File Modified
Microsoft Word Document 02.1 April 2023 NCPT CPG Minutes.docx 2023-May-05 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 ReferenceSet-Communications.docx 2023-May-05 by Donna Pertel
PDF File 02.1 NutritionandDietetics-ClinicalReferenceGroup-May 2023 Minutes.pdf 2023-Jun-05 by Donna Pertel
PDF File ReferenceSet-Communications.pdf 2023-Jun-05 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.3 Feeding and dietary regime (regime_therapy)_.xlsx 2023-Aug-08 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.2 Dietary product (product)_.xlsx 2023-Aug-08 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 05.1 August 2023-SNOMED Briefing Notes.docx 2023-Sep-06 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 05.2 Inactivation of concepts containing PATIENT.xlsx 2023-Sep-06 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 CRG Project background discussion.docx 2023-Sep-06 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 NationalReleaseCenter-Talking points.docx 2023-Sep-06 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 Draft Ref Set Release Notes-NutritionRefset.docx 2023-Nov-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.3 ReferenceSet-Communications.docx 2023-Nov-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 05.3 ConceptsDefinedUsingSubstanceRoleGrouper_November2023.xlsx 2023-Nov-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 05.4 SubstanceRoleGroupers_November2023.xlsx 2023-Nov-10 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 2023 Atlanta SNOMED EXPO highlights.docx 2023-Nov-13 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 ReferenceSet-Communications-CRG.docx 2024-Jan-12 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.2 DRAFT Newsletter Article- Final JAND Submission-CRG.docx 2024-Jan-12 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.3 Draft Ref Set Release Notes-NutritionRefset-CRG.docx 2024-Jan-12 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 04.1 Feeding and dietary regime (regime_therapy)-revision1-CRG.xlsx 2024-Jan-12 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.2 NationalReleaseCenter-Talking points.docx 2024-Jan-16 by Donna Pertel
PDF File SNOMED Release-JAND 2024.pdf 2024-Mar-15 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.1 ReferenceSet-newsletter article-fnl.docx 2024-Mar-15 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Feeding and dietary regime (regime_therapy)-revision4.xlsx 2024-Apr-03 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document WeightChange-SNOMED Nutrition CRG.docx 2024-May-06 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Feeding and dietary regime (regime_therapy)-revision8.xlsx 2024-May-06 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 WeightChange-SNOMED Nutrition CRG.docx 2024-Jun-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 03.1 Feeding and dietary regime (regime_therapy)-revision9.xlsx 2024-Jun-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.2 SNOMED Nursing Clinical Reference Group Meeting Notes.docx 2024-Jun-17 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 05.1 ReferenceSet-Communications-2024-2025.docx 2024-Sep-05 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 03.2 SNOMED Nursing and Nutrition CRG-FeedingandDietaryRegime.docx 2024-Sep-05 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document 04.1 WeightChange-SNOMED-CRG.docx 2024-Sep-06 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 03.1 Feeding and dietary regime (regime_therapy)-revision13.xlsx 2024-Sep-11 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet CRG-Project list.xlsx 2025-Jan-06 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet CRG-Project list-April 2025.xlsx 2025-Feb-20 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document UK NRC Query-Gluten free.docx 2025-Feb-20 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Word Document UK NRC Query-Gluten free-JSnyder Input.docx 2025-Feb-20 by Donna Pertel
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet CRG-Project list-April 2025 (2).xlsx 2025-Mar-03 by Donna Pertel