
Documentation on general use of the mapping tool user interface.


Following are some general features of the application and how they work.


Logging In

The login screen for the application provides the opportunity to either enter a username/password or to use the application as a "guest".




Logging in is required to access SPECIALIST, LEAD, or ADMIN capabilities.  Using the "View Maps" button will allow a user to interact as a VIEWER and see information about public projects, including map project details and map records.


Header and Footer

Each page of the application has a header and a footer that float at the top and bottom of the page.  

                                                   <APPLICATION CONTENT>

The header contains this info:

  • The logo
  • The application title
  • Summary of the username and role (with a logout button)
  • A picklist for the current focus project
  • An icon to return to the dashboard
  • A help icon to receive within-application help.

The footer contains this info:

  • The copyright
  • The application version
  • The name of the current page the user is on (e.g. "Dashboard")


Switching Focus Project

The application always keeps track of the current focus project.  In any view, the focus project determines what information is available for display and interaction.  To change the focus project, click on the focus project control and choose the desired project.

Here, you can see there are 4 projects in total in the system, with the current focus project set to "SNOMED to ICD10".  

NOTE: It is recommended that you change the focus project from the dashboard screen as behavior is somewhat undefined for certain other screens.


Role-based Dashboard

Once a user is logged in, the landing page is a "dashboard" tailored to the role of that user.  There are therefore 4 different dashboard configurations with lists of default widgets included. See more information about widgets on Dashboard Widgets.

  • Viewer Dashboard 
    • Map project Widget
  • Specialist Dashboard
    • Includes all viewer widgets
    • Available work widget
    • Assigned work widget
    • Feedback widget
    • Recently edited widget
  • Lead Dashboard
    • Includes all specialist widgets (with some extra tabs)
    • Project reports widget
    • QA checks widget
  • Admin Dashboard
    • Map records administration widget
    • Application admin widget
    • Project reports widget


Viewing Map Project Metadata




Viewing Map Project Details

To view map project details, click on the "Project Details" button in the "Map project widget".  This opens a view summarizing the map project details.  The amount of information shown and whether it is editable is determined by project role.


Viewing Map Records for a Project

To view map project details, click on the "Map Records" button in the "Map project widget".  This opens a view listing the map records with searching and paging capabilities.  VIEWERs see only published records without map notes,  SPECIALISTs also see their own in-progress records and map notes.  LEADs and ADMINs see all map records and notes for the focus project.


Viewing Mappings for a Concept 

To view mappings for a project, click on a concept id anywhere in the application.  For example, in the view above, search for 100191000119105 in the map records view and click on the concept id.  This opens a view listing the current state of the map record for this concept in this project.  It also has a widget to show prior history of this record, so a SPECIALIST or LEAD could see edits that had been made along the way leading up to the latest version of the record.  VIEWERs would only see prior publication states if they were different.

Advanced Search Relationship Types

These are the options to be used on the Map Records Advanced Search dialog for use in the Relationship Name field.

Access instrument
Associated etiologic finding
Associated finding
Associated function
Associated morphology
Associated procedure
Associated with
Causative agent
Clinical course
Communication with wound
Direct device
Direct morphology
Direct site
Direct substance
Due to
Finding context
Finding informer
Finding method
Finding site
Has active ingredient
Has basic dose form
Has basis of strength substance
Has definitional manifestation
Has disposition
Has dose form administration method
Has dose form intended site
Has dose form release characteristic
Has dose form transformation
Has focus
Has intent
Has interpretation
Has manufactured dose form
Has measured component
Has presentation strength denominator unit
Has presentation strength denominator value
Has presentation strength numerator unit
Has presentation strength numerator value
Has specimen
Has state of matter
Indirect device
Indirect morphology
Inherent location
Inheres in
Is a
Measurement method
Part of
Pathological process
Pathological process (qualifier value)
Procedure context
Procedure device
Procedure morphology
Procedure site
Procedure site - Direct
Procedure site - Indirect
Process output
Property type
Recipient category
Relative to part of
Revision status
Route of administration
Scale type
Specimen procedure
Specimen source identity
Specimen source morphology
Specimen source topography
Specimen substance
Subject of information
Subject relationship context
Surgical approach
Temporal context
Temporally follows
Temporally related to
Time aspect
Using access device
Using device
Using energy
Using substance

  • n/a