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2021-07-21 16.00 UTC


  • Continue to elaborate the migration model for laboratory measurement procedures

Discussion items

2Conflicts of interest
  • None stated

3Discussion Phase 1 dataset for migration trial57 min
  • Followup on issues from last meeting:
    • Discussion of 'free' and 'total' substances for lab test definitions - response from Farzaneh 
  • Review and discussion of issues from removal of Orderables and population of defining relationships to build test import of 1436 Procedures concepts implemented as lab test results in UK 
  • Test build in OWL for evaluation and testing

2021-07-21 visuals and deliverables updated on attached slide set (E2O meeting 14 discussion):

4Next meeting 2 min

5AOB1 min

Meeting Files

  File Modified
File e2o_20210720.owl 2021-Jul-21 by Daniel Karlsson
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation E2O MEETING 14 DISCUSSION.pptx 2021-Jul-21 by James R. Campbell

Previous Meetings

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