
Documentation on application features for administrators.

Admin Features

While administrators have full privileges of specialists and leads, the default set of features on the admin dashboard is different.

Map record admin

Used to administer records in a few useful ways.  What is here has mostly been driven by the desire/need to run some admin tools through the application itself rather than through mojos.  These three tools are currently deployed:

  • Single record administration
  • Batch delete
  • Assign fix errors

The first of these tools allows the administrator to look up a map record by ID and then view it, edit its workflow stats and optionally assign it to the QA workflow.

The second of these tools allows the administrator to remove a list of batch records by concept id (for the focus project). This is mostly used for cleaning up undesirable data conditions and/or forcing re-editing of concepts.

The third tool is used to assign a list of concept ids to an editor on the "fix error" path.  This is an ad-hoc way of performing QA review when some independent process created a concept list.


Application admin

This widget is used to create and configure map projects and their respective metadata.  It is also used for defining and editing reports.

Following are some more details about each of the application administration tools

  • Map Projects
    Use to create and edit top level map project information.

    This tool allows you to edit the map project definition as well as remove map projects.  A section at the bottom of this allows you to create new projects.

  • Map Users

  • Map Advices
    Used to create and edit top level map advices.

    This tool allows you to edit existing map advices as well as remove them. A section at the bottom of this allows you to create new map advice values.

  • Map Relations
    Used to create and edit top level map relationsThis tool allows you to edit existing map relations as well as remove them. A section at the bottom of this allows you to create new map relation values.

  • Map Principles
    Used to create and edit top level map principles.

    This tool allows you to edit existing map principles as well as remove them. A section at the bottom of this allows you to create new map principle values.

  • Preset Age Ranges
    Used to create and edit top level age ranges.

    This tool allows you to edit existing map age ranges as well as remove them. A section at the bottom of this allows you to create new map age ranges.

  • Report Definitions
    Used to create and edit top level report definitions.  For detailed instructions on creating, editing, and deleting Report Definitions, see Managing Reports and QA Checks..

    This tool allows you to edit existing report definitions as well as remove them. A section at the bottom of this allows you to create new report definitions.

  • QA Check Definitions
    These work exactly like report definitions but are managed separately in the admin tool because they have a different use case, do not make use of "diff" reports, and generally  more content-focused and less manager focused.   For detailed instructions on creating, editing, and deleting QA Check Definitions, see  Managing Reports and QA Checks..



  • n/a