opticum of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) E07530 369255006 Entire stratum opticum of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) P07530 Y 71112 P special senses organ system B97352078F114A16834B51A8A385E87E DD61D223139B46D79B8B0173C95A8297 stratum opticum of corpora quadrigemina Entire stratum opticum of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) 7531 7531 07531 stratum lemnisci of corpora quadrigemina 8068002 S07531 Structure of stratum lemnisci of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) E07531 369256007 Entire stratum lemnisci of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) P07531 Y 72408 P special senses organ system FCF82B97952947228C076812A4F87FD5 04D976384E474EB2B45F56B5F3462748 stratum lemnisci of corpora quadrigemina Entire stratum lemnisci of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) 7532 7532 07532 stratum medium of corpora quadrigemina 69161001 S07532 Structure of stratum medium of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) E07532 369257003 Entire stratum medium of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) P07532 Y 71113 P nervous system 4F841A1A6367421BA3E7FFBA27D614A6 E117BA3086C04ED18D297D6AB38E32F9 stratum medium of corpora quadrigemina Entire stratum medium of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) 7533 7533 07533 commissure of superior colliculus 81871008 S07533 Structure of commissure of superior colliculus (body structure) E07533 369258008 Entire commissure of superior colliculus (body structure) P07533 Y 72418 P nervous system 71CE74241E3E4D4E88AADBFAA9504C0E 2F4DDD12913E469EA4EA38DB5DDD3D35 commissure of superior colliculus Entire commissure of superior colliculus (body structure) 7534 7534 07534 superior brachium of corpora quadrigemina 56746008 S07534 Structure of superior brachium of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) E07534 369259000 Entire superior brachium of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) P07534 Y 72417 P special senses organ system 0DFBECD2C8FC4E3BB1BE4CEBC18E15BF AD2F0B9BF1194296AE794F87E09F9BE8 superior brachium of corpora quadrigemina Entire superior brachium of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) 7535 7535 07535 commissure of inferior colliculus 72719000 S07535 Structure of commissure of inferior colliculus (body structure) E07535 369260005 Entire commissure of inferior colliculus (body structure) P07535 Y 71115 P nervous system 3283837FE20F4A2790EB95491F51FCAC F0E07A3646BA420A9DDF96ADB561768A commissure of inferior colliculus Entire commissure of inferior colliculus (body structure) 7536 7536 07536 inferior brachium of corpora quadrigemina 12850009 S07536 Structure of inferior brachium of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) E07536 369182009 Entire inferior brachium of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) P07536 Y 71114 P special senses organ system C7FD75D176994C8C9B10BDF390033772 2516836C29BE40188869851FE1A7EFB3 inferior brachium of corpora quadrigemina Entire inferior brachium of corpora quadrigemina (body structure) 7537 7537 07537 dorsal compact part of substantia nigra 64380009 S07537 Structure of dorsal compact part of substantia nigra (body structure) E07537 369261009 Entire dorsal compact part of substantia nigra (body structure) P07537 Y 62907 P nervous system 6B9D17D18F294BAB8D871BFBDDF445AA F435D16647934D5B941CAC8AC338CD1D dorsal compact part of substantia nigra Entire dorsal compact part of substantia nigra (body structure) 7538 7538 07538 ventral reticular part of substantia nigra 51061002 S07538 Structure of ventral reticular part of substantia nigra (body structure) E07538 369262002 Entire ventral reticular part of substantia nigra (body structure) P07538 Y 62908 P nervous system 61100777F02A49438D848ED625F429F3 D33AAF7CB1454CF494B1128F139C8138 ventral reticular part of substantia nigra Entire ventral reticular part of substantia nigra (body structure) 7539 7539 07539 articular part of tubercle of fifth rib 367935008 S07539 Structure of articular part of tubercle of fifth rib (body structure) E07539 72803003 Entire articular part of tubercle of fifth rib (body structure) P07539 Y 66096 P skeletal system 07BED3A07C4E4D78A88CF80CD2049DF6 ECFFFF3C77904D73BE1A3AE8A90C3E96 articular part of tubercle of fifth rib Entire articular part of tubercle of fifth rib (body structure) 7540 7540 07540 capsule of red nucleus 24377007 S07540 Structure of capsule of red nucleus (body structure) E07540 369245007 Entire capsule of red nucleus (body structure) P07540 Y 72450 P nervous system 34CF0915D2AA415AB88FEF190547A135 400099D29A7446FEBD1FB9F39B3017E7 capsule of red nucleus Entire capsule of red nucleus (body structure) 7541 7541 07541 caudal magnocellular part of red nucleus 48356005 S07541 Structure of caudal magnocellular part of red nucleus (body structure) E07541 369246008 Entire caudal magnocellular part of red nucleus (body structure) P07541 Y P nervous system 7557AEEE9F3047A9A13210CA61B3162D 9FDD3760028E41E9B5C53AECCC125BEB caudal magnocellular part of red nucleus Entire caudal magnocellular part of red nucleus (body structure) 7542 7542 07542 rostral parvocellular part of red nucleus 23944007 S07542 Structure of rostral parvocellular part of red nucleus (body structure) E07542 369247004 Entire rostral parvocellular part of red nucleus (body structure) P07542 Y P nervous system 23C2B5F6AF834C2083B178281E402587 3641F71704AD445BA4F04E9221E63247 rostral parvocellular part of red nucleus Entire rostral parvocellular part of red nucleus (body structure) 7543 7543 07543 dorsal tegmental decussation 61122006 S07543 Structure of dorsal tegmental decussation (body structure) E07543 369248009 Entire dorsal tegmental decussation (body structure) P07543 Y 72451 P nervous system 57FBAC6C408D440EB590FBBCA73C7493 E3F995A018374E0CA74E9FBBB74E9E8D dorsal tegmental decussation Entire dorsal tegmental decussation (body structure) 7544 7544 07544 ventral tegmental decussation 21631006 S07544 Structure of ventral tegmental decussation (body structure) E07544 369249001 Entire ventral tegmental decussation (body structure) P07544 Y 72452 P nervous system F829B822436E4F6F83FFF9AC1C550DB5 BACD972F826445AD9B7441B1622EA59B ventral tegmental decussation Entire ventral tegmental decussation (body structure) 7545 7545 07545 Darkschevitsch nucleus 50023008 S07545 Structure of Darkschevitsch nucleus (body structure) E07545 369250001 Entire Darkschevitsch nucleus (body structure) P07545 Y P nervous system B0EDE1E77C744512A2D93EBC3A9722EB EC66729041E64C2386B3544FF187BAC2 Darkschevitsch nucleus Entire Darkschevitsch nucleus (body structure) 7546 7546 07546 interstitial nucleus of Cajal 46067006 S07546 Structure of interstitial nucleus of Cajal (body structure) E07546 369251002 Entire interstitial nucleus of Cajal (body structure) P07546 Y 72432 P nervous system DDDE29C859424BA59CB6B49A2A9935F7 0422DDD483DC4175BCFBC43946979E45 interstitial nucleus of Cajal Entire interstitial nucleus of Cajal (body structure) 7547 7547 07547 decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles 61577006 S07547 Structure of decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles (body structure) E07547 369252009 Entire decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles (body structure) P07547 Y 72455 P nervous system BE93665A4080414C844AB3B1F40BB556 3C6C3D91DF9F4164A9D878F524DA1573 decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles Entire decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles (body structure) 7548 7548 07548 non-articular part of tubercle of fifth rib 367947002 S07548 Structure of non-articular part of tubercle of fifth rib (body structure) E07548 54545006 Entire non-articular part of tubercle of fifth rib (body structure) P07548 Y 7787 P skeletal system 65E5FD3D203F4118B431CC4FB40912BF FFF84C17C53A4107BC000A6306A9B082 non-articular part of tubercle of fifth rib Entire non-articular part of tubercle of fifth rib (body structure) 7549 7549 07549 spinothalamic tract of midbrain 74214005 S07549 Structure of spinothalamic tract of midbrain (body structure) E07549 369090006 Entire spinothalamic tract of midbrain (body structure) P07549 Y 72463 P nervous system F765FAE4B84C4BEE862DB38B1A0516F9 46B295BC2B5B42B9BBF3A580C57F31D7 spinothalamic tract of midbrain Entire spinothalamic tract of midbrain (body structure) 7550 7550 07550 rubrospinal tract 83142001 S07550 Structure of rubrospinal tract (body structure) E07550 369264001 Entire rubrospinal tract (body structure) P07550 Y 72640 P nervous system 743F5606C2E14EB6AA62EB0E34E9C76B 8196576CC09A47709347074EBA9BC439 rubrospinal tract Entire rubrospinal tract (body structure) 7551 7551 07551 angle of fifth rib 367959003 S07551 Structure of angle of fifth rib (body structure) E07551 88428002 Entire angle of fifth rib (body structure) P07551 Y 7788 P skeletal system D1C11A9610E24D7B96D6833729EC6834 D66DA5B3E4434F82AB7F8AA698FAEA00 angle of fifth rib Entire angle of fifth rib (body structure) 7552 7552 07552 tectospinal tract of midbrain and pons 80666007 S07552 Structure of tectospinal tract of midbrain and pons (body structure) E07552 369089002 Entire tectospinal tract of midbrain and pons (body structure) P07552 Y P nervous system 0A8471686C684AC6A55AC95B0350EA74 E7D0A81E91B14491AE9E2F3F344BFB30 tectospinal tract of midbrain and pons Entire tectospinal tract of midbrain and pons (body structure) 7553 7553 07553 tectobulbar tract 20800006 S07553 Structure of tectobulbar tract (body structure) E07553 369265000 Entire tectobulbar tract (body structure) P07553 Y 72645 P nervous system D183E75300834E1AB214FBE6ABBEE627 4146DB5F0AA1463CB2DA347F66E04F61 tectobulbar tract Entire tectobulbar tract (body structure) 7554 7554 07554 reticular nucleus of pons 31217007 S07554 Structure of reticular nuclei of pons (body structure) E07554 369013007 Entire reticular nuclei of pons (body structure) P07554 Y P nervous system 279B8384C7B245D89A35A98682678F44 F81F67BA584C423BB013A47096D2C253 reticular nuclei of pons Entire reticular nuclei of pons (body structure) 7555 7555 07555 dorsal tegmental nucleus of pons 49179009 S07555 Structure of dorsal tegmental nucleus of pons (body structure) E07555 369014001 Entire dorsal tegmental nucleus of pons (body structure) P07555 Y P nervous system 2F02953480E0488BA595D655E9D2E27D 2B06E0F4804344F487363F4564C1A4DF dorsal tegmental nucleus of pons Entire dorsal tegmental nucleus of pons (body structure) 7556 7556 07556 superior central nucleus of pons 33573005 S07556 Structure of superior central nucleus of pons (body structure) E07556 369015000 Entire superior central nucleus of pons (body structure) P07556 Y P nervous system 4CB65126D32D44039EFA7D044427D0D1 7E6CEDEE2D3E4D28B0E21D03C3E91BCE superior central nucleus of pons Entire superior central nucleus of pons (body structure) 7557 7557 07557 skin of medial area of great toe 86911002 S07557 Skin structure of medial surface of great toe (body structure) E07557 221905005 Entire skin of medial surface of great toe (body structure) P07557 Y D integument/surface 4EEE7EBCFE164EB9AABB8CDB0AA3CA6F AAAFFA2C8AFF48F3B1D473B5ECE249F5 Skin of medial surface of great toe Entire skin of medial surface of great toe (body structure) 7558 7558 07558 costal groove of fifth rib 367972002 S07558 Structure of costal groove of fifth rib (body structure) E07558 10148009 Entire costal groove of fifth rib (body structure) P07558 Y 7791 P skeletal system 3257F903C7E64B32B0259C68855329A2 8E0EAE6772EE4DB4B624F0F3519B0287 costal groove of fifth rib Entire costal groove of fifth rib (body structure) 7559 7559 07559 locus ceruleus 11548008 S07559 Structure of locus ceruleus (body structure) E07559 369016004 Entire locus ceruleus (body structure) P07559 Y 72478 P nervous system 0D1CBFDD886B41D5B0EB983F2A895971 121C89BB6B2448E082AF2C7FFF6B933C locus ceruleus Entire locus ceruleus (body structure) 7560 7560 07560 median raphe nucleus of pons 46463002 S07560 Structure of median raphe of pons (body structure) E07560 369017008 Entire median raphe of pons (body structure) P07560 Y P nervous system F632880DA8644BC7A6D5E8F683973AC2 6D8B146236D34BA6809F744EFC68FD3D median raphe of pons Entire median raphe of pons (body structure) 7561 7561 07561 inferior central nucleus of pons 45948002 S07561 Structure of inferior central nucleus of pons (body structure) E07561 369018003 Entire inferior central nucleus of pons (body structure) P07561 Y P nervous system F3DD5E9A87764D5793D2B008C75040FC 336D3C16E93D43D49DB49C27BA4AC9E5 inferior central nucleus of pons Entire inferior central nucleus of pons (body structure) 7562 7562 07562 medial eminence of pons 36103007 S07562 Structure of median eminence of pons (body structure) E07562 369035004 Entire median eminence of pons (body structure) P07562 - 78479 P nervous system 03682FDE81384D959C32E70E5EE01F24 676D065F92D242E1BEA0A8A0E1C0FDB8 median eminence of pons Entire median eminence of pons (body structure) 7563 7563 07563 trapezoid body 68465007 S07563 Structure of trapezoid body (body structure) E07563 369019006 Entire trapezoid body (body structure) P07563 Y 72487 P special senses organ system DC9FF9F4187B491FA4648E744945DE95 2C9A5559803B4BCEBA634C884238D8A4 trapezoid body Entire trapezoid body (body structure) 7564 7564 07564 ventral nucleus of trapezoid body 25561000 S07564 Structure of ventral nucleus of trapezoid body (body structure) E07564 369020000 Entire ventral nucleus of trapezoid body (body structure) P07564 Y 72477 P special senses organ system 860D64AFA05444D9A8D9C3C82FC16BF3 081D97E364364C95B5E1557965AB1C86 ventral nucleus of trapezoid body Entire ventral nucleus of trapezoid body (body structure) 7565 7565 07565 dorsal nucleus of trapezoid body 3556003 S07565 Structure of dorsal nucleus of trapezoid body (body structure) E07565 369021001 Entire dorsal nucleus of trapezoid body (body structure) P07565 Y P special senses organ system 0302EEE3CB2B49DEB3DB18C6DFA525DE 655104855BFC48A19E93643DA4054DC0 dorsal nucleus of trapezoid body Entire dorsal nucleus of trapezoid body (body structure) 7566 7566 07566 pontine portion of medial longitudinal fasciculus 7697002 S07566 Structure of pontine portion of medial longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) E07566 369022008 Entire pontine portion of medial longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) P07566 Y P nervous system 0B0852D136B44221BACBA5F1EF49D4BF 0A3B9C688A4B4B67B6F8C0AC7694DD75 pontine portion of medial longitudinal fasciculus Entire pontine portion of medial longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) 7567 7567 07567 shaft of fifth rib 367984000 S07567 Structure of shaft of fifth rib (body structure) E07567 17376007 Entire shaft of fifth rib (body structure) P07567 Y 7784 P skeletal system 6E61E5C7A691441B91AA1014864E1FDE 2FF99CE98AD24F65BA68017A6586470F shaft of fifth rib Entire shaft of fifth rib (body structure) 7568 7568 07568 lateral lemniscus nucleus 29762003 S07568 Structure of lateral lemniscus nucleus (body structure) E07568 369023003 Entire lateral lemniscus nucleus (body structure) P07568 Y P nervous system 8618F04057914896B930E75E158E669B FDD902B52E0D406B9B19AF42137DEBC1 lateral lemniscus nucleus Entire lateral lemniscus nucleus (body structure) 7569 7569 07569 central tegmental tract 1729007 S07569 Structure of central tegmental tract (body structure) E07569 369034000 Entire central tegmental tract (body structure) P07569 Y 83850 P nervous system 95C251FE439C439497D527F890B4C069 AE22AB98079D403C9DF5DBFE49630A89 central tegmental tract Entire central tegmental tract (body structure) 7570 7570 07570 superior olivary nucleus 82683005 S07570 Structure of superior olivary nucleus (body structure) E07570 369024009 Entire superior olivary nucleus (body structure) P07570 Y P special senses organ system BE9B5461551941BEA6E883868F558051 4AF1070F4A064E3695C71E20CE26F320 superior olivary nucleus Entire superior olivary nucleus (body structure) 7571 7571 07571 tractus olivocochlearis 3153003 S07571 Structure of tractus olivocochlearis (body structure) E07571 369030009 Entire tractus olivocochlearis (body structure) P07571 Y 72485 P special senses organ system 28B5C7BB8DEB42B288DDB50A5C731E68 B1333F47F82F4A46BC3710400802A2D6 tractus olivocochlearis Entire tractus olivocochlearis (body structure) 7572 7572 07572 basilar white matter of pons 16048002 S07572 Structure of basilar white matter of pons (body structure) E07572 369029004 Entire basilar white matter of pons (body structure) P07572 Y P nervous system FDCCC7D395B34156B08023EBADB7F3D6 B05574ED71234371BE65539ED32E0BD5 basilar white matter of pons Entire basilar white matter of pons (body structure) 7573 7573 07573 upper border of fifth rib 367997003 S07573 Structure of upper border of fifth rib (body structure) E07573 48112001 Entire upper border of fifth rib (body structure) P07573 Y P skeletal system C7FC2C6DE3554D2F8447930D0487BC83 956C1B2A13244D9081100E5F59A30D9C upper border of fifth rib Entire upper border of fifth rib (body structure) 7574 7574 07574 ventral spinocerebellar tract of pons 10026001 S07574 Structure of ventral spinocerebellar tract of pons (body structure) E07574 369025005 Entire ventral spinocerebellar tract of pons (body structure) P07574 Y P nervous system 2D2062DE3D5648809EC776B6ACFC2225 D9151FF68A9E4A19AD4930159CAFA9EF ventral spinocerebellar tract of pons Entire ventral spinocerebellar tract of pons (body structure) 7575 7575 07575 spinothalamic tract of pons 52894002 S07575 Structure of spinothalamic tract of pons (body structure) E07575 369026006 Entire spinothalamic tract of pons (body structure) P07575 Y 72504 P nervous system F98BC44C9149438384DEE6927761BEE2 BA263E55C09046E4BBBE67805376406A spinothalamic tract of pons Entire spinothalamic tract of pons (body structure) 7576 7576 07576 spinal trigeminal tract of pons 37641006 S07576 Structure of spinal trigeminal tract of pons (body structure) E07576 369027002 Entire spinal trigeminal tract of pons (body structure) P07576 Y 72507 P nervous system 461324673FD843DD9546A69C447903D3 E6FA264659F243518C0430C5F76B0EA7 spinal trigeminal tract of pons Entire spinal trigeminal tract of pons (body structure) 7577 7577 07577 under border of fifth rib 368010002 S07577 Structure of under border of fifth rib (body structure) E07577 73733007 Entire under border of fifth rib (body structure) P07577 Y P skeletal system E117FB616A7A480584A2B1A0B2B220F6 63ED5B09F31D4B11B3FB56788AA4403B under border of fifth rib Entire under border of fifth rib (body structure) 7578 7578 07578 spinotegmental tract of pons 70820009 S07578 Structure of spinotegmental tract of pons (body structure) E07578 369012002 Entire spinotegmental tract of pons (body structure) P07578 Y P nervous system B58FDFC55D7E4A24BA905EC38A7710EE E1520B82712C43FC9F0E99AE12920ABE spinotegmental tract of pons Entire spinotegmental tract of pons (body structure) 7579 7579 07579 isthmus of rhombencephalon 54402001 S07579 Structure of isthmus of rhombencephalon (body structure) E07579 369036003 Entire isthmus of rhombencephalon (body structure) P07579 - P nervous system 1B76C584F68A48E69BC1498695875D1A 0BF5BB3A71174525A0D8D62FCB879A29 isthmus of rhombencephalon Entire isthmus of rhombencephalon (body structure) 7580 7580 07580 cerebellopontine angle 21362003 S07580 Structure of cerebellopontine angle (body structure) E07580 369037007 Entire cerebellopontine angle (body structure) P07580 Y 84358 P nervous system D8292E9F2E754FC09B76C505229F3707 6FDEC1F5173C46969BD90F6194E46A30 cerebellopontine angle Entire cerebellopontine angle (body structure) 7581 7581 07581 cerebellar folium 38335005 S07581 Structure of cerebellar folium (body structure) E07581 369044003 Entire cerebellar folium (body structure) P07581 - 83889 P nervous system 97749B21CFFF4FD882C17C9D410E382A 50913D6ED47C492A97E618B72C5DD63A cerebellar folium Entire cerebellar folium (body structure) 7582 7582 07582 cerebellar fissure 48715009 S07582 Structure of cerebellar fissure (body structure) E07582 314163001 Entire cerebellar fissure (body structure) P07582 - 77789 P nervous system B65B040824644CC393534AC4100B277E 9C77C6AD1F3944F1A69D6FC1624E9BF7 cerebellar fissure Entire cerebellar fissure (body structure) 7583 7583 07583 outer surface of fifth rib 368023009 S07583 Structure of outer surface of fifth rib (body structure) E07583 83197006 Entire outer surface of fifth rib (body structure) P07583 Y 7789 P skeletal system 4B4A2218A366497097477E033CD25DF3 AB184D0A0A204308B7B052EE0CFCC975 outer surface of fifth rib Entire outer surface of fifth rib (body structure) 7584 7584 07584 molecular layer of cerebellar cortex 33991007 S07584 Structure of molecular layer of cerebellar cortex (body structure) E07584 369045002 Entire molecular layer of cerebellar cortex (body structure) P07584 - 83897 P nervous system 6E57E09ABAF142FABA8B8C392F4D48AD 9D7DCB2268C342FBAF2002B68E895CAA molecular layer of cerebellar cortex Entire molecular layer of cerebellar cortex (body structure) 7585 7585 07585 purkinje cell layer of cerebellar cortex 68445000 S07585 Structure of purkinje cell layer of cerebellar cortex (body structure) E07585 369046001 Entire purkinje cell layer of cerebellar cortex (body structure) P07585 Y 83896 P nervous system DF73F90F31004F869F5EE6DCFAB57385 EE801FC6C35343139CD02AA078E254B7 purkinje cell layer of cerebellar cortex Entire purkinje cell layer of cerebellar cortex (body structure) 7586 7586 07586 inner granular layer of cerebellar cortex 87381007 S07586 Structure of inner granular layer of cerebellar cortex (body structure) E07586 369047005 Entire inner granular layer of cerebellar cortex (body structure) P07586 Y P nervous system 6A9C825687B3470883D878E34BE28AC6 11313091DF6146429E6AAE84CA3F32F0 inner granular layer of cerebellar cortex Entire inner granular layer of cerebellar cortex (body structure) 7587 7587 07587 outer granular layer of cerebellar cortex 58016008 S07587 Structure of outer granular layer of cerebellar cortex (body structure) E07587 369051007 Entire outer granular layer of cerebellar cortex (body structure) P07587 Y P nervous system 5243598A863A4053BA68ED0D03E9E768 332E39FEC85D463DB9DF7558D1DD6918 outer granular layer of cerebellar cortex Entire outer granular layer of cerebellar cortex (body structure) 7588 7588 07588 inner surface of fifth rib 368036009 S07588 Structure of inner surface of fifth rib (body structure) E07588 16715005 Entire inner surface of fifth rib (body structure) P07588 Y 7790 P skeletal system B80B3F2B735E444DAAFA54057459A014 4626862F131F4CB481B51932A93878AD inner surface of fifth rib Entire inner surface of fifth rib (body structure) 7589 7589 07589 culmen 89649002 S07589 Structure of culmen (body structure) E07589 279384001 Entire culmen (body structure) P07589 - 83886 P nervous system 4817D006713F4282BC7AD8E832D03098 D72C6CD376954EF7A2084FF4E2C7E8D4 culmen Entire culmen (body structure) 7590 7590 07590 intraculminate fissure 16423006 S07590 Structure of intraculminate fissure (body structure) E07590 369052000 Entire intraculminate fissure (body structure) P07590 Y 83737 P nervous system C5C538FEF44D4178B44F927A486D6BC7 AEE87BEA6BC94BA88327BED9FE0E6DC7 intraculminate fissure Entire intraculminate fissure (body structure) 7591 7591 07591 anterior semilunar lobule 66171000 S07591 Structure of anterior semilunar lobule (body structure) E07591 369041006 Entire anterior semilunar lobule (body structure) P07591 Y 72516 P nervous system CB84AE05CB144E1D87E9252514834A99 FBEA95BC3DA144E8BD3E396A05978B05 anterior semilunar lobule Entire anterior semilunar lobule (body structure) 7592 7592 07592 primary fissure of cerebellum 34415000 S07592 Structure of primary fissure of cerebellum (body structure) E07592 314164007 Entire primary fissure of cerebellum (body structure) P07592 Y 83729 P nervous system D3ECE807C523478D93A2CBF1BF160370 416C6D1E8A7949BA8292EBD1433F9E1F primary fissure of cerebellum Entire primary fissure of cerebellum (body structure) 7593 7593 07593 intrapyramidal fissure 20103006 S07593 Structure of intrapyramidal fissure (body structure) E07593 369053005 Entire intrapyramidal fissure (body structure) P07593 - P nervous system 5332651D6AAB4ECBBAD27996118A3456 258D32ECC79245CA9334276AFB9F1BC4 intrapyramidal fissure Entire intrapyramidal fissure (body structure) 7594 7594 07594 uvula vermis 52045001 S07594 Structure of uvula vermis (body structure) E07594 279387008 Entire uvula vermis (body structure) P07594 - P nervous system 60F2BD61FEAA487CAF9B2C30D44C1BA8 217090BFCDC14B578B9427164F399095 uvula vermis Entire uvula vermis (body structure) 7595 7595 07595 posterior semilunar lobule 22863004 S07595 Structure of posterior semilunar lobule (body structure) E07595 369042004 Entire posterior semilunar lobule (body structure) P07595 Y 72522 P nervous system 7923A8AB481A4085B19C38E8AE45367A 2548EBBBC515458FB3325A7729FDC611 posterior semilunar lobule Entire posterior semilunar lobule (body structure) 7596 7596 07596 prepyramidal fissure 78163006 S07596 Structure of prepyramidal fissure (body structure) E07596 314171002 Entire prepyramidal fissure (body structure) P07596 Y 75138 P nervous system 3E71A77717E644869FE9190E7C0A8C68 4EC3740878A140F09B231317C5933A70 prepyramidal fissure Entire prepyramidal fissure (body structure) 7597 7597 07597 cerebellar biventral lobule 67344004 S07597 Structure of cerebellar biventral lobule (body structure) E07597 369043009 Entire cerebellar biventral lobule (body structure) P07597 Y 72526 P nervous system D97E1AC2F8284C0D865234682E2427FD 3915611C88AF4051BBAF25966CAB91F7 cerebellar biventral lobule Entire cerebellar biventral lobule (body structure) 7598 7598 07598 cerebellar tonsil 28587004 S07598 Structure of cerebellar tonsil (body structure) E07598 314174005 Entire cerebellar tonsil (body structure) P07598 Y 83464 P nervous system F0615DC34C3945CABA8C1975B26150DC 0721BFE74A734095ACAE57510F4C46CF cerebellar tonsil Entire cerebellar tonsil (body structure) 7599 7599 07599 crest of head of sixth rib 367910002 S07599 Structure of crest of head of sixth rib (body structure) E07599 67649000 Entire crest of head of sixth rib (body structure) P07599 Y 7805 P skeletal system 7DFC696A7693450984FA8C9B2C981A58 08B5367619994B1CBA88A949E99B70F3 crest of head of sixth rib Entire crest of head of sixth rib (body structure) 7600 7600 07600 flocculus peduncle 77766005 S07600 Structure of flocculus peduncle (body structure) E07600 369054004 Entire flocculus peduncle (body structure) P07600 Y 72543 P nervous system 0C61F5EE5A9E465F8F4C94D995650992 CD2B20EB0A9F4BC6B3E53AED99CCF6FD flocculus peduncle Entire flocculus peduncle (body structure) 7601 7601 07601 hilum of dentate nucleus 62542008 S07601 Structure of hilum of dentate nucleus (body structure) E07601 369055003 Entire hilum of dentate nucleus (body structure) P07601 Y 72548 P nervous system F09124A5784F470DBCA4AC5E2FBE52C6 2BAE4B33EAD742649389332789200D39 hilum of dentate nucleus Entire hilum of dentate nucleus (body structure) 7602 7602 07602 neck of sixth rib 367922004 S07602 Structure of neck of sixth rib (body structure) E07602 18556000 Entire neck of sixth rib (body structure) P07602 Y 7809 P skeletal system E7E792E0A9E14274ACBD9F3D035BD4A5 A37043D5640942BBA5659DAEF6CC1AC2 neck of sixth rib Entire neck of sixth rib (body structure) 7603 7603 07603 arbor vitae of cerebellum 90981002 S07603 Structure of arbor vitae of cerebellum (body structure) E07603 369050008 Entire arbor vitae of cerebellum (body structure) P07603 Y 72541 P nervous system B40E1C4665094060B2A2C4D591C9B0EA F709D5D3AB46496A8CB4C42400FE0F54 arbor vitae of cerebellum Entire arbor vitae of cerebellum (body structure) 7604 7604 07604 superior cerebellar peduncle 11089000 S07604 Structure of superior cerebellar peduncle (body structure) E07604 279218008 Entire superior cerebellar peduncle (body structure) P07604 Y 72495 P nervous system 10B5737436654D19AB131E9E310D2244 67A78CDB8FDF46B1A1109A9E9CC3D400 superior cerebellar peduncle Entire superior cerebellar peduncle (body structure) 7605 7605 07605 middle cerebellar peduncle 33723005 S07605 Structure of middle cerebellar peduncle (body structure) E07605 279219000 Entire middle cerebellar peduncle (body structure) P07605 Y 72515 P nervous system 97AA5AE171A7427BB55C6189A03A75DA EFE72707A8564895A6804DA2ED363F87 middle cerebellar peduncle Entire middle cerebellar peduncle (body structure) 7606 7606 07606 fastigiobulbar projection 62796005 S07606 Structure of fastigiobulbar projection (body structure) E07606 369049008 Entire fastigiobulbar projection (body structure) P07606 Y P nervous system 2AF3E7E4D6774F39BBB10CBC44DA58A7 81AB287C83534FCBA9E7C82BCB7DCF56 fastigiobulbar projection Entire fastigiobulbar projection (body structure) 7607 7607 07607 skin of area between great toe and second toe 82475005 S07607 Structure of skin between great toe and second toe (body structure) E07607 229536007 Entire skin between great toe and second toe (body structure) P07607 Y P integumentary system C3BB7C7B860E4BA1BF795D321081705B 3570D6581D144767B6F47B31FEBBD2D6 skin between great toe and second toe Entire skin between great toe and second toe (body structure) 7608 7608 07608 pyramidal decussation 44375006 S07608 Structure of pyramidal decussation (body structure) E07608 369058001 Entire pyramidal decussation (body structure) P07608 Y 72633 P nervous system 481540041FC34E56BBF17E6E92A7F04C 0D4F3ABB40EC4AE6AD8695DF78A09A12 pyramidal decussation Entire pyramidal decussation (body structure) 7609 7609 07609 reticular formation of medulla oblongata 12608007 S07609 Structure of reticular formation of medulla oblongata (body structure) E07609 369059009 Entire reticular formation of medulla oblongata (body structure) P07609 - P nervous system 61F8A5B85AE74A4B817A58E24A282748 C9E7A77A16E74F89A17441C9CDAC02A0 reticular formation of medulla oblongata Entire reticular formation of medulla oblongata (body structure) 7610 7610 07610 medulla oblongata fasciculus cuneatus 8604004 S07610 Structure of medulla oblongata fasciculus cuneatus (body structure) E07610 369060004 Entire medulla oblongata fasciculus cuneatus (body structure) P07610 Y P nervous system 18B7CB899A52401E9728956C3C3C7FBC 5F619F4F5DAF4EC5A857A21E2402C889 medulla oblongata fasciculus cuneatus Entire medulla oblongata fasciculus cuneatus (body structure) 7611 7611 07611 medulla oblongata fasciculus gracilis 20104000 S07611 Structure of medulla oblongata fasciculus gracilis (body structure) E07611 369061000 Entire medulla oblongata fasciculus gracilis (body structure) P07611 Y P nervous system B64701A474584B02B223C5ED15792BDE 4E32DE67E94A460C89D97F42325596A9 medulla oblongata fasciculus gracilis Entire medulla oblongata fasciculus gracilis (body structure) 7612 7612 07612 medulla oblongata lateral funiculus 47636001 S07612 Structure of medulla oblongata lateral funiculus (body structure) E07612 369062007 Entire medulla oblongata lateral funiculus (body structure) P07612 Y 77735 P nervous system 7653F937B9824BC29092F7F432FEC5D2 DE2A4E0BD8624E74A10EBFE4C32EA823 medulla oblongata lateral funiculus Entire medulla oblongata lateral funiculus (body structure) 7613 7613 07613 articular part of tubercle of sixth rib 367936009 S07613 Structure of articular part of tubercle of sixth rib (body structure) E07613 26773006 Entire articular part of tubercle of sixth rib (body structure) P07613 Y 66097 P skeletal system BA4988424B924D57AC352FAA00CEA0AC AEA70CC1A31A4E4C8ED344E761890534 articular part of tubercle of sixth rib Entire articular part of tubercle of sixth rib (body structure) 7614 7614 07614 calamus scriptorius 85682006 S07614 Structure of calamus scriptorius (body structure) E07614 369038002 Entire calamus scriptorius (body structure) P07614 Y 78491 P nervous system 9650E859EF9C4E9A91DF6D82A68489D5 E979C8C4585D474CBAEFEED65916A17C calamus scriptorius Entire calamus scriptorius (body structure) 7615 7615 07615 area postrema 30414005 S07615 Structure of area postrema (body structure) E07615 369039005 Entire area postrema (body structure) P07615 Y 72607 P nervous system 907746FFFB154C96A4467E2ECB5B2EFC 9670DB1419484CBB95AD546F2C7BFCA8 area postrema Entire area postrema (body structure) 7616 7616 07616 tegmentum of rhombencephalon 55073008 S07616 Structure of tegmentum of rhombencephalon (body structure) E07616 369040007 Entire tegmentum of rhombencephalon (body structure) P07616 - P nervous system 846F038D3F4F48B98684771AA55E3C4B 07EC571FE8184FC4B7454AD7378F9309 tegmentum of rhombencephalon Entire tegmentum of rhombencephalon (body structure) 7617 7617 07617 medulla oblongata medial lemniscus 62159009 S07617 Structure of medulla oblongata medial lemniscus (body structure) E07617 369063002 Entire medulla oblongata medial lemniscus (body structure) P07617 Y P nervous system 8EF9D1C218B049FFA85037C11BD3B21B 02B5056637444CE18B0339C92FD6DA42 medulla oblongata medial lemniscus Entire medulla oblongata medial lemniscus (body structure) 7618 7618 07618 medulla oblongata dorsal longitudinal fasciculus 45408004 S07618 Structure of medulla oblongata dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) E07618 369065009 Entire medulla oblongata dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) P07618 Y P nervous system F972E676155F4D19B45763586D432D9F A791B8E734D749EDB47D278791D52F32 medulla oblongata dorsal longitudinal fasciculus Entire medulla oblongata dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (body structure) 7619 7619 07619 non-articular part of tubercle of sixth rib 367948007 S07619 Structure of non-articular part of tubercle of sixth rib (body structure) E07619 49040001 Entire non-articular part of tubercle of sixth rib (body structure) P07619 Y 7814 P skeletal system 8A627A5DC970449496389715F836B421 A66253B2C1B44CDE8B8B7623EA0C0441 non-articular part of tubercle of sixth rib Entire non-articular part of tubercle of sixth rib (body structure) 7620 7620 07620 decussation lemnisci of medulla oblongata 23608000 S07620 Structure of decussation lemnisci of medulla oblongata (body structure) E07620 369064008 Entire decussation lemnisci of medulla oblongata (body structure) P07620 Y 72622 P nervous system DD88D70CD45C4C9C80781B9E0CCF9445 AF812C5F6A12420AB1600435024D3A2D decussation lemnisci of medulla oblongata Entire decussation lemnisci of medulla oblongata (body structure) 7621 7621 07621 inferior olivary nucleus 26193009 S07621 Structure of inferior olivary nucleus (body structure) E07621 369066005 Entire inferior olivary nucleus (body structure) P07621 Y 72243 P nervous system BFE756F94CFE488F8B6A3C3B9FAF095D E4B7D803B76A4D38A43777F34D2F5B1F inferior olivary nucleus Entire inferior olivary nucleus (body structure) 7622 7622 07622 hilum of olivary nucleus 87517002 S07622 Structure of hilum of olivary nucleus (body structure) E07622 369067001 Entire hilum of olivary nucleus (body structure) P07622 Y P nervous system BD9630BA0E5E4578B859166E4376053C 5C748008130D48F38008EA892C117CDF hilum of olivary nucleus Entire hilum of olivary nucleus (body structure) 7623 7623 07623 dorsal accessory olivary nucleus 47640005 S07623 Structure of dorsal accessory olivary nucleus (body structure) E07623 369068006 Entire dorsal accessory olivary nucleus (body structure) P07623 Y 72593 P nervous system BA53CC2B3044413CB93FE8754A8A3191 45161C9E73FB4125B699E2B6B7CAABB0 dorsal accessory olivary nucleus Entire dorsal accessory olivary nucleus (body structure) 7624 7624 07624 medial accessory olivary nucleus 71662007 S07624 Structure of medial accessory olivary nucleus (body structure) E07624 369069003 Entire medial accessory olivary nucleus (body structure) P07624 Y 72594 P nervous system 948FEA8CFB4E42658CAFD6C79CBB528D 01999CCD158D41A7911862DB2EB90327 medial accessory olivary nucleus Entire medial accessory olivary nucleus (body structure) 7625 7625 07625 medulla oblongata arcuate nucleus 16381009 S07625 Structure of medulla oblongata arcuate nucleus (body structure) E07625 369070002 Entire medulla oblongata arcuate nucleus (body structure) P07625 Y P nervous system B4E1F28AAA7C4F28BA2FD7AEEBEE8A6D 7CCF041663E3477591EA396A1A96777C medulla oblongata arcuate nucleus Entire medulla oblongata arcuate nucleus (body structure) 7626 7626 07626 angle of sixth rib 367960008 S07626 Structure of angle of sixth rib (body structure) E07626 58469003 Entire angle of sixth rib (body structure) P07626 Y 7815 P skeletal system 88FBD7EDABB049F4A01267C4CC178401 0150DB65E19D48E2943360F0FCB9702E angle of sixth rib Entire angle of sixth rib (body structure) 7627 7627 07627 nucleus gracilis 47907004 S07627 Structure of nucleus gracilis (body structure) E07627 369071003 Entire nucleus gracilis (body structure) P07627 Y 72602 P nervous system 0E4943F4226A4EEB9A98C7960ED9FDD5 13545485EE484E8FB4C48760AB0B011B nucleus gracilis Entire nucleus gracilis (body structure) 7628 7628 07628 nucleus cuneatus 39699004 S07628 Structure of nucleus cuneatus (body structure) E07628 369072005 Entire nucleus cuneatus (body structure) P07628 Y 68465 P nervous system B02A6946759543DBBEADD3E53A779F96 BEB1593F8E064DDB9089F48239BA3CCF nucleus cuneatus Entire nucleus cuneatus (body structure) 7629 7629 07629 accessory cuneate nucleus 369073000 S07629 Structure of accessory cuneate nucleus (body structure) E07629 15575006 Entire accessory cuneate nucleus (body structure) P07629 Y 72603 P nervous system 12904F345B054FFD9E52AD444C2F23DB 2CDA97F4B8E041189455E15280DDD819 accessory cuneate nucleus Entire accessory cuneate nucleus (body structure) 7631 7631 07631 medulla oblongata lateral nucleus 74907002 S07631 Structure of medulla oblongata lateral nucleus (body structure) E07631 369075007 Entire medulla oblongata lateral nucleus (body structure) P07631 Y 0 P nervous system 9C9B474A736A4E5890B82FF4C5A7EC2E 0EAE4C2A04094883A12C95FEC07BC871 medulla oblongata lateral nucleus Entire medulla oblongata lateral nucleus (body structure) 7632 7632 07632 Roller's nucleus 82881005 S07632 Structure of Roller's nucleus (body structure) E07632 369076008 Entire Roller's nucleus (body structure) P07632 Y 77768 P nervous system AA10533D0DCF4269B5BC21EAE9B55C8E 87E9A3F6531440E780A9E570F8724D0E Roller's nucleus Entire Roller's nucleus (body structure) 7633 7633 07633 nucleus intercalatus of medulla 90649008 S07633 Structure of nucleus intercalatus (body structure) E07633 369077004 Entire nucleus intercalatus (body structure) P07633 Y 77103 P nervous system 7EDDD876D8E04FC180986E7C6ABB7037 F4329B82D21A41C4BA4927D039A1E348 nucleus intercalatus Entire nucleus intercalatus (body structure) 7634 7634 07634 nucleus prepositus 75089005 S07634 Structure of nucleus prepositus (body structure) E07634 369078009 Entire nucleus prepositus (body structure) P07634 Y 72596 P nervous system DA55A875F4CC4B33B6DA01B6BA8D4010 5A03664C271747CBA72641598AC93C2F nucleus prepositus Entire nucleus prepositus (body structure) 7635 7635 07635 costal groove of sixth rib 367973007 S07635 Structure of costal groove of sixth rib (body structure) E07635 59069003 Entire costal groove of sixth rib (body structure) P07635 Y 7818 P skeletal system D3A890EDF50B4D26A5CFAF185EB03D1C DCC7A90D3D65408B8650A6DA676570A6 costal groove of sixth rib Entire costal groove of sixth rib (body structure) 7636 7636 07636 nucleus ambiguus 2083001 S07636 Structure of nucleus ambiguus (body structure) E07636 280184006 Entire nucleus ambiguus (body structure) P07636 Y 54588 P nervous system A9EFA5F842D9429A8695B186E58A027A 30620302E6644BB1AD6D2F509B0E7AAF nucleus ambiguus Entire nucleus ambiguus (body structure) 7637 7637 07637 decussation of inferior cerebellar peduncles 42352003 S07637 Structure of decussation of inferior cerebellar peduncles (body structure) E07637 369056002 Entire decussation of inferior cerebellar peduncles (body structure) P07637 Y P nervous system A489B460126E4D19ABB80DD268FC2D4E 7DD2D622AEE142A88D675F62F7BAC9FD decussation of inferior cerebellar peduncles Entire decussation of inferior cerebellar peduncles (body structure) 7638 7638 07638 shaft of sixth rib 367985004 S07638 Structure of shaft of sixth rib (body structure) E07638 63861007 Entire shaft of sixth rib (body structure) P07638 Y 7811 P skeletal system 0C01FA6ABA0C4A4D89A7597C89BF4FE3 6CF8019D90C640EA88073D5A6804419C shaft of sixth rib Entire shaft of sixth rib (body structure) 7639 7639 07639 upper border of sixth rib 367998008 S07639 Structure of upper border of sixth rib (body structure) E07639 14413004 Entire upper border of sixth rib (body structure) P07639 Y P skeletal system 8E3D4C78C98347659169ABF819E863C8 0347E8A77A594B3184737D07EBF78A37 upper border of sixth rib Entire upper border of sixth rib (body structure) 7640 7640 07640 spinal cord nucleus dorsalis 36255003 S07640 Structure of spinal cord nucleus dorsalis (body structure) E07640 367872003 Entire spinal cord nucleus dorsalis (body structure) P07640 Y 77023 P nervous system EB740B4F75F64E83BF751B163C158BB6 37536E2FE5944252B1219BD1CA1AAE7D spinal cord nucleus dorsalis Entire spinal cord nucleus dorsalis (body structure) 7641 7641 07641 reticular formation of spinal cord 2071003 S07641 Structure of reticular formation of spinal cord (body structure) E07641 369268003 Entire reticular formation of spinal cord (body structure) P07641 Y 77455 P nervous system E1A44A440FCD452E9CBA002B9128C522 0C127E97604944068AEFA0807F3B41F4 reticular formation of spinal cord Entire reticular formation of spinal cord (body structure) 7642 7642 07642 under border of sixth rib 368011003 S07642 Structure of under border of sixth rib (body structure) E07642 72160000 Entire under border of sixth rib (body structure) P07642 Y P skeletal system 6DA14A8D2C3948479A17D042F1ED8CA9 EB9722EEBC214D9C9706F4B6013D249E under border of sixth rib Entire under border of sixth rib (body structure) 7643 7643 07643 fasciculus gracilis 14629002 S07643 Structure of fasciculus gracilis (body structure) E07643 369079001 Entire fasciculus gracilis (body structure) P07643 Y 72624 P nervous system 833C426749F94DD78CE719C4AD299110 EA2369ED78584D8B915F602843EF1CEC fasciculus gracilis Entire fasciculus gracilis (body structure) 7644 7644 07644 fasciculus cuneatus 11449002 S07644 Structure of fasciculus cuneatus (body structure) E07644 314792006 Entire fasciculus cuneatus (body structure) P07644 Y 73941 P nervous system EFEA31794603436C9B3587DA15BA06EA EFDE2776670A44999BA056DFA9E95EAC fasciculus cuneatus Entire fasciculus cuneatus (body structure) 7645 7645 07645 fasciculus interfascicularis 48879003 S07645 Structure of fasciculus interfascicularis (body structure) E07645 314885005 Entire fasciculus interfascicularis (body structure) P07645 Y 73944 P nervous system FC38A5537A3542A7B4D508CAAFA9FEEC 3520D3A35C78454FB9EB39760A52ADEB fasciculus interfascicularis Entire fasciculus interfascicularis (body structure) 7646 7646 07646 fasciculus septomarginalis 50860006 S07646 Structure of fasciculus septomarginalis (body structure) E07646 314977002 Entire fasciculus septomarginalis (body structure) P07646 Y 77030 P nervous system 4FCE8F3348A44DBA89A5379DA81F4010 4D50E99DEE474B88A994787D0AE1C15D fasciculus septomarginalis Entire fasciculus septomarginalis (body structure) 7647 7647 07647 outer surface of sixth rib 368024003 S07647 Structure of outer surface of sixth rib (body structure) E07647 72701009 Entire outer surface of sixth rib (body structure) P07647 Y 7816 P skeletal system BB6E5BD754834CB4ACADEC32457751ED F97C321AF0E848F5AF71734FFE8BF8A8 outer surface of sixth rib Entire outer surface of sixth rib (body structure) 7648 7648 07648 lateral corticospinal tract 461002 S07648 Structure of lateral corticospinal tract (body structure) E07648 369091005 Entire lateral corticospinal tract (body structure) P07648 Y 72635 P nervous system EB54F5C18FEB4765B4ABF641D1C90B1A 688817DE610E42C6AE7EAB7269285B8C lateral corticospinal tract Entire lateral corticospinal tract (body structure) 7649 7649 07649 dorsal spinocerebellar tract 28144008 S07649 Structure of dorsal spinocerebellar tract (body structure) E07649 369284002 Entire dorsal spinocerebellar tract (body structure) P07649 Y 72641 P nervous system 17F5233A403747D580595B2A62CAAE3B F4B451E8A4CC4BC8A17268DBA7F98BEC dorsal spinocerebellar tract Entire dorsal spinocerebellar tract (body structure) 7650 7650 07650 ventral spinocerebellar tract 76454008 S07650 Structure of ventral spinocerebellar tract (body structure) E07650 369285001 Entire ventral spinocerebellar tract (body structure) P07650 Y 72642 P nervous system 26ADB94939DD425FA872A0EFF3E0C74B BFF15F0883894C439D9EC0E97102C503 ventral spinocerebellar tract Entire ventral spinocerebellar tract (body structure) 7651 7651 07651 lateral spinothalamic tract 19001003 S07651 Structure of lateral spinothalamic tract (body structure) E07651 369286000 Entire lateral spinothalamic tract (body structure) P07651 Y 73965 P nervous system D547E9B9DACF4A798B2969AE9DD5AE64 4E8A9E54E2BF42929A4F7632788FF043 lateral spinothalamic tract Entire lateral spinothalamic tract (body structure) 7652 7652 07652 spinotectal tract 12628006 S07652 Structure of spinotectal tract (body structure) E07652 315278006 Entire spinotectal tract (body structure) P07652 Y 73968 P nervous system EBD7D88CF0664ABFA6B9A9DA39FCB266 285FA89AEDC54D46995355DAF8D2E2CD spinotectal tract Entire spinotectal tract (body structure) 7653 7653 07653 dorsolateral tract 21376002 S07653 Structure of dorsolateral tract (body structure) E07653 369287009 Entire dorsolateral tract (body structure) P07653 Y 72616 P nervous system AD534A63290442B785E24E53893A3D57 A60F87028BED4F3BB0D3DAB9D89F096F dorsolateral tract Entire dorsolateral tract (body structure) 7654 7654 07654 spinal cord spino-olivary tract 39382005 S07654 Structure of spinal cord spino-olivary tract (body structure) E07654 369057006 Entire spinal cord spino-olivary tract (body structure) P07654 Y 73971 P nervous system AAE9D1D8303E4F12A5CADA159F0FB502 405620A396074626B5356C823F5B777A spinal cord spino-olivary tract Entire spinal cord spino-olivary tract (body structure) 7655 7655 07655 inner surface of sixth rib 368037000 S07655 Structure of inner surface of sixth rib (body structure) E07655 38536005 Entire inner surface of sixth rib (body structure) P07655 Y P skeletal system 4A02CCD8389F480D9F88E34BE43635F0 064D9C1024ED4DAFBCB44ABD19B7E33E inner surface of sixth rib Entire inner surface of sixth rib (body structure) 7656 7656 07656 ventral spinothalamic tract 31051001 S07656 Structure of ventral spinothalamic tract (body structure) E07656 369288004 Entire ventral spinothalamic tract (body structure) P07656 Y 75684 P nervous system 72E82B28D79E4C30BC42117193CA03C3 AED26793D66C4D77963CEF0EABF43C78 ventral spinothalamic tract Entire ventral spinothalamic tract (body structure) 7657 7657 07657 ventral corticospinal tract 37181003 S07657 Structure of ventral corticospinal tract (body structure) E07657 369092003 Entire ventral corticospinal tract (body structure) P07657 Y 72636 P nervous system 3655F97C40B4476AB0B231AE330DB866 4251A488CE7F4B2FAEC385FE594A1FDB ventral corticospinal tract Entire ventral corticospinal tract (body structure) 7658 7658 07658 vestibulospinal tract 3315000 S07658 Structure of vestibulospinal tract (body structure) E07658 369289007 Entire vestibulospinal tract (body structure) P07658 Y 72646 P nervous system 6C3A070A43B84C628FAF8D543FB010D8 58738C21ADF14C8C8503168D869A8272 vestibulospinal tract Entire vestibulospinal tract (body structure) 7659 7659 07659 medial reticulospinal tract 18056006 S07659 Structure of medial reticulospinal tract (body structure) E07659 369290003 Entire medial reticulospinal tract (body structure) P07659 Y 75688 P nervous system A0287C9BF5F0493A97D9DE9998E5D299 989867924909417B904F28AB3ACA78D5 medial reticulospinal tract Entire medial reticulospinal tract (body structure) 7660 7660 07660 lateral reticulospinal tract 41272007 S07660 Structure of lateral reticulospinal tract (body structure) E07660 315076003 Entire lateral reticulospinal tract (body structure) P07660 Y 75689 P nervous system 4E624DE2B4F64B91B5FC18B8A098E724 50E41666B4EA4FC1A22F68F9C1E59493 lateral reticulospinal tract Entire lateral reticulospinal tract (body structure) 7661 7661 07661 spinal portion of tectospinal tract 48456006 S07661 Structure of spinal portion of tectospinal tract (body structure) E07661 315177009 Entire spinal portion of tectospinal tract (body structure) P07661 Y P nervous system 87DD551154764858B8DD504686EF533D 61031BBDADA641A88BE3BA10036C8BA8 spinal portion of tectospinal tract Entire spinal portion of tectospinal tract (body structure) 7662 7662 07662 skin of second toe 78747008 S07662 Skin structure of second toe (body structure) E07662 181571004 Entire skin of second toe (body structure) P07662 Y 37856 D integument/surface 6BBAE6DBCCC9458CAAB01D86DC451F43 9025ECAD7A224408B6D475E05310EB62 Skin of second toe Entire skin of second toe (body structure) 7663 7663 07663 spinal cord dorsal intermediate sulcus 57293008 S07663 Structure of spinal cord dorsal intermediate sulcus (body structure) E07663 314236007 Entire spinal cord dorsal intermediate sulcus (body structure) P07663 Y P nervous system DB5512AD46744E408FF768E155C85AD3 66924A52F7FD415FB90775C2645286C5 spinal cord dorsal intermediate sulcus Entire spinal cord dorsal intermediate sulcus (body structure) 7664 7664 07664 spinal cord dorsal lateral sulcus 51906006 S07664 Structure of spinal cord dorsal lateral sulcus (body structure) E07664 314334007 Entire spinal cord dorsal lateral sulcus (body structure) P07664 Y P nervous system 323C595B1FF7467493D42182C3256607 69E26079C5DB44DFB69697C7EAEB99A0 spinal cord dorsal lateral sulcus Entire spinal cord dorsal lateral sulcus (body structure) 7665 7665 07665 ependyma of spinal cord 17454002 S07665 Structure of ependyma of spinal cord (body structure) E07665 369278000 Entire ependyma of spinal cord (body structure) P07665 - 242839 P nervous system 88F0E9C6BBF54A82A2B79C53A00E6180 79C6F4BC16E64AE89D18E03FA172884E ependyma of spinal cord Entire ependyma of spinal cord (body structure) 7667 7667 07667 upper cervical spinal cord 13334000 S07667 Structure of upper cervical spinal cord (body structure) E07667 174076009 Entire upper cervical spinal cord (body structure) P07667 - P nervous system 068A7DAE8E8B412F8FFE3AE0C67451C7 95C8B0EF569340C3816DE56850D17D17 upper cervical spinal cord Entire upper cervical spinal cord (body structure) 7668 7668 07668 lower cervical spinal cord 113308007 S07668 Structure of lower cervical spinal cord (body structure) E07668 174169002 Entire lower cervical spinal cord (body structure) P07668 - P nervous system 09D335F29CFB44C9B3C7BFB3D79CACE0 2D01E4CFB66C4AAD95477E4006348CC8 lower cervical spinal cord Entire lower cervical spinal cord (body structure) 7669 7669 07669 apex of cervical spinal cord posterior horn 67779000 S07669 Structure of apex of cervical spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) E07669 174452008 Entire apex of cervical spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) P07669 Y P nervous system DFBDB77A564745B29EEADDCE1F0425A4 E307E24A78A344F7ADB1EE627511EDBC apex of cervical spinal cord posterior horn Entire apex of cervical spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) 7670 7670 07670 substantia gelatinosa of cervical spinal cord posterior horn 88449001 S07670 Structure of substantia gelatinosa of cervical spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) E07670 174544008 Entire substantia gelatinosa of cervical spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) P07670 Y P nervous system D7B13ACE910545F088ED2E84B35CE93D D1693656E1EF4E87A7C3F62D11AF7A6F substantia gelatinosa of cervical spinal cord posterior horn Entire substantia gelatinosa of cervical spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) 7671 7671 07671 cervical spinal cord lateral horn 67243007 S07671 Structure of cervical spinal cord lateral horn (body structure) E07671 174268004 Entire cervical spinal cord lateral horn (body structure) P07671 Y P nervous system 6C04B5A3F7F24676907571BD8F88F0D2 7D12E192E3E94B48B0983C45101AA424 cervical spinal cord lateral horn Entire cervical spinal cord lateral horn (body structure) 7672 7672 07672 cervical spinal cord ventral horn 42743005 S07672 Structure of cervical spinal cord ventral horn (body structure) E07672 174363005 Entire cervical spinal cord ventral horn (body structure) P07672 Y P nervous system 582AC22FAC70459183BBAAC90BDFE6DC F4A1CC3D471E4826B2F8140854B6FD7D cervical spinal cord ventral horn Entire cervical spinal cord ventral horn (body structure) 7673 7673 07673 crest of head of seventh rib 367911003 S07673 Structure of crest of head of seventh rib (body structure) E07673 89254004 Entire crest of head of seventh rib (body structure) P07673 Y 7832 P skeletal system 75C018EC8BEE485890973DE52082DA18 374D6A7257E842F6A41C10DFE453F2B1 crest of head of seventh rib Entire crest of head of seventh rib (body structure) 7674 7674 07674 cervical spinal cord white matter 38524004 S07674 Structure of cervical spinal cord white matter (body structure) E07674 174829001 Entire cervical spinal cord white matter (body structure) P07674 - 276077 P nervous system 2B86C58A3748490B9317DDAC6D3693AC 66906CC6E80A4C4BA83B2B5E59C9FC12 cervical spinal cord white matter Entire cervical spinal cord white matter (body structure) 7677 7677 07677 anterior cervical spinal cord nerve root 24765004 S07677 Structure of anterior cervical spinal cord nerve root (body structure) E07677 174925008 Entire anterior cervical spinal cord nerve root (body structure) P07677 Y P nervous system B7163B49D33C408F9387F1C9F22E19EC 26AACFFCD32C4DC297795419C0EC6346 anterior cervical spinal cord nerve root Entire anterior cervical spinal cord nerve root (body structure) 7678 7678 07678 posterior cervical spinal cord nerve root 823005 S07678 Structure of posterior cervical spinal cord nerve root (body structure) E07678 175023008 Entire posterior cervical spinal cord nerve root (body structure) P07678 Y P nervous system 3ACF0CF6D13F48D9AA12464857A2C536 2DC9DC83A8AF4E459C6D97E38A3D8913 posterior cervical spinal cord nerve root Entire posterior cervical spinal cord nerve root (body structure) 7679 7679 07679 upper thoracic spinal cord 34387001 S07679 Structure of upper thoracic spinal cord (body structure) E07679 367873008 Entire upper thoracic spinal cord (body structure) P07679 - P nervous system B766C1DF50074A07A47C20ABE75C674C 2F829865BB864396A7E4E5B5C5FF6566 upper thoracic spinal cord Entire upper thoracic spinal cord (body structure) 7680 7680 07680 neck of seventh rib 367923009 S07680 Structure of neck of seventh rib (body structure) E07680 59143007 Entire neck of seventh rib (body structure) P07680 Y 7836 P skeletal system 2B073731248D4FB3958EB04212C91725 026EAF88B29148B9BD0486136B70EE14 neck of seventh rib Entire neck of seventh rib (body structure) 7681 7681 07681 lower thoracic spinal cord 73025004 S07681 Structure of lower thoracic spinal cord (body structure) E07681 367874002 Entire lower thoracic spinal cord (body structure) P07681 - P nervous system 2DC8AF7DF3884F90B2D09DB76A5F865A 013798A45F38425DBD2EA10124A5F0CA lower thoracic spinal cord Entire lower thoracic spinal cord (body structure) 7682 7682 07682 apex of thoracic spinal cord posterior horn 55173005 S07682 Structure of apex of thoracic spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) E07682 367877009 Entire apex of thoracic spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) P07682 Y P nervous system 35D49F8F802F40C8A9F338D292FC96BB 863D14EEC13548969B6FB7092E1D0325 apex of thoracic spinal cord posterior horn Entire apex of thoracic spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) 7683 7683 07683 substantia gelatinosa of thoracic spinal cord posterior horn 37979004 S07683 Structure of substantia gelatinosa of thoracic spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) E07683 367878004 Entire substantia gelatinosa of thoracic spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) P07683 Y P nervous system 1835909C07464AA3A78554E490DD1C6D CF095477624347529BBFDD6B1E9D26D0 substantia gelatinosa of thoracic spinal cord posterior horn Entire substantia gelatinosa of thoracic spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) 7684 7684 07684 thoracic spinal cord lateral horn 15095008 S07684 Structure of thoracic spinal cord lateral horn (body structure) E07684 367875001 Entire thoracic spinal cord lateral horn (body structure) P07684 Y P nervous system 1521B7C6E2914569AD5274505563D05E 4A4F2E3264FB4206B4FF7FDF7557F133 thoracic spinal cord lateral horn Entire thoracic spinal cord lateral horn (body structure) 7685 7685 07685 thoracic spinal cord ventral horn 82493006 S07685 Structure of thoracic spinal cord ventral horn (body structure) E07685 367876000 Entire thoracic spinal cord ventral horn (body structure) P07685 Y P nervous system FA7E0F9105004261ABDB720637A08F89 7538CF8ABC2247C2B995D838CFEDCC62 thoracic spinal cord ventral horn Entire thoracic spinal cord ventral horn (body structure) 7686 7686 07686 thoracic spinal cord white matter 27256004 S07686 Structure of thoracic spinal cord white matter (body structure) E07686 367881009 Entire thoracic spinal cord white matter (body structure) P07686 - P nervous system 2AF1D3FB85054C4C95F4EC7C592562AB 171287EEBD6B4E51AC12D0C951BEF877 thoracic spinal cord white matter Entire thoracic spinal cord white matter (body structure) 7689 7689 07689 anterior thoracic spinal cord nerve root 88105006 S07689 Structure of anterior thoracic spinal cord nerve root (body structure) E07689 367882002 Entire anterior thoracic spinal cord nerve root (body structure) P07689 Y P nervous system 989D4ABFD7AF4D69B363611411DF5B5F B11DC107997042E7B58907E16F3D5017 anterior thoracic spinal cord nerve root Entire anterior thoracic spinal cord nerve root (body structure) 7690 7690 07690 posterior thoracic spinal cord nerve root 75033001 S07690 Structure of posterior thoracic spinal cord nerve root (body structure) E07690 367883007 Entire posterior thoracic spinal cord nerve root (body structure) P07690 Y P nervous system AC1A2625B3734E4AB13176E5EA230AD8 BAAAE7B46D1C4BAD8FEAB7CF4F86EA17 posterior thoracic spinal cord nerve root Entire posterior thoracic spinal cord nerve root (body structure) 7691 7691 07691 articular part of tubercle of seventh rib 367937000 S07691 Structure of articular part of tubercle of seventh rib (body structure) E07691 39492001 Entire articular part of tubercle of seventh rib (body structure) P07691 Y 66098 P skeletal system 5135DEE3331F442B8589368704020296 EE932DA62C5E442DAB4D181119989966 articular part of tubercle of seventh rib Entire articular part of tubercle of seventh rib (body structure) 7692 7692 07692 apex of lumbar spinal cord posterior horn 29697005 S07692 Structure of apex of lumbar spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) E07692 314425003 Entire apex of lumbar spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) P07692 Y P nervous system E6F96D88404F4FE299D2FD28BCD2678D 8AF2FF152BE849E2A0517E66F5F79E7A apex of lumbar spinal cord posterior horn Entire apex of lumbar spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) 7693 7693 07693 substantia gelatinosa of lumbar spinal cord posterior horn 53299008 S07693 Structure of substantia gelatinosa of lumbar spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) E07693 314519000 Entire substantia gelatinosa of lumbar spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) P07693 Y P nervous system 03DB59BE7A3946ACAD662BAF06786E0A 28E62EC7C95B41CF90240F5B1EE63C68 substantia gelatinosa of lumbar spinal cord posterior horn Entire substantia gelatinosa of lumbar spinal cord posterior horn (body structure) 7694 7694 07694 lumbosacral spinal cord lateral horn 19749001 S07694 Structure of lumbosacral spinal cord lateral horn (body structure) E07694 314709009 Entire lumbosacral spinal cord lateral horn (body structure) P07694 Y P nervous system 7C2EDEB4EF2C440489538A4C000D4BCC E8AB7EE0D58A4E7CB54B04D8DEF582DF lumbosacral spinal cord lateral horn Entire lumbosacral spinal cord lateral horn (body structure) 7695 7695 07695 lumbosacral spinal cord ventral horn 37562004 S07695 Structure of lumbosacral spinal cord ventral horn (body structure) E07695 314611009 Entire lumbosacral spinal cord ventral horn (body structure) P07695 Y P nervous system FA7BD8AEC67C4F5AAA1E213EF7D64DD8 F835A37BAA7B4201845F99B8274B16C2 lumbosacral spinal cord ventral horn Entire lumbosacral spinal cord ventral horn (body structure) 7696 7696 07696 lumbosacral spinal cord white matter 113309004 S07696 Structure of lumbosacral spinal cord white matter (body structure) E07696 315371003 Entire lumbosacral spinal cord white matter (body structure) P07696 - P nervous system 0D2B2E211865428188213E85FC1EDFA2 DB0A74EF5D3B450B9ED81CDB18AA42F8 lumbosacral spinal cord white matter Entire lumbosacral spinal cord white matter (body structure) 7697 7697 07697 non-articular part of tubercle of seventh rib 367949004 S07697 Structure of non-articular part of tubercle of seventh rib (body structure) E07697 32493007 Entire non-articular part of tubercle of seventh rib (body structure) P07697 Y 7841 P skeletal system 5BA072C0128447199DD450C21D678BAE 6E254FD0A894472D9384A0FFAD92B40E non-articular part of tubercle of seventh rib Entire non-articular part of tubercle of seventh rib (body structure) 7698 7698 07698 anterior lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root 113310009 S07698 Structure of anterior lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root (body structure) E07698 310154007 Entire anterior lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root (body structure) P07698 Y P nervous system FBF581CC923E4C4891E0B03F42978A62 A55C8A0F63554AACABF404857DDAA3A4 anterior lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root Entire anterior lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root (body structure) 7699 7699 07699 posterior lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root 41259006 S07699 Structure of posterior lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root (body structure) E07699 310246001 Entire posterior lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root (body structure) P07699 Y P nervous system CEB872A7DCE44D2CA36D55EC3F5CCE50 A946185AECC6482D96D69418A940D286 posterior lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root Entire posterior lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root (body structure) 7700 7700 07700 ventral branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina 66237001 S07700 Structure of ventral branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) E07700 310642006 Entire ventral branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) P07700 Y P nervous system F81C5616F6624AF8BD4203E68F155720 4D526DB3761949E99C5F8D4FDFBC9C45 ventral branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina Entire ventral branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) 7701 7701 07701 dorsal branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina 78985001 S07701 Structure of dorsal branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) E07701 308874008 Entire dorsal branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) P07701 Y P nervous system F54E24283F164DC9B70942B7047BC5C1 958677C0DEC24653845D743912A5980D dorsal branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina Entire dorsal branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) 7702 7702 07702 rami communicantes of spinal nerve of cauda equina 82716001 S07702 Structure of rami communicantes of spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) E07702 310727003 Entire rami communicantes of spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) P07702 Y P nervous system 27C3066AD8D4478F88C82B82314E7FB2 0B2E6CBDB18A46C981F3B7E94AD81A8F rami communicantes of spinal nerve of cauda equina Entire rami communicantes of spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) 7703 7703 07703 meningeal branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina 74931007 S07703 Structure of meningeal branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) E07703 308794007 Entire meningeal branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) P07703 Y P nervous system 7000A4F0A2D048BDB9F4CAC664F35B6D 00F3A29EE0664F1B8714887FCA9AF7A9 meningeal branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina Entire meningeal branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina (body structure) 7704 7704 07704 angle of seventh rib 367961007 S07704 Structure of angle of seventh rib (body structure) E07704 5814007 Entire angle of seventh rib (body structure) P07704 Y 7842 P skeletal system BA54ABF9CE994A96B09EA975F6784B64 1CBA79F870A14074B5B1D7476424DC90 angle of seventh rib Entire angle of seventh rib (body structure) 7705 7705 07705 conus medullaris 32516000 S07705 Structure of conus medullaris (body structure) E07705 315472009 Entire conus medullaris (body structure) P07705 - 74897 P nervous system ED5F4A89D0D54925B43B956E2DA28465 B65F21C008C84CFFB1639178EA2B8A8E conus medullaris Entire conus medullaris (body structure) 7706 7706 07706 spinal cord terminal ventricle 28419008 S07706 Structure of spinal cord terminal ventricle (body structure) E07706 314156001 Entire spinal cord terminal ventricle (body structure) P07706 - 78498 P nervous system 6984F8E034B4446080B26E09BAE88AED 58210D072D324612849338B196E5676E spinal cord terminal ventricle Entire spinal cord terminal ventricle (body structure) 7707 7707 07707 filum terminale externum 35465000 S07707 Structure of filum terminale externum (body structure) E07707 315573001 Entire filum terminale externum (body structure) P07707 - 256526 P nervous system B1726E2CBC4044D593AD90CB0DA04B8A 3D6C43EAC2DC4AE7A14DCEB4D6EF7921 filum terminale externum Entire filum terminale externum (body structure) 7708 7708 07708 filum terminale internum 25908000 S07708 Structure of filum terminale internum (body structure) E07708 315673007 Entire filum terminale internum (body structure) P07708 - 256524 P nervous system D4BB50C0503F432685F13390B7C7A775 3742E5EDAE9540EC9D68081B70AB741C filum terminale internum Entire filum terminale internum (body structure) 7709 7709 07709 cranial nerve nucleus 19465004 S07709 Structure of cranial nerve nucleus (body structure) E07709 280160003 Entire cranial nerve nucleus (body structure) P07709 Y 54501 P nervous system 0A31567EE42946F3A7A52FF71292A93A DA2E75A95F844F00A0A24A84B3FB1AD8 cranial nerve nucleus Entire cranial nerve nucleus (body structure) 7710 7710 07710 cranial nerve ganglion 73036006 S07710 Structure of cranial nerve ganglion (body structure) E07710 244448001 Entire cranial nerve ganglion (body structure) P07710 Y 54502 P nervous system 1A121370D1724894AC49118D8AE10441 646C2734D49743378337E9D9D5D96F6B cranial nerve ganglion Entire cranial nerve ganglion (body structure) 7711 7711 07711 costal groove of seventh rib 367974001 S07711 Structure of costal groove of seventh rib (body structure) E07711 89783002 Entire costal groove of seventh rib (body structure) P07711 Y 7845 P skeletal system D594C97A7B61480EA9D9E2CF2C4A7D5F 55757549081D4729808B6449FB98BC07 costal groove of seventh rib Entire costal groove of seventh rib (body structure) 7712 7712 07712 internal sheath of optic nerve 38056000 S07712 Structure of internal sheath of optic nerve (body structure) E07712 369418009 Entire internal sheath of optic nerve (body structure) P07712 Y P nervous system C22930D7779A4EC78E138A98006A6C43 4707A26CAB244853AE1739B22E2CA027 internal sheath of optic nerve Entire internal sheath of optic nerve (body structure) 7713 7713 07713 external sheath of optic nerve 78497008 S07713 Structure of external sheath of optic nerve (body structure) E07713 369419001 Entire external sheath of optic nerve (body structure) P07713 Y P nervous system 2AFF6CC015314404BF2FAD29D8D8ADB3 348235FF1DD4464F87C0F723C9E28A12 external sheath of optic nerve Entire external sheath of optic nerve (body structure) 7714 7714 07714 intracranial part of optic nerve 26273007 S07714 Structure of intracranial part of optic nerve (body structure) E07714 369420007 Entire intracranial part of optic nerve (body structure) P07714 Y 58708 P special senses organ system 24DC5D4B6FDD4132AD0ECC2EE5C5FCB3 8D1411203A9443288FF7764F32B38159 intracranial part of optic nerve Entire intracranial part of optic nerve (body structure) 7715 7715 07715 intracanalicular part of optic nerve 82095009 S07715 Structure of intracanalicular part of optic nerve (body structure) E07715 369421006 Entire intracanalicular part of optic nerve (body structure) P07715 Y 58709 P special senses organ system 46C692EDE1684FE1A16052C8FA945014 550B5C4DDDED4AC5A0D5114234A93567 intracanalicular part of optic nerve Entire intracanalicular part of optic nerve (body structure) 7716 7716 07716 orbital part of optic nerve 36064001 S07716 Structure of orbital part of optic nerve (body structure) E07716 368867005 Entire orbital part of optic nerve (body structure) P07716 Y 58710 P special senses organ system 0646B6469AC54F62AA323500DD7E6A49 5699BF9305C6436F821ADC904D23A7D4 orbital part of optic nerve Entire orbital part of optic nerve (body structure) 7717 7717 07717 shaft of seventh rib 367986003 S07717 Structure of shaft of seventh rib (body structure) E07717 50241008 Entire shaft of seventh rib (body structure) P07717 Y 7838 P skeletal system 21F88D0FCDDB499C8D49F339C09D6F96 1B106433231142B7BC85EA6661E2C051 shaft of seventh rib Entire shaft of seventh rib (body structure) 7718 7718 07718 postlaminar part of optic nerve 63802003 S07718 Structure of postlaminar part of optic nerve (body structure) E07718 368857000 Entire postlaminar part of optic nerve (body structure) P07718 Y 58713 P special senses organ system EC32831CEB454A019DD6CF921B34EE3A F460EF38985F46C48F9442DBFE76E742 postlaminar part of optic nerve Entire postlaminar part of optic nerve (body structure) 7719 7719 07719 prelaminar part of optic nerve 43951007 S07719 Structure of prelaminar part of optic nerve (body structure) E07719 368858005 Entire prelaminar part of optic nerve (body structure) P07719 Y 58715 P special senses organ system 6B6449A25A1744FE918197F249F3F25C A8A9F7ADCBD14D67B3BDBCB2F866C40B prelaminar part of optic nerve Entire prelaminar part of optic nerve (body structure) 7720 7720 07720 medial root of optic tract 32781002 S07720 Structure of medial root of optic tract (body structure) E07720 323998008 Entire medial root of optic tract (body structure) P07720 Y 84575 P nervous system D895F2C8CCF341EABF37BAA2393CDD33 21E0CC15F6394A79B466261F8194A349 medial root of optic tract Entire medial root of optic tract (body structure) 7721 7721 07721 lateral root of optic tract 56832003 S07721 Structure of lateral root of optic tract (body structure) E07721 369291004 Entire lateral root of optic tract (body structure) P07721 Y 84574 P special senses organ system B4CC21A96C69425C888B7D4DBADE773D 25391E9B62B346888DBA0ADB5D61FE47 lateral root of optic tract Entire lateral root of optic tract (body structure) 7722 7722 07722 oculomotor nerve dorsolateral nucleus 88333002 S07722 Structure of oculomotor nerve dorsolateral nucleus (body structure) E07722 369237002 Entire oculomotor nerve dorsolateral nucleus (body structure) P07722 Y P special senses organ system 9C31B2DBC4C14476BAD4D645F4EF0E04 8F7BE2C8A53B4D76B864C7EEF7F6D6A0 oculomotor nerve dorsolateral nucleus Entire oculomotor nerve dorsolateral nucleus (body structure) 7723 7723 07723 skin of dorsal area of second toe 51669004 S07723 Skin structure of dorsal surface of second toe (body structure) E07723 218472009 Entire skin of dorsal surface of second toe (body structure) P07723 Y D integument/surface 9049DD4E6C6F4F3D99FABAB2B18EDE98 1D3AB94379444A47A2F02E38523305C0 Skin of dorsal surface of second toe Entire skin of dorsal surface of second toe (body structure) 7724 7724 07724 upper border of seventh rib 367999000 S07724 Structure of upper border of seventh rib (body structure) E07724 22498009 Entire upper border of seventh rib (body structure) P07724 Y P skeletal system 8BFD5FAEDD604BCE8A38A20115E2DA54 4B6770D540914C8BAA999975EC97ADF2 upper border of seventh rib Entire upper border of seventh rib (body structure) 7725 7725 07725 oculomotor nerve ventromedial nucleus 87876009 S07725 Structure of oculomotor nerve ventromedial nucleus (body structure) E07725 369238007 Entire oculomotor nerve ventromedial nucleus (body structure) P07725 Y P special senses organ system 402A3054A1C54B5982A3B95BB4ECF257 E78C22D00BC54468AB357D58A6E60D3A oculomotor nerve ventromedial nucleus Entire oculomotor nerve ventromedial nucleus (body structure) 7726 7726 07726 oculomotor nerve central caudal nucleus 113311008 S07726 Structure of oculomotor nerve central caudal nucleus (body structure) E07726 369239004 Entire oculomotor nerve central caudal nucleus (body structure) P07726 Y 72426 P special senses organ system 608A7D30D0B94D329FE0F7C97F414EC0 715FE764DD6849339DFF37215B8605F1 oculomotor nerve central caudal nucleus Entire oculomotor nerve central caudal nucleus (body structure) 7727 7727 07727 oculomotor nerve rectus superior branch 35155003 S07727 Structure of oculomotor nerve rectus superior branch (body structure) E07727 369394009 Entire oculomotor nerve rectus superior branch (body structure) P07727 Y 52582 P nervous system 012CB4E739EE48549DAAE47E96964D12 C00C0D5032F04C109213626A0F562C61 oculomotor nerve rectus superior branch Entire oculomotor nerve rectus superior branch (body structure) 7728 7728 07728 oculomotor nerve levator palpebrae branch 30379009 S07728 Structure of oculomotor nerve levator palpebrae branch (body structure) E07728 369395005 Entire oculomotor nerve levator palpebrae branch (body structure) P07728 Y 52594 P nervous system F1FAECAB43F0433B9E86D8A14E23A8F0 53A791E26DB0488A98CE02E751D56D33 oculomotor nerve levator palpebrae branch Entire oculomotor nerve levator palpebrae branch (body structure) 7729 7729 07729 oculomotor nerve rectus medialis branch 59237002 S07729 Structure of oculomotor nerve rectus medialis branch (body structure) E07729 369396006 Entire oculomotor nerve rectus medialis branch (body structure) P07729 Y 52598 P nervous system 9AEC8BF9C3C74D97A5A1833F0436199F 047B3D7FC0FD4F259AC11A517EA86F85 oculomotor nerve rectus medialis branch Entire oculomotor nerve rectus medialis branch (body structure) 7730 7730 07730 oculomotor nerve rectus inferior branch 17700003 S07730 Structure of oculomotor nerve rectus inferior branch (body structure) E07730 369397002 Entire oculomotor nerve rectus inferior branch (body structure) P07730 Y 52599 P nervous system 5AF79E29A3104B8EBEB57D9FBDEF2458 B4CF662411084345A35F2CD092366021 oculomotor nerve rectus inferior branch Entire oculomotor nerve rectus inferior branch (body structure) 7731 7731 07731 oculomotor nerve obliquus inferior branch 26907003 S07731 Structure of oculomotor nerve obliquus inferior branch (body structure) E07731 369398007 Entire oculomotor nerve obliquus inferior branch (body structure) P07731 Y 52600 P nervous system 8B8C376D5FFB43978D7DBB7200510BE8 403FCCC1CB2A4112B34F963CBCC17BA8 oculomotor nerve obliquus inferior branch Entire oculomotor nerve obliquus inferior branch (body structure) 7732 7732 07732 under border of seventh rib 368012005 S07732 Structure of under border of seventh rib (body structure) E07732 20147000 Entire under border of seventh rib (body structure) P07732 Y P skeletal system E6C6A2EAA2404858AF50A56B9B606A5E EB592A7192714DAB9DCB48EA71FFA298 under border of seventh rib Entire under border of seventh rib (body structure) 7733 7733 07733 oculomotor nerve ramus communicans with nasociliary nerve 56099008 S07733 Structure of oculomotor nerve ramus communicans with nasociliary nerve (body structure) E07733 369399004 Entire oculomotor nerve ramus communicans with nasociliary nerve (body structure) P07733 Y P nervous system 37E538ED7A0943FDABEC42BD6EA46672 80506ACDE9AF4EEF83A0BC5197FC12A3 oculomotor nerve ramus communicans with nasociliary nerve Entire oculomotor nerve ramus communicans with nasociliary nerve (body structure) 7734 7734 07734 trochlear nucleus 31976003 S07734 Structure of trochlear nucleus (body structure) E07734 280163001 Entire trochlear nucleus (body structure) P07734 Y 54518 P nervous system EC8B64C5C43F45F6B1210F2897AA476F 451CCB0A11D8494588CFAFCB8C3A347F trochlear nucleus Entire trochlear nucleus (body structure) 7735 7735 07735 abducens nucleus 31456003 S07735 Structure of abducens nucleus (body structure) E07735 280165008 Entire abducens nucleus (body structure) P07735 Y 54504 P nervous system 71F6F70E5D834601A82492129614B0F2 CF3C5E50F76D49FDAE90BB7CB3CD2C3F abducens nucleus Entire abducens nucleus (body structure) 7736 7736 07736 trigeminal nerve superior sensory nucleus 73296000 S07736 Structure of trigeminal nerve superior sensory nucleus (body structure) E07736 369031008 Entire trigeminal nerve superior sensory nucleus (body structure) P07736 Y 54533 P nervous system 27E1F7228BA045E59F1CE6238572CBAA 936AA59636A14E2EAC760569DC4164F6 trigeminal nerve superior sensory nucleus Entire trigeminal nerve superior sensory nucleus (body structure) 7737 7737 07737 trigeminal nerve mesencephalic nucleus 33227007 S07737 Structure of trigeminal nerve mesencephalic nucleus (body structure) E07737 369032001 Entire trigeminal nerve mesencephalic nucleus (body structure) P07737 Y 54568 P nervous system 70D68BD739C44F16AEB1ED29CCEE367D A689D1E9425D439086DA568DCD8B2AA7 trigeminal nerve mesencephalic nucleus Entire trigeminal nerve mesencephalic nucleus (body structure) 7738 7738 07738 outer surface of seventh rib 368025002 S07738 Structure of outer surface of seventh rib (body structure) E07738 31927009 Entire outer surface of seventh rib (body structure) P07738 Y P skeletal system 68EEA93D8FE9402B8A5F3F2179DD9D75 15CBD59C87E949B1BC7530F83011AA70 outer surface of seventh rib Entire outer surface of seventh rib (body structure) 7739 7739 07739 trigeminal nerve mesencephalic tract 67260002 S07739 Structure of trigeminal nerve mesencephalic tract (body structure) E07739 369263007 Entire trigeminal nerve mesencephalic tract (body structure) P07739 Y 72489 P nervous system 47FBC1276BC045559391929A64D419E8 B044C6EE74FD4C55B4D41E8648348B15 trigeminal nerve mesencephalic tract Entire trigeminal nerve mesencephalic tract (body structure) 7740 7740 07740 trigeminal nerve spinal tract 28074003 S07740 Structure of trigeminal nerve spinal tract (body structure) E07740 369267008 Entire trigeminal nerve spinal tract (body structure) P07740 Y 83851 P nervous system 191B3E682911425586E620475D95DC92 8149EA59E3AF4D5CB82796A61FBF1DEC trigeminal nerve spinal tract Entire trigeminal nerve spinal tract (body structure) 7741 7741 07741 trigeminal nerve spinal tract nucleus 52041005 S07741 Structure of trigeminal nerve spinal tract nucleus (body structure) E07741 369033006 Entire trigeminal nerve spinal tract nucleus (body structure) P07741 Y 54565 P nervous system 969B473FB8FD449389465ACB75F57841 64ACAEF64F314599AB79869E08EA7FB3 trigeminal nerve spinal tract nucleus Entire trigeminal nerve spinal tract nucleus (body structure) 7742 7742 07742 trigeminal ganglion 36615005 S07742 Structure of trigeminal ganglion (body structure) E07742 244449009 Entire trigeminal ganglion (body structure) P07742 Y 52618 P nervous system C0A4F86751FE4BD59305FA7EDB3C612F DE48CAAB441B438DA6AE78C10F7EFFFF trigeminal ganglion Entire trigeminal ganglion (body structure) 7743 7743 07743 ophthalmic nerve 10056005 S07743 Structure of ophthalmic nerve (body structure) E07743 280210000 Entire ophthalmic nerve (body structure) P07743 Y 52621 P nervous system C15A956F451A4365955ECA31DE45CADD 721324A15E75456690C95C1800E7CD73 ophthalmic nerve Entire ophthalmic nerve (body structure) 7744 7744 07744 ophthalmic nerve dorsal branch 62611005 S07744 Structure of ophthalmic nerve dorsal branch (body structure) E07744 369400006 Entire ophthalmic nerve dorsal branch (body structure) P07744 Y 52625 P nervous system 24BE2FAB79824174BFEEDDA1FA0E8DC3 2973AD1E3EDA456E9C3E8703FA1AC29C ophthalmic nerve dorsal branch Entire ophthalmic nerve dorsal branch (body structure) 7745 7745 07745 lacrimal nerve 17980005 S07745 Structure of lacrimal nerve (body structure) E07745 280218007 Entire lacrimal nerve (body structure) P07745 Y 52628 P nervous system B947F173548143109F628FDEC9178F1B DEDD218B395B4020B10B29C220484303 lacrimal nerve Entire lacrimal nerve (body structure) 7746 7746 07746 inner surface of seventh rib 368038005 S07746 Structure of inner surface of seventh rib (body structure) E07746 5653000 Entire inner surface of seventh rib (body structure) P07746 Y 7844 P skeletal system 1C868031DD2142EA9ED5BF02CC9B1173 0EFEABFEE94C4F6A8CF0A3C7295843F5 inner surface of seventh rib Entire inner surface of seventh rib (body structure) 7747 7747 07747 ramus communicans with zygomatic nerve 72472000 S07747 Structure of ramus communicans with zygomatic nerve (body structure) E07747 369404002 Entire ramus communicans with zygomatic nerve (body structure) P07747 Y P nervous system 10A92C92099D4C479D8A825F2FAEB39A A078E530D766449FB319FAFC47B6FC37 ramus communicans with zygomatic nerve Entire ramus communicans with zygomatic nerve (body structure) 7748 7748 07748 frontal nerve 51033008 S07748 Structure of frontal nerve (body structure) E07748 280219004 Entire frontal nerve (body structure) P07748 Y 52638 P nervous system 72B964A12A3B4060BA7CF3F5E6583665 E5F07CDF68D04C809CFF8D2B1EFB163A frontal nerve Entire frontal nerve (body structure) 7749 7749 07749 supratrochlear nerve 90916002 S07749 Structure of supratrochlear nerve (body structure) E07749 280223007 Entire supratrochlear nerve (body structure) P07749 Y 52642 P special senses organ system 2DBEECDB65B448D8AD231B22574E9842 C06634612E0B4DCE84CC439B9FACC750 supratrochlear nerve Entire supratrochlear nerve (body structure) 7750 7750 07750 supraorbital nerve 21874006 S07750 Structure of supraorbital nerve (body structure) E07750 280224001 Entire supraorbital nerve (body structure) P07750 Y 52655 P special senses organ system AA722CEB272347FB83E86044B0F8E6F1 FF7A4F71E3F44D3DA2FEB4DB2BAE53A4 supraorbital nerve Entire supraorbital nerve (body structure) 7751 7751 07751 nasociliary nerve 34467001 S07751 Structure of nasociliary nerve (body structure) E07751 280220005 Entire nasociliary nerve (body structure) P07751 Y 52668 P special senses organ system 7369A48712084188A473A47407A9ACE6 3FABBE3B232B4A63BE19E701DF28583F nasociliary nerve Entire nasociliary nerve (body structure) 7752 7752 07752 ciliary ganglionic branch of nasociliary nerve 369401005 S07752 Structure of ciliary ganglionic branch of nasociliary nerve (body structure) E07752 75716003 Entire ciliary ganglionic branch of nasociliary nerve (body structure) P07752 Y 52672 P special senses organ system B772ABB0208845CCAE4FF321FD910CC2 EF4248CCD63540608A771CCD7FF2057D ciliary ganglionic branch of nasociliary nerve Entire ciliary ganglionic branch of nasociliary nerve (body structure) 7753 7753 07753 infratrochlear nerve 49536001 S07753 Structure of infratrochlear nerve (body structure) E07753 280229006 Entire infratrochlear nerve (body structure) P07753 Y 52693 P special senses organ system F1540157B9D442FC8DD90AE0A5B45098 AA1049E7FFA14AA7B53738E364F47D06 infratrochlear nerve Entire infratrochlear nerve (body structure) 7754 7754 07754 posterior ethmoidal nerve 9951005 S07754 Structure of posterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) E07754 280230001 Entire posterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) P07754 Y 52714 P special senses organ system 5CC5947E19A847C6BE6E8ED12F087EBB D1D2FE5E33124F2CB9B4F9AC67A00637 posterior ethmoidal nerve Entire posterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) 7755 7755 07755 anterior ethmoidal nerve 81661008 S07755 Structure of anterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) E07755 280225000 Entire anterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) P07755 Y 52675 P special senses organ system FC85A758BD664B338C7E8C7DC312691D 506EF4371CB34303B3102F7280903F6E anterior ethmoidal nerve Entire anterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) 7756 7756 07756 external nasal branch anterior ethmoidal nerve 38387009 S07756 Structure of external nasal branch anterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) E07756 280227008 Entire external nasal branch anterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) P07756 Y 52688 P special senses organ system 775B45EECDD3452C8093DB6B4B20BD68 1827307C50D340C38AE9E063A29CEB38 external nasal branch anterior ethmoidal nerve Entire external nasal branch anterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) 7757 7757 07757 lateral nasal branch of anterior ethmoidal nerve 369402003 S07757 Structure of lateral nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) E07757 67521003 Entire lateral nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) P07757 Y P special senses organ system D81CF8E54DEF40BB9073A59E8C93EEE0 0D421167373044688BA7C7195B3818D1 lateral nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve Entire lateral nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) 7758 7758 07758 medial nasal branch of anterior ethmoidal nerve 369403008 S07758 Structure of medial nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) E07758 60367004 Entire medial nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) P07758 Y P special senses organ system 287A5E8D06724338B3CFE25DD1FB1BC8 CECA7F4F221548809499ACFFC85F55E0 medial nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve Entire medial nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) 7759 7759 07759 maxillary nerve 91622003 S07759 Structure of maxillary nerve (body structure) E07759 280211001 Entire maxillary nerve (body structure) P07759 Y 52724 P nervous system 0564AA1E98A3406EAEAEE03730934779 454D5BBCE4E24BDCA8F88D47F2B64F7E maxillary nerve Entire maxillary nerve (body structure) 7760 7760 07760 zygomatic nerve 10141003 S07760 Structure of zygomatic nerve (body structure) E07760 280234005 Entire zygomatic nerve (body structure) P07760 Y 52967 P nervous system 463071AD5FF14080A6D4C7229AD0EA33 FB1E34717D3944ED95D01023790097BB zygomatic nerve Entire zygomatic nerve (body structure) 7761 7761 07761 posterior superior alveolar nerve 80799004 S07761 Structure of posterior superior alveolar nerve (body structure) E07761 280239000 Entire posterior superior alveolar nerve (body structure) P07761 Y 52931 P nervous system 174E87835C414E25B57ABDB5D9502FBC 45E96CC33F224435B571262672300707 posterior superior alveolar nerve Entire posterior superior alveolar nerve (body structure) 7762 7762 07762 middle superior alveolar nerve 59744005 S07762 Structure of middle superior alveolar nerve (body structure) E07762 280240003 Entire middle superior alveolar nerve (body structure) P07762 Y 52932 P nervous system C4CBEB3DE9F245AE925C8BB897E5B484 004A4809E5B844529110181AA83D2B26 middle superior alveolar nerve Entire middle superior alveolar nerve (body structure) 7763 7763 07763 anterior superior alveolar nerve 14008007 S07763 Structure of anterior superior alveolar nerve (body structure) E07763 280241004 Entire anterior superior alveolar nerve (body structure) P07763 Y 52935 P nervous system 7E5D1822D5E648B3B6448E905D68337E 149EE9DD9DC64672A2F9413C6840FEB5 anterior superior alveolar nerve Entire anterior superior alveolar nerve (body structure) 7764 7764 07764 infraorbital nerve 8161005 S07764 Structure of infraorbital nerve (body structure) E07764 280360008 Entire infraorbital nerve (body structure) P07764 Y 52978 P nervous system 1133CD1683D14D09B1FD5A4E79D2BFD2 1674DFD7C7A44ADE8C9D82C823179C4F infraorbital nerve Entire infraorbital nerve (body structure) 7765 7765 07765 mandibular nerve 1173001 S07765 Structure of mandibular nerve (body structure) E07765 280212008 Entire mandibular nerve (body structure) P07765 Y 52996 P nervous system 469E48F303A1492D9CD08450FAF7F942 4EB88A36B49540E08990F9D9FDEB8B51 mandibular nerve Entire mandibular nerve (body structure) 7766 7766 07766 masseteric nerve 71732008 S07766 Structure of masseteric nerve (body structure) E07766 280254006 Entire masseteric nerve (body structure) P07766 Y 53103 P nervous system 50E78EC8CAC24D6CA1C561FB88AD94FF 5E97F6A382394AA38716102A2B196638 masseteric nerve Entire masseteric nerve (body structure) 7767 7767 07767 deep temporal nerve 54584001 S07767 Structure of deep temporal nerve (body structure) E07767 280255007 Entire deep temporal nerve (body structure) P07767 Y 53187 P nervous system 32D57F8DE4024E04B9C436B3F79A8585 00E3BDB43B0048548D29FE3BEB974EFB deep temporal nerve Entire deep temporal nerve (body structure) 7768 7768 07768 buccal nerve 66372000 S07768 Structure of buccal nerve (body structure) E07768 280253000 Entire buccal nerve (body structure) P07768 Y 53066 P nervous system 7F7ED0DBFB5E42D98476538FD4897072 58984A945C9E4CD38465F9A0DDA8E77E buccal nerve Entire buccal nerve (body structure) 7769 7769 07769 auriculotemporal nerve 12110008 S07769 Structure of auriculotemporal nerve (body structure) E07769 280259001 Entire auriculotemporal nerve (body structure) P07769 Y 53000 P nervous system 07B4F5B622834F2FB130A77D41F2053B 68B14DC530A84CB4A492537B62683B18 auriculotemporal nerve Entire auriculotemporal nerve (body structure) 7770 7770 07770 crest of head of eighth rib 367912005 S07770 Structure of crest of head of eighth rib (body structure) E07770 56450000 Entire crest of head of eighth rib (body structure) P07770 Y 8122 P skeletal system F5289CB4DC544B30BEFD65C25F3BF202 5E9EEB388A834A8FAF2F6EEE7029046C crest of head of eighth rib Entire crest of head of eighth rib (body structure) 7771 7771 07771 lingual nerve 6598008 S07771 Structure of lingual nerve (body structure) E07771 280260006 Entire lingual nerve (body structure) P07771 Y 53218 P nervous system 7EB4FAE9E6E34CA09D3369B4FDF8D436 AC348E103B764B918704FDD676455E8C lingual nerve Entire lingual nerve (body structure) 7772 7772 07772 inferior alveolar nerve 49792003 S07772 Structure of inferior alveolar nerve (body structure) E07772 280261005 Entire inferior alveolar nerve (body structure) P07772 Y 53243 P nervous system 72A2CC6601C44697A18035191F064F66 B2D7B80A66C042DCA3846A994247EC52 inferior alveolar nerve Entire inferior alveolar nerve (body structure) 7773 7773 07773 mental nerve 48164007 S07773 Structure of mental nerve (body structure) E07773 280138001 Entire mental nerve (body structure) P07773 Y 53250 P nervous system 1BAB2A942BD546FFB9A1F6AB7462906D 66E129493DDB48549567C50884259619 mental nerve Entire mental nerve (body structure) 7774 7774 07774 superior salivary nucleus 38223009 S07774 Structure of superior salivary nucleus (body structure) E07774 369028007 Entire superior salivary nucleus (body structure) P07774 Y P nervous system 011E89098573403EBDB2B5EEE0C6C320 876332DE79BC44A199C379E65340A2C6 superior salivary nucleus Entire superior salivary nucleus (body structure) 7775 7775 07775 nucleus of tractus solitarius 61538008 S07775 Structure of nucleus of tractus solitarius (body structure) E07775 369080003 Entire nucleus of tractus solitarius (body structure) P07775 Y 72242 P nervous system 91DB958125D14D37921A04C25F10473D CC228060C2F74D5AA05D396E7889529D nucleus of tractus solitarius Entire nucleus of tractus solitarius (body structure) 7776 7776 07776 nervus intermedius 30097008 S07776 Structure of nervus intermedius (body structure) E07776 279927001 Entire nervus intermedius (body structure) P07776 Y 53410 P nervous system E414FC9C5A994C42BE227F3CEF1D5327 20DAE27F9CA045EEAAC028A01559B0E4 nervus intermedius Entire nervus intermedius (body structure) 7777 7777 07777 neck of eighth rib 367924003 S07777 Structure of neck of eighth rib (body structure) E07777 65109008 Entire neck of eighth rib (body structure) P07777 Y 8126 P skeletal system 64DF943C941D4754A4FDABC8BC93B2C8 54AEC385E2D94F1B84EB9FE2362DB81C neck of eighth rib Entire neck of eighth rib (body structure) 7778 7778 07778 chorda tympani 6739000 S07778 Structure of chorda tympani (body structure) E07778 280274004 Entire chorda tympani (body structure) P07778 Y 53228 P nervous system 06C3250B1DB84071B4C3AD92445F6BCE A76D012FD45843E5BB9064084C9F9A6F chorda tympani Entire chorda tympani (body structure) 7779 7779 07779 facial nerve motor branch 2920002 S07779 Structure of facial nerve motor branch (body structure) E07779 369406000 Entire facial nerve motor branch (body structure) P07779 Y P nervous system 32F9E8409E9A488A81B5271F82887DF5 CEB9726B1D6D4AB5AFA21AEDEB71D9C6 facial nerve motor branch Entire facial nerve motor branch (body structure) 7780 7780 07780 posterior auricular nerve 81074001 S07780 Structure of posterior auricular nerve (body structure) E07780 280277006 Entire posterior auricular nerve (body structure) P07780 Y 53278 P nervous system AEADBBBAB3FF458D9BF3BDB9A7CD37B3 CBCF778007D044C286F57CF627C12F39 posterior auricular nerve Entire posterior auricular nerve (body structure) 7781 7781 07781 facial nerve marginal mandibular branch 31173005 S07781 Structure of facial nerve marginal mandibular branch (body structure) E07781 369009000 Entire facial nerve marginal mandibular branch (body structure) P07781 Y 53365 P nervous system B854D7AC034147B485AD5D03796889E1 7F866270D77B446B948126761FFC3DC5 facial nerve marginal mandibular branch Entire facial nerve marginal mandibular branch (body structure) 7782 7782 07782 lateral vestibular nucleus 246001 S07782 Structure of lateral vestibular nucleus (body structure) E07782 280176007 Entire lateral vestibular nucleus (body structure) P07782 Y 54614 P special senses organ system FBA5E68BBD964713B0441B79DA4FF422 498F150FE5FA433CBD133487E6EA4477 lateral vestibular nucleus Entire lateral vestibular nucleus (body structure) 7783 7783 07783 medial vestibular nucleus 24446006 S07783 Structure of medial vestibular nucleus (body structure) E07783 280174005 Entire medial vestibular nucleus (body structure) P07783 Y 54611 P special senses organ system 38BF870B74E541B3A0C42FAF0C5BDFD7 DBAAB6DE640F4C0F83D38541B31DCD41 medial vestibular nucleus Entire medial vestibular nucleus (body structure) 7784 7784 07784 cranial vestibular nucleus 42413009 S07784 Structure of cranial vestibular nucleus (body structure) E07784 280177003 Entire cranial vestibular nucleus (body structure) P07784 Y 54617 P special senses organ system D2D5283E3A2A4054B23D7258795EC087 3E64336CEAB247D3B9C99A1996BBA6B5 cranial vestibular nucleus Entire cranial vestibular nucleus (body structure) 7785 7785 07785 dorsal cochlear nucleus 19803001 S07785 Structure of dorsal cochlear nucleus (body structure) E07785 280179000 Entire dorsal cochlear nucleus (body structure) P07785 Y 54624 P nervous system 91C4B9B144934DF9A3986CFF17CD9C58 E4163407B5104B698E3B9027895FA043 dorsal cochlear nucleus Entire dorsal cochlear nucleus (body structure) 7786 7786 07786 ventral cochlear nucleus 83571006 S07786 Structure of ventral cochlear nucleus (body structure) E07786 280178008 Entire ventral cochlear nucleus (body structure) P07786 Y 54621 P nervous system 7EAC085CBAD743E38C5598999E11C6C0 5F4C59161EA645139A5F7D287AA1BC5A ventral cochlear nucleus Entire ventral cochlear nucleus (body structure) 7787 7787 07787 intercostobrachial nerve 39773002 S07787 Structure of intercostobrachial nerve (body structure) E07787 281139002 Entire intercostobrachial nerve (body structure) P07787 Y 11307 P nervous system 5CD2ED2CD69C4F6EB6FC2F95E298D475 5B125C1B774A4F7FB2F7EF8D43FFA46B intercostobrachial nerve Entire intercostobrachial nerve (body structure) 7788 7788 07788 articular part of tubercle of eighth rib 367938005 S07788 Structure of articular part of tubercle of eighth rib (body structure) E07788 19515006 Entire articular part of tubercle of eighth rib (body structure) P07788 Y 66099 P skeletal system 804FA84F95ED4606ADAF23E19EFD4CD6 C8BC9E4436D34B3ABD828DE5B997EB65 articular part of tubercle of eighth rib Entire articular part of tubercle of eighth rib (body structure) 7789 7789 07789 thoracic nerve anterior cutaneous branch 207472002 S07789 Structure of thoracic nerve anterior cutaneous branch (body structure) E07789 41241008 Entire thoracic nerve anterior cutaneous branch (body structure) P07789 Y P nervous system 88EDB629349041259A143AA22155EAB3 8083468AACD84C2183084443E3EB935F thoracic nerve anterior cutaneous branch Entire thoracic nerve anterior cutaneous branch (body structure) 7790 7790 07790 subcostal nerve 207772003 S07790 Structure of subcostal nerve (body structure) E07790 17096005 Entire subcostal nerve (body structure) P07790 Y 65567 P nervous system A7F308E173AC4ADD93343FD140053881 D433346B752D4EE1910CF36B516A4992 subcostal nerve Entire subcostal nerve (body structure) 7791 7791 07791 lumbar nerve dorsal primary division 87432006 S07791 Structure of lumbar nerve dorsal primary division (body structure) E07791 303144004 Entire lumbar nerve dorsal primary division (body structure) P07791 Y 6798 P nervous system 26F8DD11E0484A35BE61B31936DCDE7B 2B12C0289638493C8391A29570316638 lumbar nerve dorsal primary division Entire lumbar nerve dorsal primary division (body structure) 7792 7792 07792 medial branch of posterior ramus of lumbar nerve 77979005 S07792 Structure of lumbar nerve medial branch (body structure) E07792 308970000 Entire lumbar nerve medial branch (body structure) P07792 Y 16374 P nervous system 0A8EA292EA9C4B5ABE45D5DC9AFA5F7F 45251186B56C463081921886863703A8 lumbar nerve medial branch Entire lumbar nerve medial branch (body structure) 7793 7793 07793 lateral branch of posterior ramus of lumbar nerve 313863005 S07793 Structure of lumbar nerve lateral branch (body structure) E07793 89727003 Entire lumbar nerve lateral branch (body structure) P07793 Y 16375 P nervous system 32603D5B979E4BB0960BFDF3190D30FF 1CAE723380264968B49D7BAE57F11503 lumbar nerve lateral branch Entire lumbar nerve lateral branch (body structure) 7794 7794 07794 superior clunic nerve 73799008 S07794 Structure of superior clunic nerves (body structure) E07794 288571007 Entire superior clunic nerves (body structure) P07794 Y P nervous system 3F8CFD638FB8458DBD0EE2DEF1D3C600 A16237E1B4994409B3DFDE940763E472 superior clunic nerves Entire superior clunic nerves (body structure) 7795 7795 07795 skin of plantar area of second toe 34016008 S07795 Skin structure of plantar surface of second toe (body structure) E07795 219690009 Entire skin of plantar surface of second toe (body structure) P07795 Y D integument/surface AA4FF917DB0847A19D20534C407646E7 9A860F76323443849FE077BAEB0BBE54 Skin of plantar surface of second toe Entire skin of plantar surface of second toe (body structure) 7796 7796 07796 non-articular part of tubercle of eighth rib 367950004 S07796 Structure of non-articular part of tubercle of eighth rib (body structure) E07796 81691003 Entire non-articular part of tubercle of eighth rib (body structure) P07796 Y 8131 P skeletal system 939B1966E413492F8DA06D87305D8611 713EF87BC13A4C31B25FAF91046CB4B0 non-articular part of tubercle of eighth rib Entire non-articular part of tubercle of eighth rib (body structure) 7797 7797 07797 iliohypogastric nerve 16523009 S07797 Structure of iliohypogastric nerve (body structure) E07797 181055008 Entire iliohypogastric nerve (body structure) P07797 Y 291077 P nervous system 49FDD82819D4444381B152DD951FE57C A7372A0A603C4D8AB31B3DEFF22F2B51 iliohypogastric nerve Entire iliohypogastric nerve (body structure) 7798 7798 07798 anterior cutaneous branch of lumbosacral plexus 2672009 S07798 Structure of anterior cutaneous branch of lumbosacral plexus (body structure) E07798 287173001 Entire anterior cutaneous branch of lumbosacral plexus (body structure) P07798 Y P nervous system 590B1DA748A949CCB100DAA179022026 B23305CA6F274DE8BD5FE5416274875D anterior cutaneous branch of lumbosacral plexus Entire anterior cutaneous branch of lumbosacral plexus (body structure) 7799 7799 07799 ilioinguinal nerve 85752009 S07799 Structure of ilioinguinal nerve (body structure) E07799 181054007 Entire ilioinguinal nerve (body structure) P07799 Y 291071 P nervous system 07CEB8A8E227492BB06C7BB700377C64 272C82DD3EBF4350B34469F20F7872FC ilioinguinal nerve Entire ilioinguinal nerve (body structure) 7800 7800 07800 anterior scrotal nerve 71969001 S07800 Structure of anterior scrotal nerves (body structure) E07800 367761001 Entire anterior scrotal nerves (body structure) P07800 Y 75479 P nervous system F13A9AAF4BED4CBEB7F69174DF801282 B4DE80826D984124A5ADE7277D25037D anterior scrotal nerves Entire anterior scrotal nerves (body structure) 7801 7801 07801 anterior labial nerve 91674000 S07801 Structure of anterior labial nerves (body structure) E07801 367762008 Entire anterior labial nerves (body structure) P07801 Y 75478 P nervous system A14B24B6BAF1439389623FD1D7A223B9 33648716A63B4746B97C288D2AD83DF8 anterior labial nerves Entire anterior labial nerves (body structure) 7802 7802 07802 genitofemoral nerve 12643008 S07802 Structure of genitofemoral nerve (body structure) E07802 181065002 Entire genitofemoral nerve (body structure) P07802 Y 291065 P nervous system D3317EAB8264485E910A9CB7E03F35C4 D21ECE4FBD604FDDAAA6B2282D8DAFF3 genitofemoral nerve Entire genitofemoral nerve (body structure) 7803 7803 07803 genitofemoral nerve femoral branch 79906008 S07803 Structure of genitofemoral nerve femoral branch (body structure) E07803 207973002 Entire genitofemoral nerve femoral branch (body structure) P07803 Y 16496 P nervous system 5FDA81F3638243D4B31C9340CCBA6E07 92CB04663E724137B198A16423F0FA76 genitofemoral nerve femoral branch Entire genitofemoral nerve femoral branch (body structure) 7804 7804 07804 lateral femoral cutaneous nerve 65490005 S07804 Structure of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (body structure) E07804 181053001 Entire lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (body structure) P07804 Y 288595 P nervous system 1BBD0BECD4664592A2E514779D592EEC 5B0AFBCF59834E25BF813E6EDE162D1A lateral femoral cutaneous nerve Entire lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (body structure) 7805 7805 07805 angle of eighth rib 367962000 S07805 Structure of angle of eighth rib (body structure) E07805 69818002 Entire angle of eighth rib (body structure) P07805 Y 8132 P skeletal system 031EAD20B86F4A6180B04F9401AE5294 D2BC63FCC61A49738B9AA29233642D69 angle of eighth rib Entire angle of eighth rib (body structure) 7806 7806 07806 obturator nerve 60272005 S07806 Structure of obturator nerve (body structure) E07806 181052006 Entire obturator nerve (body structure) P07806 Y 291083 P nervous system A31DC19C966B40E5BF370DC846BDCE8F 5E0AAF30EF454C8086DC3950ABA5FA39 obturator nerve Entire obturator nerve (body structure) 7807 7807 07807 obturator nerve anterior branch 6820003 S07807 Structure of obturator nerve anterior branch (body structure) E07807 301465008 Entire obturator nerve anterior branch (body structure) P07807 Y 45306 P nervous system 57A391D12EE44864B389DFE5E6AD58A5 1392844F491E4A9FB0B1D901D8EBF4F3 obturator nerve anterior branch Entire obturator nerve anterior branch (body structure) 7808 7808 07808 obturator nerve cutaneous branch 11580005 S07808 Structure of obturator nerve cutaneous branch (body structure) E07808 301567002 Entire obturator nerve cutaneous branch (body structure) P07808 Y 45331 P nervous system 53CE81BF3CD54B7893441FD582B32A75 2C94D69DA9484E259FCF6CB92AD0EECB obturator nerve cutaneous branch Entire obturator nerve cutaneous branch (body structure) 7809 7809 07809 obturator nerve posterior branch 20089006 S07809 Structure of obturator nerve posterior branch (body structure) E07809 301669009 Entire obturator nerve posterior branch (body structure) P07809 Y 45307 P nervous system BBD3B7E0E8194661A8267B162377B656 D753FB5C8BA04821948949D99D807C64 obturator nerve posterior branch Entire obturator nerve posterior branch (body structure) 7810 7810 07810 obturator nerve muscular branch 50719009 S07810 Structure of obturator nerve muscular branches (body structure) E07810 301767004 Entire obturator nerve muscular branches (body structure) P07810 Y P nervous system 7DE528C085D141D394E0D137388F94CE 2D3062ADDB4349D99F841F3601A8383B obturator nerve muscular branches Entire obturator nerve muscular branches (body structure) 7811 7811 07811 femoral nerve 113319005 S07811 Structure of femoral nerve (body structure) E07811 181051004 Entire femoral nerve (body structure) P07811 Y 288601 P nervous system 732F601BDEF04B7C81983FAF3F7D83A6 BEF3053310FB443C9EA6A022EAEAFF29 femoral nerve Entire femoral nerve (body structure) 7812 7812 07812 femoral nerve lateral muscular branch 6720005 S07812 Structure of femoral nerve lateral muscular branches (body structure) E07812 301839000 Entire femoral nerve lateral muscular branches (body structure) P07812 Y 52189 P nervous system AE4576BF249248809364D04B193FD298 6753BEF2E77E4B7E9D1925DA04C96F8D femoral nerve lateral muscular branches Entire femoral nerve lateral muscular branches (body structure) 7813 7813 07813 femoral nerve anterior cutaneous branch 37252005 S07813 Structure of femoral nerve anterior cutaneous branches (body structure) E07813 301931001 Entire femoral nerve anterior cutaneous branches (body structure) P07813 Y 45250 P nervous system F68562A04DCF4061BDDA213712E4434E 73046E287EC149108158FA98D9909B84 femoral nerve anterior cutaneous branches Entire femoral nerve anterior cutaneous branches (body structure) 7814 7814 07814 saphenous nerve 61896001 S07814 Structure of saphenous nerve (body structure) E07814 181079005 Entire saphenous nerve (body structure) P07814 Y 45262 P nervous system 463E6833622C44C0A61799C927DC62AA 3266BCA5D216497E89C7D09BA83B5D95 saphenous nerve Entire saphenous nerve (body structure) 7815 7815 07815 saphenous nerve infrapatellar branch 69946001 S07815 Structure of saphenous nerve infrapatellar branch (body structure) E07815 302030000 Entire saphenous nerve infrapatellar branch (body structure) P07815 Y 45325 P nervous system 03EA85BA14674DE3965639580010F416 1046ED5210EC4EDFB95D14CA50ADFC20 saphenous nerve infrapatellar branch Entire saphenous nerve infrapatellar branch (body structure) 7816 7816 07816 costal groove of eighth rib 367975000 S07816 Structure of costal groove of eighth rib (body structure) E07816 21696003 Entire costal groove of eighth rib (body structure) P07816 Y 8135 P skeletal system 42CE73CF35DB429596534A3B68EA6CE2 2A22EA83894F429ABA1FFD53733A7622 costal groove of eighth rib Entire costal groove of eighth rib (body structure) 7817 7817 07817 medial crural cutaneous branch 45445005 S07817 Structure of medial crural cutaneous branches (body structure) E07817 215523000 Entire medial crural cutaneous branches (body structure) P07817 Y P nervous system 4533ADF25F09404299C4E5476D795F29 9DDC69C47CC043398AD3BB3A09E8E5E1 medial crural cutaneous branches Entire medial crural cutaneous branches (body structure) 7818 7818 07818 medial branch of posterior ramus of sacral nerve 20423004 S07818 Structure of sacral nerve medial branches (body structure) E07818 310446003 Entire sacral nerve medial branches (body structure) P07818 Y 16837 P nervous system 21517E4207F843C9877F3D792B4989EA A04B90B93BD948B9982C69F8E7C4358C sacral nerve medial branches Entire sacral nerve medial branches (body structure) 7819 7819 07819 lateral branch of posterior ramus of sacral nerve 44420003 S07819 Structure of sacral nerve lateral branches (body structure) E07819 310544002 Entire sacral nerve lateral branches (body structure) P07819 Y 16838 P nervous system 90FF62CECF804B83BDE645DF2D9C3ED3 FC8934C09C8044B7954DDC0F567FC43E sacral nerve lateral branches Entire sacral nerve lateral branches (body structure) 7820 7820 07820 medial clunic nerve 36316002 S07820 Structure of medial clunic nerves (body structure) E07820 302125001 Entire medial clunic nerves (body structure) P07820 Y P nervous system 7E9AB1978BF140708093C65EFEA6924A EE16D95CE32B42F5B9D56795F53628A7 medial clunic nerves Entire medial clunic nerves (body structure) 7821 7821 07821 sacral nerve ventral primary division 91395000 S07821 Structure of sacral nerve ventral primary division (body structure) E07821 310347008 Entire sacral nerve ventral primary division (body structure) P07821 Y 16505 P nervous system 6F182D03B33241BF8513AFEE7DE71363 ED0C1AC6D6A149CC843103FA33D3F292 sacral nerve ventral primary division Entire sacral nerve ventral primary division (body structure) 7822 7822 07822 lumbosacral trunk 43542009 S07822 Structure of lumbosacral trunk (body structure) E07822 181067005 Entire lumbosacral trunk (body structure) P07822 Y 65535 P nervous system 90E288438D38463DBC9AE7C9F55E08C9 562BB3C2D2454D92A43A3E92D9D88900 lumbosacral trunk Entire lumbosacral trunk (body structure) 7823 7823 07823 superior gluteal nerve 29067003 S07823 Structure of superior gluteal nerve (body structure) E07823 181062004 Entire superior gluteal nerve (body structure) P07823 Y 16510 P skeletal system FECA938441BA4C0BA597154274CD83A4 C4C7A626C6EB4F9C952D13B0AC11F719 superior gluteal nerve Entire superior gluteal nerve (body structure) 7824 7824 07824 shaft of eighth rib 367987007 S07824 Structure of shaft of eighth rib (body structure) E07824 11019009 Entire shaft of eighth rib (body structure) P07824 Y 8128 P skeletal system 7CF526EF27A647EF8BC56C744A0AE368 0B02D3690FD14A0E94ADC1E0074B27E6 shaft of eighth rib Entire shaft of eighth rib (body structure) 7825 7825 07825 inferior gluteal nerve 10591007 S07825 Structure of inferior gluteal nerve (body structure) E07825 181063009 Entire inferior gluteal nerve (body structure) P07825 Y 292714 P skeletal system 138E2CC312554893B089AC6D55B1E3B8 8F2AC9575CB747C9B015AEBB978798E1 inferior gluteal nerve Entire inferior gluteal nerve (body structure) 7826 7826 07826 posterior femoral cutaneous nerve 51842002 S07826 Structure of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve (body structure) E07826 181066001 Entire posterior femoral cutaneous nerve (body structure) P07826 Y 45337 P nervous system 6E62AA9EB4CE4BA6A36F8F409E9FB0E6 685AFD7003FA45448EF1427FF005FB21 posterior femoral cutaneous nerve Entire posterior femoral cutaneous nerve (body structure) 7827 7827 07827 perineal branch of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve 69113008 S07827 Structure of perineal branches of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve (body structure) E07827 302212002 Entire perineal branches of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve (body structure) P07827 Y 21847 P nervous system 04753F8687AC479AA3F7631E5E57CC7B CF5808B502C9427A9B70BFEB563178E0 perineal branches of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve Entire perineal branches of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve (body structure) 7828 7828 07828 sciatic nerve 41519007 S07828 Structure of sciatic nerve (body structure) E07828 181050003 Entire sciatic nerve (body structure) P07828 Y 19034 P nervous system 0D658F44B0EB430FA034C80587CF8C85 99D4E392EC3B45D8938F2AB54959C0BB sciatic nerve Entire sciatic nerve (body structure) 7829 7829 07829 tibial nerve 45684006 S07829 Structure of tibial nerve (body structure) E07829 181078002 Entire tibial nerve (body structure) P07829 Y 19035 P nervous system 8E02AFF855E14571ADBCE28089FDACE2 7D317858867043B699B2F534F6D5ACAE tibial nerve Entire tibial nerve (body structure) 7830 7830 07830 tibial nerve muscular branch 53030001 S07830 Structure of tibial nerve muscular branch (body structure) E07830 215625003 Entire tibial nerve muscular branch (body structure) P07830 Y 44689 P nervous system FA238DFDD58B4C79A592BE75FB2554C9 558FE8F8EF7E45259F670C610BD797CE tibial nerve muscular branch Entire tibial nerve muscular branch (body structure) 7831 7831 07831 interosseous crural nerve 215727001 S07831 Structure of interosseous crural nerve (body structure) E07831 46302005 Entire interosseous crural nerve (body structure) P07831 Y 44692 P nervous system AB4B8B90E9DE4A24A1A32150A865377C 3CEF7B4643CC44839B9A30EDE63CED23 interosseous crural nerve Entire interosseous crural nerve (body structure) 7832 7832 07832 medial sural cutaneous nerve 40572002 S07832 Structure of medial sural cutaneous nerve (body structure) E07832 215828004 Entire medial sural cutaneous nerve (body structure) P07832 Y 44687 P nervous system ABE667695DB8450F83C625601822898D 1D2ABE5781944104B2468370F7397BF2 medial sural cutaneous nerve Entire medial sural cutaneous nerve (body structure) 7833 7833 07833 sural nerve 82097001 S07833 Structure of sural nerve (body structure) E07833 181073006 Entire sural nerve (body structure) P07833 Y 44688 P nervous system 02CA16B63DA7494E83A3AF6595F3AEF1 5F04B7721F4F4802BC68DBBB42283B37 sural nerve Entire sural nerve (body structure) 7834 7834 07834 upper border of eighth rib 368000006 S07834 Structure of upper border of eighth rib (body structure) E07834 20951004 Entire upper border of eighth rib (body structure) P07834 Y P skeletal system 3835FBDABDC44D84852DBB8864088158 EAB0F069F0004902AF1DD6AE63361277 upper border of eighth rib Entire upper border of eighth rib (body structure) 7835 7835 07835 lateral sural cutaneous nerve 75487000 S07835 Structure of lateral sural cutaneous nerve (body structure) E07835 215929006 Entire lateral sural cutaneous nerve (body structure) P07835 Y 44697 P nervous system 7C8861D4F3DE4DE8AD7DD49A6ED023C4 0EB93B8E03E74DCD8A74BE173243DC5C lateral sural cutaneous nerve Entire lateral sural cutaneous nerve (body structure) 7836 7836 07836 tibial nerve lateral calcaneal branch 58255001 S07836 Structure of tibial nerve lateral calcaneal branches (body structure) E07836 216030009 Entire tibial nerve lateral calcaneal branches (body structure) P07836 Y P nervous system AF53FED557E2484DA8C92DA27AD27D26 43D42113BF0B4DFA81D26FD02CED34DD tibial nerve lateral calcaneal branches Entire tibial nerve lateral calcaneal branches (body structure) 7837 7837 07837 tibial nerve medial calcaneal branch 55863005 S07837 Structure of tibial nerve medial calcaneal branches (body structure) E07837 216133009 Entire tibial nerve medial calcaneal branches (body structure) P07837 Y 44710 P nervous system B88940FB7FF644DC8877B5A11D9C2E8F BC5F0308FDC3498FB3B9D541823279DA tibial nerve medial calcaneal branches Entire tibial nerve medial calcaneal branches (body structure) 7838 7838 07838 medial plantar nerve 73001007 S07838 Structure of medial plantar nerve (body structure) E07838 181082000 Entire medial plantar nerve (body structure) P07838 Y 44716 P nervous system 02FEFF1C43BB4F3281F384E5927E6146 3DAA02F075574659A595643EBD3D175B medial plantar nerve Entire medial plantar nerve (body structure) 7839 7839 07839 common plantar digital nerve 79683004 S07839 Structure of common plantar digital nerves (body structure) E07839 240979003 Entire common plantar digital nerves (body structure) P07839 Y 44726 P nervous system F5C948C807ED4A6F805D11D82AB22E64 3C3AB44341A64FA7813D7A1B47371747 common plantar digital nerves Entire common plantar digital nerves (body structure) 7840 7840 07840 lateral plantar nerve 16419003 S07840 Structure of lateral plantar nerve (body structure) E07840 181083005 Entire lateral plantar nerve (body structure) P07840 Y 44724 P nervous system 45AAECB1DB9F4718A55FFE02C1CB6BA2 6A32B30447FC4D4AA4CFB8B4981256FD lateral plantar nerve Entire lateral plantar nerve (body structure) 7841 7841 07841 lateral plantar nerve superficial branch 23765008 S07841 Structure of lateral plantar nerve superficial branch (body structure) E07841 302307001 Entire lateral plantar nerve superficial branch (body structure) P07841 Y 44763 P nervous system 89CB6925964843CC9C1BCD0B1286EB6A 0BE001BD848C42CABE1AA6AC41FE04FA lateral plantar nerve superficial branch Entire lateral plantar nerve superficial branch (body structure) 7842 7842 07842 proper plantar digital nerve 12111007 S07842 Structure of proper plantar digital nerves (body structure) E07842 241070007 Entire proper plantar digital nerves (body structure) P07842 Y 44741 P nervous system 4EFCC6EAA43A4D6986644CF7FE5AF06E CFC6A87A928640AB95EB2358E03B2E7C proper plantar digital nerves Entire proper plantar digital nerves (body structure) 7843 7843 07843 lateral plantar nerve deep branch 64952003 S07843 Structure of lateral plantar nerve deep branch (body structure) E07843 241159002 Entire lateral plantar nerve deep branch (body structure) P07843 Y 44764 P nervous system 5EBB7B5543DA4518984374380A5B8C05 F6E83B7DA80B4932B8E1AB0E403DA839 lateral plantar nerve deep branch Entire lateral plantar nerve deep branch (body structure) 7844 7844 07844 under border of eighth rib 368013000 S07844 Structure of under border of eighth rib (body structure) E07844 70907005 Entire under border of eighth rib (body structure) P07844 Y P skeletal system 493BAF2315A346DAB67640C54C196650 C86E6CCAA259426F8EF0F97EB8F17DE1 under border of eighth rib Entire under border of eighth rib (body structure) 7845 7845 07845 common peroneal nerve 27841004 S07845 Structure of common peroneal nerve (body structure) E07845 181077007 Entire common peroneal nerve (body structure) P07845 Y 19039 P nervous system D224FB1E7232455383CE27D2621DFED8 0FB4122D9C764B13A924D853B3B18953 common peroneal nerve Entire common peroneal nerve (body structure) 7846 7846 07846 sural communicating branch of common peroneal nerve 80509008 S07846 Structure of sural communicating branch of common peroneal nerve (body structure) E07846 216235005 Entire sural communicating branch of common peroneal nerve (body structure) P07846 Y 77602 P nervous system D5B4888C216048CBAC80C5E2DBBF323B 32A6205DE59F4B699B8AC8BD3EDA27D6 sural communicating branch of common peroneal nerve Entire sural communicating branch of common peroneal nerve (body structure) 7847 7847 07847 deep peroneal nerve 64529007 S07847 Structure of deep peroneal nerve (body structure) E07847 181081007 Entire deep peroneal nerve (body structure) P07847 Y 44771 P nervous system 01D8DB948E2A45D2B10C356B560FAA30 F462F344200547C1A62DCC00BA69E4DC deep peroneal nerve Entire deep peroneal nerve (body structure) 7848 7848 07848 deep peroneal nerve muscular branch 60433008 S07848 Structure of deep peroneal nerve muscular branches (body structure) E07848 216338009 Entire deep peroneal nerve muscular branches (body structure) P07848 Y P nervous system 8CD773649DE24390A0A7EE3E0FC9D8EC 46FB9A0A08C747A8AF03D8ACE8B6EDFA deep peroneal nerve muscular branches Entire deep peroneal nerve muscular branches (body structure) 7849 7849 07849 dorsal digital nerve of lateral hallux and medial second toe 2830005 S07849 Structure of dorsal digital nerves of lateral hallux and medial second toe (body structure) E07849 241242004 Entire dorsal digital nerves of lateral hallux and medial second toe (body structure) P07849 Y P nervous system 52FA8BAE4FCD4767A4598F8D98012FB7 2124E4BC54A445E9BC89943D5CD81B41 dorsal digital nerves of lateral hallux and medial second toe Entire dorsal digital nerves of lateral hallux and medial second toe (body structure) 7850 7850 07850 superficial peroneal nerve 53995007 S07850 Structure of superficial peroneal nerve (body structure) E07850 181080008 Entire superficial peroneal nerve (body structure) P07850 Y 44699 P nervous system 677D227649CD431D8706479F62A252F1 E36D54C2B41E4898BE4020E722236D95 superficial peroneal nerve Entire superficial peroneal nerve (body structure) 7851 7851 07851 superficial peroneal nerve muscular branch 83080002 S07851 Structure of superficial peroneal nerve muscular branches (body structure) E07851 216439002 Entire superficial peroneal nerve muscular branches (body structure) P07851 Y P nervous system 44AEC20EBDC541EE9442DC141F9233DE 19E7D23B575C49B7A910E68B2644F22A superficial peroneal nerve muscular branches Entire superficial peroneal nerve muscular branches (body structure) 7852 7852 07852 dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot 38200006 S07852 Structure of dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot (body structure) E07852 241327000 Entire dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot (body structure) P07852 Y P nervous system D57D6A9443EE4AFE98B371F8B31073DC 2042F1E19AA34CE894F93360BB1363C7 dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot Entire dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot (body structure) 7853 7853 07853 dorsal intermediate cutaneous nerve of foot 241418000 S07853 Structure of dorsal intermediate cutaneous nerve of foot (body structure) E07853 75021006 Entire dorsal intermediate cutaneous nerve of foot (body structure) P07853 Y P nervous system 16E8494A76704922884AD2F921622F71 C1B47A0FBB1D4CD588725EA730740FFA dorsal intermediate cutaneous nerve of foot Entire dorsal intermediate cutaneous nerve of foot (body structure) 7854 7854 07854 outer surface of eighth rib 368026001 S07854 Structure of outer surface of eighth rib (body structure) E07854 91499005 Entire outer surface of eighth rib (body structure) P07854 Y 8133 P skeletal system 9FD1B619B15147FA9A149C8BB695CA4E D25206B4453742239D9F915334717A00 outer surface of eighth rib Entire outer surface of eighth rib (body structure) 7855 7855 07855 lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot 241508007 S07855 Structure of lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot (body structure) E07855 68285009 Entire lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot (body structure) P07855 Y P nervous system 27C58279A0044D80A70A6B0F8741967E 26B38DAC89E64EACA70247EC1FA2BA41 lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot Entire lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot (body structure) 7856 7856 07856 medial dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot 241608002 S07856 Structure of medial dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot (body structure) E07856 23353006 Entire medial dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot (body structure) P07856 Y P nervous system 2217F9321A454F2AA61268DF25506477 D4EC40A6C9B2454FAC3056EFA9668283 medial dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot Entire medial dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot (body structure) 7857 7857 07857 pudendal plexus 84383001 S07857 Structure of pudendal plexus (body structure) E07857 303263005 Entire pudendal plexus (body structure) P07857 Y P nervous system 2A84DCCEF77F497CAD426F814E851912 B8E4700CE40B44F3BF0781B9A5C77A94 pudendal plexus Entire pudendal plexus (body structure) 7858 7858 07858 pudendal nerve 54805005 S07858 Structure of pudendal nerve (body structure) E07858 181057000 Entire pudendal nerve (body structure) P07858 Y 288613 P nervous system FBFD4C5821C14E52A32B9144EBF5AA4E A0EA7B1E613149048964F91283A4F55E pudendal nerve Entire pudendal nerve (body structure) 7859 7859 07859 hemorrhoidal nerve 77344000 S07859 Structure of hemorrhoidal nerve (body structure) E07859 367763003 Entire hemorrhoidal nerve (body structure) P07859 Y 21865 P nervous system F6A8937F63E94E4EB0F6FFF239ABF00B 9D47F6C62E0142EB95F8571DA0E39EA6 hemorrhoidal nerve Entire hemorrhoidal nerve (body structure) 7860 7860 07860 perineal nerve 4768001 S07860 Structure of perineal nerve (body structure) E07860 303236009 Entire perineal nerve (body structure) P07860 Y 21866 P nervous system 93DD217C5BD441F48C72924F22B7554F B2BDAA21140541E6963140E4BE018907 perineal nerve Entire perineal nerve (body structure) 7861 7861 07861 posterior labial nerve 43070000 S07861 Structure of posterior labial nerves (body structure) E07861 367764009 Entire posterior labial nerves (body structure) P07861 Y 21868 P nervous system 95BC15278E844EFE95E8BEC4988FD6D8 A4B2FA81F0E74B89967089B2D42C0E03 posterior labial nerves Entire posterior labial nerves (body structure) 7862 7862 07862 posterior scrotal nerve 36023006 S07862 Structure of posterior scrotal nerves (body structure) E07862 367765005 Entire posterior scrotal nerves (body structure) P07862 Y 21867 P nervous system CB7FC1B89977486E877749BCF8596387 911D5D9B9182409BB3D28354306E6AFB posterior scrotal nerves Entire posterior scrotal nerves (body structure) 7863 7863 07863 dorsal nerve of penis 2681003 S07863 Structure of dorsal nerve of penis (body structure) E07863 306800005 Entire dorsal nerve of penis (body structure) P07863 Y 21869 P genital system 6ADE3111BC2A42939B15EE7DC10FC429 713031C7BD884613A371C59D8129A74E dorsal nerve of penis Entire dorsal nerve of penis (body structure) 7864 7864 07864 dorsal nerve of clitoris 83338008 S07864 Structure of dorsal nerve of clitoris (body structure) E07864 367687005 Entire dorsal nerve of clitoris (body structure) P07864 Y 21870 P genital system C37D33AFAB024A26AA51C5794CA7828E C166A74868DD43A8B1273182D3546277 dorsal nerve of clitoris Entire dorsal nerve of clitoris (body structure) 7865 7865 07865 inner surface of eighth rib 368039002 S07865 Structure of inner surface of eighth rib (body structure) E07865 19619006 Entire inner surface of eighth rib (body structure) P07865 Y 8134 P skeletal system DCE0BF77AE4947B09DFB6C053D16F43A BC444C14B202476DB5A810CCA92CE371 inner surface of eighth rib Entire inner surface of eighth rib (body structure) 7866 7866 07866 coccygeal plexus 1541002 S07866 Structure of coccygeal plexus (body structure) E07866 280355009 Entire coccygeal plexus (body structure) P07866 Y 45356 P nervous system 7CAE069BF2C044B29BC6FE53FCEDA4CB 430DE326EF3B4F3787394D22039B11F3 coccygeal plexus Entire coccygeal plexus (body structure) 7867 7867 07867 coccygeal nerve 6392005 S07867 Structure of coccygeal nerve (body structure) E07867 287477006 Entire coccygeal nerve (body structure) P07867 Y 5863 P nervous system F64FB77EF2E54B3BB75C8192C9C55A4E 2E40FF61BC5C4166AFB6C6B3D0E8FD43 coccygeal nerve Entire coccygeal nerve (body structure) 7868 7868 07868 anococcygeal nerve 33338009 S07868 Structure of anococcygeal nerve (body structure) E07868 307058000 Entire anococcygeal nerve (body structure) P07868 Y 288607 P nervous system AA129182E6E34355BBCAA103623A9B02 999FB8A3A51142FE919A68BDF2B5C824 anococcygeal nerve Entire anococcygeal nerve (body structure) 7869 7869 07869 sympathetic trunk ganglion 58080009 S07869 Structure of sympathetic trunk ganglia (body structure) E07869 324478000 Entire sympathetic trunk ganglia (body structure) P07869 Y 5891 P nervous system 9D6DCC12CD75488D8622DE4AF1E3A88E 5D76DCDE6AF04747903BAA973710489F sympathetic trunk ganglia Entire sympathetic trunk ganglia (body structure) 7870 7870 07870 sympathetic trunk intermediate ganglion 324571009 S07870 Structure of sympathetic trunk intermediate ganglia (body structure) E07870 13719009 Entire sympathetic trunk intermediate ganglia (body structure) P07870 Y P nervous system 9C424CE69B164265A555AD0C3C00A065 01623354128743718ACBF88C4323806B sympathetic trunk intermediate ganglia Entire sympathetic trunk intermediate ganglia (body structure) 7871 7871 07871 sympathetic trunk interganglionic rami 78034006 S07871 Structure of sympathetic trunk interganglionic rami (body structure) E07871 325226009 Entire sympathetic trunk interganglionic rami (body structure) P07871 Y P nervous system EA7D088F38C34614B86C65051B9E88DC 7428EA75D58846AFBCB5A8E9F30E237A sympathetic trunk interganglionic rami Entire sympathetic trunk interganglionic rami (body structure) 7872 7872 07872 sympathetic trunk rami communicantes 28492000 S07872 Structure of sympathetic trunk rami communicantes (body structure) E07872 325321002 Entire sympathetic trunk rami communicantes (body structure) P07872 Y P nervous system 252FF8A3E0054278AE8278A3F9029FD1 533B257E3C474DBA81F277C1EB5625FD sympathetic trunk rami communicantes Entire sympathetic trunk rami communicantes (body structure) 7873 7873 07873 white rami communicantes 325418003 S07873 Structure of white rami communicantes (body structure) E07873 86452001 Entire white rami communicantes (body structure) P07873 Y P nervous system 4ABD2B4E942E43FA96EE7E8EBF450CB6 FE6F9B7E2E7F4479AF01285628A6F577 white rami communicantes Entire white rami communicantes (body structure) 7874 7874 07874 gray rami communicantes 325518000 S07874 Structure of gray rami communicantes (body structure) E07874 54429006 Entire gray rami communicantes (body structure) P07874 Y P nervous system E163B792E64840F0BC4E96353882BD00 8E6D31D8E7FF44B482BAAE5F4134FFD3 gray rami communicantes Entire gray rami communicantes (body structure) 7875 7875 07875 preganglionic sympathetic fiber 74380005 S07875 Structure of preganglionic sympathetic fiber (body structure) E07875 323517007 Entire preganglionic sympathetic fiber (body structure) P07875 Y P nervous system 6CAFC466D95145168B7393D475F91C48 C5A5F105B834488BA5F359A885FC32DB preganglionic sympathetic fiber Entire preganglionic sympathetic fiber (body structure) 7876 7876 07876 postganglionic sympathetic fiber 44821008 S07876 Structure of postganglionic sympathetic fiber (body structure) E07876 323617002 Entire postganglionic sympathetic fiber (body structure) P07876 - P nervous system 36199B95C17B4346BB964FC4DD3A1608 8748748C6E2F4777AF842A9591B1C1CB postganglionic sympathetic fiber Entire postganglionic sympathetic fiber (body structure) 7877 7877 07877 sympathetic trunk spinal nerve branch 7783003 S07877 Structure of sympathetic trunk spinal nerve branch (body structure) E07877 325617000 Entire sympathetic trunk spinal nerve branch (body structure) P07877 Y P nervous system 22A70D6766BF46BFA7C5B5B950715A15 906341E3163A40BCA18EAEA5A2979F3D sympathetic trunk spinal nerve branch Entire sympathetic trunk spinal nerve branch (body structure) 7878 7878 07878 terminal nerve of cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system 81008004 S07878 Structure of terminal nerves of cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E07878 325032006 Entire terminal nerves of cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P07878 Y P nervous system 979EC6F2F1CC4580BC2CEB8EF3287200 99D4E382426340A29B2F2C7E54A83BD4 terminal nerves of cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system Entire terminal nerves of cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 7879 7879 07879 ganglion terminale of cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system 44467004 S07879 Structure of ganglion terminale of cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E07879 324663003 Entire ganglion terminale of cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P07879 Y P nervous system 95286E5C69E444E8A3D217AB32DCBEA9 5A9A9E148FC74FD9BAF76681D9C29B3E ganglion terminale of cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system Entire ganglion terminale of cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 7880 7880 07880 internal carotid nerve 15094007 S07880 Structure of internal carotid nerve (body structure) E07880 369214008 Entire internal carotid nerve (body structure) P07880 Y 6576 P nervous system 1F960C5803C24E6D9D454DB705E9B934 55EBFE98CA05433E9E263469E277FC90 internal carotid nerve Entire internal carotid nerve (body structure) 7881 7881 07881 internal carotid plexus 110696007 S07881 Structure of internal carotid plexus (body structure) E07881 280509006 Entire internal carotid plexus (body structure) P07881 Y 67533 P nervous system 799186E8522349E0A6A308C22DFB26C0 448B6B397DFD47718378CBBFA8574121 internal carotid plexus Entire internal carotid plexus (body structure) 7882 7882 07882 external carotid nerve 82557006 S07882 Structure of external carotid nerve (body structure) E07882 325130000 Entire external carotid nerve (body structure) P07882 Y 6579 P nervous system 24E694E7F4EB4468BD2E3F00A4E72061 91EABB2FD89C49CA89B631E67F0AD4C4 external carotid nerve Entire external carotid nerve (body structure) 7883 7883 07883 carotid plexus branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system 76884008 S07883 Structure of carotid plexus branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E07883 175608004 Entire carotid plexus branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P07883 Y P nervous system E055A03CD1F54A24969984C1DED23B81 D02DAD23B99C496280A640D1128E8DBF carotid plexus branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system Entire carotid plexus branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 7884 7884 07884 common carotid plexus 3877006 S07884 Structure of common carotid plexus (body structure) E07884 175709003 Entire common carotid plexus (body structure) P07884 Y 67576 P nervous system 6F6C00A08F1540F8AFCC5FFE834C4FBB 3A2BDFEE2B2F4990AD393CC0B2EDFB06 common carotid plexus Entire common carotid plexus (body structure) 7885 7885 07885 skin of lateral area of second toe 113184000 S07885 Skin structure of lateral surface of second toe (body structure) E07885 220892007 Entire skin of lateral surface of second toe (body structure) P07885 Y D integument/surface 82BDB997B78E4A14ABC2203FCF6B8134 8944A1DA17DA4E32A36C5BE71C8B362B Skin of lateral surface of second toe Entire skin of lateral surface of second toe (body structure) 7886 7886 07886 crest of head of ninth rib 367913000 S07886 Structure of crest of head of ninth rib (body structure) E07886 22338005 Entire crest of head of ninth rib (body structure) P07886 Y 8339 P skeletal system E5667A080B72497A8C00BA428026C469 9A1329692C984CD98142920D98702A2D crest of head of ninth rib Entire crest of head of ninth rib (body structure) 7887 7887 07887 pharyngeal branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system 70227003 S07887 Structure of pharyngeal branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E07887 175805004 Entire pharyngeal branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P07887 Y P nervous system 0DB2BE4B108D4BA99941C2BD2A3A2644 E2C141DCC7674A009DEB22B307844FFF pharyngeal branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system Entire pharyngeal branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 7888 7888 07888 superior cardiac nerve 52255005 S07888 Structure of superior cardiac nerve (body structure) E07888 175900008 Entire superior cardiac nerve (body structure) P07888 Y 6578 P nervous system 57111721C40D4635BF9A9EB3330180FF 368ED175C7F3471781F07DA48C552055 superior cardiac nerve Entire superior cardiac nerve (body structure) 7889 7889 07889 middle cardiac nerve 88634001 S07889 Structure of middle cardiac nerve (body structure) E07889 175986000 Entire middle cardiac nerve (body structure) P07889 Y P nervous system 92737EE1945B44E996C69C3976E1263D 634C97A027A942498ED6BE06588DF544 middle cardiac nerve Entire middle cardiac nerve (body structure) 7890 7890 07890 inferior cardiac nerve 15731009 S07890 Structure of inferior cardiac nerve (body structure) E07890 176076007 Entire inferior cardiac nerve (body structure) P07890 Y 6583 P nervous system 8376C81C3EAC436AAE28766A54C153CF 8EE467065DAF427DA95BB7DDB5B0C612 inferior cardiac nerve Entire inferior cardiac nerve (body structure) 7891 7891 07891 subclavian plexus 4524000 S07891 Structure of subclavian plexus (body structure) E07891 176161002 Entire subclavian plexus (body structure) P07891 Y 61917 P nervous system 9318E07828D84048AA31ECFB319AEAE9 D4ACB9AA0105404098FACA05497DD17E subclavian plexus Entire subclavian plexus (body structure) 7892 7892 07892 vertebral nerve 1277008 S07892 Structure of vertebral nerve (body structure) E07892 176254009 Entire vertebral nerve (body structure) P07892 Y 6581 P nervous system B370B1768F1340C6BDB37AE0AF4C058E 506BFB3E98374B169A630FD51D08DB48 vertebral nerve Entire vertebral nerve (body structure) 7893 7893 07893 vertebral plexus 56725004 S07893 Structure of vertebral plexus (body structure) E07893 176344007 Entire vertebral plexus (body structure) P07893 Y 77572 P nervous system A15848A1E9BE487883C725F7E21BAF66 54D436ECC6E249AD9AE8214546748E90 vertebral plexus Entire vertebral plexus (body structure) 7894 7894 07894 spinal nerve branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system 48288000 S07894 Structure of spinal nerve branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E07894 176431003 Entire spinal nerve branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P07894 Y P nervous system C57B4D48BC504F8182C303393343704B 7C412F60F6844D47BB32A61CE122D683 spinal nerve branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system Entire spinal nerve branch of cervical sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 7895 7895 07895 superior cervical ganglion 84959000 S07895 Structure of superior cervical ganglion (body structure) E07895 279278002 Entire superior cervical ganglion (body structure) P07895 Y 6467 P nervous system 0CB56B00BBCA49878444103807405FD8 CDC400610DD74E6881D888EF4F350AD5 superior cervical ganglion Entire superior cervical ganglion (body structure) 7896 7896 07896 jugular nerve 17912006 S07896 Structure of jugular nerve (body structure) E07896 176511000 Entire jugular nerve (body structure) P07896 Y 6577 P nervous system C6D6D02131DF486FB2824FF6FA5E6918 03877180FCF7491B8E37EE9274401EE2 jugular nerve Entire jugular nerve (body structure) 7897 7897 07897 neck of ninth rib 367925002 S07897 Structure of neck of ninth rib (body structure) E07897 84159004 Entire neck of ninth rib (body structure) P07897 Y 8343 P skeletal system C47C921370474456ABCF6625CF4FE852 26AE09409F384E678B044EFAD194024D neck of ninth rib Entire neck of ninth rib (body structure) 7898 7898 07898 middle cervical ganglion 18591008 S07898 Structure of middle cervical ganglion (body structure) E07898 279279005 Entire middle cervical ganglion (body structure) P07898 Y 6468 P nervous system D72A3430A35240E6B3D8D936A6A58172 FE2399139E77498C9EC165E657D99775 middle cervical ganglion Entire middle cervical ganglion (body structure) 7899 7899 07899 stellate ganglion 33961002 S07899 Structure of stellate ganglion (body structure) E07899 181101006 Entire stellate ganglion (body structure) P07899 Y 6469 P nervous system 28CBFA48AA3A40B39581790E911FA327 23EF867679CE41A0816E5D1A746FCCF0 stellate ganglion Entire stellate ganglion (body structure) 7900 7900 07900 inferior cervical ganglion 88759001 S07900 Structure of inferior cervical ganglion (body structure) E07900 279280008 Entire inferior cervical ganglion (body structure) P07900 Y 6961 P nervous system 782F3B5347464A5BB3C2B24B34A672B2 1E08801C238A4661B3398E3FE63F3612 inferior cervical ganglion Entire inferior cervical ganglion (body structure) 7901 7901 07901 vertebral ganglion 63492004 S07901 Structure of vertebral ganglion (body structure) E07901 176596009 Entire vertebral ganglion (body structure) P07901 Y 6572 P nervous system B49F7A440F964EE0999B7BC060941B38 B717BD2975D94BD29256892A594E3106 vertebral ganglion Entire vertebral ganglion (body structure) 7902 7902 07902 ansa subclavia 13369003 S07902 Structure of ansa subclavia (body structure) E07902 206759009 Entire ansa subclavia (body structure) P07902 Y 6582 P nervous system E20948354A2A4A0E8961F25563011CC3 7EC2647751A14F89A106AC2556E22D5C ansa subclavia Entire ansa subclavia (body structure) 7903 7903 07903 glossopharyngeal nucleus 23631000 S07903 Structure of glossopharyngeal nucleus (body structure) E07903 280167000 Entire glossopharyngeal nucleus (body structure) P07903 Y P nervous system 4739E5E17507477FB15709AB7A8D3FC7 6287C8FC497547F4BBD71591044B376B glossopharyngeal nucleus Entire glossopharyngeal nucleus (body structure) 7904 7904 07904 lesser superficial petrosal nerve 57421003 S07904 Structure of lesser superficial petrosal nerve (body structure) E07904 369405001 Entire lesser superficial petrosal nerve (body structure) P07904 Y 53491 P nervous system 905DCF704032487D954C70000DBF52EE 1B089AB080FA4CEE9BD66703E64628A1 lesser superficial petrosal nerve Entire lesser superficial petrosal nerve (body structure) 7905 7905 07905 articular part of tubercle of ninth rib 367939002 S07905 Structure of articular part of tubercle of ninth rib (body structure) E07905 5696005 Entire articular part of tubercle of ninth rib (body structure) P07905 Y 66100 P skeletal system 40454D8BA2FC45CD95F485E6B89637D9 6799A7F6FF9046399EF595B40DDBF576 articular part of tubercle of ninth rib Entire articular part of tubercle of ninth rib (body structure) 7906 7906 07906 vagus nerve pharyngeal plexus 10145007 S07906 Structure of vagus nerve pharyngeal plexus (body structure) E07906 369429008 Entire vagus nerve pharyngeal plexus (body structure) P07906 Y 82453 P digestive system D35168BD032B417EA4647861BBFE5930 A68A2983187847ABA77F09AFEFA70B5D vagus nerve pharyngeal plexus Entire vagus nerve pharyngeal plexus (body structure) 7907 7907 07907 superior laryngeal nerve 72343000 S07907 Structure of superior laryngeal nerve (body structure) E07907 279928006 Entire superior laryngeal nerve (body structure) P07907 Y 6239 P nervous system 09701C0F8B48424F99BBB00E5C835516 4E69D9A05D444E5DBAD9D9465ED6F453 superior laryngeal nerve Entire superior laryngeal nerve (body structure) 7908 7908 07908 vagus nerve superior cardiac branch 65045009 S07908 Structure of vagus nerve superior cardiac branch (body structure) E07908 369422004 Entire vagus nerve superior cardiac branch (body structure) P07908 Y P nervous system 3D3A7FDA42514B3DB7AD4CEC88064EA6 F81DBBF95AB14A9D8F52A0EECCE75DBA vagus nerve superior cardiac branch Entire vagus nerve superior cardiac branch (body structure) 7909 7909 07909 recurrent laryngeal nerve 24227007 S07909 Structure of recurrent laryngeal nerve (body structure) E07909 P07909 Y 6246 P nervous system DDC29D5A8A03459D9448ED6CE2ADB493 recurrent laryngeal nerve 7910 7910 07910 vagus nerve inferior cardiac branch 20069005 S07910 Structure of vagus nerve inferior cardiac branch (body structure) E07910 369423009 Entire vagus nerve inferior cardiac branch (body structure) P07910 Y P respiratory system 37F24887E11441F48788617E005F1F6D 92DEFCCDE0BE43878CF8CA37D6B61F74 vagus nerve inferior cardiac branch Entire vagus nerve inferior cardiac branch (body structure) 7911 7911 07911 non-articular part of tubercle of ninth rib 367951000 S07911 Structure of non-articular part of tubercle of ninth rib (body structure) E07911 25054006 Entire non-articular part of tubercle of ninth rib (body structure) P07911 Y 8348 P skeletal system 11E4B8A2486940B8BD7BF53D2AC11945 B53ECDC00FC747FEBB25F66E1737C184 non-articular part of tubercle of ninth rib Entire non-articular part of tubercle of ninth rib (body structure) 7912 7912 07912 vagus nerve anterior gastric branch 113315004 S07912 Structure of vagus nerve anterior gastric branch (body structure) E07912 369424003 Entire vagus nerve anterior gastric branch (body structure) P07912 Y P nervous system 600DB7170A92411BAB1D28A353FB29B3 4BF0118C98DA4E1A81938A92ECD4ACF1 vagus nerve anterior gastric branch Entire vagus nerve anterior gastric branch (body structure) 7913 7913 07913 vagus nerve posterior gastric branch 37720009 S07913 Structure of vagus nerve posterior gastric branch (body structure) E07913 369425002 Entire vagus nerve posterior gastric branch (body structure) P07913 Y P nervous system DD2CAC7A65F848E5AC49BBF0983C4330 C9A5B4985D414B54AA0D31CF7E54411B vagus nerve posterior gastric branch Entire vagus nerve posterior gastric branch (body structure) 7914 7914 07914 vagus nerve intestinal branch 47727005 S07914 Structure of vagus nerve intestinal branch (body structure) E07914 369426001 Entire vagus nerve intestinal branch (body structure) P07914 Y P nervous system AB0095B6764F432EA599875A5DD9D54D 2E716C00C97F44CBAD0F404E81472004 vagus nerve intestinal branch Entire vagus nerve intestinal branch (body structure) 7915 7915 07915 angle of ninth rib 367963005 S07915 Structure of angle of ninth rib (body structure) E07915 82767003 Entire angle of ninth rib (body structure) P07915 Y 8349 P skeletal system C4117F18E6B3402384D9FF16289CE9BF 0ECE2A3848DB4F29A7951E2BD25A7668 angle of ninth rib Entire angle of ninth rib (body structure) 7916 7916 07916 posterior vagal trunk 6448009 S07916 Structure of posterior vagal trunk (body structure) E07916 280309007 Entire posterior vagal trunk (body structure) P07916 Y 6227 P nervous system A3EDD5EDB1674F2CAA575AF58EC4BCCE F1502DBB7FC2430C85B7A1D536897A5C posterior vagal trunk Entire posterior vagal trunk (body structure) 7917 7917 07917 selective branch of anterior trunk of vagus nerve 68138005 S07917 Structure of selective branches of anterior trunk of vagus nerve (body structure) E07917 369427005 Entire selective branches of anterior trunk of vagus nerve (body structure) P07917 Y P nervous system 7A3B13AA9C994A12B2733EE7CC3B1881 1E4F36E9A7974A698BF23B7E454602A8 selective branches of anterior trunk of vagus nerve Entire selective branches of anterior trunk of vagus nerve (body structure) 7918 7918 07918 selective branch of posterior trunk of vagus nerve 369428000 S07918 Structure of selective branches of posterior trunk of vagus nerve (body structure) E07918 58328008 Entire selective branches of posterior trunk of vagus nerve (body structure) P07918 Y P nervous system FB30EE69CFA74F59947D8C57FAC303F8 5C203C6F7C4E4962A488DEC8BF4B2F98 selective branches of posterior trunk of vagus nerve Entire selective branches of posterior trunk of vagus nerve (body structure) 7919 7919 07919 accessory nerve nucleus 30216009 S07919 Structure of accessory nerve nucleus (body structure) E07919 369081004 Entire accessory nerve nucleus (body structure) P07919 Y 83965 P nervous system 3F01F82173864A48BBAE7063FB4E4156 5CFD196DD86044C9BE3E3DEA273B7C16 accessory nerve nucleus Entire accessory nerve nucleus (body structure) 7921 7921 07921 accessory nerve uvular branch 33587005 S07921 Structure of accessory nerve uvular branch (body structure) E07921 369411003 Entire accessory nerve uvular branch (body structure) P07921 Y P nervous system A8056E97214E46E2987128A8F164F3FD 260508EBC89045FEB18938BDBAD54BAE accessory nerve uvular branch Entire accessory nerve uvular branch (body structure) 7922 7922 07922 accessory nerve pharyngeal branch 30387005 S07922 Structure of accessory nerve pharyngeal branch (body structure) E07922 369412005 Entire accessory nerve pharyngeal branch (body structure) P07922 Y P nervous system D8BCE5B23B6C414CB58BE42C5E46630C A53BE852AA064A8098BA09102D6F9C9A accessory nerve pharyngeal branch Entire accessory nerve pharyngeal branch (body structure) 7923 7923 07923 accessory nerve laryngeal branch 48368001 S07923 Structure of accessory nerve laryngeal branch (body structure) E07923 369413000 Entire accessory nerve laryngeal branch (body structure) P07923 Y P nervous system BA5D4C6FFF7A447DA5EFA624A700BB56 0D949582915E4E29BEAE5E33A1D2A0D8 accessory nerve laryngeal branch Entire accessory nerve laryngeal branch (body structure) 7924 7924 07924 costal groove of ninth rib 367976004 S07924 Structure of costal groove of ninth rib (body structure) E07924 11493002 Entire costal groove of ninth rib (body structure) P07924 Y 8352 P skeletal system AA8D1838E0D74FC39EE3532ECC992124 4D4736264E504998A5C6053916D1862E costal groove of ninth rib Entire costal groove of ninth rib (body structure) 7925 7925 07925 accessory nerve esophageal branch 72207009 S07925 Structure of accessory nerve esophageal branch (body structure) E07925 369414006 Entire accessory nerve esophageal branch (body structure) P07925 Y P nervous system F265EBC8AD3446E485BBEC52308E7DB4 2C1E17EC3E364830950C52990C833F6C accessory nerve esophageal branch Entire accessory nerve esophageal branch (body structure) 7926 7926 07926 accessory nerve spinal portion 52658004 S07926 Structure of accessory nerve spinal portion (body structure) E07926 369415007 Entire accessory nerve spinal portion (body structure) P07926 Y P nervous system A840597EAB67453C8690993BAFB7D08E B7B0227A2EEA450598F4D0AD4A1DFEC4 accessory nerve spinal portion Entire accessory nerve spinal portion (body structure) 7927 7927 07927 accessory nerve sternocleidomastoid muscle branch 44867008 S07927 Structure of accessory nerve sternocleidomastoid muscle branch (body structure) E07927 369416008 Entire accessory nerve sternocleidomastoid muscle branch (body structure) P07927 Y P nervous system AB2AA593B09B44FEB64732A9744AA88B 95D113A904FD4FEFBE483478FD0ED7A1 accessory nerve sternocleidomastoid muscle branch Entire accessory nerve sternocleidomastoid muscle branch (body structure) 7928 7928 07928 accessory nerve trapezius muscle branch 44625001 S07928 Structure of accessory nerve trapezius muscle branch (body structure) E07928 369417004 Entire accessory nerve trapezius muscle branch (body structure) P07928 Y P nervous system FF3482C9844C4133B85425B0B380D2C7 F8D673D80AF84DA58FD674DDAF2F4E2D accessory nerve trapezius muscle branch Entire accessory nerve trapezius muscle branch (body structure) 7929 7929 07929 hypoglossal nerve extrinsic tongue muscle branch 90826008 S07929 Structure of hypoglossal nerve extrinsic tongue muscle branch (body structure) E07929 314182005 Entire hypoglossal nerve extrinsic tongue muscle branch (body structure) P07929 Y P nervous system E1F7822CD6B2467C88EA98E84B898D16 566E9E05AF6C4D0E872782A368AEB0DA hypoglossal nerve extrinsic tongue muscle branch Entire hypoglossal nerve extrinsic tongue muscle branch (body structure) 7930 7930 07930 hypoglossal nerve intrinsic tongue muscle branch 7227003 S07930 Structure of hypoglossal nerve intrinsic tongue muscle branch (body structure) E07930 314183000 Entire hypoglossal nerve intrinsic tongue muscle branch (body structure) P07930 Y P nervous system 72DD5F7DCF8C4B4E8109450D9E295EAC 74BEB2E6570340F58A48D0957BDE862A hypoglossal nerve intrinsic tongue muscle branch Entire hypoglossal nerve intrinsic tongue muscle branch (body structure) 7931 7931 07931 hypoglossal nerve lingual branch 11100002 S07931 Structure of hypoglossal nerve lingual branches (body structure) E07931 369409007 Entire hypoglossal nerve lingual branches (body structure) P07931 Y P nervous system D71AD36B23AC46CA8DDB78DB519C4AB0 6197972FAFC143BEBCE218058B13B829 hypoglossal nerve lingual branches Entire hypoglossal nerve lingual branches (body structure) 7932 7932 07932 shaft of ninth rib 367988002 S07932 Structure of shaft of ninth rib (body structure) E07932 63182004 Entire shaft of ninth rib (body structure) P07932 Y 8345 P skeletal system 92BD601E3E2A43118A9C57B7546E57C8 42E0067F0FA0474E88843C059723E895 shaft of ninth rib Entire shaft of ninth rib (body structure) 7933 7933 07933 fila radicularia of spinal nerve 39680008 S07933 Structure of fila radicularia of spinal nerve (body structure) E07933 315977005 Entire fila radicularia of spinal nerve (body structure) P07933 Y 5927 P nervous system 818E280AFE5F496D9582AC158E40D7A1 B7F686AB48F0466DA9DC868F8E8E2AC3 fila radicularia of spinal nerve Entire fila radicularia of spinal nerve (body structure) 7934 7934 07934 spinal sensory nerve 32421000 S07934 Structure of spinal sensory nerve (body structure) E07934 326491002 Entire spinal sensory nerve (body structure) P07934 Y P nervous system 5343C5E0AD2E46279E40C905C9D772C2 BF413896D1374FF8ACDAB1546D44B077 spinal sensory nerve Entire spinal sensory nerve (body structure) 7935 7935 07935 spinal motor nerve 22012003 S07935 Structure of spinal motor nerve (body structure) E07935 326588000 Entire spinal motor nerve (body structure) P07935 Y P nervous system 079F7DDEABFA4D818AC2D09F9E41E726 FEE78BA949264851907C8C6089B79A5D spinal motor nerve Entire spinal motor nerve (body structure) 7936 7936 07936 anterior ramus of spinal nerve 37198003 S07936 Structure of spinal nerve ventral branch (body structure) E07936 326096000 Entire spinal nerve ventral branch (body structure) P07936 Y 5982 P nervous system CCAB5AF3266247E0B4A257379FC31707 263C6DEA8F2647038EA54A8AB24A29AC spinal nerve ventral branch Entire spinal nerve ventral branch (body structure) 7937 7937 07937 posterior ramus of spinal nerve 113316003 S07937 Structure of spinal nerve dorsal branch (body structure) E07937 326192001 Entire spinal nerve dorsal branch (body structure) P07937 Y 5983 P nervous system A5BB17231BDA4BBC9DF1B7176AC55CB4 D860B064289243D69124636441EEC5EB spinal nerve dorsal branch Entire spinal nerve dorsal branch (body structure) 7938 7938 07938 spinal nerve communicating branch 83921002 S07938 Structure of spinal nerve communicating branch (body structure) E07938 326291004 Entire spinal nerve communicating branch (body structure) P07938 Y 5874 P nervous system BAB9EE6414594344B7DD19FF16E671CF EA21D610DDD04752987376EAD55D8CC3 spinal nerve communicating branch Entire spinal nerve communicating branch (body structure) 7939 7939 07939 spinal nerve meningeal branch 22889004 S07939 Structure of spinal nerve meningeal branch (body structure) E07939 326391001 Entire spinal nerve meningeal branch (body structure) P07939 Y 5988 P nervous system 3A05875F36B24B4D836139A142B31CD2 2764FBB51F6A4099A062FC39BACCEE98 spinal nerve meningeal branch Entire spinal nerve meningeal branch (body structure) 7940 7940 07940 upper border of ninth rib 368001005 S07940 Structure of upper border of ninth rib (body structure) E07940 48056003 Entire upper border of ninth rib (body structure) P07940 Y P skeletal system A538110131DE4813A80ABE59A5C01C0B B717F8BDF29643EF85B12AC7C402A5CD upper border of ninth rib Entire upper border of ninth rib (body structure) 7941 7941 07941 medial branch of posterior ramus of cervical nerve 22785001 S07941 Structure of cervical nerve medial branch (body structure) E07941 368545004 Entire cervical nerve medial branch (body structure) P07941 Y 86467 P nervous system 081CF3DE9EB341289BEFACBC137724F4 2BF0A885826E48F18C4B31320E853EE2 cervical nerve medial branch Entire cervical nerve medial branch (body structure) 7942 7942 07942 lateral branch of posterior ramus of cervical nerve 113317007 S07942 Structure of cervical nerve lateral branch (body structure) E07942 368546003 Entire cervical nerve lateral branch (body structure) P07942 Y 86469 P nervous system 1E39CCE6799A44BF93FD515148617341 467C7B5E16FC4477BC4CDBFB5DDCB46B cervical nerve lateral branch Entire cervical nerve lateral branch (body structure) 7943 7943 07943 suboccipital nerve 44557006 S07943 Structure of suboccipital nerve (body structure) E07943 368668002 Entire suboccipital nerve (body structure) P07943 Y 7054 P nervous system 8382B37B86744704AF5F862DBAF94871 58AEE96B12484D1092CAC8FEEE3DC8C5 suboccipital nerve Entire suboccipital nerve (body structure) 7944 7944 07944 third occipital nerve 81400001 S07944 Structure of third occipital nerve (body structure) E07944 368666003 Entire third occipital nerve (body structure) P07944 Y 65608 P nervous system 46AE1DBC04A546C68C0EC14A76ED2EE0 BE2129F47E494ADBA9797050C3CB76DB third occipital nerve Entire third occipital nerve (body structure) 7945 7945 07945 inferior root of ansa cervicalis 84573001 S07945 Structure of inferior root of ansa cervicalis (body structure) E07945 280343003 Entire inferior root of ansa cervicalis (body structure) P07945 Y 55146 P nervous system 661AAA92628D4FDFAEE52B5962583E99 679C694CEF2D423587EE594887C26ADB inferior root of ansa cervicalis Entire inferior root of ansa cervicalis (body structure) 7946 7946 07946 under border of ninth rib 368014006 S07946 Structure of under border of ninth rib (body structure) E07946 52873000 Entire under border of ninth rib (body structure) P07946 Y P skeletal system 4F2D4CB4E7164EC3B9875619CEE0E905 998296BFB13E40869467B72E3355E6B3 under border of ninth rib Entire under border of ninth rib (body structure) 7947 7947 07947 thyrohyoid branch of ansa cervicalis 921006 S07947 Structure of thyrohyoid branch of ansa cervicalis (body structure) E07947 169702001 Entire thyrohyoid branch of ansa cervicalis (body structure) P07947 Y P nervous system CB63D93107EC42AE965E4678E0B502D7 9E7423D9DF3941A1A7E19CC4A0B53AD4 thyrohyoid branch of ansa cervicalis Entire thyrohyoid branch of ansa cervicalis (body structure) 7948 7948 07948 smaller occipital nerve 75998006 S07948 Structure of smaller occipital nerve (body structure) E07948 181109008 Entire smaller occipital nerve (body structure) P07948 Y 6871 P nervous system 939C3D0DE18A4CFEAB3B7AA767EC42AA D2CC9262C57A40F3B7F8123B12A0DF2C smaller occipital nerve Entire smaller occipital nerve (body structure) 7949 7949 07949 greater auricular nerve posterior branch 82266006 S07949 Structure of greater auricular nerve posterior branch (body structure) E07949 369436009 Entire greater auricular nerve posterior branch (body structure) P07949 Y 6881 P nervous system C47B34867EE04D9993F6D88F836DDD08 C20D66B03B9545BEAC8CB0D7F59B9A78 greater auricular nerve posterior branch Entire greater auricular nerve posterior branch (body structure) 7950 7950 07950 greater auricular nerve anterior branch 37753004 S07950 Structure of greater auricular nerve anterior branch (body structure) E07950 369437000 Entire greater auricular nerve anterior branch (body structure) P07950 Y 6880 P nervous system 830ED3DE058549BF8496C9E81318C145 DD1077596C114F1B93FF891BE5530C89 greater auricular nerve anterior branch Entire greater auricular nerve anterior branch (body structure) 7951 7951 07951 transverse cervical nerve 58508005 S07951 Structure of transverse cervical nerve (body structure) E07951 181111004 Entire transverse cervical nerve (body structure) P07951 Y 288487 P nervous system 58CA291AF2FC43DAACFDCAC20E1E79FE A9DDF6CEE7424B7F81DFE3D3FDC1C533 transverse cervical nerve Entire transverse cervical nerve (body structure) 7952 7952 07952 cervical cutaneous nerve superior branch 169218008 S07952 Structure of cervical cutaneous nerve superior branch (body structure) E07952 49594000 Entire cervical cutaneous nerve superior branch (body structure) P07952 Y P nervous system A47226CA15AA4D1B946FE534F18D6A58 C97B5D4250C748A295FF48C983C34F4F cervical cutaneous nerve superior branch Entire cervical cutaneous nerve superior branch (body structure) 7953 7953 07953 cervical cutaneous nerve inferior branch 169308000 S07953 Structure of cervical cutaneous nerve inferior branch (body structure) E07953 72659006 Entire cervical cutaneous nerve inferior branch (body structure) P07953 Y P nervous system 1BEF928A825D485887F4BA5FC0143615 AABD55E7B60F4F919518A3BC66A0EC9F cervical cutaneous nerve inferior branch Entire cervical cutaneous nerve inferior branch (body structure) 7954 7954 07954 skin of medial area of second toe 31974000 S07954 Skin structure of medial surface of second toe (body structure) E07954 222109002 Entire skin of medial surface of second toe (body structure) P07954 Y D integument/surface 5BE29B9468F441918731F70C86717D34 0AAD929B455545E186E8A719B4D0F5F5 Skin of medial surface of second toe Entire skin of medial surface of second toe (body structure) 7955 7955 07955 outer surface of ninth rib 368027005 S07955 Structure of outer surface of ninth rib (body structure) E07955 76692002 Entire outer surface of ninth rib (body structure) P07955 Y 8350 P skeletal system 308044BF1BC54C0F85DEEFAB96AC7958 69E4F6B2233647D484FB1158E74BDAAA outer surface of ninth rib Entire outer surface of ninth rib (body structure) 7956 7956 07956 phrenic nerve 50230006 S07956 Structure of phrenic nerve (body structure) E07956 280344009 Entire phrenic nerve (body structure) P07956 Y 288499 P nervous system 447572F06B7245B58B95F51DF8786B6A 7CF5944AEC684D1A821E34FA87F61EE3 phrenic nerve Entire phrenic nerve (body structure) 7957 7957 07957 phrenic nerve pericardial branch 4774001 S07957 Structure of phrenic nerve pericardial branch (body structure) E07957 169408001 Entire phrenic nerve pericardial branch (body structure) P07957 Y 6201 P nervous system 3DD16DB070C2463EA1C21F981EC3BA0C 22656768A50A4E88BB0E75C0485D7E81 phrenic nerve pericardial branch Entire phrenic nerve pericardial branch (body structure) 7958 7958 07958 phrenic nerve phrenicoabdominal branch 33992000 S07958 Structure of phrenic nerve phrenicoabdominal branches (body structure) E07958 169504002 Entire phrenic nerve phrenicoabdominal branches (body structure) P07958 Y P nervous system 11D2952AC8144B3683CBF0BC7C2156A7 FE90C895EB0A45A094FEFBAC8D209F6E phrenic nerve phrenicoabdominal branches Entire phrenic nerve phrenicoabdominal branches (body structure) 7959 7959 07959 accessory phrenic nerve 6268000 S07959 Structure of accessory phrenic nerves (body structure) E07959 169601003 Entire accessory phrenic nerves (body structure) P07959 Y 75461 P nervous system 97555555EA614C40B030C84E1F850D78 81CDF00ACD1E4673ABBBED8A5C3A3CE2 accessory phrenic nerves Entire accessory phrenic nerves (body structure) 7960 7960 07960 inner surface of ninth rib 368040000 S07960 Structure of inner surface of ninth rib (body structure) E07960 60675003 Entire inner surface of ninth rib (body structure) P07960 Y 8351 P skeletal system A3387F74B14B484ABD365FACD24948AA 71D6A778EDAC4C1F85DA935EEDC5D3C1 inner surface of ninth rib Entire inner surface of ninth rib (body structure) 7961 7961 07961 middle trunk of brachial plexus 4588004 S07961 Structure of middle trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E07961 278792004 Entire middle trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) P07961 Y 65218 P nervous system 210A9EFCCC3C48BE8AAD5F54166BD8FD E3A25DE130ED4F55B06AE63C3B7087C5 middle trunk of brachial plexus Entire middle trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) 7962 7962 07962 dorsal scapular nerve 30026005 S07962 Structure of dorsal scapular nerve (body structure) E07962 278879007 Entire dorsal scapular nerve (body structure) P07962 Y 65279 P nervous system FF49F66B66524E348D5450B19913EEE9 D2EF5DC0ABF143D48B0C381B322BD3CB dorsal scapular nerve Entire dorsal scapular nerve (body structure) 7963 7963 07963 long thoracic nerve 42203004 S07963 Structure of long thoracic nerve (body structure) E07963 278880005 Entire long thoracic nerve (body structure) P07963 Y 288553 P nervous system 8FDD5355FE654D9C803C51ABEE1CCB0D 26B2F7A94D884AA4B1FD679345FC3234 long thoracic nerve Entire long thoracic nerve (body structure) 7964 7964 07964 musculocutaneous nerve 66667004 S07964 Structure of musculocutaneous nerve (body structure) E07964 181019000 Entire musculocutaneous nerve (body structure) P07964 Y 288511 P nervous system 84C7B6ED7315405DA68938CB2FD04959 B4D77FACEC3F46899B689A014301E384 musculocutaneous nerve Entire musculocutaneous nerve (body structure) 7965 7965 07965 musculocutaneous nerve muscular branch 20746001 S07965 Structure of musculocutaneous nerve muscular branches (body structure) E07965 368538004 Entire musculocutaneous nerve muscular branches (body structure) P07965 Y 75499 P nervous system 87C5C5D4D6604BDB942816F6B63009A9 7325E1C3EF5241F4B168B686E664B815 musculocutaneous nerve muscular branches Entire musculocutaneous nerve muscular branches (body structure) 7966 7966 07966 lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve 61964005 S07966 Structure of lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (body structure) E07966 368211007 Entire lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (body structure) P07966 Y 39080 P nervous system 4D54F48267824A70BDC5EA85BBA58690 68A2041119AF41F3A897ED3E716E2773 lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve Entire lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (body structure) 7967 7967 07967 anterior branch of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve 113318002 S07967 Structure of anterior branch of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve (body structure) E07967 368539007 Entire anterior branch of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve (body structure) P07967 Y P nervous system 8264A92524184B378072DDE621ED515B 3A1792F6BBA34BE7BBD60933B3C680FD anterior branch of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve Entire anterior branch of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve (body structure) 7968 7968 07968 ulnar branch of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve 55097004 S07968 Structure of ulnar branch of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve (body structure) E07968 368540009 Entire ulnar branch of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve (body structure) P07968 Y P nervous system C8C21529498945D78D086CB6C9D9D20F 4D5F12C2786348CA817CC5B300C8EDF4 ulnar branch of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve Entire ulnar branch of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve (body structure) 7969 7969 07969 ulnar nerve 58696008 S07969 Structure of ulnar nerve (body structure) E07969 181012009 Entire ulnar nerve (body structure) P07969 Y 288523 P nervous system ED6BE0A9CE774A98AD9374689B532E29 09575292FB8E43D6B5855E5CEE261887 ulnar nerve Entire ulnar nerve (body structure) 7970 7970 07970 ulnar nerve muscular branch 16648001 S07970 Structure of ulnar nerve muscular branches (body structure) E07970 368541008 Entire ulnar nerve muscular branches (body structure) P07970 Y 44874 P nervous system BCF1E7627CA94E939F27501804A9E938 8E9318892CD040D9BD2FDA24B03C34E3 ulnar nerve muscular branches Entire ulnar nerve muscular branches (body structure) 7971 7971 07971 ulnar nerve dorsal branch 58044009 S07971 Structure of ulnar nerve dorsal branch (body structure) E07971 368228005 Entire ulnar nerve dorsal branch (body structure) P07971 Y 44875 P nervous system 35FBCAC263254C1F9DAB0E98DE4AE1E3 5E355D496E2A4C5AB0AA8031E5B54670 ulnar nerve dorsal branch Entire ulnar nerve dorsal branch (body structure) 7972 7972 07972 dorsal digital nerve of ulnar nerve 39414004 S07972 Structure of dorsal digital nerves of ulnar nerve (body structure) E07972 368484007 Entire dorsal digital nerves of ulnar nerve (body structure) P07972 Y P nervous system 4AA308DB3E1E409EBCC8FD6E77324CE8 EF3CEEAE7F894EA2882EA5957D832200 dorsal digital nerves of ulnar nerve Entire dorsal digital nerves of ulnar nerve (body structure) 7973 7973 07973 ulnar nerve palmar branch 27665003 S07973 Structure of ulnar nerve palmar branch (body structure) E07973 276143005 Entire ulnar nerve palmar branch (body structure) P07973 Y 44878 P nervous system 4296E8B8DDC84CD591FDDD967462F120 7E11FAA837424E2589B87A36A97DE515 ulnar nerve palmar branch Entire ulnar nerve palmar branch (body structure) 7974 7974 07974 common digital palmar nerve of ulnar nerve 67960006 S07974 Structure of common digital palmar nerves of ulnar nerve (body structure) E07974 368485008 Entire common digital palmar nerves of ulnar nerve (body structure) P07974 Y P nervous system 6D30F680E96E4B42A8347CC7B485AA0F 78A221C4A6544B12A29316220CA04744 common digital palmar nerves of ulnar nerve Entire common digital palmar nerves of ulnar nerve (body structure) 7975 7975 07975 proper digital palmar nerve of ulnar nerve 368229002 S07975 Structure of proper digital palmar nerves of ulnar nerve (body structure) E07975 50057000 Entire proper digital palmar nerves of ulnar nerve (body structure) P07975 Y P nervous system C039B3EB428E4F8CB183FE2504817B7C AC4A9B03B77045C89129713C8DBA8B50 proper digital palmar nerves of ulnar nerve Entire proper digital palmar nerves of ulnar nerve (body structure) 7976 7976 07976 deep branch of ulnar nerve 9596006 S07976 Structure of deep branch of ulnar nerve (body structure) E07976 368230007 Entire deep branch of ulnar nerve (body structure) P07976 Y 44877 P nervous system 6CE24CECB5A74EF3948D2A2B8A1E5F09 7BA8D8EEB1EB4480B8CD13B762B94C9F deep branch of ulnar nerve Entire deep branch of ulnar nerve (body structure) 7977 7977 07977 median nerve 38464002 S07977 Structure of median nerve (body structure) E07977 181010001 Entire median nerve (body structure) P07977 Y 288517 P nervous system A5376B0287E44310980460A885880A37 57BB041F99B6416FA66DB794528DA490 median nerve Entire median nerve (body structure) 7978 7978 07978 median nerve muscular branch 71552006 S07978 Structure of median nerve muscular branches (body structure) E07978 368542001 Entire median nerve muscular branches (body structure) P07978 Y 44821 P nervous system 9DA2F7C217F24115A128F6AADAC76A67 7382C46D186C43C6A2E7EE6FDAE49601 median nerve muscular branches Entire median nerve muscular branches (body structure) 7979 7979 07979 crest of head of tenth rib 367914006 S07979 Structure of crest of head of tenth rib (body structure) E07979 38718008 Entire crest of head of tenth rib (body structure) P07979 Y P skeletal system D53AE7A2259540CB8F62201DFAB2F3D7 6E4C4F0E9D6F449BAF1EB69E2FCC25EA crest of head of tenth rib Entire crest of head of tenth rib (body structure) 7980 7980 07980 common digital palmar nerve of median nerve 30971004 S07980 Structure of common digital palmar nerves of median nerve (body structure) E07980 368486009 Entire common digital palmar nerves of median nerve (body structure) P07980 Y P nervous system 53CF4BBE37FB4E19928EAAACA2C276B1 35198BEA6E61413086554FE83A531DFB common digital palmar nerves of median nerve Entire common digital palmar nerves of median nerve (body structure) 7981 7981 07981 proper digital palmar nerve of median nerve 59791003 S07981 Structure of proper digital palmar nerves of median nerve (body structure) E07981 368487000 Entire proper digital palmar nerves of median nerve (body structure) P07981 Y P nervous system D0974E85C2B04AB88109573E24BE0CAD 600497AAD47144C4AC28C1DA59444F77 proper digital palmar nerves of median nerve Entire proper digital palmar nerves of median nerve (body structure) 7982 7982 07982 radial nerve 8079007 S07982 Structure of radial nerve (body structure) E07982 181011002 Entire radial nerve (body structure) P07982 Y 288541 P nervous system 39FEC40D420546EA818D49B0EDE49255 F1664D1F99334F15AFF149EB922D77CD radial nerve Entire radial nerve (body structure) 7983 7983 07983 radial nerve muscular branch 62794008 S07983 Structure of radial nerve muscular branches (body structure) E07983 368543006 Entire radial nerve muscular branches (body structure) P07983 Y 44954 P nervous system 8F92F566B5AE4E4091F0C54BC5F9A74B C478EA8BE87C49E3A0D11D398A204532 radial nerve muscular branches Entire radial nerve muscular branches (body structure) 7984 7984 07984 radial nerve deep branch 28050001 S07984 Structure of radial nerve deep branch (body structure) E07984 368212000 Entire radial nerve deep branch (body structure) P07984 Y P nervous system AA677C30DB09420889A14C821D44E965 2B70FEF17F6D4DB5B4FE0DFE88446894 radial nerve deep branch Entire radial nerve deep branch (body structure) 7985 7985 07985 radial nerve superficial branch 33487007 S07985 Structure of radial nerve superficial branch (body structure) E07985 310553009 Entire superficial branch of radial nerve (body structure) P07985 Y 44956 P nervous system CE7DD8667E8B47849F58BD75936FBD5F B5D8F7570D0942EAA0C3AC22FA96ED50 radial nerve superficial branch Entire superficial branch of radial nerve (body structure) 7986 7986 07986 neck of tenth rib 367926001 S07986 Structure of neck of tenth rib (body structure) E07986 17514001 Entire neck of tenth rib (body structure) P07986 Y 8424 P skeletal system 61D74C91D29B4526B5B03E97A87D0C9E B72F9CF9EE6941D0A935B6E8866F0CDF neck of tenth rib Entire neck of tenth rib (body structure) 7987 7987 07987 radial nerve communicating branch with ulnar nerve 89303002 S07987 Structure of radial nerve communicating branch with ulnar nerve (body structure) E07987 368232004 Entire radial nerve communicating branch with ulnar nerve (body structure) P07987 Y 77560 P nervous system 237B2954AC2341DBAFA793E89B58A178 C3E0F3FE401446748F2F11A7627EF487 radial nerve communicating branch with ulnar nerve Entire radial nerve communicating branch with ulnar nerve (body structure) 7988 7988 07988 dorsal digital nerve of radial nerve 1246006 S07988 Structure of dorsal digital nerves of radial nerve (body structure) E07988 368544000 Entire dorsal digital nerves of radial nerve (body structure) P07988 Y 0 P nervous system 6995E52B59E648BA8B741A2644203935 12BCCE3B97FB485A854F7811835A0F28 dorsal digital nerves of radial nerve Entire dorsal digital nerves of radial nerve (body structure) 7989 7989 07989 suprascapular nerve 67376009 S07989 Structure of suprascapular nerve (body structure) E07989 181112006 Entire suprascapular nerve (body structure) P07989 Y 288589 P nervous system 669AC2C6A02A460690760958560AF6DE 7167CE3AD6594E74AA8A8B8CC8F60ADF suprascapular nerve Entire suprascapular nerve (body structure) 7990 7990 07990 lateral fasciculus of brachial plexus 45911006 S07990 Structure of lateral fasciculus of brachial plexus (body structure) E07990 181004001 Entire lateral fasciculus of brachial plexus (body structure) P07990 Y 45235 P nervous system 82C9C30EAA784A3484D0702CE334A084 25B55F9E36CA48BDA297151D682D355F lateral fasciculus of brachial plexus Entire lateral fasciculus of brachial plexus (body structure) 7991 7991 07991 medial fasciculus of brachial plexus 64019007 S07991 Structure of medial fasciculus of brachial plexus (body structure) E07991 181003007 Entire medial fasciculus of brachial plexus (body structure) P07991 Y 45236 P nervous system 498C5DBB8E854DE791E645E7096DBF9C 7C70FFCF398C4A2D87ABCC26E5FA30E2 medial fasciculus of brachial plexus Entire medial fasciculus of brachial plexus (body structure) 7992 7992 07992 medial pectoral nerve 79822008 S07992 Structure of medial pectoral nerve (body structure) E07992 278887008 Entire medial pectoral nerve (body structure) P07992 Y 288577 P nervous system AB69C112D64D4BAAB87138879FDC245A 52D196FFBCEC4AD58336B6E998E9B3ED medial pectoral nerve Entire medial pectoral nerve (body structure) 7993 7993 07993 lateral pectoral nerve 83754008 S07993 Structure of lateral pectoral nerve (body structure) E07993 278884001 Entire lateral pectoral nerve (body structure) P07993 Y 288571 P nervous system 645237C8770B40EC8238562D282BE610 A671A7BF1DE349C293846E75A2CE4240 lateral pectoral nerve Entire lateral pectoral nerve (body structure) 7994 7994 07994 axillary nerve 74858004 S07994 Structure of axillary nerve (body structure) E07994 181009006 Entire axillary nerve (body structure) P07994 Y 288547 P nervous system F318BBB9B00A48908FDD1B2D66C748C6 7023D6ED9A39444FB566799BCBF1CBF2 axillary nerve Entire axillary nerve (body structure) 7995 7995 07995 axillary nerve muscular branch 47395009 S07995 Structure of axillary nerve muscular branches (body structure) E07995 368199002 Entire axillary nerve muscular branches (body structure) P07995 Y 65300 P skeletal system CF4C9727AEFD4807A25FAE6CCBFE19AE 5F98D66B1BB8442AA143E49F13D40278 axillary nerve muscular branches Entire axillary nerve muscular branches (body structure) 7996 7996 07996 superior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve 17748002 S07996 Structure of superior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve (body structure) E07996 368200004 Entire superior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve (body structure) P07996 Y 65303 P nervous system C98F98CC7F714D4EA9E56EB792A6EA3E F775A41C4D064C85B29FF3418F33309D superior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve Entire superior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve (body structure) 7997 7997 07997 subscapular nerve 77954007 S07997 Structure of subscapular nerve (body structure) E07997 276144004 Entire subscapular nerve (body structure) P07997 Y 288583 P nervous system 50DEACD1FDFA4004A287AF439B1E17B0 35FD1BAF3CBD4609B7543D33BAF8FD87 subscapular nerve Entire subscapular nerve (body structure) 7998 7998 07998 thoracodorsal nerve 24585002 S07998 Structure of thoracodorsal nerve (body structure) E07998 278894006 Entire thoracodorsal nerve (body structure) P07998 Y 288565 P nervous system 97A94AF88FF9419197F158D68743AFA2 93F6E623B5D74DB8963F0745FE7EB6C0 thoracodorsal nerve Entire thoracodorsal nerve (body structure) 7999 7999 07999 thoracic spinal nerve 263002 S07999 Structure of thoracic spinal nerve (body structure) E07999 360498003 Entire thoracic spinal nerve (body structure) P07999 Y 5860 P nervous system 73CA4E3370024872AC5EA23A0122D1B7 8D0D988850334087812DC7B4967D8CEF thoracic spinal nerve Entire thoracic spinal nerve (body structure) 8000 8000 08000 thoracic nerve dorsal primary division 207573005 S08000 Structure of dorsal thoracic nerve (body structure) E08000 78206009 Entire dorsal thoracic nerve (body structure) P08000 Y 6044 P nervous system A716AE3B60C74130B56156A5B46F2DA7 356A8BB47F6C483D991D5E7179641C3E dorsal thoracic nerve Entire dorsal thoracic nerve (body structure) 8001 8001 08001 thoracic nerve lateral cutaneous branch 313965002 S08001 Structure of thoracic nerve lateral cutaneous branch (body structure) E08001 15913000 Entire thoracic nerve lateral cutaneous branch (body structure) P08001 Y P nervous system 95FE6E6B1676402CA7B90026027CF25A 066437D7DAFE45529F3D312F0A912CE4 thoracic nerve lateral cutaneous branch Entire thoracic nerve lateral cutaneous branch (body structure) 8002 8002 08002 thoracic nerve medial cutaneous branch 314061001 S08002 Structure of thoracic nerve medial cutaneous branch (body structure) E08002 42060005 Entire thoracic nerve medial cutaneous branch (body structure) P08002 Y P nervous system F2CDA916318246B5B159B80E90A58083 C1635121E9D64993BB1A71A750D9B976 thoracic nerve medial cutaneous branch Entire thoracic nerve medial cutaneous branch (body structure) 8004 8004 08004 thoracic nerve lateral mammary branch 41654008 S08004 Structure of thoracic nerve lateral mammary branches (body structure) E08004 207871004 Entire thoracic nerve lateral mammary branches (body structure) P08004 Y P nervous system 8809B4383AA44CE4A4A98FFBF1BFE350 2E4E4EA44C014A33871378A4B905EF51 thoracic nerve lateral mammary branches Entire thoracic nerve lateral mammary branches (body structure) 8005 8005 08005 articular part of tubercle of tenth rib 367940000 S08005 Structure of articular part of tubercle of tenth rib (body structure) E08005 64211001 Entire articular part of tubercle of tenth rib (body structure) P08005 Y 66101 P skeletal system 1B57B0714C804934BCFE7F156E8A53E7 059FDD2F14244E65BD49B7037F257FA8 articular part of tubercle of tenth rib Entire articular part of tubercle of tenth rib (body structure) 8006 8006 08006 aortic plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system 49246000 S08006 Structure of aortic plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E08006 203702003 Entire aortic plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P08006 Y P nervous system 9D6FA923D9D0492F9D597C0D68A83733 6CCA8D1A3EDD4DBA8F8019D37E62336C aortic plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system Entire aortic plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 8007 8007 08007 cardiac ganglion 207065009 S08007 Structure of cardiac ganglia (body structure) E08007 57098005 Entire cardiac ganglia (body structure) P08007 Y 77582 P nervous system 061B00120BF544AAA1C95B403A561B68 01A0524A49FB4F51844C18FD3038350D cardiac ganglia Entire cardiac ganglia (body structure) 8008 8008 08008 pulmonary sympathetic branch 30646004 S08008 Structure of pulmonary sympathetic branches (body structure) E08008 206862000 Entire pulmonary sympathetic branches (body structure) P08008 Y P nervous system 96C1B93749124CB4BBB0266D507C6326 61950ED5D0AA4360B46141745E49271C pulmonary sympathetic branches Entire pulmonary sympathetic branches (body structure) 8009 8009 08009 spinal nerve branch of thoracic sympathetic nervous system 43563006 S08009 Structure of spinal nerve branch of thoracic sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E08009 206964003 Entire spinal nerve branch of thoracic sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P08009 Y P nervous system 3B85A46313E7413EA66EBDC1D5421A1D DAB1D52ECF6441689F71DF6C8830D8ED spinal nerve branch of thoracic sympathetic nervous system Entire spinal nerve branch of thoracic sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 8010 8010 08010 esophageal plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system 44763004 S08010 Structure of esophageal plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E08010 203804005 Entire esophageal plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P08010 Y P nervous system 3FFFB6C242C14AB3B3B4448093097D81 CBFB7639257D4ECBBE18AAF319F7ED2B esophageal plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system Entire esophageal plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 8011 8011 08011 thoracic sympathetic ganglion 36733007 S08011 Structure of thoracic sympathetic ganglion (body structure) E08011 181102004 Entire thoracic sympathetic ganglion (body structure) P08011 Y 6471 P nervous system 68B85040B2C84E55B605FAD51B8E9E19 8FCE55D52F894C7F92E851D99B2861F8 thoracic sympathetic ganglion Entire thoracic sympathetic ganglion (body structure) 8012 8012 08012 cardiac thoracic nerve 88216007 S08012 Structure of cardiac thoracic nerves (body structure) E08012 207166008 Entire cardiac thoracic nerves (body structure) P08012 Y P nervous system 54058F95C0814871A72DB1B8888CFE29 C8059CDF58B441D4B978CCA46AAF6761 cardiac thoracic nerves Entire cardiac thoracic nerves (body structure) 8013 8013 08013 greater splanchnic nerve 11018001 S08013 Structure of greater splanchnic nerve (body structure) E08013 280503007 Entire greater splanchnic nerve (body structure) P08013 Y 6281 P nervous system 7A6222185C0F4BDFB2E997EF050F851A C75FE9F91AB14482BA0EBE34C8675A98 greater splanchnic nerve Entire greater splanchnic nerve (body structure) 8014 8014 08014 non-articular part of tubercle of tenth rib 367952007 S08014 Structure of non-articular part of tubercle of tenth rib (body structure) E08014 89570001 Entire non-articular part of tubercle of tenth rib (body structure) P08014 Y 8429 P skeletal system A4612CAF3AC9473F8D24C9C672B27A71 DCB14890E0EF49148ECCEAC434B90182 non-articular part of tubercle of tenth rib Entire non-articular part of tubercle of tenth rib (body structure) 8015 8015 08015 splanchnic ganglion 87685007 S08015 Structure of splanchnic ganglion (body structure) E08015 207268003 Entire splanchnic ganglion (body structure) P08015 Y P nervous system A0E06FAF509B4E5984FFBC64F64E8376 8E851381BE2746E5878239963911BD71 splanchnic ganglion Entire splanchnic ganglion (body structure) 8016 8016 08016 lesser splanchnic nerve 58931002 S08016 Structure of lesser splanchnic nerve (body structure) E08016 280505000 Entire lesser splanchnic nerve (body structure) P08016 Y 6282 P nervous system C5A14AD0BCD54C0AB2162316745E0B37 9DBF832EC90C4ACD828E59E5B570E6C5 lesser splanchnic nerve Entire lesser splanchnic nerve (body structure) 8017 8017 08017 branch of sympathetic renal plexus 33767007 S08017 Structure of branch of sympathetic renal plexus (body structure) E08017 310824004 Entire branch of sympathetic renal plexus (body structure) P08017 Y P nervous system C8EC0D9B6FE74B569A5241C80388FB94 5B367FD4665A420D97C844D3ADA40E94 branch of sympathetic renal plexus Entire branch of sympathetic renal plexus (body structure) 8018 8018 08018 least splanchnic nerve 48907001 S08018 Structure of least splanchnic nerve (body structure) E08018 280506004 Entire least splanchnic nerve (body structure) P08018 Y 6283 P nervous system 8778107D2FDC47778D65A00EF6A71615 6B9AD89E9FF349109465BE11AB93B44D least splanchnic nerve Entire least splanchnic nerve (body structure) 8019 8019 08019 spinal nerve branch of lumbar sympathetic nervous system 50600006 S08019 Structure of spinal nerve branch of lumbar sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E08019 309062001 Entire spinal nerve branch of lumbar sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P08019 Y P nervous system 953E701F502D4F2CBAB7919625F0A799 86DB103C477749819B7BEC086CBAD309 spinal nerve branch of lumbar sympathetic nervous system Entire spinal nerve branch of lumbar sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 8020 8020 08020 lumbar ganglion 24639009 S08020 Structure of lumbar ganglia (body structure) E08020 309152005 Entire lumbar ganglia (body structure) P08020 Y 6472 P nervous system 1AEE1421F2E84534BD5AA07E19B2ED73 35053EC40F3B426B8DA84C62E5BB06A5 lumbar ganglia Entire lumbar ganglia (body structure) 8021 8021 08021 lumbar splanchnic nerve 41077007 S08021 Structure of lumbar splanchnic nerve (body structure) E08021 280507008 Entire lumbar splanchnic nerve (body structure) P08021 Y 6287 P nervous system 77D7B7586C234F389BEFADB62946E176 D068CBA4D2A4416A90F8E6E47EABEABE lumbar splanchnic nerve Entire lumbar splanchnic nerve (body structure) 8022 8022 08022 sacral ganglion 26844002 S08022 Structure of sacral ganglia (body structure) E08022 310919001 Entire sacral ganglia (body structure) P08022 Y 6473 P nervous system 9826C3040B324201AED5BBAADF796F82 AAEC7090B8CF48118C6B5F8F4A69FC19 sacral ganglia Entire sacral ganglia (body structure) 8023 8023 08023 angle of tenth rib 367964004 S08023 Structure of angle of tenth rib (body structure) E08023 69495009 Entire angle of tenth rib (body structure) P08023 Y 8430 P skeletal system 104A9179527C4AD9A438D7D7441D3413 56379EB1BF4B44AA8D769A0558F90E32 angle of tenth rib Entire angle of tenth rib (body structure) 8024 8024 08024 sacral splanchnic nerve 59155001 S08024 Structure of sacral splanchnic nerves (body structure) E08024 311020000 Entire sacral splanchnic nerves (body structure) P08024 Y 6288 P nervous system 5E969F4B49DC4C1AB68B66ECE3AD8967 98B68DF4FB494D049447D2C6AC24F99E sacral splanchnic nerves Entire sacral splanchnic nerves (body structure) 8025 8025 08025 ganglion impar 11469007 S08025 Structure of ganglion impar (body structure) E08025 311121004 Entire ganglion impar (body structure) P08025 Y 6567 P nervous system 84C73BE0E279404FBB6635C0B24A49DB 9E3B82E0839040D1AD7E9DC2B8E99336 ganglion impar Entire ganglion impar (body structure) 8026 8026 08026 pelvic splanchnic nerve 35278002 S08026 Structure of pelvic splanchnic nerve (body structure) E08026 311223006 Entire pelvic splanchnic nerve (body structure) P08026 Y 16901 P nervous system EADC903EC10B48998C45ECC6A8F7BB2D 738777D2543040A188FCFB83E61A75AA pelvic splanchnic nerve Entire pelvic splanchnic nerve (body structure) 8027 8027 08027 intermesenteric plexus 67268009 S08027 Structure of intermesenteric plexus (body structure) E08027 309766005 Entire intermesenteric plexus (body structure) P08027 - 18049 P nervous system 3BB4BDBD4A2B4FDFA2D8F5037FBC366D B62E34CCB5BB4CD08CDC96213F4F6F74 intermesenteric plexus Entire intermesenteric plexus (body structure) 8028 8028 08028 inferior mesenteric ganglion 87488002 S08028 Structure of inferior mesenteric ganglion (body structure) E08028 279277007 Entire inferior mesenteric ganglion (body structure) P08028 Y 77590 P nervous system 21AE9E9B7C7C43478E933DDF2CE6D8A5 A1C47DFA2B81402B9B13E0BF872107E2 inferior mesenteric ganglion Entire inferior mesenteric ganglion (body structure) 8029 8029 08029 phrenic ganglion 21956003 S08029 Structure of phrenic ganglia (body structure) E08029 311324002 Entire phrenic ganglia (body structure) P08029 Y P nervous system 7E8F999F1FA7482B88BDA16C712358E5 8EF801FBF433441F87320D8EB562CF99 phrenic ganglia Entire phrenic ganglia (body structure) 8030 8030 08030 hepatic plexus 35328001 S08030 Structure of hepatic plexus (body structure) E08030 280523008 Entire hepatic plexus (body structure) P08030 - 6632 P nervous system 81ED27890C4840F6BA312F6877688D3F F6C40DF792DF47669BAB61511AA672A9 hepatic plexus Entire hepatic plexus (body structure) 8031 8031 08031 skin of area between second and third toes 58389003 S08031 Structure of skin between second and third toes (body structure) E08031 229624008 Entire skin between second and third toes (body structure) P08031 Y P integumentary system 465C101B379A4635B6F8F52E6943E745 1ED9783127314BBAAB68825335BE7CD7 skin between second and third toes Entire skin between second and third toes (body structure) 8032 8032 08032 costal groove of tenth rib 367977008 S08032 Structure of costal groove of tenth rib (body structure) E08032 47439001 Entire costal groove of tenth rib (body structure) P08032 Y 8433 P skeletal system 73062F0C69164C47BFBBF96DBFE8925A CEA4A276528848C38ECFF6C04B0B724D costal groove of tenth rib Entire costal groove of tenth rib (body structure) 8033 8033 08033 splenic plexus 82200002 S08033 Structure of splenic plexus (body structure) E08033 280524002 Entire splenic plexus (body structure) P08033 - 6634 P nervous system A829D82745A14DC4AA6B788D6607A611 140C502788374B14A37C67D62AFAF079 splenic plexus Entire splenic plexus (body structure) 8034 8034 08034 gastric plexus 64157005 S08034 Structure of gastric plexus (body structure) E08034 309314003 Entire gastric plexus (body structure) P08034 Y 6633 P nervous system DA219822A5A34DD48F225AEA2729ECAC 7D34C8A385774D109A385021E3096949 gastric plexus Entire gastric plexus (body structure) 8035 8035 08035 pancreatic plexus 2504000 S08035 Structure of pancreatic plexus (body structure) E08035 309387002 Entire pancreatic plexus (body structure) P08035 - 21540 P nervous system 2B8543DEF9A449E7AF172E9A2020B67C E2DB4A21D94649349573344C6CE796A7 pancreatic plexus Entire pancreatic plexus (body structure) 8036 8036 08036 renal plexus 48563009 S08036 Structure of renal plexus (body structure) E08036 280526000 Entire renal plexus (body structure) P08036 Y 6636 P nervous system 32AC23683650410CB2C8689764A7F10C 3D2BBF2155C14B86BF1A178780FF74EA renal plexus Entire renal plexus (body structure) 8037 8037 08037 ureteral plexus 21684005 S08037 Structure of ureteral plexus (body structure) E08037 309477000 Entire ureteral plexus (body structure) P08037 Y 6722 P nervous system 31268B7A390E4538B20303A85986B0F3 3F000D770AD0496A9349DF28006AE3B5 ureteral plexus Entire ureteral plexus (body structure) 8038 8038 08038 ovarian plexus 15398002 S08038 Structure of ovarian plexus (body structure) E08038 280527009 Entire ovarian plexus (body structure) P08038 Y 6638 P nervous system 6BC8DF34EFFD448280999E6698B6B387 AAD44ECC475946FAAD66CCBFA44B8B91 ovarian plexus Entire ovarian plexus (body structure) 8039 8039 08039 aorticorenal ganglion 74636004 S08039 Structure of aorticorenal ganglia (body structure) E08039 309235003 Entire aorticorenal ganglia (body structure) P08039 Y P nervous system 7A0D5AF8925F48DEB5FCA6D867F18358 F0A8D8DF9A134551A43500CEEBC9E124 aorticorenal ganglia Entire aorticorenal ganglia (body structure) 8040 8040 08040 shaft of tenth rib 367989005 S08040 Structure of shaft of tenth rib (body structure) E08040 36846007 Entire shaft of tenth rib (body structure) P08040 Y 8426 P skeletal system E8647A0CD43F47228044276C9A8A79A2 6DE93C64EC8A49C5B32CF1191D6FC575 shaft of tenth rib Entire shaft of tenth rib (body structure) 8041 8041 08041 superior rectal plexus 24981001 S08041 Structure of superior rectal plexus (body structure) E08041 309570000 Entire superior rectal plexus (body structure) P08041 - 21536 P nervous system A4C739934FDF42C3AF77471B49EB2099 47EB50603697414F9C2C6FAA6E3ED30B superior rectal plexus Entire superior rectal plexus (body structure) 8042 8042 08042 sympathetic enteric plexus 65719009 S08042 Structure of sympathetic enteric plexus (body structure) E08042 267632005 Entire sympathetic enteric plexus (body structure) P08042 Y P digestive system 25DBE63704B14EB6ACCC124AD29A314D 44C75C03C3BE4CBFB6485889258A8759 sympathetic enteric plexus Entire sympathetic enteric plexus (body structure) 8043 8043 08043 Auerbach's plexus 69854003 S08043 Structure of Auerbach's plexus (body structure) E08043 267716001 Entire Auerbach's plexus (body structure) P08043 Y 63252 P digestive system AC58E377A9C8402FACF2FB387CA0C281 B85542281CCF4F1F9F537C14456D4DBD Auerbach's plexus Entire Auerbach's plexus (body structure) 8044 8044 08044 Meissner's plexus 8595004 S08044 Structure of Meissner's plexus (body structure) E08044 322349001 Entire Meissner's plexus (body structure) P08044 Y P digestive system EED3E73CAA084B42AF14A8A3F4058C52 F74AEC24F32541B69397A1B31C59B1BE Meissner's plexus Entire Meissner's plexus (body structure) 8045 8045 08045 iliac plexus 68305005 S08045 Structure of iliac plexus (body structure) E08045 309666004 Entire iliac plexus (body structure) P08045 Y 21537 P nervous system 7CEA9275B5F3462AA8E04A1139241917 83B4B7535B4B4A169CC56D217A4CC8B1 iliac plexus Entire iliac plexus (body structure) 8046 8046 08046 femoral plexus 34109009 S08046 Structure of femoral plexus (body structure) E08046 324851005 Entire femoral plexus (body structure) P08046 Y 21538 P nervous system EEC936D94C8A4F179ABD4FD3D1C519BE 10A4382535F94649AE51EE8869CC19F6 femoral plexus Entire femoral plexus (body structure) 8047 8047 08047 hypogastric nerve 53892006 S08047 Structure of hypogastric nerves (body structure) E08047 325714000 Entire hypogastric nerves (body structure) P08047 Y 77596 P nervous system 74B28BC52CD3492AA8E491BD3CF950AF 8961C211CF3C4A2EBD29C026590CA684 hypogastric nerves Entire hypogastric nerves (body structure) 8048 8048 08048 upper border of tenth rib 368002003 S08048 Structure of upper border of tenth rib (body structure) E08048 79131005 Entire upper border of tenth rib (body structure) P08048 Y P skeletal system F10E7E80969E4103BD272681242444B5 70B183754AA94B4E92A40F58A968B9A4 upper border of tenth rib Entire upper border of tenth rib (body structure) 8049 8049 08049 superior hypogastric plexus 13559005 S08049 Structure of superior hypogastric plexus (body structure) E08049 244484008 Entire superior hypogastric plexus (body structure) P08049 Y 6642 P nervous system 6412EEB2EA734C86BFED9366CDB29A16 7E8FDAB0E4FD47FB98B7E691D79AE48E superior hypogastric plexus Entire superior hypogastric plexus (body structure) 8050 8050 08050 pelvic ganglion 26701009 S08050 Structure of pelvic ganglia (body structure) E08050 324760006 Entire pelvic ganglia (body structure) P08050 Y 80131 P nervous system 4633BBD4FD6E4BAF83C5A47E2CCE1093 C02325D846A44F2790875D23D6C27F15 pelvic ganglia Entire pelvic ganglia (body structure) 8051 8051 08051 inferior rectal plexus 48557000 S08051 Structure of inferior rectal plexus (body structure) E08051 324938001 Entire inferior rectal plexus (body structure) P08051 Y 21539 P nervous system EA4EE8CB3EFE4B20A793EE00E11DE1E9 250F4ED5CA884A94BBA2AE8A0E0C9E14 inferior rectal plexus Entire inferior rectal plexus (body structure) 8052 8052 08052 sympathetic plexus of vas deferens 49639004 S08052 Structure of sympathetic plexus of vas deferens (body structure) E08052 300062009 Entire sympathetic plexus of vas deferens (body structure) P08052 Y P nervous system 4F6359978F4A4AB0ACC07643E579F0E7 A88C95FFC2A341C08C93312D60D36E0B sympathetic plexus of vas deferens Entire sympathetic plexus of vas deferens (body structure) 8053 8053 08053 uterovaginal plexus 4905007 S08053 Structure of uterovaginal plexus (body structure) E08053 280531003 Entire uterovaginal plexus (body structure) P08053 - 6648 P nervous system AD7F8CE9E6984C58BB9E7178091DF52E 9C4DA422A3734EF4A67C611BBAF15F01 uterovaginal plexus Entire uterovaginal plexus (body structure) 8054 8054 08054 vaginal nerve 2044003 S08054 Structure of vaginal nerves (body structure) E08054 325813004 Entire vaginal nerves (body structure) P08054 Y 75475 P nervous system 8DAD070438794738A348633257AF77B1 D534DC591EC04F49A037062785BBF20A vaginal nerves Entire vaginal nerves (body structure) 8055 8055 08055 vesical plexus 81036009 S08055 Structure of vesical plexus (body structure) E08055 280529007 Entire vesical plexus (body structure) P08055 - 6646 P nervous system 1DCA064B4A0D44CC9369EF3C92234BA6 B1893FCDD3F4493F8864AC071F5A2334 vesical plexus Entire vesical plexus (body structure) 8056 8056 08056 cavernous nerve of penis 36364006 S08056 Structure of cavernous nerves of penis (body structure) E08056 325911001 Entire cavernous nerves of penis (body structure) P08056 Y 75477 P nervous system 86C42787EE03498F89DE182BF93E4656 1F2FB25C37B24CA7BF94BF4193681D57 cavernous nerves of penis Entire cavernous nerves of penis (body structure) 8057 8057 08057 under border of tenth rib 368015007 S08057 Structure of under border of tenth rib (body structure) E08057 60776009 Entire under border of tenth rib (body structure) P08057 Y P skeletal system BC647431F62D49D58C62D1F8E40AD74B 7DC87AC636F540E7BE02D0CD44531664 under border of tenth rib Entire under border of tenth rib (body structure) 8058 8058 08058 cavernous nerve of clitoris 43671000 S08058 Structure of cavernous nerves of clitoris (body structure) E08058 326006007 Entire cavernous nerves of clitoris (body structure) P08058 Y 75476 P nervous system 89A09BE4D8154942BE54CDF4B99C764E EF1F8227656346F08593088F40D968E1 cavernous nerves of clitoris Entire cavernous nerves of clitoris (body structure) 8059 8059 08059 parasympathetic ganglion 78094009 S08059 Structure of parasympathetic ganglion (body structure) E08059 279284004 Entire parasympathetic ganglion (body structure) P08059 Y 5894 P nervous system DB35A85C96E94FF8B59687551C9FFF0C 9664D461717B4B929C28E3A521D19465 parasympathetic ganglion Entire parasympathetic ganglion (body structure) 8060 8060 08060 ciliary ganglion 49741006 S08060 Structure of ciliary ganglion (body structure) E08060 279281007 Entire ciliary ganglion (body structure) P08060 Y 6964 P nervous system 88372AB087A6454AAA380C25A04BDEB0 06E133BBD403440B83FD345996652903 ciliary ganglion Entire ciliary ganglion (body structure) 8061 8061 08061 oculomotor nerve parasympathetic fiber 13458000 S08061 Structure of oculomotor nerve parasympathetic fibers (body structure) E08061 369393003 Entire oculomotor nerve parasympathetic fibers (body structure) P08061 Y P nervous system FEA6624F876E4370AEA774CF1368DC47 90E9574BF384462B97CC9A67161F051E oculomotor nerve parasympathetic fibers Entire oculomotor nerve parasympathetic fibers (body structure) 8062 8062 08062 sphenopalatine ganglion 68809009 S08062 Structure of sphenopalatine ganglion (body structure) E08062 280364004 Entire sphenopalatine ganglion (body structure) P08062 Y 6965 P nervous system 20C1E8D1AC6D4E7EA1185F8DB9F7F50B D621D2CA2BB74C289FAAA32E46A81DC3 sphenopalatine ganglion Entire sphenopalatine ganglion (body structure) 8063 8063 08063 submaxillary ganglion 2421006 S08063 Structure of submaxillary ganglion (body structure) E08063 279282000 Entire submaxillary ganglion (body structure) P08063 Y 6966 P nervous system BB0D796B21814487905625A524ED0C73 0E92C02934124E4783EF7D033A97E184 submaxillary ganglion Entire submaxillary ganglion (body structure) 8064 8064 08064 facial nerve parasympathetic fiber 6110005 S08064 Structure of facial nerve parasympathetic fibers (body structure) E08064 369407009 Entire facial nerve parasympathetic fibers (body structure) P08064 Y P nervous system 6EB63452138B4ED1A38F8C9510D19413 4A75D600F8DF402AB3859D4DAA7C2295 facial nerve parasympathetic fibers Entire facial nerve parasympathetic fibers (body structure) 8065 8065 08065 outer surface of tenth rib 368028000 S08065 Structure of outer surface of tenth rib (body structure) E08065 26728004 Entire outer surface of tenth rib (body structure) P08065 Y 8431 P skeletal system 993B6A3BCF014421B26B3BECC912D362 E452F93B261A4E01A80F275B60013412 outer surface of tenth rib Entire outer surface of tenth rib (body structure) 8066 8066 08066 otic ganglion 113320004 S08066 Structure of otic ganglion (body structure) E08066 279283005 Entire otic ganglion (body structure) P08066 Y 6967 P nervous system A66B454DCF6347649B1565538370EC84 B8C6384B48764B0A960E3D7948CD7EA8 otic ganglion Entire otic ganglion (body structure) 8067 8067 08067 glossopharyngeal nerve parasympathetic fiber 12620004 S08067 Structure of glossopharyngeal nerve parasympathetic fibers (body structure) E08067 369408004 Entire glossopharyngeal nerve parasympathetic fibers (body structure) P08067 Y P nervous system 21AE9D8D01B440D29781A1C8A7C80A9E 6CFF99A6B9324BE29AF3D0BEB566F5E3 glossopharyngeal nerve parasympathetic fibers Entire glossopharyngeal nerve parasympathetic fibers (body structure) 8068 8068 08068 vagus nerve parasympathetic fiber 7532001 S08068 Structure of vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers (body structure) E08068 369430003 Entire vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers (body structure) P08068 Y P nervous system 4CBDD5B50E064E8388AB944DE879A483 AEDEA72944954AB3AA3CB19A17F3480B vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers Entire vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers (body structure) 8069 8069 08069 vagus nerve parasympathetic fiber to pulmonary plexus 369431004 S08069 Structure of vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to pulmonary plexus (body structure) E08069 13825000 Entire vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to pulmonary plexus (body structure) P08069 Y P nervous system 7440CBCE17264F9FBDEE3701DEC20324 13BABE562B6448178FD8ED26B557C55E vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to pulmonary plexus Entire vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to pulmonary plexus (body structure) 8070 8070 08070 vagus nerve parasympathetic fiber to cardiac plexus 369432006 S08070 Structure of vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to cardiac plexus (body structure) E08070 552004 Entire vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to cardiac plexus (body structure) P08070 Y P nervous system 4EE58CDDA1FE46BB807A836CBBF594D8 A3ACFF7A2952404581343EE0BD600365 vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to cardiac plexus Entire vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to cardiac plexus (body structure) 8071 8071 08071 vagus nerve parasympathetic fiber to liver, gallbladder, bile duct or pancreas 369433001 S08071 Structure of vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to liver, gallbladder, bile ducts and pancreas (body structure) E08071 4549001 Entire vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to liver, gallbladder, bile ducts and pancreas (body structure) P08071 Y P nervous system 3A73A87FE5C348D0AA3F52888E24E1A8 7AAD753D47404666A9997A52199FC424 vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to liver, gallbladder, bile ducts and pancreas Entire vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to liver, gallbladder, bile ducts and pancreas (body structure) 8072 8072 08072 vagus nerve parasympathetic fiber to kidney 369434007 S08072 Structure of vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to kidneys (body structure) E08072 50625002 Entire vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to kidneys (body structure) P08072 Y P nervous system C30CB5CD41654BA6A3B221BC7602535D 30FBF6C3020F472E9EAE2AC663C6ACC2 vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to kidneys Entire vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to kidneys (body structure) 8073 8073 08073 vagus nerve parasympathetic fiber to intestine 369435008 S08073 Structure of vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to intestines (body structure) E08073 85874008 Entire vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to intestines (body structure) P08073 Y P nervous system 70AF8B734E5848E2A29ECD2FBEC7DDCD C3E8CC7B18134AADA7E9B03CE1BA1C39 vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to intestines Entire vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to intestines (body structure) 8074 8074 08074 parasympathetic fiber to distal colon 50372005 S08074 Structure of parasympathetic fibers to distal colon (body structure) E08074 323715001 Entire parasympathetic fibers to distal colon (body structure) P08074 Y P nervous system 13A93E54E1D0415E93C7452B4F703955 B8FF0334FEFB4D07A6B58A212F7B55EC parasympathetic fibers to distal colon Entire parasympathetic fibers to distal colon (body structure) 8075 8075 08075 inner surface of tenth rib 368041001 S08075 Structure of inner surface of tenth rib (body structure) E08075 48346006 Entire inner surface of tenth rib (body structure) P08075 Y 8432 P skeletal system 988D50FC132948438E5CA2DD8530F6F0 605D46768887434E907F8002E04BA9DA inner surface of tenth rib Entire inner surface of tenth rib (body structure) 8076 8076 08076 parasympathetic fiber to bladder 35428002 S08076 Structure of parasympathetic fibers to bladder (body structure) E08076 323810003 Entire parasympathetic fibers to bladder (body structure) P08076 Y P nervous system 68108E7C8DB2413F9C9B2503BD009029 9449A48B9B0F432593F1AA33AC30619C parasympathetic fibers to bladder Entire parasympathetic fibers to bladder (body structure) 8077 8077 08077 parasympathetic fiber to external genitalia 16612003 S08077 Structure of parasympathetic fibers to external genitalia (body structure) E08077 323907009 Entire parasympathetic fibers to external genitalia (body structure) P08077 Y P nervous system EBA1C17F5117418E95E21BDFF738D4BB FB08E5C9C062430B8599226A8CA488EC parasympathetic fibers to external genitalia Entire parasympathetic fibers to external genitalia (body structure) 8078 8078 08078 circulus vasculosus of optic nerve 67239008 S08078 Structure of circulus vasculosus of optic nerve (body structure) E08078 368814005 Entire circulus vasculosus of optic nerve (body structure) P08078 Y 59002 P special senses organ system 4B0864333ADC4B22A9A2EDC8958AA60B B03F39929D0C44A981559387E9F70C20 circulus vasculosus of optic nerve Entire circulus vasculosus of optic nerve (body structure) 8079 8079 08079 circular fiber of ciliary muscle 26331001 S08079 Structure of circular fibers of ciliary muscle (body structure) E08079 280866007 Entire circular fibers of ciliary muscle (body structure) P08079 Y 76826 P muscular system 02F44085B30F46989CC01CA72AF51ED4 6CBAD1EE84C54B59A3299EB915499C06 circular fibers of ciliary muscle Entire circular fibers of ciliary muscle (body structure) 8080 8080 08080 left adrenal gland 12003004 S08080 Structure of left adrenal gland (body structure) E08080 281626000 Entire left adrenal gland (body structure) P08080 L 15630 P endocrine system 74EBACF2734C445FA6B4E0DD7FD20302 DD89E91C448842F59A4E5D53FF799CED left adrenal gland Entire left adrenal gland (body structure) 8081 8081 08081 adrenal capsule 84562008 S08081 Structure of adrenal capsule (body structure) E08081 249072001 Entire adrenal capsule (body structure) P08081 Y P endocrine system 1E1CDCD5A5D94EBE91B02674EE8DD394 7B63F4F3733B4D7B961469C266ADDF23 adrenal capsule Entire adrenal capsule (body structure) 8082 8082 08082 corticomedullary junction of adrenal gland 8810002 S08082 Structure of corticomedullary junction of adrenal gland (body structure) E08082 249234002 Entire corticomedullary junction of adrenal gland (body structure) P08082 Y P endocrine system 849F6FD7721841108BC78D51617C7D5A 34A48A4C3ED144D793F2095229664C77 corticomedullary junction of adrenal gland Entire corticomedullary junction of adrenal gland (body structure) 8083 8083 08083 periadrenal tissue 33730004 S08083 Structure of periadrenal tissue (body structure) E08083 246996008 Entire periadrenal tissue (body structure) P08083 Y P endocrine system A12CB251AD0A4A5D819C99788E469223 7D71D54E6D2F4D328EB76D2299BAFE42 periadrenal tissue Entire periadrenal tissue (body structure) 8084 8084 08084 crest of head of eleventh rib 367915007 S08084 Structure of crest of head of eleventh rib (body structure) E08084 26486001 Entire crest of head of eleventh rib (body structure) P08084 Y P skeletal system BEAE2EC175174B15B187A84D7F1B2F3E EC3FB943939143F693653923884B005B crest of head of eleventh rib Entire crest of head of eleventh rib (body structure) 8085 8085 08085 coccygeal glomus 57760000 S08085 Structure of coccygeal glomus (body structure) E08085 281696006 Entire coccygeal glomus (body structure) P08085 - 15649 P endocrine system D360D80A18804D83B566B4BA9591CAB0 F5F3093FDB864DF0B7EB78392FEB8A94 coccygeal glomus Entire coccygeal glomus (body structure) 8086 8086 08086 paraganglion of limb 113333005 S08086 Structure of paraganglion of extremity (body structure) E08086 329735008 Entire paraganglion of extremity (body structure) P08086 Y P endocrine system 4F7D2AAE1316444F804164C4425AEB1B EF6E55D11F0C402892F3928DD4EDD2BC paraganglion of extremity Entire paraganglion of extremity (body structure) 8087 8087 08087 thyroid capsule 3553006 S08087 Structure of thyroid capsule (body structure) E08087 176859009 Entire thyroid capsule (body structure) P08087 - 55513 P endocrine system 5A22C6E5233C44B4AC885AC113AF5021 E863BBC85538456984D8BB5C1AB050DA thyroid capsule Entire thyroid capsule (body structure) 8088 8088 08088 thyroid lobule 60894006 S08088 Structure of thyroid lobule (body structure) E08088 176954000 Entire thyroid lobule (body structure) P08088 - 55516 P endocrine system DE2FDD588EE740669C76E879074166B4 3A0D6D37E12E40A89E4B05D11570C933 thyroid lobule Entire thyroid lobule (body structure) 8089 8089 08089 neck of eleventh rib 367927005 S08089 Structure of neck of eleventh rib (body structure) E08089 90259001 Entire neck of eleventh rib (body structure) P08089 Y P skeletal system 3809EBBAE3EE4825967D0DE57072A711 0C382329D98E4D1A9398B87288A32B8B neck of eleventh rib Entire neck of eleventh rib (body structure) 8090 8090 08090 thyroid follicle 39039000 S08090 Structure of thyroid follicle (body structure) E08090 176685006 Entire thyroid follicle (body structure) P08090 - 68805 P endocrine system 198016A4725A44AB90AF145295341AC9 FD668C475ACE4BA392D1D8F50698752F thyroid follicle Entire thyroid follicle (body structure) 8091 8091 08091 thyroid parafollicular cell 50552001 S08091 Structure of thyroid parafollicular cell (body structure) E08091 176770005 Entire thyroid parafollicular cell (body structure) P08091 - 68653 P endocrine system 3831C8F2A16D4672B0F8817945523B1F E1759E5B6A4B46E3B96E163379D07B51 thyroid parafollicular cell Entire thyroid parafollicular cell (body structure) 8092 8092 08092 stroma of thyroid gland 19094003 S08092 Structure of stroma of thyroid gland (body structure) E08092 157862000 Entire stroma of thyroid gland (body structure) P08092 - 86304 P endocrine system EE59D6EF922142C0A0C5E4EB7034BE37 775E60B5580A4DEB878ACEA2AB5BF0A2 stroma of thyroid gland Entire stroma of thyroid gland (body structure) 8093 8093 08093 lobe of thyroid gland 119281005 S08093 Structure of lobe of thyroid gland (body structure) E08093 245537001 Entire lobe of thyroid gland (body structure) P08093 372222001 Part of lobe of thyroid gland (body structure) Y 13367 P endocrine system E2322EEE6168417688AD6D305914530E DED18AA022704EB4A9991AB6BF8A382D 214F6392ADB241EEA69916B1F5E7613E lobe of thyroid gland Entire lobe of thyroid gland (body structure) lobe of thyroid gland 8094 8094 08094 right lobe of thyroid gland 29565003 S08094 Structure of right lobe of thyroid gland (body structure) E08094 170482008 Entire right lobe of thyroid gland (body structure) P08094 R 13368 P endocrine system 960C3E41EF74439FA83A064537F95823 90D953CAE4DD46EBA7D071495A0CEA3B right lobe of thyroid gland Entire right lobe of thyroid gland (body structure) 8095 8095 08095 left lobe of thyroid gland 79163004 S08095 Structure of left lobe of thyroid gland (body structure) E08095 170784008 Entire left lobe of thyroid gland (body structure) P08095 L 13369 P endocrine system 4EB3B294E8A7496C9808B33FEC98E36C 01D64FBCA0B94A07B28F10194DB4B9BA left lobe of thyroid gland Entire left lobe of thyroid gland (body structure) 8096 8096 08096 skin of third toe 26887004 S08096 Skin structure of third toe (body structure) E08096 181572006 Entire skin of third toe (body structure) P08096 Y 37859 D integument/surface C2ED3254972B44FCA507DC586243105B CC38D6A49EAB4DEA88A7171B5903B43C Skin of third toe Entire skin of third toe (body structure) 8097 8097 08097 transplanted parathyroid gland 41422007 S08097 Structure of transplanted parathyroid gland (body structure) E08097 177426006 Entire transplanted parathyroid gland (body structure) P08097 Y P endocrine system 4581F34DB28B431392B72843F6BC402E 4552D72721594601AD1B000BD2052753 transplanted parathyroid gland Entire transplanted parathyroid gland (body structure) 8102 8102 08102 fibroadipose stroma of parathyroid gland 15827006 S08102 Structure of fibroadipose stroma of parathyroid gland (body structure) E08102 157963009 Entire fibroadipose stroma of parathyroid gland (body structure) P08102 Y 55568 P endocrine system B180C4A897374B169F4EE6EA0183722A DC9377D6DED64E4CA90696AA9C1B17F6 fibroadipose stroma of parathyroid gland Entire fibroadipose stroma of parathyroid gland (body structure) 8103 8103 08103 right superior parathyroid gland 33180001 S08103 Structure of right superior parathyroid gland (body structure) E08103 177041001 Entire right superior parathyroid gland (body structure) P08103 R 55560 P endocrine system 7B892C29DEAE4CC481BF549031121236 6830B05F8FC44E5EA181DEC7BC54621C right superior parathyroid gland Entire right superior parathyroid gland (body structure) 8104 8104 08104 articular part of tubercle of eleventh rib 367941001 S08104 Structure of articular part of tubercle of eleventh rib (body structure) E08104 69790000 Entire articular part of tubercle of eleventh rib (body structure) P08104 Y P skeletal system 088DA2AB4C8340DA8915327A97B2FC8A D6C6A6266D344D239BE6E623A1045D5B articular part of tubercle of eleventh rib Entire articular part of tubercle of eleventh rib (body structure) 8105 8105 08105 right inferior parathyroid gland 71098000 S08105 Structure of right inferior parathyroid gland (body structure) E08105 177225008 Entire right inferior parathyroid gland (body structure) P08105 R 55562 P endocrine system 0CF046C3ED914568B47E106689AD8763 E2CB7827F28A46CEBE52943380E457A4 right inferior parathyroid gland Entire right inferior parathyroid gland (body structure) 8106 8106 08106 left superior parathyroid gland 40941005 S08106 Structure of left superior parathyroid gland (body structure) E08106 177139004 Entire left superior parathyroid gland (body structure) P08106 L 55561 P endocrine system 6BA447203E7E48678824B62B0F975F42 76D0B4F52B7049D6975CCB5A49E356B8 left superior parathyroid gland Entire left superior parathyroid gland (body structure) 8107 8107 08107 left inferior parathyroid gland 76059009 S08107 Structure of left inferior parathyroid gland (body structure) E08107 177325006 Entire left inferior parathyroid gland (body structure) P08107 L 55563 P endocrine system 9E8EF9D866D1436EA49463D230B9E3E8 9344C18729914971955FCA7BD6C1572C left inferior parathyroid gland Entire left inferior parathyroid gland (body structure) 8108 8108 08108 bone marrow fatty tissue 65532002 S08108 Structure of bone marrow fatty tissue (body structure) E08108 327931003 All bone marrow fatty tissue (body structure) P08108 - P hematopoietic system 04D7763F93C94506B20D30DFC2633B98 A26BA216CCEE442F808ACDD48B9DB11E bone marrow fatty tissue All bone marrow fatty tissue (body structure) 8109 8109 08109 non-articular part of tubercle of eleventh rib 367953002 S08109 Structure of non-articular part of tubercle of eleventh rib (body structure) E08109 72247002 Entire non-articular part of tubercle of eleventh rib (body structure) P08109 Y P skeletal system A58FD9C1B346449EB17C4ACD878D0E05 E5DC6162C7AB4FAA93E7A4DA591E670F non-articular part of tubercle of eleventh rib Entire non-articular part of tubercle of eleventh rib (body structure) 8110 8110 08110 angle of eleventh rib 367965003 S08110 Structure of angle of eleventh rib (body structure) E08110 17858008 Entire angle of eleventh rib (body structure) P08110 Y 8520 P skeletal system 913418918E0D41B3BEB54D334C2A0D21 7584D21AA31746608538FD0C106D3098 angle of eleventh rib Entire angle of eleventh rib (body structure) 8111 8111 08111 costal groove of eleventh rib 367978003 S08111 Structure of costal groove of eleventh rib (body structure) E08111 76516006 Entire costal groove of eleventh rib (body structure) P08111 Y 8506 P skeletal system FFA680610D7C494C94E093F4B9D77826 13F6535075094B81811F978B315E92CD costal groove of eleventh rib Entire costal groove of eleventh rib (body structure) 8112 8112 08112 shaft of eleventh rib 367990001 S08112 Structure of shaft of eleventh rib (body structure) E08112 87583009 Entire shaft of eleventh rib (body structure) P08112 Y 8501 P skeletal system EB97A4D847434A3792D15D7994CB3D35 982E486CA0294284A1E40A636BC3114A shaft of eleventh rib Entire shaft of eleventh rib (body structure) 8113 8113 08113 zonular fiber 64523008 S08113 Structure of zonular fibers (body structure) E08113 280636003 Entire zonular fibers (body structure) P08113 Y 76829 P special senses organ system E775637E3E654CABBF31F83740429D0C B33B14C606654B7E976683869E1586FB zonular fibers Entire zonular fibers (body structure) 8114 8114 08114 upper border of eleventh rib 368003008 S08114 Structure of upper border of eleventh rib (body structure) E08114 78212004 Entire upper border of eleventh rib (body structure) P08114 Y P skeletal system 3AF01272531D4245B90DB710F89E07F3 A27856CA3FAB46D29F4DC4E8CBBF3AFB upper border of eleventh rib Entire upper border of eleventh rib (body structure) 8115 8115 08115 under border of eleventh rib 368016008 S08115 Structure of under border of eleventh rib (body structure) E08115 42317006 Entire under border of eleventh rib (body structure) P08115 Y P skeletal system B5F5DAE1AD194F329FF15043A06A98D3 C1DD66C9F7D74A7EA7F7CE293CF7EE22 under border of eleventh rib Entire under border of eleventh rib (body structure) 8116 8116 08116 outer surface of eleventh rib 368029008 S08116 Structure of outer surface of eleventh rib (body structure) E08116 15677006 Entire outer surface of eleventh rib (body structure) P08116 Y 8504 P skeletal system D13340E165194E5CB0827A99496651A0 B82661181ABF4CBF994C241E5BD6D2AD outer surface of eleventh rib Entire outer surface of eleventh rib (body structure) 8117 8117 08117 inner surface of eleventh rib 368042008 S08117 Structure of inner surface of eleventh rib (body structure) E08117 10167008 Entire inner surface of eleventh rib (body structure) P08117 Y 8505 P skeletal system 9DCB521DD55D4E6884F590D10AB815DB 20127E07A62441A1A348E9F91C9543A5 inner surface of eleventh rib Entire inner surface of eleventh rib (body structure) 8118 8118 08118 skin of dorsal area of third toe 79081003 S08118 Skin structure of dorsal surface of third toe (body structure) E08118 218676004 Entire skin of dorsal surface of third toe (body structure) P08118 Y D integument/surface C76B011B64924FFC8D11C1DA0011D0FA 510D9B5986F049828E85535BAF36D13E Skin of dorsal surface of third toe Entire skin of dorsal surface of third toe (body structure) 8119 8119 08119 multiple endocrine glands 77637002 S08119 Structure of multiple endocrine glands (body structure) E08119 329834000 Entire multiple endocrine glands (body structure) P08119 - P endocrine system 52D19F48CD5F431CAC7C95DEDE8D3C06 4275365ACBB346298B3063C98C438843 multiple endocrine glands Entire multiple endocrine glands (body structure) 8120 8120 08120 pituitary capsule 57283001 S08120 Structure of pituitary capsule (body structure) E08120 369156000 Entire pituitary capsule (body structure) P08120 - P endocrine system 22ACBB2D2E4344F392C92F5D88811AD9 4577B4761B464BA0B87085E5F3CB3DCD pituitary capsule Entire pituitary capsule (body structure) 8121 8121 08121 crest of head of twelfth rib 367916008 S08121 Structure of crest of head of twelfth rib (body structure) E08121 46729003 Entire crest of head of twelfth rib (body structure) P08121 Y P skeletal system 018688A9824A41898DC7CFEFDDEFB6E4 E3DD2AF1EAD94AA9985363A56C8313B4 crest of head of twelfth rib Entire crest of head of twelfth rib (body structure) 8122 8122 08122 pituitary pars tuberalis 53909008 S08122 Structure of pituitary pars tuberalis (body structure) E08122 245535009 Entire pars tuberalis of pituitary gland (body structure) P08122 - 74631 P endocrine system F9ADB04FE48A4BA494A6541EE60C6EB7 77A9657BFF0A4E38A4E719105A3C6372 pituitary pars tuberalis Entire pars tuberalis of pituitary gland (body structure) 8123 8123 08123 pars distalis of pituitary 52618001 S08123 Structure of pars distalis of pituitary (body structure) E08123 369157009 Entire pars distalis of pituitary (body structure) P08123 - 74630 P endocrine system 2B1020C03B704371AF014626D4D09802 38A1C09926EC481B8A3CA056D6EC9494 pars distalis of pituitary Entire pars distalis of pituitary (body structure) 8124 8124 08124 pharyngeal part of pituitary 64801004 S08124 Structure of pharyngeal part of pituitary (body structure) E08124 369159007 Entire pharyngeal part of pituitary (body structure) P08124 - P respiratory system 3336C77BE20E4E8892F3398C661F6996 8E82B2B265214B4286D40D1E920EDD8E pharyngeal part of pituitary Entire pharyngeal part of pituitary (body structure) 8125 8125 08125 neck of twelfth rib 367928000 S08125 Structure of neck of twelfth rib (body structure) E08125 29008005 Entire neck of twelfth rib (body structure) P08125 Y P skeletal system EDA60CCB8ECD403284195AF9CCF48D0C F38CA00708314C0D90849CF2DDF86F11 neck of twelfth rib Entire neck of twelfth rib (body structure) 8126 8126 08126 craniopharyngeal duct 86394004 S08126 Structure of craniopharyngeal duct (body structure) E08126 264453001 Entire craniopharyngeal duct (body structure) P08126 - P endocrine system 2A4DC0D6183A4529AAAA22967EB77C19 94CDADB782504041BAB252BF91F5D28D craniopharyngeal duct Entire craniopharyngeal duct (body structure) 8127 8127 08127 infundibular diverticulum 67606001 S08127 Structure of infundibular diverticulum (body structure) E08127 369158004 Entire infundibular diverticulum (body structure) P08127 - P endocrine system C423E1C62E2F4A01BF7283A3F9AD2605 8B014242E8794356B57903A0F2597409 infundibular diverticulum Entire infundibular diverticulum (body structure) 8128 8128 08128 pineal corpora arenacea 33972007 S08128 Structure of pineal corpora arenacea (body structure) E08128 369232008 Entire pineal corpora arenacea (body structure) P08128 - P endocrine system 9BE6D23821CB40E8BBACB8CE630F19D9 CBD7299D773D4F318FED543AE5CAD30E pineal corpora arenacea Entire pineal corpora arenacea (body structure) 8129 8129 08129 hilum of adrenal gland 9847007 S08129 Structure of hilum of adrenal gland (body structure) E08129 249332001 Entire hilum of adrenal gland (body structure) P08129 Y 15646 P endocrine system 0417108456AD429194EAF83860014889 C95123C3659B43ED99059324444A5FA4 hilum of adrenal gland Entire hilum of adrenal gland (body structure) 8130 8130 08130 anterior surface of adrenal gland 66690009 S08130 Structure of anterior surface of adrenal gland (body structure) E08130 280083002 Entire anterior surface of adrenal gland (body structure) P08130 Y 15635 P endocrine system C91D0541E0D14AABBDD454A327ED22F5 5E23248FFB844F0E8BAAE590F8E77D4D anterior surface of adrenal gland Entire anterior surface of adrenal gland (body structure) 8131 8131 08131 posterior surface of adrenal gland 41325005 S08131 Structure of posterior surface of adrenal gland (body structure) E08131 280084008 Entire posterior surface of adrenal gland (body structure) P08131 Y 15636 P endocrine system 069FE9485DB349D7A5057AB5748F8C16 EF0147066A9D4020AA409A0D86DC8C01 posterior surface of adrenal gland Entire posterior surface of adrenal gland (body structure) 8132 8132 08132 articular part of tubercle of twelfth rib 367942008 S08132 Structure of articular part of tubercle of twelfth rib (body structure) E08132 34269001 Entire articular part of tubercle of twelfth rib (body structure) P08132 Y P skeletal system C84A11CBD4F94D1D9E45070B5F88B424 27524B4310454C0FA409940624DA7112 articular part of tubercle of twelfth rib Entire articular part of tubercle of twelfth rib (body structure) 8133 8133 08133 superior margin of adrenal gland 2389009 S08133 Structure of superior margin of adrenal gland (body structure) E08133 249426005 Entire superior margin of adrenal gland (body structure) P08133 Y 15638 P endocrine system 52B4FFDF7DB044E18DC8770735824100 941C69CBD2454B19B713EE8E5CA8A566 superior margin of adrenal gland Entire superior margin of adrenal gland (body structure) 8134 8134 08134 medial margin of adrenal gland 68782008 S08134 Structure of medial margin of adrenal gland (body structure) E08134 249518004 Entire medial margin of adrenal gland (body structure) P08134 Y 15639 P endocrine system E30A326FE4BB49EEB1E7719A47BAA60A 0DADD40AEE0149B59C6EF252F7365A72 medial margin of adrenal gland Entire medial margin of adrenal gland (body structure) 8135 8135 08135 central vein of adrenal gland 29782004 S08135 Structure of central vein of adrenal gland (body structure) E08135 248984008 Entire central vein of adrenal gland (body structure) P08135 Y 69385 P endocrine system 61ACD3524E6C4511BEE614C57EE558E8 F2669EC007BB42B68D5754730CE25F03 central vein of adrenal gland Entire central vein of adrenal gland (body structure) 8136 8136 08136 right adrenal gland 29392005 S08136 Structure of right adrenal gland (body structure) E08136 281625001 Entire right adrenal gland (body structure) P08136 R 15629 P endocrine system B0F34948AD7E42C896BEB9A53C5EAEEE EE457D68727F47D4856B2FE56A8ACC6F right adrenal gland Entire right adrenal gland (body structure) 8137 8137 08137 non-articular part of tubercle of twelfth rib 367954008 S08137 Structure of non-articular part of tubercle of twelfth rib (body structure) E08137 14701005 Entire non-articular part of tubercle of twelfth rib (body structure) P08137 Y P skeletal system 5916F0D768ED4431A993CF9E04177181 2F53A94F4A8B49A19BEA8E5DD821E39D non-articular part of tubercle of twelfth rib Entire non-articular part of tubercle of twelfth rib (body structure) 8138 8138 08138 angle of twelfth rib 367966002 S08138 Structure of angle of twelfth rib (body structure) E08138 113201003 Entire angle of twelfth rib (body structure) P08138 Y P skeletal system E0313AECE77D4892965F1151DF7836C4 3C7A501F964B491B992B88DFC46DDCE6 angle of twelfth rib Entire angle of twelfth rib (body structure) 8139 8139 08139 costal groove of twelfth rib 367979006 S08139 Structure of costal groove of twelfth rib (body structure) E08139 58121008 Entire costal groove of twelfth rib (body structure) P08139 Y P skeletal system E85E1C0D6198418FB3E48920B3D21ACC 89339AEAE49B4B07B377EEB2608F3C08 costal groove of twelfth rib Entire costal groove of twelfth rib (body structure) 8140 8140 08140 shaft of twelfth rib 367991002 S08140 Structure of shaft of twelfth rib (body structure) E08140 46754003 Entire shaft of twelfth rib (body structure) P08140 Y 8517 P skeletal system 17F06DFBD9F742C9B367AADBDF9296C3 5D505E36DF97407D9874512134172C25 shaft of twelfth rib Entire shaft of twelfth rib (body structure) 8141 8141 08141 skin of plantar area of third toe 76707005 S08141 Skin structure of plantar surface of third toe (body structure) E08141 219892003 Entire skin of plantar surface of third toe (body structure) P08141 Y D integument/surface 5EA725C88F2C4E78A4EB309BD8F3159D 1F1701D8FC8E44138F57F993F3177A1D Skin of plantar surface of third toe Entire skin of plantar surface of third toe (body structure) 8142 8142 08142 upper border of twelfth rib 368004002 S08142 Structure of upper border of twelfth rib (body structure) E08142 22448008 Entire upper border of twelfth rib (body structure) P08142 Y P skeletal system 6E11F78985714BEDB924E639AAE1A70E C2C203F3A623464CAFE171810C4DF1F1 upper border of twelfth rib Entire upper border of twelfth rib (body structure) 8143 8143 08143 under border of twelfth rib 368017004 S08143 Structure of under border of twelfth rib (body structure) E08143 24074006 Entire under border of twelfth rib (body structure) P08143 Y P skeletal system ADFA4144B5F5480AAEE78EEA366CE732 D5196034091B4248A0ADFB228CC05998 under border of twelfth rib Entire under border of twelfth rib (body structure) 8144 8144 08144 outer surface of twelfth rib 368030003 S08144 Structure of outer surface of twelfth rib (body structure) E08144 90067002 Entire outer surface of twelfth rib (body structure) P08144 Y 8521 P skeletal system 4C2BE28E6064494C9A37EB1335CDB4AA 277C252C6AA0457F9845C0DFEFE9BAD3 outer surface of twelfth rib Entire outer surface of twelfth rib (body structure) 8145 8145 08145 inner surface of twelfth rib 368043003 S08145 Structure of inner surface of twelfth rib (body structure) E08145 46788009 Entire inner surface of twelfth rib (body structure) P08145 Y 8522 P skeletal system 686546F20DF5448CAE5D1D3C8B3850FD 60E10E1F2EC848DD8577D27AD6F5F894 inner surface of twelfth rib Entire inner surface of twelfth rib (body structure) 8146 8146 08146 true rib 46454004 S08146 Structure of true rib (body structure) E08146 368044009 Entire true rib (body structure) P08146 Y 7592 P skeletal system 054BDC79F56C40D592133591399C9BD0 0F8175695D4C49DE80F927102AE749F1 true rib Entire true rib (body structure) 8147 8147 08147 false rib 7149004 S08147 Structure of false rib (body structure) E08147 368045005 Entire false rib (body structure) P08147 Y 7594 P skeletal system DDD3A80233284DFCBADDA5CAA214E157 8A6BD0318E254FFF81EBBA677F34E6B1 false rib Entire false rib (body structure) 8148 8148 08148 floating rib 66340003 S08148 Structure of floating rib (body structure) E08148 368046006 Entire floating rib (body structure) P08148 Y 7595 P skeletal system 8B6D1452257F46FF9F4988E6C4B60393 1364857C9C7F448BB3EA82E03D107298 floating rib Entire floating rib (body structure) 8149 8149 08149 skin of lateral area of third toe 19570009 S08149 Skin structure of lateral surface of third toe (body structure) E08149 221095003 Entire skin of lateral surface of third toe (body structure) P08149 Y D integument/surface FA39A6F1D128400B8EB503392E0BCF10 A6E8A8A6853347908EEAE6FF72F380E0 Skin of lateral surface of third toe Entire skin of lateral surface of third toe (body structure) 8150 8150 08150 arch of vertebra 40265002 S08150 Structure of arch of vertebra (body structure) E08150 317373001 Entire arch of vertebra (body structure) P08150 - 11946 P skeletal system FAD1B0CDAC354571BBD5A6752F703363 EDDB930D06B441AEBCF37EC76614C1CB arch of vertebra Entire arch of vertebra (body structure) 8151 8151 08151 spinous process of vertebra 55678000 S08151 Structure of spinous process of vertebra (body structure) E08151 264259004 Entire spinous process of vertebra (body structure) P08151 - 11948 P skeletal system 8E68C91777334CE4A0BE357A3A3AAD2F 1951A1C95BE448779E4F816CAED41940 spinous process of vertebra Entire spinous process of vertebra (body structure) 8152 8152 08152 transverse process of vertebra 73400003 S08152 Structure of transverse process of vertebra (body structure) E08152 264238006 Entire transverse process of vertebra (body structure) P08152 Y 11949 P skeletal system D94F24581A804B0AAB1AFBEF000C3283 2F2A4761FB8B416DBD0E966FA6FC5C0A transverse process of vertebra Entire transverse process of vertebra (body structure) 8153 8153 08153 lamina of vertebra 89340005 S08153 Structure of lamina of vertebra (body structure) E08153 277423002 Entire lamina of vertebra (body structure) P08153 372220009 Part of lamina of vertebra (body structure) Y 11951 P skeletal system D6C4AFF15DDF49D4908588C52A4ED9F5 CC738D50F13F4EAA958A3ECAE3347799 3915698DBECA404A86134C660C0E9473 lamina of vertebra Entire lamina of vertebra (body structure) lamina of vertebra 8154 8154 08154 pedicle of vertebra 78972004 S08154 Structure of pedicle of vertebra (body structure) E08154 277422007 Entire pedicle of vertebra (body structure) P08154 Y 11950 P skeletal system 5968FDE50A49478B9E4BCC7F89ABCBE6 A070093A00744E66B1833805F248C0AF pedicle of vertebra Entire pedicle of vertebra (body structure) 8155 8155 08155 articular process of vertebra 72871002 S08155 Structure of articular process of vertebra (body structure) E08155 317570004 Entire articular process of vertebra (body structure) P08155 Y 11952 P skeletal system A56FC3668B0B4A5EBA72A7944959C1E8 CD83893CCF114E9AB52BA91A2D6B2D38 articular process of vertebra Entire articular process of vertebra (body structure) 8156 8156 08156 superior articular process of vertebra 317665004 S08156 Structure of superior articular process of vertebra (body structure) E08156 42424006 Entire superior articular process of vertebra (body structure) P08156 Y 11953 P skeletal system 0BBB64F1F58F4E9ABA9E2CAD080AEECC 1C565E1B0CFF468DAF7B66BE156F86E8 superior articular process of vertebra Entire superior articular process of vertebra (body structure) 8157 8157 08157 bone marrow of vertebral body 3055008 S08157 Structure of bone marrow of vertebral body (body structure) E08157 317473000 All bone marrow of vertebral body (body structure) P08157 - P hematopoietic system D1945D22182F4A93816DEC598D750525 8EF81E34E3544ADF885CBA53B57209AD bone marrow of vertebral body All bone marrow of vertebral body (body structure) 8158 8158 08158 interstitial tissue of bone marrow 73396003 S08158 Structure of interstitial tissue of bone marrow (body structure) E08158 328032005 All interstitial tissue of bone marrow (body structure) P08158 - P hematopoietic system 53D1393512384E8288D2AA8329858825 A95EEAF062B6453496D23D664457D9BA interstitial tissue of bone marrow All interstitial tissue of bone marrow (body structure) 8159 8159 08159 red bone marrow 75330005 S08159 Structure of red bone marrow (body structure) E08159 328538003 All red bone marrow (body structure) P08159 - 74595 P hematopoietic system EA661DF6160C4DCA8A129C73998270C0 8CDC1F5B91864D24A1FBA85D96BB1D19 red bone marrow All red bone marrow (body structure) 8160 8160 08160 inferior articular process of vertebra 317766009 S08160 Structure of inferior articular process of vertebra (body structure) E08160 30079000 Entire inferior articular process of vertebra (body structure) P08160 Y 11954 P skeletal system B1F06B05E37146AF96CADDAFCD397C27 D96CA6091F6748E8AB12C6C77C447E11 inferior articular process of vertebra Entire inferior articular process of vertebra (body structure) 8161 8161 08161 yellow bone marrow 5023006 S08161 Structure of yellow bone marrow (body structure) E08161 328639002 All yellow bone marrow (body structure) P08161 - 74596 P hematopoietic system B9CD5CE59CD24947A0AAAD65DC8FCFEF 20581469FDE74091A827542FABB5A0D9 yellow bone marrow All yellow bone marrow (body structure) 8162 8162 08162 bone marrow bony trabeculae 84112006 S08162 Structure of bone marrow bony trabeculae (body structure) E08162 328133002 All bone marrow bony trabeculae (body structure) P08162 - P hematopoietic system 801ED2D038A34A9192C02D3EE14BD4DC 950DDEADB1E24983AE77246C06DE4F0E bone marrow bony trabeculae All bone marrow bony trabeculae (body structure) 8163 8163 08163 transplanted bone marrow 77158009 S08163 Structure of transplanted bone marrow (body structure) E08163 328436002 All transplanted bone marrow (body structure) P08163 - P hematopoietic system 51E0335A34BA4022901A8E597976C663 259571527A3642EAA3E9DBB114C17AD2 transplanted bone marrow All transplanted bone marrow (body structure) 8164 8164 08164 erythropoietic tissue 52901003 S08164 Structure of erythropoietic tissue (body structure) E08164 328234002 All erythropoietic tissue (body structure) P08164 - P hematopoietic system 6572F89EE57C4A2FA027214C7A43C2B2 C5729AC8832D42D4AA33BEB6D524B18E erythropoietic tissue All erythropoietic tissue (body structure) 8165 8165 08165 myelopoietic tissue 38852004 S08165 Structure of myelopoietic tissue (body structure) E08165 328335004 All myelopoietic tissue (body structure) P08165 - P hematopoietic system F25CD214E3924DFE8A879F364E7E85F9 1ED8FCAD5CB244099BAF3F53E7424255 myelopoietic tissue All myelopoietic tissue (body structure) 8166 8166 08166 intervertebral foramen 113204006 S08166 Structure of intervertebral foramen (body structure) E08166 281868003 Entire intervertebral foramen (body structure) P08166 Y 75346 P skeletal system 41E34630562A4344B88A5B94E9919C06 08EF2E1681484F4F880C6A82B3D6F0BB intervertebral foramen Entire intervertebral foramen (body structure) 8167 8167 08167 skin of medial area of third toe 19517003 S08167 Skin structure of medial surface of third toe (body structure) E08167 222313003 Entire skin of medial surface of third toe (body structure) P08167 Y D integument/surface D44B84AD784743E9B7AD0E033B96592F 16CF03683052476A9D8B1BB239EEE8CA Skin of medial surface of third toe Entire skin of medial surface of third toe (body structure) 8168 8168 08168 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc 62217003 S08168 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc (body structure) E08168 316586000 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc (body structure) P08168 - 13550 P articular system 42DD99E335E54164BCAEDAFF1CD0A175 908FDACC3C6D494188DBA61EBB8542F3 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc (body structure) 8169 8169 08169 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc 54536005 S08169 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc (body structure) E08169 316687003 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc (body structure) P08169 - 13551 P articular system CB9657EF9C7D4C9C8C71081622D80204 7C9E609BB9C641A69EA0A5A75249394C anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc (body structure) 8170 8170 08170 intervertebral space 47886009 S08170 Structure of intervertebral space (body structure) E08170 316789005 Entire intervertebral space (body structure) P08170 - P skeletal system 9FF948C48D7F42AA8596155A8757B49F 6796E9E173F34916AB2E7B0DDB2A3529 intervertebral space Entire intervertebral space (body structure) 8171 8171 08171 diaphragmatic surface of spleen 91183006 S08171 Structure of diaphragmatic surface of spleen (body structure) E08171 328741009 Entire diaphragmatic surface of spleen (body structure) P08171 - 15828 P lymphoid system 5D1C5E5AF5854AF4B6D8D008AE1EA932 48F99D51A95E4E1BA963DDFFEF151A50 diaphragmatic surface of spleen Entire diaphragmatic surface of spleen (body structure) 8172 8172 08172 visceral surface of spleen 74121001 S08172 Structure of visceral surface of spleen (body structure) E08172 328842006 Entire visceral surface of spleen (body structure) P08172 - 15829 P lymphoid system 1C285A6A86134C708AFA4303040F0EE6 D30A673DA8D84159986459DE0A9817D9 visceral surface of spleen Entire visceral surface of spleen (body structure) 8173 8173 08173 gastric surface of spleen 19449000 S08173 Structure of gastric surface of spleen (body structure) E08173 328946008 Entire gastric surface of spleen (body structure) P08173 - 15837 P lymphoid system 8045AB5B377E46B49F9DE33DF08DA032 969E2887ABA24417B844511855455354 gastric surface of spleen Entire gastric surface of spleen (body structure) 8174 8174 08174 renal surface of spleen 19486004 S08174 Structure of renal surface of spleen (body structure) E08174 329048004 Entire renal surface of spleen (body structure) P08174 - 15839 P lymphoid system 71569723FE634CA298FBF024D9FA84D3 71A865ADB6404D5DAC57ADA60E19F83F renal surface of spleen Entire renal surface of spleen (body structure) 8175 8175 08175 colic surface of spleen 24335007 S08175 Structure of colic surface of spleen (body structure) E08175 329149005 Entire colic surface of spleen (body structure) P08175 - 15838 P lymphoid system ECF654AED56D42C48B32985AABEA8914 0CC6CEAE89314838A3559502920CB22E colic surface of spleen Entire colic surface of spleen (body structure) 8176 8176 08176 posterior extremity of spleen 12832002 S08176 Structure of posterior extremity of spleen (body structure) E08176 329245006 Entire posterior extremity of spleen (body structure) P08176 - P lymphoid system F33C4C3B03DE4AACB8F73D14D7C17FA2 2521F7A5F8F84386A1EACCE219137188 posterior extremity of spleen Entire posterior extremity of spleen (body structure) 8177 8177 08177 anterior extremity of spleen 36827006 S08177 Structure of anterior extremity of spleen (body structure) E08177 329342006 Entire anterior extremity of spleen (body structure) P08177 - P lymphoid system B70A10BA8B5A4A6BB47A320E544E58A3 A81A6D40491849DA8EB4E427F08D99E5 anterior extremity of spleen Entire anterior extremity of spleen (body structure) 8178 8178 08178 superior margin of spleen 20081009 S08178 Structure of superior margin of spleen (body structure) E08178 329439001 Entire superior margin of spleen (body structure) P08178 - 15835 P lymphoid system 4332D72D44644959996FB02B965BDCFB 39CF61A0E0DA4E1F8A9C6DB871CFB844 superior margin of spleen Entire superior margin of spleen (body structure) 8179 8179 08179 inferior margin of spleen 24525000 S08179 Structure of inferior margin of spleen (body structure) E08179 329538007 Entire inferior margin of spleen (body structure) P08179 - 15836 P lymphoid system DEDC7808BBE74BD09C206264F28CD59F EAE5B80760C4437DB93717F8DAF78587 inferior margin of spleen Entire inferior margin of spleen (body structure) 8180 8180 08180 serous coat of spleen 10945008 S08180 Structure of serous coat of spleen (body structure) E08180 262753003 Entire serous coat of spleen (body structure) P08180 - 15848 P lymphoid system 28CFB5AE49EA4455AB53B1CE79019EBB B70AB9FB29994230A92457E2F1C4E941 serous coat of spleen Entire serous coat of spleen (body structure) 8181 8181 08181 fibroelastic coat of spleen 55026002 S08181 Structure of fibroelastic coat of spleen (body structure) E08181 329635002 Entire fibroelastic coat of spleen (body structure) P08181 - 15849 P lymphoid system F147CE3F16CC4E6B8DC4E7A90E798710 8C62D744DC7E4E3482E5116C1B2434C7 fibroelastic coat of spleen Entire fibroelastic coat of spleen (body structure) 8182 8182 08182 interstitial tissue of spleen 276956002 S08182 Structure of interstitial tissue of spleen (body structure) E08182 6805009 Entire interstitial tissue of spleen (body structure) P08182 - 15850 P lymphoid system 30ABB37DC71645DF88FC9DD34C497921 A0990340F68D4B72AD08D50C82B987CD interstitial tissue of spleen Entire interstitial tissue of spleen (body structure) 8183 8183 08183 hilum of spleen 35378004 S08183 Structure of hilum of spleen (body structure) E08183 245377005 Entire hilum of spleen (body structure) P08183 - 15841 P lymphoid system 2D4FB99F991643F7BADDE5247C61FF83 0A4ADCCD668442AAB15E0BF5383DC1FD hilum of spleen Entire hilum of spleen (body structure) 8184 8184 08184 arch of cervical vertebra 84522009 S08184 Structure of arch of cervical vertebra (body structure) E08184 165269004 Entire arch of cervical vertebra (body structure) P08184 - 23893 P skeletal system FDAB196AE58D4DBBAD51A0BB1F880C11 59A400F2ABDE4ABEA9514570D468F7A9 arch of cervical vertebra Entire arch of cervical vertebra (body structure) 8185 8185 08185 perisplenic region 45173003 S08185 Structure of perisplenic region (body structure) E08185 243310002 Entire perisplenic region (body structure) P08185 - P lymphoid system 1DAA952305A5460980F949D56C896F99 5A6CF83FF69F48C897002077D578E1CE perisplenic region Entire perisplenic region (body structure) 8186 8186 08186 splenic arteriole 36464005 S08186 Structure of splenic arterioles (body structure) E08186 282511007 Entire splenic arterioles (body structure) P08186 - P arterial system A452BB2E41CE483293C5511DF35BEA63 03A384FA41DA4E0782E1A99A2B45B7DA splenic arterioles Entire splenic arterioles (body structure) 8187 8187 08187 sheathed artery of spleen 282612007 S08187 Structure of sheathed arteries of spleen (body structure) E08187 87098004 Entire sheathed arteries of spleen (body structure) P08187 - P arterial system CC1B19A6960C41A49C686D7B5D1DD0A3 E3547B4D3D314E2BBE7DD07114802F6A sheathed arteries of spleen Entire sheathed arteries of spleen (body structure) 8188 8188 08188 penicilliary artery 6014003 S08188 Structure of penicilliary arteries (body structure) E08188 282715000 Entire penicilliary arteries (body structure) P08188 - 16038 P arterial system 0E129C7C40864AF58CC0DB71D6DB8978 BBA30AEF5CEF4FFBB1BD7CF74658591D penicilliary arteries Entire penicilliary arteries (body structure) 8189 8189 08189 splenic venule 82818006 S08189 Structure of splenic venules (body structure) E08189 282802003 Entire splenic venules (body structure) P08189 - P lymphoid system 526356536AA34FB2A30D0FE98A5C64F0 80287070F5AB44F09E917B717FA5DE0C splenic venules Entire splenic venules (body structure) 8190 8190 08190 spinous process of cervical vertebra 2305000 S08190 Structure of spinous process of cervical vertebra (body structure) E08190 280718006 Entire spinous process of cervical vertebra (body structure) P08190 - 13458 P skeletal system 229CC6F502464330950A55891B1FA9A4 2BDDC0DD51734E0181EE0133EA938290 spinous process of cervical vertebra Entire spinous process of cervical vertebra (body structure) 8191 8191 08191 superficial lymph node 90606007 S08191 Structure of superficial lymph node (body structure) E08191 327343006 Entire superficial lymph node (body structure) P08191 - 12767 P lymphoreticular system C2024B3B45734E8F8F882883BA169B20 7D6D77385A1A408983C36E721BF4EED7 superficial lymph node Entire superficial lymph node (body structure) 8192 8192 08192 deep lymph node 60996007 S08192 Structure of deep lymph node (body structure) E08192 327435000 Entire deep lymph node (body structure) P08192 - 12768 P lymphoreticular system 984F6FB2B6B7462B8A3D42C6A877D4FE 7B9C908EB76141189E44682FE7E360DC deep lymph node Entire deep lymph node (body structure) 8193 8193 08193 capsule of lymph node 68677007 S08193 Structure of capsule of lymph node (body structure) E08193 327532004 Entire capsule of lymph node (body structure) P08193 - 74604 P lymphoreticular system 5558BA5F94354E4D8D9AE5FC693B73DE AD0A945BE87C4E4B82C3D52CD419EA15 capsule of lymph node Entire capsule of lymph node (body structure) 8194 8194 08194 sinusoid of lymph node 43556006 S08194 Structure of sinusoid of lymph node (body structure) E08194 327629005 Entire sinusoid of lymph node (body structure) P08194 - P lymphoreticular system 328A80EE072D45679E5D78CA7F827EEF 5D8532484A004F88A31FFD9CFE257A77 sinusoid of lymph node Entire sinusoid of lymph node (body structure) 8195 8195 08195 lymphatic cord 4624007 S08195 Structure of lymphatic cord (body structure) E08195 327730009 Entire lymphatic cord (body structure) P08195 - P lymphoreticular system 52514027237544B58918597102CC654B 2BB5DAD3BAFB422082A7660CAC9DD458 lymphatic cord Entire lymphatic cord (body structure) 8196 8196 08196 hilum of lymph node 38108009 S08196 Structure of hilum of lymph node (body structure) E08196 327052008 Entire hilum of lymph node (body structure) P08196 - 62842 P lymphoreticular system 451EEC9752774FBDA6346C555DFB14AE 00D28F193A64410592D810A9CE343014 hilum of lymph node Entire hilum of lymph node (body structure) 8197 8197 08197 germinal center of lymph node 16733004 S08197 Structure of germinal center of lymph node (body structure) E08197 327147000 Entire germinal center of lymph node (body structure) P08197 - 55224 P lymphoid system A66405221F2B4ACBB28388E8762B2CA7 EA4E77A9ED76454692047956C2AAFC08 germinal center of lymph node Entire germinal center of lymph node (body structure) 8198 8198 08198 afferent lymphatic vessel of lymph node 32575008 S08198 Structure of afferent lymphatic vessel of lymph node (body structure) E08198 326687004 Entire afferent lymphatic vessel of lymph node (body structure) P08198 - 14221 P lymphatic system E70075140B824EF9896E07445EC4879E B28BD61387524B808AD6CD09E94DCF00 afferent lymphatic vessel of lymph node Entire afferent lymphatic vessel of lymph node (body structure) 8199 8199 08199 efferent lymphatic vessel of lymph node 27738000 S08199 Structure of efferent lymphatic vessel of lymph node (body structure) E08199 326777009 Entire efferent lymphatic vessel of lymph node (body structure) P08199 - P lymphatic system 238368F8CE2D4C45BAE6BC43200BCBDE 8FAE0E9F168D44F2AFD6201729447CCF efferent lymphatic vessel of lymph node Entire efferent lymphatic vessel of lymph node (body structure) 8200 8200 08200 transverse process of cervical vertebra 11016002 S08200 Structure of transverse process of cervical vertebra (body structure) E08200 280730000 Entire transverse process of cervical vertebra (body structure) P08200 Y 23894 P skeletal system 5B1CCE5DB0DF49E1913E3FC0180B6F5B F641756555A14729B1A9B585D827956C transverse process of cervical vertebra Entire transverse process of cervical vertebra (body structure) 8201 8201 08201 paracortical area of lymph node 4295007 S08201 Structure of paracortical area of lymph node (body structure) E08201 327247009 Entire paracortical area of lymph node (body structure) P08201 - P lymphoreticular system B258CCBEAC5147B1A836805EB0E3AD7C 743F9182BC2C40349358D03263C00561 paracortical area of lymph node Entire paracortical area of lymph node (body structure) 8202 8202 08202 T zone of lymph node 60778005 S08202 Structure of T zone of lymph node (body structure) E08202 326870003 Entire T zone of lymph node (body structure) P08202 - P lymphoid system 7472BC6598634D15B2F532C263A4A8D3 7CD3AC6E44444FF7A2311019C0D14F37 T zone of lymph node Entire T zone of lymph node (body structure) 8203 8203 08203 B zone of lymph node 31650001 S08203 Structure of B zone of lymph node (body structure) E08203 326965006 Entire B zone of lymph node (body structure) P08203 - P lymphoreticular system DF811399AFB145118E0C2541F650AE85 27967857DF34465380B2A4D49E851077 B zone of lymph node Entire B zone of lymph node (body structure) 8204 8204 08204 lymph node of head 13482005 S08204 Structure of lymph node of head (body structure) E08204 155136006 Entire lymph node of head (body structure) P08204 - 61212 P lymphatic system 2D14DABAA5D4427E962382396C52C983 31662CD2845944D187EC77D7B3556A90 lymph node of head Entire lymph node of head (body structure) 8205 8205 08205 occipital lymph node 3916005 S08205 Structure of occipital lymph node (body structure) E08205 245326003 Entire occipital lymph node (body structure) P08205 Y 61214 P lymphatic system 92E7BAF560344FFF9CA9762909081AE1 1F355A7400194B6FBAA1C76398648F62 occipital lymph node Entire occipital lymph node (body structure) 8206 8206 08206 anterior auricular lymph node 25247006 S08206 Structure of anterior auricular lymph node (body structure) E08206 245327007 Entire anterior auricular lymph node (body structure) P08206 Y 61219 P lymphatic system 2386F8E4700B45E0B49A139DB6EBF8DD FC706A663EB84B2E93B2306162FDB349 anterior auricular lymph node Entire anterior auricular lymph node (body structure) 8207 8207 08207 inferior auricular lymph node 155237005 S08207 Structure of inferior auricular lymph node (body structure) E08207 22509006 Entire inferior auricular lymph node (body structure) P08207 Y P lymphatic system 1BFC19394314454B8962557BFDA8C3E0 4B3C10CCD3664453A1EC9D6CE9B06FF7 inferior auricular lymph node Entire inferior auricular lymph node (body structure) 8208 8208 08208 parotid lymph node 10209003 S08208 Structure of parotid lymph node (body structure) E08208 279140007 Entire parotid lymph node (body structure) P08208 Y 61216 P lymphatic system 2A4A9187FC434AE5A5ECD5E953B7F3E7 00517231F87E41F58E0F539BE7D86F4A parotid lymph node Entire parotid lymph node (body structure) 8209 8209 08209 intraglandular parotid lymph node 143824007 S08209 Structure of intraglandular parotid lymph node (body structure) E08209 27053001 Entire intraglandular parotid lymph node (body structure) P08209 Y P lymphatic system 187BC060B1384136890B41D450F98D14 7E5048FFCD3F4F87804E96C9409AF16E intraglandular parotid lymph node Entire intraglandular parotid lymph node (body structure) 8210 8210 08210 skin of area between third and fourth toes 45078009 S08210 Structure of skin between third and fourth toes (body structure) E08210 229702004 Entire skin between third and fourth toes (body structure) P08210 Y P integumentary system 3D26C16C32324833807FBA15D8334F4E 465E61CE993A41F7800E3D96D5699199 skin between third and fourth toes Entire skin between third and fourth toes (body structure) 8211 8211 08211 lamina of cervical vertebra 48928005 S08211 Structure of lamina of cervical vertebra (body structure) E08211 280727007 Entire lamina of cervical vertebra (body structure) P08211 Y 23962 P skeletal system 4AD6160F301E465DA170E4A98AC249C6 82127287271643B6929F6786203C089A lamina of cervical vertebra Entire lamina of cervical vertebra (body structure) 8212 8212 08212 facial lymph node 48918001 S08212 Structure of facial lymph node (body structure) E08212 279139005 Entire facial lymph node (body structure) P08212 Y 61222 P lymphatic system 3C434117267942259EBE77540AB6D293 04105CECD4A04D59A2D46D4185A2DB5C facial lymph node Entire facial lymph node (body structure) 8213 8213 08213 buccinator lymph node 143925009 S08213 Structure of buccinator lymph node (body structure) E08213 90576003 Entire buccinator lymph node (body structure) P08213 Y 61223 P lymphatic system 77FAD22769314F99B8221D1031FDC0F5 B78A5368664B4ACDAFA97D0C5583A02B buccinator lymph node Entire buccinator lymph node (body structure) 8214 8214 08214 nasolabial lymph node 144026003 S08214 Structure of nasolabial lymph node (body structure) E08214 25548000 Entire nasolabial lymph node (body structure) P08214 Y 61225 P lymphatic system DEAD43ED25E741F88E865D9306F2243C ED0BEA80ECD5432A851A7E970712C7BF nasolabial lymph node Entire nasolabial lymph node (body structure) 8215 8215 08215 submandibular lymph node 59503006 S08215 Structure of submandibular lymph node (body structure) E08215 245319003 Entire submandibular lymph node (body structure) P08215 Y 61224 P lymphatic system F5A80A5FA91E43C48A10F13610AB840F 5E152D519CA74CEBA90BD161C70E79E4 submandibular lymph node Entire submandibular lymph node (body structure) 8216 8216 08216 submental lymph node 46055009 S08216 Structure of submental lymph node (body structure) E08216 245318006 Entire submental lymph node (body structure) P08216 Y 61229 P lymphatic system B332313BCE5045FEB92E3E0D2013265C 34CD0F496DD946DD9AA0AA3E5A40587D submental lymph node Entire submental lymph node (body structure) 8217 8217 08217 mandibular lymph node 155338003 S08217 Structure of mandibular lymph node (body structure) E08217 10664000 Entire mandibular lymph node (body structure) P08217 Y 61227 P lymphatic system 1CB35FC992D241408BB8A6D9E68AC610 0A79282AFFB0469EA45AE8F8E9BDE76A mandibular lymph node Entire mandibular lymph node (body structure) 8218 8218 08218 submaxillary lymph node 144127009 S08218 Structure of submaxillary lymph node (body structure) E08218 54707008 Entire submaxillary lymph node (body structure) P08218 Y P lymphatic system E6104E8E626C4FA49A0A767DA614B9F7 9F6A92EB1BF640F1A8C8096324C871F1 submaxillary lymph node Entire submaxillary lymph node (body structure) 8219 8219 08219 pedicle of cervical vertebra 35116004 S08219 Structure of pedicle of cervical vertebra (body structure) E08219 280724000 Entire pedicle of cervical vertebra (body structure) P08219 Y 23961 P skeletal system 6839E7EB3C0B4FD1B694BF77E6CACA95 65237D48875F4C5F8D4B605326346F1F pedicle of cervical vertebra Entire pedicle of cervical vertebra (body structure) 8220 8220 08220 lateral cervical lymph node 68915008 S08220 Structure of lateral cervical lymph node (body structure) E08220 167763000 Entire lateral cervical lymph node (body structure) P08220 Y 61232 P lymphatic system F9EAA2D46B19403D99BEFAD33217056F 0735840B0A5348EE972CF8B7CBBC613D lateral cervical lymph node Entire lateral cervical lymph node (body structure) 8221 8221 08221 deep lateral cervical lymph node 167864002 S08221 Structure of deep lateral cervical lymph node (body structure) E08221 61755005 Entire deep lateral cervical lymph node (body structure) P08221 Y 12770 P lymphoreticular system 38679EDBAB864F1A8C8C1FFED01DE848 DB0F7EB99F8F438A99E951B91E7D1353 deep lateral cervical lymph node Entire deep lateral cervical lymph node (body structure) 8222 8222 08222 superficial lateral cervical lymph node 167965000 S08222 Structure of superficial lateral cervical lymph node (body structure) E08222 50679006 Entire superficial lateral cervical lymph node (body structure) P08222 Y 12769 P lymphoreticular system 1D1A7688419143A79BE6EEAC70E31BEE 67F87EDE767E43FCA98399E92D9A5238 superficial lateral cervical lymph node Entire superficial lateral cervical lymph node (body structure) 8223 8223 08223 supraclavicular lymph node 76838003 S08223 Structure of supraclavicular lymph node (body structure) E08223 245325004 Entire supraclavicular lymph node (body structure) P08223 Y 14192 P lymphatic system C11C6FDED01B4B6F91BF4B59E0DEBAB9 E357918F6F5D4BC69048A63A6F050305 supraclavicular lymph node Entire supraclavicular lymph node (body structure) 8224 8224 08224 jugular lymph node 58130000 S08224 Structure of jugular lymph node (body structure) E08224 245320009 Entire jugular lymph node (body structure) P08224 Y 232854 P lymphatic system 3C6079A9666045B2BF91D0383178B0CC 17F098FF87E543A59D43917BDE36AE81 jugular lymph node Entire jugular lymph node (body structure) 8226 8226 08226 lateral jugular lymph node 168159002 S08226 Structure of lateral jugular lymph node (body structure) E08226 90179000 Entire lateral jugular lymph node (body structure) P08226 Y P lymphatic system 65BDF6955ECB49CD9E4A0DEA2F6E4CB1 0E76E67A284D4A5992A7E5B1CB69AD70 lateral jugular lymph node Entire lateral jugular lymph node (body structure) 8227 8227 08227 anterior cervical lymph node 5727003 S08227 Structure of anterior cervical lymph node (body structure) E08227 168259009 Entire anterior cervical lymph node (body structure) P08227 Y 61230 P lymphatic system BD863BE9B448416DA9748DD2634680E3 829771028A154AF78D00C6CA606C96DC anterior cervical lymph node Entire anterior cervical lymph node (body structure) 8228 8228 08228 deep anterior cervical lymph node 168360002 S08228 Structure of deep anterior cervical lymph node (body structure) E08228 52363008 Entire deep anterior cervical lymph node (body structure) P08228 Y 12779 P lymphoreticular system A8A7DA7E2D254C9AB924D549196080C0 41E4D439D510401D88D6FE70BAB746F7 deep anterior cervical lymph node Entire deep anterior cervical lymph node (body structure) 8229 8229 08229 superficial anterior cervical lymph node 168557005 S08229 Structure of superficial anterior cervical lymph node (body structure) E08229 22993006 Entire superficial anterior cervical lymph node (body structure) P08229 Y 12776 P lymphoreticular system 386B34B529F4482ABCCDE66E51206903 58168187CDA54AF7AFBE7157E2F4497E superficial anterior cervical lymph node Entire superficial anterior cervical lymph node (body structure) 8230 8230 08230 articular process of cervical vertebra 15515004 S08230 Structure of articular process of cervical vertebra (body structure) E08230 165664003 Entire articular process of cervical vertebra (body structure) P08230 Y 23895 P skeletal system CD6802172D114BA7BAB648F6B6ED322B D1994F4613A54E0BB6168187756B01CF articular process of cervical vertebra Entire articular process of cervical vertebra (body structure) 8231 8231 08231 retropharyngeal lymph node 25683005 S08231 Structure of retropharyngeal lymph node (body structure) E08231 167263004 Entire retropharyngeal lymph node (body structure) P08231 Y 61237 P lymphatic system 6D26853E219E4A44A9C19400371DC35D 47921EF834574234A33DC9F60B48E80E retropharyngeal lymph node Entire retropharyngeal lymph node (body structure) 8232 8232 08232 medial retropharyngeal lymph node 167364008 S08232 Structure of median retropharyngeal lymph node (body structure) E08232 36145009 Entire median retropharyngeal lymph node (body structure) P08232 Y P lymphatic system D1A3498F244541C9940E5070AB896FB7 8BB4E6C83B0A4CBDB7A305CEFFD0F35E median retropharyngeal lymph node Entire median retropharyngeal lymph node (body structure) 8233 8233 08233 lateral retropharyngeal lymph node 167464007 S08233 Structure of lateral retropharyngeal lymph node (body structure) E08233 53416002 Entire lateral retropharyngeal lymph node (body structure) P08233 Y P lymphatic system 394448D29F464A288DF8EB797D17B174 8827709CED5B402998B19405C120BC70 lateral retropharyngeal lymph node Entire lateral retropharyngeal lymph node (body structure) 8234 8234 08234 prelaryngeal lymph node 74203007 S08234 Structure of prelaryngeal lymph node (body structure) E08234 167564009 Entire prelaryngeal lymph node (body structure) P08234 Y 61234 P lymphatic system 9247F88E60EF46868FD74E5C9CA3F1FE 334958234577478D8687F254D10C02FB prelaryngeal lymph node Entire prelaryngeal lymph node (body structure) 8235 8235 08235 delphian lymph node 167664004 S08235 Structure of delphian lymph node (body structure) E08235 8119004 Entire delphian lymph node (body structure) P08235 Y P lymphatic system C7933106B93B4DD094DEFFB1261E6E42 87EDA9E2370F49B7B960DBC9975808ED delphian lymph node Entire delphian lymph node (body structure) 8236 8236 08236 pretracheal lymph node 168460001 S08236 Structure of pretracheal lymph node (body structure) E08236 33266004 Entire pretracheal lymph node (body structure) P08236 Y 61236 P lymphoreticular system 89C624B7D7FF4A53905926C28DED4E74 2AE7D21985F74337A0AF986C427805C3 pretracheal lymph node Entire pretracheal lymph node (body structure) 8237 8237 08237 scalene lymph node 81132008 S08237 Structure of scalene lymph node (body structure) E08237 181758004 Entire scalene lymph node (body structure) P08237 Y P lymphatic system EA5508D8F9F748A9A0CF3647BD4E34FF DD4C05DFC3DC4C7D8CBC29FAFC6CFD40 scalene lymph node Entire scalene lymph node (body structure) 8238 8238 08238 lymph node of thorax 47109002 S08238 Structure of lymph node of thorax (body structure) E08238 196374005 Entire lymph node of thorax (body structure) P08238 - 12772 P lymphatic system A5CE29479A61498984ABCAAEFB7179AC 6046C3D102ED47A1956E1258C8FBF000 lymph node of thorax Entire lymph node of thorax (body structure) 8239 8239 08239 prevertebral lymph node 196446004 S08239 Structure of prevertebral lymph node (body structure) E08239 83572004 Entire prevertebral lymph node (body structure) P08239 - 12788 P lymphatic system 75C32422AACC4BC1A90326850CC015E4 9884C874386E4633B22DF6B6F5A477D5 prevertebral lymph node Entire prevertebral lymph node (body structure) 8240 8240 08240 superior articular process of cervical vertebra 165758003 S08240 Structure of superior articular process of cervical vertebra (body structure) E08240 57767002 Entire superior articular process of cervical vertebra (body structure) P08240 Y 23969 P skeletal system A33F7EBBB6A54B6DBE3CBFBBE951D707 AAE6C883E451496FA815F85DEBDBDA5F superior articular process of cervical vertebra Entire superior articular process of cervical vertebra (body structure) 8241 8241 08241 prepericardial lymph node 196516004 S08241 Structure of prepericardial lymph node (body structure) E08241 15027007 Entire prepericardial lymph node (body structure) P08241 Y 12789 P lymphatic system BCBDAD0571124E5AB5F488B8168B57ED 88D83E3237234A4A8B08DD81D17FBA84 prepericardial lymph node Entire prepericardial lymph node (body structure) 8242 8242 08242 lateral pericardial lymph node 196587000 S08242 Structure of lateral pericardial lymph node (body structure) E08242 21681002 Entire lateral pericardial lymph node (body structure) P08242 Y 12790 P lymphatic system 94467D2CDCCA4DFCBC98E618CF6B25BB E869B3C0828643B4AA1202C419449891 lateral pericardial lymph node Entire lateral pericardial lymph node (body structure) 8243 8243 08243 intrapulmonary lymph node 196662004 S08243 Structure of intrapulmonary lymph node (body structure) E08243 31808004 Entire intrapulmonary lymph node (body structure) P08243 Y 5968 P lymphoid system 533C900F6B4C4F17BB575139C16DAD6E A977BAD0CDBC4C88A27945500A0F2072 intrapulmonary lymph node Entire intrapulmonary lymph node (body structure) 8244 8244 08244 hilar lymph node 53074004 S08244 Structure of hilar lymph node (body structure) E08244 312893006 Entire hilar lymph node (body structure) P08244 Y 5965 P lymphoid system 22357D6AEC134E1FAEFE2471A4A33369 13900C9117684E08B667200890FCAA07 hilar lymph node Entire hilar lymph node (body structure) 8245 8245 08245 superior tracheobronchial lymph node 67941004 S08245 Structure of superior tracheobronchial lymph node (body structure) E08245 188443004 Entire superior tracheobronchial lymph node (body structure) P08245 Y 5959 P lymphoid system DC905B162A1D406797768CC8C0A1120D 7C340FE02F294C30AF513FB837F04F24 superior tracheobronchial lymph node Entire superior tracheobronchial lymph node (body structure) 8246 8246 08246 inferior articular process of cervical vertebra 165857003 S08246 Structure of inferior articular process of cervical vertebra (body structure) E08246 61633005 Entire inferior articular process of cervical vertebra (body structure) P08246 Y 23970 P skeletal system 66332664BDE246B2BD2F9C103131C99A 7895F4EA45134BE1B0798D302FCFAB39 inferior articular process of cervical vertebra Entire inferior articular process of cervical vertebra (body structure) 8247 8247 08247 subcarinal lymph node 28330007 S08247 Structure of subcarinal lymph node (body structure) E08247 196314000 Entire subcarinal lymph node (body structure) P08247 Y 5962 P lymphoid system 048274EE7B3F4B5A9B6D06CC8BEB1846 B1BC5C4EEA6C4F36AD3B2AD27C7D6AB8 subcarinal lymph node Entire subcarinal lymph node (body structure) 8248 8248 08248 paratracheal lymph node 65690001 S08248 Structure of paratracheal lymph node (body structure) E08248 196913001 Entire paratracheal lymph node (body structure) P08248 Y 5953 P lymphatic system B5427B845C044A628C73A382970671E7 8C7933C5C0D2416EB47DA3DF9F57E009 paratracheal lymph node Entire paratracheal lymph node (body structure) 8249 8249 08249 anterior mediastinal lymph node 5296000 S08249 Structure of anterior mediastinal lymph node (body structure) E08249 245335005 Entire anterior mediastinal lymph node (body structure) P08249 Y 12775 P lymphatic system 57B136EDB73D4B06A13D1F85A6329729 67C3AEF80EF347A0923E364B3B291473 anterior mediastinal lymph node Entire anterior mediastinal lymph node (body structure) 8250 8250 08250 posterior mediastinal lymph node 25447008 S08250 Structure of posterior mediastinal lymph node (body structure) E08250 245336006 Entire posterior mediastinal lymph node (body structure) P08250 Y 5947 P lymphatic system D0AD6A2E01694449AA8F177D29600596 8BDC43921B9148FC9DF420C5DD60DB48 posterior mediastinal lymph node Entire posterior mediastinal lymph node (body structure) 8251 8251 08251 esophageal lymph node 11899006 S08251 Structure of esophageal lymph node (body structure) E08251 196997004 Entire esophageal lymph node (body structure) P08251 Y 12784 P lymphatic system 36A4D117EE69442B84D6693A775B2BCE FBA18DEAB2DE4E4AB47B9F389ECAFFB2 esophageal lymph node Entire esophageal lymph node (body structure) 8252 8252 08252 body of cervical vertebra 86666004 S08252 Structure of body of cervical vertebra (body structure) E08252 280736006 Entire body of cervical vertebra (body structure) P08252 - 13457 P skeletal system 111114B91E564554808C15FC9D2304F7 7915254E10034F5C872EE976D05B3E28 body of cervical vertebra Entire body of cervical vertebra (body structure) 8253 8253 08253 diaphragmatic lymph node 196751009 S08253 Structure of diaphragmatic lymph node (body structure) E08253 1005009 Entire diaphragmatic lymph node (body structure) P08253 Y 12773 P lymphatic system 3CA2A8439E9649FFA538924E615AE84B DCC6B30478CD4DE9BB26B40A18A1C5E2 diaphragmatic lymph node Entire diaphragmatic lymph node (body structure) 8254 8254 08254 innominate lymph node 196821008 S08254 Structure of innominate lymph node (body structure) E08254 60545001 Entire innominate lymph node (body structure) P08254 Y 5944 P lymphatic system 882400C5502F4120AC030F1A8ECF2FF8 6DF7A8024965499BB78C13361E137EB3 innominate lymph node Entire innominate lymph node (body structure) 8255 8255 08255 intervertebral foramen of cervical vertebra 11588003 S08255 Structure of intervertebral foramen of cervical vertebra (body structure) E08255 281869006 Entire intervertebral foramen of cervical vertebra (body structure) P08255 Y 72180 P musculoskeletal system 56A01CDAFEFA4094913AE2F66B998BE6 C368D3CCBC54413E9450EB6540BA3D15 intervertebral foramen of cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral foramen of cervical vertebra (body structure) 8256 8256 08256 superior mesenteric lymph node 49394004 S08256 Structure of superior mesenteric lymph node (body structure) E08256 245347004 Entire superior mesenteric lymph node (body structure) P08256 - 12793 P lymphatic system 0C44E3DC585948E3962BEE8D7591220C AA622453F39949DFA68FC465C52C28D9 superior mesenteric lymph node Entire superior mesenteric lymph node (body structure) 8257 8257 08257 juxtaintestinal lymph node 279609001 S08257 Structure of juxtaintestinal lymph node (body structure) E08257 8559007 Entire juxtaintestinal lymph node (body structure) P08257 - P lymphatic system 937307A40326427DA864FA605D5D16E1 6903F9D08C974535B0F8E18AF5E853F9 juxtaintestinal lymph node Entire juxtaintestinal lymph node (body structure) 8258 8258 08258 hepatic lymph node 61492009 S08258 Structure of hepatic lymph node (body structure) E08258 280480005 Entire hepatic lymph node (body structure) P08258 - 12798 P lymphatic system B2F6E7A5FF9148B286A7E00579D668A6 00C663BC63DC4CBFAF66F60C7450DE15 hepatic lymph node Entire hepatic lymph node (body structure) Visceral lymph node located along the hepatic arterial tree. 8259 8259 08259 cystic lymph node 280556009 S08259 Structure of cystic lymph node (body structure) E08259 46081008 Entire cystic lymph node (body structure) P08259 - 12804 P lymphatic system 84DE6E7F34C44F93B0F64FE41073B915 9B981AAD35F14808A617B28263388DE8 cystic lymph node Entire cystic lymph node (body structure) Hepatic lymph node located near or on neck of gallbladder. 8260 8260 08260 lymph node of epiploic foramen 68878000 S08260 Structure of lymph node of epiploic foramen (body structure) E08260 281089008 Entire lymph node of epiploic foramen (body structure) P08260 Y 12805 P lymphatic system B1094283AC1E4881A155BCC6C7D11CBA 8AE84329B936487B9444C24B95371519 lymph node of epiploic foramen Entire lymph node of epiploic foramen (body structure) Hepatic lymph node located along the bile duct. 8261 8261 08261 left gastric lymph node 89037002 S08261 Structure of left gastric lymph node (body structure) E08261 279695002 Entire left gastric lymph node (body structure) P08261 - 12797 L P lymphatic system C02D8C2887B042499C529470E62A2A67 DA316459F10D45A5A80EB6C646650A56 left gastric lymph node Entire left gastric lymph node (body structure) 8262 8262 08262 lymph node of lesser curvature of stomach 279784003 S08262 Structure of lymph node of lesser curvature of stomach (body structure) E08262 45649007 Entire lymph node of lesser curvature of stomach (body structure) P08262 - P lymphatic system 4805E8CA22B149558E067F60E73AE998 FF1F643C12B740F4A55E36058AD6D147 lymph node of lesser curvature of stomach Entire lymph node of lesser curvature of stomach (body structure) 8263 8263 08263 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of cervical vertebra 41618009 S08263 Structure of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of cervical vertebra (body structure) E08263 162695001 Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of cervical vertebra (body structure) P08263 - 13554 P articular system 4A2718EC0B1D4836BBBD0408212B27C6 47C6ADE0801D42A3A3631E9C747FE794 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of cervical vertebra Entire nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of cervical vertebra (body structure) 8264 8264 08264 lymph node of greater curvature of stomach 76878005 S08264 Structure of lymph node of greater curvature of stomach (body structure) E08264 279960003 Entire lymph node of greater curvature of stomach (body structure) P08264 - 12801 P lymphatic system 0F3639B02490443DAE4580F6EFA1F8BC 3D286E7F083448BEB3F69AD99BFD3069 lymph node of greater curvature of stomach Entire lymph node of greater curvature of stomach (body structure) 8265 8265 08265 lymph node ring of cardia of stomach 279866008 S08265 Structure of lymph node ring of cardia of stomach (body structure) E08265 47216009 Entire lymph node ring of cardia of stomach (body structure) P08265 - 12803 P lymphatic system CBD8C78127184D41834442A5653052FF D3A3F2C21BDD487D9611C41BCDA1D8A9 lymph node ring of cardia of stomach Entire lymph node ring of cardia of stomach (body structure) Left gastric lymph node located around the cardia of stomach. 8266 8266 08266 gastro-omental lymph node 83380007 S08266 Structure of gastro-omental lymph node (body structure) E08266 280040008 Entire gastro-omental lymph node (body structure) P08266 - 66182 P lymphatic system 866836F26BEB455CAFAA3354F2FEA975 3AA5141F1A0C4F7D8B6B8AF1908C89D6 gastro-omental lymph node Entire gastro-omental lymph node (body structure) 8267 8267 08267 pyloric lymph node 24889003 S08267 Structure of pyloric lymph node (body structure) E08267 280127001 Entire pyloric lymph node (body structure) P08267 - 12802 P lymphatic system 935219380BDF4CF1B13B7CA99DB3D172 2C9B2712454441498E234DA583B7D073 pyloric lymph node Entire pyloric lymph node (body structure) 8268 8268 08268 suprapyloric lymph node 280216006 S08268 Structure of suprapyloric lymph node (body structure) E08268 91128000 Entire suprapyloric lymph node (body structure) P08268 - 66183 P lymphatic system 9290CF9011764125A95A6EEE41A64BEA 3F2EE8C1C8D24B0D9C942545878CFEF7 suprapyloric lymph node Entire suprapyloric lymph node (body structure) Pylorioc lymph node located near the bifurcation of gastroduodenal artery and superior to the pylorus. 8269 8269 08269 subpyloric lymph node 280314006 S08269 Structure of subpyloric lymph node (body structure) E08269 3670005 Entire subpyloric lymph node (body structure) P08269 - 66184 P lymphatic system 3A7C3B127B624326B4DC686E47C0380A A8FC62FE3D8B4B0785C101EBB51377FC subpyloric lymph node Entire subpyloric lymph node (body structure) Pylorioc lymph node located in the angle between the superior and descending parts of duodenum. 8270 8270 08270 retropyloric lymph node 280402004 S08270 Structure of retropyloric lymph node (body structure) E08270 33293001 Entire retropyloric lymph node (body structure) P08270 - 66185 P lymphatic system C1E12C62624B4B4FBE6828FB0D7AEC78 B134536FE24B445398B303D1A8F325C2 retropyloric lymph node Entire retropyloric lymph node (body structure) 8271 8271 08271 pancreaticosplenic lymph node 16050005 S08271 Structure of pancreaticosplenic lymph node (body structure) E08271 280723006 Entire pancreaticosplenic lymph node (body structure) P08271 - 12799 P lymphatic system 28CAC69C2A5045CB96B486DA08E9ECE7 1D3C59F66B334B03A6F8F35229891112 pancreaticosplenic lymph node Entire pancreaticosplenic lymph node (body structure) 8272 8272 08272 splenic lymph node 280824006 S08272 Structure of splenic lymph node (body structure) E08272 80088008 Entire splenic lymph node (body structure) P08272 - 66187 P lymphatic system FFB6B33517FE4CEF8AA4475393F663CC A1D174B591AB4BB3AD7BA2184289D08E splenic lymph node Entire splenic lymph node (body structure) Pancreaticosplenioc lymph node located at the splenic hilum. 8273 8273 08273 pancreatic lymph node 77778009 S08273 Structure of pancreatic lymph node (body structure) E08273 276170003 Entire pancreatic lymph node (body structure) P08273 - 16626 P lymphatic system 238886ED552E44D09D47D60EB01B573C F30DC6B2592A45999198D89BCC12607C pancreatic lymph node Entire pancreatic lymph node (body structure) 8274 8274 08274 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of cervical vertebra 19764001 S08274 Structure of anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of cervical vertebra (body structure) E08274 162796009 Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of cervical vertebra (body structure) P08274 - 13555 P articular system 38919DE596F444A7B45991F77AB23707 9B163C49164C4FBD8D5433FD5DF87167 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of cervical vertebra Entire anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of cervical vertebra (body structure) 8275 8275 08275 pancreaticoduodenal lymph node 76659008 S08275 Structure of pancreaticoduodenal lymph node (body structure) E08275 281152007 Entire pancreaticoduodenal lymph node (body structure) P08275 - 16623 P lymphatic system 4756F5450ED042FFA0FEFE9DDCCD5895 3892C72C2F8B4A4EB130E9A0510169CD pancreaticoduodenal lymph node Entire pancreaticoduodenal lymph node (body structure) 8276 8276 08276 inferior pancreaticoduodenal lymph node 281227003 S08276 Structure of inferior pancreaticoduodenal lymph node (body structure) E08276 41254001 Entire inferior pancreaticoduodenal lymph node (body structure) P08276 - 16625 P lymphatic system 10A27941DD424D25BC36C6DBCAAC5F6B 9479A43D9B3B48F9876FF1B4F92F87EE inferior pancreaticoduodenal lymph node Entire inferior pancreaticoduodenal lymph node (body structure) 8277 8277 08277 superior pancreaticoduodenal lymph node 281320004 S08277 Structure of superior pancreaticoduodenal lymph node (body structure) E08277 19424004 Entire superior pancreaticoduodenal lymph node (body structure) P08277 - 16624 P lymphatic system B523ED4524144DBF8A5A7E9586F302A7 298C82672CE74679864C9C7CEFEBE1D1 superior pancreaticoduodenal lymph node Entire superior pancreaticoduodenal lymph node (body structure) 8278 8278 08278 inferior pancreatic lymph node 280915003 S08278 Structure of inferior pancreatic lymph node (body structure) E08278 42291005 Entire inferior pancreatic lymph node (body structure) P08278 - 16628 P lymphatic system C43FA1B5B6E64C08BD3C8CF01312058A EF9E2E4ED6E84593B5AC39A37146A37B inferior pancreatic lymph node Entire inferior pancreatic lymph node (body structure) Pancreaticosplenioc lymph node located along the inferior margin of pancreas. 8279 8279 08279 superior pancreatic lymph node 280999005 S08279 Structure of superior pancreatic lymph node (body structure) E08279 83693006 Entire superior pancreatic lymph node (body structure) P08279 - 16627 P lymphatic system 703F6BB2012F47CFB967BD4296E8BDFC 2CAAA3D622E04A44A07C70A1E5DE72A8 superior pancreatic lymph node Entire superior pancreatic lymph node (body structure) 8280 8280 08280 renal hilar lymph node 249708006 S08280 Structure of renal hilar lymph node (body structure) E08280 65441005 Entire renal hilar lymph node (body structure) P08280 Y P lymphatic system F73CB9044E0341E1B337ACBBC310ABF3 46B2C8429D7C4F2FAE54B2CA1FC1C029 renal hilar lymph node Entire renal hilar lymph node (body structure) 8281 8281 08281 lumbar lymph node 8334002 S08281 Structure of lumbar lymph node (body structure) E08281 281412000 Entire lumbar lymph node (body structure) P08281 Y 84599 P lymphatic system 550347F488344182828110ACF82B126C 585441F3C67B420480ACB2116E6FE049 lumbar lymph node Entire lumbar lymph node (body structure) 8282 8282 08282 intestinal lymph node 36251007 S08282 Structure of intestinal lymph node (body structure) E08282 281507003 Entire intestinal lymph node (body structure) P08282 - 16629 P lymphatic system 4347589D62054CD2A1B18FA2271E683C 3C07179128944C8284D53D8F03B36007 intestinal lymph node Entire intestinal lymph node (body structure) 8283 8283 08283 skin of fourth toe 33007003 S08283 Skin structure of fourth toe (body structure) E08283 181573001 Entire skin of fourth toe (body structure) P08283 Y 37862 D integument/surface 62CF6E5296B04E65AC6CF82F58F41ED6 23778C0FD6264D49B9D47CDC831E6C8E Skin of fourth toe Entire skin of fourth toe (body structure) 8284 8284 08284 intervertebral disc space of cervical vertebra 21238006 S08284 Structure of intervertebral disc space of cervical vertebra (body structure) E08284 163704009 Entire intervertebral disc space of cervical vertebra (body structure) P08284 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 7A10640EF3C544AC8C8319681EFC19D3 4DF30FD081C442E5A6AD73DFD5A2796B intervertebral disc space of cervical vertebra Entire intervertebral disc space of cervical vertebra (body structure) 8285 8285 08285 inferior mesenteric lymph node 113336002 S08285 Structure of inferior mesenteric lymph node (body structure) E08285 245348009 Entire inferior mesenteric lymph node (body structure) P08285 - 12794 P lymphatic system 5C326BB7EFF649408730875A292695EB FFC3E241D80E45279C18A5ABD53E701C inferior mesenteric lymph node Entire inferior mesenteric lymph node (body structure) 8286 8286 08286 sigmoid lymph node 30024008 S08286 Structure of sigmoid lymph node (body structure) E08286 278931004 Entire sigmoid lymph node (body structure) P08286 - 66190 P lymphatic system 2EEC34C509304464B4674D597DBE12DE CB42FD3EE21D43E59A2F6406281AA7DF sigmoid lymph node Entire sigmoid lymph node (body structure) 8287 8287 08287 superior rectal lymph node 68881005 S08287 Structure of superior rectal lymph node (body structure) E08287 279017005 Entire superior rectal lymph node (body structure) P08287 - 16622 P lymphatic system 8A4281BD0223435C938E3A268515474D 11C877A302A94ACC855FF1593CCF0539 superior rectal lymph node Entire superior rectal lymph node (body structure) 8288 8288 08288 ileocolic lymph node 281676003 S08288 Structure of ileocolic lymph node (body structure) E08288 29180003 Entire ileocolic lymph node (body structure) P08288 - 16611 P lymphatic system EE10C55E4EEE49AC94B09C31BA6F6230 9D65F7299C8C429FA934AC8D56332350 ileocolic lymph node Entire ileocolic lymph node (body structure) 8289 8289 08289 right colic lymph node 281939003 S08289 Structure of right colic lymph node (body structure) E08289 41297006 Entire right colic lymph node (body structure) P08289 - 16695 R P lymphatic system 2C5DB1F64BB84031B10AA6DBAE5F3F8A F7736AC07754470385F6ADC83E31660C right colic lymph node Entire right colic lymph node (body structure) 8290 8290 08290 midcolic lymph node 282031000 S08290 Structure of midcolic lymph node (body structure) E08290 113337006 Entire midcolic lymph node (body structure) P08290 - 16697 P lymphatic system 166D22E5B1F4456186AA2ED5BEF10114 E9163CC80021462698C48C065F40113C midcolic lymph node Entire midcolic lymph node (body structure) Intermediate colic lymph node located along the middle colic artery. 8291 8291 08291 left colic lymph node 282116006 S08291 Structure of left colic lymph node (body structure) E08291 22316008 Entire left colic lymph node (body structure) P08291 - 16696 L P lymphatic system 3681EA99313347C7BE24104FF47CDF95 74E8927578AE4A21861ECE70C8249006 left colic lymph node Entire left colic lymph node (body structure) 8292 8292 08292 colic lymph node 8356004 S08292 Structure of colic lymph node (body structure) E08292 281593008 Entire colic lymph node (body structure) P08292 - 16612 P lymphatic system B183D13805DC41C18E925C2B77DECAE6 E8BC5DF3E59847F5ACB3DADFC2A0A3E6 colic lymph node Entire colic lymph node (body structure) 8293 8293 08293 common duct lymph node 280639005 S08293 Structure of common duct lymph node (body structure) E08293 62615001 Entire common duct lymph node (body structure) P08293 - P lymphatic system 7C6540528DFB4B8088F0A7AEB3CB5C45 2A89C696D9904AFF9E4F8CF282D79433 common duct lymph node Entire common duct lymph node (body structure) 8294 8294 08294 retroperitoneal lymph node 91394001 S08294 Structure of retroperitoneal lymph node (body structure) E08294 249613000 Entire retroperitoneal lymph node (body structure) P08294 Y 16694 P lymphatic system 47AED024B3974C8FBF31E31E2CAFEF3E 6F451F108C69408DBF52B0AE6A641271 retroperitoneal lymph node Entire retroperitoneal lymph node (body structure) 8295 8295 08295 cervical vertebral canal 32308008 S08295 Structure of cervical spinal canal (body structure) E08295 165956006 Entire cervical spinal canal (body structure) P08295 - 83804 P 6D95680F8BA340EAB8E4775F08A7A967 C1259EC681B2419EB06B3060A4084307 cervical spinal canal Entire cervical spinal canal (body structure) 8296 8296 08296 prececal lymph node 281765006 S08296 Structure of prececal lymph node (body structure) E08296 41559005 Entire prececal lymph node (body structure) P08296 - 16692 P lymphatic system 678FEF6C83DC46DDBC9D8AEE5568741F EF4BE77F86694285B884749AED3DFA19 prececal lymph node Entire prececal lymph node (body structure) 8297 8297 08297 retrocecal lymph node 281847004 S08297 Structure of retrocecal lymph node (body structure) E08297 57448002 Entire retrocecal lymph node (body structure) P08297 - 16693 P lymphatic system 94660799C10D448D9607EBB66A7B0F26 8C974E8BA197412E9BB1CEF9175CE09D retrocecal lymph node Entire retrocecal lymph node (body structure) 8298 8298 08298 appendicular lymph node 46157003 S08298 Structure of appendicular lymph node (body structure) E08298 282217007 Entire appendicular lymph node (body structure) P08298 - 16620 P lymphatic system 660AAF05BD704492A5BD0F0EA012180D 77D65772679843C2AE45CEB8A932A35F appendicular lymph node Entire appendicular lymph node (body structure) 8299 8299 08299 iliac lymph node 84219008 S08299 Structure of iliac lymph node (body structure) E08299 314889004 Entire iliac lymph node (body structure) P08299 Y P lymphatic system 1A8EBFA883FD4A3487EB8E4F76457F41 6E2795F8EC9F40BC80A3EAE978FE9628 iliac lymph node Entire iliac lymph node (body structure) 8300 8300 08300 medial common iliac lymph node 34625003 S08300 Structure of medial common iliac lymph node (body structure) E08300 245356007 Entire medial common iliac lymph node (body structure) P08300 Y 16641 P lymphatic system 7CB203F409E84331BD4A7D81C222AAAA 0352466C552F4DD7B212CE1A7C244366 medial common iliac lymph node Entire medial common iliac lymph node (body structure) 8301 8301 08301 intermediate common iliac lymph node 64556009 S08301 Structure of intermediate common iliac lymph node (body structure) E08301 279100001 Entire intermediate common iliac lymph node (body structure) P08301 Y 16642 P lymphatic system 9CF74DABF9C74413AE25F3A7FFB7F4DB 673A010CEB104E3CB2AD84423E079A02 intermediate common iliac lymph node Entire intermediate common iliac lymph node (body structure) 8302 8302 08302 lateral common iliac lymph node 41145006 S08302 Structure of lateral common iliac lymph node (body structure) E08302 245355006 Entire lateral common iliac lymph node (body structure) P08302 Y 16643 P lymphatic system E474466130B04B2D844559F292F9D891 1C50ED223D154B34BE3E38C987754A02 lateral common iliac lymph node Entire lateral common iliac lymph node (body structure) 8303 8303 08303 promontory common iliac lymph node 279189002 S08303 Structure of promontory common iliac lymph node (body structure) E08303 1874005 Entire promontory common iliac lymph node (body structure) P08303 Y 16645 P lymphatic system F9E12BA5A4534B18A0F8B36C70CE4716 5B69B9247163408181BAA7D70494BF70 promontory common iliac lymph node Entire promontory common iliac lymph node (body structure) 8304 8304 08304 external iliac lymph node 65349008 S08304 Structure of external iliac lymph node (body structure) E08304 245358008 Entire external iliac lymph node (body structure) P08304 Y 16646 P lymphatic system F1D9C5D80CFB4B688F0FFD1B7B21CFA1 77ADB078CB724FAA8ECD316EC0751860 external iliac lymph node Entire external iliac lymph node (body structure) 8305 8305 08305 medial external iliac lymph node 42472007 S08305 Structure of medial external iliac lymph node (body structure) E08305 245360005 Entire medial external iliac lymph node (body structure) P08305 Y 16647 P lymphatic system D2E27DD6740C41E889D55016D448690D 6EDC0DD5AFA34FBCA4A4491993AFE60E medial external iliac lymph node Entire medial external iliac lymph node (body structure) 8306 8306 08306 lateral external iliac lymph node 40242007 S08306 Structure of lateral external iliac lymph node (body structure) E08306 245361009 Entire lateral external iliac lymph node (body structure) P08306 Y 16649 P lymphatic system A95D3331AC5941D9A44520F4DFFA948B F692FCB0B907437CA5F3CCC41D5032C4 lateral external iliac lymph node Entire lateral external iliac lymph node (body structure) 8307 8307 08307 medial lacunar lymph node 23198005 S08307 Structure of medial lacunar lymph node (body structure) E08307 278845006 Entire medial lacunar lymph node (body structure) P08307 Y 77165 P lymphatic system EB30FE7838B7440CADA7B42AC8ED6680 8A0C4CAB7AE049BE9FB22BEC57BEB952 medial lacunar lymph node Entire medial lacunar lymph node (body structure) 8308 8308 08308 interiliac lymph node 279271008 S08308 Structure of interiliac lymph node (body structure) E08308 22736006 Entire interiliac lymph node (body structure) P08308 Y 16651 P lymphatic system C3F4102E091943C986ABDC0D801CAF5A 6886E86B888F4E3D9478F2CDAA6588BC interiliac lymph node Entire interiliac lymph node (body structure) 8309 8309 08309 obturator lymph node 36086000 S08309 Structure of obturator lymph node (body structure) E08309 245368003 Entire obturator lymph node (body structure) P08309 Y 16656 P lymphatic system CA8A4BF4BDE94AEA8668656757206432 8D7FE33121204E2381399178330FB030 obturator lymph node Entire obturator lymph node (body structure) 8310 8310 08310 hypogastric lymph node 69255009 S08310 Structure of hypogastric lymph node (body structure) E08310 279363006 Entire hypogastric lymph node (body structure) P08310 - P lymphatic system D1C68574239A4603A59F960D69F6AA33 2696D0CCF32E43979306EC2A234B4335 hypogastric lymph node Entire hypogastric lymph node (body structure) 8311 8311 08311 gluteal lymph node 80867000 S08311 Structure of gluteal lymph node (body structure) E08311 276154000 Entire gluteal lymph node (body structure) P08311 Y 16657 P lymphatic system 546EEE1436C745E7BF57B503ADA31B2D 3228FEC6BDEE42BE84EF9F64281281C9 gluteal lymph node Entire gluteal lymph node (body structure) 8312 8312 08312 posterior arch of atlas 20561003 S08312 Structure of posterior arch of atlas (body structure) E08312 181892007 Entire posterior arch of atlas (body structure) P08312 - 23977 P skeletal system A0193E1CC9CE4A109689E1B75D31DAED BE921CA1F172437B8D464717850F9867 posterior arch of atlas Entire posterior arch of atlas (body structure) 8313 8313 08313 inferior gluteal lymph node 40684008 S08313 Structure of inferior gluteal lymph node (body structure) E08313 245364001 Entire inferior gluteal lymph node (body structure) P08313 Y 16659 P lymphatic system 75C82803F9094BB4B2CDB30B1BB35488 47E8584D5F2643AE815D949CCE341E78 inferior gluteal lymph node Entire inferior gluteal lymph node (body structure) 8314 8314 08314 superior gluteal lymph node 76290003 S08314 Structure of superior gluteal lymph node (body structure) E08314 245363007 Entire superior gluteal lymph node (body structure) P08314 Y 16658 P lymphatic system CC79C87BE1054B90B4D34F40D4AA8262 C12E1BD7A25D47BCB06598B34A28B7CC superior gluteal lymph node Entire superior gluteal lymph node (body structure) 8315 8315 08315 sacral lymph node 79926007 S08315 Structure of sacral lymph node (body structure) E08315 279797001 Entire sacral lymph node (body structure) P08315 - 16655 P lymphatic system E5BC0495532148DDBA7D503896E65F99 4F83290B5C664A7E8821B6C41DC4EB70 sacral lymph node Entire sacral lymph node (body structure) 8316 8316 08316 parametrial lymph node 3243006 S08316 Structure of parametrial lymph node (body structure) E08316 368103005 Entire parametrial lymph node (body structure) P08316 Y 16664 P genital system 41F57D8A6F4A4828BD9DABB2E6792F4D D52DEC6DA4D044F1AF953C5A0FE8E7FB parametrial lymph node Entire parametrial lymph node (body structure) 8317 8317 08317 epigastric lymph node 60965003 S08317 Structure of epigastric lymph node (body structure) E08317 282313009 Entire epigastric lymph node (body structure) P08317 Y P lymphatic system 951545D5A50A4FBD92B858CF68684D43 7A4DEFC42CFD48958CF6B10450D34E7E epigastric lymph node Entire epigastric lymph node (body structure) 8318 8318 08318 presymphysial lymph node 6413002 S08318 Structure of presymphysial lymph node (body structure) E08318 279448009 Entire presymphysial lymph node (body structure) P08318 - 16667 P lymphatic system 85CA93FF1B50445D9052F567612B3AC2 1E402D1987FA47679CC1F1D056F1222C presymphysial lymph node Entire presymphysial lymph node (body structure) 8319 8319 08319 uterine paracervical lymph node 5394000 S08319 Structure of uterine paracervical lymph node (body structure) E08319 278324007 Entire uterine paracervical lymph node (body structure) P08319 Y 16666 P lymphatic system DC43B22CFA29467398717E617FBA4028 10255F9E45134CF38003DEFB3DF640DF uterine paracervical lymph node Entire uterine paracervical lymph node (body structure) 8320 8320 08320 paravesicular lymph node 1439000 S08320 Structure of paravesicular lymph node (body structure) E08320 278502008 Entire paravesicular lymph node (body structure) P08320 Y 16660 P lymphatic system FB7FBB30E43C45F9BDF35C5599D095BC 72A404049BA04F0A9E1B40BF14D6C1D8 paravesicular lymph node Entire paravesicular lymph node (body structure) 8321 8321 08321 prevesicular lymph node 11740004 S08321 Structure of prevesicular lymph node (body structure) E08321 278765005 Entire prevesicular lymph node (body structure) P08321 Y 16661 P lymphatic system 8265E14E5E404DE881D3860E9ED4DECE 12725A1C6FE144F5AE57B4F5BA478353 prevesicular lymph node Entire prevesicular lymph node (body structure) 8322 8322 08322 postvesicular lymph node 278571002 S08322 Structure of postvesicular lymph node (body structure) E08322 113339009 Entire postvesicular lymph node (body structure) P08322 Y 16662 P lymphatic system F819E5F12EB14E578812C9DD129F5114 525CCF673F1B4D26A4E59C7DCDE3A414 postvesicular lymph node Entire postvesicular lymph node (body structure) 8323 8323 08323 transverse foramen of atlas 78783004 S08323 Structure of transverse foramen of atlas (body structure) E08323 281220001 Entire transverse foramen of atlas (body structure) P08323 Y 23998 P skeletal system 761958A3FC2E4362AF2DD2F54C768E7F 887BBB80B3AA49618E34D6D765C10A1D transverse foramen of atlas Entire transverse foramen of atlas (body structure) 8324 8324 08324 lateral vesicular lymph node 278672000 S08324 Structure of lateral vesicular lymph node (body structure) E08324 40496009 Entire lateral vesicular lymph node (body structure) P08324 Y 16663 P lymphatic system AB35CC88CD7A4C5C929CD82259DC0C1E 04973AF5B26A4CF0AA8A4A2A1B74E225 lateral vesicular lymph node Entire lateral vesicular lymph node (body structure) 8325 8325 08325 paravaginal lymph node 16228004 S08325 Structure of paravaginal lymph node (body structure) E08325 278418000 Entire paravaginal lymph node (body structure) P08325 Y 16668 P lymphatic system 7CBB316340DD4C9CA28FED8A062BD045 E70397DB8DDD425EAD70B85C9ACB1B27 paravaginal lymph node Entire paravaginal lymph node (body structure) 8326 8326 08326 pararectal lymph node 21875007 S08326 Structure of pararectal lymph node (body structure) E08326 245349001 Entire pararectal lymph node (body structure) P08326 Y 16621 P lymphatic system B2B30488813643FAAE52C8886957B831 76625162E11341FABF53F02DB1ACB084 pararectal lymph node Entire pararectal lymph node (body structure) 8327 8327 08327 lateral axillary lymph node 33770006 S08327 Structure of lateral axillary lymph node (body structure) E08327 368547007 Entire lateral axillary lymph node (body structure) P08327 Y 14186 P lymphatic system DD75D988BA864E42A91CFCA5168A8BBD 6A7028FA7C524E6CBFF60B43C952B255 lateral axillary lymph node Entire lateral axillary lymph node (body structure) 8328 8328 08328 central axillary lymph node 283001 S08328 Structure of central axillary lymph node (body structure) E08328 245329005 Entire central axillary lymph node (body structure) P08328 Y 14189 P lymphatic system 38F1C07A80024E9D99E3B329AC601265 894B510B83BE461FAA0458E71AC6B3E4 central axillary lymph node Entire central axillary lymph node (body structure) 8329 8329 08329 apical axillary lymph node 16051009 S08329 Structure of apical axillary lymph node (body structure) E08329 368548002 Entire apical axillary lymph node (body structure) P08329 Y 14190 P lymphatic system E9640A52682143F98EA48B07C320CE72 9BAA3D108F8D47BEA15C3353860EE232 apical axillary lymph node Entire apical axillary lymph node (body structure) 8330 8330 08330 pectoral axillary lymph node 69691007 S08330 Structure of pectoral axillary lymph node (body structure) E08330 368549005 Entire pectoral axillary lymph node (body structure) P08330 Y 14188 P lymphatic system B27DB46394BF47EEA19CF07CED15BF89 A2B4B142B0214E28B89B93AB2EE6BDCE pectoral axillary lymph node Entire pectoral axillary lymph node (body structure) 8331 8331 08331 lateral mass of atlas 40349000 S08331 Structure of lateral mass of atlas (body structure) E08331 181894008 Entire lateral mass of atlas (body structure) P08331 Y 23978 P skeletal system 56632B69E17B4565A0B014A081E9B495 5C8C50E6783D4D6E91B417E703B4B35E lateral mass of atlas Entire lateral mass of atlas (body structure) 8332 8332 08332 paramammary lymph node 368550005 S08332 Structure of paramammary lymph node (body structure) E08332 1611006 Entire paramammary lymph node (body structure) P08332 Y 44313 P lymphatic system 164C3A13A8D84BF8ABBFD9D27B5D3C15 73C476B74866474F9F84396D8B396C3E paramammary lymph node Entire paramammary lymph node (body structure) 8333 8333 08333 cubital lymph node 34775006 S08333 Structure of cubital lymph node (body structure) E08333 368553007 Entire cubital lymph node (body structure) P08333 Y 44315 P lymphatic system 944559048FB64D758DB206C2A067CEDE 1E9EC2FE4C2045A8925A9ED56C1FA499 cubital lymph node Entire cubital lymph node (body structure) 8334 8334 08334 epitrochlear lymph node 28870006 S08334 Structure of epitrochlear lymph node (body structure) E08334 263992006 Entire epitrochlear lymph node (body structure) P08334 Y P lymphatic system 5EBD69B25A8D48209D35C94DC2AB0834 841B1FAA54FB4FD1837E1A819E2F88ED epitrochlear lymph node Entire epitrochlear lymph node (body structure) 8335 8335 08335 superficial inguinal lymph node 113340006 S08335 Structure of superficial inguinal lymph node (body structure) E08335 245370007 Entire superficial inguinal lymph node (body structure) P08335 Y 5036 P genitourinary system 798267C40D564FBCBB612E35CB926C8F 36DA71E5BCCD41C4A7A51F83945F98C5 superficial inguinal lymph node Entire superficial inguinal lymph node (body structure) 8336 8336 08336 anterior arch of atlas 35475002 S08336 Structure of anterior arch of atlas (body structure) E08336 181891000 Entire anterior arch of atlas (body structure) P08336 - 23976 P skeletal system 349E09F9BF254089BDC4808F32CD1C31 297CCD15B0AC436F9D96D6BE7F7A72E6 anterior arch of atlas Entire anterior arch of atlas (body structure) 8337 8337 08337 inferior inguinal lymph node 85380009 S08337 Structure of inferior inguinal lymph node (body structure) E08337 303269009 Entire inferior inguinal lymph node (body structure) P08337 Y 44302 P lymphatic system 2303479617C342B0A2213175DBA50B9D 92064DFD4E2847C295481109D807645C inferior inguinal lymph node Entire inferior inguinal lymph node (body structure) 8338 8338 08338 deep popliteal lymph node 35721009 S08338 Structure of deep popliteal lymph node (body structure) E08338 303354005 Entire deep popliteal lymph node (body structure) P08338 Y 44232 P lymphatic system 251FB1D7FFE94646943BCA61A1DF3E09 80CF71CDD72B446693CACAD47C9AC2CC deep popliteal lymph node Entire deep popliteal lymph node (body structure) 8339 8339 08339 superficial popliteal lymph node 12728001 S08339 Structure of superficial popliteal lymph node (body structure) E08339 303448005 Entire superficial popliteal lymph node (body structure) P08339 Y 44231 P lymphatic system 76622D9B52194C18B3A3593048137068 EBA6F511BD124259ACC12C064C0E2F2D superficial popliteal lymph node Entire superficial popliteal lymph node (body structure) 8340 8340 08340 tibial lymph node 80769008 S08340 Structure of tibial lymph node (body structure) E08340 303543004 Entire tibial lymph node (body structure) P08340 Y 44306 P lymphatic system BAC22894BB5143EAB49DE30E36FD1808 A2ED587F042A434A9E0F388450142E9F tibial lymph node Entire tibial lymph node (body structure) 8341 8341 08341 posterior tibial lymph node 303623000 S08341 Structure of posterior tibial lymph node (body structure) E08341 58666003 Entire posterior tibial lymph node (body structure) P08341 Y 44307 P lymphatic system EDF7387785F84B7AB9870FD5031B6E48 0CA9F40C041B4C53B8807DD0F5AA74CE posterior tibial lymph node Entire posterior tibial lymph node (body structure) 8342 8342 08342 anterior tibial lymph node 303713004 S08342 Structure of anterior tibial lymph node (body structure) E08342 79684005 Entire anterior tibial lymph node (body structure) P08342 Y 44308 P lymphatic system 507A2DCFDB6843BB90D99A5C7BDAD101 B5A147A85BCF402A866FE38DD2645FCC anterior tibial lymph node Entire anterior tibial lymph node (body structure) 8343 8343 08343 fibular lymph node 31171007 S08343 Structure of fibular lymph node (body structure) E08343 303811008 Entire fibular lymph node (body structure) P08343 Y 44309 P lymphatic system 60AF27799378423CAE7E5534CA329F24 4D383F0D860B416E85D1F3154AB23325 fibular lymph node Entire fibular lymph node (body structure) 8344 8344 08344 lymph nodes of body as a whole 89524008 S08344 Structure of lymph nodes of body as a whole (body structure) E08344 327828000 Entire lymph nodes of body as a whole (body structure) P08344 - P lymphoreticular system 38F87FFEF8034E399C9EB6C15DD1E0AC 382E53071A4343779EED38F4505B2CD3 lymph nodes of body as a whole Entire lymph nodes of body as a whole (body structure) 8345 8345 08345 superior articular facet of atlas 54219001 S08345 Structure of superior articular facet of atlas (body structure) E08345 181896005 Entire superior articular facet of atlas (body structure) P08345 Y 23985 P skeletal system C6D7C7EAC34D45178D757B5595FFED63 4940EA1DC749466EA61E76C0C2912DC0 superior articular facet of atlas Entire superior articular facet of atlas (body structure) 8346 8346 08346 superficial lymphatic vessel 330217002 S08346 Structure of superficial lymphatic vessel (body structure) E08346 20315002 Entire superficial lymphatic vessel (body structure) P08346 - 52011 P lymphatic system 2E419EB10AD8451F8B21A7B699D9A938 F1B1A059678846299718B432ACDF1B3D superficial lymphatic vessel Entire superficial lymphatic vessel (body structure) 8347 8347 08347 deep lymphatic vessel 330318009 S08347 Structure of deep lymphatic vessel (body structure) E08347 14033005 Entire deep lymphatic vessel (body structure) P08347 - 52012 P lymphatic system EFC3E73B8B5945598FB8E7EF0F53E4AB 09DF9CA57EA64671B882D303FBB53671 deep lymphatic vessel Entire deep lymphatic vessel (body structure) 8348 8348 08348 lymphatic vessel 83555006 S08348 Structure of lymphatic vessel (body structure) E08348 279089004 Entire lymphatic vessel (body structure) P08348 - 30315 P lymphatic system 10D4A8107D1A459B9D1E4912F85AD5F7 1DD21E54B750478FB563E78486888CBD lymphatic vessel Entire lymphatic vessel (body structure) 8349 8349 08349 lacteal 85528004 S08349 Structure of lacteal (body structure) E08349 282414002 Entire lacteal (body structure) P08349 - 68443 P lymphatic system 25C3D24A3A8F492A965C94481FA1E567 D5C9ECF1BB72402384D0B72440570F7F lacteal Entire lacteal (body structure) 8351 8351 08351 inferior articular facet of atlas 41860006 S08351 Structure of inferior articular facet of atlas (body structure) E08351 181897001 Entire inferior articular facet of atlas (body structure) P08351 Y 23986 P skeletal system 21BB4A3BD42642B29C122F33FA84AF41 01CF4F0BB6D947FC959030CDE17B5A50 inferior articular facet of atlas Entire inferior articular facet of atlas (body structure) 8352 8352 08352 lymphatic vessel of scalp 54226001 S08352 Structure of lymphatic vessel of scalp (body structure) E08352 368679007 Entire lymphatic vessel of scalp (body structure) P08352 - P lymphatic system D9F31206832C44C6945331F43673AE7B 6EDD1300F0D64AA5BABA722A60B501C5 lymphatic vessel of scalp Entire lymphatic vessel of scalp (body structure) 8353 8353 08353 lymphatic vessel of eyelid and conjunctiva 19407005 S08353 Structure of lymphatic vessel of eyelid and conjunctiva (body structure) E08353 368861006 Entire lymphatic vessel of eyelid and conjunctiva (body structure) P08353 Y P special senses organ system 48087A598DDD46E39278FACE1CE40775 609DBCC2A7D34312B067C71215DE02AD lymphatic vessel of eyelid and conjunctiva Entire lymphatic vessel of eyelid and conjunctiva (body structure) 8354 8354 08354 lymphatic vessel of nose, face and lip 60559008 S08354 Structure of lymphatic vessel of nose, face and lip (body structure) E08354 369010005 Entire lymphatic vessel of nose, face and lip (body structure) P08354 - P lymphatic system F91D18D0EE504FFEB2EE476FC87D4387 32DA06A828414739A68E2C9B69F2BA8C lymphatic vessel of nose, face and lip Entire lymphatic vessel of nose, face and lip (body structure) 8355 8355 08355 lymphatic vessel of ear 11540001 S08355 Structure of lymphatic vessel of ear (body structure) E08355 368978001 Entire lymphatic vessel of ear (body structure) P08355 Y P special senses organ system C0A13C11E0EF4416BD31756AAD77F19B 1EC6095491D548858C58208DC71DEE61 lymphatic vessel of ear Entire lymphatic vessel of ear (body structure) 8356 8356 08356 lymphatic vessel of oral region 72205001 S08356 Structure of lymphatic vessel of oral structures (body structure) E08356 368760003 Entire lymphatic vessel of oral structure (body structure) P08356 - P digestive system 25817EEFDBD546A4B26BEB221CB67C80 FA8582EAC3494511BDF4B18F225AD70C lymphatic vessel of orals Entire lymphatic vessel of oral structure (body structure) 8357 8357 08357 lymphatic vessel of nasal cavity 70360003 S08357 Structure of lymphatic vessel of nasal cavity (body structure) E08357 368897002 Entire lymphatic vessel of nasal cavity (body structure) P08357 - P lymphatic system E5210091D4BF49E58080BADE32550FCE 03CCFFDA143940918C886DF4CD0D1EA6 lymphatic vessel of nasal cavity Entire lymphatic vessel of nasal cavity (body structure) 8358 8358 08358 lymphatic vessel of pharynx 53731005 S08358 Structure of lymphatic vessel of pharynx (body structure) E08358 179661002 Entire lymphatic vessel of pharynx (body structure) P08358 - P digestive system A53C0F22CEB142BF985BA51E7B42F7F1 7B8B46643205446392603A48C8F101DD lymphatic vessel of pharynx Entire lymphatic vessel of pharynx (body structure) 8359 8359 08359 lymphatic vessel of larynx 73247005 S08359 Structure of lymphatic vessel of larynx (body structure) E08359 172373008 Entire lymphatic vessel of larynx (body structure) P08359 - P lymphatic system D345A29FBE4E4965BE352D2B13A14A5E 6770AC1A8FB54B52964D00B473E2C926 lymphatic vessel of larynx Entire lymphatic vessel of larynx (body structure) 8360 8360 08360 lymphatic vessel of thyroid gland 6371005 S08360 Structure of lymphatic vessel of thyroid gland (body structure) E08360 168645008 Entire lymphatic vessel of thyroid gland (body structure) P08360 Y P endocrine system 5A5255C3D9C448E393EC3CED42511E38 5D8A390FB6CC4CF9943BD76461F3567B lymphatic vessel of thyroid gland Entire lymphatic vessel of thyroid gland (body structure) 8361 8361 08361 deep cervical lymphatic vessel 9438006 S08361 Structure of deep cervical lymphatics (body structure) E08361 168839003 Entire deep cervical lymphatics (body structure) P08361 Y 14218 P lymphatic system F7BA7C3E11304FC88113668A6A51E8DA AB426087E38443029502F5FE5728D79F deep cervical lymphatics Entire deep cervical lymphatics (body structure) 8362 8362 08362 jugular lymphatic trunk 91659002 S08362 Structure of jugular lymphatic trunk (body structure) E08362 279094004 Entire jugular lymphatic trunk (body structure) P08362 Y 12250 P lymphatic system 6843138458F04FE4927DF4DD0FC98B61 A80D7FB73B3048A09CDC12AACB0DBADA jugular lymphatic trunk Entire jugular lymphatic trunk (body structure) 8363 8363 08363 subclavian lymphatic trunk 34166004 S08363 Structure of subclavian lymphatic trunk (body structure) E08363 279132001 Entire subclavian lymphatic trunk (body structure) P08363 Y 12252 P lymphatic system 8ED3755C79784BA0AA1C863EB34F3124 3BC60D2E29B3446487764358CC73CBB2 subclavian lymphatic trunk Entire subclavian lymphatic trunk (body structure) 8364 8364 08364 superficial lymphatic vessel of upper limb 57081005 S08364 Structure of superficial lymphatic vessel of upper extremity (body structure) E08364 368551009 Entire superficial lymphatic vessel of upper extremity (body structure) P08364 Y P lymphatic system 641E930918D24497988DE542F42DB3EA A6623E1868684A249501B852838F2E8E superficial lymphatic vessel of upper extremity Entire superficial lymphatic vessel of upper extremity (body structure) 8365 8365 08365 deep lymphatic of upper limb 3438001 S08365 Structure of deep lymphatic vessel of upper extremity (body structure) E08365 368552002 Entire deep lymphatic vessel of upper extremity (body structure) P08365 Y P lymphatic system 06218AE642F54BF1B91B88FCAC0534E4 8771AD3194014878ACEA0ED282FA58AE deep lymphatic vessel of upper extremity Entire deep lymphatic vessel of upper extremity (body structure) 8366 8366 08366 lymphatic vessel of thorax 1765002 S08366 Structure of lymphatic vessel of thorax (body structure) E08366 204251009 Entire lymphatic vessel of thorax (body structure) P08366 - 278543 P lymphatic system FA31D3C1590C44438E3B835CD9C2C70E 8DD90D397CF443D89C004F3E79E7E298 lymphatic vessel of thorax Entire lymphatic vessel of thorax (body structure) 8367 8367 08367 superficial lymphatic vessel of thorax 9783008 S08367 Structure of superficial lymphatic vessel of thorax (body structure) E08367 321956000 Entire superficial lymphatic vessel of thorax (body structure) P08367 - 52125 P lymphatic system C7FDECAB1B95414BA1AAA78F4C49DFD9 F0CF8AEB3D254069874F1BA52FD38A21 superficial lymphatic vessel of thorax Entire superficial lymphatic vessel of thorax (body structure) 8368 8368 08368 gland 362884007 S08368 Gland structure (body structure) E08368 134358001 Gland (body structure) P08368 - 86294 P 48607BDCAE8643DF8D62B8D7AF441300 2F3415E50C7640F7B4EBAD31430AAFF6 Gland Gland (body structure) 8369 8369 08369 hematological system 414387006 S08369 Structure of hematological system (body structure) E08369 281833003 Entire hematological system (body structure) P08369 - P hematological system F71F8BCB1B994E348816B150C81F690A DD790E26B22F4608B9636A6FB7A1FF7F hematological system Entire hematological system (body structure) 8370 8370 08370 digital vein of finger 363578009 S08370 Digital vein structure of the hand (body structure) E08370 315032005 Entire digital vein of finger (body structure) P08370 Y P venous system 1B322DBE82FE47B9A812FAB185591ABC EF7388879DD643D69D97513299C8C967 Digital vein of the hand Entire digital vein of finger (body structure) 8371 8371 08371 pole of kidney 363531008 S08371 Structure of pole of kidney (body structure) E08371 279366003 Entire pole of kidney (body structure) P08371 Y P urinary system DABEF901B9C74CC9BFA3023266F73F1E 662F0E1039EA42DC99888456BE26803E pole of kidney Entire pole of kidney (body structure) 8372 8372 08372 surface of kidney 363532001 S08372 Structure of surface of kidney (body structure) E08372 279367007 Entire surface of kidney (body structure) P08372 Y 15588 P urinary system 82BB73D82A2C45D197623AEEE2BA64E8 61FEB98FA40C48F389363F844D6FA21D surface of kidney Entire surface of kidney (body structure) 8373 8373 08373 border of kidney 363533006 S08373 Structure of border of kidney (body structure) E08373 279369005 Entire border of kidney (body structure) P08373 Y P urinary system 15688952300449ACAF2F14BEDF0DBBE9 9C23701338844B42ADFD85FC6BA0A129 border of kidney Entire border of kidney (body structure) 8374 8374 08374 layer of kidney 363529004 S08374 Structure of layer of kidney (body structure) E08374 279372003 Entire layer of kidney (body structure) P08374 Y P urinary system 76A9215A1B1247B5B800074A0649D3BF 295AF6D77DC64E249834C3238B1AA220 layer of kidney Entire layer of kidney (body structure) 8375 8375 08375 penile ligament 410742004 S08375 Structure of penile ligament (body structure) E08375 279720005 Entire penile ligament (body structure) P08375 - P genital system 3D772F25C59143BDB7A4AE16FA38FA7E AA9700C1898243729B36D33E9DB2C730 penile ligament Entire penile ligament (body structure) 8376 8376 08376 fundiform ligament of penis 410741006 S08376 Structure of fundiform ligament of penis (body structure) E08376 279724001 Entire fundiform ligament of penis (body structure) P08376 - 19659 P musculoskeletal system D36E56B6B344406BB03DCB4B35EA8246 0912DFEC191C472589367DF015673D95 fundiform ligament of penis Entire fundiform ligament of penis (body structure) 8377 8377 08377 tendon sheath of upper limb 410783001 S08377 Structure of tendon sheath of upper limb (body structure) E08377 280066006 Entire tendon sheath of upper limb (body structure) P08377 Y P musculoskeletal system DA64A1333D1347CF8238DFB6E9D56083 F329A8613BCE4DA694F802B51FA60DD8 tendon sheath of upper limb Entire tendon sheath of upper limb (body structure) 8378 8378 08378 tendon sheath of lower limb 410784007 S08378 Structure of tendon sheath of lower limb (body structure) E08378 280067002 Entire tendon sheath of lower limb (body structure) P08378 Y P musculoskeletal system 044FE984D6494799BDB69E3ACA6185DA F04C720A418B48318C3B1D05B7F14587 tendon sheath of lower limb Entire tendon sheath of lower limb (body structure) 8379 8379 08379 flexor tendon sheath of forearm, wrist, hand 410788005 S08379 Structure of flexor tendon sheath of forearm, wrist, hand (body structure) E08379 280078005 Entire flexor tendon sheath of forearm, wrist, hand (body structure) P08379 Y P musculoskeletal system 0AF87F068E874FFD874E03398DF162A9 4960AE69B0774D2D9AF8619156BA913E flexor tendon sheath of forearm, wrist, hand Entire flexor tendon sheath of forearm, wrist, hand (body structure) 8380 8380 08380 maxillary labial sulcus 417954005 S08380 Structure of maxillary labial sulcus (body structure) E08380 280997007 Entire maxillary labial sulcus (body structure) P08380 Y P digestive system 040257E8B95C4E2BBFDB81E2772D1715 5B67B015D5A64C2AA297B603A01688B8 maxillary labial sulcus Entire maxillary labial sulcus (body structure) 8381 8381 08381 flexor compartment of thigh 410768006 S08381 Structure of flexor compartment of thigh (body structure) E08381 264475004 Entire flexor compartment of thigh (body structure) P08381 Y 45157 P musculoskeletal system 30EA0C51660F495AA7F29EE5317B25D1 54E8771DA9FA48A7AC50C3A60E0E4212 flexor compartment of thigh Entire flexor compartment of thigh (body structure) 8382 8382 08382 deep vein of lower limb 119556008 S08382 Structure of deep vein of lower extremity (body structure) E08382 281064002 Entire deep vein of lower limb (body structure) P08382 Y 71585 P venous system 11A1C8CCE4264973866BB579A7DF2C10 BB7D47F725B84D13A1BEA713D6531B3A deep vein of lower extremity Entire deep vein of lower limb (body structure) 8383 8383 08383 flexor compartment of forearm 118514003 S08383 Structure of flexor compartment of forearm (body structure) E08383 264474000 Entire flexor compartment of forearm (body structure) P08383 Y 12255 P musculoskeletal system BA4CEB5F67284B77A210805A8C0C3BB2 4670757E959847E68661095352F81CE7 flexor compartment of forearm Entire flexor compartment of forearm (body structure) 8384 8384 08384 space of central compartment of palm 410779001 S08384 Structure of palmar space (body structure) E08384 282441007 Entire palmar space (body structure) P08384 Y 85181 P 9C9E0AB4BD614C17BEE21000BE96E320 F20DD3A070454AE2AA790AC81BE9FB5C palmar space Entire palmar space (body structure) 8386 8386 08386 upper buccal frenum 418337005 S08386 Structure of upper buccal frenum (body structure) E08386 303772001 Entire upper buccal frenum (body structure) P08386 Y P digestive system 5A0D7B9D0A3D4CF1A11C65DC8037D75B 757FBE1BF04C4B9792DB98D7C7B47342 upper buccal frenum Entire upper buccal frenum (body structure) 8387 8387 08387 compartment of upper arm 410775007 S08387 Structure of compartment of upper arm (body structure) E08387 307035003 Entire compartment of upper arm (body structure) P08387 Y P musculoskeletal system 7AD7E001E7024260822D58BBD65661E6 BFF918013B404AACB691E951665F6A58 compartment of upper arm Entire compartment of upper arm (body structure) 8388 8388 08388 compartment of forearm 410776008 S08388 Structure of compartment of forearm (body structure) E08388 307036002 Entire compartment of forearm (body structure) P08388 Y P musculoskeletal system 57D42E2763B642EA9212890A50E98E21 7BE265BEF6AF4AD39FC3241374A7AE01 compartment of forearm Entire compartment of forearm (body structure) 8389 8389 08389 compartment of thigh 118516001 S08389 Structure of thigh compartment (body structure) E08389 307039009 Entire compartment of thigh (body structure) P08389 Y P musculoskeletal system A471B704B0B2499BB1984CAA6A355B3E 84566209A39C49389FA175D88691ACC3 thigh compartment Entire compartment of thigh (body structure) 8390 8390 08390 compartment of lower leg 410763002 S08390 Structure of compartment of lower leg (body structure) E08390 307040006 Entire compartment of lower leg (body structure) P08390 Y P musculoskeletal system 1A36814D42E9428AB7014DD4E5C917D0 2A60A01B93FB4E9F978AD112F3ADBFEA compartment of lower leg Entire compartment of lower leg (body structure) 8391 8391 08391 lymphatic vessel of upper limb 27442003 S08391 Structure of lymphatic vessel of upper extremity (body structure) E08391 312509007 Entire lymphatic vessel of upper limb (body structure) P08391 Y 234920 P lymphatic system 1B9ED096B8414A7797074BB07AC0F3AE CBCE9AE32A1F402EA373C0620CC74487 lymphatic vessel of upper extremity Entire lymphatic vessel of upper limb (body structure) 8392 8392 08392 lymphatic vessel of testis 44862002 S08392 Structure of lymphatic vessel of testis (body structure) E08392 312513000 Entire lymphatic vessel of testis (body structure) P08392 Y P genital system 7BAA6961003F42B5954085937CC4CDA5 D47C28427AE4403D99172E2C75FF7CF3 lymphatic vessel of testis Entire lymphatic vessel of testis (body structure) 8393 8393 08393 superficial vein of lower limb 119555007 S08393 Structure of superficial vein of lower extremity (body structure) E08393 312589005 Entire superficial vein of lower limb (body structure) P08393 Y 70942 P venous system 59A9D71C7CDB45B69E4599DB5195FB24 33A983EBE8754EF19728132FC8A700C2 superficial vein of lower extremity Entire superficial vein of lower limb (body structure) 8394 8394 08394 region of kidney 363530009 S08394 Structure of region of kidney (body structure) E08394 314397003 Entire region of kidney (body structure) P08394 Y P urinary system B38A5B977C844907AF1A928AC5AE2CD1 4FE1D7E67F294642929D9E815EA06EC3 region of kidney Entire region of kidney (body structure) 8395 8395 08395 vein of hand 363577004 S08395 Structure of vein of hand (body structure) E08395 314918001 Entire vein of hand (body structure) P08395 Y P venous system 0C0CB6C2E6A54E99B0CE1822A06C69AE D163D7A350744F99BD7208A9FCB759D2 vein of hand Entire vein of hand (body structure) 8396 8396 08396 mandibular labial sulcus 418271003 S08396 Structure of mandibular labial sulcus (body structure) E08396 280998002 Entire mandibular labial sulcus (body structure) P08396 Y P digestive system B265242F1014435992381CCF89950C8F 9B352A09D9BE4000AACDB5DDD64A1601 mandibular labial sulcus Entire mandibular labial sulcus (body structure) 8397 8397 08397 tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to ring finger 410792003 S08397 Structure of tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to ring finger (body structure) E08397 245240000 Entire tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to ring finger (body structure) P08397 Y P musculoskeletal system 5F81732CFE254DE3B9AC86A58AA82A76 6BEA5A4F06AF48139C4A2B19388F2055 tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to ring finger Entire tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to ring finger (body structure) 8398 8398 08398 flexor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon sheath 410786009 S08398 Structure of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon sheath (body structure) E08398 115968000 Entire flexor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon sheath (body structure) P08398 Y P musculoskeletal system 73D5CFDDBE4B4E49A37FF7E9BC6E4194 3F17091262A44816A4A7CD68DCAC746F flexor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon sheath Entire flexor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon sheath (body structure) 8399 8399 08399 vein of upper limb 122775001 S08399 Structure of vein of upper extremity (body structure) E08399 181387000 Entire vein of upper limb (body structure) P08399 Y 71581 P venous system C6EB15CE80A546D78038782E2EA7183C FE98298632A949E0921C8DE01F323799 vein of upper extremity Entire vein of upper limb (body structure) 8400 8400 08400 opponens digiti minimi 79959005 S08400 Structure of opponens digiti minimi muscle of hand (body structure) E08400 181652007 Entire opponens digiti minimi (body structure) P08400 Y 37384 P musculoskeletal system 8A63F022A8744D07AF993FE0CA3C5078 7612FF7F359E46409FA9E4E922BC9F21 opponens digiti minimi muscle of hand Entire opponens digiti minimi (body structure) 8401 8401 08401 tensor fascia lata 28190000 S08401 Structure of tensor fasciae latae muscle (body structure) E08401 181671009 Entire tensor fascia lata (body structure) P08401 Y 22423 P musculoskeletal system 51DBD0C483B6452B9ABD1919D454CF07 382D8CA492C54CB68AB0E627400BE2C6 tensor fasciae latae muscle Entire tensor fascia lata (body structure) 8402 8402 08402 flexor digitorum longus 18010003 S08402 Flexor digitorum longus muscle structure (body structure) E08402 181703002 Entire flexor digitorum longus (body structure) P08402 Y 51071 P musculoskeletal system 16F24FA9FEAC45F5A9A9850DD823D28C 74CE905834264853A2AECB52E41C04C3 Flexor digitorum longus muscle Entire flexor digitorum longus (body structure) 8403 8403 08403 temporalis muscle 52927003 S08403 Structure of temporalis muscle (body structure) E08403 181739008 Entire temporalis muscle (body structure) P08403 Y 49006 P musculoskeletal system 5F4B2766A3064973B63E22736A3F4CC7 0CB5B2A3D95C4E70BB9675C16F4087CB temporalis muscle Entire temporalis muscle (body structure) 8404 8404 08404 joint of wrist or hand 312758009 S08404 Joint structure of wrist and/or hand (body structure) E08404 182174000 Entire joint of wrist or hand (body structure) P08404 Y P musculoskeletal system 537927119710480FB8B1EE9D3D194CCE D3DBFE34DF064165A663B607908E5C87 Joint of wrist and/or hand Entire joint of wrist or hand (body structure) 8405 8405 08405 vein of lower limb 122774002 S08405 Structure of vein of lower extremity (body structure) E08405 244412003 Entire vein of lower limb (body structure) P08405 Y 70914 P cardiovascular system 9D87370F45A4441DB44069F7A86AC2C5 7C018DF1985746248CF149FE2127AC06 vein of lower extremity Entire vein of lower limb (body structure) 8406 8406 08406 joint of head and neck 280435009 S08406 Joint structure of head and neck (body structure) E08406 244508006 Entire joint of head and neck (body structure) P08406 - P musculoskeletal system 54AC8C44E38C418B8E3E6970389BF240 93A51FDBA6E44C1096F462C3FD4FE962 Joint of head and neck Entire joint of head and neck (body structure) 8407 8407 08407 ligament of spine 123860006 S08407 Structure of ligament of spine (body structure) E08407 244588008 Entire ligament of spine (body structure) P08407 - 31892 P musculoskeletal system 8B37650EE27641B589230F122F9E00A1 F2F3D08ADD0A4D45AF00188A77F13250 ligament of spine Entire ligament of spine (body structure) 8408 8408 08408 flexor digitorum tendon sheath 410787000 S08408 Structure of flexor digitorum tendon sheath (body structure) E08408 245237000 Entire flexor digitorum tendon sheath (body structure) P08408 Y P musculoskeletal system A3D0838C2B824D2A8F4F6E3BCDC50AAE 04A5C0FA900C453CBECDD56D657870DB flexor digitorum tendon sheath Entire flexor digitorum tendon sheath (body structure) 8409 8409 08409 flexor compartment of upper arm 118512004 S08409 Structure of anterior compartment of the upper arm (body structure) E08409 264476003 Entire flexor compartment of upper arm (body structure) P08409 Y P musculoskeletal system 814057F94F7D46728864F9A2B4C3B52A 05997C00FCDB4D83AEDED64163D16486 anterior compartment of the upper arm Entire flexor compartment of upper arm (body structure) 8410 8410 08410 tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to middle finger 410791005 S08410 Structure of tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to middle finger (body structure) E08410 245239002 Entire tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to middle finger (body structure) P08410 Y P musculoskeletal system A03E17CA20ED4143BA7921ECB2B01DBE ED18D16C0228441AB223D1E634EFF902 tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to middle finger Entire tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to middle finger (body structure) 8411 8411 08411 lower buccal frenum 418643001 S08411 Structure of lower buccal frenum (body structure) E08411 303773006 Entire lower buccal frenum (body structure) P08411 Y P digestive system 7F63D5676ED847FE8BE7C1BD1399F1F1 4B2AD05F8D57420A8243E2C240DA2E75 lower buccal frenum Entire lower buccal frenum (body structure) 8412 8412 08412 tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to little finger 410790006 S08412 Structure of tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to little finger (body structure) E08412 245241001 Entire tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to little finger (body structure) P08412 Y P musculoskeletal system 57097B94BFCA4A6C8A9FCDDE4FCDC32E 3EFB5B57164F4EB083A640ABEE2A71DB tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to little finger Entire tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to little finger (body structure) 8413 8413 08413 scapular lymph node 12196003 S08413 Structure of subscapular axillary lymph node (body structure) E08413 245331001 Entire scapular lymph node (body structure) P08413 Y 71746 P lymphatic system F028242BD95445AD9C61330BE5F3C267 4B66244869144A31B52F30A3B893F1B9 subscapular axillary lymph node Entire scapular lymph node (body structure) 8414 8414 08414 vestibulogingival sulcus 419428002 S08414 Structure of vestibulogingival sulcus (body structure) E08414 245844002 Entire vestibulogingival sulcus (body structure) P08414 Y P digestive system BAE7165431344B6F89E188E6AEB5CC27 00D29C7B417C4201B861CD83C5CF78DE vestibulogingival sulcus Entire vestibulogingival sulcus (body structure) 8415 8415 08415 labial sulcus 419500006 S08415 Structure of labial sulcus (body structure) E08415 245845001 Entire labial sulcus (body structure) P08415 Y P digestive system 0DBEBFF8B4AE445495D56E1EFCE99CDB 17D50BFD57BE4BBB80D5BDA4ADD5E03B labial sulcus Entire labial sulcus (body structure) 8416 8416 08416 buccal sulcus 419133006 S08416 Structure of buccal sulcus (body structure) E08416 245846000 Entire buccal sulcus (body structure) P08416 Y P digestive system 2122847600CC45D4B2E1B6E245006E8A C9FE6D9492A64E5FA1A8BD9C402C97AC buccal sulcus Entire buccal sulcus (body structure) 8417 8417 08417 mandibular buccal sulcus 420055006 S08417 Structure of mandibular buccal sulcus (body structure) E08417 245848004 Entire mandibular buccal sulcus (body structure) P08417 Y P digestive system 9DAC9CB2104745B591195486645D8848 2F3005A85E12466B932DC503CD81F22E mandibular buccal sulcus Entire mandibular buccal sulcus (body structure) 8418 8418 08418 radioulnar joint 410740007 S08418 Structure of radioulnar joint (body structure) E08418 264167003 Entire radioulnar joint (body structure) P08418 Y 38863 P musculoskeletal system 1AF43F83ECD34083B53143C856C8A218 3199AB003327456F8A8ACE62A732FA04 radioulnar joint Entire radioulnar joint (body structure) 8419 8419 08419 adductor compartment of thigh 410766005 S08419 Structure of adductor compartment of thigh (body structure) E08419 264437004 Entire adductor compartment of thigh (body structure) P08419 Y 45160 P musculoskeletal system C1B2F6D1734546D5BBBEF4B295E7A891 9AA0D3599C4D492CB408428B72AE3FC4 adductor compartment of thigh Entire adductor compartment of thigh (body structure) 8420 8420 08420 posterior lamella of upper eyelid 363541006 S08420 Structure of posterior lamella of upper eyelid (body structure) E08420 363542004 Entire posterior lamella of upper eyelid (body structure) P08420 Y P special senses organ system 10BB6BF472CE4717860EED2219BB688A FB9BF80956E64EE3BDD36DA35C0D91D0 posterior lamella of upper eyelid Entire posterior lamella of upper eyelid (body structure) 8421 8421 08421 labial vein of pudendum 399891003 S08421 Structure of labial vein of pudendum (body structure) E08421 400064009 Entire labial vein of pudendum (body structure) P08421 Y P genital system 9F5EBA90AF7642A8A5FE2E79E37CF4CA BCE736E91B0F457492233769ACD0144E labial vein of pudendum Entire labial vein of pudendum (body structure) 8422 8422 08422 skin of supratip of nose 400203006 S08422 Skin structure of supratip of nose (body structure) E08422 400041007 Entire skin of supratip of nose (body structure) P08422 - D integument/surface 14AF5CFC195D4D06B5F183982518A8AF 3D423B71CADA422796319793C32D2FB2 Skin of supratip of nose Entire skin of supratip of nose (body structure) 8423 8423 08423 skin of root of nose 400033007 S08423 Skin structure of root of nose (body structure) E08423 399987007 Entire skin of root of nose (body structure) P08423 - 59531 D integument/surface A4F8AF1663154F579F6220A6BDA4605C DA597110BA464333B3C9B4F479461A3E Skin of root of nose Entire skin of root of nose (body structure) 8424 8424 08424 scalp vein 307054003 S08424 Structure of scalp vein (body structure) E08424 399977008 Entire scalp vein (body structure) P08424 - P cardiovascular system E883ED9002914EA7A32234E5AA3C27DC 67F5195CAC9C49DCA7C0EF6D5B9F4249 scalp vein Entire scalp vein (body structure) 8425 8425 08425 extensor compartment of upper arm 118513009 S08425 Structure of posterior compartment of upper arm (body structure) E08425 264466001 Entire extensor compartment of upper arm (body structure) P08425 Y P musculoskeletal system B70C31F70D364D3983D61032CC8967BC DBFD7CF1EAA24C919EE02583651DFFE0 posterior compartment of upper arm Entire extensor compartment of upper arm (body structure) 8426 8426 08426 apocrine sweat gland 127855006 S08426 Apocrine sweat gland structure (body structure) E08426 399916008 Entire apocrine sweat gland (body structure) P08426 - 59155 P integumentary system 340C0FEAA79D4F7EA7F72F5FC1C58C2B AB7C79EDC40A48369C571774A5A366E6 Apocrine sweat gland Entire apocrine sweat gland (body structure) 8427 8427 08427 skin of obverse of pinna 399953002 S08427 Skin structure of obverse of pinna (body structure) E08427 399900006 Entire skin of obverse of pinna (body structure) P08427 Y D integument/surface A6C9611C4B04435C857A0801B61FFE54 821A6578B3084C8EA047FDDB06116970 Skin of obverse of pinna Entire skin of obverse of pinna (body structure) 8428 8428 08428 supratip of nose 400205004 S08428 Structure of supratip of nose (body structure) E08428 399896008 Entire supratip of nose (body structure) P08428 - P respiratory system 617F54096D404C22B0500EA5B52788D4 6D688C6A80DA4C2B94C91026843D1074 supratip of nose Entire supratip of nose (body structure) 8429 8429 08429 nail plate 314410003 S08429 Nail plate structure (body structure) E08429 372177002 Entire nail plate (body structure) P08429 372200008 Nail plate part (body structure) Y P integumentary system C20085F1A8F146F394524994853499CE 44576F82C1044217814A4F1C141F18B4 A3012781060A43DFBF27865469D8F3E5 Nail plate Entire nail plate (body structure) Nail plate 8430 8430 08430 telencephalon 11628009 S08430 Structure of telencephalon (body structure) E08430 372072005 Entire telencephalon (body structure) P08430 - 62000 P nervous system 78B2DB4F0CEC4113B29893D55831317D 1A6E0B4CC18649B9A1461342A3C3C1AD telencephalon Entire telencephalon (body structure) Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the cerebral cortex, cerebral white matter, basal ganglia, septum and fornix, as well as subcortical gray and white matter structures. 8431 8431 08431 interphalangeal joint of great toe 363670009 S08431 Interphalangeal joint structure of great toe (body structure) E08431 363671008 Entire interphalangeal joint of great toe (body structure) P08431 Y 35353 P musculoskeletal system 087E0835FF9246768988546F16DB8DF1 2C94B5EF450B45FBB87710D6871C0E91 Interphalangeal joint of great toe Entire interphalangeal joint of great toe (body structure) 8432 8432 08432 orbit proper 363654007 S08432 Structure of orbit proper (body structure) E08432 363657000 Entire orbit proper (body structure) P08432 Y 53074 P special senses organ system 2B6E9DF24FA94DB385712A2B2C972586 8634EA087823477692ADB663BD377C0A orbit proper Entire orbit proper (body structure) 8433 8433 08433 artery of head 119567009 S08433 Structure of artery of head (body structure) E08433 363605000 Entire artery of head (body structure) P08433 - P arterial system E979A60333F64021B80DEE131F0767BA DDE4737A84FF4430A1D8F987998021D6 artery of head Entire artery of head (body structure) 8434 8434 08434 dorsal vein of hand 181394002 S08434 Structure of dorsal vein of hand (body structure) E08434 400107002 Entire dorsal vein of hand (body structure) P08434 Y P venous system 790ADE3E18D04816A8C9F3A5253F14D4 D64EF5049B614DF6A65C9A997AE4931E dorsal vein of hand Entire dorsal vein of hand (body structure) 8436 8436 08436 extensor compartment of thigh 410767001 S08436 Structure of extensor compartment of thigh (body structure) E08436 264465002 Entire extensor compartment of thigh (body structure) P08436 Y P musculoskeletal system 514E743E054F4F9484297F2F368A3381 2D718F4A054B412E85A152F81901294C extensor compartment of thigh Entire extensor compartment of thigh (body structure) 8437 8437 08437 extensor compartment of forearm 118515002 S08437 Structure of extensor compartment of forearm (body structure) E08437 264464003 Entire extensor compartment of forearm (body structure) P08437 Y 38411 P musculoskeletal system D75AA77CCC8B44B18D8D58C140B91671 192B47812BC1450E92262F8EA7B8E118 extensor compartment of forearm Entire extensor compartment of forearm (body structure) 8438 8438 08438 oral frenum 418232001 S08438 Structure of oral frenum (body structure) E08438 303771008 Entire oral frenum (body structure) P08438 - P digestive system DEE411DB84774F57B6FDF11FEFD3A43B 0066F09AE12A4C04B6CED8C0213C370A oral frenum Entire oral frenum (body structure) 8439 8439 08439 buccal frenum 417947004 S08439 Structure of buccal frenum (body structure) E08439 264447001 Entire buccal frenum (body structure) P08439 Y P digestive system BDA42E2511954907AE18BD50A78B0976 EB5BC036312E432D9FCAC7F56BD83A3C buccal frenum Entire buccal frenum (body structure) 8440 8440 08440 tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to index finger 410789002 S08440 Structure of tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to index finger (body structure) E08440 245238005 Entire tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to index finger (body structure) P08440 Y P musculoskeletal system 8EB96B12F49243BAB6AF5660744B5374 6CCE69A6BC2C4EC2889511A34F818277 tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to index finger Entire tendon sheath of flexor digitorum to index finger (body structure) 8441 8441 08441 posterior lamella of lower eyelid 363546001 S08441 Structure of posterior lamella of lower eyelid (body structure) E08441 363548000 Entire posterior lamella of lower eyelid (body structure) P08441 Y P special senses organ system CC236329C42B47F7892EB9044ACC9939 69D82336EE0E431ABC8EB3D6B1DA77DE posterior lamella of lower eyelid Entire posterior lamella of lower eyelid (body structure) 8442 8442 08442 capsule of interphalangeal joint of great toe 363672001 S08442 Structure of capsule of interphalangeal joint of great toe (body structure) E08442 361665005 Entire capsule of interphalangeal joint of great toe (body structure) P08442 Y P musculoskeletal system 47DB396E09214392AFD24976FC6BD9D1 EA3EB421F058492194436CF5FC97D9A2 capsule of interphalangeal joint of great toe Entire capsule of interphalangeal joint of great toe (body structure) 8443 8443 08443 anterior lamella of lower eyelid 363545002 S08443 Structure of anterior lamella of lower eyelid (body structure) E08443 363547005 Entire anterior lamella of lower eyelid (body structure) P08443 Y P special senses organ system E8354764AE734583A0920F935ECAE445 4228F3C8EF2046AAAF689E04B342FAD2 anterior lamella of lower eyelid Entire anterior lamella of lower eyelid (body structure) 8444 8444 08444 submental triangle 170887008 S08444 Submental triangle structure (body structure) E08444 362635002 Entire submental triangle (body structure) P08444 - 61604 P 903FF47A08504555B5745C2A138BCB39 C51699DAE89F4F2585D00C3EB26EC212 Submental triangle Entire submental triangle (body structure) 8445 8445 08445 sesamoid bone 116608008 S08445 Sesamoid bone structure (body structure) E08445 362914002 Entire sesamoid bone (body structure) P08445 - 32672 P skeletal system DB791467E0504D6C9F64D1F6E00606B4 1879F94D85D14E108506657B7C922184 Sesamoid bone Entire sesamoid bone (body structure) 8446 8446 08446 middle pole of kidney 119275002 S08446 Structure of middle pole of kidney (body structure) E08446 363534000 Entire middle pole of kidney (body structure) P08446 Y P urinary system CC704082541C44DF9DA3FABE83B266F2 2CB9D37306F44979911A757D43461A44 middle pole of kidney Entire middle pole of kidney (body structure) 8447 8447 08447 parenchyma of liver 127879008 S08447 Structure of parenchyma of liver (body structure) E08447 363535004 Entire parenchyma of liver (body structure) P08447 - 17540 P digestive system 0245B66EB59440CF986D92FEB008D06C BB9374C1CED448B59C5E1C454333D24B parenchyma of liver Entire parenchyma of liver (body structure) 8448 8448 08448 anterior lamella of upper eyelid 363539005 S08448 Structure of anterior lamella of upper eyelid (body structure) E08448 363540007 Entire anterior lamella of upper eyelid (body structure) P08448 Y P special senses organ system 4A72261CF7A045ED85A1153C28B89597 72CE02E065EC41ECA10BE9E17876CDAC anterior lamella of upper eyelid Entire anterior lamella of upper eyelid (body structure) 8449 8449 08449 antecubital vein 128553008 S08449 Structure of antecubital vein (body structure) E08449 399978003 Entire antecubital vein (body structure) P08449 Y P venous system EF2DD514574441658EBADDC08A00F6AE 8779FDEB3421475FAAF83646EE943650 antecubital vein Entire antecubital vein (body structure) 8450 8450 08450 lymph node of trunk 312502003 S08450 Lymph node structure of trunk (body structure) E08450 360977005 Entire lymph node of trunk (body structure) P08450 - 66131 P lymphatic system B43EDAB80E3148B7AB1BBA573AA3D566 C79484FBED144609823B06A57D9F5146 Lymph node of trunk Entire lymph node of trunk (body structure) 8451 8451 08451 dendritic cell system 127909008 S08451 Dendritic cell system structure (body structure) E08451 414105009 Entire dendritic cell system (body structure) P08451 - P hematopoietic system FF8151D487D548F189875C65EB9943B0 2DEFA70181124858A7CA86ADDD4C473C Dendritic cell system Entire dendritic cell system (body structure) 8455 8455 08455 superficial vein of upper limb 119557004 S08455 Structure of superficial vein of upper extremity (body structure) E08455 400125009 Entire superficial vein of upper extremity (body structure) P08455 Y P venous system 3C064A392D5446CAA38AA65AD95E6807 ADE965F7BA534F75AC1E1947F07F83B8 superficial vein of upper extremity Entire superficial vein of upper extremity (body structure) 8456 8456 08456 skeletal ligament 410743009 S08456 Skeletal ligament structure (body structure) E08456 410744003 Entire skeletal ligament (body structure) P08456 - 25624 P musculoskeletal system 4ED9F5B0468642DE9FE3CA517428536C 3B892656981E4A7A9DF3927C1056D8F0 Skeletal ligament Entire skeletal ligament (body structure) Ligament organ that primarily consists of regular dense connective tissue aggregated into fasciculi; connects bone and cartilage organs. Examples: sutural ligament, ligament of pinna, tarsal ligament. 8460 8460 08460 left hemidiaphragm 416912002 S08460 Structure of left hemidiaphragm (body structure) E08460 416857005 Entire left hemidiaphragm (body structure) P08460 L 57859 P respiratory system 669D4B853EA648FE81FE32A591062EDD A77A14C1848E4E2B8D2BE618801E0CDC left hemidiaphragm Entire left hemidiaphragm (body structure) 8461 8461 08461 subvalvular mitral region 416374003 S08461 Structure of subvalvular mitral region (body structure) E08461 417411008 Entire subvalvular mitral region (body structure) P08461 - P cardiovascular system 72E177FCC9E8490CBD7CE77D6595D1BA 2354D8E15A3B4062800725C46DB770A8 subvalvular mitral region Entire subvalvular mitral region (body structure) 8462 8462 08462 right hemidiaphragm 416398005 S08462 Structure of right hemidiaphragm (body structure) E08462 417458000 Entire right hemidiaphragm (body structure) P08462 R 57858 P respiratory system 3BC052105E784405A71B3B1606A0CD51 DBD6AAD9ACE740578EEE630A20338556 right hemidiaphragm Entire right hemidiaphragm (body structure) 8463 8463 08463 lacrimal drainage system 280426002 S08463 Lacrimal drainage structure (body structure) E08463 419221005 Entire lacrimal drainage structure (body structure) P08463 Y P special senses organ system 84ED927062D04D4C82AEA007E80A3213 3C2964A3F3E84AF7A7B9A7475D6AC492 Lacrimal drainage Entire lacrimal drainage structure (body structure) 8464 8464 08464 stratum germinativum 62650009 S08464 Stratum germinativum structure (body structure) E08464 419481005 Entire stratum germinativum (body structure) P08464 - 67540 P integumentary system 89B25A0912E24862BF52DAAD53A998E3 CE3ECA1238E545D6938A8E5C3CF64EF7 Stratum germinativum Entire stratum germinativum (body structure) 8465 8465 08465 stratum spinosum 4360006 S08465 Stratum spinosum structure (body structure) E08465 420086000 Entire stratum spinosum (body structure) P08465 - 67542 P integumentary system 5BE46E78517D4E4EB6881D1DA919E475 EBF73F822FEF48949ACBB658899C6515 Stratum spinosum Entire stratum spinosum (body structure) 8466 8466 08466 dorsal vein of foot 181407002 S08466 Structure of dorsal vein of foot (body structure) E08466 399938005 Entire dorsal vein of foot (body structure) P08466 Y P cardiovascular system 3A67341DE6F54CFD8E94E2664354548F BA1EDCF498534D7F87DD53490A8DCE36 dorsal vein of foot Entire dorsal vein of foot (body structure) 8467 8467 08467 white matter of neuraxis 389080008 S08467 White matter structure of brain and spinal cord (body structure) E08467 389114007 Entire white matter of brain and spinal cord (body structure) P08467 - 83929 P nervous system 4A672E9C15CF42A09B32EF83ADFA5811 235795E6D9024DA994E6466B351DDA78 White matter of brain and spinal cord Entire white matter of brain and spinal cord (body structure) Cell part cluster consisting predominantly of neurites in the brain and the spinal cord. 8468 8468 08468 neuraxis (brain and spinal cord) 389079005 S08468 Brain and spinal cord structure (body structure) E08468 389111004 Entire brain and spinal cord (body structure) P08468 - P nervous system E4B1C1D21EE94B67820F1F3A68E32C2C 4BAA61A402B54C148DADF371B6584D3B Brain and spinal cord Entire brain and spinal cord (body structure) 8469 8469 08469 superficial forearm vein 308046002 S08469 Structure of superficial forearm vein (body structure) E08469 400196004 Entire superficial forearm vein (body structure) P08469 Y P venous system 91B503F92E4B401DAF3BC5B5A7E5E5F7 E149798602AC42858A9F7B55ED318AA9 superficial forearm vein Entire superficial forearm vein (body structure) 8470 8470 08470 non-skeletal ligament 410745002 S08470 Non-skeletal ligament structure (body structure) E08470 410746001 Entire ligament, non-skeletal (body structure) P08470 - P 97383A4CDFB445818B8E6FB6C437B9CF 43DBFA6DFC8B4293A361CA3D4CD24D01 Non-skeletal ligament Entire ligament, non-skeletal (body structure) 8471 8471 08471 skin of pinnal sulcus 400025006 S08471 Skin structure of pinnal sulcus (body structure) E08471 400139009 Entire skin of pinnal sulcus (body structure) P08471 Y D integument/surface A1189B2C2C6643739729FF10C9426B62 E758AA26C9464F94BF9E28058FB9F7C9 Skin of pinnal sulcus Entire skin of pinnal sulcus (body structure) 8473 8473 08473 arachnoid mater of optic nerve sheath 389108000 S08473 Structure of arachnoid mater of optic nerve sheath (body structure) E08473 389112006 Entire arachnoid mater of optic nerve sheath (body structure) P08473 Y P nervous system E709FE2C511B41299CE3926B74F7C90D FDCDA90FE41040A69708E00F3B2ECFA0 arachnoid mater of optic nerve sheath Entire arachnoid mater of optic nerve sheath (body structure) 8474 8474 08474 pia mater of optic nerve sheath 389107005 S08474 Structure of pia mater of optic nerve sheath (body structure) E08474 389113001 Entire pia mater of optic nerve sheath (body structure) P08474 Y P nervous system B2B71CA726014050A3069F82EB3449F0 D1DD42E746324794928CE2871AD7F15C pia mater of optic nerve sheath Entire pia mater of optic nerve sheath (body structure) 8476 8476 08476 female genital tract 413344004 S08476 Female genital tract structure (body structure) E08476 408768002 Entire female genital tract (body structure) P08476 - P genital system C233B7A7524B4D3CB9129FA1B2F6D122 B2167259D8F6410E8B6B7A1AB2206BCD Female genital tract Entire female genital tract (body structure) 8477 8477 08477 perineal fascia 409996005 S08477 Structure of perineal fascia (body structure) E08477 409997001 Entire perineal fascia (body structure) P08477 - 20487 P musculoskeletal system D6C1314B4ADC45CCA1022A99C6D4861F CB93ADC6E0824C34BE3668A67C9493CC perineal fascia Entire perineal fascia (body structure) 8478 8478 08478 inferior fascia of perineum 409998006 S08478 Structure of inferior fascia of perineum (body structure) E08478 409999003 Entire inferior fascia of perineum (body structure) P08478 - P musculoskeletal system 06A2BF0421D44A4ABB4D1CABD8382D01 9C0A88166FC347D9BC7F8D41F1C20C3F inferior fascia of perineum Entire inferior fascia of perineum (body structure) 8479 8479 08479 interdental space 410002004 S08479 Structure of interdental space (body structure) E08479 410003009 Entire interdental space (body structure) P08479 - P digestive system ECDE2521AAFA4A0D9C0D110F80D30F89 FB92EF4FE4B84E1CA7E4F3EBAE31B066 interdental space Entire interdental space (body structure) 8482 8482 08482 interphalangeal joint of hand 417259006 S08482 Interphalangeal joint of hand structure (body structure) E08482 303280009 Entire interphalangeal joint of hand (body structure) P08482 Y 35285 P musculoskeletal system 0117103D27BB4D48A1A8DBB0B5461772 604EF2C53EE44A498194D0E948E0B2BB Interphalangeal joint of hand Entire interphalangeal joint of hand (body structure) 8483 8483 08483 transverse arch of foot 91500001 S08483 Structure of transverse arch of foot (body structure) E08483 218064003 Entire transverse arch of foot (body structure) P08483 Y P 19FBC7EE4814455390B892B2AF89B45F 8F16325075314B3BB94F9D806F45A164 transverse arch of foot Entire transverse arch of foot (body structure) 8488 8488 08488 permanent upper tooth S08488 E08488 245564000 Entire permanent upper tooth (body structure) P08488 tooth, permanent, upper Y P digestive system 50EF19FA88D24137B36F926BEECFB85E Entire permanent upper tooth (body structure) 8489 8489 08489 permanent upper right molar tooth S08489 E08489 245565004 Entire permanent upper right molar tooth (body structure) P08489 tooth, molar, permanent, upper, right R P digestive system 68A4A570AED84FC68F52EE1AACDE8773 Entire permanent upper right molar tooth (body structure) 8491 8491 08491 permanent upper right incisor tooth S08491 E08491 245573008 Entire permanent upper right incisor tooth (body structure) P08491 tooth, incisor, permanent, upper, right R P digestive system BF7137FC518644AA83666CCBCF655995 Entire permanent upper right incisor tooth (body structure) 8492 8492 08492 permanent upper left molar tooth S08492 E08492 245576000 Entire permanent upper left molar tooth (body structure) P08492 tooth, molar, permanent, upper, left L P digestive system C2A790FE0C3F482ABD05616CBE4F46C7 Entire permanent upper left molar tooth (body structure) 8494 8494 08494 permanent upper left incisor tooth S08494 E08494 245585000 Entire permanent upper left incisor tooth (body structure) P08494 tooth, incisor, permanent, upper, left L P digestive system 4A8CD03D6FAD46D4B797D01CD73E26BD Entire permanent upper left incisor tooth (body structure) 8495 8495 08495 permanent lower tooth S08495 E08495 245588003 Entire permanent lower tooth (body structure) P08495 tooth, permanent, lower Y P digestive system 432E2BF290AB4FAF9A2EBC546EE063A2 Entire permanent lower tooth (body structure) 8496 8496 08496 permanent lower right molar tooth S08496 E08496 245589006 Entire permanent lower right molar tooth (body structure) P08496 tooth, molar, permanent, lower, right R P digestive system DDCE75733FA54A44A9E2769AC9F1AD12 Entire permanent lower right molar tooth (body structure) 8498 8498 08498 permanent lower right incisor tooth S08498 E08498 245598009 Entire permanent lower right incisor tooth (body structure) P08498 tooth, incisor, permanent, lower, right R P digestive system BD3BD710C9CA43F69FC995D882F05928 Entire permanent lower right incisor tooth (body structure) 8499 8499 08499 permanent lower left molar tooth S08499 E08499 245601004 Entire permanent lower left molar tooth (body structure) P08499 tooth, molar, permanent, lower, left L P digestive system 778B8779EC874C748DE9D062EFF3A62B Entire permanent lower left molar tooth (body structure) 8501 8501 08501 permanent lower left incisor tooth S08501 E08501 245609002 Entire permanent lower left incisor tooth (body structure) P08501 tooth, incisor, permanent, lower, left L P digestive system 42472410C1344E69AF5DA025E094CD67 Entire permanent lower left incisor tooth (body structure) 8502 8502 08502 deciduous upper tooth 420568005 S08502 Structure of primary upper tooth (body structure) E08502 245613009 Entire primary upper tooth (body structure) P08502 tooth, primary, upper Y P digestive system 3094B6F05BBE4892BB8984F313D776C2 CED584206A844DC482322C4BA882F455 primary upper tooth Entire primary upper tooth (body structure) 8503 8503 08503 deciduous upper right molar tooth S08503 E08503 245614003 Entire primary upper right molar tooth (body structure) P08503 tooth, molar, primary, upper, right R P digestive system 03741DA89006467995C74DD7522C8FF2 Entire primary upper right molar tooth (body structure) 8504 8504 08504 deciduous upper right incisor tooth S08504 E08504 245618000 Entire primary upper right incisor tooth (body structure) P08504 tooth, incisor, primary, upper, right R P digestive system B9C4CDE01F4E46CDBADBED0BFC4445F7 Entire primary upper right incisor tooth (body structure) 8505 8505 08505 deciduous upper left molar tooth S08505 E08505 245621003 Entire primary upper left molar tooth (body structure) P08505 tooth, molar, primary, upper, left L P digestive system 27A76DC502CA49359F23043D4E57E9AB Entire primary upper left molar tooth (body structure) 8506 8506 08506 deciduous upper left incisor tooth S08506 E08506 245625007 Entire primary upper left incisor tooth (body structure) P08506 tooth, incisor, primary, upper, left L P digestive system 2523559070694F0BB5647C547F805D71 Entire primary upper left incisor tooth (body structure) 8507 8507 08507 deciduous lower tooth 420361003 S08507 Structure of primary lower tooth (body structure) E08507 245628009 Entire primary lower tooth (body structure) P08507 tooth, primary, lower Y P digestive system 0C797D2EFE7E4CEBBD3CB215BF697E3A 161FE53CF1E543E9B294B0420883EA2C primary lower tooth Entire primary lower tooth (body structure) 8508 8508 08508 deciduous lower right molar tooth S08508 E08508 245629001 Entire primary lower right molar tooth (body structure) P08508 tooth, molar, primary, lower, right R P digestive system 742314F3F34448919D23CF4435B2EC09 Entire primary lower right molar tooth (body structure) 8509 8509 08509 deciduous lower right incisor tooth S08509 E08509 245633008 Entire primary lower right incisor tooth (body structure) P08509 tooth, incisor, primary, lower, right R P digestive system 2C30027D48904D51895DC44FBCB4943B Entire primary lower right incisor tooth (body structure) 8510 8510 08510 deciduous lower left molar tooth S08510 E08510 245636000 Entire primary lower left molar tooth (body structure) P08510 tooth, molar, primary, lower, left L P digestive system EFB156E1232F4D9CBA55F92C14E2E95F Entire primary lower left molar tooth (body structure) 8511 8511 08511 deciduous lower left incisor tooth S08511 E08511 245640009 Entire primary lower left incisor tooth (body structure) P08511 tooth, incisor, primary, lower, left L P digestive system B8B34A861EC746BDBC7FA1EC906D2866 Entire primary lower left incisor tooth (body structure) 8513 8513 08513 permanent first molar tooth S08513 E08513 304565009 Entire permanent first molar tooth (body structure) P08513 tooth, molar, first, permanent Y P digestive system 271FDD95335842308343E95C297B0761 Entire permanent first molar tooth (body structure) 8517 8517 08517 permanent molar tooth 421456005 S08517 Structure of permanent molar tooth (body structure) E08517 421593002 Entire permanent molar tooth (body structure) P08517 tooth, molar, permanent Y 84207 P digestive system 34A74020B9814DEFB9CFE79DADA184C4 E6FA7A5BCB674EF18573C72B103A0CCD permanent molar tooth Entire permanent molar tooth (body structure) 8518 8518 08518 lower tooth 420730005 S08518 Structure of mandibular tooth (body structure) E08518 422032003 Entire mandibular tooth (body structure) P08518 tooth, lower Y 0 P digestive system 43D97B8FF9E74CC69A0F2640E22BD622 B9064B46BB1A49D18447FBF1EBDEE2BA mandibular tooth Entire mandibular tooth (body structure) 8519 8519 08519 upper tooth 420393006 S08519 Structure of maxillary tooth (body structure) E08519 422279005 Entire maxillary tooth (body structure) P08519 tooth, upper Y 0 P digestive system E760B02069EF4482A477ED6076FB3AD9 381FA4F3BE9C4682BC75A78BF37D9AB6 maxillary tooth Entire maxillary tooth (body structure) 8520 8520 08520 deciduous upper incisor tooth S08520 E08520 421578001 Entire primary upper incisor tooth (body structure) P08520 tooth, incisor, primary, upper Y 84214 P digestive system E1BE542B3D2F4DF99EBD5002C9130132 Entire primary upper incisor tooth (body structure) 8521 8521 08521 deciduous lower incisor tooth S08521 E08521 420793009 Entire primary lower incisor tooth (body structure) P08521 tooth, incisor, primary, lower Y 84215 P digestive system AB05F106F5704402A6B94D3FF5B0C8C5 Entire primary lower incisor tooth (body structure) 8522 8522 08522 deciduous upper molar tooth S08522 E08522 422318005 Entire primary upper molar tooth (body structure) P08522 tooth, molar, primary, upper Y 84210 P digestive system FC0850FB01E04C3FB8B557B60B6C91E0 Entire primary upper molar tooth (body structure) 8523 8523 08523 deciduous lower molar tooth S08523 E08523 421482001 Entire primary lower molar tooth (body structure) P08523 tooth, molar, primary, lower Y 84213 P digestive system 2C05623AD01A4E70877F7AAB7B948F12 Entire primary lower molar tooth (body structure) 8524 8524 08524 deciduous lower canine tooth S08524 E08524 420326009 Entire primary lower canine tooth (body structure) P08524 tooth, canine, primary, lower Y 84229 P digestive system 0DAAC0A76FF9434DAA14A22063F14D30 Entire primary lower canine tooth (body structure) 8525 8525 08525 deciduous upper canine tooth S08525 E08525 421810006 Entire primary upper canine tooth (body structure) P08525 tooth, canine, primary, upper Y 84228 P digestive system 8D61A3B329D14146A537C3CC01B6BD40 Entire primary upper canine tooth (body structure) 8526 8526 08526 permanent second molar tooth S08526 E08526 420479003 Entire permanent second molar tooth (body structure) P08526 tooth, molar, second, permanent Y P digestive system 40949EE3E6B2484DBCB8EF974452AFD9 Entire permanent second molar tooth (body structure) 8529 8529 08529 Brodmann area 1, intermediate postcentral S08529 E08529 384718003 Entire Brodmann area 1, intermediate postcentral (body structure) P08529 Y 68597 P nervous system C618BF6AA70D497DAD6E119D59721889 Entire Brodmann area 1, intermediate postcentral (body structure) 8530 8530 08530 Brodmann area 2, caudal postcentral S08530 E08530 384720000 Entire Brodmann area 2, caudal postcentral (body structure) P08530 Y 68598 P nervous system 5E24F56ADCE24170B2D689F5DD84A22F Entire Brodmann area 2, caudal postcentral (body structure) 8531 8531 08531 Brodmann area 3, rostral postcentral S08531 E08531 384721001 Entire Brodmann area 3, rostral postcentral (body structure) P08531 Y 68599 P nervous system DFE01689C9804559AAF7B7480CF1097E Entire Brodmann area 3, rostral postcentral (body structure) 8532 8532 08532 Brodmann area 4, gigantopyramidal S08532 E08532 384722008 Entire Brodmann area 4, gigantopyramidal (body structure) P08532 Y 68600 P nervous system 5315BD5308E74E50894EEF1CB22D7FF8 Entire Brodmann area 4, gigantopyramidal (body structure) 8533 8533 08533 Brodmann area 5, preparietal S08533 E08533 384764008 Entire Brodmann area 5, preparietal (body structure) P08533 Y 68601 P nervous system 72EA2FDB212D4CDA86E84817A5009AB1 Entire Brodmann area 5, preparietal (body structure) 8534 8534 08534 Brodmann area 6, agranular frontal S08534 E08534 384765009 Entire Brodmann area 6, agranular frontal (body structure) P08534 Y 68602 P nervous system 74762BB75A48499ABA1BC79A8DBDA6F8 Entire Brodmann area 6, agranular frontal (body structure) 8535 8535 08535 Brodmann area 7, superior parietal S08535 E08535 384766005 Entire Brodmann area 7, superior parietal (body structure) P08535 Y 68604 P nervous system 338B39B690BD407094DC100DF634A9B0 Entire Brodmann area 7, superior parietal (body structure) 8536 8536 08536 Brodmann area 8, intermediate frontal S08536 E08536 384767001 Entire Brodmann area 8, intermediate frontal (body structure) P08536 Y 68605 P nervous system 1F397545BCCD42B5BCD3F8B2F41C3A2F Entire Brodmann area 8, intermediate frontal (body structure) 8537 8537 08537 Brodmann area 9, granular frontal S08537 E08537 384768006 Entire Brodmann area 9, granular frontal (body structure) P08537 Y 68606 P nervous system F19701C169B548FB8F1794CB2D8FE24B Entire Brodmann area 9, granular frontal (body structure) 8538 8538 08538 Brodmann area 10, frontopolar S08538 E08538 384769003 Entire Brodmann area 10, frontopolar (body structure) P08538 Y 68607 P nervous system 91CF432DF1B74CB292590691A0C9CF1F Entire Brodmann area 10, frontopolar (body structure) 8539 8539 08539 Brodmann area 11, prefrontal S08539 E08539 384770002 Entire Brodmann area 11, prefrontal (body structure) P08539 Y 68608 P nervous system 3171079BD49B4D0690A49731E0FD7F76 Entire Brodmann area 11, prefrontal (body structure) 8540 8540 08540 Brodmann area 12, prefrontal S08540 E08540 384771003 Entire Brodmann area 12, prefrontal (body structure) P08540 Y 68609 P nervous system 6D8C6157C9904DFFBEF5B5B6DC8DB5A5 Entire Brodmann area 12, prefrontal (body structure) 8541 8541 08541 Brodmann area 17, striate 113300000 S08541 Area striata structure (body structure) E08541 384772005 Entire Brodmann area 17, striate (body structure) P08541 Y P special senses organ system 4897C85497F84BDBB6B5E9E23123D8CF 046492E60EE245F2B4D2BE737746ECF3 Area striata Entire Brodmann area 17, striate (body structure) 8542 8542 08542 Brodmann area 18, parastriate S08542 E08542 384773000 Entire Brodmann area 18, parastriate (body structure) P08542 Y 68615 P special senses organ system F897C0695C4745849B9CAEAC59EDF744 Entire Brodmann area 18, parastriate (body structure) 8543 8543 08543 Brodmann area 19, peristriate S08543 E08543 384774006 Entire Brodmann area 19, peristriate (body structure) P08543 Y 68616 P special senses organ system CF04E18BAEBE43B1B730235751799546 Entire Brodmann area 19, peristriate (body structure) 8544 8544 08544 Brodmann area 20, inferior temporal S08544 E08544 384775007 Entire Brodmann area 20, inferior temporal (body structure) P08544 Y 68617 P nervous system 0D3C46F1940D464EA039EA32523308E0 Entire Brodmann area 20, inferior temporal (body structure) 8545 8545 08545 Brodmann area 21, middle temporal S08545 E08545 384776008 Entire Brodmann area 21, middle temporal (body structure) P08545 Y 68618 P nervous system 2C3493D5781242E6BFE13E8BC5B58F11 Entire Brodmann area 21, middle temporal (body structure) 8546 8546 08546 Brodmann area 22, superior temporal S08546 E08546 384777004 Entire Brodmann area 22, superior temporal (body structure) P08546 Y 68619 P nervous system C4757968044A407AB609876E3A217F22 Entire Brodmann area 22, superior temporal (body structure) 8547 8547 08547 Brodmann area 23, ventral posterior cingulate S08547 E08547 384778009 Entire Brodmann area 23, ventral posterior cingulate (body structure) P08547 Y 68620 P nervous system CB4509A6CA384137AFE77E5D968B12B6 Entire Brodmann area 23, ventral posterior cingulate (body structure) 8548 8548 08548 Brodmann area 24, ventral anterior cingulate S08548 E08548 384779001 Entire Brodmann area 24, ventral anterior cingulate (body structure) P08548 Y 68621 P nervous system F57B918147EE4AF3B420BDB2BDA9A6B3 Entire Brodmann area 24, ventral anterior cingulate (body structure) 8549 8549 08549 Brodmann area 25, area subgenualis S08549 E08549 384780003 Entire Brodmann area 25, area subgenualis (body structure) P08549 Y 68622 P nervous system D98F08734C69428B9C7912FD639B5647 Entire Brodmann area 25, area subgenualis (body structure) 8550 8550 08550 Brodmann area 26, ectosplenial S08550 E08550 384781004 Entire Brodmann area 26, ectosplenial (body structure) P08550 Y 68623 P nervous system D614F6CCE95B443B91D83194BEB59828 Entire Brodmann area 26, ectosplenial (body structure) 8551 8551 08551 Brodmann area 28, entorhinal S08551 E08551 384782006 Entire Brodmann area 28, entorhinal (body structure) P08551 Y 68625 P nervous system D108355FBC564E74A31F7C3969C0EF4A Entire Brodmann area 28, entorhinal (body structure) 8552 8552 08552 Brodmann area 29, granular retrolimbic S08552 E08552 384783001 Entire Brodmann area 29, granular retrolimbic (body structure) P08552 Y 68626 P nervous system C692CE3152B947D8B2C39D83CCC4F680 Entire Brodmann area 29, granular retrolimbic (body structure) 8553 8553 08553 Brodmann area 30, agranular retrolimbic S08553 E08553 384784007 Entire Brodmann area 30, agranular retrolimbic (body structure) P08553 Y 68627 P nervous system 285E9375DB7D4EA0BD2CDCA5F7768597 Entire Brodmann area 30, agranular retrolimbic (body structure) 8554 8554 08554 Brodmann area 31, dorsal posterior cingulate S08554 E08554 384785008 Entire Brodmann area 31, dorsal posterior cingulate (body structure) P08554 Y 68628 P nervous system BFD494A6D8B04A5DA6B4BABB7F02A9A6 Entire Brodmann area 31, dorsal posterior cingulate (body structure) 8555 8555 08555 Brodmann area 32, dorsal anterior cingulate S08555 E08555 384787000 Entire Brodmann area 32, dorsal anterior cingulate (body structure) P08555 Y 68629 P nervous system 499DE3F7B0E94DDDB6D48FFB4EDE621C Entire Brodmann area 32, dorsal anterior cingulate (body structure) 8556 8556 08556 Brodmann area 33, pregenual S08556 E08556 384788005 Entire Brodmann area 33, pregenual (body structure) P08556 Y 68630 P nervous system EAB3F4B863A94546A1EEBFDA3DF20271 Entire Brodmann area 33, pregenual (body structure) 8557 8557 08557 Brodmann area 34, dorsal entorhinal S08557 E08557 384789002 Entire Brodmann area 34, dorsal entorhinal (body structure) P08557 Y 68631 P nervous system C1EDACAAD83D4D93972ABC547F0F9ADF Entire Brodmann area 34, dorsal entorhinal (body structure) 8558 8558 08558 Brodmann area 35, perirhinal S08558 E08558 384790006 Entire Brodmann area 35, perirhinal (body structure) P08558 Y 68632 P nervous system 25CF59FCD38E40EC8C374078DE7FA4EC Entire Brodmann area 35, perirhinal (body structure) 8559 8559 08559 Brodmann area 36, ectorhinal S08559 E08559 384791005 Entire Brodmann area 36, ectorhinal (body structure) P08559 Y 68633 P nervous system 2408A9A1AAC34F5E958B44E2D9B8AC1B Entire Brodmann area 36, ectorhinal (body structure) 8560 8560 08560 Brodmann area 37, occipitotemporal S08560 E08560 384792003 Entire Brodmann area 37, occipitotemporal (body structure) P08560 Y 68634 P nervous system 1B02636A5F78458FBF2193690B049528 Entire Brodmann area 37, occipitotemporal (body structure) 8561 8561 08561 Brodmann area 38, temporopolar S08561 E08561 384793008 Entire Brodmann area 38, temporopolar (body structure) P08561 Y 68635 P nervous system 7FCC486DE02A4815B5CD68768E42621D Entire Brodmann area 38, temporopolar (body structure) 8562 8562 08562 Brodmann area 39, angular S08562 E08562 384794002 Entire Brodmann area 39, angular (body structure) P08562 Y 68636 P nervous system 095BF9A0CCA5428194D391364EED395B Entire Brodmann area 39, angular (body structure) 8563 8563 08563 Brodmann area 40, supramarginal S08563 E08563 384795001 Entire Brodmann area 40, supramarginal (body structure) P08563 Y 68637 P nervous system 96233E2C4E9845A3B5556F464247CBCA Entire Brodmann area 40, supramarginal (body structure) 8564 8564 08564 Brodmann area 41, anterior transverse temporal S08564 E08564 384796000 Entire Brodmann area 41, anterior transverse temporal (body structure) P08564 Y 68638 P nervous system C10FF7C418AA49188AE81B9E82DEAFBE Entire Brodmann area 41, anterior transverse temporal (body structure) 8565 8565 08565 Brodmann area 42, posterior transverse temporal S08565 E08565 384797009 Entire Brodmann area 42, posterior transverse temporal (body structure) P08565 Y 68639 P nervous system B2F9D571AE734F25907672290AD6D6B8 Entire Brodmann area 42, posterior transverse temporal (body structure) 8566 8566 08566 Brodmann area 43, subcentral S08566 E08566 384800006 Entire Brodmann area 43, subcentral (body structure) P08566 Y 68640 P nervous system 696E474236F741769DFE0E1D61DEE436 Entire Brodmann area 43, subcentral (body structure) 8567 8567 08567 Brodmann area 44, opercular S08567 E08567 384803008 Entire Brodmann area 44, opercular (body structure) P08567 Y 68641 P nervous system E09123E1B6814556BAB6209F87539A5E Entire Brodmann area 44, opercular (body structure) 8568 8568 08568 Brodmann area 45, triangular S08568 E08568 384805001 Entire Brodmann area 45, triangular (body structure) P08568 Y 68642 P nervous system A1A575CC884F4607B00A8DB4C0220BE4 Entire Brodmann area 45, triangular (body structure) 8569 8569 08569 Brodmann area 46, middle frontal S08569 E08569 384806000 Entire Brodmann area 46, middle frontal (body structure) P08569 Y 68643 P nervous system 9C0A9BAC2F8C484DADD58A668FD3B53F Entire Brodmann area 46, middle frontal (body structure) 8570 8570 08570 Brodmann area 47, orbital S08570 E08570 384807009 Entire Brodmann area 47, orbital (body structure) P08570 Y 68644 P nervous system 2F8A4AF04D964501B70517B0E34F3D43 Entire Brodmann area 47, orbital (body structure) 8571 8571 08571 Brodmann area 48, retrosubicular S08571 E08571 384808004 Entire Brodmann area 48, retrosubicular (body structure) P08571 Y 81151 P nervous system 84DB08101C9D498E9D74AEB64149BB5C Entire Brodmann area 48, retrosubicular (body structure) 8572 8572 08572 Brodmann area 52, parainsular S08572 E08572 384809007 Entire Brodmann area 52, parainsular (body structure) P08572 Y 81153 P nervous system D81F74357C674214B7DA4A5D5CED4A39 Entire Brodmann area 52, parainsular (body structure) 8574 8574 08574 anterior muscle of abdomen 424161004 S08574 Structure of anterior muscle of abdomen (body structure) E08574 181736001 Entire anterior muscle of abdomen (body structure) P08574 Y 78435 P musculoskeletal system 7B0843809B0E4E2DBC5D684B535CD56A 6AC73D2D6FE646178411E9046C1BF700 anterior muscle of abdomen Entire anterior muscle of abdomen (body structure) 8575 8575 08575 bursa of ankle 422429005 S08575 Structure of bursa of ankle (body structure) E08575 182504009 Entire bursa of ankle (body structure) P08575 Y P musculoskeletal system E5D1F9C9779D4F2D91AC2564A1A26339 A571CDAD14DD4D74821BB5FE0B8696A2 bursa of ankle Entire bursa of ankle (body structure) 8576 8576 08576 biceps femoris superior muscle bursa 424070003 S08576 Structure of biceps femoris superior muscle bursa (body structure) E08576 66599002 Entire bursa of biceps femoris superior muscle (body structure) P08576 Y P musculoskeletal system 1396FA1077BA4EA1A0DA7901DF28875A 3E9BBFF34D0C40359480AF8FED4DD809 biceps femoris superior muscle bursa Entire bursa of biceps femoris superior muscle (body structure) 8577 8577 08577 bursa of elbow 422976007 S08577 Structure of bursa of elbow (body structure) E08577 182488007 Entire bursa of elbow (body structure) P08577 Y P musculoskeletal system 9C4EAF7410C44172A911A67FBA74D1A4 94B1B31D2B7A486BAC61F2028FFBE7FD bursa of elbow Entire bursa of elbow (body structure) 8578 8578 08578 bursa of foot 424339002 S08578 Structure of bursa of foot (body structure) E08578 182505005 Entire bursa of foot (body structure) P08578 Y P musculoskeletal system 660553BE23644F0C97EA9EE8CC9DD169 FB9EB558CE0B4256A4B748D5B1009C8B bursa of foot Entire bursa of foot (body structure) 8579 8579 08579 bursa of forearm 424634000 S08579 Structure of bursa of forearm (body structure) E08579 182490008 Entire bursa of forearm (body structure) P08579 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system D922E54AD868410FB5F94CFD0FFC3233 833B75235CB64E8B8F0317C80DAE2E85 bursa of forearm Entire bursa of forearm (body structure) 8580 8580 08580 bursa of hand 425250005 S08580 Structure of bursa of hand (body structure) E08580 182492000 Entire bursa of hand (body structure) P08580 Y P musculoskeletal system 7EF98210AE214C35B4335EC7B8E6970E 362BE672DD2C4FCDBC6E3B340A585F61 bursa of hand Entire bursa of hand (body structure) 8581 8581 08581 bursa of hip 423290005 S08581 Structure of bursa of hip (body structure) E08581 182493005 Entire bursa of hip (body structure) P08581 Y P musculoskeletal system 2CE16269B6AC4DC2B59D83704A4F25D8 A9D012F9406942C9AD0E900AB91A00B4 bursa of hip Entire bursa of hip (body structure) 8582 8582 08582 bursa of knee 425038009 S08582 Structure of bursa of knee (body structure) E08582 182497006 Entire bursa of knee (body structure) P08582 Y P articular system 59C25DC67E814B2A81852D6433E860AF 69D98B5BCADB4570834B944F204EC4B0 bursa of knee Entire bursa of knee (body structure) 8583 8583 08583 bursa of lower leg 425137001 S08583 Structure of bursa of lower leg (body structure) E08583 182503003 Entire bursa of lower leg (body structure) P08583 Y P musculoskeletal system 4094ADF6D8E64F298B108E25C57143D1 78488C33F75C40C9B0FA38DB62AB3448 bursa of lower leg Entire bursa of lower leg (body structure) 8584 8584 08584 bursa of lower limb 422709005 S08584 Structure of bursa of lower limb (body structure) E08584 272724000 Entire bursa of lower limb (body structure) P08584 Y 71594 P musculoskeletal system 3B8448DB2AB04D1E8F09E9EC614121B2 6EE5980B879C4BC6A5DFA373B7EFB4FF bursa of lower limb Entire bursa of lower limb (body structure) 8585 8585 08585 bursa of neck 424502002 S08585 Structure of bursa of neck (body structure) E08585 182484009 Entire bursa of neck (body structure) P08585 Y 71592 P 61CFB648663A47FBA0E285AC281D00A9 B6E70ABD74294341A46E301A533391F6 bursa of neck Entire bursa of neck (body structure) 8586 8586 08586 bursa of olecranon 424436005 S08586 Structure of bursa of olecranon (body structure) E08586 182489004 Entire bursa of olecranon (body structure) P08586 Y P musculoskeletal system 1F45F12ED03A41AB8BA492E4656D8349 33B94394C8914A6CA976FEC7610A5568 bursa of olecranon Entire bursa of olecranon (body structure) 8587 8587 08587 patellar bursa 424798005 S08587 Structure of bursa of patella (body structure) E08587 367590005 Entire bursa of patella (body structure) P08587 Y P articular system F12F2712884941A0ABAD438F56D3E9E8 FD91912552424DB5A9180F6355E2558C Entire bursa of patella (body structure) 8588 8588 08588 bursa of pelvis 423613002 S08588 Structure of bursa of pelvis (body structure) E08588 312833009 Entire bursa of pelvis (body structure) P08588 Y P musculoskeletal system C37CAC9D049647F5891C55B9F5B18795 834F24888E5848AB8C362E7451DB0FFB bursa of pelvis Entire bursa of pelvis (body structure) 8589 8589 08589 bursa of shoulder 424857008 S08589 Structure of bursa of shoulder (body structure) E08589 182485005 Entire bursa of shoulder (body structure) P08589 Y P skeletal system E2B5999CA1FA4E30B2C39775C1FF7AF0 6D52D6022C51470299239F11036BB47E bursa of shoulder Entire bursa of shoulder (body structure) 8590 8590 08590 bursa of thigh 425324009 S08590 Structure of bursa of thigh (body structure) E08590 182496002 Entire bursa of thigh (body structure) P08590 Y P musculoskeletal system F97E3C6AC657461F94CE07121871F4EB 5B01C0A92F6442BFB728427B41A358A1 bursa of thigh Entire bursa of thigh (body structure) 8591 8591 08591 bursa of upper arm 423415001 S08591 Structure of bursa of upper arm (body structure) E08591 182487002 Entire bursa of upper arm (body structure) P08591 Y P musculoskeletal system 881425255103470F97EC68421E66E4A9 8A5733C9422A456D89C6F5B700FFA9EA bursa of upper arm Entire bursa of upper arm (body structure) 8592 8592 08592 bursa of upper limb 423019002 S08592 Structure of bursa of upper limb (body structure) E08592 272723006 Entire bursa of upper limb (body structure) P08592 Y 71593 P musculoskeletal system 7862E8FD04A54DF6BEE8B40B1F86EDD9 77DA8FA9854D426685D78EE3C83268B2 bursa of upper limb Entire bursa of upper limb (body structure) 8593 8593 08593 bursa of wrist 423972001 S08593 Structure of bursa of wrist (body structure) E08593 182491007 Entire bursa of wrist (body structure) P08593 Y P musculoskeletal system D7B0F7B366194351A520905A4308A627 1B89B821E75C420C942665685E32CC81 bursa of wrist Entire bursa of wrist (body structure) 8594 8594 08594 psoas bursa 422622009 S08594 Structure of psoas bursa (body structure) E08594 182495003 Entire psoas bursa (body structure) P08594 Y P musculoskeletal system 424F94561AC34B839AE3035542880BA4 A33E596B0DCA488B886199F28A6ED126 psoas bursa Entire psoas bursa (body structure) 8595 8595 08595 retrocalcaneal bursa 423898008 S08595 Structure of retrocalcaneal bursa (body structure) E08595 282103006 Entire retrocalcaneal bursa (body structure) P08595 Y P musculoskeletal system B9735EF4A9FE4A65B2D2A69917C42AC1 2CC405123AFF4586BEB58774ECEA19D2 retrocalcaneal bursa Entire retrocalcaneal bursa (body structure) 8596 8596 08596 subcutaneous malleolar bursa S08596 E08596 360886001 Entire subcutaneous malleolar bursa (body structure) P08596 Y P musculoskeletal system C22410898B9E46F7A2CA7D8B03487298 Entire subcutaneous malleolar bursa (body structure) 8597 8597 08597 subtendinous bursa of posterior tibial muscle 424972008 S08597 Structure of subtendinous bursa of posterior tibial muscle (body structure) E08597 48730000 Entire subtendinous bursa of posterior tibial muscle (body structure) P08597 Y P musculoskeletal system 2D5F0073E1054AD2B15AD19A0B3F5A33 B6B3987F49794F4F9FD27F7F70FB90DC subtendinous bursa of posterior tibial muscle Entire subtendinous bursa of posterior tibial muscle (body structure) 8598 8598 08598 subregion of trunk 420473002 S08598 Structure of subregion of trunk (body structure) E08598 123960005 Entire subregion of trunk (body structure) P08598 - 25054 D regional/topgraphical DE39DEE64F464DACB1F6B8CAFD919AD2 77652BCD58DE4B2E92C9574AD116CA2B subregion of trunk Entire subregion of trunk (body structure) 8599 8599 08599 blood vessel of head 281231009 S08599 Vascular structure of head (body structure) E08599 127865000 Entire blood vessel of head (body structure) P08599 - P cardiovascular system 706C5D47951D4F49B103AA14C65F0636 7489CC2CFC134F589E789DB96968EE51 Entire blood vessel of head (body structure) 8600 8600 08600 subregion of abdomen 420685002 S08600 Structure of subregion of abdomen (body structure) E08600 127946007 Entire subregion of abdomen (body structure) P08600 - 20357 D regional/topgraphical 545003A30196474C93A9371310D0754E A6EC09F27B074D6487E9CA0AF59D90C3 subregion of abdomen Entire subregion of abdomen (body structure) 8601 8601 08601 genital organ 700037000 S08601 Structure of genital organ (body structure) E08601 128181006 Entire genital organ (body structure) P08601 - P genital system 97BC593366534B238A9700A68C6509F4 Entire genital organ (body structure) 8602 8602 08602 permanent canine tooth 421097009 S08602 Structure of permanent canine tooth (body structure) E08602 134340007 Entire permanent canine tooth (body structure) P08602 tooth, canine, permanent Y 84203 P digestive system 9F90F08F62FC473EBF035F1543B18893 E70C4A926D374F5C908F65E510FEA7CC permanent canine tooth Entire permanent canine tooth (body structure) 8603 8603 08603 calvaria S08603 E08603 140592008 Entire calvaria (body structure) P08603 - 52800 P skeletal system B3155B2A93AF4F32B0405DD5C033694F Entire calvaria (body structure) 8605 8605 08605 body of axis 420367004 S08605 Structure of body of axis (body structure) E08605 181898006 Entire body of axis (body structure) P08605 - 24044 P skeletal system B670C1F716B743A2AD94BFED75AFEA33 76AE2AE225FF465695A4CC87277E1C9F body of axis Entire body of axis (body structure) 8606 8606 08606 talonavicular joint 127864001 S08606 Structure of talonavicular joint (body structure) E08606 228275005 Entire talonavicular joint (body structure) P08606 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system B063B77C360943B6AC80F97E6EE9D9B5 0B9B3A88FA3847A98C71A7BB14891919 talonavicular joint Entire talonavicular joint (body structure) 8608 8608 08608 middle constrictor S08608 E08608 244802003 Entire middle constrictor (body structure) P08608 Y 46622 P digestive system 376F821AC77B4F1B8BE4B8DB2D43E2B5 Entire middle constrictor (body structure) 8609 8609 08609 axillary vein lymph node 421624008 S08609 Structure of axillary vein lymph node (body structure) E08609 245330000 Entire axillary vein lymph node (body structure) P08609 Y P lymphatic system F1E48BC8773D49F4ABC4D1AA17C50D49 30FE859923DD4CA58D1150D66B0566BB axillary vein lymph node Entire axillary vein lymph node (body structure) 8610 8610 08610 external mammary lymph node 421988007 S08610 Structure of external mammary lymph node (body structure) E08610 245332008 Entire external mammary lymph node (body structure) P08610 Y P lymphatic system 6835730F0E704C96ABF3ADF93B7F70C0 8AC2124DB4B14211A692D055AEDF8372 external mammary lymph node Entire external mammary lymph node (body structure) 8611 8611 08611 interpectoral lymph node 420800007 S08611 Structure of interpectoral lymph node (body structure) E08611 245333003 Entire interpectoral lymph node (body structure) P08611 Y 44312 P lymphatic system 65FC17386FDA40D690D54C0BB80F1898 54D1D8361B794F11868398A9E9BE2FA0 interpectoral lymph node Entire interpectoral lymph node (body structure) 8612 8612 08612 subclavian lymph node 421861001 S08612 Structure of subclavian lymph node (body structure) E08612 245334009 Entire subclavian lymph node (body structure) P08612 Y 234498 P lymphatic system E8E4A8D8D13B4BD782AFCFBFE9871EF9 90DFFC6FC8AA4F25A3DBAB35F51B34A4 subclavian lymph node Entire subclavian lymph node (body structure) 8613 8613 08613 interspinalis cervicis 421911006 S08613 Structure of interspinalis cervicis muscle (body structure) E08613 246011001 Entire interspinalis cervicis muscle (body structure) P08613 Y 22847 P muscular system 36C288A1432F4E44AA76A1E9C6312EF6 8BBDAC023A9C4859BFC1E55A2EE24BA2 Entire interspinalis cervicis muscle (body structure) 8615 8615 08615 second web space of foot 420471000 S08615 Structure of second web space of foot (body structure) E08615 264192000 Entire second web space of foot (body structure) P08615 Y P 73C3F0610FA84D4AA8C60D21710DA2E1 DA6199529677445CBFA6D827C692BCDC second web space of foot Entire second web space of foot (body structure) 8616 8616 08616 superficial posterior compartment of lower leg 118518000 S08616 Structure of superficial posterior compartment of lower leg (body structure) E08616 264214007 Entire superficial posterior compartment of lower leg (body structure) P08616 Y 45178 P musculoskeletal system DE730E9AE3EC4126B37CB29F8AC53563 77E36729879C4E9495F94197C24CBD6D superficial posterior compartment of lower leg Entire superficial posterior compartment of lower leg (body structure) 8617 8617 08617 third web space of foot 422139005 S08617 Structure of third web space of foot (body structure) E08617 264234008 Entire third web space of foot (body structure) P08617 Y P 85A056DDDD5C405EAF8C601A8FC836DF 31DCDF78110645E99E48F7F89A96C337 third web space of foot Entire third web space of foot (body structure) 8618 8618 08618 deep posterior compartment of lower leg 118517005 S08618 Structure of deep posterior compartment of lower leg (body structure) E08618 264458005 Entire deep posterior compartment of lower leg (body structure) P08618 Y 45173 P musculoskeletal system 5713EB2F70664D5892D08E111BB7F320 59E223BD1354475191DE8DC0053D3335 deep posterior compartment of lower leg Entire deep posterior compartment of lower leg (body structure) 8619 8619 08619 first web space of foot 420984000 S08619 Structure of first web space of foot (body structure) E08619 264472001 Entire first web space of foot (body structure) P08619 Y P 0D8FF055E88648A3817DC46C5AEE1E84 EFD8E65F73304E5186C854399D2ABBEB first web space of foot Entire first web space of foot (body structure) 8620 8620 08620 fourth web space of foot 421462000 S08620 Structure of fourth web space of foot (body structure) E08620 264478002 Entire fourth web space of foot (body structure) P08620 Y P 04DA7B31DD7B431AA468611FEE165467 6962DE26AC524A30AB6A8C4C73624C36 fourth web space of foot Entire fourth web space of foot (body structure) 8621 8621 08621 intrinsic muscle compartment of hand 410777004 S08621 Structure of intrinsic muscle compartment of hand (body structure) E08621 264487006 Entire intrinsic muscle compartment of hand (body structure) P08621 Y P musculoskeletal system 0F3B8904EACA4240962ED67264CB69FB 866CC985AD294FD080854BC2A83FD5E4 intrinsic muscle compartment of hand Entire intrinsic muscle compartment of hand (body structure) 8622 8622 08622 limb compartment S08622 E08622 276743002 Entire limb compartment (body structure) P08622 Y 62570 P 9408F639EE4E469E87B1AA85D9E739B4 Entire limb compartment (body structure) 8623 8623 08623 lower limb compartment S08623 E08623 276744008 Entire lower limb compartment (body structure) P08623 Y 45234 P musculoskeletal system C171175B73084070850A79EDA339022B Entire lower limb compartment (body structure) 8624 8624 08624 upper limb compartment S08624 E08624 276745009 Entire upper limb compartment (body structure) P08624 Y 45233 P musculoskeletal system 29D6E36297C54285B998E15AD7508ED6 Entire upper limb compartment (body structure) 8625 8625 08625 common synovial tendon sheath of digital flexors of hand 56334007 S08625 Structure of common tendon sheath of flexor muscle of forearm, wrist, hand (body structure) E08625 306752004 Entire common synovial tendon sheath of digital flexors of hand (body structure) P08625 Y 40856 P musculoskeletal system 5481464E2B504FADAB53AF6B5A675BD7 672D771A641E47598BF6CD09DFC5A945 common tendon sheath of flexor muscle of forearm, wrist, hand Entire common synovial tendon sheath of digital flexors of hand (body structure) 8626 8626 08626 bone organ of vault of skull S08626 E08626 312835002 Entire bone of vault of skull (body structure) P08626 - P skeletal system E4C0164B15EA44358880FBFF378028A0 Entire bone of vault of skull (body structure) 8627 8627 08627 vein of limb 363575007 S08627 Venous structure of limb (body structure) E08627 312892001 Entire vein of limb (body structure) P08627 Y P venous system 576571519E2B435FB7D64171F095B40A 7DB1B0A7E43844508BEE705C00480EC7 Vein of limb Entire vein of limb (body structure) 8628 8628 08628 bronchiole subdivision S08628 E08628 314260006 Bronchiole subdivision (body structure) P08628 Y P respiratory system 2665235424324134A294C8B98E6C9C4B Bronchiole subdivision (body structure) 8629 8629 08629 alveolar bronchiole S08629 E08629 361287006 Entire alveolar bronchiole (body structure) P08629 Y P respiratory system 6C5B3542A4F142EDA07705429FA78DB1 Entire alveolar bronchiole (body structure) 8630 8630 08630 auditory radiation 410726006 S08630 Acoustic radiations structure (body structure) E08630 361598008 Entire auditory radiation (body structure) P08630 Y 62413 P nervous system E072BECC1B574B9CBAF9F490366FB4B9 D176F288DFCF45E4863A96CFD2D1DE50 Acoustic radiations Entire auditory radiation (body structure) 8633 8633 08633 bone tissue of bone of jaw 392081006 S08633 Bone structure of jaw (body structure) E08633 P08633 - 0 D skeletal system C5CF3769608F4C9CA6EA8D2E1A4A9FFB Bone of jaw 8634 8634 08634 pelvic viscus 8279000 S08634 Structure of pelvic viscus (body structure) E08634 372029004 Entire pelvic viscus (body structure) P08634 - P F89A0A5CF39048F6A444E5EC1EA99E78 B4CC3D7CA2F7406586CF1799B8DD0E8B pelvic viscus Entire pelvic viscus (body structure) 8635 8635 08635 elbow joint synovial membrane 280445006 S08635 Elbow joint synovium (body structure) E08635 372176006 Entire elbow joint synovium (body structure) P08635 Y P musculoskeletal system 4806E60D2ED748E4AF7DCE573EC83734 312502151E6D4EB19D463F8F824C1054 Elbow joint synovium Entire elbow joint synovium (body structure) 8636 8636 08636 shoulder joint synovial membrane 280444005 S08636 Shoulder joint synovium (body structure) E08636 372178007 Entire shoulder joint synovium (body structure) P08636 Y P skeletal system DB6315B35C0F429CAF48E1E45A441D09 E82593734CCE473D8E643A9DEE0C7DE4 Shoulder joint synovium Entire shoulder joint synovium (body structure) 8637 8637 08637 wrist joint synovial membrane 280446007 S08637 Wrist joint synovium (body structure) E08637 372179004 Entire wrist joint synovium (body structure) P08637 Y P articular system C0387D9579584206AD120AD79D823C28 1949AC9E9C2B4087BBB7C26AC25F2F7C Wrist joint synovium Entire wrist joint synovium (body structure) 8639 8639 08639 adventitia of ureter 47879001 S08639 Adventitia of ureter (body structure) E08639 392273001 Entire adventitia of ureter (body structure) P08639 Y 15892 P urinary system FD87D25A77C94134ADA12ABD97BF1568 2055C5FF732444E1B5D2CA380FAA900F Adventitia of ureter Entire adventitia of ureter (body structure) 8640 8640 08640 extraocular muscle tendon 373396000 S08640 Extraocular muscle tendon (body structure) E08640 373397009 Entire extraocular muscle tendon (body structure) P08640 Y P special senses organ system 2E4228EE401E40DEBB95397394B785DA 8F3A3F13E2564AA099DBD91C4E4106F5 Extraocular muscle tendon Entire extraocular muscle tendon (body structure) 8641 8641 08641 mononuclear phagocyte system 127908000 S08641 Mononuclear phagocyte system structure (body structure) E08641 414108006 Entire mononuclear phagocyte system (body structure) P08641 - 84189 P mononuclear phagocyte system 4272CB6605484E41AE6CB1FE5D55086A 2404C77AE32040D3B74EAE964EB40509 Mononuclear phagocyte system Entire mononuclear phagocyte system (body structure) 8642 8642 08642 lacrimal gland duct 417266007 S08642 Structure of lacrimal gland duct (body structure) E08642 416907003 Entire lacrimal gland duct (body structure) P08642 Y 61063 P special senses organ system 71544102EE5540119E750D915879CBFA 774C251DB73C4409A8672A9F792F45AE lacrimal gland duct Entire lacrimal gland duct (body structure) Organ with organ cavity which connects the vestibule of the conjunctival sac to the nasal cavity. Examples: There are only two lacrimal ducts, the right and the left lacrimal ducts. 8643 8643 08643 pupillomotor system S08643 E08643 417340007 Entire pupillomotor system (body structure) P08643 Y P special senses organ system 1BA59CB2C95E497CB92033547B32C6A0 Entire pupillomotor system (body structure) 8644 8644 08644 stratum granulosum 49874001 S08644 Stratum granulosum structure (body structure) E08644 418563001 Entire stratum granulosum (body structure) P08644 - 70344 P integumentary system 276823653CFA480689D2FB2EC3768CC4 A40B1427728C4BAE8985A07A9FB1788A Stratum granulosum Entire stratum granulosum (body structure) 8645 8645 08645 stratum lucidum 15887008 S08645 Stratum lucidum structure (body structure) E08645 419156002 Entire stratum lucidum (body structure) P08645 - 70540 P integumentary system 8B12E6767AB342DB9B396047D92678DB 0603ADBB1EA64D43A365C2ADB578B42D Stratum lucidum Entire stratum lucidum (body structure) 8646 8646 08646 cilioretinal artery 420097000 S08646 Cilioretinal artery (body structure) E08646 419807001 Entire cilioretinal artery (body structure) P08646 Y P arterial system 2E93F98787AC4AA192FCBD5F97D590DD 65BADA3B80BA43A5A593ADE47A708B03 Cilioretinal artery Entire cilioretinal artery (body structure) 8647 8647 08647 internal mammary lymph node S08647 E08647 421997006 Entire internal mammary lymph node (body structure) P08647 Y P lymphatic system AF5E15D1DCF64C178FDC49AA36DB7220 Entire internal mammary lymph node (body structure) 8648 8648 08648 irregular bone 420769004 S08648 Structure of irregular bone (body structure) E08648 421560006 Entire irregular bone (body structure) P08648 - 7477 P skeletal system 7F64520A0F814BA6A6C894AEB6EAAD2A 5412414100644DABBEBD59A503913805 irregular bone Entire irregular bone (body structure) 8649 8649 08649 left anterior naris S08649 E08649 421652004 Entire left anterior naris (body structure) P08649 Lgroup D respiratory system B908BAB55A1F4BCD8AEF581F3EDE96D9 Entire left anterior naris (body structure) 8650 8650 08650 right anterior naris S08650 E08650 421814002 Entire right anterior naris (body structure) P08650 Rgroup 0 D respiratory system 33F9A2CAD71C4CDD95E451760DCBCC08 Entire right anterior naris (body structure) 8651 8651 08651 left choana S08651 E08651 421042004 Entire left choana (body structure) P08651 Lgroup 0 D respiratory system 2CAEF7A8CB9A4EFC834DD765F52A8477 Entire left choana (body structure) 8652 8652 08652 right choana S08652 E08652 421384004 Entire right choana (body structure) P08652 Rgroup 0 D respiratory system 072DA20EB8584999977FEDAE18C91C0F Entire right choana (body structure) 8653 8653 08653 foot or both feet S08653 E08653 420596004 Entire foot or both feet (body structure) P08653 Y P regional/topgraphical/group 2528D065180A4EF5BBB9E328948E1C70 Entire foot or both feet (body structure) 8654 8654 08654 lower limb or both lower limbs S08654 E08654 421480009 Lower extremity or both lower extremities (body structure) P08654 Y P regional/topgraphical/group 0637C58107DD4A32977F04F862D6B641 Lower extremity or both lower extremities (body structure) 8655 8655 8655 joint of atlantoaxial articulation S8655 E8655 421254005 P8655 - 0 P 8656 8656 08656 musculoskeletal system of thorax 289960006 S08656 Musculoskeletal structure of thorax (body structure) E08656 P08656 - D musculoskeletal system 11C5C62911C74CDB831B09EB21307C08 Musculoskeletal of thorax 8659 8659 08659 lower female genital system 297936001 S08659 Lower female genital structure (body structure) E08659 P08659 - P genital system E9EF52D9625B4E8F9E4FB6E1742268D1 Lower female genital 8660 8660 08660 upper female genital system 297935002 S08660 Upper female genital structure (body structure) E08660 P08660 - P genital system 01840D851D964571A5F899E2F341792C Upper female genital 8661 8661 08661 vessel of spleen 297287005 S08661 Vascular structure of spleen (body structure) E08661 P08661 - P lymphoid system ECF23852B67049649D7E25E001204425 Vascular of spleen 8662 8662 08662 thyroid and parathyroid gland 297261005 S08662 Thyroid and/or parathyroid structures (body structure) E08662 P08662 - P endocrine system B32B9695C70842F3A5D611F54F753C7F Thyroid and/or parathyroids 8663 8663 08663 pituitary and pineal gland 297260006 S08663 Pituitary and/or pineal structures (body structure) E08663 P08663 - P endocrine system DD7EF6198A944CE2B4CCEFD68FB0BEBF Pituitary and/or pineals 8664 8664 08664 spermatic cord and male perineum 297185007 S08664 Spermatic cord and/or male perineal structures (body structure) E08664 P08664 - P genital system 95225B7B67054737BF4971D18672518C Spermatic cord and/or male perineals 8665 8665 08665 scrotum and testis 297184006 S08665 Scrotal and testis structures (body structure) E08665 P08665 - P genital system E6D7C9A54AC74D49B80F010EC0790BDE Scrotal and testiss 8666 8666 08666 musculoskeletal system of coccygeal spine 297170001 S08666 Musculoskeletal structure of coccygeal spine (body structure) E08666 P08666 - D musculoskeletal system B7B2E1AAC43C42AE8D25788CC8A0A533 Musculoskeletal of coccygeal spine 8667 8667 08667 musculoskeletal system of sacral spine 297169002 S08667 Musculoskeletal structure of sacral spine (body structure) E08667 P08667 - D musculoskeletal system 8380DC7A25424D2881F431B7CEF004C1 Musculoskeletal of sacral spine 8668 8668 08668 musculoskeletal system of lumbar spine 297168005 S08668 Musculoskeletal structure of lumbar spine (body structure) E08668 P08668 - D musculoskeletal system 5978C314383B4B6EBB4675083042F757 Musculoskeletal of lumbar spine 8669 8669 08669 skin of part of hand 281640004 S08669 Skin of part of hand (body structure) E08669 P08669 Y x D integument/surface EB93B6E2CAC84D1198975B0DB6FC4DED Skin of part of hand 8670 8670 08670 musculoskeletal system of cervical spine 297166009 S08670 Musculoskeletal structure of cervical spine (body structure) E08670 P08670 - D musculoskeletal system B8F0FE6DE6AB4F0C8F0820B96D84F253 Musculoskeletal of cervical spine 8671 8671 08671 femoral or popliteal artery 299715002 S08671 Femoral and/or popliteal artery structures (body structure) E08671 110762005 Femoral and popliteal arteries (combined site) (body structure) P08671 Y 0 P arterial system 699330BF9ED54088A4302656528F493D 6F5080E5B8294C6D9EBC415711439901 Femoral and/or popliteal arterys Femoral and popliteal arteries (combined site) (body structure) 8672 8672 08672 musculoskeletal system of spine 289959001 S08672 Musculoskeletal structure of spine (body structure) E08672 P08672 - D musculoskeletal system 75AD7D8639544F658B9E66BDAB6373B6 Musculoskeletal of spine 8673 8673 08673 skin of lumbar region 286591006 S08673 Skin of lumbar region (body structure) E08673 P08673 - D integument/surface 9A3C0F755720420D97373A827EEAB616 Skin of lumbar region 8674 8674 08674 skin of part of mouth region 284539009 S08674 Skin of part of mouth region (body structure) E08674 P08674 - x D integument/surface 47AEEB921FB44180BA4EBE10BC6E7818 Skin of part of mouth region 8675 8675 08675 skin of part of eye region 284538001 S08675 Skin of part of eye region (body structure) E08675 P08675 Y x D integument/surface 35A5E4B8EE3F49C88F1C68794EC88928 Skin of part of eye region 8676 8676 08676 female genital system in pelvic cavity 281906001 S08676 Pelvic cavity female genital structure (body structure) E08676 P08676 - P genital system D175EFCEE6A14863A135F2CD2A09BEA0 Pelvic cavity female genital 8677 8677 08677 male genital system in pelvic cavity 281905002 S08677 Pelvic cavity male genital structure (body structure) E08677 P08677 - P genital system 7C78FC82141342F29C48652E74CD9A6B Pelvic cavity male genital 8678 8678 08678 urinary tract in pelvic cavity 281904003 S08678 Pelvic cavity urinary structure (body structure) E08678 P08678 - P 3591FCBB13E04832ADD98101052FC744 Pelvic cavity urinary 8679 8679 08679 intra-abdominal urinary system 281901006 S08679 Intra-abdominal urinary structure (body structure) E08679 P08679 - P genitourinary system 4D74508A4893499F8B47989562E7A486 Intra-abdominal urinary 8680 8680 08680 nervous system of head and neck 281830000 S08680 Nervous structure of head and neck (body structure) E08680 P08680 - P nervous system A134ABBFAD5E40A6AEE2F56A397FC6E5 nervous system of head and neck 8681 8681 08681 regional nervous system 281829005 S08681 Regional nervous structure (body structure) E08681 P08681 - P nervous system ABF3A754C7914A7C909B2B125BCA8B78 Regional nervous system 8682 8682 08682 vessel of limb 281828002 S08682 Vascular structure of limb (body structure) E08682 P08682 Y D cardiovascular system 3B415C800FE1433C85640D5D8C7D5442 Vascular of limb 8683 8683 08683 regional cardiovascular system 281827007 S08683 Regional cardiovascular structure (body structure) E08683 P08683 - P cardiovascular system 698C2DDB3E8B4B5586A6B1122854B17A Regional cardiovascular 8684 8684 08684 musculoskeletal system of thoracic spine 297167000 S08684 Musculoskeletal structure of thoracic spine (body structure) E08684 P08684 - D musculoskeletal system 6898519928C44E91A170411B80B0E44D Musculoskeletal of thoracic spine 8685 8685 08685 liver and biliary tract 303270005 S08685 Liver and/or biliary structure (body structure) E08685 P08685 - P digestive system B93DF245486B48E2ABB1418AABFAB08A Liver and/or biliary 8686 8686 08686 vessel of uterus 303436007 S08686 Vascular structure of uterus (body structure) E08686 P08686 - P genital system 1E0CE9D9DB03442692CA3249E275DE43 Vascular of uterus 8687 8687 08687 vessel of ovary 303434005 S08687 Vascular structure of ovary (body structure) E08687 P08687 Y P genital system 6F71A5F965AC4D5DB507E0B0917B4B23 Vascular of ovary 8688 8688 08688 vessel of testis 303433004 S08688 Vascular structure of testis (body structure) E08688 P08688 Y P genital system EA20D89819394364AC05BCEFD7A6824E Vascular of testis 8689 8689 08689 vessel of thymus 303431002 S08689 Vascular structure of thymus (body structure) E08689 P08689 - P lymphoid system 6117BC19AF40426093A9608D7A1F3C4B Vascular of thymus 8690 8690 08690 vessel of thyroid gland 303418007 S08690 Vascular structure of thyroid gland (body structure) E08690 P08690 - P endocrine system D301DDE4F3D942C9A5A5621D210C103D Vascular of thyroid gland 8691 8691 08691 larynx and trachea 303417002 S08691 Larynx and/or tracheal structures (body structure) E08691 110722006 Larynx and trachea (combined site) (body structure) P08691 - P respiratory system 934948098E8E40A78B6E955DC47634F0 91BE11D55A3D4A13B78057A5702181A6 Larynx and/or tracheals Larynx and trachea (combined site) (body structure) 8692 8692 08692 vessel of pituitary gland 303414009 S08692 Vascular structure of pituitary gland (body structure) E08692 P08692 - P endocrine system 61E2AC7F43AB4058ACDEF744BFB8B12A Vascular of pituitary gland 8693 8693 08693 vessel of adrenal gland 303413003 S08693 Vascular structure of adrenal gland (body structure) E08693 P08693 Y P endocrine system DD9B9638EE8F450381EC2E3DF823BE3C Vascular of adrenal gland 8694 8694 08694 vessel of pancreas 303412008 S08694 Vascular structure of pancreas (body structure) E08694 P08694 - P digestive system EF9822EA2F9A4464B8619CA24F44BEA8 Vascular of pancreas 8695 8695 08695 vessel of liver 303410000 S08695 Vascular structure of liver (body structure) E08695 P08695 - P digestive system 366162A0CEF34A8FB45C37F26A435241 Vascular of liver 8696 8696 08696 bladder and bladder outflow tract 303409005 S08696 Bladder and outflow structure (body structure) E08696 P08696 - P urinary system 0232728CCD5E4D4688F5BB7FB16E47D3 Bladder and outflow 8697 8697 08697 vessel of kidney 303402001 S08697 Vascular structure of kidney (body structure) E08697 P08697 Y P urinary system 38D268956DB54A5384F8390388C1941C Vascular of kidney 8698 8698 08698 bone tissue of radius or ulna 299701004 S08698 Bone structure of radius and/or ulna (body structure) E08698 P08698 Y 0 P skeletal system 89FB79F0E97D47C2B81F98BCA99B271B Bone of radius and/or ulna 8699 8699 08699 choroid and retina 303295006 S08699 Choroidal and/or retinal structures (body structure) E08699 110701000 Choroid and retina (combined site) (body structure) P08699 Y P special senses organ system 854BABBB596B44AF841266E1CFC30F45 B21A45CF1F5D44B9A3C52E90A5871578 Choroidal and/or retinals Choroid and retina (combined site) (body structure) 8700 8700 08700 bone tissue of bone of wrist or hand 299706009 S08700 Bone structure of wrist and/or hand (body structure) E08700 P08700 Y 0 D musculoskeletal system 779363777726437E8C43645FFA84685C Bone of wrist and/or hand 8701 8701 08701 regional spinal joint 303099005 S08701 Regional spinal joint structure (body structure) E08701 P08701 - D skeletal system 5E6C93DEC818412CADBB7ACB86FDF3B2 Regional spinal joint 8702 8702 08702 ovary and broad ligament 302696005 S08702 Ovary and/or broad ligament structures (body structure) E08702 P08702 Y P genital system FA7A087BD07D43BCB7E61A83CD98090D Ovary and/or broad ligaments 8703 8703 08703 inner ear and Eustachian canal 302463004 S08703 Inner ear and/or Eustachian canal structures (body structure) E08703 P08703 Y P special senses organ system 8C4EE3246E5444578EA1C8F85A4E040A Inner ear and/or Eustachian canals 8704 8704 08704 esophagus and stomach 302185003 S08704 Esophageal and/or gastric structures (body structure) E08704 110769001 Esophagus and stomach (combined site) (body structure) P08704 - P digestive system 4BB1CA2C98094D8D97D504DA21F74CC8 CEE148EEAB6A452389205F4AD3D99996 Esophageal and/or gastrics Esophagus and stomach (combined site) (body structure) 8705 8705 08705 stomach and duodenum 302184004 S08705 Stomach and/or duodenal structures (body structure) E08705 110775005 Stomach and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) P08705 - P digestive system 69C81EE1862B4DA68C2D940EEFE73D5E 14A0AAFE29844E11B4B8FAD2F18EBE95 Stomach and/or duodenals Stomach and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) 8706 8706 08706 musculoskeletal system of hand 302158005 S08706 Musculoskeletal structure of hand (body structure) E08706 P08706 Y D musculoskeletal system FFADD6133B25482A8A4A61FA1E8EA317 Musculoskeletal of hand 8707 8707 08707 musculoskeletal system of foot 301894008 S08707 Musculoskeletal structure of foot (body structure) E08707 P08707 Y D musculoskeletal system A62292E83AF74355BCCD64E8FA548A57 Musculoskeletal of foot 8709 8709 08709 mesenteric artery lymph node 299993000 S08709 Structure of mesenteric artery lymph node (body structure) E08709 P08709 - 16610 P lymphatic system FDC2747F4EBF4B2FA614A1AA6F87A8AF mesenteric artery lymph node Gray's anatomy 38th ed, p.1620. 8711 8711 08711 carotid or cerebral or subclavian artery 299717005 S08711 Carotid and/or cerebral and/or subclavian structures (body structure) E08711 P08711 - 0 P arterial system 0D9EE5E7E59C4A6DAC729A10CEB0409C Carotid and/or cerebral and/or subclavian artery 8712 8712 08712 iliac or femoral artery 299716001 S08712 Iliac and/or femoral artery structures (body structure) E08712 P08712 Y 0 P arterial system A41910E066ED4957B24FEFC4FA09A6A5 Iliac and/or femoral arterys 8713 8713 08713 lymphatic system of upper limb 281781001 S08713 Structure of lymphatic system of upper limb (body structure) E08713 P08713 Y P lymphatic system E0BF9B4E6E914EFD90BAD3ABE9581A42 lymphatic system of upper limb 8714 8714 08714 face and neck 303340002 S08714 Face and/or neck structure (body structure) E08714 P08714 - P regional/topgraphical/group B1519E9ACF894E3F92B28494265347FC Face and/or neck 8715 8715 08715 skin of part of head 281708005 S08715 Skin of part of head (body structure) E08715 P08715 - x D integument/surface 833D581E746143B389BD5CA846FAEB29 Skin of part of head 8716 8716 08716 inguinal lymphatic system 281783003 S08716 Structure of lymphatic system of inguinal region (body structure) E08716 P08716 Y P lymphatic system 869D14E8141A4535B40AA8ED07303AC5 lymphatic system of inguinal region 8717 8717 08717 skin of part of thorax 281723000 S08717 Skin of part of thorax (body structure) E08717 P08717 - x D integument/surface 81937AADE9564E799D2EAD3DB99A0AEB Skin of part of thorax 8718 8718 08718 skin of part of back 281722005 S08718 Skin of part of back (body structure) E08718 P08718 - x D integument/surface 4DB021D30A614BC5AC01AF2B2B6A5919 Skin of part of back 8719 8719 08719 skin of part of trunk 281721003 S08719 Skin of part of trunk (body structure) E08719 P08719 - x D integument/surface 27993464D30D481093C9BE7FFF2ACCDB Skin of part of trunk 8720 8720 08720 skin of part of anterior area of neck 281720002 S08720 Skin of part of anterior surface of neck (body structure) E08720 P08720 - x D integument/surface 1FF43567403347A897D4CFEAF7636966 Skin of part of anterior surface of neck 8721 8721 08721 skin of part of neck 281719008 S08721 Skin of part of neck (body structure) E08721 P08721 - x D integument/surface 28851646A66544D1B70EE983187F98B5 Skin of part of neck 8722 8722 08722 skin of part of chin 281718000 S08722 Skin of part of chin (body structure) E08722 P08722 - x D integument/surface BC7D4584B5FC4D43BE79DCFCFAE738CC Skin of part of chin 8723 8723 08723 skin of part of jaw 281716001 S08723 Skin of part of jaw (body structure) E08723 P08723 - x D integument/surface 26E1317FC0194203AF0FE1CA0C7B2BBC Skin of part of jaw 8724 8724 08724 skin of part of lip 281715002 S08724 Skin of part of lip (body structure) E08724 P08724 - x D integument/surface 498C3EF1CAA345469CC36116565239DE Skin of part of lip 8725 8725 08725 skin of part of nose 281714003 S08725 Skin of part of nose (body structure) E08725 P08725 - x D integument/surface 56522B53EE834CD28FCF524D98B381FB Skin of part of nose 8726 8726 08726 skin of part of forehead 281713009 S08726 Skin of part of forehead (body structure) E08726 P08726 - x D integument/surface 5A4D53AC7D0A4F6CB26253D272CC4BD1 Skin of part of forehead 8727 8727 08727 skin of part of front of face 281712004 S08727 Skin of part of front of face (body structure) E08727 P08727 - x D integument/surface AF64BD78C60B496A8337516B11FE7DF8 Skin of part of front of face 8728 8728 08728 skin of part of breast 281725007 S08728 Skin of part of breast (body structure) E08728 P08728 Y x D integument/surface 513403BCB0FA49F49E3E7FE970954DC5 Skin of part of breast 8729 8729 08729 skin of part of side of face 281710007 S08729 Skin of part of side of face (body structure) E08729 P08729 Y x D integument/surface 4820CE27A1BD4609BBAF6C401B4E8E24 Skin of part of side of face 8730 8730 08730 skin of part of front of thorax 281726008 S08730 Skin of part of front of thorax (body structure) E08730 P08730 - x D integument/surface A3EFD228F7E54C199D66C1F3F1E42DBB Skin of part of front of thorax 8731 8731 08731 peripheral vein 421466002 S08731 Structure of peripheral vein (body structure) E08731 P08731 - P venous system 2C6FFF89E85748DF9AF457CA64D7377B peripheral vein 8732 8732 08732 skin of part of female external genitalia 281684004 S08732 Skin of part of female external genitalia (body structure) E08732 P08732 - x D integument/surface B5C45AC6E808476C80FDD8392D8853C5 Skin of part of female external genitalia 8733 8733 08733 skin of part of glans of penis 281683005 S08733 Skin of part of glans of penis (body structure) E08733 P08733 - x D integument/surface 2DAF7CE42DAD41869EA4FE47B1CA57F2 Skin of part of glans of penis 8734 8734 08734 skin of part of shaft of penis 281682000 S08734 Skin of part of shaft of penis (body structure) E08734 P08734 - x D integument/surface F908C6683D2544269EE94B25B366439C Skin of part of shaft of penis 8735 8735 08735 skin of part of penis 281681007 S08735 Skin of part of penis (body structure) E08735 P08735 - x D integument/surface D65B2AE09B2B470785F5DBF87AC6BB70 Skin of part of penis 8736 8736 08736 skin of part of male external genitalia 281680008 S08736 Skin of part of male external genitalia (body structure) E08736 P08736 - x D integument/surface E8B5D5097DAB48ACA0BA39CB31ED01A1 Skin of part of male external genitalia 8737 8737 08737 skin of part of genitalia 281679005 S08737 Skin of part of genitalia (body structure) E08737 P08737 - x D integument/surface 53F6E4AEEC6A4C078C52059C465EB2D4 Skin of part of genitalia 8738 8738 08738 skin of part of thumb 281646005 S08738 Skin of part of thumb (body structure) E08738 P08738 Y x D integument/surface 12ABAD9CD88A41979996F1FE2CE61246 Skin of part of thumb 8739 8739 08739 skin of part of finger 281645009 S08739 Skin of part of finger (body structure) E08739 P08739 Y x D integument/surface 9248D6FE525E41A1A66DB582C33FF88F Skin of part of finger 8740 8740 08740 skin of part of digit of hand 281644008 S08740 Skin of part of fingers and thumb (body structure) E08740 P08740 Y x D integument/surface E60083A0B228467DA882A8973F645B07 Skin of part of fingers and thumb 8741 8741 08741 skin of part of finger web 281643002 S08741 Skin of part of finger web (body structure) E08741 P08741 Y x D integument/surface 93D912332C544A87AE28F1668DAB2C37 Skin of part of finger web 8742 8742 08742 skin of part of dorsal area of hand 281642007 S08742 Skin of part of dorsal surface of hand (body structure) E08742 P08742 Y x D integument/surface AF48A7A4E60D4E90AF81985E12DD9BCD Skin of part of dorsal surface of hand 8743 8743 08743 synovial membrane of foot 312677000 S08743 Synovial structure of foot (body structure) E08743 P08743 Y P musculoskeletal system 71CAF479E38F47C9A916828C351F76C0 Synovial of foot 8744 8744 08744 skin of part of ear 281711006 S08744 Skin of part of ear (body structure) E08744 P08744 Y x D integument/surface AB1037228B7C4EE2945C07889FE0BC6C Skin of part of ear 8745 8745 08745 skin of part of thigh 281740009 S08745 Skin of part of thigh (body structure) E08745 P08745 Y x D integument/surface 348A6EBF11D240A5AE769C60DC02C191 Skin of part of thigh 8746 8746 08746 alimentary canal in pelvis 303519002 S08746 Pelvic alimentary structure (body structure) E08746 P08746 - P digestive system E77AF11A32B5491CAFC7E5F4F9588B86 Pelvic alimentary 8747 8747 08747 lymphatic system of pelvis 281780000 S08747 Lymphatic structure of pelvis (body structure) E08747 P08747 - P lymphatic system 2BEC3D33D7F04B08B9110B25EAB9A6DA Lymphatic of pelvis 8748 8748 08748 mediastinal lymphatic system 281779003 S08748 Mediastinal lymphatic structure (body structure) E08748 P08748 - P lymphatic system B5A08072402245209D78CAA61FEEF7C1 Mediastinal lymphatic 8749 8749 08749 intrathoracic lymphatic system 281778006 S08749 Intrathoracic lymphatic structure (body structure) E08749 P08749 - P lymphatic system 1E36447CEB7A402BBE155B05FE94FDDE Intrathoracic lymphatic 8750 8750 08750 lymphatic system of axilla 281777001 S08750 Structure of lymphatic system of axilla (body structure) E08750 P08750 Y P lymphatic system 882938D99F8845AEBF7D5F7D2001CE59 lymphatic system of axilla 8751 8751 08751 lymphatic system of thorax 281776005 S08751 Lymphatic structure of thorax (body structure) E08751 P08751 - 86231 P lymphatic system EA74CA526E2542A8ACF53B2746C279EF Lymphatic of thorax 8752 8752 08752 skin of part of interdigital web 281748002 S08752 Skin of part of interdigital web (body structure) E08752 P08752 Y x D integument/surface B60DC1B2AE9D44E2A629FE6A89DD9474 Skin of part of interdigital web 8753 8753 08753 skin of part of digit 281747007 S08753 Skin of part of digit (body structure) E08753 P08753 Y x D integument/surface F919284AFD2A4767A03F8E63D47AFBA8 Skin of part of digit 8754 8754 08754 skin of part of ankle 281746003 S08754 Skin of part of ankle (body structure) E08754 P08754 Y x D integument/surface AA87FC4033714F40B129A86A259E0B51 Skin of part of ankle 8755 8755 08755 skin of part of web of toe 281745004 S08755 Skin of part of web of toe (body structure) E08755 P08755 Y x D integument/surface 4741C2672B1F40DFAB09754F3697D7DE Skin of part of web of toe 8756 8756 08756 skin of part of plantar area of foot 281744000 S08756 Skin of part of plantar surface of foot (body structure) E08756 P08756 Y x D integument/surface 002B9D5818EF4B399BDAC0CBAD3CEB4E Skin of part of plantar surface of foot 8757 8757 08757 skin of part of foot 281743006 S08757 Skin of part of foot (body structure) E08757 P08757 Y x D integument/surface 9FF36A24C8EE43DDAEC0714A0353785C Skin of part of foot 8758 8758 08758 skin of part of anterolateral area of thorax 281724006 S08758 Skin of part of anterolateral surface of thorax (body structure) E08758 P08758 Y x D integument/surface B926D85817C24085B0C7A58691D06E61 Skin of part of anterolateral surface of thorax 8759 8759 08759 skin of part of knee 281741008 S08759 Skin of part of knee (body structure) E08759 P08759 Y x D integument/surface B493565F5BE54818A32897CB036EA96C Skin of part of knee 8760 8760 08760 lymphatic system of lower limb 281782008 S08760 Structure of lymphatic system of lower limb (body structure) E08760 P08760 Y P lymphatic system A8272C744BDB4916B9D97498F6ECB1FA lymphatic system of lower limb 8761 8761 08761 skin of part of lower limb 281739007 S08761 Skin of part of lower limb (body structure) E08761 P08761 Y x D integument/surface 30FB2CCCE5ED456C9F07ACAA8395A038 Skin of part of lower limb 8762 8762 08762 skin of part of wrist 281738004 S08762 Skin of part of wrist (body structure) E08762 P08762 Y x D integument/surface 7909A1FC347B4A698507729E06415416 Skin of part of wrist 8763 8763 08763 skin of part of forearm 281737009 S08763 Skin of part of forearm (body structure) E08763 P08763 Y x D integument/surface C7D2204252DC49BD8365431763FAB556 Skin of part of forearm 8764 8764 08764 skin of part of elbow 281736000 S08764 Skin of part of elbow (body structure) E08764 P08764 Y x D integument/surface 46FEE5C8F5BA47B3A70476012576F4ED Skin of part of elbow 8765 8765 08765 skin of part of upper arm 281735001 S08765 Skin of part of upper arm (body structure) E08765 P08765 Y x D integument/surface 0066A83B42EE4B019BF556C93AF00411 Skin of part of upper arm 8766 8766 08766 skin of part of shoulder 281734002 S08766 Skin of part of shoulder (body structure) E08766 P08766 Y x D integument/surface 90615E9BC10A4F31831A015BBFD32285 Skin of part of shoulder 8767 8767 08767 skin of part of upper limb 281733008 S08767 Skin of part of upper limb (body structure) E08767 P08767 Y x D integument/surface E484986EB3094C58BD9320F64C716590 Skin of part of upper limb 8768 8768 08768 skin of part of axilla 281732003 S08768 Skin of part of axilla (body structure) E08768 P08768 Y x D integument/surface D9D67B33C0584F26AB7057959BEAB16B Skin of part of axilla 8769 8769 08769 skin of part of anogenital region 281731005 S08769 Skin of part of anogenital region (body structure) E08769 P08769 - x D integument/surface CDED2E75C591485D8530C2E64B22B36B Skin of part of anogenital region 8770 8770 08770 skin of part of pelvic region 281730006 S08770 Skin of part of pelvic region (body structure) E08770 P08770 - x D integument/surface 7A5F22523C3844B4A3CB5641E113B4CA Skin of part of pelvic region 8771 8771 08771 skin of part of umbilicus 281729001 S08771 Skin of part of umbilicus (body structure) E08771 P08771 - x D integument/surface A82D8A61C2D743F99918C0DFE3C1CC0C Skin of part of umbilicus 8772 8772 08772 skin of part of anterior area of abdomen 281728009 S08772 Skin of part of anterior abdominal surface (body structure) E08772 P08772 - x D integument/surface 4B68335859384E24A396DC122EC35297 Skin of part of anterior abdominal surface 8773 8773 08773 skin of part of abdomen 281727004 S08773 Skin of part of abdomen (body structure) E08773 P08773 - x D integument/surface 3B2E679556AF49F0B572AC18E07DDC32 Skin of part of abdomen 8774 8774 08774 skin of part of lower leg 281742001 S08774 Skin of part of lower leg (body structure) E08774 P08774 Y x D integument/surface 40B5D2B7C63A4DDD9EC5DEA9C6B404E8 Skin of part of lower leg 8775 8775 08775 embryonic face 308869000 S08775 Embryonic facial structure (body structure) E08775 P08775 - P 7F9A7F68B30943D98B0A0C48016B05EC Embryonic face 8776 8776 08776 gestational structure 308762002 S08776 Developmental body structure (body structure) E08776 P08776 - 63917 P 31408AFAC4404122BB790E01AE757BC6 Developmental body Anatomical structure, which is the developmental form of a vertebrate animal or any of its parts at any given time from fertilization of the egg by the sperm to parturition. Examples: embryo, embryonic structure, fetus, fetal heart. 8777 8777 08777 musculoskeletal system of toe 310795002 S08777 Musculoskeletal structure of toe (body structure) E08777 P08777 Y D musculoskeletal system F5D17C45B74B4DB9AAAFC5D53F9E4721 Musculoskeletal of toe 8778 8778 08778 musculoskeletal system of finger 310794003 S08778 Musculoskeletal structure of finger (body structure) E08778 P08778 Y D musculoskeletal system DAE6ECF6A31C4D66BEEAADF4EC20D17C Musculoskeletal of finger 8779 8779 08779 musculoskeletal system of thumb 310793009 S08779 Musculoskeletal structure of thumb (body structure) E08779 P08779 Y D musculoskeletal system AC419E7ED38345F8827C44784C18CF2D Musculoskeletal of thumb 8780 8780 08780 musculoskeletal system of digit of hand 310792004 S08780 Musculoskeletal structure of digit of hand (body structure) E08780 P08780 Y D musculoskeletal system 702D3DBBA7C54435884E282F04A2CC77 Musculoskeletal of digit of hand 8781 8781 08781 musculoskeletal system of digit 310791006 S08781 Musculoskeletal structure of digit (body structure) E08781 P08781 Y D musculoskeletal system F7E730BCEA0B4CD7AA388C34DC1D5D37 Musculoskeletal of digit 8782 8782 08782 lung and mediastinum 310787001 S08782 Structure of lung and/or mediastinum (body structure) E08782 P08782 - P respiratory system 81008544BDDA407F9957C01236FE1B45 lung and/or mediastinum 8783 8783 08783 bone tissue of posterior cranial fossa 310786005 S08783 Bone structure of posterior cranial fossa (body structure) E08783 P08783 - 0 P skeletal system 58BD0D592DFE4813926FF01890764EC3 Bone of posterior cranial fossa 8784 8784 08784 bone tissue of middle cranial fossa 310785009 S08784 Bone structure of middle cranial fossa (body structure) E08784 P08784 - 0 P skeletal system BA6AE3CB168A4DC982B90CC45D365259 Bone of middle cranial fossa 8785 8785 08785 intra-abdominal genital system 310535003 S08785 Intra-abdominal genital structure (body structure) E08785 P08785 - D genitourinary system 8160DE120B294A56ACA37AB4D72905C5 Intra-abdominal genital 8786 8786 08786 sensory pathway 309894005 S08786 Sensory pathway structure (body structure) E08786 P08786 - P nervous system 2BE6B4DBD8394D11BFE103E92485D9A4 Sensory pathway 8788 8788 08788 musculoskeletal system of lesser toe 310797005 S08788 Musculoskeletal structure of lesser toe (body structure) E08788 P08788 Y D musculoskeletal system 79B0B2D1B6BD49A1812FDCF11545FE69 Musculoskeletal of lesser toe 8789 8789 08789 embryonic mouth 308883003 S08789 Embryonic mouth structure (body structure) E08789 P08789 - P 262592427D8D4BA7B186FB8CA7A078E4 Embryonic mouth 8790 8790 08790 skin of natal cleft 311454008 S08790 Skin of natal cleft (body structure) E08790 P08790 - D integument/surface 63173235C0E74B37BBD9479CEE1BC4E3 Skin of natal cleft 8791 8791 08791 primitive ventricular septum 308848002 S08791 Primitive ventricular septal structure (body structure) E08791 P08791 - P C42880F0015D4DA89CA2093A8CF97630 Primitive ventricular septal 8792 8792 08792 primitive atrial septum 308847007 S08792 Primitive atrial septal structure (body structure) E08792 P08792 - P 38132030F690487B8FFE3BB67DB1838E Primitive atrial septal 8793 8793 08793 primitive cardiac septum 308846003 S08793 Primitive cardiac septal structure (body structure) E08793 P08793 - P 2F352B90115A4248A735D59946A47AFE Primitive cardiac septal 8794 8794 08794 embryonic endocrine system 308845004 S08794 Embryonic endocrine structure (body structure) E08794 P08794 - P A344F2C35DF14117BCBBC864CBA12F05 Embryonic endocrine 8795 8795 08795 early differentiated embryo 308843006 S08795 Early differentiated embryonic structure (body structure) E08795 P08795 - P 3AD38AF04EFA401AA2D9D7949FDD3C61 Early differentiated embryonic 8796 8796 08796 embryonic gut 308818000 S08796 Embryonic gut structure (body structure) E08796 P08796 - P 773C043ED73E4162903DBF0355ADE7FC Embryonic gut 8797 8797 08797 embryonic urogenital system 308795008 S08797 Embryonic urogenital structure (body structure) E08797 P08797 - P 173EDCF4A81B439682FC461FD4E458D7 Embryonic urogenital system 8798 8798 08798 embryonic heart 308793001 S08798 Embryonic cardiac structure (body structure) E08798 P08798 - 222923 P 1A86CCA9F50B4C6F8116664C9DD32B5B Embryonic heart 8799 8799 08799 primitive inner ear 308791004 S08799 Primitive inner ear structure (body structure) E08799 P08799 Y P 67F4C996C96246E185175BC6F3D622C9 Primitive inner ear 8800 8800 08800 embryonic ear 308787009 S08800 Embryonic ear structure (body structure) E08800 P08800 Y P E5742240146E45FE8D435760EE0F4418 Embryonic ear 8801 8801 08801 embryonic eye 308786000 S08801 Embryonic eye structure (body structure) E08801 P08801 Y P 4ADF3FA5DA0946118ED9E3D6B9B3F8D5 Embryonic eye 8802 8802 08802 embryonic sensory system 308785001 S08802 Embryonic sensory structure (body structure) E08802 P08802 Y P B461D692DD004EF88F2F4E437733012E Embryonic sensory system 8803 8803 08803 hindbrain 303456008 S08803 Hindbrain structure (body structure) E08803 P08803 - 67687 P nervous system 706672C2BFFB42FD8AD9D0D367175AB9 Hindbrain Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the pons, cerebellum and medulla oblongata. 8804 8804 08804 primitive tongue 308885005 S08804 Primitive tongue structure (body structure) E08804 P08804 - P F2C9C3194F43421BB6F4F85450FCC9E4 Primitive tongue 8805 8805 08805 pharynx and larynx 312535008 S08805 Pharynx and/or larynx structures (body structure) E08805 P08805 - P digestive system CD297809281F46D496C1E06E95C5C1A6 Pharynx and/or larynxs 8806 8806 08806 synovial membrane of ankle 312676009 S08806 Synovial structure of ankle (body structure) E08806 P08806 Y P musculoskeletal system BAA42B208C91482DB093370DE38FF3E1 Synovial of ankle 8807 8807 08807 synovial membrane of knee 312675008 S08807 Synovial structure of knee (body structure) E08807 P08807 Y P articular system F2340321EBB342DBB2565ACF66D89695 Synovial of knee 8808 8808 08808 synovial membrane of hand 312674007 S08808 Synovial structure of hand (body structure) E08808 P08808 Y P musculoskeletal system D4181F9B2AC244E1B2932BDA33672E09 Synovial of hand 8809 8809 08809 synovial membrane of wrist region 312673001 S08809 Synovial structure of wrist (body structure) E08809 P08809 Y P musculoskeletal system 2D72A52978874880BA9E807E6925332C Synovial of wrist 8810 8810 08810 synovial membrane of lower limb 312672006 S08810 Synovial structure of lower limb (body structure) E08810 P08810 Y P musculoskeletal system 263B6D431CB84E4C8E6C5278A0B54584 Synovial of lower limb 8811 8811 08811 synovial membrane of upper limb 312671004 S08811 Synovial structure of upper limb (body structure) E08811 P08811 Y P musculoskeletal system 5B325905473545E3B71C4D617ACFBED7 Synovial of upper limb 8812 8812 08812 synovial membrane of limb 312670003 S08812 Synovial structure of limb (body structure) E08812 P08812 Y P musculoskeletal system D542020020F34C0FBEC44997F9784EA9 Synovial of limb 8813 8813 08813 synovial membrane of body region 312669004 S08813 Regional synovial structure (body structure) E08813 P08813 - P musculoskeletal system 280CAFB2B96749C6896DF3D2F8B1A599 Regional synovial 8814 8814 08814 vessel of pelvic organ 312583006 S08814 Vascular structure of pelvic organ (body structure) E08814 P08814 - P cardiovascular system 5B7EC2EBACAE4C8089BB7CCB8B681E5B Vascular of pelvic organ 8815 8815 08815 vessel of abdominal organ 312582001 S08815 Vascular structure of abdominal organ (body structure) E08815 P08815 - P cardiovascular system 21134B601F814988B15D67394311787D Vascular of abdominal organ 8816 8816 08816 vessel of intestine 312577008 S08816 Vascular structure of intestine (body structure) E08816 P08816 - P digestive system EC2F6EAA707E48B59F776D02E302AC0F Vascular of intestine 8817 8817 08817 bone and joint of limb 312564004 S08817 Bone and/or joint structure of limb (body structure) E08817 P08817 Y P musculoskeletal system A7B76A337FB74984A8A59EA9B834D953 Bone and/or joint of limb 8818 8818 08818 musculoskeletal system of great toe 310796001 S08818 Musculoskeletal structure of great toe (body structure) E08818 P08818 Y D musculoskeletal system 68D4AFFC9EF347D3949556CA3193309E Musculoskeletal of great toe 8819 8819 08819 ventral branch of abdominal aorta 312548007 S08819 Celiac and mesenteric arterial structures (body structure) E08819 P08819 - P arterial system 870FF7C2614440CBB45D17BDC96CB8D4 Celiac and mesenteric arteries 8821 8821 08821 mouth, esophagus and stomach 312534007 S08821 Mouth, esophagus and stomach structures (body structure) E08821 P08821 - P digestive system 7067308D1AC24E1BAEE8F99A2D1F5A79 Mouth, esophagus and stomachs 8822 8822 08822 mouth and pharynx 312533001 S08822 Mouth and/or pharynx structures (body structure) E08822 P08822 - P digestive system B246FC55D4DA44F2A1E2AE0653E1CDD7 Mouth and/or pharynxs 8823 8823 08823 lymphatic vessel of perianal region 312512005 S08823 Structure of lymphatic vessel of perianal region (body structure) E08823 P08823 - P lymphatic system FD856D30A9B24BFD980534DF5EB25D9C lymphatic vessel of perianal region 8824 8824 08824 lymphatic vessel of head and neck 312511003 S08824 Structure of lymphatic vessel of head and neck (body structure) E08824 P08824 - P lymphatic system E21E123823F247C1B309A71D2829C79E lymphatic vessel of head and neck 8825 8825 08825 lymphatic vessel of lower limb 312510002 S08825 Structure of lymphatic vessel of lower limb (body structure) E08825 P08825 Y 234926 P lymphatic system AB4CEB2894044CCDB0BB3DB9CDCDE995 lymphatic vessel of lower limb 8826 8826 08826 peripheral lymphatic vessel 312508004 S08826 Structure of peripheral lymphatic vessel (body structure) E08826 P08826 - 278560 P lymphatic system C93EC246466C44FFBF223EA6FD134DCB peripheral lymphatic vessel Lymphatic vessel connecting lymphatic capillaries to a lymph node. 8827 8827 08827 lymph node of limb 312503008 S08827 Lymph node structure of limb (body structure) E08827 P08827 Y P lymphoreticular system 7BC75AD690B8495493147EF1B440C53A Lymph node of limb 8828 8828 08828 lymph node of head and neck 312501005 S08828 Structure of lymph node of head and neck (body structure) E08828 P08828 - 76546 P lymphatic system 991C5158FD17466C9858C96C586CC2B6 lymph node of head and neck 8829 8829 08829 regional lymph node 312500006 S08829 Regional lymph node structure (body structure) E08829 P08829 - 75412 P lymphoreticular system 0AEBB23CC9974D25ACEF5CBAA39B9086 Regional lymph node 8830 8830 08830 vessel of endocrine organ 312434009 S08830 Vascular structure of endocrine organs (body structure) E08830 P08830 - P cardiovascular system 7E48549F048E4570B9B9CD451BACBEC8 Vascular of endocrine organs 8831 8831 08831 respiratory and intrathoracic structures 312419003 S08831 Structure of respiratory system and/or intrathoracic structure (body structure) E08831 P08831 - P respiratory system 2C7E29B5EEB7425CABE21C2E9B8AABFB respiratory system and/or intrathoracic 8833 8833 08833 vessel of internal nose 312166005 S08833 Vascular structure of internal nose (body structure) E08833 P08833 Y P cardiovascular system DA6E4AA1DACF40EB8E2A0CDE18019DD6 Vascular of internal nose 8834 8834 08834 bone tissue of rib, sternum or clavicle 312563005 S08834 Bone structure of rib, sternum and/or clavicle (body structure) E08834 P08834 - 0 P skeletal system 0CB63B3DD2504E3A80F2CF25059C7E77 Bone of rib, sternum and/or clavicle 8835 8835 08835 endocrine testis 304042006 S08835 Testicular endocrine structure (body structure) E08835 127943004 Endocrine testis (body structure) P08835 Y P endocrine system 1428840A279C40AABD5C1B0831AA1BFB 876860D5DFCB4CE6ABB1C690CEF04487 Testicular endocrine Endocrine testis (body structure) 8836 8836 08836 pre-embryo 308764001 S08836 Pre-embryonic structure (body structure) E08836 P08836 - P 0573AAC1089A4C1892C3DEF2DE0D0868 Pre-embryonic 8837 8837 8837 bone tissue of ankle region and foot 304691001 S8837 4C0518D685ED479287256AB6930EA729 Bone structure of ankle and/or foot (body structure) E8837 P8837 Y 0 P 8838 8838 08838 bone tissue of knee region 304679005 S08838 Bone structure of knee (body structure) E08838 P08838 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 7E05BFDD171B4E3BB751119544A9251F Bone of knee 8839 8839 08839 bone tissue of elbow region 304678002 S08839 Bone structure of elbow (body structure) E08839 P08839 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 3736E081DBB649259DAB6A5134AA5DCD Bone of elbow 8840 8840 08840 skin of knee and leg and ankle 304625001 S08840 Skin of knee and/or leg and/or ankle (body structure) E08840 P08840 Y D integument/surface 3361FCC1C7C34044AC24CF8B0EBDA02F Skin of knee and/or leg and/or ankle 8841 8841 08841 skin of hip and thigh 304624002 S08841 Skin of hip and/or thigh (body structure) E08841 P08841 Y D integument/surface F53090F4D17049C2AF8C0E0A58264A9E Skin of hip and/or thigh 8842 8842 08842 bone tissue of distal end of radius or distal end of ulna 304592003 S08842 Bone structure of distal end of radius AND/OR ulna (body structure) E08842 P08842 Y 0 P skeletal system 164C5B7FCA174248ABA61753BA281FDE Bone of distal end of radius AND/OR ulna 8843 8843 08843 bone tissue of proximal end of radius or proximal end of ulna 304591005 S08843 Bone structure of proximal end of radius AND/OR ulna (body structure) E08843 P08843 Y 0 P skeletal system FC88774355A04CA6AD88808A83E8A211 Bone of proximal end of radius AND/OR ulna 8844 8844 08844 upper urinary tract 304582006 S08844 Kidney and/or ureter structures (body structure) E08844 181413006 Entire upper urinary tract (body structure) P08844 Y 45658 P urinary system 59B4F16CBA144D929AD841913FF8C153 32F7216DC5F3466C86C4B3C42CD45156 Kidney and/or ureters Entire upper urinary tract (body structure) *Subdivision of urinary system which consists of the kidney and the ureters. 8845 8845 08845 joint of thoracic or lumbar spine 304574006 S08845 Joint structure of thoracic and/or lumbar spine (body structure) E08845 P08845 - P skeletal system 34A92549DAA6425BA3F3651393FC496E Joint of thoracic and/or lumbar spine 8846 8846 08846 abdominal and pelvic vessel 304063008 S08846 Abdominal and pelvic vascular structure (body structure) E08846 P08846 - P cardiovascular system 9A2DF1D3DF2742CE9957D8453B42A6E5 Abdominal and pelvic vessel 8847 8847 08847 intrathoracic vessel 304062003 S08847 Intrathoracic vascular structure (body structure) E08847 P08847 - P cardiovascular system 0AA7A7FA0D73444CA85649101F97E89C Intrathoracic vascular 8848 8848 08848 musculoskeletal system of trunk 304783003 S08848 Musculoskeletal structure of trunk (body structure) E08848 P08848 - D musculoskeletal system CD9D089D14D542C3A5FD7DC3D4093932 Musculoskeletal of trunk 8849 8849 08849 endocrine ovary 304043001 S08849 Ovarian endocrine structure (body structure) E08849 127852009 Endocrine ovary (body structure) P08849 Y P genital system BBC7311EA7014ED78B1A504A4349523C 4FD88F6D9C2B41E5B2E594F9910E723B Ovarian endocrine Endocrine ovary (body structure) 8850 8850 08850 bone tissue of proximal tibia or proximal fibula 304906001 S08850 Bone structure of proximal tibia and/or fibula (body structure) E08850 P08850 Y 0 P skeletal system 5CEC2CA6ABC34320905CD9CBE8BAE9B4 Bone of proximal tibia and/or fibula 8851 8851 08851 endocrine gonad 304041004 S08851 Gonadal endocrine structure (body structure) E08851 127944005 Entire endocrine gonad (body structure) P08851 Y P endocrine system 5AE069CE43294A148742D800CD70251C 3231C718A1814F2A8D3F50E246678B1E Gonadal endocrine Entire endocrine gonad (body structure) 8853 8853 08853 skin of elbow and forearm and wrist 303982006 S08853 Skin of elbow and/or forearm and/or wrist (body structure) E08853 P08853 Y D integument/surface 08789E795D90464AB983A966CE0BBF05 Skin of elbow and/or forearm and/or wrist 8854 8854 08854 skin of part of shoulder and upper arm 303979001 S08854 Skin of part of shoulder and upper arm (body structure) E08854 P08854 Y x D integument/surface 2B57A3A3BC80439C88B0F2862A43A5B0 Skin of part of shoulder and upper arm 8855 8855 08855 skin of part of ankle and foot 303978009 S08855 Skin of part of ankle and foot (body structure) E08855 P08855 Y x D integument/surface B6F227C115B14E31B3F49967C1D9F7E8 Skin of part of ankle and foot 8856 8856 08856 skin of part of wrist and hand 303976008 S08856 Skin of part of wrist and hand (body structure) E08856 P08856 Y x D integument/surface 0CB9DACDA7484234B3EB6AECF929F403 Skin of part of wrist and hand 8857 8857 08857 vessel of sacral spine 303959009 S08857 Vascular structure of sacral spine (body structure) E08857 P08857 - P cardiovascular system 73333F99E0B04E64A137AB65F6029E89 Vascular of sacral spine 8858 8858 08858 vessel of lumbar spine 303958001 S08858 Vascular structure of lumbar spine (body structure) E08858 P08858 - P cardiovascular system FE1907B777D34FA8A8A50175DA132DDC Vascular of lumbar spine 8859 8859 08859 vessel of thoracic spine 303957006 S08859 Vascular structure of thoracic spine (body structure) E08859 P08859 - P cardiovascular system 4000A7455F9B433292E00A64DE3CDE2F Vascular of thoracic spine 8860 8860 08860 vessel of cervical spine 303956002 S08860 Vascular structure of cervical spine (body structure) E08860 P08860 - P cardiovascular system 5D742306DD5B46EB8DDCEC907A3DF220 Vascular of cervical spine 8861 8861 08861 vessel of spine 303910005 S08861 Vascular structure of spine (body structure) E08861 P08861 - P cardiovascular system A6D8A5AC7D0742CE94BCE035447FD166 Vascular of spine 8862 8862 08862 vessel of organ 303906007 S08862 Vascular structure of organs (body structure) E08862 P08862 - P cardiovascular system E13DFE4C8B924613B837B577EB3D4D9A Vascular of organs 8863 8863 08863 intra-abdominal digestive system 281501002 S08863 Intra-abdominal digestive structure (body structure) E08863 P08863 - P digestive system 8FAAA4B2764D4771A9154281A1E99B46 Intra-abdominal digestive 8864 8864 08864 vessel of neck 304061005 S08864 Vascular structure of neck (body structure) E08864 P08864 - P cardiovascular system 21D25CDFF247406BBD40B9D9F0C37391 Vascular of neck 8865 8865 08865 sclera and iris 305092003 S08865 Sclera and/or iris structures (body structure) E08865 P08865 Y P special senses organ system 5ABF2EC446F449FB827FD8EAE5479703 Sclera and/or iriss 8866 8866 08866 embryonic cardiovascular system 307711003 S08866 Embryonic cardiovascular structure (body structure) E08866 P08866 - P 26F6061E69514EFC86FFE45389B87230 Embryonic cardiovascular system 8868 8868 08868 rectus eye muscle 307707009 S08868 Rectus eye muscle structure (body structure) E08868 244776008 Entire rectus eye muscle (body structure) P08868 Y P musculoskeletal system 57F8C6B1EDCB417BBCF3EE0C09B48E47 CDBD744845D24B8FA393DD61F74042A6 Rectus eye muscle Entire rectus eye muscle (body structure) 8869 8869 08869 wrist and hand 307113009 S08869 Wrist and hand structures (body structure) E08869 P08869 Y 9712 P 25586F8E909F45C1B245741B80E81C64 Wrist and hands 8870 8870 08870 vessel of trunk 306955007 S08870 Vascular structure of trunk (body structure) E08870 P08870 - D cardiovascular system 22F96DA5ED12468BAC839D21C77FD356 Vascular of trunk 8871 8871 08871 regional vessel 306954006 S08871 Regional vascular structure (body structure) E08871 P08871 - P cardiovascular system B090904DB54C4D4D97C1A47CDCADDD25 Regional vascular 8872 8872 08872 frontoethmoid sinus 306868000 S08872 Frontoethmoid sinus structure (body structure) E08872 P08872 Y P respiratory system 4BF293B4BF09467692E962D39B55F21F Frontoethmoid sinus 8873 8873 08873 periarticular bone tissue of joint of lower limb 306867005 S08873 Periarticular bone structure of lower limb (body structure) E08873 P08873 Y P articular system F8CF5C305E2B4CB8A6A6CBF920253F91 Periarticular bone of lower limb 8874 8874 08874 periarticular bone tissue of joint of upper limb 306866001 S08874 Periarticular bone structure of upper limb (body structure) E08874 P08874 Y P articular system 0BE2CFFC47BC482193E006FA2EF6F6D3 Periarticular bone of upper limb 8875 8875 08875 bone and joint 306721000 S08875 Bone and/or joint structure (body structure) E08875 110522009 Bone and joint (combined site) (body structure) P08875 - P articular system 3BCB75A1299D451E86D626C0160627D0 0719E9C876C24FC4A4013657BCA80F3A Bone and/or joint Bone and joint (combined site) (body structure) 8877 8877 08877 prostate and seminal vesicle 306717007 S08877 Prostatic and/or seminal vesicle structures (body structure) E08877 110651000 Prostate and seminal vesicle (combined site) (body structure) P08877 - P genital system 7C1FBC38690A40B49DDEF48A326E14EC 42755FF14F5649D7B97426078659B6A0 Prostatic and/or seminal vesicles Prostate and seminal vesicle (combined site) (body structure) 8878 8878 08878 bone tissue of bone of pelvic region or thigh 304692008 S08878 Bone structure of pelvic region and/or thigh (body structure) E08878 P08878 Y 0 P skeletal system 60CBA2B1CDFE440EBB964D754DC02B93 Bone of pelvic region and/or thigh 8879 8879 08879 anterior chamber and lens 305110008 S08879 Anterior chamber and/or lens structures (body structure) E08879 P08879 Y P special senses organ system A14D59700DB3491C9999FCF0CDD910C6 Anterior chamber and/or lenss 8882 8882 08882 eyebrow and eyelid 305083001 S08882 Eyebrow and/or eyelid structures (body structure) E08882 P08882 Y P special senses organ system 7834DB20290E488B80FD5B9DF27B87DA Eyebrow and/or eyelids 8883 8883 08883 breast or endocrine system 305072005 S08883 Structure of breast and/or endocrine system (body structure) E08883 P08883 - P endocrine system 7E5DB1267B0941E890DE41C3A3CEECD7 breast and/or endocrine system 8884 8884 08884 periarticular bone tissue of ankle joint 305020000 S08884 Periarticular bone structure of ankle joint (body structure) E08884 P08884 Y P musculoskeletal system CD12CA952DD04FE7A0262A1ADCBC3F9E Periarticular bone of ankle joint 8885 8885 08885 periarticular bone tissue of knee joint 305019006 S08885 Periarticular bone structure of knee joint (body structure) E08885 P08885 Y P articular system BB1A1ABFAACE49B1BA04CCA74556AA0E Periarticular bone of knee joint 8886 8886 08886 periarticular bone tissue of hip joint 305018003 S08886 Periarticular bone structure of hip joint (body structure) E08886 P08886 Y P skeletal system D30D71AF3F68458AA55CF526FC999871 Periarticular bone of hip joint 8887 8887 08887 periarticular bone tissue of wrist joint 305017008 S08887 Periarticular bone structure of wrist joint (body structure) E08887 P08887 Y P articular system B3A710F89CEB4021A45B47BBE72D614B Periarticular bone of wrist joint 8888 8888 08888 periarticular bone tissue of elbow joint 305016004 S08888 Periarticular bone structure of elbow joint (body structure) E08888 P08888 Y P musculoskeletal system 2734F9C20F2A4B3784A01E45F74B2607 Periarticular bone of elbow joint 8889 8889 08889 periarticular bone tissue of shoulder joint 305015000 S08889 Periarticular bone structure of shoulder joint (body structure) E08889 P08889 Y P skeletal system C40819351A66490E9C960177486D6B01 Periarticular bone of shoulder joint 8890 8890 08890 periarticular bone tissue 305014001 S08890 Periarticular bone structure (body structure) E08890 P08890 - P articular system CDB26194B85049BF9C351E23413E388F Periarticular bone 8891 8891 08891 muscle of orbit 304919002 S08891 Muscle structure of orbit (body structure) E08891 P08891 Y P musculoskeletal system FAA3B9202A7D426EB1D78150691A97E7 Muscle of orbit 8892 8892 08892 joint of lumbar or sacral region of vertebral column 304916009 S08892 Joint structure of lumbosacral region of spine (body structure) E08892 P08892 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 3098F018BFB2400BAE25C2541AB78D1C Joint of lumbosacral region of spine 8893 8893 08893 bone tissue of hip joint region 304907005 S08893 Bone structure of hip (body structure) E08893 P08893 Y 0 P skeletal system BE5E3142B3204B8C81FED1CDC060887E Bone of hip 8894 8894 08894 anorectum and sigmoid colon 306687008 S08894 Lower bowel structures (body structure) E08894 P08894 - 0 P digestive system 9A6EF4C85FE544B0A17FAA918EC4F3FC Lower bowels 8895 8895 08895 seminal duct 21994003 S08895 Seminal duct structure (body structure) E08895 P08895 Y P genital system A6819306EEC84B7E9E78D56514EB5862 Seminal duct 8896 8896 08896 skin of side of nose 244089006 S08896 Skin of side of nose (body structure) E08896 P08896 Y D integument/surface 1F08A9597980448A9E8DB8376C72BC17 Skin of side of nose 8897 8897 08897 skin of septum of nose 244088003 S08897 Skin of septum of nose (body structure) E08897 P08897 - D integument/surface 50E6BAB7736B4CF1928244891F8CA17F Skin of septum of nose 8898 8898 08898 skin of front of face 244082002 S08898 Skin of front of face (body structure) E08898 P08898 - D integument/surface 942B396A8D81475A84D82B553ACCA4F9 Skin of front of face 8899 8899 08899 skin of temple 244081009 S08899 Skin of temple (body structure) E08899 699932002 Entire skin of temple region of head (body structure) P08899 Y 52921 D AE280213B7E341649D63A61A63E90355 Skin of temple 8900 8900 08900 skin of eardrum 244079007 S08900 Skin of eardrum (body structure) E08900 P08900 Y D integument/surface 4BE0D00E4AA244A6AC27F2A2729E25BA Skin of eardrum 8903 8903 08903 skin of rim of helix 244074002 S08903 Skin of rim of external ear (body structure) E08903 P08903 Y P integumentary system DDD62657B26D44F9AD4CD016AA774173 Skin of rim of external ear 8904 8904 08904 skin of side of face 244072003 S08904 Skin of side of face (body structure) E08904 P08904 Y D integument/surface 4E7542C4B916430FB11783D567AEDDC0 Skin of side of face 8905 8905 08905 skin of male perineum 243992001 S08905 Skin structure of male perineum (body structure) E08905 P08905 - 20430 D integument/surface 7C348E2B05FB4AF5834C0209EB129B3D Skin of male perineum 8906 8906 08906 skin of female perineal region 243991008 S08906 Skin structure of female perineum (body structure) E08906 P08906 - 20431 D integument/surface 44703D7B0F6242A3B821A43617F4AD65 Skin of female perineum 8908 8908 08908 skin of part of palmar area of hand 281641000 S08908 Skin of part of palmar surface of hand (body structure) E08908 P08908 Y x D integument/surface 4F5D3290905043A096B6F49252A3E17A Skin of part of palmar surface of hand 8909 8909 08909 plantar fascia 220023008 S08909 Plantar fascia structure (body structure) E08909 P08909 Y 47158 P musculoskeletal system 9DC99FFD9421496DA2A24AE51B2D03C9 Plantar fascia 8910 8910 08910 skin of jawline 244097004 S08910 Skin of jawline (body structure) E08910 P08910 - D integument/surface D94A229191CB4913B7EAD0346F8FCF67 Skin of jawline 8911 8911 08911 skin of parietal region 21672008 S08911 Skin of parietal region (body structure) E08911 P08911 Y D integument/surface 37EBCB16F24C4B49A3714D3F71E0BEAE Skin of parietal region 8913 8913 08913 pituitary stalk 188007004 S08913 Pituitary stalk structure (body structure) E08913 424038003 Entire hypophysial stalk (body structure) P08913 - P endocrine system 5694C63BA21941C68D0C9775710E3E43 08E5E61069E34B539A947BA3DC6005DE Pituitary stalk Entire hypophysial stalk (body structure) 8914 8914 08914 intermediate facet of patella 182088004 S08914 Structure of intermediate facet of patella (body structure) E08914 P08914 Y P musculoskeletal system 03C0045D24B24F958984AD7BD706497E intermediate facet of patella 8915 8915 08915 skin of lesser toe 181570003 S08915 Skin of lesser toe (body structure) E08915 P08915 Y D integument/surface F678584D904645EEB96C93724C7DC82A Skin of lesser toe 8916 8916 08916 skin of lateral border of foot 181568007 S08916 Skin of lateral border of foot (body structure) E08916 P08916 Y D integument/surface B2B83813461347BE9204181EB9FDC188 Skin of lateral border of foot 8917 8917 08917 skin of medial border of foot 181567002 S08917 Skin of medial border of foot (body structure) E08917 P08917 Y D integument/surface 5C1F20E9C05D48B483548FCA761E2729 Skin of medial border of foot 8918 8918 08918 skin of lateral part of ankle 181564009 S08918 Skin of lateral aspect of ankle (body structure) E08918 P08918 Y 70406 D integument/surface 9605765987AE4332ABF9B63CC2EB1C84 Skin of lateral aspect of ankle 8919 8919 08919 skin of medial part of ankle 181563003 S08919 Skin of medial aspect of ankle (body structure) E08919 P08919 Y 38134 D integument/surface EC9D128AB4B546D5BB94F69447E6D3DD Skin of medial aspect of ankle 8920 8920 08920 skin of posterior area of ankle 181562008 S08920 Skin of posterior surface of ankle (body structure) E08920 P08920 Y D integument/surface 24E0140C79334509B4B156FA43FDA984 Skin of posterior surface of ankle 8921 8921 08921 skin of anterior area of ankle 181561001 S08921 Skin of anterior surface of ankle (body structure) E08921 P08921 Y D integument/surface 52B099C09A9A4D5690C1EA3B0480012E Skin of anterior surface of ankle 8922 8922 08922 skin of lateral area of knee 181556003 S08922 Skin of lateral surface of knee (body structure) E08922 P08922 Y D integument/surface 3CF7FCA96B644513A0016FF14AD893FA Skin of lateral surface of knee 8924 8924 08924 skin of shaft of penis 244118007 S08924 Skin of shaft of penis (body structure) E08924 P08924 - 19643 D integument/surface 64AC813B02C941CF9843FF2D663054B1 Skin of shaft of penis 8926 8926 08926 skin of border of forearm 244151003 S08926 Skin of border of forearm (body structure) E08926 P08926 Y D integument/surface 7F31F92989A74FCF9755206B25432D7F Skin of border of forearm 8928 8928 08928 skin of elbow flexion crease 244149002 S08928 Skin of elbow flexion crease (body structure) E08928 P08928 Y D integument/surface 91476295DF51462997CEF67474F824BC Skin of elbow flexion crease 8929 8929 08929 skin of medial area of elbow 244147000 S08929 Skin of medial surface of elbow (body structure) E08929 699918004 Entire skin of medial cubital region of upper limb (body structure) P08929 Y D integument/surface 836C1AA144404CA583134B9F9909BA73 Skin of medial surface of elbow 8930 8930 08930 skin of posteromedial area of elbow 244146009 S08930 Skin of posteromedial surface of elbow (body structure) E08930 P08930 Y D integument/surface 1E0239720220468D984E9131A402AC24 Skin of posteromedial surface of elbow 8931 8931 08931 skin of posterolateral area of elbow 244145008 S08931 Skin of posterolateral surface of elbow (body structure) E08931 P08931 Y D integument/surface 5A73D09F75354C239499469EE674DF56 Skin of posterolateral surface of elbow 8932 8932 08932 skin of lateral area of elbow 244144007 S08932 Skin of lateral surface of elbow (body structure) E08932 699905007 Entire skin of lateral cubital region of upper limb (body structure) P08932 Y D integument/surface 95A437205B1A4288B65E1CC5B0BDC4F2 Skin of lateral surface of elbow 8933 8933 08933 skin of anterolateral area of elbow 244143001 S08933 Skin of anterolateral surface of elbow (body structure) E08933 P08933 Y D integument/surface 30F75899ECE24400BF3485822D77D66E Skin of anterolateral surface of elbow 8934 8934 08934 skin of posteromedial area of upper arm 244141004 S08934 Skin of posteromedial surface of arm (body structure) E08934 P08934 Y D integument/surface 7FC6561EA2D9446782FF8F46BB674CA1 Skin of posteromedial surface of arm 8935 8935 08935 skin of posterolateral area of upper arm 244139000 S08935 Skin of posterolateral surface of arm (body structure) E08935 P08935 Y D integument/surface 20A2F65688124659898A025B64903DB6 Skin of posterolateral surface of arm 8936 8936 08936 skin of anterolateral area of upper arm 244137003 S08936 Skin of anterolateral surface of arm (body structure) E08936 P08936 Y D integument/surface ADA34F593C824A0E9F9491DD866108B9 Skin of anterolateral surface of arm 8937 8937 08937 skin of external naris 244091003 S08937 Skin of external naris (body structure) E08937 P08937 Y D integument/surface 649A625FF5914A08876AC6D9DB448891 Skin of external naris 8938 8938 08938 skin of labiofemoral groove 244127008 S08938 Skin of labiofemoral groove (body structure) E08938 P08938 Y D integument/surface 7B72E861A18845E0839D43C289083F76 Skin of labiofemoral groove 8939 8939 08939 skin of side of jaw 244096008 S08939 Skin of side of jaw (body structure) E08939 P08939 Y D integument/surface 658095F67F774085BB7BAC342D39D731 Skin of side of jaw 8940 8940 08940 skin of root of penis 244117002 S08940 Skin of root of penis (body structure) E08940 P08940 - D integument/surface 95B61655433842D086B1EA54F8866DBC Skin of root of penis 8941 8941 08941 skin of posterolateral area of abdomen 244114009 S08941 Skin of posterolateral surface of abdomen (body structure) E08941 P08941 Y D integument/surface E22477CE664E439FA31458D283DD77FC Skin of posterolateral surface of abdomen 8942 8942 08942 skin of anterolateral area of abdomen 244113003 S08942 Skin of anterolateral surface of abdomen (body structure) E08942 P08942 Y D integument/surface A4574C21A3644690BE57B35A547DE082 Skin of anterolateral surface of abdomen 8943 8943 08943 skin of posterior area of thorax 244111001 S08943 Skin of posterior surface of thorax (body structure) E08943 P08943 - 23018 D integument/surface 26B49211EBDD4849A9E1F2C10EA8067E Skin of posterior surface of thorax 8944 8944 08944 skin of posterolateral area of thorax 244110000 S08944 Skin of posterolateral surface of thorax (body structure) E08944 P08944 Y D integument/surface E5981B1E9D22473286A39BEA9EC05B48 Skin of posterolateral surface of thorax 8945 8945 08945 skin of anterolateral area of thorax 244109005 S08945 Skin of anterolateral surface of thorax (body structure) E08945 P08945 Y D integument/surface BF8B94F47EF24CC38DA369327195C961 Skin of anterolateral surface of thorax 8946 8946 08946 skin of anterior area of thorax 244106003 S08946 Skin of anterior surface of thorax (body structure) E08946 P08946 - D integument/surface 31C2149EDE944082A96C8FFCB13120EC Skin of anterior surface of thorax 8947 8947 08947 skin of posterolateral area of neck 244105004 S08947 Skin of posterolateral surface of neck (body structure) E08947 P08947 Y D integument/surface 1750653AF9EF42E8B773959D05559485 Skin of posterolateral surface of neck 8948 8948 08948 skin of anterolateral area of neck 244104000 S08948 Skin of anterolateral surface of neck (body structure) E08948 P08948 Y D integument/surface A57CF15E93EA4A97950B318618DC535D Skin of anterolateral surface of neck 8949 8949 08949 skin of point of chin 244100009 S08949 Skin of point of chin (body structure) E08949 P08949 - D integument/surface 5E066A7372C0440EBE7E571FA312B0DE Skin of point of chin 8950 8950 08950 skin of side of chin 244099001 S08950 Skin of side of chin (body structure) E08950 P08950 Y D integument/surface 3424A1AF00674D89976A2202E392DD67 Skin of side of chin 8951 8951 08951 skin of angle of jaw 244098009 S08951 Skin of angle of jaw (body structure) E08951 P08951 Y D integument/surface 68CFC62DC363476BB4393858D7617C33 Skin of angle of jaw 8952 8952 08952 skin of posterior area of elbow 181536004 S08952 Skin of posterior surface of elbow (body structure) E08952 699923004 Entire skin of posterior cubital region of upper limb (body structure) P08952 Y D integument/surface 1451AFD75EE54C50836285E87F6D540B Skin of posterior surface of elbow 8953 8953 08953 skin of interlabial groove 244128003 S08953 Skin of interlabial groove (body structure) E08953 P08953 Y D integument/surface 8789A4D9836043EF8A6D03675E51746E Skin of interlabial groove 8954 8954 08954 nerve plexus 122455009 S08954 Structure of nerve plexus (body structure) E08954 609394009 0846146c-8bb2-4377-9111-56ae966d5e54 Entire nerve plexus (body structure) P08954 - 5901 P nervous system 24ADC8FE81384412B99E28D81F1828A7 nerve plexus Anatomical junction where subdivisions of two or more neural trees interconnect with one another to form a network through which nerve fibers of the constituent nerve trees become regrouped; together with other nerve plexuses, nerves and ganglia, it constitutes the peripheral nervous system. Examples: cervical nerve plexus, brachial nerve plexus, sacral nerve plexus. 8955 8955 08955 skin of medial area of knee 181555004 S08955 Skin of medial surface of knee (body structure) E08955 P08955 Y D integument/surface A71240E251EE4B91AC6157F0F0DDB6CF Skin of medial surface of knee 8956 8956 08956 deep medullary artery of the brain 110563003 S08956 Structure of deep medullary artery of the brain (body structure) E08956 P08956 Y P arterial system AEB332E188164DA1B01457B841BDFB88 deep medullary artery of the brain 8957 8957 08957 pelvic extragenital structure 113348004 S08957 Pelvic extragenital structures (body structure) E08957 P08957 - 0 P EA4E14641DCA44C79578BA6534B5574C Pelvic extragenitals 8960 8960 08960 deep vein of upper limb 119558009 S08960 Structure of deep vein of upper extremity (body structure) E08960 P08960 Y P venous system 21B141F2B51841E2A233C120DCE69F6E deep vein of upper extremity 8961 8961 08961 artery of neck 119568004 S08961 Structure of artery of neck (body structure) E08961 P08961 - P cardiovascular system 21B12897CCC741778D2FEF9B5094D8E2 artery of neck 8962 8962 08962 tendon sheath of flexor tendon of digit 118503001 S08962 Structure of tendon sheath of flexor tendon of digit (body structure) E08962 P08962 Y P musculoskeletal system 048341E01825485680FEA1D75DB9BE2C tendon sheath of flexor tendon of digit 8963 8963 08963 cardiac perivalvular region 118506009 S08963 Cardiac perivalvular structure (body structure) E08963 312168006 Cardiac paravalvular structure (body structure) P08963 - P cardiovascular system 222C4473EBFC49F4842321C2B3E04106 B567BDAABE68423B936E167B944D5AE8 Cardiac perivalvular Cardiac paravalvular structure (body structure) 8964 8964 08964 lateral compartment of lower leg 118519008 S08964 Structure of lateral compartment of lower leg (body structure) E08964 264145004 Entire peroneal compartment of lower leg (body structure) P08964 Y 45185 P musculoskeletal system 868E3C318AF8446981655B8C400F05C1 F2000C57DC2348EBB4BF6EC4025D6395 lateral compartment of lower leg 8965 8965 08965 tendon sheath of hand 118631000 S08965 Structure of tendon sheath of hand (body structure) E08965 P08965 Y P musculoskeletal system E8AA59B4407A44A2BCA5C568CE26C33A tendon sheath of hand 8966 8966 08966 nasal turbinate bone 118647003 S08966 Nasal turbinate bone structure (body structure) E08966 P08966 Y P skeletal system 1BE846A30AB6454EAE7029526292F2FA Nasal turbinate bone 8968 8968 08968 embryonic nervous system 122454008 S08968 Embryonic nervous system structure (body structure) E08968 P08968 - P 076842EC516C43D595695308DBD664DF Embryonic nervous system 8969 8969 08969 bronchiole of accessory lobe 10692005 S08969 Bronchiole structure of accessory lobe (body structure) E08969 P08969 Y P respiratory system FE699E661470442AA8917675EAABF40E Bronchiole of accessory lobe 8970 8970 08970 middle nasal turbinate bone 122491002 S08970 Middle nasal turbinate bone structure (body structure) E08970 P08970 Y P skeletal system 1CB8B1C440294D32988CA51D9516D958 Middle nasal turbinate bone 8971 8971 08971 superior nasal turbinate bone 122492009 S08971 Superior nasal turbinate bone structure (body structure) E08971 P08971 Y P skeletal system 376650BBF56142C28A986F50EF53DF18 Superior nasal turbinate bone 8972 8972 08972 supreme nasal turbinate bone 122493004 S08972 Supreme nasal turbinate bone structure (body structure) E08972 P08972 Y P skeletal system 2D77D95D51EB4799AAA17E2176CBF424 Supreme nasal turbinate bone 8973 8973 08973 ocular blood vessel 123846009 S08973 Structure of ocular blood vessel (body structure) E08973 P08973 Y P special senses organ system 44354CC7D5114DDC9397E1BA6F492C17 ocular blood vessel 8974 8974 08974 ligament of joint 123859001 S08974 Structure of ligament of joint (body structure) E08974 P08974 - P musculoskeletal system 489D49FD44C6452B82B75C0A28870F81 ligament of joint 8975 8975 08975 intraabdominal subregion of abdomen 123872000 S08975 Structure of intraabdominal region (body structure) E08975 P08975 - P regional/topgraphical 19F1BDF309C84BD898F5F9BD80A894A0 intraabdominal region 8976 8976 08976 soft tissue of head 127960009 S08976 Structure of soft tissues of head (body structure) E08976 P08976 - D FF0E148E714046608A5B2194CC41E50D soft tissues of head 8977 8977 08977 soft tissue of neck 127961008 S08977 Structure of soft tissues of neck (body structure) E08977 P08977 - D D333C985EA9B43769776667CF1A28A3D soft tissues of neck 8979 8979 08979 cranial compartment 128319008 S08979 Intracranial structure (body structure) E08979 P08979 - 269079 P skeletal system 334BFC691244431A83CE2C1F53853D1E Intracranial structure 8980 8980 08980 perforating vein of lower limb 128546004 S08980 Perforating vein structure of lower extremity (body structure) E08980 P08980 Y P cardiovascular system 3F9E90CE55184B1EBE5552D7D9DCA47A Perforating vein of lower extremity 8981 8981 08981 alveolar process 129143008 S08981 Structure of alveolar process (body structure) E08981 P08981 - P skeletal system 4EBBE29F05FB4800B81D01D7E970F2BA alveolar process 8983 8983 08983 intercellular anatomical structure 122453002 S08983 Intercellular anatomical structure (body structure) E08983 P08983 - P 5C627AF171FC48C381B1EBBD517E581B Intercellular anatomical structure 8984 8984 08984 pelvic or leg vein 181397009 S08984 Structure of pelvic and leg veins (body structure) E08984 P08984 - P venous system 8225FE6572E74D3A989D29BE75A83012 pelvic and leg veins 8985 8985 08985 skin of lateral border of wrist 244157004 S08985 Skin of lateral border of wrist (body structure) E08985 P08985 Y D integument/surface F3CDAB1652914CBA9D9207FAF106CF92 Skin of lateral border of wrist 8986 8986 08986 skin of anterior area of elbow 181535000 S08986 Skin of anterior surface of elbow (body structure) E08986 P08986 Y D integument/surface 8E49C6D58CD14443A177A335A082D963 Skin of anterior surface of elbow 8988 8988 08988 skin of posterior area of abdomen 181514002 S08988 Skin of posterior surface of abdomen (body structure) E08988 P08988 - 23095 D integument/surface DCC675A4CEDD4573B43BC97F5CF4B410 Skin of posterior surface of abdomen 8990 8990 08990 skin of iliac fossa 181510006 S08990 Skin of iliac fossa (body structure) E08990 P08990 Y D integument/surface CC7092A5769C4F17B8CD61BDB367696D Skin of iliac fossa 8991 8991 08991 skin of infra-umbilical region 181506008 S08991 Skin of infra-umbilical region (body structure) E08991 P08991 - D integument/surface 3C48E93D58C245F4AF7626B2AACB2B79 Skin of infra-umbilical region 8992 8992 08992 skin of supraumbilical region 181505007 S08992 Skin of supraumbilical region (body structure) E08992 P08992 - D integumentary system 7A6415D997224889A8BAA30FE6F5FFF6 Skin of supraumbilical region 8993 8993 08993 skin of anterior area of abdomen 181502005 S08993 Skin of anterior surface of abdomen (body structure) E08993 P08993 - D integument/surface 1FEAF617F1664DE59795046FE1E3B70C Skin of anterior surface of abdomen 8994 8994 08994 skin of axillary tail of breast 181501003 S08994 Skin of axillary tail of breast (body structure) E08994 P08994 Y D integument/surface B9A311DF837F4F50954B353D7E9BE105 Skin of axillary tail of breast 8995 8995 08995 skin of lateral area of thorax 181498003 S08995 Skin of lateral surface of thorax (body structure) E08995 P08995 Y 34828 D integument/surface 63AE8CC39C874471BCA95A98ABEAAED9 Skin of lateral surface of thorax 8996 8996 08996 skin of anterior trunk 181491009 S08996 Skin structure of anterior trunk (body structure) E08996 P08996 - D integument/surface A358FEF50FC14BD2BC55FB41FBF01547 Skin of anterior trunk 8997 8997 08997 distal phalanx of little toe 10770001 S08997 Structure of distal phalanx of little toe (body structure) E08997 P08997 Y 32631 P musculoskeletal system 4570B6A2894C4B71AD4551A7B4012C90 distal phalanx of little toe 8998 8998 08998 tibial vein 181405005 S08998 Tibial vein structure (body structure) E08998 P08998 Y P venous system 68DE02A993FD4B11BDC5B783E00AA0FF Tibial vein 8999 8999 08999 skin of anterior area of knee 181553006 S08999 Skin of anterior surface of knee (body structure) E08999 P08999 Y D integument/surface 344462AA3F45484CB381B153445A3521 Skin of anterior surface of knee 9000 9000 09000 digital vein 181395001 S09000 Digital vein structure (body structure) E09000 P09000 Y P cardiovascular system B9BE2AF11D2E49A7B6FFD6EF5CEF34CD Digital vein 9001 9001 09001 external eye region 181142009 S09001 External structure of eye region (body structure) E09001 P09001 Y P special senses organ system 9A46ABE34D9A4C51BF52F347E2981C9B External of eye region 9003 9003 09003 lymphatic vessel of neck 168742000 S09003 Structure of lymphatic vessel of neck (body structure) E09003 362599002 Entire lymphatic vessel of neck (body structure) P09003 - 234906 P lymphatic system 6F7C4CD0AF464295907320414FFAFD68 A6C67B6A06C04383A48713A15943A5F4 lymphatic vessel of neck Entire lymphatic vessel of neck (body structure) 9004 9004 09004 skin of temporal region of head 16621002 S09004 Skin of temporal region (body structure) E09004 699933007 Entire skin of temporal region of head (body structure) P09004 Y D 465800EDC8624B22BB3BD53B668B9A39 Skin of temporal region 9006 9006 09006 lymphatic vessel of head 144228007 S09006 Structure of lymphatic vessel of head (body structure) E09006 362598005 Entire lymphatic vessel of head (body structure) P09006 - 234867 P lymphatic system 54FAC0AEF2544CB5B19FEBCD29E5F91F 827E933C93124554B3EEC0A32685268C lymphatic vessel of head Entire lymphatic vessel of head (body structure) 9011 9011 09011 joint of sacrum 129168005 S09011 Joint structure of sacrum (body structure) E09011 P09011 - P musculoskeletal system A9DF519EEAD94963B06F3831E297520A Joint of sacrum 9012 9012 09012 body of sacral vertebra 105580009 S09012 Structure of body of sacral vertebra (body structure) E09012 P09012 - 16204 P musculoskeletal system 0DC443EB1A9E4A58A3D0F276EDCB1C92 body of sacral vertebra 9013 9013 09013 skin of nasolabial area 181473004 S09013 Skin of nasolabial area (body structure) E09013 P09013 Y D integument/surface A49A24CBBDFA406A83B7F856CEB8227C Skin of nasolabial area 9014 9014 09014 bone of region 280441002 S09014 Regional bone structure (body structure) E09014 P09014 - D skeletal system 6D131CD0F6C641B38D15F5B45DF23A26 Regional bone 9015 9015 09015 lymph node of mesentery 279795009 S09015 Structure of lymph node of mesentery (body structure) E09015 P09015 - 12795 P lymphatic system 9DDAEBE4A07C4F57A6EB989A28F81C74 lymph node of mesentery 9016 9016 09016 nervous system pathway 280950006 S09016 Nervous system pathway structure (body structure) E09016 P09016 - P nervous system 3C1C5D20C6894ACE9B29959A238CA512 Nervous system pathway 9017 9017 09017 vessel of iris 280891007 S09017 Vascular structure of iris (body structure) E09017 P09017 Y P special senses organ system 57267039371D4466B9A58CCE6BBE17FC Vascular of iris 9018 9018 09018 hair appendage 280829001 S09018 Hair appendage structure (body structure) E09018 P09018 - P integumentary system 78BF0A6564DA4F3AB510E09A4244FFF0 Hair appendage 9019 9019 09019 uterine membrane 280704004 S09019 Uterine membrane structure (body structure) E09019 P09019 - P ED524553169F408B91C4D14C4F5F95A7 Uterine membrane 9020 9020 09020 vestige of vitellointestinal duct 280700008 S09020 Vitellointestinal structure (body structure) E09020 P09020 - P digestive system 0D612300235B42B080AB3AD3D552BD79 Vitellointestinal 9021 9021 09021 corneal layer 280690006 S09021 Structure of corneal layer (body structure) E09021 P09021 Y 63829 P special senses organ system 7CA5801336944A6183ED92CF90BC25FF corneal layer 9022 9022 09022 Stieda's conjunctival fold 280685008 S09022 Structure of Stieda's conjunctival fold (body structure) E09022 P09022 Y P special senses organ system EF1DE25391E94AF48070674BF12088DC Stieda's conjunctival fold 9023 9023 09023 subtarsal fold of conjunctiva 280683001 S09023 Structure of subtarsal fold of conjunctiva (body structure) E09023 P09023 Y P special senses organ system 5E9498687950471F81A99D81401D45CF subtarsal fold of conjunctiva 9024 9024 09024 conjunctival fold 280679001 S09024 Structure of conjunctival fold (body structure) E09024 P09024 Y P special senses organ system 39A873BFF28A4CDB9EE1C6A7432A9132 conjunctival fold 9025 9025 09025 plexiform layer of retina 280668006 S09025 Structure of plexiform layer of retina (body structure) E09025 P09025 Y P special senses organ system 95F9B35854A54FDAB63E27831AA7E164 plexiform layer of retina 9026 9026 09026 nuclear layer of retina 280665009 S09026 Structure of nuclear layer of retina (body structure) E09026 P09026 Y P special senses organ system 739E7DBCA45D44AEAF6B222FD29533B1 nuclear layer of retina 9027 9027 09027 intracranial vascular system 281138005 S09027 Intracranial vascular structure (body structure) E09027 P09027 - P cardiovascular system 89E6C9A7662E4DF7BB50367AD3F13D11 Intracranial vascular 9028 9028 09028 lens suspensory tissue 280633006 S09028 Lens suspensory structure (body structure) E09028 P09028 Y P special senses organ system 9DAF16705AAD461EBC949898EBDC83D6 Lens suspensory 9029 9029 09029 systemic vessel 281157001 S09029 Systemic vascular structure (body structure) E09029 P09029 - P cardiovascular system 91D25A8A600C47D3A1B1C4D095002237 Systemic vascular 9030 9030 09030 regional skeletal muscle 280440001 S09030 Regional skeletal muscle structure (body structure) E09030 P09030 - D muscular system C091677CB7AA46AC9F6CBF3C061B537C Regional skeletal muscle 9031 9031 09031 joint of lower leg and tarsus 280439003 S09031 Joint structure of lower leg and/or tarsus (body structure) E09031 P09031 Y P musculoskeletal system 1FE9CC2900B74873842C302122C28BD6 Joint of lower leg and/or tarsus 9032 9032 09032 joint of pelvis or upper leg 280438006 S09032 Joint structure of pelvis or upper leg (body structure) E09032 182198007 Joint of pelvis or upper leg (body structure) P09032 - P musculoskeletal system BE1A2BD7A9CC4E3B957D6094A09CA349 F42541CA486243D6B4B991EC5F03562C Joint of pelvis or upper leg Joint of pelvis or upper leg (body structure) 9033 9033 09033 joint of region 280436005 S09033 Regional joint structure (body structure) E09033 P09033 - D articular system 96AB88E373974CC3A44C45B4AF29B8B6 Regional joint 9034 9034 09034 skin of fingertip 280424004 S09034 Skin of fingertip (body structure) E09034 P09034 Y D integument/surface 003117D8F44843C79DBF33FFEA3C91B7 Skin of fingertip 9035 9035 09035 spinal cord tissue 280408000 S09035 Spinal cord tissue structure (body structure) E09035 P09035 - P nervous system C5CE73351D4A4CBC9E6E2C5F9652E769 Spinal cord tissue 9036 9036 09036 brain tissue 280369009 S09036 Brain tissue structure (body structure) E09036 P09036 - P nervous system 57BE77D46309447889455BE13AAD6BAD Brain tissue 9037 9037 09037 skin of anogenital region 280158000 S09037 Skin structure of anogenital region (body structure) E09037 P09037 - D integument/surface 66775955963A43B2B53683A0A4E2A836 Skin of anogenital region 9038 9038 09038 ectopic endocrine structure 280121000 S09038 Ectopic endocrine structure (body structure) E09038 P09038 - P endocrine system D4B13BB4C58F495FA00DF23000B39EAF Ectopic endocrine structure 9039 9039 09039 diffuse neuroendocrine structure 280120004 S09039 Diffuse neuroendocrine structure (body structure) E09039 P09039 - P endocrine system D9C10E7DF0D0403484C152F943D44BE4 Diffuse neuroendocrine structure 9041 9041 09041 vulval vein 279975006 S09041 Structure of vulval vein (body structure) E09041 P09041 Y P genital system DEDEB035C06E4B6685CAF44D45DFE4D2 vulval vein 9042 9042 09042 skin of border of wrist 244155007 S09042 Skin of border of wrist (body structure) E09042 P09042 Y D integument/surface 8ABBCD0E35284FC495708381D07BA2EA Skin of border of wrist 9043 9043 09043 conjunctival zone 280663002 S09043 Structure of conjunctival zone (body structure) E09043 P09043 Y P special senses organ system 1847D0DEB7B944ECA324278A87FF4AE0 conjunctival zone 9044 9044 09044 musculoskeletal system of neck 281246002 S09044 Musculoskeletal structure of neck (body structure) E09044 P09044 - D musculoskeletal system B76D9448FEB14BD48EEF2957D0CCC56A Musculoskeletal of neck 9045 9045 09045 pelvic vessel 281496003 S09045 Pelvic vascular structure (body structure) E09045 P09045 - P cardiovascular system AFE3E7FA8EB54FCE82D6BA15C7C5347B Pelvic vascular 9046 9046 09046 systemic vein of trunk 281480001 S09046 Structure of systemic vein of trunk (body structure) E09046 P09046 - 62512 P cardiovascular system F2DD9B66BB5348E9A6C23129610ACD78 systemic vein of trunk 9047 9047 09047 abdominal vessel 281471001 S09047 Abdominal vascular structure (body structure) E09047 P09047 - P cardiovascular system 78067B3108CC45FEB127CF3701C3D2B3 Abdominal vessel 9048 9048 09048 intrathoracic cardiovascular system 281467004 S09048 Intrathoracic cardiovascular structure (body structure) E09048 P09048 - P cardiovascular system 7E8CE10F8E1B4722B9993B3AB29F5234 Intrathoracic cardiovascular 9049 9049 09049 lymphatic system of limb 281347009 S09049 Structure of lymphatic system of limb (body structure) E09049 P09049 Y P lymphatic system 34165C070DCE4AAE90F21544F2B66924 lymphatic system of limb 9050 9050 09050 lymphatic system of trunk 281346000 S09050 Structure of lymphatic system of trunk (body structure) E09050 P09050 - P lymphatic system 1007A10C9B774E57A00E4C75F048C389 lymphatic system of trunk 9051 9051 09051 lymphatic system of head and neck 281345001 S09051 Structure of lymphatic system of head and neck (body structure) E09051 P09051 - P lymphatic system B1FAB78808FE4980AF2430AD113EFDAC lymphatic system of head and neck 9052 9052 09052 region of lymphatic system 281344002 S09052 Structure of region of lymphatic system (body structure) E09052 P09052 - 236996 P lymphatic system 587B563E20054CAD80BC613C59F6D40D region of lymphatic system 9053 9053 09053 musculoskeletal system of head and neck 281253006 S09053 Musculoskeletal structure of head and neck (body structure) E09053 P09053 - D musculoskeletal system D6B2069F7F6C40EA83044E7E06C1004A Musculoskeletal of head and neck 9054 9054 09054 musculoskeletal system of pelvic girdle 281252001 S09054 Musculoskeletal structure of pelvis (body structure) E09054 P09054 - D musculoskeletal system 5DD075CB0BBB4CDD9472BE2986557FFC Musculoskeletal of pelvis 9055 9055 09055 nervous system of lower limb 281251008 S09055 Nervous structure of lower limb (body structure) E09055 P09055 Y 74678 P nervous system 9107BDC1E05D4C238F8D183A8F7364C0 nervous system of lower limb 9056 9056 09056 nervous system of upper limb 281250009 S09056 Nervous structure of upper limb (body structure) E09056 P09056 Y 74675 P nervous system 8AB315C2E5234B2B884EEE060D63E3F0 nervous system of upper limb 9057 9057 09057 anorectum 281088000 S09057 Anorectal structure (body structure) E09057 P09057 - P digestive system 9BF14597705641E3879BEF27E17C6041 Anorectum 9058 9058 09058 nerve of cervical region 281247006 S09058 Cervical nervous structure (body structure) E09058 P09058 Y D nervous system A6CC69DCB4014FAE9FE3ED6F12A69A5F Cervical nerve 9059 9059 09059 tibial tubercle bone marrow 279744007 S09059 Structure of tibial tubercle bone marrow (body structure) E09059 P09059 Y P hematopoietic system 5A1B728B60FF4FA9B2633303D296CFB3 tibial tubercle bone marrow 9060 9060 09060 musculoskeletal system of lower limb 281244004 S09060 Musculoskeletal structure of lower limb (body structure) E09060 P09060 Y D musculoskeletal system 00ABD5A2DAD64977A1074F10696D7E7D Musculoskeletal of lower limb 9061 9061 09061 musculoskeletal system of upper limb 281243005 S09061 Musculoskeletal structure of upper limb (body structure) E09061 P09061 Y D musculoskeletal system 9C40EFBA5FED44EDBA0DC626B1EFFC34 Musculoskeletal of upper limb 9062 9062 09062 musculoskeletal system of limb 281242000 S09062 Musculoskeletal structure of limb (body structure) E09062 P09062 Y D musculoskeletal system 7FD561E59E2C4930B56654414E118231 Musculoskeletal of limb 9063 9063 09063 musculoskeletal system of head 281241007 S09063 Musculoskeletal structure of head (body structure) E09063 P09063 - D musculoskeletal system 6B0A72C0C87B43FBAAC7BC36922C30BA Musculoskeletal of head 9064 9064 09064 vessel of lower limb 281238003 S09064 Vascular structure of lower limb (body structure) E09064 P09064 Y D cardiovascular system EBB42D0920F745E6B819510104C7D762 Vascular of lower limb 9065 9065 09065 vessel of upper limb 281237008 S09065 Vascular structure of upper limb (body structure) E09065 P09065 Y D cardiovascular system 904AE2F970C341E0A721A67029409F74 Vascular of upper limb 9066 9066 09066 cardiovascular system of trunk 281233007 S09066 Cardiovascular structure of trunk (body structure) E09066 P09066 - P cardiovascular system DA938E8EB6054551AD91C7E25F655C21 Cardiovascular system of trunk 9067 9067 09067 vessel of head and neck 281232002 S09067 Vascular structure of head and neck (body structure) E09067 P09067 - P cardiovascular system CC64E80ECBF14D4AB3620137EF3091CD Vascular of head and neck 9069 9069 09069 nervous system of head 281230005 S09069 Nervous structure of head (body structure) E09069 P09069 - 74671 P nervous system 47A11543FBA74A9CBE2A88772C7529FD nervous system of head 9070 9070 09070 internal abdominal orifice 281163005 S09070 Internal abdominal orifice structure (body structure) E09070 P09070 - P digestive system 637C53A14F7F4D64A46C8F0AEE1E7937 Internal abdominal orifice 9071 9071 09071 systemic artery 281159003 S09071 Systemic arterial structure (body structure) E09071 P09071 - 49918 P arterial system 705BE7E34A1240998C7EE56648C807E5 Systemic artery 9072 9072 09072 pulmonary vessel 281158006 S09072 Pulmonary vascular structure (body structure) E09072 P09072 - P respiratory system 180FA783688D418CB00232EC401F65DA Pulmonary vascular 9073 9073 09073 nervous system of trunk 281248001 S09073 Nervous structure of trunk (body structure) E09073 P09073 - 74673 P nervous system 4B737C1CF5074FC499800BFF6D3F9CEB nervous system of trunk 9074 9074 09074 skin of posteromedial area of knee 244177006 S09074 Skin of posteromedial surface of knee (body structure) E09074 P09074 Y D integument/surface 873A09D15F4F467D806EB737AF337AB1 Skin of posteromedial surface of knee 9075 9075 09075 vulval vessel 279974005 S09075 Vulval vascular structure (body structure) E09075 P09075 - P genital system 86FA28EFEF4F4FF8B653A50FC75318DD Vulval vascular 9076 9076 09076 skin of anterior area of lower leg 25763004 S09076 Skin of anterior surface of lower leg (body structure) E09076 P09076 Y D integument/surface 8C60D0FD87BC448E98E6316A79C8D9C6 Skin of anterior surface of lower leg 9077 9077 09077 hair of skin region 256423008 S09077 Structure of hair of skin region (body structure) E09077 P09077 - P integumentary system 9B123627CEEF42EDBC1EBE485C0EB036 hair of skin region 9078 9078 09078 peroneal muscle 25442002 S09078 Peroneal muscle structure (body structure) E09078 P09078 Y P muscular system E2AA14E0B39841588944C7FEB81EF76C Peroneal muscle 9079 9079 09079 skin of external nose 245501006 S09079 Skin of external nose (body structure) E09079 P09079 - 24763 D integument/surface C5BD0CB583B44ED5B4EBD2C6ACEFCCE2 Skin of external nose 9080 9080 09080 ligament of head and neck 244580001 S09080 Structure of ligament of head and neck (body structure) E09080 P09080 - P 806A70A775C64BEF804BC18189D2E50A ligament of head and neck 9081 9081 09081 iliac vein 244411005 S09081 Iliac vein structure (body structure) E09081 P09081 Y P venous system EBEC7945F3D5409F95C0122E6BB0241D Iliac vein 9082 9082 09082 vein of head and neck 244390008 S09082 Venous structure of head and neck (body structure) E09082 32945007 Vein of head and neck (body structure) P09082 - P cardiovascular system AF1B255DE45F4B9D83C31F79679BCB9A C4B7C0A771FA48399D16925736269534 vein of head and neck Vein of head and neck (body structure) 9083 9083 09083 skin of plantar area of web of toe 244196005 S09083 Skin of plantar surface of web of toe (body structure) E09083 P09083 Y D integument/surface DF6C6EF58C8E4397B2AE964FEB6386AA Skin of plantar surface of web of toe 9084 9084 09084 skin of dorsal area of web of toe 244195009 S09084 Skin of dorsal surface of web of toe (body structure) E09084 P09084 Y D integument/surface 19B96FB9A960444F8E849AE00386F3AB Skin of dorsal surface of web of toe 9085 9085 09085 skin of border of foot 244193002 S09085 Skin of border of foot (body structure) E09085 P09085 Y D integument/surface A1273A8A693F4F0283ED3C819C370FE7 Skin of border of foot 9087 9087 09087 sensory system 272646001 S09087 Structure of sensory nervous system (body structure) E09087 P09087 - P nervous system 5FAD80145CE14DC983C136109130B4F9 sensory nervous system 9088 9088 09088 skin of anteromedial area of knee 244178001 S09088 Skin of anteromedial surface of knee (body structure) E09088 P09088 Y D integument/surface 9918B742A2134A9792922F1D8D734C4C Skin of anteromedial surface of knee 9090 9090 09090 skin of posterolateral area of knee 244176002 S09090 Skin of posterolateral surface of knee (body structure) E09090 P09090 Y D integument/surface BA8F60CE2671488E9F879FB58829D93F Skin of posterolateral surface of knee 9091 9091 09091 skin of anterolateral area of knee 244175003 S09091 Skin of anterolateral surface of knee (body structure) E09091 P09091 Y D integument/surface 64AF699D94C64D629845932E4AD41559 Skin of anterolateral surface of knee 9092 9092 09092 skin of posteromedial area of thigh 244174004 S09092 Skin of posteromedial surface of thigh (body structure) E09092 P09092 Y D integument/surface 0D4345BE4B0F40E2A8A9644228CB97E2 Skin of posteromedial surface of thigh 9093 9093 09093 skin of posterolateral area of thigh 244172000 S09093 Skin of posterolateral surface of thigh (body structure) E09093 P09093 Y D integument/surface 1CA4B80698F64CB784D0E95BED459751 Skin of posterolateral surface of thigh 9094 9094 09094 skin of anterolateral area of thigh 244171007 S09094 Skin of anterolateral surface of thigh (body structure) E09094 P09094 Y D integument/surface 2A148F2CE28C4585B2C9F6C2F0566073 Skin of anterolateral surface of thigh 9095 9095 09095 skin of digit of hand 244169007 S09095 Skin of fingers and thumb (body structure) E09095 P09095 Y D integument/surface F233BDFBABAF4B418F41BC512B43879F Skin of fingers and thumb 9096 9096 09096 skin of palmar area of web of finger 244168004 S09096 Skin of palmar surface of web of finger (body structure) E09096 P09096 Y D integument/surface C4EE6C11FCB54D1D9E73D4E6C61142E9 Skin of palmar surface of web of finger 9097 9097 09097 skin of dorsal area of web of finger 244167009 S09097 Skin of dorsal surface of web of finger (body structure) E09097 P09097 Y D integument/surface E84AD37958544470918A343FAE8E05CE Skin of dorsal surface of web of finger 9098 9098 09098 skin of lateral border of hand 244165001 S09098 Skin of lateral border of hand (body structure) E09098 P09098 Y D integument/surface 6DC6C13AB40E415C88327D40EF05F57B Skin of lateral border of hand 9099 9099 09099 skin of medial border of hand 244164002 S09099 Skin of medial border of hand (body structure) E09099 P09099 Y D integument/surface 24147452D2A041589EB57FB1F80A90EB Skin of medial border of hand 9100 9100 09100 skin of border of hand 244163008 S09100 Skin of border of hand (body structure) E09100 P09100 Y D integument/surface 408D58F9EB4848BA96D34E7DA5CD5746 Skin of border of hand 9102 9102 09102 skin of part of face 281709002 S09102 Skin of part of face (body structure) E09102 P09102 - x D integument/surface FF1C59C83E3845368797075D6623D9A1 Skin of part of face 9103 9103 09103 skin of knee flexion crease 244179009 S09103 Skin of knee flexion crease (body structure) E09103 P09103 Y D integument/surface 9C6F7CC7E4BF4551B5556293EAC20063 Skin of knee flexion crease 9104 9104 09104 skin of digit 279064005 S09104 Skin of digit (body structure) E09104 P09104 Y D integument/surface F63E85C483694011BF3A2EEA202F53CF Skin of digit 9105 9105 09105 fibrous tissue of penis 279717002 S09105 Fibrous structure of penis (body structure) E09105 P09105 - P genital system 60533F6953804DE594620FF7B8AD3126 Fibrous of penis 9106 9106 09106 membranous vestibule 279715005 S09106 Membranous vestibule structure (body structure) E09106 P09106 Y P special senses organ system 89036031A1E3433B8B3DF2152FCE83C1 Membranous vestibule 9107 9107 09107 erectile tissue of penis 279710000 S09107 Erectile structure of penis (body structure) E09107 P09107 - P genital system 37A5031DF4BF462093BAEA6C45967F90 Erectile of penis 9108 9108 09108 prostatic connective tissue 279679002 S09108 Prostatic connective tissue structure (body structure) E09108 P09108 - P genital system 0B6765D8D8C645D288869294EFCAEE35 Prostatic connective tissue 9109 9109 09109 vessel of spermatic cord 279653006 S09109 Vascular spermatic cord structure (body structure) E09109 P09109 Y P genital system 12BA9C25AE6A4471B4A1D97944EC6B42 Vascular spermatic cord 9110 9110 09110 connective tissue of testis 279602005 S09110 Connective tissue structure of testis (body structure) E09110 P09110 Y P genital system F81DA5DEABF949C2A55492104F6324BB Connective tissue of testis 9111 9111 09111 laryngeal skeleton 279506000 S09111 Laryngeal skeletal structure (body structure) E09111 P09111 - P musculoskeletal system 23FE65412739467F928E4C2DD2A2D38D Laryngeal skeletal 9112 9112 09112 female urinary outflow tract 279502003 S09112 Female urinary outflow structure (body structure) E09112 P09112 - P genitourinary system 3802F5F6938A4023BD12B4A518EC52CF Female urinary outflow 9113 9113 09113 male urinary outflow tract 279501005 S09113 Male urinary outflow structure (body structure) E09113 P09113 - P genitourinary system DE1BDA379D7F46788ECD87CEE0B2B4FF Male urinary outflow 9114 9114 09114 urinary outflow tract 279500006 S09114 Urinary outflow structure (body structure) E09114 P09114 - P urinary system D2CF71DDBDAA43858D0D3C61B033FD2F Urinary outflow 9115 9115 09115 intracranial nerve 279390002 S09115 Intracranial nerve structure (body structure) E09115 P09115 Y D nervous system 2441B1337D3F4A68A45534D08259186B Intracranial nerve 9116 9116 09116 renal collecting system 279371005 S09116 Renal collecting system structure (body structure) E09116 P09116 Y 265239 P urinary system 5E5EDCDEA8BF4592BC8D0A66F7B5C9E1 Renal collecting system 9118 9118 09118 skin of interdigital web 279065006 S09118 Skin of interdigital web (body structure) E09118 P09118 Y D integument/surface D4E3C9E516FB48AD8C5EFA8276ED9612 Skin of interdigital web 9119 9119 09119 skin of medial border of wrist 244156008 S09119 Skin of medial border of wrist (body structure) E09119 P09119 Y D integument/surface 127559C406E9495294DCDEFABDD54E12 Skin of medial border of wrist 9120 9120 09120 subcostal region 279025007 S09120 Structure of subcostal region (body structure) E09120 P09120 Y P regional/topgraphical E87561726397456495D737C45DAA0199 subcostal region 9121 9121 09121 gland of breast 279009002 S09121 Glandular structure of breast (body structure) E09121 P09121 Y P 6CA21494D80C4483B2DDFAF2A6AE76D2 Glandular of breast 9123 9123 09123 foot vein 278015009 S09123 Foot vein structure (body structure) E09123 P09123 Y P cardiovascular system 26D5CDAAD21F4ED19D8B8E83649594E7 Foot vein 9124 9124 09124 cardiac internal structure 277712000 S09124 Cardiac internal structure (body structure) E09124 P09124 - 0 P cardiovascular system 976D06E4D42C45C79D00BE732C5E0B3B Cardiac internal structure 9125 9125 09125 meniscus longitudinal segment 277295003 S09125 Meniscus longitudinal segment structure (body structure) E09125 P09125 Y P articular system E346737622234F24BFFCDA6AA5260D29 Meniscus longitudinal segment 9126 9126 09126 conjunctival fornix 276831007 S09126 Structure of conjunctival fornix (body structure) E09126 P09126 Y 59016 P special senses organ system 57709B3B31374E76915A3D7A7E062AB0 conjunctival fornix 9127 9127 09127 bone tissue of bone of forefoot 272718006 S09127 Bone structure of forefoot (body structure) E09127 P09127 Y 0 D musculoskeletal system F0B913ADF9994F0FABE9C23ED9C2DD24 Bone of forefoot 9128 9128 09128 subtalar articular facet of calcaneus 272717001 S09128 Structure of subtalar articular facet of calcaneum (body structure) E09128 P09128 Y P skeletal system CF139454BF894D8CA39C6BB941431443 subtalar articular facet of calcaneum 9129 9129 09129 bone tissue of bone of thorax 272710004 S09129 Bone structure of thorax (body structure) E09129 P09129 - 0 D musculoskeletal system D881418640B74BA89E812063E96143D6 Bone of thorax 9130 9130 09130 oral hard tissue 272660004 S09130 Oral hard tissue structure (body structure) E09130 P09130 - P digestive system 9F68260C973F4AB2B0CE4881BA32C38C Oral hard tissue 9131 9131 09131 cardiac wall 272657006 S09131 Cardiac wall structure (body structure) E09131 181293005 Entire cardiac wall (body structure) P09131 - 7274 P cardiovascular system 56CA2CF7F58C469FA2FAC9D9C86D62EB C813879F82DC484CBEB8EF0D787E6512 Cardiac wall Entire cardiac wall (body structure) Wall of organ which has as its parts the endocardium, myocardium , epicardium, and the cardiac septum, surrounded by the pericardial sac proper and is continuous with the walls of the systemic and pulmonary arterial and venous trees. 9134 9134 09134 extensor tendon of foot 415638009 S09134 Structure of extensor tendon of foot (body structure) E09134 P09134 Y P musculoskeletal system 1121F106DE1A43EBB505FBB0672D8D7C extensor tendon of foot 9135 9135 09135 sacral sulcus 416124005 S09135 Structure of sacral sulcus (body structure) E09135 P09135 - P skeletal system 72E3A29242144229BAFAAE7CB831C6AB sacral sulcus 9136 9136 09136 skin and subcutaneous tissue of dorsum of hand 416080001 S09136 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsum of hand (body structure) E09136 P09136 Y D integument/surface 0C93402F357247A694F56AC732CFC9A9 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of dorsum of hand 9137 9137 09137 skin and subcutaneous tissue of lower limb 416077002 S09137 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of lower limb (body structure) E09137 P09137 Y 74665 D integument/surface 9CD3A8CCBD6A46AF8EF822EBB17A5E4B Skin and subcutaneous tissue of lower limb 9138 9138 09138 left side of abdomen 416011007 S09138 Structure of left side of abdomen (body structure) E09138 P09138 L P 6E5C61D72C2E4D1EBAA7F6F4DBBEB39A left side of abdomen 9139 9139 09139 right side of abdomen 415994006 S09139 Structure of right side of abdomen (body structure) E09139 P09139 R P 70E968A764184C3A844C3017076AF278 right side of abdomen 9140 9140 09140 paratesticular region 415990002 S09140 Paratesticular structure (body structure) E09140 P09140 Y P genital system 286C711AD7704185B7BF9795487A348F Paratesticular region 9141 9141 09141 zygomatic and maxillary bone 415647001 S09141 Structure of zygomatic and/or maxillary bone (body structure) E09141 P09141 - P digestive system 1971E9B80F6340F398EDA63F39D3A4E9 zygomatic and/or maxillary bone 9142 9142 09142 communicating segment of internal carotid artery 415646005 S09142 Structure of terminal portion of internal carotid artery (body structure) E09142 P09142 Y 0 P arterial system D000C32D26934A8AAC7A9257D1E5996C terminal portion of internal carotid artery Segment of the internal carotid artery from the ostium of the posterior communicating artery to the bifurcation of the internal carotid artery. Bouthillier segment C7. 9145 9145 09145 os zygomaticum and arcus zygomaticus 415642007 S09145 Structure of os zygomaticum and/or arcus zygomaticus (body structure) E09145 P09145 Y P skeletal system B576EA01F2A54B09BA71F78540DA410E os zygomaticum and/or arcus zygomaticus 9146 9146 09146 midfacial bone 415641000 S09146 Structure of midfacial bone (body structure) E09146 P09146 - P skeletal system 3D8DC8F593D9494AA0FD208F44394728 midfacial bone 9147 9147 09147 lymphatic vessel of abdomen 397156000 S09147 Structure of lymphatic vessel of abdomen (body structure) E09147 362601000 Entire lymphatic vessel of abdomen (body structure) P09147 - 278537 P lymphatic system A3CD7D4BEA2244938ABB2F898780DE0D 4F85406F7566461AACFCD129A513FEC6 lymphatic vessel of abdomen Entire lymphatic vessel of abdomen (body structure) 9148 9148 09148 lateral pterygoid plate 415639001 S09148 Structure of lateral pterygoid plate (body structure) E09148 P09148 Y 54687 P skeletal system 54EA7AA4F5E7483B8AD26495839C2BCF lateral pterygoid plate 9149 9149 09149 skin and subcutaneous tissue of sole of foot 416177000 S09149 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of sole of foot (body structure) E09149 P09149 Y D integument/surface 6D7BF76E937E4FB8BD0C45E3427B4B7C Skin and subcutaneous tissue of sole of foot 9150 9150 09150 clinoid portion of internal carotid artery 415637004 S09150 Structure of clinoid portion of internal carotid artery (body structure) E09150 P09150 Y 0 P arterial system 7F0B985CE56545F181DF2681DC2B62C7 clinoid portion of internal carotid artery Segment of the internal carotid artery from the proximal dural ring to the distal dural ring. Bouthillier segment C5. 9154 9154 09154 colonic loop 413196009 S09154 Colonic loop structure (body structure) E09154 P09154 - P digestive system 3C80575AD3644407B791266F53211E12 Colonic loop 9155 9155 09155 hypothenar muscle 410816008 S09155 Structure of hypothenar muscle (body structure) E09155 181643003 Hypothenar muscle (body structure) P09155 Y 64917 P musculoskeletal system EE69E914C4224C1F87E5BC27CA26AC41 C2C5A083EC5A4E7CA8A0CF19F110C8B0 hypothenar muscle Hypothenar muscle (body structure) 9156 9156 09156 thenar muscle 410815007 S09156 Structure of thenar muscle (body structure) E09156 181640000 Thenar muscle (body structure) P09156 Y 64916 P musculoskeletal system 54D287A05BF141C898C310D27AE101C9 D88194AB01924D68ABFB66DFA0C8AC05 thenar muscle Thenar muscle (body structure) 9157 9157 09157 fascia of lower limb myofascial compartment 410805001 S09157 Structure of fascia of lower limb fascial compartment (body structure) E09157 P09157 Y P musculoskeletal system 4CCD53295544401383C7419BFA37DBDE fascia of lower limb fascial compartment 9158 9158 09158 fascia of upper limb myofascial compartment 410804002 S09158 Structure of fascia of upper limb fascial compartment (body structure) E09158 P09158 Y P musculoskeletal system 6CBE670BD9FE499C95908696328919D5 fascia of upper limb fascial compartment 9159 9159 09159 tendon sheath of extraocular muscle 410785008 S09159 Structure of tendon sheath of extraocular muscle (body structure) E09159 P09159 Y P musculoskeletal system 63955F003EDA4683ACD94118753D9605 tendon sheath of extraocular muscle 9160 9160 09160 hypothenar muscle compartment 410782006 S09160 Hypothenar muscle compartment structure (body structure) E09160 P09160 Y 58537 P musculoskeletal system 1516BC34CA74417CB08C0283F0F54DBA Hypothenar muscle compartment 9161 9161 09161 thenar muscle compartment 410781004 S09161 Thenar muscle compartment structure (body structure) E09161 P09161 Y 58534 P musculoskeletal system 56D0A00FC3CB4048BB84C100AB3AD68C Thenar muscle compartment 9162 9162 09162 medial pterygoid plate 415640004 S09162 Structure of medial pterygoid plate (body structure) E09162 P09162 Y P skeletal system 7CCB2CD6EB204A1782AF07B09B809FC0 medial pterygoid plate 9163 9163 09163 interphalangeal joint 416599001 S09163 Interphalangeal joint structure (body structure) E09163 P09163 Y 42765 P articular system 12A27E92F8D94E168BE4AA618808CDF1 Interphalangeal joint 9164 9164 09164 skin and subcutaneous tissue of toe 417138006 S09164 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of toe (body structure) E09164 P09164 Y D integument/surface 9A4F75A9A4D5473699D0BB522F73796E Skin and subcutaneous tissue of toe 9166 9166 09166 base of sacrum 417082000 S09166 Structure of base of sacrum (body structure) E09166 P09166 - 31722 P skeletal system 6A33BC8B0C7E4D7C8D773F6D11F09173 base of sacrum 9167 9167 09167 descended testis 416953005 S09167 Descended testis structure (body structure) E09167 P09167 Y P genital system E762A3B180D6464C842C19C0E10D6E1B Descended testis 9168 9168 09168 abdomen and pelvis 416949008 S09168 Abdomen and/or pelvis structure (body structure) E09168 P09168 - P regional/topgraphical/group 31B5049762B440549F5D0A161375495B Abdomen and/or pelvis 9169 9169 09169 skin and subcutaneous tissue of genitalia 416944003 S09169 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of genitalia (body structure) E09169 P09169 - D integument/surface 7555862F1EC742378A3B1245810DFD4E Skin and subcutaneous tissue of genitalia 9170 9170 09170 skin and subcutaneous tissue of heel 416927002 S09170 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of heel (body structure) E09170 P09170 Y D integument/surface 6FDCFBFE9F8A41B58931E8F986968AEB Skin and subcutaneous tissue of heel 9171 9171 09171 skin and subcutaneous tissue of upper arm 416827001 S09171 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of upper arm (body structure) E09171 P09171 Y D integument/surface 7C3D5683CA3C4AF0AEED3BD5C39F9444 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of upper arm 9172 9172 09172 skin and subcutaneous tissue of chest 416807002 S09172 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of chest (body structure) E09172 P09172 - 74752 D integument/surface D3EC976118A44926B4DFCC6A1C2004DE Skin and subcutaneous tissue of chest 9173 9173 09173 skin and subcutaneous tissue of thigh 416788001 S09173 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of thigh (body structure) E09173 P09173 Y D integument/surface F4D4D839E5A94B19BA47CE85D361DE47 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of thigh 9174 9174 09174 chest and abdomen and pelvis 416775004 S09174 Chest and/or abdomen and/or pelvis structure (body structure) E09174 P09174 - P regional/topgraphical/group 24CB5C7434E74DF1B463A51835AB297F Chest and/or abdomen and/or pelvis 9175 9175 09175 skin and subcutaneous tissue of shoulder region 416771008 S09175 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of shoulder region (body structure) E09175 P09175 Y D integument/surface 0116C6CA2918429788B1D624B6A39458 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of shoulder region 9176 9176 09176 skin and subcutaneous tissue of knee 416130005 S09176 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of knee (body structure) E09176 P09176 Y D integument/surface 132F78B1388C4AB9B502A7FA72197231 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of knee 9177 9177 09177 pelvis and lower limb 416631005 S09177 Pelvis and/or lower extremity structure (body structure) E09177 P09177 - P 08F47A935FAC4B20A32CF76FC16C2FFA Pelvis and/or lower extremity 9178 9178 09178 neck and chest and abdomen 416152001 S09178 Neck and/or chest and/or abdomen structure (body structure) E09178 P09178 - P regional/topgraphical/group 38807386A41F4775BDB2E31F318939FE Neck and/or chest and/or abdomen 9179 9179 09179 chest and abdomen 416550000 S09179 Chest and/or abdomen structure (body structure) E09179 P09179 - P regional/topgraphical/group 54899185A45E40949D14EC84385FAE83 Chest and/or abdomen 9180 9180 09180 skin and subcutaneous tissue of lower leg 416535009 S09180 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of lower leg (body structure) E09180 P09180 Y D integument/surface 239C4141CA6C4F3C9CDA73037222D689 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of lower leg 9181 9181 09181 skin and subcutaneous tissue of perineum 416514007 S09181 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of perineum (body structure) E09181 P09181 - 74755 D integument/surface 05821EC14BFB4A408BE1ED301A0F3633 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of perineum 9182 9182 09182 articular pillar of cervical vertebra 416489008 S09182 Structure of articular pillar of cervical vertebra (body structure) E09182 P09182 - P skeletal system 4B2A6ACD447A4B2184543F4C00B96A35 articular pillar of cervical vertebra 9183 9183 09183 skin and subcutaneous tissue of forearm 416433004 S09183 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of forearm (body structure) E09183 P09183 Y D integument/surface 1A6E557067AF4616BEAEC8A5815D9D57 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of forearm 9184 9184 09184 skin and subcutaneous tissue of thumb 416408002 S09184 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of thumb (body structure) E09184 P09184 Y D integument/surface 06F41992559D48EAA0BF086A4D606718 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of thumb 9185 9185 09185 skin and subcutaneous tissue of dorsum of foot 416407007 S09185 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsum of foot (body structure) E09185 P09185 Y D integument/surface EC3D37DB7F9E49B6A64305FD645B2C6B Skin and subcutaneous tissue of dorsum of foot 9186 9186 09186 skin and subcutaneous tissue of elbow 416345007 S09186 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of elbow (body structure) E09186 P09186 Y D integument/surface CE6B6577F4654BF6BA91EE1743519FC6 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of elbow 9187 9187 09187 skin and subcutaneous tissue of ankle 416283006 S09187 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of ankle (body structure) E09187 P09187 Y D integument/surface FB2278D7134C4AE89F1E2765B2BB0081 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of ankle 9188 9188 09188 skin and subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of hand 416267006 S09188 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of palmar area of hand (body structure) E09188 P09188 Y D integument/surface B12656E9B6E04162BFA0B4869C0773C9 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of hand 9189 9189 09189 skin and subcutaneous tissue of buttock 416231004 S09189 SkinAND/OR subcutaneous tissue structure of buttock (body structure) E09189 P09189 Y D integument/surface AD9B3904389A47D186E764D6559D9585 SkinAND/OR subcutaneous tissue of buttock 9190 9190 09190 skin and subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of wrist 416182007 S09190 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of dorsal area of wrist (body structure) E09190 P09190 Y D integument/surface EAA2C57C34154C6CBD480D7232D6E721 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of dorsal area of wrist 9191 9191 09191 fascia of myofascial compartment 410774006 S09191 Structure of fascia of fascial compartment (body structure) E09191 P09191 - P musculoskeletal system E51C2239BEAB4A798ECE3790C72D919E fascia of fascial compartment 9192 9192 09192 skin and subcutaneous tissue of axilla 416710001 S09192 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of axilla (body structure) E09192 P09192 Y D integument/surface 4FB50C2834F0477584CF0F4BA888D7CD Skin and subcutaneous tissue of axilla 9193 9193 09193 medial mitral annulus 399093001 S09193 Medial mitral annulus structure (body structure) E09193 P09193 - P cardiovascular system E485F026EFFA44EDA1980404C116D378 Medial mitral annulus 9194 9194 09194 adductor-interosseous compartment of hand 410780003 S09194 Adductor-interosseous compartment structure of hand (body structure) E09194 P09194 Y P musculoskeletal system 70C0C14596844B23A47169C442BD52BF Adductor-interosseous compartment of hand 9195 9195 09195 nose and nasopharynx 400112001 S09195 Nose and nasopharynx structure (body structure) E09195 P09195 - P F994B1CD29C046D9A75F8565F0198A66 Nose and nasopharynx 9197 9197 09197 skin of scalp and neck 400056003 S09197 Skin structure of scalp and/or neck (body structure) E09197 P09197 - D integument/surface E945E834DE604071A734DDC23674644F Skin of scalp and/or neck 9198 9198 09198 joint of digit 400032002 S09198 Joint structure of digit (body structure) E09198 P09198 Y P musculoskeletal system DF682588D24F4903A51BDFDA9B51FCD3 Joint of digit 9199 9199 09199 pelvic peritoneal mesothelium 400029000 S09199 Structure of pelvic peritoneal mesothelium (body structure) E09199 P09199 - P digestive system E29F4A9CFCD449A2B0FD6B0666C89426 pelvic peritoneal mesothelium 9200 9200 09200 skin of eyelid and periocular area 399996007 S09200 Skin structure of eyelid and periocular area (body structure) E09200 P09200 Y D integument/surface 0749F4B0074044489C56DC43E8645522 Skin of eyelid and periocular area 9201 9201 09201 skin and mucosa of anogenital area 399988002 S09201 Structure of skin and/or mucosa of anogenital area (body structure) E09201 P09201 - P integumentary system 7B80D173062A41DF992FB175DB94921B skin and/or mucosa of anogenital area 9202 9202 09202 visceral peritoneal mesothelium 399944009 S09202 Structure of visceral peritoneal mesothelium (body structure) E09202 P09202 - P digestive system 634C8C7B495041808738749D46817B86 visceral peritoneal mesothelium 9203 9203 09203 scalp and neck 399913000 S09203 Scalp and/or neck structure (body structure) E09203 P09203 - P regional/topgraphical/group EB4AA0BAFB0A4158ADBAAF0D33A877C2 Scalp and/or neck 9204 9204 09204 skin of axillary fold 399895007 S09204 Skin structure of axillary fold (body structure) E09204 P09204 Y D integument/surface 5C023F31ABDE486D820F0E5CEEB66CCB Skin of axillary fold 9205 9205 09205 microscopic connective tissue part 399886004 S09205 Microscopic connective tissue structure (body structure) E09205 P09205 - P 0522A86597CF4578A33FD1038F847EE4 Microscopic connective tissue 9206 9206 09206 nail of digit of hand 400133005 S09206 Structure of nail of digit of hand (body structure) E09206 P09206 Y 54327 P integumentary system 10E1DC258A3A45B19BA96924DF28CE77 nail of digit of hand 9207 9207 09207 right posterior iliac crest marrow 399536002 S09207 Right posterior iliac crest marrow structure (body structure) E09207 P09207 R P skeletal system A938CB90C79D40FC84CF97DE85A2B08D Right posterior iliac crest marrow 9208 9208 09208 lower respiratory system 400141005 S09208 Lower respiratory system structure (body structure) E09208 P09208 - P respiratory system D202C4DE8AE24A548D2F45D3544DB897 Lower respiratory system 9209 9209 09209 lateral mitral annulus 399086000 S09209 Lateral mitral annulus structure (body structure) E09209 P09209 - P cardiovascular system 2AAEBC01C25F420CA5E98ECAB4510CFD Lateral mitral annulus 9210 9210 09210 ileal vein 397439002 S09210 Ileal vein structure (body structure) E09210 P09210 - 15405 P digestive system 2432BAD9137243269E201A25A562825D Ileal vein 9211 9211 09211 inferior right hepatic vein 397425002 S09211 Inferior right hepatic vein structure (body structure) E09211 P09211 - R P digestive system 56EAB70050E84359B50EF38B8DDBA3EE Inferior right hepatic vein 9212 9212 09212 sixth lumbar artery 397412005 S09212 Structure of sixth lumbar artery (body structure) E09212 P09212 Y P arterial system 73346AAA2F4944DCBC84A6C60D02702F sixth lumbar artery 9213 9213 09213 fifth lumbar artery 397411003 S09213 Structure of fifth lumbar artery (body structure) E09213 P09213 Y 66369 P arterial system 01C1D84367F4440C87174001A6584A57 fifth lumbar artery 9214 9214 09214 fourth lumbar artery 397410002 S09214 Structure of fourth lumbar artery (body structure) E09214 P09214 Y 66368 P arterial system F4662028C55046D7B4905CF6ECF445A1 fourth lumbar artery 9215 9215 09215 third lumbar artery 397409007 S09215 Structure of third lumbar artery (body structure) E09215 P09215 Y 66367 P arterial system B8FA7BAD2C1E4D009ACFCB924EA02813 third lumbar artery 9216 9216 09216 second lumbar artery 397408004 S09216 Structure of second lumbar artery (body structure) E09216 P09216 Y 66366 P arterial system 07969C93E86A48CB8B4C6C29F860B907 second lumbar artery 9217 9217 09217 first lumbar artery 397407009 S09217 Structure of first lumbar artery (body structure) E09217 P09217 Y 66365 P arterial system 881B8329F2EB4AE096734E654A198EBF first lumbar artery 9218 9218 09218 distal portion of femoral vein 397364003 S09218 Superficial femoral vein structure (body structure) E09218 P09218 Y P venous system EE53DFFD3A0F4777B3F8C5CEE6694EDF Superficial femoral vein 9219 9219 09219 common femoral vein 397363009 S09219 Common femoral vein structure (body structure) E09219 P09219 Y P venous system 5C434BB7D56F4F598C6285396A60668A Common femoral vein 9220 9220 09220 perianal region 397158004 S09220 Perianal region structure (body structure) E09220 P09220 - P genital system 2DA8ABAB100E45F79B5657CF8694F8ED Perianal region 9221 9221 09221 lymphatic vessel of mediastinum 397157009 S09221 Structure of lymphatic vessel of mediastinum (body structure) E09221 P09221 - P lymphatic system 1D3460D278B24DE5BAB0B77E60074E18 lymphatic vessel of mediastinum 9222 9222 09222 left posterior iliac crest marrow 399682004 S09222 Left posterior iliac crest marrow structure (body structure) E09222 P09222 L P skeletal system 1F68AC46FB1A4FC6842E36D02F8E8454 Left posterior iliac crest marrow 9223 9223 09223 joint between bodies of C2 and C3 410733006 S09223 Structure of joint between bodies of C2 and C3 (body structure) E09223 302516003 Joint between bodies of C2 and C3 (body structure) P09223 - P musculoskeletal system 8148A55A53F04D7B8A516BBFB51E7F0C 57E5052D52194FAB8609F3CA555C54F5 joint between bodies of C2 and C3 Joint between bodies of C2 and C3 (body structure) 9224 9224 09224 inferior lateral angle of sacrum 417315000 S09224 Structure of inferior lateral angle of sacrum (body structure) E09224 P09224 Y P skeletal system 63CA08B4C57445688128F7F3AABBB60D inferior lateral angle of sacrum 9225 9225 09225 fascia of lower leg 410773000 S09225 Structure of fascia of lower leg (body structure) E09225 P09225 Y P musculoskeletal system 99480DA076F7474FB4B7D40A964245BF fascia of lower leg 9226 9226 09226 fascia of lower leg compartment 410765009 S09226 Fascial structure of lower leg compartment (body structure) E09226 P09226 Y P musculoskeletal system 01D4FD9BDB4E46659D8EFB6519765F7C Fascial of lower leg compartment 9227 9227 09227 posterior fascial compartment of lower leg 410764008 S09227 Structure of posterior fascial compartment of lower leg (body structure) E09227 P09227 Y 45167 P musculoskeletal system 1538C1610048442989C56CB001D0E5CA posterior fascial compartment of lower leg 9228 9228 09228 upper limb myofascial compartment 410762007 S09228 Structure of upper limb fascial compartment (body structure) E09228 P09228 Y P musculoskeletal system DA1887DAAAD84AFC875CF9C5487EE2FC upper limb fascial compartment 9229 9229 09229 lower limb myofascial compartment 410761000 S09229 Structure of lower limb fascial compartment (body structure) E09229 P09229 Y P musculoskeletal system 11E887A5C10A49E080183CDCF2C70F3B lower limb fascial compartment 9230 9230 09230 myofascial compartment of limb 410760004 S09230 Structure of fascial compartment of limb (body structure) E09230 P09230 Y P musculoskeletal system 212DAFB47DA642D0B452F11258254318 fascial compartment of limb 9231 9231 09231 frontal recess of frontoethmoid 410753005 S09231 Frontal recess of frontoethmoid structure (body structure) E09231 P09231 Y P respiratory system 3E36EE753E1D4CEF8A6D3A5FA1B4EA2E Frontal recess of frontoethmoid 9232 9232 09232 joint of neck 410739005 S09232 Joint structure of neck (body structure) E09232 P09232 - P musculoskeletal system 1B129344BDC647ECB76629EA939044F9 Joint of neck 9233 9233 09233 joint of seventh cervical vertebra 410738002 S09233 Joint structure of seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) E09233 P09233 - P musculoskeletal system A71DEAB38D754EA7B3C829E0AEB5C60B Joint of seventh cervical vertebra 9234 9234 09234 joint of sixth cervical vertebra 410737007 S09234 Joint structure of sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) E09234 P09234 - P musculoskeletal system F67AF767EFC74BB6A58B1F826CDE194A Joint of sixth cervical vertebra 9235 9235 09235 joint of fifth cervical vertebra 410736003 S09235 Joint structure of fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) E09235 P09235 - P musculoskeletal system C82455CA4EFC4DC0B2B544E136FE92CB Joint of fifth cervical vertebra 9236 9236 09236 skin and mucosa of vulva 400119005 S09236 Structure of skin and/or mucosa of vulva (body structure) E09236 P09236 - P integumentary system 0182567221DB4A4591CE93F92AE5B27D skin and/or mucosa of vulva 9237 9237 09237 joint of third cervical vertebra 410734000 S09237 Joint structure of third cervical vertebra (body structure) E09237 P09237 - P musculoskeletal system A0944E3ECA474BF2B09A305ED36592EE Joint of third cervical vertebra 9238 9238 09238 closed space of hand 410778009 S09238 Structure of closed space of hand (body structure) E09238 P09238 Y 85180 P A1426306C3F64FFE8391351FDC32D0B8 closed space of hand 9239 9239 09239 joint of second cervical vertebra 410732001 S09239 Joint structure of second cervical vertebra (body structure) E09239 P09239 - P musculoskeletal system 9FF15BA58BD1410C81FC0D7825C43395 Joint of second cervical vertebra 9240 9240 09240 joint of first cervical vertebra 410731008 S09240 Joint structure of first cervical vertebra (body structure) E09240 P09240 - P musculoskeletal system A3EBCB0EEAFE482299F8A58367A60141 Joint of first cervical vertebra 9242 9242 09242 gastrointestinal tract mucous membrane 410432002 S09242 Structure of gastrointestinal tract mucous membrane (body structure) E09242 P09242 - P digestive system 01639C537304446688E885366321F12B gastrointestinal tract mucous membrane 9243 9243 09243 infraorbital foramen 409994008 S09243 Infraorbital foramen structure (body structure) E09243 P09243 Y 0 P skeletal system 33068B5470DD45D99D2966113E399156 Infraorbital foramen 9244 9244 09244 umbilical blood vessel 408728001 S09244 Structure of umbilical blood vessel (body structure) E09244 P09244 - P cardiovascular system 0F3BE56E46DD4A90A642695B895FA229 umbilical blood vessel 9246 9246 09246 parameningeal region in the context of malignancy 405952001 S09246 Parameningeal structure in the context of malignancy (body structure) E09246 P09246 - P regional/topgraphical 7BF9F89C118240BFBC4B214ADA0FB599 Parameningeal in the context of malignancy 9247 9247 09247 skin and surface epithelium 400199006 S09247 Structure of skin and/or surface epithelium (body structure) E09247 P09247 - P integumentary system F4694770C35343E59280399DB049F624 skin and/or surface epithelium 9248 9248 09248 joint of clavicle 400198003 S09248 Joint structure of clavicle (body structure) E09248 P09248 Y P musculoskeletal system 1E722630993E48049E7A77C1BF476A69 Joint of clavicle 9249 9249 09249 long bone of upper limb 400194001 S09249 Structure of long bone of upper limb (body structure) E09249 P09249 Y P skeletal system BFC2930A4935467E83B7037B63A7E148 long bone of upper limb 9250 9250 09250 parietal peritoneal mesothelium 400189001 S09250 Structure of parietal peritoneal mesothelium (body structure) E09250 P09250 - P digestive system 82E44A0A7DDB4EE9AC8B37BC6800A632 parietal peritoneal mesothelium 9251 9251 09251 long bone of lower limb 400143008 S09251 Structure of long bone of lower limb (body structure) E09251 P09251 Y P musculoskeletal system AA9542C456D84942966BFFA61AB4566B long bone of lower limb 9252 9252 09252 joint of fourth cervical vertebra 410735004 S09252 Joint structure of fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) E09252 P09252 - P musculoskeletal system CB34BF18D4174E1FBFAB4EE1CC362AFE Joint of fourth cervical vertebra 9253 9253 09253 bone (organ or region or tissue) 272673000 S09253 Bone structure (body structure) E09253 P09253 - 0 P EE06293E0B8C43AD9AB0B2DDE56D2D19 Bone 9255 9255 09255 anterior external vertebral venous plexus 420465006 S09255 Structure of anterior external vertebral venous plexus (body structure) E09255 P09255 - 10787 P venous system E10CCEF87B6F4D288FAD335C55A81A27 anterior external vertebral venous plexus 9261 9261 09261 central region of abdomen 422314007 S09261 Structure of central region of abdomen (body structure) E09261 P09261 - P regional/topgraphical 50281DED97F745F6819F5DC61A9B00EC central region of abdomen 9263 9263 09263 skin of central region of abdomen 421878005 S09263 Skin structure of central region of abdomen (body structure) E09263 P09263 - D integument/surface 72BAE74DA3734CAD9505148782BDBB33 Skin of central region of abdomen 9264 9264 09264 bone marrow of innominate bone 420696005 S09264 Structure of bone marrow of innominate bone (body structure) E09264 P09264 Y P hematopoietic system 16C64505C1AA4FFD891463551F2AE1E1 bone marrow of innominate bone 9265 9265 09265 bone marrow of femur 420902003 S09265 Structure of bone marrow of femur (body structure) E09265 P09265 Y P hematopoietic system 55BFA16C56614E8880AA31975BA16131 bone marrow of femur 9266 9266 09266 third and fourth parts of the duodenum 422195001 S09266 Structure of third and fourth parts of the duodenum (body structure) E09266 P09266 - P digestive system AFAB26A03D7944D6A8A360CF6CB02FA2 third and fourth parts of the duodenum 9267 9267 09267 patella 421413000 S09267 Structure of patella (body structure) E09267 182083008 Entire patella (body structure) P09267 Y 24485 P musculoskeletal system F1B6AD0A68994675AA7337E3DE158CAD A141A64CCC5A475795646E174439D232 patella Entire patella (body structure) 9268 9268 09268 first left lumbar vein 421354007 S09268 Structure of first left lumbar vein (body structure) E09268 P09268 L P venous system D190B73CE8A44B1A856DFBE3EAF9311B first left lumbar vein 9269 9269 09269 bone tissue of stapes 422057008 S09269 Bone structure of stapes (body structure) E09269 P09269 Y 64002 D special senses organ system 1F1DC7BD530B4EB4BA96BAFFD144229A Bone of stapes 9270 9270 09270 bone tissue of auditory ossicle 422258005 S09270 Bone structure of auditory ossicle (body structure) E09270 P09270 Y 0 D skeletal system A401B69A522A44CA9BF754F4C2755AD9 Bone of auditory ossicle 9271 9271 09271 bone tissue of malleus 420329002 S09271 Bone structure of malleus (body structure) E09271 P09271 Y 63995 D special senses organ system C40AEA6D37BF406C9DA49DB3C7F79753 Bone of malleus 9272 9272 09272 bone tissue of incus 421793000 S09272 Bone structure of incus (body structure) E09272 P09272 Y 63982 D special senses organ system E068E901D0C34578A6D33AD808B23830 Bone of incus 9273 9273 09273 bone tissue of bone of spine 51282000 S09273 Bone structure of spine (body structure) E09273 P09273 - 0 D skeletal system 798991DC0A6C43C59A4901A3DEDFC948 Bone of spine 9274 9274 09274 bone marrow of tibia 422111009 S09274 Structure of bone marrow of tibia (body structure) E09274 P09274 Y P hematopoietic system FBE84A5B5BEC4B11A2706DFB2A826D70 bone marrow of tibia 9275 9275 09275 bone marrow of bone organ 421320006 S09275 Structure of marrow of a bone (body structure) E09275 420546000 All marrow of a bone (body structure) P09275 - P hematopoietic system 211093DB094B493EACB463AAC0524360 D5A4DBC1B50A4BB09785E064697F832F marrow of a bone All marrow of a bone (body structure) 9277 9277 09277 flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of hand 90647005 S09277 Structure of flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of hand (body structure) E09277 181653002 Entire flexor digiti minimi (body structure) P09277 Y 37383 P musculoskeletal system 3B1F0B58F6424646A3070DC966378A14 A22B71D320C9498AA4AE741201B7A5DA flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of hand Entire flexor digiti minimi (body structure) 9278 9278 09278 skin of suboccipital region 90568000 S09278 Skin of suboccipital region (body structure) E09278 P09278 - D integument/surface F76748E27B8D47AAB7E0F929B0054024 Skin of suboccipital region 9280 9280 09280 skin of vermilion border 87320006 S09280 Skin of vermilion border (body structure) E09280 P09280 - D integument/surface 094E308CEF0A4C78BB3B32852B238D2E Skin of vermilion border 9281 9281 09281 skin and subcutaneous tissue of scapular region of back 417173008 S09281 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of scapular region of back (body structure) E09281 P09281 Y D integument/surface ED536BECC68F4C84B6058A0950A51FFD Skin and subcutaneous tissue of scapular region of back 9282 9282 09282 femur 421235005 S09282 Structure of femur (body structure) E09282 182046008 Entire femur (body structure) P09282 119190009 Femur part (body structure) Y 9611 P musculoskeletal system 1E1FD3FAAF214C4F8933F132AF89AAC3 6E8450343A184AB58994A85F370F43E3 283E7104333643799A42AFF146EB2EAA femur Entire femur (body structure) Femur 9283 9283 09283 synovial membrane of shoulder 312678005 S09283 Synovial structure of shoulder (body structure) E09283 P09283 Y P skeletal system 2C5FD490978F47A6981B37A97BBC2A57 Synovial of shoulder 9284 9284 09284 shoulder and upper arm 420657004 S09284 Structure of shoulder and/or upper arm (body structure) E09284 P09284 Y P B27D8DAE267F45808A124397E8C39339 shoulder and/or upper arm 9286 9286 09286 lateral half of head 421371008 S09286 Structure of half of head lateral to midsagittal plane (body structure) E09286 P09286 Y 0 P 111D882D662345029D8FC9000972FF62 half of head lateral to midsagittal plane 9287 9287 09287 body of fifth sacral vertebra 421344008 S09287 Structure of body of fifth sacral vertebra (body structure) E09287 P09287 - P musculoskeletal system 00277479EF8C44F9A169044ECB5A7387 body of fifth sacral vertebra 9288 9288 09288 body of fourth sacral vertebra 421596005 S09288 Structure of body of fourth sacral vertebra (body structure) E09288 P09288 - P musculoskeletal system BA748DC366EF4245A58BB32AA1FD79E4 body of fourth sacral vertebra 9289 9289 09289 body of third sacral vertebra 420888003 S09289 Structure of body of third sacral vertebra (body structure) E09289 P09289 - P musculoskeletal system DE5033126AD0420D8DFDEE68D1502B54 body of third sacral vertebra 9290 9290 09290 body of second sacral vertebra 421126009 S09290 Structure of body of second sacral vertebra (body structure) E09290 P09290 - P musculoskeletal system 4DC3E5354552420CBDB417D250327EF4 body of second sacral vertebra 9291 9291 09291 body of first sacral vertebra 420607007 S09291 Structure of body of first sacral vertebra (body structure) E09291 P09291 - P musculoskeletal system 220C3D608F0E4BE6A50A8AE1AE70FC3D body of first sacral vertebra 9292 9292 09292 right intervertebral vein at L3 421690005 S09292 Structure of right intervertebral vein at L3 (body structure) E09292 P09292 R P cardiovascular system FD1B53F58FBA44988AACFD0B13A48041 right intervertebral vein at L3 9293 9293 09293 left intervertebral vein at L3 420957001 S09293 Structure of left intervertebral vein at L3 (body structure) E09293 P09293 L P cardiovascular system 12CE9CE884A644F38DA2E6B49D184F3B left intervertebral vein at L3 9294 9294 09294 right intervertebral vein at L2 420853003 S09294 Structure of right intervertebral vein at L2 (body structure) E09294 P09294 R P cardiovascular system 83946672C8F34C22A0A8EBE4A00EC4B7 right intervertebral vein at L2 9295 9295 09295 left intervertebral vein at L2 420396003 S09295 Structure of left intervertebral vein at L2 (body structure) E09295 P09295 L P cardiovascular system CB7CE70799BD4B67A9D7C8DC4E146EE5 left intervertebral vein at L2 9296 9296 09296 esophageal branch of azygos minor 421699006 S09296 Structure of esophageal branch of azygous minor (body structure) E09296 P09296 - P venous system A6ED4492620E4926ACED37AB2F2924F4 esophageal branch of azygous minor 9297 9297 09297 intervertebral vein at L2 421995003 S09297 Structure of intervertebral vein at L2 (body structure) E09297 P09297 Y P cardiovascular system 4ECF2612A6544C53910F8E4F9E57DE20 intervertebral vein at L2 9299 9299 09299 left intervertebral vein at L1 421740001 S09299 Structure of left intervertebral vein at L1 (body structure) E09299 P09299 L P cardiovascular system 7CEDEFC088C2425D94A668EFF6C4F460 left intervertebral vein at L1 9300 9300 09300 intervertebral vein at L1 420983006 S09300 Structure of intervertebral vein at L1 (body structure) E09300 P09300 Y P cardiovascular system 00FC846F39AF4BAD8644333819C7D049 intervertebral vein at L1 9301 9301 09301 inferior branch of right renal apical segmental artery 421082006 S09301 Structure of inferior branch of right renal apical segmental artery (body structure) E09301 P09301 R P arterial system 56C33C6799674F4B91ACC818B5C90895 inferior branch of right renal apical segmental artery 9302 9302 09302 inferior branch of left renal apical segmental artery 422333002 S09302 Structure of inferior branch of left renal apical segmental artery (body structure) E09302 P09302 L P arterial system E4C3642C791F4A0389EF30B696EEB824 inferior branch of left renal apical segmental artery 9303 9303 09303 right renal apical segmental artery 420498001 S09303 Structure of right renal apical segmental artery (body structure) E09303 P09303 R P arterial system 58C380A1651A4D6ABEA11222E90F40D1 right renal apical segmental artery 9304 9304 09304 left renal apical segmental artery 421318008 S09304 Structure of left renal apical segmental artery (body structure) E09304 P09304 L P arterial system B85FE00F50B747A9B7B58DF75E1AB385 left renal apical segmental artery 9305 9305 09305 fourth right lumbar vein 422153005 S09305 Structure of fourth right lumbar vein (body structure) E09305 P09305 R P venous system FC96E2E526C5439CA9ADDBD7FD301BFB fourth right lumbar vein 9306 9306 09306 fourth left lumbar vein 422308000 S09306 Structure of fourth left lumbar vein (body structure) E09306 P09306 L P venous system DE37F3A2848E43ACB1AFA86C367B10CB fourth left lumbar vein 9307 9307 09307 third right lumbar vein 421611008 S09307 Structure of third right lumbar vein (body structure) E09307 P09307 R P venous system D0480A30E28A4F05B247D240B6A71D53 third right lumbar vein 9308 9308 09308 third left lumbar vein 420352003 S09308 Structure of third left lumbar vein (body structure) E09308 P09308 L P venous system 4432C100C8B545F69CA5E01C648527F0 third left lumbar vein 9309 9309 09309 second right lumbar vein 421127000 S09309 Structure of second right lumbar vein (body structure) E09309 P09309 R P venous system DC64612A65534C96B4D56E24E7A047FA second right lumbar vein 9310 9310 09310 second left lumbar vein 421909002 S09310 Structure of second left lumbar vein (body structure) E09310 P09310 L P venous system E6C0EC8AAE99442CBE65B49F63AB9081 second left lumbar vein 9311 9311 09311 first right lumbar vein 420575006 S09311 Structure of first right lumbar vein (body structure) E09311 P09311 R P venous system CB0C2C7BB99A4683A3EAA0B2E1EA2A4F first right lumbar vein 9312 9312 09312 skin of part of head and neck 281707000 S09312 Skin of part of head and neck (body structure) E09312 P09312 - x D integument/surface 4E250850C65B4CE48F3BE92A5623445A Skin of part of head and neck 9313 9313 09313 functional spinal unit 417737005 S09313 Vertebral unit structure (body structure) E09313 P09313 - P AC273E16466341E98EEABD2DA0B2474A Vertebral unit A heterogeneous cluster consisting of two adjacent vertebrae, the intervertebral disc, and all adjoining ligaments between them. It excludes tendons and muscles, and excludes the spinal cord and structures of the spinal canal. It is also known as a spinal motion segment. 9316 9316 09316 digital vein of foot 47870002 S09316 Digital vein structure of the foot (body structure) E09316 181409004 Digital vein of toe (body structure) P09316 Y P cardiovascular system 23D358F3B5FE485AB5B8F2BAC955FD27 0CB4366B20674071900261780525C5A6 Digital vein of the foot Digital vein of toe (body structure) 9317 9317 09317 skin of posterior area of lower leg 47224004 S09317 Skin of posterior surface of lower leg (body structure) E09317 P09317 Y D integument/surface 1209479556CC43BA8F2519CE7BC18E6A Skin of posterior surface of lower leg 9318 9318 09318 skin of femoral region 46570004 S09318 Skin of femoral region (body structure) E09318 P09318 Y D integument/surface 02DAE248F37A4CC0B411AA9E29D85325 Skin of femoral region 9321 9321 09321 skin of scalp 43067004 S09321 Skin structure of scalp (body structure) E09321 P09321 - 24757 D integument/surface 97CC9454D4BF4590A21800A2AAFEA1DF Skin of scalp 9324 9324 09324 skin of malleolus 419975006 S09324 Skin structure of malleolus (body structure) E09324 P09324 Y D integument/surface DF45CEDD2ED846AE8DCB027E14AE374B Skin of malleolus 9325 9325 09325 ankle and foot 419605007 S09325 Structure of ankle and/or foot (body structure) E09325 P09325 Y P 8C726D052104408BB3163417D00D54AD ankle and/or foot 9327 9327 09327 skin of lateral malleolus 418079008 S09327 Skin structure of lateral malleolus (body structure) E09327 P09327 Y D integument/surface 66FC3B693305434480975CAA2A5DF828 Skin of lateral malleolus 9329 9329 09329 skin and subcutaneous tissue of upper limb 417599008 S09329 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of upper limb (body structure) E09329 P09329 Y 74664 D integument/surface 41598DE7101244C7B97E58076B1D7940 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of upper limb 9330 9330 09330 skin and subcutaneous tissue of pelvis 417584008 S09330 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of pelvis (body structure) E09330 P09330 - 74754 D integument/surface B45B7358B0BD44099DD041CFB898E9BD Skin and subcutaneous tissue of pelvis 9331 9331 09331 skin and subcutaneous tissue of scrotum 417501003 S09331 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of scrotum (body structure) E09331 P09331 - 269206 D integument/surface 0E1B8FC465E14A86B4A5D10E5CA06E83 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of scrotum 9332 9332 09332 skin and subcutaneous tissue of wrist 417480002 S09332 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of wrist (body structure) E09332 P09332 Y D integument/surface 10DD300E76AF439FBA8EBD4ABFEF8C2A Skin and subcutaneous tissue of wrist 9333 9333 09333 skin and subcutaneous tissue of head and neck 417461004 S09333 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of head and neck (body structure) E09333 P09333 - D integument/surface B7C00A8C9D364673B339566F0BA7FE22 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of head and neck 9334 9334 09334 skin and subcutaneous tissue of foot 417460003 S09334 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of foot (body structure) E09334 P09334 Y D integument/surface D3EFBB2966244F56B48E0F5FC5D7E435 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of foot 9335 9335 09335 skin and subcutaneous tissue of hand 417448004 S09335 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of hand (body structure) E09335 P09335 Y D integument/surface CE9714DC91B14CBDAC6DF6584CD51632 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of hand 9336 9336 09336 neck and chest 417437006 S09336 Neck and/or chest structure (body structure) E09336 P09336 - P regional/topgraphical/group 4F44C0285F3347A8A974CF9818E85DF3 Neck and/or chest 9337 9337 09337 skin and subcutaneous tissue of hip 417368006 S09337 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of hip (body structure) E09337 P09337 Y D integument/surface 29943FF7D5724E9FBBE06CC828346BA0 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of hip 9338 9338 09338 skin and subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of wrist 417366005 S09338 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of palmar area of wrist (body structure) E09338 P09338 Y D integument/surface D4D0195AF5DB4496B92DE624DFCFB00F Skin and subcutaneous tissue of palmar area of wrist 9339 9339 09339 skin and subcutaneous tissue of finger 417355003 S09339 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of finger (body structure) E09339 P09339 Y D integument/surface AF084BAE815D4F3FBAC89A42963BACAE Skin and subcutaneous tissue of finger 9340 9340 09340 skin and subcutaneous tissue of abdomen 417352000 S09340 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of abdomen (body structure) E09340 P09340 - 74753 D integument/surface 5E9E10DA29084931A32F9660C0B629F0 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of abdomen 9341 9341 09341 right intervertebral vein at L1 422125005 S09341 Structure of right intervertebral vein at L1 (body structure) E09341 P09341 R P cardiovascular system 8B106B18D61F489AACA3022F0D4BE41E right intervertebral vein at L1 9342 9342 09342 skin of medial malleolus 418380001 S09342 Skin structure of medial malleolus (body structure) E09342 P09342 Y D integument/surface 20AFB24F582C46F39646258862A57BFD Skin of medial malleolus 9343 9343 09343 peripheral sensory system 70402007 S09343 Peripheral sensory structure (body structure) E09343 P09343 - P nervous system 32D08665A8FE46A5BBE9F043746584B3 Peripheral sensory 9344 9344 09344 pelvic part of genital system 82568006 S09344 Pelvic genital structure (body structure) E09344 P09344 - P BB4A212D83664A7DAF349E11674CAC38 Pelvic genital system 9345 9345 09345 parasternal lymph node 82365008 S09345 Structure of parasternal lymph node (body structure) E09345 P09345 Y 5849 P lymphatic system AD0E10E7BAF24CC18D771B4194644557 parasternal lymph node 9347 9347 09347 skin of occipital region 79951008 S09347 Skin of occipital region (body structure) E09347 P09347 - D integument/surface 70B8EF27A2F74AF6A6E567947FCD7DF4 Skin of occipital region 9348 9348 09348 internal eyeball 79652003 S09348 Internal structure of eyeball (body structure) E09348 P09348 Y P special senses organ system 53E9BB36B2234666803542725A24E376 Internal of eyeball 9349 9349 09349 submucosa of anal canal 7892006 S09349 Structure of submucosa of anal canal (body structure) E09349 P09349 - 85399 P digestive system 67928656A6504D7CA2D8FC19A36459DA submucosa of anal canal 9351 9351 09351 back of trunk 77568009 S09351 Back structure, excluding neck (body structure) E09351 P09351 - 25056 P 291E0ECDB3E34B788B90F0DF567E2A3E Back, excluding neck Subdivision of trunk which is demarcated from the trunk proper by the external surface of the posterolateral part of the rib cage, the anterior surface of the thoracic vertebral column and the posterior axillary lines. 9352 9352 09352 joint of sacrococcygeal junction region of vertebral column 77208007 S09352 Joint structure of sacrococcygeal region of spine (body structure) E09352 P09352 - 16210 P musculoskeletal system 00F87073A69747BD8FC651F9C46DD67D Joint of sacrococcygeal region of spine 9354 9354 09354 normal accessory lobe of lung 76271006 S09354 Structure of normal accessory lobe of lung (body structure) E09354 P09354 Y P respiratory system BB4E756F240646A0967066A17852B190 normal accessory lobe of lung 9355 9355 09355 joint of thoracolumbar junction region of vertebral column 76079001 S09355 Joint structure of thoracolumbar region of spine (body structure) E09355 P09355 - 28658 P musculoskeletal system 65EBC2E815FE4C66B9C3C1C9B6483377 Joint of thoracolumbar region of spine 9357 9357 09357 bone tissue of trapezium 71800003 S09357 Bone structure of trapezium (body structure) E09357 P09357 Y 33338 D skeletal system F7629243B1074ACFB48F443557998E5F Bone of trapezium 9358 9358 09358 skin and subcutaneous tissue of back 417286006 S09358 Skin and subcutaneous tissue structure of back (body structure) E09358 P09358 - 74760 D integument/surface 9E1323BD999046958A418DBF335D1B89 Skin and subcutaneous tissue of back 9362 9362 09362 vitreous membrane 64498009 S09362 Vitreous membrane (structure) (body structure) E09362 P09362 Y P special senses organ system 2FAF555293FA41E1A4E41AB3B9CC96F0 Vitreous membrane (structure) 9363 9363 09363 peripheral motor system 63111001 S09363 Peripheral motor structure (body structure) E09363 P09363 - P musculoskeletal system A2B60437ABC5464A9A668EE38778A432 Peripheral motor 9365 9365 09365 skin of vertex 61719002 S09365 Skin of vertex (body structure) E09365 P09365 - 46500 D integument/surface 5CD86B50C11C4178901B873BFFD4775C Skin of vertex 9368 9368 09368 body categorized by sex 57312000 S09368 Sex structure (body structure) E09368 P09368 - P E8AEFD9B096D4D7F985BC239F791909F Sex 9370 9370 09370 second cuneiform facet of navicular bone of foot 54030007 S09370 Structure of second cuneiform facet of navicular bone of foot (body structure) E09370 P09370 Y P skeletal system E2277F6FDC2D4A5E8C48757291F2F3A1 second cuneiform facet of navicular bone of foot 9372 9372 09372 manubriosternal synchondrosis 74071000 S09372 Manubriosternal synchondrosis (body structure) E09372 P09372 - 76872 P skeletal system E3D2AA7AF1F74D7A83A567F771340A7A Manubriosternal synchondrosis 9373 9373 09373 vessel of parathyroid gland 360352000 S09373 Vascular structure of parathyroid gland (body structure) E09373 P09373 Y P endocrine system 40B8B33C306B4124A22C064AC1B17B1E Vascular of parathyroid gland 9374 9374 09374 microscopic renal pelvis part 360544004 S09374 Microscopic renal pelvis structure (body structure) E09374 P09374 Y P urinary system A2724F0378974F609466CFFA67FAB162 Microscopic renal pelvis 9375 9375 09375 embryonic muscle 360502005 S09375 Embryonic muscular structure (body structure) E09375 P09375 - P 2552281999FA463791D30BD9FB0E75A4 Embryonic muscle 9376 9376 09376 embryonic vertebra 360501003 S09376 Embryonic vertebral structure (body structure) E09376 P09376 - P skeletal system 3C536BA43FE24975BE6BCAE59D5E89C8 Embryonic vertebral 9378 9378 09378 pontine lemniscus 360486008 S09378 Pontine lemniscal structure (body structure) E09378 P09378 Y P nervous system 3659F548DF23436B9344C84F10AC92FF Pontine lemniscal 9379 9379 09379 midbrain lemniscus 360485007 S09379 Midbrain lemniscal structure (body structure) E09379 P09379 Y P nervous system A508EE0E33A54EE08CB32794B8F60CD4 Midbrain lemniscal 9380 9380 09380 lemniscal system 360483000 S09380 Lemniscal system structure (body structure) E09380 P09380 Y P nervous system 1AE51B349E3548E68D3AB9928A9931AD Lemniscal system 9381 9381 09381 olivary nucleus 360476007 S09381 Olivary nucleus structure (body structure) E09381 P09381 Y P nervous system 6251BE9ECE674E059D1B4C701680B321 Olivary nucleus 9382 9382 09382 embryonic limb 360413006 S09382 Embryonic limb structure (body structure) E09382 P09382 Y P 489739A72C3C466C95C7539901B1A724 Embryonic limb 9383 9383 09383 primitive salivary apparatus 360412001 S09383 Primitive salivary structure (body structure) E09383 P09383 Y P 4A5B14B35B2744C0B7362A2E9636FF86 Primitive salivary 9384 9384 09384 intersegmental arterial vessel 360401001 S09384 Intersegmental arterial structure (body structure) E09384 P09384 - P arterial system 2265591AF9B6491B837814C6D5D01EF0 Intersegmental artery 9385 9385 09385 embryonic respiratory system 360400000 S09385 Embryonic respiratory structure (body structure) E09385 P09385 - P 4AE6BD854CDF41D2AFB9384B5C9843C6 Embryonic respiratory system 9386 9386 09386 metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal 360856008 S09386 Structure of metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal (body structure) E09386 P09386 Y P skeletal system 4A6A13576C59428EB2E70388C211F632 metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal 9387 9387 09387 primitive lens 360385008 S09387 Primitive lens structure (body structure) E09387 P09387 Y P 98F4DF56D92144E1826F8789BC439BAD Primitive lens 9388 9388 09388 intrahepatic vein 360557007 S09388 Intrahepatic venous structure (body structure) E09388 P09388 - P digestive system 26E1BC5132154A0A87495F14286F9808 Intrahepatic vein 9389 9389 09389 vessel of pineal gland 360347005 S09389 Vascular structure of pineal gland (body structure) E09389 P09389 - P endocrine system 26CCF75C0EA84FBC85E472209D7A60C8 Vascular of pineal gland 9390 9390 09390 prostate and vas deferens 359989001 S09390 Prostate and vas deferens structures (body structure) E09390 P09390 - P genital system 1655A2EC2F664337A7FAC5B40D9020CD Prostate and vas deferenss 9391 9391 09391 nervous system of limb 359923002 S09391 Nervous structure of limb (body structure) E09391 P09391 Y 74674 P nervous system F47B56C8A42C4A078BD0E34E4B3452E4 nervous system of limb 9392 9392 09392 nervous system of thorax 359876006 S09392 Nervous structure of thorax (body structure) E09392 P09392 - 74686 P nervous system F95C4135BDE54D64A73649BCF410FB18 nervous system of thorax 9394 9394 09394 aortic lymph node 35783009 S09394 Structure of aortic lymph node (body structure) E09394 P09394 - 16604 P lymphoreticular system 104A1F41C7114C9F8F9D96E3D2D85C88 aortic lymph node 9395 9395 09395 intervertebral vein at L3 420669007 S09395 Structure of intervertebral vein at L3 (body structure) E09395 P09395 Y P cardiovascular system 53D0507EC8FF4ED79D7C4D6734807028 intervertebral vein at L3 9400 9400 09400 soft tissue of thorax 31749008 S09400 Structure of soft tissues of thorax (body structure) E09400 P09400 - D E3F789325AAC4E9BA31976485989F609 soft tissues of thorax 9401 9401 09401 primitive middle ear 360386009 S09401 Primitive middle ear structure (body structure) E09401 P09401 Y P 2571EC5023564764A58CF9B33D5D4419 Primitive middle ear 9402 9402 09402 intertrochanteric section of femur 360786007 S09402 Intertrochanteric structure of femur (body structure) E09402 P09402 Y P skeletal system C77E4ADD7A3E49A4BC135B434D43DA23 Intertrochanteric of femur 9403 9403 09403 articular facet of fourth metatarsal 360855007 S09403 Structure of articular facet of fourth metatarsal (body structure) E09403 P09403 Y P skeletal system B87A35DDD5FE4A37887807A877B70ED8 articular facet of fourth metatarsal 9404 9404 09404 metatarsal articular facet of third metatarsal 360853000 S09404 Structure of metatarsal articular facet of third metatarsal (body structure) E09404 P09404 Y P skeletal system F5A324B115674B1FA1AAC43EE00AD3C7 metatarsal articular facet of third metatarsal 9405 9405 09405 cuneiform articular facet of third metatarsal 360851003 S09405 Structure of cuneiform articular facet of third metatarsal (body structure) E09405 P09405 Y P skeletal system 37DEC97693E64C48B4F3DA5CF8EA57EC cuneiform articular facet of third metatarsal 9406 9406 09406 articular surface of phalanx of hand 360850002 S09406 Structure of articular surface of phalanx of hand (body structure) E09406 P09406 Y P musculoskeletal system 4CACE9F124994C3492E9D2B05B6D1A86 articular surface of phalanx of hand 9407 9407 09407 articular surface of fifth metacarpal 360849002 S09407 Structure of articular surface of fifth metacarpal (body structure) E09407 P09407 Y P musculoskeletal system 578E9BA7705B45E9BA3E7D1471C90292 articular surface of fifth metacarpal 9408 9408 09408 articular surface of fourth metacarpal 360848005 S09408 Structure of articular surface of fourth metacarpal (body structure) E09408 P09408 Y P musculoskeletal system A03027FD83CF490E9D9370AD33E0A3CC articular surface of fourth metacarpal 9409 9409 09409 articular surface of third metacarpal 360847000 S09409 Structure of articular surface of third metacarpal (body structure) E09409 P09409 Y P musculoskeletal system 3F3F74C5C5CD4B7DAFF30A838CF2918C articular surface of third metacarpal 9410 9410 09410 articular surface of second metacarpal 360846009 S09410 Structure of articular surface of second metacarpal (body structure) E09410 P09410 Y P musculoskeletal system 66FF1D61B0B640CB977B63D3BF269873 articular surface of second metacarpal 9411 9411 09411 articular surface of first metacarpal 360845008 S09411 Structure of articular surface of first metacarpal (body structure) E09411 P09411 Y P musculoskeletal system E6DC32CFFC6D40DFB5BE0916B29C8DEF articular surface of first metacarpal 9412 9412 09412 articular facet of clavicle 360841004 S09412 Structure of articular facet of clavicle (body structure) E09412 P09412 Y P skeletal system B897A96C2CA54BF28D975FAF899958AE articular facet of clavicle 9413 9413 09413 vein of clitoris 360819004 S09413 Structure of vein of clitoris (body structure) E09413 P09413 Y P genital system 8340B6634A824E7E9173F09129A59806 vein of clitoris 9414 9414 09414 periarticular bone tissue of proximal ulna 360818007 S09414 Periarticular bone structure of proximal ulna (body structure) E09414 P09414 Y P articular system A04B07B433E6460584A4EFEA09C64E3F Periarticular bone of proximal ulna 9416 9416 09416 musculoskeletal system of trachea 360803006 S09416 Musculoskeletal structure of trachea (body structure) E09416 P09416 - D musculoskeletal system F4AFC9B69BFF42628A7A42B028A252C5 Musculoskeletal of trachea 9417 9417 09417 microscopic thyroid part 360552001 S09417 Microscopic thyroid structure (body structure) E09417 P09417 - P endocrine system B8CF512DC19343FF918C63387349B0E8 Microscopic thyroid 9418 9418 09418 suture 360765007 S09418 Suture structure (body structure) E09418 P09418 - 7493 P articular system 0BF411B483D84B54AE596389DB5A9990 Suture Fibrous joint in which the articulating bones or cartilages of the skull are connected by sutural ligaments (scant amount of collagenous dense connective tissue). Examples: sagittal suture, frontal suture. 9419 9419 09419 microscopic skin vessel part 360599008 S09419 Microscopic skin vascular structure (body structure) E09419 P09419 - P cardiovascular system 418A52BA2801401BA472D5C2CC59F735 Microscopic skin vascular 9420 9420 09420 microscopic skin part 360598000 S09420 Microscopic skin structure (body structure) E09420 P09420 - P integumentary system BB4C15A66E454C34B3FD1884B7BD82AB Microscopic skin 9421 9421 09421 skin of part of concha 360590007 S09421 Skin of part of concha (body structure) E09421 P09421 Y x D integument/surface 22843085D2A64E2984A3071C73B646C7 Skin of part of concha 9422 9422 09422 skin of part of helix 360588006 S09422 Skin of part of helix (body structure) E09422 P09422 Y x D integument/surface 1AB9FDC3761E4EEAA1E9843DD51D09DC Skin of part of helix 9425 9425 09425 skin of part of eyelid 360576009 S09425 Skin of part of eyelid (body structure) E09425 P09425 Y x D integument/surface FCCC7AA2F9054227937CB8F59AC50C35 Skin of part of eyelid 9426 9426 09426 microscopic pancreatic duct part 360574007 S09426 Microscopic pancreatic duct structure (body structure) E09426 P09426 - P digestive system 758B92E3B4894BC9A3B8B22885A1915F Microscopic pancreatic duct 9427 9427 09427 microscopic exocrine pancreas part 360572006 S09427 Microscopic exocrine pancreas structure (body structure) E09427 P09427 - P digestive system 41F659640016490FB69607CC743334EA Microscopic exocrine pancreas 9428 9428 09428 microscopic pancreas part 360571004 S09428 Microscopic pancreas structure (body structure) E09428 P09428 - P digestive system 0BD4A9D026AD4475B03ACDF3DD0DBA9C Microscopic pancreas 9429 9429 09429 microscopic liver part 360558002 S09429 Microscopic liver structure (body structure) E09429 P09429 - P digestive system BA95C9556E884547AA8FE6FC97884A70 Microscopic liver 9430 9430 09430 embryonic genital system 314910008 S09430 Embryonic genital structure (body structure) E09430 P09430 - P 65963F6E44214C33A1313A12D930E937 Embryonic genital system 9431 9431 09431 periarticular bone tissue of distal humerus 360817002 S09431 Periarticular bone structure of distal humerus (body structure) E09431 P09431 Y 0 P articular system 1ABDDAADFDFB48D88E373106877F4FDB Periarticular bone of distal humerus 9432 9432 09432 bone tissue of bone of head and neck 312779009 S09432 Bone structure of head and/or neck (body structure) E09432 P09432 - 0 D skeletal system 68FEA1A0144F4EE0A9206D6D5F9F8F0E Bone of head and/or neck 9433 9433 09433 superficial vein of face 314917006 S09433 Structure of superficial vein of face (body structure) E09433 P09433 - P cardiovascular system AA22337F4FCE43B0860E9B1616636354 superficial vein of face 9434 9434 09434 microscopic kidney part 314285002 S09434 Microscopic kidney structure (body structure) E09434 P09434 Y P urinary system FAD155CA974D4C209354BA76BA53D329 Microscopic kidney 9436 9436 09436 cartilaginous external auditory canal 314257004 S09436 Cartilaginous external auditory canal structure (body structure) E09436 P09436 Y P special senses organ system 9C3A78D88EFB46E6ABFDEB6B7EC8B38A Cartilaginous external auditory canal 9437 9437 09437 ligament of incus 314256008 S09437 Structure of ligament of incus (body structure) E09437 P09437 Y P special senses organ system 64171DBA664B412BB2B7F030234C11D0 ligament of incus 9438 9438 09438 ligament of malleus 314254006 S09438 Structure of ligament of malleus (body structure) E09438 P09438 Y P special senses organ system 77DB387518A74488802A09BE870B4620 ligament of malleus 9439 9439 09439 embryonic skeleton 314247000 S09439 Embryonic skeletal structure (body structure) E09439 P09439 - P 4BB5A2E41BA647AC8B115A11EFFB42B7 Embryonic skeleton 9440 9440 09440 inferior vermis 314162006 S09440 Inferior vermis structure (body structure) E09440 P09440 - P nervous system B58D4F4F6FE14BD2BF8843007D74D092 Inferior vermis 9441 9441 09441 superior vermis 314161004 S09441 Superior vermis structure (body structure) E09441 P09441 - P nervous system 741BE88F52854902A1021BC79CB43C08 Superior vermis 9442 9442 09442 lip and palate 312900000 S09442 Lip and/or palatal structures (body structure) E09442 P09442 - P digestive system BBA81DAEF2F34C0385D2D5ACAD74AC92 Lip and/or palatals 9443 9443 09443 joint of cervical or thoracic spine 312821004 S09443 Joint structure of cervical and/or thoracic spine (body structure) E09443 P09443 - P skeletal system 29E2D6C4887B42A3B355968FD0CB2025 Joint of cervical and/or thoracic spine 9444 9444 09444 metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe 312818001 S09444 Metatarsophalangeal joint structure of lesser toe (body structure) E09444 244564006 Entire metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe (body structure) P09444 Y P musculoskeletal system 060D1935E0024474A0AF145C9668480B 55399718C0324A94A9985C9C0DB7ECBA Metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe Entire metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe (body structure) 9445 9445 09445 microscopic testis part 314349004 S09445 Microscopic testis structure (body structure) E09445 P09445 Y P genital system 1B7512BDA7794805BF8AAF4D60BCD88E Microscopic testis 9446 9446 09446 bone tissue of metacarpal of finger 312780007 S09446 Bone structure of metacarpal of finger (body structure) E09446 P09446 Y 0 D musculoskeletal system F5F8DD0910AD4B9FA2BEF6FBCBF7FF74 Bone of metacarpal of finger 9447 9447 09447 developmental brain 314386003 S09447 Developmental brain structure (body structure) E09447 P09447 - P 693CD26FFF184ED891BA8E4D1BC8D007 Developmental brain 9448 9448 09448 bone tissue of clavicle, scapula or humerus 312776002 S09448 Bone structure of clavicle and/or scapula and/or humerus (body structure) E09448 P09448 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 65D1BD2961D2434187247AF8C7813FFC Bone of clavicle and/or scapula and/or humerus 9449 9449 09449 bone tissue of bone of spine or pelvis 312769007 S09449 Bone structure of spine and/or pelvis (body structure) E09449 P09449 - 0 P skeletal system 369823D3194F490B9BF19AE9E95E318A Bone of spine and/or pelvis 9450 9450 09450 bone tissue of distal phalanx of hand 312768004 S09450 Bone structure of distal phalanx of hand (body structure) E09450 P09450 Y 0 D musculoskeletal system 65000E7DCBAA42A2A2EF4031543A2CB8 Bone of distal phalanx of hand 9451 9451 09451 bone tissue of bone of trunk 312763008 S09451 Bone structure of trunk (body structure) E09451 P09451 - 0 D skeletal system 3B1BDB4C47A443269F316A5679539774 Bone of trunk 9452 9452 09452 synovial membrane of ankle and foot 312749002 S09452 Synovial structure of ankle and/or foot (body structure) E09452 P09452 Y P musculoskeletal system 12BA5C5E7A3D4E77893033FD8CEB83A9 Synovial of ankle and/or foot 9453 9453 09453 vitreous and retina 312742006 S09453 Vitreous and/or retinal structures (body structure) E09453 110700004 Vitreous and retina (combined site) (body structure) P09453 Y P special senses organ system A1944E3A6580472D8055E5A432CFE8F6 71C4E1AF42F54509B90A1168C6EBA57E Vitreous and/or retinals Vitreous and retina (combined site) (body structure) 9455 9455 09455 glans penis and prepuce 312716006 S09455 Glans penis and/or preputial structures (body structure) E09455 P09455 - P genital system AB43477F87DB4A9D967CACE3564CE344 Glans penis and/or preputials 9456 9456 09456 bone tissue of distal tibia or distal fibula 312715005 S09456 Bone structure of distal tibia and/or fibula (body structure) E09456 P09456 Y 0 P skeletal system F62C837F4A7F44E5968AB62F9C720255 Bone of distal tibia and/or fibula 9457 9457 09457 synovial membrane of joint or tendon 312690007 S09457 Joint and/or tendon synovial structure (body structure) E09457 P09457 - P musculoskeletal system 0CE321FBB3594BE4A5AB7F76395DBD35 Joint and/or tendon synovial 9458 9458 09458 joint of limb 312683002 S09458 Joint structure of limb (body structure) E09458 P09458 Y 71276 P articular system 1804566BE5114D41AED15EBE5A84ED5F Joint of limb 9459 9459 09459 synovial membrane of hip 312680004 S09459 Synovial structure of hip (body structure) E09459 P09459 Y P skeletal system 0BF0DFED25954321993B08742B342845 Synovial of hip 9460 9460 09460 left labium minus 397116002 S09460 Structure of left labium minus (body structure) E09460 P09460 L 20381 P genital system 7155781A95DE4F9BBC641B354B8752ED left labium minus 9461 9461 09461 joint of ankle and foot 312816002 S09461 Joint structure of ankle and/or foot (body structure) E09461 P09461 Y P musculoskeletal system 501677E40E8E4EA89305576665DB1D58 Joint of ankle and/or foot 9462 9462 09462 peripheral nerve of upper limb 314738007 S09462 Peripheral nerve structure of upper limb (body structure) E09462 181008003 Entire peripheral nerve of upper limb (body structure) P09462 Y 0 D nervous system C06813B6BB33430E888216E74F5FF0D7 40FBDD0CE0B64A64820367CCA39856BC Peripheral nerve of upper limb Entire peripheral nerve of upper limb (body structure) 9464 9464 09464 branchial apparatus 314909003 S09464 Branchial apparatus structure (body structure) E09464 P09464 - P 4D6AB064702845E78B25CABA72654451 Branchial apparatus 9465 9465 09465 extra-embryonic gestational structure 314908006 S09465 Extra-embryonic structure (body structure) E09465 P09465 - 85537 P F4F22ECA77944D97B03F38FE2EF97E2C Extra-embryonic 9466 9466 09466 lymphatic vessel of trunk 314899009 S09466 Structure of lymphatic vessel of trunk (body structure) E09466 P09466 - 278550 P lymphatic system 99D143B4C27B4599A5AF3D9CA291BC57 lymphatic vessel of trunk 9467 9467 09467 lymphatic vessel of male pelvis 314891007 S09467 Structure of lymphatic vessel of male pelvis (body structure) E09467 P09467 - P lymphatic system 058317F572CC4836BCE49A8D0C90B191 lymphatic vessel of male pelvis 9468 9468 09468 lymphatic vessel of female pelvis 314890008 S09468 Structure of lymphatic vessel of female pelvis (body structure) E09468 P09468 - P lymphatic system 9D2675CF20CE4844A0C1C320409CC43E lymphatic vessel of female pelvis 9469 9469 09469 microscopic hair part 314823000 S09469 Microscopic hair structure (body structure) E09469 P09469 - P integumentary system 26B2B846BFE34C2990A534EFFFA3EE5E Microscopic hair 9470 9470 09470 skin gland 314821003 S09470 Skin glandular structure (body structure) E09470 P09470 - P integumentary system 98F6965AA18F46EA8ACF925FE230FC62 Skin gland 9471 9471 09471 malleolus of tibia 314796009 S09471 Malleolar structure of tibia (body structure) E09471 P09471 Y P skeletal system 4879330FA191407384CEDC03151C118F Malleolar of tibia 9472 9472 09472 musculoskeletal system of larynx 314779008 S09472 Musculoskeletal structure of larynx (body structure) E09472 P09472 - D musculoskeletal system 4E4E1633140842BDA2F7F78CF294C4CB Musculoskeletal of larynx 9473 9473 09473 bony cochlea 314778000 S09473 Bony cochlea structure (body structure) E09473 P09473 Y P special senses organ system A4F8F73AAF1946CB8F317362981C80FF Bony cochlea 9474 9474 09474 bony semicircular canal 314777005 S09474 Bony semicircular canal structure (body structure) E09474 P09474 Y P special senses organ system 8D2A7B914A6148798668B81C0B89C1FD Bony semicircular canal 9475 9475 09475 artery of eye and orbit 314301005 S09475 Structure of artery of eye and orbit (body structure) E09475 P09475 Y P arterial system 8DDE3A388D154EFEA8375E8FC7FB60C1 artery of eye and orbit 9476 9476 09476 nerve to genital organ 314749001 S09476 Nerve to genital structure (body structure) E09476 P09476 Y P nervous system 7C6DB6CBE24C47B58B960C4CD58D9524 Nerve to genital 9477 9477 09477 embryonic urinary tract 314911007 S09477 Embryonic urinary tract structure (body structure) E09477 P09477 - P EC938B9DCCC74C278029D964048B29A4 Embryonic urinary tract 9478 9478 09478 lymphatic vessel of lymph node 314733003 S09478 Structure of lymphatic vessel of lymph node (body structure) E09478 P09478 - P lymphatic system 6FC51B51D30E4DA4B19CA5D82ED44A66 lymphatic vessel of lymph node 9479 9479 09479 colon wall 314729005 S09479 Colon wall structure (body structure) E09479 P09479 - 14622 P digestive system 28039E01CC9745CD92C4CFE6F4159141 Colon wall 9481 9481 09481 articular facet of atlas 314714008 S09481 Structure of articular facet of atlas (body structure) E09481 P09481 Y 31920 P skeletal system 4B31286187AD4FE68F63CD1B6481EDAA articular facet of atlas 9482 9482 09482 skin of part of lesser toe 314412006 S09482 Skin of part of lesser toe (body structure) E09482 P09482 Y x D integument/surface 3269F7B02475407BA46F63860A2529FE Skin of part of lesser toe 9483 9483 09483 skin of part of toe 314406001 S09483 Skin of part of toe (body structure) E09483 P09483 Y x D integument/surface FEEE992FDDCA4B3BB545A6FC9C289F85 Skin of part of toe 9486 9486 09486 skin of part of limb 314403009 S09486 Skin of part of limb (body structure) E09486 P09486 Y x D integument/surface 029F37F43BB1437B85A9E1211DB2B4E7 Skin of part of limb 9489 9489 09489 skin of lateral nose 314395006 S09489 Skin of lateral nose structure (body structure) E09489 P09489 Y D integument/surface A742554382E0434AAAE721416D8A14C3 Skin of lateral nose 9490 9490 09490 skin of midline nose 314394005 S09490 Skin of midline nose structure (body structure) E09490 P09490 - D integument/surface FE653115790A4BBDA1785A2029CF251B Skin of midline nose 9491 9491 09491 vestibule of bony labyrinth 314776001 S09491 Bony vestibule structure (body structure) E09491 P09491 Y 60183 P special senses organ system 6BA4046BC0734EE6BDEFFBDAEA922B5C Bony vestibule 9492 9492 09492 distal common bile duct 370101007 S09492 Structure of common bile duct, distal (body structure) E09492 P09492 - P digestive system B7108D3B96BD481B81F833A7CF3ABE04 common bile duct, distal 9493 9493 09493 intrathoracic arterial vessel 363574006 S09493 Intrathoracic arterial structure (body structure) E09493 P09493 - P arterial system 0E359399E1FC4F059DE6DA9AE04945D5 Intrathoracic artery 9494 9494 09494 bone tissue of bone of upper limb 371195002 S09494 Bone structure of upper limb (body structure) E09494 P09494 372212007 Part of bone of upper limb (body structure) Y 24139 D musculoskeletal system 595A4265B19D42B7B883469408114728 DF6EF2CB126042E2BAFF8D5DB1BA8FFB Bone of upper limb bone of upper limb 9502 9502 09502 parenchyma of left ovary 370106002 S09502 Structure of parenchyma of left ovary (body structure) E09502 P09502 L P genital system 31A11FE594154D22A52A010B20403D81 parenchyma of left ovary 9503 9503 09503 capsule of left ovary 370105003 S09503 Structure of capsule of left ovary (body structure) E09503 P09503 L 18664 P genital system AF25B590E13C4068962D8146B3BC326A capsule of left ovary 9505 9505 09505 parenchyma of ovary 371399002 S09505 Structure of parenchyma of ovary (body structure) E09505 P09505 Y P genital system D315892AAD334747A5E81B878CC76396 parenchyma of ovary 9506 9506 09506 capsule of right ovary 370102000 S09506 Structure of capsule of right ovary (body structure) E09506 P09506 R 18663 P genital system 4E679D7D2A4A4F66B7E23F94AB105806 capsule of right ovary 9507 9507 09507 parenchyma of pancreas 371401008 S09507 Structure of parenchyma of pancreas (body structure) E09507 P09507 - 63120 P digestive system 801D31969A3C4E439E35CF365248C22E parenchyma of pancreas 9508 9508 09508 common bile duct, middle 370100008 S09508 Structure of common bile duct, middle (body structure) E09508 P09508 - P digestive system 0445045E0EF64B03AC0A6DE5A3475D36 common bile duct, middle 9509 9509 09509 proximal common bile duct 370099000 S09509 Structure of common bile duct, proximal (body structure) E09509 P09509 - P digestive system DA59E6AD03884C0E958C23A56F813622 common bile duct, proximal 9510 9510 09510 posterior wall of anal canal 370098008 S09510 Structure of posterior wall of anal canal (body structure) E09510 P09510 - P digestive system 08E0CF1130E745398871CC771E9CFD20 posterior wall of anal canal 9511 9511 09511 right wall of anal canal 370097003 S09511 Structure of right wall of anal canal (body structure) E09511 P09511 R P digestive system 63CD57E05D3E4041863277FB157D23B1 right wall of anal canal 9512 9512 09512 left wall of anal canal 370096007 S09512 Structure of left wall of anal canal (body structure) E09512 P09512 L P digestive system A698B0FB1B43451EBB0AA7F3A7048E8F left wall of anal canal 9513 9513 09513 anterior wall of anal canal 370095006 S09513 Structure of anterior wall of anal canal (body structure) E09513 P09513 - P digestive system A23B01FF67104FBA8222A9EF300377AE anterior wall of anal canal 9516 9516 09516 vessel of penis 363673006 S09516 Vascular structure of penis (body structure) E09516 P09516 - P genital system 1C51910BD7074F8481320D1464F8F233 Vascular of penis 9517 9517 09517 middle ear and mastoid 363667005 S09517 Middle ear and mastoid structure (body structure) E09517 P09517 Y P special senses organ system 148433F0DA0D41B08D72A915E8744C5F Middle ear and mastoid 9518 9518 09518 orbital fat 363656009 S09518 Orbital fat structure (body structure) E09518 P09518 Y P musculoskeletal system 500AE310D9684ECEB59C96E04F960D57 Orbital fat 9519 9519 09519 retrobulbar part of optic nerve 363655008 S09519 Structure of retrobulbar part of optic nerve (body structure) E09519 P09519 Y P special senses organ system 1FC54F8120184766BA9447CFA9380CB0 retrobulbar part of optic nerve 9520 9520 09520 surface of conjunctiva and anterior surface of cornea 363653001 S09520 Conjunctival and corneal surface structure (body structure) E09520 P09520 Y P special senses organ system 9E8182DE32864821B22D773BDC615BA4 Conjunctival and corneal surface 9521 9521 09521 parenchyma of right ovary 370103005 S09521 Structure of parenchyma of right ovary (body structure) E09521 P09521 R P genital system 23B575CB78444BCCAC7744250FD5FBED parenchyma of right ovary 9522 9522 09522 synovial membrane of elbow 312679002 S09522 Synovial structure of elbow (body structure) E09522 P09522 Y P musculoskeletal system F03AAA6320464790BC12DC87D6DE643A Synovial of elbow 9523 9523 09523 right labium minus 397115003 S09523 Structure of right labium minus (body structure) E09523 P09523 R 20380 P genital system 906AA8AF645F4B0080C9A0CBAECDF157 right labium minus 9524 9524 09524 right labium majus 397114004 S09524 Structure of right labium majus (body structure) E09524 P09524 R 20369 P genital system 5BECD21DDB6748D7A42B6EA28B6D729B right labium majus 9525 9525 09525 left labium majus 397113005 S09525 Structure of left labium majus (body structure) E09525 P09525 L 20372 P genital system 09C4F527C8114821AC3AF3271FA6CBFC left labium majus 9526 9526 09526 blood vessel of skin 397018003 S09526 Blood vessel structure of skin (body structure) E09526 P09526 - P cardiovascular system 7FC3D663998A43E6B5795C94E30D069D Blood vessel of skin 9528 9528 09528 skin of submental area 34926004 S09528 Skin of submental area (body structure) E09528 P09528 - D integument/surface F51EA7039EBB4D70A7810A8159AF5E77 Skin of submental area 9529 9529 09529 corneal region 392476006 S09529 Corneal region structure (body structure) E09529 P09529 Y P special senses organ system 4C07DEA8B0D9438AA8216F76DEF92522 Corneal region 9530 9530 09530 malleolus of fibula 360857004 S09530 Malleolar structure of fibula (body structure) E09530 P09530 Y P skeletal system AC27396283494CB083FE6785B62EA6FC Malleolar of fibula 9531 9531 09531 skin of foreskin 39059001 S09531 Skin of foreskin (body structure) E09531 P09531 - D integument/surface 94868CB0580246DE94698FFED0D4CD64 Skin of foreskin 9533 9533 09533 region of gray matter of neuraxis 389081007 S09533 Gray matter structure of central nervous system (body structure) E09533 P09533 - 67242 P nervous system 485500FE513B4A01BF530F4B09F0DDB3 Gray matter of central nervous system Cell part cluster consisting predominantly of somas of neurons in the brain and the spinal cord. 9534 9534 09534 skin and subcutaneous tissue of head 389074000 S09534 Skin AND subcutaneous tissue structure of head (body structure) E09534 P09534 - 74660 D integument/surface 71DEF060B4D7409B9B3923118861C96C Skin AND subcutaneous tissue of head 9535 9535 09535 eye region 371398005 S09535 Eye region structure (body structure) E09535 P09535 Y P special senses organ system 47B6BA209B9E4A6783F4C78250621980 Eye region Region of the face including the orbital region and the peri-orbital structures (eyebrow, peri-orbital tissue, circumorbital skin and subcutaneous tissue) 9536 9536 09536 skin and subcutaneous tissue of trunk 389072001 S09536 Skin AND subcutaneous tissue structure of trunk (body structure) E09536 P09536 - 74662 D integument/surface 7F8C90BC6AE5421A9370102BEE2DD523 Skin AND subcutaneous tissue of trunk 9537 9537 09537 hair of eyebrow 392261001 S09537 Hair structure of eyebrow (body structure) E09537 P09537 Y P special senses organ system 05B772A7383445C2B2D5589040231891 Hair of eyebrow 9538 9538 09538 skin and subcutaneous tissue of flank 389071008 S09538 Skin AND subcutaneous tissue structure of flank (body structure) E09538 P09538 Y D integument/surface 501ABD3B2F85490BB441B9268A4C342C Skin AND subcutaneous tissue of flank 9540 9540 09540 ear, nose and throat 385383008 S09540 Ear, nose and throat structure (body structure) E09540 P09540 - P 53566E0D73554D4F9CBB97D25FBD9C8B Ear, nose and throat 9541 9541 09541 submandibular salivary gland 385296007 S09541 Submandibular salivary gland structure (body structure) E09541 P09541 Y 55093 P digestive system 168FC363CAD34854996E31D4CC3D09B4 Submandibular salivary gland 9542 9542 09542 salivary gland 385294005 S09542 Salivary gland structure (body structure) E09542 181236000 Entire salivary gland (body structure) P09542 119215009 Salivary gland part (body structure) - 9597 P digestive system 3C502439836742B1A42453B2B34F88A6 A6F2CA256C2748C09D80595303AA957D E7514AC5FCCE4A54A608381AFC537174 Salivary gland Entire salivary gland (body structure) Salivary gland Lobular organ the parenchyma of which consists of glandular acini which communicate the oral cavity. Examples: parotid gland, sublingual gland, lingual salivary gland. 9543 9543 09543 soft tissue of ankle 384971008 S09543 Soft tissue structure of ankle (body structure) E09543 P09543 Y D AC6F5FF99EED4D3496332447DDBFCD78 Soft tissue of ankle 9544 9544 09544 oculomotor system 373362007 S09544 Oculomotor system structure (body structure) E09544 P09544 Y P special senses organ system F52A5DD8FEB54720983E0B6D43F4B37C Oculomotor system 9545 9545 09545 half of tooth body 372187003 S09545 Half of tooth (body structure) E09545 P09545 half of tooth body Y P digestive system 2C5058BE2A8147B7BC83F89DF28A8177 Half of tooth 9546 9546 09546 skeletal muscle of chest wall 372074006 S09546 Skeletal muscle structure of chest wall (body structure) E09546 699461006 Entire skeletal muscle of chest wall (body structure) P09546 Y P musculoskeletal system 4C530C666FF74A48B68BEEFF036FD5AE Skeletal muscle of chest wall 9547 9547 09547 soft tissue of back, excluding neck 371426004 S09547 Structure of soft tissues of back, excluding neck (body structure) E09547 P09547 - D D91E839F30304BF5BA5575BB18379351 soft tissues of back, excluding neck 9548 9548 09548 parenchyma of adrenal gland 371404000 S09548 Structure of parenchyma of adrenal gland (body structure) E09548 P09548 Y 69090 P endocrine system 5057CAA05CFA41A2A9033655ACE32657 parenchyma of adrenal gland 9549 9549 09549 parenchyma of thymus 371403006 S09549 Structure of parenchyma of thymus (body structure) E09549 P09549 - 72207 P lymphoid system D67463E66C8C438D894C7A5927609F7D parenchyma of thymus 9550 9550 09550 parenchyma of thyroid 371402001 S09550 Structure of parenchyma of thyroid (body structure) E09550 P09550 - P endocrine system 2860744AC1CC4065BA0BF588D276ED1A parenchyma of thyroid 9551 9551 09551 skin and subcutaneous tissue of neck 389073006 S09551 Skin AND subcutaneous tissue structure of neck (body structure) E09551 P09551 - 74661 D integument/surface 3000992DEF4E429FA76274150D12D39E Skin AND subcutaneous tissue of neck 9552 9552 09552 articular facet of second metatarsal 360874004 S09552 Structure of articular facet of second metatarsal (body structure) E09552 P09552 Y P skeletal system FD9FFC02F6BF4C61A58AA8589722F100 articular facet of second metatarsal 9553 9553 09553 vertebral bone marrow 361004007 S09553 Structure of bone marrow of vertebra (body structure) E09553 P09553 - P hematopoietic system 1739CD116B9E415E9E24C777A3ED9F88 bone marrow of vertebra 9554 9554 09554 venous vessel in spleen 360986000 S09554 Venous structure of spleen (body structure) E09554 P09554 - P lymphoid system 08B9A4CE25BC4B479901999298145B7A vein of spleen 9555 9555 09555 arterial vessel in spleen 360983008 S09555 Arterial structure of spleen (body structure) E09555 P09555 - P arterial system B67A94EE74C84D0DA3ED6EC9B56D2A66 artery of spleen 9556 9556 09556 lymphatic vessel of intestine 360980006 S09556 Structure of lymphatic vessel of intestine (body structure) E09556 P09556 - P lymphatic system 015893A0CBB246679A4CB1945C1AB5AC lymphatic vessel of intestine 9557 9557 09557 intestinal wall 360972004 S09557 Intestinal wall structure (body structure) E09557 P09557 - 15949 P digestive system 542C1D4BD8D64C68809A985FBB4654A9 Intestinal wall 9558 9558 09558 lymphoid system of small intestine 360968003 S09558 Lymphoid structure of small intestine (body structure) E09558 P09558 - P lymphoid system E05F96C2A1324A648C4CB4C1D1243D44 Lymphoid of small intestine 9559 9559 09559 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of finger 360963007 S09559 Structure of articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of finger (body structure) E09559 P09559 Y P musculoskeletal system FB347F28C7434380B850A8FF4A129CF1 articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of finger 9560 9560 09560 articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of finger 360958008 S09560 Structure of articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of finger (body structure) E09560 P09560 Y P musculoskeletal system C44FAFA1272D49909464765E4162BBFE articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of finger 9561 9561 09561 skin of part of antihelix 360930000 S09561 Skin of part of antihelix (body structure) E09561 P09561 Y x D integument/surface E7F09171B0A245C698FCF222D84E41D4 Skin of part of antihelix 9562 9562 09562 upper eyelid muscle 360915009 S09562 Upper eyelid muscle structure (body structure) E09562 P09562 Y P special senses organ system B065E3718FB249CD9D625E6496B89544 Upper eyelid muscle 9563 9563 09563 process of maxilla 360889008 S09563 Structure of process of maxilla (body structure) E09563 P09563 Y P skeletal system F59CEFD869034CE0B6606C3D139EC8BC process of maxilla 9564 9564 09564 skin and subcutaneous tissue of scalp 396549006 S09564 Skin AND subcutaneous tissue structure of scalp (body structure) E09564 P09564 - D integument/surface 2FBF75974DCB4296A8FC77D1FFDBBF78 Skin AND subcutaneous tissue of scalp 9565 9565 09565 articular surface of tarsal bone 361009002 S09565 Structure of articular surface of tarsal bone (body structure) E09565 P09565 Y P skeletal system 67D1732EE40746E3B07BB20EC030CCBF articular surface of tarsal bone 9566 9566 09566 cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal 360876002 S09566 Structure of cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal (body structure) E09566 P09566 Y P skeletal system 0E6103D496934F70BED455996D5AAF57 cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal 9567 9567 09567 skin of canthus 360913002 S09567 Skin of canthus (body structure) E09567 P09567 Y D integument/surface 7C20D67F17FC4A8C92725A46247A3EAD Skin of canthus 9568 9568 09568 articular facet of first metatarsal 360873005 S09568 Structure of articular facet of first metatarsal (body structure) E09568 P09568 Y P skeletal system 65811CA94FB44F50AAFCA1DF1E118624 articular facet of first metatarsal 9569 9569 09569 metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform 360872000 S09569 Structure of metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform (body structure) E09569 P09569 Y P skeletal system E64BCF13E338499889744BFDA457BAF3 metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform 9570 9570 09570 articular facet of lateral cuneiform bone 360871007 S09570 Structure of articular facet of lateral cuneiform bone (body structure) E09570 P09570 Y P skeletal system C747C9EB59A748C492C2BC205C417911 articular facet of lateral cuneiform bone 9571 9571 09571 metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform 360870008 S09571 Structure of metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform (body structure) E09571 P09571 Y P skeletal system 992B1904C07F46489DCBE48F6D7EE913 metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform 9572 9572 09572 articular facet of medial cuneiform bone 360869007 S09572 Structure of articular facet of medial cuneiform bone (body structure) E09572 P09572 Y P skeletal system EEB675C386EB4F10B71E89A6369AEE74 articular facet of medial cuneiform bone 9573 9573 09573 cuneiform facet of navicular 360868004 S09573 Structure of cuneiform facet of navicular (body structure) E09573 P09573 Y P skeletal system A996F1C818D44AB89AFCF771486A3A4F cuneiform facet of navicular 9574 9574 09574 articular facet of navicular bone 360867009 S09574 Structure of articular facet of navicular bone (body structure) E09574 P09574 Y P skeletal system EF22304A145C4C6F8547DD6571B5C51A articular facet of navicular bone 9575 9575 09575 cuneiform facet of intermediate cunieform 360865001 S09575 Structure of cuneiform facet of intermediate cunieform (body structure) E09575 P09575 Y P skeletal system F23E919A59FD41E8AEA8755475D0DADC cuneiform facet of intermediate cunieform 9576 9576 09576 articular facet of intermediate cuneiform 360864002 S09576 Structure of articular facet of intermediate cuneiform (body structure) E09576 P09576 Y P skeletal system DAB9F831043D4F018B5321642774E9DC articular facet of intermediate cuneiform 9577 9577 09577 metatarsal facet of cuboid bone 360862003 S09577 Structure of metatarsal facet of cuboid bone (body structure) E09577 P09577 Y P skeletal system 14248E79A1E64AACBA1817822917FC84 metatarsal facet of cuboid bone 9578 9578 09578 articular facet of cuboid bone 360860006 S09578 Structure of articular facet of cuboid bone (body structure) E09578 P09578 Y P skeletal system 69894F6D1E82475B953746A400952415 articular facet of cuboid bone 9579 9579 09579 calcaneal articular surface of talus 360859001 S09579 Structure of calcaneal articular surface of talus (body structure) E09579 P09579 Y P skeletal system 8259879B4BBB4B61B2C4118C6750BBB1 calcaneal articular surface of talus 9580 9580 09580 posterior lamella of eyelid 363544003 S09580 Structure of posterior lamella of eyelid (body structure) E09580 P09580 Y P special senses organ system 637EA34CF33F4D44837271DE226CDC4B posterior lamella of eyelid 9581 9581 09581 metatarsal articular facet of second metatarsal 360879009 S09581 Structure of metatarsal articular facet of second metatarsal (body structure) E09581 P09581 Y P skeletal system 457D54472C634BCF8B2480E07156B9EF metatarsal articular facet of second metatarsal 9582 9582 09582 lung including vessels and lymphoid tissue 363536003 S09582 Pulmonary structure including vessels and lymphoid tissue (body structure) E09582 P09582 Y P 327C44247BBE4322AE88D9C4A40F3D9D Pulmonary including vessels and lymphoid tissue 9583 9583 09583 anterior lamella of eyelid 363543009 S09583 Structure of anterior lamella of eyelid (body structure) E09583 P09583 Y P special senses organ system A8D7D3A72C51472194D290400242107D anterior lamella of eyelid 9584 9584 09584 articular facet of third metatarsal 360880007 S09584 Structure of articular facet of third metatarsal (body structure) E09584 P09584 Y P skeletal system 2D5C26D4A05848749F22164075D7CA6D articular facet of third metatarsal 9585 9585 09585 extrapulmonary lymph node of lung 363537007 S09585 Structure of extrapulmonary lymph node of lung (body structure) E09585 P09585 Y P lymphoid system 3692738262934164A26568C3C48C7760 extrapulmonary lymph node of lung 9586 9586 09586 articular surface of calcaneus 361011006 S09586 Structure of articular surface of calcaneum (body structure) E09586 P09586 Y P skeletal system 284937FC1A444A66B3B52B8C0A5C0816 articular surface of calcaneum 9587 9587 09587 skin of eye region 362916000 S09587 Skin of eye region (body structure) E09587 P09587 Y D integument/surface 02EC828D5EC84A70A04C088A12EE5713 Skin of eye region 9588 9588 09588 bone tissue of cranial cavity 362883001 S09588 Bone structure of cranial cavity (body structure) E09588 P09588 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 115C378533E748E4B141B6CB64CB20A3 Bone of cranial cavity 9589 9589 09589 saphenous vein 362072009 S09589 Saphenous vein structure (body structure) E09589 P09589 Y P venous system 5BA3F6C188DF4EDCBFB8A2E94D9255B5 Saphenous vein 9590 9590 09590 articular facet of fifth metatarsal 360858009 S09590 Structure of articular facet of fifth metatarsal (body structure) E09590 P09590 Y P skeletal system 8259B3E5A2DB4566B4B7D1E92D95A1FE articular facet of fifth metatarsal 9591 9591 09591 medullary lemniscus 361599000 S09591 Medullary lemniscal structure (body structure) E09591 P09591 Y P nervous system 4B86D7692A084A41BFB9C79E24819752 Medullary lemniscal 9592 9592 09592 peripheral nerve of trunk 361053007 S09592 Peripheral nerve structure of trunk (body structure) E09592 P09592 Y D nervous system DFC13DCB504C4DCCB5E7500A611568DB Peripheral nerve of trunk 9593 9593 09593 articular surface of lower limb bone 361041008 S09593 Structure of articular surface of lower limb bone (body structure) E09593 P09593 Y P skeletal system B3312BED8CED40DEB54BAA3FA2FD0192 articular surface of lower limb bone 9594 9594 09594 articular facet of cuneiform bone 361040009 S09594 Structure of articular facet of cuneiform bone (body structure) E09594 P09594 Y P skeletal system 4B9CCEA3E6514E45B8015C1937B9868C articular facet of cuneiform bone 9595 9595 09595 articular facet of metatarsal 361038004 S09595 Structure of articular facet of metatarsal (body structure) E09595 P09595 Y P skeletal system B7EC910727AA46D686257D336895C010 articular facet of metatarsal 9596 9596 09596 articular surface of phalanx of foot 361037009 S09596 Structure of articular surface of phalanx of foot (body structure) E09596 P09596 Y P skeletal system 617143EEA72449DE834DEA56118624CE articular surface of phalanx of foot 9597 9597 09597 skin of part of third toe 361021003 S09597 Skin of part of third toe (body structure) E09597 P09597 Y x D integument/surface E7D931F4E9AF48CA9156CFFAE45FD622 Skin of part of third toe 9598 9598 09598 articular surface of upper limb bone 361034002 S09598 Structure of articular surface of upper limb bone (body structure) E09598 P09598 Y P skeletal system D44CF884E1D3469D9E760B127D95AB7B articular surface of upper limb bone 9599 9599 09599 articular facet of tibia with fibula 361015002 S09599 Structure of articular facet of tibia with fibula (body structure) E09599 P09599 Y P skeletal system 5D80A92DD8CD4DC38F0BC404EBCA1CAC articular facet of tibia with fibula 9600 9600 09600 bone tissue of cuneiform 361016001 S09600 Bone structure of cuneiform (body structure) E09600 P09600 Y 51718 D musculoskeletal system 3766190E5EB9441C9F9FD02FFEE35989 Bone of cuneiform 9602 9602 09602 skin of part of second toe 361020002 S09602 Skin of part of second toe (body structure) E09602 P09602 Y x D integument/surface 6ABBED4E59364C48828C845BBE662870 Skin of part of second toe 9603 9603 09603 skin of part of fourth toe 361023000 S09603 Skin of part of fourth toe (body structure) E09603 P09603 Y x D integument/surface 5CF2081643484268BF56A809FB231112 Skin of part of fourth toe 9604 9604 09604 skin of part of fifth toe 361024006 S09604 Skin of part of fifth toe (body structure) E09604 P09604 Y x D integument/surface 8B8E413096D04EA9A3BD1A3B8ECF9707 Skin of part of fifth toe 9605 9605 09605 skin of part of index finger 361027004 S09605 Skin of part of index finger (body structure) E09605 P09605 Y x D integument/surface 764D8B7D7C7944699BFE31220A265541 Skin of part of index finger 9606 9606 09606 skin of part of middle finger 361029001 S09606 Skin of part of middle finger (body structure) E09606 P09606 Y x D integument/surface 74D487BF31B348FD99EDB376904A7941 Skin of part of middle finger 9607 9607 09607 articular facet of fibula 361013009 S09607 Structure of articular facet of fibula (body structure) E09607 P09607 Y P skeletal system FB991BF5FF65475597EAA02668748BA6 articular facet of fibula 9608 9608 09608 skin of part of ring finger 361030006 S09608 Skin of part of ring finger (body structure) E09608 P09608 Y x D integument/surface CADDD56AEF7045FE8959BCD4A434CFF7 Skin of part of ring finger 9609 9609 09609 skin of part of little finger 361031005 S09609 Skin of part of little finger (body structure) E09609 P09609 Y x D integument/surface E6C2222F4F414C139B6410868219A5C4 Skin of part of little finger 9610 9610 09610 articular surface of metacarpal 361033008 S09610 Structure of articular surface of metacarpal (body structure) E09610 P09610 Y P musculoskeletal system 06A1D947C9E444E59554414EC8B9659A articular surface of metacarpal 9611 9611 09611 skin of part of great toe 361018000 S09611 Skin of part of great toe (body structure) E09611 P09611 Y x D integument/surface 88EEABAF2ACC415BB477D686B0A91BD8 Skin of part of great toe 9612 9612 09612 ligament of pelvic girdle 244605003 S09612 Structure of ligament of pelvic girdle (body structure) E09612 423985003 Entire ligament of pelvic girdle (body structure) P09612 - P musculoskeletal system B40BD76B973046DAB1BCA15A70C8276D 99E78FED9E764A92A22F52CD756A11B7 ligament of pelvic girdle Entire ligament of pelvic girdle (body structure) 9613 9613 09613 flexor muscle of forearm 423127008 S09613 Structure of flexor muscle of forearm (body structure) E09613 181632006 Entire flexor muscle of forearm (body structure) P09613 Y P muscular system D35B463ABB0A42A38347B6D4E14FD3F1 EE088B3ED3134A88ACB41100726A6EAB flexor muscle of forearm Entire flexor muscle of forearm (body structure) 9614 9614 09614 transversus thoracis 88454005 S09614 Structure of transverse thoracis muscle (body structure) E09614 244933000 Entire transversus thoracis (body structure) P09614 Y 9760 P musculoskeletal system DEC5F0D2BE904CF98C71A50992980A3C 1EE3EDEC469B4DBEBDFBAE931E073485 transverse thoracis muscle Entire transversus thoracis (body structure) 9616 9616 09616 pars intermedia of pituitary gland 424420008 S09616 Structure of pars intermedia of pituitary gland (body structure) E09616 245534008 Entire pars intermedia of pituitary gland (body structure) P09616 - 74632 P endocrine system C51C22ED8062459CB39D3855A7171390 76E95D20CABF442591D87DED5779F370 pars intermedia of pituitary gland Entire pars intermedia of pituitary gland (body structure) 9617 9617 09617 infundibular stem of neurohypophysis 424598007 S09617 Structure of infundibular stem of neurohypophysis (body structure) E09617 425300001 Entire infundibular stem of neurohypophysis (body structure) P09617 - 74635 P endocrine system 3094A73E8CE2418183A3AC81872EFF0A 7B3ADD1F95D24D6E930917ED6B958CE6 infundibular stem of neurohypophysis Entire infundibular stem of neurohypophysis (body structure) 9618 9618 09618 neural lobe of neurohypophysis 422457003 S09618 Structure of neural lobe of neurohypophysis (body structure) E09618 424523008 Entire neural lobe of neurohypophysis (body structure) P09618 - 74636 P endocrine system 28631B293EF8433D8C505BB6217CEE68 1AD19093C6D343A4937406A357EBB49B neural lobe of neurohypophysis Entire neural lobe of neurohypophysis (body structure) 9619 9619 09619 patellar tendon 181699000 S09619 Structure of patellar tendon (body structure) E09619 423275006 Entire patellar tendon (body structure) P09619 Y P muscular system 12D7F1DBCF7D4E63A02F20A78DAACBD7 2353841A01E4442B9402CF0A498A04BC patellar tendon Entire patellar tendon (body structure) 9621 9621 09621 superficial musculoaponeurotic system 422858004 S09621 Superficial musculoaponeurotic system (body structure) E09621 P09621 Y P musculoskeletal system B1B794624A1848B4BD1A98154127F1F0 Superficial musculoaponeurotic system 9625 9625 09625 callosomarginal gyrus 10286007 S09625 Callosomarginal gyrus (body structure) E09625 P09625 Y P nervous system B9145F038DE74CA0B1B4E39F8134AA47 Callosomarginal gyrus 9627 9627 09627 dorsal subaponeurotic space 10439005 S09627 Dorsal subaponeurotic space (body structure) E09627 P09627 Y 0 P 280CDB4118004DA99FA77FD126CC3146 Dorsal subaponeurotic space 9628 9628 09628 external capsule of brain 10517005 S09628 External capsule of brain (body structure) E09628 279300007 External capsule (body structure) P09628 Y 61959 P nervous system 2F55C2CC51DD44DDA5E061AE33513D64 263BCDA6E8304A49A93EA5D328F0A920 External capsule of brain External capsule (body structure) External capsule is an organ subdivision of the telencephalon which is made up primarily of myelinated axonal neural tissue (white matter). The external capsule is a sheet-like fiber bundle located lateral to the to the putamen and globus pallidus which projects dorsally to the white matter underlying the cerebral cortex. 9630 9630 09630 femoropopliteal vein 105586003 S09630 Femoropopliteal vein (body structure) E09630 P09630 Y P venous system BB42EE7FBF7E4B6A9BC770BD4FEE4107 Femoropopliteal vein 9634 9634 09634 superior trunk of brachial plexus 10801009 S09634 Superior trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E09634 P09634 Y 65216 P nervous system DDB790DC134642718A39E41EB5635C26 Superior trunk of brachial plexus 9635 9635 09635 spinal cord root and ganglion 108348009 S09635 Spinal cord root AND/OR ganglion (body structure) E09635 P09635 Y P nervous system DF9DF3C1BE6D4B868222E81CC9815595 Spinal cord root AND/OR ganglion 9636 9636 09636 mucous membrane of bronchiole 10887006 S09636 Mucous membrane of bronchiole (body structure) E09636 P09636 Y 62774 P respiratory system 584589D097FA4FF8B11C0DE1795E381D Mucous membrane of bronchiole 9637 9637 09637 embrasure 110325005 S09637 Embrasure (body structure) E09637 P09637 - P BA9742F5D14C46FFAAFCB78CD9415FC9 Embrasure 9638 9638 09638 buccal embrasure 110326006 S09638 Buccal embrasure (body structure) E09638 P09638 Y P 4842569A73274BF6AF6B7A7203472F29 Buccal embrasure 9639 9639 09639 incisal embrasure 110327002 S09639 Incisal embrasure (body structure) E09639 P09639 - P 43C1A39F87E44E5CAF50D104C72CDCFA Incisal embrasure 9640 9640 09640 labial embrasure 110328007 S09640 Labial embrasure (body structure) E09640 P09640 - P 05C547821E3142559EE1F08C1465F751 Labial embrasure 9641 9641 09641 lingual embrasure 110329004 S09641 Lingual embrasure (body structure) E09641 P09641 - P D8C09ED0F4B14D0BBB02920C105675AE Lingual embrasure 9642 9642 09642 tactile elevation 110484006 S09642 Toruli tactiles (body structure) E09642 P09642 - P integumentary system F29C46B47FB6471B8C4C48072574492F Toruli tactiles 9643 9643 09643 hair of pubis and perineum 110486008 S09643 Hair of pubis and perineum (body structure) E09643 P09643 - P integumentary system 3E646E7ACE074E11837A4A604DCE1B61 Hair of pubis and perineum 9644 9644 09644 central portion of right breast 110493007 S09644 Central portion of right breast (body structure) E09644 P09644 R P 8B0C1A6500E44CC3B826F21C51CA9103 Central portion of right breast 9645 9645 09645 upper inner quadrant of right breast 110494001 S09645 Upper inner quadrant of right breast (body structure) E09645 P09645 R P 8363461D23CB425C9869CC70EDDE1859 Upper inner quadrant of right breast 9646 9646 09646 lower inner quadrant of right breast 110495000 S09646 Lower inner quadrant of right breast (body structure) E09646 P09646 R P 3AF3D1215EFD46618A9EF6B48D1146EF Lower inner quadrant of right breast 9647 9647 09647 upper outer quadrant of right breast 110496004 S09647 Upper outer quadrant of right breast (body structure) E09647 P09647 R P 6C847A0A92EF4F06B83A2B4025C11B4A Upper outer quadrant of right breast 9648 9648 09648 lower outer quadrant of right breast 110497008 S09648 Lower outer quadrant of right breast (body structure) E09648 P09648 R P D263379319B44902BCB2FEF6EEC5E40C Lower outer quadrant of right breast 9649 9649 09649 central portion of left breast 110498003 S09649 Central portion of left breast (body structure) E09649 P09649 L P F1E544D9A17B429B9A442C300682B11C Central portion of left breast 9650 9650 09650 upper inner quadrant of left breast 110499006 S09650 Upper inner quadrant of left breast (body structure) E09650 P09650 L P ED64B16283034D7397419067201882DC Upper inner quadrant of left breast 9651 9651 09651 lower inner quadrant of left breast 110500002 S09651 Lower inner quadrant of left breast (body structure) E09651 P09651 L P 9ED893D95F2044F1B100FAFCBABABAAC Lower inner quadrant of left breast 9652 9652 09652 upper outer quadrant of left breast 110501003 S09652 Upper outer quadrant of left breast (body structure) E09652 P09652 L P 94C70AE9FB684632B54FD57FCBC7F169 Upper outer quadrant of left breast 9653 9653 09653 lower outer quadrant of left breast 110502005 S09653 Lower outer quadrant of left breast (body structure) E09653 P09653 L P B8CB304042C14AA59244CC21946E6728 Lower outer quadrant of left breast 9654 9654 09654 central portion of female breast 110503000 S09654 Central portion of female breast (body structure) E09654 P09654 Y P 09ACA54C9A0440C7A9934A57A285E0B9 Central portion of female breast 9655 9655 09655 upper inner quadrant of female breast 110504006 S09655 Upper inner quadrant of female breast (body structure) E09655 P09655 Y P F5337491F76D4FFD956A7DE82700EEA9 Upper inner quadrant of female breast 9656 9656 09656 lower inner quadrant of female breast 110505007 S09656 Lower inner quadrant of female breast (body structure) E09656 P09656 Y P DC0A3E8E491A4C98B1957D12795625C8 Lower inner quadrant of female breast 9657 9657 09657 upper outer quadrant of female breast 110506008 S09657 Upper outer quadrant of female breast (body structure) E09657 P09657 Y P 79476A305ACD4C0F84473FAD1131063C Upper outer quadrant of female breast 9658 9658 09658 lower outer quadrant of female breast 110507004 S09658 Lower outer quadrant of female breast (body structure) E09658 P09658 Y P BEEB05BE4E534996876025796664975B Lower outer quadrant of female breast 9659 9659 09659 central portion of male breast 110508009 S09659 Central portion of male breast (body structure) E09659 P09659 Y P 1D2AAA01E59D4453A11180C805DCA45D Central portion of male breast 9660 9660 09660 upper inner quadrant of male breast 110509001 S09660 Upper inner quadrant of male breast (body structure) E09660 P09660 Y P 0F8EC26F3176409BBED41977732A0B9F Upper inner quadrant of male breast 9661 9661 09661 lower inner quadrant of male breast 110510006 S09661 Lower inner quadrant of male breast (body structure) E09661 P09661 Y P F45E5A8909B343A4BD3C498A58AD5324 Lower inner quadrant of male breast 9662 9662 09662 upper outer quadrant of male breast 110511005 S09662 Upper outer quadrant of male breast (body structure) E09662 P09662 Y P 5D8F950464094969A11CB04F35C55221 Upper outer quadrant of male breast 9663 9663 09663 lower outer quadrant of male breast 110512003 S09663 Lower outer quadrant of male breast (body structure) E09663 P09663 Y P 1DB43FC6E2624AEA8BE185DF51E52215 Lower outer quadrant of male breast 9664 9664 09664 base of phalanx 110518004 S09664 Base of phalanx (body structure) E09664 P09664 Y P musculoskeletal system 04E554A698744584B977790000D11D51 Base of phalanx 9665 9665 09665 bone tissue of shaft of phalanx 110519007 S09665 Bone structure of shaft of phalanx (body structure) E09665 P09665 Y 0 D skeletal system 5D55EC7137C245598E85FF984A1E14DF Bone of shaft of phalanx 9666 9666 09666 head of phalanx 110520001 S09666 Head of phalanx (body structure) E09666 P09666 Y P musculoskeletal system 80ADD06778D14A9BA8830ED9CDC1C3F5 Head of phalanx 9667 9667 09667 tuberosity of phalanx 110521002 S09667 Tuberosity of phalanx (body structure) E09667 P09667 Y P musculoskeletal system 7F30674270D0426A8629DB034282647E Tuberosity of phalanx 9668 9668 09668 orbital portion of zygomatic bone 110525006 S09668 Orbital portion of zygomatic bone (body structure) E09668 P09668 Y P skeletal system 18D89E484519426B8F1978543528D161 Orbital portion of zygomatic bone 9669 9669 09669 zygomatic tripod 110526007 S09669 Zygomatic tripod (body structure) E09669 P09669 Y P digestive system 1F4565349BCB425587BFF6C6F2164D9B Zygomatic tripod 9670 9670 09670 nasal-orbit bony complex 110529000 S09670 Structure of nasal-orbit bony complex (body structure) E09670 P09670 Y P skeletal system 52867117AD5748B794A09EC0C5FFEBCF nasal-orbit bony complex 9671 9671 09671 thoracolumbar vertebra 110532002 S09671 Thoracolumbar vertebrae (body structure) E09671 P09671 - P skeletal system 97E3550E69D245BC99B1EB7FF8DD3DBC Thoracolumbar vertebrae 9672 9672 09672 intervertebral disc of sacral vertebra 110533007 S09672 Intervertebral disc of sacral vertebra (body structure) E09672 P09672 - 268676 P articular system 27A99C7AC58D486687EE226C724B48DE Intervertebral disc of sacral vertebra 9673 9673 09673 ligament attached to vertebra and skull 110542000 S09673 Ligament attached to vertebrae and skull (body structure) E09673 P09673 - P musculoskeletal system 271D1D07022A48348F987285C506B655 Ligament attached to vertebrae and skull 9674 9674 09674 artery of head, neck and brain, right 110559005 S09674 Artery of head, neck AND/OR brain, right (body structure) E09674 P09674 R P arterial system A00C673835814305A52C6294FCB15CB4 Artery of head, neck AND/OR brain, right 9675 9675 09675 artery of head, neck and brain, left 110560000 S09675 Artery of head, neck AND/OR brain, left (body structure) E09675 P09675 L P arterial system 5C66CAC69FB646FF9B85BCCE3CC5BB69 Artery of head, neck AND/OR brain, left 9676 9676 09676 lenticulostriate artery 110561001 S09676 Lenticulostriate artery (body structure) E09676 P09676 Y 50376 P cardiovascular system F98F3490D40D4E2FAD09CA1D42D178D2 Lenticulostriate artery 9677 9677 09677 common facial vein 110566006 S09677 Common facial vein (body structure) E09677 P09677 Y P cardiovascular system F829168560EB4335B6263A93058DB998 Common facial vein 9678 9678 09678 pericardiophrenic vein 110567002 S09678 Pericardiophrenic vein (body structure) E09678 P09678 - P cardiovascular system 67984534D2C545C298E3982B659B3CB8 Pericardiophrenic vein 9679 9679 09679 maxillary vestibule 110570003 S09679 Maxillary vestibule (body structure) E09679 P09679 Y P digestive system BF8D1F959B554892B3A73BC17014974E Maxillary vestibule 9680 9680 09680 mandibular vestibule 110571004 S09680 Mandibular vestibule (body structure) E09680 P09680 Y P digestive system 42AB555188004D9D9261A6B4BA8315EB Mandibular vestibule 9681 9681 09681 gland of mucous membrane of floor of mouth 110572006 S09681 Gland of mucous membrane of floor of mouth (body structure) E09681 P09681 - P digestive system 103091A8D9EA4BD5A088874576B925D5 Gland of mucous membrane of floor of mouth 9682 9682 09682 cusp of Carabelli 110584008 S09682 Cusp of Carabelli (body structure) E09682 P09682 Y P digestive system 143A3B2B04194AC9874791ED0DE0FB9B Cusp of Carabelli 9683 9683 09683 tooth furcation 110585009 S09683 Tooth furcation (body structure) E09683 P09683 furcation of tooth Y P digestive system B12DB8AC5A7540F4A53A458FE387EC00 Tooth furcation 9684 9684 09684 bifurcation of tooth 110586005 S09684 Bifurcation of tooth (body structure) E09684 245737004 Tooth root bifurcation (body structure) P09684 bifurcation of tooth Y P digestive system 95E2212BFA584638925F72A003529054 C6FA83EF92D34E53A470643E09B345EF Bifurcation of tooth Tooth root bifurcation (body structure) 9685 9685 09685 trifurcation of tooth 110587001 S09685 Trifurcation of tooth (body structure) E09685 245738009 Tooth root trifurcation (body structure) P09685 trifurcation of tooth Y P digestive system 7A5655D98A404CAF8E49E80EDA658651 F7B48F14629840F0B74BB92EF550F124 Trifurcation of tooth Tooth root trifurcation (body structure) 9686 9686 09686 developmental groove of tooth 110588006 S09686 Developmental groove of tooth (body structure) E09686 P09686 groove of tooth, developmental Y P digestive system 51A9E21FD6AA462DA79D4A79B7148D22 Developmental groove of tooth 9687 9687 09687 buccal groove of tooth 110589003 S09687 Buccal groove of tooth (body structure) E09687 P09687 groove of tooth, buccal Y P digestive system 0993E9D652904F578170D56657FA6D5F Buccal groove of tooth 9688 9688 09688 distobuccal groove of tooth 110590007 S09688 Distobuccal groove of tooth (body structure) E09688 P09688 groove of tooth, distobuccal Y P digestive system B8EBD383E1A44888ADF4BBBE8F82D40E Distobuccal groove of tooth 9689 9689 09689 mesiobuccal groove of tooth 110591006 S09689 Mesiobuccal groove of tooth (body structure) E09689 P09689 groove of tooth, mesiobuccal Y P digestive system BEB78037144049358733AEB7512AD406 Mesiobuccal groove of tooth 9690 9690 09690 central groove of tooth 110592004 S09690 Central groove of tooth (body structure) E09690 P09690 groove of tooth, central Y P digestive system 302A0E6528C64E2CAEC2FCACDB998FC5 Central groove of tooth 9691 9691 09691 lingual groove of tooth 110593009 S09691 Lingual groove of tooth (body structure) E09691 P09691 groove of tooth, lingual Y P digestive system 74D59CE3C3714310A8C5D5D74FBDDB46 Lingual groove of tooth 9692 9692 09692 distolingual groove of tooth 110594003 S09692 Distolingual groove of tooth (body structure) E09692 P09692 groove of tooth, distolingual Y P digestive system 72CC7268A6E34428A3B77E2FF9D5B116 Distolingual groove of tooth 9693 9693 09693 mesiolingual groove of tooth 110595002 S09693 Mesiolingual groove of tooth (body structure) E09693 P09693 groove of tooth, mesiolingual Y P digestive system 15EBB4C2846B436AAA03EFF92EF812FE Mesiolingual groove of tooth 9694 9694 09694 supplemental groove of tooth 110596001 S09694 Supplemental groove of tooth (body structure) E09694 P09694 groove of tooth, supplemental Y P digestive system AF065C5FD7DF48AFB156ADB3430573F1 Supplemental groove of tooth 9695 9695 09695 maxillary gingival attachment 110598000 S09695 Maxillary gingival attachment (body structure) E09695 P09695 Y P digestive system 28108997E0784D05AFDCCCE8F6740AE6 Maxillary gingival attachment 9696 9696 09696 mandibular gingival attachment 110599008 S09696 Mandibular gingival attachment (body structure) E09696 P09696 Y P digestive system 093E8170480E47C89780E3D3F425C0D7 Mandibular gingival attachment 9697 9697 09697 retromolar papilla 110600006 S09697 Retromolar papilla (body structure) E09697 P09697 Y P digestive system 90917CD15FA140219D6612F9A3017B05 Retromolar papilla 9698 9698 09698 retrocuspid papilla 110601005 S09698 Retrocuspid papilla (body structure) E09698 P09698 Y P digestive system 5B24658B8565411581F8685932A5CAC3 Retrocuspid papilla 9699 9699 09699 dental operculum 110602003 S09699 Dental operculum (body structure) E09699 361551000 Gingival operculum (body structure) P09699 - P digestive system 6BE1B2E0922F4F41AF74E16598C095C9 D95E0EB47D4C49F98F1491BF4BB84F1E Dental operculum Gingival operculum (body structure) 9700 9700 09700 esophago-gastric mucosal junction 110604002 S09700 Esophago-gastric mucosal junction (body structure) E09700 P09700 - P digestive system 6F7F7C45B4CE46B48BADC074C93DCA56 Esophago-gastric mucosal junction 9702 9702 09702 anterior wall of duodenal bulb 110607009 S09702 Anterior wall of duodenal bulb (body structure) E09702 P09702 - P digestive system BA1D68149B8A483796355A0423858F6F Anterior wall of duodenal bulb 9703 9703 09703 posterior wall of duodenal bulb 110608004 S09703 Posterior wall of duodenal bulb (body structure) E09703 P09703 - P digestive system 7D7FC0711A7143C09FD5E37C6DBDB0C6 Posterior wall of duodenal bulb 9704 9704 09704 proximal portion of duodenal bulb 110609007 S09704 Proximal portion of duodenal bulb (body structure) E09704 P09704 - P digestive system 715521B8036248F8A16A0FF1320DAACA Proximal portion of duodenal bulb 9705 9705 09705 distal portion of duodenal bulb 110610002 S09705 Distal portion of duodenal bulb (body structure) E09705 P09705 - P digestive system 9B1DA81D3D324E058A2B345174472AE3 Distal portion of duodenal bulb 9706 9706 09706 cystic duct junction at common bile duct 110620007 S09706 Cystic duct junction at common bile duct (body structure) E09706 P09706 - 0 P digestive system 542C0EE7ED9F45CBB5C059A9B2D8314D Cystic duct junction at common bile duct 9707 9707 09707 papillary duct of kidney 110623009 S09707 Papillary duct of kidney (body structure) E09707 P09707 Y P urinary system 7E41C8645CC34CAC9B7BCB591F169CE7 Papillary duct of kidney 9708 9708 09708 right uterine adnexa 110634007 S09708 Right uterine adnexa (body structure) E09708 P09708 Rgroup D genital system 7742F2ADCCFB4119BA4505947C134941 Right uterine adnexa 9709 9709 09709 left uterine adnexa 110635008 S09709 Left uterine adnexa (body structure) E09709 P09709 Lgroup D genital system 26459E9144C34156963217A4F3AC461C Left uterine adnexa 9710 9710 09710 fusiform gyrus 110678003 S09710 Fusiform gyrus (body structure) E09710 P09710 Y 61908 P nervous system A283EC6351F64CD3AFB2C81D5D7514A3 Fusiform gyrus 9711 9711 09711 right basal ganglion 110682001 S09711 Right basal ganglia (body structure) E09711 P09711 R P nervous system 55C125ADF45D4744BE688C76F5AA4575 Right basal ganglia 9712 9712 09712 left basal ganglion 110683006 S09712 Left basal ganglia (body structure) E09712 P09712 L P nervous system 1E020EF0CF874B1DB81EF294778BB386 Left basal ganglia 9713 9713 09713 paratenial nucleus of thalamus 110684000 S09713 Structure of paratenial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E09713 422800004 Entire paratenial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P09713 Y 62151 P nervous system 5A4E7A63C9874E509A40D537D2700E9C 1939615B0BF64B79AF8BB091BA2C5F40 paratenial nucleus of thalamus Entire paratenial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 9714 9714 09714 juxtarestiform body 110687007 S09714 Juxtarestiform body (body structure) E09714 P09714 Y 72613 P nervous system 9008FDFB742D482C94034268E2D60F5F Juxtarestiform body 9715 9715 09715 fasciculus sulcomarginalis 110692009 S09715 Fasciculus sulcomarginalis (body structure) E09715 P09715 Y 77028 P nervous system B0D3172845894FB392B9CA95EA84AC11 Fasciculus sulcomarginalis 9716 9716 09716 cavernous plexus 110697003 S09716 Cavernous plexus (body structure) E09716 P09716 Y 67563 P nervous system C75728E902864A04B27134111D482CAE Cavernous plexus 9717 9717 09717 pulmonary plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system 110698008 S09717 Pulmonary plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E09717 P09717 Y P nervous system F6C8D2C2132C4FEEA34B88C1FB3129EE Pulmonary plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system 9718 9718 09718 subserosal plexus 110699000 S09718 Subserosal plexus (body structure) E09718 P09718 - 77598 P nervous system 9BF63DDE52FC4D3688291046880C3697 Subserosal plexus 9719 9719 09719 middle ear and mastoid cells 110708006 S09719 Middle ear and mastoid cells (body structure) E09719 P09719 Y P special senses organ system DD8EF26317A8408B9243636E973AF295 Middle ear and mastoid cells 9720 9720 09720 mucous gland of Eustachian tube 110709003 S09720 Mucous gland of Eustachian tube (body structure) E09720 P09720 Y P special senses organ system A45197D00CBB40CC857DEE90D9BF7431 Mucous gland of Eustachian tube 9721 9721 09721 dental follicle 110975002 S09721 Follicle of tooth (body structure) E09721 P09721 follicle of tooth Y P digestive system BC8E3CFD12F04D2DBA5F67A5867FD602 Follicle of tooth 9723 9723 09723 atrioventricular valve 11124005 S09723 Atrioventricular valve (body structure) E09723 P09723 - 7233 P cardiovascular system AE5CAC9B8AA544F0955366B08AEDDB56 Atrioventricular valve Cardiac valve which has as its parts the leaf of cardiac valve that separates the atrium from the ventricle. 9727 9727 09727 autoimplant 112634003 S09727 Autoimplant (body structure) E09727 P09727 - P ED0C941AF50E42338BC9BE2284B0A3AD Autoimplant 9728 9728 09728 check ligament 11271009 S09728 Check ligament (body structure) E09728 P09728 Y P musculoskeletal system F94B38BF571A4B9194150ED66A55E8D7 Check ligament 9729 9729 09729 precerebral artery 11281008 S09729 Precerebral artery (body structure) E09729 P09729 Y P arterial system 51ED7D99CA5443F7AE31A5AE97C76FA3 Precerebral artery 9739 9739 09739 tunica adventitia of artery 113261001 S09739 Tunica adventitia of artery (body structure) E09739 P09739 - 14274 P arterial system 29AA399FE65B4E3FBACB9E0E67961648 Tunica adventitia of artery 9740 9740 09740 esophageal muscularis propria 113281000 S09740 Esophageal muscularis propria (body structure) E09740 P09740 - P digestive system 3A23DF823205420084C5587E9A4B9626 Esophageal muscularis propria 9741 9741 09741 colonic lamina propria 113284008 S09741 Colonic lamina propria (body structure) E09741 P09741 - 15657 P digestive system E6CDCE89807C45ECBAE3C8A11DFB431C Colonic lamina propria 9742 9742 09742 fibromuscular junction of uterus 113290007 S09742 Fibromuscular junction of uterus (body structure) E09742 P09742 Y P genital system 317902285086446E91A48F5E7FF6CD6E Fibromuscular junction of uterus 9744 9744 09744 dorsal proper fasciculus 113307002 S09744 Dorsal proper fasciculus (body structure) E09744 P09744 Y P nervous system A49C871388B44F4FAA601DF566A9FCA3 Dorsal proper fasciculus 9746 9746 09746 subiliac lymph node 113338001 S09746 Subiliac lymph node (body structure) E09746 P09746 Y P lymphatic system D65EFFF600264EDAA4E5D7F6BDA0A5F7 Subiliac lymph node 9747 9747 09747 less than 10 percent of body surface 113341005 S09747 Less than 10 percent of body surface (body structure) E09747 P09747 - P regional/topgraphical B4ADA1CD029542ECA166731DDAD4A5C8 Less than 10 percent of body surface 9750 9750 09750 brush border 115567004 S09750 Brush border (body structure) E09750 P09750 - 70977 P 02BECB91F66D409E839780F9705CB291 Brush border 9751 9751 09751 manubriosternal symphysis 116009001 S09751 Manubriosternal symphysis (body structure) E09751 P09751 - P skeletal system 5A7AFD19171847378B5CC3EAE2415B79 Manubriosternal symphysis 9753 9753 09753 frontal process of zygomatic bone 116353002 S09753 Frontal process of zygomatic bone (body structure) E09753 P09753 Y 52907 P digestive system 16143CE50EE645C49547856D500FD0F3 Frontal process of zygomatic bone 9754 9754 09754 zygomaticofacial foramen 116354008 S09754 Zygomaticofacial foramen (body structure) E09754 P09754 Y 0 P skeletal system 9042990BACBC41BFBAB248DCFA45A8C8 Zygomaticofacial foramen 9755 9755 09755 vein of kidney 116358006 S09755 Vein of kidney (body structure) E09755 P09755 Y P cardiovascular system F11A47E5CBA44AEDA7BDA641222657F6 Vein of kidney 9756 9756 09756 vein of spinal column 116359003 S09756 Vein of spinal column (body structure) E09756 P09756 - P cardiovascular system 01169461EAFF47C9AB484F1A164D5D0B Vein of spinal column 9759 9759 09759 thoracic branch of axillary artery 11678006 S09759 Thoracic branch of axillary artery (body structure) E09759 P09759 Y P arterial system 699F5732ED2943369D841BE429C0794C Thoracic branch of axillary artery 9760 9760 09760 lamina propria of sphenoid sinus 11720006 S09760 Lamina propria of sphenoid sinus (body structure) E09760 P09760 Y P respiratory system 8C266EA102E245B7B517F54D32388179 Lamina propria of sphenoid sinus 9762 9762 09762 accessory navicular bone S09762 E09762 118496000 Accessory navicular bone (body structure) P09762 Y P musculoskeletal system C809D695491C4E6AA32C3E79420AC68A Accessory navicular bone (body structure) 9763 9763 09763 volar plate of interphalangeal joint of finger 118498004 S09763 Volar plate of interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E09763 P09763 Y P articular system E9776400239C47C7A9F5A7F8A451D1F1 Volar plate of interphalangeal joint of finger 9764 9764 09764 midtarsal region joint capsule 118499007 S09764 Midtarsal region joint capsule (body structure) E09764 P09764 Y P musculoskeletal system 3501013DCF804FB0A3532A7FAD17E37A Midtarsal region joint capsule 9765 9765 09765 extensor muscle origin 118500003 S09765 Extensor muscle origin (body structure) E09765 P09765 - P 1A5558488CA94F26942B000168D58EEF Extensor muscle origin 9766 9766 09766 synovial membrane of tendon sheath of wrist extensor tendons 118502006 S09766 Synovia of wrist extensor tendons (body structure) E09766 P09766 Y P musculoskeletal system E7F30D89C9584FEEB374E8F8C956F6BB Synovia of wrist extensor tendons 9767 9767 09767 gluteal compartment 118511006 S09767 Gluteal compartment (body structure) E09767 P09767 Y 0 P F697D496232A4AEEBD67E67F280BED8C Gluteal compartment 9768 9768 09768 tendon of hand 118632007 S09768 Tendon of hand (body structure) E09768 P09768 Y P musculoskeletal system 3F8CE1937A8B4360BCCE0F637FC2AF31 Tendon of hand 9769 9769 09769 artery of thorax 118633002 S09769 Artery of thorax (body structure) E09769 P09769 - P arterial system 2ADE45B20BBB46CE9857C48C8FCE9827 Artery of thorax 9770 9770 09770 extensor tendon of wrist 118649000 S09770 Extensor tendon of wrist (body structure) E09770 P09770 Y P muscular system DBC0C5959D5A4D37BCB89A0967AB7FE5 Extensor tendon of wrist 9771 9771 09771 extensor tendon of toe 118650000 S09771 Extensor tendon of toe (body structure) E09771 P09771 Y P muscular system 4EA340A5B2204EC49B8AE3BED37FBFE0 Extensor tendon of toe 9772 9772 09772 flexor tendon of foot 118651001 S09772 Structure of flexor tendon of foot (body structure) E09772 P09772 Y P musculoskeletal system A36E536D9C294E1197B5282FDC886110 flexor tendon of foot 9773 9773 09773 crypt of Lieberkuhn 118652008 S09773 Crypt of Lieberknhn (body structure) E09773 P09773 - 63621 P digestive system F9EB3DD354DE4BD987993DA8359E6A18 Crypt of Lieberknhn 9774 9774 09774 trabecula carnea cordis 118755002 S09774 Trabeculae carneae cordis (body structure) E09774 P09774 - 7269 P cardiovascular system 8F23D88F8CF344B48C6F8718A2649515 Trabeculae carneae cordis 9775 9775 09775 vein of right lung 118756001 S09775 Vein of right lung (body structure) E09775 P09775 R P respiratory system 52F1942BB8D943BC92984CCCFDCD073A Vein of right lung 9776 9776 09776 vein of left lung 118757005 S09776 Vein of left lung (body structure) E09776 P09776 L P respiratory system 743975EA40B74634A1831EB8F53184C9 Vein of left lung 9777 9777 09777 pulmonary artery within right lung 118758000 S09777 Pulmonary artery within right lung (body structure) E09777 P09777 R P respiratory system DD645B8E8CD443A683A13DF94420F1A9 Pulmonary artery within right lung 9778 9778 09778 pulmonary artery within left lung 118759008 S09778 Pulmonary artery within left lung (body structure) E09778 P09778 L P respiratory system B9C23656C9524A7086C9C7D95B7C5B1A Pulmonary artery within left lung 9779 9779 09779 perichondrium 11881003 S09779 Perichondrium (body structure) E09779 P09779 - 75446 P skeletal system C539A4563D3B4862971C8B4DBF3332D5 Perichondrium 9780 9780 09780 medial occipital artery 118922002 S09780 Medial occipital artery (body structure) E09780 P09780 Y 86132 P arterial system 284E65160DCA4D4BA072F19F5B2157B5 Medial occipital artery 9781 9781 09781 xiphisternal symphysis 118923007 S09781 Xiphisternal symphysis (body structure) E09781 P09781 - P skeletal system BF33CC71565640C5910976F8528F9F60 Xiphisternal symphysis 9782 9782 09782 xiphisternal synostosis 118924001 S09782 Xiphisternal synostosis (body structure) E09782 P09782 - 9917 P skeletal system 2F107691639C46B991805BCCE18D8090 Xiphisternal synostosis 9783 9783 09783 respiratory system subdivision S09783 E09783 118969007 Respiratory system subdivision (body structure) P09783 - 45660 P respiratory system 28B6612500344E888624E1A66A640FBB Respiratory system subdivision (body structure) 9784 9784 09784 cardiovascular system subdivision S09784 E09784 118970008 Cardiovascular system subdivision (body structure) P09784 - 45620 P cardiovascular system 34F364344BAD47FFA4BEE0C3DF1BDA9D Cardiovascular system subdivision (body structure) 9785 9785 09785 digestive system subdivision S09785 E09785 118971007 Digestive system subdivision (body structure) P09785 - P digestive system A5F12169BC4B409783CB0D184DFF2316 Digestive system subdivision (body structure) 9786 9786 09786 male genital system subdivision 699882006 S09786 Structure of male genital system subdivision (body structure) E09786 118975003 Male genital system subdivision (body structure) P09786 - P genitourinary system B1A1E5A10F6B402AA8076266BF34964E Male genital system subdivision (body structure) 9787 9787 09787 extracellular substance of eye 119258008 S09787 Extracellular substance of eye (body structure) E09787 P09787 Y P special senses organ system B9436881FCC54CC1AF4CA447512B75F5 Extracellular substance of eye 9788 9788 09788 lower pole, left kidney 119274003 S09788 Lower pole, left kidney (body structure) E09788 P09788 L 15609 P urinary system 35823C868DAF43A3AFE1A10313E1328A Lower pole, left kidney 9789 9789 09789 middle pole, left kidney 119276001 S09789 Middle pole, left kidney (body structure) E09789 P09789 L P urinary system 4A812F74721D4B43983F999ED458CB52 Middle pole, left kidney 9790 9790 09790 upper pole, left kidney 119277005 S09790 Upper pole, left kidney (body structure) E09790 P09790 L 15607 P urinary system 35F6FF8D8FEF4ABFA7EF6514448480E5 Upper pole, left kidney 9791 9791 09791 upper pole, right kidney 119278000 S09791 Upper pole, right kidney (body structure) E09791 P09791 R 15606 P urinary system 95F428F834864F4689A4CE210182D2DD Upper pole, right kidney 9792 9792 09792 middle pole, right kidney 119279008 S09792 Middle pole, right kidney (body structure) E09792 P09792 R P urinary system 9C970B89A09749278AE13D31737A7563 Middle pole, right kidney 9793 9793 09793 lower pole, right kidney 119280006 S09793 Lower pole, right kidney (body structure) E09793 P09793 R 15608 P urinary system F0E5BB6F90734A3D97341305A7ED60A3 Lower pole, right kidney 9794 9794 09794 motor cortex 11931008 S09794 Motor cortex (body structure) E09794 P09794 Y P nervous system EF42200090294A98A5D8C27EAF5E061A Motor cortex 9795 9795 09795 base of metatarsal bone 119545008 S09795 Structure of base of metatarsal bone (body structure) E09795 272719003 Entire base of metatarsal (body structure) P09795 Y 33817 P skeletal system 11A80564D2F04D24ADC02B82E0A73F96 8A94B7B02F584488B3DC1367E2BBCF04 base of metatarsal bone Entire base of metatarsal (body structure) 9796 9796 09796 bone tissue of shaft of metatarsal bone 119546009 S09796 Bone structure of shaft of metatarsal (body structure) E09796 P09796 Y 33826 D musculoskeletal system CF09DC6030594FF99461F8428294BB55 Bone of shaft of metatarsal 9797 9797 09797 head of metatarsal bone 119547000 S09797 Structure of head of metatarsal bone (body structure) E09797 272722001 Entire head of metatarsal (body structure) P09797 Y 33820 P skeletal system 9E0676C81D294A9BA658336DD1926940 6A614999CE6A4CC1BE530C0C658EC162 head of metatarsal bone Entire head of metatarsal (body structure) 9798 9798 09798 joint of face 120230007 S09798 Joint of face (body structure) E09798 P09798 - P musculoskeletal system 91251DFF8B33406085947548095930EF Joint of face 9799 9799 09799 fascial layer 120576005 S09799 Fascial layer (body structure) E09799 P09799 - P musculoskeletal system D61D7C4F28774B77A5590633C2A96E32 Fascial layer 9800 9800 09800 synostosis 1216008 S09800 Synostosis (body structure) E09800 P09800 - 7499 P articular system D99BA48E1F23491FAE8D3BD4987A1F6C Synostosis Nonsynovial joint in which the articulating bones are connected by bone. Examples: epiphyseal junction, manubriosternal synostosis. 9801 9801 09801 lamina septum pellucidum 12164006 S09801 Lamina septum pellucidum (body structure) E09801 P09801 - 62472 P nervous system 720892503ABF4EA2A546E8A0D7DDDD2C Lamina septum pellucidum 9802 9802 09802 lateral fontanel of skull 12230000 S09802 Lateral fontanel of skull (body structure) E09802 P09802 Y P skeletal system 61C6FD1AF3A746F0BCB41777B18D8F53 Lateral fontanel of skull 9803 9803 09803 triangular fibrocartilage complex of the wrist 122476004 S09803 Triangular fibrocartilage complex of the wrist (body structure) E09803 P09803 Y P AF55B38B599F41189922E48DB8A8B820 Triangular fibrocartilage complex of the wrist 9804 9804 09804 flexor tendon of wrist 122497003 S09804 Flexor tendon of wrist (body structure) E09804 P09804 Y P muscular system D39E85AF3B1C4B058CEE3E1B5110EB27 Flexor tendon of wrist 9805 9805 09805 submental space 122499000 S09805 Submental space (body structure) E09805 P09805 - 84992 P digestive system 826F0D8CBE6D491BAF0B44115DD24B53 Submental space 9806 9806 09806 masticator space 122500009 S09806 Masticator space (body structure) E09806 P09806 Y 84976 P digestive system 4ED7CEF17E4E4FA28ABCADDC5E14EF95 Masticator space 9807 9807 09807 manubriosternal synostosis 122504000 S09807 Manubriosternal synostosis (body structure) E09807 P09807 - 9916 P articular system 1CF579798D0148DDA3D309BB43854B04 Manubriosternal synostosis 9808 9808 09808 temporal process of zygomatic bone 122772003 S09808 Temporal process of zygomatic bone (body structure) E09808 P09808 Y 52904 P skeletal system 2CF9AF8DAD394E198F56F7167307055D Temporal process of zygomatic bone 9809 9809 09809 central nervous system nerve bundle 122855004 S09809 Central nervous system nerve bundle (body structure) E09809 P09809 - 12235 P 5B11F037C8CD432FB243816BF768D278 Central nervous system nerve bundle Cell part cluster of neuraxis which consists of individual nerve fibers and the perineural sheath around each fiber. 9810 9810 09810 intra-abdominal artery 122860000 S09810 Intra-abdominal artery (body structure) E09810 P09810 - P arterial system D3B2CC793EE04B2B92383C53E672E03D Intra-abdominal artery 9811 9811 09811 sublingual space 122861001 S09811 Sublingual space (body structure) E09811 P09811 Y P digestive system B35F000B14764BAC8063C010A16BBB15 Sublingual space 9812 9812 09812 branch of vagus nerve 122876009 S09812 Vagus nerve branch (body structure) E09812 P09812 Y 6228 P nervous system 1E24804EB2624F87B9DA5D44650C49BD Vagus nerve branch 9813 9813 09813 duodenal serosa 1236009 S09813 Duodenal serosa (body structure) E09813 P09813 - 14948 P digestive system 4F8CD60AD1644C0EB9D6EEDE9C3A687C Duodenal serosa 9814 9814 09814 body region wall 123854006 S09814 Body region wall (body structure) E09814 P09814 - P regional/topgraphical 137929E276A04A2D8BF90D138E49FF4F Body region wall 9815 9815 09815 orbital plate of frontal bone 123866000 S09815 Orbital plate of frontal bone (body structure) E09815 P09815 Y 54674 P skeletal system DE45B04BA48A442E986107D96064464B Orbital plate of frontal bone 9816 9816 09816 orbital portion of palatine bone 123867009 S09816 Orbital portion of palatine bone (body structure) E09816 P09816 Y P skeletal system 720ED765178E449A80130F5BC9E86CB1 Orbital portion of palatine bone 9817 9817 09817 orbital portion of maxilla 123868004 S09817 Orbital portion of maxilla (body structure) E09817 P09817 Y 54671 P skeletal system B5F9F1D47E2B45AA852384109109F102 Orbital portion of maxilla 9818 9818 09818 posterior wall of maxillary antrum 123869007 S09818 Posterior wall of maxillary antrum (body structure) E09818 P09818 Y P respiratory system E3A9E452CB564CF384DCD3DDA1140399 Posterior wall of maxillary antrum 9819 9819 09819 anterior wall of maxillary antrum 123870008 S09819 Anterior wall of maxillary antrum (body structure) E09819 P09819 Y P respiratory system 2DE0119E429C403A868B85C538E4A2F3 Anterior wall of maxillary antrum 9820 9820 09820 medial wall of maxillary antrum 123871007 S09820 Medial wall of maxillary antrum (body structure) E09820 P09820 Y P respiratory system 9338EAF9EE0C4ADE9CF9996248908903 Medial wall of maxillary antrum 9821 9821 09821 percent of body surface 123957003 S09821 Percent of body surface (body structure) E09821 P09821 - P regional/topgraphical B09620BE47814C968275E179CC858EC2 Percent of body surface 9823 9823 09823 inferior branch of oculomotor nerve 12471009 S09823 Structure of inferior branch of oculomotor nerve (body structure) E09823 280206003 Entire inferior branch of oculomotor nerve (body structure) P09823 Y 52573 P nervous system 6BC96FAB531F4B8F9B8FC24C5F7B34C6 AD59D0EE60794475866B1DB9B7F63872 inferior branch of oculomotor nerve Entire inferior branch of oculomotor nerve (body structure) 9824 9824 09824 lamina propria of maxillary sinus 12497003 S09824 Lamina propria of maxillary sinus (body structure) E09824 P09824 Y P respiratory system 14AEA5C99E32476FB39FDBEB05E0E429 Lamina propria of maxillary sinus 9825 9825 09825 transplanted fetus 125573004 S09825 Transplanted fetus (body structure) E09825 P09825 - P 649AF1D1D96B44E6AAB27E7310CE974A Transplanted fetus 9826 9826 09826 ependyma 12766003 S09826 Ependyma (body structure) E09826 P09826 - P nervous system 4C30B96BC5AF42878976345B8734F35C Ependyma 9827 9827 09827 posterior process of distal tibia 127860005 S09827 Posterior process of distal tibia (body structure) E09827 P09827 Y P skeletal system E55A8C42151643CC86C5B40C558D26DA Posterior process of distal tibia 9828 9828 09828 ligament of temporomandibular joint 127861009 S09828 Ligament of temporomandibular joint (body structure) E09828 P09828 Y 57070 P musculoskeletal system EE4C50C178374B0F9BA3055A1ED642D9 Ligament of temporomandibular joint 9829 9829 09829 primary branch of superior mesenteric artery 127866004 S09829 Primary branch of superior mesenteric artery (body structure) E09829 312551000 Primary superior mesenteric artery branch (body structure) P09829 - P arterial system 8DFF6B8655C04D36AD688F49FEEB2C05 AAA4277DA6454B8087A6E46C8FAB0C4C Primary branch of superior mesenteric artery Primary superior mesenteric artery branch (body structure) 9830 9830 09830 anterior wall of fundus of stomach 127869006 S09830 Anterior wall of fundus of stomach (body structure) E09830 P09830 - 17398 P digestive system C2A0B826ECD841BFA112DC3B0FC83A6A Anterior wall of fundus of stomach 9831 9831 09831 posterior wall of fundus of stomach 127870007 S09831 Posterior wall of fundus of stomach (body structure) E09831 P09831 - 17402 P digestive system 302F6F82C1C7495089390CEC92D530A3 Posterior wall of fundus of stomach 9832 9832 09832 anterior wall of body of stomach 127871006 S09832 Anterior wall of body of stomach (body structure) E09832 P09832 - 17399 P digestive system 4047D6E1385B47EAA592A5A7093670CB Anterior wall of body of stomach 9833 9833 09833 posterior wall of body of stomach 127872004 S09833 Posterior wall of body of stomach (body structure) E09833 P09833 - 17403 P digestive system DA34017234EA4E6CB12A49697136A48C Posterior wall of body of stomach 9834 9834 09834 lesser curvature of body of stomach 127873009 S09834 Lesser curvature of body of stomach (body structure) E09834 P09834 - P digestive system EE050172A0864498AA8B647A51553A6B Lesser curvature of body of stomach 9835 9835 09835 greater curvature of body of stomach 127874003 S09835 Greater curvature of body of stomach (body structure) E09835 P09835 - P digestive system 7641CD1F369642388CD8B19E6E3D6E3F Greater curvature of body of stomach 9836 9836 09836 anterior wall of antrum of stomach 127875002 S09836 Anterior wall of antrum of stomach (body structure) E09836 P09836 - 17400 P digestive system CB1040B4910B4CA0996D36CA7EC3B5ED Anterior wall of antrum of stomach 9837 9837 09837 posterior wall of antrum of stomach 127876001 S09837 Posterior wall of antrum of stomach (body structure) E09837 P09837 - 17404 P digestive system F4ABE9901BC64895AC0FFEBF73948849 Posterior wall of antrum of stomach 9838 9838 09838 lesser curvature of antrum of stomach 127877005 S09838 Lesser curvature of antrum of stomach (body structure) E09838 P09838 - P digestive system ACAC381153744D07AE7E077E7B3142CB Lesser curvature of antrum of stomach 9839 9839 09839 greater curvature of antrum of stomach 127878000 S09839 Greater curvature of antrum of stomach (body structure) E09839 P09839 - P digestive system D4C02B961BDA43B6B4D4C27A01409CF8 Greater curvature of antrum of stomach 9840 9840 09840 junction of duodenal mucosa and mucosa of ampulla of Vater 127880006 S09840 Junction of duodenal mucosa and mucosa of ampulla of Vater (body structure) E09840 P09840 - P digestive system 001D25C5289340E6B3156335208695EE Junction of duodenal mucosa and mucosa of ampulla of Vater 9841 9841 09841 anterior wall of upper third of vagina 127883008 S09841 Anterior wall of upper third of vagina (body structure) E09841 P09841 - P genital system F0AF0E8DDAA8498389FFB3F36C6D209D Anterior wall of upper third of vagina 9842 9842 09842 posterior wall of upper third of vagina 127884002 S09842 Posterior wall of upper third of vagina (body structure) E09842 P09842 - P genital system 873F96BDD21E49FAB05807CAFE8E9413 Posterior wall of upper third of vagina 9843 9843 09843 left lateral wall of upper third of vagina 127885001 S09843 Left lateral wall of upper third of vagina (body structure) E09843 P09843 L P genital system FCB72ED147F74DF3ACB469D169A0B49E Left lateral wall of upper third of vagina 9844 9844 09844 right lateral wall of upper third of vagina 127886000 S09844 Right lateral wall of upper third of vagina (body structure) E09844 P09844 R P genital system 9260675B82694386885B3F1AF77B9682 Right lateral wall of upper third of vagina 9845 9845 09845 circumferential part of upper third of vagina 127887009 S09845 Circumferential part of upper third of vagina (body structure) E09845 P09845 - P genital system 4A38A1E87BF04E3983FA8E41A96B847B Circumferential part of upper third of vagina 9846 9846 09846 anterior wall of middle third of vagina 127888004 S09846 Anterior wall of middle third of vagina (body structure) E09846 P09846 - P genital system 42EC8F63A6394A44835E7A6116AD6A51 Anterior wall of middle third of vagina 9847 9847 09847 posterior wall of middle third of vagina 127889007 S09847 Posterior wall of middle third of vagina (body structure) E09847 P09847 - P genital system 0FAB48D4951E4FCEB3C214B77FFFD115 Posterior wall of middle third of vagina 9848 9848 09848 left lateral wall of middle third of vagina 127890003 S09848 Left lateral wall of middle third of vagina (body structure) E09848 P09848 L P genital system 28D9F55C54A844968856C26E76605444 Left lateral wall of middle third of vagina 9849 9849 09849 right lateral wall of middle third of vagina 127891004 S09849 Right lateral wall of middle third of vagina (body structure) E09849 P09849 R P genital system B63E2D8F1E154B8C9583CAB7D4FC45DC Right lateral wall of middle third of vagina 9850 9850 09850 circumferential part of middle third of vagina 127892006 S09850 Circumferential part of middle third of vagina (body structure) E09850 P09850 - P genital system B3E1F8F965694EC7A408E35DA2834310 Circumferential part of middle third of vagina 9851 9851 09851 anterior wall of lower third of vagina 127893001 S09851 Anterior wall of lower third of vagina (body structure) E09851 P09851 - P genital system 818857CA7B604139B7C07926C7CA7289 Anterior wall of lower third of vagina 9852 9852 09852 posterior wall of lower third of vagina 127894007 S09852 Posterior wall of lower third of vagina (body structure) E09852 P09852 - P genital system 7FCB30F706524EFC9E2310B8249B6594 Posterior wall of lower third of vagina 9853 9853 09853 left lateral wall of lower third of vagina 127895008 S09853 Left lateral wall of lower third of vagina (body structure) E09853 P09853 L P genital system CF21D4F56302407883D0C7BDDB60E2DB Left lateral wall of lower third of vagina 9854 9854 09854 right lateral wall of lower third of vagina 127896009 S09854 Right lateral wall of lower third of vagina (body structure) E09854 P09854 R P genital system 19E5B7D005A04D90AD3F64F6553A2408 Right lateral wall of lower third of vagina 9855 9855 09855 circumferential part of lower third of vagina 127897000 S09855 Circumferential part of lower third of vagina (body structure) E09855 P09855 - P genital system FCA1DC688E0D4B978ADAEEB0143C813C Circumferential part of lower third of vagina 9856 9856 09856 left inferior quadrant of uterine cervix 127899002 S09856 Left inferior quadrant of uterine cervix (body structure) E09856 P09856 L P genital system 23CC29811CC54E9CA64A35C562AE4E4C Left inferior quadrant of uterine cervix 9857 9857 09857 left superior quadrant of uterine cervix 127900007 S09857 Left superior quadrant of uterine cervix (body structure) E09857 P09857 L P genital system 79AEF388767B408CBF3F86CC61E53B0F Left superior quadrant of uterine cervix 9858 9858 09858 right inferior quadrant of uterine cervix 127901006 S09858 Right inferior quadrant of uterine cervix (body structure) E09858 P09858 R P genital system 98CB0B42860A403CACB6C8AB9D893F8C Right inferior quadrant of uterine cervix 9859 9859 09859 right superior quadrant of uterine cervix 127902004 S09859 Right superior quadrant of uterine cervix (body structure) E09859 P09859 R P genital system 4EA4AD90CAE7430EA541A51B8DE9D3BB Right superior quadrant of uterine cervix 9860 9860 09860 peri-urethral gland zone of prostate 127904003 S09860 Peri-urethral gland zone of prostate (body structure) E09860 P09860 - 45717 P genital system D781E21CA32C4400B45506E1BB4A920A Peri-urethral gland zone of prostate 9861 9861 09861 undescended testis 127907005 S09861 Undescended testis (body structure) E09861 P09861 Y P genital system AC9697D96AC145C586B23DA69924BCCC Undescended testis 9862 9862 09862 interlobar lymph node of the lung 127919002 S09862 Interlobar lymph node of the lung (body structure) E09862 P09862 Y P lymphoid system 695AD87C607744438C96199777DFA96C Interlobar lymph node of the lung 9863 9863 09863 lobar lymph node of the lung 127920008 S09863 Lobar lymph node of the lung (body structure) E09863 P09863 Y P lymphoid system 29BE2E27F347448EBF384247E8CE9308 Lobar lymph node of the lung 9864 9864 09864 segmental lymph node of the lung 127921007 S09864 Segmental lymph node of the lung (body structure) E09864 P09864 Y P lymphoid system 4A9443552DA44D0B8FF2126A5CDDF262 Segmental lymph node of the lung 9865 9865 09865 subsegmental lymph node of the lung 127922000 S09865 Subsegmental lymph node of the lung (body structure) E09865 P09865 Y P lymphoid system 2A36B9D93A3349C8AA91E0C2866A6C3D Subsegmental lymph node of the lung 9866 9866 09866 right tracheobronchial lymph node 127923005 S09866 Right tracheobronchial lymph node (body structure) E09866 P09866 R 5951 P respiratory system E4FE799880CF4E3BB0DAA185C42013AB Right tracheobronchial lymph node 9867 9867 09867 left peribronchial lymph node 127924004 S09867 Left peribronchial lymph node (body structure) E09867 P09867 L P lymphoid system 3F1981001E3A432E83B4C3CB7488BC14 Left peribronchial lymph node 9868 9868 09868 superior mediastinal lymph node 127925003 S09868 Superior mediastinal lymph node (body structure) E09868 P09868 - 276903 P lymphatic system 7920ABB32818439C97572103068E8EE0 Superior mediastinal lymph node 9869 9869 09869 highest mediastinal lymph node 127926002 S09869 Highest mediastinal lymph node (body structure) E09869 P09869 Y 276928 P lymphoid system DCDAA650AE26403388156CA25DE77AFA Highest mediastinal lymph node 9870 9870 09870 upper paratracheal lymph node (mediastinal) 127927006 S09870 Upper paratracheal lymph node (mediastinal) (body structure) E09870 P09870 Y P lymphoid system 45AA18D9CF5149F9AAA421D040B2EE1D Upper paratracheal lymph node (mediastinal) 9871 9871 09871 right upper paratracheal (suprainnominate) mediastinal lymph node 127928001 S09871 Right upper paratracheal (suprainnominate) mediastinal lymph node (body structure) E09871 P09871 R P lymphoid system BEEF827861E04C1F95BA35D687494004 Right upper paratracheal (suprainnominate) mediastinal lymph node 9872 9872 09872 left upper paratracheal (supra-aortic) mediastinal lymph node 127929009 S09872 Left upper paratracheal (supra-aortic) mediastinal lymph node (body structure) E09872 P09872 L P lymphoid system 398861E009EA436DA7C8BFBBB9DF3815 Left upper paratracheal (supra-aortic) mediastinal lymph node 9873 9873 09873 prevascular/retrotracheal lymph node 127930004 S09873 Prevascular/retrotracheal lymph node (body structure) E09873 P09873 Y P lymphoid system 07472AF25DE2423DA5198E3266A39A1F Prevascular/retrotracheal lymph node 9874 9874 09874 retrotracheal lymph node (mediastinal) 127931000 S09874 Retrotracheal lymph node (mediastinal) (body structure) E09874 P09874 Y P lymphoid system 976F663289F74AD18C28576722870113 Retrotracheal lymph node (mediastinal) 9875 9875 09875 lower paratracheal (including azygos) lymph node 127932007 S09875 Lower paratracheal (including azygous) lymph node (body structure) E09875 P09875 Y P lymphoid system D69EC8E33EAE4A2D9DD99C5F015A6BA0 Lower paratracheal (including azygous) lymph node 9876 9876 09876 lower paratracheal lymph node, superior group 127933002 S09876 Lower paratracheal lymph node, superior group (body structure) E09876 P09876 Y P lymphoid system 2DE7F7F4C4FE49C1AF7B9565BF70F9BC Lower paratracheal lymph node, superior group 9877 9877 09877 lower paratracheal lymph node, inferior group 127934008 S09877 Lower paratracheal lymph node, inferior group (body structure) E09877 P09877 Y P lymphoid system 4B1E0AC530F64352867D8D7136ED60C2 Lower paratracheal lymph node, inferior group 9878 9878 09878 right lower paratracheal lymph node 127935009 S09878 Right lower paratracheal lymph node (body structure) E09878 P09878 R P lymphoid system AB8EF6E8346A43A79212E06A52788C44 Right lower paratracheal lymph node 9879 9879 09879 left lower paratracheal lymph node 127936005 S09879 Left lower paratracheal lymph node (body structure) E09879 P09879 L P lymphoid system FDBAC66CC2F74BEB802A6923B853AFB2 Left lower paratracheal lymph node 9880 9880 09880 lymph node of aortic arch 127937001 S09880 Lymph node of aortic arch (body structure) E09880 P09880 - P lymphoreticular system B6686456A6BD4414A1A8F4C831156FA7 Lymph node of aortic arch 9881 9881 09881 lymph node of aortopulmonary window 127938006 S09881 Lymph node of aortopulmonary window (body structure) E09881 P09881 Y P lymphoid system EC248D6A65E849289497BC4D78DAE53C Lymph node of aortopulmonary window 9882 9882 09882 para-aortic lymph node of the anterior mediastinum 127939003 S09882 Para-aortic lymph node of the anterior mediastinum (body structure) E09882 P09882 Y P lymphoid system AA9D2E498DF74A129B38848D502F45C2 Para-aortic lymph node of the anterior mediastinum 9883 9883 09883 paraesophageal lymph node below carina 127940001 S09883 Paraesophageal lymph node below carina (body structure) E09883 P09883 Y P lymphoid system 258B7F26E1E24E51BFEBD9EEA9E44278 Paraesophageal lymph node below carina 9884 9884 09884 lymph node of the pulmonary ligament 127941002 S09884 Lymph node of the pulmonary ligament (body structure) E09884 P09884 Y P lymphoid system F21B59D25C144413A877CDE85BCB1DA6 Lymph node of the pulmonary ligament 9886 9886 09886 brain stem spino-olivary tract 127957002 S09886 Brain stem spino-olivary tract (body structure) E09886 P09886 Y P nervous system 306D1553D3A645FEA6D48079AE966B2C Brain stem spino-olivary tract 9887 9887 09887 pelvic appendix 128180007 S09887 Pelvic appendix (body structure) E09887 P09887 - P digestive system 78A7F1BD1B2443C7B3D03A840B311918 Pelvic appendix 9888 9888 09888 artery of mediastinum 128259008 S09888 Artery of mediastinum (body structure) E09888 P09888 - P arterial system 4658E9CD0C08451FA4382250867E18F2 Artery of mediastinum 9889 9889 09889 pulmonary artery within lung 128260003 S09889 Pulmonary artery within lung (body structure) E09889 P09889 Y P respiratory system C8CB1BA7B0D74460871BF2AA3291C6C6 Pulmonary artery within lung 9890 9890 09890 mediastinal pulmonary artery 128261004 S09890 Mediastinal pulmonary artery (body structure) E09890 P09890 - P respiratory system 8D1B379E03264BA5A2F1B829C357F053 Mediastinal pulmonary artery 9891 9891 09891 inferior frontomarginal sulcus 12844004 S09891 Inferior frontomarginal sulcus (body structure) E09891 P09891 Y P nervous system 5F1E358FE27A41FEA64E7C335B9AEB11 Inferior frontomarginal sulcus 9892 9892 09892 accessory parathyroid gland 128476009 S09892 Accessory parathyroid gland (body structure) E09892 P09892 Y 55567 P endocrine system 84703CECEA8342D9831D271C6536DFD7 Accessory parathyroid gland 9893 9893 09893 hamstring tendon 128507001 S09893 Hamstring tendon (body structure) E09893 P09893 Y P muscular system 95F2A5DC1DE34B79836C05BC71E92565 Hamstring tendon 9894 9894 09894 tendon of semitendinosus 128510008 S09894 Tendon of semitendinosus (body structure) E09894 P09894 Y 46930 P muscular system 881B1640FCEB455C9753BE1389C20F14 Tendon of semitendinosus 9895 9895 09895 retro-tibial perforating vein of lower limb 128547008 S09895 Retro-tibial perforating vein of lower extremity (body structure) E09895 P09895 Y P cardiovascular system B65C86F43C2B4C6B97F3B0BE0A1137A5 Retro-tibial perforating vein of lower extremity 9896 9896 09896 Boyd's perforating vein 128548003 S09896 Boyd's perforating vein (body structure) E09896 P09896 Y P cardiovascular system 541687458E81448BAD8E2228FFE4F2AD Boyd's perforating vein 9897 9897 09897 Cockett's perforating vein 128549006 S09897 Cockett's perforating vein (body structure) E09897 P09897 Y P cardiovascular system BFA451841023456382F5914D7711B95E Cockett's perforating vein 9898 9898 09898 ventro-lateral perforating vein 128550006 S09898 Ventro-lateral perforating vein (body structure) E09898 P09898 Y P cardiovascular system C71FAC5A5AE845C5929CBFABBED5DD5A Ventro-lateral perforating vein 9899 9899 09899 Dodd's perforating vein 128554002 S09899 Dodd's perforating vein (body structure) E09899 P09899 Y P cardiovascular system 143F51C500194C679E6ED220D8C720AD Dodd's perforating vein 9900 9900 09900 Hunterian perforating vein 128560002 S09900 Hunterian perforating vein (body structure) E09900 P09900 Y P cardiovascular system 7F95EE0F9D3D4AC68C6657609E158C5A Hunterian perforating vein 9901 9901 09901 posterior medial tributary of superficial venous system of lower limb 128569001 S09901 Posterior medial tributary of superficial venous system of lower extremity (body structure) E09901 P09901 Y P venous system 63F06726C0934BEDB1B34920F24BC2A7 Posterior medial tributary of superficial venous system of lower extremity 9902 9902 09902 Bonnet's plexus 12858002 S09902 Bonnet's plexus (body structure) E09902 P09902 - P nervous system F33889FA4FCA461F8F0328C0C8DCF520 Bonnet's plexus 9905 9905 09905 lacrimal artery, right 128979005 S09905 Lacrimal artery, right (body structure) E09905 P09905 R 75967 P arterial system 6EDE80FB17E24B0F90140B2A2E534E60 Lacrimal artery, right 9906 9906 09906 lacrimal artery, left 128980008 S09906 Lacrimal artery, left (body structure) E09906 P09906 L 75968 P special senses organ system 47428CDB6D154070836158904F2B8B92 Lacrimal artery, left 9907 9907 09907 epiphysis of distal fibula 129111008 S09907 Epiphysis of distal fibula (body structure) E09907 280018004 Distal fibular epiphysis (body structure) P09907 Y P skeletal system 5BF4367C212948EDA98B091226E51AA4 930BD15FCEAE4AABB5F51BF0D21BEB92 Epiphysis of distal fibula 9908 9908 09908 accessory thyroid 129122007 S09908 Accessory thyroid (body structure) E09908 P09908 - P endocrine system 8E4F8C6363B94924B36FA183128C26E2 Accessory thyroid 9909 9909 09909 lingual thyroid 129123002 S09909 Lingual thyroid (body structure) E09909 P09909 - P endocrine system 96249CCCA9BA474898244420985F76D8 Lingual thyroid 9910 9910 09910 right vocal cord, anterior third 129146000 S09910 Right vocal cord, anterior third (body structure) E09910 P09910 R P respiratory system AFEAC575E5B2490E8ABCA258794EA5CC Right vocal cord, anterior third 9911 9911 09911 right vocal cord, middle third 129147009 S09911 Right vocal cord, middle third (body structure) E09911 P09911 R P respiratory system 8497FD12D7414AF091D304A4B8C2238D Right vocal cord, middle third 9912 9912 09912 right vocal cord, posterior third 129148004 S09912 Right vocal cord, posterior third (body structure) E09912 P09912 R P respiratory system C5DE2C85223C4632A585195531D32B83 Right vocal cord, posterior third 9913 9913 09913 left vocal cord, anterior third 129149007 S09913 Left vocal cord, anterior third (body structure) E09913 P09913 L P respiratory system 5C72D8C9003A41CF99497BA8B7F9D0D3 Left vocal cord, anterior third 9914 9914 09914 left vocal cord, middle third 129150007 S09914 Left vocal cord, middle third (body structure) E09914 P09914 L P respiratory system 4BA8F8FF10BD43DE99D00DAB669022A3 Left vocal cord, middle third 9915 9915 09915 left vocal cord, posterior third 129151006 S09915 Left vocal cord, posterior third (body structure) E09915 P09915 L P respiratory system C7A6758370084BAF80090C0AED7154E8 Left vocal cord, posterior third 9916 9916 09916 hair of external auditory canal 129176007 S09916 Hair of external auditory canal (body structure) E09916 P09916 Y 53671 P integumentary system 73041619986B43B1AEE24551FD2E1790 Hair of external auditory canal 9917 9917 09917 tendon of iliopsoas 129246009 S09917 Tendon of iliopsoas (body structure) E09917 P09917 Y P muscular system FABF9A2D62C74754A4CBC88472112107 Tendon of iliopsoas 9918 9918 09918 muscle spindle 12945004 S09918 Muscle spindle (body structure) E09918 P09918 - 83607 P muscular system B43BA29D07AC471998BF02523A65948B Muscle spindle 9921 9921 09921 telogen hair 1311000 S09921 Telogen hair (body structure) E09921 P09921 - 70718 P integumentary system 71261AF0A4254C039DCA31F082D85121 Telogen hair 9922 9922 09922 tunica adventitia of vein 13202006 S09922 Tunica adventitia of vein (body structure) E09922 P09922 - 14355 P cardiovascular system 88BA10E2AAC14883A5C921E7626E3BE0 Tunica adventitia of vein 9924 9924 09924 infraorbital sinus 13218000 S09924 Infraorbital sinus (body structure) E09924 P09924 Y P respiratory system 1A23B49A42734D1BAE5EEEC93A65581A Infraorbital sinus 9925 9925 09925 oculomotor nerve accessory autonomic nucleus 13312002 S09925 Oculomotor nerve accessory autonomic nucleus (body structure) E09925 P09925 Y P special senses organ system C23D46C909C6472A8E9BB9AE5A40A453 Oculomotor nerve accessory autonomic nucleus 9929 9929 09929 splenic pulp 13515001 S09929 Splenic pulp (body structure) E09929 P09929 - 15845 P lymphoid system 9AE3D0C5C2EE45668651C2DD9107CBD1 Splenic pulp 9930 9930 09930 gastric serosa 1353004 S09930 Gastric serosa (body structure) E09930 P09930 - 14914 P digestive system 771809988740457DBEDD890DD450A507 Gastric serosa 9931 9931 09931 palatine gland 13604002 S09931 Palatine gland (body structure) E09931 P09931 Y 71616 P digestive system 1BC9F9C49E5A45E69FD4E13308893465 Palatine gland 9933 9933 09933 ansoparamedian fissure 14031007 S09933 Ansaparamedian fissure (body structure) E09933 P09933 Y P nervous system 10414EDCA91F44A2A6F2DD2624232DE0 Ansaparamedian fissure 9936 9936 09936 jejunal lamina propria 14128009 S09936 Jejunal lamina propria (body structure) E09936 P09936 - 15970 P digestive system 3CE79EE95FA84BCCB5747B0A071F8A3A Jejunal lamina propria 9939 9939 09939 ampulla coli 14274002 S09939 Ampulla coli (body structure) E09939 P09939 - P digestive system 37C8DDAA2A7144B096A53AE12C892E09 Ampulla coli 9940 9940 09940 inferior ganglion of vagus nerve 14420006 S09940 Vagus nerve nodose ganglion (body structure) E09940 280198003 Inferior vagus ganglion (body structure) P09940 Y 6230 P nervous system 1910AE90F6D6478989BE5CDE105E9866 9029360E60ED41C69A459E1D7D8F6403 Vagus nerve nodose ganglion Inferior vagus ganglion (body structure) 9944 9944 09944 yellow fibrocartilage 1456008 S09944 Yellow fibrocartilage (body structure) E09944 P09944 - P skeletal system EF61A42A7B144FA2A39FAF4CE238B794 Yellow fibrocartilage 9945 9945 09945 lamina muscularis of mucous membrane of oropharynx 14578000 S09945 Lamina muscularis of mucous membrane of oropharynx (body structure) E09945 P09945 - P digestive system C6696A42CD6F49598CD48FCD9180A2C5 Lamina muscularis of mucous membrane of oropharynx 9946 9946 09946 ligament of omentum 14631006 S09946 Ligament of omentum (body structure) E09946 P09946 - P digestive system FEBD6DC5E4C64A608F4021E9B180F9CF Ligament of omentum 9948 9948 09948 mucocutaneous junction 14811009 S09948 Mucocutaneous junction (body structure) E09948 P09948 - 70995 P integumentary system 0389EC57EBE14EC7BB49EF4FF4F1C0BB Mucocutaneous junction 9949 9949 09949 oculomotor nerve ciliary ganglionic branch 14841006 S09949 Oculomotor nerve ciliary ganglionic branch (body structure) E09949 280208002 Motor root of ciliary ganglion (body structure) P09949 Y 52578 P nervous system 58BCE7BEF96F4772A19427CADD92F762 BEA4CB88A76C42FE8236261AC25198C6 Oculomotor nerve ciliary ganglionic branch 9951 9951 09951 pellicle, as in protozoal parasite 15140004 S09951 Pellicle, as in protozoal parasite (body structure) E09951 P09951 - P 6054236802B34703AFDC2DC64F65D9D0 Pellicle, as in protozoal parasite 9952 9952 09952 frontomental diameter of head 1516009 S09952 Frontomental diameter of head (body structure) E09952 P09952 - P 112653AA613C42C8BAE6F1404CF714D6 Frontomental diameter of head 9954 9954 09954 dorsal metatarsal ligament 15391008 S09954 Dorsal metatarsal ligament (body structure) E09954 P09954 Y 44519 P musculoskeletal system 8E1FB419FD1D4C62B94CBD31DED0A7EB Dorsal metatarsal ligament 9955 9955 09955 gingival flap 15514000 S09955 Gingival flap (body structure) E09955 P09955 Y P digestive system 1DA2460E06AC47AEA0903E5F65646C1C Gingival flap 9956 9956 09956 sternocostal trigone 15626004 S09956 Sternocostal trigone (body structure) E09956 P09956 Y P respiratory system 4B57AE2ADCFC4DEBA4D1F17984DA46B7 Sternocostal trigone 9957 9957 09957 anal plate 15851001 S09957 Anal plate (body structure) E09957 P09957 - P digestive system E5ED5ADA96264AC9AE5C9E69D38C56FA Anal plate 9958 9958 09958 endoneurium 15931004 S09958 Endoneurium (body structure) E09958 P09958 - 52586 P nervous system 1FF06DB7B22147B69EEE9DE629AFD37B Endoneurium 9959 9959 09959 brown fat 15965003 S09959 Brown fat (body structure) E09959 P09959 - 20118 P 2C3B889D569F4374989B6ABA5526F599 Brown fat Adipose tissue, cells of which contain multiple small lipid droplets. 9962 9962 09962 intercellular space 16247001 S09962 Intercellular space (body structure) E09962 P09962 - P 0A999A362BCF4D46B5B079E72C7314C4 Intercellular space 9965 9965 09965 skeletal muscle of hip and thigh 16500006 S09965 Muscle of hip AND thigh (body structure) E09965 P09965 Y P musculoskeletal system 033292B5D9EB478FB892C67B3FE0C854 Muscle of hip AND thigh 9966 9966 09966 circular layer of rectal muscularis propria 16571009 S09966 Circular layer of rectal muscularis propria (body structure) E09966 P09966 - 15037 P digestive system A0DDACA410374C88A30DFBBABD165DDB Circular layer of rectal muscularis propria 9967 9967 09967 corpus cavernosum of clitoris 16657007 S09967 Corpus cavernosum of clitoris (body structure) E09967 P09967 Y 20172 P genital system 72E902D9353F49E7AA0B85C24F4A5F04 Corpus cavernosum of clitoris 9968 9968 09968 pharyngobasilar fascia 16675008 S09968 Pharyngobasilar fascia (body structure) E09968 P09968 Y 55074 P musculoskeletal system 00621AACD6E842828BDC3A4FA65E02E7 Pharyngobasilar fascia 9969 9969 09969 mucous gland of bronchiole 16870000 S09969 Mucous gland of bronchiole (body structure) E09969 P09969 Y P respiratory system B2EAE9978B394DDBA8470531DAF00D18 Mucous gland of bronchiole 9971 9971 09971 cupula ampullaris 1716007 S09971 Cupula ampullaris (body structure) E09971 P09971 Y P special senses organ system 59B86CC7607E40F7BFF6EB4F04FCEE7D Cupula ampullaris 9973 9973 09973 urogenital membrane 172994001 S09973 Urogenital membrane (body structure) E09973 P09973 - P 477793AF912146EF9AD70D67C2D37DB7 Urogenital membrane 9974 9974 09974 nonosteonal lamellar bone 17316003 S09974 Nonosteonal lamellar bone (body structure) E09974 P09974 - P skeletal system BDE00D1E52A0461BBBD0D4090614402A Nonosteonal lamellar bone 9976 9976 09976 middle rectal plexus 17630002 S09976 Structure of middle rectal plexus (body structure) E09976 280528004 Entire middle rectal plexus (body structure) P09976 - 6645 P nervous system E3C03B82C4C542F985E841EB5AE88114 9799959E0A3148649193BCF11D8D0574 middle rectal plexus Entire middle rectal plexus (body structure) 9977 9977 09977 facial nerve digastric branch 17743006 S09977 Facial nerve digastric branch (body structure) E09977 P09977 Y 53288 P nervous system B0BEE77286674BF88B1D334D38D19870 Facial nerve digastric branch 9978 9978 09978 small intestine subserosa 17758003 S09978 Small intestine subserosa (body structure) E09978 P09978 - 14937 P digestive system E6BE302EABEE4BAEB1E2AF303C03E2F3 Small intestine subserosa 9979 9979 09979 space of Disse 17779003 S09979 Space of Disse (body structure) E09979 P09979 - 63162 P digestive system A8140D9554A14E30801F9B176F71282C Space of Disse 9980 9980 09980 midclavicular line of abdomen 17846008 S09980 Midclavicular line of abdomen (body structure) E09980 P09980 Y P 0B6FD30AE50B45708F18895A5679F49D Midclavicular line of abdomen 9982 9982 09982 septum of maxillary sinus 18086004 S09982 Septum of maxillary sinus (body structure) E09982 P09982 Y P respiratory system CA72BF5306B94433AF14D4E6ED5AEC37 Septum of maxillary sinus 9983 9983 09983 spinal nerve root C1 180969002 S09983 Spinal nerve root C1 (body structure) E09983 P09983 Y P nervous system 314969A3B65248FEAD044AAFB6CF2F9C Spinal nerve root C1 9984 9984 09984 spinal nerve root C2 180970001 S09984 Spinal nerve root C2 (body structure) E09984 P09984 Y P nervous system EC8214EACD854B4C88BBE631A49E7C28 Spinal nerve root C2 9985 9985 09985 spinal nerve root C3 180971002 S09985 Spinal nerve root C3 (body structure) E09985 P09985 Y P nervous system 07F51A43521D48D48CE28C39D033E2D6 Spinal nerve root C3 9986 9986 09986 spinal nerve root C4 180972009 S09986 Spinal nerve root C4 (body structure) E09986 P09986 Y P nervous system EEC83883BCDE4C69BBC77D766C46279B Spinal nerve root C4 9987 9987 09987 spinal nerve root C5 180973004 S09987 Spinal nerve root C5 (body structure) E09987 P09987 Y P nervous system D72D1B91C8A44877AF1B193D7DAF910E Spinal nerve root C5 9988 9988 09988 spinal nerve root C6 180974005 S09988 Spinal nerve root C6 (body structure) E09988 P09988 Y P nervous system B24727AB89624A269BC38B394F0C436A Spinal nerve root C6 9989 9989 09989 spinal nerve root C7 180975006 S09989 Spinal nerve root C7 (body structure) E09989 P09989 Y P nervous system B9CF19FC852C43509738A7AC60EA7300 Spinal nerve root C7 9990 9990 09990 spinal nerve root C8 180976007 S09990 Spinal nerve root C8 (body structure) E09990 P09990 Y P nervous system 9DB9A0AD9A0749E09422B21525DE8873 Spinal nerve root C8 9991 9991 09991 spinal nerve root T1 180977003 S09991 Spinal nerve root T1 (body structure) E09991 P09991 Y P nervous system 6DD0198EC6D24CCF860CA82D87A0AC39 Spinal nerve root T1 9992 9992 09992 spinal nerve root T2 180978008 S09992 Spinal nerve root T2 (body structure) E09992 P09992 Y P nervous system A75DA33DAA2A49CBB1DA13DB68D45DF6 Spinal nerve root T2 9993 9993 09993 spinal nerve root T3 180979000 S09993 Spinal nerve root T3 (body structure) E09993 P09993 Y P nervous system 8A71ED80107348EA80AF33E3587D70EE Spinal nerve root T3 9994 9994 09994 spinal nerve root T4 180980002 S09994 Spinal nerve root T4 (body structure) E09994 P09994 Y P nervous system AAA97BF9EA4C4CCDA0313314747032DD Spinal nerve root T4 9995 9995 09995 spinal nerve root T5 180981003 S09995 Spinal nerve root T5 (body structure) E09995 P09995 Y P nervous system 54C67D7323654C94A88CBC232D295253 Spinal nerve root T5 9996 9996 09996 spinal nerve root T6 180982005 S09996 Spinal nerve root T6 (body structure) E09996 P09996 Y P nervous system DBEA89E80B684491835DB2BA6F28A883 Spinal nerve root T6 9997 9997 09997 spinal nerve root T7 180983000 S09997 Spinal nerve root T7 (body structure) E09997 P09997 Y P nervous system 97D09D961EB74D59BB673D8DB354A621 Spinal nerve root T7 9998 9998 09998 spinal nerve root T8 180984006 S09998 Spinal nerve root T8 (body structure) E09998 P09998 Y P nervous system 545962EA2FA94CFFABCE54F3335C114B Spinal nerve root T8 9999 9999 09999 spinal nerve root T9 180985007 S09999 Spinal nerve root T9 (body structure) E09999 P09999 Y P nervous system ECA7E1C63CD942D78C34C9DE721392F7 Spinal nerve root T9 10000 10000 10000 spinal nerve root T10 180986008 S10000 Spinal nerve root T10 (body structure) E10000 P10000 Y P nervous system 33402E8DDE4A45338B3A5AEC4B4BB82E Spinal nerve root T10 10001 10001 10001 spinal nerve root T11 180987004 S10001 Spinal nerve root T11 (body structure) E10001 P10001 Y P nervous system B713E265D7D24420B2A5544102D3401F Spinal nerve root T11 10002 10002 10002 spinal nerve root T12 180988009 S10002 Spinal nerve root T12 (body structure) E10002 P10002 Y P nervous system 5645013D116F405A857A0ECD1D39E551 Spinal nerve root T12 10003 10003 10003 spinal nerve root L1 180989001 S10003 Spinal nerve root L1 (body structure) E10003 P10003 Y 17591 P nervous system CD95B807276A4DB99E71CCDFDA86EC8B Spinal nerve root L1 10004 10004 10004 spinal nerve root L2 180990005 S10004 Spinal nerve root L2 (body structure) E10004 P10004 Y 17592 P nervous system 803ADBAF73754691BB40E099A599A205 Spinal nerve root L2 10005 10005 10005 spinal nerve root L3 180991009 S10005 Spinal nerve root L3 (body structure) E10005 P10005 Y 17593 P nervous system C604699384994D3EB6D2B2BB0AE309F8 Spinal nerve root L3 10006 10006 10006 spinal nerve root L4 180992002 S10006 Spinal nerve root L4 (body structure) E10006 P10006 Y 17594 P nervous system 4F11556A717E41A3897A120D0B29CDD7 Spinal nerve root L4 10007 10007 10007 spinal nerve root L5 180993007 S10007 Spinal nerve root L5 (body structure) E10007 P10007 Y 17595 P nervous system 43E5CC8DAE404423AC5A07A49270E8A0 Spinal nerve root L5 10008 10008 10008 spinal nerve root S1 180994001 S10008 Spinal nerve root S1 (body structure) E10008 P10008 Y 18063 P nervous system FE95E2E0F18D4294839040B802A38C73 Spinal nerve root S1 10009 10009 10009 spinal nerve root S2 180995000 S10009 Spinal nerve root S2 (body structure) E10009 P10009 Y 18064 P nervous system AE6B34A74C1F4C19ACA39132531A9224 Spinal nerve root S2 10010 10010 10010 spinal nerve root S3 180996004 S10010 Spinal nerve root S3 (body structure) E10010 P10010 Y 18065 P nervous system 29B335C9EC374D218A701149CBF0C081 Spinal nerve root S3 10011 10011 10011 spinal nerve root S4 180997008 S10011 Spinal nerve root S4 (body structure) E10011 P10011 Y 18066 P nervous system CD6B579E9B3E4C7088303A5F5C3CAAE9 Spinal nerve root S4 10012 10012 10012 spinal nerve root S5 180998003 S10012 Spinal nerve root S5 (body structure) E10012 P10012 Y 18067 P nervous system 7C4169E19E03457ABD23EB27B9A4ECCB Spinal nerve root S5 10013 10013 10013 posterior fasciculus of brachial plexus 5828001 S10013 Structure of posterior fasciculus of brachial plexus (body structure) E10013 181005000 Entire posterior fasciculus of brachial plexus (body structure) P10013 Y 45237 P nervous system DCB39A919BD54FCBA0C68D5C9F64414F BCF6E08FC7E94E0E96235F4038B6A883 posterior fasciculus of brachial plexus Entire posterior fasciculus of brachial plexus (body structure) 10015 10015 10015 digital nerve of hand 181015006 S10015 Digital nerve of hand (body structure) E10015 P10015 Y P nervous system 5971F776B64746D4B3DAA1A0F6C918F1 Digital nerve of hand 10016 10016 10016 median nerve in upper arm 181016007 S10016 Median nerve in upper arm (body structure) E10016 P10016 Y 0 P nervous system 53D30E7923C54455B6851A4F02FCB4EA Median nerve in upper arm 10017 10017 10017 radial nerve in upper arm 181017003 S10017 Radial nerve in upper arm (body structure) E10017 P10017 Y 0 P nervous system 9A02B118EA27477684FE13A0663C2DCD Radial nerve in upper arm 10018 10018 10018 ulnar nerve in upper arm 181018008 S10018 Ulnar nerve in upper arm (body structure) E10018 P10018 Y 0 P nervous system 56008C3172BF4E62927387876A644725 Ulnar nerve in upper arm 10019 10019 10019 cutaneous nerve of upper limb 181020006 S10019 Cutaneous nerve of upper limb (body structure) E10019 P10019 Y 0 P nervous system 5400B6211B8C4BCDAB5F5E61E95F7D3C Cutaneous nerve of upper limb 10020 10020 10020 median nerve in forearm 181023008 S10020 Median nerve in forearm (body structure) E10020 P10020 Y P nervous system FD2179D519CE4F61997EB3D1AD9F6158 Median nerve in forearm 10021 10021 10021 radial nerve in forearm 181024002 S10021 Radial nerve in forearm (body structure) E10021 P10021 Y P nervous system 98AA2D8E152B4196BCD1B9F2C2441799 Radial nerve in forearm 10022 10022 10022 ulnar nerve in forearm 181025001 S10022 Ulnar nerve in forearm (body structure) E10022 P10022 Y P nervous system 7316F0B42A6846348E04601DF5419407 Ulnar nerve in forearm 10023 10023 10023 median nerve in hand 181027009 S10023 Median nerve in hand (body structure) E10023 P10023 Y P nervous system D51848E6BC6347F2863D8D2C26F82000 Median nerve in hand 10024 10024 10024 median nerve, superficial palmar branch 181028004 S10024 Median nerve, superficial palmar branch (body structure) E10024 P10024 Y P nervous system 1187C7B8D0864778A2C3EEE3F2A71839 Median nerve, superficial palmar branch 10025 10025 10025 median nerve, thenar motor branch 181029007 S10025 Median nerve, thenar motor branch (body structure) E10025 P10025 Y P nervous system 34B26AD5ABA34745B936FD04B1EA6A16 Median nerve, thenar motor branch 10026 10026 10026 ulnar nerve in hand 181030002 S10026 Ulnar nerve in hand (body structure) E10026 P10026 Y P nervous system FE180E6DE1F64BAD9B5C22CECE36FB95 Ulnar nerve in hand 10027 10027 10027 ulnar nerve, dorsal sensory branch 181031003 S10027 Ulnar nerve, dorsal sensory branch (body structure) E10027 P10027 Y P nervous system E92988BE66014CFFB7D1829F3BE86CBC Ulnar nerve, dorsal sensory branch 10028 10028 10028 ulnar nerve, palmar sensory branch 181032005 S10028 Ulnar nerve, palmar sensory branch (body structure) E10028 P10028 Y P nervous system 5AB99FDA6250400B95937D2F8BEA1C88 Ulnar nerve, palmar sensory branch 10029 10029 10029 deep palmar branch of ulnar nerve 181033000 S10029 Deep palmar branch of ulnar nerve (body structure) E10029 P10029 Y P nervous system D846365A3FB9413489F05F17D76518E0 Deep palmar branch of ulnar nerve 10030 10030 10030 radial nerve sensory branch 181034006 S10030 Radial nerve sensory branch (body structure) E10030 P10030 Y P nervous system 475C00AE74F94EB5841D07957CF53C15 Radial nerve sensory branch 10031 10031 10031 digital nerve in hand to first web space 181037004 S10031 Digital nerve in hand to first web space (body structure) E10031 P10031 Y P nervous system 43F8A7491298473583AA3CAB0477935A Digital nerve in hand to first web space 10032 10032 10032 digital nerve in hand to second web space 181038009 S10032 Digital nerve in hand to second web space (body structure) E10032 P10032 Y P nervous system 20D827C549914886AA8377AB8140D1E4 Digital nerve in hand to second web space 10033 10033 10033 digital nerve in hand to third web space 181039001 S10033 Digital nerve in hand to third web space (body structure) E10033 P10033 Y P nervous system CDF45C29F4924AC0827AAA9133897CB7 Digital nerve in hand to third web space 10034 10034 10034 digital nerve in hand to fourth web space 181040004 S10034 Digital nerve in hand to fourth web space (body structure) E10034 P10034 Y P nervous system 27E7295E663240E3B160C987E9F6853C Digital nerve in hand to fourth web space 10035 10035 10035 digital nerve in hand to thumb 181041000 S10035 Digital nerve in hand to thumb (body structure) E10035 P10035 Y P nervous system C279879DE292406DB477C390EF4E7067 Digital nerve in hand to thumb 10036 10036 10036 digital nerve in index finger 181042007 S10036 Digital nerve in index finger (body structure) E10036 P10036 Y P nervous system F18C42389A4646F78C007ED1F2CCBD19 Digital nerve in index finger 10037 10037 10037 digital nerve in middle finger 181043002 S10037 Digital nerve in middle finger (body structure) E10037 P10037 Y P nervous system FB3B421970724BFE81C652D59D9B4296 Digital nerve in middle finger 10038 10038 10038 digital nerve in ring finger 181044008 S10038 Digital nerve in ring finger (body structure) E10038 P10038 Y P nervous system C3500A9EEE4A4CBFA8F68EF801369354 Digital nerve in ring finger 10039 10039 10039 digital nerve in little finger 181045009 S10039 Digital nerve in little finger (body structure) E10039 P10039 Y P nervous system CA52974A722B429BAF5B5F8DB3D106F3 Digital nerve in little finger 10040 10040 10040 digital nerve in thumb 181046005 S10040 Digital nerve in thumb (body structure) E10040 P10040 Y P nervous system 6F4D2941B319430FB2027C7CB718A63F Digital nerve in thumb 10041 10041 10041 hypogastric plexus 181061006 S10041 Hypogastric plexus (body structure) E10041 P10041 - P nervous system B78D344356F549E08E2F3C44FE9A9DD0 Hypogastric plexus 10042 10042 10042 lateral cutaneous branch of T12 181064003 S10042 Lateral cutaneous branch of T12 (body structure) E10042 P10042 Y P nervous system 5F99925B85634D6584890841E340BC8B Lateral cutaneous branch of T12 10043 10043 10043 peripheral nerve in popliteal region 181071008 S10043 Popliteal nerve (body structure) E10043 P10043 Y P nervous system 81AEB94BE5F3480BB970E2387582FAF5 Popliteal nerve 10045 10045 10045 plantar nerve 181074000 S10045 Plantar nerve (body structure) E10045 P10045 Y P nervous system 9BB3AE5CF1FC4F358E3E78C020CDEAAE Plantar nerve 10046 10046 10046 plantar digital nerve 45797004 S10046 Plantar digital nerves (body structure) E10046 181075004 Plantar digital nerve (body structure) P10046 Y P nervous system CC249813CC0840BB8E68E0087A3DAE5D D0E4AB1EA86C4BEBBABEDB3C52F9880A Plantar digital nerves Plantar digital nerve (body structure) 10047 10047 10047 dorsal digital nerve to great toe 181084004 S10047 Dorsal digital nerve to great toe (body structure) E10047 P10047 Y 44783 P nervous system D5EC1E7A6FDC4B808C1A3B27D6AD8883 Dorsal digital nerve to great toe 10048 10048 10048 dorsal digital nerve to second toe 181085003 S10048 Dorsal digital nerve to second toe (body structure) E10048 P10048 Y 44788 P nervous system 2BF3C83D6FA74FC8985151A89B16E7EA Dorsal digital nerve to second toe 10049 10049 10049 dorsal digital nerve to third toe 181086002 S10049 Dorsal digital nerve to third toe (body structure) E10049 P10049 Y 44794 P nervous system 4ACA48FDEA514514941938AEEE4F5351 Dorsal digital nerve to third toe 10050 10050 10050 dorsal digital nerve to fourth toe 181087006 S10050 Dorsal digital nerve to fourth toe (body structure) E10050 P10050 Y 44799 P nervous system 17448B2FD9C143448A41E6067FC43C39 Dorsal digital nerve to fourth toe 10051 10051 10051 dorsal digital nerve to fifth toe 181088001 S10051 Dorsal digital nerve to fifth toe (body structure) E10051 P10051 Y 44804 P nervous system F804F0B3BD5D4F2687E7A6BEEF4ACF64 Dorsal digital nerve to fifth toe 10052 10052 10052 plantar digital nerve to great toe S10052 E10052 181089009 Plantar digital nerve to great toe (body structure) P10052 Y P nervous system C84C3F7B1BAA4C4797231F50E5105477 Plantar digital nerve to great toe (body structure) 10053 10053 10053 plantar digital nerve to second toe S10053 E10053 181090000 Plantar digital nerve to second toe (body structure) P10053 Y P nervous system 3619713B88C54D60ACFE2FF8B2A1FBDA Plantar digital nerve to second toe (body structure) 10054 10054 10054 plantar digital nerve to third toe S10054 E10054 181091001 Plantar digital nerve to third toe (body structure) P10054 Y P nervous system 689CF342876F410883200865E65D7E66 Plantar digital nerve to third toe (body structure) 10055 10055 10055 plantar digital nerve to fourth toe S10055 E10055 181092008 Plantar digital nerve to fourth toe (body structure) P10055 Y P nervous system CD2BAAE829D7478197B8EFEC82CF2B1E Plantar digital nerve to fourth toe (body structure) 10056 10056 10056 plantar digital nerve to fifth toe S10056 E10056 181093003 Plantar digital nerve to fifth toe (body structure) P10056 Y P nervous system B0ADD3E110394EECB07E34CA0FB0684C Plantar digital nerve to fifth toe (body structure) 10057 10057 10057 cervical sympathetic ganglion 181100007 S10057 Cervical sympathetic ganglion (body structure) E10057 P10057 Y 6470 P nervous system 9E475C87DCEA4B3A8A61FFD330E6BFC4 Cervical sympathetic ganglion 10058 10058 10058 lumbosacral sympathetic ganglion 181103009 S10058 Lumbosacral sympathetic ganglion (body structure) E10058 P10058 Y P nervous system 530208BD9B1B4B388C7987CA5F02F7ED Lumbosacral sympathetic ganglion 10059 10059 10059 pelvic parasympathetic nerve 181104003 S10059 Pelvic parasympathetic nerve (body structure) E10059 P10059 Y P nervous system F83A90C22CBE46F881EF5A337A5CD430 Pelvic parasympathetic nerve 10062 10062 10062 endocrine gland of neck 181116009 S10062 Endocrine gland of neck (body structure) E10062 P10062 - P endocrine system F70D97C38DB745AFAC2C0ABD2CEA298A Endocrine gland of neck 10063 10063 10063 thyroglossal tract 181120008 S10063 Thyroglossal tract (body structure) E10063 P10063 - P endocrine system 1E08F138C41E49FB9A2073D5F4A78936 Thyroglossal tract 10065 10065 10065 vestibular apparatus 181188003 S10065 Vestibular apparatus (body structure) E10065 P10065 Y P special senses organ system 376B14260E4145DE985EA1CD7DB0BA3A Vestibular apparatus 10066 10066 10066 artery of circle of Willis 181315000 S10066 Artery of circle of Willis (body structure) E10066 P10066 - P arterial system 00BF4C10C5734875B233CE06421A9112 Artery of circle of Willis 10067 10067 10067 branch of thoracic aorta 181319006 S10067 Branch of thoracic aorta (body structure) E10067 P10067 - 0 P arterial system CBD4D9F430FB4953BEB4F51DDEBDCB12 Branch of thoracic aorta 10068 10068 10068 palmar artery 181334000 S10068 Palmar artery (body structure) E10068 P10068 Y P cardiovascular system 8A6D437AF72247FD82580116F33E1B97 Palmar artery 10069 10069 10069 common femoral artery 181347005 S10069 Common femoral artery (body structure) E10069 P10069 Y P arterial system 3344CBF419EE43F1B08D113973FC506C Common femoral artery 10070 10070 10070 superficial femoral artery 181349008 S10070 Superficial femoral artery (body structure) E10070 P10070 Y P arterial system E006E3B84A0C423EBB53A0196D0F827F Superficial femoral artery 10071 10071 10071 tibial artery 181351007 S10071 Tibial artery (body structure) E10071 P10071 Y P arterial system 6DB76A023D0146E39771522A2A84880B Tibial artery 10072 10072 10072 digital artery of toe 181363002 S10072 Digital artery of toe (body structure) E10072 P10072 Y P arterial system 9C58C6A0FFE042CF83B05B2C7C91EC15 Digital artery of toe 10073 10073 10073 spinal vein 56296005 S10073 Spinal veins (body structure) E10073 181376008 Spinal vein (body structure) P10073 Y P venous system B87CE8CA3BB348609DA114FB2F7814FD 797B315DB46A4888A42A6467CA14E2DB Spinal veins Spinal vein (body structure) 10074 10074 10074 jugular body 181381004 S10074 Jugular body (body structure) E10074 P10074 Y 50848 P endocrine system 6A79F84CAEC847D2B854287B53762BBB Jugular body 10075 10075 10075 vascular body 181383001 S10075 Vascular body (body structure) E10075 P10075 - P cardiovascular system 3642EA327460434DAC508A42E0E1A234 Vascular body 10076 10076 10076 plantar vein of foot 181408007 S10076 Plantar vein of foot (body structure) E10076 P10076 Y P cardiovascular system C10E531AE64041189CA51E6E14ED3CC5 Plantar vein of foot 10078 10078 10078 outlet of bladder 181423002 S10078 Outlet of bladder (body structure) E10078 P10078 - P urinary system 07776D89F15D49A0BFA2CECBEB47CF17 Outlet of bladder 10079 10079 10079 temporal region of scalp 700034007 S10079 Structure of temporal region of scalp (body structure) E10079 181471002 Temporal region of scalp (body structure) P10079 Y 224019 P regional/topgraphical 45EF6799F56F4547927A01C10CB29EFA Temporal region of scalp (body structure) 10080 10080 10080 vertex region of scalp 700035008 S10080 Structure of vertex region of scalp (body structure) E10080 181485007 Vertical region of scalp (body structure) P10080 - P regional/topgraphical 2B922EFC266C48A9A53EEC1D9C636042 Vertical region of scalp (body structure) 10081 10081 10081 occipital region of scalp 700032006 S10081 Structure of occipital region of scalp (body structure) E10081 181486008 Occipital region of scalp (body structure) P10081 - 24773 P nervous system C4B5B67EF0324157BEE7B268EC63CC51 Occipital region of scalp (body structure) 10082 10082 10082 nail bed of index finger 181586005 S10082 Nail bed of index finger (body structure) E10082 P10082 Y 60355 P integumentary system 4F28D9CA07A44FDD9C376F7E846B69DB Nail bed of index finger 10083 10083 10083 nail bed of middle finger 181587001 S10083 Nail bed of middle finger (body structure) E10083 P10083 Y 60356 P integumentary system EC50EDF0B5D645A49FD6A367367B39D0 Nail bed of middle finger 10084 10084 10084 nail bed of ring finger 181588006 S10084 Nail bed of ring finger (body structure) E10084 P10084 Y 60357 P integumentary system D3DBE0567B6A4D2A9831FC3F93B85E83 Nail bed of ring finger 10085 10085 10085 nail bed of little finger 181589003 S10085 Nail bed of little finger (body structure) E10085 P10085 Y 60358 P integumentary system FB32D8CD705243F590D934568351E813 Nail bed of little finger 10086 10086 10086 nail bed of thumb 181590007 S10086 Nail bed of thumb (body structure) E10086 P10086 Y 60354 P integumentary system 992BD1665B3044C58D4FC83B916AE11D Nail bed of thumb 10087 10087 10087 nail bed of great toe 181598000 S10087 Nail bed of great toe (body structure) E10087 P10087 Y 60610 P integumentary system 7C36616513804398B0838E3CD75A8809 Nail bed of great toe 10088 10088 10088 nail bed of second toe 181599008 S10088 Nail bed of second toe (body structure) E10088 P10088 Y 60611 P integumentary system C97AAB6983674B8B9CEA3759A6EBA68C Nail bed of second toe 10089 10089 10089 nail bed of third toe 181600006 S10089 Nail bed of third toe (body structure) E10089 P10089 Y 60612 P integumentary system 2A4998D5FD234A2D84583208488F702E Nail bed of third toe 10090 10090 10090 nail bed of fourth toe 181601005 S10090 Nail bed of fourth toe (body structure) E10090 P10090 Y 60613 P integumentary system E6F9C3A842C746CEAF86FC03E186A575 Nail bed of fourth toe 10091 10091 10091 nail bed of fifth toe 181602003 S10091 Nail bed of fifth toe (body structure) E10091 P10091 Y P integumentary system 43C7DB164594429090E07CBC39E8FE26 Nail bed of fifth toe 10092 10092 10092 tendon of peroneus tertius 181720003 S10092 Tendon of peroneus tertius (body structure) E10092 P10092 Y 47095 P skeletal system 35B8404A86BF4D5985386BBD67B11D9C Tendon of peroneus tertius 10093 10093 10093 tendon of peroneus brevis 181722006 S10093 Tendon of peroneus brevis (body structure) E10093 P10093 Y 47125 P skeletal system A7A14D2B86FF421FBF95BD5D8114109A Tendon of peroneus brevis 10094 10094 10094 flexor digitorum brevis 181724007 S10094 Flexor digitorum brevis (body structure) E10094 79490000 Flexor digitorum brevis muscle of foot (body structure) P10094 Y 37450 P musculoskeletal system 5A3BDC711D944F74B873E0EAA4D4CF98 18912AE37DD542238B3A8BD92DBB705F Flexor digitorum brevis Flexor digitorum brevis muscle of foot (body structure) 10095 10095 10095 flexor digitorum accessorius 181725008 S10095 Flexor digitorum accessorius (body structure) E10095 P10095 Y 37452 P musculoskeletal system EBF84FFB5DDD47BF95BB3E71E07A65F8 Flexor digitorum accessorius 10096 10096 10096 erector spinae in neck S10096 E10096 181745000 Erector spinae in neck (body structure) P10096 Y P musculoskeletal system 66E05CAA14654D328EFFF26EEC944A49 Erector spinae in neck (body structure) 10097 10097 10097 erector spinae in thorax S10097 E10097 181750006 Erector spinae in thorax (body structure) P10097 Y P musculoskeletal system 39A330B88FD74795929444BCB25EAAF6 Erector spinae in thorax (body structure) 10098 10098 10098 erector spinae in lumbosacral region S10098 E10098 181752003 Erector spinae in lumbosacral region (body structure) P10098 Y P musculoskeletal system B4FA208A91ED471382E2C398B3636A03 Erector spinae in lumbosacral region (body structure) 10099 10099 10099 para-aortic abdominal lymph node 181761003 S10099 Para-aortic node (body structure) E10099 P10099 - P lymphoreticular system 166C1295AC974492B6346AD87E5337B3 Para-aortic node 10101 10101 10101 fascia of cervical spine 181773003 S10101 Fascia of cervical spine (body structure) E10101 P10101 - P musculoskeletal system FA79FAC7583149BDAA8623AD32784076 Fascia of cervical spine 10102 10102 10102 fascia of thoracic spine 181774009 S10102 Fascia of thoracic spine (body structure) E10102 P10102 - P musculoskeletal system 8D2E20AFC6314641B21009F72B1F099A Fascia of thoracic spine 10103 10103 10103 fascia of lumbar spine 181775005 S10103 Fascia of lumbar spine (body structure) E10103 P10103 - P musculoskeletal system B66EE31F3A5E44ED9CC9CB67AA837B4B Fascia of lumbar spine 10104 10104 10104 fascia of shoulder girdle 181776006 S10104 Fascia of shoulder girdle (body structure) E10104 P10104 Y P musculoskeletal system AEF6A3F243354AFF96ADE55ADAA2480C Fascia of shoulder girdle 10105 10105 10105 fascia of upper arm 181777002 S10105 Fascia of upper arm (body structure) E10105 P10105 Y 37780 P musculoskeletal system 5591B7609D1446118A29D619546C8156 Fascia of upper arm 10106 10106 10106 fascia of forearm extensor compartment 181778007 S10106 Fascia of forearm extensor compartment (body structure) E10106 P10106 Y P musculoskeletal system 0949195078F3448298283919E67DBFDD Fascia of forearm extensor compartment 10107 10107 10107 fascia of forearm flexor compartment 181779004 S10107 Fascia of forearm flexor compartment (body structure) E10107 P10107 Y P musculoskeletal system 4462E64AE0B84384BD287DE24728552E Fascia of forearm flexor compartment 10108 10108 10108 fascia of hand 181780001 S10108 Fascia of hand (body structure) E10108 P10108 Y 42430 P musculoskeletal system 0A36E5C90D2D4A8BB7AA79E18937D64A Fascia of hand 10109 10109 10109 fascia of buttock 181781002 S10109 Fascia of buttock (body structure) E10109 P10109 Y 58771 P musculoskeletal system C223820681C24F8B8FF7B14CE195BB71 Fascia of buttock 10110 10110 10110 fascia of thigh 181782009 S10110 Fascia of thigh (body structure) E10110 P10110 Y 45001 P musculoskeletal system 61AFE3AD20464DB4A043BCFC7F94987A Fascia of thigh 10111 10111 10111 fascia of leg superficial posterior compartment 181783004 S10111 Fascia of leg superficial posterior compartment (body structure) E10111 P10111 Y P musculoskeletal system 5C2BC1871A52419687B55A3CFF41068B Fascia of leg superficial posterior compartment 10112 10112 10112 fascia of leg deep posterior compartment 181784005 S10112 Fascia of leg deep posterior compartment (body structure) E10112 P10112 Y P musculoskeletal system 1F58639B35D1461A9AA44DA0BC00424B Fascia of leg deep posterior compartment 10113 10113 10113 fascia of leg anterior compartment 181785006 S10113 Fascia of leg anterior compartment (body structure) E10113 P10113 Y P musculoskeletal system 3E045878F7DE424D8419DA98505F18DF Fascia of leg anterior compartment 10114 10114 10114 fascia of leg peroneal compartment 181786007 S10114 Fascia of leg peroneal compartment (body structure) E10114 P10114 Y P musculoskeletal system D24A4EEE6FEB485C854F66F9AB5B4EF3 Fascia of leg peroneal compartment 10115 10115 10115 fascia of leg four compartments 181787003 S10115 Fascia of leg four compartments (body structure) E10115 P10115 Y P musculoskeletal system 7DE29C348E734B8DA3A9F9D064F86B4C Fascia of leg four compartments 10116 10116 10116 fascia of foot 181788008 S10116 Fascia of foot (body structure) E10116 450725009 fd71c94a-e0bb-49e4-9d8a-e65dcff1c878 Entire fascia of foot (body structure) P10116 Y 45166 P musculoskeletal system 33AF3DE6ED0C40FF8950A8165475C60F Fascia of foot Entire fascia of foot (body structure) 10117 10117 10117 skull and spine and bones and joints 181791008 S10117 Skull and/or spine and/or bones and/or joints (body structure) E10117 P10117 - P musculoskeletal system D645D41807694530AE822BB6D3CC0679 Skull and/or spine and/or bones and/or joints 10118 10118 10118 nasoethmoid complex of bones S10118 E10118 181800009 Nasoethmoid complex of bones (body structure) P10118 - P skeletal system CFAFA167FE6D490D8A93A219EF38D7B8 Nasoethmoid complex of bones (body structure) 10119 10119 10119 zygomatic complex of bones S10119 E10119 181802001 Zygomatic complex of bones (body structure) P10119 Y P skeletal system 7E7D1D595F414FD49C07F2EE51D51412 Zygomatic complex of bones (body structure) 10120 10120 10120 orbital complex of bones - roof 181803006 S10120 Orbital complex of bones - roof (body structure) E10120 P10120 Y P skeletal system 02113064A16F4B9CB4CEFB067C280A04 Orbital complex of bones - roof 10121 10121 10121 orbital complex of bones - medial wall 181804000 S10121 Orbital complex of bones - medial wall (body structure) E10121 P10121 Y P skeletal system 9718EF066FC845FAB70D6F33F621470B Orbital complex of bones - medial wall 10122 10122 10122 orbital complex of bones - lateral wall 181805004 S10122 Orbital complex of bones - lateral wall (body structure) E10122 P10122 Y P skeletal system 9E9E87CCDFB94994839D3F28965472AA Orbital complex of bones - lateral wall 10123 10123 10123 orbital complex of bones - floor 181807007 S10123 Orbital complex of bones - floor (body structure) E10123 P10123 Y P skeletal system E93F23BA919B46C9A72F02FC6B8D0053 Orbital complex of bones - floor 10124 10124 10124 orbital complex of bones - apex 181808002 S10124 Orbital complex of bones - apex (body structure) E10124 P10124 Y P skeletal system 415A7ECEE37D460CB535520AE282CCB0 Orbital complex of bones - apex 10125 10125 10125 joint between bodies of L5 and S1 S10125 E10125 181858009 Joint between bodies of L5 and S1 (body structure) P10125 - P skeletal system 0B4EE7574F5241DE8F391CB4801286FB Joint between bodies of L5 and S1 (body structure) 10126 10126 10126 T12/L1 facet joint 181879009 S10126 T12/L1 facet joint (body structure) E10126 P10126 Y 27573 P skeletal system 326E7D81E84041EFB4F45B10145F44BC T12/L1 facet joint 10127 10127 10127 transverse process of atlas 181895009 S10127 Transverse process of atlas (body structure) E10127 P10127 Y 23981 P skeletal system 0455E76EFD4F4A26BDAC79B869716427 Transverse process of atlas 10128 10128 10128 superior articular facet of axis 181900008 S10128 Superior articular facet of axis (body structure) E10128 P10128 Y 24084 P skeletal system 3CA4431E87B24169933943013B49EDD7 Superior articular facet of axis 10129 10129 10129 inferior articular facet of axis 181901007 S10129 Inferior articular facet of axis (body structure) E10129 P10129 Y P skeletal system 75373B3594D5461A938B52F39E199E2B Inferior articular facet of axis 10130 10130 10130 lamina of axis 181902000 S10130 Lamina of axis (body structure) E10130 P10130 Y 24056 P skeletal system 8E993210711F4350A3AD8E65E91CACFD Lamina of axis 10131 10131 10131 spinous process of axis 181904004 S10131 Spinous process of axis (body structure) E10131 P10131 - 24059 P skeletal system F8D850DCB4BA45E781D07080DD115D6C Spinous process of axis 10132 10132 10132 blade of scapula 181917001 S10132 Blade of scapula (body structure) E10132 P10132 Y P skeletal system 0EE3E17F6A384313921E42B6AE9CC95C Blade of scapula 10133 10133 10133 tuberosity of humerus 181925004 S10133 Tuberosity of humerus (body structure) E10133 P10133 Y 0 P skeletal system D0DA51546CD143A8BC3FE59F6F97F7EC Tuberosity of humerus 10134 10134 10134 neck of humerus 181926003 S10134 Neck of humerus (body structure) E10134 P10134 Y 0 P skeletal system 0D58E0B84504456D9E6C77A64674FAAB Neck of humerus 10135 10135 10135 anatomical neck humerus 181936006 S10135 Anatomical neck humerus (body structure) E10135 P10135 Y 23356 P skeletal system 0C096681573E47BF91D79E0E70DC4D7D Anatomical neck humerus 10136 10136 10136 shafts of radius and ulna in combination 181957003 S10136 Shafts of radius and/or ulna in combination (body structure) E10136 P10136 Y P musculoskeletal system 86535688FAFC447B9EE354F7AE84C772 Shafts of radius and/or ulna in combination 10137 10137 10137 proximal pole of scaphoid 181961009 S10137 Proximal pole of scaphoid (body structure) E10137 P10137 Y P skeletal system 5343718DFEB84BF79843F324FFF54A82 Proximal pole of scaphoid 10138 10138 10138 sesamoid of wrist 181969006 S10138 Sesamoid of wrist (body structure) E10138 P10138 Y P skeletal system D32BC48E6262437285878F7259787A81 Sesamoid of wrist 10139 10139 10139 neck of first metacarpal 181980006 S10139 Neck of first metacarpal (body structure) E10139 P10139 Y P musculoskeletal system FB8339B6DFE345F0A0E49B53D1719891 Neck of first metacarpal 10140 10140 10140 base of proximal phalanx of finger 181987009 S10140 Base of proximal phalanx of finger (body structure) E10140 P10140 Y P musculoskeletal system 397DD8A74C8647BFA8A1C50C679FCC16 Base of proximal phalanx of finger 10141 10141 10141 shaft of proximal phalanx of finger 181988004 S10141 Shaft of proximal phalanx of finger (body structure) E10141 P10141 Y P musculoskeletal system D32346B45F3D4CACAA9610FF642C8AA5 Shaft of proximal phalanx of finger 10142 10142 10142 neck of proximal phalanx of finger 181990003 S10142 Neck of proximal phalanx of finger (body structure) E10142 P10142 Y P musculoskeletal system F0DE588A54B54CE9BAEB127F68463B9E Neck of proximal phalanx of finger 10143 10143 10143 head of proximal phalanx of finger 181991004 S10143 Head of proximal phalanx of finger (body structure) E10143 P10143 Y P musculoskeletal system 476EC97948A64A00AC38304D0254B0E3 Head of proximal phalanx of finger 10144 10144 10144 base of proximal phalanx of thumb 181993001 S10144 Base of proximal phalanx of thumb (body structure) E10144 P10144 Y 37490 P musculoskeletal system D2336743D8F1423CAB88EC34ACF21CD8 Base of proximal phalanx of thumb 10145 10145 10145 neck of proximal phalanx of thumb 181995008 S10145 Neck of proximal phalanx of thumb (body structure) E10145 P10145 Y P musculoskeletal system FCC4FC35D0A347188A8062FD519DBF3B Neck of proximal phalanx of thumb 10146 10146 10146 head of proximal phalanx of thumb 181996009 S10146 Head of proximal phalanx of thumb (body structure) E10146 P10146 Y 37606 P musculoskeletal system BBCFF945334647A982B40D371DC1134C Head of proximal phalanx of thumb 10147 10147 10147 base of middle phalanx of finger 181997000 S10147 Base of middle phalanx of finger (body structure) E10147 P10147 Y P musculoskeletal system CA183D80C9344255BC08D3CCD0D1EC72 Base of middle phalanx of finger 10148 10148 10148 shaft of middle phalanx of finger 181998005 S10148 Shaft of middle phalanx of finger (body structure) E10148 P10148 Y P musculoskeletal system 5774249F05DD4C51AB98D4B4D04F057A Shaft of middle phalanx of finger 10149 10149 10149 neck of middle phalanx of finger 181999002 S10149 Neck of middle phalanx of finger (body structure) E10149 P10149 Y P musculoskeletal system E6CE07DC866B480CB875BB1BDD07B448 Neck of middle phalanx of finger 10150 10150 10150 head of middle phalanx of finger 182000008 S10150 Head of middle phalanx of finger (body structure) E10150 P10150 Y P musculoskeletal system 89538AAD88064A84B790EE95117429DC Head of middle phalanx of finger 10151 10151 10151 base of distal phalanx of finger 182002000 S10151 Base of distal phalanx of finger (body structure) E10151 P10151 Y P musculoskeletal system CB9747169C674C079277DB675FEA51AE Base of distal phalanx of finger 10152 10152 10152 shaft of distal phalanx of finger 182004004 S10152 Shaft of distal phalanx of finger (body structure) E10152 P10152 Y P musculoskeletal system C63859515EE04425AD424F2DE2EC956E Shaft of distal phalanx of finger 10153 10153 10153 neck of distal phalanx of finger 182005003 S10153 Neck of distal phalanx of finger (body structure) E10153 P10153 Y P musculoskeletal system 26DB6C264774458D91C4092AA50CF8F6 Neck of distal phalanx of finger 10154 10154 10154 head of distal phalanx of finger 182006002 S10154 Head of distal phalanx of finger (body structure) E10154 P10154 Y P musculoskeletal system E43B066F9CBD4981A95F4523DEFDD46B Head of distal phalanx of finger 10155 10155 10155 base of distal phalanx of thumb 182008001 S10155 Base of distal phalanx of thumb (body structure) E10155 P10155 Y 37493 P musculoskeletal system FEEEE91A9F92430F91730418697AAC1B Base of distal phalanx of thumb 10156 10156 10156 neck of distal phalanx of thumb 182010004 S10156 Neck of distal phalanx of thumb (body structure) E10156 P10156 Y P musculoskeletal system E219C74AE65B489B9210A8E761AE5A56 Neck of distal phalanx of thumb 10157 10157 10157 head of distal phalanx of thumb 182011000 S10157 Head of distal phalanx of thumb (body structure) E10157 P10157 Y 37609 P musculoskeletal system 842320B1468C4252B18E1F5F39A2A2BD Head of distal phalanx of thumb 10158 10158 10158 ramus of pubis 182026003 S10158 Ramus of pubis (body structure) E10158 P10158 Y P skeletal system 5471A71CB00F4D73AA1270FF0E51330C Ramus of pubis 10159 10159 10159 trochanter of femur 182047004 S10159 Trochanter of femur (body structure) E10159 P10159 Y P skeletal system 0068C1E3ADA34137A099205FFCA7063B Trochanter of femur 10160 10160 10160 intercondylar notch of femur 182058008 S10160 Intercondylar notch of femur (body structure) E10160 P10160 Y P skeletal system FC321DB4B391470B9DF15E59C5BFB601 Intercondylar notch of femur 10161 10161 10161 intercondylar crest of tibia 182068003 S10161 Intercondylar crest of tibia (body structure) E10161 P10161 Y P skeletal system 1E2B16AE2C6F4E83976A9B57EF21B293 Intercondylar crest of tibia 10162 10162 10162 supramalleolar region of tibia 182073009 S10162 Supramalleolar region of tibia (body structure) E10162 P10162 Y P skeletal system F21CB79E43AB426AA499E3E896BEB3F8 Supramalleolar region of tibia 10163 10163 10163 posterior malleolus 182075002 S10163 Posterior malleolus (body structure) E10163 P10163 Y P skeletal system F5409BE49EBA483F98BDD0FA2CD5D654 Posterior malleolus 10164 10164 10164 shafts of tibia and fibula in combination 182079008 S10164 Shafts of tibia and/or fibula in combination (body structure) E10164 P10164 Y P skeletal system 08D4FA5C5D2745DBA6773A3268DBE0E7 Shafts of tibia and/or fibula in combination 10165 10165 10165 medial border of patella 182085001 S10165 Medial border of patella (body structure) E10165 P10165 Y 43655 P musculoskeletal system 0F013D4E7C484AAEAF210CAA801C274C Medial border of patella 10166 10166 10166 lateral border of patella 182086000 S10166 Lateral border of patella (body structure) E10166 P10166 Y 43656 P musculoskeletal system 49AC86D2CA0E455290FEA9497403DDF6 Lateral border of patella 10167 10167 10167 neck of fibula 182091004 S10167 Neck of fibula (body structure) E10167 P10167 Y 35508 P skeletal system 9C9CA323775745E1AF825F040B841D67 Neck of fibula 10168 10168 10168 medial tubercle of calcaneus 182109006 S10168 Medial tubercle of calcaneum (body structure) E10168 P10168 Y P skeletal system D5C700BC90844FB493E58D4CD813226C Medial tubercle of calcaneum 10169 10169 10169 lateral tubercle of calcaneus 182110001 S10169 Lateral tubercle of calcaneum (body structure) E10169 P10169 Y P skeletal system 46572ED0ACA44938B0D58B946475D938 Lateral tubercle of calcaneum 10170 10170 10170 neck of first metatarsal S10170 E10170 182126000 Neck of first metatarsal (body structure) P10170 Y P skeletal system 0013DD1EF43B453FA1488A2A32E8FE49 Neck of first metatarsal (body structure) 10171 10171 10171 neck of second metatarsal S10171 E10171 182132005 Neck of second metatarsal (body structure) P10171 Y P skeletal system FF0681EF25D34BF0B143F899BC18244C Neck of second metatarsal (body structure) 10172 10172 10172 neck of third metatarsal S10172 E10172 182137004 Neck of third metatarsal (body structure) P10172 Y P skeletal system 95C4BA809EE6436A843031878F3F41BD Neck of third metatarsal (body structure) 10173 10173 10173 neck of fourth metatarsal S10173 E10173 182142007 Neck of fourth metatarsal (body structure) P10173 Y P skeletal system 3920A317846E4CB09C76424192949C03 Neck of fourth metatarsal (body structure) 10174 10174 10174 neck of fifth metatarsal S10174 E10174 182147001 Neck of fifth metatarsal (body structure) P10174 Y P skeletal system 9DF63085D0DD4436919F37B80B98FD38 Neck of fifth metatarsal (body structure) 10175 10175 10175 accessory ossicle of foot S10175 E10175 182161006 Accessory ossicle of foot (body structure) P10175 Y P musculoskeletal system 12B3D46EF7F64E66B7076D4248F0A2DA Accessory ossicle of foot (body structure) 10176 10176 10176 carpometacarpal joint of finger 182177007 S10176 Carpometacarpal joint of finger (body structure) E10176 P10176 Y P musculoskeletal system 2BBA7D28579B418E8E8066999A80B3C8 Carpometacarpal joint of finger 10177 10177 10177 scapholunate joint S10177 E10177 182179005 Scapholunate joint (body structure) P10177 Y P musculoskeletal system 0D68E77A95F14728AB410931C90F6325 Scapholunate joint (body structure) 10178 10178 10178 scaphotrapezium-trapezoid joint S10178 E10178 182180008 Scaphotrapezium-trapezoid joint (body structure) P10178 Y P musculoskeletal system 15AE07E7B71B46848111C62528A3862D Scaphotrapezium-trapezoid joint (body structure) 10179 10179 10179 scaphotriquetral joint S10179 E10179 182181007 Scaphotriquetral joint (body structure) P10179 Y P musculoskeletal system F3BCD8F5F2AD47DEB28D085DAA535306 Scaphotriquetral joint (body structure) 10180 10180 10180 carpometacarpal joint of index finger 182183005 S10180 Carpometacarpal joint of index finger (body structure) E10180 P10180 Y P musculoskeletal system CCE4F4290A2F4440BC40CF7AD3C05F23 Carpometacarpal joint of index finger 10181 10181 10181 carpometacarpal joint of middle finger 182184004 S10181 Carpometacarpal joint of middle finger (body structure) E10181 P10181 Y P musculoskeletal system 75FE242B19424A34AF78A29D2CFC2BFA Carpometacarpal joint of middle finger 10182 10182 10182 carpometacarpal joint of ring finger 182185003 S10182 Carpometacarpal joint of ring finger (body structure) E10182 P10182 Y P musculoskeletal system E1FDD2426C2F4398AA0FBC0A6BECACC9 Carpometacarpal joint of ring finger 10183 10183 10183 carpometacarpal joint of little finger 182186002 S10183 Carpometacarpal joint of little finger (body structure) E10183 P10183 Y P musculoskeletal system 2AB88CAA97D448D88019A362FE8B366D Carpometacarpal joint of little finger 10184 10184 10184 posterior facet of subtalar joint 182214001 S10184 Posterior facet of subtalar joint (body structure) E10184 P10184 Y P musculoskeletal system 5F67230F5A43437AAF7777C13B653BF8 Posterior facet of subtalar joint 10185 10185 10185 middle facet of subtalar joint 182215000 S10185 Middle facet of subtalar joint (body structure) E10185 P10185 Y P musculoskeletal system A469EFE1EBFE4BE38C8089F4FB839CC7 Middle facet of subtalar joint 10186 10186 10186 anterior facet of subtalar joint 182216004 S10186 Anterior facet of subtalar joint (body structure) E10186 P10186 Y P musculoskeletal system 7F46F66D569E4FEBA31A015CA423C717 Anterior facet of subtalar joint 10187 10187 10187 first tarsometatarsal joint 182226006 S10187 First tarsometatarsal joint (body structure) E10187 P10187 Y 44357 P musculoskeletal system 33B5ED27B1DB471FB427386B7B2E128F First tarsometatarsal joint 10188 10188 10188 second tarsometatarsal joint 182228007 S10188 Second tarsometatarsal joint (body structure) E10188 P10188 Y 44358 P musculoskeletal system AF8ACAF422824ED999853AFE6B407E86 Second tarsometatarsal joint 10189 10189 10189 third tarsometatarsal joint 182229004 S10189 Third tarsometatarsal joint (body structure) E10189 P10189 Y 44360 P musculoskeletal system ABFFAA91E4804BC595B6BA7E523AAC7F Third tarsometatarsal joint 10190 10190 10190 fourth tarsometatarsal joint 182230009 S10190 Fourth tarsometatarsal joint (body structure) E10190 P10190 Y 44361 P musculoskeletal system CF22D0A713EE491AA75BFBAC992B5908 Fourth tarsometatarsal joint 10191 10191 10191 fifth tarsometatarsal joint 182231008 S10191 Fifth tarsometatarsal joint (body structure) E10191 P10191 Y 44362 P musculoskeletal system A7CE9CDBE68D4FDC8D3F4904430177B2 Fifth tarsometatarsal joint 10192 10192 10192 flexor surface of wrist region 182261000 S10192 Flexor aspect of wrist (body structure) E10192 P10192 Y D integument/surface E8670EFBC40648CD9457797AFC8B790E Flexor aspect of wrist 10193 10193 10193 dorsal surface of wrist region 182262007 S10193 Dorsal aspect of wrist (body structure) E10193 P10193 Y D integument/surface DADB11F9EC784230BA5001F64C4E42A0 Dorsal aspect of wrist 10194 10194 10194 tip of index finger S10194 E10194 182266005 Tip of index finger (body structure) P10194 Y P regional/topgraphical B3C97F9EC7544897A33EEC83077E38E7 Tip of index finger (body structure) 10195 10195 10195 tip of middle finger S10195 E10195 182269003 Tip of middle finger (body structure) P10195 Y P regional/topgraphical 067F41F2D207402FA99DF561A9302281 Tip of middle finger (body structure) 10196 10196 10196 tip of ring finger S10196 E10196 182272005 Tip of ring finger (body structure) P10196 Y P regional/topgraphical B1F9F1274B52432CB5A7A61B3B2CB18D Tip of ring finger (body structure) 10197 10197 10197 tip of little finger S10197 E10197 182275007 Tip of little finger (body structure) P10197 Y P regional/topgraphical BF46A0198C0749299E578D63D2232B02 Tip of little finger (body structure) 10198 10198 10198 tip of thumb S10198 E10198 182277004 Tip of thumb (body structure) P10198 Y P regional/topgraphical 4D584090E6F94F3686B769DE2CDCC5AD Tip of thumb (body structure) 10199 10199 10199 distinctive form of cell envelope 18228006 S10199 Distinctive form of cell envelope (body structure) E10199 P10199 - P 5B23E32B11864F0790DA1FF0ACBFF5F9 Distinctive form of cell envelope 10204 10204 10204 anterior surface of knee region S10204 E10204 182295001 Anterior aspect of knee (body structure) P10204 Y D integument/surface 6F751F0A1EDF459BB7903D0BA74F8CDE Anterior aspect of knee (body structure) 10205 10205 10205 medial surface of knee region S10205 E10205 182296000 Medial aspect of knee (body structure) P10205 Y D integument/surface 24D825AC7F0B40FDB9269FD3426E3858 Medial aspect of knee (body structure) 10206 10206 10206 lateral surface of knee region S10206 E10206 182297009 Lateral aspect of knee (body structure) P10206 Y D integument/surface 1D19D2970EBF401299A3AA890BA560F0 Lateral aspect of knee (body structure) 10210 10210 10210 anterior surface of ankle region S10210 E10210 182302007 Anterior aspect of ankle (body structure) P10210 Y D integument/surface D09C85B0AC0F474BB73A15EE90FF4F05 Anterior aspect of ankle (body structure) 10211 10211 10211 posterior surface of ankle region S10211 E10211 182303002 Posterior aspect of ankle (body structure) P10211 Y D integument/surface B3097B9839C340B294A8E63930D164A2 Posterior aspect of ankle (body structure) 10212 10212 10212 medial surface of ankle region S10212 E10212 182304008 Medial aspect of ankle (body structure) P10212 Y D integument/surface 9CDDC51ECF7A48ECAD57B09CDF94CBD4 Medial aspect of ankle (body structure) 10213 10213 10213 lateral surface of ankle region S10213 E10213 182305009 Lateral aspect of ankle (body structure) P10213 Y D integument/surface 9E00E7B4DA874E7E8D1422F1448F96EB Lateral aspect of ankle (body structure) 10214 10214 10214 medial side of foot S10214 E10214 182306005 Medial side of foot (body structure) P10214 Y P regional/topgraphical F52F03C44E2B4DB19C1CD704B3754170 Medial side of foot (body structure) 10215 10215 10215 lateral side of foot S10215 E10215 182307001 Lateral side of foot (body structure) P10215 Y P regional/topgraphical 8CDD5B95A4F6472FA9C951C1C348A31D Lateral side of foot (body structure) 10216 10216 10216 crown of head S10216 E10216 182321004 Crown of head (body structure) P10216 - P regional/topgraphical 86D326A3D97A44BEAA0EFD2E5504A880 Crown of head (body structure) 10217 10217 10217 surface of nose region S10217 E10217 182324007 Nose (surface region) (body structure) P10217 - D integument/surface 85CA1A41C43246F7B2FD8E36026E2DBE Nose (surface region) (body structure) 10220 10220 10220 surface of side of neck S10220 E10220 182328005 Side of neck (surface region) (body structure) P10220 Y D integument/surface DFBBC263859D4161ADCCCEA3DB5A6D65 Side of neck (surface region) (body structure) 10221 10221 10221 anterior triangle of neck S10221 E10221 182329002 Anterior triangle of neck (body structure) P10221 Y 57777 P 7CAE4A46D2DF43E69D17C5A9AB576EAF Anterior triangle of neck (body structure) 10222 10222 10222 posterior triangle of neck S10222 E10222 182330007 Posterior triangle of neck (body structure) P10222 Y 57778 P 8ACE62683E5F43D3BE7FF467AB8A5A56 Posterior triangle of neck (body structure) 10223 10223 10223 surface of front of chest S10223 E10223 182331006 Front of chest (surface region) (body structure) P10223 - 24816 D integument/surface DCDF09A5E8B5411CA130676FF230ED47 Front of chest (surface region) (body structure) Subdivision of thorax which is anterior to the plane of the posterior boundary of the middle mediastinum. 10224 10224 10224 surface of side of chest S10224 E10224 182332004 Side of chest (surface region) (body structure) P10224 Y D integument/surface D6C06B93679F4D79B64E68872588EF1E Side of chest (surface region) (body structure) 10225 10225 10225 supraumbilical region S10225 E10225 182336001 Supraumbilical region (body structure) P10225 - P regional/topgraphical D702E57E000B41D8A311C482535500D4 Supraumbilical region (body structure) 10227 10227 10227 genital region S10227 E10227 182349006 Genital region (body structure) P10227 - P regional/topgraphical 2837109D608F418981889E579779C808 Genital region (body structure) 10228 10228 10228 ligament of spine in cervical region 182359007 S10228 Ligament of spine in cervical region (body structure) E10228 P10228 - P musculoskeletal system 1D223BD73FC34762BC0815B7C2075843 Ligament of spine in cervical region 10229 10229 10229 cervical region of anterior longitudinal ligament S10229 E10229 182363000 Cervical region of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P10229 - P musculoskeletal system AB6619609C754FFDBF366CAFAEB62F89 Cervical region of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 10230 10230 10230 cervical region of posterior longitudinal ligament S10230 E10230 182364006 Cervical region of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P10230 - P musculoskeletal system 29379BB142B34A0F8F903C3893EE0A01 Cervical region of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 10231 10231 10231 cervical ligamentum flavum 182365007 S10231 Cervical ligamentum flavum (body structure) E10231 P10231 Y 24951 P musculoskeletal system 9BE9405F5C494B4199DE69C962ED795C Cervical ligamentum flavum 10232 10232 10232 cervical intertransverse ligament 182366008 S10232 Cervical intertransverse ligament (body structure) E10232 P10232 Y 27276 P musculoskeletal system 11A844E3891A47A690809814CF254080 Cervical intertransverse ligament 10233 10233 10233 cervical interspinous ligament 182367004 S10233 Cervical interspinous ligament (body structure) E10233 P10233 - 25555 P musculoskeletal system 867C17F5FEFB45AF962E5DC724C11CB9 Cervical interspinous ligament 10234 10234 10234 thoracic region of anterior longitudinal ligament S10234 E10234 182371001 Thoracic region of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P10234 - P musculoskeletal system F5E67FDED1574956845CE5A7143D4145 Thoracic region of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 10235 10235 10235 thoracic region of posterior longitudinal ligament S10235 E10235 182372008 Thoracic region of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P10235 - P musculoskeletal system 41BCC170D04B4A9C8E948142A73A70EF Thoracic region of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 10236 10236 10236 thoracic ligamentum flavum S10236 E10236 182373003 Thoracic ligamentum flavum (body structure) P10236 Y 13681 P musculoskeletal system E26E79181B4C4127A3DB4ADC2B6110C9 Thoracic ligamentum flavum (body structure) 10237 10237 10237 thoracic intertransverse ligament S10237 E10237 182374009 Thoracic intertransverse ligament (body structure) P10237 Y 13720 P musculoskeletal system 964D4A213E604918893C82E309BD2A21 Thoracic intertransverse ligament (body structure) 10238 10238 10238 thoracic interspinous ligament S10238 E10238 182375005 Thoracic interspinous ligament (body structure) P10238 - 13694 P musculoskeletal system AD991650CAB04556B138596CF7BB8FA9 Thoracic interspinous ligament (body structure) 10239 10239 10239 thoracic part of supraspinous ligament S10239 E10239 182376006 Thoracic part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P10239 - 13707 P musculoskeletal system 1A47134F1C9A42CFBE5B518A947A6A75 Thoracic part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 10240 10240 10240 ligament of spine in lumbar region 182377002 S10240 Ligament of spine in lumbar region (body structure) E10240 P10240 - P musculoskeletal system EDD25976813E4925B602BE3D5B12DA64 Ligament of spine in lumbar region 10241 10241 10241 lumbar region of anterior longitudinal ligament S10241 E10241 182378007 Lumbar region of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P10241 - P musculoskeletal system 8441C4D706E54665BDC78CF91430DC8C Lumbar region of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 10242 10242 10242 lumbar region of posterior longitudinal ligament S10242 E10242 182379004 Lumbar region of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P10242 - P musculoskeletal system 1A5228736D074808B913BB82D61D1107 Lumbar region of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 10243 10243 10243 lumbar ligamentum flavum S10243 E10243 182380001 Lumbar ligamentum flavum (body structure) P10243 Y 13736 P musculoskeletal system 704D29498C3C4B06942493E7E4050090 Lumbar ligamentum flavum (body structure) 10244 10244 10244 lumbar intertransverse ligament S10244 E10244 182381002 Lumbar intertransverse ligament (body structure) P10244 Y 13733 P musculoskeletal system 8F1D64063CE341868B9DC28A6669DB2F Lumbar intertransverse ligament (body structure) 10245 10245 10245 lumbar interspinous ligament S10245 E10245 182382009 Lumbar interspinous ligament (body structure) P10245 - 13735 P musculoskeletal system E1BBA775997F40B6A72B506E567DF339 Lumbar interspinous ligament (body structure) 10246 10246 10246 lumbar part of supraspinous ligament S10246 E10246 182383004 Lumbar part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P10246 - 13734 P musculoskeletal system 692708E88068432BAC184EDAADF12A1A Lumbar part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 10247 10247 10247 ligament of shoulder and elbow 182385006 S10247 Ligament of shoulder and/or elbow (body structure) E10247 P10247 Y P musculoskeletal system 974501193FD94FA4BC0AA162C772EDAB Ligament of shoulder and/or elbow 10248 10248 10248 ligament of inferior radioulnar joint 182395004 S10248 Ligament of inferior radioulnar joint (body structure) E10248 P10248 Y P articular system 4FD4F0CC6CD34EF28B6FBC8CE0E113A8 Ligament of inferior radioulnar joint 10249 10249 10249 ligament of wrist and hand 182396003 S10249 Ligament of wrist and/or hand (body structure) E10249 P10249 Y P musculoskeletal system 3D0C325A972648A49CD36942618E9B2B Ligament of wrist and/or hand 10250 10250 10250 extrinsic wrist ligament 182397007 S10250 Extrinsic wrist ligament (body structure) E10250 P10250 Y P musculoskeletal system 358F134B5B014670BF1F964948A1B3D5 Extrinsic wrist ligament 10251 10251 10251 ulnar carpal complex ligament 182400003 S10251 Ulnar carpal complex ligament (body structure) E10251 P10251 Y P musculoskeletal system 09EE3797910B4279B154F5F8F4C8AE77 Ulnar carpal complex ligament 10252 10252 10252 radioscaphocapitate ligament 182402006 S10252 Radioscaphocapitate ligament (body structure) E10252 P10252 Y P musculoskeletal system 5E784F0DEF1840F2884017421E6E7E8C Radioscaphocapitate ligament 10253 10253 10253 radiolunate ligament 182403001 S10253 Radiolunate ligament (body structure) E10253 P10253 Y P musculoskeletal system DC01771F80AC4665A464755E98C4EAB2 Radiolunate ligament 10254 10254 10254 radioscapholunate ligament 182404007 S10254 Radioscapholunate ligament (body structure) E10254 P10254 Y P musculoskeletal system 2B9912A7F66C43368E11B70E106FD4C4 Radioscapholunate ligament 10255 10255 10255 wrist meniscus 182405008 S10255 Wrist meniscus (body structure) E10255 P10255 Y P articular system 67B58F8F58524BE09021E32FE38C3861 Wrist meniscus 10256 10256 10256 triangular fibrocartilage of wrist 91467004 S10256 Structure of articular disc of distal radioulnar joint (body structure) E10256 182406009 Triangular fibrocartilage (body structure) P10256 Y 39447 P articular system 9657CD46B2764E7AA9E2F3A27FE771CC CD8F9FD7454B41D1BF83C91BE01E254A articular disc of distal radioulnar joint Triangular fibrocartilage (body structure) 10257 10257 10257 ulnolunate ligament 182407000 S10257 Ulnolunate ligament (body structure) E10257 P10257 Y P musculoskeletal system BDF59A4013C54D5589AF586DCF718ABF Ulnolunate ligament 10258 10258 10258 intrinsic wrist ligament 182409002 S10258 Intrinsic wrist ligament (body structure) E10258 P10258 Y P musculoskeletal system 2DA9DD3E38DE493B82AD9693418CD708 Intrinsic wrist ligament 10259 10259 10259 scaphotrapezium ligament 182411006 S10259 Scaphotrapezium ligament (body structure) E10259 P10259 Y P musculoskeletal system 28E104D473DC48E9AD9BDDCA9283EF1C Scaphotrapezium ligament 10260 10260 10260 lunotriquetral ligament 182412004 S10260 Lunotriquetral ligament (body structure) E10260 P10260 Y P musculoskeletal system 52A5900B593349CA9E58EAE637BF0121 Lunotriquetral ligament 10261 10261 10261 scapholunate ligament 182413009 S10261 Scapholunate ligament (body structure) E10261 P10261 Y P musculoskeletal system A28E2A162B904B04BD39D854CBD91E67 Scapholunate ligament 10262 10262 10262 ligament of finger 182416001 S10262 Ligament of finger (body structure) E10262 P10262 Y P musculoskeletal system 5A7C45EF48D648CCBD74DDAED8777E55 Ligament of finger 10263 10263 10263 collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb 182417005 S10263 Collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) E10263 P10263 Y P musculoskeletal system A4271D707E0C47B2A7586419E4F7A78E Collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb 10264 10264 10264 collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of thumb 182418000 S10264 Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) E10264 P10264 Y P musculoskeletal system 0BF3771083B1468B96AA86A85A9DED5E Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of thumb 10265 10265 10265 collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger 182419008 S10265 Collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) E10265 P10265 Y P musculoskeletal system 566CDFA5D4DD40FBA16C2D5E43EBF6D1 Collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger 10266 10266 10266 collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger 182420002 S10266 Collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) E10266 P10266 Y P musculoskeletal system 8DCBB73B23834D509884EC1F8070E244 Collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger 10267 10267 10267 collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger 182421003 S10267 Collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) E10267 P10267 Y P musculoskeletal system 628EEF64CC664938B3F0144D84BF2312 Collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger 10268 10268 10268 collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger 182422005 S10268 Collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) E10268 P10268 Y P musculoskeletal system E114FE801A434EFA8A84C84C1B869626 Collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger 10269 10269 10269 collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger 182423000 S10269 Collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) E10269 P10269 Y P musculoskeletal system 66979E4E7AD54BDA8CFADAA802E27750 Collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger 10270 10270 10270 collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 182424006 S10270 Collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) E10270 P10270 Y P musculoskeletal system 2C4D60C4D1E34C35B2A0E99F5D5EE917 Collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 10271 10271 10271 collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 182425007 S10271 Collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) E10271 P10271 Y P musculoskeletal system 79A6EA3DB9F74430841B2F3B41EF9799 Collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 10272 10272 10272 collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger 182426008 S10272 Collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) E10272 P10272 Y P musculoskeletal system 6A7DE31D77EA4C7FA9793008CCF68320 Collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger 10273 10273 10273 collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of index finger 182427004 S10273 Collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) E10273 P10273 Y P musculoskeletal system 89F1590E68684411A0878321384D63F9 Collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of index finger 10274 10274 10274 collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 182428009 S10274 Collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) E10274 P10274 Y P musculoskeletal system 8875EBAB2EE14C6BA65292E43FFBBB97 Collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 10275 10275 10275 collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 182429001 S10275 Collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) E10275 P10275 Y P musculoskeletal system BEF6113E343D40AD9B7CA2BBC04F4807 Collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 10276 10276 10276 collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of little finger 182430006 S10276 Collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) E10276 P10276 Y P musculoskeletal system 2992D01D4D6F44D08905D70CF3A5ABDF Collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of little finger 10277 10277 10277 sacroiliac ligament 182432003 S10277 Sacroiliac ligament (body structure) E10277 P10277 Y 64020 P musculoskeletal system 2DB0E2B09EC24085A7A43BA0D55A23CE Sacroiliac ligament 10278 10278 10278 anterior horn of medial meniscus 182447007 S10278 Anterior horn of medial meniscus (body structure) E10278 P10278 Y 44624 P articular system 626FA3DEE8FE4322811C621CDDC02A40 Anterior horn of medial meniscus 10279 10279 10279 posterior horn of medial meniscus 182448002 S10279 Posterior horn of medial meniscus (body structure) E10279 P10279 Y 44625 P articular system B8AC0E8798E84226BF06F430E4B9EB6F Posterior horn of medial meniscus 10280 10280 10280 anterior horn of lateral meniscus 182450005 S10280 Anterior horn of lateral meniscus (body structure) E10280 P10280 Y 44638 P articular system 0A80EBF4AD934E69A22CBE2EFFD3CB09 Anterior horn of lateral meniscus 10281 10281 10281 posterior horn of lateral meniscus 182451009 S10281 Posterior horn of lateral meniscus (body structure) E10281 P10281 Y 44639 P articular system D1FD1ADF2B6C40A4B100025F307C6419 Posterior horn of lateral meniscus 10282 10282 10282 ligament of subtalar joint 182457008 S10282 Ligament of subtalar joint (body structure) E10282 P10282 Y 44286 P musculoskeletal system 7583DBEE40624F8FAFE6F5A9C9152BEC Ligament of subtalar joint 10283 10283 10283 ligamentum cervicis tali 182458003 S10283 Ligamentum cervicis tali (body structure) E10283 P10283 Y P musculoskeletal system 61D96B0F0E444C5C83D77BEDAFFEFD3F Ligamentum cervicis tali 10285 10285 10285 ligament of naviculo-cuneiform joint 182465006 S10285 Ligament of naviculo-cuneiform joint (body structure) E10285 P10285 Y P musculoskeletal system 9C95F2D487CA40289257864A259904F8 Ligament of naviculo-cuneiform joint 10286 10286 10286 collateral ligament of first metatarsophalangeal joint 182467003 S10286 Collateral ligament of first metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) E10286 P10286 Y P musculoskeletal system 965F6035BCD34BF59E275BF2790D576E Collateral ligament of first metatarsophalangeal joint 10287 10287 10287 collateral ligament of second metatarsophalangeal joint 182468008 S10287 Collateral ligament of second metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) E10287 P10287 Y P musculoskeletal system E810E9CFC1E04175B05BC84549B2FFC2 Collateral ligament of second metatarsophalangeal joint 10288 10288 10288 collateral ligament of third metatarsophalangeal joint 182469000 S10288 Collateral ligament of third metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) E10288 P10288 Y P musculoskeletal system 672187573BFF41019EACB802DBEDF746 Collateral ligament of third metatarsophalangeal joint 10289 10289 10289 collateral ligament of fourth metatarsophalangeal joint 182470004 S10289 Collateral ligament of fourth metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) E10289 P10289 Y P musculoskeletal system ACD144D4482548AD8C52894AEC442F8D Collateral ligament of fourth metatarsophalangeal joint 10290 10290 10290 collateral ligament of fifth metatarsophalangeal joint 182471000 S10290 Collateral ligament of fifth metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) E10290 P10290 Y P musculoskeletal system 20CC574124BF48D0ACD5847415A42D48 Collateral ligament of fifth metatarsophalangeal joint 10291 10291 10291 collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of great toe 182473002 S10291 Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of great toe (body structure) E10291 P10291 Y P musculoskeletal system BB95D0A16C464E73821145298EDFFEF4 Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of great toe 10292 10292 10292 collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of second toe 182474008 S10292 Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of second toe (body structure) E10292 P10292 Y P musculoskeletal system 3630EFF6A74F4DA1B4FFE4C06D5D3A56 Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of second toe 10293 10293 10293 collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of third toe 182475009 S10293 Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of third toe (body structure) E10293 P10293 Y P musculoskeletal system D6279D1036E54C7E9161B109B469CC95 Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of third toe 10294 10294 10294 collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of fourth toe 182476005 S10294 Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of fourth toe (body structure) E10294 P10294 Y P musculoskeletal system 82A9ECF6E53B4BDABEDA30B93924D0FE Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of fourth toe 10295 10295 10295 collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of fifth toe 182477001 S10295 Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of fifth toe (body structure) E10295 P10295 Y P musculoskeletal system 0722DA9744F94781AF86E2A417C2F18A Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of fifth toe 10296 10296 10296 ligament of jaw 182479003 S10296 Ligament of jaw (body structure) E10296 P10296 - P AFDE378423E84B539C7749AB85431946 Ligament of jaw 10297 10297 10297 ligament of rib 182480000 S10297 Ligament of rib (body structure) E10297 P10297 Y P musculoskeletal system BC81DB4BE72B4A6C8317DCAE8BCD55D8 Ligament of rib 10300 10300 10300 hemolymph node 18457007 S10300 Structure of hemolymph node (body structure) E10300 P10300 - P lymphoreticular system 4FCEE8804B96421B94925656FEBACB3A hemolymph node 10301 10301 10301 precentral fissure of cerebellum 18716004 S10301 Precentral fissure of cerebellum (body structure) E10301 P10301 Y 83731 P nervous system CAD844C1710A4C8AAFA35E32C032F575 Precentral fissure of cerebellum 10306 10306 10306 colonic crypt of Lieberkuhn 19447003 S10306 Colonic crypt of Lieberknhn (body structure) E10306 P10306 - 15664 P digestive system E0DC5B89EBD94AB88EFAC647BB479F82 Colonic crypt of Lieberkuhn 10307 10307 10307 pharyngeal submucosa 19594009 S10307 Pharyngeal submucosa (body structure) E10307 P10307 - 75144 P digestive system 8457CB4CBAEB46EABBC224D8FB8F20D0 Pharyngeal submucosa 10308 10308 10308 distomolar 196271004 S10308 Distomolar (body structure) E10308 P10308 Y P digestive system A9BC468C68524F5C986EC0C39FD98456 Distomolar 10309 10309 10309 paramolar 196272006 S10309 Paramolar (body structure) E10309 P10309 Y P digestive system 1766CA2D452E48E0A74177A7B2F37497 Paramolar 10314 10314 10314 anomalous pulmonary artery 198914002 S10314 Anomalous pulmonary artery (body structure) E10314 P10314 - P arterial system 660DA844E227488588CD3C85E6E13363 Anomalous pulmonary artery 10315 10315 10315 systemic collateral artery to lung 199016007 S10315 Systemic collateral artery to lung (body structure) E10315 P10315 Y P arterial system C37D524C55994FF3A80EC53326159836 Systemic collateral artery to lung 10316 10316 10316 anomalous pulmonary vein 199113001 S10316 Anomalous pulmonary vein (body structure) E10316 P10316 Y P respiratory system 684C9000CA194AB3A845299CF151F181 Anomalous pulmonary vein 10317 10317 10317 mucocutaneous junction of upper lip 20043004 S10317 Mucocutaneous junction of upper lip (body structure) E10317 P10317 - P digestive system 9E8ED07206CF4B42843504D353D5EFA5 Mucocutaneous junction of upper lip 10319 10319 10319 spinal cord ventral medial sulcus 2031008 S10319 Structure of anterior median fissure of spinal cord (body structure) E10319 P10319 - P nervous system BF6AE19EFE2042158CF236B5D6427123 anterior median fissure of spinal cord 10320 10320 10320 spinal cord ansae S10320 E10320 20353007 Spinal cord ansae (body structure) P10320 - P nervous system 18F5F50F9A1945FE95EA51DD346A6695 Spinal cord ansae (body structure) 10321 10321 10321 aberrant main renal artery 204485007 S10321 Aberrant main renal artery (body structure) E10321 P10321 Y P arterial system D9B1BE9375014E63935222AD1E7A13D9 Aberrant main renal artery 10322 10322 10322 accessory head of triceps brachii muscle 20626003 S10322 Accessory head of triceps brachii muscle (body structure) E10322 P10322 Y P muscular system D8F5D365F9C54FA69D8C5D5E6C1574FC Accessory head of triceps brachii muscle 10323 10323 10323 Pacchionian granulation 20682003 S10323 Pacchionian granulation (body structure) E10323 P10323 - 83978 P nervous system 73EF5FDCD4A44B998EADE8655732C527 Pacchionian granulation 10324 10324 10324 transverse ligament of atlas 20684002 S10324 Transverse ligament of atlas (body structure) E10324 P10324 - 24961 P skeletal system 3EA9474263404ADD9380F08DC5B3A459 Transverse ligament of atlas 10327 10327 10327 trabecular substance of bone 20870005 S10327 Trabecular substance of bone (body structure) E10327 P10327 - 24019 P skeletal system 40A6A291D45942C1802FD15FFB74BEE7 Trabecular substance of bone 10331 10331 10331 spinal cord posterior gray commissure 21169000 S10331 Spinal cord posterior gray commissure (body structure) E10331 P10331 - 77037 P nervous system D674DF5EEDB84B7EAA5988E70353AA20 Spinal cord posterior gray commissure 10339 10339 10339 zona glomerulosa of adrenal gland 21476003 S10339 Zona glomerulosa of adrenal gland (body structure) E10339 P10339 Y 69225 P endocrine system E0697DA3025C45F7949211D606C9A8D2 Zona glomerulosa of adrenal gland 10340 10340 10340 appendiceal crypt of Lieberkuhn 21512007 S10340 Appendiceal crypt of Lieberknhn (body structure) E10340 P10340 - P digestive system C2BB01392D404EE181FACF2A6D6E8848 Appendiceal crypt of Lieberkuhn 10343 10343 10343 median nerve palmar branch 21749004 S10343 Median nerve palmar branch (body structure) E10343 P10343 Y 44836 P nervous system C00DE4B907B44FA0A343F8EA872929A8 Median nerve palmar branch 10346 10346 10346 mucous gland of pancreatic duct 22015001 S10346 Mucous gland of pancreatic duct (body structure) E10346 P10346 - P digestive system 475D72967F664BA29B002036FB1C9971 Mucous gland of pancreatic duct 10347 10347 10347 anagen hair 22056003 S10347 Anagen hair (body structure) E10347 P10347 - 70716 P integumentary system 61031228D8A144F1B38BA6F1E42CD05A Anagen hair 10349 10349 10349 falciform process of sacrotuberal ligament 22109004 S10349 Falciform process of sacrotuberal ligament (body structure) E10349 P10349 Y 76851 P musculoskeletal system 9137A7A127D9426B978EB56BA12FF5C5 Falciform process of sacrotuberal ligament 10350 10350 10350 mucous gland of bile duct 22273005 S10350 Mucous gland of bile duct (body structure) E10350 P10350 - P digestive system 776F7C03FAB14500B0FA66F6A9545504 Mucous gland of bile duct 10352 10352 10352 lesser osseous pelvis S10352 E10352 2236006 Lesser osseous pelvis (body structure) P10352 Y P skeletal system 6150F82904024F87B2381B85EB8B3295 Lesser osseous pelvis (body structure) 10353 10353 10353 corpuscula lamellosa 22437001 S10353 Corpuscula lamellosa (body structure) E10353 P10353 - P nervous system 200D011BFE8B45B8A3B764A7591DB456 Corpuscula lamellosa 10354 10354 10354 appendiceal serosa 22488003 S10354 Appendiceal serosa (body structure) E10354 P10354 - 14997 P digestive system 0292F2E2269648E2B83CC5830665E058 Appendiceal serosa 10356 10356 10356 subserosa 2255006 S10356 Subserosa (body structure) E10356 P10356 - 0 P 0FD36A2372FB4AB9BA163E12CFA8F488 Subserosa 10358 10358 10358 canal of Hering 227002 S10358 Canal of Hering (body structure) E10358 P10358 - P digestive system EC20F0618F9B451D9A4D20076B623B52 Canal of Hering 10360 10360 10360 lamina of sixth lumbar vertebra 23158008 S10360 Lamina of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E10360 P10360 Y P musculoskeletal system DFD97412DE0E41EF9CFE170624FB660C Lamina of sixth lumbar vertebra 10361 10361 10361 intestinal villus 23230007 S10361 Intestinal villus (body structure) E10361 P10361 - 15072 P digestive system EEA4452C795B4F499F6DD2E432BA2662 Intestinal villus 10362 10362 10362 nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of sixth lumbar vertebra 23370003 S10362 Nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E10362 P10362 - P musculoskeletal system F54DB4EF2A9642558427A9B58DB7D8EE Nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of sixth lumbar vertebra 10363 10363 10363 Mahaim fiber 233921001 S10363 Mahaim fiber (body structure) E10363 P10363 - P cardiovascular system 7FFF5F85BDE14FF8BD6C2115112C99E7 Mahaim fiber 10364 10364 10364 anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of sixth lumbar vertebra 23474006 S10364 Anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E10364 P10364 - P musculoskeletal system B2E1ECFDD91F42F8BEBD6BB6668A61FB Anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of sixth lumbar vertebra 10368 10368 10368 salivary gland lobule 24106005 S10368 Salivary gland lobule (body structure) E10368 P10368 Y 86274 P digestive system 713D23CAEBA842D98A665470ED45BB69 Salivary gland lobule 10369 10369 10369 Krause's end bulb 24166008 S10369 Krause's end bulb (body structure) E10369 P10369 - 83603 P nervous system FD8F98D0AC2C4E8198EB991D8A3CC1F1 Krause's end bulb 10370 10370 10370 X-zone of adrenal gland 24306004 S10370 X-zone of adrenal gland (body structure) E10370 P10370 Y P endocrine system 2ADBF0D7A1C34EB599293EC15F5E5995 X-zone of adrenal gland 10371 10371 10371 tunica intima of vein 2436009 S10371 Tunica intima of vein (body structure) E10371 P10371 - 14353 P cardiovascular system 13284588B6DB4F33966D7CC0FFE093DC Tunica intima of vein 10373 10373 10373 triangle of neck S10373 E10373 243929002 Triangle of neck (body structure) P10373 Y P regional/topgraphical 6DF8B0F3DFCD4BB6B4F26AC125DC93B5 Triangle of neck (body structure) 10375 10375 10375 right iliac fossa 243963000 S10375 Right iliac fossa (body structure) E10375 P10375 R 9687 P B09B1F95C1274DD792D87098B6A1CBE0 Right iliac fossa 10376 10376 10376 left iliac fossa 243964006 S10376 Left iliac fossa (body structure) E10376 P10376 L 16918 P 5B12AA40100B4FF48002941888521B0A Left iliac fossa 10379 10379 10379 greater sac of peritoneum 699597000 S10379 Structure of greater sac of peritoneum (body structure) E10379 243973003 Greater sac of peritoneum (body structure) P10379 - 19799 P digestive system D6CB7FCCB2C44D6E801D27AB7B37AC8C Greater sac of peritoneum (body structure) 10380 10380 10380 subphrenic space 243974009 S10380 Subphrenic space (body structure) E10380 P10380 - 14712 P digestive system 834A73185C0241F1990640CD5B7A5B02 Subphrenic space 10381 10381 10381 suprahepatic area 243975005 S10381 Suprahepatic area (body structure) E10381 P10381 Y P digestive system BB116483239E4A9891229CD6D36FD003 Suprahepatic area 10383 10383 10383 hepatorenal recess 243977002 S10383 Rutherford Morrison's pouch (body structure) E10383 P10383 - 14715 P digestive system 79773A64B8644477806B66B811BE178C Rutherford Morrison's pouch 10385 10385 10385 perinephric area 243986007 S10385 Perinephric area (body structure) E10385 P10385 Y P 6220F14A8ADB429C84A1FCC116D8BE0F Perinephric area 10386 10386 10386 retroduodenal area 243987003 S10386 Retroduodenal area (body structure) E10386 P10386 - P 754FCB9DDF1B40E3930D36E79405D4B7 Retroduodenal area 10387 10387 10387 retrocecal space 243988008 S10387 Retrocecal space (body structure) E10387 P10387 - P 3DCC823FF9634CAEAF1AFE59045EC9EC Retrocecal space 10390 10390 10390 radial border of wrist region 244003009 S10390 Radial border of wrist (body structure) E10390 P10390 Y P regional/topgraphical A326CAADC6E4491EA20F0E0307FB0242 Radial border of wrist 10391 10391 10391 ulnar border of wrist region 244004003 S10391 Ulnar border of wrist (body structure) E10391 P10391 Y P regional/topgraphical D7E0CA000C2A4DC88BA4952952BE266C Ulnar border of wrist 10392 10392 10392 fetal buttock 244012006 S10392 Fetal buttock (body structure) E10392 P10392 Y 0 P skeletal system 6D6FF5B351D14141BCEED738AFE36DA5 Fetal buttock 10393 10393 10393 medial knee joint line 244017000 S10393 Medial knee joint line (body structure) E10393 P10393 Y P 7C31DD136BD143779D454331CC6C46E1 Medial knee joint line 10394 10394 10394 lateral knee joint line 244018005 S10394 Lateral knee joint line (body structure) E10394 P10394 Y P 58470E8FCE2D415B902DCDBE71CF0429 Lateral knee joint line 10395 10395 10395 cranial dermatome S10395 E10395 244024004 Cranial dermatome (body structure) P10395 Y P integumentary system 2852D2EE42D9471596DB8D26088E4C10 Cranial dermatome (body structure) 10396 10396 10396 dermatome of trigeminal nerve S10396 E10396 244025003 Dermatome of trigeminal nerve (body structure) P10396 Y P integumentary system 4D39F71AF2ED4B3E850A3A94B4007B0A Dermatome of trigeminal nerve (body structure) 10397 10397 10397 dermatome of ophthalmic nerve S10397 E10397 244026002 Dermatome of ophthalmic nerve (body structure) P10397 Y P integumentary system 7C96C47E68FC4B55AF00462BAA234699 Dermatome of ophthalmic nerve (body structure) 10398 10398 10398 dermatome of maxillary nerve S10398 E10398 244027006 Dermatome of maxillary nerve (body structure) P10398 Y P integumentary system 1C8A3A35170B4841AA89A7A43FE3C8DB Dermatome of maxillary nerve (body structure) 10399 10399 10399 dermatome of mandibular nerve S10399 E10399 244028001 Dermatome of mandibular nerve (body structure) P10399 Y P integumentary system 4093BA2FEC4E432E8C9A0E951FCADE93 Dermatome of mandibular nerve (body structure) 10400 10400 10400 spinal dermatome S10400 E10400 244029009 Spinal dermatome (body structure) P10400 - P integumentary system 78B0890CA46049BE8319133F72F15865 Spinal dermatome (body structure) 10401 10401 10401 dermatome of cervical nerve S10401 E10401 244030004 Dermatome of cervical nerve (body structure) P10401 Y P integumentary system 8EA8B57515EE4D67BD8E7D1F702BF0E6 Dermatome of cervical nerve (body structure) 10402 10402 10402 dermatome of first cervical nerve S10402 E10402 244031000 Dermatome of first cervical nerve (body structure) P10402 Y P integumentary system 9350671295C841D4821656D18857FB57 Dermatome of first cervical nerve (body structure) 10403 10403 10403 dermatome of second cervical nerve S10403 E10403 244032007 Dermatome of second cervical nerve (body structure) P10403 Y 80302 P integumentary system CCBD0AA42D5146B5B9890F114517578D Dermatome of second cervical nerve (body structure) 10404 10404 10404 dermatome of third cervical nerve S10404 E10404 244033002 Dermatome of third cervical nerve (body structure) P10404 Y 80303 P integumentary system 332781A388FB4A2084483C1521310487 Dermatome of third cervical nerve (body structure) 10405 10405 10405 dermatome of fourth cervical nerve S10405 E10405 244034008 Dermatome of fourth cervical nerve (body structure) P10405 Y 80304 P integumentary system A1A4BD5B055B416092113E6415733A26 Dermatome of fourth cervical nerve (body structure) 10406 10406 10406 dermatome of fifth cervical nerve S10406 E10406 244035009 Dermatome of fifth cervical nerve (body structure) P10406 Y 80305 P integumentary system 8D2AE5E5BBD64B4A903306A8B9C6999F Dermatome of fifth cervical nerve (body structure) 10407 10407 10407 dermatome of sixth cervical nerve S10407 E10407 244036005 Dermatome of sixth cervical nerve (body structure) P10407 Y 80306 P integumentary system 60981B227ED642B0ACFE796625396519 Dermatome of sixth cervical nerve (body structure) 10408 10408 10408 dermatome of seventh cervical nerve S10408 E10408 244037001 Dermatome of seventh cervical nerve (body structure) P10408 Y 80307 P integumentary system 4EE6F78D9CD44E5A8764F32769B0888E Dermatome of seventh cervical nerve (body structure) 10409 10409 10409 dermatome of eighth cervical nerve S10409 E10409 244038006 Dermatome of eighth cervical nerve (body structure) P10409 Y 80308 P integumentary system 8C723F36E3304D36B685DFB54D1C5F36 Dermatome of eighth cervical nerve (body structure) 10410 10410 10410 dermatome of thoracic nerve S10410 E10410 244039003 Dermatome of thoracic nerve (body structure) P10410 Y 0 P integumentary system 725FFB13526B4A0E944403FF4376E211 Dermatome of thoracic nerve (body structure) 10411 10411 10411 dermatome of first thoracic nerve S10411 E10411 244040001 Dermatome of first thoracic nerve (body structure) P10411 Y 80309 P integumentary system C1F5474812F641FE8B90811C06669832 Dermatome of first thoracic nerve (body structure) 10412 10412 10412 dermatome of second thoracic nerve S10412 E10412 244041002 Dermatome of second thoracic nerve (body structure) P10412 Y 80310 P integumentary system A530BE3F3D204163B0D87CA25CE8FD84 Dermatome of second thoracic nerve (body structure) 10413 10413 10413 dermatome of third thoracic nerve S10413 E10413 244042009 Dermatome of third thoracic nerve (body structure) P10413 Y 80311 P integumentary system BAC6D320422247E695AE579CA358106F Dermatome of third thoracic nerve (body structure) 10414 10414 10414 dermatome of fourth thoracic nerve S10414 E10414 244043004 Dermatome of fourth thoracic nerve (body structure) P10414 Y 80312 P integumentary system 5C2EF8CC167B4D2793110258F8794B19 Dermatome of fourth thoracic nerve (body structure) 10415 10415 10415 dermatome of fifth thoracic nerve S10415 E10415 244044005 Dermatome of fifth thoracic nerve (body structure) P10415 Y 80313 P integumentary system 652ECFD9D7284CB49C76E4B9C019DF29 Dermatome of fifth thoracic nerve (body structure) 10416 10416 10416 dermatome of sixth thoracic nerve S10416 E10416 244045006 Dermatome of sixth thoracic nerve (body structure) P10416 Y 80314 P integumentary system E792B7C166DF4B0BBA1978A9F606BCD5 Dermatome of sixth thoracic nerve (body structure) 10417 10417 10417 dermatome of seventh thoracic nerve S10417 E10417 244046007 Dermatome of seventh thoracic nerve (body structure) P10417 Y 80315 P integumentary system 731626C20842400B8D3BAB66C6C7EFAF Dermatome of seventh thoracic nerve (body structure) 10418 10418 10418 dermatome of eighth thoracic nerve S10418 E10418 244047003 Dermatome of eighth thoracic nerve (body structure) P10418 Y 80316 P integumentary system E83B75BE78AE452797548510DAFD7707 Dermatome of eighth thoracic nerve (body structure) 10419 10419 10419 dermatome of ninth thoracic nerve S10419 E10419 244048008 Dermatome of ninth thoracic nerve (body structure) P10419 Y 80317 P integumentary system 4AA408232AE24446A49FD293A2C46DB7 Dermatome of ninth thoracic nerve (body structure) 10420 10420 10420 dermatome of tenth thoracic nerve S10420 E10420 244049000 Dermatome of tenth thoracic nerve (body structure) P10420 Y 80318 P integumentary system 8481104109754B79B209FE5A4F7B184D Dermatome of tenth thoracic nerve (body structure) 10421 10421 10421 dermatome of eleventh thoracic nerve S10421 E10421 244050000 Dermatome of eleventh thoracic nerve (body structure) P10421 Y 80319 P integumentary system 652207494B884084BDCA2DB1A945C10D Dermatome of eleventh thoracic nerve (body structure) 10422 10422 10422 dermatome of twelfth thoracic nerve S10422 E10422 244051001 Dermatome of twelfth thoracic nerve (body structure) P10422 Y 80320 P integumentary system E7256CA028734698A4152402F86F0441 Dermatome of twelfth thoracic nerve (body structure) 10423 10423 10423 dermatome of lumbar nerve S10423 E10423 244052008 Dermatome of lumbar nerve (body structure) P10423 Y 0 P integumentary system 852A924934EA428FA0E4B61D857279CA Dermatome of lumbar nerve (body structure) 10424 10424 10424 dermatome of first lumbar nerve S10424 E10424 244053003 Dermatome of first lumbar nerve (body structure) P10424 Y 80321 P integumentary system 2547B2F80C1744E08EF5EC68FE62F0A8 Dermatome of first lumbar nerve (body structure) 10425 10425 10425 dermatome of second lumbar nerve S10425 E10425 244054009 Dermatome of second lumbar nerve (body structure) P10425 Y 80322 P integumentary system 831719C575A94AB7927ECAB77D5E6211 Dermatome of second lumbar nerve (body structure) 10426 10426 10426 dermatome of third lumbar nerve S10426 E10426 244055005 Dermatome of third lumbar nerve (body structure) P10426 Y 80323 P integumentary system A8DF215C95624DBF9380E81C0D13CC56 Dermatome of third lumbar nerve (body structure) 10427 10427 10427 dermatome of fourth lumbar nerve S10427 E10427 244056006 Dermatome of fourth lumbar nerve (body structure) P10427 Y 80324 P integumentary system 9335003583F54BB2908F54E452714C47 Dermatome of fourth lumbar nerve (body structure) 10428 10428 10428 dermatome of fifth lumbar nerve S10428 E10428 244057002 Dermatome of fifth lumbar nerve (body structure) P10428 Y 80325 P integumentary system E36F1D1ADAC64D5B97A60DC0A64E74D6 Dermatome of fifth lumbar nerve (body structure) 10429 10429 10429 dermatome of sacral nerve S10429 E10429 244058007 Dermatome of sacral nerve (body structure) P10429 Y 0 P integumentary system 262B7EDFC3774656B1897528BCF52E9C Dermatome of sacral nerve (body structure) 10430 10430 10430 dermatome of first sacral nerve S10430 E10430 244059004 Dermatome of first sacral nerve (body structure) P10430 Y 80326 P integumentary system A72A8E88DBB4466F88A7378C86FFE57A Dermatome of first sacral nerve (body structure) 10431 10431 10431 dermatome of second sacral nerve S10431 E10431 244060009 Dermatome of second sacral nerve (body structure) P10431 Y 80327 P integumentary system B09A2E76B75A4D95B19C7DE9CABFFF14 Dermatome of second sacral nerve (body structure) 10432 10432 10432 dermatome of third sacral nerve S10432 E10432 244061008 Dermatome of third sacral nerve (body structure) P10432 Y 80328 P integumentary system 8C2C2A26BFE64BD6847D41AB61611D5E Dermatome of third sacral nerve (body structure) 10433 10433 10433 dermatome of fourth sacral nerve S10433 E10433 244062001 Dermatome of fourth sacral nerve (body structure) P10433 Y 80329 P integumentary system 26D7BF124DCF4A3AA81CA04A066E18CC Dermatome of fourth sacral nerve (body structure) 10434 10434 10434 dermatome of fifth sacral nerve S10434 E10434 244063006 Dermatome of fifth sacral nerve (body structure) P10434 Y 0 P integumentary system 45E90F2A943249B9B6F9EBD49C580A65 Dermatome of fifth sacral nerve (body structure) 10435 10435 10435 dermatome of coccygeal nerve S10435 E10435 244064000 Dermatome of coccygeal nerve (body structure) P10435 Y P integumentary system 532D46A0362C44548748948D4ACB6FE9 Dermatome of coccygeal nerve (body structure) 10436 10436 10436 dermatome of first coccygeal nerve S10436 E10436 244065004 Dermatome of first coccygeal nerve (body structure) P10436 Y P integumentary system 0630BCEC8B8D424CAF79499E1D1DF1D9 Dermatome of first coccygeal nerve (body structure) 10437 10437 10437 nail bed of finger 244199003 S10437 Nail bed of finger (body structure) E10437 P10437 Y 60348 P integumentary system 7B82856972544EFEB96E9204CFB1AA52 Nail bed of finger 10438 10438 10438 nail bed of toe 244200000 S10438 Nail bed of toe (body structure) E10438 P10438 Y 60529 P integumentary system 7EED832058C34EDEB4F5146D8CABCA19 Nail bed of toe 10439 10439 10439 systemic artery of trunk 244202008 S10439 Systemic artery of trunk (body structure) E10439 P10439 - P arterial system 0202051E89E54F0CA03438D081951E07 Systemic artery of trunk 10440 10440 10440 zone of internal carotid artery 244206006 S10440 Zone of internal carotid artery (body structure) E10440 P10440 Y 70507 P arterial system 331BBE3457C34E9882F657D56DF5F5A3 Zone of internal carotid artery 10441 10441 10441 posterior communicating artery zone of internal carotid artery 244207002 S10441 Internal carotid-posterior communicating artery zone (body structure) E10441 P10441 Y P arterial system 213209756DC849899DF106F164C18055 Internal carotid-posterior communicating artery zone 10442 10442 10442 anterior choroidal artery zone of internal carotid artery 244208007 S10442 Internal carotid-anterior choroidal artery zone (body structure) E10442 P10442 Y P arterial system 74F0DE152F5B4795BCCC6EB719E561F2 Internal carotid-anterior choroidal artery zone 10443 10443 10443 branch of external carotid artery 244216003 S10443 Branch of external carotid artery (body structure) E10443 P10443 Y 72138 P arterial system A53FBD0A0E6F4F3298543348B425864A Branch of external carotid artery 10444 10444 10444 branch of maxillary artery 244221000 S10444 Branch of maxillary artery (body structure) E10444 P10444 Y 79470 P arterial system 420633148BB04B3EB239988AC5CB8BA1 Branch of maxillary artery 10445 10445 10445 spinal artery 244228006 S10445 Spinal artery (body structure) E10445 P10445 Y P cardiovascular system 215CC0B88FA94704B4BD32ADE056682C Spinal artery 10446 10446 10446 right aortic arch 244229003 S10446 Right aortic arch (body structure) E10446 P10446 R P arterial system 959C966BDC02468FB7DD8F4C8E330DAE Right aortic arch 10447 10447 10447 left aortic arch 244230008 S10447 Left aortic arch (body structure) E10447 P10447 L P arterial system 78196AABFBBD4727841BCD195EBD2E51 Left aortic arch 10448 10448 10448 pulmonary bifurcation 244233005 S10448 Pulmonary bifurcation (body structure) E10448 P10448 Y P 63A251DF8D0548CBB4E171B7A676ED7C Pulmonary bifurcation 10449 10449 10449 chest wall artery 244237006 S10449 Chest wall artery (body structure) E10449 P10449 - P arterial system AE3086425DFC4F42A011415570D9424F Chest wall artery 10450 10450 10450 branch of left coronary artery 244248004 S10450 Branch of left coronary artery (body structure) E10450 P10450 - 66328 L P arterial system 083C6862F834458FBB161A31E91CD5E6 Branch of left coronary artery 10451 10451 10451 septal artery 244251006 S10451 Septal artery (body structure) E10451 P10451 - P arterial system B8AE475FAFE843EF9B761B1867360BBA Septal artery 10452 10452 10452 intermediate artery 244252004 S10452 Intermediate artery (body structure) E10452 P10452 - P arterial system 73FCACCC55FD422691AE3EB199DD6E46 Intermediate artery 10453 10453 10453 branch of right coronary artery 244257005 S10453 Branch of right coronary artery (body structure) E10453 P10453 - 66327 R P arterial system D8F9595A2D694A3F8645F1D37A8A2FE7 Branch of right coronary artery 10454 10454 10454 right dominant posterior descending artery 244259008 S10454 Right dominant posterior descending artery (body structure) E10454 P10454 - R P arterial system C27E7FD578584AFEBEEF9C58B4DBC743 Right dominant posterior descending artery 10455 10455 10455 extended left ventricular branch artery 244260003 S10455 Extended left ventricular branch artery (body structure) E10455 P10455 - L P arterial system A45DB81D98864B54AD13CCFAAF8A2AA3 Extended left ventricular branch artery 10456 10456 10456 abdominal visceral artery 244261004 S10456 Abdominal visceral artery (body structure) E10456 P10456 - P arterial system 13AAB49B8FC64A7B9119ECB1BA51A295 Abdominal visceral artery 10457 10457 10457 anterior abdominal wall artery 244286008 S10457 Anterior abdominal wall artery (body structure) E10457 P10457 - P arterial system 7E2CDF2FC13843439DDA1A5EFA55A551 Anterior abdominal wall artery 10458 10458 10458 superficial inferior epigastric artery 244289001 S10458 Superficial inferior epigastric artery (body structure) E10458 P10458 Y P arterial system 72CBF15AC5DE4436B6C3272DE4ED20C4 Superficial inferior epigastric artery 10459 10459 10459 anterior division of internal iliac artery 244291009 S10459 Anterior division of internal iliac artery (body structure) E10459 P10459 Y 18812 P arterial system A23952C13EAC4A23AAED7229DC8E9D61 Anterior division of internal iliac artery 10460 10460 10460 artery of male pelvic region 244292002 S10460 Artery of male pelvic region (body structure) E10460 P10460 - P arterial system 303A718A37EC424F88BA9AD376CD8666 Artery of male pelvic region 10461 10461 10461 artery of female pelvic region 244296004 S10461 Artery of female pelvic region (body structure) E10461 P10461 - P arterial system 6C061E4E057042D0B8F2A5E6E7B44933 Artery of female pelvic region 10462 10462 10462 circumflex scapular artery 244313009 S10462 Circumflex scapular artery (body structure) E10462 P10462 Y 66555 P arterial system EF556AEDECFE4FE59B66E39DD7E208CB Circumflex scapular artery 10463 10463 10463 circumflex humeral artery 244314003 S10463 Circumflex humeral artery (body structure) E10463 P10463 Y P arterial system 5C0D5ADA342C432FA35394EAA68A2C94 Circumflex humeral artery 10464 10464 10464 metacarpal artery 244319008 S10464 Metacarpal artery (body structure) E10464 P10464 Y P cardiovascular system E304A1D87AF54F77A164BDDF0883324A Metacarpal artery 10465 10465 10465 circumflex iliac artery 244327004 S10465 Circumflex iliac artery (body structure) E10465 P10465 Y P cardiovascular system 8094410F29A04CC6AEAF9F9CD4536074 Circumflex iliac artery 10466 10466 10466 superficial inguinal artery 244328009 S10466 Superficial inguinal artery (body structure) E10466 P10466 Y P cardiovascular system 6EA987FB48834750B72E847727E5BAA6 Superficial inguinal artery 10467 10467 10467 acetabular artery 244329001 S10467 Acetabular artery (body structure) E10467 P10467 Y P cardiovascular system 56B8993269374763B449511481DBED7B Acetabular artery 10469 10469 10469 supragenicular popliteal artery 244334002 S10469 Supragenicular popliteal artery (body structure) E10469 P10469 Y P arterial system A9F63BD42BA04E8A9CE499F46E483B52 Supragenicular popliteal artery 10470 10470 10470 infragenicular popliteal artery 244335001 S10470 Infragenicular popliteal artery (body structure) E10470 P10470 Y P arterial system 4C46DFC92D984791BB83E699BA736803 Infragenicular popliteal artery 10471 10471 10471 crural artery 244336000 S10471 Crural artery (body structure) E10471 P10471 Y P cardiovascular system 3C8E4D76A59C4ECE8F0337A9BFF4D9E4 Crural artery 10472 10472 10472 tibioperoneal trunk 244337009 S10472 Tibioperoneal trunk (body structure) E10472 P10472 Y P cardiovascular system B456ECFFB4644730804F15CF939210F2 Tibioperoneal trunk 10473 10473 10473 malleolar artery 244338004 S10473 Malleolar artery (body structure) E10473 P10473 Y P cardiovascular system C7344821946C468DB45A50E2C68031D8 Malleolar artery 10474 10474 10474 foot artery 244339007 S10474 Foot artery (body structure) E10474 P10474 Y P cardiovascular system CAB409D4BEB44628B5CA26A503E05006 Foot artery 10475 10475 10475 calcanean artery 244340009 S10475 Calcanean artery (body structure) E10475 P10475 Y 0 P cardiovascular system A7F15E7F2E9D4F09B47E0A8F21A73030 Calcanean artery 10476 10476 10476 metatarsal artery 244341008 S10476 Metatarsal artery (body structure) E10476 P10476 Y P cardiovascular system C2D6F8F2482A430A8EF428D7F06C89CA Metatarsal artery 10477 10477 10477 anterior mitral chordae 244351009 S10477 Anterior mitral chordae (body structure) E10477 P10477 - P cardiovascular system 01BD28AFC3B948D8B035DF5420F831C8 Anterior mitral chordae 10478 10478 10478 posterior mitral chordae 244352002 S10478 Posterior mitral chordae (body structure) E10478 P10478 - P cardiovascular system 57CB1254E1DE47DBAA2D1C4C95911BCF Posterior mitral chordae 10479 10479 10479 septal tricuspid chordae 244361002 S10479 Septal tricuspid chordae (body structure) E10479 P10479 - P cardiovascular system 7A723DE5F429494D90294649BB7D10DD Septal tricuspid chordae 10480 10480 10480 anterosuperior tricuspid chordae 244362009 S10480 Anterosuperior tricuspid chordae (body structure) E10480 P10480 - P cardiovascular system 26A5A447474548DCB210FEE205C94B64 Anterosuperior tricuspid chordae 10481 10481 10481 inferior tricuspid chordae 244363004 S10481 Inferior tricuspid chordae (body structure) E10481 P10481 - P cardiovascular system BD9DD41B0BCC48E682E363529BB40EB6 Inferior tricuspid chordae 10482 10482 10482 component of common atrioventricular valve 244370004 S10482 Component of common atrioventricular valve (body structure) E10482 P10482 - 0 P cardiovascular system D56F0E0EFF9A4F6DA583E7FFBE51AFAD Component of common atrioventricular valve 10483 10483 10483 left ventricular component of common atrioventricular valve 244371000 S10483 Left ventricular component of common atrioventricular valve (body structure) E10483 P10483 - L P cardiovascular system AB3FAEA30C8E4C608EF62E46E257CC24 Left ventricular component of common atrioventricular valve 10484 10484 10484 right ventricular component of common atrioventricular valve 244372007 S10484 Right ventricular component of common atrioventricular valve (body structure) E10484 P10484 - R P cardiovascular system 74745B5E2EDE4AEB8639C621D1E05E40 Right ventricular component of common atrioventricular valve 10485 10485 10485 atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve leaflet 244373002 S10485 Atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve leaflet (body structure) E10485 P10485 - P cardiovascular system 76A83A4C700D493487859CB7DDD6A9B9 Atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve leaflet 10486 10486 10486 anterosuperior atrioventricular leaflet 244374008 S10486 Anterosuperior atrioventricular leaflet (body structure) E10486 P10486 - P cardiovascular system 450F65AB7CB74261ADB7520375C77AFC Anterosuperior atrioventricular leaflet 10487 10487 10487 inferior atrioventricular leaflet 244375009 S10487 Inferior atrioventricular leaflet (body structure) E10487 P10487 - P cardiovascular system 5E841FAC976547B5A41BDB7854DDB598 Inferior atrioventricular leaflet 10488 10488 10488 superior bridging leaflet 244376005 S10488 Superior bridging leaflet (body structure) E10488 P10488 - P cardiovascular system 34CCEDEB22F44EEB9B1AFC83275B9F0B Superior bridging leaflet 10489 10489 10489 inferior bridging leaflet 244377001 S10489 Inferior bridging leaflet (body structure) E10489 P10489 - P cardiovascular system 5DAF334D6EDA42D1A3B06D7AF933808E Inferior bridging leaflet 10490 10490 10490 lateral atrioventricular leaflet 244378006 S10490 Lateral atrioventricular leaflet (body structure) E10490 P10490 - P cardiovascular system A60BA486FBB944E0B9C87186E6909395 Lateral atrioventricular leaflet 10491 10491 10491 subpulmonary area 244380000 S10491 Subpulmonary area (body structure) E10491 P10491 Y P cardiovascular system 535E68898B414E0B83CB16F5F74594BB Subpulmonary area 10492 10492 10492 surface of pericardium 244388007 S10492 Aspect of pericardium (body structure) E10492 P10492 - P cardiovascular system 556FEB0ED47843F982E68197868FCD42 Aspect of pericardium 10493 10493 10493 great cerebral vein 56341001 S10493 Structure of great cerebral vein (body structure) E10493 244396002 Entire great cerebral vein (body structure) P10493 Y 50993 P venous system CBCB612C4971432F9E3B04DCC175462C ECE5BDB9001547289720291CFA8EE965 great cerebral vein Entire great cerebral vein (body structure) 10494 10494 10494 sagittal sinus 244400002 S10494 Sagittal sinus (body structure) E10494 P10494 - P cardiovascular system 7976F3E5B6F0481A8175A4B02963A13F Sagittal sinus 10495 10495 10495 petrosal sinus 244401003 S10495 Petrosal sinus (body structure) E10495 P10495 Y P cardiovascular system 575A2E0BC11D47F1971F54008FF8C7ED Petrosal sinus 10496 10496 10496 systemic venous pathway 244406008 S10496 Systemic venous pathway (body structure) E10496 P10496 - P cardiovascular system 3ADF0B9AAB0043759272E030C154EF99 Systemic venous pathway 10497 10497 10497 intrahepatic portion of umbilical vein 244410006 S10497 Intrahepatic portion of umbilical vein (body structure) E10497 P10497 - P cardiovascular system 31E386103C8E4EFAA0D83F4C32FD5C64 Intrahepatic portion of umbilical vein 10498 10498 10498 junction of saphenous vein 244413008 S10498 Junction of saphenous vein (body structure) E10498 P10498 Y P venous system 2FC347D42EE4490382EFA486FA3416AD Junction of saphenous vein 10499 10499 10499 saphenopopliteal junction 244415001 S10499 Saphenopopliteal junction (body structure) E10499 P10499 Y P venous system C6E98962EA6045C8B808DBE62A573053 Saphenopopliteal junction 10500 10500 10500 tentorium cerebelli 4566004 S10500 Structure of tentorium cerebelli (body structure) E10500 244428008 Entire tentorium cerebelli (body structure) P10500 - 83966 P nervous system E73D7153DAA0428CACEA926A26CB58C2 FBD9BFEADDFA4F21BF5E92416DA21A41 tentorium cerebelli Entire tentorium cerebelli (body structure) 10504 10504 10504 cervical subdural space S10504 E10504 244440008 Cervical subdural space (body structure) P10504 - P nervous system A645B472342C4DCFB4657A955BA5A64C Cervical subdural space (body structure) 10505 10505 10505 dorsal subdural space S10505 E10505 244441007 Dorsal subdural space (body structure) P10505 - P nervous system BC5D37850793404696F21632C8506E24 Dorsal subdural space (body structure) 10506 10506 10506 sacral subdural space S10506 E10506 244442000 Sacral subdural space (body structure) P10506 - P nervous system FAF362D69A924AC6A952665EF02E0B57 Sacral subdural space (body structure) 10507 10507 10507 spinal subarachnoid space 85178008 S10507 Structure of spinal subarachnoid space (body structure) E10507 244443005 Entire spinal subarachnoid space (body structure) P10507 - P nervous system 8E5A5A10DCA94B29ABC9F8E93B50A621 453C9130B1354E9FADD4592B3F56B997 spinal subarachnoid space Entire spinal subarachnoid space (body structure) 10508 10508 10508 cervical subarachnoid space 244444004 S10508 Cervical subarachnoid space (body structure) E10508 P10508 - P nervous system 781C4048808D44F89882F8618CA839FE Cervical subarachnoid space 10509 10509 10509 dorsal subarachnoid space 244445003 S10509 Dorsal subarachnoid space (body structure) E10509 P10509 - P nervous system 5113D5F0961A4B4E92208074FABCCDF6 Dorsal subarachnoid space 10510 10510 10510 sacral subarachnoid space 244446002 S10510 Sacral subarachnoid space (body structure) E10510 P10510 - P nervous system 9B21C6E56E224A75BF73E7F948E96412 Sacral subarachnoid space 10511 10511 10511 glossopharyngeal ganglion 244451008 S10511 Glossopharyngeal ganglion (body structure) E10511 P10511 Y 53471 P nervous system ADD4FE910EA54C38BCE0EA24729B24F1 Glossopharyngeal ganglion 10512 10512 10512 vagus nerve ganglion 244452001 S10512 Vagus nerve ganglion (body structure) E10512 P10512 Y 53472 P nervous system 4D1F563D3B8746CCBA46E46C00E07F00 Vagus nerve ganglion 10514 10514 10514 spinal nerve ganglion 71710004 S10514 Structure of spinal nerve ganglion (body structure) E10514 244455004 Entire spinal nerve ganglion (body structure) P10514 Y 5888 P nervous system 9702C235392C4413863AAA4CCF3DBB1D 233E1E54C7584562B1946E591E4F9FC3 spinal nerve ganglion Entire spinal nerve ganglion (body structure) 10515 10515 10515 median nerve at wrist 244458002 S10515 Median nerve at wrist (body structure) E10515 P10515 Y P nervous system 9F849CE693A644FA8973163E947AF7C1 Median nerve at wrist 10516 10516 10516 ulnar digital nerve 244459005 S10516 Ulnar digital nerve (body structure) E10516 P10516 Y P nervous system 29B0626FCC314850BE79F8CED8B04D96 Ulnar digital nerve 10517 10517 10517 ulnar digital nerve of thumb 244460000 S10517 Ulnar digital nerve of thumb (body structure) E10517 P10517 Y P nervous system 9CDDAF11130348608339269EB668760B Ulnar digital nerve of thumb 10518 10518 10518 ulnar digital nerve of index finger 244461001 S10518 Ulnar digital nerve of index finger (body structure) E10518 P10518 Y P nervous system 62F9F789EABB4271A4A5E75C6D6146E6 Ulnar digital nerve of index finger 10519 10519 10519 ulnar digital nerve of middle finger 244462008 S10519 Ulnar digital nerve of middle finger (body structure) E10519 P10519 Y P nervous system C0EB940216EF4B69B4D55D6779BDD300 Ulnar digital nerve of middle finger 10520 10520 10520 ulnar digital nerve of ring finger 244463003 S10520 Ulnar digital nerve of ring finger (body structure) E10520 P10520 Y P nervous system 560EA30EF0A644EFA49C6C88AB9F58F4 Ulnar digital nerve of ring finger 10521 10521 10521 ulnar digital nerve of little finger 244464009 S10521 Ulnar digital nerve of little finger (body structure) E10521 P10521 Y P nervous system 1C832089D55540559EF58266830B5CE8 Ulnar digital nerve of little finger 10522 10522 10522 radial digital nerve 244465005 S10522 Radial digital nerve (body structure) E10522 P10522 Y P nervous system 1BE435EB1D354990B0EBCB6EB81E4CB5 Radial digital nerve 10523 10523 10523 radial digital nerve of thumb 244466006 S10523 Radial digital nerve of thumb (body structure) E10523 P10523 Y P nervous system EBB2D925E63E4ACE9BA7234D9EDF6386 Radial digital nerve of thumb 10524 10524 10524 radial digital nerve of index finger 244467002 S10524 Radial digital nerve of index finger (body structure) E10524 P10524 Y P nervous system 73160614F5F84F05B9E3FB4C9B10DFA4 Radial digital nerve of index finger 10525 10525 10525 radial digital nerve of middle finger 244468007 S10525 Radial digital nerve of middle finger (body structure) E10525 P10525 Y P nervous system 00EC5947C37B40038DF73B1E3DAE36B0 Radial digital nerve of middle finger 10526 10526 10526 radial digital nerve of ring finger 244469004 S10526 Radial digital nerve of ring finger (body structure) E10526 P10526 Y P nervous system 120754F5C91641968607F80E34E7A9D6 Radial digital nerve of ring finger 10527 10527 10527 radial digital nerve of little finger 244470003 S10527 Radial digital nerve of little finger (body structure) E10527 P10527 Y P nervous system FB6AD13D245C4E65B2B842D1B5AA26CE Radial digital nerve of little finger 10528 10528 10528 median nerve at elbow 244471004 S10528 Median nerve at elbow (body structure) E10528 P10528 Y P nervous system 5755A3FD391741C2B5AEF29A6AC02A47 Median nerve at elbow 10529 10529 10529 ulnar nerve at elbow 244472006 S10529 Ulnar nerve at elbow (body structure) E10529 P10529 Y P nervous system 28964CC3E4F54BB3AFAEEFF860380E3E Ulnar nerve at elbow 10530 10530 10530 anterior interosseous nerve in forearm 244473001 S10530 Anterior interosseous nerve in forearm (body structure) E10530 P10530 Y P nervous system 66D735849223463EB50C1E1DD8D809E9 Anterior interosseous nerve in forearm 10531 10531 10531 posterior interosseous nerve in forearm 244474007 S10531 Posterior interosseous nerve in forearm (body structure) E10531 P10531 Y P nervous system 087EBC16B77A4A18ADB84C4DB3BBD56A Posterior interosseous nerve in forearm 10532 10532 10532 ulnar nerve at wrist 244475008 S10532 Ulnar nerve at wrist (body structure) E10532 P10532 Y P nervous system 52C833CE839C4A8EA9A1467ABF6ED4A8 Ulnar nerve at wrist 10533 10533 10533 peripheral nerve of lower limb 244476009 S10533 Peripheral nerve of lower limb (body structure) E10533 P10533 Y D nervous system D884B340A8CD43E88D282FBE38D742C7 Peripheral nerve of lower limb 10534 10534 10534 posterior tibial nerve at ankle 244477000 S10534 Posterior tibial nerve at ankle (body structure) E10534 P10534 Y P nervous system 9A961665423B406B82E9CA1FEBFFD35C Posterior tibial nerve at ankle 10535 10535 10535 dorsal digital nerve 244478005 S10535 Dorsal digital nerve (body structure) E10535 P10535 Y 75490 P nervous system 90DEDC3E1F764F6FAA4047262A61E41B Dorsal digital nerve 10536 10536 10536 plantar digital nerve of first web space S10536 E10536 244479002 Plantar digital nerve of first web space (body structure) P10536 Y P nervous system 0D2541B3681A49729A17B16CC74C5457 Plantar digital nerve of first web space (body structure) 10537 10537 10537 plantar digital nerve of second web space S10537 E10537 244480004 Plantar digital nerve of second web space (body structure) P10537 Y P nervous system CFF4E75B344E4D6CA546EFAC6B5BD927 Plantar digital nerve of second web space (body structure) 10538 10538 10538 plantar digital nerve of third web space S10538 E10538 244481000 Plantar digital nerve of third web space (body structure) P10538 Y P nervous system E1BD7CDE814B41739865A1C532870EC1 Plantar digital nerve of third web space (body structure) 10539 10539 10539 plantar digital nerve of fourth web space S10539 E10539 244483002 Plantar digital nerve of fourth web space (body structure) P10539 Y P nervous system 60C0E8141851471BB45FE905FFCC4618 Plantar digital nerve of fourth web space (body structure) 10540 10540 10540 anterior choroid 244488006 S10540 Anterior choroid (body structure) E10540 P10540 Y P special senses organ system 510FEDE46A4444E4BC022D8914A496B4 Anterior choroid 10541 10541 10541 posterior choroid 244489003 S10541 Posterior choroid (body structure) E10541 P10541 Y P special senses organ system 8DF88CFCC7A5407A8BFA8026892B2022 Posterior choroid 10542 10542 10542 mid-zone retina 244490007 S10542 Mid-zone retina (body structure) E10542 P10542 Y P special senses organ system A82DD377CE5A434F974359C8DB22C2A0 Mid-zone retina 10543 10543 10543 central iris 244492004 S10543 Central iris (body structure) E10543 P10543 Y P special senses organ system A984BA22810C45BC8A537C201BD9828E Central iris 10544 10544 10544 peripheral iris 244493009 S10544 Peripheral iris (body structure) E10544 P10544 Y P special senses organ system FC7DDFD2D80C4DA488A2FE61E1E6D3D4 Peripheral iris 10545 10545 10545 peripheral cornea 244495002 S10545 Peripheral cornea (body structure) E10545 P10545 Y P special senses organ system 89CF5A8EDF514EFCA45EB70DC767773E Peripheral cornea 10546 10546 10546 medial conjunctiva 244497005 S10546 Medial conjunctiva (body structure) E10546 P10546 Y P special senses organ system 974C32ADE4A94656A353BFA93D705553 Medial conjunctiva 10547 10547 10547 anterior lens capsule 244501000 S10547 Anterior lens capsule (body structure) E10547 P10547 Y P special senses organ system 422299FB76AE42EF9D20656652A81E48 Anterior lens capsule 10548 10548 10548 posterior lens capsule 244502007 S10548 Posterior lens capsule (body structure) E10548 P10548 Y P special senses organ system 78C525C066AE4EC6A97E503EB9476174 Posterior lens capsule 10549 10549 10549 central tympanic membrane 244503002 S10549 Central tympanic membrane (body structure) E10549 P10549 Y P special senses organ system EAFE994CC6DC4E0B889CFCAE707EE7E1 Central tympanic membrane 10550 10550 10550 posteromarginal tympanic membrane 244504008 S10550 Posteromarginal tympanic membrane (body structure) E10550 P10550 Y P special senses organ system C8F3E541183D431F9703F9D2935CC1A8 Posteromarginal tympanic membrane 10551 10551 10551 joint between bodies of T12 and L1 S10551 E10551 244541009 Joint between bodies of T12 and L1 (body structure) P10551 - P skeletal system 35C91927F021473286CC1C746D9FC337 Joint between bodies of T12 and L1 (body structure) 10552 10552 10552 zygapophysial joint within regions of vertebral column 244543007 S10552 Zygapophysial joint within regions of vertebral column (body structure) E10552 P10552 Y 0 P skeletal system 93C6449B96744D598A112E8F3CEF9696 Zygapophysial joint within regions of vertebral column 10553 10553 10553 zygapophysial joint between regions of vertebral column 244544001 S10553 Zygapophysial joint between regions of vertebral column (body structure) E10553 P10553 Y 0 P skeletal system 43E3DED7127D42E29D6C2050C784756A Zygapophysial joint between regions of vertebral column 10554 10554 10554 component of knee joint 244548003 S10554 Component of knee joint (body structure) E10554 P10554 Y 0 D musculoskeletal system 74A88491316441778188F75FC858A1A8 Component of knee joint 10555 10555 10555 medial femorotibial joint 244549006 S10555 Medial femorotibial joint (body structure) E10555 P10555 Y P musculoskeletal system A5F48B2622F0414F8C695825E1E3607E Medial femorotibial joint 10556 10556 10556 lateral femorotibial joint 244550006 S10556 Lateral femorotibial joint (body structure) E10556 P10556 Y P musculoskeletal system B955EB8972B3465A95C21E5DDAD531BA Lateral femorotibial joint 10557 10557 10557 compartment of knee 244551005 S10557 Compartment of knee (body structure) E10557 P10557 Y P musculoskeletal system 9F2650B9EB5349B1990017B03E813248 Compartment of knee 10558 10558 10558 medial compartment of knee 244552003 S10558 Medial compartment of knee (body structure) E10558 P10558 Y P musculoskeletal system 2A325F1AE5974B408AFCF728758CB29F Medial compartment of knee 10559 10559 10559 lateral compartment of knee 244553008 S10559 Lateral compartment of knee (body structure) E10559 P10559 Y P musculoskeletal system 1B0197818F224C338949D9EAF10FE06D Lateral compartment of knee 10560 10560 10560 facet of subtalar joint 244556000 S10560 Facet of subtalar joint (body structure) E10560 P10560 Y P musculoskeletal system 127FEA20376F45E1816C54ADBB2D4A36 Facet of subtalar joint 10561 10561 10561 cuboideonavicular joint 244557009 S10561 Cuboideonavicular joint (body structure) E10561 P10561 Y 44349 P musculoskeletal system C52C85E911834B9DB335B0CEF3EB7DF4 Cuboideonavicular joint 10562 10562 10562 intercuneiform joint 244558004 S10562 Intercuneiform joint (body structure) E10562 P10562 Y 35213 P musculoskeletal system 0E1B1F526F514204A4D75CB077B5216C Intercuneiform joint 10563 10563 10563 medial intercuneiform joint 244559007 S10563 Medial intercuneiform joint (body structure) E10563 P10563 Y P musculoskeletal system 18D9044B745742AFB6327B8F58A0A4CD Medial intercuneiform joint 10564 10564 10564 lateral intercuneiform joint 244560002 S10564 Lateral intercuneiform joint (body structure) E10564 P10564 Y P musculoskeletal system 37FCB7411FD14E2DA130678E86A2A904 Lateral intercuneiform joint 10565 10565 10565 first intermetatarsal joint 244561003 S10565 First intermetatarsal joint (body structure) E10565 P10565 Y 35220 P musculoskeletal system 96DF44E10837408889CD837EEE5D5C14 First intermetatarsal joint 10566 10566 10566 second intermetatarsal joint 244562005 S10566 Second intermetatarsal joint (body structure) E10566 P10566 Y 35221 P musculoskeletal system D69E51E3C61646E58BB78626A6D006BE Second intermetatarsal joint 10567 10567 10567 third intermetatarsal joint 244563000 S10567 Third intermetatarsal joint (body structure) E10567 P10567 Y 73267 P musculoskeletal system FC10616F05B44DDD9FEECBF3B883F865 Third intermetatarsal joint 10569 10569 10569 horn of knee meniscus 244569001 S10569 Horn of knee meniscus (body structure) E10569 P10569 Y P articular system 4650B3C2CF984D5E807A2F1967BFF609 Horn of knee meniscus 10570 10570 10570 extracapsular ligament of temporomandibular joint 244581002 S10570 Extracapsular ligament of temporomandibular joint (body structure) E10570 P10570 Y P digestive system 2EC39E2C7D114599B72BC0CAC1702146 Extracapsular ligament of temporomandibular joint 10572 10572 10572 ligament of axis 244589000 S10572 Ligament of axis (body structure) E10572 P10572 - P musculoskeletal system EC030365C24D4AA68131816C46C62F9A Ligament of axis 10573 10573 10573 unpaired ligament of intervertebral syndesmosis 244591008 S10573 Unpaired intervertebral syndesmosis (body structure) E10573 P10573 - P musculoskeletal system 5D822834829748199F51108441D94ED9 Unpaired intervertebral syndesmosis 10574 10574 10574 C7/T1 part of supraspinous ligament S10574 E10574 244593006 Cervicothoracic part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P10574 - 27272 P musculoskeletal system 8DB1422EC09A45829822CD1FFB27D94A Cervicothoracic part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 10575 10575 10575 T12/L1 part of supraspinous ligament S10575 E10575 244594000 Thoracolumbar part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P10575 - 13719 P musculoskeletal system 646BF28DEC354CEF93210708A4ABA32C Thoracolumbar part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 10576 10576 10576 L5/S1 part of supraspinous ligament S10576 E10576 244595004 Lumbosacral part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P10576 - 65072 P musculoskeletal system A414C30C60BA401F8CD2FA3C52E7A6C0 Lumbosacral part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 10577 10577 10577 paired ligament of intervertebral syndesmosis 244597007 S10577 Paired intervertebral syndesmosis (body structure) E10577 P10577 Y P musculoskeletal system 415C24AA5A5043EE927A6B819C5EA6FF Paired intervertebral syndesmosis 10578 10578 10578 longitudinal ligament 424477009 S10578 Structure of longitudinal ligament (body structure) E10578 244600008 Entire longitudinal ligament (body structure) P10578 - P musculoskeletal system 143B6EBC5DD94287A2960E5AF1827D04 9703B064EB674EDD9AFF4AFAD50E2A3D longitudinal ligament Entire longitudinal ligament (body structure) 10580 10580 10580 pubic ligament 244606002 S10580 Pubic ligament (body structure) E10580 P10580 - P musculoskeletal system 692F2DAF793B49999FCF6B69DB50E9FB Pubic ligament 10581 10581 10581 long posterior sacroiliac ligament 244610004 S10581 Long posterior sacroiliac ligament (body structure) E10581 P10581 Y 21469 P musculoskeletal system 909DD3D7DAD24EBA9FB1F565A6B32B3F Long posterior sacroiliac ligament 10582 10582 10582 short posterior sacroiliac ligament 244612007 S10582 Short posterior sacroiliac ligament (body structure) E10582 P10582 Y 21470 P musculoskeletal system B397A2F4292E4EE88A9AA2106AA7F433 Short posterior sacroiliac ligament 10583 10583 10583 capsular ligament of shoulder joint 244614008 S10583 Capsular ligament of shoulder joint (body structure) E10583 P10583 Y P skeletal system 6C114DF8B7064A0298DAAD07D9D17AA1 Capsular ligament of shoulder joint 10584 10584 10584 transverse humeral ligament 244616005 S10584 Transverse humeral ligament (body structure) E10584 P10584 Y 38406 P skeletal system 792861F90EA2471188F58E7296606E23 Transverse humeral ligament 10585 10585 10585 accessory ligament of shoulder joint 244617001 S10585 Accessory ligament of shoulder joint (body structure) E10585 P10585 Y P skeletal system AA4D686C715E438789930C2878519E36 Accessory ligament of shoulder joint 10586 10586 10586 ligament of radioulnar joint 244618006 S10586 Ligament of radioulnar joint (body structure) E10586 P10586 Y P musculoskeletal system 3761015C8E724498B71C5C033133B0F1 Ligament of radioulnar joint 10587 10587 10587 capsular ligament of wrist joint 244620009 S10587 Capsular ligament of wrist joint (body structure) E10587 P10587 Y P musculoskeletal system D69C89FE2D364659B611CC2348C61081 Capsular ligament of wrist joint 10588 10588 10588 palmar ligament of wrist joint 244621008 S10588 Palmar ligament of wrist joint (body structure) E10588 P10588 Y P musculoskeletal system F343251A75D34F7490AAAECF7DEEE86C Palmar ligament of wrist joint 10589 10589 10589 collateral ligament of wrist joint 244622001 S10589 Collateral ligament of wrist joint (body structure) E10589 P10589 Y P musculoskeletal system 9C19AC4EB0874B1297934816652A4AEF Collateral ligament of wrist joint 10590 10590 10590 intercarpal ligament 244623006 S10590 Intercarpal ligament (body structure) E10590 P10590 Y P musculoskeletal system 898B98DFC70942F69292D6B3479FD76A Intercarpal ligament 10591 10591 10591 accessory ligament of midcarpal joint 244624000 S10591 Accessory ligament of midcarpal joint (body structure) E10591 P10591 Y P musculoskeletal system 67FFE174659C4F6ABC0CBB7DA620F962 Accessory ligament of midcarpal joint 10592 10592 10592 collateral ligament of midcarpal joint 244625004 S10592 Collateral ligament of midcarpal joint (body structure) E10592 P10592 Y P musculoskeletal system 759F7DDD6919441A8575BC4F5D1D38E8 Collateral ligament of midcarpal joint 10593 10593 10593 ligament of thumb 244627007 S10593 Ligament of thumb (body structure) E10593 P10593 Y P musculoskeletal system CD1208FDA2D54217BCE5E021794B02E9 Ligament of thumb 10594 10594 10594 ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger 244628002 S10594 Ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E10594 P10594 Y P musculoskeletal system A49B45C298624404B8605EDA22D06A7E Ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger 10595 10595 10595 ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger 244629005 S10595 Ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E10595 P10595 Y P musculoskeletal system 063F24A9593A447991F6E88ED1825381 Ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger 10596 10596 10596 ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of finger 244630000 S10596 Ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E10596 P10596 Y P musculoskeletal system 36FE8E6090A34463854E110738570EFE Ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of finger 10597 10597 10597 capsular ligament of hip joint 244632008 S10597 Capsular ligament of hip joint (body structure) E10597 P10597 Y P musculoskeletal system C927A1DEA0AE4B75B7AE65C348407677 Capsular ligament of hip joint 10598 10598 10598 intracapsular ligament of hip joint 244634009 S10598 Intracapsular ligament of hip joint (body structure) E10598 P10598 Y P musculoskeletal system BF18ADA923064707841699CE2D24D775 Intracapsular ligament of hip joint 10599 10599 10599 capsular ligament of knee joint 244636006 S10599 Capsular ligament of knee joint (body structure) E10599 P10599 Y P musculoskeletal system F8D1329CDADF4A8EB3CBB156F23D6252 Capsular ligament of knee joint 10602 10602 10602 ligament of meniscus of knee joint 244642005 S10602 Ligament of meniscus of knee joint (body structure) E10602 P10602 Y P musculoskeletal system BA9A834415A74134B231DC9912F22CD6 Ligament of meniscus of knee joint 10603 10603 10603 capsular ligament of ankle joint 244647004 S10603 Capsular ligament of ankle joint (body structure) E10603 P10603 Y P musculoskeletal system 86EEF61D72E648BABB67C8535C1A126C Capsular ligament of ankle joint 10604 10604 10604 accessory ligament of ankle joint 244648009 S10604 Accessory ligament of ankle joint (body structure) E10604 P10604 Y P musculoskeletal system FAC0A231E4494554B73FE4D0DB1400EF Accessory ligament of ankle joint 10605 10605 10605 talofibular ligament 244649001 S10605 Talofibular ligament (body structure) E10605 P10605 Y 44080 P skeletal system D680AA8A422A4919BCF8BC8579D8B087 Talofibular ligament 10606 10606 10606 maxillary torus 244683008 S10606 Maxillary torus (body structure) E10606 P10606 Y P skeletal system F2F9170B85D34FA4A0825C8F3F2199CC Maxillary torus 10607 10607 10607 mental foramen 244686000 S10607 Mental foramen (body structure) E10607 P10607 Y 0 P skeletal system 34F65CB3D8544D61B51444B0E1F8AA7A Mental foramen 10608 10608 10608 border of body of mandible 244688004 S10608 Border of body of mandible (body structure) E10608 P10608 - P skeletal system 497502615B5343F5AD1016C1E06DA744 Border of body of mandible 10609 10609 10609 lower border of mandible 244689007 S10609 Lower border of mandible (body structure) E10609 P10609 Y P skeletal system 7EA37E8498D84E8694E11CEAF51EC143 Lower border of mandible 10610 10610 10610 border of ramus of mandible 244690003 S10610 Border of ramus of mandible (body structure) E10610 P10610 Y P skeletal system B9EA1980CA5A491FA388C04DB4F5D01B Border of ramus of mandible 10612 10612 10612 distal pole of scaphoid 244693001 S10612 Distal pole of scaphoid (body structure) E10612 P10612 Y P skeletal system EBB3D4BE9E0446B19AC99F448D5B9FEC Distal pole of scaphoid 10613 10613 10613 anterior part of iliac crest 244694007 S10613 Anterior part of iliac crest (body structure) E10613 P10613 Y P skeletal system FA019C505AD04B7D9B38503FD3587B36 Anterior part of iliac crest 10614 10614 10614 posterior part of iliac crest 244695008 S10614 Posterior part of iliac crest (body structure) E10614 P10614 Y P skeletal system 175927A893CF41079185A0F7750101A7 Posterior part of iliac crest 10615 10615 10615 tibial intercondylar tubercle 244698005 S10615 Tibial intercondylar tubercle (body structure) E10615 P10615 Y P skeletal system CC0E8D135ACD4730ACBEED56838A2CB3 Tibial intercondylar tubercle 10617 10617 10617 temporoparietalis 44249009 S10617 Temporoparietal muscle (body structure) E10617 244723003 Temporoparietalis (body structure) P10617 Y 46753 P muscular system 95534B69179046DB9CC8D4540B19C4A5 FE5774C7ABF54670AB7DE20B354FC868 Temporoparietal muscle Temporoparietalis (body structure) 10618 10618 10618 transversus nuchae S10618 E10618 244724009 Transversus nuchae (body structure) P10618 Y 71440 P musculoskeletal system 5FADDB49AA934C259615A37996528A6A Transversus nuchae (body structure) 10620 10620 10620 buccolabial muscle S10620 E10620 244734000 Buccolabial muscle (body structure) P10620 Y P musculoskeletal system EAFDC78B028941B88FF1C5D0364F72F0 Buccolabial muscle (body structure) 10621 10621 10621 levator labii S10621 E10621 244736003 Levatores labii (body structure) P10621 Y P musculoskeletal system 4021A87E3532466EA54F5BA0ABF1D0F4 Levatores labii (body structure) 10622 10622 10622 levator labii superioris alaeque nasi 49147000 S10622 Structure of levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle (body structure) E10622 244738002 Entire levator labii superioris alaequae nasi (body structure) P10622 Y 46802 P musculoskeletal system 7C443D73FCC54A34A875CC05B0E984E0 8D46D0976DB843828CEE1942F759202D levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle Entire levator labii superioris alaequae nasi (body structure) 10623 10623 10623 malaris S10623 E10623 244742004 Entire malaris (body structure) P10623 Y P musculoskeletal system 4347EEE9CF394B64BFAB4F889DA40B5E Entire malaris (body structure) 10624 10624 10624 incisivii labii S10624 E10624 244750008 Entire Incisivus labii muscle (body structure) P10624 Y P musculoskeletal system 42C8E575B28741A586C3AFEFA68DD171 Entire Incisivus labii muscle (body structure) 10625 10625 10625 incisivus labii superioris S10625 E10625 244751007 Incisivus labii superioris (body structure) P10625 Y 46849 P musculoskeletal system FE5D5FFC208E481DB2D74BD13EB02979 Incisivus labii superioris (body structure) 10626 10626 10626 incisivus labii inferioris S10626 E10626 244753005 Incisivus labii inferioris (body structure) P10626 Y 46850 P musculoskeletal system 923D78CBF3BA4298B2AEACA0575877DC Incisivus labii inferioris (body structure) 10628 10628 10628 palatopharyngeal sphincter 244801005 S10628 Palatopharyngeal sphincter (body structure) E10628 P10628 Y 46684 P muscular system 37EDEBD0CDA143A88007BB01AD32E9AF Palatopharyngeal sphincter 10629 10629 10629 scalene muscle S10629 E10629 244843003 Scalene muscle (body structure) P10629 Y 64829 P musculoskeletal system 75639C8FFA0C4D00BF98364E7A77799E Scalene muscle (body structure) 10630 10630 10630 deep muscle of back 244849004 S10630 Deep muscle of back (body structure) E10630 P10630 Y P musculoskeletal system AB09F9F987144A919796CC97744E1D41 Deep muscle of back 10632 10632 10632 transplant 24486003 S10632 Transplant (body structure) E10632 P10632 - P 7216B47DDB484904AD5D7CAD3A9FD81C Transplant 10633 10633 10633 multifidus muscle 5709001 S10633 Structure of multifidus muscle (body structure) E10633 244871009 Entire multifidus muscle (body structure) P10633 Y 22827 P musculoskeletal system AEE8268C87EA4D299AE8853F09200143 10560B1F776A4071A980EC1CE187A8D7 multifidus muscle Entire multifidus muscle (body structure) 10635 10635 10635 levator costae 73930003 S10635 Structure of levator costae muscle (body structure) E10635 244921005 Entire levator costae muscle (body structure) P10635 Y 82353 P musculoskeletal system EFCAB12BC6DF443DB0828C0F670E7FDE ABA296FDC63C40AC80FFB53C75A0404C levator costae muscle Entire levator costae muscle (body structure) 10636 10636 10636 first levator costarum S10636 E10636 244922003 First levator costae (body structure) P10636 Y P musculoskeletal system 895295D50D1547D9A79E87D5DA2ADC58 First levator costae (body structure) 10637 10637 10637 second levator costarum S10637 E10637 244923008 Second levator costae (body structure) P10637 Y P musculoskeletal system 7BD3E85A82F840B0ACD36A5F31AA2002 Second levator costae (body structure) 10638 10638 10638 third levator costarum S10638 E10638 244924002 Third levator costae (body structure) P10638 Y P musculoskeletal system 784728D72B86463F9DA5708B7E242B09 Third levator costae (body structure) 10639 10639 10639 fourth levator costarum S10639 E10639 244925001 Fourth levator costae (body structure) P10639 Y P musculoskeletal system 99CA5EB0870F4FE8A321EED2280C61CF Fourth levator costae (body structure) 10640 10640 10640 fifth levator costarum S10640 E10640 244926000 Fifth levator costae (body structure) P10640 Y P musculoskeletal system B0D6D474D8B140BEA5DFB7280698EB91 Fifth levator costae (body structure) 10641 10641 10641 sixth levator costarum S10641 E10641 244927009 Sixth levator costae (body structure) P10641 Y P musculoskeletal system 0F31BEA3C9A44C1A859E67821AACA279 Sixth levator costae (body structure) 10642 10642 10642 seventh levator costarum S10642 E10642 244928004 Seventh levator costae (body structure) P10642 Y P musculoskeletal system 01B5BF116F0F48D1AB40A076869967FD Seventh levator costae (body structure) 10643 10643 10643 eighth levator costarum S10643 E10643 244929007 Eighth levator costae (body structure) P10643 Y P musculoskeletal system 9AF94AC4ABB2400EA511FBE897B6D20C Eighth levator costae (body structure) 10644 10644 10644 ninth levator costarum S10644 E10644 244930002 Ninth levator costae (body structure) P10644 Y P musculoskeletal system 20F282E1C4C242B088CE59538D017FE3 Ninth levator costae (body structure) 10645 10645 10645 tenth levator costarum S10645 E10645 244931003 Tenth levator costae (body structure) P10645 Y P musculoskeletal system 8E338707EFB644B0BA4AC094F3588505 Tenth levator costae (body structure) 10646 10646 10646 eleventh levator costarum S10646 E10646 244932005 Eleventh levator costae (body structure) P10646 Y P musculoskeletal system 96EB8409CD824BF68CF0AB2BCC2CC43E Eleventh levator costae (body structure) 10647 10647 10647 superior serratus posterior muscle 50409004 S10647 Superior serratus posterior muscle (body structure) E10647 244935007 Serratus posterior superior (body structure) P10647 Y 13401 P musculoskeletal system 43B9AA35CBE94635940053695EF0A17C E8B20B9116634020A2AF9B0863A7874D Superior serratus posterior muscle Serratus posterior superior (body structure) 10648 10648 10648 inferior serratus posterior muscle 45287009 S10648 Inferior serratus posterior muscle (body structure) E10648 244936008 Serratus posterior inferior (body structure) P10648 Y 13402 P musculoskeletal system FB9EA1FB346D4C5D8D5EEBB7C2519A18 801F698E55B746B6B6258CE755FA731A Inferior serratus posterior muscle Serratus posterior inferior (body structure) 10649 10649 10649 digitation of diaphragm 244939001 S10649 Digitation of diaphragm (body structure) E10649 P10649 Y P respiratory system 9FA1C61D7EB44AF8BA89FB4310FD1ACB Digitation of diaphragm 10650 10650 10650 dome of diaphragm 244940004 S10650 Dome of diaphragm (body structure) E10650 P10650 Y 13332 P respiratory system 40F97018B9FB4849B7FA50227DEA33D8 Dome of diaphragm 10651 10651 10651 left dome of diaphragm 244941000 S10651 Left dome of diaphragm (body structure) E10651 P10651 L 13334 P respiratory system 0939121CFD224B7DB93EB33255C84736 Left dome of diaphragm 10652 10652 10652 right dome of diaphragm 244942007 S10652 Right dome of diaphragm (body structure) E10652 P10652 R 13333 P respiratory system 3DCF0ADF8E0D4862A75D18357A86BA72 Right dome of diaphragm 10653 10653 10653 external oblique 68066000 S10653 Obliquus externus abdominis muscle (body structure) E10653 244946005 External oblique (body structure) P10653 Y 13335 P musculoskeletal system A0F65BBE230E4C57A2BCF7ACA08BBC97 39E057B1F69845369B6BCEBF01B8AAE5 Obliquus externus abdominis muscle External oblique (body structure) 10654 10654 10654 internal oblique 46092009 S10654 Obliquus internus abdominis muscle (body structure) E10654 244947001 Internal oblique (body structure) P10654 Y 13891 P musculoskeletal system 3E7ACF218A134069BC60AD018C62DE59 1326898E586744FEBFD904C3D7CBE5B9 Obliquus internus abdominis muscle Internal oblique (body structure) 10655 10655 10655 sphincter vaginae 244961006 S10655 Sphincter vaginae (body structure) E10655 P10655 Y P musculoskeletal system D8D2FD7FF12A422693C214D625F760A0 Sphincter vaginae 10656 10656 10656 puborectal sling 244963009 S10656 Puborectal sling (body structure) E10656 P10656 Y P musculoskeletal system F4DAD6579A3A4BDCB069C4CB6AF1F5AF Puborectal sling 10657 10657 10657 deep transverse perineal muscle 57814007 S10657 Structure of deep transverse perineal muscle (body structure) E10657 244976003 Entire deep transverse perineal muscle (body structure) P10657 Y 19732 P musculoskeletal system CCC19A03D0F54F19AB91B89E7D67C748 6B8ABD0AA46A40F8B43E07980C2F5147 deep transverse perineal muscle Entire deep transverse perineal muscle (body structure) 10659 10659 10659 articularis cubiti muscle 32480002 S10659 Articularis cubiti muscle (body structure) E10659 244983005 Subanconeus (body structure) P10659 Y 37701 P muscular system D80FECA8A6394DAB9EB54C948B38EEC2 C9F58A05C89F48C5B67D39E3C0C473BE Articularis cubiti muscle Subanconeus (body structure) 10660 10660 10660 first dorsal interosseous of hand S10660 E10660 245003002 First dorsal interosseous of hand (body structure) P10660 Y 37424 P musculoskeletal system 6B0121AACF264650A0A8BD3935937722 First dorsal interosseous of hand (body structure) 10661 10661 10661 second dorsal interosseous of hand S10661 E10661 245004008 Second dorsal interosseous of hand (body structure) P10661 Y 37425 P musculoskeletal system C81DF3CFD54849FEA86CF5F79E8A4131 Second dorsal interosseous of hand (body structure) 10662 10662 10662 third dorsal interosseous of hand S10662 E10662 245005009 Third dorsal interosseous of hand (body structure) P10662 Y 37426 P musculoskeletal system 5882B75BCBE44CC99AF4AFB3CB8428E1 Third dorsal interosseous of hand (body structure) 10663 10663 10663 fourth dorsal interosseous of hand S10663 E10663 245006005 Fourth dorsal interosseous of hand (body structure) P10663 Y 37427 P musculoskeletal system 949CCD81F767400D9359E7F09F9FE8F1 Fourth dorsal interosseous of hand (body structure) 10664 10664 10664 first palmar interosseous muscle S10664 E10664 245008006 First palmar interosseous (body structure) P10664 Y 37436 P musculoskeletal system ACAE3865EE944135B2FE665D4AFC2DD1 First palmar interosseous (body structure) 10665 10665 10665 second palmar interosseous muscle S10665 E10665 245009003 Second palmar interosseous (body structure) P10665 Y 37437 P musculoskeletal system 4E065A9BA7C244D9AC2639C49EC62B7C Second palmar interosseous (body structure) 10666 10666 10666 third palmar interosseous muscle S10666 E10666 245010008 Third palmar interosseous (body structure) P10666 Y 37438 P musculoskeletal system 7F99EE624C2B478FB9C2B4B5811A3A42 Third palmar interosseous (body structure) 10667 10667 10667 fourth palmar interosseous muscle S10667 E10667 245011007 Fourth palmar interosseous (body structure) P10667 Y 37439 P musculoskeletal system 49CA1D371B0E4048B2D1710094B1CEB5 Fourth palmar interosseous (body structure) 10669 10669 10669 gemellus superior 245022006 S10669 Gemellus superior (body structure) E10669 55512000 Superior gemellus muscle (body structure) P10669 Y 22318 P musculoskeletal system A71BBE4BBFF740F296CEAE70E39FDA67 915F5FB5885644AFA16C676C6ACDAFB6 Gemellus superior Superior gemellus muscle (body structure) 10674 10674 10674 first plantar interosseous muscle S10674 E10674 245044001 First plantar interosseous (body structure) P10674 Y 37738 P musculoskeletal system 6724CA1A44CE463FA3838436C353D438 First plantar interosseous (body structure) 10675 10675 10675 second plantar interosseous muscle S10675 E10675 245045000 Second plantar interosseous (body structure) P10675 Y 37739 P musculoskeletal system E6357C47BFBE4226AC4D693537147A52 Second plantar interosseous (body structure) 10676 10676 10676 third plantar interosseous muscle S10676 E10676 245046004 Third plantar interosseous (body structure) P10676 Y 37740 P musculoskeletal system C72A723AC4214AAC87582C8BF5D6E4A7 Third plantar interosseous (body structure) 10677 10677 10677 tendon of head and neck 245048003 S10677 Tendon of head and neck (body structure) E10677 P10677 - P muscular system 306B853EB2314167A57303EB65CFB31F Tendon of head and neck 10678 10678 10678 tendon of head 245049006 S10678 Tendon of head (body structure) E10678 P10678 Y P muscular system 68D4CA005D4A4950B9C2AB68A586152F Tendon of head 10679 10679 10679 tendon of temporalis 245051005 S10679 Tendon of temporalis (body structure) E10679 P10679 Y 54008 P muscular system FE1624E3D818477DA1BA419AB95CCEB1 Tendon of temporalis 10680 10680 10680 tendon of lateral pterygoid 245052003 S10680 Tendon of lateral pterygoid (body structure) E10680 P10680 Y 54053 P muscular system BD6B7EA4C8DF4330AFFB5E2BC3F3A739 Tendon of lateral pterygoid 10681 10681 10681 tendon of tensor tympani 245054002 S10681 Tendon of tensor tympani (body structure) E10681 P10681 Y 54068 P muscular system FE9BA798670E48B1BE132E1BD441C3CE Tendon of tensor tympani 10682 10682 10682 tendon of stapedius 245055001 S10682 Tendon of stapedius (body structure) E10682 P10682 Y 54038 P muscular system 38296985FB8E4F89BF89FFE20E3EF2CB Tendon of stapedius 10683 10683 10683 tendon of genioglossus 245056000 S10683 Tendon of genioglossus (body structure) E10683 P10683 Y 47545 P muscular system E588CD68C5C04BD4AF5201BF36755B71 Tendon of genioglossus 10684 10684 10684 tendon of levator palati 245057009 S10684 Tendon of levator palati (body structure) E10684 P10684 Y P muscular system F27078D98B004A1D994CC8EB30FA4308 Tendon of levator palati 10685 10685 10685 tendon of tensor palati 245058004 S10685 Tendon of tensor palati (body structure) E10685 P10685 Y P muscular system F121B9C7870B41FC88C6084AE5B43644 Tendon of tensor palati 10686 10686 10686 tendon of neck 245059007 S10686 Tendon of neck (body structure) E10686 P10686 - P muscular system F74674C361FC4303858AF77949235F07 Tendon of neck 10687 10687 10687 tendon of hyoid muscle 245060002 S10687 Tendon of hyoid muscle (body structure) E10687 P10687 Y P muscular system 22B9D98ACD1043B295E49058EF9EB311 Tendon of hyoid muscle 10688 10688 10688 tendon of suprahyoid muscle 245061003 S10688 Tendon of suprahyoid muscle (body structure) E10688 P10688 Y P muscular system F27CCE94B94B4833AB5BCB081944C8D5 Tendon of suprahyoid muscle 10689 10689 10689 tendon of digastric 245062005 S10689 Tendon of digastric (body structure) E10689 P10689 Y 48025 P muscular system 57614A467B7F40B7A2D6EDBED07F1F7D Tendon of digastric 10690 10690 10690 tendon of stylohyoid 245063000 S10690 Tendon of stylohyoid (body structure) E10690 P10690 Y 48040 P muscular system D3EA7AFB20764C5C94CCEC798653F79D Tendon of stylohyoid 10691 10691 10691 tendon of infrahyoid muscle 245064006 S10691 Tendon of infrahyoid muscle (body structure) E10691 P10691 Y P muscular system A3935D3FF6764EBAB7AB1BBB61A5066E Tendon of infrahyoid muscle 10692 10692 10692 tendon of sternohyoid 245065007 S10692 Tendon of sternohyoid (body structure) E10692 P10692 Y P muscular system 0214F549B71A4117B0486CB031B4EA45 Tendon of sternohyoid 10693 10693 10693 tendon of omohyoid 245066008 S10693 Tendon of omohyoid (body structure) E10693 P10693 Y 48085 P muscular system DBFC67F624B5432DBBE9383830A4E8A2 Tendon of omohyoid 10694 10694 10694 tendon of scalene muscle 245067004 S10694 Tendon of scalene muscle (body structure) E10694 P10694 Y P muscular system 55265E65CB294C7DA46C7DF5EE5EC462 Tendon of scalene muscle 10695 10695 10695 tendon of scalenus anterior 245068009 S10695 Tendon of scalenus anterior (body structure) E10695 P10695 Y 47890 P muscular system 64B0AA35CAA54F93908C4556E7D18E8A Tendon of scalenus anterior 10696 10696 10696 tendon of scalenus medius 245069001 S10696 Tendon of scalenus medius (body structure) E10696 P10696 Y 47905 P muscular system 524A719DE5434C958AE925B124777F3C Tendon of scalenus medius 10697 10697 10697 tendon of scalenus posterior 245070000 S10697 Tendon of scalenus posterior (body structure) E10697 P10697 Y 47920 P muscular system A5E225C250284D748459FC1174B4B263 Tendon of scalenus posterior 10698 10698 10698 tendon of suboccipital muscle 245071001 S10698 Tendon of suboccipital muscle (body structure) E10698 P10698 Y P muscular system B2252FFE68E348EE95EDDEC997AA1D9A Tendon of suboccipital muscle 10699 10699 10699 tendon of rectus capitis posterior major 245072008 S10699 Tendon of rectus capitis posterior major (body structure) E10699 P10699 Y P muscular system E2BC9BB7882B4778A5CFEBC35745087A Tendon of rectus capitis posterior major 10700 10700 10700 tendon of rectus capitis posterior minor 245073003 S10700 Tendon of rectus capitis posterior minor (body structure) E10700 P10700 Y P muscular system E14663656EF54C88A60C691A283BE16B Tendon of rectus capitis posterior minor 10701 10701 10701 tendon of obliquus capitis superior 245074009 S10701 Tendon of obliquus capitis superior (body structure) E10701 P10701 Y 47995 P muscular system 52CB009B9C6B4FD0BC808B4B247BE2E3 Tendon of obliquus capitis superior 10702 10702 10702 tendon of sternocleidomastoid 245075005 S10702 Tendon of sternocleidomastoid (body structure) E10702 P10702 Y 45816 P muscular system 4746E18AFE62411997E096AA3020C00E Tendon of sternocleidomastoid 10703 10703 10703 tendon of longus colli 245076006 S10703 Tendon of longus colli (body structure) E10703 P10703 Y 47860 P muscular system FE87410CFBA1424FB12655B00075C037 Tendon of longus colli 10704 10704 10704 tendon of longus capitis 245077002 S10704 Tendon of longus capitis (body structure) E10704 P10704 Y 47875 P muscular system 61B4BB4D6BF347D2A3A3DF519097BD99 Tendon of longus capitis 10705 10705 10705 tendon of trunk 245078007 S10705 Tendon of trunk (body structure) E10705 P10705 - P muscular system 98BE7886028548269C5A11A99A6131C3 Tendon of trunk 10706 10706 10706 tendon of back 245079004 S10706 Tendon of back (body structure) E10706 P10706 Y P musculoskeletal system 8CA07540DAEA4764AD1C1257CCA942C5 Tendon of back 10707 10707 10707 tendon of splenius cervicis 245080001 S10707 Tendon of splenius cervicis (body structure) E10707 P10707 Y P musculoskeletal system 6689FFDBDFFF416BA345E1E75E10AAAB Tendon of splenius cervicis 10708 10708 10708 tendon of erector spinae 245081002 S10708 Tendon of erector spinae (body structure) E10708 P10708 Y P musculoskeletal system D13AD69EBE9A4775BD25653790A75B71 Tendon of erector spinae 10709 10709 10709 tendon of iliocostalis lumborum 245082009 S10709 Tendon of iliocostalis lumborum (body structure) E10709 P10709 Y 48354 P musculoskeletal system 4AC3FD0641214FE3817D60CB9A057093 Tendon of iliocostalis lumborum 10710 10710 10710 tendon of iliocostalis thoracis 245083004 S10710 Tendon of iliocostalis thoracis (body structure) E10710 P10710 Y 48339 P musculoskeletal system 158DECBD778F4114A468574B8A46ECB1 Tendon of iliocostalis thoracis 10711 10711 10711 tendon of iliocostalis cervicis 245084005 S10711 Tendon of iliocostalis cervicis (body structure) E10711 P10711 Y 48324 P musculoskeletal system 957B42645A614329BD2AA82F8F738F0F Tendon of iliocostalis cervicis 10712 10712 10712 tendon of longissimus thoracis 245085006 S10712 Tendon of longissimus thoracis (body structure) E10712 P10712 Y 48399 P musculoskeletal system EDCEBD00B30745A6850806F830FAF08E Tendon of longissimus thoracis 10713 10713 10713 tendon of longissimus cervicis 245086007 S10713 Tendon of longissimus cervicis (body structure) E10713 P10713 Y 48384 P musculoskeletal system 803549FE8C63490798E5EE4388FD5F2A Tendon of longissimus cervicis 10714 10714 10714 tendon of longissimus capitis 245087003 S10714 Tendon of longissimus capitis (body structure) E10714 P10714 Y 48369 P musculoskeletal system 322A3997BE3D4E5E8CC42530912559A1 Tendon of longissimus capitis 10715 10715 10715 tendon of spinalis thoracis 245088008 S10715 Tendon of spinalis thoracis (body structure) E10715 P10715 Y 48444 P musculoskeletal system F2D32D20A25A48FDBF46A1B5D2BE519A Tendon of spinalis thoracis 10716 10716 10716 tendon of spinalis cervicis 245089000 S10716 Tendon of spinalis cervicis (body structure) E10716 P10716 Y 48429 P musculoskeletal system 05C402404119421C9DED0BFA4AA0AAA8 Tendon of spinalis cervicis 10717 10717 10717 tendon of semispinalis thoracis 245090009 S10717 Tendon of semispinalis thoracis (body structure) E10717 P10717 Y 48489 P musculoskeletal system 01628B6A049F4A66B979E052C5765786 Tendon of semispinalis thoracis 10718 10718 10718 tendon of semispinalis capitis 245091008 S10718 Tendon of semispinalis capitis (body structure) E10718 P10718 Y 48459 P musculoskeletal system B2B0B1C8FB1644EAB3FBBA3CAFD427D4 Tendon of semispinalis capitis 10719 10719 10719 tendon of serratus anterior 245092001 S10719 Tendon of serratus anterior (body structure) E10719 P10719 Y P muscular system A7EE330B38AE4FC1978247FDBCE41E3D Tendon of serratus anterior 10720 10720 10720 tendon of rectus abdominis 245093006 S10720 Tendon of rectus abdominis (body structure) E10720 P10720 Y P muscular system 9AB1D29146F94B30B244D17662BC515D Tendon of rectus abdominis 10721 10721 10721 tendon of quadratus lumborum 245094000 S10721 Tendon of quadratus lumborum (body structure) E10721 P10721 Y 49310 P muscular system AD9363DF749348939CDACFF4C07D763E Tendon of quadratus lumborum 10722 10722 10722 tendon of psoas major 245095004 S10722 Tendon of psoas major (body structure) E10722 P10722 Y 48144 P muscular system 47085EAF7EAD46EE81A2AF5EF3771757 Tendon of psoas major 10723 10723 10723 tendon of psoas minor 245096003 S10723 Tendon of psoas minor (body structure) E10723 P10723 Y 48159 P muscular system E2AA774518804E8BAFA6A3A18217F350 Tendon of psoas minor 10724 10724 10724 tendon of iliacus 245097007 S10724 Tendon of iliacus (body structure) E10724 P10724 Y P muscular system 2D1C55BCAE834651A41CA31414176B47 Tendon of iliacus 10725 10725 10725 tendon of upper limb 245098002 S10725 Tendon of upper limb (body structure) E10725 P10725 Y P muscular system 1E683205DB8A470E9595829092B9BA5E Tendon of upper limb 10726 10726 10726 tendon of shoulder or upper arm 245099005 S10726 Tendon of shoulder or upper arm (body structure) E10726 P10726 Y P muscular system 3475CBB9110F4226B47DBF38980B8E29 Tendon of shoulder or upper arm 10727 10727 10727 tendon of rotator cuff of shoulder 245100002 S10727 Tendon of rotator cuff of shoulder (body structure) E10727 P10727 Y P musculoskeletal system 30BE0636BA13408E9E45E89AB98CA8F3 Tendon of rotator cuff of shoulder 10728 10728 10728 tendon of upper arm 245101003 S10728 Tendon of upper arm (body structure) E10728 P10728 Y P muscular system 9EE52C219D3A4E93AB8C33F978761A91 Tendon of upper arm 10729 10729 10729 tendon of long head of biceps brachii 245102005 S10729 Tendon of long head of biceps brachii (body structure) E10729 P10729 Y 38153 P muscular system 6FA718B1D24445798370A92FFBBA5654 Tendon of long head of biceps brachii 10730 10730 10730 tendon of coracobrachialis 245103000 S10730 Tendon of coracobrachialis (body structure) E10730 P10730 Y 63224 P muscular system 83BED34F8C7D47C4BCC9B741384B4C5F Tendon of coracobrachialis 10731 10731 10731 tendon of brachialis 245104006 S10731 Tendon of brachialis (body structure) E10731 P10731 Y 38436 P muscular system ABA11435EFBB4373832D31ABE96E7D1D Tendon of brachialis 10732 10732 10732 flexor tendon of forearm 245106008 S10732 Flexor tendon of forearm (body structure) E10732 P10732 Y P muscular system 61E8718CDF4F45F08DA5AE8A3526BE78 Flexor tendon of forearm 10733 10733 10733 superficial flexor tendon of forearm 245107004 S10733 Superficial flexor tendon of forearm (body structure) E10733 P10733 Y P muscular system C60A6EDDD20E4C2C8EDE0F66B23B1167 Superficial flexor tendon of forearm 10734 10734 10734 tendon of pronator teres 245108009 S10734 Tendon of pronator teres (body structure) E10734 P10734 Y 38549 P muscular system 639CC00EE1A4476B8A3D0B0B404A9FEA Tendon of pronator teres 10735 10735 10735 tendon of palmaris longus 245110006 S10735 Tendon of palmaris longus (body structure) E10735 P10735 Y 38594 P muscular system E0F2DC5D52704C209F489BB9F9AB0FF8 Tendon of palmaris longus 10736 10736 10736 tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris 245111005 S10736 Tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris (body structure) E10736 P10736 Y 38606 P muscular system 1A022201EB3D4A269BA5F6528AD5A980 Tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris 10737 10737 10737 deep flexor tendon of forearm 245113008 S10737 Deep flexor tendon of forearm (body structure) E10737 P10737 Y P muscular system 5B31BFC7F5FE4151AC3031B996C397CE Deep flexor tendon of forearm 10738 10738 10738 long digital flexor tendon - Zone I 245115001 S10738 Long digital flexor tendon - Zone I (body structure) E10738 P10738 Y P muscular system 895723CCA66F4EA187157FAB392B3188 Long digital flexor tendon - Zone I 10739 10739 10739 long digital flexor tendon - Zone II 245116000 S10739 Long digital flexor tendon - Zone II (body structure) E10739 P10739 Y P muscular system 371FE8174FF640A899EEC555D9074246 Long digital flexor tendon - Zone II 10740 10740 10740 long digital flexor tendon - Zone III 245117009 S10740 Long digital flexor tendon - Zone III (body structure) E10740 P10740 Y P muscular system 1333802286DE40E0BC4BFC0B5331830B Long digital flexor tendon - Zone III 10741 10741 10741 long digital flexor tendon - Zone IV 245118004 S10741 Long digital flexor tendon - Zone IV (body structure) E10741 P10741 Y P muscular system 70F2FE58936A41079ED3E676DB734314 Long digital flexor tendon - Zone IV 10742 10742 10742 long digital flexor tendon - Zone V 245119007 S10742 Long digital flexor tendon - Zone V (body structure) E10742 P10742 Y P muscular system 2C642E77E50940FCAE10B8F4F233EB17 Long digital flexor tendon - Zone V 10743 10743 10743 extensor tendon of forearm 245121002 S10743 Extensor tendon of forearm (body structure) E10743 P10743 Y P muscular system C41BFDD32A584648B1A88C48BDA7DCB5 Extensor tendon of forearm 10744 10744 10744 superficial extensor tendon of forearm 245122009 S10744 Superficial extensor tendon of forearm (body structure) E10744 P10744 Y P muscular system 351EEB66438B437D9599B804A8955447 Superficial extensor tendon of forearm 10745 10745 10745 tendon of brachioradialis 245123004 S10745 Tendon of brachioradialis (body structure) E10745 P10745 Y 40689 P muscular system 5767743586BE48C282E9BE602104BDF1 Tendon of brachioradialis 10746 10746 10746 tendon of extensor carpi radialis longus 245124005 S10746 Tendon of extensor carpi radialis longus (body structure) E10746 P10746 Y 40704 P muscular system 4CE130DD54A7451380009FD452423864 Tendon of extensor carpi radialis longus 10747 10747 10747 tendon of extensor carpi radialis brevis 245125006 S10747 Tendon of extensor carpi radialis brevis (body structure) E10747 P10747 Y 40719 P muscular system 906B0F3E011E44B998EC30A2610CE0F2 Tendon of extensor carpi radialis brevis 10748 10748 10748 tendon of extensor digitorum 245126007 S10748 Tendon of extensor digitorum (body structure) E10748 P10748 Y 40734 P muscular system 8BC45EC83E2F426285CCA0C89B311F30 Tendon of extensor digitorum 10749 10749 10749 long digital extensor tendon - Zone I 245127003 S10749 Long digital extensor tendon - Zone I (body structure) E10749 P10749 Y P muscular system 38C90827059D4972AA6A457D6A18BC93 Long digital extensor tendon - Zone I 10750 10750 10750 long digital extensor tendon - Zone II 245128008 S10750 Long digital extensor tendon - Zone II (body structure) E10750 P10750 Y P muscular system 6A9CB6071E944058B6F231E2C810F4C9 Long digital extensor tendon - Zone II 10751 10751 10751 long digital extensor tendon - Zone III 245129000 S10751 Long digital extensor tendon - Zone III (body structure) E10751 P10751 Y P muscular system DF9FC530108943C9936A365BCEBDB829 Long digital extensor tendon - Zone III 10752 10752 10752 long digital extensor tendon - Zone IV 245130005 S10752 Long digital extensor tendon - Zone IV (body structure) E10752 P10752 Y P muscular system 9EB45381A70943C6BA73AEC345202D8D Long digital extensor tendon - Zone IV 10753 10753 10753 long digital extensor tendon - Zone V 245131009 S10753 Long digital extensor tendon - Zone V (body structure) E10753 P10753 Y P muscular system 5EB27423858249FB8E150556B00909CF Long digital extensor tendon - Zone V 10754 10754 10754 tendon of anconeus 245133007 S10754 Tendon of anconeus (body structure) E10754 P10754 Y 38721 P muscular system 3CB7A492457F409FB2556C2F787D6F10 Tendon of anconeus 10755 10755 10755 deep extensor tendon of forearm 245135000 S10755 Deep extensor tendon of forearm (body structure) E10755 P10755 Y P muscular system 0F7D82695CDC44C2AACCE777D2AD1A10 Deep extensor tendon of forearm 10756 10756 10756 tendon of abductor pollicis longus 245136004 S10756 Tendon of abductor pollicis longus (body structure) E10756 P10756 Y 40769 P muscular system 191FBF80FDBF4AFB9714528AB0D1594C Tendon of abductor pollicis longus 10757 10757 10757 tendon of extensor pollicis brevis 245137008 S10757 Tendon of extensor pollicis brevis (body structure) E10757 P10757 Y 40809 P muscular system DE72E27E33D543338AA72316B16339AB Tendon of extensor pollicis brevis 10758 10758 10758 tendon of extensor indicis 245139006 S10758 Tendon of extensor indicis (body structure) E10758 P10758 Y 40824 P muscular system 084355EB63BF4FD28AB8CE428567AFF8 Tendon of extensor indicis 10759 10759 10759 tendon of intrinsic muscle of hand 245140008 S10759 Tendon of intrinsic muscle of hand (body structure) E10759 P10759 Y P musculoskeletal system 320DF934F20249D4AB9F95C77F3F8494 Tendon of intrinsic muscle of hand 10760 10760 10760 tendon of abductor pollicis brevis 245141007 S10760 Tendon of abductor pollicis brevis (body structure) E10760 P10760 Y 39266 P musculoskeletal system 9A117A2245D14A7DB053B1DA37814F1D Tendon of abductor pollicis brevis 10761 10761 10761 tendon of flexor pollicis brevis 245142000 S10761 Tendon of flexor pollicis brevis (body structure) E10761 P10761 Y 39282 P musculoskeletal system D35B6466E9BC4D92A965052FBF49D7DF Tendon of flexor pollicis brevis 10762 10762 10762 tendon of adductor pollicis 245144004 S10762 Tendon of adductor pollicis (body structure) E10762 P10762 Y 39314 P musculoskeletal system FCE63E0F935E4F34B52626F48BFFBEB3 Tendon of adductor pollicis 10763 10763 10763 tendon of abductor digiti minimi 245145003 S10763 Tendon of abductor digiti minimi (body structure) E10763 P10763 Y P muscular system A9468A000CEF44808C4C91CD8C6C4373 Tendon of abductor digiti minimi 10764 10764 10764 tendon of flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of hand 245146002 S10764 Tendon of flexor digiti minimi (body structure) E10764 P10764 Y 0 P muscular system 208867D4F6674C00AC2BDB54EAA03CB9 Tendon of flexor digiti minimi 10765 10765 10765 tendon of lumbrical muscle of hand 245147006 S10765 Tendon of lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) E10765 P10765 Y 39394 P musculoskeletal system 1650F9F4A9CD4F7BB924AF691DA56C38 Tendon of lumbrical muscle of hand 10766 10766 10766 tendon of first lumbrical muscle of hand 245148001 S10766 Tendon of first lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) E10766 P10766 Y 39500 P musculoskeletal system 4F414039639E4C49B8F4207F5579BCB9 Tendon of first lumbrical muscle of hand 10767 10767 10767 tendon of second lumbrical muscle of hand 245149009 S10767 Tendon of second lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) E10767 P10767 Y 39516 P musculoskeletal system 93093992ED264086B755913DAA9D0C56 Tendon of second lumbrical muscle of hand 10768 10768 10768 tendon of third lumbrical muscle of hand 245150009 S10768 Tendon of third lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) E10768 P10768 Y 39532 P musculoskeletal system A7BD32AC9860498CAB5EB1A7360EB215 Tendon of third lumbrical muscle of hand 10769 10769 10769 tendon of fourth lumbrical muscle of hand 245152001 S10769 Tendon of fourth lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) E10769 P10769 Y 39548 P musculoskeletal system B17C360F0C9F40A1BDFFD8CBCCE3C2CD Tendon of fourth lumbrical muscle of hand 10770 10770 10770 tendon of dorsal interosseous of hand 245153006 S10770 Tendon of dorsal interosseus of hand (body structure) E10770 P10770 Y 39410 P musculoskeletal system 1A296B82A46A4263B809D573AF9638E7 Tendon of dorsal interosseus of hand 10771 10771 10771 tendon of first dorsal interosseous of hand 245154000 S10771 Tendon of first dorsal interosseous of hand (body structure) E10771 P10771 Y 39564 P musculoskeletal system 6A3B86DFE4D547169D4320CA90AA8CAF Tendon of first dorsal interosseous of hand 10772 10772 10772 tendon of second dorsal interosseous of hand 245155004 S10772 Tendon of second dorsal interosseous of hand (body structure) E10772 P10772 Y 39580 P musculoskeletal system D3CE169619E3459E9F445415986A3EAD Tendon of second dorsal interosseous of hand 10773 10773 10773 tendon of third dorsal interosseous of hand 245156003 S10773 Tendon of third dorsal interosseous of hand (body structure) E10773 P10773 Y 39596 P musculoskeletal system 8E09BC0F421A4DE0BB1D13370203F56E Tendon of third dorsal interosseous of hand 10774 10774 10774 tendon of fourth dorsal interosseous of hand 245157007 S10774 Tendon of fourth dorsal interosseous of hand (body structure) E10774 P10774 Y 39612 P musculoskeletal system 5B1DCB47FFBB49B3B83EF6A4398CB22F Tendon of fourth dorsal interosseous of hand 10775 10775 10775 tendon of palmar interosseous muscle 245158002 S10775 Tendon of palmar interosseous muscle (body structure) E10775 P10775 Y 39426 P musculoskeletal system D92B1D86BACB4C5B86FF57E433EA719D Tendon of palmar interosseous muscle 10776 10776 10776 tendon of first palmar interosseous muscle 245159005 S10776 Tendon of first palmar interosseous (body structure) E10776 P10776 Y 39628 P musculoskeletal system 28BA8F290AFA4F89AD6973C98A1CD5B6 Tendon of first palmar interosseous 10777 10777 10777 tendon of second palmar interosseous muscle 245160000 S10777 Tendon of second palmar interosseous (body structure) E10777 P10777 Y 39644 P musculoskeletal system DFAC638556EF407E83ED216380993737 Tendon of second palmar interosseous 10778 10778 10778 tendon of third palmar interosseous muscle 245161001 S10778 Tendon of third palmar interosseous (body structure) E10778 P10778 Y 39660 P musculoskeletal system 60C7347A712C42A88F084ACCEAC3A771 Tendon of third palmar interosseous 10779 10779 10779 tendon of lower limb 245162008 S10779 Tendon of lower limb (body structure) E10779 P10779 Y P muscular system D5CEA1CDE1FB45A690059AFC0B26E6C4 Tendon of lower limb 10780 10780 10780 tendon of obturator muscle 245171004 S10780 Tendon of obturator muscle (body structure) E10780 P10780 Y P muscular system C2CEE596CBDB4062A32CA44B378C025E Tendon of obturator muscle 10781 10781 10781 tendon of obturator internus 245172006 S10781 Tendon of obturator internus (body structure) E10781 P10781 Y 22300 P muscular system 36105A5701AE4E61B588FE6E5311C29C Tendon of obturator internus 10782 10782 10782 tendon of obturator externus 245173001 S10782 Tendon of obturator externus (body structure) E10782 P10782 Y 48234 P muscular system B93A4E41E73544A9A9A4327F92543318 Tendon of obturator externus 10783 10783 10783 tendon of anterior thigh muscle 245174007 S10783 Tendon of anterior thigh muscle (body structure) E10783 P10783 Y P muscular system 23D6F0193D3440F2A8891DA762747543 Tendon of anterior thigh muscle 10784 10784 10784 tendon of rectus femoris 245176009 S10784 Tendon of rectus femoris (body structure) E10784 P10784 Y 301241 P muscular system CD122BE428C543308F9E9B87B78C9384 Tendon of rectus femoris 10785 10785 10785 distal tendon of vastus lateralis 245177000 S10785 Tendon of vastus lateralis (body structure) E10785 P10785 Y 301219 P muscular system 8288CE9A72BB4300BBAE12D56AC51A63 Tendon of vastus lateralis 10786 10786 10786 distal tendon of vastus intermedius 245178005 S10786 Tendon of vastus intermedius (body structure) E10786 P10786 Y 311798 P muscular system E0A576234EFC41EE808A950C8EA4057B Tendon of vastus intermedius 10787 10787 10787 distal tendon of vastus medialis 245179002 S10787 Tendon of vastus medialis (body structure) E10787 P10787 Y 301205 P muscular system 297DE1DAFEB94F358693716CA9DC0FB1 Tendon of vastus medialis 10788 10788 10788 tendon of sartorius 245180004 S10788 Tendon of sartorius (body structure) E10788 P10788 Y 46885 P muscular system FF7F3A433924418399FC27A0A638F8A1 Tendon of sartorius 10789 10789 10789 tendon of medial thigh muscle 245181000 S10789 Tendon of medial thigh muscle (body structure) E10789 P10789 Y P muscular system 55BFEED1137D4A7589D36CDE85A212F9 Tendon of medial thigh muscle 10790 10790 10790 tendon of gracilis 245182007 S10790 Tendon of gracilis (body structure) E10790 P10790 Y 46960 P muscular system 12AAD65AB4EE4A09960C1D11BA3201B0 Tendon of gracilis 10791 10791 10791 tendon of adductor longus 245183002 S10791 Tendon of adductor longus (body structure) E10791 P10791 Y 46990 P muscular system 49CF5F9D766F45AA8557292D32DA5D32 Tendon of adductor longus 10792 10792 10792 tendon of hamstring muscle 245184008 S10792 Tendon of hamstring muscle (body structure) E10792 P10792 Y P muscular system 357844EF59FD4DD0AFD3818899C41A62 Tendon of hamstring muscle 10793 10793 10793 tendon of hamstring part of adductor magnus 245185009 S10793 Tendon of hamstring part of adductor magnus (body structure) E10793 P10793 Y P muscular system 90E5391CF6CD4E9399D3B117AA11215E Tendon of hamstring part of adductor magnus 10794 10794 10794 tendon of lower leg 245188006 S10794 Tendon of lower leg (body structure) E10794 P10794 Y P muscular system CB1FE83D38E04EECBBC15A1CC1829168 Tendon of lower leg 10795 10795 10795 tendon of anterior crural muscle 245189003 S10795 Tendon of anterior crural muscle (body structure) E10795 P10795 Y P muscular system 652C3598DA3C493C9991B11C51F8EC45 Tendon of anterior crural muscle 10796 10796 10796 extensor digitorum tendon of toe 245190007 S10796 Extensor digitorum tendon of toe (body structure) E10796 P10796 Y P muscular system 81903F36610F46E38FFB135748D40346 Extensor digitorum tendon of toe 10797 10797 10797 extensor digitorum tendon of second toe 245191006 S10797 Extensor digitorum tendon of second toe (body structure) E10797 P10797 Y P muscular system 8709D908461B40EB94DF69FE68501BE5 Extensor digitorum tendon of second toe 10798 10798 10798 extensor digitorum tendon of third toe 245192004 S10798 Extensor digitorum tendon of third toe (body structure) E10798 P10798 Y P muscular system 193DD657121B476B941432C2DDC803B6 Extensor digitorum tendon of third toe 10799 10799 10799 extensor digitorum tendon of fourth toe 245193009 S10799 Extensor digitorum tendon of fourth toe (body structure) E10799 P10799 Y P muscular system 7277664CA64C4AAEB8720FA30517E2BA Extensor digitorum tendon of fourth toe 10800 10800 10800 extensor digitorum tendon of fifth toe 245194003 S10800 Extensor digitorum tendon of fifth toe (body structure) E10800 P10800 Y P muscular system 5E117C0EBF58448B89D3D2DE6F9FBFE2 Extensor digitorum tendon of fifth toe 10801 10801 10801 tendon of lateral crural muscle 245195002 S10801 Tendon of lateral crural muscle (body structure) E10801 P10801 Y P muscular system 840973A8660F482A8BAEEE986C962F52 Tendon of lateral crural muscle 10802 10802 10802 tendon of posterior crural muscle 245196001 S10802 Tendon of posterior crural muscle (body structure) E10802 P10802 Y P muscular system 32638E0CB6ED4732B64B1452E264E040 Tendon of posterior crural muscle 10803 10803 10803 tendon of superficial posterior crural muscle 245197005 S10803 Tendon of superficial posterior crural muscle (body structure) E10803 P10803 Y P muscular system E559F171B8B748EBB546AFD4236A25D6 Tendon of superficial posterior crural muscle 10804 10804 10804 tendon of gastrocnemius 245198000 S10804 Tendon of gastrocnemius (body structure) E10804 P10804 Y 47140 P muscular system 4FD7D91432084DA99152857F34A7D115 Tendon of gastrocnemius 10805 10805 10805 tendon of soleus 245199008 S10805 Tendon of soleus (body structure) E10805 P10805 Y 47155 P muscular system BC4CD93C725F48A1A88A77D015B325BB Tendon of soleus 10806 10806 10806 tendon of deep posterior crural muscle 245201005 S10806 Tendon of deep posterior crural muscle (body structure) E10806 P10806 Y P muscular system D656A490A81B4D1B966B4358374858E6 Tendon of deep posterior crural muscle 10807 10807 10807 tendon of popliteus 245202003 S10807 Tendon of popliteus (body structure) E10807 P10807 Y 47185 P muscular system 3E0C21618DCD48B8B39BFFD8391F06B9 Tendon of popliteus 10808 10808 10808 flexor digitorum tendon of toe 245204002 S10808 Flexor digitorum tendon of toe (body structure) E10808 P10808 Y P muscular system 038535463733445A980343FC9A219D15 Flexor digitorum tendon of toe 10809 10809 10809 flexor digitorum tendon of first toe 245205001 S10809 Flexor digitorum tendon of first toe (body structure) E10809 P10809 Y P muscular system 98D2392166EB41ADA435BF5AB7C3083B Flexor digitorum tendon of first toe 10810 10810 10810 flexor digitorum tendon of second toe 245206000 S10810 Flexor digitorum tendon of second toe (body structure) E10810 P10810 Y P muscular system 9AE75DF51CB0474FB77E727CEE9E5197 Flexor digitorum tendon of second toe 10811 10811 10811 flexor digitorum tendon of third toe 245207009 S10811 Flexor digitorum tendon of third toe (body structure) E10811 P10811 Y P muscular system 6D51B1D78D464F66B6BA58EB2A7E080A Flexor digitorum tendon of third toe 10812 10812 10812 flexor digitorum tendon of fourth toe 245208004 S10812 Flexor digitorum tendon of fourth toe (body structure) E10812 P10812 Y P muscular system 6556DFDEAE0A4EBBA41C2B5F0C653802 Flexor digitorum tendon of fourth toe 10813 10813 10813 tendon of intrinsic muscle of foot 245209007 S10813 Tendon of intrinsic muscle of foot (body structure) E10813 P10813 Y P musculoskeletal system 33C79D83B65A465F8EFB88B09956BC91 Tendon of intrinsic muscle of foot 10814 10814 10814 tendon of extensor digitorum brevis 245211003 S10814 Tendon of extensor digitorum brevis (body structure) E10814 P10814 Y 51156 P musculoskeletal system 3FB12CDBAAA6455FAC4752835428141B Tendon of extensor digitorum brevis 10815 10815 10815 tendon of plantar muscle 245212005 S10815 Tendon of plantar muscle (body structure) E10815 P10815 Y P musculoskeletal system 4F7966A72D8E4B84B08FCE0F028E0668 Tendon of plantar muscle 10816 10816 10816 tendon of abductor hallucis 245213000 S10816 Tendon of abductor hallucis (body structure) E10816 P10816 Y 47215 P musculoskeletal system 244022ADC1CB422E896901A269C23B64 Tendon of abductor hallucis 10817 10817 10817 tendon of flexor digitorum brevis 245214006 S10817 Tendon of flexor digitorum brevis (body structure) E10817 P10817 Y 72230 P musculoskeletal system 3182AB8475254A179ACE303C38AB05DF Tendon of flexor digitorum brevis 10818 10818 10818 tendon of flexor accessorius 245215007 S10818 Tendon of flexor accessorius (body structure) E10818 P10818 Y P musculoskeletal system 3E49FBD33700426B979AD6DA63963CE1 Tendon of flexor accessorius 10819 10819 10819 tendon of lumbrical muscle of foot 245216008 S10819 Tendon of lumbrical muscle of foot (body structure) E10819 P10819 Y P musculoskeletal system 71F29A224C6A47BF994B82333EF0BCE7 Tendon of lumbrical muscle of foot 10820 10820 10820 tendon of first lumbrical muscle of foot 245217004 S10820 Tendon of first lumbrical muscle of foot (body structure) E10820 P10820 Y 48804 P musculoskeletal system 2AFF17B4F9E04896B28D7EC7D841E4C7 Tendon of first lumbrical muscle of foot 10821 10821 10821 tendon of second lumbrical of foot 245218009 S10821 Tendon of second lumbrical of foot (body structure) E10821 P10821 Y 48819 P musculoskeletal system 731E6684705044B987CB5B0D7ECBD76D Tendon of second lumbrical of foot 10822 10822 10822 tendon of third lumbrical of foot 245219001 S10822 Tendon of third lumbrical of foot (body structure) E10822 P10822 Y 48834 P musculoskeletal system B610501B570E4406BEBDEE712DB3BC73 Tendon of third lumbrical of foot 10823 10823 10823 tendon of fourth lumbrical of foot 245220007 S10823 Tendon of fourth lumbrical of foot (body structure) E10823 P10823 Y 48849 P musculoskeletal system F60D8081FC5748E2AAB1A51AFB7AD388 Tendon of fourth lumbrical of foot 10824 10824 10824 tendon of flexor hallucis brevis 245221006 S10824 Tendon of flexor hallucis brevis (body structure) E10824 P10824 Y 47275 P musculoskeletal system 378A3112649C4AEC8ADD2BA50CB2A917 Tendon of flexor hallucis brevis 10825 10825 10825 tendon of adductor hallucis 245222004 S10825 Tendon of adductor hallucis (body structure) E10825 P10825 Y 47290 P musculoskeletal system 5EB58915660C4FB38F3099DD46CF8080 Tendon of adductor hallucis 10826 10826 10826 tendon of flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of foot 245223009 S10826 Tendon of flexor digiti minimi brevis (body structure) E10826 P10826 Y 47305 P muscular system 2C12F13D50894B79B42DCB86F654602E Tendon of flexor digiti minimi brevis 10827 10827 10827 tendon of dorsal interosseous of foot 245224003 S10827 Tendon of dorsal interosseus of foot (body structure) E10827 P10827 Y 223256 P musculoskeletal system F9F8424D5B464C32BC1DE7AEF1F65621 Tendon of dorsal interosseus of foot 10828 10828 10828 tendon of first dorsal interosseous of foot 245225002 S10828 Tendon of first dorsal interosseus of foot (body structure) E10828 P10828 Y 48864 P musculoskeletal system 3FD61A502AFB469DA88F5CCDF7CA738D Tendon of first dorsal interosseus of foot 10829 10829 10829 tendon of second dorsal interosseous of foot 245226001 S10829 Tendon of second dorsal interosseus of foot (body structure) E10829 P10829 Y 48879 P musculoskeletal system 92F7237CB5B34A72A2053C40917DBE40 Tendon of second dorsal interosseus of foot 10830 10830 10830 tendon of third dorsal interosseous of foot 245227005 S10830 Tendon of third dorsal interosseus of foot (body structure) E10830 P10830 Y 48894 P musculoskeletal system 249801BCF14B4C39AB71D5F9050185C0 Tendon of third dorsal interosseus of foot 10831 10831 10831 tendon of fourth dorsal interosseous of foot 245228000 S10831 Tendon of fourth dorsal interosseus of foot (body structure) E10831 P10831 Y 48909 P musculoskeletal system B6FEB566A0E74955A0229F48AE4600A5 Tendon of fourth dorsal interosseus of foot 10832 10832 10832 tendon of plantar interosseous 245229008 S10832 Tendon of plantar interosseus (body structure) E10832 P10832 Y 223257 P musculoskeletal system 1122ECB94F18470DA3307A23BBA22783 Tendon of plantar interosseus 10833 10833 10833 tendon of first plantar interosseous muscle 245230003 S10833 Tendon of first plantar interosseus muscle (body structure) E10833 P10833 Y 48924 P musculoskeletal system 9942A5C927CF411EB1692F59F02803F9 Tendon of first plantar interosseus muscle 10834 10834 10834 tendon of second plantar interosseous muscle 245231004 S10834 Tendon of second plantar interosseus muscle (body structure) E10834 P10834 Y 48939 P musculoskeletal system F9C91E32E847452B8EF32653A5D9BAFF Tendon of second plantar interosseus muscle 10835 10835 10835 tendon of third plantar interosseous muscle 245232006 S10835 Tendon of third plantar interosseous muscle (body structure) E10835 P10835 Y 48954 P musculoskeletal system B217F8C2D630448CBCC8A267D6D4137C Tendon of third plantar interosseous muscle 10836 10836 10836 common tendon origin 245233001 S10836 Common tendon origin (body structure) E10836 P10836 Y P musculoskeletal system A1FD6E5A16F944588FA855FADFBD8E34 Common tendon origin 10837 10837 10837 common extensor origin at elbow 245234007 S10837 Common extensor origin at elbow (body structure) E10837 P10837 Y P musculoskeletal system D0B1168E0BB446A4BA72D65B61A95055 Common extensor origin at elbow 10838 10838 10838 common flexor origin at elbow 245235008 S10838 Common flexor origin at elbow (body structure) E10838 P10838 Y P musculoskeletal system 67888697370A4409B98CF65B17431772 Common flexor origin at elbow 10839 10839 10839 common intrinsic muscle origin of foot 245236009 S10839 Common intrinsic muscle origin of foot (body structure) E10839 P10839 Y P musculoskeletal system CDC2B86D3C1D4DC4AACF0E58DD83B498 Common intrinsic muscle origin of foot 10841 10841 10841 fascia of spine 245243003 S10841 Fascia of spine (body structure) E10841 P10841 - P musculoskeletal system 501D9405B4704C31BDEB9AE062F371C3 Fascia of spine 10842 10842 10842 fascia of thumb 245244009 S10842 Fascia of thumb (body structure) E10842 P10842 Y P musculoskeletal system 0D71B5A9A18C41EF8BE04F2CD4C1F2BB Fascia of thumb 10843 10843 10843 fascia of index finger 245246006 S10843 Fascia of index finger (body structure) E10843 P10843 Y P musculoskeletal system 84FE8BF8AB8F4566A39866DC9A085264 Fascia of index finger 10844 10844 10844 fascia of middle finger 245247002 S10844 Fascia of middle finger (body structure) E10844 P10844 Y P musculoskeletal system 4593AFC742AA46729C2B3AF228A23CB0 Fascia of middle finger 10845 10845 10845 fascia of ring finger 245248007 S10845 Fascia of ring finger (body structure) E10845 P10845 Y P musculoskeletal system 316DC56248E34685BBC41A9F63DC6194 Fascia of ring finger 10846 10846 10846 fascia of little finger 245249004 S10846 Fascia of little finger (body structure) E10846 P10846 Y P musculoskeletal system F6C78A7E0FE34784978046FA6F3A542A Fascia of little finger 10847 10847 10847 retroperitoneal fascia 245253002 S10847 Retroperitoneal fascia (body structure) E10847 P10847 - P musculoskeletal system 68C1553D491D4EB1805475951329B643 Retroperitoneal fascia 10848 10848 10848 lymph node group S10848 E10848 245256005 Lymph node group (body structure) P10848 - 70776 P lymphoid system AE0EA7B980454C6D89C25354DC90B120 Lymph node group (body structure) Set of organ components of lymphatic tree organ consisting of lymph nodes without connecting lymphatic vessels. 10849 10849 10849 cervical lymph node group S10849 E10849 245257001 Cervical lymph node group (body structure) P10849 Y 78571 P lymphoid system C3B7D6D2A7C148BAABCDB66D91E4327E Cervical lymph node group (body structure) 10850 10850 10850 posterior triangle cervical lymph node group S10850 E10850 245264004 Posterior triangle cervical lymph node group (body structure) P10850 Y P lymphatic system 3290BCD1B63046048DBF383B2B9FAB85 Posterior triangle cervical lymph node group (body structure) 10851 10851 10851 axillary lymph node group S10851 E10851 245269009 Axillary lymph node group (body structure) P10851 Y 71741 P lymphoid system B6FBE7F6316044BF855D87269F632B28 Axillary lymph node group (body structure) 10852 10852 10852 mediastinal lymph node group S10852 E10852 245276004 Mediastinal lymph node group (body structure) P10852 - 276755 P lymphoid system D5A65D40339B47CF81A72620F952860E Mediastinal lymph node group (body structure) 10853 10853 10853 internal mammary lymph node group S10853 E10853 245282001 Internal mammary lymph node group (body structure) P10853 Y P lymphoid system 8FD54AE6A0B242B1BDF801EE21EA30DA Internal mammary lymph node group (body structure) 10854 10854 10854 abdominal lymph node group S10854 E10854 245284000 Abdominal lymph node group (body structure) P10854 - 278485 P lymphoid system 9207629EE0C4449A82A00F0436A09442 Abdominal lymph node group (body structure) Lymph node group which is located in the abdomen. 10855 10855 10855 para-aortic lymph node group S10855 E10855 245285004 Para-aortic lymph node group (body structure) P10855 Y P lymphoreticular system 17F9070EB3104587A320C45703668859 Para-aortic lymph node group (body structure) 10856 10856 10856 pelvic lymph node group S10856 E10856 245294005 Pelvic lymph node group (body structure) P10856 - 71817 P lymphoid system AF39212BFE5F4E86AF2A81227B3B3FD7 Pelvic lymph node group (body structure) 10857 10857 10857 inguinal lymph node group S10857 E10857 245312007 Inguinal lymph node group (body structure) P10857 Y 71844 P lymphoid system ADC5E3F0E605486AABA535546BD0503D Inguinal lymph node group (body structure) 10858 10858 10858 upper jugular lymph node 245321008 S10858 Upper jugular lymph node (body structure) E10858 P10858 Y P lymphatic system 9CBE7540DFEB46EC93C8091FCD76CEC5 Upper jugular lymph node 10859 10859 10859 middle jugular lymph node 245322001 S10859 Middle jugular lymph node (body structure) E10859 P10859 Y P lymphatic system 53F7F62D6FEA488980EF96E52FB1036E Middle jugular lymph node 10860 10860 10860 lower jugular lymph node 245323006 S10860 Lower jugular lymph node (body structure) E10860 P10860 Y P lymphatic system FDA15876E9024BF3842DFA0D44F4197B Lower jugular lymph node 10861 10861 10861 posterior triangle cervical lymph node 245324000 S10861 Posterior triangle cervical lymph node (body structure) E10861 P10861 Y P lymphatic system 00A8641B81254184A18EEE89524C9E6E Posterior triangle cervical lymph node 10862 10862 10862 postauricular lymph node 30793004 S10862 Posterior auricular lymph node (body structure) E10862 245328002 Postauricular lymph node (body structure) P10862 Y P lymphatic system 6364CFF71A234F77A7C9E2553AC00286 C133369C1FB442689B41BF084FB6BC6C Posterior auricular lymph node Postauricular lymph node (body structure) 10863 10863 10863 preaortic mediastinal node 245337002 S10863 Preaortic mediastinal node (body structure) E10863 P10863 - P lymphatic system 2F57CA4C57194621AF4BDA9AF292556F Preaortic mediastinal node 10864 10864 10864 para-aortic mediastinal node S10864 E10864 245338007 Para-aortic mediastinal node (body structure) P10864 Y P lymphatic system E8DCC4E6019E4EB7ACFF748F55FFD2E1 Para-aortic mediastinal node (body structure) 10865 10865 10865 posterior intercostal node S10865 E10865 245339004 Posterior intercostal node (body structure) P10865 Y P lymphatic system BA10145B7A904AC39DB1E0F2ED167C4D Posterior intercostal node (body structure) 10866 10866 10866 internal mammary node 245340002 S10866 Internal mammary node (body structure) E10866 P10866 Y P lymphatic system DB21E6D88729434CBE38CE2CEB41CF41 Internal mammary node 10867 10867 10867 tracheobronchial lymph node 245341003 S10867 Tracheobronchial lymph node (body structure) E10867 P10867 Y 5950 P lymphatic system 5CCC8EA054764A4FA1ABCFEA214513B2 Tracheobronchial lymph node 10869 10869 10869 perigastric lymph node 245344006 S10869 Perigastric lymph node (body structure) E10869 P10869 - P lymphatic system 91AE365F6DCF4DF3BBA059DA67F47A92 Perigastric lymph node 10870 10870 10870 porta hepatis node 245345007 S10870 Porta hepatis node (body structure) E10870 P10870 - P lymphatic system 0BC31C0592D24481B67B1E39B139C714 Porta hepatis node 10871 10871 10871 peripancreatic lymph node 245346008 S10871 Peripancreatic lymph node (body structure) E10871 P10871 - P lymphatic system 188616FD7EF94E64AA57F25123E7A65D Peripancreatic lymph node 10872 10872 10872 mesorectal node 245351002 S10872 Mesorectal node (body structure) E10872 P10872 - P lymphatic system 3CDC1C1B7F634399B81274CF2AA4F9A4 Mesorectal node 10873 10873 10873 common iliac node 245353004 S10873 Common iliac node (body structure) E10873 P10873 Y 12806 P lymphatic system E2D07027912D4E9AB97C79DC6662B40B Common iliac node 10874 10874 10874 posterior common iliac node 245354005 S10874 Posterior common iliac node (body structure) E10874 P10874 Y P lymphatic system 0F894DC3AABC4D90A1959EF9138239B8 Posterior common iliac node 10875 10875 10875 internal iliac node 245357003 S10875 Internal iliac node (body structure) E10875 P10875 Y 16654 P lymphatic system 308776FC1921491E81A935E57E1202A2 Internal iliac node 10876 10876 10876 posterior external iliac node 245359000 S10876 Posterior external iliac node (body structure) E10876 P10876 Y P lymphatic system E4FFD5C3E4224D01A8017353A258BC2D Posterior external iliac node 10877 10877 10877 subaortic node 245362002 S10877 Subaortic node (body structure) E10877 P10877 - P lymphatic system 830D277B61C8407099F2C1F860A34FD0 Subaortic node 10878 10878 10878 median sacral node 245365000 S10878 Median sacral node (body structure) E10878 P10878 - P lymphatic system C469D5E7FA2B4233813CD33E16E6D8E5 Median sacral node 10879 10879 10879 lateral sacral node 245366004 S10879 Lateral sacral node (body structure) E10879 P10879 Y P lymphatic system 2749E945C5CF4ADD935C6EB3460EF832 Lateral sacral node 10880 10880 10880 suprainguinal node 245367008 S10880 Suprainguinal node (body structure) E10880 P10880 Y P lymphatic system 2B015DA54F1B40E4BA3B66E9F99DA5DC Suprainguinal node 10881 10881 10881 uterine node 245369006 S10881 Uterine node (body structure) E10881 P10881 - P lymphatic system A367AC6FBF3548C69030C15B96C96A22 Uterine node 10882 10882 10882 superomedial superficial inguinal node 245371006 S10882 Superomedial superficial inguinal node (body structure) E10882 P10882 Y P genitourinary system 3C729998BBF04B83903C123E6DA1D3C2 Superomedial superficial inguinal node 10883 10883 10883 superolateral superficial inguinal node 245372004 S10883 Superolateral superficial inguinal node (body structure) E10883 P10883 Y P genitourinary system 402771C3620F48C0A577ED97532866C4 Superolateral superficial inguinal node 10884 10884 10884 inferior superficial inguinal node 245373009 S10884 Inferior superficial inguinal node (body structure) E10884 P10884 Y P genitourinary system 4D1C2563191E41CDB4F1C54D39BD4BFD Inferior superficial inguinal node 10885 10885 10885 right lymphatic duct 245374003 S10885 Right thoracic lymph duct (body structure) E10885 P10885 - 5832 P respiratory system 131E091EC37F41C8A1BFE9D911E8C0E2 Right thoracic lymph duct 10886 10886 10886 upper pole of spleen 245375002 S10886 Upper pole of spleen (body structure) E10886 P10886 - 15834 P lymphoid system 4B8FB7090ED04F1C8FA2DA32E502E8B0 Upper pole of spleen Zone of spleen located at its superior end. 10887 10887 10887 lower pole of spleen 245376001 S10887 Lower pole of spleen (body structure) E10887 P10887 - 15833 P lymphoid system 5AE08A69BF0B4684BDF69719CB123F16 Lower pole of spleen Zone of spleen located at its inferior end. 10888 10888 10888 lobe of liver 245378000 S10888 Lobe of liver (body structure) E10888 P10888 - 13361 P digestive system 00527405425E4388A1BA396FAA5C41C0 Lobe of liver 10889 10889 10889 lateral part of pancreas 245380006 S10889 Lateral part of pancreas (body structure) E10889 P10889 - P digestive system AC702113E0714F2B88A9676988E1AA58 Lateral part of pancreas 10890 10890 10890 neck of pancreas 245381005 S10890 Neck of pancreas (body structure) E10890 P10890 - 14517 P digestive system EB9B991588E74A3784AC6B25385E9E7F Neck of pancreas 10891 10891 10891 dorsal pancreatic duct 245387009 S10891 Dorsal pancreatic duct (body structure) E10891 P10891 - P digestive system CDB8CE07CBB24614823CB36F071E9E69 Dorsal pancreatic duct 10892 10892 10892 ventral pancreatic duct 245388004 S10892 Ventral pancreatic duct (body structure) E10892 P10892 - P digestive system 3B0675D3F11D44149BA99DFDEC294FC3 Ventral pancreatic duct 10893 10893 10893 Hartmann's pouch 245393001 S10893 Hartmann's pouch (body structure) E10893 P10893 - P digestive system 3580340F9EFE48029218D82F5907146A Hartmann's pouch 10894 10894 10894 proximal third of main bile duct 245395008 S10894 Proximal third of main bile duct (body structure) E10894 P10894 - P digestive system AF6E33699A5E46B7805C5962DAD46A5D Proximal third of main bile duct 10895 10895 10895 middle third of main bile duct 245396009 S10895 Middle third of main bile duct (body structure) E10895 P10895 - P digestive system C66F15870F744C278C77C880EEA3DF03 Middle third of main bile duct 10896 10896 10896 distal third of main bile duct 245397000 S10896 Distal third of main bile duct (body structure) E10896 P10896 - P digestive system 4BB2FB1976F14FDDAEC94BA2A18BE631 Distal third of main bile duct 10897 10897 10897 junction of esophagus 245408002 S10897 Junction of esophagus (body structure) E10897 P10897 - P digestive system 6314893B222D4BD3877DED65690CDB53 Junction of esophagus 10898 10898 10898 pharyngoesophageal junction 245409005 S10898 Pharyngoesophageal junction (body structure) E10898 P10898 - 45583 P digestive system 15A73122787847E1A5AF6A13A5B39E6B Pharyngoesophageal junction 10899 10899 10899 anatomical narrowing of esophagus 245410000 S10899 Anatomical narrowing of esophagus (body structure) E10899 P10899 - 17041 P digestive system A1E8CC46565248FC8AE7F09C944D8887 Anatomical narrowing of esophagus 10900 10900 10900 pharyngoesophageal narrowing of esophagus 245411001 S10900 Pharyngoesophageal narrowing of esophagus (body structure) E10900 P10900 - 76684 P digestive system 6B7BF710FD5C4DC197D9C3CD81905222 Pharyngoesophageal narrowing of esophagus 10901 10901 10901 aortic narrowing of esophagus 245412008 S10901 Aortic narrowing of esophagus (body structure) E10901 P10901 - 13298 P digestive system 4481F134EB4C4D85A16031C022D55E6B Aortic narrowing of esophagus 10902 10902 10902 bronchial narrowing of esophagus 245413003 S10902 Bronchial narrowing of esophagus (body structure) E10902 P10902 - 13299 P digestive system 46A7DED131E24C07A1B80E82C4E61C16 Bronchial narrowing of esophagus 10903 10903 10903 diaphragmatic narrowing of esophagus 245414009 S10903 Diaphragmatic narrowing of esophagus (body structure) E10903 P10903 - 76687 P digestive system E8A71B30F4F64F26A2C1112C499D6104 Diaphragmatic narrowing of esophagus 10904 10904 10904 supra-ampullary part of rectum 245431002 S10904 Supra-ampullary part of rectum (body structure) E10904 P10904 - P digestive system CF85E8FD1AE24AD595D834EACADC54EF Supra-ampullary part of rectum 10905 10905 10905 flexure of rectum 245433004 S10905 Flexure of rectum (body structure) E10905 P10905 - P digestive system 794C6602F6C54C868F0D246089E48999 Flexure of rectum 10906 10906 10906 lateral flexure of rectum 245437003 S10906 Lateral flexure of rectum (body structure) E10906 P10906 - 66304 P digestive system D917C2A91D604CEF958826153B3EA32F Lateral flexure of rectum 10907 10907 10907 prepectinate part of anal canal 245440003 S10907 Prepectinate part of anal canal (body structure) E10907 P10907 - P digestive system 829098BB86634A8FA6B118DD9BCB426B Prepectinate part of anal canal 10908 10908 10908 terminal part of anal canal 245442006 S10908 Terminal part of anal canal (body structure) E10908 P10908 - P digestive system BF5F73BCCAE1442F91122FDB7B3FEBE7 Terminal part of anal canal 10909 10909 10909 specialization of anal canal 245443001 S10909 Specialization of anal canal (body structure) E10909 P10909 - P digestive system 2CB22FF543614E7C87DF777D6040BCD8 Specialization of anal canal 10910 10910 10910 pectinate line of anal canal 245445008 S10910 Pectinate line of anal canal (body structure) E10910 P10910 - 75383 P digestive system 4C13535BA2744C65B0B2EAE81F37959B Pectinate line of anal canal 10911 10911 10911 opening of duct of anal gland 245450002 S10911 Opening of duct of anal gland (body structure) E10911 P10911 - P digestive system 69131D84D0A64C8F9CBD69DF36B17AE2 Opening of duct of anal gland 10914 10914 10914 large intestine mesentery 245457004 S10914 Large intestine mesentery (body structure) E10914 P10914 - 14645 P digestive system DB0A7529FF90479A8DE33AFD86DF8243 Large intestine mesentery 10916 10916 10916 mesorectum 245460006 S10916 Mesorectum (body structure) E10916 P10916 - P digestive system 033A746300DA4B889C0600AA374EB435 Mesorectum 10917 10917 10917 upper third of ureter 245462003 S10917 Upper third of ureter (body structure) E10917 P10917 Y P urinary system D3F33D46B82B41E1817B8A056461F31D Upper third of ureter 10918 10918 10918 middle third of ureter 245463008 S10918 Middle third of ureter (body structure) E10918 P10918 Y P urinary system 4DB7CA5F97D14B16B9DF4934283E9A14 Middle third of ureter 10919 10919 10919 lower third of ureter 245464002 S10919 Lower third of ureter (body structure) E10919 P10919 Y P urinary system 5352302ADFC448BAAE3D7A67880FC754 Lower third of ureter 10920 10920 10920 upper uterine segment 245483009 S10920 Upper uterine segment (body structure) E10920 P10920 - 23182 P genital system 9DBFE5DE7BDE4FFF8A8767B9B7419440 Upper uterine segment 10921 10921 10921 uterine wall 245485002 S10921 Uterine wall (body structure) E10921 P10921 - 17560 P genital system 659FB6C960E74AD9ADB0926B9B358DC2 Uterine wall 10922 10922 10922 anterior wall of uterus 245486001 S10922 Anterior wall of uterus (body structure) E10922 P10922 - 224876 P genital system 4E81C2E920A0442E853E6980D21D04A8 Anterior wall of uterus 10923 10923 10923 posterior wall of uterus 245487005 S10923 Posterior wall of uterus (body structure) E10923 P10923 - 224878 P genital system 9F391A08EDB34CB49C28952565CA3CF4 Posterior wall of uterus 10924 10924 10924 uterine submucosa 245489008 S10924 Uterine submucosa (body structure) E10924 P10924 - 0 P genital system 9A55F33B5B884D8CBE3F31F6BD366446 Uterine submucosa 10925 10925 10925 right angle of cervix 245492007 S10925 Right angle of cervix (body structure) E10925 P10925 R P genital system 60955F2A3D46415F999FB08FC674D8AF Right angle of cervix 10926 10926 10926 left angle of cervix 245493002 S10926 Left angle of cervix (body structure) E10926 P10926 L P genital system 08569682A7EC42DCBFBB2DC3C86ADC8C Left angle of cervix 10927 10927 10927 cornu of Fallopian tube 245499003 S10927 Cornu of Fallopian tube (body structure) E10927 P10927 Y P genital system C32F6FF1E74E49C68D480C09BD7DF789 Cornu of Fallopian tube 10929 10929 10929 truncus intermedius of right main bronchus 245512006 S10929 Truncus intermedius of right main bronchus (body structure) E10929 P10929 R 7415 P respiratory system 94639A774E514519B658833AEE82D6CB Truncus intermedius of right main bronchus 10930 10930 10930 apical segment of upper lobe of lung 245515008 S10930 Apical segment of upper lobe of lung (body structure) E10930 P10930 Y 13188 P respiratory system CAAD72074F2045F2BCF9F06EDBA1E1EC Apical segment of upper lobe of lung 10931 10931 10931 basal segment of lung 245516009 S10931 Basal segment of lung (body structure) E10931 P10931 Y P respiratory system E36DCA9C17DD4AE480549334EB9FD747 Basal segment of lung 10932 10932 10932 segment of upper lobe of right lung 245517000 S10932 Segment of upper lobe of right lung (body structure) E10932 P10932 R 0 P respiratory system A51421F193DD40949D252D836426D380 Segment of upper lobe of right lung 10933 10933 10933 segment of middle lobe of right lung 245518005 S10933 Segment of middle lobe of right lung (body structure) E10933 P10933 R 0 P respiratory system 98439502AA814F8AADF2BCC6C4AA6D49 Segment of middle lobe of right lung 10934 10934 10934 segment of lower lobe of right lung 245519002 S10934 Segment of lower lobe of right lung (body structure) E10934 P10934 R 0 P respiratory system C420AB867B2C437F8A3F0E21A7860B3D Segment of lower lobe of right lung 10935 10935 10935 segment of upper lobe of left lung 245521007 S10935 Segment of upper lobe of left lung (body structure) E10935 P10935 L 0 P respiratory system 5C543B9122F247A294A1A05BEA8C64A1 Segment of upper lobe of left lung 10936 10936 10936 apical segment of left upper lobe of lung 245522000 S10936 Apical segment of left upper lobe (body structure) E10936 P10936 L P respiratory system 7F9F5254A0F54FD0AC9D00112492EEC7 Apical segment of left upper lobe 10937 10937 10937 segment of lower lobe of left lung 245523005 S10937 Segment of lower lobe of left lung (body structure) E10937 P10937 L 0 P respiratory system CB9663247CD54AB1AC9B427028FB4D4F Segment of lower lobe of left lung 10938 10938 10938 retromammary space 245526002 S10938 Retromammary space (body structure) E10938 P10938 Y 67722 P 0256B8F03AA9414C9DD7953BFEB9FAEC Retromammary space 10939 10939 10939 intraglandular cleft of pituitary gland 245531000 S10939 Intraglandular cleft of pituitary gland (body structure) E10939 P10939 - P endocrine system DCA60AD19B5A47CB82E6C26AF02848AD Intraglandular cleft of pituitary gland 10941 10941 10941 superior parathyroid gland 245540001 S10941 Superior parathyroid gland (body structure) E10941 P10941 Y 55558 P endocrine system 27FD00CC422744AFA635B8DDA1CC15D6 Superior parathyroid gland 10942 10942 10942 inferior parathyroid gland 245542009 S10942 Inferior parathyroid gland (body structure) E10942 P10942 Y 55559 P endocrine system 4ECDFD31C9A5432CB9D1EAA07680AE6F Inferior parathyroid gland 10943 10943 10943 dentition 245543004 S10943 Dentition (body structure) E10943 P10943 - 75150 P digestive system FBE6358C059F40AD82AED8AFB13181C4 Dentition 10944 10944 10944 mixed dentition 245545006 S10944 Mixed dentition (body structure) E10944 P10944 - P digestive system E0D3A562F5BE49D2A6CB7749FD22D1F2 Mixed dentition 10945 10945 10945 quadrant of dental arch 245551001 S10945 Quadrant of dental arch (body structure) E10945 P10945 Y 0 P digestive system FF7731C02A784FF78F0ABD8C3266CBDB Quadrant of dental arch 10946 10946 10946 upper left quadrant of dental arch 245552008 S10946 Upper left quadrant of dental arch (body structure) E10946 P10946 Lgroup 0 D digestive system 2757886DBB1A4F2CA9E0206178E9997E Upper left quadrant of dental arch 10947 10947 10947 upper right quadrant of dental arch 245553003 S10947 Upper right quadrant of dental arch (body structure) E10947 P10947 Rgroup 0 D digestive system E2B307657E0D4A26BE4C10927FAF7726 Upper right quadrant of dental arch 10948 10948 10948 lower right quadrant of dental arch 245554009 S10948 Lower right quadrant of dental arch (body structure) E10948 P10948 Rgroup 0 D digestive system 1B173D8B8E994A41B3993E52E8B89829 Lower right quadrant of dental arch 10949 10949 10949 lower left quadrant of dental arch 245555005 S10949 Lower left quadrant of dental arch (body structure) E10949 P10949 Lgroup 0 D digestive system 1DF47763B8D24C839B12957746C49CA6 Lower left quadrant of dental arch 10950 10950 10950 segment of dental arch 245556006 S10950 Segment of dental arch (body structure) E10950 P10950 - 0 P digestive system CC08DF7BBD0A488E9565880E8452B6D3 Segment of dental arch 10951 10951 10951 upper anterior segment of dental arch 245557002 S10951 Upper anterior segment of dental arch (body structure) E10951 P10951 - 0 P digestive system DBB914127079488AB64CA227368F45E3 Upper anterior segment of dental arch 10952 10952 10952 upper left segment of dental arch 245558007 S10952 Upper left segment of dental arch (body structure) E10952 P10952 L 0 P digestive system EC04F300901149BAA913EF599F890A3F Upper left segment of dental arch 10953 10953 10953 upper right segment of dental arch 245559004 S10953 Upper right segment of dental arch (body structure) E10953 P10953 R 0 P digestive system 2FD4019D60AE44E88B9F2669B1AB0CC4 Upper right segment of dental arch 10954 10954 10954 lower right segment of dental arch 245560009 S10954 Lower right segment of dental arch (body structure) E10954 P10954 R 0 P digestive system 99D29925031C40C0840AE6D8E707817A Lower right segment of dental arch 10955 10955 10955 lower anterior segment of dental arch 245561008 S10955 Lower anterior segment of dental arch (body structure) E10955 P10955 - 0 P digestive system 28E069D5C51745DD8937C9B0815B393A Lower anterior segment of dental arch 10956 10956 10956 lower left segment of dental arch 245562001 S10956 Lower left segment of dental arch (body structure) E10956 P10956 L 0 P digestive system C148B9F2AE874CEF824D75970AF0282D Lower left segment of dental arch 10957 10957 10957 surface of tooth 245643006 S10957 Tooth surface (body structure) E10957 P10957 surface of tooth Y 55642 P digestive system 1121A4EEB6054E66AF145DCB85E5CFA2 Tooth surface 10958 10958 10958 single tooth surface 245644000 S10958 Single tooth surface (body structure) E10958 P10958 surface of tooth, single Y P digestive system 7D764B4523574C769168EF8FADD5ABEB Single tooth surface 10959 10959 10959 mamelon 245646003 S10959 Mamelon (body structure) E10959 P10959 Y 78588 P digestive system 401244F924C94E0CB7E0AE16E8B35E0E Mamelon 10960 10960 10960 buccal pit 245648002 S10960 Buccal pit (body structure) E10960 P10960 Y P digestive system 9421DEBBCA57499CBF8B538AC4E1FF46 Buccal pit 10961 10961 10961 interproximal surface of tooth 373652007 S10961 Interproximal surface of tooth (body structure) E10961 245651009 Proximal surface of tooth (body structure) P10961 surface of tooth, proximal Y 55651 P digestive system 3CC9D7877A094E4BB040635AC7A45D52 33161AAAB65F4428A1BADEBAE4656560 Interproximal surface of tooth Proximal surface of tooth (body structure) 10962 10962 10962 two tooth surfaces 245654001 S10962 Two tooth surfaces (body structure) E10962 P10962 surfaces of tooth, two Y P digestive system 2D27CE261D434CB79764A5CD077651C3 Two tooth surfaces 10963 10963 10963 buccal-occlusal surface 245655000 S10963 Buccal-occlusal (body structure) E10963 P10963 Y P digestive system 750266DDE6684059940169CC120FB15E Buccal-occlusal surface 10964 10964 10964 palatal-occlusal surface 245656004 S10964 Palatal-occlusal (body structure) E10964 P10964 Y P digestive system 54D6A586190D4DB9A3B2B3DCF5EB3F4A Palatal-occlusal surface 10965 10965 10965 lingual-occlusal surface 245657008 S10965 Lingual-occlusal (body structure) E10965 P10965 Y P digestive system 375BAC59E45D49898A7FF2A2C3C63707 Lingual-occlusal surface 10966 10966 10966 mesial-occlusal surface 245658003 S10966 Mesial-occlusal (body structure) E10966 P10966 Y P digestive system D42F730D12464898BC1CF741151802E2 Mesial-occlusal surface 10967 10967 10967 distal-occlusal surface 245659006 S10967 Distal-occlusal (body structure) E10967 P10967 Y P digestive system 6B3290B9405242B687F9BF85F3BBF226 Distal-occlusal surface 10968 10968 10968 mesial-incisal surface 245660001 S10968 Mesial-incisal (body structure) E10968 P10968 Y P digestive system 0FB802F89654495B8053BB7A2836AA16 Mesial-incisal surface 10969 10969 10969 distal-incisal surface 245661002 S10969 Distal-incisal (body structure) E10969 P10969 Y P digestive system 186618A3215B4DD9B0E5C983714FD2B8 Distal-incisal surface 10970 10970 10970 mesial-buccal surface 245662009 S10970 Mesial-buccal (body structure) E10970 P10970 Y P digestive system 41A81FC5A0E94AF8ACA771B462B1A2CE Mesial-buccal surface 10971 10971 10971 mesial-palatal surface 245663004 S10971 Mesial-palatal (body structure) E10971 P10971 Y P digestive system 83F69A88504A45ACA7E2ECB7F34A7C12 Mesial-palatal surface 10972 10972 10972 mesial-lingual surface 245664005 S10972 Mesial-lingual (body structure) E10972 P10972 Y P digestive system 1FCD77AD8C5E48CBB7075E84C7BAE880 Mesial-lingual surface 10973 10973 10973 distal-buccal surface 245665006 S10973 Distal-buccal (body structure) E10973 P10973 Y P digestive system E5FBA26E040040F2ABF9EC020BA0D2AB Distal-buccal surface 10974 10974 10974 distal-palatal surface 245666007 S10974 Distal-palatal (body structure) E10974 P10974 Y P digestive system A5256051862F4675A4CD0FE38C9FC3A6 Distal-palatal surface 10975 10975 10975 distal-lingual surface 245668008 S10975 Distal-lingual (body structure) E10975 P10975 Y P digestive system 4B0C98387A554AF881827E4387964B0C Distal-lingual surface 10976 10976 10976 three tooth surfaces 245669000 S10976 Three tooth surfaces (body structure) E10976 P10976 surfaces of tooth, three Y P digestive system AE0B54B8DFC243DAB8DD2AC095853CE8 Three tooth surfaces 10977 10977 10977 mesial-occlusal-distal surface 245670004 S10977 Mesial-occlusal-distal (body structure) E10977 P10977 Y P digestive system CBE04F32F1A84EF2A975106E762A5205 Mesial-occlusal-distal surface 10978 10978 10978 mesial-occlusal-palatal surface 245671000 S10978 Mesial-occlusal-palatal (body structure) E10978 P10978 Y P digestive system 878CED5B4D5B4AEA8DC0ED01EFEBAB24 Mesial-occlusal-palatal surface 10979 10979 10979 mesial-occlusal-lingual surface 245672007 S10979 Mesial-occlusal-lingual (body structure) E10979 P10979 Y P digestive system 167D669F949546C3948F3B770C272178 Mesial-occlusal-lingual surface 10980 10980 10980 mesial-incisal-distal surface 245673002 S10980 Mesial-incisal-distal (body structure) E10980 P10980 Y P digestive system 63E8671254044AD492D44C9B6B0463CD Mesial-incisal-distal surface 10981 10981 10981 mesial-occlusal-buccal surface 245674008 S10981 Mesial-occlusal-buccal (body structure) E10981 P10981 Y P digestive system 01F7D4925A834BBD8A05E37C66EDA1AB Mesial-occlusal-buccal surface 10982 10982 10982 distal-occlusal-palatal surface 245675009 S10982 Distal-occlusal-palatal (body structure) E10982 P10982 Y P digestive system 87D135DA1E4B4382995621B0D0B961C7 Distal-occlusal-palatal surface 10983 10983 10983 distal-occlusal-lingual surface 245676005 S10983 Distal-occlusal-lingual (body structure) E10983 P10983 Y P digestive system 595FEEF0F9904BEDAB33212CCB267AC5 Distal-occlusal-lingual surface 10984 10984 10984 distal-occlusal-buccal surface 245677001 S10984 Distal-occlusal-buccal (body structure) E10984 P10984 Y P digestive system C94331331D20483CAF006F3D9033387E Distal-occlusal-buccal surface 10985 10985 10985 mesial-buccal-distal surface 245678006 S10985 Mesial-buccal-distal (body structure) E10985 P10985 Y P digestive system 926A246E6C344BD2B49750D9EBC68258 Mesial-buccal-distal surface 10986 10986 10986 mesial-palatal-distal surface 245679003 S10986 Mesial-palatal-distal (body structure) E10986 P10986 Y P digestive system 5077562892014A898067AF85CB18F349 Mesial-palatal-distal surface 10987 10987 10987 mesial-lingual-distal surface 245680000 S10987 Mesial-lingual-distal (body structure) E10987 P10987 Y P digestive system 98624C8CC49D412282DA93A40ECD15D8 Mesial-lingual-distal surface 10988 10988 10988 buccal-mesial-palatal surface 245681001 S10988 Buccal-mesial-palatal (body structure) E10988 P10988 Y P digestive system D85922857933462A8A711D11831DA6F7 Buccal-mesial-palatal surface 10989 10989 10989 buccal-mesial-lingual surface 245682008 S10989 Buccal-mesial-lingual (body structure) E10989 P10989 Y P digestive system 22A02B77B9EC4F899790C68D7A82BA66 Buccal-mesial-lingual surface 10990 10990 10990 buccal-distal-palatal surface 245683003 S10990 Buccal-distal-palatal (body structure) E10990 P10990 Y P digestive system 51950289A3A74183B2B9175E37449FD4 Buccal-distal-palatal surface 10991 10991 10991 buccal-distal-lingual surface 245684009 S10991 Buccal-distal-lingual (body structure) E10991 P10991 Y P digestive system 6FBFBFAFD0864FC292D8A6848B9F2DAD Buccal-distal-lingual surface 10992 10992 10992 four tooth surfaces 245685005 S10992 Four tooth surfaces (body structure) E10992 P10992 surfaces of tooth, four Y P digestive system 5E91D07CD1004A7AB31757561A0B821C Four tooth surfaces 10993 10993 10993 mesial-occlusal-distal-buccal surface 245686006 S10993 Mesial-occlusal-distal-buccal (body structure) E10993 P10993 Y P digestive system 67071EE7DA534FE6B9B39627D4318BB9 Mesial-occlusal-distal-buccal surface 10994 10994 10994 mesial-occlusal-distal-palatal surface 245687002 S10994 Mesial-occlusal-distal-palatal (body structure) E10994 P10994 Y P digestive system 2EA0B8B32EA141D89771B604BB8F2E55 Mesial-occlusal-distal-palatal surface 10995 10995 10995 mesial-occlusal-distal-lingual surface 245688007 S10995 Mesial-occlusal-distal-lingual (body structure) E10995 P10995 Y P digestive system 2F7F3B979E884024BAEB82BA150614FE Mesial-occlusal-distal-lingual surface 10996 10996 10996 mesial-occlusal-buccal-palatal surface 245689004 S10996 Mesial-occlusal-buccal-palatal (body structure) E10996 P10996 Y P digestive system 2A741197A1A546E3A8C14B019040DA49 Mesial-occlusal-buccal-palatal surface 10997 10997 10997 mesial-occlusal-buccal-lingual surface 245690008 S10997 Mesial-occlusal-buccal-lingual (body structure) E10997 P10997 Y P digestive system BECD6D6ADF814442AD7144E2FB03AEEF Mesial-occlusal-buccal-lingual surface 10998 10998 10998 distal-occlusal-buccal-palatal surface 245691007 S10998 Distal-occlusal-buccal-palatal (body structure) E10998 P10998 Y P digestive system E2621596C3814D63B79B28313B523503 Distal-occlusal-buccal-palatal surface 10999 10999 10999 distal-occlusal-buccal-lingual surface 245692000 S10999 Distal-occlusal-buccal-lingual (body structure) E10999 P10999 Y P digestive system 78E1E57C008F4EB58AB5C4FF62BA84C3 Distal-occlusal-buccal-lingual surface 11000 11000 11000 mesial-buccal-distal-palatal surface 245694004 S11000 Mesial-buccal-distal-palatal (body structure) E11000 P11000 Y P digestive system 4C4127B91C7C4D31BAEFF0136DA2F82A Mesial-buccal-distal-palatal surface 11001 11001 11001 mesial-buccal-distal-lingual surface 245695003 S11001 Mesial-buccal-distal-lingual (body structure) E11001 P11001 Y P digestive system 8C3B9A2F6212495EBC6B1AC920E25EAB Mesial-buccal-distal-lingual surface 11002 11002 11002 five tooth surfaces 245696002 S11002 Five tooth surfaces (body structure) E11002 P11002 surfaces of tooth, five Y P digestive system BFEE1D562B5A46D8B6611D5F395614A6 Five tooth surfaces 11003 11003 11003 mesial-occlusal-distal-buccal-palatal surface 245697006 S11003 Mesial-occlusal-distal-buccal-palatal (body structure) E11003 P11003 Y P digestive system 06C4D07BC88846B8BE7E42751D563A46 Mesial-occlusal-distal-buccal-palatal surface 11004 11004 11004 mesial-occlusal-distal-buccal-lingual surface 245698001 S11004 Mesial-occlusal-distal-buccal-lingual (body structure) E11004 P11004 Y P digestive system F3375EF9605C41409D754C42A7728F66 Mesial-occlusal-distal-buccal-lingual surface 11005 11005 11005 tooth ridge 245699009 S11005 Tooth ridge (body structure) E11005 P11005 ridge of tooth Y P digestive system B6C6068A434C43CDAECABC2880B1251F Tooth ridge 11006 11006 11006 marginal ridge of tooth 5542003 S11006 Crista marginalis of tooth (body structure) E11006 245700005 Marginal ridge of tooth (body structure) P11006 ridge of tooth, marginal Y 56758 P digestive system C91389528A354EE3B85FA6CEF99AB0A7 EB727448C4BF4A059F690DC3EED30E76 Crista marginalis of tooth Marginal ridge of tooth (body structure) 11007 11007 11007 lingual marginal gingiva 245763009 S11007 Lingual marginal gingivae (body structure) E11007 P11007 Y P digestive system F779289AFDB24534A3A7BB964698FE9C Lingual marginal gingivae 11008 11008 11008 proximal marginal gingiva 245764003 S11008 Proximal marginal gingivae (body structure) E11008 P11008 Y P digestive system 11D0178D8AE04B5F80BFE45C3B0D6618 Proximal marginal gingivae 11009 11009 11009 col of marginal gingiva 245765002 S11009 Col of marginal gingivae (body structure) E11009 P11009 Y P digestive system AB0169CBD90A49E98CD0323D55234D60 Col of marginal gingivae 11010 11010 11010 mesial marginal gingiva 245766001 S11010 Mesial marginal gingivae (body structure) E11010 P11010 Y P digestive system 7F00D78639F14036B077DB7598E9AA8D Mesial marginal gingivae 11011 11011 11011 distal marginal gingiva 245767005 S11011 Distal marginal gingivae (body structure) E11011 P11011 Y P digestive system 8B242BE2B07A412C96E7403DB1D4CAD4 Distal marginal gingivae 11012 11012 11012 free gingival groove 245768000 S11012 Free gingival groove (body structure) E11012 P11012 Y P digestive system ED7B732386434DA3AB8D26541E7850C9 Free gingival groove 11013 11013 11013 buccal attached gingiva 245771008 S11013 Buccal attached gingivae (body structure) E11013 P11013 Y P digestive system D99C621915954D89B5DF143106936E1A Buccal attached gingivae 11014 11014 11014 labial attached gingiva 245772001 S11014 Labial attached gingivae (body structure) E11014 P11014 Y P digestive system 0B3B3FB943164371B9B0CA88D339A854 Labial attached gingivae 11015 11015 11015 lingual attached gingiva 245773006 S11015 Lingual attached gingivae (body structure) E11015 P11015 Y P digestive system A8A2C97FE58E47F89E77EAD62D006DA6 Lingual attached gingivae 11016 11016 11016 mucogingival junction 245774000 S11016 Mucogingival junction (body structure) E11016 P11016 Y P digestive system 820B5075C5B24971AEFCDB079B4F99CC Mucogingival junction 11017 11017 11017 periodontal ligament 245775004 S11017 Periodontal ligament (body structure) E11017 P11017 Y 56665 P musculoskeletal system 6AF66562FC444123818856086910E2D9 Periodontal ligament Skeletal ligament (organ) that connects a tooth to the maxilla or mandible. 11018 11018 11018 midline of hard palate 245781007 S11018 Midline of hard palate (body structure) E11018 P11018 - P digestive system 6C67D965ED2D4E6A9A1EEC0937FA7889 Midline of hard palate 11019 11019 11019 junction of hard and soft palate 245783005 S11019 Junction of hard and soft palate (body structure) E11019 P11019 - P digestive system 054D69F40CB9486A97AF9DF8CB0759CD Junction of hard and soft palate 11020 11020 11020 lingual sulcus 245789009 S11020 Lingual sulcus (body structure) E11020 P11020 Y P digestive system 42BCC3E8CC5945119B9434E1F709A9BD Lingual sulcus 11021 11021 11021 anterior part of upper alveolar ridge 245793003 S11021 Anterior part of upper alveolar ridge (body structure) E11021 P11021 Y P skeletal system A2BD1B057DED4912A3C64D9DEC4F8BD3 Anterior part of upper alveolar ridge 11022 11022 11022 posterior part of upper alveolar ridge 245794009 S11022 Posterior part of upper alveolar ridge (body structure) E11022 P11022 Y P digestive system 64CEF0074BA8401598E227060F03BA3B Posterior part of upper alveolar ridge 11023 11023 11023 anterior part of lower alveolar ridge 245796006 S11023 Anterior part of lower alveolar ridge (body structure) E11023 P11023 - P skeletal system C1A037A10B8C4CDD8E14079DFBF7BEF9 Anterior part of lower alveolar ridge 11024 11024 11024 posterior part of lower alveolar ridge 245797002 S11024 Posterior part of lower alveolar ridge (body structure) E11024 P11024 Y P digestive system 382B90931C0F449FB697A9375276EA80 Posterior part of lower alveolar ridge 11025 11025 11025 mucosa of labial commissure 245801001 S11025 Mucosa of labial commissure (body structure) E11025 P11025 Y P digestive system 43CCCF44F7814B269BA2BE2EDA2E3D42 Mucosa of labial commissure 11026 11026 11026 mucosa of vestibular sulcus 245803003 S11026 Mucosa of vestibular sulcus (body structure) E11026 P11026 Y P digestive system 0B9588D3C7CB44FC880D4F8B40FE139A Mucosa of vestibular sulcus 11027 11027 11027 mucosa of labial sulcus 245804009 S11027 Mucosa of labial sulcus (body structure) E11027 P11027 Y P digestive system BFC59E5A5AA54985B7352C9A860F102B Mucosa of labial sulcus 11028 11028 11028 mucosa of maxillary labial sulcus 245805005 S11028 Mucosa of maxillary labial sulcus (body structure) E11028 P11028 Y P digestive system 1425AE81304E472FA109FAAC47542928 Mucosa of maxillary labial sulcus 11029 11029 11029 mucosa of mandibular labial sulcus 245806006 S11029 Mucosa of mandibular labial sulcus (body structure) E11029 P11029 Y P digestive system E9ABF23EF6654D5ABBFF3110F80E9A76 Mucosa of mandibular labial sulcus 11030 11030 11030 mucosa of buccal sulcus 245807002 S11030 Mucosa of buccal sulcus (body structure) E11030 P11030 Y P digestive system 4189BC3F4FCA41D0805FFD7F6609DC8A Mucosa of buccal sulcus 11031 11031 11031 mucosa of maxillary buccal sulcus 245808007 S11031 Mucosa of maxillary buccal sulcus (body structure) E11031 P11031 Y P digestive system 17DD53B7C2A04763978AF3D6F081132E Mucosa of maxillary buccal sulcus 11032 11032 11032 mucosa of mandibular buccal sulcus 245809004 S11032 Mucosa of mandibular buccal sulcus (body structure) E11032 P11032 Y P digestive system E30313C281EC45678C1822101EC4064D Mucosa of mandibular buccal sulcus 11033 11033 11033 mucosa of attached region of gingiva 245811008 S11033 Mucosa of attached region of gingiva (body structure) E11033 P11033 Y P digestive system E936CA8751134C2D815952545C8D062B Mucosa of attached region of gingiva 11034 11034 11034 mucosa of free region of gingiva 245812001 S11034 Mucosa of free region of gingiva (body structure) E11034 P11034 Y P digestive system 86A9DFE27B624730A1CC09C73CA6443D Mucosa of free region of gingiva 11035 11035 11035 mucosa of retromolar pads 245813006 S11035 Mucosa of retromolar pads (body structure) E11035 P11035 Y P digestive system 3C3C001AD1CF4B6DA4EA8892B98F591B Mucosa of retromolar pads 11036 11036 11036 mucosa of maxillary gingiva 245814000 S11036 Mucosa of maxillary gingiva (body structure) E11036 P11036 Y P digestive system C43EF7510D06433894CB3794C233D465 Mucosa of maxillary gingiva 11037 11037 11037 mucosa of attached region of maxillary gingiva 245815004 S11037 Mucosa of attached region of maxillary gingiva (body structure) E11037 P11037 Y P digestive system C5D8A9473BEB44D09C966BCCC383FCAD Mucosa of attached region of maxillary gingiva 11038 11038 11038 mucosa of vestibular area of gingiva 245816003 S11038 Mucosa of vestibular surfaces of gingivae (body structure) E11038 P11038 Y P digestive system 457C7460E2344377990F6C25B2F07B7F Mucosa of vestibular surfaces of gingivae 11039 11039 11039 mucosa of vestibular area of maxillary gingiva 245817007 S11039 Mucosa of vestibular surface of maxillary gingiva (body structure) E11039 P11039 Y P digestive system 97DC18BE013144969BEA0391207296A2 Mucosa of vestibular surface of maxillary gingiva 11040 11040 11040 mucosa of buccal area of maxillary gingiva 245818002 S11040 Mucosa of buccal surface of maxillary gingiva (body structure) E11040 P11040 Y P digestive system F25B798AC1294F438E74BCCA28256078 Mucosa of buccal surface of maxillary gingiva 11041 11041 11041 mucosa of labial area of maxillary gingiva 245819005 S11041 Mucosa of labial surface of maxillary gingiva (body structure) E11041 P11041 Y P digestive system 75A63AAA54B74C7F8FF43DA1467BF798 Mucosa of labial surface of maxillary gingiva 11042 11042 11042 mucosa of palatal area of maxillary gingiva 245820004 S11042 Mucosa of palatal surface of maxillary gingiva (body structure) E11042 P11042 Y P digestive system CD21A2D548D44A5E88946C677264FA83 Mucosa of palatal surface of maxillary gingiva 11043 11043 11043 mucosa of free region of maxillary gingiva 245821000 S11043 Mucosa of free region of maxillary gingiva (body structure) E11043 P11043 Y P digestive system 380612B33D694BAE8A54477B813581B2 Mucosa of free region of maxillary gingiva 11044 11044 11044 mucosa of maxillary tuberosity 245822007 S11044 Mucosa of maxillary tuberosity (body structure) E11044 P11044 Y P digestive system D31DFFBC0D344897827BA3AA3109C168 Mucosa of maxillary tuberosity 11045 11045 11045 mucosa of mandibular gingiva 245823002 S11045 Mucosa of mandibular gingiva (body structure) E11045 P11045 Y P digestive system 8F6CEE7824A34BD9A716EF13B3A8D22B Mucosa of mandibular gingiva 11046 11046 11046 mucosa of attached region of mandibular gingiva 245824008 S11046 Mucosa of attached region of mandibular gingiva (body structure) E11046 P11046 Y P digestive system AC5412BD2B094287B6161DE047101219 Mucosa of attached region of mandibular gingiva 11047 11047 11047 mucosa of vestibular area of mandibular gingiva 245825009 S11047 Mucosa of vestibular surface of mandibular gingiva (body structure) E11047 P11047 Y P digestive system EC7E98895D5F40FF80229FCB351C4412 Mucosa of vestibular surface of mandibular gingiva 11048 11048 11048 mucosa of buccal area of mandibular gingiva 245826005 S11048 Mucosa of buccal surface of mandibular gingiva (body structure) E11048 P11048 Y P digestive system 2AB93119D09441D9BBB8840EE628CA5A Mucosa of buccal surface of mandibular gingiva 11049 11049 11049 mucosa of labial area of mandibular gingiva 245827001 S11049 Mucosa of labial surface of mandibular gingiva (body structure) E11049 P11049 Y P digestive system BC22FA194938460D8966207F518B58FF Mucosa of labial surface of mandibular gingiva 11050 11050 11050 mucosa of lingual area of mandibular gingiva 245828006 S11050 Mucosa of lingual surface of mandibular gingiva (body structure) E11050 P11050 Y P digestive system 0D59E1A7ECC74F68A4085AF6C0BB0414 Mucosa of lingual surface of mandibular gingiva 11051 11051 11051 mucosa of free region of mandibular gingiva 245829003 S11051 Mucosa of free region of mandibular gingiva (body structure) E11051 P11051 Y P digestive system AA70BC6DB99E48CB916CE83CD5FDEEEF Mucosa of free region of mandibular gingiva 11052 11052 11052 mucosa of retromolar pads of mandibular gingiva 245830008 S11052 Mucosa of retromolar pads of mandibular gingiva (body structure) E11052 P11052 Y P digestive system 6925F1DFC7624CFC981D79F25346219B Mucosa of retromolar pads of mandibular gingiva 11053 11053 11053 mucosa of tip of tongue 245831007 S11053 Mucosa of tip of tongue (body structure) E11053 P11053 - P digestive system BE1EC577810347B193FE8F9D203A7883 Mucosa of tip of tongue 11054 11054 11054 mucosa of base of tongue 245832000 S11054 Mucosa of base of tongue (body structure) E11054 P11054 - 281288 P digestive system AEDCD61D0D1A46E89BBF4AA0FAA90A3B Mucosa of base of tongue 11055 11055 11055 mucosa of margin of tongue 245833005 S11055 Mucosa of margin of tongue (body structure) E11055 P11055 Y P digestive system 485EF7238B894ADE9C77D50A3F0BF03B Mucosa of margin of tongue 11056 11056 11056 mucosa of area of tongue 245834004 S11056 Mucosa of surface of tongue (body structure) E11056 P11056 - P digestive system 0D8AE0D5713E441D99F28B33EEAA0E7A Mucosa of surface of tongue 11057 11057 11057 mucosa of dorsal area of tongue 245835003 S11057 Mucosa of dorsal surface of tongue (body structure) E11057 P11057 - 74871 P digestive system FC543205C62C4F74854B74AB481253ED Mucosa of dorsal surface of tongue 11058 11058 11058 mucosa of ventral area of tongue 245836002 S11058 Mucosa of ventral surface of tongue (body structure) E11058 P11058 - 74872 P digestive system F37EC161ADA64437A8279988717A1D7E Mucosa of ventral surface of tongue 11059 11059 11059 mucosa of anterior part of floor of mouth 245838001 S11059 Mucosa of anterior part of floor of mouth (body structure) E11059 P11059 - P digestive system 079EC794D06648928DBFB78A52583C0A Mucosa of anterior part of floor of mouth 11060 11060 11060 mucosa of lateral part of floor of mouth 245839009 S11060 Mucosa of lateral part of floor of mouth (body structure) E11060 P11060 Y P digestive system D5CFB88356ED47FF9B38E7BACFAA53C0 Mucosa of lateral part of floor of mouth 11061 11061 11061 mucosa of hard palate 245841005 S11061 Mucosa of hard palate (body structure) E11061 P11061 - 59783 P digestive system 673540D8AD1E4C97A23B0179C62E9190 Mucosa of hard palate 11062 11062 11062 mucosa of soft palate 245842003 S11062 Mucosa of soft palate (body structure) E11062 P11062 - 59784 P digestive system 61005950A676480DB3222FF784A61F37 Mucosa of soft palate 11063 11063 11063 mucosa of anterior pillars of fauces 245843008 S11063 Mucosa of anterior pillars of fauces (body structure) E11063 P11063 Y P digestive system 628FBA5C031E4791A0F6B9BB6113DB1A Mucosa of anterior pillars of fauces 11064 11064 11064 ligamentum flavum within region of vertebral column 245861004 S11064 Ligamentum flavum within region of vertebral column (body structure) E11064 P11064 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system AD2A3E352CE64B5194EFB405DC824EFF Ligamentum flavum within region of vertebral column 11065 11065 11065 C1/C2 ligamentum flavum 245862006 S11065 C1/C2 ligamentum flavum (body structure) E11065 P11065 Y 25403 P musculoskeletal system 6EF554C22EFD48C3B9B00F64FF7FA68F C1/C2 ligamentum flavum 11066 11066 11066 C2/C3 ligamentum flavum 245863001 S11066 C2/C3 ligamentum flavum (body structure) E11066 P11066 Y 24953 P musculoskeletal system 65AC192EB97A4EB4A247C7302A0481BE C2/C3 ligamentum flavum 11067 11067 11067 C3/C4 ligamentum flavum 245864007 S11067 C3/C4 ligamentum flavum (body structure) E11067 P11067 Y 24954 P musculoskeletal system 03A46737349B42FDB5CDDEC2D0704F65 C3/C4 ligamentum flavum 11068 11068 11068 C4/C5 ligamentum flavum 245865008 S11068 C4/C5 ligamentum flavum (body structure) E11068 P11068 Y 24956 P musculoskeletal system A605CC7EE21A4ACB8B8307A30E42B165 C4/C5 ligamentum flavum 11069 11069 11069 C5/C6 ligamentum flavum 245866009 S11069 C5/C6 ligamentum flavum (body structure) E11069 P11069 Y 24957 P musculoskeletal system A9EFA3668B454D4291BBDAEFF11B24A3 C5/C6 ligamentum flavum 11070 11070 11070 C6/C7 ligamentum flavum 245868005 S11070 C6/C7 ligamentum flavum (body structure) E11070 P11070 Y 24958 P musculoskeletal system EA7EAF6AB3054B57A9D3274740EC198C C6/C7 ligamentum flavum 11071 11071 11071 T1/T2 ligamentum flavum S11071 E11071 245869002 T1/T2 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11071 Y 13682 P musculoskeletal system 8D2911C990CF4A5A818C7EBB6C68C0C7 T1/T2 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11072 11072 11072 T2/T3 ligamentum flavum S11072 E11072 245870001 T2/T3 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11072 Y 13683 P musculoskeletal system 57F4BC326996417AAE533CEFCA931136 T2/T3 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11073 11073 11073 T3/T4 ligamentum flavum S11073 E11073 245871002 T3/T4 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11073 Y 13684 P musculoskeletal system 931416DFFF7E44C7B16C8E096D14C6DB T3/T4 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11074 11074 11074 T4/T5 ligamentum flavum S11074 E11074 245872009 T4/T5 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11074 Y 13685 P musculoskeletal system 8853D48FB9EC42078BD78B3BB6A4BB21 T4/T5 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11075 11075 11075 T5/T6 ligamentum flavum S11075 E11075 245873004 T5/T6 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11075 Y 13686 P musculoskeletal system 0226396D57BB47A6ADF257AACD0BAD05 T5/T6 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11076 11076 11076 T6/T7 ligamentum flavum S11076 E11076 245874005 T6/T7 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11076 Y 13687 P musculoskeletal system 43B5E266A2E74A299AEA2CD604A4491F T6/T7 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11077 11077 11077 T7/T8 ligamentum flavum S11077 E11077 245875006 T7/T8 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11077 Y 13688 P musculoskeletal system 6B0BA6EF4B504221A78D721B1F21D0F4 T7/T8 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11078 11078 11078 T8/T9 ligamentum flavum S11078 E11078 245876007 T8/T9 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11078 Y 13689 P musculoskeletal system A706B87CC2CA400A8528EBB8D067D98C T8/T9 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11079 11079 11079 T9/T10 ligamentum flavum S11079 E11079 245877003 T9/T10 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11079 Y 13690 P musculoskeletal system 8A6ACFED87CA4F76AA9DE926DD863404 T9/T10 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11080 11080 11080 T10/T11 ligamentum flavum S11080 E11080 245878008 T10/T11 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11080 Y 13691 P musculoskeletal system 6D16154AC61A40628D624E649D623533 T10/T11 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11081 11081 11081 T11/T12 ligamentum flavum S11081 E11081 245879000 T11/T12 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11081 Y 13692 P musculoskeletal system E53976D9679A493E80CDE589C4E9E6A7 T11/T12 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11082 11082 11082 L1/L2 ligamentum flavum S11082 E11082 245880002 L1/L2 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11082 Y 16044 P musculoskeletal system 9DE32D8D3F5E447A8506BEA944871E44 L1/L2 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11083 11083 11083 L2/L3 ligamentum flavum S11083 E11083 245881003 L2/L3 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11083 Y 16045 P musculoskeletal system CC8EF6370644474383B83F642F2D7BE5 L2/L3 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11084 11084 11084 L3/L4 ligamentum flavum S11084 E11084 245883000 L3/L4 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11084 Y 16046 P musculoskeletal system C33A0EA4AECA407EA7B6A8F6CA3EA601 L3/L4 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11085 11085 11085 L4/L5 ligamentum flavum S11085 E11085 245884006 L4/L5 ligamentum flavum (body structure) P11085 Y 16047 P musculoskeletal system 2A15FD14E42F4A439FE8FFEF6298224B L4/L5 ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11086 11086 11086 ligamentum flavum between regions of vertebral column 245885007 S11086 Ligamentum flavum between regions of vertebral column (body structure) E11086 P11086 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system F8447EDCEADA410997B34C301F51DB2E Ligamentum flavum between regions of vertebral column 11087 11087 11087 C7/T1 ligamentum flavum 245886008 S11087 Cervicothoracic ligamentum flavum (body structure) E11087 P11087 Y 24959 P musculoskeletal system AAA731D93A724015AB3A6CB471EBD747 Cervicothoracic ligamentum flavum 11088 11088 11088 T12/L1 ligamentum flavum 245887004 S11088 Thoracolumbar ligamentum flavum (body structure) E11088 P11088 Y 13693 P musculoskeletal system A5030BE8E88F4E8DB251430465A609A1 Thoracolumbar ligamentum flavum (body structure) 11089 11089 11089 L5/S1 ligamentum flavum 245888009 S11089 Lumbosacral ligamentum flavum (body structure) E11089 P11089 Y 16048 P musculoskeletal system 714FBE3A49A0483E9F913DD434381F8A Lumbosacral ligamentum flavum 11090 11090 11090 intertransverse ligament within region of vertebral column 245889001 S11090 Intertransverse ligament within region of vertebral column (body structure) E11090 P11090 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 88EBDF9EC9EB4C94B2CC8CE5B03CA508 Intertransverse ligament within region of vertebral column 11091 11091 11091 C1/C2 intertransverse ligament 245890005 S11091 C1/C2 intertransverse ligament (body structure) E11091 P11091 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 0D931BD417F642E9A83493D5D6BB60AB C1/C2 intertransverse ligament 11092 11092 11092 C2/C3 intertransverse ligament 245891009 S11092 C2/C3 intertransverse ligament (body structure) E11092 P11092 Y 27275 P musculoskeletal system A299610416324D018424A7705D39440F C2/C3 intertransverse ligament 11093 11093 11093 C3/C4 intertransverse ligament 245892002 S11093 C3/C4 intertransverse ligament (body structure) E11093 P11093 Y 27278 P musculoskeletal system BABF67195416437081FB90EC2B7A1C68 C3/C4 intertransverse ligament 11094 11094 11094 C4/C5 intertransverse ligament 245893007 S11094 C4/C5 intertransverse ligament (body structure) E11094 P11094 Y 27277 P musculoskeletal system 5B51871FC1274DC78493DEAE201B562A C4/C5 intertransverse ligament 11095 11095 11095 C5/C6 intertransverse ligament 245894001 S11095 C5/C6 intertransverse ligament (body structure) E11095 P11095 Y 27279 P musculoskeletal system B152A6EEA0C84316AFC940067DD6577E C5/C6 intertransverse ligament 11096 11096 11096 C6/C7 intertransverse ligament 245895000 S11096 C6/C7 intertransverse ligament (body structure) E11096 P11096 Y 27280 P musculoskeletal system FDF5B9B65A444CA483DFC330C90965FD C6/C7 intertransverse ligament 11097 11097 11097 T1/T2 intertransverse ligament S11097 E11097 245896004 T1/T2 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11097 Y 13721 P musculoskeletal system DB295D2A81CB46AFBCEE7C627E39CBB6 T1/T2 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11098 11098 11098 T2/T3 intertransverse ligament S11098 E11098 245897008 T2/T3 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11098 Y 13722 P musculoskeletal system 72C1EFA2AF4242C28C71AFAEC1ED29CC T2/T3 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11099 11099 11099 T3/T4 intertransverse ligament S11099 E11099 245898003 T3/T4 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11099 Y 13723 P musculoskeletal system 690B4721C20A49CB8D0757F5819B52FE T3/T4 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11100 11100 11100 T4/T5 intertransverse ligament S11100 E11100 245899006 T4/T5 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11100 Y 13724 P musculoskeletal system 9C539985E53B4F2E9AAD94AC1512B8C4 T4/T5 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11101 11101 11101 T5/T6 intertransverse ligament S11101 E11101 245900001 T5/T6 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11101 Y 13725 P musculoskeletal system 04723121E1B14B57B06A18E61E704B2B T5/T6 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11102 11102 11102 T6/T7 intertransverse ligament S11102 E11102 245901002 T6/T7 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11102 Y 13726 P musculoskeletal system 542A6DCBCB3447DCBD56B4916D3B8E4D T6/T7 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11103 11103 11103 T7/T8 intertransverse ligament S11103 E11103 245902009 T7/T8 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11103 Y 13727 P musculoskeletal system 89A9B2B0F80D4969A207C760FE88ACBC T7/T8 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11104 11104 11104 T8/T9 intertransverse ligament S11104 E11104 245903004 T8/T9 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11104 Y 13728 P musculoskeletal system 09C90C76CBED4538AE7584204A3F2BAD T8/T9 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11105 11105 11105 T9/T10 intertransverse ligament S11105 E11105 245904005 T9/T10 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11105 Y 13729 P musculoskeletal system 2F504DBBAAB4456DA14E22B977E5623A T9/T10 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11106 11106 11106 T10/T11 intertransverse ligament S11106 E11106 245905006 T10/T11 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11106 Y 13730 P musculoskeletal system 3B501EA6D246470B97B4CD884CDD8B15 T10/T11 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11107 11107 11107 T11/T12 intertransverse ligament S11107 E11107 245906007 T11/T12 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11107 Y 13731 P musculoskeletal system 40F3FB8369B84F43A8648543DEAEEC2D T11/T12 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11108 11108 11108 L1/L2 intertransverse ligament S11108 E11108 245907003 L1/L2 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11108 Y 16058 P musculoskeletal system D29E993E6DDC4CD6BA03CC0C43461015 L1/L2 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11109 11109 11109 L2/L3 intertransverse ligament S11109 E11109 245908008 L2/L3 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11109 Y 16059 P musculoskeletal system 3882B8F970A54F65A64FA054F5EA9292 L2/L3 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11110 11110 11110 L3/L4 intertransverse ligament S11110 E11110 245909000 L3/L4 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11110 Y 16061 P musculoskeletal system 3AB15F3A8E0248DD97E03B79CB5828CB L3/L4 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11111 11111 11111 L4/L5 intertransverse ligament S11111 E11111 245910005 L4/L5 intertransverse ligament (body structure) P11111 Y 16060 P musculoskeletal system 0FDECBBE34A54311A8B08AB850F29914 L4/L5 intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11112 11112 11112 intertransverse ligament between regions of vertebral column 245912002 S11112 Intertransverse ligament between region of vertebral column (body structure) E11112 P11112 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 34257821CF574A968B43F3196EDF2D51 Intertransverse ligament between region of vertebral column 11113 11113 11113 C7/T1 intertransverse ligament 245913007 S11113 Cervicothoracic intertransverse ligament (body structure) E11113 P11113 Y 27274 P musculoskeletal system D7879E8CD2304212BD8D22E178008288 Cervicothoracic intertransverse ligament 11114 11114 11114 T12/L1 intertransverse ligament 245914001 S11114 Thoracolumbar intertransverse ligament (body structure) E11114 P11114 Y 13732 P musculoskeletal system 54CF5D08DD4D411DA7F3AD3D806AF444 Thoracolumbar intertransverse ligament (body structure) 11115 11115 11115 L5/S1 intertransverse ligament 245915000 S11115 Lumbosacral intertransverse ligament (body structure) E11115 P11115 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system CCF8E02F99A24EF1869BD857AC35FB4B Lumbosacral intertransverse ligament 11116 11116 11116 intraregional part of anterior longitudinal ligament S11116 E11116 245916004 Intraregional part of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P11116 - P musculoskeletal system 05A893AC54254DEA84B4380D44513108 Intraregional part of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 11117 11117 11117 sacral region of anterior longitudinal ligament S11117 E11117 245917008 Sacral region of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P11117 - P musculoskeletal system 365A07595B984986A47D316AC6683827 Sacral region of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 11118 11118 11118 inter-regional part of anterior longitudinal ligament S11118 E11118 245918003 Inter-regional part of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P11118 - P musculoskeletal system 37D2682E3E4A446F97B57895D70A7A8A Inter-regional part of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 11119 11119 11119 cervicothoracic part of anterior longitudinal ligament S11119 E11119 245919006 Cervicothoracic part of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P11119 - P musculoskeletal system 59BB279063864E77AE7794CF7C3665A4 Cervicothoracic part of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 11120 11120 11120 thoracolumbar part of anterior longitudinal ligament S11120 E11120 245920000 Thoracolumbar part of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P11120 - P musculoskeletal system 3AFC49BF088249F985B294BEA480EAC7 Thoracolumbar part of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 11121 11121 11121 lumbosacral part of anterior longitudinal ligament S11121 E11121 245921001 Lumbosacral part of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P11121 - P musculoskeletal system E13647528DAF4CDFB0CE432800945A38 Lumbosacral part of anterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 11122 11122 11122 intraregional part of posterior longitudinal ligament S11122 E11122 245922008 Intraregional part of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P11122 - P musculoskeletal system 94B09ADAE2BB4CBAB3D52FF9C07A7452 Intraregional part of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 11123 11123 11123 sacral region of posterior longitudinal ligament S11123 E11123 245923003 Sacral region of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P11123 - P musculoskeletal system 06FE7A8FE17946FD90056AA05D23F256 Sacral region of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 11124 11124 11124 inter-regional part of posterior longitudinal ligament S11124 E11124 245924009 Inter-regional part of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P11124 - P musculoskeletal system CEDFD22AC24C409BB22DF0C151AFE758 Inter-regional part of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 11125 11125 11125 cervicothoracic part of posterior longitudinal ligament S11125 E11125 245925005 Cervicothoracic part of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P11125 - P musculoskeletal system C94A188E40A54F6A8E807FD09D21E47D Cervicothoracic part of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 11126 11126 11126 thoracolumbar part of posterior longitudinal ligament S11126 E11126 245926006 Thoracolumbar part of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P11126 - P musculoskeletal system B3A788F1095543A1B80B67C2BCA5345C Thoracolumbar part of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 11127 11127 11127 lumbosacral part of posterior longitudinal ligament S11127 E11127 245927002 Lumbosacral part of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) P11127 - P musculoskeletal system 1C79F4A10673441E9B93C08BED883E3C Lumbosacral part of posterior longitudinal ligament (body structure) 11128 11128 11128 patellar retinaculum 245928007 S11128 Patellar retinaculum (body structure) E11128 P11128 Y 44684 P musculoskeletal system E7F7EF60EB304AB1ABA83EEF66103D49 Patellar retinaculum 11129 11129 11129 meniscotibial ligament of knee joint 245931008 S11129 Coronary ligament of knee joint (body structure) E11129 P11129 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system B5B5AC94D0384C7FB561A417863092AB Coronary ligament of knee joint 11130 11130 11130 medial meniscotibial ligament of knee joint 245932001 S11130 Medial coronary ligament of knee joint (body structure) E11130 P11130 Y 305743 P musculoskeletal system CF2A8AFD1BFB44AB8AEE5D0488A07CE4 Medial coronary ligament of knee joint 11131 11131 11131 lateral meniscotibial ligament of knee joint 245933006 S11131 Lateral coronary ligament of knee joint (body structure) E11131 P11131 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system F630CABCD637413194F2020C7ED74964 Lateral coronary ligament of knee joint 11132 11132 11132 collateral ligament of knee joint 245935004 S11132 Collateral ligament of knee joint (body structure) E11132 P11132 Y P musculoskeletal system EF626CF7FA1B42D99143CA37C5F7DAF3 Collateral ligament of knee joint 11133 11133 11133 expansion from tendon of semitendinosus 245936003 S11133 Expansion from tendon of semitendinosus (body structure) E11133 P11133 Y P musculoskeletal system EA145CCC60B84E5C8024F8A222604884 Expansion from tendon of semitendinosus 11134 11134 11134 expansion from tendon of sartorius 245937007 S11134 Expansion from tendon of sartorius (body structure) E11134 P11134 Y P musculoskeletal system 8933DA28E832409C84F20EAD86424BDD Expansion from tendon of sartorius 11135 11135 11135 apex of iliofemoral ligament 245941006 S11135 Apex of iliofemoral ligament (body structure) E11135 P11135 Y P musculoskeletal system 3C261307CE3E454BB89A8E1400DBB9DA Apex of iliofemoral ligament 11136 11136 11136 base of iliofemoral ligament 245942004 S11136 Base of iliofemoral ligament (body structure) E11136 P11136 Y P musculoskeletal system B335D2134AE04F63B246EAD39AAC2101 Base of iliofemoral ligament 11137 11137 11137 stem of iliofemoral ligament 245943009 S11137 Stem of iliofemoral ligament (body structure) E11137 P11137 Y P musculoskeletal system 8CBDF5D8F35B456E9734C11D9EB162B2 Stem of iliofemoral ligament 11138 11138 11138 lateral band of iliofemoral ligament 245944003 S11138 Lateral band of iliofemoral ligament (body structure) E11138 P11138 Y P musculoskeletal system F9C77271B55C4859B47D90A2E9C76FC4 Lateral band of iliofemoral ligament 11139 11139 11139 medial band of iliofemoral ligament 245945002 S11139 Medial band of iliofemoral ligament (body structure) E11139 P11139 Y P musculoskeletal system BC6BEDC42086427A85A2FA2E01F0AF2A Medial band of iliofemoral ligament 11140 11140 11140 lower limb of iliofemoral ligament 245946001 S11140 Lower limb of iliofemoral ligament (body structure) E11140 P11140 Y P musculoskeletal system 7D79BEEDE0AD464BB39E524C34212ACD Lower limb of iliofemoral ligament 11141 11141 11141 T1/T2 part of supraspinous ligament S11141 E11141 245951007 T1/T2 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11141 - 13708 P musculoskeletal system E10601B1DD23491DA7AEC18366A230CB T1/T2 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11142 11142 11142 T2/T3 part of supraspinous ligament S11142 E11142 245952000 T2/T3 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11142 - 13709 P musculoskeletal system 6BEA84DEA696439486059CB6E8AA94DD T2/T3 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11143 11143 11143 T3/T4 part of supraspinous ligament S11143 E11143 245953005 T3/T4 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11143 - 13710 P musculoskeletal system F548D232E9934AFD91252C15E43BF556 T3/T4 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11144 11144 11144 T4/T5 part of supraspinous ligament S11144 E11144 245954004 T4/T5 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11144 - 13711 P musculoskeletal system 72EF80CFFAFE457FB1C9DFC0C13ACEBE T4/T5 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11145 11145 11145 T5/T6 part of supraspinous ligament S11145 E11145 245955003 T5/T6 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11145 - 13712 P musculoskeletal system C1EAF2067A48490291C379D6D09475C0 T5/T6 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11146 11146 11146 T6/T7 part of supraspinous ligament S11146 E11146 245956002 T6/T7 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11146 - 13713 P musculoskeletal system F49480B1B84F4DC489111738D7BFC655 T6/T7 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11147 11147 11147 T7/T8 part of supraspinous ligament S11147 E11147 245957006 T7/T8 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11147 - 13714 P musculoskeletal system 909F4D8977C54645993F49B4DA1C8023 T7/T8 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11148 11148 11148 T8/T9 part of supraspinous ligament S11148 E11148 245958001 T8/T9 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11148 - 13715 P musculoskeletal system A41406ADC95C4389A254D96CE6FC2D5A T8/T9 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11149 11149 11149 T9/T10 part of supraspinous ligament S11149 E11149 245959009 T9/T10 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11149 - 13716 P musculoskeletal system 6C18D7139355490AA7C31C4F984C55CC T9/T10 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11150 11150 11150 T10/T11 part of supraspinous ligament S11150 E11150 245960004 T10/T11 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11150 - 13717 P musculoskeletal system E0A42604FF464F5288FC162246AC3AFD T10/T11 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11151 11151 11151 T11/T12 part of supraspinous ligament S11151 E11151 245961000 T11/T12 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11151 - 13718 P musculoskeletal system 2889BC9A2CB84EA6929B6D7F30ADD39A T11/T12 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11152 11152 11152 L1/L2 part of supraspinous ligament S11152 E11152 245962007 L1/L2 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11152 - 16054 P musculoskeletal system 0AE49B6CFE4048009B470AC9D3BC2180 L1/L2 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11153 11153 11153 L2/L3 part of supraspinous ligament S11153 E11153 245963002 L2/L3 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11153 - 16055 P musculoskeletal system 6E389192C74F45BD850F48E01F13308B L2/L3 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11154 11154 11154 L3/L4 part of supraspinous ligament S11154 E11154 245964008 L3/L4 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11154 - 16056 P musculoskeletal system 3278390F390043B6A76D29D59870AECD L3/L4 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11155 11155 11155 L4/L5 part of supraspinous ligament S11155 E11155 245965009 L4/L5 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P11155 - 16057 P musculoskeletal system 86E10B0E574245848973A6EB33B98C9E L4/L5 part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 11156 11156 11156 interspinous ligament within region of vertebral column 245966005 S11156 Interspinous ligament within region of vertebral column (body structure) E11156 P11156 - 0 P musculoskeletal system D305A2DC39E44C92B742CBDF238A11AB Interspinous ligament within region of vertebral column 11157 11157 11157 C1/C2 interspinous ligament 245967001 S11157 C1/C2 interspinous ligament (body structure) E11157 P11157 - P musculoskeletal system 1AE803B9307C4FFE9364422A784FA28B C1/C2 interspinous ligament 11158 11158 11158 C2/C3 interspinous ligament 245968006 S11158 C2/C3 interspinous ligament (body structure) E11158 P11158 - 27281 P musculoskeletal system 17A65C2E9DE64B029114E0C2EF4B28AC C2/C3 interspinous ligament 11159 11159 11159 C3/C4 interspinous ligament 245969003 S11159 C3/C4 interspinous ligament (body structure) E11159 P11159 - 27282 P musculoskeletal system CB3E15DF95794B5AB1721295F4EF94D5 C3/C4 interspinous ligament 11160 11160 11160 C4/C5 interspinous ligament 245970002 S11160 C4/C5 interspinous ligament (body structure) E11160 P11160 - 27283 P musculoskeletal system B4F41F4645E4435496004F132D840E54 C4/C5 interspinous ligament 11161 11161 11161 C5/C6 interspinous ligament 245971003 S11161 C5/C6 interspinous ligament (body structure) E11161 P11161 - P musculoskeletal system 9B62C4A8F6FF4815BC8AC0D33A4F7654 C5/C6 interspinous ligament 11162 11162 11162 C6/C7 interspinous ligament 245972005 S11162 C6/C7 interspinous ligament (body structure) E11162 P11162 - 27284 P musculoskeletal system FEF97E6BCFB941549E528F322987AEC0 C6/C7 interspinous ligament 11163 11163 11163 T1/T2 interspinous ligament S11163 E11163 245973000 T1/T2 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11163 - 13695 P musculoskeletal system 09F26A7495D24EFF9626850FB3C7FF97 T1/T2 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11164 11164 11164 T2/T3 interspinous ligament S11164 E11164 245974006 T2/T3 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11164 - 13696 P musculoskeletal system FBF6F36123A64148B735C8D53A22A53D T2/T3 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11165 11165 11165 T3/T4 interspinous ligament S11165 E11165 245975007 T3/T4 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11165 - 13697 P musculoskeletal system 300876559F1A47109D6F70ACD1086709 T3/T4 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11166 11166 11166 T4/T5 interspinous ligament S11166 E11166 245976008 T4/T5 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11166 - 13698 P musculoskeletal system BD71F36E94FA4DBB8EA65A3D31718C51 T4/T5 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11167 11167 11167 T5/T6 interspinous ligament S11167 E11167 245977004 T5/T6 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11167 - 13699 P musculoskeletal system B96E189757D14161BBD8DEFB8E01BBB0 T5/T6 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11168 11168 11168 T6/T7 interspinous ligament S11168 E11168 245978009 T6/T7 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11168 - 13700 P musculoskeletal system 8B42491CCDFA4474869FADCE81CCD42B T6/T7 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11169 11169 11169 T7/T8 interspinous ligament S11169 E11169 245979001 T7/T8 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11169 - 13701 P musculoskeletal system 8360CEC0951B44BEA39DB8330BE755DA T7/T8 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11170 11170 11170 T8/T9 interspinous ligament S11170 E11170 245980003 T8/T9 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11170 - 13702 P musculoskeletal system 474CB3D4C2284579AF27AF78EF3BAEFC T8/T9 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11171 11171 11171 T9/T10 interspinous ligament S11171 E11171 245981004 T9/T10 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11171 - 13703 P musculoskeletal system 28DF24F1BCA24A18B96ED8960626A226 T9/T10 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11172 11172 11172 T10/T11 interspinous ligament S11172 E11172 245982006 T10/T11 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11172 - 13704 P musculoskeletal system 908E94E915FB4AE8B7D404C0B30D0314 T10/T11 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11173 11173 11173 T11/T12 interspinous ligament S11173 E11173 245984007 T11/T12 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11173 - 13705 P musculoskeletal system 843E4D8793884055848966F4A9AE3AA6 T11/T12 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11174 11174 11174 L1/L2 interspinous ligament S11174 E11174 245985008 L1/L2 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11174 - 16049 P musculoskeletal system A01BEEC7625D4C62BC5A7A2A72FD11B6 L1/L2 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11175 11175 11175 L2/L3 interspinous ligament S11175 E11175 245986009 L2/L3 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11175 - 16050 P musculoskeletal system B26855457F1C43F9949A37AAA8E8A3EA L2/L3 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11176 11176 11176 L3/L4 interspinous ligament S11176 E11176 245987000 L3/L4 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11176 - 16051 P musculoskeletal system 5F10BBF900BC40389F6F35BF04E71BEC L3/L4 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11177 11177 11177 L4/L5 interspinous ligament S11177 E11177 245988005 L4/L5 interspinous ligament (body structure) P11177 - 16052 P musculoskeletal system 157E2F6421FE4374B0B5C18A89EF1E65 L4/L5 interspinous ligament (body structure) 11178 11178 11178 interspinous ligament between regions of vertebral column 245989002 S11178 Interspinous ligament between regions of vertebral column (body structure) E11178 P11178 - 0 P musculoskeletal system C8B0012BD3F842C6AC5BD462679BB01C Interspinous ligament between regions of vertebral column 11179 11179 11179 C7/T1 interspinous ligament 245990006 S11179 Cervicothoracic interspinous ligament (body structure) E11179 P11179 - 27273 P musculoskeletal system 94188FDB141E433BADAD4CECA3914041 Cervicothoracic interspinous ligament 11180 11180 11180 T12/L1 interspinous ligament 245991005 S11180 Thoracolumbar interspinous ligament (body structure) E11180 P11180 - 13706 P musculoskeletal system D4B32E9FC7E143F48E86D112819F2F48 Thoracolumbar interspinous ligament (body structure) 11181 11181 11181 L5/S1 interspinous ligament 245992003 S11181 Lumbosacral interspinous ligament (body structure) E11181 P11181 - 16053 P musculoskeletal system 3DF725977F5042FE87A480ABAB5EE16D Lumbosacral interspinous ligament 11182 11182 11182 rectus capitis posterior major 79201006 S11182 Structure of greater posterior rectus capitis muscle (body structure) E11182 245994002 Entire rectus capitis posterior major (body structure) P11182 Y 32525 P muscular system 95610132D08141D88BCCB162506B24AB 9114FC770F934C50A4D125340362629D greater posterior rectus capitis muscle Entire rectus capitis posterior major (body structure) 11183 11183 11183 rectus capitis posterior minor 48598007 S11183 Structure of lesser posterior rectus capitis muscle (body structure) E11183 245995001 Entire rectus capitis posterior minor (body structure) P11183 Y 32526 P muscular system 63E8E46CEB9043F584D4524D5996CCFB DB35D12D228E4DD6BF0B0E89392AEEE2 lesser posterior rectus capitis muscle Entire rectus capitis posterior minor (body structure) 11184 11184 11184 obliquus capitis inferior 80052003 S11184 Inferior obliquus capitis muscle (body structure) E11184 245998004 Obliquus capitis inferior (body structure) P11184 Y 32528 P musculoskeletal system 1B26C502568A4EC89AF5C7A03E3D49A9 BA27C93D6F134E4AA219BE436C6A57C3 Inferior obliquus capitis muscle Obliquus capitis inferior (body structure) 11185 11185 11185 T1-T2 rotator thoracis S11185 E11185 246000009 T1-T2 rotator thoracis (body structure) P11185 Y 81495 P musculoskeletal system AE7D6ACC7A2F46EA96C20713473D8D8A T1-T2 rotator thoracis (body structure) 11186 11186 11186 T2-T3 rotator thoracis S11186 E11186 246001008 T2-T3 rotator thoracis (body structure) P11186 Y 81496 P musculoskeletal system E1C4FC70C5C34275981AED9E6E331EC2 T2-T3 rotator thoracis (body structure) 11187 11187 11187 T3-T4 rotator thoracis S11187 E11187 246002001 T3-T4 rotator thoracis (body structure) P11187 Y 81497 P musculoskeletal system C5FF2A1097564CF38D635450DE08A112 T3-T4 rotator thoracis (body structure) 11188 11188 11188 T4-T5 rotator thoracis S11188 E11188 246003006 T4-T5 rotator thoracis (body structure) P11188 Y 81498 P musculoskeletal system 68CC4B7BBD8C4645939B51A9B56D9AF7 T4-T5 rotator thoracis (body structure) 11189 11189 11189 T5-T6 rotator thoracis S11189 E11189 246004000 T5-T6 rotator thoracis (body structure) P11189 Y 81499 P musculoskeletal system 60C2D87960B94D7E9C681AE66C9397F3 T5-T6 rotator thoracis (body structure) 11190 11190 11190 T6-T7 rotator thoracis S11190 E11190 246005004 T6-T7 rotator thoracis (body structure) P11190 Y 81500 P musculoskeletal system 38787B9965814AC9A715B8BB68E02D42 T6-T7 rotator thoracis (body structure) 11191 11191 11191 T7-T8 rotator thoracis S11191 E11191 246006003 T7-T8 rotator thoracis (body structure) P11191 Y 81501 P musculoskeletal system F5BA9945334848079F0ED2D6BCB73E68 T7-T8 rotator thoracis (body structure) 11192 11192 11192 T8-T9 rotator thoracis S11192 E11192 246007007 T8-T9 rotator thoracis (body structure) P11192 Y 81502 P musculoskeletal system 7A3EE72B7C3544F28637364C2EAB8FEA T8-T9 rotator thoracis (body structure) 11193 11193 11193 T9-T10 rotator thoracis S11193 E11193 246008002 T9-T10 rotator thoracis (body structure) P11193 Y 81503 P musculoskeletal system 2226C7A7D1B54673A116359EC7FDD552 T9-T10 rotator thoracis (body structure) 11194 11194 11194 T10-T11 rotator thoracis S11194 E11194 246009005 T10-T11 rotator thoracis (body structure) P11194 Y 81504 P musculoskeletal system 0DA7E56AB76B497FA432E6CE2B8E6536 T10-T11 rotator thoracis (body structure) 11195 11195 11195 T11-T12 rotator thoracis S11195 E11195 246010000 T11-T12 rotator thoracis (body structure) P11195 Y 81505 P musculoskeletal system AD04998DDEB44E869338F1E789FACAE0 T11-T12 rotator thoracis (body structure) 11196 11196 11196 intertransversarius cervicis S11196 E11196 246026004 Intertransversarius cervicis (body structure) P11196 Y 22859 P musculoskeletal system 46D3C862B14843E99D58E342A995B59E Intertransversarius cervicis (body structure) 11197 11197 11197 intertransversarius cervicis anterior 58159000 S11197 Structure of anterior cervical intertransversarius muscle (body structure) E11197 246027008 Intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) P11197 Y 23075 P musculoskeletal system F1379154D90242ACBBA64205E11BAA29 938DA4C690574A4BA9CDA7724E3147A6 anterior cervical intertransversarius muscle Intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) 11198 11198 11198 C1-C2 intertransversarius cervicis anterior S11198 E11198 246028003 C1-C2 intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) P11198 Y 23079 P musculoskeletal system E266AF045E6E4DB0B2C227F3C89D7541 C1-C2 intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) 11199 11199 11199 C2-C3 intertransversarius cervicis anterior S11199 E11199 246029006 C2-C3 intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) P11199 Y 23080 P musculoskeletal system 57B6E02006E346D9B53D49491E0961C2 C2-C3 intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) 11200 11200 11200 C3-C4 intertransversarius cervicis anterior S11200 E11200 246030001 C3-C4 intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) P11200 Y 22904 P musculoskeletal system 318AA9BBC8AF46E097F4309AF961DD84 C3-C4 intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) 11201 11201 11201 C4-C5 intertransversarius cervicis anterior S11201 E11201 246031002 C4-C5 intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) P11201 Y 22906 P musculoskeletal system C014F4B59B7F42729D4E15BA88148760 C4-C5 intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) 11202 11202 11202 C5-C6 intertransversarius cervicis anterior S11202 E11202 246032009 C5-C6 intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) P11202 Y 81528 P musculoskeletal system B6A83A3BC62540B0B5F5C773ABD9EA74 C5-C6 intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) 11203 11203 11203 C6-C7 intertransversarius cervicis anterior S11203 E11203 246033004 C6-C7 intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) P11203 Y 81529 P musculoskeletal system D76AC4B2981B4D8497900B3E90185494 C6-C7 intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) 11204 11204 11204 C7-T1 intertransversarius cervicis anterior S11204 E11204 246034005 C7-T1 intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) P11204 Y 81530 P musculoskeletal system 3C67C79EDAFA4EA69B04F0DD6A9F2CA8 C7-T1 intertransversarius cervicis anterior (body structure) 11205 11205 11205 intertransversarius cervicis posterior 24563008 S11205 Structure of posterior cervical intertransversarius muscle (body structure) E11205 246035006 Intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) P11205 Y 23076 P musculoskeletal system 77D5BC853C0844C7A955B5A35A945ACB 41858083A665435ABF693F84E7B1AC11 posterior cervical intertransversarius muscle Intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) 11206 11206 11206 C1-C2 intertransversarius cervicis posterior S11206 E11206 246036007 C1-C2 intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) P11206 Y 23077 P musculoskeletal system 00E6B70AA9524F23A0EA736080565DCB C1-C2 intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) 11207 11207 11207 C2-C3 intertransversarius cervicis posterior S11207 E11207 246037003 C2-C3 intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) P11207 Y 23078 P musculoskeletal system 82C468B82DDA4B68B5FCDCA26A60AF6B C2-C3 intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) 11208 11208 11208 C3-C4 intertransversarius cervicis posterior S11208 E11208 246038008 C3-C4 intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) P11208 Y 81531 P musculoskeletal system C97F26DB5095456694F3F110E363DB91 C3-C4 intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) 11209 11209 11209 C4-C5 intertransversarius cervicis posterior S11209 E11209 246039000 C4-C5 intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) P11209 Y 81533 P musculoskeletal system 808FAB50ECF04B2EAD88A953628F7D87 C4-C5 intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) 11210 11210 11210 C5-C6 intertransversarius cervicis posterior S11210 E11210 246040003 C5-C6 intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) P11210 Y 81534 P musculoskeletal system 8EB0DA9879864A1687B1CD2A8DAF56AD C5-C6 intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) 11211 11211 11211 C6-C7 intertransversarius cervicis posterior S11211 E11211 246041004 C6-C7 intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) P11211 Y 81535 P musculoskeletal system 85F1D8F690854773B0B6302F0A1BD3D2 C6-C7 intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) 11212 11212 11212 C7-T1 intertransversarius cervicis posterior S11212 E11212 246042006 C7-T1 intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) P11212 Y 81536 P musculoskeletal system C01384E4C97A4455860F8EABD591604A C7-T1 intertransversarius cervicis posterior (body structure) 11213 11213 11213 intertransversarius thoracis 49241005 S11213 Structure of intertransversarius thoracis muscle (body structure) E11213 246043001 Intertransversarius thoracis (body structure) P11213 Y 22853 P musculoskeletal system 31636F7D8227415AB7549FEB6C2D3350 5609150BC77C4F1A995EAD0D97A4B935 intertransversarius thoracis muscle Intertransversarius thoracis (body structure) 11214 11214 11214 T10-T11 intertransversarius thoracis S11214 E11214 246044007 T10-T11 intertransversarius thoracis (body structure) P11214 Y 22902 P musculoskeletal system 5C6DD2D16EAA4338A720B7E79E03BE6B T10-T11 intertransversarius thoracis (body structure) 11215 11215 11215 T11-T12 intertransversarius thoracis S11215 E11215 246045008 T11-T12 intertransversarius thoracis (body structure) P11215 Y 22903 P musculoskeletal system 941279B97DA6411AAD02BDDEF1E8D2BB T11-T12 intertransversarius thoracis (body structure) 11216 11216 11216 T12-L1 intertransversarius thoracis S11216 E11216 246046009 T12-L1 intertransversarius thoracis (body structure) P11216 Y 81565 P musculoskeletal system D53F1074061C448ABC742E1D17CCB9EF T12-L1 intertransversarius thoracis (body structure) 11217 11217 11217 intertransversarius lumborum S11217 E11217 246047000 Intertransversarius lumborum (body structure) P11217 Y 22849 P musculoskeletal system ABE39E369AF34288B70392A0196DD78E Intertransversarius lumborum (body structure) 11218 11218 11218 intertransversarius lumborum medialis 10700000 S11218 Structure of medial intertransversarius lumborum muscle (body structure) E11218 246048005 Intertransversarius lumborum medialis (body structure) P11218 Y 22851 P musculoskeletal system 69845E52F84C4F0BA0C403BF0AFF008B FBE77BEFDE55413B8E91D3491D103D83 medial intertransversarius lumborum muscle Intertransversarius lumborum medialis (body structure) 11219 11219 11219 L1-L2 intertransversarius lumborum medialis S11219 E11219 246049002 L1-L2 intertransversarius lumborum medialis (body structure) P11219 Y 22900 P musculoskeletal system 1FBA266AA2D746818725993273F2321F L1-L2 intertransversarius lumborum medialis (body structure) 11220 11220 11220 L2-L3 intertransversarius lumborum medialis S11220 E11220 246050002 L2-L3 intertransversarius lumborum medialis (body structure) P11220 Y 22901 P musculoskeletal system DFEF93ED65F44AB7AA07CB9D6F93C36C L2-L3 intertransversarius lumborum medialis (body structure) 11221 11221 11221 L3-L4 intertransversarius lumborum medialis S11221 E11221 246051003 L3-L4 intertransversarius lumborum medialis (body structure) P11221 Y 22896 P musculoskeletal system A31B9F588F3E406695A1C75CE892118F L3-L4 intertransversarius lumborum medialis (body structure) 11222 11222 11222 L4-L5 intertransversarius lumborum medialis S11222 E11222 246052005 L4-L5 intertransversarius lumborum medialis (body structure) P11222 Y 22897 P musculoskeletal system E238EA6F36C64A93BDB6CAB59B4C6102 L4-L5 intertransversarius lumborum medialis (body structure) 11223 11223 11223 intertransversarius lumborum lateralis 61222001 S11223 Structure of lateral intertransversarius lumborum muscle (body structure) E11223 246053000 Intertransversarius lumborum lateralis (body structure) P11223 Y 22850 P musculoskeletal system 266BCAF457D346E58A76919DBD7E06B1 3DDD70F536224B21B41FFB58DE5E8F56 lateral intertransversarius lumborum muscle Intertransversarius lumborum lateralis (body structure) 11224 11224 11224 L1-L2 intertransversarius lumborum lateralis S11224 E11224 246054006 L1-L2 intertransversarius lumborum lateralis (body structure) P11224 Y 22898 P musculoskeletal system 4D60A1E6603140A3AAD1A6D6A966AFFD L1-L2 intertransversarius lumborum lateralis (body structure) 11225 11225 11225 L2-L3 intertransversarius lumborum lateralis S11225 E11225 246055007 L2-L3 intertransversarius lumborum lateralis (body structure) P11225 Y 22899 P musculoskeletal system 53E0E2A5E15843DBA72134610E7AD711 L2-L3 intertransversarius lumborum lateralis (body structure) 11226 11226 11226 L3-L4 intertransversarius lumborum lateralis S11226 E11226 246056008 L3-L4 intertransversarius lumborum lateralis (body structure) P11226 Y 81573 P musculoskeletal system 9B065A38470849CF922597E2A1D9F8B8 L3-L4 intertransversarius lumborum lateralis (body structure) 11227 11227 11227 L4-L5 intertransversarius lumborum lateralis S11227 E11227 246057004 L4-L5 intertransversarius lumborum lateralis (body structure) P11227 Y 81574 P musculoskeletal system 0C6DFB47D128441FBF7B8A70E0EC0E31 L4-L5 intertransversarius lumborum lateralis (body structure) 11228 11228 11228 eponychium 24631007 S11228 Eponychium (body structure) E11228 P11228 Y 77859 P integumentary system 8EF211D07E2642919519F0D771D2D5BA Eponychium 11231 11231 11231 esophageal venous plexus 24696004 S11231 Esophageal venous plexus (body structure) E11231 P11231 - P digestive system D386028EA8CE45A291EC01F223D900EE Esophageal venous plexus 11232 11232 11232 surface of uterine cervix 248930005 S11232 Surface of uterine cervix (body structure) E11232 P11232 - P genital system D55D84DA6AB842E0B351D0137120543C Surface of uterine cervix 11233 11233 11233 serous layer of pelvic peritoneum 24916001 S11233 Serous layer of pelvic peritoneum (body structure) E11233 P11233 - P digestive system B59986B0AD7248699C72DF43A75732B5 Serous layer of pelvic peritoneum 11235 11235 11235 aortic tunica adventitia 24996002 S11235 Aortic tunica adventitia (body structure) E11235 P11235 - 14283 P cardiovascular system BC275AB545234CC5B8CAA984F010A1F3 Aortic tunica adventitia 11236 11236 11236 anteroseptal accessory pathway 251103002 S11236 Anteroseptal accessory pathway (body structure) E11236 P11236 - P cardiovascular system 13D60F77BF504C669057076B5D30AF19 Anteroseptal accessory pathway 11237 11237 11237 right free wall accessory pathway 251104008 S11237 Right free wall accessory pathway (body structure) E11237 P11237 - R P cardiovascular system 3C4419C8AB084DA9A5DA930FAB66C1F3 Right free wall accessory pathway 11238 11238 11238 right posteroseptal accessory pathway 251105009 S11238 Right posteroseptal accessory pathway (body structure) E11238 P11238 - R P cardiovascular system C4697536A9A04F3DB3DF1A683D3D0C20 Right posteroseptal accessory pathway 11239 11239 11239 intermediate posteroseptal accessory pathway 251106005 S11239 Intermediate posteroseptal accessory pathway (body structure) E11239 P11239 - P cardiovascular system ECD4158335FE483EB8982150D7F4A8E7 Intermediate posteroseptal accessory pathway 11240 11240 11240 left posteroseptal accessory pathway 251107001 S11240 Left posteroseptal accessory pathway (body structure) E11240 P11240 - L P respiratory system 789952580209475883D42894C0737BAD Left posteroseptal accessory pathway 11241 11241 11241 left free wall accessory pathway 251108006 S11241 Left free wall accessory pathway (body structure) E11241 P11241 - L P cardiovascular system 5A3A11BC84D34E3CB967D4DA13D26119 Left free wall accessory pathway 11242 11242 11242 Little's area 255571004 S11242 Little's area (body structure) E11242 P11242 Y P respiratory system 3CFF370BB03345E1A170C45488A300AF Little's area 11244 11244 11244 urinary bladder transitional epithelium 25631003 S11244 Urinary bladder transitional epithelium (body structure) E11244 P11244 - 15936 P urinary system 3BE0BB970CFE4102939B85A75B136E29 Urinary bladder transitional epithelium 11245 11245 11245 skin xenograft 256446005 S11245 Skin xenograft (body structure) E11245 P11245 - P integumentary system B9BEA06E800E46C798830892569E2B1F Skin xenograft 11246 11246 11246 anterior rectus sheath 256662005 S11246 Anterior rectus sheath (body structure) E11246 P11246 Y 20276 P musculoskeletal system D3A280EC4EAE4D4CBF1A059A476E3A92 Anterior rectus sheath 11247 11247 11247 external oblique aponeurosis 256664006 S11247 External oblique aponeurosis (body structure) E11247 P11247 Y 19941 P musculoskeletal system F672D6A279A741178C08AC7CF14CE844 External oblique aponeurosis 11248 11248 11248 paracolic gutter 25667005 S11248 Paracolic sulcus (body structure) E11248 243980001 Paracolic gutter (body structure) P11248 Y 14719 P digestive system E2C4CEB8317D4881B147BD2A85CE4E84 8D4CCEA22FF249BF83F19DF7EA1CC0DE Paracolic sulcus Paracolic gutter (body structure) 11250 11250 11250 mustache S11250 E11250 256925006 Mustache (body structure) P11250 - 59652 P integumentary system D5DCD51D4DA44B81B0481E20FAAF8CF2 Mustache (body structure) 11270 11270 11270 smooth or skeletal muscle of face region S11270 E11270 25903009 Facial muscle (body structure) P11270 - P musculoskeletal system F7FED28714FD44099163820F43A688E3 Facial muscle (body structure) 11271 11271 11271 buccal fat pad 25930004 S11271 Buccal fat pad (body structure) E11271 P11271 Y 59799 P digestive system EF9EBB8C02794383BBF412CD656FB792 Buccal fat pad 11272 11272 11272 peripeduncular nucleus 25949000 S11272 Peripeduncular nucleus (body structure) E11272 P11272 Y 72437 P nervous system A666F46122E34A04ACA81EA4F9488356 Peripeduncular nucleus 11273 11273 11273 shank S11273 E11273 260244001 Shank (body structure) P11273 Y P 8314DCB0968540CCAE0DEABF2195BB8A Shank (body structure) 11274 11274 11274 midaxillary line S11274 E11274 260515002 Midaxillary line (body structure) P11274 Y P 0B630CF1FACE4B8EB196B551F60FB300 Midaxillary line (body structure) 11275 11275 11275 midscapular line S11275 E11275 260516001 Midscapular line (body structure) P11275 Y P 01B1D6490729486B8F34C377AE8D132E Midscapular line (body structure) 11276 11276 11276 anterior intercostal node 261046004 S11276 Anterior intercostal node (body structure) E11276 P11276 Y P lymphatic system 3BCFBD4EA78E4D93ABFEDE654EB184D8 Anterior intercostal node 11277 11277 11277 buccal space 261063000 S11277 Buccal space (body structure) E11277 P11277 Y P digestive system 64C16CA0228C447EA4147F2FD7874010 Buccal space 11278 11278 11278 floor of coronary sinus 261082009 S11278 Floor of coronary sinus (body structure) E11278 P11278 - P cardiovascular system 167A18B2697D43A18822A3DF8F7FA01B Floor of coronary sinus 11279 11279 11279 frontal extradural space S11279 E11279 261084005 Frontal extradural space (body structure) P11279 - P nervous system 85E65AD2333C4DB2885F6750001623D5 Frontal extradural space (body structure) 11281 11281 11281 inferodorsal intracapsular fat pad 261091008 S11281 Inferodorsal intracapsular fat pad (body structure) E11281 P11281 Y P articular system A59F524D7CE7430CA2E223F1F836C56D Inferodorsal intracapsular fat pad 11282 11282 11282 lumbar subarachnoid space 261124005 S11282 Lumbar subarachnoid space (body structure) E11282 P11282 - P nervous system 6A46C280B28849A78E11DE6BCE1F35AF Lumbar subarachnoid space 11283 11283 11283 lumbar subdural space S11283 E11283 261125006 Lumbar subdural space (body structure) P11283 - P nervous system EB8F7026079B4D22A9E43201ECAA0FE1 Lumbar subdural space (body structure) 11284 11284 11284 occipital extradural space S11284 E11284 261140008 Occipital extradural space (body structure) P11284 - P nervous system AA6B6B025C3A4E27B94A9579860476A6 Occipital extradural space (body structure) 11286 11286 11286 parietal extradural space S11286 E11286 261151008 Parietal extradural space (body structure) P11286 Y P nervous system 97AAB3742C584712BA19186941771B1A Parietal extradural space (body structure) 11288 11288 11288 posteroseptal accessory pathway 261167002 S11288 Posteroseptal accessory pathway (body structure) E11288 P11288 - P cardiovascular system 21DE2B13A13246789521B276934F1676 Posteroseptal accessory pathway 11289 11289 11289 posterolateral chest wall 261168007 S11289 Posterolateral chest wall (body structure) E11289 P11289 Y P EEFF12CCE31449EC8D229E20944D7CAB Posterolateral chest wall 11290 11290 11290 posteromedial right atrial pathway 261170003 S11290 Posteromedial right atrial pathway (body structure) E11290 P11290 - R P respiratory system 262BE23E8C994E819E2698F52731CC2F Posteromedial right atrial pathway 11291 11291 11291 temporal extradural space S11291 E11291 261177000 Temporal extradural space (body structure) P11291 Y P nervous system 1459F574CB3A45809218BA4D2D3B9E8B Temporal extradural space (body structure) 11293 11293 11293 vesicoureteric junction 261187001 S11293 Vesicoureteric junction (body structure) E11293 P11293 Y P urinary system 481BE757FCD847C49749C6142053DBCF Vesicoureteric junction 11294 11294 11294 epigastric artery 261400009 S11294 Epigastric artery (body structure) E11294 P11294 Y P arterial system 6E996FC293F74BDF80C90A4F65ADD129 Epigastric artery 11295 11295 11295 gastroepiploic artery 261401008 S11295 Gastroepiploic artery (body structure) E11295 P11295 - P arterial system F55472F7D8CE4B84BF476B1B4C4A7761 Gastroepiploic artery 11296 11296 11296 left internal mammary artery 261402001 S11296 Left internal mammary artery (body structure) E11296 P11296 L P arterial system D6DD5AF6055A4A45851DEFA45BDBE919 Left internal mammary artery 11297 11297 11297 right internal mammary artery 261403006 S11297 Right internal mammary artery (body structure) E11297 P11297 R 76303 P cardiovascular system 3E34DB0D0E0C4F2CB20A9A2B9EF33E51 Right internal mammary artery 11298 11298 11298 atrioventricular node-His junction 261406003 S11298 Atrioventricular node-His junction (body structure) E11298 P11298 - P cardiovascular system 625E9FC505274C7EA804574607AF51DA Atrioventricular node-His junction 11299 11299 11299 cecal mesentery 261408002 S11299 Cecal mesentery (body structure) E11299 P11299 - P digestive system EC9AFF57D3744323B23BD89FC6885DF9 Cecal mesentery 11300 11300 11300 dorsal intracapsular fibrous rim 261412008 S11300 Dorsal intracapsular fibrous rim (body structure) E11300 P11300 Y P articular system 6B72AFD1521A4C25A282050D27D11AEF Dorsal intracapsular fibrous rim 11301 11301 11301 tonsillar node 261419004 S11301 Tonsillar node (body structure) E11301 P11301 Y P lymphatic system 949085701B094332A12C58EE8C37B1F8 Tonsillar node 11303 11303 11303 right atrial accessory pathway 262103002 S11303 Right atrial accessory pathway (body structure) E11303 P11303 - R P cardiovascular system 5FE4A72DE72545CBBCBEBFA0138DA825 Right atrial accessory pathway 11304 11304 11304 splenic bed 262167004 S11304 Splenic bed (body structure) E11304 P11304 - P lymphoid system 73B7E2421D55430699DABC6416103268 Splenic bed 11306 11306 11306 first costotransverse joint 263329004 S11306 First costotransverse joint (body structure) E11306 P11306 Y 10139 P skeletal system 8848D13FFEAF4CA5B2491ECE3F1E7219 First costotransverse joint 11307 11307 11307 second costotransverse joint 263330009 S11307 Second costotransverse joint (body structure) E11307 P11307 Y 10141 P skeletal system 3DF2B478D11144ED90836E691162E84C Second costotransverse joint 11308 11308 11308 third costotransverse joint 263331008 S11308 Third costotransverse joint (body structure) E11308 P11308 Y 10177 P skeletal system B81D00501B114480AE03821ADD1FBEF8 Third costotransverse joint 11309 11309 11309 fourth costotransverse joint 263332001 S11309 Fourth costotransverse joint (body structure) E11309 P11309 Y 10198 P skeletal system 104B1B12EB734278937938EBEAD9F623 Fourth costotransverse joint 11310 11310 11310 fifth costotransverse joint 263333006 S11310 Fifth costotransverse joint (body structure) E11310 P11310 Y 10219 P skeletal system FB0D3CE1B75D4A9E8DB1B4FB12C06504 Fifth costotransverse joint 11311 11311 11311 sixth costotransverse joint 263335004 S11311 Sixth costotransverse joint (body structure) E11311 P11311 Y 10240 P skeletal system 2CF532A315DB4DEFA098DB18FD01F519 Sixth costotransverse joint 11312 11312 11312 seventh costotransverse joint 263336003 S11312 Seventh costotransverse joint (body structure) E11312 P11312 Y 10261 P skeletal system 616AC59C071545ACBAD6822AAD1E4AF9 Seventh costotransverse joint 11313 11313 11313 eighth costotransverse joint 263337007 S11313 Eighth costotransverse joint (body structure) E11313 P11313 Y 10282 P skeletal system CA4294D856FF4B4E8BC4B2363909F1B5 Eighth costotransverse joint 11314 11314 11314 ninth costotransverse joint 263338002 S11314 Ninth costotransverse joint (body structure) E11314 P11314 Y 10303 P skeletal system 45A932EA26A84997AF72C81911F9062D Ninth costotransverse joint 11315 11315 11315 tenth costotransverse joint 263339005 S11315 Tenth costotransverse joint (body structure) E11315 P11315 Y 10324 P skeletal system 0500BF9F6A734E2F95B7EA5627B71027 Tenth costotransverse joint 11316 11316 11316 bulbar urethra 422637008 S11316 Structure of bulbar urethra (body structure) E11316 263342004 Entire bulbar urethra (body structure) P11316 - P genital system 769101F640C04F07BD0527886DED7FC9 302117839A124FDFAD8906CABF5AD75F bulbar urethra Entire bulbar urethra (body structure) 11317 11317 11317 upper lacrimal punctum 263345002 S11317 Upper lacrimal punctum (body structure) E11317 P11317 Y 59588 P special senses organ system 839F966D968346FDBB634B8EEE07A430 Upper lacrimal punctum 11318 11318 11318 lower lacrimal punctum 263346001 S11318 Lower lacrimal punctum (body structure) E11318 P11318 Y 59589 P special senses organ system D6820256BB4541F79297C2FD2466CF70 Lower lacrimal punctum 11319 11319 11319 common lacrimal canaliculus 263349008 S11319 Common lacrimal canaliculus (body structure) E11319 P11319 Y P special senses organ system 0D32FF09F4604BE9B682B6262FCDD910 Common lacrimal canaliculus 11320 11320 11320 upper lacrimal canaliculus 263350008 S11320 Upper lacrimal canaliculus (body structure) E11320 P11320 Y 59539 P special senses organ system 60AC273F2EEC406384A42E287587B3A8 Upper lacrimal canaliculus 11321 11321 11321 lower lacrimal canaliculus 263351007 S11321 Lower lacrimal canaliculus (body structure) E11321 P11321 Y 59540 P special senses organ system 17242678C2A34B888DBC7314D7D1D353 Lower lacrimal canaliculus 11322 11322 11322 vaginal wall 263355003 S11322 Vaginal wall (body structure) E11322 P11322 - 19971 P genital system 06C79BF917AF4D96AA6D7C4317982494 Vaginal wall 11323 11323 11323 lateral wall of vagina 263356002 S11323 Lateral wall of vagina (body structure) E11323 P11323 Y 20074 P genital system B451BA52C69F4763A6AD9AB2B443A18C Lateral wall of vagina 11324 11324 11324 angle of cervix 263357006 S11324 Angle of cervix (body structure) E11324 P11324 Y P genital system 6694496B631B4DD7A98D0A455474E7F1 Angle of cervix 11325 11325 11325 posterior third of shaft of rib 263362007 S11325 Posterior third of shaft of rib (body structure) E11325 P11325 Y P skeletal system A5288A6A09404BFF96D763417A59D80F Posterior third of shaft of rib 11326 11326 11326 middle third of shaft of rib 263363002 S11326 Middle third of shaft of rib (body structure) E11326 P11326 Y P skeletal system D401F1B7ADDF4CF6BB4AB8E48ACC211F Middle third of shaft of rib 11327 11327 11327 anterior third of shaft of rib 263364008 S11327 Anterior third of shaft of rib (body structure) E11327 P11327 Y P skeletal system 4A0B4865E09B478085313F8DBF1756F0 Anterior third of shaft of rib 11328 11328 11328 tip of rib 263365009 S11328 Tip of rib (body structure) E11328 P11328 Y P skeletal system 01B4C81DA09849F7B0C70C5D1FE85031 Tip of rib 11329 11329 11329 lip of acetabulum 263366005 S11329 Lip of acetabulum (body structure) E11329 P11329 Y P musculoskeletal system BB277FB90E774989838D66352670DF67 Lip of acetabulum 11330 11330 11330 anterior lip of acetabulum 263367001 S11330 Anterior lip of acetabulum (body structure) E11330 P11330 Y P musculoskeletal system BB622831F6CF4A8798A79F4A35646A7F Anterior lip of acetabulum 11331 11331 11331 posterior lip of acetabulum 263368006 S11331 Posterior lip of acetabulum (body structure) E11331 P11331 Y P musculoskeletal system 6126DFCBB6BA4D54AF5DF7AE64E87CD2 Posterior lip of acetabulum 11332 11332 11332 floor of acetabulum 263369003 S11332 Floor of acetabulum (body structure) E11332 P11332 Y P skeletal system 5931D4A5C993427AA321D2B9C78E947D Floor of acetabulum 11333 11333 11333 column of acetabulum 263370002 S11333 Column of acetabulum (body structure) E11333 P11333 Y P musculoskeletal system B4A303F4CEA940DB8D951DFD3FDEF336 Column of acetabulum 11334 11334 11334 anterior column of acetabulum 263371003 S11334 Anterior column of acetabulum (body structure) E11334 P11334 Y P musculoskeletal system B1CA8CAC10AD407D9928974E37B85010 Anterior column of acetabulum 11335 11335 11335 posterior column of acetabulum 263372005 S11335 Posterior column of acetabulum (body structure) E11335 P11335 Y P musculoskeletal system 7C51E4C9D5D84846B3374B6AD908C47F Posterior column of acetabulum 11336 11336 11336 proximal third of patella 263373000 S11336 Proximal third of patella (body structure) E11336 P11336 Y P musculoskeletal system 1E4607421E3644FB9B5BE241E356A6D7 Proximal third of patella 11337 11337 11337 middle third of patella 263374006 S11337 Middle third of patella (body structure) E11337 P11337 Y P musculoskeletal system 29B2BD861AD6446A9FF0058E00AA4BAF Middle third of patella 11338 11338 11338 distal third of patella 263375007 S11338 Distal third of patella (body structure) E11338 P11338 Y P musculoskeletal system FDCF3BA0EA1249DE8B499EFC89CABFAC Distal third of patella 11339 11339 11339 lateral wall of uterus 263379001 S11339 Lateral wall of uterus (body structure) E11339 P11339 Y P genital system F9B1AB263A14449EB6149BFF0856B019 Lateral wall of uterus 11340 11340 11340 capsule of elbow joint 263380003 S11340 Capsule of elbow joint (body structure) E11340 P11340 Y P musculoskeletal system 621CCEC200534D328DB317FD5B81848D Capsule of elbow joint 11341 11341 11341 medial third of clavicle 263384007 S11341 Medial third of clavicle (body structure) E11341 P11341 Y P skeletal system 57B1C3719A3E4E56AF3F3B55962DFED5 Medial third of clavicle 11342 11342 11342 middle third of clavicle 263385008 S11342 Middle third of clavicle (body structure) E11342 P11342 Y P skeletal system 628488383C69424084C98BA4B49422DD Middle third of clavicle 11343 11343 11343 distal third of clavicle 263386009 S11343 Distal third of clavicle (body structure) E11343 P11343 Y P skeletal system C4025037DD9A47D09EE203B472CC65D0 Distal third of clavicle 11344 11344 11344 base of proximal phalanx of index finger 263412001 S11344 Base of proximal phalanx of index finger (body structure) E11344 P11344 Y 37499 P musculoskeletal system 2B725E37221D4A01A72137ABEFCDAB2A Base of proximal phalanx of index finger 11345 11345 11345 base of proximal phalanx of middle finger 263413006 S11345 Base of proximal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E11345 P11345 Y 37511 P musculoskeletal system 0758ED2269A542C58177F07B6E911017 Base of proximal phalanx of middle finger 11346 11346 11346 base of proximal phalanx of ring finger 263414000 S11346 Base of proximal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E11346 P11346 Y 37523 P musculoskeletal system A85002E460764B2C8029DAF38337A41F Base of proximal phalanx of ring finger 11347 11347 11347 base of proximal phalanx of little finger 263415004 S11347 Base of proximal phalanx of little finger (body structure) E11347 P11347 Y 37535 P musculoskeletal system 27ABDB92ACE5420A8438370C273E8980 Base of proximal phalanx of little finger 11348 11348 11348 shaft of proximal phalanx of index finger 263416003 S11348 Shaft of proximal phalanx of index finger (body structure) E11348 P11348 Y 37557 P musculoskeletal system 12EF199C25274B1B81B0AEE446896A7D Shaft of proximal phalanx of index finger 11349 11349 11349 shaft of proximal phalanx of middle finger 263417007 S11349 Shaft of proximal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E11349 P11349 Y 37569 P musculoskeletal system E64DB25480C64733BCA1FF40E98ADBD2 Shaft of proximal phalanx of middle finger 11350 11350 11350 shaft of proximal phalanx of ring finger 263418002 S11350 Shaft of proximal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E11350 P11350 Y 37581 P musculoskeletal system 4815ACC52DC94F4491CBA4B55E3FFCB5 Shaft of proximal phalanx of ring finger 11351 11351 11351 shaft of proximal phalanx of little finger 263419005 S11351 Shaft of proximal phalanx of little finger (body structure) E11351 P11351 Y 37593 P musculoskeletal system 71FFF6940B5A4E46B353C8664C099510 Shaft of proximal phalanx of little finger 11352 11352 11352 neck of proximal phalanx of index finger 263420004 S11352 Neck of proximal phalanx of index finger (body structure) E11352 P11352 Y P musculoskeletal system DD26C96A3A0243B68309BE3AB22CE1F8 Neck of proximal phalanx of index finger 11353 11353 11353 neck of proximal phalanx of middle finger 263421000 S11353 Neck of proximal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E11353 P11353 Y P musculoskeletal system CD084C4CFC6E435E9B13D03D4F15984B Neck of proximal phalanx of middle finger 11354 11354 11354 neck of proximal phalanx of ring finger 263422007 S11354 Neck of proximal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E11354 P11354 Y P musculoskeletal system 6A06D86A7F504F7F97056D2D3D732E3C Neck of proximal phalanx of ring finger 11355 11355 11355 neck of proximal phalanx of little finger 263423002 S11355 Neck of proximal phalanx of little finger (body structure) E11355 P11355 Y P musculoskeletal system 0ABCC434F7FB4D39A94A1D7979B6BB01 Neck of proximal phalanx of little finger 11356 11356 11356 head of proximal phalanx of index finger 263424008 S11356 Head of proximal phalanx of index finger (body structure) E11356 P11356 Y 37615 P musculoskeletal system 95477775496D45F28E4F100AC07FFC05 Head of proximal phalanx of index finger 11357 11357 11357 head of proximal phalanx of middle finger 263425009 S11357 Head of proximal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E11357 P11357 Y 37627 P musculoskeletal system E3EC0C134B904D04B72F7FA8CFC726B4 Head of proximal phalanx of middle finger 11358 11358 11358 head of proximal phalanx of ring finger 263426005 S11358 Head of proximal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E11358 P11358 Y 37639 P musculoskeletal system A4F48A15F094408EB06A1E6B37842A63 Head of proximal phalanx of ring finger 11359 11359 11359 head of proximal phalanx of little finger 263427001 S11359 Head of proximal phalanx of little finger (body structure) E11359 P11359 Y 37651 P musculoskeletal system AD912500680E49EDA15042A22A8E6038 Head of proximal phalanx of little finger 11360 11360 11360 base of middle phalanx of index finger 263428006 S11360 Base of middle phalanx of index finger (body structure) E11360 P11360 Y 37502 P musculoskeletal system 99632DA1BAA94B5CB8D89C1B32439FC5 Base of middle phalanx of index finger 11361 11361 11361 base of middle phalanx of middle finger 263429003 S11361 Base of middle phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E11361 P11361 Y 37514 P musculoskeletal system 047F861FA5404C8B9457D5A4744CBD65 Base of middle phalanx of middle finger 11362 11362 11362 base of middle phalanx of ring finger 263430008 S11362 Base of middle phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E11362 P11362 Y 37526 P musculoskeletal system 43F5738D7F05402EA58C90537804C1AF Base of middle phalanx of ring finger 11363 11363 11363 base of middle phalanx of little finger 263431007 S11363 Base of middle phalanx of little finger (body structure) E11363 P11363 Y 37538 P musculoskeletal system 269E2709F1754D92B133FD4CE01003D6 Base of middle phalanx of little finger 11364 11364 11364 shaft of middle phalanx of index finger 263432000 S11364 Shaft of middle phalanx of index finger (body structure) E11364 P11364 Y 37560 P musculoskeletal system 1C903FBADB6C42B8BA636C916916F9A8 Shaft of middle phalanx of index finger 11365 11365 11365 shaft of middle phalanx of middle finger 263433005 S11365 Shaft of middle phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E11365 P11365 Y 37572 P musculoskeletal system 78966734BCCD4FA5BC536965B4F9911B Shaft of middle phalanx of middle finger 11366 11366 11366 shaft of middle phalanx of ring finger 263434004 S11366 Shaft of middle phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E11366 P11366 Y 37584 P musculoskeletal system E09B5ED0554E470DA70B8A68D87A265A Shaft of middle phalanx of ring finger 11367 11367 11367 shaft of middle phalanx of little finger 263435003 S11367 Shaft of middle phalanx of little finger (body structure) E11367 P11367 Y 37596 P musculoskeletal system 2403D22C54724123858C3276C2C6EC91 Shaft of middle phalanx of little finger 11368 11368 11368 neck of middle phalanx of index finger 263437006 S11368 Neck of middle phalanx of index finger (body structure) E11368 P11368 Y P musculoskeletal system 264B8AA40C304010BAA64EAAD93B0EE7 Neck of middle phalanx of index finger 11369 11369 11369 neck of middle phalanx of middle finger 263438001 S11369 Neck of middle phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E11369 P11369 Y P musculoskeletal system FAE6BDABED3E46078D1D17767D3B6713 Neck of middle phalanx of middle finger 11370 11370 11370 neck of middle phalanx of ring finger 263439009 S11370 Neck of middle phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E11370 P11370 Y P musculoskeletal system A6EDDB6438E741F1966F227076E30B42 Neck of middle phalanx of ring finger 11371 11371 11371 neck of middle phalanx of little finger 263440006 S11371 Neck of middle phalanx of little finger (body structure) E11371 P11371 Y P musculoskeletal system 806B54B46E0946DBA62B6418BBDA7A50 Neck of middle phalanx of little finger 11372 11372 11372 head of middle phalanx of index finger 263441005 S11372 Head of middle phalanx of index finger (body structure) E11372 P11372 Y 37618 P musculoskeletal system 1140CCBD9C4049BD815A5E9A9A056C04 Head of middle phalanx of index finger 11373 11373 11373 head of middle phalanx of middle finger 263442003 S11373 Head of middle phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E11373 P11373 Y 37630 P musculoskeletal system F6D13D138B414820903012C6B012EEEB Head of middle phalanx of middle finger 11374 11374 11374 head of middle phalanx of ring finger 263443008 S11374 Head of middle phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E11374 P11374 Y 37642 P musculoskeletal system 26809097082A4B76B93F9670BA552F82 Head of middle phalanx of ring finger 11375 11375 11375 head of middle phalanx of little finger 263444002 S11375 Head of middle phalanx of little finger (body structure) E11375 P11375 Y 37654 P musculoskeletal system D42E66C52D7E4774AAB7AE29067CDEBA Head of middle phalanx of little finger 11376 11376 11376 base of distal phalanx of index finger 263445001 S11376 Base of distal phalanx of index finger (body structure) E11376 P11376 Y 37505 P musculoskeletal system 9F0D2B2442EC49F5AE3A7B5F84E25300 Base of distal phalanx of index finger 11377 11377 11377 base of distal phalanx of middle finger 263446000 S11377 Base of distal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E11377 P11377 Y 37517 P musculoskeletal system 0A07D1E92728432BB8F96B2AE76760B0 Base of distal phalanx of middle finger 11378 11378 11378 base of distal phalanx of ring finger 263447009 S11378 Base of distal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E11378 P11378 Y 37529 P musculoskeletal system 5330AD3D9AE7436FA4D59194AA0AAB1A Base of distal phalanx of ring finger 11379 11379 11379 base of distal phalanx of little finger 263448004 S11379 Base of distal phalanx of little finger (body structure) E11379 P11379 Y 37541 P musculoskeletal system E3FC95176BA1415382DE5C8763EFE021 Base of distal phalanx of little finger 11380 11380 11380 shaft of distal phalanx of index finger 263449007 S11380 Shaft of distal phalanx of index finger (body structure) E11380 P11380 Y 37563 P musculoskeletal system 0E6F7A189B9F491DBAF509FED80A1C7B Shaft of distal phalanx of index finger 11381 11381 11381 shaft of distal phalanx of middle finger 263450007 S11381 Shaft of distal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E11381 P11381 Y 37575 P musculoskeletal system 3AFACD9388234F4DA36474DC6686D1AF Shaft of distal phalanx of middle finger 11382 11382 11382 shaft of distal phalanx of ring finger 263451006 S11382 Shaft of distal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E11382 P11382 Y 37587 P musculoskeletal system 335C3927D82F4DDCB8EACCF5DF381C76 Shaft of distal phalanx of ring finger 11383 11383 11383 shaft of distal phalanx of little finger 263452004 S11383 Shaft of distal phalanx of little finger (body structure) E11383 P11383 Y 37599 P musculoskeletal system 73FBC855DF6E4ABCB69FE89B3304FF5A Shaft of distal phalanx of little finger 11384 11384 11384 oblique ridge of tooth 245701009 S11384 Oblique ridge of tooth (body structure) E11384 P11384 ridge of tooth, oblique Y 56660 P digestive system 22973E6AF9B04616AD68534A92FB654F Oblique ridge of tooth 11385 11385 11385 transverse marginal ridge of tooth 245702002 S11385 Transverse marginal ridge of tooth (body structure) E11385 P11385 ridge of tooth, transverse marginal Y P digestive system CBC71D76B6EA41019E622C22ECAC91D0 Transverse marginal ridge of tooth 11386 11386 11386 tooth fissure 245703007 S11386 Tooth fissure (body structure) E11386 P11386 fissure of tooth Y P digestive system 62C9549AB72046F99A5CCF77CC025CAE Tooth fissure 11387 11387 11387 occlusal fissure 245704001 S11387 Occlusal fissure (body structure) E11387 P11387 Y 75113 P digestive system 90FEBC1B47F048BAB7E406B08DFA7C0D Occlusal fissure 11388 11388 11388 palatal fissure 245705000 S11388 Palatal fissure (body structure) E11388 P11388 Y P digestive system 910AEE33C68D4B1985CE496B56D56F59 Palatal fissure 11389 11389 11389 buccal fissure 245706004 S11389 Buccal fissure (body structure) E11389 P11389 Y P digestive system D5DC47D495054697812C69F1FAA02937 Buccal fissure 11391 11391 11391 coronal third of root 245710001 S11391 Coronal third of root (body structure) E11391 P11391 Y P digestive system 60F2957120DF4270BB087E10C2C5DD14 Coronal third of root 11392 11392 11392 middle third of root 245711002 S11392 Middle third of root (body structure) E11392 P11392 Y P digestive system 9176A99232FA4AC3B62591DFFD5C137C Middle third of root 11393 11393 11393 tooth root surface 245712009 S11393 Tooth root surface (body structure) E11393 P11393 surface of root of tooth Y P digestive system 207D802D19EA42038FF544F14F2E4EFC Tooth root surface 11394 11394 11394 palatal surface of root 245714005 S11394 Palatal surface of root (body structure) E11394 P11394 Y P digestive system D2443ED6FCFA4D86AA90189F4DFA020B Palatal surface of root 11395 11395 11395 lingual surface of root 245715006 S11395 Lingual surface of root (body structure) E11395 P11395 Y P digestive system 1407586543BD4C08BF6FDEA54D12AD6B Lingual surface of root 11396 11396 11396 mesial surface of root 245716007 S11396 Mesial surface of root (body structure) E11396 P11396 Y P digestive system 7B2018308D0040669CD116AD5C10E442 Mesial surface of root 11397 11397 11397 distal surface of root 245717003 S11397 Distal surface of root (body structure) E11397 P11397 Y P digestive system 402CDF9F124F42C1933A410B61591685 Distal surface of root 11398 11398 11398 palatal cusp 245719000 S11398 Palatal cusp (body structure) E11398 P11398 Y 56489 P digestive system CA1047F5B3E948C380D01ABC9BFA9715 Palatal cusp 11399 11399 11399 mesiopalatal cusp 245722003 S11399 Mesiopalatal cusp (body structure) E11399 P11399 Y 56492 P digestive system 777F062BC788419A89FB1C46B43AFEBC Mesiopalatal cusp 11400 11400 11400 distopalatal cusp 245725001 S11400 Distopalatal cusp (body structure) E11400 P11400 Y 56495 P digestive system 0C088C8CAF4C42109F44787FEB0D0148 Distopalatal cusp 11401 11401 11401 distal cusp 245727009 S11401 Distal cusp (body structure) E11401 P11401 Y P digestive system FBDCA394FA24412BB0C440C612F3AB9A Distal cusp 11402 11402 11402 single tooth root 245729007 S11402 Single tooth root (body structure) E11402 P11402 root of tooth, single Y P digestive system D3821AEB6B234705B78BA31F1378A1AA Single tooth root 11403 11403 11403 buccal tooth root 245730002 S11403 Buccal tooth root (body structure) E11403 P11403 root of tooth, buccal Y 56724 P digestive system 82C793318DB34491BAA2BC1138A01EF2 Buccal tooth root 11404 11404 11404 palatal tooth root 245731003 S11404 Palatal tooth root (body structure) E11404 P11404 root of tooth, palatal Y 56725 P digestive system 774B6CAA0FD145E19D5F63D1CF0650C2 Palatal tooth root 11405 11405 11405 lingual tooth root 245732005 S11405 Lingual tooth root (body structure) E11405 P11405 root of tooth, lingual Y P digestive system AE0CBB2F1E04446CB1AFC0964624F760 Lingual tooth root 11406 11406 11406 mesiobuccal tooth root 245733000 S11406 Mesiobuccal tooth root (body structure) E11406 P11406 root of tooth, mesiobuccal Y 56728 P digestive system 1ADD60CAB14D46F3994A32247DE354F8 Mesiobuccal tooth root 11407 11407 11407 distobuccal tooth root 245734006 S11407 Distobuccal tooth root (body structure) E11407 P11407 root of tooth, distobuccal Y P digestive system 22DFFEE2EB8D462FB323B2CAC1399165 Distobuccal tooth root 11408 11408 11408 mesial tooth root 245735007 S11408 Mesial tooth root (body structure) E11408 P11408 root of tooth, mesial Y 56726 P digestive system EBFBABA988894BC5B231E2C2E940B3F8 Mesial tooth root 11409 11409 11409 distal tooth root 245736008 S11409 Distal tooth root (body structure) E11409 P11409 root of tooth, distal Y 56727 P digestive system C5C0DA3D553F46D58FE816CA2017B547 Distal tooth root 11412 11412 11412 developmental groove of root 245739001 S11412 Developmental groove of root (body structure) E11412 P11412 Y P digestive system 32D66FDB4D514A6F97CEC186B77000F8 Developmental groove of root 11413 11413 11413 pulp chamber of tooth 245740004 S11413 Pulp chamber of tooth (body structure) E11413 P11413 pulp chamber of tooth Y 57169 P digestive system 73313A4D741B464D9DF70DEF5E766AC1 Pulp chamber of tooth 11414 11414 11414 pulp horn 245742007 S11414 Pulp horn (body structure) E11414 P11414 Y P digestive system 75FD14273D30489BBA5A3124782085A5 Pulp horn 11415 11415 11415 mesial pulp canal of tooth 245744008 S11415 Mesial pulp canal of tooth (body structure) E11415 P11415 pulp canal of tooth, mesial Y P digestive system 4EE99FC47AF14E8F8B43BC622D268F8C Mesial pulp canal of tooth 11416 11416 11416 distal pulp canal of tooth 245745009 S11416 Distal pulp canal of tooth (body structure) E11416 P11416 pulp canal of tooth, distal Y P digestive system 7DC990FFACE64B64BB1DB2BAAFED054A Distal pulp canal of tooth 11417 11417 11417 palatal pulp canal of tooth 245746005 S11417 Palatal pulp canal of tooth (body structure) E11417 P11417 pulp canal of tooth, palatal Y P digestive system DBB1A202F22B494AA6984822A7464B07 Palatal pulp canal of tooth 11418 11418 11418 buccal pulp canal of tooth 245747001 S11418 Buccal pulp canal of tooth (body structure) E11418 P11418 pulp canal of tooth, buccal Y P digestive system 247F2CEDC6F849DC9AE154BE8EB8A902 Buccal pulp canal of tooth 11419 11419 11419 mesiobuccal pulp canal of tooth 245748006 S11419 Mesiobuccal pulp canal of tooth (body structure) E11419 P11419 pulp canal of tooth, mesiobuccal Y P digestive system 64837CEAE9C84E6AA65C9F1EA9C25CFD Mesiobuccal pulp canal of tooth 11420 11420 11420 mesiolingual pulp canal of tooth 245749003 S11420 Mesiolingual pulp canal of tooth (body structure) E11420 P11420 pulp canal of tooth, mesiolingual Y P digestive system F38A6C88AFD648BB83D6D22E74B984EE Mesiolingual pulp canal of tooth 11421 11421 11421 distobuccal pulp canal of tooth 245750003 S11421 Distobuccal pulp canal of tooth (body structure) E11421 P11421 pulp canal of tooth, distobuccal Y P digestive system 6E3EE029F45443E08E33DEB2E308564F Distobuccal pulp canal of tooth 11422 11422 11422 distolingual pulp canal of tooth 245751004 S11422 Distolingual pulp canal of tooth (body structure) E11422 P11422 pulp canal of tooth, distolingual Y P digestive system 337457529AC14DEDB1250A04C0743E8D Distolingual pulp canal of tooth 11423 11423 11423 buccal gingival crevice 245755008 S11423 Buccal gingival crevice (body structure) E11423 P11423 Y P digestive system 913D77C8F17C46638C919E5213E5C130 Buccal gingival crevice 11424 11424 11424 labial gingival crevice 245756009 S11424 Labial gingival crevice (body structure) E11424 P11424 Y P digestive system 9FB95925D09C4C099E92E2AEA136366E Labial gingival crevice 11425 11425 11425 lingual gingival crevice 245757000 S11425 Lingual gingival crevice (body structure) E11425 P11425 Y P digestive system 7506345629084B4C91249AF0BBF8CC0A Lingual gingival crevice 11426 11426 11426 mesial gingival crevice 245758005 S11426 Mesial gingival crevice (body structure) E11426 P11426 Y P digestive system 757760CA987A49F0B89D0D7ACC58D1DD Mesial gingival crevice 11427 11427 11427 distal gingival crevice 245759002 S11427 Distal gingival crevice (body structure) E11427 P11427 Y P digestive system 0C8AA1296B1E48EEBF5C3E21BB9A6D32 Distal gingival crevice 11428 11428 11428 buccal marginal gingiva 245761006 S11428 Buccal marginal gingivae (body structure) E11428 P11428 Y P digestive system 3BA0CEB5744D43F1AC2C2114EEE59697 Buccal marginal gingivae 11429 11429 11429 labial marginal gingiva 245762004 S11429 Labial marginal gingivae (body structure) E11429 P11429 Y P digestive system 883E278CC08E491D8DA44D4AAF52BE8C Labial marginal gingivae 11430 11430 11430 neck of distal phalanx of index finger 263453009 S11430 Neck of distal phalanx of index finger (body structure) E11430 P11430 Y P musculoskeletal system 77031137D9534BEDABA9CB701D651BF2 Neck of distal phalanx of index finger 11431 11431 11431 neck of distal phalanx of middle finger 263454003 S11431 Neck of distal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E11431 P11431 Y P musculoskeletal system 3F476E863C9444AE8E3394ACD0A4EF99 Neck of distal phalanx of middle finger 11432 11432 11432 neck of distal phalanx of ring finger 263455002 S11432 Neck of distal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E11432 P11432 Y P musculoskeletal system C0C122D6DE9047928588F8251D7DFE8B Neck of distal phalanx of ring finger 11433 11433 11433 neck of distal phalanx of little finger 263456001 S11433 Neck of distal phalanx of little finger (body structure) E11433 P11433 Y P musculoskeletal system 2B950489B85D436287A528753E2D45B1 Neck of distal phalanx of little finger 11434 11434 11434 head of distal phalanx of index finger 263457005 S11434 Head of distal phalanx of index finger (body structure) E11434 P11434 Y 37621 P musculoskeletal system D4DEB9BACBF04AA38534F93CF9BFB71E Head of distal phalanx of index finger 11435 11435 11435 head of distal phalanx of middle finger 263458000 S11435 Head of distal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) E11435 P11435 Y 37633 P musculoskeletal system F147D25ACE4D4120B0EEC8A3C13D4D79 Head of distal phalanx of middle finger 11436 11436 11436 head of distal phalanx of ring finger 263459008 S11436 Head of distal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) E11436 P11436 Y 37645 P musculoskeletal system 3A723F21372843679B4DAFCC7C954A7A Head of distal phalanx of ring finger 11437 11437 11437 head of distal phalanx of little finger 263460003 S11437 Head of distal phalanx of little finger (body structure) E11437 P11437 Y 37657 P musculoskeletal system 27674E6529854C8EAF14F5CEBDF5310F Head of distal phalanx of little finger 11438 11438 11438 neck of second metacarpal 263463001 S11438 Neck of second metacarpal (body structure) E11438 P11438 Y P musculoskeletal system 5FD8964E42D544E6A113A3BAE4EAFABC Neck of second metacarpal 11439 11439 11439 neck of third metacarpal 263467000 S11439 Neck of third metacarpal (body structure) E11439 P11439 Y P musculoskeletal system CBAFD78F77CF422BB8F578D2831E7873 Neck of third metacarpal 11440 11440 11440 neck of fourth metacarpal 263471002 S11440 Neck of fourth metacarpal (body structure) E11440 P11440 Y P musculoskeletal system 316470812B0440C9A30FC5DB699A63A7 Neck of fourth metacarpal 11441 11441 11441 neck of fifth metacarpal 263475006 S11441 Neck of fifth metacarpal (body structure) E11441 P11441 Y P musculoskeletal system 94A972EE72B24EB084856B060FD7338E Neck of fifth metacarpal 11442 11442 11442 joint between bodies of L4 and S1 S11442 E11442 263478008 Joint between bodies of L4 and S1 (body structure) P11442 - P skeletal system E0094E2DCBD147D69D4D0C05E9D67E6E Joint between bodies of L4 and S1 (body structure) 11443 11443 11443 joint between bodies of L6 and S1 S11443 E11443 263479000 Joint between bodies of L6 and S1 (body structure) P11443 - P skeletal system E8DCE732098044279DF7D5F8F3FF08C8 Joint between bodies of L6 and S1 (body structure) 11444 11444 11444 circumference of cervix 263705009 S11444 Circumference of cervix (body structure) E11444 P11444 - P genital system 490ABC43D9914B1FB797053815989B3E Circumference of cervix 11445 11445 11445 cloacogenic zone 263711007 S11445 Cloacogenic zone (body structure) E11445 P11445 - P urinary system 95CFD8813C0D4B5682DBBB24B3D98FFC Cloacogenic zone 11446 11446 11446 large retinal vessel 263792001 S11446 Large retinal vessel (body structure) E11446 P11446 Y P special senses organ system 3BDDD1CC3AB54756AD66339D56C84275 Large retinal vessel 11447 11447 11447 abdominal plexus 263937002 S11447 Abdominal plexus (body structure) E11447 P11447 - P nervous system 83886C9576CB4FFDBA6316AEE63D59F8 Abdominal plexus 11449 11449 11449 apex of great toe S11449 E11449 263945007 Apex of great toe (body structure) P11449 Y P 6BD270EF4906490E9C1C1EE46C9B6A17 Apex of great toe (body structure) 11450 11450 11450 apex of second toe S11450 E11450 263946008 Apex of second toe (body structure) P11450 Y P 6FE6888C4B844A20A86ADC56CAF91050 Apex of second toe (body structure) 11451 11451 11451 apex of third toe S11451 E11451 263947004 Apex of third toe (body structure) P11451 Y P 4FB82EA55EC54C52B4B5C34CD9622E7D Apex of third toe (body structure) 11452 11452 11452 apex of fourth toe S11452 E11452 263948009 Apex of fourth toe (body structure) P11452 Y P 9CCAAA8547FB4E35A86859B98B201B3B Apex of fourth toe (body structure) 11453 11453 11453 apex of fifth toe S11453 E11453 263949001 Apex of fifth toe (body structure) P11453 Y P 90AEBB854C244AE781B8BBBB0CCC9A48 Apex of fifth toe (body structure) 11454 11454 11454 attic of tympanic membrane 263956007 S11454 Attic of tympanic membrane (body structure) E11454 P11454 Y P special senses organ system 49345C709C2140CD8C483DA43B83EB2D Attic of tympanic membrane 11455 11455 11455 branch of renal artery 263963007 S11455 Branch of renal artery (body structure) E11455 P11455 Y P arterial system 6C890A78B2CF4DBAA84F4C2FDB4D51A2 Branch of renal artery 11456 11456 11456 central trabecular septum 263967008 S11456 Central trabecular septum (body structure) E11456 P11456 - P cardiovascular system 5926F085219A477FA34C85683BEA558C Central trabecular septum 11457 11457 11457 cerebellar subarachnoid space 263972004 S11457 Cerebellar subarachnoid space (body structure) E11457 P11457 - P nervous system 35DF549D0F7F43FF8C33065E723BA483 Cerebellar subarachnoid space 11458 11458 11458 cerebellar subdural space S11458 E11458 263973009 Cerebellar subdural space (body structure) P11458 - P nervous system 26559D23423F4DA893ED46A17B4FECDF Cerebellar subdural space (body structure) 11459 11459 11459 surface of scrotum 263979008 S11459 Surface of scrotum (body structure) E11459 P11459 - 27980 D integument/surface BD08E07178F64384859B7FB9926D84D9 Surface of scrotum 11460 11460 11460 distal third of small intestine 263980006 S11460 Distal third of small intestine (body structure) E11460 P11460 - P digestive system 82A992E8C0294743AC7AF3B3754CC8DE Distal third of small intestine 11461 11461 11461 distal urethra S11461 E11461 263982003 Entire distal urethra (body structure) P11461 - P genital system EB3968963FB14AA2AEAA1A644D366F3E Entire distal urethra (body structure) 11462 11462 11462 extracapsular condyle of mandible 263994007 S11462 Extracapsular condyle of mandible (body structure) E11462 P11462 Y P skeletal system 7E922C73045347BDB61B3991E2929E0F Extracapsular condyle of mandible 11464 11464 11464 frontal subarachnoid space 264009004 S11464 Frontal subarachnoid space (body structure) E11464 P11464 - P nervous system 040283A6C1074F7A954711786DE6DC44 Frontal subarachnoid space 11465 11465 11465 gastroduodenal junction 264014000 S11465 Gastroduodenal junction (body structure) E11465 P11465 - 17046 P digestive system 02A4845EC2DA47E6BC84C5368E24372F Gastroduodenal junction 11466 11466 11466 ileocecal junction 264021000 S11466 Ileocecal junction (body structure) E11466 P11466 - 11338 P digestive system 7923CC08561446D9A1D6ECC35519F070 Ileocecal junction 11467 11467 11467 indeterminate ventricle 264029003 S11467 Indeterminate ventricle (body structure) E11467 P11467 - P cardiovascular system 29679313A2524BE5AA5AAE7710F7EA5D Indeterminate ventricle 11469 11469 11469 inferior tympanic membrane 264036002 S11469 Inferior tympanic membrane (body structure) E11469 P11469 Y P special senses organ system FC653F1F136D4A8F9C6CD317180E6682 Inferior tympanic membrane 11470 11470 11470 inlet muscular septum 264038001 S11470 Inlet muscular septum (body structure) E11470 P11470 - P cardiovascular system 5657B5DCB6C54797B2190B6D177C17AD Inlet muscular septum 11471 11471 11471 surface of iris 264050007 S11471 Iris surface (body structure) E11471 P11471 Y 58885 P special senses organ system 65229729C45243D48FC67EED722CDDE4 Iris surface 11472 11472 11472 laryngeal surface of suprahyoid epiglottis 264054003 S11472 Laryngeal surface of suprahyoid epiglottis (body structure) E11472 P11472 - P digestive system 2E97C7983DF34CBFA3CB1C43BEF5F54B Laryngeal surface of suprahyoid epiglottis 11473 11473 11473 lateral calf perforator S11473 E11473 264055002 Lateral calf perforator (body structure) P11473 Y P venous system 0D0EF175B4354CBABC8EFBA8C969268C Lateral calf perforator (body structure) 11474 11474 11474 lateral conjunctiva 264057005 S11474 Lateral conjunctiva (body structure) E11474 P11474 Y P special senses organ system 6F90975C03854AF89EC218C88AD1E2AD Lateral conjunctiva 11475 11475 11475 lateral wall of cervix 264064007 S11475 Lateral wall of cervix (body structure) E11475 P11475 Y P genital system 09DD6DAECBB04E4C9A1F87CB47FB9AE6 Lateral wall of cervix 11476 11476 11476 left sided atrium 264069002 S11476 Left sided atrium (body structure) E11476 P11476 - L P cardiovascular system 7198B36AFE2747399C83B359BC6FF79F Left sided atrium 11477 11477 11477 lower renal calyx 264073004 S11477 Lower renal calyx (body structure) E11477 P11477 Y P urinary system 6A18530BEB7B49279B9503F2BE224F62 Lower renal calyx 11478 11478 11478 surface of lower chest 264074005 S11478 Surface region of lower chest (body structure) E11478 P11478 - D integument/surface 11E3DAED74B744D6BADAC60807E016B6 Surface region of lower chest 11479 11479 11479 lower esophageal segment 264078008 S11479 Lower esophageal segment (body structure) E11479 P11479 - P digestive system 9CBF7C1D593C4A9CB2608445EA65F6C0 Lower esophageal segment 11480 11480 11480 lower pole artery 264079000 S11480 Lower pole artery (body structure) E11480 P11480 Y P arterial system 9852E37635F043BB9500A8B98FB0DC93 Lower pole artery 11482 11482 11482 marginal septum 264092002 S11482 Marginal septum (body structure) E11482 P11482 - P cardiovascular system 3F2932D8F5B1449AB438E56C34CEA4AE Marginal septum 11483 11483 11483 medial vein perforator S11483 E11483 264098003 Medial vein perforator (body structure) P11483 Y P cardiovascular system 5F60D00E7FD947EEA7CD7123D797A94A Medial vein perforator (body structure) 11484 11484 11484 middle third of small intestine 264100003 S11484 Middle third of small intestine (body structure) E11484 P11484 - P digestive system B5299C01A2EA40AC980C1657445F62F6 Middle third of small intestine 11485 11485 11485 middle renal calyx 264101004 S11485 Middle renal calyx (body structure) E11485 P11485 Y P urinary system 2AB9AEAF3CF64F96B5A120F6E69AE6E6 Middle renal calyx 11486 11486 11486 middle third of longitudinal segment of meniscus 264102006 S11486 Middle third of longitudinal segment of meniscus (body structure) E11486 P11486 Y P articular system 4F139DFB3D194FF7AEA7E132C7E426D5 Middle third of longitudinal segment of meniscus 11487 11487 11487 diaper area 264104007 S11487 Diaper area (body structure) E11487 P11487 - P regional/topgraphical EA9C5C7AE5B7482A92E6A285E3A0409B Diaper area 11488 11488 11488 natal cleft 264106009 S11488 Natal cleft (body structure) E11488 P11488 - P regional/topgraphical FA651D7DD3434437843792BB92BB3164 Natal cleft 11489 11489 11489 occipital subarachnoid space 264109002 S11489 Occipital subarachnoid space (body structure) E11489 P11489 - P nervous system 63EBA6C39F744F07A57774A666BBEF31 Occipital subarachnoid space 11490 11490 11490 outlet muscular septum 264116001 S11490 Outlet muscular septum (body structure) E11490 P11490 - P cardiovascular system 439B4D950B5044C59EA4B99DF0C34DB4 Outlet muscular septum 11491 11491 11491 parafoveal retina 264120002 S11491 Parafoveal retina (body structure) E11491 280617008 Perifoveal region of retina (body structure) P11491 Y P special senses organ system 7B59252FF1794B2FA854A44BC6F9A913 B9D98D7B37FF459D9E49DDBB7A4D02DF Parafoveal retina Perifoveal region of retina (body structure) 11492 11492 11492 paramacular retina 264122005 S11492 Paramacular retina (body structure) E11492 P11492 Y P special senses organ system 27FAA009C6AB4F7E8D9AEC036257AAD4 Paramacular retina 11493 11493 11493 parietal subarachnoid space 264129001 S11493 Parietal subarachnoid space (body structure) E11493 P11493 Y P nervous system 61BC868A13284A82A156B16B66EBE5FA Parietal subarachnoid space 11494 11494 11494 peripheral retina 264141008 S11494 Peripheral retina (body structure) E11494 P11494 Y P special senses organ system 21502F49DF9D417F93E41CAE4D74C963 Peripheral retina 11495 11495 11495 posterior horn of longitudinal segment of meniscus 264151009 S11495 Posterior horn of longitudinal segment of meniscus (body structure) E11495 P11495 Y P articular system 1E759826F69E45FF9EDF7299D6A4ED68 Posterior horn of longitudinal segment of meniscus 11497 11497 11497 posterior third of longitudinal segment of meniscus 264157008 S11497 Posterior third of longitudinal segment of meniscus (body structure) E11497 P11497 Y P articular system 124A357C1A16487BB4C5126541BEFCE4 Posterior third of longitudinal segment of meniscus 11498 11498 11498 posterior wall of cervix 264160001 S11498 Posterior wall of cervix (body structure) E11498 P11498 - P genital system CEE88489AA13441580122258BEA4827E Posterior wall of cervix 11499 11499 11499 proximal third of small intestine 264163004 S11499 Proximal third of small intestine (body structure) E11499 P11499 - P digestive system 3B8519EBDB004F49B96953188DC5C01C Proximal third of small intestine 11500 11500 11500 pulmonary venous pathway 264165006 S11500 Pulmonary venous pathway (body structure) E11500 P11500 Y P respiratory system 91B69B9BBFA9459CBA661691DC407B83 Pulmonary venous pathway 11501 11501 11501 right sided atrium 264181001 S11501 Right sided atrium (body structure) E11501 P11501 - R P cardiovascular system 541D02072A62486A99490C6D598AEA7F Right sided atrium 11502 11502 11502 right ventricle - body 264182008 S11502 Right ventricle - body (body structure) E11502 P11502 - R P cardiovascular system E1B1E6BD264C45E6A08112A7D8C927AA Right ventricle - body 11503 11503 11503 sagittal subarachnoid space 264187002 S11503 Sagittal subarachnoid space (body structure) E11503 P11503 - P nervous system 992BDF03E2E64DBF94C6EC824E54E3B7 Sagittal subarachnoid space 11504 11504 11504 sagittal subdural space S11504 E11504 264188007 Sagittal subdural space (body structure) P11504 - P nervous system 64DABF246893477481A164DC5D63B6B1 Sagittal subdural space (body structure) 11505 11505 11505 sagittal extradural space S11505 E11505 264189004 Sagittal extradural space (body structure) P11505 - P nervous system 8106A531AED547428C98FB2B495F9637 Sagittal extradural space (body structure) 11506 11506 11506 scapulothoracic articulation 264190008 S11506 Scapulothoracic joint (body structure) E11506 P11506 Y 65001 P skeletal system F00D41AA257248D287223A59CB542F56 Scapulothoracic joint 11507 11507 11507 splanchnic nerve 264198001 S11507 Splanchnic nerve (body structure) E11507 P11507 Y 5883 P nervous system DEB9AC84292444878CA627148630A8B0 Splanchnic nerve 11508 11508 11508 stapes superstructure 264200007 S11508 Stapes superstructure (body structure) E11508 P11508 Y P skeletal system 48CCCB109534489496BA147B402751EF Stapes superstructure 11510 11510 11510 subfrontal extradural space S11510 E11510 264210003 Subfrontal extradural space (body structure) P11510 - P nervous system 1E7173B512B74A5387A719279F69ECF4 Subfrontal extradural space (body structure) 11511 11511 11511 subtemporal extradural space S11511 E11511 264211004 Subtemporal extradural space (body structure) P11511 Y P nervous system 6787004A8DB74A03BD833B642251BD11 Subtemporal extradural space (body structure) 11512 11512 11512 superficial inguinal pouch 264213001 S11512 Superficial inguinal pouch (body structure) E11512 P11512 Y P genitourinary system F95133CDDE4E48969B1D0A66FEB71A24 Superficial inguinal pouch 11514 11514 11514 temporal subarachnoid space 264229009 S11514 Temporal subarachnoid space (body structure) E11514 P11514 Y P nervous system 2CBB3914ED9F4FE7BE4DB2C43F527767 Temporal subarachnoid space 11515 11515 11515 thigh perforator S11515 E11515 264230004 Thigh perforator (body structure) P11515 Y P venous system A7538C33BEB84ED886C3DD7A426C9D7A Thigh perforator (body structure) 11516 11516 11516 tip of epiglottis 264235009 S11516 Tip of epiglottis (body structure) E11516 P11516 - P digestive system 8BFC23B445E44FE8819F76516A3F1B58 Tip of epiglottis 11517 11517 11517 trabecular septum 264236005 S11517 Trabecular septum (body structure) E11517 P11517 - P cardiovascular system B1B7A62F298749788B2702B2585BB9C0 Trabecular septum 11518 11518 11518 upper renal calyx 264241002 S11518 Upper renal calyx (body structure) E11518 P11518 Y P urinary system D8DEFC8E39A74B6F90F9AEBCFCCA0855 Upper renal calyx 11519 11519 11519 surface of upper chest 264242009 S11519 Surface region of upper chest (body structure) E11519 P11519 - D integument/surface 3EAA081397C24470AF6D40B8DF2CAB53 Surface region of upper chest 11520 11520 11520 upper esophageal segment 264248008 S11520 Upper esophageal segment (body structure) E11520 P11520 - P digestive system 6C2A8E2C194348FEAC4E531016F6BDC1 Upper esophageal segment 11521 11521 11521 upper pole artery 264249000 S11521 Upper pole artery (body structure) E11521 P11521 Y P arterial system DD069CDD124240948A7A9478AF6D00E1 Upper pole artery 11522 11522 11522 upper sternum 264250000 S11522 Upper sternum (body structure) E11522 P11522 - P skeletal system 7EF42534814344F783E97C30F95B0524 Upper sternum 11524 11524 11524 ventricular segment 264257002 S11524 Ventricular segment (body structure) E11524 P11524 - P cardiovascular system 2382D02518B74F49A4F8A7073857082A Ventricular segment 11525 11525 11525 anterior abdominal wall peritoneum 264438009 S11525 Anterior abdominal wall peritoneum (body structure) E11525 P11525 - 19756 P digestive system 58A6C6AF888D47B6A53D398D769415C6 Anterior abdominal wall peritoneum 11526 11526 11526 anterior horn of longitudinal segment of meniscus 264439001 S11526 Anterior horn of longitudinal segment of meniscus (body structure) E11526 P11526 Y P articular system 2492A80651B5467EA8FDDF7C78BB311A Anterior horn of longitudinal segment of meniscus 11527 11527 11527 anterior third of longitudinal segment of meniscus 264442007 S11527 Anterior third of longitudinal segment of meniscus (body structure) E11527 P11527 Y P articular system FA46E7CA6A1A4BA7849A4705E6C05413 Anterior third of longitudinal segment of meniscus 11528 11528 11528 anterior tympanic membrane 264444008 S11528 Anterior tympanic membrane (body structure) E11528 P11528 Y P special senses organ system 90D7736F6D9B4868AB08D8E2511B0E7D Anterior tympanic membrane 11529 11529 11529 common atrioventricular orifice 264451004 S11529 Common atrioventricular orifice (body structure) E11529 P11529 - P cardiovascular system 0816C9541E584299A207DACBA6C460F3 Common atrioventricular orifice 11530 11530 11530 crest of ventricular septum 264455008 S11530 Crest of ventricular septum (body structure) E11530 P11530 - P cardiovascular system DEA282F4B8614D30BA4CFC25C82E0E68 Crest of ventricular septum 11531 11531 11531 myofascial compartment of neck 264468000 S11531 Fascial compartment of neck (body structure) E11531 P11531 - P musculoskeletal system 6F9745674BBB47DFA0536E3358C43474 Fascial compartment of neck 11532 11532 11532 fifth ray 264470009 S11532 Fifth ray (body structure) E11532 P11532 Y P 2F11004D90C046E1BE5A4DFEC525E533 Fifth ray 11533 11533 11533 first ray 264471008 S11533 First ray (body structure) E11533 P11533 Y P 80EE2EC7499048979753C83AF7DB361F First ray 11535 11535 11535 interstitial fallopian tube 264485003 S11535 Interstitial fallopian tube (body structure) E11535 P11535 Y P genital system 6D7A324BC0594D7AB7072C9FE302BC50 Interstitial fallopian tube 11536 11536 11536 ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb 264497002 S11536 Ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) E11536 P11536 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 9EF18784456248CA98958B58FCEF43C6 Ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb 11537 11537 11537 hole in broad ligament 264836003 S11537 Hole in broad ligament (body structure) E11537 P11537 Y P digestive system 5F3A5CD5BFAD48DABFF366882A2164B5 Hole in broad ligament 11538 11538 11538 hole in mesentery 264837007 S11538 Hole in mesentery (body structure) E11538 P11538 - P digestive system 38748539D7B74166AE51BB54F5C91333 Hole in mesentery 11539 11539 11539 hole in omentum 264838002 S11539 Hole in omentum (body structure) E11539 P11539 - P digestive system DC49C977BE0C496AA432A82052E55A4C Hole in omentum 11540 11540 11540 left ventricle apical anterior segment 264844003 S11540 Left ventricle apical anterior segment (body structure) E11540 P11540 - L P cardiovascular system 99DDFD1AFBDC4DA6B4A407CE52313DCE Left ventricle apical anterior segment 11541 11541 11541 left ventricle apical septal segment 264845002 S11541 Left ventricle apical septal segment (body structure) E11541 P11541 - L P cardiovascular system 208C0D8E8F66459CA22ACE115A614EAF Left ventricle apical septal segment 11542 11542 11542 left ventricle basal inferior segment 264846001 S11542 Left ventricle basal inferior segment (body structure) E11542 P11542 - L P cardiovascular system 6D20B862FBEF4F7E9FBE783752269169 Left ventricle basal inferior segment 11543 11543 11543 left ventricle mid inferior segment 264847005 S11543 Left ventricle mid inferior segment (body structure) E11543 P11543 - L P cardiovascular system 86059940246A497C87CE6EA8DD56345B Left ventricle mid inferior segment 11544 11544 11544 left ventricle mid anterior segment 264848000 S11544 Left ventricle mid anterior segment (body structure) E11544 P11544 - L P cardiovascular system D9235979487044E8AAC31A7A2C9FE6F1 Left ventricle mid anterior segment 11545 11545 11545 left ventricle apical inferior segment 264849008 S11545 Left ventricle apical inferior segment (body structure) E11545 P11545 - L P cardiovascular system CA478B3AA36E41DD969018591DBA4BF9 Left ventricle apical inferior segment 11546 11546 11546 left ventricle basal anterior segment 264850008 S11546 Left ventricle basal anterior segment (body structure) E11546 P11546 - L P cardiovascular system B671FB04541A43D68239FE2AFFCF898F Left ventricle basal anterior segment 11547 11547 11547 left ventricular basal segment 264851007 S11547 Left ventricular basal segment (body structure) E11547 P11547 - L P cardiovascular system E6C4C593701C4566940B8DFA08C4B98D Left ventricular basal segment 11548 11548 11548 left ventricle mid lateral segment 264852000 S11548 Left ventricle mid lateral segment (body structure) E11548 P11548 - L P cardiovascular system 8749E2D51BE946ABB28E6CD3487F740C Left ventricle mid lateral segment 11549 11549 11549 left ventricle apical lateral segment 264853005 S11549 Left ventricle apical lateral segment (body structure) E11549 P11549 - L P cardiovascular system DEB336867A3C4701BA8D795E825BB4C4 Left ventricle apical lateral segment 11550 11550 11550 left ventricle mid septal segment 264854004 S11550 Left ventricle mid septal segment (body structure) E11550 P11550 - L P cardiovascular system 219C09CC11A34944BA40CEB37A1B5764 Left ventricle mid septal segment 11551 11551 11551 left ventricular segment 264856002 S11551 Left ventricular segment (body structure) E11551 P11551 - L P cardiovascular system DC26C0CE02764E6497E3DDB131EBD23A Left ventricular segment 11552 11552 11552 muscle or tendon of hand 265803009 S11552 Muscle or tendon of hand (body structure) E11552 P11552 Y P musculoskeletal system C13A87FF5818413D886036544638D5A2 Muscle or tendon of hand 11553 11553 11553 supernumerary tooth 266414008 S11553 Supernumerary tooth (body structure) E11553 P11553 tooth, supernumerary Y P digestive system 0B28FCE7096344948117772338B97845 Supernumerary tooth 11554 11554 11554 posterior superior ansiform lobule of cerebellum 26655000 S11554 Posterior superior ansiform lobule of cerebellum (body structure) E11554 P11554 Y P nervous system 751F2C0A613A42CB823D04284A071E86 Posterior superior ansiform lobule of cerebellum 11555 11555 11555 central carpal bone S11555 E11555 26987000 Central carpal bone (body structure) P11555 Y 0 P skeletal system C9E93D493FAA4F2787739386C6C4C5F1 Central carpal bone (body structure) 11557 11557 11557 endothelium 27168002 S11557 Endothelium (body structure) E11557 P11557 - 63916 P 061842EC093E43AFB2198814BC85FE56 Endothelium Simple squamous epithelium which lines blood and lymphatic vessels and the heart . 11559 11559 11559 cervicobregmatic diameter of head 27212004 S11559 Cervicobregmatic diameter of head (body structure) E11559 P11559 - P 0D9443CBA21640A4831197517C0DF763 Cervicobregmatic diameter of head 11560 11560 11560 medulla oblongata dorsal lateral sulcus 27225007 S11560 Medulla oblongata dorsal lateral sulcus (body structure) E11560 P11560 Y P nervous system C54ED53929244837B32AC0E660871C7C Medulla oblongata dorsal lateral sulcus 11562 11562 11562 knee joint line 272620000 S11562 Knee joint line (body structure) E11562 P11562 Y P regional/topgraphical 33432EE4C1204ADC8CB40F90242A11EC Knee joint line 11563 11563 11563 apex of toe S11563 E11563 272622008 Apex of toe (body structure) P11563 Y P regional/topgraphical 766C6F1969704653AE93151202D3D554 Apex of toe (body structure) 11564 11564 11564 urinary organ S11564 E11564 272629004 Urinary organ (body structure) P11564 - P urinary system BD676729D6F2424982BC0FE39BA29891 Urinary organ (body structure) 11565 11565 11565 cord of brachial plexus 272633006 S11565 Cord of brachial plexus (body structure) E11565 P11565 Y 65359 P nervous system 1B74DD065811489FB2637B0800C456CA Cord of brachial plexus 11566 11566 11566 peripheral nerve of head and neck 272634000 S11566 Peripheral nerve of head and neck (body structure) E11566 P11566 Y D nervous system 4579CB3237AE47159F6877D36D456481 Peripheral nerve of head and neck 11567 11567 11567 ulnar nerve branch 272638002 S11567 Ulnar nerve branch (body structure) E11567 P11567 Y 44872 P nervous system F7F912669A4D4FD98042D4DBE9013BCC Ulnar nerve branch 11568 11568 11568 radial nerve branch 272641006 S11568 Radial nerve branch (body structure) E11568 P11568 Y 44947 P nervous system 7FC64D6209D44610AE8690F7A3805772 Radial nerve branch 11569 11569 11569 median nerve branch 272644003 S11569 Median nerve branch (body structure) E11569 P11569 Y 44819 P nervous system 48F67E7422C7466FB4B76A6AC479444E Median nerve branch 11570 11570 11570 naris 363538002 S11570 Structure of naris (body structure) E11570 272650008 Naris, entire, anterior or posterior (body structure) P11570 Y 72005 P respiratory system AC7F1C95E01B4D74A29EB51FE2E643CC 727F7BC557E9428BAD18D9E41D3CABEC naris Naris, entire, anterior or posterior (body structure) 11571 11571 11571 segment of lingula 272653005 S11571 Segment of lingula (body structure) E11571 P11571 - 0 P respiratory system ED9D49CF8834449CA525F2102C7F2C1E Segment of lingula 11572 11572 11572 gonadal artery 272659009 S11572 Gonadal artery (body structure) E11572 P11572 Y P arterial system BB357D5DC85A496E96EC72A2BC706D48 Gonadal artery 11573 11573 11573 uterine segment 272665009 S11573 Uterine segment (body structure) E11573 P11573 - P genital system 571B77DE193D4BDBB97D53A82EEAAADA Uterine segment 11574 11574 11574 layer of uterine wall 272666005 S11574 Layer of uterine wall (body structure) E11574 P11574 - P genital system 22D2BCED145140A8A0A75C7CC4977A18 Layer of uterine wall 11575 11575 11575 lip of cervix 272667001 S11575 Lip of cervix (body structure) E11575 P11575 - P genital system C7BAAB361C7E4D47BCD2EF42787BE617 Lip of cervix 11576 11576 11576 breast quadrant 272670002 S11576 Breast quadrant (body structure) E11576 P11576 Y 61373 P F5927FBB311B45A98199FC5690865CE6 Breast quadrant 11577 11577 11577 border of mandible 272690006 S11577 Border of mandible (body structure) E11577 P11577 - P skeletal system C2F2DFCC2F4945D28A0398E3A45CEFB6 Border of mandible 11578 11578 11578 end of clavicle 272692003 S11578 End of clavicle (body structure) E11578 P11578 Y P skeletal system BC99DCC70B3F473EAFAE9848511EA633 End of clavicle 11579 11579 11579 epicondyle of humerus 272693008 S11579 Epicondyle of humerus (body structure) E11579 P11579 Y 0 P skeletal system F90B2B4D3A5A4E5A806431FFC0331C53 Epicondyle of humerus 11580 11580 11580 process of ulna 272694002 S11580 Process of ulna (body structure) E11580 P11580 Y P skeletal system 6DA087DC9F8C4E308109355135E71F02 Process of ulna 11581 11581 11581 neck of metacarpal 272697009 S11581 Neck of metacarpal (body structure) E11581 P11581 Y P musculoskeletal system 0A4717827D67445F91E0E747A2AB8B87 Neck of metacarpal 11582 11582 11582 neck of phalanx of thumb 272702000 S11582 Neck of phalanx of thumb (body structure) E11582 P11582 Y P musculoskeletal system 81B6E18AA0C6470080AE4CF0651F47D3 Neck of phalanx of thumb 11583 11583 11583 base of phalanx of finger 272704004 S11583 Base of phalanx of finger (body structure) E11583 P11583 Y 226482 P musculoskeletal system EDD120D2BB0841D9BCA58A4010E44619 Base of phalanx of finger 11584 11584 11584 shaft of phalanx of finger 272705003 S11584 Shaft of phalanx of finger (body structure) E11584 P11584 Y P musculoskeletal system 53598F6E7B8246BDAF293F05ECD85185 Shaft of phalanx of finger 11585 11585 11585 neck of phalanx of finger 272706002 S11585 Neck of phalanx of finger (body structure) E11585 P11585 Y P musculoskeletal system 3454C3EF7E0F4F1C96F9B77FDDD27369 Neck of phalanx of finger 11586 11586 11586 head of phalanx of finger 272707006 S11586 Head of phalanx of finger (body structure) E11586 P11586 Y P musculoskeletal system 446EC73BD6554EE487A39257EB0CF58C Head of phalanx of finger 11587 11587 11587 arch of atlas 272708001 S11587 Arch of atlas (body structure) E11587 P11587 - 23975 P skeletal system 76DE4A1B28F54826AA94F9F0255C7DCD Arch of atlas 11588 11588 11588 border of patella 272713002 S11588 Border of patella (body structure) E11588 P11588 Y 43653 P musculoskeletal system CEA97AE4BBF8431C9E73299516319F0D Border of patella 11589 11589 11589 third of patella 272715009 S11589 Third of patella (body structure) E11589 P11589 Y P musculoskeletal system 042EDB5CA8D94086839B9760E854BA8D Third of patella 11591 11591 11591 neck of metatarsal 423118007 S11591 Structure of neck of metatarsal bone (body structure) E11591 272721008 Entire neck of metatarsal (body structure) P11591 Y P skeletal system 5F7FC0E75B6B4723BE01F944036E76A0 0F95CF8DB94E478180E2B66D8D6A044F neck of metatarsal bone Entire neck of metatarsal (body structure) 11593 11593 11593 electrocardiograph lead site 272728002 S11593 Electrocardiograph lead site (body structure) E11593 P11593 - P regional/topgraphical 145E3970563348509B56EF58EFFADE02 Electrocardiograph lead site 11594 11594 11594 ear hair 27394002 S11594 Ear hair (body structure) E11594 P11594 Y P integumentary system D6B2418D4E9C4D3DA88F9A70902D12A3 Ear hair 11595 11595 11595 capsule of tibial astragaloid joint 27401001 S11595 Capsule of tibial astragaloid joint (body structure) E11595 P11595 Y P articular system 6C913F61D40C42828E31FE7631E992A4 Capsule of tibial astragaloid joint 11596 11596 11596 circular layer of gastric muscularis 2746007 S11596 Circular layer of gastric muscularis (body structure) E11596 P11596 - 14911 P digestive system 720768E2DBE44CD79A8E003CC681977F Circular layer of gastric muscularis 11599 11599 11599 splenic red pulp 27579002 S11599 Splenic red pulp (body structure) E11599 P11599 - 15844 P lymphoid system AE76B20B1A844D7DB0FB79D422AF576B Splenic red pulp 11600 11600 11600 stretch receptor 27600006 S11600 Stretch receptor (body structure) E11600 P11600 - P nervous system EFFED59F055440E4BA2C00C99B4FC15D Stretch receptor 11602 11602 11602 skull foramen 276742007 S11602 Skull foramen (body structure) E11602 P11602 - P skeletal system 9A76677BFF9E4BE9965521835C0B6B5F Skull foramen 11603 11603 11603 ray of foot 276754007 S11603 Ray of foot (body structure) E11603 P11603 Y P E0663EBE68FF4DD7BC67640F2872CEC4 Ray of foot 11604 11604 11604 infraglottic space 27682001 S11604 Infraglottic space (body structure) E11604 P11604 - P respiratory system 1F28EB7FC9E3490EB497871C32B5A8A5 Infraglottic space 11605 11605 11605 peritoneal recess 276920000 S11605 Peritoneal recess (body structure) E11605 P11605 - 14630 P B60424E336454704B036716A779DE9E9 Peritoneal recess 11606 11606 11606 cecal recess 276924009 S11606 Cecal recess (body structure) E11606 P11606 - P DCF3120A3FAD406F822A1A6D02268516 Cecal recess 11607 11607 11607 mesentericoparietal recess 276943009 S11607 Mesentericoparietal recess (body structure) E11607 P11607 - 14637 P B555D7B4FC404E72B577B832076173B0 Mesentericoparietal recess 11608 11608 11608 glossotonsillar sulcus 276961000 S11608 Glossotonsillar sulcus (body structure) E11608 P11608 Y P digestive system 5ACEEEAFE54B4203A74FE3782B136C86 Glossotonsillar sulcus 11609 11609 11609 lateral half of tongue 277006004 S11609 Half of tongue (body structure) E11609 P11609 Y 0 P digestive system 35E486A5F411409A8220CAE0CD1131D5 Half of tongue 11610 11610 11610 lamina propria of ureter 2771005 S11610 Lamina propria of ureter (body structure) E11610 P11610 Y 15896 P urinary system 4F9D91EC55F44AD495CBB128D72B8F4D Lamina propria of ureter 11611 11611 11611 posterior tibial nerve in popliteal fossa 277129009 S11611 Posterior tibial nerve in popliteal fossa (body structure) E11611 P11611 Y P nervous system 9193A9EE538A41D4AD0E00D33CAC5942 Posterior tibial nerve in popliteal fossa 11612 11612 11612 suprahyoid epiglottis 277150000 S11612 Suprahyoid epiglottis (body structure) E11612 P11612 - P digestive system 6F2C01D551C44D4895782184154F107D Suprahyoid epiglottis 11613 11613 11613 infrahyoid epiglottis 277151001 S11613 Infrahyoid epiglottis (body structure) E11613 P11613 - P digestive system D3C0174437F54982AA21E016FACCDB71 Infrahyoid epiglottis 11614 11614 11614 lateral nasal wall 277154009 S11614 Lateral nasal wall (body structure) E11614 P11614 Y P respiratory system 403DB916736E4415BFA529A8F64B4981 Lateral nasal wall 11615 11615 11615 renal polar artery 277372005 S11615 Renal polar artery (body structure) E11615 P11615 Y P arterial system EEE67D21AA8B438DA44CDDA2DD89DC6A Renal polar artery 11617 11617 11617 teres 277440006 S11617 Teres (body structure) E11617 P11617 Y P muscular system AED45B6EAD324CEABB9703CA166DD105 Teres 11618 11618 11618 rhomboid 277441005 S11618 Rhomboid (body structure) E11618 P11618 Y P muscular system 34C5E3055E0A41ECAADB53766316105D Rhomboid 11619 11619 11619 left ventricular basal septal segment 277630003 S11619 Left ventricular basal septal segment (body structure) E11619 P11619 - L P cardiovascular system 4F64FC2D356A400B9A92106B4A1DEF29 Left ventricular basal septal segment 11620 11620 11620 left ventricle basal lateral segment 277631004 S11620 Left ventricle basal lateral segment (body structure) E11620 P11620 - L P cardiovascular system 1194FC8E05584B9BA58821781C388C44 Left ventricle basal lateral segment 11621 11621 11621 right ventricular segment 277633001 S11621 Right ventricular segment (body structure) E11621 P11621 - R P cardiovascular system 4D164973960B476196B3BCC6B52DC835 Right ventricular segment 11622 11622 11622 upper lid margin 277682001 S11622 Upper lid margin (body structure) E11622 P11622 Y P special senses organ system A485E8EB7E6F47AFAC49B9370B03FFE7 Upper lid margin 11623 11623 11623 lower lid margin 277683006 S11623 Lower lid margin (body structure) E11623 P11623 Y P special senses organ system 7814B190C0804B588E53303245C3CEE5 Lower lid margin 11624 11624 11624 preferential interatrial pathway 277692009 S11624 Preferential interatrial pathway (body structure) E11624 P11624 - P cardiovascular system DA357D2B21664A1586CF2DAE33ED53B7 Preferential interatrial pathway 11625 11625 11625 rim of fossa ovalis 277694005 S11625 Rim of fossa ovalis (body structure) E11625 P11625 - P cardiovascular system 3F962A61DF42425A8DA4BF46A137E24C Rim of fossa ovalis 11626 11626 11626 sinus septum of wall of right atrium 277695006 S11626 Sinus septum (body structure) E11626 P11626 - R P cardiovascular system F44D09EE155D490D979A4F4B39EC473A Sinus septum 11627 11627 11627 intranodal pathway 277696007 S11627 Intranodal pathway (body structure) E11627 P11627 - P cardiovascular system 7E90C8D8F1554FEEA6FB12CE61A9123F Intranodal pathway 11628 11628 11628 fast pathway 277697003 S11628 Fast pathway (body structure) E11628 P11628 - P cardiovascular system 0AE621F95C7C410D95FBEE968DFA2DF5 Fast pathway 11629 11629 11629 slow pathway 277698008 S11629 Slow pathway (body structure) E11629 P11629 - P cardiovascular system 6AC8629127C244ACB32C782CD7AC10D9 Slow pathway 11630 11630 11630 cardiac surface feature 277700004 S11630 Cardiac surface feature (body structure) E11630 P11630 - P cardiovascular system 59AC5237CF2F4C1291ED4EE1FC5B89C7 Cardiac surface feature 11631 11631 11631 crux of the heart 277706005 S11631 Crux of the heart (body structure) E11631 P11631 - 7220 P cardiovascular system 6E2E824A1ABE4B9C974547B8DDDAD497 Crux of the heart 11632 11632 11632 interventricular groove 277708006 S11632 Interventricular groove (body structure) E11632 P11632 - 7223 P cardiovascular system 3C38B78F482A46AE8984BBAAEC000D01 Interventricular groove 11633 11633 11633 interatrial groove 277709003 S11633 Interatrial groove (body structure) E11633 P11633 - 7215 P cardiovascular system F6AE1192C05243068EDC57F30E931D15 Interatrial groove 11634 11634 11634 vestibule of tricuspid valve 277715003 S11634 Vestibule of tricuspid valve (body structure) E11634 P11634 - 9243 P cardiovascular system 5FE95B0BB15A4A0EBAD62C18FA108B88 Vestibule of tricuspid valve 11635 11635 11635 crista dividens 277717006 S11635 Crista dividens (body structure) E11635 P11635 - P cardiovascular system E9757CC700CF416D8F903E8ED221B272 Crista dividens 11636 11636 11636 musculi pectinati 277718001 S11636 Musculi pectinati (body structure) E11636 P11636 - 12226 P cardiovascular system 85E3E49610A14F4AA2CC34E9D6AB691B Musculi pectinati 11637 11637 11637 triangle of Koch 277721004 S11637 Triangle of Koch (body structure) E11637 P11637 - 77435 P cardiovascular system AACBD8CB0A904A7E84195FBDF2F2312D Triangle of Koch 11638 11638 11638 cardiac valve of Vieussens 277724007 S11638 Cardiac valve of Vieussens (body structure) E11638 P11638 - P cardiovascular system 4657A3790458432ABB59A78750931413 Cardiac valve of Vieussens 11639 11639 11639 Chiari network 277725008 S11639 Chiari network (body structure) E11639 P11639 - P cardiovascular system EC156D1035A7473E92B87C2D4C6422EE Chiari network 11640 11640 11640 group of smallest cardiac veins S11640 E11640 277731006 Venae cordis minimae (body structure) P11640 - 4718 P cardiovascular system 1577E365485A4E8798D8BC9A439AC202 Venae cordis minimae (body structure) 11641 11641 11641 high superior vena cava S11641 E11641 277746004 High superior vena cava (body structure) P11641 - P cardiovascular system B2606B08C7DA461CB050D53BE0F90B86 High superior vena cava (body structure) 11642 11642 11642 low superior vena cava S11642 E11642 277747008 Low superior vena cava (body structure) P11642 - P cardiovascular system 43F747A62BDF44F1BE4EFC418BF8055F Low superior vena cava (body structure) 11643 11643 11643 esophageal sphincter 277765007 S11643 Esophageal sphincter (body structure) E11643 P11643 - P digestive system 1CB76BEDE1804A049D83BF9A571E6E08 Esophageal sphincter 11645 11645 11645 urethral sphincter 277855007 S11645 Urethral sphincter (body structure) E11645 P11645 - P urinary system B7C2FFAF4D11438489BF3A5007B91AF1 Urethral sphincter 11646 11646 11646 internal urethral sphincter 277856008 S11646 Internal urethral sphincter (body structure) E11646 P11646 - 45769 P urinary system B771CBEAC281415EB4595423B4B4AC72 Internal urethral sphincter 11647 11647 11647 urethral wall 277868004 S11647 Urethral wall (body structure) E11647 P11647 - 19779 P urinary system 2DF3026D1F9A4ADEB201FA5BADB4261E Urethral wall 11648 11648 11648 digital nerve in finger 277897001 S11648 Digital nerve in finger (body structure) E11648 P11648 Y P nervous system 68638E408FDD4DE18BC0CF3EED5C74DA Digital nerve in finger 11649 11649 11649 digital nerve in hand web space 277899003 S11649 Digital nerve in hand web space (body structure) E11649 P11649 Y P nervous system FD9CE1C6FEBD4F9B9A9743D37C522ADA Digital nerve in hand web space 11651 11651 11651 plantar digital nerve of toe S11651 E11651 277909009 Plantar digital nerve of toe (body structure) P11651 Y P nervous system 1540ED13C2674CE68F2AE610D33D4716 Plantar digital nerve of toe (body structure) 11652 11652 11652 plantar digital nerve of web space S11652 E11652 277911000 Plantar digital nerve of web space (body structure) P11652 Y P nervous system 8CCBC04FA2164681AA091D08718EFE95 Plantar digital nerve of web space (body structure) 11653 11653 11653 cardiac surface groove 277919003 S11653 Cardiac surface groove (body structure) E11653 P11653 - P cardiovascular system F00EC8FEA6D94C36B679EB767C898040 Cardiac surface groove 11654 11654 11654 left surface of heart 277925004 S11654 Left surface of heart (body structure) E11654 P11654 - 7169 L P cardiovascular system 18DCCAD701094D6B81EADB6460DF1380 Left surface of heart 11655 11655 11655 right surface of heart 277926003 S11655 Right surface of heart (body structure) E11655 P11655 - 7168 R P cardiovascular system C172CB2D559743329EACD92F2602B09B Right surface of heart 11656 11656 11656 cardiac border 277927007 S11656 Cardiac border (body structure) E11656 P11656 - 7138 P cardiovascular system A282D74E5D3247AA9F109F019BFD142C Cardiac border 11657 11657 11657 upper border of heart 277928002 S11657 Upper border of heart (body structure) E11657 P11657 - P cardiovascular system 32DC9A4C9E4A400B93A850AE6D1137C5 Upper border of heart 11658 11658 11658 right border of heart 277929005 S11658 Right border of heart (body structure) E11658 P11658 - 75134 R P cardiovascular system E0AAF91ACBCA4EB9B78628D4480E99DE Right border of heart 11659 11659 11659 vestibule of mitral valve 277931001 S11659 Vestibule of mitral valve (body structure) E11659 P11659 - 9468 P cardiovascular system 27BACB44FCCB4082A10FDC15EDDF1A47 Vestibule of mitral valve 11660 11660 11660 opening of left pulmonary vein 277933003 S11660 Opening of left pulmonary vein (body structure) E11660 P11660 L P respiratory system AF04D94673AF4339BC6985A3C606F45F Opening of left pulmonary vein 11661 11661 11661 opening of right pulmonary vein 277934009 S11661 Opening of right pulmonary vein (body structure) E11661 P11661 R P respiratory system CB468127B9664E608B641073F97CDFC0 Opening of right pulmonary vein 11662 11662 11662 opening of left superior pulmonary vein 277935005 S11662 Opening of left superior pulmonary vein (body structure) E11662 P11662 L P respiratory system 870688963BCB49439D40674D1D86FE0B Opening of left superior pulmonary vein 11663 11663 11663 opening of left inferior pulmonary vein 277936006 S11663 Opening of left inferior pulmonary vein (body structure) E11663 P11663 L P respiratory system 7433CD5B139148B5951C85B1CA1B16CB Opening of left inferior pulmonary vein 11664 11664 11664 opening of right superior pulmonary vein 277937002 S11664 Opening of right superior pulmonary vein (body structure) E11664 P11664 R P respiratory system 2D201E553ABB4EB890576B80251C6429 Opening of right superior pulmonary vein 11665 11665 11665 opening of right inferior pulmonary vein 277938007 S11665 Opening of right inferior pulmonary vein (body structure) E11665 P11665 R P respiratory system 2ACC3C5C57ED4BFFAB8DEB46638ACB52 Opening of right inferior pulmonary vein 11666 11666 11666 conducting pathway 277941003 S11666 Conducting pathway (body structure) E11666 P11666 - P cardiovascular system 54A45DE17B2A4B83A9B37D15E47F218E Conducting pathway 11667 11667 11667 ventricular conducting pathway 277943000 S11667 Ventricular conducting pathway (body structure) E11667 P11667 - P cardiovascular system 002C021CBEFB46AFB1FE08874F91AADD Ventricular conducting pathway 11668 11668 11668 accessory muscular atrioventricular bundle 277944006 S11668 Accessory muscular atrioventricular bundle (body structure) E11668 P11668 - P cardiovascular system 5C8F7639A8E94E7E9BC37B6074ACF055 Accessory muscular atrioventricular bundle 11669 11669 11669 fasciculoventricular connection 277946008 S11669 Fasciculoventricular connection (body structure) E11669 P11669 - P cardiovascular system 0079212B223C484ABF572058341A4B5E Fasciculoventricular connection 11670 11670 11670 nodoventricular connection 277947004 S11670 Nodoventricular connection (body structure) E11670 P11670 - P cardiovascular system 3010C75173E64CBFBB587F98070508B4 Nodoventricular connection 11671 11671 11671 atriofascicular connection 277948009 S11671 Atriofascicular connection (body structure) E11671 P11671 - P muscular system AAD63F15BF964EDF970EFD82F7C83366 Atriofascicular connection 11672 11672 11672 liver segment 277955006 S11672 Liver segment (body structure) E11672 P11672 - 14495 P digestive system 52BB9AFD0A924FDEBBDF5A5A7157DB0F Liver segment 11673 11673 11673 Couinaud hepatic segment II 277956007 S11673 Couinaud hepatic segment II (body structure) E11673 P11673 - P digestive system 80217A528D7042F6ADD1569FE3FA0973 Couinaud hepatic segment II 11674 11674 11674 Couinaud hepatic segment III 277957003 S11674 Couinaud hepatic segment III (body structure) E11674 P11674 - P digestive system 45632C9BC5494627AC78B55A76F67833 Couinaud hepatic segment III 11675 11675 11675 Couinaud hepatic segment IV 277958008 S11675 Couinaud hepatic segment IV (body structure) E11675 P11675 - P digestive system E71AF8C692FD4018B611A1E03D97C14B Couinaud hepatic segment IV 11676 11676 11676 Couinaud hepatic segment V 277959000 S11676 Couinaud hepatic segment V (body structure) E11676 P11676 - P digestive system 482439F5CDF04D4F90BD37996DE75CDE Couinaud hepatic segment V 11677 11677 11677 Couinaud hepatic segment VI 277960005 S11677 Couinaud hepatic segment VI (body structure) E11677 P11677 - P digestive system DD735E7DD78A4C888C575DFD6D837843 Couinaud hepatic segment VI 11678 11678 11678 Couinaud hepatic segment VII 277961009 S11678 Couinaud hepatic segment VII (body structure) E11678 P11678 - P digestive system 74E9086BC36146578BC0B6C6BAC06DD6 Couinaud hepatic segment VII 11679 11679 11679 Couinaud hepatic segment VIII 277962002 S11679 Couinaud hepatic segment VIII (body structure) E11679 P11679 - P digestive system 54FFA813CD4A42B6A9AD6BFEE17E0CE8 Couinaud hepatic segment VIII 11680 11680 11680 anterior interatrial preferential pathway 277963007 S11680 Anterior interatrial preferential pathway (body structure) E11680 P11680 - 9480 P cardiovascular system 32235EB3BA0A4554B8F3EBC837ADB1A4 Anterior interatrial preferential pathway Internodal tract which consists of the atrial and atrial septal branches. 11681 11681 11681 interatrial bundle of interatrial preferential pathway 277964001 S11681 Interatrial bundle of interatrial preferential pathway (body structure) E11681 P11681 - P cardiovascular system EB8C7F58C09B40E48C1B3452E85C9F25 Interatrial bundle of interatrial preferential pathway 11682 11682 11682 middle internodal preferential pathway 277965000 S11682 Middle internodal preferential pathway (body structure) E11682 P11682 - P cardiovascular system 9E05CFA84F1142E28F5C6DA55C9D8B47 Middle internodal preferential pathway 11683 11683 11683 posterior preferential pathway 277966004 S11683 Posterior preferential pathway (body structure) E11683 P11683 - P cardiovascular system 92398B4028654B4A84100F26B0FAEB22 Posterior preferential pathway 11684 11684 11684 rectal artery 277967008 S11684 Rectal artery (body structure) E11684 P11684 Y P arterial system 536D9EB0D77746959F314C54C2270CD6 Rectal artery 11685 11685 11685 pudendal artery 277968003 S11685 Pudendal artery (body structure) E11685 P11685 Y P arterial system E77EBE44F3FA40AA956E827FED2039F6 Pudendal artery 11686 11686 11686 artery of the hand 277969006 S11686 Structure of artery of hand (body structure) E11686 P11686 Y P cardiovascular system BD025301F0094F2DA636C0BCFD16D732 artery of hand 11689 11689 11689 intracranial branch of external carotid artery 278099002 S11689 Intracranial branch of external carotid artery (body structure) E11689 P11689 Y P arterial system F72850BFA39F4A489F5EE11BB3453635 Intracranial branch of external carotid artery 11690 11690 11690 accessory meningeal artery 278101009 S11690 Accessory meningeal artery (body structure) E11690 P11690 Y 79496 P arterial system 33A9541FB85144799418F7312EA01ABB Accessory meningeal artery 11691 11691 11691 long digital flexor tendon zone 278106004 S11691 Long digital flexor tendon zone (body structure) E11691 P11691 Y P muscular system D103A62C7D0244D0B1E0B1B77F436D13 Long digital flexor tendon zone 11692 11692 11692 tendon zone 278107008 S11692 Tendon zone (body structure) E11692 P11692 Y P muscular system 02DD026C168740A38F3A79075A5837F2 Tendon zone 11693 11693 11693 long digital extensor tendon zone 278108003 S11693 Long digital extensor tendon zone (body structure) E11693 P11693 Y P muscular system 584626CF768246F787D719ED70D612A1 Long digital extensor tendon zone 11694 11694 11694 tendon of forearm muscle 278187006 S11694 Tendon of forearm muscle (body structure) E11694 P11694 Y 42167 P muscular system 3C5817F2B35F4F4CB8ACC898321D18DD Tendon of forearm muscle 11695 11695 11695 gonadal vein 278192008 S11695 Gonadal vein (body structure) E11695 P11695 Y P cardiovascular system 7AEF93B52871421FA815A38B1EE507AD Gonadal vein 11697 11697 11697 diaphragmatic persistent defect 278259009 S11697 Diaphragmatic persistent defect (body structure) E11697 P11697 - P respiratory system A9113A004E504421975024F36EF01216 Diaphragmatic persistent defect 11698 11698 11698 cervical spinal ganglion S11698 E11698 278325008 Cervical spinal ganglion (body structure) P11698 Y 6005 P nervous system 46C8B60664CA42378A3A6E2D808D645C Cervical spinal ganglion (body structure) 11699 11699 11699 thoracic spinal ganglion S11699 E11699 278326009 Thoracic spinal ganglion (body structure) P11699 Y 6006 P nervous system 85DAD20597B14314BD77FC2407E154CE Thoracic spinal ganglion (body structure) 11700 11700 11700 lumbar spinal ganglion S11700 E11700 278327000 Lumbar spinal ganglion (body structure) P11700 Y 6007 P nervous system B30D6E88B9444CCBAC19CF7C3957503C Lumbar spinal ganglion (body structure) 11701 11701 11701 sacral spinal ganglion S11701 E11701 278328005 Sacral spinal ganglion (body structure) P11701 Y 6008 P nervous system 4EEEE84A27D9424EA63407C60A413CDB Sacral spinal ganglion (body structure) 11702 11702 11702 C1 spinal ganglion S11702 E11702 278329002 C1 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11702 Y P nervous system 4E052BFA8C014A2688BC3CD38C842783 C1 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11703 11703 11703 C2 spinal ganglion S11703 E11703 278330007 C2 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11703 Y P nervous system A7F80E8C6D624E94A8ADDA178EF0F258 C2 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11704 11704 11704 C3 spinal ganglion S11704 E11704 278331006 C3 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11704 Y P nervous system 66E233A81FDE464D9B5B98A9D94E0CD1 C3 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11705 11705 11705 C4 spinal ganglion S11705 E11705 278332004 C4 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11705 Y P nervous system D095442B5EA64BC0B238B538C693F148 C4 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11706 11706 11706 C5 spinal ganglion S11706 E11706 278333009 C5 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11706 Y P nervous system 35C1975AB0CF4D7888DFB4A937DD23F5 C5 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11707 11707 11707 C6 spinal ganglion S11707 E11707 278334003 C6 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11707 Y P nervous system 948BD34F27524072A6460D8F5465AB93 C6 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11708 11708 11708 C7 spinal ganglion S11708 E11708 278335002 C7 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11708 Y P nervous system 57326D6CB439483F844A9261801B8950 C7 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11709 11709 11709 C8 spinal ganglion S11709 E11709 278336001 C8 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11709 Y P nervous system 22B5878675924EB6BDC7889372E295A0 C8 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11710 11710 11710 T1 spinal ganglion S11710 E11710 278337005 T1 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11710 Y P nervous system 2269F3CD9FF44FDB80988B65BD2F57C9 T1 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11711 11711 11711 T2 spinal ganglion S11711 E11711 278338000 T2 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11711 Y P nervous system AB65270F223849ECBE47ADC9B3355C6F T2 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11712 11712 11712 T3 spinal ganglion S11712 E11712 278339008 T3 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11712 Y P nervous system 7AB76CD87493495AA5A84203E143EEC9 T3 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11713 11713 11713 T4 spinal ganglion S11713 E11713 278340005 T4 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11713 Y P nervous system D75B7023739746CA9236179010BCE1EF T4 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11714 11714 11714 epithelium of semicircular duct 27834005 S11714 Epithelium of semicircular duct (body structure) E11714 P11714 Y P special senses organ system FF88EC14053F4F80A56DAEFF8DEDA471 Epithelium of semicircular duct 11715 11715 11715 T5 spinal ganglion S11715 E11715 278341009 T5 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11715 Y P nervous system 0C308B2BC9BD4625B8469D1C1EF072A3 T5 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11716 11716 11716 T6 spinal ganglion S11716 E11716 278342002 T6 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11716 Y P nervous system F51AB74461384E3FA58174DF67C5887A T6 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11717 11717 11717 T7 spinal ganglion S11717 E11717 278343007 T7 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11717 Y P nervous system D7F5FFD0554249E6B83EE8A415670327 T7 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11718 11718 11718 T8 spinal ganglion S11718 E11718 278344001 T8 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11718 Y P nervous system 4D04206A0A8C4E41B2B94B506AEDD78A T8 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11719 11719 11719 T9 spinal ganglion S11719 E11719 278345000 T9 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11719 Y P nervous system 8A1635C8C3C043E4ABBE0E351396EDD8 T9 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11720 11720 11720 T10 spinal ganglion S11720 E11720 278346004 T10 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11720 Y P nervous system 1DBCF232F6CB43AB8E354799A6338C9C T10 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11721 11721 11721 T11 spinal ganglion S11721 E11721 278347008 T11 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11721 Y P nervous system 33B64098E2574E1AB016C1A4923E034A T11 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11722 11722 11722 T12 spinal ganglion S11722 E11722 278348003 T12 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11722 Y P nervous system 5D04B5C3C7D44FF7B9FB929F83A622BC T12 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11723 11723 11723 L1 spinal ganglion S11723 E11723 278349006 L1 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11723 Y P nervous system 149ED3DFCCB64F99911B1A2F58562777 L1 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11724 11724 11724 L2 spinal ganglion S11724 E11724 278350006 L2 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11724 Y P nervous system 4750AE46E0BE4930AE97E49F07CE2586 L2 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11725 11725 11725 L3 spinal ganglion S11725 E11725 278351005 L3 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11725 Y P nervous system E510BE954E0246608D06F4771C115ABB L3 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11726 11726 11726 L4 spinal ganglion S11726 E11726 278352003 L4 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11726 Y P nervous system 94F4BBD6E7804C19B62CC331A614D4D1 L4 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11727 11727 11727 L5 spinal ganglion S11727 E11727 278353008 L5 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11727 Y P nervous system 56EA4973B9D3488DA9CC389FAE5119D4 L5 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11728 11728 11728 S1 spinal ganglion S11728 E11728 278354002 S1 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11728 Y P nervous system 5034E1D5676048F0BF009EE72A0A0217 S1 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11729 11729 11729 S2 spinal ganglion S11729 E11729 278355001 S2 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11729 Y P nervous system 2D51D528EBEB442384BE858463BC1BF7 S2 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11730 11730 11730 S3 spinal ganglion S11730 E11730 278356000 S3 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11730 Y P nervous system 7AD861579C6142E4AFD81E68401FA908 S3 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11731 11731 11731 S4 spinal ganglion S11731 E11731 278357009 S4 spinal ganglion (body structure) P11731 Y P nervous system 62E67CF2A79C4095BE392D3127995439 S4 spinal ganglion (body structure) 11732 11732 11732 conjunctival gland 23492003 S11732 Conjunctival glands (body structure) E11732 278359007 Conjunctival gland (body structure) P11732 Y 59056 P special senses organ system 8E1A0B035632425CB5D7F34B99884518 52EBEEE707384D0EB22894BF4EE5581F Conjunctival glands Conjunctival gland (body structure) 11733 11733 11733 accessory lacrimal gland S11733 E11733 278360002 Accessory lacrimal gland (body structure) P11733 Y P special senses organ system 7FC78C485B3F411B8AD2D1DE644CA689 Accessory lacrimal gland (body structure) 11734 11734 11734 gland of Wolfring and Ciacco 278361003 S11734 Gland of Wolfring and Ciacco (body structure) E11734 P11734 Y P special senses organ system 65EC2B2B576B4AD69EFE48361C23284C Gland of Wolfring and Ciacco 11735 11735 11735 gland of Henle 278362005 S11735 Gland of Henle (body structure) E11735 P11735 Y P special senses organ system 96473480BAEC44DDA29001D3E85FA9C5 Gland of Henle 11736 11736 11736 segmental bronchus of right lung 278367004 S11736 Segmental bronchus of right lung (body structure) E11736 P11736 R P respiratory system FF1FADD03E374D8C9B1D84AB5269D51A Segmental bronchus of right lung 11737 11737 11737 segmental bronchus of left lung 278368009 S11737 Segmental bronchus of left lung (body structure) E11737 P11737 L P respiratory system FA58B020C27345DF912021C19E600A4C Segmental bronchus of left lung 11738 11738 11738 segmental bronchus of right upper lobe 278369001 S11738 Segmental bronchus of right upper lobe (body structure) E11738 P11738 R P respiratory system 3136E8ECB00848CFA6B3CEF5B2D89FC7 Segmental bronchus of right upper lobe 11739 11739 11739 segmental bronchus of right middle lobe 278370000 S11739 Segmental bronchus of right middle lobe (body structure) E11739 P11739 R P respiratory system 6DFC30E1F076498DA526866936A335EB Segmental bronchus of right middle lobe 11740 11740 11740 segmental bronchus of right lower lobe 278371001 S11740 Segmental bronchus of right lower lobe (body structure) E11740 P11740 R P respiratory system 1AE9AA65DEB04C429F90A1B7D4C3779F Segmental bronchus of right lower lobe 11741 11741 11741 segmental bronchus of left upper lobe 278377002 S11741 Segmental bronchus of left upper lobe (body structure) E11741 P11741 L P respiratory system E85A35C9AB7F4B21ABEE5591306B5252 Segmental bronchus of left upper lobe 11742 11742 11742 segmental bronchus of left lower lobe 278378007 S11742 Segmental bronchus of left lower lobe (body structure) E11742 P11742 L P respiratory system B6BD02322436422DB56108D5D6052C56 Segmental bronchus of left lower lobe 11743 11743 11743 mesial marginal ridge of tooth S11743 E11743 278475009 Mesial marginal ridge of tooth (body structure) P11743 marginal ridge of tooth, mesial Y P digestive system 576872ADD4B04D1DA537FE1FF775F5F7 Mesial marginal ridge of tooth (body structure) 11744 11744 11744 distal marginal ridge of tooth S11744 E11744 278476005 Distal marginal ridge of tooth (body structure) P11744 marginal ridge of tooth, distal Y P digestive system 7C0A55D489D14193B197691BF18396BE Distal marginal ridge of tooth (body structure) 11746 11746 11746 segment of spinal cord 278748001 S11746 Segment of spinal cord (body structure) E11746 P11746 - 62420 P nervous system 5D863E8B1A724E6ABF1F8DF2070BEE7F Segment of spinal cord 11747 11747 11747 segment of cervical spinal cord 278749009 S11747 Segment of cervical spinal cord (body structure) E11747 P11747 - 256653 P nervous system 90BBBBB725674C42B0334E02FCA75116 Segment of cervical spinal cord 11748 11748 11748 segment of thoracic spinal cord 278750009 S11748 Segment of thoracic spinal cord (body structure) E11748 P11748 - 256655 P nervous system D65494A2007448D09A8DB626D816B934 Segment of thoracic spinal cord 11749 11749 11749 segment of lumbar spinal cord 278751008 S11749 Segment of lumbar spinal cord (body structure) E11749 P11749 - 256657 P nervous system AED3C399871B4565B60F8539F61079ED Segment of lumbar spinal cord 11750 11750 11750 segment of sacral spinal cord 278752001 S11750 Segment of sacral spinal cord (body structure) E11750 P11750 - 256659 P nervous system B04104FB00E14E17A03F6A7F426C5F52 Segment of sacral spinal cord 11752 11752 11752 first cervical spinal cord segment 278754000 S11752 First cervical spinal cord segment (body structure) E11752 P11752 - P nervous system 06A769BF8877490A9D498DC272D4312E First cervical spinal cord segment 11753 11753 11753 second cervical spinal cord segment 278755004 S11753 Second cervical spinal cord segment (body structure) E11753 P11753 - P nervous system 5966ABD015AD40E8855F600439BCFF4A Second cervical spinal cord segment 11754 11754 11754 third cervical spinal cord segment 278756003 S11754 Third cervical spinal cord segment (body structure) E11754 P11754 - P nervous system 0D41725E3FB24E2C9EF5FECDB4DF767B Third cervical spinal cord segment 11755 11755 11755 fourth cervical spinal cord segment 278757007 S11755 Fourth cervical spinal cord segment (body structure) E11755 P11755 - P nervous system B39B39AD045E4C62A2615E492B7949CA Fourth cervical spinal cord segment 11756 11756 11756 fifth cervical spinal cord segment 278758002 S11756 Fifth cervical spinal cord segment (body structure) E11756 P11756 - P nervous system E37BCD1A57FB42F18111D8D199DF052D Fifth cervical spinal cord segment 11757 11757 11757 sixth cervical spinal cord segment 278759005 S11757 Sixth cervical spinal cord segment (body structure) E11757 P11757 - P nervous system 80C7D71F00C747B38673E9464CA3A386 Sixth cervical spinal cord segment 11758 11758 11758 seventh cervical spinal cord segment 278760000 S11758 Seventh cervical spinal cord segment (body structure) E11758 P11758 - P nervous system 09AA64A77171433E8C798AE577F0FA54 Seventh cervical spinal cord segment 11759 11759 11759 eighth cervical spinal cord segment 278761001 S11759 Eighth cervical spinal cord segment (body structure) E11759 P11759 - P nervous system 6D8E1E8965FA4ABE8E3C01E3674FEBB4 Eighth cervical spinal cord segment 11760 11760 11760 first thoracic spinal cord segment 278762008 S11760 First thoracic spinal cord segment (body structure) E11760 P11760 - P nervous system 60503A9345FC4162B6822C5C7EF79CB4 First thoracic spinal cord segment 11761 11761 11761 second thoracic spinal cord segment 278763003 S11761 Second thoracic spinal cord segment (body structure) E11761 P11761 - P nervous system A78A5E2471F74E76A9E25679D94F6E4A Second thoracic spinal cord segment 11762 11762 11762 third thoracic spinal cord segment 278764009 S11762 Third thoracic spinal cord segment (body structure) E11762 P11762 - P nervous system 9E2716406A75408D9B18F2B0A91AF30D Third thoracic spinal cord segment 11763 11763 11763 fourth thoracic spinal cord segment 278766006 S11763 Fourth thoracic spinal cord segment (body structure) E11763 P11763 - P nervous system ADEA29D86B8D498BA59D46CD3441F53B Fourth thoracic spinal cord segment 11764 11764 11764 fifth thoracic spinal cord segment 278767002 S11764 Fifth thoracic spinal cord segment (body structure) E11764 P11764 - P nervous system 4D716496F255406E8770880E223F731F Fifth thoracic spinal cord segment 11765 11765 11765 sixth thoracic spinal cord segment 278768007 S11765 Sixth thoracic spinal cord segment (body structure) E11765 P11765 - P nervous system FA4E83406BF04F59AD0250622412282F Sixth thoracic spinal cord segment 11766 11766 11766 seventh thoracic spinal cord segment 278769004 S11766 Seventh thoracic spinal cord segment (body structure) E11766 P11766 - P nervous system 58F711BE7C08408FAE0C54D287CC3634 Seventh thoracic spinal cord segment 11767 11767 11767 eighth thoracic spinal cord segment 278770003 S11767 Eighth thoracic spinal cord segment (body structure) E11767 P11767 - P nervous system 067D2C3022C049829FDC817C8085E251 Eighth thoracic spinal cord segment 11768 11768 11768 ninth thoracic spinal cord segment 278771004 S11768 Ninth thoracic spinal cord segment (body structure) E11768 P11768 - P nervous system DEA37463B87044B3A152743CBFF7D20E Ninth thoracic spinal cord segment 11769 11769 11769 tenth thoracic spinal cord segment 278772006 S11769 Tenth thoracic spinal cord segment (body structure) E11769 P11769 - P nervous system 0CF49CE07369420BBC985A67FD340765 Tenth thoracic spinal cord segment 11770 11770 11770 eleventh thoracic spinal cord segment 278773001 S11770 Eleventh thoracic spinal cord segment (body structure) E11770 P11770 - P nervous system F087A267F663488CB31A4B4B72F9C67F Eleventh thoracic spinal cord segment 11771 11771 11771 twelfth thoracic spinal cord segment 278774007 S11771 Twelfth thoracic spinal cord segment (body structure) E11771 P11771 - P nervous system D40FCBD950D646148EE6D22EB7874D87 Twelfth thoracic spinal cord segment 11772 11772 11772 fifth lumbar spinal cord segment 278775008 S11772 Fifth lumbar spinal cord segment (body structure) E11772 P11772 - P nervous system EF059161A66D4780955BF8767B273271 Fifth lumbar spinal cord segment 11773 11773 11773 first lumbar spinal cord segment 278776009 S11773 First lumbar spinal cord segment (body structure) E11773 P11773 - P nervous system 7BE82EAD95604523A7BF341575035055 First lumbar spinal cord segment 11774 11774 11774 second lumbar spinal cord segment 278777000 S11774 Second lumbar spinal cord segment (body structure) E11774 P11774 - P nervous system 19DDE6BDE62C40E09A22895E9AE1DB05 Second lumbar spinal cord segment 11775 11775 11775 third lumbar spinal cord segment 278778005 S11775 Third lumbar spinal cord segment (body structure) E11775 P11775 - P nervous system 633D12B0829D45B0A0A48B99F927C152 Third lumbar spinal cord segment 11776 11776 11776 fourth lumbar spinal cord segment 278779002 S11776 Fourth lumbar spinal cord segment (body structure) E11776 P11776 - P nervous system 9391C31F8D674DC7A31BB15646E82D96 Fourth lumbar spinal cord segment 11777 11777 11777 first sacral spinal cord segment 278780004 S11777 First sacral spinal cord segment (body structure) E11777 P11777 - P nervous system D02E575255384F2C9146B8A3A0B9A7CC First sacral spinal cord segment 11778 11778 11778 second sacral spinal cord segment 278781000 S11778 Second sacral spinal cord segment (body structure) E11778 P11778 - P nervous system 8AE3D2978C79412380868E40271A0124 Second sacral spinal cord segment 11779 11779 11779 third sacral spinal cord segment 278782007 S11779 Third sacral spinal cord segment (body structure) E11779 P11779 - P nervous system 248C3BE0A24A4F23BA7D9D49BC882DDD Third sacral spinal cord segment 11780 11780 11780 fourth sacral spinal cord segment 278783002 S11780 Fourth sacral spinal cord segment (body structure) E11780 P11780 - P nervous system E9DAE2464E1048898AAF9E74DDB7F8BF Fourth sacral spinal cord segment 11781 11781 11781 fifth sacral spinal cord segment 278784008 S11781 Fifth sacral spinal cord segment (body structure) E11781 P11781 - P nervous system 2770FB054BDA4E4990A22B51BB99171B Fifth sacral spinal cord segment 11786 11786 11786 root of brachial plexus 278789003 S11786 Root of brachial plexus (body structure) E11786 P11786 Y P nervous system 2D2B22808159416086417F44C2B3DFC6 Root of brachial plexus 11787 11787 11787 trunk of brachial plexus 278790007 S11787 Trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E11787 P11787 Y 65360 P nervous system E1E540C3FA824FD4A05BFFEE17BC8CD3 Trunk of brachial plexus 11788 11788 11788 lower trunk of brachial plexus 278793009 S11788 Lower trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E11788 P11788 Y 65217 P nervous system 27BB8E944ADC4DBDAD93374901D56DF4 Lower trunk of brachial plexus 11789 11789 11789 division of trunk of brachial plexus 278794003 S11789 Division of trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E11789 P11789 Y P nervous system 150BC78812A34E8292C985958655E12A Division of trunk of brachial plexus 11790 11790 11790 division of upper trunk of brachial plexus 278795002 S11790 Division of upper trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E11790 P11790 Y P nervous system 25A76C0373DD451D95F613413D5387C0 Division of upper trunk of brachial plexus 11791 11791 11791 division of middle trunk of brachial plexus 278796001 S11791 Division of middle trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E11791 P11791 Y P nervous system 078E8F53F1C84EA3862341807096B6B8 Division of middle trunk of brachial plexus 11792 11792 11792 division of lower trunk of brachial plexus 278797005 S11792 Division of lower trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E11792 P11792 Y P nervous system 57865CFBB8C745B486FAF26DB3ED6AB4 Division of lower trunk of brachial plexus 11793 11793 11793 anterior division of upper trunk of brachial plexus 278798000 S11793 Anterior division of upper trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E11793 P11793 Y P nervous system 24A9EDEE5C594765AF3ED8B89C7C967A Anterior division of upper trunk of brachial plexus 11794 11794 11794 posterior division of upper trunk of brachial plexus 278799008 S11794 Posterior division of upper trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E11794 P11794 Y P nervous system 73265704ED864777A7DE9AB9C28DC226 Posterior division of upper trunk of brachial plexus 11795 11795 11795 anterior division of middle trunk of brachial plexus 278800007 S11795 Anterior division of middle trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E11795 P11795 Y P nervous system D944366CE59A442DA7E53CD695D61486 Anterior division of middle trunk of brachial plexus 11796 11796 11796 posterior division of middle trunk of brachial plexus 278801006 S11796 Posterior division of middle trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E11796 P11796 Y P nervous system 213C8B932F60436AA122AB8BACCACAE7 Posterior division of middle trunk of brachial plexus 11797 11797 11797 anterior division of lower trunk of brachial plexus 278802004 S11797 Anterior division of lower trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E11797 P11797 Y P nervous system A05817F8733A43879702D561B5C67290 Anterior division of lower trunk of brachial plexus 11798 11798 11798 posterior division of lower trunk of brachial plexus 278803009 S11798 Posterior division of lower trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E11798 P11798 Y P nervous system 218EA0932D9C459B999EB10AA4E4543F Posterior division of lower trunk of brachial plexus 11799 11799 11799 anatomical snuffbox 278825003 S11799 Anatomical snuffbox (body structure) E11799 P11799 Y 42329 P regional/topgraphical EA5FB00EF3C34BEB9D931B09C8A00B40 Anatomical snuffbox 11800 11800 11800 superior lumbar triangle 278827006 S11800 Superior lumbar triangle (body structure) E11800 P11800 Y 75024 P B59E5457B8AA499E8825342BF09E95FC Superior lumbar triangle 11801 11801 11801 inferior lumbar triangle 278828001 S11801 Inferior lumbar triangle (body structure) E11801 P11801 Y 75023 P A1B486E4CF7642078A67766F6A000EF8 Inferior lumbar triangle 11802 11802 11802 third of esophagus 278842009 S11802 Third of esophagus (body structure) E11802 P11802 - P digestive system 540F0CF34A9B48FEB47078F71B418167 Third of esophagus 11803 11803 11803 esophageal segment 278843004 S11803 Esophageal segment (body structure) E11803 P11803 - 55269 P digestive system 5CF5A9C5F6764DA99300B1C4315991DC Esophageal segment Organ segment which is regional part of esophagus. Examples: cervical part of esophagus, vertebral segment of esophagus. 11804 11804 11804 branch of brachial plexus 278877009 S11804 Branch of brachial plexus (body structure) E11804 P11804 Y 14384 P nervous system 8A8246EC29604292821DAC13D7187EDC Branch of brachial plexus 11805 11805 11805 branch of root of brachial plexus 278878004 S11805 Branch of root of brachial plexus (body structure) E11805 P11805 Y P nervous system E9E535710A01408CB45D7342D18CA7EB Branch of root of brachial plexus 11806 11806 11806 nerve to subclavius 278881009 S11806 Nerve to subclavius (body structure) E11806 P11806 Y P nervous system 7A9051242D364F208A8D17048AC28FA6 Nerve to subclavius 11807 11807 11807 branch of upper trunk of brachial plexus 278882002 S11807 Branch of upper trunk of brachial plexus (body structure) E11807 P11807 Y P nervous system 52E0FECD9BED4532806E7D2DE4D9997D Branch of upper trunk of brachial plexus 11808 11808 11808 branch of lateral cord of brachial plexus 278883007 S11808 Branch of lateral cord of brachial plexus (body structure) E11808 P11808 Y P nervous system E08E3B8CE82743F6BF72F7AF2B89B51B Branch of lateral cord of brachial plexus 11809 11809 11809 lateral root of median nerve 278885000 S11809 Lateral root of median nerve (body structure) E11809 P11809 Y 65244 P nervous system 20F7ED49B9224B1784627499B4FC0E0F Lateral root of median nerve 11810 11810 11810 branch of medial cord of brachial plexus 278886004 S11810 Branch of medial cord of brachial plexus (body structure) E11810 P11810 Y P nervous system AC41769101EE4A028C330A2801A6C1A6 Branch of medial cord of brachial plexus 11811 11811 11811 medial root of median nerve 278888003 S11811 Medial root of median nerve (body structure) E11811 P11811 Y 65243 P nervous system 8A22FD90DBEF4974AC0F1E74404E01DB Medial root of median nerve 11812 11812 11812 medial cutaneous nerve of arm 81447005 S11812 Structure of medial cutaneous nerve of arm (body structure) E11812 278889006 Entire medial cutaneous nerve of arm (body structure) P11812 Y 288529 P nervous system A0E7D7DE6CD84575B04BA201BF6822DF 13A00B0A3965478C8EA5D7ABCAAB0B84 medial cutaneous nerve of arm Entire medial cutaneous nerve of arm (body structure) 11813 11813 11813 medial cutaneous nerve of forearm 86312004 S11813 Structure of medial cutaneous nerve of forearm (body structure) E11813 278890002 Entire medial cutaneous nerve of forearm (body structure) P11813 Y 288535 P nervous system F18A34FB1451450EAA2109FDD00FFEE3 B0750A3C65294946990E5881AC195BE7 medial cutaneous nerve of forearm Entire medial cutaneous nerve of forearm (body structure) 11814 11814 11814 branch of posterior cord of brachial plexus 278891003 S11814 Branch of posterior cord of brachial plexus (body structure) E11814 P11814 Y P nervous system F5EBC0CABE3C49899DB23E4801AB1824 Branch of posterior cord of brachial plexus 11815 11815 11815 upper subscapular nerve 278892005 S11815 Upper subscapular nerve (body structure) E11815 P11815 Y 65304 P nervous system 73A50F949599485D8E1E6315F8BD3B59 Upper subscapular nerve 11816 11816 11816 lower subscapular nerve 278893000 S11816 Lower subscapular nerve (body structure) E11816 P11816 Y 65307 P nervous system 7463EA866E41406BB1E28BDE37831068 Lower subscapular nerve 11817 11817 11817 coccygeal region of back S11817 E11817 P11817 - 0 P Coccygeal spine 11818 11818 11818 ventriculo-infundibular fold 278955009 S11818 Ventriculo-infundibular fold (body structure) E11818 P11818 - P cardiovascular system 9101EFAE300A4887BDD762F7B16FDDF6 Ventriculo-infundibular fold 11819 11819 11819 right ventricular interleaflet triangle 278956005 S11819 Right ventricular interleaflet triangle (body structure) E11819 P11819 - R P cardiovascular system 9436791339984CBD9314D1DD8FDA6086 Right ventricular interleaflet triangle 11820 11820 11820 ventriculopulmonary junction 278957001 S11820 Ventriculopulmonary junction (body structure) E11820 P11820 - P cardiovascular system 350DB96ED7FD4A1FB80F907F5C7B4E86 Ventriculopulmonary junction 11821 11821 11821 anatomic ventriculopulmonary junction 278958006 S11821 Anatomic ventriculopulmonary junction (body structure) E11821 P11821 - P cardiovascular system 3C86D476E2654904990D5AA7A8C6B190 Anatomic ventriculopulmonary junction 11822 11822 11822 hemodynamic ventriculopulmonary junction 278959003 S11822 Hemodynamic ventriculopulmonary junction (body structure) E11822 P11822 - P cardiovascular system BB3443BCD40B457496DDFEAB6D2AEE8C Hemodynamic ventriculopulmonary junction 11824 11824 11824 aortic curtain 278962000 S11824 Aortic curtain (body structure) E11824 P11824 - 9348 P cardiovascular system 11348456D6894DD2B10F04283EEF5B8A Aortic curtain Region of wall of left ventricle which has as its parts the right and left posterior cusps of aortic valve and the anterior leaflet of mitral valve that is attached to the semilunar fibrous scallop of aortic valve anulus. 11825 11825 11825 left ventricular interleaflet triangle 278963005 S11825 Left ventricular interleaflet triangle (body structure) E11825 P11825 - L P cardiovascular system E655FAD7832F46139A66F53DFB89FF3F Left ventricular interleaflet triangle 11826 11826 11826 ventriculoaortic junction 278964004 S11826 Ventriculoaortic junction (body structure) E11826 P11826 - P cardiovascular system 64ACC4F21C8148628AC882EF36C9AC85 Ventriculoaortic junction 11827 11827 11827 anatomic ventriculoaortic junction 278965003 S11827 Anatomic ventriculoaortic junction (body structure) E11827 P11827 - P cardiovascular system 6C38419C6706488A8ED44F4D9A9FEE23 Anatomic ventriculoaortic junction 11828 11828 11828 hemodynamic ventriculoaortic junction 278966002 S11828 Hemodynamic ventriculoaortic junction (body structure) E11828 P11828 - P cardiovascular system 87243486CF2447DF85917C8C3BF5EF4F Hemodynamic ventriculoaortic junction 11829 11829 11829 fissure of lung 278983006 S11829 Fissure of lung (body structure) E11829 P11829 Y 14093 P respiratory system 6E2A1F93865442BABD1CA1840CEE30D7 Fissure of lung 11830 11830 11830 fissure of left lung 278984000 S11830 Fissure of left lung (body structure) E11830 P11830 L P respiratory system 4CB274111BC5432F9E730F4FE18B2E7B Fissure of left lung 11831 11831 11831 fissure of right lung 278985004 S11831 Fissure of right lung (body structure) E11831 P11831 R P respiratory system A41DEDE0AD4641E7AB54FACAFFE88687 Fissure of right lung 11832 11832 11832 tip of axillary tail of breast 279006009 S11832 Tip of axillary tail of breast (body structure) E11832 P11832 Y P DB122D70513541269E9F0A417BEEA534 Tip of axillary tail of breast 11833 11833 11833 vertical reference line S11833 E11833 279012004 Vertical reference line (body structure) P11833 - P B530305A20BF47BCB569AC5CB83E2462 Vertical reference line (body structure) 11834 11834 11834 midclavicular line S11834 E11834 279013009 Midclavicular line (body structure) P11834 Y P 58F0AD1993A547B4AB4247E2BA1262EC Midclavicular line (body structure) 11835 11835 11835 lymphovenous portal 279090008 S11835 Structure of lymphovenous portal (body structure) E11835 P11835 - P lymphatic system BB194D53DF474DAAB182689EF799C9E1 lymphovenous portal 11836 11836 11836 pericraniocervical lymphatic ring 279091007 S11836 Pericraniocervical lymphatic ring (body structure) E11836 P11836 - P lymphatic system 1A3E54CBBFBE4104A1A3067C23018C03 Pericraniocervical lymphatic ring 11837 11837 11837 lymphatic trunk 279092000 S11837 Structure of lymphatic trunk (body structure) E11837 P11837 - 66162 P lymphatic system 88B99633888B42BEA0C85F8842801198 lymphatic trunk 11838 11838 11838 cerebral nucleus S11838 E11838 279106007 Cerebral nucleus (body structure) P11838 - P nervous system 77C78337F4004FFAA7017D9AF9B21F45 Cerebral nucleus (body structure) 11843 11843 11843 medial part of thalamus S11843 E11843 279112002 Medial part of thalamus (body structure) P11843 Y P nervous system DC0F9B0ED26E4D6FB1FD38EB64BF4996 Medial part of thalamus (body structure) 11844 11844 11844 lateral part of thalamus S11844 E11844 279113007 Lateral part of thalamus (body structure) P11844 Y P nervous system C9B3FD431E814DE49BE86420CD494A1D Lateral part of thalamus (body structure) 11845 11845 11845 nucleus of thalamus 423213006 S11845 Structure of nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E11845 279115000 Entire nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P11845 Y 256693 P nervous system 8E8A9B67AC124761BA69F3DC70FA753E E895B88420354C76AF9FE8AA8E748459 nucleus of thalamus Entire nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 11846 11846 11846 anterior thalamic nucleus S11846 E11846 279124009 Entire nucleus of anterior nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) P11846 Y P nervous system 00B7782721F344CFB4B6D5096B5BCA2B Entire nucleus of anterior nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) 11847 11847 11847 ventral thalamic nucleus S11847 E11847 279125005 Entire nucleus of ventral nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) P11847 Y P nervous system B8950989200F402FB5A8ED2D997A0BB0 Entire nucleus of ventral nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) 11848 11848 11848 lateral thalamic nucleus S11848 E11848 279126006 Entire nucleus of lateral nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) P11848 Y P nervous system 7DF93D829A6B429E864E6FFCF6824FB0 Entire nucleus of lateral nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) 11849 11849 11849 anterodorsal nucleus of thalamus 3460003 S11849 Structure of anterodorsal nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E11849 279127002 Entire anterodorsal nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P11849 Y 62141 P nervous system 1B72F82DD6F1413292295ED01B901CA3 7847222A9E40401084D3B8AE4C75C9A0 anterodorsal nucleus of thalamus Entire anterodorsal nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 11850 11850 11850 anteromedial nucleus of thalamus 79495005 S11850 Structure of anteromedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E11850 279128007 Entire anteromedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P11850 Y 62142 P nervous system FAD23BABDE994035ACB5688607FF7F70 B1D4A86A85084C9C888A08BF18922928 anteromedial nucleus of thalamus Entire anteromedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 11851 11851 11851 transverse cervical lymphatic trunk 279129004 S11851 Transverse cervical lymphatic trunk (body structure) E11851 P11851 Y P lymphatic system 1B324BB9842149B490B16FBE817924E2 Transverse cervical lymphatic trunk 11852 11852 11852 anteroventral nucleus of thalamus 3056009 S11852 Structure of anteroventral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E11852 279130009 Entire anteroventral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P11852 Y P nervous system 797BB1B9200046A98AE38A696D37447B E9127E7C8C324DF5B7F5568CFA213208 anteroventral nucleus of thalamus Entire anteroventral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 11854 11854 11854 bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk 279133006 S11854 Bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk (body structure) E11854 P11854 Y 9585 P lymphatic system 6077223C8340405EADC0908B905DB214 Bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk 11855 11855 11855 intercostal lymphatic trunk 279134000 S11855 Intercostal lymphatic trunk (body structure) E11855 P11855 Y P lymphatic system 58A7C5F4BE454A3DBB69776A71092351 Intercostal lymphatic trunk 11856 11856 11856 internal mammary lymphatic trunk 279135004 S11856 Internal mammary lymphatic trunk (body structure) E11856 P11856 Y P lymphatic system AD240387E2104C038051F0D83392C8C3 Internal mammary lymphatic trunk 11857 11857 11857 cardiac lymph collecting trunk 279136003 S11857 Cardiac lymph collecting trunk (body structure) E11857 P11857 - P lymphatic system C7FD1E730E5A4B0A8AC20037A75FAF82 Cardiac lymph collecting trunk 11858 11858 11858 lumbar lymphatic trunk 279137007 S11858 Lumbar lymphatic trunk (body structure) E11858 P11858 Y 12765 P lymphatic system 9F4A51F53AC444FD8D87EC4E7AF3E676 Lumbar lymphatic trunk 11859 11859 11859 intestinal lymphatic trunk 279138002 S11859 Intestinal lymphatic trunk (body structure) E11859 P11859 - 5842 P lymphatic system EEB1CA72BB424C919AD5503FD66A021C Intestinal lymphatic trunk 11860 11860 11860 superficial parotid lymph node 279141006 S11860 Superficial parotid lymph node (body structure) E11860 P11860 Y 61217 P lymphatic system 2443B49664E54D119857FF15AAE7996B Superficial parotid lymph node 11861 11861 11861 deep parotid lymph node 279142004 S11861 Deep parotid lymph node (body structure) E11861 P11861 Y 61218 P lymphatic system C4CE3BE8BDD34A22AA697BC55CBE8C41 Deep parotid lymph node 11862 11862 11862 mastoid lymph node 279143009 S11862 Mastoid lymph node (body structure) E11862 P11862 Y 61215 P lymphatic system 7AB7E4EB87374BDBB5AC565C7B690E44 Mastoid lymph node 11863 11863 11863 superficial cervical lymph node 279144003 S11863 Superficial cervical lymph node (body structure) E11863 P11863 Y P lymphatic system 42244C9DCABE421FB99CBAB91357BF53 Superficial cervical lymph node 11864 11864 11864 deep cervical lymph node 279145002 S11864 Deep cervical lymph node (body structure) E11864 P11864 Y P lymphatic system EB4CF13597E34529B0431FDDF17BFBA2 Deep cervical lymph node 11865 11865 11865 ventral intermediate nucleus of thalamus S11865 E11865 279146001 Nucleus ventralis intermedius (body structure) P11865 Y 84347 P nervous system 8F7E8F3CE7564EB690666581DE772E82 Nucleus ventralis intermedius (body structure) 11869 11869 11869 parafascicular nucleus of thalamus 4377006 S11869 Structure of parafascicular nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E11869 279150008 Entire parafascicular nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P11869 Y 62166 P nervous system A1BFD12C1C6D4D1B83C2BDCBF5B43B7F 10EA5756165341D08968E3801FE7A8E9 parafascicular nucleus of thalamus Entire parafascicular nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 11870 11870 11870 nucleus submedius 425175001 S11870 Structure of submedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E11870 279151007 Entire submedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P11870 Y P nervous system 2ABA33116DBF4F67927AE84622946AE9 DD5FC64C72294A37A9ADF6A17080401E submedial nucleus of thalamus Entire submedial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 11871 11871 11871 paracentral nucleus of thalamus 40529008 S11871 Structure of paracentral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E11871 279152000 Entire paracentral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P11871 Y P nervous system 478FB6BB6C5341D6A8063D36DCA8D09C D86F648B3E1243818E1565D316AEAE06 paracentral nucleus of thalamus Entire paracentral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 11872 11872 11872 central lateral nucleus of thalamus 79941007 S11872 Structure of central lateral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E11872 279153005 Entire central lateral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P11872 Y 62170 P nervous system 1374B36CF3B040169E3BAF006FFEC006 134AEC0A3AC74199B7171EF55F9634DE central lateral nucleus of thalamus Entire central lateral nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 11874 11874 11874 lateral posterior nucleus of thalamus 7820009 S11874 Structure of lateral posterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E11874 279155003 Entire lateral posterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P11874 Y 62177 P nervous system AB92A42DCB234E93BB6EABA76676F2FB 4ECAF9DC21594E2BA99FCFEFCFC62602 lateral posterior nucleus of thalamus Entire lateral posterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 11875 11875 11875 intralaminar nucleus of thalamus S11875 E11875 279159009 Entire nucleus of intralaminar nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) P11875 Y P nervous system DFD70BD72A25464C8A02697086E7F6DC Entire nucleus of intralaminar nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) 11876 11876 11876 central medial nucleus of thalamus 21267007 S11876 Structure of central medial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E11876 279161000 Entire central medial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P11876 Y 62171 P nervous system 95E31C02C0D141458DB699369797126A FEECEF5387B94429A46D6331E99BF5E8 central medial nucleus of thalamus Entire central medial nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 11878 11878 11878 midline thalamic nucleus S11878 E11878 279163002 Entire nucleus of midline nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) P11878 Y P nervous system 16A0AF0EE59F434092B7919B457B3605 Entire nucleus of midline nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) 11879 11879 11879 reticular thalamic nucleus 422605007 S11879 Structure of thalamic reticular nucleus (body structure) E11879 279164008 Entire thalamic reticular nucleus (body structure) P11879 Y 62026 P nervous system C143275065C549D8B456F4B5F0277CD3 F273BA41B4D34C2287E2CD059186DB3D thalamic reticular nucleus Entire thalamic reticular nucleus (body structure) 11880 11880 11880 cerebral gyrus 279165009 S11880 Structure of cerebral gyrus (body structure) E11880 P11880 Y 72015 P nervous system A519A1347A614818B892484548665190 cerebral gyrus 11882 11882 11882 medial frontal gyrus 279172005 S11882 Structure of medial frontal gyrus (body structure) E11882 P11882 Y 273103 P nervous system 1915A2C95AA844DD8B69D0755C6B39C3 medial frontal gyrus 11886 11886 11886 insular gyrus 279178009 S11886 Structure of insular gyrus (body structure) E11886 P11886 Y P nervous system C0E7B449371749F6B30E6B4CEBA0BD0F insular gyrus 11887 11887 11887 long insular gyrus 86230008 S11887 Structure of long insular gyrus (body structure) E11887 279179001 Entire long insular gyrus (body structure) P11887 Y 67555 P nervous system C018224282A44C208D7F9A14350093F2 81679243CAFA4DCFB0B2319949DE9077 long insular gyrus Entire long insular gyrus (body structure) 11888 11888 11888 gyrus ambiens 423747005 S11888 Structure of gyrus ambiens (body structure) E11888 279180003 Entire gyrus ambiens (body structure) P11888 Y P nervous system 3C259E033140449080395FDC0BEA75A2 9BA522E92AC34D31909DCCD5B69020F0 gyrus ambiens Entire gyrus ambiens (body structure) 11889 11889 11889 short insular gyrus 423367003 S11889 Structure of short insular gyrus (body structure) E11889 279181004 Entire short insular gyrus (body structure) P11889 Y 61913 P nervous system 389B8FA90237471D85F0461B4AFD15AD EB61FA1F2A6844768C09D55D6C964EFB short insular gyrus Entire short insular gyrus (body structure) 11890 11890 11890 gyrus descendens S11890 E11890 279184007 Gyrus descendens (body structure) P11890 Y P nervous system 985431A865E94A88A2165482F87E54B3 Gyrus descendens (body structure) 11893 11893 11893 anterior transverse temporal gyrus 423563000 S11893 Structure of anterior transverse temporal gyrus (body structure) E11893 279192003 Entire anterior transverse temporal gyrus (body structure) P11893 Y 61909 P special senses organ system D836BEB804934E7EB9C5AF87D80A1645 CD5085135E3149B386831AFA6ECA51D8 anterior transverse temporal gyrus Entire anterior transverse temporal gyrus (body structure) 11894 11894 11894 posterior transverse temporal gyrus 422519001 S11894 Structure of posterior transverse temporal gyrus (body structure) E11894 279193008 Entire posterior transverse temporal gyrus (body structure) P11894 Y 61910 P special senses organ system 610B79D3FD704CA0836C20E625329F3E 3880512829F246FBA2B9EA5446F0CF86 posterior transverse temporal gyrus Entire posterior transverse temporal gyrus (body structure) 11895 11895 11895 medial orbital gyrus S11895 E11895 279194002 Medial orbital gyrus (body structure) P11895 Y 62419 P nervous system A8194452F03A457A8FF88FCD05DC47FF Medial orbital gyrus (body structure) 11896 11896 11896 lateral orbital gyrus S11896 E11896 279195001 Lateral orbital gyrus (body structure) P11896 Y 62418 P nervous system DDB25B6CFAAE4C158A88982BACC8ABDD Lateral orbital gyrus (body structure) 11897 11897 11897 anterior orbital gyrus S11897 E11897 279196000 Anterior orbital gyrus (body structure) P11897 Y 256196 P nervous system 06108BE29397423C917200EAE7EC4D39 Anterior orbital gyrus (body structure) 11898 11898 11898 posterior orbital gyrus S11898 E11898 279197009 Posterior orbital gyrus (body structure) P11898 Y 80184 P nervous system 0CE5673AF0F64B65AD84CA493462FE11 Posterior orbital gyrus (body structure) 11900 11900 11900 limbic gyrus 279209006 S11900 Structure of limbic gyrus (body structure) E11900 P11900 Y 275048 P nervous system 1312FE527B9244D9BC2ADF47DD956BA8 limbic gyrus 11901 11901 11901 fasciolar gyrus 44928001 S11901 Structure of fasciolar gyrus (body structure) E11901 279210001 Entire fasciolar gyrus (body structure) P11901 Y 61921 P special senses organ system 4CAD8631F18348E88E8FCA4B9E711F1F EF74C79DDA594DD7BED5C8420AC92BAD fasciolar gyrus Entire fasciolar gyrus (body structure) 11902 11902 11902 uncinate gyrus 279213004 S11902 Uncinate gyrus (body structure) E11902 P11902 Y P nervous system F869FB94211943A39895C042E3BBB84B Uncinate gyrus 11903 11903 11903 gyrus semilunaris 279214005 S11903 Gyrus semilunaris (body structure) E11903 P11903 Y P nervous system 97EDEA02F4B34602B173ADA54ED489C5 Gyrus semilunaris 11904 11904 11904 limbic lobe 279215006 S11904 Limbic lobe (body structure) E11904 P11904 Y 72719 P nervous system 1DD786AFB518445AAEA6D8FB7C113F08 Limbic lobe 11905 11905 11905 cerebellar nucleus 279220006 S11905 Cerebellar nucleus (body structure) E11905 P11905 Y 0 P nervous system 18389DACD3FE464D90FCFF6E09E29BAE Cerebellar nucleus 11906 11906 11906 nucleus dentatus 10974004 S11906 Cerebellar olive structure (body structure) E11906 279221005 Nucleus dentatus (body structure) P11906 Y 72260 P nervous system 0C6EB9D8205D4F50B80DA4097E22187E Nucleus dentatus (body structure) 11907 11907 11907 cerebellar emboliform nucleus 39520000 S11907 Structure of cerebellar emboliform nucleus (body structure) E11907 279222003 Entire cerebellar emboliform nucleus (body structure) P11907 Y 72538 P nervous system 910102233A27472992815438B8ED5564 C2414D73192344DBA1F34AD034CB07C7 cerebellar emboliform nucleus Entire cerebellar emboliform nucleus (body structure) 11908 11908 11908 cerebellar globose nucleus 83278004 S11908 Structure of cerebellar globose nucleus (body structure) E11908 279223008 Entire cerebellar globose nucleus (body structure) P11908 Y 72536 P nervous system DA9E9E9B2965422FA124E282C0C989F3 A57B0C19EDD94F7EA86795EA8589A3DC cerebellar globose nucleus Entire cerebellar globose nucleus (body structure) 11909 11909 11909 nucleus fastigii S11909 E11909 279224002 Nucleus fastigii (body structure) P11909 Y 72537 P nervous system 252F361F0E7A42A58107523F89085BAF Nucleus fastigii (body structure) 11910 11910 11910 styloid process of skull 279226000 S11910 Styloid process of skull (body structure) E11910 P11910 Y P skeletal system EA6BA094C62546619793BF6A614DF6E3 Styloid process of skull 11912 11912 11912 anatomical reference line S11912 E11912 279228004 Anatomical reference line (body structure) P11912 - P B967A7EF5F524B2C9EB561D8C034025C Anatomical reference line (body structure) 11913 11913 11913 vertical plane S11913 E11913 279235007 Vertical plane (body structure) P11913 - P 80922B735E0D481CBF81F38BBB238101 Vertical plane (body structure) 11914 11914 11914 anteroposterior plane S11914 E11914 279237004 Anteroposterior plane (body structure) P11914 - P C6C99D40C85C4381956D0C1E81E85337 Anteroposterior plane (body structure) 11915 11915 11915 coronal plane S11915 E11915 279238009 Coronal plane (body structure) P11915 - 12246 P 699BF4019ED34161AE2BCDBE968C4B63 Coronal plane (body structure) 11916 11916 11916 median plane S11916 E11916 279239001 Median plane (body structure) P11916 - 49450 P EF9FD5FAB14F4B2A8261A564551B5AD9 Median plane (body structure) 11917 11917 11917 parasagittal plane S11917 E11917 279240004 Parasagittal plane (body structure) P11917 Y P AF23242A36294BE1AE00C3951F82DABB Parasagittal plane (body structure) 11918 11918 11918 lateral sternal line S11918 E11918 279241000 Lateral sternal line (body structure) P11918 Y P 9AD3B79E22F94D9FB5A1563C796C13A1 Lateral sternal line (body structure) 11919 11919 11919 parasternal line S11919 E11919 279242007 Parasternal line (body structure) P11919 Y P BE384ABF496F49C9820CAC2EA63FFC4C Parasternal line (body structure) 11920 11920 11920 transpyloric plane S11920 E11920 279243002 Transpyloric plane (body structure) P11920 - 14608 P A2E6A979C0FF4F27BDB36B937D47A07F Transpyloric plane (body structure) 11921 11921 11921 transtubercular plane S11921 E11921 279244008 Transtubercular plane (body structure) P11921 - 74566 P 8153167FF0794FF0B3FD417E68F7BAAE Transtubercular plane (body structure) 11922 11922 11922 space of ventricular system of brain 279245009 S11922 Space of ventricular system of brain (body structure) E11922 P11922 - P nervous system 284CE91D0E494B52AE5A0370F7ADFA3A Space of ventricular system of brain 11924 11924 11924 premotor area 279250003 S11924 Premotor area (body structure) E11924 P11924 Y P nervous system B8F85EF6C0364125B5BAC8D5305D4F1F Premotor area 11925 11925 11925 motor area 279251004 S11925 Motor area (body structure) E11925 P11925 Y P nervous system 9F9882331AC2403D8B23221CA97560F2 Motor area 11926 11926 11926 somesthetic area 279252006 S11926 Somesthetic area (body structure) E11926 P11926 Y P nervous system 48418F3A15A844C6AA5D67EBF3F98100 Somesthetic area 11928 11928 11928 vestibular area 279254007 S11928 Vestibular area (body structure) E11928 P11928 Y 78478 P nervous system B9FD5EC6298643A1B5E65E427F142D4D Vestibular area 11929 11929 11929 auditory area of cortex 279255008 S11929 Auditory area of cortex (body structure) E11929 P11929 Y P nervous system 055CAFB0E287483CAF3C27B2FCFCAF23 Auditory area of cortex 11930 11930 11930 taste area 279256009 S11930 Taste area (body structure) E11930 P11930 Y P nervous system 0B75340A1F1A401A8551BF6E3AF8EB1E Taste area 11931 11931 11931 Wernicke's area 279258005 S11931 Wernicke's area (body structure) E11931 P11931 Y 242178 P nervous system CE2E5FBEE15E41FEA9D720BBDB79021A Wernicke's area 11932 11932 11932 sensory speech area 279259002 S11932 Sensory speech area (body structure) E11932 P11932 Y P nervous system B7C8E4005C5F41BCA45FF4CCB8B0854E Sensory speech area 11933 11933 11933 intercavernous sinus 279268000 S11933 Intercavernous sinus (body structure) E11933 P11933 Y 50773 P venous system 360882623B3B4326BABE43078A20A564 Intercavernous sinus 11934 11934 11934 provisional zone of adrenal gland 27927007 S11934 Provisional zone of adrenal gland (body structure) E11934 P11934 Y P endocrine system A9E4315D0A5B436E8FC20D0CE159DBDA Provisional zone of adrenal gland 11935 11935 11935 superior mesenteric ganglion 279276003 S11935 Superior mesenteric ganglion (body structure) E11935 P11935 Y 77589 P nervous system F66F1D6F4B9248D4B70D584DEE7E80B1 Superior mesenteric ganglion 11936 11936 11936 midbrain nucleus 279285003 S11936 Midbrain nucleus (body structure) E11936 P11936 Y P nervous system 1B334A4984E841CFA12B678EC90DE0A0 Midbrain nucleus 11937 11937 11937 anterior median fissure of medulla oblongata 43720006 S11937 Structure of anterior median fissure of medulla oblongata (body structure) E11937 279288001 Entire anterior median fissure of medulla oblongata (body structure) P11937 - 83734 P nervous system 90090B44602C4432BA4E6B1534F2CB7D 2B2DEDEF6F3E40B2BFC3E02E30BAFD6C anterior median fissure of medulla oblongata Entire anterior median fissure of medulla oblongata (body structure) 11939 11939 11939 dorsal median sulcus of neuraxis 279290000 S11939 Dorsal median sulcus (body structure) E11939 P11939 - P nervous system FB537698C3724A92BAB731878386E460 Dorsal median sulcus 11940 11940 11940 spinal cord ventral lateral sulcus 87519004 S11940 Structure of spinal cord ventral lateral sulcus (body structure) E11940 279291001 Entire spinal cord ventrolateral sulcus (body structure) P11940 Y 83797 P nervous system AC5C0ACFE1784BB3BC7D96376C10181B 44F964CE529F4818BF9BF1BBFAFDADB1 spinal cord ventral lateral sulcus Entire spinal cord ventrolateral sulcus (body structure) 11942 11942 11942 tuberculum cinereum 279294009 S11942 Tuberculum cinereum (body structure) E11942 P11942 - 75257 P nervous system F6B8AFF9FDD2466DB7F5CA41DAFB6F34 Tuberculum cinereum 11944 11944 11944 habenular nucleus S11944 E11944 279303009 Habenular nucleus (body structure) P11944 - P nervous system 742F5D2A4BF8498883FE8B0E45CA4ACC Habenular nucleus (body structure) 11945 11945 11945 nucleus of hypothalamus 279304003 S11945 Hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) E11945 P11945 - 258762 P nervous system 488BD4CC98F946EFA5DB35A0102BC8C3 Hypothalamic nucleus 11946 11946 11946 radiation of corpus callosum 279308000 S11946 Radiation of corpus callosum (body structure) E11946 P11946 - 77693 P nervous system 30565D1753CC44AB8EFD7CC7771A0A07 Radiation of corpus callosum 11947 11947 11947 tapetum of corpus callosum 60105000 S11947 Structure of tapetum of corpus callosum (body structure) E11947 279312006 Entire tapetum of corpus callosum (body structure) P11947 - 77208 P nervous system 34D4907B00504E9EB5B228CB0E59B8B9 2AFC6EAA46894B55B317FC55CE03F1CA tapetum of corpus callosum Entire tapetum of corpus callosum (body structure) 11948 11948 11948 anterior cerebral commissure 279313001 S11948 Anterior cerebral commissure (body structure) E11948 P11948 - P nervous system C754C184A8F44F46A3550595FF5263E8 Anterior cerebral commissure 11949 11949 11949 atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve annulus 279320008 S11949 Atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve annulus (body structure) E11949 P11949 - P cardiovascular system E09E76B49F4947D98BCCA2E9341FD7D2 Atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve annulus 11950 11950 11950 atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve papillary muscle 279321007 S11950 Atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve papillary muscle (body structure) E11950 P11950 - P cardiovascular system 409DBF8B610A46AC815976D0F0F81BB2 Atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve papillary muscle 11951 11951 11951 atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve chordae tendinae 279323005 S11951 Atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve chordae tendinae (body structure) E11951 P11951 - P cardiovascular system 1936471694A042D3BA24DEBBB75264F3 Atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve chordae tendinae 11952 11952 11952 truncal valve annulus 279326002 S11952 Truncal valve annulus (body structure) E11952 P11952 - P cardiovascular system 3C7AA7F75E4048C3A047B6B0EEF9F76D Truncal valve annulus 11953 11953 11953 truncal valve leaflet 279327006 S11953 Truncal valve leaflet (body structure) E11953 P11953 - P cardiovascular system 839AC117DE8B4FFBA78C1408EAE3CFD5 Truncal valve leaflet 11954 11954 11954 posterior cerebral commissure 279336005 S11954 Posterior cerebral commissure (body structure) E11954 P11954 - 62072 P special senses organ system D889AE294EE74FD682F95C3F67B77D34 Posterior cerebral commissure 11955 11955 11955 cerebral sulcus 279337001 S11955 Cerebral sulcus (body structure) E11955 P11955 Y P nervous system 3AE5E74E90704079A49F4474D626E270 Cerebral sulcus 11956 11956 11956 inferior frontal sulcus 279343004 S11956 Inferior frontal sulcus (body structure) E11956 P11956 Y 83757 P nervous system A8F7BFF0F6D34D6CA982E875302DC05E Inferior frontal sulcus 11957 11957 11957 central sulcus of insula 279348008 S11957 Central sulcus of insula (body structure) E11957 P11957 Y 83779 P nervous system 25AD10B5A0AC4558B205A1D8FC7F0C72 Central sulcus of insula 11958 11958 11958 callosal sulcus 279349000 S11958 Callosal sulcus (body structure) E11958 P11958 Y 83743 P nervous system 95474AB5BD854B1889D4F3846D662749 Callosal sulcus 11959 11959 11959 marginal sulcus 279351001 S11959 Marginal sulcus (body structure) E11959 P11959 Y 83773 P nervous system 07BCACA09F6749CC9155C98FC1CD9A39 Marginal sulcus 11961 11961 11961 Calcarine sulcus 279355005 S11961 Calcarine sulcus (body structure) E11961 P11961 Y 83749 P nervous system AAC568C6117A4603B0EDAA6F65541FA4 Calcarine sulcus 11962 11962 11962 division of urinary tract S11962 E11962 279362001 Division of urinary tract (body structure) P11962 - P urinary system 41E28325E39F46C5BE52AE8E65A022EC Division of urinary tract (body structure) 11963 11963 11963 cerebellar nodulus 279365004 S11963 Cerebellar nodule (body structure) E11963 P11963 - 83882 P nervous system 4D5B6E77CCC0435CAA85D51D06D939D9 Cerebellar nodule 11965 11965 11965 corpus cerebelli 279379007 S11965 Corpus cerebelli (body structure) E11965 P11965 - 76926 P nervous system 89EB0321728749FBA24D8632635B8395 Corpus cerebelli 11966 11966 11966 lingula of vermis 279380005 S11966 Lingula of vermis (body structure) E11966 P11966 - P nervous system E12A18382016456EA8391CA0EA25FF34 Lingula of vermis 11967 11967 11967 junction of ureter 279382002 S11967 Junction of ureter (body structure) E11967 P11967 Y P urinary system 6BEA63D7D633439E9B8EE6E5B46501A6 Junction of ureter 11968 11968 11968 central lobule of cerebellum 6651008 S11968 Structure of central lobule of cerebellum (body structure) E11968 279383007 Entire central lobule of cerebellum (body structure) P11968 - 72519 P nervous system 4E5E505288C144F19457FD529207F62E 179DDBF6ADB3412BB0D54BB757EFDEDF central lobule of cerebellum Entire central lobule of cerebellum (body structure) 11969 11969 11969 cerebellar declive 55213006 S11969 Structure of cerebellar declive (body structure) E11969 279385000 Entire cerebellar declive (body structure) P11969 - 83887 P nervous system 20BFA91D799642FA87E37B09511C6B1D E6897AC93964498F9D45F2202B3ABB64 cerebellar declive Entire cerebellar declive (body structure) 11972 11972 11972 cerebellar tuber 279389006 S11972 Cerebellar tuber (body structure) E11972 P11972 - 83890 P nervous system 7F42616171BC4ABE85437E0C973DFADD Cerebellar tuber 11973 11973 11973 third of ureter 279392005 S11973 Third of ureter (body structure) E11973 P11973 Y P urinary system D7D9E65B1B8F49B38DBBF692B11A74D0 Third of ureter 11974 11974 11974 layer of ureter 279393000 S11974 Layer of ureter (body structure) E11974 P11974 Y P urinary system F968B1E9A1084FD7AD6A1D7DE692FF0D Layer of ureter 11975 11975 11975 surface of ureter 279396008 S11975 Surface of ureter (body structure) E11975 P11975 Y 18668 P urinary system 3D5D9412F019424495C76A19D41F4D76 Surface of ureter 11976 11976 11976 wall of ureter 279397004 S11976 Wall of ureter (body structure) E11976 P11976 Y 15888 P urinary system 3302B4C605884BC8927A9C86B76DF420 Wall of ureter 11977 11977 11977 layer of bladder 279401007 S11977 Layer of bladder (body structure) E11977 P11977 - P urinary system B5AFF1B5DD214EDFBA33B5DF3DB62723 Layer of bladder 11978 11978 11978 ligament of bladder 279402000 S11978 Ligament of bladder (body structure) E11978 P11978 - P urinary system 47FB5D376BBC46F9BD384728F9108B0F Ligament of bladder 11979 11979 11979 superior wall of bladder 279406002 S11979 Superior wall of bladder (body structure) E11979 P11979 - P urinary system 020CF017DA604A86A837938EE01893CB Superior wall of bladder 11980 11980 11980 posteroinferior wall of bladder 279407006 S11980 Posteroinferior wall of bladder (body structure) E11980 P11980 - P urinary system 156E876A22F9463DAC2827CAD6AD7812 Posteroinferior wall of bladder 11981 11981 11981 inferolateral wall of bladder 279408001 S11981 Inferolateral wall of bladder (body structure) E11981 P11981 Y P urinary system 42AC71F6D9E94489B8A6C5FA0F42BEAB Inferolateral wall of bladder 11982 11982 11982 surface of bladder 279409009 S11982 Surface of bladder (body structure) E11982 P11982 - P urinary system 0EA00AEF59284B3489A249D99DA4935E Surface of bladder 11983 11983 11983 border of trigone 279417001 S11983 Border of trigone (body structure) E11983 P11983 Y P urinary system 9A9BE235C79C492083CDEFED95D5B91B Border of trigone 11984 11984 11984 angle of trigone 279418006 S11984 Angle of trigone (body structure) E11984 P11984 Y P urinary system 06F396714F4A47C380D3B95A4AD72925 Angle of trigone 11985 11985 11985 ureteric fold of trigone 279422001 S11985 Ureteric fold of trigone (body structure) E11985 P11985 Y P urinary system FAF11653D7204F5AA55D30BB9E3EEB5E Ureteric fold of trigone 11986 11986 11986 true ligament of bladder 279423006 S11986 True ligament of bladder (body structure) E11986 P11986 - P urinary system 3EAD07DF15FC49FFAF37E9EFEAA5A360 True ligament of bladder 11987 11987 11987 pubovesical ligament 279424000 S11987 Pubovesical ligament (body structure) E11987 P11987 - P urinary system 9CF6D992FF28425EAEFB497467BAEE6A Pubovesical ligament 11988 11988 11988 false ligament of bladder 279426003 S11988 False ligament of bladder (body structure) E11988 P11988 - P urinary system 01E18EC335314AC6B729BCAA54D01724 False ligament of bladder 11989 11989 11989 posterior false ligament of bladder 279430000 S11989 Posterior false ligament of bladder (body structure) E11989 P11989 - P urinary system 4D8C737BF6F34211A3C7FDCD26FF5F8C Posterior false ligament of bladder 11990 11990 11990 preprostatic urethra S11990 E11990 279433003 Entire preprostatic urethra (body structure) P11990 - P urinary system 2D75A4157A63488A820BDFAA591EAB70 Entire preprostatic urethra (body structure) 11991 11991 11991 transverse spinal cord zone 279435005 S11991 Transverse spinal cord zone (body structure) E11991 P11991 - P nervous system 9E5B98D1A2254A91A3A1DAB44571D99F Transverse spinal cord zone 11992 11992 11992 spinal cord white matter column 279437002 S11992 Spinal cord white matter column (body structure) E11992 P11992 Y P nervous system 9BD6FA8723EE435DAC1A1453ECAE523F Spinal cord white matter column 11999 11999 11999 intermediate zone of spinal gray matter 279445007 S11999 Intermediate zone of spinal gray matter (body structure) E11999 P11999 Y P nervous system B3FD76FDA827473A81E6F487C661EAB3 Intermediate zone of spinal gray matter 12000 12000 12000 vertical spinal cord zone 279446008 S12000 Vertical spinal cord zone (body structure) E12000 P12000 - P nervous system 28A6BFD58E8C4D0986CC8BF3C0E1D6F4 Vertical spinal cord zone 12001 12001 12001 foramen of Magendie 279449001 S12001 Foramen of Magendie (body structure) E12001 P12001 - 75015 P nervous system AAB9876AE8C9437DBE35F28ED34D3137 Foramen of Magendie 12002 12002 12002 opening into prostatic urethra 279451002 S12002 Opening into prostatic urethra (body structure) E12002 P12002 - P genital system B62AE606F83845BDBAECDBBA1AF3FE8B Opening into prostatic urethra 12003 12003 12003 opening of prostatic utricle 279452009 S12003 Opening of prostatic utricle (body structure) E12003 P12003 - P genital system D48F8285B6B64442BF621FFD1D06AD29 Opening of prostatic utricle 12004 12004 12004 opening of ejaculatory duct 279453004 S12004 Opening of ejaculatory duct (body structure) E12004 P12004 Y P genital system CFFE810003B34B52903C555BB1E90A9D Opening of ejaculatory duct 12005 12005 12005 intrabulbar fossa 279456007 S12005 Intrabulbar fossa (body structure) E12005 P12005 - 19721 P genital system F12AFA513E8A4C01A0DEC70465CD0DA4 Intrabulbar fossa 12006 12006 12006 opening into penile urethra 279457003 S12006 Opening into penile urethra (body structure) E12006 P12006 - P genital system 501C55874A7842788917B9FC5E56A059 Opening into penile urethra 12007 12007 12007 opening of bulbourethral gland 279458008 S12007 Opening of bulbourethral gland (body structure) E12007 P12007 Y P urinary system 46A173A220444466BF2ADD72EB4B6F94 Opening of bulbourethral gland 12008 12008 12008 opening of male urethral gland 279459000 S12008 Opening of male urethral gland (body structure) E12008 P12008 - P genital system A19F05EA37174D4A9F1961E507D4D779 Opening of male urethral gland 12010 12010 12010 male urethral lacuna 279461009 S12010 Male urethral lacuna (body structure) E12010 P12010 - P genitourinary system 5B444DD3EB684B61A44079B9F2978F2F Male urethral lacuna 12011 12011 12011 opening of male urethral lacuna 279462002 S12011 Opening of male urethral lacuna (body structure) E12011 P12011 - P genital system 10FA0F445F3245D480F227DBD096E10F Opening of male urethral lacuna 12012 12012 12012 opening of lacuna magna 279463007 S12012 Opening of lacuna magna (body structure) E12012 P12012 - P genital system 5FC97DFAC90F4294926E16678239B715 Opening of lacuna magna 12013 12013 12013 lacuna magna 279464001 S12013 Lacuna magna (body structure) E12013 P12013 - P genitourinary system 9EE829103E2C45BB9AB51D1A748400A8 Lacuna magna 12014 12014 12014 lumen of male urethra 279465000 S12014 Lumen of male urethra (body structure) E12014 P12014 - 19710 P urinary system 181612FBD4BE438DBE8C0D2D62D457D4 Lumen of male urethra 12015 12015 12015 lumen of female urethra 279466004 S12015 Lumen of female urethra (body structure) E12015 P12015 - 19711 P genitourinary system 6A91905D32654F208973AC7E40D3E7A4 Lumen of female urethra 12016 12016 12016 lumen of prostatic urethra 279467008 S12016 Lumen of prostatic urethra (body structure) E12016 P12016 - 19715 P genital system 51403B30A4E74014811B35DCF9B85FC1 Lumen of prostatic urethra 12017 12017 12017 lumen of membranous urethra 279468003 S12017 Lumen of membranous urethra (body structure) E12017 P12017 - 19716 P urinary system 1F9A3045310748D88ED4ECAFE57B51E8 Lumen of membranous urethra 12018 12018 12018 lumen of penile urethra 279469006 S12018 Lumen of penile urethra (body structure) E12018 P12018 - 19717 P urinary system BB7F60F857094B219FB2C08E6181BA03 Lumen of penile urethra 12019 12019 12019 male urethral crest 279470007 S12019 Male urethral crest (body structure) E12019 P12019 - 85270 P genital system 50CEA5A837754D7DA16930835B61A4B5 Male urethral crest 12020 12020 12020 female urethral crest 279471006 S12020 Female urethral crest (body structure) E12020 P12020 - 85271 P genitourinary system C2783A3EB18F44689878003F3A2C2171 Female urethral crest 12021 12021 12021 female urethral lacuna 279473009 S12021 Female urethral lacuna (body structure) E12021 P12021 - P genitourinary system 9899E2A49DBC4C6FB6054B3EDD2D4F0E Female urethral lacuna 12022 12022 12022 male urethral wall 279474003 S12022 Male urethral wall (body structure) E12022 P12022 - 19676 P urinary system DCE8C162415E40C5942F26A96AD25945 Male urethral wall 12023 12023 12023 female urethral wall 279475002 S12023 Female urethral wall (body structure) E12023 P12023 - 19780 P genitourinary system 2BC0DF64033B441FB35FA5024CEDF4DC Female urethral wall 12025 12025 12025 male external urethral orifice 279478000 S12025 Male external urethral orifice (body structure) E12025 P12025 - 85265 P urinary system D541454EEBB74C3A87F9B5FA3A455C4E Male external urethral orifice 12026 12026 12026 female external urethral orifice 279479008 S12026 Female external urethral orifice (body structure) E12026 P12026 - 85266 P genital system FA8A699943E14D64B4D2A400F5A4C05E Female external urethral orifice 12027 12027 12027 opening into female urethra 279481005 S12027 Opening into female urethra (body structure) E12027 P12027 - P genitourinary system B862CD160BBD4C8B9B4A5D989347504C Opening into female urethra 12028 12028 12028 opening of female urethral gland 279482003 S12028 Opening of female urethral gland (body structure) E12028 P12028 - P genitourinary system FB4B1D98C96F41FD82396C108D6A4B8E Opening of female urethral gland 12029 12029 12029 opening of female urethral lacuna 279483008 S12029 Opening of female urethral lacuna (body structure) E12029 P12029 - P genitourinary system CB07FB2EAD844CF2956403A4FFE6B073 Opening of female urethral lacuna 12030 12030 12030 opening into urethra 279484002 S12030 Opening into urethra (body structure) E12030 P12030 - P urinary system F771C984F3C443DA9DB46E3BD91B4AF1 Opening into urethra 12031 12031 12031 opening into male urethra 279485001 S12031 Opening into male urethra (body structure) E12031 P12031 - P urinary system 3BA010ED10694AB28FF8918553904734 Opening into male urethra 12032 12032 12032 opening of paraurethral duct 279489007 S12032 Opening of paraurethral duct (body structure) E12032 P12032 Y P genitourinary system F44D26AEEB4A4CC7A58DCBFD868932FD Opening of paraurethral duct 12033 12033 12033 anal stump 279490003 S12033 Anal stump (body structure) E12033 P12033 - P digestive system 497A7EA240194FC3A9E4085BAD5589D4 Anal stump 12034 12034 12034 male outlet of bladder 279503008 S12034 Male outlet of bladder (body structure) E12034 P12034 - P genitourinary system FB1CE7BA02364E8287E196AE9EAF3514 Male outlet of bladder 12035 12035 12035 female outlet of bladder 279504002 S12035 Female outlet of bladder (body structure) E12035 P12035 - P genitourinary system 8DECAB355FCF4F82AA8190625AB9379B Female outlet of bladder 12036 12036 12036 laryngeal membrane 279507009 S12036 Laryngeal membrane (body structure) E12036 P12036 - P respiratory system 712C58F0914144C1AC011455F29D7EA1 Laryngeal membrane 12037 12037 12037 laryngeal ligament 279508004 S12037 Laryngeal ligament (body structure) E12037 P12037 - 55131 P musculoskeletal system 914E9B94E09F4BA38EDCAA906335393C Laryngeal ligament 12038 12038 12038 triticeal cartilage 279509007 S12038 Cartilago triticea (body structure) E12038 P12038 Y 55213 P musculoskeletal system 08CDDA9D664F475BA325D1A267C17E1A Cartilago triticea 12039 12039 12039 border of thyroid cartilage 279511003 S12039 Border of thyroid cartilage (body structure) E12039 P12039 Y P musculoskeletal system 1C00A7203C1A444F9316730D52F7D13E Border of thyroid cartilage 12040 12040 12040 superior border of thyroid lamina 279512005 S12040 Superior border of thyroid lamina (body structure) E12040 P12040 Y P musculoskeletal system 51FC9B9C8BFE41DEB921CFB5BFC14248 Superior border of thyroid lamina 12041 12041 12041 inferior border of thyroid lamina 279513000 S12041 Inferior border of thyroid lamina (body structure) E12041 P12041 Y P musculoskeletal system 74C9208D467647C7BD16430146C028FF Inferior border of thyroid lamina 12042 12042 12042 anterior border of thyroid lamina 279514006 S12042 Anterior border of thyroid lamina (body structure) E12042 P12042 Y P musculoskeletal system 8435532698354290B44C5B9F9AC61331 Anterior border of thyroid lamina 12043 12043 12043 posterior border of thyroid lamina 279515007 S12043 Posterior border of thyroid lamina (body structure) E12043 P12043 Y P musculoskeletal system F705B2B08F58462090ECF817646AB5DD Posterior border of thyroid lamina 12045 12045 12045 superior thyroid cornu 279520007 S12045 Superior thyroid cornu (body structure) E12045 P12045 Y P musculoskeletal system 301ECD8B223B42C08D415C106C0114E0 Superior thyroid cornu 12046 12046 12046 inferior thyroid cornu 279521006 S12046 Inferior thyroid cornu (body structure) E12046 P12046 Y P musculoskeletal system 87DEC154015343FD805BC29A7EDF5DE4 Inferior thyroid cornu 12047 12047 12047 superior thyroid tubercle 279522004 S12047 Superior thyroid tubercle (body structure) E12047 P12047 Y 55282 P musculoskeletal system ED6579FF53554B389D85343FDE7BEBA4 Superior thyroid tubercle 12048 12048 12048 inferior thyroid tubercle 279523009 S12048 Inferior thyroid tubercle (body structure) E12048 P12048 Y 55283 P musculoskeletal system 5928BD1CD7FA42D1B696530FBE45E65F Inferior thyroid tubercle 12049 12049 12049 border of cricoid cartilage 279527005 S12049 Border of cricoid cartilage (body structure) E12049 P12049 - P musculoskeletal system 08830565CE8A4768A208684C4D388B24 Border of cricoid cartilage 12050 12050 12050 internal surface of cricoid cartilage 279528000 S12050 Internal surface of cricoid cartilage (body structure) E12050 P12050 - P musculoskeletal system E84CFD71F83A40B4878A5A5757CA6988 Internal surface of cricoid cartilage 12051 12051 12051 superior border of cricoid cartilage 279529008 S12051 Superior border of cricoid cartilage (body structure) E12051 P12051 - P musculoskeletal system 774D0EAE9CCA435690C19B68928BB201 Superior border of cricoid cartilage 12052 12052 12052 inferior border of cricoid cartilage 279530003 S12052 Inferior border of cricoid cartilage (body structure) E12052 P12052 - P musculoskeletal system F4151FFEB3EE41528FB534368E9BE999 Inferior border of cricoid cartilage 12053 12053 12053 surface of arytenoid 279531004 S12053 Surface of arytenoid (body structure) E12053 P12053 Y P musculoskeletal system E2566C64EF174EA0A41644C41F82AF64 Surface of arytenoid 12054 12054 12054 process of arytenoid 279533001 S12054 Process of arytenoid (body structure) E12054 P12054 Y P musculoskeletal system B31E8815F2F447BEB6D4C01A7C6E9CA9 Process of arytenoid 12055 12055 12055 posterior surface of arytenoid 279535008 S12055 Posterior surface of arytenoid (body structure) E12055 P12055 Y 76674 P musculoskeletal system CD2E55599F734E9FB0792B65D28F1156 Posterior surface of arytenoid 12056 12056 12056 anterolateral surface of arytenoid cartilage 279536009 S12056 Anterolateral surface of arytenoid cartilage (body structure) E12056 P12056 Y 55339 P musculoskeletal system E0D0B5791118447391819A906CB7090B Anterolateral surface of arytenoid cartilage 12057 12057 12057 medial surface of arytenoid 279537000 S12057 Medial surface of arytenoid (body structure) E12057 P12057 Y 76673 P musculoskeletal system 435C49534C424D2091596E129193931B Medial surface of arytenoid 12058 12058 12058 surface of epiglottic cartilage 279541001 S12058 Surface of epiglottic cartilage (body structure) E12058 P12058 - 55401 P digestive system 1776101733C7494DAE87730F0B9468E1 Surface of epiglottic cartilage 12059 12059 12059 anterior surface of epiglottic cartilage 279544009 S12059 Anterior surface of epiglottic cartilage (body structure) E12059 P12059 - 55402 P digestive system 9089FB2560284C3DAFB04C51472E60A6 Anterior surface of epiglottic cartilage 12060 12060 12060 posterior surface of epiglottic cartilage 279545005 S12060 Posterior surface of epiglottic cartilage (body structure) E12060 P12060 - 55403 P digestive system 97BE0B5AD5AA4F6AA30670848B4964AC Posterior surface of epiglottic cartilage 12061 12061 12061 cricothyroid membrane complex 279547002 S12061 Cricothyroid membrane (body structure) E12061 P12061 - 64157 P respiratory system 5BDAD1B9EBBB4436BD87CC5099C01553 Cricothyroid membrane 12062 12062 12062 extrinsic laryngeal ligament 279550004 S12062 Extrinsic laryngeal ligament (body structure) E12062 P12062 - 54921 P musculoskeletal system B64F512A15ED4058AB850A5DA46B3077 Extrinsic laryngeal ligament 12063 12063 12063 lateral thyrohyoid ligament 279555009 S12063 Lateral thyrohyoid ligament (body structure) E12063 P12063 Y 55139 P musculoskeletal system A3E12D1182A042E2BD7F0A5BBEEDB97B Lateral thyrohyoid ligament 12064 12064 12064 alar fat 279556005 S12064 Alar fat (body structure) E12064 P12064 Y P musculoskeletal system CE533F61DC524886B6D90CA767FC03A7 Alar fat 12065 12065 12065 intrinsic laryngeal ligament 279557001 S12065 Intrinsic laryngeal ligament (body structure) E12065 P12065 - P musculoskeletal system 5E4FE17B8DAD421F968354A96F92E69F Intrinsic laryngeal ligament 12066 12066 12066 anterior cricothyroid ligament 279559003 S12066 Anterior cricothyroid ligament (body structure) E12066 P12066 - 55237 P musculoskeletal system 8A0D16B1D0A147A187107641276A5D6A Anterior cricothyroid ligament 12067 12067 12067 lateral cricothyroid ligament 279560008 S12067 Lateral cricothyroid ligament (body structure) E12067 P12067 Y 55238 P musculoskeletal system BAC07B558AEA424DABA4725E63EC8DDD Lateral cricothyroid ligament 12068 12068 12068 laryngeal sinus 279565003 S12068 Laryngeal sinus (body structure) E12068 P12068 Y 55408 P respiratory system B20FA8A04EDA44B49DCEA431CC877F75 Laryngeal sinus 12069 12069 12069 glossoepiglottic fold 279567006 S12069 Glossoepiglottic fold (body structure) E12069 P12069 - 55038 P respiratory system 68E377E093BD433EA5BEA3014DE9D29D Glossoepiglottic fold Subdivision of the viscerocranial mucosa which located between the epiglottis and the base of the tongue. Examples: median glosso-epiglottic fold, left lateral glosso-epiglottic fold. 12070 12070 12070 external feature of pinna 279573007 S12070 External feature of pinna (body structure) E12070 P12070 Y P special senses organ system 2AFE2C437A0640E8B832AFC2419CB55A External feature of pinna 12071 12071 12071 anterior scrotal wall 279574001 S12071 Anterior scrotal wall (body structure) E12071 P12071 - P genital system E95D6A6DB036448881BEDA833B9EAA95 Anterior scrotal wall 12072 12072 12072 posterior scrotal wall 279575000 S12072 Posterior scrotal wall (body structure) E12072 P12072 - P genital system A7FA1014C11D40D386545C6BC2AE0F6D Posterior scrotal wall 12074 12074 12074 lateral scrotal wall 279577008 S12074 Lateral scrotal wall (body structure) E12074 P12074 Y P genital system 961A22EA6D0F4833B5412897F7593090 Lateral scrotal wall 12075 12075 12075 anterior surface of scrotum 279578003 S12075 Anterior surface of scrotum (body structure) E12075 P12075 - D integument/surface B6A54408AF01478B867A00F95970EEF7 Anterior surface of scrotum 12076 12076 12076 posterior surface of scrotum 279579006 S12076 Posterior surface of scrotum (body structure) E12076 P12076 - D integument/surface 12729BB6B8604F42AF538DC709616548 Posterior surface of scrotum 12077 12077 12077 inferior surface of scrotum 279580009 S12077 Inferior surface of scrotum (body structure) E12077 P12077 - D integument/surface BE2AC6BA7D9D46998BB23C9D556ABA70 Inferior surface of scrotum 12078 12078 12078 lateral surface of scrotum 279581008 S12078 Lateral surface of scrotum (body structure) E12078 P12078 Y D integument/surface FB7C8D83428A47989CDB10CB49C937DB Lateral surface of scrotum 12079 12079 12079 scrotal fascia 279585004 S12079 Scrotal fascia (body structure) E12079 P12079 - P genital system 257715581B2B4E129C717FB096B67BDF Scrotal fascia 12080 12080 12080 scrotal ligament 279592009 S12080 Scrotal ligament (body structure) E12080 P12080 - P genital system 6AE5BE1621134FBBA863C1EE14C89CC2 Scrotal ligament 12081 12081 12081 pole of testis 279593004 S12081 Pole of testis (body structure) E12081 P12081 Y P genital system BA732F8928DF4BA09E97D06FC70A8FB5 Pole of testis 12082 12082 12082 surface of testis 279595006 S12082 Surface of testis (body structure) E12082 P12082 Y 19891 P genital system 5890B80935BA412A85D596F7F3E9BC6A Surface of testis 12083 12083 12083 appendix of testis 279601003 S12083 Appendix of testis (body structure) E12083 P12083 Y 19846 P genital system 8E361C5F9B584B7397BA6BD018BF7D38 Appendix of testis 12084 12084 12084 tunica of testis 279603000 S12084 Tunica of testis (body structure) E12084 P12084 Y P genital system 2D483A8FCAF147379BA0DEB5447E11EA Tunica of testis 12085 12085 12085 tunica vasculosa 279605007 S12085 Tunica vasculosa (body structure) E12085 P12085 Y P genital system A243B5F5AD534BD0BB7AF5D253F7709D Tunica vasculosa 12086 12086 12086 layer of tunica vaginalis 279606008 S12086 Layer of tunica vaginalis (body structure) E12086 P12086 Y P genital system 325EF6A1407648BDAE3C620AA329E41E Layer of tunica vaginalis 12088 12088 12088 epididymodeferential junction 279624005 S12088 Epididymodeferential junction (body structure) E12088 P12088 Y P genital system 54B4D755873A42AFB3120A9DA4E2ABD2 Epididymodeferential junction 12089 12089 12089 appendix of head of epididymis 279626007 S12089 Appendix of head of epididymis (body structure) E12089 P12089 Y P genital system B996DCE13CB74A88B0176AAA598F45EE Appendix of head of epididymis 12090 12090 12090 junction of vas deferens 279628008 S12090 Junction of vas deferens (body structure) E12090 P12090 Y P genital system 27E6ED44ACA34978BBEEC6C5615D86DD Junction of vas deferens 12091 12091 12091 junction of vas and seminal vesicle duct 279629000 S12091 Junction of vas and seminal vesicle duct (body structure) E12091 P12091 Y P genital system 7D1A33D7FC254C548AEDA15BD16EC22E Junction of vas and seminal vesicle duct 12092 12092 12092 extrinsic ligament of auricle 279632002 S12092 Extrinsic ligament of auricle (body structure) E12092 P12092 Y P special senses organ system 918FFC73A0DB4810BFD9CD0AE45A6B23 Extrinsic ligament of auricle 12093 12093 12093 scrotal part of vas deferens 279633007 S12093 Scrotal part of vas deferens (body structure) E12093 P12093 Y 76610 P genital system C8968E2AA41F4D1A95A02D29351AA917 Scrotal part of vas deferens 12094 12094 12094 prepubic part of vas deferens 279634001 S12094 Prepubic part of vas deferens (body structure) E12094 P12094 Y P genital system A887827F90124F5E8276497CF97F5EB5 Prepubic part of vas deferens 12095 12095 12095 inguinal part of vas deferens 279636004 S12095 Inguinal part of vas deferens (body structure) E12095 P12095 Y 76612 P genital system 31A6DD66626F4A128036C9CBBC27AA74 Inguinal part of vas deferens 12096 12096 12096 abdominal part of vas deferens 279637008 S12096 Abdominal part of vas deferens (body structure) E12096 P12096 Y P genital system 15F8F52D1F544E91898328DE71C432D3 Abdominal part of vas deferens 12097 12097 12097 pelvic part of vas deferens 279639006 S12097 Pelvic part of vas deferens (body structure) E12097 P12097 Y 76613 P genital system 363D9A2E4E954A8AAEEB393CF67BB365 Pelvic part of vas deferens 12098 12098 12098 covering of spermatic cord 279646002 S12098 Covering of spermatic cord (body structure) E12098 P12098 Y P genital system CCF2957D8E45420D88A00456C6092B4B Covering of spermatic cord 12099 12099 12099 component of spermatic cord 279647006 S12099 Component of spermatic cord (body structure) E12099 P12099 Y 0 D genital system 65359A8E7AEF4A7989ADC1DC37C83BAF Component of spermatic cord 12100 12100 12100 inguinal part of spermatic cord 279648001 S12100 Inguinal part of spermatic cord (body structure) E12100 P12100 Y P genital system E2D6A578167B4A17A1A345FD844DF42C Inguinal part of spermatic cord 12101 12101 12101 prepubic part of spermatic cord 279649009 S12101 Prepubic part of spermatic cord (body structure) E12101 P12101 Y P genital system 9B6C158202484C95B923520F8B822865 Prepubic part of spermatic cord 12102 12102 12102 scrotal part of spermatic cord 279650009 S12102 Scrotal part of spermatic cord (body structure) E12102 P12102 Y P genital system 96B2C9BB444B4647BA6AEE5129D7886D Scrotal part of spermatic cord 12103 12103 12103 spermatic fascia 279652001 S12103 Spermatic fascia (body structure) E12103 P12103 Y P genital system 64C67C0772B64F7E83FBD38593CA4338 Spermatic fascia 12104 12104 12104 nerve of spermatic cord 279655004 S12104 Nerve of spermatic cord (body structure) E12104 P12104 Y P genital system 0C0D46F8967C49738156FE4B3C2A7EB5 Nerve of spermatic cord 12105 12105 12105 lymph vessel of spermatic cord 279656003 S12105 Lymph vessel of spermatic cord (body structure) E12105 P12105 Y P genital system 6EEAD2B469C1451788F8CD8D6D0C10F5 Lymph vessel of spermatic cord 12106 12106 12106 artery of spermatic cord 279657007 S12106 Artery of spermatic cord (body structure) E12106 P12106 Y P arterial system 45BC37FD19394228B9CEA938D9118742 Artery of spermatic cord 12107 12107 12107 vein of spermatic cord 279660000 S12107 Vein of spermatic cord (body structure) E12107 P12107 Y P genital system FEE5CDBF04E846A58C871F5A1697B4C3 Vein of spermatic cord 12108 12108 12108 cremasteric nerve 279663003 S12108 Cremasteric nerve (body structure) E12108 P12108 Y P genital system BF035A8138A247F38747FCCA803A79E1 Cremasteric nerve 12109 12109 12109 lumen of ejaculatory duct 279666006 S12109 Lumen of ejaculatory duct (body structure) E12109 P12109 Y 19380 P genital system D85DC443A24646D1834B6E71C3C13CC0 Lumen of ejaculatory duct 12110 12110 12110 pole of seminal vesicle 279667002 S12110 Pole of seminal vesicle (body structure) E12110 P12110 Y P genital system DE4E57F2F08540FF865BE07ECAE16024 Pole of seminal vesicle 12111 12111 12111 upper pole of seminal vesicle 279668007 S12111 Upper pole of seminal vesicle (body structure) E12111 P12111 Y P genital system 7722AA76320F40B697B31E3D41F2ECE0 Upper pole of seminal vesicle 12112 12112 12112 lower pole of seminal vesicle 279669004 S12112 Lower pole of seminal vesicle (body structure) E12112 P12112 Y P genital system 621B0B20CF8C4D24B7A5E2F32920F1CC Lower pole of seminal vesicle 12113 12113 12113 surface of seminal vesicle 279670003 S12113 Surface of seminal vesicle (body structure) E12113 P12113 Y 19439 P genital system 2AD45CEC69FF41C28F57D4436DA0ECF9 Surface of seminal vesicle 12114 12114 12114 anterior surface of seminal vesicle 279671004 S12114 Anterior surface of seminal vesicle (body structure) E12114 P12114 Y 19421 P genital system 0D76BDD203CC45789225997097DCEC2F Anterior surface of seminal vesicle 12115 12115 12115 posterior surface of seminal vesicle 279672006 S12115 Posterior surface of seminal vesicle (body structure) E12115 P12115 Y 19422 P genital system D1D5435C1ABA44A4B865345E857C3640 Posterior surface of seminal vesicle 12116 12116 12116 diverticulum of seminal vesicle 279674007 S12116 Diverticulum of seminal vesicle (body structure) E12116 P12116 Y 19393 P genital system B6D3BBAF434744829D6C1C41F16562B0 Diverticulum of seminal vesicle 12117 12117 12117 lumen of duct of seminal vesicle 279676009 S12117 Lumen of duct of seminal vesicle (body structure) E12117 P12117 Y 19506 P genital system 1E1A96871E4E41C99860C0D960BC6632 Lumen of duct of seminal vesicle 12118 12118 12118 wall of duct of seminal vesicle 279677000 S12118 Wall of duct of seminal vesicle (body structure) E12118 P12118 Y 19513 P genital system 2136CE91B51C48068E6204CE31B55CB1 Wall of duct of seminal vesicle 12119 12119 12119 fibrous sheath of prostate 279681000 S12119 Fibrous sheath of prostate (body structure) E12119 P12119 - P genital system 93F97697118645568F6A29E9133E423B Fibrous sheath of prostate 12120 12120 12120 septum of prostate 279683002 S12120 Septum of prostate (body structure) E12120 P12120 - P genital system 4F602087AF11413FA3E625A3DFD14EC6 Septum of prostate 12121 12121 12121 median septum of prostate 279684008 S12121 Median septum of prostate (body structure) E12121 P12121 - P genital system 254E5D6D855F48EE8D71DEF4A74D8F89 Median septum of prostate 12122 12122 12122 fibromuscular septum of prostate 279686005 S12122 Fibromuscular septum of prostate (body structure) E12122 P12122 - 74196 P genital system CDB362C97EA4482887D9B25F5C775C14 Fibromuscular septum of prostate 12124 12124 12124 surface of prostate 279694003 S12124 Surface of prostate (body structure) E12124 P12124 - 19590 P genital system E3841B3FE7EA425AAF95459A75D75BAD Surface of prostate 12125 12125 12125 border of prostate 279699008 S12125 Border of prostate (body structure) E12125 P12125 - P genital system 66A438BDB55C43C39CAB7CB455AC7C1E Border of prostate 12126 12126 12126 superior border of prostate 279700009 S12126 Superior border of prostate (body structure) E12126 P12126 - P genital system F3C3BA1044384425BE9CE035FDF9C2D4 Superior border of prostate 12127 12127 12127 inferior border of prostate 279701008 S12127 Inferior border of prostate (body structure) E12127 P12127 - P genital system 6B676BE50D4B45EE874C2EBB7EAEEF0A Inferior border of prostate 12128 12128 12128 median sulcus of prostate 279704000 S12128 Median sulcus of prostate (body structure) E12128 P12128 - P genital system 435F0D6F25D94ACEA02FE347538F4054 Median sulcus of prostate 12129 12129 12129 glandular zone of prostate 279705004 S12129 Glandular zone of prostate (body structure) E12129 P12129 - P genital system EBB165FAD1D143899751B7C69D4AA0AF Glandular zone of prostate 12130 12130 12130 peripheral glandular zone of prostate 279706003 S12130 Peripheral glandular zone of prostate (body structure) E12130 P12130 - 19587 P genital system 3573EDFB20B846BAAF5B1ADA6E6B4F9E Peripheral glandular zone of prostate 12131 12131 12131 internal glandular zone of prostate 279707007 S12131 Internal glandular zone of prostate (body structure) E12131 P12131 - P genital system DCF8996461FB4BFEBCA38E04F0CD6C0D Internal glandular zone of prostate 12132 12132 12132 innermost glandular zone of prostate 279708002 S12132 Innermost glandular zone of prostate (body structure) E12132 P12132 - P genital system D53F45E4541F49C487773B5E20F5F28B Innermost glandular zone of prostate 12133 12133 12133 fluid space of inner ear 279711001 S12133 Fluid space of inner ear (body structure) E12133 P12133 Y P special senses organ system 52F217E32A5844829C0E7E77D86CA7F0 Fluid space of inner ear 12134 12134 12134 dome of glans penis 279714009 S12134 Dome of glans penis (body structure) E12134 P12134 - P genital system EAD0223DCEB24AC081A54DC6CAAB4659 Dome of glans penis 12135 12135 12135 preputial sac 279716006 S12135 Preputial sac (body structure) E12135 P12135 - 19651 P genital system 1FA6BE66D1574F2BBC15D75D37A1E83E Preputial sac 12136 12136 12136 superficial layer of superficial penile fascia 279722002 S12136 Superficial layer of superficial penile fascia (body structure) E12136 P12136 - P musculoskeletal system 2CFFC33E1D254B1BB84C12B22D8D1174 Superficial layer of superficial penile fascia 12137 12137 12137 deep layer of superficial penile fascia 279723007 S12137 Deep layer of superficial penile fascia (body structure) E12137 P12137 - P genital system 6E542F12BE3F49EBA900D471B596B9D0 Deep layer of superficial penile fascia 12138 12138 12138 vestibular recess 279728003 S12138 Vestibular recess (body structure) E12138 P12138 Y P special senses organ system 258E45539E324E188A2211B4843B7D6C Vestibular recess 12139 12139 12139 vestibular pyramid 279730001 S12139 Vestibular pyramid (body structure) E12139 P12139 Y 77742 P skeletal system E3BBBC01BEF74C04AAFEF86BC8065A60 Vestibular pyramid 12140 12140 12140 vestibular crest 279731002 S12140 Vestibular crest (body structure) E12140 P12140 Y 77741 P skeletal system A64B13BD7AE348F1BD899E352D21BA17 Vestibular crest 12141 12141 12141 cochlear recess of vestibule 279733004 S12141 Cochlear recess of vestibule (body structure) E12141 P12141 Y P special senses organ system 4326E33649994C3CAE93310B7322A215 Cochlear recess of vestibule 12142 12142 12142 elliptical recess of vestibule 279734005 S12142 Elliptical recess of vestibule (body structure) E12142 P12142 Y P special senses organ system 79722799220B410DAEB595E7254CC9F8 Elliptical recess of vestibule 12143 12143 12143 spherical recess of vestibule 279735006 S12143 Spherical recess of vestibule (body structure) E12143 P12143 Y P special senses organ system 386218C4F0C44D3D8BE0FBEAAE492F91 Spherical recess of vestibule 12144 12144 12144 vestibular canaliculus 279736007 S12144 Vestibular canaliculus (body structure) E12144 P12144 Y 0 P special senses organ system CAFCCA27649F453AB5196288DF351A9B Vestibular canaliculus 12145 12145 12145 vestibular opening 279737003 S12145 Vestibular opening (body structure) E12145 P12145 Y P special senses organ system 1FFE60969F454FBABFFE2EE8BAED42F7 Vestibular opening 12146 12146 12146 opening of crus commune into the vestibule 279738008 S12146 Opening of crus commune into the vestibule (body structure) E12146 P12146 Y P special senses organ system 02DC7FACD413415BA98C31B981A58E7D Opening of crus commune into the vestibule 12147 12147 12147 opening of semicircular canal 279739000 S12147 Opening of semicircular canal (body structure) E12147 P12147 Y P special senses organ system 354ED799A9F84F30BEF251A11A796BA8 Opening of semicircular canal 12148 12148 12148 opening into scala vestibuli 279741004 S12148 Opening into scala vestibuli (body structure) E12148 P12148 Y P special senses organ system 7B12A5C9C9454B84B60E1D538F99D350 Opening into scala vestibuli 12149 12149 12149 opening into vestibular aqueduct 279742006 S12149 Opening into vestibular aqueduct (body structure) E12149 P12149 Y P special senses organ system B729E9CC8D8645918C072145100BCA1B Opening into vestibular aqueduct 12150 12150 12150 opening of the lateral semicircular canal 279743001 S12150 Opening of the lateral semicircular canal (body structure) E12150 P12150 Y P special senses organ system FE45FCCB65C3431CB89B86A3812D059B Opening of the lateral semicircular canal 12151 12151 12151 opening of posterior semicircular canal 279745008 S12151 Opening of posterior semicircular canal (body structure) E12151 P12151 Y P special senses organ system F1B0B91FFD114A7D8E8DB5E3A32AA7C4 Opening of posterior semicircular canal 12152 12152 12152 opening of anterior semicircular canal 279746009 S12152 Opening of anterior semicircular canal (body structure) E12152 P12152 Y P special senses organ system 80890D8843A4464FBAFB1B1ADFBF2769 Opening of anterior semicircular canal 12153 12153 12153 opening of posterior end of anterior semicircular canal 279747000 S12153 Opening of posterior end of anterior semicircular canal (body structure) E12153 P12153 Y P special senses organ system 9EF68102043248D8AE69CC00259B587B Opening of posterior end of anterior semicircular canal 12154 12154 12154 opening of anterior end of anterior semicircular canal 279748005 S12154 Opening of anterior end of anterior semicircular canal (body structure) E12154 P12154 Y P special senses organ system 9D6DAFA11F2242F8BD6C3F83E4FC7E5D Opening of anterior end of anterior semicircular canal 12155 12155 12155 supraomohyoid lymph node group S12155 E12155 279749002 Supraomohyoid lymph node group (body structure) P12155 Y P lymphoid system 60616D795BF34423B7C32AA5C78B7E05 Supraomohyoid lymph node group (body structure) 12156 12156 12156 lateral cervical lymph node group S12156 E12156 279750002 Lateral cervical lymph node group (body structure) P12156 Y P lymphatic system A37686BEC4294C62B9433E52D6EA4FDA Lateral cervical lymph node group (body structure) 12157 12157 12157 opening of lower end of posterior semicircular canal 279751003 S12157 Opening of lower end of posterior semicircular canal (body structure) E12157 P12157 Y P special senses organ system 7C81A05FDD024195A77D4C4805234A2A Opening of lower end of posterior semicircular canal 12158 12158 12158 anterior triangle cervical lymph node group S12158 E12158 279752005 Anterior triangle cervical lymph node group (body structure) P12158 Y P lymphatic system 1A7C505B30FB4EF5BE00220E3C8CC47D Anterior triangle cervical lymph node group (body structure) 12159 12159 12159 opening of upper end of posterior semicircular canal 279753000 S12159 Opening of upper end of posterior semicircular canal (body structure) E12159 P12159 Y P special senses organ system 680CC9E592CB414E87E96F5171A73A22 Opening of upper end of posterior semicircular canal 12160 12160 12160 posterolateral cervical lymph node group S12160 E12160 279754006 Posterolateral cervical lymph node group (body structure) P12160 Y P lymphoid system 4FF5363FC6B14BD68181E06C1AC995A5 Posterolateral cervical lymph node group (body structure) 12161 12161 12161 opening of posterior end of lateral semicircular canal 279755007 S12161 Opening of posterior end of lateral semicircular canal (body structure) E12161 P12161 Y P special senses organ system 1B6D194ED06646FC8CB9C5AA2BC4ED72 Opening of posterior end of lateral semicircular canal 12162 12162 12162 opening of anterior end of lateral semicircular canal 279756008 S12162 Opening of anterior end of lateral semicircular canal (body structure) E12162 P12162 Y P special senses organ system 66A092F965684C3C874339A37DF30B68 Opening of anterior end of lateral semicircular canal 12163 12163 12163 crus commune 279758009 S12163 Crus commune (body structure) E12163 P12163 Y P special senses organ system 0A31C2DA8F494C85BE12AC543BE16E4B Crus commune 12164 12164 12164 ampulla of semicircular canal 279759001 S12164 Ampulla of semicircular canal (body structure) E12164 P12164 Y P special senses organ system 2BC6DBA813D34D738DD11D661C003304 Ampulla of semicircular canal 12165 12165 12165 ilioinguinal lymph node group S12165 E12165 279760006 Ilioinguinal lymph node group (body structure) P12165 Y P lymphoid system E0D51463F85B4210809A3A5028AE40D2 Ilioinguinal lymph node group (body structure) 12166 12166 12166 inguinofemoral lymph node group S12166 E12166 279763008 Inguinofemoral lymph node group (body structure) P12166 Y P lymphoid system 07B46723A59D45CA902C23F049F8DBEF Inguinofemoral lymph node group (body structure) 12167 12167 12167 ampulla of lateral semicircular canal 279765001 S12167 Ampulla of lateral semicircular canal (body structure) E12167 P12167 Y 60216 P special senses organ system 52BE4125B8FA4AFF9B6B9E27BDC805E9 Ampulla of lateral semicircular canal 12168 12168 12168 ampulla of posterior semicircular canal 279766000 S12168 Ampulla of posterior semicircular canal (body structure) E12168 P12168 Y 60210 P special senses organ system 10F9030E8AC74236893C207F8E7C0375 Ampulla of posterior semicircular canal 12169 12169 12169 ampulla of anterior semicircular canal 279767009 S12169 Ampulla of anterior semicircular canal (body structure) E12169 P12169 Y 60204 P special senses organ system 253363FFAB1E4DF5859B1985A7D2AD7B Ampulla of anterior semicircular canal 12170 12170 12170 secondary tympanic membrane 279768004 S12170 Secondary tympanic membrane (body structure) E12170 P12170 Y 56958 P special senses organ system C165D59195964171A73884403440A526 Secondary tympanic membrane 12171 12171 12171 opening into cochlear canal 279769007 S12171 Opening into cochlear canal (body structure) E12171 P12171 Y P special senses organ system 522F7C45672D4459990FB30C526F9222 Opening into cochlear canal 12172 12172 12172 vestibular fissure of cochlear canal 279772000 S12172 Vestibular fissure of the cochlear canal (body structure) E12172 P12172 Y P special senses organ system 88597A5B985E4698A43F11A193EE059C Vestibular fissure of the cochlear canal 12173 12173 12173 turn of cochlear canal 279773005 S12173 Turn of the cochlear canal (body structure) E12173 P12173 Y P special senses organ system D77460864D93471EAD13223E32E6C169 Turn of the cochlear canal 12174 12174 12174 division of cochlear canal 279774004 S12174 Division of cochlear canal (body structure) E12174 P12174 Y P special senses organ system CD8A8523BD244F0D98C5235CC834EBAB Division of cochlear canal 12175 12175 12175 cupula of cochlear canal 279776002 S12175 Cupula of the cochlear canal (body structure) E12175 P12175 Y P special senses organ system 1B6941EB0EB4423498690BFB0829B27C Cupula of the cochlear canal 12176 12176 12176 apex of the cochlear canal 279777006 S12176 Apex of the cochlear canal (body structure) E12176 P12176 Y P special senses organ system 689B2FD3E4064FF0853E6DE954786756 Apex of the cochlear canal 12177 12177 12177 base of the cochlear canal 279778001 S12177 Base of the cochlear canal (body structure) E12177 P12177 Y P skeletal system 6795FCD6B01147F9B1BDA99A9F52CEC6 Base of the cochlear canal 12178 12178 12178 terminal part of cochlear canal 279780007 S12178 Terminal part of the cochlear canal (body structure) E12178 P12178 Y P special senses organ system 4D5B7093CD474017A35431362A30D28C Terminal part of the cochlear canal 12179 12179 12179 second turn of cochlear canal 279781006 S12179 Second turn of cochlear canal (body structure) E12179 P12179 Y P special senses organ system 875495FA1D554AB28755056CA8DBAD7E Second turn of cochlear canal 12180 12180 12180 first turn of cochlear canal 279782004 S12180 First turn of cochlear canal (body structure) E12180 P12180 Y P special senses organ system 9A16146EE4374D918283ACA677980D5B First turn of cochlear canal 12181 12181 12181 opening of the cochlear canaliculus 279783009 S12181 Opening of the cochlear canaliculus (body structure) E12181 P12181 Y 56424 P special senses organ system CE51EE0D4EBD49A88056DB65A8E8CB54 Opening of the cochlear canaliculus 12182 12182 12182 hamulus of the bony spiral lamina of cochlear canal 279786001 S12182 Hamulus of the bony spiral lamina of the cochlear canal (body structure) E12182 P12182 Y 75675 P special senses organ system B9AE6DCF4D234F928009B78B052728B4 Hamulus of the bony spiral lamina of the cochlear canal 12183 12183 12183 limbus of the cochlear spiral lamina 279788000 S12183 Limbus of the cochlear spiral lamina (body structure) E12183 P12183 Y 77721 P special senses organ system C9AFF4D52AB642919406C1D7FB9ECD53 Limbus of the cochlear spiral lamina 12184 12184 12184 plate of the cochlear spiral lamina 279789008 S12184 Plates of the cochlear spiral lamina (body structure) E12184 P12184 Y P special senses organ system 0F2D114E7516436B901E6500ABBAE42E Plates of the cochlear spiral lamina 12185 12185 12185 secondary spiral lamina of cochlear canal 279791000 S12185 Secondary spiral lamina of the cochlear canal (body structure) E12185 P12185 Y P special senses organ system 70ED723A94524CA9810835C171488959 Secondary spiral lamina of the cochlear canal 12186 12186 12186 lower plate of the cochlear spiral lamina 279792007 S12186 Lower plate of the cochlear spiral lamina (body structure) E12186 P12186 Y P special senses organ system B00F389827ED410FAF1967FDC34ED00A Lower plate of the cochlear spiral lamina 12187 12187 12187 upper plate of the cochlear spiral lamina 279793002 S12187 Upper plate of the cochlear spiral lamina (body structure) E12187 P12187 Y P special senses organ system 75F4789F7AD447D48D66B605F1445290 Upper plate of the cochlear spiral lamina 12188 12188 12188 femoral lymph node group S12188 E12188 279802007 Femoral lymph node group (body structure) P12188 Y P lymphoid system 3E610CE8EF384CEFAC904BB63524D3C0 Femoral lymph node group (body structure) 12189 12189 12189 opening into ductus commune 279803002 S12189 Opening into ductus commune (body structure) E12189 P12189 Y P special senses organ system 149894F3DA3F49329F450A3180C10A32 Opening into ductus commune 12190 12190 12190 opening of endolymphatic duct 279808006 S12190 Opening of endolymphatic duct (body structure) E12190 P12190 Y P special senses organ system 435AAB8F630B41E490E689DBAE005DE4 Opening of endolymphatic duct 12191 12191 12191 opening into utricle 279815003 S12191 Opening into utricle (body structure) E12191 P12191 Y P special senses organ system 5B1A235F32904C529982AF7DDE103AEF Opening into utricle 12192 12192 12192 utricular opening of the utriculosaccular duct 279819009 S12192 Utricular opening of the utriculosaccular duct (body structure) E12192 P12192 Y P special senses organ system 09E5F23C16CA452C88BA6C66C224E913 Utricular opening of the utriculosaccular duct 12193 12193 12193 opening of the ductus commune 279820003 S12193 Opening of the ductus commune (body structure) E12193 P12193 Y P special senses organ system 9F1D0259045746EF85284158F1CA2DCB Opening of the ductus commune 12194 12194 12194 opening of ampulla of semicircular duct 279821004 S12194 Opening of ampulla of semicircular duct (body structure) E12194 P12194 Y P special senses organ system E5E52EB80C7E42A498C9473F96C90F0F Opening of ampulla of semicircular duct 12195 12195 12195 opening of posterior end of lateral semicircular duct 279822006 S12195 Opening of posterior end of lateral semicircular duct (body structure) E12195 P12195 Y P special senses organ system 7575D9668F6240B2B575AB02793D41B7 Opening of posterior end of lateral semicircular duct 12196 12196 12196 opening of ampulla of lateral semicircular duct 279823001 S12196 Opening of ampulla of lateral semicircular duct (body structure) E12196 P12196 Y P special senses organ system 66DC5F465E4A4632AF41FF71694C699B Opening of ampulla of lateral semicircular duct 12197 12197 12197 opening of ampulla of posterior semicircular duct 279824007 S12197 Opening of ampulla of posterior semicircular duct (body structure) E12197 P12197 Y P special senses organ system 04D0FDF7FA984879832B76A6C2EB10EB Opening of ampulla of posterior semicircular duct 12198 12198 12198 opening of ampulla of anterior semicurcular duct 279825008 S12198 Opening of ampulla of anterior semicurcular duct (body structure) E12198 P12198 Y P special senses organ system ACDF5B5FAC3D4187B46EA870844028B6 Opening of ampulla of anterior semicurcular duct 12199 12199 12199 opening into saccule 279826009 S12199 Opening into saccule (body structure) E12199 P12199 Y P special senses organ system F55AF3962B6E49CEB4DA6174C5FFE84B Opening into saccule 12200 12200 12200 saccular opening of the ductus reuniens 279828005 S12200 Saccular opening of the ductus reuniens (body structure) E12200 P12200 Y P special senses organ system 5BB2308C31AD4110B1DEA33495BF3B6C Saccular opening of the ductus reuniens 12201 12201 12201 saccular opening of the utriculosaccular duct 279829002 S12201 Saccular opening of the utriculosaccular duct (body structure) E12201 P12201 Y P special senses organ system 8D3F4DFEBC484C9A9FE810955DA1D28B Saccular opening of the utriculosaccular duct 12202 12202 12202 opening of posterior semicircular duct 279830007 S12202 Opening of posterior semicircular duct (body structure) E12202 P12202 Y P special senses organ system 5140D9E49A3143F8BF6FAE69EE072219 Opening of posterior semicircular duct 12203 12203 12203 opening of anterior semicircular duct 279831006 S12203 Opening of anterior semicircular duct (body structure) E12203 P12203 Y P special senses organ system BC52986EF93B4C03AA262C4F0EB0D425 Opening of anterior semicircular duct 12204 12204 12204 membranous labyrinth of crus commune 279832004 S12204 Ductus commune (body structure) E12204 P12204 Y P special senses organ system 6D0D9BFB9CF946F3BF4095BA255E817C Ductus commune 12205 12205 12205 cochlear canaliculus 279837005 S12205 Cochlear canaliculus (body structure) E12205 P12205 Y 0 P special senses organ system 2B63E6D4C58D481987C8DA9229E1696C Cochlear canaliculus 12206 12206 12206 cochlear opening of the ductus reuniens 279838000 S12206 Cochlear opening of the ductus reuniens (body structure) E12206 P12206 Y P special senses organ system 8B876B31AC1E40B0B318DAE91334635C Cochlear opening of the ductus reuniens 12207 12207 12207 basilar crest of the spiral cochlear ligament 279839008 S12207 Basilar crest of the spiral cochlear ligament (body structure) E12207 P12207 Y P special senses organ system B0E431416CDD49789E0D0230AA1562E2 Basilar crest of the spiral cochlear ligament 12208 12208 12208 spiral prominence of cochlear duct 279843007 S12208 Spiral prominence of the cochlear duct (body structure) E12208 P12208 Y 77833 P special senses organ system A957A2E633824E7C8389452B2E0DF497 Spiral prominence of the cochlear duct 12209 12209 12209 turn of cochlear duct 279845000 S12209 Turn of cochlear duct (body structure) E12209 P12209 Y P special senses organ system 337CB4985D61407E8792E050B22B14B1 Turn of cochlear duct 12210 12210 12210 base of cochlear duct 279846004 S12210 Base of cochlear duct (body structure) E12210 P12210 Y P special senses organ system 1AC932511B64426A845FE5762EAFD73D Base of cochlear duct 12211 12211 12211 cupula of cochlear duct 279847008 S12211 Capula of cochlear duct (body structure) E12211 P12211 Y 77848 P special senses organ system A6A146045B73484EBDF0F88FF4F4AF03 Capula of cochlear duct 12212 12212 12212 apex of cochlear duct 279848003 S12212 Apex of cochlear duct (body structure) E12212 P12212 Y P special senses organ system 00DFF16347D54174BCB9FF8BB0242439 Apex of cochlear duct 12213 12213 12213 residual turn of cochlear duct 279850006 S12213 Residual turn of cochlear duct (body structure) E12213 P12213 Y P special senses organ system CBA7CAA571764F118A505C365C2E096F Residual turn of cochlear duct 12214 12214 12214 second turn of cochlear duct 279851005 S12214 Second turn of cochlear duct (body structure) E12214 P12214 Y P special senses organ system 75836E2935244D1A9CF7AF12015D6FE5 Second turn of cochlear duct 12215 12215 12215 first turn of cochlear duct 279852003 S12215 First turn of cochlear duct (body structure) E12215 P12215 Y P special senses organ system 175F37EF922D4831AECD9B665024E994 First turn of cochlear duct 12216 12216 12216 endolymphatic space 279856000 S12216 Endolymphatic space (body structure) E12216 P12216 Y 77823 P special senses organ system 0DB0EBCBA771457EB84BAEBBCC8732E9 Endolymphatic space 12217 12217 12217 surface of labium pudendum 279862005 S12217 Surface of labium pudendum (body structure) E12217 P12217 Y D integument/surface C54B1AF125BB4FF5A2E915AC9B9BB8E9 Surface of labium pudendum 12218 12218 12218 surface of labium majorum 279863000 S12218 Surface of labium majorum (body structure) E12218 P12218 Y D integument/surface D1592C9695F14DDA97387BFA3B35E2AC Surface of labium majorum 12219 12219 12219 surface of labium minorum 279864006 S12219 Surface of labium minorum (body structure) E12219 P12219 Y D integument/surface D74005BC5BEA445FA982C3B1F2A7B439 Surface of labium minorum 12220 12220 12220 commissure of labium majorum 279865007 S12220 Commissure of labium majorum (body structure) E12220 P12220 - P genital system E7EE125014904AE5B80EDD2E8E1D78C2 Commissure of labium majorum 12221 12221 12221 frenulum of labia minora 279867004 S12221 Frenulum of labia minora (body structure) E12221 P12221 - 20404 P genital system 5C83B73C04FE4BCCB021EB7E161F5107 Frenulum of labia minora 12222 12222 12222 opening of duct of vestibular gland 279870000 S12222 Opening of duct of vestibular gland (body structure) E12222 P12222 Y P genital system 077F90A493704D2A8FEA6D7E163C8214 Opening of duct of vestibular gland 12223 12223 12223 opening of duct of greater vestibular gland 279871001 S12223 Opening of duct of greater vestibular gland (body structure) E12223 P12223 Y P genital system EF7BA4C10FED42D998415CA53B6BAB92 Opening of duct of greater vestibular gland 12224 12224 12224 opening of duct of lesser vestibular gland 279872008 S12224 Opening of duct of lesser vestibular gland (body structure) E12224 P12224 Y P genital system 33F1BC301C474497A884436EC93B6655 Opening of duct of lesser vestibular gland 12225 12225 12225 supravaginal cervix 279881002 S12225 Supravaginal cervix (body structure) E12225 P12225 - P genital system 5AF52468877C464294B25B7B0009700C Supravaginal cervix 12226 12226 12226 vaginal cervix 279882009 S12226 Vaginal cervix (body structure) E12226 P12226 - P genital system 4188E153827C4365A60E529E251B88F9 Vaginal cervix 12227 12227 12227 anterior wall of cervical canal 279884005 S12227 Anterior wall of cervical canal (body structure) E12227 P12227 - P genital system 46178FC7DC72459E88E7559E5E12A82A Anterior wall of cervical canal 12228 12228 12228 posterior wall of cervical canal 279885006 S12228 Posterior wall of cervical canal (body structure) E12228 P12228 - P genital system DB1EB6A6735E45AF8979C25044FD0FCB Posterior wall of cervical canal 12229 12229 12229 ligament of cervix 279887003 S12229 Ligament of cervix (body structure) E12229 P12229 - P genital system 9F6AFE01A8D34F55908D1EFB60B86012 Ligament of cervix 12230 12230 12230 pubocervical ligament 279888008 S12230 Pubocervical ligament (body structure) E12230 P12230 Y 19113 P genital system C9FFC318D2F24A02A3A4F5B5F9C3CC61 Pubocervical ligament 12231 12231 12231 fornicial surface of vaginal cervix 279890009 S12231 Fornicial surface of vaginal cervix (body structure) E12231 P12231 - P genital system 3953469D08E44D42963FFAE2689E3C8B Fornicial surface of vaginal cervix 12232 12232 12232 anterior fornicial surface of vaginal cervix 279891008 S12232 Anterior fornicial surface of vaginal cervix (body structure) E12232 P12232 - P genital system 654D3A8E89B34685852FDAC2A8D297F1 Anterior fornicial surface of vaginal cervix 12233 12233 12233 posterior fornicial surface of vaginal cervix 279892001 S12233 Posterior fornicial surface of vaginal cervix (body structure) E12233 P12233 - P genital system 0DE8B569967E4D5F97E35DFB5F9CCBDB Posterior fornicial surface of vaginal cervix 12234 12234 12234 lateral fornicial surface of vaginal cervix 279893006 S12234 Lateral fornicial surface of vaginal cervix (body structure) E12234 P12234 Y P genital system 3A8F1358401241CAA29DC1592AED1FAF Lateral fornicial surface of vaginal cervix 12235 12235 12235 inferior surface of vaginal cervix 279894000 S12235 Inferior surface of vaginal cervix (body structure) E12235 P12235 - P genital system 8A3909EAA9B449A891D4742C804B9698 Inferior surface of vaginal cervix 12236 12236 12236 layer of Fallopian tube 279896003 S12236 Layer of Fallopian tube (body structure) E12236 P12236 Y P genital system CEF229BC37C54B8492AC7793CA8F286D Layer of Fallopian tube 12237 12237 12237 surface of Fallopian tube 279897007 S12237 Surface of Fallopian tube (body structure) E12237 P12237 Y 18514 P genital system 5242D9227AFD42B89762ACE7872DDF0E Surface of Fallopian tube 12238 12238 12238 opening of Fallopian tube 279901001 S12238 Opening of Fallopian tube (body structure) E12238 P12238 Y P genital system 9858DB84B0764D13881F37CE14F795BA Opening of Fallopian tube 12239 12239 12239 surface of ovary 279905005 S12239 Surface of ovary (body structure) E12239 P12239 Y 18591 P genital system AD06CD1332504C999D424544F68F3D48 Surface of ovary 12240 12240 12240 border of ovary 279908007 S12240 Border of ovary (body structure) E12240 P12240 Y P genital system 4FE8B221E6F24BEF8751D820CBFE13A8 Border of ovary 12241 12241 12241 pole of ovary 279911008 S12241 Pole of ovary (body structure) E12241 P12241 Y P genital system CC49C42D20FE4C65950B6EE2FB6E97F5 Pole of ovary 12242 12242 12242 ligament of ovary 279915004 S12242 Ligament of ovary (body structure) E12242 P12242 Y P genital system 2517421BA6BB41E68F9E295650B44DC3 Ligament of ovary 12243 12243 12243 Couinaud liver segment 279930008 S12243 Couinaud liver segment (body structure) E12243 P12243 - P digestive system 2B543786AED74253B46AF1D668C25D04 Couinaud liver segment 12244 12244 12244 Hjortso liver segment 279931007 S12244 Hjortso liver segment (body structure) E12244 P12244 - P digestive system 91F35A65BC434B3DB66BFBC69F84B173 Hjortso liver segment 12245 12245 12245 Healey and Schroy liver segment 279932000 S12245 Healey and Schroy liver segment (body structure) E12245 P12245 - P digestive system 4B0F0C0A155C4F48B609FA30A924B4E6 Healey and Schroy liver segment 12246 12246 12246 Hjortso right liver segment 279933005 S12246 Hjortso right liver segment (body structure) E12246 P12246 - R P digestive system 37192B398CEF4C2C8A31BF296A4EF9F3 Hjortso right liver segment 12247 12247 12247 Hjortso left liver segment 279934004 S12247 Hjortso left liver segment (body structure) E12247 P12247 - L P digestive system 539FCA1141C4460DBED8B318B8C9DA15 Hjortso left liver segment 12248 12248 12248 anterior right Hjortso liver segment 279935003 S12248 Anterior right Hjortso liver segment (body structure) E12248 P12248 - R P digestive system 044D64FC2321412B9343275A4DB4BA46 Anterior right Hjortso liver segment 12249 12249 12249 middle right Hjortso liver segment 279936002 S12249 Middle right Hjortso liver segment (body structure) E12249 P12249 - R P digestive system 1F7F6FAADA3447959FE1E92FD635A518 Middle right Hjortso liver segment 12250 12250 12250 posterior right Hjortso liver segment 279937006 S12250 Posterior right Hjortso liver segment (body structure) E12250 P12250 - R P digestive system D753D9D29CEF4D30AB863E7E1D8702F9 Posterior right Hjortso liver segment 12251 12251 12251 anterior left Hjortso liver segment 279938001 S12251 Anterior left Hjortso liver segment (body structure) E12251 P12251 - L P digestive system 44B1496B3A804D01BD678058E158A969 Anterior left Hjortso liver segment 12252 12252 12252 posterior left Hjortso liver segment 279939009 S12252 Posterior left Hjortso liver segment (body structure) E12252 P12252 - L P digestive system 7C57AF9489214D0E82F9DFA22F1582D3 Posterior left Hjortso liver segment 12253 12253 12253 Healey and Schroy right liver segment 279940006 S12253 Healey and Schroy right liver segment (body structure) E12253 P12253 - R P digestive system 4D1599B91DA147CE96835E4174A80BF5 Healey and Schroy right liver segment 12254 12254 12254 Healey and Schroy left liver segment 279941005 S12254 Healey and Schroy left liver segment (body structure) E12254 P12254 - L P digestive system 3DECA5C60F6C4B1194C94F1FA305AE78 Healey and Schroy left liver segment 12255 12255 12255 Healey and Schroy caudate liver segment 279942003 S12255 Healey and Schroy caudate liver segment (body structure) E12255 P12255 - P digestive system 9C9B0E548AAA4E42B4150DBFF41E21C0 Healey and Schroy caudate liver segment 12256 12256 12256 Healey and Schroy superior right liver segment 279943008 S12256 Healey and Schroy superior right liver segment (body structure) E12256 P12256 - R P digestive system 7567A5B23D824B30A9C9DC6D34AF19EF Healey and Schroy superior right liver segment 12257 12257 12257 Healey and Schroy inferior right liver segment 279944002 S12257 Healey and Schroy inferior right liver segment (body structure) E12257 P12257 - R P digestive system E91362D001D7421B84581D875DD2619A Healey and Schroy inferior right liver segment 12258 12258 12258 Healey and Schroy superior left liver segment 279945001 S12258 Healey and Schroy superior left liver segment (body structure) E12258 P12258 - L P digestive system D97F0BCF302242BD9E1BAD4F1324309F Healey and Schroy superior left liver segment 12259 12259 12259 Healey and Schroy inferior left liver segment 279946000 S12259 Healey and Schroy inferior left liver segment (body structure) E12259 P12259 - L P digestive system 9E70EBA957C2412FB4ACFEC6457307F1 Healey and Schroy inferior left liver segment 12260 12260 12260 Healey and Schroy medial superior left liver segment 279947009 S12260 Healey and Schroy medial superior left liver segment (body structure) E12260 P12260 - L P digestive system 59CA239192C44C0E99F53EF3273C4236 Healey and Schroy medial superior left liver segment 12261 12261 12261 Healey and Schroy lateral superior left liver segment 279948004 S12261 Healey and Schroy lateral superior left liver segment (body structure) E12261 P12261 - L P digestive system 4704D7E59A654FCBA50E4C80CB856686 Healey and Schroy lateral superior left liver segment 12262 12262 12262 Healey and Schroy medial inferior left liver segment 279949007 S12262 Healey and Schroy medial inferior left liver segment (body structure) E12262 P12262 - L P digestive system 5A9A665B46E4496EB0517FE16B40CC15 Healey and Schroy medial inferior left liver segment 12263 12263 12263 Healey and Schroy lateral inferior left liver segment 279950007 S12263 Healey and Schroy lateral inferior left liver segment (body structure) E12263 P12263 - L P digestive system 6504B14D6AAC430189106A32E61C1BFB Healey and Schroy lateral inferior left liver segment 12264 12264 12264 Healey and Schroy anterior superior right liver segment 279951006 S12264 Healey and Schroy anterior superior right liver segment (body structure) E12264 P12264 - R P digestive system 93EA76DADE074C518E7DD4FC623BEC56 Healey and Schroy anterior superior right liver segment 12265 12265 12265 Healey and Schroy posterior superior right liver segment 279952004 S12265 Healey and Schroy posterior superior right liver segment (body structure) E12265 P12265 - R P digestive system 24AEDD9DD57E47A39B9CC08AEEE2DFF0 Healey and Schroy posterior superior right liver segment 12266 12266 12266 Healey and Schroy anterior inferior right liver segment 279954003 S12266 Healey and Schroy anterior inferior right liver segment (body structure) E12266 P12266 - R P digestive system E1C288760573448B82619410283BFAAC Healey and Schroy anterior inferior right liver segment 12267 12267 12267 Healey and Schroy posterior inferior right liver segment 279955002 S12267 Healey and Schroy posterior inferior right liver segment (body structure) E12267 P12267 - R P digestive system 97753D43EC7D48D69F5941255FFA82C4 Healey and Schroy posterior inferior right liver segment 12268 12268 12268 Healey and Schroy right caudate liver segment 279956001 S12268 Healey and Schroy right caudate liver segment (body structure) E12268 P12268 - R P digestive system 0F11A97824AE43D886538B08CF0BB580 Healey and Schroy right caudate liver segment 12269 12269 12269 Healey and Schroy left caudate liver segment 279957005 S12269 Healey and Schroy left caudate liver segment (body structure) E12269 P12269 - L P digestive system 27B637552D6149DB9374436ABEB6FA99 Healey and Schroy left caudate liver segment 12270 12270 12270 surface of liver 279958000 S12270 Surface of liver (body structure) E12270 P12270 - 14474 P digestive system FB67F380EFF840A58A95B241651E1C2D Surface of liver 12271 12271 12271 border of liver 279963001 S12271 Border of liver (body structure) E12271 P12271 - P digestive system D679092FE923444E93236173DB33FF28 Border of liver 12272 12272 12272 left border of liver 279964007 S12272 Left border of liver (body structure) E12272 P12272 - L P digestive system D561336433FB4860B3924F1679792577 Left border of liver 12273 12273 12273 peritoneal connection of liver 279966009 S12273 Peritoneal connection of liver (body structure) E12273 P12273 - P digestive system 27AC7806DCE5416DBC3F63BB4C08C309 Peritoneal connection of liver 12274 12274 12274 third of small intestine 279978008 S12274 Third of small intestine (body structure) E12274 P12274 - P digestive system F321CAFE5B3548EA8C5B32D7A600F52B Third of small intestine 12275 12275 12275 surface of pancreas 279984006 S12275 Surface of pancreas (body structure) E12275 P12275 - 14521 P digestive system 1AED8D64F01E407884B15D8ACB8D3189 Surface of pancreas 12276 12276 12276 border of pancreas 279985007 S12276 Border of pancreas (body structure) E12276 P12276 - P digestive system 8C1F046B86D34E6A8860E88DE9395247 Border of pancreas 12277 12277 12277 vertebral epiphysis 279993007 S12277 Vertebral epiphysis (body structure) E12277 P12277 - P skeletal system 6C9F1C06E56C4B3DAC3CD2EA8D751E63 Vertebral epiphysis 12278 12278 12278 scapular epiphysis 279994001 S12278 Scapular epiphysis (body structure) E12278 P12278 Y P skeletal system D9115997DB5C4048B0BBA3C94E8F1BEF Scapular epiphysis 12279 12279 12279 pelvic epiphysis 279996004 S12279 Pelvic epiphysis (body structure) E12279 P12279 Y P musculoskeletal system 6810ADA67B1944EB8E25E5273D546C7F Pelvic epiphysis 12280 12280 12280 curve of stomach 279997008 S12280 Curve of stomach (body structure) E12280 P12280 - P digestive system 391449EE39C44E11B0C89569955C7FFD Curve of stomach 12281 12281 12281 superior epiphyseal ring 280000002 S12281 Superior epiphyseal ring (body structure) E12281 P12281 - P skeletal system 9F9AE9E9E72D43A8BCA9337F914348A7 Superior epiphyseal ring 12282 12282 12282 inferior epiphyseal ring 280001003 S12282 Inferior epiphyseal ring (body structure) E12282 P12282 - P skeletal system 9C86F69F60FD42D3B940EA6E26B7C31E Inferior epiphyseal ring 12283 12283 12283 epiphysis of spinous process 280002005 S12283 Epiphysis of spinous process (body structure) E12283 P12283 - P skeletal system B6FC0F29BE0144279E9D6D70ED921FBF Epiphysis of spinous process 12284 12284 12284 epiphysis of transverse process 280003000 S12284 Epiphysis transverse process (body structure) E12284 P12284 Y P skeletal system 471739F0A90B4A649F17DFE334D4A1BE Epiphysis transverse process 12285 12285 12285 epiphysis of coracoid process 280004006 S12285 Epiphysis of coracoid process (body structure) E12285 P12285 Y P skeletal system 155214ECE653433E9E25EEA709320D32 Epiphysis of coracoid process 12286 12286 12286 epiphysis of acromion 280005007 S12286 Epiphysis of acromion (body structure) E12286 P12286 Y P skeletal system 6C027CCB570F4155B635B2ACEFB12ACA Epiphysis of acromion 12287 12287 12287 epiphysis of medial scapular border 280006008 S12287 Epiphysis of medial scapular border (body structure) E12287 P12287 Y P skeletal system 918D8771585546F09EC3E7CC393658C7 Epiphysis of medial scapular border 12288 12288 12288 epiphysis of iliac crest 280007004 S12288 Epiphysis of iliac crest (body structure) E12288 P12288 Y P skeletal system 0D5C7E3625DC47189C766F9DF18890E5 Epiphysis of iliac crest 12289 12289 12289 epiphysis of ischial tuberosity 280008009 S12289 Epiphysis of ischial tuberosity (body structure) E12289 P12289 Y P musculoskeletal system CA3CAA7E7A544832A5AB268989854EE2 Epiphysis of ischial tuberosity 12290 12290 12290 epiphysis of pubic symphysis 280009001 S12290 Epiphysis of pubic symphysis (body structure) E12290 P12290 Y P musculoskeletal system 57CA590875464BFE95026E6509635B85 Epiphysis of pubic symphysis 12291 12291 12291 epiphysis of pubic tubercle 280010006 S12291 Epiphysis of pubic tubercle (body structure) E12291 P12291 Y P musculoskeletal system CC53F0826D384A4C8FCDB1D7DDAAAB76 Epiphysis of pubic tubercle 12292 12292 12292 epiphysis of anterior inferior iliac spine 280011005 S12292 Epiphysis of anterior inferior iliac spine (body structure) E12292 P12292 Y P skeletal system 7576431EACCC4BA28BA71DE668D9CDCE Epiphysis of anterior inferior iliac spine 12293 12293 12293 distal humeral epiphysis 280012003 S12293 Distal humeral epiphysis (body structure) E12293 P12293 Y 32826 P musculoskeletal system 68E3CDEE5AE5416699390BDA26D68B50 Distal humeral epiphysis 12294 12294 12294 distal ulnar epiphysis 280014002 S12294 Distal ulnar epiphysis (body structure) E12294 302521000 Entire distal end of ulna (body structure) P12294 Y 33754 P skeletal system 27CE2D6ED77C4332853A841CD05EB261 113033288F6941A3968FA435D09EB486 Distal ulnar epiphysis 12296 12296 12296 distal tibial epiphysis 280017009 S12296 Distal tibial epiphysis (body structure) E12296 P12296 Y P skeletal system FB5D1E16EB3E42FCABECA62D9BE080E5 Distal tibial epiphysis 12307 12307 12307 proximal humeral epiphysis 280028008 S12307 Proximal humeral epiphysis (body structure) E12307 P12307 Y 23362 P skeletal system AD23C0E3BD744C98BC8F0CF80F0208D4 Proximal humeral epiphysis 12308 12308 12308 proximal ulnar epiphysis 280030005 S12308 Proximal ulnar epiphysis (body structure) E12308 P12308 Y 33751 P skeletal system 695E0C71F7674C0D98F9E2742AE705FA Proximal ulnar epiphysis 12310 12310 12310 epiphysis of phalanx 280033007 S12310 Epiphysis of phalanx (body structure) E12310 P12310 Y P musculoskeletal system C2AC37B675D64029B0051FF389841A39 Epiphysis of phalanx 12311 12311 12311 proximal tibial epiphysis 280034001 S12311 Proximal tibial epiphysis (body structure) E12311 P12311 Y P skeletal system FBFD8A27CA60460D86DD49A049D2ADEE Proximal tibial epiphysis 12312 12312 12312 proximal fibular epiphysis 280035000 S12312 Proximal fibular epiphysis (body structure) E12312 P12312 Y P skeletal system A2F518B7E888466BBE1C19AC2D1771B4 Proximal fibular epiphysis 12314 12314 12314 epiphysis of tuberosity of fifth metatarsal 280037008 S12314 Structure of fifth metatarsal proximal apophysis (body structure) E12314 P12314 Y P skeletal system 4F4226018EDD4226B6FDACD9D3DB3FB7 fifth metatarsal proximal apophysis 12315 12315 12315 epiphysis of femoral head 280038003 S12315 Epiphysis of femoral head (body structure) E12315 P12315 Y P skeletal system 443FAE088C9F4EF9B1B7D66E1DC5FCEE Epiphysis of femoral head 12316 12316 12316 epiphysis of greater trochanter 280039006 S12316 Epiphysis of greater trochanter (body structure) E12316 P12316 Y P skeletal system B4749A764DED4B45A241341BC1FA16EB Epiphysis of greater trochanter 12317 12317 12317 epiphysis of lesser trochanter 280041007 S12317 Epiphysis of lesser trochanter (body structure) E12317 P12317 Y P skeletal system 947AD0D163AA47B4B88ED3DDE9BB9F19 Epiphysis of lesser trochanter 12318 12318 12318 epiphysis of proximal phalanx of thumb 280042000 S12318 Epiphysis of proximal phalanx of thumb (body structure) E12318 P12318 Y P musculoskeletal system D1CF5AF2309B42898812F723C1BB4540 Epiphysis of proximal phalanx of thumb 12319 12319 12319 epiphysis of distal phalanx of thumb 280043005 S12319 Epiphysis of distal phalanx of thumb (body structure) E12319 P12319 Y P musculoskeletal system 36F1744418F342AE962F2472F562C948 Epiphysis of distal phalanx of thumb 12320 12320 12320 epiphysis of proximal phalanx of finger 280044004 S12320 Epiphysis of proximal phalanx of finger (body structure) E12320 P12320 Y P musculoskeletal system C5D25296513D4C6CBAA1DBB80D1FA6C1 Epiphysis of proximal phalanx of finger 12321 12321 12321 epiphysis of middle phalanx of finger 280045003 S12321 Epiphysis of middle phalanx of finger (body structure) E12321 P12321 Y P musculoskeletal system E260EB49A0174165B336434E71B9C533 Epiphysis of middle phalanx of finger 12322 12322 12322 epiphysis of distal phalanx of finger 280046002 S12322 Epiphysis of distal phalanx of finger (body structure) E12322 P12322 Y 226577 P musculoskeletal system 18409631A4244F36A886DFCACD2CFB56 Epiphysis of distal phalanx of finger 12323 12323 12323 epiphysis of proximal phalanx of toe 280047006 S12323 Epiphysis of proximal phalanx of toe (body structure) E12323 P12323 Y P musculoskeletal system 81D48414E0104C1A9E11EE2FC790AF0A Epiphysis of proximal phalanx of toe 12324 12324 12324 epiphysis middle phalanx of toe 280048001 S12324 Epiphysis of middle phalanx of toe (body structure) E12324 P12324 Y P musculoskeletal system 03DF072432954677925A93B037958580 Epiphysis of middle phalanx of toe 12325 12325 12325 epiphysis of distal phalanx of toe 280049009 S12325 Epiphysis of distal phalanx of toe (body structure) E12325 P12325 Y P musculoskeletal system 8B71649C8A91494B808F1FB47B207C1D Epiphysis of distal phalanx of toe 12326 12326 12326 arcuate ligament of diaphragm 280050009 S12326 Arcuate ligament of diaphragm (body structure) E12326 P12326 - P respiratory system 9282D061DFA748E5BF06B16769033A18 Arcuate ligament of diaphragm 12327 12327 12327 leaf of central tendon 280054000 S12327 Leaf of central tendon (body structure) E12327 P12327 Y P respiratory system B57C8964EDE7408694836468134B6B26 Leaf of central tendon 12328 12328 12328 right leaf of central tendon 280055004 S12328 Right leaf of central tendon (body structure) E12328 P12328 R 58334 P respiratory system 82D4736B59884779976BAA0E1595D3A1 Right leaf of central tendon 12329 12329 12329 left leaf of central tendon 280056003 S12329 Left leaf of central tendon (body structure) E12329 P12329 L 58335 P respiratory system 668806013E77405188E8874A569E5C41 Left leaf of central tendon 12330 12330 12330 middle leaf of central tendon 280057007 S12330 Middle leaf of central tendon (body structure) E12330 P12330 Y 58333 P respiratory system F4437835E60E4515BA24BEC3266C48FA Middle leaf of central tendon 12331 12331 12331 diagonal band of central tendon 280058002 S12331 Diagonal band of central tendon (body structure) E12331 P12331 - P respiratory system BCBA46F431FD4DB7B2DF4B240EDA7A04 Diagonal band of central tendon 12332 12332 12332 cruciate node of central tendon 280059005 S12332 Cruciate node of central tendon (body structure) E12332 P12332 - P respiratory system CBD9E1465B294C14A7B6F258FC811E36 Cruciate node of central tendon 12333 12333 12333 aperture of diaphragm 280060000 S12333 Aperture of diaphragm (body structure) E12333 P12333 - 58291 P respiratory system 46B6B77BAD974527866CF4B145D14B84 Aperture of diaphragm 12335 12335 12335 esophageal aperture of diaphragm 280062008 S12335 Esophageal aperture of diaphragm (body structure) E12335 P12335 - 58289 P respiratory system DCE0322CD8334D1A98CD524F67D1ED98 Esophageal aperture of diaphragm 12337 12337 12337 lesser aperture of diaphragm 280064009 S12337 Lesser aperture of diaphragm (body structure) E12337 P12337 - P respiratory system A7D2C0B668814FE9B6920D8433B20B2B Lesser aperture of diaphragm 12338 12338 12338 cardiac plateau of diaphragm 280065005 S12338 Cardiac plateau of diaphragm (body structure) E12338 P12338 - P respiratory system 433C40523D9E4264A5AE3DBE25F503D6 Cardiac plateau of diaphragm 12339 12339 12339 pineal peduncle 280068007 S12339 Pineal peduncle (body structure) E12339 P12339 - P endocrine system C5B68F9CB75A4238ACC8D3CFD17674ED Pineal peduncle 12341 12341 12341 surface of thyroid lobe 280071004 S12341 Surface of thyroid lobe (body structure) E12341 P12341 Y 55536 P endocrine system 308CF13294D04F5BBF93BC55FE8D661F Surface of thyroid lobe 12342 12342 12342 border of thyroid lobe 280072006 S12342 Border of thyroid lobe (body structure) E12342 P12342 Y 55546 P endocrine system C848CF823CB74DF98E5AAC178E38B8FF Border of thyroid lobe 12343 12343 12343 lateral surface of thyroid lobe 280073001 S12343 Lateral surface of thyroid lobe (body structure) E12343 P12343 Y P endocrine system 08B741D1EE7547DFABB641ED4326B0D0 Lateral surface of thyroid lobe 12344 12344 12344 medial surface of thyroid lobe 280074007 S12344 Medial surface of thyroid lobe (body structure) E12344 P12344 Y 55537 P endocrine system 34C1A7F445F24F6F84FEA1EAF4FD9EAF Medial surface of thyroid lobe 12345 12345 12345 posterolateral surface of thyroid lobe 280075008 S12345 Posterolateral surface of thyroid lobe (body structure) E12345 P12345 Y 55539 P endocrine system 32AA4B8840E645458E8E675E17EFC3BC Posterolateral surface of thyroid lobe 12346 12346 12346 anterior border of thyroid lobe 280076009 S12346 Anterior border of thyroid lobe (body structure) E12346 P12346 Y 55547 P endocrine system 5D1FFBDEC0A24E3BADCDC7C3977A8E7B Anterior border of thyroid lobe 12347 12347 12347 posterior border of thyroid lobe 280077000 S12347 Posterior border of thyroid lobe (body structure) E12347 P12347 Y 55548 P endocrine system BC5C41B873774CF08DD9A6A9E02C6A2C Posterior border of thyroid lobe 12348 12348 12348 layer of adrenal gland 280079002 S12348 Layer of adrenal gland (body structure) E12348 P12348 Y P endocrine system 0357F270C4C44FD88846A1734910CE11 Layer of adrenal gland 12349 12349 12349 base of adrenal gland 280081000 S12349 Base of adrenal gland (body structure) E12349 P12349 Y P endocrine system C6F0195348654BA5898960D18A850B4F Base of adrenal gland 12350 12350 12350 surface of adrenal gland 280082007 S12350 Surface of adrenal gland (body structure) E12350 P12350 Y 37325 P endocrine system 2FBC01A20724444E89089D9CF529D3CF Surface of adrenal gland 12351 12351 12351 lobe of thymus gland 280087001 S12351 Lobe of thymus gland (body structure) E12351 P12351 Y P lymphoid system A361C453B76A44A28BF6E1D042C8E29C Lobe of thymus gland 12352 12352 12352 extensor carpi radialis longus tendon sheath 280095002 S12352 Extensor carpi radialis longus tendon sheath (body structure) E12352 P12352 Y P musculoskeletal system 30BEC727C2634264AB8032A965A41AD0 Extensor carpi radialis longus tendon sheath 12353 12353 12353 extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon sheath 280096001 S12353 Extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon sheath (body structure) E12353 P12353 Y P musculoskeletal system 5169912D6105461AB2453320B8DDEB10 Extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon sheath 12354 12354 12354 extensor pollicis brevis tendon sheath S12354 E12354 280099008 Extensor pollicis brevis tendon sheath (body structure) P12354 Y P musculoskeletal system 821772E17F504B6EB7A234F515C9EBAA Extensor pollicis brevis tendon sheath (body structure) 12355 12355 12355 extensor digitorum tendon sheath S12355 E12355 280100000 Extensor digitorum tendon sheath (body structure) P12355 Y P musculoskeletal system 3A99E9943A2D4E729A2BF2FD78C89E49 Extensor digitorum tendon sheath (body structure) 12360 12360 12360 cremasteric vein 280112001 S12360 Cremasteric vein (body structure) E12360 P12360 Y 21166 P genital system 299A5380C2B449F9BEA766C23ED59243 Cremasteric vein 12362 12362 12362 left superior division bronchus 280118002 S12362 Left superior division bronchus (body structure) E12362 P12362 L P respiratory system F5CC66AFBBFF4C7C96DCA3B2B95AB72A Left superior division bronchus 12363 12363 12363 fascia of leg posterior compartment 280146000 S12363 Fascia of leg posterior compartment (body structure) E12363 P12363 Y P musculoskeletal system 37C8593B21654D87A9AE4D8B84EF7F12 Fascia of leg posterior compartment 12364 12364 12364 fascia of forearm 280148004 S12364 Fascia of forearm (body structure) E12364 P12364 Y P musculoskeletal system 0110EBACCE7748B494A8C1B12476EF4B Fascia of forearm 12365 12365 12365 inlet/outlet muscular septum 280150007 S12365 Inlet/outlet muscular septum (body structure) E12365 P12365 - P cardiovascular system 94D8B06EABFF43BB936D2A5A40FD3EB7 Inlet/outlet muscular septum 12366 12366 12366 muscular atrioventricular septum 280152004 S12366 Muscular atrioventricular septum (body structure) E12366 P12366 - P cardiovascular system DFBF038940A1461EB909C952F034CC03 Muscular atrioventricular septum 12367 12367 12367 fibrous atrioventricular septum 280153009 S12367 Fibrous atrioventricular septum (body structure) E12367 P12367 - P cardiovascular system 36255AD92ED34EB78AA8C30EAC25C3B9 Fibrous atrioventricular septum 12368 12368 12368 cranial nerve root 280161004 S12368 Cranial nerve root (body structure) E12368 P12368 Y 52609 P nervous system 803A68BAFF5A4272BB38DFEA796A3F29 Cranial nerve root 12369 12369 12369 trigeminal nucleus 280164007 S12369 Trigeminal nucleus (body structure) E12369 P12369 Y 71248 P nervous system 1A911E74240C45FFA032377B2AD69947 Trigeminal nucleus 12370 12370 12370 facial nucleus 280166009 S12370 Facial nucleus (body structure) E12370 P12370 Y 54572 P nervous system FD7D740F9F4C44FDB6D1E9DBC0E66047 Facial nucleus 12371 12371 12371 sensory trigeminal nucleus 280170001 S12371 Sensory trigeminal nucleus (body structure) E12371 P12371 Y P nervous system 7D5C9ACB68D84EB9BA47CEA7E4ADCC1B Sensory trigeminal nucleus 12372 12372 12372 facial sensory nucleus 280173004 S12372 Facial sensory nucleus (body structure) E12372 P12372 Y P nervous system 4A8452636D2349C0A9AE4CB4F1B2D7FD Facial sensory nucleus 12373 12373 12373 inferior vestibular nucleus 280175006 S12373 Inferior vestibular nucleus (body structure) E12373 P12373 Y 54608 P special senses organ system 8BDD1668E6894073A135E2539074E041 Inferior vestibular nucleus 12374 12374 12374 glossopharyngeal sensory nucleus 280180002 S12374 Glossopharyngeal sensory nucleus (body structure) E12374 P12374 Y P nervous system 0029F2F3ACF64BFB83C81E955E033A3E Glossopharyngeal sensory nucleus 12375 12375 12375 glossopharyngeal motor nucleus 280181003 S12375 Glossopharyngeal motor nucleus (body structure) E12375 P12375 Y P nervous system 1DB25031774E46F8BA8A43269EF08C4F Glossopharyngeal motor nucleus 12377 12377 12377 root of trigeminal nerve 280185007 S12377 Root of trigeminal nerve (body structure) E12377 P12377 Y 52610 P nervous system 8AEC6A5316FC4EAEAA764954A1959AB6 Root of trigeminal nerve 12378 12378 12378 root of facial nerve 280186008 S12378 Root of facial nerve (body structure) E12378 P12378 Y 53418 P nervous system 490D4E602C7D4B2D992AA552315BA4CB Root of facial nerve 12379 12379 12379 root of accessory nerve 280187004 S12379 Root of accessory nerve (body structure) E12379 P12379 Y P nervous system 187CAC001A184DE08113FC4981A52382 Root of accessory nerve 12380 12380 12380 sensory root of trigeminal nerve 7154008 S12380 Structure of sensory root of trigeminal nerve (body structure) E12380 280188009 Entire sensory root of trigeminal nerve (body structure) P12380 Y 52611 P nervous system 5DB5E47670E1475B9CF0D4A8519AA2EE 781C34AEF2194D2E91F3A9A7C3B6AF09 sensory root of trigeminal nerve Entire sensory root of trigeminal nerve (body structure) 12381 12381 12381 motor root of trigeminal nerve 37609000 S12381 Structure of motor root of trigeminal nerve (body structure) E12381 280189001 Entire motor root of trigeminal nerve (body structure) P12381 Y 52612 P nervous system 8AC8E1FBE8954048B2977EF2D11AE8FE 6BE576E0B7A14E55955C928C29328CC4 motor root of trigeminal nerve Entire motor root of trigeminal nerve (body structure) 12382 12382 12382 motor root of facial nerve 280191009 S12382 Motor root of facial nerve (body structure) E12382 P12382 Y 53419 P nervous system 38260E4C120542C1A0F194BBDC7609C9 Motor root of facial nerve 12383 12383 12383 cranial root of accessory nerve 280192002 S12383 Cranial root of accessory nerve (body structure) E12383 P12383 Y P nervous system 0A9F00E0B2E54B8EA0E7C2D1E070CCBA Cranial root of accessory nerve 12384 12384 12384 spinal root of accessory nerve 280194001 S12384 Spinal root of accessory nerve (body structure) E12384 P12384 Y P nervous system 3251F33711834C3F92D06699C97DA657 Spinal root of accessory nerve 12385 12385 12385 superior glossopharyngeal ganglion 31266009 S12385 Structure of superior glossopharyngeal ganglion (body structure) E12385 280195000 Entire superior glossopharyngeal ganglion (body structure) P12385 Y 53474 P skeletal system D545FDBF21274D228DBDC89700FDE9FF 4921EBE09A6E48FFBB2E5201790C4690 superior glossopharyngeal ganglion Entire superior glossopharyngeal ganglion (body structure) 12386 12386 12386 superior vagus ganglion 280197008 S12386 Superior vagus ganglion (body structure) E12386 P12386 Y 6229 P nervous system DB985F00CD1C4DDB9D787DC1C35C364A Superior vagus ganglion 12390 12390 12390 Killian's dehiscence 280207007 S12390 Killian's dehiscence (body structure) E12390 P12390 Y P digestive system 1DDDEC13149F466D8F1E245CC0D22692 Killian's dehiscence 12392 12392 12392 division of trigeminal nerve 280209005 S12392 Division of trigeminal nerve (body structure) E12392 P12392 Y P nervous system A6F60BF0AC3F46ED8AB01BF77AE2752D Division of trigeminal nerve 12393 12393 12393 branch of ophthalmic nerve 280217002 S12393 Branch of ophthalmic nerve (body structure) E12393 P12393 Y 52624 P nervous system E09E5B8CCD7045FE821508C758A1A503 Branch of ophthalmic nerve 12394 12394 12394 branch of frontal nerve 280221009 S12394 Branch of frontal nerve (body structure) E12394 P12394 Y 52641 P nervous system BA9524246440496DB5F0A5DF3ABBFDFE Branch of frontal nerve 12395 12395 12395 branch of nasociliary nerve 280222002 S12395 Branch of nasociliary nerve (body structure) E12395 P12395 Y 52671 P special senses organ system 49DB3913D2E04A8EB638D261E689DA1E Branch of nasociliary nerve 12396 12396 12396 internal nasal branch of nasociliary nerve 280226004 S12396 Internal nasal branch of nasociliary nerve (body structure) E12396 P12396 Y P special senses organ system CB58ACCEB5C1400FABFEA44F362C6295 Internal nasal branch of nasociliary nerve 12397 12397 12397 long ciliary nerve 71834002 S12397 Long ciliary nerves (body structure) E12397 280228003 Long ciliary nerve (body structure) P12397 Y 52691 P special senses organ system D017862DFFC54523A4E6CA0BDE0675EF 9794048232B7468E92FA7CDE516A85BF Long ciliary nerves Long ciliary nerve (body structure) 12398 12398 12398 branch of maxillary nerve 280231002 S12398 Branch of maxillary nerve (body structure) E12398 P12398 Y 52727 P nervous system 011544A7F0D14AF8918445BF07DC99CA Branch of maxillary nerve 12399 12399 12399 meningeal branch of maxillary nerve 280232009 S12399 Meningeal branch of maxillary nerve (body structure) E12399 P12399 Y P nervous system 0F3E1C5ACC9E49B2960329A6394D2034 Meningeal branch of maxillary nerve 12400 12400 12400 ganglionic branch of maxillary nerve 280233004 S12400 Ganglionic branch of maxillary nerve (body structure) E12400 P12400 Y P nervous system 5B3D7A09FD3C44A08F8D69E0550017B0 Ganglionic branch of maxillary nerve 12401 12401 12401 superior alveolar nerve 280235006 S12401 Superior alveolar nerve (body structure) E12401 P12401 Y 52930 P nervous system 5EF276293935481CABD378C1F6118C17 Superior alveolar nerve 12402 12402 12402 palpebral branch of maxillary nerve 280236007 S12402 Palpebral branch of maxillary nerve (body structure) E12402 P12402 Y P nervous system E75B329EAFB542EC9D27AD26E8BE062E Palpebral branch of maxillary nerve 12403 12403 12403 nasal branch of maxillary nerve 280237003 S12403 Nasal branch of maxillary nerve (body structure) E12403 P12403 Y P nervous system A5796EC4B5284EDC952B475A2A0C1D9E Nasal branch of maxillary nerve 12404 12404 12404 superior labial branch of maxillary nerve 280238008 S12404 Superior labial branch of maxillary nerve (body structure) E12404 P12404 Y P nervous system 2F02809BE1064A2794CCE15DAFAAC4EC Superior labial branch of maxillary nerve 12405 12405 12405 branch of zygomatic nerve 280242006 S12405 Branch of zygomatic nerve (body structure) E12405 P12405 Y 52970 P nervous system CD60E889B1854305AA3B70CD9B0B013C Branch of zygomatic nerve 12406 12406 12406 zygomaticotemporal nerve 280243001 S12406 Zygomaticotemporal nerve (body structure) E12406 P12406 Y P nervous system 019D5673A773494B9C02CEC7AFEA6A13 Zygomaticotemporal nerve 12407 12407 12407 zygomaticofacial nerve 280244007 S12407 Zygomaticofacial nerve (body structure) E12407 P12407 Y P nervous system 6088E54B83D34DDCA8223491CBD2568C Zygomaticofacial nerve 12408 12408 12408 trunk of mandibular nerve 280245008 S12408 Trunk of mandibular nerve (body structure) E12408 P12408 Y 53060 P nervous system 973E68FD3D2D4B2C80D609475FCE2619 Trunk of mandibular nerve 12409 12409 12409 anterior trunk of mandibular nerve 280246009 S12409 Anterior trunk mandibular nerve (body structure) E12409 P12409 Y 53059 P nervous system 2C180CCF2122435CAA74DD67F68690C6 Anterior trunk mandibular nerve 12410 12410 12410 posterior trunk of mandibular nerve 280247000 S12410 Posterior trunk of mandibular nerve (body structure) E12410 P12410 Y 53061 P nervous system 0D168D29E1DC447384CD7EC8259B67EF Posterior trunk of mandibular nerve 12411 12411 12411 branch of mandibular nerve 280248005 S12411 Branch of mandibular nerve (body structure) E12411 P12411 Y 52999 P nervous system DF0295D0DDF54017BB7683403195FE20 Branch of mandibular nerve 12412 12412 12412 nervus spinosus 280249002 S12412 Nervus spinosus (body structure) E12412 P12412 Y 53047 P nervous system 23F4B4030E1C4ACCB51DB1BB4B4078D7 Nervus spinosus 12413 12413 12413 medial pterygoid nerve 43439000 S12413 Medial pterygoid nerve (body structure) E12413 280250002 Nerve to medial pterygoid (body structure) P12413 Y 53056 P nervous system 9C0FEFFBFC474EC7BF64BE6535A665B1 4B83BF40E74041929591DB892472D575 Medial pterygoid nerve Nerve to medial pterygoid (body structure) 12414 12414 12414 branch of anterior trunk of mandibular nerve 280251003 S12414 Branch of anterior trunk of mandibular nerve (body structure) E12414 P12414 Y P nervous system EF53A7CD630145599FCB32BF215DCC35 Branch of anterior trunk of mandibular nerve 12415 12415 12415 branch of posterior trunk of mandibular nerve 280252005 S12415 Branch of posterior trunk of mandibular nerve (body structure) E12415 P12415 Y P nervous system EDF8744391D64EFC93A8EA05BFFA6232 Branch of posterior trunk of mandibular nerve 12416 12416 12416 lateral pterygoid nerve 48852002 S12416 Lateral pterygoid nerve (body structure) E12416 280256008 Nerve to lateral pterygoid (body structure) P12416 Y 53107 P nervous system BAD307B1C6B14BC6B2677535597D232E 47B2BC56CC7746F6A24719638DB120EB Lateral pterygoid nerve Nerve to lateral pterygoid (body structure) 12417 12417 12417 anterior deep temporal nerve 280257004 S12417 Anterior deep temporal nerve (body structure) E12417 P12417 Y 53112 P nervous system 60DCCB9DA12645B398B6C5E064C32B12 Anterior deep temporal nerve 12418 12418 12418 posterior deep temporal nerve 280258009 S12418 Posterior deep temporal nerve (body structure) E12418 P12418 Y 53113 P nervous system 3D94C8A3AF2B41368A15ABFFB6900164 Posterior deep temporal nerve 12419 12419 12419 branch of auriculotemporal nerve 280262003 S12419 Branch of auriculotemporal nerve (body structure) E12419 P12419 Y 53195 P nervous system 3FB8B87D364240FFAA7C63BD72A66FB3 Branch of auriculotemporal nerve 12420 12420 12420 branch of inferior alveolar nerve 280263008 S12420 Branch of inferior alveolar nerve (body structure) E12420 P12420 Y 53246 P nervous system 656E501EEBF740B8BFD1CBE96EFF1247 Branch of inferior alveolar nerve 12421 12421 12421 anterior auricular nerve 280264002 S12421 Anterior auricular nerve (body structure) E12421 P12421 Y 53212 P nervous system 7620ADF121E4406397F951CDD7C65CAA Anterior auricular nerve 12422 12422 12422 parotid branch of auriculotemporal nerve 280265001 S12422 Parotid branch of auriculotemporal nerve (body structure) E12422 P12422 Y 53206 P nervous system B6B83C15BA6545749183C7157A5A4D5B Parotid branch of auriculotemporal nerve 12423 12423 12423 articular branch of auriculotemporal nerve 280266000 S12423 Articular branch of auriculotemporal nerve (body structure) E12423 P12423 Y P nervous system 1E1E045629F949BB83A9801B72EB95FD Articular branch of auriculotemporal nerve 12425 12425 12425 accessory dental nerve 280268004 S12425 Accessory dental nerve (body structure) E12425 P12425 Y P nervous system 07A911AA381942EE8FA301D2DEAD6F41 Accessory dental nerve 12426 12426 12426 mylohyoid nerve 280269007 S12426 Mylohyoid nerve (body structure) E12426 P12426 Y 53247 P nervous system C9821EBBA3CC4C6B966F5D354EA07405 Mylohyoid nerve 12427 12427 12427 branch of facial nerve 280270008 S12427 Branch of facial nerve (body structure) E12427 P12427 Y 53438 P nervous system 7ADB3C2D6286456FAA1A0BDB1D60001D Branch of facial nerve 12428 12428 12428 facial nerve branch in facial canal 280271007 S12428 Facial nerve branch in facial canal (body structure) E12428 P12428 Y P nervous system 8BC6977062D7444396B672F172AE3F5C Facial nerve branch in facial canal 12429 12429 12429 greater petrosal nerve 33333000 S12429 Structure of greater superficial petrosal nerve (body structure) E12429 280272000 Entire greater petrosal nerve (body structure) P12429 Y 53417 P nervous system CB0A542CF2F141A28C5A59F21DFE360F 91737AE6F7FD4362BC8B3681377EBA5B greater superficial petrosal nerve Entire greater petrosal nerve (body structure) 12430 12430 12430 nerve of the pterygoid canal 280273005 S12430 Nerve of the pterygoid canal (body structure) E12430 P12430 Y 67584 P nervous system 93719FC27FB545ADAAAAE91522AC6B82 Nerve of the pterygoid canal 12431 12431 12431 nerve to stapedius 280275003 S12431 Nerve to stapedius (body structure) E12431 P12431 Y 53275 P nervous system 27DF93E58C154BDC9D8A27DDD4F33E9A Nerve to stapedius 12432 12432 12432 facial nerve branch at exit from stylomastoid foramen 280276002 S12432 Facial nerve branch at exit from stylomastoid foramen (body structure) E12432 P12432 Y P nervous system 21195FB7CD9B406FA78A5E3EC6F74321 Facial nerve branch at exit from stylomastoid foramen 12433 12433 12433 nerve to stylohyoid 280278001 S12433 Nerve to stylohyoid (body structure) E12433 P12433 Y 53298 P nervous system 1DD2F3C88E154681A6E441FA2793474F Nerve to stylohyoid 12434 12434 12434 nerve to posterior belly of digastric 280279009 S12434 Nerve to posterior belly of digastric (body structure) E12434 P12434 Y P nervous system B7FBB3E5BA27427089D2CF45E99A6EEE Nerve to posterior belly of digastric 12435 12435 12435 facial nerve branch on face 280280007 S12435 Facial nerve branch on face (body structure) E12435 P12435 Y P nervous system AB7FDC65219348F69EE3065BB82BDEF7 Facial nerve branch on face 12436 12436 12436 buccal branch of facial nerve 280282004 S12436 Buccal branch of facial nerve (body structure) E12436 P12436 Y 53310 P nervous system 875C69702A904828A38A258BB45DCB92 Buccal branch of facial nerve 12437 12437 12437 cervical branch of facial nerve 280284003 S12437 Cervical branch of facial nerve (body structure) E12437 P12437 Y 53396 P nervous system A893DF8D26F64DE0A25B3856C4B9A78C Cervical branch of facial nerve 12438 12438 12438 branch of glossopharyngeal nerve 280287005 S12438 Branch of glossopharyngeal nerve (body structure) E12438 P12438 Y 53470 P nervous system 5A08CF674C9642ECAC7FF3372D3FB396 Branch of glossopharyngeal nerve 12440 12440 12440 carotid branch of glossopharyngeal nerve 280290004 S12440 Carotid branch of glossopharyngeal nerve (body structure) E12440 P12440 Y P nervous system 7F11C6E29F454602B2D0E880B68FFCF1 Carotid branch of glossopharyngeal nerve 12441 12441 12441 pharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve 280291000 S12441 Pharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve (body structure) E12441 P12441 Y 53486 P nervous system ECD52AD38D74497CAC281196134F8D1E Pharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve 12442 12442 12442 tonsillar branch of glossopharyngeal nerve 280292007 S12442 Tonsillar branch of glossopharyngeal nerve (body structure) E12442 P12442 Y 53489 P nervous system 096A7BA05D284236BFA817660AE73E29 Tonsillar branch of glossopharyngeal nerve 12443 12443 12443 lingual branch of glossopharyngeal nerve 280293002 S12443 Lingual branch of glossopharyngeal nerve (body structure) E12443 P12443 Y 53490 P nervous system AE2784A4D1A640CFB57EEAA93A7F5613 Lingual branch of glossopharyngeal nerve 12445 12445 12445 vagus nerve meningeal branch 280295009 S12445 Meningeal branch of vagus nerve (body structure) E12445 P12445 Y 6231 P nervous system 36CCB1B61D2F4536AA4F8CF28E407BDF Meningeal branch of vagus nerve 12446 12446 12446 vagus nerve auricular branch 34292001 S12446 Structure of vagus nerve auricular branch (body structure) E12446 280297001 Entire auricular branch of vagus (body structure) P12446 Y 6232 P nervous system E1BBFEFBBF494C12B0DE4A91F476417C 6EC57388DD9C427890DF21513F9AD3B3 vagus nerve auricular branch Entire auricular branch of vagus (body structure) 12447 12447 12447 vagus nerve pharyngeal branch 280298006 S12447 Pharyngeal branch of vagus (body structure) E12447 P12447 Y 6234 P digestive system 95D042FDAF1C4F1DBFC8C25C7B143B13 Pharyngeal branch of vagus 12448 12448 12448 right recurrent laryngeal nerve 280299003 S12448 Right recurrent laryngeal nerve (body structure) E12448 P12448 R 14468 P nervous system BE265C0EED604E48B8FFAD7FD67F3B9E Right recurrent laryngeal nerve 12449 12449 12449 left recurrent laryngeal nerve 280300006 S12449 Left recurrent laryngeal nerve (body structure) E12449 P12449 L 14469 P nervous system 042A7ED5992D40D38A3B622ED035586C Left recurrent laryngeal nerve 12450 12450 12450 vagus nerve cardiac branch 27022003 S12450 Structure of vagus nerve cardiac thoracic branch (body structure) E12450 280301005 Entire cardiac branch of vagus (body structure) P12450 Y 53601 P nervous system 75206DF5BF4D4BBD9EEFD6E08EC346EE 9FE48A29DA4C4159A3509E09EBF4E558 vagus nerve cardiac thoracic branch Entire cardiac branch of vagus (body structure) 12451 12451 12451 vagus nerve pulmonary branch 280302003 S12451 Pulmonary branch of vagus (body structure) E12451 P12451 Y P nervous system D6E9478C458D4AADB262EAEAC7518EDD Pulmonary branch of vagus 12452 12452 12452 vagus nerve esophageal branch 40508004 S12452 Structure of vagus nerve esophageal branch (body structure) E12452 280303008 Entire esophageal branch of vagus (body structure) P12452 Y P nervous system 3590F0613C6B48F4BA6F2FEDDE31DE79 8B506D7800B246BAB43FEC1E92EC68C1 vagus nerve esophageal branch Entire esophageal branch of vagus (body structure) 12453 12453 12453 vagus nerve gastric branch 76342007 S12453 Structure of vagus nerve gastric branch (body structure) E12453 280304002 Entire gastric branch of vagus (body structure) P12453 Y 78582 P nervous system 45E19896BDBA413FA6768C1D13234E42 AFA9B4619EC94F9BA2C36077D525A57D vagus nerve gastric branch Entire gastric branch of vagus (body structure) 12454 12454 12454 vagus nerve hepatic branch 40832004 S12454 Structure of vagus nerve hepatic branch (body structure) E12454 280306000 Entire hepatic branch of vagus (body structure) P12454 Y P nervous system 7466F54720F543D6A3FB5A66DAE252E9 28B9AEBDEFB64132B14DBBB9446B4ED5 vagus nerve hepatic branch Entire hepatic branch of vagus (body structure) 12455 12455 12455 vagus nerve renal branch 32264005 S12455 Vagus nerve renal branches (body structure) E12455 280307009 Renal branch of vagus (body structure) P12455 Y 75519 P nervous system 7B502548093B4C4AB21720CB480B171D 1827A92CEAED46888753615EC880CDEF Vagus nerve renal branches Renal branch of vagus (body structure) 12456 12456 12456 trunk of vagus nerve 280308004 S12456 Trunk of vagus nerve (body structure) E12456 P12456 Y 6221 P nervous system DAC6FF86E00644C89D6F63E4114574BD Trunk of vagus nerve 12457 12457 12457 branch of hypoglossal nerve 280310002 S12457 Branch of hypoglossal nerve (body structure) E12457 P12457 Y 54399 P nervous system F54D0A696A734DDDA83EFA45AD8BE65B Branch of hypoglossal nerve 12458 12458 12458 meningeal branch of hypoglossal nerve 280311003 S12458 Meningeal branch of hypoglossal nerve (body structure) E12458 P12458 Y 54400 P nervous system E36FEE1A8B4048709FD87D325A3A8D16 Meningeal branch of hypoglossal nerve 12459 12459 12459 descending branch of hypoglossal nerve S12459 E12459 280312005 Descendens hypoglossi (body structure) P12459 Y 54402 P nervous system E6CF698DC0FC47588725EB2BD1CAA5DF Descendens hypoglossi (body structure) 12460 12460 12460 nerve to thyrohyoid 280313000 S12460 Nerve to thyrohyoid (body structure) E12460 P12460 Y 55152 P nervous system 24373E0C6A4A4761A3697988EF86169B Nerve to thyrohyoid 12461 12461 12461 nerve to geniohyoid 280315007 S12461 Nerve to geniohyoid (body structure) E12461 P12461 Y 54404 P nervous system AB911F15B44B4248BA82B7EDF1AB3891 Nerve to geniohyoid 12462 12462 12462 nerve to styloglossus 280316008 S12462 Nerve to styloglossus (body structure) E12462 P12462 Y 54405 P nervous system B79C686BA81544D1BB6780608E4F1834 Nerve to styloglossus 12463 12463 12463 nerve to hyoglossus 280317004 S12463 Nerve to hyoglossus (body structure) E12463 P12463 Y 54406 P nervous system EEFDF29D94854BAFA1DF45DBC1CC98BD Nerve to hyoglossus 12464 12464 12464 nerve to genioglossus 280318009 S12464 Nerve to genioglossus (body structure) E12464 P12464 Y 54407 P nervous system FDD16217A3814989834C6BDEA781A196 Nerve to genioglossus 12465 12465 12465 root of cervical plexus 280322004 S12465 Root of cervical plexus (body structure) E12465 P12465 Y P nervous system F65A88C9219D401EBCAEC1BDAEBB0A55 Root of cervical plexus 12466 12466 12466 branch of cervical plexus 280323009 S12466 Branch of cervical plexus (body structure) E12466 P12466 Y 0 P nervous system 587291F027FC46BBBAE15896FADC8849 Branch of cervical plexus 12467 12467 12467 superficial branch of cervical plexus 280324003 S12467 Superficial branch of cervical plexus (body structure) E12467 P12467 Y P nervous system C2E793A44B1C4AB697436C415773ACF9 Superficial branch of cervical plexus 12468 12468 12468 deep branch of cervical plexus 280325002 S12468 Deep branch of cervical plexus (body structure) E12468 P12468 Y P nervous system 9253A486CAEE494783CCC051968B8899 Deep branch of cervical plexus 12469 12469 12469 ascending superficial branch of cervical plexus 280326001 S12469 Ascending superficial branch of cervical plexus (body structure) E12469 P12469 Y 6870 P nervous system 00F2FEED9782467681E95CDBB5A36659 Ascending superficial branch of cervical plexus 12470 12470 12470 descending superficial branch of cervical plexus 280327005 S12470 Descending superficial branch of cervical plexus (body structure) E12470 P12470 Y 55161 P nervous system EF4CD9A181264F3C89E5FFDE7A4DF3FD Descending superficial branch of cervical plexus 12471 12471 12471 supraclavicular nerve 62933005 S12471 Supraclavicular nerves (body structure) E12471 280328000 Supraclavicular nerve (body structure) P12471 Y 288493 P nervous system F32B4A0EE0344D418911D4011E9F16EE 640C4B67A44F4A6294D7188BDBD94B0B Supraclavicular nerves Supraclavicular nerve (body structure) 12472 12472 12472 medial supraclavicular nerve 9732008 S12472 Medial supraclavicular nerves (body structure) E12472 280329008 Medial supraclavicular nerve (body structure) P12472 Y 78648 P nervous system A5E823EEA4364780A9EADEE4CA381BA6 C2465FA0FDC54F91BACCC1F2F31AD50F Medial supraclavicular nerves Medial supraclavicular nerve (body structure) 12473 12473 12473 intermediate supraclavicular nerve 29473009 S12473 Intermediate supraclavicular nerves (body structure) E12473 280330003 Intermediate supraclavicular nerve (body structure) P12473 Y 78651 P nervous system C02A5B53CF854BAFA6305515D43E71BD 3A21F584FE094543A0D1BD8C49FB7A30 Intermediate supraclavicular nerves Intermediate supraclavicular nerve (body structure) 12474 12474 12474 lateral supraclavicular nerve 85168005 S12474 Lateral posterior supraclavicular nerves (body structure) E12474 280331004 Posterior supraclavicular nerve (body structure) P12474 Y 78654 P nervous system BCB54FC305D14C0A9DA43AD3802384E4 9875756FDD4643B081FD4A7EB1A4856E Lateral posterior supraclavicular nerves Posterior supraclavicular nerve (body structure) 12475 12475 12475 lateral deep branch of cervical plexus 280332006 S12475 Lateral deep branch of cervical plexus (body structure) E12475 P12475 Y 78658 P nervous system 07F496D8D5CF40FBB0A40FBD183713FB Lateral deep branch of cervical plexus 12476 12476 12476 medial deep branch of cervical plexus 280333001 S12476 Medial deep branch of cervical plexus (body structure) E12476 P12476 Y 78657 P nervous system 77DAF43B628840D98B6727A0E7FCAD37 Medial deep branch of cervical plexus 12477 12477 12477 nerve to sternomastoid 280334007 S12477 Nerve to sternomastoid (body structure) E12477 P12477 Y P nervous system CADAEC99ECCC4D7E97D2414BE1EA36E2 Nerve to sternomastoid 12478 12478 12478 nerve to trapezius 280335008 S12478 Nerve to trapezius (body structure) E12478 P12478 Y P nervous system 5F55F0B99E3A47539DC01527EC3D67BA Nerve to trapezius 12479 12479 12479 nerve to levator scapulae 280336009 S12479 Nerve to levator scapulae (body structure) E12479 P12479 Y P nervous system C8168E8AF024445981FE0056FA2EB3D0 Nerve to levator scapulae 12480 12480 12480 nerve to scalenus anterior 280337000 S12480 Nerve to scalenus anterior (body structure) E12480 P12480 Y P nervous system 9D0E53A5719B484994B00B517E167066 Nerve to scalenus anterior 12481 12481 12481 nerve to scalenus medius 280338005 S12481 Nerve to scalenus medius (body structure) E12481 P12481 Y P nervous system FFA35746AD3046C2A0951A07CEF2BF18 Nerve to scalenus medius 12482 12482 12482 nerve to rectus capitis lateralis 280339002 S12482 Nerve to rectus capitis lateralis (body structure) E12482 P12482 Y 6189 P nervous system 398BEB25D3324FE385317F4DF84F79A0 Nerve to rectus capitis lateralis 12483 12483 12483 nerve to rectus capitis anterior 280340000 S12483 Nerve to rectus capitis anterior (body structure) E12483 P12483 Y 6190 P nervous system D1AC6EBF5C504D089C2E9D65C276F93B Nerve to rectus capitis anterior 12484 12484 12484 nerve to longus capitis 280341001 S12484 Nerve to longus capitis (body structure) E12484 P12484 Y 55185 P nervous system 90E6229B201247E7B3E177B7B7234F0E Nerve to longus capitis 12485 12485 12485 nerve to longus colli 280342008 S12485 Nerve to longus colli (body structure) E12485 P12485 Y P nervous system D9D20218478D499C9157C61B4879BD56 Nerve to longus colli 12487 12487 12487 root of lumbar plexus 280346006 S12487 Root of lumbar plexus (body structure) E12487 P12487 Y P nervous system A9DAF14B11E04F7FAFD9964A96AE01B1 Root of lumbar plexus 12488 12488 12488 branch of lumbar plexus 280347002 S12488 Branch of lumbar plexus (body structure) E12488 P12488 Y 16479 P nervous system 85E672C4FD65472994A697F63652586D Branch of lumbar plexus 12489 12489 12489 accessory obturator nerve 280348007 S12489 Accessory obturator nerve (body structure) E12489 P12489 Y P nervous system 649E648D428B4A7B89EDBE854150EC6D Accessory obturator nerve 12490 12490 12490 root of sacral plexus 280349004 S12490 Root of sacral plexus (body structure) E12490 P12490 Y P nervous system A2B38D906B344C48A1BE9B9865072913 Root of sacral plexus 12491 12491 12491 branch of sacral plexus 280350004 S12491 Branch of sacral plexus (body structure) E12491 P12491 Y 16480 P nervous system B316227937A7477FAA78BFE56E3FDB72 Branch of sacral plexus 12492 12492 12492 nerve to quadratus femoris 280351000 S12492 Nerve to quadratus femoris (body structure) E12492 P12492 Y 78705 P nervous system 9A1917A45CEE40F19EA680A3C8A607D7 Nerve to quadratus femoris 12493 12493 12493 nerve to obturator internus 280352007 S12493 Nerve to obturator internus (body structure) E12493 P12493 Y 78711 P nervous system 563961B426774E3289E3BB99763FF82A Nerve to obturator internus 12494 12494 12494 nerve to piriformis 280353002 S12494 Nerve to piriformis (body structure) E12494 P12494 Y 16509 P nervous system 1EE239A92B474A45A7FE98797491AEF1 Nerve to piriformis 12495 12495 12495 nerve to levator ani 280354008 S12495 Nerve to levator ani (body structure) E12495 P12495 Y 66048 P nervous system 3CE42ADA7594481C83CC6E2F01D529CF Nerve to levator ani 12497 12497 12497 intracranial ganglion 280362000 S12497 Intracranial ganglion (body structure) E12497 P12497 Y P nervous system D675C66AFBFA44CFBE0AD8F1111DA8B8 Intracranial ganglion 12498 12498 12498 extracranial cranial nerve ganglion 280363005 S12498 Extracranial cranial nerve ganglion (body structure) E12498 P12498 Y P nervous system A6B05E41477547A0B2C446B5EA262783 Extracranial cranial nerve ganglion 12500 12500 12500 brain meningeal space 280367006 S12500 Brain meningeal space (body structure) E12500 P12500 - P nervous system CB3E2FA62BA446BFA2AE989B9719E6B4 Brain meningeal space 12501 12501 12501 spinal cord meningeal space 280368001 S12501 Spinal cord meningeal space (body structure) E12501 P12501 - P nervous system FD7A9834020141E29C2EDC7F4FA600CA Spinal cord meningeal space 12502 12502 12502 brain cerebrospinal fluid pathway 280371009 S12502 Brain cerebrospinal fluid pathway (body structure) E12502 P12502 - P nervous system A48B62205DAF41F4B67780D5257E7001 Brain cerebrospinal fluid pathway 12503 12503 12503 orbital gyrus 45343002 S12503 Structure of orbital gyrus (body structure) E12503 280372002 Entire orbital gyrus (body structure) P12503 Y 256194 P nervous system 5DC4E02164BA401D8364961227EA3B25 F0C5BFD1DE07499FBE52714779BDAD9D orbital gyrus Entire orbital gyrus (body structure) 12504 12504 12504 frontal lobe sulcus 280373007 S12504 Frontal lobe sulcus (body structure) E12504 P12504 Y P nervous system 3360B62F13074C518A1BFB9FFB051449 Frontal lobe sulcus 12505 12505 12505 temporal lobe sulcus 280374001 S12505 Temporal lobe sulcus (body structure) E12505 P12505 Y P nervous system 509E71B24CD644CFA746C0EE7F26C3D2 Temporal lobe sulcus 12506 12506 12506 cervical extradural space S12506 E12506 280397003 Cervical extradural space (body structure) P12506 - 71232 P nervous system 0786D383AA5241C999138E007CCFACAF Cervical extradural space (body structure) 12507 12507 12507 thoracic extradural space S12507 E12507 280398008 Dorsal extradural space (body structure) P12507 - 71233 P nervous system D0E1F0D529074E0DB54F073EDB6D3AF9 Dorsal extradural space (body structure) 12508 12508 12508 lumbar extradural space S12508 E12508 280399000 Lumbar extradural space (body structure) P12508 - 71234 P nervous system F4C281C0F69A4B6CAC7D008FA928A7D8 Lumbar extradural space (body structure) 12509 12509 12509 sacral extradural space S12509 E12509 280400007 Sacral extradural space (body structure) P12509 - P nervous system 830C461A64AF4B77B5F5D941B27449BE Sacral extradural space (body structure) 12510 12510 12510 spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway 280401006 S12510 Spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway (body structure) E12510 P12510 - P nervous system B3E4E67113354247B56F1D02D9610F1C Spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway 12511 12511 12511 cervical spinal cord central canal 280403009 S12511 Cervical spinal cord central canal (body structure) E12511 P12511 - 0 P nervous system 57A2A0C5F30A44DDB51041C1413436D9 Cervical spinal cord central canal 12513 12513 12513 lumbar spinal cord central canal 280406001 S12513 Lumbar spinal cord central canal (body structure) E12513 P12513 - 0 P nervous system AB0EEE4B953249B7BB69BDEB218B7C57 Lumbar spinal cord central canal 12514 12514 12514 sacral central spinal cord canal 280407005 S12514 Sacral central spinal cord canal (body structure) E12514 P12514 - 0 P nervous system C09E5DFADFD848E1A02FD007364AE3A3 Sacral central spinal cord canal 12515 12515 12515 substantia gelatinosa 33138000 S12515 Structure of substantia gelatinosa of posterior horn of spinal cord (body structure) E12515 280409008 Entire substantia gelatinosa of posterior horn of spinal cord (body structure) P12515 Y 74019 P nervous system 6F61E91F956C4CEDAA8F029CF2617D39 CE4916A4357748B1B942EA4FC611F886 substantia gelatinosa of posterior horn of spinal cord Entire substantia gelatinosa of posterior horn of spinal cord (body structure) 12517 12517 12517 spinothalamic tract 280417000 S12517 Spinothalamic tract (body structure) E12517 P12517 Y P nervous system 015317E95AFC44BB8E859471A6EB64E8 Spinothalamic tract 12519 12519 12519 hip joint synovial membrane 280447003 S12519 Hip joint synovium (body structure) E12519 P12519 Y P musculoskeletal system 9CF7C61D59C344A689EDDE323A5410D0 Hip joint synovium 12520 12520 12520 knee joint synovial membrane 280448008 S12520 Knee joint synovium (body structure) E12520 P12520 Y 43612 P articular system 5D62895E6E4D4D5B885914F76E53FDC2 Knee joint synovium 12521 12521 12521 ankle joint synovial membrane 280449000 S12521 Ankle joint synovium (body structure) E12521 P12521 Y P articular system 30AB3C89954C47B8A900165A05DF6200 Ankle joint synovium 12522 12522 12522 finger joint synovial membrane 280450000 S12522 Finger joint synovium (body structure) E12522 P12522 Y P musculoskeletal system 75C7EB52932E4F4183F1A7BB3E4E1804 Finger joint synovium 12524 12524 12524 joint of hallux 280456006 S12524 Joint of hallux (body structure) E12524 P12524 Y P musculoskeletal system B8EF5075D1D244139908F96AECEA92BF Joint of hallux 12525 12525 12525 joint of lesser toe 280457002 S12525 Joint of lesser toe (body structure) E12525 P12525 Y P musculoskeletal system 3DC56D9072EA483FA25B5E79390F7428 Joint of lesser toe 12526 12526 12526 interphalangeal joint of lesser toe 280459004 S12526 Interphalangeal joint of lesser toe (body structure) E12526 P12526 Y P musculoskeletal system 6BFFFCB8D7ED410BA9715CE3DBA83ABF Interphalangeal joint of lesser toe 12527 12527 12527 deciduous upper second molar tooth socket S12527 E12527 280465004 Primary upper second molar tooth socket (body structure) P12527 socket of tooth, molar, second, primary, upper Y P digestive system CA207C1356314679B4600B3739D44D50 Primary upper second molar tooth socket (body structure) 12528 12528 12528 deciduous upper first molar tooth socket S12528 E12528 280467007 Primary upper first molar tooth socket (body structure) P12528 socket of tooth, molar, first, primary, upper Y P digestive system 8DD16054A4614D2CB13A8A2BCFDC3786 Primary upper first molar tooth socket (body structure) 12529 12529 12529 deciduous upper canine tooth socket S12529 E12529 280471005 Primary upper canine tooth socket (body structure) P12529 socket of tooth, canine, primary, upper Y P digestive system 671753DC8A8E4DEC9AF15A65274F6F31 Primary upper canine tooth socket (body structure) 12530 12530 12530 deciduous upper lateral incisor tooth socket S12530 E12530 280472003 Primary upper lateral incisor tooth socket (body structure) P12530 socket of tooth, incisor, lateral, primary, upper Y P digestive system BA301B9321CE425482784FD6FDCD3265 Primary upper lateral incisor tooth socket (body structure) 12531 12531 12531 deciduous upper central incisor tooth socket S12531 E12531 280473008 Primary upper central incisor tooth socket (body structure) P12531 socket of tooth, incisor, central, primary, upper Y P digestive system F9C486D566C3406C8616F648F951C163 Primary upper central incisor tooth socket (body structure) 12532 12532 12532 upper third molar tooth socket S12532 E12532 280474002 Permanent upper third molar tooth socket (body structure) P12532 socket of tooth, molar, third, permanent, upper Y 58049 P digestive system 7F7EAA0DE4E04D32AE18D973D44FEFF6 Permanent upper third molar tooth socket (body structure) 12533 12533 12533 permanent upper second molar tooth socket S12533 E12533 280476000 Permanent upper second molar tooth socket (body structure) P12533 socket of tooth, molar, second, permanent, upper Y P digestive system 62BBC9769B7443FCA4F31F9817D4BF93 Permanent upper second molar tooth socket (body structure) 12534 12534 12534 permanent upper first molar tooth socket S12534 E12534 280477009 Permanent upper first molar tooth socket (body structure) P12534 socket of tooth, molar, first, permanent, upper Y P digestive system E344ABE4E28D49EEA337FD03E4185545 Permanent upper first molar tooth socket (body structure) 12535 12535 12535 upper second premolar tooth socket S12535 E12535 280479007 Permanent upper second premolar tooth socket (body structure) P12535 socket of tooth, premolar, second, permanent, upper Y P digestive system DCE4C2EC209B402BB1B1188C1FD2A8F6 Permanent upper second premolar tooth socket (body structure) 12536 12536 12536 upper first premolar tooth socket S12536 E12536 280481009 Permanent upper first premolar tooth socket (body structure) P12536 socket of tooth, premolar, first, permanent, upper Y P digestive system 6586219F3A9442F097A77F1590ED6CCA Permanent upper first premolar tooth socket (body structure) 12537 12537 12537 permanent upper canine tooth socket S12537 E12537 280482002 Permanent upper canine tooth socket (body structure) P12537 socket of tooth, canine, permanent, upper Y P digestive system 0D265E59F4C7494B86A6B3D473937555 Permanent upper canine tooth socket (body structure) 12538 12538 12538 permanent upper lateral incisor tooth socket S12538 E12538 280484001 Permanent upper lateral incisor tooth socket (body structure) P12538 socket of tooth, incisor, lateral, permanent, upper Y P digestive system C17EFA13AA63442F8352C9F5094D2F1B Permanent upper lateral incisor tooth socket (body structure) 12539 12539 12539 permanent upper central incisor tooth socket S12539 E12539 280485000 Permanent upper central incisor tooth socket (body structure) P12539 socket of tooth, incisor, central, permanent, upper Y P digestive system 38E29C49B2D44AC4AA64EE475B0FC3B0 Permanent upper central incisor tooth socket (body structure) 12540 12540 12540 deciduous lower second molar tooth socket S12540 E12540 280489006 Primary lower second molar tooth socket (body structure) P12540 socket of tooth, molar, second, primary, lower Y P digestive system 0D8280F382E542649BA0201C392EE551 Primary lower second molar tooth socket (body structure) 12541 12541 12541 deciduous lower first molar tooth socket S12541 E12541 280490002 Primary lower first molar tooth socket (body structure) P12541 socket of tooth, molar, first, primary, lower Y P digestive system 93F928D5843847FDB57FDCC107608E6F Primary lower first molar tooth socket (body structure) 12542 12542 12542 deciduous lower canine tooth socket S12542 E12542 280491003 Primary lower canine tooth socket (body structure) P12542 socket of tooth, canine, primary, lower Y P digestive system FC970D16E4EB420FAD15CF92EE7A6F93 Primary lower canine tooth socket (body structure) 12543 12543 12543 deciduous lower lateral incisor tooth socket S12543 E12543 280492005 Primary lower lateral incisor tooth socket (body structure) P12543 socket of tooth, incisor, lateral, primary, lower Y P digestive system 6A809835118F4F4799CE87362A050D0B Primary lower lateral incisor tooth socket (body structure) 12544 12544 12544 deciduous lower central incisor tooth socket S12544 E12544 280493000 Primary lower central incisor tooth socket (body structure) P12544 socket of tooth, incisor, central, primary, lower Y P digestive system 86F6801EA24B46AEBC7A81EDD523C300 Primary lower central incisor tooth socket (body structure) 12545 12545 12545 lower third molar tooth socket S12545 E12545 280494006 Permanent lower third molar tooth socket (body structure) P12545 socket of tooth, molar, third, permanent, lower Y 58039 P digestive system 83637C4CA1D6459796C9CA5EFD7B04EB Permanent lower third molar tooth socket (body structure) 12546 12546 12546 permanent lower second molar tooth socket S12546 E12546 280495007 Permanent lower second molar tooth socket (body structure) P12546 socket of tooth, molar, second, permanent, lower Y P digestive system 8103A8D23C1D4C9EB5460D94E52F0B85 Permanent lower second molar tooth socket (body structure) 12547 12547 12547 permanent lower first molar tooth socket S12547 E12547 280496008 Permanent lower first molar tooth socket (body structure) P12547 socket of tooth, molar, first, permanent, lower Y P digestive system 22947BB0D3B94C0F837972CCE9BD35A2 Permanent lower first molar tooth socket (body structure) 12548 12548 12548 lower second premolar tooth socket S12548 E12548 280497004 Permanent lower second premolar tooth socket (body structure) P12548 socket of tooth, premolar, second, permanent, lower Y P digestive system 96EE2E45211343898662ABE8B9B85FC6 Permanent lower second premolar tooth socket (body structure) 12549 12549 12549 lower first premolar tooth socket S12549 E12549 280498009 Permanent lower first premolar tooth socket (body structure) P12549 socket of tooth, premolar, first, permanent, lower Y P digestive system BF9CD29BCE694472B009D1D3C9A0F278 Permanent lower first premolar tooth socket (body structure) 12550 12550 12550 permanent lower canine tooth socket S12550 E12550 280499001 Permanent lower canine tooth socket (body structure) P12550 socket of tooth, canine, permanent, lower Y P digestive system 521A7E99079444D1939870161BBEAE9E Permanent lower canine tooth socket (body structure) 12551 12551 12551 permanent lower lateral incisor tooth socket S12551 E12551 280500005 Permanent lower lateral incisor tooth socket (body structure) P12551 socket of tooth, incisor, lateral, permanent, lower Y P digestive system 63BB129721184C54AD1AC80206859DE8 Permanent lower lateral incisor tooth socket (body structure) 12552 12552 12552 permanent lower central incisor tooth socket S12552 E12552 280501009 Permanent lower central incisor tooth socket (body structure) P12552 socket of tooth, incisor, central, permanent, lower Y P digestive system 68A74594E12C425AA9D75709623C2DC4 Permanent lower central incisor tooth socket (body structure) 12553 12553 12553 cardiac sympathetic nerve 280502002 S12553 Cardiac sympathetic nerve (body structure) E12553 P12553 Y 6623 P nervous system 4AFD4991CF7C4DBEA772C019192A0924 Cardiac sympathetic nerve 12554 12554 12554 abdominal ganglion 280508003 S12554 Abdominal ganglion (body structure) E12554 P12554 Y P nervous system 6BED20CB1F56400BA8F2FD16D30B9C15 Abdominal ganglion 12555 12555 12555 thoracic plexus 280510001 S12555 Thoracic plexus (body structure) E12555 P12555 - P nervous system EDC9FDB11CCE41A29EE1AB27139F2C0E Thoracic plexus 12556 12556 12556 cardiac plexus 280511002 S12556 Cardiac plexus (body structure) E12556 P12556 - 6628 P nervous system 765615A1A6124F058F8992FCE6E678AC Cardiac plexus 12557 12557 12557 pulmonary plexus 280512009 S12557 Pulmonary plexus (body structure) E12557 P12557 Y 6629 P nervous system 83E0253BEB5548F58C44C02C65D822E1 Pulmonary plexus 12558 12558 12558 superficial cardiac plexus 280513004 S12558 Superficial cardiac plexus (body structure) E12558 P12558 - 6649 P nervous system 426A4E7460B8426FB03F8BC2E7EB02E3 Superficial cardiac plexus 12559 12559 12559 deep cardiac plexus 280514005 S12559 Deep cardiac plexus (body structure) E12559 P12559 - 6650 P nervous system 573EC2D6D1C44F7F9F737C88FC4439CE Deep cardiac plexus 12560 12560 12560 coronary plexus 280515006 S12560 Coronary plexus (body structure) E12560 P12560 - P nervous system F071B68B45664CA8B497D74A8A2CA7B8 Coronary plexus 12561 12561 12561 atrial plexus 280517003 S12561 Atrial plexus (body structure) E12561 P12561 - 6653 P nervous system 86502685FDF942D6B30421C0531389BB Atrial plexus 12562 12562 12562 right coronary plexus 280518008 S12562 Right coronary plexus (body structure) E12562 P12562 - 6652 R P nervous system E8C8E7AA62A74239BBDE14EAA7D9005F Right coronary plexus 12563 12563 12563 left coronary plexus 280519000 S12563 Left coronary plexus (body structure) E12563 P12563 - 6651 L P nervous system E56E65D3A0454396920EFBB6C75EC165 Left coronary plexus 12564 12564 12564 anterior pulmonary plexus 280520006 S12564 Anterior pulmonary plexus (body structure) E12564 P12564 Y 6654 P respiratory system 69ABC2A9EF60455EA890289535799CF8 Anterior pulmonary plexus 12565 12565 12565 posterior pulmonary plexus 280521005 S12565 Posterior pulmonary plexus (body structure) E12565 P12565 Y 6655 P nervous system 235E3F21CDA541409C8D99A04C13A2AB Posterior pulmonary plexus 12566 12566 12566 phrenic plexus 280522003 S12566 Phrenic plexus (body structure) E12566 P12566 Y 78579 P nervous system 5103CB80497A40DCB52E82DB2AB790E3 Phrenic plexus 12567 12567 12567 suprarenal nerve plexus 49412003 S12567 Structure of suprarenal nerve plexus (body structure) E12567 280525001 Entire suprarenal nerve plexus (body structure) P12567 Y 6635 P nervous system B5410AF9328748158035C99AF47B9D63 B655B0FD464B492FA9BF005544C1406B suprarenal nerve plexus Entire suprarenal nerve plexus (body structure) 12569 12569 12569 prostatic plexus 280530002 S12569 Prostatic plexus (body structure) E12569 P12569 - 6647 P nervous system 82D7783C1241428F8B28AAA23D3FF322 Prostatic plexus 12570 12570 12570 periarterial sympathetic nerve 280532005 S12570 Periarterial sympathetic nerve (body structure) E12570 P12570 Y P nervous system D465D366925E4EA582BAC15C1A405704 Periarterial sympathetic nerve 12571 12571 12571 cervical sympathetic trunk 280533000 S12571 Cervical sympathetic trunk (body structure) E12571 P12571 Y 6261 P nervous system 20C35975928347749137FEC94AC3FC7F Cervical sympathetic trunk 12572 12572 12572 lumbar sympathetic trunk 280534006 S12572 Lumbar sympathetic trunk (body structure) E12572 P12572 Y 6263 P nervous system 3DF3B993714C43DA85892830B77F7AF6 Lumbar sympathetic trunk 12573 12573 12573 pole of eyeball 280536008 S12573 Structure of pole of eyeball (body structure) E12573 P12573 Y P special senses organ system 259314DA554B4AD3809404114F77ABE3 pole of eyeball 12574 12574 12574 humor of eye 280539001 S12574 Humor of eye (body structure) E12574 P12574 Y P special senses organ system CC23D4A8544D4504BFA120E77D6D9363 Humor of eye 12575 12575 12575 chamber of eye 280540004 S12575 Chamber of eye (body structure) E12575 P12575 Y P special senses organ system 2DEB9E96596B476ABDC01CD239B4FD0C Chamber of eye 12576 12576 12576 orbital cavity 280541000 S12576 Orbital cavity (body structure) E12576 P12576 Y 84961 P special senses organ system C6D79B8FD0444844995E0754CD8A909B Orbital cavity Space of compartment of head which is bound by the internal surface of the wall of orbit. 12577 12577 12577 apex of the orbit 280544008 S12577 Apex of the orbit (body structure) E12577 P12577 Y P special senses organ system 512A20465D7A4C1BA8C9DDCC60FB0F6A Apex of the orbit 12578 12578 12578 orbital space 280545009 S12578 Orbital space (body structure) E12578 P12578 Y P special senses organ system 317CCF014F314E3BBB4CFCF13BE22D9B Orbital space 12579 12579 12579 orbital fissure 280546005 S12579 Orbital fissure (body structure) E12579 P12579 Y P special senses organ system 2174804F224B430AA8CB2F8A4BAE7297 Orbital fissure 12580 12580 12580 orbital periosteum 280547001 S12580 Orbital periosteum (body structure) E12580 P12580 Y 59351 P special senses organ system 2C9F9209E119409A84F89C26CF8CFB3C Orbital periosteum 12581 12581 12581 orbital fascia 280548006 S12581 Orbital fascia (body structure) E12581 P12581 Y P special senses organ system A6F44AB26E0A4119ABDDD7EB6AFE35A0 Orbital fascia 12582 12582 12582 medial orbital margin 280551004 S12582 Medial orbital margin (body structure) E12582 P12582 Y 53179 P special senses organ system D27111363FB14AC58CEF47FABE9C4EF3 Medial orbital margin 12583 12583 12583 lateral orbital margin 280552006 S12583 Lateral orbital margin (body structure) E12583 P12583 Y 53178 P special senses organ system 978A874DF91942389F8816095A3EF7B9 Lateral orbital margin 12584 12584 12584 abdominal wall muscular space 280553001 S12584 Abdominal wall muscular space (body structure) E12584 P12584 - P F91B166D30FA47769DC7D21A95300D8D Abdominal wall muscular space 12585 12585 12585 lumbar triangle 280555008 S12585 Lumbar triangle (body structure) E12585 P12585 Y P 9F171F8D5DE4453189EB970C19609338 Lumbar triangle 12586 12586 12586 postseptal orbital space 280557000 S12586 Postseptal orbital space (body structure) E12586 P12586 Y P special senses organ system 9C749984E9C846C287F15612A1B3796E Postseptal orbital space 12587 12587 12587 subperiosteal orbital space 280558005 S12587 Subperiosteal orbital space (body structure) E12587 P12587 Y P special senses organ system BB4ACDDE5356490CBDC6262044E4CF02 Subperiosteal orbital space 12588 12588 12588 layer of anterior abdominal wall 280561006 S12588 Layer of anterior abdominal wall (body structure) E12588 P12588 - P DE4CD3A322B343D2925A48645CDA830D Layer of anterior abdominal wall 12589 12589 12589 posterior rectus sheath 280562004 S12589 Posterior rectus sheath (body structure) E12589 P12589 Y 20277 P musculoskeletal system 016D6CEBD2694F2F9B0D39F05587A01F Posterior rectus sheath 12590 12590 12590 eyelid layer 280563009 S12590 Eyelid layer (body structure) E12590 P12590 Y P special senses organ system 89BF8E56748743C08AA221CADA1841E4 Eyelid layer 12591 12591 12591 muscular layer of eyelid 280565002 S12591 Muscular layer of eyelid (body structure) E12591 P12591 Y P special senses organ system BBF62EAF24CF48298CDEA3A2FDD827DD Muscular layer of eyelid 12592 12592 12592 pretarsal space of upper eyelid 280567005 S12592 Pretarsal space of upper eyelid (body structure) E12592 P12592 Y P special senses organ system 3CE3076FDBB7496CB68EE15BA4A0F3B2 Pretarsal space of upper eyelid 12593 12593 12593 preseptal space of eyelid 280568000 S12593 Preseptal space of eyelid (body structure) E12593 P12593 Y P special senses organ system 48CE7886DC0A4796B6B18BB0BE6F531D Preseptal space of eyelid 12594 12594 12594 palpebral fascia 280569008 S12594 Palpebral fascia (body structure) E12594 P12594 Y P special senses organ system D87D52C923E54DD989448A786AD97F7D Palpebral fascia 12595 12595 12595 arcus marginalis of palpebral fascia 280571008 S12595 Arcus marginalis of palpebral fascia (body structure) E12595 P12595 Y P musculoskeletal system B4995161816A4987B0B1CCEFCF3A5CB4 Arcus marginalis of palpebral fascia 12596 12596 12596 premarginal recess of Eisler 280572001 S12596 Premarginal recess of Eisler (body structure) E12596 P12596 Y P special senses organ system 3C24BE49338F48CBAA23B65FBF0642B3 Premarginal recess of Eisler 12597 12597 12597 eyelid gland 280574000 S12597 Eyelid gland (body structure) E12597 P12597 Y P special senses organ system 47752E7347B34EDA81D6BB6ECA1C3DF8 Eyelid gland 12598 12598 12598 gray line of upper eyelid 280575004 S12598 Gray line of upper eyelid (body structure) E12598 P12598 Y P special senses organ system D6D19665B22346DFB60938FEF82F53E2 Gray line of upper eyelid 12600 12600 12600 check ligament of eye 280579005 S12600 Check ligament of eye (body structure) E12600 P12600 Y P special senses organ system 39C0CBD25BF74571B3CACE0801A56332 Check ligament of eye 12601 12601 12601 anterior division of medial palpebral ligament 280580008 S12601 Anterior division of medial palpebral ligament (body structure) E12601 P12601 Y P special senses organ system FD9EF3A4B9F644B7865939FA59E5F18C Anterior division of medial palpebral ligament 12602 12602 12602 episcleral fascia 280589009 S12602 Episcleral fascia (body structure) E12602 P12602 Y P special senses organ system D4FC87B20BDA42F9A5ED1DA1AF3CF624 Episcleral fascia 12603 12603 12603 surface of sclera 280590000 S12603 Surface of sclera (body structure) E12603 P12603 Y 58354 P special senses organ system F1E1DD8B8DD94BB49F839AED17D9AAAB Surface of sclera 12604 12604 12604 linea alba 280591001 S12604 Linea alba (body structure) E12604 P12604 - 11336 P 6A40B88EB8ED4CAF91C712C1E6AB1553 Linea alba 12605 12605 12605 semilunar line 28959003 S12605 Semilunar line (body structure) E12605 280592008 Linea semilunaris (body structure) P12605 Y 19929 P 2454F23FC4874FE69A1A210A05434DAF 1F63391990F742E982CF357D0D8582AD Semilunar line Linea semilunaris (body structure) 12606 12606 12606 zonular cleft of Salzmann 280595005 S12606 Zonular cleft of Salzmann (body structure) E12606 P12606 Y P special senses organ system 48AA1E1BA15F494281EA411636DEC7F6 Zonular cleft of Salzmann 12607 12607 12607 limit of hyaloid canal 280596006 S12607 Limit of hyaloid canal (body structure) E12607 P12607 Y P special senses organ system B39DEC99386E4065887EFEFDCBF557EF Limit of hyaloid canal 12608 12608 12608 nucleus of vitreous humor 280597002 S12608 Nucleus of vitreous humor (body structure) E12608 P12608 Y P special senses organ system 30D0F947F7C84141A74F2E25B3E4E264 Nucleus of vitreous humor 12609 12609 12609 ciliary neurovascular groove 280598007 S12609 Ciliary neurovascular groove (body structure) E12609 P12609 Y P special senses organ system 93FBAF2695CC41C8B7E1D6FC232189AE Ciliary neurovascular groove 12610 12610 12610 scleral aperture 280599004 S12610 Scleral aperture (body structure) E12610 P12610 Y P special senses organ system F8F7734CA29043B3899539DB93CA5E69 Scleral aperture 12611 12611 12611 anterior scleral aperture 280600001 S12611 Anterior scleral aperture (body structure) E12611 P12611 Y P special senses organ system 5703FEE1DE904621A1BD0D7D06D2EC4A Anterior scleral aperture 12612 12612 12612 middle scleral aperture 280601002 S12612 Middle scleral aperture (body structure) E12612 P12612 Y P special senses organ system B9AC74998B7F41379E9C720816483420 Middle scleral aperture 12613 12613 12613 posterior scleral aperture 280602009 S12613 Posterior scleral aperture (body structure) E12613 P12613 Y P special senses organ system 86F054B780B440148CCCD5193E6C9040 Posterior scleral aperture 12614 12614 12614 area of Martegiani 280604005 S12614 Area of Martegiani (body structure) E12614 P12614 Y P special senses organ system 01974BA4DE854B7291A947F55A0269DD Area of Martegiani 12615 12615 12615 sciatic foramen 280608008 S12615 Sciatic foramen (body structure) E12615 P12615 Y P 3F1DC3EFDF414A799550B57A1EEED0D0 Sciatic foramen 12616 12616 12616 zone of retina 280611009 S12616 Zone of retina (body structure) E12616 P12616 Y P special senses organ system D68CB3E5B12F4785B3082C888AC46592 Zone of retina 12617 12617 12617 pars caeca retinae 280613007 S12617 Pars caeca retinae (body structure) E12617 P12617 Y 58603 P special senses organ system E70E1EFF4D934C0CBF9E10514ED1D6BF Pars caeca retinae 12618 12618 12618 peripapillary retina 280615000 S12618 Peripapillary retina (body structure) E12618 P12618 Y P special senses organ system 4007C0A7EBF24B3BB226489538CE0353 Peripapillary retina 12619 12619 12619 perimacular retina 280616004 S12619 Perimacular retina (body structure) E12619 P12619 Y P special senses organ system AA800BD380384DE6BAB5D4313DE55747 Perimacular retina 12620 12620 12620 near periphery of retina 280618003 S12620 Near periphery of retina (body structure) E12620 P12620 Y P special senses organ system C7B5791306E64F8DA87C7998DC015782 Near periphery of retina 12621 12621 12621 middle periphery of retina 280619006 S12621 Middle periphery of retina (body structure) E12621 P12621 Y P special senses organ system 76008C8894BD46C88A99223ED3C19EEF Middle periphery of retina 12622 12622 12622 far periphery of retina 280620000 S12622 Far periphery of retina (body structure) E12622 P12622 Y P special senses organ system FDB4970576834C62B29BADDF0208EA5B Far periphery of retina 12623 12623 12623 pole of lens 280630009 S12623 Pole of lens (body structure) E12623 P12623 Y P special senses organ system BE9B5759E54A412F9FF7160D9EFD3FCB Pole of lens 12625 12625 12625 main zonular fiber 280635004 S12625 Main zonular fiber (body structure) E12625 P12625 Y P special senses organ system 6D9A1483FF1A42F38E6BBC675FBB04B0 Main zonular fiber 12626 12626 12626 valve of lacrimal canaliculus 280638002 S12626 Valve of lacrimal canaliculus (body structure) E12626 P12626 Y P special senses organ system E17BA7383C244409B6542D070DC884C2 Valve of lacrimal canaliculus 12627 12627 12627 valve of Foltz 280640007 S12627 Valve of Foltz (body structure) E12627 P12627 Y P special senses organ system 47117355ED184A3186BF59FA51556B12 Valve of Foltz 12628 12628 12628 auxiliary zonular fiber 280641006 S12628 Auxiliary zonular fiber (body structure) E12628 P12628 Y P special senses organ system 776EED193378449B9E8BAC5C5319E30F Auxiliary zonular fiber 12629 12629 12629 valve of Bochdalek 280642004 S12629 Valve of Bochdalek (body structure) E12629 P12629 Y P special senses organ system 656F9B802E1745BCBAF7CE0B988B939A Valve of Bochdalek 12630 12630 12630 nasal opening of nasolacrimal duct 280645002 S12630 Nasal opening of nasolacrimal duct (body structure) E12630 P12630 Y P special senses organ system 882CED5CB4284DF7B3B5F82D6439CBD4 Nasal opening of nasolacrimal duct 12631 12631 12631 valve of nasolacrimal duct 280646001 S12631 Valve of nasolacrimal duct (body structure) E12631 P12631 Y P special senses organ system 69403B12AFB04BDEA909C6716F8A949E Valve of nasolacrimal duct 12632 12632 12632 valve of Rosenmuller 280647005 S12632 Valve of Rosenmuller (body structure) E12632 P12632 Y P special senses organ system 463F0CBF6D074259A12E916C4EA662E4 Valve of Rosenmuller 12633 12633 12633 valve of medial palpebral ligament 280649008 S12633 Valve of medial palpebral ligament (body structure) E12633 P12633 Y P special senses organ system 0A4E113E1C7B4447A6D284B6EB6A492D Valve of medial palpebral ligament 12634 12634 12634 valve of Huscke 280651007 S12634 Valve of Huscke (body structure) E12634 P12634 Y P special senses organ system 4CBAC3D7BAD5435DBE8891B0193D2ABB Valve of Huscke 12635 12635 12635 valve of Beraud 280653005 S12635 Valve of Beraud (body structure) E12635 P12635 Y P special senses organ system 5441D4BBCD744D24A526071388B6920C Valve of Beraud 12636 12636 12636 valve of Taillefer 280654004 S12636 Valve of Taillefer (body structure) E12636 P12636 Y P special senses organ system 241A6249381F4223A1E3E1B9CC7CB871 Valve of Taillefer 12637 12637 12637 valve of Hasner 280655003 S12637 Valve of Hasner (body structure) E12637 P12637 Y P special senses organ system C72B0A469F644F309E59B1278FB67672 Valve of Hasner 12638 12638 12638 layer of retina 280657006 S12638 Layer of retina (body structure) E12638 P12638 Y 58617 P special senses organ system 363C314668624DD4A019E72B70A93714 Layer of retina 12639 12639 12639 Henle's fiber layer 280664008 S12639 Henle's fiber layer (body structure) E12639 P12639 Y P special senses organ system 58325A892B7D4427A4209EEBA7937C85 Henle's fiber layer 12640 12640 12640 limiting membrane of retina 280667001 S12640 Limiting membrane of retina (body structure) E12640 P12640 Y P special senses organ system CC49FA6E4FAD419D83044C49D4417BBE Limiting membrane of retina 12641 12641 12641 marginal zone of palpebral conjunctiva 280669003 S12641 Marginal zone of palpebral conjunctiva (body structure) E12641 P12641 Y P special senses organ system 14CF07F47E8F41C5818720EB377FBF11 Marginal zone of palpebral conjunctiva 12642 12642 12642 orbital zone of palpebral conjunctiva 280672005 S12642 Orbital zone of palpebral conjunctiva (body structure) E12642 P12642 Y P special senses organ system 0CFA89B5A7874B889E281E624118CB27 Orbital zone of palpebral conjunctiva 12643 12643 12643 fornicial conjunctiva 280673000 S12643 Fornicial conjunctiva (body structure) E12643 P12643 Y P special senses organ system CCAC58AE028F4BA78E52B1D499D17904 Fornicial conjunctiva 12644 12644 12644 limbal conjunctiva 280674006 S12644 Limbal conjunctiva (body structure) E12644 P12644 Y P special senses organ system F47C1490AF55431288D76267F380CE06 Limbal conjunctiva 12645 12645 12645 internal limiting membrane of retina 280677004 S12645 Internal limiting membrane of retina (body structure) E12645 P12645 Y 58689 P special senses organ system 05735D07009342948744D636E0D90A6E Internal limiting membrane of retina 12646 12646 12646 Stieda's conjunctival groove 280680003 S12646 Stieda's conjunctival groove (body structure) E12646 P12646 Y P special senses organ system 0887C1F663B849EBBA9D19DD812D5664 Stieda's conjunctival groove 12647 12647 12647 conjunctival papilla 280681004 S12647 Conjunctival papilla (body structure) E12647 P12647 Y P special senses organ system 179EA47D00314D91AA1D34D9F80C1569 Conjunctival papilla 12648 12648 12648 smooth part of ciliary body 280687000 S12648 Smooth part of ciliary body (body structure) E12648 P12648 Y P special senses organ system FC3CC2FEA57C4EB1BDB9C555FAA98AB0 Smooth part of ciliary body 12649 12649 12649 corneal surface zone 280688005 S12649 Corneal surface zone (body structure) E12649 P12649 Y P special senses organ system 95CF9CDF2DD1402DB07900E12A1ED16C Corneal surface zone 12650 12650 12650 striae ciliaris of Schultze 280689002 S12650 Striae ciliaris of Schultze (body structure) E12650 P12650 Y P special senses organ system 22878A43F5E549AE8A35C09A1EB69F01 Striae ciliaris of Schultze 12652 12652 12652 posterior abdominal wall peritoneum 280707006 S12652 Posterior abdominal wall peritoneum (body structure) E12652 P12652 - 19757 P digestive system 317767A41192498885662C1E1C5C9EBF Posterior abdominal wall peritoneum 12653 12653 12653 anterior segment of maxilla 280709009 S12653 Anterior segment of maxilla (body structure) E12653 P12653 Y P skeletal system ADC3EE94113C40A2B8724504C0E3E1E6 Anterior segment of maxilla 12654 12654 12654 posterior segment of maxilla 280710004 S12654 Posterior segment of maxilla (body structure) E12654 P12654 Y P skeletal system 09DF40946E6E4C1C8D842C31393B497E Posterior segment of maxilla 12655 12655 12655 base of lesser metatarsal 280712007 S12655 Base of lesser metatarsal (body structure) E12655 P12655 Y P skeletal system 121D4FAA090443808429000CAF6CAC8E Base of lesser metatarsal 12656 12656 12656 shaft of lesser metatarsal S12656 E12656 280713002 Entire shaft of lesser metatarsal (body structure) P12656 Y P skeletal system EFB5043EC14449D29C4F09AFBD23B003 Entire shaft of lesser metatarsal (body structure) 12657 12657 12657 neck of lesser metatarsal S12657 E12657 280714008 Neck of lesser metatarsal (body structure) P12657 Y P skeletal system 9C0FA1B55CF04AC4843DDF00106D85D2 Neck of lesser metatarsal (body structure) 12658 12658 12658 head of lesser metatarsal 280715009 S12658 Structure of head of lesser metatarsal (body structure) E12658 P12658 Y P skeletal system 7996CE33D69F416E886B52F53F188026 head of lesser metatarsal 12659 12659 12659 placental vessel 280716005 S12659 Placental vessel (body structure) E12659 P12659 - P 07563A88DF1C4C7497BB7E8ED49A16F3 Placental vessel 12660 12660 12660 posterior vertebral element 280721008 S12660 Posterior vertebral element (body structure) E12660 P12660 - P skeletal system D8830D7E46F840BD8FFB844A39199E93 Posterior vertebral element 12661 12661 12661 vertebral foramen 280734009 S12661 Vertebral foramen (body structure) E12661 P12661 - 13479 P skeletal system 5E8DF76968D74EF1B26431D20A11C927 Vertebral foramen 12662 12662 12662 foramen transversarium 280735005 S12662 Foramen transversarium (body structure) E12662 P12662 Y P skeletal system 9C23A708B8684A46B78E749043256DA4 Foramen transversarium 12663 12663 12663 rectal vein 280820002 S12663 Rectal vein (body structure) E12663 P12663 - P cardiovascular system F0802DE9B36B47DDB6ECB91B4F8CEDDE Rectal vein 12664 12664 12664 cervical vertebral foramen 280833008 S12664 Cervical vertebral foramen (body structure) E12664 P12664 - 13480 P skeletal system CE2E3A61C55B42CFAB64AACABBBD9F2F Cervical vertebral foramen 12665 12665 12665 thoracic vertebral foramen 280834002 S12665 Thoracic vertebral foramen (body structure) E12665 P12665 - 9143 P skeletal system 9E4E25ED4BE7441CA07D062D0DEBB535 Thoracic vertebral foramen 12666 12666 12666 lumbar vertebral foramen 280835001 S12666 Lumbar vertebral foramen (body structure) E12666 P12666 - 24826 P musculoskeletal system 2058190243D346B1B908F5A1B79E2E11 Lumbar vertebral foramen 12668 12668 12668 suprachoroidal space of ciliary body 280861002 S12668 Suprachoroidal space of ciliary body (body structure) E12668 P12668 Y P special senses organ system A4104FAD498F4B57B047128BF13C537F Suprachoroidal space of ciliary body 12669 12669 12669 longitudinal fiber of ciliary muscle 280863004 S12669 Longitudinal fiber of ciliary muscle (body structure) E12669 P12669 Y 76824 P muscular system 9F8FCA3E29674E27B7A6B9ACD2AF210C Longitudinal fiber of ciliary muscle 12670 12670 12670 epichoroidal star of ciliary muscle 280864005 S12670 Epichoroidal star of ciliary muscle (body structure) E12670 P12670 Y P muscular system CC35F6A7FC764FA998255EE3A5E0E13D Epichoroidal star of ciliary muscle 12671 12671 12671 ciliary stroma 280868008 S12671 Ciliary stroma (body structure) E12671 P12671 Y P special senses organ system 8946C8926AB94288B00D811C97F93938 Ciliary stroma 12672 12672 12672 inner layer of ciliary epithelium 280872007 S12672 Inner layer of ciliary epithelium (body structure) E12672 P12672 Y 58467 P special senses organ system CA7F33BBF22D413BB1B12BAC9223AD84 Inner layer of ciliary epithelium 12673 12673 12673 ciliary part of Bruch's membrane 280874008 S12673 Ciliary part of Bruch's membrane (body structure) E12673 P12673 Y P special senses organ system F626860502AE412793F615E65C27E906 Ciliary part of Bruch's membrane 12674 12674 12674 internal limiting membrane of ciliary body 280875009 S12674 Internal limiting membrane of ciliary body (body structure) E12674 P12674 Y P special senses organ system 15425017A3394A1AA9C8AC08E6FADE0D Internal limiting membrane of ciliary body 12675 12675 12675 iridociliary junction 280876005 S12675 Iridociliary junction (body structure) E12675 P12675 Y P special senses organ system E18A91D793DC49AFA6077B0E85341D98 Iridociliary junction 12676 12676 12676 zone of iris 280877001 S12676 Zone of iris (body structure) E12676 P12676 Y P special senses organ system 448DBD6A4D774D91945E3E96512B97D7 Zone of iris 12677 12677 12677 layer of iris 280880000 S12677 Layer of iris (body structure) E12677 P12677 Y P special senses organ system CE29EB38C7EF4245863A46F0DD0CB071 Layer of iris 12678 12678 12678 anterior limiting layer of stroma of iris 280881001 S12678 Anterior limiting layer of stroma of iris (body structure) E12678 P12678 Y P special senses organ system F230EFFCBA5B4DF7BFA238CA36772060 Anterior limiting layer of stroma of iris 12679 12679 12679 anterior layer of stroma of iris 280883003 S12679 Anterior layer of stroma of iris (body structure) E12679 P12679 Y P special senses organ system B2F7FB6A56C347268C7233B6BD279D06 Anterior layer of stroma of iris 12680 12680 12680 middle layer of stroma of iris 280884009 S12680 Middle layer of stroma of iris (body structure) E12680 P12680 Y P special senses organ system 573566A551244E6CAA939ABD3BEBEC51 Middle layer of stroma of iris 12681 12681 12681 posterior layer of stroma of iris 280885005 S12681 Posterior layer of stroma of iris (body structure) E12681 P12681 Y P special senses organ system C31313FD85BD4189BCDAAA997D7360A7 Posterior layer of stroma of iris 12682 12682 12682 posterior membrane of iris 280886006 S12682 Posterior membrane of iris (body structure) E12682 P12682 Y P special senses organ system B527F75433B5449CA91CADEB50E58BE7 Posterior membrane of iris 12683 12683 12683 layer of choroid 280894004 S12683 Layer of choroid (body structure) E12683 P12683 Y P special senses organ system 0AEAB2173FC346ECAF8338162E5E80B2 Layer of choroid 12684 12684 12684 layer of large choroidal vessels 280897006 S12684 Layer of large choroidal vessels (body structure) E12684 P12684 Y P special senses organ system 44324144C30145DA9D23102D3CA44CD1 Layer of large choroidal vessels 12685 12685 12685 layer of medium vessels 280898001 S12685 Layer of medium vessels (body structure) E12685 P12685 Y P special senses organ system 3D6BE05B020943B6B335FA363E248C09 Layer of medium vessels 12686 12686 12686 choroidal part of Bruch's membrane 280900004 S12686 Choroidal part of Bruch's membrane (body structure) E12686 P12686 Y P special senses organ system 93A2CD4374864A23B3C32DF7929230DA Choroidal part of Bruch's membrane 12687 12687 12687 pulp of finger 280903002 S12687 Pulp of finger (body structure) E12687 P12687 Y P musculoskeletal system 4731E7A4F3424E5FA6D0F4AF9C67BA40 Pulp of finger 12688 12688 12688 pulp of thumb 280904008 S12688 Pulp of thumb (body structure) E12688 P12688 Y P musculoskeletal system C5D6EBAD69D54CD9B895920E07816383 Pulp of thumb 12689 12689 12689 groin hair 280912000 S12689 Groin hair (body structure) E12689 P12689 Y P integumentary system 22125DAD280348088B4F2DA367495C81 Groin hair 12690 12690 12690 branch of retinal artery 280914004 S12690 Branch of retinal artery (body structure) E12690 P12690 Y P arterial system 4BBF0F0D75F542CDACE13CD2BC9EFA98 Branch of retinal artery 12691 12691 12691 nasal half of retina S12691 E12691 280917006 Nasal half of retina (body structure) P12691 Y P special senses organ system 33DE0761671942E89800EB0D5536358F Nasal half of retina (body structure) 12692 12692 12692 pulp of toe 280918001 S12692 Pulp of toe (body structure) E12692 P12692 Y P musculoskeletal system 71F7F351A8F44769B5626F217518E2FB Pulp of toe 12693 12693 12693 temporal half of retina S12693 E12693 280920003 Temporal half of retina (body structure) P12693 Y P special senses organ system DFCFA827069D410DB5A46A49FB7806CA Temporal half of retina (body structure) 12694 12694 12694 superior half of retina S12694 E12694 280921004 Superior half of retina (body structure) P12694 Y P special senses organ system FF49F0C2EBCC4D8184AFD1BCE8ED54B8 Superior half of retina (body structure) 12695 12695 12695 inferior half of retina S12695 E12695 280922006 Inferior half of retina (body structure) P12695 Y P special senses organ system 67BBF5AAFC15491BBF57469CD9BFF62D Inferior half of retina (body structure) 12696 12696 12696 superior nasal quadrant of retina S12696 E12696 280923001 Superior nasal quadrant of retina (body structure) P12696 Y P special senses organ system 4C2A84ACB7A046789BFC9C6F60FA76C9 Superior nasal quadrant of retina (body structure) 12697 12697 12697 inferior nasal quadrant of retina S12697 E12697 280924007 Inferior nasal quadrant of retina (body structure) P12697 Y P special senses organ system 232A2A37E5BF43ACBF5054F4D67FB78D Inferior nasal quadrant of retina (body structure) 12698 12698 12698 superior temporal quadrant of retina S12698 E12698 280925008 Superior temporal quadrant of retina (body structure) P12698 Y P special senses organ system CEE8F0898A44417A85CEC67B9ACD2296 Superior temporal quadrant of retina (body structure) 12699 12699 12699 inferior temporal quadrant of retina S12699 E12699 280926009 Inferior temporal quadrant of retina (body structure) P12699 Y P special senses organ system F8EE17A1CAC049A4BE730DEE36A87D28 Inferior temporal quadrant of retina (body structure) 12700 12700 12700 branch of retinal vein 280928005 S12700 Branch of retinal vein (body structure) E12700 P12700 Y P special senses organ system F585B524659F4DDCA51D426F1FD68D34 Branch of retinal vein 12701 12701 12701 macula branch of retinal vein 280929002 S12701 Macula branch of retinal vein (body structure) E12701 P12701 Y P venous system 2789CDC924584B8DB3199D3E2F5F65C4 Macula branch of retinal vein 12702 12702 12702 abdominal cutaneous nerve 280938000 S12702 Abdominal cutaneous nerve (body structure) E12702 P12702 Y P nervous system 943EC6C110774126B30A46AA1FA0FC0B Abdominal cutaneous nerve 12703 12703 12703 retrobulbar space 280954002 S12703 Retrobulbar space (body structure) E12703 P12703 Y P special senses organ system 9326805277C94D2290515909FE20C397 Retrobulbar space 12704 12704 12704 eyelash follicle 280956000 S12704 Eyelash follicle (body structure) E12704 P12704 Y P integumentary system F3C49083E4CF46EE924E8330EDCD8608 Eyelash follicle 12705 12705 12705 subconjunctival space 280957009 S12705 Subconjunctival space (body structure) E12705 P12705 Y P special senses organ system BD6681588C194979A1B6083B712F48E9 Subconjunctival space 12706 12706 12706 junction of stomach 281068004 S12706 Junction of stomach (body structure) E12706 P12706 - P digestive system B6F2C1C6EF0942D5AA95DE02045A0A01 Junction of stomach 12707 12707 12707 sebaceous gland of eyelid 71870004 S12707 Sebaceous gland of conjunctiva (body structure) E12707 281070008 Gland of Zeis (body structure) P12707 Y 59191 P integumentary system 6663BF84070A43609EEB5CDE4726046A 6D07B6D40362454CBDA68B369182046C Sebaceous gland of conjunctiva Gland of Zeis (body structure) 12708 12708 12708 junction of small intestine 281073005 S12708 Junction of small intestine (body structure) E12708 P12708 - P digestive system C3809FB8F18248268A834BB257D1E6A4 Junction of small intestine 12709 12709 12709 duodenojejunal flexure 26809004 S12709 Structure of duodenojejunal flexure (body structure) E12709 263634007 Entire duodenojejunal flexure (body structure) P12709 - 0 P digestive system 1B47818389ED4EDD9D15EE881B0E0B70 6A2CB215EB024F0393AFB702BBE242CD duodenojejunal flexure Entire duodenojejunal flexure (body structure) 12710 12710 12710 superior division of central artery of retina 281079009 S12710 Superior division of central artery of retina (body structure) E12710 P12710 Y P arterial system 91DCC8CF3EDB4579B4635696C3B3F970 Superior division of central artery of retina 12711 12711 12711 inferior division of central artery of retina 281081006 S12711 Inferior division of central artery of retina (body structure) E12711 P12711 Y P arterial system 008FF56E0430427BA50E384DCE2FE053 Inferior division of central artery of retina 12712 12712 12712 macular arteriole 281082004 S12712 Macular arteriole (body structure) E12712 P12712 Y P arterial system 9096F93F235748AF8CD314ECFF418340 Macular arteriole 12713 12713 12713 scleral sulcus 281087005 S12713 Scleral sulcus (body structure) E12713 P12713 Y 58411 P special senses organ system 305075928BA14035A0EC9491764D0E7D Scleral sulcus 12714 12714 12714 intercostal artery 281134007 S12714 Intercostal artery (body structure) E12714 P12714 Y P arterial system 6A2FAC080B0A469B80C5D893300B3C82 Intercostal artery 12715 12715 12715 deep terminal branch of ulnar nerve 281142008 S12715 Deep terminal branch of ulnar nerve (body structure) E12715 P12715 Y P nervous system 0E77ECF50A3D4CC09FBEFDC2E047A3D0 Deep terminal branch of ulnar nerve 12716 12716 12716 right inguinal canal 281145005 S12716 Right inguinal canal (body structure) E12716 P12716 R 25735 P genitourinary system C1CED9D781FA480D91F6D95123FEADF7 Right inguinal canal 12717 12717 12717 left inguinal canal 281146006 S12717 Left inguinal canal (body structure) E12717 P12717 L 25736 P genitourinary system 308BF1930AD8415BB94F1051C4CD5CE2 Left inguinal canal 12718 12718 12718 posterior wall of inguinal canal 281147002 S12718 Posterior wall of inguinal canal (body structure) E12718 P12718 Y P genitourinary system 14284A164160430098304CEBC9C3E64C Posterior wall of inguinal canal 12720 12720 12720 C3 vertebral foramen 281190001 S12720 C3 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12720 P12720 - 24295 P skeletal system F857BA5FAA564BA3996F4BFA5724CF07 C3 vertebral foramen 12721 12721 12721 C4 vertebral foramen 281191002 S12721 C4 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12721 P12721 - 24296 P skeletal system 74114B5FD8CD43CE9F0EA1D168337638 C4 vertebral foramen 12722 12722 12722 C5 vertebral foramen 281192009 S12722 C5 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12722 P12722 - 24297 P skeletal system A7D9E462BDBF4157B4BD205F9DCE62A5 C5 vertebral foramen 12723 12723 12723 C6 vertebral foramen 281193004 S12723 C6 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12723 P12723 - 24298 P skeletal system 350CF1BF05284D63932BDEE9871AD563 C6 vertebral foramen 12724 12724 12724 C7 vertebral foramen 281194005 S12724 C7 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12724 P12724 - 24299 P skeletal system 792A9C5D72A04283B9CAE2D18D570A6C C7 vertebral foramen 12725 12725 12725 T1 vertebral foramen 281195006 S12725 T1 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12725 P12725 - 13481 P skeletal system F9E441C2A67249D99B13CDDFB2BE2D40 T1 vertebral foramen 12726 12726 12726 T2 vertebral foramen 281196007 S12726 T2 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12726 P12726 - 13482 P skeletal system A7AA10B11EB548A190A7EAA4239FA864 T2 vertebral foramen 12727 12727 12727 T3 vertebral foramen 281197003 S12727 T3 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12727 P12727 - 13483 P skeletal system 21F88977B4E14D199EC39723E949F2CB T3 vertebral foramen 12728 12728 12728 T4 vertebral foramen 281198008 S12728 T4 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12728 P12728 - 13484 P skeletal system F1085A15D2764749A446EDC1B2973D97 T4 vertebral foramen 12729 12729 12729 T5 vertebral foramen 281199000 S12729 T5 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12729 P12729 - 13485 P skeletal system B521573527274E1BACEF183CC84EAC1A T5 vertebral foramen 12730 12730 12730 T6 vertebral foramen 281200002 S12730 T6 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12730 P12730 - 13486 P skeletal system 6D428F26B163429F877F48779FDE91B3 T6 vertebral foramen 12731 12731 12731 T7 vertebral foramen 281201003 S12731 T7 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12731 P12731 - 13487 P skeletal system 1308343BA15F4D35B6AD8769F17952A9 T7 vertebral foramen 12732 12732 12732 T8 vertebral foramen 281202005 S12732 T8 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12732 P12732 - 13488 P skeletal system 599A86F61DF1462F8C2F51F58B404F57 T8 vertebral foramen 12733 12733 12733 T9 vertebral foramen 281203000 S12733 T9 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12733 P12733 - 13489 P skeletal system 3AE6D3D87AAD4CD69ED24E266AA0F44A T9 vertebral foramen 12734 12734 12734 T10 vertebral foramen 281204006 S12734 T10 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12734 P12734 - 13490 P skeletal system A6E93C5533054AE3BBD164D9D600BEE3 T10 vertebral foramen 12735 12735 12735 T11 vertebral foramen 281205007 S12735 T11 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12735 P12735 - 13491 P skeletal system CA9FE9E1C61B4527AE14DE17424588B6 T11 vertebral foramen 12736 12736 12736 T12 vertebral foramen 281206008 S12736 T12 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12736 P12736 - 13492 P skeletal system 53161BC306E144B58DA126EEF44D1B9E T12 vertebral foramen 12737 12737 12737 L1 vertebral foramen 281208009 S12737 L1 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12737 P12737 - 24827 P skeletal system FB41EABFD3AC4080AE4DE8204DA06C38 L1 vertebral foramen 12738 12738 12738 L2 vertebral foramen 281209001 S12738 L2 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12738 P12738 - 24828 P skeletal system A1A640F7136E41A48CD15FB3E0427587 L2 vertebral foramen 12739 12739 12739 L3 vertebral foramen 281210006 S12739 L3 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12739 P12739 - 24829 P skeletal system ECFE6B5431414BCF9F200237DAD8E9BE L3 vertebral foramen 12740 12740 12740 L4 vertebral foramen 281211005 S12740 L4 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12740 P12740 - 24830 P skeletal system C284B29E5F7D44D58836877262949F7E L4 vertebral foramen 12741 12741 12741 L5 vertebral foramen 281212003 S12741 L5 vertebral foramen (body structure) E12741 P12741 - 24831 P skeletal system A5F47471DEDD4A03A1A84246FBFC9A7C L5 vertebral foramen 12742 12742 12742 C3 foramen transversarium 281214002 S12742 C3 foramen transversarium (body structure) E12742 P12742 Y 24300 P skeletal system BA65365567E342E397B30CC1E5E58E91 C3 foramen transversarium 12743 12743 12743 C4 foramen transversarium 281215001 S12743 C4 foramen transversarium (body structure) E12743 P12743 Y 24303 P skeletal system 1A687E66A6B348D19DE6D96468C6DE3C C4 foramen transversarium 12744 12744 12744 C5 foramen transversarium 281217009 S12744 C5 foramen transversarium (body structure) E12744 P12744 Y 24306 P skeletal system 6D744EADC9484A668285622FE2E60BD2 C5 foramen transversarium 12745 12745 12745 C6 foramen transversarium 281218004 S12745 C6 foramen transversarium (body structure) E12745 P12745 Y 24309 P skeletal system 4F6943739F7D4E5B8DBE2C44D483416D C6 foramen transversarium 12746 12746 12746 C7 foramen transversarium 281219007 S12746 C7 foramen transversarium (body structure) E12746 P12746 Y 24312 P skeletal system 4FFC35E244E7431E90F25D8824B7EA45 C7 foramen transversarium 12747 12747 12747 foramen transversarium of axis 281221002 S12747 Foramen transversarium of axis (body structure) E12747 P12747 Y 23999 P skeletal system 6885F76DA00E47CCB92D72F54513666B Foramen transversarium of axis 12748 12748 12748 anterior tubercle of atlas 281224005 S12748 Anterior tubercle of atlas (body structure) E12748 P12748 - 23991 P skeletal system 306B355541314F74A0DA4EE08A809795 Anterior tubercle of atlas 12749 12749 12749 posterior tubercle of atlas 281225006 S12749 Posterior tubercle of atlas (body structure) E12749 P12749 - 23992 P skeletal system 0C165D4300AA4F649237E8D266C888BF Posterior tubercle of atlas 12750 12750 12750 vertebral foramen of axis 281226007 S12750 Vertebral foramen of axis (body structure) E12750 P12750 - 24294 P skeletal system 4DFCA4B31BC6439BB6A5DB4A0E74A954 Vertebral foramen of axis 12751 12751 12751 vertebral foramen of atlas 281228008 S12751 Vertebral foramen of atlas (body structure) E12751 P12751 - 24293 P skeletal system 11AA428857E34EF98F09AE550251BAD3 Vertebral foramen of atlas 12752 12752 12752 peroneal tendon 281349007 S12752 Peroneal tendon (body structure) E12752 P12752 Y P muscular system 05B59DADA15F4EE0BDEDB357D1AA2E5D Peroneal tendon 12753 12753 12753 zone of lung 281391009 S12753 Zone of lung (body structure) E12753 P12753 Y 86149 P respiratory system 7E0E3086BCA343818C9F4A037CD3D8DC Zone of lung 12754 12754 12754 upper zone of lung 281392002 S12754 Upper zone of lung (body structure) E12754 P12754 Y P respiratory system 833C9637E201436FBFD51C98A61B4307 Upper zone of lung 12755 12755 12755 middle zone of lung 281393007 S12755 Middle zone of lung (body structure) E12755 P12755 Y 86150 P respiratory system 476AD09F75FC48018537EEEEAEF2069F Middle zone of lung 12756 12756 12756 lower zone of lung 281394001 S12756 Lower zone of lung (body structure) E12756 P12756 Y P respiratory system 6E982DF1BCB94CACAB26097D25DF29CC Lower zone of lung 12757 12757 12757 radial nerve at wrist 281426009 S12757 Radial nerve at wrist (body structure) E12757 P12757 Y P nervous system 49484EDD94D54E5AA36B2E09684E52D1 Radial nerve at wrist 12758 12758 12758 radial nerve at elbow 281427000 S12758 Radial nerve at elbow (body structure) E12758 P12758 Y P nervous system 953FA0A6B23C4D5B8AAD577B30546870 Radial nerve at elbow 12759 12759 12759 intrathoracic systemic artery 281468009 S12759 Intrathoracic systemic artery (body structure) E12759 P12759 - P arterial system A1240D665A854FA895783D5D108A5DB1 Intrathoracic systemic artery 12760 12760 12760 intrathoracic systemic vein 281474009 S12760 Intrathoracic systemic vein (body structure) E12760 P12760 - P cardiovascular system 2B4157AB130D4242B2A336E080AE3F3E Intrathoracic systemic vein 12761 12761 12761 systemic abdominal vein 281475005 S12761 Systemic abdominal vein (body structure) E12761 P12761 - P cardiovascular system 830D83D4AA3D42DE9420DE5B42A8CF5B Systemic abdominal vein 12763 12763 12763 capsule of hand joint 281704007 S12763 Capsule of hand joint (body structure) E12763 P12763 Y P articular system D13A05BDA17C4797A021CC3F16560F3A Capsule of hand joint 12764 12764 12764 capsule of foot joint 281705008 S12764 Capsule of foot joint (body structure) E12764 P12764 Y P musculoskeletal system 9C570585C5CF487293CE83FE1A9292A3 Capsule of foot joint 12765 12765 12765 buccal-occlusal-palatal surface 281819003 S12765 Buccal-occlusal-palatal (body structure) E12765 P12765 Y P digestive system 97324BA869AA4487B35091F624316A27 Buccal-occlusal-palatal surface 12766 12766 12766 lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus 28186002 S12766 Structure of lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E12766 279154004 Entire lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P12766 Y 62176 P nervous system 7A5BC3E4D23E47C6934726F8071945BC B9BB6237925040D8A51008FEF67187EC lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus Entire lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 12767 12767 12767 C1/C2 intervertebral foramen 281870007 S12767 C1/C2 intervertebral foramen (body structure) E12767 P12767 Y P musculoskeletal system E2461863DBD14F40B55AA9A51E84F186 C1/C2 intervertebral foramen 12768 12768 12768 C2/C3 intervertebral foramen 281871006 S12768 C2/C3 intervertebral foramen (body structure) E12768 P12768 Y P musculoskeletal system 0554A14A5CC845D9999D33ADA36ADFED C2/C3 intervertebral foramen 12769 12769 12769 bicipital groove 282019002 S12769 Bicipital groove (body structure) E12769 P12769 Y 74573 P skeletal system CADB75D6C7C2408B91CEC19D7FCBB1A2 Bicipital groove 12770 12770 12770 collecting duct of breast 28202009 S12770 Collecting duct (body structure) E12770 P12770 Y P AF719A2BD9E0486B905CC18424D4890D Collecting duct 12771 12771 12771 penile artery 282044005 S12771 Penile artery (body structure) E12771 P12771 Y 66318 P arterial system D55A5477C6ED48188FF1ED7F5C937E40 Penile artery 12772 12772 12772 parathyroid vein 282046007 S12772 Parathyroid vein (body structure) E12772 P12772 Y P endocrine system E650888DE9C44E0AAD5B5AF4C66A0518 Parathyroid vein 12773 12773 12773 orbital vein 282047003 S12773 Orbital vein (body structure) E12773 P12773 Y 70870 P cardiovascular system 329194F28A8442A2B2357C90C9C7705A Orbital vein 12775 12775 12775 vestibulocochlear vein 28306005 S12775 Vestibulocochlear vein (body structure) E12775 P12775 Y 52414 P cardiovascular system A0F139F224AF4753AA0A6EE83F5AED0A Vestibulocochlear vein 12776 12776 12776 subdural space of infratentorial region 28355001 S12776 Structure of subdural space of infratentorial region (body structure) E12776 P12776 - P nervous system B865AC3748A74A8B8BF5C8E272A466CA subdural space of infratentorial region 12777 12777 12777 buccal-occlusal-lingual surface 283869001 S12777 Buccal-occlusal-lingual (body structure) E12777 P12777 Y P digestive system 8008772E14CB4104BB959C3E4E618E50 Buccal-occlusal-lingual surface 12779 12779 12779 left ventricle anterior segment 284355001 S12779 Left ventricle anterior segment (body structure) E12779 P12779 - L P cardiovascular system 2363E7D0B5D74EF0BB7FCD485AD785B7 Left ventricle anterior segment 12780 12780 12780 left ventricle septal segment 284356000 S12780 Left ventricle septal segment (body structure) E12780 P12780 - L P cardiovascular system B819E4E31CF54DC186FB0C0FC01D3BA2 Left ventricle septal segment 12781 12781 12781 left ventricle inferior segment 284357009 S12781 Left ventricle inferior segment (body structure) E12781 P12781 - L P cardiovascular system 1DC53AF5BF10491988F666C487D75EF8 Left ventricle inferior segment 12782 12782 12782 left ventricle lateral segment 284358004 S12782 Left ventricle lateral segment (body structure) E12782 P12782 - L P cardiovascular system E0E4F3B360BB4FC681EF2E203A6EC998 Left ventricle lateral segment 12785 12785 12785 upper deep cervical lymph node 285425001 S12785 Upper deep cervical lymph node (body structure) E12785 P12785 Y P lymphatic system 676FAA002F27449F905D7472E2F2BCDA Upper deep cervical lymph node 12786 12786 12786 middle deep cervical lymph node 285427009 S12786 Middle deep cervical lymph node (body structure) E12786 P12786 Y P lymphatic system D9480BFA61DC4CD59BF99AB1AA4BCB51 Middle deep cervical lymph node 12787 12787 12787 lower deep cervical lymph node 285429007 S12787 Lower deep cervical lymph node (body structure) E12787 P12787 Y P lymphatic system 3E43108D43404029A1B561115557CA87 Lower deep cervical lymph node 12790 12790 12790 neck of tooth 28638008 S12790 Neck of tooth (body structure) E12790 P12790 neck of tooth Y 55627 P digestive system 8360946063C34E898271391B23945813 Neck of tooth 12791 12791 12791 parotid salivary apparatus 286634007 S12791 Parotid salivary apparatus (body structure) E12791 P12791 Y P digestive system 536EA66E5D6844B4AD6F956BD041C874 Parotid salivary apparatus 12792 12792 12792 heart internal mammary artery implant 287283006 S12792 Heart internal mammary artery implant (body structure) E12792 P12792 - P EB737767DA4F459A90DE7E78EE947D46 Heart internal mammary artery implant 12793 12793 12793 glossopalatine arch 28777000 S12793 Glossopalatine arch (body structure) E12793 P12793 Y 55024 P digestive system 57A3D331238D4189942CF7F23FC52BAA Glossopalatine arch 12794 12794 12794 first intercostal nerve 288481008 S12794 First intercostal nerve (body structure) E12794 P12794 Y 7645 P nervous system 4B3B017F1D2C4C43931C1E1AE9E6A1CA First intercostal nerve 12795 12795 12795 second intercostal nerve 288482001 S12795 Second intercostal nerve (body structure) E12795 P12795 Y 8602 P nervous system FDF3714A9B1E403E9CCCE67E800156B1 Second intercostal nerve 12796 12796 12796 third intercostal nerve 288483006 S12796 Third intercostal nerve (body structure) E12796 P12796 Y 8603 P nervous system 13BCD412045F4C688DE9F7C5E5CCAE46 Third intercostal nerve 12797 12797 12797 fourth intercostal nerve 288484000 S12797 Fourth intercostal nerve (body structure) E12797 P12797 Y 8604 P nervous system 84D374B6E18F4AA8AA97E334A1CADD69 Fourth intercostal nerve 12798 12798 12798 fifth intercostal nerve 288485004 S12798 Fifth intercostal nerve (body structure) E12798 P12798 Y 8605 P nervous system 82F1EEB14F374BD89DE0E70B18D2E0E0 Fifth intercostal nerve 12799 12799 12799 sixth intercostal nerve 288486003 S12799 Sixth intercostal nerve (body structure) E12799 P12799 Y 8606 P nervous system BBC1A7E2472647A59B5543BAF82653F2 Sixth intercostal nerve 12800 12800 12800 seventh intercostal nerve 288487007 S12800 Seventh intercostal nerve (body structure) E12800 P12800 Y 8607 P nervous system 6BB3AFA338D84970802072B61EFAC329 Seventh intercostal nerve 12801 12801 12801 eighth intercostal nerve 288488002 S12801 Eighth intercostal nerve (body structure) E12801 P12801 Y 8608 P nervous system 17CB97CC3EB44059BD6AEA413E6141F7 Eighth intercostal nerve 12802 12802 12802 ninth intercostal nerve 288489005 S12802 Ninth intercostal nerve (body structure) E12802 P12802 Y 8609 P nervous system 7478D768A3C84594A03BAA173EDE16F1 Ninth intercostal nerve 12803 12803 12803 tenth intercostal nerve 288490001 S12803 Tenth intercostal nerve (body structure) E12803 P12803 Y 8610 P nervous system F8BC74C8B9A2416AA8DFBE01B7340750 Tenth intercostal nerve 12804 12804 12804 eleventh intercostal nerve 288491002 S12804 Eleventh intercostal nerve (body structure) E12804 P12804 Y 8611 P nervous system CDF42F325FE84A2CBAA1D9F14A44C10A Eleventh intercostal nerve 12805 12805 12805 twelfth thoracic nerve 288492009 S12805 Twelfth thoracic nerve (body structure) E12805 P12805 Y 6167 P nervous system 9D4554FAF9DD458483AE0F8D84442D60 Twelfth thoracic nerve 12806 12806 12806 surface of back of chest 288494005 S12806 Surface region of back of chest (body structure) E12806 182342002 Thoracic region (surface region of back) (body structure) P12806 - 24217 D integument/surface 491682CA47F747E68B1C39F7C247D658 80E072EA81D144C7919BBD9822DB1326 Surface region of back of chest Thoracic region (surface region of back) (body structure) Subdivision of back of trunk, which is demarcated from thorax by external surface of posterolateral part of rib cage and anterior surface of thoracic vertebral column; together with thorax, it constitutes thoracic segment of trunk. 12807 12807 12807 buccal-incisal surface 288536007 S12807 Buccal-incisal (body structure) E12807 P12807 Y P digestive system 02E9E61180094D0AB3CDC54011106342 Buccal-incisal surface 12808 12808 12808 incisal-lingual surface 288537003 S12808 Incisal-lingual (body structure) E12808 P12808 Y P digestive system 080F9A6C3C134B088FF65E1F63D4299A Incisal-lingual surface 12809 12809 12809 incisal-palatal surface 288538008 S12809 Incisal-palatal (body structure) E12809 P12809 Y P digestive system 9BADCFBF6F584E00BDA5A33F0A6E8617 Incisal-palatal surface 12810 12810 12810 buccal-incisal-lingual surface 288539000 S12810 Buccal-incisal-lingual (body structure) E12810 P12810 Y P digestive system 021494BF2D674AB199CC15EBC4B29C88 Buccal-incisal-lingual surface 12811 12811 12811 buccal-incisal-palatal surface 288540003 S12811 Buccal-incisal-palatal (body structure) E12811 P12811 Y P digestive system 6C44E4E139854E488621DC2B7EE220A3 Buccal-incisal-palatal surface 12814 12814 12814 angle of jaw 28964004 S12814 Angle of jaw (body structure) E12814 P12814 Y P FA7748BDB3114802A4C8BF312235FF81 Angle of jaw 12815 12815 12815 mesiobuccal surface of tooth root 289911001 S12815 Mesiobuccal surface of tooth root (body structure) E12815 P12815 surface of root of tooth, mesiobuccal Y P digestive system FD9FF9E2A13C425DA0CFCA996256F80E Mesiobuccal surface of tooth root 12816 12816 12816 distobuccal surface of tooth root 289912008 S12816 Distobuccal surface of tooth root (body structure) E12816 P12816 surface of root of tooth, distobuccal Y P digestive system DA10FEE7E769451E85704EC42C057E83 Distobuccal surface of tooth root 12817 12817 12817 mesiopalatal surface of tooth root 289913003 S12817 Mesiopalatal surface of tooth root (body structure) E12817 P12817 surface of root of tooth, mesiopalatal Y P digestive system EC69C485243149FD8ED886B20F725F82 Mesiopalatal surface of tooth root 12818 12818 12818 distopalatal surface of tooth root 289914009 S12818 Distopalatal surface of tooth root (body structure) E12818 P12818 surface of root of tooth, distopalatal Y P digestive system 7319CDA4D1EA439BBE9CC4176F3A638F Distopalatal surface of tooth root 12821 12821 12821 nutrient foramen 29288001 S12821 Nutrient foramen (body structure) E12821 P12821 Y 75304 P skeletal system 0F26FA5D6DE94C0FAF89480F5D887D30 Nutrient foramen 12822 12822 12822 centromedian nucleus of thalamus 29317000 S12822 Structure of centromedian nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E12822 279162007 Entire centromedian nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P12822 Y 62165 P nervous system F96B88E117B14F8E96EFD0A6C61AD1ED 74EBB86CABD04EB6A2A559974E385D18 centromedian nucleus of thalamus Entire centromedian nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 12823 12823 12823 deciduous supernumerary tooth 2954001 S12823 Deciduous supernumerary tooth (body structure) E12823 P12823 tooth, supernumerary, primary Y P digestive system 72BE4ABE40EA453FB33CEAA2AEC395F6 Deciduous supernumerary tooth 12824 12824 12824 inner cerebellar funiculus 29550004 S12824 Inner cerebellar funiculus (body structure) E12824 P12824 Y P nervous system 202748862E0545848C18C8BA63EA8495 Inner cerebellar funiculus 12825 12825 12825 inferior ileocecal recess 29667002 S12825 Inferior ileocecal recess (body structure) E12825 P12825 - 14640 P 8A3BC1EE3C514FFBA6829C5EEB6A08B1 Inferior ileocecal recess 12826 12826 12826 muscularis of bronchus 29693009 S12826 Muscularis of bronchus (body structure) E12826 P12826 Y 13120 P muscular system 7916176173DE48A2A6E6526560EF09A9 Muscularis of bronchus 12828 12828 12828 horizontal cell of retina 29729006 S12828 Horizontal cells of retina (body structure) E12828 P12828 Y 67764 P special senses organ system 0E83D05253C5425AA49B5E9F108F4B4C Horizontal cells of retina 12829 12829 12829 lamina propria mucosae 298225002 S12829 Lamina propria mucosae (body structure) E12829 P12829 - P 1C29C6E595B24B78880DE5BBDF3DF5A5 Lamina propria mucosae 12830 12830 12830 belly of skeletal muscle 29823001 S12830 Belly of skeletal muscle (body structure) E12830 P12830 - 9719 P muscular system 7EB557A4D89340AFAEE4E5C4746E0D4D Belly of skeletal muscle 12832 12832 12832 peripheral nerve of limb 300054001 S12832 Peripheral nerve of limb (body structure) E12832 P12832 Y D nervous system C05AA0B65ECB4463B002567FF48072CD Peripheral nerve of limb 12833 12833 12833 digital nerve 300055000 S12833 Digital nerve (body structure) E12833 P12833 Y P nervous system A0DC4758114441EF8B293F4D4C349DD8 Digital nerve 12834 12834 12834 digital nerve of foot 300056004 S12834 Digital nerve of foot (body structure) E12834 P12834 Y P nervous system CC41ECF5F4BC4D4E9A3B1DC1478E576B Digital nerve of foot 12835 12835 12835 white fibrocartilage 3008003 S12835 White fibrocartilage (body structure) E12835 P12835 - P skeletal system 07EFA4B31AFA48BDA1436B5A834413DF White fibrocartilage 12836 12836 12836 transitional epithelium 30117005 S12836 Transitional epithelium (body structure) E12836 P12836 - 63914 P 90EA5F47AA5C47B29E33383A68D7D89F Transitional epithelium Multilaminar epithelium, which of consists of more than one layer of epithelial cells, in contact with a basement membrane, that can undergo distention and contraction without losing its integrity and consistency. Examples: urothelium. 12837 12837 12837 tunica adventitia 30180000 S12837 Tunica adventitia (body structure) E12837 P12837 - 45635 P 15D0E5FC8DB5492B905F5D95A2988689 Tunica adventitia 12838 12838 12838 salivary mucous gland 30210003 S12838 Salivary mucous gland (body structure) E12838 P12838 Y P digestive system AD23B6DD46AF4FA48EDC457EAB188248 Salivary mucous gland 12839 12839 12839 mesonephric duct derivative 302164003 S12839 Mesonephric duct derivative (body structure) E12839 P12839 Y P 28B25DF0C27544EAAC1FB17ACF775668 Mesonephric duct derivative 12842 12842 12842 petrous apex of mastoid 302461002 S12842 Petrous apex of mastoid (body structure) E12842 P12842 Y P skeletal system 8B81D7A13E714D26B8FEE119AFA13018 Petrous apex of mastoid 12843 12843 12843 perilymphatic layer of spiral membrane 302723004 S12843 Perilymphatic layer of spiral membrane (body structure) E12843 P12843 Y P nervous system 07CB8A8EC1D844C0AE10D47C91B72210 Perilymphatic layer of spiral membrane 12844 12844 12844 internal rectal venous plexus 303053008 S12844 Internal rectal venous plexus (body structure) E12844 P12844 - P venous system 41EAB9C4523A43A1974335DB35CC25E1 Internal rectal venous plexus 12845 12845 12845 external rectal venous plexus 303054002 S12845 External rectal venous plexus (body structure) E12845 P12845 - 29715 P venous system 251A9C5C665F4870874AFE14A4EBB273 External rectal venous plexus 12846 12846 12846 intermetacarpal joint 303065007 S12846 Intermetacarpal joint (body structure) E12846 P12846 Y 35288 P musculoskeletal system E5AAFEFC238A4199919D73F3B6BAAAC4 Intermetacarpal joint Synovial joint between the bases of adjacent metacarpals. Examples: intermetacarpal joint of right second and third metacarpal bones, intermetacarpal joint of right fourth and fifth metacarpal bones. 12847 12847 12847 first intermetacarpal joint 303066008 S12847 First intermetacarpal joint (body structure) E12847 P12847 Y P musculoskeletal system 57CDF6CEE5D842D5ADA1F843E95FB052 First intermetacarpal joint 12848 12848 12848 second intermetacarpal joint 303067004 S12848 Second intermetacarpal joint (body structure) E12848 P12848 Y P musculoskeletal system 92851D936530468C9A9F2B7B2EB98F82 Second intermetacarpal joint 12849 12849 12849 third intermetacarpal joint 303068009 S12849 Third intermetacarpal joint (body structure) E12849 P12849 Y P musculoskeletal system 57DE349E4909474DBE4F300FF907B81E Third intermetacarpal joint 12850 12850 12850 posterior wall of eye 303283006 S12850 Posterior wall of eye (body structure) E12850 P12850 Y P special senses organ system FC106D1C08CC47F39DFEDA556E68FA91 Posterior wall of eye 12852 12852 12852 retinal arteriole 303299000 S12852 Retinal arteriole (body structure) E12852 P12852 Y P special senses organ system 37F5EF3A519F4179AD531696BF0499C9 Retinal arteriole 12855 12855 12855 posterior margin of nasal septum and choanae 303336006 S12855 Posterior margin of nasal septum and choanae (body structure) E12855 P12855 Y P respiratory system 47B6E8807D024AA08963D5DDA10E1751 Posterior margin of nasal septum and choanae 12856 12856 12856 inferior surface of soft palate 303339004 S12856 Inferior surface of soft palate (body structure) E12856 P12856 - P digestive system 79CD07B3D0F941BDB8417CA87CF3BBC0 Inferior surface of soft palate 12858 12858 12858 articular tubercle of temporal bone 303403006 S12858 Articular tubercle of temporal bone (body structure) E12858 P12858 Y 55416 P digestive system E0E7BFF2E8994228871C7B6619D86E00 Articular tubercle of temporal bone 12859 12859 12859 temporomandibular joint synovial membrane 303405004 S12859 Temporomandibular joint synovium (body structure) E12859 P12859 Y P musculoskeletal system A57FDEF2CCA646F698F259214B0C8BDA Temporomandibular joint synovium 12861 12861 12861 bilateral labyrinth 303416006 S12861 Bilateral labyrinth (body structure) E12861 P12861 - P special senses organ system 7D43CC355CF14473A697C2BECEBB9139 Bilateral labyrinth 12862 12862 12862 inferior pituitary vein 303429006 S12862 Inferior pituitary vein (body structure) E12862 P12862 Y 78538 P endocrine system 3D3E3958A2524773863A95F2AD77424D Inferior pituitary vein 12863 12863 12863 ovarian pampiniform plexus 303435006 S12863 Ovarian pampiniform plexus (body structure) E12863 P12863 Y P genital system E8388F8C8C7C48BBB4940190DC014271 Ovarian pampiniform plexus 12864 12864 12864 pelvic organ S12864 E12864 303455007 Entire pelvic organ (body structure) P12864 - P 36A8305C1FE74A50B1CF6D22932C5521 Entire pelvic organ (body structure) 12865 12865 12865 external body orifice S12865 E12865 303505002 External body orifice (body structure) P12865 - P DB90B0CFD3F3441C89EA2026A82288DD External body orifice (body structure) 12866 12866 12866 female internal genital organ 699886009 S12866 Structure of female internal genital organ (body structure) E12866 303518005 Entire female internal genital organ (body structure) P12866 - P genital system B9A385FE9D2B435FAA6BC27EF90650BC Entire female internal genital organ (body structure) 12868 12868 12868 extensor of shoulder joint S12868 E12868 303552008 Extensor of shoulder joint (body structure) P12868 Y P skeletal system B197B104801F47508DF217C7422E6A06 Extensor of shoulder joint (body structure) 12869 12869 12869 flexor of shoulder joint S12869 E12869 303553003 Flexor of shoulder joint (body structure) P12869 Y P skeletal system 8AE1615DAA57426CA7FA7DCA1F9B7310 Flexor of shoulder joint (body structure) 12870 12870 12870 abductor of shoulder joint S12870 E12870 303554009 Abductor of shoulder joint (body structure) P12870 Y 0 P skeletal system 194DAFC50E3B4E78A2656419C3E5385A Abductor of shoulder joint (body structure) 12871 12871 12871 adductor of shoulder joint S12871 E12871 303555005 Adductor of shoulder joint (body structure) P12871 Y 0 P skeletal system A361E3F60676455EAFBC2FACB946C2D3 Adductor of shoulder joint (body structure) 12872 12872 12872 internal rotator of shoulder joint S12872 E12872 303556006 Internal rotator of shoulder joint (body structure) P12872 Y P skeletal system 9D129A5CAF1148F0ABA6F165290D77D5 Internal rotator of shoulder joint (body structure) 12873 12873 12873 external rotator of shoulder joint S12873 E12873 303557002 External rotator of shoulder joint (body structure) P12873 Y P skeletal system 09070B38E7D3451D9B7ED64DC18FA867 External rotator of shoulder joint (body structure) 12874 12874 12874 muscle acting on elbow joint S12874 E12874 303558007 Muscle acting on elbow joint (body structure) P12874 Y 0 P muscular system 58C3C23EC33448589E758904F0DD3C59 Muscle acting on elbow joint (body structure) 12875 12875 12875 flexor of elbow joint S12875 E12875 303559004 Flexor of elbow joint (body structure) P12875 Y P muscular system B1F2B6EFA0DE4AB8809C14C242EDC397 Flexor of elbow joint (body structure) 12876 12876 12876 endolymphatic layer of spiral membrane 303615002 S12876 Endolymphatic layer of spiral membrane (body structure) E12876 P12876 Y P nervous system 426B3E39C8584D46923C1DB8F8FB7B87 Endolymphatic layer of spiral membrane 12877 12877 12877 extensor of elbow joint S12877 E12877 303732005 Extensor of elbow joint (body structure) P12877 Y P muscular system B9ACB717502C43A3838E7D4D01C24605 Extensor of elbow joint (body structure) 12878 12878 12878 pronator of radioulnar joint S12878 E12878 303737004 Pronator of radioulnar joints (body structure) P12878 Y P muscular system 516B5E36B9154E5B96F2B71B47E47C4A Pronator of radioulnar joints (body structure) 12879 12879 12879 supinator of radio-ulnar joint S12879 E12879 303738009 Supinator of radio-ulnar joints (body structure) P12879 Y P muscular system 54BFE2F3E8B94CF0848E9E0E238041FE Supinator of radio-ulnar joints (body structure) 12880 12880 12880 muscle acting on wrist joint S12880 E12880 303739001 Muscle acting on wrist joint (body structure) P12880 Y 0 P muscular system 556E8D8AB45B479488969A5A5F280705 Muscle acting on wrist joint (body structure) 12881 12881 12881 flexor of wrist joint S12881 E12881 303740004 Flexor of wrist joint (body structure) P12881 Y P muscular system 0946399141A84A0AAD477A199172D815 Flexor of wrist joint (body structure) 12882 12882 12882 extensor of wrist joint S12882 E12882 303741000 Extensor of wrist joint (body structure) P12882 Y P muscular system 7B87A73C78604C7C9B9AC416A90E67FD Extensor of wrist joint (body structure) 12883 12883 12883 abductor of wrist joint S12883 E12883 303742007 Abductor of wrist joint (body structure) P12883 Y 0 P muscular system 3CF2B5E7604449ACB20C76A72D41E56C Abductor of wrist joint (body structure) 12884 12884 12884 adductor of wrist joint S12884 E12884 303743002 Adductor of wrist joint (body structure) P12884 Y 0 P muscular system 41B01097D9DC404893A4486CA87EAE16 Adductor of wrist joint (body structure) 12885 12885 12885 flexor of carpometacarpal joint of thumb S12885 E12885 303750003 Flexor of carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) P12885 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 5E375F2B0DEF4FB8A43A32B4A7113F90 Flexor of carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) 12886 12886 12886 extensor of carpometacarpal joint of thumb S12886 E12886 303752006 Extensor of carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) P12886 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 7DE755117EE047F08B9E73CBDDEFA2E1 Extensor of carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) 12887 12887 12887 abductor of carpometacarpal joint of thumb S12887 E12887 303753001 Abductor of carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) P12887 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system C78C81D3CD6140158E219789C3DC7687 Abductor of carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) 12888 12888 12888 adductor of carpometacarpal joint of thumb S12888 E12888 303754007 Adductor of carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) P12888 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system C28CBA9D995E47F88C67D0B5549FF4AA Adductor of carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) 12889 12889 12889 opposer of carpometacarpal joint of thumb S12889 E12889 303755008 Opposer of carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) P12889 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 7F926E4ED671445A9043D8062C718314 Opposer of carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) 12890 12890 12890 flexor of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb S12890 E12890 303760007 Flexor of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) P12890 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 7ABFA2FF2BF4493CB02B41394B29499F Flexor of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) 12891 12891 12891 extensor of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb S12891 E12891 303764003 Extensor of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) P12891 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 49016EF10E8D4B60A764BA92A05BC7FA Extensor of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) 12892 12892 12892 abductor of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb S12892 E12892 303765002 Abductor of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) P12892 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 2EB4B70674684F9E8B6D4B69FE671A6C Abductor of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) 12893 12893 12893 adductor of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb S12893 E12893 303766001 Adductor of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) P12893 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system DCB5DDF0C5D34522B300C20574332787 Adductor of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) 12894 12894 12894 flexor of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger S12894 E12894 303767005 Flexor of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) P12894 Y P musculoskeletal system 1B006891349D4FE099CBE9D9B6F1836D Flexor of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) 12895 12895 12895 extensor of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger S12895 E12895 303768000 Extensor of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) P12895 Y P musculoskeletal system 0E6E65CF768941A88C81CD546750955C Extensor of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) 12896 12896 12896 abductor of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger S12896 E12896 303769008 Abductor of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) P12896 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 7BC4427B609E4B2C9B0F797805C987F2 Abductor of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) 12897 12897 12897 adductor of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger S12897 E12897 303770009 Adductor of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) P12897 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 7E08EC6A8A7C4081A3AC5E163B089AE7 Adductor of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) 12898 12898 12898 flexor of interphalangeal joint of finger S12898 E12898 303785003 Flexor of interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) P12898 Y P musculoskeletal system 61FC0DBB68374F73BB5700DD3C1421BD Flexor of interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) 12899 12899 12899 extensor of interphalangeal joint of finger S12899 E12899 303794009 Extensor of interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) P12899 Y P musculoskeletal system D3652F730A164EA78EC79357DB279FA2 Extensor of interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) 12900 12900 12900 muscle acting on hip joint S12900 E12900 303795005 Muscle acting on hip joint (body structure) P12900 Y 0 P skeletal system 78E7ECDF795343F7B5FBA80D13A6444D Muscle acting on hip joint (body structure) 12901 12901 12901 muscle acting on knee joint S12901 E12901 303796006 Muscle acting on knee joint (body structure) P12901 Y 0 P muscular system 88B8719624104F30BAA3773D3598F3CB Muscle acting on knee joint (body structure) 12902 12902 12902 muscle acting on ankle joint S12902 E12902 303797002 Muscle acting on ankle joint (body structure) P12902 Y 0 P muscular system 0A734F7745D84178B6A4A60106C1DE64 Muscle acting on ankle joint (body structure) 12903 12903 12903 muscle acting on foot joint S12903 E12903 303798007 Muscle acting on foot joint (body structure) P12903 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 244779E0487F438EBC6E4535852B2A13 Muscle acting on foot joint (body structure) 12904 12904 12904 flexor of hip joint S12904 E12904 303800000 Flexor of hip joint (body structure) P12904 Y P skeletal system 347833E8DE7D4296B8C731204BFA9C6D Flexor of hip joint (body structure) 12905 12905 12905 extensor of hip joint S12905 E12905 303801001 Extensor of hip joint (body structure) P12905 Y P skeletal system 4253C8E0AE69431CA20750E9D947FDA0 Extensor of hip joint (body structure) 12906 12906 12906 abductor of hip joint S12906 E12906 303802008 Abductor of hip joint (body structure) P12906 Y 0 P skeletal system C5688AEBF086444E86F0FB7D2CC072DA Abductor of hip joint (body structure) 12907 12907 12907 adductor of hip joint S12907 E12907 303803003 Adductor of hip joint (body structure) P12907 Y 0 P skeletal system 354D6DF747FA424586BFCF87B4B170B8 Adductor of hip joint (body structure) 12908 12908 12908 internal rotator of hip joint S12908 E12908 303804009 Internal rotator of hip joint (body structure) P12908 Y P skeletal system 8FF2971DB0C94A75B057DDBF41507BDA Internal rotator of hip joint (body structure) 12909 12909 12909 external rotator of hip joint S12909 E12909 303805005 External rotator of hip joint (body structure) P12909 Y P skeletal system D224736690F340298DF3D0B80BB5C7CE External rotator of hip joint (body structure) 12910 12910 12910 flexor of knee joint S12910 E12910 303816003 Flexor of knee joint (body structure) P12910 Y P muscular system AF885EFC6EFC46B5B19841625275E83F Flexor of knee joint (body structure) 12911 12911 12911 extensor of knee joint S12911 E12911 303817007 Extensor of knee joint (body structure) P12911 Y P muscular system DF20CD5CE96745FCA1164B454E13D025 Extensor of knee joint (body structure) 12912 12912 12912 plantar flexor of ankle joint S12912 E12912 303823002 Plantar flexor of ankle joint (body structure) P12912 Y P muscular system A2C498F316384D0FA192578034B66C82 Plantar flexor of ankle joint (body structure) 12913 12913 12913 dorsiflexor of ankle joint S12913 E12913 303824008 Dorsiflexor of ankle joint (body structure) P12913 Y P muscular system D0675DD71B2C4E6CACD630C8629D5DE5 Dorsiflexor of ankle joint (body structure) 12914 12914 12914 invertor of intertarsal joint S12914 E12914 303835003 Invertor of intertarsal joint (body structure) P12914 Y P musculoskeletal system DB9D5B993C8D454696539C26AA9F285C Invertor of intertarsal joint (body structure) 12915 12915 12915 evertor of intertarsal joint S12915 E12915 303836002 Evertor of intertarsal joint (body structure) P12915 Y P musculoskeletal system 8E3AE1129E1E400CBA38E2853263B17F Evertor of intertarsal joint (body structure) 12916 12916 12916 plantar flexor of metatarsophalangeal joint S12916 E12916 303838001 Plantar flexor of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P12916 Y P musculoskeletal system 00050B253BF04DBF84FBBC139C96C72A Plantar flexor of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 12917 12917 12917 dorsiflexor of metatarsophalangeal joint S12917 E12917 303839009 Dorsiflexor of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P12917 Y P musculoskeletal system D91BDB29DD7F471F89A7936A3CC6DA26 Dorsiflexor of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 12918 12918 12918 abductor of metatarsophalangeal joint S12918 E12918 303841005 Abductor of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P12918 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 35FEFFFD27AC41F69C36E5FBA473A17B Abductor of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 12919 12919 12919 adductor of metatarsophalangeal joint S12919 E12919 303842003 Adductor of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P12919 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 49A502CC4E1148DD9AA60E0196138E9C Adductor of metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 12920 12920 12920 plantar flexor of interphalangeal joint of foot S12920 E12920 303843008 Plantar flexor of interphalangeal joint of foot (body structure) P12920 Y P musculoskeletal system FA09C443D6D8408F8F45D5F4592E3874 Plantar flexor of interphalangeal joint of foot (body structure) 12921 12921 12921 dorsiflexor of interphalangeal joint of foot S12921 E12921 303844002 Dorsiflexor of interphalangeal joint of foot (body structure) P12921 Y P musculoskeletal system 5B00EACAEE4D4B19B46C7B03D3E69E38 Dorsiflexor of interphalangeal joint of foot (body structure) 12922 12922 12922 flexor of interphalangeal joint of thumb S12922 E12922 303854003 Flexor of interphalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) P12922 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 25D43E6C88FC4D8B8F22A3C53DD8C818 Flexor of interphalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) 12923 12923 12923 extensor of interphalangeal joint of thumb S12923 E12923 303855002 Extensor of interphalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) P12923 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system EA67176665414530829D447B91702C64 Extensor of interphalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) 12924 12924 12924 tendon of semispinalis cervicis 303895000 S12924 Tendon of semispinalis cervicis (body structure) E12924 P12924 Y 48474 P musculoskeletal system 2725C42A04F5489892A02E21389B20D2 Tendon of semispinalis cervicis 12925 12925 12925 tendon of cervical spine 303896004 S12925 Tendon of cervical spine (body structure) E12925 P12925 - P musculoskeletal system 810199AF4FD045598D51FBDE3BA4CD9C Tendon of cervical spine 12926 12926 12926 cervical spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway 303914001 S12926 Cervical spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway (body structure) E12926 P12926 - P nervous system C9C1F0F6367044C0BB12DA418ED09CB3 Cervical spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway 12927 12927 12927 thoracic spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway 303921001 S12927 Thoracic spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway (body structure) E12927 P12927 - P nervous system BC0C6A2A404F49BF9DD9D3B179BE140B Thoracic spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway 12928 12928 12928 lumbar spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway 303949008 S12928 Lumbar spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway (body structure) E12928 P12928 - P nervous system A8CA794E15ED40EBB88B252977D3E898 Lumbar spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway 12929 12929 12929 sacral spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway 303952000 S12929 Sacral spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway (body structure) E12929 P12929 - P nervous system 8F6D5B0FE57C40DD885C4AA16DB1BE1C Sacral spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway 12930 12930 12930 flexor of atlanto-occipital joint S12930 E12930 303999007 Flexor of atlanto-occipital joint (body structure) P12930 Y P muscular system C3DB116087C14895A9577E03AC94E9B4 Flexor of atlanto-occipital joint (body structure) 12931 12931 12931 extensor of atlanto-occipital joint S12931 E12931 304000009 Extensor of atlanto-occipital joint (body structure) P12931 Y P muscular system 7274F5B67084427A8BC672104425FD30 Extensor of atlanto-occipital joint (body structure) 12932 12932 12932 lateral flexor of atlanto-occipital joint S12932 E12932 304001008 Lateral flexor of atlanto-occipital joint (body structure) P12932 Y P muscular system 7FC7782F986B453585B29ED3FF453F3E Lateral flexor of atlanto-occipital joint (body structure) 12933 12933 12933 rotator of atlanto-occipital joint S12933 E12933 304002001 Rotator of atlanto-occipital joint (body structure) P12933 Y P muscular system E0DAB67F513D445EA0F85F8FEA9D7C7A Rotator of atlanto-occipital joint (body structure) 12934 12934 12934 flexor of atlantoaxial joint S12934 E12934 304003006 Flexor of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) P12934 Y P muscular system EEE3F35507CC43ACB5EEE42EF14EA396 Flexor of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) 12935 12935 12935 extensor of atlantoaxial joint S12935 E12935 304004000 Extensor of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) P12935 Y P muscular system C7EB7A001650498E906A6F0C984D1163 Extensor of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) 12936 12936 12936 lateral flexor of atlantoaxial joint S12936 E12936 304005004 Lateral flexor of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) P12936 Y P muscular system 31A82FE7AC834BBABC68E71A5C04A19D Lateral flexor of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) 12937 12937 12937 rotator of atlantoaxial joint S12937 E12937 304006003 Rotator of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) P12937 Y P muscular system 880373CF9F854BD0B2B9A9538BC1A22C Rotator of atlantoaxial joint (body structure) 12938 12938 12938 muscle acting on cervical intervertebral joint S12938 E12938 304009005 Muscle acting on cervical intervertebral joint (body structure) P12938 Y 0 P muscular system 811F470E9EA247F0A3566A061EC96057 Muscle acting on cervical intervertebral joint (body structure) 12939 12939 12939 muscle acting on lumbar intervertebral joint S12939 E12939 304011001 Muscle acting on lumbar intervertebral joint (body structure) P12939 Y 0 P muscular system 56E105826D44469B9CD188E40E475800 Muscle acting on lumbar intervertebral joint (body structure) 12940 12940 12940 flexor of cervical intervertebral joint S12940 E12940 304012008 Flexor of cervical intervertebral joint (body structure) P12940 Y P muscular system 26D6BD971CA94B0F9A1771FED9636188 Flexor of cervical intervertebral joint (body structure) 12941 12941 12941 extensor of cervical intervertebral joint S12941 E12941 304013003 Extensor of cervical intervertebral joint (body structure) P12941 Y P muscular system CE97D80E08944B22B173D6A79B2463C2 Extensor of cervical intervertebral joint (body structure) 12942 12942 12942 lateral flexor of cervical intervertebral joint S12942 E12942 304014009 Lateral flexor of cervical intervertebral joint (body structure) P12942 Y P muscular system E66A71F28B304756A1DD6B813C30F1FE Lateral flexor of cervical intervertebral joint (body structure) 12943 12943 12943 rotator of cervical intervertebral joint S12943 E12943 304015005 Rotator of cervical intervertebral joint (body structure) P12943 Y P muscular system A466F54389444A40B148CF144596B771 Rotator of cervical intervertebral joint (body structure) 12944 12944 12944 flexor of thoracic intervertebral joint S12944 E12944 304017002 Flexor of thoracic intervertebral joint (body structure) P12944 Y P muscular system 5B13496E8A2E4252BC0BBEDCA98A07BF Flexor of thoracic intervertebral joint (body structure) 12945 12945 12945 extensor of thoracic intervertebral joint S12945 E12945 304018007 Extensor of thoracic intervertebral joint (body structure) P12945 Y P muscular system 936553E4747340C989CC4D69CFC51CF9 Extensor of thoracic intervertebral joint (body structure) 12946 12946 12946 lateral flexor of thoracic intervertebral joint S12946 E12946 304019004 Lateral flexor of thoracic intervertebral joint (body structure) P12946 Y P muscular system 3DEFC63DB1D54DA2B8D18420549EB923 Lateral flexor of thoracic intervertebral joint (body structure) 12947 12947 12947 rotator of thoracic intervertebral joint S12947 E12947 304020005 Rotator of thoracic intervertebral joint (body structure) P12947 Y P muscular system 6DA8C9BDBFF54AF6B07904391D1EBA52 Rotator of thoracic intervertebral joint (body structure) 12948 12948 12948 flexor of lumbar intervertebral joint S12948 E12948 304021009 Flexor of lumbar intervertebral joint (body structure) P12948 Y P muscular system 05351F9FD8944879BDE3DFDB06F977E7 Flexor of lumbar intervertebral joint (body structure) 12949 12949 12949 extensor of lumbar intervertebral joint S12949 E12949 304023007 Extensor of lumbar intervertebral joint (body structure) P12949 Y P muscular system 23E9634937644EBC94E0BC4D450E047E Extensor of lumbar intervertebral joint (body structure) 12950 12950 12950 lateral flexor of lumbar intervertebral joint S12950 E12950 304024001 Lateral flexor of lumbar intervertebral joint (body structure) P12950 Y P muscular system CCE80D18B61946F2AC65B18452D6E95B Lateral flexor of lumbar intervertebral joint (body structure) 12951 12951 12951 rotator of lumbar intervertebral joint S12951 E12951 304025000 Rotator of lumbar intervertebral joint (body structure) P12951 Y P muscular system AA34C76C5D5447BA950C03DE1D7C5248 Rotator of lumbar intervertebral joint (body structure) 12952 12952 12952 elevator of temporomandibular joint S12952 E12952 304029006 Elevator of temporomandibular joint (body structure) P12952 Y P muscular system CB16778FD443494DA8A1772930EA5935 Elevator of temporomandibular joint (body structure) 12953 12953 12953 depressor of temporomandibular joint S12953 E12953 304030001 Depressor of temporomandibular joint (body structure) P12953 Y P muscular system F529ABFB976D448B9C1C4A23234EFB66 Depressor of temporomandibular joint (body structure) 12954 12954 12954 protractor of temporomandibular joint S12954 E12954 304031002 Protractor of temporomandibular joint (body structure) P12954 Y P muscular system C6A49E8BEFC846518C7C956D5F2FAF3E Protractor of temporomandibular joint (body structure) 12955 12955 12955 retractor of temporomandibular joint S12955 E12955 304032009 Retractor of temporomandibular joint (body structure) P12955 Y P muscular system 37CCB5EC467E499DB6F5781E06E09937 Retractor of temporomandibular joint (body structure) 12956 12956 12956 great vessel of thorax 304066000 S12956 Great vessel of thorax (body structure) E12956 P12956 - P cardiovascular system 2F32766204E744A5AA94C96A8BCCADB9 Great vessel of thorax 12957 12957 12957 muscle acting on shoulder girdle S12957 E12957 304175000 Muscle acting on shoulder girdle (body structure) P12957 Y 0 P skeletal system E5A019012FA043D78CC5489B8E1D10FF Muscle acting on shoulder girdle (body structure) 12958 12958 12958 elevator of shoulder girdle S12958 E12958 304176004 Elevator of shoulder girdle (body structure) P12958 Y P skeletal system DFEE2BD8EEA0414DB0A8239DE2CEC132 Elevator of shoulder girdle (body structure) 12959 12959 12959 depressor of shoulder girdle S12959 E12959 304177008 Depressor of shoulder girdle (body structure) P12959 Y P skeletal system 7F304C2F08DB4EF48E08AA276F32B70F Depressor of shoulder girdle (body structure) 12960 12960 12960 protractor of shoulder girdle S12960 E12960 304178003 Protractor of shoulder girdle (body structure) P12960 Y P skeletal system 7981776DCDD7481DAE243EF3EB9F47F1 Protractor of shoulder girdle (body structure) 12961 12961 12961 retractor of shoulder girdle S12961 E12961 304179006 Retractor of shoulder girdle (body structure) P12961 Y P skeletal system 3750A839C48F4F9F8DCC02DA6F9EA147 Retractor of shoulder girdle (body structure) 12962 12962 12962 lateral rotator of scapula S12962 E12962 304180009 Lateral rotator of scapula (body structure) P12962 Y P skeletal system 72AC5C28B814444DA4F8512E8CCE36AD Lateral rotator of scapula (body structure) 12963 12963 12963 medial rotator of scapula S12963 E12963 304181008 Medial rotator of scapula (body structure) P12963 Y P skeletal system 6696947AF790415C8C8FCC5A6F0BAFF8 Medial rotator of scapula (body structure) 12964 12964 12964 horizontal flexor of shoulder joint S12964 E12964 304182001 Horizontal flexor of shoulder joint (body structure) P12964 Y P skeletal system 46B944493C8043929735C3ABFB75B945 Horizontal flexor of shoulder joint (body structure) 12965 12965 12965 horizontal extensor of shoulder joint S12965 E12965 304183006 Horizontal extensor of shoulder joint (body structure) P12965 Y P skeletal system AE90EEC665BD474CBF455AA0F6E354DB Horizontal extensor of shoulder joint (body structure) 12966 12966 12966 intrahepatic part of portal vein 34154005 S12966 Structure of intrahepatic part of main portal vein (body structure) E12966 304373004 Entire intrahepatic part of main portal vein (body structure) P12966 - 15417 P digestive system A336A13951F44CD18D741E09B209204A 8E1D36C922C4484582D0A367A96B8F8A intrahepatic part of main portal vein Entire intrahepatic part of main portal vein (body structure) 12967 12967 12967 left main branch of portal vein 70253006 S12967 Structure of left main branch of portal vein (body structure) E12967 304374005 Entire left main branch of portal vein (body structure) P12967 - 15415 L P cardiovascular system 5A3FB59B520F4FA4A8667D2410B64448 4BE698BE3FB54C90AB40B7EC4EC21C58 left main branch of portal vein Entire left main branch of portal vein (body structure) 12968 12968 12968 right main branch of portal vein 73931004 S12968 Structure of right main branch of portal vein (body structure) E12968 304375006 Entire right main branch of portal vein (body structure) P12968 - 15414 R P digestive system 704609798DEC41CD856A5A9432182938 C6733FE1547C4E9BA773D0010364B677 right main branch of portal vein Entire right main branch of portal vein (body structure) 12969 12969 12969 caudate lobe branch of portal vein 304376007 S12969 Caudate lobe branch of portal vein (body structure) E12969 P12969 - P cardiovascular system 182132FDB38B49BB8927C5FC159A3423 Caudate lobe branch of portal vein 12970 12970 12970 quadrate lobe branch of portal vein 304377003 S12970 Quadrate lobe branch of portal vein (body structure) E12970 P12970 - P cardiovascular system 1837FC2EBCBF4A08A919989499A4D84F Quadrate lobe branch of portal vein 12972 12972 12972 ligament of ankle and foot 304570002 S12972 Ligament of ankle and/or foot (body structure) E12972 P12972 Y P musculoskeletal system F0E9F175A2EB4835A2BA8B07F20D898E Ligament of ankle and/or foot 12973 12973 12973 joint of digit of hand 304575007 S12973 Structure of joint of digit of hand (body structure) E12973 P12973 Y P musculoskeletal system 57F14EDAFFEF445EB3AFA6D6C0688A5B joint of digit of hand 12974 12974 12974 septal fascicle 304589002 S12974 Septal fascicle (body structure) E12974 P12974 - P cardiovascular system 89A23AD024BB40B58138A17AD10E855A Septal fascicle 12975 12975 12975 body orifice mucosa 304629007 S12975 Body orifice mucosa (body structure) E12975 P12975 - P 61E17DF59DBD4FF9B6E3026CAAB847EE Body orifice mucosa 12976 12976 12976 inferior frontal cortex 304850001 S12976 Inferior frontal cortex (body structure) E12976 P12976 Y P nervous system 967D4BC3569243FF9D75911333C50B36 Inferior frontal cortex 12978 12978 12978 bilateral hip joint 304909008 S12978 Bilateral hip joint (body structure) E12978 P12978 - P skeletal system 4930DCFFDB9C4795926573481CF3C6B3 Bilateral hip joint 12979 12979 12979 condyle of femur 304912006 S12979 Condyle of femur (body structure) E12979 P12979 Y 32855 P skeletal system 05ECC11216F74464988F5C2A1DF9D350 Condyle of femur 12980 12980 12980 tendon of orbital muscle 304920008 S12980 Tendon of orbital muscle (body structure) E12980 P12980 372234009 Part of tendon of orbital muscle (body structure) Y P special senses organ system 0ED05114EC644D538F05524749B85182 5923DE711F6B44E2A6CA4168CD8933C5 Tendon of orbital muscle tendon of orbital muscle 12981 12981 12981 lateral rectus tendon 304921007 S12981 Lateral rectus tendon (body structure) E12981 P12981 Y 54485 P special senses organ system 73D3B2C2142C4BAEA0E59138A8C13AEB Lateral rectus tendon 12982 12982 12982 medial rectus tendon 304922000 S12982 Medial rectus tendon (body structure) E12982 P12982 Y 54478 P special senses organ system 6016206102DD48F3893ECC103BFF3D83 Medial rectus tendon 12983 12983 12983 superior rectus tendon 304923005 S12983 Superior rectus tendon (body structure) E12983 P12983 Y 54098 P special senses organ system CF9B9F1760C14991AC224CFE1295C911 Superior rectus tendon 12984 12984 12984 inferior rectus tendon 304924004 S12984 Inferior rectus tendon (body structure) E12984 P12984 Y 54113 P special senses organ system E64D5B11EA2747B6AFC2D3546CCBC12E Inferior rectus tendon 12985 12985 12985 inferior oblique tendon 304925003 S12985 Inferior oblique tendon (body structure) E12985 P12985 Y 54143 P special senses organ system 53634D0C06374C5BA4CD698578873F22 Inferior oblique tendon 12986 12986 12986 iliolumbar ligament 304928001 S12986 Iliolumbar ligament (body structure) E12986 P12986 Y 21493 P musculoskeletal system DE9FA4C21A0548CF98A4635762A410E0 Iliolumbar ligament 12987 12987 12987 radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb 304931000 S12987 Radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) E12987 P12987 Y P musculoskeletal system 0F7209CCFD8342CA8FEA0095229D59AF Radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb 12988 12988 12988 radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of index finger 304932007 S12988 Radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) E12988 P12988 Y P musculoskeletal system 346F23CBCEF644E89541955EA67E538C Radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of index finger 12989 12989 12989 ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of index finger 304933002 S12989 Ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) E12989 P12989 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 9800579969F84E9E8706DE99784C7D30 Ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of index finger 12990 12990 12990 radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 304934008 S12990 Radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) E12990 P12990 Y P musculoskeletal system 514A88650728482487D8EEBC08B17354 Radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 12991 12991 12991 ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 304935009 S12991 Ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) E12991 P12991 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system D15D922DAEB44741B093BD7EDB737524 Ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 12992 12992 12992 radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 304936005 S12992 Radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) E12992 P12992 Y P musculoskeletal system 933AE7C50B0B4B4B97CE1BC300763D69 Radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 12993 12993 12993 ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 304937001 S12993 Ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) E12993 P12993 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 794C34F3AD324897BCDA7E2F4EBE6395 Ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 12994 12994 12994 radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of little finger 304938006 S12994 Radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) E12994 P12994 Y P musculoskeletal system 6E7B767ADA154BA583B48F6A4320A46D Radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of little finger 12995 12995 12995 ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of little finger 304939003 S12995 Ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) E12995 P12995 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 13546E85CC6E4136958967D6A4174D7A Ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of little finger 12996 12996 12996 radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of finger 304940001 S12996 Radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E12996 P12996 Y P musculoskeletal system 53ADF831DB0847C6A462F43434F4C67A Radial collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of finger 12997 12997 12997 ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of finger 304941002 S12997 Ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E12997 P12997 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 075D1CFD204B497CAB81A2CBE223247E Ulnar collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of finger 12999 12999 12999 nucleus of medulla oblongata 304943004 S12999 Nucleus of medulla oblongata (body structure) E12999 P12999 - 258772 P nervous system 727B3CCA8FBB406DB89371FB1A187810 Nucleus of medulla oblongata 13000 13000 13000 radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger 304944005 S13000 Radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) E13000 P13000 Y P musculoskeletal system 88C5EC25232C4C2F97B7AC0CE83A0876 Radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger 13001 13001 13001 ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger 304945006 S13001 Ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) E13001 P13001 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system F048B2A18B2B46ACB13EE3A8E97764EB Ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger 13002 13002 13002 ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpo-phalangea joint of middle finger 304946007 S13002 Ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpo-phalangea joint of middle finger (body structure) E13002 P13002 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system B913B7114FF94DD3847A167835C056CD Ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpo-phalangea joint of middle finger 13003 13003 13003 radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger 304947003 S13003 Radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) E13003 P13003 Y P musculoskeletal system 6CF185E0153B45FA8A9B0F332CACC3E5 Radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger 13004 13004 13004 radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger 304948008 S13004 Radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) E13004 P13004 Y P musculoskeletal system 890B5067C01449B28B6D4CCC435D54DD Radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger 13005 13005 13005 ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger 304949000 S13005 Ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) E13005 P13005 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system CCA7D0832066418097792E3D605A7083 Ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of ring finger 13006 13006 13006 ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger 304950000 S13006 Ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) E13006 P13006 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system FF576A2AF4EB4DB784664A6A28C40003 Ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger 13007 13007 13007 radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger 304951001 S13007 Radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) E13007 P13007 Y P musculoskeletal system C2435184471C43ACACAF13E2FE9C7871 Radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger 13008 13008 13008 radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger 304952008 S13008 Radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E13008 P13008 Y P musculoskeletal system B19906890AAA4935A1A040430C432848 Radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger 13009 13009 13009 ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger 304953003 S13009 Ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E13009 P13009 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system E76771942E0E43188EEB80FCC01D311B Ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger 13010 13010 13010 radial collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of thumb 304954009 S13010 Radial collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) E13010 P13010 Y P musculoskeletal system 773FBCF2E14B493DA06BE6421775C597 Radial collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of thumb 13011 13011 13011 ulnar collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of thumb 304955005 S13011 Ulnar collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) E13011 P13011 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 158EDE52A69F490C8DF08CAF85EA410B Ulnar collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of thumb 13012 13012 13012 radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger 304956006 S13012 Radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) E13012 P13012 Y P musculoskeletal system D3F37004C25C48FEBD8DEAAAAEE32E79 Radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger 13013 13013 13013 ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger 304957002 S13013 Ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger (body structure) E13013 P13013 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 7724F6138DB143A3B8726A577E3970AA Ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger 13014 13014 13014 ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 304958007 S13014 Ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) E13014 P13014 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 30FAA7D7A7AC40B2974EE0B5880F1081 Ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 13015 13015 13015 radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 304959004 S13015 Radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger (body structure) E13015 P13015 Y P musculoskeletal system 589ADC3E1C2743CCB2C3B67C41350EAA Radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger 13016 13016 13016 radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 304960009 S13016 Radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) E13016 P13016 Y P musculoskeletal system 0FDE574C744F41D4A4B539A879DFF55C Radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 13017 13017 13017 ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 304961008 S13017 Ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger (body structure) E13017 P13017 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 3A010A1D248B42BA8A8BF75C88623A09 Ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger 13018 13018 13018 ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger 304962001 S13018 Ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger (body structure) E13018 P13018 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 03CED145A3A4409BBCBC56A788E8E9D4 Ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger 13019 13019 13019 radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalaneal joint of little finger 304963006 S13019 Radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalaneal joint of little finger (body structure) E13019 P13019 Y P musculoskeletal system FE7DC007EBE34601868F171E5441DF40 Radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalaneal joint of little finger 13020 13020 13020 radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger 304964000 S13020 Radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E13020 P13020 Y P musculoskeletal system 375235582BDD4779AE7282A5B8C31AF3 Radial collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger 13021 13021 13021 ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger 304965004 S13021 Ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E13021 P13021 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 795C4F670E5341C1BC2E66DDD856444F Ulnar collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger 13022 13022 13022 shoulder joint cavity 304999001 S13022 Shoulder joint cavity (body structure) E13022 P13022 Y P skeletal system A45934A6BA824B22862C366D07DD90AB Shoulder joint cavity 13023 13023 13023 elbow joint cavity 305000001 S13023 Elbow joint cavity (body structure) E13023 P13023 Y P articular system 350682891DE44918B0827562FCDADE4D Elbow joint cavity 13024 13024 13024 wrist joint cavity 305001002 S13024 Wrist joint cavity (body structure) E13024 P13024 Y P articular system 91674322DAE349C7B93466D66E379948 Wrist joint cavity 13025 13025 13025 hip joint cavity 305002009 S13025 Hip joint cavity (body structure) E13025 P13025 Y P musculoskeletal system E497CEC8940549EE96996A185E49B3D5 Hip joint cavity 13026 13026 13026 knee joint cavity 305003004 S13026 Knee joint cavity (body structure) E13026 P13026 Y P articular system 3ED1518CDB4245598B05FB1FC3E74807 Knee joint cavity 13027 13027 13027 ankle joint cavity 305004005 S13027 Ankle joint cavity (body structure) E13027 P13027 Y P articular system BF71D63FB7C34121B75DD128798F4982 Ankle joint cavity 13028 13028 13028 6/7 interchondral joint 305005006 S13028 6/7 interchondral joint (body structure) E13028 P13028 Y P articular system B4AD07C8A03947FC9150F1CAFBB7B964 6/7 interchondral joint 13029 13029 13029 7/8 interchondral joint 305006007 S13029 7/8 interchondral joint (body structure) E13029 P13029 Y P articular system 887DB4A3CA994F78BCA074121C780107 7/8 interchondral joint 13030 13030 13030 8/9 interchondral joint 305007003 S13030 8/9 interchondral joint (body structure) E13030 P13030 Y P articular system BDAEF2C4271048CA8EFE1B0A2B12FE56 8/9 interchondral joint 13031 13031 13031 septum of frontal sinus 305021001 S13031 Septum of frontal sinuses (body structure) E13031 P13031 Y 57423 P respiratory system 1F3C64A368D54FA5927B4790B31E62B6 Septum of frontal sinuses 13032 13032 13032 distal surface of tibia 305023003 S13032 Distal surface of tibia (body structure) E13032 P13032 Y P skeletal system F507B6C3D1A843F2B4D55A73C89CBC14 Distal surface of tibia 13033 13033 13033 5/6 interchondral joint 305024009 S13033 5/6 interchondral joint (body structure) E13033 P13033 Y P articular system 88B15431DD814AAD903D67F6B3A888FC 5/6 interchondral joint 13034 13034 13034 muscle acting on joint of shoulder region S13034 E13034 305027002 Muscle acting on joint of shoulder region (body structure) P13034 Y 0 P muscular system D9D499977701472F9FA5EB8E3761733E Muscle acting on joint of shoulder region (body structure) 13035 13035 13035 articular cartilage of shoulder joint 305028007 S13035 Articular cartilage of shoulder joint (body structure) E13035 P13035 Y P skeletal system B1AE2142F1F349549ABEE41CE50A535B Articular cartilage of shoulder joint 13036 13036 13036 articular cartilage of elbow joint 305029004 S13036 Articular cartilage of elbow joint (body structure) E13036 P13036 Y P musculoskeletal system 359FAEE456B44136BF04618ECF17852C Articular cartilage of elbow joint 13037 13037 13037 articular cartilage of wrist joint 305030009 S13037 Articular cartilage of wrist joint (body structure) E13037 P13037 Y P articular system 5BA0CB895F9B48E6BE5089D6B9EEE23D Articular cartilage of wrist joint 13038 13038 13038 articular cartilage of hip joint 305031008 S13038 Articular cartilage of hip joint (body structure) E13038 P13038 Y P musculoskeletal system 5D2284038E924AF7AA1C2FF9B2707292 Articular cartilage of hip joint 13039 13039 13039 articular cartilage of knee joint 305032001 S13039 Articular cartilage of knee joint (body structure) E13039 P13039 Y P articular system BEF8D02C4A9046D99D6A3C042C106D48 Articular cartilage of knee joint 13040 13040 13040 articular cartilage of ankle joint 305033006 S13040 Articular cartilage of ankle joint (body structure) E13040 P13040 Y P skeletal system BC5A58C9AA244C8BAC062A319534DA82 Articular cartilage of ankle joint 13041 13041 13041 articular cartilage of glenoid cavity 305035004 S13041 Articular cartilage of glenoid cavity (body structure) E13041 P13041 Y P skeletal system 39661AD7ABFE4FAEB60301E103BB3814 Articular cartilage of glenoid cavity 13042 13042 13042 articular cartilage of humeral head 305037007 S13042 Articular cartilage of humeral head (body structure) E13042 P13042 Y P skeletal system A090749B49E64D8AB4D3A9282F13E5FF Articular cartilage of humeral head 13043 13043 13043 peroneus brevis tendon sheath S13043 E13043 305039005 Peroneus brevis tendon sheath (body structure) P13043 Y P musculoskeletal system FA65FF9ECE6446FDAB409F6E1E5D06D0 Peroneus brevis tendon sheath (body structure) 13044 13044 13044 peroneus tertius tendon sheath S13044 E13044 305040007 Peroneus tertius tendon sheath (body structure) P13044 Y P musculoskeletal system F5D5C91704074C7195087EEF6C7E6327 Peroneus tertius tendon sheath (body structure) 13045 13045 13045 extensor indicis tendon sheath S13045 E13045 305043009 Extensor indicis tendon sheath (body structure) P13045 Y P musculoskeletal system 6FD9F319A17B46D984127138B126234D Extensor indicis tendon sheath (body structure) 13046 13046 13046 articular cartilage of distal humerus 305044003 S13046 Articular cartilage of distal humerus (body structure) E13046 P13046 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system CF6973B9682B48EFA8969CAB36C74D2C Articular cartilage of distal humerus 13047 13047 13047 articular cartilage of radial head 305045002 S13047 Articular cartilage of radial head (body structure) E13047 P13047 Y P musculoskeletal system C9CCD0A41A6E47AE914EF2FDF95CA39E Articular cartilage of radial head 13048 13048 13048 articular cartilage of trochlear notch of ulna 305048000 S13048 Articular cartilage of trochlear notch of ulna (body structure) E13048 P13048 Y 38896 P musculoskeletal system 595D3BCB68D84153BE7205E406B541FA Articular cartilage of trochlear notch of ulna 13049 13049 13049 articular cartilage of distal radius 305049008 S13049 Articular cartilage of distal radius (body structure) E13049 P13049 Y P articular system ACAD053D618E4CDC9BAF1334578623FA Articular cartilage of distal radius 13050 13050 13050 articular cartilage of scaphoid 305050008 S13050 Articular cartilage of scaphoid (body structure) E13050 P13050 Y 33315 P articular system FEFC011E051C41A583EBF0BFE4844FDE Articular cartilage of scaphoid 13051 13051 13051 articular cartilage of lunate 305051007 S13051 Articular cartilage of lunate (body structure) E13051 P13051 Y 33321 P articular system 2A65D9496B0D4930AC6FCD52B3B064C2 Articular cartilage of lunate 13052 13052 13052 articular cartilage of triquetrum 305052000 S13052 Articular cartilage of triquetrum (body structure) E13052 P13052 Y P articular system 1EF4E4424E534DE182D62E4D79997856 Articular cartilage of triquetrum 13053 13053 13053 articular cartilage of femoral head 305054004 S13053 Articular cartilage of femoral head (body structure) E13053 P13053 Y 51604 P musculoskeletal system 33FD0FB7EDE04794A0EE75081F956AB8 Articular cartilage of femoral head 13054 13054 13054 articular cartilage of acetabulum 305055003 S13054 Articular cartilage of acetabulum (body structure) E13054 P13054 Y P musculoskeletal system 3A7A532FEE704F05A9F7691FEA4CB1CE Articular cartilage of acetabulum 13055 13055 13055 articular cartilage of femoral condyle 305057006 S13055 Articular cartilage of femoral condyle (body structure) E13055 P13055 Y P articular system D6188906DED94C61BA05D8236BBA1136 Articular cartilage of femoral condyle 13056 13056 13056 articular cartilage of medial femoral condyle 305059009 S13056 Articular cartilage of medial femoral condyle (body structure) E13056 P13056 Y 51605 P skeletal system 0E449AEE4FD44C5BB7F84FDD358F51FD Articular cartilage of medial femoral condyle 13057 13057 13057 articular cartilage of lateral femoral condyle 305061000 S13057 Articular cartilage of lateral femoral condyle (body structure) E13057 P13057 Y 51606 P skeletal system 24F8D1A19E6941FBBA88918A7C85A7B5 Articular cartilage of lateral femoral condyle 13058 13058 13058 patellar surface of femur 305062007 S13058 Patellar surface of femur (body structure) E13058 P13058 Y 43745 P skeletal system 7F74E534AFAC4581AB6F22EC3DC29FDB Patellar surface of femur 13059 13059 13059 articular cartilage of patellar surface of femur 305066005 S13059 Articular cartilage of patellar surface of femur (body structure) E13059 P13059 Y P articular system 853D0A43E88E4BFD90AABF7E2393613D Articular cartilage of patellar surface of femur 13060 13060 13060 articular cartilage of patella 305069003 S13060 Articular cartilage of patella (body structure) E13060 P13060 Y 43640 P articular system 853E79BE08364F779B73771E6A822A14 Articular cartilage of patella 13061 13061 13061 articular cartilage of tibial condyle 305077004 S13061 Articular cartilage of tibial condyle (body structure) E13061 P13061 Y P articular system A0FB821681214F06A7C898DE853442E5 Articular cartilage of tibial condyle 13062 13062 13062 articular cartilage of medial tibial condyle 305080003 S13062 Articular cartilage of medial tibial condyle (body structure) E13062 P13062 Y P articular system 3860C9CB1AFC492297FF445B277637C4 Articular cartilage of medial tibial condyle 13063 13063 13063 articular cartilage of lateral tibial condyle 305081004 S13063 Articular cartilage of lateral tibial condyle (body structure) E13063 P13063 Y P articular system 9FDA9D4EA06740528E8B30622ABEDB45 Articular cartilage of lateral tibial condyle 13064 13064 13064 articular cartilage of distal tibia 305091005 S13064 Articular cartilage of distal tibia (body structure) E13064 P13064 Y P skeletal system A55DBC3DEDAF4DFEB50AB56633E06879 Articular cartilage of distal tibia 13065 13065 13065 articular cartilage of medial malleolus 305093008 S13065 Articular cartilage of medial malleolus (body structure) E13065 P13065 Y P skeletal system CD95F5D798CF4110BA8BE1487F166609 Articular cartilage of medial malleolus 13066 13066 13066 articular cartilage of lateral malleolus 305095001 S13066 Articular cartilage of lateral malleolus (body structure) E13066 P13066 Y P skeletal system 975D8DD8F6EE4F689AE84851E3B1DE3E Articular cartilage of lateral malleolus 13067 13067 13067 articular cartilage of body of talus 305098004 S13067 Articular cartilage of body of talus (body structure) E13067 P13067 Y 44112 P skeletal system 4FF9326C749A41979F49DE8F15D2877F Articular cartilage of body of talus 13068 13068 13068 cardiac valve annulus 305437000 S13068 Cardiac valve annulus (body structure) E13068 P13068 - P cardiovascular system 94B3508CDC3F4C759DFE2BB24893FB11 Cardiac valve annulus 13071 13071 13071 radial insertion of biceps brachii 305619005 S13071 Radial insertion of biceps brachii (body structure) E13071 P13071 Y P musculoskeletal system 9B1934F795A74DAC9DF0AA7081BDDD85 Radial insertion of biceps brachii 13072 13072 13072 diameter of head 30615003 S13072 Diameter of head (body structure) E13072 P13072 - P 261761B723A74E6AA64009D6A5CEC22D Diameter of head 13073 13073 13073 spinal arachnoid 3062004 S13073 Spinal arachnoid (body structure) E13073 P13073 - P nervous system 6AB3D9355CBC4152B825BF766CBACF4B Spinal arachnoid 13074 13074 13074 uncinate process of ethmoid 306373001 S13074 Uncinate process (body structure) E13074 P13074 Y 57455 P respiratory system 3B636A5609EC4389BBB691B8951A8565 Uncinate process 13075 13075 13075 intervertebral disc space of sixth lumbar vertebra 30643007 S13075 Intervertebral disc space of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E13075 P13075 - 0 P skeletal system A3F4BFC5CA2A4251847C71C9D8448BB7 Intervertebral disc space of sixth lumbar vertebra 13076 13076 13076 fascia of thorax 306710009 S13076 Fascia of the thorax (body structure) E13076 P13076 - 57817 P musculoskeletal system BCAEB0F8CDE240608DA4A1EDF2B1A02C Fascia of the thorax 13077 13077 13077 bilateral middle ear 306711008 S13077 Bilateral middle ear (body structure) E13077 P13077 - P special senses organ system EAA70ED5939A47BBBCE285C8A6744CF2 Bilateral middle ear 13080 13080 13080 muscle belly of biceps brachii 306784006 S13080 Muscle belly of biceps brachii (body structure) E13080 P13080 Y 38146 P muscular system E062C20049734D269B56619EB1FA8F84 Muscle belly of biceps brachii 13081 13081 13081 musculotendinous junction 306789001 S13081 Musculotendinous junction (body structure) E13081 P13081 - 72340 P muscular system 821BCCD2F6484D749CAE6D22089D063E Musculotendinous junction 13082 13082 13082 musculotendinous junction of biceps brachii 306793007 S13082 Musculotendinous junction of biceps brachii (body structure) E13082 P13082 Y P muscular system 7116CD6609A34EA08BA0F1F0F46F0991 Musculotendinous junction of biceps brachii 13083 13083 13083 musculotendinous junction of long head of biceps brachii 306794001 S13083 Musculotendinous junction of long head of biceps brachii (body structure) E13083 P13083 Y P muscular system B61C23EB751B4B3EA8CBB54E9A4DA9B0 Musculotendinous junction of long head of biceps brachii 13084 13084 13084 distal musculotendinous junction of biceps brachii 306795000 S13084 Distal musculotendinous junction of biceps brachii (body structure) E13084 P13084 Y P muscular system 3BEB93C6B411479991D6F7A161B5CA70 Distal musculotendinous junction of biceps brachii 13085 13085 13085 attachment of skeletal muscle 306796004 S13085 Attachment of skeletal muscle (body structure) E13085 P13085 - P musculoskeletal system EE96BF29EB88441E8DDAA5C19B03A69E Attachment of skeletal muscle 13086 13086 13086 muscle attachment of biceps brachii 306797008 S13086 Muscle attachment of biceps brachii (body structure) E13086 P13086 Y P musculoskeletal system EA59CCBC15C945EA9CE5FD36900F7497 Muscle attachment of biceps brachii 13087 13087 13087 origin of long head of biceps brachii 306798003 S13087 Origin of long head of biceps brachii (body structure) E13087 P13087 Y P musculoskeletal system 29EEA09B350848FF9028536780E08BB2 Origin of long head of biceps brachii 13088 13088 13088 insertion of biceps brachii 306799006 S13088 Insertion of biceps brachii (body structure) E13088 P13088 Y P musculoskeletal system D01685ACE95F4EDB8A7420FF244A67FD Insertion of biceps brachii 13089 13089 13089 nail bed of digit of hand 306865002 S13089 Nail bed of digit of hand (body structure) E13089 P13089 Y P integumentary system FB1BA25672EA47CA9D18873AC855D82A Nail bed of digit of hand 13091 13091 13091 musculotendinous junction of supraspinatus 307001001 S13091 Musculotendinous junction of supraspinatus (body structure) E13091 P13091 Y P muscular system 470DD7C726684636A1CE69126B9DFE51 Musculotendinous junction of supraspinatus 13092 13092 13092 proximal musculotendinous junction of supraspinatus 307002008 S13092 Proximal musculotendinous junction of supraspinatus (body structure) E13092 P13092 Y P muscular system 06AC3A4B386045F39DF995A3122020D3 Proximal musculotendinous junction of supraspinatus 13093 13093 13093 distal musculotendinous junction of supraspinatus 307003003 S13093 Distal musculotendinous junction of supraspinatus (body structure) E13093 P13093 Y P muscular system 04EF75D321E04F89AE6BFCBD1D9D83DA Distal musculotendinous junction of supraspinatus 13094 13094 13094 muscle attachment of supraspinatous muscle 307004009 S13094 Muscle attachment of supraspinatous (body structure) E13094 P13094 Y P musculoskeletal system 71B9C0AFFB0C4C5D869EF2D23F32BF8B Muscle attachment of supraspinatous 13095 13095 13095 origin of supraspinatus muscle 307005005 S13095 Origin of supraspinatous (body structure) E13095 P13095 Y P musculoskeletal system 3F429DD5FE2E425E91E7F63A7FA03C4B Origin of supraspinatous 13096 13096 13096 insertion of supraspinatus muscle 307006006 S13096 Insertion of supraspinatous (body structure) E13096 P13096 Y P musculoskeletal system 1020BEF1E44A48CABD335E441F06C30C Insertion of supraspinatous 13097 13097 13097 laryngeal nerve 307013006 S13097 Laryngeal nerve (body structure) E13097 P13097 Y P nervous system 9B28256691F4474F9B68C93E9A5F3DC2 Laryngeal nerve 13098 13098 13098 insertion of infraspinatus muscle 307014000 S13098 Insertion of infraspinatous (body structure) E13098 P13098 Y P musculoskeletal system 4673EFF19CA04DE69275A7FBF1E9D6F4 Insertion of infraspinatous 13099 13099 13099 insertion of subscapularis 307016003 S13099 Insertion of subscapularis (body structure) E13099 P13099 Y P musculoskeletal system 963BE28D64704459B1EE0A81C7DB98FC Insertion of subscapularis 13100 13100 13100 musculotendinous junction of adductor longus 307020004 S13100 Musculotendinous junction of adductor longus (body structure) E13100 P13100 Y P muscular system 1F7CA5F258A34760AC2BFE1262416D13 Musculotendinous junction of adductor longus 13101 13101 13101 proximal musculotendinous junction of rectus femoris 307021000 S13101 Proximal musculotendinous junction of rectus femoris (body structure) E13101 P13101 Y P muscular system 6CCA4F4CB9824DE293D20A80B230B2A4 Proximal musculotendinous junction of rectus femoris 13102 13102 13102 muscle attachment of posterior muscle of thigh 307022007 S13102 Muscle attachment of posterior muscle of thigh (body structure) E13102 P13102 Y P musculoskeletal system 1206A5BC36E74625B840EFFA7D228614 Muscle attachment of posterior muscle of thigh 13103 13103 13103 origin of posterior muscle of thigh 307023002 S13103 Origin of posterior muscle of thigh (body structure) E13103 P13103 Y P musculoskeletal system 936DEFBAB3FD4BBAAB7E0E964E24A5F0 Origin of posterior muscle of thigh 13104 13104 13104 insertion of posterior muscle of thigh 307024008 S13104 Insertion of posterior muscle of thigh (body structure) E13104 P13104 Y P musculoskeletal system 13C1C411D4A84EED97326BE1A1FEE9F5 Insertion of posterior muscle of thigh 13105 13105 13105 insertion of biceps femoris 307025009 S13105 Insertion of biceps femoris (body structure) E13105 P13105 Y P musculoskeletal system 30231D67770647A7AD763C47FF9CD0FC Insertion of biceps femoris 13106 13106 13106 insertion of semitendinosus 307026005 S13106 Insertion of semitendinosus (body structure) E13106 P13106 Y P musculoskeletal system BA5F2FA9CFD741F38B91F408EDDB64EF Insertion of semitendinosus 13107 13107 13107 insertion of semimembranosus 307027001 S13107 Insertion of semimembranosus (body structure) E13107 P13107 Y P musculoskeletal system 84CF9026CEC446ACA77737108A5864DE Insertion of semimembranosus 13108 13108 13108 muscle belly of posterior muscle of thigh 307028006 S13108 Muscle belly of posterior muscle of thigh (body structure) E13108 P13108 Y P muscular system 5C9ED24483BA45B4A4FCABC343FE3887 Muscle belly of posterior muscle of thigh 13109 13109 13109 muscle belly of biceps femoris 307029003 S13109 Muscle belly of biceps femoris (body structure) E13109 P13109 Y P muscular system B25DD3C04ADF4B8BB094BF08E40E4CAA Muscle belly of biceps femoris 13110 13110 13110 muscle belly of semitendinosus 307030008 S13110 Muscle belly of semitendinosus (body structure) E13110 P13110 Y P muscular system FE6A0E3F9BA8444CB445ACFDC16D43D0 Muscle belly of semitendinosus 13111 13111 13111 muscle belly of semimembranosus 307031007 S13111 Muscle belly of semimembranosus (body structure) E13111 P13111 Y P muscular system AD4F109C9F894E068BA8E1882BA292D8 Muscle belly of semimembranosus 13112 13112 13112 muscle belly of gastrocnemius 307032000 S13112 Muscle belly of gastrocnemius (body structure) E13112 P13112 Y P muscular system DA5950C3694041E2B52BE4A28E6634E5 Muscle belly of gastrocnemius 13113 13113 13113 musculotendinous junction of lateral crural muscle 307034004 S13113 Musculotendinous junction of lateral crural muscle (body structure) E13113 P13113 Y P muscular system BF07024BA7BD407D8134426AA71A375B Musculotendinous junction of lateral crural muscle 13114 13114 13114 musculotendinous junction of peroneus longus 307037006 S13114 Musculotendinous junction of peroneus longus (body structure) E13114 P13114 Y P muscular system 107703E717D949B29722E176E2BEEE28 Musculotendinous junction of peroneus longus 13115 13115 13115 musculotendinous junction of peroneus brevis 307038001 S13115 Musculotendinous junction of peroneus brevis (body structure) E13115 P13115 Y P muscular system 7BB80999C6014805BF81B285AB052602 Musculotendinous junction of peroneus brevis 13116 13116 13116 musculotendinous junction of tibialis anterior 307042003 S13116 Musculotendinous junction of tibialis anterior (body structure) E13116 P13116 Y P muscular system F01CD64CC20E4FA29981384CC5B0F0CA Musculotendinous junction of tibialis anterior 13117 13117 13117 periarterial sympathetic nerve of upper limb 307056001 S13117 Periarterial sympathetic nerve of upper limb (body structure) E13117 P13117 Y P nervous system 008CAFFB838240B3AF72FBB1B06C4E52 Periarterial sympathetic nerve of upper limb 13118 13118 13118 periarterial sympathetic nerve of lower limb 307057005 S13118 Periarterial sympathetic nerve of lower limb (body structure) E13118 P13118 Y P nervous system E224E8A703CB49CF86D9F7345B796925 Periarterial sympathetic nerve of lower limb 13119 13119 13119 cerebellar flocculus 30711003 S13119 Flocculus (body structure) E13119 279368002 Cerebellar flocculus (body structure) P13119 Y 83881 P nervous system F9C4FB41BA4342C6AF25E82F87E7F574 825C43A41D1445EAAAA77ED368A95B4C Flocculus Cerebellar flocculus (body structure) 13120 13120 13120 distal-incisal-palatal surface 307344007 S13120 Distal-incisal-palatal (body structure) E13120 P13120 Y P digestive system BAD52E2879FF499B848A2D611E45955B Distal-incisal-palatal surface 13121 13121 13121 distal-incisal-buccal surface 307345008 S13121 Distal-incisal-buccal (body structure) E13121 P13121 Y P digestive system D37CA5125B7444F99EA293DD4A62AA30 Distal-incisal-buccal surface 13122 13122 13122 distal-incisal-lingual surface 307346009 S13122 Distal-incisal-lingual (body structure) E13122 P13122 Y P digestive system 1FFB5B463CB744628D79DBDC3515B9EA Distal-incisal-lingual surface 13123 13123 13123 mesial-incisal-buccal surface 307347000 S13123 Mesial-incisal-buccal (body structure) E13123 P13123 Y P digestive system 1679D3B2786845CE9E120516E5D14757 Mesial-incisal-buccal surface 13124 13124 13124 mesial-incisal-palatal surface 307348005 S13124 Mesial-incisal-palatal (body structure) E13124 P13124 Y P digestive system 5E30B7B5A39744689C37C384684194F8 Mesial-incisal-palatal surface 13125 13125 13125 mesial-incisal-lingual surface 307349002 S13125 Mesial-incisal-lingual (body structure) E13125 P13125 Y P digestive system 5672E5CD0649434F8F1817815BF55607 Mesial-incisal-lingual surface 13126 13126 13126 distal-incisal-buccal-palatal surface 307350002 S13126 Distal-incisal-buccal-palatal (body structure) E13126 P13126 Y P digestive system C31D33E52F3E40D4AA4DAA4BD995A804 Distal-incisal-buccal-palatal surface 13127 13127 13127 distal-incisal-buccal-lingual surface 307351003 S13127 Distal-incisal-buccal-lingual (body structure) E13127 P13127 Y P digestive system 88727D76C99E4147A89CD0F8F26EEEBE Distal-incisal-buccal-lingual surface 13128 13128 13128 mesial-incisal-distal-buccal surface 307352005 S13128 Mesial-incisal-distal-buccal (body structure) E13128 P13128 Y P digestive system 722EB5F9CE614675937CE60AC7DC3AAD Mesial-incisal-distal-buccal surface 13129 13129 13129 mesial-incisal-distal-palatal surface 307353000 S13129 Mesial-incisal-distal-palatal (body structure) E13129 P13129 Y P digestive system 631259DA7CB64BE69AC7228EA93BA76C Mesial-incisal-distal-palatal surface 13130 13130 13130 mesial-incisal-distal-lingual surface 307354006 S13130 Mesial-incisal-distal-lingual (body structure) E13130 P13130 Y P digestive system 2AD9C8B3634546C09C3F8AA0C089757B Mesial-incisal-distal-lingual surface 13131 13131 13131 limbus of cochlear duct 307412009 S13131 Limbus of cochlear duct (body structure) E13131 P13131 Y 77843 P special senses organ system 2D0A797E5E104791B04650931F51209D Limbus of cochlear duct 13133 13133 13133 ileal lamina propria 30751000 S13133 Ileal lamina propria (body structure) E13133 P13133 - 15971 P digestive system 0D97812293C249C69B71FC9B3712D16D Ileal lamina propria 13134 13134 13134 mesial-incisal-distal-buccal-palatal surface 307611007 S13134 Mesial-incisal-distal-buccal-palatal (body structure) E13134 P13134 Y P digestive system A49B4C2454A548A985AF6958357F636A Mesial-incisal-distal-buccal-palatal surface 13135 13135 13135 mesial-incisal-distal-buccal-lingual surface 307612000 S13135 Mesial-incisal-distal-buccal-lingual (body structure) E13135 P13135 Y P digestive system C4DAE161046E43519F3EB575DF8C4C6E Mesial-incisal-distal-buccal-lingual surface 13136 13136 13136 mesial-incisal-buccal-lingual surface 307613005 S13136 Mesial-incisal-buccal-lingual (body structure) E13136 P13136 Y P digestive system DFE10A76261C45FB9191F9AEB2010045 Mesial-incisal-buccal-lingual surface 13137 13137 13137 mesial-incisal-buccal-palatal surface 307614004 S13137 Mesial-incisal-buccal-palatal (body structure) E13137 P13137 Y P digestive system AEAB0C4123224717A608AB41163A00D1 Mesial-incisal-buccal-palatal surface 13138 13138 13138 cystic duct junction 307704002 S13138 Cystic duct junction (body structure) E13138 P13138 - 0 P digestive system 2861438AAC3241E181C3D3DCBF29E55A Cystic duct junction 13139 13139 13139 junction of right and left hepatic ducts 307705001 S13139 Junction of right and left hepatic ducts (body structure) E13139 P13139 - P digestive system 3E6A605A066B455D910756F3855D8832 Junction of right and left hepatic ducts 13140 13140 13140 tendon of pectoralis major 307706000 S13140 Tendon of pectoralis major (body structure) E13140 P13140 Y 38158 P skeletal system C14055D53E624791844281F6A3C784F8 Tendon of pectoralis major 13142 13142 13142 mucous membrane of bronchus 30802009 S13142 Mucous membrane of bronchus (body structure) E13142 P13142 Y 62652 P respiratory system E079DDEBE50D4300B04E71BBCD133682 Mucous membrane of bronchus 13143 13143 13143 limbus laminae spiralis osseae 308324003 S13143 Limbus laminae spiralis osseae [NA] (body structure) E13143 P13143 Y 77842 P special senses organ system 4DBEC8DC74974295B24D0C0C3040354A Limbus laminae spiralis osseae [NA] 13144 13144 13144 tendon of fourth palmar interosseous muscle 308733003 S13144 Tendon of fourth palmar interosseous (body structure) E13144 P13144 Y 39676 P musculoskeletal system 2363FB5BEB6F4780A2FF172AC8B690CC Tendon of fourth palmar interosseous 13145 13145 13145 artery of trunk 308734009 S13145 Artery of trunk (body structure) E13145 P13145 - 0 D arterial system 769514B58F464FE0B654EA5F608E7365 Artery of trunk 13146 13146 13146 histogenic layer 308763007 S13146 Histogenic layer (body structure) E13146 P13146 - P A34070D03FE940DEB500E43ED6BAA371 Histogenic layer 13147 13147 13147 vitelline vein system 308784002 S13147 Vitelline vein system (body structure) E13147 P13147 - P 3A5FDB45BD0D4686A97FECDA67FA66E8 Vitelline vein system 13148 13148 13148 nephrogenic cord derivative 308803001 S13148 Nephrogenic cord derivative (body structure) E13148 P13148 Y P 2FE7969A0F364CB48735A2C0C377763D Nephrogenic cord derivative 13149 13149 13149 cardinal vein system 308831005 S13149 Cardinal vein system (body structure) E13149 P13149 - P 420135D6132F427F9D3745D36B382554 Cardinal vein system 13150 13150 13150 left umbilical vein 308833008 S13150 Structure of left umbilical vein (body structure) E13150 P13150 L 70320 P cardiovascular system 4FD06DCB2646484DA3769DC886C9307D left umbilical vein 13151 13151 13151 primitive mesentery 308840009 S13151 Primitive mesentery (body structure) E13151 P13151 - P digestive system F2EF98FFDC0B498FACE1AFAAFA46630A Primitive mesentery 13153 13153 13153 anterior intermuscular crural septum 30894002 S13153 Anterior intermuscular crural septum (body structure) E13153 P13153 Y 58755 P musculoskeletal system DF26E65E42934F8E9A24849CCF663F6D Anterior intermuscular crural septum 13154 13154 13154 unilaminar epithelium 309043004 S13154 Unilaminar epithelium (body structure) E13154 P13154 - 45561 P 50089DAB12EC4F63A67F471A0CFB1309 Unilaminar epithelium Epithelium which consists of a single layer of epithelial cells. Examples: endothelium, mesothelium, glandular squamous epithelium. 13155 13155 13155 multilaminar epithelium 309044005 S13155 Multilaminar epithelium (body structure) E13155 P13155 - 45562 P 0ECD8CF37D124A57A3410FFFF494F2D5 Multilaminar epithelium Epithelium which consists of more than one layer of epithelial cells that may or may not be in contact with a basement membrane. Examples: keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, ciliated stratified columnar epithelium. 13156 13156 13156 sensory epithelium 309045006 S13156 Sensory epithelium (body structure) E13156 P13156 - 62410 P E3364E0CF93640F59CB5FCA270CC35F2 Sensory epithelium 13157 13157 13157 Gartner's duct 309054009 S13157 Gartner's duct (body structure) E13157 P13157 Y 18694 P 7ADAAA70438D4E01A0A688F603E789A4 Gartner's duct 13159 13159 13159 clinical crown of tooth 3100007 S13159 Clinical crown of tooth (body structure) E13159 P13159 crown of tooth, clinical Y 55625 P digestive system 28FE226BF5474D5DBD4C867D54327AF7 Clinical crown of tooth 13160 13160 13160 transverse process of sixth lumbar vertebra 31018005 S13160 Transverse process of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E13160 P13160 Y P musculoskeletal system EF4D7CB0663E4D6EBBA38D53BF6F7C59 Transverse process of sixth lumbar vertebra 13162 13162 13162 apocrine intradermal duct 31050000 S13162 Apocrine intradermal duct (body structure) E13162 P13162 - 70646 P integumentary system 7CA7B7D52DCA4BC4A4EA13E89333CC73 Apocrine intradermal duct 13163 13163 13163 male internal genital organ S13163 E13163 310536002 Entire male internal genital organ (body structure) P13163 - P genital system 510AF2DB0238414987D90107DFA5EF66 Entire male internal genital organ (body structure) 13164 13164 13164 femoral lymph node 310545001 S13164 Femoral lymph node structure (body structure) E13164 P13164 Y P lymphatic system 00ED4A67CC874697A03A18FC4D9305B0 Femoral lymph node 13165 13165 13165 superficial terminal branch of ulnar nerve 310549007 S13165 Superficial terminal branch of ulnar nerve (body structure) E13165 P13165 Y 44876 P nervous system FA0C6631107D423FA3777227B1ECC4E0 Superficial terminal branch of ulnar nerve 13166 13166 13166 posterior cutaneous nerve of arm 44929009 S13166 Structure of posterior cutaneous nerve of arm (body structure) E13166 310550007 Entire posterior cutaneous nerve of arm (body structure) P13166 Y 44948 P nervous system 0046C4F0E6444C6295D63A297DA0DD24 AA3F0025DF7E46EEA6465BA5F1470578 posterior cutaneous nerve of arm Entire posterior cutaneous nerve of arm (body structure) 13167 13167 13167 lower lateral cutaneous nerve of arm 310551006 S13167 Lower lateral cutaneous nerve of arm (body structure) E13167 P13167 Y P nervous system 7DD963CBD71E4C439C164FC50D1E7B76 Lower lateral cutaneous nerve of arm 13168 13168 13168 posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm 43672007 S13168 Posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve (body structure) E13168 310552004 Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm (body structure) P13168 Y 39145 P nervous system 7888097DE8EA43D99B7BB88D9FDDB8D2 834794E296FC4CB7AFC38B8FC41D8891 Posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm (body structure) 13170 13170 13170 communicating branch of median nerve 310554003 S13170 Communicating branch of median nerve (body structure) E13170 P13170 Y P nervous system 7533626FFC6344E5966D42E429D6D84A Communicating branch of median nerve 13171 13171 13171 branch of abdominal aorta 310833002 S13171 Branch of abdominal aorta (body structure) E13171 P13171 - P arterial system AC7944DC29004359BE833A52538CD8E4 Branch of abdominal aorta 13172 13172 13172 peripheral nerve at elbow 310843004 S13172 Peripheral nerve at elbow (body structure) E13172 P13172 Y P nervous system AB4603464F8F4864ACC413156CDAE891 Peripheral nerve at elbow 13173 13173 13173 peripheral nerve at wrist 310844005 S13173 Peripheral nerve at wrist (body structure) E13173 P13173 Y P nervous system 07E4B3A1967C473FBF798B47919BA5F7 Peripheral nerve at wrist 13174 13174 13174 peripheral nerve in upper arm 310845006 S13174 Peripheral nerve in upper arm (body structure) E13174 P13174 Y 0 P nervous system 4AC92AB5B5B34A5EA1FD26D78693E91D Peripheral nerve in upper arm 13175 13175 13175 peripheral nerve in forearm 310846007 S13175 Peripheral nerve in forearm (body structure) E13175 P13175 Y P nervous system 17FE2DE1CC894E1BBA13B62C191E3DED Peripheral nerve in forearm 13176 13176 13176 peripheral nerve at ankle 310847003 S13176 Peripheral nerve at ankle (body structure) E13176 P13176 Y P nervous system E906E62D2F774F9598E6DD46DC44C016 Peripheral nerve at ankle 13177 13177 13177 pleural mesothelium 31115005 S13177 Pleural mesothelium (body structure) E13177 P13177 Y 18148 P respiratory system F8B7F300AF4D4938B3569C9BF8572C97 Pleural mesothelium 13178 13178 13178 submandibular duct orifice 311398007 S13178 Submandibular duct orifice (body structure) E13178 P13178 Y 59976 P digestive system C3EC133DFAEB4C7A9C123D8E508AF2AF Submandibular duct orifice 13179 13179 13179 facial nerve temporal branch 31172000 S13179 Facial nerve temporal branch (body structure) E13179 P13179 Y 53291 P nervous system DB857D1CAEF24802A7123F79C77921E1 Facial nerve temporal branch 13180 13180 13180 tendon of deltoid 312049005 S13180 Tendon of deltoid (body structure) E13180 P13180 Y 38340 P skeletal system EBAF084758D6420C819BBB43E3009F22 Tendon of deltoid 13181 13181 13181 artery of internal nose 312159009 S13181 Artery of internal nose (body structure) E13181 P13181 Y P arterial system 82D6E313F0414E6AA4098D2A69F90D89 Artery of internal nose 13182 13182 13182 greater palatine artery 312163002 S13182 Greater palatine artery (body structure) E13182 P13182 Y 79571 P arterial system 814E3B8CAD42443195B6EC31D9E06058 Greater palatine artery 13183 13183 13183 pharyngeal branch of the maxillary artery 312164008 S13183 Pharyngeal branch of the maxillary artery (body structure) E13183 P13183 Y P arterial system C65ECDF4ADDF4AB5A4125D95ABEF1FB7 Pharyngeal branch of the maxillary artery 13184 13184 13184 superior alveolar branch of the maxillary artery 312165009 S13184 Superior alveolar branch of the maxillary artery (body structure) E13184 P13184 Y P arterial system F31AE48EC3314A34A7CFE9F22A7D5C28 Superior alveolar branch of the maxillary artery 13185 13185 13185 vein of internal nose 312167001 S13185 Vein of internal nose (body structure) E13185 P13185 Y P venous system 96DDEBE6132F49AD9B187150D0FD2B9D Vein of internal nose 13186 13186 13186 atrioventricular junction 312212009 S13186 Atrioventricular junction (body structure) E13186 P13186 - 85125 P cardiovascular system 5CCF2BF9DC964F5F9FD6B449B01E22F2 Atrioventricular junction Zone of continuity which connects the cardiac atrium to the cardiac ventricle. 13187 13187 13187 distal lower limb artery 312333002 S13187 Distal lower limb artery (body structure) E13187 P13187 Y P cardiovascular system C16DD15138224A5ABC650E1B3724BE12 Distal lower limb artery 13188 13188 13188 proximal lower limb artery 312334008 S13188 Proximal lower limb artery (body structure) E13188 P13188 Y P cardiovascular system A7F8E1B2BF994241A0DCAAAC9A3365CD Proximal lower limb artery 13189 13189 13189 great vein 312335009 S13189 Great vein (body structure) E13189 P13189 - P cardiovascular system EFE8ABA736BF4D37A4D5C87BAC9C9A47 Great vein 13190 13190 13190 posterior meatal wall of external auditory canal 312490003 S13190 Posterior meatal wall of external auditory canal (body structure) E13190 P13190 Y P special senses organ system 45CFFE68F08E47398E968027B36BBBA7 Posterior meatal wall of external auditory canal 13191 13191 13191 perineal vein 312507009 S13191 Perineal vein (body structure) E13191 P13191 Y 21246 P cardiovascular system 1DC905E3310F446EAB9742DBA631EA57 Perineal vein 13192 13192 13192 dorsalis pedis vein 312515007 S13192 Dorsalis pedis vein (body structure) E13192 P13192 Y P venous system 3FBD4FAEFD074FDCB441B27EF0D4EC2F Dorsalis pedis vein 13193 13193 13193 superficial vein of breast 312516008 S13193 Superficial vein of breast (body structure) E13193 P13193 Y P cardiovascular system C860291B24E1440093124A2F04150DF3 Superficial vein of breast 13194 13194 13194 left atrioventricular (non-mitral) valve annulus 312519001 S13194 Left atrioventricular (non-mitral) valve annulus (body structure) E13194 P13194 - L P cardiovascular system E5B3B3F535C64E49B783EEFD7081C415 Left atrioventricular (non-mitral) valve annulus 13195 13195 13195 right atrioventricular (non-tricuspid) valve annulus 312520007 S13195 Right atrioventricular (non-tricuspid) valve annulus (body structure) E13195 P13195 - R P cardiovascular system 4690F350E7DF42CE9EEF5A6295FA13AB Right atrioventricular (non-tricuspid) valve annulus 13196 13196 13196 common atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve annulus 312521006 S13196 Common atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve annulus (body structure) E13196 P13196 - P cardiovascular system A3A5F9EEBF9E45AEB7DE9FD0091AA7E6 Common atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve annulus 13197 13197 13197 common atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve papillary muscle 312525002 S13197 Common atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve papillary muscle (body structure) E13197 P13197 - P cardiovascular system 4521A04C33B34CCC9E2698674A894D26 Common atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve papillary muscle 13198 13198 13198 left atrioventricular (non-mitral) valve papillary muscle 312526001 S13198 Left atrioventricular (non-mitral) valve papillary muscle (body structure) E13198 P13198 - L P cardiovascular system F9762E8C449240ECAD55EC08780577B6 Left atrioventricular (non-mitral) valve papillary muscle 13199 13199 13199 right atrioventricular (non-tricuspid) valve papillary muscle 312527005 S13199 Right atrioventricular (non-tricuspid) valve papillary muscle (body structure) E13199 P13199 - R P cardiovascular system 3D742E6604DE423E86F2AFB1812FBB2E Right atrioventricular (non-tricuspid) valve papillary muscle 13200 13200 13200 common atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve chordae tendinae 312528000 S13200 Common atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve chordae tendinae (body structure) E13200 P13200 - P cardiovascular system 41037626C8EC4643B5106B1597885A05 Common atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve chordae tendinae 13201 13201 13201 left atrioventricular (non-mitral) valve chordae tendinae 312529008 S13201 Left atrioventricular (non-mitral) valve chordae tendinae (body structure) E13201 P13201 - L P cardiovascular system 119D69D25D624F3BB5E533D382C422A2 Left atrioventricular (non-mitral) valve chordae tendinae 13202 13202 13202 right atrioventricular (non-tricuspid) valve chordae tendinae 312530003 S13202 Right atrioventricular (non-tricuspid) valve chordae tendinae (body structure) E13202 P13202 - R P cardiovascular system 8D3BEC8549D24ED092D038452B959284 Right atrioventricular (non-tricuspid) valve chordae tendinae 13203 13203 13203 popliteal vessel 312531004 S13203 Popliteal vessel (body structure) E13203 P13203 Y 0 P cardiovascular system 0BF1A19F68894719B51E3D03C7FF51BE Popliteal vessel 13204 13204 13204 tibial vessel 312532006 S13204 Tibial vessel (body structure) E13204 P13204 Y 0 P cardiovascular system 148D1033C296413DBC62E7C10F3FCE28 Tibial vessel 13205 13205 13205 iliac vessel 312536009 S13205 Iliac vessel (body structure) E13205 P13205 Y 0 P cardiovascular system AF6D2DFE973848B0A02A492803660C97 Iliac vessel 13206 13206 13206 axillary vessel 312538005 S13206 Axillary vessel (body structure) E13206 P13206 Y 0 P cardiovascular system B7E0DE0DE57A4F09BD3201B6CB65C4A0 Axillary vessel 13207 13207 13207 brachial vessel 312539002 S13207 Brachial vessel (body structure) E13207 P13207 Y 0 P cardiovascular system F19364C9BE554579BF57A872BCB5E35E Brachial vessel 13208 13208 13208 radial vessel 312540000 S13208 Radial vessel (body structure) E13208 P13208 Y 0 P cardiovascular system 79C9E7054FE34DC786B0F86ABA7B8F44 Radial vessel 13209 13209 13209 ulnar vessel 312541001 S13209 Ulnar vessel (body structure) E13209 P13209 Y 0 P cardiovascular system 041B6C9F89804665940F061138F85794 Ulnar vessel 13210 13210 13210 tip of finger S13210 E13210 312543003 Tip of finger (body structure) P13210 Y P regional/topgraphical AB06491E934045C48C40319DDE84E92B Tip of finger (body structure) 13211 13211 13211 plantar vessel 312544009 S13211 Plantar vessel (body structure) E13211 P13211 Y 0 P cardiovascular system 0AB0AA56FB154545A36012C2A46AA097 Plantar vessel 13212 13212 13212 digital vessel 312545005 S13212 Digital vessel (body structure) E13212 P13212 Y 0 P cardiovascular system B04B0F5BC9EF47D6B128A246F81D8714 Digital vessel 13213 13213 13213 primary celiac axis branch 312547002 S13213 Primary celiac axis branch (body structure) E13213 P13213 - P arterial system CA4E29B3F578441F8525FAA50B1E4700 Primary celiac axis branch 13215 13215 13215 primary inferior mesenteric artery branch 312552007 S13215 Primary inferior mesenteric artery branch (body structure) E13215 P13215 - P arterial system D6586966679D4A1B82CFACF184D9626F Primary inferior mesenteric artery branch 13216 13216 13216 articular cartilage of upper limb 312558006 S13216 Articular cartilage of upper limb (body structure) E13216 P13216 Y 0 D articular system B96CABF994FE4C9F9CCD3CD35C079C9B Articular cartilage of upper limb 13217 13217 13217 articular cartilage of hand joint 312559003 S13217 Articular cartilage of hand joint (body structure) E13217 P13217 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 924F9626BAF845D6A67A517DE5385BB5 Articular cartilage of hand joint 13218 13218 13218 articular cartilage of lower limb 312560008 S13218 Articular cartilage of lower limb (body structure) E13218 P13218 Y 0 D articular system B497E6B339D147ED80E64302F8CC8DF0 Articular cartilage of lower limb 13219 13219 13219 articular cartilage of ankle and foot 312561007 S13219 Articular cartilage of ankle and/or foot (body structure) E13219 P13219 Y 0 P articular system D110E76D22D84840A4773806FF933926 Articular cartilage of ankle and/or foot 13220 13220 13220 articular cartilage of foot 312562000 S13220 Articular cartilage of foot (body structure) E13220 P13220 Y 0 P articular system 83C00034889A41C4AE8D4FEA90C2B381 Articular cartilage of foot 13221 13221 13221 lining of anal canal 312578003 S13221 Lining of anal canal (body structure) E13221 P13221 - P digestive system F50262E3A859430393C57595072FE488 Lining of anal canal 13222 13222 13222 basal segment of right lung 312580009 S13222 Basal segment of right lung (body structure) E13222 P13222 R P respiratory system 8D4FF41F8A984470A68E2A6F5C69F8C3 Basal segment of right lung 13223 13223 13223 basal segment of left lung 312581008 S13223 Basal segment of left lung (body structure) E13223 P13223 L P respiratory system 0C2A3D207EF347AFA5E8A1022A812810 Basal segment of left lung 13224 13224 13224 vaginal vein 312597003 S13224 Structure of vaginal vein (body structure) E13224 424336009 Entire vaginal vein (body structure) P13224 Y 18899 P venous system F73C968CC15A4D58AE5DAE36621158D6 B276B0233FBA4ACC903B243FD49C2C72 vaginal vein Entire vaginal vein (body structure) 13225 13225 13225 male genital vein 312598008 S13225 Male genital vein (body structure) E13225 P13225 - P cardiovascular system 92530EF39BBA41319F418AC9600BB2D6 Male genital vein 13226 13226 13226 female genital vein 312599000 S13226 Female genital vein (body structure) E13226 P13226 - P cardiovascular system 33332E09758D4C1B908A702EA5449F18 Female genital vein 13227 13227 13227 common atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve leaflet 312604006 S13227 Common atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve leaflet (body structure) E13227 P13227 - P cardiovascular system 38A31F604C1F45F8BDA36E3A3F9BAFD8 Common atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve leaflet 13228 13228 13228 right atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve leaflet 312605007 S13228 Right atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve leaflet (body structure) E13228 P13228 - R P cardiovascular system D9ADF6C4109043AC83D642E2529A8536 Right atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve leaflet 13229 13229 13229 left atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve leaflet 312606008 S13229 Left atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve leaflet (body structure) E13229 P13229 - L P cardiovascular system 7C5817878A994B569EC66432C50C27CA Left atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve leaflet 13231 13231 13231 hand joint synovial membrane 312686005 S13231 Hand joint synovium (body structure) E13231 P13231 Y P musculoskeletal system D2EAB056F765469597777EA7BFBAD9EF Hand joint synovium 13232 13232 13232 larynx and trachea cartilage 312741004 S13232 Larynx and/or trachea cartilages (body structure) E13232 P13232 - P skeletal system DD56244A47BC49079016FD9E1F01279F Larynx and/or trachea cartilages 13233 13233 13233 acromioclavicular joint synovial membrane 312743001 S13233 Acromioclavicular joint synovium (body structure) E13233 P13233 Y P articular system 7E88210A1E454194BA917F1954B6D1EE Acromioclavicular joint synovium 13234 13234 13234 distal interphalangeal joint of finger synovial membrane 312744007 S13234 Distal interphalangeal joint of finger synovium (body structure) E13234 P13234 Y P musculoskeletal system 2C6FA82C8ECF4253B152879C4EC3D1DF Distal interphalangeal joint of finger synovium 13235 13235 13235 first metatarsophalangeal joint synovial membrane 312745008 S13235 First metatarsophalangeal joint synovium (body structure) E13235 P13235 Y P articular system 60A5F61112FF4A10A54CACFFCE1703AD First metatarsophalangeal joint synovium 13236 13236 13236 inferior radioulnar joint synovial membrane 312746009 S13236 Inferior radioulnar joint synovium (body structure) E13236 P13236 Y P articular system 35207088217F47C18037F976799DFC2D Inferior radioulnar joint synovium 13237 13237 13237 interphalangeal joint synovial membrane of toe 312747000 S13237 Interphalangeal joint synovium of toe (body structure) E13237 P13237 Y P musculoskeletal system 5AC3AE121EBE490E8BD23A6B31DF42DD Interphalangeal joint synovium of toe 13238 13238 13238 intertarsal joint synovial membrane 312748005 S13238 Intertarsal joint synovium (body structure) E13238 P13238 Y P musculoskeletal system 5DD17A081D1F4F2E9CE3D4D2BC802950 Intertarsal joint synovium 13239 13239 13239 metacarpophalangeal joint synovial membrane 312750002 S13239 Metacarpophalangeal joint synovium (body structure) E13239 P13239 Y P musculoskeletal system 06D358C5F0FE47B78A1C6EA054233B00 Metacarpophalangeal joint synovium 13240 13240 13240 metatarsophalangeal joint synovial membrane of lesser toe 312751003 S13240 Metatarsophalangeal joint synovium of lesser toe (body structure) E13240 P13240 Y P musculoskeletal system 3951C28EC9E342F888DEB63A54328F27 Metatarsophalangeal joint synovium of lesser toe 13241 13241 13241 proximal interphalangeal joint of finger synovial membrane 312752005 S13241 Proximal interphalangeal joint of finger synovium (body structure) E13241 P13241 Y P musculoskeletal system 1850553848304A1F927957113F0372E6 Proximal interphalangeal joint of finger synovium 13242 13242 13242 sacroiliac joint synovial membrane 312753000 S13242 Sacroiliac joint synovium (body structure) E13242 P13242 Y P articular system 662C0519817942FAB21E36514ED150DD Sacroiliac joint synovium 13243 13243 13243 sternoclavicular joint synovial membrane 312754006 S13243 Sternoclavicular joint synovium (body structure) E13243 P13243 Y P articular system 273210FDEAF54381BE17DC7BF714A87D Sternoclavicular joint synovium 13244 13244 13244 subtalar joint synovial membrane 312755007 S13244 Subtalar joint synovium (body structure) E13244 P13244 Y P musculoskeletal system 7C961BF8A6AE45B1A11F302053732C5B Subtalar joint synovium 13245 13245 13245 talocalcaneonavicular joint synovial membrane 312756008 S13245 Talocalcaneonavicular joint synovium (body structure) E13245 P13245 Y P musculoskeletal system 1FE55A545C9E4C72A21D77F430773EA1 Talocalcaneonavicular joint synovium 13246 13246 13246 tibiofibular joint synovial membrane 312757004 S13246 Tibiofibular joint synovium (body structure) E13246 P13246 Y P articular system 42F5D34743E4407195E3F7744C19215C Tibiofibular joint synovium 13247 13247 13247 joint of second toe 312759001 S13247 Joint of second toe (body structure) E13247 P13247 Y P musculoskeletal system 038B5068E64F43C9AC20F9CF7BCD46C4 Joint of second toe 13248 13248 13248 joint of third toe 312760006 S13248 Joint of third toe (body structure) E13248 P13248 Y P musculoskeletal system 872E9ECC08E14698AFCB2C823BFE97C2 Joint of third toe 13249 13249 13249 joint of fourth toe 312761005 S13249 Joint of fourth toe (body structure) E13249 P13249 Y P musculoskeletal system 9600951510A0451FB27726CDF6DAFB45 Joint of fourth toe 13250 13250 13250 joint of fifth toe 312762003 S13250 Joint of fifth toe (body structure) E13250 P13250 Y P musculoskeletal system EEB4230334844CFA9418088D5FAF7A9E Joint of fifth toe 13251 13251 13251 dorsal arch of cervical vertebra 312765001 S13251 Dorsal arch of cervical vertebra (body structure) E13251 P13251 - P skeletal system 390E417FD1D14B949AE102F0F062A5A3 Dorsal arch of cervical vertebra 13252 13252 13252 dorsal arch of axis 312767009 S13252 Dorsal arch of axis (body structure) E13252 P13252 - 24053 P skeletal system 1E1B85F8513C4654A2B3ED86A7E3ED7C Dorsal arch of axis 13253 13253 13253 fascial compartment of rectus abdominis 312777006 S13253 Fascial compartment of rectus abdominis (body structure) E13253 P13253 Y P musculoskeletal system C985E844F20A4DD4A5B209606FFADF49 Fascial compartment of rectus abdominis 13254 13254 13254 neck of finger metacarpal 312778001 S13254 Neck of finger metacarpal (body structure) E13254 P13254 Y P musculoskeletal system 09DCFE9AE5444A97A690D9E483F81EE6 Neck of finger metacarpal 13256 13256 13256 ligament of intertarsal joint 312817006 S13256 Ligament of intertarsal joint (body structure) E13256 P13256 Y P musculoskeletal system AFED4F1823D1449FBDA2454A6B6D7FDB Ligament of intertarsal joint 13258 13258 13258 annular vertebral epiphysial ring 312843007 S13258 Annular vertebral epiphysial ring (body structure) E13258 P13258 - P skeletal system 7AB6609A3693472097BD78225811F8EA Annular vertebral epiphysial ring 13259 13259 13259 epiphysis of upper limb 312845000 S13259 Epiphysis of upper limb (body structure) E13259 P13259 Y P musculoskeletal system 7A3BD35573A74BFDB1B8778A4D887809 Epiphysis of upper limb 13260 13260 13260 epiphysis of lower limb 312846004 S13260 Epiphysis of lower limb (body structure) E13260 P13260 Y P musculoskeletal system BEF4A5D4D7024F22A8D266E8A8ADAD18 Epiphysis of lower limb 13262 13262 13262 epiphysis of wrist and hand 313040001 S13262 Epiphysis of wrist and/or hand (body structure) E13262 P13262 Y P musculoskeletal system FFC78D2AEB3E4CF485145202F1930AF3 Epiphysis of wrist and/or hand 13263 13263 13263 epiphysis of humerus 313054009 S13263 Epiphysis of humerus (body structure) E13263 P13263 Y 32825 P musculoskeletal system 5BEBBEF8CA984DCA9455192D03A5992E Epiphysis of humerus 13264 13264 13264 epiphysis of radius 313055005 S13264 Epiphysis of radius (body structure) E13264 P13264 Y 33770 P musculoskeletal system A1F4559E1AC147539876C527EC02B8C3 Epiphysis of radius 13265 13265 13265 epiphysis of ulna 313056006 S13265 Epiphysis of ulna (body structure) E13265 P13265 Y 33748 P musculoskeletal system 3DA96AE48AD54FA8900E9AFA3F7D82E0 Epiphysis of ulna 13266 13266 13266 epiphysis of metacarpal 313057002 S13266 Epiphysis of metacarpal (body structure) E13266 P13266 Y 33792 P musculoskeletal system 63D6499035074ED7B6D3B2139B25B308 Epiphysis of metacarpal 13267 13267 13267 sternocostal ligament 313058007 S13267 Sternocostal ligament (body structure) E13267 P13267 Y P musculoskeletal system C04E494C27BF492D8307ABC94264C308 Sternocostal ligament 13268 13268 13268 ligament of sternum 313060009 S13268 Ligament of sternum (body structure) E13268 P13268 - P musculoskeletal system 475041DC33E24E89ADB26804CA24F6A8 Ligament of sternum 13269 13269 13269 digital nerve of great toe 313095007 S13269 Digital nerve of great toe (body structure) E13269 P13269 Y P nervous system B560C6CDD66F487DA8239C8A18B79229 Digital nerve of great toe 13270 13270 13270 digital nerve of second toe 313096008 S13270 Digital nerve of second toe (body structure) E13270 P13270 Y P nervous system 28DA2F8F21774A7BA6407A74D64FBD22 Digital nerve of second toe 13271 13271 13271 digital nerve of third toe 313097004 S13271 Digital nerve of third toe (body structure) E13271 P13271 Y P nervous system 91390551436C4C8CBB65A288DD0B214E Digital nerve of third toe 13272 13272 13272 digital nerve of fourth toe 313098009 S13272 Digital nerve of fourth toe (body structure) E13272 P13272 Y P nervous system 8EC9BC1685E341C687FB6A50FCAF38FC Digital nerve of fourth toe 13273 13273 13273 digital nerve of fifth toe 313099001 S13273 Digital nerve of fifth toe (body structure) E13273 P13273 Y P nervous system C64E2B8C079A4A7ABCFCB51A494517A6 Digital nerve of fifth toe 13277 13277 13277 pedicle of axis 313345004 S13277 Pedicle of axis (body structure) E13277 P13277 Y 24050 P skeletal system 2AB6560468F54AC894A916722155AB52 Pedicle of axis 13280 13280 13280 parietal lobe sulcus 314145001 S13280 Parietal lobe sulcus (body structure) E13280 P13280 Y P nervous system ECE5679045F8415286B6D4E08DCDB738 Parietal lobe sulcus 13281 13281 13281 occipital lobe sulcus 314148004 S13281 Occipital lobe sulcus (body structure) E13281 P13281 Y P nervous system 81A5F7BA64874766BAA6AA06D7F2F8FF Occipital lobe sulcus 13282 13282 13282 interlobar cerebral sulcus 314151006 S13282 Interlobar cerebral sulcus (body structure) E13282 P13282 Y P nervous system B20A999B5DA84BA69DA590B553207E52 Interlobar cerebral sulcus 13283 13283 13283 transverse temporal gyrus 37029000 S13283 Structure of transverse temporal gyrus (body structure) E13283 314159008 Entire transverse temporal gyrus (body structure) P13283 Y 72016 P special senses organ system 630FFDA332654F80BF475200ED9F101C 666ACA32958E4E03ADABEBF1DA419C00 transverse temporal gyrus Entire transverse temporal gyrus (body structure) 13284 13284 13284 anterior cerebellar lobe fissure 314165008 S13284 Anterior cerebellar lobe fissure (body structure) E13284 P13284 Y P nervous system 2D25066F7956462C92DE24BCF9E7EA79 Anterior cerebellar lobe fissure 13285 13285 13285 postcentral cerebellar fissure 314166009 S13285 Postcentral cerebellar fissure (body structure) E13285 P13285 Y P nervous system 5069C1726B3E489FB5AF5B87862451E2 Postcentral cerebellar fissure 13286 13286 13286 postlingual cerebellar fissure 314167000 S13286 Postlingual cerebellar fissure (body structure) E13286 P13286 Y P nervous system B184D98DD07F48ACA15B2FE2CBC438F4 Postlingual cerebellar fissure 13287 13287 13287 posterior cerebellar lobe fissure 314168005 S13287 Posterior cerebellar lobe fissure (body structure) E13287 P13287 Y P nervous system 8D913074322041FC8EDC4EC12E32922D Posterior cerebellar lobe fissure 13288 13288 13288 secondary cerebellar fissure 314169002 S13288 Secondary cerebellar fissure (body structure) E13288 P13288 Y 84043 P nervous system A18967D6A78F41F9A7B156EAF55612B5 Secondary cerebellar fissure 13289 13289 13289 superior posterior cerebellar fissure 314170001 S13289 Superior posterior cerebellar fissure (body structure) E13289 P13289 Y P nervous system 6EA0B1AFAF5749939F67D3096D4A8187 Superior posterior cerebellar fissure 13290 13290 13290 posterolateral cerebellar fissure 314172009 S13290 Posterolateral cerebellar fissure (body structure) E13290 P13290 Y P nervous system E63E44E86FC747ADA91855234712FBCD Posterolateral cerebellar fissure 13291 13291 13291 horizontal cerebellar fissure 314173004 S13291 Horizontal cerebellar fissure (body structure) E13291 P13291 Y P nervous system 09F12163CFD6444AB40DE81151A13041 Horizontal cerebellar fissure 13292 13292 13292 pontine cranial nerve nucleus 314180002 S13292 Pontine cranial nerve nucleus (body structure) E13292 P13292 Y P nervous system A942DBB66D4D4AFB84E03565F62E2F6F Pontine cranial nerve nucleus 13293 13293 13293 insular sulcus 314190005 S13293 Insular sulcus (body structure) E13293 P13293 Y P nervous system 2E8E7F3882454F07B089A266E0FD0C8A Insular sulcus 13294 13294 13294 vagus nerve bronchial branch 4093007 S13294 Structure of vagus nerve bronchial branch (body structure) E13294 314192002 Entire bronchial branch of vagus (body structure) P13294 Y 6247 P nervous system 9162B0974C97459BA8EBABB7C809F809 8868EDA8E96041EEB0127F2A14E60B38 vagus nerve bronchial branch Entire bronchial branch of vagus (body structure) 13295 13295 13295 vagus nerve visceral branch 19913005 S13295 Structure of vagus nerve visceral branch (body structure) E13295 314193007 Entire vagus nerve visceral branch (body structure) P13295 Y P nervous system ADB806AFD07B4A128EC52EEF175BD069 3BB5A6AD85704FC6BF74B3F4EB3989E2 vagus nerve visceral branch Entire vagus nerve visceral branch (body structure) 13296 13296 13296 midbrain cranial nerve nucleus 314205004 S13296 Midbrain cranial nerve nucleus (body structure) E13296 P13296 Y P nervous system 0AEFAC6EC6344F39A5BBB90AB564AB21 Midbrain cranial nerve nucleus 13297 13297 13297 sulcus of medulla oblongata 314209005 S13297 Structure of sulcus of medulla oblongata (body structure) E13297 P13297 - P nervous system 475DDBF9E810456CA17ED66EDF15BDE6 sulcus of medulla oblongata 13298 13298 13298 medullary cranial nerve nucleus 314210000 S13298 Medullary cranial nerve nucleus (body structure) E13298 P13298 Y P nervous system F376F17F3C0948618F6E1E6903D294E4 Medullary cranial nerve nucleus 13299 13299 13299 pulmonary artery branch 314218007 S13299 Pulmonary artery branch (body structure) E13299 P13299 Y P respiratory system 55A33D2C0B1C4A2B959C8179A73C4144 Pulmonary artery branch 13300 13300 13300 right pulmonary artery branch 314219004 S13300 Right pulmonary artery branch (body structure) E13300 P13300 R P respiratory system 1725F8B314F64971B9BB45A64D49D500 Right pulmonary artery branch 13301 13301 13301 left pulmonary artery branch 314220005 S13301 Left pulmonary artery branch (body structure) E13301 P13301 L P respiratory system 69520EA3E3254258A3B777BCAD209927 Left pulmonary artery branch 13302 13302 13302 ascending spinal cord tract 314221009 S13302 Ascending spinal cord tract (body structure) E13302 P13302 Y P nervous system 281C92E3080D4799857114941FF99244 Ascending spinal cord tract 13303 13303 13303 descending spinal cord tract 314222002 S13303 Descending spinal cord tract (body structure) E13303 P13303 Y P nervous system 6BCF1B156E61477CA07C5C13A9424119 Descending spinal cord tract 13304 13304 13304 spinal cord sulcus 314224001 S13304 Spinal cord sulcus (body structure) E13304 P13304 - P nervous system 071C7259799146D5AA18CC4434FBE5AF Spinal cord sulcus 13305 13305 13305 anterior median fissure of spinal cord S13305 E13305 314225000 Entire anterior median fissure of spinal cord (body structure) P13305 - 83735 P nervous system EF93018F80624DAA87A517BD4F3B1A5D Entire anterior median fissure of spinal cord (body structure) 13306 13306 13306 spinal cord dorsal median sulcus 66137009 S13306 Structure of spinal cord dorsal median sulcus (body structure) E13306 314226004 Entire spinal cord posterior median sulcus (body structure) P13306 Y 83798 P nervous system 150B4F29406C49D0BEC5765CC1B33D8B 36615CDD319B4490A77D6E8300303F80 spinal cord dorsal median sulcus Entire spinal cord posterior median sulcus (body structure) 13307 13307 13307 cranial synchondrosis 314228003 S13307 Cranial synchondrosis (body structure) E13307 P13307 - 54816 P musculoskeletal system 4616201898EC4AB1848BFA0A9CE9CCC8 Cranial synchondrosis 13308 13308 13308 type of vein 314235006 S13308 Type of vein (body structure) E13308 P13308 - P cardiovascular system 19F968F33C8A4C58BB032D90C3EC8681 Type of vein 13309 13309 13309 type of vessel 314237003 S13309 Type of vessel (body structure) E13309 P13309 - P cardiovascular system 43A942577DF14F29A5E34FC4386E11C5 Type of vessel 13310 13310 13310 inner ear vein 314238008 S13310 Inner ear vein (body structure) E13310 P13310 Y 52405 P cardiovascular system B33F51B1B2F643FA8F6A10765C0DAC01 Inner ear vein 13311 13311 13311 joint capsule of upper limb 314239000 S13311 Joint capsule of upper limb (body structure) E13311 P13311 Y P articular system E051A7C69A0249BDB650BEE1AEC5E5B1 Joint capsule of upper limb 13312 13312 13312 joint capsule of lower limb 314240003 S13312 Joint capsule of lower limb (body structure) E13312 P13312 Y P articular system B162C462507E45FF98BA251208C4A290 Joint capsule of lower limb 13313 13313 13313 joint capsule of trunk 314241004 S13313 Joint capsule of trunk (body structure) E13313 P13313 - P articular system BD2C0214DDF34E1CAF2F5EE627FF4657 Joint capsule of trunk 13314 13314 13314 joint synovial membrane of upper limb 314242006 S13314 Joint synovium of upper limb (body structure) E13314 P13314 Y P articular system 580076C31522457AA28775BCE512DBB2 Joint synovium of upper limb 13315 13315 13315 joint synovial membrane of lower limb 314243001 S13315 Joint synovium of lower limb (body structure) E13315 P13315 Y P articular system 8F98CFD56B574450885F108FFEBB7177 Joint synovium of lower limb 13316 13316 13316 surface feature of liver 314246009 S13316 Surface feature of liver (body structure) E13316 P13316 - P digestive system 296D9F0280494722ADC34194D61AB7D6 Surface feature of liver 13317 13317 13317 palmar arch 314248005 S13317 Palmar arch (body structure) E13317 P13317 Y P cardiovascular system 80EDF6ABA899492494DCF9385E7063D3 Palmar arch 13318 13318 13318 lung surface feature 314249002 S13318 Lung surface feature (body structure) E13318 P13318 Y P respiratory system F282D730513A4861AFB9BD20F03C0641 Lung surface feature 13319 13319 13319 lung surface 314250002 S13319 Lung surface (body structure) E13319 P13319 Y 17530 P regional/topgraphical FB19C5B47D2345E19EB48F4745900055 Lung surface 13320 13320 13320 margin of lung 314252005 S13320 Margin of lung (body structure) E13320 P13320 Y P respiratory system 5CF60CFB4E0247768DD39033220EDE0F Margin of lung 13321 13321 13321 lung root 314253000 S13321 Lung root (body structure) E13321 P13321 Y 268155 P respiratory system CE02031F1D3B492CA4714D684BFC41D5 Lung root 13322 13322 13322 process of incus 314255007 S13322 Process of incus (body structure) E13322 P13322 Y P skeletal system 44AFFC47DE6E418DBAAF3D3BC477052E Process of incus 13323 13323 13323 bursa by substructural location 314259001 S13323 Structure of bursa by location type (body structure) E13323 P13323 - P 7D4A44855E5D44D3BF021D9B01CAF764 bursa by location type 13325 13325 13325 aorticopulmonary body 314263008 S13325 Aorticopulmonary body (body structure) E13325 P13325 - P cardiovascular system B4DB282A043A4571A4259311D97C07C0 Aorticopulmonary body 13326 13326 13326 segmental artery of liver 314264002 S13326 Segmental artery of liver (body structure) E13326 P13326 - P arterial system 3FB83A45CBB94DA0B11EB07E7618F9DC Segmental artery of liver 13327 13327 13327 duodenal flexure 314272000 S13327 Duodenal flexure (body structure) E13327 P13327 - P digestive system 85C624159CBC41F297CF9D74B3901D7D Duodenal flexure 13328 13328 13328 pericardial sinus 314273005 S13328 Pericardial sinus (body structure) E13328 P13328 - P cardiovascular system 8006E21F5BAA46FCBCD5EB12CE00CE88 Pericardial sinus 13329 13329 13329 tributary of right pulmonary vein 314274004 S13329 Tributary of right pulmonary vein (body structure) E13329 P13329 R P respiratory system B5CEA3F326C24877ABAD1C963DCCF9BA Tributary of right pulmonary vein 13330 13330 13330 tributary of superior right pulmonary vein 314275003 S13330 Tributary of superior right pulmonary vein (body structure) E13330 P13330 R P cardiovascular system 5684750BB7884DE49B444018C91942BB Tributary of superior right pulmonary vein 13331 13331 13331 tributary of inferior right pulmonary vein 314276002 S13331 Tributary of inferior right pulmonary vein (body structure) E13331 P13331 R P cardiovascular system E13E72700F534F2486F1E8014DBFE913 Tributary of inferior right pulmonary vein 13332 13332 13332 tributary of left pulmonary vein 314277006 S13332 Tributary of left pulmonary vein (body structure) E13332 P13332 L P respiratory system E64FA043124F4365B3D4A51464315310 Tributary of left pulmonary vein 13333 13333 13333 right basal pulmonary vein 314278001 S13333 Right basal pulmonary vein (body structure) E13333 P13333 R P respiratory system 56803FD5204A404E933FDE224938BDF8 Right basal pulmonary vein 13334 13334 13334 tributary of superior left pulmonary vein 314279009 S13334 Tributary of superior left pulmonary vein (body structure) E13334 P13334 L P cardiovascular system EF0837A946044C4E9B6E178211FDC494 Tributary of superior left pulmonary vein 13335 13335 13335 tributary of inferior left pulmonary vein 314281006 S13335 Tributary of inferior left pulmonary vein (body structure) E13335 P13335 L P cardiovascular system DE02FE80A6FB4E38865A6383D3EDA00F Tributary of inferior left pulmonary vein 13336 13336 13336 left basal pulmonary vein 314282004 S13336 Left basal pulmonary vein (body structure) E13336 P13336 L P respiratory system 1230E1D1F66843DD9DEC5E860562BA8C Left basal pulmonary vein 13337 13337 13337 branch of superior thyroid artery 314283009 S13337 Branch of superior thyroid artery (body structure) E13337 P13337 Y 76291 P arterial system 2B7EBBD4E8A24CFA92935D411806BA0D Branch of superior thyroid artery 13338 13338 13338 branch of lingual artery 314286001 S13338 Branch of lingual artery (body structure) E13338 P13338 Y 80484 P arterial system 7E9BB382E15B4D67823D90C77BCE6691 Branch of lingual artery 13339 13339 13339 branch of occipital artery 314287005 S13339 Branch of occipital artery (body structure) E13339 P13339 Y 79351 P arterial system 0A21A47B46C34B15A9B5CAE95087B9B4 Branch of occipital artery 13340 13340 13340 branch of posterior auricular artery 314288000 S13340 Branch of posterior auricular artery (body structure) E13340 P13340 Y 49627 P arterial system AC3448FBD21B46C29063B1A4861E39E2 Branch of posterior auricular artery 13341 13341 13341 branch of superficial temporal artery 314289008 S13341 Branch of superficial temporal artery (body structure) E13341 P13341 Y 79431 P arterial system AFA6200BC4B348609E8585A5BD9F13D0 Branch of superficial temporal artery 13342 13342 13342 branch of inferior alveolar artery 314290004 S13342 Branch of inferior alveolar artery (body structure) E13342 P13342 Y 79480 P arterial system B196EC2594F84E55AE6B43D725369C1A Branch of inferior alveolar artery 13343 13343 13343 branch of lacrimal artery 314291000 S13343 Branch of lacrimal artery (body structure) E13343 P13343 Y 75969 P arterial system 6DD2C0FCD0134397A6220D7E30C40E3E Branch of lacrimal artery 13344 13344 13344 branch of inferior thyroid artery 314293002 S13344 Branch of inferior thyroid artery (body structure) E13344 P13344 Y 76275 P endocrine system 8000B6A9A03C429EB51A47A12BC7F42E Branch of inferior thyroid artery 13345 13345 13345 branch of first part of maxillary artery 314296005 S13345 Branch of first part of maxillary artery (body structure) E13345 P13345 Y P arterial system 325EE1F6AF694AA793D12A909192F031 Branch of first part of maxillary artery 13346 13346 13346 branch of second part of maxillary artery 314297001 S13346 Branch of second part of maxillary artery (body structure) E13346 P13346 Y P arterial system 6F374EF1299E4F41A9503B1201D2BEBC Branch of second part of maxillary artery 13347 13347 13347 branch of third part of maxillary artery 314298006 S13347 Branch of third part of maxillary artery (body structure) E13347 P13347 Y P arterial system EAD410CD2B354A1998C8DB8EAF3FAB41 Branch of third part of maxillary artery 13348 13348 13348 branch of ascending pharyngeal artery 314299003 S13348 Branch of ascending pharyngeal artery (body structure) E13348 P13348 Y 66313 P arterial system 51BAE689815746549C64FD642AA6423C Branch of ascending pharyngeal artery 13349 13349 13349 branch of middle meningeal artery 314300006 S13349 Branch of middle meningeal artery (body structure) E13349 P13349 Y 79499 P arterial system 2FE9E3D41362498FBCE6F6ECC22B8642 Branch of middle meningeal artery 13350 13350 13350 branch of middle cerebral artery 314302003 S13350 Branch of middle cerebral artery (body structure) E13350 P13350 Y 76107 P cardiovascular system C60F9C5EC7704893ABF78625FB8F482F Branch of middle cerebral artery 13351 13351 13351 branch of ophthalmic artery 314303008 S13351 Branch of ophthalmic artery (body structure) E13351 P13351 Y 75916 P cardiovascular system 5C2DE3CB37864B6E82DD244171782D2B Branch of ophthalmic artery 13352 13352 13352 branch of anterior cerebral artery 314304002 S13352 Branch of anterior cerebral artery (body structure) E13352 P13352 Y 76064 P arterial system FD0E1A4B37C94AD19BBB08FF478CD14B Branch of anterior cerebral artery 13353 13353 13353 branch of posterior cerebral artery 314305001 S13353 Branch of posterior cerebral artery (body structure) E13353 P13353 Y 50586 P arterial system 7EF8C2FFDF2F462BB85FF2FCD671F6C3 Branch of posterior cerebral artery 13354 13354 13354 branch of facial artery 314306000 S13354 Branch of facial artery (body structure) E13354 P13354 Y 79298 P arterial system EDB1601D5B2B4B9595BECB78B44300D9 Branch of facial artery 13355 13355 13355 cervical branch of facial artery 314307009 S13355 Cervical branch of facial artery (body structure) E13355 P13355 Y 79299 P arterial system 9BF81E77EDFD4E51BE8F79B15C3ABCBB Cervical branch of facial artery 13356 13356 13356 facial branch of facial artery 314308004 S13356 Facial branch of facial artery (body structure) E13356 P13356 Y 79331 P arterial system FD520100424948DCBBEBD2E30A6106C7 Facial branch of facial artery 13357 13357 13357 basal branch of left pulmonary artery 314309007 S13357 Basal branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E13357 P13357 L P respiratory system BB7EC505E4B940358A41A9BEB4CD39B1 Basal branch of left pulmonary artery 13358 13358 13358 basal branch of right pulmonary artery 314310002 S13358 Basal branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E13358 P13358 R P respiratory system DC5CF9B36D3543DEBC3F99076C2A5154 Basal branch of right pulmonary artery 13359 13359 13359 ascending branch of right pulmonary artery 314311003 S13359 Ascending branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E13359 P13359 R P respiratory system B09C68DD3229465A8D9D3B7E5C2D1E4F Ascending branch of right pulmonary artery 13360 13360 13360 descending branch of right pulmonary artery 314312005 S13360 Descending branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E13360 P13360 R P respiratory system 5DBDBA86A14A4C6184C5F1392B0C0D33 Descending branch of right pulmonary artery 13362 13362 13362 branch of common iliac artery 314323009 S13362 Branch of common iliac artery (body structure) E13362 P13362 Y 73204 P arterial system 39533A99402245CCA82EE07986267D84 Branch of common iliac artery 13363 13363 13363 branch of internal iliac artery 314324003 S13363 Branch of internal iliac artery (body structure) E13363 P13363 Y 18811 P arterial system 5FA24933657042D1882AC1199055A815 Branch of internal iliac artery 13364 13364 13364 posterior division of internal iliac artery 314325002 S13364 Posterior division of internal iliac artery (body structure) E13364 P13364 Y 18815 P arterial system 6972041F98C94D2DB24CCDD6A0DF18C0 Posterior division of internal iliac artery 13365 13365 13365 branch of anterior division of internal iliac artery 314326001 S13365 Branch of anterior division of internal iliac artery (body structure) E13365 P13365 Y 0 P arterial system FFF0CC036E104A83851ED5E34730A440 Branch of anterior division of internal iliac artery 13366 13366 13366 branch of posterior division of internal iliac artery 314327005 S13366 Branch of posterior division of internal iliac artery (body structure) E13366 P13366 Y 0 P arterial system D9349F1DFF714C14A502418F87DB25DF Branch of posterior division of internal iliac artery 13367 13367 13367 branch of internal pudendal artery 314329008 S13367 Branch of internal pudendal artery (body structure) E13367 P13367 Y P arterial system 285EF1CFB8CD4C54A2B86774B6C65B78 Branch of internal pudendal artery 13368 13368 13368 branch of internal pudendal artery in the male 314330003 S13368 Branch of internal pudendal artery in the male (body structure) E13368 P13368 Y P arterial system 8097655D7A694AA694897C4B8ED1ACC8 Branch of internal pudendal artery in the male 13369 13369 13369 branch of internal pudendal artery in the female 314331004 S13369 Branch of internal pudendal artery in the female (body structure) E13369 P13369 Y P arterial system 43C4D325A45C45AABA1C8CEC646A5A12 Branch of internal pudendal artery in the female 13370 13370 13370 clitoridal artery 314332006 S13370 Clitoridal artery (body structure) E13370 P13370 Y P arterial system 63B84E810B42421EA9C6376F1E5D9C58 Clitoridal artery 13371 13371 13371 branch of external iliac artery 314335008 S13371 Branch of external iliac artery (body structure) E13371 P13371 Y P arterial system B95B1EC53EB0478499F13F540E583E86 Branch of external iliac artery 13372 13372 13372 surface of penis 314337000 S13372 Aspect of penis (body structure) E13372 P13372 - 19622 P genital system 0D5CC5B5B39B4BDA9AF3F04AE7597FB6 Aspect of penis 13373 13373 13373 branch of femoral artery 314355009 S13373 Branch of femoral artery (body structure) E13373 P13373 Y P arterial system 5F539695CC8B42DFAC82806E32A964FF Branch of femoral artery 13374 13374 13374 branch of popliteal artery 314357001 S13374 Branch of popliteal artery (body structure) E13374 P13374 Y P arterial system B352433169104D84B97A859E5031AF3E Branch of popliteal artery 13375 13375 13375 branch of profunda femoris artery 314359003 S13375 Branch of profunda femoris artery (body structure) E13375 P13375 Y P arterial system 48CA46E08944498490D3387039C6F682 Branch of profunda femoris artery 13376 13376 13376 branch of anterior tibial artery 314362000 S13376 Branch of anterior tibial artery (body structure) E13376 P13376 Y P arterial system 06716ACC0ED84817A9C2D8EC0E6B88C2 Branch of anterior tibial artery 13377 13377 13377 branch of posterior tibial artery 314363005 S13377 Branch of posterior tibial artery (body structure) E13377 P13377 Y 69784 P arterial system 4A6A718CBA894A0FA335E9A7DA3B5A5E Branch of posterior tibial artery 13378 13378 13378 branch of dorsalis pedis artery 314365003 S13378 Branch of dorsalis pedis artery (body structure) E13378 P13378 Y P arterial system 62DE13B9978D46CE8232EAA53EAEC287 Branch of dorsalis pedis artery 13379 13379 13379 pelvic peritoneal pouch 314382001 S13379 Pelvic peritoneal pouch (body structure) E13379 P13379 - P digestive system 5524FBB99B4D44B4803F6F39E9A1149C Pelvic peritoneal pouch 13380 13380 13380 subdivision of pelvic part of peritoneal cavity S13380 E13380 314383006 Pelvic peritoneal space (body structure) P13380 - 20922 P digestive system FD38D64A8B4F4E188388E3A10FD1769F Pelvic peritoneal space (body structure) 13381 13381 13381 os of cervix 314384000 S13381 Os of cervix (body structure) E13381 P13381 - P genital system ACBEE681E1D641E0959A501E65B634D5 Os of cervix 13383 13383 13383 surface feature of skin 314411004 S13383 Surface feature of skin (body structure) E13383 P13383 - P integumentary system CEF281D377A644AAA59E122D2C039083 Surface feature of skin 13384 13384 13384 nail bed of lesser toe 314413001 S13384 Nail bed of lesser toe (body structure) E13384 P13384 Y 60614 P integumentary system E6C472AE9DC240E38D1379BC33EAAC78 Nail bed of lesser toe 13385 13385 13385 tendon of iliocostalis 314474002 S13385 Tendon of iliocostalis (body structure) E13385 P13385 Y P musculoskeletal system E999F66AB9C84E23B159A5B4FDE5A3DC Tendon of iliocostalis 13386 13386 13386 tendon of longissimus 314475001 S13386 Tendon of longissimus (body structure) E13386 P13386 Y P musculoskeletal system 26D1A5B891A149679FD2BF0B11AADA53 Tendon of longissimus 13387 13387 13387 tendon of spinalis 314476000 S13387 Tendon of spinalis (body structure) E13387 P13387 Y P musculoskeletal system FC57099BD9B34A98B43A37968DE40C6E Tendon of spinalis 13388 13388 13388 tendon of semispinalis 314477009 S13388 Tendon of semispinalis (body structure) E13388 P13388 Y P musculoskeletal system E9C432D9103D41E0A2ABC7DA07D0E303 Tendon of semispinalis 13389 13389 13389 tendon of psoas muscle 314478004 S13389 Tendon of psoas muscle (body structure) E13389 P13389 Y P muscular system E2DDC31F4A8C456E83314A51953AB645 Tendon of psoas muscle 13390 13390 13390 extensor pollicis tendon sheath S13390 E13390 314479007 Extensor pollicis tendon sheath (body structure) P13390 Y P musculoskeletal system 0676DFA568C14DD6A0A53E8AB883B49D Extensor pollicis tendon sheath (body structure) 13392 13392 13392 tendon of gluteus muscle 314500005 S13392 Tendon of gluteus muscle (body structure) E13392 P13392 Y P skeletal system C3CA395E268449758A020C7A40266719 Tendon of gluteus muscle 13393 13393 13393 flexor tendon sheath of foot S13393 E13393 314501009 Flexor tendon sheath of foot (body structure) P13393 Y P musculoskeletal system 9367CE8A6505470297D68CCA6E6B60FC Flexor tendon sheath of foot (body structure) 13394 13394 13394 extensor tendon sheath of foot S13394 E13394 314502002 Extensor tendon sheath of foot (body structure) P13394 Y P musculoskeletal system EB78F8A10A1B4062B38E65E3ABA41D27 Extensor tendon sheath of foot (body structure) 13395 13395 13395 intercostal membrane 314525001 S13395 Intercostal membrane (body structure) E13395 P13395 Y P musculoskeletal system 4CCA315F84394038952E59CABDCA5475 Intercostal membrane 13396 13396 13396 horn of lateral meniscus 314569008 S13396 Horn of lateral meniscus (body structure) E13396 P13396 Y P articular system 0767AC455E7C492598AA19B5D599F4E2 Horn of lateral meniscus 13397 13397 13397 horn of medial meniscus 314570009 S13397 Horn of medial meniscus (body structure) E13397 P13397 Y P articular system C3E52A33559F4193809C1FA2FACFA4CC Horn of medial meniscus 13398 13398 13398 horn of longitudinal segment of meniscus 314571008 S13398 Horn of longitudinal segment of meniscus (body structure) E13398 P13398 Y P articular system 2BBEA9464FEA43C9B138A2DB4E655232 Horn of longitudinal segment of meniscus 13399 13399 13399 third of longitudinal segment of meniscus 314572001 S13399 Third of longitudinal segment of meniscus (body structure) E13399 P13399 Y P articular system 097BD0D80B4D47D69DBF01A161268008 Third of longitudinal segment of meniscus 13400 13400 13400 inter-regional part of supraspinous ligament S13400 E13400 314573006 Inter-regional part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) P13400 - P musculoskeletal system B97DF18759304EDE8B56A2E37E03AB86 Inter-regional part of supraspinous ligament (body structure) 13401 13401 13401 epiphysis of phalanx of thumb 314619006 S13401 Epiphysis of phalanx of thumb (body structure) E13401 P13401 Y P musculoskeletal system B3A48323EAE24A73BFE8D17995CBBA30 Epiphysis of phalanx of thumb 13402 13402 13402 epiphysis of phalanx of finger 314620000 S13402 Epiphysis of phalanx of finger (body structure) E13402 P13402 Y 240707 P musculoskeletal system 1EED1481E14E4CE4AFF330C38B3CCD1B Epiphysis of phalanx of finger 13403 13403 13403 epiphysis of phalanx of toe 314621001 S13403 Epiphysis of phalanx of toe (body structure) E13403 P13403 Y P musculoskeletal system D1307BBDFCD9449CB7C10ACB3B709A16 Epiphysis of phalanx of toe 13404 13404 13404 femoral epiphysis 314625005 S13404 Femoral epiphysis (body structure) E13404 P13404 Y 32838 P musculoskeletal system A6508D9EB72948F2BA881019E77A3F1A Femoral epiphysis 13405 13405 13405 tibial epiphysis 314626006 S13405 Tibial epiphysis (body structure) E13405 P13405 Y 33112 P musculoskeletal system 59FFD6586D8643D5B434D0DA0D633942 Tibial epiphysis 13406 13406 13406 fibular epiphysis 314628007 S13406 Fibular epiphysis (body structure) E13406 P13406 Y P musculoskeletal system 3F7EB0AC7360466EAD5D9EA78E63EC34 Fibular epiphysis 13407 13407 13407 sacral ligament 314663002 S13407 Sacral ligament (body structure) E13407 P13407 Y P musculoskeletal system 5F071F6F1A864757B84EE1744FE8407E Sacral ligament 13408 13408 13408 tubercle of atlas 314713002 S13408 Tubercle of atlas (body structure) E13408 P13408 - P skeletal system 78BB42A9983848EB98A2C954519D1B9B Tubercle of atlas 13409 13409 13409 articular facet of axis 314715009 S13409 Articular facet of axis (body structure) E13409 P13409 Y P skeletal system FC54B57FC0024A1989C68E66E1519608 Articular facet of axis 13410 13410 13410 segment of maxilla 314718006 S13410 Segment of maxilla (body structure) E13410 P13410 Y 0 P skeletal system C5B58505BA43454DAF8D86D1F0D8A314 Segment of maxilla 13411 13411 13411 popliteal ligament 314719003 S13411 Popliteal ligament (body structure) E13411 P13411 Y P musculoskeletal system 42518654211B47EB936F6B149066A56D Popliteal ligament 13412 13412 13412 terminal branch of ulnar nerve 314720009 S13412 Terminal branch of ulnar nerve (body structure) E13412 P13412 Y P nervous system 455070825C1245CEB60A1D5C365D6324 Terminal branch of ulnar nerve 13413 13413 13413 ulnar nerve sensory branch 314721008 S13413 Ulnar nerve sensory branch (body structure) E13413 P13413 Y P nervous system 037086D7E4B84C88B3C0E085AD3D93FF Ulnar nerve sensory branch 13414 13414 13414 surface of soft palate 314722001 S13414 Surface of soft palate (body structure) E13414 P13414 - P digestive system F5C737B7BA9F48779CCBA1DC8C9FD807 Surface of soft palate 13415 13415 13415 wall of oropharynx 314723006 S13415 Wall of oropharynx (body structure) E13415 P13415 - 55035 P digestive system 1A7F03BE54AE410C9CECBA17AF26F6E7 Wall of oropharynx 13416 13416 13416 wall of hypopharynx 314724000 S13416 Wall of hypopharynx (body structure) E13416 P13416 - 55036 P digestive system 1FC6DF7B3F584356AAA71C97B08A7293 Wall of hypopharynx 13417 13417 13417 pharyngeal space 314725004 S13417 Pharyngeal space (body structure) E13417 P13417 - P digestive system 6D64FC20FE60486E8A141D851AC5B46E Pharyngeal space 13418 13418 13418 surface of suprahyoid epiglottis 314726003 S13418 Surface of suprahyoid epiglottis (body structure) E13418 P13418 - P digestive system 6BE7567E229944958E56E33CB41F0524 Surface of suprahyoid epiglottis 13419 13419 13419 lymph node of stomach 314730000 S13419 Lymph node of stomach (body structure) E13419 P13419 - 12796 P lymphatic system 8C42BD8016CB4FA5AE0928A603849B7E Lymph node of stomach 13420 13420 13420 iliac lymph node group S13420 E13420 314731001 Iliac lymph node group (body structure) P13420 Y P lymphoid system FF50B1F496EF40F3961266E3A23371F4 Iliac lymph node group (body structure) 13421 13421 13421 pole of spleen 314734009 S13421 Pole of spleen (body structure) E13421 P13421 - P lymphoid system 261E779F6EE145F8AA3008B10FEA6A44 Pole of spleen 13422 13422 13422 female genital lymph node 314736006 S13422 Female genital lymph node (body structure) E13422 P13422 - P lymphatic system 78E40323050643188F7EF96A5B184197 Female genital lymph node 13423 13423 13423 gluteal nerve 314740002 S13423 Gluteal nerve (body structure) E13423 P13423 Y P nervous system E52DF977E28A443EA7411155B8228AD2 Gluteal nerve 13424 13424 13424 branch of sacral plexus to lower limb 314747004 S13424 Branch of sacral plexus to lower limb (body structure) E13424 P13424 Y P nervous system 88053E4D5FD24E8ABF6135131C2776FF Branch of sacral plexus to lower limb 13425 13425 13425 mesenteric plexus 314752009 S13425 Mesenteric plexus (body structure) E13425 P13425 - P nervous system 3504251C144D4613AFD7CD61EAE807A5 Mesenteric plexus 13426 13426 13426 rectal plexus 314753004 S13426 Rectal plexus (body structure) E13426 P13426 - P nervous system 86DF920A277246F985CE26F89D10B11E Rectal plexus 13427 13427 13427 mesenteric ganglion 314754005 S13427 Mesenteric ganglion (body structure) E13427 P13427 Y P nervous system C8F712DC12494D7A802DB208E08C1B10 Mesenteric ganglion 13428 13428 13428 sulcus of organ of Corti 314755006 S13428 Sulcus of organ of Corti (body structure) E13428 P13428 Y 77744 P nervous system B7D49EF4E1FA4A2C8A87FFDF95FB521E Sulcus of organ of Corti 13429 13429 13429 third of clavicle 314795008 S13429 Third of clavicle (body structure) E13429 P13429 Y P skeletal system D7F23BF3505140D78B3A0E26B9576213 Third of clavicle 13430 13430 13430 head of biceps brachii 314798005 S13430 Head of biceps brachii (body structure) E13430 P13430 Y P muscular system BC0FD707851C4F09A5EEB909D97C54CC Head of biceps brachii 13431 13431 13431 head of triceps brachii muscle 314799002 S13431 Head of triceps brachii muscle (body structure) E13431 P13431 Y P muscular system 8760518F740A4F81A194E0E0D8D9F958 Head of triceps brachii muscle 13433 13433 13433 skin layer 314820002 S13433 Skin layer (body structure) E13433 P13433 - 69056 P integumentary system 1425940AFA3F4A8FAB50F8C8CA12CE24 Skin layer 13435 13435 13435 surface of cornea 314853007 S13435 Structure of surface of cornea (body structure) E13435 P13435 Y 58316 P special senses organ system 1B6D158AC4574DC1A60594C6A8669BE3 surface of cornea 13436 13436 13436 margin of iris 314854001 S13436 Margin of iris (body structure) E13436 P13436 Y P special senses organ system 288FE77785A3422899157EBB2CA4AA91 Margin of iris 13437 13437 13437 fiber of ciliary muscle 314855000 S13437 Fiber of ciliary muscle (body structure) E13437 P13437 Y 70610 P muscular system 19E996BF1E244F0CA971456BCC9F3C98 Fiber of ciliary muscle 13438 13438 13438 layer of ciliary epithelium 314856004 S13438 Layer of ciliary epithelium (body structure) E13438 P13438 Y P special senses organ system DA417E5A16F94CE68948CBAD471BD294 Layer of ciliary epithelium 13439 13439 13439 quadrant of retina S13439 E13439 314857008 Quadrant of retina (body structure) P13439 Y P special senses organ system A20F1D6CA07E476C931E6391350D6778 Quadrant of retina (body structure) 13440 13440 13440 half of retina S13440 E13440 314858003 Half of retina (body structure) P13440 Y P special senses organ system 27E869574FB14234B082C5AD641997B9 Half of retina (body structure) 13441 13441 13441 axis of eyeball 314859006 S13441 Axis of eyeball (body structure) E13441 P13441 Y P special senses organ system 466013BF5C944DCCA529123AFDED74C3 Axis of eyeball 13442 13442 13442 fossa of auricle 314865006 S13442 Fossa of auricle (body structure) E13442 P13442 Y P special senses organ system E887EB58EDAD4BA88FD93A7FB647EE8B Fossa of auricle 13443 13443 13443 canal of modiolus 314866007 S13443 Canal of modiolus (body structure) E13443 P13443 Y P skeletal system AF430292EBE046F58793E529CDD6AA5C Canal of modiolus 13444 13444 13444 collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger 314895003 S13444 Collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E13444 P13444 Y P musculoskeletal system 937496599A2E46C3B78C501A4A1FB835 Collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger 13445 13445 13445 collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of finger 314896002 S13445 Collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E13445 P13445 Y P musculoskeletal system 3CB3490AB92A4EDD9C7924E8585540A6 Collateral ligament of distal interphalangeal joint of finger 13446 13446 13446 collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger 314897006 S13446 Collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E13446 P13446 Y P musculoskeletal system 5B6C43AF7C9F4FBDA2CD194552EB192F Collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger 13447 13447 13447 epiphysis of limb 314906005 S13447 Epiphysis of limb (body structure) E13447 P13447 Y P skeletal system DDEE1D8C4A964D098CCABE175A3F860C Epiphysis of limb 13448 13448 13448 epiphysis of metatarsal 314907001 S13448 Epiphysis of metatarsal (body structure) E13448 P13448 Y P musculoskeletal system C7DFF3081F1348E2B0D7CFE9D1F26600 Epiphysis of metatarsal 13449 13449 13449 external cerebral vein 314915003 S13449 External cerebral vein (body structure) E13449 P13449 Y P cardiovascular system 8ADADA6BFB05460CB4B6BD7906E0F29B External cerebral vein 13452 13452 13452 portion of epithelium 31610004 S13452 Epithelium (body structure) E13452 P13452 - 9639 P B6C82EAAA0924452A68565BDB3BD9904 Epithelium Portion of tissue, which consists of one or more layers of epithelial cells and a basement membrane; it covers the external surface of the body and lines the internal surfaces of the anatomical structures. 13453 13453 13453 endocardium of right atrium 3194006 S13453 Endocardium of right atrium (body structure) E13453 P13453 - 7281 R P cardiovascular system 598A8A2B758442088DB193D8396469C0 Endocardium of right atrium Endocardium of atrium which is continuous with the tunica intima of the superior and inferior vena cavae. 13454 13454 13454 monostomatic sublingual gland 3198009 S13454 Monostomatic sublingual gland (body structure) E13454 P13454 Y P digestive system 334B7EB8F6444C82A60433E1335621BF Monostomatic sublingual gland 13457 13457 13457 columnar epithelium 32210007 S13457 Columnar epithelium (body structure) E13457 P13457 - P E21F0AB506AA4661B5AA7ABFE7981B07 Columnar epithelium 13458 13458 13458 optical layer and corpus striatum 32248002 S13458 Optical layer and corpus striatum (body structure) E13458 P13458 Y P nervous system 960831AE794540C79A5ACD43F3F22B49 Optical layer and corpus striatum 13459 13459 13459 left coronary artery main stem 3227004 S13459 Left coronary artery main stem (body structure) E13459 P13459 - 4685 L P arterial system 996E7B51363C4AB69FC30A05126524C6 Left coronary artery main stem 13461 13461 13461 cardiac plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system 32391005 S13461 Cardiac plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E13461 P13461 - P nervous system ACBF460E935B406C84E7C87E50E12E31 Cardiac plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system 13462 13462 13462 postnodular fissure 32406006 S13462 Postnodular fissure (body structure) E13462 P13462 Y 83730 P nervous system 9A09E8DB12214F3DB6602FCB39A35BBA Postnodular fissure 13463 13463 13463 body fluid compartment 32411008 S13463 Body fluid compartment (body structure) E13463 P13463 - P EB07274E11AB4C5383A10A3BEDA28813 Body fluid compartment 13464 13464 13464 papillary area of dermis 3255000 S13464 Papillary area (body structure) E13464 P13464 - 64776 P integumentary system 512FA7936EE74B94B615B6FBB08D94A2 Papillary area Dense irregular connective tissue of the skin that consists of fibroblasts, various connective tissue cell types, and collagen, predominantly type III. 13465 13465 13465 fetal membranes 325510007 S13465 Fetal membranes (body structure) E13465 P13465 - 0 P genital system E556AE095DDA40A4BB6FCFDA5FB49A89 Fetal membranes 13467 13467 13467 cranial epidural space 32778007 S13467 Cranial epidural space (body structure) E13467 244436004 Extradural space of brain (body structure) P13467 - 71228 P nervous system 0B176FDFAA38454987EC1F70A5C97868 6CC45773BE554368B9352DDB4E62BABF Cranial epidural space Extradural space of brain (body structure) 13468 13468 13468 subendosteum 32803006 S13468 Subendosteum (body structure) E13468 P13468 - P skeletal system 4F7EF68C48CD441BA7E2EEC8256C5913 Subendosteum 13469 13469 13469 clinical root of tooth 32820005 S13469 Clinical root of tooth (body structure) E13469 P13469 root of tooth, clinical Y 55626 P digestive system 19EC979EF30E451B87320B4A76CEAF95 Clinical root of tooth 13471 13471 13471 eccrine intraepidermal duct 32959000 S13471 Eccrine intraepidermal duct (body structure) E13471 P13471 - P integumentary system 2AF3193EDD2C4D2591F56AD74225A945 Eccrine intraepidermal duct 13472 13472 13472 diaphragma sellae 32967008 S13472 Diaphragma sellae (body structure) E13472 P13472 - 78540 P nervous system D47C9D73E88E4244B182074837C03B46 Diaphragma sellae 13473 13473 13473 intrabiventral fissure 32993001 S13473 Intrabiventral fissure (body structure) E13473 P13473 - P nervous system C0E658EE618B4218BB9DDD3EE0EA5898 Intrabiventral fissure 13475 13475 13475 cavum vergae 33191008 S13475 Cavum vergae (body structure) E13475 P13475 - P nervous system F14903B5EDD3404CB408E027AE8D021C Cavum vergae 13476 13476 13476 occipitofrontal diameter of head 3332001 S13476 Occipitofrontal diameter of head (body structure) E13476 P13476 - P E00355ADCBF641E2951E836424714EB2 Occipitofrontal diameter of head 13478 13478 13478 Haversian canal 3336003 S13478 Haversian canal (body structure) E13478 P13478 - 224787 P skeletal system 0F7A36CA06AE4651958D4E5080B9E299 Haversian canal 13479 13479 13479 membranous lamina of Eustachian tube 33819007 S13479 Membranous lamina of Eustachian tube (body structure) E13479 P13479 Y 60106 P musculoskeletal system A293567797A74AF9ACEC3693EA0BC798 Membranous lamina of Eustachian tube 13480 13480 13480 periosteum 33840008 S13480 Periosteum (body structure) E13480 P13480 - 24041 P skeletal system 25656CFB6894427D9B9BC350708947AE Periosteum 13482 13482 13482 suboccipitobregmatic diameter of head 3394002 S13482 Suboccipitobregmatic diameter of head (body structure) E13482 P13482 - P 8DB0C586A03B4698B7B40BEDB346A068 Suboccipitobregmatic diameter of head 13483 13483 13483 glossopharyngeal nerve stylopharyngeal muscle branch 33942001 S13483 Glossopharyngeal nerve stylopharyngeal muscle branch (body structure) E13483 280294008 Nerve to stylopharyngeus (body structure) P13483 Y 53487 P nervous system DA111CCD2B5E4D28833342A42B0C5B8D 2A657056431344949EFD5446C3825984 Glossopharyngeal nerve stylopharyngeal muscle branch Nerve to stylopharyngeus (body structure) 13486 13486 13486 endolymphatic layer of vestibular membrane 34136006 S13486 Endolymphatic layer of vestibular membrane (body structure) E13486 P13486 Y P nervous system FAA91529F31445D1B713DE4B85E4D2FE Endolymphatic layer of vestibular membrane 13488 13488 13488 rotator muscle 3417007 S13488 Structure of rotator muscle (body structure) E13488 244872002 Entire rotator muscle (body structure) P13488 Y 23081 P musculoskeletal system 805654C722DC48B6A16F59AB07180AAE 074D7265641040CFA2B303921D8B5B1A rotator muscle Entire rotator muscle (body structure) 13489 13489 13489 Hassal's corpuscle 34223001 S13489 Hassal's corpuscle (body structure) E13489 P13489 - P lymphoid system DA1942D57FFF4866962D2653C615EE86 Hassal's corpuscle 13491 13491 13491 rod cells of inner nuclear layer 34407003 S13491 Rod cells of inner nuclear layer (body structure) E13491 P13491 Y P special senses organ system 9B3ABD56C98C4A298FC8C8C7AA78AC44 Rod cells of inner nuclear layer 13492 13492 13492 inferior articular process of sixth lumbar vertebra 34421001 S13492 Caudal articular process of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E13492 P13492 Y P musculoskeletal system B8627BA688F04377B529A8F3EF53E1F4 Caudal articular process of sixth lumbar vertebra 13493 13493 13493 diaphragmatic flexure of colon 34590008 S13493 Diaphragmatic flexure of colon (body structure) E13493 P13493 - P digestive system 8349417097B4437BA7381834F07CA04A Diaphragmatic flexure of colon 13497 13497 13497 pharyngeal pouch 34674002 S13497 Pharyngeal pouch (body structure) E13497 P13497 - P CBA0A2E3E8404D4A94A5FCE59F3315D7 Pharyngeal pouch 13498 13498 13498 posterior midline of trunk 3471002 S13498 Posterior midline of trunk (body structure) E13498 P13498 - P 0C3C438FD92A4BAC9513CB37BCB1A99B Posterior midline of trunk 13502 13502 13502 lung field 34922002 S13502 Lung field (body structure) E13502 P13502 Y P respiratory system 65A6FF24F5344645BA6EEB18B0A88333 Lung field 13505 13505 13505 mucous gland of common bile duct 35286002 S13505 Mucous gland of common bile duct (body structure) E13505 P13505 - P digestive system E5DFE5E0B5FF41CC84CAE6D055084AE5 Mucous gland of common bile duct 13508 13508 13508 reticular corium 356000 S13508 Reticular corium (body structure) E13508 P13508 - P integumentary system 24ABDA2D6A454D40BE5615CDE6BA8D4E Reticular corium 13510 13510 13510 muscularis of ureter 3563003 S13510 Muscularis of ureter (body structure) E13510 P13510 Y 15893 P muscular system D7D90E84AA1740F2BA91CF8A1762E27C Muscularis of ureter 13512 13512 13512 lymphoid follicle of spleen 35845000 S13512 Lymphatic follicle of spleen (body structure) E13512 P13512 - 15843 P lymphoid system CAC0B6A879A9476DAFBF1A73617EB1D8 Lymphatic follicle of spleen 13514 13514 13514 eccrine intradermal duct 35927001 S13514 Eccrine intradermal duct (body structure) E13514 P13514 - P integumentary system 522AAA994A9D484BB09ECAC1B9196F9D Eccrine intradermal duct 13515 13515 13515 dental cuticle 35945001 S13515 Dental cuticle (body structure) E13515 P13515 Y P digestive system 73A0C79C321D4364BB052DFE8366EA3C Dental cuticle 13516 13516 13516 primary palate 359541001 S13516 Primary palate (body structure) E13516 P13516 - P digestive system 96B2C7FA948C4259B78DF3FCAAA179A9 Primary palate 13518 13518 13518 pelvic girdle 360010001 S13518 Pelvic girdle (body structure) E13518 P13518 - 0 P skeletal system CCB15AA4F437427EA3F14F9E57B88582 Pelvic girdle 13519 13519 13519 pancreatic artery 360344003 S13519 Pancreatic artery (body structure) E13519 P13519 - 70471 P arterial system 8FE72871DFD144418BA2DAFCF63D3E60 Pancreatic artery 13520 13520 13520 embryonic branchial cleft 360382006 S13520 Embryonic branchial cleft (body structure) E13520 P13520 Y P B0EF6C5FF2034CB3BEA2469DB44F2589 Embryonic branchial cleft 13521 13521 13521 cardiogenic mesoderm 360387000 S13521 Cardiogenic mesoderm (body structure) E13521 P13521 - P 638DB2282FBA4840BF4BACEEBAD242D6 Cardiogenic mesoderm 13522 13522 13522 embryonic body cavity 360397009 S13522 Embryonic body cavity (body structure) E13522 P13522 - P 11D045AF542A40A4A0FDDB4DBBC6097B Embryonic body cavity 13523 13523 13523 pancreatic bud 360398004 S13523 Pancreatic bud (body structure) E13523 P13523 - P F7B7BABA91E2462796A851C1843BB217 Pancreatic bud 13525 13525 13525 dorsal foregut mesentery 360407002 S13525 Dorsal foregut mesentery (body structure) E13525 P13525 - P digestive system 692B5A0E66404CC9AC79B33E42F7576B Dorsal foregut mesentery 13526 13526 13526 neuropore 360408007 S13526 Neuropore (body structure) E13526 P13526 - P 2857B6D0D2104C878DCD8A2624AA4148 Neuropore 13527 13527 13527 primitive brain vesicle 360409004 S13527 Primitive brain vesicle (body structure) E13527 P13527 - P C559442799B74E3C90123EF50255BAB5 Primitive brain vesicle 13528 13528 13528 primitive cerebral artery 360415004 S13528 Primitive cerebral artery (body structure) E13528 P13528 Y P arterial system FDC3FACAB53744B2BA65044007E5A92E Primitive cerebral artery 13529 13529 13529 spinocerebellar tract in brainstem 360438001 S13529 Spinocerebellar tract in brainstem (body structure) E13529 P13529 Y P nervous system 41D0881E1A874735944ED68C4FE3A5C8 Spinocerebellar tract in brainstem 13530 13530 13530 spinocerebellar tract of pons 360439009 S13530 Spinocerebellar tract of pons (body structure) E13530 P13530 Y P nervous system 57AB66A725B54E4CB40CB8004AC91C1C Spinocerebellar tract of pons 13531 13531 13531 spinocerebellar tract of medulla 360440006 S13531 Spinocerebellar tract of medulla (body structure) E13531 P13531 Y 256739 P nervous system D8DA13BC24CF4D92B6746511DB35EBA0 Spinocerebellar tract of medulla 13532 13532 13532 brainstem tract 360442003 S13532 Brainstem tract (body structure) E13532 P13532 Y P nervous system 01D8B79074C84902BB20CA28F6ED56F8 Brainstem tract 13533 13533 13533 internal capsule tract 360443008 S13533 Internal capsule tract (body structure) E13533 P13533 Y P nervous system 956FA3D8686D4897AE55FE1815787A8F Internal capsule tract 13534 13534 13534 tectospinal tract in brainstem 360445001 S13534 Tectospinal tract in brainstem (body structure) E13534 P13534 Y P nervous system B7920D3C0F16428CA6D5441985810D65 Tectospinal tract in brainstem 13535 13535 13535 spinotegmental tract in brainstem 360446000 S13535 Spinotegmental tract in brainstem (body structure) E13535 P13535 Y P nervous system BF69533D01EE488B98B74AD0DB60EDB1 Spinotegmental tract in brainstem 13536 13536 13536 medial hypothalamic nucleus 360448004 S13536 Structure of medial hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) E13536 P13536 Y P nervous system B2FF1D6157A647099FE9FF4A8E339268 medial hypothalamic nucleus 13537 13537 13537 intermediate periventricular nucleus 360449007 S13537 Periventricular hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) E13537 P13537 Y 62328 P nervous system A5E79070E6E24259A46E83EEA2BB3DE6 Periventricular hypothalamic nucleus 13538 13538 13538 nucleus of hypothalamus in intermediate hypothalamic region 360451006 S13538 Intermediate hypothalamic nucleus (body structure) E13538 P13538 Y P nervous system 131C3E92F9F848E6AE9231BBA33EC1CB Intermediate hypothalamic nucleus 13540 13540 13540 hypothalamic tract 360453009 S13540 Hypothalamic tract (body structure) E13540 P13540 Y P nervous system 396C5482B6D5410DB5DE0146644E5C26 Hypothalamic tract 13541 13541 13541 pontine tract 360457005 S13541 Pontine tract (body structure) E13541 P13541 - P nervous system 40A06205C6474AC9BDBCFC7743020D18 Pontine tract 13542 13542 13542 accessory nerve internal branch 32184001 S13542 Structure of accessory nerve internal branch (body structure) E13542 360458000 Entire accessory nerve internal branch (body structure) P13542 Y 77543 P nervous system A84436BC6A224DCB8E675ACA09923D0F E1596C25B5DB46B8AD3C99D1A3A996D9 accessory nerve internal branch Entire accessory nerve internal branch (body structure) 13543 13543 13543 accessory nerve muscle branch 360459008 S13543 Structure of accessory nerve muscle branch (body structure) E13543 P13543 Y P nervous system 8BF9136D0EC542CC9986F0B24A809B9D accessory nerve muscle branch 13544 13544 13544 olfactory gyrus 360463001 S13544 Olfactory gyrus (body structure) E13544 P13544 Y P special senses organ system 5F0D9B41DED847F288FD3DAEA8BEDE3B Olfactory gyrus 13545 13545 13545 olfactory striae 360464007 S13545 Olfactory striae (body structure) E13545 P13545 Y 84035 P special senses organ system D10591A656E343369A1C2FE91B126287 Olfactory striae 13546 13546 13546 layer of frontal lobe 360467000 S13546 Layer of frontal lobe (body structure) E13546 P13546 Y P nervous system D89BE329FAB74DDEAD81DBDC2BE74DD9 Layer of frontal lobe 13547 13547 13547 layer of cerebrum 360468005 S13547 Layer of cerebrum (body structure) E13547 P13547 Y P nervous system 7252A29EEBD64909A2C96CB8622F5EAB Layer of cerebrum 13548 13548 13548 layer of temporal lobe 360469002 S13548 Layer of temporal lobe (body structure) E13548 P13548 Y P nervous system F4F9D083CC344E4CB3A82CE82C10AEFD Layer of temporal lobe 13549 13549 13549 layer of parietal lobe 360471002 S13549 Layer of parietal lobe (body structure) E13549 P13549 Y P nervous system 899E6DC649204E66AEA971F2A2506353 Layer of parietal lobe 13550 13550 13550 layer of occipital lobe 360472009 S13550 Layer of occipital lobe (body structure) E13550 P13550 Y P nervous system F4585C3880064E4CA5B8DF5908791CE2 Layer of occipital lobe 13551 13551 13551 layer of insula 360474005 S13551 Layer of insula (body structure) E13551 P13551 Y P nervous system 9431DC004DC947DCAA04DCA8BC14B6BE Layer of insula 13552 13552 13552 midbrain tract 360475006 S13552 Midbrain tract (body structure) E13552 P13552 - P nervous system C90DD99085C147B3A0E48F58A3A52307 Midbrain tract 13553 13553 13553 accessory olivary nucleus 360477003 S13553 Accessory olivary nucleus (body structure) E13553 P13553 Y 72472 P special senses organ system 5D50631C24F44539962872C8BA0C02AC Accessory olivary nucleus 13554 13554 13554 layer of cerebellum 360478008 S13554 Layer of cerebellum (body structure) E13554 P13554 - P nervous system 90359DC5F4AE494EA313C1EA420C55B7 Layer of cerebellum 13555 13555 13555 medulla oblongata tract 360479000 S13555 Medulla oblongata tract (body structure) E13555 P13555 - P nervous system 8A319BDA3C7740438DB66E0A6FFA429A Medulla oblongata tract 13556 13556 13556 anterior medullary nucleus 360480002 S13556 Anterior medullary nucleus (body structure) E13556 P13556 Y P nervous system 44F5F31DC2F34EB8893E82B3FDC07874 Anterior medullary nucleus 13557 13557 13557 posterior medullary nucleus 360482005 S13557 Posterior medullary nucleus (body structure) E13557 P13557 Y P nervous system 34292EEC84FB4EC39AF1E6D49DC74B8D Posterior medullary nucleus 13558 13558 13558 segment of coronary artery 360487004 S13558 Segment of coronary artery (body structure) E13558 P13558 - 0 P cardiovascular system 9507C7C7EBB2485FB04FB5A394402CE8 Segment of coronary artery 13559 13559 13559 branch of lacrimal nerve 360488009 S13559 Branch of lacrimal nerve (body structure) E13559 P13559 Y 52631 P nervous system E7D312A1F46B41F2AF3B75B3906A727B Branch of lacrimal nerve 13561 13561 13561 tendon of forearm and hand 360496004 S13561 Tendon of forearm and hand (body structure) E13561 P13561 Y P muscular system A4A4BBF1280843698BAE0D1184FDEB11 Tendon of forearm and hand 13564 13564 13564 laryngeal vein 360503000 S13564 Laryngeal vein (body structure) E13564 P13564 Y P cardiovascular system AD988C0081E54F019D8CF3369DE16A73 Laryngeal vein 13565 13565 13565 process of malleus 360505007 S13565 Process of malleus (body structure) E13565 P13565 Y P skeletal system 1659D4EE7E524305A1295D3B0246954A Process of malleus 13566 13566 13566 surface of spleen 360506008 S13566 Surface of spleen (body structure) E13566 P13566 - 16030 P lymphoid system 99D582DFE0B647FEA1A6573B7B89651C Surface of spleen 13567 13567 13567 segment of left anterior descending artery 360509001 S13567 Segment of left anterior descending artery (body structure) E13567 P13567 - 0 L P cardiovascular system 12CDFD2031CA4332BDDF409130865E42 Segment of left anterior descending artery 13568 13568 13568 muscle belly of occipitofrontalis 360510006 S13568 Muscle belly of occipitofrontalis (body structure) E13568 P13568 Y P muscular system FEA73BC7BFA6427DB6B1626D1193777C Muscle belly of occipitofrontalis 13569 13569 13569 subhepatic space 36051002 S13569 Subhepatic recess (body structure) E13569 P13569 - 20676 P digestive system AF499F0AC5C44BBE90AB94CC390BCD03 Subhepatic recess 13570 13570 13570 segment of circumflex coronary artery 360511005 S13570 Segment of circumflex coronary artery (body structure) E13570 P13570 - 0 P cardiovascular system 4613AF07BF53412591B03CD57B385DDC Segment of circumflex coronary artery 13571 13571 13571 segment of right coronary artery 360513008 S13571 Segment of right coronary artery (body structure) E13571 P13571 - 0 R P cardiovascular system CAEF3A0C739C4C4FB779B64AABC5E2CD Segment of right coronary artery 13572 13572 13572 branch of internal thoracic artery 360518004 S13572 Branch of internal thoracic artery (body structure) E13572 P13572 Y 76305 P arterial system DB14FD9B7D334B0B9768E27E27DC10A2 Branch of internal thoracic artery 13573 13573 13573 branch of thyrocervical trunk 360520001 S13573 Branch of thyrocervical trunk (body structure) E13573 P13573 Y 14184 P arterial system 19740CC6711B44CABCBD5B7BE9CCAC02 Branch of thyrocervical trunk 13575 13575 13575 branch of subclavian artery 360531009 S13575 Branch of subclavian artery (body structure) E13575 P13575 Y 76301 P arterial system DA208ED4BF814248AF82382797B4C276 Branch of subclavian artery 13576 13576 13576 branch of vertebral artery 360535000 S13576 Branch of vertebral artery (body structure) E13576 P13576 Y 76259 P arterial system DD4B93D612D942CEB07C22C341EA450A Branch of vertebral artery 13577 13577 13577 branch of basilar artery 360537008 S13577 Branch of basilar artery (body structure) E13577 P13577 - 76648 P arterial system C263BE5B5F3E4154B17965DE25A8D61F Branch of basilar artery 13578 13578 13578 intracranial branch of vertebral artery 360539006 S13578 Cranial branch of vertebral artery (body structure) E13578 P13578 Y 76264 P arterial system B264A202CE4A4294A04503DE25E89671 Cranial branch of vertebral artery 13579 13579 13579 branch of axillary artery 360541007 S13579 Branch of axillary artery (body structure) E13579 P13579 Y P arterial system 6720C7CB61B247BF8B7343D0F42CE768 Branch of axillary artery 13580 13580 13580 branch of brachial artery 360543005 S13580 Branch of brachial artery (body structure) E13580 P13580 Y 76380 P arterial system 7EDD8C052CC54C539134C4360E9BB60A Branch of brachial artery 13581 13581 13581 branch of radial artery 360550009 S13581 Branch of radial artery (body structure) E13581 P13581 Y 76403 P arterial system 64B2E3CCB29F4B3FBE5B7EACBC0B5AF4 Branch of radial artery 13582 13582 13582 branch of ulnar artery 360551008 S13582 Branch of ulnar artery (body structure) E13582 P13582 Y 76451 P arterial system E2A40908DCB94C009EB5063C2D18C414 Branch of ulnar artery 13583 13583 13583 endocrine pancreas cell 360555004 S13583 Endocrine pancreas cell (body structure) E13583 P13583 - P endocrine system 3B3C1EA448C04947A4CC58ED89CD3F62 Endocrine pancreas cell 13584 13584 13584 surface feature of liver related to adjacent organ 360556003 S13584 Surface feature of liver related to adjacent organ (body structure) E13584 P13584 - P digestive system 6AE5F7D69B58465DA892903DFF7005E6 Surface feature of liver related to adjacent organ 13585 13585 13585 tributary of left hepatic duct 360559005 S13585 Tributary of left hepatic duct (body structure) E13585 P13585 - L P venous system FEFB2DC4A8024209A26209FD92B8CCED Tributary of left hepatic duct 13586 13586 13586 tributary of right hepatic duct 360560000 S13586 Tributary of right hepatic duct (body structure) E13586 P13586 - R P venous system 9E997A57F97E4E89808059FA72DC0662 Tributary of right hepatic duct 13587 13587 13587 surface of brain 360565005 S13587 Surface of brain (body structure) E13587 P13587 - 86594 P nervous system 001B23E1D28B40BAAF58722EB523D0EC Surface of brain 13588 13588 13588 corticospinal tract in brainstem 360568007 S13588 Corticospinal tract in brainstem (body structure) E13588 P13588 Y P nervous system 42EDDC042CB1454499D39670CD39BC1C Corticospinal tract in brainstem 13589 13589 13589 spinothalamic tract in brainstem 360569004 S13589 Spinothalamic tract in brainstem (body structure) E13589 P13589 Y P nervous system C59C6A4A87844ECCA5BBBCF9EC7E9799 Spinothalamic tract in brainstem 13590 13590 13590 spinothalamic tract of medulla 360570003 S13590 Spinothalamic tract of medulla (body structure) E13590 P13590 Y 72644 P nervous system C02652C460DE4B0692A8ACB630F6A58C Spinothalamic tract of medulla 13591 13591 13591 pelvic peritoneal fossa 360577000 S13591 Pelvic peritoneal fossa (body structure) E13591 P13591 - P digestive system AEC1FA46A6B24C3CB4AFF86B9A723627 Pelvic peritoneal fossa 13592 13592 13592 layer of cervix 360580004 S13592 Layer of cervix (body structure) E13592 P13592 - P genital system 6511E3116BEB43F392E92376B85353A7 Layer of cervix 13593 13593 13593 blood vessel at placental attachment 360581000 S13593 Blood vessel at placental attachment (body structure) E13593 P13593 - P genital system 388065F23BD644B0B04112A8DDF44A96 Blood vessel at placental attachment 13594 13594 13594 endometrial layer 360582007 S13594 Endometrial layer (body structure) E13594 P13594 - P genital system 90802F5AE93F431DAAB95D644FF116AD Endometrial layer 13595 13595 13595 layer of ovary 360585009 S13595 Layer of ovary (body structure) E13595 P13595 Y P genital system DB932CC12F5A457BA7EB4C627DEF95B3 Layer of ovary 13596 13596 13596 tributary of right atrium 360593009 S13596 Structure of tributary of right atrium (body structure) E13596 P13596 - R P cardiovascular system B1CAAD2812F04A0C993F320428FFB1C3 tributary of right atrium 13597 13597 13597 tributary of coronary sinus 360596001 S13597 Structure of tributary of coronary sinus (body structure) E13597 P13597 - P cardiovascular system 1EF9751F5A7E470A82DC4661B2606414 tributary of coronary sinus 13598 13598 13598 tributary of superior vena cava 360601005 S13598 Structure of tributary of superior vena cava (body structure) E13598 P13598 - P venous system FC4B15237B63495C9A1762BFFD3CBFE3 tributary of superior vena cava 13599 13599 13599 tributary of inferior vena cava 360603008 S13599 Structure of tributary of inferior vena cava (body structure) E13599 P13599 - P venous system 70DE1522768A4192900CA012E52F7311 tributary of inferior vena cava 13600 13600 13600 tributary of brachiocephalic vein 360612005 S13600 Structure of tributary of brachiocephalic vein (body structure) E13600 P13600 Y 77883 P venous system 8CF819A3F1C14D1EB85084B451E2DAC9 tributary of brachiocephalic vein 13601 13601 13601 tributary of internal jugular vein 360615007 S13601 Structure of tributary of internal jugular vein (body structure) E13601 P13601 Y P venous system 5B31EF6BCC6D42E48EC806E2FB8AF865 tributary of internal jugular vein 13602 13602 13602 tributary of cavernous sinus 360625002 S13602 Structure of tributary of cavernous sinus (body structure) E13602 P13602 Y 51244 P venous system 6C420E67FEE94B71967FD8CCE4EBA9F0 tributary of cavernous sinus 13603 13603 13603 branch of internal carotid artery 360629008 S13603 Branch of internal carotid artery (body structure) E13603 P13603 Y 75865 P arterial system 3A638506B1514B018893CF762FCAB7CB Branch of internal carotid artery 13604 13604 13604 tributary of facial vein 360637000 S13604 Structure of tributary of facial vein (body structure) E13604 P13604 Y 50883 P venous system 766928C918944DDBB0AD465BF74DC772 tributary of facial vein 13605 13605 13605 tributary of vertebral vein 360648007 S13605 Structure of tributary of vertebral vein (body structure) E13605 P13605 Y 14295 P venous system 166B218BAFA348A3B3703B3A069DC567 tributary of vertebral vein 13606 13606 13606 tributary of superior ophthalmic vein 360663005 S13606 Structure of tributary of superior ophthalmic vein (body structure) E13606 P13606 Y 51728 P venous system E30C53C06A494AA090F0542E55898AFD tributary of superior ophthalmic vein 13607 13607 13607 left posterior intercostal vein 360701000 S13607 Left posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13607 P13607 L 0 P cardiovascular system 9A3BD7948A1C41E78F95A72A998B92F3 Left posterior intercostal vein 13608 13608 13608 transverse diameter of pelvis 36075002 S13608 Transverse diameter of pelvis (body structure) E13608 P13608 - P musculoskeletal system 4015773B68FD4BBD984E85FBA30FC1A1 Transverse diameter of pelvis 13609 13609 13609 tributary of portal vein 360755001 S13609 Structure of tributary of portal vein (body structure) E13609 P13609 - P cardiovascular system 0F1AA49D5F324805A142C75E214FD1AB tributary of portal vein 13610 13610 13610 vincula tendinum 360764006 S13610 Venicula tendinum (body structure) E13610 P13610 Y P muscular system DD3883B72FD045C2AC3005C7F26CF26F Venicula tendinum 13611 13611 13611 pes anserinus 360767004 S13611 Pes anserinus (body structure) E13611 P13611 Y P muscular system C513D38EB6EA4E598E33BD96D52B939E Pes anserinus 13612 13612 13612 type of bone 360769001 S13612 Type of bone (body structure) E13612 P13612 - P skeletal system 7051F0561895425FAEA2372537C8897C Type of bone 13613 13613 13613 muscle belly of digastric 360772008 S13613 Muscle belly of digastric (body structure) E13613 P13613 Y P muscular system 8D792D6492574314A58A03CE5D16AB96 Muscle belly of digastric 13614 13614 13614 muscle belly of omohyoid 360773003 S13614 Muscle belly of omohyoid (body structure) E13614 P13614 Y P muscular system A25EDF8D28F64559ABBC8D57B1B6F5C7 Muscle belly of omohyoid 13615 13615 13615 atlantooccipital membrane 360774009 S13615 Atlantooccipital membrane (body structure) E13615 P13615 Y 25012 P musculoskeletal system D3786DFAA4704F2E8DA9B8F93022F9D4 Atlantooccipital membrane 13616 13616 13616 subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius muscle S13616 E13616 360775005 Subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius muscle (body structure) P13616 Y P articular system 426FE1A265654A33B011D5E4C835246F Subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius muscle (body structure) 13617 13617 13617 clinoid process of sphenoid bone 360777002 S13617 Clinoid process of sphenoid bone (body structure) E13617 P13617 Y 0 P skeletal system 23BA056D844646C18D36E53CBAEEAE29 Clinoid process of sphenoid bone 13618 13618 13618 wing of sphenoid bone 431490008 S13618 Structure of wing of sphenoid bone (body structure) E13618 433687000 Entire wing of sphenoid bone (body structure) P13618 Y 0 P skeletal system 15F4A7F18FAE9FD0AD984A05FA268B7 15F4A7F118FAEF8E17D984A05FA268B7 wing of sphenoid bone Entire wing of sphenoid bone (body structure) 13619 13619 13619 retinaculum of extensor muscles 360780001 S13619 Retinaculum of extensor muscles (body structure) E13619 P13619 Y P musculoskeletal system 3BDFB84076EC49DE883DD5224A5DDC52 Retinaculum of extensor muscles 13620 13620 13620 retinaculum of peroneal muscles 360782009 S13620 Retinaculum of peroneal muscles (body structure) E13620 P13620 Y P musculoskeletal system 52BEC21FD7664A2DB2F1ECDB62ED795F Retinaculum of peroneal muscles 13621 13621 13621 lacuna of iliac fossa 360783004 S13621 Lacuna of iliac fossa (body structure) E13621 P13621 Y P musculoskeletal system A74D667AC2D243D0928D679EE9F63995 Lacuna of iliac fossa 13622 13622 13622 intraoccipital synchondrosis 360784005 S13622 Intraoccipital synchondrosis (body structure) E13622 P13622 - P musculoskeletal system 81A5FF991F6842D28A76641AA45ABED2 Intraoccipital synchondrosis 13623 13623 13623 section of neck of femur 360785006 S13623 Section of neck of femur (body structure) E13623 P13623 Y P skeletal system 555513A6EDC942E58DDDE15D169BCF33 Section of neck of femur 13624 13624 13624 surface of acetabulum 360787003 S13624 Surface of acetabulum (body structure) E13624 P13624 Y P musculoskeletal system 54860E6A9735448EBB76481CB1DD39E0 Surface of acetabulum 13625 13625 13625 capsule of sternal joint 360788008 S13625 Capsule of sternal joint (body structure) E13625 P13625 Y P articular system 5A0F187B384D42E8A99030B9CD2F0461 Capsule of sternal joint 13626 13626 13626 capsule of costal joint 360790009 S13626 Capsule of costal joint (body structure) E13626 P13626 Y P articular system D23831E1CEE046908D234EEBABEBEAA9 Capsule of costal joint 13627 13627 13627 capsule of atlantal joint 360791008 S13627 Capsule of atlantal joint (body structure) E13627 P13627 - P articular system 8B921199D3E44EB08DA9E248076FA924 Capsule of atlantal joint 13628 13628 13628 capsule of tibiofibular joint 360793006 S13628 Capsule of tibiofibular joint (body structure) E13628 P13628 Y P articular system 5D9CC8A144164672B7B8A2932D41E2EB Capsule of tibiofibular joint 13629 13629 13629 capsule of interphalangeal joint of toe 360794000 S13629 Capsule of interphalangeal joint of toe (body structure) E13629 P13629 Y P musculoskeletal system 8FA942F30D744ABE86511644D67DBB22 Capsule of interphalangeal joint of toe 13630 13630 13630 capsule of intertarsal joint 360795004 S13630 Capsule of intertarsal joint (body structure) E13630 P13630 Y P musculoskeletal system 00BD2A3BFC6A421C96643FD0924081FD Capsule of intertarsal joint 13631 13631 13631 toe joint synovial membrane 360796003 S13631 Toe joint synovium (body structure) E13631 P13631 Y P articular system 5187A02294034D15B20617E4BD0E8EF3 Toe joint synovium 13632 13632 13632 upper limb joint cavity 360798002 S13632 Upper limb joint cavity (body structure) E13632 P13632 Y P articular system F295AC41B3B348F998A8EDB2DA600D3C Upper limb joint cavity 13633 13633 13633 lower limb joint cavity 360799005 S13633 Lower limb joint cavity (body structure) E13633 P13633 Y P articular system E27596983EDE4ABD8D97898CCF8D6365 Lower limb joint cavity 13634 13634 13634 ligament of head of rib 360801008 S13634 Ligament of head of rib (body structure) E13634 P13634 Y P musculoskeletal system E2B3C644EF7F4BBD928195CE793C61AD Ligament of head of rib 13635 13635 13635 retinaculum of hand 360802001 S13635 Retinaculum of hand (body structure) E13635 P13635 Y P musculoskeletal system 0D720AE166224613AFB403F8B000E1A2 Retinaculum of hand 13636 13636 13636 distal epiphysis of upper limb 360805004 S13636 Distal epiphysis of upper limb (body structure) E13636 P13636 Y P musculoskeletal system 87D528EAF36B421CAEE38DC8EA16EA7C Distal epiphysis of upper limb 13637 13637 13637 distal epiphysis of lower limb 360806003 S13637 Distal epiphysis of lower limb (body structure) E13637 P13637 Y P musculoskeletal system 93F64CD23915413E94E18BE50900AAD6 Distal epiphysis of lower limb 13638 13638 13638 proximal epiphysis of upper limb 360807007 S13638 Proximal epiphysis of upper limb (body structure) E13638 P13638 Y P musculoskeletal system CC47E76A35FF4461A16DE2CFA9CDAA55 Proximal epiphysis of upper limb 13639 13639 13639 proximal epiphysis of lower limb 360808002 S13639 Proximal epiphysis of lower limb (body structure) E13639 P13639 Y P musculoskeletal system 611D0F2CC21147F4947F958B022AB9AD Proximal epiphysis of lower limb 13640 13640 13640 intervertebral disc space of lumbar vertebra 360809005 S13640 Intervertebral disc space of lumbar vertebra (body structure) E13640 P13640 - 0 P musculoskeletal system F757472AB8EF4989A13C68191CA28023 Intervertebral disc space of lumbar vertebra 13641 13641 13641 capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe 360811001 S13641 Capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe (body structure) E13641 P13641 Y P musculoskeletal system 8B9C5B5E6EF843D4BFE450698B30FEE2 Capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe 13642 13642 13642 cervical region of longitudinal ligament S13642 E13642 360813003 Cervical region of longitudinal ligament (body structure) P13642 - P musculoskeletal system 8188C38CEF364A058335333CB0E24DE5 Cervical region of longitudinal ligament (body structure) 13643 13643 13643 lumbar region of longitudinal ligament S13643 E13643 360814009 Lumbar region of longitudinal ligament (body structure) P13643 - P musculoskeletal system 6828F87DA9E148C1A30C677B2DCC4930 Lumbar region of longitudinal ligament (body structure) 13644 13644 13644 glomerular arteriole 360815005 S13644 Glomerular arteriole (body structure) E13644 P13644 Y P arterial system 4A781982FA714BB88B3E3D57D654E0F8 Glomerular arteriole 13645 13645 13645 thoracic region of longitudinal ligament S13645 E13645 360816006 Thoracic region of longitudinal ligament (body structure) P13645 - P musculoskeletal system 9B9D420A7C9B468EAA3C98DBA734E7D0 Thoracic region of longitudinal ligament (body structure) 13646 13646 13646 surface of uterus 360821009 S13646 Surface of uterus (body structure) E13646 P13646 - 17759 P genital system DB45FAF145D249F4B114B2386590EE59 Surface of uterus 13647 13647 13647 metacarpal ligament 360823007 S13647 Metacarpal ligament (body structure) E13647 P13647 Y P musculoskeletal system 676D109CEDDC48DFABA40311CE1DE3FD Metacarpal ligament 13648 13648 13648 transverse scapular ligament 360825000 S13648 Transverse scapular ligament (body structure) E13648 P13648 Y P musculoskeletal system 0C072B0F5DB44B1BA288B6E81EABAEB1 Transverse scapular ligament 13649 13649 13649 talocalcaneal ligament 360826004 S13649 Talocalcaneal ligament (body structure) E13649 P13649 Y P musculoskeletal system 7A0F45D0D07C41E7978944BFD647781B Talocalcaneal ligament 13650 13650 13650 cuboidonavicular ligament 360827008 S13650 Cuboidonavicular ligament (body structure) E13650 P13650 Y P musculoskeletal system 7E0AB42B0AAF4BF1B43BE4F173222952 Cuboidonavicular ligament 13651 13651 13651 cuneocuboidal ligament 360828003 S13651 Cuneocuboidal ligament (body structure) E13651 P13651 Y P musculoskeletal system E73890C3EA1D4AC8BF560591E45FB8CA Cuneocuboidal ligament 13652 13652 13652 intercuneiform ligament 360829006 S13652 Intercuneiform ligament (body structure) E13652 P13652 Y P musculoskeletal system 8659473379BF468ABBE5346F5D21F741 Intercuneiform ligament 13653 13653 13653 capsule of radioulnar joint 360830001 S13653 Capsule of radioulnar joint (body structure) E13653 P13653 Y P articular system 3787C69E23BE4E989C65EACE0EB186E2 Capsule of radioulnar joint 13654 13654 13654 fascia of pelvic diaphragm 360832009 S13654 Fascia of pelvic diaphragm (body structure) E13654 P13654 - P musculoskeletal system 3FB1E8B6853B446A8F6272ED3BDE6475 Fascia of pelvic diaphragm 13655 13655 13655 occipital protuberance 360833004 S13655 Occipital protuberance (body structure) E13655 P13655 - 80357 P skeletal system E70DF23B012049839C5BF2C16AF84B97 Occipital protuberance 13656 13656 13656 foramen of atlas 360835006 S13656 Foramen of atlas (body structure) E13656 P13656 - P skeletal system 554A457DF2F14FEEB18419F948D76E74 Foramen of atlas 13657 13657 13657 process of axis 360836007 S13657 Process of axis (body structure) E13657 P13657 - P skeletal system 1764B3C68C134102BAB3980A93F99250 Process of axis 13658 13658 13658 foramen of axis 360838008 S13658 Foramen of axis (body structure) E13658 P13658 - P skeletal system 60B7ABDA5A3D466A80E67B37C03C372E Foramen of axis 13659 13659 13659 foramen of sacrum 360839000 S13659 Foramina of sacrum (body structure) E13659 P13659 Y 31749 P skeletal system 7CBF774173FF4F6FAF2404261A24D853 Foramina of sacrum 13660 13660 13660 surface of scapula 360842006 S13660 Surface of scapula (body structure) E13660 P13660 Y 23794 P skeletal system 4CB742AA048A4C0AA8CC98449664E2BE Surface of scapula 13661 13661 13661 head of rectus femoris 360881006 S13661 Head of rectus femoris (body structure) E13661 P13661 Y P muscular system CE8FD8D9DB264ECBB92EA4AE2F030EFE Head of rectus femoris 13662 13662 13662 head of biceps femoris 360882004 S13662 Head of biceps femoris (body structure) E13662 P13662 Y 45881 P muscular system 67E3E41FFCC74CE4B0A08369BBBFA24F Head of biceps femoris 13663 13663 13663 head of gastrocnemius 360883009 S13663 Head of gastrocnemius (body structure) E13663 P13663 Y 45950 P muscular system C86C32AFE170469FABA06339D3364263 Head of gastrocnemius 13664 13664 13664 head of adductor hallucis 360884003 S13664 Head of adductor hallucis (body structure) E13664 P13664 Y 46012 P muscular system 8773D2A32B094BD2B9CE8CF5D1A2749E Head of adductor hallucis 13665 13665 13665 angle of parietal bone 360888000 S13665 Angle of parietal bone (body structure) E13665 P13665 Y P skeletal system EA3998EA0DEC4F36A5DD35B30B715F6F Angle of parietal bone 13666 13666 13666 surface of twelfth rib 360891000 S13666 Surface of twelfth rib (body structure) E13666 P13666 Y P skeletal system 398DBE0E4E5F47239FAACE6FCF6CB62C Surface of twelfth rib 13667 13667 13667 ostium of Eustachian tube 360893002 S13667 Ostium of Eustachian tube (body structure) E13667 P13667 Y 54978 P special senses organ system C82C04D955BA4ECBB23960D6C52790AE Ostium of Eustachian tube 13668 13668 13668 surface of lens 360894008 S13668 Surface of lens (body structure) E13668 P13668 Y 58888 P special senses organ system 0AFBA0D4D769433F95C95DD45BE09B6E Surface of lens 13669 13669 13669 tympanic isthmus 360895009 S13669 Isthmus tympani (body structure) E13669 P13669 Y P special senses organ system 9F09BF2ACBED414EA450F984159387C7 Isthmus tympani 13670 13670 13670 border of eleventh rib 360897001 S13670 Border of eleventh rib (body structure) E13670 P13670 Y P skeletal system 149D84F338094872A852CBB561B8F49E Border of eleventh rib 13671 13671 13671 ring of iris 360898006 S13671 Ring of iris (body structure) E13671 P13671 Y P special senses organ system 776177D7C6CB48FF9BBB202770E92BB5 Ring of iris 13672 13672 13672 cervicothoracic ligament 360899003 S13672 Cervicothoracic ligament (body structure) E13672 P13672 - P musculoskeletal system 8B128D0704DA4CB8A0A2570476B115B6 Cervicothoracic ligament 13673 13673 13673 surface of eleventh rib 360901007 S13673 Surface of eleventh rib (body structure) E13673 P13673 Y P skeletal system 9B0512B324EA4FCDB85A35713BDA932E Surface of eleventh rib 13674 13674 13674 thoracolumbar ligament S13674 E13674 360903005 Thoracolumbar ligament (body structure) P13674 - P musculoskeletal system 64CE7C982F10461DADC21F3A1494AF93 Thoracolumbar ligament (body structure) 13675 13675 13675 lumbosacral ligament 360904004 S13675 Lumbosacral ligament (body structure) E13675 P13675 - P musculoskeletal system 9535BFE1517D4ED6B5761F931110BCF1 Lumbosacral ligament 13676 13676 13676 border of ninth rib 360906002 S13676 Border of ninth rib (body structure) E13676 P13676 Y P skeletal system 8A82EB017B3E414CB79666CA7D3EAAAE Border of ninth rib 13677 13677 13677 surface of ninth rib 360909009 S13677 Surface of ninth rib (body structure) E13677 P13677 Y P skeletal system 0FA13F29B2484EB9975FAB9DA9867C88 Surface of ninth rib 13679 13679 13679 border of tenth rib 360914008 S13679 Border of tenth rib (body structure) E13679 P13679 Y P skeletal system D81803C8BC83491387C4D48E7F4C842A Border of tenth rib 13680 13680 13680 dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament S13680 E13680 360916005 Dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) P13680 - P musculoskeletal system B553EA15AB6B44BAA8DA4FBBB8A3158C Dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament (body structure) 13681 13681 13681 surface of tenth rib 360917001 S13681 Surface of tenth rib (body structure) E13681 P13681 Y P skeletal system BDCF62C792844BFD87573C5B1A0B064A Surface of tenth rib 13682 13682 13682 border of eighth rib 360920009 S13682 Border of eighth rib (body structure) E13682 P13682 Y P skeletal system 288573E9F6D0421F84CECE3EAFD2A1F1 Border of eighth rib 13683 13683 13683 surface of eighth rib 360922001 S13683 Surface of eighth rib (body structure) E13683 P13683 Y P skeletal system D0EF9376A78E49F28CA851EB8F265101 Surface of eighth rib 13684 13684 13684 border of third rib 360923006 S13684 Border of third rib (body structure) E13684 P13684 Y P skeletal system 3F6CF513DA37489CB03B88907B31A85B Border of third rib 13685 13685 13685 surface of third rib 360924000 S13685 Surface of third rib (body structure) E13685 P13685 Y P skeletal system 34B67F5F6FF849D8B23D3DFEB2EAB41C Surface of third rib 13686 13686 13686 border of seventh rib 360925004 S13686 Border of seventh rib (body structure) E13686 P13686 Y P skeletal system 8F3189CEDE3C4A9FB476ABE4C38BEF0F Border of seventh rib 13687 13687 13687 surface of seventh rib 360926003 S13687 Surface of seventh rib (body structure) E13687 P13687 Y P skeletal system BBFB030D4B5B4FA89CDE2D840E7784A7 Surface of seventh rib 13688 13688 13688 border of second rib 360927007 S13688 Border of second rib (body structure) E13688 P13688 Y P skeletal system 374C821897244B51B0303CA69C51DDFF Border of second rib 13689 13689 13689 surface of second rib 360928002 S13689 Surface of second rib (body structure) E13689 P13689 Y P skeletal system CC4D257ECD5142518C1E896571566DD7 Surface of second rib 13690 13690 13690 border of sixth rib 360931001 S13690 Border of sixth rib (body structure) E13690 P13690 Y P skeletal system 8D1C60C2D5594EF59539092C095F2FC5 Border of sixth rib 13691 13691 13691 border of twelfth rib 360933003 S13691 Border of twelfth rib (body structure) E13691 P13691 Y P skeletal system 8E6DE2B02F2E4C4083716FBD518C2F81 Border of twelfth rib 13692 13692 13692 surface of sixth rib 360934009 S13692 Surface of sixth rib (body structure) E13692 P13692 Y P skeletal system AF1C8E6F4D1140C29851CA6ED610F63C Surface of sixth rib 13693 13693 13693 wall of mastoid antrum 360935005 S13693 Wall of mastoid antrum (body structure) E13693 P13693 Y P skeletal system 9A9FE2A147554554AECAC46F27A7D453 Wall of mastoid antrum 13694 13694 13694 border of fifth rib 360936006 S13694 Border of fifth rib (body structure) E13694 P13694 Y P skeletal system FA0A918C9C164C6F883F62509B73489A Border of fifth rib 13695 13695 13695 surface of fifth rib 360937002 S13695 Surface of fifth rib (body structure) E13695 P13695 Y P skeletal system 4ADEA2E840D948E7956726BCF2223CB8 Surface of fifth rib 13696 13696 13696 border of fourth rib 360938007 S13696 Border of fourth rib (body structure) E13696 P13696 Y P skeletal system F3CFEA8B38E6471DACA6D0381244B953 Border of fourth rib 13697 13697 13697 surface of fourth rib 360939004 S13697 Surface of fourth rib (body structure) E13697 P13697 Y P skeletal system E125F816640047AB9AC96FB3F6458DC5 Surface of fourth rib 13698 13698 13698 border of first rib 360942005 S13698 Border of first rib (body structure) E13698 P13698 Y P skeletal system D18E6516CEFC4BCF9C1D361004712048 Border of first rib 13699 13699 13699 surface of first rib 360944006 S13699 Surface of first rib (body structure) E13699 P13699 Y P skeletal system 6AD73FCE75F94580B3CD8D4DB9FE2B8E Surface of first rib 13700 13700 13700 border of rib 360945007 S13700 Border of rib (body structure) E13700 P13700 Y 7570 P skeletal system 5A5FBAF7DF7B49D2B1FC52A6A273DFCC Border of rib 13701 13701 13701 surface of rib 360946008 S13701 Surface of rib (body structure) E13701 P13701 Y 66078 P skeletal system 2251BD5CBAF24C49B67C1E56F52341B5 Surface of rib 13702 13702 13702 surface of manubrium 360947004 S13702 Surface of manubrium (body structure) E13702 P13702 - P skeletal system 5038A3F452F745FA8C735D4FA18EC3FE Surface of manubrium 13703 13703 13703 border of manubrium 360949001 S13703 Border of manubrium (body structure) E13703 P13703 - P skeletal system 79B9B174BCDC4C1A882A035F13E00BE0 Border of manubrium 13704 13704 13704 surface of body of sternum 360952009 S13704 Surface of body of sternum (body structure) E13704 P13704 - P skeletal system 329E453389854C7E9E589DC9E9D62240 Surface of body of sternum 13705 13705 13705 sciatic notch 360956007 S13705 Sciatic notch (body structure) E13705 P13705 Y P skeletal system 049F235381354CF9BB86030B5309E4CB Sciatic notch 13706 13706 13706 tuberosity of distal phalanx of finger 360960005 S13706 Tuberosity of distal phalanx of finger (body structure) E13706 P13706 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 835C078D08FF4AECBDB38498274AF738 Tuberosity of distal phalanx of finger 13707 13707 13707 esophageal muscle 360961009 S13707 Esophageal muscle (body structure) E13707 P13707 - P digestive system 5BAB95B424194BEDBC63A650521539D5 Esophageal muscle 13708 13708 13708 incisure of stomach 360962002 S13708 Incisure of stomach (body structure) E13708 P13708 - P digestive system D3EFB95CFF7D4DD8BEFB004C3F8ADF25 Incisure of stomach 13709 13709 13709 border of jejunum 360964001 S13709 Border of jejunum (body structure) E13709 P13709 - P digestive system FC5F4C231E8B498B8D332256A71BD9E4 Border of jejunum 13710 13710 13710 border of ileum 360967008 S13710 Border of ileum (body structure) E13710 P13710 - P digestive system 32D5032BE0404370BDE72783D56FBEDA Border of ileum 13711 13711 13711 border of small intestine 360970007 S13711 Border of small intestine (body structure) E13711 P13711 - P digestive system B5D6F76BE83C4AAFAC5382827B6C932B Border of small intestine 13712 13712 13712 type of bone marrow 360973009 S13712 Type of bone marrow (body structure) E13712 P13712 - P hematopoietic system 601AC5FA03BB4B24B4FE1FDAF208365E Type of bone marrow 13713 13713 13713 margin of spleen 360974003 S13713 Margin of spleen (body structure) E13713 P13713 - P lymphoid system 7552FE2A258A487C933AA9C16D7E2E6E Margin of spleen 13714 13714 13714 extremity of spleen 360975002 S13714 Extremity of spleen (body structure) E13714 P13714 - P lymphoid system 4976A72206984064B3A4FA9282CAC639 Extremity of spleen 13715 13715 13715 segment of right lobe of liver 360981005 S13715 Segment of right lobe of liver (body structure) E13715 P13715 - 14496 R P digestive system F8C0212BEC744609B1EBF411440F90FA Segment of right lobe of liver 13716 13716 13716 segment of left lobe of liver 360982003 S13716 Segment of left lobe of liver (body structure) E13716 P13716 - 72263 L P digestive system 29E54EA5F6484636866B5950D72120EB Segment of left lobe of liver 13717 13717 13717 Hesselbach's triangle 32704008 S13717 Structure of Hesselbach's triangle (body structure) E13717 278829009 Entire Hesselbach's triangle (body structure) P13717 Y P genitourinary system 9D0D091EE3BC47A0A01F3E1676F0DB73 FEFD62E7700D44FABB6FE39A2F0271FE Hesselbach's triangle Entire Hesselbach's triangle (body structure) 13718 13718 13718 peritoneal ligament 360989007 S13718 Peritoneal ligament (body structure) E13718 P13718 - P digestive system 1AED8204DB174F478826B3254EA0E6E4 Peritoneal ligament 13719 13719 13719 occipital nerve 360991004 S13719 Occipital nerve (body structure) E13719 P13719 Y P nervous system 20404A6D35244981AA89E4B5001122D9 Occipital nerve 13720 13720 13720 vesicular lymph node 360992006 S13720 Vesicular lymph node (body structure) E13720 P13720 - P lymphatic system 5E63AE2458E9435F8B7E05F7EA1E1081 Vesicular lymph node 13721 13721 13721 lacunar lymph node 360993001 S13721 Lacunar lymph node (body structure) E13721 P13721 - P lymphatic system FCC471AB1FB04E41864139649F36F3B6 Lacunar lymph node 13722 13722 13722 collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of finger 360995008 S13722 Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E13722 P13722 Y 42770 P musculoskeletal system 01D13F7AB8AD4DB1AD07F262214B055A Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of finger 13723 13723 13723 zone of lymph node 360997000 S13723 Zone of lymph node (body structure) E13723 P13723 - P lymphoreticular system F1BFA93B573C4E99ADFDD16D529157F5 Zone of lymph node 13724 13724 13724 lymphatic trunk of thorax 360999002 S13724 Lymphatic trunk of thorax (body structure) E13724 P13724 - P lymphatic system 2A43EB79F5FC41D8B301F1DC78F00911 Lymphatic trunk of thorax 13725 13725 13725 lymphatic trunk of neck 361002006 S13725 Lymphatic trunk of neck (body structure) E13725 P13725 - P lymphatic system D7CCE26400504EB19267F50165ED6C9C Lymphatic trunk of neck 13726 13726 13726 layer of thymus gland 361003001 S13726 Layer of thymus gland (body structure) E13726 P13726 - P lymphoid system 5B5D56C3052B472F8531A02F269E080D Layer of thymus gland 13727 13727 13727 capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger 361005008 S13727 Capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) E13727 P13727 Y P musculoskeletal system DDAA658827694EB5B17C0616E72C612F Capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger 13728 13728 13728 capsule of interphalangeal joint 361006009 S13728 Capsule of interphalangeal joint (body structure) E13728 P13728 Y P articular system 25378028E6C54862BEC5DBCDEE28D911 Capsule of interphalangeal joint 13729 13729 13729 epiphysis of ilium 361012004 S13729 Epiphysis of ilium (body structure) E13729 P13729 Y P musculoskeletal system 3EAABA50A9C14EB794CFA2FB0B9C4D6C Epiphysis of ilium 13730 13730 13730 epiphysis of pubis 361014003 S13730 Epiphysis of pubis (body structure) E13730 P13730 Y P musculoskeletal system 3ABAC10E866A4DD48F75ADE85D827651 Epiphysis of pubis 13731 13731 13731 embryonic pharyngeal pouch 361019008 S13731 Embryonic pharyngeal pouch (body structure) E13731 P13731 Y P C30EAF222BC646EC80D7964B913A84F9 Embryonic pharyngeal pouch 13732 13732 13732 cutaneous nerve of arm 361025007 S13732 Cutaneous nerve of arm (body structure) E13732 P13732 Y P nervous system BCCDAD88214E4E8A9C87FCA92E020F11 Cutaneous nerve of arm 13733 13733 13733 cutaneous nerve of forearm 361028009 S13733 Cutaneous nerve of forearm (body structure) E13733 P13733 Y P nervous system 5EAFA652772345BB9571475474AFCCFB Cutaneous nerve of forearm 13734 13734 13734 epiphysis of phalanx of hand 361032003 S13734 Epiphysis of phalanx of hand (body structure) E13734 P13734 Y 37488 P musculoskeletal system 472CBCAB4DAC4B85A86946FF7FF5C5AB Epiphysis of phalanx of hand 13735 13735 13735 branch of spinal nerve 361035001 S13735 Spinal nerve branch (body structure) E13735 P13735 Y 10982 P nervous system FCA94216A3F94AE199D4648DCBC1ECBE Spinal nerve branch 13736 13736 13736 lumbar nerve primary division 361042001 S13736 Lumbar nerve primary division (body structure) E13736 P13736 Y 0 P nervous system 641038C682B64897A841765B0DF16C60 Lumbar nerve primary division 13737 13737 13737 sacral nerve primary division 361044000 S13737 Sacral nerve primary division (body structure) E13737 P13737 Y 0 P nervous system BF2454F2673642F7B38B11F0C1994A4F Sacral nerve primary division 13739 13739 13739 plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system 361059006 S13739 Plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E13739 P13739 - P nervous system ACF8A55A2A264AC39C3911FC92A0179B Plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system 13740 13740 13740 sympathetic fiber 361060001 S13740 Sympathetic fiber (body structure) E13740 P13740 - P nervous system 4CBDD873F9D74CFEBBA707A7D696AD7B Sympathetic fiber 13741 13741 13741 spinal nerve branch of sympathetic nervous system 361062009 S13741 Spinal nerve branch of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) E13741 P13741 Y P nervous system 23BC0801BA2B40F7A4AA7F9E1181D5E8 Spinal nerve branch of sympathetic nervous system 13742 13742 13742 zone of organ of Corti 361065006 S13742 Zone of organ of Corti (body structure) E13742 P13742 Y P nervous system 15958920A73E4474A70E1CB1E68008BB Zone of organ of Corti 13743 13743 13743 thoracic nerve cutaneous branch 361069000 S13743 Thoracic nerve cutaneous branch (body structure) E13743 P13743 Y P nervous system C0AFAD4EB9F64721AFF39642022F0D66 Thoracic nerve cutaneous branch 13744 13744 13744 external feature of tympanic membrane 361073002 S13744 External feature of tympanic membrane (body structure) E13744 P13744 Y P special senses organ system 14A12916C64C47F5B61569F35D9B9568 External feature of tympanic membrane 13745 13745 13745 internal feature of tympanic membrane 361074008 S13745 Internal feature of tympanic membrane (body structure) E13745 P13745 Y P special senses organ system 700DD3BD0FA146A28B071497478DC880 Internal feature of tympanic membrane 13746 13746 13746 laryngeal articular capsule 361076005 S13746 Laryngeal articular capsule (body structure) E13746 P13746 Y P musculoskeletal system CF5840CADEF34530B0CB1EEB9348C620 Laryngeal articular capsule 13747 13747 13747 area of internal auditory canal 361078006 S13747 Area of internal auditory canal (body structure) E13747 P13747 Y P skeletal system 9D6790713B464E86B2609D39632DD6CE Area of internal auditory canal 13750 13750 13750 supraaortic branch of thoracic aorta 361102009 S13750 Supraaortic branch of thoracic aorta (body structure) E13750 P13750 - P arterial system BC4EFF9E65C540A89736AE8008167362 Supraaortic branch of thoracic aorta 13751 13751 13751 surface of costal region 361161000 S13751 Costal region (surface region) (body structure) E13751 P13751 Y D integument/surface 18B1DEF815944E5B94C5B4BBA5DF3AAF Costal region (surface region) 13753 13753 13753 second ray 361387008 S13753 Second ray (body structure) E13753 P13753 Y P 747A740C342041DE8E30B9295A317260 Second ray 13754 13754 13754 third ray 361388003 S13754 Third ray (body structure) E13754 P13754 Y P AB6A13DA7F5F4306AEDDB5D574629196 Third ray 13755 13755 13755 fourth ray 361389006 S13755 Fourth ray (body structure) E13755 P13755 Y P 3473FE4AE8EB4CB182273E978992BB0D Fourth ray 13756 13756 13756 regional peripheral nerve 361391003 S13756 Regional peripheral nerve (body structure) E13756 P13756 Y D nervous system 4F348619BBB3438A971A74A486F9F7A1 Regional peripheral nerve 13757 13757 13757 nerve of cervical plexus distribution 361392005 S13757 Nerve of cervical plexus distribution (body structure) E13757 P13757 Y P nervous system 41574D3A0063460E8D1DAF50B3D2BC74 Nerve of cervical plexus distribution 13758 13758 13758 nerve of brachial plexus distribution 361393000 S13758 Nerve of brachial plexus distribution (body structure) E13758 P13758 Y P nervous system 12FADC84A71447E2B54CDA0049558907 Nerve of brachial plexus distribution 13759 13759 13759 nerve of lumbar plexus distribution 361394006 S13759 Nerve of lumbar plexus distribution (body structure) E13759 P13759 Y P nervous system 315E6A9137E840C1976A153674ECD1E2 Nerve of lumbar plexus distribution 13760 13760 13760 nerve of sacral plexus distribution 361395007 S13760 Nerve of sacral plexus distribution (body structure) E13760 P13760 Y P nervous system 56F59A0E3D454201A2E1C540669F2C81 Nerve of sacral plexus distribution 13761 13761 13761 genital gland 361400008 S13761 Genital gland (body structure) E13761 P13761 Y P 388CF8B13F7145018789EB32ACC4DE53 Genital gland 13762 13762 13762 tubal mesentery 361401007 S13762 Tubal mesentery (body structure) E13762 P13762 Y P digestive system 89A41AC29016401B9B1E9FFEC97402B9 Tubal mesentery 13763 13763 13763 mesonephric mesentery 361402000 S13763 Mesonephric mesentery (body structure) E13763 P13763 Y P digestive system 7DFA824B702342B098E2F2AD365AF073 Mesonephric mesentery 13764 13764 13764 primitive left dorsal aorta 361403005 S13764 Primitive left dorsal aorta (body structure) E13764 P13764 - L P arterial system 17AF6B8FA72F477D88FE7B5E0A87D271 Primitive left dorsal aorta 13765 13765 13765 primitive right dorsal aorta 361404004 S13765 Primitive right dorsal aorta (body structure) E13765 P13765 - R P arterial system C5D6646D376F40F6B8F6D345A7D1C449 Primitive right dorsal aorta 13766 13766 13766 nephrogenic cord 361405003 S13766 Nephrogenic cord (body structure) E13766 P13766 Y 72168 P D9E274C89BEC4691A99C7902384075BE Nephrogenic cord 13767 13767 13767 pronephric duct 361406002 S13767 Pronephric duct (body structure) E13767 P13767 Y P 13F2A393FB1542F19C3FB0819F94482E Pronephric duct 13768 13768 13768 mesonephric vesicle 361407006 S13768 Mesonephric vesicle (body structure) E13768 P13768 Y P E38F969E59A442DAA119EAB2E477DB98 Mesonephric vesicle 13769 13769 13769 internal glomerulus 361408001 S13769 Internal glomerulus (body structure) E13769 P13769 Y P 0C586705D2224FF4AC322DA5BA7E4E3F Internal glomerulus 13770 13770 13770 primitive stomodeum 361411000 S13770 Primitive stomodeum (body structure) E13770 P13770 - P 08ECEE034EC741C09CF938DA9B4A01C5 Primitive stomodeum 13771 13771 13771 buccopharyngeal membrane 361412007 S13771 Buccopharyngeal membrane (body structure) E13771 P13771 - P digestive system D845F0A03D4F45FF9D98BF072D9016CB Buccopharyngeal membrane 13772 13772 13772 pleuroperitoneal canal 361413002 S13772 Pleuroperitoneal canal (body structure) E13772 P13772 - P D770F364A09B48678B5A6E546B5539FE Pleuroperitoneal canal 13773 13773 13773 first arch nerve 361414008 S13773 First arch nerve (body structure) E13773 P13773 Y P nervous system 93DE8D6FE668493284210E97CBAC41B9 First arch nerve 13774 13774 13774 second arch nerve 361415009 S13774 Second arch nerve (body structure) E13774 P13774 Y P nervous system 8602F5299B6C4BC89074D958E5F7A235 Second arch nerve 13775 13775 13775 third arch nerve 361416005 S13775 Third arch nerve (body structure) E13775 P13775 Y P nervous system 298F2F7836A24CB0A0BEA8C2EEFEFF10 Third arch nerve 13776 13776 13776 fourth arch nerve 361417001 S13776 Fourth arch nerve (body structure) E13776 P13776 Y P nervous system 35BDDA7EC6914C938E6847EF3AD7EC2B Fourth arch nerve 13777 13777 13777 fifth arch nerve 361418006 S13777 Fifth arch nerve (body structure) E13777 P13777 Y P nervous system 84FF947392294C80B46DE09802F75FBE Fifth arch nerve 13778 13778 13778 sixth arch nerve 361419003 S13778 Sixth arch nerve (body structure) E13778 P13778 Y P nervous system 1B82FB21661D40FC9D12B2D5CC590213 Sixth arch nerve 13779 13779 13779 hypobranchial eminence 361420009 S13779 Hypobranchial eminence (body structure) E13779 P13779 Y P 5B6275562EA0443AA92A5F6A9115F2A1 Hypobranchial eminence 13780 13780 13780 laryngotracheal tube 361421008 S13780 Laryngotracheal tube (body structure) E13780 P13780 - P F134F5AC79514817AB242A7C62EE3E9F Laryngotracheal tube 13781 13781 13781 lingual bud 361422001 S13781 Lingual bud (body structure) E13781 P13781 Y P 220D434E847E425CB7764B3299284AF1 Lingual bud 13782 13782 13782 linguodental sulcus 361423006 S13782 Linguodental sulcus (body structure) E13782 P13782 Y P 3E75F2021BED47AAA11AA90250DA31D3 Linguodental sulcus 13783 13783 13783 copula 361424000 S13783 Copula (body structure) E13783 P13783 - P 5E9C4D1659A14741B9E7C4E3F4182036 Copula 13784 13784 13784 thyroglossal diverticulum 361425004 S13784 Thyroglossal diverticulum (body structure) E13784 P13784 - P B0DA2B2F20F1476E898A8081B20F49FB Thyroglossal diverticulum 13785 13785 13785 laryngotracheal groove 361426003 S13785 Laryngotracheal groove (body structure) E13785 P13785 - P F1D7C7D915BF4B6099B441DC5C8779EC Laryngotracheal groove 13786 13786 13786 lung bud 361427007 S13786 Lung bud (body structure) E13786 P13786 Y P F61A448F8ED04A79AB477C58B9BA416E Lung bud 13787 13787 13787 pericardioperitoneal canal 361428002 S13787 Pericardioperitoneal canal (body structure) E13787 P13787 - P 1485D45DED6A4AA8AED9C176C04A09E6 Pericardioperitoneal canal 13788 13788 13788 pleuroperitoneal membrane 361429005 S13788 Pleuroperitoneal membrane (body structure) E13788 P13788 - P 4C02DE632BB245B99D421A266A862162 Pleuroperitoneal membrane 13789 13789 13789 ventral mesentery 361430000 S13789 Ventral mesentery (body structure) E13789 P13789 - P digestive system EFC2EAB2C77F4C23AA125C8E0251549C Ventral mesentery 13790 13790 13790 primitive celom 361431001 S13790 Primitive celom (body structure) E13790 P13790 - P 374CBDE0DBBD482C9E15CFC45D276F23 Primitive celom 13791 13791 13791 dorsal mesoesophagus 361432008 S13791 Dorsal mesoesophagus (body structure) E13791 P13791 - P digestive system 05FEDF513D864ABF9D3E4A61FC1B5D6D Dorsal mesoesophagus 13792 13792 13792 dorsal mesoduodenum 361433003 S13792 Dorsal mesoduodenum (body structure) E13792 P13792 - P digestive system E1D51E3C96B841BFA55644252D53DE65 Dorsal mesoduodenum 13793 13793 13793 dorsal midgut mesentery 361434009 S13793 Dorsal midgut mesentery (body structure) E13793 P13793 - P digestive system D2336B48037444FC9768B7956A6124B4 Dorsal midgut mesentery 13794 13794 13794 dorsal pancreatic bud 361435005 S13794 Dorsal pancreatic bud (body structure) E13794 P13794 - P digestive system CE72E5D8BE344BD6843FAB5AF6D928B8 Dorsal pancreatic bud 13795 13795 13795 ventral pancreatic bud 361437002 S13795 Ventral pancreatic bud (body structure) E13795 P13795 - P digestive system 89A6B35C031C42BA807F865001A3F647 Ventral pancreatic bud 13796 13796 13796 primitive streak 361438007 S13796 Primitive streak (body structure) E13796 P13796 - P 9BBE3C66373A4619A17506A5647DB26D Primitive streak 13797 13797 13797 tail fold 361439004 S13797 Tail fold (body structure) E13797 P13797 - P CCF0091961D34C43B75582E4B87ACEEC Tail fold 13798 13798 13798 body stalk 361440002 S13798 Body stalk (body structure) E13798 P13798 - P 265DAC4666794EDD850BC1FB3D68BBAC Body stalk 13799 13799 13799 genital fold 361441003 S13799 Genital fold (body structure) E13799 P13799 - P FF4229A5D7B94260B1E66BC2B3EB7D82 Genital fold 13800 13800 13800 lateral branch of seventh cervical intersegmental artery 361442005 S13800 Lateral branch of seventh cervical intersegmental artery (body structure) E13800 P13800 Y P arterial system C5F6FA6A6C72480480332C6A8BE44C17 Lateral branch of seventh cervical intersegmental artery 13801 13801 13801 lateral branch of fifth lumbar intersegmental artery 361443000 S13801 Lateral branch of fifth lumbar intersegmental artery (body structure) E13801 P13801 Y P arterial system AC3C92167A2F4F889C2AFBC4C5D1B959 Lateral branch of fifth lumbar intersegmental artery 13802 13802 13802 hepatico-cardiac channel 361444006 S13802 Hepatico-cardiac channel (body structure) E13802 P13802 - P cardiovascular system 9EA84EC73D9144ECA37846DA162B21FA Hepatico-cardiac channel 13803 13803 13803 right vitelline vein 361445007 S13803 Right vitelline vein (body structure) E13803 P13803 R 70306 P cardiovascular system 18F6C94C0449420BB24B3DDF587951FC Right vitelline vein 13804 13804 13804 left vitelline vein 361446008 S13804 Left vitelline vein (body structure) E13804 P13804 L 70307 P cardiovascular system DFA65A180BAC4F029133B0B62B0AD913 Left vitelline vein 13805 13805 13805 right umbilical vein 361447004 S13805 Structure of right umbilical vein (body structure) E13805 P13805 R 70319 P cardiovascular system 0FD0E5FA61CB46A690487A1921AEFC76 right umbilical vein 13806 13806 13806 intersegmental vein 361448009 S13806 Intersegmental vein (body structure) E13806 P13806 Y P 8692B3E82D1147BCA87C13E68AEF5A6E Intersegmental vein 13807 13807 13807 left supracardinal vein 361449001 S13807 Left supracardinal vein (body structure) E13807 P13807 L P cardiovascular system B192464E53544B3E8F2F44A33288E9E1 Left supracardinal vein 13808 13808 13808 right supracardinal vein 361450001 S13808 Right supracardinal vein (body structure) E13808 P13808 R P cardiovascular system C90D664B1C9A46D08AF953E33BA0F6EF Right supracardinal vein 13809 13809 13809 left subcardinal vein 361451002 S13809 Left subcardinal vein (body structure) E13809 P13809 L P cardiovascular system 52E2782640EA4D6F9A8C36E2865C7C02 Left subcardinal vein 13810 13810 13810 right subcardinal vein 361452009 S13810 Right subcardinal vein (body structure) E13810 P13810 R P cardiovascular system 1A36DEB27F6541229FA71154B79ECC13 Right subcardinal vein 13811 13811 13811 head fold 361453004 S13811 Head fold (body structure) E13811 P13811 - P 9CBB9A71BBED467F84418C1A5F31C9E5 Head fold 13812 13812 13812 dorsal mesocardium 361454005 S13812 Dorsal mesocardium (body structure) E13812 P13812 - P A69A3895CAA845D0AF23DF869A5AEB4E Dorsal mesocardium 13813 13813 13813 blastocyst cavity 361455006 S13813 Blastocyst cavity (body structure) E13813 P13813 - P 732E0C2069384977A04107D7D3F52292 Blastocyst cavity 13814 13814 13814 inner cell mass 361456007 S13814 Inner cell mass (body structure) E13814 P13814 - 86557 P AE09A782CE7A4D52B57991241CAD7CEF Inner cell mass 13815 13815 13815 primary villus S13815 E13815 361457003 Primary villus (body structure) P13815 - P 59B52663F6244B16827F4C49B8995AC2 Primary villus (body structure) 13816 13816 13816 secondary villus S13816 E13816 361458008 Secondary villus (body structure) P13816 - P C6441F8650CB427E812882DE98EC0C3F Secondary villus (body structure) 13817 13817 13817 bilaminar embryonic disc 361459000 S13817 Bilaminar embryonic disc (body structure) E13817 P13817 - P 16791D7F85F44DBF89CAAC272F68CE00 Bilaminar embryonic disc 13818 13818 13818 prochordal plate 361460005 S13818 Prochordal plate (body structure) E13818 P13818 - P 3592C7A95311485BB295450B14CDA2A8 Prochordal plate 13819 13819 13819 neural fold 361461009 S13819 Neural fold (body structure) E13819 P13819 - P E0183324443449058472FD7D05A5FD3B Neural fold 13820 13820 13820 neural crest 361462002 S13820 Neural crest (body structure) E13820 P13820 - 86666 P E36254992A2E4AD4B36071F2FE824150 Neural crest 13821 13821 13821 neural groove 361463007 S13821 Neural groove (body structure) E13821 P13821 - P A86342AED99E4E9DABDCF068191D533B Neural groove 13822 13822 13822 primitive node 361464001 S13822 Primitive node (body structure) E13822 P13822 - P E12223CC59E74292A65C7751A344BF12 Primitive node 13823 13823 13823 neurenteric canal 361465000 S13823 Neurenteric canal (body structure) E13823 P13823 - P 776E7E8AC9CA407593A6BC747B324401 Neurenteric canal 13824 13824 13824 anterior endocardial cushion 361466004 S13824 Anterior endocardial cushion (body structure) E13824 P13824 - P cardiovascular system 6AC6B6154A5A4BDB8137F119EB362D65 Anterior endocardial cushion 13825 13825 13825 posterior endocardial cushion 361467008 S13825 Posterior endocardial cushion (body structure) E13825 P13825 - P cardiovascular system 50D9C7D3E0C34AA9A0B94A785591094D Posterior endocardial cushion 13826 13826 13826 septum intermedium 361468003 S13826 Septum intermedium (body structure) E13826 P13826 - P E613FA77FB9B4E85928EE76DA851A22E Septum intermedium 13827 13827 13827 bulbar spiral septum 361469006 S13827 Bulbar spiral septum (body structure) E13827 P13827 - P cell 7084A2F9A29A475BB82C36F8864128AA Bulbar spiral septum 13828 13828 13828 pituitary long portal vein 361470007 S13828 Pituitary long portal vein (body structure) E13828 P13828 - P endocrine system 13B70109FFC049D4A5A66C7C29FD5F65 Pituitary long portal vein 13829 13829 13829 pituitary short portal vein 361471006 S13829 Pituitary short portal vein (body structure) E13829 P13829 - P endocrine system 711B7AC6CA794B3D9D6B90F7E980CB9B Pituitary short portal vein 13830 13830 13830 parathyroid gland artery 361472004 S13830 Parathyroid gland artery (body structure) E13830 P13830 Y P arterial system 08E8231BC58C4C289AFB35A12EAD0532 Parathyroid gland artery 13831 13831 13831 morula 361474003 S13831 Morula (body structure) E13831 P13831 - 292334 P 6BA43A6EE0F24214B3BAEB78181B8089 Morula 13832 13832 13832 paraxial mesoderm 361475002 S13832 Paraxial mesoderm (body structure) E13832 P13832 - P 3D8979E586D7407DB20CC47CF33677D9 Paraxial mesoderm 13833 13833 13833 intermediate mesoderm 361476001 S13833 Intermediate mesoderm (body structure) E13833 P13833 - P CA51C062F8A14F7886F91D90C87897E1 Intermediate mesoderm 13834 13834 13834 lateral plate mesoderm 361477005 S13834 Lateral plate mesoderm (body structure) E13834 P13834 Y P EFDF79982D25473A945A8916ADD37D69 Lateral plate mesoderm 13835 13835 13835 cephalic neuropore 361478000 S13835 Cephalic neuropore (body structure) E13835 P13835 - P 3B539A35CCF94F7D9A8EF9B1881F7CF3 Cephalic neuropore 13836 13836 13836 caudal neuropore 361479008 S13836 Caudal neuropore (body structure) E13836 P13836 - P 6929F9F580EE426E983EDE13E8A938B8 Caudal neuropore 13837 13837 13837 forebrain vesicle 361480006 S13837 Forebrain vesicle (body structure) E13837 P13837 - P 38DC72E506344B0DB3CCDDB7EF454757 Forebrain vesicle 13839 13839 13839 midbrain vesicle 361481005 S13839 Midbrain vesicle (body structure) E13839 P13839 - P 64040B0927D84BE2AF64CB2DC178E8BB Midbrain vesicle 13840 13840 13840 hindbrain vesicle 361482003 S13840 Hindbrain vesicle (body structure) E13840 P13840 - P 403CB7B8345F422F852FC73EC09AFD0D Hindbrain vesicle 13841 13841 13841 lamina terminalis 361483008 S13841 Lamina terminalis (body structure) E13841 P13841 Y 61975 P nervous system C9984C19C9DB4710A2145E132914064F Lamina terminalis 13842 13842 13842 olfactory plate 361484002 S13842 Olfactory plate (body structure) E13842 P13842 - P C5EAA2FE44C742A99D710B3CBB2F7AFE Olfactory plate 13843 13843 13843 olfactory pit 361485001 S13843 Olfactory pit (body structure) E13843 P13843 - P E196E5E593EA4254857B4F91D8AAA897 Olfactory pit 13844 13844 13844 frontonasal process 361486000 S13844 Frontonasal process (body structure) E13844 P13844 - P 066ABFC72B184A55B397B33FD5CE6BAE Frontonasal process 13845 13845 13845 parotid bud 361487009 S13845 Parotid bud (body structure) E13845 P13845 Y P FE0928BEBDF94C38A141363C8B89B484 Parotid bud 13846 13846 13846 submandibular bud 361488004 S13846 Submandibular bud (body structure) E13846 P13846 Y P 3CB805BEB27E41C28895E962883FBA6C Submandibular bud 13847 13847 13847 trilaminar embryonic disc 361489007 S13847 Trilaminar embryonic disc (body structure) E13847 P13847 - P A533D4F7C16B4E56A400F8EA1E5B5FD7 Trilaminar embryonic disc 13848 13848 13848 embryonic trigeminal artery 361490003 S13848 Embryonic trigeminal artery (body structure) E13848 P13848 Y P arterial system 91A3320377DB429B9C20331322F3A71A Embryonic trigeminal artery 13849 13849 13849 embryonic otic artery 361491004 S13849 Embryonic otic artery (body structure) E13849 P13849 Y P arterial system DE92AED6D1144F5EA2ABCE9068E70389 Embryonic otic artery 13850 13850 13850 embryonic hypoglossal artery 361492006 S13850 Embryonic hypoglossal artery (body structure) E13850 P13850 Y P arterial system A792DE813AA64F1BB3DAD137BE8F5C9D Embryonic hypoglossal artery 13851 13851 13851 pro-atlantal intersegmental artery 361493001 S13851 Pro-atlantal intersegmental artery (body structure) E13851 P13851 Y P arterial system F1CEDF5B72DE4239945AC08D840E5DD6 Pro-atlantal intersegmental artery 13852 13852 13852 first branchial cleft 361495008 S13852 First branchial cleft (body structure) E13852 P13852 Y P FFB35201B70043E090568AE67E6C0B78 First branchial cleft 13853 13853 13853 second branchial cleft 361496009 S13853 Second branchial cleft (body structure) E13853 P13853 Y P CB04A4FE15BB44B8B4EC842FFF9423F6 Second branchial cleft 13854 13854 13854 third branchial cleft 361497000 S13854 Third branchial cleft (body structure) E13854 P13854 Y P 14B602B4296440238FBF60FFB5599A4A Third branchial cleft 13855 13855 13855 fourth branchial cleft 361498005 S13855 Fourth branchial cleft (body structure) E13855 P13855 Y P 6A70DFB7BA5741DDB704966C70EF5EF6 Fourth branchial cleft 13856 13856 13856 fifth branchial cleft 361499002 S13856 Fifth branchial cleft (body structure) E13856 P13856 Y P B7E6B3BA4CBC4A388FB6E65D448BDE88 Fifth branchial cleft 13857 13857 13857 sixth branchial cleft 361500006 S13857 Sixth branchial cleft (body structure) E13857 P13857 Y P 14001821F58446249FBDF823197C6F4C Sixth branchial cleft 13858 13858 13858 second arch cartilage 361501005 S13858 Second arch cartilage (body structure) E13858 P13858 - P F1D4BCB7A809403585F8E8C92C01F831 Second arch cartilage 13859 13859 13859 left anterior cardinal vein 361502003 S13859 Left anterior cardinal vein (body structure) E13859 P13859 L P cardiovascular system 28650452C30E44BC9DE859067A8B9634 Left anterior cardinal vein 13860 13860 13860 right anterior cardinal vein 361503008 S13860 Right anterior cardinal vein (body structure) E13860 P13860 R P cardiovascular system 81447D74BC3A40F4969498756A7D08F3 Right anterior cardinal vein 13861 13861 13861 left posterior cardinal vein 361504002 S13861 Left posterior cardinal vein (body structure) E13861 P13861 L P cardiovascular system 3A9E9669E5B44878A5FEDADC395721B9 Left posterior cardinal vein 13862 13862 13862 right posterior cardinal vein 361505001 S13862 Right posterior cardinal vein (body structure) E13862 P13862 R P cardiovascular system BFA8100C6CC24FCDAD574F8D08A2F3DC Right posterior cardinal vein 13863 13863 13863 left common cardinal vein 361506000 S13863 Left common cardinal vein (body structure) E13863 P13863 L 70311 P cardiovascular system 1D13F981449040C886EB2621DBAAE789 Left common cardinal vein 13864 13864 13864 right common cardinal vein 361507009 S13864 Right common cardinal vein (body structure) E13864 P13864 R 70310 P cardiovascular system FF9E66E3496C4B778D048143344D939D Right common cardinal vein 13865 13865 13865 choroidal fissure 361508004 S13865 Choroidal fissure (body structure) E13865 P13865 Y 74512 P 5CD290F25C2D44C691ED7EE48DA964DE Choroidal fissure 13866 13866 13866 lens plate 361509007 S13866 Lens plate (body structure) E13866 P13866 Y P 85FF7479B00E446790C1D96DE57CCF78 Lens plate 13867 13867 13867 lens vesicle 361510002 S13867 Lens vesicle (body structure) E13867 P13867 Y P 5D9A43A4AD1E4F8995802CCF31D74241 Lens vesicle 13868 13868 13868 marginal sinus 361511003 S13868 Marginal sinus (body structure) E13868 P13868 Y 50766 P EE7758E9A9F54726BF36929BECC323EE Marginal sinus 13869 13869 13869 auditory plate 361512005 S13869 Auditory plate (body structure) E13869 P13869 Y P D3A9D028456E4F459EE95AC83A502494 Auditory plate 13870 13870 13870 auditory pit 361513000 S13870 Auditory pit (body structure) E13870 P13870 Y P 82D7C20F2FEF4508A90C7970BA5DFADB Auditory pit 13871 13871 13871 acousticofacial ganglion 361514006 S13871 Acousticofacial ganglion (body structure) E13871 P13871 Y P nervous system FF839BB7119A4EE9A2AF57BC24C52CF3 Acousticofacial ganglion 13872 13872 13872 periotic capsule 361515007 S13872 Periotic capsule (body structure) E13872 P13872 Y P 06E552CFBED3491FA7CFDD5D3D3AE6DE Periotic capsule 13873 13873 13873 tubotympanic recess 361516008 S13873 Tubotympanic recess (body structure) E13873 P13873 Y P BD66117564FC45D5AA4BB3490133BC3C Tubotympanic recess 13874 13874 13874 meatal plate 361517004 S13874 Meatal plate (body structure) E13874 P13874 Y P 10984403D59F476B847DFC5DCEAF304F Meatal plate 13875 13875 13875 stapedial artery 361518009 S13875 Stapedial artery (body structure) E13875 P13875 Y P arterial system 03BAD1F303F7427B99CA1EF1A8546877 Stapedial artery 13876 13876 13876 endocardial primordium 361519001 S13876 Endocardial primordium (body structure) E13876 P13876 - P E1FCFB0C45374CADA7B6370DB413124E Endocardial primordium 13877 13877 13877 myocardial primordium 361520007 S13877 Myocardial primordium (body structure) E13877 P13877 - P F541C304BBEA475184F0DDB5ED58BE20 Myocardial primordium 13878 13878 13878 pericardial primordium 361521006 S13878 Pericardial primordium (body structure) E13878 P13878 - P E2D868D893364E569006F352EF8E6A7F Pericardial primordium 13879 13879 13879 primitive atrium 361523009 S13879 Primitive atrium (body structure) E13879 P13879 - P 31D9FE0417B8441C93785605888F5FC9 Primitive atrium 13880 13880 13880 primitive ventricle 361524003 S13880 Primitive ventricle (body structure) E13880 P13880 - P 4D7AC22D89DD4EBCAA3373DFB7013C76 Primitive ventricle 13881 13881 13881 bulbus cordis 361525002 S13881 Bulbus cordis (body structure) E13881 P13881 - 70300 P 0052CF511ECD43929BE5F47BA9E0AD51 Bulbus cordis 13882 13882 13882 primitive ventral aorta 361526001 S13882 Primitive ventral aorta (body structure) E13882 P13882 - P arterial system C5EFD815CF5A4482A299C4AC6A64D718 Primitive ventral aorta 13883 13883 13883 aortic sac 361527005 S13883 Aortic sac (body structure) E13883 P13883 - 71008 P arterial system 1A21A962720B4BB0B11AF318EEE16B17 Aortic sac 13884 13884 13884 ureteric bud 361528000 S13884 Ureteric bud (body structure) E13884 P13884 Y P 8741D58B2D0D4FF699EBA3082E9D97AF Ureteric bud 13885 13885 13885 metanephric blastema 361529008 S13885 Metanephric blastema (body structure) E13885 P13885 Y P A05C029FC609408A89D00F45DA3FC875 Metanephric blastema 13886 13886 13886 genital cord 361530003 S13886 Genital cord (body structure) E13886 P13886 - P A9F46F3D0794498E8331769775DC328B Genital cord 13887 13887 13887 urethral groove 361531004 S13887 Urethral groove (body structure) E13887 P13887 - P F1074F172D8E427AB588F776A1A24382 Urethral groove 13888 13888 13888 vestibular system 361533001 S13888 Structure of vestibular system (body structure) E13888 P13888 - P special senses organ system 6F7F69B95E4546FDA31280B7E5833328 vestibular system 13889 13889 13889 upper body of stomach 361534007 S13889 Upper body of stomach (body structure) E13889 P13889 - P digestive system 40264734678E41DE819374D9DB2BE428 Upper body of stomach 13890 13890 13890 mid body of stomach 361535008 S13890 Mid body of stomach (body structure) E13890 P13890 - P digestive system 2AEB46814B12464D83246D0F363DD0E6 Mid body of stomach 13891 13891 13891 lower body of stomach 361536009 S13891 Lower body of stomach (body structure) E13891 P13891 - P digestive system 2E33A22F7CD34793B26D37532837345C Lower body of stomach 13892 13892 13892 lateral habenular nucleus S13892 E13892 361538005 Lateral habenular nucleus (body structure) P13892 Y 62372 P nervous system 805C22C2E62E41199408AEE0995AE926 Lateral habenular nucleus (body structure) 13897 13897 13897 cerebral dorsal surface 361554008 S13897 Cerebral dorsal surface (body structure) E13897 P13897 Y P nervous system B36A841521AD421484711B0352DE97EC Cerebral dorsal surface 13898 13898 13898 anterior medullary spinothalamic tract 361555009 S13898 Anterior medullary spinothalamic tract (body structure) E13898 P13898 Y P nervous system 6FF5B19CA298488E88B183DE788CDABC Anterior medullary spinothalamic tract 13899 13899 13899 posterior medullary spinothalamic tract 361556005 S13899 Posterior medullary spinothalamic tract (body structure) E13899 P13899 Y P nervous system 5EDD553E7CC64C0897A1E93B79814F4A Posterior medullary spinothalamic tract 13900 13900 13900 posterior spinocerebellar tract of pons 361557001 S13900 Posterior spinocerebellar tract of pons (body structure) E13900 P13900 Y P nervous system EBF95932EE5C46459608DDB94DF34AC5 Posterior spinocerebellar tract of pons 13901 13901 13901 anterior medullary spinocerebellar tract 361558006 S13901 Anterior medullary spinocerebellar tract (body structure) E13901 P13901 Y P nervous system C8B3FAF329BB4242B664D0CBD97F9A7D Anterior medullary spinocerebellar tract 13902 13902 13902 posterior medullary spinocerebellar tract 361559003 S13902 Posterior medullary spinocerebellar tract (body structure) E13902 P13902 Y P nervous system CD705309198748B0814A4A701FAFE6D1 Posterior medullary spinocerebellar tract 13903 13903 13903 lateral globus pallidus 8057002 S13903 Structure of lateral globus pallidus (body structure) E13903 361560008 Entire lateral globus pallidus (body structure) P13903 Y 61839 P nervous system 37764EFB6D53475E928F0AEFCAAEC952 4C133E6B634D4D02AFE426A00C30C21F lateral globus pallidus Entire lateral globus pallidus (body structure) 13904 13904 13904 medial nucleus of globus pallidus 3989007 S13904 Structure of medial globus pallidus (body structure) E13904 361562000 Entire medial globus pallidus (body structure) P13904 Y P nervous system 2A8BB3F2518545A6A88E6D22D9F76E85 5E70525D19064A629A650230C4429835 medial globus pallidus Entire medial globus pallidus (body structure) 13905 13905 13905 corticobulbar tract of internal capsule 45875008 S13905 Structure of corticobulbar tract of internal capsule (body structure) E13905 361565003 Entire corticobulbar tract of internal capsule (body structure) P13905 Y P nervous system CE3F461B6086401491637396932C9CF0 D2F95B1EA3824733971FA34CCDFE1236 corticobulbar tract of internal capsule Entire corticobulbar tract of internal capsule (body structure) 13906 13906 13906 tectospinal tract of medulla 361567006 S13906 Tectospinal tract of medulla (body structure) E13906 P13906 Y P nervous system 5AB2BB84F2D245D6A82B076D7974462F Tectospinal tract of medulla 13907 13907 13907 medial lemniscus in midbrain 361568001 S13907 Medial lemniscus in midbrain (body structure) E13907 P13907 Y 72461 P nervous system 2027F0CE75AF4C6E9B6C901D40FDC5F4 Medial lemniscus in midbrain 13908 13908 13908 lateral lemniscus in midbrain 361569009 S13908 Lateral lemniscus in midbrain (body structure) E13908 P13908 Y P nervous system 1402077D77B9495B82520F1C5FAA0CC4 Lateral lemniscus in midbrain 13909 13909 13909 tectospinal tract of midbrain 361570005 S13909 Tectospinal tract of midbrain (body structure) E13909 P13909 Y P nervous system 3F0E098ADE5543029D9E166F3C1C6000 Tectospinal tract of midbrain 13910 13910 13910 tectospinal tract of pons 361571009 S13910 Tectospinal tract of pons (body structure) E13910 P13910 Y P nervous system 103666EDFB84438CB466AD909EC62F18 Tectospinal tract of pons 13911 13911 13911 medial lemniscus in pons 72067004 S13911 Structure of medial lemniscus in pons (body structure) E13911 361572002 Entire medial lemniscus in pons (body structure) P13911 Y 72503 P nervous system AB203DB0EA25406EADA01DA240BAACB2 92E8AB1E0816439F93FF15D9DB7745C3 medial lemniscus in pons Entire medial lemniscus in pons (body structure) 13912 13912 13912 lateral lemniscus of pons 361573007 S13912 Lateral lemniscus of pons (body structure) E13912 P13912 Y P special senses organ system A645D2E548A6408D92714225C364E3EE Lateral lemniscus of pons 13913 13913 13913 rubro-olivary tract 361586003 S13913 Rubro-olivary tract (body structure) E13913 P13913 Y 77050 P nervous system 234929D4675A47B5BC50243E8FD5C221 Rubro-olivary tract 13914 13914 13914 greater petrosal to tympanic plexus communicating ramus 361587007 S13914 Greater petrosal to tympanic plexus communicating ramus (body structure) E13914 P13914 Y P nervous system F4ACB19BA06B4774B862D5F05990F603 Greater petrosal to tympanic plexus communicating ramus 13917 13917 13917 cervical branch of vertebral artery 361602005 S13917 Cervical branch of vertebral artery (body structure) E13917 P13917 Y 76263 P arterial system 3DF193F154504249B90D1D7E5494E587 Cervical branch of vertebral artery 13918 13918 13918 first anterior intercostal artery 361603000 S13918 First anterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13918 P13918 Y 10652 P arterial system EF86487CACDC41EB80C9C5BFF243FAFD First anterior intercostal artery 13919 13919 13919 second anterior intercostal artery 361604006 S13919 Second anterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13919 P13919 Y 10653 P arterial system 0F592EA2B2184E5B976E15775F8328FC Second anterior intercostal artery 13920 13920 13920 third anterior intercostal artery 361605007 S13920 Third anterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13920 P13920 Y 10654 P arterial system F40697D2C06B471EBBCC8FD28528588D Third anterior intercostal artery 13921 13921 13921 fourth anterior intercostal artery 361606008 S13921 Fourth anterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13921 P13921 Y 10655 P arterial system 284C2B491CD84F1890DCEF73D6129453 Fourth anterior intercostal artery 13922 13922 13922 fifth anterior intercostal artery 361607004 S13922 Fifth anterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13922 P13922 Y 10656 P arterial system 9A36A69987FF466889175AA22F6F855F Fifth anterior intercostal artery 13923 13923 13923 sixth anterior intercostal artery 361608009 S13923 Sixth anterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13923 P13923 Y 10657 P arterial system B4577D626DD347C3B6F6F4499C85BD95 Sixth anterior intercostal artery 13924 13924 13924 seventh anterior intercostal artery 361609001 S13924 Seventh anterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13924 P13924 Y 10649 P arterial system 0ED8EB83812644B99A2FA78A7A7B22EA Seventh anterior intercostal artery 13925 13925 13925 eighth anterior intercostal artery 361610006 S13925 Eighth anterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13925 P13925 Y 10650 P arterial system DD8A7AAB5D9D474C99C8AF3F03CDEDB9 Eighth anterior intercostal artery 13926 13926 13926 tenth anterior intercostal artery 361611005 S13926 Tenth anterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13926 P13926 Y 10675 P arterial system 3F7C696119974EB088F1570005CE0488 Tenth anterior intercostal artery 13927 13927 13927 eleventh anterior intercostal artery 361612003 S13927 Eleventh anterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13927 P13927 Y 10676 P arterial system 42A4A82DED154FF9A18FD4E71688799F Eleventh anterior intercostal artery 13928 13928 13928 third posterior intercostal artery 361614002 S13928 Third posterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13928 P13928 Y 69347 P arterial system 6BF16EA54E5B4BE2817F3FA41E402469 Third posterior intercostal artery 13929 13929 13929 fourth posterior intercostal artery 361615001 S13929 Fourth posterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13929 P13929 Y 69350 P arterial system E73B628C77E048AD973542E926C1A636 Fourth posterior intercostal artery 13930 13930 13930 fifth posterior intercostal artery 361616000 S13930 Fifth posterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13930 P13930 Y 69353 P arterial system D16B25E111DD45B097D29D965A908E79 Fifth posterior intercostal artery 13931 13931 13931 sixth posterior intercostal artery 361617009 S13931 Sixth posterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13931 P13931 Y 69356 P arterial system 59C86D7D74B749F1BB19AE38545674F6 Sixth posterior intercostal artery 13932 13932 13932 seventh posterior intercostal artery 361618004 S13932 Seventh posterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13932 P13932 Y 69359 P arterial system 704249E28D91423EB969840202F12BC7 Seventh posterior intercostal artery 13933 13933 13933 eighth posterior intercostal artery 361619007 S13933 Eighth posterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13933 P13933 Y 69362 P arterial system 441502ABD4174A02BC6C55F02753FD52 Eighth posterior intercostal artery 13934 13934 13934 ninth posterior intercostal artery 361620001 S13934 Ninth posterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13934 P13934 Y 69365 P arterial system A4C199AA4BB5460388AC8EBFF83879D2 Ninth posterior intercostal artery 13935 13935 13935 tenth posterior intercostal artery 361621002 S13935 Tenth posterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13935 P13935 Y 69368 P arterial system 10BD9CDDE51943AAA3ADCFE4F6CC7443 Tenth posterior intercostal artery 13936 13936 13936 eleventh posterior intercostal artery 361622009 S13936 Eleventh posterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13936 P13936 Y 69371 P arterial system 4A5623858FC74708B68CE7E6D84816E4 Eleventh posterior intercostal artery 13937 13937 13937 calcanean branch of posterior tibial artery 361624005 S13937 Calcanean branch of posterior tibial artery (body structure) E13937 P13937 Y 69722 P arterial system E4318144FCB94F8DA3CD6214D99D6773 Calcanean branch of posterior tibial artery 13938 13938 13938 calcaneal branch of peroneal artery 361625006 S13938 Calcanean branch of peroneal artery (body structure) E13938 P13938 Y 44630 P cardiovascular system B1B782A97B3540A3AAD3E2E81A89E641 Calcanean branch of peroneal artery 13939 13939 13939 pericardiacophrenic vein 361626007 S13939 Pericardiacophrenic vein (body structure) E13939 P13939 Y 4742 P venous system BEFD9C71A0F743E8AF68CEE98B12C79C Pericardiacophrenic vein 13940 13940 13940 first anterior intercostal vein 361627003 S13940 First anterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13940 P13940 Y 4741 P venous system CA4A537F7CEE4B9DB3678836CBD81D9E First anterior intercostal vein 13941 13941 13941 second anterior intercostal vein 361628008 S13941 Second anterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13941 P13941 Y 4740 P venous system F17FB4A7FD4843F99E1B725431BBF578 Second anterior intercostal vein 13942 13942 13942 sixth anterior intercostal vein 361629000 S13942 Sixth anterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13942 P13942 Y 4733 P venous system 7FE2AAE2BBF646E98E9EC695E3AB6454 Sixth anterior intercostal vein 13943 13943 13943 fifth anterior intercostal vein 361630005 S13943 Fifth anterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13943 P13943 Y 4734 P venous system B8BAA3D5AC4644CAB21BBCEC8235B174 Fifth anterior intercostal vein 13944 13944 13944 fourth anterior intercostal vein 361631009 S13944 Fourth anterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13944 P13944 Y 4735 P venous system A8FA692D2C824F099CA5CCE7B502530F Fourth anterior intercostal vein 13945 13945 13945 third anterior intercostal vein 361632002 S13945 Third anterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13945 P13945 Y 4739 P venous system 98A936AB241F4281B771C7E39F5CF5B2 Third anterior intercostal vein 13946 13946 13946 seventh anterior intercostal vein 361633007 S13946 Seventh anterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13946 P13946 Y 4736 P venous system 5F69B3F45A564F5983F729B6D962F299 Seventh anterior intercostal vein 13947 13947 13947 eleventh anterior intercostal vein 361634001 S13947 Eleventh anterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13947 P13947 Y 71206 P venous system 44A7F7206DA04B939DFE828409184B1E Eleventh anterior intercostal vein 13948 13948 13948 tenth anterior intercostal vein 361635000 S13948 Tenth anterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13948 P13948 Y 71203 P venous system DAD9A28CE812448990CA6ACFAB3BEA9B Tenth anterior intercostal vein 13949 13949 13949 ninth anterior intercostal vein 361636004 S13949 Ninth anterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13949 P13949 Y 4738 P venous system B6113DF7E5504EF5891CBF1CEFB8D391 Ninth anterior intercostal vein 13950 13950 13950 eighth anterior intercostal vein 361637008 S13950 Eighth anterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13950 P13950 Y 4737 P venous system 3A030186229D4717841C33EA501CB49A Eighth anterior intercostal vein 13951 13951 13951 right subcostal vein 361638003 S13951 Right subcostal vein (body structure) E13951 P13951 R 4844 P venous system 86411B81055A4D8C8E718CFC84BB8D40 Right subcostal vein 13952 13952 13952 left subcostal vein 361639006 S13952 Left subcostal vein (body structure) E13952 P13952 L 4951 P venous system 0B7C6384F9384D36AAD40547600DE058 Left subcostal vein 13953 13953 13953 second left posterior intercostal vein 361643005 S13953 Second left posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13953 P13953 L 4799 P venous system D4F95A88B5FE4061BCD8079B7A43FB17 Second left posterior intercostal vein 13954 13954 13954 third left posterior intercostal vein 361644004 S13954 Third left posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13954 P13954 L 4800 P venous system 12A945237AEE469EB2D8CEDF6ACC6723 Third left posterior intercostal vein 13955 13955 13955 second right posterior intercostal vein 361645003 S13955 Second right posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13955 P13955 R 4880 P venous system CCB962E0BADC461982120A87B4B15294 Second right posterior intercostal vein 13956 13956 13956 third right posterior intercostal vein 361646002 S13956 Third right posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13956 P13956 R 4879 P venous system 943028CDCCC74498B22CB67748F70239 Third right posterior intercostal vein 13957 13957 13957 fourth right posterior intercostal vein 361647006 S13957 Fourth right posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13957 P13957 R 4878 P venous system 24C1F55DEFBB47E28776497D304991C3 Fourth right posterior intercostal vein 13958 13958 13958 eleventh right posterior intercostal vein 361648001 S13958 Eleventh right posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13958 P13958 R 4859 P venous system F18FF28B430A4178AB044C7866F70FDD Eleventh right posterior intercostal vein 13959 13959 13959 tenth right posterior intercostal vein 361649009 S13959 Tenth right posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13959 P13959 R 4860 P venous system EFEF3D9FAB37416980AB434528446B36 Tenth right posterior intercostal vein 13960 13960 13960 ninth right posterior intercostal vein 361650009 S13960 Ninth right posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13960 P13960 R 4872 P venous system A01063A3DCA8431AB4109A628698C740 Ninth right posterior intercostal vein 13961 13961 13961 eighth right posterior intercostal vein 361651008 S13961 Eighth right posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13961 P13961 R 4873 P venous system EF49DEBC1A76465391F78551E2A720DE Eighth right posterior intercostal vein 13962 13962 13962 seventh right posterior intercostal vein 361652001 S13962 Seventh right posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13962 P13962 R 4874 P venous system E6EEFF5D6E494CEE9C2D988B6498EB92 Seventh right posterior intercostal vein 13963 13963 13963 sixth right posterior intercostal vein 361653006 S13963 Sixth right posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13963 P13963 R 4875 P venous system 3CCE1A48FCE34B2ABD861B6E86126EF8 Sixth right posterior intercostal vein 13964 13964 13964 fifth right posterior intercostal vein 361654000 S13964 Fifth right posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13964 P13964 R 4876 P venous system 912B1E9257F14E30A2C3A9CA47E9950A Fifth right posterior intercostal vein 13965 13965 13965 eleventh left posterior intercostal vein 361655004 S13965 Eleventh left posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13965 P13965 L 4949 P venous system 1FFA4438EE4D4725A232C103A97DFA52 Eleventh left posterior intercostal vein 13966 13966 13966 tenth left posterior intercostal vein 361656003 S13966 Tenth left posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13966 P13966 L 4962 P venous system 1FE7602A9B704BD9BE62858CFE8425E4 Tenth left posterior intercostal vein 13967 13967 13967 ninth left posterior intercostal vein 361657007 S13967 Ninth left posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13967 P13967 L 4969 P venous system 3F5094060E254E1BA8EA46267F310853 Ninth left posterior intercostal vein 13968 13968 13968 eighth left posterior intercostal vein 361658002 S13968 Eighth left posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13968 P13968 L 4976 P venous system 5275E8CD794A4952A2B94EFD93F3371C Eighth left posterior intercostal vein 13969 13969 13969 seventh left posterior intercostal vein 361659005 S13969 Seventh left posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13969 P13969 L 4983 P venous system CCC35DBA56AD4F65A9646F8CDFFE84CF Seventh left posterior intercostal vein 13970 13970 13970 sixth left posterior intercostal vein 361660000 S13970 Sixth left posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13970 P13970 L 4990 P venous system 7230B6A5AC834956930011B25AA9B856 Sixth left posterior intercostal vein 13971 13971 13971 fifth left posterior intercostal vein 361661001 S13971 Fifth left posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13971 P13971 L 4997 P venous system 8F0DF041688A45BEB8B3857BC39938BB Fifth left posterior intercostal vein 13972 13972 13972 fourth left posterior intercostal vein 361662008 S13972 Fourth left posterior intercostal vein (body structure) E13972 P13972 L 5004 P venous system 0A205CAF3AD0483E903F11F87CD3617C Fourth left posterior intercostal vein 13973 13973 13973 acetabular branch of obturator artery 361663003 S13973 Acetabular branch of obturator artery (body structure) E13973 P13973 Y 70175 P arterial system 5A4A1183F5264F24BD4833FDBC0610D0 Acetabular branch of obturator artery 13974 13974 13974 acetabular branch of medial circumflex femoral artery 361664009 S13974 Acetabular branch of medial circumflex femoral artery (body structure) E13974 P13974 Y 77336 P arterial system C4297CE3BDBE4DEF92C2BECA33AE56F4 Acetabular branch of medial circumflex femoral artery 13975 13975 13975 left ascending lumbar vein 361666006 S13975 Left ascending lumbar vein (body structure) E13975 P13975 L 4950 P venous system 5FBC20BB0B9445F2AA93ABA13E276A00 Left ascending lumbar vein 13976 13976 13976 right ascending lumbar vein 361667002 S13976 Right ascending lumbar vein (body structure) E13976 P13976 R 4843 P venous system 4E29D6E2C57F48848876BB64BF5475AE Right ascending lumbar vein 13977 13977 13977 first levator costarum breves S13977 E13977 361671004 First levator costae brevis (body structure) P13977 Y P musculoskeletal system F48A77F2B3FA489FA88963214CD55935 First levator costae brevis (body structure) 13978 13978 13978 second levator costarum breves S13978 E13978 361672006 Second levator costae brevis (body structure) P13978 Y P musculoskeletal system 79146A2A8D4242A1B99256878EA6DE03 Second levator costae brevis (body structure) 13979 13979 13979 third levator costarum breves S13979 E13979 361673001 Third levator costae brevis (body structure) P13979 Y P musculoskeletal system 88BEC7D447B54D8FA3A8DC175C353DB1 Third levator costae brevis (body structure) 13980 13980 13980 fourth levator costarum breves S13980 E13980 361674007 Fourth levator costae brevis (body structure) P13980 Y P musculoskeletal system 9F86BDB52F4F43A9B0C1540642F17614 Fourth levator costae brevis (body structure) 13981 13981 13981 fifth levator costarum breves S13981 E13981 361675008 Fifth levator costae brevis (body structure) P13981 Y P musculoskeletal system AB02B3FEBD434BE68FFCE64BC3F4A742 Fifth levator costae brevis (body structure) 13982 13982 13982 sixth levator costarum breves S13982 E13982 361677000 Sixth levator costae brevis (body structure) P13982 Y P musculoskeletal system E3D2CFB325BE440D964BADADEDE4F657 Sixth levator costae brevis (body structure) 13983 13983 13983 seventh levator costarum breves S13983 E13983 361678005 Seventh levator costae brevis (body structure) P13983 Y P musculoskeletal system E855F8716CC24970BD0A27880FAE9B05 Seventh levator costae brevis (body structure) 13984 13984 13984 eighth levator costarum breves S13984 E13984 361679002 Eighth levator costae brevis (body structure) P13984 Y P musculoskeletal system DC87110B64514C8D8407740AC3DA36F6 Eighth levator costae brevis (body structure) 13985 13985 13985 ninth levator costarum breves S13985 E13985 361680004 Ninth levator costae brevis (body structure) P13985 Y P musculoskeletal system 1BDEDE7FCC49445FBA9B36303C4EFA7D Ninth levator costae brevis (body structure) 13986 13986 13986 tenth levator costarum breves S13986 E13986 361681000 Tenth levator costae brevis (body structure) P13986 Y P musculoskeletal system 8B88EA4CEA5B40AF82A9C9C4164D7B84 Tenth levator costae brevis (body structure) 13987 13987 13987 eleventh levator costarum breves S13987 E13987 361682007 Eleventh levator costae brevis (body structure) P13987 Y P musculoskeletal system 74407B52932648099A0F5B63902A888F Eleventh levator costae brevis (body structure) 13988 13988 13988 capsule of interphalangeal joint of thumb 361683002 S13988 Capsule of interphalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) E13988 P13988 Y P articular system 450E552931A94E5E955F1846030AFFFD Capsule of interphalangeal joint of thumb 13989 13989 13989 ninth anterior intercostal artery 361688006 S13989 Ninth anterior intercostal artery (body structure) E13989 P13989 Y 10651 P arterial system 74A6894651F24BEB9E11FD8000004043 Ninth anterior intercostal artery 13990 13990 13990 duct 362897009 S13990 Duct (organ part) (body structure) E13990 P13990 - 30320 P 0AF1F5B5D92E4909A91F669F6BAAB981 Duct (organ part) Organ segment which consists of a wall lined with epithelial cells and which encloses a lumen. 13991 13991 13991 orbital portion of greater wing of sphenoid bone 362903000 S13991 Orbital portion of greater wing of sphenoid bone (body structure) E13991 P13991 Y 54679 P skeletal system C271EC6A07D947D3A56C8633C0238F41 Orbital portion of greater wing of sphenoid bone 13992 13992 13992 orbital portion of lesser wing of sphenoid bone 362904006 S13992 Orbital portion of lesser wing of sphenoid bone (body structure) E13992 P13992 Y P skeletal system 05FF17B4B7304CE2BF1624609A5A25FE Orbital portion of lesser wing of sphenoid bone 13993 13993 13993 head of pronator teres muscle 362929000 S13993 Head of pronator teres muscle (body structure) E13993 P13993 Y P muscular system BCC5E04066044AB984C3DC39BE9E39CD Head of pronator teres muscle 13994 13994 13994 head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle 362930005 S13994 Head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle (body structure) E13994 P13994 Y P muscular system 922D38CF0E5D4C038D3B16934BD8A0ED Head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle 13995 13995 13995 head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle 362931009 S13995 Head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (body structure) E13995 P13995 Y P muscular system 76F779D966AC4DE4A979A7A5EF2296C0 Head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle 13996 13996 13996 head of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle 362932002 S13996 Head of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle (body structure) E13996 P13996 Y P muscular system FBFEF8422EEC4FA8972F99F4EB8FF0F8 Head of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle 13997 13997 13997 head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle 362934001 S13997 Head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle (body structure) E13997 P13997 Y P muscular system B18C47A343A5408698653FCA935C099E Head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle 13998 13998 13998 head of adductor pollicis muscle 362935000 S13998 Head of adductor pollicis muscle (body structure) E13998 P13998 Y P muscular system 06C4F29E724B4DA98A272736ED12E036 Head of adductor pollicis muscle 13999 13999 13999 lamina muscularis of small intestine mucous membrane 36401004 S13999 Lamina muscularis of small intestine mucous membrane (body structure) E13999 P13999 - 15051 P digestive system 19F586085158468B9CBD9AE4E26711CA Lamina muscularis of small intestine mucous membrane 14000 14000 14000 inner epithelial layer of tympanic membrane 36411006 S14000 Inner epithelial layer of tympanic membrane (body structure) E14000 P14000 Y 56844 P special senses organ system F8AB6DF7024141E2AE3E0E292DCE6E5B Inner epithelial layer of tympanic membrane 14001 14001 14001 sweat pore 36462009 S14001 Sweat pore (body structure) E14001 P14001 - P integumentary system AB844F67760C4BA8806B64E5EF61FC63 Sweat pore 14002 14002 14002 metatarsointersesamoidean ligament 36481001 S14002 Metatarsointersesamoidean ligament (body structure) E14002 P14002 Y P musculoskeletal system 58F879014FA943E5A8236EA50A6AE1FE Metatarsointersesamoidean ligament 14004 14004 14004 articular space 36668004 S14004 Articular space (body structure) E14004 P14004 - P articular system 36386C06D89A497BBD832647F34FF22B Articular space 14005 14005 14005 umbilical vein 367567000 S14005 Structure of umbilical vein (body structure) E14005 P14005 Y 70317 P cardiovascular system 7C70FE9FB1164711B33A06268DFA1BA7 umbilical vein 14007 14007 14007 displaced tooth 368704009 S14007 Displaced tooth (body structure) E14007 P14007 tooth, displaced Y P digestive system 4E183806B48E45E9AA82B37DCAEF9F69 Displaced tooth 14009 14009 14009 circumferential portion of upper third of esophagus 370080009 S14009 Circumferential portion of upper third of esophagus (body structure) E14009 P14009 - P digestive system A80B429AB0FD4315B97BF8225C6A91C6 Circumferential portion of upper third of esophagus 14010 14010 14010 anterior upper third of esophagus 370081008 S14010 Anterior upper third of esophagus (body structure) E14010 P14010 - P digestive system 84AE6C0ACC5D442CAFDBC1605F4AD236 Anterior upper third of esophagus 14011 14011 14011 posterior upper third of esophagus 370082001 S14011 Posterior upper third of esophagus (body structure) E14011 P14011 - P digestive system 733C4BFC645F47CDA73AFD6AC14ABD82 Posterior upper third of esophagus 14012 14012 14012 left lateral portion of upper third of esophagus 370083006 S14012 Left lateral portion of upper third of esophagus (body structure) E14012 P14012 L P digestive system 96BD342E54FC49EABBFA8F9BF2812826 Left lateral portion of upper third of esophagus 14013 14013 14013 right lateral portion of upper third of esophagus 370084000 S14013 Right lateral portion of upper third of esophagus (body structure) E14013 P14013 R P digestive system 2F003BCBBCFD42C4B8BF171ED24F9A4A Right lateral portion of upper third of esophagus 14014 14014 14014 circumferential portion of middle third of esophagus 370085004 S14014 Circumferential portion of middle third of esophagus (body structure) E14014 P14014 - P digestive system C526A2AF95254C34A897605030F978F1 Circumferential portion of middle third of esophagus 14015 14015 14015 anterior middle third of esophagus 370086003 S14015 Anterior middle third of esophagus (body structure) E14015 P14015 - P digestive system 1EC06B95D8724DD0B5F1B9984DEFEC2D Anterior middle third of esophagus 14016 14016 14016 posterior middle third of esophagus 370087007 S14016 Posterior middle third of esophagus (body structure) E14016 P14016 - P digestive system 79640F5F20014D25B995174BCC9F4ACA Posterior middle third of esophagus 14017 14017 14017 left lateral portion of middle third of esophagus 370088002 S14017 Left lateral portion of middle third of esophagus (body structure) E14017 P14017 L P digestive system 2D8C8F6B99D64FC7AEDD05E900A842F0 Left lateral portion of middle third of esophagus 14018 14018 14018 right lateral portion of middle third of esophagus 370089005 S14018 Right lateral portion of middle third of esophagus (body structure) E14018 P14018 R P digestive system 323000CE61D04D35B716A1B7652BDCAB Right lateral portion of middle third of esophagus 14019 14019 14019 circumferential portion of lower third of esophagus 370090001 S14019 Circumferential portion of lower third of esophagus (body structure) E14019 P14019 - P digestive system ABF0115E5D0D485CAFD1535B865ED4C2 Circumferential portion of lower third of esophagus 14020 14020 14020 anterior lower third of esophagus 370091002 S14020 Anterior lower third of esophagus (body structure) E14020 P14020 - P digestive system 9BA285E8A04C4543A2ACA5CF52286EE1 Anterior lower third of esophagus 14021 14021 14021 posterior lower third of esophagus 370092009 S14021 Posterior lower third of esophagus (body structure) E14021 P14021 - P digestive system 67F90710FA404EA7A01333AE9E8C30DA Posterior lower third of esophagus 14022 14022 14022 left lateral portion of lower third of esophagus 370093004 S14022 Left lateral portion of lower third of esophagus (body structure) E14022 P14022 L P digestive system 31B02ED750C84CF0A1255039024CA036 Left lateral portion of lower third of esophagus 14023 14023 14023 right lateral portion of lower third of esophagus 370094005 S14023 Right lateral portion of lower third of esophagus (body structure) E14023 P14023 R P digestive system B8BB029204DE4534946046F6BFB4B162 Right lateral portion of lower third of esophagus 14024 14024 14024 muscularis mucosae 370140002 S14024 Muscularis mucosae (body structure) E14024 P14024 - 68413 P muscular system 984BFAD96B9C41F99CB52F1EC0718085 Muscularis mucosae 14028 14028 14028 iris collarette 370618005 S14028 Iris collarette (body structure) E14028 P14028 Y P special senses organ system 12D7820FB5D74C7EB706EE6F68B844E4 Iris collarette 14030 14030 14030 facial skin fold 370620008 S14030 Facial skin fold (body structure) E14030 P14030 - P integumentary system 05F94E86C92E4CEBB18FE27A542BCA40 Facial skin fold 14048 14048 14048 periventricular white matter 37065005 S14048 Periventricular white matter (body structure) E14048 P14048 Y P nervous system 1BA426311F4B47858A4AFB0344316308 Periventricular white matter 14137 14137 14137 cardiophrenic angle lymph node 371013005 S14137 Cardiophrenic angle lymph node (body structure) E14137 P14137 - 265353 P lymphatic system AA0D2FEB73FB45598AF47267B9723A8F Cardiophrenic angle lymph node 14143 14143 14143 basal anterior segment of cardiac ventricle 371935004 S14143 Basal anterior segment of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14143 P14143 - Y P cardiovascular system 3005102F43F4457898D93E27DB6D3DF6 Basal anterior segment of cardiac ventricle 14144 14144 14144 basal anteroseptal segment of cardiac ventricle 371936003 S14144 Basal anteroseptal segment of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14144 P14144 - Y P cardiovascular system 8BA4F4F88A584D979B0BDCE5BDD52F47 Basal anteroseptal segment of cardiac ventricle 14145 14145 14145 basal inferoseptal segment of cardiac ventricle 371937007 S14145 Basal inferoseptal segment of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14145 P14145 - Y P cardiovascular system E990EE284B084A3F925042096C5BC4B0 Basal inferoseptal segment of cardiac ventricle 14146 14146 14146 basal inferior segment of cardiac ventricle 371938002 S14146 Basal inferior segment of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14146 P14146 - Y P cardiovascular system 8EF286E5924948528E8E515A3E002BD6 Basal inferior segment of cardiac ventricle 14147 14147 14147 mid anteroseptal segment of cardiac ventricle 371939005 S14147 Mid anteroseptal segment of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14147 P14147 - P cardiovascular system AFA79E264DF040CEA50D3424E51256E0 Mid anteroseptal segment of cardiac ventricle 14148 14148 14148 apex of cardiac ventricle 371940007 S14148 Apex of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14148 P14148 - Y P cardiovascular system 1CF27B3BE86C4384BBF1C6AD15D6B154 Apex of cardiac ventricle 14149 14149 14149 apical lateral segment of cardiac ventricle 371941006 S14149 Apical lateral segment of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14149 P14149 - Y P cardiovascular system EDC2BE9D9B6D46958E9DF917122A9352 Apical lateral segment of cardiac ventricle 14150 14150 14150 apical inferior segment of cardiac ventricle 371942004 S14150 Apical inferior segment of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14150 P14150 - Y P cardiovascular system FC0153F10D274439A80D6CFB06DC20B4 Apical inferior segment of cardiac ventricle 14151 14151 14151 apical septal segment of cardiac ventricle 371943009 S14151 Apical septal segment of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14151 P14151 - Y P cardiovascular system FA7C3D72A84D4048996D66E17CD89F49 Apical septal segment of cardiac ventricle 14152 14152 14152 apical anterior segment of cardiac ventricle 371944003 S14152 Apical anterior segment of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14152 P14152 - Y P cardiovascular system 08BD97ED5DA64D8FA765165757376C4D Apical anterior segment of cardiac ventricle 14153 14153 14153 mid anterolateral segment of cardiac ventricle 371945002 S14153 Mid anterolateral segment of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14153 P14153 - P cardiovascular system 0D31242AAA284ED2A9198244428FB17E Mid anterolateral segment of cardiac ventricle 14154 14154 14154 mid inferolateral segment of cardiac ventricle 371946001 S14154 Mid inferolateral segment of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14154 P14154 - P cardiovascular system D9D2B48688CD4375B445838BEF375D70 Mid inferolateral segment of cardiac ventricle 14155 14155 14155 mid inferior segment of cardiac ventricle 371947005 S14155 Mid inferior segment of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14155 P14155 - P cardiovascular system 84EDE20EBE49420CADA8C126023B427A Mid inferior segment of cardiac ventricle 14156 14156 14156 mid anterior segment of cardiac ventricle 371948000 S14156 Mid anterior segment of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14156 P14156 - P cardiovascular system 5D79F157897042C3A63F889C0191EF5F Mid anterior segment of cardiac ventricle 14157 14157 14157 basal inferolateral segment of cardiac ventricle 371949008 S14157 Basal inferolateral segmen of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14157 P14157 - Y P cardiovascular system B9EA69C3580E4E4F883436D71D3CECB3 Basal inferolateral segmen of cardiac ventricle 14158 14158 14158 basal anterolateral segment of cardiac ventricle 371950008 S14158 Basal anterolateral segment of cardiac ventricle (body structure) E14158 P14158 - Y P cardiovascular system 5A8C2542573440B7909AAA49BF19DB07 Basal anterolateral segment of cardiac ventricle 14159 14159 14159 vena anonyma 371951007 S14159 Vena anonyma (body structure) E14159 P14159 - P cardiovascular system 339A7E028AB54DCE908470A36D623701 Vena anonyma 14160 14160 14160 half of kidney 372185006 S14160 Half of kidney (body structure) E14160 P14160 Y P urinary system 0917FDE4469F47D88361DA3DD1098A3E Half of kidney 14161 14161 14161 lateral half of mandible 372186007 S14161 Half of mandible (body structure) E14161 P14161 Y 0 P skeletal system 94F24E61776C43078EE522F43318CE8E Half of mandible 14165 14165 14165 pulmonary vein confluence 373097002 S14165 Pulmonary vein confluence (body structure) E14165 P14165 Y P respiratory system C0CDEB1E203D4DBAA594D7702CB31251 Pulmonary vein confluence 14166 14166 14166 superior levator palpebrae muscle tendon 373404009 S14166 Superior levator palpebrae muscle tendon (body structure) E14166 P14166 Y P special senses organ system 3115A9E999934DC29EBA28893531C055 Superior levator palpebrae muscle tendon 14167 14167 14167 endothelium of anterior chamber of eye 373636009 S14167 Endothelium of anterior chamber of eye (body structure) E14167 P14167 Y 77661 P special senses organ system 46443315C1AB4720AA0F1A96B274B8EF Endothelium of anterior chamber of eye 14170 14170 14170 gastrointestinal system S14170 E14170 373871007 Entire gastrointestinal system (body structure) P14170 - P digestive system B0223219BCC34013A670495B2CEAA42A Entire gastrointestinal system (body structure) 14171 14171 14171 phalanx of supernumerary digit of hand 373890004 S14171 Phalanx of supernumerary digit of hand (body structure) E14171 P14171 Y P musculoskeletal system 95DBB46A4DE84E2BB0FB09B52B4CAC58 Phalanx of supernumerary digit of hand 14172 14172 14172 phalanx of supernumerary digit of foot S14172 E14172 373892007 Phalanx of supernumerary digit of foot (body structure) P14172 Y P musculoskeletal system EE5F056B348C456F8C0479005F477B38 Phalanx of supernumerary digit of foot (body structure) 14173 14173 14173 Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscle 37419002 S14173 Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscle (body structure) E14173 P14173 - 83609 P nervous system DC2D5A2A80614677A965330919E5C415 Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscle 14174 14174 14174 lamina muscularis of duodenal mucous membrane 37457002 S14174 Lamina muscularis of duodenal mucous membrane (body structure) E14174 P14174 - 15059 P muscular system 32FED698FBA6440D9EFCD759513464F8 Lamina muscularis of duodenal mucous membrane 14176 14176 14176 olfactory sensory epithelium 37623003 S14176 Olfactory sensory epithelium (body structure) E14176 P14176 Y 64803 P special senses organ system B989938F618343DCA7FE076B747297F3 Olfactory sensory epithelium 14178 14178 14178 body of indeterminate sex 37791004 S14178 Indeterminate sex (body structure) E14178 P14178 - P B11622D5F3D44FAF8015B790A37E44C6 Indeterminate sex 14179 14179 14179 superior posterior fissure of cerebellum 38003002 S14179 Superior posterior fissure of cerebellum (body structure) E14179 P14179 - 83733 P nervous system 59ED3E1CEC5A4052B2CF44407C233C4F Superior posterior fissure of cerebellum 14180 14180 14180 free nerve ending 38005009 S14180 Free nerve ending (body structure) E14180 P14180 - 84005 P nervous system 7FD82537C26D4F2EACC64A38CCE4AFDF Free nerve ending 14181 14181 14181 subdural space of temporal region 38050006 S14181 Structure of subdural space of temporal region (body structure) E14181 261178005 Temporal subdural space (body structure) P14181 Y P nervous system 13BC910DE1414B5CAFE69D86494851E1 8AA863588E894D26A14D4620AD77B52F subdural space of temporal region Temporal subdural space (body structure) 14184 14184 14184 trigeminal nerve motor nucleus 38390003 S14184 Trigeminal nerve motor nucleus (body structure) E14184 P14184 Y 54562 P nervous system 0AF136365E4A40E2BE55180B7D1E1F2B Trigeminal nerve motor nucleus 14199 14199 14199 foot joint synovial membrane 386096005 S14199 Foot joint synovium (body structure) E14199 P14199 Y P articular system EF7B3546D89F4A3DA9343A221B80EE7D Foot joint synovium 14204 14204 14204 yellow fat 38888009 S14204 Yellow fat (body structure) E14204 P14204 - 20117 P 129476C4E66D47D7B03D9CE6985F4481 Yellow fat Adipose tissue, cells of which contain a single large lipid droplet. 14205 14205 14205 epithelial part of perineurium 39103008 S14205 Epithelial part of perineurium (body structure) E14205 P14205 - P nervous system 90A8F98075BD47FB813AE141C0D40CE1 Epithelial part of perineurium 14208 14208 14208 obturator fossa 39175000 S14208 Obturator fossa (body structure) E14208 P14208 Y P 4D174DDDEC9F4045979E5BE721EC8E1D Obturator fossa 14209 14209 14209 primary osteon 39231009 S14209 Primary osteon (body structure) E14209 P14209 - P skeletal system EB280CD9A9F042D18C754CFC96BEB941 Primary osteon 14212 14212 14212 hyaline cartilage 39298000 S14212 Hyaline cartilage (body structure) E14212 P14212 - 64783 P skeletal system 2A44D7EE0E9B4A47BE7A3DB701424E70 Hyaline cartilage Cartilage (tissue) which consists of chondrocytes and collagen, the intercellular matrix of which is an amorphous gel with a perichondrium. 14215 14215 14215 pudendal vein 395225000 S14215 Pudendal vein (body structure) E14215 P14215 Y P cardiovascular system 9573BDB2F82A47D591068F23714E2B6F Pudendal vein 14216 14216 14216 labial tubercle 39604001 S14216 Labial tubercle (body structure) E14216 P14216 Y 59829 P digestive system 3761B4A828B74CBC9372DF23E65AC3A0 Labial tubercle 14217 14217 14217 gyrus of brain 3964001 S14217 Structure of gyrus of brain (body structure) E14217 P14217 Y 83874 P nervous system A08C1842C0E44D4889EF6DA92D63D0F5 gyrus of brain Segment of cerebral hemisphere which has as its direct proper parts cortical gray matter bounded by sulcal and surface fiat anatomical boundaries. 14218 14218 14218 left ventricle basal anteroseptal segment 396482007 S14218 Left ventricle basal anteroseptal segment (body structure) E14218 P14218 - L P cardiovascular system FBB654C979A34EFCA9FBB8811A43C242 Left ventricle basal anteroseptal segment 14219 14219 14219 left ventricle basal inferoseptal segment 396646008 S14219 Left ventricle basal inferoseptal segment (body structure) E14219 P14219 - L P cardiovascular system 9EEF8F9C47C0425E9616D5EC47E057BE Left ventricle basal inferoseptal segment 14220 14220 14220 left ventricle mid anteroseptal segment 396647004 S14220 Left ventricle mid anteroseptal segment (body structure) E14220 P14220 - L P cardiovascular system 9539A7FC3517482A8E9AE583CB44E262 Left ventricle mid anteroseptal segment 14221 14221 14221 left ventricle mid inferoseptal segment 396649001 S14221 Left ventricle mid inferoseptal segment (body structure) E14221 P14221 - L P cardiovascular system 5BF6CB5D94AC4B288F50A3DBDAE8744A Left ventricle mid inferoseptal segment 14222 14222 14222 left ventricle basal inferolateral segment 396652009 S14222 Left ventricle basal inferolateral segment (body structure) E14222 P14222 - L P cardiovascular system EA2104E243434612BD76C7815AAB2D5A Left ventricle basal inferolateral segment 14223 14223 14223 left ventricle basal anterolateral segment 396654005 S14223 Left ventricle basal anterolateral segment (body structure) E14223 P14223 - L P cardiovascular system 8C4AE55270BD485BBF1CB96B771B2C7A Left ventricle basal anterolateral segment 14224 14224 14224 left ventricle mid inferolateral segment 396655006 S14224 Left ventricle mid inferolateral segment (body structure) E14224 P14224 - L P cardiovascular system 62A8F7F01D1D4D71ABBCCD39117927F7 Left ventricle mid inferolateral segment 14225 14225 14225 left ventricle mid anterolateral segment 396656007 S14225 Left ventricle mid anterolateral segment (body structure) E14225 P14225 - L P cardiovascular system 6F1EE66EDCA74ABBA4E784F25A3E684C Left ventricle mid anterolateral segment 14226 14226 14226 right posterior iliac crest 396993003 S14226 Right posterior iliac crest (body structure) E14226 P14226 R P skeletal system B02EF650EC23418BAE618BEAD20D18BB Right posterior iliac crest 14227 14227 14227 left posterior iliac crest 396994009 S14227 Left posterior iliac crest (body structure) E14227 P14227 L P skeletal system 0445308CD7764F189CF0DBAFE83E5964 Left posterior iliac crest 14228 14228 14228 medulla oblongata dorsal spinothalamic tract 39702006 S14228 Medulla oblongata dorsal spinothalamic tract (body structure) E14228 P14228 - P nervous system C8FD0888F8EE444991643741D42D4401 Medulla oblongata dorsal spinothalamic tract 14229 14229 14229 outer epithelial layer of tympanic membrane 39725007 S14229 Outer epithelial layer of tympanic membrane (body structure) E14229 P14229 Y 56819 P special senses organ system DC5259C5620D4D4896EEDD35539D7800 Outer epithelial layer of tympanic membrane 14230 14230 14230 right pleural mesothelium 397382000 S14230 Right pleural mesothelium (body structure) E14230 P14230 R P respiratory system 69D4EF4A9B87421480300BCECEB006F2 Right pleural mesothelium 14231 14231 14231 left pleural mesothelium 397383005 S14231 Left pleural mesothelium (body structure) E14231 P14231 L P respiratory system 7E2DBFAC9C7B4AF19B27971AE993408D Left pleural mesothelium 14232 14232 14232 mesothelium of part of thorax 397384004 S14232 Thoracic mesothelium (body structure) E14232 P14232 - P 4513A702B04D4E80BE5404A4D60F6D24 Thoracic mesothelium 14233 14233 14233 hilar renal artery 397405001 S14233 Hilar renal artery (body structure) E14233 P14233 Y P arterial system 8C236D7BCB904A1EA655886A54EAE3D4 Hilar renal artery 14234 14234 14234 anterior-middle cerebral artery bifurcation 397418009 S14234 Anterior-middle cerebral artery bifurcation (body structure) E14234 P14234 Y P arterial system 740148EDD71E477CA45AE8E13C92CE63 Anterior-middle cerebral artery bifurcation 14235 14235 14235 anterior-posterior cerebral artery bifurcation 397419001 S14235 Anterior-posterior cerebral artery bifurcation (body structure) E14235 P14235 Y P arterial system 2207C57373B6402788B94EEFDF2EC2FF Anterior-posterior cerebral artery bifurcation 14236 14236 14236 soleal vein 397427005 S14236 Soleal vein (body structure) E14236 P14236 Y P venous system AD0D1FFDCC8D4B2EA932DB0700AFF50D Soleal vein 14237 14237 14237 posterior arch vein 397435008 S14237 Posterior arch vein (body structure) E14237 P14237 Y P venous system 7CBC91C7F31A498E862E4D896C1BEFCD Posterior arch vein 14238 14238 14238 Giacomini vein 397437000 S14238 Giacomini vein (body structure) E14238 P14238 Y P venous system 3C7E19A069BF4F98BB0DDF1F28CAB1CB Giacomini vein 14241 14241 14241 transitional zone of prostate 399384005 S14241 Transitional zone of prostate (body structure) E14241 P14241 - 45721 P genital system F06EE833131242C3B685909C41552F83 Transitional zone of prostate 14242 14242 14242 inferior temporal quadrant of eye proper 399577003 S14242 Inferior temporal quadrant of eye proper (body structure) E14242 P14242 Y P special senses organ system 9542428101364BA29C2F0AA98C179950 Inferior temporal quadrant of eye proper 14243 14243 14243 superior nasal quadrant of eye proper 399685002 S14243 Superior nasal quadrant of eye proper (body structure) E14243 P14243 Y P special senses organ system B397AD94E89E4C0EA2B9BD93C4887178 Superior nasal quadrant of eye proper 14244 14244 14244 inferior nasal quadrant of eye proper 399700002 S14244 Inferior nasal quadrant of eye proper (body structure) E14244 P14244 Y P special senses organ system 50D5338205AE4E4DA5B8FFA496136D94 Inferior nasal quadrant of eye proper 14245 14245 14245 superior temporal quadrant of eye proper 399748001 S14245 Superior temporal quadrant of eye proper (body structure) E14245 P14245 Y P special senses organ system 99F8E978CE5C499B95FF4BD9CAD1315B Superior temporal quadrant of eye proper 14246 14246 14246 foveola 399857002 S14246 Foveola (body structure) E14246 P14246 Y 58677 P special senses organ system 015252F1342549B9B11672AEC09D20CD Foveola 14247 14247 14247 foveal avascular zone 399860009 S14247 Foveal avascular zone (body structure) E14247 P14247 Y P special senses organ system 88A9412C9ACF43058162F973A853004F Foveal avascular zone 14248 14248 14248 tunica intima of artery 40022005 S14248 Tunica intima of artery (body structure) E14248 P14248 - 14272 P arterial system 34C4FCF2B4644FD8AF2F6053541DE0C5 Tunica intima of artery 14250 14250 14250 squamous epithelium 40118003 S14250 Squamous epithelium (body structure) E14250 P14250 - P 1582C6BC2F2F477AA0ACDBD9C4B01963 Squamous epithelium 14257 14257 14257 mucous membrane of ureter 40476001 S14257 Mucous membrane of ureter (body structure) E14257 P14257 Y 15894 P urinary system ABEC51E33407425382351E9EF8BB7BC6 Mucous membrane of ureter 14258 14258 14258 superficial cervical plexus 40483008 S14258 Superficial cervical plexus (body structure) E14258 P14258 Y 55180 P nervous system 354B74463BB44F9E9E740065ED9CE4F2 Superficial cervical plexus 14262 14262 14262 zygomatic salivary gland 405732006 S14262 Zygomatic salivary gland (body structure) E14262 P14262 Y P digestive system 76DC4A696B9C437686E20F3D33DBF403 Zygomatic salivary gland 14264 14264 14264 bronchoesophageal artery 40798006 S14264 Bronchoesophageal artery (body structure) E14264 P14264 Y P arterial system BEB82A2B1A5B4AA699D70114F267912C Bronchoesophageal artery 14265 14265 14265 body of sixth lumbar vertebra 40854002 S14265 Body of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E14265 P14265 - P musculoskeletal system BC21BF1A8B6344A2BF87283414C21CAD Body of sixth lumbar vertebra 14266 14266 14266 left ventricular posterobasal segment 408720008 S14266 Left ventricular posterobasal segment (body structure) E14266 P14266 - L P cardiovascular system FC341BDD763847D1BC5DD3EEB110FE63 Left ventricular posterobasal segment 14269 14269 14269 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field S14269 E14269 408733002 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field (body structure) P14269 Y P special senses organ system 9A80307B11F7408C980C9F0F5FBD254A Diabetic Retinopathy Study field (body structure) 14270 14270 14270 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 1 S14270 E14270 408734008 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 1 (body structure) P14270 Y P special senses organ system 300BE92D82794B75A7B1AA659EAE7498 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 1 (body structure) 14271 14271 14271 blood vessel of peritoneal cavity 408756006 S14271 Blood vessel of peritoneal cavity (body structure) E14271 P14271 - P cardiovascular system E7869863CF954B8EA9A26D9E50B39C6E Blood vessel of peritoneal cavity 14273 14273 14273 buccogingival mucosa 409875004 S14273 Buccogingival mucosa (body structure) E14273 P14273 Y P digestive system 866ED5DBDD0640DF9F012A7871AA8ECA Buccogingival mucosa 14274 14274 14274 mandibular notch 410000007 S14274 Mandibular notch (body structure) E14274 P14274 Y 59481 P skeletal system 010C348AFC554169B0A64CDFCCAFAD85 Mandibular notch 14275 14275 14275 enthesis 410054009 S14275 Enthesis (body structure) E14275 P14275 - P musculoskeletal system A831D35AB22241BFAA2BC5583540F751 Enthesis 14276 14276 14276 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 2 S14276 E14276 410434001 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 2 (body structure) P14276 Y P special senses organ system A9F763B0A27C41A7B24E3BF81A94C105 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 2 (body structure) 14277 14277 14277 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 3 S14277 E14277 410435000 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 3 (body structure) P14277 Y P special senses organ system 0CA9AC31EF5D4CFD85741D0601E766B5 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 3 (body structure) 14278 14278 14278 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 4 S14278 E14278 410436004 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 4 (body structure) P14278 Y P special senses organ system 80A160B60FF040E9B60AC2872BCA25EA Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 4 (body structure) 14279 14279 14279 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 5 S14279 E14279 410437008 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 5 (body structure) P14279 Y P special senses organ system FF8A4EF7185341AC85AD1425D8625BF0 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 5 (body structure) 14280 14280 14280 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 6 S14280 E14280 410438003 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 6 (body structure) P14280 Y P special senses organ system 9FD5FA7E5506448E8E91627C8EC8C754 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 6 (body structure) 14281 14281 14281 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 7 S14281 E14281 410439006 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 7 (body structure) P14281 Y P special senses organ system 28BBB3B00BBE45B4BA9F98597EC66977 Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 7 (body structure) 14282 14282 14282 proximal epiphyseal growth plate 41046005 S14282 Proximal epiphyseal growth plate (body structure) E14282 P14282 - P articular system BB0065F374BC4F73B32129F8D70D3563 Proximal epiphyseal growth plate 14285 14285 14285 fascia of carpal canal 410806000 S14285 Fascia of carpal canal (body structure) E14285 P14285 Y P musculoskeletal system 51F9276AAB0B4C1BB0BBED92C6992687 Fascia of carpal canal 14286 14286 14286 fascia of flexor compartment of upper arm 410807009 S14286 Fascia of flexor compartment of upper arm (body structure) E14286 P14286 Y P musculoskeletal system 68123CB548DC48148DA76478DAC8252E Fascia of flexor compartment of upper arm 14287 14287 14287 fascia of extensor compartment of upper arm 410808004 S14287 Fascia of extensor compartment of upper arm (body structure) E14287 P14287 Y P musculoskeletal system 9CFA995FD7384EB2BF9A7A59995B5E5D Fascia of extensor compartment of upper arm 14288 14288 14288 fascia of thenar muscle compartment 410809007 S14288 Fascia of thenar muscle compartment (body structure) E14288 P14288 Y P musculoskeletal system EA0FD61EBA014D0188E16BC4FCDE526E Fascia of thenar muscle compartment 14289 14289 14289 fascia of hypothenar muscle compartment 410810002 S14289 Fascia of hypothenar muscle compartment (body structure) E14289 P14289 Y P musculoskeletal system F3FF2AE6E6FE4DF581899E1705364CE7 Fascia of hypothenar muscle compartment 14290 14290 14290 fascia of adductor-interosseous muscle compartment of hand 410811003 S14290 Fascia of adductor-interosseous muscle compartment of hand (body structure) E14290 P14290 Y P musculoskeletal system 7C746276E62644EC90F1D8FFE1C22810 Fascia of adductor-interosseous muscle compartment of hand 14293 14293 14293 biliary-pancreatic junction 413244001 S14293 Biliary-pancreatic junction (body structure) E14293 P14293 - P digestive system DA04FD9E947A45D7AD38B1D1A0151E76 Biliary-pancreatic junction 14294 14294 14294 afferent loop of jejunum 413248003 S14294 Afferent loop of jejunum (body structure) E14294 P14294 - P digestive system 0833B3A3DFF841D5B8B5B594BA37E95F Afferent loop of jejunum 14295 14295 14295 efferent loop of jejunum 413249006 S14295 Efferent loop of jejunum (body structure) E14295 P14295 - P digestive system 89B0774D1D5F4462B7F9DCC3D05A4FB6 Efferent loop of jejunum 14296 14296 14296 jejunal crest 413250006 S14296 Jejunal crest (body structure) E14296 P14296 - P digestive system 833CAC4914364CE9BB91A4083D3CF33B Jejunal crest 14297 14297 14297 greater curvature of fundus of stomach 413270000 S14297 Greater curvature of fundus of stomach (body structure) E14297 P14297 - P digestive system B89A2F9A19194FCC98BA759AF2A8CFD3 Greater curvature of fundus of stomach 14298 14298 14298 lesser curvature of fundus of stomach 413271001 S14298 Lesser curvature of fundus of stomach (body structure) E14298 P14298 - P digestive system 6A69337B78C94EEBA02DCC8FFCA70CBD Lesser curvature of fundus of stomach 14299 14299 14299 anterior wall of pre-pylorus 413272008 S14299 Anterior wall of pre-pylorus (body structure) E14299 P14299 - P digestive system 8DD5B94374B24D9FBBACE3F64495282A Anterior wall of pre-pylorus 14300 14300 14300 greater curvature of pre-pylorus 413273003 S14300 Greater curvature of pre-pylorus (body structure) E14300 P14300 - P digestive system 77D14DAE6C1F4FAB86B64DFDC446F7B0 Greater curvature of pre-pylorus 14301 14301 14301 lesser curvature of pre-pylorus 413274009 S14301 Lesser curvature of pre-pylorus (body structure) E14301 P14301 - P digestive system 08BF1A34C9BA40E388460642F1158ED4 Lesser curvature of pre-pylorus 14302 14302 14302 posterior wall of pre-pylorus 413275005 S14302 Posterior wall of pre-pylorus (body structure) E14302 P14302 - P digestive system 3531BDBB4F7145689245DDEAACBE56FD Posterior wall of pre-pylorus 14303 14303 14303 circular sinus 41346001 S14303 Circular sinus (body structure) E14303 P14303 - P cardiovascular system 632C348967D2406E80AE00CE609374F2 Circular sinus 14304 14304 14304 common iliac artery bifurcation 413896006 S14304 Common iliac artery bifurcation (body structure) E14304 P14304 Y P arterial system ACD99D269C71484EB5F6BC4D4592244C Common iliac artery bifurcation 14305 14305 14305 external elastic membrane of artery 414165007 S14305 External elastic membrane of artery (body structure) E14305 P14305 - 68206 P arterial system 33DBC32198214C809CB1DEA15D1E6028 External elastic membrane of artery 14306 14306 14306 Meissner's corpuscle 41421000 S14306 Meissner's corpuscle (body structure) E14306 P14306 - P nervous system 01DF3975EB29470CB2C23644B16BCB42 Meissner's corpuscle 14307 14307 14307 great saphenous vein of calf 414368000 S14307 Great saphenous vein of calf (body structure) E14307 P14307 Y P venous system 8B0193B4B11047D78F7CD87EA70C81C5 Great saphenous vein of calf 14308 14308 14308 great saphenous vein of thigh 414369008 S14308 Great saphenous vein of thigh (body structure) E14308 P14308 Y P venous system 20AE91B827F8438EA73C0091F4C32E36 Great saphenous vein of thigh 14309 14309 14309 middle cerebral artery M1 segment 414722000 S14309 Middle cerebral artery M1 segment (body structure) E14309 P14309 Y 61999 P arterial system F37728293BAD49E485151E2577C90029 Middle cerebral artery M1 segment 14310 14310 14310 middle cerebral artery M2 segment 414723005 S14310 Middle cerebral artery M2 segment (body structure) E14310 P14310 Y 62002 P arterial system 32B47B141A0E490096F9F63257872B1D Middle cerebral artery M2 segment 14311 14311 14311 posterior cerebral artery P1 segment 415144009 S14311 Posterior cerebral artery P1 segment (body structure) E14311 P14311 Y 50590 P arterial system F408996F04BE48BF8343857AA9393DC8 Posterior cerebral artery P1 segment 14312 14312 14312 posterior cerebral artery P2 segment 415145005 S14312 Posterior cerebral artery P2 segment (body structure) E14312 P14312 Y 50591 P arterial system 238B9A24DAC04661897BDDC0EA42DD5F Posterior cerebral artery P2 segment 14313 14313 14313 zygomatic process of temporal bone 415648006 S14313 Structure of zygomatic process of temporal bone (body structure) E14313 414110008 Entire zygomatic process of temporal bone (body structure) P14313 Y 52886 P skeletal system 63FD3800CF7E4CF59B0B5A7934F6C019 20361BEE5C0B4CE28ACAE2BC45909B37 zygomatic process of temporal bone Entire zygomatic process of temporal bone (body structure) 14314 14314 14314 inferior transverse axis S14314 E14314 416052003 Inferior transverse axis (body structure) P14314 - P AB5BF2B449F24CFC95E7189908B268AD Inferior transverse axis (body structure) 14315 14315 14315 mid-gravitational line S14315 E14315 416063000 Mid-gravitational line (body structure) P14315 - P 95C17CC24DC64640A4378932E8F6DB40 Mid-gravitational line (body structure) 14317 14317 14317 canine space 416250004 S14317 Canine space (body structure) E14317 P14317 Y P digestive system 781CDF72D6D84007B55DCE82C569AE5A Canine space 14318 14318 14318 accessory lacrimal gland duct 416294005 S14318 Accessory lacrimal gland duct (body structure) E14318 P14318 Y P special senses organ system 1B8A61941147496CB1CAF0AD17CA49FD Accessory lacrimal gland duct 14319 14319 14319 gravitational line S14319 E14319 416301007 Gravitational line (body structure) P14319 - P F6C18B516DAF4DD79093ABAFECC431DC Gravitational line (body structure) 14320 14320 14320 neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis 416319003 S14320 Neck and/or chest and/or abdomen and/or pelvis (body structure) E14320 P14320 - P regional/topgraphical/group E52E77A3CF0045E7A0D682FA5EC994F4 Neck and/or chest and/or abdomen and/or pelvis 14321 14321 14321 middle transverse axis S14321 E14321 416426004 Middle transverse axis (body structure) P14321 - P 4FCBB20694A84E78B9859E8C9DBDA938 Middle transverse axis (body structure) 14322 14322 14322 diagonal axis S14322 E14322 416438008 Diagonal axis (body structure) P14322 - P B6E9981AA9604185BE7DD7714B9B5B07 Diagonal axis (body structure) 14324 14324 14324 sacral axis S14324 E14324 416490004 Sacral axis (body structure) P14324 - P 2E32752B27D249D18630AC6E5081E91C Sacral axis (body structure) 14325 14325 14325 axis of motion S14325 E14325 416643006 Axis of motion (body structure) P14325 - P 978D04A72F72457EAE5E504E2C2E53D5 Axis of motion (body structure) 14326 14326 14326 fibrous part of perineurium 41670005 S14326 Fibrous part of perineurium (body structure) E14326 P14326 - P nervous system E6A116C4BEC5480F867D5DEE624A8DE9 Fibrous part of perineurium 14327 14327 14327 distal intermedial ridge of tibia 416705000 S14327 Distal intermedial ridge of tibia (body structure) E14327 P14327 Y P skeletal system F39FCFC67A544856AA20F95D6A093E49 Distal intermedial ridge of tibia 14329 14329 14329 frontal plane S14329 E14329 416820004 Frontal plane (body structure) P14329 - 71923 P 6113D3FF4B584BAABE48FD4A9774355F Frontal plane (body structure) 14330 14330 14330 postural axis S14330 E14330 416823002 Postural axis (body structure) P14330 - P DB1186D96AB048BD81F4EF432BE581C7 Postural axis (body structure) 14335 14335 14335 myofascial compartment of head 417010001 S14335 Fascial compartment of head (body structure) E14335 P14335 - P musculoskeletal system 1B6B88A3F31240CC9B2468304A7DF676 Fascial compartment of head 14338 14338 14338 submucosa of oropharynx 41717006 S14338 Submucosa of oropharynx (body structure) E14338 P14338 - 0 P digestive system 61758EBFAB9E4CFB8F4C6871631E2E29 Submucosa of oropharynx 14342 14342 14342 lacrimal gland duct opening 417419005 S14342 Lacrimal gland duct opening (body structure) E14342 P14342 Y P special senses organ system 1322DBB7C8D643B39C0C16FB9D9DB3DE Lacrimal gland duct opening 14343 14343 14343 mid-malleolar line S14343 E14343 417522009 Mid-malleolar line (body structure) P14343 Y P BF9CE9B146E440E2BC00AFC2F5A64D3C Mid-malleolar line (body structure) 14344 14344 14344 occipitomental diameter of head 41756000 S14344 Occipitomental diameter of head (body structure) E14344 P14344 - P C6E94C5EB6274431870B8E5624EBD032 Occipitomental diameter of head 14345 14345 14345 short ciliary nerve 417598000 S14345 Short posterior ciliary nerve (body structure) E14345 P14345 Y 7041 P nervous system 4D1A6C69DDAC4D109EAEC3062A585E85 Short posterior ciliary nerve 14346 14346 14346 mid-heel line S14346 E14346 417682001 Mid-heel line (body structure) P14346 Y P 38E9E3358B014AABA058E6A7319A4D8A Mid-heel line (body structure) 14347 14347 14347 oblique axis S14347 E14347 417689005 Oblique axis (body structure) P14347 - P 0F34644D784244F4A2D9FCA94A1B967D Oblique axis (body structure) 14348 14348 14348 lateral femoral intermuscular septum 41794000 S14348 Lateral femoral intermuscular septum (body structure) E14348 P14348 Y 58746 P musculoskeletal system 14ACFBA73AA84839AC403FDDD2833538 Lateral femoral intermuscular septum 14351 14351 14351 opening of accessory lacrimal gland duct 418336001 S14351 Opening of accessory lacrimal gland duct (body structure) E14351 P14351 Y P special senses organ system B7AB9FC87A024EC2AF548084E714D06F Opening of accessory lacrimal gland duct 14354 14354 14354 tunica media of vein 42049001 S14354 Tunica media of vein (body structure) E14354 P14354 - 14354 P cardiovascular system C5ADD2FE68044AE4B84995BDA6DB6370 Tunica media of vein 14355 14355 14355 pericardial fat 42267001 S14355 Pericardial fat (body structure) E14355 P14355 - P respiratory system 89071E48AA014D3387042B1B5C9C0D7A Pericardial fat 14357 14357 14357 scapular line of trunk 42347008 S14357 Scapular line of trunk (body structure) E14357 P14357 Y P AF8A93B66F484147A334DE7F51F6FB61 Scapular line of trunk 14358 14358 14358 transverse temporal sulcus 42387003 S14358 Transverse temporal sulci (body structure) E14358 P14358 Y 83782 P nervous system 1F808ED995D24858A8CCC8B4AF0BDA9E Transverse temporal sulci 14359 14359 14359 lateral proper fasciculus 42502008 S14359 Lateral proper fasciculus (body structure) E14359 P14359 Y P nervous system 4F23CA50D6124B86AE010206DFD4F272 Lateral proper fasciculus 14362 14362 14362 lateral spinorubral tract 4268002 S14362 Lateral spinorubral tract (body structure) E14362 P14362 Y P nervous system D4C3AB04D7EE49CE9A0DE9101CC62418 Lateral spinorubral tract 14365 14365 14365 hearing mechanoreceptor 42899001 S14365 Hearing mechanoreceptor (body structure) E14365 P14365 - P nervous system 416AAC0BCCBC4C9582702EEE8914C91B Hearing mechanoreceptor 14366 14366 14366 colonic epithelium 42978003 S14366 Colonic epithelium (body structure) E14366 P14366 - 17302 P digestive system 5E34FAF67C0E49E084F4165E3F5DA639 Colonic epithelium 14368 14368 14368 cartilage canal 4303006 S14368 Cartilage canal (body structure) E14368 P14368 - P skeletal system B2244CBCBDAE4E03A957EBE0D2CA1C57 Cartilage canal 14369 14369 14369 anterior midline of abdomen 4312008 S14369 Anterior midline of abdomen (body structure) E14369 P14369 - P E29D3D8F676D4341B7410A954B2AC4DE Anterior midline of abdomen 14370 14370 14370 greater auricular nerve 43279006 S14370 Structure of great auricular nerve (body structure) E14370 181110003 Entire great auricular nerve (body structure) P14370 Y 288481 P nervous system 263D3D420CD5471EB80D1A3799F7C87A 43F68886D72A47FCBCF62FB1147DD6C9 great auricular nerve Entire great auricular nerve (body structure) 14374 14374 14374 lamina muscularis of pharyngeal mucous membrane 43604007 S14374 Lamina muscularis of pharyngeal mucous membrane (body structure) E14374 P14374 - P digestive system 8447832E1D104FACA06C8EB71A96A94A Lamina muscularis of pharyngeal mucous membrane 14378 14378 14378 appendiceal subserosa 43693005 S14378 Appendiceal subserosa (body structure) E14378 P14378 - 14996 P digestive system C68FF160C9764F6981AD4C3EA4F5A0BE Appendiceal subserosa 14386 14386 14386 tracheal submucosa 4419000 S14386 Tracheal submucosa (body structure) E14386 P14386 - 7472 P respiratory system 88FB379797754C468436F2D10698EC68 Tracheal submucosa 14388 14388 14388 fossa of cranial cavity 44542004 S14388 Structure of fossa of cranial cavity (body structure) E14388 272680003 Entire fossa of cranial cavity (body structure) P14388 - 0 P skeletal system BF25D623B3E7499DBB1736F89AC6E07D F6D70715AE724130A23338EB8CBE3EC6 fossa of cranial cavity 14390 14390 14390 connective tissue layer of tympanic membrane 44692008 S14390 Connective tissue layer of tympanic membrane (body structure) E14390 P14390 Y 56830 P special senses organ system 72528AC04A9844179EA4B78F034606B8 Connective tissue layer of tympanic membrane 14392 14392 14392 mucous gland of gallbladder 44735001 S14392 Mucous gland of gallbladder (body structure) E14392 P14392 - 14664 P digestive system C9B3B0DE4E6E436383BBBE8E8E43741A Mucous gland of gallbladder 14399 14399 14399 intergluteal cleft 45327009 S14399 Crena ani (body structure) E14399 P14399 - 20234 P skeletal system F8166D7CAE55451B883564E16FF65B7E Crena ani 14402 14402 14402 small intestine epithelium 45480009 S14402 Small intestine epithelium (body structure) E14402 P14402 - 62017 P digestive system 9AE764C628964EA38892BBF07C30CE9F Small intestine epithelium 14406 14406 14406 appendiceal lymphoid nodule 45679000 S14406 Appendiceal lymphoid nodule (body structure) E14406 P14406 - P digestive system 1031F88675B348049CF4181303A753BB Appendiceal lymphoid nodule 14409 14409 14409 mucocutaneous junction of lower lip 46005001 S14409 Mucocutaneous junction of lower lip (body structure) E14409 P14409 - P digestive system 3FBB907288A54F81AD497A37D48E3CDF Mucocutaneous junction of lower lip 14410 14410 14410 posterior midline of abdomen 46033001 S14410 Posterior midline of abdomen (body structure) E14410 P14410 - P 4BD50CD4C9E6471B8D8BC0DDDFFFD416 Posterior midline of abdomen 14411 14411 14411 medulla oblongata ventral spinothalamic tract 46294000 S14411 Medulla oblongata ventral spinothalamic tract (body structure) E14411 P14411 Y P nervous system 8F3472FEEFE04D729F749945823294E6 Medulla oblongata ventral spinothalamic tract 14412 14412 14412 costophrenic angle 46297007 S14412 Costophrenic angle (body structure) E14412 P14412 Y P respiratory system 7BE54225A8654C9280741D9B43507AC9 Costophrenic angle 14413 14413 14413 medullary cavity of bone 46535001 S14413 Medullary cavity of bone (body structure) E14413 P14413 - 75147 P skeletal system 435E465AD2544C19B91B59DC888EAEB9 Medullary cavity of bone 14414 14414 14414 cisterna superioris 46538004 S14414 Cisterna superioris (body structure) E14414 P14414 - 74511 P nervous system F534A254A5D2406FB6CD02741FD03C17 Cisterna superioris 14415 14415 14415 anterior midline of trunk 46592000 S14415 Anterior midline of trunk (body structure) E14415 P14415 - P A28F6BF4D80B412891355ADB12E11A85 Anterior midline of trunk 14417 14417 14417 mesotendineum 46824002 S14417 Mesotendineum (body structure) E14417 P14417 - P musculoskeletal system 0F52EF1D11D2463EB8438C8188FE2405 Mesotendineum 14418 14418 14418 non myelinated nerve fiber 46920005 S14418 Non myelinated nerve fiber (body structure) E14418 P14418 - 5916 P nervous system 592744F808A54543AC2C39404CA3D8CE Non myelinated nerve fiber 14419 14419 14419 acinus of parotid gland 46926004 S14419 Acinus of parotid gland (body structure) E14419 P14419 Y 59863 P digestive system 0802530CFAFD4CDAA1D81B4C4E353EC9 Acinus of parotid gland 14420 14420 14420 ansa lenticularis nucleus 47022007 S14420 Ansa lenticularis nucleus (body structure) E14420 P14420 Y 62036 P nervous system C289B37B1A22496ABD96519B15825517 Ansa lenticularis nucleus 14421 14421 14421 ileal epithelium 47046000 S14421 Ileal epithelium (body structure) E14421 P14421 - 17233 P digestive system 20FB3E4051DB4CC49DAF71E9516B22AD Ileal epithelium 14423 14423 14423 zona reticularis of adrenal gland 47325000 S14423 Zona reticularis of adrenal gland (body structure) E14423 P14423 Y 69236 P endocrine system AA5841D91F7C441AA5EC6430D80B6EB6 Zona reticularis of adrenal gland 14424 14424 14424 hypoglossal nerve nucleus 47361005 S14424 Hypoglossal nerve nucleus (body structure) E14424 P14424 Y 54505 P nervous system 5BD13966DF254D77A42521B956D29E45 Hypoglossal nerve nucleus 14425 14425 14425 cranial articular process of sixth lumbar vertebra 47394008 S14425 Cranial articular process of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E14425 P14425 Y P musculoskeletal system B385CDDAD757489BA33DC95EE047BF4D Cranial articular process of sixth lumbar vertebra 14427 14427 14427 submucosa of hypopharynx 47496006 S14427 Submucosa of hypopharynx (body structure) E14427 P14427 - 55072 P digestive system 314869120585417388FFD05F7978765B Submucosa of hypopharynx 14429 14429 14429 lamina muscularis of esophageal mucous membrane 47720007 S14429 Lamina muscularis of esophageal mucous membrane (body structure) E14429 P14429 - 63059 P digestive system 62899DF7772A4E33BCAABF2D9453AFE8 Lamina muscularis of esophageal mucous membrane 14430 14430 14430 retinaculum 47822008 S14430 Retinaculum (body structure) E14430 P14430 - 7646 P A2B8A1659854432880C512B9437B5FB6 Retinaculum 14432 14432 14432 celiac lymph node 47985009 S14432 Structure of celiac lymph node (body structure) E14432 245343000 Entire celiac lymph node (body structure) P14432 - 12792 P lymphatic system 6726485FFDF743528673ABECC125DDC5 CC572D45303B4827ACA287AA393114F9 celiac lymph node Entire celiac lymph node (body structure) Visceral lymph node of abdomen proper located around the celiac artery. 14433 14433 14433 esophageal impression of liver 48100000 S14433 Esophageal impression of liver (body structure) E14433 P14433 - 14486 P digestive system B369D8472C1E4A37BE70AE702A22D328 Esophageal impression of liver 14434 14434 14434 capsule of transverse joint of ankle 48182005 S14434 Capsule of transverse joint of ankle (body structure) E14434 P14434 Y P musculoskeletal system 58DFBE0949CF44A09950CD869CF9F216 Capsule of transverse joint of ankle 14435 14435 14435 right medial lobe of liver 48192002 S14435 Right medial lobe of liver (body structure) E14435 P14435 - R P digestive system 1C3B092601EB4EF5AF14D563F0EA205A Right medial lobe of liver 14436 14436 14436 prefemoral lymph node 48193007 S14436 Prefemoral lymph node (body structure) E14436 P14436 Y P lymphatic system 049D7118C22E4309A928C30F84ACB687 Prefemoral lymph node 14439 14439 14439 aortic tunica media 48467007 S14439 Aortic tunica media (body structure) E14439 P14439 - 74433 P cardiovascular system 2B7AC3E5CF6A44529030362BB56978D0 Aortic tunica media Tunica media of artery which is continuous with the myocardium of left ventricle. 14443 14443 14443 sulcus of umbilical vein 48629004 S14443 Sulcus of umbilical vein (body structure) E14443 P14443 - P digestive system B902D9A93C6E4D609130A06765177968 Sulcus of umbilical vein 14449 14449 14449 neuron-muscle motor unit S14449 E14449 49190004 Neuron-muscle motor unit (body structure) P14449 - P 1352A671B6EE48DEB58365E4F2719865 Neuron-muscle motor unit (body structure) 14450 14450 14450 cerebellar gracile lobule 4924005 S14450 Cerebellar gracile lobule (body structure) E14450 P14450 - P nervous system 050E01EE92A845DD8C09E7D7F50CEB2B Cerebellar gracile lobule 14451 14451 14451 interstitial bone 49402005 S14451 Interstitial bone (body structure) E14451 P14451 - P skeletal system 10CD9E2264A846A8BA166DF30C617BB0 Interstitial bone 14452 14452 14452 medial femoral intermuscular septum 49405007 S14452 Medial femoral intermuscular septum (body structure) E14452 P14452 Y 58749 P musculoskeletal system 667FE2A1397D4A29A697A378265B3FEC Medial femoral intermuscular septum 14455 14455 14455 synovial villus of joint 49574009 S14455 Synovial villus of joint (body structure) E14455 P14455 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 563D0E24D15047B29DD5855C905011CB Synovial villus of joint 14457 14457 14457 pneumatic mastoid cell 49816008 S14457 Pneumatic mastoid cell (body structure) E14457 P14457 Y 55800 P 964BF0FFF8824EA6891DF3ED10E59372 Pneumatic mastoid cell 14458 14458 14458 lacuna of cartilage 49861007 S14458 Lacunae of cartilage (body structure) E14458 P14458 - P skeletal system 191D22E0643943FEB071EF27D917DD97 Lacunae of cartilage 14460 14460 14460 lamina propria of accessory sinus 50002002 S14460 Lamina propria of accessory sinus (body structure) E14460 P14460 Y P respiratory system 52ACCAFE346B43E7A6FCC77A59516D0A Lamina propria of accessory sinus 14461 14461 14461 coronal gingiva 50014005 S14461 Coronal gingiva (body structure) E14461 P14461 Y P digestive system A151E858514C438E8D204DBBC59C65F5 Coronal gingiva 14462 14462 14462 plexus impar of the thyroid 50152008 S14462 Plexus impar of the thyroid (body structure) E14462 P14462 - 50799 P venous system 37E97C23D40B454585C0F2E1C4D068C1 Plexus impar of the thyroid 14463 14463 14463 intermediate external iliac lymph node 50193000 S14463 Intermediate external iliac lymph node (body structure) E14463 P14463 Y 16648 P lymphatic system 936AF09CFEB04E66A4180A6CE32AEA35 Intermediate external iliac lymph node 14466 14466 14466 middle artery of clitoris 50378009 S14466 Middle artery of clitoris (body structure) E14466 P14466 - P arterial system 2C59CD73F6ED47138EFAAD7F1EE02D99 Middle artery of clitoris 14467 14467 14467 cubital fossa 50496004 S14467 Cubital fossa (body structure) E14467 P14467 Y 39848 P AA5054B7B2364D6E8755457E09E6CADB Cubital fossa 14469 14469 14469 carotid sinus nerve 50624003 S14469 Carotid sinus nerve (body structure) E14469 P14469 Y 53488 P nervous system 81C4FDF791584C58AEE65D2F9552D6E4 Carotid sinus nerve 14472 14472 14472 urogenital sinus 50961009 S14472 Urogenital sinus (body structure) E14472 P14472 - P digestive system D9DC16B4CEE542488DFBCCC845836C36 Urogenital sinus 14473 14473 14473 dermoepidermal junction 51025007 S14473 Dermoepidermal junction (body structure) E14473 P14473 - 70963 P integumentary system CFCEEC610753440BA9C1CEFAEAF367BC Dermoepidermal junction 14476 14476 14476 head of mandible 51354009 S14476 Head of mandible (body structure) E14476 P14476 Y 59331 P skeletal system F62E37948E3F467BA3746F0397CAAFCD Head of mandible 14477 14477 14477 intracranial arachnoid 51429005 S14477 Intracranial arachnoid (body structure) E14477 P14477 - P nervous system 5435513422F04EDA91AF681D3E2509F8 Intracranial arachnoid 14479 14479 14479 bronchiole of middle lung lobe 51553002 S14479 Bronchiole of middle lung lobe (body structure) E14479 P14479 Y P respiratory system 6B75FF8426894364AA572F505A3C66D8 Bronchiole of middle lung lobe 14482 14482 14482 lateral cutaneous branch of lumbosacral plexus 51838000 S14482 Lateral cutaneous branch of lumbosacral plexus (body structure) E14482 P14482 Y P nervous system DEBC3E4109DA4C88BA79F286D8F468B6 Lateral cutaneous branch of lumbosacral plexus 14484 14484 14484 paraflocculus 51969002 S14484 Paraflocculus (body structure) E14484 392269004 Entire accessory paraflocculus (body structure) P14484 Y 83885 P nervous system 15D18C56DFBC40F1804EB5FB96B5C241 C8D47DE1417A49E787509F27E6AC50F8 Paraflocculus Entire accessory paraflocculus (body structure) 14485 14485 14485 colonic subserosa 52010009 S14485 Colonic subserosa (body structure) E14485 P14485 - 14989 P digestive system E9D3E32B1059439AA6AB5212ADFB284A Colonic subserosa 14486 14486 14486 superior ileocecal recess 5204005 S14486 Superior ileocecal recess (body structure) E14486 P14486 - 14639 P D3884B0FD1904001B2084906FC3F4F87 Superior ileocecal recess 14487 14487 14487 frontal vein 5213007 S14487 Frontal vein (body structure) E14487 P14487 Y 51102 P cardiovascular system D68E8A72786048A5AAA1B4E52008E5CC Frontal vein 14488 14488 14488 gastric submucosa 52459002 S14488 Gastric submucosa (body structure) E14488 P14488 - 14908 P digestive system 78C7206C165A4D068B910A39E5D2C526 Gastric submucosa 14492 14492 14492 superior medial inguinal lymph node 52554005 S14492 Superior medial inguinal lymph node (body structure) E14492 P14492 Y 44297 P lymphatic system 4BCA1B71E0CB4C518795EE278569231C Superior medial inguinal lymph node 14493 14493 14493 small intestinal crypt of Lieberkuhn 52688008 S14493 Small intestinal crypt of Lieberknhn (body structure) E14493 P14493 - P digestive system E59854F7D6F345649FC0A7A4EB85749C Small intestinal crypt of Lieberknhn 14496 14496 14496 dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve 52884007 S14496 Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve (body structure) E14496 P14496 Y 54592 P nervous system 240E152DF801429E9C9A8AA40B093352 Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve 14497 14497 14497 greater osseous pelvis S14497 E14497 52906008 Greater osseous pelvis (body structure) P14497 - P skeletal system 64C9D324BCFA4717867207EBEC038BA6 Greater osseous pelvis (body structure) 14500 14500 14500 Ruffini's corpuscle 53140000 S14500 Ruffini's corpuscle (body structure) E14500 P14500 - P nervous system D8559C11EAC446399383875D9BDE30A8 Ruffini's corpuscle 14505 14505 14505 longitudinal layer of gastric muscularis 53214002 S14505 Longitudinal layer of gastric muscularis (body structure) E14505 P14505 - 14910 P digestive system 1924CDDBBE23404D8C753DBA3080A6E5 Longitudinal layer of gastric muscularis 14507 14507 14507 tooth bud 53301001 S14507 Tooth bud (body structure) E14507 P14507 bud of tooth Y P digestive system 936C7D3D0A3543E49B4734C276E7A26B Tooth bud 14509 14509 14509 lamina muscularis of rectal mucous membrane 53420003 S14509 Lamina muscularis of rectal mucous membrane (body structure) E14509 P14509 - 15687 P muscular system D4F5166C73E44FC9B0B872845874100A Lamina muscularis of rectal mucous membrane 14512 14512 14512 interstitial space 53742001 S14512 Interstitial space (body structure) E14512 P14512 - 17555 P 2C2250F817074C5086EF85E8628365E5 Interstitial space 14513 14513 14513 medial nucleus of habenula S14513 E14513 53752002 Medial nucleus of habenula (body structure) P14513 - P nervous system F457B41A73234C7FB30A9350B77E24CA Medial nucleus of habenula (body structure) 14514 14514 14514 gastric subserosa 53755000 S14514 Gastric subserosa (body structure) E14514 P14514 - 14913 P digestive system A4AD3ED0B27B4A878BC28355C0243087 Gastric subserosa 14516 14516 14516 lateral cartilaginous lamina of Eustachian tube 53799009 S14516 Lateral cartilaginous lamina of Eustachian tube (body structure) E14516 P14516 Y 60105 P special senses organ system 4C5AD6A789EC40659551210F3A5AD50D Lateral cartilaginous lamina of Eustachian tube 14517 14517 14517 subdural space of parietal region 53865000 S14517 Structure of subdural space of parietal region (body structure) E14517 261152001 Parietal subdural space (body structure) P14517 Y P nervous system 1683BCB2989142BBAA801D4224B99218 5AFBE95703914E34B7FFC86F2910995D subdural space of parietal region Parietal subdural space (body structure) 14518 14518 14518 normal fat pad 5398002 S14518 Normal fat pad (body structure) E14518 P14518 - 58616 P musculoskeletal system BC84397154254156A2A7502A4EF270EA Normal fat pad 14521 14521 14521 spinal epidural space 54092001 S14521 Spinal epidural space (body structure) E14521 263995008 Extradural space of spinal cord (body structure) P14521 - 71230 P nervous system 265414AD23F94F848C2EC13D8A295ED9 99D0F1BB84764CA28E1D09DF67C37546 Spinal epidural space Extradural space of spinal cord (body structure) 14523 14523 14523 apocrine intraepidermal duct 5427004 S14523 Apocrine intraepidermal duct (body structure) E14523 P14523 - 70645 P integumentary system A093D85C324E40148C1CEB9DBD69BA92 Apocrine intraepidermal duct 14525 14525 14525 circular layer of small intestine muscularis propria 54658003 S14525 Circular layer of small intestine muscularis propria (body structure) E14525 P14525 - 14935 P digestive system 31DD2FFCA37D4D678CF708BB9233DA52 Circular layer of small intestine muscularis propria 14527 14527 14527 arch of sixth lumbar vertebra 54827001 S14527 Arch of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E14527 P14527 - P musculoskeletal system B623B901880846C89F4D0DCCF4A6761D Arch of sixth lumbar vertebra 14528 14528 14528 dural sinus 54944003 S14528 Dural sinus (body structure) E14528 P14528 - 50762 P cardiovascular system F9083032757A47E6875D7CF5FCF9417B Dural sinus 14530 14530 14530 undifferentiated neuroepithelium 55169007 S14530 Undifferentiated neuroepithelium (body structure) E14530 P14530 - P F5B15AE9D7F14549A338BDE32DC7BA93 Undifferentiated neuroepithelium 14532 14532 14532 gingival lamina propria 55409001 S14532 Gingival lamina propria (body structure) E14532 P14532 Y P digestive system C07D69FA93754328AA5669C0E8791927 Gingival lamina propria 14534 14534 14534 longitudinal layer of duodenal muscularis propria 5544002 S14534 Longitudinal layer of duodenal muscularis propria (body structure) E14534 P14534 - 14946 P digestive system 7070F22825004D5BACD523AB7C802F7F Longitudinal layer of duodenal muscularis propria 14536 14536 14536 paralumbar fossa S14536 E14536 55868001 Paralumbar fossa (body structure) P14536 Y P regional/topgraphical 97AEDB86621C49D7820972F56F256531 Paralumbar fossa (body structure) 14538 14538 14538 suboccipitofrontal diameter of head 55997002 S14538 Suboccipitofrontal diameter of head (body structure) E14538 P14538 - P 069FB530816A49A6897F39DF24143EBC Suboccipitofrontal diameter of head 14539 14539 14539 zona fasciculata of adrenal gland 56069004 S14539 Zona fasciculata of adrenal gland (body structure) E14539 P14539 Y 69234 P endocrine system 716AB55CC77946699D8130B044FAE8F0 Zona fasciculata of adrenal gland 14542 14542 14542 cell wall, eukaryotic 56368001 S14542 Cell wall, eukaryotic (body structure) E14542 P14542 - P 53076B18BDEF456B94CA7F7C5E740EB3 Cell wall, eukaryotic 14544 14544 14544 muscularis of gallbladder 56679001 S14544 Muscularis of gallbladder (body structure) E14544 P14544 - 14661 P digestive system 18EECBDBD292448891843803281F6A94 Muscularis of gallbladder 14545 14545 14545 medulla oblongata dorsal median sulcus 56806009 S14545 Medulla oblongata dorsal median sulcus (body structure) E14545 P14545 - 83795 P nervous system 9DDE6C86260C4F39B9A31E792A1D76AE Medulla oblongata dorsal median sulcus 14548 14548 14548 primary sclerotic mastoid cell 57003005 S14548 Primary sclerotic mastoid cell (body structure) E14548 P14548 - P F3565CD7927D445F9F9B5DAAC08C14C3 Primary sclerotic mastoid cell 14551 14551 14551 secondary sclerotic mastoid cell 57106004 S14551 Secondary sclerotic mastoid cell (body structure) E14551 P14551 - P 1F1E0C0CFFEE40A898BD76171E9A870B Secondary sclerotic mastoid cell 14552 14552 14552 lymphoid aggregate 57253005 S14552 Lymphoid aggregate (body structure) E14552 P14552 - 76466 P lymphoid system DEFEC457C8214DE3962D00F969B6B3EA Lymphoid aggregate 14553 14553 14553 jejunal epithelium 57300004 S14553 Jejunal epithelium (body structure) E14553 P14553 - 17232 P digestive system 4760FA5E14A343F6B9DB9A5416716769 Jejunal epithelium 14554 14554 14554 fossa deferens of atlas 57342002 S14554 Fossa deferens of atlas (body structure) E14554 P14554 - P skeletal system 8D4C8F8822C848C4ACEB078F8E9D90F7 Fossa deferens of atlas 14557 14557 14557 rectal muscularis propria 57446003 S14557 Rectal muscularis propria (body structure) E14557 P14557 - 15035 P digestive system 6E3946D58B354A56ACE10265A8BBBBAC Rectal muscularis propria 14559 14559 14559 endosteum 57487002 S14559 Endosteum (body structure) E14559 P14559 - 32692 P skeletal system 81C9EB83AC814F3F90A14603867F294D Endosteum 14560 14560 14560 multiple mammary glands 57511008 S14560 Multiple mammary glands (body structure) E14560 P14560 - P regional/topgraphical/group 6058F1CDA8194127A30C3C15C59FCD9A Multiple mammary glands 14563 14563 14563 urothelium 57789003 S14563 Urothelium (body structure) E14563 P14563 - 67695 P urinary system EA0FDD8732CB4551A9C669471D0D49F4 Urothelium 14564 14564 14564 rectal solitary lymphoid follicle 57972002 S14564 Rectal solitary lymphoid follicle (body structure) E14564 P14564 - 15723 P lymphoid system DF9312C91988499D9B3AC277CABFD530 Rectal solitary lymphoid follicle 14566 14566 14566 peripheral nerve non myelinated nerve fiber 58197000 S14566 Peripheral nerve non myelinated nerve fiber (body structure) E14566 P14566 Y P nervous system FEFE8D83DB0F4F1EBABE3AA698831171 Peripheral nerve non myelinated nerve fiber 14567 14567 14567 sebaceous duct 58201000 S14567 Sebaceous duct (body structure) E14567 P14567 - P integumentary system 354DE6A26B1F48DA9667C58D39ECC020 Sebaceous duct 14568 14568 14568 pterygopalatine nerve 58267004 S14568 Pterygopalatine nerve (body structure) E14568 P14568 Y 52731 P nervous system E86DE81834FE447C962A401E02F91D7D Pterygopalatine nerve 14570 14570 14570 sebaceous lobule 58344004 S14570 Sebaceous lobule (body structure) E14570 P14570 - 60119 P integumentary system A9B94BB1EA424ABE839084C704BDE1D7 Sebaceous lobule 14572 14572 14572 serosa of urinary bladder 5868002 S14572 Serosa of urinary bladder (body structure) E14572 P14572 - 15932 P urinary system 2234AA021399477A9A33DD1BAFBFBAC4 Serosa of urinary bladder 14573 14573 14573 glia 58861006 S14573 Glia (body structure) E14573 P14573 - 54541 P nervous system 14FF3BEE57754AF68C726830C8542F8C Glia 14574 14574 14574 vagus nerve pulmonary plexus 59005006 S14574 Vagus nerve pulmonary plexus (body structure) E14574 P14574 Y 0 P nervous system 401F7DB07FF24DF283A214D00BA9EC9E Vagus nerve pulmonary plexus 14575 14575 14575 sublingual fold 59059009 S14575 Sublingual fold (body structure) E14575 P14575 Y 54660 P digestive system 63262DC621BF4BA58B50F66C97BE28B2 Sublingual fold 14577 14577 14577 optic nerve chiasma 59098004 S14577 Optic nerve chiasma (body structure) E14577 244453006 Optic chiasma (body structure) P14577 - 62045 P special senses organ system F24EA46208454350BCE17E18D31B05B7 E87D20EE18934D63A1045898D930912A Optic nerve chiasma Optic chiasma (body structure) Nerve trunk which is continuous with right and left optic nerves and right and left optic tracts. 14578 14578 14578 longitudinal layer of small intestine muscularis propria 59150006 S14578 Longitudinal layer of small intestine muscularis propria (body structure) E14578 P14578 - 14936 P digestive system C29501B039324172B4E07917790E188B Longitudinal layer of small intestine muscularis propria 14579 14579 14579 deep cervical plexus 59513003 S14579 Deep cervical plexus (body structure) E14579 P14579 Y 55181 P nervous system A56C0D8898B3481FBC28BB6FFC656378 Deep cervical plexus 14580 14580 14580 molar gland S14580 E14580 59637006 Molar gland (body structure) P14580 Y 71615 P digestive system 00707E37668C4EADB75BEA4BE46F04D1 Molar gland (body structure) 14583 14583 14583 retinacula cutis 59996002 S14583 Retinacula cutis (body structure) E14583 P14583 - 71432 P musculoskeletal system 6CF55B67BEB044AEAD05EC5FAFFDD299 Retinacula cutis 14584 14584 14584 circular layer of duodenal muscularis propria 6006009 S14584 Circular layer of duodenal muscularis propria (body structure) E14584 P14584 - 14945 P digestive system 11E9A6F1EC574FB2B07BF408284A69AA Circular layer of duodenal muscularis propria 14586 14586 14586 subaortic common iliac lymph node 60227002 S14586 Subaortic common iliac lymph node (body structure) E14586 P14586 Y 16644 P lymphatic system DABC4AE568694EB186CF9C59923372A4 Subaortic common iliac lymph node 14593 14593 14593 midclavicular line of trunk 60909007 S14593 Midclavicular line of trunk (body structure) E14593 P14593 Y P C46DA42BB3B84BA9813B6DB50725B93A Midclavicular line of trunk 14594 14594 14594 mucous gland (organ component) 61001002 S14594 Structure of mucous gland (organ component) (body structure) E14594 422880001 Entire mucous gland (organ component) (body structure) P14594 - 62888 P 5F11912DE635475FB1B75CC5B5A76EE1 981ABBE4B1A14813BEF368CEE7E8185C mucous gland (organ component) Entire mucous gland (organ component) (body structure) 14595 14595 14595 subclavian nerve 6104005 S14595 Subclavian nerve (body structure) E14595 P14595 Y 288559 P nervous system 2F282BCDAB2347CFBF096D9662F4CE75 Subclavian nerve 14596 14596 14596 tunica adventitia of vessel 61066005 S14596 Tunica adventitia of vessel (body structure) E14596 P14596 - 0 P 58331AC3091043AFB4034A1603E05FC0 Tunica adventitia of vessel 14597 14597 14597 fetal Rathke's pouch 61127000 S14597 Fetal Rathke's pouch (body structure) E14597 P14597 - 0 P endocrine system DB9B3CCB87C3432081890BB242A739B0 Fetal Rathke's pouch 14598 14598 14598 caudal lobe branch of right pulmonary artery 61225004 S14598 Caudal lobe branch of right pulmonary artery (body structure) E14598 P14598 R 8626 P respiratory system 65D531C9C5514CF78CE90993FA2A139F Caudal lobe branch of right pulmonary artery 14599 14599 14599 posterosuperior fissure of cerebellum 61230000 S14599 Posterosuperior fissure of cerebellum (body structure) E14599 P14599 - P nervous system FF93F291088447428B567834F9914A03 Posterosuperior fissure of cerebellum 14602 14602 14602 colonic submucosa 61647009 S14602 Colonic submucosa (body structure) E14602 P14602 - 14985 P digestive system 8399E153D2CF4E73A073A1B923B070BD Colonic submucosa 14603 14603 14603 medulla oblongata ventral lateral sulcus 61670001 S14603 Medulla oblongata ventral lateral sulcus (body structure) E14603 P14603 Y P nervous system 204BBF98A7314F21B36A7D3796ED7C5A Medulla oblongata ventral lateral sulcus 14604 14604 14604 cerebellar fasciculus uncinatus 61682005 S14604 Cerebellar fasciculus uncinatus (body structure) E14604 P14604 Y P nervous system 328685E5592A486387C371CE431BF67E Cerebellar fasciculus uncinatus 14605 14605 14605 tunica media 61695000 S14605 Tunica media vasorum (body structure) E14605 P14605 - 55590 P 2E66822F3C814F37A70AC0CBB2D1CB35 Tunica media vasorum 14606 14606 14606 trabecula of spleen 61987002 S14606 Trabecula of spleen (body structure) E14606 P14606 - 16027 P lymphoid system D2EB6A96B5604260A453B6ECA2B662FE Trabecula of spleen 14607 14607 14607 dentinoenamel junction 61990008 S14607 Dentinoenamel junction (body structure) E14607 P14607 Y P digestive system 713D6F3F22C04F6787E22C40FA772810 Dentinoenamel junction 14608 14608 14608 Edinger Westphal nucleus 62088007 S14608 Edinger Westphal nucleus (body structure) E14608 P14608 Y 72424 P special senses organ system 70A60FB56BD5438ABADED94C70350444 Edinger Westphal nucleus 14611 14611 14611 inframesocolic peritoneal cavity 62534007 S14611 Inframesocolic peritoneal cavity (body structure) E14611 P14611 - P digestive system 57D267C8BE434873B4075AA957A80A6C Inframesocolic peritoneal cavity 14612 14612 14612 supramammary lymph node 62630005 S14612 Supramammary lymph node (body structure) E14612 P14612 Y 12785 P lymphatic system DF36B640666B4DC78D8A5AD7EC8F86BD Supramammary lymph node 14615 14615 14615 longitudinal ligament of dens of axis 63164002 S14615 Longitudinal ligament of dens of axis (body structure) E14615 P14615 - P musculoskeletal system F5986D0E3BE246C1A0747CF554A83B76 Longitudinal ligament of dens of axis 14616 14616 14616 muscularis of bronchiole 63170008 S14616 Muscularis of bronchiole (body structure) E14616 P14616 Y P muscular system 692935D04CD848B092565B412EFE8D53 Muscularis of bronchiole 14618 14618 14618 lymphoid follicle of stomach 6335009 S14618 Lymphoid follicle of stomach (body structure) E14618 P14618 - P lymphoid system 5480DBFFE44E423FBB799FA2464BF7E0 Lymphoid follicle of stomach 14619 14619 14619 perimysium 63406008 S14619 Perimysium (body structure) E14619 P14619 - 9728 P muscular system 35C156140FDB4CEB8764D7D4E9296582 Perimysium 14620 14620 14620 lateral aperture of fourth ventricle 63426007 S14620 Lateral aperture of fourth ventricle (body structure) E14620 P14620 Y 78473 P nervous system 4216440DB94C465091E0E10BD542ADA8 Lateral aperture of fourth ventricle 14621 14621 14621 inferior lateral cutaneous brachial nerve 63452001 S14621 Inferior lateral cutaneous brachial nerve (body structure) E14621 P14621 Y 44949 P nervous system 2F60327AC086485D9D9E73128573C30B Inferior lateral cutaneous brachial nerve 14622 14622 14622 subdural space of occipital region 63521004 S14622 Structure of subdural space of occipital region (body structure) E14622 261141007 Occipital subdural space (body structure) P14622 - P nervous system 9A1E43122230400BA0457B245DD8EC52 1795A036CA474D4E924D6C243F1C80E4 subdural space of occipital region Occipital subdural space (body structure) 14623 14623 14623 small intestine lamina propria 63588008 S14623 Small intestine lamina propria (body structure) E14623 P14623 - 15651 P digestive system C020F74F7E554FEBB2BC359380CF43EF Small intestine lamina propria 14624 14624 14624 peritendineum 63667008 S14624 Peritendineum (body structure) E14624 P14624 - P muscular system 604426894796405A96173C90BED587FF Peritendineum 14625 14625 14625 sclerocorneal junction 63716004 S14625 Sclerocorneal junction (body structure) E14625 P14625 Y 58342 P special senses organ system 63CE7A44396A4F148809761B7EA2F7D6 Sclerocorneal junction 14627 14627 14627 intercostal lymph node 64038003 S14627 Intercostal lymph node (body structure) E14627 P14627 Y 5932 P lymphatic system 0B2B36E05C9A4A458B742FC8AC618DEC Intercostal lymph node 14628 14628 14628 parietooccipital fissure 64084008 S14628 Structure of parieto-occipital fissure (body structure) E14628 279354009 Entire parieto-occipital fissure (body structure) P14628 Y 83754 P nervous system 07FF7B5D4BBA41749924E5B2A72D5F0B 48EF89A3856C4414906C6A5C3D17FDCD parieto-occipital fissure Entire parieto-occipital fissure (body structure) 14631 14631 14631 epineurium 64482002 S14631 Epineurium (body structure) E14631 P14631 - 12234 P nervous system 1E278D6386394D0F94ABE631E205DF06 Epineurium 14633 14633 14633 lamina muscularis of gastric mucosa 64551004 S14633 Lamina muscularis of gastric mucosa (body structure) E14633 P14633 - 14924 P muscular system 71A261B5E26D4885B985A7B39115C1FA Lamina muscularis of gastric mucosa 14634 14634 14634 lymphoid nodule 64626006 S14634 Lymphoid nodule (body structure) E14634 P14634 - 55222 P lymphoid system F747517CE1384383A18BD5A98244ECD8 Lymphoid nodule 14635 14635 14635 basal membrane of semicircular duct 64653005 S14635 Basal membrane of semicircular duct (body structure) E14635 P14635 Y P special senses organ system 49742A0573804ED0ABCE180360A2138E Basal membrane of semicircular duct 14636 14636 14636 articular process of sixth lumbar vertebra 64746008 S14636 Articular process of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E14636 P14636 Y P musculoskeletal system 92A8BEF5F15546E38944EF278103D5B0 Articular process of sixth lumbar vertebra 14638 14638 14638 gastric epithelium 64977002 S14638 Gastric epithelium (body structure) E14638 P14638 - 17091 P digestive system 822A90DF2D214EB09F030E77AA9ACAC1 Gastric epithelium 14639 14639 14639 apophysis 65000005 S14639 Apophysis (body structure) E14639 P14639 - 75428 P skeletal system 3032666263CC41519DB6F5BCFFB92A87 Apophysis 14642 14642 14642 salivary serous gland 65067005 S14642 Salivary serous gland (body structure) E14642 P14642 Y P digestive system E07051783850459C8083F675D0CAEC3D Salivary serous gland 14643 14643 14643 ileal submucosa 65374006 S14643 Ileal submucosa (body structure) E14643 P14643 - 14957 P digestive system 41A742EEAA9B4C77B36F0F8556649E5E Ileal submucosa 14644 14644 14644 ureteric branch of renal artery 65376008 S14644 Ureteric branch of renal artery (body structure) E14644 P14644 Y P arterial system 078C1955D76F473BB0331202412E7B19 Ureteric branch of renal artery 14645 14645 14645 distal epiphyseal growth plate 65549009 S14645 Distal epiphyseal growth plate (body structure) E14645 P14645 - P articular system C8A63C20B9234DB191E96A0F33D4BC09 Distal epiphyseal growth plate 14646 14646 14646 first posterior intercostal vein 65571004 S14646 Highest intercostal vein (body structure) E14646 P14646 Y 4744 P venous system E82582A9C7C14505AAA22C3F7DD96541 Highest intercostal vein 14647 14647 14647 tracheal mucous membrane 660006 S14647 Tracheal mucous membrane (body structure) E14647 P14647 - 7471 P respiratory system 44CC0B9A0D114B34865C30D4C0B5A57D Tracheal mucous membrane 14648 14648 14648 posterior lobe of prostate 66012001 S14648 Posterior lobe of prostate (body structure) E14648 P14648 - 19575 P genital system 1F2A29F7E8284728B0C8BBBA2D015748 Posterior lobe of prostate 14649 14649 14649 glossopharyngeal nerve inferior ganglion 66031007 S14649 Glossopharyngeal nerve inferior ganglion (body structure) E14649 P14649 Y 53475 P nervous system 2B94106DF7D04D28B912528E288E0AAF Glossopharyngeal nerve inferior ganglion 14650 14650 14650 duodenal epithelium 66036002 S14650 Duodenal epithelium (body structure) E14650 P14650 - 17231 P digestive system 5B54CDDCDC7B4A1ABA983916D23A8CC4 Duodenal epithelium 14657 14657 14657 medulla oblongata dorsal spinocerebellar tract 67010002 S14657 Medulla oblongata dorsal spinocerebellar tract (body structure) E14657 P14657 Y P nervous system 5D7EB4A557FF41DABF08848DF8602BBF Medulla oblongata dorsal spinocerebellar tract 14658 14658 14658 secondary osteon 67126003 S14658 Secondary osteon (body structure) E14658 P14658 - P skeletal system E68F0D512E194AE599EE6EAF7CC5C39D Secondary osteon 14659 14659 14659 neuropil 67146008 S14659 Neuropil (body structure) E14659 P14659 - 261269 P nervous system 7AA4EF04DC454D38A528270900998702 Neuropil Cell part cluster of neuraxis consisting of neurites confined to the gray matter. 14660 14660 14660 lumen of artery 67170007 S14660 Lumen of artery (body structure) E14660 P14660 - 14163 P arterial system 50D95C16736D4E8F8B6AF7DDBBE042AD Lumen of artery 14662 14662 14662 pericardial mesothelium 67300002 S14662 Pericardial mesothelium (body structure) E14662 P14662 - 18149 P cardiovascular system D62B52AA828741F3A91BF0E31E327692 Pericardial mesothelium 14667 14667 14667 aortic hiatus of diaphragm 68089008 S14667 Structure of aortic hiatus of diaphragm (body structure) E14667 280061001 Entire aortic hiatus of diaphragm (body structure) P14667 - 58288 P respiratory system 5CF4BB431EA64488AEA27140F3110AD0 D57B8E4850BF47ABB64785E9ED6D12BD aortic hiatus of diaphragm Entire aortic hiatus of diaphragm (body structure) 14668 14668 14668 colonic part of cloaca 68139002 S14668 Colonic part of cloaca (body structure) E14668 P14668 - P digestive system 307159BE6CC14220B0043F12937A60EF Colonic part of cloaca 14671 14671 14671 nasopharyngeal submucosa 68239006 S14671 Nasopharyngeal submucosa (body structure) E14671 P14671 - 0 P respiratory system 73A5E89647CD4FB2818F16884E865C81 Nasopharyngeal submucosa 14673 14673 14673 pars ciliaris of retina 6829002 S14673 Pars ciliaris of retina (body structure) E14673 P14673 Y 58610 P special senses organ system E6149B46944147A2ADC8FEA9036E1B78 Pars ciliaris of retina 14675 14675 14675 superficial intraparotid lymph node 68339009 S14675 Superficial intraparotid lymph node (body structure) E14675 P14675 Y P lymphatic system 65EA1CF90CAB4E97A4B9F61D566D7F37 Superficial intraparotid lymph node 14676 14676 14676 synovial plica of joint 68435002 S14676 Synovial plica of joint (body structure) E14676 P14676 - P musculoskeletal system CBE49D9DBF284A439333A7AA0E3FA545 Synovial plica of joint 14677 14677 14677 submucosa 68439008 S14677 Tunica submucosa (body structure) E14677 P14677 - 85391 P 907EC280A0654451A078A78F818E12F0 Tunica submucosa 14679 14679 14679 substernal thyroid 68726008 S14679 Substernal thyroid (body structure) E14679 P14679 - P endocrine system DE8CDA6EBEAD4E179B0110F50745DEFF Substernal thyroid 14680 14680 14680 cutaneous mucous gland S14680 E14680 68755000 Entire cutaneous mucous gland (body structure) P14680 - P integumentary system D1733B852BEC47B18633C628F954AD15 Entire cutaneous mucous gland (body structure) 14681 14681 14681 fetal hyaloid artery 688000 S14681 Fetal hyaloid artery (body structure) E14681 P14681 Y 0 P arterial system C9EDB529ED684C979AC9B8A2B30A96B5 Fetal hyaloid artery 14683 14683 14683 basement membrane 68989006 S14683 Basement membrane (body structure) E14683 P14683 - 63872 P 2D9A7F0A3CB3433AA3B01D9780AA8D34 Basement membrane 14684 14684 14684 surface of instep S14684 E14684 69048003 Instep (body structure) P14684 Y P regional/topgraphical 4B49BD7728A54275B26190F221749CAF Instep (body structure) 14685 14685 14685 prostatic sympathetic plexus 69079004 S14685 Prostatic sympathetic plexus (body structure) E14685 P14685 - P nervous system 085BE7EC1DB94E15B0F718599706F2A7 Prostatic sympathetic plexus 14686 14686 14686 small intestine submucosa 691000 S14686 Small intestine submucosa (body structure) E14686 P14686 - 14934 P digestive system 13FECAFE33EB4C179C83A77B9BA16FE7 Small intestine submucosa 14689 14689 14689 sacral canal 69423007 S14689 Sacral canal (body structure) E14689 P14689 - 31731 P 420E7BA7BD5044DBB702B543157257CF Sacral canal 14693 14693 14693 crista triangularis of tooth 69786002 S14693 Crista triangularis of tooth (body structure) E14693 P14693 crista triangularis of tooth Y 56659 P digestive system A25826CECEBB4A7FB26953799FFDD433 Crista triangularis of tooth 14697 14697 14697 jejunal submucosa 70192009 S14697 Jejunal submucosa (body structure) E14697 P14697 - 14950 P digestive system DDFAEBE530244AB8A4F53F080A914264 Jejunal submucosa 14699 14699 14699 medulla oblongata central gray matter 70264009 S14699 Medulla oblongata central gray matter (body structure) E14699 P14699 - P nervous system 87BCE1DF31004BDBB5FEC3B918C0D92A Medulla oblongata central gray matter 14700 14700 14700 superior choroid vein 70812007 S14700 Superior choroid vein (body structure) E14700 P14700 Y 51329 P venous system 79E012CCFF004B94A748D614C8653F03 Superior choroid vein 14702 14702 14702 epithelial layer of tympanic membrane 70839004 S14702 Epithelial layer of tympanic membrane (body structure) E14702 P14702 Y P special senses organ system E4E450FE0E6D4823A1C5D8BE75AA7FB1 Epithelial layer of tympanic membrane 14704 14704 14704 thoracic spinal cord central canal 71118002 S14704 Thoracic spinal cord central canal (body structure) E14704 280405002 Dorsal central spinal cord canal (body structure) P14704 - 0 P nervous system CCF7A3C630B1489D8A68AFE81E36FC65 F4F8A6DCCC0A453E88C8AE9C76C4FD31 Thoracic spinal cord central canal 14705 14705 14705 palatine sinus 71214009 S14705 Palatine sinus (body structure) E14705 P14705 Y P respiratory system 10F529F96661431E89A74F4F5A1C21EB Palatine sinus 14707 14707 14707 lamina propria of nose 71398008 S14707 Lamina propria of nose (body structure) E14707 P14707 Y P respiratory system 6DA6FB95B53445E6A966FB5A256B9854 Lamina propria of nose 14708 14708 14708 bitemporal diameter of head 71467007 S14708 Bitemporal diameter of head (body structure) E14708 P14708 - P ADA437031EA64EC4AF55DDFE22B686DE Bitemporal diameter of head 14709 14709 14709 ground substance of cartilage 71538009 S14709 Ground substance of cartilage (body structure) E14709 P14709 - P skeletal system 94102041116545EE96149371010D77CF Ground substance of cartilage 14711 14711 14711 pedicle of sixth lumbar vertebra 71621001 S14711 Pedicle of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E14711 P14711 pedicle of L6 Y P musculoskeletal system 7B7115787FEA4C2D9542D7A15F30B872 Pedicle of sixth lumbar vertebra 14713 14713 14713 rectal submucosa 71683001 S14713 Rectal submucosa (body structure) E14713 P14713 - 15034 P digestive system 085346E126A7429DAEE7A06585E690D9 Rectal submucosa 14717 14717 14717 dorsal spinocerebellar tract of pons 71885005 S14717 Dorsal spinocerebellar tract of pons (body structure) E14717 P14717 Y P nervous system 456605DB0E784E0099629063AC96B84F Dorsal spinocerebellar tract of pons 14722 14722 14722 sulcus of brain 72078007 S14722 Structure of sulcus of brain (body structure) E14722 P14722 - P nervous system 7AAC7809BEE64C3BB8195320B38F4F6E sulcus of brain 14723 14723 14723 dentinocemental junction 72257001 S14723 Dentinocemental junction (body structure) E14723 P14723 Y P digestive system 1C23A9FF7EA7476BB691C0E3D7E1D205 Dentinocemental junction 14725 14725 14725 subserosa of urinary bladder 72318006 S14725 Subserosa of urinary bladder (body structure) E14725 P14725 - 15931 P urinary system 9293EEBE01F34195BDB710C2FB1F9995 Subserosa of urinary bladder 14726 14726 14726 tendon spindle 72364001 S14726 Tendon spindle (body structure) E14726 P14726 - P muscular system 99D2FBC7C4D64293B5252656BB0E9C57 Tendon spindle 14727 14727 14727 gut-associated lymph node 72381005 S14727 Gut-associated lymph node (body structure) E14727 P14727 - P lymphatic system A1A37CB47B5E4E2580E136A6BB9D37A9 Gut-associated lymph node 14729 14729 14729 appendiceal muscularis propria 7242000 S14729 Appendiceal muscularis propria (body structure) E14729 P14729 - 14993 P digestive system F3C10CBFB5FC4939B94D25339FCDEE3B Appendiceal muscularis propria 14730 14730 14730 nasopharyngeal pituitary gland 72531000 S14730 Nasopharyngeal pituitary gland (body structure) E14730 P14730 - P endocrine system E422A52DB2724DAA997DE66BC90205F0 Nasopharyngeal pituitary gland 14731 14731 14731 menstrual decidua S14731 E14731 72649005 Endometrial decidua (body structure) P14731 - P genital system 8F86C89F2DCA4F38B03F552F980740D7 Endometrial decidua (body structure) 14733 14733 14733 scapular line of abdomen 72875006 S14733 Scapular line of abdomen (body structure) E14733 P14733 - P 03AB71C7DF2440B8952EAD289A26F671 Scapular line of abdomen 14736 14736 14736 middle lung lobe bronchus 73124002 S14736 Middle lung lobe bronchus (body structure) E14736 P14736 Y P respiratory system 950AC29F1BC8475EB5583D2C9AAFB73E Middle lung lobe bronchus 14737 14737 14737 eminentia triangularis 73148006 S14737 Eminentia triangularis (body structure) E14737 P14737 Y P special senses organ system F2DC79B6A2554EFBA0F3CFC2CA47D7DF Eminentia triangularis 14741 14741 14741 caudal lobe branch of left pulmonary artery 73785009 S14741 Caudal lobe branch of left pulmonary artery (body structure) E14741 P14741 L P respiratory system 87936D13BAA543E2BF263DE376242CD8 Caudal lobe branch of left pulmonary artery 14744 14744 14744 pericondylar part of femur 73938005 S14744 Pericondylar part of femur (body structure) E14744 P14744 Y P skeletal system 69E0CAAE234A4FA190BC71A261470E50 Pericondylar part of femur 14745 14745 14745 colonic solitary lymphoid nodule 73961007 S14745 Colonic solitary lymphoid nodule (body structure) E14745 P14745 - 15665 P lymphoid system 7B2D17BBC90044489C178702FB16A53D Colonic solitary lymphoid nodule 14746 14746 14746 centrilobular region of liver 74052002 S14746 Centrilobular region of liver (body structure) E14746 P14746 - P digestive system 22FA4C7479B649708FC6285485163577 Centrilobular region of liver 14748 14748 14748 sagittal fontanel of skull 74282000 S14748 Sagittal fontanel of skull (body structure) E14748 P14748 - P skeletal system 2E74480C0E3D4666832DCEA2CF862823 Sagittal fontanel of skull 14749 14749 14749 complex or labyrinthine intercellular space 74343004 S14749 Complex or labyrinthine intercellular space (body structure) E14749 P14749 - P F0C8666F36F44FECB573BC8C75B0DD64 Complex or labyrinthine intercellular space 14753 14753 14753 mammary gland sinus 74805009 S14753 Mammary gland sinus (body structure) E14753 P14753 Y P 6A54A7290E694B7F9170FE81C10C9101 Mammary gland sinus 14754 14754 14754 epicanthal fold 74824007 S14754 Epicanthal fold (body structure) E14754 P14754 Y 59370 P integumentary system 3E2CAA6E341A49EFB3D5ABA04B6F8722 Epicanthal fold 14755 14755 14755 cerebellar lenticular nucleus 7494000 S14755 Cerebellar lenticular nucleus (body structure) E14755 P14755 Y P nervous system E51551B0A49949FC99D4605FD108CCFF Cerebellar lenticular nucleus 14756 14756 14756 deep intraparotid lymph node 75040000 S14756 Deep intraparotid lymph node (body structure) E14756 P14756 Y P lymphatic system A255E7C101264816887638F2CC2255E7 Deep intraparotid lymph node 14757 14757 14757 aortic body 75061007 S14757 Aortic body (body structure) E14757 P14757 - P endocrine system 031B7B935BF5445B99D53E5705BDE6FC Aortic body 14760 14760 14760 distinctive arrangement or relationship of endoplasmic reticulum 75353006 S14760 Distinctive arrangement or relationship of endoplasmic reticulum (body structure) E14760 P14760 - P 7852A56C59964D4EBB43894C8CF334CA Distinctive arrangement or relationship of endoplasmic reticulum 14761 14761 14761 ectodermal layer of pars tensa of tympanic membrane 75462007 S14761 Ectodermal layer of pars tensa of tympanic membrane (body structure) E14761 P14761 Y P special senses organ system 83CE92EEFF614BD4A4CEA4EA9E8DD57B Ectodermal layer of pars tensa of tympanic membrane 14764 14764 14764 epidermal basement zone 75608000 S14764 Epidermal basement zone (body structure) E14764 P14764 - 62922 P integumentary system CF1E489F0D83462CB5572BBE6ADF285D Epidermal basement zone 14765 14765 14765 communicating ramus with tympanic plexus 75643004 S14765 Communicating ramus with tympanic plexus (body structure) E14765 P14765 Y P nervous system 5B56FEF25B774DE9A991B15CFE6F11C8 Communicating ramus with tympanic plexus 14767 14767 14767 hepatic artery 76015000 S14767 Hepatic artery (body structure) E14767 P14767 - 76582 P digestive system C2B3A91549A3407C9197974B94F2D511 Hepatic artery 14768 14768 14768 lemniscal system of midbrain 76083001 S14768 Lemniscal system of midbrain (body structure) E14768 P14768 - P nervous system A07EDDA75A7640B49200C559C3739080 Lemniscal system of midbrain 14772 14772 14772 thalamoolivary tract 7629007 S14772 Thalamoolivary tract (body structure) E14772 P14772 Y P nervous system 3AEEA6FF6BB34530A43843F633522573 Thalamoolivary tract 14773 14773 14773 subdural space of frontal region 76451000 S14773 Structure of subdural space of frontal region (body structure) E14773 261085006 Frontal subdural space (body structure) P14773 - P nervous system 42EF7EDED75145189BA17B6798CEDA10 B514769D51514C5BAC995CE3F0664EB8 subdural space of frontal region Frontal subdural space (body structure) 14774 14774 14774 duodenal submucosa 76519004 S14774 Duodenal submucosa (body structure) E14774 P14774 - 14943 P digestive system BE292FEE5EDB4BB98A7E60BA47239252 Duodenal submucosa 14775 14775 14775 duodenal lamina propria 76582004 S14775 Duodenal lamina propria (body structure) E14775 P14775 - 15972 P digestive system 10A42F053F9E4C9C8ECB04BDA2BB2966 Duodenal lamina propria 14776 14776 14776 superior lateral inguinal lymph node 76704003 S14776 Superior lateral inguinal lymph node (body structure) E14776 P14776 Y 44301 P lymphatic system 694F67A65E054D5880851D13BE9187DD Superior lateral inguinal lymph node 14778 14778 14778 pelvic arch 76866006 S14778 Pelvic arch (body structure) E14778 P14778 - P 352EBB808F08413A8693BA9E866DB320 Pelvic arch 14779 14779 14779 tracheal bronchus 76914003 S14779 Tracheal bronchus (body structure) E14779 P14779 Y P respiratory system 43B80D742F254FCC856EC5051A75B019 Tracheal bronchus 14780 14780 14780 polystomatic sublingual gland 76922005 S14780 Polystomatic sublingual gland (body structure) E14780 P14780 Y P digestive system FE027122FEA446F598E301E7D3CF8BFC Polystomatic sublingual gland 14783 14783 14783 paramammillary gray matter 77189008 S14783 Paramammillary gray matter (body structure) E14783 P14783 Y P nervous system 8E882CED7892440190C68D0CB58B5FBC Paramammillary gray matter 14784 14784 14784 lingula of cerebellum 77232000 S14784 Lingula of cerebellum (body structure) E14784 P14784 - 83884 P nervous system 29A6BEF404F2419FAB41F4F7D8787E52 Lingula of cerebellum 14787 14787 14787 medulla oblongata ventral spinocerebellar tract 77649001 S14787 Medulla oblongata ventral spinocerebellar tract (body structure) E14787 P14787 - P nervous system ED8DF90CA0D040CE8D77B8595B66E2D1 Medulla oblongata ventral spinocerebellar tract 14788 14788 14788 oblique diameter of pelvis 77844009 S14788 Oblique diameter of pelvis (body structure) E14788 P14788 - 75093 P musculoskeletal system AE3EB510B79E45EDB7BE4D1B1E2611A4 Oblique diameter of pelvis 14792 14792 14792 popliteal recess of knee joint 78278006 S14792 Popliteal recess of knee joint (body structure) E14792 P14792 Y P articular system C18D306F3EBC4EE0A0ABF4985169B064 Popliteal recess of knee joint 14793 14793 14793 prefrontal vein 78440006 S14793 Prefrontal vein (body structure) E14793 P14793 Y 51101 P cardiovascular system A7B4E5DB12864B4B9E2A4E231E62FB67 Prefrontal vein 14794 14794 14794 longitudinal layer of muscularis propria of anal canal 78562008 S14794 Longitudinal layer of muscularis propria of anal canal (body structure) E14794 P14794 - 15709 P digestive system BCB14648FADC4EDFBAB818AAB708653F Longitudinal layer of muscularis propria of anal canal 14796 14796 14796 duodenal subserosa 78619001 S14796 Duodenal subserosa (body structure) E14796 P14796 - 14947 P digestive system B51058C8631041F993C78A0DCBC386A2 Duodenal subserosa 14797 14797 14797 posterior inferior ansiform lobule of cerebellum 78666002 S14797 Posterior inferior ansiform lobule of cerebellum (body structure) E14797 P14797 Y P nervous system 41F2A9B019E144DAB828680995480FB0 Posterior inferior ansiform lobule of cerebellum 14801 14801 14801 lamina muscularis of mucous membrane of hypopharynx 79075006 S14801 Lamina muscularis of mucous membrane of hypopharynx (body structure) E14801 P14801 - P digestive system 5CA01DFF347A4FE093D8B33E232EAB4F Lamina muscularis of mucous membrane of hypopharynx 14803 14803 14803 lamina propria of ethmoid sinus 7954009 S14803 Lamina propria of ethmoid sinus (body structure) E14803 P14803 Y P respiratory system FDCE2FAB426A47729660C6060FABF9CC Lamina propria of ethmoid sinus 14805 14805 14805 deep flexor tendon of thumb 79731004 S14805 Deep flexor tendon of thumb (body structure) E14805 P14805 Y P musculoskeletal system C7A925D95D3D49C28A4EE8CEE921DD33 Deep flexor tendon of thumb 14806 14806 14806 spinous process of sixth lumbar vertebra 79923004 S14806 Spinous process of sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) E14806 P14806 - P skeletal system 1C599C5EA5AD4BA9B4D934C86B9679AA Spinous process of sixth lumbar vertebra 14808 14808 14808 subperiosteal space 80112003 S14808 Subperiosteum (body structure) E14808 P14808 - P skeletal system 502FE811E5CA469F85F11CFF9410A4F6 Subperiosteum 14814 14814 14814 glomus jugulare 80595007 S14814 Glomus jugulare (body structure) E14814 P14814 Y P endocrine system C1B0DEBFCD96420E8F3B58DD07C2A9EA Glomus jugulare 14817 14817 14817 facial nerve zygomatic branch 80718008 S14817 Facial nerve zygomatic branch (body structure) E14817 P14817 Y 53307 P nervous system 938DAB10362B4BEEAE71B4AED31F45B0 Facial nerve zygomatic branch 14820 14820 14820 axis of pelvis S14820 E14820 80944003 Axis of pelvis (body structure) P14820 - P E1BB5AFE10204CAD9FA26B748422C1C1 Axis of pelvis (body structure) 14829 14829 14829 cellular cartilage 81997001 S14829 Cellular cartilage (body structure) E14829 P14829 - P skeletal system C05DC707D9D04B7494E5CB008A9D4526 Cellular cartilage 14830 14830 14830 sixth lumbar vertebra S14830 E14830 82137000 Sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P14830 - P musculoskeletal system 4B3014200F3E4FB1B08D3E4860FB243C Sixth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 14833 14833 14833 accessory atrioventricular bundle 8225009 S14833 Accessory atrioventricular bundle (body structure) E14833 P14833 - 9485 P cardiovascular system BDF9F572901649C5A7C4A0B497A4CD18 Accessory atrioventricular bundle Subdivision of conducting system of heart which is an abnormal ventricular myocardium strand that connects the atrial and ventricular myocardial tissues around the atrioventricular junction and causes the Wolff-Parkinson-White arrhythmia. 14834 14834 14834 costotransverse foramen 82384006 S14834 Costotransverse foramen (body structure) E14834 P14834 Y 10143 P skeletal system 96F8C273EC474ED5A4D00060AAE83337 Costotransverse foramen 14836 14836 14836 small intestine serosa 8266009 S14836 Small intestine serosa (body structure) E14836 P14836 - 14938 P digestive system BB38F47DE0DF4B63B7011ACADA6363FD Small intestine serosa 14838 14838 14838 extracellular space of nervous system 82956006 S14838 Extracellular space of nervous system (body structure) E14838 P14838 - P nervous system 4A00051A05C3485191875EE26D049E3C Extracellular space of nervous system 14842 14842 14842 commissure of lips 83299001 S14842 Commissure of lips (body structure) E14842 P14842 Y P integumentary system BC67000EF9E8438BAC0E707DF8110D68 Commissure of lips 14843 14843 14843 enamel rods 83303006 S14843 Enamel rods (body structure) E14843 P14843 Y P digestive system 4451603EDA294DE48E5018288DB0762F Enamel rods 14845 14845 14845 anterior insula 83433000 S14845 Anterior insula (body structure) E14845 P14845 Y P nervous system 4FA1FF3593D24BB290DA732F85893359 Anterior insula 14846 14846 14846 tunica intima 8361002 S14846 Tunica intima (body structure) E14846 P14846 - 55589 P cardiovascular system ABB0225FF50A4173B9A9666FE05088D1 Tunica intima Organ component layer which consists of the endothelium and the fibroelastic connective tissue. 14848 14848 14848 perilymphatic layer of vestibular membrane 83772002 S14848 Perilymphatic layer of vestibular membrane (body structure) E14848 P14848 Y P nervous system 377DECF052C5457AB533FE4984137689 Perilymphatic layer of vestibular membrane 14852 14852 14852 renal surface of adrenal gland 8415001 S14852 Renal surface of adrenal gland (body structure) E14852 P14852 Y 15637 P endocrine system B835123229FE4A6EB66335783397BEC6 Renal surface of adrenal gland 14854 14854 14854 lamina propria of frontal sinus 84284009 S14854 Lamina propria of frontal sinus (body structure) E14854 P14854 Y P respiratory system 935F89856DB14ABCA9131B65BA2EF012 Lamina propria of frontal sinus 14855 14855 14855 tunica media of artery 84300001 S14855 Tunica media of artery (body structure) E14855 P14855 - 14273 P arterial system 7A3935A46B294C2B9A43B65ED7815BEB Tunica media of artery 14856 14856 14856 epiphyseal plate 84349008 S14856 Epiphyseal plate (body structure) E14856 P14856 - 75427 P articular system A122F93CE7A448A0B4AD20813E514F28 Epiphyseal plate 14857 14857 14857 cerebellar pyramis 84395001 S14857 Cerebellar pyramis (body structure) E14857 P14857 - 83888 P nervous system 69ACA17A451F48E387DB131918727063 Cerebellar pyramis 14858 14858 14858 internal carotid venous plexus 84578005 S14858 Internal carotid venous plexus (body structure) E14858 P14858 Y 50797 P venous system C8756AE5DC4141A9B3235DC7549253F3 Internal carotid venous plexus 14860 14860 14860 sigmoid mesocolon 85033007 S14860 Structure of mesentery of sigmoid colon (body structure) E14860 245459001 Entire sigmoid mesocolon (body structure) P14860 - 14649 P digestive system 1D6B098BB3EA44519B570F0B4520D762 25C0E7352F52418B92109F927173DE14 mesentery of sigmoid colon Entire sigmoid mesocolon (body structure) 14861 14861 14861 gingival epithelial attachment 85036004 S14861 Gingival epithelial attachment (body structure) E14861 P14861 Y P digestive system 659ED0AF89384AD38764528B0E08A387 Gingival epithelial attachment 14863 14863 14863 sublingual caruncle 85139009 S14863 Sublingual caruncle (body structure) E14863 P14863 Y 77273 P digestive system 5E4D7458E14F433AB4FC6362A9FB4473 Sublingual caruncle 14865 14865 14865 mucocutaneous junction of lip 85193007 S14865 Mucocutaneous junction of lip (body structure) E14865 P14865 - P integumentary system 94400E2AE9E44A529334262BE75B3866 Mucocutaneous junction of lip 14866 14866 14866 preculminate fissure of cerebellum 85266000 S14866 Preculminate fissure of cerebellum (body structure) E14866 P14866 Y 83736 P nervous system 8910F2499E8447F1B2CB6DD12C4C4869 Preculminate fissure of cerebellum 14867 14867 14867 accessory renal artery 85383006 S14867 Accessory renal artery (body structure) E14867 P14867 Y 14904 P arterial system 26E969FAC544497CB0ACB54B17871835 Accessory renal artery 14868 14868 14868 bronchial submucosa 85546005 S14868 Bronchial submucosa (body structure) E14868 P14868 Y 62653 P respiratory system C470EF40DF1C45B4B7B6923E740681F0 Bronchial submucosa 14869 14869 14869 median nerve communicating branch with ulnar nerve 85743000 S14869 Median nerve communicating branch with ulnar nerve (body structure) E14869 P14869 Y P nervous system 7C28087DEB714D658D2D73A22C4A7BFD Median nerve communicating branch with ulnar nerve 14870 14870 14870 subserosa of gallbladder 85835001 S14870 Subserosa of gallbladder (body structure) E14870 P14870 - 14660 P digestive system 48F89E94A4B349679844DF3AD8735AFB Subserosa of gallbladder 14871 14871 14871 petrosal vein 85852002 S14871 Structure of petrosal vein (body structure) E14871 422683002 Entire petrosal vein (body structure) P14871 Y 51236 P venous system 19A067B6142041ECB6A0B94B2A00F02F 3B52CCBA95C74CF3ACA3863964E1B41E petrosal vein Entire petrosal vein (body structure) 14874 14874 14874 esophageal adventitia 85950006 S14874 Esophageal adventitia (body structure) E14874 P14874 - 63006 P digestive system 71F828714DD24033AD4FA769E59A4D08 Esophageal adventitia 14878 14878 14878 circular layer of colonic muscularis propria 86387002 S14878 Circular layer of colonic muscularis propria (body structure) E14878 P14878 - 14988 P digestive system 49F04735A2634DCB96938E4A895B5543 Circular layer of colonic muscularis propria 14879 14879 14879 aortic internal elastic membrane 86405007 S14879 Aortic internal elastic membrane (body structure) E14879 P14879 - P arterial system 75F2CB482F3344C09A5AD4113E044918 Aortic internal elastic membrane 14880 14880 14880 salivary gland capsule 86442000 S14880 Salivary gland capsule (body structure) E14880 P14880 - 59904 P digestive system 6B5553C5B1EC46668C0949BF1294611D Salivary gland capsule 14883 14883 14883 greater occipital nerve 86690003 S14883 Greater occipital nerve (body structure) E14883 P14883 Y 65443 P nervous system E9EBDD359B9A4BD599D23CACCD4D0472 Greater occipital nerve 14884 14884 14884 body of right atrium 8677005 S14884 Body of right atrium (body structure) E14884 P14884 - 73706 R P cardiovascular system 05CAA6CE96624743A546893D12C61C97 Body of right atrium Region of cardiac chamber which has as its parts the inflow and outflow parts of the right atrium. 14886 14886 14886 catagen hair 86793008 S14886 Catagen hair (body structure) E14886 P14886 - 70717 P integumentary system DF3B4A69DF064C4DB6AA2921BB34A380 Catagen hair 14887 14887 14887 appendiceal submucosa 86833001 S14887 Appendiceal submucosa (body structure) E14887 P14887 - 14992 P digestive system AB158CA17C30427BA8DDE5582A8F928B Appendiceal submucosa 14888 14888 14888 muscularis propria 86915006 S14888 Muscularis propria (body structure) E14888 P14888 - P muscular system 972E546998404E74BF59E526C3A0FA24 Muscularis propria 14891 14891 14891 infantile diploetic mastoid cell 87056002 S14891 Infantile diploetic mastoid cell (body structure) E14891 P14891 - P 53C399C323934F679269F3659EBBC7D2 Infantile diploetic mastoid cell 14895 14895 14895 tunica intima of vessel 87483006 S14895 Tunica intima of vessel (body structure) E14895 P14895 - P cardiovascular system AA27B169E2BA434E9F7C4366C8082B32 Tunica intima of vessel 14897 14897 14897 lateral tubercle of talus S14897 E14897 87573005 Os trigonum (body structure) P14897 Y 33655 P 14898 14898 14898 cortex of bone 87791003 S14898 Cortex of bone (body structure) E14898 P14898 - P skeletal system D002E702CF5E4047A4786E18477FC47E Cortex of bone 14900 14900 14900 phrenicopleural fascia 87928009 S14900 Phrenicopleural fascia (body structure) E14900 P14900 Y 57867 P musculoskeletal system 2E542E89F1424F1B95B3E5B830F56600 Phrenicopleural fascia 14904 14904 14904 submucosa of urinary bladder 88384001 S14904 Submucosa of urinary bladder (body structure) E14904 P14904 - 15929 P urinary system 13C49C90261F41859EC64E740D2F0E47 Submucosa of urinary bladder 14905 14905 14905 bronchial mucous gland 88410004 S14905 Bronchial mucous gland (body structure) E14905 P14905 Y 13119 P respiratory system 16225C8D0C5B41C1B9870C35626044C7 Bronchial mucous gland 14906 14906 14906 longitudinal layer of rectal muscularis propria 88438007 S14906 Longitudinal layer of rectal muscularis propria (body structure) E14906 P14906 - 15036 P digestive system C84316BDFF704E1A8CF6B98A480C1A55 Longitudinal layer of rectal muscularis propria 14908 14908 14908 lamina muscularis of colonic mucous membrane 885000 S14908 Lamina muscularis of colonic mucous membrane (body structure) E14908 P14908 - 15656 P muscular system E08DA8500E764E5F8A993A7B6069757D Lamina muscularis of colonic mucous membrane 14909 14909 14909 nerve fiber 88545005 S14909 Nerve fiber (body structure) E14909 P14909 - 5914 P nervous system EE7145636D454057A8B8E2855AEEC6CB Nerve fiber 14912 14912 14912 spinal cord anterior gray commissure 88806005 S14912 Spinal cord anterior gray commissure (body structure) E14912 P14912 - 77038 P nervous system DE3A83D824CB4363A93C9364CEDA357A Spinal cord anterior gray commissure 14914 14914 14914 external perimysium 89156009 S14914 External perimysium (body structure) E14914 P14914 - P muscular system 3C42CC6E4A84430AA5F2D4DD5BEA1857 External perimysium 14916 14916 14916 subgaleal area S14916 E14916 89361003 Subgaleal area (body structure) P14916 - P 4D55C14D84BC4A4FA4B5C249A10D110B Subgaleal area (body structure) 14918 14918 14918 entodermal layer of pars tensa of tympanic membrane 89426008 S14918 Entodermal layer of pars tensa of tympanic membrane (body structure) E14918 P14918 Y P special senses organ system AA4A480A0CE24712976DD266E60751C0 Entodermal layer of pars tensa of tympanic membrane 14919 14919 14919 supramesocolic peritoneal cavity 89504009 S14919 Supramesocolic peritoneal cavity (body structure) E14919 P14919 - P digestive system 6CDD1D87A4594B7AB8DE7A8E20019D0C Supramesocolic peritoneal cavity 14920 14920 14920 space of Mall 89510009 S14920 Space of Mall (body structure) E14920 P14920 - 70118 P digestive system B2DC206252EC4DC99F4929A427166FCE Space of Mall 14921 14921 14921 periventricular gray matter 89530008 S14921 Periventricular gray matter (body structure) E14921 P14921 - P nervous system C4D3CA12751F480B9BB12FA7A793FDAE Periventricular gray matter 14922 14922 14922 middle umbilical ligament 89583000 S14922 Middle umbilical ligament (body structure) E14922 P14922 - 14077 P 0B8B82087148466C81B218D6055D2B5F Middle umbilical ligament 14923 14923 14923 facial nerve stylohyoid branch 89590005 S14923 Facial nerve stylohyoid branch (body structure) E14923 P14923 Y P nervous system 23A0F3289E7A467AA337824A29039033 Facial nerve stylohyoid branch 14927 14927 14927 tracheobronchial lymph node, located near carina 89858007 S14927 Tracheobronchial lymph node, located near carina (body structure) E14927 P14927 - 0 P lymphatic system 9C9F336E59C9415B98C99969C87B17ED Tracheobronchial lymph node, located near carina 14928 14928 14928 corticospinal tract of internal capsule 89940000 S14928 Corticospinal tract of internal capsule (body structure) E14928 P14928 Y P nervous system 4B831E7609F3432AA24B4A34FBF567F6 Corticospinal tract of internal capsule 14929 14929 14929 crista transversalis of tooth 89992009 S14929 Crista transversalis of tooth (body structure) E14929 P14929 crista transversalis of tooth Y 56658 P digestive system 6B5C5F471954456483A11F2FC8F5B7C8 Crista transversalis of tooth 14930 14930 14930 enamel prisms 90032002 S14930 Enamel prisms (body structure) E14930 P14930 Y P digestive system 0B80D90878F0475C82BAC4737EDC460E Enamel prisms 14931 14931 14931 posterior intermuscular crural septum 90040008 S14931 Posterior intermuscular crural septum (body structure) E14931 P14931 Y 58758 P musculoskeletal system C226D4AB88004C0FAE6C1CC65A399A77 Posterior intermuscular crural septum 14933 14933 14933 colonic serosa 90132000 S14933 Colonic serosa (body structure) E14933 P14933 - 14990 P digestive system B8C8C75C5A5D42DC9451F9579370A267 Colonic serosa 14935 14935 14935 plantar metatarsal ligament 90248005 S14935 Plantar metatarsal ligament (body structure) E14935 P14935 Y 44518 P musculoskeletal system A59EF93120E8421787334918067B4F98 Plantar metatarsal ligament 14936 14936 14936 urogenital hiatus 90375000 S14936 Hiatus genitalis (body structure) E14936 P14936 - P genital system A3E0BC51297E41CDA55F4AD8AE952523 Hiatus genitalis 14937 14937 14937 developing tooth 90555008 S14937 Developing tooth (body structure) E14937 P14937 tooth, developing Y P digestive system 5128F0E1537A4E0081AA0B9C962A2A63 Developing tooth 14938 14938 14938 ventral proper fasciculus 90556009 S14938 Ventral proper fasciculus (body structure) E14938 P14938 Y P nervous system 4BFC953E3F8E4AA19F27C16E278C07F3 Ventral proper fasciculus 14940 14940 14940 lamina muscularis of anal mucous membrane 90602009 S14940 Lamina muscularis of anal mucous membrane (body structure) E14940 P14940 - P muscular system 3F14A76F8A704588B77BCDF7C866DADE Lamina muscularis of anal mucous membrane 14942 14942 14942 premotor cortex 90928005 S14942 Premotor cortex (body structure) E14942 P14942 Y 224852 P nervous system 3AD4BE8A470146E0B61523E1B563D341 Premotor cortex 14946 14946 14946 superior root of ansa cervicalis 91189005 S14946 Superior root of ansa cervicalis (body structure) E14946 P14946 Y 55145 P nervous system 6B68E7A1F40E47CFB22F54E730FAD9BA Superior root of ansa cervicalis 14947 14947 14947 intercellular canaliculus 91197003 S14947 Intercellular canaliculus (body structure) E14947 P14947 - P BC6200DAF5164983BCFC3F5EE390296E Intercellular canaliculus 14949 14949 14949 mesenchymatous layer of pars tensa of tympanic membrane 91206008 S14949 Mesenchymatous layer of pars tensa of tympanic membrane (body structure) E14949 P14949 Y P special senses organ system AB1CCA192C7C45F184E07A85F50EA4AD Mesenchymatous layer of pars tensa of tympanic membrane 14952 14952 14952 sensory epithelium of organ of Corti 91341005 S14952 Sensory epithelium of organ of Corti (body structure) E14952 P14952 Y P nervous system 9670C5C85DCE4DEAA994AB5F4BDF1E61 Sensory epithelium of organ of Corti 14954 14954 14954 fibrocartilage 91685003 S14954 Fibrocartilage (body structure) E14954 P14954 - 64784 P skeletal system 6A95CAEAD907487EA76DD883700F171F Fibrocartilage Cartilage (tissue) which consists of chondrocytes and collagen, the intercellular matrix of which is an amorphous gel without a well-defined perichondrium. 14956 14956 14956 physical anatomical entity 91722005 S14956 Physical anatomical entity (body structure) E14956 P14956 - 61775 P 5E3A2B92D6974EAAB0DA244932BE4ED3 Physical anatomical entity Anatomical entity which has three or fewer spatial dimensions. Examples: hemoglobin molecule, mitochondrion, hepatocyte, erythrocyte, heart, head, blood, urine, peritoneal cavity, diaphragmatic surface of heart, inferior margin of liver, apex of lung. 14957 14957 14957 endomysium 91739007 S14957 Endomysium (body structure) E14957 P14957 - 9729 P muscular system 35C6E64B93F24EA7B94F1346BF56E082 Endomysium Reticular tissue which surrounds a muscle cell. 14958 14958 14958 lumen of blood vessel 91747007 S14958 Lumen of blood vessel (body structure) E14958 P14958 - P cardiovascular system 787F18CD219948578245621A102D68C0 Lumen of blood vessel 14959 14959 14959 left posterior descending circumflex coronary artery 91760001 S14959 Left posterior descending circumflex coronary artery (body structure) E14959 P14959 - L P arterial system 1F68C837803F4AABB3FC2713B9A82EC0 Left posterior descending circumflex coronary artery 14960 14960 14960 lumen of vein 91764005 S14960 Lumen of vein (body structure) E14960 P14960 - 14164 P digestive system 162BF1F3A43642E5B3CAB8E053720448 Lumen of vein 14961 14961 14961 organ parenchyma 91772007 S14961 Organ parenchyma (body structure) E14961 P14961 - P 66382153D6B94C84A512938CDFC49121 Organ parenchyma 14963 14963 14963 accessory carpal bone S14963 E14963 9181003 Accessory carpal bone (body structure) P14963 Y 0 P skeletal system F44D6053586E43D8BB5EF2AD4CB10512 Accessory carpal bone (body structure) 14982 14982 14982 anatomical junction 91833003 S14982 Anatomical junction (body structure) E14982 P14982 - 5898 P 0CC9E840F63F42B5B935772643E80ADF Anatomical junction Anatomical cluster in which parts of two or more anatomical structures establish physical continuity with one another or intermingle their component parts. Examples: gastroesophageal junction, line alba, knee joint. 14985 14985 14985 anatomical decussation 91836006 S14985 Anatomical decussation (body structure) E14985 P14985 - 9649 P 0223C2823D894FD48DC0D67B4479567F Anatomical decussation Anatomical junction in which two or more anatomical structures intermingle their component parts. Examples: commissure, raphe 14986 14986 14986 anatomical orifice 91837002 S14986 Anatomical orifice (body structure) E14986 P14986 - 0 P 35CA2335D95B4DCCBCDDC79FD93C4A81 Anatomical orifice 14987 14987 14987 anatomical region of continuity 91838007 S14987 Anatomical region of continuity (body structure) E14987 P14987 - 11337 P regional/topgraphical B7DD43CD2A0E4732B4E83C0BD98CF6BA Anatomical region of continuity 14989 14989 14989 Merkel's tactile disc 9317004 S14989 Merkel's tactile disc (body structure) E14989 P14989 - P nervous system FC1E3D3F00A241259683F5373A9F4E37 Merkel's tactile disc 14991 14991 14991 medial cartilaginous lamina of Eustachian tube 9455005 S14991 Medial cartilaginous lamina of Eustachian tube (body structure) E14991 P14991 Y 60104 P special senses organ system A4B17C929E09445BA91A68D2800CB476 Medial cartilaginous lamina of Eustachian tube 14994 14994 14994 coronal depression of tooth 9502002 S14994 Coronal depression of tooth (body structure) E14994 P14994 depression of tooth, coronal Y P digestive system D5500EBD1CDE42029A5BC6253AC2728E Coronal depression of tooth 14995 14995 14995 pyramid of medulla oblongata 9535007 S14995 Pyramid of medulla oblongata (body structure) E14995 279289009 Pyramid (body structure) P14995 Y P nervous system 5DFBB171D3324399A07ADEC7387E9EA0 BE960418598F4457A0B6BEEC43672DAF Pyramid of medulla oblongata Pyramid (body structure) 14998 14998 14998 lanugo hair 9625005 S14998 Lanugo hair (body structure) E14998 P14998 - P BB626F67E90F446583DBAF84F2D1C8AD Lanugo hair 14999 14999 14999 left superior vena cava 9642004 S14999 Left superior vena cava (body structure) E14999 P14999 L P cardiovascular system 311A37F8923A42A4BE498F6573802970 Left superior vena cava 15000 15000 15000 gastric mucous gland 9654004 S15000 Gastric mucous gland (body structure) E15000 P15000 - P digestive system D5B6DDBC73754A1EB9A0117641638F62 Gastric mucous gland 15001 15001 15001 infraclavicular lymph node 9659009 S15001 Infraclavicular lymph node (body structure) E15001 P15001 Y 14193 P lymphatic system 73F66F9AB8214E1E90934DA0A70094B8 Infraclavicular lymph node 15003 15003 15003 biparietal diameter of head 9840009 S15003 Biparietal diameter of head (body structure) E15003 P15003 - P 59FC8C748B974EAAA25C5D72E2F734E0 Biparietal diameter of head 15004 15004 15004 peripheral nerve myelinated nerve fiber 9881001 S15004 Peripheral nerve myelinated nerve fiber (body structure) E15004 P15004 Y P nervous system 2F503CEE176643058071153B30CE3F5A Peripheral nerve myelinated nerve fiber 15011 15011 15011 bursa of ankle and foot 422811007 S15011 Structure of bursa of ankle and/or foot (body structure) E15011 P15011 Y P musculoskeletal system 4508C37CB2C54B29840CF9EE0607AFC6 bursa of ankle and/or foot 15030 15030 15030 flexor digitorum profundus muscle of hand 423541009 S15030 Structure of flexor digitorum profundus muscle of hand (body structure) E15030 70490009 Entire flexor digitorum profundus muscle of hand (body structure) P15030 Y 38478 P musculoskeletal system 9BFAE3215EA74DCC8379176166D719CD C7F1744C3E444E39A689E9D18BB947AB flexor digitorum profundus muscle of hand Entire flexor digitorum profundus muscle of hand (body structure) 15031 15031 15031 apocrine sweat gland bearing skin region 424873002 S15031 Structure of apocrine sweat gland bearing skin (body structure) E15031 P15031 - P integumentary system 846E746AB5ED40E9AC12F798D2F6C6E3 apocrine sweat gland bearing skin 15032 15032 15032 apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of axilla 422792007 S15032 Structure of apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of axilla (body structure) E15032 P15032 Y P skeletal system 697A0678A0914A6593F3B3D7E256D112 apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of axilla 15033 15033 15033 apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of perineum 425370002 S15033 Structure of apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of perineum (body structure) E15033 P15033 - P integumentary system 73B6A33F050944F5A564930489A077A1 apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of perineum 15034 15034 15034 apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of perianal area 424827004 S15034 Structure of apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of perianal area (body structure) E15034 P15034 - P integumentary system 4B393E85F66B4DE8AA20287AACEACF52 apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of perianal area 15035 15035 15035 apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of areola 424062008 S15035 Structure of apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of areola (body structure) E15035 P15035 Y P integumentary system 29022ACD10C34C8E95DC6972AD3FAABA apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of areola 15036 15036 15036 apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of periumbilical area 424250002 S15036 Structure of apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of periumbilical area (body structure) E15036 P15036 - P integumentary system A7E6A7F3CCF04A2AB18FD2665E37FCD9 apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of periumbilical area 15037 15037 15037 apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of inguinal region 423187005 S15037 Structure of apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of inguinal region (body structure) E15037 P15037 Y P integumentary system 3F0D6E5CBE424C1F8A86A4508FDAF07C apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of inguinal region 15038 15038 15038 apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of vulva 423383003 S15038 Structure of apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of vulva (body structure) E15038 P15038 - P genitourinary system 2F82582DFA9745B1AC6BAAD4F7F14E9D apocrine sweat gland bearing skin of vulva 15039 15039 15039 lymphatic vessel of axilla 423604004 S15039 Structure of lymphatic vessel of axilla (body structure) E15039 P15039 Y P lymphatic system 84CA558061AC4467A0A7779B0138B944 lymphatic vessel of axilla 15040 15040 15040 lateral half of scalp 422772000 S15040 Structure of half of scalp lateral to midsagittal plane (body structure) E15040 P15040 Y 0 P CFF422ED1C4E49B4B013A08B1E91C521 half of scalp lateral to midsagittal plane 15041 15041 15041 left half of scalp 422569009 S15041 Structure of left half of scalp (body structure) E15041 P15041 Lgroup D DDB78384D4F146C4BBCDA0397755D706 left half of scalp 15042 15042 15042 right half of scalp 425002002 S15042 Structure of right half of scalp (body structure) E15042 P15042 Rgroup D B0DD5171DFBD46239F5D2C0251AC1C88 right half of scalp 15044 15044 15044 lateral incisor tooth 422365004 S15044 Structure of lateral incisor tooth (body structure) E15044 422366003 Entire lateral incisor tooth (body structure) P15044 tooth, incisor, lateral Y 290178 P digestive system 7B7C0A0E1B324AA4B25F521924A11298 E376FDD46AE34A9E9AFBA3BC52382015 lateral incisor tooth Entire lateral incisor tooth (body structure) 15046 15046 15046 permanent incisor tooth 422727008 S15046 Structure of permanent incisor tooth (body structure) E15046 304571003 Entire permanent incisor tooth (body structure) P15046 tooth, incisor, permanent Y 84201 P digestive system 4806675B829046EDB6BB2030BBC8072F 006EA91C7C2F4ADF8F996E9929C1E834 permanent incisor tooth Entire permanent incisor tooth (body structure) 15047 15047 15047 permanent lower left central incisor tooth (Tooth 24) 425106001 S15047 Structure of permanent mandibular left central incisor tooth (body structure) E15047 P15047 tooth, incisor, central, permanent, lower, left L 57143 P digestive system BEC80BF80F7C4787AD5A283F15614360 permanent mandibular left central incisor tooth 15048 15048 15048 permanent lower right central incisor tooth (Tooth 25) 424575004 S15048 Structure of permanent mandibular right central incisor tooth (body structure) E15048 P15048 tooth, incisor, central, permanent, lower, right R 57142 P digestive system C5264001C06843FC9646F1995F6C9E46 permanent mandibular right central incisor tooth 15049 15049 15049 permanent lower right lateral incisor tooth (Tooth 26) 423937004 S15049 Structure of permanent mandibular right lateral incisor tooth (body structure) E15049 P15049 tooth, incisor, lateral, permanent, lower, right R 57140 P digestive system 27F5C38072004455ABA786889C966DE3 permanent mandibular right lateral incisor tooth 15050 15050 15050 permanent lower left lateral incisor tooth (Tooth 23) 423331005 S15050 Structure of permanent mandibular left lateral incisor tooth (body structure) E15050 P15050 tooth, incisor, lateral, permanent, lower, left L 57141 P digestive system 20793EA6034549118043DB281EA67ABD permanent mandibular left lateral incisor tooth 15051 15051 15051 permanent upper left central incisor tooth (Tooth 9) 424399000 S15051 Structure of permanent maxillary left central incisor tooth (body structure) E15051 P15051 tooth, incisor, central, permanent, upper, left L 55682 P digestive system FACDF28264E040378C94878B077B503B permanent maxillary left central incisor tooth 15052 15052 15052 permanent upper left lateral incisor tooth (Tooth 10) 423185002 S15052 Structure of permanent maxillary left lateral incisor tooth (body structure) E15052 P15052 tooth, incisor, lateral, permanent, upper, left L 55683 P digestive system CAEF368FF06E48D3B3E6E9AC6828E197 permanent maxillary left lateral incisor tooth 15053 15053 15053 permanent upper right central incisor tooth (Tooth 8) 422653006 S15053 Structure of permanent maxillary right central incisor tooth (body structure) E15053 P15053 tooth, incisor, central, permanent, upper, right R 55681 P digestive system 718700EB26914FC682F257CFBDDB7FB5 permanent maxillary right central incisor tooth 15054 15054 15054 permanent upper right lateral incisor tooth (Tooth 7) 424877001 S15054 Structure of permanent maxillary right lateral incisor tooth (body structure) E15054 P15054 tooth, incisor, lateral, permanent, upper, right R 55680 P digestive system 60DEE0FA9BA8474A82ACF8167708721B permanent maxillary right lateral incisor tooth 15055 15055 15055 first premolar tooth 422367007 S15055 Structure of first premolar tooth (body structure) E15055 422368002 Entire first premolar tooth (body structure) P15055 tooth, premolar, first Y P digestive system 715A27F32F524FAC9E1C12361591BB93 2FDB5C53305E48F8B1AB2F89AC7B31CC first premolar tooth Entire first premolar tooth (body structure) 15056 15056 15056 second premolar tooth 422369005 S15056 Structure of second premolar tooth (body structure) E15056 422370006 Entire second premolar tooth (body structure) P15056 tooth, premolar, second Y P digestive system 78A35C1D65E540C1BED8FAF628B042FC 4E5711A614324822A2C13464B2E4418A second premolar tooth Entire second premolar tooth (body structure) 15057 15057 15057 first molar tooth 422371005 S15057 Structure of first molar tooth (body structure) E15057 422372003 Entire first molar tooth (body structure) P15057 tooth, molar, first Y P digestive system F65F552A8989433A88B601617E19A40A F6DF555B52ED4415BEF4C354180F3547 first molar tooth Entire first molar tooth (body structure) 15058 15058 15058 second molar tooth 422373008 S15058 Structure of second molar tooth (body structure) E15058 422374002 Entire second molar tooth (body structure) P15058 tooth, molar, second Y P digestive system C103E687E3BD4B738AFC037B051D9D10 DA9716341FE842D18A2B0B845F7D4249 second molar tooth Entire second molar tooth (body structure) 15059 15059 15059 cervical paraspinous muscle group 424913005 S15059 Structure of cervical paraspinous muscle group (body structure) E15059 P15059 - P musculoskeletal system 24837B89A4CA4A8D9352D5508DE862D4 cervical paraspinous muscle group 15061 15061 15061 extensor muscle of forearm 423512000 S15061 Structure of extensor muscle of forearm (body structure) E15061 181633001 Entire extensor muscle of forearm (body structure) P15061 Y P muscular system 3CEB305958564CE9860A1A2D542167A2 81B0E22629544B4092FCCC977EA23421 extensor muscle of forearm Entire extensor muscle of forearm (body structure) 15062 15062 15062 deep extensor muscle of forearm 424314006 S15062 Structure of deep extensor muscle of forearm (body structure) E15062 244994009 Entire deep extensor muscle of forearm (body structure) P15062 Y P muscular system 9312EB11C84A4E89B331B5F6A3E5E6B7 36A2BCB156CC434BB8DAEAA25F72EB72 deep extensor muscle of forearm Entire deep extensor muscle of forearm (body structure) 15063 15063 15063 superficial extensor muscle of forearm 424501009 S15063 Structure of superficial extensor muscle of forearm (body structure) E15063 244988001 Entire superficial extensor muscle of forearm (body structure) P15063 Y P muscular system 15835041047445828D31A9FC106BEFFC 06CF44A6426D41BCA3D594D84F53F96F superficial extensor muscle of forearm Entire superficial extensor muscle of forearm (body structure) 15064 15064 15064 superficial flexor muscle of forearm 423951004 S15064 Structure of superficial flexor muscle of forearm (body structure) E15064 244984004 Entire superficial flexor muscle of forearm (body structure) P15064 Y P muscular system 2D69CCCB55C94275B18DD6A9E4B98B1E 6C9AEFFD8CF74624896671907AAB748E superficial flexor muscle of forearm Entire superficial flexor muscle of forearm (body structure) 15065 15065 15065 deep flexor muscle of forearm 424155002 S15065 Structure of deep flexor muscle of forearm (body structure) E15065 244986002 Entire deep flexor muscle of forearm (body structure) P15065 Y P muscular system E8651F2CCC86420C8FB5DCF1F5DF4DCE 736E11DEC7494E3DAB03E551C72E723D deep flexor muscle of forearm Entire deep flexor muscle of forearm (body structure) 15066 15066 15066 thoracic paraspinous muscle 424072006 S15066 Structure of thoracic paraspinous muscle group (body structure) E15066 P15066 Y P musculoskeletal system F30FE0DA3A714211872B24FCF5B6C540 thoracic paraspinous muscle group 15067 15067 15067 thoracic part of multifidus muscle 425000005 S15067 Structure of thoracic part of multifidus muscle (body structure) E15067 P15067 Y P musculoskeletal system 08BD0CE580944BC29DE04AA9BB87D247 thoracic part of multifidus muscle 15068 15068 15068 scleral external collector channel 423470003 S15068 Scleral external collector channel structure (body structure) E15068 423667008 Entire scleral external collector channels (body structure) P15068 Y P special senses organ system 4424C7FF2E1348FBBF37609D3C7240CF 94F334A151954D6C8F086F499915C56E Scleral external collector channel Entire scleral external collector channels (body structure) 15069 15069 15069 peripapillary choroid 423914005 S15069 Peripapillary choroid (body structure) E15069 P15069 Y P special senses organ system 20050C7F22474CAEAC548201BCB1E1C9 Peripapillary choroid 15092 15092 15092 fourth lumbrical muscle of foot 115973006 S15092 Fourth lumbrical muscle of foot (body structure) E15092 245038000 Fourth lumbrical of foot (body structure) P15092 Y 37482 P musculoskeletal system 7187A51689B14421AF1A66AC6EAA93A7 8A2A8C9964D7428AB09CCE88A45116E7 Fourth lumbrical muscle of foot Fourth lumbrical of foot (body structure) 15093 15093 15093 genitourinary system subdivision 699880003 S15093 Structure of genitourinary system subdivision (body structure) E15093 118973005 Genitourinary system subdivision (body structure) P15093 - P genitourinary system 894A3CA37B7743238B87CDB52804921F Genitourinary system subdivision (body structure) 15094 15094 15094 urinary system subdivision S15094 E15094 118972000 Urinary system subdivision (body structure) P15094 - 45657 P genitourinary system 8AEB1B9CB03F482D8F2BB4E048D085AD Urinary system subdivision (body structure) 15095 15095 15095 articular system subdivision S15095 E15095 118968004 Articular system subdivision (body structure) P15095 - P articular system 3EF547CE4DB54476803216A5696E2AE4 Articular system subdivision (body structure) 15096 15096 15096 skeletal muscular system subdivision S15096 E15096 118967009 Skeletal muscular system subdivision (body structure) P15096 - P musculoskeletal system 048CEA51C9644168BADEB3C0904926F0 Skeletal muscular system subdivision (body structure) 15097 15097 15097 skeletal system subdivision S15097 E15097 118966000 Skeletal system subdivision (body structure) P15097 - 85544 P skeletal system BCF96F4E2D5D4B0A841940B56C118C3A Skeletal system subdivision (body structure) 15098 15098 15098 musculoskeletal system subdivision S15098 E15098 118965001 Musculoskeletal system subdivision (body structure) P15098 - P musculoskeletal system A6F01E4691BB4CE4AB96FB52A72FF9E9 Musculoskeletal system subdivision (body structure) 15099 15099 15099 integumentary system subdivision S15099 E15099 118964002 Integumentary system subdivision (body structure) P15099 - P 4CCCC92ACDDE4BF39B0C3321196F0B6B Integumentary system subdivision (body structure) 15100 15100 15100 subdivision of cardinal body part S15100 E15100 118655005 Body part subdivision (body structure) P15100 - 67504 P 77105A5C46854A0DBECAC05C36CF126E Body part subdivision (body structure) Anatomical structure, which is a subdivision of a cardinal body part; it may exclude bones; is demarcated from other subdivisions of the same cardinal body part by anatomical surfaces or lines or topographical references; together with other contiguous subdivisions of the same cardinal body part, it constitutes a cardinal body part. Examples: thorax, perineum, back of neck, forearm, hand, phalanx, nose, auricle of ear, scrotum. 15101 15101 15101 parenchymatous viscus S15101 E15101 116005007 Parenchymatous viscus (body structure) P15101 - P F4D49F3775114BDCBA9414F8D01F29C8 Parenchymatous viscus (body structure) 15102 15102 15102 hollow viscus S15102 E15102 116004006 Hollow viscus (body structure) P15102 - P 5463B6C0276B4855A6E93DB6FFF95564 Hollow viscus (body structure) 15103 15103 15103 interarytenoid muscle S15103 E15103 244814006 Interarytenoid muscle (body structure) P15103 Y P musculoskeletal system B7C1633AC5F74030871F78A4EEF7755C Interarytenoid muscle (body structure) 15105 15105 15105 endocrine system subdivision S15105 E15105 118977006 Endocrine system subdivision (body structure) P15105 - 74786 P endocrine system E04FC2D6D89944079E86008253783C30 Endocrine system subdivision (body structure) 15106 15106 15106 third lumbrical muscle of foot 115972001 S15106 Third lumbrical muscle of foot (body structure) E15106 245037005 Third lumbrical of foot (body structure) P15106 Y 37481 P musculoskeletal system 562A28D03A11421F901A7857E751CD39 A42B904FACF74AABBF30D5A3BF58EA59 Third lumbrical muscle of foot Third lumbrical of foot (body structure) 15107 15107 15107 second lumbrical muscle of foot 115971008 S15107 Second lumbrical muscle of foot (body structure) E15107 245036001 Second lumbrical of foot (body structure) P15107 Y 37480 P musculoskeletal system BE4C6E329DB744EAA83A9BF5FDE0CABA C6B0F27AA73A43EDBFA3793E45A2D579 Second lumbrical muscle of foot Second lumbrical of foot (body structure) 15108 15108 15108 first lumbrical muscle of foot 115970009 S15108 First lumbrical muscle of foot (body structure) E15108 245035002 First lumbrical of foot (body structure) P15108 Y 37479 P musculoskeletal system 24D95345E0E04421B00B13FF72FED3AB E5ABB511ECC348CAB8AC0F40AE475F3B First lumbrical muscle of foot First lumbrical of foot (body structure) 15109 15109 15109 rhomboideus capitis muscle S15109 E15109 113229000 Rhomboideus capitis muscle (body structure) P15109 Y P musculoskeletal system E0A3532C6C144CBEAE238DF08C3EC8E0 Rhomboideus capitis muscle (body structure) 15110 15110 15110 pyramidal muscle of auricle S15110 E15110 110707001 Pyramidal muscle of auricle (body structure) P15110 Y P musculoskeletal system 26399C9472B74ABA92D753F6B4A05F34 Pyramidal muscle of auricle (body structure) 15111 15111 15111 cutaneous gland S15111 E15111 110485007 Cutaneous gland (body structure) P15111 - P integumentary system CA78709CCBF247469C5B8650B6FC257D Cutaneous gland (body structure) 15113 15113 15113 gynecoid pelvis S15113 E15113 10208006 Gynecoid pelvis (body structure) P15113 - P musculoskeletal system 44B19AC0042B4F1ABC471D50369F944A Gynecoid pelvis (body structure) 15114 15114 15114 extrinsic muscle of larynx S15114 E15114 244808004 Extrinsic muscle of larynx (body structure) P15114 Y 55225 P musculoskeletal system 8091C9F8722D4E4EB05D197C2393B8F5 Extrinsic muscle of larynx (body structure) 15115 15115 15115 fifth subcostal muscle S15115 E15115 244919000 Fifth subcostal muscle (body structure) P15115 Y P musculoskeletal system 08B19528AE7048D09D12B772866ADB67 Fifth subcostal muscle (body structure) 15116 15116 15116 cutaneous sebaceous gland S15116 E15116 115977007 Cutaneous sebaceous gland (body structure) P15116 - P integumentary system 09CAA60B82F14E09B39B780CABA7F8E3 Cutaneous sebaceous gland (body structure) 15117 15117 15117 superior left thorax S15117 E15117 128245001 Superior left thorax (body structure) P15117 L P 5108B71F6EFA482BBDAC996DF7A77B38 Superior left thorax (body structure) 15118 15118 15118 peroneus S15118 E15118 181694005 Peroneus (body structure) P15118 Y P muscular system 8C03FFC846AF4F73B1C0E73819392E86 Peroneus (body structure) 15119 15119 15119 extensor muscle of hand S15119 E15119 181645005 Extensor muscle of hand (body structure) P15119 Y P musculoskeletal system C461A75E9C6143D8B4C8D62C423E996F Extensor muscle of hand (body structure) 15121 15121 15121 extensor of upper arm S15121 E15121 181628000 Extensor of upper arm (body structure) P15121 Y P muscular system 57AB53240CE247DC99B017FF78440DAF Extensor of upper arm (body structure) 15122 15122 15122 flexor of upper arm S15122 E15122 181627005 Flexor of upper arm (body structure) P15122 Y P muscular system 757BB18298184CC3B66B211FE8215A17 Flexor of upper arm (body structure) 15123 15123 15123 obliquus capitis superior 18141004 S15123 Structure of superior obliquus capitis muscle (body structure) E15123 245997009 Entire obliquus capitis superior (body structure) P15123 Y 32527 P musculoskeletal system 56A3862C1A214E8682EB40884D733A72 0F666EBED1FA47449256713339C7E3AD superior obliquus capitis muscle Entire obliquus capitis superior (body structure) 15124 15124 15124 articularis genu muscle 16651008 S15124 Structure of articularis genu muscle (body structure) E15124 245015003 Entire articularis genu muscle (body structure) P15124 Y 22437 P muscular system E400E61F10B74D858898991591AD904B 6979F76DDF8D4F399905ED27202EA3F9 articularis genu muscle Entire articularis genu muscle (body structure) 15125 15125 15125 systemic vein of thorax S15125 E15125 134373000 Systemic vein of thorax (body structure) P15125 - P cardiovascular system E78CE14F27E0440E95C0B20268F1828B Systemic vein of thorax (body structure) 15126 15126 15126 bony skeleton subdivision S15126 E15126 129140006 Bony skeleton subdivision (body structure) P15126 - P skeletal system 84947CD25E844DA4BAE0B54E62F30258 Bony skeleton subdivision (body structure) 15127 15127 15127 lateral high right atrium S15127 E15127 128592001 Lateral high right atrium (body structure) P15127 - R P cardiovascular system 28C9033A4F4E47ACAB798A1716C6C819 Lateral high right atrium (body structure) 15128 15128 15128 female genital system subdivision 699879001 S15128 Structure of female genital system subdivision (body structure) E15128 118974004 Female genital system subdivision (body structure) P15128 - P genitourinary system 1BF1FB09BA7345C6A0A4EFC6A01CB7C3 Female genital system subdivision (body structure) 15129 15129 15129 middle left thorax S15129 E15129 128246000 Middle left thorax (body structure) P15129 L P 04546F9F5A5D4A37A5F74F8172FEBDBF Middle left thorax (body structure) 15130 15130 15130 nervous system subdivision S15130 E15130 118976002 Entire subdivision of nervous system (body structure) P15130 - 45638 P nervous system E3E7FE0A4B144B64B9A6A65AD496FB43 Entire subdivision of nervous system (body structure) 15131 15131 15131 inferior right thorax S15131 E15131 128244002 Inferior right thorax (body structure) P15131 R P 7CB71583CCC2426A93EE3B42D82160FC Inferior right thorax (body structure) 15132 15132 15132 middle right thorax S15132 E15132 128243008 Middle right thorax (body structure) P15132 R P 3C04142A526A449E9FCDE4EB10C2684D Middle right thorax (body structure) 15133 15133 15133 superior right thorax S15133 E15133 128242003 Superior right thorax (body structure) P15133 R P C971D8A13B2442F6AE42680797A45917 Superior right thorax (body structure) 15135 15135 15135 lymphoid system subdivision S15135 E15135 123849002 Lymphoid system subdivision (body structure) P15135 - 74622 P lymphoid system 98A4C342DF5D429083A39653B416BF4F Lymphoid system subdivision (body structure) 15136 15136 15136 auditory system subdivision S15136 E15136 123848005 Auditory system subdivision (body structure) P15136 - P special senses organ system 23FA4D5FC24A4A7CBF53F011B352091B Auditory system subdivision (body structure) 15137 15137 15137 visual system subdivision S15137 E15137 123847000 Visual system subdivision (body structure) P15137 - P special senses organ system 73BD5A767BC74375A53BBF3625473A18 Visual system subdivision (body structure) 15138 15138 15138 arterial system subdivision S15138 E15138 119559001 Arterial system subdivision (body structure) P15138 - P cardiovascular system 14011462E28040E887DABF2261E143D7 Arterial system subdivision (body structure) 15139 15139 15139 venous system subdivision S15139 E15139 119554006 Venous system subdivision (body structure) P15139 - P cardiovascular system 24B9920A7C1346479A6EB33DB2997F1C Venous system subdivision (body structure) 15140 15140 15140 hematopoietic system subdivision S15140 E15140 118978001 Hematopoietic system subdivision (body structure) P15140 - P hematopoietic system 9F5A6F1E5FF24B0D9029F5849E5B89D4 Hematopoietic system subdivision (body structure) 15141 15141 15141 superior thyroarytenoid S15141 E15141 244821006 Superior thyroarytenoid (body structure) P15141 Y P respiratory system E1FF87E4C8AD4711B1BC4569B76E3151 Superior thyroarytenoid (body structure) 15142 15142 15142 inferior left thorax S15142 E15142 128247009 Inferior left thorax (body structure) P15142 L P D790F5D4105D46879191D189642AB6AC Inferior left thorax (body structure) 15143 15143 15143 fifth innermost intercostal muscle S15143 E15143 244907008 Fifth innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) P15143 Y 71145 P musculoskeletal system 03A21C40381C4E2EB73871385FA863D0 Fifth innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) 15144 15144 15144 fourth internal intercostal muscle S15144 E15144 244894005 Fourth internal intercostal muscle (body structure) P15144 Y 46372 P musculoskeletal system 89F02FA3541F4CCDA3BCA70AA30B5AC7 Fourth internal intercostal muscle (body structure) 15145 15145 15145 fifth internal intercostal muscle S15145 E15145 244895006 Fifth internal intercostal muscle (body structure) P15145 Y 46373 P musculoskeletal system 49353B924F1D41BABF4E3E58379E2FF4 Fifth internal intercostal muscle (body structure) 15146 15146 15146 sixth internal intercostal muscle S15146 E15146 244896007 Sixth internal intercostal muscle (body structure) P15146 Y 46374 P musculoskeletal system 4B6973BDF7FC40C09BF87DCA172F3A4B Sixth internal intercostal muscle (body structure) 15147 15147 15147 seventh internal intercostal muscle S15147 E15147 244897003 Seventh internal intercostal muscle (body structure) P15147 Y 46375 P musculoskeletal system 89D618ACE840425AAEB0E4680D87A76D Seventh internal intercostal muscle (body structure) 15148 15148 15148 eighth internal intercostal muscle S15148 E15148 244898008 Eighth internal intercostal muscle (body structure) P15148 Y 46376 P musculoskeletal system 5800D858D4D14DC08FD42BCA14E5BFE5 Eighth internal intercostal muscle (body structure) 15149 15149 15149 ninth internal intercostal muscle S15149 E15149 244899000 Ninth internal intercostal muscle (body structure) P15149 Y 46377 P musculoskeletal system 87EDF06E33C446EB8415F8B786F2A5C0 Ninth internal intercostal muscle (body structure) 15150 15150 15150 tenth internal intercostal muscle S15150 E15150 244900005 Tenth internal intercostal muscle (body structure) P15150 Y 46378 P musculoskeletal system C3A5DA9CDC554A798FFA9D9C45F05325 Tenth internal intercostal muscle (body structure) 15151 15151 15151 eleventh internal intercostal muscle S15151 E15151 244901009 Eleventh internal intercostal muscle (body structure) P15151 Y 46379 P musculoskeletal system AEFE9698DB824543A848155050BA063C Eleventh internal intercostal muscle (body structure) 15152 15152 15152 first innermost intercostal muscle S15152 E15152 244903007 First innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) P15152 Y 71135 P musculoskeletal system B7C532478C254550A8A1AFB5F8682652 First innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) 15153 15153 15153 second innermost intercostal muscle S15153 E15153 244904001 Second innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) P15153 Y 9812 P musculoskeletal system EB122660373243D8B25C67A5ED834B79 Second innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) 15154 15154 15154 cricoarytenoid muscle S15154 E15154 244811003 Cricoarytenoid muscle (body structure) P15154 Y P musculoskeletal system C411A514794643FE96FD2805D95F1C2B Cricoarytenoid muscle (body structure) 15155 15155 15155 fourth innermost intercostal muscle S15155 E15155 244906004 Fourth innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) P15155 Y 71142 P musculoskeletal system 578E263212124D769052F3943019054A Fourth innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) 15156 15156 15156 first internal intercostal muscle S15156 E15156 244891002 First internal intercostal muscle (body structure) P15156 Y 46369 P musculoskeletal system 70B0FE446EC0442292FBEA071C32FBDF First internal intercostal muscle (body structure) 15157 15157 15157 sixth innermost intercostal muscle S15157 E15157 244908003 Sixth innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) P15157 Y 71148 P musculoskeletal system 26DD5043CCB34B7689123727FBAAC489 Sixth innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) 15158 15158 15158 seventh innermost intercostal muscle S15158 E15158 244909006 Seventh innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) P15158 Y 71151 P musculoskeletal system D7996EA1B5E44795921C3110AC11F26F Seventh innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) 15159 15159 15159 eighth innermost intercostal muscle S15159 E15159 244910001 Eighth innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) P15159 Y 71154 P musculoskeletal system 35D0D45DC19746A2927ECD396F55394E Eighth innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) 15160 15160 15160 ninth innermost intercostal muscle S15160 E15160 244911002 Ninth innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) P15160 Y 71157 P musculoskeletal system 54A5C94F2BA14E4BBC7BFE686BC4FFAA Ninth innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) 15161 15161 15161 tenth innermost intercostal muscle S15161 E15161 244912009 Tenth innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) P15161 Y 71160 P musculoskeletal system 10C782D82EF24AA2B70BD3B8700B5825 Tenth innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) 15162 15162 15162 eleventh innermost intercostal muscle S15162 E15162 244913004 Eleventh innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) P15162 Y 71163 P musculoskeletal system 0C00F58226A54509B9C2209F01C8AEF2 Eleventh innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) 15163 15163 15163 first subcostal muscle S15163 E15163 244915006 First subcostal muscle (body structure) P15163 Y P musculoskeletal system 5C8BCEB7239F480D9ADFDB76A3B4E243 First subcostal muscle (body structure) 15164 15164 15164 second subcostal muscle S15164 E15164 244916007 Second subcostal muscle (body structure) P15164 Y P musculoskeletal system 64C2FE6E5CE9422BA287F0D835D3B7B1 Second subcostal muscle (body structure) 15165 15165 15165 third subcostal muscle S15165 E15165 244917003 Third subcostal muscle (body structure) P15165 Y P musculoskeletal system C7993AB055C64500A8BF6ABCAEB1D454 Third subcostal muscle (body structure) 15166 15166 15166 fourth subcostal muscle S15166 E15166 244918008 Fourth subcostal muscle (body structure) P15166 Y P musculoskeletal system 6EFFBC7B5A9E43D48F4A366C6F8E8DA3 Fourth subcostal muscle (body structure) 15167 15167 15167 third innermost intercostal muscle S15167 E15167 244905000 Third innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) P15167 Y 71139 P musculoskeletal system FF03D69DA15E48958BD8A330094EFA85 Third innermost intercostal muscle (body structure) 15168 15168 15168 second external intercostal muscle S15168 E15168 244880009 Second external intercostal muscle (body structure) P15168 Y 46359 P musculoskeletal system 5C00F840C780438BBB8313B567380E01 Second external intercostal muscle (body structure) 15169 15169 15169 superficial muscle of neck S15169 E15169 244822004 Superficial muscle of neck (body structure) P15169 Y 64822 P musculoskeletal system A38023C5C67E4C238A43DA04D0764176 Superficial muscle of neck (body structure) 15170 15170 15170 hyoid muscle S15170 E15170 244823009 Hyoid muscle (body structure) P15170 Y P musculoskeletal system 1769387815964F23B4E088F13DBAFDCB Hyoid muscle (body structure) 15171 15171 15171 muscle of tongue S15171 E15171 244781004 Muscle of tongue (body structure) P15171 Y 46689 P digestive system 8A244BA55E9F456AA9599B98C3C8A1EB Muscle of tongue (body structure) 15172 15172 15172 deep muscle of neck S15172 E15172 244834007 Deep muscle of neck (body structure) P15172 Y P musculoskeletal system 3BA6E616C1AD4D509526BC2D76D0ADA7 Deep muscle of neck (body structure) 15175 15175 15175 lateral vertebral muscle of neck S15175 E15175 244842008 Lateral vertebral muscle of neck (body structure) P15175 Y P musculoskeletal system C8723DCC6EBE4801AD69566A2FC56C54 Lateral vertebral muscle of neck (body structure) 15176 15176 15176 posterior vertebral muscle of neck S15176 E15176 244846006 Posterior vertebral muscle of neck (body structure) P15176 Y P musculoskeletal system C3AA041E0C3842F188106127692955E5 Posterior vertebral muscle of neck (body structure) 15177 15177 15177 suboccipital muscle S15177 E15177 244847002 Suboccipital muscle (body structure) P15177 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 344707C2F178466CB21C4076CC82A9DE Suboccipital muscle (body structure) 15178 15178 15178 intertransversarius muscle 90626006 S15178 Structure of intertransversarius muscle (body structure) E15178 244876004 Intertransversarius (body structure) P15178 Y 22848 P musculoskeletal system AB33981A40A14FC980E766EF857F49A1 26F16D15F33D4B118BA2E2D73197D4EB intertransversarius muscle Intertransversarius (body structure) 15179 15179 15179 third internal intercostal muscle S15179 E15179 244893004 Third internal intercostal muscle (body structure) P15179 Y 46371 P musculoskeletal system 92CFCAA2CA68425B9EF2477022605F79 Third internal intercostal muscle (body structure) 15180 15180 15180 first external intercostal muscle S15180 E15180 244879006 First external intercostal muscle (body structure) P15180 Y 46358 P musculoskeletal system ECD93AC3C4CC436BACB52D035EC699DD First external intercostal muscle (body structure) 15181 15181 15181 second internal intercostal muscle S15181 E15181 244892009 Second internal intercostal muscle (body structure) P15181 Y 46370 P musculoskeletal system A0A19F1556B64A44B62CC2DF9A063F00 Second internal intercostal muscle (body structure) 15182 15182 15182 third external intercostal muscle S15182 E15182 244881008 Third external intercostal muscle (body structure) P15182 Y 46360 P musculoskeletal system AC53F4242B4D428E98E4241F66E541F5 Third external intercostal muscle (body structure) 15183 15183 15183 fourth external intercostal muscle S15183 E15183 244882001 Fourth external intercostal muscle (body structure) P15183 Y 46361 P musculoskeletal system 8A856CD2E7CD4B28A1E4E37C9D444139 Fourth external intercostal muscle (body structure) 15184 15184 15184 fifth external intercostal muscle S15184 E15184 244883006 Fifth external intercostal muscle (body structure) P15184 Y 46362 P musculoskeletal system 8DF245AF5F0A43AFB19A7A228A664C8D Fifth external intercostal muscle (body structure) 15185 15185 15185 sixth external intercostal muscle S15185 E15185 244884000 Sixth external intercostal muscle (body structure) P15185 Y 46363 P musculoskeletal system BA6FD0AA77C04AB4839C21809659A2E8 Sixth external intercostal muscle (body structure) 15186 15186 15186 seventh external intercostal muscle S15186 E15186 244885004 Seventh external intercostal muscle (body structure) P15186 Y 46364 P musculoskeletal system 60377EC108B64AF78FFA90E468A9F403 Seventh external intercostal muscle (body structure) 15187 15187 15187 eighth external intercostal muscle S15187 E15187 244886003 Eighth external intercostal muscle (body structure) P15187 Y 46365 P musculoskeletal system E9DD84B3DCDC4205BFCD085590794B2B Eighth external intercostal muscle (body structure) 15188 15188 15188 ninth external intercostal muscle S15188 E15188 244887007 Ninth external intercostal muscle (body structure) P15188 Y 46366 P musculoskeletal system BD33A0181DB040BD9D43AC39A314250E Ninth external intercostal muscle (body structure) 15189 15189 15189 tenth external intercostal muscle S15189 E15189 244888002 Tenth external intercostal muscle (body structure) P15189 Y 46367 P musculoskeletal system 406D0FA68E7C4783A97F5A3D24CA9437 Tenth external intercostal muscle (body structure) 15190 15190 15190 eleventh external intercostal muscle S15190 E15190 244889005 Eleventh external intercostal muscle (body structure) P15190 Y 46368 P musculoskeletal system 44EF6731A4DE4263A56759B7148333C8 Eleventh external intercostal muscle (body structure) 15191 15191 15191 internal intercostal muscle 41313007 S15191 Structure of internal intercostal muscle (body structure) E15191 244890001 Entire internal intercostal muscle (body structure) P15191 Y 9757 P musculoskeletal system ADCD4B51E6804FE08AA8384E40ECF86A 6F2529B481B24EB8B17756D6D0E63CFB internal intercostal muscle Entire internal intercostal muscle (body structure) 15192 15192 15192 dorsal interosseous muscle of foot 25872004 S15192 Structure of dorsal interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) E15192 181728005 Entire dorsal interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) P15192 Y 71322 P musculoskeletal system 7EF2FFE9F8CC474899AEA1A04BDB4623 7D213F5A437F489894B3E3B7E9AE3642 dorsal interosseous muscle of foot Entire dorsal interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) 15193 15193 15193 external intercostal muscle 53967007 S15193 Structure of external intercostal muscle (body structure) E15193 244878003 Entire external intercostal muscle (body structure) P15193 Y 9756 P musculoskeletal system 783BE166D178482DB01D5659ED67C127 62233FCDA02E46F69A50E07A13507B8C external intercostal muscle Entire external intercostal muscle (body structure) 15194 15194 15194 joint between bodies of T3 and T4 S15194 E15194 244521004 Joint between bodies of T3 and T4 (body structure) P15194 - 26095 P musculoskeletal system C2D44920C7584EDDBA946B83821F64B2 Joint between bodies of T3 and T4 (body structure) 15195 15195 15195 joint between bodies of L4 and L5 S15195 E15195 244533009 Joint between bodies of L4 and L5 (body structure) P15195 - 26108 P musculoskeletal system 07A5E9B835584829A98820B9D53FB036 Joint between bodies of L4 and L5 (body structure) 15196 15196 15196 joint between bodies of L3 and L4 S15196 E15196 244532004 Joint between bodies of L3 and L4 (body structure) P15196 - 26107 P musculoskeletal system C9AC3FE152B04A789903E3B67D2BC52B Joint between bodies of L3 and L4 (body structure) 15197 15197 15197 joint between bodies of L2 and L3 S15197 E15197 244531006 Joint between bodies of L2 and L3 (body structure) P15197 - 26106 P musculoskeletal system B07566F306CC4CE686E26BC54A1AC6FD Joint between bodies of L2 and L3 (body structure) 15198 15198 15198 joint between bodies of L1 and L2 S15198 E15198 244530007 Joint between bodies of L1 and L2 (body structure) P15198 - 26105 P musculoskeletal system 692B95008A384FC887C3BE3A90A68077 Joint between bodies of L1 and L2 (body structure) 15199 15199 15199 joint between bodies of T11 and T12 S15199 E15199 244529002 Joint between bodies of T11 and T12 (body structure) P15199 - 26103 P musculoskeletal system DBD25948E86E42C583D36C1CE6B96A84 Joint between bodies of T11 and T12 (body structure) 15200 15200 15200 joint between bodies of T10 and T11 S15200 E15200 244528005 Joint between bodies of T10 and T11 (body structure) P15200 - 26102 P musculoskeletal system C0F369D48AB34A08952E968FC7776B0C Joint between bodies of T10 and T11 (body structure) 15201 15201 15201 joint between bodies of T9 and T10 S15201 E15201 244527000 Joint between bodies of T9 and T10 (body structure) P15201 - 26101 P musculoskeletal system CC08757BC9574E93978835818D8F9491 Joint between bodies of T9 and T10 (body structure) 15202 15202 15202 joint between bodies of T8 and T9 S15202 E15202 244526009 Joint between bodies of T8 and T9 (body structure) P15202 - 26100 P musculoskeletal system BD9524DAE5D0443397E50366D9810BBE Joint between bodies of T8 and T9 (body structure) 15203 15203 15203 joint between bodies of T7 and T8 S15203 E15203 244525008 Joint between bodies of T7 and T8 (body structure) P15203 - 26099 P musculoskeletal system 872A9BF2D73847E8AE8C0DAF48822A64 Joint between bodies of T7 and T8 (body structure) 15204 15204 15204 joint between bodies of T6 and T7 S15204 E15204 244524007 Joint between bodies of T6 and T7 (body structure) P15204 - 26098 P musculoskeletal system 0FFDFBF20A5C4EEEB336769DF2BFE459 Joint between bodies of T6 and T7 (body structure) 15205 15205 15205 short hallux muscle S15205 E15205 181712000 Short hallux muscle (body structure) P15205 Y P musculoskeletal system 53290C921B29437B9AE33065611D8492 Short hallux muscle (body structure) 15206 15206 15206 joint between bodies of T4 and T5 S15206 E15206 244522006 Joint between bodies of T4 and T5 (body structure) P15206 - 26096 P musculoskeletal system 2DFAF1337CB9417FB7067C1AF3E162A2 Joint between bodies of T4 and T5 (body structure) 15207 15207 15207 joint between bodies of S3 and S4 S15207 E15207 244537005 Joint between bodies of S3 and S4 (body structure) P15207 - 0 P musculoskeletal system B6496F809B1B4E49B53EBCDBE8514A57 Joint between bodies of S3 and S4 (body structure) 15208 15208 15208 joint between bodies of T2 and T3 S15208 E15208 244520003 Joint between bodies of T2 and T3 (body structure) P15208 - 26094 P musculoskeletal system 774727F0C2E2467CB12EA85AB597AD39 Joint between bodies of T2 and T3 (body structure) 15209 15209 15209 joint between bodies of T1 and T2 S15209 E15209 244519009 Joint between bodies of T1 and T2 (body structure) P15209 - 26089 P musculoskeletal system 089F3E767B3A4921AF14BE7504CFEF33 Joint between bodies of T1 and T2 (body structure) 15210 15210 15210 joint between bodies of C6 and C7 S15210 E15210 244518001 Joint between bodies of C6 and C7 (body structure) P15210 - 26085 P musculoskeletal system 148C40D45C6E480F90F7C54A7EABB834 Joint between bodies of C6 and C7 (body structure) 15211 15211 15211 joint between bodies of C5 and C6 S15211 E15211 244517006 Joint between bodies of C5 and C6 (body structure) P15211 - 26084 P musculoskeletal system C1A925D846C14DCEA24E1B1B52F886F0 Joint between bodies of C5 and C6 (body structure) 15212 15212 15212 joint between bodies of C4 and C5 S15212 E15212 244516002 Joint between bodies of C4 and C5 (body structure) P15212 - 26083 P musculoskeletal system B37685FFF0D74292B7D33B8291C8A54B Joint between bodies of C4 and C5 (body structure) 15213 15213 15213 joint between bodies of C3 and C4 S15213 E15213 244515003 Joint between bodies of C3 and C4 (body structure) P15213 - 26078 P musculoskeletal system C27FE46A95484811A004D8398AA83814 Joint between bodies of C3 and C4 (body structure) 15214 15214 15214 within region joint of vertebral bodies S15214 E15214 244513005 Within region joint of vertebral bodies (body structure) P15214 - P skeletal system 4110B14F7F3044E6B47103F09D98E9AE Within region joint of vertebral bodies (body structure) 15215 15215 15215 varicose vein tributary S15215 E15215 244417009 Varicose vein tributary (body structure) P15215 Y P cardiovascular system 944036EB09994607A496E0ACBDA5EE1C Varicose vein tributary (body structure) 15216 15216 15216 perforating vein S15216 E15216 244416000 Perforating vein (body structure) P15216 Y 70922 P cardiovascular system F6A297BD3B3D41EB9542FE7FB79F4BEF Perforating vein (body structure) 15217 15217 15217 dermatome S15217 E15217 244023005 Dermatome (body structure) P15217 - P integumentary system 6C95E011589B4817A1741B28C33D48D3 Dermatome (body structure) 15218 15218 15218 joint between bodies of T5 and T6 S15218 E15218 244523001 Joint between bodies of T5 and T6 (body structure) P15218 - 26097 P musculoskeletal system 17A6C206CA1E4A97A77579AEC4E719DF Joint between bodies of T5 and T6 (body structure) 15220 15220 15220 muscle of palate S15220 E15220 244794002 Muscle of palate (body structure) P15220 Y 46726 P musculoskeletal system E0274201544E45E18A7B88F7975D45D7 Muscle of palate (body structure) 15221 15221 15221 longitudinal intrinsic muscle of tongue 244789002 S15221 Longitudinal intrinsic muscle of tongue (body structure) E15221 P15221 Y P digestive system 191A39C0845641A787F17A7C20539FE3 Longitudinal intrinsic muscle of tongue 15222 15222 15222 oblique eye muscle 307708004 S15222 Oblique eye muscle structure (body structure) E15222 244777004 Oblique muscle of eye (body structure) P15222 Y P musculoskeletal system 05D71E603FDF4F79A442806FEB6D0633 AB9D2E0BF6F045A681755896AB06A6BF Oblique eye muscle Oblique muscle of eye (body structure) 15224 15224 15224 muscle of mastication 53894007 S15224 Structure of muscle of mastication (body structure) E15224 244769003 Muscle of mastication (body structure) P15224 Y 74060 P musculoskeletal system 28AF2561CE354A9B8D662BF17413C5F1 7C5393612C93477487020246B4624406 muscle of mastication Muscle of mastication (body structure) 15225 15225 15225 helicine muscle 244763002 S15225 Helicine muscle (body structure) E15225 P15225 Y P musculoskeletal system 20259A8508914B4699E8B3E6575FD9DB Helicine muscle 15226 15226 15226 auricular muscle S15226 E15226 244757006 Auricular muscle (body structure) P15226 Y 48966 P musculoskeletal system D7FB0600192948ECAAED114A33C8E3E2 Auricular muscle (body structure) 15227 15227 15227 circumoral muscle S15227 E15227 244748000 Circumoral muscle (body structure) P15227 Y P musculoskeletal system 076CECC03A7B4AEB9847BE3C0CFCF66F Circumoral muscle (body structure) 15228 15228 15228 depressor muscle S15228 E15228 244745002 Depressor muscle (body structure) P15228 Y P musculoskeletal system 66442780F17941E7B33E658493E9B1B9 Depressor muscle (body structure) 15229 15229 15229 muscle acting on lower lip and buccal angle S15229 E15229 244743009 Muscle acting on lower lip and buccal angle (body structure) P15229 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 554DE8081AA6472BB506F7FE5C7891B6 Muscle acting on lower lip and buccal angle (body structure) 15230 15230 15230 joint between bodies of S1 and S2 S15230 E15230 244535002 Joint between bodies of S1 and S2 (body structure) P15230 - P musculoskeletal system A65E59BE8E8C490B93533188D2F49264 Joint between bodies of S1 and S2 (body structure) 15231 15231 15231 muscle acting on upper lip and buccal angle S15231 E15231 244735004 Muscle acting on upper lip and buccal angle (body structure) P15231 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system B1A777F41E604F038C0C0B55576435F7 Muscle acting on upper lip and buccal angle (body structure) 15232 15232 15232 joint between bodies of S2 and S3 S15232 E15232 244536001 Joint between bodies of S2 and S3 (body structure) P15232 - P musculoskeletal system F5BD84A9D7DF43D6914C79C0FD503852 Joint between bodies of S2 and S3 (body structure) 15233 15233 15233 transverse modiolar muscle S15233 E15233 244721001 Transverse modiolar muscle (body structure) P15233 Y P muscular system 1EEBBECEFBBE4CB9870D08D4E4B2C441 Transverse modiolar muscle (body structure) 15234 15234 15234 cruciate modiolar muscle S15234 E15234 244720000 Cruciate modiolar muscle (body structure) P15234 Y P muscular system 37170D31382B47F4ADABB3D69ADC84EA Cruciate modiolar muscle (body structure) 15235 15235 15235 midtarsal bone of foot S15235 E15235 244669006 Midtarsal bone of foot (body structure) P15235 Y P skeletal system FA386C3C6BE144238B727AF5F8309E2A Midtarsal bone of foot (body structure) 15236 15236 15236 intervertebral ligament 423935007 S15236 Structure of intervertebral ligament (body structure) E15236 244590009 Entire intervertebral ligament (body structure) P15236 - P musculoskeletal system 49C2461B414C4EC698A8BF55AE750556 BBF73ACA237B4BFE956896B23AFFA7AF intervertebral ligament Entire intervertebral ligament (body structure) 15237 15237 15237 L6/S1 disc S15237 E15237 244579004 L6/S1 disc (body structure) P15237 - P musculoskeletal system AB62D4BAB35A496E978032BF6AE654B0 L6/S1 disc (body structure) 15238 15238 15238 L5/6 disc S15238 E15238 244578007 L5/6 disc (body structure) P15238 - P musculoskeletal system 1D4691434FCC49259643D48D3F28CA50 L5/6 disc (body structure) 15239 15239 15239 L4/S1 disc S15239 E15239 244577002 L4/S1 disc (body structure) P15239 - P musculoskeletal system 8BA98E09C3D742C9A472EB2DEE78C9DC L4/S1 disc (body structure) 15240 15240 15240 joint between bodies of C7 and T1 S15240 E15240 244540005 Joint between bodies of C7 and T1 (body structure) P15240 - P musculoskeletal system 7FCA98D28B204F90B5E3A2F554F92367 Joint between bodies of C7 and T1 (body structure) 15241 15241 15241 between region joint of vertebral bodies S15241 E15241 244539008 Between region joint of vertebral bodies (body structure) P15241 - P skeletal system 690B1A86CDAB485FAA88903966C3E297 Between region joint of vertebral bodies (body structure) 15242 15242 15242 joint between bodies of S4 and S5 S15242 E15242 244538000 Joint between bodies of S4 and S5 (body structure) P15242 - P musculoskeletal system A34F1D5A22AA4238B365369E43EBD9C4 Joint between bodies of S4 and S5 (body structure) 15244 15244 15244 zygomatic muscle S15244 E15244 244739005 Zygomatic muscle (body structure) P15244 Y P musculoskeletal system 34F9F6D63CFA4986A9766D53439B36AB Zygomatic muscle (body structure) 15245 15245 15245 T1/T2 facet joint S15245 E15245 181867009 T1/T2 facet joint (body structure) P15245 Y 26110 P musculoskeletal system 1BEBC7BDA1CD4E9E9215917C370FBC27 T1/T2 facet joint (body structure) 15246 15246 15246 subdivision of inferior mediastinum S15246 E15246 243951005 Subdivision of inferior mediastinum (body structure) P15246 - P respiratory system B64757B9B5A744E2A6D0500C056F9849 Subdivision of inferior mediastinum (body structure) 15247 15247 15247 L1/L2 facet joint S15247 E15247 181881006 L1/L2 facet joint (body structure) P15247 Y 27535 P musculoskeletal system 04F0C81F0EBA4BCD9391F28C8D3463F7 L1/L2 facet joint (body structure) 15248 15248 15248 T11/T12 facet joint S15248 E15248 181878001 T11/T12 facet joint (body structure) P15248 Y 27572 P skeletal system 38B0BB718DE44B7797B6DD70270F53DE T11/T12 facet joint (body structure) 15249 15249 15249 T10/T11 facet joint S15249 E15249 181877006 T10/T11 facet joint (body structure) P15249 Y 27571 P skeletal system B001C9E1E11C46BA9B1329A4E5084D77 T10/T11 facet joint (body structure) 15250 15250 15250 T9/T10 facet joint S15250 E15250 181876002 T9/T10 facet joint (body structure) P15250 Y 27570 P skeletal system E0321AD8FB554970BD815E0C76E079FC T9/T10 facet joint (body structure) 15251 15251 15251 T8/T9 facet joint S15251 E15251 181875003 T8/T9 facet joint (body structure) P15251 Y 27569 P skeletal system 4A41200ACA554765BD65A41315E20DF8 T8/T9 facet joint (body structure) 15252 15252 15252 T7/T8 facet joint S15252 E15252 181874004 T7/T8 facet joint (body structure) P15252 Y 27568 P skeletal system 246034D9339445CE837CACE57C161E32 T7/T8 facet joint (body structure) 15253 15253 15253 T6/T7 facet joint S15253 E15253 181873005 T6/T7 facet joint (body structure) P15253 Y 27567 P skeletal system A683C03881D24857BF6E56FFCB90D40E T6/T7 facet joint (body structure) 15254 15254 15254 T5/T6 facet joint S15254 E15254 181872000 T5/T6 facet joint (body structure) P15254 Y 27566 P skeletal system 9A43CAB5EDEF471BB4752A660828A153 T5/T6 facet joint (body structure) 15255 15255 15255 T4/T5 facet joint S15255 E15255 181871007 T4/T5 facet joint (body structure) P15255 Y 27565 P musculoskeletal system 9527AA02EE464393B6381988B043F226 T4/T5 facet joint (body structure) 15256 15256 15256 L3/L4 facet joint S15256 E15256 181883009 L3/L4 facet joint (body structure) P15256 Y 27599 P musculoskeletal system 5A27350ACE2E4D08B51246AC92529DD5 L3/L4 facet joint (body structure) 15257 15257 15257 T2/T3 facet joint S15257 E15257 181868004 T2/T3 facet joint (body structure) P15257 Y 27563 P musculoskeletal system 1FF993D374664A3596D7E9D323408038 T2/T3 facet joint (body structure) 15258 15258 15258 L4/L5 facet joint S15258 E15258 181884003 L4/L5 facet joint (body structure) P15258 Y 27600 P musculoskeletal system 617E2FB7AB5647E1A330F04EDBD02B5C L4/L5 facet joint (body structure) 15259 15259 15259 C7/T1 facet joint S15259 E15259 181865001 C7/T1 facet joint (body structure) P15259 Y 26093 P musculoskeletal system 11B88A755A12437BB5A746E58FC35F69 C7/T1 facet joint (body structure) 15260 15260 15260 C6/C7 facet joint S15260 E15260 181864002 C6/C7 facet joint (body structure) P15260 Y 26092 P musculoskeletal system 032FCD829F01446E9CF0AA454C8A66B1 C6/C7 facet joint (body structure) 15261 15261 15261 C5/C6 facet joint S15261 E15261 181863008 C5/C6 facet joint (body structure) P15261 Y 26091 P musculoskeletal system 60B711468F9042E9859E578136FB44D5 C5/C6 facet joint (body structure) 15262 15262 15262 C4/C5 facet joint S15262 E15262 181862003 C4/C5 facet joint (body structure) P15262 Y 26090 P musculoskeletal system AE645DAE20CB4CBDA35FCB2C4DFEBFE6 C4/C5 facet joint (body structure) 15263 15263 15263 C3/C4 facet joint S15263 E15263 181861005 C3/C4 facet joint (body structure) P15263 Y 25381 P musculoskeletal system 053D600CE016431FA44AA5B210F20E55 C3/C4 facet joint (body structure) 15264 15264 15264 C2/C3 facet joint S15264 E15264 181860006 C2/C3 facet joint (body structure) P15264 Y 25302 P musculoskeletal system 97B8FE64D90842C3B13F6FE57993F67C C2/C3 facet joint (body structure) 15265 15265 15265 scapular rotator muscle S15265 E15265 181749006 Scapular rotator muscle (body structure) P15265 Y P muscular system B74E9B99DC28459D851AD0C3BF490188 Scapular rotator muscle (body structure) 15266 15266 15266 strap muscle of neck S15266 E15266 181743007 Strap muscle of neck (body structure) P15266 Y P musculoskeletal system 61746A43D17546BE90471566F9CE0C29 Strap muscle of neck (body structure) 15267 15267 15267 craniofacial muscle S15267 E15267 181734003 Craniofacial muscle (body structure) P15267 - P musculoskeletal system D6FDA5D079F24F6EA3567041B36E4EE0 Craniofacial muscle (body structure) 15268 15268 15268 plantar interosseous muscle of foot 24176006 S15268 Structure of plantar interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) E15268 181729002 Entire plantar interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) P15268 Y 37458 P musculoskeletal system A8865055FA4A4CC99D6066FF4EB80660 9A6D1EAC186A413F9155893114239047 plantar interosseous muscle of foot Entire plantar interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) 15269 15269 15269 anterior vertebral muscle of neck S15269 E15269 244835008 Anterior vertebral muscle of neck (body structure) P15269 Y P musculoskeletal system 0E5C33E02B184FC6823C6DE078EFD8EB Anterior vertebral muscle of neck (body structure) 15270 15270 15270 T3/T4 facet joint S15270 E15270 181870008 T3/T4 facet joint (body structure) P15270 Y 27564 P musculoskeletal system 0226F4883B7C43DBB4324A3E4DD776EA T3/T4 facet joint (body structure) 15272 15272 15272 interosseous muscle of foot S15272 E15272 181714004 Interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) P15272 Y 37456 P musculoskeletal system 8682E173F49347B383265E0F17B9664E Interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) 15273 15273 15273 pubovaginalis muscle S15273 E15273 208282000 Pubovaginalis muscle (body structure) P15273 Y P musculoskeletal system A48994B8E10F49948A8F360F35FC5BF4 Pubovaginalis muscle (body structure) 15275 15275 15275 retractor penis muscle S15275 E15275 18683008 Retractor penis muscle (body structure) P15275 Y P musculoskeletal system 3B6655B889C54DA896661C6B84ACA388 Retractor penis muscle (body structure) 15276 15276 15276 popliteus bursa S15276 E15276 182500000 Popliteus bursa (body structure) P15276 Y P articular system 2090A4B5C21141E7B29875010832A44C Popliteus bursa (body structure) 15277 15277 15277 ligament of spine in thoracic region S15277 E15277 182370000 Ligament of spine in thoracic region (body structure) P15277 - P musculoskeletal system 50617E3BC1BC49AF8BCD92B4BF821612 Ligament of spine in thoracic region (body structure) 15278 15278 15278 infra-umbilical region S15278 E15278 182337005 Infra-umbilical region (body structure) P15278 - P regional/topgraphical 5E2EBD6E3B2B43628D365803579B9BC1 Infra-umbilical region (body structure) 15279 15279 15279 periumbilical region 182335002 S15279 Periumbilical region (body structure) E15279 261150009 Paraumbilical region (body structure) P15279 - 61683 P regional/topgraphical 8E6174D8FB06447BAB698A044B6AC2F5 492FAA37D9F847E9A43C2AA49B3180EA Periumbilical region (body structure) 15282 15282 15282 L2/L3 facet joint S15282 E15282 181882004 L2/L3 facet joint (body structure) P15282 Y 27598 P musculoskeletal system 036043BD8C5644B08DCFE6B7C2334D8C L2/L3 facet joint (body structure) 15284 15284 15284 salivary seromucous gland S15284 E15284 2327009 Salivary seromucous gland (body structure) P15284 - P 55668CC92B4A4ABF9BCB5AE04F6637F9 Salivary seromucous gland (body structure) 15292 15292 15292 sesamoid of great toe S15292 E15292 182160007 Sesamoid of great toe (body structure) P15292 Y P musculoskeletal system FC7EBD87409C474590901BEBCA117940 Sesamoid of great toe (body structure) 15293 15293 15293 shaft of distal phalanx of thumb S15293 E15293 182009009 Shaft of distal phalanx of thumb (body structure) P15293 Y 40304 P musculoskeletal system 101CBAB9ADFE423188B15D23531058E0 Shaft of distal phalanx of thumb (body structure) 15294 15294 15294 shaft of proximal phalanx of thumb S15294 E15294 181994007 Shaft of proximal phalanx of thumb (body structure) P15294 Y 40302 P musculoskeletal system 290A08A6C6844A6BABDD329EA3A8C4E9 Shaft of proximal phalanx of thumb (body structure) 15295 15295 15295 L5/S1 facet joint S15295 E15295 181885002 L5/S1 facet joint (body structure) P15295 Y 27601 P musculoskeletal system 97DCEC6C8086446D9E5DDC849E0F5B3F L5/S1 facet joint (body structure) 15297 15297 15297 second costochondral junction S15297 E15297 282416000 Second costochondral junction (body structure) P15297 Y 10105 P skeletal system 10DC26C0731C42C09CD2CB96FF3CFA41 Second costochondral junction (body structure) 15298 15298 15298 tenth costochondral junction S15298 E15298 282424005 Tenth costochondral junction (body structure) P15298 Y 10129 P skeletal system FA865A624A9A4FF6A4D9E06D91DED7DB Tenth costochondral junction (body structure) 15299 15299 15299 ninth costochondral junction S15299 E15299 282423004 Ninth costochondral junction (body structure) P15299 Y 10126 P skeletal system 6531AEA32EFE4AB2A0B28D624019B6A9 Ninth costochondral junction (body structure) 15300 15300 15300 eighth costochondral junction S15300 E15300 282422009 Eighth costochondral junction (body structure) P15300 Y 10123 P skeletal system 9E39420B4D744CF5864DDCE380335DD7 Eighth costochondral junction (body structure) 15301 15301 15301 seventh costochondral junction S15301 E15301 282421002 Seventh costochondral junction (body structure) P15301 Y 10120 P skeletal system 5E88C644410D445E8BAB2A98737EA352 Seventh costochondral junction (body structure) 15302 15302 15302 sixth costochondral junction S15302 E15302 282420001 Sixth costochondral junction (body structure) P15302 Y 10117 P skeletal system B13B1EDC740F43058EE1EEF9B0800B0D Sixth costochondral junction (body structure) 15303 15303 15303 fifth costochondral junction S15303 E15303 282419007 Fifth costochondral junction (body structure) P15303 Y 10114 P skeletal system 6837D9D327A74899924E4FFE91B11B34 Fifth costochondral junction (body structure) 15304 15304 15304 deciduous upper tooth socket S15304 E15304 280463006 Primary upper tooth socket (body structure) P15304 socket of tooth, primary, upper Y P digestive system FDD4C9C91CAF4557AEF83AAAB48E580D Primary upper tooth socket (body structure) 15305 15305 15305 third costochondral junction S15305 E15305 282417009 Third costochondral junction (body structure) P15305 Y 10108 P skeletal system E0C5B07A867844D4A1ACBFE35046C950 Third costochondral junction (body structure) 15306 15306 15306 gemellus inferior S15306 E15306 28985004 Inferior gemellus muscle (body structure) P15306 Y 22320 P musculoskeletal system 16A54D30B75E4F6E9405BB8AFEF3A44A Inferior gemellus muscle (body structure) 15307 15307 15307 first costochondral junction S15307 E15307 282415001 First costochondral junction (body structure) P15307 Y 10102 P skeletal system 0FFEF2CF2AA041FBA634F995135FE975 First costochondral junction (body structure) 15308 15308 15308 muscle of iris 280888007 S15308 Muscle of iris (body structure) E15308 P15308 Y 49154 P special senses organ system B4A32237AF8F4666804FBF77BBB11613 Muscle of iris 15309 15309 15309 Muller's ciliary muscle S15309 E15309 280867003 Muller's ciliary muscle (body structure) P15309 Y P muscular system 0AAA9E9A55374841ADB54F71A93FF7E3 Muller's ciliary muscle (body structure) 15310 15310 15310 subdivision of retina S15310 E15310 280691005 Subdivision of retina (body structure) P15310 Y 58599 P special senses organ system 5CC6A81480E24EEBB9CABBF94CD18518 Subdivision of retina (body structure) 15311 15311 15311 deciduous lower tooth socket S15311 E15311 280488003 Primary lower tooth socket (body structure) P15311 socket of tooth, primary, lower Y P digestive system 2F72881132AF48BC87C6C479FE08C337 Primary lower tooth socket (body structure) 15312 15312 15312 muscle acting on interphalangeal joint of finger S15312 E15312 303881003 Muscle acting on interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) P15312 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 3D161E0722D6475EBFE1CC030BEA10FD Muscle acting on interphalangeal joint of finger (body structure) 15313 15313 15313 fourth costochondral junction S15313 E15313 282418004 Fourth costochondral junction (body structure) P15313 Y 10111 P skeletal system 6D2418B3362E480290A6AE4FB3E1CF9C Fourth costochondral junction (body structure) 15314 15314 15314 muscle acting on metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb S15314 E15314 303762004 Muscle acting on metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) P15314 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 970E7DE66D3A499EB5E06A79C5EDDB7F Muscle acting on metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) 15315 15315 15315 supraspinous bursa S15315 E15315 90167000 Supraspinous bursa (body structure) P15315 - P 4085D2C6A38D4DF2B98A9CB1469E0F58 Supraspinous bursa (body structure) 15316 15316 15316 muscle acting on joint of finger S15316 E15316 303851006 Muscle acting on joint of finger (body structure) P15316 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system A7BEA574BC224D7EB152A989E621CAB9 Muscle acting on joint of finger (body structure) 15317 15317 15317 muscle acting on joint of thumb S15317 E15317 303850007 Muscle acting on joint of thumb (body structure) P15317 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 64CAA604D2F744B29B665FF2D214A3D2 Muscle acting on joint of thumb (body structure) 15318 15318 15318 muscle acting on interphalangeal joint of foot S15318 E15318 303834004 Muscle acting on interphalangeal joint of foot (body structure) P15318 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system EB206ACF888C45BC91E8E9182D4415A1 Muscle acting on interphalangeal joint of foot (body structure) 15319 15319 15319 muscle acting on metatarsophalangeal joint S15319 E15319 303832000 Muscle acting on metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P15319 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system D72E1ECAAB0E4942817716E9A17B2F3A Muscle acting on metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 15320 15320 15320 muscle acting on intertarsal joint S15320 E15320 303830008 Muscle acting on intertarsal joint (body structure) P15320 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 20BDBEDC38114645A6E97987F4B970B1 Muscle acting on intertarsal joint (body structure) 15321 15321 15321 eleventh costochondral junction S15321 E15321 282425006 Eleventh costochondral junction (body structure) P15321 Y 10132 P skeletal system B197C5A0F7404599BA5143FD503571AA Eleventh costochondral junction (body structure) 15322 15322 15322 muscle acting on metacarpophalangeal joint of finger S15322 E15322 303763009 Muscle acting on metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) P15322 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system EAC39818F9E64B6AAE8B5447675A4050 Muscle acting on metacarpophalangeal joint of finger (body structure) 15323 15323 15323 twelfth costochondral junction S15323 E15323 282426007 Twelfth costochondral junction (body structure) P15323 Y 10135 P skeletal system B9D9C31C867D4607A9A9CEA36E150337 Twelfth costochondral junction (body structure) 15324 15324 15324 muscle acting on metacarpophalangeal joint S15324 E15324 303756009 Muscle acting on metacarpophalangeal joint (body structure) P15324 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 238975A15D8B477795240C7D143C791A Muscle acting on metacarpophalangeal joint (body structure) 15325 15325 15325 muscle acting on carpometacarpal joint of thumb S15325 E15325 303749003 Muscle acting on carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) P15325 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 2E0AEEFAE8EA45F49F4DF3911BCB80FA Muscle acting on carpometacarpal joint of thumb (body structure) 15326 15326 15326 muscle acting on hand joint S15326 E15326 303744008 Muscle acting on hand joint (body structure) P15326 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system EEF5EE5E9EF142FCAB66956454D47C01 Muscle acting on hand joint (body structure) 15327 15327 15327 muscle acting on radioulnar joint S15327 E15327 303736008 Muscle acting on radioulnar joints (body structure) P15327 Y 0 P muscular system A9FCA12D09F9402E8BA79C64085D6F3C Muscle acting on radioulnar joints (body structure) 15328 15328 15328 muscle acting on shoulder joint S15328 E15328 303546007 Muscle acting on shoulder joint (body structure) P15328 Y 0 P skeletal system 847BE4EFAF114BDB978477DC7809D41C Muscle acting on shoulder joint (body structure) 15329 15329 15329 tendon sheath of foot S15329 E15329 301895009 Tendon sheath of foot (body structure) P15329 Y P musculoskeletal system 929E2958AA314CC8A2BAD081FD4D0E32 Tendon sheath of foot (body structure) 15330 15330 15330 permanent upper tooth socket S15330 E15330 280461008 Permanent upper tooth socket (body structure) P15330 socket of tooth, permanent, upper Y P digestive system 713A768586CD4ACDB7D885291D8D9180 Permanent upper tooth socket (body structure) 15331 15331 15331 muscle acting on interphalangeal joint of hand S15331 E15331 303784004 Muscle acting on interphalangeal joint of hand (body structure) P15331 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 9BAC8D4B76EA409680340B327B9F0F40 Muscle acting on interphalangeal joint of hand (body structure) 15332 15332 15332 sixth subcostal muscle S15332 E15332 244920006 Sixth subcostal muscle (body structure) P15332 Y P musculoskeletal system 3610F25FBA754E8A9601B48F07C134AC Sixth subcostal muscle (body structure) 15334 15334 15334 deciduous first molar tooth S15334 E15334 423890001 Entire deciduous first molar tooth (body structure) P15334 tooth, molar, first, primary Y P digestive system E49F3239B7CE41F28CEE1A4355A1E51E Entire deciduous first molar tooth (body structure) 15336 15336 15336 deciduous second molar tooth S15336 E15336 422595006 Entire deciduous second molar tooth (body structure) P15336 tooth, molar, second, primary Y P digestive system D040A0ECC7F8414AAEDFEE7321E463E1 Entire deciduous second molar tooth (body structure) 15338 15338 15338 mimetic muscle S15338 E15338 422544009 Mimetic muscle (body structure) P15338 Y P musculoskeletal system 8FC8B11B11E24BD99B008908DF4B3AD2 Mimetic muscle (body structure) 15339 15339 15339 permanent lower tooth socket S15339 E15339 280487008 Permanent lower tooth socket (body structure) P15339 socket of tooth, permanent, lower Y P digestive system 201A7F416C9040578518885D8200F057 Permanent lower tooth socket (body structure) 15341 15341 15341 urogenital organ S15341 E15341 272628007 Urogenital organ (body structure) P15341 - P 86791C68E5AF4DDDB973AE6B6F084F89 Urogenital organ (body structure) 15342 15342 15342 central incisor tooth 422363006 S15342 Structure of central incisor tooth (body structure) E15342 422364000 Entire central incisor tooth (body structure) P15342 tooth, incisor, central Y 290176 P digestive system B15B14D6702B4251A3E643158AAF228A 642E044AF081469BAA2345ED9D8C0709 central incisor tooth Entire central incisor tooth (body structure) 15345 15345 15345 rhomboideus cervicis muscle S15345 E15345 9976006 Rhomboideus cervicis muscle (body structure) P15345 Y P musculoskeletal system 2BCB6A9B359B46A88775B2B2BDE2B717 Rhomboideus cervicis muscle (body structure) 15346 15346 15346 organ system subdivision S15346 E15346 91690000 Entire subdivision of organ system (body structure) P15346 - 67509 P 95DBFC7994BF4B9CA9138FABDF174802 Entire subdivision of organ system (body structure) NULL 15347 15347 15347 ventricularis muscle S15347 E15347 91561000 Ventricularis muscle (body structure) P15347 Y P respiratory system 89A34ADF5A884CDBA30949EAC057DB78 Ventricularis muscle (body structure) 15348 15348 15348 suprahyoid muscle 1853009 S15348 Structure of suprahyoid muscle (body structure) E15348 244824003 Entire suprahyoid muscle (body structure) P15348 Y 46290 P musculoskeletal system 2FCC6C18CD7647508EF55BB4BBDEFF81 80EBFDED3FC24579A83F7DBD0A6CF0CA suprahyoid muscle Entire suprahyoid muscle (body structure) 15349 15349 15349 trigonal muscle S15349 E15349 279413002 Trigonal muscle (body structure) P15349 - 67990 P muscular system A97233FAC4534DF29847F1DD1ADCC5DE Trigonal muscle (body structure) 15350 15350 15350 peroneal tendon sheath S15350 E15350 280088006 Peroneal tendon sheath (body structure) P15350 Y P musculoskeletal system 843C3D3A98F34545A825A151F66BC738 Peroneal tendon sheath (body structure) 15351 15351 15351 extensor tendon sheath of forearm, wrist, hand S15351 E15351 280080004 Extensor tendon sheath of forearm, wrist, hand (body structure) P15351 Y P musculoskeletal system BFEE18B53061462C9EA0D156F9E5D4BA Extensor tendon sheath of forearm, wrist, hand (body structure) 15352 15352 15352 biceps tendon sheath S15352 E15352 280069004 Biceps tendon sheath (body structure) P15352 Y P musculoskeletal system 9887D18956A04D60A88196D8BA6EBF0A Biceps tendon sheath (body structure) 15353 15353 15353 female bladder neck 279493001 S15353 Structure of female bladder neck (body structure) E15353 P15353 - P genitourinary system FDF50E0CFA264A87A9648E956AE0F789 female bladder neck 15354 15354 15354 male bladder neck 279491004 S15354 Structure of male bladder neck (body structure) E15354 P15354 - P genitourinary system 5A4B3A2BDDDF4AC99596D8ACFA8AC596 male bladder neck 15355 15355 15355 subdivision of penile urethra S15355 E15355 279455006 Subdivision of penile urethra (body structure) P15355 - P genital system 534767E4AD2E4EC7964A9B158C8BAEDA Subdivision of penile urethra (body structure) 15357 15357 15357 superficial trigonal muscle S15357 E15357 279415009 Superficial trigonal muscle (body structure) P15357 - 67992 P muscular system 208420FBBF1845BBB11371F9921240FE Superficial trigonal muscle (body structure) 15358 15358 15358 respiratory organ S15358 E15358 272626006 Respiratory organ (body structure) P15358 - P respiratory system 454A9CA6ED8C4826B14D9B77E2804BDC Respiratory organ (body structure) 15360 15360 15360 subdivision of superior vena cava S15360 E15360 277745000 Subdivision of superior vena cava (body structure) P15360 - P cardiovascular system 080CAD2D3FE7486DB7BCDCC87F44E827 Subdivision of superior vena cava (body structure) 15361 15361 15361 subdivision of right atrium S15361 E15361 277740005 Subdivision of right atrium (body structure) P15361 - R P cardiovascular system 304F42D68D2B4A26934A92FA28438D36 Subdivision of right atrium (body structure) 15363 15363 15363 shaft of metatarsal S15363 E15363 272720009 Entire shaft of metatarsal (body structure) P15363 Y P skeletal system 939A927F40D44DAC844AA8420ADEDFE4 Entire shaft of metatarsal (body structure) 15364 15364 15364 abdominal organ 699601000 S15364 Structure of abdominal organ (body structure) E15364 272631008 Abdominal organ (body structure) P15364 - P 858DBD320F4C4CA3B67AC86CC07126E8 Abdominal organ (body structure) 15365 15365 15365 muscle acting on atlanto-occipital joint S15365 E15365 303901002 Muscle acting on atlanto-occipital joint (body structure) P15365 Y 0 P muscular system D7709C1B26B3433DAB794B3B293C00E3 Muscle acting on atlanto-occipital joint (body structure) 15366 15366 15366 deep trigonal muscle S15366 E15366 279416005 Deep trigonal muscle (body structure) P15366 - 63193 P muscular system 3C23D8267CEA4C4FBB786C50CC3D5D36 Deep trigonal muscle (body structure) 15368 15368 15368 rhomboideus thoracis muscle S15368 E15368 60160007 Rhomboideus thoracis muscle (body structure) P15368 Y P musculoskeletal system 5327354D2132455A9547303D6F45B4A5 Rhomboideus thoracis muscle (body structure) 15370 15370 15370 iliocostalis muscle 57651003 S15370 Structure of iliocostalis muscle (body structure) E15370 244854008 Entire iliocostalis muscle (body structure) P15370 Y 77177 P musculoskeletal system B0D766B1D5FF4189A01C0E170B34143E C6A57E2FA3914173BE466040108F84A2 iliocostalis muscle Entire iliocostalis muscle (body structure) 15372 15372 15372 muscle of nose 51367007 S15372 Structure of muscle of nose (body structure) E15372 244730009 Entire muscle of nose (body structure) P15372 Y 73758 P musculoskeletal system C43CA8D1C9FD489B83F03ABE6D104FB1 91B23BB66DFB49538EEAAC20F40AD94F muscle of nose Entire muscle of nose (body structure) 15373 15373 15373 supraatlantal bursa S15373 E15373 50464007 Supraatlantal bursa (body structure) P15373 - P 31B930C624794F1AA8C493A155432E3A Supraatlantal bursa (body structure) 15374 15374 15374 lateral rectus capitis muscle 44544003 S15374 Strucuture of lateral rectus capitis muscle (body structure) E15374 244841001 Entire rectus capitis lateralis (body structure) P15374 Y 46316 P musculoskeletal system 0394A7FE36544658B8A8FEDA5EA59FBD C904EDCA959641C38508EDF17E0F91C9 Strucuture of lateral rectus capitis muscle Entire rectus capitis lateralis (body structure) 15375 15375 15375 brachiocephalicus muscle S15375 E15375 49269002 Brachiocephalicus muscle (body structure) P15375 Y P musculoskeletal system 9740B9FE8FA649F9A846E64753628F85 Brachiocephalicus muscle (body structure) 15377 15377 15377 superficial transverse perineal muscle 48622008 S15377 Structure of superficial transverse perineal muscle (body structure) E15377 244971008 Entire superficial transverse perineal muscle (body structure) P15377 Y 19731 P musculoskeletal system 617CDBAC448C46F2BC2F1097F8CB1CAA 9B40F8031E82440FA19EA4D9787CB3AC superficial transverse perineal muscle Entire superficial transverse perineal muscle (body structure) 15379 15379 15379 extensor pollicis et indicis muscle S15379 E15379 48597002 Extensor pollicis et indicis muscle (body structure) P15379 Y P musculoskeletal system CEDCDEA814AC48AB80CF703A2727E59B Extensor pollicis et indicis muscle (body structure) 15382 15382 15382 muscle acting on interphalangeal joint of thumb S15382 E15382 303853009 Muscle acting on interphalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) P15382 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 249A883CF8814B29BC932FC61BDEC996 Muscle acting on interphalangeal joint of thumb (body structure) 15385 15385 15385 gastric cardiac gland S15385 E15385 8894005 Gastric cardiac gland (body structure) P15385 - 14920 P digestive system 14F1171284BF409EB6EB0761161754F0 Gastric cardiac gland (body structure) 15388 15388 15388 rectal gland S15388 E15388 80455007 Rectal gland (body structure) P15388 - 15724 P digestive system D22212E2F95F4A1EBA7E8877854F1805 Rectal gland (body structure) 15392 15392 15392 retractor clitoridis muscle S15392 E15392 77288009 Retractor clitoridis muscle (body structure) P15392 Y P musculoskeletal system 688D1BFBC41F46D8BA2D5D7AEE358BD8 Retractor clitoridis muscle (body structure) 15394 15394 15394 gastric pyloric gland S15394 E15394 70710007 Gastric pyloric gland (body structure) P15394 - P digestive system AFDE0390F4D4402ABA53D7CB2C07D1C9 Gastric pyloric gland (body structure) 15396 15396 15396 anthropoid pelvis S15396 E15396 70180009 Anthropoid pelvis (body structure) P15396 - P musculoskeletal system EAE17E94AB1B4C6D93C5B6C9222FD90F Anthropoid pelvis (body structure) 15398 15398 15398 accessory gluteal muscle S15398 E15398 69826005 Accessory gluteal muscle (body structure) P15398 Y P musculoskeletal system 4C137A75C22647C1800EA4E0168078DE Accessory gluteal muscle (body structure) 15399 15399 15399 platypelloid pelvis S15399 E15399 69465001 Platypelloid pelvis (body structure) P15399 - P musculoskeletal system 37E582FC789840BD97E9B9B63B92F5D1 Platypelloid pelvis (body structure) 15402 15402 15402 muscle acting on joint of upper limb S15402 E15402 305025005 Muscle acting on joint of upper limb (body structure) P15402 Y 0 P muscular system 110506CABB8E49B898575811699DEAF8 Muscle acting on joint of upper limb (body structure) 15403 15403 15403 pilosebaceous apparatus 400090007 S15403 Pilosebaceous apparatus structure (body structure) E15403 33416008 Pilo-sebaceous apparatus (body structure) P15403 - 70661 P integumentary system 65F97665FD424A7D8528D035DD674CC8 D93739DF0F6C442487A7AD67782D4B25 Pilosebaceous apparatus Pilo-sebaceous apparatus (body structure) 15405 15405 15405 scaphoid joint S15405 E15405 314480005 Scaphoid joint (body structure) P15405 Y P musculoskeletal system 9DDD8A87E45547569EAA7A3D44AB079C Scaphoid joint (body structure) 15406 15406 15406 subdivision of peritoneal cavity 243971001 S15406 Region of peritoneal cavity (body structure) E15406 310533005 Subdivision of peritoneal cavity (body structure) P15406 - 14706 P digestive system 683669AD95384C2E8697BEAA4245930A ABB107B997E44604931C3FB4159DCBD6 Subdivision of peritoneal cavity (body structure) 15408 15408 15408 abductor pollicis longus tendon sheath S15408 E15408 305042004 Abductor pollicis longus tendon sheath (body structure) P15408 Y P musculoskeletal system 74EC32D4698644D492A72F02D104F871 Abductor pollicis longus tendon sheath (body structure) 15409 15409 15409 depressor septi nasi muscle 44866004 S15409 Depressor septi nasi muscle (body structure) E15409 244733006 Depressor septi (body structure) P15409 Y 46777 P musculoskeletal system B8915779B75C4B2FB0FBDECFD0455B15 D6256D251F864514A27E954C4C67BF6B Depressor septi nasi muscle Depressor septi (body structure) 15410 15410 15410 muscle acting on joint of lower limb S15410 E15410 305034000 Muscle acting on joint of lower limb (body structure) P15410 Y 0 P muscular system CDB031FAF8FA410286917520383DA210 Muscle acting on joint of lower limb (body structure) 15411 15411 15411 laryngeal bursa S15411 E15411 361077001 Laryngeal bursa (body structure) P15411 Y P musculoskeletal system B1F6CF8A81F343A9B66EB8FC6AEFE348 Laryngeal bursa (body structure) 15412 15412 15412 joint excluding knee S15412 E15412 304917000 Joint excluding knee (body structure) P15412 - P articular system 72A79DDD324C40F68C80561BCEE81A27 Joint excluding knee (body structure) 15414 15414 15414 muscle acting on back S15414 E15414 304034005 Muscle acting on back (body structure) P15414 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system C202700ECC514060B0CA95DCBBC12351 Muscle acting on back (body structure) 15415 15415 15415 muscle acting on temporomandibular joint S15415 E15415 304028003 Muscle acting on temporomandibular joint (body structure) P15415 Y 0 P muscular system D0231C2FF131444B8EB66E7A80B0CDF1 Muscle acting on temporomandibular joint (body structure) 15416 15416 15416 muscle acting on thoracic intervertebral joint S15416 E15416 304010000 Muscle acting on thoracic intervertebral joint (body structure) P15416 Y 0 P muscular system C2BEB049EB2243F78187DE3F69535FCE Muscle acting on thoracic intervertebral joint (body structure) 15417 15417 15417 muscle acting on atlantoaxial joint S15417 E15417 303902009 Muscle acting on atlantoaxial joint (body structure) P15417 Y 0 P muscular system 460BA9257F204DB38162AAABB036397C Muscle acting on atlantoaxial joint (body structure) 15418 15418 15418 muscle acting on intervertebral joint S15418 E15418 305036003 Muscle acting on intervertebral joint (body structure) P15418 Y 0 P muscular system 313A8EF1893649DB9F3C3542BCBD7AF4 Muscle acting on intervertebral joint (body structure) 15420 15420 15420 upper right canine tooth 80647007 S15420 Structure of maxillary right canine tooth (body structure) E15420 422206004 Entire maxillary right canine tooth (body structure) P15420 tooth, canine, upper, right R 0 P digestive system 4855309740E446DE932DC78F334B1EC7 69AAC0220EC2442684AFFEEF122EB9FB maxillary right canine tooth Entire maxillary right canine tooth (body structure) 15421 15421 15421 lower left canine tooth 39844006 S15421 Structure of mandibular left canine tooth (body structure) E15421 421350003 Entire mandibular left canine tooth (body structure) P15421 tooth, canine, lower, left L 0 P digestive system E3BC48C8CB15430392942FDCBB122F6C 105E893F7031447C9E8EFA15A6525A5E mandibular left canine tooth Entire mandibular left canine tooth (body structure) 15422 15422 15422 upper left canine tooth 72876007 S15422 Structure of maxillary left canine tooth (body structure) E15422 421114004 Entire maxillary left canine tooth (body structure) P15422 tooth, canine, upper, left L 0 P digestive system 16B08F522F7D4CE287CFE2D16DA7C723 F3FD9C6CED254D2088343FAEF8C52BF7 maxillary left canine tooth Entire maxillary left canine tooth (body structure) 15423 15423 15423 lower right canine tooth 47055002 S15423 Structure of mandibular right canine tooth (body structure) E15423 420433008 Entire mandibular right canine tooth (body structure) P15423 tooth, canine, lower, right R 0 P digestive system 408779E0C10F47F488BFE11B1557573D 4128AD7FCE114B6289B05802CEBA002E mandibular right canine tooth Entire mandibular right canine tooth (body structure) 15424 15424 15424 pretectal area 416164009 S15424 Pretectal nucleus (body structure) E15424 416333003 Pretectal area (body structure) P15424 - 62402 P nervous system 1AAFB3B3FF294DE1BDDA5D08467773FD 609057E9AA114F06AA513DDC87F30D3D Pretectal nucleus Pretectal area (body structure) 15425 15425 15425 duodenal gland S15425 E15425 41298001 Duodenal gland (body structure) P15425 - 15060 P digestive system 8EE195692C8247018F70B3CB1E611600 Duodenal gland (body structure) 15426 15426 15426 android pelvis S15426 E15426 34386005 Android pelvis (body structure) P15426 - P musculoskeletal system 00CB544E54E74B3EB73200DD9B09CB4E Android pelvis (body structure) 15428 15428 15428 ischiococcygeus muscle S15428 E15428 3608004 Ischiococcygeus muscle (body structure) P15428 Y P musculoskeletal system C9D3A41BC2D54B9CA9680F2F4B071A73 Ischiococcygeus muscle (body structure) 15434 15434 15434 vocal system S15434 E15434 361532006 Vocal system (body structure) P15434 - P vocal system 62EF356E941F4A2986C5EA1854D5EB62 Vocal system (body structure) 15436 15436 15436 corpse S15436 E15436 406139003 Corpse (body structure) P15436 - P 934013A45AC749F29877B34A4EABE0B5 Corpse (body structure) 15437 15437 15437 sacrococcygeal muscle S15437 E15437 246058009 Sacrococcygeal muscle (body structure) P15437 Y P musculoskeletal system 087B93D1FD1C45908D424EADEB143436 Sacrococcygeal muscle (body structure) 15438 15438 15438 C6-C7 interspinalis cervicis S15438 E15438 246016006 C6-C7 interspinalis cervicis (body structure) P15438 Y 81599 P muscular system DA2A171831424E829F0DFE8BDC3A0AB9 C6-C7 interspinalis cervicis (body structure) 15439 15439 15439 third costocorporeal joint S15439 E15439 263318003 Third costocorporeal joint (body structure) P15439 Y P articular system AF2E8AFADC1845059C3751987DBB58C2 Third costocorporeal joint (body structure) 15441 15441 15441 second costocorporeal joint S15441 E15441 263317008 Second costocorporeal joint (body structure) P15441 Y P articular system 540F3CB4F0AF495297EE841B96869555 Second costocorporeal joint (body structure) 15442 15442 15442 first costocorporeal joint S15442 E15442 263316004 First costocorporeal joint (body structure) P15442 Y P articular system 0DA368B6DAED4A77B804C335139061A4 First costocorporeal joint (body structure) 15443 15443 15443 fifth costocorporeal joint S15443 E15443 263320000 Fifth costocorporeal joint (body structure) P15443 Y P articular system E8137340FF004B2D808B3C60DE1508E9 Fifth costocorporeal joint (body structure) 15444 15444 15444 lateral digital extensor muscle S15444 E15444 24705002 Lateral digital extensor muscle (body structure) P15444 Y P musculoskeletal system 04F97E406DE048E896414B2CF69D6D18 Lateral digital extensor muscle (body structure) 15445 15445 15445 sixth costocorporeal joint S15445 E15445 263321001 Sixth costocorporeal joint (body structure) P15445 Y P articular system E39AD58FA6E64BCA82C5482D162EE123 Sixth costocorporeal joint (body structure) 15446 15446 15446 L4-L5 interspinalis lumborum S15446 E15446 246025000 L4-L5 interspinalis lumborum (body structure) P15446 Y 81613 P muscular system B4CDB10FB487451F984EE1A0C28A0C57 L4-L5 interspinalis lumborum (body structure) 15447 15447 15447 L3-L4 interspinalis lumborum S15447 E15447 246024001 L3-L4 interspinalis lumborum (body structure) P15447 Y 81612 P muscular system 96CFBC229A044547BFAB248ED118D28A L3-L4 interspinalis lumborum (body structure) 15448 15448 15448 L2-L3 interspinalis lumborum S15448 E15448 246023007 L2-L3 interspinalis lumborum (body structure) P15448 Y 22889 P muscular system B9872F61F9BD4E85B748B5556B474A2D L2-L3 interspinalis lumborum (body structure) 15449 15449 15449 L1-L2 interspinalis lumborum S15449 E15449 246022002 L1-L2 interspinalis lumborum (body structure) P15449 Y 22888 P muscular system 64EFF427CD0E4CBD87CB011EA96756CB L1-L2 interspinalis lumborum (body structure) 15450 15450 15450 T11-T12 interspinalis thoracis S15450 E15450 246020005 T11-T12 interspinalis thoracis (body structure) P15450 Y P musculoskeletal system F249C32D1A874CF386B91500B379BF46 T11-T12 interspinalis thoracis (body structure) 15451 15451 15451 T1-T2 interspinalis thoracis S15451 E15451 246018007 T1-T2 interspinalis thoracis (body structure) P15451 Y P musculoskeletal system 81EE22B097844C6F851264641C9FD3C7 T1-T2 interspinalis thoracis (body structure) 15452 15452 15452 buccal gland S15452 E15452 25421004 Buccal gland (body structure) P15452 Y 71614 P digestive system D69DF1B8723546E7A6FBB108DC514F88 Buccal gland (body structure) 15453 15453 15453 joint between bodies of L5 and L6 S15453 E15453 263477003 Joint between bodies of L5 and L6 (body structure) P15453 - P musculoskeletal system F8E15C2A70FC4C998F9E52B26881B14D Joint between bodies of L5 and L6 (body structure) 15455 15455 15455 papillary muscle on right ventricular free wall S15455 E15455 264494009 Papillary muscle on right ventricular free wall (body structure) P15455 - R P cardiovascular system 079F420940924ABE9FC98EAA73984BD4 Papillary muscle on right ventricular free wall (body structure) 15456 15456 15456 papillary muscle at right ventricular apex S15456 E15456 264493003 Papillary muscle at right ventricular apex (body structure) P15456 - R P cardiovascular system 390CDC8234934EB6AD990425C88804E3 Papillary muscle at right ventricular apex (body structure) 15457 15457 15457 intrinsic muscle compartment of foot S15457 E15457 264486002 Intrinsic muscle compartment of foot (body structure) P15457 Y P musculoskeletal system B5467F78B6AC42A09417712595BA4694 Intrinsic muscle compartment of foot (body structure) 15458 15458 15458 gastrocnemius vein S15458 E15458 264481007 Gastrocnemius vein (body structure) P15458 Y P venous system 0A4CD15E34FB4A8085D72980126BEEF6 Gastrocnemius vein (body structure) 15459 15459 15459 fourth costocorporeal joint S15459 E15459 263319006 Fourth costocorporeal joint (body structure) P15459 Y P articular system BE87D3A7D5B54D69A917DE5F1BD8AD7C Fourth costocorporeal joint (body structure) 15460 15460 15460 perilunate joint 264132003 S15460 Structure of perilunate joint (body structure) E15460 P15460 Y P musculoskeletal system 831588BABA7241E9BFCD1CB27D6ECDBA perilunate joint 15461 15461 15461 C7-T1 interspinalis cervicis S15461 E15461 246017002 C7-T1 interspinalis cervicis (body structure) P15461 Y 22893 P muscular system B77ED710B30344A68CCD33C86551225A C7-T1 interspinalis cervicis (body structure) 15462 15462 15462 twelfth costocorporeal joint S15462 E15462 263327002 Twelfth costocorporeal joint (body structure) P15462 Y P articular system 6EB56AA4D3574FD3BA4D1907DC3F70F0 Twelfth costocorporeal joint (body structure) 15463 15463 15463 eleventh costocorporeal joint S15463 E15463 263326006 Eleventh costocorporeal joint (body structure) P15463 Y P articular system 6587836EEB504E4ABA55B223EB99F141 Eleventh costocorporeal joint (body structure) 15464 15464 15464 tenth costocorporeal joint S15464 E15464 263325005 Tenth costocorporeal joint (body structure) P15464 Y P articular system 9B125C1CF3B74BF092EE992450E28970 Tenth costocorporeal joint (body structure) 15465 15465 15465 ninth costocorporeal joint S15465 E15465 263324009 Ninth costocorporeal joint (body structure) P15465 Y P articular system 7DB8FF43F5444E0EB094A54A847E1E15 Ninth costocorporeal joint (body structure) 15466 15466 15466 eighth costocorporeal joint S15466 E15466 263323003 Eighth costocorporeal joint (body structure) P15466 Y P articular system CE79872738C743298E4252798F48C8C4 Eighth costocorporeal joint (body structure) 15467 15467 15467 seventh costocorporeal joint S15467 E15467 263322008 Seventh costocorporeal joint (body structure) P15467 Y P articular system 2B3570DF3D62478D9CDB444E633A8F8A Seventh costocorporeal joint (body structure) 15468 15468 15468 accessory coronary artery S15468 E15468 264436008 Accessory coronary artery (body structure) P15468 - P cardiovascular system 33AA43211B5743A581E0C36DBB9CC48B Accessory coronary artery (body structure) 15469 15469 15469 bulbospongiosus of female S15469 E15469 244974000 Bulbospongiosus of female (body structure) P15469 Y P musculoskeletal system 24D0068EAEBF4A2EBC9377B775BDE90E Bulbospongiosus of female (body structure) 15470 15470 15470 fourth lumbrical muscle of hand S15470 E15470 245001000 Fourth lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) P15470 Y P musculoskeletal system 6A259D8DD63B4274B8BF695878A00A8D Fourth lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) 15471 15471 15471 T2-T3 interspinalis thoracis S15471 E15471 246019004 T2-T3 interspinalis thoracis (body structure) P15471 Y P musculoskeletal system 62F6A86E9D0B4C11B93D77F29B711A5E T2-T3 interspinalis thoracis (body structure) 15472 15472 15472 second lumbrical muscle of hand S15472 E15472 244999004 Second lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) P15472 Y P musculoskeletal system 5D5277E5C363450199971DFBB45B2B1B Second lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) 15473 15473 15473 first lumbrical muscle of hand S15473 E15473 244998007 First lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) P15473 Y P musculoskeletal system 2B0984C5E31F4C59A19AD9231051BAA3 First lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) 15476 15476 15476 C5-C6 interspinalis cervicis S15476 E15476 246015005 C5-C6 interspinalis cervicis (body structure) P15476 Y 81598 P muscular system CE61B37A19DE49FCBD10BADDC52A3BBF C5-C6 interspinalis cervicis (body structure) 15478 15478 15478 dorsal interosseous muscle of hand 60618007 S15478 Structure of dorsal interosseous muscle of hand (body structure) E15478 245002007 Entire dorsal interosseus muscle of hand (body structure) P15478 Y 37418 P musculoskeletal system 3CB4E2AE7C6041029C85E61ECB01B22F 1C40530C89CD442E896A5BB50FCFA7BB dorsal interosseous muscle of hand Entire dorsal interosseus muscle of hand (body structure) 15479 15479 15479 bulbospongiosus of male S15479 E15479 244973006 Bulbospongiosus of male (body structure) P15479 Y P musculoskeletal system 645326B5A996420EBB6F08F8CEC62152 Bulbospongiosus of male (body structure) 15481 15481 15481 coccygeal muscle S15481 E15481 244965002 Coccygeal muscle (body structure) P15481 Y P musculoskeletal system 2C0D961741D44616854C4515012BFC84 Coccygeal muscle (body structure) 15482 15482 15482 posterior muscle of abdomen S15482 E15482 244951004 Posterior muscle of abdomen (body structure) P15482 Y P musculoskeletal system DF61340B223B40BE986796DBB82B8E48 Posterior muscle of abdomen (body structure) 15483 15483 15483 anterolateral muscle of abdomen S15483 E15483 244945009 Anterolateral muscle of abdomen (body structure) P15483 Y P musculoskeletal system 0A443B9BFC8E4D0CBB93D5625E9AD073 Anterolateral muscle of abdomen (body structure) 15486 15486 15486 delivered uterus S15486 E15486 245479009 Delivered uterus (body structure) P15486 - P genital system 2E1D33AAF8AF4233BE096810A2325AD5 Delivered uterus (body structure) 15487 15487 15487 C4-C5 interspinalis cervicis S15487 E15487 246014009 C4-C5 interspinalis cervicis (body structure) P15487 Y 81597 P muscular system 27DC648D4E7D42D3B380960F60A1C16D C4-C5 interspinalis cervicis (body structure) 15488 15488 15488 C3-C4 interspinalis cervicis S15488 E15488 246013003 C3-C4 interspinalis cervicis (body structure) P15488 Y 81596 P muscular system D03881586DB44F4C99C1616CB22A0C63 C3-C4 interspinalis cervicis (body structure) 15489 15489 15489 third lumbrical muscle of hand S15489 E15489 245000004 Third lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) P15489 Y P musculoskeletal system A45A2F5BBD2E4B12B0CBC2B3595DE6B1 Third lumbrical muscle of hand (body structure) 15490 15490 15490 posterior rectus capitis muscle S15490 E15490 245993008 Posterior rectus capitis muscle (body structure) P15490 Y P musculoskeletal system 537CB677982A45F2BB75D8A14B0978FD Posterior rectus capitis muscle (body structure) 15491 15491 15491 palmar interosseous muscle 85212008 S15491 Structure of palmar interosseous muscle of hand (body structure) E15491 245007001 Entire palmar interosseous muscle (body structure) P15491 Y 37419 P musculoskeletal system 4B96C492B3B34BF8A5750101EC4070FD D7A0BB3473A3454594219922C35B1E76 palmar interosseous muscle of hand Entire palmar interosseous muscle (body structure) 15492 15492 15492 fourth dorsal interosseous muscle of foot S15492 E15492 245043007 Fourth dorsal interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) P15492 Y 37729 P musculoskeletal system 80374B8821244EC183BB8A0BD3092CE8 Fourth dorsal interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) 15493 15493 15493 third dorsal interosseous muscle of foot S15493 E15493 245042002 Third dorsal interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) P15493 Y 37728 P musculoskeletal system B0C73C97A1DF43FFA16DE576FBAADA7C Third dorsal interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) 15494 15494 15494 second dorsal interosseous muscle of foot S15494 E15494 245041009 Second dorsal interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) P15494 Y 37727 P musculoskeletal system B103B8165D4F443391E40BAC9B5D20C3 Second dorsal interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) 15495 15495 15495 first dorsal interosseous muscle of foot S15495 E15495 245040005 First dorsal interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) P15495 Y 37726 P musculoskeletal system D4AA42F558184BBA9628B91ED295C71F First dorsal interosseous muscle of foot (body structure) 15496 15496 15496 dorsal muscle of foot S15496 E15496 245033009 Dorsal muscle of foot (body structure) P15496 Y P musculoskeletal system 0F3D75E9234D4EBEB09B3E3766006BE0 Dorsal muscle of foot (body structure) 15497 15497 15497 deep posterior crural muscle S15497 E15497 245031006 Deep posterior crural muscle (body structure) P15497 Y P muscular system 28B125874DF142DA9C66071A0725BF52 Deep posterior crural muscle (body structure) 15498 15498 15498 superficial posterior crural muscle S15498 E15498 245030007 Superficial posterior crural muscle (body structure) P15498 Y P muscular system A8DF00AA6CA74C00B2561A11E0F9739B Superficial posterior crural muscle (body structure) 15499 15499 15499 medial muscle of thigh S15499 E15499 245016002 Medial muscle of thigh (body structure) P15499 Y P skeletal system 99CB866CBA7549D89CBB9455AFB4C388 Medial muscle of thigh (body structure) 15500 15500 15500 anterior muscle of thigh S15500 E15500 245014004 Anterior muscle of thigh (body structure) P15500 Y P skeletal system 3F73A53F010448928114FA64E282730E Anterior muscle of thigh (body structure) 15501 15501 15501 C2-C3 interspinalis cervicis S15501 E15501 246012008 C2-C3 interspinalis cervicis (body structure) P15501 Y 295333 P muscular system B683ADAEB0CA4BB19F059D34CBC2318A C2-C3 interspinalis cervicis (body structure) 15503 15503 15503 pectinate muscle of right atrium 422442005 S15503 Musculi pectinati of right atrium (body structure) E15503 P15503 - 9244 R P cardiovascular system 49277CBF468143ECB7CA023364836626 Musculi pectinati of right atrium Pectinate muscle which is attached to crista terminalis. 15706 15706 15706 right intrahepatic bile duct branch 110614006 S15706 Right intrahepatic bile duct branches (body structure) E15706 P15706 - R P digestive system B2096F274C444A6B9D4960AADBEF8210 Right intrahepatic bile duct branches 15707 15707 15707 left intrahepatic bile duct branch 110615007 S15707 Left intrahepatic bile duct branches (body structure) E15707 P15707 - L P digestive system 5351746B926640478FD4F3ED3AA57E0E Left intrahepatic bile duct branches 15708 15708 15708 thoracic nerve medial mammary branch 110694005 S15708 Thoracic nerve medial mammary branches (body structure) E15708 P15708 Y P nervous system C5BCF6D9EB1643178437C175FCEC37C7 Thoracic nerve medial mammary branches 15710 15710 15710 vagus nerve celiac branch 26319003 S15710 Structure of vagus nerve celiac branch (body structure) E15710 P15710 Y P nervous system EC206673AD4842B58E97F25E042AB15B vagus nerve celiac branch 15712 15712 15712 penile branch of perineal nerve 307018002 S15712 Penile branches of perineal nerve (body structure) E15712 P15712 Y P nervous system 805783997CB9414BA163A53F8D3AAD48 Penile branches of perineal nerve 15713 15713 15713 penile branch of anterior scrotal nerve 307019005 S15713 Penile branches of anterior scrotal nerve (body structure) E15713 P15713 Y P nervous system 251745F6145F46B08F081E661A843C86 Penile branches of anterior scrotal nerve 15714 15714 15714 association fiber bundle or tract 314181003 S15714 Association fibers and tracts (body structure) E15714 P15714 - P nervous system CA72B490A6204299BF18E73B03549189 Association fibers and tracts 15719 15719 15719 tibial nerve calcaneal branch 361046003 S15719 Tibial nerve calcaneal branches (body structure) E15719 P15719 Y P nervous system 3BEB46F3DF26412E84051C7611726CB2 Tibial nerve calcaneal branches 15720 15720 15720 bronchial branch of thoracic aorta 361623004 S15720 Bronchial branches of thoracic aorta (body structure) E15720 P15720 Y 71536 P arterial system FF333125EF284B77AC834D4E4EDFCFF7 Bronchial branches of thoracic aorta 15724 15724 15724 internal nasal branch of anterior ethmoidal nerve 50246003 S15724 Internal nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve (body structure) E15724 P15724 Y 52679 P nervous system F4DF2DD427F24EC3A8FEFDCAECD8879E Internal nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve 15725 15725 15725 supraaortic branch 7090004 S15725 Supraaortic branches (body structure) E15725 P15725 Y P arterial system 330851A799914A8D81D70B8662C91FFF Supraaortic branches 15727 15727 15727 both female breasts 110513008 S15727 Both female breasts (body structure) E15727 P15727 - P 69D7D1F3C0CA4503A3EE47049769D859 Both female breasts 15728 15728 15728 both male breasts 110514002 S15728 Both male breasts (body structure) E15728 P15728 - P 1BBE42935F764D71B13764E38544D36B Both male breasts 15729 15729 15729 both lateral lobes of the prostate 127905002 S15729 Both lateral lobes of the prostate (body structure) E15729 P15729 - P genital system FDD8A988C25E452D80676C92D0E3A787 Both lateral lobes of the prostate 15730 15730 15730 both hands 12861001 S15730 Both hands (body structure) E15730 P15730 - P regional/topgraphical/group 3A5E08650A6C4217A0956282C35575C7 Both hands 15731 15731 15731 both nasolacrimal ducts 13566006 S15731 Both nasolacrimal ducts (body structure) E15731 P15731 - P special senses organ system DB811AD3C2EA4BB98551046A8D9AC8C7 Both nasolacrimal ducts 15733 15733 15733 both kidneys 17373004 S15733 Both kidneys (body structure) E15733 P15733 - P urinary system 4DAFA725C3B348D68018C4B63C7255D8 Both kidneys 15734 15734 15734 group of medium arteries S15734 E15734 19121000 All medium arteries (body structure) P15734 - P cardiovascular system D14687D5E0394E4293C273078B1EBF5E All medium arteries (body structure) 15735 15735 15735 group of bronchi S15735 E15735 19568000 All bronchi (body structure) P15735 - P respiratory system 0A2DDB677D4D4C36BC53E8C0D90B27CC All bronchi (body structure) 15736 15736 15736 both vasa deferentia 23896006 S15736 Both vasa deferentia (body structure) E15736 P15736 - P genital system EA126E70E19F4821BD984992CE4731B6 Both vasa deferentia 15737 15737 15737 group of ribs S15737 E15737 24201007 All ribs (body structure) P15737 - P skeletal system 2A2C1F4074D24F6BAE4EB14067F5316B All ribs (body structure) 15738 15738 15738 both anterior nares 244506005 S15738 Both anterior nares (body structure) E15738 P15738 - P respiratory system E126C3EA75F8480999B42FBB6A643C3D Both anterior nares 15740 15740 15740 cervical rotator muscle 87082006 S15740 Structure of cervical rotator muscle (body structure) E15740 244873007 Entire cervical rotator muscle (body structure) P15740 Y 23082 P musculoskeletal system 56A680EE54A447059FD5853C29E16C85 B49C6924B8FC495CABEFA556BC70E81D cervical rotator muscle Entire cervical rotator muscle (body structure) 15741 15741 15741 lumbar rotator muscle 9229006 S15741 Structure of lumbar rotator muscle (body structure) E15741 244874001 Entire lumbar rotator muscle (body structure) P15741 Y 23084 P musculoskeletal system 0CE13DEA0B35437F9441D3C27CACD46F 2D7454DED2C4421EB779E321EC8B5902 lumbar rotator muscle Entire lumbar rotator muscle (body structure) 15742 15742 15742 submental lymph node group S15742 E15742 245258006 Submental lymph node group (body structure) P15742 Y P lymphatic system 587B27EE89AD48A9ACE4A3CF2464D54B Submental lymph node group (body structure) 15743 15743 15743 submandibular lymph node group S15743 E15743 245259003 Submandibular lymph node group (body structure) P15743 Y P lymphatic system 21D5DA84F1F7477B9484451B6ACD9A22 Submandibular lymph node group (body structure) 15744 15744 15744 jugular lymph node group S15744 E15744 245260008 Jugular lymph node group (body structure) P15744 Y P lymphatic system 8BEBB030AE8446D194C9EC56FB71CDBE Jugular lymph node group (body structure) 15745 15745 15745 upper jugular lymph node group S15745 E15745 245261007 Upper jugular lymph node group (body structure) P15745 Y P lymphatic system A76F9B1EDEF84A14B658B2259BD01C6D Upper jugular lymph node group (body structure) 15746 15746 15746 middle jugular lymph node group S15746 E15746 245262000 Middle jugular lymph node group (body structure) P15746 Y P lymphatic system 555B7121BAEC43B3BDBA9C4688B0C54D Middle jugular lymph node group (body structure) 15747 15747 15747 lower jugular lymph node group S15747 E15747 245263005 Lower jugular lymph node group (body structure) P15747 Y P lymphatic system 55DDB6FBC48A4F319D7E88377CE38376 Lower jugular lymph node group (body structure) 15748 15748 15748 supraclavicular lymph node group S15748 E15748 245265003 Supraclavicular lymph node group (body structure) P15748 Y P lymphatic system BBD61007722B4CB291CE38DD9150E69B Supraclavicular lymph node group (body structure) 15749 15749 15749 occipital lymph node group S15749 E15749 245266002 Occipital lymph node group (body structure) P15749 Y P lymphatic system 2B64B1A0876348C39E3EEA2DD530EB49 Occipital lymph node group (body structure) 15750 15750 15750 preauricular lymph node group S15750 E15750 245267006 Preauricular lymph node group (body structure) P15750 Y P lymphatic system E2ABF5C7E622465296C8673489AE06FC Preauricular lymph node group (body structure) 15751 15751 15751 postauricular lymph node group S15751 E15751 245268001 Postauricular lymph node group (body structure) P15751 Y P lymphoid system ADA7F57899F641C0944A3BD6154CB407 Postauricular lymph node group (body structure) 15752 15752 15752 central axillary lymph node group S15752 E15752 245270005 Central axillary lymph node group (body structure) P15752 Y 71749 P lymphatic system 9C5EBE9577CA4C5F921213086FB85AD4 Central axillary lymph node group (body structure) 15753 15753 15753 axillary vein lymph node group S15753 E15753 245271009 Axillary vein lymph node group (body structure) P15753 Y P lymphatic system ED07C3D7636D4A0693D54FA13E18D606 Axillary vein lymph node group (body structure) 15754 15754 15754 scapular lymph node group S15754 E15754 245272002 Scapular lymph node group (body structure) P15754 Y 14187 P lymphatic system D8F17C576DEF406E8CCD991B4B616F3E Scapular lymph node group (body structure) 15755 15755 15755 external mammary lymph node group S15755 E15755 245273007 External mammary lymph node group (body structure) P15755 Y P lymphatic system 9227047ADCE5444BAADD677E854BA373 External mammary lymph node group (body structure) 15756 15756 15756 interpectoral lymph node group S15756 E15756 245274001 Interpectoral lymph node group (body structure) P15756 Y 71750 P lymphoid system 521E0148C55D4BF393C3D6014321A5B5 Interpectoral lymph node group (body structure) 15757 15757 15757 subclavian lymph node group S15757 E15757 245275000 Subclavian lymph node group (body structure) P15757 Y 233430 P lymphatic system 8230F2571ECC4DD6A3539A1CA58E4503 Subclavian lymph node group (body structure) 15758 15758 15758 anterior mediastinal lymph node group S15758 E15758 245277008 Anterior mediastinal lymph node group (body structure) P15758 Y 233426 P lymphoid system F329631A0368424680D61DF03E788B05 Anterior mediastinal lymph node group (body structure) 15759 15759 15759 posterior mediastinal lymph node group S15759 E15759 245278003 Posterior mediastinal lymph node group (body structure) P15759 Y 233422 P lymphoid system A7013ACCC3E14C7BA7F81B55E1228619 Posterior mediastinal lymph node group (body structure) 15760 15760 15760 pre-aortic mediastinal lymph node group S15760 E15760 245279006 Pre-aortic mediastinal lymph node group (body structure) P15760 - P lymphoid system 3556A9EC8C784D0FA8FDCC0E7AEC9B70 Pre-aortic mediastinal lymph node group (body structure) 15761 15761 15761 para-aortic mediastinal lymph node group S15761 E15761 245280009 Para-aortic mediastinal lymph node group (body structure) P15761 Y P lymphoid system 80032835A0064A8B9C1559FDC0D8AEB7 Para-aortic mediastinal lymph node group (body structure) 15762 15762 15762 posterior intercostal lymph node group S15762 E15762 245281008 Posterior intercostal lymph node group (body structure) P15762 Y P lymphoid system 7D19794D81FF497A8C20D7C1C3E55065 Posterior intercostal lymph node group (body structure) 15763 15763 15763 tracheobronchial lymph node group S15763 E15763 245283006 Tracheobronchial lymph node group (body structure) P15763 Y 71766 P lymphoid system 9D9B2257049D4A11BE5304940B2E83BC Tracheobronchial lymph node group (body structure) 15764 15764 15764 celiac lymph node group S15764 E15764 245286003 Celiac lymph node group (body structure) P15764 - 71787 P lymphoid system 13F101FF4463480E952E096287C90FDB Celiac lymph node group (body structure) 15765 15765 15765 perigastric lymph node group S15765 E15765 245287007 Perigastric lymph node group (body structure) P15765 - P lymphoid system 79F5B555D41E4FE195F10A500167C978 Perigastric lymph node group (body structure) 15766 15766 15766 portahepatis lymph node group S15766 E15766 245288002 Portahepatis lymph node group (body structure) P15766 - P lymphoid system 5D78480DFBE445ACA1315AACC8C468B1 Portahepatis lymph node group (body structure) 15767 15767 15767 peripancreatic lymph node group S15767 E15767 245289005 Peripancreatic lymph node group (body structure) P15767 - P lymphoid system 637755908F734D8CB7BC32A1095F3D9A Peripancreatic lymph node group (body structure) 15768 15768 15768 superior mesenteric lymph node group S15768 E15768 245290001 Superior mesenteric lymph node group (body structure) P15768 - 71801 P lymphoid system BD88493AE8B947E8A3824AE92815C2CE Superior mesenteric lymph node group (body structure) 15769 15769 15769 inferior mesenteric lymph node group S15769 E15769 245291002 Inferior mesenteric lymph node group (body structure) P15769 - 71813 P lymphoid system F42E900D095B417D8924EF360F6ACB82 Inferior mesenteric lymph node group (body structure) 15770 15770 15770 pararectal lymph node group S15770 E15770 245292009 Pararectal lymph node group (body structure) P15770 - 71841 P lymphoid system 106F455E4FE546DB99CC36CF39AE07A6 Pararectal lymph node group (body structure) 15771 15771 15771 mesorectal lymph node group S15771 E15771 245293004 Mesorectal lymph node group (body structure) P15771 - P lymphoid system 8262E1F0FD5F40C9B5235970C2DBF10B Mesorectal lymph node group (body structure) 15772 15772 15772 common iliac lymph node group S15772 E15772 245295006 Common iliac lymph node group (body structure) P15772 Y 71819 P lymphoid system 43C15006CD5E447D92B12C464E9E5B0D Common iliac lymph node group (body structure) 15773 15773 15773 posterior common iliac lymph node group S15773 E15773 245296007 Posterior common iliac lymph node group (body structure) P15773 Y P lymphoid system 33120B41B05147AE8916532D585EC0CC Posterior common iliac lymph node group (body structure) 15774 15774 15774 lateral common iliac lymph node group S15774 E15774 245297003 Lateral common iliac lymph node group (body structure) P15774 Y 71822 P lymphoid system D6E57693878A489BB9AFE343D1D709D4 Lateral common iliac lymph node group (body structure) 15775 15775 15775 medial common iliac lymph node group S15775 E15775 245298008 Medial common iliac lymph node group (body structure) P15775 Y 71820 P lymphoid system F8ED4172D3604229A9A36CD12D7441A3 Medial common iliac lymph node group (body structure) 15776 15776 15776 internal iliac lymph node group S15776 E15776 245299000 Internal iliac lymph node group (body structure) P15776 Y 71831 P lymphatic system 7F81DDCAC57044E994D32442CAA39413 Internal iliac lymph node group (body structure) 15777 15777 15777 external iliac lymph node group S15777 E15777 245300008 External iliac lymph node group (body structure) P15777 Y 71825 P lymphoid system C7BBFBD4C6FE4A3B8E0D40995FBC9847 External iliac lymph node group (body structure) 15778 15778 15778 posterior external iliac lymph node group S15778 E15778 245301007 Posterior external iliac lymph node group (body structure) P15778 Y P lymphoid system 65E8A074A930471882742B191D0B9CD7 Posterior external iliac lymph node group (body structure) 15779 15779 15779 medial external iliac lymph node group S15779 E15779 245302000 Medial external iliac lymph node group (body structure) P15779 Y 71826 P lymphoid system C650A33879FB48499C9CC8E87F9AEFD0 Medial external iliac lymph node group (body structure) 15780 15780 15780 lateral external iliac lymph node group S15780 E15780 245303005 Lateral external iliac lymph node group (body structure) P15780 Y 71828 P lymphoid system DD3F1F178B4D441781748BD6ABAA78D7 Lateral external iliac lymph node group (body structure) 15781 15781 15781 subaortic lymph node group S15781 E15781 245304004 Subaortic lymph node group (body structure) P15781 - 71823 P lymphoid system 979A0294E518447D80CCCEFEC307655C Subaortic lymph node group (body structure) 15782 15782 15782 superior gluteal lymph node group S15782 E15782 245305003 Superior gluteal lymph node group (body structure) P15782 Y 71833 P lymphoid system E203EEDC250C4153905035A90BC359F5 Superior gluteal lymph node group (body structure) 15783 15783 15783 inferior gluteal lymph node group S15783 E15783 245306002 Inferior gluteal lymph node group (body structure) P15783 Y P lymphoid system F022897B852A4DA9933BC427F3F842CB Inferior gluteal lymph node group (body structure) 15784 15784 15784 median sacral lymph node group S15784 E15784 245307006 Median sacral lymph node group (body structure) P15784 Y P lymphoid system CB827E42637D45AD8254AFF1BBFF9087 Median sacral lymph node group (body structure) 15785 15785 15785 lateral sacral lymph node group S15785 E15785 245308001 Lateral sacral lymph node group (body structure) P15785 Y P lymphoid system DC9F778E933A4397A2B1ADFEE402D699 Lateral sacral lymph node group (body structure) 15786 15786 15786 suprainguinal lymph node group S15786 E15786 245309009 Suprainguinal lymph node group (body structure) P15786 Y P lymphoid system 3DE2524DFAB04360993149D1DD63D0EF Suprainguinal lymph node group (body structure) 15787 15787 15787 obturator lymph node group S15787 E15787 245310004 Obturator lymph node group (body structure) P15787 Y 71830 P lymphoid system 3C69A7B983E9481FBFBCC1AAE58595B0 Obturator lymph node group (body structure) 15788 15788 15788 uterine lymph node group S15788 E15788 245311000 Uterine lymph node group (body structure) P15788 Y P lymphoid system E9C8CE23896C4D0ABE15609F9EF6B464 Uterine lymph node group (body structure) 15789 15789 15789 superficial inguinal lymph node group S15789 E15789 245313002 Superficial inguinal lymph node group (body structure) P15789 Y 71845 P lymphoid system BD30137C65B54D2EA0E9D6B264770571 Superficial inguinal lymph node group (body structure) 15790 15790 15790 superomedial superficial inguinal lymph node group S15790 E15790 245314008 Superomedial superficial inguinal lymph node group (body structure) P15790 Y 71846 P lymphoid system 32E57DBE475D45F1936CE56F1A68E4D5 Superomedial superficial inguinal lymph node group (body structure) 15791 15791 15791 superolateral superficial inguinal lymph node group S15791 E15791 245315009 Superolateral superficial inguinal lymph node group (body structure) P15791 Y 71847 P lymphoid system 6DA4F09978104B10BD1AD73AD05B2BED Superolateral superficial inguinal lymph node group (body structure) 15792 15792 15792 inferior superficial inguinal lymph node group S15792 E15792 245316005 Inferior superficial inguinal lymph node group (body structure) P15792 Y 71849 P lymphoid system F04199AEBEF4483F854BCF582B1C1768 Inferior superficial inguinal lymph node group (body structure) 15793 15793 15793 deep inguinal lymph node group S15793 E15793 245317001 Deep inguinal lymph node group (body structure) P15793 Y 71850 P lymphoid system 21AA415CF2B04F0B8014D519A1FC3CB0 Deep inguinal lymph node group (body structure) 15794 15794 15794 thoracic rotator muscle 28635006 S15794 Structure of thoracic rotator muscle (body structure) E15794 245999007 Entire thoracic rotator muscle (body structure) P15794 Y 23083 P musculoskeletal system 4D80ACABE05A472C8827AAD5DD5EE024 9CE745006FD945D28E9D6AEC030762A3 thoracic rotator muscle Entire thoracic rotator muscle (body structure) 15795 15795 15795 group of extremities S15795 E15795 2592007 All extremities (body structure) P15795 - P regional/topgraphical/group 3B8B2C5300A64B40A23D7D5650DBBBFD All extremities (body structure) 15796 15796 15796 hilar lymph node group S15796 E15796 264016003 Hilar lymph node group (body structure) P15796 Y 276990 P lymphoid system 2DA4F189C2BE4C8697C91A11DC94F696 Hilar lymph node group (body structure) 15797 15797 15797 sacral lymph node group S15797 E15797 279798006 Sacral lymph node group (body structure) P15797 Y 71835 P lymphoid system F53359961CAF42039240E4F30B939DC7 Sacral lymph node group (body structure) 15798 15798 15798 inferior epigastric lymph node group S15798 E15798 279800004 Inferior epigastric lymph node group (body structure) P15798 Y 71785 P lymphoid system 175EC2AFF17F438B81087C2844F02560 Inferior epigastric lymph node group (body structure) 15799 15799 15799 circumflex iliac lymph node group S15799 E15799 279801000 Circumflex iliac lymph node group (body structure) P15799 Y 16653 P lymphoid system CE940AB490104F2A9776171109708F88 Circumflex iliac lymph node group (body structure) 15800 15800 15800 popliteal lymph node group S15800 E15800 279804008 Popliteal lymph node group (body structure) P15800 Y 71851 P lymphoid system D7EF9A5843BD469F9A19320770A13F55 Popliteal lymph node group (body structure) 15801 15801 15801 pectoral lymph node group S15801 E15801 279806005 Pectoral lymph node group (body structure) P15801 Y 71748 P lymphoid system 717F3255AC6D4ADDB8D0879D0B7BE078 Pectoral lymph node group (body structure) 15802 15802 15802 infraclavicular lymph node group S15802 E15802 279807001 Infraclavicular lymph node group (body structure) P15802 Y P lymphoid system D73592783AB7497BAA578235D13DA7F0 Infraclavicular lymph node group (body structure) 15803 15803 15803 supratrochlear lymph node group S15803 E15803 279809003 Supratrochlear lymph node group (body structure) P15803 Y 44316 P lymphoid system 31D1F2B1A5CF4BB09223927561177F16 Supratrochlear lymph node group (body structure) 15804 15804 15804 superficial tracheobronchial lymph node group S15804 E15804 279812000 Superficial tracheobronchial lymph node group (body structure) P15804 Y P lymphoid system C2F5C57402EF43DBB635F6BC0B65B952 Superficial tracheobronchial lymph node group (body structure) 15805 15805 15805 diaphragmatic lymph node group S15805 E15805 279813005 Diaphragmatic lymph node group (body structure) P15805 - 276770 P lymphoid system 48490A7127F048B7A614E347D8F6D533 Diaphragmatic lymph node group (body structure) 15806 15806 15806 pulmonary lymph node group S15806 E15806 279814004 Pulmonary lymph node group (body structure) P15806 Y 233091 P lymphoid system 6C8DA89E577849A88CC822C608232FA8 Pulmonary lymph node group (body structure) 15807 15807 15807 bronchopulmonary lymph node group S15807 E15807 279816002 Bronchopulmonary lymph node group (body structure) P15807 Y 71769 P lymphoid system EE7139A744E144AE8608E52F241AA1D8 Bronchopulmonary lymph node group (body structure) 15808 15808 15808 paratracheal lymph node group S15808 E15808 279818001 Paratracheal lymph node group (body structure) P15808 Y 71730 P lymphoid system ADAC2A4D61BC4D3FBE3AABFDF465845B Paratracheal lymph node group (body structure) 15809 15809 15809 mesenteric artery lymph node group S15809 E15809 303139006 Mesenteric artery lymph node group (body structure) P15809 - P lymphoid system B6277261CAD94BB9A2D65F72FA3DE135 Mesenteric artery lymph node group (body structure) 15810 15810 15810 both lacrimal glands 30641009 S15810 Both lacrimal glands (body structure) E15810 P15810 - P special senses organ system 9E6358EC599C47A08A982805D07D02F2 Both lacrimal glands 15811 15811 15811 gluteal lymph node group S15811 E15811 314732008 Gluteal lymph node group (body structure) P15811 Y 71832 P lymphoid system 62D4AFB72ECA4C708C5BA1FE419BCB2D Gluteal lymph node group (body structure) 15812 15812 15812 group of large arteries S15812 E15812 3222005 All large arteries (body structure) P15812 - P cardiovascular system 70CE9B4CD82C40328E777448B55E9D99 All large arteries (body structure) 15813 15813 15813 group of interspinalis cervicis muscles S15813 E15813 32383001 All interspinalis cervicis muscles (body structure) P15813 - 71309 P musculoskeletal system 1D6AACB0879247CF82845CC21816D6FE All interspinalis cervicis muscles (body structure) 15814 15814 15814 both fallopian tubes 32987009 S15814 Both fallopian tubes (body structure) E15814 P15814 - P genital system 2D2AE6C16D614A9AA0BE61DFE731F018 Both fallopian tubes 15815 15815 15815 group of small arteries S15815 E15815 34159000 All small arteries (body structure) P15815 - P cardiovascular system 0D418D79C66B404BAA3E67DD5BA711AB All small arteries (body structure) 15816 15816 15816 both ears 34338003 S15816 Both ears (body structure) E15816 P15816 - P special senses organ system 13656D18869E4650A732F3390CA0A80C Both ears 15817 15817 15817 group of all lymph nodes S15817 E15817 361351001 All lymph nodes (body structure) P15817 - P lymphoid system 02CAED38CBC3472BA2619F4650DBE4CD All lymph nodes (body structure) 15818 15818 15818 group of walls of orbit S15818 E15818 362902005 All walls of orbit (body structure) P15818 - P special senses organ system E232AC542BAE4D3FA955D5000847AF35 All walls of orbit (body structure) 15819 15819 15819 both knees 36701003 S15819 Both knees (body structure) E15819 P15819 - P regional/topgraphical/group 2B875DF4A4F941D59C72A42861DAD6A8 Both knees 15820 15820 15820 group of deciduous teeth S15820 E15820 39151000 All deciduous teeth (body structure) P15820 - 75151 P digestive system 04D7D7146D8940B2BFEE5A0CA5C1FF2D All deciduous teeth (body structure) 15821 15821 15821 both lower legs 40927001 S15821 Both lower legs (body structure) E15821 P15821 - P regional/topgraphical/group 3F5C042E842B453598B8A45A4AB4833F Both lower legs 15822 15822 15822 group of cardiac valves S15822 E15822 41244000 All cardiac valves (body structure) P15822 - P cardiovascular system 52DEE897A00A4DFB837D0882D8394D43 All cardiac valves (body structure) 15823 15823 15823 both lower extremities 4180000 S15823 Both lower extremities (body structure) E15823 P15823 - P 5F540284D74446FB8DA72900C2A59A4D Both lower extremities 15824 15824 15824 abdominal para-aortic lymph node group S15824 E15824 420429001 Abdominal para-aortic lymph node group (body structure) P15824 - P lymphoid system 9FB12BADB2CA4B429F585A6F33EF8327 Abdominal para-aortic lymph node group (body structure) 15826 15826 15826 both testes 42774007 S15826 Both testes (body structure) E15826 P15826 - P genital system 1BFEE6F3519C489AA8FCD00C8696C443 Both testes 15827 15827 15827 group of chambers of the heart S15827 E15827 43487005 All chambers of the heart (body structure) P15827 - P cardiovascular system 9A2CC46BF3694700A96DCC0FB0F993D1 All chambers of the heart (body structure) 15828 15828 15828 both spermatic cords 56407005 S15828 Both spermatic cords (body structure) E15828 P15828 - P genital system EA227F1DE3014A13BA399F61A941E0BB Both spermatic cords 15829 15829 15829 both thighs 57172001 S15829 Both thighs (body structure) E15829 P15829 - P regional/topgraphical/group F46DEFC8D96B49EBA155A14B40E2BA0D Both thighs 15830 15830 15830 group of bronchioles S15830 E15830 62040009 All bronchioles (body structure) P15830 - P respiratory system 42B0E577FEF64394BCE7BEA3B157B507 All bronchioles (body structure) 15831 15831 15831 both breasts 63762007 S15831 Both breasts (body structure) E15831 P15831 - P E86F91406F4449D79AC522B76316B6D8 Both breasts 15832 15832 15832 both ureters 65364008 S15832 Both ureters (body structure) E15832 P15832 - P urinary system DFA5CA3657A74A7F9143A7F78281FB7C Both ureters 15833 15833 15833 both ureteral orifices 65475006 S15833 Both ureteral orifices (body structure) E15833 P15833 - P urinary system EFAE59F7559A4599BF63741089E956A5 Both ureteral orifices 15834 15834 15834 both seminal vesicles 66682009 S15834 Both seminal vesicles (body structure) E15834 P15834 - P genital system C24681525FC742E8822AAEA412E7CEE9 Both seminal vesicles 15835 15835 15835 both upper arms 69273007 S15835 Both upper arms (body structure) E15835 P15835 - P regional/topgraphical/group 8477114A50CF4995BD9E6CF339BF4F4E Both upper arms 15836 15836 15836 both ankles 69948000 S15836 Both ankles (body structure) E15836 P15836 - P 3B49102D55B5490EA7120785D3D9D9C0 Both ankles 15837 15837 15837 both epididymides 71903002 S15837 Both epididymides (body structure) E15837 P15837 - P genital system B2B287F3DDD04D1EAF2F4DA8D9EF6B77 Both epididymides 15838 15838 15838 both lungs 74101002 S15838 Both lungs (body structure) E15838 P15838 - P respiratory system 376E0DA61A49494DB55E5DD94B4CCAC6 Both lungs 15839 15839 15839 group of arterioles S15839 E15839 80315009 All arterioles (body structure) P15839 - P arterial system 546FF9D385284397BA0E25EF4B3350E5 All arterioles (body structure) 15840 15840 15840 bony skeleton of cervical spine except atlas and axis S15840 E15840 80726000 All cervical vertebrae, except atlas and axis (body structure) P15840 - P skeletal system 4A900ECD2DDE4CC19E645FDF9D5AF925 All cervical vertebrae, except atlas and axis (body structure) 15841 15841 15841 both lips S15841 E15841 81083006 Both lips (body structure) P15841 - P digestive system E981A2978AAB42DB87424749F78A5256 Both lips (body structure) 15842 15842 15842 both ovaries 83238006 S15842 Both ovaries (body structure) E15842 P15842 - P genital system 5A591C9A8FD14D6D9A3FC905CB1780EA Both ovaries 15843 15843 15843 both feet 8580001 S15843 Both feet (body structure) E15843 P15843 - P regional/topgraphical/group 77D86D6A2D8F4F0CA88C899435AC297B Both feet 15844 15844 15844 group of parathyroid glands S15844 E15844 87584003 All parathyroid glands (body structure) P15844 - P endocrine system F057774C75994BEA8FE0D09E573F06DE All parathyroid glands (body structure) 15845 15845 15845 both upper extremities 88650009 S15845 Both upper extremities (body structure) E15845 P15845 - P 6AC6E99A4D0143CA866114FD5DE250CB Both upper extremities 15846 15846 15846 group of peripheral pulmonary arteries S15846 E15846 88873003 All peripheral pulmonary arteries (body structure) P15846 - P cardiovascular system 8321DF83116F4FCE9429A58262203FFF All peripheral pulmonary arteries (body structure) 15847 15847 15847 both renal pelves 90270008 S15847 Both renal pelves (body structure) E15847 P15847 - P urinary system DC0C432C091C4CF5B911D136B339AB40 Both renal pelves 15848 15848 15848 both forearms 9055004 S15848 Both forearms (body structure) E15848 P15848 - P regional/topgraphical/group 5BDB930F9CFB44F3B73086C1C7689FF4 Both forearms 15849 15849 15849 bilateral palatine tonsils 91636008 S15849 Bilateral palatine tonsils (body structure) E15849 P15849 - P digestive system F2812B0F372F4700AE5463C84B680362 Bilateral palatine tonsils 15850 15850 15850 both cardiac atria S15850 E15850 91745004 Both cardiac atria (body structure) P15850 - P cardiovascular system B770ABDDB62E4C3B9B1EE1CC9677B189 Both cardiac atria (body structure) 15851 15851 15851 both cardiac ventricles S15851 E15851 91746003 Both cardiac ventricles (body structure) P15851 - P cardiovascular system 6F39F089182B457793FFB8575C9CCE9C Both cardiac ventricles (body structure) 15852 15852 15852 group of permanent teeth S15852 E15852 9379006 All permanent teeth (body structure) P15852 - P digestive system 4B14B6F23EC24A8D9D8F9437B7FBCADD All permanent teeth (body structure) 15854 15854 15854 left lumbar region S15854 E15854 133943005 Left lumbar region (body structure) P15854 L P regional/topgraphical 54AE0BD1473640A9819683B79096FA03 Left lumbar region (body structure) 15855 15855 15855 right lumbar region S15855 E15855 133944004 Right lumbar region (body structure) P15855 R P regional/topgraphical 42F78D72B0B242E2964C83F5B3A2C836 Right lumbar region (body structure) 15856 15856 15856 left hypochondriac region S15856 E15856 133945003 Left hypochondriac region structure (body structure) P15856 L 20392 P regional/topgraphical 2F5D0320181143D2972B1917CCD35E15 Left hypochondriac region structure (body structure) 15857 15857 15857 right hypochondriac region S15857 E15857 133946002 Right hypochondriac region structure (body structure) P15857 R 20391 P regional/topgraphical A03790276E5349139459653808D28713 Right hypochondriac region structure (body structure) 15858 15858 15858 bilateral adrenal glands 134315000 S15858 Bilateral adrenal glands (body structure) E15858 P15858 - P endocrine system 4CEA4698BFB34FC399860D2BAF03A078 Bilateral adrenal glands 15860 15860 15860 upper parasternal region S15860 E15860 117144008 Upper parasternal region (body structure) P15860 Y P regional/topgraphical 04FABB725DD64E7C8710E6B139C5A428 Upper parasternal region (body structure) 15861 15861 15861 middle parasternal region S15861 E15861 117145009 Middle parasternal region (body structure) P15861 Y P regional/topgraphical DD33537B9EA64B679FEAA19576B50534 Middle parasternal region (body structure) 15862 15862 15862 lower parasternal region S15862 E15862 117146005 Lower parasternal region (body structure) P15862 Y P regional/topgraphical 1EBB1A9014E74675BF0A6C7BCFCEAF42 Lower parasternal region (body structure) 15863 15863 15863 extra-articular shoulder region S15863 E15863 118510007 Extra-articular shoulder region (body structure) P15863 Y P skeletal system 1CF2F1F8CCAC4D78A719BC88A2EDFE7D Extra-articular shoulder region (body structure) 15864 15864 15864 abdominopelvic region S15864 E15864 108350001 Abdomen, excluding retroperitoneal region (body structure) P15864 - P regional/topgraphical 08267C7CA4894DF384F8CC339AB3B45C Abdomen, excluding retroperitoneal region (body structure) 15865 15865 15865 subregion of head 406121007 S15865 Head region structure (body structure) E15865 123852005 Region of head (body structure) P15865 - 24218 D regional/topgraphical E5284ED4285D4173A38B571C8A277E2E FF44995EC4A74F20B31F9A459A4302C6 Head region Region of head (body structure) 15866 15866 15866 subregion of face S15866 E15866 123853000 Region of face (body structure) P15866 - 54393 D regional/topgraphical 403FCC411883433FB3E3698ED11FBA42 Region of face (body structure) 15867 15867 15867 subregion of neck S15867 E15867 123958008 Region of neck (body structure) P15867 - 24219 D regional/topgraphical AFE72776938B4396818F49D5BEC43573 Region of neck (body structure) 15870 15870 15870 subregion of upper limb 127948008 S15870 Region of upper extremity (body structure) E15870 P15870 Y D regional/topgraphical D28CAFB5B61A464A951C8CCA659F5D6A Region of upper extremity 15871 15871 15871 subregion of hand 127950000 S15871 Region of hand (body structure) E15871 P15871 Y D regional/topgraphical 63880EC3D634474F8E4042A3B480A782 Region of hand 15872 15872 15872 subregion of lower limb 127951001 S15872 Region of lower extremity (body structure) E15872 699616002 Entire subregion of lower limb (body structure) P15872 Y D regional/topgraphical 0D2E3F12AB95493FA5A221C32181592A Region of lower extremity 15873 15873 15873 mesogastric region of abdomen S15873 E15873 12822009 Mesogastric region (body structure) P15873 - P regional/topgraphical 8705429F5DEC4C47A1E3E2150BB4F366 Mesogastric region (body structure) 15874 15874 15874 region of brain meninges 180949007 S15874 Region of brain meninges (body structure) E15874 P15874 - P nervous system F72B162D11AE431AA26E3582D3F01B14 Region of brain meninges 15875 15875 15875 surface of anterior aspect of elbow S15875 E15875 182255003 Anterior aspect of elbow (surface region) (body structure) P15875 Y D integument/surface CD32332A52844AB6A68D9D7F98743ABF Anterior aspect of elbow (surface region) (body structure) 15876 15876 15876 surface of posterior aspect of elbow S15876 E15876 182256002 Posterior aspect of elbow (surface region) (body structure) P15876 Y D integument/surface 59DFE017A48045F19155F2911CA58A31 Posterior aspect of elbow (surface region) (body structure) 15881 15881 15881 surface of back of lower thoracic region S15881 E15881 229756006 Lower thoracic region (surface region of back) (body structure) P15881 - D integument/surface A6FE5B2222434E44B3F53E858CF27C83 Lower thoracic region (surface region of back) (body structure) 15882 15882 15882 surface of back of lumbar/thoracic region S15882 E15882 229758007 Lumbar/thoracic region (surface region of back) (body structure) P15882 - D integument/surface 7677C52E02BA4791B642A533556DC161 Lumbar/thoracic region (surface region of back) (body structure) 15883 15883 15883 surface of back of upper thoracic region S15883 E15883 229760009 Upper thoracic region (surface region of back) (body structure) P15883 - D integument/surface 517CFDB071024AD69F7BE171B4B235A5 Upper thoracic region (surface region of back) (body structure) 15884 15884 15884 paravertebral region of back S15884 E15884 243933009 Paravertebral region (body structure) P15884 Y P regional/topgraphical 853F246AB6844BFBBBFC358B3623A111 Paravertebral region (body structure) 15885 15885 15885 surface of axillary fold region S15885 E15885 243934003 Axillary fold (surface region) (body structure) P15885 Y D integument/surface 697FD34E20C84E64A83CBDBFAEF25030 Axillary fold (surface region) (body structure) 15886 15886 15886 surface of anterior abdomen region S15886 E15886 243960002 Anterior abdominal surface region (body structure) P15886 - D integument/surface 163DF04E35FE4337A5981A542E351BEC Anterior abdominal surface region (body structure) 15887 15887 15887 surface of posterior abdomen region S15887 E15887 243967004 Posterior abdominal surface region (body structure) P15887 - D integument/surface 82FBED4B1B6447BB8CEDD3122A0B3F6D Posterior abdominal surface region (body structure) 15888 15888 15888 surface of renal area S15888 E15888 243968009 Renal area (surface region) (body structure) P15888 Y D integument/surface 9DB90643C05549A99B3E1E72E10DECC3 Renal area (surface region) (body structure) 15889 15889 15889 surface of loin region S15889 E15889 243970000 Loin (surface region) (body structure) P15889 Y D integument/surface 1F769A4AE56F4388ACBE2C006CA73549 Loin (surface region) (body structure) 15891 15891 15891 paracolic region of abdomen 699604008 S15891 Structure of paracolic region (body structure) E15891 243979004 Paracolic region (body structure) P15891 Y P digestive system DB32F1A149D7453E9A4FE79474DB5DAA Paracolic region (body structure) 15892 15892 15892 supracolic region of abdomen S15892 E15892 243981002 Supracolic region (body structure) P15892 - P digestive system 0A1BDA6CA4934B09A848D145A204681D Supracolic region (body structure) 15893 15893 15893 infracolic region of abdomen 699599002 S15893 E15893 243982009 Infracolic region (body structure) P15893 - P digestive system 1F6CEE1FF62641A88B345B8950D692A6 Infracolic region (body structure) 15894 15894 15894 psoas region of trunk S15894 E15894 243985006 Psoas region (body structure) P15894 Y P regional/topgraphical 4D6AB241CB3B49B08048E248C6CF9D19 Psoas region (body structure) 15895 15895 15895 surface of upper limb S15895 E15895 243997007 Surface region of upper limb (body structure) P15895 Y 24153 D integument/surface 06D3C024FF3B4346924DC1DC0DFE523D Surface region of upper limb (body structure) 15896 15896 15896 surface of upper arm S15896 E15896 243998002 Surface region of upper arm (body structure) P15896 Y D integument/surface 8AA880E641DB4A9EB30E4D2B73E6CEEE Surface region of upper arm (body structure) 15897 15897 15897 surface of forearm S15897 E15897 244000007 Surface region of forearm (body structure) P15897 Y 24177 D integument/surface 59469BE567734D6599B36EF47D4F3DA3 Surface region of forearm (body structure) 15898 15898 15898 surface of antecubital fossa S15898 E15898 244001006 Antecubital fossa (surface region) (body structure) P15898 Y D integument/surface CA9CBC04F82F49689FFC5AE1B7B95407 Antecubital fossa (surface region) (body structure) 15899 15899 15899 surface of hand S15899 E15899 244005002 Surface region of hand (body structure) P15899 Y 25240 D integument/surface BE66DA0BB0AB4D0F948E2EAF44D6B1D0 Surface region of hand (body structure) 15900 15900 15900 surface of finger S15900 E15900 244006001 Surface region of finger (body structure) P15900 Y 25312 D integument/surface 9800670E7DCC4966B14CAC1B8228722C Surface region of finger (body structure) 15901 15901 15901 surface of index finger S15901 E15901 244007005 Surface region of index finger (body structure) P15901 Y 25321 D integument/surface A3DD2DDDA04C4FFA95DC6A988F974287 Surface region of index finger (body structure) 15902 15902 15902 surface of middle finger S15902 E15902 244008000 Surface region of middle finger (body structure) P15902 Y 25322 D integument/surface 20F58CF4B9674A01AAEC7C47F01D88BD Surface region of middle finger (body structure) 15903 15903 15903 surface of ring finger S15903 E15903 244009008 Surface region of ring finger (body structure) P15903 Y 25323 D integument/surface 72B0D93E91E64B348D1D9AD51444B14A Surface region of ring finger (body structure) 15904 15904 15904 surface of little finger S15904 E15904 244010003 Surface region of little finger (body structure) P15904 Y 25324 D integument/surface 97DA2556A1724FC8B0E1AF69FD0FD201 Surface region of little finger (body structure) 15905 15905 15905 surface of lower limb S15905 E15905 244011004 Surface region of lower limb (body structure) P15905 Y 24154 D integument/surface DDC2B43BDD0944B29C0A84DE384717CA Surface region of lower limb (body structure) 15906 15906 15906 surface of thigh S15906 E15906 244013001 Surface region of thigh (body structure) P15906 Y 25241 D integument/surface 32EA1B7E490F400289C549C86E0E38DF Surface region of thigh (body structure) 15907 15907 15907 surface of lower leg S15907 E15907 244014007 Surface region of lower leg (body structure) P15907 Y D integument/surface 6C5D2A1C1149409B89A812719144C8A1 Surface region of lower leg (body structure) 15908 15908 15908 surface of foot S15908 E15908 244020008 Surface region of foot (body structure) P15908 Y 25243 D integument/surface 05883A56D3944EC18FCEB79240A9C6BF Surface region of foot (body structure) 15909 15909 15909 hindfoot region of foot 116668006 S15909 Hindfoot (body structure) E15909 P15909 Y 63959 P Hindfoot 15910 15910 15910 subregion of scalp 700031004 S15910 Structure of subregion of scalp (body structure) E15910 244068002 Region of scalp (body structure) P15910 - 224003 P regional/topgraphical 2110DF5EC2B0418FA840F256AD4E4C24 Region of scalp (body structure) 15911 15911 15911 frontal region of scalp 699633009 S15911 Structure of frontal region of scalp (body structure) E15911 244069005 Frontal region of scalp (body structure) P15911 - 224026 P regional/topgraphical 8B956FA2D25448FC88878230ECB50451 Frontal region of scalp (body structure) 15912 15912 15912 nuchal region of scalp S15912 E15912 244070006 Nuchal region of scalp (body structure) P15912 - P regional/topgraphical 2FF80244AF464974AE303DF30C7B96A2 Nuchal region of scalp (body structure) 15913 15913 15913 parietal region of scalp 700033001 S15913 Structure of parietal region of scalp (body structure) E15913 244071005 Parietal region of scalp (body structure) P15913 Y 224012 P regional/topgraphical 1C95A0E06E8344E5A2B354466AD006C5 Parietal region of scalp (body structure) 15914 15914 15914 region of penis 244116006 S15914 Region of penis (body structure) E15914 P15914 - P genital system FBA66D73C2104FFABB6B5174C735CB46 Region of penis 15915 15915 15915 region of spinal cord 244437008 S15915 Region of spinal cord (body structure) E15915 P15915 - D nervous system 226F6763F1B442859636D960045A6BE7 Region of spinal cord 15916 15916 15916 region of esophagus 245404000 S15916 Region of esophagus (body structure) E15916 P15916 - P digestive system DD451717916444058D3D3D5C2BBBCD87 Region of esophagus 15917 15917 15917 region of stomach 245415005 S15917 Region of stomach (body structure) E15917 P15917 - P digestive system CCAFC06CB3DA442DA03BBA83DECC09A5 Region of stomach 15918 15918 15918 region of small intestine 245423007 S15918 Region of small intestine (body structure) E15918 P15918 - P digestive system 1CD05728DCC149BA9CAF0FFEC4A58964 Region of small intestine 15919 15919 15919 region of large intestine 245424001 S15919 Region of large intestine (body structure) E15919 P15919 - P digestive system 5AAEEDB82AB1469485EC3CD36031B619 Region of large intestine 15920 15920 15920 region of colon 245425000 S15920 Region of colon (body structure) E15920 P15920 - P digestive system F96C22502D684D0388609B884925A0D5 Region of colon 15921 15921 15921 region of rectum 245430001 S15921 Region of rectum (body structure) E15921 P15921 - P digestive system 84172236ED10432094B00076CE9CC48E Region of rectum 15922 15922 15922 region of anal canal 245439000 S15922 Region of anal canal (body structure) E15922 P15922 - P digestive system FC91F75FDDF7479DAD7358D8C91E215D Region of anal canal 15923 15923 15923 subareolar region of breast S15923 E15923 245525003 Subareolar region (body structure) P15923 Y 236425 P regional/topgraphical A534BD8127EF46DCB119C7A013CEAB27 Subareolar region (body structure) 15924 15924 15924 appendicular region S15924 E15924 261053008 Appendicular region (body structure) P15924 - P digestive system 7BB62EF5F1BB4645B2F52A96E2E2EF38 Appendicular region (body structure) 15925 15925 15925 surface of body 127947003 S15925 Structure of body surface region (body structure) E15925 261060002 Entire body surface region (body structure) P15925 - 24146 P regional/topgraphical 848B305F4EE1411EB555CB4269A54DFE 738252530E6E423B858C98EA6BB133DF body surface region Entire body surface region (body structure) Anatomical surface, which is the external surface of a body part or a body part subdivision. Examples: surface of head, surface of front of neck, epigastric region, sacral region, surface of dorsum of right foot. 15928 15928 15928 pericecal region of abdomen S15928 E15928 264134002 Pericecal region (body structure) P15928 - P digestive system 525BD359711E4B5E8A72085F042B322B Pericecal region (body structure) 15931 15931 15931 surface of upper thigh S15931 E15931 264252008 Upper thigh (surface region) (body structure) P15931 Y D integument/surface 8EAE4811B3DA48D2B53E98C2B6874DFA Upper thigh (surface region) (body structure) 15932 15932 15932 surface of head S15932 E15932 272610005 Surface region of head (body structure) P15932 - 24150 D integument/surface 86CF37FF28A74F278F8B3775FBF03A33 Surface region of head (body structure) 15933 15933 15933 surface of neck S15933 E15933 272611009 Surface region of neck (body structure) P15933 - 24151 D integument/surface D473F874C494454BA015478281AADDAB Surface region of neck (body structure) 15934 15934 15934 surface of back S15934 E15934 272612002 Surface region of back (body structure) P15934 - 24205 D integument/surface 13669EF04DB3488FA2F1C49809FD0867 Surface region of back (body structure) 15935 15935 15935 surface of axilla S15935 E15935 272613007 Surface region of axilla (body structure) P15935 Y 74800 D integument/surface 05DDA45353A341579A1476E2A7A19C4B Surface region of axilla (body structure) 15936 15936 15936 surface of thorax region 272614001 S15936 Structure of surface region of thorax (body structure) E15936 P15936 - 24122 D integument/surface 6616598863504CAC834F1343F05F49D0 surface region of thorax 15937 15937 15937 surface of abdomen region S15937 E15937 272615000 Surface region of abdomen (body structure) P15937 - D integument/surface 98DB0C01150E44048B945510E53EF5F2 Surface region of abdomen (body structure) 15938 15938 15938 surface of limb S15938 E15938 272617008 Surface region of limb (body structure) P15938 Y 24152 D integument/surface CD278D1C1C1F4F84BA2EE4D9E5DB4E7C Surface region of limb (body structure) 15939 15939 15939 surface of thumb S15939 E15939 272618003 Surface region of thumb (body structure) P15939 Y 25320 D integument/surface B42966BEB20347589CE13FED9DA3334E Surface region of thumb (body structure) 15941 15941 15941 surface of toe S15941 E15941 272621001 Surface region of toe (body structure) P15941 Y 25456 D integument/surface 78161EFD8062438BBFF04CCBAAFABABB Surface region of toe (body structure) 15943 15943 15943 subdivision of abdominal cavity 272624009 S15943 Region of abdominal cavity (body structure) E15943 P15943 - 259185 P regional/topgraphical 346B83F074FC4EE48520988AE56672C4 Region of abdominal cavity 15944 15944 15944 anterior interosseous nerve region 272635004 S15944 Anterior interosseous nerve region (body structure) E15944 P15944 Y P nervous system 8C8807952E6545BE922D49C3B650D36D Anterior interosseous nerve region 15945 15945 15945 posterior interosseous nerve region 272636003 S15945 Posterior interosseous nerve region (body structure) E15945 P15945 Y P nervous system 0C4443CC901349C49CAF71793F6949CE Posterior interosseous nerve region 15946 15946 15946 region of ulnar nerve 272639005 S15946 Ulnar nerve region (body structure) E15946 P15946 Y P nervous system 52D6D31CEEB048B49FAD5170BBB658C8 Ulnar nerve region 15947 15947 15947 region of radial nerve 272642004 S15947 Radial nerve region (body structure) E15947 P15947 Y P nervous system ED8F800AA21F40DC9089C9FA89336194 Radial nerve region 15948 15948 15948 region of median nerve 272645002 S15948 Median nerve region (body structure) E15948 P15948 Y P nervous system B98CA03D38D64ABC89B41564D0D1C7B9 Median nerve region 15949 15949 15949 region of tympanic membrane 272648000 S15949 Region of tympanic membrane (body structure) E15949 P15949 Y P special senses organ system 9E54940AE97248CD9C3F1629F719C14F Region of tympanic membrane 15950 15950 15950 parasymphyseal region of mandible S15950 E15950 272689002 Parasymphyseal region of mandible (body structure) P15950 Y P skeletal system 03B0F77777BA420D8BB39EC5B40E0A11 Parasymphyseal region of mandible (body structure) 15951 15951 15951 periadrenal region of abdomen S15951 E15951 276909000 Periadrenal region (body structure) P15951 Y P regional/topgraphical F9F4B98F58664D908584BE5FBEAFD22D Periadrenal region (body structure) 15952 15952 15952 para-aortic region of abdomen S15952 E15952 276910005 Para-aortic region (body structure) P15952 - P regional/topgraphical 42CF60BCDDF042118E3B0A73D47A95D4 Para-aortic region (body structure) 15953 15953 15953 surface of trunk region S15953 E15953 278264008 Surface region of trunk (body structure) P15953 - D integument/surface FF0188BBB4FE417EB9BD242D10ADE800 Surface region of trunk (body structure) 15954 15954 15954 body internal region S15954 E15954 278826002 Body internal region (body structure) P15954 - P regional/topgraphical 6701EF023DCA404AA8E87A410EB77F9E Body internal region (body structure) 15955 15955 15955 subregion of breast 279005008 S15955 Region of breast (body structure) E15955 P15955 Y 62112 D regional/topgraphical 6C1A9CDAB9C34F8CAFE8DE957D32323B Region of breast 15956 15956 15956 surface of lateral anterior abdomen region S15956 E15956 279024006 Lateral anterior abdominal surface region (body structure) P15956 Y D integument/surface A2AD65C733374D24B1F995F83F91CD49 Lateral anterior abdominal surface region (body structure) 15957 15957 15957 region of cerebral cortex 279198004 S15957 Region of cerebral cortex (body structure) E15957 P15957 Y 242193 P nervous system E8533E3019B849358A00BDA2BE4435AA Region of cerebral cortex 15958 15958 15958 surface of central region of chest S15958 E15958 279233000 Central surface region of chest (body structure) P15958 - D integument/surface 852E571A889746449CEFCA4352EC713A Central surface region of chest (body structure) 15960 15960 15960 region of ureter 279391003 S15960 Region of ureter (body structure) E15960 P15960 Y P urinary system B6BA410C1FD74960BCBA192D4E3738C1 Region of ureter 15961 15961 15961 intramural region of ureter S15961 E15961 279399001 Intramural region of ureter (body structure) P15961 Y P urinary system 69F114DBE25E40CDBBE19F1F68430262 Intramural region of ureter (body structure) 15962 15962 15962 region of bladder 279400008 S15962 Region of bladder (body structure) E15962 P15962 - P urinary system 4A341E4A63E54E12A354330AF3173781 Region of bladder 15963 15963 15963 region of urethra 279431001 S15963 Region of urethra (body structure) E15963 P15963 - P urinary system B67B694147C14A71B9117C05F0D45A8C Region of urethra 15964 15964 15964 region of male urethra 279450001 S15964 Region of male urethra (body structure) E15964 P15964 - P urinary system 16C06C6E7C234716BE8E0B1AF2E39DE7 Region of male urethra 15965 15965 15965 region of nose S15965 E15965 279542008 Region of nose (body structure) P15965 - P respiratory system 9ED8C1F6F0A44036AD354CFF1962F98B Region of nose (body structure) 15966 15966 15966 region of epididymis 279619007 S15966 Region of epididymis (body structure) E15966 P15966 Y P genital system B8823955D4F94DC2BF491FBC5F9AC4B8 Region of epididymis 15967 15967 15967 region of vas deferens 279631009 S15967 Region of vas deferens (body structure) E15967 P15967 Y 19254 P genital system 1F230D1DE7CC4F55B6A9A697B49110B1 Region of vas deferens 15968 15968 15968 region of spermatic cord 279645003 S15968 Region of spermatic cord (body structure) E15968 P15968 Y D genital system A34882F8D43D4AB9BA1D690FF890FC62 Region of spermatic cord 15969 15969 15969 region of vagina 279876006 S15969 Region of vagina (body structure) E15969 P15969 - P genital system B5419896F1E84673BD70EE956C14183C Region of vagina 15970 15970 15970 region of uterine body 279877002 S15970 Region of uterine body (body structure) E15970 P15970 - P genital system 75BEE503C6C6442C8DE26CF4A90FBE78 Region of uterine body 15971 15971 15971 region of cervix uteri 279880001 S15971 Region of cervix uteri (body structure) E15971 P15971 - P genital system 2B14211F2FB54B79BD0F2EE45E140AF4 Region of cervix uteri 15972 15972 15972 region of Fallopian tube 279902008 S15972 Region of Fallopian tube (body structure) E15972 P15972 Y P genital system E87FEA0D474748D292A8F1C785C418FA Region of Fallopian tube 15973 15973 15973 region of diaphragmatic surface of liver 279962006 S15973 Region of diaphragmatic surface of liver (body structure) E15973 P15973 - 17529 P digestive system 296B250AC1B943CFAAA89159F00109C1 Region of diaphragmatic surface of liver 15974 15974 15974 region of pancreas 279983000 S15974 Region of pancreas (body structure) E15974 P15974 - D digestive system A8D372D05D534585BEE7C0E328AC9C26 Region of pancreas 15975 15975 15975 bilateral vocal cords 280359003 S15975 Bilateral vocal cords (body structure) E15975 P15975 - P respiratory system 343EA89626E44889AFBDA4979D473F2B Bilateral vocal cords 15976 15976 15976 region of central cord canal 280404003 S15976 Region of central cord canal (body structure) E15976 P15976 - P nervous system 3601CE1128644E948A781123531963CA Region of central cord canal 15977 15977 15977 bilateral parotid ducts 280425003 S15977 Bilateral parotid ducts (body structure) E15977 P15977 - P digestive system 5133E1943E5F4B46BD93312E965A6920 Bilateral parotid ducts 15978 15978 15978 region of mediastinum 280432007 S15978 Region of mediastinum (body structure) E15978 P15978 - P respiratory system E23D119CC9524A959391FE3F035473C9 Region of mediastinum 15980 15980 15980 bilateral medial rectus 280695001 S15980 Bilateral medial rectus (body structure) E15980 P15980 - P musculoskeletal system 14C65E0AA373471FB9C52E1A4ACBAE99 Bilateral medial rectus 15981 15981 15981 bilateral lateral rectus 280696000 S15981 Bilateral lateral rectus (body structure) E15981 P15981 - P musculoskeletal system 0875E0EE626446E6B1F5AAB8270C45F2 Bilateral lateral rectus 15982 15982 15982 bilateral inguinal canals 280698004 S15982 Bilateral inguinal canals (body structure) E15982 P15982 - P genitourinary system 638A1D9FB8944FB1961DD7BB6B316FE5 Bilateral inguinal canals 15983 15983 15983 pelvic region of peritoneum S15983 E15983 280702000 Pelvic region of peritoneum (body structure) P15983 - 20993 P digestive system 998AE3306D72492089885529F957BF61 Pelvic region of peritoneum (body structure) 15984 15984 15984 subphrenic region of abdomen S15984 E15984 280703005 Subphrenic region (body structure) P15984 - P digestive system 0A8798B5DCFF4E29B251B978C9DBCAD5 Subphrenic region (body structure) 15985 15985 15985 region of metatarsal 280711000 S15985 Region of metatarsal (body structure) E15985 P15985 Y P skeletal system 6963AE2A0F0A45D787C44FD55214C858 Region of metatarsal 15986 15986 15986 subependymal zone of central nervous system S15986 E15986 28080006 Subependymal region (body structure) P15986 - P nervous system 923097C0ECFF45448B448F6497D8D2F2 Subependymal region (body structure) 15987 15987 15987 bilateral femoral canals 281151000 S15987 Bilateral femoral canals (body structure) E15987 P15987 - P genitourinary system 6A59125EF1C5484E8C9ACF6C4E65E603 Bilateral femoral canals 15988 15988 15988 subdivision of thoracic cavity 281825004 S15988 Region of thoracic cavity (body structure) E15988 P15988 - 79192 P respiratory system 59F444E968314C62A8CCBB100F5C4503 Region of thoracic cavity 15989 15989 15989 inter-regional junction of spinal region of back S15989 E15989 282021007 Inter-regional junction of spine (body structure) P15989 - P regional/topgraphical 939FDF0A196540E394A239A1DF0BEF20 Inter-regional junction of spine (body structure) 15990 15990 15990 bilateral condylar process of mandible 282829008 S15990 Bilateral condylar process of mandible (body structure) E15990 P15990 - P digestive system 99EF36F4B15643E6A11FFE501340BD69 Bilateral condylar process of mandible 15991 15991 15991 submammary region of anterior thorax S15991 E15991 29416005 Submammary region (body structure) P15991 Y P regional/topgraphical 134381E6AB544A81AA5A69B2ABF5DAD2 Submammary region (body structure) 15992 15992 15992 subhyaloid space of eye S15992 E15992 303297003 Subhyaloid region (body structure) P15992 Y P special senses organ system F078DFD400A34DAD82B626963C04AC0A Subhyaloid region (body structure) 15994 15994 15994 bilateral knee joints 304913001 S15994 Bilateral knee joints (body structure) E15994 P15994 - P musculoskeletal system DA9FDC5D513A4BD19B193CE86D7A8CC3 Bilateral knee joints 15995 15995 15995 region of main bile duct 307703008 S15995 Region of main bile duct (body structure) E15995 P15995 - P digestive system D75D4964082F403985B242300D67DB0E Region of main bile duct 15996 15996 15996 bilateral maxillary sinus 313302006 S15996 Bilateral maxillary sinus (body structure) E15996 P15996 - P respiratory system 5205237107CA4312B6B7FA809D8209ED Bilateral maxillary sinus 15997 15997 15997 region of frontal cortex 314140006 S15997 Region of frontal cortex (body structure) E15997 P15997 Y P nervous system 607C63B76BD94D12BCCF09C48DE3633C Region of frontal cortex 15998 15998 15998 region of temporal cortex 314152004 S15998 Region of temporal cortex (body structure) E15998 P15998 Y P nervous system 8D9D54CDC9C549B49A2B9B6A266B38E3 Region of temporal cortex 15999 15999 15999 region of parietal cortex 314153009 S15999 Region of parietal cortex (body structure) E15999 P15999 Y P nervous system 46DE3801851248E9A8D861BB4B30DE57 Region of parietal cortex 16000 16000 16000 region of occipital cortex 314154003 S16000 Region of occipital cortex (body structure) E16000 P16000 Y P nervous system 3656399F84C2421DA3D9FB94DB0B992D Region of occipital cortex 16001 16001 16001 region of trachea 314261005 S16001 Region of trachea (body structure) E16001 P16001 - P respiratory system E96668FCBCE34C1EB7344897381EC72C Region of trachea 16002 16002 16002 region of ovary 314396007 S16002 Region of ovary (body structure) E16002 P16002 Y P genital system 0C39C96BA10942F6A16305C8305CEFFD Region of ovary 16003 16003 16003 region of prostate 314399000 S16003 Region of prostate (body structure) E16003 P16003 - P genital system 2C76C3BD0D154A228D000699DC5A7558 Region of prostate 16004 16004 16004 region of bone 314524002 S16004 Structure of region of bone (body structure) E16004 P16004 - D skeletal system EA0D8A17FC4A443D8DD4CB9C6EF660D2 region of bone 16005 16005 16005 region of proximal femur 314566001 S16005 Region of proximal femur (body structure) E16005 P16005 Y P skeletal system B73072BC24474F0A83DFBE175153885E Region of proximal femur 16006 16006 16006 region of epiglottis 314727007 S16006 Region of epiglottis (body structure) E16006 P16006 - P digestive system 00C4053F35874F4C8B5366D24B6FA74C Region of epiglottis 16007 16007 16007 region of spleen 314735005 S16007 Region of spleen (body structure) E16007 P16007 - P lymphoid system 649D8D8404AE41B8ADB0363FF1D2C21A Region of spleen 16008 16008 16008 region of gallbladder 314739004 S16008 Region of gallbladder (body structure) E16008 P16008 - P digestive system 024C1397D96A4F8B8FA2A383F42ABDFE Region of gallbladder 16009 16009 16009 region of external nose S16009 E16009 314742005 Region of external nose (body structure) P16009 - P respiratory system 4275973C64FA4FDBA3EC73714116E37C Region of external nose (body structure) 16010 16010 16010 surface of tongue 314870004 S16010 Tongue surface region (body structure) E16010 P16010 - 54647 D digestive system 95891956E8DE486C895F22E5AAD10A09 Tongue surface region 16011 16011 16011 region of primitive gut S16011 E16011 360394002 Primitive gut region (body structure) P16011 - P regional/topgraphical 684C1C8ACE1344BA977300E9F369433F Primitive gut region (body structure) 16012 16012 16012 region of hypothalamus 360454003 S16012 Region of hypothalamus (body structure) E16012 P16012 - P nervous system 0C7AD024806541F8ACF12AB9F4845CA0 Region of hypothalamus 16013 16013 16013 region of cranial cavity S16013 E16013 360776006 Region of cranial cavity (body structure) P16013 - P skeletal system 88DF4CA5454B468681673AD95D8F15EA Region of cranial cavity (body structure) 16014 16014 16014 region of nasopharynx 360955006 S16014 Region of nasopharynx (body structure) E16014 P16014 - P respiratory system 6158ECA13FF0412A99B7C54FF0E67E92 Region of nasopharynx 16015 16015 16015 region of ileum 360965000 S16015 Region of ileum (body structure) E16015 P16015 - P digestive system C8E0C9B7AD8D49F7B9797B11C7E120F3 Region of ileum 16016 16016 16016 zone of lesser sac 360985001 S16016 Structure of region of omental bursa (body structure) E16016 P16016 - 19804 P digestive system 468155458932456E95152D00101B24CB region of omental bursa 16017 16017 16017 region of lymph node 361000003 S16017 Region of lymph node (body structure) E16017 P16017 - P lymphoreticular system B1455CE1EF134E56B01D0CC988063D49 Region of lymph node 16018 16018 16018 region of trunk of peripheral nerve of upper limb 361039007 S16018 Peripheral nerve region of upper limb (body structure) E16018 P16018 Y 0 D nervous system 1961D9E7CEE54359BC792797DFAAD5B8 Peripheral nerve region of upper limb 16019 16019 16019 region of brachial plexus S16019 E16019 361057008 Region of brachial plexus (body structure) P16019 Y P nervous system B94D0DBDC8C346058CB61FDDE04DB25E Region of brachial plexus (body structure) 16020 16020 16020 region of sympathetic nervous system S16020 E16020 361061002 Region of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) P16020 - P nervous system E232A8DC0C444D63BCD946B911DC6430 Region of sympathetic nervous system (body structure) 16021 16021 16021 region of parasympathetic nervous system S16021 E16021 361064005 Region of parasympathetic nervous system (body structure) P16021 - P nervous system 1F6E39F047214582A7E0F3A256C78FE0 Region of parasympathetic nervous system (body structure) 16022 16022 16022 surface of jaw region S16022 E16022 362886009 Jaw (surface region) (body structure) P16022 - D integument/surface DA2B0326785F44169A6AAA5E2FC2DAA9 Jaw (surface region) (body structure) 16023 16023 16023 subregion of foot 362887000 S16023 Region of foot (body structure) E16023 P16023 Y D regional/topgraphical 64DD5726209449B29B71E0F9A8F70DF9 Region of foot 16024 16024 16024 surface of hip S16024 E16024 362888005 Surface region of hip (body structure) P16024 Y 25248 D integument/surface D0D8BF04E8F44B26AC730F2B3275C3AA Surface region of hip (body structure) 16034 16034 16034 Brodmann area S16034 E16034 384717008 Brodmann area (body structure) P16034 Y 68596 P nervous system 7600C033E1824A789284E5FEB163355C Brodmann area (body structure) 16035 16035 16035 region of brain S16035 E16035 384763002 Brain region (body structure) P16035 - P nervous system 2E7BD66EE3E646DA995578E65999376F Brain region (body structure) 16036 16036 16036 forefoot region of foot 396956009 S16036 Forefoot region of foot (body structure) E16036 P16036 Y 63957 P regional/topgraphical F35349F67EA049A099B6DA46B43C0448 Forefoot region of foot 16037 16037 16037 nasal region of face S16037 E16037 39940001 Nasal region of face (body structure) P16037 - P regional/topgraphical DAB6C0F3D75A4F5683577CACB2ECB9C1 Nasal region of face (body structure) 16038 16038 16038 mammary region of thorax S16038 E16038 45241003 Thoracic mammary region (body structure) P16038 Y P regional/topgraphical D668B9DE4AEB4E0FABFE1253B75528A3 Thoracic mammary region (body structure) 16039 16039 16039 intraspinal region of cranial cavity S16039 E16039 56847007 Intraspinal region of cranial cavity (body structure) P16039 - P skeletal system E7AB94800D5D400FB962212E8BBFA60E Intraspinal region of cranial cavity (body structure) 16040 16040 16040 subepidermal region of dermis S16040 E16040 63034008 Subepidermal region (body structure) P16040 - P integumentary system B3C91AEAE74F430882934E5351D1776C Subepidermal region (body structure) 16041 16041 16041 midlobular region of liver S16041 E16041 65922001 Midlobular region of liver (body structure) P16041 - P digestive system 7E9924A9D3104916986C49A9ACC1A66D Midlobular region of liver (body structure) 16042 16042 16042 peripheral lobular region of liver S16042 E16042 68221002 Peripheral lobular region of liver (body structure) P16042 - P digestive system 7A32C465D23B4133806DB7878A1F7ADC Peripheral lobular region of liver (body structure) 16043 16043 16043 infrapubic region of pelvis S16043 E16043 78022003 Infrapubic region (body structure) P16043 - P regional/topgraphical D0BDF61FD2194A708825E336E28DEEA6 Infrapubic region (body structure) 16045 16045 16045 group of material anatomical entities 420864000 S16045 Group of anatomical entities (body structure) E16045 P16045 - 55652 P 54EEDC44C47B4E7D9A145ABC4197DBFB Group of anatomical entities Material anatomical entity which consists of the maximum number of discontinuous members of the same class. Examples: set of cranial nerves, ventral branches of aorta, set of mammary arteries, thoracic viscera, dental arcade. 16046 16046 16046 soft tissue over ischial tuberosity 129177003 S16046 Soft tissues over ischial tuberosity (body structure) E16046 P16046 Y D skeletal system F16AC81B148344F4BE4E02E87CAD2100 Soft tissues over ischial tuberosity 16047 16047 16047 soft tissue of iliac fossa 129180002 S16047 Soft tissues of iliac fossa (body structure) E16047 P16047 Y D 57B45BCA588E4108829188DD2FD0B280 Soft tissues of iliac fossa 16048 16048 16048 node of Kent 134303004 S16048 Nodes of Kent (body structure) E16048 P16048 - P muscular system EC7DF18294824B14BF3900F26E932AE4 Nodes of Kent 16049 16049 16049 transplanted skin 13853000 S16049 Transplanted skin (body structure) E16049 P16049 - P integumentary system 9F3180ADE3384D02B32980C03183DE0F Transplanted skin 16051 16051 16051 ventral primary division of four upper cervical nerves 110693004 S16051 Ventral primary division of four upper cervical nerves (body structure) E16051 P16051 Y 0 P nervous system 6604CB88B7274EB4B76CE0F808A38E1F Ventral primary division of four upper cervical nerves 16052 16052 16052 dorsal digital nerve of foot 110695006 S16052 Dorsal digital nerves of foot (body structure) E16052 P16052 Y 44793 P nervous system 8A8A500B54AF48EA9C2823FAA73506C9 Dorsal digital nerves of foot 16054 16054 16054 interstitial tissue of brain 113299008 S16054 Interstitial tissue of brain (body structure) E16054 P16054 - P nervous system FFA3D84B54564B6A94360B959F31B79C Interstitial tissue of brain 16055 16055 16055 corticobulbar fiber bundle of pons 113304009 S16055 Corticobulbar fibers of pons (body structure) E16055 P16055 Y P nervous system 3E37A3FDD020459F83536E335D705005 Corticobulbar fibers of pons 16056 16056 16056 striated muscle tissue 118252003 S16056 Striated muscle (tissue) (body structure) E16056 P16056 - 67905 P muscular system 2BBFE3613A1B40F999F39903F4E886B2 Striated muscle (tissue) Tissue which consists of striated muscle fibers surrounded by endomysium. Examples: Skeletal muscle tissue, Cardiac muscle tissue. 16059 16059 16059 synovial mebrane of tendon sheath 118501004 S16059 Synovial tissue of tendon sheath (body structure) E16059 P16059 Y P musculoskeletal system A5185ED8054E46128A6729B8B231082F Synovial tissue of tendon sheath 16061 16061 16061 deep transverse fiber bundle of pons 11031006 S16061 Deep transverse fibers of pons (body structure) E16061 P16061 - P nervous system 11BA8631EA89469DA2CF830EDAC29D65 Deep transverse fibers of pons 16062 16062 16062 skin of dorsum of penis 110489001 S16062 Dorsal skin of penis (body structure) E16062 P16062 - P genital system D925A995532E496E89DECC5EEABED6F3 Dorsal skin of penis 16063 16063 16063 skin of ventral part of penis 110490005 S16063 Ventral skin of penis (body structure) E16063 P16063 - P genital system B0C4F459FDF44BECB3BA94213D040146 Ventral skin of penis 16064 16064 16064 subcutaneous tissue of perioral region of face 110492002 S16064 Subcutaneous tissue of perioral region of face (body structure) E16064 P16064 - D integument/surface 644D98340FFA4A0DA51DF7624C8D8CED Subcutaneous tissue of perioral region of face 16065 16065 16065 skeleton of head S16065 E16065 110530005 Cranial and facial bones (body structure) P16065 - 71223 P musculoskeletal system B83CF634D9284E43B0285232FC5E3049 Cranial and facial bones (body structure) Subdivision of skeleton which consists of the bones of the head excluding its joints. 16066 16066 16066 transplanted soft tissue 110543005 S16066 Transplanted soft tissues (body structure) E16066 P16066 - P 90B69129540C4D43ADA74E7163D90242 Transplanted soft tissues 16067 16067 16067 medullary artery of the brain 110562008 S16067 Medullary arteries of the brain (body structure) E16067 P16067 Y P arterial system BEA4CD25BE2D457FBEAA2E0E7E2E0142 Medullary arteries of the brain 16068 16068 16068 short medullary artery of the brain 110564009 S16068 Short medullary arteries of the brain (body structure) E16068 P16068 Y P arterial system 4A2B92375854421787CA6020384E99DF Short medullary arteries of the brain 16069 16069 16069 extracranial or intracranial artery 110565005 S16069 Extracranial and intracranial arteries (body structure) E16069 P16069 - 0 P arterial system FA75C459FECC483CA229BA0DF626F5E1 Extracranial and intracranial arteries 16070 16070 16070 perivesicular tissue of urinary bladder 110626001 S16070 Perivesicular tissue of urinary bladder (body structure) E16070 P16070 - P 2067398644C04739B8C721CB45E763BB Perivesicular tissue of urinary bladder 16071 16071 16071 smooth muscle tissue 122447002 S16071 Smooth muscle (tissue) (body structure) E16071 P16071 - 14070 P muscular system 928135DE819B45168AB69E7832DD2164 Smooth muscle (tissue) Tissue which consists of smooth muscle fibers surrounded by a reticulum of collagen and elastic fibers. Examples: Arrector muscle of hair, Muscularis mucosae. 16072 16072 16072 cardiac muscle tissue 122448007 S16072 Cardiac muscle (tissue) (body structure) E16072 P16072 - 14068 P muscular system 046602FF4B0B4136A1CD9568F7689B45 Cardiac muscle (tissue) Tissue which consists of cardiac myocytes surrounded by cardiac endomysium. Examples: Cardiac muscle tissue proper, conducting tissue of heart. 16073 16073 16073 nerve of free upper limb S16073 E16073 P16073 Y 0 D nervous system Nerves of the hand, forearm, upper arm and shoulder 16074 16074 16074 striatostriatal fiber bundle of internal capsule 12352006 S16074 Striatostriatal fibers of internal capsule (body structure) E16074 P16074 Y P nervous system 84F4B864CB694BB08ED456AA71BE0AC0 Striatostriatal fibers of internal capsule 16075 16075 16075 peri-ampullary tissue of hepatopancreatic ampulla 127881005 S16075 Peri-ampullary tissue of hepatopancreatic ampulla (body structure) E16075 P16075 - P digestive system 19192C2D39714FF48400ED16B6177289 Peri-ampullary tissue of hepatopancreatic ampulla 16076 16076 16076 tectoreticular fiber bundle 14658004 S16076 Tectoreticular fibers (body structure) E16076 P16076 Y 75218 P nervous system 16B4C932F4DE431B872A9DCBDF2E98DB Tectoreticular fibers 16077 16077 16077 subserosal tissue of liver 17864001 S16077 Subserosal tissue of liver (body structure) E16077 P16077 - 15812 P digestive system 6BB65AB30E874512AD690F1579866AB6 Subserosal tissue of liver 16078 16078 16078 suprasellar meninges 180950007 S16078 Suprasellar meninges (body structure) E16078 P16078 - P nervous system 69FBBF471E724BF38561BE68935B5B9B Suprasellar meninges 16079 16079 16079 middle fossa meninges 180951006 S16079 Middle fossa meninges (body structure) E16079 P16079 - P nervous system AECF1B9C822445A7A07EDF784F7D2E38 Middle fossa meninges 16080 16080 16080 cerebellopontine angle meninges 180952004 S16080 Cerebellopontine angle meninges (body structure) E16080 P16080 - P nervous system 5C1756C2D79648DD9D609C764E2E9D99 Cerebellopontine angle meninges 16081 16081 16081 meninges of clivus 180953009 S16081 Meninges of clivus (body structure) E16081 P16081 - P nervous system DC11E92BE023401CBBEA830F87D4E045 Meninges of clivus 16082 16082 16082 meninges of foramen magnum 180954003 S16082 Meninges of foramen magnum (body structure) E16082 P16082 - P nervous system A2ABE8DC52E74D48A19C65CFD86F7468 Meninges of foramen magnum 16083 16083 16083 intraventricular meninges of brain 180955002 S16083 Intraventricular meninges of brain (body structure) E16083 P16083 - P nervous system A27F13F013D4434FA34CCAA13C7CA432 Intraventricular meninges of brain 16084 16084 16084 aberrant thyroid tissue 181118005 S16084 Aberrant thyroid tissue (body structure) E16084 P16084 - P endocrine system 125A1EAE3EE44D87B3FAF4CC795A5884 Aberrant thyroid tissue 16085 16085 16085 aberrant adrenal tissue 181128001 S16085 Aberrant adrenal tissue (body structure) E16085 P16085 - P endocrine system 1EE5AAE0CB60471E9F7838BC1C102561 Aberrant adrenal tissue 16086 16086 16086 skin of periumbilical region 181504006 S16086 Paraumbilical skin (body structure) E16086 P16086 - D integument/surface 2D7633A8F0954D87A466085A93D385DC Paraumbilical skin 16087 16087 16087 short external rotator of hip joint S16087 E16087 181677008 Short external rotator of hip joint (body structure) P16087 Y P skeletal system 78EA5BECA43E4593A3E18D7B9FD12AFC Short external rotator of hip joint (body structure) 16088 16088 16088 lymphatic tissue 181768009 S16088 Lymphatic tissue (body structure) E16088 P16088 - P lymphoreticular system 99FF8DFF7695438899C144275A888B02 Lymphatic tissue 16089 16089 16089 body surface point 183973000 S16089 Body surface points (body structure) E16089 P16089 - P regional/topgraphical 658990600F6D46198F9EFBC0CF5D9614 Body surface points 16092 16092 16092 dense fibrous connective tissue 22560007 S16092 Dense fibrous connective tissue (body structure) E16092 P16092 - 64781 P 87C1C33A5E0342D0951D0C31D126E438 Dense fibrous connective tissue Regular connective tissue, the intercellular matrix of which consists predominantly of collagen fiber bundles arranged in parallel arrays. 16093 16093 16093 cerebral association fiber bundle 23284005 S16093 Cerebral association fibers (body structure) E16093 P16093 Y P nervous system 8E518836DF404931B9A2133B0E0A197F Cerebral association fibers 16095 16095 16095 interstitial tissue of stomach 24065009 S16095 Interstitial tissue of stomach (body structure) E16095 P16095 - P digestive system 3C983BB6AA12487682BBC22C49AEC764 Interstitial tissue of stomach 16097 16097 16097 skin of glabella 244083007 S16097 Glabella skin (body structure) E16097 P16097 - D integument/surface 875CBF8D59D34B1EA895F19C3D22F2DF Glabella skin 16098 16098 16098 skin of perinasal region 244084001 S16098 Perinasal skin (body structure) E16098 P16098 Y D integument/surface 8FAF55D32AA34A499BC14CCFFF1050A1 Perinasal skin 16099 16099 16099 skin of area under chin 244101008 S16099 Skin under chin (body structure) E16099 P16099 - P integumentary system 29620DA10A24412E9649971612997E92 Skin under chin 16100 16100 16100 skin of sternal region 244107007 S16100 Sternal skin (body structure) E16100 P16100 - D integument/surface 998BEE2315774AC09E091314EC118091 Sternal skin 16101 16101 16101 skin of xiphisternal region 244108002 S16101 Xiphisternal skin (body structure) E16101 P16101 - D integument/surface 72208CDA207741D794F065CD99D28187 Xiphisternal skin 16102 16102 16102 skin of area over acromion 244135006 S16102 Skin over acromion (body structure) E16102 P16102 Y P integumentary system 258BCCE000464D738F73FEE4603317EF Skin over acromion 16103 16103 16103 skin of biceps region of upper arm 244136007 S16103 Skin over biceps (body structure) E16103 P16103 Y P integumentary system AEEE542923584A699725FB0BBB1A62C3 Skin over biceps 16104 16104 16104 skin of triceps region of upper arm 244140003 S16104 Skin over triceps (body structure) E16104 P16104 Y P integumentary system 6E6B803E9AE345C69037EC417A5D317E Skin over triceps 16105 16105 16105 skin of center of palm 244162003 S16105 Central palmar skin (body structure) E16105 P16105 Y D integument/surface 6289F402D8324BF3975AB62BBC5AD98A Central palmar skin 16106 16106 16106 skin of quadriceps region of thigh 244170008 S16106 Skin over quadriceps (body structure) E16106 P16106 Y P integumentary system 8063458B325F45B6887B908244B9DA6B Skin over quadriceps 16107 16107 16107 skin of hamstrings region of thigh 244173005 S16107 Skin over hamstrings (body structure) E16107 P16107 Y P integumentary system 07CA1BE11A4C4EBEAC60A7981205E779 Skin over hamstrings 16108 16108 16108 skin over malleoli 244182004 S16108 Skin over malleoli (body structure) E16108 P16108 Y P integumentary system 5640A5B9A86D49D1A8746845F66375DA Skin over malleoli 16109 16109 16109 skin of ball of foot 244186001 S16109 Skin over ball of foot (body structure) E16109 P16109 Y P integumentary system 527001DEBF574796AA77319E4BB45E33 Skin over ball of foot 16110 16110 16110 skin of dorsal instep of foot 244187005 S16110 Skin over instep of foot (body structure) E16110 P16110 Y P integumentary system 2C8D85D75F764CF9BE0E609AEA7A22DD Skin over instep of foot 16111 16111 16111 skin of dorsum of foot over head of metatarsal bone 244189008 S16111 Skin over head of metatarsal bone (body structure) E16111 P16111 Y P integumentary system E8A346097B154BD3B9EF6264A3EFD3D1 Skin over head of metatarsal bone 16112 16112 16112 skin of central plantar region 244190004 S16112 Central plantar skin (body structure) E16112 P16112 Y D integument/surface 6CF9FECBE6BD482D90689ED1ABF1F9B8 Central plantar skin 16113 16113 16113 plantar skin crease 244192007 S16113 Plantar skin creases (body structure) E16113 P16113 Y P integumentary system B2CD2A4892314C9A840059BBBFBC95A2 Plantar skin creases 16114 16114 16114 frontal meninges 244419007 S16114 Frontal meninges (body structure) E16114 P16114 Y P nervous system 59597705EB8A4CEEAF7C48F0CD90A034 Frontal meninges 16115 16115 16115 temporal meninges 244420001 S16115 Temporal meninges (body structure) E16115 P16115 Y P nervous system 72C60223499A41E09C4C87B9421A0379 Temporal meninges 16116 16116 16116 parietal meninges 244421002 S16116 Parietal meninges (body structure) E16116 P16116 Y P nervous system 9DE6B6E8CFE94E5B8D78D5922609136D Parietal meninges 16117 16117 16117 occipital meninges 244423004 S16117 Occipital meninges (body structure) E16117 P16117 Y P nervous system 37D26CB35A7241418F3DC543BA8218AB Occipital meninges 16118 16118 16118 greater sphenoid wing meninges 244424005 S16118 Greater sphenoid wing meninges (body structure) E16118 P16118 Y P nervous system B5ED942B43354CB0805E62EE4B31C503 Greater sphenoid wing meninges 16119 16119 16119 lesser sphenoid wing meninges 244425006 S16119 Lesser sphenoid wing meninges (body structure) E16119 P16119 Y P nervous system 52B2BEB59BF74D4F8EB0F595D432663A Lesser sphenoid wing meninges 16120 16120 16120 anterior fossa meninges 244426007 S16120 Anterior fossa meninges (body structure) E16120 P16120 - P nervous system 468A170362E647E484C659088D50805E Anterior fossa meninges 16121 16121 16121 cerebellar meninges 244427003 S16121 Cerebellar meninges (body structure) E16121 P16121 - P nervous system EA131B0CDEF1407D9A5F9146CB83BBC0 Cerebellar meninges 16122 16122 16122 petroclival meninges 244429000 S16122 Petroclival meninges (body structure) E16122 P16122 - P nervous system 66F3DA98D2524B28A832FAF8D4D47803 Petroclival meninges 16123 16123 16123 parasagittal meninges 244430005 S16123 Parasagittal meninges (body structure) E16123 P16123 Y P nervous system DF14814D37FA4DD0BABDFFCF85E3AC15 Parasagittal meninges 16124 16124 16124 meninges of convexity 244431009 S16124 Meninges of convexity (body structure) E16124 P16124 - P nervous system E297704F98484694B853BA5CB9955FBC Meninges of convexity 16125 16125 16125 orbital meninges 244432002 S16125 Orbital meninges (body structure) E16125 P16125 Y P nervous system 75C59C1E72164D6DB35764EFB0E59DE4 Orbital meninges 16126 16126 16126 soft tissue joint component 244567004 S16126 Soft tissue joint component (body structure) E16126 P16126 - P articular system BF96CAE89B794F228F5E9C0FFDA966A5 Soft tissue joint component 16127 16127 16127 modiolar muscle group 244719006 S16127 Structure of modiolar muscle group (body structure) E16127 424743000 Entire muscle of modiolar muscle group (body structure) P16127 Y P musculoskeletal system ECDCB58362C34DBFB08931A849F82A7E 57D9F37004364BD8A7D37E246A5EF69E modiolar muscle group Entire muscle of modiolar muscle group (body structure) 16128 16128 16128 circumorbital and palpebral muscle 244725005 S16128 Structure of circumorbital and palpebral muscle (body structure) E16128 P16128 Y P special senses organ system 490B869D8B9C43859E6E9F87F99F15AB circumorbital and palpebral muscle 16129 16129 16129 myelinated retinal nerve fiber 247107003 S16129 Myelinated retinal nerve fibers (body structure) E16129 P16129 Y P nervous system 4310E25E34D242F3BDF1B991CF49A563 Myelinated retinal nerve fibers 16131 16131 16131 lymph node group of multiple sites 254198003 S16131 Lymph nodes of multiple sites (body structure) E16131 P16131 - P lymphoreticular system AF32BA51B32E4FD18DA7326C1C4350E2 Lymph nodes of multiple sites 16133 16133 16133 neuroendocrine tissue 2639009 S16133 Neuroendocrine tissue (body structure) E16133 P16133 - P endocrine system 64E6AC41F40E406A9921AD3BAA5E3F8D Neuroendocrine tissue 16134 16134 16134 isolated intraparenchymal pulmonary artery 264052004 S16134 Isolated intraparenchymal pulmonary arteries (body structure) E16134 P16134 Y P arterial system 38220113879845C098905AF2F6EDED39 Isolated intraparenchymal pulmonary arteries 16135 16135 16135 ectopic pancreatic tissue 264304000 S16135 Ectopic pancreatic tissue (body structure) E16135 P16135 - P digestive system 66455C82D3C943D6A94F6F5C9A4B5850 Ectopic pancreatic tissue 16136 16136 16136 central pulmonary artery 264449003 S16136 Central pulmonary arteries (body structure) E16136 P16136 Y P arterial system 50A38B840B364BF29D19741DA93B1251 Central pulmonary arteries 16137 16137 16137 elastic tissue 27197004 S16137 Elastic tissue (body structure) E16137 P16137 - 20113 P 03DBD451CA8D4B57946EC7032BA66E43 Elastic tissue 16139 16139 16139 pulmonary artery zone 278093001 S16139 Pulmonary artery zones (body structure) E16139 P16139 Y 8760 P arterial system 50B7EED26930451692966FA54B90F4D6 Pulmonary artery zones 16140 16140 16140 male paraurethral tissue 279487009 S16140 Male paraurethral tissue (body structure) E16140 P16140 - P urinary system 09B60C048AA0476A9E1BFB1357688917 Male paraurethral tissue 16141 16141 16141 female periurethral tissue 279488004 S16141 Female periurethral tissue (body structure) E16141 P16141 - P genital system 4C9B3C0EDF2C4B9BBDDEF8B725752F9D Female periurethral tissue 16142 16142 16142 periurethral fibromuscular tissue 279688006 S16142 Periurethral fibromuscular tissue (body structure) E16142 P16142 - P genital system E4DF2E1C88AB4526891E72B7758BF8F1 Periurethral fibromuscular tissue 16143 16143 16143 posterior fossa meninges 280376004 S16143 Posterior fossa meninges (body structure) E16143 P16143 - P nervous system 8EC6D0882FE947F6A78352CC3DA40CC5 Posterior fossa meninges 16144 16144 16144 vault meninges 280379006 S16144 Vault meninges (body structure) E16144 P16144 - P nervous system 6BEE2D0D221E4E659DBC9152C481CC55 Vault meninges 16145 16145 16145 skin of periungual region 280418005 S16145 Periungual skin (body structure) E16145 P16145 Y D integument/surface 82115C328C8E4281BA5ADCD17DC389E6 Periungual skin 16146 16146 16146 periungual skin of finger 280419002 S16146 Periungual skin of finger (body structure) E16146 P16146 Y P integumentary system 2D195C89A1984A619025C455CFFA74BF Periungual skin of finger 16147 16147 16147 periungual skin of thumb 280420008 S16147 Periungual skin of thumb (body structure) E16147 P16147 Y P integumentary system 0D010A34456C4DC5BFEC91A140504E58 Periungual skin of thumb 16148 16148 16148 periungual skin of toe 280421007 S16148 Periungual skin of toe (body structure) E16148 P16148 Y P integumentary system 76E313A0C08244969F9C93FF1264CC68 Periungual skin of toe 16149 16149 16149 periungual skin of great toe 280422000 S16149 Periungual skin of great toe (body structure) E16149 P16149 Y P integumentary system 88D94C680A314B499670D96A430EE1CC Periungual skin of great toe 16150 16150 16150 periovarian tissue 280466003 S16150 Periovarian tissue (body structure) E16150 P16150 Y P genital system A7F802FE1B39471286F19258B768EEE4 Periovarian tissue 16151 16151 16151 peritubular tissue - Fallopian 280468002 S16151 Peritubular tissue - Fallopian (body structure) E16151 P16151 Y P genital system 0542FC5B88054929BA3C27B0019BE414 Peritubular tissue - Fallopian 16152 16152 16152 subcutaneous areolar tissue of eyelid 280564003 S16152 Subcutaneous areolar tissue of eyelid (body structure) E16152 P16152 Y P special senses organ system 8877BE0810364F938E76DF987A1B4F96 Subcutaneous areolar tissue of eyelid 16153 16153 16153 submuscular areolar tissue of eyelid 280566001 S16153 Submuscular areolar tissue of eyelid (body structure) E16153 P16153 Y P special senses organ system AA27FB4278784094A4599E45C71451F1 Submuscular areolar tissue of eyelid 16154 16154 16154 dense elastic connective tissue 28164003 S16154 Dense elastic connective tissue (body structure) E16154 P16154 - 64782 P lymphoid system F770195186B141E0921BDC4FF9E16652 Dense elastic connective tissue Regular connective tissue, which consists of fibroblasts and of intercellular matrix, which contains elastic fiber bundles oriented predominantly in definable directions. 16155 16155 16155 sweat gland bearing skin of male perineum 288322003 S16155 Sweat gland bearing skin of male perineum (body structure) E16155 P16155 - P integumentary system 8BF00C71F55E4BFC96A4D4EDEC170A07 Sweat gland bearing skin of male perineum 16157 16157 16157 oblique layer of gastric muscularis 30679004 S16157 Oblique fibers of gastric muscularis (body structure) E16157 P16157 - P digestive system 9A09739686B949E0A1E802F13FCEB0FA Oblique fibers of gastric muscularis 16158 16158 16158 cutaneous nerve of penis 307017007 S16158 Cutaneous nerves of penis (body structure) E16158 P16158 Y P nervous system DDD85FAF55DC41DC812673419CD3C760 Cutaneous nerves of penis 16159 16159 16159 skeletal tissue 309311006 S16159 Skeletal tissue (body structure) E16159 P16159 - P 00536AC44376466AAAF85358CD2202AC Skeletal tissue 16160 16160 16160 cartilage tissue 309312004 S16160 Cartilage tissue (body structure) E16160 P16160 - 37377 P skeletal system 59AB0F17C8444D4CAAC5D53332688663 Cartilage tissue Regular connective tissue, which consists of chondrocytes and related cells, the intercellular matrix of which is chondrified. Examples: hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage, elastic cartilage. 16161 16161 16161 lamellar bone tissue 309313009 S16161 Lamellar bone tissue (body structure) E16161 P16161 - P skeletal system 06FCB6FFBE26463DA5C1D8AD2789CC51 Lamellar bone tissue 16162 16162 16162 central nervous tissue 309319008 S16162 Central nervous tissue (body structure) E16162 P16162 - P nervous system 3F3A34CF2E2F4ABBBB49147A6D3562C3 Central nervous tissue 16163 16163 16163 meningeal tissue 309320002 S16163 Meningeal tissue (body structure) E16163 P16163 - P 04D5EDC33FAE4E268675F46670C08114 Meningeal tissue 16164 16164 16164 sweat gland bearing skin of axilla 310811004 S16164 Sweat gland bearing skin of axilla (body structure) E16164 P16164 Y P skeletal system 7D6C7CA4AC5E4339A6AC3CCE71B9976C Sweat gland bearing skin of axilla 16165 16165 16165 sweat gland bearing skin region 310887008 S16165 Sweat gland bearing skin (body structure) E16165 P16165 - P integumentary system BF95156D874147DD87A8E0E98A971668 Sweat gland bearing skin 16166 16166 16166 sweat gland bearing skin of groin 310888003 S16166 Sweat gland bearing skin of groin (body structure) E16166 P16166 Y P integumentary system E1E1029BB6F047C7A3D165196CFF0B08 Sweat gland bearing skin of groin 16167 16167 16167 perivesical tissue 312505001 S16167 Perivesical tissue (body structure) E16167 P16167 - P urinary system BC8C487695D74308BB4661C9A1B557A6 Perivesical tissue 16168 16168 16168 connective tissue of breast 314375000 S16168 Connective tissue of breast (body structure) E16168 P16168 Y P 728C68CC80524BA3A207BE731D890526 Connective tissue of breast 16169 16169 16169 tissue of urinary bladder 314398008 S16169 Tissue of urinary bladder (body structure) E16169 P16169 - P urinary system 2DFAB9F31834496280AC2ED4FBE30E79 Tissue of urinary bladder 16170 16170 16170 skin tissue 314818000 S16170 Skin tissue (body structure) E16170 P16170 - P integumentary system 4A5E2CC66F5E4E998581EBBE2CE84C9B Skin tissue 16171 16171 16171 areolar tissue of eyelid 314852002 S16171 Areolar tissue of eyelid (body structure) E16171 P16171 Y P special senses organ system 7190E030ACF04F43A9FAD4071599DB0C Areolar tissue of eyelid 16173 16173 16173 tectopontine fiber bundle 3301002 S16173 Tectopontine fibers (body structure) E16173 P16173 Y 72505 P nervous system 7507AD9EC7E543058E56F41D089E01B9 Tectopontine fibers 16182 16182 16182 fibrous tissue 34433006 S16182 Fibrous tissue (body structure) E16182 P16182 - 63898 P C3D4CF15370E4B09BFB704EB9E39EE4D Fibrous tissue 16185 16185 16185 pituitary portal vein 360350008 S16185 Pituitary portal veins (body structure) E16185 P16185 - P endocrine system 2E52954EBC00452399CDF21B0E20E64D Pituitary portal veins 16187 16187 16187 cerebral tract 360567002 S16187 Cerebral tracts (body structure) E16187 P16187 Y P nervous system 78D4C1556D5E42019912EA6525D44571 Cerebral tracts 16188 16188 16188 lower anterior intercostal artery 360657001 S16188 Lower anterior intercostal arteries (body structure) E16188 P16188 Y P arterial system A758088A9A374FCFA0B352E3DF4F7FBB Lower anterior intercostal arteries 16189 16189 16189 set of posterior intercostal arteries 3 to 11 360662000 S16189 Posterior intercostal arteries 3 to 11 (body structure) E16189 P16189 Y P arterial system 32DC9D4BF2EE428A930F85DF7CF41E55 Posterior intercostal arteries 3 to 11 16190 16190 16190 upper anterior intercostal artery 360673007 S16190 Upper anterior intercostal arteries (body structure) E16190 P16190 Y P arterial system 7989B256DB0649FDA08743240ABAE6C2 Upper anterior intercostal arteries 16191 16191 16191 upper anterior intercostal vein 360694005 S16191 Upper anterior intercostal veins (body structure) E16191 P16191 Y P venous system C651357495784DE7902936D70241344C Upper anterior intercostal veins 16192 16192 16192 lower anterior intercostal vein 360695006 S16192 Lower anterior intercostal veins (body structure) E16192 P16192 Y P venous system 0649D95C0EC04DC49F0C942AC28B7893 Lower anterior intercostal veins 16193 16193 16193 lower right posterior intercostal vein 360700004 S16193 Lower right posterior intercostal veins (body structure) E16193 P16193 R P venous system 727FDA2F57D446FDB72F0A1A9C57CAA1 Lower right posterior intercostal veins 16194 16194 16194 lumbosacral disc 360905003 S16194 Lumbosacral discs (body structure) E16194 P16194 - P musculoskeletal system C07F87076B8E4A6CA8643439B8180CFF Lumbosacral discs 16196 16196 16196 subcutaneous tissue of canthus 360912007 S16196 Subcutaneous tissue of canthus (body structure) E16196 P16196 Y D integument/surface 6552034FED9049FE8B6A92D7A8DCD462 Subcutaneous tissue of canthus 16197 16197 16197 digital palmar nerve of ulnar nerve 360948009 S16197 Digital palmar nerves of ulnar nerve (body structure) E16197 P16197 Y P nervous system 6CE677A5E3224E14960577A0E34C1119 Digital palmar nerves of ulnar nerve 16198 16198 16198 digital palmar nerve of median nerve 360951002 S16198 Digital palmar nerves of median nerve (body structure) E16198 P16198 Y P nervous system C8380F0E529E4E0B83F29E1F6452246D Digital palmar nerves of median nerve 16199 16199 16199 layer of gastrointestinal wall 360978000 S16199 Layers of gastrointestinal wall (body structure) E16199 P16199 - P digestive system 257BC1093DEB4EA08B8505A8BA874113 Layers of gastrointestinal wall 16200 16200 16200 digital nerve of ulnar nerve 361007000 S16200 Digital nerves of ulnar nerve (body structure) E16200 P16200 Y P nervous system 611E1B5FFE964C7DAFC44118A7DCDDC7 Digital nerves of ulnar nerve 16201 16201 16201 pineal capillary 361436006 S16201 Pineal capillaries (body structure) E16201 P16201 - P endocrine system 846B666600694216A55BD0AB81655A68 Pineal capillaries 16203 16203 16203 set of posterior intercostal arteries 1 and 2 361613008 S16203 Posterior intercostal arteries 1 and 2 (body structure) E16203 P16203 Y P regional/topgraphical/group A81F0BF985A84C398E32356472B22FD9 Posterior intercostal arteries 1 and 2 16204 16204 16204 left bronchial vein 361640008 S16204 Left bronchial veins (body structure) E16204 P16204 L 4837 P venous system 425DD189ACA84E598C7D45AEA5A65047 Left bronchial veins 16205 16205 16205 right bronchial vein 361641007 S16205 Right bronchial veins (body structure) E16205 P16205 R 4942 P venous system 4EE9E0E46F68474A8E7165A861433ED9 Right bronchial veins 16206 16206 16206 connective tissue by site 363043001 S16206 Connective tissue by site (body structure) E16206 P16206 - D D4931C451CB24C37B232DF725927D466 Connective tissue by site 16207 16207 16207 fibrous connective tissue 363130003 S16207 Fibrous connective tissue (body structure) E16207 P16207 - 75634 P 453EFD6EAA39499F8B64402F9D156E42 Fibrous connective tissue 16214 16214 16214 hair-bearing skin 373649004 S16214 Hair-bearing skin (body structure) E16214 P16214 - P integumentary system 457DF655178B47C5BE8400B3918CC9EC Hair-bearing skin 16216 16216 16216 heart tissue 386108004 S16216 Heart tissue (body structure) E16216 P16216 - P 7DD603439DC24891803B1EF6B30A1EC3 Heart tissue 16217 16217 16217 heart valve tissue 386109007 S16217 Heart valve tissue (body structure) E16217 P16217 - P D7E0D7291D134EC99575A5D3DCF361A2 Heart valve tissue 16218 16218 16218 pericardium tissue 386110002 S16218 Pericardium tissue (body structure) E16218 P16218 - P cardiovascular system 9796B1736C6D48F99DAE089D76F668D6 Pericardium tissue 16219 16219 16219 native heart tissue 386112005 S16219 Native heart tissue (body structure) E16219 P16219 - P 0EC8EBCC0DE64CC88E2893F45644B9D8 Native heart tissue 16220 16220 16220 osteoid tissue 39365008 S16220 Osteoid tissue (body structure) E16220 P16220 - P skeletal system FC8333C9E8F547F4A154A6A792DD44E0 Osteoid tissue 16221 16221 16221 pigment tissue 39483004 S16221 Pigment tissue (body structure) E16221 P16221 - 20112 P BEB5CA5F58AE462BAF9592ECD5D54509 Pigment tissue Loose connective tissue which contains melanocytes. Examples: connective tissue of choroid and lamina fusca of sclera. 16222 16222 16222 nigrostriate fiber bundle 40120000 S16222 Nigrostriate fibers (body structure) E16222 P16222 Y P nervous system 8AB3AB25E5534AFDB089A0BE28537B63 Nigrostriate fibers 16225 16225 16225 medulla oblongata internal arcuate fiber bundle 42991002 S16225 Medulla oblongata internal arcuate fibers (body structure) E16225 P16225 Y P nervous system 7C61319DDBC645AC9364A674ACD8898F Medulla oblongata internal arcuate fibers 16228 16228 16228 medulla oblongata external arcuate fiber bundle 47194004 S16228 Medulla oblongata external arcuate fibers (body structure) E16228 P16228 Y P nervous system 6F6B447C87DA4E4AB7B1E0AF831E7EAF Medulla oblongata external arcuate fibers 16229 16229 16229 interstitial tissue of pituitary 48769006 S16229 Interstitial tissue of pituitary (body structure) E16229 P16229 - P endocrine system 36AA8B907A174FE7B1332E3E3DE394E4 Interstitial tissue of pituitary 16232 16232 16232 cardiac valve nodule 51656003 S16232 Cardiac valve nodules (body structure) E16232 P16232 - P cardiovascular system 9F5F46CC950643EBB916C3345447B4DD Cardiac valve nodules 16235 16235 16235 salivary gland interstitial tissue 54829003 S16235 Salivary gland interstitial tissue (body structure) E16235 P16235 - P digestive system DFEE3006A4FC4516B33286BD2F74ACB2 Salivary gland interstitial tissue 16236 16236 16236 cerebral arcuate fiber bundle 55387002 S16236 Cerebral arcuate fibers (body structure) E16236 P16236 Y P nervous system 93A31D3E65844CA1A1098E135CB8B843 Cerebral arcuate fibers 16237 16237 16237 adipose tissue 55603005 S16237 Adipose tissue (body structure) E16237 P16237 - 20110 P 86BA2F040C5A41BDBEDC819EF376CD3E Adipose tissue Dense irregular connective tissue, which predominantly consists of adipocytes. 16240 16240 16240 reticular tissue 57987007 S16240 Reticular tissue (body structure) E16240 P16240 - 20116 P muscular system 5F3F378ECDEB4ACB92FD73404CB69FE7 Reticular tissue Loose connective tissue which consists of an irregular network of cells and reticular fibers and is spatially associated with myeloid and lymphoid cells. Examples: stroma of bone marrow, stroma of spleen, stroma of lymph node. 16241 16241 16241 corticothalamic fiber bundle of posterior limb of internal capsule 60552004 S16241 Corticothalamic fibers of posterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) E16241 P16241 Y P nervous system 8368823A1B084262AFD8EAB54392473B Corticothalamic fibers of posterior limb of internal capsule 16243 16243 16243 mucous connective tissue 61115003 S16243 Mucous connective tissue (body structure) E16243 P16243 - 20111 P 73359C2F37E243778CC9A007BC1C4738 Mucous connective tissue Loose connective tissue, the intercellular matrix of which consists predominantly of mucoid ground substance. Examples: Mucoid tissue of umbilical cord, mucoid tissue of vitreous body, mucoid tissue of nucleus pulposus. 16244 16244 16244 interstitial tissue of nerve 61237002 S16244 Interstitial tissue of nerve (body structure) E16244 P16244 - P nervous system AE572FB25A2B4BE2A4FAF362AE6AC74A Interstitial tissue of nerve 16245 16245 16245 corticothalamic fiber bundle of anterior limb of internal capsule 62121001 S16245 Corticothalamic fibers of anterior limb of internal capsule (body structure) E16245 P16245 Y P nervous system 743093DF2DDF40D492E6CFAEA61EF5B7 Corticothalamic fibers of anterior limb of internal capsule 16250 16250 16250 subcutaneous fatty tissue 67769002 S16250 Subcutaneous fatty tissue (body structure) E16250 P16250 - 74315 P musculoskeletal system CAB53F4B37CF4F51BC9C0B6EB3597F45 Subcutaneous fatty tissue 16251 16251 16251 loose areolar connective tissue 68477002 S16251 Loose areolar connective tissue (body structure) E16251 P16251 - 63897 P 14D952AFC35640F2BD9E950AC50E0766 Loose areolar connective tissue Loose connective tissue located at the outer and inner layers of organs. Examples: submucosal connective tissue, tunica adventitia of artery, papillary dermis, superficial fascia of dorsum of hand. 16252 16252 16252 subpleural tissue 68599007 S16252 Subpleural tissue (body structure) E16252 P16252 Y P 85B743E02AB24B4286BE400907ABBC42 Subpleural tissue 16253 16253 16253 fibrofatty tissue 68678002 S16253 Fibrofatty tissue (body structure) E16253 P16253 - P 9E569E2D2ACF4A3798D1C82EDB74D68B Fibrofatty tissue 16254 16254 16254 meninges of cerebral convex surface 68850001 S16254 Meninges of cerebral convex surface (body structure) E16254 P16254 Y P nervous system 3C15C1A13949416393C7B18AAAA957D6 Meninges of cerebral convex surface 16255 16255 16255 subserous tissue of pelvic peritoneum 69332008 S16255 Subserous tissue of pelvic peritoneum (body structure) E16255 P16255 - P digestive system 52897979BFE1489EAB91FAB5C1387EA7 Subserous tissue of pelvic peritoneum 16256 16256 16256 interstitial tissue of myocardium 7076002 S16256 Interstitial tissue of myocardium (body structure) E16256 P16256 - 261597 P cardiovascular system E44B00C6D9674AEFA053B6F625A84E34 Interstitial tissue of myocardium 16258 16258 16258 bipolar cell of retina 72060002 S16258 Bipolar cells of retina (body structure) E16258 P16258 Y 67749 P special senses organ system D3A1CB9AD52642D6BC0619206311C71F Bipolar cells of retina 16259 16259 16259 dentinal tubule 72725001 S16259 Dentinal tubules (body structure) E16259 P16259 Y P digestive system 517D1CCFC57C41779FB9268536CE217B Dentinal tubules 16260 16260 16260 retinaculum of flexor muscles 76026006 S16260 Retinaculum of flexor muscles (body structure) E16260 P16260 Y P musculoskeletal system 5A512B5AE2CF4AEE893077A23E844D58 Retinaculum of flexor muscles 16261 16261 16261 retrocecal tissue 78464007 S16261 Retrocecal tissue (body structure) E16261 P16261 - P BF0B4BDE686348D888BF29433ADE6246 Retrocecal tissue 16262 16262 16262 olivocerebellar fiber bundle 7911004 S16262 Olivocerebellar fibers (body structure) E16262 P16262 Y P nervous system 8FF6BAF6A80A42B59CF60EE03F5E5A82 Olivocerebellar fibers 16263 16263 16263 superficial transverse fiber bundle of pons 79836003 S16263 Superficial transverse fibers of pons (body structure) E16263 P16263 Y 72514 P nervous system E68A1740A14C45ACA5A549D25C3C0F54 Superficial transverse fibers of pons 16264 16264 16264 nigrothalamic fiber bundle 80730002 S16264 Nigrothalamic fibers (body structure) E16264 P16264 Y P nervous system 0145B52A905541BDB8E9EFA94A679326 Nigrothalamic fibers 16265 16265 16265 inferior clunic nerve 83757001 S16265 Inferior clunic nerves (body structure) E16265 P16265 Y P nervous system 6E12C373E8B14D2F875BDE05769EAB3D Inferior clunic nerves 16268 16268 16268 interstitial tissue 85293002 S16268 Interstitial tissue (body structure) E16268 P16268 - P CFD6DE978F3941A9A649D7A65482C5EE Interstitial tissue 16269 16269 16269 superficial temporal nerve 87237002 S16269 Superficial temporal nerves (body structure) E16269 280267009 Superficial temporal nerve (body structure) P16269 Y P nervous system F69DE94792C04AE798973D1B759ED1C2 67C1A0C7F4D6405CBA3C6CE756F0E6CD Superficial temporal nerves Superficial temporal nerve (body structure) 16270 16270 16270 soft tissue 87784001 S16270 Soft tissues (body structure) E16270 P16270 - P 988B87F0B7104CD29C796B817398ACB9 Soft tissues 16271 16271 16271 thalamoolivary fiber bundle 88460005 S16271 Thalamoolivary fibers (body structure) E16271 P16271 Y P nervous system FDAA0482DB2D46C983A700A99DA4CA99 Thalamoolivary fibers 16273 16273 16273 pulmonary valve sinus 90315007 S16273 Pulmonary valve sinuses (body structure) E16273 P16273 - P respiratory system C65C41114E5F4325AC91F0EBE43ED536 Pulmonary valve sinuses 16274 16274 16274 splenic sinusoid 9081000 S16274 Splenic sinusoids (body structure) E16274 P16274 - 63199 P lymphoid system 6FA5CE37A20C41EDAE529CFC2DF46701 Splenic sinusoids 16277 16277 16277 muscle tissue 91727004 S16277 Muscle tissue (body structure) E16277 P16277 - P muscular system EEE12619FBD74EA7814486E8FE4FA366 Muscle tissue 16278 16278 16278 neural tissue 91728009 S16278 Structure of nervous tissue (body structure) E16278 110657001 All nervous tissue (body structure) P16278 - P nervous system 86DF3AE610BA4AFB938B9D92044F24BB 00795527E16546F1BE15318E2E8A42CC nervous tissue All nervous tissue (body structure) 16279 16279 16279 amacrine cell of retina 9475001 S16279 Amacrine cells of retina (body structure) E16279 P16279 Y 67766 P special senses organ system E68F7E99FD7C469384DDDC2910AEC107 Amacrine cells of retina 16282 16282 16282 rectum and supporting tissues of urinary bladder S16282 E16282 110877006 Rectum and supporting tissues of urinary bladder (combined site) (body structure) P16282 - P digestive system 0904E55211AF44FC8E80021E24B41F32 Rectum and supporting tissues of urinary bladder (combined site) (body structure) 16283 16283 16283 breast, pectoral muscles and axillary tissue 110515001 S16283 Breast, pectoral muscles and axillary tissue (combined site) (body structure) E16283 P16283 Y P musculoskeletal system C805CA07B55048D7B2AD234E1525B483 Breast, pectoral muscles and axillary tissue (combined site) 16284 16284 16284 breast and axillary tissue 110516000 S16284 Breast and axillary tissue (combined site) (body structure) E16284 P16284 Y P skeletal system 8012CF0DDAB0480FB57AF5A19E27510A Breast and axillary tissue (combined site) 16285 16285 16285 right lower limb and pelvic tissues S16285 E16285 110719009 Right lower extremity and pelvic tissues (combined site) (body structure) P16285 R P regional/topgraphical/group 0D1E952EE0C54FB79D41C5E0CF0CF729 Right lower extremity and pelvic tissues (combined site) (body structure) 16286 16286 16286 left lower limb and pelvic tissues S16286 E16286 110720003 Left lower extremity and pelvic tissues (combined site) (body structure) P16286 L P regional/topgraphical/group 1A2D3EB5F9B04BCEA0E7B0171C4D898F Left lower extremity and pelvic tissues (combined site) (body structure) 16287 16287 16287 lower eyelid retractor 424940005 S16287 Lower eyelid retractors (body structure) E16287 P16287 Y P special senses organ system 8ABFD07490164D52AA43D2C644567E2B Lower eyelid retractors 16289 16289 16289 surface of upper abdomen region S16289 E16289 279026008 Upper abdomen (surface region) (body structure) P16289 - D integument/surface FA440F3A74CA4D40B1E28D98ACED8F56 Upper abdomen (surface region) (body structure) 16290 16290 16290 surface of popliteal fossa region S16290 E16290 362792009 Popliteal fossa (surface region) (body structure) P16290 Y D integument/surface 8EAB6D8254E04C7384D7F2CAF08D0AB4 Popliteal fossa (surface region) (body structure) 16291 16291 16291 surface of hypothenar region of hand S16291 E16291 362749004 Hypothenar region (surface region) (body structure) P16291 Y D integument/surface 82D18F679329443BA027AB504590D6BD Hypothenar region (surface region) (body structure) 16292 16292 16292 surface of thenar region of hand S16292 E16292 362748007 Thenar region (surface region) (body structure) P16292 Y D integument/surface E6B6FE65E5EF4C38884DFC995EDEBC46 Thenar region (surface region) (body structure) 16293 16293 16293 surface of palm region of hand S16293 E16293 362747002 Palm of hand (surface region) (body structure) P16293 Y D integument/surface 8C689642F61E4FC5BF221CF47029E6C6 Palm of hand (surface region) (body structure) 16294 16294 16294 surface of submandibular triangle region S16294 E16294 362650006 Submandibular triangle (surface region) (body structure) P16294 Y D integument/surface 608D40FE55EC4A73B0A609706FCAF318 Submandibular triangle (surface region) (body structure) 16296 16296 16296 surface of lower abdomen region S16296 E16296 279027004 Lower abdomen (surface region) (body structure) P16296 - D integument/surface 3E45AD0E846D41E094339FC5CEC24DBF Lower abdomen (surface region) (body structure) 16297 16297 16297 surface of upper back region S16297 E16297 264240001 Upper back (surface region) (body structure) P16297 - D integument/surface 7E9DCA9DBCDB4452B6257CD9CBB27158 Upper back (surface region) (body structure) 16298 16298 16298 surface of perianal region S16298 E16298 182350006 Perianal surface region (body structure) P16298 - D integument/surface 7DBE6949A2834C6399DCF975F692E7EE Perianal surface region (body structure) 16299 16299 16299 surface of clavicular region S16299 E16299 180844001 Clavicular region (surface region) (body structure) P16299 Y D integument/surface 4DCD0884D2D64ABD9861173B5C317D5C Clavicular region (surface region) (body structure) 16300 16300 16300 surface of femoral triangle region S16300 E16300 361910009 Femoral triangle (surface region) (body structure) P16300 Y D integument/surface 5C6499D7A61345688FCE82D1CDEE1D15 Femoral triangle (surface region) (body structure) 16302 16302 16302 surface of lower back region S16302 E16302 264072009 Lower back (surface region) (body structure) P16302 - D integument/surface 58D0E54D020740C6BE95C2C5E93DA882 Lower back (surface region) (body structure) 16303 16303 16303 surface of lower trunk region S16303 E16303 229757002 Lower trunk (surface region) (body structure) P16303 - D integument/surface 6EB4E56DEB5648B7B6D780EDBA3C19B8 Lower trunk (surface region) (body structure) 16304 16304 16304 surface of upper trunk region S16304 E16304 229761008 Upper trunk (surface region) (body structure) P16304 - D integument/surface 07247634AB0E4825BC6A40E47E1BE8A8 Upper trunk (surface region) (body structure) 16308 16308 16308 subfascicular nucleus of thalamus 425243006 S16308 Structure of subfascicular nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E16308 422430000 Entire subfascicular nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P16308 Y P nervous system BE5FD554B34D489881B96712C6653929 08F1FE0FE40D4240AD09012900942914 subfascicular nucleus of thalamus Entire subfascicular nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 16309 16309 16309 central dorsal nucleus of thalamus 424881001 S16309 Structure of central dorsal nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E16309 425043002 Entire central dorsal nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P16309 Y P nervous system 3751FCDE79D74D8C84791C22C9B27B56 EEA59265AB6A4DEABBADFAA64948C62B central dorsal nucleus of thalamus Entire central dorsal nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 16310 16310 16310 subdivision of subdural space of brain S16310 E16310 424120004 Subdivision of subdural space of brain (body structure) P16310 - P nervous system 3FB6C98023DF4245A8BAD07B5E65A3E3 Subdivision of subdural space of brain (body structure) 16311 16311 16311 subdivision of subdural space of spinal cord S16311 E16311 423651002 Subdivision of subdural space of spinal cord (body structure) P16311 - P nervous system 55D9692A2CB445419361CCF0E0E4DFAB Subdivision of subdural space of spinal cord (body structure) 16312 16312 16312 lateral branch of left portal vein 423721001 S16312 Structure of lateral branch of left portal vein (body structure) E16312 425321001 Entire lateral branch of left portal vein (body structure) P16312 - 15430 L P cardiovascular system 163FCD640D5F41F1A655D590F767FA76 92638E1F9B7E4E7D80165AE3ACE8B0B1 lateral branch of left portal vein Entire lateral branch of left portal vein (body structure) 16313 16313 16313 accessory nerve vagal part 422445007 S16313 Structure of accessory nerve vagal part (body structure) E16313 P16313 Y P nervous system 3FA4A68E5361438C9268DCB7C9850B4B accessory nerve vagal part 16314 16314 16314 medial branch of left portal vein 422646002 S16314 Structure of medial branch of left portal vein (body structure) E16314 423522006 Entire medial branch of left portal vein (body structure) P16314 - 15427 L P cardiovascular system C3B08D6080F84FD4B78FA2B27C07904E 97F5126606D2455AB5A066DA51373DF0 medial branch of left portal vein Entire medial branch of left portal vein (body structure) 16315 16315 16315 posterior nucleus of thalamus 424735005 S16315 Structure of posterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) E16315 424901000 Entire posterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) P16315 Y 62221 P nervous system 9229D630F891437CB35AFB26417A859D 36558018D1A948AD9493BE2A7BCBF2CA posterior nucleus of thalamus Entire posterior nucleus of thalamus (body structure) 16316 16316 16316 nucleus of posterior nuclear group of thalamus S16316 E16316 424395006 Entire nucleus of posterior nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) P16316 Y P nervous system 1DE9A47087F14D9C8A9E7186558559AE Entire nucleus of posterior nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) 16317 16317 16317 circumorbital muscle S16317 E16317 422812000 Entire circumorbital muscle (body structure) P16317 Y 73754 P musculoskeletal system D3C5D3C46A884D23A1F9510AA9DC2FC3 Entire circumorbital muscle (body structure) 16318 16318 16318 posterior nuclear group of thalamus 425308008 S16318 Structure of posterior nuclear group of thalamus (body structure) E16318 P16318 Y 62024 P nervous system 05083C08D2CD49EE81E7808BB2B5055A posterior nuclear group of thalamus 16319 16319 16319 lateral half of trunk 422697005 S16319 Structure of half of trunk lateral to midsagittal plane (body structure) E16319 P16319 Y 0 P A7ED93D79204455EB9C5D3C8B4E3FF24 half of trunk lateral to midsagittal plane 16320 16320 16320 right half of abdomen 423495002 S16320 Structure of right half of abdomen (body structure) E16320 P16320 Rgroup D 881AD494EB7E45B8B11B705ECA863579 right half of abdomen 16321 16321 16321 left half of abdomen 423713007 S16321 Structure of left half of abdomen (body structure) E16321 P16321 Lgroup D C6DA5C86E13842199BC26212220B8B85 left half of abdomen 16322 16322 16322 lateral half of abdomen 422723007 S16322 Structure of half of abdomen lateral to midsagittal plane (body structure) E16322 P16322 Y 0 P 9111280243B3428998DA80D546CE1752 half of abdomen lateral to midsagittal plane 16323 16323 16323 right half of face 424431000 S16323 Structure of right half of face (body structure) E16323 P16323 Rgroup D 09188F47BD954442A54144CC3066C32C right half of face 16324 16324 16324 left half of face 423781004 S16324 Structure of left half of face (body structure) E16324 P16324 Lgroup D FC07606078154710AC5398D0883BE30C left half of face 16326 16326 16326 lateral half of thorax 422614002 S16326 Structure of half of thorax lateral to midsagittal plane (body structure) E16326 P16326 Y 0 P 1EC05CA158854EEB9FF5B421B7077882 half of thorax lateral to midsagittal plane 16327 16327 16327 lateral half of body 423857001 S16327 Structure of half of body lateral to midsagittal plane (body structure) E16327 P16327 Y 0 P 5417F19651F5454EBB61DADB2901DB50 half of body lateral to midsagittal plane 16328 16328 16328 ventral white commissure of spinal cord 424149007 S16328 Structure of ventral white commissure of spinal cord (body structure) E16328 P16328 Y 77035 P nervous system B4A7C134B62641B49AE18E9F3143F5B5 ventral white commissure of spinal cord 16329 16329 16329 lateral half of face 422624005 S16329 Structure of half of face lateral to midsagittal plane (body structure) E16329 P16329 Y 0 P 9767A7100CBF4D8697120C9E209B0B94 half of face lateral to midsagittal plane 16330 16330 16330 hippocampal formation 422867004 S16330 Structure of hippocampal formation (body structure) E16330 P16330 Y 74038 P nervous system 13A903D1A1444FFEA44017E5135F5BA7 hippocampal formation 16331 16331 16331 lateral half of thoracic cavity 422499002 S16331 Structure of half of thoracic cavity lateral to midsagittal plane (body structure) E16331 P16331 Y 0 P respiratory system 571739EEB27241EEA53C3EFEC3494AE4 half of thoracic cavity lateral to midsagittal plane 16332 16332 16332 white commissure of spinal cord 423957000 S16332 Structure of white commissure of spinal cord (body structure) E16332 P16332 - 77033 P nervous system 62288C3ECBB041928F330D145FC61789 white commissure of spinal cord 16333 16333 16333 dorsal white commissure of spinal cord 424400007 S16333 Structure of dorsal white commissure of spinal cord (body structure) E16333 P16333 - 77034 P nervous system 448A274B7B484AA5ABC3C08908867931 dorsal white commissure of spinal cord 16334 16334 16334 bone tissue of vertebral foramen 423686000 S16334 Bone structure of spinal canal (body structure) E16334 P16334 - 0 P skeletal system 28B9066926A44A51BDEE743BCE1FC783 Bone of spinal canal 16335 16335 16335 hemidiaphragm 423500004 S16335 Structure of hemidiaphragm (body structure) E16335 P16335 Y 57857 P respiratory system 9D115496C4E4474196830B155180EB10 hemidiaphragm 16336 16336 16336 archicortex 423918008 S16336 Structure of archicortex (body structure) E16336 P16336 Y 62424 P nervous system 956F87E9199A4D1F95D1C4BEC565E8BD archicortex 16337 16337 16337 tributary of inferior thyroid vein 424249002 S16337 Structure of tributary of inferior thyroid vein (body structure) E16337 P16337 - 62828 P venous system AED3BEFFB0244E8E920C134441632BAD tributary of inferior thyroid vein 16338 16338 16338 tributary of thalamostriate vein 422818001 S16338 Structure of tributary of thalamostriate vein (body structure) E16338 P16338 Y P venous system FE1FCA4272D746FF8F1102920F1CEA90 tributary of thalamostriate vein 16339 16339 16339 tributary of popliteal vein 425220002 S16339 Structure of tributary of popliteal vein (body structure) E16339 P16339 Y 44330 P venous system 5E5BFCB8F5A94CCA929AE372270572A7 tributary of popliteal vein 16340 16340 16340 tributary of musculophrenic vein 424343003 S16340 Structure of tributary of musculophrenic vein (body structure) E16340 P16340 Y P venous system B67AAE2195C54292A4B778A66CC4825C tributary of musculophrenic vein 16341 16341 16341 tributary of middle hemorrhoidal vein 424168005 S16341 Structure of tributary of middle hemorrhoidal vein (body structure) E16341 P16341 - 21362 P venous system 980B54D973394DB08D110DF20AAC0C2B tributary of middle hemorrhoidal vein 16342 16342 16342 tributary of great saphenous vein 423152005 S16342 Structure of tributary of great saphenous vein (body structure) E16342 P16342 Y 21378 P venous system 85C671C484574909B9098B4C100E2AFB tributary of great saphenous vein 16343 16343 16343 tributary of lingual vein 423140003 S16343 Structure of tributary of lingual vein (body structure) E16343 P16343 Y 78208 P venous system 3AC2D06ED8074255ABFB5BA8F07310C4 tributary of lingual vein 16344 16344 16344 tributary of left superior intercostal vein 424987003 S16344 Structure of tributary of left superior intercostal vein (body structure) E16344 P16344 L P venous system 9DF9F0EF8DB74E19B7386B682BFC174D tributary of left superior intercostal vein 16345 16345 16345 tributary of internal thoracic vein 422987004 S16345 Structure of tributary of internal thoracic vein (body structure) E16345 P16345 - 14293 P venous system 92E6349707B44352A71820D12A886DF6 tributary of internal thoracic vein 16346 16346 16346 tributary of internal pudendal vein 425335004 S16346 Structure of tributary of internal pudendal vein (body structure) E16346 P16346 Y 21240 P venous system 6EA0DFBE648B466C8C04ED2C20A4343D tributary of internal pudendal vein 16347 16347 16347 tributary of posterior tibial vein 422911008 S16347 Structure of tributary of posterior tibial vein (body structure) E16347 P16347 Y P venous system E37434A3E0B74996803E5ECE5B3236A0 tributary of posterior tibial vein 16348 16348 16348 tributary of labyrinthine vein 425355003 S16348 Structure of tributary of labyrinthine vein (body structure) E16348 P16348 Y P venous system 45062F14AA324682AC1A5D032027D8B6 tributary of labyrinthine vein 16349 16349 16349 tributary of prostatic venous plexus 423138008 S16349 Structure of tributary of prostatic venous plexus (body structure) E16349 P16349 - P genital system 07DFD9997F8549C5AECFFB7806A43179 tributary of prostatic venous plexus 16350 16350 16350 tributary of inferior mesenteric vein 424073001 S16350 Structure of tributary of inferior mesenteric vein (body structure) E16350 P16350 - 15392 P venous system 23879DC46B2B4D92B90BDCA418A0F5D0 tributary of inferior mesenteric vein 16351 16351 16351 tributary of inferior hemorrhoidal vein 422458008 S16351 Structure of tributary of inferior hemorrhoidal vein (body structure) E16351 P16351 - P venous system FDDF1C0A383649198D3E4C7BE83A7278 tributary of inferior hemorrhoidal vein 16352 16352 16352 tributary of hemiazygos vein 422874009 S16352 Structure of tributary of hemiazygous vein (body structure) E16352 P16352 - P venous system C4F238A19375420C85C7A65427E8D998 tributary of hemiazygous vein 16353 16353 16353 tributary of femoral vein 423097004 S16353 Structure of tributary of femoral vein (body structure) E16353 P16353 Y 44323 P venous system 282475ECC5AB466586CE628464A5032D tributary of femoral vein 16354 16354 16354 tributary of external iliac vein 424813009 S16354 Structure of tributary of external iliac vein (body structure) E16354 P16354 Y P venous system B1703A464E3C4CCC81EEC89C5834C0E6 tributary of external iliac vein 16355 16355 16355 tributary of occipital vein 424720009 S16355 Structure of tributary of occipital vein (body structure) E16355 P16355 Y P venous system 39AFF546ED0247A78E2FB8005E88F70F tributary of occipital vein 16356 16356 16356 tributary of deep cervical vein 423054009 S16356 Structure of tributary of deep cervical vein (body structure) E16356 P16356 Y P venous system A8234CDEAD3242DCB026163CB5F3CCD1 tributary of deep cervical vein 16357 16357 16357 tributary of left renal vein 422473009 S16357 Structure of tributary of left renal vein (body structure) E16357 P16357 L P venous system 021639F187A6403FA0B68ECA5666F24F tributary of left renal vein 16358 16358 16358 tributary of common iliac vein 424751002 S16358 Structure of tributary of common iliac vein (body structure) E16358 P16358 Y P venous system 80A436A4B4F449A195EDA81E59DBDAF7 tributary of common iliac vein 16359 16359 16359 tributary of anterior tibial vein 425228009 S16359 Structure of tributary of anterior tibial vein (body structure) E16359 P16359 Y P venous system 5C15DBBD3F264426826240EF15F867A5 tributary of anterior tibial vein 16360 16360 16360 tributary of internal iliac vein 425172003 S16360 Structure of tributary of internal iliac vein (body structure) E16360 P16360 Y 18889 P venous system 6CCD185E1B8F408697A655A919F68E31 tributary of internal iliac vein 16368 16368 16368 lateral half of neck 425207000 S16368 Structure of half of neck lateral to midsagittal plane (body structure) E16368 P16368 Y 0 P 48A3DD489F034021BCD4656BC560CBFC half of neck lateral to midsagittal plane 16371 16371 16371 tributary of posterior auricular vein 423932005 S16371 Structure of tributary of posterior auricular vein (body structure) E16371 P16371 Y 52551 P venous system 8FF7A68DF3C44C9EAA2060977CD35B77 tributary of posterior auricular vein 16373 16373 16373 tributary of anterior jugular vein 422564004 S16373 Structure of tributary of anterior jugular vein (body structure) E16373 P16373 Y 50857 P venous system BD80067EA00D4E5EAC9D491E6EAF59D8 tributary of anterior jugular vein 16382 16382 16382 tributary of right superior intercostal vein 422733004 S16382 Structure of tributary of right superior intercostal vein (body structure) E16382 P16382 R P venous system 55A6B2E2A0C04B31847BB9E94A1C449B tributary of right superior intercostal vein 16383 16383 16383 tributary of right gastric vein 422531004 S16383 Structure of tributary of right gastric vein (body structure) E16383 P16383 - R P venous system B7F86E2C1BC84407AD4AD000B5C97638 tributary of right gastric vein 16385 16385 16385 tributary of basilic vein 424897006 S16385 Structure of tributary of basilic vein (body structure) E16385 P16385 Y 78207 P venous system 93AC39AF2DC744D79A1E8DBB1207ECAB tributary of basilic vein 16386 16386 16386 superior labial vein 422755007 S16386 Structure of superior labial vein (body structure) E16386 P16386 Y 52538 P cardiovascular system 2309118CFD29407281C4898317031931 superior labial vein 16387 16387 16387 tributary of azygos vein 425069008 S16387 Structure of tributary of azygous vein (body structure) E16387 P16387 - P venous system 0DB065B53A164135859BBC7A3C7D8947 tributary of azygous vein 16388 16388 16388 tributary of deep facial vein 422386004 S16388 Structure of tributary of deep facial vein (body structure) E16388 P16388 Y P venous system C74A9CB628BB44BE8A689CF046E7F3A9 tributary of deep facial vein 16389 16389 16389 tributary of supraorbital vein 425257008 S16389 Structure of tributary of supraorbital vein (body structure) E16389 P16389 Y 52129 P venous system 640C0E889FDF4FA285576B725CB3714C tributary of supraorbital vein 16390 16390 16390 tributary of retromandibular vein 424922006 S16390 Structure of tributary of retromandibular vein (body structure) E16390 P16390 Y 50931 P venous system 4EDA279CFB9145CE911471DAE2CCE667 tributary of retromandibular vein 16391 16391 16391 tributary of external jugular vein 424733003 S16391 Structure of tributary of external jugular vein (body structure) E16391 P16391 Y 14317 P venous system 9BF8E6F430B240A7B95B7BBBC58A15A3 tributary of external jugular vein 16392 16392 16392 tributary of ulnar vein 424576003 S16392 Structure of tributary of ulnar vein (body structure) E16392 P16392 Y 22961 P venous system CD54001064844741A392A8D57B4FB2CA tributary of ulnar vein 16393 16393 16393 tributary of deep palmar venous arch 424381008 S16393 Structure of tributary of deep palmar venous arch (body structure) E16393 P16393 Y 62504 P venous system DF63FDA39EB346E39F365D835A24E38A tributary of deep palmar venous arch 16394 16394 16394 tributary of radial vein 423256001 S16394 Structure of tributary of radial vein (body structure) E16394 P16394 Y 22953 P venous system B862AD3ADD5F46A38BA241890BA7C0FC tributary of radial vein 16395 16395 16395 tributary of cephalic vein 422689003 S16395 Structure of tributary of cephalic vein (body structure) E16395 P16395 Y 22966 P venous system B7D41B5291814F53A8353D5BCB21249D tributary of cephalic vein 16396 16396 16396 tributary of inferior cerebral vein 423017000 S16396 Structure of tributary of inferior cerebral vein (body structure) E16396 P16396 Y P venous system 1DF2E76461CE4050B6EA2E1D7137AD76 tributary of inferior cerebral vein 16397 16397 16397 tributary of brachial vein 425328007 S16397 Structure of tributary of brachial vein (body structure) E16397 P16397 Y 22937 P venous system D14ED0CBF1E04490B800CDC60B2A42B3 tributary of brachial vein 16398 16398 16398 inferior labial vein 422955002 S16398 Structure of inferior labial vein (body structure) E16398 P16398 Y 52541 P cardiovascular system C4E13194AD634B08803CCED0CA497B25 inferior labial vein 16399 16399 16399 tributary of axillary vein 425088001 S16399 Structure of tributary of axillary vein (body structure) E16399 P16399 Y 71209 P venous system 90CB814313D04765A66B059F9EF2F1CE tributary of axillary vein 16400 16400 16400 tributary of subclavian vein 424630009 S16400 Structure of tributary of subclavian vein (body structure) E16400 P16400 Y 22930 P venous system DA1C6A662C7C4E83B7C6707F970151C1 tributary of subclavian vein 16401 16401 16401 ossification center of fifth metatarsal head 424713002 S16401 Structure of ossification center of fifth metatarsal head (body structure) E16401 P16401 Y P skeletal system AE4462616C9F4058A72A82A5CE4D6E11 ossification center of fifth metatarsal head 16402 16402 16402 ossification center of fourth metatarsal head 424275003 S16402 Structure of ossification center of fourth metatarsal head (body structure) E16402 P16402 Y P skeletal system 19129FA6165F48FFB19313B4FBA83EE3 ossification center of fourth metatarsal head 16403 16403 16403 ossification center of third metatarsal head 422749002 S16403 Structure of ossification center of third metatarsal head (body structure) E16403 P16403 Y P skeletal system A82C8DBA456243EE843A8E688AB6EAA6 ossification center of third metatarsal head 16404 16404 16404 ossification center of second metatarsal head 422937006 S16404 Structure of ossification center of second metatarsal head (body structure) E16404 P16404 Y P skeletal system 308C6FE763DA459AA12FF9A591143297 ossification center of second metatarsal head 16405 16405 16405 ossification center of metatarsal head 422409009 S16405 Structure of ossification center of metatarsal head (body structure) E16405 P16405 Y P skeletal system 47805ABCE47248098206517620A9FEA5 ossification center of metatarsal head 16406 16406 16406 calcaneal apophysis 422562000 S16406 Structure of calcaneal apophysis (body structure) E16406 P16406 Y P skeletal system 65BFD03CC19E4596ADC155F649F8E5DC calcaneal apophysis 16407 16407 16407 oropharyngeal cavity 423103006 S16407 Structure of oropharyngeal cavity (body structure) E16407 P16407 - 55095 P digestive system 7C9D92F676254CDD9C8D5F3C9213E1E2 oropharyngeal cavity 16408 16408 16408 tributary of accessory hemiazygos vein 422905005 S16408 Structure of tributary of accessory hemiazygous vein (body structure) E16408 P16408 - P venous system F82535B543AF4805BBEF09F17ECEB936 tributary of accessory hemiazygous vein 16409 16409 16409 tributary of lateral thoracic vein 422891008 S16409 Structure of tributary of lateral thoracic vein (body structure) E16409 P16409 Y P venous system 6D0034BB569945A2A0400CFD1C158B8A tributary of lateral thoracic vein 16410 16410 16410 tributary of transverse sinus 423644006 S16410 Structure of tributary of transverse sinus (body structure) E16410 P16410 - 51237 P venous system C61F4DE968F944DEAF366A7E12F81359 tributary of transverse sinus 16411 16411 16411 tributary of deep middle cerebral vein 423186001 S16411 Structure of tributary of deep middle cerebral vein (body structure) E16411 P16411 Y 51312 P venous system 81A4F4BCBA384E59AD906DE298A7F093 tributary of deep middle cerebral vein 16412 16412 16412 tributary of internal cerebral vein 423365006 S16412 Structure of tributary of internal cerebral vein (body structure) E16412 P16412 Y 51328 P venous system 43B06903779745F7BDDEDDD3136511F4 tributary of internal cerebral vein 16413 16413 16413 tributary of basal vein 423153000 S16413 Structure of tributary of basal vein (body structure) E16413 P16413 Y 51022 P venous system 1D0BD008EFD942C8962EC225A8549F8B tributary of basal vein 16414 16414 16414 tributary of great cerebral vein 423345004 S16414 Structure of tributary of great cerebral vein (body structure) E16414 P16414 Y 50996 P venous system D5438978E18F4552A903846A78F1EE28 tributary of great cerebral vein 16415 16415 16415 tributary of occipital emissary vein 424426002 S16415 Structure of tributary of occipital emissary vein (body structure) E16415 P16415 Y P venous system 21A845BBEDA2462BBBF35E703B698D8B tributary of occipital emissary vein 16416 16416 16416 tributary of straight sinus 424807000 S16416 Structure of tributary of straight sinus (body structure) E16416 P16416 - 51265 P venous system 6A4ADEB6554F4359B4240C8BF79A7E44 tributary of straight sinus 16417 16417 16417 tributary of superior sagittal sinus 425309000 S16417 Structure of tributary of superior sagittal sinus (body structure) E16417 P16417 Y 50977 P venous system 3D2ABB90CE4A4B44A371721A0E89EA51 tributary of superior sagittal sinus 16418 16418 16418 tributary of pterygoid venous plexus 422567006 S16418 Structure of tributary of pterygoid venous plexus (body structure) E16418 P16418 - P venous system 176FBAFEF162401F9EC1C399433124B9 tributary of pterygoid venous plexus 16419 16419 16419 confluence of sinuses 423116006 S16419 Structure of confluence of sinuses (body structure) E16419 422492006 Entire confluence of sinuses (body structure) P16419 - P venous system 0998238FAC0448B398CE6D27EB9BBA35 297138BA778C40D6AD2A9497930FCA14 confluence of sinuses Entire confluence of sinuses (body structure) 16420 16420 16420 tributary of angular vein 423469004 S16420 Structure of tributary of angular vein (body structure) E16420 P16420 Y 51802 P venous system F26FD3B802CF4CC6BA0C2B43D3973EFA tributary of angular vein 16421 16421 16421 tributary of petrosal vein 424991008 S16421 Structure of tributary of petrosal vein (body structure) E16421 P16421 Y P venous system 652000C8BECE43038D4B64C7A6FDD346 tributary of petrosal vein 16422 16422 16422 tributary of sigmoid sinus 422665005 S16422 Structure of tributary of sigmoid sinus (body structure) E16422 P16422 Y 52397 P venous system 91E409DDC8A141B2A0F651F6E46805A5 tributary of sigmoid sinus 16423 16423 16423 inferior palpebral vein 422559003 S16423 Structure of inferior palpebral vein (body structure) E16423 P16423 Y P venous system C7B7D1894BE34625929DD35D2E503784 inferior palpebral vein 16424 16424 16424 superior palpebral vein 423910001 S16424 Structure of superior palpebral vein (body structure) E16424 P16424 Y 50907 P venous system C5AA3B39138B4BA185513DB659081E8C superior palpebral vein 16425 16425 16425 tributary of confluence of sinuses 424983004 S16425 Structure of tributary of confluence of sinuses (body structure) E16425 P16425 - P venous system 62ECB02888D041A4A4B6E6B79C085021 tributary of confluence of sinuses 16426 16426 16426 tributary of superior thyroid vein 422925009 S16426 Structure of tributary of superior thyroid vein (body structure) E16426 P16426 Y 77969 P venous system F73B20B148344B2686145F5672024ACC tributary of superior thyroid vein 16427 16427 16427 tributary of anterior ciliary vein 423806000 S16427 Structure of tributary of anterior ciliary vein (body structure) E16427 P16427 Y 51876 P venous system D4D8E49D4B1B4FC6AB936242C6546FE9 tributary of anterior ciliary vein 16428 16428 16428 tributary of superior petrosal sinus 423068002 S16428 Structure of tributary of superior petrosal sinus (body structure) E16428 P16428 Y 51226 P venous system FA04DA490C82491799FCB19E24AE4DE7 tributary of superior petrosal sinus 16429 16429 16429 tributary of inferior petrosal sinus 425281001 S16429 Structure of tributary of inferior petrosal sinus (body structure) E16429 P16429 - 51279 P venous system 91A78F8474F84C3FB729C7587C4EFE26 tributary of inferior petrosal sinus 16430 16430 16430 tributary of sphenoparietal sinus 424745007 S16430 Structure of tributary of sphenoparietal sinus (body structure) E16430 P16430 Y P venous system 74843770199F493380CA519D746D2D83 tributary of sphenoparietal sinus 16431 16431 16431 tributary of superficial middle cerebral vein 423222007 S16431 Structure of tributary of superficial middle cerebral vein (body structure) E16431 P16431 Y P venous system 4AFB35B3E0D54A898AB67DF36F140019 tributary of superficial middle cerebral vein 16432 16432 16432 tributary of central retinal vein 423404006 S16432 Structure of tributary of central retinal vein (body structure) E16432 P16432 Y 51892 P venous system BA7868CE053247BBA13D618C5913104C tributary of central retinal vein 16433 16433 16433 anterior ciliary vein 423616005 S16433 Structure of anterior ciliary vein (body structure) E16433 424834002 Entire anterior ciliary vein (body structure) P16433 Y 51798 P venous system AE17E30DD37B4E81907CEDF3EC8FC7B2 90DE9F380BD94506B8F70BA305E6821D anterior ciliary vein Entire anterior ciliary vein (body structure) 16434 16434 16434 sclera proper 420455000 S16434 Structure of sclera proper (body structure) E16434 421902006 Entire sclera proper (body structure) P16434 Y 59705 P special senses organ system B96DDED5B6F740CA81DF1C70A6839798 8E803C93543C440183C008CDB04CBE5B sclera proper Entire sclera proper (body structure) 16532 16532 16532 uropod 10296003 S16532 Uropod (cell structure) E16532 P16532 - P cell 967C9D5C39024ED1A98D6A358BE0F533 Uropod 16533 16533 16533 male genital space 10663006 S16533 Male genital spaces (body structure) E16533 P16533 - D genital system 4CCF2F8D6F9846A9BD994E92CA3A447E Male genital spaces 16534 16534 16534 spore inner coat 10694006 S16534 Spore inner coat (cell structure) E16534 P16534 - P cell 4F6F60BCBD40489C85500A36032E2D63 Spore inner coat 16535 16535 16535 nucleus of cell and associated structure 108352009 S16535 Nucleus AND/OR associated structure (cell structure) E16535 P16535 - P cell A52BD918CCC341028F1A40E1F5128C9A Nucleus AND/OR associated 16536 16536 16536 cell surface and associated structure 108353004 S16536 Cell surface AND/OR associated structure (cell structure) E16536 P16536 - P cell 3B085A15758F41E3BCBF753F86CB3A57 Cell surface AND/OR associated structure 16537 16537 16537 cytoplasmic matrix, secretory and metabolic product 108354005 S16537 Cytoplasmic matrix, secretory AND/OR metabolic product (cell structure) E16537 P16537 - P cell AF9F3E603DED46C6A8F916149E20980A Cytoplasmic matrix, secretory AND/OR metabolic product 16538 16538 16538 cytoplasmic filament, tubule, centriole and associated structure 108355006 S16538 Cytoplasmic filament, tubule, centriole AND/OR associated structure (cell structure) E16538 P16538 - P cell A559A99298C440BD89109FED2563E2D5 Cytoplasmic filament, tubule, centriole AND/OR associated 16539 16539 16539 intracytoplasmic membrane system and associated structure 108356007 S16539 Intracytoplasmic membrane system AND/OR associated structure (cell structure) E16539 P16539 - P cell B8AA077F1464480CA8CA4C5C84E0A972 Intracytoplasmic membrane system AND/OR associated 16540 16540 16540 lysosome and associated structure microbody 108357003 S16540 Lysosome AND/OR associated structure microbody (cell structure) E16540 P16540 - P cell E9C15F4C0B5040AFA407D052CA026122 Lysosome AND/OR associated microbody 16541 16541 16541 mitochondrion and associated structure 108358008 S16541 Mitochondrion AND/OR associated structure (cell structure) E16541 P16541 - P cell CF885B00A1334BA1891DE44C78E57CA7 Mitochondrion AND/OR associated 16542 16542 16542 cell to cell relationship and extracellular structure 108359000 S16542 Cell to cell relationship AND/OR extracellular structure (cell structure) E16542 P16542 - P cell EA60C6733E7E4700A91EA4882191445E Cell to cell relationship AND/OR extracellular 16543 16543 16543 prokaryotic cell component 108360005 S16543 Prokaryotic cell component (cell structure) E16543 P16543 - P cell 60266C1E268C4170BE5CC3B1ECE928AC Prokaryotic cell component 16544 16544 16544 ultrastructural feature 108361009 S16544 Ultrastructural feature (cell structure) E16544 P16544 - P cell 3A65246E999F42A89427B2B79B751930 Ultrastructural feature 16545 16545 16545 lower respiratory fluids and spaces 110545003 S16545 Lower respiratory fluids and spaces (body structure) E16545 P16545 - P respiratory system 411F6362566D460DB19450B9EDF09670 Lower respiratory fluids and spaces 16548 16548 16548 microbody 11191006 S16548 Microbody (cell structure) E16548 P16548 - 63845 P cell B63019BBD31D4E6691D9E363A431161D Microbody 16549 16549 16549 anaphase nucleus 11219001 S16549 Anaphase nucleus (cell structure) E16549 P16549 - P cell A0D274CC1788474184A8C0DB539914D3 Anaphase nucleus 16550 16550 16550 interosseous metacarpal space 113246002 S16550 Interosseous metacarpal spaces (body structure) E16550 P16550 Y 71941 P musculoskeletal system FB792831C5224BD38641E949FAFBB539 Interosseous metacarpal spaces 16552 16552 16552 chromosome pair 2 S16552 E16552 113354003 Chromosome pair 2 (cell structure) P16552 - P cell BEA40FF3B95C453BB745DD8B828FE535 Chromosome pair 2 (cell structure) 16553 16553 16553 chromosome pair 3 S16553 E16553 113355002 Chromosome pair 3 (cell structure) P16553 - P cell B0179D568C3D445798C98CA9F79D960F Chromosome pair 3 (cell structure) 16554 16554 16554 simple caveola 113356001 S16554 Simple caveola (cell structure) E16554 P16554 - P cell 27D097A6B00B45729E02CDDB45624A08 Simple caveola 16555 16555 16555 mitotic spindle 113357005 S16555 Mitotic spindle (cell structure) E16555 P16555 - P cell 607E07B7C8604C8E8D5B7A63E14860D8 Mitotic spindle 16556 16556 16556 axial filament complex, of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 113358000 S16556 Axial filament complex, of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial (cell structure) E16556 P16556 - P cell F7BAFAF49E5B4A6E84A613A6A6DF78E4 Axial filament complex, of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 16557 16557 16557 agranular endoplasmic reticulum membrane 113359008 S16557 Agranular endoplasmic reticulum membrane (cell structure) E16557 P16557 - P cell 8BFC3CD6E3964FB1A472D7DDE5D741BB Agranular endoplasmic reticulum membrane 16558 16558 16558 proacrosomal granule 113360003 S16558 Proacrosomal granule (cell structure) E16558 P16558 - P cell 0D7F7542DFE6419287597CDFD7EC74F7 Proacrosomal granule 16559 16559 16559 subunit A of peripheral doublet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 11336006 S16559 Subunit A of peripheral doublet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial (cell structure) E16559 P16559 - P cell 1554FA77399E4572BC7035E9F1B1231E Subunit A of peripheral doublet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 16560 16560 16560 spore 113362006 S16560 Spore structure (cell structure) E16560 P16560 - P cell B5E9C891173B411E8020CE44523C7A70 Spore 16561 16561 16561 viral component 115424005 S16561 Viral component (cell structure) E16561 P16561 - P cell CCB6AC17D1504BCCBAAD70C690A763B6 Viral component 16562 16562 16562 viral core 115426007 S16562 Viral core (cell structure) E16562 P16562 - P cell BC8AE49C423E41E78F454A0D466F343F Viral core 16563 16563 16563 viral envelope 115427003 S16563 Viral envelope (cell structure) E16563 P16563 - P cell 060335E5784F4D9EBBDD70390CAAE5D0 Viral envelope 16564 16564 16564 cytokeratin filament 115569001 S16564 Cytokeratin filaments (cell structure) E16564 P16564 - 63857 P cell 8045EFB36B144C068DFDF1647C652013 Cytokeratin filaments 16565 16565 16565 organelle 116194001 S16565 Organelle (cell structure) E16565 P16565 - 63832 P cell DD9B373A70D54403BFB61AE2CBE09F59 Organelle Cell compCell component which is surrounded by a portion of cytosol. Examples: endoplasmic reticulum, ribosome, cytoskeleton, nuclear envelope, nucleus, mitochondrion. 16566 16566 16566 keratohyaline granule 11637009 S16566 Keratohyaline granule (cell structure) E16566 P16566 - P cell F63A4F94F1834A4794CD2A267BD66B6E Keratohyaline granule 16567 16567 16567 fractured membrane particle array 11660001 S16567 Fractured membrane particle array (cell structure) E16567 P16567 - P cell 2F04FD8C849040B79EECE948F5BBAB99 Fractured membrane particle array 16568 16568 16568 CD10+ cell 116749001 S16568 CD10+ cell (cell structure) E16568 P16568 - P cell 9360934524BE4F44BF6B00465DE1310E CD10+ cell 16569 16569 16569 chromosome pair 18 S16569 E16569 11698001 Chromosome pair 18 (cell structure) P16569 - P cell D6A3BBC6213C4700AD9F4B7E94D49E8A Chromosome pair 18 (cell structure) 16570 16570 16570 chromosomes, group E S16570 E16570 1174007 Chromosomes, group E (cell structure) P16570 - P cell 3B047A60580943DF9B0D1C3595AD8B9D Chromosomes, group E (cell structure) 16571 16571 16571 nucleolinus 11749003 S16571 Nucleolinus (cell structure) E16571 P16571 - P cell 377F8B7C942E4A66ABB860AD02538534 Nucleolinus 16572 16572 16572 ileal conduit 118508005 S16572 Structure of ileal conduit (morphologic abnormality) E16572 264363008 Entire ileal conduit (morphologic abnormality) P16572 - P urinary system A2D90961733D48EE9EEA8F7BD751B297 8A28FFD72A3B4FB59960C4565A0CC373 ileal conduit (morphologic abnormality) Entire ileal conduit (morphologic abnormality) 16573 16573 16573 distinctive arrangement of cytoplasmic filaments 11874005 S16573 Distinctive arrangement of cytoplasmic filaments (cell structure) E16573 P16573 - P cell D51D0FB0AA564DE18A7A7852D39737D7 Distinctive arrangement of cytoplasmic filaments 16574 16574 16574 secondary lysosome with laminated content 12176006 S16574 Secondary lysosome with laminated content (cell structure) E16574 P16574 - P cell 6032B99A09EE419782CF46A698B67633 Secondary lysosome with laminated content 16575 16575 16575 chromosome pair 5 S16575 E16575 12399004 Chromosome pair 5 (cell structure) P16575 - P cell 744B61B949B44ADFB242B32102D4DCC5 Chromosome pair 5 (cell structure) 16576 16576 16576 intercalated disc of myocardium 12488002 S16576 Intercalated disc of myocardium (cell structure) E16576 P16576 - P cell 60251410E62A4E83ADB4E5E20280B6DA Intercalated disc of myocardium 16577 16577 16577 hemidesmosome 12626005 S16577 Hemidesmosome (cell structure) E16577 P16577 - 67415 P integumentary system F69C8137E4BF4D44A5E3508047E46690 Hemidesmosome 16578 16578 16578 distinctive arrangement of microtubules 1263005 S16578 Distinctive arrangement of microtubules (cell structure) E16578 P16578 - P cell 603193E3D5D84782A0325506FB01B673 Distinctive arrangement of microtubules 16579 16579 16579 parathyroid oxyphil cell 12701006 S16579 Structure of parathyroid oxyphil cell (cell structure) E16579 177826000 Entire parathyroid oxyphil cell (cell) P16579 Y 69084 P endocrine system B0B717DD4558428B837196219A483535 45B7F961AAE34B56A477B461C5BEB560 parathyroid oxyphil cell Entire parathyroid oxyphil cell (cell) 16580 16580 16580 ectopic breast 127857003 S16580 Ectopic breast (morphologic abnormality) E16580 P16580 Y P CE940ECC7E0E445F8903DE75047C82D8 Ectopic breast (morphologic abnormality) 16581 16581 16581 ectopic female breast 127858008 S16581 Ectopic female breast (morphologic abnormality) E16581 P16581 Y P 94D1988D6E224E1E9BE923A3BB9574A6 Ectopic female breast (morphologic abnormality) 16582 16582 16582 ectopic male breast 127859000 S16582 Ectopic male breast (morphologic abnormality) E16582 P16582 Y P 6239360DF300474CA07287720A38F958 Ectopic male breast (morphologic abnormality) 16583 16583 16583 cell region 127958007 S16583 Cell region (cell structure) E16583 P16583 - 85545 P cell BD0A7339CC774844A339780A145661B9 Cell region Cardinal cell part which is demarcated from other cell parts by one or more anatomical planes. Examples: apical part of cell, endoplasm, head of spermatozoon. 16584 16584 16584 Meckel's diverticulum 127962001 S16584 Meckel's diverticulum (morphologic abnormality) E16584 P16584 - 14967 P digestive system 45143144EEA741178406D02A2D3355AB Meckel's diverticulum (morphologic abnormality) 16585 16585 16585 body surface area 128178001 S16585 Body surface area (body structure) E16585 P16585 - P regional/topgraphical 0C03278E32E944DFA7DCB8D436EF1283 Body surface area 16586 16586 16586 rootlet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 12883002 S16586 Rootlet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial (cell structure) E16586 P16586 - P cell 02DA0AA0F4D44BADB93AF6D662E60210 Rootlet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 16587 16587 16587 macrothrombocyte 134203001 S16587 Macrothrombocyte (cell structure) E16587 P16587 - P hematological system 2985F29637E348798BECEBF666F3A14E Macrothrombocyte 16589 16589 16589 chromosome pair 9 S16589 E16589 13526007 Chromosome pair 9 (cell structure) P16589 - P cell 5DD2B050F0F94048AFC6E072E549F2B1 Chromosome pair 9 (cell structure) 16590 16590 16590 upper respiratory space 13660008 S16590 Upper respiratory spaces (body structure) E16590 P16590 - P respiratory system EC14F89E48604F3794BC61924AAE7845 Upper respiratory spaces 16591 16591 16591 intranuclear inclusion 13698008 S16591 Intranuclear inclusion (cell structure) E16591 P16591 - P cell AF047DA81EEA4DAA9D5EBB9B0338E4CB Intranuclear inclusion 16592 16592 16592 rudimentary cilium 14017007 S16592 Rudimentary cilium (cell structure) E16592 P16592 - P cell BBDC415048F74AD18002186B28FB66E4 Rudimentary cilium 16593 16593 16593 axon hillock 14153007 S16593 Axon hillock (cell structure) E16593 P16593 - 67259 P nervous system 6904914CEDB741E68E4F07849615A919 Axon hillock Part of cytoplasm of neuron which do not have Nissl bodies. 16594 16594 16594 fibrous sheath of sperm tail 14167003 S16594 Fibrous sheath of sperm tail (cell structure) E16594 P16594 - P cell 65C18586288A48DCA585F3C5DCF714B3 Fibrous sheath of sperm tail 16595 16595 16595 melanosome, incompletely melanized 14198001 S16595 Melanosome, incompletely melanized (cell structure) E16595 P16595 - P cell 0523B39A6FE642F48E0DEEBBE10B75BC Melanosome, incompletely melanized 16596 16596 16596 junctional complex 14501007 S16596 Junctional complex (cell structure) E16596 P16596 - P cell C0B94524FA32414EBC29F7633CEE995D Junctional complex 16597 16597 16597 agranular endoplasmic reticulum 14609003 S16597 Agranular endoplasmic reticulum (cell structure) E16597 P16597 - 66897 P cell 81EA22BB714C4830B240AC8F2460B5B7 Agranular endoplasmic reticulum 16598 16598 16598 long spacing collagen fibrils 14774001 S16598 Long spacing collagen fibrils (cell structure) E16598 P16598 - P cell 68D5BC1B6727418D8AD8861839017230 Long spacing collagen fibrils 16599 16599 16599 central pair of microtubules, cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 149003 S16599 Central pair of microtubules, cilium or flagellum, not bacterial (cell structure) E16599 P16599 - P cell D90705B9DA174BBEA748FD094694411C Central pair of microtubules, cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 16600 16600 16600 apical region of polarized cell 14906008 S16600 Apical region of polarized cell (cell structure) E16600 P16600 - P cell 89C294C8FA714BDAA60BA9FB8D6EF351 Apical region of polarized cell 16601 16601 16601 intranuclear lipid 14922009 S16601 Intranuclear lipid (cell structure) E16601 P16601 - P cell 207A844543E349A3A44A2858EE763921 Intranuclear lipid 16602 16602 16602 cytoplasmic inclusion, crystalline 15065000 S16602 Cytoplasmic inclusion, crystalline (cell structure) E16602 P16602 - P cell 417984121A6F438BBE63EB1BEE982415 Cytoplasmic inclusion, crystalline 16603 16603 16603 granular polyhedral cells of breast 15192008 S16603 Structure of granular polyhedral cells of breast (cell structure) E16603 205384000 Entire granular polyhedral cells of breast (cell) P16603 Y P cell 482FE2D55A02455CB007434B37085693 27ED57CA68104624A9F3300290FB8EAD granular polyhedral cells of breast Entire granular polyhedral cells of breast (cell) 16604 16604 16604 parathyroid transitional cell 15824004 S16604 Structure of parathyroid transitional cell (cell structure) E16604 177728006 Entire parathyroid transitional cell (cell) P16604 Y 69324 P endocrine system CCDC1304171641ABB5052267D8E1E696 D0E4F69D9610461092E1E0E9AE22844C parathyroid transitional cell Entire parathyroid transitional cell (cell) 16605 16605 16605 spongioblast 15837001 S16605 Spongioblast (cell structure) E16605 P16605 - 70564 P cell 96B4FD159680479785C81C69100A59E0 Spongioblast 16606 16606 16606 granular endoplasmic reticulum, cisternal lumen 15914006 S16606 Granular endoplasmic reticulum, cisternal lumen (cell structure) E16606 P16606 - P cell 26044921FFB641B4BBFEE5C093A66B35 Granular endoplasmic reticulum, cisternal lumen 16607 16607 16607 nucleolus 15982001 S16607 Nucleolus (cell structure) E16607 P16607 - 66848 P cell FD219B86D5C44F92B1316AC9193E4E89 Nucleolus 16608 16608 16608 metaphase nucleus 1620002 S16608 Metaphase nucleus (cell structure) E16608 P16608 - P cell 0297CEBFCB28417098B1163ADC82D69F Metaphase nucleus 16609 16609 16609 chromosome pair 11 S16609 E16609 16312006 Chromosome pair 11 (cell structure) P16609 - P cell 90202BE358A04240AE9A04F87F6F3C65 Chromosome pair 11 (cell structure) 16610 16610 16610 platelet 16378004 S16610 Platelet (cell structure) E16610 P16610 - 62851 P hematological system 94DE49E7AE6E49188B2452506AD82599 Platelet 16611 16611 16611 secretory granule, exocrine, known content undergoing exocytosis 16688006 S16611 Secretory granule, exocrine, known content undergoing exocytosis (cell structure) E16611 P16611 - P cell C0358C169FDA41EC8576F89923D2BD58 Secretory granule, exocrine, known content undergoing exocytosis 16612 16612 16612 microbody nucleoid, periodic 16955002 S16612 Microbody nucleoid, periodic (cell structure) E16612 P16612 - P cell 661243391E954A6FB56A5C20FD950DD3 Microbody nucleoid, periodic 16613 16613 16613 female genital space 16999006 S16613 Female genital spaces (body structure) E16613 P16613 - D genital system 213A9795F49D48928C2AE334910F6DAB Female genital spaces 16614 16614 16614 pars amorpha of nucleolus 17001008 S16614 Pars amorpha of nucleolus (cell structure) E16614 P16614 - 63013 P cell E813CDB0890C45B68CBF2209930E4607 Pars amorpha of nucleolus 16615 16615 16615 central region of cell 17196007 S16615 Central region of cell (cell structure) E16615 P16615 - P cell 8C10681AD5DA48D58C4CC98EA3F9DFD3 Central region of cell 16616 16616 16616 collagen protofibrils 17420003 S16616 Collagen protofibrils (cell structure) E16616 P16616 - P cell 88EC16C0177E464B97E56E81E07E5BBB Collagen protofibrils 16617 16617 16617 zig-zag configuration of cristae of mitochondrion 17529004 S16617 Zig-zag configuration of cristae of mitochondrion (cell structure) E16617 P16617 - P cell D3B1D8B7761C4B048EFBCFB47CA996B4 Zig-zag configuration of cristae of mitochondrion 16618 16618 16618 intermediate filament of known composition 17576008 S16618 Intermediate filaments of known composition (cell structure) E16618 P16618 - P cell 1678B0FF9A0B4CC8B002DBEE09074D14 Intermediate filaments of known composition 16619 16619 16619 striated border 17599007 S16619 Striated border (cell structure) E16619 P16619 - 70978 P cell D5524316ACCD46DFAA8F2B938DA20BB0 Striated border 16620 16620 16620 Dynein arm of peripheral doublet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 17757008 S16620 Dynein arm of peripheral doublet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial (cell structure) E16620 P16620 - P cell FADEE46B25054032BB3758619419639A Dynein arm of peripheral doublet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 16621 16621 16621 parathyroid wasserhelle cell 177629009 S16621 Structure of parathyroid wasserhelle cell (cell structure) E16621 88360009 Entire parathyroid wasserhelle cell (cell) P16621 Y P endocrine system FE7C51974CBB4B1EA00AB39058727FCE E96A0C3DDF3148A4B3B123988324A137 parathyroid wasserhelle cell Entire parathyroid wasserhelle cell (cell) 16622 16622 16622 premelanosome 1780008 S16622 Premelanosome (cell structure) E16622 P16622 - P cell A458E4A7C44544B3B8341FBA32967425 Premelanosome 16623 16623 16623 chromosome pair 12 S16623 E16623 17897000 Chromosome pair 12 (cell structure) P16623 - P cell 3ABD61317425418B8AA5644F05DD815D Chromosome pair 12 (cell structure) 16624 16624 16624 intranuclear body, concentrically laminated 17998009 S16624 Intranuclear body, concentrically laminated (cell structure) E16624 P16624 - P cell B580B34258D34B7E915F68AD45188A64 Intranuclear body, concentrically laminated 16625 16625 16625 fifth ventricle 180933005 S16625 Fifth ventricle (body structure) E16625 P16625 Y P nervous system BA19763311B245E697FD6BA7D70F3B49 Fifth ventricle 16626 16626 16626 spinal nerve root C0 180999006 S16626 Spinal nerve root C0 (body structure) E16626 P16626 Y P nervous system DFEFC4183BA3484893FC88D6B4F27780 Spinal nerve root C0 16627 16627 16627 heart, arteries and veins 181284009 S16627 Heart, arteries and veins (body structure) E16627 P16627 - P cardiovascular system 604EC90E86BE41CCB23BB1938DBD479E Heart, arteries and veins 16628 16628 16628 lateral branch of abdominal aorta 181338002 S16628 Lateral branch of abdominal aorta (body structure) E16628 P16628 Y P arterial system D7F1775FD9CD408289D59295D3D3A134 Lateral branch of abdominal aorta 16629 16629 16629 terminal branch of aorta 181345002 S16629 Terminal branch of aorta (body structure) E16629 P16629 - P arterial system DAFBDEF7773046E4878B2D1DCE7475A5 Terminal branch of aorta 16630 16630 16630 short sole muscle 181713005 S16630 Short sole muscle (body structure) E16630 P16630 Y P musculoskeletal system 94A7FF8A3C1A44A5B741EEDE2781F71F Short sole muscle 16631 16631 16631 micropinocytosis vermiformis channel 18208007 S16631 Micropinocytosis vermiformis channel (cell structure) E16631 P16631 - P cell 33BA8032CFB548769E2E44EA6D7FECBC Micropinocytosis vermiformis channel 16632 16632 16632 polyribosome, attached to outer nuclear membrane 18285007 S16632 Polyribosome, attached to outer nuclear membrane (cell structure) E16632 P16632 - P cell B1CEC475936444B19AD8140D68701AB2 Polyribosome, attached to outer nuclear membrane 16633 16633 16633 adhesion specialization between mitochondria 18642005 S16633 Adhesion specialization between mitochondria (cell structure) E16633 P16633 - P cell 1B896B922CCA4AC198B5912653F1E08A Adhesion specialization between mitochondria 16634 16634 16634 multivesicular body, surrounding membrane 18795001 S16634 Multivesicular body, surrounding membrane (cell structure) E16634 P16634 - P cell DE10FF2913E64FB1871361EEEE4BA09A Multivesicular body, surrounding membrane 16635 16635 16635 glycocalyx 19052001 S16635 Glycocalyx (cell structure) E16635 P16635 - 66838 P cell A4AEDABAFB97453382B350FC952B0F26 Glycocalyx Part of plasma membrane which consists of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides attached to proteins or lipids on the outer layer of the cell; forms the outermost layer of the plasma membrane. 16636 16636 16636 microbody nucleoid 19275003 S16636 Microbody nucleoid (cell structure) E16636 P16636 - P cell C563FD64312D4A01B0CC5C0478B17493 Microbody nucleoid 16637 16637 16637 extracellular dense component of desmosome or hemidesmosome 19353002 S16637 Extracellular dense component of desmosome or hemidesmosome (cell structure) E16637 P16637 - P cell ECF3C6A0116A4A91AFF586010F6F2319 Extracellular dense component of desmosome or hemidesmosome 16638 16638 16638 9 nm filament 19904008 S16638 9 nm filaments (cell structure) E16638 P16638 - 63851 P cell 1A50DF77EB1A47C28CFD3332CAA748F9 9 nm filaments 16639 16639 16639 endoplasmic reticulum, membrane 19973003 S16639 Endoplasmic reticulum, membrane (cell structure) E16639 P16639 - 80351 P cell 189D1A76A534447490A5F9EC7E2EC645 Endoplasmic reticulum, membrane 16640 16640 16640 intranuclear tubule 20489003 S16640 Intranuclear tubule (cell structure) E16640 P16640 - P cell 7461877BF9D14E08BC0B11F910E1F03F Intranuclear tubule 16641 16641 16641 inner mitochondrial membrane 20622001 S16641 Inner mitochondrial membrane (cell structure) E16641 P16641 - 66863 P cell 437D0E03B0844550A1C1971512F8CDA7 Inner mitochondrial membrane 16642 16642 16642 endoplasmic reticulum, connection with organelle 20712002 S16642 Endoplasmic reticulum, connection with other organelle (cell structure) E16642 P16642 - P cell B41C551C9FA34866968D8A536D1662C4 Endoplasmic reticulum, connection with other organelle 16643 16643 16643 interzonal microtubule of spindle 20763002 S16643 Interzonal microtubules of spindle (cell structure) E16643 P16643 - P cell D8D66EEB228C494EB55112BA7CA9CF0E Interzonal microtubules of spindle 16644 16644 16644 Nissl granule 209599006 S16644 Nissl granule (cell structure) E16644 P16644 - 67367 P cell 1D6AB3A71C0A4EC9AEF135CEA304F897 Nissl granule 16645 16645 16645 fenestration, endothelial, without diaphragm 21645000 S16645 Fenestration, endothelial, without diaphragm (cell structure) E16645 P16645 - 0 P cell B6342BCBD864449DAF7707EE4F13C2ED Fenestration, endothelial, without diaphragm 16646 16646 16646 chromosomes, groups C and X S16646 E16646 21777008 Chromosomes, groups C & X (cell structure) P16646 - P cell C973023FD9C1472EA80BE9E54E819052 Chromosomes, groups C & X (cell structure) 16647 16647 16647 basal lamina, inclusion consisting of dense deposit 21833006 S16647 Basal lamina, inclusion consisting of dense deposit (cell structure) E16647 P16647 - P cell 3FFA17D91E994528807CFF416C98E85B Basal lamina, inclusion consisting of dense deposit 16648 16648 16648 Golgi vacuole 22374001 S16648 Golgi vacuole (cell structure) E16648 P16648 - P cell B9597BF3DD3C49B18CD32CB3255381A2 Golgi vacuole 16649 16649 16649 intranuclear body 22776001 S16649 Intranuclear body (cell structure) E16649 P16649 - 84810 P cell 18E9316748BC45B2A9EBF462BCCD9D7C Intranuclear body 16650 16650 16650 nuclear envelope, outer membrane 22809002 S16650 Nuclear envelope, outer membrane (cell structure) E16650 P16650 - P cell 4100124F83964241A0D846A12F5CE77C Nuclear envelope, outer membrane 16651 16651 16651 cuticle of cell 22938000 S16651 Cuticle of cell (cell structure) E16651 P16651 - P cell 7B23F0DACE924F0EAF494C76F68BDEBE Cuticle of cell 16652 16652 16652 multivesicular body, inclusion 22970000 S16652 Multivesicular body, inclusion (cell structure) E16652 P16652 - P cell A22920A1EF80421B9210F3D9614B0B46 Multivesicular body, inclusion 16653 16653 16653 basal lamina, inclusion consisting of cell process 23300002 S16653 Basal lamina, inclusion consisting of cell process (cell structure) E16653 P16653 - P cell 3970E511F5C34BBA90FBCBBABFB1E497 Basal lamina, inclusion consisting of cell process 16654 16654 16654 autolysosome containing secretion granule 23381000 S16654 Autolysosome containing secretion granule (cell structure) E16654 P16654 - P cell 48429D270BDD46CE88DB5ED7FF1067C3 Autolysosome containing secretion granule 16655 16655 16655 primordial sex cell 23430009 S16655 Structure of primordial sex cell (cell structure) E16655 343721007 Entire primordial sex cell (cell) P16655 - 70567 P cell A29C40129B9446FAAD26481D8C1BDE9F 7765C5C396DF4158A49B91D90B76E155 primordial sex cell Entire primordial sex cell (cell) 16656 16656 16656 microbody membrane 23499007 S16656 Microbody membrane (cell structure) E16656 P16656 - P cell 4614477F5A704D309AF899FA3DC38A7A Microbody membrane 16658 16658 16658 concentric orientation of cristae of mitochondrion 24137005 S16658 Concentric orientation of cristae of mitochondrion (cell structure) E16658 P16658 - P cell C52342C9B2B8489191FDDC2D4CF77E67 Concentric orientation of cristae of mitochondrion 16659 16659 16659 granular endoplasmic reticulum 24155001 S16659 Granular endoplasmic reticulum (cell structure) E16659 P16659 - 66898 P cell 6BC0E638D4CE47D89F26DCD119BF892C Granular endoplasmic reticulum 16660 16660 16660 tight junction 24206002 S16660 Tight junction (cell structure) E16660 P16660 - 67397 P cell 3C95E9CC1E024793BDFED370F3BD1733 Tight junction 16661 16661 16661 collagen fibrils, 64 nm spacing 24245007 S16661 Collagen fibrils, 64 nm spacing (cell structure) E16661 P16661 - P cell 2CD5680107554E30BDABBB0DB899D73C Collagen fibrils, 64 nm spacing 16662 16662 16662 C8 vertebra S16662 E16662 244655006 C8 vertebra (body structure) P16662 - P skeletal system 72B61FF60B004A46BC2C7B23D5665B17 C8 vertebra (body structure) 16663 16663 16663 mastectomy scar site 245850007 S16663 Mastectomy scar site (morphologic abnormality) E16663 P16663 Y P 23BB96C5523A42D480AE2EA47CB4E76C Mastectomy scar site (morphologic abnormality) 16664 16664 16664 medial part of mastectomy scar 245851006 S16664 Medial part of mastectomy scar (morphologic abnormality) E16664 P16664 Y P FE368C6F6C5549089D814B42A9599125 Medial part of mastectomy scar (morphologic abnormality) 16665 16665 16665 middle part of mastectomy scar 245852004 S16665 Middle part of mastectomy scar (morphologic abnormality) E16665 P16665 Y P 803FC9CB0ED44A6BB053913D7DD01045 Middle part of mastectomy scar (morphologic abnormality) 16666 16666 16666 lateral part of mastectomy scar 245853009 S16666 Lateral part of mastectomy scar (morphologic abnormality) E16666 P16666 Y P DC9DD1D339F847F88BCA85DB4C417E91 Lateral part of mastectomy scar (morphologic abnormality) 16667 16667 16667 ureteric anastomosis 245858000 S16667 Ureteric anastomosis (morphologic abnormality) E16667 P16667 Y P urinary system 91922A0666094432865B281C08A46F4F Ureteric anastomosis (morphologic abnormality) 16668 16668 16668 urinary conduit site 245860003 S16668 Urinary conduit site (morphologic abnormality) E16668 P16668 - P urinary system 6F928A6C4F1F4CD989BF1105085781BD Urinary conduit site (morphologic abnormality) 16669 16669 16669 synaptic membrane specialization, presynaptic 24843005 S16669 Synaptic membrane specialization, presynaptic (cell structure) E16669 P16669 - P cell FB9C8831CBD2413F96E7F8B573D856B7 Synaptic membrane specialization, presynaptic 16670 16670 16670 endoplasmic reticulum related to mitochondrion 24894003 S16670 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) related to mitochondrion (cell structure) E16670 P16670 - P cell 408EF3C9EAAE41E3898E6FDB1B857E3E Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) related to mitochondrion 16671 16671 16671 agranular endoplasmic reticulum of striated muscle 24961002 S16671 Apical ectodermal ridge (AER) of striated muscle (cell structure) E16671 P16671 - 67225 P cell A67F42BB217A44529969869CCEC4298A Apical ectodermal ridge (AER) of striated muscle 16672 16672 16672 membrane of lysosome 2502001 S16672 Membrane of lysosome (cell structure) E16672 P16672 - 67156 P cell 5DFFDEE7272F4CB4A308FB5C59EE6786 Membrane of lysosome 16673 16673 16673 microthrombocyte 250316002 S16673 Microthrombocyte (cell structure) E16673 P16673 - P hematological system EB4447D0EC7340929377B2C187FAF4CA Microthrombocyte 16674 16674 16674 platelet satellite 250317006 S16674 Platelet satellite (cell structure) E16674 P16674 - P hematological system 6D1E4FED7D974B3DBEEEA24F2624A1A1 Platelet satellite 16675 16675 16675 intracellular ferritin 25475005 S16675 Intracellular ferritin (cell structure) E16675 P16675 - P cell 8CED1230D42643EDBE239B5022D84C50 Intracellular ferritin 16676 16676 16676 chromosome pair 20 S16676 E16676 25610001 Chromosome pair 20 (cell structure) P16676 - P cell 927CEC7C4B6F4BCEAED2EC725782CD22 Chromosome pair 20 (cell structure) 16677 16677 16677 H zone 25771000 S16677 H zone (cell structure) E16677 P16677 - 67926 P cell D8DFDA4207474819ABCDF70E93377D2A H zone 16678 16678 16678 branchial cleft 258032009 S16678 Branchial cleft (morphologic abnormality) E16678 P16678 Y P 773E310EA8D7498992C56BB8AF8825CA Branchial cleft (morphologic abnormality) 16679 16679 16679 red blood cell stroma 259678006 S16679 Red blood cell stroma (cell structure) E16679 P16679 - P cell 85EFB7A2A07A4ED4838FD8B8F55BBBD6 Red blood cell stroma 16680 16680 16680 neutrophil inclusion 259713004 S16680 Neutrophil inclusion (cell structure) E16680 P16680 - P cell A1F1991C5BFE466FB43D5BFA50F5BCBF Neutrophil inclusion 16681 16681 16681 end colostomy stoma 261030007 S16681 End colostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16681 P16681 - P digestive system 8FCCC0E56F6543A88AC47E2D8D372EE5 End colostomy - stoma 16682 16682 16682 double-barrelled colostomy stoma 261072008 S16682 Double-barrelled colostomy (morphologic abnormality) E16682 P16682 - P digestive system 06FCE9B58CC049A6A331B0C935A3AD36 Double-barrelled colostomy (morphologic abnormality) 16683 16683 16683 arterial graft 261240000 S16683 Arterial graft (morphologic abnormality) E16683 P16683 - P arterial system 2A14D1FDF5CE40CE803FDCD1CD2EA8C3 Arterial graft (morphologic abnormality) 16684 16684 16684 loop colostomy stoma 261765002 S16684 Loop colostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16684 P16684 - P digestive system 30F9D14A6D154A8E8D66B09BDD86E8B0 Loop colostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16685 16685 16685 synaptic membrane specialization 26375002 S16685 Synaptic membrane specialization (cell structure) E16685 P16685 - P cell FBC0FB1C540E45888FC3AE6DFB7B2488 Synaptic membrane specialization 16686 16686 16686 content of endocytic membrane invagination 26395008 S16686 Content of endocytic membrane invagination (cell structure) E16686 P16686 - P cell A0DD534943164CE69D334F8494E535D9 Content of endocytic membrane invagination 16687 16687 16687 colocolic junction 263976001 S16687 Colocolic junction (morphologic abnormality) E16687 P16687 - P digestive system FB06EBF4DA604B5EB02095CC405D8069 Colocolic junction (morphologic abnormality) 16688 16688 16688 colonic conduit 263978000 S16688 Colonic conduit (morphologic abnormality) E16688 P16688 - P urinary system D46438F0E8AE4CE5B676E504B3E20963 Colonic conduit (morphologic abnormality) 16689 16689 16689 ileocolic junction 264022007 S16689 Ileocolic junction (morphologic abnormality) E16689 P16689 - P digestive system DB1DA19DC9474C47A7161EF52C6D1848 Ileocolic junction (morphologic abnormality) 16690 16690 16690 gastrojejunal junction 264051006 S16690 Gastrojejunal junction (morphologic abnormality) E16690 P16690 - P digestive system 301A8CB2040047229D946B41123F4A90 Gastrojejunal junction (morphologic abnormality) 16691 16691 16691 coronary artery graft 264293000 S16691 Coronary artery graft (morphologic abnormality) E16691 P16691 - P arterial system 01E37A814A364BCD970AA83703C3FAC0 Coronary artery graft (morphologic abnormality) 16692 16692 16692 whole chromosome 264328003 S16692 Whole chromosome (cell structure) E16692 P16692 - P cell BCF49DBA1F6B431E82912FC8B63142FF Whole chromosome 16693 16693 16693 ileostomy stoma 264364002 S16693 Ileostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16693 P16693 - P digestive system 03E388794509416C8921134E878D3410 Ileostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16694 16694 16694 aortic graft 264445009 S16694 Aortic graft (morphologic abnormality) E16694 P16694 - P arterial system 5AF424DFBDFB4A128C84F4E3D2757881 Aortic graft (morphologic abnormality) 16695 16695 16695 colostomy stoma 264585001 S16695 Colostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16695 P16695 - P digestive system D3AE65B9D5DF4C97BEB4B68F69885166 Colostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16696 16696 16696 cystoduodenostomy stoma 264586000 S16696 Cystoduodenostomy (morphologic abnormality) E16696 P16696 - P digestive system 56C284CF2E264DE281411D97AC1F8B68 Cystoduodenostomy (morphologic abnormality) 16697 16697 16697 cystogastrostomy stoma 264587009 S16697 Cystogastrostomy (morphologic abnormality) E16697 P16697 - P digestive system DF1EA7BBEDB2424091EBC5E92124BB4F Cystogastrostomy (morphologic abnormality) 16698 16698 16698 cystojejunostomy stoma 264588004 S16698 Cystojejunostomy (morphologic abnormality) E16698 P16698 - P digestive system 9CF101B21D5E4AB280642F4E431164BE Cystojejunostomy (morphologic abnormality) 16699 16699 16699 peripheral artery graft 264600004 S16699 Peripheral artery graft (morphologic abnormality) E16699 P16699 - P arterial system 3E599AA4FA254D2AA1229DDF9BBAC4FA Peripheral artery graft (morphologic abnormality) 16700 16700 16700 ureterostomy stoma 264604008 S16700 Ureterostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16700 P16700 Y P urinary system DCA12577925A402BB14E9E00C23215AF Ureterostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16701 16701 16701 left ventricle midventricular segment 264855003 S16701 LV midventricular segment (body structure) E16701 P16701 - L P cardiovascular system FAF44D7B32D94B4A98BD40AD56CC4715 LV midventricular segment 16702 16702 16702 ribosome 26761006 S16702 Ribosome (cell structure) E16702 P16702 - 66867 P cell 08961ABEACD2410199EE10C3BE258296 Ribosome 16703 16703 16703 basal region of polarized cell 26765002 S16703 Basal region of polarized cell (cell structure) E16703 P16703 - P cell 29FC404D45264749B73CB824C7953B74 Basal region of polarized cell 16704 16704 16704 M line 27112006 S16704 M line (cell structure) E16704 P16704 - 67935 P cell C55F2F2095F94761B9D703D4C09914F1 M line 16705 16705 16705 gastrostomy stoma 272726003 S16705 Gastrostomy (morphologic abnormality) E16705 P16705 - P 872D1232401342FCA4B6653956718924 Gastrostomy (morphologic abnormality) 16706 16706 16706 internal stoma 272727007 S16706 Internal stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16706 P16706 - P digestive system 4EFEFEF8072749C081E1F666ED6D310F Internal stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16707 16707 16707 cytoplasmic filament 27298001 S16707 Cytoplasmic filaments (cell structure) E16707 P16707 - P cell C698B5E7443A4042B86265F5B3E5BB81 Cytoplasmic filaments 16708 16708 16708 flagellum, bacterial, basal structure 27531009 S16708 Flagellum, bacterial, basal structure (cell structure) E16708 P16708 - P cell 2826A492296642739A5BCDE724526019 Flagellum, bacterial, basal 16709 16709 16709 diaphragm, nuclear pore 27734003 S16709 Diaphragm, nuclear pore (cell structure) E16709 P16709 - P cell 9C875E5A817F4471BA7730F3F38BDF9D Diaphragm, nuclear pore 16710 16710 16710 continent urinary stoma 277588006 S16710 Continent urinary stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16710 P16710 - P urinary system E110088A0B00445F9C334AAB9F44ABBA Continent urinary stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16711 16711 16711 right ventricle midventricular segment 277634007 S16711 Right ventricle midventricular segment (body structure) E16711 P16711 - R P cardiovascular system B8139B4FD4CE4B72B6CA974D344902AE Right ventricle midventricular segment 16712 16712 16712 right ventricle basal segment 277635008 S16712 Right ventricle basal segment (body structure) E16712 P16712 - R P cardiovascular system 3BD939651DC64F999E50905C8BF6AC66 Right ventricle basal segment 16713 16713 16713 short arm of chromosome 278145009 S16713 Short arm of chromosome (cell structure) E16713 P16713 - P cell 2E9155448B5E41A6BF3B348CD5822231 Short arm of chromosome 16714 16714 16714 intracytoplasmic desmosome 27933003 S16714 Intracytoplasmic desmosome (cell structure) E16714 P16714 - P cell 71C6CAE2C7C24C138F90F2967E742C84 Intracytoplasmic desmosome 16715 16715 16715 tracheostomy stoma 280361007 S16715 Tracheostomy stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16715 P16715 - P respiratory system E4D32756A79844B094AC76E3EE9BEBDD Tracheostomy stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16716 16716 16716 abdominal stoma 280699007 S16716 Abdominal stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16716 P16716 - P 587C6B386F794200A8C6B17243481D2E Abdominal stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16717 16717 16717 urinary reservoir 281162000 S16717 Urinary reservoir (morphologic abnormality) E16717 P16717 - P urinary system 4C6DB23FEE3D4C9DA66A6FC86FD42334 Urinary reservoir (morphologic abnormality) 16718 16718 16718 coated vesicle 28135007 S16718 Coated vesicle (cell structure) E16718 P16718 - P cell 8B07481EB48C4DEB8C74C4108724516A Coated vesicle 16719 16719 16719 intestinal stoma 281600005 S16719 Intestinal stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16719 P16719 - P digestive system B6BD3DCBA2D54E0B81F18E42ACC7CC57 Intestinal stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16720 16720 16720 urological stoma 281601009 S16720 Urological stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16720 P16720 - P urinary system 2F6CD7B9ACE545029078A69CE33E74F0 Urological stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16721 16721 16721 post-surgical urinary system 281834009 S16721 Post-surgical urinary structure (morphologic abnormality) E16721 P16721 - P urinary system F189BDE4685D48A588CE854D37BDC6F4 Post-surgical urinary (morphologic abnormality) 16722 16722 16722 perinuclear region of cell 28568005 S16722 Perinuclear region of cell (cell structure) E16722 P16722 - P cell A410A351DB9B44C9AAE3456BE9F41E72 Perinuclear region of cell 16723 16723 16723 zymogen granule 28904002 S16723 Zymogen granule (cell structure) E16723 P16723 - 63034 P cell 35E3C28171FB4081B7C8D7A1ABE9FA51 Zymogen granule 16724 16724 16724 annulate lamella, fenestration 28936009 S16724 Annulate lamella, fenestration (cell structure) E16724 P16724 - P cell 0F2A3836EC8143728D2E330EC4DC32CD Annulate lamella, fenestration 16725 16725 16725 cytoplasmic inclusion 29015002 S16725 Cytoplasmic inclusion (cell structure) E16725 P16725 - 63833 P cell 18722989C7BC445D897538DFB0A6A0C7 Cytoplasmic inclusion 16726 16726 16726 filament insertion into cytoplasmic dense body 29103004 S16726 Filament insertion into cytoplasmic dense body (cell structure) E16726 P16726 - P cell 5414F2A72D10442784479E196ACB0208 Filament insertion into cytoplasmic dense body 16727 16727 16727 mesangial matrix inclusion 29640008 S16727 Mesangial matrix inclusion (cell structure) E16727 P16727 - P cell B6C1418643244A91A795B8956688D51B Mesangial matrix inclusion 16728 16728 16728 cytoplasmic vacuole, not related to GERL 29720005 S16728 Cytoplasmic vacuole, not related to GERL (cell structure) E16728 P16728 - P cell 8090806E8ADD475DA304A60E42F320AC Cytoplasmic vacuole, not related to GERL 16729 16729 16729 divided colostomy stoma 297223007 S16729 Divided colostomy stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16729 P16729 - P digestive system C9D06E2EE7A946079D087412F6EB1415 Divided colostomy stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16730 16730 16730 protoplast membrane 30027001 S16730 Protoplast membrane (cell structure) E16730 P16730 - P cell 875D907BBD0A4150A1095AE697C7481D Protoplast membrane 16731 16731 16731 specialized cilium or flagellum 30119008 S16731 Specialized cilium or flagellum (cell structure) E16731 P16731 - P cell 5AD88F56C9A14869975AA5CB82FCC94E Specialized cilium or flagellum 16732 16732 16732 membrane receptor 30484004 S16732 Membrane receptor (cell structure) E16732 P16732 - P cell EB4E7EC9DA7047FC8D00C7C4DA184077 Membrane receptor 16733 16733 16733 ligament of thorax 304929009 S16733 Ligament of thorax (body structure) E16733 P16733 - P musculoskeletal system 1D83E240A4354595904A504DD477DAC5 Ligament of thorax 16734 16734 16734 lysosome of male germ cell 30516005 S16734 Lysosome of male germ cell (cell structure) E16734 P16734 - P cell AA0AA0916654440F87287ADD9DAE1B1B Lysosome of male germ cell 16735 16735 16735 cell process 30545007 S16735 Cell process (cell structure) E16735 P16735 - P cell B2DD9F555E2146ED99E5B57240F878A4 Cell process 16736 16736 16736 mitochondrion in division S16736 E16736 3081007 Mitochondrion in division (cell structure) P16736 - P cell 7FC7FFA6B61249BF803439920C32702C Mitochondrion in division (cell structure) 16737 16737 16737 cytoplasmic inclusion, granular 30835004 S16737 Cytoplasmic inclusion, granular (cell structure) E16737 P16737 - P cell A2C58C2485F5420B868AA6BDD50C4657 Cytoplasmic inclusion, granular 16739 16739 16739 gamete 308838004 S16739 Gamete structure (cell structure) E16739 P16739 - P cell 6D82DF2E3B494FE2BBB7125731CD8541 Gamete 16740 16740 16740 duodenostomy stoma 310873008 S16740 Duodenostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16740 P16740 - P digestive system B2860BD0B6184F6AB6D4698533A81AA3 Duodenostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16741 16741 16741 urethrostomy stoma 311395005 S16741 Urethrostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16741 P16741 - P urinary system 1D52F974912348A2AFC87EAC718D4F77 Urethrostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16742 16742 16742 jejunostomy stoma 311411003 S16742 Jejunostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16742 P16742 - P digestive system 24FDB90821FC45A0A028DEC280850F54 Jejunostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16743 16743 16743 end ileostomy stoma 311412005 S16743 End ileostomy stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16743 P16743 - P digestive system 0AE24EF5D3984D1291163B162BD2EE5E End ileostomy stoma 16744 16744 16744 loop ileostomy stoma 311413000 S16744 Loop ileostomy stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16744 P16744 - P digestive system BCF640295E9942DE938379A00A007B2E Loop ileostomy stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16745 16745 16745 continent ileostomy stoma 311414006 S16745 Continent ileostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16745 P16745 - P digestive system 2D27C5BD2FFF4BB8B6ABABBDDD1F596E Continent ileostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16746 16746 16746 appendicostomy stoma 311415007 S16746 Appendicostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16746 P16746 - P digestive system 756DC990F53F4DA581600C387C38B0BB Appendicostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16747 16747 16747 cecostomy stoma 311416008 S16747 Cecostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16747 P16747 - P digestive system D5A8AF7B11B74CC4873A251AB918A567 Cecostomy - stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16751 16751 16751 mitochondrial membrane 312240004 S16751 Mitochondrial membrane (cell structure) E16751 P16751 - 66861 P cell 29E50616C9E8454D801363EEE3A1A983 Mitochondrial membrane 16753 16753 16753 long arm of chromosome 312242007 S16753 Long arm of chromosome (cell structure) E16753 P16753 - P cell 8CC92FF691FD4723A4063E0403FB5709 Long arm of chromosome 16755 16755 16755 dividing cell 314245008 S16755 Dividing cell structure (cell structure) E16755 35853008 Dividing cell (cell) P16755 - P cell 87D9C1BA3DF64BC6967702121B05B559 97D782236DA544368243133F798781BE Dividing cell Dividing cell (cell) 16756 16756 16756 urinary conduit 314393004 S16756 Urinary conduit (morphologic abnormality) E16756 P16756 - P urinary system 4A9EA27159AF44C389419604632CE342 Urinary conduit (morphologic abnormality) 16757 16757 16757 choledochoenterostomy stoma 314600001 S16757 Choledochoenterostomy stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16757 P16757 - P digestive system 5C25D9A8EF764AF4ACBB33C9D3DA563F Choledochoenterostomy stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16758 16758 16758 fractured membrane S16758 E16758 314867003 Fractured membrane (cell structure) P16758 - P cell FEDC82521AAA4D0AAFF460166B7917A5 Fractured membrane (cell structure) 16759 16759 16759 cell membrane invagination 314868008 S16759 Cell membrane invagination (cell structure) E16759 P16759 - P cell 6E01262D241649A6AEE88125CDE52507 Cell membrane invagination 16760 16760 16760 specialized cell 314886006 S16760 Specialized cell structure (cell structure) E16760 P16760 - P cell 1DD04217E7C943FAB2037C139AA4CA03 Specialized cell 16761 16761 16761 neuromuscular junction 31627007 S16761 Neuromuscular junction (cell structure) E16761 P16761 - 61803 P nervous system B2B89657594548F599357BDE80C4FEA4 Neuromuscular junction 16762 16762 16762 close packing of cristae of mitochondrion 31782006 S16762 Close packing of cristae of mitochondrion (cell structure) E16762 P16762 - P cell F8100BF2BEE74EC1BD6C2711D90A380F Close packing of cristae of mitochondrion 16763 16763 16763 adhesion specialization between lysosomes 31816008 S16763 Adhesion specialization between lysosomes (cell structure) E16763 P16763 - P cell DB1D9C23E1DC4B0CAF14BB6DB433A01F Adhesion specialization between lysosomes 16764 16764 16764 ribosome, attached to outer nuclear membrane 31905000 S16764 Ribosome, attached to outer nuclear membrane (cell structure) E16764 P16764 - P cell B4EA877617134AC5ADC5930AA2960C81 Ribosome, attached to outer nuclear membrane 16765 16765 16765 sex chromosome 312238009 S16765 Sex chromosome structure (cell structure) E16765 32247007 Sex chromosome (cell structure) P16765 - 74407 P cell 6808AB875E46496AA5B6FE3B0A577733 36F00008B6FB456395218D4EFE190CA8 Sex chromosome Sex chromosome (cell structure) 16766 16766 16766 intranuclear cell product 32347005 S16766 Intranuclear cell product (cell structure) E16766 P16766 - P cell E4FCE082F722454AA145A88D26981535 Intranuclear cell product 16767 16767 16767 basal lamina, lamina densa component 32546002 S16767 Basal lamina, lamina densa component (cell structure) E16767 P16767 - P cell F292BFA96AF74529A9AC4ABF7792462A Basal lamina, lamina densa component 16768 16768 16768 basal lamina of epithelial cell or tissue 32565005 S16768 Basal lamina of epithelial cell or tissue (cell structure) E16768 P16768 - P cell B1E5480B035845B888F2F1C41B011646 Basal lamina of epithelial cell or tissue 16769 16769 16769 lipid droplet, complex 32571004 S16769 Lipid droplet, complex (cell structure) E16769 P16769 - P cell C5FEDBB3379E47629728A2DB95A7801F Lipid droplet, complex 16770 16770 16770 portal vein 32764006 S16770 Portal vein structure (body structure) E16770 362064007 Entire portal vein (body structure) P16770 - 66645 P cardiovascular system 79F3042235E84FD2880AD929A529EC40 FE909EE116FC448BB90670520C7D3965 Portal vein Entire portal vein (body structure) 16771 16771 16771 filipodium 33292006 S16771 Filipodium (cell structure) E16771 P16771 - P cell FB818CA40BAC48EF8ACE76B83B81EAF6 Filipodium 16772 16772 16772 annulate lamella, diaphragm of fenestration 33438005 S16772 Annulate lamella, diaphragm of fenestration (cell structure) E16772 P16772 - P cell 2023D2821475464EB09F2703C80CB3CB Annulate lamella, diaphragm of fenestration 16773 16773 16773 endoplasmic reticulum 33761008 S16773 Endoplasmic reticulum (cell structure) E16773 P16773 - 63842 P cell 10E452669C97415AA6AE1E3A677346F4 Endoplasmic reticulum 16774 16774 16774 secondary lysosome undergoing exocytosis 33787008 S16774 Secondary lysosome undergoing exocytosis (cell structure) E16774 P16774 - P cell DF82533FA24640AEB8FF08AE6D2538B5 Secondary lysosome undergoing exocytosis 16775 16775 16775 primary lysosome 33803000 S16775 Primary lysosome (cell structure) E16775 P16775 - 67522 P cell 17399B0D96FD43E99A00352714753519 Primary lysosome 16776 16776 16776 intramitochondrial ribosome 34343005 S16776 Intramitochondrial ribosome (cell structure) E16776 P16776 - P cell A643B5B6AC0E4FECBED2EBA7F9E148C5 Intramitochondrial ribosome 16777 16777 16777 membrane coating granule, laminated 34496000 S16777 Membrane coating granule, laminated (cell structure) E16777 P16777 - P cell 254897D6363146F78626EF0A8D8DBDBE Membrane coating granule, laminated 16778 16778 16778 diaphragm of fenestration 34662001 S16778 Diaphragm of fenestration (cell structure) E16778 P16778 - P cell 5C05D843EC01454EBBA7D464BE7416B8 Diaphragm of fenestration 16779 16779 16779 septate junction 34776007 S16779 Septate junction (cell structure) E16779 P16779 - P cell 7493E9A45ECC4C1A8C2AF56FD993FA51 Septate junction 16780 16780 16780 cytoplasmic microtubule 34783000 S16780 Cytoplasmic microtubule (cell structure) E16780 P16780 - P cell B76B57C0AEE5420B99D1F52522DE7D93 Cytoplasmic microtubule 16781 16781 16781 annulate lamella, cisternal lumen 3488009 S16781 Annulate lamella, cisternal lumen (cell structure) E16781 P16781 - P cell E233AAA320804F6AA1893091DBD63D7D Annulate lamella, cisternal lumen 16782 16782 16782 Ranvier's node 34974004 S16782 Ranvier's node (cell structure) E16782 P16782 - 67368 P nervous system B3C2582964D142269F85421B8050BEC7 Ranvier's node 16783 16783 16783 autolysosome 34995009 S16783 Autolysosome (cell structure) E16783 P16783 - P cell A91B06FC4A8343C4AF0252A39D744963 Autolysosome 16784 16784 16784 dense-cored synaptic vesicle 35056004 S16784 Dense-cored synaptic vesicle (cell structure) E16784 P16784 - P cell 8171FBADFC074FE8BA27DEED7AF6A3C7 Dense-cored synaptic vesicle 16785 16785 16785 telophase nucleus 35070004 S16785 Telophase nucleus (cell structure) E16785 P16785 - P cell 3531F3B6CE9F453EA49E21D9BCADADB7 Telophase nucleus 16786 16786 16786 intermediate junction 35273006 S16786 Intermediate junction (cell structure) E16786 P16786 - 67407 P cell D55606F4A58546D394C976D60932D750 Intermediate junction 16787 16787 16787 fenestration, endothelial, with diaphragm 35652001 S16787 Fenestration, endothelial, with diaphragm (cell structure) E16787 P16787 - 0 P cell 49819764075A49E0922C38692B447880 Fenestration, endothelial, with diaphragm 16788 16788 16788 parathyroid cell 360553006 S16788 Parathyroid cell (cell structure) E16788 P16788 Y P endocrine system AB26CF711CEB4C2EB2DD490710996009 Parathyroid cell 16790 16790 16790 renal pelvis stoma 361687001 S16790 Renal pelvis stoma (morphologic abnormality) E16790 P16790 Y P urinary system D28C494347934359AC71AD31C13F33EF Renal pelvis stoma (morphologic abnormality) 16793 16793 16793 myelin sheath 23879005 S16793 Myelin sheath structure (cell structure) E16793 362297004 Entire myelin sheath (cell structure) P16793 - 62983 P nervous system 51719900A4C246F79605FFA271778CB0 9DABC7258E1F43C5B6B36A7B2979F6E0 Myelin sheath Entire myelin sheath (cell structure) Cell appendage of a Schwann cell or an oligodendroctye which wraps around a zone of an axon; it is a shared part between the axon and the glial cell (Schwann cell or oligodenrocyte). 16794 16794 16794 lamellipodium 3646006 S16794 Lamellipodium (cell structure) E16794 P16794 - P cell 167F5A5401A7432FB902309287BDF7C0 Lamellipodium 16795 16795 16795 specialized subunit or derivative of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 36486006 S16795 Specialized subunit or derivative of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial (cell structure) E16795 P16795 - P cell C64E13407A5444178F7612CD0B89F33F Specialized subunit or derivative of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 16796 16796 16796 skeletal muscle fiber, type I 36499009 S16796 Skeletal muscle fiber, type I (cell structure) E16796 P16796 - P muscular system 8D753D0EADB241BB8AE2C62FB3C1C33F Skeletal muscle fiber, type I 16797 16797 16797 intranuclear glycogen 36660006 S16797 Intranuclear glycogen (cell structure) E16797 P16797 - P cell 6F03E4FDAA974E5EA1CAF17F68BD623E Intranuclear glycogen 16798 16798 16798 vermipodium 36790007 S16798 Vermipodium (cell structure) E16798 P16798 - P cell 252FD2539565404EAC74102264B6E925 Vermipodium 16799 16799 16799 stereocilium 36828001 S16799 Stereocilium (cell structure) E16799 P16799 - 67317 P cell A77779A540E24206804CB62214FB55C1 Stereocilium 16800 16800 16800 cell capsule, prokaryotic 36851001 S16800 Cell capsule, prokaryotic (cell structure) E16800 P16800 - P cell 8E4167433D884087926A1E16E82C1FBE Cell capsule, prokaryotic 16804 16804 16804 pupillary membrane 370941004 S16804 Pupillary membrane (morphologic abnormality) E16804 P16804 Y 77663 P special senses organ system 7CBAB6B839374AAABF548D1A0E6CE503 Pupillary membrane (morphologic abnormality) 16805 16805 16805 skeletal muscle fiber, type IIa 37185007 S16805 Skeletal muscle fiber, type IIa (cell structure) E16805 P16805 - P muscular system AF33556780F749B79B5705ADBD662B89 Skeletal muscle fiber, type IIa 16806 16806 16806 12 nm filament 37491003 S16806 12 nm filaments (cell structure) E16806 P16806 - P cell 4E7C86C7B90F44D4ABAEFECB58AD497A 12 nm filaments 16807 16807 16807 secondary lysosome with ferritin content 37725004 S16807 Secondary lysosome with ferritin content (cell structure) E16807 P16807 - P cell 21D5F93F9B614E66BDC6A58E6A3FB798 Secondary lysosome with ferritin content 16808 16808 16808 distinctive intracytoplasmic membrane system, not Golgi complex or ER 38272002 S16808 Distinctive intracytoplasmic membrane system, not Golgi complex or ER (cell structure) E16808 P16808 - P cell 918CCC5DFB6E42958749BC41A0301168 Distinctive intracytoplasmic membrane system, not Golgi complex or ER 16809 16809 16809 membrane-coating granule 38533002 S16809 Membrane-coating granule (cell structure) E16809 P16809 - 70592 P cell 9E3D4F4B9EA74B28939274FE2C2BE834 Membrane-coating granule 16810 16810 16810 secretory granule, endocrine, undergoing exocytosis 38956002 S16810 Secretory granule, endocrine, undergoing exocytosis (cell structure) E16810 P16810 - P cell 84E25A13323F42E4B7E2FC8038D0735B Secretory granule, endocrine, undergoing exocytosis 16811 16811 16811 intranuclear body, beaded intranuclear filament 38977004 S16811 Intranuclear body, beaded intranuclear filaments (cell structure) E16811 P16811 - P cell F2F86AD928914A27BF82F8C4CB4C8E08 Intranuclear body, beaded intranuclear filaments 16812 16812 16812 intramitochondrial granule 38997009 S16812 Intramitochondrial granule (cell structure) E16812 P16812 - P cell 53DBE2252786420D874F66944CCB0AC9 Intramitochondrial granule 16813 16813 16813 ribosome, prokaryotic 39189005 S16813 Ribosome, prokaryotic (cell structure) E16813 P16813 - P cell A8F7F1E32B5E4534B425BF2909CEF674 Ribosome, prokaryotic 16814 16814 16814 chromosome pair 16 S16814 E16814 39220001 Chromosome pair 16 (cell structure) P16814 - P cell 5C423092682B4690A4F6FB061F053AFD Chromosome pair 16 (cell structure) 16815 16815 16815 lower respiratory space 39278005 S16815 Lower respiratory spaces (body structure) E16815 P16815 - P respiratory system EE01EAA13DB049278633888A23B1AA92 Lower respiratory spaces 16816 16816 16816 nucleolar channel system 39319005 S16816 Nucleolar channel system (cell structure) E16816 P16816 - P cell F07271C5C2C344D78835662A4FCE3547 Nucleolar channel system 16817 16817 16817 membrane of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial S16817 E16817 39336002 Membrane of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial (cell structure) P16817 - P cell 8D7D25EC0AA844C8A1BCC3E04AE21174 Membrane of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial (cell structure) 16818 16818 16818 cell wall, prokaryotic, Gram +ve organism 39829005 S16818 Cell wall, prokaryotic, Gram +ve organism (cell structure) E16818 P16818 - P cell 539D3CB541E548F4974C91D37673CA88 Cell wall, prokaryotic, Gram +ve organism 16819 16819 16819 microbody nucleoid, amorphous 39958007 S16819 Microbody nucleoid, amorphous (cell structure) E16819 P16819 - P cell 93EEBC7650AB489A9F36B9DB45334BC4 Microbody nucleoid, amorphous 16820 16820 16820 spore cortex 40080000 S16820 Spore cortex (cell structure) E16820 P16820 - P cell 41C9248ED52A427EA00C3895BD346569 Spore cortex 16821 16821 16821 chromosomes, group A S16821 E16821 4015004 Chromosomes, group A (cell structure) P16821 - P cell EA548A82560C4F02AE4A4EDEA25C0E10 Chromosomes, group A (cell structure) 16822 16822 16822 Sertoli cell 40281007 S16822 Structure of sertoli cell (cell structure) E16822 367716000 Entire Sertoli cell (cell) P16822 Y 72298 P genital system B7640275AECE4E939F98B12F0FF4DCA5 B250D3CC58AC4371AEF5053FA0219833 sertoli cell Entire Sertoli cell (cell) 16823 16823 16823 peripheral nerve axis cylinder 40393000 S16823 Peripheral nerve axis cylinder (cell structure) E16823 P16823 - P nervous system 40FE0D4BDC3E4DD1BA77AB4B141A5BE4 Peripheral nerve axis cylinder 16824 16824 16824 elastic fiber, microfilamentous component 40506000 S16824 Elastic fiber, microfilamentous component (cell structure) E16824 P16824 - P cell DDBA52E22F5343CCB49F9B0E861471E8 Elastic fiber, microfilamentous component 16825 16825 16825 basal or external lamina of specialized cell or tissue 40629000 S16825 Basal or external lamina of specialized cell or tissue (cell structure) E16825 P16825 - P cell AD9BB06FB7E741F0846FAD3B2AEB461D Basal or external lamina of specialized cell or tissue 16826 16826 16826 cell wall, prokaryotic 40686005 S16826 Cell wall, prokaryotic (cell structure) E16826 P16826 - P cell 3C054842EF724E7991E61DD777BF7886 Cell wall, prokaryotic 16827 16827 16827 anaphase constriction 40687001 S16827 Anaphase constriction (cell structure) E16827 P16827 - P cell CC7C94CDAFCD4253982064E395E52BB2 Anaphase constriction 16828 16828 16828 ectopic heart 408674005 S16828 Ectopic heart structure (morphologic abnormality) E16828 P16828 - P cardiovascular system D025E6E30F0544399B7116DB981EA0B3 Ectopic heart (morphologic abnormality) 16829 16829 16829 distinctive surface process of specialized cell 40871001 S16829 Distinctive surface process of specialized cell (cell structure) E16829 P16829 - P cell A960C47BDE204265AE830A27F6EDF5FF Distinctive surface process of specialized cell 16834 16834 16834 endothelial cell granule 41135009 S16834 Endothelial cell granule (cell structure) E16834 P16834 - P cell A8E046C6ABD844188DFACA2DD60FB01F Endothelial cell granule 16835 16835 16835 marginal fold of endothelial cell 41384007 S16835 Marginal fold of endothelial cell (cell structure) E16835 P16835 - P cell DA9A2661A4B94D4BBF61D68FBB13DE44 Marginal fold of endothelial cell 16836 16836 16836 endoplasmic reticulum related to cell component 41490005 S16836 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) related to other cell component (cell structure) E16836 P16836 - P cell 5E9C0F191DA64631A387BFBA3BCD55A5 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) related to other cell component 16837 16837 16837 flagellum, bacterial 41792001 S16837 Flagellum, bacterial (cell structure) E16837 P16837 - P cell CBA58186998343FBB4ECBA4CC34CB89B Flagellum, bacterial 16838 16838 16838 nuclear envelope, evagination 41803006 S16838 Nuclear envelope, evagination (cell structure) E16838 P16838 - P cell 161FC7CD937E4A96B4A6348D90348D7B Nuclear envelope, evagination 16839 16839 16839 microtubule associated with cell organelle 41857004 S16839 Microtubules associated with cell organelle (cell structure) E16839 P16839 - P cell 1F7309287BC94B39B8490850C46E188F Microtubules associated with cell organelle 16840 16840 16840 pilum 42529003 S16840 Pilum (cell structure) E16840 P16840 - P cell A24A5523EF294D069D0D4D7D8D6E5D22 Pilum 16841 16841 16841 chromosome pair 21 S16841 E16841 43009003 Chromosome pair 21 (cell structure) P16841 - P cell ECBF40441C68439FA05805DF24BAF490 Chromosome pair 21 (cell structure) 16842 16842 16842 distinctive pattern of mitochondrial cristae 43049006 S16842 Distinctive pattern of mitochondrial cristae (cell structure) E16842 P16842 - P cell 38987E74ED8343C2B8F2AF0F21544754 Distinctive pattern of mitochondrial cristae 16843 16843 16843 telophase midbody 43130005 S16843 Telophase midbody (cell structure) E16843 P16843 - P cell ECD2D51760A44E1BB095F608C67A1113 Telophase midbody 16844 16844 16844 spore cytoplasm 43228000 S16844 Spore cytoplasm (cell structure) E16844 P16844 - P cell 5FCC301AD05040A988A2985F9B9A552F Spore cytoplasm 16845 16845 16845 Herring body 43531000 S16845 Herring body (cell structure) E16845 P16845 - P cell 7DC8A773DCF84DF2B55D06E0ED4C0541 Herring body 16846 16846 16846 pole of spindle S16846 E16846 43816003 Pole of spindle (cell structure) P16846 - P cell F54FA156532D41B9879EEF7EB27C2575 Pole of spindle (cell structure) 16847 16847 16847 intranuclear filament 43875006 S16847 Intranuclear filaments (cell structure) E16847 P16847 - P cell 144AECBCD89242D1A4C3471FF491E198 Intranuclear filaments 16848 16848 16848 interstitial cell of Leydig 44185004 S16848 Structure of interstitial cell of Leydig (cell structure) E16848 367715001 Entire interstitial cell of Leydig (cell) P16848 Y 72297 P genital system CF29D7AFBBE74371965E9E42CB938536 1B65B6C3E4A844729A02D97977C4B696 interstitial cell of Leydig Entire interstitial cell of Leydig (cell) 16850 16850 16850 secretory granule, endocrine, known content undergoing exocytosis 44435002 S16850 Secretory granule, endocrine, known content undergoing exocytosis (cell structure) E16850 P16850 - P cell 0E76E4B3661F4D55A55D692B035D866F Secretory granule, endocrine, known content undergoing exocytosis 16851 16851 16851 membrane invagination, fixed or stable 44582006 S16851 Membrane invagination, fixed or stable (cell structure) E16851 P16851 - P cell 2D8C0778518544A4A24C746FF5699017 Membrane invagination, fixed or stable 16852 16852 16852 peripheral microtubular doublet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 44987008 S16852 Peripheral microtubular doublet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial (cell structure) E16852 P16852 - P cell 0A2504F1B0B14F558FB9880D96FEED8A Peripheral microtubular doublet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 16853 16853 16853 chromosome pair 17 S16853 E16853 45201007 Chromosome pair 17 (cell structure) P16853 - P cell 7B88084199564277A2885852E0C0BC92 Chromosome pair 17 (cell structure) 16854 16854 16854 chromosome pair 6 S16854 E16854 45202000 Chromosome pair 6 (cell structure) P16854 - P cell 5B78EDD329CD460C98D3A0CDCDEC9FCD Chromosome pair 6 (cell structure) 16855 16855 16855 lamellated granule, as in surfactant-secreting cell 4548009 S16855 Lamellated granule, as in surfactant-secreting cell (cell structure) E16855 P16855 - P cell 1E5C6D6CED6742C4950AB8B3FCDA5034 Lamellated granule, as in surfactant-secreting cell 16856 16856 16856 desmosome 4573009 S16856 Desmosome (cell structure) E16856 P16856 - 67412 P cell 81444AD427BE4002B5F9E9CDB3409CA6 Desmosome 16857 16857 16857 peripheral region of cell 45770006 S16857 Peripheral region of cell (cell structure) E16857 P16857 - P cell 850A4606BA334A638E3FB208A85D6654 Peripheral region of cell 16858 16858 16858 basal lamina, inclusion in subendothelial location 45964005 S16858 Basal lamina, inclusion in subendothelial location (cell structure) E16858 P16858 - P cell A6751ADA72104CAAB6886143526E8100 Basal lamina, inclusion in subendothelial location 16859 16859 16859 membrane invagination, labile, exocytic 45990008 S16859 Membrane invagination, labile, exocytic (cell structure) E16859 P16859 - P cell A8FE9A8226DB4DDDBC2422DC4639CD49 Membrane invagination, labile, exocytic 16860 16860 16860 skeletal muscle fiber, type IIc 46018009 S16860 Skeletal muscle fiber, type IIc (cell structure) E16860 P16860 - P muscular system C5131E70D8664810A8AE0FC435C699E1 Skeletal muscle fiber, type IIc 16861 16861 16861 lipid droplet, homogeneous 4647008 S16861 Lipid droplet, homogeneous (cell structure) E16861 P16861 - P cell B156853ECD8A4C8D8B8640DA48CD0D67 Lipid droplet, homogeneous 16862 16862 16862 chromosome pair 1 S16862 E16862 46507000 Chromosome pair 1 (cell structure) P16862 - P cell 48615C7DCB124001839B6E7C3E4FE710 Chromosome pair 1 (cell structure) 16863 16863 16863 basal lamina, inclusion in subepithelial location 4677002 S16863 Basal lamina, inclusion in subepithelial location (cell structure) E16863 P16863 - P cell 09F4929A51F44C4D8ECDC819546CB663 Basal lamina, inclusion in subepithelial location 16864 16864 16864 mitochondrial aggregation within cytoplasm 46813004 S16864 Mitochondrial aggregation within cytoplasm (cell structure) E16864 P16864 - P cell 719C7380025D4A90A95A7AC167254821 Mitochondrial aggregation within cytoplasm 16865 16865 16865 Langerhans' granule 47080002 S16865 Langerhans' granule (cell structure) E16865 P16865 - 70575 P cell B9639ECD9F8D439BA2CA2F80A961D926 Langerhans' granule 16866 16866 16866 membrane invagination, labile, endocytic 47405000 S16866 Membrane invagination, labile, endocytic (cell structure) E16866 P16866 - P cell 5A9B774F2EFA4A919456973D787437A4 Membrane invagination, labile, endocytic 16867 16867 16867 central nervous system axis cylinder 47514008 S16867 Central nervous system axis cylinder (cell structure) E16867 P16867 - P nervous system 5DC684B660C04A7E9C029246F9B025BA Central nervous system axis cylinder 16868 16868 16868 interglobular space of tooth 48360008 S16868 Interglobular spaces of tooth (body structure) E16868 P16868 space of tooth, interglobular Y P digestive system D68D0318E1AC4C3791455CAA2607CE99 Interglobular spaces of tooth 16869 16869 16869 metaphase plate 48438006 S16869 Metaphase plate (cell structure) E16869 P16869 - P cell D6E7F10D18C5416B8B559B8A45F82098 Metaphase plate 16870 16870 16870 nuclear material, prokaryotic 48512009 S16870 Nuclear material, prokaryotic (cell structure) E16870 P16870 - P cell 3B12B669BD3641ABB5EAD1455903F40A Nuclear material, prokaryotic 16871 16871 16871 kinetoplast S16871 E16871 48929002 Kinetoplast (cell structure) P16871 - P cell 733905B5053B4CDD897FE8A1F2B67803 Kinetoplast (cell structure) 16872 16872 16872 cell membrane, prokaryotic S16872 E16872 4897009 Cell membrane, prokaryotic (cell structure) P16872 - P cell 078ADA908280485B8FF545BB233136E4 Cell membrane, prokaryotic (cell structure) 16873 16873 16873 synaptic vesicle 49004003 S16873 Synaptic vesicle (cell structure) E16873 P16873 - P cell 41185894970A4020A15EC78189F23919 Synaptic vesicle 16874 16874 16874 distinctive form of glycocalyx 49092005 S16874 Distinctive form of glycocalyx (cell structure) E16874 P16874 - P cell 3665C98D2CDF4FFD8E8A5E25E41405E5 Distinctive form of glycocalyx 16875 16875 16875 mitotic nucleus 49307000 S16875 Mitotic nucleus (cell structure) E16875 P16875 - P cell 21720BF1872D4D3B85045CD5C60D8230 Mitotic nucleus 16876 16876 16876 intracytoplasmic lumen 49591008 S16876 Intracytoplasmic lumen (cell structure) E16876 P16876 - P cell 1ECFEA9D833B4D028FBC6171BCB45C3E Intracytoplasmic lumen 16877 16877 16877 axopod 49612007 S16877 Axopod (cell structure) E16877 P16877 - P cell BA0639C828684CA789D9A64583C21886 Axopod 16878 16878 16878 microvillus 49690003 S16878 Microvillus (cell structure) E16878 P16878 - 67296 P cell 7D3309B8BEC34B0AA5AEDC9BDF4ECB93 Microvillus 16879 16879 16879 infranuclear region of polarized cell 49757006 S16879 Infranuclear region of polarized cell (cell structure) E16879 P16879 - P cell 17DC6CB480D1403DAABFDFAA3BB6C9D7 Infranuclear region of polarized cell 16880 16880 16880 parathyroid chief cell 49796000 S16880 Structure of parathyroid chief cell (cell structure) E16880 177527004 Entire parathyroid chief cell (cell) P16880 Y 69078 P endocrine system 980E73D9592E4192AA11C778DCF9FB62 52D274DB330E4941A55AB66A05C07D61 parathyroid chief cell Entire parathyroid chief cell (cell) 16881 16881 16881 nuclear envelope 49842008 S16881 Nuclear envelope (cell structure) E16881 P16881 - 63888 P cell 1149573B9ADE452FB84FD37BD10EE134 Nuclear envelope 16882 16882 16882 procentriole 50421000 S16882 Procentriole (cell structure) E16882 P16882 - P cell 41126E0A7CF849249D10A090A8DD22E3 Procentriole 16883 16883 16883 lipid droplet, lamellated 50727000 S16883 Lipid droplet, lamellated (cell structure) E16883 P16883 - P cell 366EF848DCD24A2289256C78840D029C Lipid droplet, lamellated 16884 16884 16884 I band 50989007 S16884 I band (cell structure) E16884 P16884 - 67917 P cell F394EBD433154BEA9F8F2BF43855752A I band 16885 16885 16885 autolysosome containing recognizable cytoplasmic organelle 51214005 S16885 Autolysosome containing recognizable cytoplasmic organelle (cell structure) E16885 P16885 - P cell D8D796E8CD78440592327DF924D515C8 Autolysosome containing recognizable cytoplasmic organelle 16886 16886 16886 flagellum, not bacterial 51343004 S16886 Flagellum, not bacterial (cell structure) E16886 P16886 - P cell E87B844A3C5648959C73AA018C393C6F Flagellum, not bacterial 16887 16887 16887 cell membrane, apical aspect of polarized cell S16887 E16887 51374002 Cell membrane, apical aspect of polarized cell (cell structure) P16887 - P cell 4130E5E3C6994536B02838C2012B9459 Cell membrane, apical aspect of polarized cell (cell structure) 16888 16888 16888 endoplasmic reticulum, cisternal lumen 51383007 S16888 Endoplasmic reticulum, cisternal lumen (cell structure) E16888 P16888 - P cell C1BA59625EE54B1E88C0E003F42A458F Endoplasmic reticulum, cisternal lumen 16889 16889 16889 subunit B of peripheral doublet or cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 51865007 S16889 Subunit B of peripheral doublet or cilium or flagellum, not bacterial (cell structure) E16889 P16889 - P cell 2D5571FCBCDF49C5A758DF3AB787FD9C Subunit B of peripheral doublet or cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 16890 16890 16890 mesosome 51869001 S16890 Mesosome (cell structure) E16890 P16890 - P cell 18440415F28540EE83D8D1CBB56650BC Mesosome 16891 16891 16891 A band 51878007 S16891 A band (cell structure) E16891 P16891 - 67918 P cell 850F287A0AA94E2CA22CC6B94260E939 A band 16892 16892 16892 secretory granule 51925009 S16892 Secretory granule (cell structure) E16892 P16892 - 84758 P cell 7D9712427CCA44E09D4B88FDF38A82CE Secretory granule 16893 16893 16893 mature keratin 51962006 S16893 Mature keratin (cell structure) E16893 P16893 - P cell 1EB2211660B449D8B169E8615AE458D8 Mature keratin 16894 16894 16894 alpha-glycogen 52043008 S16894 Alpha-Glycogen (cell structure) E16894 P16894 - P cell F6B302775F374E80B011D33F71A862F1 Alpha-Glycogen 16895 16895 16895 secretory granule, exocrine, undergoing exocytosis 52284001 S16895 Secretory granule, exocrine, undergoing exocytosis (cell structure) E16895 P16895 - P cell 2B4AC77E9FB343CDB9F77C00872F481F Secretory granule, exocrine, undergoing exocytosis 16896 16896 16896 Z line 52301008 S16896 Z line (cell structure) E16896 P16896 - 62375 P cell 205A632944E8453593F8899D22D3730D Z line 16897 16897 16897 transplanted fertilized ovum 52317002 S16897 Structure of transplanted fertilized ovum (cell structure) E16897 259121002 Entire transplanted fertilized ovum (cell) P16897 - P genital system C915B29E4FEA453AB2DB596142703D81 4627936C51FB41E3A379A70B589C6FFD transplanted fertilized ovum Entire transplanted fertilized ovum (cell) 16898 16898 16898 spore outer coat 52528002 S16898 Spore outer coat (cell structure) E16898 P16898 - P cell 099B79E95B464413BA1B0B82FC4F78A5 Spore outer coat 16899 16899 16899 acrosomal vesicle 52568003 S16899 Acrosomal vesicle (cell structure) E16899 P16899 - 84869 P cell 4EA7BCC961E64F65945FBC8E28FB1037 Acrosomal vesicle 16900 16900 16900 adhesion specialization between microbodies 52676006 S16900 Adhesion specialization between microbodies (cell structure) E16900 P16900 - P cell 898F66EAF86342108E65289A04F23C03 Adhesion specialization between microbodies 16901 16901 16901 fenestrated cristae of mitochondrion 52867001 S16901 Fenestrated cristae of mitochondrion (cell structure) E16901 P16901 - P cell C618EA0A32DD4849ACB36B463A55714B Fenestrated cristae of mitochondrion 16902 16902 16902 cytoplasm, prokaryotic 52875007 S16902 Cytoplasm, prokaryotic (cell structure) E16902 P16902 - P cell A5BA2416EECF42C0B2D03F01D1430508 Cytoplasm, prokaryotic 16903 16903 16903 lysosome 52971004 S16903 Lysosome (cell structure) E16903 P16903 - 63836 P cell 5F8354A8F7C54F95B6C133C1AEB17942 Lysosome 16904 16904 16904 membrane invagination, labile 53221002 S16904 Membrane invagination, labile (cell structure) E16904 P16904 - P cell 586C056D75304D5E938AD72DF42B31D1 Membrane invagination, labile 16905 16905 16905 synaptic specialization, cytoplasmic 5347008 S16905 Synaptic specialization, cytoplasmic (cell structure) E16905 P16905 - P cell 852734421E46496D90080B6361B59826 Synaptic specialization, cytoplasmic 16906 16906 16906 branching cristae of mitochondrion 53812007 S16906 Branching cristae of mitochondrion (cell structure) E16906 P16906 - P cell 963AB1B460C84D368665EE87056A3E92 Branching cristae of mitochondrion 16907 16907 16907 cell membrane 312241000 S16907 Cell membrane structure (cell structure) E16907 53982002 Cell membrane (cell structure) P16907 - 63841 P cell 1640DF308A3648B39D78B04C0373B0D5 2D63B2728F9B4B5BBB7623FD68A8FBFE Cell membrane Cell membrane (cell structure) Cell component which has as its parts a maximal phospholipids bilayer and two or more types of protein embedded in the bilayer. Examples: plasma membrane of hepatocyte, sarcolemma, plasma membrane of erythrocyte. 16908 16908 16908 sex chromosome Y S16908 E16908 5421003 Sex chromosome Y (cell structure) P16908 - P cell E33FF909C1AD4559A0771EA1C6AC3D31 Sex chromosome Y (cell structure) 16909 16909 16909 common pilum 54566003 S16909 Common pilum (cell structure) E16909 P16909 - P cell 97D9892B30174F758BDBFB0141EFBB5F Common pilum 16910 16910 16910 fenestration, endothelial 54924009 S16910 Fenestration, endothelial (cell structure) E16910 P16910 - 0 P cell 1629A97578DD4B35B202889C5D733EDD Fenestration, endothelial 16911 16911 16911 secretory granule, endocrine, known content 55048008 S16911 Secretory granule, endocrine, known content (cell structure) E16911 P16911 - P cell C26852227CAE4B93966615E6F1BBB4A5 Secretory granule, endocrine, known content 16912 16912 16912 granular endoplasmic reticulum membrane 55276007 S16912 Granular endoplasmic reticulum membrane (cell structure) E16912 P16912 - P cell 179C784AA52F43D4BB95FE077542ACA2 Granular endoplasmic reticulum membrane 16913 16913 16913 chromosome pair 13 S16913 E16913 55401003 Chromosome pair 13 (cell structure) P16913 - P cell 90445794FD13465DB5150EAA4E1E0972 Chromosome pair 13 (cell structure) 16914 16914 16914 singlet 5564007 S16914 Singlet (cell structure) E16914 P16914 - P cell 2F156783929D43BDAAD4E184A1554C30 Singlet 16915 16915 16915 fractured membrane particle 55893004 S16915 Fractured membrane particle (cell structure) E16915 P16915 - P cell 883E693904254DA98F2FB3D975DDD7D6 Fractured membrane particle 16916 16916 16916 glial fiber 55981007 S16916 Glial fiber (cell structure) E16916 P16916 - P cell 0EF836E5FF6D4987BDBF48902F382522 Glial fiber 16917 16917 16917 regenerating muscle fiber 56132000 S16917 Regenerating muscle fiber (cell structure) E16917 P16917 - P cell 17E8DAC4FAA84909BF834F4CD06D872A Regenerating muscle fiber 16918 16918 16918 mitochondrial 'bridge' 56308004 S16918 Mitochondrial 'bridge' (cell structure) E16918 P16918 - P cell BB6EB5C305244F938796E36DE362BE9B Mitochondrial 'bridge' 16919 16919 16919 chromosome pair 10 S16919 E16919 56332006 Chromosome pair 10 (cell structure) P16919 - P cell 2D376C142DD045FCBCC511D42C5A3A07 Chromosome pair 10 (cell structure) 16920 16920 16920 fractured membrane P face 5644007 S16920 Fractured membrane P face (cell structure) E16920 P16920 - P cell DD73C8891EA94BE6A73DD78DB74487E9 Fractured membrane P face 16921 16921 16921 inner mitochondrial space 56470006 S16921 Inner mitochondrial space (cell structure) E16921 P16921 - P cell F68D7D0196F442298CD4B62C741A7B2C Inner mitochondrial space 16922 16922 16922 fore spore membrane 56825007 S16922 Fore spore membrane (cell structure) E16922 P16922 - P cell 1D0CC1977F2042D7BFCD2541E5F5A48A Fore spore membrane 16923 16923 16923 cell membrane, lateral aspect of polarized cell S16923 E16923 56865006 Cell membrane, lateral aspect of polarized cell (cell structure) P16923 - P cell 268F2E4E799547D09A8E99D144A10E7F Cell membrane, lateral aspect of polarized cell (cell structure) 16924 16924 16924 retinal photoreceptor, outer segment 56930007 S16924 Retinal photoreceptor, outer segment (cell structure) E16924 P16924 Y P cell 32EA0697F8B14B29949732A022833232 Retinal photoreceptor, outer segment 16925 16925 16925 fusiform vesicle, as in transitional epithelium 57033003 S16925 Fusiform vesicle, as in transitional epithelium (cell structure) E16925 P16925 - P cell 6A34645E645A43FD87679925F5B5DC9E Fusiform vesicle, as in transitional epithelium 16926 16926 16926 agranular endoplasmic reticulum, cisternal lumen 57079008 S16926 Agranular endoplasmic reticulum, cisternal lumen (cell structure) E16926 P16926 - P cell C3D212F31ED8481CBFF65926099D7E2C Agranular endoplasmic reticulum, cisternal lumen 16927 16927 16927 agranular endoplasmic reticulum aggregate 57216004 S16927 Agranular endoplasmic reticulum (AER) aggregate (cell structure) E16927 P16927 - P cell FDACD270E4A84E9A977206B925C3588B Agranular endoplasmic reticulum (AER) aggregate 16928 16928 16928 zygote 57323001 S16928 Structure of zygote (cell structure) E16928 308836000 Entire zygote (cell) P16928 - 72395 P cell 43CB72B35C2D45EC8566B7C80DE5B152 B05E6FD4EC0E4C82AE9CB76741B0BF6D zygote Entire zygote (cell) Diploid nucleated cell that results from the union of the sperm and an ovum. 16929 16929 16929 GER concentric array 57329002 S16929 Granular endoplasmic reticulum (GER) concentric array (cell structure) E16929 P16929 - P cell 6D3226F8B69F4B1795F21FFF08CA5F73 Granular endoplasmic reticulum (GER) concentric array 16930 16930 16930 granular endoplasmic reticulum, connection with organelle 57492000 S16930 Granular endoplasmic reticulum, connection with other organelle (cell structure) E16930 P16930 - P cell 18B63B46784B4DD795A21C4338CBFACB Granular endoplasmic reticulum, connection with other organelle 16931 16931 16931 photoreceptor membrane lamellae 58489002 S16931 Photoreceptor membrane lamellae (cell structure) E16931 P16931 - P cell DDC6225D9EE944219375DF1A4B207156 Photoreceptor membrane lamellae 16932 16932 16932 perinuclear cisterna 58526008 S16932 Perinuclear cisterna (cell structure) E16932 P16932 - 67370 P cell F92ABBEA557A445D830D53E9511DF5E7 Perinuclear cisterna 16933 16933 16933 urinary tract space 58545004 S16933 Urinary tract spaces (body structure) E16933 P16933 - D urinary system EBAF0C5999FA43BCB92911B1C5C1084F Urinary tract spaces 16934 16934 16934 endothelial sieve plate 5882002 S16934 Endothelial sieve plate (cell structure) E16934 P16934 - P cell F7BAD0FBB0B04F94BD3C0866909D8C2C Endothelial sieve plate 16935 16935 16935 cell contents, prokaryotic 58906003 S16935 Cell contents, prokaryotic (cell structure) E16935 P16935 - P cell E7C57A550FF24B4CB87BA36CE9E55DB9 Cell contents, prokaryotic 16936 16936 16936 chromosomes, group B S16936 E16936 59007003 Chromosomes, group B (cell structure) P16936 - P cell 9E43FF8748F84E99842E7F2BE03CE2BA Chromosomes, group B (cell structure) 16937 16937 16937 saccular cristae of mitochondrion 59592007 S16937 Saccular cristae of mitochondrion (cell structure) E16937 P16937 - P cell 8FABC883A3A949ECB5CF50A0F44E8CDE Saccular cristae of mitochondrion 16938 16938 16938 diffuse tonofilament 59936000 S16938 Diffuse tonofilaments (cell structure) E16938 P16938 - P cell C7EC0CC56CC0416184EA4B5E2D4FBA03 Diffuse tonofilaments 16939 16939 16939 chromosomes, group D S16939 E16939 5996007 Chromosomes, group D (cell structure) P16939 - P cell 253C47C7BF6747C3B13BF433A39C89E9 Chromosomes, group D (cell structure) 16940 16940 16940 polyribosome, attached to GER membrane 60202009 S16940 Polyribosome, attached to GER membrane (cell structure) E16940 P16940 - P cell 80E777466B7F4612AE2B4D8D8DF52A90 Polyribosome, attached to GER membrane 16941 16941 16941 heterolysosome 6023000 S16941 Heterolysosome (cell structure) E16941 P16941 - P cell F369C7EC706645E7AAAB8ADCBBF5C30E Heterolysosome 16942 16942 16942 mitochondrial membrane particle 60251007 S16942 Mitochondrial membrane particle (cell structure) E16942 P16942 - P cell AF5409D22DD948E68736FECA6D4E7A96 Mitochondrial membrane particle 16943 16943 16943 foot process of glomerular podocyte 60302007 S16943 Foot process of glomerular podocyte (cell structure) E16943 P16943 - P cell C3332FDA4F934CE7A0C4BA5A935298D4 Foot process of glomerular podocyte 16944 16944 16944 macrocapsule 60429001 S16944 Macrocapsule (cell structure) E16944 P16944 - P cell C270B4FADC5B4C30BD7B406852563AFC Macrocapsule 16945 16945 16945 axon 60436000 S16945 Axon structure (cell structure) E16945 362293000 Entire axon (cell structure) P16945 - 67308 P nervous system 11F66CA3754648A7B3CEFC74B88FD9D9 48E3BF04F68C4A95A8FFBE1536804262 Axon Entire axon (cell structure) Neurite which has as its direct parts an axon hillock, an axon proper, one or more axon collaterals and one or more axon terminals. 16946 16946 16946 centriole, microtubular subunit 60928000 S16946 Centriole, microtubular subunit (cell structure) E16946 P16946 - P cell B9DE03DFBF5C43C2BAD062B05FFD59EA Centriole, microtubular subunit 16947 16947 16947 polyribosome, free in cytoplasm 60931004 S16947 Polyribosome, free in cytoplasm (cell structure) E16947 P16947 - P cell D78D4CDD5AAE4DFDAC35E1FD6B7B88B2 Polyribosome, free in cytoplasm 16948 16948 16948 adhesion specialization in functionally specialized tissue 60961007 S16948 Adhesion specialization in functionally specialized tissue (cell structure) E16948 P16948 - P cell 1EF7AC6949B943F6B2DB6AB362C7CD97 Adhesion specialization in functionally specialized tissue 16949 16949 16949 peripheral nerve myelin sheath 61005006 S16949 Peripheral nerve myelin sheath (cell structure) E16949 P16949 Y P nervous system D0CE5B964BB34EAAB142DE225F32F673 Peripheral nerve myelin sheath 16950 16950 16950 cytoplasmic inclusion, paracrystalline 61182009 S16950 Cytoplasmic inclusion, paracrystalline (cell structure) E16950 P16950 - P cell F53D56E80A1747C3A735DFF8BDEE5068 Cytoplasmic inclusion, paracrystalline 16951 16951 16951 intranuclear body, filamentous 61382000 S16951 Intranuclear body, filamentous (cell structure) E16951 P16951 - P cell 0D12396258BC444AAC293D44712C6F37 Intranuclear body, filamentous 16952 16952 16952 basal lamina, anchoring filament 61929001 S16952 Basal lamina, anchoring filaments (cell structure) E16952 P16952 - P cell B7679CED95DF481C8D9CCEB5C5172F35 Basal lamina, anchoring filaments 16953 16953 16953 cytoplasmic matrix 62035001 S16953 Cytoplasmic matrix (cell structure) E16953 P16953 - P cell 7E31AC2C470544A598AD7BD7D170FC20 Cytoplasmic matrix 16954 16954 16954 multivesicular body, internal vesicles 621009 S16954 Multivesicular body, internal vesicles (cell structure) E16954 P16954 - P cell 5E3BA2E400B340E9956209D7B0F035DF Multivesicular body, internal vesicles 16955 16955 16955 longitudinal orientation of cristae of mitochondrion 62254007 S16955 Longitudinal orientation of cristae of mitochondrion (cell structure) E16955 P16955 - P cell 6B9E0643F3634E2C8F1078D54787EAA5 Longitudinal orientation of cristae of mitochondrion 16956 16956 16956 GER tubular array 62280008 S16956 Granular endoplasmic reticulum (GER) tubular array (cell structure) E16956 P16956 - P cell 512D708B5BE14E6A904396C635A4755E Granular endoplasmic reticulum (GER) tubular array 16958 16958 16958 microtubule associated with cytoplasmic filaments 62337001 S16958 Microtubules associated with cytoplasmic filaments (cell structure) E16958 P16958 - P cell 8B53E354DDE54882894F34C56EA3B8D5 Microtubules associated with cytoplasmic filaments 16959 16959 16959 transverse orientation of cristae of mitochondrion 62518009 S16959 Transverse orientation of cristae of mitochondrion (cell structure) E16959 P16959 - P cell 256F9ACBC3914A7A93F842749DDAB09A Transverse orientation of cristae of mitochondrion 16960 16960 16960 polyribosome 62527005 S16960 Polyribosome (cell structure) E16960 P16960 - 84807 P cell 56AFDA40891A449EBC9FEAA66818AD02 Polyribosome 16961 16961 16961 dendritic spine apparatus 62670003 S16961 Dendritic spine apparatus (cell structure) E16961 P16961 - P cell 4EA538840BBA442598B55A4B17AD20B5 Dendritic spine apparatus 16962 16962 16962 cytoplasmic metabolite, structurally distinctive 62697005 S16962 Cytoplasmic metabolite, structurally distinctive (cell structure) E16962 P16962 - P cell 12D6372324804C92B1D155FB4A114DFC Cytoplasmic metabolite, structurally distinctive 16963 16963 16963 nuclear envelope, invagination 63128003 S16963 Nuclear envelope, invagination (cell structure) E16963 P16963 - P cell AD8C89CB33354A11ABAD824E4A68821F Nuclear envelope, invagination 16964 16964 16964 centrosome 63315002 S16964 Centrosome (cell structure) E16964 P16964 - 63837 P cell AEC8B31293AE43E09D3C103E009E5B08 Centrosome 16965 16965 16965 neurosecretory granule 63472006 S16965 Neurosecretory granule (cell structure) E16965 P16965 - P cell CDF362B68C584C04860B6282E5DC2EB7 Neurosecretory granule 16966 16966 16966 dense zone, internal aspect of cell membrane, not desmosome 63568009 S16966 Dense zone, internal aspect of cell membrane, not desmosome (cell structure) E16966 P16966 - P cell 9A0CB2B959644A1CBE3DBE109DDD6606 Dense zone, internal aspect of cell membrane, not desmosome 16967 16967 16967 granular inclusion, prokaryotic 64076009 S16967 Granular inclusion, prokaryotic (cell structure) E16967 P16967 - P cell 8412E8B1C2DD4C819D7F1E14932B70BA Granular inclusion, prokaryotic 16968 16968 16968 7 nm filament 64700008 S16968 7 nm filaments (cell structure) E16968 P16968 - P cell 60E09A115DFC4B96819A427EDA625408 7 nm filaments 16969 16969 16969 chondriosphere 64760005 S16969 Chondriosphere (cell structure) E16969 P16969 - P cell 76CB0A99C466421C966DBF2ED32CADF9 Chondriosphere 16970 16970 16970 Golgi complex 65251009 S16970 Golgi complex (cell structure) E16970 P16970 - 63843 P cell A1BE9867DD6248299A8CA7A555164994 Golgi complex 16971 16971 16971 micropinocytotic vesicle 65287002 S16971 Micropinocytotic vesicle (cell structure) E16971 P16971 - P cell 34324040ABF34C639943EB85EE20B275 Micropinocytotic vesicle 16972 16972 16972 outer mitochondrial membrane 65572006 S16972 Outer mitochondrial membrane (cell structure) E16972 P16972 - 66862 P cell 504AEBD280434F62986D4A8541BB305D Outer mitochondrial membrane 16973 16973 16973 connective tissue microfibril 65953004 S16973 Connective tissue microfibrils (cell structure) E16973 P16973 - P cell 80D87B72AE26488A90E86124DEF65183 Connective tissue microfibrils 16974 16974 16974 residual body 66068005 S16974 Residual body (cell structure) E16974 P16974 - P cell 0A5FDA4BD19D4CC0B69D64CE75ABDB85 Residual body 16975 16975 16975 autodesmosome 66084006 S16975 Autodesmosome (cell structure) E16975 P16975 - P cell C1C381C2C2BA46E98E04A76A985A7E4E Autodesmosome 16976 16976 16976 sensory hair 66120002 S16976 Sensory hair (cell structure) E16976 P16976 - P cell 8E86C7B7BA4F41029F7FBB873225A2BD Sensory hair 16977 16977 16977 prism-shaped cristae of mitochondrion 66293000 S16977 Prism-shaped cristae of mitochondrion (cell structure) E16977 P16977 - P cell F1944F7422B04031B41808CCC738AA6C Prism-shaped cristae of mitochondrion 16978 16978 16978 satellite, centriolar 66358009 S16978 Satellite, centriolar (cell structure) E16978 P16978 - P cell 91C281A92FD442D28488266EE6D0AC05 Satellite, centriolar 16979 16979 16979 inclusion within Golgi complex 66504004 S16979 Inclusion within Golgi complex (cell structure) E16979 P16979 - P cell 3B507871C6904FA4A3E4D72E5842C627 Inclusion within Golgi complex 16981 16981 16981 azurophilic granules 66604008 S16981 Azurophilic granules (cell structure) E16981 P16981 - P cell 0C0F5926ECAF4FBF80791AA21949EAEB Azurophilic granules 16982 16982 16982 basal body of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial S16982 E16982 66757001 Basal body of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial (cell structure) P16982 - P cell 0C98D54B1CE24D0CA658F529CBEC96BA Basal body of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial (cell structure) 16983 16983 16983 intranuclear secretory granule 66897009 S16983 Intranuclear secretory granule (cell structure) E16983 P16983 - P cell 0801D77E7A644305B830DE203B8EB989 Intranuclear secretory granule 16984 16984 16984 chromosome pair 14 S16984 E16984 66933007 Chromosome pair 14 (cell structure) P16984 - P cell 279749E7560748C9A83B49963C5828D6 Chromosome pair 14 (cell structure) 16985 16985 16985 subcellular structure 67185001 S16985 Subcellular structure (cell structure) E16985 P16985 - 0 P cell 6B5168441BC848EEB49BB24C21A46F91 Subcellular structure 16986 16986 16986 Golgi saccule 67203002 S16986 Golgi saccule (cell structure) E16986 P16986 - 61750 P cell 77333F1FC5EE41488A7BACB7C90D6AA8 Golgi saccule 16987 16987 16987 mitochondrial inclusion 6750002 S16987 Mitochondrial inclusion (cell structure) E16987 P16987 - P cell C82AA0C86BE948F7A71D68BB87EA86C0 Mitochondrial inclusion 16988 16988 16988 cone of retina 67540009 S16988 Cone of retina (cell structure) E16988 P16988 Y 67748 P special senses organ system 7148CEE761054ED3B929D3C3AC7E422D Cone of retina 16989 16989 16989 plastid 68008002 S16989 Plastid (cell structure) E16989 P16989 - P cell 68E689D3492048C39E2A039D2D4A0243 Plastid 16990 16990 16990 secretory granule, endocrine 68042006 S16990 Secretory granule, endocrine (cell structure) E16990 P16990 - P cell F56F42DC3A5C46FEA304116495BDFD0D Secretory granule, endocrine 16991 16991 16991 spore crystal 6844001 S16991 Spore crystal (cell structure) E16991 P16991 - P cell 9EFDD14D6D694B95AB0F481765C24EFD Spore crystal 16992 16992 16992 cell wall, prokaryotic, septum 68492001 S16992 Cell wall, prokaryotic, septum (cell structure) E16992 P16992 - P cell 486F3C749B6B485D8697A225F1FC9F69 Cell wall, prokaryotic, septum 16993 16993 16993 secondary foot process 6850006 S16993 Secondary foot process (cell structure) E16993 P16993 - P cell 0B8F4BCFF54F4852AB39EA6A49A5A43A Secondary foot process 16994 16994 16994 intracellular canaliculus 68895008 S16994 Intracellular canaliculus (cell structure) E16994 P16994 - P cell A530787500C040D5B5BD198C21B46C61 Intracellular canaliculus 16995 16995 16995 T tubule of striated muscle 69228000 S16995 T tubule of striated muscle (cell structure) E16995 P16995 - P cell 1759F202577B4F15B842AC9A0D988DBC T tubule of striated muscle 16996 16996 16996 cilium 69315009 S16996 Cilium (cell structure) E16996 P16996 - 67181 P cell 1CF87F16FB88497F8767B89E2EA3E556 Cilium 16997 16997 16997 sex pilum 69540001 S16997 Sex pilum (cell structure) E16997 P16997 - P cell C16D5D33DDDC4548B9A5AC5199FD1DFB Sex pilum 16998 16998 16998 sarcomere pattern 70145005 S16998 Sarcomere pattern (cell structure) E16998 P16998 - P cell 524F98074508427F9C2428E86E7F4691 Sarcomere pattern 16999 16999 16999 centromere 70187007 S16999 Centromere (cell structure) E16999 P16999 - 84689 P cell 612BFC35B76F4BE695153552793DD16D Centromere 17000 17000 17000 combined actin-like and myosin-like filaments 70380002 S17000 Combined actin-like and myosin-like filaments (cell structure) E17000 P17000 - P cell F070363A7C45435DA7CE29EF67EF3929 Combined actin-like and myosin-like filaments 17001 17001 17001 chromosome pair 7 S17001 E17001 70488008 Chromosome pair 7 (cell structure) P17001 - P cell 86A55452AF574BFFA1376272B532234A Chromosome pair 7 (cell structure) 17002 17002 17002 gastrointestinal space 70657000 S17002 Gastrointestinal spaces (body structure) E17002 P17002 - P digestive system 63AAF76ADEBD4CFDB569DA4424745CDA Gastrointestinal spaces 17003 17003 17003 supranuclear region of polarized cell 70743006 S17003 Supranuclear region of polarized cell (cell structure) E17003 P17003 - P cell 1FA020AF95CD4593895188B3AE4BD70B Supranuclear region of polarized cell 17004 17004 17004 attachment plaque of desmosome or hemidesmosome 7099003 S17004 Attachment plaque of desmosome or hemidesmosome (cell structure) E17004 P17004 - P cell 72E391CFDC714EF7890860EF1A159519 Attachment plaque of desmosome or hemidesmosome 17005 17005 17005 neurilemma 71481009 S17005 Neurilemma (cell structure) E17005 P17005 - 62976 P cell ED189612BA214302B72C31489EE5E230 Neurilemma Neural tissue which consists of Schwann cells. 17006 17006 17006 chromosome pair 15 S17006 E17006 71678009 Chromosome pair 15 (cell structure) P17006 - P cell 2A849150DA3348F394F21BFD97A0D612 Chromosome pair 15 (cell structure) 17007 17007 17007 mitochondrial matrix inclusion 72149009 S17007 Mitochondrial matrix inclusion (cell structure) E17007 P17007 - P cell B569E1FC0A25448DB510EC2919503111 Mitochondrial matrix inclusion 17008 17008 17008 dense intermediate filament bundle 723004 S17008 Dense intermediate filament bundles (cell structure) E17008 P17008 - P cell 6A7D1833C504423CAADA71BFAE305709 Dense intermediate filament bundles 17009 17009 17009 marginal band of microtubules 72574002 S17009 Marginal band of microtubules (cell structure) E17009 P17009 - P cell 2F0A4F53B35B4731BC68CE28E4F8C1FD Marginal band of microtubules 17010 17010 17010 secretory granule, exocrine, known content 72754007 S17010 Secretory granule, exocrine, known content (cell structure) E17010 P17010 - P cell DEA18A0165EF4C028B9D4E78F1E2962D Secretory granule, exocrine, known content 17011 17011 17011 sex chromosome X S17011 E17011 72837006 Sex chromosome X (cell structure) P17011 - P cell 0A97E74984A946B0B2CAA5381EB0726F Sex chromosome X (cell structure) 17012 17012 17012 intramitochondrial DNA 72851006 S17012 Intramitochondrial DNA (cell structure) E17012 P17012 - P cell 2F84BC56062748128BA98168C9211B25 Intramitochondrial DNA 17013 17013 17013 desmosome of mature keratinocyte 73275007 S17013 Desmosome of mature keratinocyte (cell structure) E17013 P17013 - P cell FD108C9EDB0640C99D0B2AA9CFBC61BE Desmosome of mature keratinocyte 17014 17014 17014 synaptic membrane specialization, postsynaptic 73683009 S17014 Synaptic membrane specialization, postsynaptic (cell structure) E17014 P17014 - P cell A1F292BC181E4B5CA855C8830871D2A4 Synaptic membrane specialization, postsynaptic 17015 17015 17015 lateral region of polarized cell 73866003 S17015 Lateral region of polarized cell (cell structure) E17015 P17015 - P cell 905A51030DBE4F499BF099379BFD2B27 Lateral region of polarized cell 17016 17016 17016 ribosome, free in cytoplasm 73902003 S17016 Ribosome, free in cytoplasm (cell structure) E17016 P17016 - P cell 72252B137B394225A5F3BE2C1053C382 Ribosome, free in cytoplasm 17017 17017 17017 chromosomes, group F S17017 E17017 74099009 Chromosomes, group F (cell structure) P17017 - P cell 0E1E87C55553412BBE28ED377556BECA Chromosomes, group F (cell structure) 17018 17018 17018 nuclear envelope, inner membrane 74382002 S17018 Nuclear envelope, inner membrane (cell structure) E17018 P17018 - P cell 7BB0E59EA572464EBD1B813A1DB597FD Nuclear envelope, inner membrane 17019 17019 17019 annulate lamella 74714009 S17019 Annulate lamella (cell structure) E17019 P17019 - 67888 P cell 6FEB2AF71C96442D9763976196B3898A Annulate lamella 17020 17020 17020 lipid, crystalline 7477002 S17020 Lipid, crystalline (cell structure) E17020 P17020 - P cell 1959A35E3F9C491ABB35994B6FAB3339 Lipid, crystalline 17021 17021 17021 continuous microtubule of spindle 74951006 S17021 Continuous microtubules of spindle (cell structure) E17021 P17021 - P cell 1C62C53CADAC4C8EB087BB070F7F65D9 Continuous microtubules of spindle 17022 17022 17022 mitochondrion 312239001 S17022 Mitochondrial structure (cell structure) E17022 75056005 Mitochondrion (cell structure) P17022 - 63835 P cell 80DF8FBB785E46D0A96FB15B62D8A3C7 72CBD23B641B46CE8568BCE3E8614DC5 Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (cell structure) Membranous cytoplasmic organelle the interior of which is subdivided by cristae. 17023 17023 17023 spore cytoplasmic membrane 75242002 S17023 Spore cytoplasmic membrane (cell structure) E17023 P17023 - P cell 16ACB4A1ED744ABD8845B7966036383B Spore cytoplasmic membrane 17024 17024 17024 intranuclear membrane lamellae 75425005 S17024 Intranuclear membrane lamellae (cell structure) E17024 P17024 - P cell 666EB0957AA2445382D04845F05A0F88 Intranuclear membrane lamellae 17025 17025 17025 acrosomal granule 75801009 S17025 Acrosomal granule (cell structure) E17025 P17025 - P cell DA7BE166902E4511831C46421A94EF8F Acrosomal granule 17026 17026 17026 connexon 7605000 S17026 Connexon (cell structure) E17026 P17026 - P cell 1C5B2CE2E6404045BC9F1667339CC477 Connexon 17027 17027 17027 confronting cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum 76475000 S17027 Confronting cisternae of ER (cell structure) E17027 P17027 - P cell C883F51D7AFE45C0B6F7B0BDAAC7061B Confronting cisternae of ER 17028 17028 17028 nuclear fibrous lamina 77440008 S17028 Nuclear fibrous lamina (cell structure) E17028 P17028 - 66852 P cell B04BFC5F3A44404199310DA6AD4B647B Nuclear fibrous lamina 17029 17029 17029 basal lamina, inclusion in central location 77744003 S17029 Basal lamina, inclusion in central location (cell structure) E17029 P17029 - P cell 607FABE2EAFE49D8A45288A4D2DE99DD Basal lamina, inclusion in central location 17030 17030 17030 prophase nucleus 77747005 S17030 Prophase nucleus (cell structure) E17030 P17030 - P cell 5307BDFE9A4242838F27AF0587611E55 Prophase nucleus 17031 17031 17031 chromosome pair 8 S17031 E17031 77826001 Chromosome pair 8 (cell structure) P17031 - P cell 7C20CC440EAF445BBEE2A25AD12313C5 Chromosome pair 8 (cell structure) 17032 17032 17032 nuclear pore apparatus 78053001 S17032 Nuclear pore apparatus (cell structure) E17032 P17032 - 61929 P cell 8A97C090E3424423B0D3971A674FD4A9 Nuclear pore apparatus 17033 17033 17033 triad of striated muscle 78500002 S17033 Triad of striated muscle (cell structure) E17033 P17033 - P cell 20BD23ABC7E44749BDA319E2ACDB9B3E Triad of striated muscle 17034 17034 17034 tonofilament related to desmosome or hemidesmosome 78567002 S17034 Tonofilaments related to desmosome or hemidesmosome (cell structure) E17034 P17034 - P cell 493F0F0FDD374D1692861AAB86A360DE Tonofilaments related to desmosome or hemidesmosome 17035 17035 17035 rhopheocytotic vesicle 7880006 S17035 Rhopheocytotic vesicle (cell structure) E17035 P17035 - P cell 73877888DC914EEC99848DC0F312EA33 Rhopheocytotic vesicle 17036 17036 17036 corneal corpuscle 7884002 S17036 Structure of corneal corpuscle (cell structure) E17036 368826000 Entire corneal corpuscle (cell) P17036 Y P special senses organ system 3668BF39F70042E7AD1ACF41DDC9567D D71406FD193741CDB753F1C9E65D8153 corneal corpuscle Entire corneal corpuscle (cell) 17037 17037 17037 chromosome pair 4 S17037 E17037 78901007 Chromosome pair 4 (cell structure) P17037 - P cell CE3C510FFF8E4EFF88B0F2043A49A809 Chromosome pair 4 (cell structure) 17038 17038 17038 elastic fiber, amorphous component 78941003 S17038 Elastic fiber, amorphous component (cell structure) E17038 P17038 - P cell FB1084B1435D4788A14C676A54745EA7 Elastic fiber, amorphous component 17039 17039 17039 chromosome pair 22 S17039 E17039 79229009 Chromosome pair 22 (cell structure) P17039 - P cell 4EA8777B3DD1444CABDA713B0AC5AAC3 Chromosome pair 22 (cell structure) 17040 17040 17040 centriole, central vesicle 79792009 S17040 Centriole, central vesicle (cell structure) E17040 P17040 - P cell 881034555D6D4AC3B1D0F12FCBF5F58E Centriole, central vesicle 17041 17041 17041 hilar cell of ovary 79891005 S17041 Structure of hilar cell of ovary (cell structure) E17041 259185009 Entire hilar cell of ovary (cell) P17041 Y 18710 P genital system DB9879F791594C048A253785A69D3924 E876C6A5AA8443AAAD7E05AACD740FCF hilar cell of ovary Entire hilar cell of ovary (cell) 17042 17042 17042 ribosome, attached to GER membrane 79916000 S17042 Ribosome, attached to GER membrane (cell structure) E17042 P17042 - P cell 004142751AE7413D92331B964AFBE3F8 Ribosome, attached to GER membrane 17043 17043 17043 chromosome pair 23 S17043 E17043 79988006 Chromosome pair 23 (cell structure) P17043 - P cell 7C39EF8E4DF949ABAC2D5B8313A5A9B8 Chromosome pair 23 (cell structure) 17044 17044 17044 multivesicular body 80097007 S17044 Multivesicular body (cell structure) E17044 P17044 - P cell 57ED20ACA42443A8A3A26A3BAD662982 Multivesicular body 17045 17045 17045 discontinuous or incomplete basal or external lamina 80231004 S17045 Discontinuous or incomplete basal or external lamina (cell structure) E17045 P17045 - P cell 7BF2D31D25F14F1A82AAFED2656248F5 Discontinuous or incomplete basal or external lamina 17046 17046 17046 mitochondrial association with cell component 80390003 S17046 Mitochondrial association with other cell component (cell structure) E17046 P17046 - P cell CD5660073BEC4C8B9297B37776417AF6 Mitochondrial association with other cell component 17047 17047 17047 membrane-coating granule, amorphous 8045006 S17047 Membrane-coating granule, amorphous (cell structure) E17047 P17047 - P cell 8E081CDF0F6B4072BC08327B60BF3628 Membrane-coating granule, amorphous 17048 17048 17048 transport vesicle of Golgi complex 80578004 S17048 Transport vesicle of Golgi complex (cell structure) E17048 P17048 - P cell 5B207DB12F8448279275636DFBE9F614 Transport vesicle of Golgi complex 17049 17049 17049 hematoxylin body 80680000 S17049 Hematoxylin body (cell structure) E17049 P17049 - P cell 4E431F26BC694517AC2BEA57988F7622 Hematoxylin body 17050 17050 17050 skeletal muscle fiber 80985008 S17050 Skeletal muscle fiber (cell structure) E17050 P17050 - 9727 P muscular system 4A3AF23A0D914DA589E174BB501193E7 Skeletal muscle fiber Striated muscle cell which has as its direct parts two or more peripherally located nuclei. 17051 17051 17051 intranuclear crystal 8111001 S17051 Intranuclear crystal (cell structure) E17051 P17051 - P cell C3EDB7457D5746FE9AEB786C43A8FD18 Intranuclear crystal 17052 17052 17052 desmosome of cochlear duct 81367002 S17052 Desmosome of cochlear duct (cell structure) E17052 P17052 Y 84183 P nervous system 145B8720C201478393F14349AB6D10E4 Desmosome of cochlear duct 17053 17053 17053 cell membrane, basal aspect of polarized cell 81377000 S17053 Cell membrane, basal aspect of polarized cell (cell structure) E17053 P17053 - P cell 466610C5FD0344AB92332A37A1C648E0 Cell membrane, basal aspect of polarized cell 17054 17054 17054 surface convolutions of cell wall 81385009 S17054 Surface convolutions of cell wall (cell structure) E17054 P17054 - P cell F390670C52E84278BA4B82D21977F90D Surface convolutions of cell wall 17055 17055 17055 synaptic membrane 81881007 S17055 Synaptic membrane (cell structure) E17055 P17055 - P nervous system 90BDB81CB7584F429BC01A5FB2C422F0 Synaptic membrane 17056 17056 17056 nucleolar cap 81971007 S17056 Nucleolar cap (cell structure) E17056 P17056 - P cell 3D9CFFDCC843415A862845E38CF2493E Nucleolar cap 17057 17057 17057 endoplasmic reticulum related to cell surface 609332005 S17057 Estrogen receptor (ER) related to cell surface (cell structure) E17057 P17057 - P cell 0F60D78EBD704466A7AA3C5E30B9A242 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) related to cell surface 17058 17058 17058 chromatid 83314009 S17058 Chromatid (cell structure) E17058 P17058 - 84719 P cell B1842AEF1AC546DE85E9FECA0B201744 Chromatid 17059 17059 17059 interphase nucleus 83778003 S17059 Interphase nucleus (cell structure) E17059 P17059 - P cell A1C39FF0539F44E1BF0DA77A8F7E79F2 Interphase nucleus 17060 17060 17060 microcapsule 84039001 S17060 Microcapsule (cell structure) E17060 P17060 - P cell 2498B3D120BB46AF94E99028DD7C7F1B Microcapsule 17061 17061 17061 matrix of lysosome 84060007 S17061 Matrix of lysosome (cell structure) E17061 P17061 - 67168 P cell 10E9360FD629409EA03387466B1A78F6 Matrix of lysosome 17062 17062 17062 nucleus of cell 84640000 S17062 Nucleus (cell structure) E17062 P17062 - P cell 8D08F5EEB1464420A784EF2379DA6D8C Nucleus 17063 17063 17063 flagellum, bacterial, shaft 84964001 S17063 Flagellum, bacterial, shaft (cell structure) E17063 P17063 - P cell 4306CAA5627146928840A8BB2A3A4617 Flagellum, bacterial, shaft 17064 17064 17064 structural filament 85394005 S17064 Structural filaments (cell structure) E17064 P17064 - P cell F270D10D3EA34C1CB19A9284D94C9B2D Structural filaments 17065 17065 17065 lipid droplet 8556000 S17065 Lipid droplet (cell structure) E17065 P17065 - 62962 P cell 4D18E312575A46739BF52AEFAD4DFE3F Lipid droplet Cell substance contained in lipid vacoule. 17066 17066 17066 beta-glycogen 85705003 S17066 Beta-Glycogen (cell structure) E17066 P17066 - P cell 7DD3F7526BC24D9CB3CFF2F3B19C41C6 Beta-Glycogen 17067 17067 17067 secondary lysosome with distinctive content 85930007 S17067 Secondary lysosome with distinctive content (cell structure) E17067 P17067 - P cell F6DFBB54A82B48C98602CFDBF884241F Secondary lysosome with distinctive content 17068 17068 17068 fractured membrane E face 86072003 S17068 Fractured membrane E face (cell structure) E17068 P17068 - P cell 1D32C79DFB204BA3ABE742F75F13B186 Fractured membrane E face 17069 17069 17069 GERL 86612007 S17069 Golgi-endoplasmic reticulum-lysosome (GERL) (cell structure) E17069 P17069 - P cell EB916123383A406A8A395A05786C784B Golgi-endoplasmic reticulum-lysosome (GERL) 17070 17070 17070 glycogen vacuole 8668003 S17070 Glycogen vacuole (cell structure) E17070 P17070 - P cell D25D80BAA0724C41A9920E61A7207DE4 Glycogen vacuole 17071 17071 17071 outer mitochondrial space 86872002 S17071 Outer mitochondrial space (cell structure) E17071 P17071 - P cell 3C4668F2BAF243DD9D8D0B52250E9EE3 Outer mitochondrial space 17072 17072 17072 adhesion disc of parasite 86898008 S17072 Adhesion disc of parasite (cell structure) E17072 P17072 - P cell A6A14B31897845329F90A81BCFB171B6 Adhesion disc of parasite 17073 17073 17073 slit pore of glomerular podocyte 87063002 S17073 Slit pore of glomerular podocyte (cell structure) E17073 P17073 - P cell D678A80E8A6F423B8F638D8101AD75A5 Slit pore of glomerular podocyte 17074 17074 17074 melanogenic granule 87120003 S17074 Melanogenic granule (cell structure) E17074 P17074 - P cell C94020E33C6948B2A276ADD9E43D0AA6 Melanogenic granule 17075 17075 17075 basal lamina, lamina rara interna component 87333000 S17075 Basal lamina, lamina rara interna component (cell structure) E17075 P17075 - P cell 3D90FF7AD8614150981F2E6D5E15DC57 Basal lamina, lamina rara interna component 17076 17076 17076 antennulae microvillares 87484000 S17076 Antennulae microvillares (cell structure) E17076 P17076 - P cell 024F54364C6E4BD6AB895F531D606B14 Antennulae microvillares 17077 17077 17077 skeletal muscle fiber, type II 87812003 S17077 Skeletal muscle fiber, type II (cell structure) E17077 P17077 - P muscular system 231F59D2285A4C6FB1FB3BCCE6BA5427 Skeletal muscle fiber, type II 17078 17078 17078 chromosomes, groups G and Y S17078 E17078 87820001 Chromosomes, groups G & Y (cell structure) P17078 - P cell B5789703F2B04A01933C952556DA19D4 Chromosomes, groups G & Y (cell structure) 17079 17079 17079 intranuclear body, granular with filamentous capsule 8784007 S17079 Intranuclear body, granular with filamentous capsule (cell structure) E17079 P17079 - P cell 8FC81C147EC74F55B38073099BF6FFBE Intranuclear body, granular with filamentous capsule 17080 17080 17080 melanosome, completely melanized 88026008 S17080 Melanosome, completely melanized (cell structure) E17080 P17080 - P cell 64E3F737E5E04C5F94B8740E1FD806C1 Melanosome, completely melanized 17081 17081 17081 shaft of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 88077001 S17081 Shaft of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial (cell structure) E17081 P17081 - P cell 31E7D6C68BF34A259F8E6F9FED0E10E9 Shaft of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial 17082 17082 17082 basal or external lamina of non-epithelial cell or tissue 88113007 S17082 Basal or external lamina of non-epithelial cell or tissue (cell structure) E17082 P17082 - P cell 86BEA2E94EFC4A138CE9593403FF1722 Basal or external lamina of non-epithelial cell or tissue 17083 17083 17083 intranuclear mitochondrion S17083 E17083 88303009 Intranuclear mitochondrion (cell structure) P17083 - P cell 2EB06D09BFE94BE6A7470A345ABECC32 Intranuclear mitochondrion (cell structure) 17084 17084 17084 agranular endoplasmic reticulum, connection with organelle 8839002 S17084 Agranular endoplasmic reticulum, connection with other organelle (cell structure) E17084 P17084 - P cell C49FD0FD6A4F41778F224DE16414520E Agranular endoplasmic reticulum, connection with other organelle 17085 17085 17085 filament insertion into dense zone on internal aspect of cell membrane, not desmosome 88643005 S17085 Filament insertion into dense zone on internal aspect of cell membrane, not desmosome (cell structure) E17085 P17085 - P cell 029E903240314508824531305863CE2D Filament insertion into dense zone on internal aspect of cell membrane, not desmosome 17086 17086 17086 basal lamina, lamina rara externa component 88777006 S17086 Basal lamina, lamina rara externa component (cell structure) E17086 P17086 - P cell A7C60AAC8AE64F8490237BB1D6B1093B Basal lamina, lamina rara externa component 17087 17087 17087 annulate lamella, membrane 88988009 S17087 Annulate lamella, membrane (cell structure) E17087 P17087 - P cell 46A038CE01384348801E8658ED9860A6 Annulate lamella, membrane 17088 17088 17088 cell wall, prokaryotic, Gram -ve organism 89136008 S17088 Cell wall, prokaryotic, Gram -ve organism (cell structure) E17088 P17088 - P cell 1E0045FD9267448CA08DB1233A7B3669 Cell wall, prokaryotic, Gram -ve organism 17089 17089 17089 cytoplasmic inclusion, filamentous 89150003 S17089 Cytoplasmic inclusion, filamentous (cell structure) E17089 P17089 - P cell A84D0795EDC04501BFC4DDB0683A8BE6 Cytoplasmic inclusion, filamentous 17090 17090 17090 intranuclear body, rod shaped 89235004 S17090 Intranuclear body, rod shaped (cell structure) E17090 P17090 - P cell 78A87AAE3C924EFAB68C3DD0063E2240 Intranuclear body, rod shaped 17091 17091 17091 distinctive cytoplasmic granule of specialized cell 89670008 S17091 Distinctive cytoplasmic granule of specialized cell (cell structure) E17091 P17091 - P cell 18E3498C40474877BF375FE0B8368BB8 Distinctive cytoplasmic granule of specialized cell 17092 17092 17092 chromosome pair 19 S17092 E17092 89959003 Chromosome pair 19 (cell structure) P17092 - P cell 80C4701D1A5C49B49A03468509B19DB8 Chromosome pair 19 (cell structure) 17093 17093 17093 secondary lysosome 89991002 S17093 Secondary lysosome (cell structure) E17093 P17093 - 67525 P cell F9D04049BED84E6AA321F8CD710383F2 Secondary lysosome 17094 17094 17094 nucleolonema of nucleolus 90008009 S17094 Nucleolonema of nucleolus (cell structure) E17094 P17094 - 74863 P cell 4A19D4AC99F34515BE6D09D6CE34A1AC Nucleolonema of nucleolus 17095 17095 17095 sensory cilium, olfactory 90034001 S17095 Sensory cilium, olfactory (cell structure) E17095 P17095 - P cell 1C47D276891747AA884666AABC50B536 Sensory cilium, olfactory 17096 17096 17096 chromosome group S17096 E17096 90152004 Chromosome group (cell structure) P17096 - P cell 84F84E00A53F4F0BBA4D7B7E5A000C2D Chromosome group (cell structure) 17097 17097 17097 basal infolding of cell membrane 90263008 S17097 Basal infolding of cell membrane (cell structure) E17097 P17097 - P cell 15A7363FCC0F4B45813E4B12997F1AA5 Basal infolding of cell membrane 17098 17098 17098 Golgi membrane 90475001 S17098 Golgi membrane (cell structure) E17098 P17098 - P cell F36633F9D502487BAF751DBB7C940225 Golgi membrane 17099 17099 17099 mitochondrial cristae 90494006 S17099 Mitochondrial cristae (cell structure) E17099 P17099 - 66971 P cell 196BBB01AB3A4683B0A217D84FDCAD9F Mitochondrial cristae 17100 17100 17100 subcellular structure, isolated by fractionation technique 90503007 S17100 Subcellular structure, isolated by fractionation technique (cell structure) E17100 P17100 - P cell E44541EBE0F84FE991704FEF5C9DE5C4 Subcellular, isolated by fractionation technique 17101 17101 17101 tubular cristae of mitochondrion 90579005 S17101 Tubular cristae of mitochondrion (cell structure) E17101 P17101 - P cell 60C41368B92A4576894EABB65D4FA47F Tubular cristae of mitochondrion 17102 17102 17102 dendrite 90604005 S17102 Dendrite (cell structure) E17102 P17102 - 67314 P nervous system 1B0D0E1DF55047B38C818290FA4D6D6C Dendrite Neurite which has as its direct parts a dendrite proper and a set of dendritic spines. 17103 17103 17103 mucus granule 90905009 S17103 Mucus granule (cell structure) E17103 P17103 - P cell D95648EB48014CC9B3467A1C1711F117 Mucus granule 17104 17104 17104 secretory granule, exocrine 90919009 S17104 Secretory granule, exocrine (cell structure) E17104 P17104 - P cell C4CA3ACB6D6546B3A217B3857B14B0F1 Secretory granule, exocrine 17105 17105 17105 intramitochondrial crystal 90984005 S17105 Intramitochondrial crystal (cell structure) E17105 P17105 - P cell D89ACC3B530F46A0B007C05D85DA3F5C Intramitochondrial crystal 17106 17106 17106 chromosome 312237004 S17106 Chromosome structure (cell structure) E17106 91272006 Chromosome (cell structure) P17106 - 67093 P cell 229DEF71025B4E4488522E7F450415AF 17BBA46CA98F40249AAD90C68EB76BA8 Chromosome Chromosome (cell structure) Organelle part which consists of nucleotides arranged linearly into three regions, DNA replication origin, centromere and telomere. Examples: nuclear chromosome, sex chromosome. 17107 17107 17107 complex melanin-containing granule 91389001 S17107 Complex melanin-containing granule (cell structure) E17107 P17107 - P cell FD88843F99FB4B998C7110CBAFE76967 Complex melanin-containing granule 17108 17108 17108 cell adhesion specialization 91396004 S17108 Cell adhesion specialization (cell structure) E17108 P17108 - P cell A2B240DCE3D14BA6AFCB61A77D75E3AE Cell adhesion specialization 17109 17109 17109 Golgi vesicle 91414004 S17109 Golgi vesicle (cell structure) E17109 P17109 - 61754 P cell E8DB257470EE47D9A7717525388975FC Golgi vesicle 17110 17110 17110 gap junction 91451005 S17110 Gap junction (cell structure) E17110 P17110 - 67423 P cell 83DDD9A2ED9149559B1866065AA49FD8 Gap junction 17111 17111 17111 basal lamina, inclusion 91587000 S17111 Basal lamina, inclusion (cell structure) E17111 P17111 - P cell 697E86037FF14E88A03068810AFBF09B Basal lamina, inclusion 17112 17112 17112 sarcolemma 91740009 S17112 Sarcolemma structure (cell structure) E17112 361809003 Entire sarcolemma (cell structure) P17112 - 62025 P cell C76F144D726443BB838F3D23491BB5EF 83DCFF76B8AF405EA0D66258FA1C0429 Sarcolemma Entire sarcolemma (cell structure) 17114 17114 17114 endometrial glandular cell 91768008 S17114 Structure of endometrial glandular cell (cell structure) E17114 254032002 Entire endometrial glandular cell (cell) P17114 - 86489 P genital system 1103308D44A249DFA8B911EC6D941BF7 980DD6ED3B5E4772A7674FC903606988 endometrial glandular cell Entire endometrial glandular cell (cell) 17115 17115 17115 filament of contractile apparatus 9186008 S17115 Filaments of contractile apparatus (cell structure) E17115 P17115 - 67897 P cell 15CC12FFE1284598A371F9B0F3DE98B6 Filaments of contractile apparatus 17116 17116 17116 centriole 314244007 S17116 Centriole structure (cell structure) E17116 9208002 Centriole (cell structure) P17116 - 63839 P cell 0D533A2ECAD240F28243CEEF5E73B54A 307C462BA49C4B68925FED1905229150 Centriole Centriole (cell structure) 17117 17117 17117 distinctive shape of mitochondrial cristae 9779008 S17117 Distinctive shape of mitochondrial cristae (cell structure) E17117 P17117 - P cell 1D1A2D9B10274C56B34CC361940FFF97 Distinctive shape of mitochondrial cristae 17118 17118 17118 skeletal muscle fiber, type IIb 9796009 S17118 Skeletal muscle fiber, type IIb (cell structure) E17118 P17118 - P muscular system 2126DB570FF74AB691CF69EFB7FB51D2 Skeletal muscle fiber, type IIb 17119 17119 17119 primary foot process 9968009 S17119 Primary foot process (cell structure) E17119 P17119 Y P cell 54B23A697C05403B967E93BF09F5CABB Primary foot process 17121 17121 17121 bilateral paired structures 422525002 S17121 Structure of bilateral paired structures (body structure) E17121 P17121 - P regional/topgraphical/group 511F0E4D6C664D84A9A73F3319D8E911 bilateral paired structures 17123 17123 17123 tributary of small saphenous vein 422849006 S17123 Structure of tributary of small saphenous vein (body structure) E17123 P17123 Y 44355 P venous system 8208E4EE582A4C84AE5EE2EC0993D77D tributary of small saphenous vein 17124 17124 17124 tributary of splenic vein 422475002 S17124 Structure of tributary of splenic vein (body structure) E17124 P17124 - 15387 P venous system 512A9879DDC845F3ACA2798D70E3ADDC tributary of splenic vein 17125 17125 17125 tributary of superficial epigastric vein 423014007 S17125 Structure of tributary of superficial epigastric vein (body structure) E17125 P17125 - P venous system BBC355FE05B443388932E66EB537A995 tributary of superficial epigastric vein 17126 17126 17126 tributary of superficial temporal vein 423539008 S17126 Structure of tributary of superficial temporal vein (body structure) E17126 P17126 Y 50952 P venous system 8B054C7F1065488AAD2D4ED9ECD36C3B tributary of superficial temporal vein 17127 17127 17127 tributary of superior mesenteric vein 422631009 S17127 Structure of tributary of superior mesenteric vein (body structure) E17127 P17127 - 15396 P venous system EC7F72DAB8CB4C389DD3FA2680A077C2 tributary of superior mesenteric vein 17128 17128 17128 tributary of uterine vein 423227001 S17128 Structure of tributary of uterine vein (body structure) E17128 P17128 - 18920 P venous system AB133719288A48B198D782F3D6D8C8C5 tributary of uterine vein 17129 17129 17129 tributary of vaginal vein 423770002 S17129 Structure of tributary of vaginal vein (body structure) E17129 P17129 - P venous system B5D5EA29282C4166986B6EC94D163336 tributary of vaginal vein 17130 17130 17130 tributary of vena comitans nervi hypoglossi 423339007 S17130 Structure of tributary of vena comitans nervi hypoglossi (body structure) E17130 P17130 Y P venous system 8F15310860D14719847D3A4415811FC5 tributary of vena comitans nervi hypoglossi 17131 17131 17131 tributary of vesical vein 423585006 S17131 Structure of tributary of vesical vein (body structure) E17131 P17131 Y P venous system 5F6C419388AC4CBC8A739895BA211DCC tributary of vesical vein 17132 17132 17132 ossification center of base of first metatarsal 423394004 S17132 Structure of ossification center of base of first metatarsal (body structure) E17132 P17132 Y P skeletal system 84D7E7776CE041269C8132E2857F7689 ossification center of base of first metatarsal 17133 17133 17133 ossification center of base of first metacarpal 423194008 S17133 Structure of ossification center of base of first metacarpal (body structure) E17133 P17133 Y P skeletal system 467AE4AF02B348419F07C6FA4139D054 ossification center of base of first metacarpal 17134 17134 17134 ossification center of head of second metacarpal 423027006 S17134 Structure of ossification center of head of second metacarpal (body structure) E17134 P17134 Y P musculoskeletal system 48E14B116CED43C3B2A2DCB9EB46C204 ossification center of head of second metacarpal 17135 17135 17135 ossification center of head of third metacarpal 422820003 S17135 Structure of ossification center of head of third metacarpal (body structure) E17135 P17135 Y P musculoskeletal system 3B2F6D7CC3244B13B84B58CFB87EFFB4 ossification center of head of third metacarpal 17136 17136 17136 ossification center of head of fourth metacarpal 422690007 S17136 Structure of ossification center of head of fourth metacarpal (body structure) E17136 P17136 Y P musculoskeletal system 29E9E1B86D5943F2B36D8BE53C8187AC ossification center of head of fourth metacarpal 17137 17137 17137 ossification center of head of fifth metacarpal 422515007 S17137 Structure of ossification center of head of fifth metacarpal (body structure) E17137 P17137 Y P musculoskeletal system C450E5DCFA4841B2AD25E856EE508D36 ossification center of head of fifth metacarpal 17138 17138 17138 ossification center of metacarpal head 425126002 S17138 Structure of ossification center of metacarpal head (body structure) E17138 P17138 Y P skeletal system 413CD551A9214DD396EF4873668AFA40 ossification center of metacarpal head 17139 17139 17139 central auditory system 422643005 S17139 Structure of central auditory system (body structure) E17139 P17139 - P special senses organ system 6042391294E242B380BD997DE9AD3C95 central auditory system 17140 17140 17140 central sensory visual system 424362000 S17140 Structure of central sensory visual system (body structure) E17140 P17140 - P special senses organ system 1B5FAB07431642ED991ADC7C77D1A529 central sensory visual system 17141 17141 17141 gustatory system 423940004 S17141 Structure of gustatory system (body structure) E17141 P17141 - 7194 P special senses organ system 894D49CC95114E7D91D251D88CB3489F gustatory system 17142 17142 17142 flexor tendon of hand 422871001 S17142 Flexor tendon of hand structure (body structure) E17142 422835002 Entire flexor tendon of hand (body structure) P17142 Y P musculoskeletal system 872492C545DA4747B15A35558C364B8B 30A210FE4552424ABFCF028D5EA8D2D4 Flexor tendon of hand Entire flexor tendon of hand (body structure) 17143 17143 17143 vessel of stomach 422897007 S17143 Vascular structure of stomach (body structure) E17143 P17143 - P digestive system 081F760C150045E78348E5514594DA57 Vascular of stomach 17144 17144 17144 proximal half of appendix 422488004 S17144 Proximal half of appendix structure (body structure) E17144 P17144 - P digestive system 406F9B921A284547AEAD9E8E295628DD Proximal half of appendix 17145 17145 17145 distal half of appendix 422720005 S17145 Distal half of appendix structure (body structure) E17145 P17145 - P digestive system 967FAB6D0DDD451AB28A132FDF49431D Distal half of appendix 17149 17149 17149 Merkel's cell S17149 E17149 10149001 Merkel's cell (cell) P17149 - 70548 P integumentary system 31EF81E9C1D742D5844E9D6597B9C808 Merkel's cell (cell) 17150 17150 17150 stomatocyte S17150 E17150 10636005 Stomatocyte (cell) P17150 - P cell 6A99054BC7804054B8DE9AAA497C6FB1 Stomatocyte (cell) 17151 17151 17151 promonocyte S17151 E17151 1075005 Promonocyte (cell) P17151 - 83551 P immune system 0ADCE54DA72540F0833F925004BBF8A0 Promonocyte (cell) 17152 17152 17152 abnormal hematopoietic cell S17152 E17152 107677004 Abnormal hematopoietic cell (cell) P17152 - 0 P cell 00F62D4E1DC447B5AAD143FED9E36064 Abnormal hematopoietic cell (cell) 17153 17153 17153 vertebral column and cranium S17153 E17153 110517009 Vertebral column and cranium (combined site) (body structure) P17153 - P skeletal system 44747A69063145F3B8193000666301A7 Vertebral column and cranium (combined site) (body structure) 17155 17155 17155 bone and cartilage S17155 E17155 110523004 Bone and cartilage (combined site) (body structure) P17155 - 0 P skeletal system 619809E4EE2D46459015FCD188095123 Bone and cartilage (combined site) (body structure) 17156 17156 17156 sphenoid and ethmoid bones S17156 E17156 110524005 Sphenoid and ethmoid bones (combined site) (body structure) P17156 - 0 P skeletal system 0373E25F66FB46ECA8BDBD76BA5A68EF Sphenoid and ethmoid bones (combined site) (body structure) 17157 17157 17157 zygomatic and palatine bones S17157 E17157 110527003 Zygomatic and palatine bones (combined site) (body structure) P17157 - 0 P digestive system BFFBCACF30314F909782B28430C9FCC6 Zygomatic and palatine bones (combined site) (body structure) 17158 17158 17158 rib and transverse process of vertebra S17158 E17158 110531009 Rib and transverse process of vertebra (combined site) (body structure) P17158 Y 0 P skeletal system 0B187B40AE1B46A3BE0FA2FD18346FDF Rib and transverse process of vertebra (combined site) (body structure) 17159 17159 17159 bones of vertebral column, pelvis and lower extremities S17159 E17159 110534001 Bones of vertebral column, pelvis and lower extremities (combined site) (body structure) P17159 - P musculoskeletal system 9FA4A3B0503D4A86A04D555F3D68EA76 Bones of vertebral column, pelvis and lower extremities (combined site) (body structure) 17161 17161 17161 tibia and fibula S17161 E17161 110536004 Tibia and fibula (combined site) (body structure) P17161 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 99CA3E34C7584B6880137B13664A91C4 Tibia and fibula (combined site) (body structure) 17162 17162 17162 tibia and fibula, proximal S17162 E17162 110537008 Tibia and fibula, proximal (combined site) (body structure) P17162 Y 0 P skeletal system 66C2E75F1DD74770A647440658CDDC4E Tibia and fibula, proximal (combined site) (body structure) 17163 17163 17163 tibia and fibula, midshaft S17163 E17163 110538003 Tibia and fibula, midshaft (combined site) (body structure) P17163 Y 0 P skeletal system 35248CFB07A14D7F97DE74EB26B4990D Tibia and fibula, midshaft (combined site) (body structure) 17164 17164 17164 tibia and fibula, distal S17164 E17164 110539006 Tibia and fibula, distal (combined site) (body structure) P17164 Y 0 P skeletal system D31A5B84EB584720A3710EC20C5F792E Tibia and fibula, distal (combined site) (body structure) 17165 17165 17165 joints of head and vertebral column S17165 E17165 110541007 Joints of head and vertebral column (combined site) (body structure) P17165 - 0 P musculoskeletal system 411974488E244638A51A4C0E1F3E1FA7 Joints of head and vertebral column (combined site) (body structure) 17166 17166 17166 epiglottis and larynx S17166 E17166 110547006 Epiglottis and larynx (combined site) (body structure) P17166 - 0 P respiratory system 47DF9BCF4B26454CAD52295F1A7A7A9F Epiglottis and larynx (combined site) (body structure) 17167 17167 17167 terminal bronchiole and lung S17167 E17167 110548001 Terminal bronchiole and lung (combined site) (body structure) P17167 - 0 P respiratory system 5988768A611C45BCAF6ABD37319AAD09 Terminal bronchiole and lung (combined site) (body structure) 17168 17168 17168 lung and pleura S17168 E17168 110549009 Lung and pleura (combined site) (body structure) P17168 - 0 P respiratory system BC55C0CD9E274B0CA9F5CE2297E5CD74 Lung and pleura (combined site) (body structure) 17169 17169 17169 lung and tracheobronchial lymph nodes S17169 E17169 110550009 Lung and tracheobronchial lymph nodes (combined site) (body structure) P17169 - 0 P respiratory system 08A2F9B89C2E4CDEBB70D1913155F7C9 Lung and tracheobronchial lymph nodes (combined site) (body structure) 17170 17170 17170 aortic and mitral valves S17170 E17170 110551008 Aortic and mitral valves (combined site) (body structure) P17170 - 0 P cardiovascular system 8AA20DEF55CA493C9519194A7CF52CA2 Aortic and mitral valves (combined site) (body structure) 17171 17171 17171 pericardial fluid and cavity S17171 E17171 110552001 Pericardial fluid and cavity (combined site) (body structure) P17171 - 0 P cardiovascular system 0B0E14FF71524B46B3CDD94C2CCFB5B3 Pericardial fluid and cavity (combined site) (body structure) 17172 17172 17172 coronary artery and myocardium S17172 E17172 110553006 Coronary artery and myocardium (combined site) (body structure) P17172 - 0 P cardiovascular system 11F9AF986CDC4E7982CCD34F86814A9C Coronary artery and myocardium (combined site) (body structure) 17173 17173 17173 coronary artery and coronary artery S17173 E17173 110554000 Coronary artery and coronary artery (combined site) (body structure) P17173 - 0 P cardiovascular system 911214A807F945AD8FBC6E13CA31652E Coronary artery and coronary artery (combined site) (body structure) 17174 17174 17174 coronary artery and internal mammary artery S17174 E17174 110555004 Coronary artery and internal mammary artery (combined site) (body structure) P17174 - 0 P cardiovascular system 1B0A3DE7056942B1810A612C779D4356 Coronary artery and internal mammary artery (combined site) (body structure) 17175 17175 17175 coronary artery and cardiac vein S17175 E17175 110556003 Coronary artery and cardiac vein (combined site) (body structure) P17175 - 0 P cardiovascular system 3EE49FEF56FE446EA872321C83784B90 Coronary artery and cardiac vein (combined site) (body structure) 17176 17176 17176 pulmonary artery and pulmonary artery S17176 E17176 110557007 Pulmonary artery and pulmonary artery (combined site) (body structure) P17176 - 0 P regional/topgraphical/group 88D1FD9777AE43C9960C06AA8C1D0056 Pulmonary artery and pulmonary artery (combined site) (body structure) 17177 17177 17177 pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein S17177 E17177 110558002 Pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein (combined site) (body structure) P17177 - 0 P venous system A3D57F1DB8224EDF9AE91134FFF0EACD Pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein (combined site) (body structure) 17178 17178 17178 gastrointestinal fluids and spaces S17178 E17178 110569004 Gastrointestinal fluids and spaces (combined site) (body structure) P17178 - 0 P digestive system D383935DF55348FE8FC55F28E01DCE21 Gastrointestinal fluids and spaces (combined site) (body structure) 17179 17179 17179 lip and jaw S17179 E17179 110573001 Lip and jaw (combined site) (body structure) P17179 - 0 P digestive system E848918523AE40C694A84E3DF4BD70EB Lip and jaw (combined site) (body structure) 17180 17180 17180 lower lip and lower jaw S17180 E17180 110574007 Lower lip and lower jaw (combined site) (body structure) P17180 - 0 P digestive system 63AB71BA857B4EB29FC5C12B7A3DCB5B Lower lip and lower jaw (combined site) (body structure) 17181 17181 17181 upper lip and upper jaw S17181 E17181 110575008 Upper lip and upper jaw (combined site) (body structure) P17181 - 0 P digestive system EC2090982FC541D68C06B537926FCDF1 Upper lip and upper jaw (combined site) (body structure) 17182 17182 17182 upper lip, upper jaw and palate S17182 E17182 110576009 Upper lip, upper jaw and palate (combined site) (body structure) P17182 - 0 P digestive system C9ED747A677041DE9ED031CB84AB652B Upper lip, upper jaw and palate (combined site) (body structure) 17183 17183 17183 gastric mucous gland neck cell S17183 E17183 110605001 Gastric mucous gland neck cell (cell) P17183 - 0 P cell 742218A785A2469EB7B24D404AF959C0 Gastric mucous gland neck cell (cell) 17184 17184 17184 jejunum and ileum S17184 E17184 110611003 Jejunum and ileum (combined site) (body structure) P17184 - 0 P digestive system C2B34C6F39B449469DEE6CEA426FD8B4 Jejunum and ileum (combined site) (body structure) 17185 17185 17185 anus, rectum and sigmoid colon S17185 E17185 110612005 Anus, rectum and sigmoid colon (combined site) (body structure) P17185 - 0 P digestive system 7AF1BE40749E41959FC804ED584A93DA Anus, rectum and sigmoid colon (combined site) (body structure) 17186 17186 17186 digestive organs and peritoneum S17186 E17186 110613000 Digestive organs and peritoneum (combined site) (body structure) P17186 - 0 P digestive system 8D7A5B57A6E04D699E0019D3C9120131 Digestive organs and peritoneum (combined site) (body structure) 17187 17187 17187 liver and intrahepatic bile ducts S17187 E17187 110616008 Liver and intrahepatic bile ducts (combined site) (body structure) P17187 - 0 P digestive system CD6A029274D4400FAC565A00E76D172D Liver and intrahepatic bile ducts (combined site) (body structure) 17188 17188 17188 gallbladder and bile ducts S17188 E17188 110617004 Gallbladder and bile ducts (combined site) (body structure) P17188 - 0 P digestive system B89A02460FBF4490A89351369965DC1E Gallbladder and bile ducts (combined site) (body structure) 17189 17189 17189 gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts S17189 E17189 110618009 Gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts (combined site) (body structure) P17189 - 0 P digestive system 7D0660EDC456476E8C2EC679657C4BA3 Gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts (combined site) (body structure) 17190 17190 17190 gallbladder and common bile duct S17190 E17190 110619001 Gallbladder and common bile duct (combined site) (body structure) P17190 - 0 P digestive system 11833B9DC4EF478487E393746AE25598 Gallbladder and common bile duct (combined site) (body structure) 17191 17191 17191 pancreatic duct and bile duct systems S17191 E17191 110621006 Pancreatic duct and bile duct systems (combined site) (body structure) P17191 - 0 P biliary system 9AE779F87DC647638D2B814781F4E8B4 Pancreatic duct and bile duct systems (combined site) (body structure) 17192 17192 17192 urinary tract fluids and spaces S17192 E17192 110622004 Urinary tract fluids and spaces (combined site) (body structure) P17192 - 0 P urinary system 9B128F5B7B3842E3A847FDB795FA5F78 Urinary tract fluids and spaces (combined site) (body structure) 17193 17193 17193 kidney and renal pelvis S17193 E17193 110624003 Kidney and renal pelvis (combined site) (body structure) P17193 Y 0 P urinary system 4198D98B59914618B07DF734169CBCA4 Kidney and renal pelvis (combined site) (body structure) 17194 17194 17194 ureter and calyx S17194 E17194 110625002 Ureter and calyx (combined site) (body structure) P17194 - 0 P urinary system D0023749B688480B8CE50A95F2365136 Ureter and calyx (combined site) (body structure) 17195 17195 17195 female genital fluids and spaces S17195 E17195 110627005 Female genital fluids and spaces (combined site) (body structure) P17195 - 0 P genital system CCAC8AF70B4549248E8D63FE63B3A313 Female genital fluids and spaces (combined site) (body structure) 17196 17196 17196 vulva and vagina S17196 E17196 110628000 Vulva and vagina (combined site) (body structure) P17196 - 0 P genital system F33A20940569414BB5945502ADCDA005 Vulva and vagina (combined site) (body structure) 17197 17197 17197 vulva, vagina and perineum S17197 E17197 110629008 Vulva, vagina and perineum (combined site) (body structure) P17197 - 0 P genital system 915EE0922E4E48F58B218F8FB6D9FD93 Vulva, vagina and perineum (combined site) (body structure) 17198 17198 17198 vagina and uterus S17198 E17198 110630003 Vagina and uterus (combined site) (body structure) P17198 - 0 P genital system 1548E4D7F846486AAC1F577963BCD611 Vagina and uterus (combined site) (body structure) 17199 17199 17199 vagina and cervix S17199 E17199 110631004 Vagina and cervix (combined site) (body structure) P17199 - 0 P genital system C936E27EC478464885EE659D924C477B Vagina and cervix (combined site) (body structure) 17200 17200 17200 vagina and perineum S17200 E17200 110632006 Vagina and perineum (combined site) (body structure) P17200 - 0 P genital system 584AEF4A7C454CF7BD29ABDE25D2212E Vagina and perineum (combined site) (body structure) 17201 17201 17201 uterus and cervix S17201 E17201 110633001 Uterus and cervix (combined site) (body structure) P17201 - 0 P genital system F05176775B43416B906529397F22DA80 Uterus and cervix (combined site) (body structure) 17202 17202 17202 uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries S17202 E17202 110636009 Uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries (combined site) (body structure) P17202 - 0 P genital system 79B07CEEE6114E47B10EA22E66222110 Uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries (combined site) (body structure) 17203 17203 17203 uterus, right fallopian tube and ovary S17203 E17203 110637000 Uterus, right fallopian tube and ovary (combined site) (body structure) P17203 - 0 P genital system 28362C5E9D894740939D94022960D4B5 Uterus, right fallopian tube and ovary (combined site) (body structure) 17204 17204 17204 uterus, left fallopian tube and ovary S17204 E17204 110638005 Uterus, left fallopian tube and ovary (combined site) (body structure) P17204 - 0 P genital system 3ADCB9B62D19433E9693DAC3E6695BE8 Uterus, left fallopian tube and ovary (combined site) (body structure) 17205 17205 17205 uterus and fallopian tubes S17205 E17205 110639002 Uterus and fallopian tubes (combined site) (body structure) P17205 - 0 P genital system 78BE52042F554F9C934AD92B05D0D9AD Uterus and fallopian tubes (combined site) (body structure) 17206 17206 17206 uterus and right fallopian tube S17206 E17206 110640000 Uterus and right fallopian tube (combined site) (body structure) P17206 - 0 P genital system 8B17FE32F718457AA69E05B5FAD0A3FA Uterus and right fallopian tube (combined site) (body structure) 17207 17207 17207 uterus and left fallopian tube S17207 E17207 110641001 Uterus and left fallopian tube (combined site) (body structure) P17207 - 0 P genital system C1E301E0B0454257AE0A9A77DD1DADF6 Uterus and left fallopian tube (combined site) (body structure) 17208 17208 17208 fallopian tube and ovary S17208 E17208 110642008 Fallopian tube and ovary (combined site) (body structure) P17208 - 0 P genital system 9CCE390C93134FA79A690655D989EE9D Fallopian tube and ovary (combined site) (body structure) 17209 17209 17209 right fallopian tube and right ovary S17209 E17209 110643003 Right fallopian tube and right ovary (combined site) (body structure) P17209 R 0 P genital system 321EF76C95B3434F935A3ABA57F736C7 Right fallopian tube and right ovary (combined site) (body structure) 17210 17210 17210 left fallopian tube and left ovary S17210 E17210 110644009 Left fallopian tube and left ovary (combined site) (body structure) P17210 L 0 P genital system 92F8B4597EFC432FBA047D772D1B2EEB Left fallopian tube and left ovary (combined site) (body structure) 17211 17211 17211 both fallopian tubes and both ovaries S17211 E17211 110645005 Both fallopian tubes and both ovaries (combined site) (body structure) P17211 - 0 P genital system 3837884192CA4DF7873A8AD4FD254898 Both fallopian tubes and both ovaries (combined site) (body structure) 17212 17212 17212 fallopian tubes, ovaries and broad ligaments S17212 E17212 110646006 Fallopian tubes, ovaries and broad ligaments (combined site) (body structure) P17212 - 0 P genital system BE5C09E740DB4B7EB617DBD6F72B946E Fallopian tubes, ovaries and broad ligaments (combined site) (body structure) 17213 17213 17213 right fallopian tube, right ovary and broad ligament S17213 E17213 110647002 Right fallopian tube, right ovary and broad ligament (combined site) (body structure) P17213 R 0 P genital system 325AD43D6B5A4E059CA072B426DC7D83 Right fallopian tube, right ovary and broad ligament (combined site) (body structure) 17214 17214 17214 left fallopian tube, left ovary and broad ligament S17214 E17214 110648007 Left fallopian tube, left ovary and broad ligament (combined site) (body structure) P17214 L 0 P genital system E7259C3BA8414514A673DCE4ADE14753 Left fallopian tube, left ovary and broad ligament (combined site) (body structure) 17215 17215 17215 male genital fluids and spaces S17215 E17215 110649004 Male genital fluids and spaces (combined site) (body structure) P17215 - 0 P genital system C7075D02070B42FD8BB2E461E314A1A8 Male genital fluids and spaces (combined site) (body structure) 17216 17216 17216 glans penis and foreskin S17216 E17216 110650004 Glans penis and foreskin (combined site) (body structure) P17216 - 0 P genital system D6875BFA68984A12A0A539DC15A63C5B Glans penis and foreskin (combined site) (body structure) 17218 17218 17218 lobes and capsule of prostate S17218 E17218 110652007 Lobes and capsule of prostate (combined site) (body structure) P17218 - 0 P genital system 97CEC2F77DAF4F96BFBE1D2261798010 Lobes and capsule of prostate (combined site) (body structure) 17219 17219 17219 testis and epididymis S17219 E17219 110653002 Testis and epididymis (combined site) (body structure) P17219 - 0 P genital system D33E787352D3438FB2000FEE9330A483 Testis and epididymis (combined site) (body structure) 17220 17220 17220 testis and scrotum S17220 E17220 110654008 Testis and scrotum (combined site) (body structure) P17220 - 0 P genital system 66948226DA374E07BBB0B1DF6284C929 Testis and scrotum (combined site) (body structure) 17221 17221 17221 epididymis and vas deferens S17221 E17221 110655009 Epididymis and vas deferens (combined site) (body structure) P17221 - 0 P genital system AA99776562E545E8BE7C6E2F2C8D1D8C Epididymis and vas deferens (combined site) (body structure) 17222 17222 17222 vas deferens and vas deferens S17222 E17222 110656005 Vas deferens and vas deferens (combined site) (body structure) P17222 - 0 P genital system 121AE742B39949F49D41FF018A59BEC8 Vas deferens and vas deferens (combined site) (body structure) 17223 17223 17223 brain, spinal cord and meninges S17223 E17223 110659003 Brain, spinal cord and meninges (combined site) (body structure) P17223 - 0 P nervous system 31DC4CE13A894AA38FF3110B8C37DB38 Brain, spinal cord and meninges (combined site) (body structure) 17224 17224 17224 brain and meninges S17224 E17224 110660008 Brain and meninges (combined site) (body structure) P17224 - 0 P nervous system 002CFB13F30D422AAFE2676A800FC6BD Brain and meninges (combined site) (body structure) 17225 17225 17225 brain and cranium S17225 E17225 110661007 Brain and cranium (combined site) (body structure) P17225 - 0 P skeletal system E2783F9D6ED7416DA2753F96AB420811 Brain and cranium (combined site) (body structure) 17226 17226 17226 inner mesothelial cell of arachnoid S17226 E17226 110662000 Inner mesothelial cell of arachnoid (cell) P17226 - P nervous system A9A8ED65057643218F900116E0DB9557 Inner mesothelial cell of arachnoid (cell) 17227 17227 17227 cerebral ventricle and subarachnoid cistern S17227 E17227 110663005 Cerebral ventricle and subarachnoid cistern (combined site) (body structure) P17227 - P nervous system 9838A89463A54A13ABD00A31F8CA2F0F Cerebral ventricle and subarachnoid cistern (combined site) (body structure) 17228 17228 17228 cerebral ventricle and jugular vein S17228 E17228 110664004 Cerebral ventricle and jugular vein (combined site) (body structure) P17228 - 0 P nervous system 36C78DB46BDE45EC878925F4E7736502 Cerebral ventricle and jugular vein (combined site) (body structure) 17229 17229 17229 cerebral ventricle and peritoneum S17229 E17229 110665003 Cerebral ventricle and peritoneum (combined site) (body structure) P17229 - 0 P digestive system 33809C12DA894D8085C8FDFBA4091290 Cerebral ventricle and peritoneum (combined site) (body structure) 17230 17230 17230 frontal and parietal lobes S17230 E17230 110666002 Frontal and parietal lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17230 - 0 P nervous system 0165EE33B85343169471FE4D80B89CB8 Frontal and parietal lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17231 17231 17231 right frontal and parietal lobes S17231 E17231 110667006 Right frontal and parietal lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17231 R 0 P nervous system F85ACAA2CC2E4D84AC988F2EA1F16BCD Right frontal and parietal lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17232 17232 17232 left frontal and parietal lobes S17232 E17232 110668001 Left frontal and parietal lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17232 L 0 P nervous system D6DD6700BDBA4556A8F9E2D9E2C3FD59 Left frontal and parietal lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17233 17233 17233 temporal and frontal lobes S17233 E17233 110669009 Temporal and frontal lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17233 - 0 P nervous system 44ACBB1F0C864A46B8C74AF860CBCD1C Temporal and frontal lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17234 17234 17234 right temporal and frontal lobes S17234 E17234 110670005 Right temporal and frontal lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17234 R 0 P nervous system 7AF2C785EEB74905AE6131B26DE10A1D Right temporal and frontal lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17235 17235 17235 left temporal and frontal lobes S17235 E17235 110671009 Left temporal and frontal lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17235 L 0 P nervous system 4A5B641224DB42E29EBE4871EC7DCF48 Left temporal and frontal lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17236 17236 17236 parietal and occipital lobes S17236 E17236 110672002 Parietal and occipital lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17236 - 0 P nervous system A8827087E6714FA5B66DBF20ACE282EE Parietal and occipital lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17237 17237 17237 right parietal and occipital lobes S17237 E17237 110673007 Right parietal and occipital lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17237 R 0 P nervous system EABC0B4549E74FB5B7C746B57C12CDF0 Right parietal and occipital lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17238 17238 17238 left parietal and occipital lobes S17238 E17238 110674001 Left parietal and occipital lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17238 L 0 P nervous system C911769B328141C6ACB12A2F86B51863 Left parietal and occipital lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17239 17239 17239 occipital and temporal lobes S17239 E17239 110675000 Occipital and temporal lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17239 - 0 P nervous system 7176A1BC267640B29D77F3A71D472293 Occipital and temporal lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17240 17240 17240 right occipital and temporal lobes S17240 E17240 110676004 Right occipital and temporal lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17240 R 0 P nervous system AC83570E237E42C18A6DBC61EC8524D7 Right occipital and temporal lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17241 17241 17241 left occipital and temporal lobes S17241 E17241 110677008 Left occipital and temporal lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17241 L 0 P nervous system 5B0E7EA5447F44B8A5764895773C590C Left occipital and temporal lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17242 17242 17242 temporal and parietal lobes S17242 E17242 110679006 Temporal and parietal lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17242 - 0 P nervous system 38C2F881FF374FD59887EE4FFF809EA1 Temporal and parietal lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17243 17243 17243 right temporal and parietal lobes S17243 E17243 110680009 Right temporal and parietal lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17243 R 0 P nervous system 678BBF5710C84A4198BC09E2F8093A49 Right temporal and parietal lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17244 17244 17244 left temporal and parietal lobes S17244 E17244 110681008 Left temporal and parietal lobes (combined site) (body structure) P17244 L 0 P nervous system FCAA34AC3D3B4275BAAC9B8D30B87C25 Left temporal and parietal lobes (combined site) (body structure) 17245 17245 17245 thalamus, pulvinar and geniculate bodies S17245 E17245 110685004 Thalamus, pulvinar and geniculate bodies (combined site) (body structure) P17245 - P nervous system 22C7F3BB8DF94459B89C4E31490D3D65 Thalamus, pulvinar and geniculate bodies (combined site) (body structure) 17246 17246 17246 metencephalon S17246 E17246 110686003 Pons and cerebellum (combined site) (body structure) P17246 - 62003 P nervous system A8B9D3DD5B0540B7979A17167A53C9D1 Pons and cerebellum (combined site) (body structure) Rostral segment of the hindbrain that has as its parts the pons and the cerebellum. 17247 17247 17247 spinal cord and nerve roots S17247 E17247 110688002 Spinal cord and nerve roots (combined site) (body structure) P17247 - 0 P nervous system CF5384ED0A714E579BD3B6BC7F66C6FC Spinal cord and nerve roots (combined site) (body structure) 17248 17248 17248 spinal cord and medulla S17248 E17248 110689005 Spinal cord and medulla (combined site) (body structure) P17248 - 0 P nervous system 6417DCA8B7F5447EBAF3BD840EB0BFE4 Spinal cord and medulla (combined site) (body structure) 17249 17249 17249 spinal cord and meninges S17249 E17249 110690001 Spinal cord and meninges (combined site) (body structure) P17249 - 0 P nervous system CEF61E5A05154578B8DC5DFB321E4182 Spinal cord and meninges (combined site) (body structure) 17250 17250 17250 spinal cord and optic nerve S17250 E17250 110691002 Spinal cord and optic nerve (combined site) (body structure) P17250 - 0 P nervous system FF8DC4784BEF4314A296B7493A62B4BA Spinal cord and optic nerve (combined site) (body structure) 17254 17254 17254 conjunctiva and cornea 305089002 S17254 Conjunctival and/or corneal structures (body structure) E17254 110703002 Conjunctiva and cornea (combined site) (body structure) P17254 Y P special senses organ system 107D2971D32345E5B990891B2D5F4AC8 35C4F813410B4B7591AB1F882EAFE5EB Conjunctival and/or corneals Conjunctiva and cornea (combined site) (body structure) 17255 17255 17255 eye and lacrimal gland S17255 E17255 110704008 Eye and lacrimal gland (combined site) (body structure) P17255 Y P special senses organ system DF31448C73AF49B197861EA257934432 Eye and lacrimal gland (combined site) (body structure) 17256 17256 17256 conjunctiva and lacrimal sac S17256 E17256 110705009 Conjunctiva and lacrimal sac (combined site) (body structure) P17256 Y 0 P special senses organ system 98A64483528945B99135895D82E234D7 Conjunctiva and lacrimal sac (combined site) (body structure) 17257 17257 17257 lacrimal sac and nose S17257 E17257 110706005 Lacrimal sac and nose (combined site) (body structure) P17257 - 0 P respiratory system A78372B24AEB4402B0CA66F0A7EBC291 Lacrimal sac and nose (combined site) (body structure) 17258 17258 17258 endolymphatic sac and subarachnoid space S17258 E17258 110710008 Endolymphatic sac and subarachnoid space (combined site) (body structure) P17258 - 0 P nervous system D31D1E978EEC475A8C52024E7EA44457 Endolymphatic sac and subarachnoid space (combined site) (body structure) 17259 17259 17259 hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial systems S17259 E17259 110711007 Hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial systems (combined site) (body structure) P17259 - P hematopoietic system 870A0E7BDF6B452A9C7EBAB02B32B097 Hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial systems (combined site) (body structure) 17260 17260 17260 thorax, mediastinum and diaphragm S17260 E17260 110712000 Thorax, mediastinum and diaphragm (combined site) (body structure) P17260 - 0 P respiratory system 46563031AF984831BA3149011BFBE9F5 Thorax, mediastinum and diaphragm (combined site) (body structure) 17261 17261 17261 upper and lower extremities S17261 E17261 110714004 Upper and lower extremities (combined site) (body structure) P17261 - 0 P regional/topgraphical/group A2D9E6204D7846EA8A2AEF79AB0DAABE Upper and lower extremities (combined site) (body structure) 17262 17262 17262 both upper and lower extremities S17262 E17262 110715003 Both upper and lower extremities (combined site) (body structure) P17262 - 0 P regional/topgraphical/group 942EE941E2944A52833A492C4FF8173E Both upper and lower extremities (combined site) (body structure) 17263 17263 17263 upper limb and shoulder S17263 E17263 110716002 Upper extremity and shoulder (combined site) (body structure) P17263 Y P skeletal system D53CDEDF4A4F4C78AAA690723A73E5F2 Upper extremity and shoulder (combined site) (body structure) 17264 17264 17264 right upper limb and shoulder S17264 E17264 110717006 Right upper extremity and shoulder (combined site) (body structure) P17264 R P skeletal system 21AEEE96AEEE444F9CFEFD6A9A54DBA0 Right upper extremity and shoulder (combined site) (body structure) 17265 17265 17265 left upper limb and shoulder S17265 E17265 110718001 Left upper extremity and shoulder (combined site) (body structure) P17265 L P skeletal system BFA3F929AC744FB4802BF92AB6BAB359 Left upper extremity and shoulder (combined site) (body structure) 17266 17266 17266 nasopharynx and esophagus S17266 E17266 110721004 Nasopharynx and esophagus (combined site) (body structure) P17266 - 0 P respiratory system 20471A028450414189E63459CA42E535 Nasopharynx and esophagus (combined site) (body structure) 17268 17268 17268 larynx, trachea and bronchus S17268 E17268 110723001 Larynx, trachea and bronchus (combined site) (body structure) P17268 - 0 P respiratory system 678288EABF2D488BA7E50363BC08376D Larynx, trachea and bronchus (combined site) (body structure) 17269 17269 17269 larynx and pharynx S17269 E17269 110724007 Larynx and pharynx (combined site) (body structure) P17269 - 0 P digestive system B9C5F032DF8C41179B3833FF8F144CF1 Larynx and pharynx (combined site) (body structure) 17270 17270 17270 trachea and esophagus S17270 E17270 110725008 Trachea and esophagus (combined site) (body structure) P17270 - 0 P digestive system 1F525125E37145AE92EF76A7DBC6B90D Trachea and esophagus (combined site) (body structure) 17271 17271 17271 trachea and bronchus S17271 E17271 110726009 Trachea and bronchus (combined site) (body structure) P17271 - 0 P respiratory system 2EBE310A77534A97A4EC9E85FCF1E3C8 Trachea and bronchus (combined site) (body structure) 17272 17272 17272 trachea and skin S17272 E17272 110727000 Trachea and skin (combined site) (body structure) P17272 - 0 P integumentary system 4AABDACF6B364A48AB9A40641E262316 Trachea and skin (combined site) (body structure) 17273 17273 17273 trachea and aorta S17273 E17273 110728005 Trachea and aorta (combined site) (body structure) P17273 - 0 P cardiovascular system CFAAC26CD8464B6EA6DB56C0234566B2 Trachea and aorta (combined site) (body structure) 17274 17274 17274 bronchus and pleura S17274 E17274 110729002 Bronchus and pleura (combined site) (body structure) P17274 - 0 P respiratory system 7F79C09AE9D64DFB8F2F376CA97774F0 Bronchus and pleura (combined site) (body structure) 17275 17275 17275 bronchus and esophagus S17275 E17275 110730007 Bronchus and esophagus (combined site) (body structure) P17275 - 0 P digestive system C4FC1D4C8A164B28A0C9BED647741013 Bronchus and esophagus (combined site) (body structure) 17276 17276 17276 bronchus and liver S17276 E17276 110731006 Bronchus and liver (combined site) (body structure) P17276 - 0 P digestive system AC5C2AA075CB4374912808C787ABD538 Bronchus and liver (combined site) (body structure) 17277 17277 17277 bronchus and skin of thorax S17277 E17277 110732004 Bronchus and skin of thorax (combined site) (body structure) P17277 - 0 P integumentary system 9E7B1B61C8EB484C980D67E316153776 Bronchus and skin of thorax (combined site) (body structure) 17278 17278 17278 bronchus and abdominal viscera S17278 E17278 110733009 Bronchus and abdominal viscera (combined site) (body structure) P17278 - 0 P respiratory system BC4BC8135BB449B3BE37EE376BB8938F Bronchus and abdominal viscera (combined site) (body structure) 17279 17279 17279 bronchus and aorta S17279 E17279 110734003 Bronchus and aorta (combined site) (body structure) P17279 - 0 P cardiovascular system D8C1CDA66DC74C8CBC7EBE601FD15553 Bronchus and aorta (combined site) (body structure) 17280 17280 17280 bronchus and alveolus S17280 E17280 110735002 Bronchus and alveolus (combined site) (body structure) P17280 - 0 P respiratory system 9BDCB0C1CA7043618E7D91FEA1D6D4C0 Bronchus and alveolus (combined site) (body structure) 17281 17281 17281 bronchus and lung S17281 E17281 110736001 Bronchus and lung (combined site) (body structure) P17281 - 0 P respiratory system 77F21686411B4478A2DEC5FD6E666080 Bronchus and lung (combined site) (body structure) 17282 17282 17282 pleura and pleura S17282 E17282 110737005 Pleura and pleura (combined site) (body structure) P17282 - 0 P respiratory system 91C35A4B0CC6413DB2F93B016C30E0AD Pleura and pleura (combined site) (body structure) 17283 17283 17283 pleura and pericardium S17283 E17283 110738000 Pleura and pericardium (combined site) (body structure) P17283 - 0 P cardiovascular system 1D8630AB91CC490082DAED83A99B8D5F Pleura and pericardium (combined site) (body structure) 17284 17284 17284 pleura and peritoneum S17284 E17284 110739008 Pleura and peritoneum (combined site) (body structure) P17284 - 0 P digestive system D65C3881FA6F4B8CACA64BC5607DA499 Pleura and peritoneum (combined site) (body structure) 17285 17285 17285 pleura and diaphragm S17285 E17285 110740005 Pleura and diaphragm (combined site) (body structure) P17285 - 0 P respiratory system 98512D7C81F64BEC8333D6939E0D1EFB Pleura and diaphragm (combined site) (body structure) 17286 17286 17286 pleura and liver S17286 E17286 110741009 Pleura and liver (combined site) (body structure) P17286 - 0 P digestive system 28BF733D7CD4415A8B6B7DE2B1AD81D2 Pleura and liver (combined site) (body structure) 17287 17287 17287 pleura and chest wall S17287 E17287 110742002 Pleura and chest wall (combined site) (body structure) P17287 - 0 P respiratory system 3533849B4C8E4FFFA1637F3EF7448E9C Pleura and chest wall (combined site) (body structure) 17288 17288 17288 pericardium and pericardium S17288 E17288 110743007 Pericardium and pericardium (combined site) (body structure) P17288 - 0 P cardiovascular system C4C603A27ABA4A109CBC3E59DE0015A3 Pericardium and pericardium (combined site) (body structure) 17289 17289 17289 pericardium and mediastinum S17289 E17289 110744001 Pericardium and mediastinum (combined site) (body structure) P17289 - 0 P respiratory system 1CEA73993E4544CDA4E11D9A8BD27998 Pericardium and mediastinum (combined site) (body structure) 17290 17290 17290 heart and lung S17290 E17290 110745000 Heart and lung (combined site) (body structure) P17290 - 0 P cardiovascular system 8B6465BCC665432AA835C854FAF30388 Heart and lung (combined site) (body structure) 17291 17291 17291 blood vessel and blood vessel S17291 E17291 110747008 Blood vessel and blood vessel (combined site) (body structure) P17291 - 0 P cardiovascular system A5DE7BF6F6E240DCB272328193D69882 Blood vessel and blood vessel (combined site) (body structure) 17292 17292 17292 artery and vein S17292 E17292 110748003 Artery and vein (combined site) (body structure) P17292 - 0 P arterial system FCCAC5AE1ED44AAC903851F101E93C5F Artery and vein (combined site) (body structure) 17293 17293 17293 artery and artery S17293 E17293 110749006 Artery and artery (combined site) (body structure) P17293 - 0 P arterial system D0401D7DFFC74B7AB62263A415B0BD45 Artery and artery (combined site) (body structure) 17294 17294 17294 iliac and femoral arteries S17294 E17294 110750006 Iliac and femoral arteries (combined site) (body structure) P17294 - 0 P arterial system 21DEC758C0444968AD89A74DC20473A0 Iliac and femoral arteries (combined site) (body structure) 17295 17295 17295 femoral artery and femoral artery S17295 E17295 110751005 Femoral artery and femoral artery (combined site) (body structure) P17295 - 0 P cardiovascular system B65D391DAB4B4D9F9367F194A8480A18 Femoral artery and femoral artery (combined site) (body structure) 17296 17296 17296 carotid artery and carotid artery S17296 E17296 110752003 Carotid artery and carotid artery (combined site) (body structure) P17296 - 0 P arterial system DA6AADDD145B4C9FB954843B41327620 Carotid artery and carotid artery (combined site) (body structure) 17297 17297 17297 vertebral and basilar arteries S17297 E17297 110753008 Vertebral and basilar arteries (combined site) (body structure) P17297 - 0 P cardiovascular system 70524F5A29B84429A1F3AF7FA0D3A9B4 Vertebral and basilar arteries (combined site) (body structure) 17298 17298 17298 aorta and aorta S17298 E17298 110754002 Aorta and aorta (combined site) (body structure) P17298 - 0 P cardiovascular system F7B72FD38E4748BBAE6E83A8613D1453 Aorta and aorta (combined site) (body structure) 17299 17299 17299 aorta and coronary artery S17299 E17299 110755001 Aorta and coronary artery (combined site) (body structure) P17299 - 0 P cardiovascular system 0DCD69B92C634AB2A7515B4B7AA326EE Aorta and coronary artery (combined site) (body structure) 17300 17300 17300 aorta and pulmonary artery S17300 E17300 110756000 Aorta and pulmonary artery (combined site) (body structure) P17300 - 0 P cardiovascular system F3707BA2632847969545B8B79D29C617 Aorta and pulmonary artery (combined site) (body structure) 17301 17301 17301 aorta and femoral artery S17301 E17301 110757009 Aorta and femoral artery (combined site) (body structure) P17301 - 0 P cardiovascular system 81AC20B57245465F975EC92C10B10302 Aorta and femoral artery (combined site) (body structure) 17302 17302 17302 aorta and iliac artery S17302 E17302 110758004 Aorta and iliac artery (combined site) (body structure) P17302 - 0 P cardiovascular system 8E05E0FA0FEE4F8DB88081B8D14590DE Aorta and iliac artery (combined site) (body structure) 17303 17303 17303 aorta and duodenum S17303 E17303 110759007 Aorta and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) P17303 - 0 P digestive system 0C03F477D7F149718EBA83320B8E353B Aorta and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) 17304 17304 17304 aorta and left ventricle S17304 E17304 110760002 Aorta and left ventricle (combined site) (body structure) P17304 - 0 L P cardiovascular system FC1C4E2B045D465C83DE0B45C76913C8 Aorta and left ventricle (combined site) (body structure) 17305 17305 17305 femoral and iliac veins S17305 E17305 110761003 Femoral and iliac veins (combined site) (body structure) P17305 - 0 P venous system 5BDD038A210A45FBB67959DC1BA7F46C Femoral and iliac veins (combined site) (body structure) 17307 17307 17307 vein and vein S17307 E17307 110763000 Vein and vein (combined site) (body structure) P17307 - 0 P cardiovascular system 798AD4AAEFAF4310A7D04661E3A2BE58 Vein and vein (combined site) (body structure) 17308 17308 17308 portal vein and inferior vena cava S17308 E17308 110764006 Portal vein and inferior vena cava (combined site) (body structure) P17308 - 0 P cardiovascular system CD173DABBC9540FD898656B05D897092 Portal vein and inferior vena cava (combined site) (body structure) 17309 17309 17309 portal vein and splenic vein S17309 E17309 110765007 Portal vein and splenic vein (combined site) (body structure) P17309 - 0 P cardiovascular system D06F4A874FEF43B5ACFD9DEA8C4E7668 Portal vein and splenic vein (combined site) (body structure) 17310 17310 17310 lip, oral cavity and pharynx S17310 E17310 110766008 Lip, oral cavity and pharynx (combined site) (body structure) P17310 - 0 P digestive system 080146792BBB49A2B2AC3FC9B27552F0 Lip, oral cavity and pharynx (combined site) (body structure) 17311 17311 17311 gallbladder and duodenum S17311 E17311 110767004 Gallbladder and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) P17311 - 0 P digestive system B8DC288F474449DDA53668F83DAA10DC Gallbladder and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) 17312 17312 17312 esophagus and duodenum S17312 E17312 110768009 Esophagus and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) P17312 - 0 P digestive system 29ECD4BD0C6040C19764ADAC4179EA1B Esophagus and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) 17314 17314 17314 esophagus and jejunum S17314 E17314 110770000 Esophagus and jejunum (combined site) (body structure) P17314 - 0 P digestive system 0E12F8F4D7554AD4BA7CF7D1F62ECD43 Esophagus and jejunum (combined site) (body structure) 17315 17315 17315 esophagus and aorta S17315 E17315 110771001 Esophagus and aorta (combined site) (body structure) P17315 - 0 P digestive system D453E1193FBB48B2AACB0349FB6237B6 Esophagus and aorta (combined site) (body structure) 17316 17316 17316 esophagus and esophagus S17316 E17316 110772008 Esophagus and esophagus (combined site) (body structure) P17316 - 0 P digestive system 3C3DE6EC52A9495BA8819D9535A83FFE Esophagus and esophagus (combined site) (body structure) 17317 17317 17317 stomach and jejunum S17317 E17317 110773003 Stomach and jejunum (combined site) (body structure) P17317 - 0 P digestive system 361E97D160364AA2B38A205B10682925 Stomach and jejunum (combined site) (body structure) 17318 17318 17318 stomach and colon S17318 E17318 110774009 Stomach and colon (combined site) (body structure) P17318 - 0 P digestive system 7EB608AB01494629B2CE99E5997ABC82 Stomach and colon (combined site) (body structure) 17320 17320 17320 pyloric antrum and duodenum S17320 E17320 110776006 Pyloric antrum and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) P17320 - 0 P digestive system 5075E97D81174745BB9BF0DA61B80D9E Pyloric antrum and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) 17321 17321 17321 stomach and small intestine S17321 E17321 110777002 Stomach and small intestine (combined site) (body structure) P17321 - 0 P digestive system A6785F676E4C4E6DB1B51AD8CA749E10 Stomach and small intestine (combined site) (body structure) 17322 17322 17322 stomach and stomach S17322 E17322 110778007 Stomach and stomach (combined site) (body structure) P17322 - 0 P digestive system 46BE0800817C4E3589FEC06BBBEEAA03 Stomach and stomach (combined site) (body structure) 17323 17323 17323 small intestine and small intestine S17323 E17323 110779004 Small intestine and small intestine (combined site) (body structure) P17323 - 0 P digestive system 85C611E1E2DC4C8CB51DA06706DB3022 Small intestine and small intestine (combined site) (body structure) 17324 17324 17324 small intestine and colon S17324 E17324 110780001 Small intestine and colon (combined site) (body structure) P17324 - 0 P digestive system 34AE24C647D94D01A638A649DE2EE239 Small intestine and colon (combined site) (body structure) 17325 17325 17325 duodenum and common bile duct S17325 E17325 110781002 Duodenum and common bile duct (combined site) (body structure) P17325 - 0 P digestive system 6A606DF6981D4140B6F508355A97F5CB Duodenum and common bile duct (combined site) (body structure) 17326 17326 17326 duodenum and ileum S17326 E17326 110782009 Duodenum and ileum (combined site) (body structure) P17326 - 0 P digestive system E3A580F22DF0466B98FFF175E28C8E44 Duodenum and ileum (combined site) (body structure) 17327 17327 17327 duodenum and jejunum S17327 E17327 110783004 Duodenum and jejunum (combined site) (body structure) P17327 - 0 P digestive system 16DE695AF4FD41B1ACD9CAB921825636 Duodenum and jejunum (combined site) (body structure) 17328 17328 17328 duodenum and duodenum S17328 E17328 110784005 Duodenum and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) P17328 - 0 P digestive system 6D0EA3CC8C3043059B5D5BE2EC5685C2 Duodenum and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) 17329 17329 17329 duodenum and colon S17329 E17329 110785006 Duodenum and colon (combined site) (body structure) P17329 - 0 P digestive system 1696EB7E704542C38E5EF2D60F0468C9 Duodenum and colon (combined site) (body structure) 17330 17330 17330 ileum and colon S17330 E17330 110786007 Ileum and colon (combined site) (body structure) P17330 - 0 P digestive system 87C8C9CA6A84491E999187EDBFA2BE0F Ileum and colon (combined site) (body structure) 17331 17331 17331 jejunum and colon S17331 E17331 110787003 Jejunum and colon (combined site) (body structure) P17331 - 0 P digestive system 984F29CF8ACC4B119946DFA4806ADCF5 Jejunum and colon (combined site) (body structure) 17332 17332 17332 jejunum and jejunum S17332 E17332 110788008 Jejunum and jejunum (combined site) (body structure) P17332 - 0 P digestive system 613DF9121F734AC998F5A35B6531ADBA Jejunum and jejunum (combined site) (body structure) 17333 17333 17333 ileum and rectum S17333 E17333 110789000 Ileum and rectum (combined site) (body structure) P17333 - 0 P digestive system 159ED845F4794602A119C8E74B6CDFD1 Ileum and rectum (combined site) (body structure) 17334 17334 17334 ileum and vagina S17334 E17334 110790009 Ileum and vagina (combined site) (body structure) P17334 - 0 P digestive system 59F7880EE52E4CB8ABB48288B7242303 Ileum and vagina (combined site) (body structure) 17335 17335 17335 ileum and cecum S17335 E17335 110791008 Ileum and cecum (combined site) (body structure) P17335 - 0 P digestive system B8053E920A7643CCB26868825D56EAEC Ileum and cecum (combined site) (body structure) 17336 17336 17336 ileum and transverse colon S17336 E17336 110792001 Ileum and transverse colon (combined site) (body structure) P17336 - 0 P digestive system 448569F2E08F4CB2BC3C9F230DE6A30A Ileum and transverse colon (combined site) (body structure) 17337 17337 17337 ileum and sigmoid colon S17337 E17337 110793006 Ileum and sigmoid colon (combined site) (body structure) P17337 - 0 P digestive system 23C21A35DDE740E6ACA8E6B407E1D587 Ileum and sigmoid colon (combined site) (body structure) 17338 17338 17338 ileum and ileum S17338 E17338 110794000 Ileum and ileum (combined site) (body structure) P17338 - 0 P digestive system 9AF9EB1D2F0A4AC2A759C9E1E7CEA2B6 Ileum and ileum (combined site) (body structure) 17339 17339 17339 jejunum and cecum S17339 E17339 110795004 Jejunum and cecum (combined site) (body structure) P17339 - 0 P digestive system 1546A4AEE59F421FB2D3EBB27AB35BB8 Jejunum and cecum (combined site) (body structure) 17340 17340 17340 colon and colon S17340 E17340 110796003 Colon and colon (combined site) (body structure) P17340 - 0 P digestive system 86EA7C94129947A0B735946B0C57E46C Colon and colon (combined site) (body structure) 17341 17341 17341 colon and rectum S17341 E17341 110797007 Colon and rectum (combined site) (body structure) P17341 - 0 P digestive system E4622FC050AB4923B1CE35851A974793 Colon and rectum (combined site) (body structure) 17342 17342 17342 colon and cecum S17342 E17342 110798002 Colon and cecum (combined site) (body structure) P17342 - 0 P digestive system 8452E5EF23414799AA523C3771B85900 Colon and cecum (combined site) (body structure) 17343 17343 17343 cecum and sigmoid colon S17343 E17343 110799005 Cecum and sigmoid colon (combined site) (body structure) P17343 - 0 P digestive system 00023BC99EF6410BA687736C7C48120D Cecum and sigmoid colon (combined site) (body structure) 17344 17344 17344 colon and sigmoid colon S17344 E17344 110800009 Colon and sigmoid colon (combined site) (body structure) P17344 - 0 P digestive system 3CA81C9037E04E3AABEE55321D4B025C Colon and sigmoid colon (combined site) (body structure) 17345 17345 17345 sigmoid colon and sigmoid colon S17345 E17345 110801008 Sigmoid colon and sigmoid colon (combined site) (body structure) P17345 - 0 P digestive system 8464B696B340453480F3D2EA710FE9F9 Sigmoid colon and sigmoid colon (combined site) (body structure) 17346 17346 17346 rectum and vagina S17346 E17346 110802001 Rectum and vagina (combined site) (body structure) P17346 - 0 P genital system 4128B0F9B2E84C819D9DFB3C06CBC070 Rectum and vagina (combined site) (body structure) 17347 17347 17347 rectum and urinary bladder S17347 E17347 110803006 Rectum and urinary bladder (combined site) (body structure) P17347 - 0 P urinary system DB77D066893C431A9D8CD39BD6933B78 Rectum and urinary bladder (combined site) (body structure) 17348 17348 17348 anus and rectum S17348 E17348 110804000 Anus and rectum (combined site) (body structure) P17348 - 0 P digestive system D7E565301E2644AEB2856716A62B9F5D Anus and rectum (combined site) (body structure) 17349 17349 17349 liver and peritoneum S17349 E17349 110805004 Liver and peritoneum (combined site) (body structure) P17349 - 0 P digestive system F4C8B7CF6FD248D3B9B6E9962BF47795 Liver and peritoneum (combined site) (body structure) 17350 17350 17350 liver and kidney S17350 E17350 110806003 Liver and kidney (combined site) (body structure) P17350 - 0 P digestive system D25C90FB2E4A4D86861A3AB56900E74E Liver and kidney (combined site) (body structure) 17351 17351 17351 liver and adrenal gland S17351 E17351 110807007 Liver and adrenal gland (combined site) (body structure) P17351 - 0 P endocrine system ED466413C35F4EC0B090A2586544A2CB Liver and adrenal gland (combined site) (body structure) 17352 17352 17352 liver and diaphragm S17352 E17352 110808002 Liver and diaphragm (combined site) (body structure) P17352 - 0 P digestive system 3CAAF799A0BC475AB7DEFEF2697A53A3 Liver and diaphragm (combined site) (body structure) 17353 17353 17353 liver and gallbladder S17353 E17353 110809005 Liver and gallbladder (combined site) (body structure) P17353 - 0 P digestive system CEB411E026254376B1F5F808A6E1E958 Liver and gallbladder (combined site) (body structure) 17354 17354 17354 liver and spleen S17354 E17354 110810000 Liver and spleen (combined site) (body structure) P17354 - 0 P lymphoid system A15DCA9EB5624AB897B982327A17A6E2 Liver and spleen (combined site) (body structure) 17355 17355 17355 liver and intestine S17355 E17355 110811001 Liver and intestine (combined site) (body structure) P17355 - 0 P digestive system A8E5D6BD6ADE4E40902B20394D42DF0A Liver and intestine (combined site) (body structure) 17356 17356 17356 gallbladder and intestine S17356 E17356 110812008 Gallbladder and intestine (combined site) (body structure) P17356 - 0 P digestive system D1C1C86931AB48A28A594F6AF4BCB7C0 Gallbladder and intestine (combined site) (body structure) 17357 17357 17357 gallbladder and jejunum S17357 E17357 110813003 Gallbladder and jejunum (combined site) (body structure) P17357 - 0 P digestive system EA39C5CEC04C4752A7876D8FAB4F2FA3 Gallbladder and jejunum (combined site) (body structure) 17358 17358 17358 gallbladder, stomach and duodenum S17358 E17358 110814009 Gallbladder, stomach and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) P17358 - 0 P digestive system 84B14A5E3A08417E9569FC85FB377F2E Gallbladder, stomach and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) 17359 17359 17359 gallbladder and stomach S17359 E17359 110815005 Gallbladder and stomach (combined site) (body structure) P17359 - 0 P digestive system 66D99A70FAAE483C9A0D0B340C99E6CE Gallbladder and stomach (combined site) (body structure) 17360 17360 17360 bile duct and intestine S17360 E17360 110816006 Bile duct and intestine (combined site) (body structure) P17360 - 0 P digestive system F754120168024EBEB275004B094BBEF2 Bile duct and intestine (combined site) (body structure) 17361 17361 17361 bile duct and liver S17361 E17361 110817002 Bile duct and liver (combined site) (body structure) P17361 - 0 P digestive system D3BE17F0ABA3486BB8C5142E3A0F6B95 Bile duct and liver (combined site) (body structure) 17362 17362 17362 bile duct and stomach S17362 E17362 110818007 Bile duct and stomach (combined site) (body structure) P17362 - 0 P digestive system F530F9B3EF3B4D009B1B4F40FF2076FD Bile duct and stomach (combined site) (body structure) 17363 17363 17363 bile duct and jejunum S17363 E17363 110819004 Bile duct and jejunum (combined site) (body structure) P17363 - 0 P digestive system C5C87B3036B24B898167FCB63FEEB862 Bile duct and jejunum (combined site) (body structure) 17364 17364 17364 pancreas and duodenum S17364 E17364 110820005 Pancreas and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) P17364 - 0 P digestive system 420B61EB0E9C40A98573E3E94160163C Pancreas and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) 17365 17365 17365 pancreas and stomach S17365 E17365 110821009 Pancreas and stomach (combined site) (body structure) P17365 - 0 P digestive system 9E6EEDDB1311450D8C36AEBA27012FD3 Pancreas and stomach (combined site) (body structure) 17366 17366 17366 pancreas and jejunum S17366 E17366 110822002 Pancreas and jejunum (combined site) (body structure) P17366 - 0 P digestive system D09AF6EA6F274257AFABFA46BB717BDA Pancreas and jejunum (combined site) (body structure) 17367 17367 17367 ureter and skin S17367 E17367 110823007 Ureter and skin (combined site) (body structure) P17367 - 0 P integumentary system 4685A487355F4CD1A3075E3929F9D4FA Ureter and skin (combined site) (body structure) 17368 17368 17368 ureter and pelvis S17368 E17368 110824001 Ureter and pelvis (combined site) (body structure) P17368 - 0 P urinary system DC16E914225A48AC8243BA540E2215DC Ureter and pelvis (combined site) (body structure) 17369 17369 17369 ureter and ileum S17369 E17369 110825000 Ureter and ileum (combined site) (body structure) P17369 - 0 P digestive system 8E8F8FCA582849FB9A7C157BD149C2A0 Ureter and ileum (combined site) (body structure) 17370 17370 17370 ureter and sigmoid colon S17370 E17370 110826004 Ureter and sigmoid colon (combined site) (body structure) P17370 - 0 P digestive system AF20FF4281A946BAB1C5A2BCEB7DC515 Ureter and sigmoid colon (combined site) (body structure) 17371 17371 17371 ureter and small intestine S17371 E17371 110827008 Ureter and small intestine (combined site) (body structure) P17371 - 0 P digestive system 8BCC453A484045E4BB0E9C18074A70B8 Ureter and small intestine (combined site) (body structure) 17372 17372 17372 ureter and ureter S17372 E17372 110828003 Ureter and ureter (combined site) (body structure) P17372 - 0 P urinary system F9DF9D16B11F4DC4ABB738D03C1B478A Ureter and ureter (combined site) (body structure) 17373 17373 17373 ureter and duodenum S17373 E17373 110829006 Ureter and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) P17373 - 0 P digestive system 4C0E6B4EA3724F1C889E3ADC879B6346 Ureter and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) 17374 17374 17374 ureter and cecum S17374 E17374 110830001 Ureter and cecum (combined site) (body structure) P17374 - 0 P digestive system DF1C1A8B43FD4ABC9F25FD2B397578E9 Ureter and cecum (combined site) (body structure) 17375 17375 17375 ureter and colon S17375 E17375 110831002 Ureter and colon (combined site) (body structure) P17375 - 0 P urinary system A33284DA3E674BAAAAD87737104EA79B Ureter and colon (combined site) (body structure) 17376 17376 17376 ureter and vulva S17376 E17376 110832009 Ureter and vulva (combined site) (body structure) P17376 - 0 P genital system 8CE261A5C4B94857A6A77BE44AE55AB1 Ureter and vulva (combined site) (body structure) 17377 17377 17377 ureter and vagina S17377 E17377 110833004 Ureter and vagina (combined site) (body structure) P17377 - 0 P genital system 36A3EBAF2BCB43CFBB957E01CFBA0247 Ureter and vagina (combined site) (body structure) 17378 17378 17378 urinary bladder and vagina S17378 E17378 110834005 Urinary bladder and vagina (combined site) (body structure) P17378 - 0 P genital system A31441E1FC104D1E9B126B67B824134C Urinary bladder and vagina (combined site) (body structure) 17379 17379 17379 urinary bladder and cervix S17379 E17379 110835006 Urinary bladder and cervix (combined site) (body structure) P17379 - 0 P genital system 5904FAE45A1E4469A8F147465730DA48 Urinary bladder and cervix (combined site) (body structure) 17380 17380 17380 urinary bladder and ureter S17380 E17380 110836007 Urinary bladder and ureter (combined site) (body structure) P17380 - 0 P urinary system BA2B14CBAB994AA18E5B53BEF715B091 Urinary bladder and ureter (combined site) (body structure) 17381 17381 17381 urinary bladder and urethra S17381 E17381 110837003 Urinary bladder and urethra (combined site) (body structure) P17381 - 0 P urinary system B0492EAEEC5E4FB8831D575AFBE2632D Urinary bladder and urethra (combined site) (body structure) 17382 17382 17382 urinary bladder and small intestine S17382 E17382 110838008 Urinary bladder and small intestine (combined site) (body structure) P17382 - 0 P digestive system E9FA7218D25248649C22414A55E09881 Urinary bladder and small intestine (combined site) (body structure) 17383 17383 17383 urinary bladder and ileum S17383 E17383 110839000 Urinary bladder and ileum (combined site) (body structure) P17383 - 0 P digestive system B02051C1F9F2414F821CB106AEF96178 Urinary bladder and ileum (combined site) (body structure) 17384 17384 17384 urinary bladder and colon S17384 E17384 110840003 Urinary bladder and colon (combined site) (body structure) P17384 - 0 P urinary system C389A920E40C408D9FB3FCF34465CDB3 Urinary bladder and colon (combined site) (body structure) 17385 17385 17385 urinary bladder and cecum S17385 E17385 110841004 Urinary bladder and cecum (combined site) (body structure) P17385 - 0 P urinary system 3652867370434C9DA22DBC59AA077D5C Urinary bladder and cecum (combined site) (body structure) 17386 17386 17386 urinary bladder and sigmoid colon S17386 E17386 110842006 Urinary bladder and sigmoid colon (combined site) (body structure) P17386 - 0 P urinary system 736BA1A139B944D885BB4E3B32DA3F28 Urinary bladder and sigmoid colon (combined site) (body structure) 17387 17387 17387 urinary bladder and perineum S17387 E17387 110843001 Urinary bladder and perineum (combined site) (body structure) P17387 - 0 P urinary system F2A732261CB848EA93906C55B01F204D Urinary bladder and perineum (combined site) (body structure) 17388 17388 17388 urinary bladder and skin S17388 E17388 110844007 Urinary bladder and skin (combined site) (body structure) P17388 - 0 P urinary system AE2F937B64424C1A81ED3B9C0B77DA19 Urinary bladder and skin (combined site) (body structure) 17389 17389 17389 urethra and rectum S17389 E17389 110845008 Urethra and rectum (combined site) (body structure) P17389 - 0 P urinary system 61440C269C6747CC84633EB00CDCC1C5 Urethra and rectum (combined site) (body structure) 17390 17390 17390 urethra and vulva S17390 E17390 110846009 Urethra and vulva (combined site) (body structure) P17390 - 0 P genital system CBB4E7C5C61F433197C10E2885D15B0A Urethra and vulva (combined site) (body structure) 17391 17391 17391 urethra and vagina S17391 E17391 110847000 Urethra and vagina (combined site) (body structure) P17391 - 0 P urinary system 5668FC9E83934BB2BA68A7EDA4724358 Urethra and vagina (combined site) (body structure) 17392 17392 17392 urethra and scrotum S17392 E17392 110848005 Urethra and scrotum (combined site) (body structure) P17392 - 0 P urinary system BA1701F8318D4AAEA71FB89B857F4024 Urethra and scrotum (combined site) (body structure) 17393 17393 17393 urethra and perineum S17393 E17393 110849002 Urethra and perineum (combined site) (body structure) P17393 - 0 P urinary system 5B35A031344E4CB49F53F6E1A41783E4 Urethra and perineum (combined site) (body structure) 17394 17394 17394 fallopian tube, broad ligament, parametrium and parovarian region S17394 E17394 110850002 Fallopian tube, broad ligament, parametrium and parovarian region (combined site) (body structure) P17394 - 0 P genital system FD991D3333EF4E2DB0CFA99F7239BB93 Fallopian tube, broad ligament, parametrium and parovarian region (combined site) (body structure) 17395 17395 17395 fallopian tubes and abdominal wall S17395 E17395 110851003 Fallopian tubes and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) P17395 - 0 P genital system A674721D68B04D3CA48BC7979E35E6EA Fallopian tubes and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) 17396 17396 17396 prostate and urinary bladder S17396 E17396 110852005 Prostate and urinary bladder (combined site) (body structure) P17396 - 0 P genital system 6449F01E490E42B6B6DAA5AEA52FD1F1 Prostate and urinary bladder (combined site) (body structure) 17397 17397 17397 cranium and face S17397 E17397 110853000 Cranium and face (combined site) (body structure) P17397 - 0 P skeletal system 0B8AC3E0496C452D94D7B02BD38F5B10 Cranium and face (combined site) (body structure) 17398 17398 17398 mother and fetus S17398 E17398 110854006 Mother and fetus (combined site) (body structure) P17398 - 0 P regional/topgraphical/group FAA56FE5D6F84F17A6A4F8D26184D5A7 Mother and fetus (combined site) (body structure) 17399 17399 17399 jejunum and skin S17399 E17399 110855007 Jejunum and skin (combined site) (body structure) P17399 - 0 P digestive system 5D35920DB67F4CFA912CD18134DCE88A Jejunum and skin (combined site) (body structure) 17400 17400 17400 jejunum and abdominal wall S17400 E17400 110856008 Jejunum and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) P17400 - 0 P digestive system 4386DA935D92408486074B716025D058 Jejunum and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) 17401 17401 17401 ileum and skin S17401 E17401 110857004 Ileum and skin (combined site) (body structure) P17401 - 0 P digestive system 94034CC1D67A4ADBA6F2EC21A206C7B1 Ileum and skin (combined site) (body structure) 17402 17402 17402 ileum and abdominal wall S17402 E17402 110858009 Ileum and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) P17402 - 0 P digestive system AA274A0DADB94B07ADEED98F8A4BEAE5 Ileum and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) 17403 17403 17403 esophagus and thoracic wall S17403 E17403 110859001 Esophagus and thoracic wall (combined site) (body structure) P17403 - 0 P digestive system 27AD13C246C34546BB96B1D1D16B71CD Esophagus and thoracic wall (combined site) (body structure) 17404 17404 17404 esophagus and abdominal wall S17404 E17404 110860006 Esophagus and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) P17404 - 0 P digestive system 4C79EC1DEF4246F8BD8E3F52E8870A30 Esophagus and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) 17405 17405 17405 esophagus, stomach and duodenum S17405 E17405 110861005 Esophagus, stomach and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) P17405 - 0 P digestive system 5017BDEEF0944DDD9ED3DAFBEFBB1355 Esophagus, stomach and duodenum (combined site) (body structure) 17406 17406 17406 stomach and skin S17406 E17406 110862003 Stomach and skin (combined site) (body structure) P17406 - 0 P digestive system 29D465F3D83746FAAD9FAEE130D5BA99 Stomach and skin (combined site) (body structure) 17407 17407 17407 stomach and abdominal wall S17407 E17407 110863008 Stomach and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) P17407 - 0 P digestive system F4226FEC12BC46D9BCE562668B8D6179 Stomach and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) 17408 17408 17408 duodenum and abdominal wall S17408 E17408 110864002 Duodenum and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) P17408 - 0 P digestive system DF5B2552820A495CA8CB2B6A7DAC9E2C Duodenum and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) 17409 17409 17409 liver and abdominal wall S17409 E17409 110865001 Liver and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) P17409 - 0 P digestive system 1A65086EBB07462E8D279C3605740EF3 Liver and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) 17410 17410 17410 renal pelvis and skin S17410 E17410 110866000 Renal pelvis and skin (combined site) (body structure) P17410 - 0 P integumentary system 1B1F9B8D5E96404BB984BDA06A8675BD Renal pelvis and skin (combined site) (body structure) 17411 17411 17411 right renal pelvis and skin S17411 E17411 110867009 Right renal pelvis and skin (combined site) (body structure) P17411 R 0 P integumentary system B818D2886788449A9AB407002A515EE7 Right renal pelvis and skin (combined site) (body structure) 17412 17412 17412 left renal pelvis and skin S17412 E17412 110868004 Left renal pelvis and skin (combined site) (body structure) P17412 L 0 P integumentary system B43E6AE16DC3499DB71D352CC0BAED5F Left renal pelvis and skin (combined site) (body structure) 17413 17413 17413 colon and skin S17413 E17413 110869007 Colon and skin (combined site) (body structure) P17413 - 0 P integumentary system 11E239E013E342688F319AE1673F432A Colon and skin (combined site) (body structure) 17414 17414 17414 colon and abdominal wall S17414 E17414 110870008 Colon and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) P17414 - 0 P digestive system 44F898702BD04EB389A96720E2BB06ED Colon and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) 17415 17415 17415 cecum and abdominal wall S17415 E17415 110871007 Cecum and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) P17415 - 0 P digestive system 8C51520505AA47FC85EE8C9FCC334FCA Cecum and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) 17416 17416 17416 sigmoid colon and abdominal wall S17416 E17416 110872000 Sigmoid colon and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) P17416 - 0 P digestive system 40EEB7577AD94995BA1E0604D51C9522 Sigmoid colon and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) 17417 17417 17417 ureter and common iliac artery S17417 E17417 110873005 Ureter and common iliac artery (combined site) (body structure) P17417 - 0 P urinary system 6B22A9A24189409FA3758E7CCD5506A4 Ureter and common iliac artery (combined site) (body structure) 17418 17418 17418 urinary bladder and abdominal wall S17418 E17418 110874004 Urinary bladder and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) P17418 - 0 P urinary system 1CD944B6CEEF45CF99C304D0F063503D Urinary bladder and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) 17419 17419 17419 rectum and skin S17419 E17419 110875003 Rectum and skin (combined site) (body structure) P17419 - 0 P digestive system 156C4B31E2E7453C8118C4916954CC15 Rectum and skin (combined site) (body structure) 17420 17420 17420 rectum and abdominal wall S17420 E17420 110876002 Rectum and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) P17420 - 0 P digestive system 405BB9A99B0845768AF93A9C0AAAC20E Rectum and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) 17421 17421 17421 urethra and genital system S17421 E17421 110878001 Urethra and genital system (combined site) (body structure) P17421 - 0 P genital system 8F0A7370CA3A42AEBA891232FF024759 Urethra and genital system (combined site) (body structure) 17422 17422 17422 urethra and male genital system S17422 E17422 110879009 Urethra and male genital system (combined site) (body structure) P17422 - 0 P genital system 0D85A2849F4344248A64DE3870D3928A Urethra and male genital system (combined site) (body structure) 17423 17423 17423 urethra and female genital system S17423 E17423 110880007 Urethra and female genital system (combined site) (body structure) P17423 - 0 P genital system 424E7C308013498F907077763D3D0DFE Urethra and female genital system (combined site) (body structure) 17424 17424 17424 urethra and urethral meatus, female S17424 E17424 110881006 Urethra and urethral meatus, female (combined site) (body structure) P17424 - 0 P genitourinary system 39A0AEB5BE604DEFBA9E3B099E35DD45 Urethra and urethral meatus, female (combined site) (body structure) 17425 17425 17425 urethra and urethral meatus, male to female sex-change S17425 E17425 110882004 Urethra and urethral meatus, male to female sex-change (combined site) (body structure) P17425 - 0 P regional/topgraphical/group B1240580B6424D6AB7B4B5B338B699A8 Urethra and urethral meatus, male to female sex-change (combined site) (body structure) 17426 17426 17426 urethra and dorsal skin of penis S17426 E17426 110883009 Urethra and dorsal skin of penis (combined site) (body structure) P17426 - 0 P urinary system B7309B6658EE41A49C2BB9E6FDF93D75 Urethra and dorsal skin of penis (combined site) (body structure) 17427 17427 17427 urethra and ventral skin of penis S17427 E17427 110884003 Urethra and ventral skin of penis (combined site) (body structure) P17427 - 0 P urinary system 9F52EB48C501417394423E1B089822FA Urethra and ventral skin of penis (combined site) (body structure) 17428 17428 17428 penis and vagina S17428 E17428 110885002 Penis and vagina (combined site) (body structure) P17428 - 0 P genital system 35A5E06C3C114C6AA5A4838AD1936EE1 Penis and vagina (combined site) (body structure) 17429 17429 17429 ovary and testis S17429 E17429 110886001 Ovary and testis (combined site) (body structure) P17429 - 0 P genital system 6542EC69E2D04BE99775F169B5F1B9DF Ovary and testis (combined site) (body structure) 17430 17430 17430 epididymis, vas deferens, spermatic cord and scrotum S17430 E17430 110887005 Epididymis, vas deferens, spermatic cord and scrotum (combined site) (body structure) P17430 - 0 P genital system 9E123FFC78054E258EEFD406338483E7 Epididymis, vas deferens, spermatic cord and scrotum (combined site) (body structure) 17431 17431 17431 vulva, labia, clitoris and Bartholin's gland S17431 E17431 110888000 Vulva, labia, clitoris and Bartholin's gland (combined site) (body structure) P17431 - 0 P integumentary system 34AA37C362A448C2B0D91F19DB689936 Vulva, labia, clitoris and Bartholin's gland (combined site) (body structure) 17432 17432 17432 vagina and abdominal wall S17432 E17432 110889008 Vagina and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) P17432 - 0 P genital system 5F0354AD03EB42AEB55EB73DBF11F2EA Vagina and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) 17433 17433 17433 vagina, bladder and intestine S17433 E17433 110890004 Vagina, bladder and intestine (combined site) (body structure) P17433 - 0 P digestive system C126F2FBCAFC4EE08A5191E5B1591A12 Vagina, bladder and intestine (combined site) (body structure) 17434 17434 17434 uterus and abdominal wall S17434 E17434 110891000 Uterus and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) P17434 - 0 P genital system 3EB52CFA719247BF95C6CBD5C4E1FBDF Uterus and abdominal wall (combined site) (body structure) 17435 17435 17435 parabasal body S17435 E17435 110892007 Parabasal body (cell) P17435 - P cell 43E88E21E34E48DAB39188505452933C Parabasal body (cell) 17436 17436 17436 fetus and placenta S17436 E17436 110972004 Fetus and placenta (combined site) (body structure) P17436 - 0 P regional/topgraphical/group CFFCD236B361413E84DCEC63435E8472 Fetus and placenta (combined site) (body structure) 17437 17437 17437 placenta, umbilical cord and implantation site S17437 E17437 110973009 Placenta, umbilical cord and implantation site (combined site) (body structure) P17437 - P genital system A966F94FF78E47398E0F4E180FD5D036 Placenta, umbilical cord and implantation site (combined site) (body structure) 17438 17438 17438 placental fluids and spaces S17438 E17438 110974003 Placental fluids and spaces (combined site) (body structure) P17438 - P regional/topgraphical/group 4FBB6EC85D114C9A9A4EAC20F75CD130 Placental fluids and spaces (combined site) (body structure) 17439 17439 17439 fetal back and buttocks S17439 E17439 110976001 Fetal back and buttocks (combined site) (body structure) P17439 - 0 P skeletal system 76CE9CD9A14B49DFBF3A820A01BCB14A Fetal back and buttocks (combined site) (body structure) 17440 17440 17440 spinal cord and peripheral nerve S17440 E17440 110978000 Spinal cord and peripheral nerve (combined site) (body structure) P17440 - P nervous system A0596C4439164FD69239A8858F1A7503 Spinal cord and peripheral nerve (combined site) (body structure) 17441 17441 17441 bite cell S17441 E17441 111013009 Bite cell (cell) P17441 - P cell E051E1BAB85449309A42F8BA2A9DB112 Bite cell (cell) 17442 17442 17442 B lymphocyte S17442 E17442 112130006 B lymphocyte (cell) P17442 - 62869 P immune system B6B54B8A4F324042A379A8FAE1DEC5C3 B lymphocyte (cell) 17443 17443 17443 tadpole cell S17443 E17443 112657009 Tadpole cell (cell) P17443 - P cell F9A406CB03984547BF020B96C3C27E70 Tadpole cell (cell) 17444 17444 17444 target cell S17444 E17444 112660002 Target cell (cell) P17444 - P cell BBD907DEA9DA4BEBB6C78332F2AADDC1 Target cell (cell) 17445 17445 17445 hairy cell S17445 E17445 112661003 Hairy cell (cell) P17445 - P cell B97ABE47910241B4A3DCF5ED1F62F4D5 Hairy cell (cell) 17446 17446 17446 pituitary adrenocorticotropic cell S17446 E17446 113332000 Pituitary adrenocorticotropic cell (cell) P17446 - 83098 P cell 72FA992BB7DB42EC8E2EA7C7868236C1 Pituitary adrenocorticotropic cell (cell) 17447 17447 17447 orthochromic normoblast S17447 E17447 113334004 Orthochromic normoblast (cell) P17447 - P cell 045C5AE2332C44EDB029008DE2B92988 Orthochromic normoblast (cell) 17448 17448 17448 plasma cell S17448 E17448 113335003 Plasma cell (cell) P17448 - 70574 P immune system 69A24CA90A804012AC705D2BE2284F2A Plasma cell (cell) 17449 17449 17449 inner hair cell S17449 E17449 11520008 Inner hair cell (cell) P17449 Y 62365 P nervous system DF972945AC314404AF5B8C43A3259223 Inner hair cell (cell) 17450 17450 17450 CD3+CD4+ T Lymphocyte S17450 E17450 115396002 CD3+CD4+ T Lymphocyte (cell) P17450 - P immune system DE3BA08F3CAC4376A401DFDFA5372E8A CD3+CD4+ T Lymphocyte (cell) 17451 17451 17451 CD4+CD25+ T Lymphocyte S17451 E17451 115399009 CD4+CD25+ T Lymphocyte (cell) P17451 - P immune system 7A971C13B2C348898D203734DABE091E CD4+CD25+ T Lymphocyte (cell) 17452 17452 17452 CD4+CD29+ T Lymphocyte S17452 E17452 115401003 CD4+CD29+ T Lymphocyte (cell) P17452 - P immune system 28C24585561146489A3861F31CC0747D CD4+CD29+ T Lymphocyte (cell) 17453 17453 17453 CD4+CD45RA+ T Lymphocyte S17453 E17453 115403000 CD4+CD45RA+ T Lymphocyte (cell) P17453 - P immune system 873ACD3D45E64F69AC66544CBD01A207 CD4+CD45RA+ T Lymphocyte (cell) 17454 17454 17454 CD4+HLA-DR+ T Lymphocyte S17454 E17454 115405007 CD4+HLA-DR+ T Lymphocyte (cell) P17454 - P immune system 42A95CE7CD17428EA6CE6BDE203771A6 CD4+HLA-DR+ T Lymphocyte (cell) 17455 17455 17455 CD4+ T Lymphocyte S17455 E17455 115412003 CD4+ T Lymphocyte (cell) P17455 - P immune system 8B7E564DD45A41B6BB054AA82C1F16A7 CD4+ T Lymphocyte (cell) 17456 17456 17456 CD8+CD11a+ T Lymphocyte S17456 E17456 115413008 CD8+CD11a+ T Lymphocyte (cell) P17456 - P immune system 8AE9DA47C1264509BC25A883A4113AE7 CD8+CD11a+ T Lymphocyte (cell) 17457 17457 17457 CD8+CD11b+ T Lymphocyte S17457 E17457 115414002 CD8+CD11b+ T Lymphocyte (cell) P17457 - P immune system A103DBCD5927454B94325C7366EBDE34 CD8+CD11b+ T Lymphocyte (cell) 17458 17458 17458 CD16+CD57- T Lymphocyte S17458 E17458 115415001 CD16+CD57- T Lymphocyte (cell) P17458 - P immune system 81A66472402D437A87B7133B9158C2CD CD16+CD57- T Lymphocyte (cell) 17459 17459 17459 CD16+CD57+T Lymphocyte S17459 E17459 115416000 CD16+CD57+T Lymphocyte (cell) P17459 - P immune system D5DFE037195B41AA915DC26595BD1731 CD16+CD57+T Lymphocyte (cell) 17460 17460 17460 CD19+ B Lymphocyte S17460 E17460 115417009 CD19+ B Lymphocyte (cell) P17460 - P immune system D67B6EAE2146490E8FC542CAF5E3B1AD CD19+ B Lymphocyte (cell) 17461 17461 17461 unidentified cell S17461 E17461 115425006 Unidentified cell (cell) P17461 - P cell 9538D0149ADF42E4A69FB4096FDA764A Unidentified cell (cell) 17462 17462 17462 renal epithelial cell S17462 E17462 115593006 Renal epithelial cell (cell) P17462 Y P cell EC764E255945455F9957CDB3450093E1 Renal epithelial cell (cell) 17463 17463 17463 bladder epithelial cell S17463 E17463 115596003 Bladder epithelial cell (cell) P17463 - P cell C0243E2F5F5A466CA49ECC5E157FBC9F Bladder epithelial cell (cell) 17464 17464 17464 IgA B lymphocyte S17464 E17464 115603005 IgA B lymphocyte (cell) P17464 - P immune system 791FAF7FC02244F2AA4D95944C725CDA IgA B lymphocyte (cell) 17465 17465 17465 IgD B lymphocyte S17465 E17465 115604004 IgD B lymphocyte (cell) P17465 - P immune system D32B0991E84647B0B40806FE299C160C IgD B lymphocyte (cell) 17466 17466 17466 IgE B lymphocyte S17466 E17466 115605003 IgE B lymphocyte (cell) P17466 - P immune system B5733E684F274B46B6AE91F23751A608 IgE B lymphocyte (cell) 17467 17467 17467 IgG B lymphocyte S17467 E17467 115606002 IgG B lymphocyte (cell) P17467 - P immune system C0D0208CF65F41D3A09DF0D730654BA1 IgG B lymphocyte (cell) 17468 17468 17468 IgM B lymphocyte S17468 E17468 115607006 IgM B lymphocyte (cell) P17468 - P immune system E7A87CFE365F4194A00B993839BF2BFD IgM B lymphocyte (cell) 17469 17469 17469 early erythroblast S17469 E17469 115610004 Early erythroblast (cell) P17469 - 83505 P cell 5E75A36C06EF4B1F81468A60A4FF71EE Early erythroblast (cell) 17470 17470 17470 nonhematic cell S17470 E17470 115611000 Nonhematic cell (cell) P17470 - P cell 7920E66066AF48FF97E5A2927BB4BC91 Nonhematic cell (cell) 17471 17471 17471 combined site 116007004 S17471 Combined site (body structure) E17471 P17471 - P regional/topgraphical/group DB22133F3A9D454889B570F15259CD14 Combined site 17472 17472 17472 kidney and adrenal gland S17472 E17472 116210000 Kidney and adrenal gland (combined site) (body structure) P17472 Y P endocrine system 18F7B13EC6644ABA876432FB07EDD775 Kidney and adrenal gland (combined site) (body structure) 17473 17473 17473 right kidney and right adrenal gland S17473 E17473 116211001 Right kidney and right adrenal gland (combined site) (body structure) P17473 R P endocrine system ABA8EE91434F4F3D81496856DBC1FA43 Right kidney and right adrenal gland (combined site) (body structure) 17474 17474 17474 left kidney and left adrenal gland S17474 E17474 116212008 Left kidney and left adrenal gland (combined site) (body structure) P17474 L P endocrine system 63C09FCE5EFB4C2C907A31CB6C297C68 Left kidney and left adrenal gland (combined site) (body structure) 17475 17475 17475 mononuclear cell (histiocyte, lymphocyte, plasma cell) S17475 E17475 116711000 Mononuclear cell (histiocyte, lymphocyte, plasma cell) (cell) P17475 - P reticuloendothelial system ABB01340179741A58747B5590E9C01CB Mononuclear cell (histiocyte, lymphocyte, plasma cell) (cell) 17476 17476 17476 polymorphonuclear leukocyte S17476 E17476 116712007 Polymorphonuclear leukocyte (cell) P17476 - 62860 P immune system 6F66441E92944D4381523A5ABCF5A1B8 Polymorphonuclear leukocyte (cell) 17477 17477 17477 CD3+CD8+ Lymphocyte S17477 E17477 116725004 CD3+CD8+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17477 - P immune system A47DB72093254FB6805A920C9419C4F9 CD3+CD8+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17478 17478 17478 CD16+CD57+ Lymphocyte S17478 E17478 116729005 CD16+CD57+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17478 - P immune system D8E8F8CCA46140F6A2B2464D8F63453B CD16+CD57+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17479 17479 17479 CD3-CD16+CD56+ Lymphocyte S17479 E17479 116730000 CD3-CD16+CD56+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17479 - P immune system 7B4A68BE921D47B8A5C560B6BF013BCE CD3-CD16+CD56+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17480 17480 17480 CD25+CD19+ Lymphocyte S17480 E17480 116731001 CD25+CD19+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17480 - P immune system 7C7FDA01FFB74B2199156737DA3D7F53 CD25+CD19+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17481 17481 17481 CD56+ Lymphocyte S17481 E17481 116732008 CD56+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17481 - P immune system EC4F888D13364078BB7249A35477A8CE CD56+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17482 17482 17482 CD34+ Lymphocyte S17482 E17482 116733003 CD34+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17482 - P immune system 5802629C3A8A46488E50A3308EC28A1D CD34+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17483 17483 17483 CD3-CD19+ Lymphocyte S17483 E17483 116734009 CD3-CD19+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17483 - P immune system 70E7AD9C1D6B421FA9EC0A12B266D173 CD3-CD19+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17484 17484 17484 CD8+CD25+ Lymphocyte S17484 E17484 116735005 CD8+CD25+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17484 - P immune system 6D8214532AE24949A04A209204E9A549 CD8+CD25+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17485 17485 17485 CD3+ cell S17485 E17485 116744006 CD3+ cell (cell) P17485 - P cell 0C6386F538294EBABEA9493214FAC250 CD3+ cell (cell) 17486 17486 17486 CD4+ cell S17486 E17486 116745007 CD4+ cell (cell) P17486 - P cell BCCD6C59CAE44FA9B81D2AAC19862DFF CD4+ cell (cell) 17487 17487 17487 CD5+ cell S17487 E17487 116746008 CD5+ cell (cell) P17487 - P cell 91EC516743994F57A2D21832BDC7D57B CD5+ cell (cell) 17488 17488 17488 CD7+ cell S17488 E17488 116747004 CD7+ cell (cell) P17488 - P cell 3190852B4C45491A9573727C69F1315B CD7+ cell (cell) 17489 17489 17489 CD11C+ cell S17489 E17489 116750001 CD11C+ cell (cell) P17489 - P cell 577025FC9C3D4416804BD04B635837E0 CD11C+ cell (cell) 17490 17490 17490 CD13+ cell S17490 E17490 116751002 CD13+ cell (cell) P17490 - P cell 3EFE8B84F53E4A57807E0C44616494FB CD13+ cell (cell) 17491 17491 17491 CD14+ cell S17491 E17491 116752009 CD14+ cell (cell) P17491 - P cell D315CAFD53174B5E800A70C5EF9D1F9D CD14+ cell (cell) 17492 17492 17492 CD19+ cell S17492 E17492 116753004 CD19+ cell (cell) P17492 - P cell A7617CEBC744494BB5712289B5D5FE1C CD19+ cell (cell) 17493 17493 17493 CD20+ cell S17493 E17493 116754005 CD20+ cell (cell) P17493 - P cell 92E03CEE0B0242E38F9B79CB94DC3997 CD20+ cell (cell) 17494 17494 17494 CD23+ cell S17494 E17494 116755006 CD23+ cell (cell) P17494 - P cell 1992D2058E464CCA906AB9478F98100C CD23+ cell (cell) 17495 17495 17495 CD8+HLA-DR+ Lymphocyte S17495 E17495 116815002 CD8+HLA-DR+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17495 - P immune system DFA7D0D14F7C4026A4BD015EEA6AF8F5 CD8+HLA-DR+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17496 17496 17496 CD8+CD56+ Lymphocyte S17496 E17496 116816001 CD8+CD56+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17496 - P immune system 4CBA90F26A5B493F9053C60F236468B2 CD8+CD56+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17497 17497 17497 CD8+CD38+ Lymphocyte S17497 E17497 116817005 CD8+CD38+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17497 - P immune system 36E489A23A3146BCB3955DF4FDD5CDBF CD8+CD38+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17498 17498 17498 CD5+CD25+ Lymphocyte S17498 E17498 116818000 CD5+CD25+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17498 - P immune system AD5B727FCBA1429E999049F68C7B0C90 CD5+CD25+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17499 17499 17499 CD22+ Lymphocyte S17499 E17499 116819008 CD22+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17499 - P immune system 774BE2324392410B9A0E3FC0C5DF492B CD22+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17500 17500 17500 CD33+ cell S17500 E17500 116825007 CD33+ cell (cell) P17500 - P cell B58362E935A24CF693550D96FBEC3052 CD33+ cell (cell) 17501 17501 17501 CD34+ cell S17501 E17501 116826008 CD34+ cell (cell) P17501 - P cell 45A3DBD271D445B6AC1B329557718DE1 CD34+ cell (cell) 17502 17502 17502 CD38+ cell S17502 E17502 116827004 CD38+ cell (cell) P17502 - P cell AE6E6D60595141D9AAE61C5143DD83B1 CD38+ cell (cell) 17503 17503 17503 CD56+ cell S17503 E17503 116828009 CD56+ cell (cell) P17503 - P cell D8C6BC7EF21B45DE8027F028BE35BF32 CD56+ cell (cell) 17504 17504 17504 CD61+ cell S17504 E17504 116829001 CD61+ cell (cell) P17504 - P cell FC409FC6A80447B0B270BC87C1A30942 CD61+ cell (cell) 17505 17505 17505 CD71+ cell S17505 E17505 116830006 CD71+ cell (cell) P17505 - P cell 10C20CC06099491EBFEBEDF17D7D7923 CD71+ cell (cell) 17506 17506 17506 FMC-7+ cell S17506 E17506 116831005 FMC-7+ cell (cell) P17506 - P cell 98802060D95647438308D140FEEE3FF1 FMC-7+ cell (cell) 17507 17507 17507 CD43+ cell S17507 E17507 116833008 CD43+ cell (cell) P17507 - P cell A9461F3823814B0AABC097946CC1AE0D CD43+ cell (cell) 17508 17508 17508 CD7+CD3- Lymphocyte S17508 E17508 116840009 CD7+CD3- Lymphocyte (cell) P17508 - P immune system 01638CF2639747538C8864E53B9B65BD CD7+CD3- Lymphocyte (cell) 17509 17509 17509 CD16+CD56+CD3- Lymphocyte S17509 E17509 116841008 CD16+CD56+CD3- Lymphocyte (cell) P17509 - P immune system 7851B30AE7DC49F8AEC12DCCCF02B862 CD16+CD56+CD3- Lymphocyte (cell) 17510 17510 17510 CD20+ Lymphocyte S17510 E17510 116842001 CD20+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17510 - P immune system F505D198B0FE40A5A4250E989D99B56B CD20+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17511 17511 17511 CD21+ Lymphocyte S17511 E17511 116843006 CD21+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17511 - P immune system AD7B7157564144C38D92F58B42E0D6A0 CD21+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17512 17512 17512 CD25+ Lymphocyte S17512 E17512 116844000 CD25+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17512 - P immune system FF692B655DD84347BCD818DB9CD35D4F CD25+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17513 17513 17513 CD38+ Lymphocyte S17513 E17513 116845004 CD38+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17513 - P immune system 5E4F95DB84F845FD876AD6CA5850E576 CD38+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17514 17514 17514 CD71+ Lymphocyte S17514 E17514 116846003 CD71+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17514 - P immune system 4EC321883A2846AE96C73FE45A40C240 CD71+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17515 17515 17515 CD11C+CD20+ Lymphocyte S17515 E17515 116847007 CD11C+CD20+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17515 - P immune system 1520F885989F44D680CE0D00C2B38766 CD11C+CD20+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17516 17516 17516 CD10+ Lymphocyte S17516 E17516 116848002 CD10+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17516 - P immune system A99796BD75E64D64B8686449A3DFCE5C CD10+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17517 17517 17517 CD11C+ Lymphocyte S17517 E17517 116849005 CD11C+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17517 - P immune system E40301E6CEFA42AF986DD5501D301C06 CD11C+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17518 17518 17518 CD1+ Lymphocyte S17518 E17518 116850005 CD1+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17518 - P immune system 4C4BC76621B5491CBAD06BE224C71B77 CD1+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17519 17519 17519 CD19+ Lymphocyte S17519 E17519 116851009 CD19+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17519 - P immune system 32A051F99215438A9D659B0CBAC62BCB CD19+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17520 17520 17520 CD3+ Lymphocyte S17520 E17520 116852002 CD3+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17520 - P immune system 79C6750D072C4EA0940CEB4BD6DB9F45 CD3+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17521 17521 17521 CD45+ Lymphocyte S17521 E17521 116853007 CD45+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17521 - P immune system 082C3F512F374543A1653D3BFA96CFC7 CD45+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17522 17522 17522 CD5+ Lymphocyte S17522 E17522 116854001 CD5+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17522 - P immune system 004A1039F4F44B50B990A2E4E25AFBB4 CD5+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17523 17523 17523 CD57+ Lymphocyte S17523 E17523 116855000 CD57+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17523 - P immune system D281BBCCE78341ADB3E87842AF551F83 CD57+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17524 17524 17524 CD3+CD25+ Lymphocyte S17524 E17524 116856004 CD3+CD25+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17524 - P immune system 64D5E707BF5B45D5994806F49E527BDB CD3+CD25+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17526 17526 17526 CD35+ Lymphocyte S17526 E17526 117035005 CD35+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17526 - P immune system 423738778C944816B486DA5B87E9DAC1 CD35+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17527 17527 17527 oval macrocyte S17527 E17527 117170009 Oval macrocyte (cell) P17527 - P cell A9933850B5D343F6A58F2ED3EB43990C Oval macrocyte (cell) 17528 17528 17528 renal tubular epithelial cell S17528 E17528 117287000 Renal tubular epithelial cell (cell) P17528 Y P cell AB0157EB24E544CCB0774FF1F2832A9E Renal tubular epithelial cell (cell) 17529 17529 17529 immature plasma cell S17529 E17529 117293008 Immature plasma cell (cell) P17529 - P immune system 9137D4CF240E48ECAB9DDCC76F5DF943 Immature plasma cell (cell) 17530 17530 17530 CD42B+ lymphocyte S17530 E17530 117366008 CD42B+ lymphocyte (cell) P17530 - P immune system ADA627CCFB7C466AB76065D8C2675B97 CD42B+ lymphocyte (cell) 17531 17531 17531 CD42C+ lymphocyte S17531 E17531 117367004 CD42C+ lymphocyte (cell) P17531 - P immune system EF809B082CEA49EC9A14D0BD149E8E75 CD42C+ lymphocyte (cell) 17532 17532 17532 CD42D+ lymphocyte S17532 E17532 117368009 CD42D+ lymphocyte (cell) P17532 - P immune system 92BC449A4D744C9382BE2884FD787F00 CD42D+ lymphocyte (cell) 17533 17533 17533 CD43+ lymphocyte S17533 E17533 117369001 CD43+ lymphocyte (cell) P17533 - P immune system AFB8DE339B62441AA384A4B7F2BE7F9F CD43+ lymphocyte (cell) 17534 17534 17534 CD44+ lymphocyte S17534 E17534 117370000 CD44+ lymphocyte (cell) P17534 - P immune system 6E5B5403CB7F4C519D6BEB0A66649706 CD44+ lymphocyte (cell) 17535 17535 17535 CD44R+ lymphocyte S17535 E17535 117371001 CD44R+ lymphocyte (cell) P17535 - P immune system 9316FEFD47A349D7A7A2E793694FD73B CD44R+ lymphocyte (cell) 17536 17536 17536 CD45+CD14+ Lymphocyte S17536 E17536 117372008 CD45+CD14+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17536 - P immune system 2FA83CC6BEBF452BADDFB4B5366B151B CD45+CD14+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17537 17537 17537 CD45RA+ lymphocyte S17537 E17537 117373003 CD45RA+ lymphocyte (cell) P17537 - P immune system D22FE8E2C66F4891A5272906D4728FD4 CD45RA+ lymphocyte (cell) 17538 17538 17538 CD45RB+ lymphocyte S17538 E17538 117374009 CD45RB+ lymphocyte (cell) P17538 - P immune system 7FD4E0FB67434AA187CF12E3F5AABD5B CD45RB+ lymphocyte (cell) 17539 17539 17539 CD45RO+ lymphocyte S17539 E17539 117375005 CD45RO+ lymphocyte (cell) P17539 - P immune system 5862E7CF8E54481280BB03350E835DA7 CD45RO+ lymphocyte (cell) 17540 17540 17540 CD46+ lymphocyte S17540 E17540 117376006 CD46+ lymphocyte (cell) P17540 - P immune system FFB912544A814A9988034FA34251C35A CD46+ lymphocyte (cell) 17541 17541 17541 CD47+ lymphocyte S17541 E17541 117377002 CD47+ lymphocyte (cell) P17541 - P immune system 8B9F9F56AC334257A336E9E332F701A0 CD47+ lymphocyte (cell) 17542 17542 17542 CD48+ lymphocyte S17542 E17542 117378007 CD48+ lymphocyte (cell) P17542 - P immune system 5D5A31915AE849A6BA62BB2B8AE14399 CD48+ lymphocyte (cell) 17543 17543 17543 CD49A+ lymphocyte S17543 E17543 117379004 CD49A+ lymphocyte (cell) P17543 - P immune system CA5AC628E21C4A36A93D290F072F6155 CD49A+ lymphocyte (cell) 17544 17544 17544 CD49B+ lymphocyte S17544 E17544 117380001 CD49B+ lymphocyte (cell) P17544 - P immune system 6B5758D92BEE470DA934C18A4C89FC03 CD49B+ lymphocyte (cell) 17545 17545 17545 CD49C+ lymphocyte S17545 E17545 117381002 CD49C+ lymphocyte (cell) P17545 - P immune system 5D63878B67AC46C6BC1C003E4DE5FE86 CD49C+ lymphocyte (cell) 17546 17546 17546 CD49D+ lymphocyte S17546 E17546 117382009 CD49D+ lymphocyte (cell) P17546 - P immune system 695D1B7C980D46F0BAEF66BC580FB76A CD49D+ lymphocyte (cell) 17547 17547 17547 CD49E+ lymphocyte S17547 E17547 117383004 CD49E+ lymphocyte (cell) P17547 - P immune system 0B1CCEA559BA42F186AC69E15F252B6E CD49E+ lymphocyte (cell) 17548 17548 17548 CD49F+ lymphocyte S17548 E17548 117384005 CD49F+ lymphocyte (cell) P17548 - P immune system 553AEC26E2BE4E699C19F7D1C283B916 CD49F+ lymphocyte (cell) 17549 17549 17549 CD50+ lymphocyte S17549 E17549 117385006 CD50+ lymphocyte (cell) P17549 - P immune system E316656D30944206B069EB383744A598 CD50+ lymphocyte (cell) 17550 17550 17550 CD51+ lymphocyte S17550 E17550 117386007 CD51+ lymphocyte (cell) P17550 - P immune system FCB35D65864E4E15A1F8CE84EA5ABFE5 CD51+ lymphocyte (cell) 17551 17551 17551 CD52+ lymphocyte S17551 E17551 117387003 CD52+ lymphocyte (cell) P17551 - P immune system B48968E97B86481594DAD16E60173BE3 CD52+ lymphocyte (cell) 17552 17552 17552 CD53+ lymphocyte S17552 E17552 117388008 CD53+ lymphocyte (cell) P17552 - P immune system 3B0B3372F07A4D678D3234A451E465F3 CD53+ lymphocyte (cell) 17553 17553 17553 CD54+ lymphocyte S17553 E17553 117389000 CD54+ lymphocyte (cell) P17553 - P immune system C9F1EE2E24C446C3B207EDD35B258C99 CD54+ lymphocyte (cell) 17554 17554 17554 CD55+ lymphocyte S17554 E17554 117390009 CD55+ lymphocyte (cell) P17554 - P immune system 7208761F9D5247BD802D6FA97A83DDDE CD55+ lymphocyte (cell) 17555 17555 17555 CD58+ lymphocyte S17555 E17555 117391008 CD58+ lymphocyte (cell) P17555 - P immune system 0F3F6DC292614FFDB0163794D36A6C0B CD58+ lymphocyte (cell) 17556 17556 17556 CD59+ lymphocyte S17556 E17556 117392001 CD59+ lymphocyte (cell) P17556 - P immune system 6C3CAB6012594B08B85582E12C142C73 CD59+ lymphocyte (cell) 17557 17557 17557 CD61+ lymphocyte S17557 E17557 117393006 CD61+ lymphocyte (cell) P17557 - P immune system 1C9F73FBF86D4CE39AE3938A7DBBC9A6 CD61+ lymphocyte (cell) 17558 17558 17558 CD62E+ lymphocyte S17558 E17558 117394000 CD62E+ lymphocyte (cell) P17558 - P immune system 19DFC65294034373881E3874247818B6 CD62E+ lymphocyte (cell) 17559 17559 17559 CD62L+ lymphocyte S17559 E17559 117395004 CD62L+ lymphocyte (cell) P17559 - P immune system 2C12B07D553E48458E40B3DE22E3C00A CD62L+ lymphocyte (cell) 17560 17560 17560 CD62P+ lymphocyte S17560 E17560 117396003 CD62P+ lymphocyte (cell) P17560 - P immune system 3BAB843E5DD941819398025404C237B2 CD62P+ lymphocyte (cell) 17561 17561 17561 CD63+ lymphocyte S17561 E17561 117397007 CD63+ lymphocyte (cell) P17561 - P immune system CAB98D6D195A4942988C6BD24274768D CD63+ lymphocyte (cell) 17562 17562 17562 CD64+ lymphocyte S17562 E17562 117398002 CD64+ lymphocyte (cell) P17562 - P immune system 9889E0A4976B45439798ECBEEC050722 CD64+ lymphocyte (cell) 17563 17563 17563 CD66A+ lymphocyte S17563 E17563 117399005 CD66A+ lymphocyte (cell) P17563 - P immune system 42EF34D8D6B948B2A69C9D2D235CD89D CD66A+ lymphocyte (cell) 17564 17564 17564 CD66B+ lymphocyte S17564 E17564 117400003 CD66B+ lymphocyte (cell) P17564 - P immune system 42C51FE33CEC45B0B88C036820B167C1 CD66B+ lymphocyte (cell) 17565 17565 17565 CD66C+ lymphocyte S17565 E17565 117401004 CD66C+ lymphocyte (cell) P17565 - P immune system 6CA948A6220C4FD489F8E0045AA27F5A CD66C+ lymphocyte (cell) 17566 17566 17566 CD66D+ lymphocyte S17566 E17566 117402006 CD66D+ lymphocyte (cell) P17566 - P immune system 6C99376AB0CA48A19ED8250ED56A1B93 CD66D+ lymphocyte (cell) 17567 17567 17567 CD66E+ lymphocyte S17567 E17567 117403001 CD66E+ lymphocyte (cell) P17567 - P immune system 727BE104F09A4834AABF5BF4D9475027 CD66E+ lymphocyte (cell) 17568 17568 17568 CD68+ lymphocyte S17568 E17568 117404007 CD68+ lymphocyte (cell) P17568 - P immune system 9AFE0AAE31EB47D794645C2017504514 CD68+ lymphocyte (cell) 17569 17569 17569 CD69+ lymphocyte S17569 E17569 117405008 CD69+ lymphocyte (cell) P17569 - P immune system 43D598B9EE334FDC8A925F759699332E CD69+ lymphocyte (cell) 17570 17570 17570 CD72+ lymphocyte S17570 E17570 117406009 CD72+ lymphocyte (cell) P17570 - P immune system B15FBE82E11742E6871D0683A71B619B CD72+ lymphocyte (cell) 17571 17571 17571 CD73+ lymphocyte S17571 E17571 117407000 CD73+ lymphocyte (cell) P17571 - P immune system 0B80F63598084274853755B36F6521C3 CD73+ lymphocyte (cell) 17572 17572 17572 CD74+ lymphocyte S17572 E17572 117408005 CD74+ lymphocyte (cell) P17572 - P immune system 401D8ED2C4D7457A9944EEB798618970 CD74+ lymphocyte (cell) 17573 17573 17573 CD77+ lymphocyte S17573 E17573 117409002 CD77+ lymphocyte (cell) P17573 - P immune system 88A46F9F96FC473388E2FBD3FF2D081C CD77+ lymphocyte (cell) 17574 17574 17574 CD79A+ lymphocyte S17574 E17574 117410007 CD79A+ lymphocyte (cell) P17574 - P immune system 999FD6C2EE7541B49DB3CD323DECA071 CD79A+ lymphocyte (cell) 17575 17575 17575 CD79B+ lymphocyte S17575 E17575 117411006 CD79B+ lymphocyte (cell) P17575 - P immune system 4437906A505543BC9B5136233971717D CD79B+ lymphocyte (cell) 17576 17576 17576 CD80+ lymphocyte S17576 E17576 117412004 CD80+ lymphocyte (cell) P17576 - P immune system C763EF4A51704765ABB64A59E7366F1C CD80+ lymphocyte (cell) 17577 17577 17577 CD82+ lymphocyte S17577 E17577 117413009 CD82+ lymphocyte (cell) P17577 - P immune system D43AF1CDE124495FA8C8ED16C948D776 CD82+ lymphocyte (cell) 17578 17578 17578 CD83+ lymphocyte S17578 E17578 117414003 CD83+ lymphocyte (cell) P17578 - P immune system 629C52930A524BF7B23BABB0D0A00378 CD83+ lymphocyte (cell) 17579 17579 17579 CD85+ lymphocyte S17579 E17579 117415002 CD85+ lymphocyte (cell) P17579 - P immune system 24E954B093AA45A5A17000E03842C5DD CD85+ lymphocyte (cell) 17580 17580 17580 CD86+ lymphocyte S17580 E17580 117416001 CD86+ lymphocyte (cell) P17580 - P immune system 5C68BA9B18A941F5B42A8A68AA1E803F CD86+ lymphocyte (cell) 17581 17581 17581 CD87+ lymphocyte S17581 E17581 117417005 CD87+ lymphocyte (cell) P17581 - P immune system EF183500D1B34039A53A8E9BCA218698 CD87+ lymphocyte (cell) 17582 17582 17582 CD88+ lymphocyte S17582 E17582 117418000 CD88+ lymphocyte (cell) P17582 - P immune system 59999D18D30948CBABD8FA3F4A146E6B CD88+ lymphocyte (cell) 17583 17583 17583 CD91+ lymphocyte S17583 E17583 117419008 CD91+ lymphocyte (cell) P17583 - P immune system 33FFE2A528484F55848258AD9A1AB47F CD91+ lymphocyte (cell) 17584 17584 17584 CD93+ lymphocyte S17584 E17584 117420002 CD93+ lymphocyte (cell) P17584 - P immune system A2D8B74ABBEC4E2A8F302220F3B4BBE1 CD93+ lymphocyte (cell) 17585 17585 17585 CD94+ lymphocyte S17585 E17585 117421003 CD94+ lymphocyte (cell) P17585 - P immune system C79916840C4C42DCB17A36B1EE2BCB90 CD94+ lymphocyte (cell) 17586 17586 17586 CD95+ lymphocyte S17586 E17586 117422005 CD95+ lymphocyte (cell) P17586 - P immune system 1E7711BEFF4B40518D6AA8AAA89BD325 CD95+ lymphocyte (cell) 17587 17587 17587 CD96+ lymphocyte S17587 E17587 117423000 CD96+ lymphocyte (cell) P17587 - P immune system A19C4497F95749FE87C1B7079C66DAAB CD96+ lymphocyte (cell) 17588 17588 17588 CD97+ lymphocyte S17588 E17588 117424006 CD97+ lymphocyte (cell) P17588 - P immune system 74C71887F88D4BC9999F2C170146EDEB CD97+ lymphocyte (cell) 17589 17589 17589 CD98+ lymphocyte S17589 E17589 117425007 CD98+ lymphocyte (cell) P17589 - P immune system B0C6C4488FA6413095E869C0B4924303 CD98+ lymphocyte (cell) 17590 17590 17590 CD99+ lymphocyte S17590 E17590 117426008 CD99+ lymphocyte (cell) P17590 - P immune system 5D1481302ADF4AD1937E3E092B7C57BD CD99+ lymphocyte (cell) 17591 17591 17591 CD100+ lymphocyte S17591 E17591 117427004 CD100+ lymphocyte (cell) P17591 - P immune system 09289C43153B438D95F6D8F021489149 CD100+ lymphocyte (cell) 17592 17592 17592 CD102+ lymphocyte S17592 E17592 117428009 CD102+ lymphocyte (cell) P17592 - P immune system 8DDCC10B79D74884B51FDD019421ACED CD102+ lymphocyte (cell) 17593 17593 17593 CD103+ lymphocyte S17593 E17593 117429001 CD103+ lymphocyte (cell) P17593 - P immune system 3067985ABEE543C1BF69EBFFF5BA8AD2 CD103+ lymphocyte (cell) 17594 17594 17594 CD104+ lymphocyte S17594 E17594 117430006 CD104+ lymphocyte (cell) P17594 - P immune system B092C3E32001419D8715C29FBF5C54C3 CD104+ lymphocyte (cell) 17595 17595 17595 CD105+ lymphocyte S17595 E17595 117431005 CD105+ lymphocyte (cell) P17595 - P immune system 94B17BE99CB342A299A5C0492CD74A37 CD105+ lymphocyte (cell) 17596 17596 17596 CD106+ lymphocyte S17596 E17596 117432003 CD106+ lymphocyte (cell) P17596 - P immune system DF0E9DB2E9664267ACB115DACDC40A0C CD106+ lymphocyte (cell) 17597 17597 17597 CD107A+ lymphocyte S17597 E17597 117433008 CD107A+ lymphocyte (cell) P17597 - P immune system 5B4F463AB43F4C55B46464FCB4D337B7 CD107A+ lymphocyte (cell) 17598 17598 17598 CD107B+ lymphocyte S17598 E17598 117434002 CD107B+ lymphocyte (cell) P17598 - P immune system 8311344A19DD4B7ABB51C370C586F788 CD107B+ lymphocyte (cell) 17599 17599 17599 CD115+ lymphocyte S17599 E17599 117435001 CD115+ lymphocyte (cell) P17599 - P immune system 75A0DA4D3CAD4E018C74ABFF103FD1AB CD115+ lymphocyte (cell) 17600 17600 17600 CD117+ lymphocyte S17600 E17600 117436000 CD117+ lymphocyte (cell) P17600 - P immune system 6E82E08DCB7047BE8B079E6D229BA3DC CD117+ lymphocyte (cell) 17601 17601 17601 CD118+ lymphocyte S17601 E17601 117437009 CD118+ lymphocyte (cell) P17601 - P immune system 05B97235AA894287A650D1591D63592A CD118+ lymphocyte (cell) 17602 17602 17602 CD120A+ lymphocyte S17602 E17602 117438004 CD120A+ lymphocyte (cell) P17602 - P immune system 71A831FBD6844B0C93FC5C7A1BF6A64B CD120A+ lymphocyte (cell) 17603 17603 17603 CD120B+ lymphocyte S17603 E17603 117439007 CD120B+ lymphocyte (cell) P17603 - P immune system BCE13FC9FBD24EBEAD5573DCC9C7FDC7 CD120B+ lymphocyte (cell) 17604 17604 17604 CD122+ lymphocyte S17604 E17604 117440009 CD122+ lymphocyte (cell) P17604 - P immune system 03FC1110C32D43B6A61F309A05CF0F7D CD122+ lymphocyte (cell) 17605 17605 17605 CD126+ lymphocyte S17605 E17605 117441008 CD126+ lymphocyte (cell) P17605 - P immune system D1CE474A274F4B03847BEF38821A3BA1 CD126+ lymphocyte (cell) 17606 17606 17606 CD128+ lymphocyte S17606 E17606 117442001 CD128+ lymphocyte (cell) P17606 - P immune system 6E53B567D6604BDDA22C97A4DF7E0306 CD128+ lymphocyte (cell) 17607 17607 17607 CD198+ lymphocyte S17607 E17607 117443006 CD198+ lymphocyte (cell) P17607 - P immune system D94592F939C9486FB77021C158A134DC CD198+ lymphocyte (cell) 17608 17608 17608 CDA+ lymphocyte S17608 E17608 117501001 CDA+ lymphocyte (cell) P17608 - P immune system 5E262816FD6D4AF682B1F9B2E0A75FCF CDA+ lymphocyte (cell) 17609 17609 17609 CV+ lymphocyte S17609 E17609 117502008 CV+ lymphocyte (cell) P17609 - P immune system 0BD5440DB48E4957A793EA9A06F070BC CV+ lymphocyte (cell) 17610 17610 17610 CYCD3+ lymphocyte S17610 E17610 117503003 CYCD3+ lymphocyte (cell) P17610 - P immune system 1B17D35A74B349F69FD5D4FB5CEA0816 CYCD3+ lymphocyte (cell) 17611 17611 17611 CYCD79+ lymphocyte S17611 E17611 117504009 CYCD79+ lymphocyte (cell) P17611 - P immune system 8A9D60979C704BFA86E09F2738C02535 CYCD79+ lymphocyte (cell) 17612 17612 17612 CYIG MU+ lymphocyte S17612 E17612 117505005 CYIG MU+ lymphocyte (cell) P17612 - P immune system 8746D48BB7AD46C7977C1A83E686FA72 CYIG MU+ lymphocyte (cell) 17613 17613 17613 CYIG+ lymphocyte S17613 E17613 117506006 CYIG+ lymphocyte (cell) P17613 - P immune system 3CFD7F8BAE014107BD5D82CB98FCDD4E CYIG+ lymphocyte (cell) 17614 17614 17614 FMC7+ lymphocyte S17614 E17614 117507002 FMC7+ lymphocyte (cell) P17614 - P immune system 0187A7DEF3C1498FBF60AB7C4CC042B2 FMC7+ lymphocyte (cell) 17615 17615 17615 GPA+ lymphocyte S17615 E17615 117508007 GPA+ lymphocyte (cell) P17615 - P immune system 1E8CD0EAE2054B57ACE533904367ED61 GPA+ lymphocyte (cell) 17616 17616 17616 HLE+ lymphocyte S17616 E17616 117509004 HLE+ lymphocyte (cell) P17616 - P immune system 8C7E116405A040CDAA64B9B318FB6C71 HLE+ lymphocyte (cell) 17617 17617 17617 LEU M3+ lymphocyte S17617 E17617 117510009 LEU M3+ lymphocyte (cell) P17617 - P immune system 6AFA5C5AE36C4170B8F9182B431C7EC0 LEU M3+ lymphocyte (cell) 17618 17618 17618 SMIg lambda+ lymphocyte S17618 E17618 117511008 SMIg lambda+ lymphocyte (cell) P17618 - P immune system 714E5D2B6F4943848B4A7A965FCC8607 SMIg lambda+ lymphocyte (cell) 17619 17619 17619 SMIG+ lymphocyte S17619 E17619 117512001 SMIG+ lymphocyte (cell) P17619 - P immune system C98FF2F1A3DE4DE99FB759FC138C1F9B SMIG+ lymphocyte (cell) 17620 17620 17620 SMIG-CD79+ lymphocyte S17620 E17620 117513006 SMIG-CD79+ lymphocyte (cell) P17620 - P immune system ED07AC178D394726848001692439B580 SMIG-CD79+ lymphocyte (cell) 17621 17621 17621 CD1A+ lymphocyte S17621 E17621 117514000 CD1A+ lymphocyte (cell) P17621 - P immune system 03236F67ECCC4FF3B826E5818C7DD053 CD1A+ lymphocyte (cell) 17622 17622 17622 CD2+ Lymphoblast S17622 E17622 117515004 CD2+ Lymphoblast (cell) P17622 - P cell ADAE6B49AAB746B5B2F448CD5CB66EC1 CD2+ Lymphoblast (cell) 17623 17623 17623 CD2+ Lymphocyte S17623 E17623 117516003 CD2+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17623 - P immune system EC1C3FE175BD4475A53ACE8EBDA9BCC0 CD2+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17624 17624 17624 CD2+CD20+ lymphocyte S17624 E17624 117517007 CD2+CD20+ lymphocyte (cell) P17624 - P immune system C0CB7C9043674CA69481553D0BC697A0 CD2+CD20+ lymphocyte (cell) 17625 17625 17625 CD2+CD26+ Lymphocyte S17625 E17625 117518002 CD2+CD26+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17625 - P immune system FA724B7FCDFF4755BECD2325D854D89E CD2+CD26+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17626 17626 17626 CD3+CD16+ lymphocyte S17626 E17626 117519005 CD3+CD16+ lymphocyte (cell) P17626 - P immune system 12D4D1D5615840B38ECAA4C81F1AF827 CD3+CD16+ lymphocyte (cell) 17627 17627 17627 CD3+CD26+ Lymphocyte S17627 E17627 117520004 CD3+CD26+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17627 - P immune system 82467178CD73492082DED73355C97711 CD3+CD26+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17628 17628 17628 CD3+CD38+ Lymphocyte S17628 E17628 117521000 CD3+CD38+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17628 - P immune system 607E904DA6F6446F843E50885663153E CD3+CD38+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17629 17629 17629 CD3+CD56+ lymphocyte S17629 E17629 117522007 CD3+CD56+ lymphocyte (cell) P17629 - P immune system 39EE96DD91534C959E5193BC87F88DC3 CD3+CD56+ lymphocyte (cell) 17630 17630 17630 CD3+CD69+ lymphocyte S17630 E17630 117523002 CD3+CD69+ lymphocyte (cell) P17630 - P immune system 548F270F4D384E81AE51C819112E6EED CD3+CD69+ lymphocyte (cell) 17631 17631 17631 CD3+DR+ lymphocyte S17631 E17631 117524008 CD3+DR+ lymphocyte (cell) P17631 - P immune system 606F2F1F511240B78D63CDD0A8623BD6 CD3+DR+ lymphocyte (cell) 17632 17632 17632 CD3+HLA-DR+ lymphocyte S17632 E17632 117525009 CD3+HLA-DR+ lymphocyte (cell) P17632 - P immune system 6091F89D26704810B42B68A5C5E28D5B CD3+HLA-DR+ lymphocyte (cell) 17633 17633 17633 CD3+IL2R1+ lymphocyte S17633 E17633 117526005 CD3+IL2R1+ lymphocyte (cell) P17633 - P immune system 6CB6D414433B464BA48C0B79ABA328FC CD3+IL2R1+ lymphocyte (cell) 17634 17634 17634 CD3-CD16+ Lymphocyte S17634 E17634 117527001 CD3-CD16+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17634 - P immune system 2232AF7201354A0983449CB131F3C4E8 CD3-CD16+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17635 17635 17635 CD4+2H4+ lymphocyte S17635 E17635 117528006 CD4+2H4+ lymphocyte (cell) P17635 - P immune system 09C1992D527A4E2787DEE53856A59586 CD4+2H4+ lymphocyte (cell) 17636 17636 17636 CD4+CD69+ lymphocyte S17636 E17636 117529003 CD4+CD69+ lymphocyte (cell) P17636 - P immune system 05A9E42C5564430E864A39EED98A9D7A CD4+CD69+ lymphocyte (cell) 17637 17637 17637 CD4+CD8+ lymphocyte S17637 E17637 117530008 CD4+CD8+ lymphocyte (cell) P17637 - P immune system F49F5B56388843B2863DA2FBCCAA0C50 CD4+CD8+ lymphocyte (cell) 17638 17638 17638 CD5+ Lymphoblast S17638 E17638 117531007 CD5+ Lymphoblast (cell) P17638 - P cell 91172A0C7E954A2C894E33E2C3C82865 CD5+ Lymphoblast (cell) 17639 17639 17639 CD5+CD19+ Lymphocyte S17639 E17639 117532000 CD5+CD19+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17639 - P immune system A9500A599B0744F9A1D460638E48741E CD5+CD19+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17640 17640 17640 CD5+CD2- lymphocyte S17640 E17640 117533005 CD5+CD2- lymphocyte (cell) P17640 - P immune system 021727448C254DCCABE69D1BBFBF121E CD5+CD2- lymphocyte (cell) 17641 17641 17641 CD5+CD20+ Lymphocyte S17641 E17641 117534004 CD5+CD20+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17641 - P immune system 2AA10865504A4327A62BF8B9B6948AE3 CD5+CD20+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17642 17642 17642 CD5+CD8+ Lymphocyte S17642 E17642 117535003 CD5+CD8+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17642 - P immune system 0F49F16177E74BB7BF25DD597C100825 CD5+CD8+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17643 17643 17643 CD6+ lymphocyte S17643 E17643 117536002 CD6+ lymphocyte (cell) P17643 - P immune system FFEC0693162447AEBC26920B0D040AB1 CD6+ lymphocyte (cell) 17644 17644 17644 CD7+ Lymphoblast S17644 E17644 117537006 CD7+ Lymphoblast (cell) P17644 - P cell DBC145E11C4648E699250ABFF4E0A593 CD7+ Lymphoblast (cell) 17645 17645 17645 CD7+ Lymphocyte S17645 E17645 117538001 CD7+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17645 - P immune system 10D09E8A578E47B49A6D20B61B65C67A CD7+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17646 17646 17646 CD8+ Lymphocyte S17646 E17646 117539009 CD8+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17646 - P immune system 9DAE9D7160A94BF5B6971365E4B73B35 CD8+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17647 17647 17647 CD8+CD28+ lymphocyte S17647 E17647 117540006 CD8+CD28+ lymphocyte (cell) P17647 - P immune system 5432E8B8F57D4D03B2F0E47AF924A893 CD8+CD28+ lymphocyte (cell) 17648 17648 17648 CD8+CD57+ Lymphocyte S17648 E17648 117541005 CD8+CD57+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17648 - P immune system 72BD4925607545D7BF6A8FC25C0E5AF1 CD8+CD57+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17649 17649 17649 CD9+ lymphocyte S17649 E17649 117542003 CD9+ lymphocyte (cell) P17649 - P immune system 597096FAEAE24C5C9DE66A22F80D2FE8 CD9+ lymphocyte (cell) 17650 17650 17650 CD10+ Lymphoblast S17650 E17650 117543008 CD10+ Lymphoblast (cell) P17650 - P cell 95C5968317EC4063B1D9E2DACC5A0ABF CD10+ Lymphoblast (cell) 17651 17651 17651 CD10+CD20+ lymphocyte S17651 E17651 117544002 CD10+CD20+ lymphocyte (cell) P17651 - P immune system B7EAC649D8CA416A8EF1291250136B99 CD10+CD20+ lymphocyte (cell) 17652 17652 17652 CD11+ lymphocyte S17652 E17652 117545001 CD11+ lymphocyte (cell) P17652 - P immune system DCDA706334BF492893F263BFF6B1E2F5 CD11+ lymphocyte (cell) 17653 17653 17653 CD11+CD20+ Lymphocyte S17653 E17653 117546000 CD11+CD20+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17653 - P immune system A475250B4F544F74A9D31D82A105BA83 CD11+CD20+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17654 17654 17654 CD11A+ lymphocyte S17654 E17654 117547009 CD11A+ lymphocyte (cell) P17654 - P immune system 155689A73F374D1D818ED66B2072054B CD11A+ lymphocyte (cell) 17655 17655 17655 CD11B+ lymphocyte S17655 E17655 117548004 CD11B+ lymphocyte (cell) P17655 - P immune system 0C41A37AD62C446593FF0CCA6A3F2E59 CD11B+ lymphocyte (cell) 17656 17656 17656 CD12+ lymphocyte S17656 E17656 117549007 CD12+ lymphocyte (cell) P17656 - P immune system 4848610D691A4B918EE3FAC8DB2DDA7B CD12+ lymphocyte (cell) 17657 17657 17657 CD13+ Lymphoblast S17657 E17657 117550007 CD13+ Lymphoblast (cell) P17657 - P cell 3D485836D138428A85DE3A0976D69305 CD13+ Lymphoblast (cell) 17658 17658 17658 CD13+ Lymphocyte S17658 E17658 117551006 CD13+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17658 - P immune system B98F1FAAA9984E8B96A6CEC664ACD96F CD13+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17659 17659 17659 CD14+ Lymphoblast S17659 E17659 117552004 CD14+ Lymphoblast (cell) P17659 - P cell FC23803C2CD5402487F777AE189F258E CD14+ Lymphoblast (cell) 17660 17660 17660 CD15+ lymphocyte S17660 E17660 117553009 CD15+ lymphocyte (cell) P17660 - P immune system E978AFB61D4D49B0902D72D90AEB3306 CD15+ lymphocyte (cell) 17661 17661 17661 CD16+ Lymphocyte S17661 E17661 117554003 CD16+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17661 - P immune system 85134601043546A0A949E46A69B20818 CD16+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17662 17662 17662 CD16+CD56+ lymphocyte S17662 E17662 117555002 CD16+CD56+ lymphocyte (cell) P17662 - P immune system 03C25F3575CD4A07B06175B0C8E0A404 CD16+CD56+ lymphocyte (cell) 17663 17663 17663 CD16B+ lymphocyte S17663 E17663 117556001 CD16B+ lymphocyte (cell) P17663 - P immune system 95AE2E00A6904F17884CD759F5789EE8 CD16B+ lymphocyte (cell) 17664 17664 17664 CD16C+CD56+ Lymphocyte S17664 E17664 117557005 CD16C+CD56+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17664 - P immune system F004BE59F3314F0BBDF90BDD546F8E0C CD16C+CD56+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17665 17665 17665 CD16-CD34+ lymphocyte S17665 E17665 117558000 CD16-CD34+ lymphocyte (cell) P17665 - P immune system 55651CA59DA84E92B096C664E0D89960 CD16-CD34+ lymphocyte (cell) 17666 17666 17666 CD16-CD57+ Lymphocyte S17666 E17666 117559008 CD16-CD57+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17666 - P immune system D9F98DD36D9344D4B2F9EAE7BA4B6EC2 CD16-CD57+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17667 17667 17667 CD17+ lymphocyte S17667 E17667 117560003 CD17+ lymphocyte (cell) P17667 - P immune system CABE39E01A554384B3D8016586837286 CD17+ lymphocyte (cell) 17668 17668 17668 CD18+ lymphocyte S17668 E17668 117561004 CD18+ lymphocyte (cell) P17668 - P immune system 3CB3946D0F4844988127D3CD44AA7A6D CD18+ lymphocyte (cell) 17669 17669 17669 CD19+ Lymphoblast S17669 E17669 117562006 CD19+ Lymphoblast (cell) P17669 - P cell 67F1C15956FE446B846F2DCD68E41D0C CD19+ Lymphoblast (cell) 17670 17670 17670 CD19+SMIG KAPPA+ lymphocyte S17670 E17670 117563001 CD19+SMIG KAPPA+ lymphocyte (cell) P17670 - P immune system BFF61A8C688943A6BA9F0238D3E3B027 CD19+SMIG KAPPA+ lymphocyte (cell) 17671 17671 17671 CD19+SMIG LAMBDA+ lymphocyte S17671 E17671 117564007 CD19+SMIG LAMBDA+ lymphocyte (cell) P17671 - P immune system 6E744DDCA5BB49F38070418323A47E2A CD19+SMIG LAMBDA+ lymphocyte (cell) 17672 17672 17672 CD20+ Lymphoblast S17672 E17672 117565008 CD20+ Lymphoblast (cell) P17672 - P cell 143013F60B9246D5935286D4D3877C59 CD20+ Lymphoblast (cell) 17673 17673 17673 CD22+CD11C+ lymphocyte S17673 E17673 117566009 CD22+CD11C+ lymphocyte (cell) P17673 - P immune system C2E284BB07A64265ADFBFB7A895B7439 CD22+CD11C+ lymphocyte (cell) 17674 17674 17674 CD22+CD19+ lymphocyte S17674 E17674 117567000 CD22+CD19+ lymphocyte (cell) P17674 - P immune system 534C4839308F4AE2A15DBD0170AB1ACF CD22+CD19+ lymphocyte (cell) 17675 17675 17675 CD23+ Lymphocyte S17675 E17675 117568005 CD23+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17675 - P immune system 9662D03620D5487CB17F02A731A88990 CD23+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17676 17676 17676 CD24+ lymphocyte S17676 E17676 117569002 CD24+ lymphocyte (cell) P17676 - P immune system A7FF0169E32F4C7EA8F616CEB9E9708A CD24+ lymphocyte (cell) 17677 17677 17677 CD26+ lymphocyte S17677 E17677 117570001 CD26+ lymphocyte (cell) P17677 - P immune system 5D9F515F81874B8DA3E415ADC5339A21 CD26+ lymphocyte (cell) 17678 17678 17678 CD27+ lymphocyte S17678 E17678 117571002 CD27+ lymphocyte (cell) P17678 - P immune system 5728E3E175E14937A6C02B5C7015644C CD27+ lymphocyte (cell) 17679 17679 17679 CD28+ lymphocyte S17679 E17679 117572009 CD28+ lymphocyte (cell) P17679 - P immune system 1AE73EF904B342E9AADD46E0BB5E51D2 CD28+ lymphocyte (cell) 17680 17680 17680 CD29+ lymphocyte S17680 E17680 117573004 CD29+ lymphocyte (cell) P17680 - P immune system 7D043318A7D648C0A7C2D14C86E681AE CD29+ lymphocyte (cell) 17681 17681 17681 CD30+ lymphocyte S17681 E17681 117574005 CD30+ lymphocyte (cell) P17681 - P immune system 63144D0287944B23842BFD88330894F5 CD30+ lymphocyte (cell) 17682 17682 17682 CD31+ lymphocyte S17682 E17682 117575006 CD31+ lymphocyte (cell) P17682 - P immune system 819B75DC19D845C2975AA9B7717C37E5 CD31+ lymphocyte (cell) 17683 17683 17683 CD32+ lymphocyte S17683 E17683 117576007 CD32+ lymphocyte (cell) P17683 - P immune system C461B13AD98B4D11BEF9BACFF9926A24 CD32+ lymphocyte (cell) 17684 17684 17684 CD33+ Lymphoblast S17684 E17684 117577003 CD33+ Lymphoblast (cell) P17684 - P cell B00753582A2347A6948E5B226541B430 CD33+ Lymphoblast (cell) 17685 17685 17685 CD33+ Lymphocyte S17685 E17685 117578008 CD33+ Lymphocyte (cell) P17685 - P immune system 61D7809ABB5F444B99FED42EA6588F1F CD33+ Lymphocyte (cell) 17686 17686 17686 CD33+CD44+ lymphocyte S17686 E17686 117579000 CD33+CD44+ lymphocyte (cell) P17686 - P immune system A4E58EBE6590423BB824DD95771DEA0B CD33+CD44+ lymphocyte (cell) 17687 17687 17687 CD34+ Lymphoblast S17687 E17687 117580002 CD34+ Lymphoblast (cell) P17687 - P cell 44C861D073C342C29460A2593B7459FE CD34+ Lymphoblast (cell) 17688 17688 17688 CD34+DR+ lymphocyte S17688 E17688 117581003 CD34+DR+ lymphocyte (cell) P17688 - P immune system 90B2250EE882468CA45932A85C465803 CD34+DR+ lymphocyte (cell) 17689 17689 17689 CD36+ lymphocyte S17689 E17689 117582005 CD36+ lymphocyte (cell) P17689 - P immune system CB2707819C884D08B394D72C6E095499 CD36+ lymphocyte (cell) 17690 17690 17690 CD37+ lymphocyte S17690 E17690 117583000 CD37+ lymphocyte (cell) P17690 - P immune system C90C061D075F4D0A8FB2916299961D60 CD37+ lymphocyte (cell) 17691 17691 17691 CD39+ lymphocyte S17691 E17691 117584006 CD39+ lymphocyte (cell) P17691 - P immune system 9B6448579CF549E4A4EFB39A3BBA4A49 CD39+ lymphocyte (cell) 17692 17692 17692 CD40+ lymphocyte S17692 E17692 117585007 CD40+ lymphocyte (cell) P17692 - P immune system B2A0BF830071447F8E76D36E4741FABB CD40+ lymphocyte (cell) 17693 17693 17693 CD41+ lymphocyte S17693 E17693 117586008 CD41+ lymphocyte (cell) P17693 - P immune system B483DCDEE4854BC68C4ACA41FA4E26E7 CD41+ lymphocyte (cell) 17694 17694 17694 CD41A+ lymphocyte S17694 E17694 117587004 CD41A+ lymphocyte (cell) P17694 - P immune system 27D1BA379C4E4F7D99321E2290AE5CDB CD41A+ lymphocyte (cell) 17695 17695 17695 CD42+ lymphocyte S17695 E17695 117588009 CD42+ lymphocyte (cell) P17695 - P immune system 9EE89C0C5F7348D3BC8B24D286DBDF6E CD42+ lymphocyte (cell) 17696 17696 17696 CD42A+ lymphocyte S17696 E17696 117589001 CD42A+ lymphocyte (cell) P17696 - P immune system 63642B7EE1BF49B09222BBA8899CA3F4 CD42A+ lymphocyte (cell) 17697 17697 17697 normal cell S17697 E17697 118957004 Normal cell (cell) P17697 - P cell 27DABEB5A1E140FDAC60C47CECE351CE Normal cell (cell) 17698 17698 17698 Hand-Schuller-Christian histiocyte S17698 E17698 123635008 Hand-Schuller-Christian histiocyte (cell) P17698 - P mononuclear phagocyte system 92699B7807444CB4ABD0D642D7CF50F2 Hand-Schuller-Christian histiocyte (cell) 17699 17699 17699 30 to 39 percent of body surface S17699 E17699 12423009 30 to 39 percent of body surface (body structure) P17699 - P regional/topgraphical 1CD213710A994F2A99E5E697D1479CFA 30 to 39 percent of body surface (body structure) 17700 17700 17700 cytomegalic cell S17700 E17700 125392001 Cytomegalic cell (cell) P17700 - P cell E8829A8D83D743AC8F3139E63E4E3381 Cytomegalic cell (cell) 17701 17701 17701 abnormal macrophage S17701 E17701 127565009 Abnormal macrophage (cell) P17701 - P cell 328C345EBC2744638CF94C5180D32A5D Abnormal macrophage (cell) 17702 17702 17702 epidermal Langerhans cell S17702 E17702 127854005 Epidermal Langerhans cell (cell) P17702 - P hematopoietic system E6BC2DC9FD974713A4B32325D9CEFB34 Epidermal Langerhans cell (cell) 17703 17703 17703 lymphoid precursor cell S17703 E17703 127910003 Lymphoid precursor cell (cell) P17703 - P cell AFB05A923B6C4834831C303821C74EAE Lymphoid precursor cell (cell) 17704 17704 17704 hematopoietic precursor cell S17704 E17704 127911004 Hematopoietic precursor cell (cell) P17704 - P cell AC8EB6A070464113B3037FF45B48A279 Hematopoietic precursor cell (cell) 17705 17705 17705 neutrophilic granulocytic cell S17705 E17705 127913001 Neutrophilic granulocytic cell (cell) P17705 - P cell 0643B3FCF4D44FF88E73F7951B5D3947 Neutrophilic granulocytic cell (cell) 17706 17706 17706 myeloid precursor cell S17706 E17706 127914007 Myeloid precursor cell (cell) P17706 - P cell 4A42663FD35D41F1BB2CB11F6E0DCE47 Myeloid precursor cell (cell) 17707 17707 17707 myelocyte S17707 E17707 127915008 Myelocyte (cell) P17707 - 83525 P cell 3AE710A03E73432591A1B7898B3ADE1C Myelocyte (cell) 17708 17708 17708 eosinophilic granulocytic cell S17708 E17708 127916009 Eosinophilic granulocytic cell (cell) P17708 - P cell 50BEB3506FE84BCB8C84F5D47F542183 Eosinophilic granulocytic cell (cell) 17709 17709 17709 basophilic granulocytic cell S17709 E17709 127917000 Basophilic granulocytic cell (cell) P17709 - P cell C7EDF3A334974F879AFFA3F4A6D81FE9 Basophilic granulocytic cell (cell) 17710 17710 17710 megakaryocytic cell S17710 E17710 127918005 Megakaryocytic cell (cell) P17710 - P cell 4C30F99232324E77B014499D817AEC6A Megakaryocytic cell (cell) 17711 17711 17711 veiled cell S17711 E17711 127942009 Veiled cell (cell) P17711 - P hematopoietic system AC5B21F032BC4718B12890222DE3C243 Veiled cell (cell) 17712 17712 17712 mitotic cell in prophase S17712 E17712 13056009 Mitotic cell in prophase (cell) P17712 - P cell FF2AD013262F499F9E9D1A4FF1E7B775 Mitotic cell in prophase (cell) 17713 17713 17713 cleft lymphocyte S17713 E17713 134202006 Cleft lymphocyte (cell) P17713 - P immune system 589A53C5843F4709861131A8E0C214DF Cleft lymphocyte (cell) 17714 17714 17714 extracellular space 13803006 S17714 Extracellular space (body structure) E17714 P17714 - 70022 P 9AD02BB08DB24AC390C4C3E68CB61B16 Extracellular space 17715 17715 17715 fat-laden macrophage S17715 E17715 13901007 Fat-laden macrophage (cell) P17715 - P cell 47F40CA46D024508BC1D0A80FE8E69E7 Fat-laden macrophage (cell) 17716 17716 17716 enterochromaffin-like cell S17716 E17716 14099006 Enterochromaffin-like cell (cell) P17716 - P digestive system BBF5DB8DB61F47CC92688A87AC24AFC0 Enterochromaffin-like cell (cell) 17717 17717 17717 resident tissue macrophage S17717 E17717 14295007 Resident tissue macrophage (cell) P17717 - 83585 P mononuclear phagocyte system 49A244C7DB32402F8D36A620494D5F7A Resident tissue macrophage (cell) Macrophage located in connective tissue. 17718 17718 17718 corpuscles of colostrum S17718 E17718 14536006 Corpuscles of colostrum (cell) P17718 - P cell 48144FEA297342A4A119AB25C00C3A6B Corpuscles of colostrum (cell) 17719 17719 17719 eosinophil, segmented S17719 E17719 14793004 Eosinophil, segmented (cell) P17719 - 62861 P immune system F1A9C764B04A42E88EC41E7649B1B8BB Eosinophil, segmented (cell) 17720 17720 17720 fusiform cell S17720 E17720 15409002 Fusiform cell (cell) P17720 - P cell 1018127B25BF496D93B154F6570703C5 Fusiform cell (cell) 17721 17721 17721 lymphoblast S17721 E17721 15433008 Lymphoblast (cell) P17721 - 83030 P cell 8028A37791944C9099A63B63536BA289 Lymphoblast (cell) 17722 17722 17722 myeloblast S17722 E17722 15622002 Myeloblast (cell) P17722 - 83524 P cell 574ABC7CC6094DB4AE9D5E52FD62CE76 Myeloblast (cell) 17723 17723 17723 umbrella cell S17723 E17723 16023000 Umbrella cell (cell) P17723 - 84149 P cell CEDC3E4C896343B2B8EFA0D68DDF6397 Umbrella cell (cell) 17724 17724 17724 histioblast S17724 E17724 1605008 Histioblast (cell) P17724 - P cell 72958C4AC2FC4ED2975B0A448162A66F Histioblast (cell) 17725 17725 17725 Gaucher cell S17725 E17725 16216007 Gaucher cell (cell) P17725 - P mononuclear phagocyte system 8A091F2F4F634B799EC8FB2B5D96FA56 Gaucher cell (cell) 17726 17726 17726 pronormoblast S17726 E17726 16671004 Pronormoblast (cell) P17726 - 83518 P cell 0CF6448AB90E433EB91BB4CA3B5E03EB Pronormoblast (cell) 17727 17727 17727 polychromatophilic erythroblast S17727 E17727 16779009 Polychromatophilic erythroblast (cell) P17727 - 83506 P cell 92EA73F6550D4529891810A97C3BB135 Polychromatophilic erythroblast (cell) 17728 17728 17728 small neuron S17728 E17728 16868009 Small neuron (cell) P17728 - P nervous system E3DD44E97D54498492EFD86661819E55 Small neuron (cell) 17729 17729 17729 foam cell S17729 E17729 16980002 Foam cell (cell) P17729 - 83586 P cell D66D5933723A41FC9EC872406FBDB292 Foam cell (cell) Macrophage located in wall of blood vessel and which contains lipid. 17730 17730 17730 type II hair cell S17730 E17730 17012008 Type II hair cell (cell) P17730 - 67909 P cell E93314BF438B4C0E9199FDBEBAA25D44 Type II hair cell (cell) 17731 17731 17731 rod of retina S17731 E17731 17139002 Rod of retina (cell) P17731 Y 67747 P special senses organ system A3E2C84317D9428CB1DC940A6911039F Rod of retina (cell) 17732 17732 17732 basophilic myelocyte S17732 E17732 17295002 Basophilic myelocyte (cell) P17732 - 83543 P cell 389D038657BA4A54B695DA8FC76CB593 Basophilic myelocyte (cell) 17733 17733 17733 chondroblast S17733 E17733 17512002 Chondroblast (cell) P17733 - 66783 P cell E09DF13C7C3B43BF9D4A2DA8AA1C02FC Chondroblast (cell) 17734 17734 17734 pyramidal cell S17734 E17734 17522008 Pyramidal cell (cell) P17734 - P nervous system FE6546CB0FCD42B3B705D1748EA6523E Pyramidal cell (cell) 17738 17738 17738 first polar body S17738 E17738 17863007 First polar body (cell) P17738 - 18650 P cell 3BCF2AE8C08D4EED86AAAC5FF9B7C26E First polar body (cell) 17739 17739 17739 upper cranial nerve S17739 E17739 180936002 Upper cranial nerve (body structure) P17739 Y P nervous system 3AB79AF26EBD4592A2F408FE6D34BECD Upper cranial nerve (body structure) 17740 17740 17740 combination of eye muscles S17740 E17740 181157002 Combination of eye muscles (body structure) P17740 - P musculoskeletal system 49EE01131952455197B0AF3BF798EFB8 Combination of eye muscles (body structure) 17741 17741 17741 flexor digitorum muscle of foot S17741 E17741 181711007 Flexor digitorum muscle of foot (body structure) P17741 Y P musculoskeletal system CD328F4388F24FAD88DC376E7B8A791C Flexor digitorum muscle of foot (body structure) 17742 17742 17742 second to tenth rib S17742 E17742 182017001 Second to tenth rib (body structure) P17742 Y P skeletal system 60A7823529DB497B88638BD4DB2F3B7C Second to tenth rib (body structure) 17743 17743 17743 peripheral motor neuron S17743 E17743 18249007 Peripheral motor neuron (cell) P17743 - 84627 P musculoskeletal system D2BDD4AD208A46ADBED3BA5C002E5C19 Peripheral motor neuron (cell) 17744 17744 17744 prolymphocyte S17744 E17744 19394005 Prolymphocyte (cell) P17744 - P immune system DFFDBE061E4B474388B14859397D3991 Prolymphocyte (cell) 17745 17745 17745 80 to 89 percent of body surface S17745 E17745 19738007 80 to 89 percent of body surface (body structure) P17745 - P regional/topgraphical B2C30913A22E4655B407B286C297C078 80 to 89 percent of body surface (body structure) 17746 17746 17746 pituitary amphophil cell S17746 E17746 19992001 Pituitary amphophil cell (cell) P17746 - P cell 64E40587E7334C3094BEC36F4756302B Pituitary amphophil cell (cell) 17747 17747 17747 primitive neuroblastic cell S17747 E17747 20367003 Primitive neuroblastic cell (cell) P17747 - P nervous system B6E1D78B1FC24BCDABFCCA0B4F35700B Primitive neuroblastic cell (cell) 17748 17748 17748 pyroninophilic lymphoid cell S17748 E17748 20472006 Pyroninophilic lymphoid cell (cell) P17748 - P cell AFB9CF4537F74A02A354239338E20CEC Pyroninophilic lymphoid cell (cell) 17750 17750 17750 foreign body giant cell S17750 E17750 21386001 Foreign body giant cell (cell) P17750 - P cell D8CD2804AA694E2BA18A84B9FA8E01E2 Foreign body giant cell (cell) 17751 17751 17751 urinary tract transitional epithelial cell S17751 E17751 2150006 Urinary tract transitional epithelial cell (cell) P17751 - 84127 P cell 5DA20159171049C8B455ECBEFF36B95E Urinary tract transitional epithelial cell (cell) 17752 17752 17752 glial cell S17752 E17752 2156000 Glial cell (cell) P17752 - 54536 P cell F8BDBF6B614740918280B3E02E17110D Glial cell (cell) 17753 17753 17753 type I hair cell S17753 E17753 2246008 Type I hair cell (cell) P17753 - 62352 P cell 5F0CAA18120149C8AF1856E8140D35F7 Type I hair cell (cell) 17754 17754 17754 transplanted ovum S17754 E17754 23155006 Transplanted ovum (cell) P17754 - P cell E58BA1F892524980A61A4E68773D6015 Transplanted ovum (cell) 17755 17755 17755 macrocytic hyperchromic erythrocyte S17755 E17755 23305007 Macrocytic hyperchromic erythrocyte (cell) P17755 - P cell E0491C4705BD4012998A71E59571BF03 Macrocytic hyperchromic erythrocyte (cell) 17756 17756 17756 megakaryocyte S17756 E17756 23592000 Megakaryocyte (cell) P17756 - 83555 P cell 4A0853579BAD427893F911A70FDEA496 Megakaryocyte (cell) 17757 17757 17757 osteocyte S17757 E17757 23821005 Osteocyte (cell) P17757 - 66779 P cell 6A7E59E5170A4DD4908AA1A9FE34BD3A Osteocyte (cell) 17758 17758 17758 large neuron S17758 E17758 24031008 Large neuron (cell) P17758 - P nervous system 45870612FACD40FA92241A2945892D08 Large neuron (cell) 17759 17759 17759 marrow fibroblast S17759 E17759 24151005 Marrow fibroblast (cell) P17759 - 84377 P arterial system 214D3BB2BE064A27B240F32798D84EAD Marrow fibroblast (cell) 17760 17760 17760 mesangial cell S17760 E17760 24259000 Mesangial cell (cell) P17760 - 70972 P cell 2E3BA2B1C4CF4220B6474E1F332C0AB2 Mesangial cell (cell) 17761 17761 17761 forbidden clone S17761 E17761 24309006 Forbidden clone (cell) P17761 - P cell 411B023472F54A2D8B0382D1050A9231 Forbidden clone (cell) 17762 17762 17762 interdigitating cell S17762 E17762 24333000 Interdigitating cell (cell) P17762 - P hematopoietic system A3A01578D1E84CEC9947C36894939CE3 Interdigitating cell (cell) 17763 17763 17763 anatomical reference plane S17763 E17763 243898001 Anatomical reference plane (body structure) P17763 - P B786512AC86F4EDAA29896A159396EAE Anatomical reference plane (body structure) 17764 17764 17764 transverse plane S17764 E17764 243899009 Transverse plane (body structure) P17764 - 12247 P D0C2D4D6BDAB43DB808E9551A28491A4 Transverse plane (body structure) 17765 17765 17765 intervertebral discal level S17765 E17765 243900004 Intervertebral discal level (body structure) P17765 - P F7B9A97C2722428794B257DB59435D84 Intervertebral discal level (body structure) 17766 17766 17766 cervical intervertebral discal level S17766 E17766 243901000 Cervical intervertebral discal level (body structure) P17766 - P 829B9895F7184198AE7BDD8234B20879 Cervical intervertebral discal level (body structure) 17767 17767 17767 level of C2/C3 intervertebral disc S17767 E17767 243902007 Level of C2/C3 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17767 - P C24373695D4E4E11B3CFA016D7E66DBC Level of C2/C3 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17768 17768 17768 level of C3/C4 intervertebral disc S17768 E17768 243903002 Level of C3/C4 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17768 - P E6E64B48CF0D40A5AAAB70EBB9722773 Level of C3/C4 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17769 17769 17769 level of C4/C5 intervertebral disc S17769 E17769 243904008 Level of C4/C5 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17769 - P FBA1071665EA48808C733D82683B226B Level of C4/C5 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17770 17770 17770 level of C5/C6 intervertebral disc S17770 E17770 243905009 Level of C5/C6 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17770 - P 6B4C7B8533AB4811831A6BC1F13C3C2C Level of C5/C6 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17771 17771 17771 level of C6/C7 intervertebral disc S17771 E17771 243906005 Level of C6/C7 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17771 - P 215F38BA67B44BBABFCE448E32B393A3 Level of C6/C7 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17772 17772 17772 thoracic intervertebral discal level S17772 E17772 243907001 Thoracic intervertebral discal level (body structure) P17772 - P 31B561BC6D90408091FC6F6D739911B9 Thoracic intervertebral discal level (body structure) 17773 17773 17773 level of T1/T2 intervertebral disc S17773 E17773 243908006 Level of T1/T2 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17773 - P 7384729CB5F9405F92A519614B6C20E8 Level of T1/T2 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17774 17774 17774 level of T2/T3 intervertebral disc S17774 E17774 243909003 Level of T2/T3 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17774 - P 8BEB0F94A2984B1D817BF27AA5D9FB85 Level of T2/T3 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17775 17775 17775 level of T3/T4 intervertebral disc S17775 E17775 243910008 Level of T3/T4 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17775 - P 2E79DB69AFFF4B539D6F5911E7668386 Level of T3/T4 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17776 17776 17776 level of T4/T5 intervertebral disc S17776 E17776 243911007 Level of T4/T5 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17776 - P DE91FE205E054FC1873A302750747346 Level of T4/T5 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17777 17777 17777 level of T5/T6 intervertebral disc S17777 E17777 243912000 Level of T5/T6 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17777 - P 40D01C1F2AEE4529A58AEC0579453287 Level of T5/T6 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17778 17778 17778 level of T6/T7 intervertebral disc S17778 E17778 243913005 Level of T6/T7 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17778 - P 6195F10DF2344CF29E38294336C8F1FE Level of T6/T7 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17779 17779 17779 level of T7/T8 intervertebral disc S17779 E17779 243914004 Level of T7/T8 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17779 - P 8813E5CD148044D09FCC9C232B4C9530 Level of T7/T8 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17780 17780 17780 level of T8/T9 intervertebral disc S17780 E17780 243915003 Level of T8/T9 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17780 - P 06786B1C633F4EA8AE23049C26A35FF8 Level of T8/T9 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17781 17781 17781 level of T9/T10 intervertebral disc S17781 E17781 243916002 Level of T9/T10 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17781 - P 29B41652B6384E67B19619110451E456 Level of T9/T10 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17782 17782 17782 level of T10/T11 intervertebral disc S17782 E17782 243917006 Level of T10/T11 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17782 - P A5CFE23F91BB4CCBABC769D42C042651 Level of T10/T11 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17783 17783 17783 level of T11/T12 intervertebral disc S17783 E17783 243918001 Level of T11/T12 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17783 - P 42E0EE9E556A4411AFE75C8790832E9C Level of T11/T12 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17784 17784 17784 lumbar intervertebral discal level S17784 E17784 243919009 Lumbar intervertebral discal level (body structure) P17784 - P CB9B8B198E4441348B9543239C52A118 Lumbar intervertebral discal level (body structure) 17785 17785 17785 level of L1/L2 intervertebral disc S17785 E17785 243920003 Level of L1/L2 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17785 - P 963EC0CF5D26482AADC9057BDE37111B Level of L1/L2 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17786 17786 17786 level of L2/L3 intervertebral disc S17786 E17786 243921004 Level of L2/L3 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17786 - P B9E3A535A4E24B438FD54B8805C415F9 Level of L2/L3 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17787 17787 17787 level of L3/L4 intervertebral disc S17787 E17787 243922006 Level of L3/L4 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17787 - P 554DA7A6E5B04E07B5B82FFC012EFC74 Level of L3/L4 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17788 17788 17788 level of L4/L5 intervertebral disc S17788 E17788 243923001 Level of L4/L5 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17788 - P A00AD36D1B504E7294804514D132BE4E Level of L4/L5 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17789 17789 17789 inter-regional intervertebral discal level S17789 E17789 243924007 Inter-regional intervertebral discal level (body structure) P17789 - P regional/topgraphical D4B857E3F5174F4084B4526E3BBB3EEC Inter-regional intervertebral discal level (body structure) 17790 17790 17790 level of C7/T1 intervertebral disc S17790 E17790 243925008 Level of C7/T1 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17790 - P 00AD4A1944A546D69178A4A6D5123736 Level of C7/T1 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17791 17791 17791 level of T12/L1 intervertebral disc S17791 E17791 243926009 Level of T12/L1 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17791 - P 8359A89F047D41008B10185407C83475 Level of T12/L1 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17792 17792 17792 level of L5/S1 intervertebral disc S17792 E17792 243927000 Level of L5/S1 intervertebral disc (body structure) P17792 - P 7644A02EABFF43F49AC4746F7465B333 Level of L5/S1 intervertebral disc (body structure) 17793 17793 17793 palmar skin crease S17793 E17793 244159001 Palmar skin crease (body structure) P17793 Y P integumentary system FA6A918FAA7C440FA3C13FC8A5CCE904 Palmar skin crease (body structure) 17794 17794 17794 fibrocyte S17794 E17794 24735009 Fibrocyte (cell) P17794 - 63879 P urinary system E419877D36E843079FB838ECB55C4BAE Fibrocyte (cell) 17795 17795 17795 adipocyte S17795 E17795 24826007 Adipocyte (cell) P17795 - 63880 P cell D03CAAE874964A718AF834BAAAB92EBD Adipocyte (cell) 17796 17796 17796 proplasmacyte S17796 E17796 24884008 Proplasmacyte (cell) P17796 - 84373 P immune system 72A1E0F5C6E742BB9A6445CAB4530117 Proplasmacyte (cell) 17797 17797 17797 navicular cell S17797 E17797 25006003 Navicular cell (cell) P17797 - P cell F723F23CD5FB42BF850ACA9E6210311E Navicular cell (cell) 17798 17798 17798 large granular lymphocyte S17798 E17798 250285008 Large granular lymphocyte (cell) P17798 - P immune system 7E01351E95C144DBB03CC86A6E3E2C9C Large granular lymphocyte (cell) 17799 17799 17799 atypical mononuclear cell S17799 E17799 250287000 Atypical mononuclear cell (cell) P17799 - P immune system 9DB87436D87941BE8ED766FCCB2585C3 Atypical mononuclear cell (cell) 17800 17800 17800 smear cell S17800 E17800 250288005 Smear cell (cell) P17800 - P immune system DED69BCC74EA4E208743961D217D66DC Smear cell (cell) 17801 17801 17801 lymphosarcoma cell S17801 E17801 250289002 Lymphosarcoma cell (cell) P17801 - P immune system 7BC4D1C099BA482099162BAA089A0B7B Lymphosarcoma cell (cell) 17802 17802 17802 hypergranular white blood cell S17802 E17802 250291005 Hypergranular white blood cell (cell) P17802 - P immune system CD0C688E8293493EBC692D4E6CBC7478 Hypergranular white blood cell (cell) 17803 17803 17803 hypogranular white blood cell S17803 E17803 250292003 Hypogranular white blood cell (cell) P17803 - P immune system 16676ABA28744EE9B86246B71EB7722A Hypogranular white blood cell (cell) 17804 17804 17804 agranular white blood cell S17804 E17804 250293008 Agranular white blood cell (cell) P17804 - P immune system A8DBFF967C8845EE82C43DA1A80C820B Agranular white blood cell (cell) 17805 17805 17805 urinary epithelial cell S17805 E17805 250442001 Urinary epithelial cell (cell) P17805 - P cell 7B8364DD525C4BD88E7D6E986816F80D Urinary epithelial cell (cell) 17806 17806 17806 hybridoma S17806 E17806 25326005 Hybridoma (cell) P17806 - P cell C715D1F8F3C940E4B638B507DEC2D88B Hybridoma (cell) 17808 17808 17808 endocervical glandular cell 91767003 S17808 Structure of endocervical glandular cell (cell structure) E17808 255065002 Entire endocervical glandular cell (cell) P17808 - P genital system EEF2448109AC4DEFA2CA6B814E672FBA 0AD6D9C062814DA5A0B33E7C60CBA11A endocervical glandular cell Entire endocervical glandular cell (cell) 17809 17809 17809 Kupffer cell S17809 E17809 256002 Kupffer cell (cell) P17809 - 14656 P mononuclear phagocyte system E321240F121748E698833BF88E0A4770 Kupffer cell (cell) Macrophage located in hepatic sinusoid. 17810 17810 17810 pigment cell S17810 E17810 256892003 Pigment cell (cell) P17810 - 63846 P integumentary system F45A116A176440228DC21B91DF98F447 Pigment cell (cell) 17811 17811 17811 granulocyte S17811 E17811 256909001 Granulocyte (cell) P17811 - 62854 P immune system BC7072F86D9C4BC48B2F37F3A09D5C02 Granulocyte (cell) 17812 17812 17812 inflammatory cell S17812 E17812 256923004 Inflammatory cell (cell) P17812 - P cell 2B58C8448E8F41CAB5934BFC03CAEF03 Inflammatory cell (cell) 17813 17813 17813 aVF S17813 E17813 257472005 aVF (body structure) P17813 - P 664D40A66E18498DBC8425F13D8DAD1B aVF (body structure) 17814 17814 17814 aVL S17814 E17814 257473000 aVL (body structure) P17814 - P E715212E266A4BDCA05AAE540DA074FC aVL (body structure) 17815 17815 17815 aVR S17815 E17815 257474006 aVR (body structure) P17815 - P 11A4694348E34C198F9147EBF2CA57D8 aVR (body structure) 17816 17816 17816 lead site V1 S17816 E17816 257475007 Lead site V1 (body structure) P17816 - P 7DD6095E9A3C43F19D2615634EC3CAD2 Lead site V1 (body structure) 17817 17817 17817 lead site V2 S17817 E17817 257476008 Lead site V2 (body structure) P17817 - P 0487D0F3FE614C3CBA440C737223F926 Lead site V2 (body structure) 17818 17818 17818 lead site V3 S17818 E17818 257477004 Lead site V3 (body structure) P17818 - P 55C0D08E383D45629F4D4821BC1C7DAB Lead site V3 (body structure) 17819 17819 17819 lead site V4 S17819 E17819 257478009 Lead site V4 (body structure) P17819 - P 10990A04DCC849539B6F7681EB37B6BF Lead site V4 (body structure) 17820 17820 17820 lead site V5 S17820 E17820 257479001 Lead site V5 (body structure) P17820 - P 189761AD8F8D49FC9B0C48B4E3DB2EC0 Lead site V5 (body structure) 17821 17821 17821 lead site V6 S17821 E17821 257480003 Lead site V6 (body structure) P17821 - P 403463389E2A45F3A5408F662303A539 Lead site V6 (body structure) 17822 17822 17822 plasmablast S17822 E17822 2579009 Plasmablast (cell) P17822 - 84371 P immune system F4A3C1130B7242C196E6EBD6F9501F5A Plasmablast (cell) 17823 17823 17823 pre-B lymphocyte S17823 E17823 25841003 Pre-B lymphocyte (cell) P17823 - P immune system FB8797F0911E4B3DA14627E7DD75B137 Pre-B lymphocyte (cell) 17826 17826 17826 macrocytic erythrocyte S17826 E17826 259681001 Macrocytic erythrocyte (cell) P17826 - P cell 90552664BD474C79B2D9050D01CA422D Macrocytic erythrocyte (cell) 17827 17827 17827 spherocyte S17827 E17827 259682008 Spherocyte (cell) P17827 - P cell 0E29145D7AEC4C2FA7EBD3A88621286B Spherocyte (cell) 17828 17828 17828 microspherocyte S17828 E17828 259683003 Microspherocyte (cell) P17828 - P cell 4E5DF13E73164E6EBCAE274AD996FD83 Microspherocyte (cell) 17829 17829 17829 leptocyte S17829 E17829 259686006 Leptocyte (cell) P17829 - P cell 65BF5F78EE7B404E8D9087FC1EC88F90 Leptocyte (cell) 17830 17830 17830 rhytiocyte S17830 E17830 259688007 Rhytiocyte (cell) P17830 - P cell DFB97D5C72474AE18409FAA6BD5CE201 Rhytiocyte (cell) 17831 17831 17831 giant metamyelocyte S17831 E17831 259711002 Giant metamyelocyte (cell) P17831 - P cell B2E7205AFAFD4135A02D7D83989C9755 Giant metamyelocyte (cell) 17832 17832 17832 stab form S17832 E17832 259712009 Stab form (cell) P17832 - P immune system 531F43DE462C4CCDA5363743F0FCABED Stab form (cell) 17833 17833 17833 NK-cell S17833 E17833 259717003 Natural killer (NK)-cell (cell) P17833 - 63147 P immune system DB1361C13451483A8CE1A41A4F5A0AFD Natural killer (NK)-cell (cell) 17834 17834 17834 eosinophilic myeloblast S17834 E17834 259719000 Eosinophilic myeloblast (cell) P17834 - P cell 4CCA17A0F53A4C659B755B61E92CC08C Eosinophilic myeloblast (cell) 17835 17835 17835 stem cell colony-forming unit S17835 E17835 259731003 Stem cell colony-forming unit (cell) P17835 - P cell ACBCA7CE4D764AF196EA56D433A9BD2B Stem cell colony-forming unit (cell) 17836 17836 17836 burst-forming unit erythroid S17836 E17836 259732005 Burst-forming unit erythroid (cell) P17836 - P cell C8427AA41EAE4991941B9405D47DC366 Burst-forming unit erythroid (cell) 17837 17837 17837 vertebral level S17837 E17837 263276005 Vertebral level (body structure) P17837 - 9653 P 679B43EE17F64340A8099DEDEFF94FD3 Vertebral level (body structure) 17838 17838 17838 cervical vertebral level S17838 E17838 263277001 Cervical vertebral level (body structure) P17838 - P ABC6E0F0BBF64DD0B780555711A612EE Cervical vertebral level (body structure) 17839 17839 17839 level of the dens of the axis vertebra S17839 E17839 263278006 Level of the dens of the axis vertebra (body structure) P17839 - P CE471CF934E54AEFA46DA4C287585C2E Level of the dens of the axis vertebra (body structure) 17840 17840 17840 level of the second cervical vertebra S17840 E17840 263279003 Level of the second cervical vertebra (body structure) P17840 - P 02F64608174D43678A999B18F1380A4F Level of the second cervical vertebra (body structure) 17841 17841 17841 level of the third cervical vertebra S17841 E17841 263280000 Level of the third cervical vertebra (body structure) P17841 - P D83321EABB92458A93309773828F9311 Level of the third cervical vertebra (body structure) 17842 17842 17842 level of the fourth cervical vertebra S17842 E17842 263281001 Level of the fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) P17842 - P 0CA7190813C34603A498FF9D5576CE52 Level of the fourth cervical vertebra (body structure) 17843 17843 17843 level of the fifth cervical vertebra S17843 E17843 263282008 Level of the fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) P17843 - P 71F87737B43D4BBBAE996D59CCDD398D Level of the fifth cervical vertebra (body structure) 17844 17844 17844 level of the sixth cervical vertebra S17844 E17844 263283003 Level of the sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) P17844 - P 78705CE66B414B17952E69115A572506 Level of the sixth cervical vertebra (body structure) 17845 17845 17845 level of the seventh cervical vertebra S17845 E17845 263284009 Level of the seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) P17845 - P B0C8980E7A3D407BADCFB7EA9480189A Level of the seventh cervical vertebra (body structure) 17846 17846 17846 thoracic vertebral level S17846 E17846 263285005 Thoracic vertebral level (body structure) P17846 - P 4DF6D562CE954619A3D57FAA693E68C9 Thoracic vertebral level (body structure) 17847 17847 17847 level of the first thoracic vertebra S17847 E17847 263286006 Level of the first thoracic vertebra (body structure) P17847 - P B8840236CA5A48AA8263038B504E1631 Level of the first thoracic vertebra (body structure) 17848 17848 17848 level of the second thoracic vertebra S17848 E17848 263287002 Level of the second thoracic vertebra (body structure) P17848 - P 8EBF34B39D2246C8A86C85420C7046A3 Level of the second thoracic vertebra (body structure) 17849 17849 17849 level of the third thoracic vertebra S17849 E17849 263288007 Level of the third thoracic vertebra (body structure) P17849 - P 755CB369B5B9429E940E2CAD0A15B256 Level of the third thoracic vertebra (body structure) 17850 17850 17850 level of the fourth thoracic vertebra S17850 E17850 263289004 Level of the fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P17850 - P 8AAE5C8483AD4C91AE37BF35CBCBDC18 Level of the fourth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 17851 17851 17851 level of the fifth thoracic vertebra S17851 E17851 263290008 Level of the fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P17851 - P 2FCC9C07875A463CACE11C5FFC281972 Level of the fifth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 17852 17852 17852 level of the sixth thoracic vertebra S17852 E17852 263291007 Level of the sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P17852 - P 20F432B92DD34F9488B104BB069CD25B Level of the sixth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 17853 17853 17853 level of the seventh thoracic vertebra S17853 E17853 263292000 Level of the seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P17853 - P A7EC7EF3C773485EA71DC7BF7046285F Level of the seventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 17854 17854 17854 level of the eighth thoracic vertebra S17854 E17854 263293005 Level of the eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P17854 - P F75428D682764F40ADE4DE63D0751114 Level of the eighth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 17855 17855 17855 level of the ninth thoracic vertebra S17855 E17855 263294004 Level of the ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P17855 - P 3EFF0C1E3E414F9FA5E67A1204258809 Level of the ninth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 17856 17856 17856 level of the tenth thoracic vertebra S17856 E17856 263295003 Level of the tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P17856 - P 4D5A25F4EE9C4E109713078E98665BA6 Level of the tenth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 17857 17857 17857 level of the eleventh thoracic vertebra S17857 E17857 263296002 Level of the eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) P17857 - P D182BB63E1164A09AB749C32B97C9096 Level of the eleventh thoracic vertebra (body structure) 17858 17858 17858 level of the twelfth thoracic vertebra S17858 E17858 263297006 Level of the twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) P17858 - P 7B2C0A7693764294BA6122259CBB59B4 Level of the twelfth thoracic vertebra (body structure) 17859 17859 17859 lumbar vertebral level S17859 E17859 263298001 Lumbar vertebral level (body structure) P17859 - P BD04A0310641490C942E2AE8CCC8AD3D Lumbar vertebral level (body structure) 17860 17860 17860 level of the first lumbar vertebra S17860 E17860 263299009 Level of the first lumbar vertebra (body structure) P17860 - P D10D9BA864EC4D72857E3EFA35EC3C0D Level of the first lumbar vertebra (body structure) 17861 17861 17861 level of the second lumbar vertebra S17861 E17861 263300001 Level of the second lumbar vertebra (body structure) P17861 - P 703A604FCFDE475AA6A84E14E7C9E44A Level of the second lumbar vertebra (body structure) 17862 17862 17862 level of the third lumbar vertebra S17862 E17862 263301002 Level of the third lumbar vertebra (body structure) P17862 - P 762B8689896940D0B419863EF30882A3 Level of the third lumbar vertebra (body structure) 17863 17863 17863 level of the fourth lumbar vertebra S17863 E17863 263302009 Level of the fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P17863 - P 419F96F5CEB54F77886BCEF66A328C46 Level of the fourth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 17864 17864 17864 level of the fifth lumbar vertebra S17864 E17864 263303004 Level of the fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) P17864 - P 1C5C88D50581422084C980C6E6B2ECB3 Level of the fifth lumbar vertebra (body structure) 17865 17865 17865 sacral vertebral level S17865 E17865 263304005 Sacral vertebral level (body structure) P17865 - P 0E86B4CDD6C24A5D87CD23E072CA71AF Sacral vertebral level (body structure) 17866 17866 17866 level of the first sacral vertebra S17866 E17866 263305006 Level of the first sacral vertebra (body structure) P17866 - P 53EE134A920A40E7B65C24D1769D00FF Level of the first sacral vertebra (body structure) 17867 17867 17867 level of the second sacral vertebra S17867 E17867 263306007 Level of the second sacral vertebra (body structure) P17867 - P BF53CBD68BB84C3B81AC08BF7987213E Level of the second sacral vertebra (body structure) 17868 17868 17868 level of the third sacral vertebra S17868 E17868 263307003 Level of the third sacral vertebra (body structure) P17868 - P 152903A29B53480AA92BDD46A2FC1D44 Level of the third sacral vertebra (body structure) 17869 17869 17869 level of the fourth sacral vertebra S17869 E17869 263308008 Level of the fourth sacral vertebra (body structure) P17869 - P 0B7323343EA84BA788B67B6E98C58844 Level of the fourth sacral vertebra (body structure) 17870 17870 17870 level of the fifth sacral vertebra S17870 E17870 263309000 Level of the fifth sacral vertebra (body structure) P17870 - P 6320A000F7774EE4ABB9988AF313B264 Level of the fifth sacral vertebra (body structure) 17872 17872 17872 pituitary chromophobe cell S17872 E17872 27186004 Pituitary chromophobe cell (cell) P17872 - 83101 P cell 083731C840E34041877613909F4A9BAF Pituitary chromophobe cell (cell) 17873 17873 17873 Lead I S17873 E17873 272729005 Lead I (body structure) P17873 - 0 P D6B588282A914ED1B76D27E866A15A1E Lead I (body structure) 17874 17874 17874 Lead II S17874 E17874 272730000 Lead II (body structure) P17874 - 0 P 6279A84A0F6E4AA8B40DEBF7E84A0DD7 Lead II (body structure) 17875 17875 17875 Lead III S17875 E17875 272731001 Lead III (body structure) P17875 - 0 P 893F88CDF3F14CFA96DCF8EE7BE0BA7B Lead III (body structure) 17876 17876 17876 acupuncture point S17876 E17876 272743000 Acupuncture points (body structure) P17876 - 0 P acupuncture point FC0025E43D4E43298859EFE14EBBA4BF Acupuncture points (body structure) 17877 17877 17877 lung acupuncture points S17877 E17877 272744006 Lung acupuncture points (body structure) P17877 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3995E12223BE485B8DF8CEC6407F4B5F Lung acupuncture points (body structure) 17878 17878 17878 LU1 S17878 E17878 272746008 LU1 (body structure) P17878 Y 0 P acupuncture point 47B867E6655347A2A1577534A9D3FEE6 LU1 (body structure) 17879 17879 17879 LU2 S17879 E17879 272747004 LU2 (body structure) P17879 Y 0 P acupuncture point B217C352CF9245848C176768874448CA LU2 (body structure) 17880 17880 17880 LU3 S17880 E17880 272748009 LU3 (body structure) P17880 Y 0 P acupuncture point B650657C73E24ACE9B669D686085015B LU3 (body structure) 17881 17881 17881 LU4 S17881 E17881 272749001 LU4 (body structure) P17881 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6198CF32D6AC468AAB19EA1965CAF361 LU4 (body structure) 17882 17882 17882 LU5 S17882 E17882 272750001 LU5 (body structure) P17882 Y 0 P acupuncture point CEA64D1B23604084B30CF81B2A3CAC00 LU5 (body structure) 17883 17883 17883 LU6 S17883 E17883 272751002 LU6 (body structure) P17883 Y 0 P acupuncture point F786FE15B07D4374B92C663A0DD81C08 LU6 (body structure) 17884 17884 17884 LU7 S17884 E17884 272752009 LU7 (body structure) P17884 Y 0 P acupuncture point EEE5B08539024A2DB803C2FB92A1F74A LU7 (body structure) 17885 17885 17885 LU8 S17885 E17885 272753004 LU8 (body structure) P17885 Y 0 P acupuncture point AD73DA3BC71049698CDDB64270C68164 LU8 (body structure) 17886 17886 17886 LU9 S17886 E17886 272754005 LU9 (body structure) P17886 Y 0 P acupuncture point A75E544854FC4F768B28DD1BE5AAFC5E LU9 (body structure) 17887 17887 17887 LU10 S17887 E17887 272755006 LU10 (body structure) P17887 Y 0 P acupuncture point C6ED89D2E25B4942B9AB1ECF35EDFD99 LU10 (body structure) 17888 17888 17888 LU11 S17888 E17888 272756007 LU11 (body structure) P17888 Y 0 P acupuncture point E40401F89D8D4729BF884373AB0BDD35 LU11 (body structure) 17889 17889 17889 large intestine acupuncture points S17889 E17889 272757003 Large intestine acupuncture points (body structure) P17889 Y 0 P acupuncture point A816F8CE0D0743F98E14C7B9D8E5A850 Large intestine acupuncture points (body structure) 17890 17890 17890 LI1 S17890 E17890 272758008 LI1 (body structure) P17890 Y 0 P acupuncture point FDA1F0D0378447E7B2055E6E1F8D4AA6 LI1 (body structure) 17891 17891 17891 LI2 S17891 E17891 272759000 LI2 (body structure) P17891 Y 0 P acupuncture point 65AD1215BC654C4391F4F27750F78A08 LI2 (body structure) 17892 17892 17892 LI3 S17892 E17892 272760005 LI3 (body structure) P17892 Y 0 P acupuncture point 807F43A3EB034AC6A63CB8DC9F62F323 LI3 (body structure) 17893 17893 17893 LI4 S17893 E17893 272761009 LI4 (body structure) P17893 Y 0 P acupuncture point B8F165AF0FAD480DB72E90C64704D39A LI4 (body structure) 17894 17894 17894 LI5 S17894 E17894 272762002 LI5 (body structure) P17894 Y 0 P acupuncture point 70DE9B91EE0E49C8A9D320A3ECC7A378 LI5 (body structure) 17895 17895 17895 LI6 S17895 E17895 272763007 LI6 (body structure) P17895 Y 0 P acupuncture point E15A37C92152497BAF866D3E7EC37BF0 LI6 (body structure) 17896 17896 17896 LI7 S17896 E17896 272764001 LI7 (body structure) P17896 Y 0 P acupuncture point D1BC7C9F326A413F99534FA6FB88670C LI7 (body structure) 17897 17897 17897 LI8 S17897 E17897 272765000 LI8 (body structure) P17897 Y 0 P acupuncture point 43BBEAB83B0745CC83CD0D86EF3C3016 LI8 (body structure) 17898 17898 17898 LI9 S17898 E17898 272766004 LI9 (body structure) P17898 Y 0 P acupuncture point C9FC6D8CDE6C4DABB7222AB89E70E926 LI9 (body structure) 17899 17899 17899 LI10 S17899 E17899 272767008 LI10 (body structure) P17899 Y 0 P acupuncture point ADDD2EABB9624B4BB49FF1366EDEF829 LI10 (body structure) 17900 17900 17900 LI11 S17900 E17900 272768003 LI11 (body structure) P17900 Y 0 P acupuncture point 09E2932A24FC48108D08560B5379D28E LI11 (body structure) 17901 17901 17901 LI12 S17901 E17901 272769006 LI12 (body structure) P17901 Y 0 P acupuncture point C985C063B8D24CA8980D284763D99FF3 LI12 (body structure) 17902 17902 17902 LI13 S17902 E17902 272770007 LI13 (body structure) P17902 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0B01533EB97946CE9766400296475983 LI13 (body structure) 17903 17903 17903 LI14 S17903 E17903 272771006 LI14 (body structure) P17903 Y 0 P acupuncture point F9A3D21E6161462A913C51C576D679B0 LI14 (body structure) 17904 17904 17904 LI15 S17904 E17904 272772004 LI15 (body structure) P17904 Y 0 P acupuncture point D96CB84450184440972F6D5ABDDB33FE LI15 (body structure) 17905 17905 17905 LI16 S17905 E17905 272773009 LI16 (body structure) P17905 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4D1D1B1A88974876BE55EC9EFEF49A66 LI16 (body structure) 17906 17906 17906 LI17 S17906 E17906 272774003 LI17 (body structure) P17906 Y 0 P acupuncture point D2BE1BF339144C49B7321053545D4F56 LI17 (body structure) 17907 17907 17907 LI18 S17907 E17907 272775002 LI18 (body structure) P17907 Y 0 P acupuncture point 37386862038241DDAEA775F1C9F79678 LI18 (body structure) 17908 17908 17908 LI19 S17908 E17908 272776001 LI19 (body structure) P17908 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0AD8F541634349F38B5DD20F3AF2D1E6 LI19 (body structure) 17909 17909 17909 LI20 S17909 E17909 272777005 LI20 (body structure) P17909 Y 0 P acupuncture point F89EA4080B674801A1BB9FF1168C5D96 LI20 (body structure) 17910 17910 17910 stomach acupuncture points S17910 E17910 272778000 Stomach acupuncture points (body structure) P17910 Y 0 P acupuncture point 93CF48C8312547AB94E28D413F8604EA Stomach acupuncture points (body structure) 17911 17911 17911 ST1 S17911 E17911 272779008 ST1 (body structure) P17911 Y 0 P acupuncture point D0EF1E7BDDDB42F5BE3D8AD64759979D ST1 (body structure) 17912 17912 17912 ST2 S17912 E17912 272780006 ST2 (body structure) P17912 Y 0 P acupuncture point 088FC3EEBF4D4CA6BB9B650BC7C4F343 ST2 (body structure) 17913 17913 17913 ST3 S17913 E17913 272781005 ST3 (body structure) P17913 Y 0 P acupuncture point 9BA5A209A9734DC7A7247C3CDCEF3A12 ST3 (body structure) 17914 17914 17914 ST4 S17914 E17914 272782003 ST4 (body structure) P17914 Y 0 P acupuncture point 2A567CC7BBB34EE99CB4ED131275540B ST4 (body structure) 17915 17915 17915 ST5 S17915 E17915 272783008 ST5 (body structure) P17915 Y 0 P acupuncture point AA7C471F80714534A36E2CEE1C86018D ST5 (body structure) 17916 17916 17916 ST6 S17916 E17916 272784002 ST6 (body structure) P17916 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6C6254F3CF514CFE8E2CD1CE8ACE0FE6 ST6 (body structure) 17917 17917 17917 ST7 S17917 E17917 272785001 ST7 (body structure) P17917 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4B85DF157D3F4EA683B2D9369AC8A8DE ST7 (body structure) 17918 17918 17918 ST8 S17918 E17918 272786000 ST8 (body structure) P17918 Y 0 P acupuncture point EC131FB17CB349049D74CAD4BC80F653 ST8 (body structure) 17919 17919 17919 ST9 S17919 E17919 272787009 ST9 (body structure) P17919 Y 0 P acupuncture point 1798925DCBD9415FAAD888F9EB9BC9F8 ST9 (body structure) 17920 17920 17920 ST10 S17920 E17920 272788004 ST10 (body structure) P17920 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3B8222CB5DA74199894438542B4AAD30 ST10 (body structure) 17921 17921 17921 ST11 S17921 E17921 272789007 ST11 (body structure) P17921 Y 0 P acupuncture point 94B47B3138C14891923A3899FEE1D93B ST11 (body structure) 17922 17922 17922 ST12 S17922 E17922 272790003 ST12 (body structure) P17922 Y 0 P acupuncture point 44789BE565F04F83A5697EE7EE2E0CFB ST12 (body structure) 17923 17923 17923 ST13 S17923 E17923 272791004 ST13 (body structure) P17923 Y 0 P acupuncture point CFC88B03128C4F64874B861A8F268882 ST13 (body structure) 17924 17924 17924 ST14 S17924 E17924 272792006 ST14 (body structure) P17924 Y 0 P acupuncture point CF9E4F678FA34D019FA44D979DBD77F8 ST14 (body structure) 17925 17925 17925 ST15 S17925 E17925 272793001 ST15 (body structure) P17925 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4A4487A5CE4B4DE0B778FB3ED56E03FF ST15 (body structure) 17926 17926 17926 ST16 S17926 E17926 272794007 ST16 (body structure) P17926 Y 0 P acupuncture point EC2C92E4534D45788DE41DB426324D47 ST16 (body structure) 17927 17927 17927 ST17 S17927 E17927 272796009 ST17 (body structure) P17927 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3C4A48365027418F973397F3DD33CE5F ST17 (body structure) 17928 17928 17928 ST18 S17928 E17928 272797000 ST18 (body structure) P17928 Y 0 P acupuncture point CF19145CFDB74C58ACC84E95F2DF551E ST18 (body structure) 17929 17929 17929 ST19 S17929 E17929 272798005 ST19 (body structure) P17929 Y 0 P acupuncture point 8D7C31555797446A8A7715AF379F4370 ST19 (body structure) 17930 17930 17930 ST20 S17930 E17930 272799002 ST20 (body structure) P17930 Y 0 P acupuncture point 9AB90ACCCE6646AAA9E7C92FF6E32E5B ST20 (body structure) 17931 17931 17931 ST21 S17931 E17931 272800003 ST21 (body structure) P17931 Y 0 P acupuncture point B07706A5701D47DB8E624B784ED0E01E ST21 (body structure) 17932 17932 17932 ST22 S17932 E17932 272801004 ST22 (body structure) P17932 Y 0 P acupuncture point 38258AF90BDD42A3986F7A5DA1EE2260 ST22 (body structure) 17933 17933 17933 ST23 S17933 E17933 272802006 ST23 (body structure) P17933 Y 0 P acupuncture point CD39216D890C4FE592D4C55C2DCA8BDF ST23 (body structure) 17934 17934 17934 ST24 S17934 E17934 272803001 ST24 (body structure) P17934 Y 0 P acupuncture point 236244FAF37441A28C74466684EF468A ST24 (body structure) 17935 17935 17935 ST25 S17935 E17935 272804007 ST25 (body structure) P17935 Y 0 P acupuncture point 282F3D8204054673BDAAD44C9EE6D45A ST25 (body structure) 17936 17936 17936 ST26 S17936 E17936 272805008 ST26 (body structure) P17936 Y 0 P acupuncture point B0AB8A19B8684B6E85FDDAE07FE3F005 ST26 (body structure) 17937 17937 17937 ST27 S17937 E17937 272806009 ST27 (body structure) P17937 Y 0 P acupuncture point 301BC4AF234B44FEB8A3403AFCEC9150 ST27 (body structure) 17938 17938 17938 ST28 S17938 E17938 272807000 ST28 (body structure) P17938 Y 0 P acupuncture point 08204A87A03D46A480132B8693ABC42F ST28 (body structure) 17939 17939 17939 ST29 S17939 E17939 272808005 ST29 (body structure) P17939 Y 0 P acupuncture point 57C3EE769DA24C68BBC3DC67464397D1 ST29 (body structure) 17940 17940 17940 ST30 S17940 E17940 272809002 ST30 (body structure) P17940 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6AE2CB6F3EB44C7CBF70A1AC2630083D ST30 (body structure) 17941 17941 17941 ST31 S17941 E17941 272810007 ST31 (body structure) P17941 Y 0 P acupuncture point 81F5641C1A714814BD7255C77D3A56E1 ST31 (body structure) 17942 17942 17942 ST32 S17942 E17942 272811006 ST32 (body structure) P17942 Y 0 P acupuncture point 405B5E9F022D4D2FA87B34EFE40A6FE8 ST32 (body structure) 17943 17943 17943 ST33 S17943 E17943 272812004 ST33 (body structure) P17943 Y 0 P acupuncture point 5740306658264BE1BD507FFC93A61B2D ST33 (body structure) 17944 17944 17944 ST34 S17944 E17944 272813009 ST34 (body structure) P17944 Y 0 P acupuncture point 750F5EA056AD419C9895C7EE296A5D78 ST34 (body structure) 17945 17945 17945 ST35 S17945 E17945 272814003 ST35 (body structure) P17945 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0F6CE43918374CD5B1E95A8109F83B97 ST35 (body structure) 17946 17946 17946 ST36 S17946 E17946 272815002 ST36 (body structure) P17946 Y 0 P acupuncture point E7D62A923A744736A0180A01F5BB0B0B ST36 (body structure) 17947 17947 17947 ST37 S17947 E17947 272816001 ST37 (body structure) P17947 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0A29A9F0DE9341A0A48F7DDAF6EB2953 ST37 (body structure) 17948 17948 17948 ST38 S17948 E17948 272817005 ST38 (body structure) P17948 Y 0 P acupuncture point 46F2A854E498480889A496B0AB35563E ST38 (body structure) 17949 17949 17949 ST39 S17949 E17949 272818000 ST39 (body structure) P17949 Y 0 P acupuncture point FC8F0380FB8D423FAFF709E62D1FF8F7 ST39 (body structure) 17950 17950 17950 ST40 S17950 E17950 272819008 ST40 (body structure) P17950 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4667751F5BA3423FB5BCD1F7CA2EDB8E ST40 (body structure) 17951 17951 17951 ST41 S17951 E17951 272820002 ST41 (body structure) P17951 Y 0 P acupuncture point ADD6EDEE72D9439085BCE35CF5F33CF0 ST41 (body structure) 17952 17952 17952 ST42 S17952 E17952 272821003 ST42 (body structure) P17952 Y 0 P acupuncture point 5485604421C4413BAA3F2DB2CC7E0914 ST42 (body structure) 17953 17953 17953 ST43 S17953 E17953 272822005 ST43 (body structure) P17953 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3188FCCDCFFB4089B314A38BA7D538A9 ST43 (body structure) 17954 17954 17954 ST44 S17954 E17954 272823000 ST44 (body structure) P17954 Y 0 P acupuncture point 53EC7F8439404A5E90DE25345576A7E7 ST44 (body structure) 17955 17955 17955 ST45 S17955 E17955 272824006 ST45 (body structure) P17955 Y 0 P acupuncture point BFF8F998C1EE4EA4AD00F46DEBCC486B ST45 (body structure) 17956 17956 17956 spleen acupuncture points S17956 E17956 272825007 Spleen acupuncture points (body structure) P17956 Y 0 P acupuncture point BCC5415A4F5D4D60A31CB9D96DDD225E Spleen acupuncture points (body structure) 17957 17957 17957 SP1 S17957 E17957 272826008 SP1 (body structure) P17957 Y 0 P acupuncture point 70D88F3C0FDE4D909E859DB29EA2575D SP1 (body structure) 17958 17958 17958 SP2 S17958 E17958 272827004 SP2 (body structure) P17958 Y 0 P acupuncture point 24E3E7EBCDBC4A60941F63ED068CD61F SP2 (body structure) 17959 17959 17959 SP3 S17959 E17959 272828009 SP3 (body structure) P17959 Y 0 P acupuncture point 48FC760C76644F96AEB8BD889BCD5B9A SP3 (body structure) 17960 17960 17960 SP4 S17960 E17960 272829001 SP4 (body structure) P17960 Y 0 P acupuncture point A6E45480A44C477CB5D2496CA1A8CABB SP4 (body structure) 17961 17961 17961 SP5 S17961 E17961 272830006 SP5 (body structure) P17961 Y 0 P acupuncture point 46BE7255798740CCA5FB544BB7576E17 SP5 (body structure) 17962 17962 17962 SP6 S17962 E17962 272831005 SP6 (body structure) P17962 Y 0 P acupuncture point F6D1E8C0762441DAB890F71AAE0CAEC7 SP6 (body structure) 17963 17963 17963 SP7 S17963 E17963 272832003 SP7 (body structure) P17963 Y 0 P acupuncture point 668FAB5C871A499B9483E9045CAFE300 SP7 (body structure) 17964 17964 17964 SP8 S17964 E17964 272833008 SP8 (body structure) P17964 Y 0 P acupuncture point A3196749E95E44398FA6EA16EA6A3705 SP8 (body structure) 17965 17965 17965 SP9 S17965 E17965 272834002 SP9 (body structure) P17965 Y 0 P acupuncture point 13428DB6A2DB4A9A9DA2F72CDCBF4446 SP9 (body structure) 17966 17966 17966 SP10 S17966 E17966 272835001 SP10 (body structure) P17966 Y 0 P acupuncture point 8507047C2C9241D9946141B239D95326 SP10 (body structure) 17967 17967 17967 SP11 S17967 E17967 272836000 SP11 (body structure) P17967 Y 0 P acupuncture point E50F6E323E1F45BF9368574064274A1C SP11 (body structure) 17968 17968 17968 SP12 S17968 E17968 272837009 SP12 (body structure) P17968 Y 0 P acupuncture point BF9D49B16B9247B6AACDE65A245146DD SP12 (body structure) 17969 17969 17969 SP13 S17969 E17969 272838004 SP13 (body structure) P17969 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3385725B659440138B0AB7918DA73D33 SP13 (body structure) 17970 17970 17970 SP14 S17970 E17970 272839007 SP14 (body structure) P17970 Y 0 P acupuncture point 2AF6D9FA4264483799722C3AA27EBFE4 SP14 (body structure) 17971 17971 17971 SP15 S17971 E17971 272840009 SP15 (body structure) P17971 Y 0 P acupuncture point 5F02978646134D17B46122D465689E9A SP15 (body structure) 17972 17972 17972 SP16 S17972 E17972 272841008 SP16 (body structure) P17972 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4B5E8535549346A7951D0326C292DD35 SP16 (body structure) 17973 17973 17973 SP17 S17973 E17973 272842001 SP17 (body structure) P17973 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3F14E29F862F4AF7895EED9846AB3439 SP17 (body structure) 17974 17974 17974 SP18 S17974 E17974 272843006 SP18 (body structure) P17974 Y 0 P acupuncture point 7EF40CBD04694B56A2FCB65C706E6A36 SP18 (body structure) 17975 17975 17975 SP19 S17975 E17975 272844000 SP19 (body structure) P17975 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6B67CDAAA7DC40D6820FBCA54D83EE70 SP19 (body structure) 17976 17976 17976 SP20 S17976 E17976 272845004 SP20 (body structure) P17976 Y 0 P acupuncture point 804A73D9FA2848F7B21FFF57A1C534D8 SP20 (body structure) 17977 17977 17977 SP21 S17977 E17977 272846003 SP21 (body structure) P17977 Y 0 P acupuncture point 47002CC74B2B48ACA6F5874941748E93 SP21 (body structure) 17978 17978 17978 heart acupuncture points S17978 E17978 272847007 Heart acupuncture points (body structure) P17978 Y 0 P acupuncture point F64D3ACC29264C468DA6305714B0587E Heart acupuncture points (body structure) 17979 17979 17979 HT1 S17979 E17979 272848002 HT1 (body structure) P17979 Y 0 P acupuncture point C2BBF6FC9A2648659B01945BB76D6CE9 HT1 (body structure) 17980 17980 17980 HT2 S17980 E17980 272849005 HT2 (body structure) P17980 Y 0 P acupuncture point D25B950D097F4C5B8FA7418BDE5D237D HT2 (body structure) 17981 17981 17981 HT3 S17981 E17981 272850005 HT3 (body structure) P17981 Y 0 P acupuncture point C64E17594EC54B2A8442DCFCFE0B3042 HT3 (body structure) 17982 17982 17982 HT4 S17982 E17982 272851009 HT4 (body structure) P17982 Y 0 P acupuncture point C7A3A407060544F0A3CFCABCE742A6FA HT4 (body structure) 17983 17983 17983 HT5 S17983 E17983 272852002 HT5 (body structure) P17983 Y 0 P acupuncture point 466D1AC40C314E4B880EF68206DBC79B HT5 (body structure) 17984 17984 17984 HT6 S17984 E17984 272853007 HT6 (body structure) P17984 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0F855B29B1F448A78693344C6690A031 HT6 (body structure) 17985 17985 17985 HT7 S17985 E17985 272854001 HT7 (body structure) P17985 Y 0 P acupuncture point B5105714D6314AC8B5A56E298DE09711 HT7 (body structure) 17986 17986 17986 HT8 S17986 E17986 272855000 HT8 (body structure) P17986 Y 0 P acupuncture point CCA7205FA0AC4F42BB373A8B048CC07B HT8 (body structure) 17987 17987 17987 HT9 S17987 E17987 272856004 HT9 (body structure) P17987 Y 0 P acupuncture point 9CB2040B4BAE49D7998F8064863691ED HT9 (body structure) 17988 17988 17988 small intestine acupuncture points S17988 E17988 272857008 Small intestine acupuncture points (body structure) P17988 Y 0 P acupuncture point C737C6BAAC7A4A99BCF638B338C155D0 Small intestine acupuncture points (body structure) 17989 17989 17989 SI1 S17989 E17989 272858003 SI1 (body structure) P17989 Y 0 P acupuncture point 977C21D0B1324E9586E22FB2E41C6C98 SI1 (body structure) 17990 17990 17990 SI2 S17990 E17990 272859006 SI2 (body structure) P17990 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6207E46E0B16413FB45F3C376AEC97F8 SI2 (body structure) 17991 17991 17991 SI3 S17991 E17991 272860001 SI3 (body structure) P17991 Y 0 P acupuncture point 5E709C30485F40D180A73664BD6B5F0B SI3 (body structure) 17992 17992 17992 SI4 S17992 E17992 272861002 SI4 (body structure) P17992 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4815FB6A8E5743A2A0BABDB27406870F SI4 (body structure) 17993 17993 17993 SI5 S17993 E17993 272862009 SI5 (body structure) P17993 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0CC3B0D918F24488A4D53EFE74696BC8 SI5 (body structure) 17994 17994 17994 SI6 S17994 E17994 272863004 SI6 (body structure) P17994 Y 0 P acupuncture point ECFDA0FA0A8A40738E0DB2D6B1AF774F SI6 (body structure) 17995 17995 17995 SI7 S17995 E17995 272864005 SI7 (body structure) P17995 Y 0 P acupuncture point C1411EC0F60A4AF385BC8E3A96E606B1 SI7 (body structure) 17996 17996 17996 SI8 S17996 E17996 272865006 SI8 (body structure) P17996 Y 0 P acupuncture point 88827FB043DB45FA909EA15EC0FD72F8 SI8 (body structure) 17997 17997 17997 SI9 S17997 E17997 272866007 SI9 (body structure) P17997 Y 0 P acupuncture point 756FA36872CD4C5D97F2C1FC50D55D3F SI9 (body structure) 17998 17998 17998 SI10 S17998 E17998 272867003 SI10 (body structure) P17998 Y 0 P acupuncture point 2DEEA8A7796C4A4A9D36D559A295C1A5 SI10 (body structure) 17999 17999 17999 SI11 S17999 E17999 272868008 SI11 (body structure) P17999 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6F5811AAF39A43C08ED71FCB8D1EBAFC SI11 (body structure) 18000 18000 18000 SI12 S18000 E18000 272869000 SI12 (body structure) P18000 Y 0 P acupuncture point C015A9A253124DD2974E733FB2CEC1C7 SI12 (body structure) 18001 18001 18001 SI13 S18001 E18001 272870004 SI13 (body structure) P18001 Y 0 P acupuncture point 9D2E07B2E98540ECA2994DE146C5ED13 SI13 (body structure) 18002 18002 18002 SI14 S18002 E18002 272871000 SI14 (body structure) P18002 Y 0 P acupuncture point C11D36D3972A40F7AEC62692B8DFF8A8 SI14 (body structure) 18003 18003 18003 SI15 S18003 E18003 272872007 SI15 (body structure) P18003 Y 0 P acupuncture point 80C8398D13664635BE21E972482CA8BF SI15 (body structure) 18004 18004 18004 SI16 S18004 E18004 272873002 SI16 (body structure) P18004 Y 0 P acupuncture point CC71A1CFAFD54678BFB68EECCCE91A9D SI16 (body structure) 18005 18005 18005 SI17 S18005 E18005 272874008 SI17 (body structure) P18005 Y 0 P acupuncture point E2FA93CE440B451599065D7BC6CBD046 SI17 (body structure) 18006 18006 18006 SI18 S18006 E18006 272875009 SI18 (body structure) P18006 Y 0 P acupuncture point 81A8D1FE38ED48D489DA6CF573B2DAB0 SI18 (body structure) 18007 18007 18007 SI19 S18007 E18007 272876005 SI19 (body structure) P18007 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0CB76C64962C41D790C573558C08DA03 SI19 (body structure) 18008 18008 18008 bladder acupuncture points S18008 E18008 272877001 Bladder acupuncture points (body structure) P18008 Y 0 P acupuncture point 40C27E3268C34548B255AC8D9619FEF1 Bladder acupuncture points (body structure) 18009 18009 18009 BL1 S18009 E18009 272878006 BL1 (body structure) P18009 Y 0 P acupuncture point D8A2D5BA11344160B462B3470C5CA824 BL1 (body structure) 18010 18010 18010 BL2 S18010 E18010 272879003 BL2 (body structure) P18010 Y 0 P acupuncture point FB48E3A038B84E3E9280C1692852982C BL2 (body structure) 18011 18011 18011 BL3 S18011 E18011 272880000 BL3 (body structure) P18011 Y 0 P acupuncture point 98565356EDA24B1AA7F94D19AFA0ADFB BL3 (body structure) 18012 18012 18012 BL4 S18012 E18012 272881001 BL4 (body structure) P18012 Y 0 P acupuncture point DD67BDB443F6472390820B574E2AEC73 BL4 (body structure) 18013 18013 18013 BL5 S18013 E18013 272882008 BL5 (body structure) P18013 Y 0 P acupuncture point 7BD667380C5A484881494164245DCF41 BL5 (body structure) 18014 18014 18014 BL6 S18014 E18014 272883003 BL6 (body structure) P18014 Y 0 P acupuncture point B8FBCEDA15E945F3A64F2FC7ED804EF0 BL6 (body structure) 18015 18015 18015 BL7 S18015 E18015 272884009 BL7 (body structure) P18015 Y 0 P acupuncture point 1193C95C10D84ADD926CB144693C1AD8 BL7 (body structure) 18016 18016 18016 BL8 S18016 E18016 272885005 BL8 (body structure) P18016 Y 0 P acupuncture point 13B04AA335F740B08195A225215CC349 BL8 (body structure) 18017 18017 18017 BL9 S18017 E18017 272886006 BL9 (body structure) P18017 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4A19C67A13734C8491C5D6BE886B9E39 BL9 (body structure) 18018 18018 18018 BL10 S18018 E18018 272887002 BL10 (body structure) P18018 Y 0 P acupuncture point DBBA46BF663143B49C74E24EA5F2A4E1 BL10 (body structure) 18019 18019 18019 BL11 S18019 E18019 272888007 BL11 (body structure) P18019 Y 0 P acupuncture point 945FF025AC2142B89C4539D3A29514F1 BL11 (body structure) 18020 18020 18020 BL12 S18020 E18020 272889004 BL12 (body structure) P18020 Y 0 P acupuncture point 5217887AA0FD418F94DA361B35FEFD40 BL12 (body structure) 18021 18021 18021 BL13 S18021 E18021 272890008 BL13 (body structure) P18021 Y 0 P acupuncture point 982C32F32E4646D681B2655AEED25890 BL13 (body structure) 18022 18022 18022 BL14 S18022 E18022 272891007 BL14 (body structure) P18022 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4C235D2BA5EA40F8A2907CDA5A06A821 BL14 (body structure) 18023 18023 18023 BL15 S18023 E18023 272892000 BL15 (body structure) P18023 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0D1AE53581144778AA3933A37ABE50B0 BL15 (body structure) 18024 18024 18024 BL16 S18024 E18024 272893005 BL16 (body structure) P18024 Y 0 P acupuncture point 82C539CBEC6C43CE84C4AB0DD7482FC1 BL16 (body structure) 18025 18025 18025 BL17 S18025 E18025 272894004 BL17 (body structure) P18025 Y 0 P acupuncture point FDFAF17E57514A609E13E09AF8C88AB9 BL17 (body structure) 18026 18026 18026 BL18 S18026 E18026 272895003 BL18 (body structure) P18026 Y 0 P acupuncture point 06F065F56F97407DBB02FDA51EDF8E77 BL18 (body structure) 18027 18027 18027 BL19 S18027 E18027 272897006 BL19 (body structure) P18027 Y 0 P acupuncture point C9AE328D33C6462C9A042589C150B3C1 BL19 (body structure) 18028 18028 18028 BL20 S18028 E18028 272898001 BL20 (body structure) P18028 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3A901C11016947E28C3245FE6F1D7164 BL20 (body structure) 18029 18029 18029 BL21 S18029 E18029 272899009 BL21 (body structure) P18029 Y 0 P acupuncture point CC9E6062E2B34C64BA725791C9ADF3E0 BL21 (body structure) 18030 18030 18030 BL22 S18030 E18030 272900004 BL22 (body structure) P18030 Y 0 P acupuncture point A88F20F96D2B4013A5E4BCC709B39AAD BL22 (body structure) 18031 18031 18031 BL23 S18031 E18031 272901000 BL23 (body structure) P18031 Y 0 P acupuncture point 01FA2A1EB4EC4677B9C4061730BFBFCA BL23 (body structure) 18032 18032 18032 BL24 S18032 E18032 272902007 BL24 (body structure) P18032 Y 0 P acupuncture point 2B9B4AE2F3E4403F891B000BF1F7CF97 BL24 (body structure) 18033 18033 18033 BL25 S18033 E18033 272903002 BL25 (body structure) P18033 Y 0 P acupuncture point 986CC900AB124CFB8FE39FC7FC1DCF13 BL25 (body structure) 18034 18034 18034 BL26 S18034 E18034 272904008 BL26 (body structure) P18034 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6F469BA0CBBC461AA56DBAAFBE37D1D9 BL26 (body structure) 18035 18035 18035 BL27 S18035 E18035 272905009 BL27 (body structure) P18035 Y 0 P acupuncture point FD4D33B77DEB4F5CA607FF844B95A4DE BL27 (body structure) 18036 18036 18036 BL28 S18036 E18036 272906005 BL28 (body structure) P18036 Y 0 P acupuncture point 268785C3598044A18E7E827BDF7932EB BL28 (body structure) 18037 18037 18037 BL29 S18037 E18037 272907001 BL29 (body structure) P18037 Y 0 P acupuncture point 8B37F90B948249E3B19ACDAF63FD9C83 BL29 (body structure) 18038 18038 18038 BL30 S18038 E18038 272908006 BL30 (body structure) P18038 Y 0 P acupuncture point CF912B3062D34369BF4E823C9AFE2402 BL30 (body structure) 18039 18039 18039 BL31 S18039 E18039 272909003 BL31 (body structure) P18039 Y 0 P acupuncture point 449178431A0B4B919A61020284343C9E BL31 (body structure) 18040 18040 18040 BL32 S18040 E18040 272910008 BL32 (body structure) P18040 Y 0 P acupuncture point 398C6714D33546F5A9F0EE5F922A4763 BL32 (body structure) 18041 18041 18041 BL33 S18041 E18041 272911007 BL33 (body structure) P18041 Y 0 P acupuncture point F11BB125099A444BA861A15A8A8BCDC1 BL33 (body structure) 18042 18042 18042 BL34 S18042 E18042 272912000 BL34 (body structure) P18042 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6FC1F2989CEB40B998C188A0FAAE8332 BL34 (body structure) 18043 18043 18043 BL35 S18043 E18043 272913005 BL35 (body structure) P18043 Y 0 P acupuncture point FAF3C39B7C5C450F8850E31BD1107732 BL35 (body structure) 18044 18044 18044 BL36 - gluteal fold S18044 E18044 272914004 BL36 - gluteal fold (body structure) P18044 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4464420428B54893BBB5E370FA7D503E BL36 - gluteal fold (body structure) 18045 18045 18045 BL37 - mid thigh S18045 E18045 272915003 BL37 - mid thigh (body structure) P18045 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3BA64C634D204448872F2C39301041CF BL37 - mid thigh (body structure) 18046 18046 18046 BL38 - superior to popliteal crease S18046 E18046 272916002 BL38 - superior to popliteal crease (body structure) P18046 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3A128857EE95490E9B59A9B00E82C914 BL38 - superior to popliteal crease (body structure) 18047 18047 18047 BL39 - popliteal crease S18047 E18047 272917006 BL39 - popliteal crease (body structure) P18047 Y 0 P acupuncture point F32F999395504F9391F52828D17569B1 BL39 - popliteal crease (body structure) 18048 18048 18048 BL40 - popliteal crease S18048 E18048 272918001 BL40 - popliteal crease (body structure) P18048 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3110D88AAFCB4D9F932EEAB35A315B37 BL40 - popliteal crease (body structure) 18049 18049 18049 BL41 - T2 S18049 E18049 272919009 BL41 - T2 (body structure) P18049 Y 0 P acupuncture point 47ABCBEE80A549A4BABF237AADC87FA0 BL41 - T2 (body structure) 18050 18050 18050 BL42 - T3 S18050 E18050 272920003 BL42 - T3 (body structure) P18050 Y 0 P acupuncture point BF71EE96BF724A01A1614059164EF72C BL42 - T3 (body structure) 18051 18051 18051 BL43 - T4 S18051 E18051 272921004 BL43 - T4 (body structure) P18051 Y 0 P acupuncture point EC8CB295D589440D8728391A5E2767B1 BL43 - T4 (body structure) 18052 18052 18052 BL44 - T5 S18052 E18052 272922006 BL44 - T5 (body structure) P18052 Y 0 P acupuncture point EB28750CD33D465AA28AD31BE1A29686 BL44 - T5 (body structure) 18053 18053 18053 BL45 - T6 S18053 E18053 272923001 BL45 - T6 (body structure) P18053 Y 0 P acupuncture point 729BA6555BC9449DAB0F7E7E709DDA31 BL45 - T6 (body structure) 18054 18054 18054 BL46 - T7 S18054 E18054 272924007 BL46 - T7 (body structure) P18054 Y 0 P acupuncture point 8EAF4797494F4B3C994B8EA11FCA1EC7 BL46 - T7 (body structure) 18055 18055 18055 BL47 - T9 S18055 E18055 272925008 BL47 - T9 (body structure) P18055 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0B8A92F9C4CE451BA327B8416CF25EFD BL47 - T9 (body structure) 18056 18056 18056 BL48 - T10 S18056 E18056 272926009 BL48 - T10 (body structure) P18056 Y 0 P acupuncture point 8BF289D0B5CC4FCB9CD9FB8516AA5DD6 BL48 - T10 (body structure) 18057 18057 18057 BL49 - T11 S18057 E18057 272927000 BL49 - T11 (body structure) P18057 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3170948CC39E40989B5CE33011DF6F86 BL49 - T11 (body structure) 18058 18058 18058 BL50 - T12 S18058 E18058 272928005 BL50 - T12 (body structure) P18058 Y 0 P acupuncture point A404FAD09A534BADBC2AD87EE602820F BL50 - T12 (body structure) 18059 18059 18059 BL51 - L1 S18059 E18059 272929002 BL51 - L1 (body structure) P18059 Y 0 P acupuncture point AAB17D94EB1E410F8AB8A0468CC41989 BL51 - L1 (body structure) 18060 18060 18060 BL52 - L2 S18060 E18060 272930007 BL52 - L2 (body structure) P18060 Y 0 P acupuncture point A72A6570B9E34FAB973048C759ED0EFF BL52 - L2 (body structure) 18061 18061 18061 BL53 - S2 S18061 E18061 272931006 BL53 - S2 (body structure) P18061 Y 0 P acupuncture point C41B1F5C863D4F74A4706B881B21DFDC BL53 - S2 (body structure) 18062 18062 18062 BL54 - S4 S18062 E18062 272932004 BL54 - S4 (body structure) P18062 Y 0 P acupuncture point F6FA617689794AD792BCDB629B1873BE BL54 - S4 (body structure) 18063 18063 18063 BL55 S18063 E18063 272933009 BL55 (body structure) P18063 Y 0 P acupuncture point 76BA534076A54CFD94AFCA25D163909C BL55 (body structure) 18064 18064 18064 BL56 S18064 E18064 272934003 BL56 (body structure) P18064 Y 0 P acupuncture point 1102459B189D47658C8E98674687F18B BL56 (body structure) 18065 18065 18065 BL57 S18065 E18065 272935002 BL57 (body structure) P18065 Y 0 P acupuncture point 2C5824695A4D41BEB8E258BF79EBAE4D BL57 (body structure) 18066 18066 18066 BL58 S18066 E18066 272936001 BL58 (body structure) P18066 Y 0 P acupuncture point CDD6827AC1674F429FF8A193BB192A76 BL58 (body structure) 18067 18067 18067 BL59 S18067 E18067 272937005 BL59 (body structure) P18067 Y 0 P acupuncture point B1E7266076F1415A894BA113FF1CD129 BL59 (body structure) 18068 18068 18068 BL60 S18068 E18068 272939008 BL60 (body structure) P18068 Y 0 P acupuncture point 47A4642A5BBF484CAF21408DE757865B BL60 (body structure) 18069 18069 18069 BL61 S18069 E18069 272940005 BL61 (body structure) P18069 Y 0 P acupuncture point BA7F89C7B2EC4233AB15873B7DDB2CC9 BL61 (body structure) 18070 18070 18070 BL62 S18070 E18070 272941009 BL62 (body structure) P18070 Y 0 P acupuncture point 04A91A5840234C659CFF1FAA317AB04F BL62 (body structure) 18071 18071 18071 BL63 S18071 E18071 272942002 BL63 (body structure) P18071 Y 0 P acupuncture point 53240E73D60E411D8408631B87602796 BL63 (body structure) 18072 18072 18072 BL64 S18072 E18072 272943007 BL64 (body structure) P18072 Y 0 P acupuncture point 88EDFD176501444DA066B2BF30E536ED BL64 (body structure) 18073 18073 18073 BL65 S18073 E18073 272944001 BL65 (body structure) P18073 Y 0 P acupuncture point EE720508160D4CFC9BF0331A42407B15 BL65 (body structure) 18074 18074 18074 kidney acupuncture points S18074 E18074 272945000 Kidney acupuncture points (body structure) P18074 Y 0 P acupuncture point 9DFBC78EDB8C46D9A831024485711A7C Kidney acupuncture points (body structure) 18075 18075 18075 KI1 S18075 E18075 272946004 KI1 (body structure) P18075 Y 0 P acupuncture point 20EB52DB6D274D8884D25129E3EDC131 KI1 (body structure) 18076 18076 18076 KI2 S18076 E18076 272947008 KI2 (body structure) P18076 Y 0 P acupuncture point 1DFB27FADE074B899AA0FC9F758525F5 KI2 (body structure) 18077 18077 18077 KI3 S18077 E18077 272948003 KI3 (body structure) P18077 Y 0 P acupuncture point DC577B186F3D4A00806C859052204997 KI3 (body structure) 18078 18078 18078 KI4 S18078 E18078 272949006 KI4 (body structure) P18078 Y 0 P acupuncture point 8AE101533E51429D8D92FB8BA1EDB83B KI4 (body structure) 18079 18079 18079 KI5 S18079 E18079 272950006 KI5 (body structure) P18079 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3A5A4A0863D74CF0832F32CF4E4D9FF1 KI5 (body structure) 18080 18080 18080 KI6 S18080 E18080 272951005 KI6 (body structure) P18080 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6A7B09EB9C0B41C89B9F13960BB51D0B KI6 (body structure) 18081 18081 18081 KI7 S18081 E18081 272952003 KI7 (body structure) P18081 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0ABFDFBEF0124BC6BBD5728545F9ACE8 KI7 (body structure) 18082 18082 18082 KI8 S18082 E18082 272953008 KI8 (body structure) P18082 Y 0 P acupuncture point 01B0E1E6036748D5AF4EFD5180472D17 KI8 (body structure) 18083 18083 18083 KI9 S18083 E18083 272954002 KI9 (body structure) P18083 Y 0 P acupuncture point 95366D49E74C4C51A93900F0244EC0BB KI9 (body structure) 18084 18084 18084 KI10 S18084 E18084 272955001 KI10 (body structure) P18084 Y 0 P acupuncture point 18D60CE71FF84A7FA17C42758A1BF865 KI10 (body structure) 18085 18085 18085 KI11 S18085 E18085 272956000 KI11 (body structure) P18085 Y 0 P acupuncture point 490F2355D0964C57815B97CFB174E516 KI11 (body structure) 18086 18086 18086 KI12 S18086 E18086 272957009 KI12 (body structure) P18086 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4988FA7005C74FFD8B593BDD573ECA57 KI12 (body structure) 18087 18087 18087 KI13 S18087 E18087 272958004 KI13 (body structure) P18087 Y 0 P acupuncture point FCC8AFC4D047437194098B2D8D40DAA0 KI13 (body structure) 18088 18088 18088 KI14 S18088 E18088 272959007 KI14 (body structure) P18088 Y 0 P acupuncture point A8931C031F75451FB53EAF5102EA8893 KI14 (body structure) 18089 18089 18089 KI15 S18089 E18089 272960002 KI15 (body structure) P18089 Y 0 P acupuncture point 2572D9B12E724B2B933F721B4E33B335 KI15 (body structure) 18090 18090 18090 KI16 S18090 E18090 272961003 KI16 (body structure) P18090 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3D73540CD1ED4A56BDF24BCC99E8390D KI16 (body structure) 18091 18091 18091 KI17 S18091 E18091 272962005 KI17 (body structure) P18091 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0846644CD2604668A04510809241BF64 KI17 (body structure) 18092 18092 18092 KI18 S18092 E18092 272963000 KI18 (body structure) P18092 Y 0 P acupuncture point 847890D011D14C6E8C260E3181434720 KI18 (body structure) 18093 18093 18093 KI19 S18093 E18093 272964006 KI19 (body structure) P18093 Y 0 P acupuncture point D67069FB1E6E4566A73C3E7197B6E526 KI19 (body structure) 18094 18094 18094 KI20 S18094 E18094 272965007 KI20 (body structure) P18094 Y 0 P acupuncture point 12C557A3571E41CB9EDC08A6253628DF KI20 (body structure) 18095 18095 18095 KI21 S18095 E18095 272966008 KI21 (body structure) P18095 Y 0 P acupuncture point B7940E6D377A4944BF44545C504CC898 KI21 (body structure) 18096 18096 18096 KI22 S18096 E18096 272967004 KI22 (body structure) P18096 Y 0 P acupuncture point 1B84F3C8E3EB4BFE867910D3A14B50DB KI22 (body structure) 18097 18097 18097 KI23 S18097 E18097 272968009 KI23 (body structure) P18097 Y 0 P acupuncture point C43FC5DFAEA04BA08B26701F7A6C848C KI23 (body structure) 18098 18098 18098 KI24 S18098 E18098 272969001 KI24 (body structure) P18098 Y 0 P acupuncture point 78E088AD27C24B1B82A6BB9731BBD9CE KI24 (body structure) 18099 18099 18099 KI25 S18099 E18099 272970000 KI25 (body structure) P18099 Y 0 P acupuncture point A371DC0A66334C4B9531741CD6504C55 KI25 (body structure) 18100 18100 18100 KI26 S18100 E18100 272971001 KI26 (body structure) P18100 Y 0 P acupuncture point 64EED46803454FF5932965981E9E008C KI26 (body structure) 18101 18101 18101 KI27 S18101 E18101 272972008 KI27 (body structure) P18101 Y 0 P acupuncture point EDEF09BCE36E4BD28AB851E45C7F6A85 KI27 (body structure) 18102 18102 18102 pericardium acupuncture points S18102 E18102 272973003 Pericardium acupuncture points (body structure) P18102 Y 0 P acupuncture point 444E5779E0C5479085E6588BFB4F4390 Pericardium acupuncture points (body structure) 18103 18103 18103 pericardium acupuncture point PC1 S18103 E18103 272974009 PC1 (body structure) P18103 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6A99F631D7C64AE0A7A2D8820D2180AF PC1 (body structure) 18104 18104 18104 pericardium acupuncture point PC2 S18104 E18104 272975005 PC2 (body structure) P18104 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3E01E373108F42EC8F4FB072F1E3436D PC2 (body structure) 18105 18105 18105 pericardium acupuncture point PC3 S18105 E18105 272976006 PC3 (body structure) P18105 Y 0 P acupuncture point F766F09B6DC3406DBC383A9F9DB8D19D PC3 (body structure) 18106 18106 18106 pericardium acupuncture point PC4 S18106 E18106 272977002 PC4 (body structure) P18106 Y 0 P acupuncture point 7A30B8153F914E1899D4420C29E67D0E PC4 (body structure) 18107 18107 18107 pericardium acupuncture point PC5 S18107 E18107 272978007 PC5 (body structure) P18107 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6912ACFFCE2644DDA2D5448E95309315 PC5 (body structure) 18108 18108 18108 pericardium acupuncture point PC6 S18108 E18108 272979004 PC6 (body structure) P18108 Y 0 P acupuncture point 1433F76ECF2A43909BC604C1E35CF747 PC6 (body structure) 18109 18109 18109 pericardium acupuncture point PC7 S18109 E18109 272980001 PC7 (body structure) P18109 Y 0 P acupuncture point 8D047613DA014C65B355E195E7743A43 PC7 (body structure) 18110 18110 18110 pericardium acupuncture point PC8 S18110 E18110 272981002 PC8 (body structure) P18110 Y 0 P acupuncture point EFEF3398C12A4A9DACFF38C7CC6D5382 PC8 (body structure) 18111 18111 18111 pericardium acupuncture point PC9 S18111 E18111 272982009 PC9 (body structure) P18111 Y 0 P acupuncture point F2B32E71741946DCB076F5679B1DDD89 PC9 (body structure) 18112 18112 18112 triple energizer acupuncture points S18112 E18112 272983004 Triple energizer acupuncture points (body structure) P18112 Y 0 P acupuncture point D953E09D1F804895801DA4F78CF60D8B Triple energizer acupuncture points (body structure) 18113 18113 18113 TE1 S18113 E18113 272984005 TE1 (body structure) P18113 Y 0 P acupuncture point 91B84E69C301486ABA129BB46FF6351C TE1 (body structure) 18114 18114 18114 TE2 S18114 E18114 272985006 TE2 (body structure) P18114 Y 0 P acupuncture point 447114D131A742F6A7CA0B4AC55B27D2 TE2 (body structure) 18115 18115 18115 TE3 S18115 E18115 272986007 TE3 (body structure) P18115 Y 0 P acupuncture point 9EDF62AF51BF4C1D9268F67B1C6FDC48 TE3 (body structure) 18116 18116 18116 TE4 S18116 E18116 272987003 TE4 (body structure) P18116 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0569E9CDAE98467A928A4F728CD3033C TE4 (body structure) 18117 18117 18117 TE5 S18117 E18117 272988008 TE5 (body structure) P18117 Y 0 P acupuncture point 46FED8D2EDE8432AAF9FE4CE4578F535 TE5 (body structure) 18118 18118 18118 TE6 S18118 E18118 272989000 TE6 (body structure) P18118 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6A72E46ECC1E4B0FAD5F5814E59A1F92 TE6 (body structure) 18119 18119 18119 TE7 S18119 E18119 272990009 TE7 (body structure) P18119 Y 0 P acupuncture point 9D4FD27D52E14D97A828A77510BB43E1 TE7 (body structure) 18120 18120 18120 TE8 S18120 E18120 272991008 TE8 (body structure) P18120 Y 0 P acupuncture point 7F79EE8175584AD1894BBBE8EF1C00FA TE8 (body structure) 18121 18121 18121 TE9 S18121 E18121 272992001 TE9 (body structure) P18121 Y 0 P acupuncture point 60FCFBD929DF429C82C26F1F6679A573 TE9 (body structure) 18122 18122 18122 TE10 S18122 E18122 272993006 TE10 (body structure) P18122 Y 0 P acupuncture point 45F29CEFB9574813805579B22E6D8989 TE10 (body structure) 18123 18123 18123 TE11 S18123 E18123 272994000 TE11 (body structure) P18123 Y 0 P acupuncture point 2F284239B14F4DD0AF470D0AAEAB77D0 TE11 (body structure) 18124 18124 18124 TE12 S18124 E18124 272995004 TE12 (body structure) P18124 Y 0 P acupuncture point CA13E1DC83D04A749E685FD541AFC43E TE12 (body structure) 18125 18125 18125 TE13 S18125 E18125 272996003 TE13 (body structure) P18125 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4D0F46F0A25A4E0AB3DED3876C82666D TE13 (body structure) 18126 18126 18126 TE14 S18126 E18126 272997007 TE14 (body structure) P18126 Y 0 P acupuncture point 977B359AACD44AD0857758BB3BCFBA7E TE14 (body structure) 18127 18127 18127 TE15 S18127 E18127 272999005 TE15 (body structure) P18127 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6C22B26D1E534B0FAAEE8412EE6AD65C TE15 (body structure) 18128 18128 18128 TE16 S18128 E18128 273000006 TE16 (body structure) P18128 Y 0 P acupuncture point 5F5D06A538024519874A7BAB84F22BD6 TE16 (body structure) 18129 18129 18129 TE17 S18129 E18129 273001005 TE17 (body structure) P18129 Y 0 P acupuncture point 396101D4C26B439FBAC97316A4320EBB TE17 (body structure) 18130 18130 18130 TE18 S18130 E18130 273002003 TE18 (body structure) P18130 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4D25844FE1F14014A93AACDA0520B1BD TE18 (body structure) 18131 18131 18131 TE19 S18131 E18131 273003008 TE19 (body structure) P18131 Y 0 P acupuncture point B2923FA519044C8DAA07A2BCEF730094 TE19 (body structure) 18132 18132 18132 TE20 S18132 E18132 273004002 TE20 (body structure) P18132 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4087D0F7B65845ABB3BD49527B15FE42 TE20 (body structure) 18133 18133 18133 TE21 S18133 E18133 273005001 TE21 (body structure) P18133 Y 0 P acupuncture point AD46EC3E4F9C4F6286C70195AAC3A281 TE21 (body structure) 18134 18134 18134 TE22 S18134 E18134 273006000 TE22 (body structure) P18134 Y 0 P acupuncture point 15B69528CC4E44588199F9A3DBA18897 TE22 (body structure) 18135 18135 18135 TE23 S18135 E18135 273007009 TE23 (body structure) P18135 Y 0 P acupuncture point 64A43DCAF58D4B81AFFFC095298ED9A1 TE23 (body structure) 18136 18136 18136 gallbladder acupuncture points S18136 E18136 273008004 Gallbladder acupuncture points (body structure) P18136 Y 0 P acupuncture point 141D6ADF6A754DC9A41FC7BDE99C92E8 Gallbladder acupuncture points (body structure) 18137 18137 18137 GB1 S18137 E18137 273009007 GB1 (body structure) P18137 Y 0 P acupuncture point 8262ADA6CA9B4C919B52CEBF420F5E99 GB1 (body structure) 18138 18138 18138 GB2 S18138 E18138 273010002 GB2 (body structure) P18138 Y 0 P acupuncture point CF013FD0277D4B60A0587EA4D4FF6675 GB2 (body structure) 18139 18139 18139 GB3 S18139 E18139 273011003 GB3 (body structure) P18139 Y 0 P acupuncture point A7FB912A1FCA4A0FB9446AE3191BC29B GB3 (body structure) 18140 18140 18140 GB4 S18140 E18140 273012005 GB4 (body structure) P18140 Y 0 P acupuncture point DEB7B6BEAEAC4E05AA9789683DE62C5B GB4 (body structure) 18141 18141 18141 GB5 S18141 E18141 273013000 GB5 (body structure) P18141 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3D77F50F09B240678B4D61A2E6E050E4 GB5 (body structure) 18142 18142 18142 GB6 S18142 E18142 273014006 GB6 (body structure) P18142 Y 0 P acupuncture point BCC761D200524B9BB563C9ACC3BBC39F GB6 (body structure) 18143 18143 18143 GB7 S18143 E18143 273015007 GB7 (body structure) P18143 Y 0 P acupuncture point 08DC68F5DD1F4F479F3A00C2182295C7 GB7 (body structure) 18144 18144 18144 GB8 S18144 E18144 273016008 GB8 (body structure) P18144 Y 0 P acupuncture point B9EF2C8B0C634B8796F82C8324632C90 GB8 (body structure) 18145 18145 18145 GB9 S18145 E18145 273017004 GB9 (body structure) P18145 Y 0 P acupuncture point F091C95C420F41D0B18063D3A15EE57B GB9 (body structure) 18146 18146 18146 GB10 S18146 E18146 273018009 GB10 (body structure) P18146 Y 0 P acupuncture point E123D435A32A470F8D3A916910A26C86 GB10 (body structure) 18147 18147 18147 GB12 S18147 E18147 273019001 GB12 (body structure) P18147 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4EA7753461A44C8D9421E6D2B3FC0677 GB12 (body structure) 18148 18148 18148 GB13 S18148 E18148 273020007 GB13 (body structure) P18148 Y 0 P acupuncture point F2E1676A643440DB9651E8EEB568A59D GB13 (body structure) 18149 18149 18149 GB14 S18149 E18149 273021006 GB14 (body structure) P18149 Y 0 P acupuncture point EBDFD1E1BA474660AB1BE71D3E01CC08 GB14 (body structure) 18150 18150 18150 GB15 S18150 E18150 273022004 GB15 (body structure) P18150 Y 0 P acupuncture point F5B0F8F7A0C64E97977C37ABBA109E46 GB15 (body structure) 18151 18151 18151 GB16 S18151 E18151 273023009 GB16 (body structure) P18151 Y 0 P acupuncture point F4A53402DEF845A2952AA9F141B7B12F GB16 (body structure) 18152 18152 18152 GB17 S18152 E18152 273024003 GB17 (body structure) P18152 Y 0 P acupuncture point 944AF96CA4B24D9288AA4FBCDF053212 GB17 (body structure) 18153 18153 18153 GB18 S18153 E18153 273025002 GB18 (body structure) P18153 Y 0 P acupuncture point EB845BE4AAEA4B279EA1C355FB75C069 GB18 (body structure) 18154 18154 18154 GB19 S18154 E18154 273026001 GB19 (body structure) P18154 Y 0 P acupuncture point 80BBDCC2DE9D4480A63165DEB9F093A0 GB19 (body structure) 18155 18155 18155 GB20 S18155 E18155 273027005 GB20 (body structure) P18155 Y 0 P acupuncture point 51C38A7AF1724F1395E49D915C53A7AB GB20 (body structure) 18156 18156 18156 GB21 S18156 E18156 273028000 GB21 (body structure) P18156 Y 0 P acupuncture point ED700DB72AE84019A3E21F2AB0110F05 GB21 (body structure) 18157 18157 18157 GB22 S18157 E18157 273029008 GB22 (body structure) P18157 Y 0 P acupuncture point D6E4519CAAB7433199240D4BEC71D5AD GB22 (body structure) 18158 18158 18158 GB23 S18158 E18158 273030003 GB23 (body structure) P18158 Y 0 P acupuncture point 2D76E7A5F2F44FB2BD21305F4371FB9B GB23 (body structure) 18159 18159 18159 GB24 S18159 E18159 273031004 GB24 (body structure) P18159 Y 0 P acupuncture point 979F35FCF0FB439DBE5DD9FE5455B722 GB24 (body structure) 18160 18160 18160 GB25 S18160 E18160 273032006 GB25 (body structure) P18160 Y 0 P acupuncture point FB63A5F82EEE4866859986548DD9712B GB25 (body structure) 18161 18161 18161 GB26 S18161 E18161 273033001 GB26 (body structure) P18161 Y 0 P acupuncture point ACF7CEAAF36845D6BC0FA8D8D3791D16 GB26 (body structure) 18162 18162 18162 GB27 S18162 E18162 273034007 GB27 (body structure) P18162 Y 0 P acupuncture point A8BD325D5CD24409ACBDE6C4FA5FC8C8 GB27 (body structure) 18163 18163 18163 GB28 S18163 E18163 273035008 GB28 (body structure) P18163 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3C12E048CD4E416BB21A8623592FFAF1 GB28 (body structure) 18164 18164 18164 GB29 S18164 E18164 273036009 GB29 (body structure) P18164 Y 0 P acupuncture point E5AB218F72014432880CF823541E61E7 GB29 (body structure) 18165 18165 18165 GB30 S18165 E18165 273037000 GB30 (body structure) P18165 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6ABADD3687D14C629EB2DC07D046D27A GB30 (body structure) 18166 18166 18166 GB31 S18166 E18166 273038005 GB31 (body structure) P18166 Y 0 P acupuncture point 7A30F7B9DE74493287A0481CBBDF33C9 GB31 (body structure) 18167 18167 18167 GB32 S18167 E18167 273039002 GB32 (body structure) P18167 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0AD212268F5943E1AD41D8F7CDB11E73 GB32 (body structure) 18168 18168 18168 GB33 S18168 E18168 273040000 GB33 (body structure) P18168 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0EA331BA1BC8495786B7206A5DF0C0B9 GB33 (body structure) 18169 18169 18169 GB34 S18169 E18169 273041001 GB34 (body structure) P18169 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3EB7C2AAAF9547E9B0DA0FCE950A4346 GB34 (body structure) 18170 18170 18170 GB35 S18170 E18170 273042008 GB35 (body structure) P18170 Y 0 P acupuncture point 10ABFDEDDC63419F9293A29796AA1FCE GB35 (body structure) 18171 18171 18171 GB36 S18171 E18171 273043003 GB36 (body structure) P18171 Y 0 P acupuncture point 515B9EC6D3B84DB38F61CC12DA84DD6E GB36 (body structure) 18172 18172 18172 GB37 S18172 E18172 273044009 GB37 (body structure) P18172 Y 0 P acupuncture point 21A8123E9B2A4185AA7C87AE9BDC915C GB37 (body structure) 18173 18173 18173 GB38 S18173 E18173 273045005 GB38 (body structure) P18173 Y 0 P acupuncture point 644567426B2A4B2EADF01919B88A0B29 GB38 (body structure) 18174 18174 18174 GB39 S18174 E18174 273046006 GB39 (body structure) P18174 Y 0 P acupuncture point 14FF3BC0EE954FEDAFE755FB89392B3E GB39 (body structure) 18175 18175 18175 GB40 S18175 E18175 273047002 GB40 (body structure) P18175 Y 0 P acupuncture point 87FC317ED63C4097BA1104DB61C2DA2C GB40 (body structure) 18176 18176 18176 GB41 S18176 E18176 273048007 GB41 (body structure) P18176 Y 0 P acupuncture point C9BFCF58B5974BE0A88603E0E58EB051 GB41 (body structure) 18177 18177 18177 GB42 S18177 E18177 273049004 GB42 (body structure) P18177 Y 0 P acupuncture point B72DF48836554462B978EE15755BC296 GB42 (body structure) 18178 18178 18178 GB43 S18178 E18178 273050004 GB43 (body structure) P18178 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6D0E75B5A58743BCBE5BD28176157004 GB43 (body structure) 18179 18179 18179 GB44 S18179 E18179 273051000 GB44 (body structure) P18179 Y 0 P acupuncture point C35360046E86483E860E83B4E2D6BECD GB44 (body structure) 18180 18180 18180 liver acupuncture points S18180 E18180 273052007 Liver acupuncture points (body structure) P18180 Y 0 P acupuncture point F734E95ECC52470995D0461463C3397E Liver acupuncture points (body structure) 18181 18181 18181 LR1 S18181 E18181 273053002 LR1 (body structure) P18181 Y 0 P acupuncture point 73D85BB79B55422F80BD526776F9D636 LR1 (body structure) 18182 18182 18182 LR2 S18182 E18182 273054008 LR2 (body structure) P18182 Y 0 P acupuncture point C04A0504BBBD4C518827C9E6DF9520A4 LR2 (body structure) 18183 18183 18183 LR3 S18183 E18183 273055009 LR3 (body structure) P18183 Y 0 P acupuncture point 10D851C12C7B44E9A5F5EB55C43144E5 LR3 (body structure) 18184 18184 18184 LR4 S18184 E18184 273056005 LR4 (body structure) P18184 Y 0 P acupuncture point 2F0047098AFE4CA4BBE62DAE25953E0C LR4 (body structure) 18185 18185 18185 LR5 S18185 E18185 273057001 LR5 (body structure) P18185 Y 0 P acupuncture point 9F38212A37574C5AA8FBDC6D899C2397 LR5 (body structure) 18186 18186 18186 LR6 S18186 E18186 273058006 LR6 (body structure) P18186 Y 0 P acupuncture point F84A0D52EBD745D8B988B2FB0CD4038C LR6 (body structure) 18187 18187 18187 LR7 S18187 E18187 273059003 LR7 (body structure) P18187 Y 0 P acupuncture point 7C3D6C13A21F4109991B1D3CE913C8BF LR7 (body structure) 18188 18188 18188 LR8 S18188 E18188 273060008 LR8 (body structure) P18188 Y 0 P acupuncture point A5E22670A28A425EAC5A18B5E82A8F7F LR8 (body structure) 18189 18189 18189 LR9 S18189 E18189 273061007 LR9 (body structure) P18189 Y 0 P acupuncture point 9006DE7C13C2425EA57081635F0E3789 LR9 (body structure) 18190 18190 18190 LR10 S18190 E18190 273062000 LR10 (body structure) P18190 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4337D8B6139A4FA8966AD8804124C8AF LR10 (body structure) 18191 18191 18191 LR11 S18191 E18191 273063005 LR11 (body structure) P18191 Y 0 P acupuncture point 9CFBAC8930D34F2D8DF40D333FA16C14 LR11 (body structure) 18192 18192 18192 LR12 S18192 E18192 273064004 LR12 (body structure) P18192 Y 0 P acupuncture point E7A97000BDAD4C3C9E9EF0F361B31891 LR12 (body structure) 18193 18193 18193 LR13 S18193 E18193 273065003 LR13 (body structure) P18193 Y 0 P acupuncture point AFE5AEFD560D46CFB6DCD51598B30318 LR13 (body structure) 18194 18194 18194 LR14 S18194 E18194 273066002 LR14 (body structure) P18194 Y 0 P acupuncture point 7C6385164CD14A508EBF23F40BA7B0E5 LR14 (body structure) 18195 18195 18195 governing vessel acupuncture points S18195 E18195 273067006 Governing vessel acupuncture points (body structure) P18195 - 0 P acupuncture point 008618EE9D6F4F549FCBB5CABC46FCF8 Governing vessel acupuncture points (body structure) 18196 18196 18196 GV1 S18196 E18196 273068001 GV1 (body structure) P18196 - 0 P acupuncture point A0DFF91E40D241BFA4EB1A4E71C6CF65 GV1 (body structure) 18197 18197 18197 GV2 S18197 E18197 273069009 GV2 (body structure) P18197 - 0 P acupuncture point 2D101915917D4562BD80688E9EE8F0FE GV2 (body structure) 18198 18198 18198 GV3 S18198 E18198 273070005 GV3 (body structure) P18198 - 0 P acupuncture point E8ADE8E996DB4B8CA3DDAA429A4EF25E GV3 (body structure) 18199 18199 18199 GV4 S18199 E18199 273071009 GV4 (body structure) P18199 - 0 P acupuncture point FD5B831FAAB44EB4871BDAA731207B33 GV4 (body structure) 18200 18200 18200 GV5 S18200 E18200 273072002 GV5 (body structure) P18200 - 0 P acupuncture point A203F68DC9824667AE177A71D6A950EE GV5 (body structure) 18201 18201 18201 GV6 S18201 E18201 273073007 GV6 (body structure) P18201 - 0 P acupuncture point C53CB3EF859747DBAC3975D3404347A7 GV6 (body structure) 18202 18202 18202 GV7 S18202 E18202 273074001 GV7 (body structure) P18202 - 0 P acupuncture point D631ACE80A164585B05672C6B42D7035 GV7 (body structure) 18203 18203 18203 GV8 S18203 E18203 273075000 GV8 (body structure) P18203 - 0 P acupuncture point 5C1A7EA92C454B978A278535A353559A GV8 (body structure) 18204 18204 18204 GV9 S18204 E18204 273076004 GV9 (body structure) P18204 - 0 P acupuncture point 3F6230ED47404C94ABBC3BA360591421 GV9 (body structure) 18205 18205 18205 GV10 S18205 E18205 273077008 GV10 (body structure) P18205 - 0 P acupuncture point B35C58D66EE84B91B7E1B845DFE702CC GV10 (body structure) 18206 18206 18206 GV11 S18206 E18206 273078003 GV11 (body structure) P18206 - 0 P acupuncture point C9C10A25FEF440049F944F8B40D41865 GV11 (body structure) 18207 18207 18207 GV12 S18207 E18207 273079006 GV12 (body structure) P18207 - 0 P acupuncture point 168F6C898B944F84AE3B5A758E70FB3F GV12 (body structure) 18208 18208 18208 GV13 S18208 E18208 273080009 GV13 (body structure) P18208 - 0 P acupuncture point 437884A53E5342A5941FF01BA5EFFCFC GV13 (body structure) 18209 18209 18209 GV14 S18209 E18209 273081008 GV14 (body structure) P18209 - 0 P acupuncture point D8C21CEB249C4DA991196CF8108AB458 GV14 (body structure) 18210 18210 18210 GV15 S18210 E18210 273082001 GV15 (body structure) P18210 - 0 P acupuncture point 5B14B2DCA9BA46C496140163A0A92562 GV15 (body structure) 18211 18211 18211 GV16 S18211 E18211 273083006 GV16 (body structure) P18211 - 0 P acupuncture point 56D5A39AFF26440E8FB5F4F6A67BFADB GV16 (body structure) 18212 18212 18212 GV17 S18212 E18212 273084000 GV17 (body structure) P18212 - 0 P acupuncture point 1B107FE72F434B89A3AFCDBEBC9518CC GV17 (body structure) 18213 18213 18213 GV18 S18213 E18213 273085004 GV18 (body structure) P18213 - 0 P acupuncture point 13D6CABF2564485EAE0A93960A3A272C GV18 (body structure) 18214 18214 18214 GV19 S18214 E18214 273086003 GV19 (body structure) P18214 - 0 P acupuncture point A6C6F488F4964761A2C1983BADD4E33D GV19 (body structure) 18215 18215 18215 GV20 S18215 E18215 273087007 GV20 (body structure) P18215 - 0 P acupuncture point 52C1B342660741D899AA0D5D87319206 GV20 (body structure) 18216 18216 18216 GV21 S18216 E18216 273088002 GV21 (body structure) P18216 - 0 P acupuncture point A350670A9E0340A893A746D06A3FBDAB GV21 (body structure) 18217 18217 18217 GV22 S18217 E18217 273089005 GV22 (body structure) P18217 - 0 P acupuncture point 43D04372A65445AF95B4B90353EDFDF4 GV22 (body structure) 18218 18218 18218 GV23 S18218 E18218 273090001 GV23 (body structure) P18218 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6B2D77D7A39E447F8AEDC48016030D9F GV23 (body structure) 18219 18219 18219 GV24 S18219 E18219 273091002 GV24 (body structure) P18219 - 0 P acupuncture point F43225EF581B41F2BE4C7FE29483F918 GV24 (body structure) 18220 18220 18220 GV25 S18220 E18220 273092009 GV25 (body structure) P18220 Y 0 P acupuncture point DAE96E73018C430E922EFDFF52D3282B GV25 (body structure) 18221 18221 18221 GV26 S18221 E18221 273093004 GV26 (body structure) P18221 - 0 P acupuncture point 4555583C30054183BC24E73A92A6B2E4 GV26 (body structure) 18222 18222 18222 GV27 S18222 E18222 273094005 GV27 (body structure) P18222 Y 0 P acupuncture point 2EF9CFB9B2E748BE80E38AE965E709B5 GV27 (body structure) 18223 18223 18223 GV28 S18223 E18223 273095006 GV28 (body structure) P18223 - 0 P acupuncture point CD3F069C56054BDA94BA31245742DAEB GV28 (body structure) 18224 18224 18224 conception vessel acupuncture points S18224 E18224 273096007 Conception vessel acupuncture points (body structure) P18224 - 0 P acupuncture point 032CE4FAF46C43BCA63E14EEF45652E0 Conception vessel acupuncture points (body structure) 18225 18225 18225 CV1 S18225 E18225 273097003 CV1 (body structure) P18225 - 0 P acupuncture point BDAE71D66E84426DA5B2B30531BBF717 CV1 (body structure) 18226 18226 18226 CV2 S18226 E18226 273098008 CV2 (body structure) P18226 - 0 P acupuncture point 7FBF7A2C37F64DCFA673124C56C07F2E CV2 (body structure) 18227 18227 18227 CV3 S18227 E18227 273100008 CV3 (body structure) P18227 - 0 P acupuncture point 32D722F354034B5F9155CDC653A28241 CV3 (body structure) 18228 18228 18228 CV4 S18228 E18228 273101007 CV4 (body structure) P18228 - 0 P acupuncture point 68A4CB9507A047FF958D419F178F88BE CV4 (body structure) 18229 18229 18229 CV5 S18229 E18229 273102000 CV5 (body structure) P18229 - 0 P acupuncture point A5AF3E31CF064A7B8EE671AF46DA7075 CV5 (body structure) 18230 18230 18230 CV6 S18230 E18230 273103005 CV6 (body structure) P18230 - 0 P acupuncture point AB87FA461D274690A9D1A48B3135E0EB CV6 (body structure) 18231 18231 18231 CV7 S18231 E18231 273104004 CV7 (body structure) P18231 - 0 P acupuncture point 2D393E9806AD4ACBACE50D46E6C422D2 CV7 (body structure) 18232 18232 18232 CV8 S18232 E18232 273105003 CV8 (body structure) P18232 - 0 P acupuncture point 75786F7DA84D41ABAED668CB4F754362 CV8 (body structure) 18233 18233 18233 CV9 S18233 E18233 273106002 CV9 (body structure) P18233 - 0 P acupuncture point ED74AE2510B640F1B078A7E7CF94230F CV9 (body structure) 18234 18234 18234 CV10 S18234 E18234 273107006 CV10 (body structure) P18234 - 0 P acupuncture point C67FD7241EA144518A3D7618A34844B8 CV10 (body structure) 18235 18235 18235 CV11 S18235 E18235 273108001 CV11 (body structure) P18235 - 0 P acupuncture point 4735822A3E5E4D9183FB893333090EB8 CV11 (body structure) 18236 18236 18236 CV12 S18236 E18236 273109009 CV12 (body structure) P18236 - 0 P acupuncture point D1A9DD68AEA044E5B3D291ECCC8FC3F0 CV12 (body structure) 18237 18237 18237 CV13 S18237 E18237 273110004 CV13 (body structure) P18237 - 0 P acupuncture point B122D3E336554EEFBBE34FDCB7C45CAD CV13 (body structure) 18238 18238 18238 CV14 S18238 E18238 273111000 CV14 (body structure) P18238 Y 0 P acupuncture point 398CC31A88B748D0A53E93BA3132142F CV14 (body structure) 18239 18239 18239 CV15 S18239 E18239 273112007 CV15 (body structure) P18239 - 0 P acupuncture point 1F148D905CB045E9A2AD4CD7C153B78A CV15 (body structure) 18240 18240 18240 CV16 S18240 E18240 273113002 CV16 (body structure) P18240 Y 0 P acupuncture point B922E7C14BDD45C2A3C65CBBFDBD5C43 CV16 (body structure) 18241 18241 18241 CV17 S18241 E18241 273114008 CV17 (body structure) P18241 - 0 P acupuncture point 68F809E3AA6B4B81BC20A04373E425E8 CV17 (body structure) 18242 18242 18242 CV18 S18242 E18242 273115009 CV18 (body structure) P18242 Y 0 P acupuncture point 75D2A0467A7F47D7B55139B1D14C4FD5 CV18 (body structure) 18243 18243 18243 CV19 S18243 E18243 273116005 CV19 (body structure) P18243 - 0 P acupuncture point DD6FE758ECC448C1AEDF7B038D2B0535 CV19 (body structure) 18244 18244 18244 CV20 S18244 E18244 273117001 CV20 (body structure) P18244 - 0 P acupuncture point 910929465C814F088DE9D08D6CE29F1E CV20 (body structure) 18245 18245 18245 CV21 S18245 E18245 273118006 CV21 (body structure) P18245 Y 0 P acupuncture point A599638B7A31442AB62453903033D912 CV21 (body structure) 18246 18246 18246 CV22 S18246 E18246 273119003 CV22 (body structure) P18246 - 0 P acupuncture point E32D9E30357A407789944F9B693139E4 CV22 (body structure) 18247 18247 18247 CV23 S18247 E18247 273120009 CV23 (body structure) P18247 Y 0 P acupuncture point CE2A6E0A215047AB8990780D87C4A0EF CV23 (body structure) 18248 18248 18248 CV24 S18248 E18248 273121008 CV24 (body structure) P18248 - 0 P acupuncture point 897424F7D87242F4B1922CBB489E6EF0 CV24 (body structure) 18249 18249 18249 Yintang S18249 E18249 273122001 Yintang (body structure) P18249 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0C4C89A8CD834FD4A8E9EE52D81A17FC Yintang (body structure) 18250 18250 18250 Taiyang S18250 E18250 273123006 Taiyang (body structure) P18250 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4CA5A92AD78B4115BCA8BCCB706887DF Taiyang (body structure) 18251 18251 18251 Dingchuan S18251 E18251 273124000 Dingchuan (body structure) P18251 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0FE71EFF64D24ED4A34CD3BA5AD52706 Dingchuan (body structure) 18252 18252 18252 Xiyan S18252 E18252 273125004 Xiyan (body structure) P18252 Y 0 P acupuncture point 28B8101A679F4E07B84FFD4AE28C62FE Xiyan (body structure) 18253 18253 18253 Huatuochiachi points S18253 E18253 273126003 Huatuochiachi points (body structure) P18253 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3E4A5FE7D0CF40A79D50B928673C565A Huatuochiachi points (body structure) 18254 18254 18254 Huatuochiachi C1 S18254 E18254 273127007 Huatuochiachi C1 (body structure) P18254 Y 0 P acupuncture point 5C1FADB0835F491F99905AA9181E24BC Huatuochiachi C1 (body structure) 18255 18255 18255 Huatuochiachi C2 S18255 E18255 273128002 Huatuochiachi C2 (body structure) P18255 Y 0 P acupuncture point 00C55E4AF23C4F57B00D57BB2069D700 Huatuochiachi C2 (body structure) 18256 18256 18256 Huatuochiachi C3 S18256 E18256 273129005 Huatuochiachi C3 (body structure) P18256 Y 0 P acupuncture point 9D96DD536DCE4705904CFE9110EF5A30 Huatuochiachi C3 (body structure) 18257 18257 18257 Huatuochiachi C4 S18257 E18257 273130000 Huatuochiachi C4 (body structure) P18257 Y 0 P acupuncture point 06C63F56534C4595907829504ACAD126 Huatuochiachi C4 (body structure) 18258 18258 18258 Huatuochiachi C5 S18258 E18258 273131001 Huatuochiachi C5 (body structure) P18258 Y 0 P acupuncture point 60E2A0E81E9C4302A1A41CFF33FED55F Huatuochiachi C5 (body structure) 18259 18259 18259 Huatuochiachi C6 S18259 E18259 273132008 Huatuochiachi C6 (body structure) P18259 Y 0 P acupuncture point F46D43A56005412889EA9C3AA2B5A3B0 Huatuochiachi C6 (body structure) 18260 18260 18260 Huatuochiachi C7 S18260 E18260 273133003 Huatuochiachi C7 (body structure) P18260 Y 0 P acupuncture point D595A72BE31B42C98C65B1A15D56DAC8 Huatuochiachi C7 (body structure) 18261 18261 18261 Huatuochiachi T1 S18261 E18261 273134009 Huatuochiachi T1 (body structure) P18261 Y 0 P acupuncture point B8B9724F5DB84B5C92AEB5A867184D21 Huatuochiachi T1 (body structure) 18262 18262 18262 Huatuochiachi T2 S18262 E18262 273135005 Huatuochiachi T2 (body structure) P18262 Y 0 P acupuncture point 7EC781B860814A97A8EFD591CE052332 Huatuochiachi T2 (body structure) 18263 18263 18263 Huatuochiachi T3 S18263 E18263 273136006 Huatuochiachi T3 (body structure) P18263 Y 0 P acupuncture point 46C5E2869BF540EFB2C6240ED37293A5 Huatuochiachi T3 (body structure) 18264 18264 18264 Huatuochiachi T4 S18264 E18264 273137002 Huatuochiachi T4 (body structure) P18264 Y 0 P acupuncture point 8CD880D54582405AB562F929F2133C17 Huatuochiachi T4 (body structure) 18265 18265 18265 Huatuochiachi T5 S18265 E18265 273138007 Huatuochiachi T5 (body structure) P18265 Y 0 P acupuncture point B4F36C7768234DF28BEF3FFEFB0D72ED Huatuochiachi T5 (body structure) 18266 18266 18266 Huatuochiachi T6 S18266 E18266 273139004 Huatuochiachi T6 (body structure) P18266 Y 0 P acupuncture point 00CD174D394B472A9196C9618B41A4F7 Huatuochiachi T6 (body structure) 18267 18267 18267 Huatuochiachi T7 S18267 E18267 273140002 Huatuochiachi T7 (body structure) P18267 Y 0 P acupuncture point 2B6E5CFFB4AD48FCB968E07278E03796 Huatuochiachi T7 (body structure) 18268 18268 18268 Huatuochiachi T8 S18268 E18268 273141003 Huatuochiachi T8 (body structure) P18268 Y 0 P acupuncture point D579E8970E994A719F3E679A562FA3D7 Huatuochiachi T8 (body structure) 18269 18269 18269 Huatuochiachi T9 S18269 E18269 273142005 Huatuochiachi T9 (body structure) P18269 Y 0 P acupuncture point C4981D2BB8A64F51A9EB1EEF986714F9 Huatuochiachi T9 (body structure) 18270 18270 18270 Huatuochiachi T10 S18270 E18270 273143000 Huatuochiachi T10 (body structure) P18270 Y 0 P acupuncture point 10915C50DC164BE0B22064E2781B82C8 Huatuochiachi T10 (body structure) 18271 18271 18271 Huatuochiachi T11 S18271 E18271 273144006 Huatuochiachi T11 (body structure) P18271 Y 0 P acupuncture point 1FEFD20A889F4866A0EDBE80B212D001 Huatuochiachi T11 (body structure) 18272 18272 18272 Huatuochiachi T12 S18272 E18272 273145007 Huatuochiachi T12 (body structure) P18272 Y 0 P acupuncture point F4233EDDF88F4D7788DE5CA739CEC3BF Huatuochiachi T12 (body structure) 18273 18273 18273 Huatuochiachi L1 S18273 E18273 273146008 Huatuochiachi L1 (body structure) P18273 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6950359857B84BA7BCEAE060BB73844E Huatuochiachi L1 (body structure) 18274 18274 18274 Huatuochiachi L2 S18274 E18274 273147004 Huatuochiachi L2 (body structure) P18274 Y 0 P acupuncture point C07EA2CB981F4FA08500DC0349640F09 Huatuochiachi L2 (body structure) 18275 18275 18275 Huatuochiachi L3 S18275 E18275 273149001 Huatuochiachi L3 (body structure) P18275 Y 0 P acupuncture point 21C617B44CD4419184778ADE241FEB49 Huatuochiachi L3 (body structure) 18276 18276 18276 Huatuochiachi L4 S18276 E18276 273150001 Huatuochiachi L4 (body structure) P18276 Y 0 P acupuncture point 7A75B3C25D534C6A834B43A655134DCF Huatuochiachi L4 (body structure) 18277 18277 18277 Huatuochiachi L5 S18277 E18277 273151002 Huatuochiachi L5 (body structure) P18277 Y 0 P acupuncture point BA0C33C41E6144A5857652C766BA4BE9 Huatuochiachi L5 (body structure) 18278 18278 18278 Huatuochiachi S1 S18278 E18278 273152009 Huatuochiachi S1 (body structure) P18278 Y 0 P acupuncture point 1E337EF1975347DBB0A5D27ABED58A41 Huatuochiachi S1 (body structure) 18279 18279 18279 Huatuochiachi S2 S18279 E18279 273153004 Huatuochiachi S2 (body structure) P18279 Y 0 P acupuncture point A7FFCC0AF2ED4EE68707AB8AFD3B99B1 Huatuochiachi S2 (body structure) 18280 18280 18280 Huatuochiachi S3 S18280 E18280 273154005 Huatuochiachi S3 (body structure) P18280 Y 0 P acupuncture point D7EBFEBCA3E8495FAAB9B178F1962E66 Huatuochiachi S3 (body structure) 18281 18281 18281 Huatuochiachi S4 S18281 E18281 273155006 Huatuochiachi S4 (body structure) P18281 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6AF94E401D464A3DB34D3F6AA89E039A Huatuochiachi S4 (body structure) 18282 18282 18282 spinal acupuncture point S18282 E18282 273156007 Spinal acupuncture points (body structure) P18282 Y 0 P acupuncture point 931862417EFD4593B047C3B282C3D772 Spinal acupuncture points (body structure) 18283 18283 18283 spinal acupuncture C1 S18283 E18283 273157003 Spinal acupuncture C1 (body structure) P18283 Y 0 P acupuncture point E52CF70FC858457AA6A4B7B7B3BAC94B Spinal acupuncture C1 (body structure) 18284 18284 18284 spinal acupuncture C2 S18284 E18284 273158008 Spinal acupuncture C2 (body structure) P18284 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6E85FF3986F34D4FAE739C398BE0FA09 Spinal acupuncture C2 (body structure) 18285 18285 18285 spinal acupuncture C3 S18285 E18285 273159000 Spinal acupuncture C3 (body structure) P18285 Y 0 P acupuncture point FA653FC73E4541D5A2C5E6C51978FDC9 Spinal acupuncture C3 (body structure) 18286 18286 18286 spinal acupuncture C4 S18286 E18286 273160005 Spinal acupuncture C4 (body structure) P18286 Y 0 P acupuncture point 149E998476D34A74BCE019BC3C27EC6D Spinal acupuncture C4 (body structure) 18287 18287 18287 spinal acupuncture C5 S18287 E18287 273161009 Spinal acupuncture C5 (body structure) P18287 Y 0 P acupuncture point 07B3DB2BBF834D1393779C8C978E6BC2 Spinal acupuncture C5 (body structure) 18288 18288 18288 spinal acupuncture C6 S18288 E18288 273162002 Spinal acupuncture C6 (body structure) P18288 Y 0 P acupuncture point 43A63F137B4445148AC0700EED49E272 Spinal acupuncture C6 (body structure) 18289 18289 18289 spinal acupuncture C7 S18289 E18289 273163007 Spinal acupuncture C7 (body structure) P18289 Y 0 P acupuncture point E28AA05D4944495BAFF0D6565DCA6202 Spinal acupuncture C7 (body structure) 18290 18290 18290 spinal acupuncture C8 S18290 E18290 273164001 Spinal acupuncture C8 (body structure) P18290 Y 0 P acupuncture point CB87757E806C421A932A8AB95C2B09DD Spinal acupuncture C8 (body structure) 18291 18291 18291 spinal acupuncture T1 S18291 E18291 273165000 Spinal acupuncture T1 (body structure) P18291 Y 0 P acupuncture point FF0F37CF84804D6A8D499FED6E596A56 Spinal acupuncture T1 (body structure) 18292 18292 18292 spinal acupuncture T2 S18292 E18292 273166004 Spinal acupuncture T2 (body structure) P18292 Y 0 P acupuncture point CD6C567015814A9A81267E2F76B05113 Spinal acupuncture T2 (body structure) 18293 18293 18293 spinal acupuncture T3 S18293 E18293 273167008 Spinal acupuncture T3 (body structure) P18293 Y 0 P acupuncture point D896E34ECE064115A691427CAA874968 Spinal acupuncture T3 (body structure) 18294 18294 18294 spinal acupuncture T4 S18294 E18294 273168003 Spinal acupuncture T4 (body structure) P18294 Y 0 P acupuncture point 9B663FC2E5B74B1DACBB229F93BD48BC Spinal acupuncture T4 (body structure) 18295 18295 18295 spinal acupuncture T5 S18295 E18295 273169006 Spinal acupuncture T5 (body structure) P18295 Y 0 P acupuncture point 4739608C299840D4AF55503AB5D7135D Spinal acupuncture T5 (body structure) 18296 18296 18296 spinal acupuncture T6 S18296 E18296 273170007 Spinal acupuncture T6 (body structure) P18296 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6177D3D100394BE280ECB3A368714964 Spinal acupuncture T6 (body structure) 18297 18297 18297 spinal acupuncture T7 S18297 E18297 273171006 Spinal acupuncture T7 (body structure) P18297 Y 0 P acupuncture point 991F57D329D940A3AA5981533DDED53E Spinal acupuncture T7 (body structure) 18298 18298 18298 spinal acupuncture T8 S18298 E18298 273172004 Spinal acupuncture T8 (body structure) P18298 Y 0 P acupuncture point 603B9FDC639D49519DE8B768250654A5 Spinal acupuncture T8 (body structure) 18299 18299 18299 spinal acupuncture T9 S18299 E18299 273173009 Spinal acupuncture T9 (body structure) P18299 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0E1EAE1D337D4107862DB0B46A140D30 Spinal acupuncture T9 (body structure) 18300 18300 18300 spinal acupuncture T10 S18300 E18300 273174003 Spinal acupuncture T10 (body structure) P18300 Y 0 P acupuncture point DE4D5C8B3EBC4001BD22019BE0842494 Spinal acupuncture T10 (body structure) 18301 18301 18301 spinal acupuncture T11 S18301 E18301 273175002 Spinal acupuncture T11 (body structure) P18301 Y 0 P acupuncture point CCC67E03B3284C6D8B9207182AF487D3 Spinal acupuncture T11 (body structure) 18302 18302 18302 spinal acupuncture T12 S18302 E18302 273176001 Spinal acupuncture T12 (body structure) P18302 Y 0 P acupuncture point F344BF768E9B4F9FA9A5B0A6030482C1 Spinal acupuncture T12 (body structure) 18303 18303 18303 spinal acupuncture L1 S18303 E18303 273177005 Spinal acupuncture L1 (body structure) P18303 Y 0 P acupuncture point BA2EB01B9E1E4E5BA553764098E93FCD Spinal acupuncture L1 (body structure) 18304 18304 18304 spinal acupuncture L2 S18304 E18304 273178000 Spinal acupuncture L2 (body structure) P18304 Y 0 P acupuncture point E59A3EC31ABD420AB20F863B0CE1B30D Spinal acupuncture L2 (body structure) 18305 18305 18305 spinal acupuncture L3 S18305 E18305 273179008 Spinal acupuncture L3 (body structure) P18305 Y 0 P acupuncture point 82FB4EC9B38D4E01B395A5A77914F99A Spinal acupuncture L3 (body structure) 18306 18306 18306 spinal acupuncture L4 S18306 E18306 273180006 Spinal acupuncture L4 (body structure) P18306 Y 0 P acupuncture point 018483427DFB4A438B5C3462DC1E32BE Spinal acupuncture L4 (body structure) 18307 18307 18307 spinal acupuncture L5 S18307 E18307 273181005 Spinal acupuncture L5 (body structure) P18307 Y 0 P acupuncture point 65EC1323681B4F17A4667B09959E904E Spinal acupuncture L5 (body structure) 18308 18308 18308 spinal acupuncture S1 S18308 E18308 273182003 Spinal acupuncture S1 (body structure) P18308 Y 0 P acupuncture point B8C8C27E70B94097B6C29F8A00F21171 Spinal acupuncture S1 (body structure) 18309 18309 18309 spinal acupuncture S2 S18309 E18309 273183008 Spinal acupuncture S2 (body structure) P18309 Y 0 P acupuncture point 99EF37DDF06540B59E3A86FA17F3F368 Spinal acupuncture S2 (body structure) 18310 18310 18310 spinal acupuncture S3 S18310 E18310 273184002 Spinal acupuncture S3 (body structure) P18310 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3B890018619246F5A0FC0813DA9984F9 Spinal acupuncture S3 (body structure) 18311 18311 18311 spinal acupuncture S4 S18311 E18311 273185001 Spinal acupuncture S4 (body structure) P18311 Y 0 P acupuncture point A55B8ABB50F64F598D6A02A9111D7FE6 Spinal acupuncture S4 (body structure) 18312 18312 18312 Ah Shi S18312 E18312 273186000 Ah Shi (body structure) P18312 Y 0 P acupuncture point 69807FFD91614EA09F08F950DAB7CC69 Ah Shi (body structure) 18313 18313 18313 Chinese auricular points S18313 E18313 273187009 Chinese auricular points (body structure) P18313 Y 0 P acupuncture point F091C80CA9CA42BC89F63DF25DD1A68B Chinese auricular points (body structure) 18314 18314 18314 Chinese auricular adrenal S18314 E18314 273188004 Chinese auricular adrenal (body structure) P18314 Y 0 P acupuncture point 0143D138F11C4A52919BC8398048DE0D Chinese auricular adrenal (body structure) 18315 18315 18315 Chinese auricular ankle S18315 E18315 273190003 Chinese auricular ankle (body structure) P18315 Y 0 P acupuncture point 362C493567124756874488868F7674C3 Chinese auricular ankle (body structure) 18316 18316 18316 Chinese auricular brain S18316 E18316 273191004 Chinese auricular brain (body structure) P18316 Y 0 P acupuncture point 6EF37DD61BFD49CF9D144FE62C97C891 Chinese auricular brain (body structure) 18317 18317 18317 Chinese auricular buttock S18317 E18317 273192006 Chinese auricular buttock (body structure) P18317 Y 0 P acupuncture point E963798912EC4C45BF8A68E65F201EFE Chinese auricular buttock (body structure) 18318 18318 18318 Chinese auricular elbow S18318 E18318 273193001 Chinese auricular elbow (body structure) P18318 Y 0 P acupuncture point 961237EF40C849029B131CD9EBEF8B31 Chinese auricular elbow (body structure) 18319 18319 18319 Chinese auricular endocrine S18319 E18319 273194007 Chinese auricular endocrine (body structure) P18319 Y 0 P acupuncture point 85CB8288D3A6403CB21B15144DE37C4E Chinese auricular endocrine (body structure) 18320 18320 18320 Chinese auricular eye S18320 E18320 273195008 Chinese auricular eye (body structure) P18320 Y 0 P acupuncture point B8A853259E0A4D6888DCB458C9FB80D4 Chinese auricular eye (body structure) 18321 18321 18321 Chinese auricular heart S18321 E18321 273196009 Chinese auricular heart (body structure) P18321 Y 0 P acupuncture point 8DA64304C6DE44FEB236386597B91B63 Chinese auricular heart (body structure) 18322 18322 18322 Chinese auricular internal ear S18322 E18322 273197000 Chinese auricular internal ear (body structure) P18322 Y 0 P acupuncture point 95C739EA36554D0BA3C3CCF5776D1434 Chinese auricular internal ear (body structure) 18323 18323 18323 Chinese auricular intestine S18323 E18323 273198005 Chinese auricular intestine (body structure) P18323 Y 0 P acupuncture point 192965657CA14A0D9A6CB4E086B78629 Chinese auricular intestine (body structure) 18324 18324 18324 Chinese auricular knee S18324 E18324 273199002 Chinese auricular knee (body structure) P18324 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3624B24C6EFB4E0CA74BF38BACB18C37 Chinese auricular knee (body structure) 18325 18325 18325 Chinese auricular liver S18325 E18325 273200004 Chinese auricular liver (body structure) P18325 Y 0 P acupuncture point FBC037B90C904CD4A470F2594E257467 Chinese auricular liver (body structure) 18326 18326 18326 Chinese auricular lumbar vertebra S18326 E18326 273201000 Chinese auricular lumbar vertebrae (body structure) P18326 Y 0 P acupuncture point 14B3BEFFAC4041EB97D0043911ADC0ED Chinese auricular lumbar vertebrae (body structure) 18327 18327 18327 Chinese auricular lung S18327 E18327 273203002 Chinese auricular lung (body structure) P18327 Y 0 P acupuncture point F50F9EA6AADE460381ADCAEE28F124AC Chinese auricular lung (body structure) 18328 18328 18328 Chinese auricular neck S18328 E18328 273204008 Chinese auricular neck (body structure) P18328 Y 0 P acupuncture point 1431637C84C84CFD8D2106ED784A8A8D Chinese auricular neck (body structure) 18329 18329 18329 Chinese auricular pancreas S18329 E18329 273205009 Chinese auricular pancreas (body structure) P18329 Y 0 P acupuncture point 56C60C9BEE8A40AD9A262749BCB227A4 Chinese auricular pancreas (body structure) 18330 18330 18330 Chinese auricular sciatica S18330 E18330 273206005 Chinese auricular sciatica (body structure) P18330 Y 0 P acupuncture point 7844DB92EDDD40F4A6818389B562A634 Chinese auricular sciatica (body structure) 18331 18331 18331 Chinese auricular Shenmen S18331 E18331 273207001 Chinese auricular Shenmen (body structure) P18331 Y 0 P acupuncture point A7F1168377B14AC88FDB2D38651A66BE Chinese auricular Shenmen (body structure) 18332 18332 18332 Chinese auricular shoulder S18332 E18332 273208006 Chinese auricular shoulder (body structure) P18332 Y 0 P acupuncture point D00B9932CC144D37921E19B07DFD904A Chinese auricular shoulder (body structure) 18333 18333 18333 Chinese auricular spleen S18333 E18333 273209003 Chinese auricular spleen (body structure) P18333 Y 0 P acupuncture point F885CCE1BCE442449AEFBE6647631A8E Chinese auricular spleen (body structure) 18334 18334 18334 Chinese auricular stomach S18334 E18334 273210008 Chinese auricular stomach (body structure) P18334 Y 0 P acupuncture point 47AE93527811414E99975560A677E8B1 Chinese auricular stomach (body structure) 18335 18335 18335 Chinese auricular sympathetic S18335 E18335 273211007 Chinese auricular sympathetic (body structure) P18335 Y 0 P acupuncture point 666E3130ED534BF8A7BDBD12726755C0 Chinese auricular sympathetic (body structure) 18336 18336 18336 Chinese auricular thoracic vertebra S18336 E18336 273212000 Chinese auricular thoracic vertebrae (body structure) P18336 Y 0 P acupuncture point FE003D2D75EA4B05AB0D02B6A876F356 Chinese auricular thoracic vertebrae (body structure) 18337 18337 18337 Chinese auricular tooth S18337 E18337 273213005 Chinese auricular tooth (body structure) P18337 tooth, Chinese auricular Y 0 P acupuncture point 6A29314FC8DA4028B8510EAA240F514B Chinese auricular tooth (body structure) 18338 18338 18338 Chinese auricular uterus S18338 E18338 273214004 Chinese auricular uterus (body structure) P18338 Y 0 P acupuncture point 30E973298F964FEFBBA4599C841B5F3A Chinese auricular uterus (body structure) 18339 18339 18339 Chinese auricular wrist S18339 E18339 273215003 Chinese auricular wrist (body structure) P18339 Y 0 P acupuncture point 66EFC9DBA4F34EE6BA967247488B6F8F Chinese auricular wrist (body structure) 18340 18340 18340 Nogier auricular points S18340 E18340 273216002 Nogier auricular points (body structure) P18340 Y 0 P acupuncture point 57426611D7714ED3BAFEB4D0D5814852 Nogier auricular points (body structure) 18341 18341 18341 Nogier auricular eye S18341 E18341 273217006 Nogier auricular eye (body structure) P18341 Y 0 P acupuncture point 507EF4B22DB54D24BAEA08FD8C3276BF Nogier auricular eye (body structure) 18342 18342 18342 Nogier auricular olfactory S18342 E18342 273218001 Nogier auricular olfactory (body structure) P18342 Y 0 P acupuncture point 65FAEF4DEAC14D8CB217CC4DA1D36E77 Nogier auricular olfactory (body structure) 18343 18343 18343 Nogier auricular maxilla S18343 E18343 273219009 Nogier auricular maxilla (body structure) P18343 Y 0 P acupuncture point 33EA3D78485D4438BB5462005EDF16EE Nogier auricular maxilla (body structure) 18344 18344 18344 Nogier auricular lung S18344 E18344 273220003 Nogier auricular lung (body structure) P18344 Y 0 P acupuncture point 95B11B2F8D1A45719F151CCA2801A439 Nogier auricular lung (body structure) 18345 18345 18345 Nogier auricular ear S18345 E18345 273221004 Nogier auricular ear (body structure) P18345 Y 0 P acupuncture point DEF41900DD054142A7596C31D9C05211 Nogier auricular ear (body structure) 18346 18346 18346 Nogier auricular stomach S18346 E18346 273222006 Nogier auricular stomach (body structure) P18346 Y 0 P acupuncture point C413F829ECAE4DDAA1265B971374F5F9 Nogier auricular stomach (body structure) 18347 18347 18347 Nogier auricular throat S18347 E18347 273223001 Nogier auricular throat (body structure) P18347 Y 0 P acupuncture point 38B512A99DC34DFCA09BDBCD0157E2C3 Nogier auricular throat (body structure) 18348 18348 18348 Nogier auricular gonads S18348 E18348 273224007 Nogier auricular gonads (body structure) P18348 Y 0 P acupuncture point 86A24ED00F72485385625A54A5CBF654 Nogier auricular gonads (body structure) 18349 18349 18349 Nogier auricular pancreas S18349 E18349 273225008 Nogier auricular pancreas (body structure) P18349 Y 0 P acupuncture point 50F43DD1EF0A422EAC1C1AF91434C917 Nogier auricular pancreas (body structure) 18350 18350 18350 Nogier auricular heart S18350 E18350 273226009 Nogier auricular heart (body structure) P18350 Y 0 P acupuncture point EA722B9A0C4D4B2AA691EF407004B2EC Nogier auricular heart (body structure) 18351 18351 18351 Nogier auricular biliary S18351 E18351 273227000 Nogier auricular biliary (body structure) P18351 Y 0 P acupuncture point 35CEEC9318D340F9981D7093F890B6E2 Nogier auricular biliary (body structure) 18352 18352 18352 Nogier auricular rectal S18352 E18352 273228005 Nogier auricular rectal (body structure) P18352 Y 0 P acupuncture point 69637E4DE5454A41B2E09F7376A3E94A Nogier auricular rectal (body structure) 18353 18353 18353 Nogier auricular sciatic S18353 E18353 273229002 Nogier auricular sciatic (body structure) P18353 Y 0 P acupuncture point 5BE0A852F9EB4927B457942B1C6FD738 Nogier auricular sciatic (body structure) 18354 18354 18354 Nogier auricular knee S18354 E18354 273230007 Nogier auricular knee (body structure) P18354 Y 0 P acupuncture point 30D9220D4C9845CD88CE3A4049AE9BE8 Nogier auricular knee (body structure) 18355 18355 18355 Nogier auricular kidney S18355 E18355 273231006 Nogier auricular kidney (body structure) P18355 Y 0 P acupuncture point D31A64076F7945C3BA80B624017F3CAD Nogier auricular kidney (body structure) 18356 18356 18356 Nogier auricular trigeminal S18356 E18356 273232004 Nogier auricular trigeminal (body structure) P18356 Y 0 P acupuncture point 31B7BFAA977F4C41ACFA349CA4416602 Nogier auricular trigeminal (body structure) 18357 18357 18357 Nogier auricular aggression S18357 E18357 273233009 Nogier auricular aggression (body structure) P18357 Y 0 P acupuncture point 3326B94A70C14308A0381C63435B9A7D Nogier auricular aggression (body structure) 18358 18358 18358 Nogier auricular tragus S18358 E18358 273234003 Nogier auricular tragus (body structure) P18358 Y 0 P acupuncture point 8E11D3CD1F84455FBDC8A2846ECB63CA Nogier auricular tragus (body structure) 18359 18359 18359 Nogier auricular skin S18359 E18359 273235002 Nogier auricular skin (body structure) P18359 Y 0 P acupuncture point 80C0B5C759A64521BE246A5ACF20B9CC Nogier auricular skin (body structure) 18360 18360 18360 Nogier auricular shoulder S18360 E18360 273236001 Nogier auricular shoulder (body structure) P18360 Y 0 P acupuncture point 8E23E766340B43879AAFC9DC4D4326FE Nogier auricular shoulder (body structure) 18361 18361 18361 Nogier auricular lower limb S18361 E18361 273237005 Nogier auricular lower limb (body structure) P18361 Y 0 P acupuncture point 1EEC1AFB77384B0281E7D43E86A7F8F5 Nogier auricular lower limb (body structure) 18362 18362 18362 Nogier auricular upper limb S18362 E18362 273238000 Nogier auricular upper limb (body structure) P18362 Y 0 P acupuncture point 91C549010B8F4291ACA0A24D1892A12F Nogier auricular upper limb (body structure) 18363 18363 18363 Nogier auricular allergy S18363 E18363 273239008 Nogier auricular allergy (body structure) P18363 Y 0 P acupuncture point 8503D85964424EA1B291C360A4178210 Nogier auricular allergy (body structure) 18364 18364 18364 Nogier auricular Darwin S18364 E18364 273240005 Nogier auricular Darwin (body structure) P18364 Y 0 P acupuncture point DC400077C83C47BF905E18141DCF998C Nogier auricular Darwin (body structure) 18365 18365 18365 Nogier auricular synthesis S18365 E18365 273241009 Nogier auricular synthesis (body structure) P18365 Y 0 P acupuncture point DDC1458C70D04CA79C8E2A5BC78435FC Nogier auricular synthesis (body structure) 18366 18366 18366 Nogier auricular cerebrum S18366 E18366 273242002 Nogier auricular cerebrum (body structure) P18366 Y 0 P acupuncture point 41310882D15D4095B20B15AA0E04B5E0 Nogier auricular cerebrum (body structure) 18367 18367 18367 Nogier auricular occiput S18367 E18367 273243007 Nogier auricular occiput (body structure) P18367 Y 0 P acupuncture point DA03F7579FBF41919B5D2C9BE9AFFE0E Nogier auricular occiput (body structure) 18368 18368 18368 Nogier auricular genital S18368 E18368 273244001 Nogier auricular genital (body structure) P18368 Y 0 P acupuncture point 1D10FC07DE2D4008933FB80D060F6F74 Nogier auricular genital (body structure) 18369 18369 18369 Nogier auricular medulla S18369 E18369 273245000 Nogier auricular medulla (body structure) P18369 Y 0 P acupuncture point C6CC284F548C436AA1F958A285CCEEEC Nogier auricular medulla (body structure) 18370 18370 18370 Yamamoto S18370 E18370 273246004 Yamamoto (body structure) P18370 Y 0 P acupuncture point 12EFAE56A1A6441FB65FED304D05A6B3 Yamamoto (body structure) 18371 18371 18371 Chinese scalp S18371 E18371 273247008 Chinese scalp (body structure) P18371 Y 0 P acupuncture point 9F9F7F6601AB4C98AF286693D6486802 Chinese scalp (body structure) 18372 18372 18372 reticuloendothelial cell S18372 E18372 27604002 Reticuloendothelial cell (cell) P18372 - P reticuloendothelial system 31C671A6CCFD4D16B2F44A04C856ABDC Reticuloendothelial cell (cell) 18373 18373 18373 osteoclast S18373 E18373 27770000 Osteoclast (cell) P18373 - 66781 P mononuclear phagocyte system 0DC85ED20029420FB86B5682FF7165CF Osteoclast (cell) 18374 18374 18374 megakaryoblast S18374 E18374 27852005 Megakaryoblast (cell) P18374 - 84235 P cell 29C7BE1BDF034733AD5A9C7C100BB946 Megakaryoblast (cell) 18375 18375 18375 central nervous system space 279107003 S18375 Central nervous system space (body structure) E18375 P18375 - D nervous system B1076FBAEEE94017A75EB1B7264F43FC Central nervous system space 18376 18376 18376 skin crease 280385004 S18376 Skin crease (body structure) E18376 P18376 - P integumentary system A971FEE43BB3499DB7596D6964CFBF32 Skin crease 18377 18377 18377 inframammary skin crease S18377 E18377 280386003 Inframammary skin crease (body structure) P18377 Y P integumentary system 0F6EA988858E430E8B2639E200F2E352 Inframammary skin crease (body structure) 18378 18378 18378 groin skin crease S18378 E18378 280387007 Groin skin crease (body structure) P18378 Y P integumentary system 29941DE5773C4DD095394D5B9D2FCC43 Groin skin crease (body structure) 18379 18379 18379 elbow skin crease S18379 E18379 280388002 Elbow skin crease (body structure) P18379 Y P integumentary system AAC55779A4BC49B293BECB3B8DF30076 Elbow skin crease (body structure) 18380 18380 18380 flexural skin crease S18380 E18380 280909003 Flexural skin crease (body structure) P18380 Y P integumentary system 8D7714A333D647C287CF71891013E97A Flexural skin crease (body structure) 18381 18381 18381 skin crease of knee S18381 E18381 280910008 Skin crease of knee (body structure) P18381 Y P integumentary system 8358F64F0F904D0E815D3C1E0A14D7C4 Skin crease of knee (body structure) 18382 18382 18382 CM5 S18382 E18382 285658004 CM5 (body structure) P18382 - P 626187888ABC4B6CBC68E59C1215BF53 CM5 (body structure) 18383 18383 18383 perineuronal satellite cell S18383 E18383 28922004 Perineuronal satellite cell (cell) P18383 - 54550 P cell 20EB5CB0578546E5B77E349DA58DF51C Perineuronal satellite cell (cell) 18384 18384 18384 nucleated red blood cell S18384 E18384 29208003 Nucleated red blood cell (cell) P18384 - P cell 2B6499D135594778928F34D7C05FF163 Nucleated red blood cell (cell) 18385 18385 18385 Alzheimer type II glial cell S18385 E18385 29209006 Alzheimer type II glial cell (cell) P18385 - P cell 27B23716FDBC4DFD8B17F449DA311F66 Alzheimer type II glial cell (cell) 18386 18386 18386 helper T cell S18386 E18386 29594005 Helper T cell (cell) P18386 - 70572 P immune system 3A0413D76D8A402D81C82F7B4C10B21E Helper T cell (cell) 18387 18387 18387 pituicyte S18387 E18387 29708002 Pituicyte (cell) P18387 - 83503 P cell 1E60690F500741AD8D3196661581A36B Pituicyte (cell) 18388 18388 18388 basophil, segmented S18388 E18388 30061004 Basophil, segmented (cell) P18388 - 62862 P immune system 7C9D6992AE5B4FB98AFE65533DCF6348 Basophil, segmented (cell) 18389 18389 18389 transitional epithelial cell S18389 E18389 3028004 Transitional epithelial cell (cell) P18389 - P cell BCDC1A94A1F4432CB856BF90D8CCEDB3 Transitional epithelial cell (cell) 18390 18390 18390 hepatic parenchymal cell S18390 E18390 30396005 Hepatic parenchymal cell (cell) P18390 - 14515 P cell 3C27497252F44B74A983F711D02D209C Hepatic parenchymal cell (cell) 18391 18391 18391 red blood cell precursor S18391 E18391 304601009 Red blood cell precursor (cell) P18391 - P cell F3DDAD38F98947F0A8D8B1A8EBF991E0 Red blood cell precursor (cell) 18392 18392 18392 Buhot cell S18392 E18392 30469008 Buhot cell (cell) P18392 - P cell 99D62FF133E84AA284262F528238CB1A Buhot cell (cell) 18395 18395 18395 Langhans giant cell S18395 E18395 30938003 Langhans giant cell (cell) P18395 - P cell 72AB3C296B41449D8FFDDC93D72DCC7B Langhans giant cell (cell) 18396 18396 18396 blast cell S18396 E18396 312256009 Blast cell (cell) P18396 - P cell 67A9D6926461480EA394ECE123513BF5 Blast cell (cell) 18397 18397 18397 LE cell S18397 E18397 312266001 Lupus erythematosus (LE) cell (cell) P18397 - P immune system 709A8C9D5DE545AD938D92E91EA1251A Lupus erythematosus (LE) cell (cell) 18398 18398 18398 abdominal skin crease S18398 E18398 312518009 Abdominal skin crease (body structure) P18398 - P integumentary system 666EE933D505448DB97226C982AF87AE Abdominal skin crease (body structure) 18399 18399 18399 mitotic cell in telophase S18399 E18399 31443005 Mitotic cell in telophase (cell) P18399 - P cell 16925F19B7524D6080817592A7990E43 Mitotic cell in telophase (cell) 18400 18400 18400 skin cell S18400 E18400 314819008 Skin cell (cell) P18400 - P integumentary system EACAD333BDA14D21BCC0E52FE3E52598 Skin cell (cell) 18401 18401 18401 motor neuron S18401 E18401 31513005 Motor neuron (cell) P18401 - 83617 P nervous system B01FD6852FDE46AAA377051E4DA20581 Motor neuron (cell) 18402 18402 18402 Reed-Sternberg cell S18402 E18402 32915009 Reed-Sternberg cell (cell) P18402 - P cell 8B72BDEA549C4BC1A150905259BF768C Reed-Sternberg cell (cell) 18403 18403 18403 micromegakaryocyte S18403 E18403 33196003 Micromegakaryocyte (cell) P18403 - P cell A917EF19432649139869EE1B695FC9B7 Micromegakaryocyte (cell) 18404 18404 18404 pituitary thyrotropic cell S18404 E18404 33608007 Pituitary thyrotropic cell (cell) P18404 - 83099 P cell E0B8D0D81AD045B29390DBFCB41E6F6F Pituitary thyrotropic cell (cell) 18405 18405 18405 secondary spermatocyte S18405 E18405 3374006 Secondary spermatocyte (cell) P18405 - 72293 P cell 9C731CEA0EE64005B124134DB728BEB8 Secondary spermatocyte (cell) 18406 18406 18406 nonsegmented basophil S18406 E18406 3383001 Nonsegmented basophil (cell) P18406 - P cell C74C23A46EB74B2993376B93BDC46114 Nonsegmented basophil (cell) 18407 18407 18407 small non-cleaved cell S18407 E18407 33872006 Small non-cleaved cell (cell) P18407 - P cell EBBC153AC2B545FF9673FF313A0C7DDE Small non-cleaved cell (cell) 18408 18408 18408 convoluted cell S18408 E18408 33873001 Convoluted cell (cell) P18408 - P cell 2F4165C00DD84AC384E44B110AE5D558 Convoluted cell (cell) 18409 18409 18409 alveolar macrophage S18409 E18409 33956004 Alveolar macrophage (cell) P18409 Y 83023 P mononuclear phagocyte system C2FE7544E098457C90D4FBCE3E97D67E Alveolar macrophage (cell) 18410 18410 18410 cell of bone S18410 E18410 3400000 Cell of bone (cell) P18410 - P cell 64F10B928E4946C5809E192EA8B70DE9 Cell of bone (cell) 18411 18411 18411 neutrophilic promyelocyte S18411 E18411 34254002 Neutrophilic promyelocyte (cell) P18411 - 84196 P cell 790C35D4F612408BB2CBDC16224E80C2 Neutrophilic promyelocyte (cell) 18413 18413 18413 penetrated oocyte S18413 E18413 3447009 Penetrated oocyte (cell) P18413 - P genital system 427DB8EF595C45EDAF2F168A0C2B0FFF Penetrated oocyte (cell) 18414 18414 18414 pericyte of Rouget S18414 E18414 34773004 Pericyte of Rouget (cell) P18414 - 63174 P cell F26D9103176D473C9362551838298C4F Pericyte of Rouget (cell) 18415 18415 18415 pneumocyte, type 1 S18415 E18415 34826000 Pneumocyte, type 1 (cell) P18415 Y 62500 P respiratory system 51BD0621CE884AD4B0B38AB9EDBF6A55 Pneumocyte, type 1 (cell) 18416 18416 18416 secretory macrophage S18416 E18416 35113007 Secretory macrophage (cell) P18416 - P cell 71897F841718407A8816A9F9ADB7275B Secretory macrophage (cell) 18417 18417 18417 adrenal medullary cell S18417 E18417 35284004 Adrenal medullary cell (cell) P18417 - P cell 3DD292A163DE42DB8BC2E0E6C6FF1BAE Adrenal medullary cell (cell) 18419 18419 18419 monocytoid cell S18419 E18419 35907002 Monocytoid cell (cell) P18419 - P reticuloendothelial system 10CF20A876B8441B8D3DC9334497CC81 Monocytoid cell (cell) 18421 18421 18421 cell 4421005 S18421 Cell structure (cell structure) E18421 362837007 Entire cell (cell) P18421 - 68646 P cell 760660AD39A8487D9219E9AC5C4DAFE4 35E06CFC7B51440B8F53B724C3916FB3 Cell Entire cell (cell) Anatomical structure which has as its boundary the external surface of a maximally connected plasma membrane. Examples: lymphocyte, fibroblast, erythrocyte, neuron. 18424 18424 18424 40 to 49 percent of body surface S18424 E18424 36849000 40 to 49 percent of body surface (body structure) P18424 - P regional/topgraphical 85804E28764A4859ACACAD7C34BDFC1B 40 to 49 percent of body surface (body structure) 18426 18426 18426 supporting cell of carotid body S18426 E18426 37269007 Supporting cell of carotid body (cell) P18426 Y 84188 P endocrine system 386623523A6245C18DEE925A221BED45 Supporting cell of carotid body (cell) 18427 18427 18427 reticulum cell S18427 E18427 37510001 Reticulum cell (cell) P18427 - 62877 P reticuloendothelial system 2080BBB47C494CA0AB9ACB91C5D9BCB5 Reticulum cell (cell) 18428 18428 18428 pituitary beta cell S18428 E18428 37514005 Pituitary beta cell (cell) P18428 - 83094 P cell A16E267F2D1B433D942B4C2C83B86F20 Pituitary beta cell (cell) 18429 18429 18429 enteroendocrine cell S18429 E18429 3789000 Enteroendocrine cell (cell) P18429 - 62930 P digestive system 0AAF98582AEC41AD84B2FF7DA2E905F3 Enteroendocrine cell (cell) 18430 18430 18430 spermatid S18430 E18430 38326003 Spermatid (cell) P18430 - 72294 P cell 10DA5F3154374C1AB028E37672D2FF17 Spermatid (cell) 18431 18431 18431 skin fibroblast S18431 E18431 386121006 Skin fibroblast (cell) P18431 - P integumentary system 979B4F78BAC84DE180B366F35CBA4580 Skin fibroblast (cell) 18432 18432 18432 mitotic cell in metaphase S18432 E18432 38980003 Mitotic cell in metaphase (cell) P18432 - P cell 27B8A2D794394B4EAC82B9862A5C003A Mitotic cell in metaphase (cell) 18433 18433 18433 thymic lymphocyte S18433 E18433 39105001 Thymic lymphocyte (cell) P18433 - 72202 P immune system 8CE42038F6CC47DD9FB1704AA5B092EE Thymic lymphocyte (cell) 18434 18434 18434 abnormal cell S18434 E18434 39266006 Abnormal cell (cell) P18434 - P cell 064307DE024F4B2485FA9EB7E1056836 Abnormal cell (cell) 18435 18435 18435 sea-blue histiocyte S18435 E18435 39474009 Sea-blue histiocyte (cell) P18435 - P mononuclear phagocyte system CE0EFF7D6789490983D2E8A5B1AF4BB8 Sea-blue histiocyte (cell) 18436 18436 18436 abnormal red blood cell S18436 E18436 397019006 Abnormal red blood cell (cell) P18436 - P cell DE2EBAF1744D4C08BB8432F721087210 Abnormal red blood cell (cell) 18437 18437 18437 poikilocyte S18437 E18437 397020000 Poikilocyte (cell) P18437 - P cell 534D7E2281BF44C085A31C26027C400D Poikilocyte (cell) 18438 18438 18438 hypochromic erythrocyte S18438 E18438 397021001 Hypochromic erythrocyte (cell) P18438 - P cell A3E5086200984A139C29A9813B38670D Hypochromic erythrocyte (cell) 18439 18439 18439 microcytic erythrocyte S18439 E18439 397022008 Microcytic erythrocyte (cell) P18439 - P cell D37755131597475186BC9310B5C9F152 Microcytic erythrocyte (cell) 18440 18440 18440 pyknocyte S18440 E18440 397049008 Pyknocyte (cell) P18440 - P cell 00A37D8D6502480E9372780981314B35 Pyknocyte (cell) 18441 18441 18441 eccentrocyte S18441 E18441 397051007 Eccentrocyte (cell) P18441 - P cell 69A9C7CEA6C04AF28F4CDCB4F09B1481 Eccentrocyte (cell) 18442 18442 18442 keratocyte S18442 E18442 397052000 Keratocyte (cell) P18442 - P cell B8487CF783CD442C9BD9210DD2A4B30F Keratocyte (cell) 18443 18443 18443 folded cell S18443 E18443 39922000 Folded cell (cell) P18443 - P cell 119E5F87E6DF4A19838E29C983BAF07E Folded cell (cell) 18444 18444 18444 Ito cell S18444 E18444 39977009 Ito cell (cell) P18444 - 67763 P cell 981657C59CB447709ADAD40310151F2C Ito cell (cell) 18445 18445 18445 eosinophilic promyelocyte S18445 E18445 4029003 Eosinophilic promyelocyte (cell) P18445 - 84199 P cell BE9582FDB4DB427DAAEDDD5DD2929218 Eosinophilic promyelocyte (cell) 18446 18446 18446 peripheral blood mononuclear cell S18446 E18446 404798000 Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (cell) P18446 - 86713 P immune system 57D16295B05C4BABB5ADB227B19E614E Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (cell) 18447 18447 18447 cell of Claudius S18447 E18447 40489007 Cell of Claudius (cell) P18447 Y 75809 P nervous system 2901B87A0CDE4C3BBA98E2170A563A3E Cell of Claudius (cell) 18448 18448 18448 immature reticulocyte S18448 E18448 409888001 Immature reticulocyte (cell) P18448 - P cell 61837DDCCDF740F28502F2A2942D78EB Immature reticulocyte (cell) 18449 18449 18449 erythroid cell S18449 E18449 414128005 Erythroid cell (cell) P18449 - 83516 P cell 60001DF3E9CE441B985EF62E810E9642 Erythroid cell (cell) 18450 18450 18450 myelomonocyte S18450 E18450 41621006 Myelomonocyte (cell) P18450 - 84374 P immune system 05F7FF42F0F34DE78CFD9A13FF25DBC9 Myelomonocyte (cell) 18451 18451 18451 somatic stem cell S18451 E18451 417904004 Somatic stem cell (cell) P18451 - P cell CE9BFBAEEC564CE1BDD52B95CB1AB126 Somatic stem cell (cell) 18452 18452 18452 mesenchymal stem cell S18452 E18452 418124002 Mesenchymal stem cell (cell) P18452 - P cell 681BEC7224F64C559FA135CC41255DF3 Mesenchymal stem cell (cell) 18453 18453 18453 hematopoietic stem cell S18453 E18453 418318001 Hematopoietic stem cell (cell) P18453 - 86475 P cell 32FFDF73BAFC46B5932EF5211EEC264F Hematopoietic stem cell (cell) 18454 18454 18454 T helper subset 2 cell S18454 E18454 418340005 T helper subset 2 cell (cell) P18454 - P immune system 80524C7781AD48B4B46493572F2F792F T helper subset 2 cell (cell) 18455 18455 18455 bone marrow stromal stem cell S18455 E18455 418460001 Bone marrow stromal stem cell (cell) P18455 - P cell 3AC7F58543BA4EBFB0507F27A1C0C8A0 Bone marrow stromal stem cell (cell) 18456 18456 18456 T helper subset 1 cell S18456 E18456 418698006 T helper subset 1 cell (cell) P18456 - P immune system BBAA8F6DD71F4015834ED3A5EDBCC330 T helper subset 1 cell (cell) 18457 18457 18457 erythrocyte S18457 E18457 41898006 Erythrocyte (cell) P18457 - 62845 P cell DBA9347535884ADC81CFB73B93872A09 Erythrocyte (cell) 18458 18458 18458 adipose derived adult stem cell S18458 E18458 419288001 Adipose derived adult stem cell (cell) P18458 - P cell 95F2D91A7FD64E7195237EB1201A7D74 Adipose derived adult stem cell (cell) 18459 18459 18459 cord blood stem cell S18459 E18459 419423006 Cord blood stem cell (cell) P18459 - P cell 9C0BE72A3F1E418795CB2C708376CAB8 Cord blood stem cell (cell) 18460 18460 18460 peripheral blood stem cell S18460 E18460 419583006 Peripheral blood stem cell (cell) P18460 - 86711 P cell 7DB63D390FEF4B0E927EC4408D63FB7E Peripheral blood stem cell (cell) 18461 18461 18461 stem cell S18461 E18461 419758009 Stem cell (cell) P18461 - 63368 P cell 7ACBCBBA53B74EE0B656D57676328873 Stem cell (cell) 18462 18462 18462 bone marrow derived hematopoietic stem cell S18462 E18462 419880001 Bone marrow derived hematopoietic stem cell (cell) P18462 - P cell 7576627E1E9F43918B19E05751A604C9 Bone marrow derived hematopoietic stem cell (cell) 18463 18463 18463 embryonic stem cell S18463 E18463 419965008 Embryonic stem cell (cell) P18463 - 82841 P cell 04CE407F39EE4CE48888C87B73AEE128 Embryonic stem cell (cell) 18464 18464 18464 bone marrow derived somatic stem cell S18464 E18464 420190000 Bone marrow derived somatic stem cell (cell) P18464 - P cell 642A343F8D1E44FC9F2FA713E8B70CD0 Bone marrow derived somatic stem cell (cell) 18465 18465 18465 Turk cell S18465 E18465 4205002 Tnrk cell (cell) P18465 - P cell 9080169F72444DE4AE2C3DDAE2B13406 Tnrk cell (cell) 18466 18466 18466 cytotoxic T lymphocyte S18466 E18466 420638008 Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (cell) P18466 - 70573 P immune system D42F519DEAA54C079DA99538097A0188 Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (cell) 18467 18467 18467 epithelial cell S18467 E18467 4212006 Epithelial cell (cell) P18467 - 66768 P cell 19C1FD9FF684490DA852F1CC7E79EC79 Epithelial cell (cell) 18468 18468 18468 rod shaped microglia S18468 E18468 42723004 Rod shaped microglia (cell) P18468 - P cell 5F230ED0A4AB40B388DEB58F0EFCB039 Rod shaped microglia (cell) 18469 18469 18469 non-lipid histiocyte S18469 E18469 42766006 Non-lipid histiocyte (cell) P18469 - P mononuclear phagocyte system C854A8FE94394C55B424248D53B5C3F0 Non-lipid histiocyte (cell) 18470 18470 18470 marrow fibrocyte S18470 E18470 42901005 Marrow fibrocyte (cell) P18470 - P urinary system CD392BE08C6F49AE862AB9EF2EB51ECD Marrow fibrocyte (cell) 18471 18471 18471 protoplasmic astrocyte S18471 E18471 4328003 Protoplasmic astrocyte (cell) P18471 - 54543 P cell 6B101B799C7B4FA3A95F8AB01AA23CC5 Protoplasmic astrocyte (cell) 18472 18472 18472 outer hair cell S18472 E18472 43313002 Outer hair cell (cell) P18472 Y 62366 P nervous system 76003D8D60FA46B5B64F44479AFF639A Outer hair cell (cell) 18473 18473 18473 promyelocyte S18473 E18473 43446009 Promyelocyte (cell) P18473 - 83530 P cell FA7F33585E6544FCB3632EE6626036BE Promyelocyte (cell) 18474 18474 18474 pituitary delta cell S18474 E18474 44490009 Pituitary delta cell (cell) P18474 - 83100 P cell CEA24BC6CE3A4CE7911B5F6FA3279227 Pituitary delta cell (cell) 18475 18475 18475 neurilemma cell S18475 E18475 44591005 Neurilemma cell (cell) P18475 - 62121 P cell BE42D0AD04E344B5879A72A2948E4350 Neurilemma cell (cell) 18476 18476 18476 elliptocyte S18476 E18476 45028007 Elliptocyte (cell) P18476 - P cell 2F5B158450EB42AB8FB10690C5608CA5 Elliptocyte (cell) 18477 18477 18477 Sezary cell S18477 E18477 45614000 STzary cell (cell) P18477 - P cell 53D80093F37C40FCB30E48A3AF8A6FA8 STzary cell (cell) 18478 18478 18478 endothelial cell S18478 E18478 45709008 Endothelial cell (cell) P18478 - 66772 P cell FD86D1C15167421E9B652522585C8838 Endothelial cell (cell) 18479 18479 18479 macroglia S18479 E18479 45766003 Macroglia (cell) P18479 - 68859 P cell 7E55F1A14BE2488E84808D77395D4B87 Macroglia (cell) 18480 18480 18480 basophilic normoblast S18480 E18480 464005 Basophilic normoblast (cell) P18480 - P cell D2D3B339FC734FBF8D1C72AB34F81F77 Basophilic normoblast (cell) 18481 18481 18481 secondary oocyte S18481 E18481 46886002 Secondary oocyte (cell) P18481 - 18646 P genital system 05D1D06376084CEF9D541790C5885471 Secondary oocyte (cell) 18482 18482 18482 ependymal cell S18482 E18482 46940003 Ependymal cell (cell) P18482 - 70550 P nervous system 0805CC56FF034AE0A2E8AAA3AB9F183E Ependymal cell (cell) 18483 18483 18483 neutrophilic myelocyte S18483 E18483 4717004 Neutrophilic myelocyte (cell) P18483 - 83540 P cell E79D6DB387B84C8EB3F3FCEF639A760F Neutrophilic myelocyte (cell) 18484 18484 18484 neuron S18484 E18484 47220008 Neuron (cell) P18484 - 54527 P nervous system 3C7A9596F76E40ECA587AA48A695796C Neuron (cell) Neural cell which has as its direct parts a cell body (soma) and one or more neurites; the neuron is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system. Examples: unipolar neuron, bipolar neuron, neuron of retina. 18485 18485 18485 clone S18485 E18485 47308002 Clone (cell) P18485 - P cell F637517A665549D28FBD0744D760089E Clone (cell) 18486 18486 18486 pneumocyte S18486 E18486 47438009 Pneumocyte (cell) P18486 Y 62499 P respiratory system FCAA196CE13448188490315AF15BBAD8 Pneumocyte (cell) 18487 18487 18487 dacryocyte S18487 E18487 47787007 Dacryocyte (cell) P18487 - P cell 1D3603FC50D140FD86EE8D5462DC771D Dacryocyte (cell) 18488 18488 18488 Deiter's cell S18488 E18488 4799000 Deiter's cell (cell) P18488 Y 75725 P nervous system 846E42BB1EE74D9A84C1E46B0422E095 Deiter's cell (cell) 18489 18489 18489 osteoblast S18489 E18489 48156001 Osteoblast (cell) P18489 - 66780 P cell 2230B4F31D6847FB84F7FBA02AD18331 Osteoblast (cell) 18490 18490 18490 granulocytic cell S18490 E18490 48791004 Granulocytic cell (cell) P18490 - P cell DFE38F50A94141F8BBF7DE3912F550AA Granulocytic cell (cell) 18491 18491 18491 ootid S18491 E18491 49268005 Ootid (cell) P18491 - P cell 85F343D784D147AD80CA10561AB2C8B2 Ootid (cell) 18492 18492 18492 primary spermatocyte S18492 E18492 49904001 Primary spermatocyte (cell) P18492 - 72292 P cell 7D081D1193E44077922049A55D00B8B7 Primary spermatocyte (cell) 18493 18493 18493 drepanocyte S18493 E18493 49938009 Drepanocyte (cell) P18493 - P cell 58BF715845B54819994FC7B0E6F2ED20 Drepanocyte (cell) 18494 18494 18494 neutrophilic metamyelocyte S18494 E18494 50134008 Neutrophilic metamyelocyte (cell) P18494 - 84197 P cell F360C55F199B4D379270D832632E16C1 Neutrophilic metamyelocyte (cell) 18495 18495 18495 suppressor cell S18495 E18495 50146007 Suppressor cell (cell) P18495 - 84070 P immune system 4192184A079343F1A410F816E453F83F Suppressor cell (cell) 18496 18496 18496 promegakaryocyte S18496 E18496 50284009 Promegakaryocyte (cell) P18496 - 84234 P cell 0DD2A025B3984F3EBE20BAC8CFC6EC56 Promegakaryocyte (cell) 18497 18497 18497 thymic reticulum cell S18497 E18497 50482005 Thymic reticulum cell (cell) P18497 - P reticuloendothelial system 6F61FEB58D3841FD89049FB02B1F704F Thymic reticulum cell (cell) 18498 18498 18498 burr cell S18498 E18498 51384001 Burr cell (cell) P18498 - 81099 P cell DFB891B59CD6495EAEEAF737F54B8A1F Burr cell (cell) 18499 18499 18499 hair cell S18499 E18499 52148002 Hair cell (cell) P18499 - 62364 P cell 6237C93FC0F54F42B12B62D6048BC773 Hair cell (cell) 18500 18500 18500 medium sized lymphocyte S18500 E18500 52180000 Medium sized lymphocyte (cell) P18500 - 84194 P immune system E64E31FAD77647668FB6D24E2C5044D3 Medium sized lymphocyte (cell) 18501 18501 18501 leukocyte S18501 E18501 52501007 Leukocyte (cell) P18501 - 62852 P immune system 250DAC9EC8664A1D87030EE425632D6D Leukocyte (cell) 18502 18502 18502 fibroblast S18502 E18502 52547004 Fibroblast (cell) P18502 - 63877 P arterial system 9814F971F72247529099F89287F08538 Fibroblast (cell) 18503 18503 18503 pneumocyte, type 2 S18503 E18503 52782001 Pneumocyte, type 2 (cell) P18503 Y 62501 P respiratory system 806504CF52FF4607A00548B544C90D8A Pneumocyte, type 2 (cell) 18504 18504 18504 reticulocyte S18504 E18504 52802009 Reticulocyte (cell) P18504 - 66785 P cell 5C56803EEE3E4F1D87409F4398CD0D05 Reticulocyte (cell) 18505 18505 18505 ganglion cell S18505 E18505 53102003 Ganglion cell (cell) P18505 - P nervous system F23D316A0E6343E8A09ADF2797C96C41 Ganglion cell (cell) 18506 18506 18506 sideroblast S18506 E18506 53838007 Sideroblast (cell) P18506 - P cell C2CBA6FD703E4E2DA3A7C445267C70BF Sideroblast (cell) 18507 18507 18507 monoblast S18507 E18507 53945006 Monoblast (cell) P18507 - 83553 P cell E58569A83A8F4D938379D8AD3E51671D Monoblast (cell) 18508 18508 18508 basket cell erythrocyte S18508 E18508 54244009 Basket cell erythrocyte (cell) P18508 - P cell 8BA62F2D580742E5AB1625CDCDB0A242 Basket cell erythrocyte (cell) 18509 18509 18509 anuclear cell S18509 E18509 54656004 Anuclear cell (cell) P18509 - P cell FC451D4872C24DFC838FC1D3909B08F9 Anuclear cell (cell) 18510 18510 18510 pituitary alpha cell S18510 E18510 54913007 Pituitary alpha cell (cell) P18510 - 83093 P cell 53B6111EBFED45ACA107FC443F893AD3 Pituitary alpha cell (cell) 18511 18511 18511 Warthin-Finkeldey giant cell S18511 E18511 54943009 Warthin-Finkeldey giant cell (cell) P18511 - P cell 3FA390F8AA434D8AB82AD7AC7FDB1A89 Warthin-Finkeldey giant cell (cell) 18512 18512 18512 large lymphocyte S18512 E18512 54969003 Large lymphocyte (cell) P18512 - 84195 P immune system 4B58F9AE5E394DA39DBA144F757AB08C Large lymphocyte (cell) 18513 18513 18513 null lymphocyte S18513 E18513 54991005 Null lymphocyte (cell) P18513 - 83601 P immune system 3D612C42560A48759F995A4791BBE80D Null lymphocyte (cell) 18514 18514 18514 polyploid plasmablast S18514 E18514 55093000 Polyploid plasmablast (cell) P18514 - P immune system 72537E722CF44DE2ABBAD2E2945A4A3B Polyploid plasmablast (cell) 18515 18515 18515 tissue eosinophil S18515 E18515 55109005 Tissue eosinophil (cell) P18515 - P mononuclear phagocyte system CF3922A691C04436BE09671385D692B7 Tissue eosinophil (cell) 18516 18516 18516 large non-cleaved cell S18516 E18516 55134005 Large non-cleaved cell (cell) P18516 - P cell 2C38716D46934883A33A50A84659C6B5 Large non-cleaved cell (cell) 18517 18517 18517 meiotic cell S18517 E18517 55164002 Meiotic cell (cell) P18517 - P cell EDDC0E4BAA42451EA23FEBC910313ED5 Meiotic cell (cell) 18518 18518 18518 Bergmann astrocyte S18518 E18518 55306009 Bergmann astrocyte (cell) P18518 - 54559 P cell 56EDCF2D17F04202A16284BF2CC7FFFB Bergmann astrocyte (cell) 18519 18519 18519 gemistocyte S18519 E18519 55319008 Gemistocyte (cell) P18519 - P cell 79C8DFB91CC444DEBB6CA21791C86C6F Gemistocyte (cell) 18520 18520 18520 committed cell S18520 E18520 55484008 Committed cell (cell) P18520 - P immune system B10CC5EE2121453689E102BE1F93C86C Committed cell (cell) 18521 18521 18521 pillar cell S18521 E18521 55842008 Pillar cell (cell) P18521 - 75722 P cell A9CD0DA60A0B46E3A859EE1F4309EDBA Pillar cell (cell) 18522 18522 18522 monocyte S18522 E18522 55918008 Monocyte (cell) P18522 - 62864 P immune system 6AD22BBD9C5344D9A9384A55CED12C60 Monocyte (cell) 18523 18523 18523 juxtaglomerular cell S18523 E18523 56196004 Juxtaglomerular cell (cell) P18523 Y 84138 P cell DC75A67A72DF4F18AD4BBE2D288D0215 Juxtaglomerular cell (cell) 18524 18524 18524 10 to 19 percent of body surface S18524 E18524 56244007 10 to 19 percent of body surface (body structure) P18524 - P regional/topgraphical 7FAAC47A40A84D25B4BFCD492807C9BC 10 to 19 percent of body surface (body structure) 18525 18525 18525 follicular dendritic cell S18525 E18525 56685008 Follicular dendritic cell (cell) P18525 - 83037 P reticuloendothelial system B06465AD5BA1487CB9270CCAFDDA9BFC Follicular dendritic cell (cell) 18526 18526 18526 myofibroblast S18526 E18526 56790003 Myofibroblast (cell) P18526 - P cell 653DC6AB475B4D9E8467DEC73872F4FD Myofibroblast (cell) 18527 18527 18527 lymphocyte S18527 E18527 56972008 Lymphocyte (cell) P18527 - 62863 P immune system FB17BF4A404D42769B99B63A445418D6 Lymphocyte (cell) 18528 18528 18528 gastric parietal cell S18528 E18528 57041003 Gastric parietal cell (cell) P18528 - 62901 P cell 9D35863F2DAA400AB9CD8ED2E2F2D024 Gastric parietal cell (cell) 18529 18529 18529 muciphage S18529 E18529 57068003 Muciphage (cell) P18529 - P cell 7D4ECB0884A44E40BDE6AC36EA575760 Muciphage (cell) 18530 18530 18530 T lymphocyte S18530 E18530 57184004 T lymphocyte (cell) P18530 - 62870 P immune system 22003975167445899D8E30FEF411CDEE T lymphocyte (cell) 18531 18531 18531 fiber cell of lens S18531 E18531 57498001 Fiber cell of lens (cell) P18531 Y 76827 P special senses organ system 97C6F3050EBC42BEB505D6E91791BF47 Fiber cell of lens (cell) 18532 18532 18532 pinocytotic cell S18532 E18532 57852008 Pinocytotic cell (cell) P18532 - P cell 7A424B0905684A3383DEF7E7F1A3D27B Pinocytotic cell (cell) 18533 18533 18533 cell of Hensen S18533 E18533 57870006 Cell of Hensen (cell) P18533 Y 79799 P nervous system 7DE2C1B44D394E62A26A2E19EEA70D0B Cell of Hensen (cell) 18534 18534 18534 pencil cell S18534 E18534 57882002 Pencil cell (cell) P18534 - P cell 2839074C295C484BBAA743FF3D89F3E9 Pencil cell (cell) 18535 18535 18535 medium sized neuron S18535 E18535 5802004 Medium sized neuron (cell) P18535 - P nervous system 13E1D4B0537B4C5CA9CB9E209DFBB658 Medium sized neuron (cell) 18536 18536 18536 cleaved cell S18536 E18536 58604003 Cleaved cell (cell) P18536 - P cell F005C1ECEBFB48A59838B1287227EAD1 Cleaved cell (cell) 18537 18537 18537 glycogenic cell S18537 E18537 58726005 Glycogenic cell (cell) P18537 - P cell 03DCEBC2114F4446BB87DBCD20141971 Glycogenic cell (cell) 18538 18538 18538 mesothelial cell S18538 E18538 58966000 Mesothelial cell (cell) P18538 - 66773 P digestive system 39178A6737BB44AE9DF50A562DFDC371 Mesothelial cell (cell) 18539 18539 18539 macrophage S18539 E18539 58986001 Macrophage (cell) P18539 - 63261 P cell 0A57D829A36B406BB4D02266BBE393C8 Macrophage (cell) 18540 18540 18540 Gaucher-like cell S18540 E18540 59870003 Gaucher-like cell (cell) P18540 - P mononuclear phagocyte system 21514909BDEE4D27B30575A54EDE84F0 Gaucher-like cell (cell) 18541 18541 18541 giant megakaryocyte S18541 E18541 60191001 Giant megakaryocyte (cell) P18541 - P cell 66FBC708E21E43999D92BCEEF690CEEE Giant megakaryocyte (cell) 18542 18542 18542 columnar epithelial cell S18542 E18542 6032003 Columnar epithelial cell (cell) P18542 - P cell DD966F63DB804752943C4112FD9CBEC4 Columnar epithelial cell (cell) 18543 18543 18543 multinucleate giant cell S18543 E18543 60401004 Multinucleate giant cell (cell) P18543 - P cell 72C9B15197664424AB15BCF249B4B78C Multinucleate giant cell (cell) 18544 18544 18544 central motor neuron S18544 E18544 61548005 Central motor neuron (cell) P18544 - P nervous system F0BA6CE2AE4A40C0B2788D6B7C22E6CC Central motor neuron (cell) 18545 18545 18545 siderocyte S18545 E18545 61837008 Siderocyte (cell) P18545 - P cell 213C972429C1444CB44A252A65352865 Siderocyte (cell) 18546 18546 18546 microcytic hypochromic erythrocyte S18546 E18546 62570005 Microcytic hypochromic erythrocyte (cell) P18546 - P cell 5E995872AF1E49AA99273FBE611E3910 Microcytic hypochromic erythrocyte (cell) 18547 18547 18547 basophilic metamyelocyte S18547 E18547 63369000 Basophilic metamyelocyte (cell) P18547 - 84198 P cell DB9D0746026C486DA24D9EC7360CABCA Basophilic metamyelocyte (cell) 18548 18548 18548 blood cell S18548 E18548 63370004 Blood cell (cell) P18548 - P cell C5119B0E6AF742C2BF8189F1DB21D090 Blood cell (cell) 18549 18549 18549 microgliocyte S18549 E18549 63483002 Microgliocyte (cell) P18549 - 54539 P mononuclear phagocyte system 60084C2BD2B3473491E87A8291CE0F02 Microgliocyte (cell) 18550 18550 18550 non-cleaved cell S18550 E18550 63584005 Non-cleaved cell (cell) P18550 - P cell 3F3700384FAB4C35B2BD22BF12460C6C Non-cleaved cell (cell) 18551 18551 18551 acanthocyte S18551 E18551 63599005 Acanthocyte (cell) P18551 - 0 P cell C56744D95150440D947FF29DFC3974BD Acanthocyte (cell) 18552 18552 18552 pituitary hypertrophic amphophil cell S18552 E18552 63926000 Pituitary hypertrophic amphophil cell (cell) P18552 - P cell 6A458E21CA9E48C99B8952F6E308D9F4 Pituitary hypertrophic amphophil cell (cell) 18553 18553 18553 prespermatogonium S18553 E18553 64216006 Prespermatogonia (cell) P18553 - P cell E168C4205DB2452E93ED289BCDAA54D9 Prespermatogonia (cell) 18554 18554 18554 immunologic cell S18554 E18554 64419002 Immunologic cell (cell) P18554 - P cell 019CFA9D702B4014AF5D94A0FC42A1F7 Immunologic cell (cell) 18555 18555 18555 myeloma cell S18555 E18555 64446007 Myeloma cell (cell) P18555 - P cell 652851025B8F45A385DD89F548C9E825 Myeloma cell (cell) 18556 18556 18556 mast cell S18556 E18556 6445007 Mast cell (cell) P18556 - 66784 P mononuclear phagocyte system 93C95C10DA7B4BFCA3654564C98C0F10 Mast cell (cell) 18557 18557 18557 second polar body S18557 E18557 64904008 Second polar body (cell) P18557 - 18651 P cell C47D98A858A0450CBF72BFFB649A63C9 Second polar body (cell) 18558 18558 18558 pituitary mammotropic cell S18558 E18558 65357006 Pituitary mammotropic cell (cell) P18558 - 83096 P cell A4B40859052E45B5AC1D518476C01CD5 Pituitary mammotropic cell (cell) 18559 18559 18559 oligodendrocyte S18559 E18559 66254009 Oligodendrocyte (cell) P18559 - 54540 P cell 120150EA5893413E97C6F3ED6DEE7417 Oligodendrocyte (cell) 18560 18560 18560 granular null cell S18560 E18560 67124000 Granular null cell (cell) P18560 - P immune system E676910319294544BB2D7FF4D8337A1A Granular null cell (cell) 18561 18561 18561 desquamated fetal cells S18561 E18561 67709004 Desquamated fetal cells (cell) P18561 - P cell D8E17A05558F4E0792BB8E264CD59F09 Desquamated fetal cells (cell) 18562 18562 18562 spermatogonium S18562 E18562 67807008 Spermatogonia (cell) P18562 - 72291 P cell 467D169706504746B3420A1EA83D5F48 Spermatogonia (cell) 18563 18563 18563 spermatozoon S18563 E18563 6789008 Spermatozoa (cell) P18563 - 67338 P genital system 4DB69C2B756A4E86A34484B833D9A4DA Spermatozoa (cell) Definitive germ cell of the male sex. 18564 18564 18564 endocrine cell S18564 E18564 68233007 Endocrine cell (cell) P18564 - P cell D3AEBF9CB69D407CBB82FD01FF808AF9 Endocrine cell (cell) 18565 18565 18565 abnormal megakaryocyte S18565 E18565 68425008 Abnormal megakaryocyte (cell) P18565 - P cell 6678DBB2EDA643888B909C1EEBA0B3E4 Abnormal megakaryocyte (cell) 18566 18566 18566 promyelomonocyte S18566 E18566 68936005 Promyelomonocyte (cell) P18566 - 84375 P cell 11A9E82DB5F94459A053CF27F63341A2 Promyelomonocyte (cell) 18567 18567 18567 schistocyte S18567 E18567 70310009 Schistocyte (cell) P18567 - P cell CC93071A032F4F508D857F2F3D07586E Schistocyte (cell) 18568 18568 18568 fibrillary astrocyte S18568 E18568 70357005 Fibrillary astrocyte (cell) P18568 - 54542 P cell 24AE9E1848784DBD87C7F6D285FD32C8 Fibrillary astrocyte (cell) 18569 18569 18569 gastric zymogenic cell S18569 E18569 70935009 Gastric zymogenic cell (cell) P18569 - 62902 P cell AD287E4AAAA44BCDB548B50DF73F8BE7 Gastric zymogenic cell (cell) 18570 18570 18570 basophilic promyelocyte S18570 E18570 71170001 Basophilic promyelocyte (cell) P18570 - 84208 P cell 348B462D1C8146AC819C042956EABCDD Basophilic promyelocyte (cell) 18571 18571 18571 Touton giant cell S18571 E18571 71203006 Touton giant cell (cell) P18571 - P cell 7276F855021B42A1AB36A133322894AB Touton giant cell (cell) 18572 18572 18572 myoepithelial cell S18572 E18572 71343003 Myoepithelial cell (cell) P18572 - 67799 P cell 33A70FF3E1FA4449917191A18ED64885 Myoepithelial cell (cell) 18573 18573 18573 partly differentiated neural cell S18573 E18573 71609000 Partly differentiated neural cell (cell) P18573 - P nervous system E3581FDB0AE848D8A2F9020FAE79E2CE Partly differentiated neural cell (cell) 18574 18574 18574 syncytial cell S18574 E18574 72263005 Syncytial cell (cell) P18574 - P cell 440842A7404B4224972C7483EA16C2E2 Syncytial cell (cell) 18575 18575 18575 large cleaved cell S18575 E18575 72549000 Large cleaved cell (cell) P18575 - P cell A90C6FD6C9764BCC84DAE9453860BE83 Large cleaved cell (cell) 18576 18576 18576 fertilized oocyte 308796009 S18576 Ovum structure (cell structure) E18576 73153001 Ovum (cell) P18576 - 67343 P cell C33EEAAE75A64CD78F12D1C1B7E39507 4671049DAE1D4D80ACBA736E5224A551 Ovum Ovum (cell) 18577 18577 18577 phagocytic cell S18577 E18577 73568005 Phagocytic cell (cell) P18577 - P cell 281D6E20BF694389B0A89C102B25D093 Phagocytic cell (cell) 18578 18578 18578 keratinocyte S18578 E18578 74447004 Keratinocyte (cell) P18578 - 62879 P integumentary system C6ABB66719C34CA0AB7B3064099A0518 Keratinocyte (cell) 18579 18579 18579 myeloid cell containing Auer rod(s) S18579 E18579 74787005 Myeloid cell containing Auer rod(s) (cell) P18579 - P cell 931133FC7B3040328CFD8DD9406829AA Myeloid cell containing Auer rod(s) (cell) 18580 18580 18580 undifferentiated mesenchymal cell S18580 E18580 75091002 Undifferentiated mesenchymal cell (cell) P18580 - P cell 9786205A82D44F19AD6B0A4AE86ACC63 Undifferentiated mesenchymal cell (cell) 18581 18581 18581 mitotic cell S18581 E18581 75167008 Mitotic cell (cell) P18581 - P cell E0C57E6BE862448CB4AB751A2AE4F531 Mitotic cell (cell) 18582 18582 18582 70 to 79 percent of body surface S18582 E18582 75324005 70 to 79 percent of body surface (body structure) P18582 - P regional/topgraphical 64747CA9C0B64BE7AE2E6A640B3A9878 70 to 79 percent of body surface (body structure) 18583 18583 18583 mitotic cell in anaphase S18583 E18583 7566005 Mitotic cell in anaphase (cell) P18583 - P cell 1E4362E5A0494B7FB1E0C70F7B941DCB Mitotic cell in anaphase (cell) 18584 18584 18584 glomus cell S18584 E18584 75737006 Glomus cell (cell) P18584 - 84186 P cell 03296FF7D90E46C08D9D370E30726790 Glomus cell (cell) 18585 18585 18585 basophilic megakaryocyte S18585 E18585 75790005 Basophilic megakaryocyte (cell) P18585 - P cell 7561AB1761B54975B78D2EFBF7F22995 Basophilic megakaryocyte (cell) 18586 18586 18586 50 to 59 percent of body surface S18586 E18586 76152003 50 to 59 percent of body surface (body structure) P18586 - P regional/topgraphical FCFB9EEC30474BD8908795A4983D0790 50 to 59 percent of body surface (body structure) 18587 18587 18587 lipid histiocyte S18587 E18587 76237002 Lipid histiocyte (cell) P18587 - P mononuclear phagocyte system 7694AAC3B0314D1AB09549127BC5E64D Lipid histiocyte (cell) 18588 18588 18588 Langerhans' cell S18588 E18588 76322003 Langerhans' cell (cell) P18588 - 63072 P integumentary system E66F90737E8E4132A73DC723DA634FF1 Langerhans' cell (cell) 18589 18589 18589 synoviocytes S18589 E18589 76323008 Synoviocytes (cell) P18589 - 66786 P cell 749649267E484EA386876E7874E84505 Synoviocytes (cell) 18590 18590 18590 heterophil S18590 E18590 76335007 Heterophil (cell) P18590 - P immune system 0A08808F91A94BB7A716F41DFDC93C5F Heterophil (cell) 18591 18591 18591 perilymphatic cell S18591 E18591 76535006 Perilymphatic cell (cell) P18591 - P cell FD551F5FEC2C423DB49A9A6D32FA95B2 Perilymphatic cell (cell) 18592 18592 18592 synovial fluid mononuclear cell S18592 E18592 77589000 Synovial fluid mononuclear cell (cell) P18592 - P reticuloendothelial system 150D8ACD073A453C99C17B4A789FDAB2 Synovial fluid mononuclear cell (cell) 18593 18593 18593 Clara cell of bronchiole S18593 E18593 77810002 Clara cell of bronchiole (cell) P18593 Y 14119 P respiratory system 6F91E520A9DE48AF99732F9D17786C39 Clara cell of bronchiole (cell) 18594 18594 18594 astrocyte S18594 E18594 78399007 Astrocyte (cell) P18594 - 54537 P cell 355CFF1BB1FC4C41B3C7E377908E88F3 Astrocyte (cell) 18595 18595 18595 macrocytic normochromic erythrocyte S18595 E18595 7841003 Macrocytic normochromic erythrocyte (cell) P18595 - P cell 863F7781FBCE45BF8D3FADC643F4466B Macrocytic normochromic erythrocyte (cell) 18596 18596 18596 20 to 29 percent of body surface S18596 E18596 78777002 20 to 29 percent of body surface (body structure) P18596 - P regional/topgraphical 3B5AC6769D924F83B09709269EC78692 20 to 29 percent of body surface (body structure) 18597 18597 18597 primary oocyte S18597 E18597 78829006 Primordial ovum (cell) P18597 - 18645 P genital system 1FBF3C79766E4491AA90F0B5FFF655E7 Primordial ovum (cell) 18598 18598 18598 helper cell S18598 E18598 7944005 Helper cell (cell) P18598 - P cell 5191B137472840F9AD54CA7EF63FB0B4 Helper cell (cell) 18599 18599 18599 eosinophilic metamyelocyte S18599 E18599 80036001 Eosinophilic metamyelocyte (cell) P18599 - P cell C2EC4D0DD26E45C5B1D21970DCD7DDCA Eosinophilic metamyelocyte (cell) 18600 18600 18600 segmented neutrophil S18600 E18600 80153006 Segmented neutrophil (cell) P18600 - P immune system CB285DDEF8544552BEF6FB2B5B4F55B8 Segmented neutrophil (cell) 18601 18601 18601 squamous epithelial cell S18601 E18601 80554009 Squamous epithelial cell (cell) P18601 - P cell B5623671BC4A44758EF860AF5C037273 Squamous epithelial cell (cell) 18602 18602 18602 blister cell S18602 E18602 81140002 Blister cell (cell) P18602 - P cell 69C214716F0B4073976AD109D4F40E51 Blister cell (cell) 18603 18603 18603 fetal fat cell S18603 E18603 81186000 Fetal fat cell (cell) P18603 - 0 P cell 52186FA1A0BE4DB4B43A74EEFFFEA39C Fetal fat cell (cell) 18604 18604 18604 nonsegmented eosinophil S18604 E18604 81209003 Nonsegmented eosinophil (cell) P18604 - P cell C990AA5CA5F8485FA31F42ADBCE9AF75 Nonsegmented eosinophil (cell) 18605 18605 18605 hemosiderin-laden macrophage S18605 E18605 81236001 Hemosiderin-laden macrophage (cell) P18605 - P cell 2DAB1C42ED0045618C599BFF9AEBED6A Hemosiderin-laden macrophage (cell) 18606 18606 18606 chondrocyte S18606 E18606 81272008 Chondrocyte (cell) P18606 - 66782 P cell 6AC83B62269A4FA1B03DF93F5CF69D06 Chondrocyte (cell) 18607 18607 18607 polykaryocyte S18607 E18607 81480003 Polykaryocyte (cell) P18607 - P cell 529164DD17C145EAB0F36BC9330E4C12 Polykaryocyte (cell) 18608 18608 18608 thymic epithelial cell S18608 E18608 81596002 Thymic epithelial cell (cell) P18608 - 72208 P cell CDED2D5C7A0C4EE1B1EEBBE42D020AF2 Thymic epithelial cell (cell) 18609 18609 18609 flaming plasma cell S18609 E18609 81739009 Flaming plasma cell (cell) P18609 - P cell B221501C891D4B2DB84C0AFEDD4988C6 Flaming plasma cell (cell) 18610 18610 18610 pituitary cell S18610 E18610 82406005 Pituitary cell (cell) P18610 - P cell 490EE2ED399E42C6820CE819FBB7047D Pituitary cell (cell) 18611 18611 18611 lipoblast S18611 E18611 82851002 Lipoblast (cell) P18611 - 84111 P cell FD3E2ED6BB214D2DB8F85B16817D6F2C Lipoblast (cell) 18612 18612 18612 metamyelocyte S18612 E18612 83321009 Metamyelocyte (cell) P18612 - 83541 P cell D858B7BD0A114540AB350212DACA39D2 Metamyelocyte (cell) 18613 18613 18613 Purkinje cell S18613 E18613 83626009 Purkinje cell (cell) P18613 - 67969 P nervous system E1739212BB3644BCB84004C6F7C2D320 Purkinje cell (cell) 18614 18614 18614 Opalski cell S18614 E18614 83687003 Opalski cell (cell) P18614 - P cell E62E6158FAF64671994347B3064F204A Opalski cell (cell) 18615 18615 18615 Mott plasma cell S18615 E18615 83718009 Mott plasma cell (cell) P18615 - P immune system F1F26A5761A747D69E4A8A219BDDC8B7 Mott plasma cell (cell) 18616 18616 18616 knizocyte S18616 E18616 84082000 Knizocyte (cell) P18616 - P cell 7F55494AB19949148EBCA3A78552D7D3 Knizocyte (cell) 18617 18617 18617 erythroblast S18617 E18617 84227004 Erythroblast (cell) P18617 - 83504 P cell E016396FE30749688BBBDE7128ECFE50 Erythroblast (cell) 18618 18618 18618 Hunter-Hurler cell S18618 E18618 84702007 Hunter-Hurler cell (cell) P18618 - P mononuclear phagocyte system DCEBBFFFC41E408D926C61774C98970D Hunter-Hurler cell (cell) 18619 18619 18619 Paneth cell S18619 E18619 84907006 Paneth cell (cell) P18619 - 62897 P digestive system 46BB889E9AAC49D1BDB33C69DBA5E346 Paneth cell (cell) 18620 18620 18620 anuclear squame S18620 E18620 85313000 Anuclear squame (cell) P18620 - P cell 8FA69920098944989AD0F0AFCC9E8C72 Anuclear squame (cell) 18621 18621 18621 degenerating muscle fiber S18621 E18621 85613007 Degenerating muscle fiber (cell) P18621 - P cell 06F61014900F4D11B1D33E8CFCA74A50 Degenerating muscle fiber (cell) 18622 18622 18622 Kultschitzky cell of bronchiole S18622 E18622 85615000 Kultschitzky cell of bronchiole (cell) P18622 Y 14118 P respiratory system 11D83604276547EEA0498CA68C200AC3 Kultschitzky cell of bronchiole (cell) 18623 18623 18623 cartilage cell S18623 E18623 86024004 Cartilage cell (cell) P18623 - P cell A0AA878138704824984D939AD3A49FA9 Cartilage cell (cell) 18624 18624 18624 oocyte S18624 E18624 86082002 Oocyte (cell) P18624 - 18644 P genital system F63A05CA52B246A88ED3BD008256E355 Oocyte (cell) Germ cell of the female sex. 18625 18625 18625 immune effector cell S18625 E18625 86224008 Immune effector cell (cell) P18625 - P immune system 2EE175E8DF6D4ADBA87EEFF46C96A5BD Immune effector cell (cell) 18626 18626 18626 armed macrophage S18626 E18626 86373002 Armed macrophage (cell) P18626 - P cell CCBF642200A64FEA88A7AB474CAE04A4 Armed macrophage (cell) 18627 18627 18627 cardiac myocyte S18627 E18627 86441007 Cardiac myocyte (cell) P18627 - 14067 P cell 817071F636B94C7DA0939FE6EB3EA764 Cardiac myocyte (cell) Striated muscle cell which has as its direct parts one or two centrally placed nuclei. 18628 18628 18628 signet ring cell S18628 E18628 86918008 Signet ring cell (cell) P18628 - P cell 7801EF0C07D44D27B5672312946050C1 Signet ring cell (cell) 18630 18630 18630 tissue neutrophil S18630 E18630 88397004 Tissue neutrophil (cell) P18630 - P mononuclear phagocyte system 3DFF805FEF2C4EA6866DD9520E2276CD Tissue neutrophil (cell) 18631 18631 18631 myelomonoblast S18631 E18631 88978008 Myelomonoblast (cell) P18631 - P cell 11C9DD8C24494DEEB57E86E9991D99B4 Myelomonoblast (cell) 18632 18632 18632 Betz cell S18632 E18632 89416001 Betz cell (cell) P18632 - 84156 P nervous system AADDC95A42EA42EC9614D6E00B8DCC37 Betz cell (cell) 18633 18633 18633 small cleaved cell S18633 E18633 89494004 Small cleaved cell (cell) P18633 - P cell 3C703B5B547B4EAB9B80F0AE32A81C27 Small cleaved cell (cell) 18634 18634 18634 lymph lymphocyte S18634 E18634 90385004 Lymph lymphocyte (cell) P18634 - P immune system 7790CF0B293A4563A77FB5D91E4E63A0 Lymph lymphocyte (cell) 18635 18635 18635 outer mesothelial cell S18635 E18635 90459004 Outer mesothelial cell (cell) P18635 - P cell D398E689B82344BD925660721A917836 Outer mesothelial cell (cell) 18636 18636 18636 eosinophilic myelocyte S18636 E18636 90961003 Eosinophilic myelocyte (cell) P18636 - P cell 3C87A83BA0734B43A9879BD26052EEB0 Eosinophilic myelocyte (cell) 18637 18637 18637 90 percent of body surface or more S18637 E18637 91035006 90 percent of body surface or more (body structure) P18637 - P regional/topgraphical 31C29907D70B4D57BB569857CFCAAC8A 90 percent of body surface or more (body structure) 18638 18638 18638 small lymphocyte S18638 E18638 91233007 Small lymphocyte (cell) P18638 - 84193 P immune system F41696FFBB3B46B19E04718A1ECB0DE2 Small lymphocyte (cell) 18639 18639 18639 60 to 69 percent of body surface S18639 E18639 91551007 60 to 69 percent of body surface (body structure) P18639 - P regional/topgraphical F6E2AFEF1D4B4AE4B14D0DFC51C3D233 60 to 69 percent of body surface (body structure) 18640 18640 18640 vaginal epithelial cell S18640 E18640 91766007 Vaginal epithelial cell (cell) P18640 - P cell E9E1C199EB6B4293A6C2F4571A318AEB Vaginal epithelial cell (cell) 18641 18641 18641 upper motor neuron S18641 E18641 91769000 Upper motor neuron (cell) P18641 - 84631 P nervous system 6D626966FE634BACAD9CE0FA3C9CE127 Upper motor neuron (cell) 18642 18642 18642 lower motor neuron S18642 E18642 91770004 Lower motor neuron (cell) P18642 - 84632 P nervous system FE55BC3B1E2E4974BD86EBCE937025C4 Lower motor neuron (cell) 18644 18644 18644 Niemann-Pick cell S18644 E18644 9240003 Niemann-Pick cell (cell) P18644 - P mononuclear phagocyte system DE2D9C8E0A21483A8E1AF3D96B833CD3 Niemann-Pick cell (cell) 18645 18645 18645 melanocyte S18645 E18645 9683001 Melanocyte (cell) P18645 - 70545 P cell 4CC0BBB31E294584B1AFFA19D3FF07E9 Melanocyte (cell) 18648 18648 18648 distal phalanx of thumb S18648 E18648 182007006 Entire distal phalanx of thumb (body structure) P18648 Y 23945 P musculoskeletal system D72F5B40BDDC423BBAE7D84DA80DA6C8 Entire distal phalanx of thumb (body structure) 18649 18649 18649 eighth rib S18649 E18649 244663007 Entire eighth rib (body structure) P18649 Y 8120 P skeletal system 8B146CB0309E45A28FBE8BF5C40968A2 Entire eighth rib (body structure) 18650 18650 18650 seventh rib S18650 E18650 244662002 Entire seventh rib (body structure) P18650 Y 7830 P skeletal system E9776C6A0D9041FAB76E91D5FFE0FA26 Entire seventh rib (body structure) 18651 18651 18651 sixth rib S18651 E18651 244661009 Entire sixth rib (body structure) P18651 Y 8147 P skeletal system A72615F0B6844D1A9B10E1AA8265A943 Entire sixth rib (body structure) 18652 18652 18652 fifth rib S18652 E18652 244660005 Entire fifth rib (body structure) P18652 Y 7776 P skeletal system EFDA64C27E8B4FD6A697B346922EB512 Entire fifth rib (body structure) 18653 18653 18653 fifth metacarpal S18653 E18653 263402008 Entire fifth metacarpal (body structure) P18653 Y 23903 P musculoskeletal system A56ACD25974146CEA107A3CB67C19787 Entire fifth metacarpal (body structure) 18654 18654 18654 fourth metacarpal S18654 E18654 263401001 Entire fourth metacarpal (body structure) P18654 Y 23902 P musculoskeletal system E8E585C30560437DB254A423502F4067 Entire fourth metacarpal (body structure) 18655 18655 18655 third metacarpal S18655 E18655 263400000 Entire third metacarpal (body structure) P18655 Y 23901 P musculoskeletal system D6AF5A8888694D6395B55E761246E911 Entire third metacarpal (body structure) 18656 18656 18656 T11 vertebra S18656 E18656 181839000 Entire T11 vertebra (body structure) P18656 - 10059 P skeletal system AD2772F38752402B88B3F3300160B901 Entire T11 vertebra (body structure) 18657 18657 18657 first metacarpal S18657 E18657 181973009 Entire first metacarpal (body structure) P18657 Y 23899 P musculoskeletal system 928603B70B7D41C48846610CC60C147F Entire first metacarpal (body structure) 18658 18658 18658 eleventh rib S18658 E18658 244666004 Entire eleventh rib (body structure) P18658 Y 8499 P skeletal system D526D5D19559480EB830465EF45E43D0 Entire eleventh rib (body structure) 18659 18659 18659 proximal phalanx of thumb S18659 E18659 181992006 Entire proximal phalanx of thumb (body structure) P18659 Y 23918 P musculoskeletal system 3AED56B73BE54DF0A32172D49D216883 Entire proximal phalanx of thumb (body structure) 18660 18660 18660 distal phalanx of finger S18660 E18660 182001007 Entire distal phalanx of finger (body structure) P18660 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system 1931094B432D446CABAE86216A0547F6 Entire distal phalanx of finger (body structure) 18661 18661 18661 middle phalanx of hand S18661 E18661 371230003 Entire middle phalanx of hand (body structure) P18661 Y P musculoskeletal system BF7143C8AB994DB7B7E925E3C06BE3FE Entire middle phalanx of hand (body structure) 18662 18662 18662 proximal phalanx of finger S18662 E18662 181986000 Entire proximal phalanx of finger (body structure) P18662 Y 75816 P musculoskeletal system 863DEE40AB1B44FD828BC33151DCD280 Entire proximal phalanx of finger (body structure) 18663 18663 18663 hamate S18663 E18663 181967008 Entire hamate (body structure) P18663 Y 23730 P skeletal system B266C99661964D6DA7213EC0D5ECB490 Entire hamate (body structure) 18664 18664 18664 phalanx of finger S18664 E18664 181976001 Entire phalanx of finger (body structure) P18664 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system B5513E011A2F4F848EBE181748F4718E Entire phalanx of finger (body structure) 18665 18665 18665 thoracic vertebra S18665 E18665 181821009 Entire thoracic vertebra (body structure) P18665 - 9139 P skeletal system 14BB390E589046F4940A144C924C575D Entire thoracic vertebra (body structure) 18666 18666 18666 second metacarpal S18666 E18666 263399007 Entire second metacarpal (body structure) P18666 Y 23900 P musculoskeletal system D7595EE3A18B4F5C9164C07E1DF82EAA Entire second metacarpal (body structure) 18667 18667 18667 cuboid S18667 E18667 182101009 Entire cuboid (body structure) P18667 Y 24527 P skeletal system D0F07201EDF44AE2B4E45916F7515D79 Entire cuboid (body structure) 18668 18668 18668 sacrum 699698002 S18668 Structure of sacrum (body structure) E18668 264186006 Entire sacrum (body structure) P18668 - 16202 P skeletal system 86B991762E2445B4B455B346EA7B58E7 Entire sacrum (body structure) 18671 18671 18671 bone organ of wrist S18671 E18671 181960005 Entire bone of wrist (body structure) P18671 Y 23889 P skeletal system 3B97D5ADC3294B4BA223B04B5CB13628 Entire bone of wrist (body structure) 18672 18672 18672 bone organ of cranium S18672 E18672 181792001 Entire cranial bone (body structure) P18672 - P skeletal system 0E84C8CD9B2D4506A30165C3509798D1 Entire cranial bone (body structure) 18673 18673 18673 intermediate cuneiform S18673 E18673 179512006 Entire intermediate cuneiform (body structure) P18673 Y 24519 P skeletal system 99AE688F2D934E05918D49859DB52519 Entire intermediate cuneiform (body structure) 18674 18674 18674 medial cuneiform S18674 E18674 182116007 Entire medial cuneiform (body structure) P18674 Y 24518 P skeletal system A274370B88D44BB8AC713C8A679902B9 Entire medial cuneiform (body structure) 18675 18675 18675 ninth rib S18675 E18675 244664001 Entire ninth rib (body structure) P18675 Y 8337 P skeletal system 24E78B58503F4354BA198B8419927B4B Entire ninth rib (body structure) 18676 18676 18676 navicular S18676 E18676 182100005 Entire navicular (body structure) P18676 Y 24499 P skeletal system F5DE8B53F7BD479883BD8C52B7391785 Entire navicular (body structure) 18677 18677 18677 tenth rib S18677 E18677 244665000 Entire tenth rib (body structure) P18677 Y 8418 P skeletal system 62E5F602E3564D7B9EBADDAC281D6F86 Entire tenth rib (body structure) 18678 18678 18678 fourth rib S18678 E18678 244659000 Entire fourth rib (body structure) P18678 Y 7749 P skeletal system ED6A99D1E1C44535BCB847D673BAC101 Entire fourth rib (body structure) 18679 18679 18679 third rib S18679 E18679 244658008 Entire third rib (body structure) P18679 Y 7638 P skeletal system 4EE0D4DA943349189C5F50723EFAC2E8 Entire third rib (body structure) 18680 18680 18680 second rib S18680 E18680 244656007 Entire second rib (body structure) P18680 Y 7620 P skeletal system 2EA6844EFB324EFC98D24A83D31547AA Entire second rib (body structure) 18681 18681 18681 first rib S18681 E18681 182016005 Entire first rib (body structure) P18681 Y 7597 P skeletal system 558F4935662B44EB955D987C41913960 Entire first rib (body structure) 18682 18682 18682 coccyx S18682 E18682 182028002 Entire coccyx (body structure) P18682 - 20229 P skeletal system 18F3C7DC7A80441D8FA6FDB86B261CC5 Entire coccyx (body structure) 18683 18683 18683 manubrium sterni S18683 E18683 182014008 Entire manubrium sterni (body structure) P18683 - 7486 P skeletal system E662EE53C0904FC6AEEA1271D9527E09 Entire manubrium sterni (body structure) 18684 18684 18684 twelfth rib S18684 E18684 244667008 Entire twelfth rib (body structure) P18684 Y 8515 P skeletal system B412F2280D45488980F12DEEC02D75AE Entire twelfth rib (body structure) 18685 18685 18685 T12 vertebra S18685 E18685 181840003 Entire T12 vertebra (body structure) P18685 - 10081 P skeletal system FF266933312745629F18777A3CEBE268 Entire T12 vertebra (body structure) 18686 18686 18686 lateral cuneiform S18686 E18686 182117003 Entire lateral cuneiform (body structure) P18686 Y 24520 P skeletal system C3513BD100DF421FAA8D3ABBE4255F6C Entire lateral cuneiform (body structure) 18687 18687 18687 clavicle S18687 E18687 181910004 Entire clavicle (body structure) P18687 119538008 Clavicle part (body structure) Y 13321 P skeletal system B26D55C5AEC3497CB2A36215B4322CC4 2BC624F5BE454B35A72FAD376FA290A2 Entire clavicle (body structure) Clavicle 18688 18688 18688 T10 vertebra S18688 E18688 181838008 Entire T10 vertebra (body structure) P18688 - 10037 P skeletal system CC3130D5CF6A4EB48FDD26ABD5BE28BD Entire T10 vertebra (body structure) 18689 18689 18689 talus S18689 E18689 182098005 Entire talus (body structure) P18689 119544007 Talus part (body structure) Y 9708 P skeletal system A509FE1FAC22435296BD1E6CAC7773F7 F859ACE7C6654E419EDA14981A694AD3 Entire talus (body structure) Talus 18690 18690 18690 lumbar vertebra S18690 E18690 181822002 Entire lumbar vertebra (body structure) P18690 - 9921 P musculoskeletal system 60124A4B99CE445287C0EB5C00B0D2E9 Entire lumbar vertebra (body structure) 18691 18691 18691 fibula S18691 E18691 302529003 Entire fibula (body structure) P18691 119192001 Fibula part (body structure) Y 24479 P musculoskeletal system 321D5BF0ECF342E6B718805738EF1DC3 4544E39E8CB147C7876F0A465311F0C4 Entire fibula (body structure) Fibula 18692 18692 18692 tibia S18692 E18692 182061009 Entire tibia (body structure) P18692 119191008 Tibia part (body structure) Y 24476 P musculoskeletal system E4C08FD649E8455BA6087B8CDF728911 BC1D37988D034FD8ABB6FCF6DF6452C7 Entire tibia (body structure) Tibia 18693 18693 18693 sternum S18693 E18693 302522007 Entire sternum (body structure) P18693 119535006 Sternum part (body structure) - 7485 P skeletal system F4F3E63F29554E3CB8E139FDA9BE4F8A EC9791962CC84CADB74FC0115B6EE6AA Entire sternum (body structure) Sternum 18694 18694 18694 rib S18694 E18694 302523002 Entire rib (body structure) P18694 119536007 Rib part (body structure) Y 7574 P skeletal system FECD447233904FF495221E145BD89337 895693752271452C8D13F06FD1069CCA Entire rib (body structure) Rib 18695 18695 18695 ulna S18695 E18695 181948009 Entire ulna (body structure) P18695 119189000 Ulna Part (body structure) Y 23466 P musculoskeletal system D1DB5E9BBCB34A3E8A83A3147813227A 8985BDED00EA40B6A8E4CE8DF3E3BAB7 Entire ulna (body structure) Ulna 18696 18696 18696 axis vertebra S18696 E18696 181819004 Entire axis vertebra (body structure) P18696 - 12520 P skeletal system B4131322D3404D45AE4EC0A2ED29B81D Entire axis vertebra (body structure) 18697 18697 18697 humerus S18697 E18697 181923006 Entire humerus (body structure) P18697 119525000 Humerus part (body structure) Y 13303 P musculoskeletal system 61572E6E04EC49A28286CF5E89333EAD 5CAB7D9E02354E40813F105233BC1E06 Entire humerus (body structure) Humerus The long bone which is part of the upper arm. 18698 18698 18698 atlas vertebra S18698 E18698 181818007 Entire atlas vertebra (body structure) P18698 - 12519 P skeletal system 3D6BF28BF50849C4A17FD4CE7C702A0C Entire atlas vertebra (body structure) 18699 18699 18699 scapula S18699 E18699 302517007 Entire scapula (body structure) P18699 119537003 Scapula part (body structure) Y 13394 P skeletal system 0095F777307041138BEC497D21196EB6 AFF2E2BE8F3B4DE9A608FCE98C451242 Entire scapula (body structure) Scapula 18700 18700 18700 phalanx of toe 427087007 S18700 Structure of phalanx of toe (body structure) E18700 302533005 Entire phalanx of toe (body structure) P18700 119549002 Part of phalanx of foot (body structure) Y 24493 P musculoskeletal system 98007FAFA3614C7891D88CA4D02A889D 1C13853B51314270B2971ABC8CADACDC 7434E5B6490D45F5A2213EA054FC0966 phalanx of toe Entire phalanx of toe (body structure) phalanx of foot 18701 18701 18701 phalanx of thumb S18701 E18701 181975002 Entire phalanx of thumb (body structure) P18701 272699007 Part of phalanx of thumb (body structure) Y 35477 P musculoskeletal system 27F1D1F024EB47C091E8CF3D61F033AF E2378B681996480AB7EDF0F25203B2E8 Entire phalanx of thumb (body structure) phalanx of thumb 18702 18702 18702 phalanx of hand S18702 E18702 361100001 Entire phalanx of hand (body structure) P18702 119543001 Part of phalanx of hand (body structure) Y 23914 P musculoskeletal system A429C415F0B74684943295ABAB879AD9 09DACC90DD4E4B8480E612D41F5419BC Entire phalanx of hand (body structure) phalanx of hand 18703 18703 18703 metacarpal bone S18703 E18703 181977005 Entire metacarpal (body structure) P18703 119542006 Metacarpal bone part (body structure) Y 9612 P musculoskeletal system 25008CB65B384AF981729C72CD435110 E4B7E980B718426886505C70F574D5B4 Entire metacarpal (body structure) Metacarpal bone 18704 18704 18704 cervical vertebra S18704 E18704 181820005 Entire cervical vertebra (body structure) P18704 372215009 Part of cervical vertebra (body structure) - 9915 P skeletal system 21646A75DC414CD3B7315517823BE254 0C6AE3314EAA4AD0B055C9F967DBC5F9 Entire cervical vertebra (body structure) cervical vertebra 18705 18705 18705 mandible S18705 E18705 181812008 Entire mandible (body structure) P18705 119533004 Mandible part (body structure) - 52748 P skeletal system 53FF480C7ECD4103B1A02A66348F488D 36F152A07D8B46E386834BF9638D1D4D Entire mandible (body structure) Mandible 18706 18706 18706 maxilla S18706 E18706 181813003 Entire maxilla (body structure) P18706 119532009 Maxilla part (body structure) Y 9711 P skeletal system 20B0D856716042C5978516FC1A2F34CB 7CB395A1952D475FA6833612817C5C02 Entire maxilla (body structure) Maxilla 18707 18707 18707 radius S18707 E18707 181940002 Entire radius (body structure) P18707 119188008 Radius part (body structure) Y 23463 P musculoskeletal system 93D44D7C483A4A46ADB4A6C8063A1104 C10975766ADB4842BAF3DA87D250577D Entire radius (body structure) Radius 18708 18708 18708 T7 vertebra S18708 E18708 181835006 Entire T7 vertebra (body structure) P18708 - 9968 P skeletal system B58FEEBE23454516B024AAD3395826A9 Entire T7 vertebra (body structure) 18709 18709 18709 T9 vertebra S18709 E18709 181837003 Entire T9 vertebra (body structure) P18709 - 10014 P skeletal system 6A5D6FA2450B41B0854D57DA28E6DDD7 Entire T9 vertebra (body structure) 18710 18710 18710 T8 vertebra S18710 E18710 181836007 Entire T8 vertebra (body structure) P18710 - 9991 P skeletal system C9BAB777EB6B43D5B9A91BB7D0F6EAF2 Entire T8 vertebra (body structure) 18711 18711 18711 T3 vertebra S18711 E18711 181830001 Entire T3 vertebra (body structure) P18711 - 9209 P skeletal system 0418FE5DD90E4F1FACB415ECC9254576 Entire T3 vertebra (body structure) 18712 18712 18712 T4 vertebra S18712 E18712 181831002 Entire T4 vertebra (body structure) P18712 - 9248 P skeletal system 421A32EFCB4E4561AAC4F1470760CE71 Entire T4 vertebra (body structure) 18713 18713 18713 calcaneus S18713 E18713 182099002 Entire os calcis (body structure) P18713 372214008 Part of calcaneum (body structure) Y 24496 P skeletal system 92879C15F920426A9788DFF35CD8FEF3 C1671DA8BEB04427A8A9CE98828370D5 Entire os calcis (body structure) calcaneum 18714 18714 18714 T6 vertebra S18714 E18714 181834005 Entire T6 vertebra (body structure) P18714 - 9945 P skeletal system 08CDA24AA7F342E7AEE84EDE6489028A Entire T6 vertebra (body structure) 18715 18715 18715 T1 vertebra S18715 E18715 181828003 Entire T1 vertebra (body structure) P18715 - 9165 P skeletal system 170C4A7EB8FA413EAF702367CA7D0666 Entire T1 vertebra (body structure) 18716 18716 18716 C6 vertebra S18716 E18716 181826004 Entire C6 vertebra (body structure) P18716 - 12524 P skeletal system AD4172A5EFF248B08E791DF4FA2FAA60 Entire C6 vertebra (body structure) 18717 18717 18717 L2 vertebra S18717 E18717 181842006 Entire L2 vertebra (body structure) P18717 - 13073 P skeletal system 6CF868C7BF3F444CBF43006EE1FAB04C Entire L2 vertebra (body structure) 18718 18718 18718 L5 vertebra S18718 E18718 181845008 Entire L5 vertebra (body structure) P18718 - 13076 P skeletal system DBDB1EA57A5943C28C8480F30E862076 Entire L5 vertebra (body structure) 18719 18719 18719 C4 vertebra S18719 E18719 181824001 Entire C4 vertebra (body structure) P18719 - 12522 P skeletal system 8997AC04204A4474B1601409DE0F205C Entire C4 vertebra (body structure) 18720 18720 18720 L4 vertebra S18720 E18720 181844007 Entire L4 vertebra (body structure) P18720 - 13075 P skeletal system 4FC760136F624BD58B7CBD75372622FB Entire L4 vertebra (body structure) 18721 18721 18721 C3 vertebra S18721 E18721 181823007 Entire C3 vertebra (body structure) P18721 - 12521 P skeletal system 4F54DD7C18FF48F9A59C3EC560F9AD5C Entire C3 vertebra (body structure) 18722 18722 18722 L3 vertebra S18722 E18722 181843001 Entire L3 vertebra (body structure) P18722 - 13074 P skeletal system B61CA4D405A24A1B9E182A5689BC1C71 Entire L3 vertebra (body structure) 18723 18723 18723 T2 vertebra S18723 E18723 181829006 Entire T2 vertebra (body structure) P18723 - 9187 P skeletal system 24CCD4CA00AF416A9A42B1DDFE4F1B00 Entire T2 vertebra (body structure) 18724 18724 18724 C5 vertebra S18724 E18724 181825000 Entire C5 vertebra (body structure) P18724 - 12523 P skeletal system 065CAA762C0644FDA78D90BEBC432E52 Entire C5 vertebra (body structure) 18725 18725 18725 T5 vertebra S18725 E18725 181832009 Entire T5 vertebra (body structure) P18725 - 9922 P skeletal system D9965CCB785149CF839EE8A71172D94B Entire T5 vertebra (body structure) 18726 18726 18726 L1 vertebra S18726 E18726 181841004 Entire L1 vertebra (body structure) P18726 - 13072 P skeletal system 0F7157C79EAB4A3B95FF2AC84B83926B Entire L1 vertebra (body structure) 18727 18727 18727 shaft of ulna S18727 E18727 302520004 Entire shaft of ulna (body structure) P18727 Y P musculoskeletal system EA7513BB72DC478F933C4DB7748F84D9 Entire shaft of ulna (body structure) 18728 18728 18728 bone of jaw S18728 E18728 369003004 Entire bone of jaw (body structure) P18728 - P skeletal system 07B567D9CB9E4DBA9D4397DC37163EB2 Entire bone of jaw (body structure) 18729 18729 18729 shaft of fibula S18729 E18729 302528006 Entire shaft of fibula (body structure) P18729 Y P skeletal system E623A4DC48B8481F971531EAB90BC867 Entire shaft of fibula (body structure) 18730 18730 18730 lower end of fibula S18730 E18730 302530008 Entire lower end of fibula (body structure) P18730 Y P skeletal system CFD8417DD5FD43C89CDDCC3D8798AB13 Entire lower end of fibula (body structure) 18731 18731 18731 upper end of tibia S18731 E18731 302526005 Entire upper end of tibia (body structure) P18731 Y P skeletal system 8C561CFEAA9846BCB31CB2F527DDAE76 Entire upper end of tibia (body structure) 18732 18732 18732 shaft of tibia S18732 E18732 302525009 Entire shaft of tibia (body structure) P18732 Y P skeletal system E94897E3C6D8418795BC58EEF282734B Entire shaft of tibia (body structure) 18733 18733 18733 lower end of tibia S18733 E18733 302527001 Entire lower end of tibia (body structure) P18733 Y P skeletal system 17EFD3A5037840C984BD3AF6970D8C42 Entire lower end of tibia (body structure) 18734 18734 18734 proximal end of ulna S18734 E18734 304590006 Entire proximal end of ulna (body structure) P18734 Y P skeletal system 2B19A46291CE4959A30D8506012049F6 Entire proximal end of ulna (body structure) 18735 18735 18735 scaphoid S18735 E18735 181958008 Entire scaphoid (body structure) P18735 Y 23709 P skeletal system 5E7DD30FC56D440AB8D281FE934AE524 Entire scaphoid (body structure) 18736 18736 18736 shaft of radius S18736 E18736 302518002 Entire shaft of radius (body structure) P18736 Y P musculoskeletal system EB58578DA35549E7BC92E8927C6DBD28 Entire shaft of radius (body structure) 18737 18737 18737 shaft of metacarpal bone S18737 E18737 272696000 Entire shaft of metacarpal bone (body structure) P18737 Y P musculoskeletal system 1B1E4F2530A14C06BCFE742FE55BEECD Entire shaft of metacarpal bone (body structure) 18738 18738 18738 distal end of radius S18738 E18738 302519005 Entire distal end of radius (body structure) P18738 Y P skeletal system 2A825B98460F4060A2AA490BC6F7D35C Entire distal end of radius (body structure) 18739 18739 18739 distal carpal bone S18739 E18739 306716003 Entire distal carpal bone (body structure) P18739 Y 33303 P skeletal system EF1464556A264F14A8DCFD2AD6422635 Entire distal carpal bone (body structure) 18740 18740 18740 proximal femur S18740 E18740 244696009 Entire proximal femur (body structure) P18740 Y P skeletal system 3166C0B8F4974D2A9089DF300151A1AD Entire proximal femur (body structure) 18741 18741 18741 upper end of fibula S18741 E18741 304905002 Entire upper end of fibula (body structure) P18741 Y P skeletal system 9055E3E0BFEB47C09BD691A240072B69 Entire upper end of fibula (body structure) 18742 18742 18742 shaft of femur S18742 E18742 182048009 Entire shaft of femur (body structure) P18742 Y P skeletal system 08D074E8E5DE425FA5DC59A5FBD65865 Entire shaft of femur (body structure) 18743 18743 18743 distal femur S18743 E18743 302524008 Entire distal femur (body structure) P18743 Y P skeletal system 7487A5EBCAF5419F8FDF3E99B9B808E5 Entire distal femur (body structure) 18744 18744 18744 proximal carpal bone S18744 E18744 306715004 Entire proximal carpal bone (body structure) P18744 Y 33302 P skeletal system 79D32C95CEFE4045A9B15F26DF6E13EC Entire proximal carpal bone (body structure) 18745 18745 18745 bone of foot S18745 E18745 361371005 Entire bone of foot (body structure) P18745 Y P musculoskeletal system E278EAA4F4CA4815911A66A8F6CDB18E Entire bone of foot (body structure) 18747 18747 18747 pubis S18747 E18747 182035005 Entire pubis (body structure) P18747 Y 16595 P skeletal system 05DE78A51FF64C66BF67A76A4D6E5486 Entire pubis (body structure) 18748 18748 18748 facial bone 299978004 S18748 Maxillofacial bone structure (body structure) E18748 181799005 Entire facial bone (body structure) P18748 - P skeletal system 2267C95F57CF4D788A1C391D9205403B Maxillofacial bone Entire facial bone (body structure) 18749 18749 18749 proximal end of humerus S18749 E18749 304830000 Entire proximal end of humerus (body structure) P18749 Y 0 P skeletal system A26C21F1FC7740F1A50BAEA4BD4D5136 Entire proximal end of humerus (body structure) 18750 18750 18750 shaft of humerus S18750 E18750 181927007 Entire shaft of humerus (body structure) P18750 Y 13305 P musculoskeletal system 5783A86C182B49E7A9291E95093768DA Entire shaft of humerus (body structure) 18751 18751 18751 distal end of humerus S18751 E18751 310655007 Entire distal end of humerus (body structure) P18751 Y 0 P skeletal system B3253A01D94A4BFCAF02C199C5CEFA60 Entire distal end of humerus (body structure) 18753 18753 18753 bone (organ or region or tissue) of shoulder girdle S18753 E18753 181909009 Entire bone of shoulder girdle (body structure) P18753 Y D skeletal system FEE47EB257C849AE90D6D5AFFD369717 Entire bone of shoulder girdle (body structure) 18754 18754 18754 bone of hand S18754 E18754 265809008 Entire bone of hand (body structure) P18754 Y P musculoskeletal system EF1C2B5F54314F6BBE96491D8532BEE6 Entire bone of hand (body structure) 18755 18755 18755 bony pelvis S18755 E18755 46633002 Entire bony pelvis (body structure) P18755 - 16580 P skeletal system 7CE341602CF649CB9723EA5F0DF56A98 Entire bony pelvis (body structure) 18756 18756 18756 bone of limb S18756 E18756 304149004 Entire bone of extremity (body structure) P18756 Y P musculoskeletal system 50533DE75B014479A415D20CBDFA8707 Entire bone of extremity (body structure) 18757 18757 18757 ischium S18757 E18757 182025004 Entire ischium (body structure) P18757 Y 16592 P skeletal system FFAFC8D9BEFC477C963FD04D4C8FBFA3 Entire ischium (body structure) 18758 18758 18758 radius and ulna S18758 E18758 110535000 radius AND ulna (combined site) (body structure) P18758 - P musculoskeletal system 1AFE38733E9F42CCA00DCA526B302F3F radius AND ulna (combined site) (body structure) 18759 18759 18759 acetabulum S18759 E18759 182027007 Entire acetabulum (body structure) P18759 Y 16579 P musculoskeletal system EE315735CC5B42F488A7F15D7B409251 Entire acetabulum (body structure) 18760 18760 18760 bone of lower limb S18760 E18760 361370006 Entire bone of lower extremity (body structure) P18760 Y P musculoskeletal system 47F1D6D2800E43198C707AF6C9CADE5B Entire bone of lower extremity (body structure) 18761 18761 18761 tarsal bone S18761 E18761 108372004 Entire tarsal bone (body structure) P18761 372169001 Bone part of tarsus (body structure) Y 24491 P skeletal system 85A8994BD8124FDCA7CAA4EDF44CC56D DAB7738C61924B1B9A77767403FC8B07 Entire tarsal bone (body structure) Bone of tarsus 18762 18762 18762 bone of head S18762 E18762 118646007 Entire bone of head (body structure) P18762 - P skeletal system E41EB5B8F0EC4E9AA854485EF7801260 Entire bone of head (body structure) 18763 18763 18763 bony skeleton of ankle region S18763 E18763 361796005 Entire bones of ankle (body structure) P18763 Y P skeletal system 1E3C187D5F7245699592BEFABA5A5FE1 Entire bones of ankle (body structure) 18765 18765 18765 bone of forearm S18765 E18765 368223001 Entire bone of forearm (body structure) P18765 Y 0 P musculoskeletal system FB0E5D37044A4BCF840AC0D7C15C7807 Entire bone of forearm (body structure) 18766 18766 18766 proximal end of radius S18766 E18766 310654006 Entire proximal end of radius (body structure) P18766 Y P skeletal system BA18944F2B6342B4909EF86B92F1336B Entire proximal end of radius (body structure) 18767 18767 18767 ilium S18767 E18767 182029005 Entire ilium (body structure) P18767 Y 16589 P skeletal system 5B471516A3B94C40AF025D2919EBDED8 Entire ilium (body structure) 18768 18768 18768 bone tissue of lunate bone S18768 E18768 427607005 Bone tissue of lunate bone (body structure) P18768 Y 33317 D skeletal system E255D8BB0FF94198AA58E2A7B5FD4556 Bone tissue of lunate bone (body structure) 18769 18769 18769 bone tissue of phalanx of middle finger S18769 E18769 427646007 Bone tissue of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) P18769 Y 41151 D musculoskeletal system 33DF82CC5C524679ACB9EA94A9B25089 Bone tissue of phalanx of middle finger (body structure) 18770 18770 18770 bone tissue of proximal phalanx of foot S18770 E18770 427214004 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of foot (body structure) P18770 Y 0 D musculoskeletal system F6C722CF43F14418ADCB8F14898AFAB2 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of foot (body structure) 18771 18771 18771 bone tissue of middle phalanx of foot S18771 E18771 426180000 Bone tissue of middle phalanx of foot (body structure) P18771 Y 0 D musculoskeletal system 9C6DFD98303B42EFB4F6CDAA0623ED0E Bone tissue of middle phalanx of foot (body structure) 18772 18772 18772 bone tissue of distal phalanx of foot S18772 E18772 427342000 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of foot (body structure) P18772 Y 0 D musculoskeletal system 772C25096B9A4F2CB7828468173B6C8F Bone tissue of distal phalanx of foot (body structure) 18773 18773 18773 bone tissue of floating rib S18773 E18773 426843009 Bone tissue of floating rib (body structure) P18773 Y 0 D skeletal system 557813CD0EDB442AA3A0C27232BA7A7F Bone tissue of floating rib (body structure) 18774 18774 18774 bone tissue of cervical vertebra C7 87391001 S18774 Bone structure of C7 (body structure) E18774 426268002 Bone tissue of cervical vertebra C7 (body structure) P18774 - 25609 D skeletal system A01716ED11F14A849079CA40E8C173A1 0875933C6BE0493DAE3F654BAFA88D86 Bone of C7 Bone tissue of cervical vertebra C7 (body structure) 18775 18775 18775 bone tissue of first sacral vertebra S18775 E18775 426386001 Bone tissue of first sacral vertebra (body structure) P18775 - 31591 D musculoskeletal system 1E05E68803A144509FE1EEEF826F6341 Bone tissue of first sacral vertebra (body structure) 18776 18776 18776 bone tissue of second sacral vertebra S18776 E18776 425720003 Bone tissue of second sacral vertebra (body structure) P18776 - 31792 D musculoskeletal system 2B1676FEA023443FA14C2225F2AEBDD2 Bone tissue of second sacral vertebra (body structure) 18777 18777 18777 bone tissue of third sacral vertebra S18777 E18777 425794000 Bone tissue of third sacral vertebra (body structure) P18777 - 31793 D musculoskeletal system 0A8E470169E84B36BE14C3D537BB0768 Bone tissue of third sacral vertebra (body structure) 18778 18778 18778 bone tissue of proximal phalanx of little toe S18778 E18778 426486002 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of little toe (body structure) P18778 Y 83257 D musculoskeletal system D43B20F90E4B49589CA1445AB88F9881 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of little toe (body structure) 18779 18779 18779 bone tissue of fifth sacral vertebra S18779 E18779 427574008 Bone tissue of fifth sacral vertebra (body structure) P18779 - 31795 D musculoskeletal system F571B74C91F145CAB63EBEE90D973CFA Bone tissue of fifth sacral vertebra (body structure) 18780 18780 18780 bone tissue of temporal bone S18780 E18780 426441000 Bone tissue of temporal bone (body structure) P18780 Y 0 D musculoskeletal system 10C91F1B6BC1499BBEBEF01000773C2F Bone tissue of temporal bone (body structure) 18781 18781 18781 bone tissue of triquetral bone S18781 E18781 427028000 Bone tissue of triangular bone (body structure) P18781 Y 33324 D skeletal system 9304477032574F0CBF01685047AD9BFD Bone tissue of triangular bone (body structure) 18782 18782 18782 bone tissue of pisiform bone of hand S18782 E18782 427025002 Bone tissue of pisiform bone of hand (body structure) P18782 Y 33331 D skeletal system CB5222BC1AD548A98F0F846E8FDABA4A Bone tissue of pisiform bone of hand (body structure) 18784 18784 18784 bone tissue of innominate bone S18784 E18784 426047009 Bone tissue of innominate bone (body structure) P18784 Y 42854 D musculoskeletal system CAA28996160B4A2A9FDA09E44D91EB67 Bone tissue of innominate bone (body structure) 18785 18785 18785 bone tissue of metatarsal bone S18785 E18785 425432000 Bone tissue of metatarsal bone (body structure) P18785 Y 34537 D musculoskeletal system 504309CFCF204173A1C942B9C1FFC12A Bone tissue of metatarsal bone (body structure) 18786 18786 18786 bone tissue of vertebra S18786 E18786 425888000 Bone tissue of vertebra (body structure) P18786 - 24356 D skeletal system 13A8B89E80044B7E983820A6F51C6109 Bone tissue of vertebra (body structure) 18787 18787 18787 bone tissue of vomer bone S18787 E18787 427621007 Bone tissue of vomer bone (body structure) P18787 - 259783 D skeletal system E4F2003798004611AC7EFABB56F13F0B Bone tissue of vomer bone (body structure) 18788 18788 18788 bone tissue of parietal bone S18788 E18788 425655009 Bone tissue of parietal bone (body structure) P18788 Y 234989 D musculoskeletal system DA5657334FEA4C369CFDF7E0F48E09D7 Bone tissue of parietal bone (body structure) 18789 18789 18789 bone tissue of pneumatic bone S18789 E18789 426097008 Bone tissue of pneumatic bone (body structure) P18789 - 0 D skeletal system 81FA6C1431E5431BA4A20B23A2FB414E Bone tissue of pneumatic bone (body structure) 18790 18790 18790 bone tissue of fourth sacral vertebra S18790 E18790 426710002 Bone tissue of fourth sacral vertebra (body structure) P18790 - 31794 D musculoskeletal system E6FE28CC53E94D24B92234AE27615462 Bone tissue of fourth sacral vertebra (body structure) 18791 18791 18791 bone tissue of proximal phalanx of ring finger S18791 E18791 425958008 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) P18791 Y 41406 D musculoskeletal system 33A8C3A8DBA1421BB80731681C1594AC Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) 18792 18792 18792 bone tissue of middle phalanx of second toe S18792 E18792 426429007 Bone tissue of middle phalanx of second toe (body structure) P18792 Y 51836 D musculoskeletal system F67F26C9CD0F49DFAEA44F6C9F5F9446 Bone tissue of middle phalanx of second toe (body structure) 18793 18793 18793 bone tissue of proximal phalanx of third toe S18793 E18793 426719001 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of third toe (body structure) P18793 Y 51854 D musculoskeletal system E4547C67995942A9944A5DC572D6CB6B Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of third toe (body structure) 18794 18794 18794 bone tissue of distal phalanx of middle finger S18794 E18794 425775005 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) P18794 Y 41178 D musculoskeletal system 44857A0793844C19A82D8FB0EED4CB2A Bone tissue of distal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) 18795 18795 18795 bone tissue of distal phalanx of ring finger S18795 E18795 427144006 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) P18795 Y 41424 D musculoskeletal system BC70861C7B674840AD8E9468C76152B3 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of ring finger (body structure) 18796 18796 18796 bone tissue of distal phalanx of index finger S18796 E18796 426835004 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of index finger (body structure) P18796 Y 40932 D musculoskeletal system 1B478F08FB0947428D5E3A109FA61BE7 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of index finger (body structure) 18797 18797 18797 bone tissue of distal phalanx of little finger S18797 E18797 426178006 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of little finger (body structure) P18797 Y 41670 D musculoskeletal system 11A94AACF25A4EAB9AC094D9B7F98460 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of little finger (body structure) 18798 18798 18798 bone tissue of proximal phalanx of second toe S18798 E18798 426526003 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of second toe (body structure) P18798 Y 51827 D musculoskeletal system 48EF59A5AB5743738D2EE746458A56A1 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of second toe (body structure) 18799 18799 18799 bone tissue of capitate bone S18799 E18799 427532003 Bone tissue of capitate bone (body structure) P18799 Y 33352 D skeletal system 1BA82344FC224333A7094323ED01DF0E Bone tissue of capitate bone (body structure) 18800 18800 18800 bone tissue of proximal phalanx of index finger S18800 E18800 426149005 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of index finger (body structure) P18800 Y 40914 D musculoskeletal system 5CB8A835C70F45558DC6359346D9AE80 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of index finger (body structure) 18801 18801 18801 bone tissue of interparietal bone S18801 E18801 426076007 Bone tissue of interparietal bone (body structure) P18801 - 0 D musculoskeletal system A8B5F5766E5F468E8E255E8AF5FF1385 Bone tissue of interparietal bone (body structure) 18802 18802 18802 bone tissue of proximal phalanx of middle finger S18802 E18802 425849002 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) P18802 Y 41160 D musculoskeletal system 6548083C2C584047A9964F2E3C925748 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of middle finger (body structure) 18803 18803 18803 bone tissue of ethmoid bone S18803 E18803 427254002 Bone tissue of ethmoid bone (body structure) P18803 - 259791 D musculoskeletal system 6F36EFC75DF4474282A6E4668B8870DF Bone tissue of ethmoid bone (body structure) 18804 18804 18804 bone tissue of proximal phalanx of little finger S18804 E18804 427622000 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of little finger (body structure) P18804 Y 41652 D musculoskeletal system AF37BD052DDE435E9BBE8F4A13D0FFFE Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of little finger (body structure) 18805 18805 18805 bone tissue of middle phalanx of index finger S18805 E18805 427003008 Bone tissue of middle phalanx of index finger (body structure) P18805 Y 40923 D musculoskeletal system 5D168115229A492D9132D1184D65C09E Bone tissue of middle phalanx of index finger (body structure) 18806 18806 18806 bone tissue of middle phalanx of middle finger S18806 E18806 427042008 Bone tissue of middle phalanx of middle finger (body structure) P18806 Y 41169 D musculoskeletal system FDAC6173235C4AD9BD866AC829DF3C96 Bone tissue of middle phalanx of middle finger (body structure) 18807 18807 18807 bone tissue of middle phalanx of ring finger S18807 E18807 426949009 Bone tissue of middle phalanx of ring finger (body structure) P18807 Y 41415 D musculoskeletal system 9FD2B722141D42848A37433F572544B7 Bone tissue of middle phalanx of ring finger (body structure) 18808 18808 18808 bone tissue of middle phalanx of little finger S18808 E18808 427058006 Bone tissue of middle phalanx of little finger (body structure) P18808 Y 41661 D musculoskeletal system A934CC558AF6471597AA566CA9A20880 Bone tissue of middle phalanx of little finger (body structure) 18809 18809 18809 bone tissue of sesamoid of wrist S18809 E18809 427534002 Bone tissue of sesamoid of wrist (body structure) P18809 Y 241671 D skeletal system 4A5CC2347DAD40C08A00915B5A518F7F Bone tissue of sesamoid of wrist (body structure) 18810 18810 18810 bone tissue of sesamoid bone of foot S18810 E18810 426671001 Bone tissue of sesamoid bone of foot (body structure) P18810 Y 241675 D musculoskeletal system 86B1D69F424A4FE0B98B1831811014C1 Bone tissue of sesamoid bone of foot (body structure) 18811 18811 18811 bone tissue of phalanx of little finger S18811 E18811 426492008 Bone tissue of phalanx of little finger (body structure) P18811 Y 41643 D musculoskeletal system 15E365107A7F472DA0560BA80FCC0353 Bone tissue of phalanx of little finger (body structure) 18812 18812 18812 bone tissue of sphenoid bone S18812 E18812 427580000 Bone tissue of sphenoid bone (body structure) P18812 - 259793 D musculoskeletal system 41E7870922EA46C8AF8E5BEF364BB939 Bone tissue of sphenoid bone (body structure) 18813 18813 18813 bone tissue of flat bone S18813 E18813 427308009 Bone tissue of flat bone (body structure) P18813 - 0 D skeletal system 06FAF42EF7DE45CABF4A7A0AA771FE08 Bone tissue of flat bone (body structure) 18814 18814 18814 bone tissue of trapezoid bone S18814 E18814 427641002 Bone tissue of trapezoid bone (body structure) P18814 Y 33345 D skeletal system 3DFDD6B0F1114D7DACCEBF1A5CB0C4DE Bone tissue of trapezoid bone (body structure) 18815 18815 18815 bone tissue of fourth coccygeal vertebra S18815 E18815 427457006 Bone tissue of fourth coccygeal vertebra (body structure) P18815 - 35009 D skeletal system CD8129234CD44C399D93C7F63E8EFE22 Bone tissue of fourth coccygeal vertebra (body structure) 18816 18816 18816 bone tissue of long bone S18816 E18816 425475006 Bone tissue of long bone (body structure) P18816 - 83117 D skeletal system 4FC532A3E7BF4B4F956151E19C31FCA9 Bone tissue of long bone (body structure) 18817 18817 18817 bone tissue of phalanx of third toe S18817 E18817 425407002 Bone tissue of phalanx of third toe (body structure) P18817 Y 51806 D musculoskeletal system 3AB2D172E35840238B52E27E7A379AE8 Bone tissue of phalanx of third toe (body structure) 18818 18818 18818 bone tissue of phalanx of fourth toe S18818 E18818 427135005 Bone tissue of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) P18818 Y 51807 D musculoskeletal system B5C8E535CC584D9E8C86367AB54DA77B Bone tissue of phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) 18819 18819 18819 bone tissue of phalanx of little toe S18819 E18819 426522001 Bone tissue of phalanx of little toe (body structure) P18819 Y 51808 D musculoskeletal system C8114CFB4B1E409C8378A0884B06E3E0 Bone tissue of phalanx of little toe (body structure) 18822 18822 18822 bone tissue of phalanx of index finger S18822 E18822 426614004 Bone tissue of phalanx of index finger (body structure) P18822 Y 40905 D musculoskeletal system 15A69466BB09468FA7C98443891D6432 Bone tissue of phalanx of index finger (body structure) 18824 18824 18824 bone tissue of phalanx of ring finger S18824 E18824 427313008 Bone tissue of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) P18824 Y 41397 D musculoskeletal system 8E550665F3114CF7A5DDBA82F153D7A1 Bone tissue of phalanx of ring finger (body structure) 18825 18825 18825 bone tissue of phalanx of great toe S18825 E18825 425844007 Bone tissue of phalanx of great toe (body structure) P18825 Y 51804 D musculoskeletal system 675E7A0E869C43FE830F6BDFCED7E5EB Bone tissue of phalanx of great toe (body structure) 18826 18826 18826 bone tissue of proximal phalanx of great toe S18826 E18826 426416007 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of great toe (body structure) P18826 Y 51809 D musculoskeletal system 60FFD04D22944FFBADBC0E5A7CC26601 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of great toe (body structure) 18827 18827 18827 bone tissue of fifth metatarsal S18827 E18827 426298009 Bone tissue of fifth metatarsal (body structure) P18827 Y 36082 D musculoskeletal system F08EBC4C2E0A4FF38B8B4441D6B317F9 Bone tissue of fifth metatarsal (body structure) 18828 18828 18828 bone tissue of third coccygeal vertebra S18828 E18828 427279004 Bone tissue of third coccygeal vertebra (body structure) P18828 - 0 D skeletal system AA898262537443479C5ED60CCACA3AFA Bone tissue of third coccygeal vertebra (body structure) 18829 18829 18829 bone tissue of second coccygeal vertebra S18829 E18829 426452006 Bone tissue of second coccygeal vertebra (body structure) P18829 - 0 D skeletal system A0A124FE6EB34268B966AE293BD21655 Bone tissue of second coccygeal vertebra (body structure) 18830 18830 18830 bone tissue of first coccygeal vertebra S18830 E18830 427628001 Bone tissue of first coccygeal vertebra (body structure) P18830 - 0 D skeletal system 76CA3F934DBC47DC9044F53DDFFFDDCD Bone tissue of first coccygeal vertebra (body structure) 18831 18831 18831 bone tissue of distal phalanx of little toe S18831 E18831 426126008 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of little toe (body structure) P18831 Y 83259 D musculoskeletal system B600F88095E3451699070728BA4ABE7D Bone tissue of distal phalanx of little toe (body structure) 18832 18832 18832 bone tissue of distal phalanx of fourth toe S18832 E18832 426816004 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) P18832 Y 83256 D musculoskeletal system 81238935EB504F0E9023C9CCFBBD3301 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) 18833 18833 18833 bone tissue of distal phalanx of third toe S18833 E18833 426878009 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of third toe (body structure) P18833 Y 51856 D musculoskeletal system 8387D2BAA5BC40009B419837B5D3EA19 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of third toe (body structure) 18834 18834 18834 bone tissue of distal phalanx of second toe S18834 E18834 426057005 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of second toe (body structure) P18834 Y 51845 D musculoskeletal system 4B958EF1F0DD4425A0796A404080797E Bone tissue of distal phalanx of second toe (body structure) 18835 18835 18835 bone tissue of distal phalanx of great toe S18835 E18835 425544004 Bone tissue of distal phalanx of great toe (body structure) P18835 Y 51818 D musculoskeletal system 82BAE865830E473FACF1C97A5127A0FC Bone tissue of distal phalanx of great toe (body structure) 18836 18836 18836 bone tissue of middle phalanx of fourth toe S18836 E18836 427102000 Bone tissue of middle phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) P18836 Y 83255 D musculoskeletal system BFB15B239CDF4E19BDCB1C558B9D82CC Bone tissue of middle phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) 18837 18837 18837 bone tissue of middle phalanx of third toe S18837 E18837 426355007 Bone tissue of middle phalanx of third toe (body structure) P18837 Y 51855 D musculoskeletal system EFA2CC63B332451F86ADD87AB1C764DA Bone tissue of middle phalanx of third toe (body structure) 18838 18838 18838 bone tissue of middle phalanx of little toe S18838 E18838 425817002 Bone tissue of middle phalanx of little toe (body structure) P18838 Y 83258 D musculoskeletal system F05054A642B3461AA7149B2ECB05D92E Bone tissue of middle phalanx of little toe (body structure) 18839 18839 18839 bone tissue of inferior nasal turbinate S18839 E18839 426695004 Bone tissue of inferior nasal turbinate (body structure) P18839 Y 259801 D skeletal system 2A8AEEC45B3E4920B962E29855CBD13A Bone tissue of inferior nasal turbinate (body structure) 18840 18840 18840 bone tissue of proximal phalanx of fourth toe S18840 E18840 425973009 Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) P18840 Y 83254 D musculoskeletal system 43198BF202EC4B85AD2D42EA472ABE8C Bone tissue of proximal phalanx of fourth toe (body structure) 18841 18841 18841 bone tissue of irregular bone S18841 E18841 425509001 Bone tissue of irregular bone (body structure) P18841 - 0 D skeletal system 186534D61BF94228BF11D4FE5021997B Bone tissue of irregular bone (body structure) 18842 18842 18842 bone tissue of sesamoid bone S18842 E18842 425982003 Bone tissue of sesamoid bone (body structure) P18842 - 241669 D skeletal system 94B1C6F2820B4327B1ABA3FCC5BF07EB Bone tissue of sesamoid bone (body structure) 18843 18843 18843 bone tissue of frontal bone S18843 E18843 426227006 Bone tissue of frontal bone (body structure) P18843 - 234093 D musculoskeletal system 32E0C3B722A549BA82C9271C152BE0A6 Bone tissue of frontal bone (body structure) 18844 18844 18844 bone tissue of occipital bone S18844 E18844 427643004 Bone tissue of occipital bone (body structure) P18844 - 235056 D musculoskeletal system 25B950ED2175419191C45E3FE51F2714 Bone tissue of occipital bone (body structure) 18845 18845 18845 bone tissue of lacrimal bone S18845 E18845 425591006 Bone tissue of lacrimal bone (body structure) P18845 Y 259795 D musculoskeletal system B85682895F2A4D39A621D528A255FE2C Bone tissue of lacrimal bone (body structure) 18846 18846 18846 bone tissue of nasal bone S18846 E18846 426884007 Bone tissue of nasal bone (body structure) P18846 Y 236777 D musculoskeletal system 9F7F13D1DB4D4738A65A1A5ADC75D43E Bone tissue of nasal bone (body structure) 18847 18847 18847 bone tissue of palatine bone S18847 E18847 426596009 Bone tissue of palatine bone (body structure) P18847 Y 259777 D skeletal system 69AEDBBD549D4CA9912A8DA77BB6C67F Bone tissue of palatine bone (body structure) 18848 18848 18848 bone tissue of zygomatic bone S18848 E18848 427271001 Bone tissue of zygomatic bone (body structure) P18848 Y 259785 D musculoskeletal system EB8E2BDE6F284D46B3185072840FCACD Bone tissue of zygomatic bone (body structure) 18849 18849 18849 bone tissue of phalanx of second toe S18849 E18849 425714004 Bone tissue of phalanx of second toe (body structure) P18849 Y 51805 D musculoskeletal system FF12D198266B43ADA4713518A65D25F6 Bone tissue of phalanx of second toe (body structure) 18851 18851 18851 bone tissue of short bone S18851 E18851 426072009 Bone tissue of short bone (body structure) P18851 - 241667 D skeletal system ACBE5F1AB3B443A18F0112E83F54912D Bone tissue of short bone (body structure) 18852 18852 18852 bone tissue of wormian bone S18852 E18852 426219002 Bone tissue of wormian bone (body structure) P18852 Y 0 D musculoskeletal system A50E6B5EC748499C94542EC01B3A45B4 Bone tissue of wormian bone (body structure) 18853 18853 18853 bone tissue of true rib S18853 E18853 427008004 Bone tissue of true rib (body structure) P18853 Y 0 D skeletal system 4B24F9A83D4948278B29DEA368731A2F Bone tissue of true rib (body structure) 18854 18854 18854 bone tissue of false rib S18854 E18854 427373001 Bone tissue of false rib (body structure) P18854 Y 0 D skeletal system 67CC9B1802054ADCAEA8974551984913 Bone tissue of false rib (body structure) 18856 18856 18856 bone tissue of sacral vertebra S18856 E18856 426132003 Bone tissue of sacral vertebra (body structure) P18856 - 28962 D musculoskeletal system 233316FBA58647579D47A72C9FE2F6A2 Bone tissue of sacral vertebra (body structure) 18857 18857 18857 bone tissue of coccygeal vertebra S18857 E18857 427301003 Bone tissue of coccygeal vertebra (body structure) P18857 - 0 D skeletal system FF5021DDC88F4491907A835A4A7E3347 Bone tissue of coccygeal vertebra (body structure) 18858 18858 18858 bone tissue of first metatarsal S18858 E18858 426212006 Bone tissue of first metatarsal (body structure) P18858 Y 35522 D musculoskeletal system 1B33273921E74CA79A19F090A2B18ED0 Bone tissue of first metatarsal (body structure) 18859 18859 18859 bone tissue of second metatarsal S18859 E18859 427379002 Bone tissue of second metatarsal (body structure) P18859 Y 35662 D musculoskeletal system 982E443D3AF44C67A866ECC055DB7CE6 Bone tissue of second metatarsal (body structure) 18860 18860 18860 bone tissue of third metatarsal S18860 E18860 426819006 Bone tissue of third metatarsal (body structure) P18860 Y 35802 D musculoskeletal system 66060B9DA42F4847B6780C065D98A02E Bone tissue of third metatarsal (body structure) 18861 18861 18861 bone tissue of fourth metatarsal S18861 E18861 425467000 Bone tissue of fourth metatarsal (body structure) P18861 Y 35942 D musculoskeletal system 9412CD811661463B99047742A5E77EE0 Bone tissue of fourth metatarsal (body structure) 18862 18862 18862 bone tissue of hyoid bone S18862 E18862 427227000 Bone tissue of hyoid bone (body structure) P18862 - 259807 D skeletal system F766BD03C58942EEA54E6375D4A99CDB Bone tissue of hyoid bone (body structure) 18863 18863 18863 shaft of phalanx S18863 E18863 425612005 Entire shaft of phalanx (body structure) P18863 Y P musculoskeletal system 9C8FDBAA2CE3421B885D52D1123C0A7E Entire shaft of phalanx (body structure) 18864 18864 18864 bone organ of pelvis S18864 E18864 426214007 Entire bone organ of pelvis (body structure) P18864 - P musculoskeletal system 6DC2D0E141094C67B2C441892A6255CF Entire bone organ of pelvis (body structure) 18865 18865 18865 bone organ of thorax S18865 E18865 426649006 Entire bone organ of thorax (body structure) P18865 - P musculoskeletal system 306138E97DDF4EB593F7701CB7BBA0F5 Entire bone organ of thorax (body structure) 18866 18866 18866 bone organ of forefoot S18866 E18866 426379009 Entire bone organ of forefoot (body structure) P18866 Y P musculoskeletal system 4B2A5F2803644ED886F760731940CEC8 Entire bone organ of forefoot (body structure) 18867 18867 18867 bone organ of wrist and hand S18867 E18867 426741001 Entire bone organ of wrist and/or hand (body structure) P18867 Y P musculoskeletal system 0FD42D8682EB461391C8FE7CB8410F43 Entire bone organ of wrist and/or hand (body structure) 18868 18868 18868 bone organ of trunk S18868 E18868 427358002 Entire bone organ of trunk (body structure) P18868 - P musculoskeletal system 000C8A57D0734C57B088A9FEEE8FA11F Entire bone organ of trunk (body structure) 18869 18869 18869 metacarpal of finger S18869 E18869 425761003 Entire metacarpal of finger (body structure) P18869 Y P musculoskeletal system B400BD9183E742249D30BFBCEBF628FF Entire metacarpal of finger (body structure) 18870 18870 18870 bone organ of spine S18870 E18870 425523004 Entire bone organ of spine (body structure) P18870 - P skeletal system EF6CBF77892C4CBC8FCE0278EA7FFB89 Entire bone organ of spine (body structure) 18871 18871 18871 embryonic vein S18871 E18871 361322000 Entire embryonic vein (body structure) P18871 - P cardiovascular system 9F2DC05072F54501A2C5DEFDC61B8C62 Entire embryonic vein (body structure) 18872 18872 18872 group of hairs S18872 E18872 425441005 Group of hairs (body structure) P18872 - 70752 P integumentary system C2366390C3714194A886868167A7F988 Group of hairs (body structure) 18873 18873 18873 zygomatic process of frontal bone S18873 E18873 427577001 Entire zygomatic process of frontal bone (body structure) P18873 Y 54389 P skeletal system 69C5B47D47C64A1B91A506947A2DA4A4 Entire zygomatic process of frontal bone (body structure) 18874 18874 18874 portion of skeletal muscle tissue S18874 E18874 426215008 Skeletal muscle tissue (body structure) P18874 - 14069 P muscular system 1E36F166521A4FBCB8B5B71CF68B618A Skeletal muscle tissue (body structure) Portion of tissue which consists of skeletal muscle fibers surrounded by endomysium. Examples: Skeletal muscle tissue of biceps, Skeletal muscle tissue of diaphragm. 18875 18875 18875 synovial sac S18875 E18875 426667004 Entire synovial sac (body structure) P18875 - 66760 P 4C369AF176AD46B49FF83D8F08ED4FCE Entire synovial sac (body structure) Serous sac, which has as parts a synovial membrane and a synovial cavity. Examples: synovial bursa, synovial tendon sheath of index finger, synovial capsule of knee joint. 18876 18876 18876 synovial sac of joint capsule S18876 E18876 427579003 Entire synovial sac of joint capsule (body structure) P18876 - 256694 P articular system F0B8B2619BE04CF095D0973C7810771F Entire synovial sac of joint capsule (body structure) Synovial sac, the synovial membrane of which together with articular cartilage encloses a synovial cavity 18877 18877 18877 muscle of rotator cuff S18877 E18877 426821001 Muscle of rotator cuff (body structure) P18877 Y P musculoskeletal system 21450B18F9FF434D8DF015E954D45536 Muscle of rotator cuff (body structure) 18878 18878 18878 cochlear part of membranous labyrinth 427319007 S18878 Structure of cochlear part of membranous labyrinth (body structure) E18878 P18878 Y 61259 P special senses organ system D62D1212446A46DD87B867C093D3C55E cochlear part of membranous labyrinth 18879 18879 18879 muscular layer of anterior abdominal wall S18879 E18879 427648008 Muscular layer of anterior abdominal wall (body structure) P18879 - P B180A60D740F493E89527D2C466F7053 Muscular layer of anterior abdominal wall (body structure) 18880 18880 18880 L5/S1 disc S18880 E18880 425585009 L5/S1 disc (body structure) P18880 - P musculoskeletal system 866538A6207442918BE791E41407B061 L5/S1 disc (body structure) 18881 18881 18881 bone tissue of shoulder region S18881 E18881 426328003 Bone tissue of shoulder region (body structure) P18881 Y 0 P skeletal system B103DC203BB64F5EA0414461D7791D45 Bone tissue of shoulder region (body structure) 18882 18882 18882 subregion of thorax S18882 E18882 425803006 Region of thorax (body structure) P18882 - 20358 D regional/topgraphical C2671728756F4431906F89BCAFC27A1C Region of thorax (body structure) 18883 18883 18883 nucleus of brain S18883 E18883 426465002 Entire nucleus of brain (body structure) P18883 - 83840 P nervous system 4043753637C84F1E8D59471F361DDF07 Entire nucleus of brain (body structure) Nucleus of neuraxis which is located within the brain. Example: pontobulbar nucleus, globose nucleus. 18884 18884 18884 nucleus accumbens S18884 E18884 427667007 Nucleus accumbens (body structure) P18884 Y 61889 P nervous system 6D15D16C3BBC432DA73DF3411488F2E2 Nucleus accumbens (body structure) 18885 18885 18885 complex of bones S18885 E18885 425727000 Complex of bones (body structure) P18885 - P skeletal system E046385207004AEB9323F76CD8260C99 Complex of bones (body structure) 18886 18886 18886 subregion of back 304035006 S18886 Regional back structure (body structure) E18886 P18886 - D regional/topgraphical B0E1C7D3941947E38247CF670993D92C Regional back 18888 18888 18888 L4/5 disc S18888 E18888 427094005 L4/5 disc (body structure) P18888 - P musculoskeletal system D7BB8AA0D62E4D89B5DDDB52732968A0 L4/5 disc (body structure) 18889 18889 18889 female anogenital region 699821001 S18889 Structure of female anogenital region (body structure) E18889 426556007 Female anogenital region (body structure) P18889 - P regional/topgraphical FD5F9600F0CB4071848B05C7F61612A3 Female anogenital region (body structure) 18890 18890 18890 membrane organ 426113009 S18890 Membrane organ structure (body structure) E18890 P18890 - 7145 P D07077BE0BF249D0B863411FB6243767 Membrane organ Nonparenchymatous organ that primarily consists of dense connective tissue organized into a sheet which interconnects two or more organs, separates two or more body spaces from one another, or surrounds an organ or body part. Examples: interosseous membrane of forearm, obturator membrane, tympanic membrane, fibrous pericardium, fascia lata, dura mater. 18891 18891 18891 cardinal organ part S18891 E18891 P18891 - 82472 P Anatomical structure which has as its direct parts two or more types of tissue and is continuous with one or more anatomical structures likewise constituted by two or more portions of tissues distinct from those of their complement. 18892 18892 18892 pulmonary vein within lung 122972007 S18892 Pulmonary venous structure (body structure) E18892 P18892 Y P respiratory system 5B1BD30155514400A7D4705C8B7EE3CC Pulmonary vein 18893 18893 18893 anatomical surface S18893 E18893 P18893 - 24137 (Note: definition different) P Material anatomical entity which has two major spatial dimensions, but also a third depth dimension sufficient to be the bearer of a disorder. Examples: body surface, epigastrium, precordium, right iliac fossa. 18894 18894 18894 peripheral vessel S18894 E18894 P18894 - P cardiovascular system 18895 18895 18895 peripheral artery S18895 E18895 P18895 - P arterial system 18896 18896 18896 branch of anterior ethmoidal artery 427256000 S18896 Branch of anterior ethmoidal artery (body structure) E18896 P18896 Y 76031 P cardiovascular system d47880112735a210081297e217aac077 Branch of anterior ethmoidal artery 18897 18897 18897 organ component S18897 E18897 P18897 - 14065 P Cardinal organ part which is bounded predominantly by bonafide boundaries. Examples: lobe of lung, osteon, acinus, submucosa, anterior leaflet of mitral valve, capsule of kidney, cortical bone, muscle fasciculus. 18898 18898 18898 organ region S18898 E18898 P18898 - 67619 P regional/topgraphical Cardinal organ part which is a fiat subdivision of an organ. Examples: lingula of left lung, tail of pancreas, artery, trochanter, nodulus of semilunar valve, right side of heart, duodenum, fundus of stomach. 18899 18899 18899 segment of organ S18899 E18899 P18899 - 86140 P Organ region with one or more anchored fiat boundaries. Examples: artery, trunk of nerve, cervical part of esophagus, pelvic part of vagina, horn of thyroid cartilage, anterior segment of eyeball. 18900 18900 18900 zone of organ S18900 E18900 P18900 - 55268 P Organ region with one or more floating fiat boundaries. Examples: apical zone of lung, superior pole of kidney, gingiva, apex of prostate, ascending colon proper. 18901 18901 18901 wall of organ S18901 E18901 P18901 - 82482 P Organ component adjacent to an organ cavity and which consists of a maximal aggregate of organ component layers. 18902 18902 18902 organ component layer S18902 E18902 P18902 - 82485 P Organ component which is a part of a wall of an organ. 18903 18903 18903 region of organ component S18903 E18903 P18903 - 86103 P regional/topgraphical Cardinal organ part which is a fiat subdivision of an organ component. Examples: cervical part of wall of esophagus, mucosa of body of stomach. 18904 18904 18904 wall of zone of uterus S18904 E18904 P18904 - 17753 P 18905 18905 18905 region of wall of seminal vesicle S18905 E18905 P18905 Y 19448 P genital system 18906 18906 18906 anatomical cluster 699589007 S18906 Structure of anatomical cluster (body structure) E18906 P18906 - 49443 P Anatomical structure, which has as its parts a heterogeneous collection of organs, organ parts, cells, cell parts or body part subdivisions that are adjacent to, or continuous with one another; does not constitute a cell part, cell, tissue, organ, etc 18907 18907 18907 heterogeneous cluster S18907 E18907 P18907 - 64989 P Anatomical cluster which has as its direct parts all or some members of two or more organ subclasses and one or more organ part subclasses which are grouped together according to some shared attributes. Examples: joint, internal ear, pharynx. 18908 18908 18908 subdivision of pharynx S18908 E18908 P18908 - 54877 P 18909 18909 18909 zone of bone organ S18909 E18909 P18909 - 10483 P skeletal system 18910 18910 18910 zone of temporal bone S18910 E18910 P18910 Y 52870 P skeletal system 18911 18911 18911 zone of petrous part of temporal bone S18911 E18911 P18911 Y 55425 P skeletal system 18912 18912 18912 zone of skeletal muscle organ S18912 E18912 P18912 - 10474 D muscular system 18913 18913 18913 branch of brachiocephalic artery 425444002 S18913 Branch of brachiocephalic artery (body structure) E18913 P18913 Y P arterial system da9ea41127d6f928181297e217aac077 Branch of brachiocephalic artery 18914 18914 18914 branch of dorsal carpal arch 427217006 S18914 Branch of dorsal carpal arterial arch (body structure) E18914 P18914 Y P arterial system da9ea41127db6497381297e217aac077 Branch of dorsal carpal arterial arch 18915 18915 18915 organ component of neuraxis S18915 E18915 P18915 - 83153 P nervous system Organ component which is part of the brain or spinal cord. 18916 18916 18916 cerebral subcortex S18916 E18916 P18916 Y 242188 P nervous system 18917 18917 18917 arterial tree organ S18917 E18917 P18917 - 45840 P Vascular tree, the organ parts of which are arteries. Examples: There are only two canonical instances, systemic arterial tree (organ) and pulmonary arterial tree (organ). 18918 18918 18918 vascular tree organ S18918 E18918 P18918 - 3710 P Hollow tree, the organ parts of which are arteries, veins or lymphatic vessels. Examples: systemic arterial tree (organ), portal venous tree (organ), thoracic duct tree. 18919 18919 18919 venous tree organ S18919 E18919 P18919 - 14284 P Vascular tree, the organ parts of which are veins. Examples: There are only three canonical instances, systemic venous tree (organ), pulmonary venous tree (organ) and portal venous tree (organ). 18920 18920 18920 lymphatic tree organ S18920 E18920 P18920 - 5024 P 18921 18921 18921 lobular organ S18921 E18921 P18921 - 55662 P Parenchymatous organ the stroma of which subdivides the parenchyma into lobes, segments, lobules and acini. Examples: lung, liver, lactiferous gland, testis. 18922 18922 18922 branch of spinal accessory nerve S18922 E18922 P18922 Y 66075 P nervous system 18923 18923 18923 branch of cranial nerve 609606006 S18923 60d58c1a-011f-40e8-b716-cceb11ece88f Structure of branch of cranial nerve (body structure) E18923 P18923 Y 52570 P nervous system 18924 18924 18924 branch of spinal nerve of cauda equina S18924 E18924 P18924 Y P nervous system 18925 18925 18925 branch of peripheral nerve tree organ S18925 E18925 P18925 Y 65269 P nervous system 18926 18926 18926 zone of artery S18926 E18926 P18926 - 66332 P arterial system 18927 18927 18927 body proper - trunk and neck S18927 E18927 P18927 - 231424 P Cardinal body part, which consists of a maximal set of diverse subclasses of organ and organ part spatially associated with the vertebral column and ribcage. 18928 18928 18928 lobular organ component S18928 E18928 P18928 - 82478 P Organ component which has as its parts a wall and a cavity and together with structures of same type constitutes an anatomical lobe or an organ component gland. 18929 18929 18929 septum of organ S18929 E18929 P18929 - 82484 P 18930 18930 18930 membrane organ component S18930 E18930 P18930 - 75445 P 18931 18931 18931 wall of lobular organ component S18931 E18931 P18931 - 58025 P 18932 18932 18932 ligament organ component S18932 E18932 P18932 - 86375 P 18933 18933 18933 branch of dorsal metacarpal artery 427437007 S18933 Branch of dorsal metacarpal artery (body structure) E18933 P18933 Y P arterial system 3aef161128c32230d81297e217aac077 Branch of dorsal metacarpal artery 18934 18934 18934 fascia organ component S18934 E18934 P18934 - 20185 P musculoskeletal system 18936 18936 18936 stroma S18936 E18936 P18936 - 81494 P Organ component which consists of connective tissue that subdivides parenchyma into lobes, segments, lobules, acini, or cortex and medulla and the vascular and the neural networks intermixed with this connective tissue. 18937 18937 18937 medulla S18937 E18937 P18937 - 61108 P 18938 18938 18938 trabecula S18938 E18938 P18938 - 85273 P 18939 18939 18939 trabecula of lymph node S18939 E18939 P18939 - 74605 P lymphoreticular system 18940 18940 18940 capillary bed S18940 E18940 P18940 - 45632 P 18941 18941 18941 systemic capillary bed S18941 E18941 P18941 - 49930 P cardiovascular system 18942 18942 18942 pulmonary capillary bed S18942 E18942 P18942 - 49931 P cardiovascular system 18943 18943 18943 pulmonary circulatory system S18943 E18943 P18943 - 45621 P cardiovascular system Subdivision of cardiovascular system which has as its parts the pulmonary arterial and venous tree organs. 18944 18944 18944 portal capillary bed S18944 E18944 P18944 - 49932 P venous system 18945 18945 18945 lymphatic capillary bed S18945 E18945 P18945 - 67621 P lymphatic system 18946 18946 18946 sinusoidal capillary bed S18946 E18946 P18946 - 82474 P lymphoreticular system 18947 18947 18947 cortex S18947 E18947 P18947 - 61109 P 18948 18948 18948 uriniferous tubule S18948 E18948 P18948 Y 17691 P urinary system 18949 18949 18949 region of uriniferous tubule S18949 E18949 P18949 Y 86307 P urinary system 18951 18951 18951 zone of superficial fascia S18951 E18951 P18951 - 86156 P musculoskeletal system 18952 18952 18952 zone of integument S18952 E18952 P18952 - 74709 P 18953 18953 18953 segment of venous tree organ S18953 E18953 P18953 - 86188 P 18954 18954 18954 venous trunk S18954 E18954 P18954 - 30314 P Tubular organ part, the wall and lumen of which are continuous with those of the atria of the heart, directly or indirectly through tributaries of the venae cavae, pulmonary veins and the hepatic and portal veins. Examples: coronary sinus, posterior intercostal vein, hepatic vein, bronchial vein, pulmonary vein, trunk of inferior vena cava. 18955 18955 18955 vein of pulmonary circulation S18955 E18955 P18955 Y 66643 P respiratory system Vein in the pulmonary vemnous system. 18956 18956 18956 trunk of superior pulmonary vein S18956 E18956 P18956 Y 50301 P cardiovascular system 18957 18957 18957 trunk of inferior pulmonary vein S18957 E18957 P18957 Y 50304 P cardiovascular system 18958 18958 18958 organ cluster S18958 E18958 P18958 - 32406 P Anatomical cluster which has as its direct parts all or some members of one or more organ types which are grouped together according to some shared attributes. Examples: abdominal viscera, pelvic viscera. 18959 18959 18959 organ part cluster S18959 E18959 P18959 - 64990 P Anatomical cluster which has as its direct parts all or some members of one or more organ part types which are grouped together according to some shared attributes. Examples: root of lung, internal nose, soft palate, wall of gut, periorbita. 18960 18960 18960 body part subdivision cluster S18960 E18960 P18960 - 20368 P Anatomical cluster which has as its direct parts all or some members of two or more body part subdivision types which are grouped together according to some shared attributes. Examples: back, pudendum. 18961 18961 18961 tissue cluster S18961 E18961 P18961 - 62799 P Anatomical cluster which has as its direct parts all or some members of one or more tissue types grouped together according to shared attributes. 18962 18962 18962 body of organ S18962 E18962 P18962 - 45734 P 18964 18964 18964 immaterial anatomical entity S18964 E18964 698965000 Immaterial anatomical entity (body structure) P18964 - 67112 (Note: definition different) P An anatomical space, group of spaces, or massless line or plane. 18965 18965 18965 material anatomical boundary S18965 E18965 698968003 Material anatomical boundary (body structure) P18965 - 50705 (Note: definition different) P Material anatomical entity of one less dimension than the anatomical entity it bounds or demarcates from another anatomical entity. 18966 18966 18966 artery of pulmonary circulation S18966 E18966 P18966 - 8615 P respiratory system 18967 18967 18967 space of anatomical conduit S18967 E18967 P18967 - 9338 P Anatomical space which connects two or more compartment spaces or two or more anatomical cavities. Examples: foramen magnum, pyloric orifice, space of right inguinal canal, nutrient canal space, 18968 18968 18968 segment of neuraxis S18968 E18968 P18968 - 256237 P nervous system Organ segment which is a regional part of neuraxis. Examples: brain, brainstem, spinal cord. 18969 18969 18969 segment of brain S18969 E18969 P18969 - 55676 P nervous system Segment of neuraxis with one or more fixed or anchored fiat boundaries. Examples: thalamus, midbrain, pons, cerebellum, and spinal cord. 18970 18970 18970 segment of hindbrain S18970 E18970 P18970 - 61998 P nervous system 18971 18971 18971 segment of cerebellum S18971 E18971 P18971 - 256150 P nervous system 18972 18972 18972 post-surgical body structure S18972 E18972 P18972 - P 18973 18973 18973 embryo proper 609523007 S18973 5eccab6d-c98f-4c66-baa1-2a5b432ccd91 Structure of embyro proper (body structure) E18973 609524001 2728196f-7bdb-4b3b-aa24-df69e60e5b42 Entire embryo proper (body structure) P18973 - 69067 P 18974 18974 18974 lateral half of brain 428859000 S18974 Structure of half of brain lateral to midsagittal plane (body structure) E18974 P18974 Y 0 P nervous system 1555185114728fb4d980f8cac1e092ca half of brain lateral to midsagittal plane 18975 18975 18975 tendon of wrist 426480008 S18975 Structure of tendon of wrist (body structure) E18975 P18975 Y P muscular system fa5ff3112ddeaa1bce409ca4036aa139 tendon of wrist 18976 18976 18976 bursa of finger 427110004 S18976 Structure of bursa of finger (body structure) E18976 P18976 Y P musculoskeletal system 1b17d4911266b8d1b2333fb14faca0a6 bursa of finger 18981 18981 18981 ileal pouch S18981 E18981 427657002 Ileal pouch (morphologic abnormality) P18981 - P fa5ff311263ede534b3011a7c982a658 Ileal pouch (morphologic abnormality) 18982 18982 18982 intermetatarsal bursa 427260002 S18982 Structure of intermetatarsal bursa (body structure) E18982 P18982 Y P musculoskeletal system 1b17d4911266bab385333fb14faca0a6 intermetatarsal bursa 18986 18986 18986 peripheral nerve of abdomen 426240001 S18986 Structure of peripheral nerve of abdomen (body structure) E18986 P18986 Y D nervous system 11cc367113074d26b453c4b303baef06 peripheral nerve of abdomen 18987 18987 18987 subcutaneous fatty tissue of breast 429572003 S18987 Structure of subcutaneous fatty tissue of breast (body structure) E18987 P18987 Y P musculoskeletal system 1362a63113efaaca3f45f51ece438215 subcutaneous fatty tissue of breast 18989 18989 18989 surface of bone 425647002 S18989 Structure of surface of bone (body structure) E18989 P18989 - 33535 P skeletal system D61AEF1130330BEC2C9C27C0803EFC6E surface of bone 18990 18990 18990 urinary tract proper 431938005 S18990 Structure of urinary tract proper (body structure) E18990 432045005 Entire urinary tract proper (body structure) P18990 - P genitourinary system 11a0d35117d710736480f8cac1e092ca ad6513117d97696a180f8cac1e092ca1 urinary tract proper Entire urinary tract proper (body structure) 18991 18991 18991 subcutaneous tissue of limb 430613006 S18991 Subcutaneous tissue structure of limb (body structure) E18991 P18991 Y D integument/surface 13829d5117e573cd9080f8cac1e092ca Subcutaneous tissue of limb 18992 18992 18992 soft tissue of limb 430636002 S18992 Structure of soft tissue of extremity (body structure) E18992 P18992 Y D 13829d5117e55e069d80f8cac1e092ca soft tissue of extremity 18993 18993 18993 peripheral part of autonomic nervous system 429921001 S18993 Structure of peripheral part of autonomic nervous system (body structure) E18993 P18993 - 65553 P nervous system 11a0d35117d6b1868d80f8cac1e092ca peripheral part of autonomic nervous system 18994 18994 18994 upper urinary tract proper 431491007 S18994 Structure of upper urinary tract proper (body structure) E18994 P18994 Y P urinary system ad6513117d971cef080f8cac1e092ca1 upper urinary tract proper 18995 18995 18995 body of graft S18995 E18995 245856001 Body of graft (morphologic abnormality) P18995 - P A1F03B28FCC54485BA54DC3891AF9262 Body of graft (morphologic abnormality) 18996 18996 18996 systemic to pulmonary arterial shunt S18996 E18996 280139009 Systemic to pulmonary arterial shunt (morphologic abnormality) P18996 - P 1431101C148647439E48FFC8A8209E62 Systemic to pulmonary arterial shunt (morphologic abnormality) 18997 18997 18997 surgical arteriovenous fistula S18997 E18997 312213004 Surgical arteriovenous fistula (morphologic abnormality) P18997 - P 1A65C72A2CBC48D09610E589B355DC4A Surgical arteriovenous fistula (morphologic abnormality) 18998 18998 18998 post-surgical cardiovascular structure S18998 E18998 312286002 Post-surgical cardiovascular structure (morphologic abnormality) P18998 - P BA63CB0A48EF4BA8A1AD94B2B64D403D Post-surgical cardiovascular structure (morphologic abnormality) 18999 18999 18999 post-surgical vascular structure S18999 E18999 312287006 Post-surgical vascular structure (morphologic abnormality) P18999 - P DC7B4C792CC7488CB898B0199BAD1327 Post-surgical vascular structure (morphologic abnormality) 19000 19000 19000 vascular graft S19000 E19000 312288001 Vascular graft (morphologic abnormality) P19000 - P DE7C121E692648D89715BC1E0642956F Vascular graft (morphologic abnormality) 19001 19001 19001 vein loop S19001 E19001 312289009 Vein loop (morphologic abnormality) P19001 - P 4C0DF2628A114EDBB3EADDE11D3D1FD6 Vein loop (morphologic abnormality) 19002 19002 19002 arteriovenous graft S19002 E19002 312317000 Arteriovenous graft (morphologic abnormality) P19002 - P A4DEA5FF3C5E49AFA4DDCD513C3B8C27 Arteriovenous graft (morphologic abnormality) 19003 19003 19003 transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt S19003 E19003 397423009 Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (morphologic abnormality) P19003 - P B7C7E35EA5BE4B2BBE07C2AB9126BBB9 Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (morphologic abnormality) 19004 19004 19004 region of surface of organ S19004 E19004 P19004 - 24210 D regional/topgraphical Anatomical surface, which is the subdivision of the surface of an organ. Examples: diaphragmatic surface of lung, sternocostal surface of heart, anterior surface of stomach. 19005 19005 19005 cardinal cell part S19005 E19005 P19005 - 61764 P Anatomical structure which is demarcated by bona fide or fiat boundaries within a cell. Examples: plasma membrane, mitochondrion, cell nucleus, neurite. 19006 19006 19006 cell component S19006 E19006 P19006 - 86454 P Cardinal cell part which is demarcated from other cell parts by predominantly bona fide anatomical surfaces. Examples: golgi complex, endosome, myofilament. 19007 19007 19007 region of cell component S19007 E19007 P19007 - 86455 P regional/topgraphical Cell part which is a fiat subdivision of a cell component. 19008 19008 19008 segment of vertebra S19008 E19008 P19008 - 86143 P skeletal system 19009 19009 19009 zone of tympanic part of temporal bone S19009 E19009 P19009 Y 75765 P skeletal system 19010 19010 19010 acellular anatomical structure S19010 E19010 P19010 - 63863 P Anatomical structure which consists of cell parts and cell substances and together does not constitute a cell or a tissue. Examples: basement membrane, osteoid, prostatic concretion. 19011 19011 19011 acellular membrane S19011 E19011 P19011 - 63871 P 19012 19012 19012 acinus S19012 E19012 P19012 - 55588 P 19013 19013 19013 anatomical lobe S19013 E19013 P19013 - 45728 P 19014 19014 19014 anatomical cavity S19014 E19014 P19014 - 67552 P Anatomical space which contains portions of one or more body substances and is bounded by the internal surface of one maximally connected anatomical structure or two or more adjacent anatomical structures. Examples: nasal cavity, cavity of stomach, pharyngeal recess space, lumen of artery, cavity of serous sac. 19015 19015 19015 anatomical compartment space S19015 E19015 P19015 - 84926 P Anatomical space which contains two or more anatomical structures demarcated by bona fide boundaries and is bounded by the surface of one or more anatomical structures. Examples: orbital cavity, suprasternal space, thoracic cavity, fascial space, hepatic lacuna. 19016 19016 19016 anatomical fold S19016 E19016 P19016 - 85278 P 19017 19017 19017 anatomical line S19017 E19017 P19017 - 9657 P Anatomical boundary entity which has one spatial dimension. Examples: margin of tongue, posterior border of right lung, inferior margin of liver, arcuate line of hip bone, sulcus terminalis of heart, pancreatic incisure. 19018 19018 19018 material anatomical point S19018 E19018 698969006 Material anatomical point (body structure) P19018 - 9658 P Anatomical boundary entity which has zero spatial dimension. Examples: Apex of lung, vertex of head, McBurney's point. 19019 19019 19019 region of wall of stomach S19019 E19019 P19019 - 86116 P digestive system 19021 19021 19021 segment of forebrain S19021 E19021 P19021 - 61996 P nervous system 19022 19022 19022 segment of midbrain S19022 E19022 P19022 - 61997 P nervous system 19023 19023 19023 segment of metencephalon S19023 E19023 P19023 - 67942 P nervous system 19024 19024 19024 cell part cluster S19024 E19024 P19024 - 83115 P Anatomical cluster which has as direct parts cell parts from two or more cells. 19025 19025 19025 cell part cluster of neuraxis S19025 E19025 P19025 - 83143 P nervous system 19026 19026 19026 zone of neuraxis S19026 E19026 P19026 - 84054 P nervous system 19027 19027 19027 zone of telencephalon S19027 E19027 P19027 - 74882 P nervous system 19028 19028 19028 zone of diencephalon S19028 E19028 P19028 - 74866 P nervous system 19029 19029 19029 zone of metencephalon S19029 E19029 P19029 - 74879 P nervous system 19030 19030 19030 zone of medulla oblongata S19030 E19030 P19030 - 75253 P nervous system 19031 19031 19031 zone of reticular formation S19031 E19031 P19031 - P nervous system 19033 19033 19033 fasciculus of brain S19033 E19033 P19033 - 83844 P nervous system 19034 19034 19034 fasciculus of spinal cord S19034 E19034 P19034 - 75799 P nervous system 19035 19035 19035 segment of white matter of neuraxis S19035 E19035 P19035 - 83465 P nervous system 19036 19036 19036 branch of ansa cervicalis S19036 E19036 P19036 Y 82555 P nervous system 19037 19037 19037 branch of nerve plexus S19037 E19037 P19037 Y 80209 P nervous system 19038 19038 19038 branch of common fibular nerve 609596005 S19038 924965f3-2a72-4b2f-9523-86938080b3a1 Structure of branch of common fibular nerve (body structure) E19038 P19038 Y 44696 P nervous system 19039 19039 19039 branch of sciatic nerve 609628006 S19039 4db1d97b-8e46-4a04-8130-d5b8f9bfcceb Structure of branch of sciatic nerve (body structure) E19039 P19039 Y 44678 P nervous system 19040 19040 19040 branch of femoral nerve 609598006 S19040 5cef6e61-5770-4672-bb20-0ca8499b58f7 Structure of branch of femoral nerve (body structure) E19040 P19040 Y 45246 P nervous system 19041 19041 19041 branch of tibial nerve 609597001 S19041 12689416-f371-4fa3-9f05-91060720bc87 Structure of branch of tibial nerve (body structure) E19041 P19041 Y 44686 P nervous system 19042 19042 19042 segment of neural tree organ S19042 E19042 P19042 - 11195 P nervous system Organ segment which is regional part of neural tree organ. Examples: nerve, nerve trunk, ganglion. 19043 19043 19043 neural tree organ S19043 E19043 P19043 - 61284 P nervous system 19044 19044 19044 peripheral subtree of nerve tree organ continuous with neuraxis S19044 E19044 P19044 Y 288190 P nervous system 19046 19046 19046 perforating cutaneous nerve S19046 E19046 P19046 Y 288619 P nervous system 19047 19047 19047 nerve to subcostal muscle S19047 E19047 P19047 Y 288625 P nervous system 19048 19048 19048 branch of lesser occipital nerve S19048 E19048 P19048 Y 12207 P nervous system 19049 19049 19049 branch of greater auricular nerve S19049 E19049 P19049 Y 12209 P nervous system 19050 19050 19050 branch of transverse cervical nerve S19050 E19050 P19050 Y 65393 P nervous system 19051 19051 19051 branch of supraclavicular nerve S19051 E19051 P19051 Y 78640 P nervous system 19052 19052 19052 branch of phrenic nerve S19052 E19052 P19052 Y 6199 P nervous system 19053 19053 19053 branch of musculocutaneous nerve S19053 E19053 P19053 Y 65270 P nervous system 19054 19054 19054 branch of medial cutaneous nerve of forearm S19054 E19054 P19054 Y 65310 P nervous system 19055 19055 19055 branch of axillary nerve S19055 E19055 P19055 Y 65299 P nervous system 19056 19056 19056 branch of pudendal nerve S19056 E19056 P19056 Y 21862 P nervous system 19057 19057 19057 branch of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve S19057 E19057 P19057 Y 45350 P nervous system 19058 19058 19058 branch of saphenous nerve S19058 E19058 P19058 Y 45324 P nervous system 19059 19059 19059 branch of oculomotor nerve 609607002 S19059 18bfa635-a931-4e6e-8b08-56ea89e22c12 Structure of branch of oculomotor nerve (body structure) E19059 P19059 Y 52571 P nervous system 19060 19060 19060 branch of superior branch of oculomotor nerve S19060 E19060 P19060 Y 52581 P nervous system 19061 19061 19061 branch of inferior branch of oculomotor nerve S19061 E19061 P19061 Y 52597 P nervous system 19062 19062 19062 branch of anterior ethmoidal nerve S19062 E19062 P19062 Y 52678 P special senses organ system 19063 19063 19063 branch of paravertebral ganglion S19063 E19063 P19063 Y 6279 P nervous system 19064 19064 19064 branch of middle cervical ganglion S19064 E19064 P19064 Y 6726 P nervous system 19065 19065 19065 branch of obturator nerve S19065 E19065 P19065 Y 45305 P nervous system 19066 19066 19066 branch of peripheral segment of spinal nerve S19066 E19066 P19066 Y 7052 P nervous system 19067 19067 19067 branch of vestibulocochlear nerve 609608007 S19067 1a2644ac-3187-4e4e-9187-64d76561c751 Structure of branch of vestibulocochlear nerve (body structure) E19067 P19067 Y 53400 P nervous system 19068 19068 19068 cardinal tissue part S19068 E19068 P19068 - 67536 P Anatomical structure, which is a subdivision of tissue demarcated by fiat boundaries. Examples: stratum germinativum, lamina of cerebral cortex. 19069 19069 19069 subdivision of epithelium S19069 E19069 P19069 - 67538 P 19070 19070 19070 subdivision of dermis S19070 E19070 P19070 - 70993 P 19071 19071 19071 subdivision of lamellar bone S19071 E19071 P19071 - 66765 P 19072 19072 19072 lamina of cerebral cortex S19072 E19072 P19072 - 242257 P 19073 19073 19073 subdivision of lamina of cerebral cortex S19073 E19073 P19073 - 242397 P 19074 19074 19074 organ region cluster S19074 E19074 P19074 - 14462 P Organ part cluster, which consists of some members of two or more organ subdivision subclasses which are grouped together according to some shared attributes. Examples: root of lung, neurovascular bundle, renal pedicle, fascia of back. 19075 19075 19075 layer of wall of eyeball S19075 E19075 P19075 Y 58101 P special senses organ system 19076 19076 19076 wall of eyeball S19076 E19076 P19076 Y 58098 P special senses organ system 19077 19077 19077 cell junction S19077 E19077 P19077 - 67394 P 19078 19078 19078 intercellular junction S19078 E19078 P19078 - 67945 P 19079 19079 19079 intracellular junction S19079 E19079 P19079 - 67946 P cell 19081 19081 19081 neuron of retina S19081 E19081 P19081 Y 62086 P nervous system 19082 19082 19082 ganglion cell of retina S19082 E19082 P19082 Y 67765 P special senses organ system 19084 19084 19084 muscle layer S19084 E19084 P19084 - 45634 P 19085 19085 19085 region of myocardium S19085 E19085 P19085 - 86044 P cardiovascular system 19086 19086 19086 process of organ S19086 E19086 P19086 - 284628 P 19087 19087 19087 zone of investing fascia S19087 E19087 P19087 - 57965 P musculoskeletal system 19088 19088 19088 fascia organ S19088 E19088 P19088 - 5023 P musculoskeletal system Nonparenchymatous organ that consists of organ parts composed of various types of connective tissue; it surrounds and interconnects various organs and body parts, and establishes the anatomical integrity of body parts and organ systems. Examples: superficial fascia, investing fascia, fat pad. 19089 19089 19089 investing fascia - organ S19089 E19089 P19089 - 27935 P musculoskeletal system 19090 19090 19090 investing fascia of upper limb S19090 E19090 P19090 Y 58383 P musculoskeletal system 19091 19091 19091 investing fascia of lower limb S19091 E19091 P19091 Y 57783 P musculoskeletal system 19092 19092 19092 membranous organ component layer S19092 E19092 P19092 - 82500 P 19093 19093 19093 nucleus of subthalamus S19093 E19093 P19093 - 258760 P nervous system 19094 19094 19094 fetal structure S19094 E19094 P19094 - 63920 P Gestational structure, which is the developmental form of a vertebrate animal or any of its parts at any given time point from 8 weeks of gestation to parturition. Examples: fetus, fetal organ, fetal body part, placenta. 19095 19095 19095 segment of large intestine S19095 E19095 P19095 - 14540 P digestive system Organ segment which is regional part of large intestine. Examples: colon, rectum, ileocecal lip. 19096 19096 19096 segment of colon S19096 E19096 P19096 - 222905 P digestive system 19097 19097 19097 surface of organ S19097 E19097 P19097 - 24208 P regional/topgraphical Anatomical surface, which is the internal or external surface of an organ. Examples: surface of heart, internal surface of stomach, surface of skin. 19098 19098 19098 cartilage organ S19098 E19098 P19098 - 55107 P 19099 19099 19099 sesamoid cartilage S19099 E19099 P19099 Y 55379 P musculoskeletal system 19100 19100 19100 zone of cartilage organ S19100 E19100 P19100 - D 19101 19101 19101 cartilage of external ear S19101 E19101 P19101 Y 61339 P special senses organ system 19102 19102 19102 organ component consisting of cartilage S19102 E19102 P19102 - 7538 P 19103 19103 19103 cavity of organ part S19103 E19103 P19103 - 24034 P Anatomical cavity, which is surrounded by an organ part; is separated from the cavity or lumen of other organ parts of the same organ by anatomical structures. Examples: cavity of right atrium, cavity of alveolar sac, medullary cavity of long bone. 19105 19105 19105 gray matter layer of neuraxis S19105 E19105 P19105 - 83142 P nervous system 19106 19106 19106 segment of telencephalon S19106 E19106 P19106 - 62374 P nervous system 19107 19107 19107 segment of diencephalon S19107 E19107 P19107 - 62005 P nervous system 19108 19108 19108 region of ventricular system of neuraxis S19108 E19108 P19108 - 242789 P nervous system 19109 19109 19109 region of white matter of cerebral hemisphere S19109 E19109 P19109 Y 256174 P nervous system 19110 19110 19110 white matter of telencephalon S19110 E19110 P19110 - 83930 P nervous system 19111 19111 19111 subdivision of corpus callosum S19111 E19111 P19111 - 61943 P nervous system 19112 19112 19112 subdivision of muscle layer S19112 E19112 P19112 - 83563 P 19113 19113 19113 anterior hypothalamic region S19113 E19113 P19113 - 62027 P nervous system 19114 19114 19114 intermediate hypothalamic region S19114 E19114 P19114 - 62028 P nervous system 19115 19115 19115 posterior hypothalamic region S19115 E19115 P19115 - 62029 P nervous system 19116 19116 19116 lateral hypothalamic region S19116 E19116 P19116 Y 62030 P nervous system 19117 19117 19117 region of lens capsule S19117 E19117 P19117 Y 280293 P special senses organ system 19118 19118 19118 material anatomical entity S19118 E19118 698967008 Material anatomical entity (body structure) P19118 - 67165 (Note: definition different) P Physical anatomical entity which has mass, including boundaries, borders and surfaces. Disorders that affect a boundary, border or surface affect some amount of material, not merely a two-dimensional massless entity. 19119 19119 19119 soft tissue of body region S19119 E19119 P19119 - 0 D regional/topgraphical 19120 19120 19120 serosa of organ region S19120 E19120 P19120 - 85424 P regional/topgraphical 19121 19121 19121 serous membrane wall of organ S19121 E19121 P19121 - 9581 P 19122 19122 19122 serosal layer of organ S19122 E19122 P19122 - 85423 P 19123 19123 19123 region of serous membrane S19123 E19123 P19123 - 64796 P regional/topgraphical 19124 19124 19124 bone tissue of zone of bone organ S19124 E19124 P19124 - 0 D skeletal system 19125 19125 19125 bone tissue of skeletal system subdivision S19125 E19125 P19125 - 0 P skeletal system 19128 19128 19128 subserosal layer of organ S19128 E19128 P19128 - 45636 P 19129 19129 19129 subserosa of organ region S19129 E19129 P19129 - 85413 P regional/topgraphical 19130 19130 19130 region of submucosa S19130 E19130 P19130 - 85392 P regional/topgraphical 19132 19132 19132 region of mucosal layer S19132 E19132 P19132 - 85358 P regional/topgraphical 19133 19133 19133 mucosal layer of organ S19133 E19133 P19133 - 85355 P urinary system 19134 19134 19134 segment of arterial tree organ S19134 E19134 P19134 - 86187 P 19135 19135 19135 systemic arterial tree organ S19135 E19135 P19135 - 49894 P cardiovascular system Arterial tree (organ) connected to the left ventricle. There is only one systemic arterial tree (organ). 19137 19137 19137 surface of anatomical cluster S19137 E19137 P19137 - 61691 P regional/topgraphical 19138 19138 19138 region of surface of tooth S19138 E19138 P19138 Y 65522 P digestive system 19139 19139 19139 subdivision of subarachnoid space S19139 E19139 P19139 - 84881 P 19140 19140 19140 compartment subdivision S19140 E19140 P19140 - 27940 P 19141 19141 19141 subdivision of larynx S19141 E19141 P19141 - 64854 P 19142 19142 19142 zone of skeletal ligament S19142 E19142 P19142 - 0 P 19143 19143 19143 subdivision of auriculotemporal region of head S19143 E19143 P19143 Y 61708 P regional/topgraphical 19144 19144 19144 subdivision of external ear S19144 E19144 P19144 Y 61705 P special senses organ system 19145 19145 19145 anatomical compartment 699590003 S19145 Structure of anatomical compartment (body structure) E19145 699591004 Entire anatomical compartment (body structure) P19145 - 9647 P Anatomical cluster which has as its parts one or more anatomical structures surrounding an anatomical compartment space and the contents of that space. 19146 19146 19146 body compartment subdivision S19146 E19146 P19146 - 12236 P Compartment of trunk which is enclosed by a body wall subdivision and is demarcated from another body cavity subdivision by an anatomical structure or a conduit, it contains one or more serous sacs, viscera and other organs; together with the other body cavity subdivisions, it constitutes the body cavity. Examples: thoracic cavity, abdominopelvic cavity, abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity. 19147 19147 19147 organ component cluster S19147 E19147 P19147 - 42603 P 19148 19148 19148 fascia cluster S19148 E19148 P19148 - 30318 P 19149 19149 19149 subdivision of epidermis S19149 E19149 P19149 - 70593 P integumentary system 19150 19150 19150 vestigial remnant of embryonic structure S19150 E19150 P19150 - 16558 D musculoskeletal system Anatomical structure which is a remnant of an embryonic structure in the postnatal period. Examples: median umbilical ligament, paroohoron, prostatic utricle, ligamentum arteriosum. 19151 19151 19151 zone of viscerocranial mucosa S19151 E19151 P19151 - 59659 P 19152 19152 19152 segment of arterial trunk S19152 E19152 P19152 - 86256 P 19153 19153 19153 segment of arterial subtree S19153 E19153 P19153 - 3711 P 19154 19154 19154 subdivision of nasal cavity S19154 E19154 P19154 Y 59640 P 19155 19155 19155 branch of posterior choroidal artery S19155 E19155 P19155 Y 86127 P arterial system 19156 19156 19156 zone of stomach S19156 E19156 P19156 - 14558 P digestive system 19158 19158 19158 zone of prostate S19158 E19158 P19158 - 74116 P 19159 19159 19159 cranial conduit S19159 E19159 P19159 - 0 P 19160 19160 19160 sensory receptor S19160 E19160 P19160 - 84650 P 19161 19161 19161 head of organ S19161 E19161 P19161 - 45729 P 19162 19162 19162 nerve trunk S19162 E19162 P19162 - 5913 P nervous system Segment of neural tree organ which consists of nerve fiber bundles aggregated to form a cable-like structure that branches off to different nerves; together with all nerves of the same tree constitutes a neural tree. 19163 19163 19163 segment of duodenum S19163 E19163 P19163 - 222904 P Organ segment which is regional part of duodenum. Examples: superior part of duodenum, duodenal bulb. 19164 19164 19164 segment of tooth S19164 E19164 P19164 Y 55622 P 19165 19165 19165 portion of body substance S19165 E19165 P19165 - 9669 P Material anatomical entity in a gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid state, with or without the admixture of cells and biological macromolecules; produced by anatomical structures or derived from inhaled and ingested substances. 19166 19166 19166 group of organ system subdivisions S19166 E19166 P19166 - 78566 P regional/topgraphical/group 19167 19167 19167 group of anatomical spaces S19167 E19167 P19167 - 71918 P 19169 19169 19169 region of membranous labyrinth of internal ear S19169 E19169 P19169 Y 61111 P special senses organ system 19170 19170 19170 segment of peripheral neural subtree S19170 E19170 P19170 Y 0 P nervous system 19171 19171 19171 subdivision of oral cavity S19171 E19171 P19171 - 20293 P digestive system 19172 19172 19172 wall of ventricular system of neuraxis S19172 E19172 P19172 - 242768 P 19174 19174 19174 subdivision of mediastinum S19174 E19174 P19174 - 12242 P respiratory system 19175 19175 19175 subdivision of epidural space S19175 E19175 P19175 - 71229 P 19176 19176 19176 subdivision of cavity of neuraxis S19176 E19176 P19176 - 242681 P 19177 19177 19177 segment of cerebellar white matter S19177 E19177 P19177 - 72547 P nervous system 19178 19178 19178 segment of vein S19178 E19178 P19178 - 3717 P 19180 19180 19180 colony-forming unit of basophilic lineage S19180 E19180 445114000 Colony-forming unit of basophilic lineage (cell) P19180 - P cell Colony-forming unit of basophilic lineage (cell) 19181 19181 19181 colony-forming unit of lymphoid-myeloid lineage S19181 E19181 444995008 Colony-forming unit of lymphoid-myeloid lineage (cell) P19181 - P cell Colony-forming unit of lymphoid-myeloid lineage (cell) 19182 19182 19182 colony-forming unit of macrophagocytic lineage S19182 E19182 445092004 Colony-forming unit of macrophagocytic lineage (cell) P19182 - P cell Colony-forming unit of macrophagocytic lineage (cell) 19183 19183 19183 colony-forming unit of megakarocytic lineage S19183 E19183 445093009 Colony-forming unit of megakarocytic lineage (cell) P19183 - P cell Colony-forming unit of megakarocytic lineage (cell) 19184 19184 19184 colony-forming unit of granulocytic lineage S19184 E19184 445400007 Colony-forming unit of granulocytic lineage (cell) P19184 - P cell Colony-forming unit of granulocytic lineage (cell) 19185 19185 19185 blast colony-forming unit S19185 E19185 445113006 Blast colony-forming unit (cell) P19185 - P cell Blast colony-forming unit (cell) 19186 19186 19186 colony-forming unit of eosinophilic lineage S19186 E19186 445115004 Colony-forming unit of eosinophilic lineage (cell) P19186 - P cell Colony-forming unit of eosinophilic lineage (cell) 19187 19187 19187 colony-forming unit of granulocytic-monocytic lineage S19187 E19187 445259001 Colony-forming unit of granulocytic-monocytic lineage (cell) P19187 - P cell Colony-forming unit of granulocytic-monocytic lineage (cell) 19188 19188 19188 colony-forming unit of neutrophilic-monocytic lineage S19188 E19188 445287005 Colony-forming unit of neutrophilic-monocytic lineage (cell) P19188 - P cell Colony-forming unit of neutrophilic-monocytic lineage (cell) 19189 19189 19189 spleen colony-forming unit S19189 E19189 445288000 Spleen colony-forming unit (cell) P19189 - P cell Spleen colony-forming unit (cell) 19190 19190 19190 diffusion chamber colony-forming unit S19190 E19190 445324003 Diffusion chamber colony-forming unit (cell) P19190 - P cell Diffusion chamber colony-forming unit (cell) 19191 19191 19191 colony-forming unit of erythroid lineage S19191 E19191 445399000 Colony-forming unit of erythroid lineage (cell) P19191 - P cell Colony-forming unit of erythroid lineage (cell) 19192 19192 19192 colony-forming unit of monocytic lineage S19192 E19192 445094003 Colony-forming unit of monocytic lineage (cell) P19192 - P cell Colony-forming unit of monocytic lineage (cell) 19193 19193 19193 colony-forming unit of granulocytic-macrophagocytic lineage S19193 E19193 444994007 Colony-forming unit of granulocytic-macrophagocytic lineage (cell) P19193 - P cell Colony-forming unit of granulocytic-macrophagocytic lineage (cell) 19194 19194 19194 colony-forming unit of granulocytic-erythroid-macrophagocytic-megakaryocytic lineage S19194 E19194 444993001 Colony-forming unit of granulocytic-erythroid-macrophagocytic-megakaryocytic lineage (cell) P19194 - P cell Colony-forming unit of granulocytic-erythroid-macrophagocytic-megakaryocytic lineage (cell) 19195 19195 19195 tumor cell S19195 E19195 252987004 Tumor cell (cell) P19195 - 0 P cell Tumor cell (cell) 19197 19197 19197 aortic sinotubular junction 443167003 S19197 Structure of aortic sinotubular junction (body structure) E19197 P19197 - P cardiovascular system aortic sinotubular junction 19198 19198 19198 common left pulmonary vein 443705001 S19198 Structure of common left pulmonary vein (body structure) E19198 P19198 L P cardiovascular system common left pulmonary vein 19199 19199 19199 common right pulmonary vein 443591004 S19199 Structure of common right pulmonary vein (body structure) E19199 P19199 R P cardiovascular system common right pulmonary vein 19201 19201 19201 distal part of plantar surface of heel S19201 E19201 441560001 Distal part of plantar aspect of heel (body structure) P19201 Y P regional/topgraphical Distal part of plantar aspect of heel (body structure) 19202 19202 19202 dorsal surface of fifth metatarsophalangeal joint S19202 E19202 439418002 Dorsal aspect of fifth metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P19202 Y P musculoskeletal system Dorsal aspect of fifth metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 19203 19203 19203 dorsal surface of first metatarsophalangeal joint S19203 E19203 439419005 Dorsal aspect of first metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P19203 Y P musculoskeletal system Dorsal aspect of first metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 19204 19204 19204 dorsal surface of fourth metatarsophalangeal joint S19204 E19204 439443008 Dorsal aspect of fourth metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P19204 Y P musculoskeletal system Dorsal aspect of fourth metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 19205 19205 19205 dorsal surface of second metatarsophalangeal joint S19205 E19205 439444002 Dorsal aspect of second metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P19205 Y P musculoskeletal system Dorsal aspect of second metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 19206 19206 19206 dorsal surface of third metatarsophalangeal joint S19206 E19206 440217004 Dorsal aspect of third metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P19206 Y P musculoskeletal system Dorsal aspect of third metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 19207 19207 19207 hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis S19207 E19207 442320004 Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (body structure) P19207 - P endocrine system Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (body structure) 19208 19208 19208 hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis S19208 E19208 442167006 Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (body structure) P19208 - P endocrine system Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (body structure) 19209 19209 19209 hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis S19209 E19209 442757008 Hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis (body structure) P19209 - P endocrine system Hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis (body structure) 19210 19210 19210 hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis S19210 E19210 442698007 Hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (body structure) P19210 - P endocrine system Hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (body structure) 19211 19211 19211 intramammary lymph node 443808008 S19211 Structure of intramammary lymph node (body structure) E19211 P19211 Y P lymphatic system intramammary lymph node 19212 19212 19212 intramammary lymph node group S19212 E19212 443159006 Intramammary lymph node group (body structure) P19212 Y P lymphoid system Intramammary lymph node group (body structure) 19213 19213 19213 lateral surface of fifth metatarsophalangeal joint S19213 E19213 439357006 Lateral aspect of fifth metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P19213 Y P musculoskeletal system Lateral aspect of fifth metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 19214 19214 19214 lateral surface of heel S19214 E19214 440343000 Lateral aspect of heel (body structure) P19214 Y P regional/topgraphical Lateral aspect of heel (body structure) 19216 19216 19216 lateral region of plantar surface of midfoot 441569000 S19216 Structure of lateral region of plantar surface of midfoot (body structure) E19216 P19216 Y P regional/topgraphical lateral region of plantar surface of midfoot 19218 19218 19218 left femoral canal 442034005 S19218 Structure of left femoral canal (body structure) E19218 P19218 L 22407 P genitourinary system left femoral canal 19219 19219 19219 left labyrinth 442129008 S19219 Left labyrinth structure (body structure) E19219 P19219 L P special senses organ system Left labyrinth 19220 19220 19220 left lateral rectus muscle 441514003 S19220 Structure of left lateral rectus muscle (body structure) E19220 P19220 L P musculoskeletal system left lateral rectus muscle 19221 19221 19221 left medial rectus muscle 442068004 S19221 Structure of left medial rectus muscle (body structure) E19221 P19221 L P musculoskeletal system left medial rectus muscle 19222 19222 19222 left parotid duct 441663006 S19222 Structure of left parotid duct (body structure) E19222 P19222 L 59867 P digestive system left parotid duct 19223 19223 19223 lumen of gastrointestinal tract 432899004 S19223 Structure of lumen of gastrointestinal tract (body structure) E19223 P19223 - 54364 P digestive system lumen of gastrointestinal tract 19224 19224 19224 lower incisor tooth 442274007 S19224 Structure of mandibular incisor tooth (body structure) E19224 P19224 Y 0 P digestive system mandibular incisor tooth 19225 19225 19225 upper incisor tooth 442100006 S19225 Structure of maxillary incisor tooth (body structure) E19225 P19225 Y 0 P digestive system maxillary incisor tooth 19226 19226 19226 medial surface of first metatarsophalangeal joint S19226 E19226 439358001 Medial aspect of first metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P19226 Y P musculoskeletal system Medial aspect of first metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 19227 19227 19227 medial surface of heel S19227 E19227 440564000 Medial aspect of heel (body structure) P19227 Y P regional/topgraphical Medial aspect of heel (body structure) 19229 19229 19229 medial region of plantar surface of midfoot 441563004 S19229 Structure of medial region of plantar surface of midfoot (body structure) E19229 P19229 Y P regional/topgraphical medial region of plantar surface of midfoot 19230 19230 19230 palpebral arches and their branches S19230 E19230 360649004 Palpebral arches and their branches (body structure) P19230 Y P arterial system Palpebral arches and their branches (body structure) 19231 19231 19231 plantar surface of fifth metatarsophalangeal joint S19231 E19231 440566003 Plantar aspect of fifth metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P19231 Y P musculoskeletal system Plantar aspect of fifth metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 19232 19232 19232 plantar surface of first metatarsophalangeal joint S19232 E19232 440617005 Plantar aspect of first metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P19232 Y P musculoskeletal system Plantar aspect of first metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 19233 19233 19233 plantar surface of fourth metatarsophalangeal joint S19233 E19233 440618000 Plantar aspect of fourth metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P19233 Y P musculoskeletal system Plantar aspect of fourth metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 19234 19234 19234 plantar surface of heel S19234 E19234 440550000 Plantar aspect of heel (body structure) P19234 Y P regional/topgraphical Plantar aspect of heel (body structure) 19235 19235 19235 plantar surface of second metatarsophalangeal joint S19235 E19235 439928002 Plantar aspect of second metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P19235 Y P musculoskeletal system Plantar aspect of second metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 19236 19236 19236 plantar surface of third metatarsophalangeal joint S19236 E19236 439929005 Plantar aspect of third metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) P19236 Y P musculoskeletal system Plantar aspect of third metatarsophalangeal joint (body structure) 19237 19237 19237 posterior surface of heel S19237 E19237 439930000 Posterior aspect of heel (body structure) P19237 Y P regional/topgraphical Posterior aspect of heel (body structure) 19238 19238 19238 posterior descending coronary artery 443113009 S19238 Structure of posterior descending coronary artery (body structure) E19238 P19238 - P cardiovascular system posterior descending coronary artery 19241 19241 19241 pulmonary vein great vessel 430757002 S19241 Structure of pulmonary vein great vessel (body structure) E19241 P19241 Y P respiratory system pulmonary vein great vessel 19242 19242 19242 regional musculoskeletal entity 312717002 S19242 Regional musculoskeletal structure (body structure) E19242 P19242 - D musculoskeletal system Regional musculoskeletal structure 19243 19243 19243 right femoral canal 441654009 S19243 Structure of right femoral canal (body structure) E19243 P19243 R 22406 P genitourinary system right femoral canal 19244 19244 19244 right labyrinth 442396004 S19244 Right labyrinth structure (body structure) E19244 P19244 R P special senses organ system Right labyrinth 19245 19245 19245 right lateral rectus muscle 441501004 S19245 Structure of right lateral rectus muscle (body structure) E19245 P19245 R P musculoskeletal system right lateral rectus muscle 19246 19246 19246 right medial rectus muscle 441664000 S19246 Structure of right medial rectus muscle (body structure) E19246 P19246 R P musculoskeletal system right medial rectus muscle 19247 19247 19247 right middle pulmonary vein 443714006 S19247 Structure of right middle pulmonary vein (body structure) E19247 P19247 R P venous system right middle pulmonary vein 19248 19248 19248 right parotid duct 441653003 S19248 Structure of right parotid duct (body structure) E19248 P19248 R 59866 P digestive system right parotid duct 19249 19249 19249 transverse aortic arch 443281009 S19249 Structure of transverse aortic arch (body structure) E19249 P19249 - P arterial system transverse aortic arch 19250 19250 19250 ulnocarpal meniscus homologue 429886008 S19250 Structure of ulnocarpal meniscus homologue (body structure) E19250 P19250 Y P articular system ulnocarpal meniscus homologue 19251 19251 19251 vein of lung S19251 E19251 430160002 Entire vein of lung (body structure) P19251 Y P cardiovascular system Entire vein of lung (body structure) 19252 19252 19252 zone of pelvic fascia S19252 E19252 P19252 - 19097 P musculoskeletal system 19253 19253 19253 fascia of muscle S19253 E19253 P19253 - 21792 P muscular system 19254 19254 19254 zone of fascia of perineum S19254 E19254 P19254 - 20767 P 19255 19255 19255 free upper limb S19255 E19255 P19255 Y 24878 P Free limb, which is distal to the pectoral girdle and demarcated by the plane of the surface of the glenoid fossa from the pectoral girdle; together with the pectoral girdle, it constitutes the upper limb. 19256 19256 19256 free lower limb 699617006 S19256 Structure of free lower limb (body structure) E19256 P19256 Y 24879 P Free limb, which is distal to the pelvic girdle and demarcated by the plane of the surface of the acetabular fossa from the pelvic girdle; together with the pelvic girdle, it constitutes the lower limb. 19257 19257 19257 groin region S19257 E19257 P19257 Y P genitourinary system 19258 19258 19258 arterial vessel 51114001 S19258 Arterial structure (body structure) E19258 P19258 119205003 Arterial part (body structure) - P cardiovascular system C1AAB3E275BF472F929B362FD5F986A8 649C7201205445C3B055FA6EB1C3168A Artery Artery 19259 19259 19259 anterolateral surface of thorax S19259 E19259 P19259 Y D integument/surface 19260 19260 19260 front of face S19260 E19260 P19260 - P 19261 19261 19261 lateral half of nose S19261 E19261 P19261 Y 0 P respiratory system 19262 19262 19262 lateral half of external nose S19262 E19262 P19262 Y 0 P respiratory system 19263 19263 19263 subregion of limb S19263 E19263 P19263 Y D regional/topgraphical 19264 19264 19264 subdivision of surface of body S19264 E19264 P19264 - P regional/topgraphical 19265 19265 19265 dorsum of hand 63125000 S19265 Structure of dorsum of hand (body structure) E19265 P19265 Y 24921 P D94EEF1BAD6B449B8FFA67F54E658379 dorsum of hand Dorsal region of hand, including all structures superficial to the bones, bounded proximally by the line of the radiocarpal wrist joint and including the dorsal parts of all digits. 19266 19266 19266 dorsum of foot 2402003 S19266 Structure of dorsum of foot (body structure) E19266 P19266 Y 25045 P 728BA28C08584672A0ADBFB8215B95CF dorsum of foot 19267 19267 19267 sole of foot 57999000 S19267 Structure of sole of foot (body structure) E19267 P19267 Y 25000 P F7C4B88108FE4EEBAF694BD6F2B3ADE2 sole of foot 19268 19268 19268 vertebral region of back 53418001 S19268 Structure of vertebral region of back (body structure) E19268 P19268 - P regional/topgraphical 97972414C474469AAA3A6FE2A3663C70 vertebral region of back 19269 19269 19269 lateral margin of forearm 3409004 S19269 Structure of lateral margin of forearm (body structure) E19269 P19269 Y P C98ABB7C543D41099B49C913E8C8A53B lateral margin of forearm 19270 19270 19270 medial margin of forearm 62590001 S19270 Structure of medial margin of forearm (body structure) E19270 P19270 Y P 92B285E284E341A3B97D8E229BCFFC40 medial margin of forearm 19271 19271 19271 lateral part of sole 113352004 S19271 Structure of lateral border of sole (body structure) E19271 P19271 Y P E83B539CE87F4B0C83AB6597ABEB1307 lateral border of sole 19272 19272 19272 medial part of sole 6564004 S19272 Structure of medial border of sole (body structure) E19272 P19272 Y P 0E1D5A09E41142ADA3BFA078276CEBF2 medial border of sole 19275 19275 19275 anterior part of forearm S19275 E19275 P19275 Y 24910 P 19276 19276 19276 posterior part of forearm S19276 E19276 P19276 Y 24911 P 19277 19277 19277 axillary fold S19277 E19277 P19277 Y P skeletal system 19278 19278 19278 subdivision of axilla S19278 E19278 P19278 Y 37355 P skeletal system 19279 19279 19279 renal area of posterior abdominal wall 699644001 S19279 Structure of renal area of posterior abdominal wall (body structure) E19279 P19279 Y P 19280 19280 19280 lumbar region of abdominal wall 699641009 S19280 Structure of lumbar region of abdominal wall (body structure) E19280 P19280 Y P regional/topgraphical 19282 19282 19282 upper thigh region 699647008 S19282 Structure of upper thigh region (body structure) E19282 P19282 Y P regional/topgraphical 19283 19283 19283 lateral half of anterior abdominal wall 699638000 S19283 Structure of lateral half of anterior abdominal wall (body structure) E19283 P19283 Y 0 P 19284 19284 19284 center of chest 699627000 S19284 Structure of center of chest (body structure) E19284 P19284 - P 19285 19285 19285 lateral chest wall 699637005 S19285 Structure of lateral chest wall (body structure) E19285 699941007 Entire lateral chest wall (body structure) P19285 Y 24817 P Subdivision of the chest wall which is demarcated from the anterior part of the chest by the anterior axillary lines and form the posterior part of the chest by the posterior axillary lines. 19286 19286 19286 anterolateral region of chest wall S19286 E19286 P19286 Y P regional/topgraphical 19287 19287 19287 anterior part of upper arm S19287 E19287 P19287 Y P 19288 19288 19288 posterior part of upper arm S19288 E19288 P19288 Y P 19289 19289 19289 lower chest wall 699642002 S19289 Structure of lower chest wall (body structure) E19289 P19289 - P 19290 19290 19290 upper chest wall 699646004 S19290 Structure of upper chest wall (body structure) E19290 P19290 - P 19291 19291 19291 costal region of chest wall S19291 E19291 P19291 - P regional/topgraphical 19292 19292 19292 back of lower thoracic region 699625008 S19292 Structure of back of lower thoracic region (body structure) E19292 P19292 - P regional/topgraphical 19293 19293 19293 back of upper thoracic region 699626009 S19293 Structure of back of upper thoracic region (body structure) E19293 P19293 - P regional/topgraphical 19294 19294 19294 subdivision of perineum S19294 E19294 P19294 - 20346 P 19295 19295 19295 subdivision of scrotum S19295 E19295 P19295 - 20434 P 19296 19296 19296 subdivision of urogenital region of perineum S19296 E19296 P19296 - P regional/topgraphical 19297 19297 19297 region of digit of hand S19297 E19297 P19297 Y P regional/topgraphical 19298 19298 19298 region of fifth toe S19298 E19298 P19298 Y P regional/topgraphical 19299 19299 19299 region of finger S19299 E19299 P19299 Y P regional/topgraphical 19300 19300 19300 region of fourth toe S19300 E19300 P19300 Y P regional/topgraphical 19301 19301 19301 region of great toe S19301 E19301 P19301 Y P regional/topgraphical 19302 19302 19302 region of index finger S19302 E19302 P19302 Y P regional/topgraphical 19303 19303 19303 region of little finger S19303 E19303 P19303 Y P regional/topgraphical 19304 19304 19304 subregion of lower leg S19304 E19304 P19304 Y D regional/topgraphical 19305 19305 19305 region of middle finger S19305 E19305 P19305 Y P regional/topgraphical 19306 19306 19306 region of ring finger S19306 E19306 P19306 Y P regional/topgraphical 19307 19307 19307 region of second toe S19307 E19307 P19307 Y P regional/topgraphical 19309 19309 19309 region of third toe S19309 E19309 P19309 Y P regional/topgraphical 19310 19310 19310 region of thumb S19310 E19310 P19310 Y P regional/topgraphical 19311 19311 19311 region of toe S19311 E19311 P19311 Y P regional/topgraphical 19312 19312 19312 subregion of upper arm S19312 E19312 P19312 Y D regional/topgraphical 19313 19313 19313 lateral part of fifth toe S19313 E19313 P19313 Y P 19314 19314 19314 medial part of fifth toe S19314 E19314 P19314 Y P 19315 19315 19315 plantar part of fifth toe S19315 E19315 P19315 Y P 19320 19320 19320 dorsal part of fourth toe S19320 E19320 P19320 Y P 19321 19321 19321 lateral part of fourth toe S19321 E19321 P19321 Y P 19322 19322 19322 medial part of fourth toe S19322 E19322 P19322 Y P 19323 19323 19323 plantar part of fourth toe S19323 E19323 P19323 Y P 19324 19324 19324 dorsal part of great toe S19324 E19324 P19324 Y P 19325 19325 19325 lateral part of great toe S19325 E19325 P19325 Y P 19326 19326 19326 medial part of great toe S19326 E19326 P19326 Y P 19327 19327 19327 plantar part of great toe S19327 E19327 P19327 Y P 19328 19328 19328 dorsal part of index finger S19328 E19328 P19328 Y 223009 P 19329 19329 19329 lateral part of index finger S19329 E19329 P19329 Y 223028 P 19330 19330 19330 medial part of index finger S19330 E19330 P19330 Y 223042 P 19331 19331 19331 palmar part of index finger S19331 E19331 P19331 Y 222992 P 19332 19332 19332 dorsal part of little finger S19332 E19332 P19332 Y 223018 P 19333 19333 19333 lateral part of little finger S19333 E19333 P19333 Y 223037 P 19334 19334 19334 medial part of little finger S19334 E19334 P19334 Y 223045 P 19335 19335 19335 palmar part of little finger S19335 E19335 P19335 Y 223001 P 19336 19336 19336 dorsal part of middle finger S19336 E19336 P19336 Y 223012 P 19337 19337 19337 lateral part of middle finger S19337 E19337 P19337 Y 223031 P 19338 19338 19338 medial part of middle finger S19338 E19338 P19338 Y 223043 P 19339 19339 19339 palmar part of middle finger S19339 E19339 P19339 Y 222995 P 19340 19340 19340 dorsal part of ring finger S19340 E19340 P19340 Y 223015 P 19341 19341 19341 lateral part of ring finger S19341 E19341 P19341 Y 223034 P 19342 19342 19342 medial part of ring finger S19342 E19342 P19342 Y 223044 P 19343 19343 19343 palmar part of ring finger S19343 E19343 P19343 Y 222998 P 19344 19344 19344 dorsal part of second toe S19344 E19344 P19344 Y P 19345 19345 19345 lateral part of second toe S19345 E19345 P19345 Y P 19346 19346 19346 medial part of second toe S19346 E19346 P19346 Y P 19347 19347 19347 plantar part of second toe S19347 E19347 P19347 Y P 19348 19348 19348 anterior part of lower leg 699614004 S19348 Structure of anterior part of lower leg (body structure) E19348 P19348 Y P 19349 19349 19349 anterior part of thigh 699615003 S19349 Structure of anterior part of thigh (body structure) E19349 P19349 Y 24972 P 19351 19351 19351 lateral part of thigh S19351 E19351 P19351 Y 63949 P 19353 19353 19353 medial part of thigh S19353 E19353 P19353 Y 63950 P 19354 19354 19354 posterior part of lower leg S19354 E19354 P19354 Y P 19355 19355 19355 posterior part of thigh S19355 E19355 P19355 Y 24973 P 19356 19356 19356 dorsal part of third toe S19356 E19356 P19356 Y P 19357 19357 19357 lateral part of third toe S19357 E19357 P19357 Y P 19358 19358 19358 medial part of third toe S19358 E19358 P19358 Y P 19359 19359 19359 plantar part of third toe S19359 E19359 P19359 Y P 19360 19360 19360 lateral part of thumb S19360 E19360 P19360 Y 223025 P 19361 19361 19361 medial part of thumb S19361 E19361 P19361 Y 223041 P 19362 19362 19362 palmar part of thumb S19362 E19362 P19362 Y 222989 P 19363 19363 19363 dorsal part of toe S19363 E19363 P19363 Y P 19364 19364 19364 lateral part of toe S19364 E19364 P19364 Y P 19365 19365 19365 medial part of toe S19365 E19365 P19365 Y P 19366 19366 19366 plantar part of toe S19366 E19366 P19366 Y P 19372 19372 19372 lateral part of upper arm S19372 E19372 P19372 Y P 19373 19373 19373 medial part of upper arm S19373 E19373 P19373 Y P 19374 19374 19374 dorsal part of thumb S19374 E19374 P19374 Y 223006 P 19375 19375 19375 dorsal part of fifth toe S19375 E19375 P19375 Y P 19376 19376 19376 subregion of forearm S19376 E19376 P19376 Y D regional/topgraphical 19377 19377 19377 anterior part of scrotum 699621004 S19377 Structure of anterior part of scrotum (body structure) E19377 P19377 - P genital system 19378 19378 19378 posterior part of scrotum 699623001 S19378 Structure of posterior part of scrotum (body structure) E19378 P19378 - P genital system 19379 19379 19379 inferior part of scrotum 699635002 S19379 Structure of inferior part of scrotum (body structure) E19379 P19379 - P genital system 19380 19380 19380 lateral part of scrotum 699622006 S19380 Structure of lateral part of scrotum (body structure) E19380 P19380 Y P genital system 19381 19381 19381 dorsal part of finger S19381 E19381 P19381 Y 223005 P 19382 19382 19382 lateral part of finger S19382 E19382 P19382 Y 223024 P 19383 19383 19383 medial part of finger S19383 E19383 P19383 Y 223040 P 19384 19384 19384 palmar part of finger S19384 E19384 P19384 Y 222988 P 19385 19385 19385 midline region of external nose S19385 E19385 P19385 - P respiratory system 19386 19386 19386 obverse part of pinna S19386 E19386 P19386 Y P special senses organ system 19387 19387 19387 olecranon region of elbow S19387 E19387 P19387 Y 79085 P regional/topgraphical 19388 19388 19388 anterior part of trunk S19388 E19388 P19388 - P 19389 19389 19389 maxillary part of oral region of face S19389 E19389 P19389 - 59399 P digestive system 19390 19390 19390 mandibular part of oral region of face S19390 E19390 P19390 - 59398 P digestive system 19391 19391 19391 labial part of oral region of face S19391 E19391 P19391 - 59815 P digestive system 19392 19392 19392 right half of upper lip S19392 E19392 P19392 Rgroup 224400 D 19393 19393 19393 left half of upper lip S19393 E19393 P19393 Lgroup 224402 D 19394 19394 19394 right half of lower lip S19394 E19394 P19394 Rgroup 236978 D 19395 19395 19395 left half of lower lip S19395 E19395 P19395 Lgroup 236980 D 19396 19396 19396 lateral half of chin S19396 E19396 P19396 Y 0 P 19397 19397 19397 left half of chin S19397 E19397 P19397 Lgroup 225808 D 19398 19398 19398 right half of chin S19398 E19398 P19398 Rgroup 225806 D 19399 19399 19399 paralabial part of oral region of face S19399 E19399 P19399 Y P digestive system 19400 19400 19400 upper paralabial part of oral region of face S19400 E19400 P19400 Y P digestive system 19401 19401 19401 lower paralabial part of oral region of face S19401 E19401 P19401 Y P digestive system 19402 19402 19402 medial or lateral border of forearm S19402 E19402 P19402 Y P 19403 19403 19403 medial or lateral border of foot S19403 E19403 P19403 Y P 19404 19404 19404 medial or lateral border of wrist region S19404 E19404 P19404 Y P regional/topgraphical 19405 19405 19405 medial or lateral border of hand S19405 E19405 P19405 Y P 19406 19406 19406 subregion of wrist S19406 E19406 P19406 Y D regional/topgraphical 19407 19407 19407 waist region of trunk 699648003 S19407 Structure of waist region of trunk (body structure) E19407 P19407 - P regional/topgraphical 19408 19408 19408 ventricular system of neuraxis S19408 E19408 P19408 - 242675 P nervous system 19409 19409 19409 anterolateral part of abdomen S19409 E19409 P19409 Y P 19410 19410 19410 anterolateral part of elbow region S19410 E19410 P19410 Y P regional/topgraphical 19411 19411 19411 anterolateral part of knee region S19411 E19411 P19411 Y P regional/topgraphical 19412 19412 19412 anterolateral part of neck S19412 E19412 P19412 Y 80473 P 19413 19413 19413 anterolateral part of thigh S19413 E19413 P19413 Y P 19414 19414 19414 anterolateral part of upper arm S19414 E19414 P19414 Y P 19415 19415 19415 anteromedial part of knee region S19415 E19415 P19415 Y P regional/topgraphical 19416 19416 19416 dorsal part of web of toe S19416 E19416 P19416 Y P 19422 19422 19422 plantar part of web of toe S19422 E19422 P19422 Y P 19423 19423 19423 posterolateral abdominal wall S19423 E19423 P19423 Y P 19424 19424 19424 posterolateral part of elbow region S19424 E19424 P19424 Y P regional/topgraphical 19425 19425 19425 posterolateral part of knee region S19425 E19425 P19425 Y P regional/topgraphical 19426 19426 19426 posterolateral part of neck S19426 E19426 P19426 Y P 19427 19427 19427 posterolateral part of thigh S19427 E19427 P19427 Y P 19429 19429 19429 posterolateral part of upper arm S19429 E19429 P19429 Y P 19430 19430 19430 posteromedial part of elbow region S19430 E19430 P19430 Y P regional/topgraphical 19431 19431 19431 posteromedial part of knee region S19431 E19431 P19431 Y P regional/topgraphical 19432 19432 19432 posteromedial part of thigh S19432 E19432 P19432 Y P 19433 19433 19433 posteromedial part of upper arm S19433 E19433 P19433 Y P 19434 19434 19434 jawline region of lower jaw S19434 E19434 P19434 - P regional/topgraphical 19435 19435 19435 elbow and forearm and wrist S19435 E19435 P19435 Y P 19436 19436 19436 elbow flexion crease S19436 E19436 P19436 Y P 19437 19437 19437 upper and lower eyelids and periocular area S19437 E19437 P19437 Y P 19438 19438 19438 hip and thigh S19438 E19438 P19438 Y P 19439 19439 19439 knee and leg and ankle S19439 E19439 P19439 Y P 19440 19440 19440 knee flexion crease S19440 E19440 P19440 Y P 19441 19441 19441 lateral border of foot S19441 E19441 P19441 Y 75028 P 19442 19442 19442 lateral border of hand S19442 E19442 P19442 Y P 19443 19443 19443 medial border of foot S19443 E19443 P19443 Y 75029 P 19444 19444 19444 medial border of hand S19444 E19444 P19444 Y P 19445 19445 19445 point of chin S19445 E19445 P19445 - P 19446 19446 19446 side of jaw S19446 E19446 P19446 Y P 19447 19447 19447 suprasternal notch region of neck S19447 E19447 P19447 - P regional/topgraphical 19448 19448 19448 dorsal part of web of finger S19448 E19448 P19448 Y P 19449 19449 19449 palmar part of web of finger S19449 E19449 P19449 Y P 19450 19450 19450 pinnal sulcus S19450 E19450 P19450 Y P special senses organ system 19451 19451 19451 dorsum of wrist region S19451 E19451 P19451 Y P regional/topgraphical 19452 19452 19452 palmar area of wrist region S19452 E19452 P19452 Y P regional/topgraphical 19453 19453 19453 anterior part of ankle region 699612000 S19453 Structure of anterior part of ankle region (body structure) E19453 P19453 Y P regional/topgraphical 19454 19454 19454 posterior part of ankle region S19454 E19454 P19454 Y P regional/topgraphical 19455 19455 19455 medial part of ankle region S19455 E19455 P19455 Y P regional/topgraphical 19456 19456 19456 lateral part of ankle region S19456 E19456 P19456 Y P regional/topgraphical 19457 19457 19457 side of face S19457 E19457 P19457 Y P 19458 19458 19458 medial part of lower leg S19458 E19458 P19458 Y P 19459 19459 19459 lateral part of lower leg S19459 E19459 P19459 Y P 19460 19460 19460 subregion of ankle region S19460 E19460 P19460 Y D regional/topgraphical 19461 19461 19461 cruro-scrotal fold S19461 E19461 P19461 Y P genital system 19462 19462 19462 cruro-vulvar fold S19462 E19462 P19462 Y P genital system 19463 19463 19463 anteromedial part of elbow region S19463 E19463 P19463 Y P regional/topgraphical 19464 19464 19464 anteromedial part of upper arm S19464 E19464 P19464 Y P 19465 19465 19465 anteromedial part of thigh S19465 E19465 P19465 Y P 19466 19466 19466 anterior part of knee region 699613005 S19466 Structure of anterior part of knee region (body structure) E19466 P19466 Y P regional/topgraphical 19467 19467 19467 lateral part of knee region S19467 E19467 P19467 Y P regional/topgraphical 19468 19468 19468 medial part of knee region S19468 E19468 P19468 Y P regional/topgraphical 19469 19469 19469 subregion of knee region S19469 E19469 P19469 Y D regional/topgraphical 19479 19479 19479 interlabial groove of vulva S19479 E19479 P19479 Y P 19480 19480 19480 subdivision of urogenital part of female perineal region S19480 E19480 P19480 - 24201 P 19481 19481 19481 subdivision of urogenital part of male perineum S19481 E19481 P19481 - 24199 P 19482 19482 19482 labiofemoral groove of vulva S19482 E19482 P19482 Y P 19483 19483 19483 milkline region of trunk S19483 E19483 P19483 Y P regional/topgraphical 19484 19484 19484 anterior axillary line region of trunk S19484 E19484 P19484 Y P regional/topgraphical 19485 19485 19485 posterior axillary line region of trunk S19485 E19485 P19485 Y P regional/topgraphical 19486 19486 19486 midaxillary line region of trunk S19486 E19486 P19486 Y P regional/topgraphical 19487 19487 19487 rim of helix S19487 E19487 P19487 Y P special senses organ system 19488 19488 19488 center of palm S19488 E19488 P19488 Y P 19489 19489 19489 center of sole S19489 E19489 P19489 Y P 19490 19490 19490 xiphisternal region S19490 E19490 P19490 - P regional/topgraphical 19491 19491 19491 perinasal region of lateral half of face S19491 E19491 P19491 Y P regional/topgraphical 19492 19492 19492 periungual region of digit S19492 E19492 P19492 Y P regional/topgraphical 19493 19493 19493 skin of nasal vestibule 699921002 S19493 Skin structure of nasal vestibule (body structure) E19493 P19493 Y P 19494 19494 19494 lateral side wall of nose S19494 E19494 P19494 Y P 19495 19495 19495 skin of part of pinna S19495 E19495 P19495 Y x D 19496 19496 19496 acromion region of shoulder 699610008 S19496 Structure of acromion region of shoulder (body structure) E19496 P19496 Y P 19497 19497 19497 skin of part of inguinal region S19497 E19497 P19497 Y x D 19498 19498 19498 periungual region of finger S19498 E19498 P19498 Y P 19499 19499 19499 periungual region of thumb S19499 E19499 P19499 Y P 19500 19500 19500 periungual region of toe S19500 E19500 P19500 Y P 19501 19501 19501 periungual region of great toe S19501 E19501 P19501 Y P 19502 19502 19502 interdigital region between thumb and index finger S19502 E19502 P19502 Y P 19503 19503 19503 interdigital region between index finger and middle finger S19503 E19503 P19503 Y P 19504 19504 19504 interdigital region between middle finger and ring finger S19504 E19504 P19504 Y P 19505 19505 19505 interdigital region between ring finger and little finger S19505 E19505 P19505 Y P 19506 19506 19506 biceps region of upper arm S19506 E19506 P19506 Y P 19507 19507 19507 area under chin S19507 E19507 P19507 - P 19508 19508 19508 dorsal surface of penis S19508 E19508 P19508 - 19623 P 19509 19509 19509 ventral part of penis S19509 E19509 P19509 - P 19510 19510 19510 triceps region of upper arm S19510 E19510 P19510 Y P 19512 19512 19512 quadriceps region of thigh S19512 E19512 P19512 Y P 19513 19513 19513 hamstrings region of thigh S19513 E19513 P19513 Y P 19514 19514 19514 dorsum of foot over head of metatarsal bone S19514 E19514 P19514 Y P 19516 19516 19516 ependyma of brain ventricle 447216005 S19516 Structure of ependyma of brain ventricle (body structure) E19516 P19516 - P ependyma of brain ventricle 19517 19517 19517 capsule of interphalangeal joint of hand 448638003 S19517 Capsule of interphalangeal joint of hand (body structure) E19517 P19517 Y P Capsule of interphalangeal joint of hand 19518 19518 19518 subregion of elbow region S19518 E19518 P19518 Y D 19519 19519 19519 inferior scrotal wall S19519 E19519 P19519 Y P 19520 19520 19520 region of tongue S19520 E19520 P19520 - 54806 D 19521 19521 19521 anterior part of lower limb 699611007 S19521 Structure of anterior part of lower limb (body structure) E19521 P19521 Y P 19522 19522 19522 posterior part of lower limb 699620003 S19522 Structure of posterior part of lower limb (body structure) E19522 P19522 Y P 19523 19523 19523 medial part of lower limb 699640005 S19523 Structure of medial part of lower limb (body structure) E19523 P19523 Y P 19524 19524 19524 lateral part of lower limb 699639008 S19524 Structure of lateral part of lower limb (body structure) E19524 P19524 Y P 19525 19525 19525 lateral part of heel 699629002 S19525 Structure of lateral part of heel (body structure) E19525 P19525 Y P 19526 19526 19526 medial part of heel 699630007 S19526 Structure of medial part of heel (body structure) E19526 P19526 Y P 19527 19527 19527 plantar part of heel 699631006 S19527 Structure of plantar part of heel (body structure) E19527 P19527 Y P 19528 19528 19528 posterior part of heel 699632004 S19528 Structure of posterior part of heel (body structure) E19528 P19528 Y P 19529 19529 19529 distal plantar part of heel 699628005 S19529 Structure of distal plantar part of heel (body structure) E19529 P19529 Y P 19530 19530 19530 dorsum of longitudinal arch of foot S19530 E19530 P19530 Y P 19531 19531 19531 region of hair follicle S19531 E19531 P19531 - 70680 P 19532 19532 19532 subdivision of hair S19532 E19532 P19532 - 70715 P 19533 19533 19533 region of marginal gingiva S19533 E19533 P19533 Y P 19534 19534 19534 region of gingiva S19534 E19534 P19534 - P 19535 19535 19535 subdivision of nucleus of neuraxis S19535 E19535 P19535 - 84053 P 19536 19536 19536 segment of biliary tree S19536 E19536 P19536 - 71856 P Organ segment which is regional part of biliary tree. Examples: hepatic biliary tree, intrahepatic biliary tree. 19537 19537 19537 subdivision of vocal cord S19537 E19537 P19537 Y P 19538 19538 19538 portion of vitreous humor S19538 E19538 P19538 Y 67388 P 19539 19539 19539 dental papilla S19539 E19539 P19539 Y 57662 P 19540 19540 19540 subdivision of spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway S19540 E19540 P19540 - P 19541 19541 19541 muscle (organ or tissue) S19541 E19541 P19541 - 0 P 19542 19542 19542 fold of mucosa of middle ear S19542 E19542 P19542 Y 77704 P 19543 19543 19543 mucosa of middle ear S19543 E19543 P19543 Y 59663 P 19544 19544 19544 fold of mucosa S19544 E19544 P19544 - P 19545 19545 19545 capsule of cerebral hemisphere S19545 E19545 P19545 Y 62466 P 19546 19546 19546 laryngeal prominence of anterior neck region S19546 E19546 P19546 - P 19547 19547 19547 glabella region of frontal bone S19547 E19547 P19547 - P 19548 19548 19548 iliac fossa region S19548 E19548 P19548 Y 0 P 19549 19549 19549 auriculotemporal region of head 450717007 S19549 79e4089f-0ea1-40fe-b33f-a7bed31d23b6 Structure of auriculotemporal region (body structure) E19549 P19549 Y 61707 P auriculotemporal region Subdivision of head proper which consists of the temporal bone and all layers superficial to it, including the pinna. Examples: There are only two canonical instances, right and left auriculotemporal parts of head. 19550 19550 19550 skin of frontal part of scalp S19550 E19550 P19550 - P 19551 19551 19551 arterial subtree S19551 E19551 P19551 - 50720 P 19552 19552 19552 eyebrow region of face S19552 E19552 P19552 Y P 19553 19553 19553 lateral half of lumbar region of back S19553 E19553 P19553 Y 0 P 19554 19554 19554 segment of dorsal gray column of spinal cord S19554 E19554 P19554 Y 256698 P 19555 19555 19555 segment of ventral gray column of spinal cord S19555 E19555 P19555 Y 256609 P 19556 19556 19556 segment of lateral gray column of spinal cord S19556 E19556 P19556 Y 267110 P 19557 19557 19557 zygomatic bone portion of lateral wall of orbit S19557 E19557 P19557 Y P 19558 19558 19558 zygomatic bone portion of floor of orbit S19558 E19558 P19558 Y P 19559 19559 19559 maxillary bone portion of floor of orbit S19559 E19559 P19559 Y P 19560 19560 19560 maxillary bone portion of medial wall of orbit S19560 E19560 P19560 Y P 19561 19561 19561 frontal bone portion of lateral wall of orbit S19561 E19561 P19561 Y P 19562 19562 19562 frontal bone portion of roof of orbit S19562 E19562 P19562 Y P 19563 19563 19563 frontal bone portion of medial wall of orbit S19563 E19563 P19563 Y P 19564 19564 19564 region of bone marrow S19564 E19564 P19564 - P 19565 19565 19565 orbital part of lacrimal bone S19565 E19565 P19565 Y 57616 P 19566 19566 19566 sphenoid bone portion of lateral wall of orbit S19566 E19566 P19566 Y P 19567 19567 19567 lateral half of uterine adnexa S19567 E19567 P19567 Y 265256 P 19568 19568 19568 hemisphere of posterior lobe of cerebellum S19568 E19568 P19568 Y 72256 P 19569 19569 19569 hemisphere of anterior lobe of cerebellum S19569 E19569 P19569 Y 72254 P 19570 19570 19570 thalamic complex S19570 E19570 P19570 - 258745 P 19571 19571 19571 subpericranial space 450431008 S19571 4eb9b6f2-3033-4c9e-9f41-71b8a801f2a6 Structure of subpericranial space (body structure) E19571 P19571 - P subpericranial space 19572 19572 19572 Achilles region of posterior lower limb 699608006 S19572 Structure of Achilles region of posterior lower limb (body structure) E19572 P19572 Y 0 P 19573 19573 19573 superior iliac crest region 699645000 S19573 Structure of superior iliac crest region of trunk (body structure) E19573 P19573 Y 0 P 19574 19574 19574 ischial tuberosity subregion of buttock region 699636001 S19574 Structure of ischial tuberosity subregion of buttock region (body structure) E19574 P19574 Y 0 P 19575 19575 19575 greater femoral trochanter subregion of hip region 699634003 S19575 Structure of greater femoral trochanter subregion of hip region (body structure) E19575 P19575 Y 0 P 19576 19576 19576 posterior superior iliac crest region of back 699643007 S19576 Structure of posterior superior iliac crest region of back (body structure) E19576 P19576 Y 0 P 19577 19577 19577 anterior superior iliac spine region of trunk 699624007 S19577 Structure of anterior superior iliac spine region of trunk (body structure) E19577 P19577 Y 0 P 19578 19578 19578 joint of elbow, forearm or wrist 450713006 S19578 7b789fdc-1ef8-4565-b9c7-049dd8e4a895 Joint structure of forearm or wrist (body structure) E19578 P19578 Y P Joint of forearm or wrist 19579 19579 19579 mastoid region 450719005 S19579 5d2fdb44-8937-4c7b-9ee5-817892f68348 Mastoid region structure (body structure) E19579 P19579 Y 61709 P Mastoid region 19580 19580 19580 temple region of head 450718002 S19580 9ed7cd95-853a-4adf-b498-a66612b3189e Temple region structure (body structure) E19580 P19580 Y 46450 P Temple region 19581 19581 19581 supra-auricular region 450720004 S19581 075ad580-8d84-4966-9c6d-8bca41b60f29 Supra-auricular region structure (body structure) E19581 P19581 Y 224222 P Supra-auricular region 19582 19582 19582 mid portion of right coronary artery 450960006 S19582 1d137f09-2d2c-44f9-83ad-b20b26567ebe Structure of mid portion of right coronary artery (body structure) E19582 450961005 2ab4b5bf-8f07-4616-8c5b-d4b5c763dc78 Entire mid portion of right coronary artery (body structure) P19582 - P mid portion of right coronary artery 19583 19583 19583 pericranium 450430009 S19583 3e872a3f-fe3d-41e8-8c7a-495291c5453a Sructure of pericranium (body structure) E19583 P19583 - P Sructure of pericranium 19584 19584 19584 subpial space of neuraxis 451031006 S19584 fc3b126e-006c-4da0-b6f3-fd3c55512ec2 Structure of subpial space of neuraxis (body structure) E19584 P19584 - P subpial space of neuraxis 19585 19585 19585 subpial space of brain 451032004 S19585 dc4cae74-801e-4b0c-b057-7a11668a8158 Structure of subpial space of brain (body structure) E19585 P19585 - P subpial space of brain 19586 19586 19586 subpial space of spinal cord 451033009 S19586 6a80d099-3516-427f-b63c-16e495477851 Structure of subpial space of spinal cord (body structure) E19586 P19586 - P subpial space of spinal cord 19587 19587 19587 process of bone S19587 E19587 P19587 - 67601 D 19588 19588 19588 abdominal segment of trunk 609616003 S19588 b5e83bfb-448d-4468-9219-93055838c129 Structure of abdominal segment of trunk (body structure) E19588 P19588 - 259211 P Subdivision of trunk which has as its parts the abdomen and the back of abdomen. 19590 19590 19590 male anogenital region S19590 E19590 P19590 - P 19591 19591 19591 urogenital triangle of male perineum S19591 E19591 P19591 - 20353 P 19592 19592 19592 urogenital triangle of female perineum S19592 E19592 P19592 - 20354 P 19593 19593 19593 subdivision of abdominal segment of trunk S19593 E19593 P19593 - 0 D 19594 19594 19594 viscerocranium S19594 E19594 P19594 - 53673 P 19596 19596 19596 patellofemoral compartment of knee S19596 E19596 P19596 Y P 19597 19597 19597 male genital duct 699885008 S19597 Structure of male genital duct (body structure) E19597 P19597 Y 55678 P Organ with organ cavity which connects the rete testis to the prostatic urethra. Examples: There are only two male genital ducts, the right and the left male genital ducts. 19599 19599 19599 developmental organism S19599 E19599 P19599 - 292317 P 19600 19600 19600 skin of Achilles region 699609003 S19600 Skin structure of Achilles region (body structure) E19600 P19600 Y 0 D 19601 19601 19601 skin over superior iliac crest 699931009 S19601 Skin structure of superior iliac crest region of trunk (body structure) E19601 P19601 Y 0 P 19603 19603 19603 skin over greater trochanter of hip 450693000 S19603 E19603 P19603 Y 0 D Skin structure over greater trochanter of hip (body structure) 19604 19604 19604 skin over posterior superior iliac crest 699927003 S19604 Skin structure of posterior superior iliac crest region of back (body structure) E19604 P19604 Y 0 P 19605 19605 19605 skin over anterior superior iliac spine S19605 E19605 P19605 Y 0 D 19606 19606 19606 subregion of vertebral region of back S19606 E19606 P19606 - 0 D 19607 19607 19607 lumen of lactiferous duct 472915001 S19607 764ae933-dd1f-4590-b263-eda46c9c5b3e Structure of lumen of lactiferous duct (body structure) E19607 P19607 Y 58086 P 19608 19608 19608 intralobular lactiferous ductule 472908009 S19608 4c252c3e-2fd1-4c27-ac57-d2eda824d99a Structure of intralobular lactiferous ductule (body structure) E19608 472909001 8ba281c1-a694-4b91-9c9e-292a903f3160 Entire intralobular lactiferous ductule (body structure) P19608 Y 58066 P 19609 19609 19609 terminal lactiferous ductule 472910006 S19609 8a5051fc-0149-469a-805a-ee7e18fd5f3d Structure of terminal lactiferous ductule (body structure) E19609 472911005 9616fba4-5ea2-49c5-b194-a0b713f82b94 Entire terminal lactiferous ductule (body structure) P19609 Y 58260 P 19610 19610 19610 main lactiferous duct 472907004 S19610 a8659b0a-ef29-454d-8094-e71526e17fc7 Main lactiferous duct structure (body structure) E19610 472912003 15087c9f-af62-4ac5-bb79-9fb42f0d3e70 Entire main lactiferous duct (body structure) P19610 Y 62102 P Main lactiferous duct Entire main lactiferous duct (body structure) 19611 19611 19611 extralobular part of terminal lactiferous ductule 472913008 S19611 c8d99e90-bbaa-4c1a-95bf-273559288eee Structure of extralobular part of terminal lactiferous ductule (body structure) E19611 472914002 b99168e1-152c-4a62-9751-a225fe8cfb5a Entire extralobular part of terminal lactiferous ductule (body structure) P19611 Y 67781 P 19612 19612 19612 region of wall of ventricular system of neuraxis S19612 E19612 P19612 - 242770 P 19613 19613 19613 cranial conduit space S19613 E19613 P19613 - 53165 P 19614 19614 19614 non-coronary systemic artery 473448003 S19614 73e24f03-f1d1-41ad-8f19-3669df87c548 Non-coronary systemic artery structure (body structure) E19614 P19614 - 0 P 19615 19615 19615 non-coronary non-aorta systemic artery 473450006 S19615 ef7ed5fb-9666-4223-b9e1-ef51f9a23e6e Non-coronary non-aorta systemic artery structure (body structure) E19615 P19615 - 0 P 19616 19616 19616 alveolar canal S19616 E19616 P19616 y 0 P 19617 19617 19617 alveolar foramen of maxilla S19617 E19617 P19617 y 0 P 19618 19618 19618 anterior ethmoidal foramen S19618 E19618 P19618 - 0 P 19619 19619 19619 canal for auditory tube S19619 E19619 P19619 y 0 P 19620 19620 19620 canal for tensor tympani S19620 E19620 P19620 y 0 P 19621 19621 19621 canaliculus for chorda tympani S19621 E19621 P19621 y 0 P 19622 19622 19622 caroticoclinoid foramen S19622 E19622 P19622 y 0 P 19623 19623 19623 caroticotympanic canaliculus S19623 E19623 P19623 y 0 P 19624 19624 19624 carotid canal S19624 E19624 P19624 y 0 P 19625 19625 19625 carotid sulcus S19625 E19625 P19625 y 0 P 19626 19626 19626 facial canal S19626 E19626 P19626 y 0 P 19627 19627 19627 foramen caecum S19627 E19627 P19627 - 0 P 19628 19628 19628 foramen petrosum S19628 E19628 P19628 Y 0 P 19629 19629 19629 frontal foramen S19629 E19629 P19629 y 0 P 19630 19630 19630 geniculum of facial canal S19630 E19630 P19630 y 0 P 19631 19631 19631 greater palatine canal S19631 E19631 P19631 - 0 P 19632 19632 19632 greater palatine foramen S19632 E19632 P19632 y 0 P 19633 19633 19633 space of nasopalatine foramen S19633 E19633 P19633 y 75305 P 19634 19634 19634 infra-orbital canal S19634 E19634 P19634 y 0 P 19635 19635 19635 lesser palatine foramen S19635 E19635 P19635 Y 0 P 19636 19636 19636 lingual canal of mandible S19636 E19636 P19636 y 0 P 19637 19637 19637 lingual foramen S19637 E19637 P19637 - 0 P 19638 19638 19638 mastoid canaliculus S19638 E19638 P19638 y 0 P 19639 19639 19639 mastoid foramen S19639 E19639 P19639 y 0 P 19640 19640 19640 maxillary hiatus S19640 E19640 P19640 y 0 P 19641 19641 19641 musculotubal canal S19641 E19641 P19641 y 0 P 19642 19642 19642 nasal foramen S19642 E19642 P19642 Y 0 P 19643 19643 19643 palatovaginal canal S19643 E19643 P19643 - 0 P 19644 19644 19644 petrosal fossula S19644 E19644 P19644 y 0 P 19645 19645 19645 posterior ethmoidal foramen S19645 E19645 P19645 - 0 P 19646 19646 19646 pterygoid canal S19646 E19646 P19646 Y 0 P 19647 19647 19647 sphenopalatine foramen S19647 E19647 P19647 Y 0 P 19648 19648 19648 sulcus tubae S19648 E19648 P19648 - 0 P 19649 19649 19649 supraorbital foramen S19649 E19649 P19649 y 0 P 19650 19650 19650 tympanic canaliculus S19650 E19650 P19650 y 0 P 19651 19651 19651 bony choana S19651 E19651 P19651 y 0 P 19652 19652 19652 vestibular aqueduct S19652 E19652 P19652 y 0 P 19653 19653 19653 zygomatico-orbital foramen S19653 E19653 P19653 y 0 P 19654 19654 19654 zygomatico-temporal foramen S19654 E19654 P19654 y 0 P 19655 19655 19655 nasopalatine foramen S19655 E19655 P19655 y 0 P 19656 19656 19656 space of alveolar canal S19656 E19656 P19656 y 57743 P 19657 19657 19657 space of alveolar foramina of maxilla S19657 E19657 P19657 y 53166 P 19658 19658 19658 space of anterior ethmoidal foramen S19658 E19658 P19658 - 53135 P 19659 19659 19659 space of canal for auditory tube S19659 E19659 P19659 y 56442 P 19660 19660 19660 space of canal for tensor tympani S19660 E19660 P19660 y 56439 P 19661 19661 19661 space of canaliculus for chorda tympani S19661 E19661 P19661 y 56435 P 19662 19662 19662 space of caroticoclinoid foramen S19662 E19662 P19662 y 54871 P 19663 19663 19663 space of caroticotympanic canaliculus S19663 E19663 P19663 y 56438 P 19664 19664 19664 space of carotid canal S19664 E19664 P19664 y 55805 P 19665 19665 19665 space of carotid sulcus S19665 E19665 P19665 y 54753 P 19667 19667 19667 space of cochlear canaliculus S19667 E19667 P19667 Y 56454 P 19668 19668 19668 space of emissary sphenoidal foramen S19668 E19668 P19668 Y 54785 P 19669 19669 19669 space of facial canal S19669 E19669 P19669 y 54952 P 19670 19670 19670 space of foramen caecum S19670 E19670 P19670 - 57443 P 19671 19671 19671 space of foramen lacerum S19671 E19671 P19671 Y 54809 P 19672 19672 19672 space of foramen ovale S19672 E19672 P19672 Y 53155 P 19673 19673 19673 space of foramen petrosum S19673 E19673 P19673 Y 53158 P 19674 19674 19674 space of foramen rotundum S19674 E19674 P19674 Y 53154 P 19675 19675 19675 space of foramen spinosum S19675 E19675 P19675 Y 53156 P 19676 19676 19676 space of frontal foramen S19676 E19676 P19676 y 57409 P 19677 19677 19677 space of fundus of internal acoustic meatus S19677 E19677 P19677 Y 77753 P 19678 19678 19678 space of geniculum of facial canal S19678 E19678 P19678 y 75762 P 19679 19679 19679 space of greater palatine canal S19679 E19679 P19679 - 57761 P 19680 19680 19680 space of greater palatine foramen S19680 E19680 P19680 y 53173 P 19681 19681 19681 space of incisive canal S19681 E19681 P19681 Y 59107 P 19682 19682 19682 hilum of organ S19682 E19682 P19682 - 0 P 19683 19683 19683 space of inferior orbital fissure S19683 E19683 P19683 Y 54802 P 19684 19684 19684 space of infra-orbital canal S19684 E19684 P19684 y 59048 P 19685 19685 19685 space of infra-orbital foramen S19685 E19685 P19685 Y 57718 P 19686 19686 19686 space of internal acoustic meatus S19686 E19686 P19686 Y 53163 P 19687 19687 19687 space of jugular foramen S19687 E19687 P19687 Y 56432 P 19688 19688 19688 space of lesser palatine foramen S19688 E19688 P19688 Y 53167 P 19689 19689 19689 space of lingual canal of mandible S19689 E19689 P19689 y 276366 P 19690 19690 19690 space of lingual foramen S19690 E19690 P19690 - 276363 P 19691 19691 19691 space of mandibular canal S19691 E19691 P19691 Y 59473 P 19692 19692 19692 space of mandibular foramen S19692 E19692 P19692 Y 53172 P 19693 19693 19693 space of mastoid canaliculus S19693 E19693 P19693 y 56459 P 19694 19694 19694 space of mastoid foramen S19694 E19694 P19694 y 53159 P 19695 19695 19695 space of maxillary hiatus S19695 E19695 P19695 y 57758 P 19696 19696 19696 space of mental foramen S19696 E19696 P19696 Y 53171 P 19697 19697 19697 space of musculotubal canal S19697 E19697 P19697 y 55808 P 19698 19698 19698 space of nasal foramen S19698 E19698 P19698 Y 57653 P 19699 19699 19699 space of nasopharyngeal meatus S19699 E19699 P19699 - 53142 P 19700 19700 19700 space of optic canal S19700 E19700 P19700 Y 54774 P 19701 19701 19701 space of osseous cochlear canal S19701 E19701 P19701 Y 75666 P 19702 19702 19702 space of palatovaginal canal S19702 E19702 P19702 - 54372 P 19703 19703 19703 space of parietal foramen S19703 E19703 P19703 Y 53145 P 19704 19704 19704 space of petrosal fossula S19704 E19704 P19704 y 75764 P 19705 19705 19705 space of posterior ethmoidal foramen S19705 E19705 P19705 - 53136 P 19706 19706 19706 space of posterior nasal aperture S19706 E19706 P19706 Y 53143 P 19707 19707 19707 space of pterygoid canal S19707 E19707 P19707 Y 54756 P 19709 19709 19709 space of sphenopalatine foramen S19709 E19709 P19709 Y 53144 P 19710 19710 19710 space of stylomastoid foramen S19710 E19710 P19710 Y 55816 P 19711 19711 19711 space of sulcus tubae S19711 E19711 P19711 - 54842 P 19712 19712 19712 space of superior orbital fissure S19712 E19712 P19712 Y 54799 P 19713 19713 19713 space of supraorbital foramen S19713 E19713 P19713 y 57412 P 19714 19714 19714 space of tympanic canaliculus S19714 E19714 P19714 y 56460 P 19715 19715 19715 hilum space of organ S19715 E19715 P19715 - 57836 P 19716 19716 19716 space of vestibular aqueduct S19716 E19716 P19716 y 77821 P 19717 19717 19717 space of vestibular canaliculus S19717 E19717 P19717 Y 56451 P 19718 19718 19718 space of zygomaticofacial foramen S19718 E19718 P19718 Y 53169 P 19719 19719 19719 space of zygomatico-orbital foramen S19719 E19719 P19719 y 53168 P 19720 19720 19720 space of zygomaticotemporal foramen S19720 E19720 P19720 y 53170 P 19721 19721 19721 labia majora S19721 E19721 P19721 - 0 P 19722 19722 19722 labia minora S19722 E19722 P19722 - 0 P 19723 19723 19723 somatic nerve plexus 609390000 S19723 e1d8177f-669c-40e3-a655-af5dac12ac39 Somatic nerve plexus structure (body structure) E19723 609391001 dff2467a-43d6-41a8-8847-681198d713c9 Entire somatic nerve plexus (body structure) P19723 y 5903 P 19724 19724 19724 subdivision of somatic nerve plexus 609392008 S19724 01718cf3-bdf9-4df8-8f09-50a582ce33ad Structure of subdivision of somatic nerve plexus (body structure) E19724 609393003 0333dd4e-6c88-498b-b88b-1374196cd98a Entire subdivision of somatic nerve plexus (body structure) P19724 y 0 P 19725 19725 19725 branch of posterior ramus of spinal nerve S19725 E19725 P19725 y 5986 P 19726 19726 19726 branch of posterior ramus of cervical nerve S19726 E19726 P19726 y 11202 P 19727 19727 19727 branch of posterior ramus of thoracic nerve S19727 E19727 P19727 y 11203 P 19728 19728 19728 branch of posterior ramus of lumbar nerve S19728 E19728 P19728 y 11204 P 19729 19729 19729 branch of posterior ramus of sacral nerve S19729 E19729 P19729 y 11205 P 19730 19730 19730 medial branch of posterior ramus of spinal nerve S19730 E19730 P19730 y 86465 P 19731 19731 19731 lateral branch of posterior ramus of spinal nerve S19731 E19731 P19731 y 86466 P 19732 19732 19732 medial branch of posterior ramus of thoracic nerve S19732 E19732 P19732 y 6046 P 19733 19733 19733 lateral branch of posterior ramus of thoracic nerve S19733 E19733 P19733 y 6047 P 19734 19734 19734 articular branch of posterior ramus of thoracic nerve S19734 E19734 P19734 y 6045 P 19735 19735 19735 muscular branch of posterior ramus of sacral nerve S19735 E19735 P19735 Y 81891 P 19736 19736 19736 thoracic nerve primary division S19736 E19736 P19736 y 0 P 19737 19737 19737 cervical nerve primary division S19737 E19737 P19737 y 0 P 19738 19738 19738 branch of anterior ramus of spinal nerve S19738 E19738 P19738 Y 5985 P 19739 19739 19739 branch of anterior ramus of cervical nerve S19739 E19739 P19739 y 11196 P 19740 19740 19740 branch of intercostal nerve S19740 E19740 P19740 y 11197 P 19741 19741 19741 branch of anterior ramus of lumbar nerve S19741 E19741 P19741 y 11198 P 19742 19742 19742 branch of anterior ramus of sacral nerve S19742 E19742 P19742 y 11199 P 19743 19743 19743 anterior ramus of cervical nerve S19743 E19743 P19743 y 6027 P 19744 19744 19744 anterior ramus of first cervical nerve S19744 E19744 P19744 y 7061 P 19745 19745 19745 anterior ramus of second cervical nerve S19745 E19745 P19745 y 7062 P 19746 19746 19746 anterior ramus of third cervical nerve S19746 E19746 P19746 y 8736 P 19747 19747 19747 anterior ramus of fourth cervical nerve S19747 E19747 P19747 y 8739 P 19748 19748 19748 hilum space of lung S19748 E19748 P19748 y 7330 P 19749 19749 19749 anterior ramus of fifth cervical nerve S19749 E19749 P19749 y 8733 P 19750 19750 19750 anterior ramus of sixth cervical nerve S19750 E19750 P19750 y 8730 P 19751 19751 19751 anterior ramus of seventh cervical nerve S19751 E19751 P19751 y 8727 P 19752 19752 19752 anterior ramus of eighth cervical nerve S19752 E19752 P19752 y 8724 P 19753 19753 19753 anterior ramus of first lumbar nerve S19753 E19753 P19753 y 7065 P 19754 19754 19754 anterior ramus of second lumbar nerve S19754 E19754 P19754 y 8764 P 19755 19755 19755 anterior ramus of third lumbar nerve S19755 E19755 P19755 y 8767 P 19756 19756 19756 anterior ramus of fourth lumbar nerve S19756 E19756 P19756 y 8770 P 19757 19757 19757 anterior ramus of fifth lumbar nerve S19757 E19757 P19757 y 8773 P 19758 19758 19758 anterior ramus of first sacral nerve S19758 E19758 P19758 y 7068 P 19759 19759 19759 anterior ramus of second sacral nerve S19759 E19759 P19759 y 8776 P 19760 19760 19760 anterior ramus of third sacral nerve S19760 E19760 P19760 y 8779 P 19761 19761 19761 anterior ramus of fourth sacral nerve S19761 E19761 P19761 y 8782 P 19762 19762 19762 anterior ramus of fifth sacral nerve S19762 E19762 P19762 y 8785 P 19763 19763 19763 anterior ramus of coccygeal nerve S19763 E19763 P19763 y 7072 P 19764 19764 19764 posterior ramus of coccygeal nerve S19764 E19764 P19764 y 8855 P 19765 19765 19765 trunk of genitofemoral nerve S19765 E19765 P19765 y 65491 P 19766 19766 19766 trunk of peripheral nerve tree organ S19766 E19766 P19766 y 14383 P 19767 19767 19767 trunk of axillary nerve S19767 E19767 P19767 y 65264 P 19768 19768 19768 trunk of dorsal scapular nerve S19768 E19768 P19768 y 65464 P 19769 19769 19769 trunk of femoral nerve S19769 E19769 P19769 y 65498 P 19771 19771 19771 trunk of great auricular nerve S19771 E19771 P19771 y 65394 P 19772 19772 19772 trunk of iliohypogastric nerve S19772 E19772 P19772 y 65488 P 19773 19773 19773 trunk of ilioinguinal nerve S19773 E19773 P19773 y 65485 P 19774 19774 19774 trunk of intercostal nerve S19774 E19774 P19774 y 85315 P 19775 19775 19775 trunk of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve S19775 E19775 P19775 y 65494 P 19776 19776 19776 trunk of lateral pectoral nerve S19776 E19776 P19776 y 65482 P 19777 19777 19777 trunk of long thoracic nerve S19777 E19777 P19777 y 65463 P 19778 19778 19778 trunk of medial cutaneous nerve of arm S19778 E19778 P19778 y 65252 P 19779 19779 19779 trunk of medial cutaneous nerve of forearm S19779 E19779 P19779 y 65257 P 19780 19780 19780 trunk of medial pectoral nerve S19780 E19780 P19780 y 65466 P 19781 19781 19781 hilum space of kidney S19781 E19781 P19781 y 15610 P 19782 19782 19782 trunk of musculocutaneous nerve S19782 E19782 P19782 y 65241 P 19783 19783 19783 trunk of nerve to levator scapulae S19783 E19783 P19783 y 78696 P 19784 19784 19784 trunk of nerve to scalenus medius S19784 E19784 P19784 y 78699 P 19785 19785 19785 trunk of nerve to sternocleidomastoid S19785 E19785 P19785 y 78690 P 19786 19786 19786 trunk of nerve to trapezius S19786 E19786 P19786 y 78693 P 19787 19787 19787 trunk of obturator nerve S19787 E19787 P19787 y 65501 P 19788 19788 19788 wall of cranial conduit S19788 E19788 P19788 - 0 P 19789 19789 19789 trunk of perforating cutaneous nerve S19789 E19789 P19789 y 78803 P 19790 19790 19790 trunk of phrenic nerve S19790 E19790 P19790 y 6198 P 19791 19791 19791 trunk of pudendal nerve S19791 E19791 P19791 y 78720 P 19792 19792 19792 trunk of radial nerve S19792 E19792 P19792 y 65261 P 19793 19793 19793 trunk of subclavian nerve S19793 E19793 P19793 y 65465 P 19794 19794 19794 trunk of subcostal nerve S19794 E19794 P19794 y 85317 P 19795 19795 19795 trunk of subscapular nerve S19795 E19795 P19795 y 65472 P 19796 19796 19796 trunk of median nerve S19796 E19796 P19796 y 291053 P 19797 19797 19797 trunk of nerve to subcostal muscle S19797 E19797 P19797 y 291059 P 19798 19798 19798 trunk of supraclavicular nerve S19798 E19798 P19798 y 65419 P 19799 19799 19799 trunk of suprascapular nerve S19799 E19799 P19799 y 79663 P 19800 19800 19800 trunk of thoracodorsal nerve S19800 E19800 P19800 y 65479 P 19801 19801 19801 trunk of transverse cervical nerve S19801 E19801 P19801 y 65440 P 19802 19802 19802 trunk of ulnar nerve S19802 E19802 P19802 y 65245 P 19803 19803 19803 posterior ramus of second cervical nerve S19803 E19803 P19803 y 8788 P 19804 19804 19804 posterior ramus of third cervical nerve S19804 E19804 P19804 y 8792 P 19805 19805 19805 posterior ramus of fourth cervical nerve S19805 E19805 P19805 y 8789 P 19806 19806 19806 posterior ramus of fifth cervical nerve S19806 E19806 P19806 y 8793 P 19807 19807 19807 posterior ramus of sixth cervical nerve S19807 E19807 P19807 y 8796 P 19808 19808 19808 posterior ramus of seventh cervical nerve S19808 E19808 P19808 y 8799 P 19809 19809 19809 posterior ramus of eighth cervical nerve S19809 E19809 P19809 y 8802 P 19810 19810 19810 first cervical nerve S19810 E19810 P19810 y 6440 P 19811 19811 19811 second cervical nerve S19811 E19811 P19811 y 6443 P 19812 19812 19812 third cervical nerve S19812 E19812 P19812 y 6444 P 19813 19813 19813 fourth cervical nerve S19813 E19813 P19813 y 6445 P 19814 19814 19814 fifth cervical nerve S19814 E19814 P19814 y 6446 P 19815 19815 19815 sixth cervical nerve S19815 E19815 P19815 y 6447 P 19816 19816 19816 seventh cervical nerve S19816 E19816 P19816 y 6448 P 19817 19817 19817 eighth cervical nerve S19817 E19817 P19817 y 6449 P 19818 19818 19818 first thoracic nerve S19818 E19818 P19818 y 6037 P 19819 19819 19819 second thoracic nerve S19819 E19819 P19819 y 6169 P 19820 19820 19820 third thoracic nerve S19820 E19820 P19820 y 6171 P 19821 19821 19821 fourth thoracic nerve S19821 E19821 P19821 y 6290 P 19822 19822 19822 fifth thoracic nerve S19822 E19822 P19822 y 6293 P 19823 19823 19823 sixth thoracic nerve S19823 E19823 P19823 y 6296 P 19824 19824 19824 seventh thoracic nerve S19824 E19824 P19824 y 6299 P 19825 19825 19825 eighth thoracic nerve S19825 E19825 P19825 y 6302 P 19826 19826 19826 ninth thoracic nerve S19826 E19826 P19826 y 6306 P 19827 19827 19827 tenth thoracic nerve S19827 E19827 P19827 y 6309 P 19828 19828 19828 eleventh thoracic nerve S19828 E19828 P19828 y 6312 P 19829 19829 19829 trunk of cranial nerve S19829 E19829 P19829 y 5931 P 19830 19830 19830 first lumbar nerve S19830 E19830 P19830 y 6172 P 19831 19831 19831 second lumbar nerve S19831 E19831 P19831 y 6176 P 19832 19832 19832 third lumbar nerve S19832 E19832 P19832 y 6414 P 19833 19833 19833 fourth lumbar nerve S19833 E19833 P19833 y 6415 P 19834 19834 19834 fifth lumbar nerve S19834 E19834 P19834 y 6416 P 19835 19835 19835 first sacral nerve S19835 E19835 P19835 y 6423 P 19836 19836 19836 second sacral nerve S19836 E19836 P19836 y 6424 P 19837 19837 19837 third sacral nerve S19837 E19837 P19837 y 6425 P 19838 19838 19838 fourth sacral nerve S19838 E19838 P19838 y 6426 P 19839 19839 19839 fifth sacral nerve S19839 E19839 P19839 y 6427 P 19840 19840 19840 trunk of oculomotor nerve S19840 E19840 P19840 y 65131 P 19841 19841 19841 trunk of trigeminal nerve S19841 E19841 P19841 y 52617 P 19842 19842 19842 trunk of facial nerve S19842 E19842 P19842 y 65420 P 19843 19843 19843 trunk of hypoglossal nerve S19843 E19843 P19843 y 80481 P 19844 19844 19844 trunk of branch of cervical nerve plexus S19844 E19844 P19844 y 6188 P 19845 19845 19845 trunk of nerve plexus S19845 E19845 P19845 y 77571 P 19846 19846 19846 branch of peripheral neural subtree S19846 E19846 P19846 - 65132 P Segment of neural tree organ which has as its parts a nerve trunk and its branches; together with other nerves of the same tree it constitutes a neural tree. 19847 19847 19847 cranial neural tree organ S19847 E19847 P19847 y 5865 P Neural tree organ which is continuous with the brain. Examples: Trochlear nerve, facial nerve. 19848 19848 19848 cranial nerve-tract complex S19848 E19848 P19848 - 223274 P Neural tree organ which has as its parts neural components of one or more special sense organs and nerve trunks. Examples:optic nerve-tract complex, olfactory nerve-tract complex. 19849 19849 19849 optic nerve-tract complex S19849 E19849 P19849 - 62379 P Cranial nerve-tract complex which has as its parts the right and left retinas, right and left optic nerves, optic chiasm and right and left optic tracts. 19850 19850 19850 olfactory nerve-tract complex S19850 E19850 P19850 Y 223153 P Cranial nerve-tract complex which has as its parts the right and left sets of olfactory nerves, right and left olfactory bulbs and right and left olfactory tracts. 19851 19851 19851 segment of nerve trunk S19851 E19851 P19851 Y 296990 P 19852 19852 19852 vagus nerve tree organ S19852 E19852 P19852 Y 5731 P 19853 19853 19853 oculomotor nerve tree organ S19853 E19853 P19853 Y 50864 P Cranial nerve which connects the midbrain to the extra-ocular and intra-ocular muscles. 19854 19854 19854 hypoglossal nerve tree organ S19854 E19854 P19854 Y 50871 P 19855 19855 19855 facial nerve tree organ S19855 E19855 P19855 Y 50868 P 19856 19856 19856 vestibulocochlear nerve tree organ S19856 E19856 P19856 Y 50869 P 19857 19857 19857 trochlear nerve tree organ S19857 E19857 P19857 Y 50865 P 19858 19858 19858 abducens nerve tree organ S19858 E19858 P19858 Y 50867 P 19859 19859 19859 trigeminal nerve tree organ S19859 E19859 P19859 Y 50866 P 19860 19860 19860 glossopharyngeal nerve tree organ S19860 E19860 P19860 Y 50870 P 19861 19861 19861 spinal accessory nerve tree organ S19861 E19861 P19861 Y 6720 P 19862 19862 19862 peripheral neural tree organ directly continuous with neuraxis S19862 E19862 P19862 Y 65239 P Neural tree (organ) which is directly continuous with the neuraxis. Examples: phrenic nerve, radial nerve, ilioinguinal nerve, sciatic nerve. 19863 19863 19863 anococcygeal nerve tree organ S19863 E19863 P19863 Y 19038 P 19864 19864 19864 axillary nerve tree organ S19864 E19864 P19864 Y 37072 P 19865 19865 19865 femoral nerve tree organ S19865 E19865 P19865 Y 16486 P 19866 19866 19866 genitofemoral nerve tree organ S19866 E19866 P19866 Y 16484 P 19867 19867 19867 great auricular nerve tree organ S19867 E19867 P19867 Y 6872 P 19868 19868 19868 iliohypogastric nerve tree organ S19868 E19868 P19868 Y 16482 P 19869 19869 19869 ilioinguinal nerve tree organ S19869 E19869 P19869 Y 16483 P 19870 19870 19870 inferior gluteal nerve tree organ S19870 E19870 P19870 Y 16511 P 19871 19871 19871 lateral femoral cutaneous nerve tree organ S19871 E19871 P19871 Y 16485 P 19872 19872 19872 lateral pectoral nerve tree organ S19872 E19872 P19872 Y 65296 P 19873 19873 19873 long thoracic nerve tree organ S19873 E19873 P19873 Y 65275 P 19874 19874 19874 nerve tree organ of medial cutaneous nerve of arm S19874 E19874 P19874 Y 65246 P 19875 19875 19875 nerve tree organ of medial cutaneous nerve of forearm S19875 E19875 P19875 Y 39079 P 19876 19876 19876 medial pectoral nerve tree organ S19876 E19876 P19876 Y 65293 P 19877 19877 19877 median nerve tree organ S19877 E19877 P19877 Y 14385 P 19878 19878 19878 musculocutaneous nerve tree organ S19878 E19878 P19878 Y 37064 P 19879 19879 19879 nerve tree organ of nerve to gemellus inferior S19879 E19879 P19879 Y 78714 P 19880 19880 19880 nerve tree organ of nerve to sternocleidomastoid S19880 E19880 P19880 Y 55187 P 19881 19881 19881 nerve tree organ of nerve to subcostal muscle S19881 E19881 P19881 Y 81487 P 19882 19882 19882 obturator nerve tree organ S19882 E19882 P19882 Y 16487 P 19883 19883 19883 perforating cutaneous nerve tree organ S19883 E19883 P19883 Y 19040 P 19884 19884 19884 phrenic nerve tree organ S19884 E19884 P19884 Y 6191 P 19885 19885 19885 pudendal nerve tree organ S19885 E19885 P19885 Y 19037 P 19886 19886 19886 radial nerve tree organ S19886 E19886 P19886 Y 37069 P 19887 19887 19887 subclavian nerve tree organ S19887 E19887 P19887 Y 65280 P 19888 19888 19888 subscapular nerve tree organ S19888 E19888 P19888 Y 65287 P 19889 19889 19889 supraclavicular nerve tree organ S19889 E19889 P19889 Y 65414 P 19890 19890 19890 suprascapular nerve tree organ S19890 E19890 P19890 Y 37025 P 19891 19891 19891 thoracodorsal nerve tree organ S19891 E19891 P19891 Y 65290 P 19892 19892 19892 transverse cervical nerve tree organ S19892 E19892 P19892 Y 6873 P 19893 19893 19893 ulnar nerve tree organ S19893 E19893 P19893 Y 37319 P 19894 19894 19894 nerve to gemellus inferior S19894 E19894 P19894 Y 292732 P 19895 19895 19895 tibial nerve in popliteal region S19895 E19895 P19895 Y 0 P 19896 19896 19896 common peroneal nerve in popliteal region 609629003 S19896 e38fbaa9-a92a-4a6a-ae89-2b9947443715 Structure of common peroneal nerve in popliteal region (body structure) E19896 P19896 Y 0 P 19897 19897 19897 region of trunk of peripheral nerve of lower limb S19897 E19897 P19897 Y 0 D 19898 19898 19898 autonomic nerve tree organ S19898 E19898 P19898 - 5866 P 19899 19899 19899 branch of sympathetic trunk S19899 E19899 P19899 y 6284 P 19900 19900 19900 collateral ganglion S19900 E19900 P19900 y 5892 P 19901 19901 19901 segment of sympathetic trunk S19901 E19901 P19901 Y 14149 P 19902 19902 19902 thoracic sympathetic trunk S19902 E19902 P19902 y 6262 P 19903 19903 19903 sacral sympathetic trunk S19903 E19903 P19903 y 6264 P 19904 19904 19904 coccygeal sympathetic trunk S19904 E19904 P19904 y 6783 P 19905 19905 19905 posterior ramus of first thoracic nerve S19905 E19905 P19905 Y 7075 P 19906 19906 19906 posterior ramus of second thoracic nerve S19906 E19906 P19906 Y 7076 P 19907 19907 19907 posterior ramus of third thoracic nerve S19907 E19907 P19907 Y 6142 P 19908 19908 19908 posterior ramus of fourth thoracic nerve S19908 E19908 P19908 Y 8809 P 19909 19909 19909 posterior ramus of fifth thoracic nerve S19909 E19909 P19909 Y 8806 P 19910 19910 19910 posterior ramus of sixth thoracic nerve S19910 E19910 P19910 Y 8810 P 19911 19911 19911 posterior ramus of seventh thoracic nerve S19911 E19911 P19911 Y 8813 P 19912 19912 19912 posterior ramus of eighth thoracic nerve S19912 E19912 P19912 Y 8816 P 19913 19913 19913 posterior ramus of ninth thoracic nerve S19913 E19913 P19913 Y 8819 P 19914 19914 19914 posterior ramus of tenth thoracic nerve S19914 E19914 P19914 Y 8822 P 19915 19915 19915 posterior ramus of eleventh thoracic nerve S19915 E19915 P19915 Y 8825 P 19916 19916 19916 posterior ramus of twelfth thoracic nerve S19916 E19916 P19916 Y 8828 P 19917 19917 19917 posterior ramus of first lumbar nerve S19917 E19917 P19917 Y 7053 P 19918 19918 19918 posterior ramus of second lumbar nerve S19918 E19918 P19918 Y 8831 P 19919 19919 19919 posterior ramus of third lumbar nerve S19919 E19919 P19919 Y 8834 P 19920 19920 19920 posterior ramus of fourth lumbar nerve S19920 E19920 P19920 Y 8837 P 19921 19921 19921 posterior ramus of fifth lumbar nerve S19921 E19921 P19921 Y 8840 P 19922 19922 19922 posterior ramus of first sacral nerve S19922 E19922 P19922 Y 7079 P 19923 19923 19923 posterior ramus of second sacral nerve S19923 E19923 P19923 Y 8843 P 19924 19924 19924 posterior ramus of third sacral nerve S19924 E19924 P19924 Y 8846 P 19925 19925 19925 posterior ramus of fourth sacral nerve S19925 E19925 P19925 Y 8849 P 19926 19926 19926 posterior ramus of fifth sacral nerve S19926 E19926 P19926 Y 8852 P 19927 19927 19927 skin of temporal part of scalp S19927 E19927 P19927 Y D 19928 19928 19928 subcutaneous tissue of temporal part of scalp S19928 E19928 P19928 Y D 19929 19929 19929 skin of mastoid region 699917009 S19929 Skin structure of mastoid region (body structure) E19929 P19929 Y D 19930 19930 19930 subcutaneous tissue of mastoid region S19930 E19930 P19930 Y D 19931 19931 19931 sural nerve in calf 609602008 S19931 98032ceb-9b1f-43f1-a6d8-850daeacfc41 Structure of sural nerve in calf (body structure) E19931 P19931 Y P 19932 19932 19932 sural nerve in ankle region 609603003 S19932 f08a2092-d76e-450d-9056-b8070cb58d4f Structure of sural nerve in ankle region (body structure) E19932 P19932 Y P 19933 19933 19933 sural nerve in foot 609604009 S19933 888520fe-ba8f-4c16-94e8-3ae33d3e8c9d Structure of sural nerve in foot (body structure) E19933 P19933 Y P 19934 19934 19934 nerve root and/or plexus 609610009 S19934 33c88b1d-3b5f-42b0-946d-5d98ac12d5c9 Structure of nerve root and/or plexus (body structure) E19934 P19934 - P 19935 19935 19935 wall of abdominal segment of trunk 609615004 S19935 15aeac93-af62-4ec1-94d2-3ca55e5ef8e5 Structure of wall of abdominal segment of trunk (body structure) E19935 P19935 - 259054 P 19936 19936 19936 pelvic region of trunk 609617007 S19936 d49236ff-dccc-4171-8440-c0ccc2e2a9d6 Structure of pelvic region of trunk (body structure) E19936 P19936 - 0 P 19937 19937 19937 anal intersphincteric tissue 609634004 S19937 6fa735fb-3add-44bd-b105-09a997a75256 Structure of anal intersphincteric tissue (body structure) E19937 P19937 - P 19938 19938 19938 connective tissue of anorectal region 609636002 S19938 12ef1330-fff9-4992-9b77-f24389ec3d6d Structure of connective tissue of anorectal region (body structure) E19938 P19938 - P 19939 19939 19939 supralevator space 609633005 S19939 6d813fb6-b9b0-4c2c-bedc-5ba607bf6733 Structure of supralevator space (body structure) E19939 P19939 - P 19940 19940 19940 pelvirectal compartment 609632000 S19940 24b1a77a-2c68-450e-b470-388d7b3c5e44 Structure of pelvirectal compartment (body structure) E19940 P19940 - 85033 P 19941 19941 19941 bone of head and neck S19941 E19941 P19941 - D 19942 19942 19942 superficial perianal tissue 609635003 S19942 061e9f12-bc8b-416c-be74-d553cf205a0b Structure of superficial perianal tissue (body structure) E19942 P19942 - P 19943 19943 19943 soft tissue of pelvic region of trunk 609639009 S19943 bfd92bd3-ff38-40ed-bbf1-1b9086ae6749 Structure of soft tissues of pelvic region of trunk (body structure) E19943 P19943 - D 19944 19944 19944 proximal region of forearm S19944 E19944 P19944 Y 0 P 19945 19945 19945 distal region of forearm S19945 E19945 P19945 Y 0 P 19946 19946 19946 proximal region of upper arm S19946 E19946 P19946 Y 0 P 19947 19947 19947 distal region of upper arm S19947 E19947 P19947 Y 0 P 19948 19948 19948 proximal region of lower leg S19948 E19948 P19948 Y 0 P 19949 19949 19949 distal region of lower leg S19949 E19949 P19949 Y 0 P 19950 19950 19950 subregion of shoulder region S19950 E19950 P19950 Y 0 D 19951 19951 19951 lateral pelvic girdle and thigh S19951 E19951 P19951 Y 0 P 19952 19952 19952 lateral pelvic girdle 700007009 S19952 Structure of lateral pelvic girdle (body structure) E19952 P19952 Y 16581 P Subdivision of the lower limb which is the proximal segment and links the free lower limb to the trunk; it is demarcated by the plane of the surface of the acetabular fossa from the free lower limb; together with the free lower limb, it constitutes the lower limb. Examples: There are only two instances, right and left pelvic girdles. 19953 19953 19953 musculoskeletal entity S19953 E19953 P19953 - 0 P 19954 19954 19954 subdivision of thoracic segment of trunk S19954 E19954 P19954 - D 19955 19955 19955 thoracic vertebral column 122495006 S19955 Thoracic spine structure (body structure) E19955 243931006 Entire thoracic spine (body structure) P19955 - 9140 P 38D7A93892984E6C87DFAD51612D97EC 19956 19956 19956 wall of thoracic segment of trunk S19956 E19956 P19956 - 10428 P Subdivision of thoracic segment of trunk which includes all structures from the skin to the costal pleura. (FMA: 50060 chest wall). 19957 19957 19957 intervertebral syndesmosis S19957 E19957 P19957 - 10448 P 19958 19958 19958 cervical intervertebral syndesmosis S19958 E19958 P19958 - 26549 P 19959 19959 19959 C2/C3 intervertebral syndesmosis S19959 E19959 P19959 - 26551 P 19960 19960 19960 C3/C4 intervertebral syndesmosis S19960 E19960 P19960 - 26552 P 19961 19961 19961 C4/C5 intervertebral syndesmosis S19961 E19961 P19961 - 26553 P 19962 19962 19962 C5/C6 intervertebral syndesmosis S19962 E19962 P19962 - 26554 P 19963 19963 19963 C6/C7 intervertebral syndesmosis S19963 E19963 P19963 - 26555 P 19964 19964 19964 atlantoaxial syndesmosis S19964 E19964 P19964 - 26550 P 19965 19965 19965 thoracic intervertebral syndesmosis S19965 E19965 P19965 - 13649 P 19966 19966 19966 C7/T1 intervertebral syndesmosis S19966 E19966 P19966 - 26556 P 19967 19967 19967 T1/T2 intervertebral syndesmosis S19967 E19967 P19967 - 13651 P 19968 19968 19968 T2/T3 intervertebral syndesmosis S19968 E19968 P19968 - 13652 P 19969 19969 19969 T3/T4 intervertebral syndesmosis S19969 E19969 P19969 - 13653 P 19970 19970 19970 T4/T5 intervertebral syndesmosis S19970 E19970 P19970 - 13654 P 19971 19971 19971 T5/T6 intervertebral syndesmosis S19971 E19971 P19971 - 13655 P 19972 19972 19972 T6/T7 intervertebral syndesmosis S19972 E19972 P19972 - 13656 P 19973 19973 19973 T7/T8 intervertebral syndesmosis S19973 E19973 P19973 - 13657 P 19974 19974 19974 T8/T9 intervertebral syndesmosis S19974 E19974 P19974 - 13658 P 19975 19975 19975 T9/T10 intervertebral syndesmosis S19975 E19975 P19975 - 13659 P 19976 19976 19976 T10/T11 intervertebral syndesmosis S19976 E19976 P19976 - 13660 P 19977 19977 19977 T11/T12 intervertebral syndesmosis S19977 E19977 P19977 - 13661 P 19978 19978 19978 T12/L1 intervertebral syndesmosis S19978 E19978 P19978 - 13662 P 19979 19979 19979 lumbar intervertebral syndesmosis S19979 E19979 P19979 - 13650 P 19980 19980 19980 L1/L2 intervertebral syndesmosis S19980 E19980 P19980 - 31275 P 19981 19981 19981 L2/L3 intervertebral syndesmosis S19981 E19981 P19981 - 31276 P 19982 19982 19982 L3/L4 intervertebral syndesmosis S19982 E19982 P19982 - 31277 P 19983 19983 19983 L4/L5 intervertebral syndesmosis S19983 E19983 P19983 - 31278 P 19984 19984 19984 L5/S1 intervertebral syndesmosis S19984 E19984 P19984 - 31279 P 19985 19985 19985 ligament of intervertebral syndesmosis S19985 E19985 P19985 - 13422 P 19986 19986 19986 radioulnar syndesmosis S19986 E19986 P19986 Y 39432 P 19987 19987 19987 cranial syndesmosis S19987 E19987 P19987 - 72313 P 19988 19988 19988 stylohyoid sydesmosis S19988 E19988 P19988 - 72315 P 19989 19989 19989 pterygospinous syndesmosis S19989 E19989 P19989 - 72314 P 19990 19990 19990 functional articulation unit of occiput, C1 and C2 S19990 E19990 P19990 - 0 P 19991 19991 19991 atlantoaxial functional spinal unit S19991 E19991 P19991 - 0 P 19992 19992 19992 C2/C3 functional spinal unit S19992 E19992 P19992 - 0 P 19993 19993 19993 C3/C4 functional spinal unit S19993 E19993 P19993 - 0 P 19994 19994 19994 C4/C5 functional spinal unit S19994 E19994 P19994 - 0 P 19995 19995 19995 C5/C6 functional spinal unit S19995 E19995 P19995 - 0 P 19996 19996 19996 C6/C7 functional spinal unit S19996 E19996 P19996 - 0 P 19997 19997 19997 C7/T1 functional spinal unit S19997 E19997 P19997 - 0 P 19998 19998 19998 T1/T2 functional spinal unit S19998 E19998 P19998 - 0 P 19999 19999 19999 T2/T3 functional spinal unit S19999 E19999 P19999 - 0 P 20000 20000 20000 T3/T4 functional spinal unit S20000 E20000 P20000 - 0 P 20001 20001 20001 T4/T5 functional spinal unit S20001 E20001 P20001 - 0 P 20002 20002 20002 T5/T6 functional spinal unit S20002 E20002 P20002 - 0 P 20003 20003 20003 T6/T7 functional spinal unit S20003 E20003 P20003 - 0 P 20004 20004 20004 T7/T8 functional spinal unit S20004 E20004 P20004 - 0 P 20005 20005 20005 T8/T9 functional spinal unit S20005 E20005 P20005 - 0 P 20006 20006 20006 T9/T10 functional spinal unit S20006 E20006 P20006 - 0 P 20007 20007 20007 T10/T11 functional spinal unit S20007 E20007 P20007 - 0 P 20008 20008 20008 T11/T12 functional spinal unit S20008 E20008 P20008 - 0 P 20009 20009 20009 T12/L1 functional spinal unit S20009 E20009 P20009 - 0 P 20010 20010 20010 L1/L2 functional spinal unit S20010 E20010 P20010 - 0 P 20011 20011 20011 L2/L3 functional spinal unit S20011 E20011 P20011 - 0 P 20012 20012 20012 L3/L4 functional spinal unit S20012 E20012 P20012 - 0 P 20013 20013 20013 L4/L5 functional spinal unit S20013 E20013 P20013 - 0 P 20014 20014 20014 L5/S1 functional spinal unit S20014 E20014 P20014 - 0 P 20032 20032 20032 posterior bronchopulmonary segment S20032 E20032 P20032 Y 13189 P 20034 20034 20034 anterior bronchopulmonary segment S20034 E20034 P20034 Y 13190 P 20039 20039 20039 superior bronchopulmonary segment S20039 E20039 P20039 Y 13191 P 20040 20040 20040 medial basal bronchopulmonary segment S20040 E20040 P20040 Y 13192 P 20041 20041 20041 anterior basal bronchopulmonary segment S20041 E20041 P20041 Y 13193 P 20042 20042 20042 lateral basal bronchopulmonary segment S20042 E20042 P20042 Y 13194 P 20043 20043 20043 posterior basal bronchopulmonary segment S20043 E20043 P20043 Y 13195 P 20044 20044 20044 posterior segment of left upper lobe of lung S20044 E20044 P20044 L 7386 P 20045 20045 20045 bronchopulmonary subsegment S20045 E20045 P20045 Y 57821 P 20046 20046 20046 bronchopulmonary segment of upper lobe of lung S20046 E20046 P20046 Y 0 P 20047 20047 20047 bronchopulmonary segment of lower lobe of lung S20047 E20047 P20047 Y 0 P 20048 20048 20048 lateral half of vulva S20048 E20048 P20048 Y 0 P 20050 20050 20050 space of anatomical orifice S20050 E20050 P20050 - 3724 P Anatomical conduit space that connects two adjacent body spaces, surrounded by two or more subdivisions of two or more organs or organ parts. Examples: right atrioventricular orifice, orifice of artery, hilum of kidney, porta hepatis. 20051 20051 20051 space of ostium of coronary artery S20051 E20051 P20051 - P 20052 20052 20052 space of saphenous opening S20052 E20052 P20052 Y P 20053 20053 20053 space of habenula perforata of organ of Corti S20053 E20053 P20053 Y P 20054 20054 20054 space of lacrimal punctum S20054 E20054 P20054 Y P 20055 20055 20055 space of palpebral fissure S20055 E20055 P20055 Y P 20056 20056 20056 space of orifice of prostatic duct S20056 E20056 P20056 Y P 20057 20057 20057 space of ureteral orifice S20057 E20057 P20057 Y P 20058 20058 20058 space of orifice of salivary gland duct S20058 E20058 P20058 Y P 20059 20059 20059 space of ostium appendicis vermiformis S20059 E20059 P20059 - P 20060 20060 20060 space of ileocecal ostium S20060 E20060 P20060 - P 20061 20061 20061 space of pyloric ostium of stomach S20061 E20061 P20061 - P 20062 20062 20062 space of cardiac ostium of stomach S20062 E20062 P20062 - P 20063 20063 20063 space of porus acusticus internus S20063 E20063 P20063 Y P 20064 20064 20064 space of coronary sinus ostium S20064 E20064 P20064 Y P 20065 20065 20065 space of femoral ring S20065 E20065 P20065 Y P 20066 20066 20066 space of ostium of pulmonary vein S20066 E20066 P20066 Y P 20067 20067 20067 space of ostium of inferior vena cava S20067 E20067 P20067 - P 20068 20068 20068 space of ostium of superior vena cava S20068 E20068 P20068 - P 20069 20069 20069 space of rima vestibuli S20069 E20069 P20069 Y P 20070 20070 20070 space of semilunar hiatus of ethmoid sinus S20070 E20070 P20070 Y P 20071 20071 20071 space of adnexal orifice of skin S20071 E20071 P20071 - P 20072 20072 20072 space of hiatus of sacrum S20072 E20072 P20072 - P 20073 20073 20073 space of internal urethral orifice S20073 E20073 P20073 - P 20074 20074 20074 space of mitral valve ostium S20074 E20074 P20074 - P 20075 20075 20075 space of right atrioventricular ostium S20075 E20075 P20075 - P 20076 20076 20076 space of rima glottidis S20076 E20076 P20076 - P 20078 20078 20078 space of gustatory pore S20078 E20078 P20078 - P 20079 20079 20079 space of opening into saccule S20079 E20079 P20079 Y P 20080 20080 20080 space of opening of accessory lacrimal gland duct S20080 E20080 P20080 Y P 20081 20081 20081 space of lacrimal gland duct opening S20081 E20081 P20081 Y P 20082 20082 20082 space of sweat pore S20082 E20082 P20082 - P 20083 20083 20083 space of ostium of Eustachian tube S20083 E20083 P20083 Y P 20084 20084 20084 space of os of cervix S20084 E20084 P20084 - P 20085 20085 20085 space of external body orifice S20085 E20085 P20085 - P 20086 20086 20086 space of nutrient foramen S20086 E20086 P20086 Y P 20087 20087 20087 space of nasal opening of nasolacrimal duct S20087 E20087 P20087 Y P 20088 20088 20088 space of scleral aperture S20088 E20088 P20088 Y P 20089 20089 20089 space of aperture of diaphragm S20089 E20089 P20089 - P 20090 20090 20090 space of opening of Fallopian tube S20090 E20090 P20090 Y P 20091 20091 20091 space of helicotrema S20091 E20091 P20091 Y P 20092 20092 20092 space of cochlear opening of the ductus reuniens S20092 E20092 P20092 Y P 20093 20093 20093 space of lateral aperture of fourth ventricle S20093 E20093 P20093 Y P 20094 20094 20094 space of opening into utricle S20094 E20094 P20094 Y P 20095 20095 20095 space of opening of endolymphatic duct S20095 E20095 P20095 Y P 20096 20096 20096 space of opening into ductus commune S20096 E20096 P20096 Y P 20097 20097 20097 space of opening into cochlear canal S20097 E20097 P20097 Y P 20098 20098 20098 space of vestibular opening S20098 E20098 P20098 Y P 20099 20099 20099 space of opening into urethra S20099 E20099 P20099 - P 20100 20100 20100 space of foramen of Magendie S20100 E20100 P20100 - P 20101 20101 20101 space of naris S20101 E20101 P20101 Y 0 P 20102 20102 20102 space of common atrioventricular orifice S20102 E20102 P20102 - P 20103 20103 20103 space of opening of duct of anal gland S20103 E20103 P20103 - P 20105 20105 20105 space of internal abdominal orifice S20105 E20105 P20105 - P 20106 20106 20106 space of opening of duct of vestibular gland S20106 E20106 P20106 Y P 20107 20107 20107 space of anus S20107 E20107 P20107 - P 20108 20108 20108 space of vaginal introitus S20108 E20108 P20108 - P 20109 20109 20109 space of external os S20109 E20109 P20109 - P 20110 20110 20110 space of vestibular window S20110 E20110 P20110 Y P 20111 20111 20111 space of caval opening of diaphragm S20111 E20111 P20111 - P 20112 20112 20112 space of epiploic foramen S20112 E20112 P20112 - P 20113 20113 20113 space of anterior naris S20113 E20113 P20113 Y 59645 P 20115 20115 20115 space of ostium of left coronary artery S20115 E20115 P20115 - P 20116 20116 20116 space of ostium of right coronary artery S20116 E20116 P20116 - P 20117 20117 20117 space of rima oris S20117 E20117 P20117 - P 20118 20118 20118 space of orifice of parotid duct S20118 E20118 P20118 Y P 20119 20119 20119 space of orifice of duct of minor salivary gland S20119 E20119 P20119 Y P 20120 20120 20120 space of right ureteral orifice S20120 E20120 P20120 R P 20121 20121 20121 space of left ureteral orifice S20121 E20121 P20121 L P 20122 20122 20122 space of urethral meatus S20122 E20122 P20122 - P 20123 20123 20123 space of internal os S20123 E20123 P20123 - P 20124 20124 20124 space of uterine ostium of fallopian tube S20124 E20124 P20124 Y P 20125 20125 20125 space of abdominal ostium of fallopian tube S20125 E20125 P20125 Y P 20128 20128 20128 space of external auditory canal opening S20128 E20128 P20128 Y P 20129 20129 20129 space of cochlear window S20129 E20129 P20129 Y P 20130 20130 20130 space of tympanic ostium of Eustachian tube S20130 E20130 P20130 Y P 20131 20131 20131 space of pharyngeal ostium of Eustachian tube S20131 E20131 P20131 Y P 20132 20132 20132 space of macula cribrosa S20132 E20132 P20132 Y P 20133 20133 20133 space of upper lacrimal punctum S20133 E20133 P20133 Y P 20134 20134 20134 space of lower lacrimal punctum S20134 E20134 P20134 Y P 20135 20135 20135 space of hole in broad ligament S20135 E20135 P20135 Y P 20136 20136 20136 space of hole in mesentery S20136 E20136 P20136 - P 20137 20137 20137 space of hole in omentum S20137 E20137 P20137 - P 20138 20138 20138 space of opening of left pulmonary vein S20138 E20138 P20138 L P 20139 20139 20139 space of opening of right pulmonary vein S20139 E20139 P20139 R P 20140 20140 20140 space of diaphragmatic persistent defect S20140 E20140 P20140 - P 20141 20141 20141 space of opening into female urethra S20141 E20141 P20141 - P 20142 20142 20142 space of opening into male urethra S20142 E20142 P20142 - P 20143 20143 20143 space of opening of crus commune into the vestibule S20143 E20143 P20143 Y P 20144 20144 20144 space of opening of semicircular canal S20144 E20144 P20144 Y P 20145 20145 20145 space of opening into scala vestibuli S20145 E20145 P20145 Y P 20146 20146 20146 space of opening into vestibular aqueduct S20146 E20146 P20146 Y P 20147 20147 20147 space of opening of the cochlear canaliculus S20147 E20147 P20147 Y P 20148 20148 20148 space of utricular opening of the utriculosaccular duct S20148 E20148 P20148 Y P 20149 20149 20149 space of opening of the ductus commune S20149 E20149 P20149 Y P 20150 20150 20150 space of opening of ampulla of semicircular duct S20150 E20150 P20150 Y P 20151 20151 20151 space of opening of posterior end of lateral semicircular duct S20151 E20151 P20151 Y P 20152 20152 20152 space of saccular opening of the ductus reuniens S20152 E20152 P20152 Y P 20153 20153 20153 space of saccular opening of the utriculosaccular duct S20153 E20153 P20153 Y P 20154 20154 20154 space of opening of posterior semicircular duct S20154 E20154 P20154 Y P 20155 20155 20155 space of opening of anterior semicircular duct S20155 E20155 P20155 Y P 20156 20156 20156 space of opening of duct of greater vestibular gland S20156 E20156 P20156 Y P 20157 20157 20157 space of opening of duct of lesser vestibular gland S20157 E20157 P20157 Y P 20158 20158 20158 space of esophageal aperture of diaphragm S20158 E20158 P20158 - P 20159 20159 20159 space of lesser aperture of diaphragm S20159 E20159 P20159 - P 20160 20160 20160 space of anterior scleral aperture S20160 E20160 P20160 Y P 20161 20161 20161 space of middle scleral aperture S20161 E20161 P20161 Y P 20162 20162 20162 space of posterior scleral aperture S20162 E20162 P20162 Y P 20163 20163 20163 space of submandibular duct orifice S20163 E20163 P20163 Y P 20166 20166 20166 space of aortic hiatus of diaphragm S20166 E20166 P20166 - P 20167 20167 20167 space of foramen of Bochdalek S20167 E20167 P20167 Y P 20168 20168 20168 space of foramen of Morgagni S20168 E20168 P20168 - P 20169 20169 20169 space of orifice of duct of anterior lingual gland S20169 E20169 P20169 Y P 20170 20170 20170 space of obstetric internal os of uterus S20170 E20170 P20170 - P 20171 20171 20171 space of macula cribrosa superior S20171 E20171 P20171 Y P 20172 20172 20172 space of macula cribrosa media S20172 E20172 P20172 Y P 20173 20173 20173 space of macula cribrosa inferior S20173 E20173 P20173 Y P 20174 20174 20174 space of left anterior naris S20174 E20174 P20174 L 59647 P 20175 20175 20175 space of right anterior naris S20175 E20175 P20175 R 59646 P 20176 20176 20176 space of left choana S20176 E20176 P20176 L 59651 P 20177 20177 20177 space of right choana S20177 E20177 P20177 R 59650 P 20178 20178 20178 space of opening of left superior pulmonary vein S20178 E20178 P20178 L P 20179 20179 20179 space of opening of left inferior pulmonary vein S20179 E20179 P20179 L P 20180 20180 20180 space of opening of right superior pulmonary vein S20180 E20180 P20180 R P 20181 20181 20181 space of opening of right inferior pulmonary vein S20181 E20181 P20181 R P 20182 20182 20182 space of opening into prostatic urethra S20182 E20182 P20182 - P 20183 20183 20183 space of opening into penile urethra S20183 E20183 P20183 - P 20184 20184 20184 space of male external urethral orifice S20184 E20184 P20184 - P 20185 20185 20185 space of female external urethral orifice S20185 E20185 P20185 - P 20186 20186 20186 space of opening of female urethral gland S20186 E20186 P20186 - P 20187 20187 20187 space of opening of female urethral lacuna S20187 E20187 P20187 - P 20188 20188 20188 space of opening of paraurethral duct S20188 E20188 P20188 Y P 20189 20189 20189 space of opening of the lateral semicircular canal S20189 E20189 P20189 Y P 20190 20190 20190 space of opening of posterior semicircular canal S20190 E20190 P20190 Y P 20191 20191 20191 space of opening of anterior semicircular canal S20191 E20191 P20191 Y P 20192 20192 20192 space of opening of ampulla of lateral semicircular duct S20192 E20192 P20192 Y P 20193 20193 20193 space of opening of ampulla of posterior semicircular duct S20193 E20193 P20193 Y P 20194 20194 20194 space of opening of ampulla of anterior semicurcular duct S20194 E20194 P20194 Y P 20195 20195 20195 space of prostatic sinus of urethra S20195 E20195 P20195 - 0 P 20196 20196 20196 space of opening of prostatic utricle S20196 E20196 P20196 - P 20197 20197 20197 space of opening of ejaculatory duct S20197 E20197 P20197 Y P 20198 20198 20198 space of opening of bulbourethral gland S20198 E20198 P20198 Y P 20199 20199 20199 space of opening of male urethral gland S20199 E20199 P20199 - P 20200 20200 20200 space of opening of male urethral lacuna S20200 E20200 P20200 - P 20201 20201 20201 space of opening of posterior end of anterior semicircular canal S20201 E20201 P20201 Y P 20202 20202 20202 space of opening of anterior end of anterior semicircular canal S20202 E20202 P20202 Y P 20203 20203 20203 space of opening of lower end of posterior semicircular canal S20203 E20203 P20203 Y P 20204 20204 20204 space of opening of upper end of posterior semicircular canal S20204 E20204 P20204 Y P 20205 20205 20205 space of opening of posterior end of lateral semicircular canal S20205 E20205 P20205 Y P 20206 20206 20206 space of opening of anterior end of lateral semicircular canal S20206 E20206 P20206 Y P 20207 20207 20207 space of opening of lacuna magna S20207 E20207 P20207 - P 20208 20208 20208 lateral half of physical anatomical entity S20208 E20208 P20208 Y 0 D 20209 20209 20209 lateral half of upper lip S20209 E20209 P20209 Y 0 P 20210 20210 20210 lateral half of lower lip S20210 E20210 P20210 Y 0 P 20227 20227 20227 left half of external nose S20227 E20227 P20227 Lgroup D 20228 20228 20228 right half of external nose S20228 E20228 P20228 Rgroup D 20229 20229 20229 left half of anterior abdominal wall S20229 E20229 P20229 Lgroup D 20230 20230 20230 right half of anterior abdominal wall S20230 E20230 P20230 Rgroup D 20231 20231 20231 left half of nose S20231 E20231 P20231 Lgroup D 20232 20232 20232 right half of nose S20232 E20232 P20232 Rgroup D 20233 20233 20233 sella turcica S20233 E20233 P20233 - 54709 P 20235 20235 20235 space of femoral canal S20235 E20235 P20235 Y P 20236 20236 20236 space of inguinal canal S20236 E20236 P20236 Y P 20237 20237 20237 space of fundus of internal auditory canal S20237 E20237 P20237 Y P 20238 20238 20238 segment of peritoneal sac S20238 E20238 P20238 - 16514 P 20239 20239 20239 subdivision of cavity of eyeball S20239 E20239 P20239 Y 58249 P 20240 20240 20240 cavity of anterior chamber of eyeball S20240 E20240 P20240 Y 58250 P 20241 20241 20241 cavity of posterior chamber of anterior segment of eyeball S20241 E20241 P20241 Y 58251 P 20242 20242 20242 cavity of lesser sac of peritoneum 699596009 S20242 Structure of cavity of lesser sac of peritoneum (body structure) E20242 P20242 - 9691 P 20243 20243 20243 cavity of greater sac of peritoneum 699598005 S20243 Structure of cavity of greater sac of peritoneum (body structure) E20243 P20243 - 9702 P 20244 20244 20244 infracolic space S20244 E20244 P20244 infracolic - 14716 P 20245 20245 20245 space of supravesical fossa S20245 E20245 P20245 supravesical - 16550 P 20246 20246 20246 space of inguinal fossa S20246 E20246 P20246 inguinal Y 16569 P 20247 20247 20247 space of ovarian fossa S20247 E20247 P20247 ovarian Y 19753 P 20248 20248 20248 lower abdominal part of peritoneal cavity S20248 E20248 P20248 - 19770 P 20249 20249 20249 upper abdominal part of peritoneal cavity S20249 E20249 P20249 - 19771 P 20250 20250 20250 cavity proper of greater sac S20250 E20250 P20250 greater sac - 20058 P 20251 20251 20251 cavity proper of lesser sac S20251 E20251 P20251 lesser sac - 20059 P 20252 20252 20252 space of peritoneal fossa S20252 E20252 P20252 peritoneal - 20612 P 20253 20253 20253 supracolic space S20253 E20253 P20253 supracolic - 20673 P 20254 20254 20254 subdivision of cavity of greater sac S20254 E20254 P20254 greater sac - 20679 P 20255 20255 20255 subdivision of cavity of lesser sac S20255 E20255 P20255 lesser sac - 20680 P 20256 20256 20256 subdivision of supracolic space S20256 E20256 P20256 supracolic - 20681 P 20257 20257 20257 subdivision of infracolic space S20257 E20257 P20257 infracolic - 20887 P 20258 20258 20258 abdominal part of peritoneal cavity S20258 E20258 P20258 - 20893 P 20259 20259 20259 cavity of abdominal part of greater sac S20259 E20259 P20259 greater sac - 24638 P 20260 20260 20260 cavity of pelvic part of greater sac S20260 E20260 P20260 greater sac - 24639 P 20261 20261 20261 subdivision of subphrenic space S20261 E20261 P20261 subphrenic - 81141 P 20262 20262 20262 right subphrenic space S20262 E20262 P20262 - 14713 R P 20263 20263 20263 left subphrenic space S20263 E20263 P20263 - 14714 L P 20264 20264 20264 left posterior subphrenic space S20264 E20264 P20264 - 20683 P 20265 20265 20265 subdivision of subhepatic space S20265 E20265 P20265 - 0 P 20266 20266 20266 left subhepatic space S20266 E20266 P20266 - 20677 P 20267 20267 20267 left anterior subhepatic space S20267 E20267 P20267 - 20678 P 20268 20268 20268 left posterior subhepatic space S20268 E20268 P20268 - 20866 P 20269 20269 20269 left anterior subphrenic space S20269 E20269 P20269 - 20682 P 20270 20270 20270 perisplenic space S20270 E20270 P20270 - 20879 P 20271 20271 20271 subdivision of perisplenic space S20271 E20271 P20271 - 0 P 20272 20272 20272 anterior perisplenic space S20272 E20272 P20272 - 20882 P 20273 20273 20273 posterior perisplenic space S20273 E20273 P20273 - 20884 P 20274 20274 20274 lateral perisplenic space S20274 E20274 P20274 - 20885 P 20275 20275 20275 medial paracolic gutter S20275 E20275 P20275 Y 14721 P 20276 20276 20276 lateral paracolic gutter S20276 E20276 P20276 Y 14722 P 20277 20277 20277 vestibular part of lesser sac S20277 E20277 P20277 - 14707 P 20278 20278 20278 hepatopancreatic fold S20278 E20278 P20278 - 77306 P 20279 20279 20279 superior part of lesser sac S20279 E20279 P20279 - 21294 P 20280 20280 20280 inferior part of lesser sac S20280 E20280 P20280 - 21296 P 20281 20281 20281 splenic part of lesser sac S20281 E20281 P20281 - 21295 P 20282 20282 20282 mandibular quadrant of dental arch S20282 E20282 P20282 Y 0 P 20283 20283 20283 maxillary quadrant of dental arch S20283 E20283 P20283 Y 0 P 20284 20284 20284 lower canine tooth S20284 E20284 P20284 Y 290216 P 20285 20285 20285 lower premolar tooth S20285 E20285 P20285 Y 55717 P 20286 20286 20286 lower molar tooth S20286 E20286 P20286 Y 290267 P 20287 20287 20287 upper canine tooth S20287 E20287 P20287 Y 290214 P 20288 20288 20288 upper premolar tooth S20288 E20288 P20288 Y 55716 P 20289 20289 20289 upper molar tooth S20289 E20289 P20289 Y 290265 P 20290 20290 20290 lateral half of upper jaw S20290 E20290 P20290 Y 0 P 20291 20291 20291 lateral half of lower jaw S20291 E20291 P20291 Y 0 P 20294 20294 20294 permanent upper left first molar tooth (Tooth 14) S20294 E20294 P20294 L 55699 P 20295 20295 20295 permanent upper left second molar tooth (Tooth 15) S20295 E20295 P20295 L 55700 P 20296 20296 20296 permanent lower left first molar tooth (Tooth 19) S20296 E20296 P20296 L 55704 P 20297 20297 20297 permanent lower left second molar tooth (Tooth 18) S20297 E20297 P20297 L 55703 P 20298 20298 20298 permanent upper right first molar tooth (Tooth 3) S20298 E20298 P20298 R 55698 P 20299 20299 20299 permanent upper right second molar tooth (Tooth 2) S20299 E20299 P20299 R 55697 P 20300 20300 20300 permanent lower right first molar tooth (Tooth 30) S20300 E20300 P20300 R 55705 P 20301 20301 20301 permanent lower right second molar tooth (Tooth 31) S20301 E20301 P20301 R 55706 P 20302 20302 20302 permanent upper first molar tooth S20302 E20302 P20302 Y 55811 P 20303 20303 20303 permanent lower first molar tooth S20303 E20303 P20303 Y 55814 P 20304 20304 20304 permanent upper second molar tooth S20304 E20304 P20304 Y 55812 P 20305 20305 20305 permanent lower second molar tooth S20305 E20305 P20305 Y 55815 P 20306 20306 20306 upper first molar tooth S20306 E20306 P20306 Y 290269 P 20307 20307 20307 upper second molar tooth S20307 E20307 P20307 Y 290271 P 20308 20308 20308 upper third molar tooth S20308 E20308 P20308 Y 55813 P 20309 20309 20309 lower first molar tooth S20309 E20309 P20309 Y 290275 P 20310 20310 20310 lower second molar tooth S20310 E20310 P20310 Y 290277 P 20311 20311 20311 lower third molar tooth S20311 E20311 P20311 Y 55817 P 20312 20312 20312 upper central incisor tooth S20312 E20312 P20312 Y 290180 P 20313 20313 20313 lower central incisor tooth S20313 E20313 P20313 Y 290182 P 20314 20314 20314 upper lateral incisor tooth S20314 E20314 P20314 Y 290194 P 20315 20315 20315 lower lateral incisor tooth S20315 E20315 P20315 Y 290197 P 20316 20316 20316 deciduous upper central incisor tooth S20316 E20316 P20316 Y 84216 P 20317 20317 20317 permanent upper central incisor tooth S20317 E20317 P20317 Y 55722 P 20318 20318 20318 deciduous lower central incisor tooth S20318 E20318 P20318 Y 84218 P 20319 20319 20319 permanent lower central incisor tooth S20319 E20319 P20319 Y 55723 P 20320 20320 20320 deciduous upper lateral incisor tooth S20320 E20320 P20320 Y 84217 P 20321 20321 20321 permanent upper lateral incisor tooth S20321 E20321 P20321 Y 55724 P 20322 20322 20322 deciduous lower lateral incisor tooth S20322 E20322 P20322 Y 84219 P 20323 20323 20323 permanent lower lateral incisor tooth S20323 E20323 P20323 Y 55725 P 20324 20324 20324 permanent lower canine tooth S20324 E20324 P20324 Y 55715 P 20325 20325 20325 permanent lower incisor tooth S20325 E20325 P20325 Y 55713 P 20326 20326 20326 deciduous lower first molar tooth S20326 E20326 P20326 Y 84212 P 20327 20327 20327 deciduous upper first molar tooth S20327 E20327 P20327 Y 84211 P 20328 20328 20328 deciduous lower second molar tooth S20328 E20328 P20328 Y 84237 P 20329 20329 20329 deciduous upper second molar tooth S20329 E20329 P20329 Y 84236 P 20330 20330 20330 permanent upper canine tooth S20330 E20330 P20330 Y 55714 P 20331 20331 20331 permanent upper incisor tooth S20331 E20331 P20331 Y 55712 P 20332 20332 20332 permanent upper molar tooth S20332 E20332 P20332 Y 55720 P 20333 20333 20333 permanent lower molar tooth S20333 E20333 P20333 Y 55721 P 20334 20334 20334 upper first premolar tooth S20334 E20334 P20334 Y 55801 P 20335 20335 20335 upper second premolar tooth S20335 E20335 P20335 Y 55802 P 20336 20336 20336 lower first premolar tooth S20336 E20336 P20336 Y 55803 P 20337 20337 20337 lower second premolar tooth S20337 E20337 P20337 Y 55804 P 20338 20338 20338 palmar region of hand and digits S20338 E20338 P20338 Y 0 P Ventral region of the hand, including all structures superficial to the bones, bounded proximally by the line of the radiocarpal wrist joint, and including the palmar parts of all digits. 20339 20339 20339 carpal part of palm S20339 E20339 P20339 Y 61526 P 20340 20340 20340 metacarpal part of palm S20340 E20340 P20340 Y 300820 P 20341 20341 20341 metacarpal part of hand S20341 E20341 P20341 Y 24925 P 20342 20342 20342 back of hand proper S20342 E20342 P20342 Y 222980 P Dorsal region of hand, including all structures superficial to the carpals and metacarpals, bounded proximally by the line of the radiocarpal wrist joint and distally by the line of the metacarpophalangeal joints. 20343 20343 20343 pulp space of thumb S20343 E20343 P20343 Y 0 P 20344 20344 20344 pulp space of index finger S20344 E20344 P20344 Y 0 P 20345 20345 20345 pulp space of middle finger S20345 E20345 P20345 Y 0 P 20346 20346 20346 pulp space of ring finger S20346 E20346 P20346 Y 0 P 20347 20347 20347 pulp space of little finger S20347 E20347 P20347 Y 0 P 20348 20348 20348 pulp space of great toe S20348 E20348 P20348 Y 0 P 20349 20349 20349 pulp space of second toe S20349 E20349 P20349 Y 0 P 20350 20350 20350 pulp space of third toe S20350 E20350 P20350 Y 0 P 20351 20351 20351 pulp space of fourth toe S20351 E20351 P20351 Y 0 P 20352 20352 20352 pulp space of fifth toe S20352 E20352 P20352 Y 0 P 20353 20353 20353 distal plantar closed space of toe S20353 E20353 P20353 Y 0 P 20354 20354 20354 central compartment of palm S20354 E20354 P20354 Y 58531 P 20355 20355 20355 compartment of palmar region of hand S20355 E20355 P20355 Y 12245 P 20357 20357 20357 thenar muscle compartment space S20357 E20357 P20357 Y 302282 P 20358 20358 20358 hypothenar muscle compartment space S20358 E20358 P20358 Y 302291 P 20359 20359 20359 adductor muscle compartment space S20359 E20359 P20359 Y 58559 P 20360 20360 20360 interosseous muscle compartment space S20360 E20360 P20360 Y 0 P 20361 20361 20361 adductor muscle compartment of hand S20361 E20361 P20361 Y 0 P 20362 20362 20362 interosseous muscle compartment of hand S20362 E20362 P20362 Y 0 P 20363 20363 20363 interdigital subfascial space of hand S20363 E20363 P20363 Y 0 P 20364 20364 20364 compartment of subtendinous space of wrist S20364 E20364 P20364 Y 0 P 20365 20365 20365 compartment of medial (midpalmar) space S20365 E20365 P20365 Y 0 P 20366 20366 20366 compartment of hypothenar subfascial space S20366 E20366 P20366 Y 0 P 20367 20367 20367 compartment of lateral (thenar) space S20367 E20367 P20367 Y 0 P 20368 20368 20368 compartment of dorsal subaponeurotic space S20368 E20368 P20368 Y 0 P 20369 20369 20369 compartment of abdomen 699592006 S20369 Structure of compartment of abdomen (body structure) E20369 P20369 - 85031 P 20370 20370 20370 compartment of thorax 699593001 S20370 Structure of compartment of thorax (body structure) E20370 P20370 - 85008 P 20371 20371 20371 subdivision of abdominal compartment 699595008 S20371 Structure of subdivision of abdominal compartment (body structure) E20371 P20371 - 61194 P 20372 20372 20372 subdivision of thoracic compartment S20372 E20372 P20372 - 85009 P 20373 20373 20373 compartment of hand S20373 E20373 P20373 Y 0 P 20374 20374 20374 compartment of pulp space of finger S20374 E20374 P20374 Y 0 P 20375 20375 20375 compartment of pulp space of thumb S20375 E20375 P20375 Y 0 P 20376 20376 20376 compartment of pulp space of index finger S20376 E20376 P20376 Y 0 P 20377 20377 20377 compartment of pulp space of middle finger S20377 E20377 P20377 Y 0 P 20378 20378 20378 compartment of pulp space of ring finger S20378 E20378 P20378 Y 0 P 20379 20379 20379 compartment of pulp space of little finger S20379 E20379 P20379 Y 0 P 20380 20380 20380 compartment of interdigital subfascial space of hand S20380 E20380 P20380 Y 0 P 20381 20381 20381 compartment of pulp space of toe S20381 E20381 P20381 Y 0 P 20382 20382 20382 compartment of pulp space of great toe S20382 E20382 P20382 Y 0 P 20383 20383 20383 compartment of pulp space of second toe S20383 E20383 P20383 Y 0 P 20384 20384 20384 compartment of pulp space of third toe S20384 E20384 P20384 Y 0 P 20385 20385 20385 compartment of pulp space of fourth toe S20385 E20385 P20385 Y 0 P 20386 20386 20386 compartment of pulp space of fifth toe S20386 E20386 P20386 Y 0 P 20387 20387 20387 infrarenal aortoiliac arterial subtree segment S20387 E20387 P20387 - 0 P 20388 20388 20388 large intestine submucosa S20388 E20388 P20388 - 14970 P 20389 20389 20389 submucosa of biliary tree S20389 E20389 P20389 - 18009 P 20390 20390 20390 submucosa of gallbladder S20390 E20390 P20390 - 0 P 20391 20391 20391 submucosa of bile duct S20391 E20391 P20391 - 0 P 20392 20392 20392 uterine tubal mucosa S20392 E20392 P20392 Y 18319 P 20393 20393 20393 uterine tubal lamina propria S20393 E20393 P20393 Y 0 P 20394 20394 20394 branch of superior mesenteric artery S20394 E20394 P20394 - 70478 P 20395 20395 20395 branch of inferior mesenteric artery S20395 E20395 P20395 - 70483 P 20396 20396 20396 base of styloid process of ulna S20396 E20396 P20396 Y 0 P 20397 20397 20397 tip of styloid process of ulna S20397 E20397 P20397 Y 0 P 20398 20398 20398 skin of lateral half of neck S20398 E20398 P20398 Y 0 P 20399 20399 20399 preseptal portion of orbicularis oculi S20399 E20399 P20399 Y 0 P 20400 20400 20400 pretarsal portion of orbicularis oculi S20400 E20400 P20400 Y 0 P 20401 20401 20401 pretarsal portion of orbicularis oculi of upper lid S20401 E20401 P20401 Y 0 P 20402 20402 20402 pretarsal portion of orbicularis oculi of lower lid S20402 E20402 P20402 Y 0 P 20403 20403 20403 preseptal portion of orbicularis oculi of upper lid S20403 E20403 P20403 Y 0 P 20404 20404 20404 preseptal portion of orbicularis oculi of lower lid S20404 E20404 P20404 Y 0 P 20405 20405 20405 jejunal vein S20405 E20405 P20405 - 15402 P 20406 20406 20406 lateral half of back S20406 E20406 P20406 Y 0 P 20407 20407 20407 lateral half of abdominal segment of trunk S20407 E20407 P20407 Y 0 P 20408 20408 20408 lateral half of pelvic region of trunk S20408 E20408 P20408 Y 0 P 20409 20409 20409 lateral half of pelvis (subdivision of abdomen) S20409 E20409 P20409 Y 0 P 20410 20410 20410 petrous segment of internal carotid artery S20410 E20410 P20410 Y 0 P Segment of the internal carotid artery from entry to the petrous portion of the temporal bone to the foramen lacerum. Bouthillier segment C2. 20411 20411 20411 lacerum subsegment of petrous portion of internal carotid artery S20411 E20411 P20411 Y 0 P Segment of the internal carotid artery from the foramen lacerum to the petrolingual ligament. Bouthillier segment C3. 20412 20412 20412 ophthalmic-hypophyseal segment of internal carotid artery 698348000 S20412 Structure of ophthalmic segment of internal carotid artery (body structure) E20412 P20412 Y 0 P Segment of the internal carotid artery from the distal dural ring to the ostium of the posterior communicating artery. Same as the ophthalmic segment C6 of Bouthillier. 20413 20413 20413 juxtasellar segment of cavernous segment of internal carotid artery S20413 E20413 P20413 Y 0 P 20414 20414 20414 presellar segment of cavernous segment of internal carotid artery S20414 E20414 P20414 Y 0 P 20415 20415 20415 paraophthalmic segment of internal carotid artery S20415 E20415 P20415 Y 0 P Segment of the internal carotid artery from the proximal dural ring to the ostium of the posterior communicating artery. Includes both the clinoid C5 and ophthalmic C6 segments of Bouthillier. 20416 20416 20416 hypophyseal segment of internal carotid artery S20416 E20416 P20416 Y 0 P Segment of the internal carotid artery from the distal end of the ophthalmic ostium region to the ostium of the posterior communicating artery. Part of the paraophthalmic segment as defined by Shapiro/NYU. Part of the opthalmic C6 segment of Bouthillier. 20417 20417 20417 terminus segment of communicating (terminal) segment of internal carotid artery S20417 E20417 P20417 Y 0 P Segment of the internal carotid artery from the anterior choroidal artery ostium to the terminal bifurcation of the internal carotid artery. 20418 20418 20418 ophthalmic part of ophthalmic-hypophyseal segment of internal carotid artery S20418 E20418 P20418 Y 0 P Segment of the internal carotid artery between the transitional (clinoid) segment and the hypophyseal segment. Part of the paraophthalmic segment as defined by Shapiro/NYU. 20419 20419 20419 interosseous compartment of foot S20419 E20419 P20419 Y 0 P 20420 20420 20420 medial compartment of foot S20420 E20420 P20420 Y 0 P 20421 20421 20421 lateral compartment of foot S20421 E20421 P20421 Y 0 P 20422 20422 20422 central compartment of foot S20422 E20422 P20422 Y 0 P 20423 20423 20423 calcaneal compartment of foot S20423 E20423 P20423 Y 0 P 20424 20424 20424 functional spinal unit of cervical spine S20424 E20424 P20424 - 0 P 20425 20425 20425 functional spinal unit of thoracic spine S20425 E20425 P20425 - 0 P 20426 20426 20426 functional spinal unit of lumbar spine S20426 E20426 P20426 - 0 P 20427 20427 20427 joint of wrist region 699026005 S20427 Joint structure of wrist region (body structure) E20427 P20427 Y 0 P 20428 20428 20428 joint of elbow region S20428 E20428 P20428 Y 0 P 20429 20429 20429 joint of ankle region S20429 E20429 P20429 Y 0 P 20430 20430 20430 epoophoron 699003003 S20430 Epoophoron (body structure) E20430 P20430 Y 18691 P 20431 20431 20431 paroophoron 699004009 S20431 Paroophoron (body structure) E20431 P20431 Y 18692 P 20432 20432 20432 tubule of epoophoron S20432 E20432 P20432 Y 0 P 20433 20433 20433 tubule of paroophoron S20433 E20433 P20433 Y 0 P 20434 20434 20434 ligament of joint of wrist region S20434 E20434 P20434 Y 0 P 20435 20435 20435 extracapsular ligament of knee joint S20435 E20435 P20435 Y 0 P 20436 20436 20436 tibial collateral ligament S20436 E20436 P20436 Y 44600 P 20437 20437 20437 fibular collateral ligament S20437 E20437 P20437 Y 9660 P 20438 20438 20438 deep layer of medial collateral ligament S20438 E20438 P20438 Y 305737 P 20439 20439 20439 distal zone of iliotibial tract S20439 E20439 P20439 Y 305695 P 20440 20440 20440 collateral segment of distal tendon of biceps femoris S20440 E20440 P20440 Y 304160 P 20441 20441 20441 anterior skull base S20441 E20441 P20441 - 0 P 20442 20442 20442 middle skull base S20442 E20442 P20442 - 0 P 20443 20443 20443 posterior skull base S20443 E20443 P20443 - 0 P 20444 20444 20444 compartment of anterior cranial fossa S20444 E20444 P20444 - 0 P 20445 20445 20445 compartment of middle cranial fossa S20445 E20445 P20445 - 0 P 20446 20446 20446 compartment of posterior cranial fossa S20446 E20446 P20446 - 0 P 20447 20447 20447 subdivision of cranial compartment S20447 E20447 P20447 - 0 D 20448 20448 20448 bone tissue of calvaria S20448 E20448 P20448 - 0 P 20449 20449 20449 bone tissue of bone organ S20449 E20449 P20449 - 0 P 20450 20450 20450 bone tissue of region S20450 E20450 P20450 - 0 P 20451 20451 20451 bony spine and bony pelvis S20451 E20451 P20451 - 0 P 20452 20452 20452 rib, sternum and clavicle S20452 E20452 P20452 - 0 P 20453 20453 20453 clavicle, scapula and humerus S20453 E20453 P20453 - 0 P 20454 20454 20454 orbital part of lateral half of frontal bone S20454 E20454 P20454 Y 54669 P 20455 20455 20455 anatomical lumen S20455 E20455 P20455 - 0 P 20456 20456 20456 bronchus of left lung S20456 E20456 P20456 L 0 D 20457 20457 20457 bronchus of right lung S20457 E20457 P20457 R 0 D 20458 20458 20458 scapular part of shoulder region S20458 E20458 P20458 Y 78575 P 20459 20459 20459 lateral angle region of scapula S20459 E20459 P20459 Y 63543 P 20460 20460 20460 head of scapula S20460 E20460 P20460 Y 23249 P 20461 20461 20461 glenoidal rim of scapula S20461 E20461 P20461 Y 296297 P 20462 20462 20462 infraglenoid tubercle of scapula S20462 E20462 P20462 Y 23266 P 20463 20463 20463 anterior region of glenoidal rim of scapula S20463 E20463 P20463 Y 296304 P 20464 20464 20464 posterior region of glenoidal rim of scapula S20464 E20464 P20464 Y 296310 P 20465 20465 20465 inferior angle of scapula S20465 E20465 P20465 Y 13315 P 20466 20466 20466 surgical neck of scapula S20466 E20466 P20466 Y 0 P 20467 20467 20467 superior shoulder suspensory complex S20467 E20467 P20467 Y 0 P 20468 20468 20468 glenoid process of scapula S20468 E20468 P20468 Y 0 P 20469 20469 20469 bone marrow hematopoietic tissue S20469 E20469 P20469 - 0 P 20470 20470 20470 bone marrow compartment S20470 E20470 P20470 - 0 P 20471 20471 20471 compartment of medullary cavity S20471 E20471 P20471 - 0 P 20472 20472 20472 myelopoietic tissue of bone marrow S20472 E20472 P20472 - 0 P 20473 20473 20473 erythropoietic tissue of bone marrow S20473 E20473 P20473 - 0 P 20474 20474 20474 coccygeal segment of spinal cord S20474 E20474 P20474 - 256635 P 20475 20475 20475 scapula, humerus, radius or ulna S20475 E20475 P20475 Y 0 P 20476 20476 20476 long bone of thigh or lower leg S20476 E20476 P20476 Y 0 P 20477 20477 20477 cervical and thoracic spinal regions of back S20477 E20477 P20477 - 0 P 20478 20478 20478 thoracic and lumbar spinal regions of back S20478 E20478 P20478 - 0 P 20479 20479 20479 lumbar and sacral spinal regions of back S20479 E20479 P20479 - 0 P 20480 20480 20480 sacral and coccygeal spinal regions of back S20480 E20480 P20480 - 0 P 20481 20481 20481 perineal raphe region S20481 E20481 P20481 - 0 P 20482 20482 20482 female perineal raphe region S20482 E20482 P20482 - 0 P 20483 20483 20483 male perineal raphe region S20483 E20483 P20483 - 0 P 20484 20484 20484 skin of perineal raphe region S20484 E20484 P20484 - 0 P 20485 20485 20485 skin of female perineal raphe region S20485 E20485 P20485 - 0 P 20486 20486 20486 skin of male perineal raphe region S20486 E20486 P20486 - 0 P 20487 20487 20487 wall of anal canal S20487 E20487 P20487 - 15704 P 20488 20488 20488 acupuncture point of lateral half of body S20488 E20488 P20488 Y 0 D 20489 20489 20489 perirectal region above pelvic floor S20489 E20489 P20489 - 0 P 20490 20490 20490 retrovaginal region above pelvic floor S20490 E20490 P20490 - 0 P 20491 20491 20491 pelvic region of trunk of female 699878009 S20491 Structure of pelvic region of trunk of female (body structure) E20491 P20491 - 0 D 20492 20492 20492 pelvic region of trunk of male S20492 E20492 P20492 - 0 D 20493 20493 20493 intrinsic muscle of foot S20493 E20493 P20493 Y 65020 P 20494 20494 20494 opponens digiti minimi muscle of foot S20494 E20494 P20494 Y 86033 P 20495 20495 20495 gluteus muscle S20495 E20495 P20495 Y 0 P 20496 20496 20496 upper limb distal to distal humeral metaphysis S20496 E20496 P20496 Y 0 P 20497 20497 20497 upper limb distal to elbow region S20497 E20497 P20497 Y 0 P 20498 20498 20498 upper limb distal to elbow joint S20498 E20498 P20498 Y 0 P 20499 20499 20499 hamstring segment of adductor magnus S20499 E20499 P20499 Y 312073 P 20500 20500 20500 adductor minimus S20500 E20500 P20500 Y 43885 P 20501 20501 20501 cranial meninges S20501 E20501 P20501 - 0 P 20502 20502 20502 main bile duct from biliary confluence to hepatopancreatic ampulla S20502 E20502 P20502 - 0 P 20503 20503 20503 main bile duct distal to biliary confluence S20503 E20503 P20503 - 0 P 20504 20504 20504 shoulder girdle region 699460007 S20504 Structure of shoulder girdle region (body structure) E20504 P20504 Y 23217 P 20505 20505 20505 conduit of upper aerodigestive tract S20505 E20505 P20505 - 0 P 20506 20506 20506 oral conduit S20506 E20506 P20506 - 265134 P 20507 20507 20507 nasal conduit S20507 E20507 P20507 Y 265136 P 20508 20508 20508 pharyngeal conduit S20508 E20508 P20508 - 265138 P 20509 20509 20509 laryngeal conduit S20509 E20509 P20509 - 265140 P 20510 20510 20510 pulmopleural compartment 699594007 S20510 Structure of pulmopleural compartment (body structure) E20510 P20510 Y 85054 P 20511 20511 20511 right pulmopleural compartment S20511 E20511 P20511 R 85055 P 20512 20512 20512 left plumopleural compartment S20512 E20512 P20512 L 85056 P 20513 20513 20513 wall of lateral ventricle S20513 E20513 P20513 Y 242772 P 20514 20514 20514 wall of left lateral ventricle S20514 E20514 P20514 L 242784 P 20515 20515 20515 wall of right lateral ventricle S20515 E20515 P20515 R 242782 P 20516 20516 20516 wall of cerebral aqueduct S20516 E20516 P20516 - 242774 P 20517 20517 20517 wall of third ventricle S20517 E20517 P20517 - 242776 P 20518 20518 20518 wall of fourth ventricle S20518 E20518 P20518 - 242778 P 20519 20519 20519 region of wall of lateral ventricle S20519 E20519 P20519 Y 83705 P 20520 20520 20520 region of wall of third ventricle S20520 E20520 P20520 - 78460 P 20521 20521 20521 region of wall of fourth ventricle S20521 E20521 P20521 - 78476 P 20522 20522 20522 wall of central canal of spinal cord S20522 E20522 P20522 - 242780 P 20523 20523 20523 lumen of central canal of spinal cord S20523 E20523 P20523 - 242845 P 20524 20524 20524 masticator compartment S20524 E20524 P20524 Y 55090 P 20525 20525 20525 deep perineal compartment S20525 E20525 P20525 Y 85039 P 20526 20526 20526 orbital compartment S20526 E20526 P20526 Y 54379 P 20527 20527 20527 submandibular compartment S20527 E20527 P20527 Y 55089 P 20528 20528 20528 middle ear compartment S20528 E20528 P20528 Y 63153 P 20529 20529 20529 superficial perineal compartment S20529 E20529 P20529 Y 85042 P 20530 20530 20530 compartment of gluteus maximus S20530 E20530 P20530 Y 0 P 20531 20531 20531 compartment of gluteus medius/minimus S20531 E20531 P20531 Y 0 P 20532 20532 20532 compartment of tensor fascia lata S20532 E20532 P20532 Y 0 P 20533 20533 20533 anorectal region S20533 E20533 P20533 - 0 P 20534 20534 20534 lower limb distal to distal femoral metaphysis S20534 E20534 P20534 Y 0 P 20535 20535 20535 lower limb distal to knee joint S20535 E20535 P20535 Y 0 P 20536 20536 20536 lower limb distal to knee region S20536 E20536 P20536 Y 0 P 20537 20537 20537 postcranial axial skeletal system S20537 E20537 P20537 - 302077 P 20538 20538 20538 muscle of vertebral column S20538 E20538 P20538 Y 22594 P 20539 20539 20539 prevertebral muscle S20539 E20539 P20539 Y 32514 P 20540 20540 20540 postvertebral muscle S20540 E20540 P20540 Y 32515 P 20541 20541 20541 superficial postvertebral muscle S20541 E20541 P20541 Y 32559 P 20542 20542 20542 intermediate postvertebral muscle S20542 E20542 P20542 Y 32560 P 20543 20543 20543 deep postvertebral muscle S20543 E20543 P20543 Y 32561 P 20544 20544 20544 anterior suboccipital muscle S20544 E20544 P20544 Y 64875 P 20545 20545 20545 posterior suboccipital muscle S20545 E20545 P20545 Y 32582 P 20546 20546 20546 region of female urethra S20546 E20546 P20546 - 0 P 20547 20547 20547 pelvic segment of female urethra S20547 E20547 P20547 - 0 P 20548 20548 20548 perineal segment of female urethra S20548 E20548 P20548 - 0 P 20550 20550 20550 perineal part of vagina S20550 E20550 P20550 - 27975 P 20551 20551 20551 pelvic part of vagina S20551 E20551 P20551 - 27974 P 20552 20552 20552 joint of pelvic wall 700008004 S20552 Structure of joint of pelvic wall (body structure) E20552 P20552 - 0 P 20553 20553 20553 skin of lateral half of face 699907004 S20553 Skin structure of lateral half of face (body structure) E20553 P20553 Y P 20554 20554 20554 lateral collateral ligament complex of elbow 700003008 S20554 Structure of lateral collateral ligament complex of elbow (body structure) E20554 P20554 Y P 20555 20555 20555 skin of anteromedial surface of elbow 699896000 S20555 Skin structure of anteromedial surface of elbow (body structure) E20555 P20555 Y P 20556 20556 20556 medial hamstring tendon 699995002 S20556 Medial hamstring tendon structure (body structure) E20556 P20556 Y P 20557 20557 20557 musculotendinous unit 699997005 S20557 Skeletal muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20557 P20557 - 5022 P Nonparenchymatous organ that primarily consists of skeletal muscle tissue aggregated into macroscopic fasciculi by connective tissue; also includes as parts the integral fascia, aponeurosis, tendons, and tendon sheaths; together with other musculotendinous units, it constitutes the muscular system. 20558 20558 20558 skin of distal plantar part of heel 699897009 S20558 Skin structure of distal plantar part of heel (body structure) E20558 P20558 Y P 20559 20559 20559 pretarsal skin of eyelid 699898004 S20559 Pretarsal skin structure of eyelid (body structure) E20559 P20559 Y P 20560 20560 20560 skin of femoral triangle 699899007 S20560 Skin structure of femoral triangle (body structure) E20560 P20560 Y P 20561 20561 20561 skin of frontal region of scalp 699900002 S20561 Skin structure of frontal region of scalp (body structure) E20561 P20561 - P 20563 20563 20563 skin of inferior part of scrotum 699902005 S20563 Skin structure of inferior part of scrotum (body structure) E20563 P20563 - P 20564 20564 20564 skin of ischial tuberosity subregion of buttock region 699903000 S20564 Skin structure of ischial tuberosity subregion of buttock region (body structure) E20564 P20564 Y P 20565 20565 20565 skin of posterior part of heel 699924005 S20565 Skin structure of posterior part of heel (body structure) E20565 P20565 Y P 20566 20566 20566 skin of lateral half of anterior abdominal wall 699906008 S20566 Skin structure of lateral half of anterior abdominal wall (body structure) E20566 P20566 Y P 20567 20567 20567 skin of anterior superior iliac spine region of trunk 699890006 S20567 Skin structure of anterior superior iliac spine region of trunk (body structure) E20567 P20567 Y P 20568 20568 20568 skin of lateral part of heel 699909001 S20568 Skin structure of lateral part of heel (body structure) E20568 P20568 Y P 20569 20569 20569 skin of lateral part of lower limb 699910006 S20569 Skin structure of lateral part of lower limb (body structure) E20569 P20569 Y P 20570 20570 20570 skin of lateral part of scrotum 699911005 S20570 Skin structure of lateral part of scrotum (body structure) E20570 P20570 Y P 20571 20571 20571 skin of left half of neck 699912003 S20571 Skin structure of left half of neck (body structure) E20571 699908009 Entire skin of left half of neck (body structure) P20571 L P 20572 20572 20572 skin of plantar part of longitudinal arch of foot 699913008 S20572 Skin structure of plantar part of longitudinal arch of foot (body structure) E20572 P20572 Y P 20573 20573 20573 skin of lower abdomen 699914002 S20573 Skin structure of lower abdomen (body structure) E20573 P20573 - P 20574 20574 20574 skin of lower chest wall 699915001 S20574 Skin structure of lower chest wall (body structure) E20574 P20574 - P 20575 20575 20575 skin of lumbar region of abdominal wall 699916000 S20575 Skin structure of lumbar region of abdominal wall (body structure) E20575 P20575 - P 20576 20576 20576 skin of medial part of heel 699919007 S20576 Skin structure of medial part of heel (body structure) E20576 P20576 Y P 20577 20577 20577 skin of medial part of lower limb 699920001 S20577 Skin structure of medial part of lower limb (body structure) E20577 P20577 Y P 20578 20578 20578 skin of plantar part of heel 699922009 S20578 Skin structure of plantar part of heel (body structure) E20578 P20578 Y P 20579 20579 20579 skin of lateral chest wall 699904006 S20579 Skin structure of lateral chest wall (body structure) E20579 P20579 Y P 20580 20580 20580 internal part of mouth 700016008 S20580 Structure of internal part of mouth (body structure) E20580 P20580 - P 20581 20581 20581 anterior axillary line of abdomen S20581 E20581 698966004 Anterior axillary line of abdomen (body structure) P20581 Y P 20582 20582 20582 distal tendon of biceps brachii 699960000 S20582 Distal tendon of biceps brachii (body structure) E20582 P20582 Y 63220 P 20584 20584 20584 teres minor musculotendinous unit 700026001 S20584 Teres minor muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20584 P20584 Y P 20585 20585 20585 tendon of teres minor 700027005 S20585 Structure of tendon of teres minor (body structure) E20585 P20585 Y 37078 P 20587 20587 20587 peroneus longus musculotendinous unit 700020007 S20587 Peroneus longus muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20587 P20587 Y P 20588 20588 20588 skin of back of lower thoracic region 699892003 S20588 Skin structure of back of lower thoracic region (body structure) E20588 P20588 - P 20589 20589 20589 biceps femoris musculotendinous unit 699991006 S20589 Biceps femoris muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20589 P20589 Y P 20590 20590 20590 skin of anterior part of lower limb 699888005 S20590 Structure of skin of anterior part of lower limb (body structure) E20590 P20590 Y P 20591 20591 20591 skin of ankle and foot 699819006 S20591 Skin structure of ankle and/or foot (body structure) E20591 P20591 Y P 20592 20592 20592 distal tendon of semimembranosus 699987001 S20592 Structure of distal tendon of semimembranosus (body structure) E20592 P20592 Y P 20593 20593 20593 ligament of thyroid cartilage 699979002 S20593 Structure of ligament of thyroid cartilage (body structure) E20593 P20593 Y P 20594 20594 20594 attachment of short head of biceps brachii to coracoid process 699958002 S20594 Attachment of short head of biceps brachii to coracoid process (body structure) E20594 P20594 Y P 20595 20595 20595 semimembranosus musculotendinous unit 699985009 S20595 Semimembranosus muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20595 P20595 Y P 20596 20596 20596 iliac fossa of wing of ilium 699804005 S20596 Structure of iliac fossa of wing of ilium (body structure) E20596 P20596 Y P 20597 20597 20597 skeletal muscle of upper arm 700030003 S20597 Skeletal muscle structure of upper arm (body structure) E20597 P20597 Y P 20598 20598 20598 lateral incisor region of oral cavity 699511000 S20598 Lateral incisor region of oral cavity (body structure) E20598 P20598 Y P 20599 20599 20599 central incisor region of oral cavity 699453001 S20599 Central incisor region of oral cavity (body structure) E20599 P20599 - P 20600 20600 20600 region of internal part of mouth 700017004 S20600 Structure of region of internal part of mouth (body structure) E20600 P20600 - P 20601 20601 20601 late mixed dentition 697980008 S20601 Late mixed dentition (body structure) E20601 P20601 - P 20602 20602 20602 tendon of long head of biceps femoris 699994003 S20602 Structure of tendon of long head of biceps femoris (body structure) E20602 P20602 Y P 20603 20603 20603 subscapularis musculotendinous unit 700025002 S20603 Subscapularis muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20603 P20603 Y P 20604 20604 20604 distal tendon of biceps femoris 699992004 S20604 Structure of distal tendon of biceps femoris (body structure) E20604 P20604 Y P 20605 20605 20605 early mixed dentition 697981007 S20605 Early mixed dentition (body structure) E20605 P20605 - P 20606 20606 20606 tendon or attachment of biceps brachii 699959005 S20606 Structure of tendon or attachment of biceps brachii (body structure) E20606 P20606 Y P 20607 20607 20607 distal tendon of semitendinosus 699990007 S20607 Structure of distal tendon of semitendinosus (body structure) E20607 P20607 Y P 20608 20608 20608 skin of axillary fossa 699891005 S20608 Skin structure of axillary fossa (body structure) E20608 P20608 Y P 20609 20609 20609 lateral ulnar collateral ligament of elbow 700004002 S20609 Structure of lateral ulnar collateral ligament of elbow (body structure) E20609 P20609 Y P 20610 20610 20610 infraspinatus musculotendinous unit 700023009 S20610 Infraspinatus muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20610 P20610 Y P 20611 20611 20611 skeletal muscle of face 700047002 S20611 Skeletal muscle structure of face (body structure) E20611 P20611 - 46751 P 20612 20612 20612 first premolar region of oral cavity 699509009 S20612 First premolar region of oral cavity (body structure) E20612 P20612 Y P 20613 20613 20613 flexor pollicis longus musculotendinous unit 699982007 S20613 Flexor pollicis longus muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20613 P20613 Y P 20615 20615 20615 peroneus brevis musculotendinous unit 700021006 S20615 Peroneus brevis muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20615 P20615 Y P 20616 20616 20616 third molar region of oral cavity 699503005 S20616 Third molar region of oral cavity (body structure) E20616 P20616 Y P 20617 20617 20617 tendon of short head of biceps femoris 699993009 S20617 Structure of tendon of short head of biceps femoris (body structure) E20617 P20617 Y P 20618 20618 20618 canine region of oral cavity 699510004 S20618 Canine region of oral cavity (body structure) E20618 P20618 Y P 20619 20619 20619 peroneus musculotendinous unit 700019001 S20619 Peroneus muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20619 P20619 Y P 20620 20620 20620 accessory lateral collateral ligament of elbow 700005001 S20620 Structure of accessory lateral collateral ligament of elbow (body structure) E20620 P20620 Y P 20621 20621 20621 pectoralis major musculotendinous unit 700028000 S20621 Pectoralis major muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20621 P20621 Y P 20622 20622 20622 musculotendinous unit of upper limb 700022004 S20622 Muscle and/or tendon structure of upper limb (body structure) E20622 P20622 Y P 20623 20623 20623 skin of back of upper thoracic region 699893008 S20623 Skin structure of back of upper thoracic region (body structure) E20623 P20623 - P 20624 20624 20624 musculotendinous unit of lower limb 699983002 S20624 Muscle and/or tendon structure of lower limb (body structure) E20624 P20624 Y P 20625 20625 20625 cricoarytenoid ligament 699978005 S20625 Structure of cricoarytenoid ligament (body structure) E20625 P20625 Y P 20626 20626 20626 second molar region of oral cavity 699505003 S20626 Second molar region of oral cavity (body structure) E20626 P20626 Y P 20627 20627 20627 viscus of abdomen proper 699602007 S20627 E20627 699603002 P20627 - P 20628 20628 20628 skin of right half of neck 699929000 S20628 Skin structure of right half of neck (body structure) E20628 700013000 Entire skin of right half of neck (body structure) P20628 R P 20630 20630 20630 plantar part of longitudinal arch of foot S20630 E20630 P20630 Y P 20633 20633 20633 skin of posterior part of lower limb 699925006 S20633 Skin structure of posterior part of lower limb (body structure) E20633 P20633 Y P 20634 20634 20634 foramina of Scarpa 698778007 S20634 Foramina of Scarpa (body structure) E20634 P20634 - P 20635 20635 20635 extensor pollicis longus musculotendinous unit 699981000 S20635 Extensor pollicis longus muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20635 P20635 Y P 20636 20636 20636 skin of upper chest wall 699936004 S20636 Skin structure of upper chest wall (body structure) E20636 P20636 - P 20637 20637 20637 skin of posterior part of scrotum 699926007 S20637 Skin structure of posterior part of scrotum (body structure) E20637 P20637 - P 20639 20639 20639 skin of renal area of posterior abdominal wall 699928008 S20639 Skin structure of renal area of posterior abdominal wall (body structure) E20639 P20639 Y P 20641 20641 20641 skin of shoulder and upper arm 699930005 S20641 Skin structure of shoulder and upper arm (body structure) E20641 P20641 Y P 20642 20642 20642 skin of upper abdomen 699935000 S20642 Skin structure of upper abdomen (body structure) E20642 P20642 - P 20643 20643 20643 gastrocnemius musculotendinous unit 700001005 S20643 Gastrocnemius muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20643 P20643 Y P 20644 20644 20644 skin of upper thigh region 699937008 S20644 Skin structure of upper thigh region (body structure) E20644 P20644 Y P 20645 20645 20645 skin of waist region of trunk 699939006 S20645 Skin structure of waist region of trunk (body structure) E20645 P20645 - P 20646 20646 20646 skin of wrist and hand 699940008 S20646 Skin structure of wrist and hand (body structure) E20646 P20646 Y P 20648 20648 20648 skin of anterior part of scrotum 699889002 S20648 Structure of skin of anterior part of scrotum (body structure) E20648 P20648 - P 20649 20649 20649 skin of costal region of chest wall 699895001 S20649 Skin structure of costal region of chest wall (body structure) E20649 P20649 Y P 20650 20650 20650 biceps brachii musculotendinous unit 699956003 S20650 Biceps brachii muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20650 P20650 Y P 20652 20652 20652 semitendinosus musculotendinous unit 699988006 S20652 Semitendinosus muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20652 P20652 Y P 20653 20653 20653 hamstring musculotendinous unit 699984008 S20653 Hamstring muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20653 P20653 Y P 20654 20654 20654 proximal tendon of semimembranosus 699986005 S20654 Structure of proximal tendon of semimembranosus (body structure) E20654 P20654 Y P 20655 20655 20655 triceps surae musculotendinous unit 699957007 S20655 Triceps surae muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20655 P20655 Y P 20656 20656 20656 supraspinatus musculotendinous unit 700024003 S20656 Supraspinatus muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20656 P20656 Y P 20657 20657 20657 skin of thoracic and lumbar region of back 699934001 S20657 Skin structure of thoracic and lumbar region of back (body structure) E20657 P20657 - P 20658 20658 20658 second premolar region of oral cavity 699508001 S20658 Second premolar region of oral cavity (body structure) E20658 P20658 Y P 20659 20659 20659 first molar region of oral cavity 699507006 S20659 First molar region of oral cavity (body structure) E20659 P20659 Y P 20660 20660 20660 triceps brachii musculotendinous unit 699996001 S20660 Triceps brachii muscle and/or tendon structure (body structure) E20660 P20660 Y P 20661 20661 20661 proximal tendon of semitendinosus 699989003 S20661 Structure of proximal tendon of semitendinosus (body structure) E20661 P20661 Y P 20662 20662 20662 skin of center of anterior chest 699894002 S20662 Skin structure of center of anterior chest (body structure) E20662 P20662 - P 20663 20663 20663 pretarsal region of eyelid S20663 E20663 P20663 Y P 20664 20664 20664 tunica albuginea of corpora cavernosa of penis S20664 E20664 P20664 - P 20665 20665 20665 bony part of hard palate S20665 E20665 P20665 - P 20666 20666 20666 submylohyoid space S20666 E20666 P20666 Y P 20667 20667 20667 inframylohyoid compartment S20667 E20667 P20667 Y P 20668 20668 20668 sublingual compartment S20668 E20668 P20668 Y P 20669 20669 20669 germ cell S20669 E20669 P20669 - P 20670 20670 20670 mature spermatozoon S20670 E20670 P20670 - P 20671 20671 20671 oocyte in metaphase II arrest S20671 E20671 P20671 - P 20672 20672 20672 oocyte in dictyate arrest S20672 E20672 P20672 - P 20673 20673 20673 mature ovulated oocyte S20673 E20673 P20673 - P 20674 20674 20674 CD33-CD34+ lymphocyte 450769002 S20674 E20674 P20674 - P 20675 20675 20675 lateral half of upper body S20675 E20675 P20675 Y P 20676 20676 20676 lateral half of lower body S20676 E20676 P20676 Y P 20677 20677 20677 lateral half of thoracic segment of trunk S20677 E20677 P20677 Y P 20678 20678 20678 lateral half of thoracic region of back S20678 E20678 P20678 Y P 20679 20679 20679 cavity of eyeball S20679 E20679 P20679 Y P 20680 20680 20680 vitreous chamber of eyeball S20680 E20680 P20680 Y P 20681 20681 20681 lateral half of developmental organism S20681 E20681 P20681 Y P 20682 20682 20682 lymph node of pelvic region of trunk S20682 E20682 P20682 - P 20683 20683 20683 intrapericardial segment of superior vena cava S20683 E20683 P20683 - P 20684 20684 20684 middle mediastinal segment of phrenic nerve S20684 E20684 P20684 Y P 20685 20685 20685 middle mediastinal segment of vagus nerve S20685 E20685 P20685 Y P 20686 20686 20686 middle mediastinal segment of azygos vein S20686 E20686 P20686 - P 20687 20687 20687 extrapericardial segment of superior vena cava S20687 E20687 P20687 - P 20688 20688 20688 posterior mediastinal segment of esophagus S20688 E20688 P20688 - P 20689 20689 20689 superior mediastinal segment of esophagus S20689 E20689 P20689 - P 20690 20690 20690 posterior mediastinal segment of azygos vein S20690 E20690 P20690 - P 20691 20691 20691 segment of thoracic duct S20691 E20691 P20691 - 66156 P 20692 20692 20692 cervical segment of thoracic duct S20692 E20692 P20692 - 66158 P 20693 20693 20693 abdominal segment of thoracic duct S20693 E20693 P20693 - 66161 P 20694 20694 20694 thoracic segment of thoracic duct S20694 E20694 P20694 - 66160 P 20695 20695 20695 superior mediastinal segment of thoracic duct S20695 E20695 P20695 - 0 P 20696 20696 20696 posterior mediastinal segment of thoracic duct S20696 E20696 P20696 - 0 P 20698 20698 20698 common flexor tendon of upper limb S20698 E20698 P20698 Y 63259 P 20699 20699 20699 common extensor tendon of upper limb S20699 E20699 P20699 Y P 20700 20700 20700 quadriceps femoris musculotendinous unit S20700 E20700 P20700 Y P 20701 20701 20701 proximal tendon of rectus femoris S20701 E20701 P20701 Y P 20702 20702 20702 distal tendon of rectus femoris S20702 E20702 P20702 Y P 20703 20703 20703 rectus femoris musculotendinous unit S20703 E20703 P20703 Y P 20704 20704 20704 tendon complex of quadriceps femoris S20704 E20704 P20704 Y 301916 P 20705 20705 20705 bone tissue of bone of lower leg 702468001 S20705 Bone structure of lower leg (body structure) E20705 P20705 Y P 20706 20706 20706 synovial membrane of joint or tendon of upper limb 703705009 S20706 cf23e541-d61c-4207-ac10-214c2e1e74b9 Joint and/or tendon synovial structure of upper limb (body structure) E20706 P20706 Y D 20707 20707 20707 synovial membrane of joint or tendon of lower limb 703706005 S20707 14956ab6-114f-4993-a4fa-ebcc6f9517f9 Joint and/or tendon synovial structure of lower limb (body structure) E20707 P20707 Y D 20708 20708 20708 upper outer quadrant of buttock 703712000 S20708 7dbb096c-6057-4db4-81f5-abd96ef4d83b Structure of upper outer quadrant of buttock (body structure) E20708 P20708 Y P 20709 20709 20709 pars interarticularis S20709 E20709 P20709 Y P 20710 20710 20710 pars interarticularis of cervical vertebra S20710 E20710 P20710 Y P 20711 20711 20711 pars interarticularis of thoracic vertebra S20711 E20711 P20711 Y P 20712 20712 20712 pars interarticularis of lumbar vertebra S20712 E20712 P20712 Y P 20713 20713 20713 pars interarticularis of axis S20713 E20713 P20713 Y P 20714 20714 20714 pars interarticularis of C3 S20714 E20714 P20714 Y P 20715 20715 20715 pars interarticularis of C4 S20715 E20715 P20715 Y P 20716 20716 20716 pars interarticularis of C5 S20716 E20716 P20716 Y P 20717 20717 20717 pars interarticularis of C6 S20717 E20717 P20717 Y P 20718 20718 20718 pars interarticularis of C7 S20718 E20718 P20718 Y P 20719 20719 20719 pars interarticularis of T1 S20719 E20719 P20719 Y P 20720 20720 20720 pars interarticularis of T2 S20720 E20720 P20720 Y P 20721 20721 20721 pars interarticularis of T3 S20721 E20721 P20721 Y P 20722 20722 20722 pars interarticularis of T4 S20722 E20722 P20722 Y P 20723 20723 20723 pars interarticularis of T5 S20723 E20723 P20723 Y P 20724 20724 20724 pars interarticularis of T6 S20724 E20724 P20724 Y P 20725 20725 20725 pars interarticularis of T7 S20725 E20725 P20725 Y P 20726 20726 20726 pars interarticularis of T8 S20726 E20726 P20726 Y P 20727 20727 20727 pars interarticularis of T9 S20727 E20727 P20727 Y P 20728 20728 20728 pars interarticularis of T10 S20728 E20728 P20728 Y P 20729 20729 20729 pars interarticularis of T11 S20729 E20729 P20729 Y P 20730 20730 20730 pars interarticularis of T12 S20730 E20730 P20730 Y P 20731 20731 20731 pars interarticularis of L1 S20731 E20731 P20731 Y P 20732 20732 20732 pars interarticularis of L2 S20732 E20732 P20732 Y P 20733 20733 20733 pars interarticularis of L3 S20733 E20733 P20733 Y P 20734 20734 20734 pars interarticularis of L4 S20734 E20734 P20734 Y P 20735 20735 20735 pars interarticularis of L5 S20735 E20735 P20735 Y P 20736 20736 20736 articular facet of articular process of vertebra S20736 E20736 P20736 Y 13625 P 20737 20737 20737 articular facet of articular process of cervical vertebra S20737 E20737 P20737 Y 65598 P 20738 20738 20738 articular facet of articular process of lumbar vertebra S20738 E20738 P20738 Y 16230 P 20739 20739 20739 articular facet of articular process of thoracic vertebra S20739 E20739 P20739 Y 13612 P 20740 20740 20740 articular facet of inferior articular process of cervical vertebra S20740 E20740 P20740 Y 13629 P 20741 20741 20741 articular facet of inferior articular process of third cervical vertebra S20741 E20741 P20741 Y 24272 P 20742 20742 20742 articular facet of inferior articular process of fourth cervical vertebra S20742 E20742 P20742 Y 27097 P 20743 20743 20743 articular facet of inferior articular process of fifth cervical vertebra S20743 E20743 P20743 Y 27153 P 20744 20744 20744 articular facet of inferior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra S20744 E20744 P20744 Y 27209 P 20745 20745 20745 articular facet of inferior articular process of seventh cervical vertebra S20745 E20745 P20745 Y 27265 P 20746 20746 20746 articular facet of inferior articular process of lumbar vertebra S20746 E20746 P20746 Y 16339 P 20747 20747 20747 articular facet of inferior articular process of first lumbar vertebra S20747 E20747 P20747 Y 16349 P 20748 20748 20748 articular facet of inferior articular process of second lumbar vertebra S20748 E20748 P20748 Y 16350 P 20749 20749 20749 articular facet of inferior articular process of third lumbar vertebra S20749 E20749 P20749 Y 16351 P 20750 20750 20750 articular facet of inferior articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra S20750 E20750 P20750 Y 16352 P 20751 20751 20751 articular facet of inferior articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra S20751 E20751 P20751 Y 16353 P 20752 20752 20752 articular facet of inferior articular process of thoracic vertebra S20752 E20752 P20752 Y 9160 P 20753 20753 20753 articular facet of inferior articular process of first thoracic vertebra S20753 E20753 P20753 Y 9186 P 20754 20754 20754 articular facet of inferior articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra S20754 E20754 P20754 Y 10057 P 20755 20755 20755 articular facet of inferior articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra S20755 E20755 P20755 Y 10079 P 20756 20756 20756 articular facet of inferior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra S20756 E20756 P20756 Y 10100 P 20757 20757 20757 articular facet of inferior articular process of second thoracic vertebra S20757 E20757 P20757 Y 9208 P 20758 20758 20758 articular facet of inferior articular process of third thoracic vertebra S20758 E20758 P20758 Y 9230 P 20759 20759 20759 articular facet of inferior articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra S20759 E20759 P20759 Y 9269 P 20760 20760 20760 articular facet of inferior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra S20760 E20760 P20760 Y 9943 P 20761 20761 20761 articular facet of inferior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra S20761 E20761 P20761 Y 9966 P 20762 20762 20762 articular facet of inferior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra S20762 E20762 P20762 Y 9989 P 20763 20763 20763 articular facet of inferior articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra S20763 E20763 P20763 Y 10012 P 20764 20764 20764 articular facet of inferior articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra S20764 E20764 P20764 Y 10035 P 20765 20765 20765 articular facet of superior articular process of cervical vertebra S20765 E20765 P20765 Y 13628 P 20766 20766 20766 articular facet of superior articular process of third cervical vertebra S20766 E20766 P20766 Y 24269 P 20767 20767 20767 articular facet of superior articular process of fourth cervical vertebra S20767 E20767 P20767 Y 27091 P 20768 20768 20768 articular facet of superior articular process of fifth cervical vertebra S20768 E20768 P20768 Y 27147 P 20769 20769 20769 articular facet of superior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra S20769 E20769 P20769 Y 27203 P 20770 20770 20770 articular facet of superior articular process of seventh cervical vertebra S20770 E20770 P20770 Y 27259 P 20771 20771 20771 articular facet of superior articular process of lumbar vertebra S20771 E20771 P20771 Y 67970 P 20772 20772 20772 articular facet of superior articular process of first lumbar vertebra S20772 E20772 P20772 Y 16344 P 20773 20773 20773 articular facet of superior articular process of second lumbar vertebra S20773 E20773 P20773 Y 16345 P 20774 20774 20774 articular facet of superior articular process of third lumbar vertebra S20774 E20774 P20774 Y 16346 P 20775 20775 20775 articular facet of superior articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra S20775 E20775 P20775 Y 16347 P 20776 20776 20776 articular facet of superior articular process of fifth lumbar vertebra S20776 E20776 P20776 Y 16348 P 20777 20777 20777 articular facet of superior articular process of thoracic vertebra S20777 E20777 P20777 Y 10521 P 20778 20778 20778 articular facet of superior articular process of first thoracic vertebra S20778 E20778 P20778 Y 9185 P 20779 20779 20779 articular facet of superior articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra S20779 E20779 P20779 Y 10055 P 20780 20780 20780 articular facet of superior articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra S20780 E20780 P20780 Y 10077 P 20781 20781 20781 articular facet of superior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra S20781 E20781 P20781 Y 10098 P 20782 20782 20782 articular facet of superior articular process of second thoracic vertebra S20782 E20782 P20782 Y 9206 P 20783 20783 20783 articular facet of superior articular process of third thoracic vertebra S20783 E20783 P20783 Y 9228 P 20784 20784 20784 articular facet of superior articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra S20784 E20784 P20784 Y 9267 P 20785 20785 20785 articular facet of superior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra S20785 E20785 P20785 Y 9941 P 20786 20786 20786 articular facet of superior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra S20786 E20786 P20786 Y 9964 P 20787 20787 20787 articular facet of superior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra S20787 E20787 P20787 Y 9987 P 20788 20788 20788 articular facet of superior articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra S20788 E20788 P20788 Y 10010 P 20789 20789 20789 articular facet of superior articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra S20789 E20789 P20789 Y 10033 P 20790 20790 20790 superior articular process of first sacral vertebra S20790 E20790 P20790 Y 223195 P 20791 20791 20791 dens facet of atlas S20791 E20791 P20791 - 23996 P