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Status Report Items


The initial stage for the development of Traditional Medicine (TM) terminology in SNOMED CT only covers top-level structures and some requests from member countries. The project will build the infrastructural foundation for the future development of TM content.

Current Status Summary

2023 Q4 report:

  • Start the development of eidtorial guide for traditional medicine
  • Updating the list of map between Patterns in ICD-11 and SNOMED CT

Overall Status


Reason for Amber or Red Status

Reporting Period


Last Modified Date

2023-Nov-29, 16:17

Line of business


Dimension Code

Strategic Priority

SD2.  Remove barriers to adoption for our customers and stakeholders. , SD3.  Enable continuous development of our product to meet customer requirements. 

Alignment Goal(s)

TD21G2 - Develop and execute a clinical engagement strategy that allows the community to further speed the development of content and eliminate gaps

Project Lead(s)

Current Status

Actual Start Date
Original Start Date
Current End Date
Original End Date
Reason For Delay

Budget Status


Resource Status


Team Members

External Suppliers

MSA Document

SoW Document

JIRA Links

Overall Status Traffic Light Meaning

RED -  No deliverables are progressing, The project requires corrective action to meet business objectives. The issue cannot be handled solely by the project manager or project team.

AMBER - Some deliverables are not progressing. A problem has a negative effect on project performance but can be dealt with by the project manager or project delivery team. Action is being taken to resolve the problem or a decision made to watch the situation. One or more aspect of project viability — time, cost, scope — is at risk. However, the deviation from plan is within tolerances assigned to the project manager.

GREEN - All deliverables are progressing or complete

BLUE - Stopped Items, i.e. those items that need to be stopped before they are completed because of dependencies outside of our control. We recommend these items are taken out of the work plan providing CEO agrees and they are notified to the MB for ratification of CEO decision

All the sections below are for the project lead to add, remove or change and those provided are example sections.

Risks & Issues

Summary Description mitigation Status Due P Assignee

Planned Deliverables for July 2020


  1. Yongsheng Gao - Looks like Anatomy items have been copied over here. Please remove these and add a summary report for TM. thanks, Monica

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    1. Hi, I have updated the project status report for the TM project. I will start to add other information under this project. Cheers, Yong